Southwest Arterial Final Design_Consultant SelectionT®: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR®tV1: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SIIJECT: Southwest Arterial Project Consultant Selection -Final Engineering Design Final Engineering Design, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Phase III Mitigation ®A°TE: February 27, 2009 The City of Dubuque issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for a design consultant to complete the final engineering design, develop construction documents, provide right- of-way property acquisition services and perform the required archaeological and cultural resource phase III mitigation work for the development of the Southwest Arterial project. Because the professional consultant services contract to complete the final engineering design phase will use federal funding, the RFP and the consultant selection process was done in accordance with the Iowa Department of Transportation Consultant Selection Process (I.M. 3.305). The selection ranking was based upon the overall strength of information provided in the Consultant's response proposal submitted, the Consultant's presentation and interviews, and the Consultant's demonstrated competence, experience and qualifications. The Consultant Selection Committee for the Southwest Arterial project -final design consultant selection included the following: ® Kent Ellis, Local Systems Engineer, Iowa DOT -District 6 ® Chandra Ravada, Co-Director of Transportation & Planning Mike Felderman, County Engineer ® Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer ® Robert Schiesl, Assistant City Engineer ® Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager ® Ken TeKippe, Finance Director Two consultant response proposals were received: AECOM (formerly Earth Tech, Inc.) and HDR Engineering. AECOM performed the preliminary design for the Southwest Arterial project. On February 26, 2009, both AECOM and HDR participated in presentations and interviews before the Consultant Selection Committee. Following the consultant interviews, the Consultant Selection Committee met to evaluate and rate each of the consultants. The Committee carefully deliberated each consultant's strengths and weaknesses. The professional consulting engineering firm was to have specialized staff and experience in major highway final development and design, right-of-way property acquisition, and archaeological and cultural resource phase III mitigation. The lead consultant needed to be pre-qualified by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to perform Highway Design -Major Facilities. Although each of the consultants was uniquely qualified, the Consultant Selection Committee selected AECOM of Waterloo, Iowa as the first-ranked consultant to provide the professional design services for the Southwest Arterial project final engineering design phase. A principal sub- consultant on the AECOM team is WHKS, with local offices in the Dubuque area. It is projected that they will complete over 25% of the design work for this project. AECOM is totally aware and have committed to allocate the necessary resources to "fast track" the next phases of the project and complete the 4-lane highway project, including the design, in the next 12 months. In an effort to embrace the City's "Sustainable Dubuque" initiative, AECOM has committed and identified the Southwest Arterial as an outstanding opportunity to showcase the 11 Sustainable Principles outlined in the City's "Sustainable Dubuque" initiative. Along with its sub-consultant, RDG Planning and Design (Des Moines, Iowa firm with 20 LEED accredited professionals and 3 national sustainable design awards), they will consider such design principles as: smart energy use; usage of sustainable or native materials; and best management practices to preserve, restore, and protect the existing ecosystems and the historic/scenic nature of this corridor. City Engineer Gus Psihoyos recommends City Council approval of the selection of AECOM as the professional design consultant for the Southwest Arterial project. concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. ~ 7~ ~~ ~ _ . ~~~ ~~r'\ ~G I ~~ Michael C. Van Milligen ~ ~~~ MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, City Attorney Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer SUBJECT: Southwest Arterial Project Consultant Selection -Final Engineering Design Final Engineering Design, Right-of-Way Acquisition and Phase III Mitigation ®ATE: February 27, 2009 I~JTR®®l1CTi®~1 The purpose of this memorandum is to seek City Council concurrence in the selection of AECOM from Waterloo, Iowa, as the professional design consultant to complete the final engineering design, develop construction documents, provide right-of-way property acquisition services and perform the required archaeological and cultural resource phase III mitigation work for the development of the Southwest Arterial project. BACKGR®lJN® The Dubuque City Council, the Dubuque County Board of Supervisors, the Metropolitan Ar Commerce and completion of th the Dubuque ar divided freeway Highway 20. Dubuque ;a Transportation Study (DMATS), the Dubuque Area Chamber of the Greater Dubuque Development Corporation have all identified the Southwest Arterial project as the No. 1 surface transportation priority in ~a. The proposed Southwest Arterial project will be a 6.1-mile, four-lane with priority 1-access control between U.S. Highway 61/151 and U.S. The preliminary design phase was completed in March, 2008 by AECOM (formerly Earth Tech, Inc.) and now the project is ready to proceed with the final engineering design phase, right-of-way property acquisition, and archaeological and c!~Itural resource phase I!I mitigation work. The City then developed a Request for Proposals (RFP) and solicited qualified professional consulting firms or Project teams to determine interest and capabilities in providing major highway final design, property acquisition and phase III mitigation for the development of the Southwest Arterial project. C®SIJLTAR!°f SEL,ECTI®I~ PR®CESS Because the professional consultant services contract to complete the final engineering design phase will use federal funding, the RFP and the consultant selection process was done in accordance with the Iowa Department of Transportation Consultant Selection Process (I.M. 3.300. The selection ranking was based upon the overall strength of information provided in the Consultant°s response proposal submitted, the Consultant's presentation and interviews, and the Consultant's demonstrated competence, experience and qualifications. The Consultant Selection Committee for the Southwest Arterial project -final design consultant selection included the following: ® Kent Ellis, Local Systems Engineer, Iowa DOT -District 6 ® Chandra Ravada, Co-Director of Transportation & Planning ® Mike Felderman, County engineer ® Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer ® Robert Schiesl, Assistant City Engineer ® Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager ® Ken TeKippe, Finance Director On February 13, 2009, two (2) consultant response proposals were received and are as follows: ® AECOM ® HDR Engineering On February 26, 2009, both AECOM and HDR participated in presentations and interviews before the Consultant Selection Committee. Following the consultant interviews, the Consultant Selection Committee met to evaluate and rate each of the consultants. The Committee carefully deliberated each consultant's strengths and weaknesses. The professional consulting engineering firm was to have specialized staff and experience in major highway final development and design, right-of-way property acquisition, and archaeological and cultural resource phase Ill mitigation. The lead consultant needed to be pre-qualified by the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) to perform Highway Design -Major Facilities. Alfihough each of the consultants was uniquely qualified, the Consultant Selection Committee selected AECOM of Waterloo, Iowa as the first-ranked consultant to provide the professional design services for the Southwest Arterial project final engineering design phase. ®I~~US~I®iV AECOM is anationally-recognized engineering firm, currently ranked No. 3 in size by Engineering News Record. AECOM is a particularly strong leader in transportation engineering, and currently holds the following national rankings: ® Transportation Engineering -Ranked No. 1 ® Bridge Design -Ranked No. 3 AECOM has completed over $250 million of roadway design projects in Iowa, including over 35 miles of 4-lane roadway in Dubuque County. AECOM is afull-service design consultant, capable of addressing any of the environmental, engineering or project development issues that may arise. Addition, the Consultant Selection Committee felt that AECOM has the qualifications, experience and a good historical knowledge of the Southwest Arterial project which will minimize the project team's transitional start-up time for the final design phase. This responsiveness will allow for an accelerated "fast track" schedule on the next phases of the project which would allow the Southwest Arterial project to be favorably positioned to potentially take advantage of any future State or Federal economic stimulus funding packages; or to be included in Iowa's 5-Year Highway Transportation Improvement Program; or to be included in the new Federal Transportation Bill. PROJECT TEAM To address and take on the unique challenges and specialized needs of the Southwest Arterial final design phase, AECOM assembled an in-depth, multidisciplinary project team with the capability, talent, qualifications and experience to successfully complete the final project development and design, right-of-way property acquisition, and archaeological and cultural resource phase III mitigation for the construction of the Southwest Arterial project. The AECOM project team includes the following sub-consultant(s): AEC®M -Lead Consultant ® WHKS & Company ® RDG Planning and Design ® The Durrant Group ® Terracon Consultants ® Vernon Schaefer, Ph.D. ® Tallgrass Historians '~ ® JCG Land Acquisition * Denotes consultants that were directly involved with prior phases of the project. A principal sub-consultant on the AECOM team is WHKS with local offices in the Dubuque area. WHKS has been a preferred provider of bridge design services for the Iowa DOT for over 10 years, having been reselected for on-call contracts 4 consecutive times. WHKS has designed hundreds of bridges and structures of all types, including major structures for the U.S. Mississippi River approach spans and 7 major bridges on U.S. 18/218 Avenue of the Saints. PR®JECT MANAGER An important evaluation criteria were the qualifications and experience of the lead consultant's Project Manager. AECOM has designated Mr. Bob Lenz, P.E. to lead the"fast track" project team. Bob Lentz was the Project Manager and lead designer for the Southwest Arterial preliminary design phase. ® 35 years of professional experience in highway planning and design with impressive credentials as a proven Project Manager and a solid team leader. ® Bob Lentz was hired by the City as the Project Manager for the Northwest Arterial Phase I, between US 20 and Asbury Road. ® Was the Project Manager for the US 61 / US 151 corridor relocation project between Dubuque and Cedar Rapids which is a project with very similar characteristics and conditions anticipated for the proposed Southwest Arterial project. ® .Bob Lentz has experience working with -challenging environmental and archeological sensitive areas, such as the Martin Luther Parkway project in Des Moines. ® Bob Lentz will be located out of AECOM's Waterloo office, which is only 90 miles from Dubuque. RELATI®N T® SUSTAINABLE PRINCIPLES In an effort to embrace the City's "Sustainable Dubuque" initiative, AECOM has committed and identified the Southwest Arterial as an outstanding opportunity to showcase the 11 Sustainable Principles outlined in the City's "Sustainable Dubuque" initiative. Along with its sub-consultant, RDG Planning and Design (Des Moines, Iowa firm with 20 LEED accredited professionals and 3 national sustainable design awards), they will consider such design principles as: smart energy use; usage of sustainable or native materials; and best management practices to preserve, restore, and protect the existing ecosystems and the historic/scenic nature of this corridor. ®ISA®~9ANTAGE® BUSINESS ENTERPRISE REQUIREMENTS AECOM has committed to achieving the 5% Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for the Project as established in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 26. The project team DBE firm and the estimated percent of in`~olvement are as follows: ® Tallgrass Historians. L.c. (5% of project cost) PR®JECT FAST TRACFZ In an attempt to accelerate the right-of-way acquisition and the final design process, the City is evaluating several options to potentially "fast track" the next phases of the project so that the Southwest Arteriai project is favorably positioned to potentially take advantage of any future state or federal economic stimulus funding packages; or to be included in Iowa's Five-Year Highway Transportation Improvement Program; or the new Federal Transportation Bill. On February 2nd, the City Council approved a joint partnership agreement between the City and the Iowa Department of Transportation to perform Right-of-Way Acquisition Services. Right-of-way property acquisition is anticipated to begin in March 2009 for the complete full four-lane project. The property acquisition phase is anticipated to be complete in 12 months. Based on project funding, the scope of the project includes the development of plans and specifications of this multi-phase project. These phases may include, but are not limited to: bridges and culverts; construction of interchanges at U.S. Highway 20 and U.S. Highway 151/61; and mass grading. AECOM has agreed to commit and allocate the necessary resources to "fast track" the next phases of the project and complete the 4-lane highway final design in 12 months. PR®JECT SCHE®ULE The projected remaining schedule for the Southwest Arterial Consultant scope of services, fee proposal negotiations and contract approval is as follows: ® RFP's released to Consultants: ® Consultant Response Proposals Due ® Selection Committee Review: ® Consultant(s) Invited to Interview: ® Consultant Interview(s): ® Recommendation to City Council: ® Consultant -Notification: ® Negotiate Scope of Services /Fees: ® City Council Approve Contract: February 3, 2009 -Complete February 13, 2009 -Complete February 16 - 19, 2009 -Complete February 20, 2009 -Complete February 26, 2009 -Complete March 2, 2009 -Complete March 3, 2009 March 9 - 27, 2009 April 6, 2009 ~'~ ® Iowa DOT Pre-Audit: April 6 -April 17, 2009 *~ ® Consultant -Notice to Proceed: April 20, 2009 ~~ ** Dates shown are approximate and are subject to change depending on contract negotiations, the associated fee schedule and the final approval of the Iowa DOT pre-audit. The proposed schedule outlined above is in compliance with the Iowa DOT federal aid consultant selection requirements and includes /incorporates the DOT's approval and concurrence through every step of the process. RECOMMEN®Al°I®N Based on the extensive review of the proposals, the presentations, and interviews, the Cor oosultai;t Selection Coy i mittee recommends that the City negotiate a Professional Services Agreement and execute a contract with AECOM for the consultant services for the Southwest Arterial project. The Iowa DOT had a staff member participate in the consultant selection process and concurs with the Consultant Selection Committee recommendation of AECOM as the first- ranked consultant. Formal Iowa DOT concurrence and approval will be forthcoming. lJ®GET INIP,4CT The estimate of probable cost for highway final design, right-of-way property acquisition and phase III mitigation services for the Southwest Arterial project is as follows: ®escripti®n C®st Final Engineering Design $ 3,500,000 Right-of-Way Property Acquisition Services 300,000 Archaeological and Cultural Resource Mitigation 3,000,000 Total Project Cost $ 6,800,000 The anticipated project funding is summarized as follows: Fund ®escripti®n Fund Am®unt Federal SAFETEA-LU Funding (80%) $ 5,440,000 City -Local Funding (10%) 680,000 County -Local Funding (10%) 680,000 Total Project Funding $ 6,800,000 The City is proposing to use DMATS STP funding on eligible City street construction and traffic capacity /safety related improvement projecfis which will allow local funds to be transferred to the Southwest Arterial Project and used as matching cost for the federal funds. Staff has identified approximately $4.6 million in local project funds over the next five (5) years that could be shifted using DMATS STP funds which would allow the leveraging of approximately $18.4 million in federal dollars. AC1°I®fV T'® DE T~,KEN I respectfully request that you recommend AECOM to the City Council for the Southwest Arterial project -Final Engineering Design and that you request City Manager authority to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement and execute a contract with AECOM for the consultant design services to complete the project. Prepared by Robert Schiesl, Assistant City Engineer cc: Teri Goodmann, Assistant city Manager Dubuque County 3oard of Supervisors kCent Ellis, Local Systems Engineer, Iowa DOT Chandra Ravada, Co-Director of Transportation & Planning Mike Felderman, County Engineer Laura Carstens, Planning Services Manager 16en TetCippe, Finance Director K:\PROJECTS\Sw ARTERIAL - IA HYW 32\FINAL DESIGN CONSULTANT SERVICES RFP\Council ~ Staff Documents\ SW Arterial Final Design Consultant Recommendation Council Memo.doc RESOLUTION NO. 87-09 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SELECTION OF ARCOM AS THE PROFESSIONAL DESIGN SERVICES CONSULTANT TO COMPLETE THE FINAL ENGINEERING DESIGN PHASE FOR THE SOUTHWEST ARTERIAL PROJECT Whereas, the City of Dubuque (City) developed a Request for Proposals (RFP) and solicited qualified professional consulting firms to complete the final engineering design phase for the Southwest Arterial Project (Project); and Whereas, the final engineering design phase for the Project includes final engineering design, development of construction documents, right-of-way property acquisition services, and the required archaeological and cultural resource Phase III mitigation; and Whereas, the consultant selection process was done in accordance with the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Consultant Selection Process (I.M. 3.305); and Whereas, the Consultant Selection Committee selected AECOM of Waterloo, Iowa as the first-ranked consultant to provide the professional design services for the final engineering design phase of the Project; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque (City) will be the lead local public agency responsible for managing the final engineering design phase. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the City Council hereby concurs with the Consultant Selection Committee recommendation of AECOM as the first-ranked consultant and hereby approves AECOM as the Professional Design Services Consultant to complete the final engineering design phase of the Southwest Arterial Project (Project). Section 2. That the City Manager is hereby authorized to negotiate a scope of services and fee proposal with AECOM, subject to approval of the Iowa Department of Transportation, to complete the final engineering design, develop construction documents, provide right-of-way property acquisition services and perform the required archaeological and cultural resource Phase III mitigation work for the Project. Section 3. Upon completion of Section 2, the City Manager is hereby authorized to develop a Consultant Professional Services Agreement with AECOM, subject to approval of the Iowa Department of Transportation, to complete the final engineering design, develop construction documents, provide right-of-way property acquisition services and perform the required archaeological and cultural resource phase III mitigation work for the Project. Section 4. That the Mayor be authorized and directed to execute three copies of said Consultant Professional Services Agreement with AECOM to complete the final engineering design for the Southwest Arterial Project. Passed, adopted and approved this 2nd day of March, 2009. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Jeanne F. Schneider, CMC, City Clerk