2 23 09 City Council Proceedings Official_Special CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:30 p.m. on February 23, 2009 in the Historic Federal Building. Present: Mayor Buol, Council Members Braig, Connors, Jones, Lynch, Resnick, Voetberg, City Manager Van Milligen Fiscal Year 2010 Departmental Budgets were presented by staff from the following City departments: Purchase of Services, Library Department, Health Services, Fire Department. Purchase of Services: th America’s River Corporation: Board Member Keith Rahe, 1851 330 Street, Dyersville, thanked the City Council for their continued support of the activities of the America’s River Corporation and its partners. Every Child/Every Promise: Executive Director Mae Hingtgen, 2469 Matthew John Drive, thanked the City Council for their continued support of the activities of the Every Child/Every Promise program. Helping Services of Northeast Iowa: Prevention Supervisor Claire Jones. 480 Blair Drive, provided information on the current services and future activities of Helping Services of Northeast Iowa. Upon questioning by City Council, Ms. Jones explained how funds are used within the agency. Hills and Dales Senior Center: Executive Director Marilyn Althoff, 2011 Davis Street, provided information on the current services and future activities of the Hills and Dales Senior Center and thanked the City Council for their continued support. Referral and Activities Coordinator Casey Leist, 425 Main Street, Colesburg, highlighted information contained on a handout she distributed. Operation: New View Community Action Agency: Executive Director Tom Stovall, 3345 Tibey Court, clarified the process by which members are appointed to the agency’s board and the board’s purpose. Stovall reviewed how the agency does business through other counties and cities and highlighted a handout, which provided information regarding the agency’s activities and budget. Upon questioning by City Council, Stovall stated that despite receiving one-time economic stimulus funds, City funding is also needed to sustain programs. He added that the agency is willing to collaborate with other agencies regarding use of the stimulus funds. Braig informed Stovall that even City funding for all purchase of service contracts should be considered a one-time funding opportunity. Project Concern: Child Care Referral: Executive Director Nancy Lewis, 420 Pawnee Court, Galena, thanked the City Council for their continued support. Lewis reviewed the agency’s funding options, services and activities and noted other partner agencies. Foster Grandparent Program: Lewis described the process of assigning foster grandparents to students and the funding options available for this program Information and Referral: Lewis provided an overview of the program’s funding options and activities and described the financial qualifications required by participants. She added that participants are connected to partnering agencies whenever possible and that for most cases, all funds must go directly to participants. Retired and Senior Volunteer Program: Director Deb Bell, 17516 Melody Circle, thanked the City Council for their continued support and described the program’s activities and campaigns. Bell stated that City funding helps sustain the program’s part- time position. Budget Director Jenny Larson submitted a written communication from the Substance Abuse Services Center in support of continued City funding. Executive Director of Opening Doors, Maria House, and the Teresa Shelter, Michele Brown, 2250 Southway Drive, asked the City Council to reconsider their funding request and introduced board members and staff. Several shelter residents and former residents spoke of the assistance they have received through the programs offered at these facilities. Maria House/Opening Doors Program Director Sherry McDonald, 115 Alpine Street, described the many support services the facility provides. Opening Doors Board Member, Lisa Graff, 3001 N. Cascade Road, reiterated the benefits to funding these facilities and thanked City Council for their consideration. Upon questioning by City Council, Brown stated that despite working on many grants, there are not many available for on-going projects, and fund raising events can be very labor intensive. Following discussion of the Purchase of Services budget, City Council reached consensus on possibly reallocating funds from Substance Abuse Services Center, Helping Services of NE Iowa, and the Washington Tool Library to fund the Maria House. Staff was requested to determine if Maria House and Teresa Shelter were eligible for Community Development Block Grant funds. Van Milligen will hold this item for separate discussion at the final budget hearing on March 9, 2009. Library Department: Director Susan Henricks introduced members of the Library Board of Trustees and several staff member and presented the department’s Fiscal Year 2010 recommended budget. Henricks stated improvement packages #1 and #2 are essential and requested City Council reconsider the Library’s staffing needs as a part of the renovation and expansion and projected increase in visitors. Henricks informed Council that if staffing is cut below 61 hours, the Library would lose its accreditation and state funding. City Council discussion focused on the reality for additional library staff as a result of the renovation and considered options and what adjustments can be made to meet this need. Mayor Buol suggested Henricks provide a report to City Council after the renovation’s anticipated completion in January 2010 and during the Council’s annual goal setting in August 2010. Responding to discussion among City Council Members, Library Board President Diann Guns stated that this staffing issue was addressed in the initial capital campaign plans through the consideration of an endowment fund. Guns added that the current staffing requests are the minimum needed to operate the renovated Library upon re- opening. Library Board Member Paula Connors described how the Library meets the City Council’s goals and priorities including sustainability, Every Child/Every Promise, and taxpayer value. Connors added that staff continually reviews the Library’s program schedule for possible cost savings through the deletion of unpopular programs. Library Board Member Mike Willis compared the Carnegie-Stout Public Library to other libraries across the state and nation-wide and reiterated the need for staffing as stated by Ms. Guns and Ms. Connors. Health Services: Public Health Specialist Mary Rose Corrigan presented the department’s Fiscal Year 2010 recommended budget. Responding to questions by City Council, Corrigan stated that the Health Services budget has not yet been impacted by a national disease outbreak and information regarding outbreaks is distributed to the public as quickly as possible. Fire Department: Fire Chief Dan Brown introduced the Fire Department’s command staff and presented its Fiscal Year 2010 recommended budget. Responding to questions by City Council, Brown stated that the green roof project planned for Fire Headquarters has been postponed, and the original roof will be repaired as needed. Brown then stated that the CPAT pilot program being used in conjunction with Davenport is a program that the department has assessed, has been tested nation- wide, and includes many safety factors and standards, which benefit test candidates. Brown added that Dubuque’s firefighters have been trained to proctor the program. Local Firefighters’ Union President Dave Beaves questioned the Fire Department’s use of the CPAT test license stating that the copyright is owned by the International Association of Firefighters, and it has not authorized Dubuque or Davenport to administer the test. Mayor Buol informed Beaves that this issue cannot be addressed as part of the budget hearing. There being no further business, upon motion the City Council adjourned at 9:20 p.m. /s/Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC City Clerk 1t 2/27