Boards and Commission Appointments Copyrighted August 7, 2017 City of Dubuque Boards/Commissions # 2. ITEM TITLE: Boards and Commission Appointments SUMMARY: Appointments to the following commissions to be made at this meeting. Community Development Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through February 15, 2020 (Vacant term of Blok) Applicant: Nicole Borovic, 3163 Hillcrest Rd. (Qualifies as Low-to Moderate-Income Representative) Housing Commission One, 3-year term through August 17, 2018 (Vacant term of Kedley) Applicant: Shane Hoeper, 252 N. Grandview Ave. MAYOR APPOINTMENT Library Board of Trustees One, 4-year term through July 1, 2021 (Expiring term of Willis) Additional Vacancies since July 17, 2017 Meeting: One, 4-year term through July 1, 2018 (Vacant term of Trotter) One, 4-year term through July 1, 2019 (Vacant term of Weiss) Applicants: Greg Gorton, 1295 Prairie St. Rosemary Kramer, 2554 Rosewood Dr. Pam Mullin, 2050 Mullen Rd. Ann Pelelo, 2125 Simpson St. This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 7 Commissioners total;currently 2 males/2 females SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type 8-7-17 Board Overview Sheet Supporting Documentation Community Development Advisory Commission Supporting Documentation Applicant Housing Commission Applicant Supporting Documentation Library Board of Trustees Applicants Supporting Documentation 8-7-17 Latest Listings Supporting Documentation 8-7-17 Vacancies Supporting Documentation Gender Balance Law Supporting Documentation Gender Balance Q&A Sheet Supporting Documentation VACANCIES AND APPLICATIONS FOR CITY OF DUBUQUE BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS For Council Meeting, of Monday, August 7, 2017 6:00 p.m., Historic Federal Building, 360 W. 6th Street APPLICANTS ARE INVITED TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL REGARDING THEIR APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through June 30, 2019 (Vacant term of Bratcher) Applicants: Ali Levasseur, 1318 Jackson St. Amy Ressler, 1505 Fairview PI. Building Code and Advisory Appeals Board One, 3-year term through August 1 , 2020 (Expiring term of Swift) Applicant: Thomas Swift, 1875 Admiral St. (Qualifies for Commercial Contractor) Historic Preservation Commission One, 3-year term through July 1 , 2018 (Vacant term of Terry) Applicant: Stefanie-Candace Jenaman, 250 West 6th St. (Qualifies for At-Large) This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 9 Commissioners total; currently 6 males/2 females Housing Board of Appeals One, 3-year term through January 11 , 2018 (Vacant term of Schaub) Applicant: Christoffer Lammer-Heindel, 1145 Mt Pleasant St. APPOINTMENTS TO THE FOLLOWING COMMISSIONS TO BE MADE AT THIS MEETING. Community Development Advisory Commission One, 3-year term through February 15, 2020 (Vacant term of Blok) Applicant: Nicole Borovic, 3163 Hillcrest Rd. (Qualifies as Low to Moderate Income Representative) Housing Commission One, 3-year term through August 17, 2018 (Vacant term of Kedley) Applicant: Shane Hoeper, 252 N Grandview Ave MAYOR APPOINTMENT Library Board of Trustees One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2021 (Expiring term of Willis) One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2018 (Vacant term of Trotter) One, 4-year term through July 1 , 2019 (Vacant term of Weiss) Applicants: Greg Gorton, 1295 Prairie St. Rosemary Kramer, 2554 Rosewood Dr. Pam Mullin, 2050 Mullen Rd. Ann Pelelo, 2125 Simpson St. This commission is subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law. 7 Commissioners total; currently 2 males/2 females COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION 2-5C-1: COMMISSION CREATED; COMPOSITION: A. Creation: There is hereby created a community development advisory commission whose primary purpose shall be to provide for citizen participation in the development and evaluation of the city of Dubuque's community development block grant (CDBG) program. B. Membership: The commission shall comprise nine (9) members; four (4) members shall be residents of census tracts and block groups where at least fifty one percent (51%) of the residents are low/moderate income persons as determined by the United States department of commerce, bureau of the census; four (4) members shall be residents of the community at large; and one member shall be that member of the housing commission designated by the housing commission. (2007 Code § 15-46) 1 2-5C-2: TERM; FILLING OF VACANCIES; COMPENSATION: �j A. Term:The term of office for a commission member shall be three (3) years. i B. Removal Of Member: A commission member may be removed at any time with or without cause by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all members of the city council. .C. Filling Vacancies: A vacancy occurring on the commission caused by resignation or otherwise shall be filled by appointment of the city council for the remainder of the unexpired term. D. Compensation: Members of the commission shall serve without compensation except for actual expenses, which shall be subject to approval by the city council. (2007 Code § 15-48) 2-5C-3: ORGANIZATION: The commission shall choose annually, at its first regular meeting of the fiscal year, one of its members to act as chairperson, and another of its,members to act as vice chairperson, to perform all of the duties of the chairperson during the chairperson's absence or disability. The commission shall adopt such rules and regulations governing its organization and procedures as it may be deemed necessary, consistent with the following: A. Meetings: The commission shall meet as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the commission was created. B. Attendance Of Members: Members of the commission shall attend at least two-thirds d (2/3) of all regularly scheduled meetings within any consecutive twelve (12) month period. If any member fails to attend such prescribed number of meetings, such n i failure shall constitute grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that said member be replaced. Attendance of all members shall be entered in the minutes. C. Minutes Filed With Clerk: The commission shall file with the city clerk a copy of the minutes of each regular and special meeting of the commission within ten (10) working days after such meeting. (2007 Code § 15-51) i 2-5C-4: GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities: A. To conduct public hearings in accordance with the minimum standards established in the CDBG program's citizen participation plan to ensure meaningful citizen input in the planning, implementation and assessment of the city's CDBG program; I� i B. To provide for and encourage the participation of low and moderate income persons i who reside in designated areas of slum and blight and residents of low and moderate income neighborhoods, as defined by the city council, in the planning, implementation and assessment of the CDBG program; C. To identify community development needs, particularly the needs of persons of low and moderate income; la D. To serve in an advisory role upon the request of the city council in policy decisions regarding funding priorities and program development and implementation; E. To monitor and evaluate program activities to advise whether identified community I development objectives have been met; F. To undertake public information efforts to educate the citizenry of the availability of CDBG funded programs and to provide for a greater understanding of the city's community development efforts; G. To assist in the preparation of the statement of community development objectives and projected use of funds, amendments thereto and required reports including, but not limited to, the annual grantee performance report (GPR) and the annual comprehensive housing assistance strategy (CHAS); H. To serve in an advisory role to the city manager in the review of complaints and grievances received in accordance with the procedures established in section 2-5C- 5 of this article; and I. To support, upon request, the efforts of the city council and other city commissions in the assessment of the general development needs of the community. (2007 Code § 15-49) PR CE 2-5C-5: GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE; REVIEW STANDARDS, APPEAL PROCESS: { The grievance procedure for the community development block grant program shall be as follows: A. Right To File: Any aggrieved person may file a grievance with the city manager. B. Contents: Grievances shall contain a concise statement of the grievance and an explanation of the action desired. C. Forwarding To Commission: The city manager shall forward the grievance to the y commission within seven (7) working days of its receipt. D. Setting Date For Hearing; Notice To Complainant: The commission shall, within fifteen (15) working days of the receipt of the grievance, set a time for a hearing. The complainant shall be notified in writing of the time and place of the hearing. If a grievance is resolved prior to the date of the hearing, the aggrieved party shall request in writing that the grievance be withdrawn. �l E. Hearing Procedure: The commission shall conduct a hearing to review the grievance. The grievant may appear in person, by agent, or by attorney. All persons wishing to p appear before the commission shall have an opportunity to be heard regarding the grievance. Minutes shall be kept of the proceedings of the hearing. F. Recommendations Of Commission: The commission shall forward its recommendation, in writing, to the city manager within ten (10) working days following the hearing. G. Action By City Manager: The city manager shall receive and review the k recommendation of the commission and shall respond to the grievant within ten (10) 1 working days of the receipt of the recommendation. The commission shall be advised of the action of the city manager. H. Compliance With Federal Regulations: The recommendations of the commission shall comply with the regulations established by the U.S. department of housing and urban development for the community development block grant program under title I of the housing and community development act of 1974, as amended, and this code. I. Appeal To Council By Grievant: If the grievant is unsatisfied with the response of the city manager, an appeal may be made filed with the city clerk. The appeal shall be forwarded by the city clerk to the city council. The city council may, at its discretion, hold a hearing to consider the concerns of the grievant. J. Council Action; Appeal To HUD: Upon review of the appeal, the city council shall: 1) accept the response of the city manager; 2) modify the response of the city manager; or 3) return the grievance to the city manager for further review. If the outcome of such appeal is unsatisfactory, the complainant may file a written appeal with the U.S. department of housing and urban development (HUD). (2007 Code § 15-50) 2-SC-6: PROCEDURES FOR OPERATIONS: The commission shall operate in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in the city's community development block grant (CDBG) program's citizen participation plan. All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary and procurement policies of the city shall govern the commission in all its operations. (2007 Code § 15- 52) i i i i i y� I Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: June 27, 2017 10:42 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; Erica Haugen;Alvin Nash Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Community Development Advisory Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: --- -- - ', Please select which At-Large vacancy you are applying w for on the Community Development Advisory L)V& i1 Commission. Gender(Some City female_... �. Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Nicole Borovic Home Address (include 3163 Hillcrest Rd Dubuque IA, 52001 Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-581-2121 Business Name and Field not completed. Address: Business Phone Number: 563-552-4203 1 I I I I Occupation: Secretary/ Business Manager Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: nicoleborovic@dbgschools.org Experience or education As a member of the community, I have an active interest in the I which qualifies you for city in which my children are raised. I am also a Secretary at this board or commission: Prescott Elementary School which has allowed me to build relationships with many of the families that I serve. Community Development directly affects many of my families as well as my own family. I think that I would be a strong voice and could help to contribute to the CDBG program in Dubuque. Creating affordable housing to the community as well as sustaining and creating jobs is important to me as well as the success of the community in which we live. I am currently attending Clarke University for my Bachelor's in Business Administration with 19 credits remaining until completion of my degree. What contributions can I am applying because I feel that I can offer insight and I you make or state reason feedback from different perspectives. I grew up in a low income for applying? home and am currently working to provide for my family to break out of that cycle. I work full time at Prescott Elementary as a Secretary/ Business Manager and am a full time college student enrolled in Clarke University's TimeSaver program. i From my own experience and the feedback from the families that I have met at Prescott I think that I will be able to offer insightful contributions and meaningful participation. List two reference with Patricia Arensdorf 3219 Bittersweet Ln Dubuque, IA 52O02µ �) names and addresses: Vicki Sullivan June Dr Dubuque IA 52002 Are you currently serving No on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. 2 i Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? Field not completed. Signature (type your Nicole Borovic name here as electronic verfication): Date: 6/27/17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. 1 1 Click here to report this email as spam. I j i I I �I I !I h 3 Title 2 Chapter 5 Article B HOUSING COMMISSION Amendment Adopted 10-19-15 Amendment Adopted 12-07-15 2-513-1: COMMISSION CREATED: 1 There is hereby created the Housing Commission. i 2-513-2: PURPOSE: The purpose of the commission is to undertake and carry out studies and analysis of a housing needs and the meeting of such needs; to recommend proposed projects in the area of low- and moderate-income housing for the citizens of the city; to monitor the city's housing programs; and to conduct grievances regarding the Rental Assistance Program, except in the area of Housing Code enforcement. 2-513-3: INTERNAL ORGANIZATION AND RULES: The commission may adopt rules and regulations to govern its organizational procedures as may be necessary and which are not in conflict with this Code of Ordinances or the Iowa Code. "i 2-58-4: PROCEDURES FOR OPERATION: All administrative, personnel, accounting, budgetary, and procurement policies of the city govern the commission in all its operations. 2-513-5: MEMBERSHIP: A. The commission comprises ten (10) residents of the city. u I I B. Residents must be eighteen (18) years of age or older. C. Special Qualifications. 1. At least three (3) members must be selected specifically on the basis of experience in real estate development, banking, finance, accounting, funds u management, or other related areas of expertise. 2. One (1) member must be a person who is a recipient of tenant based rental assistance under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937 whose name appears on a lease of Section 8 property. If such member ceases to be a recipient of rental assistance under Section 8, the term of such member is deemed terminated and a new member who meets the requirements of this Subsection must be appointed for the remainder of the term. 3. One (1) member must be appointed by the commission, with city council approval, to serve on the Community Development Advisory Commission. h a 4. Two (2) members must be appointed by the commission, with city council approval, to serve on the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Committee. i 5. The remaining members are at-large members. 'F i' 2-5113-6: OATH: Each person, upon appointment or reappointment to the commission, must execute an oath of office at the first meeting of the commission following the appointment or I reappointment or at the city clerk's office any time prior to the first meeting of the commission. 2-5113-7: TERMS: The term of office for commissioners is three (3) years or until such commissioner's successor is appointed and qualified. The terms of the cross-representative appointees to the Community Development Advisory Commission and the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Commission must coincide with their terms on the Housing Commission. 2-5113-8: VACANCIES: Vacancies must be filled in the same manner as original appointments. 2-513-9: OFFICERS/ORGANIZATION: The commissioners must choose annually a chairperson and vice-chairperson, each to serve a term of one (1) year. The chairperson must appoint a secretary, who need not be a member of the commission. The commissioners must fill a vacancy among its officers for the remainder of the officer's unexpired term. 2-5113-10: MEETINGS: A. Regular Meetings. The commission must meet monthly. B. Special Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or at the written request of a majority of the commissioners. j C. Open Meetings. All meetings must be called and held in conformance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. D. Attendance. 1. In the event a commissioner has been absent for three (3) or more consecutive meetings of the commission, without being excused by the chairperson, such absence will be grounds for the commission to recommend to the city council that the position be declared vacant and a replacement appointed. 2. Attendance must be entered upon the minutes of all meetings. I I f I I E. Minutes. A copy of the minutes of all regular and special meetings of the commission must be filed with the city council within ten (10) working days after each meeting, or by the next regularly scheduled city council meeting, whichever is later. F. Quorum. Six (6) commissioners constitute a quorum for the transaction of j business. The affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners present and voting is necessary for the adoption of any motion or resolution. I 2-513-11: COMPENSATION: Commissioners serve without compensation, provided that they may receive reimbursement for necessary travel and other expenses while on official commission business within the limits established in the city administrative policies and budget. i� i; 2-513-12: REMOVAL: Except as provided in 2-5B-10(D)(1), the city council may remove any commissioner for + good cause. i 2-5113-13: POWERS: The commission has the following powers, duties, and responsibilities: A. To contribute as appropriate in the planning, coordinating, and review of housing development; B. To conduct public hearings to ensure meaningful citizen input in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the city's housing programs; C. To provide for and encourage the participation of low and moderate income ii persons in the planning, implementation, and assessment of housing programs; I D. To provide input into the community planning process and to assist in accomplishing a coordinated and consistent housing development program of the city in accordance with present and future housing needs; N E. To request and review ongoing surveys assessing housing needs and identifying future community housing needs, particularly the needs of persons of low and moderate income; F. To support the efforts of the city council and other city commissions in the assessment of the general housing needs of the community; G. To undertake from time to time other specific ongoing housing planning which may be referred to it by the city council; H. To research and recommend to the city council policies and programs facilitating the development of affordable housing; j d 9 i I. To undertake public information efforts to educate citizens of the availability of federal, state, and locally funded housing assistance programs; J. To assist in the preparation of the housing element of the city comprehensive plan and the annual consolidated plan; 9 K. To offer comment, as appropriate, on the consistency of proposed housing development with the comprehensive plan, consolidated plan, and existing city housing strategies; and �i L. Undertake such additional duties, with regard to the Housing Trust Fund, as are specified in this Code. j I� 'i 2-513-14: PROJECT APPROVAL: Any proposed low rent housing project is subject to the approval of the city council and any project requiring a referendum as provided in the Iowa Code must be submitted to the voters of the city in accordance with the Iowa Code. !,I 2-513-15: MONITOR HOUSING PROGRAM; CONDUCT HEARINGS ON GRIEVANCES: �I The commission monitors the city's housing program and conducts hearings on j grievances arising out of the operation of such program with the exception of Housing Code enforcement which is handled by the Housing Code Appeals Board. i� u l 3 �i Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: Friday,June 16, 2017 1:46 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl;Alvin Nash;Janet Walker Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission ApplicationForm i Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information V Select the Board, Housing Commission Commission, or Committee applying for: Please select which At-Large vacancy you are applying for on the Housing Commission. Gender (Some City male Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: richard j baumhover Home Address (include 601 garfield avenue, # 104, dubuque, iowa 52001 Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5634952544 Business Name and Walgreens, 2260 jfk road, dubuque, iowa 52002 Address: Business Phone Number: 5635821659 Occupation: clerk 1 Position with Company clerk Email Address: dbghawk@yahoo.com Experience or education i have been on this commission for several years and currently which qualifies you for serve as chairman of the commission. this board or commission: What contributions can i very much enjoy serving on this commission and all the you make or state reason members i currently serve with and enjoy helping the city for applying? however and where ever i can. List two reference with justin potter, 515 garfield avenue, dubuque, iowa 52001 joyce names and addresses: connors, 660 edith street, dubuque, iowa 52001 Are you currently serving Yes on other Boards, { Commissions, or j Committees? If yes, which? community development advisory commission Have you served on a Yes ?� Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? housing commission and community development advisory commission Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your richard john baumhover name here as electronic verfication): Date: june 16, 2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. u Click here to report this email as spam. 2 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2-7-1 : COMPOSITION: The Carnegie-Stout free public library of the city shall be under the control and direction of the board of library trustees. Such board shall consist of seven (7) members who shall be 1 appointed by the mayor with the approval of the city council. (2007 Code § 30-1) I 2-7-2: ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP: Citizens and residents of the city, male or female, over the age of eighteen (18) years, are f alone eligible for membership on the board mentioned in section 2-7-1 of this chapter. (2007 1 Code § 30-2) I 2-7-3: COMPENSATION: H i! Members of the board shall receive no compensation for their services. (2007 Code § 30-3) 2-7-4: TERMS OF MEMBERS; FILLING OF VACANCIES: i For the three (3) vacancies that occur on July 1, 2009, the appointments to fill two (2) of the vacancies shall be for terms ending July 1, 2010, and the appointment to fill the other vacancy shall be for a term ending July 1, 2013. For the four (4) vacancies that occur on July 1, 2011, the appointments to fill two (2) of the vacancies shall be for terms ending July 1, 2012, and the appointments to fill the two (2) other vacancies shall be for terms ending July 1, 2015. y Thereafter, each member of the board shall hold office for four (4) years and until such member's successor is appointed and qualified. The term of office of each member shall commence July 1 in the year in which the member is appointed. Vacancies occurring on the board through death, resignation or permanent removal from the city shall be filled by the 9 mayor with the approval of the city council, but such appointments shall be made to fill out the unexpired term for which the appointment is made. (Ord. 34-09, 7-6-2009) 2-7-5: POWERS AND DIRTIES GENERALLY: A. Powers: The board of library trustees shall have and exercise the following powers: 1. To meet and organize by the election of one of their number as president of the board, and r by the election of a secretary and such other officers as the board may deem necessary; 2. To have charge, control and supervision of the public library, its appurtenances and fixtures, and rooms containing the same, directing and controlling all the affairs of such library; 3. To employ a librarian, such assistants and employees as may be necessary for the proper management of said library, and fix their compensation; but, prior to such employment, the k 9 s compensation of such librarian, assistants and employees shall be fixed for the term of employment by a majority of the members of said board voting in favor thereof; 4. To remove such librarian, assistants or employees by a vote of two-thirds (Z/3) of such board for good cause; 5. To select and make purchases of books, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals, papers, maps, journals, furniture, fixtures, stationery anc supplies for such library; 6. To authorize the use of such libraryb nonresidents of the cet .:;and to fix charges therefor; Y Y .. g 7. To make and adopt, amend, modify or repeal bylaws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent �I with law, for the care, use, government and management of such library and the business of said board, fixing and enforcing penalties for the violation thereof; 9 8. To have exclusive control of the expenditures of all taxes levied for library purposes as provided by law, and of the expenditure of all monies available by gift or otherwise, for the a erection of library buildings and of all other monies belonging to the library fund; 9. To contract with the trustees of the township or the board of supervisors of the county or of adjacent townships or counties, or with the trustees or governing bodies of neighboring towns or cities not having library facilities for the public, to loan the books of said library, either singly or in groups, upon such terms as may be agreed upon in such contract. II B. Record Of Proceedings: The board shall keep a record of its proceedings. (2007 Code § 30- 5) 2-7-6: CHARGE OF BUILDING, DONATIONS: The board shall have charge and control of the Carnegie-Stout free public library building and all gifts and donations to the city for library purposes,�and see that the same are properly preserved for public use. (2007 Code § 30-6) 2-7-7: ANNUAL REPORTS: The board shall each year make a report to the city council for the year ending December 31, giving a statement of the condition of the library, the number of books added thereto, the number circulated, the number not returned or lost, the amount of fines collected, and the amount of money expended in the maintenance thereof during such year, together with such other information as may be deemed important. (2007 Code § 30-7) n' d u Trish Gleason k From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: June 29, 2017 2:21 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; shenricks@stout.dubuque.lib.ia.us Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Library Board of Trustees Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Male NMUH �.�,.w��.�.✓ _�,�.�. _.. i Boards/Commissions are h subject to the gender N balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A)µ Name: Greg Gorton �I Home Address (include 1295 Prairie St. Dubuque, IA 52001 Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission on Home Phone Number: 563-581-8001 Business Name and First Community Trust, N.A. Address: Business Phone Number: 563-557-5044 Occupation: Financial Services Position with Company Senior VP of Strategic Planning and Business Development Email Address: ggorton@fctrust.com i Experience or education I am an Entrepreneur who has been in sales all my life. I which qualifies you for started a software company in Minneapolis, grew it to 50 this board or commission: employees and sold it in 2003. It was named the second fastest growing company in the Twin Cities by Twin City Business Monthly magazine. I then worked in Education at Loras College for 13 years. From there I took a position at First Community Trust and have been tasked with helping this great financial services company grow to reach our Board's stated goals. I have done other things but I think the totality of my experience might be helpful to the current board. What contributions can I love the Library! I believe it is the most important building in you make or state reason Dubuque. I would love to give all of my effort to help other for applying? people believe what I believe. Everyone in the area, young or old, affluent or emerging, can find this place valuable. When my family first moved to Dubuque in 2003, we were astonished at what the Carnegie Stout Library is all about. After the renovations and the latest upgrades, for me to be part of it's future would be an honor I would take very seriously. List two reference with Kevin Timmerman - President Steele Capital Management- names and addresses: 788 Main Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 Chip Murray-President and CEO of First Community Trust- 3385 Hillcrest Road, y Dubuque, IA 52003 N Are you currently serving Yes on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Carnegie Stout Foundation Board Have you served on a Yes Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Carnegie Stout Foundation Board Committee's at Nativity Catholic Church Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. 2 Signature (type your Greg Gorton name here as electronic verfication): Date: 6-29-17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. i Y i ii i it 1 U s 3 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: July 6, 2017 6:30 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; shenricks@stout.dubuque.lib.ia.us Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Library Board of Trustees Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender(Some City Female Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in i! Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Rosemary R. Kramer Home Address (include 2554 Rosewood Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 563-581-2596 Business Name and Field not completed. Address: Business Phone Number: 563-581-2596 Occupation: Retired Position with Company Field not completed. Email Address: dbgkramer@mchsi.com 1 I Experience or education BA Clarke College Elementary School teacher 30 years as which qualifies you for college textbook proofreader Daughter graduated from Harvard this board or commission: (we value education!) What contributions can Recently retired. Want to give back to the community. you make or state reason for applying? List two reference with Mary Jean Uptegraph 2551 Rosewood Drive Dubuque Gina names and addresses: Kramer 510 West 11th Dubuque h Are you currently serving No on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? I If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? � �. Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? M,�._ ✓..e_..__.. __. _._,�.. ...�._..__ _� ._.._._.___ I� If so,when? � Field not completed. Have you participated in No J the Intercultural Competency Program? If so,when? _ Field not completed. Signature (type your Rosemary R. Kramer name here as electronic verfication): Date: 7-6-17 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: June 28, 2017 9:42 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; shenricks@stout.dubuque.lib.ia.us Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Library Board of Trustees Commission, or Committee applying for: I Gender (Some City Female Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section 69.16A) Name: Pam Mullin Home Address (include 2050 Mullin Road Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a City of Dubuque board or commission Home Phone Number: 5635821767 Business Name and 2050 Mullin Road Address: Business Phone Number: NA Occupation: retired Position with Company M Email Address: pammullin@hotmail.com 1 Experience or education I have 2 Masters Degrees. A MA in Psychology and an MBA which qualifies you for this board or commission: What contributions can I make extensive use of the library and believe my personal you make or state reason experience will contribute to continuing the excellence the for applying? library already has. List two reference with Pam Strehlow 2050 Mullin RD Dubuque, IA Sue Mueller 2600 names and addresses: Broadway Dubuque, IA 52001 Are you currently serving No on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? i If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. Signature (type your Pamela A Mullin name here as electronic verfication): Date: 06/28/2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. 2 Trish Gleason From: noreply@civicplus.com Sent: July 6, 2017 4:26 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl;Trish Gleason; Kevin Firnstahl; shenricks@stout.dubuque.lib.ia.us Subject: Online Form Submittal: Board/Commission Application Form Board/Commission Application Form Please complete the online form below (please note, applicants must live within the Dubuque city limits) Personal Information Select the Board, Library Board of Trustees Commission, or Committee applying for: Gender (Some City female Boards/Commissions are subject to the gender balance requirment in Iowa Code Section j 69.16A) Name: Ann Pelelo i Horne Address (include 2125 Simpson Street Dubuque, IA 52003 Zip Code) PLEASE NOTE: you must live within the Dubuque city limits to apply/serve on a 6 City of Dubuque board or cVmm�JJ1 V11 Home Phone Number: 563.542.3966 Business Name and Clarke University 1550 Clarke Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 Address: Business Phone Number: 563.588.6434 Occupation: College professor Position with Company Professor of English Email Address: ann.pelelo@clarke.edu Experience or education I was born and raised in Dubuque, and I eagerly practiced which qualifies you for writing my name before I entered kindergarten so that I could this board or commission: get a library card at Carnegie Stout. I enthusiastically participated in the reading programs each summer, and I was a frequent visitor to the library during the school year as well. As a result, my own children have followed the same pattern--they practiced writing their names as young children so that they could get library cards at Carnegie Stout. They are teenagers now, but their cards reflect those first fledgling signatures from many years ago. My experiences at libraries are clearly connected to the BA, MA and PhD that I earned in English and Spanish. While earning those degrees, I was again,a frequent visitor of libraries. And now, as a college professor for more than 20 years, I still find myself in libraries as I share with others my passion for reading and research. What contributions can Libraries have had a great impact on my life, and Carnegie you make or state reason Stout was first in a long line of libraries to do so. As a result, I'd for applying? like to give something back for everything libraries have given to me. Serving on the board of trustees is a way to do so. List two reference with Pat Maddux Clarke University 1550 Clarke Drive Dubuque, IA G names and addresses: 52001 Dr. Susan Burns Clarke University 1550 Clarke Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 Are you currently serving No on other Boards, Commissions, or Committees? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you served on a No Board, Commission, or Committee before? If yes, which? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the City Life program? If so, when? Field not completed. Have you participated in No the Intercultural Competency Program? If so, when? Field not completed. z Signature (type your Ann Pelelo name here as electronic verfication): Date: July 6, 2017 Email not displaying correctly?View it in your browser. Click here to report this email as spam. I i I I a d i G fi 4 G I 3 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA - BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS OIndicates State-mandated boardlcommission As prepared for the Council Meeting 8-7-17 subject to the 2012 Gender Balance Law. AIRPORT COMMISSION -4 Yr.Term seCIVIL SERVICE C MISSION Meets 4th Monday 4 p.m.-Airport 4 Yr. Term Meets on Call Douglas Brotherton 09/14/17 Mary Lynn Neuhaus 04/06/18 Chris Even 09/14/17 Christian Stillings 04/06/20 Steven Accinelli 09/14/18 Daniel White 04/06/21 Robert Blocker 09/14/18 Sue Clemenson 09/14/20 CIVIC CENTER ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr. Term -Meets 3:30 p.m. Meets bi-Monthly starting Jan. at Five Flags AIRPORT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Tyler Daugherty 06/29/18 5 Yr. Term, Meets on Call Mc Kenzie Hill 06/29/19 Vacant Vacant County Representative 02/15/21 Nicholas Huff 06/29/19 Jeff Cremer CityZBA Rep. 02/15/18 Bryce Parks 06/29/18 Ron Koppes(At Will) County Representative 02/15/21 Rod Bakke 06/29/19 Joyce Pope CityZBA Rep. 03/25/19 Vacant Vacant Appointed by4memb.(chair) unknown COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr. Term, Meets 3rd Tue., 5:30 p.m.at Federal Bldg./Housing AIRPORTZONING COMMISSION Rick Baumhover Housing Commission Rep 08/17/17 6 Yr.Term-Apptd. 1996, Meets on Call Sara Burley LowNod Income Area 02/15/20 Vacant Vacant Appointed toys members(chair) 12/31/20 Rev. Lindsay James LOwNodIncome Area 02/15/20 Linda Lucy(At Will) County Representative 12/31/20 Vacant Vacant At-Large 02/15/20 Marianne Krause(At Will 2011) County Representative 12/31/20 Julie Woodyard LOwNodIncome Area 02/15/18 Michael Belmont City ZAC Representative 12/31/22 Thomas Wainwright At-Large 02/15/18 Thomas Henschel City ZAC Representative 12/31/22 Theresa Caldwell LOwNodIncome Area 02/15/19 Michelle Hinke At-Large 02/15/19 ARTS AND CULTURAL AFFAIRS ADVISORY COMMISSION Dean Bolles At-Large 02/15/19 3 Yr. Term, Meets 4th Tues., Library Board Room Matthew Gregory Business Professional-In 06/30/18 DUBUQUE COMMUNITY-POLICE RELATIONS COMMITTEE Gina Siegert Business Professional-Out 06/30/18 1 2 Yr.Term, Meets Quarterly and as Needed Ellen Henkels At-Large 06/30/18 Serna Dora Alternate 10/31/18 Vacant Vacant Arts Rep 06/30/19 Hinke Michelle Alternate 07/30/17 David Schmitz Arts Rep 06/30/19 Kundert Robert Alternate 05/31/18 Susan Riedel Arts Rep 06/30/19 Vacant Vacant Primary 05/31/18 Mary Armstrong Arts Rep 06/30/19 Giunta JoAnn Primary 05/31/18 Vacant Vacant Primary 10/31/18 BOARD OF REVIEW(City and County) 6 Yr. Term, Meets May 1-30 ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD Laure Lewis 01/01/19 3 Yr. Term, Meets Bi-Monthly Jean Hoeger 01/01/19 James Dixon Electrical Background 05/21/20 Angie Mozena 01/01/22 Vacant Vacant Electrical Background 05/21/17 Greg Hutchinson 01/01/23 Andy Palmer Electrical Background 05/21/20 Robert Schaub 01/01/23 Vacant Vacant Electrical Background 05/21/17 David Wilson At-Large 05/21/20 BUILDING CODE AND ADVISORY APPEALS BOARD Dave Nebel Jr. Electrical Background 05/21/18 3 Yr. Term, Meets on Call Paul Uhlrich Electrical Background 05/21/18 Mark Gudenkauf Residential Contractor 08/01/18 Benjamin Harper Beard ArchitectiEngineer 08/01/19 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION Vacant Vacant Journeyman Carpenter 08/01/19 3 Yr.Term,Meets 3rd Thur.,5:30 p.m., Federal Bldg. Vacant Vacant ADA Representative 08/01/17 Juan Nieto Wllth District 07/01/19 Thomas Swift Commercial Contactor 08/01/17 David Klavltter Langworthy District 07/01/17 Katrina Wllberding ADA Representative 08/01/18 Christina Monk Architect At-Large 07/01/20 Richard LUchsinger At-Large 08/01/18 Joseph Rapp OldMainDistrict-Interim 07/01/18 Emily Hilgendorf At-Large 07/01/18 CABLE TV COMMISSION John Mc Andrews Cathedral District 07/01/17 3 Yr. Term, Meets TBD Robert Mc Donell At-Large 07/01/18 Pauline Maloney 07/01/20 Vacant Vacant At-Large 07/01/18 Sr. Carol Hoverman 07/01/20 Alfred Kopczyk Jackson Park District 07/01/19 Ronald Tigges 07/01/20 Vacant Vacant 07/01/18 HOUSING BOARD OD APPEALS Kathleen Mc Mullen 07/01/18 3 Yr.Term,3rd Tues.4:00 p.m. Fed Bldg. Jennifer Tigges 07/01/18 Ronald White Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/19 Alan Vincent 07/01/18 David Young Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/20 Mary Gotz Tenant/Landlord Issues 01/11/18 CATFISH CREEK WATERSHED MANAGEM ENT AUTHORITY Gil Spence Tenant/Lantllortllssues 01/11/19 2 Yr.term,Meets Quarterly Vacant Vacant Tenant/Landlord Issues 01/11/18 Steven Drahozal 07/16/20 Neal Patten 07/16/20 HOUSING COMMISSION MEDIACOM CHARITABLE FOUNDATION 3 Yr. Term,4th Tues.4:00 p.m., Fed. Bldg. 1 1 Yr.Term,On Call,CC Appt'd Reps. Coralita Schumaker Section 8 Recipient 08/17/18 Gail Chavenelle 12/31/17 Vacant Vacant At-Large 08/17/19 Connie Twining 12/31/17 Dorothy Schwendinger Trust Fund Rep 08/17/19 Wesley Heimke AtJarge 08/17/19 MISSISSIPPI RIVER PARTNERSHIP Rick Baum hover CDAC Rep 08/17/20 3 Yr.Term, Council Appt'd Rep Amy Eudaley Trust Fund Rep 08/17/17 Vacant Vacant 12/31/19 Anna Fernandes At-Large 08/17/18 Brett Shaw At-Large 08/17/18 PARK AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Vacant Vacant At-Large 08/17/18 3 Yr. Term, Meets 2nd Tues.,4:30 p.m. Bunker Hill Robert Mc Donell At-Large 08/17/18 Robin Kennicker 06/30/20 Kenneth Klinge 06/30/20 HOUSING TRUST FUND ADVISORY COMMITTEE Rebecca Kuhle 06/30/20 3 Yr.Term,Meets 6 times per Year Jennifer Tigges 06/30/18 Dorothy Schwendinger Housing Commission Rep 08/17/19 Katherine Larson 06/30/19 John Walsh At-Large 08/17/19 Karen Lyness 06/30/19 Brett Shaw Housing Commission Rep 08/17/18 Richard Kirkendall 06/30/19 Jim Holz At-Large 08/17/18 Doris Hingtgen At-Large 08/17/18 RESILIENT COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr.Term, Meets 1st Thur. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Steven Drahozal Commission Rep. 07/16/20 3 Yr. Term, Meets 2nd Mon.City Hall Annex Robin Kennicker Commission Rep. 06/30/20 Adrienne Scott 01/01/19 Laura Roussell Commission Rep. 07/01/18 Jay Schiesl 01/01/20 Sara Booth 07/01/18 Jessica Perry 01/01/20 Benjamin Darr 07/01/18 Miquel Jackson 01/01/20 Carrie Lohrmann 07/01/19 Anthony Allen 01/01/18 Leah Specht 07/01/19 Frederick Davis Jr. 01/01/18 Dean Boles 07/01/20 Sarah Fisher 01/01/19 Stephanie Grutz 07/01/20 Shirley Templeton Vaughn 01/01/18 Kate Parks 01/01/19 SISTER CITY RELATIONSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION 3 Yr.Term, Meets Quarterly INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADVISORY COMMISSION Sheila Castaneda 02/01/20 3 Yr. Term, Meets Qrtly;4th Wed. 3 p.m.City Hall "A" Robert Felderman 02/01/20 Paul Lassance 07/01/20 Vacant Vacant 02/01/17 Franz Becker 07/01/18 Dick Landis 02/01/20 Rachael Ferraro 07/01/18 Annalee Ward 02/01/20 Stephen Reisdorf 07/01/19 Jeffrey Jochum 02/01/18 Gary Ruden 07/01/19 Phyllis Lee 02/01/18 Patrick Mc Namara 02/01/18 LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thomas Major 02/01/19 4 Yr. Term, Meets 4th Thur.4 p.m. Library Rachel Mc Dermott 02/01/19 Patricia Poggemiller 07/01/18 Louise Thurn 02/01/19 Vacant Vacant 07/01/18 Pat Maddux 07/01/19 TRANSIT ADVISORY BOARD Vacant Vacant 07/01/19 3 Yr.Term,Meets monthly, 2nd Thur. Intermodal Transit Station Robert Armstrong 07/01/20 Carrie Lohrmann 07/30/19 Christina Monk 07/01/20 George Enderson 07/30/20 Vacant Vacant 07/01/17 Dora Serna 07/30/20 Vacant Vacant 07/30/17 LONG RANGE PLANNING ADVISORY COMM. Mathew Esser 07/30/18 3 Yr.Term,Meets upon request, City Hall Vacant Vacant 07/01/20 Iff ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION Ronald Collins 07/01/20 3 Yr.Term, Meets upon request, 6:30 Fed. Bldg.. Alan Vincent 07/01/20 Michael Belmont 07/01/19 Chad Darter 07/01/18 Martha Christ 07/01/20 John Pregler 07/01/18 Thomas Henschel 07/01/17 Michael Wright 07/01/19 Steve Baumhover Airport ZAC Rep. 07/01/17 Dr. Charles Winterwood 07/01/19 Richard Russell 07/01/18 Laura Roussell Airport ZAC Rep. 07/01/18 MECHANICAL AND PLUMBING CODE BOARD Patrick Norton 07/01/19 3 Yr. Term, Upon request,City Hall Dan Hillary 03/16/19 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Tom Giese 03/16/20 5 Yr. Term, upon request,4 p.m. Fed. Bldg.. Dieter Muhlack 03/16/20 Joyce Pope Airport ZBA Rep. 03/25/19 David Grothe 03/16/18 Keith Ahlvin 03/25/20 Corey Valaskey 03/16/18 Jonathan Mc Coy 03/25/21 Ronald Billmeyer 03/16/19 Bethany Golombeski 03/25/22 Paul Papin 03/16/19 Jeff Cremer Airport ZBA Rep. 03/25/18 City of Dubuque, Iowa Boards and Commissions Current and Upcoming Vacancies Through August 2017 Updated August 2, 2017 Airport Zoning Board of Adjustment Airport Zoning Commission "' Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission • Arts Representative Building Code and Advisory Appeals Board • ADA Representative • Journeyman Carpenter Community Development Advisory Commission • Low to Moderate Income Area Dubuque Community and Police Relations Committee Electrical Code Board Library Board of Trustees"' Housing Board of Appeals Housing Commission Library Board of Trustees"' Mississippi River Partnership Council Sister City Relationship Advisory Commission Transit Advisory Board Indicates Subject to the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law Applications can be printed or submitted on-line from wwvv.cityofdubugue.org or through the City Clerk's Office. Applications can be submitted at any time for all boards and commissions and are activated as positions become available. Applications remain on file for one year from the date they are submitted. Some positions may require specific applicant qualifications or compliance with the State of Iowa Gender Balance Law For a complete list of boards and commissions, descriptions, terms and meeting information, please visit the City Clerk's web page at wvvw.cityofdubuque.org. City Clerk's Office • 50 W. 13th Street, Dubuque, IA 52001 • 563.589.4100 69.16A Gender balance. 1. All appointive boards, commissions, committees, and councils of the state established by the Code, if not otherwise provided by law, shall be gender balanced. No person shall be appointed or reappointed to any board, commission, committee, or council established by the Code if that appointment or reappointment would cause the number of members of the board, commission, committee, or council of one gender to be greater than one—half the membership of the board, commission, committee, or council plus one if the board, commission, committee, or council is composed of an odd number of members. If the board, commission, committee, or council is composed of an even number of members, not more than one—half of the membership shall be of one gender. If there are multiple appointing authorities for a board, commission, committee, or council, they shall consult each other to avoid a violation of this section. 2. All appointive boards, commissions, committees, and councils of a political subdivision of the state that are established by the Code, if not otherwise provided by law, shall be gender balanced as provided by subsection 1 unless the political subdivision has made a good faith effort to appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy on a board, commission, committee, or council in compliance with subsection 1 for a period of three months but has been unable to make a compliant appointment. In complying with the requirements of this subsection, political subdivisions shall utilize a fair and unbiased method of selecting the best qualified applicants. This subsection shall not prohibit an individual whose term expires prior to January 1, 2012, from being reappointed even though the reappointment continues an inequity in gender balance. 86 Acts, ch 1245, §2041; 87 Acts, ch 218, §8; 88 Acts, ch 1150, §1; 2009 Acts, ch 162, §1, 2 i N,New ' r I r ( 1 f C- I I f I requirements 1 Iowa has required gender •. boards and cornmissions forunder tovva Code section 69.16A.Last session,the General Assembly passed legislation that applies this requirement to the localQ&A explainsbackground olegislation,the new requirements • the legislation • • • Q:What are the new requirements for gender balance on city Q:Is there any option if my city simply cannot find a person to boards and commissions? serve on the board or commission of the needed gender? A:During the 2009 legislative session,legislation(HF243)was A:Yes.Under the new code section,cities that make a good faith passed that extends to cities and counties gender balance require- effort to find a qualified person of the necessary gender to fill the ment for all appointive boards,commissions,committees and position for a period of three months and are unable to do so may councils created by the Iowa code.In other words,bodies cities appoint a person to the position regardless of the gender balance are required to have under Iowa code when they provide certain requirement. functions or services,such as the planning and zoning commission, library boards and the board of adjustment,with appointed(not Q:What constitutes a"good faith effort"? elected)members,must be gender balanced. A:There is no hard and fast definition,but cities should be able to demonstrate a legitimate effort during the three month time Q:What does`gender balanced'mean? period to recruit qualified members of the necessary gender,before A:Gender balance means if the body has an even number of ap- appointing a member that creates gender imbalance.In addition, pointees,it must be evenly made up of men and women.For exam- the legislation requires that cities must always"utilize a fair and ple,three women and three men must serve on a six member board. unbiased method of selecting the best qualified applicants,"regard- If the body has an odd number of appointees,it must be"one half less of gender. plus one"of either gender.For instance,if there are five members, three could be men and the other two women,or vice versa. Q:Is there a reporting requirement? A:No.The legislation did not include a reporting requirement; Q:When do the changes go into effect? however,many cities keep information on their boards and A:Cities must have gender balanced boards,commissions,com- commissions—including current members-posted online,to better mittees and councils by January 1,2012.This does not prohibit an inform citizens of the makeup of local governing bodies. individual whose term expires prior to January 1,2012,from being reappointed even though the reappointment continues an inequity Q: How can I recruit more women or men to volunteer for in gender balance;however,cities should start planning upcoming these positions? appointments now,to ensure gender balance is reached by that date. A: The Commission on the Status of Women has prepared a guide Making a chart of existing boards and upcoming vacancies,and/ to help cities learn how to recruit gender balanced boards and com- or keeping track of current appointments and necessary recruit- missions.This resource can be found at www.women.iowa.gov/ ing periods would be a good start to ensuring your city is tracking whats_new/index.html.The Commission also prepared a guide gender balance,and is prepared for the January 1,2012 implementa- called the"Five Step Guide to City and County Boards and How to tion date. Get Appointed"to be used as a tool by interested women to learn more about how to get involved in city boards and commissions. By Jessica Hyland Harder,League Government Affairs Counsel Celebrating / environmental victory. . FOX Engineering has received a 2008 Governor's Iowa Environmental Excellence Award in the Water Quality category. •- • for -city of • Liberty, project inv• •membrane bioreactor method of treating wastewater and provides a significantly higher effluent water quality compared to conventional wastewater treatment processes.Used on a limited basis in the U.S. it is the first of its kind in Iowa.The city has certainly"gone the extra mile"to improve the water q ality in their receiving stream;they are to be commended for their foresight and respect for the environment.FOX would also like to T� - contributions of the city's consulting engineer,Shive-Hattery Engineering and Architecture. "Your efforts truly exhibit the leadership and innovation important for furthering environmental sustainabilityinIowa." Governor booth, Call us to find out more about this and otherintereging projects at FOX. Visit our • at fail LeagueofCities conference in Davenportl 1601 Golden •' Drive, 13 1 Ames, Iowa 50010, 1111 1 800.433.3469 1 www.foxeng.com September 2009 Cityscape 22