Audubon Society rezoning RhombergThe Dubuque Audubon Society P0sf Office Box 3174 Dubuque, Iowa 52OO4-3174 A CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL AUDUBON SOCIETY To: Dubuque City Council From: Dubuque Audubon Society Re: Development at former Toil Bridge Restaurant Dear City Council: An eight-story condomlnlmn complex has been proposed for the north end of the City of Dubuque. The planned area is at the former Elizabeth's Toll Bridge Inn at 2800 Rhomberg Avenue. The site selected for the construction of the condominiums is a winter roosting site of the Bald Eagle. It has been a roosting site for the eagles doc to its proximity with Lock and Dam #11. The open water provides a place to hunt for their main diet of fish. The cliffs provide an excellent location for roosting to stay calm and maintain body heat during the winter months. At the Bald Eagle event January 11 the main roosting area was just above the restaurant. The site is also the location where 42 Peregrine Falcons were released during the summers of 1999, 2000 and 2001. The birds were released just to the south in the old quarry area. The cliffs were the main reason the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and several conservation groups selected the site. The birds first released in 1999 should be returning in 2003 during a three year absence to Argentina. This is normal for falcons to leave for three years while they are maturing. When they reach adult age at age 4 they return to the site they were raised to build their own nest. With the construction of the eight-story building the success of the Peregrine Falcons may be in jeopardy and the success story of the Bald Eagle, at least in Dubuqoc may be harmed. Many people visit the Dubuque area to watch the eagles, many will come to watch the falcons and many visit to view the natural scenery along the rivers, cliffs. I would also like to mention that the view firom Eagle Point Park would be changed. Yes, you will be able to look out across the fiver, but down would be a large building obscuring the visual view you have today. People go to the park for the view that is there today, which includes the view down. Prior to any development of this site it would be important that you determine the impact it would have. You should evaluate the impact on wildlife, tourism, local interests and beautification. The citizens of Dubuque are proud of their city. The City Council has taken great strides in the past years to bring Dubuque where it is today. With the Mississippi River Museum planning to open in 2003 you should look at our greatest treasures- the river and all of its components. Sincerely, Wayne Buchholtz President/Dubuque Audubon Society Cc; David Flicker, President of Natiunal Audubon Society Terry Duggan, Dubuque Mayor Dubuque Zoning Commission