Minutes Human Rights 9 9 02 DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF September 9, 2002 Judy Giesen called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4':1(~ p.m. on Monday, September 9, 2002, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Raydora Drummer Sr. Codne Murray Marty O'Shea Kathy Stevens Evelyn Jackson Judy Giesen Bill Ross (4:55) Absent: Chuck Ryan Lou Oswald Staff: Kelly Larson Carol Spinoso Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the August 12, 2002 meeting minutes, and Commissioner O'Shea seconded. All in favor. Request for Promotion Assistance for Team Ithemba Jim Ott announced that Team Ithemba will be performing in the Dubuque area in November. Team Ithemas is a multiracial group of young people from South African who through music, dance and drama encourage and challenge youth to get involved in issues. The Team will be presenting "VVhat's Killing Us Now?." a message focusing on the AIDS epidemic. Mr. Ott requested that Commissioners contact him if they know of any groups or organizations that would be interested in having the Team perform for them. Speaker Re.qardin.q Needs for Children/Parents with Autism Madlyn Toma spoke to raise awareness regarding the concerns and needs of parents of children who have Autism. Ms. Toma has two children that are autistic, and is concerned with the lack of assistance, resideatial care facilities, and support groups for Autistic children in the Dubuque area and in Iowa. The commission asked that Ms. Toma get statistics related to other families who are experiencing difficulties with their autistic children. The Commission will meet with area groups/agencies to gather information. They will report back at next month's meeting Caseload Report: Carol summarized the August Caseload Report. There were 49 intakes, 0 cases in backlog, 7 cases under active investigation, 1 case in mediation/conciliation, 7 cases in administrative review, 4 cases in ALJ review, 3 cases in the public headng process, 5 new eases filed, and 4 cases were closed. The case synopsis involves employment discrimination on the basis of race. ~n's Re o~. Judy reported that she and Kelly have been meeting with the Dubuque 365 group. This group's, focus is on making the city more welcome. The One Book One Dubuque group has started presenting the book to Dubuque area leaders. Director's Report: ~ Staff recommended some changes to the Riverwalk surface to make it smoother and more accessible. Those recommendations were rejected, it will remain as is for the remaining development. The City Council approved the Department's entering into a contract with Disability Management Consultant Group to do the accessibility audits of newer multi-family housing under our partnership initiative agreement that we entered into with HUD. Bill and Dave Roberts went to the John Mamhall Law School to be trained as test coordinators. The next stage will be to solicit testers. When testers are trained, staff will begin running the tests for race, familial status, and disability discrimination. Two commissioners have signed commission-initiated complaints involving accessibility in places of public accommodation. Kelly and Bill are taking an online hate cdmes training course. Bill and Kelly are traveling to Kansas City for HUD training on September 13 & 14. The DDRC is trying to revitalize by presenting some speaking engagements to agencies that typically make referrals. The DDRC is also trying to join with people trained in mediation with small claims and at Loras. As part of this month's ordinance review, Kelly has copied Articles I and II. Commissioners should review these articles and bring any questions or concerns to next month's meeting. Director Recommending DHRC #3953 Proceed to Public Hearing Commissioner O'Shea moved that DHRC #3953 proceed to the public headng stage. Commissioner Stevens seconded. All in favor. Review Plan of Action for Goals Goal #4: The committee will meet with Hillcrest, ARC, Hills & Dales, Goodwill, and Eisenhower School to gather information and report back in October. Goal #1: Commissioner Stevens stated that the Department of Justice is preparing a report on socio economic status. The report is due out in November so Commissioner Stevens recommended that this goal be placed on hold until that report is published. Goal ~/~5: The committee recommends that the Shining Moment Award be given at the Human Rights Banquets every other year. Goal #3: #f- Commissioner Giesen read the mission statement: "The Human Rights Commission shall work to eliminate discrimination and promote the quality of life for every resident in the City of Dubuque," #5 - Commissioner Giesen wants to work with Kelly to put together a packet to distribute to people who are interested in becoming a commissioner. The application deadline is December 9, applicants will address the City Council December 16, with appointments on January 6, 2003. #6 - The mission statement will be written on all reports, agendas, TH articles, etc. Goal #6: Kelly will meet with the City Manager regarding the DDRC sometime this fell., Goal #7: Marty and Raydora will evaluate the DCAP process and recommend revisions. Adjournment Commissioner O'Shea moved and Commissioner Drummer seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted: ~ ~ Minutes approved as corrected: