03rd Street West 0475-0477 IOWA STATE HISTORICAL DEPARTMENT, DIVISION OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION DUBVQUE, IO~).</ 1~ Architectural Survey 1979 Photograph Roll ~. Frame Z~ Inventory STREET ADDRESS ~t1 BUILDING NAME PRESENT OWNER '-two '? Address 4-1'1 !)j 11~ltD LEGAL DESCRIPTION DATE OF CONSTRUCTION Source ARCHITECT/BUILDER Source PRESENT USE DESIGNED USE Source ACCESSIBILITY STATUS BUILDING MATERIALS Foundation t)~ ~~L Walls f.:llAMAJIJlM4; As~~.s~j Tr im WO(Ji} , Porch/Storefront V\~;tl.it.... Eaves/Cornice AA~~Ot- Roof AS P~~l," Chimney (s) ~JUC~ c- l ee:rC RES/UNR/~ @IUNOIWP CONDITION 10.2)_. 3 4 II:!> 3 4 1 2dJ 4 lei) 3 4 1(])3 4 lQ34 1 204 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 DESIGN FEATURES Style W.ir1A,. Q~,,:rc~t..r Details of Note: S~i~~ 6t/J~j f'""t';l\~\ ~~. \ .~~ Interior Features: Site Features: Evaluation I QUALITY Aesthetic Historical Rarity II ENVIRONMENTAL STATURE III CONTEXT Immediate Broad IV INTEGRITY OF FABRIC 1 2 3(t) 1 234 1 2 3 4 12),@ <1:>2 3 4 0)234 1 26)4 Architectural Significance PROBABLE ADDITIONAL AREAS. OF SIGNIFICANCE REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS ~ ~ ?;: ~ CJ'l H t-3 t>:I Z ~ t>:I :;0 Facade N/S/E/W By Date MODIFICATIONS/ADDITIONS: \ P:JUr1<...;e OJJlJ~A~~{A ~) MbOl t=tC4-cIVlJS W\T+\. ~t-} f),LlMA/ ~IJW\ StiQH..i~ A\iJ ~ \ ~T. CJ'l t-3 :;0 t>:I t>:I t-3 > t::l t::l ~ CJ'l CJ'l COMMENT :p~ /J($ L<1 ~f...li:C'fL.j ~,~C:.. ~)l.:CA)~ l1' t::;)({ , COMMENT: t::l H CJ'l t-3 :;0 H D t-3 ~~~4@ HABS/NRHF SURVEY CONSULTANT: Bruce M. Kriviskey, AICP Date Site Inventory Form State Historical Society of Iowa (December 1, 1999) State Inventory No. 31-00407 D New rgJ Supplemental rgJ Part of a district with known boundaries (enter inventory no.) _ Relationship: rgJ Contributing D Noncontributing D Contributes to a potential district with yet unknown boundaries National Register Status:(any that apply) D Listed D De-listed D NHL D DOE 9-Digit SHPO Review & Compliance Number _ D Non-Extant (enter year) _ 1. Name of Property historic name other names/site number 2. Location street & number 475-477 West 3rd city or town Dubuque Legal Description: (If Rural) Township Name D vicinity, county Dubuque Township No. Range No. Section Quarter of Quarter (If Urban) Subdivision_ 3. State/Federal Agency Certification [Skip this Section] 4. National Park Service Certification [Skip this Section] 5. Classification Category of Property (Check only one box) IZI building(s) D district D site D structure D object Block(s) _ Lot(s) see below Number of Resources within Pro ert If Non-Eligible Property If Eligible Property, enter number of: Enter number of: Contributin Noncontributin Q buildings 1 Q buildings sites sites structures structures o~ects o~ects Total 1 Q Total Q Name of related project report or multiple property study (Enter "N/A" if the property is not part of a multiple property examination). Title Historical Architectural Data Base Number The Architectural and Historical Resources of Dubuque. 1833-1955 fiffi 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions) Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions) 01 B-multiple Dwellinq 01 B-multipleDwellinq 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions) Materials (Enter categories from instructions) OS-Late Victorian/05D-Queen Anne foundation Stone walls metal roof Asphalt other Narrative Description (IZI SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 8. Statement of Significance Applicable National Register Criteria (Mark "x" representing your opinion of eligibility after applying relevant National Register criteria) DYes D No IZI More Research Recommended A Property is associated with significant events. DYes D No IZI More Research Recommended B Property is associated with the lives of significant persons. IZI Yes D No D More Research Recommended C Property has distinctive architectural characteristics. DYes D No IZI More Research Recommended D Property yields significant information in archaeology or history. County Dubuque City Dubuque Criteria Considerations D A Owned by a religious institution or used for religious purposes. D B Removed from its original location. DCA birthplace or grave. D D A cemetery Address 475-477 West 3rd Site Number 31-00407 District Number D E A reconstructed building, object, or structure. D F A commemorative property. D G Less than 50 years of age or achieved significance within the past 50 years. Areas of Significance (Enter categories from instructions) Significant Dates Construction date 1890-95 D check if circa or estimated date Other dates Arch itectu re Significant Person (Complete if National Register Criterion B is marked above) N/A Architect/Builder Architect Unknown Builder Unknown Narrative Statement of Significance (IZI SEE CONTINUATION SHEETS, WHICH MUST BE COMPLETED) 9. Major Bibliographical References Bibliography IZI See continuation sheet for citations of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form 10. Data or 11. Form Prepared By name/title James E. Jacobsen organization History Pays! Historic Preservation Consultinq Firm street & number 4411 Inqersoll Avenue city or town Des Moines state IA date June 15. 2004 telephone 515-274-3625 zip code 50312 ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION (Submit the following items with the completed form) FOR ALL PROPERTIES 1. Map: showing the property's location in a town/city or township. 2. Site plan: showing position of buildings and structures on the site in relation to public road(s). 3. Photographs: representative black and white photos. If the photos are taken as part of a survey for which the Society is to be curator of the negatives or color slides, a photo/catalog sheet needs to be included with the negatives/slides and the following needs to be provided below on this particular inventory site: Roll/slide sheet # 7470 Frame/slot # 1. Date Taken Sept. 2003 Roll/slide sheet # Frame/slot # Date Taken Roll/slide sheet # Frame/slot # Date Taken D See continuation sheet or attached photo & slide catalog sheet for list of photo roll or slide entries. D Photos/illustrations without negatives are also in this site inventory file. FOR CERTAIN KINDS OF PROPERTIES, INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING AS WELL 1. Farmstead & District: (List of structures and buildings, known or estimated year built, and contributing or non-contributing status) 2. Barn: a. A sketch of the frame/truss configuration in the form of drawing a typical middle bent of the barn. b. A photograph of the loft showing the frame configuration along one side. c. A sketch floor plan of the interior space arrangements along with the barn's exterior dimensions in feet. State Historic Preservation Office Use Below This Line Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Iowa Site Inventory Form Continuation Sheet Site Number 31-00407 Related District Number Paqe 1 Name of Property 475-477 West 3rd Address Dubuque County Dubuque City 7. Narrative Description: This property is located in the Cathedral Historic District. StyleNear: c.1890-95 (Assessor), Queen Anne/Shingle style two-story frame duplex, unusual for its combination of this style with the double house form. Physical Description: steep pitch of road upwards to the west exposes the rusticated stone foundation of the east half of the plan. That portion has a cut-corner and perhaps an east bay. There is a Shingle style three-sided dormer with half-turret roof. The west half has a full-height three-sided bay with pedimented gable cap. The entries are centered and grouped. Plan measures 24x36, and contains six rooms (three bedrooms). Cruciform plan with slightly broader front wing, matching side wings (rectangular core 46x36 in front, 46x32 in back, wings 5/3x16, recessed side porches behind wings, 16x5). 477 W. 3rd has front bay 2x10, centered front porch 4x10. Alterations: both halves have been variously resurfaced with a resulting mix of permastone, asbestos and aluminum siding, a metal canopy replaces the original porch and there is a broad concrete stairway. Permits (475) note re-roofings in 1989 and (477) 1963, 1989. 475 resided 1940, porch railings repaired 1991. 477 resided 1976, and re-sided with window and gutter work 1995. Assessor notes removal of detached shed or garage, 10x20 at 477 W. 3rd 1965. Landscaping/Setting: site surface drops sharply away to the east and north. Ground open on both sides, south orientation. 8. Narrative Statement of Significance: Building History: This building does not appear on the 1889 birds eye view. Mary A. McPoland owned this property when it was sewered (no date). Joseph Ellsworth owns 477 W.3rd 1948-71 but has contract sale underway as of 1955 (not completed). Historical photographs show a rocky empty lot when St. Mary Street was being finalized. This building dates to the early 1890s. Assessor splits property as of 1955. 1899 directory lists W. E. Fuller at 475 and P. F. Doherty at 477. 9. Major Bibliographical References: Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1884, 1891, 1909/36 Dubuque City Directories, 1902, 1915, 1925, 1934 Bruce Kriviskey, Dubuque, lowa--Architectural Survey 1978/1979, Atlas of City Wide and District Survey Maps, Dubuque; n.p., c.1979 Dubuque County Assessor's Data Newspapers and other primary sources as noted in the text above. Historical photographs, Center For Dubuque History, Loras College Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs State Historical Society of Iowa Iowa Site Inventory Form Continuation Sheet Site Number 31-00407 Related District Number Paqe 2 Name of Property 475-477 West 3rd Address Dubuque County Dubuque City 10. Additional Documentation: Legal Description: Sub east 78'5" of south 100' 4 City Lot 692-2, same for 692-1. Map: ~:t,f' ;.'0 < ..." R 'q:.".:JjJiY1f~. .4 7~-" )Y.3Rd..~/. 3.-/:Z-y~-/7 '. ;. ~\ -, . I .. . " ~ .. ; · ;. .. . "~t;;'1 t. . ..... , ..., ~/21" / 1/11v j ~.tr UJ I P, R EM A R K S ASSESSMENT SUMMA~Y.~' ! I. t ' /:J;t { t) ;lIe" .,-~ .J IJY~2lJ LCJ -;J " - .\. LAII D . .~,- . .~,. f. .~: Leo ;-. A he'T'n ) ;5Q / ?~ ~ - Lf!rt:": & ,(/.,~-: W,,~ s "r ~~ Ll~.. '.1 meS ~#/f-" m 8LO... .. ( _.~. I) ..// (. /J !) /) TOTAL , 'f ..... ..-... - ........ - ,. 1BIfIi. .~ P'Io __ 1UJ~ (J./ ~o ~"'/ ..:J~,c. ~ a.t'n -- . . ..s:-;r;, K ~ ,e - ~,.+~ tJ~;C -t- LAND 'i. ,. ~.,.....-- . , :..t.~~~.L -^.J' '1'--11 I -.--. - v "I;""T ." .. Hit!- S70K EA! /!/.OD G~.c .- L I ~~ PAt';s-. CD SLoe.. ! I'/: .. ,.-;., D<!! 1'''' TOTAL - '" :/ SUB E73' 5 ft. 5100' 4 C.IT'Y LAND }~;::;,.~ .LOT &;92 2 , 8LDI.. .,~/,;~ .,{~ .. - CI ... TOTAL ..< t. .', .- LAID .: ... .. CJ) 8LD... ... TOTAL -'J LAND ,,:..-.'~ " ,j CD 8LDe.. f.. -"'~ . 'Y'" .. :- .,.<,:, TOTAL .... LAID ;:'.~~ft~ " .. ;:~ ,,!: .' .k'''96 ~ Il:1 At* ".':.~. . BLD". ....;-.;..'.-. ; Q ....ti': LAND RECORD VALUE COMPUTATIONS ... .:J:i!,( LAND TOT~L .. NO UTILITIES LOW FRONTAGE AVERAGE UNIT UNIT prROHT FT. " .' . ". .;': ~".\:; NO FlOURED DEPTH PRICIE PERCENT PRICE COR .INFL. TOTAL DIEPR. ~."":VALUE LAND ".":;,,,,;,' ii:';: , 8IEWER HIGH " NO WATER RO~OH ~'1 I ''-/- P. q1/ ~?~ " tf, ..0/1' "':5'J~. .: BL.D". 'L. .,S( 0 () , 1 NO OA8 ROCKY 0) .. >t ,.,0 IILI!CTRICITY 8WAMPY " TotAL HILL.IDa ~. ~.t~ NO 8TREEl WOODED LAND DIRT STREET -.. BRU8HLAND -:. ~. , \~!, :,... _.'.;.'....c:.,r: 8IEMI-IMPR. ST. TILLABLE . - . , . 8LbO.. "9<::, .,:~;~"* OJ NO ,.IOIEWALK .. .... TOTAL .. .,i. ";,!....... \. FO~M NO. JM~ tOI · TH. J. M..CL.Mi,...HAW co., APPRAI..... . .. r jf!!li ~ "':.;..~ . _ ' ~--:-:';., 1 .,'" -.. " . . . '. CLaVELAND.' C>HIO . .' J.. ." . '--:.0.. . . -~'-'.'--' .- . ...--- ------._- -....---- -' - --. - - _.-... ....- ._- - -.-'- _...-.__.~...._.. ......------. ~_.. . .. - ., -- -.- .. r . -........-... .................-............,.rR'~...~_.._-.-........~_~_______ .....~~____ _-.l.. _____. '...'l... .--~ "'\:4 ~' r, .. -.. '"'" - I ,- f . . AerUAL VAlU~~ OCCUPANCY CON8TRUCTrON ~1'lE ORADE AOI REtlODL .0 eON D. ,",. lIP. '8RCT. 01'. REPL. VALua "t-tV8ICAl. . VAlu. ~ /)1'..- ",..0/.- " J ~ /./+/3 ~; @:;; ~o. 70 5d#-i.' ~ r. ,4~., ./~'.9 %"1"'- "~?19,4 . .;.~,:,"/~ft , , "S'~~;~ ~ ,. I / " 'J~ FOUNDATION ATTIC Be 9SMT. FIN. . fJtiJie /1 S's.. ?71-t1- -- ( TOTAL ~~f',~;: nLE WALL' AnlC FL. a' 'STAIRS ...... ~ Q'IP/ff:JI/~ ," ~A'~~ . t (.-:.. ~7 :~i':~:l~'~ CEMENT BLIt..WALLS ,FIN, AnlC ARIA S/~IIt/~ BUILDING COMPUTAT'ON CONCRETE WALL' . FlN.8SMT. ARE~../; ~~ I BRICK WALLS ~ECRf.ATION RM.BSMi" H/,p/K --- . '.. /p,c p- g~~ s. F., '/~.1~ /~'5~/....~~. 1'01f. WALU ~V . GARAGE IN BSMT.. . ~ .//p(],r/;L.~ /? L .::J~ s. F. .3. flJlJ . . 1" ':7'7~j: /'" g~ '.=z" gS ~ ~"'K)~ . BA9'EMENT ARIA JuA.LL-$ " rJ S~ F. ROOMS L/~-S ~ / It, .,.-:. '4 II~ 114($) BSMT I In .B :l g'..$ " s. F. ,"- EXTERIOR WALLS 2ND :r I 3RD " S. F. ~~ I- --- :: '~ SI0IN8 OH SMEATMtH8 INTERIOR FINISH / . ;;;,;gY'r: -- SINGLE SIOIN' 1ST 2..0 lJRD B~H'; Ji.Js;c,II' ~ ,,/ .,." , WOOD SHINOLIS PINE 69 '" .~ :'; COMPO. SHIN'LIS ENAMELED i/ I~ ~r .s~~Jt,,-' , /' /(, ,0' 'STUCCO ON 'RAM. CHISTNUT I' 4t .. ;:~"~r\ ::~ ITUCCO ON TILl OR C.B. HARDWOOD ~ ),} FACE IRICIC VENEER 3 '.'.. 'ACE BR.ON tiLl OR C. 8. WALL BOARD ." -~ BASE PRICE 1'1; 9 ~ .::~,: COM. BRICK YINIER MATCH BIAD ./ "" 8SMT. AREA ,- ,COM. BR.ON TILE OR C. 8. UHFIN.INT. -~ W~8 ...S~ ~" "II> ~/" ~ SOLID COM. IRICK . " p/ ./ /f- STONE YENIER I~T.COND. - Y" /$ I ;, .1:1:;; H~.c~ iV LAYOUT 1/ ..", ". ../ I' --Jt- ..' .,. ~'i'~1i (~ I ~ / .. ROO' illAHklT I"jULAT~ ~~ , -, STR.UCTU RI ~ ~ """" .rtL..c~ .>,.'F :~~ ,i ROOF INSULATION I /y/J~ .HEATING frLOORS -- ~ . , ROOF TY ~ MOT AI R 6? ..- ...[&' J 2!!. ,.LOOA. '~,42 :~'.~r~ t$:;~ ":4 , .. ,HIP. ", ... GABLE V STIA M 'oJ. ~~ '- , .... VI""'" ATTIC ,",: "~'.:;!.:.' MANSARD FLAT HOT WATER LIGHTING TILING A.'^ OUT BLOCS. I 2 MEASURED BY al"'! I,r.l,t<! i,~~ ~;,:,~.~;-.;- GAM8REL VAPOR NO ELtCTRIC LTG. BATH FLOOR a WAINSCOT . .... '/fALL FOUNOAT'OH 4 .;~; . t~/I. INT.'PINISH ~~~. ":':~,;'.~:i":; ,~ ..,!, ROOFING AIR CONO. V GAS LIGHTING B4TH FLOOR. WALLS PIER FOUNDATION ~,; ".Oc : .,~.<< ASPHALT SHINGLE FL. OR WALL FURNACE PLUMBING 8ATH FLOOR ONLY SINGLE .ALL'IDG. LISTED BY HE~T'NG, 8VSl'EM \+;;.;'~a .' ., .,:; ) Iii' 4--, ~' ',' WOOD SHINSlE PlPELESS FURNACE BATH ROOMS TOILET RM. FL. a WAINS. DOUBLE WALL 100. AliTer HTO~ UNi1i' ',,: ~..' .-.;.".' - ASBESTOS SHINOLI HO HEATING SYSTE" ST. SHOWER lATH ROOM TOILET RM. FL.a WALLS SHINGLE WALLS~ n ' , ' , ,'. j\lL BURNER STUCCO OM / ~ , " AREA COMP.8Y FIREPLACE. .'. .:' SLATI . STALL.SHOWER EITRA TOILET RM. 'L.OHLY '.',.' ~\: /f .1i'. '" eOAL STOKER t ";" TOILET ROOMS CEMENT Bukk I' ,/ ~ PLUMB'NO '...L.;. .~ ~~'?<;t~~ " ~,. "LOORS GAS -MtKR IJNI { V WATER CLOSET EXTR~ -KITCHEN WAINSCOT' BRICIC PRiCED BY ;. ., (;:.f . ~h~!;~, ':,;::~ T'LtNO I !}IT' 2ND 'RD LAYATORY EXTRA LOCATION CONCa FLOOR (,.'~"';; CEMENT .", F,REPLA'CES SIH~ ~ "" GOOD',;r FAIR '-POOR IARTH FLOOR TOTAL' BASI PRICI ./7~~ s',:r,;~~' ' ."':Pf)~;'~ ",. , .,.;.' ;.:'... IA RTH / FlaEPLACE Sl~~ TOTAL '... . ~~::~t,i ,,, "IREPLACES l /' '/ SEPTIC TANK OR CISSPL. INCOME SHINGLE ROOF ',. . PlNI ~~" 'HARDWOOD Y '/ A-RUFlCIAL ."'IR~CIS WATER ONLY ./'") /.. ~-- ~ ROLL ROOFUUJ COST FACTOR "NGLI FL V INCINIIIATOR NO 'LU Millie l." ELECTRIC LlSHTS REPLACEMENT VALU~ .. / ~..9 2J'i.f:/t~fI . ... ....,'.. ~:, .'. 4,' __' ~~i~~~~';~;~~;; r.........../'......,.4Z?.... ..)f'... 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LAND RECORD " lAMD ,/.r/IL./ -~~~:, _ _<:~~ ~ ~~~ ~. 0; ILb'.. .., LAND VALUE COMPUTATIONS \.. TOTAL PI~:~~T "R:''::~a". COR.INtrL. TOTAL 'DEPR., VAl-UK'ft,: LAND q V ~~.P~ ~Pb 9 .;1o/;'f/':S7S: BLDGS. .., .. ;-', TOTAL NO UTILITIES NO SEWER NO WATER NO OAS NO f'LECTRICITY LOW HIGH ROUOH ROCKY SWAMPY HILLalDa WOODKD 8RUeHLAND TILLABLE FRONTAGE AVERAOa FlOURED DEPTH .UNIT PAICI: .s~ l~ I 0 ("} '-to :-~~~ NO STREE'. . DIRT 8TREf:T SEMI-IMPA. ST. -NO .IDEWALK .'~I:. L~tf~ \ , eft IL~~S. :..,Y .. TOtAL, ~SRr~. JM~~OI.. . <", -...;.-:....._. ..-...---_._._.~- - _.,---...:..-.-_--~-_..._._._......._--~_._. ,,".: · rtt. J. II. CLDtINaMAW,CO.. AP..RAI.... . . CLKYIlLAHD. OHIO ..~; ":~' '.''' :;~ ..","'":';,, _-;;~5;;- r /i ?' .\'::,..':.,:, '.,:;' . .' ~'C . ;,. ...:'.,., :;:;, ...~'. .'~ :o.-:""'~. '", ;.. ';... ,. ...""", :,. '. ':}?f:~ ; ~ '>; .~.,' "';7;'~l;!::':?;~ . .-1,. ,~,:.,.e.'::r:;; ":, ...... 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ATTIC FL. a S'rAIRS .., FIN. ATTIC AREA FIN.BSMT. AREA ~EGREATION RM.BSMT. V GAR~GE IN BSMT. ROOMS BSMTI 1ST _3 2ND ..3 I 3RD INTERIOR FINISH 1ST 2ND JRD PINE ENAMELED CHESTNUT HARDWOOD *,"'., WALL BOARD MATCH BEAD UNFIN.INT. l/ r. C F l,.P .JI4T. CONDo V 7 *' LAYOUT ~;; STRUCTURI .......1.4 ~ . 'HEATING 1j0T AIR V STEAM HOT WATER VAPOR AIR CONDo \1/,-7/. V' V FL. OR WALL FURNACE PIPELESS FURNACE "NO HEATINO SYSTEM OIL BURNER COAL STO,ICER GAS.ao.u.H U IV /.,.. Y FJREPLACES.- FIREPLACE STACKS( JJb ~ FIREPLACES ~ A-RUFICIAL FIREPLACES INCINERATOR REPL. YALUIE ;: 81.%& GRAblE. AGE RIMODL.D' CONDo 'M,.OI'. 'UNCT. DIP. ."/~3/fa . ,_ ~-.s:~70 _<;"'A~~ F...., .13lr. i~ J! - /",n J.,.~. ~~. ~~ . IU n-z ...., ~ -; ",_~ - I. ......--- ~ -' I.U ~/7 ~y :s'76-P ? - ~ -1..50 --- @ I' - ..,j- /1, , .1- ~. . 1+ / 17 LIGHTING I~ NO ELECTRIC L TO. OAS LIGHTING PLUMBING BATH ROOMS 7 17 ST. SHOWER BATH ROOM STALL.SHOWER EXTRA TOILET ROOMS WATER CLOSET EXTRA LAVATORY EXTRA SIN K.u.1iII\ J . . KITCHEN WAINSCOT 'LOCATION;" f'" Goot)''''' fAIR" POOR SEPTIC TANK OR CESS PL. WATIR ONLY NO PLUMBINe INCOME -?'J~AI~~ ..c~. TO Tj\ L ~,v'" ~ R~ "'''''CI~ ";'-+R/" KX'/ I I' ~ " "". @4-t "" ",. , , v f'" , ", :':i" 1., '.:'" '.: -- .J7TT PHY..IC::A~ ,VALda " 744d' ..... .~.~ ~,.6~. .74~~ :'-<':":"";""'~ ;' . ACTUAL' VAt.ut:;if:~ .~'T:,':: '. ~. .....-... :: "'" .. B(,ILDING CON.PUTATION R 1,4 s. F. /7, ~ z" j,'b I. F. .!J.iI ~ '.f/(J S.F. ~,5o BASE PRICE 8SMT. AlUlA WAtrs -~~ ROOF FLOORS FLOORS ./ a/ ATTIC; . 2 MEASURED BY INT. FaNISH OUT BLOOS. WALL FOUNDATION PIER FOUNDATION SINGLE WALL SDG. DO.USLE WALL SDO. SHINGLE WALLS STUCCO. ON CEMENT BLOCK BRICK CONe. FLOOR EARTH FLOOR 4-' LiSTED BY 4- AREA C9MP. BY t; PRICED BY (p / J' .~.. "'. . I'~ :';'j" A - 1: . ..~~ 3~ .. W.. .,5:. I.!J-.S".s" TIL1NC VLJ BATH FLOOR a WA'''~OT lATH FLOOR" WALLS BATH FLOOR ONLY TOILET RM. FL.a WAINS. TOILET AM. FL.a WALLS TOILET RM. fL. ONLY ~", ~ 17 BSMT. FINISH.., HEATING SYSTEM AUTO HTO. UNIT ". RE~~ACE8 ~ . PLUM ~ING TILlNO TOTAL BASE PRICE SHINGLE ROOF ROLL ROOFUIG ELECTRIC LIGHTS "'~ TOrAL\. COST FACTOR -. REPLACEMENT VALU~ I. F. s. F. ;', 'l'lf~~ ~1_;28 ..~.. - )';;~"'7.1.J1 .... .,- .~~; ~~. .~ /~:_:'~,;.~ 2 .:" -1-';3 ~ '(J~, '''~~4t) /:~ It, '.~~'.- /~ 19L ,. .71 ~(J.D~" j' .,...~" " '. ;. ;;, ;,:;F~t~r;~~::~ ;~(f'~;~r, .'-,. . '." i:: :!~ ,,'., .~..:~ t~~ ,~; .... . ,,,.;}:~~;." ' : ..~j,,:' .... ',,' JillJ:Vt . ,":. .. j~" ':;:~ ," '.'<., ., ....~i.:r;.' ~(; ;,':' :~: :: :;, ,':~" t;:: .f. .~.d~ ,.:)~' """',.,~:,. ~ .' A / .tfG.tJ'.7t>:' -*.....,7~~f /~.~,,-:PfJ _~:.: ~.::...__..u __~4_d~:1~l,::.~~"I"