Minutes Downtown Planng 6 10 02 MINUTES DOWNTOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE Long Range Planning Advisory Commission June 10, 2002, 11:00 A.M. Conference Room #2, City Hall Annex 1300 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa PRESENT: Committee Members: Doris Hingtgen, Jim Gibbs, Dan LoBianco, Jim Giesen, Dave Rusk and Bob Felderman; Staff Members: Laura Carstens and Bill Baum; Guest: Jim Holz ABSENT: Committee Members: Dan Walsh, John Walsh, Ann Michalski, Pam Jochum, and Ruth Nash; Staff Members: David Harris and Rich Russell. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 11:20 a.m. CERTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE: Staff presented an Affidavit of Compliance verifying that the meeting was being held in compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. MINUTES: Motion by Felderman, seconded by LoBianco to approve the minutes of May 13, 2002 passed unanimously. ACTION ITEMS: Consultant Selection Process Carstens reported that on May 23, the consultant selection committee met to review the draft RFP that she had prepared based on the Committee's input at the May 13 Committee meeting. She noted that the City Manager had approved the RFF and indicated that it did not need City Council approval before being sent out. Carstens said that the RFP was emailed to the American Planning Association's web site for posting, and also was mailed out to primarily local and regional consultants. She noted that a copy of the RFP was enclosed in the Committee's agenda packets. She indicated that proposals are due on June 28. Carstens explained that after a review of the responses received, the consultant selection committee will need to interview a short list of firms to interview, and then make a recommendation to the City Council. IDED Grant Application Timeline Carstens reported that on May 30, she met with Harris, Baum Russell, and LoBianco to review the IDED grant application, and what IDED staff will be looking for in a strong application. She noted that the grant would be for no more than $25,000. LoBianco reported that the IDED's FY02 grant budget had been "scooped" to meet the budget shortfall. Baum added that IDED staff had informed us that the agency was allocated a smaller budget, so they must decide what their priorities are. Consensus was to assume there would be a grant program would be in place, and to submit an application. Minutes- Downtown Planning Committee June 10. 2002 Page 2 NTHP Grant Application Results LoBianco stated the National Trust for Historic Preservation did not award the grant that DMSL requested for the Downtown Master Plan. He suggested applying again in October 2002. Consensus was to see what funding could be raised locally prior to this fall. Additional Financial and In-Kind Resources Rusk reviewed that our estimated project budget is $100,000, with about $75,000 for consultant fees and $25,000 for printing and public relations. He noted that the City has committed $50,000 to the project, and that if awarded the IDED grant would be no more than $25,000. He said that additional financial and in-kind resources should be discussed. Felderman reported that the Dubuque Area Board of Realtors has pledged $1,000 to the project. He also suggested we wait until we have responses to the RFP to determine the balance needed for the project. The Committee discussed how to approach the Chamber Board and the DMSL Board as well as their members and other major players in the downtown. The Committee discussed whether the Chamber and DMSL could serve as partners for approaching their members and other organizations for financial support and in-kind resources. After further discussion, motion by Felderman, seconded by LoBianco to approve a two-step process: (1) Rusk to meet with Nick Schrup, Chairman of the Chamber Board, and the Chamber representative to this Committee, to discuss a contribution from the organization and/or its membership; and (2) Rusk to convene a subgroup of the Committee consisting of Rusk, LoBianco, Walsh, Felderman, Chamber representative and Carstens to develop a mini campaign to raise resources needed for the project. beginning with major players. Motion passed unanimously. The Committee then discussed other sources of state and private grants focused on components of the Vision, such as housing, parks and open space, cultural arts, and transportation. The Committee also discussed service groups as possible resources. Baum noted that Dick Wertzberger might be replacing Dan Watsh as the Chamber representative on this Committee. Consensus was to have the Chamber confirm their representative, and for the Committee to concur with the Chamber's selection. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting ended at 12:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager Adopted