Site Plan for Dagmar Industries, LLC - Cedar Lake PlazaCity of Dubuque ITEM TITLE: SUMMARY: SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description ZAC Letter Vicinity Map Applicant Materials Staff Materials Copyrighted October 16, 2017 Consent Items # 11. Site Plan for Dagmar Industries, LLC - Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development (PUD) The Zoning Advisory Commission recommending approval of the site plan for Dagmar Industries, LLC in Cedar Lake Plaza PUD on Lake Ridge Drive. Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Approve Type Staff Memo Supporting Documentation Supporting Documentation Supporting Documentation Planning Services Department City Hall 50 West 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001-4864 (563) 589-4210 phone (563) 589-4221 fax (563) 690-6678 TDD planning@cityofdubuaue.org THE CITY OF Dui Masterpiece on the Mississippi The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Dubuque City Hall — 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque IA 52001 Dubuque AlbAmedcaC" + 1 If 27. 2012 • 2013 •2017 October 9, 2017 Applicant: Dagmar Industries, LLC Location: Lot 2 of 2 Cedar Lake Plaza, 2nd Addition Description: To review a medical office site plan for compliance with Ordinance 27-11 that established standards for the Cedar Lake Plaza Dear Mayor and City Council Members: The City of Dubuque Zoning Advisory Commission has reviewed the above-cited request. The application, staff report and related materials are attached for your review. Discussion The applicant's representative, Nick Lang, MSA Professional Services, spoke in favor of the request, reviewing the proposed medical office building, access, off-street parking, and building height. Staff reviewed the staff report, noting that Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development District requires that site plans for new buildings be reviewed by the Zoning Advisory Commission and City Council. Staff reviewed that the proposed medical office will comply with the PUD requirements regarding access to Lake Ridge Drive, that the first floor be below the grade of Starlight Drive, and that landscaping be provided along Starlight Drive. There were no public comments. The Zoning Advisory Commission discussed the request, and found it in compliance with the PUD Ordinance for Cedar Lake Plaza. Recommendation By a vote of 7 to 0, the Zoning Advisory Commission recommends that the City Council approve the request. A simple majority vote is needed for the City Council to approve the request. Respectfully submitted, 25-794 Thomas Henschel, Chairperson Zoning Advisory Commission Attachments Service People Integrity Responsibility Innovation Teamwork THE CITY OF DuB E Masterpiece on the Mississippi Vicinity Map ;J City of Dubuque Dubuque blind All-AnleticaCOY '111 pr 2097.2013.2013 Applicant: Dagmar Industries, LLC. Location: Lake Ridge Drive Description: Site Plan Review Legend 011111 Applicant Property City limits DISCLAIMER: This information was compiled using the Dubuque Area Geographic Information System (DAGIS), which Includes date created by both the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County. It is understood that, while the City of Dubuque and participating agendes utilized the moss current and accurate information available. DAGIS and Its suppliers do not warrant the accuracy or currency of the Information or data contained herein. The City and participating agencies shall not be held fable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential. puNtive, or special damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, arising out of the authorized or unauthorized use of This dela or the Inability to use this data or out of any breach of warranty whatsoever. THIS CITY OF DUB E Masterpiece on the Mississippi OVariance DCondtional Use Permit DAppeal ❑Special Exception [limited Setback Waiver ❑Rezoning/PUDIID PLANNING ING APPLICAiZON FORM ❑Preliminary Plat ❑Major Final Plat C.Minar Final Plat ❑Simple Site Plan DMinor Site Pian tMajor Site Plan DSimpie Subdivision DText Amendment DTemporary Use Permit CDAnnexation ❑Historic Revolving Loan ❑Historic Housing Grant City of Dubuque Planning Services Department Dubuque, IA 52001-4805 Phone: 563-589-4210 Fax: 563-589-4221 planningOdtyofdubuaue,orq DCertificate of Appropriateness DAdvlsory Design Review (Public Projects) DCertlflcate of Economic Non -Viability DHistoric Designation aroa>:e ena DDemolltlon DPort of Dubuque Design Review please tyre or Print legibly !clink Property owner(sl. Hansel Lvg Trust Charlene L & The Family Phone: Address: 1813 Belmar Dr Unit D 2City:Fort Collins Fax #: Cell #: E -mall: Applicant/Agent:Dagmar industries LLC Address• 1644 Geraldine Drive City:Dubuque Fax cell #: 563-599-6300 axE mau: Site Iccation/addr Lake Ridge Drive Existing zoning: PUD -PC Proposed zoning: N/A State: CO Zip: 80526 Phone: 563-599-6300 state: IA Zip:52003 Neighborhood Association: N/A District: N/A • Landmark: 0 Yes iNo Parco1 10273340A5 Lal 2 or 2 Coda We P aza 5acand Acd o Legal Description (Sidwell parcel ID# or lot number/block number/subdivision): Total43560 SF properly (lot) area (square feet or acres)�' Describe proposal and reason necessary (attach a letter of explanation, if needed): Proposed Mediclsl Oiftc e CERTIFICATION: I/we, the undersigned, do hereby certify/acknowledge that: 1. It is the property owner's responsibility to locate property lines and to review the abstract for easements and restrictive covenants. 2. The information submitted herein Ls true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and upon submittal becomes public record; 3. Fees are not refundable and payment does not guarantee approval; and 4. All additional required wrrttep aid Property Owner(s):\� Applicant/Agent: r lr phic m feriais�are attached. ,�[�' f '1IY IdS1-1 ¢, ././.1,! i( ,•� FOR OFFICE USE ONLY—APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Fee: 3(93.Od Recelved by: Date: 9()97,/ Date: Date: of /$ / 7 Docket: SITE PLAN LOT 2 OF 2 CEDAR LAKE PLAZA SECOND ADDITION CITY OF DUBUQUE DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA L 1 1 1 I ti 1 1,11 PROJECT LOCATION SHEET INDEX T1 P1 L1 TITLE SHEET SITE PLAN LANDSCAPE PLAN LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTE: UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ON PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE AND CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE APPROPRIATE UTILITY MARK EXACT LOCATIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. PROJECT NO. 18954000 SCALE. AS SHOWN NO. OATS PROJECT DATE DRAWN 8Y. INIT F.8 ' CHECKED BV: INIT PLOT DATE 9/15/17. P'118900^V895051169541189540001CADD/Conslruciion Drawings 18954000 Cover Sheet dm REVISION LEGEND • EXISTING WATER MAIN a EXISTING GATE VALVE & HYDRANT WATER SERVICE & CURB STOP —IB — 0— � w— 89 I MSA ARCH ITEFUNDING I CTURE I ENGINEERING PLANNINGI ISURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL 4001Ce Harbor Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 (563)582-3973 j ) 69 1214 F (563) 582 x020 888 8 - aK: - Web Address. www msa-ps.cam 4 0 O PROPOSED WATERMAIN, VALVE, & HYDRANT PROPOSED WATER SERVICE & CURB STOP EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE EXISTING FORCEMAIN EXISTING STORM SEWER & INLET PROPOSED STORM SEWER & INLET PROPOSED STORM SEWER & MANHOLE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE BURIED ELECTRIC BURIED GAS & VALVE BURIED CABLE TELEVISION BURIED TELEPHONE BURIED FIBER OPTICS OVERHEAD UTILITY RAILROAD TRACKS EXISTING CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED SIDEWALK EXISTING CULVERT PIPE PROPOSED CULVERT PIPE FENCE LINE DRAINAGE ARROW SILT FENCE RIGHT-OF-WAY BASELINE PROPERTY LINE TREE LINE BENCHMARK IRON PIPE IRON ROD CONTROL POINT UTILITY POLE & GUY SOIL BORING LIGHT POLE PEDESTAL STREET SIGN MAILBOX FLAGPOLE TREE - DECIDUOUS TREE - CONIFEROUS TREE TO BE REMOVED UTILITIES GAS: BLACK HILLS ENERGY 1015 CEDAR CROSS ROAD DUBUQUE, IOWA 52003 (888) 890-5554 ELECTRIC: ALLIANT ENERGY 8000 CHAVENELLE ROAD DUBUQUE, IOWA 52002 (800) 255-4268 TELEPHONE: CENTURY LINK 1600 J.F. KENNEDY ROAD DUBUQUE, IOWA 52002 (800) 244-1111 LOT 2 OF 2 CEDAR LAKE PLAZA SECOND ADDITION DAGMAR INDUSTRIES LLC DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA 1 WATER: CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DIVISION 925 KERPER COURT DUBUQUE, IOWA 52001 (563) 589-4305 SEWER: CITY OF DUBUQUE ENGINEERING DEPT. 50 W. 13TH STREET DUBUQUE, IOWA 52001 (563) 589-4270 CATV: MEDIACOM 3033 ASBURY ROAD DUBUQUE, IOWA 52001 (515) 249-5848 IOWA= ONE CALL.. 1-800-292-8989 www.iowaonecall.com TITLE SHEET 811 bow slurs WHOA 18954000 SIIEET T1 • • PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 2 OF 2 OF CEDAR LAKE PLAZA SECOND ADDITION, IN THE CITY OF DUBUQE, IOWA, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. SITE LOCATION ADDRESS LAKE RIDGE DRIVE CITY: DUBUQUE, IOWA 52002 • PROPERTY OWNER NAME: HANSEL LIVING TRUST, CHARLENE L & FAMILY TRUST , ADDRESS, 1813 BELMAR DR UNIT D 2 CITY FORT COLLINS, CO 80526 - EXISTING ZONING ZONE. PUD DESCRIPTION: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT LOT INFQf. MATION AREA (S 43,560 SF AREA (AC) 1.00 ACRE PROPOSED BUILDING AREA (SF): 4004 SF (9 2%) PROPOSED PAVEMENT AREA (SF) 9734 SF (22.4%) PROPOSED OPEN AREA (SF): 29,822 SF (68.4%) • (jjE� (' INFWMATION AR FINISHED FLOOR ELEV: --' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT: 25 FT PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT: - FT SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FRONT YARD 10 FT MINIMUM SIDE YARD: NONE REAR YARD' NONE ,PEMErUICATT CENTS REQUIRED SPACES 3.5 PER DOCTOR (1 DOCTOR = 4 SPACES) 1 PER EMPLOYEE ON MAX SHIFT (4 EMPLOYEES = 4 SPACES) PROPOSED SPACES 11 SPACES • MIp/Sll fF1',J���EMENTS 1 TREE PER 1,600 SF OPEN AREA (-SF OPEN AREA = - TREES) PROPOSED SITE TREES: - TREES REQUIRED SITE SHRUBS- 1 HRUBS1 SHRUB PER 1,000 SF OPEN SPACE (- SF OPEN AREA = - SHRUBS) PROPOSED SHRUBS. - SHRUBS STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA DRAINS TO A REGIONAL DETENTION BASIN LOCATED SOUTH OF ASSISTED LIVING CENTER DIRECTLY ACROSS LAKE RIDGE DRIVE ADDITIONAL LOW -IMPACT DEVELOPMENT TOOLS UTILIZED ON SITE AREA BIOSWALES TO INFILTRATE PARKING LOT AND ROOF RUNOFF PROJECT NO: 18954000 SCALE AS SHOWNNO. DATE PROJECT OATE ORAWN BY INIT F 8.. CHECKED BY INI . PLOT ()ATE N1&17. P'110000s\10950, 18954189540001CAOD D11 Conte PIan.Av9 ST p,g\ v E EXISTING SIDEWALK esi - DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE OUTDOOR PATIO 4' SIDEWALK 2Z MEDICAL OFFICE 55'x75' 09 N , 7• SIDEWALK 24, 15 J\ BIOSWALE • WATER SERVICE / — - 63.59' 6" SEWER SERVICE REVISION EXISTING SIDEWALK -n^SAN "SAN BY I ms,A ARCHITECTURE 1 ENGINEERING 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDING 1 PLANNING 1 SURVEYING 400 Ice Harbor Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 (563) 582-3973 (888) 869-1214 Fax (563) 582.4020 S ITVI EE, 1 Web Address www msx-ps.com 0 rsa•N•uwslsws,,.. g gSAN gSAN 0 15 30 - -$t ;31- ..\ :3-- = BIOSWALE e2' a,N 8"SAN ��8^cAN g"SAN SAKE RIDGE DRIVE \--- LOT - LOT 2 OF 2 CEDAR LAKE PLAZA SECOND ADDITION DAGMAR INDUSTRIES LLC DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA 1 PROPER4LINE (TYP) PUBL1C UTILITY EASEMENT (TYP) 4' SIDEWALK 8 -SAN UTILITY NOTES: 1) CONTRACTOR SHALL HELD VERIFY LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SITE GRADING THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES OR VARIATIONS FROM PLANS 2) IOWA CODE 480, UNDERGROUND FACILITIES INFORMATION, REQUIRES VERBAL NOTICE TO IOWA ONE -CALL 1-800-292-8989, NOT LESS THAN 48 HOURS BEFORE EXCAVATING, EXCLUDING WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. 3) THE MEANS OF THE WORK AND THE SAFETY OF THE CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES ARE SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 4) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE IOWA STATEWIDE URBAN DESIGN STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS (SUDAS), THE CITY OF DUBUQUE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, AND THE CITY OF DUBUQUE SUDAS SUPPLEMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS. 5) ALL EXISTING UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE 6) ALL PERMITS, APPLICATIONS & FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 7) PROTECT ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION 8) CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE/RELOCATE EXISTING PRIVATE UTILITIES AS NECESSARY CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ACTIVITIES WITH UTILITY COMPANIES. 9) SITE CLEANUP SHALL BE PERFORMED ON A DAILY BASIS SIDEWALKS, PARKING LOTS, ROADWAYS, ETC. SHALL BE KEPT CLEAN AT ALL TIMES 10) EXISTING WATER SERVICE TO BE EXTENDED INTO PROPOSED BUILDING CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION OF EXISTING WATER SERVICE AND COORDINATE WITH CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DEPARTMENT. CONTRACTOR TO USE CAUTION AND PROTECT WHEN EXCAVATING NEAR WATER LATERALS. 11) DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE / FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE AN APPROVED CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL DEVICE INSTALLED PER UPC SECTION 603 2 7. TYPE OF DEVICE WILL BE DETERMINED BY THE DEGREE OF HAZARD. UPON INSTALLATION, A TEST REPORT BY A CERTIFIED BACKFLOW ASSEMBLY TESTER SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DEPARTMENT LOCATED AT 925 KERPER COURT, DUBUQUE IOWA, 52001 PRIOR OT THE OCCUPANCY OF THIS BUILDING THE PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE WATER DEPARTMENT IS CARL PLUMLEY, (563)-589-4304 12) ALL EXTERIOR SITE LIGHTING MUST USE CODE COMPLIANT CUT-OFF FIXTURES. SITE PLAN 18954000 .EE1T P S� PRLITE oRNE \17 7. 00 0'000 0 " PATTERN (3) --TD — _(1) -JCM f I -_ CO_ AFL' (3) DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (13) PERENNIALS MEDICAL OFFICE 55' x 75' / (3) CONIFEROUS SHRUBS (15) PEREALS„--- �_ (3) DEC1Hu0US SHRIOBS (10) PERENNIA'CS— STONE OR ROCK MULCH (TYP) �(1) QM— — 1 deciduous (1) AFJ D D } PROJECT NO - PROJECT DATE F8 (1) 0 ARK MULCH (TYP) (2 ) PERENNIALS (3) RAG (11) PERENNIALS (3) DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (14) PERENNIALS BARK MULCH (TYP) (1) QM (3) DECIDUOUS SHRUBS (151 PERENNI' - BIOSWALE —(3)- RAG- -(11-5)" PERENNIALS 18954000 PLOT DATE 905/17 P 118900s\I8950s SCALE: AS 19014/ NO. DRAWN BY. INIT . CHECKED 88 INIT . 8954110954000!CADDIConalnxLon Dowhrns 18954000 Landsmx PAndwr, DATE EXISTING SIDEWALK REVISION 6"SAN B"SAN MSA r l^. 8"SAN 4N 92 2!— B'gANL KEBRIDGEDRIVE ARCHITECTURE! ENGINEERING 1 ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDING 1 PLANNING 1 SURVEYING 400 Ice Harbor Drive Dubuque, IA 52001 (563) 582.3973 (888) 869.1214 Fax (563) 582-4020 yMICVMEy r Web Address www msa-ps.com a srv. vraha,mal seM�n rc i 15 B"SAN ^SAN O PRELIMINARY - PLANT MATERIALS LIST ID BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME (AFI ILT IQM Deciduous Trees Acerx Freemanii 'effersred' Liriodendron tuli ifera Quercus muelenbergir Conifer Trees I I Omamental Trees 107 (TBD Coniferous Shrubs* IJCM luniperus chine nsis 'Mt Batten' 180 Thai° ocridentaOs'Emerald Green' (PPG Picea pungens'Gkbosa' (TMD Texas x media 'Densiformr' 'Da not sheer, hand pruning only Deciduous Shrubs !HA Ioyfrenaee'Annabelle' !RAG Rhus aromatic°'Gro-law' IVCC Viburnum carlesi'Campactum' Perennials and Grasses PG TBD Possible elksntrngs CAK C(Ilom7BfA.st(j7jacuti%loro'Karr Foerster CB corex airmen DC Deschompsra cespitosa EW Echinaceapurporea'PA5702918' EPK Echinoceopurpurea'Kim's Knee High' HLB Hemorocallis'Little Business' HHC Hemorocnlhs x Hybrid 'Chicago Apache' HV needlero 920,0a, var. App0pureo NRW Nepets0racemesa'Wal ers ow' PAL Perovskroatrff 59fpfo"Little Spire' SMN Salvia 'May flghP 5H 5porobolusheterokpis 55 Scchizarhvrmm scoDarium LOT 2 OF 2 CEDAR LAKE PLAZA SECOND ADDITION DAGMAR INDUSTRIES LLC DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA 1 Freeman Maple TPoplar m apin Oak 1780 I Mt Batten Junke( Emerald Green Arb Dwarf Globe Spruce Dense Yew (Annabelle Hydrangea Grow Low Fragrant Sumac Compact Koreansprce Viburnum TBD Kad Foerster Bkknell's Sedge Tufted Harr Grasss Pow Wow White Coneflawer Kim's Knee High Coneflower Little Business Davli Chicago Apache Daay Maple Leaved Alum Root Walkers Low Catmint Little,yjlre Russian Sage May (rght Sage Prairie Dro(seed Little Bluestem 512E ROOT SPACING & NOTES" QUANTITY 'unless orherwrse noted 2"cal I1)&8 nal. B&B 2"cal. B&8 as drawn as drawn as drawn 6'18&8 las drawn SI B&B as drawn 4'I B&B as drawn 3 88,e as drawn 36.113&B as drawn 3%J��Ic0NT. 3 gal. CONT 36 'B&B as drawn as drawn as drawn 1Ral CONT. as drawn 1//CONT. 30"0 C. 1gaLCONT. as drawn 1A:L)CONT 180C. 11et CONT. 18"O.C. ig� ICONT 18"0 C. 1ga )CONT. 18" 0 C. 1Ra(((,ICONT 24"0.0 1pa ,.CONT. 24° 0.0 rr 1gal CONT 30"O C. 1RaICONT. 30"0 C. 1 gaCONT. 30" D.C. LANDSCAPE PLAN 4 21 2 2 43 10 30 18 114 I ME NO 18954000 L1 THE CITY OF DUtJE Masterpiece on the Mississippi TO: Zoning Advisory Commission FROM: Kyle L. Kritz, Associate Planner 1.• 7. SUBJECT: Site Plan Approval for New Medical Office DATE: September 25, 2017 Dubuque kard All -America City 1111 r 2001 • 2012. 2013 • 2017 INTRODUCTION Dagmar Industries, LLC is proposing to build a new medical office along Lake Ridge Drive. The subject property is located in the Cedar Lake Plaza Planned Unit Development District that has a specific requriement requiring that the Zoning Advisory Commission and City Council review and approve major site plans. DISCUSSION The proposed building will be located west of the Cedar Cross Road/Starlite Drive intersection. The parcel is one acre in size and will have access to Lake Ridge Drive. The proposed building will be a single level comprised of approximately 4,125 square feet of floor area. The development will provide 11 off-street parking spaces, including two accessible parking stalls. In addition to the requirement of having the Zoning Advisory Commission and City Council review site development plans, it is also required that screening of deciduous and evergreen trees be planted along Starlite Drive and Cedar Cross Road to act as a buffer between the proposed commercial buildings and adjacent existing residential development. In addition, building pad shall be established below the grade of both Cedar Cross Road and Starlite Drive. The submitted site plan does provide for adequate screening along Starlite Drive and the proposed building pad will be below the grade level of Starlite Drive. The submitted site plan for the new medical office building and site will be in compliance with the requirements of the Cedar Lake PUD Ordinance. RECOMMENDATION Planning staff recommends that the Zoning Advisory Commission review the information in this packet and make a recommendation to the City Council. KLK/mkr Enclosure GOgle earth feet meters' 10 4 eFtVeFsA: Googleearth feet meters 1000 'iu0 IIIIII111111111111111II11111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Doc ID: 007014600005 Type: GEN Kind: ORDINANCE Recorded: 03/24/2011 at 01:33:21 PM Fee Amt: $29.00 Page 1 of 5 Dubuque County Iowa Kathy Flynn Thurlow Recorder F11e2011-00004580 Prepared by: Laura Carstens. Citv Planner Address: City Hall. 50 W. 13th St Telephone: 589-4210 Return to: Jeanne Schneider. Citv Clerk Address: City Hall- 50 W. 13`" St Telephone: 589-4121 ORDINANCE NO. 27-11 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 16 OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES, UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT CODE, BY PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT OF ORDINANCES 8-96 AND 63-97, WHICH ESTABLISHED REGULATIONS FOR CEDAR LAKE PLAZA, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WITH A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION, LOCATED AT CEDAR CROSS ROAD AND LAKE RIDGE DRIVE AND NOW BEING AMENDED TO ALLOW HOUSING FOR ELDERLY OR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AS A PERMITTED USE. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Title 16 of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances, Unified Development Code, is hereby amended by providing the amendment of Ordinances 8- 96 and 63-97 which established regulations for Cedar Lake Plaza and now being amended to allowing housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities as a permitted use. Lot 1 and Lot E of Cedar Lake Plaza, Lot 1, Lot 1-2 and Lot 2-2 Cedar Lake Plaza 2nd Addition, Lot 1 , Lot 1-2 and Lot 2-2 of Cedar Lake Plaza 3rd Addition, and to the centerline of the adjoining public right-of-way, all in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. A. Use Regulations The following regulations shall apply to all uses made of land in the above described PUD District: 1. Principal permitted uses of the PC Planned Commercial development shall be limited to: a. Public or quasi -public utilities including substations b. Mortuary/funeral home 63, Qv' The Rose of Dubuque in Cedar Lake Plaza Page 2 c. General office d. Medical office/clinic e. Dental/medical lab f. Barber/beauty shop g. Retail sales/service h. Laundry/dry cleaner i. Shoe repair j. Indoor restaurant k. Supermarket I. Tailoring/alterations m. Furniture/home furnishing n. Appliance sales/service 0. Drive -up automated bank teller p. Animal hospital/clinic q. Photographic studio r. Neighborhood shopping center s. Business services t. Banks/savings and loans, credit unions u. Indoor amusement center v. Indoor recreation facilities w. Housing for the elderly or persons with disabilities (south of Lake Ridge Drive, only) 2. Accessory uses shall include any use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use it serves. B. Lot and Bulk Regulations Development of land in the PUD District shall be regulated as follows: 1. All commercial buildings and structures shall meet bulk regulations set forth in the Unified Development Code for the C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District, with the exception that building height shall be limited to 25 feet for commercial structures. 2. That the proposed senior housing project shall be built in substantial compliance with the conceptual development plan labeled Exhibit B, and that the building shall be three -stories in height and the front yard setback along Lake Ridge Drive shall be 15 feet. C. Performance Standards The development and maintenance of uses in this PUD District shall be established in conformance with Section 16-5-24 of the Unified Development Code and the following standards. 1. Proposed public streets in the Planned Commercial development shall be designed and built to City Engineering specifications. The Rose of Dubuque in Cedar Lake Plaza Page 3 2. Erosion control devices shall be provided during all phases of construction of the Planned Commercial development. 3. Parking requirements for allowed uses in the Planned Commercial Development shall be as per the parking group for the designated use, in accordance with Section 16-14-6 of the Unified Development Code. 4. Sidewalks shall be provided adjoining all public streets including Starlite Drive and Cedar Cross Road. 5. Storm water detention facilities will be installed as per city Engineering requirements. 6. Final site development plans shall be submitted in accordance with Section 16-12 of the Unified Development Code prior to construction of any buildings. No buildings shall be constructed until a final site development plan is submitted on a building -by -building basis and approved by the Zoning Advisory Commission and City Council. D. Open Space and Recreational Areas Open space and landscaping in the PUD District shall be regulated as follows: 1. A screen of deciduous and evergreen trees shall be planted along Starlite Drive and Cedar Cross Road to act as a buffer between the proposed commercial buildings and the adjacent existing residential development. Evergreen screening to be six feet in height within three growing seasons shall be planted five feet on center in this buffer. 2. That screening shall be provided along the west property line of the senior housing project and shall consist of evergreen plantings, a minimum of four (4) feet in height and five (5) feet on -center at installation. The screen shall begin 20 feet from the front property line and extend to the rear building wall of the senior housing facility. The screen shall achieve 50% opacity and six (6) feet in height within three growing seasons. 3. Those areas not designated on the conceptual plan for development shall be maintained as open space, as defined by Section16-2-3 of the Unified Development Code, by the property owner and/or association. 4. Building pads shall be maintained below the grade of Cedar Cross Road and Starlite Drive. E. Sian Regulations Signs in the PUD District shall be regulated as follows: The Rose of Dubuque in Cedar Lake Plaza Page 4 1 Signs shall be allowed in the Planned Commercial development in accordance with the C-2 sign regulations of Section 16-15 of the Unified Development Code. F, Additional Standards 1. That all previously approved conceptual development plans are hereby amended to allow for the attached conceptual development plan. G. Transfer of Ownership Transfer of ownership or lease of property in this PUD District shall include in the transfer or lease agreement a provision that the purchaser or lease acknowledges awareness of the conditions authorizing the establishment of the district. H. Recording A copy of this ordinance shall be recorded at the expense of the property owner(s) with the Dubuque County Recorder as a permanent record of the conditions accepted as part of this reclassification approval within ten (10) days after the adoption of this ordinance. This ordinance shall be binding upon the undersigned and his/her heirs, successors and assigns. Section 2. The foregoing amendment has heretofore been reviewed by the Zoning Advisory Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publication, as provided by law. Passed, approved and adopted this 21stday,,* f March 2011. Attest: Roy'D. 8 61, Mayor .i/A0A eanne F. Schneider, City Clerk Planning Services Department City Hall 50 West 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001-4864 (563) 589-4210 phone (563) 589-4221 fax (563) 690-6678 TDD planning@citvofdubuque.org Dagmar Industries LLC 1644 Geraldine Dr. Dubuque IA 52003 Dubuque AH -America City °1II1D' 2007 • 2012 • 2013 THE CITY OF Dui Masterpiece on the Mississippi October 5, 2017 RE: City Council Consideration of Site Plan for Lot 2 of 2 Cedar Lake Plaza, 2nd Addition Dear Applicant: The City Council will consider your request to approve the site plan for property located at Cedar Lake Plaza at a public meeting on Monday, October 16, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. The site plan is on the agenda as a Consent Item. Consent Items are placed at the beginning of the meeting and are voted on with a single motion by the City Council. Consent Items are not voted on separately unless requested by a Council member. Please contact the Planning Services Department at (563) 589-4210 if you need more information or have any questions. Sincerely, Wif Kyle L. Kritz Associate Planner cc: tdKevin Firnstahl, City Clerk Service People Integrity Responsibility Innovation Teamwork