Minutes Historic Pres 11 19 02MINUTES REGULAR SESSION Tuesday, November 19, 2002 5:00 p.m. Auditorium, Carnegie Stout Library 360 W. 11th Street, Dubuque, Iowa PRESENT: Chairperson Chris Wand; Commission Members Jim Gibbs, Suzanne Guinn, John Whalen, Chris Scheopner and Terry Mozena; Staff Members Laura Carstens and Wally Wemimont. ABSENT: None. AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE: Staff presented an Affidavit of Compliance verifying the meeting was being held in compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Wand at 5:00 p.m. MINUTES: Motion by Gibbs, seconded by Wand, to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2002 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner and Wand; Nay - None; Abstain - Guinn. Motion by Guinn, seconded by Mozena, to approve the minutes of the October 24, 2002 meeting as submitted. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None; Abstain - Whalen and Gibbs. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Cooper Development Co. LLC (tabled) for approval of a Property Tax Rebate for property at located at 299 Main Street (Bricktown). Staff Member Wally Wernimont said that Bill Baum Economic Development Director, notified him that the applicants wish to have their application tabled to a future meeting. Motion by Whalen, seconded by Guinn, to table the application at the applicants' request. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Gibbs, Whalen, Mozena, and Scheopner. Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Bob & Rosie Carr for a Certificate of Appropriateness to side structure with cemplank siding for the property located at 1449 Locust Street in the Jackson Park Historic Preservation District. Staff Member Wernimont said that Bob Carr contacted him prior to the meeting and stated that he would like his application tabled to the December 19, 2002 meeting. Motion by Guinn, seconded by Scheopner, to table the application at the applicanfs request to the December 19, 2002 Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye- Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay- None. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Ronnie McDonald for a Certificate of Appropriateness to redesign rear addition for property located at 1004 Bluff Street in the Jackson Park Historic Preservation District. Ronnie McDonald presented his application. He noted that there will be minor changes made to the previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness. He indicated that there will be no sandstone band located across the front of the addition where the garage door exists. He also stated that there will be brick arches located above the windows that face the alley. Mr. McDonald noted that on the submitted rendering of the addition the windows located on the 10th Street side did not have a lintel on them and were to be extended into the frieze. Mr. McDonald indicated that he would raise the wall height in order to place a lintel above the windows that face 10t~ Street. Staff Member Wernimont presented the staff report noting the changes Mr. McDonald is proposing to make to his previously approved Certificate of Appropriateness. Motion by Whalen, seconded by Guinn, to approve the application as presented. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Fred Brinke Jr. for a Certificate of Appropriathess to redesign front porch (W. 11t~ Street side) for property located at 694 W. 11t~ Street in the W. 1 tt~ Street Histodc Preservation District. The applicant was not in attendance and the Commission decided to move the application to the end of the meeting. .DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Dubuque Bank & Trust for a Demolition Permit to demolish one-story rear addition (former Walsh Store building) located at 1301-1307 Central Avenue in the Downtown Demolition District. Nelson Klavitter, representing Dubuque Bank and Trust, presented the application. He referred to some pictures he presented and noted that the one story addition, which is still painted white, will be removed and a.three-story brick addition will be erected. He has indicated that he has received approval from Jack Porter, State Historic Preservation Architect, to remove the one-story addition and erect the three-story brick addition. Mr. Klavitter indicated that the erection of the three-story brick addition is necessary in order to provide bathrooms and a computer room. Commissioner Mozena noted that the one-story addition is obviously an add-on and has little or no architectural significance to the main buildings. The Commission stated that their role is to provide a recommendation to the City Council about approval of the demolition permit. Motion by Wand, seconded by Scheopner, to recommend the City Council approve a demolition permit for removal of the one-story rear addition based on no architectural or historical significance and the rehabilitation of the Ziepprecht and Bell Block buildings. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. DESIGN REVIEW: 'Application of the City of Dubuque for a Demolition Permit to demolish metal addition and wood shed located at the Star Brewery Building, 4th Street Extension in the Port of Dubuque Downtown Demolition District. Staff Member Carstens, representing the City of Dubuque, Presented the application. She noted that the City is proposing to demolish a large red metal addition, erected in 1980 and a small green wood shed constructed in 1975. She noted that both of these structures were inappropriate additions to the architectural style of the Star Brewery. Staff Member Carstens also noted that the buildings need to be removed to allow for infrastructure improvements for the Port of Dubuque. The Commission noted that the structures are inappropriate additions to the Star Brewery, and are less than 30 years old. Motion by Wand, seconded by Mozena, to recommend the City Council approve the request to demolish the metal addition and wood shed due to no architectural or historical significance. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Dr. John Whalen for a Certificate of Appropriateness to redesign front porch for property located at 609-611 Chestnut Street in the W. 11t~ Street Historic Preservation District. Commissioner Whalen excused himself from the table. Dr. Whalen presented his application, noting that the structure is covered with vinyl siding. He indicated that the porch located at 609-611 Chestnut Street is not the original porch. He indicated he is proposing to build a two-story front porch with a gabled roof. Mr. Whalen stated that upon doing interior work on the home, he found evidence that there are two doors located on the second floor of the structure, where windows have been installed. Dr. Whalen described photos of his proposal indicating the dimension and size. He stated that the porch will be located approximately 2-3 feet from the front property line, and indicated that the stairs accessing the porch will either be from the front or possibly from the sides. Chairperson Wand suggested that instead of having a porch overhang on the second floor, Dr. Whalen could possibly leave that open and have a two-story porch with no overhang. He noted that would be more fitting for the vernacular style of the structure, although he indicated he has no objection to the porch overhang being constructed. The Commission discussed the design of the porch, indicating that they have no objections to the design of the porch with or without an overhang. Motion by Guinn, seconded by Gibbs, to approve the application as presented, with the allowance of the stairs to be erected on the front of the porch or on the sides of the porch, and with or without the porch overhang located on the second floor. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None; Abstain - Whalen. Staff Member Wernimont indicated that the porch will also need to receive Zoning Board of Adjustment approval for the front yard setback. The Commission discussed sending a letter of support to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for approval. Motion by Mozena, seconded by Guinn, to send a letter of support for the setback of the proposed porch to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None; Abstain - Whalen. DESIGN REVIEW: Application of Fred Brinke Jr. for a Certificate of Appropriatness to redesign front porch (W. 11th Street side) for property located at 694 W. 11th Street in the W. 11th Street Historic Preservation District. The applicant still was not in attendance and the Commission decided to table the application to the December 19, 2002 meeting due to a number of questions; Chairperson Wand asked Commissioners to get their questions to staff as soon as possible. Motion by Wand, seconded by Mozena, to table the application to' the December 19, 2002 Historic Preservation Commission meeting. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: Increased Demolition Penalties: StaffMemberWemimontindicated thatthe Commissiondirected staff to research the 10-year building permit moratorium on unauthorized demolitions. Staff Member Wernimont indicated he has been trying to contact Amy Guthrie of the City of Aspen who currently has this penalty in their Historic Preservation Ordinance. He indicated that Legal staff was concerned about the possibility of a taking of the property with the issuance of the 10-year building permit moratorium. He has indicated that he will continue to contact Ms. Guthde in order to see if the penalty has been taken to court and will provide an update at the December meeting. Criteda for the Ken Krin,qle Preservation Award: The Commission discussed the possibility of expanding the eligible project to include projects outside the historic districts. They also discussed the possibility of giving the award to an individual instead of a rehabilitation project. Staff indicated that they are looking to initiate discussion on creating the criteria since the award will need to be presented during Historic Preservation Week in May 2003. The Commission brainstormed on some of the criteria that could be used: 1) The project meets the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation. 2) The project follows the architectural guidelines for structures located in historic districts in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 3) The property owner has followed the proper procedures and obtained all the required City permits. 4) The project has stimulated additional activity in the area in terms of rehabilitation of historic structures. 5) The project was completed between January 1~t and December 31~ 6) The structure has historical significance. 7) The structure has had great visual impact from its "before' and ~after" appearance. Iowa's Most Endangered Properties: The Commission referred to a letter sent to them from Mike Kramme of the Iowa Historic Preservation Alliance about the receiving of the six nominations the Commission submitted for this year's most endangered properties list. In the letter, Mr. Kramme also indicated that he would like the Historic Preservation Commission to send him a list of historic hotels, inns and bed and breakfasts so they can list them on their website. The Commission indicated by consensus that staff should send a list of these establishments located in Dubuque to Mr. Kramme. Demolition by Ne.qlect at 1163 Hi.qhland Place: The Commission discussed the current demolition by neglect for the front pomh located at 1163 Highland Place. The Commission indicated they would like to know what the current status of enforcement is on this structure and would like to receive regular updates from the Building Services Department. Motion by Wand, seCOnded by Guinn, to direct staff to send a letter to Building Services Manager Rich Russell about the condition and current status of the property at 1163 Highland Place. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. Synthetic Columns at 555 W. 1 lt~ Street: The Commission discussed a memo from Staff Member Wemimont to Building Services Manager Rich Russell regarding the violation of the Certificate of Appropriateness for the use of synthetic columns instead of wood columns at 555 W. 11th Street. - The Commission discussed that they would like an update on the current enforcement from the Building Services Department. Motion by Whalen, seconded by Mozena, to direct staff to send a letter to Building Services Manager Rich Russell about the condition and current status of enforcement for the use of synthetic columns at 555 W. 11th Street. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. ITEMS FROM STAFF: Video on National Historic Landmarks: Staff Member Wernimont indicated that he was unable to obtain a laptop or projector to present the video on National Historic Landmarks. He indicated that the video will be shown at the December 19th meeting. Deteriorated Wall at 970 Grove Terrace: Staff Member Wernimont indicated that a portion of the wall for the structure at 970 Grove Terrace has fallen off and is in serious, unstable condition. He indicated that he met with the Building Services Department and the Housing and Community Development Department about funding to help stabilize the wall. He indicated that the Building Services Department is looking into a structural engineering report for the wall. He added that the Housing and Community Development Department is looking into the feasibility of providing additional funding for rehab of the property. He indicated the Housing staff is approaching the Community Development Advisory Commission about the possibility of increasing the funding. The Commission discussed that they would send letters of support to both departments in regard to this issue. Motion by Mozena, seconded by Wand, to direct staff to send letters of support to the Housing and Community Development Department and the Building Services Department. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Mozena, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. NOTE: Commission Mozena left at 6:25 p.m. Ryan House: The Commission bdefly discussed the current status of the Ryan House in regard to rehabilitation. They indicated that the structure is owned by the Dubuque County Historical Society and currently is in need of funding in order to do some restoration work. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Guinn, seconded by Wand to adjourn the meeting. Motion was approved by the following vote: Aye - Whalen, Gibbs, Scheopner, Guinn and Wand; Nay - None. The meeting adjourned at6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wally Wernimont, Assistant Planner Adopted