11 6 17 City Council Proceedings Official_Regular CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS REGULAR SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on November 6, 2017 in the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6th Street. Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Connors, Del Toro, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Rios; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a regular session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting such business that may properly come before the City Council. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PRESENTATION(S) 1 . International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Fellowship Exchange: Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach introduced ICMA Fellows Mr. Darren Tan of Singa- pore and Mr. Chankakada (Kakada) Chhoeum of Cambodia. Each gentleman provided a brief biography and thanked the City Council. 2. Bee Branch Floodplain and Stormwater Management Association Award: Project Engineer Steve Brown presented the 2017 Project of the Year Award from the Iowa Flood- plain and Stormwater Management Association for the Upper Bee Branch Creek Resto- ration Project. PROCLAMATION(S) 1 . Philanthropy Day (November 15, 2017) was accepted by Shirley Brown of the As- sociation of Fundraising Professionals Tri-State Chapter. 2. Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Day (November 16, 2017) was accepted by Diane Oglesby Rambousek, President of the Michael W. Oglesby Foundation. 3. Israeli Music and Culture Week (November 6-10, 2017) was accepted by Mayor Buol on behalf of the University of Dubuque. 4. Hospice Month (November 2017) was accepted by Hospice of Dubuque Executive Director LaVonne Noel. 1 CONSENT ITEMS Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, and dispose of as indicated. Seconded by Del Toro. Council Member Connors requested #17 Bloom- berg Mayors Challenge Application be held for separate discussion. Council Member Del Toro requested #24 Tiger IX Grant Application be held for separate discussion. Motion carried 7-0. 1 . Minutes and Reports Submitted: City Council Minutes of 10/12, 10/16; Civil Service Commission of 10/10, Historic Preservation Commission of 10/19; Human Rights of 9/11 , 9/25; Library Board of Trustees of 8/24; Park and Recreation Commission of 10/10; Transit Advisory Board of 10/12; Zoning Board of Adjustment of 10/26; Proofs of Publica- tion for City Council Proceedings of 10/2, 10/3, 10/12, 10/16; Proof of Publication for List of Claims and Summary of Revenues for Month Ending 9/30. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 2. Notice of Claims and Suits: Renee Furlong for property damage, Brett Kilburg d/b/a Dubuque Dental for property damage, Deanne Lindecker for vehicle damage, Chris Loe- wenberg for vehicle damage, Martina Swain for vehicle damage, Frank Vans Evers for vehicle damage. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and referred to the City Attorney. 3. Disposition of Claims: City Attorney advising that the following claims have been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa, the agent for the Iowa Communities As- surance Pool: Renee Furlong for property damage, Brett Kilburg d/b/a Dubuque Dental for property damage, Deanne Lindecker for vehicle damage, Chris Loewenberg for vehi- cle damage, Martina Swain for vehicle damage. Upon motion the documents were re- ceived, filed, and concurred. 4. Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Award: Corre- spondence from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) presenting the City with the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and recognizing Budget Director Jennifer Larson as being the individual primarily responsible for having achieved the award. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 5. International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Community Sustainabil- ity Award for Bee Branch Watershed Flood Mitigation Project: City Manager transmitting information from the International City/County Management Association (PM Magazine) awarding the City its Community Sustainability Award for the Bee Branch Watershed Flood Mitigation Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 6. Eagle Point Park Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) Grant Award: City Manager transmitting information about the City's receipt of a $200,000 Fiscal Year 2018 Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) grant award from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for Phase 2 implementation of the Eagle Point Park Environmental Restoration Management Plan. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 2 7. Landfill Expansion Project - Cell 9 Phase III: City Manager transmitting the Fall 2017 Landfill Expansion Project (Cell 9 Phase III) public information brochure from the Dubu- que Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency (DMASWA). Upon motion the document was received and filed. 8. Bee Branch Watershed Mitigation Project Receives Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association's Excellence in Concrete Awards: Correspondence from the Iowa Ready Mixed Concrete Association (IRMCA) informing the City that it is awarding its Excellence in Concrete awards in the categories of Public Works-Recreational, Recreational Trails, and Sustainable Practices to the Bee Branch Watershed Mitigation Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 9. Authorization to File and Release Property Liens for Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant: City Manager recommending authorization for the City Manager or the City Manager's Designee to file and release liens on properties that are participat- ing in the Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Program. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 348-17 Resolution of the City of Dubuque approving an authorization of the City Manager or the City Manager's designee to file and release liens on properties participating in the Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 348-17 APPROVING AN AUTHORIZATION OF THE CITY MANAGER OR THE CITY MAN- AGER'S DESIGNEE TO FILE AND RELEASE LIENS ON PROPERTIES PARTICIPAT- ING IN THE LEAD HAZARD CONTROL AND HEALTHY HOMES GRANT Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa by and through its Housing & Community Devel- opment Department, executes property liens and mortgage instruments on behalf of the City; and Whereas, the various lien and mortgage instruments create an interest by the City in the various parcels of real estate which have been rehabilitated or repaired under the eligible activities provided through the federal Housing and Urban Development Depart- ment Lead and Healthy Homes Grant and other applicable standards; and Whereas, the City is frequently requested to dispose of its interest in said real estate after the property owner has fulfilled the financial and other obligations of their lien and /or mortgage instrument; and Whereas, it is impractical to have each such disposition approved by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to release City of Dubuque interest in real estate which has been rehabilitated through the Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant activity, if the owner fulfills all the terms and conditions of the lien and/or mortgage instrument involved. Section 2. That the City Council shall retain the authority to dispose of interest in any real estate upon which the original terms and conditions of the lien or mortgage instru- ments are not fulfilled. Section 3. That this authorization shall apply to all future dispositions, as well as to any here-to-fore disposed of by the Housing & Community Development Department HUD Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant. 3 Passed, approved, and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 10. Authorization to File and Release Property Liens for Community Development Block Grant, National Disaster Resilience (CDBG-NDR) Grant: City Manager recom- mending authorization for the City Manager or the City Manager's Designee to sign for- givable loan documents for the Community Development Block Grant National Disaster Resilience Grant, locally known as the Bee Branch Healthy Homes program. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 349-17 Resolution of the City of Dubuque approving an authorization of the City Manager or the City Manager's de- signee to file and release liens on properties participating in the Community Development Block Grant, National Disaster Resilience (CDBG-NDR) Grant was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 349-17 APPROVING AN AUTHORIZATION OF THE CITY MANAGER OR THE CITY MAN- AGER'S DESIGNEE TO FILE AND RELEASE LIENS ON PROPERTIES PARTICIPAT- ING IN THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, NATIONAL DISASTER RESILIENCE (CDBG-NDR) GRANT Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa by and through its Housing & Community Devel- opment Department, executes property liens and mortgage instruments on behalf of the City; and Whereas, the various lien and mortgage instruments create an interest by the City in the various parcels of real estate which have been rehabilitated or repaired under the eligible activities provided through the Iowa Economic Development Authority Community Development Block Grant National Disaster Resiliency Grant (Contract #13-NDRH-001) and other applicable standards; and Whereas, the City is frequently requested to dispose of its interest in said real estate after the property owner has fulfilled the financial and other obligations of their lien and /or mortgage instrument; and Whereas, it is impractical to have each such disposition approved by the City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the City Manager, or his designee, is authorized to release City of Dubuque interest in real estate which has been rehabilitated through the Community De- velopment Block Grant National Disaster Resiliency activity, if the owner fulfills all the terms and conditions of the lien and/or mortgage instrument involved. Section 2. That the City Council shall retain the authority to dispose of interest in any real estate upon which the original terms and conditions of the lien or mortgage instru- ments are not fulfilled. Section 3. That this authorization shall apply to all future dispositions, as well as to any here-to-fore disposed of by the Housing & Community Development Department as part of the Community Development Block Grant, National Disaster Resilience Grant. Passed, approved, and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 4 11 . Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation Project Acceptance: City Manager rec- ommending acceptance of the construction contract for the Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation Project as completed by Hydro-Tech Inc. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 350-17 Accepting the Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation and authorizing the payment of the contract amount to the contractor was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 350-17 ACCEPTING THE FIVE FLAGS THEATER MASONRY REHABILITATION AND AU- THORIZING THE PAYMENT OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT TO THE CONTRACTOR Whereas, the Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation (the Project) has been com- pleted and the City Engineer has examined the work and filed a certificate stating that the Project has been completed according to the terms of the Public Improvement Contract and that the City Engineer recommends that the Project be accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The recommendation of the City Engineer is approved and the Project is hereby accepted. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby directed to pay to the Contractor from the Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation Capital Improvement appropriation for the contract amount of$311 ,952.00 less any retained percentage provided for therein as pro- vided in Iowa Code chapter 573, and to pay such retainage only in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 573. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION OF THE FIVE FLAGS THEATER MASONRY REHABILITATION PROJECT The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby certifies that he has inspected the Five Flags Theater Masonry Rehabilitation Project, that the Project has been performed in compliance with the terms of the Public Improvement Contract, and that the total cost of the completed work is $311 ,952. Dated this 20th day of October, 2017. /s/Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer Filed in the office of the City Clerk on the 20th day of October, 2017. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 12. NW Arterial Hike/Bike Trail Phase 5 Project Acceptance: City Manager recom- mending acceptance of the public improvement construction contract for the Iowa 32 Hike-Bike Trail — Phase 5 Project, as completed by Drew Cook & Sons Excavating Co., Inc. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 351-17 Ac- cepting the Iowa 32 Hike/Bike Trail Phase 5 Project and authorizing the payment of the contract amount to the contractor was adopted. 5 RESOLUTION NO. 351-17 ACCEPTING THE IOWA 32 HIKE/BIKE TRAIL PHASE 5 PROJECT AND AUTHORIZ- ING THE PAYMENT OF THE CONTRACT AMOUNT TO THE CONTRACTOR Whereas, the Public Improvement Contract for the Iowa 32 Hike/Bike Trail Phase 5 Project (the Project) has been completed and the City Engineer has examined the work and filed a certificate stating that the Project has been completed according to the terms of the Public Improvement Contract and that the City Engineer recommends that the Pro- ject be accepted. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The recommendation of the City Engineer is approved and the Project is hereby accepted. Section 2. The Finance Director is hereby directed to pay to the Contractor from the Iowa 32 Hike/Bike Trail Phase 5 Project capital improvement appropriation for the con- tract amount of $333,729.19 less any retained percentage provided for therein as pro- vided in Iowa Code chapter 573, and to pay such retainage only in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 573. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF FINAL COMPLETION OF THE IOWA 32 HIKE/BIKE TRAIL PHASE 5 PROJECT The undersigned City Engineer of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby certifies that he has inspected the Iowa 32 Hike/Bike Trail Phase 5 Project, and that said Project has been performed in compliance with the terms of the Public Improvement Contract, and that the total cost of the completed work is $367,102.11 . Dated this 3rd day of November, 2017. /s/Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer Filed in the office of the City Clerk on the 3rd day of November, 2017. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC City Clerk 13. Appeal of Claim by Jessica West: Correspondence from Jessica West appealing denial of her claim for tree damage to her vehicle on July 29, 2017 in Eagle Point Park. Upon motion the documents were received, filed, and referred to the City Attorney. 14. Avoca Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project Award: City Manager recom- mending that the award for the Avoca Street Storm Sewer Improvements Project to Dave Schmitt Construction Co., Inc. be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 15. John F. Kennedy Road Ditch Improvements Project Acceptance: City Manager recommending that the award for the John F. Kennedy Road Ditch Improvement Project to Temperley Excavating, Inc. be officially recorded in the minutes of the City Council. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. 6 16. 2019 Iowa DOT ICAAP Application for STREETS Improvements - Rescinding Res- olution and Resubmittal: City Manager recommending adoption of a resolution rescinding resolution 327-17, which authorized filing the application for Iowa Department of Trans- portation Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program (ICAAP), and resubmit to clarify in the grant application the City's commitment to match local funding and the City's responsibility for maintaining and operating the project for public use during the project's useful life. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 352-17 Rescinding the approval of the authorizing of filing an Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program application with the Iowa Department of Transportation (IADOT) in partnership with Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS) to assist with the funding of Smart Traffic Routing with Efficient and Effective Traffic Signals (STREETS) Improvements was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 352-17 RESCINDING THE APPROVAL OF THE AUTHORIZING OF FILING AN IOWA CLEAN AIR ATTAINMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (IADOT) IN PARTNERSHIP WITH DUBUQUE METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY (DMATS) TO ASSIST WITH THE FUNDING OF SMART TRAFFIC ROUTING WITH EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS (STREETS) IMPROVEMENTS Whereas, the City Council at its October 2, 2017 approved the filing of an Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Application with the Iowa Department of Transportation (IADOT) in partnership with Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS) to assist with the funding of smart traffic routing with efficient and effective traffic signals (STREETS) improvements; and Whereas, the STREETS project is designed to improve traffic conditions throughout the Dubuque metro area by distributing traffic more evenly on the region's major corridors. The STREETS project will modify the signal timings through a seamless interface be- tween a signal timing model and signals used in the field; and Whereas, the City has determined that STREETS project will reduce congestion, shorten travel times, improve air quality, and improve safety in the metro area. By rerout- ing traffic on the roads with extra capacities dynamically, it is expected that the proposed system will reduce traffic bottlenecks as recommended by the adopted East-West Corri- dor Study; and Whereas, the City in partnership with DMATS is requesting ICAAP funding in the amount of$1 ,181 ,600 in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2019 to assist with project implemen- tation; and Whereas, the City needs to clarify in the grant application that it will commit any nec- essary local matching funding for project implementation, and upon completion will be responsible for adequate maintaining and operating the project for public use during the project's useful life. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, THAT: Section 1 . The approval by the City Council on the authorizing of filing and Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Application by Resolution No. 327-17 on October 2, 2017 is hereby rescinded. 7 Section 2. The Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program Application, as clarified, is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 17. Bloomberg Mayors Challenge Application: City Manager recommending approval of a Phase I Application to the Bloomberg Mayors Challenge. Motion by Connors to re- ceive and file the document and approve the recommendation. Seconded by Resnick. Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach responded to questions from the City Council about how the child care electronic app noted in the grant application could work, responsibility for on-going maintenance of the app, the amounts of the grant dollars for required design and pilot phases, stakeholder outreach, and external database control. Ms. Burbach added that the City will continue to pursue the project even if it isn't selected for the grant. Motion carried 7-0. 18. Cottingham & Butler Application to IEDA for Business Assistance: City Manager recommending approval of a resolution authorizing the submission of an Iowa Economic Development Assistance Application by Cottingham & Butler, Inc. to the Iowa Economic Development Authority. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Reso- lution No. 353-17 Authorizing the filing of an application for State Business Financial As- sistance on behalf of Cottingham & Butler, Inc. was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 353-17 AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION FOR STATE BUSINESS FINAN- CIAL ASSISTANCE ON BEHALF OF COTTINGHAM & BUTLER, INC. Whereas, Cottingham & Butler, Inc. has proposed making a Two Million Three Hun- dred Thousand Dollar ($2,300,000.00) investment for tenant improvements of an office facility in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa has considered the proposal and has determined that the proposed project will contribute to the local economy through the creation of twenty (20) full-time jobs in the City which qualify for the Iowa Economic Development Authority Business Financial Assistance Program; and Whereas, financial assistance from the Iowa Economic Development Authority is de- signed to assist in the economic development efforts of local jurisdictions; and Whereas, the Iowa Economic Development Authority has requested execution of an Economic Development Assistance Contract in order to finalize incentives and document associated terms for Cottingham & Butler, Inc.'s proposed improvements at 800 Main Street in the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the filing of an Application for participation in the Iowa Economic De- velopment Authority's Financial Assistance Program on behalf of Cottingham & Butler, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby approved. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute and the City Manager is hereby directed to submit the Application to the Iowa Economic Development Authority together with such other documents as may be required. 8 Passed, approved, and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 19. Civil Service Commission - Certified Lists: Civil Service Commission submitting the certified lists for the positions of Firefighter, Sanitation Driver, Equipment Operator I and Equipment Operator II. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and made a Matter of Record. October 10, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, an examination for the position of Firefighter was administered on September 30, 2017. We hereby certify that the indi- viduals listed below have passed this written examination and the vacancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for twelve (12) months from the above date. Firefighter 1 . Aaron Butikofer, 2. Joseph Schmitt, 3. Benjamin Lowe, 4. Jacob Fiedler, 5. Jack Ludescher, 6. Jeffrey Schmitt, 7. William Broessel, 8 Adam Stephens, 9. Mitchell Ber- endes, 10. Eric Latter, 11 . Kory Foht, 12. Jayson Wagner, 13. Zachary Kersten, 14. Taylor Guthrie, 15. Christopher Kluesner, 16. Kyle Knutson, 17. Elliott Moeller, 18. Michael Ne- vers, 19. Daniel White Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairperson Civil Service Commission October 10, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, an examination for the position of Sanitation Driver was administered on August 15, 2017. We hereby certify that the individuals listed below have passed this written examination and the vacancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for two (2) years from above date. Sanitation Driver 1 . Richard Bogosian, 2. Frank Vlach III, 3. Justin Licht, 4. Nicholas McLaughlin, 5. Scott Nauman, 6. Dave Weis II, 7. Jeffery Davis, Jr., 8. Jerome Hubanks, 9. Justin Pergande, 10. Dale Richardson, 11 . Troy Rose, 12. Brian Cue, 13. Richard Kemp, 14. Wayne Gurda, 15. Chad Ehlinger, 16. Garrett Houghton, 17. Nathan Mohr, 18. Paul Otruba, 19. Steven Pfeiffer, 20. Robert Valentine, 21 . Loren Landsman, 22. Nick Connolly, 23. James Healey, 24. Brian Kelly, 25. D. Scott Morris, 26. Drew Noel, 27. Bruce Nowak, 28. Patrick Schmidt, 29. Tyler Bly, 30. Timothy Lawler, 31 . Christopher Leppert, 32. Kyle Packard, 33. Chris- topher Tigges, 34. Andrew Trenkamp, 35. Derrick Dean, 36. Eric Heber, 37. William Mauer, 38. Joseph McMahon, 39. Austin Moyer, 40. Alan Mueller, 41 . Daniel Petersen Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairman Civil Service Commission 9 October 10, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, a promotional examination for the position of Equipment Operator I was administered on September 6, 2017. We hereby certify that the individuals listed below have passed this written examination and the va- cancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for two (2) years from above date. Equipment Operator I 1 . Zachary Thill, 2. Perry Martin, 3. Chris Lahey, 4. Aaron Lincoln, 5. Tim Neuhaus, 6. Brian Wulfekuhle, 7. Jamie Hutchins Eligible Employee: Chris Kennedy Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairman Civil Service Commission October 10, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council In accordance with Chapter 400 of the Code of Iowa, a promotional examination for the position of Equipment Operator II was administered on August 29, 2017. We hereby certify that the individuals listed below have passed this written examination and the va- cancy for this position should be made from this list and that this list is good for two (2) years from above date. Equipment Operator II 1 . Gary Valentine, 2. Adam Leeser, 3. Nicholas Wilson, 4. Matt Herman, 5. Barbara Liska, 6. Zachary Thill, 7. Bruce Nowak, 8. Perry Mason, 9. Brian Wulfekuhle, 10. Chris Lahey Respectfully submitted, /s/Dan White, Chairman Civil Service Commission 20. Abstract of Votes: City Clerk transmitting the Abstract of Votes for the October 10, 2017 Primary Election as certified by the County Auditor. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. ABSTRACT OF VOTES Dubuque County, Iowa We, the undersigned Members of the Board of Supervisors, and ex-officio Board of County Canvassers, for Dubuque County, hereby certify the following to be a true and correct abstract of the votes cast in this County at the 2017 Dubuque City Primary Election held on the 10th day of October, 2017, as shown by the tally lists returned from the several election precincts. For the office of DUBUQUE CITY COUNCIL WARD ONE there were Six hundred eighty-five (685) votes cast as follows: Lou Oswald - Received eighty-six (86) votes John T. Pregler - Received two hundred thirty-eight (238) votes 10 Brett Shaw - Received three hundred sixty-one (361) votes In testimony whereof, we have set our hands and caused this to be attested by the clerk of the board of supervisors, with the seal of this county. Done at Dubuque City, the county seat of this County, this 12th day of October, 2017. /s/J. Wickham /s/David J. Baker /s/Daryl Klein Members of the Board of Supervisors and ex-officio County Board of Canvassers Attested: /s/Denise M. Dolan, County Auditor and Clerk of the Board of Elections 21 . Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa - Revised Administrative Services Agreement: City Manager recommending approval of a revised Administrative Services Agreement with Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa to include a reference to Insurance Schedule J, which specifies the City's insurance requirements for professional services. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 22. Winger Release of Claim in Estate: City Manager recommending approval of a release of claim in the Estate/Conservatorship of Gerald J. Winger, Sr. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 23. Mediacom Communications Company: Correspondence from Lee Grassley, Sen- ior Manager of Government Relations for Mediacom Communications Company, inform- ing the City of its filing of a Notice of Renewal with the Iowa Utilities Board for continuing service in Dubuque. Upon motion the document was received and filed. 24. Tiger IX Grant Application: City Manager recommending approval of the City of Dubuque's Tiger IX Application submitted to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Mo- tion by Lynch to receive and file the documents and approve the recommendation. Se- conded by Jones. Responding to questions from the City Council, City Manager Van Mil- ligen, Assistant City Manager Teri Goodmann, and Assistant City Engineer Bob Schiesl explained how the grant requirements for a project being "shovel ready" along with City Council goals made the 16th St./Kerper Blvd./Schmitt Island traffic area a priority oppor- tunity for the grant adding that the annual recurrence of the grant is uncertain. Motion carried 7-0. 25. Funding Agreement with the City of Asbury for the Pennsylvania Avenue / Middle Road Culvert Replacement: City Manager recommending authorization for the Mayor to execute a Funding Agreement with the City of Asbury for the Pennsylvania Avenue /Mid- dle Road Culvert Replacement Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 354-17 Approving a Funding Agreement with the City of Asbury for the Pennsylvania Avenue / Middle Road Culvert Replacement Project was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 354-17 APPROVING A FUNDING AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ASBURY FOR THE PENNSYLVANIA AVE. - MIDDLE ROAD CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT Whereas, there is an existing large diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP) culvert that passes stormwater under Pennsylvania Ave. / Middle Road just west of Radford Road; and 11 Whereas, the corporate City limits for both Dubuque and Asbury is located along the approximate centerline of the road, the existing CMP culvert is located within each mu- nicipal jurisdiction; and Whereas, both City and Asbury staff have reviewed the deteriorated condition of the CMP culvert and have agreed that it would be mutually beneficial to replace the deterio- rated culvert. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, THAT: Section 1 . The City of Dubuque and the City of Asbury will mutually share (50% /50%) the associated costs for the culvert replacement project. Section 2. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute two copies of said Funding Agreement with the City of Asbury for the Pennsylvania Ave. - Middle Road Cul- vert Replacement Project. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 26. SW Arterial East Grading Phase 2 Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) Co- operative Agreement: City Manager recommending Council authorization for the Mayor to execute the Iowa Department of Transportation Cooperative Agreement for the South- west Arterial-East Grading Project from Catfish Creek to Military Road. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 355-17 Approving the Coopera- tive Agreement (Agreement No. 2018-16-068) between the City of Dubuque and Iowa Department of Transportation for the Southwest Arterial - East Grading Project from Cat- fish Creek to Military Road was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 355-17 APPROVING THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (AGREEMENT NO. 2018-16-068) BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE AND IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTA- TION FOR THE SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL - EAST GRADING PROJECT FROM CAT- FISH CREEK TO MILITARY ROAD Whereas, the Dubuque City Council, the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS), the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation have all identified the completion of the Southwest Arterial Project as the No. 1 surface transportation priority in the Dubuque area; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque (City) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) desire to maintain and increase transportation infrastructure while improving safety for the motorist within the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County and acknowledge the mutual benefit to partner on the Southwest Arterial Project; and Whereas, the City and the Iowa DOT executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Transfer of Roadway Jurisdiction (TOJ) for the completion of the Southwest Arterial project; and Whereas, the Iowa DOT and City, in joint cooperation propose to Transfer the Juris- diction of the Southwest Arterial from the City to the Iowa DOT in exchange for the Trans- fer of Jurisdiction of the Northwest Arterial (Iowa 32), and portions of existing U.S. 52/Iowa 12 3 from the Iowa 32/John Deere Road intersection to the intersection of U.S. 61 in down- town Dubuque, from the State to the City, after the Southwest Arterial is completed and open to traffic; and Whereas, the City shall be responsible for final design, preparing construction docu- ments and letting bids for the East Grading project through the Iowa DOT in January 2018; and Whereas, the Iowa DOT will be the contracting authority and will be responsible for the costs associated with the construction, inspection; and Whereas, the East Grading project provide for the grading of a portion of the 4-lane Southwest Arterial from Military Road to Catfish Creek; and Whereas, the Iowa DOT will be responsible for grading the multi-use trail as part of the project; and Whereas, upon completion of construction, the City shall accept responsibility for the multi-use trail including future paving, associated fencing and future maintenance of the multi-use trail. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOL- LOWS: Section 1 . City of Dubuque and the Iowa Department of Transportation hereby agree to partner on the Southwest Arterial Project. Section 2. Whereas, the Iowa DOT and City, in joint cooperation propose to construct the Southwest Arterial - East Grading project, Iowa DOT Project No. NHSX-032-1 (50)-- 3H-31 . Section 3. Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Administrative Code, the City is responsible for all costs associated with future paving, associated fencing and future maintenance of the multi-use trail. Section 4. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Cooperative Agreement (Agreement No. 2018-16-068), between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Southwest Arterial - East Grading Project from Catfish Creek to Military Road. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 27. SW Arterial / US 20 Interchange Overpass Bridge Iowa Department of Transporta- tion (IDOT) Funding Agreement: City Manager recommending authorization for the Mayor to execute the Iowa Department of Transportation Preconstruction Funding Agreement for the relocation of utilities associated with the Southwest Arterial Interchange — US 20 Mainline Dual Bridges Project. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 356-17 Approving the preconstruction Funding Agreement (Agreement No. 2018-12-066) between the City of Dubuque and Iowa Department of Transportation for the Southwest Arterial Interchange - US20 Mainline Dual Bridges Project was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 356-17 APPROVING THE PRECONSTRUCTION FUNDING AGREEMENT (AGREEMENT NO. 2018-12-066) BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE AND IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL INTERCHANGE - US20 MAINLINE DUAL BRIDGES PROJECT 13 Whereas, the Dubuque City Council, the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (DMATS), the Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation have all identified the completion of the Southwest Arterial Project as the No. 1 surface transportation priority in the Dubuque area; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque (City) and Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) desire to maintain and increase transportation infrastructure while improving safety for the motorist within the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County and acknowledge the mutual benefit to partner on the Southwest Arterial Project; and Whereas, the City and the Iowa DOT executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Transfer of Roadway Jurisdiction (TOJ) for the completion of the Southwest Arterial project; and Whereas, the Iowa DOT and City, in joint cooperation propose to Transfer the Juris- diction of the Southwest Arterial from the City to the Iowa DOT in exchange for the Trans- fer of Jurisdiction of the Northwest Arterial (Iowa 32), and portions of existing U.S. 52/Iowa 3 from the Iowa 32/John Deere Road intersection to the intersection of U.S. 61 in down- town Dubuque, from the State to the City, after the Southwest Arterial is completed and open to traffic; and Whereas, as part of the Southwest Arterial project, there will be a new interchange constructed near the existing US20 - Seippel Road intersection. The future interchange will connect directly to Seippel Road and provide an overpass bridge over the top of US Highway 20; and Whereas, the City was responsible for the property acquisition, final design and prep- aration of construction documents for the replacement of the US20 mainline dual bridges which is scheduled for bid letting in December 2017. The Iowa DOT will be responsible for the costs associated with the construction and completion of the replacement of the U520 mainline dual bridges; and Whereas, prior to constructing the overpass interchange, the existing eastbound and westbound dual bridges on mainline US20 will need to be replaced; and Whereas, the City has an existing 18-inch gravity interceptor sanitary sewer that is located along catfish creek that will be impacted by the Southwest Arterial overpass bridge and the new replacement U520 mainline dual bridges. The gravity interceptor san- itary sewer will need to be relocated as part of the project; and Whereas, in accordance with the provisions of Iowa Administrative Code, the City is responsible for all costs associated with the relocation, modification or adjustment of the City's public utilities that are impacted by the project; and Whereas, per the terms and conditions of the Cooperative Preconstruction Agreement, the City will be responsible for the following utility related costs: 100% of the cost for sanitary sewer relocation, modification, or adjustments. 5% of the cost for mobilization. 5% of the cost for traffic control. 5% of the cost for construction survey; Whereas, the estimated cost for the City's share associated with the relocation, modi- fication or adjustment of public utilities that are impacted by the project is summarized as follows: Estimate Sanitary Sewer Relocation, Modification, Adjustment $ 203,930 Total Project Cost - City Share $ 203,930 14 ;and Whereas, the anticipated funding for the project summary is as follows: CIP No. Fund Descristion Estimate 710 2670 DMATS STBG Funds $ 163,144 710 2670 SW Arterial - US20 Interchange Utility Relocation 40,786 (Sanitary Const. Fund) Total Project Funding - City Share $ 203,930 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES AS FOL- LOWS: Section 1 . City of Dubuque and the Iowa Department of Transportation hereby agree to partner on the Southwest Arterial Project. Section 2. The Iowa DOT and City, in joint cooperation propose to construct the South- west Arterial Interchange - US20 Mainline Dual Bridges project, Iowa DOT Project No. N H SX-020-9 (211)--3H-31 . Section 3. In accordance with the provisions of Iowa Administrative Code, the City is responsible for all costs associated with the relocation, modification or adjustment of the City's public utilities that are impacted by the project. Section 4. The City hereby agrees to reimburse the Iowa DOT for all costs associated with the relocation, modification or adjustment of the City's public utilities that are im- pacted by the project. Section 5. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute the Preconstruction Funding Agreement (Agreement No. 2018-12-066), between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa Department of Transportation for the Southwest Arterial Interchange - US20 Mainline Dual Bridges project. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 28. Master Co-Location and Shared Services Agreement Between the City of Dubu- que, Iowa and Unite Private Networks, LLC: City Manager recommending approval of a Master Co-Location and Shared Services Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Unite Private Networks, LLC for improving fiber capacity in the Kerper Blvd., Rhom- berg Ave. and Hawthorne Ave. areas. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 29. Community Housing Initiatives (CHI) - Agreement Amendment: City Manager rec- ommending approval of an Amended Agreement between Community Housing Initiatives and the City of Dubuque's Housing and Community Development Department to move up the funding schedule to the Community Housing Initiatives. Upon motion the docu- ments were received and filed and Resolution No. 357-17 Approving the First Amendment to the Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Community Housing Initia- tives was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 357-17 APPROVING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND COMMUNITY HOUSING INITIATIVES Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa (City)and Community Housing Initiatives (CHI) entered into an Agreement dated for reference purposes the 1st day of July, 2016; and 15 Whereas, City and CHI desire to amend the Agreement as set forth in the attached First Amendment to the Agreement; and Whereas, the City Council believes it is in the best interests of the City of Dubuque to approve the First Amendment to the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 . The City of Dubuque hereby approves the First Amendment to the Agree- ment between the City of Dubuque and Community Housing Initiatives, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 2 The Mayor is authorized and directed to sign the First Amendment to the Agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 30. Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility- 13715 Barrington Lakes Drive: City Man- ager recommending acceptance of the Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility from Kristine and Randy Nauman across part of Lot 9 of Barrington Lakes No. 3 in Dubuque County, as part of the Westside Water System Improvements 2017: Contract C Hwy 20 Water Main Extension. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolu- tion No. 358-17 Accepting a Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility through, over and across Part of Lot 9 of Barrington Lakes No. 3, Dubuque County, Iowa was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 358-17 ACCEPTING A GRANT OF EASEMENT FOR WATER MAIN UTILITY THROUGH, OVER AND ACROSS PART OF LOT 9 OF BARRINGTON LAKES NO. 3, DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA Whereas, Kristine M. Nauman and Randy S. Nauman have executed a Grant of Ease- ment for Water Main Utility through, over and across part of Lot 9 of Barrington Lakes No. 3, Dubuque County, Iowa. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby approves of, accepts and consents to the Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility through, over and across Part of Lot 9 of Barrington Lakes No. 3, Dubuque County, Iowa as shown on the attached Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility and Exhibit A, from Kristine M. Nauman and Randy S. Nauman, a copy of which is attached hereto. Section 2. The Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute and acknowledge on behalf of the City of Dubuque any instruments in connection herewith. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to and directed to record this resolution and Grant of Easement for Water Main Utility with the Dubuque County Recorder. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 16 31 . Cohen-Esrey Request for Urban Revitalization Designation for former Holy Ghost School: City Manager recommending approval of a Resolution supporting the Low-In- come Housing Tax Credit program application to be submitted to the Iowa Economic De- velopment Authority by Cohen-Esrey for the redevelopment of the former Holy Ghost School and Convent into affordable housing. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 359-17 Supporting Cohen-Esrey application for low-income housing tax credit for Central Avenue historic residences was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 359-17 SUPPORTING COHEN-ESREY APPLICATION FOR LOW-INCOME HOUSING TAX CREDIT FOR CENTRAL AVENUE HISTORIC RESIDENCES Whereas Ordinance 11-16 of April 18, 2016, designated the Paragon Square Urban Revitalization as defined in Section 404 of the Iowa Code; and Whereas, the Developer Cohen-Esrey requested City support for the Tax Credit appli- cation to the State of Iowa to redevelop 2887 and 2901 Central Avenue; and Whereas, the Low-Income Tax Credit Application by Cohen-Esrey to the State of Iowa is consistent with the development of affordable, housing described in the Paragon Square Urban Revitalization Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The City Council supports the development of affordable housing located at 2887 and 2901 Central Avenue. Section 2. The proposed development for Central Avenue Historic Residences is lo- cated within the Paragon Square Urban Revitalization Area and eligible for a 10-year 100% tax abatement from the value added by the improvements, estimated at $14,288 per year. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 32. Request for Proposals - Roosevelt Street Water Tower Project: City Manager rec- ommending authorization for staff to solicit proposals from professional engineering firms to assist the City in development of the preliminary engineering report, intended use plan application, archeological and environmental assessments, and the self-assessment Iowa Water System Viability documents, in support of obtaining the necessary funding for the Roosevelt Street Water Tower Project. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 33. Improvement Contracts / Performance, Payment and Maintenance Bonds: Dave Schmitt Construction, Inc. for the Avoca Street Storm Sewer Extension Project. Upon motion the documents were received, filed and approved. 34. Signed Contracts: Dubuque Initiatives Agreement for 2017-2018. Upon motion the documents were received and filed. 35. Alcohol License Applications: City Manager recommending approval of annual beer, liquor and wine licenses as submitted. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 360-17 Approving applications for beer, liquor, and/or wine 17 permits, as required by City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 4 Business and License Regulations, Chapter 2 Liquor Control, Article B Liquor, Beer and Wine Licenses and Permits was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. 360-17 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR BEER, LIQUOR, AND/OR WINE PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 4 BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR CONTROL, ARTICLE B LIQ- UOR, BEER AND WINE LICENSES AND PERMITS Whereas, applications for Beer, Liquor, and or Wine Permits have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and bonds and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the noted permit types to the following applicants pending submission of the locally required documentation: Renewals Barrel House Dubuque 299 Main St. Class C Liquor (Sunday) HuHot Mongolian Grill 555 J. F. Kennedy Rd. Special Class C Liquor (Sunday) Yen Ching Restaurant 926 Main St. Class C Liquor Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk ITEMS SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING Motion by Lynch to receive and file the documents, adopt the resolutions, set the public hearings as indicated, and direct the City Clerk to publish notice as prescribed by law. Seconded by Connors. Motion carried 7-0. 1 . Derby Grange Road Sanitary Sewer Extension Project Initiation: City Manager rec- ommending initiation of the public bidding procedure for the Derby Grange Sanitary Sewer Extension Project, and further recommends that a public hearing be set for No- vember 20, 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 361-17 Preliminary approval of plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost; setting date of public hearing on plans, specifications, form of contract, and esti- mated cost; and ordering the advertisement for bids was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on November 20, 2017 in the Historic Federal Building. 18 RESOLUTION NO. 361-17 DERBY GRANGE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST; SETTING DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PLANS, SPEC- IFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST; AND ORDERING THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: The proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the Derby Grange Sanitary Sewer Extension Project in the estimated amount $605,656.93, are hereby preliminarily approved and ordered filed in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. A public hearing will be held on the 20th day of November, 2017, at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor) 350 W. 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa, at which time interested persons may appear and be heard for or against the pro- posed plans and specifications, form of contract and estimated cost of said Project, and the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to cause the attached notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which notice shall be published not less than four days nor more than twenty days prior to the date of such hearing. At the hearing, any interested person may appear and file objections to the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, or esti- mated cost of the Project. Derby Grange Sanitary Sewer Extension Project is hereby ordered to be advertised for bids for construction. The amount of the security to accompany each bid shall be in an amount which shall conform to the provisions of the Notice to Bidders hereby approved. The City Engineer is hereby directed to advertise for bids for the construction of the improvements herein provided, by posting the attached Notice to Bidders to the Master Builders of Iowa Plan Room, The Construction Update Network and posted on the City of Dubuque website at www.cityofdubuque.orq/bids. Publication will occur not less than thir- teen but not more than forty-five days before the date for filing bids before 2:00 p.m. on the 22nd day of November 2017. Bids shall be opened and read by the City Clerk at said time and will be submitted to the City Council for final action at 6:00 p.m. on the 4th day of December, 2017, in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor), 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 2. Peru Road Urban Renewal District - Resolution of Necessity: City Manager recom- mending approval of a Resolution of Necessity that finds that the proposed Peru Road Urban Renewal Area is a blighted area and that the area is appropriate for an urban renewal project; directs the City Manager to prepare a proposed Urban Renewal Plan for the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area; and sets a public hearing on the proposed plan for December 4, 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 362-17 Resolution of Necessity finding that certain property near 32nd and Jackson Streets is an Urban Renewal Area, meets the definition of a Blighted Area under the Ur- ban Renewal Law, and that development of said area is necessary in the interest of the 19 residents of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, authorizing and directing the City Manager to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan for the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area, and setting dates of hearing and consultation on a proposed Urban Renewal Plan for said Area was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on December 4, 2017 in the Historic Federal Building. RESOLUTION NO. 362-17 RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FINDING THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY NEAR 32ND AND JACKSON STREETS IS AN URBAN RENEWAL AREA, MEETS THE DEFINI- TION OF A BLIGHTED AREA UNDER THE URBAN RENEWAL LAW, AND THAT DE- VELOPMENT OF SAID AREA IS NECESSARY IN THE INTEREST OF THE RESI- DENTS OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AN URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE PERU ROAD URBAN RENEWAL AREA, AND SETTING DATES OF HEARING AND CONSULTA- TION ON A PROPOSED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR SAID AREA Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has determined that the creation of the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area (the "Area") will stimulate, through public involvement and commitment, blight mitigation and private investment in redevelopment activity; and Whereas, the City Council has determined that the area described in Attachment A to this Resolution meets the definition of a blighted area as defined in Chapter 403 "Urban Renewal" of the Iowa Code; and Whereas, Chapter 403 of the Iowa Code requires that before urban renewal authority may be exercised, a City Council must adopt a resolution of necessity finding that the area in question is a slum, blighted or economic development area, and that so designat- ing such area is necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the residents of the municipality. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the proposed Peru Road Urban Renewal Area, as generally described in Attachment A and Attachment B to this Resolution, is a blighted area as defined by Chapter 403 of the Iowa Code and is appropriate for an urban renewal project. Section 2. That the development of the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area is necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the community in ac- cordance with sound planning and local community objectives. Section 3. That the City Manager is authorized and directed to prepare an Urban Re- newal Plan for the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area, to forward said Plan to the City's Long Range Planning Commission for review and comment and to begin the consultation process required by law with affected taxing entities. Section 4. That the City Council hold a public hearing on the adoption of the proposed Urban Renewal Plan for the Peru Road Urban Renewal Area on December 4, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 . The notice of said hearing shall generally identify the areas covered by the Plan and the general scope of the urban renewal activities planned for such areas, and said notice shall be published and available to the public not less than four days nor more than twenty days before the date of said meeting. A copy of the notice of public hearing shall be sent by ordinary mail to the affected taxing entities. Section 5. That the City Clerk is further directed to send by ordinary mail a copy of said Plan, the notice of public hearing, a notice of consultation, and, to the extent the Plan 20 includes the use of tax increment revenues for a public building, an analysis of alternative development and funding options for such public buildings, to the Dubuque Community School District and the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, as the affected taxing entities. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 3. Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District - Resolution of Necessity: City Manager recommending approval of a Resolution authorizing and directing the City Manager to prepare a proposed Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Down- town Urban Renewal District and sets a public hearing on the proposed Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for December 4, 2017. Upon motion the documents were received and filed and Resolution No. 363-17 Authorizing and directing the City Manager to prepare an Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, And Setting dates of hearing and consultation on a proposed Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for said District was adopted setting a public hearing for a meeting to commence at 6:00 p.m. on December 4, 2017 in the Historic Federal Building RESOLUTION NO. 363-17 AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AN AMENDED AND RESTATED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR THE GREATER DOWNTOWN UR- BAN RENEWAL DISTRICT, AND SETTING DATES OF HEARING AND CONSULTA- TION ON A PROPOSED AMENDED AND RESTATED URBAN RENEWAL PLAN FOR SAID DISTRICT Whereas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque has heretofore approved the Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District (the "District") in order to provide redevelopment opportunities which will further the purposes and objectives of the foregoing Urban Renewal Plan; and Whereas, City staff has recommended that the Plan be amended to add additional project details; and Whereas, Chapter 403 of the Iowa Code requires that before a Plan may be modified, the City Council must adopt a resolution directing that an amended Plan to prepared and set for public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1 . That the City Manager is authorized and directed to prepare an Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District to include in such Plan any appropriate project activities and details, and to determine an appropriate date for and conduct the consultation process required by law with affected taxing entities concerning the proposed amendment. Section 2. That the City Council hold a public hearing on the adoption of the proposed Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District on December 4, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building, 350 West 6th Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001 . The notice of said hearing shall generally identify the areas covered by the Plan and the general scope of the urban renewal activities planned for such areas, and said notice shall be published and available to the public not less than 21 four days nor more than twenty days before the date of said meeting. A copy of the notice of public hearing shall be sent by ordinary mail to the affected taxing entities. Section 3. That the City Clerk is further directed to send by ordinary mail a copy of said Plan, the notice of public hearing, a notice of consultation, and, to the extent the Plan includes the use of tax increment revenues for a public building, an analysis of alternative development and funding options for such public buildings, to the Dubuque Community School District and the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, as the affected taxing entities. Passed, approved and adopted this 6th day of November, 2017. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk ACTION ITEMS 1 . Request to Schedule Work Session on Inclusive Dubuque: City Manager recom- mending that the City Council set the quarterly Inclusive Dubuque Work Session for No- vember 27, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. Motion by Connors to receive and file the documents and set the work session as recommended. Seconded by Jones. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Southwest Arterial Construction Update Video: Cable TV Division showed a video of the recent progress of the Southwest Arterial Project. Motion by Lynch to receive and file the information. Seconded by Resnick. Responding to questions from the City Council following the video, Assistant City Engineer Bob Schiesl stated that while some construc- tion will take place through the winter months, most has been demobilized by the con- tractors. He added that certain project bids will be let through the winter in preparation of the spring construction season. Motion carried 7-0. COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS Mayor Buol welcomed several Boy Scouts of Troop #69. Council Member Resnick re- ported on the assistance Greater Dubuque Development Corp./True North Program, the City of Dubuque and citizens are providing the Corner Grill as they work through issues created by the Bee Branch Creek construction in the area Elm and 16th Streets. Mr. Res- nick reminded everyone of Election Day, November 7, 2017. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 7:08 p.m. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk 22