Culpepper, Sharon LetterPage 1 of 1 Jeanne Schneider From:"Culpepper, Sharon" <Shamn_Culpepper@mcgraw-hill.com> To:<jschneid@cityofdubuque.org> Sent:Thursday, August 15, 2002 1:39 PM Subject:North end drainage Dear Terry, I would like to voice my opposition to the proposed north end drainage ditch. In my opinion, it is the most asinine idea that the city has come up with yet, and there have been many. What an idea! No more water in the basements, just eliminate the basements. These houses have been there for a hundred years-what do you suppose they did all those hundred years? Maybe not put valuable stuff in the basements? Or install a sump pump to take out the water?. That would be too easy. Let's just tear them down. It's a good thing the city council doesn't work in Europe-all the castles would be town down and they'd have grand parking lots and drainage ditches!! No wonder Galena has more tourist trade than Dubuque has. Pretty soon Dubuque will be fiat and void of anything of the past. This isn't directed to you personally, because I think you have some common sense. But you might pass this on to your city council. Sharoh Culpepper 8/15/2002