Smarter Travel Post-Project Update_ECIA Copyrighted August 7, 2017 City of Dubuque Action Items # 1. ITEM TITLE: Smarter Travel Post-Project Update SUMMARY: East Central Intergovernmental Agency (ECIA) Director Kelley Deutmeyer and Transportation Director Chandra Ravada will present a post-project update on the Smarter Travel Project. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Presentation ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Smarter Travel Update-MVM Memo City Manager Memo ECIA Memo Staff Memo DRAFT Presentation Supporting Documentation THE CITYOF Dubuque DtU B r 11 America Cit' Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007•2012•2013•2017 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Smarter Travel Update DATE: August 3, 2017 East Central Intergovernmental Association Executive Director Kelley Deutmeyer and Director of Transportation Chandra Ravada will be making a post project update on the Smarter Travel Study, a three year study managed by ECIA which ended in Fiscal Year 2017. SL-A�' Mic ael C. Van Milligen MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Kelley Deutmeyer, Executive Director, ECIA Chandra Ravada, Director of Transportation, ECIA East Central Intergovernmental Association • regional responseto local needs 01 Memo To: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager; Dubuque City Council Members From: ECIA Staff-Chandra Ravada, Director of Transportation; Kelley Deutmeyer, Executive Director cc: Kevin Firnstahl, City Clerk Date: August 2, 2017 Re: Smarter Travel Update Chandra Ravada and Kelley Deutmeyer would like to present a post project update on the Smarter Travel Study, a three-year study managed by ECIA which ended in FY17. • Project overview,goals, outcomes • Project highlights • Next steps Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study I Eastern Iowa Development Corporation Eastern Iowa Regional Utility Services System I Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority I ECIA Business Growth, Inc. Region 1 Employment and Training I ECIA Regional Planning Affiliation I Region 8 Regional Transit Authority 7600 Commerce Park, Dubuque, IA 52002 1 www.ecia.org I ecia@ecia.org 563.556.4166 1 Iowa only: 800.942.4648 1 Relay Iowa 800.735.2943 1 f: 563.556.0348 Smarter Travel Post PUpdate SIA Council f ]/19/201] 'CHE CTTY OF S M R R T E R DUBUQUE Ma5tet7yiece on the Mississippi - -= = ECIA Smarter Travel Ad PW.- lw,ecelrvlerview tol • Smart Travel (2012) • Implemented a study to collect data and increase Jule ridership • Study required basic cellular tracking; no diary to compare data • Two pilot bus routes were created • Smarter Travel (2015-2017) • Designed to tweak original pilot routes and existing routes • Increase public engagement and ridership • Involved advanced cellular tracking, back end monitoring, continuous communication • Travel diary created for trip verification THECTTY OF p S M A R T E R DUB E ECIA ((( DUBUQUE Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2 DMATS Smarter Travel P c Goal • Project Goal • Better routes for the Jule in order to conserve money and resources • Increase Jule transit ridership • Data Generated by App • Corridor Speed • Meaningful Locations • Modes of Travel • Trip Purpose IV 191Lnyvt*hAnfsaecrt frl - - _ e 11 u_ 3 VO un Please circle travel day: M T W Th F Date: p Rea u re m e n is Daily Beginning Exac Street Address,City,Zip Dm 1' Time Please circle: Home Work Other • Download/install app to Where Arrive Exact Street Address, City How did I #of Depart What did I go Time get there Riders Time did I do smartp one (1 st,then (walk,bus, (including .see 2nd,etc): bike,vehicle) you) pgl0) • Keep app on for 7 days SAMPLE 7,,46 wn 7600 Commerce Tavk Duque ueliicle 1 4r30 pm 03 First place I went • Record three consecutive First place I went days of trips Next place I went • Diary must match app Next place I data went Next place I went • Volunteers received $50 Next place I Hy-Vee gift card for went went Next fulfilling study place) wen requirements Next place I went Next • ECIA provided Tracfones wlent for participants that Next place went didn't own a smartphone Next place I went Next place I went Last place I went for the day 4 Smarter Travel -A "M Por • Over 900 volunteers participated and over 500 completed the Smarter Travel Study over the course of 3 years • Jule Ridership Increase • 2011 : 393,758 • 2016: 553,387 • 40% increase • Pilot routes were adjusted ( Express and Nightrider routes) • Based on data and public Input • Additional data is still being analyzed 5 Smarter Travel M �,,,urposeful Locations West End ' y 4 •• r r Asbury Square ,r •.. .,,° • ,� ^4 ° . Ib ° to Downtown Dbq z .. 4 • e ' Kennedy Mall fir v '• • � , •S r..N. F � - . 49k � ����}' �-�IIn�YA•!i��i li.:_ dw Cow 0 0` e�' • • f ° `�r Y t •' �'• Warren Plaza w y� v to - -_ `So th End Smarter Travel A TLOiYl-ffFlz-Uff'B'u Routes vs 41 tie, Nt' • MI CJ.I..a'rr.., - Y•!` y _ t� 4 u� � � � l4reetl C•w..•ry a wno..rrrr. L svr • .. �� r wnl.-1l onNR � - NF.x "i. _ u.lY.a.a� � Mawr _ II..• .t w.lr.l•r, � I .. M.Yr - .. a.NW Nlrf �•` NMunv^ f +M" � k eat OuGuc n. •..o- r` S S Proposed bus routes based on study data �� for peak and off peak times - 4 ' Smarter Travel To Cost • Funding was obtained from: • IA DOT • City of Dubuque • Funding was dispersed to: • Jule • IBM • ECIA IAD OT CITY TOTAL % JULE $ 1 ,604,664 $ 401 , 166 $ 2,005,830 56.67% IBM $ 1 ,000,000 $ 250,000 $ 1,250,000 35.31% ECIA $ 227, 142 $ 56,786 $ 2839928 8.02% TOTAL 1 $ 2,831,806 1 $ 7079952 1 $ 395399758 8 qRPWrocess • Post Study Survey • Use results to create a better process that can be used by Dubuque and other similar cities in the future • Sample Questions • Were the instructions given easy to follow? • Did you feel the compensation was appropriate? • Did the application affect your smartphone performance? • Was the travel diary easy to use? 9 Smarter Travel =Md 41411 Acco a es • 2017 Excellence in Regional Transportation Award • National Association of Development Organizations Research Foundation (NADO) • Published in TRB Article for January 2017 • Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting Y 10 Smarter Travel RL Next TREETS) • Smart Traffic Routing with Efficient and Effective Traffic Systems (STREETS) • Traffic management and control for the next generation • What will this system do for me? • Reduced wear and tear on Dubuque Streets • More evenly distributed traffic and shorter travel times • Safer roads and Traffic Light Synchronization • This project will serve as a replicable model for small urban areas such as Dubuque with populations under 200,000 THE CITY OF S M A R T E R• DUB DUBUQUE Masterpiece on the Mississippi Smarter Travel A QUe tons Contacts East Central Intergovernmental Association ph.: 563-556-4166 e-mail: ecia@ecia.org 12