Voluntary Termination of Prudential Financial, Inc. CEBA Contractzoos TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Voluntary Termination of Prudential CEBA Contract DATE: February 24, 2009 Economic Development Director Dave Heiar is recommending approval of a voluntary termination agreement with Prudential Insurance Company relieving them of the commitment to create 69 additional positions in Dubuque. Prudential has not accessed any of the offered incentives. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. Mi ael C. Van Milligen MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager David J. Heiar, Economic Development Director THE CITY OF ~ Dubuque ~~ DUB E ,~~ i r Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007 February 19, 2009 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manger ~'~,. FROM: David J. Heiar, Economic Development Director` ~-., , RE: Voluntary Termination of Prudential CEBA Contra t BACKGROUND In January 2005, the Iowa Department of Economic Development awarded a $207,000 forgivable CEBA loan to Prudential Insurance Company of America for the commitment by the company to create 69 additional positions in Dubuque. The company chose not to draw on the loan immediately. In the fall of 2007, the State of Iowa actually issued a check for the $207,000, but Prudential requested that the check be held until they could reevaluate the company's commitment. The company responsibly returned the check to the Iowa Department of Economic Development. The City had also committed to a $62,000 loan as local match. This loan was never processed. DISCUSSION Based on the current economic times, the company has requested the voluntary termination of this agreement. Since the City was the sponsoring agency of the original CEBA application, it is necessary for the City to also agree to the voluntary termination. ACTION REQUIRED For the City Council to authorize the Mayor to sign the Prudential Contract Termination Agreement with the Iowa Department of Economic Development. F:\USERS\DHeiar\Prudential\Termination of CEBA contract memo.doc March 11, 2009 Ms. Yvette Darzi, Tax Manager Prudential Financial, Inc. 213 Washington Street, 8th Floor Newark, NJ 07102-2992 _ _,.~. ~ ~ F ~ I 'f °~"fit ~..........~ ..,. z .. t e.Y M1~ 3 ... 4~ 3E ((~ i ~'t.r ~.+ i._~i., W~;. t.,e RE: Financial Assistance Program Award -Contract Termination Award Date: January 20, 2005 Contract Number: O5-CEBA-15 Dear Ms. Darzi: Enclosed is a copy of the executed Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) contract termination agreement between Prudential Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company and the Department for your records. Should you have any questions in regard to this amendment, please feel free to contact me at 515/242-4872. Sincerely, ~~s~~~Q .~~~ Paul Stueckradt, Senior Project Manager Legal and Compliance PS/mm Enclosure cc: Mayor Roy Buol, City of Dubuque IDED file ChesterJ.Culver,Governor IOWA DEPARTMENT F ECONOMIC EVELOMET PattyJudge,LieutenantGovernor Mike Tramontina, Director ® 200 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa USA 50309 ® Phone: 515.242.4700 ® Fax: 515.242.4809 ® vwvw.iowal'rfechanging.com CONTRACT TERMINATION AGREEMENT PROGRAM: CEBA CONTRACT NUMBER: OS-CEBA-1 S AWARD DATE: January 20, 2005 EFFECTIVE DATE: November 20, 2008 /~~~~d~~~~'alf .~~{i~~s /C® ~~ ~URFAU~~~N~ ~ ~''oQ0 ~s~ THIS Agreement is made by and between the IOWA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, (hereafter "Department" or "IDED"), 200 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa 50309, an agency of the State nFT x,a Prudentia ~ t T `-y Company, 500 fain Street, ~o.. , '::d 1 Re~.rem.,r. insurance and Annum Dubuque, IA 52001 (hereafter "Business"). Business has requested that the Contract referenced above be terminated due to revisions which will not allow the company to meet anticipated project milestones. Pursuant to Article 12.3, Termination for Convenience, of the above-referenced Contract the Parties hereby terminate this Contract as of the Effective Date stated above. FOR BUSINESS: Signature FOR COM NITY: ~,- , ,;~~cK ~., Signature ~~~~~ Typed/printed name t~ - ~E P~Ys,~d ~~. -E- Title FOR IDED: ., ~.. Michael L. Tramp ~ na Roy D. Buol Typed/printed name Title Mavor