Goal 4_High Performance City with Notesfdiel GOAL ,tS HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Objectives >/Objective 1 i /I Objective,2 I Increase all/general fund reserve funds to 20% /41 Provide easy access to City infonnation and services for all API 1" Objective 3 1 Maintain/improve the City bond rating I' Objective 4 I Create accurate data on City services and use in decision making 1 Objective 5 � � ansia entity AfrOlfilAlliT 4. -AZ IRetain and hire a top qual'ty, diverse City workforce Objective 6 1 Objective Provide City services responsive(to the community IObjective 8 I Provide customer -focused and friendly City services 1! l; 1 Objective 9 Secure City information and data using the "Best Practices" 1 Objective 10 IYTe€1+1•Ge,-us.e-ei statutory debt limit l � J. 1527 Copynght 6 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, c. PRIORITY v 27/ 95 GOAL i> ► Objectives Objective 11 Objective 12 Objective 13 Objective 14 Objective 15 Objective 16 Objective 17 Objective 18 Objective 19 Objective 20 HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL PRIORITY Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 96 Goal: 01.1/71 Buol Connors Del Toro Jones Lynch Resnick Rios a-7 / 1 ;2- --1/ ,o?5 /2' 65.13 Goal: e7K,/ 04? S Buol Connors Del Toro Jones Lynch Resnick Rio /27 /7250 Comments. HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Value to Residents PRIORITY 1. Financially sound and responsible City government 2. Easy, convenient access to City information and services 3. Service value for taxes and fees 4. Opportunities to become involved in City governance and planning 5. Secure City information, including personal information 6. Customer -focused City service delivery 7. 8. 9. 10. Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 97 GOA HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Challenges and Opportunities 1. Consistent message from the City on social media — telling the City's story 2. Declining gaming revenues 3. Increasing healthcare costs and workers comp 4. Retirements and succession planning 5. Hiring freeze and increasing demands for City services 6. Aging City facilities and equipment needing major repairs or replacement 7. Misperception and rumors about City government: finances, services and projects 8. Coordinating community resiliency preparation, response and recovery from a disaster or crisis 9. Preservation and securing City information and data 10. Making data driven decisions Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. PRIORITY Project 170801 98 GOAVi HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Challenges and Opportunities PRIORITY 11. Balancing City service delivery with available resources, City organizational capacity, the community's expectations and new initiatives 12. Funding for managers and employees training and professional/personal development 13. Following up on the Equity Report with City actions and funding 14. Developing outcome -based, meaningful performance measures and the use of data to enhance City performance 15. Climate of distrust in all governments, including City government 16. Triage o social media: misinformation and "fake" news 17. ACA repeal or replacement and the impact on the City government 18. State of Iowa legislative actions impacting City finances and services 19. Low interest in public services careers 20. Resistance to new or higher taxes or fees Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 99 GOAL /$ HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Challenges and Opportunities 21. Shift from face-to-face to web -based contact with City government: impacting skillsets, technology and facilities 22. Potential state action resulting in the loss of backfill: $1.1 million 23. Federal funding and policies threatening CDBG; NEA; NEH; IMLS; TIGER; EPA Brownfields; etc. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. PRIORITY Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 100 GOAL ,$ HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Actions 2017 — 2019 1. City Corporate Communications Plan: Direction, Development and Funding . State Backfill of Commercial/Insustrial Tax Revenues: Plan "B" City Services and Staffing: Frozen Positions Direction and Funding Declining Ga i s 'ng ReveQues Plan: Development and Direction // 6fr11 /44406 5. City Performance Measurements: Process and Program [Socrata] Minority/Disadvantaged Business Enterprise: Inventory, Outreach Plan ity Socia Media ' o Direction wo)q V. Residents Satisfaction Survey: Direction and Funding PRIORITY Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 101 GOAL HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Actions 2017 — 2019 9. Dat... ance: Polic _ s • m c ement. _ y NO - . City Facilities and Buildings Comprehensive Condition Assessment and Long Term Plan: Scope, Funding and Development 11. City Wor .e e Developmen _.ordinator: D. - i and wig On* . Centr. Source of Data: Creation City Information Security: Best Practices, Plan and Funding General Fund Reserve Policy [20%]: Direction and Funding . New Financial Software: Report with Recommendations, Direction and Funding V16. ADA Consultants Transition Report: Direction, City Actions and Funding c PRIORITY Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 102 ,V72_ GOAL $' HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Actions 2017 — 2019 Mobile Vendor Concession Tracking: Direction and Funding Boards and Commissions Tracking for Demographic Information: Direction and Funding 9. Nuisance and Special Assessment Process Review and Standardization: Direction v226. Public Signage Promoting Sister Cities Program ICMA Fellowship Program: Direction Employee Training Philosophy: Direction, Programs and Funding WebQA: Direction 4. City Assets Management Tools: Direction and Funding PRIORITY 44P Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 103 GOA 8 HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Actions 2017 — 2019 Autolink of Finance Community Plus and Laserfishe `28. Sol' W. to Fee St ture: Overhaul and Dire Data Center Facility: Direction and Funding . Cartegraph Partnership Expansion: Direction New Salt Storage Building: Direction and Funding 30. i' ealth Insu, . +.ce: Direction 31. Management Succession Plan and P c am: Direction • d Next St PRIORITY V2. Debt Reduction Action Plan: Revision Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 4,6" Project 170801 104 GOALi8 HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Actions 2017 — 2019 y Budget Direction FY 19 34. Op ` Direction . Code of Ordinances: Review and Update Al * Property Tax Reduction Plan: Direction and Development . Term Limits: Evaluation Report and Direction Bond R pgrade Action Plan: Direction 39. 40. PRIORITY Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 105 GOAL 8 HIGH PERFORMANCE CITY ORGANIZATION: SUSTAINABLE, EQUITABLE AND EFFECTIVE SERVICE DELIVERY TO ALL ► Management in Progress 2017 — 2019 1. Debt Reduction Plan Implementation: Report 2. Financial Report Card [Socrata] 3. Direct Time Entry and Employee Access Center: Implementation 4. InVision Software for ADA Improvements: Implementation 5. Banking Services: Review 6. Emergency Response Plan for Utilities Failures: Development 7. Labor Negotiations and Contract: Police 8. Water Source and Distribution Master Plan: Development TIME Copyright © 2017: Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. Project 170801 106 Goal: Buol Connors Del Toro Jones Lynch Resnick Rios Comments: Goal: /acz- /i7( iplz fr./0 iy /1/ ) f 69 ‘a, ) 41/ ea„ Buol Connors Del Toro Jones Lynch Resnick Rios Co ( 9i rem' fq /4 //' dt4 41k /z) 1$/ Sy, „e6 • /3 iv 69A /4- / x? /5 ./// } �t