1943 Index of Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1943 SCHUSTER PRINTING SERVICE Dubuque GAO. R. MURPHY, Mayor W. ~~. MOFFATT FRAND VAN DU~I,MAN F. ~~~. THOMPSON AI,BP;RT ~VHARTON City Clerk-J. J. SHWA City Solicitor-JOHN J. KINTZING~R CITY bIANAGI~R-A. A. RHOMB~RG City Treasurer OTTO F. PUI,S City Auditor- R. P. MARSHAL,I, Chief of Fire Department- WII,I,IAM I,. RYAN Police Judge- L,OUIS F. FAUTSCH Plu?nbing Inspector- D. J. O'I,~ARY Building Commissioner- DONAI,D J. BANDY City Assessor- HARRY J. HANOV~R Chief of Police- JOS>~PH H. STRUB Health Director- DR. C. C. L,YTI,~ Sanitary Officer- JOS~PH T. SCHARRY Milk Inspector- V. F. CHAPI~IAN Food and Restaurant Tnspector- n~IRS. AI,MI~DA TWITIONS Market Master- C. J. McCARTHY Superintendent of Water ~~Vorks- J. J. HAII, Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7:30 o'clock. v"' ~' ~_~ z -' INDEX - BOOK 73 1943 SUBJ)~CT Page Jan. 22 -Auxiliary of the United Spanish American ~Var Veterans, requesting- permission for the holding of a Carnation Day Sale ................................................................................................................................. 5 " 22 -Andresen, `~T. J., Police Officer, requesting a leave of ab- sence as he has enlisted in the armed forces of the United States ..................................................................................................................... 7 8 Feb. 1 -Anthoine, Louis and Agnella, granted Class "B" Beer Permit , 14 " 1 -Arensdorf, John P. and Anna, granted Class "B" Beer Permit 14 " 19 -Aciams, Mrs. Leo, requesting Council to adopt some sort of legislation to prevent dogs from running at large and damaging gardens ......................................................................................................... 19 " 25 -American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for the holding of PoPPy Day sale ................................................................................. 23 Mar. 1 -Airport purposes, City Manager instructed to negotiate for the securing of options on lands for the purpose of ac- quiring property for said purposes ............................................................ ...................................................... 41, 106, 107, 108, 109, 113, 118, 119, 216, 224, 229 " 29 -Anthony, Theodore, requesting a refund on both his beer permit and cigarette permit as he has discontinued busi- ness ..............:................................................................................................................................. 69 Apr. 5- Appointment of the Telegraph-Herald as the official news- paper ............................................................................................................................................. 78 " 5 -Appointment of the First National Bank, American Trust and Savings Bank and Dubuque Bank and Trust Com- pany as depositories of public funds ...................................................... 78 " 5 -Appointment of the Board of Review ............................................................... 78 " 5 -Appointment of officers and employees by the City Manager 79 " 20 -Auxiliary field to the Municipal Airport, request to make available for the carrying out the. new training program for naval air cadets which has been inaugurated at Loras College .................................................................. 89, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109 , 113, 118, 119 " 20 -Arensdorf, John P., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 94 May 17- Aeronautics and Airport Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, commending Council on their action in taking definite steps toward the acquisition of an Airport ............... 109 June 30- Anthoine Louis, granted cigarette permit ................................................... 134 " 30- Apel, Merlin, granted cigarette permit ........................................................... 134 " 30- American Legion, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30- Amadeo, Joseph, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 135 " 30- American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ..................................................................................................:............................................. 137, 138 " 30- Amodeo, Jos., granted Class "C" beer permit ....................................... 137, 138 July 6- Arensdorf, John P., requesting a refund on 1us Class "B" Beer Permit ........................................................................................................................ 142 " 6- Adams, ~~%aldo, Park Commissioner, appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission 145 " 6- Altman, Mrs. Franc K., appointed as a member of the Mun- icipal Playground and Recreation Connnission ........................ 145 " 23- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for the holding of a Nlolly Pitcher Tag Day ................................................... 157 Sept. 7- Armstrong, John A. and Harriett, granted cigarette permit... 183 Oct. 4- Armstrong, John A. and Harriett, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................................................._.................................................... 199 " 11- Abraham, Charles J., Clerk in ~~rater Department, requesting a leave of absence as he has been inducted into the armed forces of the United States .............................................................................. 202 Nov 1- Apel, John, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 208 " 30- Application of the City of Dubuque, for approval of plans and specifications of a Municipal Airport, to the Iowa State Commerce Commission ........................................................................ 216, 217, 226 Dec. 21- Airport bonds in the amount of $130,000.00 to issue ........................ 228 - 'Y~E r yT~t~~~~-~®~~~ ~3 1943 SUB J~CT Page Jan, 4 -Blocklinger, Mrs. Marcella J., notice of claim ....................................... 2 " 4 -Brady, Jahn A., Clerk of Police Court, bond ....................................... 2 ,; 22 -Briggs, Guy, notice of claim ....................................................................................... 7, 21 " 22 -Balback, Mrs. J~d~vard, settlement of la~v suit and claim ......... 8, 23 Feb. 1 -Beerman, A~Irs, Mathilda, notice of claim ................................................ 12, 21, 22 1 -Briggs, William I~., granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 14 ;; 19 -Benda, Joe, notice of claim .......................................................................................... 19, 45 " 19 -Bock, Nick, submitting an offer to the Board of Supervisors for Lots 170 and 171 of Glendale Addition .................................... 19 " 19 -Buechel, Louis, excavation. bond .............................................................................. 21 " 25 -Budget Estimate of ~spenditures for the fiscal year 1943- 1944, proposal to amend the same ............................................................ 24, 25, 42, 43 Mar. 1 -Board of Dock Commissoners, asking Council to approve an exchange of land with 11~Iorrison. Brothers Company for the purpose of establishing a more practical line for a new street and aslzing that a Deed be issued to IVlorrison Brothers Company for the same .................................................................. 27, 72, 73 " 1 -Budget for the fiscal year begintung April 1, 1943 and end- ing March 31, 19=14 ........................................................................ 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 53 ;; 22 -Bartch, Don B., notice of claim .............................................................................. 59, 182 " 22 -Bock, Nick, approval by City Council of his offer for pur- chase of Lot 170 Glendale Add. from Dubuque County 65 " 29 -Board of Doclz Commissioners, submitting plat of the prop- erty known as the Standard Lumber Co., which shows the existing Commercial Street outlined in green and requesting that said Ccmmercial Street be relocated over the area outlined in red .......................................................................................... 73 Apr. 20- Bagley, Z~/. G. C., Treasurer of State, approving of Reso- lution No. 34-43, a resolution designating the depositories p } q l r cl D o b 89 " 20 -Board of T ustees of the Ptlnlic Li a y, annual report ............. 90 May 3- Ball Park stands, City Manager instructed to have an in- vestigation made and submit a report to Council .................. 97, 123 17 -Bahl, Len J. and Agnes C., contract and agreement as tenants on Iiyne-Guillien farm in Table Mound Township, said `< farm to be purchased for Airport purposes .................................... 107, 108, 109 17 -Brimeyer, Hubert, notice of claim ........................................................................ 109, 129 June 7- Board of Review, report for the year 1943 ................................................ 116 7 -Burke, Joseph, approval of the sale by Dubuque County of Lot 2 of 1, Lot 2 of 2, and Lot 3 of Cushiug's Sub, to said Joseph Burke ..................................................................... ...................... 120 " 7 -Bly, Leo F., submitting offer in the amount of $1,500.00 to Dubuque County for the purchase of Lot 4A of L. H. Langworthy's Add . ...................................................................................................... 122 " 18 -Board of Library Trustees, certificate of tax levy ........................... 127 18 -Burden, Geo. R., requesting permission to erect a brick chim- ney on the outside wall at the rear of 898 Main Street , said chimney to extend into alley a distance of not to " 30 exceed sixteen inches ................................................................................................12 -Blum, Mrs. Margaret, requesting a refund on her Class "B" 8, 143, 149, 150 Beer Permit No. 114 ................................................................................................ 132 " 30 -Bissell, Fred ~., re-appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Connnission for a term of five years, said term expiring May 24th, 1948 ........................................................................ 133 " 30- Baumgartner, John J, and John NI,, granted cigarette permit 133 30- Buelow, Clarence C., granted cigarette permit ............................._..... 134 30- Bertsch Jos. J., granted cigarette permit ~ ...................................................... 135 " 30- Baumhoaer, B. L., granted cigarette permit ..........................._................ 135 " 30- Brodeur, Norbert ~U., granted cigarette permit .................................... 135 " 30- Briggs, William ~., granted cigarette permit 135 " 30- Beck, John C., granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 135 " 30- Braun, Henry C., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 136 1943 SUB J~CT Page June 30- Bueloty, Clarence C. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 138 " 30 -Berntgen, Frank H., granted Class "B" beer permit ..................... 137, 138 " 30 -Bertsch, Jos. J. and A. J, Berntgen, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................................................................................... 137, 138 " 30 -Brodeur, Norbert W. and Catherine, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 137, 138 July 9 -Black and White Transportation Co., requesting the marking of a no parking space across the street from their garage from the west corner of the Telegraph-Herald east to the one hour parking sign .................................................................................... 149 " 23 -Barsch, Don E., supplement of notice of injury claim .................. 154, 182 " 23 -Board of Dock Commissioners, certificate of tat levy .................. 155 " 23 -Budget $stimate of expenditures for the fiscal year begin- ning April 1, 194=1 and ending iVlarch 31, 1945............155, 156, 167, 168, 169 " 23 -Burke, Leonard, granted Class "B" Eeer Permit .............................. 160, 170, 172, 179 Aug. 2- Bly, Leo, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the fast one-half of City Lot 655 ............... 165 " 2- Burlce, Leonard, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 165 " 6 -B1y, Leo F., subnutting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 4 A of L. H. Langworthy's add. 171 " 25- Board of Health, Special Session ........................................................................ 175 " 25- Board of Health action in declaring that a state of emer- gency exists caused by Poliomyelitis and setting up pro- hibitions and restrictions govcrning~ the congregating of children of sixteen years or age and under .................................... 175, 176, 178 Sept. 7 -Board of Health, Special Session ..................................._................................... 178 " 7- Blum Company Building, petition of 1VIrs. Louisa Schulte, et al, requesting the removal of the live poultry and odor from said building located at 15th and elm Sts....... 179, 188, 189 " 7- Brunswick Industrial Block, fire protection agreement ............... 181 " 7- Barden, Geo. A. and Geo. R., fire protection agreement ............ 181 " 7- Bartels, &i. and Sons, fire protection agreement .............................. 181 " 13- Board of Health, Special Session ........................................................................ 185 " 17- Board of Health, Special Session ........................................................................ 186 " 17- Burke, Richard J., excavation bond ..................................................................... 190 " 17- Board of Doclc Commissioners, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase o~f Lots 615 to 626 inclusive in fast Dubuque Addition .......................................... 191, 205 Oct. ~}- Bartels, Harold, notice of claim .............................................................................. 197, 203 " 4- Burke, Joseph, requesting permission to make repairs on his building adjacent to Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Cushing Add. 197, 203, 208 " 4- Berntgen, Frank H., granted cigarette permit ....................................... 199 " 4- Baumgartner, John M, and John J., -granted Class "B" beer perinit ........................................................................................................................... 199 " 11- Brandt, Il2ary F., suspension of 1942 tax ...................................................... 202, 208 Nov. 1- Board of Adjustment, recommending denial of the petition of Joseph Burke ...........:................................................................................................ 208 " 1- Barrington, Wm. and Glen IVliller, granted Class "B" beer perinit .......................................................................................................................................... 209 " 30- Bennett, Arthur NL, appointed as a member of the Park Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of William NI. Clemens ................................................................................................ 212 Dec. 6- Board of Dock Commissioners submitting Ouit Claim Deed from Board of Supervisors for Lots 615 to 626, both inclusive, in I~ast Dubuque Addition ...................................................... 220 " 6- Bradley, John Frederick and Mary, real estate contract for the sale of certain lands in Table Mound Township to the City of Dubuque for Airport purposes .................................... 224, 229, 230 " 6- Behr, George and Nettie, real estate contract for the sale of certain lands in Table iYlound Township to the City of Dubuque for Airport purposes ............................................................224, 229, 230, 231 i~. _., - , ~S 1943 SUB J>~,CT Pale Dec. 6-Bradley, Johu Frederick and Nlary,Melvin L,.Bradley and Maly H. Bradley, Rutl: Ohmert and George H. Ohmert, Noblc $. Eradley, Roy tiZr. Bradley and Blanche ~. Bradley, Esther I,. Bradley, Clifford E. Bradley and Isabel F. Bradle}~, F,lmer R. Br-adlet,~ and ~. 1~~Iarie Bradley, real estate contract for the sale of certain lands in Table Mound Township to the City of Dubuque for Airport purposes .................................................................................................................................... " 21-Eoard of Park Commissioners, annual report ....................................... 224, 229, 232 227 ~1^J~1~~-~®~~~ ~3 19d3 SUB J~CT Page Jan. ~1-- City Council, Regular Session .................................................................................... 1 " -1- Council Proceedings for the months of September, 19-12 and Octoher, 19.12, approved as printed ......................................................... 2 " d- --Chief of Fire Department, submitting a Fire Prevention Ordinance for Council approval .................................................................. 2 " 4 -Canfield, ~Zrilliam J. Jr., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 3 " 4- City Assessor, authorized to attend meeting to be held in Des 1\~Ioiues, Iowa, on January Sth, 19-13 .......................................... 3 " 22- City Council, Special Session 5 " 22- Council Proceedings for the months of November, 19-42, and December, 1942, approved as printed ...................................................... 8 Feb. 1- City Cotutcil, Regular Session .................................................................................... 11 '` 1- Chapman, Freda, relative to damages to her car caused by C1tV sllOw plow .................................................................................................................. 11, <1=1 " 1- County Auditor, advising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer made by ~. J. Ryan for I,ot 1 t1 of ~. Ryati s Sub, and L,ot 2 of 20 of Broadvie~a~ addition... 12, 6~1 " 1- Carr, Callahan, requesting a refund or, his cigarette permit No. 119 ....................................................................................................................................... 12 1- Claims for month of December, 19-}2, proof of publication....., 13 " 1~ City Auditor, Cit}- Treasurer, City Health Department, City Recreation Director, City ~Vaterlaorlcs, reports for the month of December, 1942, also a list of claims for the month of December, 1972 .................................................................................... 13 ~, 19- City Council, Special Sessiou ..................................................._,.............................. 17 " 19- County Auditor, ach°ising that the Board of Supervisors have accepted an offer nlacle by i~Tick Bock fnr Lots 170 and 171 of Glendale Addition and also of «Tm. N. Klauer for hots 32, 33 and 3-4 of «roodla~a-n Parlc .................................... 19 " 19- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Recreation Director, City «Jatel~,vorlcs reports for the month of January, 1913, also a list of claims for the month of January, 19-13 .......................................................................................... 21 ,~ 25- City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 23 " 25- Claims for month of January, 19-13, proof of publication......... 24 Nlar. 1- City Council, Regular Session ................................................................................. 27 1- Consolidated tas levy in ratio, appropriation of same as pro~~ided by law ............................................................................................................ 28 " 1- City 1\Ianager instructed to negotiate for the options on lands for the purpose of acquiring property for Airport purposes ................................................................................................................................... ~41 ~, 9- City Council, Special Sessiou .................................................................................... X12 " 9- Coakley, Mrs. Frances, notice of claim ......................................................... X13, 60 " 9- Cunningham, I,eo V., notice of claim ............................................................... X43, 74 ,~ 22- City Councih Special Session .................................................................................... d6 " 22- Clancy, R. H., requesting refunds on both his beer permit and cigarette permit as he has discontinued business as of 1\Izrch 11, 19~43 ......................................................................................................... 59 22- City Solicitor, submitting report and opinion on application of Tavern Beepers Association No. 1, for a Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Club ........................................................................ 61, 6Z 22- City Solicitor submitting report and opinion on application of Rod and Gun Club for a Class "B" Beer Permit for Private Clttb ........................................................................................................................ 63 22- Campbell, Iona and Anton Van Driel, granted cigarette 22- pel-mit .......................................................................................................................................... Campbell, Iona and Anton ~'an Driel, granted Class "B" 6~4 beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 64 ~~ 29- City Council, Special Session ....................................................................................... 66 " 29- Council Proceedings for the month of January, 1913, ap- proved as printed .......................................... ................................................................. 69 1943 SliBJ~CT Page Mar. 29 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Recreation Director, City ~\~aterworks reports for month of February, 1943, also a list of claims for the month of February, 1943 ......................................................................................................... 70 " 29 -City Manager advising Council that he discussed the it/adison steps situation with the Park Board and recommending that a legal opinion be obtained as to which body, the Council or the Park Board has control of the steps ............ 70 " 29 -Clancy, R. H., granted Class `B" Beer Permit .................................... 72, 82 " 29 -Commercial Street, relocation of said street .......................................... 73, 80, 84, 85 April 5 -City Council, Regular Session .................................................................................... 77 " 5 -Conley, Joseph M., submitting application for appointment as a member of Board of Review ............................................................ 77 " 5 -Continental Casualty Company, submitting Certificate of Compliance for the transaction of Fidelity and Surety business in the State of Iowa ........................................................................ 79 " 5 -Claims for month of February, 1943, proof of publication ...... 80 " 5 -Commercial Street, vacation of as it now exists ................................. 80, 84 85 ~ " 5 -City Solicitor, submitting report as to whether the City , Council or the Park Board has control of the ~~Iadison Street Park and. steps running through said park ....._........... 81 5 -Clancy, Raymond H., granted cigarette permit .................................._ 82 << 12 -City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 84 " 12 -Commercial Street as relocated, established as a public street and dedicated to the public for street purposes ........................ 85 " 12 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Recreation Director and City «/aterworks reports for month of March, 1943, also a list of claims for the month i of March, 19=13 .................................................................................................................. B7 " 12 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Deparhnent and City Recreational Director, annual reports .................................... 87 << 20 -City Council, Special Sessiou .................................................................................... 89 "~ 20 -City Manager recommending that an ordinance be passed prohibiting the running at large of clogs .......................................... 91 May 3- City Council, Regular Session .................................................................................... 97 " 3 -City Manager instructed to cause an investigation to be made at the Ba11 Park and submit a report to the Council ............ 97, 123 " 3 -Claims for month of 1llarch, 1943, proof of publication ............ 100 " 3 -Clancy, R. H., transfer of address of Class "B" Permit ............ 104 ~, 5 -City Council, Special Session ..................................._............................................... 106 << 17 -City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 107 " 17 -Claims for month of April, 1943, proof of publication .................. 110 " 17 -Council Proceedings for month of February, 1943, approved as printed ................................................................................................................................. 110 " 17- Civil Service Commission, submitting eligible list for ap- pointments on the Police Department ................................................... 111 " 17- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City Recreation Director and City Waterworks reports for month of April, 1943, also a list of claims for the month of April, 1943 .................................................................................................................. 111 " 17- Couch, Anna, settlement of claims and suit ................................................ 112 " 17- City Manager instructed to negotiate an agreement with the Dubuque Airways, Inc., for the use of the Auxiliary Airport landing field ................................................................................................ 113 June 7- City Council, Regular Session .................................................................................... 115 7- Civil Service Commission, submitting eligible list for ap- pointment to the position of electrical Inspector .................. 116 " 7- Civil Service Commisscion, submitting eligible list for ap- pointment to positions on the Fire Department ........................ 117 18- City Cotmcil, Special Session . .................................................................................... 124 << 18- Coleman, J. K., notice of claim .............................................................................. 128, 133 " 18- Claims for month of May, 1943, proof of publication .................. 128 __ m:~ ~I I 1943 SliEJFCT II Page June 18- Council Proceedings for month of March, 1943, approved as printed ................................................................................................................................. 128 18- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City ~~~%aterworks, City Recreaticu Department, reports for the month of May, 1943, also a list of claims for the ': month of 1llay, 1943 ................................................................................................ 129 " 13- Civil Aeronautics Administration, inquiring whether the City of Dubuque desires and is in a position to act in the capacity of sponsor of a project for development of the Dubuque ldlunicipal Airport .................................................................. 130, 131 30- City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 132 -° 30- Casey, Hai-old A., granted cigarette permit ............................................. 134 " 30- Campbell, Iona, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 " 30- Cunningham, I,eo V. and J. 1VI. Thompson, granted cigar- " ette permit ........................................................................................................................... 135 135 30- Cooper, Fred H., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 30- Corbett, J. G., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 136 e nt " 30- grauted Class lvL Thompson, ncl John Cmuti ~ gh . ,. . pe mit beer E 136, 133 ` 30 -Capretz, Chris. and ~ti m I,cmbke i a lted Class E beer permit .................................... ... .... ......... ........ ......... 136, 138 " 30- Cooper, Fred H., granted Class "E" beer permit ............................. 137, 138 ~ " 30 -Cosiey, William ~V. and Maggie, granted Class "E" b: cr I permit .......................................................................................................................................... 137, 138 July 5- City Council, Regular Session .................................................................................... 14I `< 6 -City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ................................................... 141 " 6 -Consoer, Townsend and Quinlan, Chicago, Illinois, contract to be entered into foe the furnishing of engineering services together with plans and specifications for a water softening- plant and for a sewage treatment plant 1=44, 170, 172 ;; 9 -City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 146 " 9 -Council Proceedings for the monflis of April, 1943, and Nlay, 1943, approved as printed .................................................................................... 149 " 9 -Cullen and Bartels, Consulting )~ngineers, ~a~arrant in the amount of $1,098.99 ordered drawn in their favor for services iu making preliminary serve}~ of lands needed for the l-Iuiticipal Airport ................................................................................. 152 ;; 23 -Cit}~ Cotmcil, Special Session .................................................................................... 153 " 23 -Comtolly, Mary Agnes, submitting offer to the Evard of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 1 and 2 cf Wood- Lawn Parlc Additicn ................................................................................................... 157, 164 " 23 -City of Dubuque Fridge Commission requesting Council to declare the area surrounding their property and the Iowa • , State Highway Commissions property on Dodge and Locust Street as a no parking area ............................................................ 158, 162 " 23 -Claims for month of Jtme, 1943, proof of publication .................. 158 " 23 -Chief of Police Strub submitting reports of surveys made or parking conditions on Iowa Street between 4th and 6th Streets and West 5th Street between Central Avenue and Iowa Street and fast 7th Street between ~1%hite Street and. the alley first west of \~%hite Street ........................ 158 " 23 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for month of June, 1943, also list of clauns for month of June, 19=13 ................................................ 159 Aug. 2 -City Council, Regular Sessiou .................................................................................... 161 " 2 -Civil Service Commission report on promotional etiamination for positions ou the Police Department ............................................. 162 ;; 6 -City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 167 << 13 -City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 172 ?r~Tr, t~, ~P ,~ ~~?`°~~~ ~3 _._ ~~-~ . 1943 SUBJhCT Page ~; Sept. 6 -City Council, Regt:la_r Session ................................................................................... 177 7 -City Council, adjourned Regular Scssioa ................................................... 179 " 7 -Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada extending invitation ru attend the ~1.miuai Cotsferenee on Public Persomtel Administratiun to be held in St. Louis 130 " 7 -Clark Sheldon, President Navy League of the United States, requesting the issuancr of a proclamation -for the obser- vance of Navp Day on October 27th, 1943 .................................... 130 " 7 -Cotmcil Proceedings for the month of June, 19=13, approved as printed .............................................................................................................................. 131 " 7 -Claims for month of July, 1943, proof of publication .................. 131 7 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department and City Water Works reports for the month of Jul}~, 1943, also a list of claims for the month of July, 1943 ........................ 181 << 17- City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 137 " 17- Civil Service Commission rcpoi-t on promotional e~;.amination far positions on the Fire Departn,ent ...................................................... 189, 190 " 17- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City ~~rater T\rorks, reports for the month of August, 1943, also a list of claims for the month of August, 1943 .,.......... 190 " 17- Curtis-Straub Co., excavation bond ................................................_................ 190 << 24- City Council, Special Session .................................................................................... 193 " 24- Claims for month of August, 1943, proof of publication.._......_ 195 Oct. 4- City Cotmcil, Regular Session .................................................................................... 197 " 4- Curfew Ordntance, organizations and individuals interested invited to attend a meeting of the City Cotmcil for con- sidering such an ordinance ..............._,.............................,.............................. 197, 201, 202 " 4- Civil Service Commission, report on entraucc examination for position of Ambulance Drivers ..............................................._........ 197, 193 << 11- City Council, Special Session .................................................................................._ 201 " I1- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Department, City T~Tater ~~Vorks, reports for the month of Septembcr, 1943, also a list of claims for tiic month of September, 1943...... 20'1 Nov. 1- Cit}~ Council, Regular Sessiou .................................................................................... 207 " 1- Council Proceedings for the months of July, 1943, and August, 1913, approved as printed ..........................................................:. 207 " 1- Claims for month of September, 1943, proof of publication... 207 « 30- City Council, Special Sessio,l .................................................................................... 211 " 30- Clemens, ~%dilliam ItiL, tendering- his resignation as a member of the Park Poard ................................................................................................ 212 " 3~ Claims for month of October, 190-3, proof of publication ._..__ 21,? " 30- Civil Service Commission, rego~-t on promotional e~tamiua- tion for t11e position of Hcad School Nurse in Health Department ..........................................._.............................................................................. 213 " 30- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Health Deparhnent, City Water Works, reports for the month of October, 1943, also a list of claims for the month of October, 1943 ............ 213 Dec. 6- Cit}~ Council, Regular Session ................................................................................. 219 " 6- Comzcil Proceedings for the months of September, 1943, and October, 1943, approved as printed .........................................._,............ 221 << 21- City Council, Special Session ..........................................................:........................ 226 " 21- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Healthh Department, City Water Works, reports for month of November, 1943, also a list of clauns for tine month of November, 1943...... 227, 228 " 21- Chamiel Street, the Master Plan to be amended to provide for the relocation of said proposed Channel Street ........,... 233 1943 SUBJL;CT Page Jan. 4- Dubuque Musicians Chlh, Inc., approval of application for a Class "B" Beer Permit for I',-ivate Clni~ .......................................... 2 " 22- ................................................ Duncan Dale, ,granted ri~rarette T~ermit ............. 9 Mar. 1- Dr. Pepper Lowling I,a.nes Club, granted Class `B" Permit for Prix-ate Cluh ............................................................................................................ 40, 41 " 24- Dig;, I,eo, subnlittin~' offer to T~,~huque County for the pur- chase of hots GO and 6t of Belmont .lddition .................. 71, 87, 90, 103, 104 " 29- Defense Plants Corporation, an ageney of the Federal Gov- . en?meat, granted oP.tinn contract to purchase approtii- mately 10 acres of ?and for the construction ~f an alcohol plant ...................._.................................................................................................. 73, 74 April 5- Duffy, John I,., submitting application for app~intmcnt to the position of Police Judge ..............................._.............................,............ 77, 78 " 5- Bubuque County Chapter of American Red Cross, requesting permission to hold tae:, days .............................................................................. 79 " 12- Dieterich, Arnold A. and t;ertrude, subr:utting an offer in the amount of X86,00 for the pvrchaee of the ~Arest ?! of I,ot 298 and the. l%%,"cst ? ~ of I,nt '-;n of 5~~'oodla~,.nl Park Additirnl .................................................................................................................. 85, v6 " 12- -Dubuque Packing Conlpanv, reciuesthlg permission to eon- struct and maintain a nlPtal fence in Sycamore S'creet froTn the South line of East 18th Street to the North lice of fast 16th Street ....................................................................................... 86, 93 " 20 -Dubuque Boat and Boiler Company, application for a Federal permit to construct a bulkhead on tl.e right bank of the Mississippi River and notice of hearing upon said appli- catlon ......................................................................................................................................... 90, 102 " 20 -Dugs running at lar~re, City Man~ic;er recemmendiug that an ordinance he passed prohibiting the same .......................................... 91 " 20 -Dubuque Golf Club, granted Class `B" Beer permit for Private Chib ............._............................................................................................,.....,...... 94, 104 Nlay 3- Dell, 1~Irs. Chas. H., lloticc o f claim .................................................................. 98, 117 " 3 -Deyoe, George, ranted Class "B" Bcer Pe~rlit 104 " 3 -Dubuque 11~Ieta1 Trades Council Club, granted Class "B° Lerr Pe?'mit for Private C1_ub ....................................................................................... 104 June 7- Dubuque Fire Fighters' Asnn., requesting that rule nuriber fifty-nine of tiie Civil Seraice Code he suspended for the ducation of the tivar to enable the off shift firemen to work on their off day and further requesting that the firemen be given the salve tn-ctection while at ;work hl essential war industries as they would receive vahile working as a f,-eman ................................................................................................ 115, 129 " 7 -Duffy, ~~'inccnt and Steve Cole, granted Class "B" Leer Pernut ....................................................................................................................................... 119, 120 " 18 -Dubuque Municipal Airport, Civil Aeron;tutics Administra- tion inquirinP whether the City of Dnbuuue desires and . p .. tTOn io sponsor a project for the development l said gr of port ..............................._................................................................................. 130, 131 << 30 -Deyoe, Cxenr°e ,granted c,gar~tte pcrnlrt ...................................................... 13', " 30 -Dubuque Metal Trades Council granted cigarette perluit............ 134 " 30 " -Dubuque Packing Ccmpany, granted cigarette permit .................. i i Cl d b 134 134 30 t ...................................................... , grante garette perm c -Dubuque u " 30 -Donahue, James, granted ci;~arette Hermit ................................................... 135 << ~0 -Dr. Pepper Bov,~ling I,ane~,y Chlb, bran±ed clgarette perlnlt ...... 13~ " 30 -Du~;~.n, Char?es S., «ranted cigarette permit 13~ << 30 -Diamonds Grill, Inc., granted eigarette pernut .................................... 136 ' 30 -Duncan, Dale, granted two ci,_;.ar~~tte permits .......................................... 136 " 30 -Duffer, Vincent and Step-e Cole, ~~rauted cigarette permit..,...,..... - , 136 '" 30 -Donahue, James hL, granted Class °B" beer permit ........................ 136, 137 " 30 -Dugan, Charles S. and May I~., granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 " 30 -Dubuque Club, granted Class "L" beer permit for Private Cluh ................................................................................................................................................ 137, 138 "` 30 -Dunbar, Otto J., granted Class ''C" beer permit .................................... 137, 138 1943 SUBJECT Page July 6-Dolan, Leo ~., et al, employees of H. B. Glover Co., re- questing permission to park their cars during- working hours without penalty on both sides of .Iowa Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street and an both sides of Fifth Street between Iowa Street and Central Avenue and diagonal parkin; be allowed on the south side of Fifth Street between Io~t~a Street and Central Avemae .................. 141, 158 " 6-Dubuque Airways, Incorporated, caucel':atinn of their lease for the use of the Municipal Airport located on Ham's Islaud ........................................................................................................._............................... 1-13 144 ' 9-Dtthuque Packing Company, requesting nermissiou to con- struct and maintain a concrete ramp a.nd stairway along the easterly wall of a building to be constructed on Lot 418 of East Dubuque Addition, No. 2, also to construct and maintain a temporary one story structure easterly of the ramp and stairway above referred to also to construct a concrete curb and sidetvallc from end of present curb and sidewalk ou the northerly side of Fast Si~aeenth Street to connect with the concrete curb rnt the westerly side of Sycamore Stree* ............_ ......................................................................... 146, 147 " 9-Dttbttque Packing Company requesting permission to con- struct and maintain shack yards and unloading- platforms on the westerly side of Sycamore Street, such stock }*ards to be an extension of the elistin,g stock yards ............ 148, 149 " 23-Dubuque Park Board, certi&cate of tax levy .......................................... 154 23-Dubuque Safety Council requesting Council to adopt the attached changes and a.mendanents to the present Du- buque Traffic Ordinance ....................................................................................... 158, 161 Aug. 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress requesting pernussion for the balding of a Victory Labor Parade .................................... 161 " 13-Dubuque Boys' Cluh, Inc., City 1lIanager Rhornherg recom- mendhtg that the City Council deed City Lot 209 back to the Dubuque's Bovs Club, Iuc . ............................................................ 174, 175 Sept. 24--Dubuque Packing Company requesting permission to occupy twelve feet m width and forty feet in length of the westerly side of Sycamore Street lying easterly of the southerly 28 feet, 8 inches, of Lot 426, atld the northerly 11 feet, 2 inches, of Lot 425 of East Dubuque Addition, No. 2, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a "Resin Storage and Reclaiming House" .................................... 193, 194 Oct. 4-Duggan, Rcv. Raymond P., submitting resolution adopted at a meeting of Dlost Rev. Francis J. Beckman, Archbishop of Dubuque, and the pastors of the Catholic churches, stating- that it is deemed adv+_sable for the welfare and protection of the youth, that a City Ordinance be adopted to keep young unattended children off the city streets at night, the restrictions to be determined by the City Council ....................................................................................................................................... 197, 201, 202 " 4-Dubuque Airways, Inc., warrant in the amount of $4,000.00 ordered dra~~~n on the, Airport Fund in their favor for the sale of the old metal clad hanger and the machine shop on the island airport to the Citv of Dubuque .................. 198 Nov. 30-Dubuque Fire Fighters Association, requesting that piroba- tionary firemen, who have served three months on the department and who are called into military service, he placed on a preferred eligible. list ............................................................... 211 " 30-Donahue, John, Police Officer, advising that he has been in- ducted into the military service and requesting a leave of ahsence ............................................................................................................................... 211 " 30-Dubuque Tuberculosis Association, requesting permission to hold a street sale of bangles ....................................._.................................... 212 Dec. 6--Duhugae Paclung Cotnpatty, requesting Council to vacate and convey to the Dubuque Pad~ing Company a number ox streets and alleys easterly of Sycamore Street ........................ 220, ?21, 233 ~,:; 1 ~;-~ €~ ;` } :~ ~1~]~;~~~~-~3~5-~~ ~3 1943 SUB TECT Pagc April 20- Even, Joseph J. (Black and White Ca.b Co.) tali-cab bond.. 90 \Iay 3- Eisenegger, A. J., requesting a refund on both his beer per- mit and cigarette permit as he has discontinued business as of April 1, 1943 ...................................................................................................... 93, 99 June 30- Fichhont, i\1t-s. Cora, granted cigarette permit .................................... 134 " 30- Elks bodge, granted cigarette permit ............................................................... 134 30- ................. Eppler, Amer, granted cigarette permit ........................................ 135 30- Euder, A. J., granted two cigarette permits ............................................. 135 " 30- Eichmau, Arthur H., granted cigarette permit ....................................... 136 30- tippler, tilmer and Eileen, granted Class "B" beer permit......... 137, 138 " 30- Elks bodge, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club 137, 138 July 6- Emergency tat of five-eighths of a mill, resolution and ap- plication for authority to levy the same .......................................... 145, 159 Aug. 2- Emergency Fund, resolution and application for the transfer of $10,956.25 from said fiord to the Improvement Fund... 163, 169 " 13 -Elfmaml, tiZ'm., objecting to the granting of a beer permit to be operated at lOS5 :l-lain Street ......................................................... 172 Sept. 7 -Eberhardt, Auleen C., et al, requesting that action be taken regarding the appearance of the left side of the higlm•ay coming into the City about 100 feet from Fremont St....... 130 " 17 -tilks I,oclge, thanking Council for assistance giaen in the sponsoring of Dubuque Navy Day parade and program 187 Oct. ~}- Eichhorn, Mrs. Cora, requesting a refund on her cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 197 Nov. 30 -Emergeuc}~ Fund, resolution and application for the transfer of $12,659.59 from said fund to the Grading Fund .....,...... 214, 215, 219 1943 SUB JEC'I' Page Jan. 4- Fire Prevention Ordinance, submitted by Chief of Fire De- partment for Council approval ..................................................................... 2 " 22- Farley and L,oetscher Manufacturing Company, requestii?g vacation of the alley between Jackson and 1~~hite Street, between 8th and 9th Street .....................................................................8, 12,, 13, 20, 21 April 5- Fritschel, Esther ~., Stenographer and Clerk, City \~rater Department, bond ...................................................................................................... 80 May 17- Farley and I,oetscher Il~Ifg~. Co., requesting permission to in- stall three weklect steel tanks underground at the south end of their warehouse building at 5i~th Street .................. 110, 150, 151 June 18- Fifth Street, south side of sheet from Locust Street to Iowa Street changed back to diagonal parking .......................................... 128 " 30- Farley and I,oetscher Mfg. Co., requesting permission to build an addition to their present bridge, a± the second floor level, across East Eighth Avenue, between Jackson and White Streets ......................................................................................................... 132, 143 " 30- Fraternal Order of Eagles, t;~ranted cigarette permit .................. 133 " 30- Fliclc, IlNorris B., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 30- Finch, Alford, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30- Fortman, Anton, granted cigarette permit ................................................... 135 " 30- Falkenhainer, Charles, granted cigarette permit .................................... 135 " 30- Fischback, Hubert Ill, and Ethel, grantet cigarette permit..... 136 " 30- Flynn, John D. and Gussie, g~rantcd Class "B° beer permit...... 137, 138 " 30- Fortmann, Anton granted Class "B" beer permit ..........._ ................. 137, 138 " 30- Fraternal Order of Orioles, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ............................................................................................................ 137, 138 " 30 -Fratental Order of Eagles, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ............................................................................................................ 137, 133 July 9- Farley and L,oetscher Il2fg. Co., requesting that their em- ployees be given the privilege of parking on Seventh Street east of the Court House a11ev on both sides of the street .............................................................................................................................. 151, 152, 158 " 23- Firemen's Pension Board, certificate of ta., levy ................................. 154 " 23- Firemen's P.etirement Board, certificate of tax levy ........................ 154 " 23- Fessler, Edna A., submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of L,ot 48 of Belmont Addition...... 156, 165 Aug. 2- Fautsch, Louis F., Police Judge, bond ............................................................ 162 " 13- Fecker, Gustave E., Amhulance Driver, advising Council that he has been inducted into the miliia.iy forces and requesting a leave of ahsence ........................................................................ 172 " 13- Frith, E. T., on behalf of the U. S. Navy and the Ellis, who are sponsoring the C. B. and the Z~Tavcs, requesting per- mission for the holding of a parade on Friday, August 20th, 19=}3 ................................................................................................................................. 172 " 13- Frith, E. T., requesting that a proclamation be issued de- claring August 20th and August 21st as Dubuque Navy Days ............................................................................................................................................. 172 Sept. 7- Frith, E. E. Co., Inc., fire protection agreement ................................. 181 " 17- Fischbach, Hubert ~. and Ethel, granted Class "I3" beer permit .......................................................................................................................................... 190, 191 Nov. 1- Frith, E. E. Co., Inc., requesting the vacation of the south one-half of East 18th Street from Sycamore Street to Lynn Street, and also the westerly one-half of Lynn Street from 17th Street to 18th Street and also the alley rumling through the block beriveen Lynn and Sycamore Street from East 17th Sheet to East 18th Street .................. 207, 221, 233 " 30- Fullarton, Russell S., Police Officer, ach~ising that he has been inducted into the military service and requesting a leave of absence .............................................................................................................................. 211 ~I~1~~-~~®~ 73 1943 Sti B JF CT Page Jan. 22- Groff, 1~dith, notice of claim ....................................................................................... 7, 43, 44, 45 Mar. 1- Grab, 1~nvin 1\l. and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit 4Q, 41 May 3- Gantert, Harry N. and Lucile, granted Class "E" beer permit 104 June 30- Gala, Dominick, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 134 30 -Grutz, John, granted cigarette permit ............................................................... 135 30 " -Grode, Harry and Viola, granted cigarette permit ........................... 135 30 " -Galle, lilts. Bernice, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 136 30 " -Gantert, Harry \?., granted cigarette permit ............................................. i ` " 133 136 30 t ...... beer perm B -Gala, Dominick and Alice, granted Class , " 30 -Galle, il~lrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................... 137, 135 Jul}~ 6 -Glover, H. B. Company 1~mplopees, requesting permission to park their cars during working i~ours without penalty on both sides of Iowa Street from Fourth Street to Sixth Street and on both sides of Fifth Street between Iowa Street anti Central Avenue and that diagonal park- ing be allowed on the south side of Fifth Street between Iowa Street and Central Aaenue .................................................................. 141, 153 " 6 -Gavin, Mark, re-appointed as a member of the Board of Dock Commissioners for term expiring November 145 Sept. 7 26th, 1945 ................................................................................................................................. -Grode, Harry and Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 153, 184 Oct. 4 -Grutz, John and Clara, granted Class "B" beer permit ............... 199 " 11 -Glenn, Milton J., District Judge, stating that he doubts the wisdom of adopting a Curfew Law ......................................................... 201 Nov. 30 -Gerhard Edward, City Fireman, advising that he has been inducted into the military service anti requesting a leave of absence .............................................................................................................................. 211 " 30 -Grading Fund, resolution anti application for the transfer of X12,659.59 from the 1~mergen~.y Fund to said fund .................. 21=1, 215, 219 Il~~~~-~®~~~ ~3 1943 SUBJhCT page Jau. 22 -Hann, George, notice of claim .................................................................................... 7, 13, 1d 22 " -Hamlig, Sensia, notice of claim .............................................................................. 7, 60, 61 22 -Howe, Cecelia, requesting suspension of 1942. taxes ..................... 8, 13 Mar. 1 -Herrmann, Henry, et al, protesting- to the closing of the " stairway leading from North Maiu to Main Street ............... 27, 9% 1 -Hier, Mrs, Mary, requesting suspension of 194-2 tales .................. 2% " 1 " -Hansen, Wm. F., granted Class "B" beer permit .............................. 4Q 41 1 " -Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit .............................. 40, 41 9 -Hingtgen, N. J., requesting the vacation of all streets in " Fairmont Park Addition .............................................................................. 44, S6, 100, 110, 111 22 -Hogan, Mrs. Margaret ~., requesting suspension of 1942 taxes ............................................................................................................................................ 60 " 29 -Hill, T. J,, submitting application for reappointment as a " member of Board of Review for the year 1943 ..................... 69 29 -Hedrick, Jacob, granted Class "B" beer permit 77 April 12 -Harrison, earl G., Commissioner, Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization, suggesting- a city-wide proclamation be issued proclaiming Sunday, May 16, 1943, as "I Am An American Day„ .................................................... 85 " 20 -Haugen, Lawrence, submitting an offer in the amount of $35.00 for the purchase of Lot 35 of Burton's Addition... 90, 103 May 3- Hennessey, Maurice, original notice of suit ............................................. 9S 3 -Huftill, Fred J., a member of Fire Department, requesting a leave of absence as he has enlisted in the Naval Forces of the United States ................................................................................................... 93 June 18- Hotel Canfield, requesting that the west side of the street nn Central Avenue from Third Street to Fourth Street be " immediately changed back to diagonal parking ........................... 12S 30 -Horne, William, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 133 " 30 -Hochberger, John, grapted cigarette permit ................................................ 133 " 30 -Harwood, M. L., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 133 " 30 -Hansen, William F., granted cigarette permit .................................... 133 " 30 -Hartig Drug Co., granted three cigarette permits .............................. 134 " 30 -Hughes, R. D., and R. D. Jr., ranted cigarette permit ............... 134 " 30- Helsel, Irwin G., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 30- Hedrick, Jacob, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30- Helmer, Hillis H., granted cigarette permit ............_ ............................... 13=4 " 30- Henkel, Gus, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 135 " 30- Hollywood Grill, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 135 " 30- Haley, Amy, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 135 " 30- Herber, Arthur, granted cigarette permit ................................................... 135 " 30- third, Mrs. Rosemary, granted cigarette permit .................................... 136 " 30- Heiar, Mrs. Anna, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 136 " 30- Hogenson, Louise ItI. Haas, granted cigarette permit .................. 136 " 30- Helmer, Hillis H. and Florence, granted Class "B" beer " permit .......................................................................................................................................... 136, 13S 30- Hughes R. D. and R. D. Jr., granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 13S " 30- Horne, William and Mary, granted Class "B" beer petmit..... 137, 138 " 30- Herber, Arthur and Theresa, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 July 23- Hindman, Mrs. A. ~., notice of claim ............................................................ 15-4, 208 " 23- Hintz, Howard W., submitting offer to the Board of Super- vtsors for the purchase of Lots 1, ?,, 3, 11, 12, 13 of Kings Grove Addition ............................................................................................. 157, 191, 204 Au'g. 13- Hammerand, A. C., et a1, requesting that the West Dubuque bus be allowed to operate along the same route each noon as usual picking up passengers at Seventh and White Streets ................................................................................................................................. ...... ~ 17~ Sept. 7- Hillcrest Baby Fold, fire protection agreement .................................... 131 " 7- Home of the Good Shepherd. fire protection agreement ............ 181 " 7- Hochberger, John A. and ~Vm.,granted Class "B" beer permit 183, 184 II~tIl~Caa-.~ ~~[~ '~3 1943 SUB JL;CT Page 4~ Sept. 17-Hindman, Alrs. Andrew, submitting offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 10G and 107 of Burden and I,awther Addition ..................................................................... Oct. 4-Hawkeye Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ................................................................................................................................................ " 11-Howard, Paul V., stating that he is not in favor of the enactment of a Curfcw I,aw ........................................................................... Nov. i-Henkel, Gus and Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit..........., " 1-third, Adrs. Rosemanr, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. Dec. 6-Hall, Ben H., Director of Property Tat Division, State Taa Commission, etitencling invitation to the City Assessor to attend a conference of assessors to be held in Des Moines, Iowa ................................................................................................ 191, 20-1 199 201 209 209 220 ~j ~hd~~~~-~~~W~ ~? 1943 SUBJ$CT Page Jan. 4 -Interstate Power Company, conveyance of the vacated parts of alley in Block 12 and alley in Block 14, Loth in Du- buque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition a.nd parts of Cedar Street, Nlarlcet Street, I~ast Seventh Street and Commercial Street with an eYCeption and reservation of an easement and right-of-way for storm " 4 sewer ................................................................... ................................................. 1, -Illinois Central Railroad CoYnpany, granted authority to con- 11 G, 12#, 125 struct, maintain and operate certain track and sidings upon the public grounds and street of City of Dubuque 1, 2, 5, 6 7 Feb. 1 -Iowa Children's Home Society, requesting postponement of , the Volunteers of America "red heart" tag day ........................ 12 May 3- Industrial League, requesting a reductirnt in the rental fee for use of the Athletic Field ........................................................................... 97 " 3 -Improvement Fund, a warrant in the amount of $1,424.59 ordered drawn against said Improvement Fund to meet deficits in special assessment fiuids ............................................................ 102 June 18- Iowa Children's Home Society, aslung the Volunteers of America be not given permission for the holding of a tag day until the Iowa Children's Home SocictY makes its request .............................................................................................................................. 127 " 18 -Iowa Departrnent of Public Safety extending invitation to attend the annual Short Course for Peace Officers to be held at Iowa City the week beginning July 12th ........................ 123 30 -Irwin, Ray, granted cigarette permit .................................................................. 135 July 23- Interstate Power Company, requesting approval on proposed changes in bus routes ou West Dubuque Route, Semin- ary Route, Linwood Poute, Fremont Avenue Route and " Pourt Route ...........................................................................................................................153, 154, 161, 173 23- International Association of Chiefs of Police, extending in- vitation to Chief of Police to attend the Annual and Second War Conference to be held in Detroit, Mich., August 9, 10, 11, 1943 ............................................................................................. 156 " 23- Iowa Children's Home Society requesting permission for the holding of an emblem sale ................................................................................. 157 " 23- Interstate Power Company requesting that they be granted opportuiury to discuss with the Council and the repre- sentatives of the Farley and Loetscher Mfg. Co., rela- tive to the petition of the Farley and Loetscher Mfg. Co. , for permission to construct another bridge across fast T+ighth Avenue between White and Jackson Street ........... 157 " 23- Iowa State Highway Comrnission submitting contract with the City of Dubuque coveruig primary road extension maintenance for the coming Year ............................................................... 158 Aug. 2- Improvement Fund, resolution and application for the trans- fer of $10,956.25 from the 1~mergenc}' Fund to said fiuxl 163, 169 Sept. 7- Immaculate Conception Academy, fire protection agreement... 181 Nov. 30- Improvement Fund, resohition and application for the trans- fer of $20,000.00 f?-orn the Water ~}dorhs General Fund to said fund ........................................................................................................................ 215, 219, 220 " 30- Iowa State Commerce Co~nission, Mayor atrtizot•ized to file an application with said Conunission for the approval of plans and specifications for a municipal airport ............... 216, 211, 226 ~_ ;''~;~ r ;~ =5 ~~~t~EE~~-~~~~~ ~3 1943 SUBJECT Page It~Iar. 1-Jansen, Henry and Lucille, grantel Class "B" beer permit ...... 46, 41 1-Johnson, Phillip and 11lareel, granted Class "B" beer permit 40, 41 May 3-Jaeger, 112rs. Grace V. ~V., objecting to the operation of a 5 } ............... ; creamer ~ to be located at 2197 Universit ~ Avenue 99 =,: 3-Jaeger, Leo P., ohjecting to the operation of a creamery and ' processing plant at 2197 University Avenue ................................. 99, 100 ;I y¢ June 7-Johnson Phil, requesting a refund on his Class "B" beer r r pcrmit .......................................................................................................................................... 115 ,~ 30-Jansen, Henry and Lucille, granted cigarette permit 134 30-Joseph, ivlrs. N. B., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 =< 1 ) J•, b b ,permit .......................................... 135 .w " 30-Jaa uinot, Harr ~ granted cigarette ; Nov. 1-Jefferson Junior High School American Citizenship classes, submitting reasons for the failure of the Curfew Law . _ ,: and suggestions for Youth Organizations .......................................... 207 `, ,-3-. ~; 1943 SUB J~CT Page ~~ Jan. 4- Kramer, 1Vick and Marie J., granted Class "B" beer permit... 3 22- Klein, Mrs. Fred, settlement of claim ............................................................ 9 Feb. 19- Klauer, Wm. N., submitting an cffer to the Board of Super- visors for hots 32, 33 and 34 of Woodlawu Parlc ............... 19 << 25- Kantos, Rhea, notice of claim ................................................................................. 23, 61 Mar. 9- Kiwanis Club, commending the City Council for its activity on behalf of new airport .................................................................................... 43 " 22- Koehler, Sarah, requesting suspension of 1942 tax ........................ 59, 60 " 22- Kraus, Leo M., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 64 " 22- Klauer, William N., approval by City Council of his offer to purchase Lots 32, 33 and 34 of ~Voodlawn Park Ad- dition from Dubuque County ........................................................................... 65 April 12- Krocheski, Leo P., offer in the amount of $35.00 submitted to Board of Supervisors for hots 8 and 9 of Belmond Addition .................................................................................................................................... 87 87 " 12- Kaiser, Aileen H., granted cigarette permit ............................................. May 3- Iuiaken, Catherine ~., notice of claim ............................................................ 97, 117, 142 " 3- Koenig, Agnes L, submitting an offer in the amount of $40.00 for the purchase of Lot 1 of 1 of 21 and Lot 2 of 2 of 20 of It~Iills `Vest Dubuque Addition ....................................... 98 " 5 -Kyne, Guillien farm in Table Mound Township to purchase as a nucleus for an Airport ................................................ 106, 107, 108, 109, 118, 119 June 7- Kelly, M. J., approval of sale by Dubuque County of Lots 101 and 102 of Ham's Addition to the said M. J. Kelly 121, 122 " 30 -Keller, Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted cigarette permit 134 " 30 -Kramer, Nick and idarie J., granted cigarette permit .................. 134 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted cigarette permit ............ 134 " 30 -Knights of Columbus, granted cigarette permit .................................... 134 135 " 3Q -Koleopaulos, Steve, granted cigarette permit ......................................... " 30 -Kretz, $. P., granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 135 135 30 -Kruse, Geo. C., granted cigarette permit ................................................... " 30 -Kies, Theodore T., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 " 30 " -Karigan, Andrew, granted rivo cigarette permits .............................. 135 135 30 -Kraus, Leo M., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 136 30 -Kaiser, Eileen H., granted cigarette permit ............................................. " 30 -Koleopulos, Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................... 136, 138 " 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Ca., granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 137, 138 " 30 -Iianavas, George, granted Class "B" beer permit .............................. 137, 138 " 30 Frank and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ -Klein 137, 138 " 30 , -Karigan, Andrew D., granted Class `B" beer permit .................. 137, 138 July 6 -Kessler, Rev. W. G., calling attention to the urgency of re- pairing the street and protecting the sidewalk to the rear of 2948 Central Avenue on White Street ......................................._. 142 " 6 -Karigan, Andrew D., granted cigarette permit .................................... 144 " 23 -Kintzinger, J. W., requesting that the Subdivision in which the Westerly 100 feet of Lot 7 of the Subdivision of Lots 823 and 824 of McDaniel's Subdivision is situated be re-zoned from atwo-family classification to a multiple classification ........................................................................................................................ 157 Aug. 2 -Kaiser, John C., et al, requesting retention of the present bus service on Dodge Street and on Booth Street .................. 161 " 2 -Kunz, Mrs. Bernice, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................... 166 " 2 -Knights of Columbus, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ........................................................................................................................ 166 Sept 7 -Kennedy, Patrick R., granted Class "B" beeer permit ..................... 183, 184 " 17 -Karigan, Andrew D., requesting a refund on cigarette permit N o. 17 4 ....................................................................................................................................... 18 7 " 17-Kaep, Henry J. and Pearl, requesting the execution of a Quit Claim Dced conveying to them the northerly half portion of the vacated alley immediately south of and adjoining Lot 43 in Julia L. Langworthy's Addition ............ 187, 195, 196 1943 SUBJECT Page Nov. 30-Keppler, A. M., requesting the marking off of the curbing on Loras Boulevard near the entrance of Montrose Ter- race to prohibit the parking of cars ...................................................... 212 " 30-Kringle, D., submitting offer to Board of Supervisors for the purchase of the fast 25 feet of Lot 7 and all of Lot 8 of i\Iin. Lot 149 ......................................................................................................... 215, 222, 223 ._~, 1943 SUBJECT Page Jan. 22- Latham, $rnest and Myrtle, granted Class "C" beer permit... 9, 10 Feb. 19- Ltmdbeck, Catherine S., requesting suspension of 1942 taxes 19 Mar. 22- Landon, Chas. T., notice of claim ........................................................................ 59, 80 " 29- Lemper, H. P., submitting offer to Dubuque County for the purchase of Lot 172 Glendale Addition ............................................. 71, 83 " 29- Lange, Frank ~V., approval of sale by Dubuque County to him of hots S, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 1G, of Wood- lawn Park Addition ................................................................................................... 71, 72 April 20- Librarian of the Public Library, annual report .................................... 90 June 7- Link, Leo and Bernice, granted Ciass "B" beer permit .................. 119, 120 " 18- Lacy, Frank, re-appointed as a member of the Library Board for six year term expiring July 1st, 1949 ....................................... 127 " 30- Lane, Nlrs. James, notice of claim ..................................................................... 132, 198 30- Leiser $mil C., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30- Leilc, \~Tilliam C., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30- Luxemburg Club of Dubuque, granted cigarette permit ............ 134 " 30- Loyal Order of i~~Ioose, granted cigarette permit .............................. 134 " 36- Ludwig, M. J., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30- Luber, John, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 135 30- Lewis, Miss Irene, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 ,~ 30- Link, Leo, granted cigarette permit ................................................................. 136 30- Loral College, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 136 " 30- Lewis, Miss Irene, granted Class "B" beer permit ...._ .................. 137, 138 July 6- Loosbrock, Mrs. Julius C., appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission ............ 145 " 23- toes, John, requesting Council to have all the billboards re- moved from the premises of the Coryell Company on Rockdale Roacl .................................................................................................................. 158 " 23- Lewis, Harry );., et al, requesting Council to abate the nuis- ance caused by the barking and howling of dogs at night and which dogs are owned by Charles Jochum ........................ 158 Aug. 2- Linehan & Molo, 1~xcavation Eond ..................................................................... 162 " ?.- Latham, T~rnest and Myrtle, granted cigarette permit .................. 165 2- Luxembur Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private g Ckub ............................................................................................................................................ 166 " 6 -Larkin, George, representing the Curtis property, objecting to the issuance of a beer permit to be operated at 1085 Main Street ........................................................................................................................ 170, 172 " 25 -Lytle, Dr. C. C., Director of Health, Health Department, requesting a meeting of the Board of Health to consider procedures to follow in an attempt to eliminate and con- trol the spread of Poliomyelitis in the City ................................. 175, 176 Sept. 7 -Leiser, I~mil C., granted Class `B" beer permit ................................. 183, 184 " 7 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ........................................................................................................................ 184 Oct. 11- Loizeaux, Chas. ~., M. D., presenting a protest to the passage of a Curfew Ordinance as proposed .............................. 201 Dec. 6 -Lawrence, Mrs. Belle W., requesting Council to accept her offer of $30.00 for the surrender and cancellation of tax sale certificates held by the City against Lot 10 of Cain's Sub . ................................................................................................................................................ 220 " 6 -Le Van, Archie, $xcavation Bond ..................................................................... 223 " 6 -Luber, John and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 223 ~~1`~~~-~~~~~~ ~~ 1943 SUBJDCT Page Jan. 4- McCaffrey, F. P., requesting- a refund in the amount of $3.00 ou an tuntsed building permit ......................................................... 2 Feb. 1- McDonough, 1\Ieh~iu, Anita and George, granted cigarette 1- permit ....................................................................................................................................... McDonough, Illelvin, Anita and George, granted Class "B" 14 beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 14 April 20- 1\IcCarron, Charles, claim in the amount of $31.00 for in- juries sustained by his wife iu fall on icy street inter- section at 16th and ~S/bite Street ............................................................... 89, 117 June 30- McILa}~, R. V., re-appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Conmiission for a term of five years, said term espiriug slay 24th, 1948 ........................................................................ 133 " 30- McDonald, Daniel, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 134 " 30- 1\~IcL,attghiin, Frank, granted cigarette permit 131 " 30- McDonough, 1\Ie1~°in, Anita and George, granted cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 135 " 30- T/cFarlane, Robert, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 " 30- .......................................... McCann, Eugene P., granted cigarette permit 136 30- P-IcDonald, Dauiel and Loretta, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 " 30- IIcl,aughlin, Frank anti Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 July 6- McDonough, Leo F., appoiutecl as a member of the 11~Iunici- pal Playground and Recreation Commission ................................. 145 9- McAndrews, H. N., agreement to eater into lease for the Airport including all facilities thereon, on Haui s Island in the City of Dubuque .......................................................................................... 152 Oct. 4- McCann, Eugene P., granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 199 Nov. 1- I\IcDonald, A. ~, IVIfg. Co., requesting permission to con- struct aconcrete loading platform ou the north end of their warehouse bet~.veen Twelfth and Thirteenth Streets just east of the tracks ............................................................................................. 207, 213, 2.14 Dec. 21 -11IcMahma, Ben, et al., requesting the City to rip rap a wash- out located at the north end of ~,Iaple Island and recon- dition the il~Iaple Island road ........................................................................... 227 " 21 -IvlcCarten, George L., appointed to fill the vacancy of master plumber on the P,oard of ~saminers ..............................................._..... 228 Il~t~~X-~®®I~ 73 1943 SUBJECT Pagc Mar. 1 -Madison Street steps and stairway, Park Board notified to repair the same .................................................................................................................. 27, 70, 81, 97 " 9 -Municipal Airport, request to have runways lengthened and trees removed to meet growing demand in the training of student flyers ............................................................................................................... 43 " 29 -Morrison Brothers Co., conveying to the City of Dubuque by deed L,ot 2 of 4, I,ot 2 of 5 and L,ot 2 of 6 of the Subdivision of hots 4, 5 and 6 of Block 13 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition in exchange for a quit claim deed from the City of Dubuque, con- veying to them I,ot 1 of 17, L,ot 1 of 18 and I,ot 1 of 19 of the Subdivision of hots 17, 18 and 19 of Bloclc 17 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition...... 72, 73 April 5 -Moffatt, W. ~V., sworn in as Councilman for term com- mencing the first Monday in April, 1943 .......................................... 77 " 5 -Murphy, Geo. R., sworn in as Councilman for term com- mencing the first 1blonday in April, 1943 ............................................. 77 " 5 -Murphy Councilman, elected Mayor for ensuing fiscal year... 77 " 5 -Mary Agard Tent, No. 35, D. U. V., requesting permission for the holding of a flag tag day ............................................................ 79 " 5 -Morrison Bros. Co., requesting the vacation of streets and alleys abutting their property on fast Seventh Street • nd located in Block 15, 16 and 17, in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition .......................................... 79, 80, 86, 91, 100, 101 " 5 -Mihalas, Alas, granted cigarette pertntt ...................................................... 82 " 5 -Mihalas, Alas and Ruby, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 82, 88 " 20 -Municipal Airport, request that an auxiliary field be made available for the carrying out of the new training pro- gram for naval air cadets which has been inaugurated at I,ot•as College ............................................................................................................ 89 20 -Mulgrew, Thomas J. Co., malting application for a permit. to move a frame building located in Block 9 of Dubuque Harbor Addition to Block 16 in Dubuque Harbor Addi- tion, said building to be used as a warehouse during the existing emergency ............................................................................................. 90, 103 May 3- Mueller, John, requesting a permit for the operation of a creamery for the pasteurization of milk, skimmed milk and cream at 2197 University Avenue ................................................10 0, 132, 142, 143 " 3 -Meyer, DTartin and Vernon granted Class "B" beer permit...... 104 " 17- Memorial Day Parade Committee, extending invitation to the City Council to participate in the Memorial Day Parade .......................................................................................................................................... 109 " 17- Mayor's Industrial Committee, Messrs Titus B, Schmid, Charles ~. Dove and City Manager A. A. Rhomberg appointed as members ................................................................................................ 113 " 17- Mayor Murphy authorized to appoint a committee of the City Council and other City Officials to confer with the Civilian Aeronautics Authority for the purpose of fur- thering the Airport Project .............................................................................. 113 June 7- 1~Iolo, Bart, approval of sale by Dubuque County of the fast 10 feet, 5 inches of L,ot 2 of 1 of 1 of City L,ot 725 and the West 14 feet, 5 inches of I,ot 1 of City I,ot 726 to the said Bart Molo ...................................................................................................... 122 ` 30- Moes, Anthony W. and Edith, granted cigarette permit ............ 134 " 30- Meyer, Paul J., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30- Manternach, Gus la., granted cigarette permit ...........„ ............................. 134 30- Man~eno, Paul, granted cigarette permit b ~ ...................................................... 134 ti 30- Meyers, Kermit and Thomas billy, granted cigarette permit... 135 " 30- Maas, Melvin H., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 135 " 30- Miller, George, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 " 30- Maas, William and )~lizabeth, granted cigarette permit ............... 135 30- Mihalas, Alas, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 II~~~;~-~®~b~ 73 1943 SUBJECT Page ~~ June 30- Mihalakis, Phillip, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 135 30- Mein, Stanley, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 135 135 " 30- Manders, $dmund N., granted cigarette permit .................................... " 30- Nlaas, Melvin H., grantee} Class "B" beer permit .............................. 136, 138 " 30- Mengis, «Talter and Mathilda, granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 138 " 30- Moes, Anthony VV. and Edith AEI., granted Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................................................................................... 136, 138 30- Meyer, Albert AFL, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................... 137, 138 " 30- Maas, ~~illiam and I~lizabeth, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 July 6- Murphy, Geo. R., Tdlayor, appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission ............ 145 " 6- Merrill, A. ~~T., Supt. of Public Schools, appointed as a member of the A/unicipal Playground and Recreation Cominission ............................................................................................................................ 145 " 23- Miller, Mrs. Marcella B., submitting offer to the Board of Supet-~risors for the purchase of hot 9 of A-lersh's add. 156, 164 Aug. 2- Mihalakis, Phillip anct ~riola, granted Class "B" beer permit 166 " 2 -Miller, Mrs. Florence, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 166 " 2- Municipal Airport, City Solicitor instructed to proceed with condemnation proceedings for the acquiring of all lands needed .......................................................................................................................................... 166 " 25 -Market Master instructed to cause food products on the pub- lic markets to be covered .................................................................................... 176 Sept. 7 -IVlount St. Agnes Novitiate, fire protection agreement .................. 181 " 24 -IVliller, Mrs. Katie A., suspension of 1942 taties .................................... 194, 198 Oct. 11 -Megahey, Thomas J., President of the Dubuque A/inisterial Association, presenting recommendations in the matter of a Curfew haw ......................................................................................................... 202 1 Nov -IVlachinek, Joseph, granted Class "B" beer permit ..........................._. 209 . " 30 -A~Iosbauer, )~mma, suspension of 1912 tales ............................................. 212, 227 " 30 -1blunicipal Airport, Mayor authorized to file an application with the Iowa State Commerce Commission for approval of plans and specifications for said municipal airport ...... 216, 217 Dec. 21 -A/achinek, Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ....................................... 229 " 21 -Master Plan to be amended to provide for the relocation of the proposed Peosta Chaiulel and the proposed Channel Street .......................................................................................................................................... 233 "i "f °: II~Y~~~-~~® ~3 1943 SUBJECT Pagc Feb. 19- Nelson, Oscar, notice of claim ........................................ ............ ...., ... ...... .. ........... 19, 70, 71 " 19 i : -National Tea Co. Food Store, requesting permission ~o ei ect an unloading platform and steps to platform at alley en- trance at 898 Main Street .................................................................................... 19 " 19 -Notice of Hearing before the Federal Communications Com- mission in the matter of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for increased charges for Interstate Telephone $xchange Service in Iowa .............................................................................. 20 " 19 -I~TOrthwestern Bell Telephone Company, notice of hearing before the Federal Communications Commission in the matter of increased charges for Interstate Telephone Exchange Service in Iowa .............................................................................. 20 April 5- National Tea Co., granted cigarette permit ............................................. 82 " 5 -Nelson, C. R. and Alice, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 82 " 12 -Neal, Benjamin, far Victory Volunteer Committee, suggest- ing that a proclamation be released proclaiming Sunday, May 16, 1943, as "I Am An American Day" .............................: 85 June 18- Nelson, Mrs. Chas. R., requesting a refund on her Class "B" beer permit, No. 4 ...................................................................................................... 123 " 30 -Nardin, George, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30 -North hnd Choral Club, granted cigarette permit .............................. 134 " 30 -National Tea Co., granted cigarette permit ............................... ........... ...... 134 " 30 -Nicks, Ray, granted cigarette permit ..........._ ..................................................... 135 Aug. 2- Navy Mothers' Club Organization asking permission for the holding of a tag clay ......................................_............................................... 161 " 6 -Niclcs, Mrs. Josephine, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 170, 171 Sept. 7 -Nardin, George, granted Class "B" beer permit ................................. 183, 184 Oct. 4- Niclcs, Mrs. Josephine, granted cigarette permit .................................... 199 Nov. 1- National Institute of I,aw Officers, extending invitation to the City Solicitor to attend the Conference of the Na- tional Institute to be held in Chicago ...................................................... 207 " 1- -Niclcs, Ray, granted Class "B° beer permit ................................................ 209 " 1 -North end Choral Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ....................................................................................................................:... 209 r ag 1943 S UB J~ CT Page Jan. 4- Ordinance No. 1-43. An ordinance for the vacation of part of the alley throttgh Block 12 and a part of the alley through Bloclc 14 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's addition ; also for the vacation of parts of Cedar Street, Market Street, fast Seventh Street and Com- mercial Street ; and for the conveyance of the vacated areas to Interstate Power Company with an exception and reservation of an easement and right-of-way for storm sewer ........................................................................................................................... 1, 5, 11 " 4- Ordinance No. 2-43. An ordinance granting authority to the Illinois Central Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate certain track and sidings upon public grounds and streets of the City of Dubuque ........................................................................................................................... 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 Feb. i- O'Brien, Byrne A., Police Officer, requesting a leave of ab- sence as he has enlisted in the armed forces of the United States ..................................................................................................................... 12 " 1- Ordinance No. 3-43. An ordinance providing for the vaca- tion of the alley between ,Jackson and ~~Thite Streets running from eighth to Ninth Streets and conveying said alle}~ to Farley and Loetscher il~Iamtfacturing Co....... 12, 13, 20, 21 " 25- Olanslc}~, M. B., requesting a refund on his cigarette permit, No. 146 ....................................................................................................................................... 23 Mar. 22- Ordinance ATO. 4-43. An ordinance appropriating money for the various funds and purpose of the City of Dubuque, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1943, and ending Rlarch 31, 1944 ............................................................................................................... 58 , 66, 67, 68, 69 " 29- Option contract granted to Defense Plants Corporation for the purchase of 10 acres of land for construction of an alcohol plant ........................................................................................................................ 73, 74 April 5- Ordinance No. 5-43. An ordinance relocating Commercial Street, vacating Commercial Street as it now exists and dedicating and establishing Commercial Street as re- located over and across certain lands owned by the City of Dubuque in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's Ad- dition in acccordance with the plat attached hereto .................. 8Q, 84 " 12- O'Harran, Catherine, notice of claim .......................... ...................... 85 112 " 20- Ordinance i\TO. 6-43. An ordinance vacating that part of Cypress Street from Pine Street to fast Seventh Street; that part of River Street from fast Seventh Street southeasterly to a line drawn across River Street, run- ning from the Northeast corner of Lot 7, Bloclc 13, to Southeast corner of Lot 19, Bloclc 17, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's Addition and the alley rtuming parallel to and between River Street and Pine Street from Fast Seventh southeasterly to a line drawn across the alley running from the Southeast corner of Lot 13 to the Northeast corner of Lot 3 of L,ot 32 in Block 17, Du- buque Harbor Improvement Co's Addition .................................... 91, 100, 101 RIa}~ 3- Office of Civilian Defense, request that the City of Dubuque co-operate in the financing of one-half of the salary of a Secretary in the Office of Civilian Defense .............................. 97 " 3 -Ordinance No. 7-43. An ordinance providing for the vaca- cation of certain streets and alleys in Fairmont Park Addition .........................................................................................................................._........ 100, 110, 111 June 7- Ordinance No. 8-43. An ordinance for the vacation of a part of the alley through Block Twelve (12) and a part of the alley through Block Fourteen (14) both in Du- buque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; also for the vacation of parts of Cedar Street and Market Street in said City; and for 1943 SUPJECT Page the conveyance of the vacated areas and parts of East Seventh and Commercial Streets heretofore vacated to Interstate Power Company with the exception and reser- vation of an easement and right-of--way for storm sewer over, upon and across a part of said vacated areas ..................116, 124, 125, 126 June 7- Ordinance No. 9-43. An ordinance creating a Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission and defining its powers and duties, and providing for joint maintenance and operation of Playground and Recreation facilities with the Board of Education of the Independent School • District of Dubuque ................................................................................................... 123, 126, 127 " 30 -Ott, Joseph J., granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 135 " 30 -O'Regan, Timothy, granted cigarette permit ............................................. 135 " 30 -O'Regan, Timothy and Louise, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 July 23 -Office of Civilian Defense, asking Council to allocate funds in the amount of X1,037.28 to cover the anticipated ex- penses to be incurred by Civilian Defense of Dubuque fi-om August 1, 1943, to August 1, 1944 ............................................. 153, 161 Aug. 2 -Ordinance No. 10-43. An ordinance ameuciing Ordinance No. 12-38 and Ordinance No. 16-42, authorizing Inter- state Power Company, its successors and assigns to sub- stitute motes bus transportation for street railway trans- portation designating motor bus routes by changing cer- tain defined tins routes and by repealing any and all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith ........................ 162, 163, 173, 174 Sept. 17 -Ordinance No. 11-43. Au ordinance repealing Ordinance No. 19-38 which amended Ordinance No. 9-35 relating to the issuance of Class "B" and Class "C" beer permits providing for the regulation of classes of beer permits and requirements to obtain said permits and by the in- sertion and addition to said Ordinance No. 19-38 a lim- itation upon the issuance of Class "B" permits, and by repealing any Ordinance in conflict herewith ......................_...... 187, 194, 195 Dec. 21 -O'Leary, Benjamin J., City Fireman, advising that he has been inducted into the military service and regttesting a leave of absence ............................................................................................................... 227 " 21 -Ordinance 1\to. 12-43. Au ordinance amending Ordinance No. 10-37, entitled "Traffic Code of the City of Du- buque as amended by Ordinance 1~?0. 1-39, by repealing certain provisions thereof, and enacting certain pro- visions in lieu thereof regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets and highways of the City of Dubuque, and by repealing all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewiti~ .................................................................................................................................... 228 - ~W, ~ 1943 SUBJECT Page Jan. 22- Postal Telegraph and Cable Company, objecting to the adop- tion of Ordinance No. 1-43 and requesting that action be postponed until the meeting of February 1st, 1943 .................. 5, 11 " 22- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the grant- ing of the petition of Farley and I,oetscher Mauufactur- ing Company for the vacation of the alley between Jackson and White Streets from ~igth Street to Ninth Street .......................................................................................................................................... 8 " 22- Pfalzgraf, Ernest, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 9 Feb. 1- Petrakis, Peter, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit, \TO. 170 ....................................................................................................................................... 12 " 1- Payrolls for month of December, 1942 ............................................................ 13 " 19- Petrakis, Peter A., notice of claim ........................................................................ 18, 24 19- Police and Fire Deuartmcnts, requesting an increase in salary 19 " 19- Payrolls for month of January, 1943 .................................................................. 21 Mar. 1- Park Board notified to make necessary repairs as requested on the stairwa}~ leading from North Main to Main St....... 27 " 1- Powers, John, notice of claim .................................................................................... 27, 44 ~ 29- Payrolls for month of February, 1943 ............................................................ 70 " 29- Plat of the Subdivision of Lots 17, 18 and 19 of Bloclc 17, in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's Addition, ap- Proval of same .................................................................................................................. 72, 73 April 5- Paisley, Vernon, requesting a refund on his beer permit........... 79 " 5- Penny, J. C. Co., requesting permission to raise doors cover- ing their elevator shaft in the alley in the rear of their building at 861 Main Street .............................................................................. 79, 87, 92, 93 " 12- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the vaca- tion of the streets in that part of l~~Ir. Hintgeii s prop- erty bounded by Lafayette, Clemensen, I,aury Streets and the alley first south of VVunderlich Street ........................... 86 " 12- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending the grant- ing of the petition of Morrison Bros. Company at- tacked hcrewith ............................................................................................................... 86 I 12- Payrolls for month of March, 1943 ..................................................................... 87 " 20- Postal Telegraph and Cable Company, protesting and ob- i jetting to Ordinance No. 5-43, providing for the vaca- tion of Commercial Street and the relocation of said street in accordance with a plat attached to said ordinance 90 " 20- Postal Telegraph and Cable Company, City Manager to cause ' notice in writing to be served upon them directing them ~ to remove, not later than 90 clays after the day the notice is served upon said Postal Telegraph and Cable Com- pany, its lines and poles from Commercial Street as it heretofore existed to Commercial Street as it has been changed, established and relocated ................................................ 91, 92, 110, 174, 180 1llay 17- Payrolls for month of April, 1943 ........................................................................ 111 June 7- Playground and Recreation Commission, report of committee appointed by the City Council and Board of education recommending that a Playground and Recreation Com- mission be created to take immediate action to provide a program of recreation in all its phases .......................................... 122, 123, 126, 127 " 18- Payrolls for month of Nlay, 1943 ........................................................................ 129 " 30- Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the petition of John J. Mueller for permission to establish a creamery at 2197 University Avenue be denied ........................ 132 " 30- Peiyon, Albert G., granted cigarette permit ............................................. 134 j 30- Poquette, Millard, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 ! 30- Pfalzgraf, $rnest, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30- Petrakis, Charles, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30 -Pochter, Charles, granted cigarette permit ................................................. 134 " 30- Petrakis, Peter, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 ~~ ~ :~ -3 ,?-4 _- ;,,,;u ,~, ',,~ ;~ I, t+ ,~ u~ ._;;~ °~ :'id 'a j l ~I~1~~-~~~~~~ ~3 1943 SUP, JI~CT Page June 30- Page Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 30 -Potterveld, ~Tm. T. and F. C., granted cigarette permit .... 135 " 30 -Pins, Arthur, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 135 " 30 ~Poquette, Millard and Lucille, ;ranted Class `B" beer permit 136, 138 " 30 -Peed, Thos. R. and I:athryn, granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 138 " 30 -Pochter, Charles and Ruth, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 " 30 -Pins, Arthur `AT., granted C1_ass "C" beer permit .............................. ~ 137, 138 July 6- Planning and Zoning Commission recommenduig that the petition of John J. Mueller, requesting permission to operate a creamery for the pastettrizatioza of millk, skimmed mills and cream at 2197 Uni~.'ersity Avenue, be denied ................................................................................................................................. 142, 143 " 23 -Policemen's Pension Board, certificate of tax levy .............................. 154 " 23- Policemen's .Retirement BoarrL certificate of to :levy .................. 154 " 23 -Playground and Recreation Commmission, certificate of tax levy ................................................................................................................................................ 155 " 23- Peterson, Carl «T., et al, objecting to the closing of Algona Street between University Avenue and Grace Street a.s requested in the petition of the LTniversity of Dubuque...... 157 " 23- Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. 74-43, a resolution and application for authority to levy an emergency tax of fve-einhth:; mill .................................... 159 " 23- Payrolls for month of Jtzne, 1943 .......................................................................... 154 " 23- Patch, Gladys, requesting the execution of a Ouit Claim Deed to her covering the vacated alley abutting Lots 6 and 7 of Grandview Placc ................................................................................................... 160, 181, 182 Aug. 2- Pinski, Georg: F., E.,cavation Bond _ ................................................................ 162 " 6- Porter, C. Fred, State Comptroller, anP?-oval of Resolution No. 83-43, a resolution and ar~plication for authority to transfer the amount of X10.956.25 from the emergency Fund to the Improvement Fund .................................................................. I69, 170 " 25- Poliomyelitis, action taken by Eoard of Health declaring that a state of emergency exists until terminated by further action of the Board of Health and setting- up prohibitions and regulations governin<;~ the congregating of children ~ of sixteen years of age and under .......................................... 175, 176, 178, I85, 186 Sept. 7- Postal Telegraph-Cable Company advising- that they have not complied with the notice served upon them requesting the removal o~f their telegraph lines from Commercial Street aucl submitting a proposal to the City of Dubuque for the removal of said telegraph lines from Commercial Street .......................................................................................................................................... 180 << 7- Payrolls for month of July, 1943 ........................................................................ 181 " 7- Poquette, 1\%lillard, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 183 " 17- Payrolls for month of August, 1943 .................................................................. I90 Oct. 4- P. X. Club, application for Class "B" beer permit for Pri- vate Club ................................................................................................................................. 200, 215, 22=1 " 11- Payrolls for monde of September, 1943 ..................._................................... 204 Nov. 30- Policemen who have served a. probationary period of three months, and whn are called into military service, to he placed on a preferred elegible list ............................................................ 211 " 30- Payrolls for month of October, 19-13 ................................................................ 213 Dec. 6- Porter C. Fred, S*.ate Comp±roller, approval of Resolution No. 119-43, a, resolution and application for authority to transfer the amount of $12,659.59 from the L;mergency Fund to the Grading Fund .............................................................................. 219 " 6- Porter C. Fred, State Comptroller, approval of Resolution No. 120-43, a resolution and application for authority to transfer the amount of $20,000.00 from the Water Worl=_s General Fund to the Improvement Fund .......................................... 219, 220 `' 3 1943 SUE J~ CT Pane Dec. 21-Payrolls for month of November, 1943 ...................................................... 227, 228 '; " 21-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommending that the Master Plan be amended to provide for the relocation of the proposed Peosta Channel and the proposed Channel Street .......................................................................................................................................... 233 , °x :_. " 21-Peosta Channel, the Master Plan to he amended to provide for said proposed Peosta Channel ............................................................ 233 =:°'~ <;, =.1 '''. ~.. 1 ~~ ...i 1943 SUBJI;C'I~ Page Jtme 30-Quinlan, Robert J, and $velyn, granted cigarette permit ............ " 30-Quinlan, Robert J. and )welyn, granted Class "B°' beer perrnit Dec. 6-Ouit Claim Deed from Board of Supervisors to Board of Dock Commissioners for hots 515 to 626, both iliclusive, in 1~ast Dubunue Addition .................................................................................... 13-! 136, 133 220 Jan. 22- Reinert, Laura Ivl., notice of claim ........................................................................ 7, 71 Feb. 1- Ryan, 1;. J., submitting oiler to the Board of Supervisors for Lot 1 A of ~. Ryau's Sub, and Lot 2 of 20 of Broadview Addition ................................................................................................... 12, 64 " 1- Receipts for month of December, 19-}2, proof of publication 13 1- Rod and Gun Club, application for Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ............................................................................................................ 16 24 " 25- Receiuts for month of January, 19-13, proof of publication Mar 9- Rod and Gtm Club, api lication for Class "B" beer permit for . Private Club .................................................................................................................. 45, 63, 69, 83, 112 ~, 29- Ruh, John, notice of claim .......................................................................................... 69, 187, 188 80 April 5- Receipts for month of February, 19-13, proof of publication... " " 82 " 5- beer permit ........................ B Richeson, Frank A., granted Class A-Say 3- Receip±s for month of 1\~iarch, 19-13, proof of publication ......,..... 100 " 3- Frank and I>athryn, granted Class "B" beer permit......... Ries 104 << 17- , Roth, Al, notice of claim ...............................................................................:................ 109, 118 110 " 17- Receipts for month of April, 19-13, proof of publication ............ " 17- Rod and Gun Club, granted cigarette permit .......................................... 113 June 7- Rhoades, C. J~., requesting that the storm sewer constructed in his yard be checked and repaired for leaks and also that the manhole in corutection wtth the sewer be brought to the grade of his yard ....................................................................................... 115, 227 7- Herman H. and Nellie, granted Class "B" beer Reinker " 18- , permit .......................................................................................................................................... Receipts for month of May, 1943, proof of publication ............... 119, 120 128 " 30- Roshek Erothers Company, granted cigarette permit ..................... 134 135 " 30- Ragatz, Geo. Jr., granted cigarette permit " 30- Rueguitz, B. A., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 136 " 30 -Reis, Fra~4c, granted cigarette permit ........................._.................................... 136 30 -Rod and Gun Club, granted cigarette permit .......................................... i " " 138 136 " 30 t...... beer perm B -Rawson, H. A. and Grace, granted Class , " 30 -Rosl.elc Barothers Company, granted Class "C" beer permit... 137, 138 July 6- -Rhombcrg, P,. A., City 11~Ianager, appointed as a member of 145 the lllunicipal Playgrotutd and Recreation Commission...... " 23 -Receipts for month of June, 1943, proof of publication ......_....... 158 " 23 Franlc A., transfer of address of Class "B" beer -Richeson , permit .......................................................................................................................................... 15 160 9 Aug. 2 -Rettenmaier, John J. and P~Iarie, granted Class "B" beer 166 25 perinit ......................................................................................................................................... -Restaurant Inspector instructed to cause food products in food stores and restaurants to be kept in a sanitary 176 Sept. 7 condition .................................................................................................................................... -Receipts for month of July, 1943, proof of publication .................. 181 2~l- -Receipts for month of August, 1943, proof of publication......... 195 Oct. 4 -Reinker, Herman and i~Tellie, granted cigarette permit .................. 199 207 i- Nov -Receipts for month of September, 1943, proof of publication . 30 -Receipts for month of October, 1943, proof of publication ...... 212 " 30 -Robbins, Amos, submitting offer to the Board of Super- 216 visors for the purchase of Lot 301 Glendale Addition ...... 6 Dec -Real estate Contracts for the acquiring of certain lands in . Table Mound To~,vnship for Airport purposes ............ 224, 229, 230, 231, 232 Y~~~X-~®®~ 73 1943 SUB JJ~CT Page Jan. 4- Shamrock Club, application for a Class "B" beer permit for " Private Club ..................................................................................................................... 3, la, 1 6 4 " -Spielman, J L. and Susan, granted Class "B" Neer permit...... 3 22 -Smith, ~V. A., tendering his resignation as a member of both the Planning and Zoning- Commission and as a member of the Board of Adjustment ........................................................................... 7 Feb. i- Smith, Paul F., appointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commtssion for term espiring~ May 24, 1944, and also appointed as a, member of the Board of Adjust- ment for term expiring March 5th, 1946 ..................... 17 " 19- Schenley Distilleries, Inc., requesting- e~aensiou of option contract for ninety clays granting them the right to pur- chase certain real estate for the construction of an " alcohol plant ........................................................................................................:............... 17, 18 25- Scott, Clifford, entering complaint about injuries sustained in a fall on icy street at Ninth and D/ain Streets .................. 23, 44 Mar. 1- Stairway leading from Nnrth Main to Main Street, Parlc << Board notified to repair the same ............................................................ 27, 70, 81, 97 9- Schmitt, Am1a, notice of claim ................................................................................. 43, 102 " 22- Swift and Company, requesting permission to repair and use the frame building on thee- property formerly occupied by the Peter J. Seippel Lumber Company ....................................... 58, 75 22- " Sponheimer, Josephine, notice of claim ............................................................ 59, 203 22- Stohmeyer, A. J., assistant City $lectrician, requesting an "I increase in salary ..................... ......................................... .............................. 59 May 3- Slack, Mr., requesting that Madison Street steps be repaired and reopened as he is unable to have access to his prop- erty since the steps have been closed by the Park Board 97 " 3- Sponheimer, Josephine, original notice of suit ....................................... 98, 203 " 3- Stotz, Adolph G., et al, requesting that the improvement started on Nest 16th Street from Coy. Street to Cath- erine Street he completed, also that the surface water be taken care of at the end of Henion Street and also that a street light be placed at or near the intersection of Nest 16th Street and Heinon Street ...................................................... 99 June 7- Sadler, 1llargaret, notice of claim ........................................................................ 115, 143 18- Schroeder, Rev. Karl, re-appointed as member of Library Board for Six year term eapiring~ July 1st, 1949 .................. 12'7 18- Si1,th Street, south side of street from Locust to Iowa Street changed baelc to diagonal parlcing ............................................................ 128 " 30- Strader, Genevieve, notice of claim ..................................................................... 132, 149, 170 " 30- Scubert and Fesslcr, excavation bond ............................................................... 133 " 30- Siege, Joseph J., Jr, and Ferdinand W. Iienuiker, granted cigarette permrt ............................................................................................................... 134 " 30- Savary, ~~~illiam and Viola, granted. cigarette permit .................. 134 " 30- " Stavros, George, 'granted cigarette permit 134 30- Scherer, George J., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 134 " 30- " Sullivan, Thomas P., granted cigarette permit ....................................... 134 30- Stoltz, Raymond J. and George J. Zillig, granted cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 134 " 30- " Sand, Nlike and Nlarie, granted cigarette permit ................................. 135 30- Stemm, John J., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 135 " 30- " Schneider, Joseph, granted cigarette permit ............................................. 135 30- Sadler, Leo and Dorothy, granted cigarette permit ........................ 135 " 30- Steffen, Nicholas, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 135 30- " Snyder, Charles T., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 30- Solomon, Jack, granted cigarette permit ~ 135 30- Schaetzle, John, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 136 " 30- Spielman, J. L., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 136 " 30- " Stampfer Co. J. F., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 136 30- Stieber, John and I~lsie, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 136, 137 " 30-Steffen, Nicholas and Beatrice, granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 137 1943 SUBJECT Page June 30-Sadler, Leo and Dorothy, granted Class 'B" beer permit ......... 136, 138 30-Stemm, John and Alberta, granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 136, 138 " 30-Sand, Mile and Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 136, 138 " 30-Savary, William and Viola, granted Class `B" beer permit...... 137, 138 " 30-Scherer, George J. and Emma, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 133 " 30-Stoltz, Raymond J. and George J. Zillig, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 137, 138 " 30-Spielman, Harvey L., granted Class "B" beer permit ..................... 137, 138 " 30-Sand, Frank and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 137, 138 " 30-Schnee, Mrs. Sophia ~. and M. ~T., granted Class "B" beer permit ................._......................................................................................................................, 137, 138 " 30-Snyder, Charles T. and Elsie, granted Class "B" beer permit 137, 138 July 23-Sawle, Mrs. Paul, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of hots 68 and 69 of Burden and Lawther Addition ......................................................................................................... 156 " 23-Sand, Frank and Elsie, transfer of address of Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 159, 160 Aug. 2-Schwartz, Vincent B., granted Class "C" beer permit .................. 166 Sept. 7-Schulte, Louisa, Mrs., et al, requesting the removal of the live poultry and their odor from the Blum Company's Building at 15th and Elm Streets ............................................................... 179, 188, 189 " 7-St. Joseph's Sanitorium, fire protection agreement .............................. 181 " 7-St. Francis Home for the Aged, fire protection agreement...... 181 " 7-St. Francis Convent, fire protection agreement .................................... 181 " 7-St. Mary's Orphan Home, fire protection agreement ..................... 181 " 7-Steichen, Mrs. Niclc, submitting an offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lot 1 of 2 of 5 and 2 of 2 of 5 of Min. Lot 307A ........................................................................ 183 " 7=Sand, Franlc and 1~Isie, granted ciga..rette permit .............................. 183 " 17-Schoeberl, John, submitting offer to the Board of Super- visors for the purchase of Lot 129 of ~Voodlawn Park Addition .................................................................................................................................... 191, 204 " 24-Schwinn, Phillip V. and Carl P. Hoare, Guardians of the person and property of Florence McLean, incompetent, original notice of suit ................................................................................................ 194 Oct. 4-Senior High School, requesting permission to string a banner across IVlain Street ...................................................................................................... 197 Nov. 1-Shiloh Circle No. 37, Ladies of the G. A. R., requesting per- mission for the holding of a tag day ...................................................... 207 " 1-Stack, Jos. L. and Edith H., granted Class "B" beer permit 209 30-Stampfer Building Company, requesting permission for the construction of a new compressor room in connection with their restaurant in the basement store .................................... 212, 22'1, 222 " 30-Stampfer, Thomas 11., reappointed as a member of the Dock Commission, term expiring November 26th, 1946 .................. 212 •i ~I°~~~~-~®~~ ~3 1943 SUBJECT Page `I° Jan. 22-Torrey, Henry, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 9 Feb. 1 -Theiring, Mrs. Caroline, asking City to take care of her in- juries caused from a fall on icy sidev,~alk at 692 Hill St. 11, 22 " 1 -The Key City Gas Company, excavation bond ....................................... 13 Mar. 1 -Trimpler, \V. F. and Jean, granted Class "B" beer permit...... 40, 41 " 1 -Taveni Keepers Association I~?o. 1, application for Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ........................................................................ 41, 46, 61, 62, 63 " 22 -Trimpler, \V. F., granted cigarette permit ..........._ .............._,...........,...... 64 " 22 -Tinkham, Arch, approval by City- Council of his offer to purchase of the North one-half of Lot 10 of Marsh's addition from Dubuque County ..................................................................... 65 May 3- Thompson & Hogan (F. W. Thompson), granted Class "C" beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 104, 105 " 3 -The Travelers Club, application for Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ............................................................................................................ 105, 113, 120 " 17 -Theisen, Edgar F., submitting offer in the amount of $50.00 for the purchase of hots 4, 5 and 6 of Cushing's Sub.......... 109 June 7- Timmins, Mrs. Dora, notice of claim ............................................................ 115, 129, 130 " 18 -Third Street, south side of street from Main Street to Iowa Street changed back to diagonal parking .......................................... 128 " 30 -Thompson & Hogan (F. W. Thompson), granted cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 133 " 30 -The Great Atlantic ~2 Pacific Tea Co., granted hvo cigarette permits ....................................................................................................................................... 133 " 30 -Torrey, Henry, granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30 -Trimpler, \\T. E, granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30 -Trapp, Arthur J., granted cigarette permit ................................................ 134 " 30 -The Hawkeye bodge, granted cigarette permit .................................... 135 " 30 -Tharp, William C., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 135 " 30~ -Thompson & Hogan (Vincent Hogan), granted cigarette permit ........................................................................................._............................................:.. 135 " 30 -Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 136 July 23 -The International City Managers' Association, extending in- vitation to attend annual conference to be held in Chi- cago, Illinois, on September 10-14 inclusive ................................. 156 " 23 -The Adams Company, advising Council that they wish to ac- quire hots 9, 10 and 11, in Industrial Sub. No. 2 and also that they are interested in acquiring the N. Y. A. building now located on said lots .................................................................. 156 Atig. 2 -Tharp, William, granted Class "B" beer permit ................................. 166 " 6 -Tax levies for the year 1943, to be collected in the year 1944 and used for municipal purposes .................................................................. 169 Sept. 7 -The International Council of Religious education requesting that a proclamation be issued proclaiming the week of September 26th, as Religious education Week ........................ 180 " 7 -Todd, Barbara C., Chicago Library Branch, Army Map Ser- vice, Corps of engineers, U. S. Army, requesting a street plan showing the most recent layout of the City of Dubuque ........................................................................................................................... 180 " 7 -The Des Moines Register and Tribune, concerning the "Food for Freedom" Merit Awards for meritorious work in the nation's food program ................................................................................. 180 " 7 -Tenenbom Super-Market, Inc., granted Class "C" beer permit 184 " 17 -Tinkham, Arch, submitted offer to the Board of Supervisors for the purchase of Lots 11 and 12, of Marsh's addition 191, 204 Oct. 11 -Thul, Della C., cancellation of 1940, 1941 and 1942 taxes............ 202, 208 Nov. 1 -The Victory Club granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ................................................................................................................................................ 209 Dec. 6 -The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" beer permit ................................. 223 ~' Dec. 6-Thomas, Frank J. and Margaret, real estate contract for the sale of certain lands in Table Mound Township to the City of Dubuque for Airport purposes ................................................224, 229, 231, 232 " 21-The United States Conference of Mayors, extending invi- tation to the City Council to attend the Annual Confer- , ence to be held in Chicago, Illinois ............................................................ 227 :~ II~1I~~X-~®®K 73 1943 SUBJI~,CT Page April 5-Union Printing Company, entering a quotation for the print- ing of Council Proceedings in pamphlet form ........................... 79 June 7-Uppinghouse, A. R., and Philomena, granted Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................................................................................... 119, 120 " 30-Uppinghouse, A. R., granted cigarette permit ....................................... 133 " 30-United Cigar-~~7helan Stores Corporation, 'granted cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 134 " 30-Union League Club, granted cigarette permit .................... ...................... 135 July 9-University of Dubuque, Requesting permission to erect signs diverting traffic on Algona Street between Unversity Avenue and Grace Street during three thirty minutes periods each day and that no parking be permitted on this section of Algona Street between 6 A. M. and 6 P. M. and that consideration be given to rerouting the Grandview bus either over its old route down Univer- sity Avenue and Delhi Street or over McCormick Street 149 Oct. 4-Union League Club, granted Class "B" beer permit for Private Club ..............:.................................................................................................. 199 " 11-Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, extending invi- tation to attend meeting of the Mississippi Valley Asso- ciation to be held in St. Louis on October 18th and 19th, 1943 ....................,.......,..,........................,............,.................................,........~..........,...,.............. -_ _ _ - - - -T.,,, ~ ._.. --. 202 INDEX - BOOK 73 1943 SUB J~CT Page Feb. 19- Victory Club, granted cigarette permit ......................................................... 22 " 25 -Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, requesting permission for the holdirg of Buddy Ponpy sale .................. 23 Mar. 9 -Veterans of Foreign \Vars, Inc., granted permit for transfer of address of their Class "B" beer permit ....................................... 45 " 22 -Vincent, Mrs. iVI. B., notice of claim ............................................................... 59, 81 May 3- Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................................................................... 10-1 " 3 -Van Duelman, Carl, granted Class "C" beer permit ........................ 104, 105 June 7- Vogl, A. L,., approval of sale by Dubuque County of hots 15 & 16 of Snb. I,ot 3 of l~~Iin. I,ot 90 to said A. L,. Vogl 121 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars Club, granted cigarette permit......... 134 " 30 -Van Duelman, Carl A., granted cigarette permit .............................. 135 " 30 -Van der Meulen, tiVilliam and Sophie D~IcNlann, granted cigarette permit ............................................................................................................... 135 " 30 -Victory Club, granted cigarette permit ............................................................ 135 " 30 -Vrotsos, George T. and Spiros D. Coven, granted cigarette permit .......................................................................................................................................... 136 " 30 -Vogelsberg, Albert J., granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 136, 138 30 -Van der Meulen, William and Sophie 1\~IcMaun, granted Class <<B~, beer permit ............................................................................................. 137, 138 " 30 -Veterans of Foreign Wars, Inc., granted Class "B" beer per- mit for Private Club ................................................................................................ 137, 138 July 6 -Vanderloo, Dr. V. B., President of School Board, appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recrea- tion Commission ............................................................................................................... 145 Sept. 7 -Victory Club, Chief of Police Strub recommending the re- vocation of their Class "B" beer permit for Private Club 184 Nov. 1 -Voels, Frederick M., Police Officer, adaising that he has been inducted into the 1\Iilitary Service and requesting a leave of absence ......................................................................................................... 207 II~T~~~-~®®~~ 73 1943 SUB J~CT Pagc ~I Jan. 22- War Materials, Inc., agent for Metals Reserve Company, bill of sale authorizing the conveying of street car rails, track fastenings and other metallic track material ......._...... 10, 15, 2 Mar. 1- Water Department 1~ngineers, requesting a 15%wage increase 7 " 1- " Water Department Guards, requesting an increase in wages i " " 27 41 40 1- t... beer perm B Wright, Roy A. and Esther, granted Class , " 22- Weimer, J. H., submitting application for re-appointment as a member of Board of Review for the year 1943 .................. 59 " 29- Weber, Cecelia and Nick, requesting a refund on both their beer permit and cigarette permit as they have discon- tinued business as of March 31, 1943 ...................................................... 69 April 5- Walsh, Joseph and Helen, granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 82 5- Wieser, Lester A. and Adele, granted Class "B" beer permit 82, 94 May 3- Wiedner, Dmil J., et al, requesting the abatement of the noises at night caused by night operation of the Meader Brothers platting and saw mill at 410 Garfield Avenue...... 99 " 3- Wolfe, Mrs. Cora, objecting to the establishing of a milk bottling axed cheese industry plant at 2197 Unversity Ave. 99 " 3- Wise, Mr. and Mrs., stating that they do not want the dis- trict in the vicinity of 2197 University Avenue rezoned 100 3- tiVarren, Dell and Ralph., granted Class "B" beer permit ...... 104 June 7- Werzbach, Herman, approval of sale of Lots 70 and 71 of Burden and Lawthers addition, to the said Herman Werzbach ................................................................................................................................. 121 " 30- Waller, R. D., re-appointed as a member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment for a term of five years, said term expiring March 5th, 1948 ................_................................................................., 13.3 133 " 30 -Wagner, William, granted cigarette permit ................................................ " 30 -Weiner, Joseph J. and Evelyn, granted cigarette permit ............ 133 " 30 Frank J., granted cigarette permit ................................................ -Weber 134 " 30 , -~Varreu, Dell and Ralph, granted cigarette permit .......................... 134 " 30 -Westercamp, George, granted cigarette permit .................................... 134 " 30 -Walgreen Co., granted cigarette permit ...................................................... 134 " 30 William ~., granted cigarette permit .................................... -Wodrich 134 " 30 , -Wieser, Lester A., granted cigarette permit .......................................... 134 135 " 30 -Wright, Roy A., granted cigarette permit ................................................... 135 " 30 -Wright, Spencer P., granted cigarette permit .......................................... " 30 -Winkler, 1\Irs. Beatrice, granted cigarette permit .............................. 136 " 30 -Wathier, Nick and Marie A., granted Class "B" beer permit 136, 138 " 30 -Wright, Louis A, and Raymond P., granted Class "B" beer permit ..................................................................................................................................... ..... 136, 138 " 30 -~Vallig, Wm. Carl, granted Class "B" beer permit .............................. 136, 138 " 30 -Westercamp, George, granted Class "B" beer permit ..................... 137, 138 " 30 -Weber, Frand J. and Tillie, granted Class "B" beer permit...... 137, 138 " 30 -Wodrich, William ~. and Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................................................................................... 1 138 3 July 6 -Wolfe, Rt Rev. Msgr. J. M., Supt. of Parochial Schools, appointed as a member of the Municipal Playground and Recreation Commission .......................................................................................... 145 " 6 -West Twelfth Street from Bluff Street to Iowa Street set out as diagonal parking .......................................................................................... 145 Aug. 2 -Weiner, Joseph J. and 1~velyn, granted Class "B" beer permit " 166 Nov. 1 -Wright, Spencer P. and Catherine P., granted Class "B beer permit ......................................................................................................................... 209 " 30 -Water Worlcs General Fund, resolution and application for the transfer of $20,000.00 from said fund to the Im- grovetnent Fund ............................................................................................................... 215, 219, 220 Dec. 21 -Weidenbacher, Donald J., City Fireman, advising that he has been inducted. into the military service and request- ing aleave of absence ................:............................................................................ 227 ~- 1943 SUB jl~CT Page Sept. 7-Yinkey, Arden Jr., Chief Special Projects Salvage Branch, ~~Tar Production Board, requesting Council approval of the postponing of the program for the removal of the street car rails from the streets of the City of Dubuque 179 " 7-Young, John S. (The Radio Cab), taxicab bond .............................. 181 _ _ ,~ I 1943 SUBJECT _ Page Jtme 30-Zelens, Bert, granted cigarette permit ...................................... July 23-Ziepprecht, W. N., submitting offer to the Board of Super- 136 visors for the purchase of I,ot 1 of 1 of Randall's Sub- division ................................................................................................................................_..... 156, 163, 164