HUD City's FY 2003 Fund AmountU.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20410-7000 The Honorable Terrance M. Duggan Mayor of Dubuque 50 W. 13th St. Dubuque, IA 52001 March 4, 2003 Dear Mayor Duggan: I am pleased to inform you that the fiscal year 2003 budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development has been passed. Therefore, I am also pleased to provide your fiscal year 2003 full-year allocations for the Office of Community Planning and Development's (CPD) four formula programs: Community Development Block Grants (CDBG); HOME Investment Parmerships; Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS; and Emergency Shelter Grants. The American Dream Downpayment Initiative was also funded as part of the fiscal year 2003 budget and information on the proposed formula allocation of these funds will be provided to you separately. HUD's budget is included in the "Consolidated Appropriations Resolution" for fiscal year 2003, which dictates an across-the-board reduction of 0.65 percent. According to the law, the Department is required to reduce each program contained in the Act, with only a few exceptions, by that amount. CPD's formula programs are not exempt from this cut. The allocations below have already been reduced to reflect this requirement. Also, the amounts reflect reallocations funds in the CDBG and HOME programs. The following amounts represent your total fiscal year 2003 allocation(s): Community Development Block Grant $1,481,000 HOME Investment Partnerships $0 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS $0 Emergency Shelter Grants $0 Some early grantees were offered and accepted partial allocations that were made available before HUD's budget was enacted. If you chose to accept a partial allocation and submitted an action plan and HUD Form 424 that reflects different amounts, you will need to revise these to match the allocations above. You will then receive an amended grant agreement for the difference. I look forward to continuing our partnership to assist lower income residents in your community. As always, HUD is available to provide any assistance you require in implementing your programs. If you or any member of your staff has questions concerning this matter, please contact your local CPD Division Director. Sincerely, Roy A. Bernardi Assistant Secretary