1944 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL of The City of Dubuque, Iowa FOR THE YEAR 1944 Schuster Printing Service Dubuque City Officials for the Year 1944 W. W. MOFFATT, 1\Iayor GAO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN DU~I,MAN F. W. THOIviPSON AI,B~RT WHARTON Councilmen City Clerk-J. J. SHk±A City Solicitor-JOHN J. KINTZII~TG~R City Manager-A. A. RHOMB~RG City Treasurer- OTTO F. PUL,S City Auditor- R. P. 1VIARSHAI,I, Chief of Fire Department- P~RRY KIRCH Police Judge- I,OUIS F. FAUTSCH Building Inspector- DONAL,D J. BANDY hlectrical Inspector- I,U'V~RN C. NORTON Plumbing Inspector- D. J. O'L)~ARY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOV~R Chief of Police- JOS~PH H. STRUB Health Director- ............ DR. C. C. L,YTI,~ Sanitary Officer- JOS~PH T. SCHARRY 1\Iilk Inspector- V. F. CHAPIVIAN Food and Restaurant Inspector- 1VIRS. AI,NI~DA TIIVIMONS Market Alaster- C. J. McCARTHI' Superinteudeut of \Vater Works- J. J. HAIL, Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first 1\Ionday of each month at 7:30o'clocle ~.._.._ ~ ~ : _z ;~ II~II~EX-B®®IC 74 1944 SUBJECT Page 6-L 000.00 to issue ........................ bonds in the amount of 130 an. 17-Air ort , ,. ......................... 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18, n 19, 20, 23, 24 ' Class "B" Beer Permit... ted Feb. 7-Anthome,Louis and Agnella, gra 16, 17 Mar. 6-Agreement with the United States relative to operation and maintenance of the Dubuque Municipal Airport ...................._....25 , 26, 27, 28, 29 April 3-Appointment of Officers by the City Council ............................................. 55 " 3-Appointment of Officers and Employees by' City Manager....._........ 55 " 3-Appointment of Telegraph-Herald as official newspaper ............... 55 " 3-Appointment of the First National Banle, the American Trust and Savings Banlc and the Dubuque Bank and Trust Com- pany as depositories of public funds ............................................................ 56 " 3-Appointment of Messrs. John H. Weimer, Thomas J. Hill and Joseph M. Conley as members of Board of Review...... 56 May 1-Annual report of Librarian of Public Library .......................................... 72 " 1-Annual report of Trustees of Public Library ....._ ...................................... 72 " 1-Adams, Waldo, Park Commissioner, bond ...................................................... 73 « 29-Annual report of City Auditor .................................................................................... 78 " 29-Annual report of City Treasurer .............................................................................. 78 Jtme 30--American Legion, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 100 30-Anthoine, Louis, granted cigarette permit . 101 : " 30-Amodeo, Joseph, granted cigarette permit .............................................. 101 " 30-Apel, Merlin, granted cigarette permit .........................._................,............,..... 101 " 30-Apel, Arthur, granted cigarette permit ............................................................... 101 " 30-American Legion, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .......................~.....,.........._...........................................................,................_.........._................. 103,105 " 30-Amodeo, Joseph, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............................... 103, 105 Aug. 7-Anthony, Paul, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 108-109 and 110 Burden and Law- ther's addition ......................................................................................_................................... 140 " 19-Armstrong, John A. and Harriett M., granted cigarette permit 161 Sept. 5-Assignment of Flora Harkett to F. J. Delaney .......................................... 164 " 5-Anchor Investment Company, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the West / of Lots 90 and 91 of East Dubuque Addition ..........:.............................................. 165, 179, 180 " 5-Armstrong, John A. and Harriett, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................................................................,,......................~ 167 " r of establish- the matte 25-Attor i i ey •••,.,...•,••...,,,.•..,..".'.'....••,.. ' n laces istratlo m additional reg g P 176 Nov. 6-Agreement effective between City of Dubuque and the United States for development of Municipal Airport project ............ 187 " 6-Avenarius, William C., submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 7 of Broadway Add.... 188 Dec. 4-Airports, leases and use agreements affecting C. A. A. de- veloped airports .......................„..,........,...................,....,...................,.......,.,......................... 193, 194 ~;,, ~~~ k -" E I '.a , %;; ~:;,i ; ';; -'E; ~i®TDE~-~®®I~ 74 1944 SUBJI~CT page Jan. 17-Bauman, 1llrs. Charles, requesting suspension of the 1943 tax... " 10 16 17 -Brady, John A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ................................................ , 10 " 17 -Bennett, Arthur h., Park Commissioner, bond .......................................... 10 Feb. 7 -Beth ~1, submitting recommendations relative to juvenile ... delinquency ................................................. ....... ........................................... 13 " 7 -Bierring, Walter L., M. D., Commissioner, State Department of Health, extending invitation to attend program cover- ing restaurant and food sanitation to be held in Des 1bloines, Iowa .............................................................................................................................. 13 7 -Buechel, Louis, 1~xcavation Bond ....................................................................... ...... 14 " 7 . -Briggs, ZVilliam ~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........................„ 16, 17 April 3 -Barrington, «rm. and Gleu hiller, requesting a refund on the " unexpired portion of their Class "B" Permit .................................... 57 3 -Barrington, ~Vm., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 61, 62 1VIay 1- Bierring, Walter L., 11I, D., Commissioner Iowa State Depart- ment of Health, extending invitation to the City Health Officer to attend the annual meeting of the Iowa Public " Health Association at Des Moines, Iowa....._ ......................................... 71 1 " -Brady, John A., Clerk of Police. Court, bond ................................................. 73 i- " Bemiett, A. IIL, Park Commissioner, band ...................................................... 73 1 -Barton, Clarence and 11~Iaiy Mueller, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................................................................................. 75 May 29- Bennett, Joseph F., submitting offer in the amount of $125.00 for the purchase of Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 of Mineral « 29- Lot 159 ......................................................................................................................................... Beaves, George L, excavation bond ............................................................................. 77 86 ~ 80 June 5- Board of Review, report foi' the year 1944 ........................................._........... 85 June 22- Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Health Officer, electrical In- spector, submitting report and recommendation that the buildings located at 336 West First Street on Lot 1 of 2 of City Lot 594- owned by Anna P. Rosenquist, also the building located at 515 fast Fifteenth Street on the South of Lat 287 I~ast Dubuque Add. owned by Dubuque County, also the frame shed attached to rear of building at 409 Loras Boulevard on Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of City Lot 667 owned by Loraine NI. Locher and Sylvia M. Roach « be ordered condermied and torn down .................................................._..... 91 92 30- " Beclc, John C., Notice of Claim ................................................................................... , 93 123 30- " Board of Dock Commissioners, certificate of tax levy ............_...... , 95 30- " Berutgen, Frank H., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 100 30- << Baumgartner, John J, and John M., granted cigarette permit...... 100 30- " B. P. O. ~., granted cigarette permrt .................................................................. 100 30- " Burke, Leonard, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 101 30- " Buelow, Clarence C., granted cigarette permit ............................................. 101 30- " Bertsch, Jos. J., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 101 30- " Beck, John C., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 101 30- " Braun, Henry C., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 1Q2 30- " Brodeur, Norbert W. and Catherine, granted cigarette permit... 102 30- " Baumhover, B. L., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 102 30- " Briggs, William I;., granted cigarette permit .......................... 102 30- Buelow, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 103 104 g granted Class B" Beer Permit .,.,, H , 103 104 30- Norbert V , and Catherine, g Bro P anted Class "B" Beer , " 30- . . ' • r , . ernu Bertsch, Jos. J. and A. J Bei ntgen, granted Class B' Beer 103, 104 30- • . , . . , ermit B. P. O. 1~., •~ranted Class B" Beer Permit for Privat e Club 103, 104 103, 105 July 20- Budget estimate of ~spenditures for the fiscal ear be in u y g t ng April 1, 1945 and ending March 31, 1946 .................................... 110, 111 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, E 121 144 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155 , , , 156, 157 II~tDEX-B®OK 74 1944 SUB J~CT Page B July 20- Behnke; Nicholas J., et al, residents and property owners on Washington Street, requesting that the B-Branch storm sewer system be cleaned as said sewer is partially filled with debris and is the cause of recent floods....._ ................................... 122 " 20 -Brandt, Mary F., requesting suspension of 1943 tax .............................. 123, 135 " 20 -Benda, John ~., granted cigarette permits ......................................................... 125 " 20 -Benda, John J~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 125, 126 Aug. 7- Beck, John C., original notice of sttit ........................................................................ 131 " 7 -Braconier Phtmbing and Heating Co., excavation bond .................. 132 « 7 -Board of Health, Special Session .............................................................................. 143 Sept. 5- Burke, Richard J., excavation bond ............................._....................,...._...._....,,..... 166 " 5 -Burke, Leonard, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................:.. 167 " 5 -Board of Health, Special Session ................................................................................. 170 " 11 -Brown, William A, and Hilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 172, 173 " 11 -Board of Health, Special Session .............................................................................. 174 25 -Beyer, Frances, requesting suspension of 1944 taxes .............................. 177, 182 " 25 -Brown, William A, and Hilda, granted cigarette permit .................. 178 Oct. 2- Baumgartner, John M. and Johtt J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._ ...................................................................................................................:..................... 184 Dec. 4 -Brunskilt, Mrs. Edward, notice of claim ............................................................ 193 ~~~~-~®®IC 74 1944 SUB JI~CT Page i G, t Jan. 3- City Council, Regular Session ...................................................................................... 1 " 3- Claims for month of November, 1943, proof of publication......... 2 " 3- Comprehensive Plan of the City of Dubuque amended to pro- vide for the relocation of proposed Channel Street .................. 5 " 3- Channel Street, relocation of said proposed street ............................._..... 5 " 3- Canfield, Wm. J. Jr., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 6 « 17- City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 7 " 17- Callahan, Hugh, Police Officer, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military service ........................ 9 " 17- Clancy, R. H., requesting a refund on his Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................................................................................ 9 Feb. 7- City Council, Regular Session .......................................................................................... 11 " 7- Claims for month of December, 1943, proof of publication............ 13 " 7- Council Proceedings for the months of November and Decem- ber, 1943, approved as printed ............................................................................... 13, 14 " 7- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of December, 1943 ............................................................................................................ 14 ~, 15- City Council, Special Session ........................................................................................ 18 Mar. 6- City Council, Regular Session .............................................................................~........... 23 " 6- Chapman aud' Cutler, opinion on the issuance of $130,000.00 Airgort Bonds ........................................................................................................................ 23 " 6 -Claims for month of January, 1941, proof of publication ............ 24 « 16- City Council, Special Sessior. .......................................................................................... 29 << 18- Cit}~ Comicil, SPecial Session .......................................................................................... 31 << 21- City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 34 " 21 -Cotmcil Proceedings for the month of January, 1944, ap- proved as priuted ................................................................................................................... 34 " 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of January, 1944 .................................................................................................................. 34 " 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works, reports, also a list of claims for month of February, 1944 ............................................................................................................... 35 << 28- City Council, SPecial Session .......................................................................................... 48 28 -Conley, Joseph NL, submitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review ......................................................... 49 " 28- -County Auditor Daykin, advising Council that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer made by Thos. Fleisch- man on the fast 80 feet of L,ot 5 of Barry's Sub . .................. 50, 59 28 -Claims for month of February, 1944, proof of publication............ 50 April 3- City Council, Regular Session .......................................................................................... 55 3 -City Clerk swore in Messrs. Frank W. Thompson, Frank Van Duelman and Albert Wharton as Councilmen for the term commencing the first 1blonday in April, 1944............ 55 " 3 -Continental Casualty Company, Certificate of Compliance show- ing that they have qualified for the transaction of Fidelity aud Surety business in the State of Iowa ................................................ 57 " 3 -City Alanager recommending the adoption of an Ordinance prescribing the bonds of nnmicipal officers ....................................... 60 " 3 -Conner, Iona and Ray, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 61, 62 ,~ 14 -City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 63 " 14 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and Water- works, reports, also a list of claims for month of March, 1944 ...................................................................................................................................................... 66 ~, 21 -City Council, Special Session ........................................................_................................... 69 May 1- City Council, Regular Session .......................................................................................... 71 1 -Chambers, I,eo J., City Fireman, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the Armed forces of the United States ........................................................................................................................... 71 " 1 -Claims for month of Nlarch, 1944, proof of publication .................. 72 " 1 -Chapman, Virgil Fay, Milk Inspector, bond ........................................._..... 73 « 29 -City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 76 1944 SUBJECT Page May 29- osed e es a Canfield ~V. J. Jr. enterm~ ro rop and Linwood of the change in routin ~ below 8th Avenue g ~ J 1 • • ......................... ..... .......... East Dubuque buses 78 << 29- 44 19 Februat of Counctl Proceedings for the mo Y> aP- 78 " 29- proved as printed .................................................................................................................. Claims for month of April, 1944, proof of publication ........................ 78 " 29- City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department and ~ZTater- works reports, also a list of claims for month of April, 78 « 29- 19 ........................... ..P City Auditor, annual..•re ort .................................................................................................. ............ 78 78 " 29- ........................................................................... Cit Treasurer, annual re ort •••••,•••••. y p " 29- ~ City Manager, recommendin;~ that a warrant m the amount of $4,312.39 be ordered drawn ou the Consolidated Fund to meet deficiencies in various Special Assessment Funds as outlined and further recommending that any collections hereafter accruing to special assessment funds prior to 79 Fund No. 952 be credited to the Consolidated Fund .................. « 29- er Chapman, Robert E. and Tillie, ,ranted Class B" e ` ' 80 « 29- .B..,.....~e , Permit •••••• ..........•...........,~rantin........a......hcation....for.....Class.... Callahan, Lee J., a • e1 ~P g 80 87 Jtine 5- . ........................................................................._..... ....... Permit ........................................ City Council, Regular Session ............................................................................................. it P " B " . 83 87 5- ..................................................• erm eer B Cole, Steve, granted Class 89 « 22- City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... " 22- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Lucy Neiman for the purchase, of Lot 10 of Gray's Sub ........................................•........,..... 89 " 22- County Auditor Daykin, advising that the. Board of Sttper- vtsors have accepted an offer made by Paul Fondell far the purchase of Lot 1 of 2 of 372 of Davis Farm Add....... 89, 90 " 22 -Claims for month of May, 1944, proof of publication ........................ 90 " 22 -Civil Service Commission, report on entrance examinations 90 for appointment to positions on Police Department .................. « 30 -City Council, Special Session ........................................................................................ 93 " 30 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- vtsors have accepted an offer made by F. B. Graham for the purchase of Lots 2S, 26 and 27 of Wm. Blake's Add....... 93 " 30 -Civil Service Commission, report on entrance examinations 98 far appointment to positicns on Fire Department ........................ " 30 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department ~nd Water Works reports, also a list of claims for month of May, << 30 -Corbett,l ....G.' ..gra..... ....................................................................................................................... J rated. cigarette permit ............................................•............,.... 100 100 " 30 ; -Cole, Steve, granted cigarette permit ....................................................................... 101 101 " 30 -Conklin, R. H., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ " 30 -Cunningham, Leo V. and J. M. Thompson, granted cigarette 101 " 30 permit .........• ...............................................................................•.............................,........................ Iona and Ray, granted cigarette permit ......................................... -Conner 101 " 30 , -Clapper, Ion A. and Archie Schmitt, granted cigarette permit " 30 -Casey, Harold A., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 102 102 " 30 -Cooper, Fred H., granted cigarette permit .....................................................•... i 102 " 30 t ................... -Chapman, Robert E. and Tillie, granted cigarette perm " " 30 -Capretz, Mrs. Kate and Wm. Lembke, granted Class "B 104 103 Beer Permit .............................................................................................................................. , " 30 -Clapper, Ion A. and Archie Schmitt, granted Class "B" Beer 104 103 " 30 Permit ................................................................................................................................................ -Cooper, Fred H., granted Class `B" Beer Permit .................................... , 103, 104 " 30 -Cunningham, Leo V. and John NI. Thompson, granted Class ,~ << 104 163 B Beer Permit ..............................................•.........................................,........................ , " 30 William W. and Maggie, granted Class "B" Beer -Cosley , Permit ............................._............................,................................................................................. 103, 104 107 July 3 -City Council, Regular Sessian .......................................................................................... 110 << 20 -City Council, SPecial Session • ......................••.............•....................•.•.........•.........•........... II®TI~EX-~®®~ 74 1944 SUB J~CT Page t ~I ~II~, ~'~' .'~~ i t: i I~ f~ i t I~ i' i' i I 'r III i E r } 'I''~ f ~I ~'~ i ~, ', s i July 20 -Claims for month of June, 1944, proof of publication ........................ 123 " 20 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, Water Works and Health De- partment reports, also list of claims for month of June, 1944 ....._ ..............................................................................................................._,.......................,..... 123 Aus. 7 -City Council, Regular Session ................... ....................... 129 7 -Coffey, Charles I,., notice of claim ..................................... .... 129, 166 " 7 -Chicago Great «testern Railway Company, advising that flashlight signals have been installed at the crossing in- tersection at )~ast 29th Street ........................................._.............................,..... 130, 131, 167 " 7 -Council Proceedings for month of 1\larch, 1944, approved as printed ................................................................................................................................,..... 131 7 -Civil Service Commission, report on examinations for the position of Fire Chief ................................................................................................... 132 " 7 -Custer Street from the fast property line of Atlantic Street to the West property line of Alley 1st fast, establishing a grade on said Custer Street ..............................................................................134, 135, 159, 160 " 7- County Auditor Daykin, advising tha± the Board of Sttper- visors have accepted an offer made by Frank l~Iesserlcnecht for the purchase of the S ~ 123 feet and the N W 120' feet of hots 17 and 18 Jaegers Sub .............................................................. 138, 139 " 7 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Sylvester M. Haver- land for the purchase of I,ot 35 of Woodlawn Park .................. 139 " 7 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted au offer made by Paul Anthony for the purchase of hots 108, 109 and 110 Burden and I,awther addition .................................................................................................................. 140 " 7 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by F. B. Graham for the purchase of hots 25, 26, and 27 of Wm. Blokes add.... 140 " 7 -County Auditor Da}=kin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Lucy Neiman for the purchase of L,ot 10 of Gray's Sub ....................................................... 141 « 10 -City Council, Special Session .............................................._...................,....................... 144 << 19 -City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 159 " 19 -Claims for month of July, 1944, proof of publication ........................ 160 " 19 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, Health Department, and Water Works regarts, also list of claims for month of July, 1944 160 Sept. 4- City Council, Regular Session ......................................................................................... 163 " 5 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ......................................................... 164 " 5 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Bernard Heim, for the purchase of I,ot 9 Central Addition ....................................... 165 " 5 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Anchor Investment Company for the purchase of the «~est % of Lots 90 and 91 fast Dubuque Addition .................................................................................... 165,179, 180 « 11 -City Council, Special Session .......................................................................................... 171 " 11 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by A. W. Klauer for the purchase of Lots 1, 3 and 5, Sub. of hots 1 of 2 of Mineral I,ot 62 and lA, ZA and 3A of Mineral I,ot 149 172 " 11 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Waterworks reports, also a list of claims for month of August, 1944 .............................................................................................................................. 172 « 25 -City Council, Special Session ............................................................................................. 175 " 25 -County Auditor Daykin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by William J. Miller far the purchase of hots S5 and 57 of Belmont Addition...... 176, 182, 183 25 -Claims for month of August, 194=4, proof of publication ....._........... 177 Oct. Z -City Council, Regular Session ....................................................._...........................,....... 181 II~I~IEX-~®®IC 74 1944 SUBJECT Paae Oct. 2-Commissioner of Registration, recommendation for the ap- pointment of registration clerks ........................................................................ 181, 182 « 23-City Council, SPecial Session .......................................................................................... 186 " 23-City Manager and members of City Council, authorized to go to Washington, D. C., to interview the C. A. A. regarding Adminis Veterans: e l d t e , ' . spital iew 1 o the p oposed t on tatron 186 Nov. 6-City Council, Regular Session ...................................................................................... 187 " 6-Civil Aeronautics Administration, Department of Commerce, advising of effective agreement between the City of Du- buque and the United States for development of the Dubuque, Iowa, Airport ................................................................................................ 187 " 6-County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Katherine and Wil- liam Hohnecker for the purchase of hots 25, 26, 27 and 28 of Taylor and Cooley's Sub ............................................................................ 187 " 6-County Auditor Daykin advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by Frank NI. Kelly for the purchase of I,ot 3 of hots 14 and 15 of Bush's Sub . ............................:...................................................................................................................... 188 " G-County Auditor Daylcin, advising that the Board of Super- visors have accepted an offer made by William C. Aven- arius for they purchase of I,ot 7 of Broadway Add .................... 188 " 6-Claims for month of September, 1944, proof of publication............ 189 " 6-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Water Works reports, also a list of claims for the month of September, 1944 .......................................................................................................... 189 " 6-Cunningham, I,eo V. and John M. Thompson, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer ermit ............................................................... 190, 198 Dec. 4-City Council, Regular Session ......................................................................._................. 193 " 4-Cretzmeyer, Mrs. Mary, notice of claim ...................................................... 193 " 4-Civil Aeronautics Administration, leases and use agreements affecting C. A. A. developed Airports ...................................................... 193, 194 " 4-Council Proceedings for the months of April, May and June, 1944, approved as printed .......................................................................................... 195 " 4-Claims for month of October, 1944, proof of publication ............... 195 " 4-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City a list of claims for month ports, also a • Octobeor1944 of 195 " 4-Curtis-Straub Co., excavation bond .......................................... ...... ............ 196 " 4-Consolidated Fund, the sum of $16,886.00 transferred from the emergency Fund to said Consolidated Fund ........................... 196-197 " 4-Consolidated Fund, the sum of $20,000.00 transferred from the Water Works General Fund to said Consolidated Fund 197, 198 ~' .', ', i i i A III i ~,i 7 ~, ;~ ~I i F ,'i i !I j ~ I ~~~ ~: i i~ II~~EX-~®®I~ 7~ 1944 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3 -Dunphy, Robert, City Fireman, requesting a leave of absence " as he has been inducted into military service ............................._...., 1 3 -Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, plat of the Subdivision of hots, 17, 18 and 19 of Bloclc 17 .................. 2 Feb. 7 -Dubuque Council of Church Women, submitting- recommenda- tions relative to juvenile delinquency ............................................................ 13 " 15 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, asking permission to use the lots at fast Fourth Street )~xteusion for the purpose of holding a carnival .............................................................................. 21 :~dar. 6 -Dr. Pepper Bowling banes Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .......................................................... ................................... 24, 25 6 -Dubuque Municipal Airport, agreement, with the United States relative to operation and maintenance of same ...................................25, 2 6, 27 28 29 21 -Detailed distribution of proposed expenditures of the City of , , Dubuque for the fiscal year beginning April 1st, 1944 and 28 ending March 31, 1945 ........................35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40', 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 -Dubuque County Unit of the Women's Field Arm for the y control of cancer requesting permission to sponsor a tag day ............................................................................................................................................. 49 April t o t O dy an fic v u . s 56 3 S -De partme t of P blic Des Moines, Io va extend g un>itation to the Mayor to attend the All-Iowa Traffic Safety Contest Award Dinner at Des Moines, Iowa .................. 57 " 14 -Dolan, John J., Police OSzcer, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military service of the rated totes 65 14 ~~ -Des 1Vloine Chamber of Commerce Plan for Fee der Air P Lines, rotest to be forwarded to the Civil Aeronautic Board at Washington, D. C., against said plan ....._ ....................... 67, 71 May 1- Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, granted per- mission for the holding of a tag day ............................................................ 71 " 1 -Demkier, Geraldine 1;., Secretary to City Adanager, bond............ 73 " 1 -Deyoe, George, 'granted Class `B" Beer" Permit .................................... 74 " 1 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................................................................................................................. 74 " 1 -Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 74 June 5- Dubuque Packing Company, granted the right and authority to use and occupy the westerly twehre feet of Sycamore Street as may be necessary for to build and construct a stairway approximately five and one-half feet in width along the easterly wall of a building located on L,ot 418 Fast Dubuque Addition, No. 2, also to construct and maintain atwo-story building upon the westerly twelve feet of Sycamore Street beginning about 14 feet north of the north line of fast Sixteenth Street and extending northerly about 51.4 feet, also to build, construct and maintain a coal hopper under the existing sidetrack on the westerly side of Sycamore Street .............................................................................................. 83 84 " 5- Davis, John, Police Officer, requesting a leave of absence as , he has been inducted into the armed forces .......................................... $$ " 5- Duffy, Vincent and Madelin, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... $7 " 22- Dubuque County, building owned b}~ them located at 515 fast Fifteenth Street on the South / of I,ot 287 fast Dubuque Addition, recommendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Health Officer and electrical Inspector that said building be condemned and ordered torn down ......91, 92, 98, 99, 124, 138 188 June 30- Dubuque Metal Trades Council Club, granted cigarette permit... , 100 " 30- Dubuque Packing Company, granted cigarette permit ........................ 100 " 30- Deyoe, George C, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 100 " 30- Diamond's Grill, Inc., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 101 " 30- Dr. Pepper Bowling banes Club, granted cigarette permit ............ 101 1 I1~tDE~-~~~I~ 74 1944 SUB J~CT Paige June 30- Duncan, Dale, granted two cigarette permits ................................................ 102 " 30 -Duffy, Vincent and Nladeliu Duffy, granted cigarette permit...... 102 " 30 -Dugan, Charles S., granted cigarette permit 102 " 30 -Donahue, James M., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 103, 104 " 30 -Dugan, Charles S. and May 1~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit 103, 104 " 30 -Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ............:....................... 103, 105 July 3- Dubuque Packing Company, suggesting that a survey be made and some plan devised to overcame the existing menace to their property due to the inadequacy of the B-Branch Storm Sewer ............................................................................._............................................... 107 Aug. 7- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation to City Council to participate in Labor Day Night Parade 130 Sept. 5- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the City Council to enact an ordinance instructing and authorizing the Commissioner of Registration to designate the larger industrial plants as registration places ...................................................... 165, 175, 176 " 11 -Dubuque Community War Chest, requesting permission to erect a pylon in the center of the intersection of eighth and Main Streets ..............................................................................................._.....,........... 171, 187 " 25 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, thanking City Council for their ca-operation in the Labor Day Parade .............................. 176 " 25 -Disabled American Veterans, requesting permission to hold a F'or-Get-Me-Not sale on September 30, 1944 .............................. 176 Nov. 6 -Dubuque Safety Council, asking the City'Cottncil to provide a marking machine to take care of the painting and mark- ing of crosswalks, lanes and stalls and also school mark- ings ...................................................................................................................................................... 188 Dec. 4 -Dubttque Chapter of the Iowa Tuberculosis Association. re- questing permission to hold bangle sale day, December 16, 1944 ............................................................................................................................................. 195 ~' I I, , ,I Iii ';, i y ~, 1 ~' , i I~'„i i I' f r ~ ill ~~iI, 'I j I i i u { ~ d I ;I ~, f ~ 'i j ' II~DE~-~®®~ 74 1944 SUBJ$CT Page Mar 18- election of March 27, 1944, canvassing petitions for nomin- ations for Councilmen and Park Commissioners ........................... 31 " 18- hlection of March 27, 1944, voting places selected .............................. 32 " 18- Election of March 27, 1944, judges and clerks appointed ........_..... 32, 33 " 28 -1~,lection of 1Vlarch 27, 1944, canvass of vote cast .................................... 48, 49 " 28 -$lection of March 27, 19=14, judges and clerks, payment for April 3- services ............................................................................................................................................. Even, Joseph J. (Black and \Vhite Cab Co.) Taxicab Bond...... 54 59 June 30- ode, Mrs. Louise A., requesting permission to turn her present home located at 2350 Simpson Street into two apartments... 94, 136 " 30 -] ichmann, Arthur H., granted cigarette permit ..................................._..... 101 " 30 -1~'nder A. J., granted two cigarette permits ...................................................... 102 195 Dec. 4 -liven, Joseph J., (Black and ~~rhite Cab Co.) cab bond .................. " 4-)emergency Fund, the sum of $16,886.00 transferred from said hmergency Fund to Consolidated Fund .................................... 196y 197 II~tD~X-~®®I~ 74 1944 SUBJECT Page Mar. 28- Fleischman, Thos., submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of the Fast 80 feet of I,ot 5 of Barry's Sub . ............................................................................................................................: 50, 59 " 28- Frith, F. F. Company, Inc., requesting permission to construct a railroad track on I,yun Street from a turn-out to be placed at paint "A" southerly to point "C" as shown on the attached plat and stating that the center line of the track will parallel Lynn Street between 17th and- 18th Street and be located. 12 feet 6 inches from the westerly property line .............................................................................................................................. 50', 60, 63, 64 April 3- Fun1c, Harry M., Police Officer, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military service of the United States ........................................................................................................................... 56 April 3- Fleischman, Thomas, approval of the sale by Dubuque County of the fast 80 feet of I,ot 5 of Barry's Sub, to said. Thomas Fleischman ......................................................................................................... 59 May 1- Fitzpatrick, Thomas, Cleric, Water Department, bond ........................ 73 " 29 -Fraternal Order of F'a'gles, requesting permission to erect two banners across Sixth Street, one at Main Street and the other at Locust Street, also permission to place card- board arrows on Central Avenue from Sixth Street to 18th Street ........................................._..........,.............................................................................. 77 " 29 -Fautsch, Louis Francis, Police Judge, bond ................................................ 80 " 29 -Fritschel, Fsther ~., Stenographer and Clerk, City Water Department, bond .....................................................................................................:,....... 80 June 22- Fondell, Paul, submitting offer for the purchase of I,ot 1 of 2 of 372 of Davis Farm Add ........................_..................................................... 89, 90 " 30 -Fire Pension Board, certificate of tax levy .................w................................... " 30 -Fire, Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy ............................................. 95 " 30 -Finch, Alford, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 100 " 30 -Fraternal Order of Fagles, granted cigarette permit ........................ 100 " 30 -Flick, Morris B., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 100 " 30 -Falkenhainer, Charles, granted cigarette permit ..............................._,..... 101 " 30 -Fortmann, Anton, 'granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 101 " 30 -Flynn, John D. and Gussie, granted Class `B" Beer Permit .... 103, 104 " 30 -Fortmann, Anton, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. 103, 104 " 30 -Fraternal Order of eagles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................................................................................................................. 103, 105 " 30 -Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" Beer Permit far Private Cluh ................._......................................................................,........................ 103, 105 Dec. 4 -Fall, George, submitting for Council consideration a Piroposed Bill for an Act to promote the public health, convenience and welfare by giving cities and towns the power to 195 create assessment districts ......................................................................................... 1944 SUB J~CT Page P`eb. 7-Gruetzmacher, John A, submitting offer in the amount of $25.00 for purchase of Lot 1 of 2 of 17, Mt. Pleasant Addition ....................................................................................................................................:..... - 1. Mar. 6 -Grab, )~rwin M. and Helen, granted Class 'B" Beer Permit...... 24 May 1 -Gantert, Harry N. and Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 74 June 30 -Graham, F. B., submitting offer for the purchase of Lots 25 " , 26 and 27 of Wm. Blake's Addition ............................................................ 93 30 -Gala, Dominick, granted cigarette permit ........................................................... 100 " 30 " -Grutz, John, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 101 30 " -Grode, Harry and Viola, granted cigarette permit ................................. 101 30 -Gantert, Harry N., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 102 " 30 -Galle, Nlrs. Bernice, granted cigarette permit ..................................._........... 102 " 30 -Graham, J~rma, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 102 " 30 " -Gala, Dominick and Alice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 103 104 30 " -Graham, )~rma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................._...........t..... , 103 104 30 -Galle, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ........................ , 103, 104 Aug- a. -Gal both hi s Class "B" o g D t b nd << .,., '.....,",..,.'.,.,•,.,,.,...,•..... bee r ermit and his ci arette ermit . p g P ' 130 131 7 -Graham, F . B., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for , the purchase of Lots 25, 26 and 27 of Wm. Blakes Add....... 140 7 -Garbage cans, public to be regttested by the Board of Health to keep garbage cans covered at all times to aid in the " preventton of contagious diseases ................... 144 19- Graham, $rma, requesting a refund on her Class "B" Beer " ermrt 159 19- Garba e contract, recomtnenda ion of City Manag g er to f ..'.'• .,..., ,•,... advertrse for bids 160, 161, 1 75, 183, 184 Sept. 5- " Grode, Harry V. and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......, 167 168 25- " Grotjohn, Gordon, granted cigarette permit .................................................. , 178 25- Grotjohn, John, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....._ ............................. 178, 179 Oct. 2- Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 184 II~~~~-~~9® ~4 1944 SUBJF,CT Page Jan. 17-Hantelmann, Leroy J., City Fireman, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military service...... 9 Mrs: Arthur, requesting a refund on both her Class 15-Herber Feb 21 , . "B" Beer Permit and her Cigarette Permit .......................:._........... ........................ f 1943 taxes i 21 ...... on o " 15-Howe, Cecelia, requesting suspens 23 Mar. 6-Heiar, Mrs. Mary, requesting suspension of 1943 taxes .......':.,,..:.' granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ William F H 24 24 ., ansen, 6- " 6-Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit :...........................:.. 58 34 ... " 21-Howard, Ronald G., notice of claim .................................................................... C. S., submitting application for re-appointment as " 28-Harker , 49 , a member of the Civil Seance Commission ..................................... " 28-Hill, T. J., submitting application for appointment as a mem- 49 ber of the Board of Review ................................................................................... " 28-Henkels, Francis R., submitting application for the position 49 of Chief of Fire Department ............................................................................ April 3-Harker, C. S., re-appointed as a member of the Civil Service 1950 1 62 ......................................... , Commission, term espirmg March 3 requesting suspension of the 1943 t ~ M argare ., " 14-Hogan, Mrs. tax on the North ~2 of City hot 326 ..............................................._.........., 66' 67 14-Hedrick, Jacob, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 73 ...................................................... City Assessor, bond •• • May 1-Hanover, Harry J., Supt. and Cashier, Water Department, bond hn Joseph J il H 73 74 , o a , 1- 1-Hawkeye Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... leave of i ng a 29-Hodges, Harold H., Police Officer, request as he has been inducted into the armed forces b 77 sence a of the United States ...................................................................................................... 29-Hen a f ~ a eil tt c ~ u P i s o es for armed th o int iducted as been I he sence as 77 the United States June 30-Hansen, William F., granted cigarette permit :.:...:..:..::.•...:......::'-:.;::.,~.:.°: 100 30-Harwood, M. L., granted cigarette perimt 100 30-Henkel, Gus, granted cigarette pernut .... 100 " 30-Hessel, Irvin, G., granted cigarette permit arette perms ......... ted ci 101 g 30-Hughes, R. D. and Anna, gran " 30-Helmer, Hillis H., granted cigarette permit ...............................................' 101 101 " 30-Hedrick, Jacob, granted cigarette permit ........................................................... t anted ci arette permit ...................................................... ~ g d 101 << ge, g 30-Hawkeye bo << 30-Horne, Wm., granted cigarette pern:it .................................................................. 101 101 " 30-Hochberger, Jobn, granted cigarette permit .................................................. " 30-third, Mrs. Rosemary, granted cigarette permit .......................................... Drug Company, granted three cigarette permits ....._.......... ti H " 102 102 g • ar 30- << .......... 30-Haley, Amy, granted cigaretteiantedtcigarette permit .....,._........_.... Maas ise M L 102 2 , „ . ou " 30-Hogenson, << .................:.................................... 30-Hollywood Grill, granted cigarette permit 10 102 " 30-Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted cigarette permit ....................................._............ Hillis H. and Florence, granted Class "&° Beer Permit lmer H " 30 102,104 , e - " 30-Hughes, R. D. and Anna, gratraiaedl Class `B 'e Bee ~iPerinit..... William and Mary " 103, 104 , 30-Horne, " 30-Hickenlooper, B. B., Governor of State of Iowa, extending ers Short Course to Off ic invitation to attend the Peace held at Iowa State University from Jttly 10 to 14, 1944 b " " 105 e Beer B July 20-Hingtgen, Theodore and Harvey, granted Class .......................................................... 12G, 142 Permit .......:.............................................................................. Aug. 7-Hill Street intersection at West Fifth Street recommenda- t Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of th a tion of City Manager art of Outlot 735 be purchased for the sum of $6,000.00 134 p for the purpose of widening said intersection .................................. Sylvester M., subuiittiug offer to the Board of rland H " 139 , ave 7- Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 35 Woodla~am Park...... 164 Sept. 5-Hackett, Flora, assignment to F. J. Delaney .................................................. Bernard, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors 5-Heinz 165 , for the purchase of Lot 9 of Central Addition .............................. I1~D~X-~®®K 74 1944 SUB JI;CT Page Sept. 5-Hochberger, John A., and Wm., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................................................................._................., 167, 168 Oct. 2-Hawkeye Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ............................................................................................................................._.................,..... 184 Nov. 6-Hohnecker, Catherine and William, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 25, 26, 27 and 28 of Taylor and Cooley's Sub ....................................................... 187 " 6-Hird, Mrs. Rosemary, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 190 " 6-Henkel, Gus and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 190 1944 Sli B J~CT Page I Jan. 3- Interstate Power Company, advising Council that they have f streets i ons o electric distribution poles and lines on port of past 17th and Sycamore and init i th i l y c e v n leys and a Lym1 Streets and requesting that Council give due con- sideration to this problem before taking final action on F d E . . the petitions of Dubuque Packing Company an Frith Company for vacation of certain streets and alleys in the vicinity of fast 17th and Sycamore and Lynn Streets 1 May 1 -Interstate Power Company requesting permission to make bus routes on both the )~ast Dubuque and th i e n change 85, 91, 97 78 71 .... June 30 , Linwood bus routes .................................................................................................. -Iowa State Highway Commission, contract for primary road ... , 95, 96 July 3 extension maintenance ................................................................................................ -International Association of Chiefs of. Police, ex-tending invi- tation to Chief of Police to attend the Annual Confer- 107 ence to be held in Cleveland, Ohio ............................................................... . " 20 -Iowa Children's Home Society, requesting permission to hold 122 Aug. 7 emblem sale ............................................................:................................................................. -Iowa State Department of Health, submitting a General Rule 143 effecting the professions licensed by the department .................. 5 Sept -Iowa State Department of Health, Division of Public Health . engineering, requesting the Board of Health to cause made of the complaint received b t i e o on an investigat from Louis J. Knockel, 1591 ~Uest Third Street, caused by the maintenance of a dumping ground to the rear of 174 170 Finley Hospital ..................................................................................................................... , $ INDEX-~®®I~ 74 y 1944 SUB J)~CT Page r J I I„ Mar. 6-Jansen, Henry and Lucille, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 24 ;y April 3-Jacquinot, Harry J., requesting a refund on the unexpired por- tion of his ci arette it May g perm .................................................................................... 29-Jansen, John H., name submitted for appaintment as a mem- 57 i, ' ber of the Civil Service Commission to fill the unexpired b ;,~ ~ term of . F. Struebe ... ............................................................. 81 I. June ~ ci ........... granted J 30- ausen, Henr and Lucille, garette permit .............................. 100 ` 30-Joseph, Mrs. N, B., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 102 ` Dec. Mrs 4-Josef r ' reques ting a refund on her cigarette B N '~ i' I ',',' ~ „j E ,I. 9 ~.ii ~',' 4 ~i ~~ , m ..... ...... ........................._...................................,........................,....... 194, 195 { I ~' s ~ o Y Ili.', 6 k f ' I ii I% j I ~. it ~, j ' I~ is Ili 1. 1 f i !{ 4 I II~tDEX-B®®I~ 74 1944 SUBJl;CT Page Jan. 3- Kreps, Leo J., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 1, 2 and 4 of Lot 11 and the North ' 15 2 " 3- s Sub ....................................................... of Lot 12 of L. H. Langworthy Nick and Marie J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... Kramer , 6 Feb. 7- , Knoernschild, Lottis J., City Fireman, requesting a leave of 13 absence as he has been inducted into the military service... 58 50 28- Mar Sarah, requesting suspension of the 1943 tax ........................ Koehler , . April 3- , Kunz, Mrs. Bernice, requesting a refund on the unexpired " ` 57 Beer Permit ...................................,................. B portion of her Class 59 " 3- Key City Gas Company, hxcavation Bond ...................................................... " 14- Kabat, Harry, submitting offer in the amount of $10.00 for 65 City Lot adjoining his property at 1385 North Booth St.... May 1- Kueper, Vincent A., Ambulance Drnrer, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the armed forces 71 " 1- of the United States ................._..........,........................................._............................. Kintzinger, John J., City Solicitor, bond ........................................._................. 73 June 22- Kilby, Darrell N., Police Officer, requesting a leave of ab- 89 sence as he has been inducted into the military forces ............ " 30- Kruse, George C., granted cigarette permit ..................................._................. 100 100 " 30- Kretz Cafeteria, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... i " 30- t...... Keller, Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted cigarette perm ioa " 30- Karigan, Andrew D., granted two cigarette permits ........................... 101 " 30- Knights of Columbus, granted cigarette permit ......,..... ............................ 101 " 30- Koleopulos, Steve, granted cigarette permit ...........:...................................... 101 " 30- Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit ................................. 30 -Kramer, Nick and Marie J., granted cigarette permit ........................ 102 " 30 -Kaiser, Aileen H., granted cigarette permit .......................................:........... 102 " 30 -Kies, Theodore T., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 102 " 30 " 30 -Kraus, Lea M., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ -Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 103, 104 " 30 -Koleogulos, Steve, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................. i " " 103, 104 104 103 " 30 t .............._................, Beer Perm B -Kanavas, George, granted Class i " P " , 104 103 t ........~........... erm Beer B " 30-Karigan, Andrew D., granted Class Frank and Amta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............... " 30-Klein , 103, 105 , July 20-Kisting, A. J., protesting to the application and petition of Leo H. Mohr, for the rezoning of the fast side of Alta 122 Vista Street from Rose Street to Loras Blvd .................................. Aug. 7 -Kasper, Mrs. Florian, notice of claim ......................................................F.........,. 129, 166 " 7 Edward ~'., aslzing' Council co-operation in straightening -Koch , out the traffics confusion and gang clanging nuisance at the railway crossings on 27th and 28th Streets ................................. 131, 167 7-Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for 142 « 19 Private Club ......................._................,..........._........................................_.......,..................... -Kitta, Mrs. Joe, notice of .claim ................................................................._................. 159, 166 Sept. 5 -Kennedy, Patrick R., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 167 25 -Klauer, A. W., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots i, 3 and 5 Sub. of Lots 1 of 2 of Mineral Lot 62 and lA, 2A and 3A, of Mineral Lot 149...... 172 Nov. 6 -Kelly, Frank M., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for ' 188 s Sub.......... the gurchase of Lot 3 of Lots 14 and 15 of Bush I. ~: ~; I;;. L, ~, 'f il': !, I (~~, j I ', f ', ', I . k f i L,, Y,~. 'I ~jJ; i'I ~ili~, ~,' ~'l j i ~ l l 4 I i III, i ~. . # ', 1 I ~'~ ~ ', } III '~~`- '!i. i i i j II~TDE~-~®®~ ~4 1944 SUBJECT Page I., Jan. 3 -Latham, $rnest and i11}-rtle, granted Class "C" Beer Permit...... 6 17 -LaCrosse Dredging Corporation, requesting the vacation of Huff Street and the, Alley between Huff and Salina Streets from the south side of Railroad Avenue to the south line of Dubuque Harbor Company Addition ................................................ 10, 15 Feb. 7 -Lundbecle, Catherine S., requesting suspension of 1943 tax............ 13 " 7 -Longview Slci Club, application for Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ......................................_....................,.................................................. 17, 22, 35 " 15 -Ladies Auxiliary of the Spanish American ZVar Veterans, granted permission to hold Carnation Day Sale .............................~ 20, 21 April 14 -Lewis, Miss Irene, transfer of address of Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................................................................................... 67 ~1ay 1- Lyons, 1;. B., name submitted for appointment as a member of the Civil Service Commission to fill the nnespired term of ~. F. Struebcr ................................................................................................ 72 1\~Iay 1- Librarian of Public Library, amoral report ...................................................... 72 1 " -Lul:e, H}dda Noel, Recreation Director, bond ............................................. 73 29 -Lee, James F. Paving Company, bill in the amount of $168.01 for balance clue on his contract for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Fremont Avenue ..............................................._........... 76 " 29 -Lyons, ~. B„ appointed as a member of the Civil Service Conunission to fill the unexpired term of ~. F. Strueber, said term expiring 1\~Iarch 31, 1948 ................................................................. 81 June 5- Link, Leo F. and Bernice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 87 " 22 -Locher, Loraine 1\1. and Sylvia i\I. Roach, frame shed owned by them attached to rear of building located at 409 Loras Boulevard on Lot 1 of 2 of 2 of City Lot 667, recom- mendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Health Officer and $lectrical Inspector that said frame shed be cou- denmed and torn down ...................................................... 91, 92, 98, 99, 125, 137, 168, 188 ,. 30 -Lacy, Franlc R., Notice of Claim .............................................................................. 93, 123 " 30 -Library Board, Certificate of tax levy ....................................................._........... 94 " 30 -Loyal Order of ~doose, granted cigarette permit .................................... 100 " 30 -Latham, Ernest and Myrtle, granted cigarette permit ........................ 100 << 30 -Leik, ~Vm. C.> anted cig rette permrt ... 100 30 a , g -Lnd`vig, 1\1. J. canted c~<~ arette permit ........................................................ " 30 -Leiser, Emil C., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 101 " 30 -Lewis, Miss Ireuc, granted cigarette permit ................................................... 102 " 30 -Luxemburg Club, granted cigarette permit ............................._....................... 102 " 30 -Linlc, Leo F., granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 102 " 30 -Luber, John, grant d cigarette permit 101 e - ewes, iss rene, ~rauted Class B" Beer Permit ....................... 103, 104 July 20 ...... ........................................_`................ -Linehan and 1\Iolo, elcavation bond 123 20 . -Lansei, Geot~e anct Helen, ~tanted ct~atette ermit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P 12a 20 -Lauser, George and Helen, granted Class "B' Beer Permit............ - 125, 126 Aug. 7 -League of Iowa 1\Iunicipalities, extending invitation to Mayor and City Council to attend annual convention to be. held iu Des IVloines, Iowa, en August 15 and 16, 1944 .....:.................. 130 " 7 -Lee, Jas. F., directing the attention of the City Council to the situation prevailing at the North end of Allis Street adjoining- his premises, and requesting that the boulders be removed and that a permanent barrier be placed to keep juveniles off and prevent further tresspassiug .................. 130 " 7 -Lacy, Frank R, original notice of suit .................................................................. 131 " 7 -Luxemburg Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Pri- vate Club ............................................... .......... ............... .............................. 142 " 19 -Loras College, granted cigarette permit ............................................................... 161 Sept. 5- Leiser, Emil C, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .......................................... 167, 168 " 5 -Loyal Order of moose, granted Class "B° Beer Permit for Private Club .............................................................................................................................. 167,168 I1~1DE~-~®®I~ 74 1944 SUBJJ~CT Page IJ Sept. 11-Lyons, Miss Marian, President of the Dubuque County League of Women Voters, stating that if additional clerical help is needed that the members of her organization would be willing to co, operate .............................................................................................. 171 " 25-Luber, John, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit .................. 177 Oct. 2-I,ee, Vivian, notice of claim ................................................................................................ 181, 196 Dec. 4-Leases and Use Agreements affecting C. A. A. developed Airpor±s ....................................................................... 193, 194 ................................................................... Yz _ ~T ~ __ - =1 °~ ~ ___ _ __ t ('I I'. ~: ' it ~, I.!; ~'~; ~ i~i'I, il(„ l ~j, I[ .. j '~ !~ I, ~ ,j! k 'I i~~ f Ii' l; f i i l I I ~ I I I', ~~ 1 ~~ { II;II I, II '~ ~' i ~, f! ':' ''I ;, f i 194=1 SUBJECT page 1 V~~ Feb. 7-ItlcCarthy, Peter H., protesting- to the reappointment of the present members of the Board of Revie~;r .......................................... 7-1\TcCarten, H. B., Fscaeation Bond ........................................................................ " 7-McDonough, 1l~Ielvin, Anita and George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..............._........................ .............................................,.................. May 1-i1lcCarthy, Charles J., Harbor and Marl.et Master, bond .................. June 30-i\-IcCarthy, Peter H., offering to sell his property located on Brest 3rd Street to the City for the amount of $5,200.00...... 30-1\-lcDonald, Daniel, granted cigarette permit ................................................... " 30-A-IcI,aughlin, Frank, granted cigarette permit ........................................._..... 30-1tilcDonough, nlelvin, Anita and George, granted cigarette permit grantedecigar ttetpennitlit ................................................... 1` 30-1\~IcDotiald, tDameltand Loretta, granted Class "B" .Beer .Permit ~0-1\Icl,aughlut, Franlc and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit Aug. 7-McCabe, James J, and Clara P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............................................................................................................................................... Sept. 5-McClain, Virginia, notice of claim ............................................................. 5-McDonough, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....................................................................................................... 25-McDonough, Thomas F. and Ruth, granted cigarette, permit...... Oct. 2-McCann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......................_... 13 14 16 73 93 100 loa 101 102 102 102, 104 103, 104 141, 1.12 164, 178 167, 168 178 184 II~dDEX-~®®i~ ~4 1944 StiBJZCT Page ~~ Jan. 3-Murray, R. ~., Aviation Commissioner, Chamber of Commerce, Kansas City, Missouri, extending invitation to attend the Midwest, Airport Planning Confei-gnce to be held in 1 Kansas City, on January 24 and 25, 1944 ................................................ " 3- Morrison Bros. Co., submitting Quit Claim Deed conveying to City of Dubuque I,ot 2 of 4, I,ot 2 of 5 and I,ot 2 of 6 all in Block 13 of Dubugne~ Harbor hnprovement 2 " 3- Company's addition ............................................................................................................ Master Plan of the City of Dubuque amended to provide for the relocation of proposed Channel Street .......................................... 5 Feb. 7- Miller, Martin A. and Sophie, granted cigarette permit .................. it P " " 16 16 17 " 7- erm Beer B Martin A. and Sophie, granted Class Miller , April 3- , Moffatt, Councilman, elected Nlayor for the ensuing year ......,....„ i " " 55 62 61 ` 3- t ............ Beer Perm B Alas and Ruby, granted Class Mihalas , May , " • cl u 73 74 " 1- 2 Beer Permit...... Martin and Vernon, granted Class B Me er D 9 " , the invitation to atteucl extending ay Comm ttee Memorial 77 " 29- Memorial Day parade ...................................................................................._............. Moore, Mae Agnes, stenographer and Clerlc, City Health 80 Department, bond ............................................................................................................... June 30- Moes, Anthony W. and Fdith, granted cigarette permit .................. 100 " 30- Meyer, Paul J., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 100 " 30- Machinek, Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ............................................. it 100 " 30- ............................................................ Nlangeno, Paul, granted cigarette perm 100 " 30- Miller, George, granted cigarette permit ............................................................. it i tt d 100 " 30- ....... e perm gare c Meyers, Kermit and Thomas billy, grante 101 " 30- Maas, Melvin H., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... it i 141 " 3Q- ............................................. garette perm Manternach, Gus. I,., granted c 101 `< 30- Meis, Stanley, granted cigarette permit ............................................................... it 101 " 30- . . ~ .............................:....... Mihalas, Alas, granted cigarette perm :: : : : 102 " 30- .. . .. .. .. . Miller, Martin, A. and Sophie, granted cigarette permit 102 " 30- Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit ................................................... i 102 " 30- t ..................~ Maas, William and Elizabeth, granted cigarette perm it i 102 " 30- " 30- .......................................... garette perm Manders, )~dmund N., granted c Nleugis, Walter' and Mathilda, granted Class "B" Beer Permit " " 102, 104 104 103 " 30 " 30 Peer Permit .............................. B -Nleyer, Albert M., granted Class -Moes, Anthony W. and hdith, granted Class "B" Beer Pernut " " , 103, 104 104 103 " 30 Beer Permit .............................. B -Maas, Melvin H., granted Class it P " " , 104 103 " 30 erm Beer B William and hlizabeth, granted Class -Maas , July 20 , -Melssen, Hubert, notice of claim ................................................................................ 122, 135 " 20 -Mohr, L,eo H, et al, requesting the rezoning of the bast side 136 122 of Alta Vista Street from Rase Street to I,oras Blvd ............. , Aug. 7 -Mettel Realty and Investment Company, requesting a release 130 on the cigarette bond of Dominick Gala . ................................................ 7 -Machinek, Joseph J:, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit 131 7 -Nlaizewood Insulatron Company, relative to renewing and ex- tending their option for the purchase of Blocks D, ); and Fin Industrial Subdivion to date three years after 131 the termination of presto hostilities .............................................................. " 7 -Mettel Realty and Investment Co., corrected quit-claim deed conveying to them I,ot 1 of Mineral I,ot 82 ....................................... er- d f S B 132, 133 7 up oar o -Messerknecht, Fratilc, submitting offer to visors for the purchase of the S. ~. 123 feet and the N. W. 120 feet of hots 17 and 18 of Jaeger's Sub ._•••••..•..••••.••••••••••••••••••.•.••• 138, 139 " 7 -Murphy, Harry J. and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer 142 141 7- Permit ................................................................................................................................................ Phillip and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... Mihalakis , 141, 142 7 , -Miller, Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 141, 142 Sept. 25 -Miller, William J., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of hots 55 and 57 of Belmont Addition....... 176, 182, 183 Nov. 6 -Miller, Mrs. Katie A., requesting suspension of 1944 tax ............... 188, 196 1914 SUBJECT Page Feb. 7- -National Council of Catholic RTOnten, submitting recommenda- " tions relative to juvenile delinqueuc}= ............................................................ 13 7 " -Morton, I,uvern C., Electrical Inspector, bond ......................... ................. 14 15 -National Committee on Housing, Inc., estendiug invitation to atteucl conference on post-war housing and planning to be held iu Chicago, Illinois .................................................................................... 21 AIa}= 1- Norton, Ltn=ern Carl, Electrical Inspector, bond ....................................... 73 Z9 -Notice of Public Hearing to he held June lst, 19.14 at U. S. Court House, St. Louis, l~-Iissouri, to consider the advisa- bility of providing a dependable 12 foot channel depth in the 11Iississippi River between Cairo, Illinois, and A~Iinne- apolis, Minnesota, by order of ~Var Department Corps of Engineers, Office of Division Engineer, Upper 1VIis- sissippi Valley Division ........................................................_...._............................. 76 June 5- National Rivers and Harbor Congress, esteucling itn=itation to attend meeting to he held at New Orleans, L,ouisana....... 89 22- Neiman, I,uc}=, submitting offer for the purchase of L,ot 10 " of Gray's Sub . ......................................................................................................................... 89 30- Nordin, George, ~rauted cigarette permit ............................................................ 100 30- National Tea Co.; granted cigarette permit ................................................... 100 " 30- North End Choral Club, granted cigarette permit ..................................... 101 30- Nicks, Ra}=, granted cigarette permit ....................................................................„ 101 " 30- Nicks, 1l/rs. Josephine, granted cigarette permit ....................................... 102 July 3- National Gypsum Company, protests of Dallas Bush et al to the odors of gas and rock wool nuisance caused by the operation of said plant and requesting that Council talee action in abating this nuisance ............................................................ 107, 129, 1 57, 158, 159 aug. 7th -Neiman, Lucy, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 10 of Gray's Sub .............................................. 141 " 7- Niclcs, Gilbert J. and Josephine, granted Class "B° Beer Permit 141, 142 Sept. 5- Nordin, George and Claude, granted Class `B" Beer Permit........ 167, 168 Oct. 2- Navy Leagne of the United States, requesting that the Mayor Issue a proclamation designating October 27, 1944, as " Nov}= Day .................................................................................................................................... 181 2- Navy 1~Iothers Club, requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on October 21, 1944 ..................................................................... 181 Nov. 6- " i~ticholls, Chester, notice of claim .............................................................................. 187 6- " Nicks, Pav, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................:......................._..... 190 6- North End Choral Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .................................................................................................................. 190 Dec. 4- National Safety Council, asking that a proclamation be is- sued requesting the people of the Cit}= of Dubuque to be extra careful to avoid accidents during the Christmas season ................................................................................................................................................ 194 - _ .~.- "' I IrIi~E~-~t»K 74~ 1944 SUB J>~CT Page Jan. 3-Ordinance l~TO. 12-'43. An Ordinance amending Ordinance entitled "Traffic Code of the City of Du- INTO. 10-'37 , buque" as amended by Ordinance No. 1-'39, by repeal- ing certain provisions thereof, and enacting certain pro- visions in lieu thereof regulating the use of vehicles upon the street and highways of the City of Dubuque, and by repealing all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict here- . . 4, 5 2 3 ..... with ............................................................................................... ............................................... , , Feb 7-Ordinance No. 1-'old. An Ordinance providing for the issu- . 000.00 Airport Bonds and providing for the ance of $130 , levy of tales to pay the same ..............................................................................12, 18, 19, 20, 24 Mar 21-Ordinance, No. 2-'44. An Ordinance making appropriations . for the expenditures of city government of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, fcr the fiscal year begim.ing April 1st, 1944 and ending n~Iarch 31st, 1915 .......................................... 47, 50, 51, 5 2, 53, 54, 58 April 3-Order of Ahepa, Chapter No. 261, extending invitation to the City Council to participate in their program and dinner 57 to be held April 20th, 1944 .................................................................................... " 3-Ordinance INTO. 3-'44. Special Ordinance. An Ordinance granting to Henry A. Scandrett, \~alter J. Cummings and George I. Haight, as Trustees of the property of Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Ratlraod Com- pany, their successors and assigns, the right to construct, maintain and operate an industry sptu• track in and across Street and $ast 19th Street from the north property nn L . y line of fast 17th Street northerly along L,ynW Street to the south line of fast 19th Street and thence across 1~ast 19th Street to the north line of 1~ast 19th Street, and .. 63, 64 60 declaring an emergency .............................................................................................. , " 3-Ordinance No. 4-'44. An Ordinance prescribing the bonds of 64 61 municipal officers ...................................................................._...................-....................... , " 3-Obermeier, John and Lois, granted Class "B" Eeer Permit......... 61, 62 " 14-Ordinance No. 5-'44. Special Ordinance. An Ordinance grant- ing to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Rail- road Company and/or the Rooster lblills Company the right to constrtct, maintain and operate an industry track along and upon the alley between 1\~Iain and Iowa oeer , Streets from Ftrst Street northerly for 175 feet ........................ 66, 69 " 14-Ordinance INTO. 6-'44. An Ordinance amending "Ordinance Adopted 1VIay 22, 1914, establishing grade on the Alley between Main and Iowa Street from First Street to d 66 70 e .............................. Second Street" by changing part of the gra , May 1-Order in the District Court of Dubuque Cotutty, Iowa, in ' lin, the matter of the 'state of James F. 11~IcGlough and better of Administration in the Appoint- deceased , ment of Margaret D. IVIcGloughlin as Administratrrx of 71 the estate of James F. IvlcGloughlin, Deceased ........................... '( ",..~.'...^ '•,. ,. u I p e P J 1 D 73 t s "a word the ting substit tided by am '43 9 l~oe 29-Ordinance member" m lieu of the word Yrestdent" m the phrase "President of the Board of l;ducatiori' and also by sub- stituting the words "a member of the City Counctl" in " 79 .......................................................................................... lieu of the word "IVlayor June 5-Ordinance No. 7-'44. An Ordinance amending "Ordinance No. 9-'43 An Ordinance Creating a Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission and Defining Its Powers and Duties," Warning conditions when the l~fayor and Mem- ber of the School Board were members thereof ........................ 85, 90, 91 il,, I ~: ', ' (~.~. I', k I4 } ' ~~ j 1 ' i~,f iI 't ,(, ~'I ~' 1 ' I'' ,I,i, . Vii; . ~ iI i, ~,~ 'I"', a, tj I' ~~ J ii ~ i. I, I~ 1 ',~, I ', ~' ., ~I~ '~!qii ~ il~'. ~ ~, ;~ ~;~ F ' i 1 I I1~t~EX-~®~~~ 74 194=1 SUB J~CT Page Jnne 22- Ordinance No. 8-'44. Au Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 12-'38 and Ordinance No. 10-'43 "Authorizing In- terstate Power Company, its successors and assigns to substitute motor bus transportation for street raihvay transportation : designating motor bus routes, etc." by changing certain defined bus routes and by repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith...... 91, 97 " 22- Ordinance No. 9-'4~}. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 10-'37, entitled "Traffic Code OF TH>; City OF Dubuque "as amended by Ordinance Na. 1-'39 and Ordin- ance No. 12-'43, by repealing certain provisions thereof, and enacting certain provisions ,in lieu thereof regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and highways of the City of Dubuque and by repealing all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith .................................................................. 91, 97, 98 " 30- Ott, Joseph J. Jr., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 101 " 30- O'Regan, Timothy, granted cigarette permit .......................... ...... .. . 101 " 30- O'Regan, Timothy and Louise, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 103, 104 July 3- Option Contract, between Henry A. Robinson and the City of Dubuque for ti:e purchase of city owned real estate located at the southeast corner of Railroad Avenue and South Locust Street ...................................................................................................... 107, 108, 109 Aug. 7- Ordinance No. 10-'44. An Ordinance establishing a grade on Custer Street from the east property line of Atlantic Street to the west property line of the Alley first West......13=1, 135, 159, 160 " 10- Original notice of suit of Particular Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society of Dubuque, Iowa ..................................................:............ 157 Sept. 11- Ordinance No. 11-'4-1. An Ordinance amending Ordinance Na. 1-'30, being "An Ordinance filing the dates upon which electors of the City of Dubuque may register un- der the permanent registration system now in force in said City" by striking ottt all of Par. 85, Sec. 3, thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a substitute ................................................ 171, 177 " 25- O'Regan, A/rs. Louise, requesting a refund on both her beer permit and her cigarette pennit ........................................................................ 176 ~. ~ _ a~l~~~-~~®~ ~~ 1944 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Psaros, John, submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the Northwest 120 feet of Lot 13 and ' b 15 1 2 ..................................... s Su Southeast 123 feet of Lot 13 of Jaeger , , " 3-Plat, of the Subdivision of hots 17, 18 and 19 of Block 17 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition ............... 2 i Feb. 7-Payrolls for the month of December, 1943 ...................................................... 14 Mar. 21-Payrolls for the month of January, 1944 ........................................................... 34 " 21-Payrolls for the month of February, 19=14 ...................................................... 35 April 14-Petersen, Carl ~V., calling attention of the City Council to the fact that the Street Department while grading and putting rock on the Nest ramp leading from Sottth Algona Sri•eet ~ damaged his property and drain the and requesting Council to 'give this matter their attentiou .................................................................... 65 66 i 14-Payrolls for the month of March, 1944 ..................._....................................... May 1-Pins, Otto F., City Treasurer, bond ........................................................................ 73 " 29-Pfeiffer, James C., submittting offer in the amount of $25.00 for the purchase of Lots 12, 13 and 14 of Quigley's Sub...... 77, 86, 93 " 29-Payrolls for the month of April, 1944 .................................................................. 78 " 29-Playground and Recreation Commission, recommending that Ordinance No. 9-'43 be Amended by substituting the words "a member" in lieu of the word "President" in the phrase "President of the Board of education" ........................ 79 Jui1e 30-Park Board, certificate of tax ]evy .............................................................................. 94 94 30-Police Pension Board, certificate of tax levy ................................................ " 30-Police Retirement Board, certificate of tax levy ....................................... 94 " 30-Playground and Swimming Pool, certificate of tax leery .................. 95 « 30-Payrolls for month of May, 194=1 ........................................................................... 100 100 " 30-Page Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit ......................................................... " 30-Peryon, Albert G., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 100 " 30-Poquette, Millard, granted cigarette permit ................................................~..... 100 101 " 30-Pfalzgraf, hrnest, granted cigarette permit ................................................... " 30-Pochter, Charles, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 101 101 " 30-Pins, Arthur, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 101 " 30-Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 102 " 30-Petrakis, Charles, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... " 30-Patterveld, Wm. T. and F. C., granted cigarette permit ....._........... 101 t 30-Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 103, 104 " Thomas R. and Kathryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 30-Peed 103, 104 , " , 30-Pins, Arthur Wm., granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................ 103, 105 July 20-Payrolls for month of June, 1944 ............................................................................... 123 Aug. 7-Palen, Clara, et al, insisting that immediate steps be taken by the City Council to abate the public nuisance created by ' the operation of the Rock Wool Company plant ........................ 129 " 7-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending denial of the petition of 1blrs. Louise A. I~de .............................................................. 136 " 7-Planning and Zoning Conunission, recommending that no further action be taken on the petition of Leo H. 1\Iohr et al as said petition has been withdrawn ...._. ......................................... 136 " 7-Planning and Zoning Commission, asking- Council action on the proposed subdivision ordinance and also on the pro- posed tourist and trailer camp ordinance ................................................ 136, 137 10--Particular Council of St. Vincent de Paul Society of Dtt- bisque, Iowa, original notice of suit ..................................._....................... 157 « 19-Payrolls for month of July, 1944 ................................................................................. 160 Sept. 11-Payrolls for month of August, 1944 ........................................................................ 172 ` ; ' Nov. 6-Payrolls for month of September, 1944 ............................................................... 189 , Dec. 4-Powers of Attorney of Albert ~Vharton ............................................................... 194 <` 4-Payrolls for month of October, 1944 ........................................................................ 195 ~I~~~`~-~~6~~ ~~ 1944 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Quit Claim Deed from Morrison Bros. Co., cons*eying to the City of Dubuque I,ot 2 of 4, L,ot 2 of 5 and L,ot 2 of 6 all in Block 13 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition ..................................................................................................................... 2 June 30-Quinlan, Robert J. and Evelyu, granted cigarette permit .................. 101 " 30-Quinlan, Robert and Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit... 103, 104 -~::_ ~,_~I ', t ~l~I~~~--~~~~~ 7~ ~' 1944 SUBJECT i Page R~ Jan. 3- Receipts for month of November, 19-13, proof of publication...... 2 ' Feb. 7-- Receipts for month of December, 1943, proof of publication...... 13 " 7- Roedell, R. C., submitting offer to Board of Snpen~isors for a s 14 " 15-- Rose ~ D b y, c t t n n a l ~lim que of u the Cit offi ial of that a a ling iesota register as a member of the Amertcau Pttbhc ~~Torks Association and that he attend the Public ~Vorlcs Congress to be held iu St. Panl, Minnesota .................................................................. 21 1blar. 6- Rellihan, Mrs. F. J., notice of claim ........................................................................ 23, 72, 73 s " 6- Riley, Carl V., Chairman of the Publicity Committee of the Local Red Cross, submitting for Mayot's signature a proclamation covering the Red Cross Drive ....................................... 24 " 6- Receipts for month of January, 1944, proof of publication ............ 24 " 18- Registration Clerks appointed for each precinct who shall have charge of the election register ............................................................................... 31, 32 " 21- Rooster Mills Company, relative to moving 32 feet of curb along the Just side of Alley, between Main and Io~.va Streets and between First and Second Streets at ~~~est end of I,ot 198A one foot 4 inches into alley in order to extend the present track an additional 32 feet .................................34, 59, 6Q 66, 69 28- Rehfeldt, Mrs. Alfred, uotice~ of claim .........................................:........................ 49, 58 " 28- Receipts for month of Febrttar}~, 194, proof of publication......... 50 ; May 1- Receipts for month of Nlarch, 1944, proof •of publication ............... 72 1- Rhomberg, Albin A., City Manager, bond ...................................................... 73 `? " 1- Reis, Frank and Itathryn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 74 " 1- Rod and Gun Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................:..... 74 " 29- Receipts for month of April, 1944, proof of publication ...........:...... 78 June 5- Reinker, Herman H. and Nellie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 87 " 22- Receipts for month of IVIay, 1944, proof of publication .................. w 90 22- Rosenquist, Anna P., building owned by her located at 336 Nest First Street on I,ot 1 of 2 of City I,ot 594, recom- mendation of Building Inspector, Fire Chief, Health Officer and Electrical Inspector that said building be con- ` demned and torn clown ...................................................... 91, 92, 98, 99, 124 , 137, 138, 18S " 30 -Reinker, Herman and Nellie, granted cigarette permit ..................... 100 . ~, 30 -Roshelc Brothers Company, granted cigarette permit 101 " 30 ..... -Ragatz, George, Jr., granted cigarette permit 101 ' 30 -Reis, Frartlc, granted cigarette permit ........................................... 102 ' " 30 -Ruegnitz, B. A., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 102 ?. " 30 -Rod and Gun Club, granted cigarette permit .......................... .......... 102 °" " 30 -Rawson, Harry A. and Grace, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 103, 104 " 30 -Roshek Brothers Company, granted Class "C° Beer Permit......... 103, 105 • ' July 3 -Rock ~~lool Insulation Plant, verbal protests of Dallas Bush et al, to the odors of gas and rock wool last nuisance caused by the operation of said plant and requesting that Council take action in abating this nuisance ..............:...... 107, 129, 157, 158, 159 July 3 -Robinson, Henry A., option contract to purchase city o~enecl real estate located at the southeast corner of Railroad Avenue and South Locust Street ..................................................................... 107, 108, 109 " 20 -Receipt for mouth of June, 19-44, proof of publication ........................ 123 Aug. 7 -Reiter, Peter J., et al, insisting that immediate steps be taken by the City Council to aba±e the public nuisance created =„ by the operation of the Rock `~JOOl Company plant .................. 129 7 -Rettenmaier, John J. and 11/arie, granted Class "E" Beer '' Permit ......................................................................._.............................................,......................... 141, 142 " 7 -Rat menace, Health Director instructed to proceed with an educational program of publicity to acquaint the public with the necessity of cooperating itt order to eliminate the uuisance .............................................................................................................................. 144 " 19 -Receipts for month of July, 1914, proof of publication .................... 160 1944 SUB J)~CT Page Sept. 25--R}der, Thomas J. and Margaret McGloughlin, awarded gar- bage contract ........................................................................................................................... 175, 183, 184 " 25-Receipts for month of August, 194=1, proof of publication ............... 177 Oct. 2-Registration Clerks, recommendation of Commissioner of Registration for Appointment of same ...................................................... 181, 182 Nov. 6-Receipts for month of September, 1944, proof of publication...... 189 Dec. 4-Receipts for month of October, 1944, proof of publication............ 195 #" 4 ~. I ~ I~ 1 ~ . 1I ' I i- i t f 1 I ~ I I . g` i t I i 194-4 SUB J~CT Page Jan. 3- Sprengelmeyer, Walter C., Police Officer, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the military service 1 " 3- Stieber, Mrs. John, regttestirg a refund on her Class "B" Beer Permit .........................................................................................................._................. 1 '' 3- Spielman, J. I,. and Susan, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 6 " 17- Supplemental estimate of taxes to pay the cost of acquiring and egttipping an airport ............................................................................................. 7, 8 Feb. 15- SPechterthauser, Otto, notice of claim ................................................................. 21 Mar. 21- Schuclcert, Clarence H., assistant meter repairer, City ~TTater Department, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the armed forces ..................................._..............,...........,........... 34 " 21- Stumm, Edward M., et al, requesting the vacation of the wes- terly portion of the alley lying between. University Avenue and Custer Street from the westerly line of the. S. l:. 40 feet of I,ot 3 of Morheiser's Sub. westerly to the easterly property line of North Algona Street .......................:...... 34 " 28- Shiloh Circle, No. 37, Ladies of the Grazed Army of the Re- public, requesting permission to sponsor a tag day ............._...... 49 " 28- Staclc, Jos. I,. and Edith H., granted cigarette permit ........................ 54 April 3- Seubert and Fesler, Excavation Bond .................................................................. 59 " 14- -Specht, Lydia, submitting an offer in the amotutt of $50.00 for the purchase of hots 9 and 10 of Randall's Sub., I,ot 2 ................................................................................................................................................... 65, 73 " 14- Schoeberl, Johr_, approval of the sale by Dubuque County of I,ot 129 of ~Voodlawn Park to said John Schoeberl............ 66, 67 May 1- Strueber, ~. E., submitting resignation as a member of the Civil Service Commissior ........................................................................................... 72 « 1- Shea, J. J., City Clerk, bond ............................................................................................. 73 " 29- Schadler, John, advising that he blew out a tine at the Bruns- wick Hotel caused by a hole in the street along the car track ................................................................................................................................................... 77, 37 Jttne 5- Spielman, J. Ta., requesting a refund in the amount of $100.00 on the unexpired portion of his Class "B" Beer Permit............ 85 " 30 -Snyder, Mrs. Charles T.ry requesting a refund of the X200.00 deposited with the airy Treasurer for renewal of her Class "B" Beer Permit as she, has disposed of her business 93, 94 <` 30 -Schaetzle, John, granted cigarette permit ............................................................. 100 " 30 -Steffen, Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 100 " 30 -Siege, Joseph J. Jr. and Ferdinand' W. Iienniker, granted cigarette permit ..................................................................................................................... 100 " 30 -Stavros, George, granted cigarette permit ..................._.................................... 101 " 30 -Scherer, George J, granted cigarette permit ............................................... 101 " 30 -Stampfer, J. F. Company, granted cigarette permit .............................. 101 " 30 -Sand, Mike and 1\~Iarie, granted cigarette permit .................................... 101 " 30 -Schneider, Joseph C., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 101 " 30 -Savary, William and Viola, granted cigarette permit ........................... 101 30 -Stemm, John, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 101 " 30 -Sullivan, Thos. P., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 101 " 30 -Saddler, I,eo and Dorothy, granted cigarette permit .............................. 101 " 30 -Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted cigarette permit .................................... 101 " 30 -Solomon, Jack, granted cigarette pcrtnit ............................................................ 102 " 30 -Steffen, Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 102, 104 " 30 -Stemm, John J. and Alberta, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 103, 104 " 30 -Scherer, George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 103, 104 " 30 -Sadler, I,eo~ M, and Dorothy, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 103, 104 " 30 -Savary, William and Viola, granted Class "B" Beer Permit..... 103, 10'4 " 30 -Sand, Eranlc and Elsie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 103, 10=4 " 30 -Saud, Milce and Marie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 103, 104 " 30 -Spielman, Harvey I,., granted Class `B" Beer Pern-pit ........................ 103, 104 " 30 -Schnee, Nlrs. Sophie ~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 103, 104 II~d~E-~®®~ 74 1944 SUBJ>~CT Page ;'! ~ ', July 20 -Shaw, Laura B,, notice of c1 a 122, 135 136 ~';, 20 ~ -Stengel, J. D., Lieutenant J G.) USCGR Public Relations , Officer St. Louis Ninth Naval District, requesting that a proclamation be, issued designating the week of July :; ~ 30th as Coast Guard Weelc and also designating August i ' '' 4th as Coast Guard Day ...........................................,...........................,..,.................- 122 9 ~' Aug. 7 -Sewage disposal plant site recommendation of City Manager that Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 38, Lot 2 of Mineral ~,' ,,. Lot 50A, Lot 1 of 16 and Lot 2 of 16 of Linheims's Ad- j ~ i,., dition be purchased far the sum of $10,000.00 ................................. 133 " 7 -Schwartz, Vincent B. granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................ 142 Sept. 5- Solberg, Oscar, Representative of the Selective Service system ~ on Dubuque County's Veterans' Service Committee, aslc- ~ ~ ';'' ; Council to designake some member of the City Council ~ ~ ~ to serve as their representative on this Committee ..................... 164 ' Sept. 25- Senior High School, requesting permission to stretch a banner !, across Main Street between 8th and 9th Streets ............................ 176 „i, ,, ! Dec. 4 -Seubert and Fesler, excavation bond ..................................._..................................„ 196 I ~ ~ 3 ` 'i, ' ~~,' ~~ ~( .i E ~'' ~' ~'I' i h° C 6 '~I~'. ~; [ .II ~, ~'I~ ~i~ 1 ~IiI ~~ i ~.. 4 t ~', ! .: i i w . __ ~~ YNDE~-~®®K ~4 1944 SUTB J~CT Page Jan. 17-Theobald, Taucille, notice of claim .......................................................:...................... 9, 16 Mar. 6-Trimpler, W. F, and Jean, granted Class "B" Beer Permit......... 24 " 21-The Maccabees, requesting permission to use the City lots west of the Athletic Field for the holding of a First; Rate Amusement and ~xposition ..........................._.................._................................... 34 " 28-The American Legion Auxiliary Uiut No. 6 requesting per- mission to sell poppies on the streets on May 17, 1944............ 49 April 14-The Key City Gas Company, requesting that they be granted a new 25 year franchise, and that a special election be called for the purpose of submittting the question to the voters for their approval and submitting attached pro- posed franchise ardinauce for Cotuicil consideration .................. 65 May 1-They Key City Gas Company, submitting Amiual Report cover- the calendar n for o l y s 9 .' •,. '.• Annual report I,'brary blic f P " 1-Tru tees o 72 " 1-Tschirgi, Edward M., Accountant, Water Department, bond...... 73 " 1-Thompson & Hogan (F. W. Thompson), granted Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................................................................................................. 74 " 29-The National Refining Company asking that the City of Dubuque execute a quit claim deed conveying to them the vacated portion of the alley in Blocle 19 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition .......................................... 78, 84, 85 June 5-The Travelers Club, granted Class `B" Beer Permit far Private Club ................................................................................................................._........... 87 " 30-Thompson & Hogan (F. W. Thompson) granted cigarette. permit .............................................................................................................................................., 100 " 30-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., granted two cigarette permits .........................................................................................................:.................................... 100 " 30-Torrey, Henry, 'granted cigarette permit ............................................................. 101 " 30-The Dubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ................................................. 101 " 30--Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 101 " 30-Trapp, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ........................................._........... 101 " 30-Tharp, Wm. C., granted cigarette permit .................:....................................... 101 " 30-Thompson & Hogan (Vincent Hogan), granted cigarette permit ................................................................................................................................................ 102 mit " per a a1 102 B Class Beer P << ermit for granted 30-The Dubuque Club, Private Club .........................................................................................................:............ 103, 105 Aug. 7-Tharp, William, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ......_ ............................... 141, 142 Aug. 10-Tax levies established for the year 1944 to be collected in in the year 1945 ..................................................................................................................... 146 Sept. 5-Thompson, Councilman, designated as City Council represen- tative to serve as a member of Dubuque County's Veterans' Service Committee ............................................................................................................ 164 " 5-The International Council of Religious education requesting that the Mayor issue a proclamation setting aside the week of September 24 through October as Religious education Week ....................................................._.............................,...... ........... 164 " 5-Tenenbom Super-Market, Inc, granted Class "C" Beer Permit 167, 168 " 5--The Oasis Club, application for Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................................................................................................................. 168,173,179 " 25-Thul, Della C., requesting suspension of 1944 taxes .............................. 177, 182 Nov. 6-The Oasis Club, ',granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 189 " 6-The Victory Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ...................................................................................................................................................... 190 Dec. 4-The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 198 ~i~~~~-~~ ~4 19=1 SUBJECT Page June 5-Uppiughouse, A. R. and Philomena, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..........................._,...........,...................................................................................................... 87 " 30-Uppinghouse, A. R., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 100 " 30-United Cigar-«/helan Stores Corporation, granted cigarette permit ....................................................................................................._......................................... 100 30-Union League Club, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 101 Oct. 2-Union League Club, granted Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club .............................................................................................................................. 18=1 Il'~1~~~-~®®K 74 1944 SUB J~CT Page Mar. 6- Vogel, Lottis J., notice of claim for injuries sustained by his wife 1~Irs. Louis J. Vogel .......................................................................................... 23, 57, 189 " 6- Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for the holding of Annual POPPY DaY Sale ............................................................ 23 May 1- Vrotsos, George T, and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................................................................. 74 " 1- Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ........................ 74 Jtme 30- Van der Meulen, Wm. and Sophie McNIann, granted cigarette permit ................................................................................................................................................ 100 " 30 -Vrotsos, George T., and Spiros D. Coven, granted cigarette " 30 pertnit ................................................................................................................................................ -Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted cigarette permit ............... 100 101 30 -Victory Club, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 102 " 30 -Vogelsberg, Albert J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 103, 104 " 30 -Van der 1~Ieulen and Sophie McNiann, granted Class `B" Beer Permit ............................................................................................................................................. 103, 104 " 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit for Private Club ...................................................................................................... 103, 105 July 20 -Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation, report of City Clerk and President of Board of Doclc Commissioners on their investigation of the operation of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Corporation plant at Fort Wayne, Indiana ................... 126, 127 Oct. 23 -Veterans Hospital, relative to the locating of said Hospital in this area ................................................................................................................................. 186 YI'~T~~X-~i~®~ 74 1944 SUBJECT Page \~Iar. 6 -\\rright, Roy A. aucl Esther, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 24 2S -\Veimer, John H.., submitting application for appointment as a member of the Board of Review ...................................................... 49 i\pril 3 -~\rard, John )., granted cigarette pennit ............................................................... 61 3 -\Valsh, Joseph and Helen, granted Class "B" Beer Permit............ 61, 62 " 3 -Wieser, Lester A, and Adele, granted Class "B" Beer Permit...... 61, 62 May 1- \~Tarren, Dell and Ralph, granted Class "E" Beer Permit ............... 74 2') -~Var Department Corps of Engineers, Office of Division En- gineer, Upper Adississippi Valley Division, notice of pub- lic hearing to be held Juue 1, 1944 at U. S. Court House, St. Louis, 1\Iissouri, to consider the advisability of pro- viding a clepeudable 12 foot channel depth in the it/issis- sippi River between Cairo, Illinois and Minneapolis, ~Iiunesota ................................................................................................................ .. . . ... . 76 June 30- .. . ...... . . . Wright, Spencer P., requesting a refund on the unetpired portion of his Class 'B>, Beer Permit ...................................................... 93 " 30 -Weber, 1\-Irs. Tillie, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 100 <` 30 -CValgreen Co., granted cigarette permit ............................................................... 100 " 30 -Wieser, Lester A., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 100 " 30 -\Z'odrich, ~Vm. E., granted cigarette permit ......................................_.....-..... 100 << ., ~0 -~\ agner, ~~rut., ~ranied cigarette pernut ..._ ....................................................... 101 " 30 " -~~'right, Roy A., ;>ranted cigarette permit ....._ ...................._......................... 101 30 -Ward, John J., granted cigarette permit ............................... ........... 101 30 -~\Testercamp, George, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 101 " 30 -RTeiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit ................... 102 " 30- -~ZTall:er, Janes and Arthur Hedley, granted cigarette permit..... 102 " 30 -«Tiulcler, Adrs. Bezh-ice, granted cigarette permit .................................... 102 " 30 -Warren, Deil and Ralph, granted cigarette permit .................................... 102 " 30 -Wright, Louis A. aucl Raymond P., granted Class "B" Beer Pet-mit ................................................................................................................................................ 103, 104 " 30 -~~Testercamp, George, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ........................ 103, 104 " 30 -Weber, Mrs. Tillie, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. 103, 104 " 30 -Wodrich, William E. and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................................................................................... .......... 103, 1D4 " 30 -~Vallig, ~ZTm. Carl, granted Class "B" Beer Permit .............................. 103, 104 " 30 -Wathier, Niclc and Alarie A,ranted Class "B" Beer Permit 103, 104 " 30 -\Valker, James and Arthur Hedley, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ................................................................................................................................................ 103, 105 Aug. 7- Western Air Lines, Inc., submitting map showing their new proposed rotrtes aucl added service that will he given to this community and asking Canncil cooperation in ob- taining this sen~ice ............................................................................................................ 130 " 7- Weiner, Joseph J, anti Evelyn, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 141, 142 Sept. 11- Wyburn, Louvina, submitting an offer of $75.00 for the pur- chase of hots 9 and 10 of Randall Subdivision .............................. 171, 18,3 Dec. 4 -~\Tharton, Albert, Power of Attorney ..................................................................... 194 " 4- Water \Vorks General Funcl, the sum of $20,000.00 transferred from the Water Works General Fund to the Consolidate Fund ................................................................................................................................................... 197, 198 YI~~~~-~~~~~ ~~ 19}4 SU];J~CT Page April 1 {-Young, Herbert, relative to establishing a sidewalk grade in front of his property on Audubon Street ................................................ 65 iYiay 29-Young, }~mmett, et al, petiouing the City Council not to au- thorize the proposed change in the routing of the Linwood and Fast Dubuque buses south of )~,ighth Avenue ..................... 78 Sept. 5-Young, John S., (The Radio Cab Co.) taxicab bond ........................... 167 . ~I~II~EX-~®~~~ q~ 19~h1 StiBJ1~CT Page f ~ April 3 -Zun~ltof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of the '' Class "B" Beer Bond of IVIrs. Bernice Kunz .................................... 57 ~b ` May 29- Lumhof Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of the ' "'~ '" "Class "B" Beer Bond of John and Elsie Stieber ........................ 77 ~ ~ '', ` ' ~ i une J 30 -Ztlh~, George ~ - '~ a J., ~l anted cigarette permit ...................................................... 101 i it ~, 30 -Zelens, Bert, granted cigarette permit .. .. 102 ~ 30 -Zillig, George J., granted Class "B" Beer Permit .................................... 103, 10.1 Sept. 25- Zumhoff Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of both ' }:, the beer bond and the cigarette bond of Timothy O Regan 176