Minutes_Environmental Stewardship Commission 10 6 09MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION OCTOBER 6, 2009 5:00 P.M. CITY HALL ANNEX, 1300 MAIN, CONFERENCE ROOM # 1 Wayne Klostermann called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Buelow, Gayle Walter, Wayne Klostermann, Ed Cawley, Joe Suarez MEMBERS ABSENT: Chad Oberdoerster. One seat remains vacant STAFF PRESENT: Mary Rose Corrigan, Jon Brown Mary Rose Corrigan completed the Certification of Compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mike Buelow moved to accept the Minutes of the September 1, 2009 meeting. Joe Suarez seconded the motion. Mary Rose Corrigan clarified the coyote incentive mentioned in the Minutes. Also, regarding the capital projects mentioned in the Landfill Agency Board discussion, should read "several capital projects have been put on hold until at least January." With that change and the motion passed 5 - 0 by roll call vote. TEST AGENDA: There were no changes to the agenda. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Committee Reports. -Developers Roundtable (Mike Buelow) - No report. - Stormwater/Erosion Control Committee - No report. - Unified Development Code Citizen Advisory Committee (Wayne Klostermann) - No report. Wayne Klostermann moved to eliminate the committee reports from the agenda. Mike Buelow seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed 5-0 by a roll call vote. NEW BUSINESS. 1. Food Scrap Letter. No report since Chad Oberdoerster is not present. 2. Coyote Management. All Commissioners agreed that the Urban Coyote Symposium-2007 book given to Commissioners was very valuable and had good information. Wayne Klostermann suggested that coyote information be developed in the form of brochures or PSA's on Channel 8, along with information to deter citizens from feeding wild animals. Mary Rose Corrigan will look for various resources on these topics. 3. sustainability Role for Commission. Joe Suarez suggested that each Commissioner come with one idea to the next meeting for the Commission's involvement in sustainability. It would also be helpful to review the City's sustainability principles. Joe Suarez moved to invite the sustainability Coordinator to the next meeting to lead a discussion about the Commission's involvement in sustainability. Seconded by Ed Cawley. There was no discussion and motion approved by a 5-0 roll call vote. 4. Other Business. Wayne recommended that the Commissioners review the HALS report available on the Solid Waste Agency's website. He would also like to discuss residential car washing and non-profit groups car washing as it relates to the Best Management Practices in the Stormwater Management Plan. Wayne also suggested that the Commission budget for education of the Commissioners and the ability to attend conferences. ITEMS FROM STAFF: OLD BUSINESS. Jon Brown gave an update on the construction plans for the Water Pollution Control Plant. The design should be complete during the first quarter of next year. NEW BUSINESS. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC: No one present to address the Commission. CLARIFICATION OF TASKS: Chad Oberdoerster draft food scrap letter. Mary Rose Corrigan will research urban coyote educational materials. Commission members will prepare one idea for the involvement in sustainability and review the car wash article distributed by Wayne Klostermann. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: HALS report. Food scrap letter. ESAC sustainability role. NEXT MEETING DATE: November 3, 2009. ADJOURNMENT: Ed Cawley moved to adjourn the meeting. Joseph Suarez seconded the motion. There being no discussion, Motion was approved by a 5-0 roll call vote at 5:52 p.m. M RC/cj