Claim Response, Kennedy, DeniseMEMO To: DATE: RE: Claimant Denise Kennedy Mayor Terrance M. Duggan and Members of the City Council September 26, 2002 Claim Against the City By Denise Kennedy Date of Claim Date of Loss 09/17/02 08/21/02 Nature of Claim Vehicle Damage This is a claim in whiCh claimant states that while she was parked at Bunker Hill Golf Course, a golf ball struck and broke her windshield. According to report of Gil Spence, Leisure Services Manager, it has been the past practice of the City to deny such claims. Mr. Spence states that when a person parks near a softball field or golf course, that person assumes the risk of a ball hitting the vehicle. It is therefore the recommendation of Gil Spence to deny this claim. The Legal Department concurs with this recommendation. BAL/tls CC: Michael Van Milligen, City Manager Jeanne Schneider, City Clerk Gil Spence, Leisure Services Manager Denise Kennedy SUITE 330, HARBORVIEW PLACE, 300 MAIN STREET DUBUQUE, IA 52001-6944 TELEPHONE (563) 583-4113 / FAX (563) 583-1040 / EMAIL BALESQ~MWCI.NET CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA MEMORANDUM September 20, 2002 TO: Tracey Stecklein, Legal Secretary /3 ~./ FROM: Gil D. Spence, Leisure Services Manag SUBJECT: Denise Kennedy Claim Denise Kennedy did have a windshield broken that day while she was at work. It has been the past practice of the City to deny such claims. When you park near a softball field or golf course you assume the risk of a ball hitting the vehicle. All such claims have been denied in the past and I recQmmend this one be denied also. GDS:et