1938 Index Council Proceedings OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1938 City Officers for the Year 1938 COUNCILMEN CARL A. CLARK, Mayor GEO. R. MURPHY FRANK VAN DUELMAN F, W. THOMPSON ALBERT WHARTON City Clerk, J, J. SHEA C1ty Solicitor, AL. J, NELSON City Manager, A. A. RHOMBERG City Treasm~er- Chief of Police- OTTO F. PULS JOHN W, GIELLIS City Auditor- Health Director- R. P. MARSHALL DR. W, J. CONNELL Chief of Fire Department- Sanitary Ofilcer- WILLIAM L. RYAN JOSEPH T. SCHARRY City Electrician- JOSEPH CORRELL Milk Inspector- V. F. CHAPMAN Police Judge- LOUIS F. FAUTSCH Food and Restaurant Inapector- MRS, ALMEDA TIMMONS Plumhing Inspector- D. J. O'LEARY Mai9{et Master- Electrical Inspector- C. J. McCARTHY OTTO BETHKE Recreational Director- Building Commissioner- CARL GRABOW HARRY H, HOWIE City Assessor- Superintendent of Water Works- GEORGE BENNETT J. J. HAIL Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each mouth at 7:30 o'clock p. m. ZNDE~-Book. 6~ 1938 SUBJECT _ Page Jan. 24- Amesbury Dorcas, notice of claim ...................................... 5.129 " 24- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for holding Annual Poppy Day Sale .................................. ' 5 20 Feb. 7- Atkinson Rachel, settlement of claim ................................ Mar. 7- Alley first east of Grandview Avenue front South same is Hill Street nm•th, relative to whether the to b'e vacated br remain unopened...,,.,.,,. , 41 " 22- Auxiliary hf the Goneral Fitzhugh Lee Camp of United Spanish American War Veterans, request- ing permission to hold a tag day ................................ 64 " 22- Amateur Baseball League, requesting to have Base- ball Park repaired and ready for cpening game... 67 " 22- American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission to install hospital, sighs ..................................................... 67.90 78 Apr. 4- Appointment of Officers by the City Council ................ " 4- Appointment of Officers and Employees by City Man- ........................................................... . ager 78-79 4- Appointment of Telegraph-Herald as the of[icial news- fthe City of Dubuque ..................................... paper o 79 79 4- Appointment of Basics as depositories of City Funds ~ nst and Savings Bank, appo 'nfed as a de- -American Tr nude .........................~..............,........... posttory ~ City ~' 79 '~ 4- Weimer; Enbene of John ti Forward and Appointment Robert Clancy as members of the Board of Review 79 " 4- Adams Waldo, Park Commissioner, bond of .................. 80 May 2- Abbey Mattie E., agreement on vacation of alley in the rear of Lot 331 Wobdlawn Parlc ........................ 98 June 30- American Legion Drum Cbrps, requesting perm4s- sion to suspend a Banner am•oss Main Street....,,. 124 " 30 -Anthony Theodore E., granted Class "B" beer permit 131-133 30 -American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit,... 132-133 " 30- Apel 114ei•]in, renewal of cigarette permit ....................~ .. 134 " 30- American Legion, granted cigarette permit ................... 135 July 5- Amodeo Joseph, granted Class "C" beer permit............ 139 12- Abbott Street, requesting the extension of same Prom Lowell Street to Seminary Street and properly grad- 'g the same, and also that Lowell Street be re- in p aii•ed ..........................................;...................................,....14 3.155.214 " 20 -Adonis Charles, complaining bf the disturbance being breated at the dine and 'dance tavern known as Ar- cade Tavern 2nd stating that minors are employed at this tavern ..................................................................... 161 Aug. 1 -Atkinson G, $., et al, requesting that electric service be extended to their residences on Maple Island .16 4.176.189 30 -Agreements between the City bf Dubuque and mem- bers of the Police and Fire Departments who have contributed to the Pension Fluids ...................199.200-204-205.206 Sept, 6- Approval of d, ~. IbIurtagh, State Comptroller, of $eso- lution No• 88-33 and application for temporary transfer of $40,000.00 fi•biu the Watei• Works Sink- ing Fund to the Waterworks General Fund............ 203 " 6 -Armstrong John A., granted Class ~`B" beer perhiit...... 205.216 Oct. 3 -Approval of C. B. Murtagh, State Comptroller, of Reso- lution No, 101-38 and application for permanent transfer of $7,355.66 from the Emergency Fond to the General Fund ............................................................ 225 Dec, 13 -Avon iPheatre, requesting permission for the building and maintenance of a new marquee ......................268-274.279-280 19 -Appet-Higley Elec. Company, sign bond ........................ 273 ~. ~~~ ~~io f i I::', Vii' 11' 6~',"te -#~: If€ °, ,;,s I j,.a i'.: ,` Y ~~ ~~ ,'fir :,' ,. I~, ,~; +' ::s ~, ,~ _,~, m INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page B Jan, 3- Bull Edwin, requesting a refund on penalty and in- terest charges paid on delinquent special assesa- menta ........................................................:........................... 3 " 3- Beyer Mrs. E. H., requesting a refund an cigarette permit .................................................................................... 3 " 3- Bartels Ed: C., requesting fire protection for his pro• perty at Center Grove one mile west of Dubuque.... 3 " 3- Board of Health, report for month of November, 1937 4 Feb. 7- Board of Health, report for month of December, 1937 16 „ 7- Berk Max, sign bond ........................................................ .. 17 " 7- Bock George F, and Emil M., sign bond ...................... 17 " 7- Billis Gust, transfer of Class "B" beer permit ................ 19 Mar. b- Budget for the fiscal year 1938 ................................,63. 64.65.66 " 7- Bennett Street, request for routing bus service over said street ...:...................................................................... 35 " 7- Bennett Stephen et al, objecting to the routing of bus service over Sennett Street .................................. 35 " 7- Busch Mary, Administratrix of the, Estate of Her• man H. Busch, deceased, original notice of suit...... 36 " 7- Baumann Alma, notice of suit ................................................ 36 " 7- Braconier F. G., bill in the amount of $8.47 ordered paid 36 " 7- Breithaupt Ernest P., submitting an offer for the pur- chase of City property located at 1801 Prescott Street .................................................................................... 37.53 " 7- Bertsch H. T., requesting the restoration of street .................................................. lights on Sunset Ridge 37-119 " 7- g Butt Homer V„ requestin permission to construct a platform on the property located at 133-136 West 12th Street .................................... ...............3885.99.106 " 7- Board of Health, report for month of January, 1938.... 39 " 7- Barrington Wm• and Glenn Miller, granted Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................... 42 " 7- Board of Health, Special .Session ...................................... 46 " li- Becke Benjamin, quit claim deed of the westerly 26 feet of Lot 10 of Lot 3 also of Lot 1 of Lot 1 also Lot 2 of ,Lot 1 of Min. Lot 319 .................................... 47 " 19 -Buettell Brothers Company, requesting the interpreta- tion of the State Law on the sale of fireworks........ 49 " 19 -Brown Mrs. John S., submitting an offer' for the pur• chase of City property located' at 1801 Prescott Street ...................................................................................... 53 " 22 -Birch Donald R., claim for personal injuries ................ 66.217 " 22-Bereaford Arnold, claim for personal injuries received by his wife Mrs: Arnold Bereaford .............................. 67.129 " 22-Burkhart, Otto, claim for damages to automobile........ 67 " 22-Board of Health, report for month of February, 1938 68 " 22 -Barrett H. L., granted Class "B" beer Permit.........:.. 69 " 29 -Braun Mr., suggesting that an application be submitted to Works Progress Administration for the construc~ tion of a sanitary sewer in Shires Avenue............ 71 Apr: 4 -Beidler James M., submitting application for the office of Asseasor .........................................::.............:................. 77 " 4-Boettcher Mrs. Walter, claim Por persona] injuries.... 80 „ 4 -Burgmeier Al., sign policy ................................................ 81 ,~ 4-Billis Guat, sign policy ........................................................ 81 " 19 -Becker Felix G. and E: J. Voggenthaler, requesting that Wall Street commencing with the south line of East Seventh Street to the westerly line of the railroad tracks crossing Blocks 19 and 20 in Du- buque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition be vacated and conveyed to said petitioners ................ 84.120 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page ,. B " 19- Boesen Mra. Anna, suspension of 1937 taxes............ 85.219 21- Board of Health, report for month of March, 1938.... 89 21- Breithaupt Ernest, purchase of the southeasterly 160 feet of Lot 693 in Eagle Point or Ham's Addition.... 89 " 25- Black and White Cab and Transportation Company objecting to Daylight Savings Time ........................ 91 " 25- Board of Dock Commissioners, reaclution on resigna• tion of Mr. Albert Wharton as member of Board oY Dock Commiasionera ........................................................ 91 May 2- Byrne Mra: Elizabeth, requesting exemption of the 1937 tax on Lot 20 of Bonson & Stewart's Sub:...... 96 " 2- Board of Health, Special Session .................................... 101 " 20- Barrett Mra, Ethel Mae, granted Class "C" beer permit .........i ........................................................................ 102.103 '~ 20- Buse Elwood, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 102.103 ` 20- Bus routes, report of City Solicitor on proposed changes ...........................................:.................................... 108.109 June 6- Bircher Mra Laura, claim for personal injuries........ 111.199 " 6- Burkart Otto, original notice of suit .................................. 111 " 6- Buell & Winter Engineering Company, stating that they would like tc make up an application Par a sewage treatment plant .................................................. 111 " 6- Burden George R., agent for Viola Rider Burden et al, requesting permission to construct an unloading platform in the alley in the rear of the south 7 feet of City Lot 28A and the North 33 feet of City Lot 27 .:...............................................................:..........................11 3.126.127 " 6-Board of Health, report for the month of April, 1938 118 " 6 -Board of Health, Special Session ............. ...................... 122 " 30 -Barrett Harold, notice of claim ....................:..................... 123.198 " 30- Beck Gabriel F., notice of claim ........................................ 123.198 " 30 -Board of Review, report of .................................................. 127 " 30 -Beecher Joseph A., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131-132 ' 30 -Bertsch Joseph J: and M. C: Mai, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................ 131.132 " 30 -Bowman Mrs. Lloyd„ granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131.133 " 30 -Buelow Clarence C., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131.133 " 30 -Brodeur Norbert W., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131-133 30 -Berwick George, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 131-133 " 30-Berntgen Frank H., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 132-133 " 30 -Bertsch Joseph J: and M: C. Mai, renewal of cigarette permit .................................................................................... 134 " 30 -Berg Payson, renewal of cigarette permit .................... 134 30-Brodeur Norbert W., renewal oP cigarette permit........ 134 " 30 -Back John C•, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30-Braun Henry C., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30 -Busy Bee Cafe, granted cigarette permit ........................ 135 " 30 -Bradley Elmer R., granted cigarette permit ......:......... 135 " 30 -Billis Guat, granted cigarette permit ................................ 136 " 30 -Buelow C. C., granted cigarette permit .......................... 136 " 30 -Baumhover Pharmacy, granted cigarette permit.......... 135 Jnly 12 -Board of Trustees of the Police Pension and Retire• ment System certifying the sum of $10,000.00 for tax purposea ............:........................................................... 141 " 12 -Board of Trustees of the Fire Pension and Retirement System certifying the sum of $17,000.00 for tax purpoaes ................................................................................ 141 " 12 -Board of Trustees of the Public Library certifying the sum of $30,000.00 for tax purposes ...................... 141 " 12 -Board of Dock Commissioners certifying a tax levy of one-half mill for tax purposes ............................ 141 " 12 -Board of Health, Special Session ............:.......................:... 152 ", 20- Budget estimate ob expenditures far thc~ fiscal year front Apni1 1, 1930 ands endiu$• Nlaroh 31, 19.40, as a basso for• the box levy fon the yea>; 1938 ::.16316:4-171.172.173 "• 20- John, suspension of 1937 taxes ..... ... Badger- Mrs 156. " 20= , Beaver, George, I:, exca~iatioa bond ....:............:.................... 156 166 "• 20- Breithaupt Philip; excavation bond ........:....::.••:•••:+•••:•••••••• " 20- Belinebt George; City Assesaon, bond of ....::...........:...:.:.... 166 20- Belsky Motor' ,Company, sigtl bond :.....:.......:...:::........... 167 167 " 20- Blau Brewing, Company, sign buud :.:::....:::....:...::.::.:......... " 20- Burden George R., wteclcinff bond:::: .:..... •••• 15B: "': 20- Blum William, granted G`lasa ~~" beeC Permit ..... 160.168 20- Bertsch Jos. J., protesting to the disturbanoe being created from the dine and danbe ,penmit being operated at Norton's Tavern adjoining the, Mer- Aug. 1- chante )iIoteb ......:.....::.:::.......::.....::..:........:.....:.::.....•.:..:.... Bei+g Payson, granted Class. "B'+ b~ec permit ::......:....... 161 168 " 1- Board of Health, Special Session .......................:......:....... 170 " 11- Brake J~. P., negnesting, that 'Warning Signs marked Blind with White. Canes have, •Right-of==Way, be placed on stopl4ght posts. ands on each approach to the CitY ...:............:..::..:...::.:.:...::......:..:......:::...:.....:....... .....17 1.172241 ". 11- Berwick George, transfer of Class '+Bf+~ beer ,permit.... 179 " 11- Eradley Katheclne W~., granted 4he il1ghG to candtruot nd maintain an unloading.. platfoam~ in. the. alley a abutting City. Lot 25.::.....:..:• .:::.........:..::...:....:..:......:.......18 0.187-188 " 18- 'Barrett Milo, granted Olass "~"' boar permit ........:....... 186 30~ Boand of Health, report far. month, of July, 193'8:....... 196 Sept, 6- Billie, Gast, granted Class. "Bf"~ beer: permit .:..:...:......: 208216 216 "' 20- Burke. Richard J., excavation ~honds ........:........:...:.....:•.... 215 " 20- Bethke. Otto F., Electrical Inspector, bonds .:............:...... 220 " 23- Beresford Elsie, originak notice ofr s}11t .......:.....•........:,.... 221 ": 23- Board of Health, nepont for .mopth ofr August; 1x938.,.. det, 3- Bartels Edward C„ :requesting, fi'Te proteation fon his pnoperty located- on Highway: 26 ...:..:...........:........... 226 " 7- Burden. Geo. R., requesting permission to instalb and maintain• a. menehandisa chute, iII~ 6he, sidewalk 4n of> #he. nontherly part of the_ .new building Fnont . erected: at 6th .and: Locust ~titeete ......:...................:. 230 24- Bull Edwin L• and John Walbrun, requesting. that side• walks be Said. between she, Walks, at L876i St, Joseph Street ands th® intersecting; walkg at Fremont Avenue .........................:.........................................::...:.:....... 234.243 ". 24 -Board of. Health, report far, the month of~ September, 938 234 7 Nov m Morris and William Maas, renewal of ~Clasa B!' -Blu . beer perms 247 ~, 7 nn Miller, renewal: of ql Barr ~ t ", 7 = beer~ er. D ~Inene ...........:................................ B'~ P Bro`vnell Howa d „ Wal of ~Clasa $; .beer,penmit 247 247 " 17 -Bonz Julius, notice of claim..........:......•••••:• • •••• •• -•~••• ~•••• 260.272 17 „ -Benda Mr: and Mrs. James, objecting. to the petition of: the Dubuque EaciQing CompapY~• •••• •~••••••••~• •••••••• 250. " 17 -Braebnen prank G., excavation'bond ............:................... 251 ", 28 -Board of Ilealth, report for month of~ October; 1938 256 28 ^B: & 0. Battery, & Electric GoitYpany; sigd bond.,..:... 256 Dec. 5-;Bann Dr. Raymond. M~, appointed as a member of Memorial Commiasion .........::....:.............................:....... 260 19=Boy,- Scouts of= America; preseritin~ an o>ROial Boy Scout ealendax, to Mayor, Members. of~ the: City Council qAd; (vitY Officials :.............................:...:....•..:. 271 " 19-Bonz Julius, original ngtics, of~ suit ........:.....:..:. ........•....... 272 'i, 27 -Board. of Health, report for; month. cis Ngvemben, 193B 280 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page C ', Jan, 3- City Council, Regular Session ............................................ 1 " 3- Catholic Daily Tribune, submitting offer to print the Council Proceedings in pamphlets .............................. 3 " 24- City Council, Special Session ..................................... 5 " 24- Corzine, C. S. et al, requesting bus routing over St. Joseph Street, Algona Street and Bennett Street also that St. Joseph Street be given a treatment of tar and gravel ............................................................ 6-17 " 24- Council Proceedings for the months of November and December, 1937, approved as Printed ........................ 7 24- Claims for month of November, 1937, proof of pub• ~ lication ................ ..................................................... 7 24- City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water De- partment, reports for month of December, 1937.... 7 '~ 24- Claims for month of December, 1937 ............................ 7 ' 24- Council Proceedings, bids for the printing of the ', index and binding of same for the year 1937........ 9.41 ', Feb. 7- City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 13 " 7- Claims for month of December, 1937, proof of publi- ~ cation .................................................................................... 16 " 7- Continental Oil Company, sign bond .................................. 17 Mar. 5- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 23 " 5- Consolidated tax levy, appropriation of .......................... 33 " 7- City Council, Regular Session .......................................... 36 " 7- Clancy Mary, original notice of suit ................................ 36 " 7- Council Proceedings far month of January, 1938, ap- proved as Printed ...........:................................................ 39 " 7- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, reports for the month of January, 1938 ...................... 41 " 7- Claims for the month of January, 1938 ............................ 41 " 7- Columbia Museum Catalogue, Mayor authorized to execute the Federal Writers Project application for permission to publish guide material ............................ 44 11- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 46 11 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, reports for the month of February, 1938 .................... 47 " 11 -Claims for the month of February, 1938 ............................ 47 " 11 -Connell W. J., Director of Health, requesting that the previous appropriation of $1,200.00 given to the Visiting Nurse Association be made available for the Health Department to carry on their Commun- icable Disease Program ................................................ 47.54 " 19 -City Council, Special Session .............................................. 48 22 -City Council, Special Session .............................................. 54 " 22 -Claims for -month of January, 1938, proof of publication 68 " 22 -Civil Service Cammissien, submitting eligible list for appointments; Supt. of Water Dept.; Head Public Health Nurse; City Electrician; Plumbing Inapec- tot; Electrical Inspector, Milk Inspector; Sewer Foreman; Food and Restaurant Inspector ................. 68 " 29 -City Council, Special Session .............................................. 70 " 29 -Claims for month of February, 1938, proof of publi- cation .................................................................................... 72 Apr. 4 -City Council, Regular Session ............................................ 77 " 4 -Clark Councilman, elected Mayor for ensuing year.... 77 " 4 -Clancy Robert, appointed as member of Board of Review .................................................................................. 79 " 4 -Cleaver Edward T., excavation bond .........................:...... 81 " 4 -Curtis-Straub Company, excavation bond .......................... 81 4 -Central Motor Company, sign policy .................................. 81 " 4 -Coca-Cola Bottling Co„ sign policy .................................... 81 " 4-Corbett & Scott, sign policy ................................................ 81 I~~I~D,EX---$.o.~k 68: li938~~ SUBJi~CT Pe14ei e IND~}~-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page ~„ 4- Czizek City Solicitor, annual rbpb"rt :...:.....:....................... " 19=City 'Council, Special Seiis'ibn ...................:....................:..:.. 84 ^` 19- Costa Joe, requesting a 1<efund on 'cigarette permit.... 85 19 ~ity Auditor, City Treaeu'rer anfl 'City Water ~De- partnient, repbPts bfi inb'nth df Murch, 1938............ 85 ms fbr "the 'inOnth of Mai`ch, 1938... ..,..• •• " 19 'Cl 85 " 19! Y Cif TreaskreY•, annualreport :...:............ ....•.••• 86 '` 21- City Council, Special Session ....:...:..............:...:...:.............. 88 " 25= City Gounoil, Si7ebial Sessibn :... 91.93 iKay 2- City Council, Regular SbssYon ....:. ... ... .. 95 " 2= G1'aims fbr vronth of Marbh, 1938, 4rNbtif of pitliliba- tion ......................................................................:::..:::..:..... 96 " 2- Council Rroeeedings fbr 'month of 'February, -1938, ap• proved as jirinted .....:.....:...........:...........::.......:........... 96 2- Curtis Amelia, agreement on vacation of alley be~ tween Lots 328 anal 329 WobdlaWn Pnmk and 'Ldt 65 'in Finley Addrtibn ..............:............:.......:......... 1' 99 20- ~" Council, Special Session ........ ... ...... City 402 20= City Market, requesting permission to build ~a plat- form in the alley in the rear of their buililing at 13th and Central Avenue:...: ...::..:............:.:..105.121.130-145 " 20- Gox Mrs. Anna T, et al, requesting that steps be taken to end the nienaCe to health cauae8 'by'the saw-bust from the Farlb -and libetscher and Carr, Y Ryder and Adams Manufacturing, plants .:...........::..... 105 " 20- Council ProeeCdfngs for tnohth 'bf M'ar'bh, 1938, ap• ' .:.....:..........::::..::.:.................:............ proved as printed 106 " 20- Civil Servrce'Cbm'miseion, sub'mittiing eligible'list'for appointment as Ambulance Driver ........:.........:..... 107 " 20- City Auditor, City Ti`Casnrbr, City Water Department, reports for the month of April, 1938 ..............::....:....... 107 " 20= Claims for the month bf April 1938....... ..:..:....... 107 '' 20- City Solicitor Nelson, submitftng report, recommenda- tions and proposed ordinances,covering the bhnng- ing of certain bus routes ...........:.:......:..::....::.......:.:...:. 108 June 6- Session :.... ...::..:....... City Council, Regii}ar 111 ' ~' 6- Dion submrttrrig ohgible lists Civil Service Cb'minrs e ~PoliCe and Frre Depart- fbi appomtriients on th • merits .: , ...... .... ... 119 " 30 =tatty 'Council, Special Seseib'n ...: :........ 123 " 30 =Charles 'St'reet, 'i'eque~t fbr 4acation of said street, .124.142-176- 202 207 214221.227.237.242 ''' 30 -Clark Julia, suspension Hof 1937 take's.. ...:.... 125.224 30 -Council Proceedings for 'mbrith 'bf lp~tl 1938 ap• proved as printed .:.:..:................. .:.........:. 12$ " 30 =Claims for 'month bf April, !1968, ~proef of ~publicatibn 127 y Treasrrer, 'City Water 'Depart- " 30=Cit i a ment ~ ' be Ehb inohth of May, 1938 ...... reports f 128 " 30 =Claims 'for the month of May 1938 ..:. ... ...... 128 " 30 -Childers 'F'rank W;, 'giEantefl Class "'B" beer pei'init... 131.132 '' 30 and 'John M. 'Tribmpsbn ~g1•anfed -Cu ha ' ( B' beer Perhiit • ....:...........:........:...:...:........::...... Class 131.132 '~` 30 -Capretz Chris, granted Glass "B" beer perhii't....:....... 131.133 " 30 -Cooper Fred H:, granted Close '!B" beer permit:......:.... 131.163 30-Cbsley William W., granted'Clae"s "B" 'beer permit ... 132.1$$ " 30 =G1ark Drug Cb., granted cigarette "pet~mit ...... 135 ''` 30 -Clesen Wm. J:, granted cigarette permit .... ....... 135 30 -Coney Island Lunch, granted 'biga'rette permit's::.... 135 "' 30 -Cooper Fred H:, gi*snted eigaiette permit:.....,......:....:. 135 '' 30 -Central Hotel, gtaitfed 'cigar`ette per'mit...:• .:........:......:. 185 Jtiiy 4 -City Council, Regular 'Sessibn :........::..:...:....:......:.:......... 187 '` 5 -City Council, Adjourned 'Reghlar ~Seseibn :...:.:.....:........... 13h INDEX--Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page C " 5- Conlon R. F. Sons Construction Company, submitting an offer for- the purchase of Lot 9 of Industrial Sub. No, 2 ....................................................................:............... 137 " 12- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 140 " 12- Chalmers John 1~., application for appointment as Po- lice Judge ........:................................... ....................... 142-169 12- Council Proceedings for month of May 193$ approved as printed ..............................:... ........ ....... 143 " 12- City Manager directed to. petition the Federal 1?ower to investigate the electr~a Power situ' Commission , anon ..: .......................:........... .................................. 149 " 12- City prdinances, revision and compilation to be done under a VV, P, A. project .......................................:........ • 150-151 " 20- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 153 20- City Solicitor Nelson, opinion and report qu e~aurina- tian of title to Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Eugle Point View, Jerry Potter to Dubuque Earlg Board 154.155 " 20-Claims for month of May, 1938, proof of Publication 156 20- City Auditor,, City Treasurer, City Water Depart' ment, reports for month of June, 19.38 ......,......... 156 " 20- Claims for month of June, 1938 ..............................• .. 156 " 20- Clemens Ray N., sign bond ................ ............................. 156 " 20- Clark Drug Company, );nc., sign bond :....................... 156 " 20- Cosgrove Ed. F., granted Class "C" beer permit........ 160 " 29- City Cpuncil, Special Session .........................::............... 162 Aug. 1-City Council, Regular Session ...................:........................ 163 169 " 1- Crescent Sweet Shop, granted cigarette permit........ 11- -City Council, Spebial Session ............................................ 171 " 11- Copps Donald et al, requesting that St. ,Ambrose Street from Seminary Street to bottom of hill be improved and that the water gibe be cleaned out and extended ............................................................... 174.214 " 11- City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, rep,Prts fo,r month ~ of July,, 1938 ...................,...,.; ,....... 176 " 11- Claims for the month of July, 1938 .................................... 176 " 11- Claims for month of June, 1,93,8, proof of publication 175 '~ 11- C,ounCil Proceedings for iuouth of June, 19,3$, ap- Pr9.Yed as printed ............................... ,....... 176 " 11- Clesen, Wm J, granted Class "13" bger permit........... 178.179 18- City, Cquncll Speciai Sessiorr •~ ~• •••••• ~ ••••• 181 ` 23 -City Council, Special Session ..,... ............. 190 " 23- Consoer, Townse9d & Quinlan Consulting En~jneers, ail., authorized and direoted tP furgislr in- Chicago, , formation as the United States of r1m@rica tgrough thq Federai, Emergency Administration P.f Puirlic Works may request in counectioA with apP,lieation gf the Ciiy of Dubuque, Iowa, oq Water Works Improvements ,•• •••••• ••• •••• •••••••.190-26G•269 " 30 -CltY, Counoil, Special 5essipg .: .., ~• ••••••• 191 " 30 -CPntiQentai Casualty Company, release on liability of bond of City ikiauager Rhomberg ....................... 193 30 -Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul grid Paciflo Raih'oad CPtuPany, request of Trustees for the vacation of certain streets and alleys rn Railroad Addition and Wiltse's Addition .............. ..........,............. " 30 -Claims for month of July, 1938, proof of publication 194 " 30 -City Treasurer directed to deposit in the First National Bank to the oredit of the Construction Acoount, Im- provements to Water Works System the sum of $82,600,00 ................:............................................................. 197 a -i INDEX-Book b8 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page 1938 SUBJECT Page C ~ " 30- City Solicitor Nelson, submitting an Ordinance and 10- 17- City Council, Special Session .............................................. City Council, Special Session .................................................. 249 250 recommending its adoption, providing for written 17- City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart• ' agreements between the City of Dubuque and mem• reports for month of October, 1938 ................ merit 261 bers of the Police and Fire Departments who have 17- , Claims for the month of October, 1938 ............................ 261 contributed to the Pension Funds of their respec- 28- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 263 tive departntents ................................................................ 199 28- Council Proceedings for the month of September, 1938, Sept, 6- City Council, Regular Session ............................................ 201 approved as printed ........................................................ 264 " G- City Council, Adjourned Regular Session ........................ 201 28- Coryell L. L, & Son, sign bond.' ....................................... 267 " 6- Council Proceedings for month of July, 1938, approved Dec. 6- City Council, Regular Session...............................:.........,.. 269 as printed ............................................................................ 203 5- Claims for month of October, 1938, proof of publication 264 " 6- City Solicitor Nelson, submitting resolution, and recom- 13- City Council, Special Session ................................................ 268 mending the adoption of saute, directing the Mayor 13- City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Depart• and City Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed to merit, reports for month of November, 1938............ 269 Harold Neubauer of Lot 27B of A. P. Wood's Ad- 13-- -Claims far the month of November, 1938...................... 269 dition ...................................................................................... 209 19- City Council, Special Session.............................................. 271 " 8- .......................... City Council, Special Session .................... 210 ~~ 19- City Solicitor Nelson, submitting a tentative ordinance " 20- City Council, Special Session .............................................. 212 regulating parking and traTic in the downtown busi- " 20- City Auditor, City Treasurer, and City Water Depart- ness area .............................................................................. 276 merit, reports for month of August, 1938 ................ 214 ~~ 27- City Council, Special Session ..........................................,. 277 "' 20- Claims for the month of August, 1938 ............................ 214 '~ 27 -City Solicitor instructed to prepare a new ordinance " 20- Cooper Fred H., transfer of Class "B" beer permit.... 216 to include all of the provisions of original Ordi- " 20- Canavan & Lang, Consulting Electrical Firm, Chicago, nance No• 32-38 and that the request of the Wm, Ill., action of City Manager approved in employing Schaffhauser et al petition and also the request said firm to make an inventory and valuatiop of the of Walter Mengis be included in the new ordi• property of the Interstate Power Company that is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nance ............................................................. 277 used and useful in supplying the City of Dubuque ~~ 27 -Council Proceedings for the month of October, 1938, with electrical energy and to submit a rate strut- ..................... approved as printed ..................................... 2so ture based upon their findings ..................:................... 216 27 -Claims for month of November, 1938, proof of publi• " 23- City Council, Special Session ............................................ 220 cation .................................................................................... 280 Oct, 3- City Council, Regular Session ................................:............. 226 " 3- City Manager Rhomberg, submitting information in connection with the Special Election of October 6th on the erection and equipping of a Memorial Build ing .......................................................................................... 226 " 3- Clancy Mrs. Margaret, transfer of Class "B" beer permit ......................................................................:........... 227.228 " 7- City Council, Special Session .......................................... 229 " 7- Claims for month of August, 1938, proof of publication 230 " 7- Council Proceedings for month of August, 1938, ap- proved as printed ........................................................... 230 " 7- City Auditor, City Treasurer, and City Water Depart- ment, reports for month of September, 1938............ 230 " 7- Claims for the month of September, 1938 ........................ 230 " 7- Clancy Dorrance and Margaret, renewal of Clays "B" beer permit ........................................................................ 231 " 7- City Solicitor Nelson, calling attention of the Council to the fact that construction of platforms and stair• ways on public streets, alleys and sidewalks might properly be classed as obstructions and should be covered by an indemnifying bond and that the coat of publication of ordinances granting said privilege should be borne by the applicant ................................... . 232 " 24-City Council, Special Session ............................................ 234 " 24 -Chamberlain I. C. and Son, requesting the return of the Excavation Bond oY F• J, Rellihan ...................... 234 " 24 -Cooper W F., for A, A, Cooper Inc., requesting Council to give consideration to the Parking space on High- land Park, also called Cooper Heights .................. 236.244 " 24 -Claims for the month of September, 1938, proof of pub• lication .................................................................................. 236 Nov. 7 -City Council, Regular Session ............................................ 241 --® ~_ 0 w INDEX-Book 68 ]938 SUBJECT Page INDEX-Boob 68 1'936 STTBJIICm Page D D Jan. 3- Dubuque Fire Fighters Association, requesting per• 21-)7aylight Savings 'Time, petition of 'Board Hof Directors mission to solicit advertisements for their program of fiaverri Keepers Association protesting against to use in defraying expenses in holding the Iowa the Daylight Savings Time plan for the 'City of 88- " 3 Association of Flre Fighters Convention .................... -Datisman C ~V., Trustee, requesting settlement on 2 .......................................... Dubuque ...................................... 21-Dubuque 'Golf Club, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 89.90 delinquent special assessments levied against Lots "` 25-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, objecting to 33, 34 and 35 of Min. Lot 39 and also that he be Daylight Savings Time .................................................. 91 permitted to redeem the Tax Sale Certificate held 25-Doak ~'oard, 'submitting resolution on resignation of member of Dock Board rt Alb r Wh 91-92 by the City of Dubuque against said lots ................ 2 .... on as a e a Mr. t " 24 -Deed from County Treasurer of Lots 2, 3, 4, 6 and ' y 'Daniel E„ granted Class "B" beer permit............ May 20-Da1 102-103 6 of Mill's West Dubuque Addition .............................. 5 20-Dubuque Metal 'Trades Council Club, granted Class " 24 -Dubuque Pai•k Board advising that according to in- "B" beer permit ................................................................ 102.103 structiona received from the office of the, Auditor '" claim of ................................................103.241.269 r of State that they discontinued all Public Liability 20~Driscoll Orland, cla' ......................... 104.276 and Property Damage Insurance carried on 'its that equestin and L Trades 20-~Diibuque r onr trucks .................................................................................... 6 , of a'band for the ectio a prejeot be secured e n shell " 24 ock Commission, submitting resolution adopted upon -D .......... at Eagle Point Park .................i.................:........ 104 resignation of Presley S. Fawkes ....................:......... 6 June 6-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the " 24 -Dubuque Meta] Trades Council Club, Class "B" beer 'City refrain 'from granting licenses for shows, at- permit for Private Club ....................... 8 esuring the Iowa Territorial tractions or concessions Feb. 7 -Dubuque Cooperative Dairy Marketing Association, ' Centenntal .................................................................... 112 endorsing tits proposed milk ordinance ......:....:.......... 13 " 30-Dtibuque'Trades and Labor Congress, requesting per• " 7 Star Brewing Company, requesting permis- -Dubuque missidri to hold a parade on July 30, 1938 ................ 126 sion to erect a sign on their property at Ninth " 30-~DUccini Edward J., transfer 'of Class "B"'b'eer permit 132.133 and Central Avenue ........................................................ 14.40 30--~Del1 George, grantees Class "B' beer permit................ 132.133 " 7 -Diamond Grill Inc., sign bond ............................................ 17 ~" 30-Diamones'S Grill, granted 'Class "B" 'beer .permit........ 132.133 " 7 ver -Datiainan NTiss Elsie, requesting bus service o '' 30-Dubuque Recreation, granted cigarette permit ........... m ' ' ` '136 135 ........................... ........ Bennett Street 18.36 it ....... .. cigarette .per Grill, granted 30-Diamond s 7- Mar .... hat Ddliuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting t , July 5JDubuque Metal Trades Club, granted cigarette permit 138 . action be taken to fill vacancies on Fire Depart• '" 12-Dubuque Park Board, certifying a tax levy of .625 ' ' ' 141 .................................... ...... . ment 37 for tax purpose of $20 869A0 i s...... ln the suin mills ' " 7 ... .. ...................................... -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting per• tting Warranty Deed, 'Plat m 20-Dubuque Park Board stib 'and Abstract 'of Riitle from Jerry 'Potter of Lot 2 mission to use grounds outside of Ball Park for of Lot 1 of Lot'1'of Eag]e Point View, also opinion holding a carnival .............................................................. 37 'of City Solicitor Nelson on 'the ezaminatien of the " 7 -Datisman C. W., Trustee, requesting permission to pay 'title •••• • ~~ •• ~ ~• •• •~• ~••• ~ °° ~ ~~~~ ••• • °••°•°°•~ °• ••• ~° • •• 154.155 delinquent special taxes on Lots 33, 34 and 35 of the "` •20-Dubuque Library Board requesting the vacation of Sub. of Min. Lot 39 and also requesting permis- that part of the alley lying between Bluff and Lo- Sion to t•edeem tax sale certificate on Lot 33............ 38 cost Streets from West 11th Street southerly to the " 19 -Daughters of Union Veterans of Civil War, requesting southerly line of City Lot 658A .................................156167.174 permission to hold a Flag Tag Day ............................ 48 °' 20-Demkier Geraldine L., Secretary to City Manager, " 19 -Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the bond of .................................................................................. 166 Council to join in extending an invitation to Hon- Aug. 1-Dubuque Centennial Committee, requesting permission oiable William Green, President of American Feder• to attach street decorations to boulevard posts........ 164 ation of Labor, to attend the Fiftieth Anniversary " 11-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress .................. 49 a full crew be maintained at all times at Fire " 22 -Dubuque Recreation Commission, advising Council Statien No. 6 on Rhomberg Avenue .......................... 174 that they would accept the responsibilities of the " 11-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, requesting that all Dubuque Athletic Field in the event the grand- applicants for peddlers license during the period stands and bleachers are repaired ................................ 66 of August 17 to 21 be referred to them.................... 175 " 29 -Denzler Ray, requesting suspension of 1937 taxes.... 71.224 11-Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, requesting permis• " 29 -Datisman C. W., Trustee, requesting a refund on pen• sion to place a banner across Main Street .............. 176 alty and interest charges paid on delinquent special " 18-Dubuque Musicians' Club, granted Class "B" beer per- assessments on Lots 33, 34 and 36 of Min. Lot 39, init .......................................................................................... 185 Fund No. 646 ...............................................:..................... 71 " 30-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting pei•- Apr. 4 -Dubuque Banlc and Trust Company, appointed as a mission to hold Labor Day Parade and also that depository of City Funds .............................................. 79 streets be cleared of vehicles and also extending in- " 4 -Dubuque Implement Company, sign policy .................... 81 vitation to Mayor and Members of City Council " 21 -Daylight Savings Time, petition requesting the Ceun• and City Manager to participate .................................. 193 cil to proclaim Daylight Savings Time far City of Sept. 6-Daughters of Union Veterans of tits Civil War, pre• Dubuque .........................................................•,................... senting a new American Flag to the City Council.... 20] =i --i ®I -1 ~_ ~_ i 6- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that union labor be employed when possible on any Public Works Administration projects sponsored by the City and also that steps be taken to insure all possible safety measures in the construction of said work ...........................................................................: 201-241 6- Dubuque Poster Advertising Co., requesting that the ordinances be changed to allow the erection of signs and signboards in various parts of the City 201 6- Dillon Mrs• Lawrence F., et al, requesting the recon- ditioning and surfacing of the gutters on Southern Avenue from No. 388 Southern Avenue to No, 248 Southern Avenue ........................:....................................... 202.214 6- Dock Board, advising Council that it is urgent that the City acquire as soon as possible all property upon which the present W. P. A, river front im- provement is now operating ............................:........... 208 20- Driscoll Orland, original notice of suit ........................ 212.275 20- Dubuque Musicians' Protective Association, requeat- ing permission to hang a banner across Main Street .....................................:.......................................... 212 20- Disabled Veterans of World War, requesting permis- sion to conduct Annna] Forget-Me-Not, Drive............ 213 23-Daly Daniel E„ requesting that the Class "B" beer permit appearing in the name of Daniel E. Daly be changed to Dan. E. Daly and P, J. Ferring........ 220 3 -Duccini Ed. J., renewal of Class "B" beer permit...... 227.228 7- Dubuque County Democratic Central Committee re- questing permission to extend a banner across Main Street .................................................................................... 230 7 -Diener Leo J„ Capitol Theatre, requesting permission to remodel steps ari the south side of building.... 241.264 7- Dubuque Packing Company, requesting permission to use sidewalk on the south aide of 18th Street be• tween Sycamore and Cedar Streets also for per- mission to use the West 6 feet of the alley between 17th and 18th Streets ........................................................24 2-260.254 7-Ellwanger Mrs. ii•, sign bond ................................................ 7-Emergency Fund, transfer of $13,523.96 to the Con- solidated, Street-cleaning and Main Sewer Funds.... 19-Election of March 28th, 1938, canvassing petitions for nominations for Councilmen and Park Commiasion- 22- er ............................................................................................ Ellis Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ z~ 69 29- Election of March 28th, 1938, canvass of. vote cast.... 70 30- Eppler Elmer, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 131.133 30- Eisenegger Arthur J., granted Class "B" beer permit 131.133 30- Elks Lodge, granted Class "B" beer permit ................. 132.133 30- Eagles Club, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 132.133 30- Ender A, J., renewal of cigarette permit ......................... 134 30- Eichman Arthur H., renewal of cigarette Permit........ 134 30- Eppler Elmer, renewal of cigarette pertuit .................... 134 30- Eisenegger A. J., renewal of cigarette permit .............. 134 30- Erie Cafe, granted cigarette pet•ntit .................................. 135 30- Ender A. J., granted cigarette permit .............................. 136 5- i~mergericy Tax, resolution and application for author- ity to levy ............................................................................ 138.143 5- Esser Henry C„ granted cigarette permit ...................... 138 5- Esser Henry C., granted Class "B" beer permit...,.... 139 20- Excel Photo Shop, sign bond .............................................. 157 1 -Ellwanger Mrs. Eileen, notice of claim ........................ 163••189 1- Essman Frank H„ application for Class "C" beer per- mit .......................................................................................... 167 8- Election Special, to vote upon the issuance of $230,- 010,00 bonds to cover the expense of the erecting and equipping of a Memorial Building........210-211.225-232-•233 20 -Eichhorn Charles M„ granted cigarette permit............ 216 23 -Emergency Fund, permanent transfer of $7,356.OG to the General Fund ............................................................221.222-225 3 -Eichman Arthur H, et al, requesting that Shiras Street and Roosevelt Street be joined by a through street at the end of Roosevelt Street .................................. 227.249 7 -Ellwanger Eileen, original notice of suit .......................... 230 24 -Eberhardt Mrs Anthony, notice of claim ........................ 234.279 _l -1 -i ~I r_ INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page D " 6- Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that union labor be employed when poaslble on any Public Works Administration projects sponsored by the City and also that steps be taken to insure all possible safety measufea in the construction of said work ............................................................................ " 6- Dubuque Poster Advertising Ca., requesting that the ordinances be changed to allow the erection of signs and signboards in various parts of the City " 6- Dillon Mra• Lawrence F., et al, requesting the recon- ditioning and surfacing of the gutters on Southern Avenue from No. 388 Southern Avenue to No. 248 Southern Avenue .........................:...................................... " 6- Dock Board, advising Council that it is urgent that the City acquire as soon as possible all property upon which the .present W. P. A, river front im• provement is now operating ........................................ " 20- Driscoll Orland, original notice of suit ........................ " 20- Dubuque Musicians' Protective Association, request- ing permission to hang a banner across Main Street ................................................................................ " 20- Disabled Veterans of World War, .requesting permis- aion to conduct Annual Forget-Me-Not, Drive............ " 23- Daly Daniel E„ requesting that the Close "B" beer permit appearing in the name of Daniel E, Daly be changed to Dan. E. Daly and P, J. Ferring........ Oct. 3 -Duccini Ed. J., renewal of Class "B" beer permit...... " 7- Dubuque County Democratic Central Committee re- questing permission to extend a banner across Main 201.241 201 202-214 208 212.276 212 213 220 227.228 Street .................................................................................... 230 Nov. 7-Diener Leo J., Capitol Theatre, requesting permission to remodel steps on the south side of building.... 241264 " 7-Dubuque Packing Company, requesting permission to use sidewalk on the south side of 18th Street be• tween Sycamore and Cedar Streets also for per• mission to use the West 5 feet of the alley between 17th and 18th Streets .......................................................242.260.264 INDEX~Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page E Feb. 7- Ellwanger Mrs, H•, sign bond ................................................ 17 " 7- Emergency Fund, transfer of $13,523.96 to the Con- , solidated, Street•cleaning and Main Sewer Fttnds.... 19.39 Mar, 19- Election of March 28th, 1938, canvassing petitions for nominations for Councilmen and Park Commission- er ............................................................................................ 48 " 22 -Ellis Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 69 " 29 -Election of March 28th, 1938, canvass oP. vote cast.... 70 June 30- Eppler Elmer, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 131.133 " 30 -Eisenegger Arthur J„ granted Class "B" beer permit 131.133 " 30 -Elks Lodge, granted Class "B" beer permit ................. 132.133 " 30 -Eagles Club, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 132.133 " 30 -Ender A. J., renewal of cigarette permit .......................... 134 " 30 -Eichman Arthur H., renewal of cigarette Permit........ 139 " 30 -Eppler Elmer, renewal of cigarette pertnit .................... 134 " 30 -Eisenegger A, J., renewal of cigarette permit .............. 134 " 30 -Erie Cafe, granted cigarette permit .................................. 136 " 30 -Ender A. J., granted cigarette Permit .............................. 135 July 5 -Ii~mergency Tax, resolution and application for author- , ity to levy ............................................................................ 138.143 " 5 -Esser Henry C., granted cigarette permit ...................... 138 " 5 -Esser Henry C., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 139 " 20 -Excel Photo Shop, sign bond .............................................. 157 Aug. 1 -Ellwanger Mrs. Eileen, notice of claim ........................ 163••189 " 1 -Essman Frank H., application for Class "C" beer per- mit .......................................................................................... 167 Sept. 8- Election Special, to vote upon the issuance of $230,- 010.00 bonds to cover the expense of the erecting and equipping of a Memorial Building........ " 20 -Eichhorn Charles M., granted cigarette permit............ 216 " 23 -Emergency Fund, permanent transfer of $7,355.00 to the General Fund ............................................................221-222.226 Oct. 3 -Eichman Arthur H, et al, requesting that Shiras Street and Roosevelt Street be joined by a through street at the end of Roosevelt Street ................................... 227844 7 -Ellwanger Eileen, original notice of suit .......................... 230 " 24 -Eberhardt Mrs Anthony, notice of claim ........................ 234.274 -~ -~ INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page Jan. 24- Frith E. E. Company, requesting the vacation of the southerly 25 feet of Eighteenth Street from Syca• mote Street to Lynn Street including the alley portion ..................................................... ........................... . 6.16 Mar, 19- Fishbach Hubert M., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 51.62 " 29- Fondell Mr., suggesting that an application 'be sub- mitted to Works Progress Administration for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Shiras Avenue 71 Apr. 4- First National Bank, appointed as a depository of City Funds .......................................................................... 79 " 4- Forward Eugene, appointed as a member of Board of Review ..............................................................................:... 79 " 4- Falkenhainer Drug Company, sign policy ...................... 81 May 20- Flynn Josephine, suspension of 1937 taxes .................... 105.229 June 6- Fischer & Company, Inc., submitting invoice for dam- ages to a truck of Armom• & Company which was serviced at their station ............................................... 111 " 30- Frehlick Mary Weber versus Philip Erschen et al, notice of levy and sale ............................................... 123.160 30-Funding Bonds in the amount of $55,000.00 to is- sue ..............................................128140-141-173.0.74-181.18 2.183.184 " 30- Flynn John D., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 131.132 " 30- Fortman Anton, granted Class "B" beer permit .. 131-133 " 30- Fischbach Hubert M. and Emil C. Leiser, granted Class "B" beer Pertuti ............................................... 132.133 " 30- Fortmann Anton, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30- Falkenhainer Drug. Co., renewal of cigarette permit 134 Jttly 5- Fitzpatrick Frank J„ granted Class "B" beer permit.... 139 " 12- Fautsch Louis F, application for appointment as Police Judge ...................................................................... 141.169 " 12- Federa] Power Commission, City Manager directed to petition said Commission to investigate the electric power situation and to reconmiend the adoption of such rates as their survey and study disclose to be fair and equitable .................................................... 149 " 20 -Fischbach Hubert M., regnesting release of Class "B" beer bond of Hubert M. Fischbach acid Emil C. Leiser ................................................................'................ 165 20 -First National Bank, bond fot• clock ................................ 166 " 20 -Fuht•man-Triller Company, sign bond ............................ 156 Aug. 18 -Fautsch Louis F., Police Judge, bond of ...................... 184 Sept. 6 -Faig Grace S., suspension of 1937 taxes .......................... 202 " 20 -Fritschel Esther E., stenographer, Water Dept„ band..... 215 " 20 -Flick Morris B., granted cigarette permit ....................... 216 Oct. 3 -Fidelity and Deposit Company, requesting the can- cellation of both the sign bond and cigarette bond of Charles F. Meyers ...................................................... 226 24 -Pay Charles P. et al, requesting that Rowan Street be surveyed, graded, and rock placed on said street 234.243 Nov. 7 -Fessler Joe, suspension of last half of 1937 taxes,....... 241.252 28 -Flick Morris B., sign bond .................................................... 266 Dec. 19 Inc„ sign bond ...................... -Firestone Service Stores, 273 " 27 , -Finch Alfred, granted cigarette permit .....................:...... 280 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page Jan. 3-Grass xate; ortgmat nonce el suit ............................... " 24-Gavin Mark, appointed as a member of Dock Com- tnission to fill the unexpired term of Presley S. Fawkes .................................................................................. " 24-eau Roy F., Class "B" beer permit ................................ Feb. 7-Gent Stores, sign bond ........................................................ '~ 7-Lenz Ada, sign bond ................................................................ ' 7-Goard Henry, requesting bus service over St. Joseph Street ...................................................................................... Mar. 7-Graf B. M., relative to vacating the alley first east of Grandview Avenue from South Hill Street north........ " 7-Gerken Ewald F., settlement of claim ......................:......... " 29-Grimme Henry, granted Class "B" beer permit............ " 29-Grab Erwin, granted Class "C" beer permit ................ Apr. 4-Glenn Milton J., submitting application far the office of Police Judge .................................................................. " 4-Glenn Milton J., Police Jttdge, continuation certificate on bond ................................................................................ " 4-Green Wm., President American Federation of Labor, acknowledging receipt of invitation to attend cele- bration of Fiftieth Anniversat•y of Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress ........................................................ 4-Galloway Company, Inc., sigh Policy ................................ " 4-Goodman's Incorporated, sign policy .................................. " 4-Gregory Frank R„ transfer of Class "B" beer permit " 14-Greater Dubuque Association, expressing thanks for the progress made on erecting street signs .............. May 2-Greiner Peter, agreement on vacation of alley between Lot 166 Finley Addition and Lots 328, 329 and 330 Woodlawn Park .................................................................. " 2-General Insulating Company, notified as to the recom- mendation and instructions embodied in the letter as submitted by P. J. Heuser, Industrial Hygiene Engineer, State Department of Health ........................ " 20-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "B" beer permit........ June 6=Gregory Mrs, Frank R., granted Class "B" beer permit " 30-Graff Michael J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ " 30-Grommersch John J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... " 30-Gala Dominick, granted Class "B" beer Permit............ " 30-Gala Dominic, renewal of cigarette Permit .................... " 30-Grommersch John, renewal of cigarette permit............ July 12-Glenn Milton J., tendering resignation as Police Judge 12-Gable E., ordered to make sanitary connections on Lot ~ 166 East Dubuque Addition ........................................ Sept. 6-Grommersch Nick, requesting that Sabula Street be extended and also that Valeria Street adjoining his property be repaired .........:................................... " 6-Grommersch Nick, objecting to the vacation of Charles Street as asked for in the petition of Robert E. Miller .................................................................................... i 6-erode Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ ~ Oct. 3-Grandgenet Nick, et al, requesting that Sabula Street i ~ ne extenneu I,U DU1 L111~LVLL qLl GCL tLLLLL LLCLL L1lc nw~c~ ~ mains be extended ............................................................ " 3-Grommersch Nick et al, requesting that Charles Street be graded instead of being vacated ............................ " 3-Grommersch Nickolas, submitting offer for the pur- chase of Lot 37 of South Parlc Hill Add. and for that part of Charles Street from Broadway Extension to the alley first west, if the same is vacated............ 7 8.19 16 17 18 41 44 76 76 77 80 81 81 81 82 84 98 101.122 102.103 120121 132.133 132-133 132.133 134 134 141 162 202-214 202-221 208 227 227 227 ~~ °i ~~ INDEX-Bool{ 68 INDEX-Book. 68 1938 SUBJECT Page 1938 SUBJECT ~ page u " 24-Grether C. H. et al, requesting Council to take actio^ Jan. 3-Hoskins Mra Mattis, et al, requesting bus service on relative to the condition of the buildings at 1504, badge Street between Ilryant Street and Grandview 1606, 1508 and 1610 Washington Street .................... 235.244 Avenue .................................., .......... ..................................... 4.7 Nov. 7-Graff Joe, renewal of Class "B" beer permit .................. 247 3-Harwood Mrs. M. L., granted cigarette permit............ 4 " 28-Graham Edward & Sons, et al, sign bond .................... 267 24-Hoppmann Emily, notice of claim .............................,...... 5 " 2S-Grand Opera House, Inc., et al, sign bond .................... 257 ~~ 24-Hargus Lillian L., suspension of 1937 taxes .................. 6.219 Dec. 13-Genszler William et al, requesting Council to hold a Feb. 7-Hillyard Courtland F. & Sabyl H. Kretachmer; sign special meeting far the purpose of discussing and bond ................................. ........... ............................................ 17 acting upon, an industrial issue and requesting 7-Hutchings" Mrs, Maud, requesting bus service over the Council to prevent the building of the stock- Bennett Street .................................................................... 18 Yards by the Illinois Central Railroad Company on Mar, 7-Hutchings Maud et al, requesting the reuting of bus South Main Street .......................................................... 208 service over Bennett Street ........................................ 36 " 7-Haudenahield Sydney, requesting a compromise settle- ment of the special assessments levied against East 30 feet aE Lot 1 of Breakley'e Addition.........:........ 38 " 7-Hesling Louis J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 42 " 7-Howe Ralph F.y granted Class "C" beer permit.....,...... 42 " " 7-Heinz Mra Anna, 1706 North Algona Street, City Solicitor instructed to take proper action in hav- the nuisance abated on her property......,............... 46.112 " 22-Healy Emory F., claim for personal injuries ....:........... 67.259 Apr. 4=third George W., submitting application for the office of Police Judge ...................................................:.............. 77-104 " 4-Hogan Mrs. Margaret E., suspension of 1937 taxes.... 80.219 ~~ 4-Halecher G. H., sign policy .....:.............................:.............. 81 " 4-Horton J. P.. sign policy ..............:....................:.......:........ SI 4-Hedrick Jacob, granted cigarette permit.... .................. $2 " 4-Hedrick Jacob, granted Class "B" beer permit.......,.... 52 " 4-Harker Curtis S., appointed member of Civil Service Commission term expiring March 31, 1944 ................. 83 19-Haupert Peter, suspension of 1937 taxes ...................... 86.218 May 2-Heuser P. J., Industrial Hygiene Engineer, State De- partment o4 Health, relative to the nuisanc0 oon• dition caused by gases from the rock wool manu• facturing plant of Genera] Insuiating Company........ 101 ~~ 20-Heitz Dan, claim 'of ...........................................:...:................ 103.274 " 20-Hein William F. et al, requesting that a turn around be cohstructed at the north end of Lawndale Street 105.177 20-third Albert G. et al, requesting that the Westernmost block of Seminary Street be planed ih a ftt and safe condition for traffic also that the dump be cov- ered and further dumping prohibited .................:........ 106 June 6-Hendricks Geo. J.; requesting suspension of 1937 taxes 113.254 " 30-Huftill Frank, submitting application for appointment to the vacancy on Library Board ................................ 126 " 30-Hoffman Louis, et al, objecting to the discontinuing of the Mt. Carmel bus service over South Locust Sheet and Southern Avenue ........................................ 120 " 30-Horne William, granted Olass "B" beer permit............ 131.132 " 30-Hughes R. D,, granted Class "B" beer permit................ 131433 " 30-Hennig Joseph A„ granted Class "B" beer permit........ 132.133 " 30-Harwood Mrs. M. L., renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 " 30-Haas, Louise M., renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 30-Hartig Drug, Inc„ renewal of cigarette permits........ 134 " 30-Horne William, renewal of cigarette permit .................. 134 " 30-T3edrick Jacob, renewal of cigarette permit .................. 134 " 30-Hanten Joseph W, renewal of cigarette permit....:... 134 30-Hennig George J., renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30-Hartig Drug Company, granted cigarette permit........ 136 " 30-Hillside Confectionery, granted cigarette permit........ 136 July 20-Hill William M., sign bond .................................................. 157 " 20-Haudenschield Sydney, aigu bond ...........................:.......... . . 167 INDEX-Book 68 i 1938 SUBJECT Page I' ~ " 29 -Hoffmann A, M., requesting the rezoning of the pro- perty located at 1640 Main Street from a multiple residence district to a local business district.,......16 2.163.177- 178- Aug. 11 -Hickey J. P, et al, requesting the opening and grading of a street from the corner of Langworthy and James Streets eastward one block and a half to the south line of Cardiff Street .................................. 174.214 11 -Hochberger John A„ granted Class "B" been permit 179 Sept. 6 -Hazewinkel H. J., representing the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that union labor be employed when possible on any Public Works Ad- ministration projects which are sponsored by the City and also requesting that steps be taken to insure all possible safety measures in the con• struction of said work .................................................... 201 " 6- Hardie Frank, representing the Dubuque Poster Ad• vertising Co., requesting that the ordinance be changed to allow erection of signs and signboards in various parts of the City ........................................ 201 " 6 -Howe Mrs. and Ralpk B'., requesting permission to use part of their home, with an addition thereto, to serve as a small grocery store at 1028 Walnut Street described as the northerly 68 feet of Lot 15 and the northerly 68 feet of the westerly 36, feet of Lot 16 in Farley's Subdivision ................202-213.21 7-229.236 " 20 -Heitz Dan, original notice of suit .................................... 212.274 " 20 -Neer Mrs Lena, et al, requesting an investigation of the condition of the sheds on the Jerry Walser Estate at 357 East 12th Street ...................:.................. 212 " 20 -Hail John Joseph, Supt, and Cashier, Water Dept„ bond ..::..................:....:..................................:......................... 215 " 23 -Hanten Joseph W., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 222 Oct, 3- Head Donald H., requesting the Council to investigate the matter of drainage, of the alley extending from Randall Street through to Dunning Street and be- tween Grandview Avenue and Bradley Street.........:.. 227.243 Nov, 7 -Heer Mts. L., requesting investigation of building and dumping place on Walser Estate property........ 241 " 7 -IIerber Fred and Ray Niclts, renewal of Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................... 247 " 7 -Hail George, renewal of Class "B" beer permit.......... 247 " 7 -Howe Corine and Ralph F., granted Class "C" beer permit .....................................................................:.....:........ 247 " 10 -Haudenshield Sydney, Administrator of the estate of Jacob Entringer, requesting a compromise settle• ment of the special assessments levied against the East 30 feet of Lot 1 of. Breakley's Addition........ 249.264 " 28 -Hartman Carl F., sign bond .............................................. 267 Dec, 5- Holscher G, H„ requesting Council to- consider a com• promise offer on the assessments due on Lota 3 and 4 in Block 9 of Grandview Park Addition........ 260.273 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page I Feb. 7- Independent Milk Drivers, requesting postponement of consideration of the proposed milk ordinance.... 13 " 7- Interstate Power Co„ requested to submit a state• ntent of their earnings and disbursements for the past fiscal year ............................................:..................... 20.119 Apr, 4- Interstate Power Company, matter of regulating the charge far bas fare referred to City Solicitor for a report back to City Council ............................83-99.100.101-124 " 21- Interstate Power Company, granted aright-of-way and easement for the purpose of transmitting elec- tric power across or over the southeasterly 160 feet of Lot 593 in Eagle Point or Ham's Addition.......... 89 May 20- Interstate Power Company, changes in bus routes and rerouting of buses upon these routes.... June 30- ~Internaltional Association of Mackinists, Key City Lodge No. 1238, requesting that names of Homer Clark and Herman Rave be given every considero ation for appointment on Police Department............ 123 " 30- Iowa State Highway Commission, submitting Reso- lution Primary Road Extension and form of con tract ........................................................................................ 123 " 30- Iowa Housing League, requesting Council support and advice on plans for better housing• .............................. 124 July 12- Iowa Children's Home Society, Des Moines, Iowa, requesting permission to hold a tag day .................. 142 " 12- International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffers, Stablemen and Helpers of America, requesting per• mission to hang advertising cards on metal lamp posts ...................................................................................... 142 " 12- International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, re- questing permission to use grounds outside of Ball Park for holding a carnival ..............................:....... 142.184 " 20- Interstate Finance Corp., sign bond .................................. 166 Aug. 11 -Iowa League of Municipalities, bill in the amount of • $80.00 for membership dues ordered paid......;......... 181 " 30- Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police extending invita- tion to attend Annual Convention ................................ 192 Sept. 20 -Iowa State Policemen's Association, Local Chapter, thanking Council for the passage of the ordinance which guarantees the pensions now established by law .......................................................................................... 212 " 20 -Interstate Power Co., inventory and valuation of their property to be made by Canavan & Lang, Consult- ing Electrical Firm, of Chicago, Ill ............................ 216 ATov. 7 -Irmen Oscar, requesting that West 28th Street be graded, and properly drained and repaired ................ 241 Dec, 13 -Illinois Central Railroad Co„ petition requesting that the City Council prevent the building of stock yards on their property on South Main Street ................ 268 -~ ~_ .~ INDE.~C-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page J Jan, 24-Jaeksou George W., notice of claim ................................ Feb. 7-Juergena John N, & Son, sign band .................................. „ 7-Jaeger F. M, et al, sign bona .......................................... Mar. 7-Jansen 14jrs. Lucille, granted Class "B" beer permit.... " 11-Jacobson J, J., requesting permission to erect a canopy over the sidewalk in front o>; the building at Tenth and Main Streets .............................................................. " 11-Judges and Clerks, appointed to serve at the General Municipal Election oY March 28, 1938 ................:....... " 29-Judges and Clerks of General Municipal Election of March 28, 1938, payment for services ........................ May 2-Jankowitx Mr., requesting permission to take out a license for to peddle fruit and vegetables for a six month period .................................................................... June 6-Jacobson David S., requesting the City Council to waive the requirement of sewer connection for a proposed tavern on the property located at 1698 Maple Street ...................................................................... " 30-Jaeger•Kuanert Co„ granted cigarette permit ................ July 5-Jacquinot Harry J., granted cigarette permit .............. " 20-Jenni Henry, granted Class "C" beer Permit............ Aug, 1-James Dwight S., Attorney for Iowa Tavern Owners' Association requesting the adoption of an ordinance limiting taverns as provided by statute ...................... Sept. 23-Judges and Clerks, appointed to serve at the Special Election of October 6, 1938 ............................................ Oct. 3-Jassman John J., renewal of Class "B" beer permit.... " 7-Judges and Clerks of Special Election of October 6, 1938, payment for services .....:...................................... Nov. 7-Junior Auxiliary of Visiting Nurse Association, re• questing permission for the holding of a tag day.... 28-Johnson High Teat Oil Company, sign bond .................... INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page Jan. 24- Kies Leona, notice of claim ................................................ 5.281 5-~U Feb, 7- Kressig Frank, suspension of 1937 taxes ........................ 14 16 " 7- Kies Drug Store, sign bond ................................................ 17 17 7- Koleopulos Steve, sign bond ................................................ 17 42 „ 7- Kinney G. R, Co., sign bond ................................................ 17 " 7- Klauet•-Julien Hotel Co., sign bond .................................... 17 7- Kennedy Patrick R„ transfer of Class "B" beer per- 46 mit .......................................................................................... 19 7- Key City Gas Co., requested tc submit a statement of 47 their earnings and disbursements for the past fiscal year ........................................................................................ 20-119 71 Mar. 7- I{luck Earl, granted Class "B" beet• permit .................... 42 Apt•. 4- Kirchhoff Ed„ request refund on cigarette permit.... 80 " 4- I{ey City Gas Co., excavation bond ................................ 81 96 " 25- Keller Mae and Ruth Keller Motz, granted a cigarette permit .................................................................................... 92 May 2- Knockel Louis J., agreement on vacation of alley be• tween Lot 166 Finley Addition and Lots 328, 329, 113 330, 331 and 332 Woodlawn Park ................................ 99 135 June 6- Kat•tman Barbara Mrs„ claim for personal injureis.... 111.218 138 6- Kresge Company S, S., requesting permission to con- 160 struct aconcrete vault beneath the sidewalk on 8th Avenue .......................................................................... 112 6- Kresge Company S. S., lessee, requesting permission 166 to construct an unloading platform in the alley in the rear of the South 7 feet of City Lot 28A 224 and the North 33 feet of City Lot 27 .......................113-126-127 227.228 30 -Kanavas George, gt•anted Class "B" beer pet•mit...,.... 131.132 ~~ 30 -King Mrs. Lois H., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131133 233 30 -Koleopulos Steve, granted Class "B" beer permit ... 131.133 ~~ 30 -Karigan Andrew D„ granted Class "B" beer permit 131-133 242 30 -Kirkpatrick Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit 132-133 257 " 30 -Kress Hugh, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 132.133 " 30 -Klein Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 132-133 30 -Kochendorfer Adolph, granted Class "B" beer permit 132.133 " 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" beet• per- mit ......................................................................................... 132-133 " 30 -Keller Mae and Ruth, renewal of cigarette permit.... 134 " 30 -Kruse Co., G. C., renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30 -Kies Drug Store, gt•anted cigarette permit ...................... 135 " 30 -Klauer-Julien Hotel Company, granted cigarette permit 135 " 30 -Kress Hugh, granted cigarette permit .............................. 136 " 30 -Kretz Cafeteria, granted cigarette permit ...................... 135 July 12 -Kuehnle Mr. and Mrs, Ed., et al, requesting the placing of an electric light opposite house num- ber 505 Angella Street .................................................... 143-177 12 -Kennedy Patrick R., gt•anted cigarette pertnit............ 149 " 20 -I{atigan Andrew D., requesting pertission to construct a loading platform at the rear entrance of his place of business at 720 Main Street........165- " 20 -Kormann Geo. F. et al, remonstrating against the pro• posed improvement and continuation of Abbott Street .................................................................................... 155 " 20 -Kane Allen C.,. Clerk, Water Dept, bond ........................ 155 Aug. 1 -Korman Norman J. et al, representatives of Municipal Local 161 requesting the City Council to recom- mend to the City Manager the adoption of tivork- ing rules and regulations governing membet•s of Municipal Local 651 ........................................................ 163 " 11 -Kretschmet• Insurance Agency, requesting the release of the Excavation Band of George F, Pinski............ 17fi i ~_ INDl1?C-Book 68 1938' SUBJECT Page I~ " il- Kieler W. J. et al, requesting that two blocks, 1000 i ~':... .I::::...:r...a? c t 6.202214 ~~ 18- g that the y, requestin Agen Kretschu er In urance blank certificate of audit covering the bond Of onihleted s be•~c n former City Manager R: M, Eva . ty .................... ... y~proper~par 184 ' " 18- Knights of .Columbus, granted Class "B" beer permit 1 85 Sept. 6 -Kennedy Patrick R., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 208 " 29- Kies Leona, ~ori.ginal notice of suit..:......:,' .:..:.....:..:;.:'.:.... 220-281 Oct. 24- Kfeler Lillard~ requesting that the County Treasurer be instructed to accept the Principal of the special assessments; plus interest ands advertising costa; the balance of penalties to be waived, agaihst'Lot 7 of Jansen's Subs ..:.:.......:.......................!........:..:. 234-243 " 24- Koehler Sarah, suapension of 1937 tales .............:.:......... 235.2'98 " 24 -I{oohler Henry E., suspension of 1937 taxes .................. 235.248 Nov. 7 B"~ beer permit -Kahnes Milton J., renewal •of• Class " 247 17 -Kemp John, notice of olafm..:.,...;., ,,. 250-267 28 -Kies & Butler et al, submitting an ordinance with reference to' licensing auctioneers and 'the like aild requesting 'the enactment ~of~ same intd a legal ordinance ......r .........::::..........................:.............i.................. 253.261 " 28 -I{inney G. ft, Co. Inc„ et al, sign bond .....::.....:................. 266 „ 28 -Kietz E. P:, sign bond .....:......::...:.......n',,.......................,..... 257 Dec. 5 i'etschmer Charles G., appointed as a member of -K Memorial Commission ...........! ...........:...::...~:~.,....:,......... 250 " 5 -Kress Peter,'J„ granted Class "B" beer permit,........... 265 19 -Klinkhammer •Mrs,'Mary, cancellation of 1937 taxes.... 274 "' 27 -Kiesel Carl, entering objections on behalf of'H:'B. Glover Company to the establishing of a parking een limit around the H: B~~ Glover buildings betty West 4th and West 6th Streets .......::.....:::.:. 277 " 27 -Kanavis Katheryn, notice :of. injury and claim ............... . 278 INDEX-Book 68 1938• SUBJEOT Page L Jan. 24- Lai'soh Mrs:-Christine, settlement of nclaint...~~t.:°.n..:.... 10 deb, 7- Luther Frank C., requesting ,permission to lerect a new canopy over the sidewalk at No, 1111 West 14th Street ......:.....:....:.......................................................... 13-41 « 7- Leath &:~,Contpany, sign bond .........................:................ 17 ". 7- Loyal Order of Moose, sign bond .... ,.....w . i:..:.:!......... 17 Mar, 7- Looney Estelle, requesting redress in the matter of the cost of repairs to sewer connection on Lot 1 Columbia Add . .................................................................. 37.38.53 " 7- Lundbeck Kate S., requesting suspension of 1937 taxes 38.224 " 19- Lundin J. W., submitting application for appointment as a member of Board of Review ................................ 49 " 22- Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Shiloh Circle No. 37, requesting permission to hold a tag daY .......................................................................................... 54.96 " 22- Lee Alvin, granted Class ' R" beer permit ...........:........ 69.82 Apr. 4- Licklider Ray E„ submitting application for the office of Police Judge ............................................................77-7 8.104.169 4- Levy and Sale of D. W. Bates as Receiver of Union Trust and Savings Bank, Plaintiff, versus Emma Schmid et al .................................................................... SO.99 " 4- Loizeaux Dr. Charles E., sign policy .................................. Sl „ 4- Leik William C., sign policy .............................................. Sl May 2- Lime Roclt Springs Company, requesting that they be granted City fire protection ............................................ 95 June 6- Lawsen Mrs. Edith, requesting cancellation of 1937 taxes ...................................................................................... 113-229 " 6- Link Leo, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 120.121 " 30- Lemper Henry P„ granted Class "B" beer permit 131433 " 30 -Leik Wm. C., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30 -Lemper H, P., granted cigarette permit ...................... 135 " 30 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted cigarette permit........ 736 " 30 -Ludwig M. J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 135 July 12 -Lange Wilbert et al, protesting to the vacation of Charles Street and requesting that the alley be- tween Broadway Extension and Charles Street and between Charles Street and Muscatine Street be kept open and a W. P. A, project be secured far improving same .................................................................. 142-176 " 20 -Linehan & Molo, excavation bond .................................... 166 " 20 -Leiser Emil, approval of application far Class "B" beer permit ....................................................................... 160.185 Aug. 1 -League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting statement in the amount of $80,00 for annual dues ................ 163.181 " 1 -Lange Clarence J„ application for Class "B" beer per- mit ..................................................................................167.177-178-179 " 11 -Lee Mary L. et al, calling attention oP, Council to the backing up of sewers into their premises due to the overtaxing of the West Locust Street sewer by permitting an extension outside of the City Limits .................................................................................... 175 " 30 -Lange's Insurance Agency, requesting release of the original bond of City Manager Rhomberg ................ 193 Sept, 6 -Loyal Order of Moose, granted Class "B" beer permit 208 " 23 -Ludowisy Christina and Mary, requesting permission to redeem the tax sale certificate held by the City of Dubuque against the south part of Lot 136 Union Add ........................................................................... 220 Oct. 24 -Lange Elizabeth, original notice of suit ........................ 234 17 Nov -Leonard Frank E., suspension of 1937 taxes .................. 251-258 , " 28 -Luckert Lillian and Nora James, sign bond .................. 256 ~~ ~_ INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page L Dec. 5-Langton Thomas M., appointed as a member of Mem- orial Commission 26U 19-Landon Charles, sign bond .................................................. 273 " 19-Lacy Frank R., Trustee, Owner, granted permission to construct and maintain a canopy in front of the Avon Theatre ............................................................274-279.28U INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Fage Mc Jan. 24- McDonald A, Y. Manufacturing Company, acceptance of the installation of pump and motor at Level Station .................................................................................. 7 Feb. 7- McGuire Clem J., requesting permission to construct a loading platform in the alley on the northeast side of City Lots 752.753 .............................:.............. 13 " 7- McCarten H• B., excavation bond ...................:.................. 16 Mar, 7- McCarten H. B„ requesting exemption of the 1937 taxes on the west 60 ft, of Lots 21.2223 of Benson & Stewart's Sub ............................................................... 38 Apr. 19- McAloon Lucile, settlement of personal injury suit.... 87 May 20- McLean Chariea, Chairman on Waterways of Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, relative to the present need for the dredging of the Mississippi River at Du- buque ...................................................................................... 104 June 30- McLaughlin Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 132.133 " 30- McDonald Daniel; granted Class "B" beer permit........ 132.133 30- McGonigle Paul and J. B., granted Class "B" beer permit .....................................................................c............ 132.133 30- McFarlane Robert, renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30- McDonald Daniel, granted cigarette p'ermit .......:........ 136 " 30- McCann Eugene, granted cigarette Permit ....:............... 135 " 30- McGonigle Paul and J. B., granted cigarette permit 135 July 12- McClain Wm, and Charles J, Smith, requesting the replacing of the lights in the first parkway on Dodge Street ...................................................................... 142 12- McDermott Carl, approval of application for Class "B" beer permit ................................................................ 150.159 " 12- McLean Roy, approval of application far Class "B" beer permit .......................................................................... 150 Aug. 18 -McDermott Carl, granted Class `B" beer permit........ 186 " 18- McEvoy John, making inquiry as to what action had been taken on the petition requesting that electric service be extended to the residents of Maple Island 189 Oct. 3- McCarthy Peter H., relative to the Special Election of October 6, 1938 .............................................................. 226 " 3 -McMann Mrs. Sophie and Mrs. Eleanora Vander Meulen, requesting a refund on dine and dance license ...................:.............................................................. 226 3- McCann Eugene, renewal of Class "B" beer permit...... 227.228 " 7 -McCarthy Peter H., requesting that the petition of Trustees of the Property of the Chicago, Milwau- kee, St, Paul and Pacific Railroad Company far the vacation of additional streets and alleys in the vicinity of their shops be denied and also that the City Solicitor be instructed to begin action in the courts to test the rights of the City under the terms of an ordinance of March 14, 1881 ................ 230.262 ~~ 24 ............. -McCarthy C. J., bond .................................. ........... 237 Nov. 28 -McDougal Motor Company, sign bond ............................ 256 I; N,i ~':' ~i 1'I~I D ~ X-Book 68 I' I;~.I 1938 SUBJECT. Page ~~ ~_ a ~•~ID~E?~-Book 68 198& SUBJECT Page !tll ddl 30- ph J„ renewal of cigarette permit...:.... Maclyinek Jose 134 Jan, 3 -;Mach[nek Jas:. J•,.Branted cigarette peimif ....:.............::.. 4 30= ~~ `t renewal of cigarette permit:...'...... MeyetB )~ermi 134 24- Mills West Dubuque Add., Lots. 2,:,3,,..4.,6 and G, 30 1kIeyers` Charley F renewal of cigarette permit......... 134 .Deed of said lots from County Treasurer ,........ 5 , 30 M ers-Cox Co, renewal of ctgarette permit ................ 134 Feb. 7- Mettel .Realty and :Investment. Company„ requesting 30- Miller George, •renewal' of cigarette permit ................... 136 the vagdtion: of the. alley lying betweeh.,Toot 166 "~ 30- Meyer Patti J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 135 and Lots 328, 329 and 330, iri Plinley Add. and 6- uly J Metz Mrs, Otto et al, requesting the elimination of submitting an offer of $50;00 therefor :..... ... ..: ..: .: 13.39.98• ,, l eet's on Maple the lot's and sty the hursance on 112129.1 30-143.144 Street het~+een' 15th and 17th Streets 137 ' alon, sigh bond........., .. Ll y n ~~ ~ oval for levying Comptroller appr t lll ar. 7- p Agency, requesting the return of ry Mttr I surance or the year 1939...:............. x f ~ 143 • excavation bond of ill• tr 3G ~~ 12- B' beer permit... fey of Class trans uber Y H Mglssen 149 7- roval of traps- troller a om Murtagh C. B,; State C p pp 12- , Mlhalakys 1'hrlhp, approval of apphcatron for Class "B" fey of $13;523.96 from Emergency Fund to,Copsoli• `'beer permit ........... ................................:....150.159-186 " dated, Street-cleaning ahd Main ,Sewer Funds........ 39 20- Montel John,' relative to a city owned light plant........ 156 7- ' Mathis Arnold,. granted Class "13° . Ueer permit..:......... 42 ' ~ 20- ncy; 're'questing' release of the Marpliv 'Ins'arance' Age 11- Maguire Mrs. Mary, claim for personal iujurtes.......:.•.. 46: ~.~D Class "B" beer botld of H:' A, Vanderbook............ 165 '.' 19- Muts,chler A., L.; claim for, personal injuries...:....:... 49.107 20- Morris Herman H:; requesting a permit to operate an " 19- Manders H, & Son, granted, cigarette .Perrltit.....,.,,,.. 51 :~ • at 4th Yce' cream and soda water' stand on Ea Apr. 4- Marshall Robert P., City Auditor, continuation cer• • " tifieate oi~ bond... ••• ~~° th 8U 2Q o 1a r o i ~ ' 4 4- or= of Iowa, certificate, of au Mutual Suret Company Aug, 65 and regulations rking ules tib =~ Loca1 pal Yiic 163.1 rty to transact the busyness of Fydehty and Surety 1- i zgnmg of the Mbl r e t g : Insu iitortuary and fo t a re St 0 Main f pealy n 6 - 4- $ others, :Company, excavation band .................... Mullen, ~~ ~ nd requestin that the petition of hoy e a " 4 Mathey Motors.. CgmgapY, syg4, Aglicy ..........:......:.....:........ 81 A. M. Hoffmann be rejected ............................................16 4- Montgomery Ward & Co., sign policy ...............:.....:........ 81 °' 11- B., State Comptroller, decision in the Murtagh C " 4- MUhtz John, sign: policy ........:......................................:....:... 81 . matter of an appeal from the decision of the City " 4- Meyers Charles F., sign, policy ..:..........~...,.;..,.......,:......... 81 Council to issue funding bonds in the sum of May 2= Millworkers Union No, XG4G, calling attentiop:~gf„the $56,000.00 .............................................................................. 173 Couyicil to the condition of dump iu the sopth part 11- Miller Wm. C„ granted Class "B" beer permit............ 179 qf, the business and industrial district, also. that 30 -Memorial Building, Mayor authorized to file an appli- Salina Street is badly in need:q>.repair~, also that cation to the United States of America through the street, lights are: needed on Charten;,Street,:,;........ 95.107 Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works " 20 -Memorial,I)ay Parade Committee; extending ihvitation for a grant to aid in financing the acquisition of a to Council tq take part to ,the Memorial; DaY Parade 104 site and the construction of same .................................. 197 ~~ 20 , e pro• -Mt.. Olivet Cemetery Assocyation requesting fir Sept. G -Miller Robert E„ requesting the Council to view the ' teetion ......:......•.,• ...,....,..,.....;...,........,.,.,...:,..,,,..;.,.. 105 grounds as to the vacation of Charles Street and June 6- Murphy, William,, elaim fqr ,personal ,injuries td his also as to the sale of Lot 37 in South Park Hill daughter, Patricia Ann Murphy, a ,minor :............... 111 Addition .................................................... " 6 -Mettel Realty and Investment Company;. submitting 6 -Murtagh C, B., approval of Resolution No. 88.38 and a Correct legal desciiptign of Pots involved in the application far temporary transfer of $40,000,00 vacation of the alley lying .between Lot 165 in from the Water Works Siniring Fund to the Water Finley's Addition and lints 328, 329; 330; 331: and ...................................................... Works General Fund 2 .. 332 in Woodlawn Park ...................:............ G -Memorial Building Froject, approval of the Planning 6 -May Walter and George Kline, requesting the Ctiancil and Zoning Commission .................................................. 208 to malts further inspection of Afrna fii>4ze prtiperty 112 ~~ 8 -Memorial Building, special election for the issuance " 6 -Munici9a1 Athletic Field; tales and regulations Dover- of $230,010.00 bonds to cover the expense of the ...:..............................:.............................. f 114 erecting and equipping of same....................................21 0.211.226 ~' G ... ted Class "$',' beer pe~tinit,.,:.;., -Meyer Marti , gr ' ~ an~ r g t 120.12 ~ " 20 -Murphy Ceuncilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of '~ 30 ~ ee ..i g' the ~aoation of C~iar es ~ty 'tyn - re~iles Mille M 9.142•~7 1 the nreeting ........................................................................ 212 20 -Millville Road or West 32nd Street, decision of Coun- " 30 -Mole Oil Company, requesting fire protection at Sil- cil that the low spats be raised with roclz fill........ 214 vet Acres on July 3 and 4 ............................................ 126 20 -Magee Thos. J. Estate, granted Class "C" beer permit 216 " 30 -hoes Carl J., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 131.132 23 -Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting cancellation of " 30 -Machinek Joseph J„ granted Class "B" beer permit 132.133 liability on the excavation band of W, J. Jordan.... 220 " 30 -Mengis Walter, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 132.133 Oct. 3 -Murtagh C. B., approval of Resolution No. 101-38 and " 30 -Meyer Albert M. and Herman Roesch, granted Class application for permanent transfer of $7,355.66 from ' B" beer Permit 132.133 the Emergency Fund to the General Fund............ 225 " 30 -Mayerle John, granted Class "B" beer permit .............. 132.133 3 -Meyers Charles F., requesting a refund on cigarette " 30 -Manders Julius S„ granted Class "C" beer permit.... 132.133 license ........................................••....•.•.~••.••..••.•••,••••••••••••••••• 226 " 30 -Manders H, & Son, renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 INDEX-Book 68 1888 SUBJECT Page " 3- Miller R. E., submitting an offer for the purchase of Lot 37 of South Park Hill Addition and that portion of Charles Street adjoining said lot on its north boundary ......................................................227.23 7.242.243 3- Melssen Hubert and Veronica, renewal of Class "B" beer permit ........................................................................ 227.228 " 24~-Maas Peter, suapension of 1937 taxes ............................ 235.273 " 24- Millet- Mrs. Katie. A., suspension of 1937 taxes........ 235.248 Nov. 7 -Mississippi Valley Association, extending invitation to Council to attend annual meeting at St. Louis, Mo. 241 " 17- Marshall Jackson M., requesting that the petition of the Dubuque Packing Company be denied ................ 266 " 28- Marshall Caroline Eleanora, Executrix of the Estate of Harry E, Marshall and Jackson M. Marshall, Operator of Marshall Boiler Works, requesting that the petition of Dubuque Packing Company fot• the private use of street and alley be denied .................... 269 28- Murphy Ellen E., et al, sign.bond ...................................... 256 Dec. 5- Memorial Commission, appointment of said com• missjan .................................................................................. 259 " 19- Mid-Continent Petroleum, sign bond ................................ 273 " 27- Mengis,Walter, requesting that the one hour parking limit on Central Avenue be extended north to 18th Street instead of to 16th Street ................................ 277 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page N Jan. 3- National Guard Company, requesting inspection of the Fire Headquarters Building at 9th and Iowa Streets with a view of removing the local limita- tions on the Armory floor ................................................. 2.8 3- Neiman Jacob D., requesting that all penalty and in- terest charges be cancelled on his special assess- ments and also requesting the lowering of said special assessments .......................................................... 3.18 Mar. 7- Nicks Ray and Ft•ed Herbet•, granted cigarette permit 42 .Apr. 4- Nelson Al J., submitting application fot• the office of City Salicitor ...................................................................... 77 " 4- Nesler & Buechel, excavation bond .................................... 81 " 19- Nelson Al J., City Solicitor, bond ...................................... 84 19- Nelson F. A., granted Class "B" beer permit,........... 87 Jttne 6- Nordin George, transfer of Class "B" beer permit........ 120-121 " 30 -Norton Arthur, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 131.132 30- Nicks Ray and Fred Herber, renewal of cigarette per- mit ........................................................'.................................. 134 " 30 -Norty's Tavern, granted cigarette permit ........................ 135 Aug. 11 -Nelson Victor, notice of claim ....................:..................... 174 Sept, 6- Nordin George, granted Class "B" beer Permit........ 208 " 6 -Neubauer Harold, Mayor and City Clerk directed to issue a Qttit Claim Deed to him for the purchase of Lot 27B of A. P, Wood's Addition .......................... 209 " 23 -Norton Arthur, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.... 222 Oct. 3 -Nickels C. W., et al, requesting the installation of a stop•and-go traffic light on Central Avenue at the intersection of Kaufman Avenue and Twenty-sec• and Street .......................................................................... 226-244 Nov. 28 -Nesler F. A. & Son, sign bond .......................................... 257 " 28 -Norton Arthur, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.... 257 Dec, 5 -Norton Walter C., et al, chauffers of taxicabs, re• questing consideration witli reference to parking and requesting that an ordinance be adopted mak- ing it a misdemeanor to attempt to beat a taxi bfll 260 ~INI~~i~~ ~ INDEX-Book b8 1938 SUBJECT Page ~~~~~'. Jan. 3-Ordinance No. 19-37. An ordinance amending an ordinance establishing a Building Codo by repeal- lj ing Section 639 relating to the location of heating plants in theaters .............................................................. ~ 24-Ordinance No. 1-38, Granting J. F. Stampfer Com- !V' pony the right to construct and maintain an un- i •~ ~ '~ j '~~i f ' ~ i 24- 4- ar. 7- loading platform in the alley abutting City Lot 30 Ordinance No. 2-38. Amending Ordinance No, 4-33 by repealing the provisions thereof relating to itin- erant physicians anti surgeons as provided in Paragraph 309, Section 1, and enacting a substitute therefor Ordinance No. 3-38, Requiring pawn brokers, junk dealers and dealers in second-hand goods to give no- ttce of the Purchase or receipt of mechanics' tools and equipment; prohibiting the purchase by pawn brokers, junk dealers and dealers iu second-hand goods of any property from minors ............................ Ordinance No. 4-38. Granting Franlc C. Luther the right to construct a canopy over the sidewalk abutting Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lot 2 of the Sub, of Lat 1 of the Sub. of Lot 1 of the Sub. of Lat 16 in J Mount Pleasant Add . ...................................................... ~--~ 7- Ordinance No, 5-38. Granting Clem J. McGuire pet•- mission to construct an unloading platform in the - ~ ` alley abutting City Lot 752 and 753 ............................ _ ~ 19 -Ordinance No. 6-38. Granting George A. Bm'den, ~ I Viola Rider Burden, Cornelia Rider Possart, Fran- i ces Rider Lee, Viola Burden James, George R, Bur- ~ ili den, Ellen Rider Knowlton, heirs at law of Sam ~ P. Rider, deceased, J. M. Burch Jr, and W. M. ~ '~ Kretschmer, trustees under the will of Sam P. ~ i~ Rider deceased, and J. J. Jacobson, Lessee, the _ right to construct a canopy over the sidewalk abut- ting the north 40 feet of City Lot 3GA ........................ a 19 -Ordinance No. 7-38. Amending Ordinance No. 3-34 I "The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque" by ~ repealing Subdivision (d) of Article IX relating to the location of filling stations and public garages and enacting a substitute therefor; and also by li~~~ the definitions of ublic and stora e repealing p g ~ garages as contained within Article X and enacting ~ d substitutes therefar .......................................................... IV 19 -Oneyear Frank J., submitting an offer fm• the purchase ~ of City property located at 1801 Prescott Street.... ~ ~ 22 -Ordinance No. 8-38. Appropriating money for the various funds and purposes for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1938 and ending March 31, k~ 1939 ........................................................................................ " " J Apr. 19 beer permit........ B -O'Brien J. Ray, transfer of Class May 2 -Ordinance No. 9-38. Granting Homer V. Btttt, his ~ heirs and assigns, the right to construct and main- ;~ R,' taro an ingress and egress Platform in the street I and upon the sidewalk abttting the Sontb -~ li easterly twafifths of City Lot 465 ............................ " 20 -Ott Arthur W., requesting permission to place a banner across Main Street .............................................. -_ 20 -Ordinance No. 10-38. An ordinance repealing Ordi• nonce No. 9-33, entitled: An ordinance amending - '',~ an ordinance entitled. An ordinance authorizing a Interstate Power Company, its successors and as• ~tl signs to substitute motor bus transportation for INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page 0 transportation for street raihvay transportation in the City of Dubuque ...........:............................................109-115.116 " 20- Ordinance No. 11-38. An ordinance repealing Ordi- 1.2 nonce No. 20-32, entitled: An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled No. 15--32. An ordinance 9.14 authorizing the Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns, to substitute motor bus transportation for street raihvay transportation in the City of Dubuque ............................................................109115.11fi 20- Ordinance ATO, 12-38. An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled: Ordinance No. 15-32. An ordi- 9.15 nance authorizing Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns to substitute motor bus transportation for street railway transportation in the City of Dubuque :...............................................109-116-117-118 June 6- Ordinance No. 13-38. An ordinance granting to Viola Rider Burden, Cm•nelia Rider Possart, Frances Rid- 10-15 er Lee, Viola Burden James and George R. Bur- , den, owners, and S, S, Kresge Company, lessee, ' and L. B, Wertz, sublessee, the right to construct and maintain an unloading platform in the alley 44.50 abutting the South 7 feet of City Lot 28A and the North 33 feet of City Lot 27 ........................................113-126-127 " 30- Ordinance No. 14-38• An ordinance vacating that 4430.61 Portion of the alley lying first westerly of Avoca Street and between Lots 165 Finley Addition and Lots 328, 329, 330, 331 and 332 Woodlawn Parlc Addition and extending southwesterly from Cherry Street to the intet•section of said alley with the alley lying westerly of Lot 165 of Finley Addi- tion ..................................................................................129-130-143-144 30- Ordinance No. 15-38, An m•dinance granting to C, A, Voelker Estate, owners, and Christian E. Staheli and Ernest W. Pfalzgraf, doing business under the 52 72 firm name of the City Marizet, the right to construct an unloading platform in the alley abutting the south 2.5 of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of City Lot 444........ 130-145 ' 30- Ordinance No. 16-38. An ordinance granting Trausch Baking Company the right to build, install and maintain an underground unloading hopper and ' coal storage bin in Salina Street, in the rear of Lot 4 of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition...,130-146.147 62-73 30- Ordinance No, 17-38. An ordinance granting Trausch 63 Baking Company the rigltt to build, install and maintain an tnderground gasoline storage tank in Salina Street in the rear of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Dubuque Hat•bor Company's Addi- tion ........................................................................................130.147.148 66-74.75 30- O'Brien Mrs. Margaret, granted Class "B" beer per- 87 mit ..................................................:....................................... 131.132 " 30- O'Regan Timothy, grant Class "B" beer permit........ 131.133 " 30- Oriole's Lodge, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 132.133 " 30- O'Regan Timothy, renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 99.106 July G- Oxus Caldron, requesiting permission to use 12th Street between Locust and Blttff Streets ..:............. 137 12- Ordinances to be revised and compiled under a W. 104 P. A. pt•oject ..................................................................... 150.151 " 20- O'Lea.ry Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond of.......... 156 " 20- Ordinance No. 18-38. An ordinance amending Ordi- ovt to ce o. - pt for t e tssuanc e of Class , : ~~ B" and Class "C" beer Permits and fixi ng Petmit .................. .. .. . fees 161.165.166 ~I~~I~!i~ INDEX-Book 68 ~ ~ INDEX-Book 68 ~' ~~ ~I' SUBJECT Page 1938 SUBJECT Yage ~ r 1938 ~ ~JIII'~ ; , . O a ~ in Railroad Addition and in Wiltse's Dubuque and I y6 ~; Aug, 11- Okey Vern, transfer of Class "B" beer permit............ 179.186 granting and conveying said vacated streets nr ~ l ~ 11- Ordinance No. 19-38. An ordinance providing for parts of street and alleys to tho Chicago, Mil- ~ ~' ~ !~~'~~ the limitation upon the issuance of Class "B" Waukee, St, Paul and Pacifie Railroad Coinpany..252.264.256- ~ ..................................................................... beer permits 180.186 266 272 , I 11- An ordinance granting to Clif- Ordinance No 20-38 28- Ordinance No. 28-38. An ordinance amending and ~ , N ' . . and Ellis Tindell the right to con- ton B Trewin changing the Zoning Map, by changing from "Single ,~ ~., . , struct and maintain a porch and steps in tUe alley Family Residence District" to "Local Business Dis- in the rear of Lot 26 of G. W. Rogers Subdivision 180.187 trict" Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 12 " .~~ ~ 11- Ordinance No. 21-38. An ordinance granting to Kath. and by extending said "Local Business District easterly to the center line of Rowan Street and N,i, ~ Brine W. Bradley and Andrew D. Karigan the right to construct and maintain an unloading plat- southerly to the center line of Scully Street........ 253.260 ~ ~ form in the alley abutting City Lot 25 ................180-187.188 28- Ordinance No. 29-38. An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "Ordinance 4-1933;' relating to ,I ~ ~ 30- Ordinance No. 22-38. An ordinance amending Ordi- the licensing of auctioneers .................................. _ - nonce No. 3-34, Zoning Ordinance of the City of " 28- Ordinance No. 30-38. An ordinance granting J. F. ' ~ Dubuque and changing the Zoning Map, by amend- Stampfer Co., the right to construct and maintain I I ing Section 1, Use Regulations of Article IV, mul• an unloading platform and enclosed entrance in the ~ I tiple residence district, by adding thereto an addi- alley abutting City Lot 29 ..............................................268.263.264 '~ ~ tional paragraph prescribing an additional purpose 6 Dec granted Class "B" beer permit................ 266 =Okey Vern - ~ for which buildings within a certain prescribed . 19 , -Ordinance No. 31-38. An ordinance granting to ~ '~!Y area, in said multiple residence district may be .......192-203-204 . Frank R. Lacy, trustee owner, and James Yiahnias - . used ................................................... ......................... their Ueirs and assigns the right to construct lessee ' I '4 30- Oliver Wm• R. et al, requesting that Valley Street , and maintain a canopy fn front of the Avon Theatre, - ~~ be repaired and placed in a passable condition.... 194 over the sidewalk abutting the North 33 feet of ~ i 30- Ordinance No. 23-38, Au ordinance providing for South 49 feet of Clty Lot 52 ........................................274.279.280 ' written agreements between the City of Dubuque, 19 -Ordinance No. 32=38. An Ordinance amending Ordi- =i Iowa, and members of the Police and Fire Depart- nonce No. 10-37 entitled "An ordinance regulating mente of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, who have con• the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of tributed to the Pension Funds of their respective Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as I~ departments, and the sutviving dependents of the D the "Traffic Code" of said City .................................... 276.277 h e- deceased members of said Police and Fire -~ i, ( partments who have so contributed .................... W I ~ 30- Ordinance No. 24-38, An ordinance granting to ht to the ri C i g ompany Spann and Rose Lumber ~ G construct and maintain areaways above the side- lb walk level or surface to Washington Street and in o and abutting the d l J , , i. ` 1 200.206-207 Lot 415 ialf of City South one I , I l Sept, . 6- Olanosky Wm., requesting an adjustment of the pen- ~, alty cUarges on the delinquent sPectal assessments ~, levied against the North 1.5 and the North 1/s of ~ ~ the North Middle 1.5 of City Lot 442 for the paving ' I I , of Central Avenue ............................................................ 202.214 '~ " G -O'Brien Mrs, Margaret, transfer of address of Class I ~~~ "B" beer permit ................................................................ 208 i ~~~ I 20 -Osweiler Van Service, notice of claim ............................ 212 ~I~ Oct, 7- Ordinance No. 25-38, An ordinance amending Ordi- nance No. 3-34, Zoning Ordinance of the City of '~ Dubuque and changing the Zoning Map by ~h~ng- , ing from "Two Family Residence District" to ~ "Local Business District" all of Lots 15 and 16 ~ ._ P, of part of Farley's Subdivision ............................ ~~ 24 -Ordinance No. 26-38. An ordinance vacating that ' j ~~~!; part of Charles Street from Broadway to east line ~ ~ '{'' of alley first west of Broadway and conveying the =; ~~ same to Robert E. Miller and that part of Charles Street from the west line of the alley, first west of . ~~ ~ Broadway to Muscatine Street .................................... 237.242 Nov. 17 -Ordinance No, 27-1938. An ordinance vacating cer- ~',' ~~~~ taro designated streets ox parts of streets and alleys -i ~_ ~_ J ~I INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page P Jan. 24- Payrolls far month of December, 1937 .......................... 7 " 24 -Pinger Carl J„ Class "B" beer permit .......................... 8.9 " 24 -Poire Al V., ,Class "B" beer permit ................................ 8.9 Feb. 7 =Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on petition of E. E. Frith Company requesting the vacation of southerly 25 feet of Eighteenth Street.. 15 Mar. 7- Playground aril Recreation Commission, requesting Council to give consideration to the coasting on Bennett Street when considering bus service over said srteet ............................................................................ 35 " 7 -Perfection Oil Company, requesting permission to construct a side track to their bulk plant property at Eagle Point .................................................................. 37.148 7 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom- rnendation on the petition of Mettel Realty and Investment Company for the vacation of alley in Finley Additno ................................................................... 39.40 7 -Payrrolls for month of January, 1938 ............................ 41 " 11 -Pye J. A., requesting that the property owned by L. F. Baier located 'at the west end of West 3rd and Dodge Streets just south of Bennett Street be considered as a recreation center ............................ 96 " 11 -Payrolls fot• month of February, 1933 .............................. 47 " 22 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on request of Frank R. Zemanek far vacation of alley from south of Green Street from Avoca Street east to the easterly line of Mills West Dubuque Addition ................................................................................ 68 Apr. 4 -Peryon A. G.; sign policy ...................................................... 81 ~~ 4 -Patch L. R., sign policy ........................................................ 81 19 -Payrolls fm• month of March, 1938 .................................... 86 19 -Pr•irrtary Road Extensions, maintenance of all pri- mary road extensions with the City during the calendar year 1938 to be done and paid for by the State Highway Commission out of the primary road fund ..................................................................:.85.86-9 8-107.123 " 19 -Playground Sinking Fund, balance of $807.01 trans- fert•ed to the General Fund ........................................ 86 May 20 -Payrolls for month of April, 1938 ...................................... 107 June 6 -Parent-Teachers Association, requesting the passage of an ordinance regulating the operation of bicycles on the streets of the City of Dubuque ...................... 112 6 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation that the petition of Felix G. Becker and E, J. Vog- genthaler requesting the vacation of Wall Street, abutting theit• properties be denied ............................ 120 " 30 -Puccio Anthony, requesting exemption from the Fruit Peddlers License .............................................................. 124 30 -Payt•olis for the month of May, 1938 .................................. 128 " 30 -Poquett Millard, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 131.133 " 30 -Poir•e Al V., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 131.133 " 30 -Peed Thomas R., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131.133 30 -Pochter Charles, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 132-133 " 30 -Pins Arthur W., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 132-133 " 30 -Potterveld Drug Co., renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 " 30 -Petrakis Peter, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30 -Page I3ote1 Co., renewal of cigarette permit .................... 134 " 30 -Pins Arthur, granted cigarette permit ............................ 135 " 30 -Peryon A, G., granted cigarette permit .......................... 135 " 30 -Pochter Charles, granted cigarette per•ntit .................... 136 July 12 -Playground and Recreation Commission certifying the sum of $13,050,00 for tax purposes .............................. 141 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page P " 12 -Paisley Walter W., application for appointment of Police Judge ...................................................................... 142.169 " 12 -Peschong Ernest V., approval of application for Class ~~B~~ beet• permit ....:............................................................. 160 " 12 -Playground and Recreation Commission ordered to install toilet facilities and a bubbler fountain at the playgt•ounds on Raffet•ty Slough .............................. 152.170 " 20 -Potter Jerry, Warranty Deed, Plat and Abstract of Title, to the Dubuque Park Board of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Eagle Point View .................................. 154 " 20 -Payrolls for the month of June, 1938 ................................ 156 " 20 -Powers Mrs. Ray, excavation bond .................................... 156 ~~ 20 -Pat•adiso N., sign bond ............................................................ 156 " 20 -Premier Pabst Sales Company, sign band ........................ 157 " 20 -Potosi Brewing Company, sign bond ................................ 157 " 20 -Palmer Norman, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 160 Aug. 1 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom- mendation on petition of A. M. Hoffmann ................ 163 " 1 -Planning and Zoning Commission submitting t•ecom- mendation on petition of Dubuque Library Board for vacation of alley .................................................... 167 1 -Police Judge, report of investigation of City Council in the matter of applications .................................... lfi9 " 11 -Peter Mrs Anna et al, requesting that Hazel Street be improved its full length .......................................... 174.214 " 11 -Payrolls for the month of July, 1938 ............................ 175 " 30 -Planning and Zoning Commission, submitting recom• rnendation on the petition of Anna Strueber et al 194 " 30 -Planning and Zoning Commission, reconunendation on approval of plans for Water Works Improvements.... 195.196 Sept, G -Planning and Zoning Conmiission, recommendation on petition of Charles Miller for the vacation of Charles Street .................................................................... 207 " G -Plamtiug and Zoning Commission, recommending ap- proval of the Memorial Building project .................... 208 " 20 -Planning and Zoning Commission, recouuuendation on petition of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Howe ........................ 213 " 20 -Payrolls for the month of August, 1938 .......................... 214 " 23 -Planning and Zoning Conunission, recommendation on petition of Trustees of the Pt•operty of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, asking vacation of certain streets and alleys east of their present shops property............ 221.252 Oct. 3 -Plein Jas. Jr., requesting the installation of street lights on Davenpm•t Street, also calling the atten- tion of the City Council to the dangerous condition of Davenport Street, and also to the open sewer drain at the base of his property .............................. 226.244 " 7 -Payrolls for the month of September, 1938 ................ 230 " 24 -Planning .and Zoning Conunission, recommending that the oral request of State Highway Department for the extension of Local Business District at Grand• view Avenue and Cascade Road be granted............ 236 Nov. 7 -Pautvein M. J., requesting that the alley in the rear of 770 Angella Street be improved .............................. 241 " 17 -Payrolls for the month of October, 1938 ...................... 251 " 17 -Pinski George F., excavation bond .................................... 261 " 28 -Page Karl J., et al, sign bond ............................................ 257 Dec. 5 -Page Francis X., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 265 " 13 -Payrolls for month of November, 1938 ............................ 269 19 -Patch L. R., sign bond ........................................................ 272 " 19 -Petrakis Charles, sign bond ................................................ 273 ~~' I INQI~X-book 68 INDEX-Book 68 ~~~ 1i2&9 SURJFCT~ Fagn 1938 SUBJECT Page ~~, __ ~ ~ ,u~{ ~ R „'~ , I Mar. 11-4~uit Glatm lased of Benjamin Becke, conveying the Jan. 3- 24- Ruprecht Alfred C., notice of claim .............................. ember o th• 1937 r of i f No f b- R t f 3 ~ ~h" westerly 25 feet of Lot 10 of Lot 3 also I,ot 1 oP , , p ece p or m n o v o o pu s 7 ~ hot 1; also Lat 2 0# Lot 1 of Min. Lnt 319 ................. " 47 Feb. 7- lication .................... .. ... ......... ................... notice of claim .............. ....... Richards Mrs, F. A. 13.129 ,y B" beer permit.... dnne 30-Quinlan. Robert J., granted Class 132-133 " 7- , 1937 Receipts far month of December proof of pub- -. '°~ 30-Quinlan Robert J„ granted Cigarette permit .............. 135 , , lication ' 16 ~ ~ LL' Sept, 6-Quit Qi~a1n Deed, City of Dubuque to Haroid lJeubauer ' Mar. ................. ................................ ....... 7-Roggensack Albert, claim of ...... .. ........ ................ 35 ~ - -~ s ~i ^ s Addition .... of Lot 27B of ~, P, Wood .......... 28-Quinlan R. J. and Mrs. Margaret, sign bond Nov 209 257 '~ 7- Rausch Mr. and Mrs., opening of the alley first east i , , of Grandview Avenue from Sottth I3il] Street north 41 ~~ 11- Robothem Ruth, claim far personal injuries ................ 46 ~'~I 11- Rhomberg Karl J„ tendering his resignation as Board I of Edncation member on Playground and Recrea- . tion Commission ................................................................ 47-G7 ~ ! ~ 22- Receipts for month of January, 1938, proof of pub• - f ~ ~ ~ 29- lication ................................................................................. Receipts for month of FeUruary, 1938, proof of pub- 68 _' ~~ lication ................:................................................................ 72 I~ ~ ' 29- Reiter Andy, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.......... 7G = RI I I Apr, 19- Robothem Ruth, original notice of suit .......................... 84 ~ ~ 25- Rawson Walter, appointed as a member of Civil ~~ d ~ Service Commission to fill unexpired term of B, C. -: Schmid .................................................................................. 92.93 i May 2- Riley William, claim of .......................................................... 95.217.218 - ~; ~ " 2- Receipts for month of March, 1938, proof of publication 9t, Y ~ ~ 2- Realty Investors Corporation, agreement on vacation ` u , of alley in the rear of Lot 332 Woodlawn Park.... 98 20- Reis Prank, granted Class "B" beet• pet•ntit .................... 102.103 ~ ~ ~ 20-Roshek Bros. Co. et al, urging the City Council to ~ promptly rescind its action whereby it approved Daylight Saving Time ...................................................... 103 ~~ ! June G -Rttles and Regulations covering use of Municipal ~ Athletic Field .................................................................... 114 30 -Receipts for month of April, 1938, proof of publication 127 ~ ~ 30 -Reuter Prank, granted Class "B" beer permit ........... 131.132 -~ ~,;, 30 -Roshek Brothers Company, grouted Class "B" beer ` permit .................................................................................... 131.132 -' i4,~i 30 -Rath John, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 132.133 ~ j' ' 30 -Ragatz Geerge, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 ~ ~ ; 30 -Reis Prank, granted cigarette permit .............................. 135 30 -Roshek Bros. Co., granted cigarette permit ................... 136 30 -Ruegnitz, B, A. Lab., granted cigarette permit............ 136 ~ i~ t July 5 -Roselip Mrs. et al, requesting that the upper portion i ~ of Roosevelt Street be repaired .................................... 138 ' ~ 20 -Receipts for month of May, 1938, proof of publication 15G I1 p f , ` 20 -Rhomberg A, A., City Manager, bond of ........................ 156 -_ ' i 20 -Rotman Sam., sign bond ........................................................ 15 ~4 Aug. 1 =Report of investigation of City Cottncil in the mat- i„~ Iii ter of application for Police Judge ............................ 1G9 _ ~~, ,~ 11 -Receipts for month of June, 1938, proof oP publication 175 ' '~ 18 -Rettenmaiet• John J., granted Class "B" beer permit 185 30 -Receipts for month of July, 1938, proof of publication 194 ~~e ~ " 30 -Recker Mrs• Elsie, transfer of Class "B" beer permit 195 ~_ n, Sept. 20 -Rhomberg A. A„ City Manager, anthorized to attend ~ 11~ ~ the Annual Conference of International City Man- I agers' Association at Boston, Mass ............................... 219 ~_ ~ 23 -Republican County Cent~~al Committee, requesting permission to string a banner across Main Street 220 ~ r I 23 -Reynolds Wesley B., by E. J. Murray, Agent, owner of the north 23 feet of City Lot 8, requesting r ~ ' i permissien to erect stairway and platform to an ~ entrance to the main floor only on the Third Street h ~~; ~ I side of the boilding ............................................................ 220.231 _~ _~ -i --i _; INDEX-Book 68 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page 1938 SUBJECT Page R S " 23- Rhomberg T. E, et al, protesting and objecting to 5.10 of the Trustees of the granting- of the petition Jan. 24- Swift Saut, notice of claim .................................................... _ the Property of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul 24- Seitz Mrs. J. P., bill in the amount of $17.71 for and Pacific Raihroad Company requesting the vacs- cleaning out sewer connection ........................................ 5.17-36 lion of certain streets and alleys to the extent that 24- Spielman J. L., Class "B" beer Permit ........................ 8-9 it includes the vacation of 19th Street, Hickory 24- Stuart Anna, settlement of claiut ...................................... 10 Street and 20th Street ...................................................... 221 Feb. 7- Slater Mrs. Dorothy, notice of claim........ ........,............ 13 17 Oct, 3- Recker Mrs. Elsie, renewal of Class "B" beer permit 227-228 7- Spiritual Science Society, sign bond .............................. 36.198 " 7- Receipts for month of August, 1938, proof of publics- Mar. 7- Schaul Mrs. Anna, notice of claim ...................................... ...................................................... . tion 230 7- Sawle Vincent, notice of claim ......................................... 36-258 " 24- ............................... .. Retail Merchants Bureau, suggesting one hour parking 7- Slater Dorothy, original notice of suit ................................ 30 Space oti both sides of Locust Street between Sixth 7- Schnee Katherine, requesting a refund of penalty and and Seventh Streets, on the north side of Sixth interest charges paid ou delinquent special assess- Street from Locust to Blttff Streets, Bluff Street meats levied against Lot 1 Sub. 42 and East t/z on the east side from Sixth to Seventh Streets and of East t/h of Lot 93 of Kelly's Sub ............................ 37 the south side of Seventh Street from Bluff to Lo• 7- Sitterly Joseph, requesting suspension of 1937 taxes 38.224 cust Streets .......................................................................... 234 7- Shambaugh Mrs„ asking that the alley first east " 24 -Rowan Street, petition of Charles P. Fay et al, re- of Grandview Avenue from South Hill Street north questing that said street be surveyed, graded and remain unopened or be vacated .................................. 41 rock placed on said street ............................................ 239.243 19- Stoltz Edward Sr., offering to sell his land located on " 24- Rbepsch George J., suspension of 1937 taxes ................ 236.248 Highway No. 20 for playground purposes................ 49 " 24- Receipts for month of September, 1938, proof of publi• , " 19- Seubert & Fester, bill in the amount of $63.66 ordered .................................................................................... cation 236 Patd ..,..................................................................................... 53 " 24- Ryan Wm. L., Chief of Fire Dept., submitting a report 22- Schnee Michael, previous action of Council in gt•ant• on two surveys made relative to the congestion ing request for redemption of tax sale certificate in the alleys in the business area and recom- against Lot 20 of McCraney's 1st Addition rescind- mending that an ordinance be Passed regulating ed ............................................................................................ 69 parlting in the alleys ........................................................ 237 ' " 29- Shaw Harry, Executor of the Estate of W. H. Shaw, Nov, 17 -Roschitsch Mrs. J. V., notice of claim .......................... 250 deceased, requesting that the Copnty Treasurer be " 17 -Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting permission to instructed to accept the sum of $390.98 in full PaY• hold a Parade on November 25, etc., also for perntis- meat of the special assessments levied against the Sion to erect Christmas lighting decorations at South 1/z of Lot 29 and all of Lots 30, 32, 33, 34, street intersections, the City to assume the cost 36 in O'Neill's Sttb. No, 3, Fund 903 ........................ 71 of current for the lights .......................................... 250 Apr, 4- Shea J, J., City Clerk, continuation certificate on bond 80 " 17 -Roshek Realty Company, requesting protection for 4- Smith Car] J., sign poiicy ............................. 81 the fence surrounding their property on Seventh 4- Stampfer Thomas M., appointed as a member of Street between Main and Locttst Streets ................ 251.206 Dock Board term expiring November 2G, 1940........ 83 " 28 -Roehl•Phillips Furniture Company, sign band............ 256 4- Siegwot'th Geo. P„ requesting bus service on Dodge " 28 -Rath George & Sons, et al, sign bond ............................ 257 Street between Bryant Street a.nd Grandview ~~ 28 -Rolling L. P., sign bond ........................................................ 257 Avenue .................................................,................................ 83 " 28 -Rotman Louis, sign bond ...................................................... 267 19 -Schmid B. C., et al, requesting that Ordinance No, 192 Dec. 5 -Receipts for month of October, 1938, proof of pttbli- be either repealed or amended relative to display- .................................................................................. cation 204 ing merchandise on the sidewalks in the pttblic " 13 .. -Rohr Catherine, suspension of 1937 taxes ...................... 268 market district ...................................,................................ 84 " 19 -Riddle Bernice, Administratrix of the Estate of 19 -St. John the Baptist Church, requesting permission to Charles A. Riddle, Original Notice of Suit............ 272.278 hang a banner across Main Street ............................ 88 " 19 -Renier Building Fund, sign bond .................................... 273 21 -Sowle Vincent, original notice of suit........................... 88.26$ " 27 -Rhoades C. E., Manager of Dubuque Automobile Club, 26 -Schmid Manufacturing Company et al, advising that objecting to proposed plan to have the busses load they favor Daylight Saving Time ................................ 91 and unload on the far corners of the intersections 25 -Schmid B. C,, tendering resignation as a member of on Main Street between 4th Street and 11th Street 277.281 Civil Service Commission .............................................. 91 27 -Receipts for month of November, 1938, proof of publi- May 2 -Shiloh Circle, Ladies of G. A. R., requesting perutis- cation .................................................................................... 28D efon to change date of tag clay sale to October 1, 1938 ........................................................................................ 96 " 2 -Spahn Arthur and Raymond Wright, granted Class <~B,~ beer permit .............................................................. 97.98 " 2 -Sullivan Jos. J., granted Class "C" beer permit.........,.. 97.98 " 2 -Smith Harry, granted Class "C" beer permit .................. 97.98 " 20 -Schwietering Jacob, granted Class "C" beer permit 102-103 " 20 -Schmid B. C., requesting permission to hang a banner across Main Street ....................................................:..... 105 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Yage INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page l =1 _~ I -i S S " 20- requesting the owner of the pro• Struber Anna et al " 20-Schueller Nicholas F„ wrecking bond .............................. 157 , petty at 581 Seminary Street be not allowed to 20- Spensley Luncheonette, sign bond ...................................... 167 167 establish a tiushop in the bnilding in the rear of 20- Slack James, sign bond .......................................................... 105.194 20- Star Brewing Company, sign bond.................................... 157 June 6- said property ...................................................................... St. Catherine's Parish, Route 4, requesting permis. 112 20- 29- Standard Oil Company, sign bond ...................................... Epwm•th Iowa requesting St Paul's Mission House 167 " fi- sion to hang a sign across Main Street ...................... granted Class "C" beer permit ................ Savory Chas 120-121 , , , , permission to suspend a banner across Main Street 162 " 30- ., addressed the Council relative to the Spielman Chas. Aug. 1- Spensley Anna T., Agent, requesting suspension of , es made for bus fare and also for electricity.... char 124 the 1930 and 1937 taxes on Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 30- g St. Mary's Church, t•egttesting permission to disPlaY 124 11- .......... . Min. Lot 139 ............................................... .............. remonstrating against the Shortell James E. et al 164.219 " a banner across Main Street ....................................... Womeu's Guild, re- Church h ' , proposed petition requesting the closing of the alley 30- , eran s Lut St, Mark questing Permission to black off 12th Street be- between Locust and Bluff Streets from Tenth to tween Locust and Bluff Streets .................................... 124 Eleventh Streots .................:............................................ 174 " 30- Spahn & Rase Lumber Company, requesting permis- it- St. John the Baptist Parish, Peosta, Iowa, requesting sion to et•ect a wall around their area ways.. permssion to erect a banner across Main Street.... ' 174 " 30- Stoltz Raymond J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131-132 18- St. Peter's M, E, Clutch, requesting permission for " 30- Schauffhauser William, granted Class "B" beer permit 131.133 the holding of a tag day on August 27, 1938............ 184 " 30- Schmitt Frantz, grouted Class 'B" beer permit .............. 131.133 30- Smith A. H., Chairman Safety Committee, of both the " 30- Stieber John, granted Class "B' beer permit............ 131.133 Interstate Power Company and Kiwanis Service " 30- Schiltz Andrew, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 131.133. Club, requesting that atop signs be located on both " 30- Schnee Michael B., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131-133 sides of Seminary Street at the intersection of " 30- Sheehan Mrs. Agnes L., granted Class "B" beer permit 131.133 Madison Street that "Stop" in large lettet•s be " 30- Steffen Nicholas, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 131.133 painted on pavement at all intersections where " 30- Scherer George J„ granted Class "B" beer permit........ 131-133 stop signs are located at the curb and that a atop " 30- granted Class "B" beer permit............ Slaclz James 131-133 and go light be located at the intersection of " 30- , Stemm John, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 131.133 Fout•teenth and Main Streets........................................ 192.244 " 30- Sand Frantz, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 131-133 30- Scharff Louisa, suspension of 1937 ta.xes...................... 194.224 " 30- Sand Mike, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 132.133 30- St. Peter & Paul's Church Corp., Sherrill, Iowa, re- " 30- Savory William, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 132.133 questing that fire set•vice be extended to them......,. 194 " 30- Snyder Charles T„ gt•anted Class "B" beer permit.... 132-133 Sept• G- requesting that the alley first west of Spero Guy C. " 30 -Spielman Harvey L, granted Class "B' beer permit.... " " 132-133 133 132 , Grandview Avenue running between Perry Street 30 beer permit........ B -Smith Percy L., granted Class - 134 and Bradley Street be graded .................................... 201.214 " 30 -Scherer George J., renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 6- Spielman Geraldine & Frank, granted Class "B" beer " 30 -Steffen N, F., renewal of cigarette permit .................... 134 permit .................................................................................... 208 " 30 " -Schaetzle Jolan, renewal of cigarette Permit ................ ........ arette permit l of ci 134 20- Seniot• High School, t•equeating permission to hang a 30 " 30 .... g -Stampfer Co„ J. F., renewa -Schneider Joseph C., granted cigarette permit ................ 135 banner across Main Street.............................................. 212 " 30 -Stoltz Ra3'mond and George Zillig, gt•anted cigarette 20- Spensley Anne T., Agent, requesting agricultural ex• ............................................................................. ... permit 135 emption on Mineral Lot 138 fot• the yeat•s 1937 and " 30 .. -Schroeder-Kleine Grocer Co., granted cigarette pet•- 136 ~ 20- 1938 ....................................................................................... Spensley W. J, et al, requesting that the alley between 2 30 mit .......................................................................................... granted cigarette Permit ..... .......................... -Sand Mike 136 Asbury and Finley on Cherry Street to the alley be• " 30 , -Stemm John, granted cigarette permit ........................ 135 tween Cherry Street and Green Street be graded.... 213 " 30 -Stavros George, g'rauted cigarette Permit .......................... 135 20 -Shea J, J., City Clerk, appointed Acting City Manager July 5 -Sullivan Thos, P., granted cigarette Pernut ................ 138 daring the absence of City Manager Rhomberg.... 219 " 12 -St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, requesting a refund on Oct. 3- Simon E. L. et al, requesting that sewage disposal penalty and interest charges Paid on redemption of facilities be installed to serve their propet•ties on tax sale certificate held by City of Dubuque on Lot Seminary Street, Finley Street, Cherry Street, Hoyt 2 of 1 of City Lot 731 ...................................................... 142-158 Street, Ungs Street, Hazel Stt•eet and St. A~ubrose " 12 -Spensley Arina T., Agent, requesting the cancellation Street .................................................................................... 220.243 of all penalties and interest upon the remaining in- 3 -Stampfer J. F. Company, requesting permission to stallments of special assessments against Lot 6 in build a canopy over the new entrance to theh• bttild- Bloclz 11 of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition.... 142.168 ing in the alley ....................................................226.244••258.203.264 " 12 -LSwift Clarence, suspended fot• fifteen days for tnis- 24 -Sutton N. M., requesting Council to view the alley east conduct ................................................................................. 148 of Hill Street joining Wooten and Bonson Streets " 20 -Schetgen Clarence, Administratm• of the estate of relative to having the same improved in order Joseph Schetgen, deceased, claim far damages for that he may use his propet•ty ...................................... 234.243 injuries .................................................................................. 164 24 -State Highway Commission, relative to landscaping " 20 -Singet• Theatt•es Corp„ sign bond .................................... 156 Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 12 " 20 -Sieg•Dubuque Company Inc., sign bond ........................ 156 along Grandview Avenue when rezoned............ INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT rage " 24-Spa.hn Arthur J, and Raymond Wright, transfer of I Class "B" beer .pert>iit .................................................. Nov. 17-Seeley Frank, suspension of 1937 taxes ................ 17-Seubert and Feeler, excavation bond ....... 28-Schiltz J. I3oward, notice of claim ....................... _ ~y ~,~~, , 28-Singer Sewing Machine Co., sign bond ............. ........ , ! ~ " 2S-Scheppele E. L. et al, sign bond .................................. Dec. 5-~-Saegling Fred J. and Ed. M. Harks, granted Class "B" ~ ' ~ ~ beer permit .................. ................................................... " 13-Sanitary Milk Coutpany, et al, requesting that East ~ F Seventh Street ftrotn Central Avenue to White _ Street be included in the restricted parking zone.... ^ 19=Schaffhauser Wm. and St, George Hotel, sign bond.... , " 27-Schaffhauser Wm. et al, requesting the City Council ~ to extend,lti the Proposed changes in the parking =j regulations for the dotivntowu district, to Fifth and r~~ Central Avenue instead of Sixth and Central -~ I ..................................................................... Avenue ~ ~~ g ranted cigarette permit ...................... 27-Spielman a a ~ _ , ancellation of 1937 taxes .................... m J 27-Sullivan c a p ' l ~I ~~ ~ ~_ ~ ' I~ '! , ; ;;' I I' , I I ~i ~ J a - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~, 'l '~I jj III 'I ~~~ f ~ ' I k ~ i i ll l , II ii~l IK~ f '~ l,~l INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page T Jan. 3- Taveru Keepers' Association, submitting recotnmenda. 238 dopt an ordinance regu- tat the City Conncr 251.258 t "B" beer permits to be lating the, number of Class tt 251 , .., ............... ...... ...... iss ed 2.3.20 253.270 Feb. 7- Truth Drivers Local tegites tug postponement of the 267 consideration of the proposed milk ordinance........ 13 257 7- Trenlcle H. Company, sign bond .......:................................ 17 Mar. 7- The Greater Dubuque Association, requesting the Coun• 266 cif to include in the Budget the cost of adeggately and properly marking the streets ..................:............. 35 " 7- Times•Hotel Register Company, awarded contract for 268 printing the index and binding the Council Proceed• 273 ings for year 1937 ............................:................................ 42 " 11- Tavern Owners' Association; objecting as to procedure in the case of granting beer permits as per write- , ttp in Telegraph-Herald ..:.........:.................................... 46 " 19- The Service Club, granted cigarette permit .................... 61 274 22- Trimpler W. F., granted Class "B" Geer permit............ 69 280 Apr. 21- Tavern Keepers' Association protesting against Day- 280 light Savings Time plan for City of Dubuque............ 88 " 21- Thompson Fr W., granted Class "C" beer permit........ 89.90 June 30- Tindell Ellis, requesting permission' to construct a porch and steps on the rear of his house at 632 Eighth Avenue ............................................................124.16 6.180.187 " 30- The Macabees, requesting permission to use the lots west of the Dubuque Athletic Pield fot• the holding of a carnival and that the rental and license fees be waived ................................................:............................. 124 30- Ttausch Bolting Company, requesting permission to build and install an underground coal hopper and storage bin in Salina Street ..................................126.13 0.146447 " 30 -Trausch Baking Company, requesting permission to Guild and install an undergrotthd gasoline storage tank in the reat• of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 3 of Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition........125.13 0.147.148 30 -Thull Della C., cancellation of 1937 taxes ........................ 125.224 " 30 -The Page Hotel, granted Class "B" Geer permit..........., 131.133 30 -The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 132.133 " 30 -The Service Clnb, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 132.133 " 30 -The Service Club, renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30 -The Triangle Cafe, renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 " 30 -The Elks Lodge, renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30 -The Dubuque Club, renewal of cigarette permit............ 134 " 30 -The Interstate Co., renewal of cigarette petrmit........ 134 " 30 -Thompson & Hogan, renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 " 30 -Trapp Arthur J., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30 -The Rex, granted cigarette permit .................................... 136 " 30 -Trimpler George, granted cigarette permit ...................... 135 July 20 -Theisen Battery & Electric Co„ sign bond ............... 157 " 20 -Trimpler W. P., transfet• of Class "B" beet• bond........ 160.168 Ang. 1 -Taverns, City Solicitor instructed to draft an ordi- nance limiting the number as provided by statute, said ordinance to provide that such limitation shall not operate to revolte any permit or the renewal of any pet•mit in force upon the adoption of the ordinance .............................................................................. 166 1 -Traffic survey ordered to be made of the conditions in the streets and alleys in down town districts.....,.. 167 11 -Tax levies for' the year 1938 ............................................ 172 " 11 -Tharp Wm., granted Class "B" Geer permit ................ 179 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page T " 11- Trewin Clifton B., granted the right to construct and maintain a porch and steps in the alley in the rear of Lot 25 of G. W. Rogers Subdivision............ 180.187 " 18- The Volunteers of America, requesting permission 184 for the holding of a tag day on September 10, 1938 " 30- The International City Managers Association, extend- ing an invitation to the City Council and City Manager to attend the Annual Conference of the City Managers Association ............................................ 192 " 30- The Galloway Company, Inc., requesting permission to erect a platform on First Street for the holding of a festival ........................................................................ 193 " 30- Trustees of the property of. the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul and Paciftc Railroad Company requesting the vacation of certain streets and alleys in Rail- road Addition and in Wiltae's Addition........• 254.26 5.266.272 " 30- The Daily Tribune, requesting that they be allotted the business of printing the Council Proceedings in pamphlets ...................................................................... 194 " 30 -Temporary transfer of $40,000.00 from the Water Works Sinking Fund to the Water Works General Fund ......................................................................................196.202.203 Sept. 20- Tachirgl Edward M., accountant Water Dept., bond 216 " 20 -Tenenbonr Super-Market, granted Class "C" beer per- mit .......................................................................................... 216 " 23 -Transfer of $7,355.66 from the Emergency Fund to the General Fund ..........................................................221.222.225 Oct. 3- The Salvation Army, requesting permission to conduct their annual tag day ........................................................ 22G " 24 -The Salvation Army, requesting permission for the holding of a tag day on November 6, 1938, as it was necessary to postpone the previous date of Octobee 22, 1938 ................................................................ 239 Nov. 28 -Tegeler Edward B., sign bond ............................................ 267 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page U Jan, 3-U. S. Engineer Office, Federal Bldg., Roclc Island, Ill., submitting notice advising that the Board of Dock Commissioners requests a permit for works to be done al] located in Mississippi River at Dubuque, Iowa ...................................................................................... 3 Mar. 7- United Brotherhood Carpenters and Joiners Local, re- questing that companies of the Fire Department be brought up to full strength ............................................ 37 19- United Brotherhood Carpenters and Joiners Local, re• questing that all City work be done by Union Car- penters .................................................................................. 60 Apr. 4 -Universal Car & Tractor Co., sign policy ...................... 81 June 6- Uppinghouse A, R., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 120.121 " 30 -Uppingheuse A. R., renewal of cigarette Permit....... 134 " 30 -United Cigar-Whelan Stores Corporation, renewal of cigarette Permit ................................................................ 135 Aug. 30 -United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, re- questing that streets upon which the Labor Day Parade will be held be cleared of all cars ................ 193 Oct. 3- United States of America, offer accepted to aid in financing the construction of improvements to Water Works System ........................................................ 228 Dec. 5 -Utzig Arnold, appointed as a member of Memorial Commission .......................................................................... 260 J I INDEX-Book b8 1938 SUBJECT Page V Mar, il-Visiting Nurse Association, requesting the Council to reconsider the budget for the coming year and in- clude the amount of is1,200.00 for Visiting Nurse .......................................................................... Association 46 " 29-Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies' Auxiliary of the Leo Schwind Past, requesting permission for the holding of a POPPY Sale .............................................. 71 " 19-Voggenthaler E. J, and Felix G, Becker, requesting that Wall Street commencing with the south line of East Seventh Street to the westerly line of the raih•oad tracks crossing Bloclzs 19 and 20 in Du• btuiue Harbor Improvement Company's Addition be vacated and conveyed to said petitioners ................ 84.120 " 19-Vandercook H, A. Jr., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 87 May 20-Village of Stockton, Illinois, extending greetings on the initial air mail flight ................................................ 104 June 30-Voel]cer C. A., Estate, granted permission to construct an unloading platform in the alley abutting the south two•fifths of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of City Lot 444 130.146 " 30-Vogelsberg Albert J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 131.133 " 30-Van der Meulen Wm, F., granted Class "B" beer per- mit .......................................................................................... 132.133 Ju]y 12-Vander Meulen Wm, F, et al, objecting to the proposed issue of any more bonds unless approved by a vote of the people ........................................................ 140.173 „ 20-Varvis Wm., sign bond ........................................................ 166 Aug. 18-Voggenthaler A. G. et al, requesting that Stine Street from the intersection of Viola Street to the alley east of Staft'ord Avenue and the alley from Stine Street to Merz Street be put in a passable condi- tion ..........................................................................................184.214.216 " 30-Valley Street, request that said street be repaired and placed in a Passable condition ...................................... 194 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page YY Feb. 7- Weitz Paul J., requesting permission to erect a canopy over the sidewalk at No. 1111 West 14th Street.... 13.41 " 7- ............................................ Wilberding Henry, sign band 16 " 7- Walker Shoe Company, sign bond .................................... 17 17 " 7- ............................... . Ward Market, sign bond ............... " 7-Winters Chas P. & Franklin American Trust Co., sign bond ........................................................................................ 17 Mar. 7- Williams Mrs. Oscar, claim of ........................................ 25.238 " 7- Welbes Field, petition requesting the acquiring of said field for recreational pm•poses.......• .................... 38 7- Waller R. D., re-appointed as a member of the Board of Toning Adjustment, term to expire March 5, 1943 41 " 7- Wright Roy A•, granted Class ' B" beer Permit........ 42 " 7- White-Phillips Company, contract providing for the financing of no fund warrants and other obligations which are payable from special fonds ......................43-93. 94.9G•97 " 19- Welsh Mary, claim for personal injuries .................... 49-267 " 22- Woodward Robert L., requesting that he be not re- appointed as a member of Civil Service Conuuission 67 " 29- Weimer John H., submitting application far appoint- meat as a member of the Board of Review............ 71 " 29- Works Progress Administration requested to reopen Project Number 2274 and Project Number 2956.... 76 Apr. 4- Wharton Albert, submitting his resignation as a menr ber of Dubuque Dock Commission .............................. 77 „ 4- °ffice submitting application for the Wh e a d o f P ~~ e 77 78111 ..................................... Judge .155-156 " 4- Weimer John H., appointed as a member of Board of Review .............................................................................. 79 " 4-Weitz Paul J., theatre canopy policy .............................. 82 May 2- Walker Les, claim of .............................................................. 95.108 " 20 -Wiedner Edw. H. et al, requesting that the streets east of Railroad Tracks at 17th and Sycamore Street and ft•om Sycamore Street to Milwaukee Shops be repaired .......................................................... 105.214 June 6 -Wieser John et al, requesting the closing of the alley running from South Hill Street pat•allel with Grand- view Avenue from Lot 13 to Lot 3 in Stewart's Sub. 113 " 6 -Wertz L. B., sublessee, requesting permission to con- struct an unloading platform in the alley in the rear of the south 7 feet of City Lot 28A and the north 33 feet of City Lot 27 ........................................113.126.127 " 6 -Warren Dell, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 120.121 30 -Wilson Mrs. Martha, suspension of 1937 taxes............ 125.224 " 30 -Wragg Thomas A•, granted Class "B" beer Permit.... 131.133 " 30 -Weber Mrs. Cecelia, granted Class "B' beer permit.... 131.133 " 30 -Weber Frank J., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 13&133 " 30 -Wright Louis A., granted Class "B' beer permit........ 132.133 " 30 -Wodrich William E., granted Class "B" beer permit,... 132.133 " 30 -Warren De11, t•enewal of cigarette permit .................... 134 30 -Wodrich Wm., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 134 " 30 -Walgreen Drug Co., renewal of cigarette permit........ 134 30 -Wille Mrs. F. %., granted cigarette permit .................... 136 30-Weber, Mrs. Cecelia, granted cigarette permit............ 135 " 30 -Wragg Thos. A., granted cigarette permit .................. 135 " 30-Wagner Wm., granted cigarette permit ........................ 136 " 30 -Witwer Grocer Co., granted cigarette permit ................ 136 July 6 -Wallig Wm. Carl, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 139 " 20 -Wat'ranty Deed, Plat and Abstract of Title, of Jerry Potter to the Dubuque Park Board of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Eagle Point View ...........................•...... 169 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page VY ~_ " 20- Walgreen Drug Co., sign bond ....................................... 167 " 20- Weiner Joseph J., approval of application for Class ..B„ beer permit .......................... 160168 Aug. 1- Working roles and regulations concerning all general working roles for members of Municipal Local 661 164 " 23- Water Works Improvements, authorizing the City Manager to file an application to the United States of America through the Federal Emergency Admin- istration of Public Works for a grant to aid in ............................................................................ financing 190.228 " 30- Water Works Improvements, recommendation of Plan- ning and Zoning Commission on approval of plans 196.196 " 30 -Water Works Sinking Fund, temporary transfer of $40,000.00 to the Water Works General Fund..........19 6.202.203 " 30 -Water Works General Fund, the amount of $82,600,00 appropriated from said fund far the purpose of financing 56 per cent of the cost of the construc- tion of Water Works Improvements .................:...... 197 Sept. 20- Weitz Alois, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 216 " 23 -Water Works Improvements, adoption of minimum rates of pay for the various classifications of labor on said improvements ............................................223224.245.246 Oct• 7 -Water Works Improvements, new deep well located on Lot 603 or 604 part of Ham's Addition.....,.. 249.251 Nov, 28 -Waldorf Gertrude, suspension of 1937 taxes .................... 254.267 ~~ 28 -Ward Market, sign bond ........................................................ 256 " 28 -Western Union Telegraph Co., sign bond .................... 256 " 28 -Walther Daily Products, sign band .................................. 26T Dec. 5 -Weber Ruben J., granted Class "B" beer permit....,,.. 265 " 5 -Water Works Improvements, construction of a new 1,000,000 Gallon Reservoir ............................ 265.266.271-277.278 " 27 -WKBB Radio Station, extending thanks to the City Council for their co-operation during the past year and extending heartiest wishes for the Christmas season and the year 1939 ................................................ 278 INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page Oct. 24-Yellow Cab Co„ taxi cab policy .......................:.................. 237 Dec. 13-Yiannias James, operator of Avon Theatre, requesting permisefon for the building and maintenance of a new marquee ................................................................ INDEX-Book 68 1938 SUBJECT Page Z Jan. 3- Zillig Peter J., granted cigarette permit .......................... 4 " 24- Zillig Peter, Class "B" beer permit ................................ 8-9 Feb. 7 -Zemanek Frank R., requesting a reduction of the special assessments levied against Lots 2, 3, 4, 6 and 6 of Mills' West Dubuque Add. and also re• questing the vacation of the alley from south of Green Street from Avoca Street east to the easterly line of Mills' West Dubuque Add ............................. 13.43.44•G8 ~~ 7 -Zillig Peter, sign bond ........................................................ 17 Mar. 7- Zemanek Frank R., purchase of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ...................................................... Mills' West Dubuque 43 Apr. 4 .................................................... -Zillig Adam, sign policy 81 " 4 -Zoller Brewing Co., sign policy ........................................ 81 May 2 -Zogg Mra. Minnie et al, requesting a reduction on the assessments levied for the improvement of Roose• velt Street .......................................................................... 95.96120 " 2 -Zeil Gus et al, requesting that Welbes Field be leased for playground and recreational purposes .................. 96 June 30 -Zillig Peter, renewal of cigarette permit ...................... 134 " 30 -Zillig Adam, renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 134 " 30 -Zelens Bert, granted cigarette .permit .............................. 135 July 20 -Zelens Bert et al, requesting the appointment of J. Edward Whelan as Police Judge ............................ 165 Dec. 19 -Zoller Brewing Company, sign bond .............................. 273 " 27 -Zogg• J. A., requesting cancellation of the penalty on the special assessments levied against his pro- perty for the improvement of Roosevelt Street.... 279 " 27 -Zillig Adam, Estate, requesting refurid on cigarette license .................................................................................... 279