1937 Index City Council Proceedings OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA - FOR THE YEAR Ig37 j City O~~icer~'~for t~i'~ Year ,IQ37 ~,, ~. . ,. ~,; _~ ,~,, 1, CQUNCILM~;N JOHN K. CHALME,RS; `Mayom ~ 1, A. M. BENNET~ M. R, KANE CARL A. CLARK GEO. R• MURPHY City Gldrk--J. J. SIF~A City Solietar-~4f. $.. CZIZEK C,'i~y M anager R. M. EVANS---A: A.' RNQMB~ERG Jan. 1937 to July 1937 July, 1937 to Jan. 1838 City Treasurer- OTTO' 1'. PULS Cihy :A~sessox- GEORGE ,BE~TNETT City Auditor-, Chie~i ~ of ]?ghce- ~ ~ ' ~, P MARSHALL JOIN W. CI•ELLIS' City Engineer- ~'VALTER H, CULLEN Health Director; . DR. W, J. C41~NEL:L Jan, 1937 tb Aug. 1937 , Chief of Fire A@paxtment- Sanitary Officer.- < ' WILLIAM, L. RYAN JOSEPH T. SCH-ARRY ' ~ ~ City .Electxician_- ~ ~ JOSEPH CORRELL Milk Inspector- , V. F; CHA~PMAN PgIIGe Judge- r. MILTON J. GLENN ,, ~ Market Master"` . ,. i C, J. McCQRTH,Y ' Plumbing Inspectot-' ~ ~ '`' " D. J. O'LEARY F~' Rgc~eatipnah Director ~ Electrical, Inspecteox .~ ~ CARE GRAl3OW OTTO BETHKE L~r ;i:. .. ~ Ii r f -.1 Supt, of Water '~orks- , Building Commissioner- JOHN W. McEVOY CARL BARTELS Jan, 1937 to April 1937 Jan. 1937 to Aug. 1937 J. J. HAIL HARRY H. HOWIE April 1937 to Jan. 1938 Aug, 1937 to Jan. 1938 Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. ~~;~ a-~" tt '; t 3 ~`~~ ' ~ ~~ ~~ r 4 , ~,~ .~ .~ c 4 ,` a':`. z ~ . t~ '~~ , .. ,f } z V 4 f °~ ~~ ~ :.: f ,,.:~ ~u ' ~ , ,} ~ , 2~ z .. ~~ ' , F, r ~ ~ ' L ~ F "~ <~ ~k.;` _ ` Ca S ti ~ ~ ` s ~ , . ~. ,. ~` ~~ ~, a. ,- ~ h •~'` - €~"• .~' INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT Page A • Jan• 4-Appel-Higley Electric Co., sign poticy : ........................... 4-Army's Recreation si n. olic _ ~~~~~~ Feb, 1-Adlams Olive ,by Norbert Ada h 3 3 , ms et al, requesting that the water mains be extended to the district bordering March 1-A chor InvestmentoC H o 6 25 o. reque ting a refund a~n penalty. and interest charges paid on delinquent special assessment 40 1-Ambulance, purchase of ................ April 5-Appointment of Officers by City Council s 41 1 ......................... 5-Appointment of Officers and Employees by City Manager " 5-Appointment of Telegra h-H ld h 10 1D2 p era as t e of6cu~l news- paper of the City of Dubuque .......................................... ~APRabert Clanc a b a E g ar 103 y s mem ers af he Board of Review ~~ 5-Appointment of Banlrs ss depositories of City fund 103 s 5-American Trust & Savings Bank, appointed as a deposit- ' 103 ary od City funds . ........................................ " 13-Arquitt Noel B,, Mayor of Town of Farley, Iowa, re- questmg the use and loan. of the Cit r d d 103 y g a er an scarifier 26-American Legion Drum,and Bugle Corps, requesting the 108 use of grounds at Comiskey Parlc for the holding of a carnival .............................................................................. ~~ 2G-Appel Jahn, sign policy : 114-119 .........._ ............._.. ..........._............... June 7-Avon Theatre, sign policy . 115 ............................................ 21-Ashburn T, Q., Jr,, submitting application for the position 157 of City Manager ........ ........ ~~ 21-Am icon Le ion .......... ..........p................ " 21-American Le io l la ' B m~t 160 g n, renewa of c gar ette permit ...._...... " 21-Abeln Abstract Company, bill in the amount of $60 00 167 . ordered allowed covering abstract of Lots 3, 4, 5 0 and , 7 in Industrial 'Sub. Na 2 ..............................~ .........._ " 30-Anthony Theodore E., granted Class "B" beer permit " 187-168 178 30-Apel Merlin, granted cigarette permit ...... ................••.---.-. July 13-Amodeo Joe, granted Class "C" beer permit 179 ...., .. 19-Amibulance service placed on a two platoon basis 202 20G ......... Sept. 2-Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Rsil- way Employees, requesting the placing of a traffic light at Central Ave and 22nd Street . ........................... " 7-Abbott Street, request to have said street extended and 222 ~~ properly graded .........................................:........................229-230-209 23-Armstrong John A., granted Class "B" beer permit 242 ...... Oct. 4-Arendt C. F„ requesting suspension of 1936 taxes 248-249 ...... Nov, 15-Armstrong John A., sign policy ............................. 275 ........ . Dec. 6-Avery Mr, and Mrs. Chas. W, requesting a refund on penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments 286 20-Appel-Higley Electric Co•, sign Policy ...~......_ .................... 301. INDEX-Book ;67 - $UBJECJI'~ 1'agP x1937 -. - - B Jan. S-,t 4.-Ber ..., 1b--Bak Max, s~&n„Policy -:-.,. .. rtels Carl F., ~mlding Commissioner, bond, of .. 3. it ti "` ~ i 15-B~ebermann Mrs; Jahn, requesting that the,. City Water ... of ;Cuxb~s -. _ ll, ay the 11> i ed to th b - ' , , p z or e au Department of water main in Merz St.-,13- extension pgny for b Co r ~ 26.66 , " " , . m au St John, appointed, Desk Sergeant ....._.. 15--Brady 25=Board of Health, report fox month of Degember, 1936 14 17 ~'" 25-Bonded Debt, Sinking, Fund, requesting the State, Comp- f trolller to .declare. the remaining ,unpaid balance o 42 of the original trapsfer,from said fund to.the 620 $24 98 4 ~ ; ' . , L Consolidated and Fire Maintenance Funds permanent 20-21 - .3 b , nt n o 1 $e t g w P . F@ er- wlll , aid vacatio - Co. if s e o ed by Inter fate 25.9 '• fere with sale ar decrease the value of his lots............ f Union Trust & Savings Bank i ~~ ver o B-Bates D. W, Rece vs..Emma Schmid, City of Dubuque, et al, notice of 33 ,. ~ I,,'1 foreclosure of note ....:.......................:.............:...................~ B-Bischoff H, A., requesting that. the property located at ezoned to Local Business District b 33=42 " e r 724-728 Lincoln Ave. Bethany Home for the Aged,. cancellation of taxes........ ~ 8 ' 33-244 ; 'f - for a period 18-~oithaupt Ernest, Patrolman, suspended 35=36 y y ................. • ~ --......F..........._ ............._............ of thirt da s g • - . ;March 1-Beauty Shop Operators„ protestin against the establish- • 39=40 " ment of a Beauty School .....................................:............. for the legalization in making expenditures and is- Bill 1 41 i , I ~, . - suing warrants in April, 1936, proof of publication.... 1937 ' " 1-Board of Health, report for month of January, '44 i ~~ ," 1-Burgmeier Al., sagn policy ....................~............................... 1•-Budget for fiscal year, 1937 .--.--•--••-••~~••~~•~-•-~~~~•~~°~••-~~•••••-~• 48-49-50=51 58-59.69-70-7]-72-73-74-75-76.77-7R-79.86-87= 57 56 i ~ I " - - 52-53-54-55- 9-Bitzberger Al;; granted a free peddlers .license ................ tion of 1936 taxes on Lot 2 em th b 64. I " i , p , ex e 19-Byrne Mrs._Ehaa of Bonson and Stewart's Sub. used for playground ..... "81' L ~ r, ~' i ''° urposes ..............................................:..:........_...+........ .... 29-Benschneider Wayne, claim of ................................._......... report for month of February, 1937.... Board' of Health 29 89.11 "90 n - ~ '" , - 10-Board of Library Trustees, Annual report-.transfer •bti ~" ? r~L " 29'--Bill for an act making the temporary ' $24520.42 from the Bond Sinking Fund to the Consoli- "98: dated and Fire Maintenance. Funds permanent .--• 98 .... - 29=Bideaux Ruby, settlement of clacation for the appoint- April 6-Beidler James M., submitting app • ' ment of of Assessor of Julien Township ........................ 103 ' " - ' I'"~' S=Board of Review, appointment of ,..: ~--•~-•~~~~~~~~•-~-•••°°-~ Brown Prentiss M„ United States Senator, requesting ~ i- Council to givq consideration to the proposed Seuate lOb I ' .' - ~' Bill to regulate gas rates ......:.........................:................... 6=Boy Scouts of America, requesting permission to use vening of May 28,th, 1937.... h o , 105 " e,. e n t Municipal Psrk 5-Bandy Mrs. A. W., requesting permission'to pay the prin- 105 I-' ~ cipal only on delinquent special assessments ................ 112 2~Bierie, Mrs. Mayme, claim of ...:..............:............................ 26 'Board of Health, report far month of March, 1937..._... 11 ' ~ May 3-Bennett S. G., acceptance of his bid for the painting of . 122 " the town clock ...........................:....................................... 10-Board of Health, Annual report .......................................... 12R ,, ' ' " . ,, ' 24-Board of Library Trustees, requesting that the necessary Op be provided~r the OOO nt of $16 . , funds in the amou purchase of two pieces of property on Locust Street 13 b 149-150 7 • " ~ " rary.......... directly to the East of 'the rear of the hi City Fireman, granted time off to attend 24-Bennett M - - , labor conventions ............._......:.........~.................,............... 142 ti '; INDEX_Book 67 1937 SUBJE INDEX-Book 67 ~ CT Page •• 1937 SUBJECT Page ~ B ~ ` B , 24-Board of Health, report far the month of April, 1937........ 24--,Barrett Mrs. Ethel granted Cl " 142 ~~ g-Bates D. W., Receiver of Union Trust & Savings Bank, , ass C" .beer permit...".... 24-Boyea Fred, granted CPass "B" beer ermit 24 146-.147 notice of appeal from the decision of Board of Review 214 '~17 p ""...""............" -Buse Rugh- W. granted Class "B" beer permit.......-....... June 7- Beck Gabriel re u ti 146-147 147 ~' 9-Black & White Cab Company, claim of..."".." ..............._....... warranty deed covering Lot 2 of 2 des Otto & wife B " , es q g n a permit for the housing of a « trailer on his property located on So th , eren 9- of 2 of 3 of Min. Lot 310 to Board of Park Commrss- t 217 u ern Avenue 7-Boesen Mrs. Anna Fatka, suspension of 1936 taxes........ " 7^Beeves Geor e ~ I 151-232 .............."..........,.. inners, also a recorded plot of said lo Commis:>ioner Iowa State M, D. Walter L in Bi ~ g ,, excavation bond .......":....,."............ " 21-Briggs Clarence H.,~ notifying the City Ma 157 , . g err 9- Department o1 Health, advising; Council that wider the ~ i nager thst he is ready to return to work at the City Garage"..:........ 21-Berntgen Frank H 162-171 n- at onsrof water can nowpbeamade+fr e of barge am 217 ., granted Class "B" beer permit........ " 21-Berwick Mrs. M„ granted Class "B" beer er 21 i B 16 6 9-Blum William, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ G l N 219 p m - t........."." uelow Clarence C., granted CPass "C" beer ermit........ 21-Buelow Clarence G 166 166 . son e Sept. 2-Burlingame Robert, Secretary to Governor enclosing corespondence relative to an alleged Kraschel ., renewal of cigarette pernrit".""_"""•"". 21-Bureau for Street Traffic Research of Harvard U i i 167 , overcharge of tolls on the Dubuque Bridge .........:.......... 223 223 n vor- s , ty, soliciting co-operation in selecting a new fellow- " ~' 2-Board of Health, Special Session ....."............" ...............". requesting that proper consent and permit Brammer Roy 7 ~~ 30-Board f Health, report for month of May,r1937.........".. 30-Bertsch Joss J and M 168 , 170 , - be granted for the erection of a store building on the drthwest corner of Julien Avenue and Mt. Pleasant St, 229-238 . . . C. Mai, granted Class "B" beer permit :" ............... n « 7-Board of Education, requesting that' Avoca Street 'be _ __ _ _ 30-Beecher Jose h A., ""•""• "" ~" " ""<<~ ;,~"""""~°"~-""""""-•""~"•~ "" « P granted Class B beer 30 i B 177-178 extended from Seminary Street to Kaufmann Avenue 0-269 23 230 perm - t............ rodeur Norbert W,, granted Class "B" beer permit,." " 30-Berntgen Adam J ra t d 178 7-Board of Health, report for month of July, 1937:".........., ` ., g n e Class B beer permit....-..".". 30-Briggs William E. ~, „ " 30-B ermit P 0 E t d r as e 178 ~~ 23 " ension"~of"1936 "taxes tn ra R k 248-239 49 , . .::::_ , ., gran e Class "B be r permitP 30-Berntgen Adam J. ~~ granted i 179 .....". g susp eques hn er Bad Oct. 4 g report for month of August, 1937.."...... 4-Board of Health 248 , c garette permit... " ".,, " 30-B, P, 0, E., granted cigarette permit ................ 30-Braun Hen ___ " ry C "~ 179 179 , 4-Billis Gust., renewal of Class "B" beer permit ......".. « entered and took his seat at 4 50 P, M, ncilman tt C 2¢3 250 ., granted. cigarette permit............ 30-Beck John C. ,granted cigarett ~ " 179 , ou 8-Benne 8-Burka Mrs. Walter, requesting suspension of 1936 taxes 252-262 e permit............".._ . .... 30-Bro.Beur Nanbert W., granted cigarette permit ................ " 30-Bertsch Jos J and M C 149 25-Bly Leo F., requesting a refund on penalty charges paid uent special assessments ........................~........... lin d " 256 , , . . Mai, granted cigaretto permit " 30-Billis Gust„ renewal of cigarette permit""".""•.""." 30=-Berntgen Ad ~ 1~) 18 q e on 25-Board of Health, report for month of September, 1937.... ........... sign policy any b Com C Whit '~ 257 259 am, renewal of cigarette permits .............. ".". " 30-Baumhover B,.L., renewal of cigarette e i X30 " 0 180 .."...... , p a e 25-Black and P g Nov. 1 " c 8I 2 265 p rm t.. -Buse .Rugh, renewal of cigarette permit ons of Dubu ue Packm Ca. tit o B n e h n al , , - ............." ".,. ",.. 30-Bradley E, R., renewal of. cigarette permit..."..".. " 30-Beyer E H' re l 180 180 Co P on to m ssio request ng p -Barnsd Refining l of flood light pole at their service station s th i 1 . , , „ newa of cigarette permit""."""""" ."... ~ ~ Jul 6- Y Board of Review, report of .. ... .. e u e t me yDelhi Street nd 5 1 Z74 ...,..."......".. 13-Bradley Chas., claim of "" """"" « 185 .::.. :.. . Sho As gn polic chele Jewelr « - 15 ue Y P 95 ..._., . _ 13-Bates D. W. ............... "..."..~.,....... Receiver of Union Trust ~& Savin s Bank notice of sale of m t 188-213 « y y...............".................... „ ~~ 16-Beatrice Creamer Co., sign po is sign po]icy ...................._.........................,.... Gust Billis 15 275 275 , _ - or • gaged chattels in foreclosure to „ G, M. Meyer, City of Dubuque et 1 13 B ,, . - " 15-Brownell Howard' D., granted Class "B" beer permrt.....".. 276 , a ...." .................""."""." " - lewett.Iiarry S. et al, requesting that $ale Street from Grandview Ave, to Algon St b 188 15-Blum Morris, renewal of Class "B" beer permit..."........ " 15-~Berwiclc Mrs, Mary, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.... 27b 276 a , e repaired and that « the west end of HaPe Street be oiled 15-Board of Health, Special Seasiom ...,...."..._..........................". 282 ........................" 13-Bush Mrs, Onson et al, requesting that a street light be installed on the corner of Lincoln A 189 DeC, 6-Betscher E. 0., Supt. of American, District Telegraph Co. m p f t a ve, & Stanton St. 13-Board of Review, advising City Council that th 190-230 ission to er or requests additio~tal cilkn granti g ey met in conference with Board of Supervisoms and requested thata,blanket reduction of 6% h connect their private fire alarm bell systems with the alarm headquarters ....................." Eighteenth Street 285 e made on the assessed << valuation of real estate for the year 1937..,...,""."""" 13-Board of Dock Commi i 201 , 6-Bull Edwin, requesting that he be reimbursed with an ssment levied ount on the special ass bl it , ss oners submitting resolutions re- questing a tax levy of ~a mill to meet th ' e e am a equ st two lots fore sanrtar sewer as onl one lot is l 86 e estimate ~~ o gexpenses 19-Bud et estimate of expenditures far the fiscal e A f 202 acces of Healthhrepmt for month of October, 1937....... Board " 6 2 90 291 y ar rom pril 1 1938 and endin March 31, 1939, as a ~basts for the taxi lev for the year 1937 y Y, y ............................". ~~ 6-Bird Chevrolet Comnan sign polic Battery & Electric Co., srgn policy ......... ...........".. & G 6 B 291 ................203-204-214-215- 19-Braille Ro ' 216-236 Y y, granted refund on penalty charges paid on assess t q p . - . " 6-Ban~ett Harald, granted Class "C" beer permit .......".." renewal of Cllass "B" beer permit...:.... ton Wm rin B 6 292 292 men s on Lot 10 of Hodge's Sub, No 2 g ..........."...."" :..:...... . ... " Au . 2-Boaidnof fI lt c ., g ar - ~~ 6 -Board of Health, Special Session...."................................ 295 2 ............ ea h re 2-Ber Pa son port for mcnth of June, 193'1........., „ ;, g Y ,granted cigarette permit 207 ,211 ,~ 20-Baumann Alma, notice of claim........._ ................~............". " 20-Braconnier Frank G., excavation bond ...............:................ 301 :.....-. "" ""..: 2-Berg Payson; granted Class "B" beer permit.... .. « 2 9-Bank and Insurance Company Buildin " " ti 21l 12-213 20-Barnsdall Refining Corporation, sign policy .................. ~~ ... 20-Beck John C., sign po]icy ................."..."......... 302 302 g, no ce of appeal from the decisiom of Board of Review ... .." . " 21~ INDEX-Boob 6i 2937 SUBJECT Page C Jan. 4-City Council, Regular Session ................................................ " 4=Con•ell Josoph F., requesting that the Council d cl 1 e are that ~~ he be entitled to Civil Servico Status and Pension Rights 4-Coryell L, In & Sons Inc i 2 , ., s gn policy ............................. 15-City Council, Special Session 3 ............................................ 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, reports for month of Dec mb 6 e er, 1936 ........................... " 16-Claims for month of December, 1936 ................................ ~~ 25-City Council, Special Session 11 ..........................._..................... 25--Claims for month of December, 1936, proof of publication Feb. 1~City Council, Regular Session 17 17 ............ ... . . . . . . 1=Council Proceedings for the months of .November and December 1936 a d 23 , pprove as printed ............................ " ~-City Council, Special) Session 25 ..................:.....-.-.......-..-........ 8-City Auditor, City Treasurer,, City Water Department 29 , reports for month of .lanuarY, 19:37 ................................... 8=Claims far month 'of January 1937 34 , .................................... 18-City Council, Special Session ..................................~............ ... 20-City Council, Special Session 34 35 ......._ ....................... .March 1-City Council, Regular Session 36 .........................a........ ,...-,.,-..- 1-Cosley Bottling Company, making application for the ex- elusive concession rights at M i i 39 « un c pal Athletic Field..-. 40-1 1-Claims for month of January, 1937, proof of publicatioon Scott i 40-224 41 , s gn policy ........................................... . " 1-Co t nental Oil Co., sign policy " ~ ........................................... i-Clemens Ray N., si - u g'n Policy ..................._..-......-..--.-............ 1-Cullen W, H•, City Engineer authorized t 43 44 , o attend the Iowa Engineering Association meeting at Des Moines, Iowa 9-City Council, Special Session " 69 ..........................................-..... 9-Coultas Sherman V., Fire Marshalll Springfield Ill ex- r i 60 , ., p ess ng appreciation to City of Dubuque Fire Dept, for ~~ aid and cooperation during high water at Galen Illi 9 i a,,, no s -City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, reports for month of Feb 63 ruary, 1937 ................... 9-Claims for month of February, 1937-......i ...:..........._..-...... " 9-Council Proceedings for year 1936, bids to be received f 66 66 or the printing of the index and binding of same.....-.....- 9-Ci - « ty Council Special i 67.82 , Sess on ................................. ` 19-Cunningham CPement D, et al, requesting that Shelby Street be placed in a assabl 69 p e condhtion .......................... aims for month of February, 1937, proof of publication 19-Co " until Proceedings for m th f 81 81 on o January,1937,r approved • as printed ....... " ..........._.-.--......-.. .- _ 29-City Council, Special Session ..-_ ...............~- ~~-~•--~--•-~--~-~-`--- " 29-Continental Casualty Com 82 86 pany, certificate of compliance for transaction of Fidelity and Surety business i th n e State of Iowa ........................ April b=City Council, Regular Session ' 89 ...........4 ..-...._..- ..-.._.....-_._-. 5- Chalmers Councilman John.K., appointed Mayor for ensu i - n « 5-CziCe~ Ma H., subm ............................:........... fitting application far th ffi 101 ' e o ce of Y Solicitar < < .................................................................. 5-Catholic Printing Company, publishers of the Catholic Daily Tribu 101 ne, requesting that the Council select its ~~ paper as -one of the official newspapers of the City.-., 5=Clancy Robert, appointed. as member of Board of Review " 5-Carponder Willia E 103 103 m ., claim of-..-„-„-..-.._ , 5-City Solicitor Czizek, annual report ................................. 104-213 10-City Councii„ Special Session lOG .............................. ., 13-City Council, Special Session .............,.-................_............. 13-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water D 107 108 epartment, « reports for the month of March, 1937 .................... 13-Claims for the month f M 108 o arch, 1937 .......................,....-...- " 13-:City Treasurer, Annual report ....... 109 ............................. ........-. 109 INDEX-Book b 7 SUBJECT Page 1937 C official. record containing grounds i,'or refus- " 13-Curtis Roy , ing his application for appointment to the office of 109. 110. Superintendent of the Water Works ..............~..-......-.....- 111 26-City Council, Special Session ........................................._..-.. " 26-Claims for the month of March, 1937, proof of publication 116 " 26-Council Proceedings for month of February„ 1937, approv- 115 ed as printed " 26-Clemens Motor Sales, sign policy..._.-_ .................:........... 116 119 May 3-City Counci', Regular Session .:............................................ notice of appeal from the actiory of the City " 3-Curtis Roy , Manager in refusing to appoint hirrl• to the position of • er Department ...................... Superintendent of the Wat 119 " 3-Civil Service Commission submitting eligible list for appointments on the Police and Fire Departments.-...... 121 " 3~Consolidated Fund, Group Ten, under the head of Munici- pal Improvements, warrant m the amount of $219,18 ordered drawn on saidw fund in favor of Special Im- provement Bond Fund ..............................-.............-.....--........ ordinance covering license fees'to be amended " 3-Carnival's 126 127-127 , " 10-City Council, Special Session ........................:......................... " 10-Chapman F, W., Milk Inspector, granted a leave of ' absence from May 24th to May 28th.-.....,.... .................... 12 8 " 10-Civil Service Commissrou, submitting promotional list 129' for Police and Fire Departments ......................._.......... " 10-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water'Department, reports for month of April, 1937 ........................................ 130 " 10-Claims for month of April, 1937 ..............................._....... 136 24-City Council, Special Session .................................................. " 24-Chalmers Mayor, excused and left Counbil meeting.......-..-. 137 24-,Claims for month of April; 1937, proof oaf publication...... 138 " 24-Council Proceedings for month oP March, 1937, approved as Printed ...................................................:........................... 139 ' " 29~Gannel'1 W J. Director of Health, suggesting that meas- 142 ures betaken far the elimination of all non-licensed dogs June 7-City Counci) Regular 'Session ................................................ 149'-171 at hold a boxin sow' 7-C g ~ ~ - - . .-......... - F'eld Athletic the Municipal 15'110 226 " p 7-Clark Julia sus enslon of 1936 taxes ............................ . 160 .............................. " 21-City Council, Special Session ................... " 21-Council Proceedings for the mmrth of April, 1937, 162 approved as printed ................................-..-..-......-.....-......... " 21-City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Department, reports far the month oij May, 1937 .................................. 162 " 21-Claims for the month of May, 1937 .-----••-•••~-•-•--~~•~----•••~•--~~-• 162 21-City Auditor, Annual report .............:.................................... 162 " 21-Cooper Wm. F„ requesting the removal of cotton wood trees .......................:..................................•--.....-.....-..-....._ ~... Milwaukee, St, Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, " 21-Chicago 162-18p , furnishing of guards at the railroad crossings on Beach and Hawthorno Streets ......................................................166.169-217 June 30-City Council, Special Session ........................_~..-.-...-...-......... 169 " 30-Connolly W. J., requesting the City to scrape ofd the high area of ground' on west side of Pierce Street be- _ - tween West Locust Street and Quigley Lane .............. 172 " 30-CosleyWilliam W., granted Class "B" beer permit.....-.. 178 " 30-Capretz Chris., granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 178 " 30-Cunningham Leo and John M. Thompson, granted Class „B~~ beer permit ............:......... . - - --......_.. 30-Childers Frank W., granted Class "B" beer permit......-...-. 178 17g " 30-Costa Joseph, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 179 " 30-Easey Harald A., granted cigarette permit ...................... 179 " 30-Clark Carl A., renewal of cigarette permit ...:.................. 180 ' " 30-Costa Joseph, renewal of cigarette permit :..............._..... 180 " 30-Czizek City Solicitor, submitting opinion on cotton bear- ing, cotton woad trees ...............................:.......... _.....-:..-. 180 INDEX-Book 6i 1937 SUBJECT C July 5-City Council, Regular Session ................ 6-Clarms,~listifo rmonth of May,~1937, proof' of ~publicatiom ~~ 6-Capretz Chris,, renewal of cigarette permit ....................... 13-City Council, Special Session ......,..:..._.... _ " 13-Council Proceedings far the month of May, 1937, « approved as printed ...........................~..._........................... 13-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, reports for month of June, 1937 ......:....................... " 13-Claims for month of June, 1937 .......:............................... 19-City Council, Special Session ............................................_.. " 19-City Solicitor appointed Agent for the City in handling tax sale certificates held by the City upon Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Mill's West Dubuque Addition ........................ Aug, 2-City Council, Regular Session .........................................: 2-Claims for month of June, 1937, proof of publication.... " 2-City Nlanager~ recommendation that the Council adopt a policy of considering all surfacing of streets as a 2-Chase rLouissJs granted C}assio"B" beer permit ................ " 2-Conzett Lyle W., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commission ......................... 9-City Council, Special Sessia~n ...........................:.................... 9-Cunningham J, A„ addressed the Council relative to objec- tions filed against certain items in the City, Budget.... 9-Clark Drug Co, Inc., sign policy ....................................... 9-Claims for month of July, 1937 ...................:...:................ ... 9-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department, ~~ reports for month ~ July, .1937 ..................... . `_ 9-Connolly Vincent and Milo Barrett, granted Class B" beer permit ...:..........~.................... . Sept. 2-City Council, Special Session ..........._....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2-Claims far month of July; 1937, proof of publication...:.... " 2-Connell Dr, W. J„ appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics for a term of four ,years ................:............ " 6-City Council,. Regular Session ..............:...............~...,.._..... ~~ 7-City Cauncily Adjourned Regular Session ........:................... 7-Conlon Hudson. Company;. requesting permission Ito eon= struct an airline across the alley from their buildiiig at 860 Iowa Street to their body shop .................... " 7-Council Proceedings. for month of June, 1937,„ approved as printed ....~ ............................... _ " 7-Council Proceedings for month of July, 1937, approved as printed ....................................................... ... 7^Cords Mrs. Mildred, granted a refund on penalty charges paid, on delinquent special assessments .......................... 13-City Council, Special' Session .................................................. 13-City Auditor, City Treasurer,and City Water Department; reports for month of August, 1937 .................................. 13-Claims for month of August, 1937 ....................................... " 23-City Council, Special Session ............................... ~~ 23-Claims for month of August 1397, proof of publication 23-Civil Service Commission„report on entrance examination conducted far the position of Head Garage Mechanic 23-City Solicitor Czizek, submitting ]egal~ opinion on the erection of signs by State Auto Insurance Ass'n_...... " 23-Contract far deed for sale of. Lot 27-B of A. P, Woods Addition to Harold Neubauer ............._._.......-.................. Oct. 4-Cityy Council, Regular Sessison ........................ " 8-City Council, Special Session .............................~...,_._.....__ " 8-Cunningham John A., requesting a refund on penalty and interest charges paid on delinquent special assessments " , 8-Casey Bridget, requesting suspension of 1936 taxes........ INDEX-Book 67 Page SUBJECT 1987 Page C 183 g-Council Proceedings for month of August, 1937, approved 183 184 as printed ................~.............................................................. « 8-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City'Water Department, 252 252 1'85 reports for the month of September, 1937 .................... 25~ 188 « &-Claims fore the month of September„ 1937 ........................ 25~ 201 " i8-Clancy Mrs. Margaret, ,granted cigarette permit.....,...... « 8-Clancy Mrs. Margaret, granted) Class "B" beer permit 252-263 201' " 25-City Council, Special Session .............................................. a Jerome H., claim for damages for a broken vrdnd- Cho " 25 254 201 p - shield on his automobile caused in striking a gully at 203 the corner of Queen and Regent Streets ........................ ti 254 257 on " 25-Claims far the month of September, 1937, proof of publica 269 !' 25-Central Auto Parts & Wrecking Co., srgn policy.......... 265 205 209 Nav, 1-City Council, Regular Session ............................................... " 1-City Solicitor instructed to prepare proceedings for the 211 re-zoning of the South 40 feet of the Sub. of Lot 81 268-269-277-289 and 82 of Union Add ...................::........................... " 1-Chase Louis, revocation of Class "B" beer permit........ 270 272 21i 21'd " 16-Cit Council Special Session ....................:............................. " 16-City Solicitor instructed to prepare ordinance for the re-zoning of the lots, ]ands and parcels of real estate, 213 lying within the area 'bounded on the south by center 214 t r teast by the centernline of th of W 215-216 qt on e es 6th S Blhiff Street, and on the west Eby the center line of .. 272 218 218 Burch Street .....:..............:......:........:............:........................ " 15-Canfield Wm. Sr., requesting permission to erect acan- f opy over hotel entrance at the southwest corner o 274-294-300 218 4th and Central Avenue .:.....................~............................ for the month of September, 1937, di ngs 16-Council Procee 275 21'9 22 ..........:............................................ approved as printed •'~ ' ' City Treasurer and City Water Department, ' 15-City Auditor 1 224 ~ , reports for, month of October, 1937 ....:..................:.......... . 275 .................... "' 15-Claims for the month of October, 1937 :............ 275 ~ " 15-Callahan Miss Mary, sign policy .....................................:.. 15-Canfield Wm. Jr., granted C]'ass "B" beer permit........ 276 228 229 " 15-City Soi?icitor Czizeki legal opinion on petitions of Du278 279 280 . . huane Packing Company :............................................... 285 c, 6-City Council, Regular Session .............................................. De 6 Claims for month of October, 1937, proof of pub]icT r 289 230 - ued " 6-Go~uncil Proceedings for month of October, 1937, app 290 230 as printed ............................................................~olic .......-. 6-Central Battery & Electric Company, sign P Y~~~--~° 291 230 " 6-City Manager, submitting report of survey made on ............ .. 291 232 .. street signs ............................................................... " 6-Coryell L, L, and Son, sign policy ....................................... authorized to redeem lobs 2,; 3, 4, 5 and 6 291 23Z 6-City Treasurer ,~ Mill's West Dubuque Addition when the City' ac- 294 234 234 quires title ..................................:...............................~.... --.. " 20-City Council, Special Session ................................~............ nd City \~Vater Department, 297 236 239 " 20-City Auditor, City Treasurer a reports for month of Novem9~er, 1937 .... -....--~~~~~~~~~~-- ~~ 3b1 301 °' 20-Claims for the month of NcNember, 1937 ........................ 301 239 .. " 20-Coates Mary, sign policy ....................... .............................. " 20-Casey Harold A., renewal of Class "B" beer permit.... 00 from 000 f $20 '302 242 , , " 20-City Water Department, transfer o the Sinking Fund .....................--.-.. t g03 o General Fund 244 247 250 251 252-262 INDEX-Boob 67 1937 SUBJECT _ Page D Jan. 4-Dubuque Trades and Labor Comgress, advising that the y are back of, Dock Commission in regards to the pur- chasing of a dredge ........................:............_.................. " 4-Dubuque Traffic Association, requesting the City' to sub- scribe for membership in the Ass i ti 1 oc a on for the year 1937 4-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that I provision be made for funds for the holding of ,band con- certs at the Engle Point Park during the um s mer months of 1937 and for each year thereafter ................ 2 4-Dock Bonds in the amount of $30 000 00 t i , . o ssue ............. 6.6.7-8-9-23 q 29-30-31-32-4546-47-48-6u-61-67.-63.81 25-Dubu ue Chamber of Boost ers, requesting the removal of old Club House at Comiskey Field .... ................_......... March 1-Diamond Grill Inc.. sin olic - 17-43 44 _ _ _ 19 Di • g ~ g a meet- tn r g ~ resoluti n b submitted y Mu icipal Lo al Union e « No 651 . ............... .................. 29-Dubuque County Medical Society, Women's Auxiliary 80 , requesting that streets be closed for roller skating....... April !5-Dubuque Bank~,& Trust Compan i t g4 y, appo n ed as a deposi- tory of City funds ...................................... " 5-Dovi Samuel C., claim of ~ " 103 ....................................... ........... 13-Driscoll Milton, claim of ' - ' 104 .................. " 13-Dubuque Automobile Club, requesting that Officer Charles 10~ gation of S hoolSafety Patrol Boys t cWashington, DI C, 13-.Deming J K rea i t d 108 . ., ppo n e as Citizen member of the Police and fire Retirement Board : " ................................... 26-Datisman C. Wand Carrie, original notice of foreclosure of i llo prom ssory note ...........................................................•-- " 26-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, submitting resolu- 112, tion of Dubuque Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union, requesting that the name of M i a n Street be changed to Murphy Street or Murphy Avenue " ........;... 26-Dubuque Automobile Club, requesting that the 1700 block l ] 113 allowing school cheldren the use bf same durng recess and noon hour ......................................... ................. " 26-Dubuque Printing Pressmen's Union, requesting the use of the grounds west of Bal] P rk f 113 a or the holding of a carnival " 26-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that 114 the fee charge be eliminated for the holding of their carnival during the month of June .... ...............:... " 26-Dubuque Tire & Bette Co, sin olic ' """'° 114-126 g p " ~ 26-Dubuque Golf Club y°"~~`°'-`-~~-°°~~ ~ granted Class "B" club permit.......... May 3-Dubuque Life Underwrit r 116 116 e s, requesting permission to erect a canvass streamer across Main Stre t e .............. 3-Dubuque Millworkers Local, re uestin a loud speaker public address s st m mr u 120 y e the,vic ity of White and Jackson Streets between 6th and 12th Sts. 10-Dubuque Traveling and B i ' 120 us ness Men s Association, ob- jecting to the placing of two stop signs at Eighth Avonue and Ce t l n ra Pvenue .........................:.................. 128 " 24-Dubuque Tire & Battery Company et al requestin .145 , g per_ placelmarkershwheretfat 1 a id n t cc ents have occurred .. 137-234 " 24-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, advising Coun il .242 c that they have gone on record in favor of the resolution of the MiL'nien's Organization relativ t h e o, t e employ- ing of outside labor " .,...----- 24-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, calling the atte 140 n- tion of the City Council to the existing conditions of the grounds at the Municipal Athl ti e c Field ...................... 141-177 INDEX--Book 67 SUBJECT Page 1937 D " 24-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting the City Counc~t to extend an invitation to the Iowa Skate Federation of Labor to hoed the 1938 convention at Dubuque, Iowa ....~ .........................:.....:................................ 141 " 24-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, requesting that all 1 24-DubuqueaTradese and-halwraCongressheadvisYng~ Counci 141 that a committee of their orgamzatton together wath a committee of the M,Upicipal Employes Union wish to arrange a meeting with the City Council' ...:.................. 141 " 24--Dubuque Airways. Incorporated, submitting bill in the ainaunt of $260.00 to cover City share in agcordance with the terms of contract and lease: ...............:...:...::.... 143.163 24-Duttle Raymond E., granted Class "C" beer permit........ 147 June 7-Dubuque Automobile Club, suggesting that the stop signs at Eighth and Central Avenues be removed .::....:.:........ 150 7-Dubuque Automobile Club, suggesting that on account of the height of the stop and{ go light at 14th sand Locust Streets being too high,-that signs'should be~ erected calling attention to seal light.......j....-:....i ..::.....:... 160-176 " 7-Dubuque Automobile Clubn recommending the establish- ment of a system of portable stoplsigns to ba-used at '` crossings in the vicinity of schools:.... ...:.......:...i:::........ 150 7-Dubuque Metal Trades Council, requesting the adoption of an ordinance instructing the Chief of Police to close any p, ~ p rtain Condit ons nephe interesg ofn eace~ppss under Ce . 161. " 7-Dubuque Munici al Bathin Pool a royal of rules.... 162 21-Dell George, -granted Class B beer permit .................... 167 " 30 D' mond's Grill requesting permission to install) an is , ' exhaust fan on the south side of their building............ 170-184 30-Dubuque Musicians' Protective Association, requesting 170 permission to stretch a banner across Main Street.... ~" 30-Dumping ground on Seminary Street near Btuflcer Hill Golf Course, ordered eliminated ............................:.....ti.,. : " " 177 178 ..... beer permit .......... B " 30-Diamond's Grill', granted Class 180 30-Diamond's Grill Inc., renewal of cigarette permit...a.....:. July 6-Dock Commission, submitting report relative to the rani- ' tary conditions on East 7th Street Extensi~on..........;.~... 187 " 13=Donaldson May La Belle, requesting that weeds adjoin- ing her property be cut, and also inquiring that in case the City has secured title to this lot, if there is any possibility to'. buy the same .............>.................................. 188 " 13-Dubuque Musicians' Protective Association, requesting permission to place a band on the street for the pur- pose of advertising a dance .............................................. 189 13-Dock Commission, submitting resolutions requesting a a/a mill .............................................................. tax levy of 202 , Aug. 2-Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge Co., notice of appeal' from the ,decision of Board of Review .......:.............._....-- ..--.... 209 2-Dubuque Printing Pressmen & Assistants Union, request- ing that the City demand the Union Pressmen's label on all City printing .............................. ............................. 210 " 2-Dubuque Retail Merchants Bureau, Tri-State Rodeo Committee, requesting permission to hang banners above the street on the five highways leading into the City 210 " 2-Dubuque Awning & Tent Co, requesting permission to erect a canopy over the entrance of the Kraft Clothing Store, at 831 Main Street ..............~......-..............-.-_......... 211 2-Doran Walter G., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commission ..........................._......--......---.....-.. 213 " 2-DvR~er Leo J., appointed Member of Playground and Recreation Commission ...........:..... __.-.........................-...... 213 " 9-Dubuque Auto Supply Co., sign pcliey .............................. 218 INDEX-Book 67 7937 SUBJECT D 9-Dyersville Commercial Club, granted permission to stage a parade on August 11th , 1937 ....................:......•.. Sept• 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation to participate in the Labor D 219 ~~ _ ay Paraije .......................... 2-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation to City Solicitor to ex lai th 222 << p n e City Ordinance relative to peaceful piclieting .... « ........................................-.........-.... 2-Dock Fand, resolution and application to transfer $5,500,00 from the Emergenc F 222 y und to said fund........ 7-Deckert John L., requesting that sewer and water mains be constru t d i 226-251 " c e n West 16th Street .............................. 23-Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, conveying their thanlis to 'the City Council f 229-240 ~~ or their co-operation in the Labor Day celebration • ...........................,............:.-...-.... 23-Donaldson May, L„ suspension of 1936 taxes ....~ ................. 23-D Ime er Carl J y 236 234 ., re uesti ert S m on the Southwest corner of Fene~ of his prop- re-zomn on Place and i Oct. - 4-Disabled Te23 Veterans, Fightmg• Back •Chapter Post 6 ti 9-261-272 , ques ng permission to hold Forget-Me-Not drive..-..-.. 8-Duccini Edwa d J " r ., renewal of Class. "B" beer permit.... 25-Dubuque Community Chest, requesting ermi i 253 " ,p ss on to display a banner across Main Street and also to con- duct aparade .. ............................... .. ...... . 26-Dabuque Paclting Co., re uestin - - - - ~ - -~~'°~°°-'°-'°-"'- e 254 a•,railroad unloading p atform on SYcamore Street and als t o o construct and operate gates on East 17th Street ..................... .... .. ...............255-265-278-280-281-289-294-29g 25-Dubuque Packing Co,, requesting the vacation of the Easterly 25 feet of Cedar St t f ree . rom East 16th Street to East 17th Street and that " a conveyance of said street be made to the Dubuque Packing Company -...255-265-278-281-290 25-Dock Commis i « s on, submitting resolution for transfer of $5,600.00 from Waterworks.Fund to Dock O e ti 25 D Nov. p ra - ng Fund ubuque Cooperative Dairy Marketing Assn, sign policy 15-Dubuque Leather and Fi di 257-266 258 " n ng Co., sign policy ................ 15-Dubuque Implement Co., si 276 15-Doyle Mrs. Mary F., notified to eo nett the North # of City Lot 564 and Lot 2 of Cit L 275 y ot 555 and Lot 4 of i s Dec. 6-Dubuque Tray es n dgLabor Congr esss opposing the actien of the Cit Mana er h 282-295 ~~ g s ortemn the hours of City em- ployees and also. the laying• off of two men .. 6-Dolan J h P ............ o n, olice Officer, appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the P li 286 o ce Retirement and Pension System .... ........... 20-De Maio Bros. ...................................................... ... sign policy .......... ....... .... 29U ...................... - 302 INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT Page - E Jan. 26-Emergency tax levy, requesting the State Comptroller ove the transfer of funds realized from said to appr levy to the Consolidated Fund ............................:........... 20-26 Mar• 19-Emergency Fund, requesting the State Gomptroller to ove the transfer of $307.56 from said fund to the . appr Consolidated Fund .....................~.....--.....-..-.........-..-..----~.....- .... ...................... . olicy n i h C 84.85-89 115 . ..................... p o., s g : April 26-Engel Nas May 3-Ertl Mrs. John, requesting to have the penalties elimin- ated or refunded ion delinquent special assesmsents levied against Lot 17, John King's Dubuquo Sub.....-..;123-130-131 June 21-Evans R. M., City Manager, swbm~itting resignation .-....:. " " 168 166 beer permit .................. B " 21-Eppley Elmer, granted Class " 21-Evans R. M., City Manager, granted a two weeks vacation 168 " 30-Evans R. M., Citv Manager, advising Council that a und number of petitions for Council action can be fo m his desk •-~-- « „ it.... 30-Eisenegger Arthur J., granted Class B beer pe~ 177 178 178 30-Ender Alois J., granted Class B beet; permit.......{..-..-.. " 179 beer permit,-._ ............... 30-Eagles Club, granted Class "B 179 '! 30-Ender Alois J., granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 " 30-Eppley Elmer, granted cigarette permit .............................. 173 " 30-Eichman Arthur, granted cigarette permit ........................ 179 " 30-Eisenegger A, J., granted cigarette permit .............:......F: 180 °' 30-Ender A. J., renewal of cigarette permit ...:................:..:.... 185 July 6-Edwards Ray W., renewal of cigarette permit ...............:.... " 6-Emergency tax, resolution and application for authority 186.205 to levy ................................................ p olic .........::... Aug. 9-Excel Photo Sho , sign p Y .~~•~~•~~~-•---~--•-----•---••,-:-~•-~----- 2-Emergency Fund, resolution and application to transfer Sept 218 ' , 500.00 from said fund to Dock Fund ........................ $5 51 226.2 , " 23-Erner Mary, original notice of suit ...............................~...... 236 4-Eulberg George A., requesting permission to redeem Tax Oct . Sale Certificate held by the City of Dubuque against the. westerly 1501 feet of Lot 24 of Min. Lat 149.........-.. 247 '° 4-Ellwanger Mrs. Hilda C., granted Class "B" beer permit 249 Nov. 1-Enzler Joseph A,, requesting refunds on penalty and in- 268 terest charges paid on delinquent special assessments " 1-emergency Fund, resolution and application to transfer $18,000.00 from said fund to Garbage and Street Clean- ing Fund ..............................................................................:.. 270-291 Dec. 6-Engel H. A., sign policy ..........._.....;._ .........................„..._... 6-Enzler Trunk and Luggage Shop, sign policy .................. 291 " 20-Edwards Ray W., sign policy ................................................ '301 INDEX-Book bi 1937 SUBJECT Page F Jan. 4-Farrell Edward J., requesting that the Council declare that he be entitled to Civil S i erv ce Status and Pension Rights .. ~, 4-Feye Bros., sign policy .~ ......................:....:._........_........-...... March 1-Flynn Josephine sus en i f 2 43 , p s on o taxes ....................~.:...:.::.. 29-Fay Charles P, et al, requesting that Rowan Street be i 40-245 mproved ........ :.... " . ................... _ 20-Feye Karl, claim of ......._....._ ..........:....._.:. . A ril 5 F . ....:.....:.......:.. p - orward Eugene, appointed as member of Board of Review S-First National Bank appointed d 89.117 103 , as a epositor'rof City fund S~Fuhrmann John J., claim of " s 103 ......................:....:........ _. 5-Fenelon Ken, informing Council that he is interested in holding Athletic Shows in th B 104-117 e aseball Park....104-114-127-U50-157 26-Fuhrmann F, P,, requesting permission t o construct a stairway in the alley in the rear of the builddng located - at 905 Central Avenue, to replace-the present stairway on the Ninth Street sid f e o said building........~il&-122-P5 " 26-Fink Mrs, Mary, requesting a refund in th a 9-163-171 e mount of $38.54 on penalty charges paid on delinquent special a ssessments .................:.:...............................:.... May 10-Funding Bonds in ;the amount of $149 000 00 , , i;o.issue....12 7-133-136 "' 10-Fury Roy W:, submitting application for the position of 63 154-155 ~~ foreman on the new City dred ge .....:............................: 24-FI'iclt Art, requesting that penalties be waived on delin- quent special assessments l i 128 ev ed against Lot 309 Davis Farm Add . ........................................................................~.... une -Fuhrmann-Triller Co.„ sign polio ,~ 140 21-Fawkes P, S., submitting communrcation £rom the Mesa- issippi Valley Associati 157 on, calling the attention of the City Council' to a bill pending in the U. S Senate r l . e a- « tive to the emptying of sewage into the Mississippi River' 21-Flynn John D 160 ~ ,, granted Class "B" beer permit .:............. « 30-Fire Alarm Department, purchase of truck for th i 30 e r use -Fire Engine Station at 18th Street, construction of a new concrete fleor " 170 ............................................................. 30-Fortmann Anton „ » „ ,granted Class B b 171-241 eer ermit........... p 30-Falltenhainer Charles, granted cigarette permit ................ July 6-Fortmann Anton t d 178 , gran e cigarette permit ...................... 6-Fire Department Maintenance Fund, resolution and a li 185 pp - Aug. 2-FritschelfEstherhEltyst nogra h tCi yaWat r•~ 186-205 p er t e tiyorks, continuation certificate on bond " .....:.................................. 2-Fenelon Ken, requesting permission for the use of Base- l 209 " 9-Fluclc iger Motor Cogand Frank F uckiger Inc,, sign polio Sept, 23-Fischer & Compan 211 218 y, awarded contract for. the furnishing „ of 2-inch screenings L .... ..................................................... 23-Fuel oil business to be distributed among the various dealers Oct. 8-Flynn Larry, addressed the Council 241 requesting that the Gold Star Mothers be granted a free permit for the holdin f ,~ g o a charity circus .............................................. 2'5-Fischer & Co. Inc., sign polio y 250 25-Firestone Service Stores Inc., sign palicy..~.....,._„..,.~~~`.~- Nov, 15-Frehlich MaryRreber ti 259 , no ce of foreclosrrre of mortgage 15-Folsom W, C. et al, requestin 'th t th I 273' g a e nterstate Power Go, extend the bus route and service along Asbur t y road o the Sanitarium ...................................................... Dec. 20-Fawkes'P, S,, tendering his resignation 274 as a member of « the Board of Dock Commissioners ....~ ............... . 20-Fondell Andrew et al 297 , requesting that a sanitary sewer be constructed on Shiras Avenue ..................... ................... 297 INDEX-Book b7 SUBJECT Page 1937 G 4-General Bond Sinking Fund„ return of portions of tem- J 1 an. porary $75,000.00 transfer from prior year taxes....... 0 4-5- " 16-Grassel Emil, requesting a refund on penalties paid on delinquent special assessments ...~ .................................... 12 16-Governor's Greys Incorp., contract for use of portion 16 of Ninth Street Fire Headquarters Building ................ 1-Graas John, purchase of Lot 67 of Stafford's Add,........ Feb 28 . March 1 Gill William V., requesting a refund for penalties paid on delinquent specral assessments.....:.. ........................... 4144 ~,. 1-Lenz Stares, sign policy .......................................................... " 9-Gaherty Michael, notice of clarm .............................~......... " 9--Glass Kate, notice of claim ............................................~... " 19-Grab Erwin M., granted Class "C" beer permit ................ 63 83-84 " 29-General Fund Warrants in the amount of $30,000.00, authorized to be rssued ............~ ....................................... 96.97-98 April 5-Glenn RiPton J., submitbing application ,for reappodnt- ment as Police Judge ...........................:............................ 101 " 26-Grabow Carl, Recreational Director, submitting report for the Athletic Field for fiscal years 1936-37....,....... 116-124 26-Goodman's Incorporated, sign policy ................................ 115 May 3-Goardi Henry, requesting permission to pay the principal', plus 6'% interest per year, balance of penalties to be ' eliminated, of the delinquent special assessments levied against Lot 22 of, O'Neill's Sub. No: 3 ..............._........... 122' " 24- Gillette Guy M., U. S. Senator, acknowledging receipt of letter of Mayor Chalmers opposing the passage of the Pettengi't1 Billy ~...~ ............................................_................... 141 " 24-Gantert Harry N., granted Class "B" beer permit.:.. 146-147 June 21-Grassel Emil, public liability policy covering blasting.... 160 " 21-Grant and Easement of Mrs. Selma Weeda ...................... 161. 21-Graff Michael J,, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 166 30-Greater Dubuque Associat~on~ Community Betterment Committee, relative to proper marking of streets also proper numbering of all houses ...................................... 169 30-Grommersch N., request to have water main laid in Sabula Street between Muscatine and' Burlington Streets and also that Sabula Street be opened and extended between these same two streets.......- ............. 173 30-Grommersch John J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 178 30-Gala Dominick, granted Class "B" beer permit ............... 178 30-Glob Alois, granted Class "B" beer permit.......- ................. 178 " 30-Gregory' Frank R„ granted Class "B" beer permit...-....... 178 " 30-Glob Alois, granted' cigarette permit ..............~................... 179 " 30-Grommersch John J., granted cigarette permit ................ 179 30-Gala Dominickt, granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 July 13-Gassman Wm., claim of ...................._.............._.................... 188.242 19-Guttenberg Commercial Club, requesting permission to parade on the streets on July 23rd, 1937 ......................... 204 " 19-Gonner Bros,, notified to remove their private bell fire alarm system from the 9th Street Fire Engine House 206-231 Aug, 2-Gracey F. L., making inquiry as to whether any auto- noise legislation has been passed .................................... 209 " 2-Grabow Carl, Recreational Director, requesting permiss- ion to rope off Iowa Street for a street dance.........-.. 211 2-Grode Harry, application for Class "B" beer permit denied 213 ". 2-Gregory Leo'. T., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commission ...................................~.................. 213.' ;: _ "< .~~ INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT G ,Sept. 2-Good Will Tours Committee, Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce, calling the attention of the City Council to the Good W411 Tour in Northeastern Iowa ...............:......... 7-Grommersch Nick et al, requesting that Sabula Street be extended to Burlington Street .................................... . 7-Godar Irvin L, et al, requesting the installation ~of Stop andl Go lig9~ts at the intersection of 17th and Ceni•ral Ave, and also at the intersection of 22nd and Central Ave. 7-Grade Viola, granted Class "B" beer permit .................. 23-Graham Edward & Sons, sign policy ................................ Oct. 4-General Insulating & Manufacturing Plant, elimination of discharge of gas from their plant .....:..............'..-----.-- " 8-Gold Star Mothers, granted a free permit for the ho-]ding of a charity circus ...............,............................ " 8-God's Missionar Arm re uestin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~'~~~~~"~~ « holding of an open air meeting upon the streets. the 25-Grand Opera House Inc., sdgn policy ...................................... 25-Goetz M. K, Brewing Co., sign policy........~ .................. Nov. 1-Garbage and Street Cleaning Fund, resolution and appli- cation tq transfer $18,000.00 from Emergency Fund to said fund ...................................._......................---...,...,,.... " 1~-Grabow Car], Recreational Director, recommending that an examination be made of the grandstand and bleach- ers at the Athletic Field as to the making of repairs li5-Graff Joe granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ Dec. 6r-Gerken Ewald F,, claim for damages ........._ .................. " 6-Giellis J, W. Chief of Police, certifying that Police Officer John Dolan was elected .by the members of the Dubuque Police Department to serve as a member of the Board 20-Grabowu Carl,oRecreationaRDire tort advisng51theSCity `( Council that the Playground and Recreation Commiss- ion recommends the appointment of Herbert J, Neenan to fill the vacancy on Playground and Recreation Commission 20-''Genera] Fund of City Water Department, transfer of $20,000.00 to the Sinking Fund ......................... INDEX-Book 67 Page SUBJECIf • 1937 Page H 4-Hintgen N, J., requesting that the Local Business District n J . a be extended to include the property at~51 West 32nd 222 Street .........:...••••..••••••--•-•-.-•--•••••••~--•••••••••••-••••1-44-106-111-112. 120-121 " 26-Holmiberg William, requesting a refund on penalty paid 229.266 on delinquent special assessments ............::............._..a... 18-19-116 25 Feb. 1-Hoch Grover C., claim of ..............._...................~.._............... " 18-Horsfall Ray, Detective, suapend'ed for a period of 30 days 36-36 229 March 1-Home Builders Co., requesting refund on penalty and in- 232 terest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 239 " 1-Hill Maurice A., evcavation bond ......................................... 43 `~ 1--Hillyard Courtland F, and Sabyl H. Kretschmer, sign policy 248 '~ 1-Holscher G. H., sign policy .:................._.........:....:.............. 44 46 ~~ 1-Hesl'ing Lowis J,, granted cigarette permit ........................ " " 45 250 beer permit .............. B " 1-Hesling Louis J., granted Class 89.24a " 29-Haupert Peter, suspension of taxes ..................................~... 250 " 29-Hying F. H., requesting that the use of Elbow Street for 259 gardening and farm purposes be discontinued ................ 89-173 259 " 29-Hertner Mrs. 'Sophia, requesting refund in the amount for penalty charges paid on delinquent special of $5.39 • 270-272 , assessments ..........................:........:..............................~......... `! 29-Heiar Mrs. Anna, granted Class "B" beer permit........... 90 95 " 29-Haas Marie C., purchase of Lots 3, 4, d, 6 and 7 of 98 part of Industrial Swbdivision No. 2 ......................:......... 275 April 5-Hartman William, claim of .........................~........................ appointed Superintendent of Dubuque Joseph Hail J " 10 104-117 276 285 , . - City Water Department .......................................:........~... " 26-Hargus Lillian L., suspension of 1936 taxes ...................-.,. 107 113-245 " 26-Haudenshield Sydney, sign policy .......:.............................:...: 115 May 3-Hubbard Mrs. ~V..L, requesting a refund for Penalty - 290 charges paid on delinquent special assessments...,...... 123 " ~ 3-Hird Mrs. Joseph L., requesting that the penalties be eliminated on delinquent special assessments levied against Lots 28, 29 and 30 of Finley, Waples & Bur- ton's Addition .........................................................~..:........... 124-125 301 " 10-Hanson Bert B., submitting application for the position of City Manager ......._...........~ ............................................... 128 303 24-Hentrich Val. Estate, requesting Council' to view the con- dition of the alley between 16th and 17th Streets, , east of the Railroad Tracks .......:...................:.................. 140-173 " 24-Iioerstman Victor, making application for the concession privilege at the ball park ......._ ........................................... 140 24-Harris C, E. et al, requesting that K?ingenberg Terrace from Kleine Street to Rosaline Street be improved 141-176 " 24-Herring Clyde L„ U. S. Senator, acknowledging receipt ' of lettel of Mayor Chalmers opposing the passage of the Pettengill Bill ..........................................................:..... 141 " 24-Hail J. J. Swpt, of City Water Dept., submitting axi . estimate of the cost of constructing a water main to serve property on Prescott Street owned by the City of Dubuque ....~ ................:.........._...--........................_....-.... 142 " anley T. City Fireman, granted time off to attend labor 24-H ;conventions ~ " 24-Hartford Mrs. Ella, requesting a refund on penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments-..,........ 143 June 7-Hoerner Carl' D., requesting that Wooten Avenue be oiled 151-174 " 7-Henge Dorothy Mae, settlement of claim ...._..._._._.-......... 158 " 21-Haudenshield Chas. E., Adm. for Anna Hugh Estate, requesting a refund on Auctioneer license .................... 161-180 ` 21-Hennig Joseph A., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 167 " 21-Hughes R, D., granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 167 21-Hennig Jos. A., granted cigarette permit ........................ 167 21-Hughes R. D„ renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 167 INDEX--Book 6i SUBJECT H " 21-Holmberg Wm., granted permission to pay principal, plus advertising costs, of the delin u nt q e special assessments ~~ levied against Lot 2, of 2 of Linhein's S b u ..................... 30-Halpin Mrs. Frances « „ p B trmit. 30-Horne William grantedaCl^ bp ~ C1 's 168.235 b :.. , i e ass B r 30-Hartig Drug Co., granted cigarette permits .................... ~~ 30-Hartig Drug Co 178 179 ., renewal of cigarette permit..........._::...., 30-Haley Amy, renewal of cigarette permit " 180 .............................. 34-Hesling Louis J,, renewal of cigarette permit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•• July 6-Hinze Mrs, Annie, petition of resident 180 180 s requesting that an order be issued for the removal of fire hazard and and unsanitary condition i s ex sting at her residence at 1705 North Algona Street .............................•,;-,- 6-Horne Wm., granted ci arett •-183-201-231 ............. 185 13-Hardie Mrs. Frank, President Dubu W ' que oman s Club, advising that they contemplate the purchase of a Home for the Club and inquirin if it g would be possible to have taxes rescinded ................................................... ~ug. , 2-Howie Harry H., appointed Building Commissioner........ 2-Hemmi E, Estate, request for refund 282 on penalty charges ~~ paid on delinquent special assessments denied .......:..:..... 2-Hoffmann Alois M 213 ., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commission " ................................. 9-Hoskins Margaret, claim of .... ......................................... " 9-Hill William M,, sign polic ........................... 213 217 ept. 2-Howie Harry H,, Building Commissioner bond f ~~ 218 , o ............ 2-Hogan Mrs. Margaret E,, suspension of 1936 taxes....... 13-Hertner Jacob A 222 ,, suspension of 1936 taxes .................... ;~ 13-Hochberger John A., granted Class "B" beer permit 13-Holmber W 233-235 23 ......., g m., granted a refund on penalty charges paid on delinquent special ass 4 essments ....................... . 23-Hanten Jos, W,, granted cigarette permit ......................... 23-Hanten Jos, W., granted Class "B" beer permit..........., )ct. 4-Hillard Angelina and C i 241 24? arr e P, Stone, requesting the City Council to consider the correcting of lands as ' wero re- I ocated and surveyed for the relocating of an alley on College Avenue in hi h w c Lots 10 and 11 of Finley Home Add, were concerned ................................................ 247.261.271 4-.Haas Louise M,, granted cigarette i perm t... ;.._....,...-.•. 8-Hodgesman Mr,, representative of God's Missionary Army, requesting er i i 249 p m ss on to hold an open air meeting upon the streets ..........................---.-...,......... . 25-Hartman Furniture Co,, sign policy ...... _ -- ~- iv. 1-Hendricks Geo, J,, requesting suspension f 193 1 254 259 o 6 taxes -Hartig Drug Co. Inc., granted transfer of cigarette permit 1-Hillard Angelina uit l 268 271 0 , q c aim deed ..............'.........,., 15-Herber Fred and Ray Niclcs, granted Class "B" beer ermit 15-Hail Geor e 27 2 g , granted Class "B" beer permit...:....... p...,.. c. 6-Hoskin"s Mrs, Mattie et al, requesting that th I P 7U 276 e nterstate ower Company be required to route part of their busses over Dodge St reet between Bryant Street and Grandview Avenue ..-....,... .............................................. 6-Hoch Grover G., original notice of suit .................... 6-Hanley Terrance Fi 285 •-•..... , reman, appointed as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fireman Retireme Pen i t 285 s n and on System ................................................................... 6-Hartig Drug Company Inc., sign policy ............ 6-Heinz Anna o d 290 ... , r ered to abate nuisance maintained by her on the premises described as 1705 No th 291 r Algona Street on Lat 232 tiVoodlawn park Addition ....,_.... 20-Healy Emory F ....... r ......... . ., equesting suspension of 1936 t axes 2 98-302 ___~_..~__-- - ----~ND~~~-~`~ok 6J ""` ` _ mmis ion dvisin Council ay_to Jan. 4-Iowa State ~igh~aY, CN ~ ~ p g the handling of traffic ~t 22gd Street.;and;~grifman Ave. 1 ;,!~ 4-Iowa State Planping; Board, su~mrttmg',a proTos~,d agree; me}rt,~cr q„purvey of conditions and problems in the 2 " City o~ . D~}bpgVg - ... .. !' 16-Interstate ~p~'eF „ y, reI&tive to bus servrce on Be}inett'~t, ~1Q "~' 26-Interstate Pgwer,~0o, requesting vacation of a;prece',gf ',grpp~g}'ty m Blpc$ 14,.,,Dubuque,,~iarbor; ~mproveinent ~,~! Company's Addrtion adjacent, to'po}ver,p~lau~~l?ldg 18-25-95.129 236 1Y18T, 29-Iowa,;~mployment~~ervice,~,regpesting ar• apprppriat~on in the amount of $37r~.00 to assist rn d'efraym~ the costs 88-128 • of oper~t~an ~ the Dubuque„Office .:: , ,;... ,. ~" 29-Interngttonal' ~~hance.,of Thea~hca~ Stake `Em~~pyes and ' nr„~~„n P,rtnra • Operators. red'uestina•. that ~ aCtron' be taken in o;derv .~h~t members; off, tl~ga~ :o{,g~#}iz~t~on;;be granted •the pirvrlegg to ,work attractions at the }. ''' • ,Athletic Field , ,.• ~7 i i --, ,,., .:. 5 6 and 7 sale of Lots 3~ 4 uisign No 2 dustrial $ubdi ~ " 9 89-1~~ , ,, ~ rl , , ,~ - ~pril 26-Iowa' °Oil Cb;, sign policy .:... ..:..................... :...._ 116 June 7-Interstate Finance Corporation, sign policy ........................ 167 " 21-International Harvester Company, requesting permission to place a banner across- the street from theeir build- ing to the Witwer Grocer building ................................ 161 " 30-Interstate Company, granted cigarette permit .....:............ 179 July 13-Iowa Taxpayers Association, extending hnvitations to the City to attend conference at Des Moines, July 16th 189 Aug. 2-Inspection Service, recommendation of City Manager that the Council take the necessary steps for the consolida- tion of same.......~ .................................................................... 212 Sept, Z-Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police, extending invitation to the Chief of Police, Police Officers and Policewomen to attend convention ................................._....................... 222 " 2-Irmen Oscar et al, requesting that the resurfacing of West 28th Street be continued to Muscatine Street.... 223-240 Oct, 4-Iowa Children's Home Society, Des Moines, Iowa, request- ing permission Uo hold a tag day .................................. 248 " 25-Iowa State Highway Commission, relative to establishing greater speed limits in the outlying districts where houses are 200 feet apart .................................................... 254.269 INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT J .Jan, 15-Jaeger M. R, et a1, requesting that Bennett Street Abe preserved for coasting place for children.......a............ March 1--Juergens John N., sign policy .............................................. " 1-Jaeger F. M. Hardware Co,, sign polio " 1-Jansen Mrs, Lucille, granted Class "B" beer permit....... 9--Jellison Margaret, A., suspension of 1936 taxes ................ May 3-„Tenni "Henry, granted Class "C"beer " 24-,Jaeger Arnold, requesting permission forthelplacing of his house-cars on the ]ot located on the southeast cor- e nepr of 15th and Cedar Streets...1 ............................. . June 30-Joel aretMrs, oNrn1tB, and Elmer Astgen, renewal of g ..................'........_....................................... 30-Jacquinot Harr ' J, renewal of c~ arette permit............ ~~ 30-Jaeger p y ~ .g ~~ " -Kunnert Co,, renewal of cigarette permit.,..:.,,,,., Oct. 8-„Tasman John J,, granted Class "B" beer. permit 25- Johnson High Test Oil Company, sign policy ......:........ :. 26-Jordan W, J„ excavati Nov. 16-Jun els Joseph, granted n bond'."....""' . g permission to construct and maintain a canopy over the sidewalk at 1085 Julien Ave, Page 10 43 43 45 64 125 139 180 190 180 252-3'63 259 260 277-287 INDEX-Book 67 193 SUBJECIP Page K Jan. 4-Kemler Julia E,, requesting permission to pay the prin- dipal as full settlement of delinquent special assessment ~ levied for gas connections against east r/z of north; 88 feet of Lot 7S3 in A, MoDaniePs Sub ........:.:................. ~2 " 2b---Kinsella Kate, suspension of 1936 taxes ............................ 17 '° 26-Kress Peter J., grahted transfer of Class "B"beer permit 19 Fcb, 8-Keller W, H., representative of Voolker Realty Co,, re- questing that penalties be ,cancelled on the delinquent special assessments agianst North ~i of Lot 269 of DaVia Farm Add :..................................:........:...................... 29 March 1-Kane Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem bf meeting 39 1-Klaner-Julien Hotel Co,, sign p'olicy ............:..................... 43 9-Kane Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem bf meeting 60 ~~ ..........,. ce o c aim ......... ....... ried 19-K M 80 y g groan April 13-Kennell George, official record- contamm da' for n his a cat o g pp for appointment to the office ' refusin of Superintendent o£ the Water Works.......A ................. 109 " 13-Kane Councilman, excused from Council meeting.......... 111 " 26-Kennison Herbert A,, submitting for final approval a plat of Mount Vernon Court Addition .......................... 115 26-Kies Drug Store, sign policy .............................................. 115 May 3-Kennison Herbert A., submitting ,application for the position of City Mlanager ........................:..................... 119 '"' 3-Klossner A, E., relative to purchasing city property wi Prescott Street :......................................:........:....:................ 124 10-Klauer Manufacturing Company, requesting permission to erect loading platforms and can~apies on the north and east-sides of their warehouse at 10th and Wash- ingtan Streets ...~ .................................................................128-148-153 10-Kingsley Wm, J., granted Class "B" beer permit............ ' 132-133 ~' 24-Kane Conncilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the meeting 138 " 24-:hretscher-Treadway Company, requesting that the south side of Ninth Street between the alley and WashlnKtmr ' " Street be declared a restricted parking area .........:.......... 141 2A--Kenneally Raphael' J„ action of Council rescinded in his , appointment as night watchman at Ninth Streit Fire Station and that he be placed back in active service as an Engineer ...................................................................... 148 June 7-Klein Elizabeth, notice of levy and sale .............................. 16l " 7-Kies Bootrie et al, sign poiicy .................................~....._....... 167 ~~ 7-g. M. Supply Ca., sign policy ............................................. 167 " 30-Koerner Wafter, claim of ...................................................... 170-187 30-Kane Allen C., Clerk of Water Department, band of........ 170 " 30-Kar,avas Geo., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 177.178 " 30-Karigan Andrew D., granted Class "B" beer permi±.... " 178 30=Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., granted Class "B" beer permit 17g " 30-Kirkpatrick Mrs, Anna, granted C!~ass "B" beer permit " 178 30-Kcelopulbs Steve,' granted Class "B" beer permit............ 178 30-King Mrs. Lois H„ granted Class "B" beer permit............ 178 30-Kochendorfer Adolph, granted Class "B" beer permit.... ] 79 30-Klein Frank, granted Class "B"beer permit................... 179 " 30-•Kruse Geo, C, and Dorothy Kiene, granted cigarette permit 17:1 30-Koleopoulos Steve, granted cigarette permit .................... 180 30-Kirchoff Edward, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 190 " 30-Karigan Andrew D„ renewal of cigarette permit............ " 180 30-Kretz E. P„ renewal of cigarette permit ............................. 180 " 30-Kies Theo. V., renewal of cigarette permit ........................ " 180 30-Kennedy P. R., renewal of cigarette permit ...................... 180 30-Klauer-Julien Hotel Co., renewal' of cigarette permit.... 180 2'1v~~X,-Boob ~~ 1937` SUB J ECT' page T ~ n July 6-Ilona Councilm~~, a~,pon?,ted a~ynr Prq .Tgpi,p~ the meeting '1~a 13=bane Cauncilcnarl,,.aPPQlnted ~4IaYo~,PxR,Teglo~.th@.;311eeting 186 Aug, 2-Kretschmer Charles G,, appointed member oi' PJgygropnd and Recreation,, „Comtliissign,... , „. ~ ~r.,. ;,,.t; " 2-Karberg,P, K; extepd€~l,a Ygtg of thanks,fox serujees 213 regdered; as a member qf. Playground ,and R,ecreatign , s:Co}nmissign •- ,~ ..,..,,, ~ . ....:......... " 9-Kennison. Herbert A,: and ,GraFe E , ,requestmg, that an 213 eight inch sewer and a four meh ,.w~i<ex main, be r~nstall'ed in Mount ,Verngn .!;Dort .; ...,... 218;,2 `, 9-Kretz E. P., sign ppl~y .. ... '218 ,, .. Sept, 2-Kaiser;Rich'atd,i claim.gf , ~...., .,._ 221 ; 2-Kolf Mrs, Anna, suspens~o~l.0~,193G.ta~es ,223.244 " 23-Kirmse.,lYlrs: Anna, 5uspensi"qn of ,1936 ;taxes ~ ..,. ' 23 7 23-K retschiaier.``,Insuranee,Agency, requ@stmg ,releage of the , !bond of R. M -Evans ,_~ : . .......:........ 237 '" 23-Kennedy.~l?atrick;R:,, gi~anted ,C]ass "B";.beer,-permit.,;...-,. 242 " 23-Kretschmer_ W, M,, Agent for;.John, F~Qy~,,reggestigg; a refund on penalty, charges paid qn delinquent special assessments ,, .:... ~ ,.ws :...;; ,=.c., Oct, 8-Kane CoAnei]manr ,appointed Mayor Pro;Tem of the•.meeting 2Q5 250 25-Kaiser Mrs; Mary; demand~rig an efficient .water. service ' ' to her' hoirte.,looated on Kaufman ,venue ;,-. .. . 264 ,, , 26-Koehler Sarah, 'requesting suspension of, ;1.936 ta~es..~ :... "' 255-262 25-•Koehler T->ehry E.;"requGstiilg„suspQns~on of 136 taxes 26'6-262 25-Knowl'tori"'1~llen .Rider Let al,.sign Policyc. . a ,, -- .: : 259 ; ~, . ..... Nov. 1-Kalmes Mil$bn,,requesting, p.exir~i sron ta.ereet a,c~gopy in "front of building located at"1085 Julien,A yet~ue~... " 266 . 1=I~uehnle Edwin„C,,requesting'refuuds. on ipenalxy~and; ri~4~ " . terest 'dharges, paid on delinquent speFiah assessments ~ "` ,~~ 267 I-~Kressig'Frank, requestmg suspension ,of 1 936. ,taxes. . " ` 268-271 , . 15-Kies & 'Battier, sign policy ' . „ ..., 15-Kalman Haltom J, granted Class "Bj' beer permit :, 275 2 6 , .... Dec, 6-$ane Councilman} appointed May,gr Prq T,em of the meeting ' 7 285 6JI{asslei• Mptor fro ., sigq pAl1CY.:, s ,..:., ~ ~ 20-Kress Peter J,, renewal of Class "B" beer,permit.,:..~..... 291 '302 INDEX-Book 67. SUBJECT Page 1987] ~ s, incUosing resolution far the ~4-League of Iowa Municipali JBn, k Pierce to furnish legislative reports f F 1-2b ran employing o Long Anna, recommendations of Sanitary Officer, Chief of 4 - Fire Department and Building Commissioner, that old of 2608 Central Avenue ibe condemned,.-. 3-93-103 'barn at rear 4-Levan A, J., excavation bon .......a.... hner Mrs, Hycintha, requesting that the property lo- L " e 15- cated at 511 Garfield Ave, be rezoned 10-42-83-106.111-112-120-121 Feb. 1-Lee James F, Faving Company; requesting that action be enforcement of the law governing Junk th i e n taken Dealers and also that his property be given proper 26.66 police protection : .................._.......................................:...~. ' 8-Larem Frank, suspension of taxes ...................x::............... 34-236 . „ ?, 8-Lundbeck Kato S., Suspension of taxes..........._ ................... 4U.~2 March 1-Link Jacob, suspension of taxes .....::................:.:............... " 1-Loyal Order of Moose, requesting that the charge for the transfer of their beer permit be eliminated .................... 41 " 1-Loizeaux Dr. Gharles E., sign poolicy ...................,.............. 43 « 1-Leik William C„ sign po]icy .................................................. 43 " 1--Leath & Co., sign policy..,+ ..................................................... 1~Loya1 Order of Moose, transfer of Class "B" .beer permit 46 19-Lawson Mrs'. Edith, cancellation of 1936 taxes ................ 81-246 " 29-Lee Jams F., request tq widen Angella .Street on the west side apposite Zots 11 and 12, Gilliam's Sub......... i 95 103 ew April 5--~Lenehan James, appointod as member of Board of Rev 0 " 5-Loyal Order of Moose, granted cigarette permit .............. i 9 May 3-Lagen Betty, claim of .............................:............................ 119 ~, 3-Lindenberg E., claim of .............................:._................_..... " 3-Linehan Miss E., requesting that action 'be taken relative to the operation of the automobile repair shop in a private garage adjoining her property at 1301 Main St, 119-129 " 10--Ladies of Mary Agard Tent, Daughters of Union Vete- 127 rans, requesting permission to hold a Flag Tag Day Sale °' 10-Librarian, annual report ........................._........---~................. " 10-Lacy Attorney Franla, representing Wm, H, Kretschmer 128 . as Trustee„ requesting that authorization be made for a refund of any penalty that must be paid on delinquent special assessments levied against Lot 30 Reche's Sub, 131 " 24-Lang Martin N., suspension of 1936 taxes .......................... 141 June 7-Lavery Margaret, claim of ..................................................~.... 150 7-Lee James F., protesting against the practice by the City of Dwbuque in furnishing and renting publicly owned eauipment ..........................................................................:....... 7-Link Leo, granted Class "B" beer permit .......................... 152 156 " 21-Lavery Margaret, original notice of suit ........................~... 160 " 21-Lic]aes Frank I. et al, requesting that Rosedale Ave, be oiled 161-175 y F. R., reappointed as a member of the Board of " 21-Lac y Library Trustees ..........................................................~:....... 164 21-Lemper Henry P., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 167 " 21-Loyal Order of M',oo'se, renewal of cigarette permit.... 167 30-Leiser Emil and Hugh Kress, granted Class "B" beer permit 178 30-Leilc Wm. C., granted cigarette permit.......~ ..................._. 179 30-Leiser Emill and' Hugh Kress, renewal cigarette permit 180 " 30-Ludwig M. J., renewal cigarette permit .............................. 180 30-Lemper H. P,, renewal cigarette permit .............................. 180 .I~1DE~X=Boob' ~ 6i 1937 SU]3JECT Page L July 13-Lukens Joseph B,, claim .of ....a...,:..:,..........._ ......:....:..:. Aug. 2-League of Iowa Municipalities, bill for dues........:.;....... 138.209 9-Lee Jas, F, et al; objections to the adoption of thle proposed City Budget ......................... ~. .. 214-236 ept. 2-Larson Mrs. Christine; claim of .............:..................:........... 221 7-Loyal Order of Moose granted Class "B" beer permit 232 Oct, 8-lonard Frank IE,;orequestingtsuspension of 1936 taxes 261-262 Nov, 1-Licorice Products C., .requesting that the alley in the rear of their faGto~y be made level in order tc eliminate the difficulty they encounter in emptying tank cars 269 " 16-LegaY opinion of GSty Solicitor Czizek on petitions of Dubuque Packing Company .............:.... Dec. 6-Le Van Archie, excavation band ..:................................_....278.279- 90 20-Landon Charles, sign policy ................ ...........................:.... 301 INDEX-jBook' 67 1939 SUBJECIP Page Mc Feb 1-McCarthy Peter H.; requesting she Mayor and Secretary , . ' of Dock Board send letters of protest to United' States 'Senators, Herring and Gillette, to oppose passage of ` St,' ,Lawrence Treaty . ` ' 25 "" 8-McDonald A. Y: Mfg Company, requesting permission 1 ~ toconstruct-a concrete platform on• the -south snde of , . . 'their 'Building •. incated at the northeastr corner of Second and` Iowa Streets .......................:..............._......... 29.67 r "~' ? ~B=McCarten H; B.; requesting exemptionbf 19.36 taxes on the'west 60 ft, Lots 21, 22, 23~ in Bonson.& Stewarts • Sub: &s this property is being used for recreational purposes iii March 9-~1~1cDonald A: Y. Mfg; Co., granted permissionao construct ,and maintain a' car-loading platform on public property 87 19-McEvby.J. 'Wf .Superintendent of,City-Water Works, !~ tendering his resignation:.:.:..~.:~ :......::....::......._............,.... 86 April 13-McFarlane' Alice;•• settlement of ~: claim ..:.............................. lIl 26-McCeney Josephine, suspension:: of ,1836 taxes .::.:::...:.:..... 113-246 June 7-McEvoy John W,,: adoption of resoUution upon his. death 168-169 ~~ member,~of; the.Board 21-N1,'cLean Charles, reappointed as a .. of Library .Trustees _ ....:::. ..~ ..........:::....~...._ 1fi4 " 21-McDonald Daniel, granted Class: "B" .;beer permit......, . 166 .,i~, ~21~McDonald Daniel;. Menewal ~ of cigarette..permit ......:....:.... 167 30-McLaughlin Frank,' granted Class "B" beer permit...,cu:. ~. 178 ~~ McMann Mrs. Sophia ,and 'Mrs, E. Van, Der ,Muelen, 30- granted Class "B" beer: permit:: ~:..::.:.:~ ....:.::::.......~.:.:::..v:. 178 " 30-McFarlane.Roberb, granted eigarette•.permit ............:....... 179 " 30-McGann Gene; renewal ~ of cigarette permit .................. 180 ,~qly 13-McNally 'John; cancellation o£ 1936 taxes ........,...•,•.~ 189-236 Aug. 2-MaDonald A.•Y. Mfg Co,; resuesting addh Tonal permiss- ion to raise tho grade of Second St, ;by permitting the extension of the ramp 9 feet toward' center of street.... 210-224 " 9-McGee Consuelo and Helen C. Green, notice of appeal from decision of the Board o~ Review ........................... 217 Sept, 2-MeGoe Consuslo'and Helen C, Green, suspension or re- Qet, mission of the 1936 taxes ...................a.,..:.....:.....,,.,..•..., 223.229.232 4-McCann Eugene, renewal of Class "B" beer permit...,,... 249 " 25-McGuinness Helen, requesting refund an penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments ............................ 264 " 2~MkC'arten H. B., excavation bond ............:......:.....:................ )~qy, ~S~McAlaon Lucille, notice of claim_ ........................................ 273 287 Dec, 20-McAloon Lucile, original notice of suit ...........................~ INDEX-Book 6i 1937 SUBJECT Page M Jan. 1'5-Murtagh C. B., State Comptroller, approving the transfer of prior year taxes to the Gonsodidated and Fire Main- tenance Funds . ...................................:.. " 15-Meyer Arthur J, et al, requesting that a street light be 10 anstal]ed in the 180p block on Custer Street ........:....... " 25-Mangers Erwin, claim of ~ 10-92 .._ ........_ .:..................................... Feb. 1-Mettel Realty & Investment Company, requesting per- 17 mission to erect iron steps on the 29th Street side of ;building at 2890 Central Avenue .:......................... : 25-91-113 .... .... 1-Municipal. Employees Union tirievance Committee, 're- n e ~w i i g agr ement h ch was presented t~ the C ty Count 1 " 1-Murtagh C, B. State Comptrollier r i 2fi , , app ov ng transfer of ..funds of Emergency Levy Fund in the amount of $14,809.36 to the Consolidated Fund ......:....:.......... . : 26-27 . ... .... 8-Murtagh C, B,, State Comptroller, advising Council that no action. will be"taken on the proposed transfer of $17,OOO:OOIfrom Waterworks Sinking Fund to finance a swimming pool ...~ .......::......................................_..........: Ma rch 1-MacFarlane Mrs. Alice, claim for injuries 34.66 .....:....:....:.......... 1-Menta Mrs• Anna, remission of taxes ......:................. (` 39 40 ......... « r b ~ '41-245 1-Midland Chemicah Lal oraltories Ine s relative to i}ir~ e hazard at the old Ernsdorf ibuilding ..............................: " 42 ... 19-Mueller Henry, suspension of 1934, 1935 and 1936 taxes " 80 19-Morris Lester J., suspension of 1936 taxes ...................... . "` 80 . 19-Murtagh C. B,, State Comptroller, a!d`uising Coungill that ' . '' he is unable to approve of the proposed permanent transfer of. prior year taxes to Consolidated Fund..... " 82 ... 29-Municipal Baseball League,. making application for use of the Baseball Park for Sundays ....................:...._....... " 89 29-Murtagh C. B,, State Comptroller, approval far perma• , nent transfer of $307.56 from the Emergency Fund toy the Consolidated Fund... . .......................:......................._... " 90 29=Murtagh C. B,, State Comptroller, approval for .tempor- ary transfer of $15,OOO.p0 from Waterworks Operation Fund to the Consolidated Fund ..::.....::....:.................::. ...;.. prill 5-Meier Mrs H R claim of : 90 . . _ ., ..._ ..........:.......... ................:........ " 5-Municipal Athletic Field, Gity Manager, instructed to ad- 104 vertise far bids for the holdung 'of athletic, events....104.113-127 5-Mutual Surety Company, certificate of authority to 150-157 transact the business of Fidelity and Surety Insurance in the State of Iowa ..................._........_.............................. 104-105 26-Murtagh C. B., State Comptroller, granting an extension till December 31st, 1937, for the return of the balance of $162,52 from the Library Building Fund to the Waterworks Fund ............................................................... 113 . " 26-Moore I, C., suggesting that the name of Main Street be changed to CommerciaV Avenue instead of Murphy Avenue 114 26-Mount Vrrnon Coui•t Addition, plat of said addition sub- mitted for final approval .................................................115.137-138 May 3-Molo Bart, request for the removal of boulevard light llocated about 50 feet north of 14th Street on the west side of Central Avenue _ .............................. ~......... 122 10-Madison Street retaining wall, request for the repairing of said wall .......... ..........:...................•-...........~..................... " 127-143 10-Melchior Har'~n G., submitting application for the position of Gity Manager ..:..........................:...................... 128 10-Midwest Antiquarian Association, authorizing and dir- ectingthe Mayor and Audito t t P r o execu e a roject Proposal 134 IND'~X-Book b7 S'UBJECT' Page y9$7 M n ' n a ~~ 2~M the observ- bwtion for ts usual ontr make Counc 1 o ante of Memorial Day ..................._...._............,...-....._.... 140 "• 24-Memorial Day Parade Committee, extending, invitation toy , the City Council to take'part in the Memorial Day Parade 140 24-Mulgrew Thos. J: Company, requesting that Levee Street from Jones Street south be given proper improvement 140-174 " 24-Millmen's Local No• 1646; requesting Couneil to consider the adoption of an ordinance providing far the closing down of plants in which strikes occur and where outside rsons are brought in foe' the purpose of breaking strikes 140 pe " 24-Municipal Report for the fiscal year 1936-7, bids for printing of same ._ a 84--Maus Carl J., granted Class "B" beer permit.-..:.......-... 144-145 146-147 's • 24-Meyer Martin, granted Class "B" beer permit .........:.:.... 146-147 June 21-Murtagh C. B., State Comptrolller, approving application for temporary transfer of $3,5p0.00 from the Water- works Operation Fund to Library Building Fund........ 164.166 ' 21-Meyer Paul J., renewal .of cigarette permit ........................ 167 • 30-Machinek Joseph J., granted Class "B" beer permit.... 178 ed Class u 30-Meyer Albert M., and Herman Roesch grant ~ .p . g. , pe «~ ~, ~ ~ - ~_ " 30-Men is Waiter granted Class B beer erinit ................ y 178 176 ~a ::, ...... rle John, gra ted Class "B" beer permit.. ... -~-- 30-Ma 178 " 30-Noes Carl J., granted Class "B" beer permit' ................... 176 " ~ 30-Myers-Cox Co., granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 " 30-Miller Geo,, granted cigarette permit ..............~..-..:............. 179 BO-Meyer Chas. F., granted cigarette permit ....:...:................. 179 orris Herman H., requesting a free license to sell JuIY 'bakery goods from house to house .................................. 183 13-M unicipal Employees Local Union, requesting that in the appointment of a street foreman to'fill said vacancy that the law of seniority govern the appointment.... 189 13-Mettel Realty 11i Investment Company, advising that they have a client who is interested in purchasing Lot 27-B in Wood's Addition ...........:.................................................. 189 " 19-Murtagh C. B„ State Comptroller, advising Council of receipt, of applications to levy an increased fire main- tenance fund and also an emergency tax ...................... 205 " urtagh C. B., ,State Comptroller, approvals.of resolution 19-M No, 84-37 to levy an emergency tax of :50 mills and also resolution No. 85-37 to increase the tax levy for the Fire Department Maintenance Fund to 3.20 miP_s_....... 205 19-Mills West Dubuque Add,, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, tax sale certificates .............................._...:.......................................... 2a5-294 " 19-Midwest-Timmerman Co., notified to remove their private bell fire alarm system from the 9th St. Fire Engine House 206-231 19i--Myers-G°ox Co., 'notified to remove their private bell fire alarm system from the 9th St, Fire Engine House 206-231 " 19-Merchants Supply Co., notified to remove their private bell fire alarm system from the 9th Stree± Fire Engine Hiuse 206.231 Aug, 2-Mengis Walter et al, requesting that the stop signs on Central Ave, at Eighth Avenue be removed ................ 210 " 2-Maizewood Insulating Company, requesting permission to construct a loading platform on City property which extend about five and one-h?lf feet on s•:ime._210-226-277-287 ' -Mnffa.tt Company, sign policy .................................. " 9-Ma his 218 9-Miller William, granted Class "B" beer permit...........-... 219 INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT Page M Sept, 2-MiNs Ray, .granted refund om penalty charges paid on e l s 7-Magee T J. Estc granted Glass "C" beer permit......, ... " 23-Merchants Hotel, sign policy ...... « 232 .............. ............................:. 23-Mettel C. E., sign bond'... 239 ...._........---• " 23-Midwest Lumber Company, awarded contract for the furnishing of coal and colte 239 ............................................. Oct, 4-Midwest-Timmerman Company et al, requesting permiss- i 241 on to transfer the private fire alarm ,bell system ennunciator 'board from the 9th Street en i h g ne ouse to the 18th Srteet alarm headquarters " ............................ 4-Murphy Insurance Agency, requesting the cancellation of excavation b d 247 on of Mrs, Ray Powers ........................ 4-Miller Hal, requesting suspension of 1936 taxe 247 s....-....... 4-Mueller Henry, requesting suspension of 1936 taxes...... 8-Murtagh C, B. State Com tr ll d 248-249 248 , p o er, a vising Council that he cannot approve the application far a transfer of $5,500 from the Emergency Fund to the Dock Main - tenance Fund .. ..........................:............................................ 8-Millier Mks. Katid A., requesting suspension of 1936 taxes " 8-Melssen Hubert, granted Class "B" beer permit 261 251-262 .._~......._ 25-Martell J. C,, sign. policy ....... 262-253 ................................:... . 25-Mississippi Valley Association, extending invitation ~ Mayor and' City Council to attend 269 convention at St, Louis, Mo. 262 Nov. 1-Marshall Boiler Works, objecting to the granting of the petitions of the Dubuque Packing Company .............:.. 1-Morris Donald, cllaim for damages to hi i 266-281 s a rplane caused in landing at Municipal Airport .......................... . 1-Murtagh C, B,, State Comptroller„ approving application for transfer of $5 500 00 from W t 266 , , a er Works Operation Fund to Dock Operation Fund " ................................... 1-Marquard Mrs. Fred, requesting suspension of 1936 taxes " 15-Murtagh C, B,, State Comptrolller r i 268.281 ; app ov ng application for transfer of $18 000 00 from E , , mergency Fund to Garbage and Street Cleaning Fund ......................._. - " 15-Meyers Kermit 272 , granted cigarette permit ......................... Dec. 6-Mootz Frank et al, requesting that Bluff St ' 276 reet Exten- Sion be put in, condition for travel, also that park step lights be repaired and one dditi a onal light be installed half-way between park steps and Rush St eet ~~ r ............ 6-Mid-Continent Petroleum Corporation si 6-Meuser Wm H n l - 286 291 , ., requesting refunds on pe tq charges paid on delinquent special assessments .................................... 294 INDEX-Book 67 1~3~ SUBJECT Page N 8-National Rivers and Harbor Congress, advising that the Feb , next meeting will be held April 23rd and 24th, at Washington, D, C......;..~ ........................................:............. 33 ch 1-Nagelmaker Charles, claim for injuries .............................. )Ylar 39-117 „ 1-Norberg Ethel E., requesting that a water main !be laid on Primrose Street ................................................................ 40-131 " 19-Ney Albert J., making application for use of Dubuque Athletic Field for every ,other Sunday afternoon........ 81-90 29-Nick Mrs. Lena, claim. of .........~ ............................................. 88-136 ~~ -Nash Ambassador Car, approval of purchase for the use °f City Council and City Monager ......................._.......... 91 -Nelson Al, J., submitting application for the office of April 6 City Solicitor .......................................................................... 101 " 13-Night watchman position created at the 9th Street Fire Engine House ........., ._..:........_ .....................,.....:......._......... 111-148 ]yTay 3-Nagle J, J. Estate, by John A: Nagle, requesting per- mission to pay the principal, plus 5%a, interest per annum, on delinquent special assessments levied against the Middle 3 of Lots 17 and 18 of Davis Subdivision 120 " ' 10-Nicks Mss. Mary, suspension of 1936 taxes ........................ 128 " 10-Nurre Glass Company, requesting the installation of additional street lights around their plant .................... 132-181 June 21-Norton Arthur, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 166 " 30-Nordin Geo., renewa)I of cigarette permit ........................ 180 Aug. 2-Neuwohner G. L, et al, 'requesting that the alley starting at 1530 Julien Ave, be repaired ......................._............... 210-240 pt, 7-Neubauer Harold, submitting an offer for the purchase Se of the Sutherland property on West Locust Street and now owned by the City 'of Dubuque .................::............. 229-244 " 13-Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, requesting per- mission to string a banner across Locust Street at 824 Locust Street ................................................_............. 233 23-Nordin George, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 242 Oct. 25-Nesler F. A. & Sam, sign po]icy .............................................. 259 Nov. 1-Nemerowslcy I, et al, objecting to the granting of the petition of the Dubuque Packing Co ................................. 265-281 15-Norton Arthur, transfer of Class "B" beer permit.......... 276 Dec. 6-Nagle J. J. Estate, by John A. Nagle, requesting approval of the occupancy of 429-437 Main Street for automobile sales and show room .............................~----......................... 287 ' 20-Nelson Victor W., requesting a refund on penalty and in- terest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 297 20-Neenan Herbert J,, appointed as a member of the Pl~ay- ground and Recreation Commission to fill the unexpired term of George J, Roepsch ............._..............................,.... 301 INDEX-Book. 6i 19'37, SUBJECT _ page Jan. 25 -O'Donnell T: J: et al, requesting, the installation of a street light on or near the intersection of Providence Street and Windsor Avenue .. ....... :.:...:.::.. 17-91 Feb. 1-Ordinance No.1-37, an ordinance providing far an annual special tax for Dock proposes ..:.:...............::..:..:...........2329-$0-46 March 1 -Ordinance No. 2-37, an ordinance amending an ordinance entitled: an ordinance providing i`ox an annual special tax for Dock purposes ..........:...::..::.....:..........:.:....:........:..:..47 -61.62-81 ". 9-Ordinance No. 3-37. Special ordinance granting A. Y. M,bDonald Mfg. C. the right to construct and maintain a car-loading platform on ptibllie property .................... 6'~-81-82 19 -Ordinance No. 4-37. Appropriating truoney for the var= , sous funds and purposes for the fiscal year, 1937.:......79-86-87-88 April b -Okay Vern, granted cigarette permit ....:............:...::...........:. lOG 26 -Ordinance No. 5-37. Amending and changing the zoning map as the same applies to lots in the Subdivision of Mineral Lot 363, ahso lots. in Smedley's Subdivision, lots in the Subdivision of Mineral Lots 113-A and 314, also Lots in Scharle's Subdivision ..................................:...112.120-121 26,0'I,eary Daniel J., Plumbing Inspector, bond of......:.:... 112 May 10 -Ordinance So. 6-37. Amendig ordinance No, 4-33 as the same rellates to carnivals ..................................x.,...::...:_._.134-138-139 " 10 -Ordinance No. 7-37. Amending ordinance No. 10-35, Rule 75, Paragraph 528, Section 3, relating to parking of vehicles .....--~...... ......................:...................................:...... 134-139 " 24 -Orpheum Theatre, requesting permission to hold a parade 141 " 24- Ordinance No. 8-37. ,Special ordinance granting Klauer .Mfg. Co, the right to construct and maintain acar- loading platform and canopy upon public property:... 148-153 June 7- Ordinance No. 9-37. Amendig ordinance No. 10-35, Rule 75, Paragraph 528, relating to parlring of vehicles........ 158-162 21- Oxus Caldron, requesting permision to use 12th Street for the bedding of an ice cream social ............................ 161 21- O'Regan Timothy, granted cigarette, permit...--...........:. 167 " 30 -Oberhoffer Louis, extension of concrete walls abutting his property at 911 High Bluff Street ....................:........... 176 30^ 0'Regan Timothy, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 178 " 30 -O'Brien Mrs, Margaret, .granted Class "B" beer permit 178 " 30- Orioles Lodge, granted Class "B" beer permit...:............ 179 " 30- Olansky M. B.~ renewal of cigarette permit .................... 180 July 6- Ordinance No. 10-37, regulating the use of vehicles upon the streets of the City of Dubuque, designating the provisions hereof. as the "Traffic Code" .......:................187 -188-130 191-192.193-194-195-196-197-198-199 -200-201 " 19- Obey Vern, granted cigarette. permit ...................................... 206, Aug. 9- O'Brien J, Ray, granted Class "B" beer permit........-.-,.-. 219 Sept, 2- O'Brien M. J. et al, requesting that all the lots adjacent to and just west of the westerly street line of Holly St., between Rush Street and Cleve'.and Avenue be declared as a business district _._......._ ...................................223-268 -277-289 " 2- Oleson Henry, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 225 " 7- ,Okay Vern, granted Class "B" beer permit .................... 232 Nov. 15- Ordinance No. 11-37, granting Joseph Jungels, his success- ors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain a canopy over the aidew^lk at 1085 Julfien Avenue.__... 277-287 " 15- Ordinance No, 12-37;, granting toy the Maizewocd Insnht- ing Company, its successors and assigns, the righk to construct and maintain a loading platform on Salina St. 277-287 INDEX-Book 67 SUBJECT Page ~,$$7 O rr 15.-Ordinance No. 13-37, amending Ordinance No. 10-37, en- use of vehielles upon ulating the _ titled An ordinance reg the streets of the City of Dubuque; designating the provisions hereof as the `Traffic Code' of said city: amending Rule No. 93 of Paragraph 609, Section 3, b 288 8 u y ., „ , ,- ..... relating to speed ......................:............................... 15-Ordinance No. 14-37 , An ordinance prohibiting the driv- - 27 ing of cattle, sheep and swine on foot over and across s of the City of Dubuque, except lle d y a the streets an within prescribed areas thereof, defining the conditions under which Such livestock may be driven over streets 280-289 and alleys within such areas .............................•..--..•.-••-••~•-- igarette permit a un on c 6-Olansky M. B., requesting 286 291 Dec. „ _ olrc 6-0rph Bing the Zoning once No a16e37sramending and ~han~~-.~~~~•..~.......-.G..-.... Ordin 6 - Map as the samo applies to_liots, ]ands and parcels of lronrnded on the south by the center line of real estate , West 3rd Street; on the north by the center line of West 5th Street; on the east by the center line of Bluff Street; the center line of Burch Street...... est b th 293-298 ~' y e w and on Ordinance No, 1637, amending and changing the Zoning 6 - Map as the same aPPlies to the south 40 feet od Lots 293-299 ~~ G-~ 81' and 82 of Union Additron......._ ............................~....... rdinance No. 17-37, granting Ito Dulbugwe ' Padkang Company, its successors and assigns, the right to wn- struct and maintain an unloading platform on Syca- " more Street , 6-Ordinance No. 18-37, granting to William J. Canfield Sr. 293-299 and William J. Canfield Jr„ their successors and assigns, the right to construct and maintain a canopy over the 294-300 " sidewalk abutting City Lot 523-A..._ ......................k......... 20-Okay Vern, requesting a refund on cigarette permit........ 297: 20=Ordinance No. 19.37, an ordinance amending an ordinance dinance establishing a Building Code "A n or entitled: for the City of Dubuque; creating the office of Building Commissioner, fixing the salary of said officer and defining the powers and duties of such Building Com- e and prescribing. penalties for violation there- missioner , " by repealing Section 639 relating to the location of of - , plants in theatres and enacting a substitute therefor 297 heating " . 20-Okay Vern, granted Glass "B" beer permit ........................ 302' INDEXF-Book 6~ ~as7 - _ SU-1~JFCT _. ' __ - - _. -- ---- -- ~~ __~ _ P _ _ Jan. 16-- Paisley Walter W: and Robecca L., melease of ~irax gale 4ertificate hold Eby City of Dubuque ....::.....::............... _. 1~5-Payrolls for .monbh of December 1936: " 11 , .._ ..:.............:........ 25-Pinger',Carll.J;,'granted Class "B" beer permit......,..... Fo'b. 8-Payrolls formonth of January 1937 11 lg , ..:.... March 1-Pauli Hans, State Procurement Of&oer, xequestiug the CCity Ito . quote a :price ,on 300 co i 34 . . . p es :of .Dubuque Guide 1-Palen Joseph, :Supervisor Writer's _Psojects, requesting 8g bhat the -money ,received in, the sale ,of IJubuque Guide, ibe applied in :making additions ,to Dubuque Guide " .... 1-]3ark Fund; proportionateshare,od .prior .year aax collec- 39 . tions to .be .allocated ........:................................ `" 1-Planning and. Zoning ;Commission, trepgr4ti on request 41 of Mrs. Hycintha Zehner : . : ... :....... ........................................ 1~Flanning .and ~2oning Commission, report on request of H. A. !Bischoff .... 42 .................................:.....................~.......... 1=Palace Theatre, sign :policy ........ 42 .............,.....,....._................. 1--Fetch Beverage Co., Sign policy ...........:.....'...:~..:._........._.. 1-.Peryon A: G::and Emil ,~ y. sign .policy 43 43 . , .................................... a J• `Hlntgen ._,..., mmission, report on ,request of :: 44 ..................._.:...._,.:.. „ yrdYls for month o F :.................,.. 9-~E ~E~ el~ruary :1937 : ~ 44 , ..:a..... a.....: .......::...... 9-Prior Year Tax Fund, tranfer to bemade Ito theLibrary 66 Fund, to the Fire Equipment •Fund,•and.to~.the~Garbage and Street Cleaning Fund ........:..........:............:............... 9-Prior Year's Taxes, permanent transfer eta ibe made to ,the .Consolid'ated .Fund .and State .Comptroller 'to ibe 67 .petitioned ,for ~aiYthority ~to~ make such transfer :..........: 19=Perry Viator:& A1.ianor Joe grant d Cl' " " .67-68 82 . , e ~ ass~ B bbeer permit 19-,finger :Carl ,J., granted- cigaretto ,permit " 83-84 .............:.......:...... ° 19-Prior Y,~ear Tax Fund; transfer tQ be made Ito the ~Recrea- tion „Fupd, Ito the Airport Fund t th g4 , , o e ~Polioe Pension iH'und ,to +the `'Fire. zPension 0! und, to the iDack 03ond ;Fund,~to'~the Playground Bond Fund and'.toahe'Emer- ~, igency Fund ...............:......:..........:.:............................:............. 19--r Urior Year {faxes; City Treasurer and Gity Auditor .in- s ru, to d ~ allocate the same t f d 84 I o un s whe n received up' . to iM~rch ;3Xst Q937 . ~~ ................_...,.,,.. ,.... 29--~plan~ting and ,Zgning Commission, recom~ending the aacep~tance:o£'the. offer' of Lot 1 of 2' f M i 84 . o ~ n..;Lot ~66.... 29-Pkanr~ing.and Zoning Commission, submitting~a.tentative 90 subdivision oredinance . ........................................................ 29-Pyle J, V., State Fire Marshall, appeal to prohibit the us 90 e of fireworks Fvithin the limits of City of Dubuque........ April 5-Planning and Zoning Commissi 94 on, recommending the re- zoning of property in Min Lot 363 and aDso rezoning ' property .in Smedley's Sub., Min, Lot 314, Min. Lot 113-A, and in Scharle's Sub " ........, ........................... 13-Payrolls for month of March 1937 106 , ..........................._...-.._ 26-Planning and Zoning Commission, tentative approval of 109 the plat of Mount Vernon Court Addition .................... 26-Petrakis Charles, sign policy .115 .,....._ ..................................... May 3-Pettengill Bill, resolution opposing the passage of this 115 measure when it comes before the U. S. Senate............ " 10-Planning and Zoning Commissi 126-141 on, requesting an exten- sien of time in making a recommendation on the re- puest for the vacation of the al]'ey in Block 14 of Du- bupue Harbor Improvement C ompany Addition............ " 10-Payrolls for the month of April 1937 129 , __ ............................ 10-Perry Vic,, granted Class "B" beer permit......._..........._.... June 7-Pauli Hans, .State Procurement Officer requesti 132-133 . , ng a price on.150 copies of Dubuque Guide .............................. 21-Payrolls for month of May, 1937 .. 151-176 ................................_--.. ' 162 '~I~D~X-Book b7 .SJSJ1~CT' ~'~ F ~" 21-Police Department, purchase of new automobile .. " " 165-166 167 beer ~erm~t B u 21-Popuette Millard, grantedClass „ " X1'18 :beer perm-it :........:.....: B ~,: 30--.Pochter Charles~•gxanted Class " 178 beer permit....,. .,.. ~, t~ 30-,Page Karl J., granted •Class "B " 1'18 .... .beer :permit - ~0 30~eed Thomas R'., ,granted °Class ".B " " 178 beer permit .... B ~~ 3p--Petrakis Charles, granted Class « g0-Poire Albert V., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 178 179 30-Petprakis Peter, granted cigarette permit ........................... 30-Petrakis Charles, renewal of cigarette permit .................. 180 « 30-Poquette Millard, renewal of cigarette permit ................ " 30-Peryon Albert G., renewal of cigarette permit......._....... 180 ~~ 30-finger Carl J., renewal o£ cigarette permit ..................... 180 " 30-Pochter Chas., renewal of cigarette permLt .................... July 6-Page Hotel Co., granted cigarette permit ........................ " 6-Potterveld Drug Co:, granted cigarette permit .............. 185 " 6-Pins Arthur, renewal of cigarette permit .......................... 185 201 " 13-Payrolls far month of June, 1937 ........................................ " " 206 beer permit..._... B " 19-Palmer Norman J, granted Class " 19-Private bell fire alarm system at Fire Headquarters, at at 9th & Iowa Streets to be removed within 60 days ZO6-231 Aug. 2-Peck Flbyd, claim of ......._.........._ ................a.....-.......... _..... 9-Polsean T. A, et al, objections to adoption of certain 249-262 items in the City Budget .................................................. 21b-236 " 9-Plamondon John J., Edward J• and Charles J., requesting that Lots 16 and 17 ~o~f Pinehurst Sub„ be re-zoned from a Single Family Residence District to a Local Business District .......................................................~....._................... " 9-Payrolls for month of July, 1937 .......................~................. 218.224 218 Sept: 2-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on d 224 on petition of John J., Edgard J. and Charles J. Plamon 13-Payrolls for month of August, 1937 .................................. 234 " 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on 238 petition of Roy Brammer ...........................:......................... " 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on 238 petition of Interstate Power Counpany .............a.............. 23-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on 239-201 petition of Carl J. Dangelmeyer ...................................... 240 " 23-Pinski George F., excavation bond ...................................... 252 Oct. 8-Payrolls for month of September, 1937 ................................ 25-Phillips Petroleum Gompany, sign policies ........................ 259 Nov. 1-Patch C, W, et al, requesting that Rush Street, Mountain Lane and Vi1Qa Street be repaired, also that retaining wall on Villa Street be repaired and that the Interstate Po~vver Co. be notified to continue travel aver the same .................... route when streets are repaired .................... 26 r 1-Puccio Anthony, requesting that the Interstate Power Co. be required to extend service to his home at 2900 Keokuk St. 267 " 1-Planning and Zoning Commission, recommendation on petition of M. J. O'Brien et al ............................................ 268 Nov, 1-Park Board, to be a]Qowed the use of $400.00 worth of water per year, 'withaut post ........................................... 269 15-Payrolls far month of October, 1937 ........ ........................... 275 15-Premier Pabst Sales Co, sign pol.icy .................................. 275 ~~ 15-Petrakis Gharles, revocation of Class "R" beer permit.... 277 Dec, 6-Planning and Zoning Comunission, recommending that the petition of Dubuque Packing Company for vacation of the easterlly 25 feet of Cedar Street between 16th and 17th Streets and sale of such vacated portion to said Packing Company, be granted ......................~................... 290 ~~ 6-Page Karl J., sign policy ...................................................... ,~ 291 291 6-Patch L. R., sign polficy .......................................................... " 6-Page Francis X., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 292 " 20--rPayrolls for the month of Novembor, 1937 .......................... 301 " 20-Palace Theatre, sign palicy ................................................... 301 ,INDEX-Book 67 I~1D~~.-Boob 47 1937 SUBJECT Page _ _ _- _.____.- SU~J~C~ ____. .____ Page - _ Q June 21-Quinlan Robert J,, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 166 " 21-Quinlan Robert J„ renewal of cigarett ermit ~~' 9-Richard Alfred Ti<. et al', requesting that Abbott ,.Street tended ~roip Lowell Street to seminary StrOet and e. p ................ 167 Nov, 1-.Quit Claim Deed of Angelina Hill''and.........-,_ ...:........ 271 " 1!e gx that Lgw,ell and W,owdWapd Streets 7)E not .Set aside for ....... 1-Quit Claim Deed of Carrie 291 " 1 ••• S n .. ,... ~ cmdered during !cy coasting and that Bald Streets be 2 92-229 Q J. and Miss, Mar ar 6- uinlan R. g p y 276 et g si n alit ....:....:... ~ .. -. weather r . 39 ' ch far ~ 1-~•~ dohu, claim• for In urges. ~ .... requestmg a •refund on penalty Indestoxs Cgrp Realt '! + y 1- and interest charges paid on dellnqusgt Spacial as~essment~ 44 i+ . i+ j,-Ryder Realty Co., sign policy ,:.. - •~••• - •~••~ 29-Ryan Wm. L.r Fire Chiefs recommending that an effgrt 'be made .in securing a Federal Grant to finance the 90-174 ~~yil necessary repairs on the vai~oug file statigns- ..,, 13-Rupert Wells, Trustee of the ~~tatR o;' Ilalv)feye Casket ~ royal qn a com• Co,, Bankrupt, requesting Cq~np11 apl? 10$ ' May promise of delipquent taxes „„ ~•~ -•• -••.-•• 3-Rhomberg Fur Cpmpapy, requestmg psrmisS19n to erect a marquee over the sidewalk at their main entrance 120-134 of stgre at ~Oth and White StK'egts •'° ]2T ' ~, +! 10-Rge~sch Joseph J., claim off, .,,,;, ,. ..... 24-Retrail Merchants Bureau, requesting permission for the ' ' use pi' Municipal Baseball dark for the hgldiug oi' a rods f 13 • June 7-Reed Charles A., Secretary tp City .M. anagex, bgmd of,..... 151. ++ 7-Rhomberg A. A•, submitting application for the ppsition 152' +r pf City lyIana~geS ..... 21-Rpth Leo J., granted ~lass~ "B'; beer perm;t ....}.,..... ,.... 166 168' ++ 21-Rhomberg A. A,, ?ppgmted City Manager ..-,•-.•.••..••.. - " 30-Recreation Cgm?nission, unpaid bills for the cgnstruction of the now Swimming Pool, submitted 1'or payment :.... 170-205 ' +! 30-RetailMerchantSBUreau,requastingthatnoipermktsbeis• aged. for the holding of carmvais, etc,, dur~ngr the week of the Dubuque Tri-Mate Radeo ,...., ..;.- ..•• 170 177 ' " " 30-Recreation CpPnmissipn+ appointment of tnelnbers .,, 30-Rpshelf Brothers Company, granted Class "B" bear permit 178 "• ...... 30-Reuter Frank, gratned Class "B" beer pgT_Init.. 179 !! 30-Ragatz Geo. Jr., graved cigarette permit ...........................~ 180 !! Jul 30-Ruegnitz B, A., renewal, of cigarette permit •,-•' ,::., 6-Receipts list far mpnth of May, 1932, proof od publication y " " 6-ROshelrBrgs,Qq., renewal of cigarette Permit..., ...,,.. 13-Roshck $ros, Ga., requesting permission t0 use 7th Street 185. 189 ' 19-hider-Wallis Co., noti~}ed to remove their. private bell i'ire stem from the 9th Street Fire Rngine House m s l 206-231 '! y ar a 19-Rhomberg A, A,, City Manager, bond placed at $BAQO.Op 207 Aug, 2-Roshek Realty Ca., notice of appeal from the decision 209 ' ~ " of Board of Review ................................................................~ 2-Rhomberg A. A,, City Manager, bond of...+.-••••••••••~•••••••••• 209 " 2-Receipts for the month of June, 1937, proud of pwblication 211 " 2-Rhomberg I{arl J., appointed a memlber of Playground 213 " and Recreation Commission .............................................. Z-Rhomberg A. A,, City Manager, appointed a member of Playground and Recreation Commission .................. 213 " 2-Roepsch George J., appointed a member of Playground Sept and Recreation Commission..._ ................................_........ , 2-Rishell Ed G., making application for the position which 213 will be in charge of the City Dredge ......................w..... 222 " 2-Receipts for the month of July, 1937, proof a~f publication 224 " 2-Registrar of Vital Stastics, appointment of Dr. W. J, 228 Connell, for a term of four years ............................._....... " 7-Richards A, H., requesting that Abbott Street be extended and properly graded ..........................................................229.230.269 ,:n.,,: INDEX-Book 67 INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT Page 7<~~7 SUBJECT Page R S ~~ 7-Rettenmaier Geo rge, granted Class B' beer permit-... . 13-Ramsey John, requesting a free excavation ermit f 232- Scheckel Mrs. Elizabeth et al, requesting that bus service n. 4- Ja t t p or Rsewer connections at 408 Klingeriber Terrace..........._... g g " 23-Receipts £oa• the month of Au ust 1937 r f f b 233' s ree n Bennett McCorm~c t an ed street ld ht be installed d Algona S 'between Algona e x 3 ~- p oo o pu lication Biter And beer permit Y~ `~ ~~ B 39 .......................... ts .-..~..........•• _ ormrck Stre McC and •• 1-10-9 1 g....'..•••••-•••• 23-Release of lien a amst Lot 19 of Sunset Rid a for the installati ~ w ( 6-Spieg~lhelb lore at the Council dec J. Strohmeyer A requesting tl '` 6 a r ti r l on ater mains .. Oct, 25- P ecei or'the month of Se tember 1937 P 244 . , - Status and Pensrbn Rights 2 to Civrl Serv c e tled e e tha h roof of ubh P " 26-Rollin L, F, sin olic P cation 257 g P y ~ g ......... ........ ........ a ~Sommerfeld A. G. et al, sign 8 olicy.... 3 p ""'°""' •°°••••°••• ••• ••••••••• 25-Ru re cht Brothers sign policy ' " 258 , s' P ~~ 16-Scbaetzle John, refund on ci arette ermrt ......-.. 10 ............... ...-. 25-Relhhan F. J., excavation bond 259 a r or oration re uestm ertnus on to 15--St. Marys Chu ch C p q g P ........................._. ...- ...... " 25-Rath Goo~ge C. & Son Inc., si y •-•`• gn polic 260 erect a canvass banner across Main Street .................... 10 ..:........................... 25-Recker Mns. Elsie, granted Class "B" beer ermit 259 ~~ 16---St Joseph Mercy Hospital, requesting exemption of taxes p -...-....... Nov, 1-Roepsch George J., tendering resignation as a menvber of the Play rou d 260 for the year 1937 on Clara Street, Augusta Street, part of Peabody Street, alley in Agnes Langworthy's Sub. g n and Recreation Commission.-....._... " 15-Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting permission for b ld 2fi7 ... and Lot 2 Hof 2 of Min, Lot 66 ......................................... 11 a - ing aSanta Claus parade and for housdng Santa Gla " 15-Smith Mrs. F., requesting a refund on penalties paid on 13 80 us also for placing Christmas lighting decorations at street intersection and the Cit to m delinquent special assessments ............................._...-..-.~.... 16--Strub Joseph, appointed Detective and Clerk of,Police Court - 14-15 y assu e the cast of current for said extra light " " 15-Stumpf Emil C., granted Class •Il" beer permit............ ] 6 s -- .... _ •• •••••••••- 15-Rettenmaier John J., Administrator of Estate of G 274 25-Strwb Joseph H., Clerk of P~alice Court, bond o° .............., i ' 17 eo, Rettenmaier, requesting a refund on penalty and int- crest charges paid on deli ~~ Peosta, Iowa, request ng 25-St. John the Baptist Church, permission to suspend a banner across Main Street... 17 nquent special assessments 15-Rauch Wm, and Eliz,, requesting that the Cit 274 " 25-Schooberl John, requesting a refund on penalty paid on 1 8 the alley adjacent to Lots 11 and 12 iri Stewart's Ad'd. r, 16-Ruprecht A H a d A 275 " 26-Schneidere Carp Jl andsAlberta, requesting a refund on - 1 9 . , n C sign polic .. - y--• .-• . • --•- -._-.-...... Dec. 6-Retail Merchants Bureau, expressing appreciati f 75 ....: ngquent special assessments enalt aid on de ' ..~. g P 18-19-94 24 on or assistance with t he Christmas Parade . shins said fund.... n Fund establi ool Sinki Feb. 1-Swimmin ....-...w ..................... P of October, 1937, proof of publicati ~ m F re 285 8 '° 1-Sullivan Julia vs. William and Anna Boland, City of l ~ 4 on 6 Ran Wm L i y Chief, advising that the members of the Fire Department have select d Fi 2 9 osure........ ..................... ~ Dubuque et al, notice of forec " 8-Sitterly Joseph, suspension of taxes ......................._........... ., 33-232 e reman Terrance Hanley ae their representativ ' " 8-Schadle Clarence L,, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 34-+15 e as a memlber of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen Retirem t March 1--Stuart Hugh, claim for damages to his automobile....-... i ' 39 en and ensign S stem ncipal pay pr " 1-Schiltz Harry, requesting permission to _ Co:, si ••••--•a-'-'-'°""'°' P olic y " P F ~ 290 ,only on delinquent special assessments ............................ 40 ' Fund re 6-Renier ::::::•••~-••••••••~•- Buildin g oh ~ 291 L46 1-Schneider Stella J., suspension of taxes :......................... 40-235- ................. q y 20-R an Wm. L. Fire Chief re uestin that the 'matter of g outside service ~ the Fire E 291 " 1-Smith Carl L,, sign po]icy.-.......-....................-.....-.........-..... " 1-Star Brewing Co,, sign policy ................................._......... 44 44 quipment and City Ambul- s bsrderation by the City Council n t u o " 19-Sullivan Julia, notice of levy and gale .............................. b C SO , .a d tha instr cti n e given on how to proceed i th om- er of 19-Schmid Titus B,, President Dubuque Cham n e future With such service : : " merce, advising Council that the H. & W. Motor Trams- .. . .................. 20-Rotman Louis, si '-°"""°---°•°••°- Ern 'policy 301 portation Company is considering the construction of ......................... . ................... ....... ~ 30., .. .............................................................. a frei ht terming 80 " of of publication of proposed bill 19-Swimming Paol, pro to legalize the establishment of same without the formality of a special election ..................:...._................. 81 " 19~Swimming Pool Equipment, to purchase...._ ...................... 85 April 6-Streinz Mrs. Kathryn, claim of ......................._.-...........-..-.; 104-148 " 26-Schiltz Mrs, Myrtle, advising Council that she is interested in renting of City property, located on Pres~catt Street 112-124 "• 26-Smith John W., National Chairman of Citizens Alliance, enclosing a resolution to ,be adopted by the City Council to aid in an effort to reduce the cost of natural gas service 112 " 26-Spiegelhalter Mrs. Irone, suspension of 1936 taxes-.....-. 113.294 " 26~-Schaetz]e Drug Store, sign policy.-....._ ............................. 115 " 26-Spahn & Rase Lumber Co„ sign policy ............................ 116 " 26-Schaetzle John, granted cigarette permit ............................ 116 May 3-Sarson H. S., calling attention ~ the City Council of the dangerous condition of a gully an the road about 400 feet from Wartburg P]ace..._......._ ........................~.........-. 119-144 " 3-'Spahn-Rose' Lumber Company, requesting that Eleventh Street between Jackson Street and the alley toward White Street on the north side of the street be declared a restricted parking zone ..........................4....................... 120 iNDE~-~ao~ 67 INDEX-Book 67 SUBJECT Page 193 SU~J~C~ ]'§~Q C S George Sllig, renewal of cigarette Permit 180 ,~ ~~~ : „ -Stoltz. Ramdnd and ,180 " 3 Savory M ~ , r ce, re estmg that a re- ~, 3U Steffen Nicholas, renewal Hof cigarette Permit.... 180 rs , . • ~ ,G q ~~ 4u 3• John, renewal of cigarette permit .............. -~~. K!~ - 30-Stenun ..... acted arking~zone tr',~25 ~eptrat even b'e placeSl m frp~t of 1}er store 120.171 ~ 180 r.~. ~' ~St~Patrlck seenewal of cigarette permit••-•- ~••••••-••-• ug .., „ y ,. _ Pansh Bernard, I • 3-Sisten~ of the Hol Ghost recommendation of Chief o£ fie' , own, requesting pe~~ssion 183 Fire Degartm,ent, that ,condemnation action be started ~n11Y to stretch a banner across Main Street.......-•••°ermit.... 184 est at a car be p"~ 122.142 anted Class "B" beer p 185 ,pn their fire rmns~ at 422 428 Main Street.... ~,, 6.Sheehan Miss Mildred, gr • p err~ut.......+...:... 185 ~' ,$-,Sanitary and Milk Inspector, requ,, th ur- chased for their department...,,.... 6-Stampfer J. F. granted cigaret 185 _' 122-146 ° ~'" -Schreder-K1eme,Grocer. Co., renewal icd cigarette permit er granted Class "B" beer permit 125 ~ ~' s-Sullivan Thos.'P. renewal of cigarette permit... 187 3-Schneller Casp. , , ermit .;, Of.' ointed acting City Manager. 188 ~ , -226: 3-Sch~vletex}??g Jacob, granted Class ",C" beer P 1~5 , 6-Shea City Clerk„ app •" ~~ `! anted Qlass "C" beer permit """~'~~•~~ 3-Snutli Harry R., gr ~,,: 13-Sullivan Leo J., claim o ............+.......... ' 3-Sullivan J,gsepb J , granted Class "C" beer permit.,...... 126 13-St. Peters Church, requesting permission for holding ...:.. 3-Special Improvement Band Fund, warrant in the amlpunt ~~ of a tag day ...........-•_•••••••• 1 of $219.18 ordered drawn on Consolidated Fund, Grqup ' "~, 13--St„pawl's Evangelical Lutheran Church, requestsing Ten under the heading of Municipal Improvements, 126 ~ ~ ermissuon to erect markers near their church and also 190 p .:.. in favor bf said fund . r;•:~• -""" along Central Avenue near 20th Street.........+. - 204-245. !` 24-Stoffregen Louis, reappointed as a member of the Plann- a, 19-Scharff. Louisa, suspensicn of 1936 taxes ............... ing and Zoning Commissiop, also reappointed as a 144 ~'! 19-Stampfer J. F. Co., notified to remove their private bell ' member .of Hoard of Zoning A,djustment•;,• ••;••. fire alarm system fromm 9th Street Fire Engine House 206.23E „ 2.-St. Patrick's Parish, Epworth, Ioava, requesting Permiss- 210` 24-Sanitary Inspector, bids ,for the purchasing of a secgnd 146 Aug' ion to display a banner across Main Street .:................ ~... band car for has ,department.;.; .. k , •-•- '~ June 7-St. Marks Lutheran Church Wqm ,beer permit .,... 146.147 ~Stup and Go light to be installed at Uhhe intersection of 2101 " 24-Savory Charles, anted Class " " ~~ Central Avenue and Eighth Avenue.......+•....... -••••••• ens Guild, requesting permission to use 12th Street fqr the hokhng lof an 151 '! 2-~Stx~~ to:be oiled, tarred for asphalted, recommendation Scheppeleam~lsoc~al ••--; •. .-~ y ~-•~' ger that the Council adopt a policy that .,, , 'of City • ....... ~~ ~- ectnc Company, requesting permission to all surfac n a of streets be considered as a special ~1 g place a sheet iron air duct on Dsamond's Cafeteria assessment proposition .... •-••-•• ' Bui~dang , ....., .....: ~ . ....... ,..; 151-162 a g-Schaller Annetta, mo~t~ce of appeal from. the, decision of ..,. 217" „ the Board of Review ........................ 21-St. Catherine Church, requesting perm~ssnan to stretch 160 - stretch g ~ soon to 9-St. Mary s Church Corp requesting permission a banner across Mom Street .,.. ~~ a banner across Main Street * .-,.:..::::.._ 218' 21-St. John the. Baptist Church, requestm orma~ .,,, 218'> stretch a banner across Mam Street ........ ...... .,, 169 '~ 9 Slack James, sign policy ..,.•••-••• - 218' 21-5 anitary, ~' 9-Standard Oil Co., sign policy ............... 222^ ' Inspector, submitting report as to the sanitary "~- ~-"" nditions ex,~tting on East Seventh Streets wbidh Bpt, 2-Smith Russell J:, claim for damages to airplane ........ pno~perty is under the supervision of the Aock Cgmmission 162-187 „ ~5~, Scouts, h~equestitig the use of the old concession 21-Schiltz Andrew, granted Class "B" beer permit r .;;;, 166-167 ;stand at the beach for s club house .................................. 223; " 21-Sand Frank, granted Class "B" beer Permit .,... 166 `o!„ 2-Schtiblin Frank C. et al, protesting to a condition caused " 21-Slack James, granted Class !`B" beer permit,..,..",....,,,.. 166 by the Rock Wool Plant, located in the Milwauke 223.229.248' " 21-SCherrer Frank C., granted Class "B" bees permit.....-;. 166 Railroad Yards .................................................................. . " 21-Steffen Nicholas F,, granted Class "C" beer permit...... 167 r' 2-Smith Perc L., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 225 21-Savory William, granted Class, "$" beer permit, ................. 167 , u 7-Spielman Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit............ 232 " 21-Stavros George, renewal of cigarette ;Permit ..._....... 167 ~~ 23-,State Board of Appeal, notice of hearing upon objec- « _ hat a Zoning area tions filed to the budget and tax levy ....................~.....,... at the Julie„a Dubuqu be established 236' 30-SwummB. E., requestln tbills far co, tion ~~ "` 169 ~~ 23-Se uster Leonard, requesting a refund on his cigarette permit 237 ~~ g Poo] unpa d e Hotel..••••nstruc submitted ~~ nior High School, requesting permission to hang a to Recreation Commission for, payment .............;..;,,.,... 170-205 23-Scbanner across Main Street.........................._....................... 238' .._ . 30-Stieber John, granted Class "B" beer permit 177-178 " 23-Satisfaction and release of lien on Lot 19 of Sunset ~30-Schmitt Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit ...; .. 178 Ridge, far the installation of water mains .................... 2 30-Stemm John, granted Glass "B" beer permit .................. 178 Oct. 4-Stone Carrie P. and Angelina Hillard, requesting the " 30-Spielman Harvey L., granted Class.. "B" beer permit.,,; . 178 City Council to consider the correcting of lands as were " 30-Schnee .Michael B., granted' Class "$", beer permit......_ 178 relocated and surveyed for the relocating of an alley 30-Stoltz Raymgnd J., granted Class "B" beer permit...:.... 178 on College Avenue, in which Lots la and 11 of Finle 247-261-271 " 30-Shanahan Jahn T., granted Class "B" beer permit.....,. 178 Home Add, were concerned .......................................... f0 30-Schaffhauser William,. granted Class "B" beer permit 178 " 4-Salvatncm Army, requesting permission to hold a tag day 248 " 30-Sand Mike, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 178 '~ 4-State Department of Health, report on their investigation " 30-Scherer, George J„ granted Glass "B" beer permit........ 179 of the discharge of gas at General Insulating & Manu- 248 ,r .........:................... . 30-Snyder .Charles T., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 179 facturing Plant ...................~...........f. " 30-Schuster Leonard, granted cigarette permit ...................... 179 " 30-Scherer Geo, J., granted cigarette permit.... .................... 179 "' 30-Schaetzle John, renewal cigarette ,permit.....:......_._.......... 180 " X30-Sclineider Joseph, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 180 INDEX-Book 6i 1937 SUBJECT Page S 26-Smith "Rwssell J., claim for damages to his airplane caused in landing at Municipab Airport ........:................. 254 25-Schwietering Mrs, Anna, requesting suspension of 1936 taxes 255-262 "` 25-Scehtgen Mrs. Marguerite, requesting refund loin; penalty charges; paid on delinquent special assessments........ 266. "' 25-Spielman lllatt, requesting refund on penalty charge paid on delinquent special assessments ......_ ...............~ 255 25-Scheppele .E. L, et al, sign policy ..............._.........._........... 268 25=Star Brewing Company, sign policy ...............................a.. 269 "~ 25-Schrup. George W.,, sign policy........ .................................._. 259 " 25-Spiritual .Science Society, sign policy.._~ ........................... 259 " 26-Steffen. Nicholas, transfer ~wf Class "B" beer permit._..: 260 " 25-Steffen Nicholas; transfer of cigarette permit ...:............ 260 " 25-Spielman.Harvey L,, transfer of Class "B" Ibeer permit 260 Nov. 1-Steichen Nicholas et al, protesting and objecting to the granting of the ~p'etitions laf Dwbuque Packing Co..... 265-281 1-Schnee. Michael, requesting refunds on penalty and in- terest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 267 " 1-Stone Carrie P., quit claim deed .......................:....:....:.....:.. 271 ........ ~ f' d 273-302 15-Seeley Frankh request ng'suspe lion of 1936 taxes.._ .... 274-294 ". 15-Seubert . & Fesler, excavation bond ...............:.............:........ 275 Dec, 6=Suverkrup. Henry.Jr,, requesting a refund on penalty deb nt s ecial assessments. ......... g P P q o 286 - • .- gn p " 6-Schaetzle John, olic y .... . .. si 291 6-Street Signs; report of City Manager on survey made 292 " 6-Sauegling Fred J., renewal of Class "B" beer permit.... 292 20-Security Building Company, requesting permissionu to bind a l~d g platform in the alley he rear of at t g - . their. buildin 29S 20-Schiltz Harry, requesting the cancellation of interest and penalty on delinquent special assessments levied against .Lots 5 and 8 of 1 of 7 -of Bonson & ~Stewart's ,S~b. Fund Na. 874 ................:........._.......................:.................... 298 20-Schiltz-.Harry, requesting refund of interest and penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments levied against Lot 1 of Byrne Sub. No. 2, Funds No, 872 and 877 298" 20-Singer Sewing Machine Go., sign policy ......................:... 301 " 20~Schaff}iauser Wm., sign policy ....._ ..................................... 301 r.. INDEX-Book 6,7 SUBJECT Page ~,,~r., T ~- . d forothe~year 1936 B P 4 ~~ 4 " •.. ....--• e or Traffic r ' ~ ~- µ erect a to i ion 3C'; 16-Triangle Hatchery, requesting perm ss ~';' poultry brooder house on vacant lot at 14th Street and 11 Central Avenue ... -~--~•••~-- , rr lg~heis Mrs. Anna, requesting refund on penalties paid on 14 1a1 t same to co-o crate with treat on of iv 16-Traffic Comm ss io ff 15-64 ic survey Iowa State Planning Boards in making a tra " 16-Traffic Survey Project Supervisor granted an allowance of 1p gallons of gasoline per week for use of his car 16 rrt , 26-Tavern Keepers Association, requesting Council to re- consider the charge of $25.00 for a transfer ~~f beer permit 17 Feb. 1-The American Legion, granted cigarette permit ................ 27 March 9-Treasury Department, Procurement Division, Washington, D, C,, relative to disposition of old Post Office Building 63 " 9-Trimpler W. F., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 66 29-The American Legion Auxiliary, requesting permission for holding their Annual Poppy Day .............:................. 89 April 5-Tolegraph-Herald, appointed as the official newspaper ~of the City of Dubuque ...............................__........,.......... 103 " 26-Taylor Mks. Julia M., claim of .......................................... 112 26-Triangle Cafe, sign policy ....................................._............ 115 " 26-The Home Supply Co., sign policy ........................................ 115 MaY 3-Thoeni Solomon, relative to renting City property on Prescott Street ...................................................................... 124 • " 3-Thompson F. W,, gjranted Class "C" boer permit............ 125 June 7-Theisen Battery & Electric Co., sign policy .................... 157 " 30-Torrey Fred 0., submitting application for the position of City Manager .............................~--..............._.........:....... 170 " 30-Trimpler George J., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 178 " 30-The Dwbuque Club, granted Class "B" beer pei~nit........ 179 " 30-The Service Clwb, granted Class "B" beer permit.......,.... 179 " 30-The Dubuque Club, granted cigarette permit ...................... 179 " 30-Triangle Cafe, granted cigarette permit ............................ 179 " 30-Thompson & Hogan, granted cigarette permit.................. 179 " 30-Trapp Arthur, granted cigarette permit......._ ................... 179 " 30-Trimpler Geo„ renewal of cigarette permit ....................F... 180 July 19-,Tax Sale Certificates, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of IYlills West Dwbuque Add ......................................._................... 205 ' Aug. 2-The Maccabees, requesting a free permit for the balding of a carnival on the grounds west of the Athletic Field 210 " Z-Tharp Wm., granted Class "B" beer permit ...:.................. 213 " 9-Tax levies for the year 1937 ...................:.......................... 216 " 9-Tradehome Shoe Stores Inc., sign policy .........................~ 218 Sept, 2-Thal Della C,, cancellation of 1936 taxes .......................... 223-244 " 13-Taylor L, E., requesting the removal, of the State Auto- mobile Insuranco safety signs from public streets.... 234-242 " 23-The International City Managers' Association, extending invitation to Mayor and Council to attend the City Managers convention at New Orleans ..............~:.......... 236 " 23-Tarkett Mrs, Etta, granted Class "B" beer permit........ 242 Oct, 4-Tavern Keepers Association„ reauesting the City Council to stop the sale of beer by places that have no license and also Class "C" license that are selling by the bottle, refrigerated ................................................................ 248 " 26-Trieb Olivo E,, requesting refund on penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments ........................._........... 257 25-Togeler Edward B., sign policy ...................._...................... 259 " 26-The Orange Bowl, sign policy .....................:..................... 259 " 25-The Goca-Cola Gompany, sign policy .........................._.... 260 INDEX-Book 6i 1937 SUBJECT Page T Nov, 16-The Salvati~an Army, requesting permission to use Christ- mss houses instead of old tripod for kettles ..............:. 278 " 16-Triangle Cafe, sign policy,...~ ..............~.......,............._...:....... " 15-Taylor Yottkexs Co., sign policy .......................................... 276 275 i~6--Treanor J. P. et al„ requesting that the Interstate Power ,Co.. operate their;busses over Mountain Lanz and that Mush Street and Mountain ,Lane by repaired ,and .also that the retaining walk on Villa Street he repaired.... 281 Dec. . 6-Truck, Drivers,lpcal, prptesGing to'the laying off od tWo city emplaypes ,and the reduction of w'prking hours for ;; , ethers to 120 hours per month .....................:................. 285 302 " 20-Tri=State t~dvertising, Service, sign policy..........._ ............. ~. ~.~ . 1,NDEX~-BoQk.~6T str$~>7~r~~ U' :,~r11 26-United ~ States- Engineers ~ Office„ Rock Islands Ill! ~ netYee~ ford]ing'dbjections"-to~tlie°granting o~-"a•perntnt~fom'the: ~7~iY. ° 8!: ~ construction • of a • soak and sand • fill- m ~ th'p ~ Mai§sl5sippi Rit~er~ by~ Board ~~ IjOck Commissioners .. ~- t ~ ~ rat 26-Utifversal' Car &'= Tract6r Co:; • sign' polie~+:t. :,....- ~.~; Jude 21-Upper Mississippi Waterr~ay Assbciatioxi, submittmg•~bill. ,.. in'the'atnount;of'$50.OO~for mefrgbership'=dues :~::.._ rr 21-United' Cigar Stores Inc;, gk'anted ~ cigarette perinat ~:.::.:. a~ 30..-Uppinghouse A, R:, •g+ranted-Class` "B'+° beer permtt.[.,~.... rr 30-UPpi~ghouse ~ A'; Rrr granted cgarotte', peima6 :................ 116~~ b16 161 167! 177-178 179'' INDEX-Book 67 1937 SUBJECT Page V Jan, 15-Vyveriberg Ben, claim of ..................._...................:. _........... 11,; Feb. 18-Vosberg Edward, Desk Sergeant, suspended for a period 85.36 y and March 1-Voelkerh R.ealtyyCo;,~{requesting refund on penalt interest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 40 " 9-Veterans of Foreign Wars, granted permission for the. Ladies .Auxiliary to hold "Bud'dy Poppy" sale............ 64 June 21--!Voelker Realty Gompany, removal of their building at , 27th 'and Elm Streets ................._................_.................. 165 30-Vopgol~lA. J. and, Ray Denzler, granted'Class ~`B" beer ' .. ................ ........ .+ ....... ...._.............. 177-178 " 30--Vogelsberg Albert J. granted Class B beer permit.... 17S Aug. 2-Vander Bogast M;rs,P granted a refund on penalty charges paid on delinquent special assessments .........................~ 213 Sept, 7-Vandervato Roy, requesting permission to construct a three foot sidewalk on his property on south side of Clinton Street -. •• 2?9 23-Voelker Realty Company, requesting refunds on penalty and interest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 237 Oct. 25-Voelker Realty Company, requesting refunds on penalty , and interest charges paid on delinquent special assessments 256 Nov. D5-Veterans of Foreign Wars, requesting permission for the holding of dances without having to pay for the services of a policeman .................................................... 273 INDEX-Book 67 SUBJECIP rah` ~' 87 ~` ~ W `~ Weber Mrs. Catherine, requesting permission to pay her delinquent special assessments in small payments.... 2-11.12-65 ,` ~. ~ 4-White-Phillips Corporation, proposal for re-financing of 3 `{• '''' maturing bonds and no fund ,warrants ......................._..... F~„ 1-Waterwodl~s Banded D elit Sinking Furidi, requesting authority from. State Comptroller to transfer the sum - of $17,000.00 from said fund to Consolidated Fund to 24-34 23 defray City share , of cost of swimming pool........._..... . ,~ » ,:beer porntit 27 B Class 33 e n e e 1 •• •-•• n S--Wortley Tohn c]'aim of..._ ...................... _ 8- p ...............:............ tax~ of Anna suspension Ta h rr Wam 33-244 _ ................................... ~h 1-Wil'berdting Henry, sign policy ....:.. M : ~-• oli 43 43 cy ........_...... ...... 1-Walgreen Drug Co., sign p ~~ i~ ; 1-VV`right Roy A., granted Class "B" beer permit .....,...... 45 u ' g-Wersinger J. B., granted a free peddlers license............ t deed of Lot ~1 of Finley Home' A ~ 64 dd. 67 g-Wimmer Ella B., warran u " ' 19-Walser Harold, requesting a refund on cigarette permit 81 19-Wunder Mks. Elizabeth, requesting a refund in the " . linquent de amount of $7.31 for penalty char es paid on, p 9-WebeerlMrsSeCecelnasgranted Class~"B"..~e-. ~~ ~ 1 er ermrt.... 84 " 19-Weber Mrs. Cecelia, granted cigarette, ,permit ................ terworks Operation Fund, requesting the State Comp- W 84 a 19- ' troller to approve a temporary transfer of $15,000.00 ' the from said fund to the Consolidated. ,Fund, F,or 90 85 Qing ,Pool .................. P f D o - f $30,000.00 to be emount Sinl~ing Fund 29-Waterworks 96-97-98 invested in General Fund Warrants .......:...................... April 5-Whelan J. Edward,, submitting application for the position 1 of Polige Judge 1U 10 I-lbb .., .. .r 5-WiP.iams Matt, claim of ......... ....................................... . 104 Ma 5-Willging E. H., claim of ..................................................:.... ~~ y 3-Willenborg H. B., submitting application for the position of City Managert ........................................................._..... 119 10-Weeda Mxs. Selma, requesting that the wall on Madison Street be repaired ........................................................._..... ointed as a member of Planning and a l h D 127-143 pp e, re a 24-Welc 144 Zoning Commission ......._....... ...:......................................... " 24-Warren Dell, granted Class "B" beer. permit .................... 146-147 " 24-Water Department, purchase of High Lift P1 1 & p1 1 66 ll4 47 ' far Kaufmann Avenue Station ................... 57-160-166 June 7-Waterworks Operation Fund, requesting the State Comp- 4raller to approve the temporary transfeA oi' $3,500.00 1 to 49.164-165 the Library Building Fund .........................................+..... requesting permission to use 12th Street " 7-White Shrine , for the holding of an ice cream social .............................. 152 • " 21-Weeda Mrs. Selma, grant and easement ............................ " 21-Wadrich William E., granted Class "B" beer permit........ 161 166 21-Weber Mrs. Cecelia, granted Class "B" beer permit.... 167 " 21-Walgreen Drug Co., granted cigarette permit .................... " 30-Wyburn Isaac, authority to purchase Lots 9 and 10 of Randall's Sub, Na. 2 ...........................................~................ " 30-Wright Louis A., granted Class "B" beer permit............ 174 178 " 30--Wragg Thomas A., granted Class "B" beer permit.... " " 178 179 beer permit ............. B " 30-Weber Frank J., granted Class . 179 " 30-Winter Peter, granted cigarette p;emit...:..._ ................... 9 " 30-Western Grocer Co., granted cigarette permit .................. 1~ X30-Warren Dell, grahited cigarette permit .............................. INDEX ~~ b` 1937+ ST~BJNCT~ 1rag9 V~` " 30-Willa ~4Iis. F. X., renewal'of cigaretta~permit.....__......... 180'1 "'"' 30'-Witwer Grocer' Co.; renewal of cigarette pernut .....:.......... 180 " 30-Wagner W:, renewal of cigarette permit ... .................... 18U "` 30-Wragg Thos. A., renewal af' cigarette' permit :................. 18U July 6-Water Mrs. Cecelia, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 185` 21-Wodrich Willham E., granted cigarette permit .................. 202 Aug, 2Wina11 Building Co:, notice of appeal from decision' of Board- of.' Review ._ .............._.............:................................. 209 "" 9-Warranty' Deed'c~f Otto Berendes and' wife to. Board~of`. Park Commissioners covering Lots 2 of 2 of 2' of ' 3" of ~ Mins Lot 310, also a°recorded plat`of'said'lot'......._ ....:...:...... 217 Sept, 2-Walker Carl; suspended for ;a' five day period..........._..... ' 221: _ _ _ 2-Weis Paul P:, claam of ' ....................... "~ 221 ~n~ p ~ ........................:..... 2-Weber J: J. sus erasion of 1936 taxes ~ 223-232. "" 7-Willis Lester" anted' Class' "C" beer- permit` .................... ~' 232.,, "' 13=Wilb'erding-Frank, granted' Class' "B" Beer permit:....... 234 "` 23-West Locust taxpayers anti property owners; protesting to the over=taxing af'the sanitary"sewer in West Locust S t. 237 23-Walther° Dairy Products; sign po]icy :.................................. 239 "` 23-Weitz Alois 0•; granted C'tass "B" beer°permit ................ 242'. Oct:' 25-Waterworks O'peratiom Fund, applicaation of Dock C'om= mission for a transfer of $5;500,00 from said .fund to Dock Operating Fund ..........................._.......................... 257-266 " 25-Western 1•Ynion Telegraph Co•; 5ign policy ................ 259 Nov. 1-Weber Jdseph J: et al; requesting-;that steps be~txken tai P y ............... have streets and houses pro erl marked:........... 268.292., Dec. 6-Waldorf Gertrude; requesting suspension' of 1936' taxes • 286-294 "'' 6=-Wharton Albert; reappointed as a member of Dock'~Board 291 " 6-Weber Ruben J:, renewal ~' Gass "B" beer permit:........... ' 292'' e- " 20-Water Department; transfer of $20,0{10.60' from th General Fund to the Sinking. Fund .:................................. 303~- i ~~NDEX=Book 6'7 SUBJECT Page Y ~.ya)<om W Lr; cdmmpdore lea Scouts requestiug per- ~::~~ss~on to dtse the old concession stand at 'the beach as aclub house .........:....:......._. _...................................... .223 2C--Young •Men's Christian Association, sign polucy ................ 259 1 .~2 ,,, ,, . ~ INDEX-Boob 67 1937 SUBJECT Page Z 14);arch i- Zogg Mns, et al, requesting that they special, assess- ments for improving of Roosevelt Street be cancelled " 1 -Zol~er Brewing Co., sign policy ...:.........._....................,..... 44 115 April 26- June 30- Zillig Adam, sign policy ......................:.............._.................... Zillig Adam, granted cigarette permit ............._................... 179 '° RO -Zumhoff E. G.. renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 180 Aug. 2 -Zumhoff Eugene G., requesting refund on cigarette permit Dec. 6 -Zoller Brewing Company, sign policy .................................. 291 .. ~:~_ - .. k~_t ~.~ _ ~, r,,~~ ~, ~.. . P