Claim by Kathryn Oleson Copyrighted June 5, 2017 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 2. ITEM TITLE: Notice of Claims and Suits SUMMARY: Cathleen Clausen for vehicle damage, Richard Kaufman for vehicle damage, Mathew Kowalske for vehicle damage, Kathryn Oleson for personal injury, Robert Mootz for vehicle damage, Corrine Morris for vehicle damage, Carol Moyer for property damage, Courtney Schminkey for vehicle damage, suit by Kathleen McCarthy for the estate of Thomas McCarthy for wrongful death. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Refer to City Attorney ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Clausen Claim Supporting Documentation Kaufman Claim Supporting Documentation Kowalske Claim Supporting Documentation Mootz Claim Supporting Documentation Morris Claim Supporting Documentation Moyer Claim Supporting Documentation Oleson Claim Supporting Documentation Schminkey Claim Supporting Documentation McCarthy Suit Supporting Documentation p h CLAIM AGAINST THE o ITY F DUBUQUE, IOWA c This written report constitutes your claim against the City of Dubuque, Iowa. You should complete this form in full and attach any additional information that supports your claim. The Claim must be filed with the City Clerk at City Hall, 50 W. 13th St., Dubuque, IA 52001. It will then be referred by the City Council to the appropriate department for investigation. Once that investigation is completed, a report and recommendation will be submitted to the City Council. You will be provided with a copy of that report and recommendation. THE FINAL DECISION ON ALL CLAIMS IS MADE BY THE CITY COUNCIL. NO EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATION TO YOU AS TO WHETHER YOUR CLAIM WILL OR WILL NOT BE PAID. 1. Name of Claimant: (-14 R `lN �� O/V 2. Address: 3 3 40 P' e i3 oc 3. Telephone Number: 4. Date of Incident: —.5 ` I ' 5. Time of Incident: P P P RD SC 4- ,) :3D PM 6. Location of Incident (Be specific): 4 L DIZJG- —174L &R �'y )3U5 Ll✓� �j 1XF- D RauiE- 7. DESCRIBE ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE THAT CAUSED INJURY OR DAMAGE. (Give full details upon which you base your claim. If a City employee was involved, give the employee's name.) APP6RE� -TLy TW� �Lk5 bK1V6P- wRs �,-0[tJU � FA 57 � ,,-j r'f2R COQ 8. What were weather conditions like? Nb le M 4 4- -- C L a +P 9. Give name and address of any witnesses: aL 10. Did police investigate? (If so, give names of officers.) 11. Was anyone injured? (If so, give names, addresses, and extent of injuries). ®A) 12. Was any damage done to property? (If so, describe property and the extent of damages. Attach estimates of damages or describe basis for ascertaining extent of damage.) 13. What other damages do you claim, if any? 14. Have you been compensated for any part or all of your claim by any insurance company? (If so, give name and address of insurance company and amount paid.) Z 1S. Wh t amount do you claim from the City of Dubuque? a �l� 0d � , 00 16. Why do you claim the City of Dubuque is responsible? ( t' II EVhG' L0 -/ C.F� 17. Have you made any claim against anyone else for damages as a result of this incident? (if yes, give name and address.) �J^ 1 I U 18. If the answer to Question 17 is yes, have you received any payment from that source, and if so, in what amount? Dated at Dubuque, Iowa this t7 day of M k � 20 )7. (Signature) 1 A T-W EVA) (Print Name) C 4 (Rev. 7/12) C'; C:: CD M < _ 0 CD