1934 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1934 City Officers for the Year 1934 COUNCILMEN M, R. KANE, Mayor M. B. ANDELFINGER PETER SCHILTZ F. M. JAEGER ARDENAL THOMPSON-Deceased W. S. ROBER'PS-Unexpired Term City Clerk-J. J. SHEA City Solicitor-M. Ii. CZIZEK City Manager, ROGER M. EVANS Secretary to Manager-ALLAN E. SIGMAN City Treasurer- Building Commissioner- OTTO F. PULE CARL BART'ELS City Auditor- ~ City Assessor- FRED GANTERT GEORGE BENNETT Chief of Police- City Engineer- JOHN W. GIELLIS WALTER H. CULLEN Health Director- Chief of Fire Department- DR. W. J. CONNELL WILLIAI~T L. RYAN Sanitary Officer and Milk and Dairy City Electrician- Inspector- JOSEPH CORRELL JOSEPH T,SCHARRY Police Judges- Market Master- MILTON J. GLENN C. J. McCARTHY Plumbing Inspector- Recreational Director- GEORGE MASTERS SYL. McCAULEY Electrical Inspector- Supt, of Water Works- OTTO BETHKE JOHN W. McEVOY Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 7;30 o'clock P. M. INDEX-Book 64" 1934 SUBJECT -`Page A Jan. 2-Advertisers Service Co., sign bonds ........................:..............~ 4 2-American Legion Auxiliary, permissio~t to hold poppy sale 4 " 9-American Legion, granted Class "B" beer permit .......:.... 9 ~. " lb-Airport, certificatiiotl wf status) of land acquired and money furnished for equipment and supervision ...::...:... 14-168 " 22-Armory Hall, bids to be submitted for the necessary repairs to third floor ..................._...:.........:..........__......... 19.36.40 22-Amemcan Legion Drum' Corps, permission to holld a walkathon~ contest in the City of Dubuque, rescinded .... 21 " 29-Atlantic Street from West 14th Street to Dexter Street, improvement of ..........................................._...............,....... 36 Feb. 6-American Trust & Savings Bank, sign policy ...................... 89 March 2-Austin Alfred W, et al, requesting that the gutter, curbing and sidewalks in front of lots 139,140;141,142 and 143 in Finley, Waples and Burton Addition be replaced an account of sewer being constructed ................................ 61-185 5-Althaus, Mrs. T., suspension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes ..., 67 " 5-Adam William, remission of 1932 taxes ............................ 68 " 6-APPeI's Crystal Clean, sign bond ........................................ 69 b-Abeln A. P., appointed as member of Board of Adjustment BU 22-Assistant Meter Repairman in Water Department, cor- rection in salary, from $1320.00 to $1440,00 ................ 78 22-Alley between Bennett and West 3rd Sts, from North Algoma Street east, to grade and surface with cinders 90.162 " 27-Arensdorf Franlt and Drexel John, requesting transfer 097 Jackson Street of their Class "B" beer permit to 1 92 " . 27-Auditorium and Coliseum, funds to be secured for the construction of same ..........._......_ ..................................... 92-161 - " 27-Automobiles to purchase for Police Department ............ 116 ~ April 2-Appointment of Officers by City Council .............................. 121 ~~ 2-Appointment of Officers by City Manager ........................ 121 2-Annual report of City Solicitor Czizek for year 1933 ........ 126 _, " 16-Adam Michael Estate, suspension of 1933 taxes ................ 128 ' " 25-Anthony Theodore E., granted Class "B" beer permit .... 138 May 7-Assignment of Account of United Electric Company to Crescent Electric Supply Company .....................:.......... 163 - - " 7-Andelfinger Councilman, excused from meeting ............ 150 June 9-Adams Herbert,; objecting to building of swimming pool in Comiskey Field ...................................................................... 186 " 15-Avon Theatre, sign bond ....................................................._. 186 25-American Legions Dubuque P~ost.No. G, requesting permiss- ` ~ ion to use Airport for holding Model Airplane Contest 188-189 " 25-Athletic Field, recommendation of City Manager as to charges for rental and use of park ................................ 190-191 _ ' July 2-American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, requesting _ permission to have parades on nine successive Saturday evenings .................................................................................... 199 ' " 2-Armstrong John, renewal of cigarette permit ................ 202 " ~Apel Merlin., renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 202 " 10-American Legion, Drum and Bugle Corps, requesting per- mission to hold "Donkey Base Ball Games" at the Muni- cipal Athletic Field on August 16-17-18 and 19, 1934 206 " 10-Alderson Robert, suspension of 1933 taxes ........................ 200 " 10-Ames Frank et all, requesting that the nuisance be abated at the Humane Dog Shelter, at 2508 Jackson Street 207-232 " 30-Anderson Benton, R. R. W1 R. Engineer, requesting City to furnish gasoline to Chas. lYlosser, tool clerk, for use p in driving to City projects ......._ ......................_............. 226 P Aug. 10-Andelfinger Councilman, excused from meeting ............ 241 r;,, " 10-Alderson Dr. James, member of Board of Education, 1, requesting a change in grade on Avoca Street, between Rosedale Avenue and Seminary Street, also permission ! to construct curb and gutter abutting Avoca Street .... 242 ~' " 24-Armstrong John, gra~uted Class "B" beer permit ............ 244 Oct. 19-Alderson Robert, cancellation of 1933 taxes ..................:. 301 . 19-Abel Mrs. Mary, suspension of taxes on property located t , on Diagonal Street and Curtis Street ............................ 301.316 _; f~ s INDEX=Book 64 , 1934 SUBJECT Page A '! 19-AOpendorf, W. F., cancellation of 193,P, 1932 and 1933 taxes, also that the street assessment for said years be 1 allowed to remain a lien ....•-••••••••••••••••~•••••••-•••••••••••••••••° 302.3 5 Nov, 23-Andelfinger Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of the ' meeting ......................... 32' Dec, 13-American Surety Company, authorizing Power of At- torney to Leo B. and Frank J. Schlueter ........................ 34 ? " 13-Allen Anna L., suspension of 1933 taxes ....:................... 347-34 INDEX Book 64 • 1934 SUBJECT -page B • Jan. 2-Bull Norman, excavation bond .............................................. 4 " 9Bissell Fred, claim of, for repairs to his water service 10-42 " 16-Bonded Debt Sinking Fund, temporary transfer of $65,000.00 to Conse~dated Fund and $20,000.00 to Fire Maintenance Fund ..............._..................._...........................11-12-17-29p ~~ 16-Bradley Mrs. Peter et al, requesting that Welbes Field be secured far playground purposes in West'. Dubuque 12.41 ~~ 29-Board of Health, report for month of December, 1933 .... 30 29 Buckley Homer, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 37 Feb. 5-Bitter Alfred A•, requesting street light on• Elm Street between 22nd and 24th Streets ....................._................... 39-103 " 16-Board of Education, requesting the City to furnish the the to. carry off the water drained through Senior~High School grounds ........................._.:.........._.....................:..• :•. 47-163 " 15-Bauck Margaret, suspension of 1933 taxes ...................... 47 March 2-Burns lliary, claim for personal injuries .......:.................. ; b2-146 2-Brunskill Bridget, cancellation of 1933 taxes ................ 67 2-Board of Health, report for month of January,19~4 ...,:... 54 !' 6-Burke. Wialter, suspension of 1932 taxes ......:..................... X68 " 6-Brunjes~ Jurgen, suspension of 1932 taxes .......................... " 68 ~ " fi-Burgmeier Al, sig~u bond ..................._...... ......................... 69 5-Berg-Arduser Co., sign bond .............................................. '69 ' " 5-Budget for fiscal year 1934 ................60-61.62-63-64.65-66-67-08-09 7a7a-79~o-al-az-a3-aa-36•ss-s7=as !' 27-Burrows Albert et al, requesting City to plow gardens back of Milwaukee Shops ..................................._........... • 92-151 " 27-Berg Mrs. Tenie, objecting to Roosevelt Street special assessment ..................................................._...................... 3 0 g 104-179 " 27-Board, of Health, report for month of March, 1934 ......._... 111 ' " 29-Board of Review, appointment of members` .................... 117 April 2~Banks designated as depositories of City Funds ............ 122 • 2-Bitzberger Al, requesting free peddlers license ...........• 122 ' " 2-Backe .James sus ension of 1932 taxes .................•.• .. 123-136 2-Badger John, suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ 123.317 " 2-Beecher, Joseph A., granted Glass "B" beer permit ........ .125 • " 2-BrodersenRedlef W., granted Class !'B" beer permit ...... 125 " . 2-Bartels C. F., Building Commissioner, requesting condem- nation proceedings for tearing down of walls of build- . ing located on ']?/llock 27, Dubuque Harbor .Company's • addition owned b A. A. Coo r, h25 Y pe .................................. April 2-Burke R. J., excavation bond ..:_ ................:.......................... 126 2-Burg J. P., requestitllg permission to redeem tax sale certificate on Lot 2, Oxford Heights Add., upon pay ment of the face value plus 6% interest .................... 12s-133 " 2-Brady John, Patrolmany to serve as member) of Board of t°, N ~' r ~'. ~~ ~~.. ~• . Trustees of Police Department and Pension Fund .... 126-131 " 10-Boesen Anna, suspension of 1933 taxes ..............._.............128-317-333 " 16-Bethany Home ffor the Aged, cancellation of taxes ........ 129-314 " • " 16-Bauer Mary, suspension of 1933 tax .................................. 130-317 " 10-Benzer Lester, to serve as member of Fire Pension Board 131 " 16-Beckett Elizabeth, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes .... 136-139 26-Berwick M., granted Class "B" beor permit ...................... 137 ' 26-Berntgen Frank H., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 138 . " 26•-,Briggs William E., granted (71ass "B" beer permit ........ 138.229 t ~~ 26-,Buelow Clarence C., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 138 26-Bahl Lena, cancellation of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes .... 140 26-Bradley C. W., cancellation of 1933 and 1934 taxes ........ 141-314 ~, ~~ 26-Board of Health, report for month of IMlarch, 1934 ...:..:. 141 26-Beatrice Creamery Company, sign bond .......................... 142 • " 26-Becker Mathilda, that the County Treasurer bo requested to withhold from tai solo the delinquenit special asaess- ments against the North ~a of Lot 2, in F• Foaselman's ~ Sub ............................................_............................................... 145 ' May 7-Baumhover Martin J., requesting suspension of 2nd half of 1932 and all of the 1933 taxes .....................................• 160-317 " 7-Bennett Hattie, requesting cancellation of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes .............:.:.......................................•...................... 1b0.31b INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page B _ " 7-Bradfield Edna a lication for Class B beer ermit pp p " " 154 - denied ..:.......~.... ~~ ..... ~, . ............ ... •• .......:........ .. 7 Board of Review, report of " 23-Blasting Bond of Service' Transfer Co., Davenport, Iowa 11i5 158 " 23-•Birndorff Mrs. M., relative to injuries received in fallnng ., of 8th and Main Streets, due ~ ti , on at the intersec 58-186.211 Street being torn up by contractors ...:...................•... 159.315 ". 23-Bauman Char7les, suspension of 1933 taxes ..........:............. et alp requesting that the water fountain be rke Mrs B " 23 100 . u - placed 'back in the street one Southern Avenue ...........: ranted Class B beer permit .:::.......... 1 i M 66-189 s, g orr " 23-Blum 23-Baule Joseph M., granted Class "C" beer permit ........ esting the installatiorv of a son- 160 1 June 6-Blocker John Adm., requ itary sewer in Avoca Street .....................:...........:........... 70-193 171 " 6--Board of Health, report far month of April, 1934 .-•••••• Margaret 'Estate, granted permission to redeem Bisho " 12 ' ' p - Neill s the tax sale certifucates against Lota 81 and• 82 O 184 Riverview Addition .......:......................._............................. 104.00 : nse to hold Circus for $ a 185 186 • .......... s Pn bond 16-Byrne Bross Coc 16-Board of Hea9lth s ecial session :•••••••••• •••• • "' 1934 ~ ....... f May th 190 , , o 25-Board of Health, report for mon !' 25-Berntgen Adam-J., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 197 198 !' . 25-Board of Health, special session ...................... tion of taxes .••••••••••••••• ll 204 a July 2-Brunskill Mary Eugenia, cance uilding 2-Boeding Msgr. A., expressing oppositioru to b ~~ 200 of swimming pool at Comiskey Field ......._,..•_-. 2-Bertsch Leonard P., granted- cigarette permit ....•~•••••••••• 201 2-Baumhover Ben L., granted cigarette permit ................ . ted cigarette permit -..••••••••••••• 201 " 2-Buelow Clarence C., gran " 2-Bradley Elmer R., granted cigarette permit ...,.....•...••- „201. 202 " ~ 2-Beck Joh~u C., renewal of cigarette Pelt ••••••••••"•"""' en Adam J., renewal of cigarette permit .....••:•••• rnt B 2 202 202 g e - ~' 2-B. P. 0. E., renewal of cigarette°permit ......._ .................:: renewal of cigarette permit ........._....... Braun Henry C. !' 2 202 , -• " 2-+Board of Health, special session .......................•••••••••••••~••• 10 10-Belsky Motor Company, sign policy .....::.................._.:....... eaal assessments f s 208 p " 19-•Byrne Elizabeth, settlement o against Lot 1 of 1 of 24 and 26 Bonson & Stewart's Sub. 211 " 19-Board of Health, report for month of June, 1934 ...,........ f Expenditures:for year 1935 :......214-21b-237-238 t i e o ma " 19-Budget Est 30-Beninati Nicolo, granted Class "B" beer permit .••••••••••• 230 30-Beyer Ralph, renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 30-Board of Hearth, special session ......................:................. Aug. 6-Brodeur N. W., granted Class "B" beer permit ................ .............. i 235 236 on ......._.........._ ....... " 6-Board of Health, special sess " lp^Bonded Dobt Sinking Fart+ of balance an 1jMlainfSt eet Treasurer to invest a p ••• ...:. 241-254 BonKl issue ...................................................................... " 24-Brown Sidney L., claim for personal injuries ,......:....•:•• "B" beer permit ........ 245-350 2 " 30-Biver Mrs. George, granted Class Board of Health, report for month of July, 1934 .:.......... 4 52 2~ - Sept. '~ 17 Burke Mrs. Waite rJ.acancellation of 1933 taxes ..........:. 259-315 260-315 +' 17-Becker Mathilda, suspension of 1923 taxes ............._....... that before a permit is granted ti ng 17 Blum Max, reques the Milwaukee Railroad Co. to extend track down t o Sycamore) Street to l0ent forr extenaon to extend track be required upon paym to south side of 13th and Sycamore Streets for the 260 .... .. receiving or shipping of, freight ,.- •••••••••••••••••••^••• •• nda James et al, ob~ecttng to the construction: of a B " e 17- new Railroad track on Sycamore Street •••••••••••••••••••••••• 264 " 17-Bertsch Joseph J., sign policy .......~ ....................°:............... er Joseph J., gran B " tut r e s a 266 ew ...........: 17- mi pe ette ~anted cig " 17-Biver Mrs. George, B installation of a 250 C. P. street light ........ t t 267 , ree +' 17-Burch S •y~yi __~.e 1. INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page B " 21-Birndorf Rose, original notice of suit .....................:............ 269 " 21-Byrne Elizabeth, cancellation of 1933 taxes ...................... 270-317 " 21-Board of Health, report for month of August, 1934 ........ 270 Oct. 1-Banks designated as depositories of public funds and providi~ug for increasing deposits of public funds ........ 285 " d~B. & G. Battery & Electric Co., sign bond ........................ 291 19-Beckett'Elizabeth, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes .... 301-322 19-Brenke Caspar, suspension of 2nd ha7~ of 1933 taxes ...... 301-319 19-Baumgartner H. E,, appointed member of the Playground and Recreation Commission ........................._................... 305 20-Board of Health, report for month of September, 1934 310 Nov. 5-Bethany Home for the Aged, cancellation of taxes ....:... 312.314 12-Black & White Cab Co., sign bond ..._ ................................. 321 " 23-+Buehler M. S., objecting to the construction of sanitary sewer in Chestnut Street a~ud, Cox Street .:..................... 323 Dec. 3~Board of Health, report for month of October, 1934 .... 338 3-Braconier Frank G., excavation bond ...............:.........~....... 338 " 3-Board of Health, speaal session ............................................ 340 13-Buchet E..J. et al, protesting against the .closing of the Humane Society's Shelter .........:...................................... 341 INDEX-Book 64 SUBJECT 1934 Page C • .........:........... Jan. 1-City Council, Regular Session ..............._........ i ~~ .... 2-City Council, Special Session .............................................. « 2-Counc191 Proceedings for monthl of November, 1933, 2 approved as pmnted ........................................................"..... " 2-Cleaver E. T., bill for work done at Mr. Oliver Schrup 3 residence, caused by backing up of sanitary sewer .... 7 « $-.City Council, Special Session ................................................ 8 ' 9-City Cousueil, Special Session ......................:........._............... 9-Catherine Street, sidewalks to be built ..........~ .............. Water Department, Cit ' 9-42 y Treasurer, " 9-City Auditor, City also list of claims for month of December, 1933 reports i i 9 , on t " 9--Considine C. R., calling attention to dangerous cond of property of Dr. Chas. id t e s of sidewalk on H•i1Q Stree ..... 9-48 Palen .................................................................................. 15-City Council, Special Session ....:............:.......................... 11 " 115-Consolidated Fund; temporary transfer of $55,000.00 11-12-17 .. from the Banded Debt Sinking Fund .....................••.. •• " 15-Claims, list of, for month of December, 1933a proof of ... . 3 . publication ..._ .........................................~..:..............._.._ 15 " 22-~Gity Council, Special Session ....••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••°' f 1932 and 1933 taxes....16-139-14G-315 ~' 22-Casey Bnd'get, cancellation o . 22--Claim of Thos. Duggan, settlement of ............................... 22 p ......................... 26-City Council, Special Session ••..••••••••••••••••• 24 29-City Council, Special Session ..................... 29-Crawford R. W., Executive Assistant for Administrator of Public Works, tratio i i d n s n m of Federal Emergency A lative to the status of paving Atlantic Street and re construction of storm sewers in Main Street, South 36 Main Street and West 8th Street ................................... 39 Feb. 5-City Councdl, Regular Session .............................................. • .......................... " 6-Coates & Co. Inc., s~g~n policy .................... 39 40 « si alicy ................................................... 5-Callaghan Mary, gn P " b-Conlon R. F., report of damages to water main of Fred .. . .. : 42 : ............... Bissell ....................................................._........ " 5-C. W. A. Projects 1 to 35, tran~sfio r anon Ste •be fused ~ t app p Consolidated fund to mee 44 for said projects .. .......................................... 45 " 12-City Council, Specials Session ..................._............_............. 12--C. W. A. Protects, 5, 6 and 14, tra~ofriation 8to5 be fused eet app p consolidated Fund to m 45 . for said projects ................................................................... 46 " 16-City Council, Special Session .......................................... _..... 15-City Auditor, City Treasurer,. City Water Department for month of January, 1934 i l 48 ms a reports, also list of c . 51 March 2-City Council, Special Sessicra ..............................:....:.......... 111i,~ss Mary, notice of clam far porsonal injuries ........ " 2-Co ti 52 y ng " 2-Central Avenue Business Men's Association, reques ntral Avenue from 4th to 14th Street be made t C h 53 e a t a boulevard ........................................................................ •.. " 6--City Couneil, Regular Session ..........._ ............................... f 1932 and 1933 taxes •••• 67 58 " 5-Carter Mrs. Mary, cancellation o GO ~~ si n bond ...................M..................._.... 5-Coca-Colo Company, g licatien for Federal 6-Coal Terminal, withdrawal of app .. 60 Funds to construct ............................................................ " 6-Conlon R. F., granted permission to redeem tax sale ates held by City against Lots 57, 58, 59, Grand- tifi 70 c cer view Heights Add .............................................................. 71 " 17-City Council, Special Session ................................................ .. ~, .......................................... 17-Claim of Ruth Grobe .................. 73 17-Claim of Dr. L. Vog ................................... « 17-Council Proceedings for month of December, 1933, ap- ... 73 proved as printed ................................................................. " 17-Claims fist of, month of Jan., 1934, proof of publication Water Department Cit 73 y " 17--City Auditor, Cityi Treasurer, reports, also list of claims for month of February, 1934 ... . 78 . " 22-City Council Special Session .................:........................... " 22-Clark Juha, suspension of 1932 taxes ................................ 88.316 92 ............ " 27-City Council, Spee~al Session .................................•.. INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page C. ... « 27-Calvary Cemetery Association, objecting to Roosevelt . ... .... Street special assessment ............................. ...... 104-179 ." Z7-Central Avenue, from 4th to 14th Street, request to ' make same a houlevard ..................................111126-133-143-151.152 27-Cooper A. A. Estate, ruins of 3-story brick buifiiing loca- ted on River Front near east end of Railroad Avenue, to be torn down and remove the hazard ........................112-125-162 179-189-227-252-267-290 29--:City Cowp~cil, Special Session ................................................ 116 29-Council Proceedings for month of January, 1934, approv- ed as printed ........................................................................ 117 « 31-City Council, Special Session ..._ ........................................... 118 April 2-City Council, Regular Session .............__............................... 121 2-Consoer, Townsend, Older & Quinlan, Consulting Engineers, stating that their services are available in sewage treatment ....................................................._......... 123 " 2-Claims liist of, month of February, 1934, proof of pub- ilhcation ........................................._........................................... 124 2-C. W. A. Project No. 601, transfer and appropriatiarn of the amount of $245.00 from Consolidated Fund ........ 126 !' 2~-Clemens W. M., Parlr Commissioner, bond of ................ 126 " 2-Caldwell Alfred, Supt, of Parks, bond of .............................. 126 2-City ,Solicitor Czizek, Annual Report for year 1933 .... 126 " 2-Crawford' E. J., granted permission to redeem tax sale certificate on Lot 1 of 1 of Min. Lot 134 and Lot 21A, Smedley's Sub ..:.................................................... 127 16-City Council, Special Session ................................................ 127 a 16-Continental Casualty Company, qualified to transact Fidelity and Surety buaincss in State of Iowa ............ 128 16-City Solicitor Czizek, bond of .............................................. 128 " 16-Claim of Mrs. Margaret Schneider ........................................ 128 " 16-Claim of Mrs .Alice Eschen ..................................:............. 128.180 " 16--Carew Anna D., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes .......• 130-135 16-Council Proceedings, month of February, 1934, approved as prin~ted ........:.....................:................................................. 130 16-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works reports of, also list of claims for month of March, 1934 ........ 131 16-Council Procoedings, bids to be received for the pmnting of the index and binding of proceedings ........................ 133.160 16-Claim of. Frank G. Thoman, guardian of John Thoman a :minor :...................................................................._.........._..... 133 • " ..._.. 19-City Council, Special Session ........._ ............. ............... 137 25-City Council, Special Session ................................................ 137 " 25-Capretz Chris., granted Class "B" beer permit ............._... 137 26-Gasey William J, and Wi!lhon Erwin V., granted Class `B" beer permit .................................................................... 137-150 ~~ 25-Colliros Anna Mae, granted Class "B" beer permit .:...... 138 25-Chandler Hugh, requesting permission to redeem tax sale .certificates on Lot 12 of Out Lot 688 and the east 50 feet of Lot 2, of Out Lot 703 ............................................ 139 " 26-Caretaker for Municipal Athletic Field, appointment of 141-162 25-Claims for month. of March, 1934, proof of publication 141 " 26-City Auditor, annual report for year 1933 .......................... 142 25-City Treasurer, annual report for .year 1933 .......:.............. 142 26-Condemnation proceedings, United States of America vs. certain lands hereinafter described and the City of Dubuque . et al ......................._......:...................................... 144.170 3Vllay 7-City CeunciV Regular Sessiem ............................._............... 149 7-Cahill Mnchael, Secretary of Shamrock Club, requesting a refund in amount of $5.00 on dance permit .................. 151 7-Civil Service Commission, report on examination of appli- cants for Police anid Fire Departments .......................... 153 7-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works reports of, also list of claims far month of ,April, 1934 .,.......... 154 " 7-C. W. A. Project No. 31-4-1, transfer and appropriation of the amount of $38.40 from Consolidated Fund ........ 164 " 7=Casey William J., granted Class "B"' beer permit ............ lob " 7-Callaghan Mary, granted Class "B" beer permit .........:.. 156 •.. 4:f - # ~b ~: ~~...tL a~a i. INDEX-Book 64 SUBJECT Page 1934 C , " 7-Cosley Battling Co., granted concession privilege at Ath- • ••~•~~ 156 letic Field "'•"'••"••'~• ~~ 158 ,r ............................ 9-City Council, Speciai Sess on ..••••••••••••••••• 158 " , 23-City CounGl, Special ,Session :••••••••••-••-••••• •••°•°°•°"' 1934, proof of pub- th of April , " 23-Claims list of, for mon ..... 161 lication :....................:................................................. roved March, 1934 app of a n .........., r 23 P nci 161 . as printed ............................................_................ Session Regu1ar unicil Co ~ t June 4-C' Y °•~ 169 16 " 5-City Council, Special Session ....................•••••••••••••-•••-••• i' 5-Comstock Perry, requesting that he be not made to 169-188 . ......•. vacate the property at 468 E. 13th Street ...:....... tive to use of Athletic Field l a " S-Contract and Agreement, re for holding of wrestling and boxing exhibitions to 172 H. A. Engel ......................:...... !' 5-Cunningham Leo and Thompson John M., granted Class ........... 79 uB„ beer permit ...,.......: ...............~........._................ permit :^:.;::;::;::;-.`; fB,~ beer 6-Constantinos, Sr i l 180 •. • on Sess ecia 9-City Cotbincil, p 9-city Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department s for month of May, 1934 i l 18' m a reports- of, also list of c ..... . . ,{ ........._ ............................. 12--City Council, Specia'p Session • 135 " 15-City Council, Special Session ••••••'°i934 ~raof of pubin- « M'ay, ' P Claims list of, for month o 15 186 - cation •••~•••~••••••••••••••°••°°"'°th of April, 1934, approved 15-Council Proceedings for non _ ~, . ]t85 as printed .....:........ .... •.........._.....,, _a......_.._.............. <, 16-Callaghaiu Mary, sign..bond ................._.........:..............:........ ........ : 186 188 . " 26-City Council, Special Session . ................_...._-........... Routes to establish, through the business district on 188-204. Cit 5 " y - 2 . Main Street, from 14th Street to 2nd Street ................ of the 1932 anti 1933 taxes i 189 on ~, $5-Coates Ralph W, suspens stanhinos Stamatios, granted Class B beer Permit C " 199 on 25- July 2-City CouneiT, Regular Session •.••••••••••••1934 a roved as Proceedmga, month of May, , PP uncil C " 199 • , o 2- printed .:.............:........._...................:............................. 2-Control Avenue Business Menf s Association, requesting Council to establish "City Routes" over Centro e h t 00 201 e t rmt +' 2-Canfield Hotel Cigar a ~ ~ garett pertri t rette • p 201 " Z._,Clark Drug Store, gr ermit .................... ~t 2-Costa Joseph, renewal of cigarettq p llation of taxes one South 34 feet 202 ~' Z-Columbia College, cance of Lot 5, and North 1 foot of Lot 4, in Buettetl's and and Clt 2 t 3 of City Lot 567 d L ' o Langworthy Sub. an 02 -250-314 , Lot 568 ......._ .........:..........:.........:........._.............. " 10--City Council, Specia] Session ..._ ............................................. City Water Department er 206 , " 10--.City Auditor, City Treasur reports of„ also list of claims for month of Jur4e, 1934 ......... . 207 208 . ,~ 10~Central Hotel, sign policy ............:.......................... ........... 210 '< 19-City Council, Special Session ..................................... special meetings to be called at four o'clock ncil C 210 , ou +' 19-City in the afternoons, ui~-ess otherwise speoif~eodf of•publi- month of Junle, 1934, p f 0 ar ++ lg-Claims list of, .................._.., 21 cation .......................:..................:..........._...... " 19-Costa Joseph, granted Class "B" beer permit .•.••.•••••••••• ............ 213 216 „ 23-City Council, Special Session ...:.................................. Pointed Clerk Pro Tem ......................._... ' 23-Cull R' i ~ 216 217 Co ~~ 26-city , ecial Session .............:..................._............. cil Sp St, Paul and Pacific Ral~gread Ca., Milwaukee , " 26-Chicago, approval of the proposed lacatiorn and establishment of ies upon a portion of the property t d r us industry or in and building of saad railroad company :......_ ..............••.• : ..^... 217 218 -,.. " 30-City Council, SP~ia] Session .................. .............. orated Glerk Prd Tem ..........._ ............ . " 30-Cullen W. H•, aPP red to either repair or tear d 218 or e " 30-Coates Frank W. agenit, ..., .., rear of Lot 631 .................. . i d h 228 n s e down wooden s INDEX-Book 64 1934 ~ SUBJECT Page ~- 30-Council Proceedings for month of June, .1934, approved - ' ' as piDnted ....................._.................._.............._..................... 229 30-Coca-Cola Bottling Go., relative to their claim in the amount of $13:50, for. damages caused by heavy raiau • .storm ............................................~............................_............. 230 30-Claim of N. Grutz, settlement of ................._...._.......,..... 230-242 " 30--Connell W: J. Director of Health, relative to the unsan- itary conditions at 1104 Riverview, owned by Charles J. Gassman ......_ .............:........................................................ 231 Aug, 6-City Council, Regular Session _._ .................._..................... 233 6-Catholic Order of Foresters, requesting permission to use Athletic Field for band concert and boxing exhibit- ion on August 14, 1934 ...........................................:.............. 233 lU-City Council, Special Session ..._ .....:.............._....................... 237 „ 10-Connell W. J. M. D., warrant ordered drawn for operatiosr and after care of Leroy Treanor .._ .......................:.......... 240 " 1D-City Auditor, City Treasurer City Water Department reports„ also ldst of claims for month of July, 1934 .... 240 10-City Treasurer recommending the advisability of invest- . ing a part. of the Banded Debt Sinking. Fund balance in Main .Street Bond Issue ......._ ........:...:................................ '241-264 10-Cullen W. H., appointed Acting City Manager during vacation of City Manager Evans ........................................ 242 20-City Cowi>~cil, Special Session ,._ ...::.........................::........... 243 `/ ~ 24-City Council, Special Session ..._ ...:...:..:................._........... 244 30--City.Council, Speciall Session .. ............._.........._:.........,........ 246 30-Chicago Great Western Railroad Company notified to repair all their crossings tivithin City .limits .....:.......... 247 Sept. 3-City Council, Regular Session .........~.._...._ .:......................... 249 4-City Council, Special Session •••••••••••••••••••••••••••-~••••••••••••-•••• 249 " 4-Council Proceedings month of July, 1934, approved as ' printed .....................:.................._..........._..._............,...._....... 200 4-Chihak Fannie, suspension of 1033 taxes .•••••••.••••••••••••••••• 250-319 4-Claims list of, for month of July, 1934, proof of publication 251 " 4-Connell W. J. Director of Health, recommending that the drinking fountains at 8th and Main, 13th and Cenrtral Avenue, also Washington and Jackson Parks, bo either discontinued or replaced with new type of fountains 252 " 17-City Council, Special Session .............................................. 255 " 17-Canavan S. D, et al, requesting construction of sanitary sower in Chestnut Street and Cox Street ..................... 258 " 17-Gooper Mrs. Mathilda, cancellaation of 1932 and 1933 taxes 269-317 " 17-Casey Mrs. Bridget, suspension of 1933 taxes ................ 269-316 " 17-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department reports, also list of claims for month of August, 1934 264 " 17-Carney John P., granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 2G6 " 21-City Couiucil, Special Session ..................._........................... 268 " 21-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co., granted permission to construct and operate an Industry Track, over, along and upon Sycamore Street and ~~ intersectiivg streets from E. 19th Street to E. 16th St. 268 21-City Manager's Association, extending invitation to .Mayon City Council and City•Manager to attend con- vemnion at St. Louis, Missouri .............................................. 269 Oct. 1-,City Council, Regular Session ................................................. 273 1-Council Proceedings, month of August, 1934, approved as printed .................:............................................................ " 1-Claims list of, month of Aug., 1934, proof of publication 279 282 " 1-Cosley yi!fllliam, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 284 8-City Council, Special Session ............................................... 287 " 8-City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Department reports, also list of claims for month of Sept., 1934 292 8-College Inn, granted Class "B" beer permit ..........._........... 298 „ 19-City Council, Special ..............................._........................... 299 " 19-Claims list of, for month of September, 1934, proof of publication .....................:...................................................... 301 " 26-City Council, Special Session .................................................. 30G INDEX-Book 64 SUBJECT Page 1934 C " 26-Cullen W. H., appointed Clerk Pro Tem of meeti roved 1934 app tember f Se 3as f° ; , p 26-Council Proceedings, month o 369 as printed' ..................................................................... .:..... 311 Nov. °' 5-City Councd, Regular Session ....................................... b-Correll. Charles V., extensraru of term ssio>49to onstruct uesting p 312 5-Crown Oil Company, req a driveway for gasoline filling station on west side ... betweeru 23rd and 24th Streets 313- " : of Central Avenue 12-City Council, Special Session ......~... ............................••.•• City Water Department er 319 " , 12-City Auditor, City Treasur also list of claims, for month of Oct., 1934 orts e 322 , p r 12-City Council and City Solicitor authorized to attend con- pi Valley Ass'ur at St. Louis, Mo. sissi Mi 322 3 " p s . vention of ......_ ..................... 23-City Council, Special Session •••-•~•-••••••••• roof of for month of October, 1934, p f i 32 324 , st o 23-Claims l " publication :••••••••-••••~°'ension of 2nd half of 1933 taxes 23-Clark Margaret J., susp of City Lot 48, notified to f S r/ 326-349 !' . a 23-Cox W. G., owner o remove wooden stairway crud to replace same with a ,.,.,, 333 •. new stairway ........................................................~..... 335 Dec. " 3-City Council, Regular s?snobond ~ ......................_..~............. 3-Crescent Sweet Shop, , g f vital statistics, allowed 338 !' 3-Connell Dr. W. J., registrar o the State fee as compensation in full for services .... . 340-341 ...... rerudered as such officer .......................................... .... . 341 " ........... 13-City Council, Special m 1934, approved th of October " , n 13-Council Proceedings, ..:....................... _ 346 " . as printed ....................._...._............_.... 13-City Auditor, Gity Treasurer, City Water Department o list of claims for month of Nov., 1934 l " " 348 " s reports, a B 13-Cooper Fred,H. and Fochtor Charles, granted Class ................... .. .... 349 . ............................ beer permrt ...................... INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page D. Jan. 2-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, submitting names of Leo T. Gregory, Wun, Stansfidl;d, Peter Eisbach and Frank Van Duelman, to fill vacancy' on City Council 2 " 9-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, submitting name of T. C. Kirkwood to fill, vacancy on City' Council......... 8 " 15-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, stating they have withdrawn their support from City ,Mianager Form ` of Government ' ....................._............................................... 11 22-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, relative to ordinance providing Bailer and Pressure Vessel inspection ........ 16 22-Dzaboff V. E,, requesting withdrawal of his name from petition to call special election on Manager Plan of Govennunent ..................................................~.................._..... 16 22-Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, requesting postpone- ment of! Zoning Ordinance for a period of one year.... 21 " 22-Duggan Thos., sett-ement of personal injury claim 24 :::::::: Feb. 6-De Maio Bros., sign policy ........................................... 39 '5-Dienen Leo and McCormick, Bert, sign policy ................ 40 " 15-Dendinger Clarence, claim of, for damages to car ............ 46-179 March 6-Danner Josoph, suspenssion of 2nd hab° of 1932 taxes ........ 58 " 5-Dersch F. H., suspension of 2nd' half of 1932 taxes ........ 68 " S~Digman Anton, suspension of 1932 taxes ............................ 5$ " 5-Dock Board, stating they are withdrawing app]icatioiu for Federal Funds to construct a coal terminal ................ 60 " 17-Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society, requesting annual appropriation of $300.00 .........................:.............. 72 17-Drill Team of Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars, asking for use of Armory Hall far one night a week 72.132 17-Dell George, granted Class "B' beer permit ...................... 74-18t " 22-Doyle Mrs. Kate, requesting cancellation of taxes ........ 88 " 22-Danzer Pauline, suspension of last half of 1931 and all of 1932 and 1933 taxes .......................................................... 88-136 " 22-Dillon Joseph M., requesting cancellation of the last half of the 1930, all of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes ................ 88 " 22-Dubuque Spiral Harrow Works, building located in the 2700 black on Elm Street, petition to have same re- moved on accounit of fire hazard ..............................91-163 .179-190 " 27-Drexel Jahn and Arensdorf Frank, requesting transfer of their Class "B" beer permit to 1097 Jackson Street 92 29-Dubuque Traffic Association, vzarrant in amount of $100'.00 ordered drawn in their favor ....:...................~..... 117 April 2-Dubuque Safety Council, suggesting that Central Avenue from from 4th St. to 14th St, be made a boulkvard .:.. 126 " 16-Dreazy F. H., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ............ 129-134 16-Deming J. K,, appointed member of Police and Fire Pension Retirement Board ................................................ 133-136 " 25-Diamond's Grill, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 138 25-Dubuque Golf Club, granted VZ year Class "B" beer permit 138 25-Dzaboff V, E., suspension of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes .... 139 25-Doyle Catherine, suspension of 1932 taxes ........................ 140-146 25-.Durand Rosins., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 140-146 25-Dubuque Auto Paint Shop, sign bond ................................ 142 " 25-Dubuque Park Board, stating that an action has been commenced by United States of America, for condem- nation proceedings of a strip of land belonging to the Park Board and desired for use in connectiotu with con- struction of the lock at Eagle Point .............................. 144 May 7-Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Company, requesting an easement and overhead right-of-way across the tract of land being crossed by one span of their bridge •••••••• 149.203 June 6-Dubuque Automobile Club, relative to allowing left turns at the stop and go lights ..................~............................... 170 " 6-Dovi S. C., Director of Dubuque Cadet Band, requesting free use of Athletic Field on June 28, 1934 .................... 170 " 25-Dubuque Trades & Labor,Congress, advising Council that they were well pleased with appointment of William S. Roberts as Councilman to fill the vacancy Caused by the death of Ardenal Thompson ...................................... 189 INDEX=--Book 64 INDEX-Book 64 ' 4 Pogo 1934 SUBJECT Page 1934 SUBJECT ': E M ' Jan. 5-Election Special, to abandon Manager Plan of Gov t .... ?- 23-46-51 - Ju°~ 2-Diamond's Grill Ituc., granted cigarette permit .................... 208 1~5-Iflacit lights to be placed on City owned public buildings 14 ~ ~ " 10-Diamond's Grill Ina, sign policy ........................................... " 10-Dubuque Auto Supply Co., sign Policy ................................ 208 213 Feb. 5-Engel Henry, sign policy .. .... 40 ...........a.._ ............................. March 6-Eisbac}u Peter J., suspension of 1932 taxes .................... 67-88-113 ~' . ' R // 19-Dugan Charles S., granted Class "B" beer permit ............ Automobile Club,.requesting passage of ordin- b D " 226 ~~ rig ary suspens P ion of 2n~.d half of 1932 taxes ion of 1932 taxes .................... Eichmann Ida A, sus ens 5 57 68.315 uque •. u 30- ante creating loading zones ..::...~.~.•.•••••••••••••••-•-~••• -•••••• u n ranted Class B beer permit ........ Duttle Raymond E., g 30 229 }` - J on of 1932 taxes ........................ 5 Eisbach Chris. C., sus ensi 17 Election March 26th, 1934, canvassing nomination papers 58 71 1 - 'P 30-Dubuque Stone Products Co., granted permission to erect nd maintain a dock or ]ending on Mississippi. River at „ 22-Ellwanger Ed. P. Sr., requesting the Council to ~om- .promise the deNinquent special assessments assessed a a point approximately 1000 feet from Dubuque-Wis- 230 against the southerly one-half of lot 174, East Dubu- ........ consln High .Badge ..............t:.......... _........................ " 3(b-Dubuque Humane Society, .notified to remove dog pound 10-days 232-233-338- athi 41-342 " ue Addition ......._. ............................................................... q 27-IE"nzler Mrs. Katie, objecting to Roosevelt Street special 90-131 104 179 n1. . and shelter at D508 Jackson St..w ue Boat & Boiler Company, Suggesting the .dredg- Dubu 6 233 " assessment ...........:.......:.......................................................... 27-Election, canvassing ofI returns of March 26, 1934 ........ - 112-113 ` q - Aug. ing of the Ice Harbor ........................................~-................ Doyle Mrs. Catherine, cancellation of 1938,taxes~ .............. 4 t 250-317 " " 27-Election Judges and Qlerks, payment of March 2ti, 1934 29-Engel H. A., thanking Council for request to demonstrate 113 l - . Sep " 4~Dubuque Packing Co,; requests in conneetion~ with pro- ed arrangements at their present April and quote price on Nash Automobile for Police Dept 2--divans R M City Manager bond of : 117 122 posed new and revis location between Sycamore and Cedar Streets and 16th 263-268 .... ............................... . . , 16-Eschen Mrs. Alice, claim of .....:...................:.......:.................. 128=180 and 17th Streets ................................................~........_......... 260-317 " of 2nd half of-1932 19- e o e annum suspension 3 -..,-...,..•.. " 17-Dawson Lessie, suspension of 1933 taxes ...:...... ue Harbor Improvement. Co.,addition Lot 27, in b D d t' - _ and all of 103 taxes 25-Ender A. J,, granted Class B beer permi>; ........... 137 138 uq u 17- Block 26, warrant .in the amouiut of $19.63 ordere 261 " 25-Eisenegger Arthur J., granted Class "B" beer permit .... 138 , ..drawn for the redemption of same ................................ abled American Veteranis Wbrld War requesting Di 1 ° " 26-Elks Club,_granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 25-Eagles Building Assn, granted Class "B" beer permit 138 138 s - Oct. Permission to. hold Forget-Me-Not drive on September 281-288 " 25-Eichmaniu Ida, suspension of 1933 taxes .......:............:....... 140 29, .1934 ..................._......................................:........................ mocratic Central Committee, request- D May 7-Enright Mary, suspension of 2nd half of 1932 and all of ...................................................:....... 1933 taxes . ..... : 150.317 e " 1-Dubuque County ermission to hang banner across Main Street ........ i 282 ~ " ... ..... ... . 9-E, R. A. Project flor Municipal Airport, transfer and ' ng p " 1-Dersch Francis H., suspension of 1933 taxes ----ointment ue Community Chest, requesting the app bu D d " ' " appropriation of $1,424.00 from Consolidated' Fund .... 23-Engel Heinie, making application for use of Baseball 168 q u 1 - on the Mil) Fund Committeo of someone connecte 283 Park fora Athletic Shows to he held twice a month, ' Board of Hea]th ........................._............................ with 2 8 closing about the first of 1)ctober, 1934 .................... 1G0 . . +' 8-Danzer Pauline, suspensioT uestgng'the City Council~to ue Realty Company, eq bu D h " 8 June ~-Eberhardt L. J, et al, protesting against the proposed erection of a billboard on A. Duetscher property on q u e 19- accept the amount of $335.32 in full payment of t l assessment levied against the east 35 feet of i " Kniest Street ........................................................................ 5-Engel H.A., granted use of Athletic Field on Jume 14,1934 170-263 172 a spec City Lot'533, the south 42 feet 5 inches of City Lot 34 th 10 feet of City Lot 634 " 9-Engel H. A., granted use of Athletic Field on Juive 21,1934 i ti n 32 d0 t n f ' d P 31 A N 180 and tho east 35 feet of nor 301 er appropr a o ~ i ra s an roject o. - 9-E. R. . for the improvement of Main. Street ..:............................. ran Walter G., appointed as member of Playground D 305 " of $384.00 from Consolidated Fund' .................:.............- 9-+EF R. A. Project No. 31-38-13, transfer and appropriation 181 o 19-, ' and Recreation Commission .............................................. requesting a permit to operate a Furniture 23~Dooley K. L. t 325-338 " of $2734.20 from Consolidated Pund .........:...........~........... 25-E~igel Heinie, app.~ying for use of Baseball Park for 181 , s ............ Nov. and Auction Market at Third and Main Stree 326-349 .various dates daring July, August and September, 1934 190 " 23-Durand Rosina, auspension of 1934 taxes ............................ esolution cancelling their policy for July 2-Ender Alois J., granted cigarette permit ............................ renewal of cigarette permit ..._ ............... 2-Ender Alois J 201 202 Dec. 3-Dubuque County, r Liabiltty and Compensation Insurance on relief wont 336 " ., 2-Eisenegger Arthur, renewa] of cigarette permit .............. 202 employees ..................~................................................_......... permission to pay assess- re uesting kert Mary A., q i D Au . g gg , qal of cigarette permit .................. 2-Eichman Arthur, Orene uesting permission to use music 10-Ei3ene er Arthur re 202 , ec - 13- r a in rmc meats against Lot 3 McOlam's Sub. by P Y g P 347 truc • • •• -••••••••• • ••••• • - ' ••_•••••••~••••••°°-••°' ~ ~ ••~~•r ~• ~ • 242 ' pal plus a reasonable rate of interest .......••...•••••••-••••° Sept. uesting a return to agricultural 4-~Estabrooks L. B., req .exemption of part of. the taxes for years 1933 and 1934 and hereafter, while used sa a Public Golf Course, Min. Lob 200, Min. Lot 189, L'ot 1 and 2 of Min. Lat 202 ....251-261-262 " 17-Eberhardt Barbara, suspension of last half of 1933 taxes 250.317 17-Eisenegger Old Sty~~a .Restaurant, sign policy E ............... 264 ~' Oct. 8-Electric RatesP fixing and establishing rates to be charged ........................_...........292-293-299;-29~i-29'G-297-29;8.303.301 19-Evans. City Manager, appointed as member of Play- ground and Recreation commission ...........:..._................. 306 t R Dec. 13-Ede Robe Tanning Co., suspension of 2nd' half of 1931 ~, and all of 1933 taxes .......................................................... 347-349 E` ~~ •`~ , INDEX-Book 64 SUBJECT Page 1934 F 4 Jan, 2-Firestone Service Stores Inc., sign bond .......................... orary transfer of $20,000,00 tem d F p un , " 15-Fare Maintenance from the Bonded Debt Sinking Fund ........., ............... 11 -12-17 " 15-Frith's Union Slaughter House et al, requesting that the 12-43 Bee Branch Sewer bd covered ....................:................... " 29-Fogarty Margaret, requesting that the alley between raded and nod's b e g Wooten and McLean Avenues 3b-41 serviceable .........................:.....:...... ..................._................... ' olic ...................... Feb. 5-Feldman's Garage, sign p Y ••••••••••-•••••••• ' f 2nd half of 1932 taxes .... i 40 47-146 on o 15-Frost Edward J., suspens March 2-Flynn Mrs. Kate, cancellation of 1931,1932 and' 1933 taxes 63 68-315 5-Flynn Mrs. Tim„ suspension of 19.32 taxod ..........:........... 5-Frohm Mrs. Lena, suspension of 1932 taxes ....-.••••••-•-~••-- 58 58 " ~5-Feller Mrs.' Catherine, suspension of 1932 taxes .............. cancellation'of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes Kate M " , rs. . 27-Flynn April 2-Falkenhainer Charles, sign bond .....:.................................... "B" beer permit ................ l 125 137 ass 25-Flynn Jahn D., granted C 26-Fitzgerald Cigar Co., sign bond ...................:.................... "B" beer permit ................ 142 143_ 25-Fox .Ray, revoking o£ Class May 7-Fox Roy, requesting a refund of $10;00 on restaurant ........~......_........., 162 license ......................................................-...... 7-Fortman Anton, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ lication for rental of Baseball a ki ' 155 pp ng tlon Ken, ma " 23-Fene Park, for Athletic Show on May 24, and every third 160 Thursday until October 1, 19 ...................... ~, ................ 23-Fuhrman-Taller Co.a sign bond .••••••••••~•••~•-••-~•••••• -' 105 •,•••,,., 23-F1•uckiger Albert, sign bond ...................._................ ce banal ...................................... " ~23-Falstaff Brewing Corp., sign , l of Baseball t 165 a June 6-Fenelon Ken, making application fior ren Athletic Show on June 14, 1934 ........................ 170 Park, for 9-Fenelon Ken, making application far rentalll of Baseball 1934 .................... June 21 180 , Park, for Athletic Show, on nn Coal Co., awarded contract for furnishing concrete " 9-Fl 1 y , for sidewalks and approaches on Highway No. 16 182 • Project No. N. R. M. 17- ............._... 26-Fire Maintenance Fwnd, application. to be made to the 194-195 -205-212 . ,State Comptroller to increase levy .......•••-•••••• •• " 25~Fire Pension Fund', application to be made to the 195-205-212 State Comptroller to increase ]ovy ........:..................... a] w nn John D., rene 2-Fl ~ i l pew et g t 202 202 o C ~ y .... t .__ y Ju te perm ar ci al of " 2-Falkenhainer Drug 202 " 2-Fortman Anton, reneway~ of cigarette permit ....:............... therine Foell Estate, request- C a " 10-Foe)] Leo Administrator, ing areduction in special assessment levied against . 207 Lot 12 m Finley Add .:...................................................... 10-Freymann Lewis, applscat~on far Class "B" beer permit 209 to be located at 4%8 N.1Gation for rental of Baseball " 19-Fenelon Ken, making app Park, on July 20, August 3 and 31 ................................ that diagonal parking i 211 ng 19 1'~ransen W, A. et arv, request allowed on E. side of Iowa St. from 11 to 13th St.....21 b 1-227-228 e " 19-Flynn Frank J. and Thomas L., purchase of Lot 1 of 6, 213-216 2 of 6, and 3 of 6, of Cityl Lots 561 ............ .............:...... Lewis A., granted Class `~B mann e F 9 t " re ro 213 , y r - o 1 d rde Iowa, " 34-Frrst National Bank of Davenport„ of wn wooden sheds in rear d o either repair or tear 228 229 . Lots 629 and 630 ........................................................... Oct. 8-Fluckiger MI'ptor Co.~o d as a ~member•of Dock Com- 291 in " 8-Fawkes P. S., reapg lrm November 26, 1936 ............ mission-for term exp g , 298 301 " 19-Flynn Mrs. Timothy, suspension of 1933 taxes _............. of Finley Hosgital and Mt, Pleasant Home, exemption 3 326-349 • - ...............:......... Nov. 2 taxes INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page G Jan, 2-Galls Hubert and Lawson Charles, granted beer permit 3.143 " 2-General Outdoor Advertising Cb.,, sign bonds .................... 4 " 15-Garver W, A,, suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ 13 22-Grewe Henry et al, requesting light at 25th and Wash- ington Streets ............................................._.._..................... 16-43 Feb. 6-Gent Ado, sign Policy .............................................................. 40 March 2-Grote Ernest, suspension of 1932 taxos ........ .............._... 63 5-Glob Georgd W., suspension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes 57 5-Garver W. A., cancellation of 1931, 1932 and 1933. taxes 67 f~ 2 e e ~~~•~ 57 ,~ ~ ...... 1932 taxes .............. 5-Gruber Geo, M eJrC suspensoon of 68 " 5-Grote Ernest, suspension of 1932 taxes ..._......_ .............. 68 " 5-Guns Thos, H., suspension of 1932 taxes ........................ b8 17-Grote Ruth, claim of .......-..F ..................................................... 72 " 17-Gala Dominick et al, requesting the grading of Garfield Avenue between Marshal] and Roosevelt Streets ........ 73 " 17-Garfield Avenue, requesting grading of between (Marshall and Roosevelt Streets .................:...................................... 73 " 27-Geishelcer Mrs Mary, objecting to Roosevelt Street special assessment ...................._....................................... 104-179 pp of Board of heo. a orated' as member 29~G P, . • . .... Review 117-155 April 2-Graf Frank and Alma, suspension of 1932 taxes) .... 123-134 " 2-Goodman's Inc,, sign bond ......... .... ..... 126 25-Gala Dominick, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 137 25-Grommersch' John J., granted Class "B" beer permit .... 138 " 25-Glob Alois, granted Class "B" beer permit ........................ 138 suspension of 2nd half of 1932 and all of `~ 25=Grimm John , 1933 taxes ........._ ............................_~.................................... 139-146 25-Galliant Laura, suspension of 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes ........................................................._:........................._... 139-146 26-Galls Hubert and Lawson Charles, revoking of Class ccB» beer Permit ..............._........................~.......................... 143 Map 7-Guler Peter, cancellation of 1931; 1932 andj 1933 taxes 151-315 7-Gregory Mary, suspension of 1932 taxes .................... 151 " 7-Gronau Edward; appointed caretaker of Municipal Ath- letic Field ......:............................a............................................ 162 June 5-Gassman William, requesting the City to accept the amount of $300.00 as settlement in full of special as- sessments~ levied against Lots 23 and 24 in Sisters Add. 170-192 July 2-Glab Alois J., renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 202 2-Grommersch John J., renewal of cigarette permit ........ 202 " 2-Gala Dominick, renewal of cigarette permit .................... 202 " 2-Grant of ,Easement to Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Co, 203 30-Gratz N., settlement of claim ....._ ..................................... 230 " 30-Gassman Charles J., ordered to connect Lot 1 of 37 Alt- hauser Sub. with sanitary sewer ...................................... 231-236 Aug. 6-Gremmersch N., requesting permission to dig up the alley first west of Muscatine Street to destroy quack grass 234 " 10-Garbage contract to expire, recommendation of Qity Man- ager to advertise •for bids ........................._...............240-241-254-265 Sept, 4-Glenn Cath. A., cancellation of 1933 taxes .......................... 260-318 4-Good Will Tours Committee, Chamber of Commerce, requesting the City to be represented on tour in North- eastern Iowa, on' Sept. 19 and 20 .................................... 251-267 17-Gala Dominick, requesting permission to resit his build- ing at 574 E, 16th St,~or the business of a beer tavern 266 Oct, 1-firings F. A, et al, requesting that E, Grove Terrace be repaired ....................._...................._:........_....................,.... 281-314 i0 1~ --Gregory Mary E., cancellation of 19,32 and 1933 taxes .... 302 ~~ 19-Gratz Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 2nd half of 1933 taxes 302 19-Goodrich Mrs, C, H., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes 302.317 " 19-Gregory Led T., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commissaon ...................................................... 305 " 26-Grote Ernest„ suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 309-315 Nov, ~5-Gruber Geo. M. Jr„ suspension of taxes ........................ 312-315 Dec. 3-Grashorn Herman D,, suspension of 1931, 1932 and 1933' taxes ........._.~ ..........:................................................................ 336-349 3-Gross Charles, sign bond ......................................................... 338 INDEX-Book. b4 SUBJECT Page 1934 Jan, 22-~Hollenbergor Herman, requesting transfer of boer permit 1G to 1900 Washington Street .....:...:.::•.......:........•............:• sting transfer of beer permit to " 22-Heinz John Sr., reque 1G-39 1097 Jackson Street ......:....................:.:...~.....:..............:..• f 1932 taxes :.•••••:••.••••••••••••• i ` on o suspens 29-Haun Mrs. Mary, " ~ 29-Hall Patrick, suspension of 193;2 taxes ......:...........:........ f 1932 and 1933 taxes .... 35-13G 52-114 March 6-Hanrug Sencia, cancellation o " 6-Heim Clara M., cancellation of 2ndi half of 1932 taxes 68 " 5-Hendricks Geo• J., suspension of 1932 taros ............:.._.. 58 5-Hines Frank W., suspension of 19 axes •••••••-•••-~••• 58 " 5-Hilvers Jane, suspension of 1932 taxes .......:...................... " ~5-Hubert E, C., suspension of '1931 and 1932 taxes ...........: 5-Haun Mrs• Philomena, suspensia>v of 1932 taxes ....:..•.... 59 5-Holscher's Apothecary, sign bond ..•..~••••••••••••••••••••••••°•°••••' relative to the grade of Garfield rie d M , a " 17-Hunt J. Wr an .......... Avenue in front of Lot 242 :.............._.................... 73 17-Hargus Lillian L., caiticeliation of 1932 taxes and prior .. ..:..... : 73-315 .... years .............................._._.........:...............:.......... 17-Hill Maurice A, granted Class "B" beer permit ..:........... 74 88-349 " 22-Hugh Mrs. Anna, suspension of 1933 taxes .................... aright-of-way through - curin t g o se " 27-Hartig Al., relative Papins land for a road .....................................::.._..... Mr 92-1G1 • ", 27-Hertner Fred G„ submitting offer of $2500 for the 92-132 purchase of Lot 2, Feil's Sub ....:....:..................................... uesting permission to operate the i i e, req nu " 27-Heinz Mrs• M beer permit held by John Heinz, who is now dead :... 111 123-135 April 2-Hier Henry, suspensio>x of 1932 and 1938 taxes ......:..:...:.. 2-Herberger John J., suspension. of 1932 taxes :................:.. . 123-134 145 127 1G-Hach G. C., requesting reduction an street assessment - 129 " 16-Heil George, suspension of 1933 taxes .....::.......:............... cancellation of personal property taxes P. J• hes Mrs Hu 1G 130 , . g - 1G-Hanley Terraiuce,, to serve as member of Fire Pension .. .. 131 .. Board ..._ ................:...............................:..:............:..:.::..... ted member of Police and Fire Pension i n " 18-Hill Thos., appo Retirement Board ................:....:......:............................:...... 133-149 137 " 25-Hughes. R. D•, granted Class "B" boer permit ..........._« 26-•~Hail George and Menges Walter, granted Class $ . 137 • beer... permit .....:....................:....::..........................:.._.....:..., ` Joseph A., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ " 26-Hennig; 137 137 ~ " 25-$Ori1e William granted Class "B" beer permit ................ ranted Classy "$" beer. permit ...._.. ~10 138, ., g 25-Hartig Drug 25-Heim Anna, granted Class `B" beer permit ...............:..... ranted Class "B" beer permit e b 138 138 , g uqu 26-Hotel Julien Du 25-Hilekels Albert J., granted Class "C" beer permit ........ that a playground be ti 138 ng '~ 25-Heitkamp G. W. et al, reques hed fn West Dubuque at Welbes Field .............. bli t 40 s a es °' 25-Hos Chas, Estate, cancellation req 9 sling eTreasurer ~to Havrkeye Casket Comp Y, " 25 1 - d~n~terest9be~ cancelled l t e b 0 3 xl '. '. 141 an na tY p and tha es ta 193 142 '! 25-Haudenshield Funeral Home, sign bond :.............:............. uesting an extension of time on final May 7-Hansel W L., req ment of street assessment against Lot 100, Cox Add. a 149 p y 7-Hilliard L. 0„ requesting that Henion Street. ba opened end of present pavement to West and graded, from .. 149-1G8 1Gth Street :..:........:...........................:............................ « ~ 7-Hillery Mxq. Chas. et a>~ protesting against the removal en Locust and Bluff Streets, tw b e e of light in the alley and Jones and Dodg anted'eGlass''B"beer permit..... 150 .-155-201 " 7-~Hollenberger Herman, gr " 7-Higg%ns Mrs• I, M., requesting a reductions in special as= t Lots 1 and 2 and West 39G feet i ns sessment levied aga of Lot 6 and all of Lot G in Barry's Sub• for improve- - 156-179 ment_ of Roosevelt Street .................................:.............• " 23-Hammel Sarah, suspension of 1932 and 1933 regular and special taxes for years 1932, 1933 and 1934 t 159-315 axes INDEX-Book b4 1934 SUB ECT J Page ~~ 77 i1' " 23-Hansen George, suspension o£ 1933 taxes ......._ ................. 169 23-Huekels Mrs: Rase IM., granted Class "C" beer permit 100 25-Healey Emory F., requesting suspension of the last half of the 1931 'and all of the 1932 and 1933 taxes ....,... 189-316 " 26-Heiderscheidt Peter, granted Class !`B" beer permit ..,. 197-245 July 2-Home Beverage Service, granted Class "B" beer permit 200 revoking his Class "B" beer permit ~` 2-~Hollenberger.l3erman 201 , 2-Hartig Drug Co., granted cigarette permit . ..................:..... 201 2-Haley Amy- M., granted cigarette permit ........................ 201 " 2-Hartig Drug Co.,+renewal of cigarette permit ................ 202 2-Harrington Mary Catherine, Loretta Powers, Administra- trices of the estate of Anna A, O'Shea, requesting per- mission to pay the special assessments against Lot 4 of Min. Lot 28 in proportion to the amount of property sold ..._.........._ ........................................................................... 202 10-Humane Dog Shel~ter~ request to have the nuisance abated .........................:..........._..............:...............20°1-232338-341.342 " 19-Hill William, .granted. Class "B" beer permit .................. 213 30-Horne William, renewal of cigarette permit ....• ................y 230 Sept. 4-Ham Brewing Co•, sign bond ..........:......................_..,......... 252 !` 4-Hill William M•; sign bond ..................:........_...........:...,..,.. 262 " 17-$illyard Courtland F., sign policy ..............................:......... 264 21-Hefty Jacob, suspension of 1933 taxes ................................ 270-317 Oct. 1-Harrington Mary Catherine and Loretta Powers, Ad- ministratriees of Estate of Anna. A. O'Shea, requesting permission to pay the proportionab part of ,the special ` ~ assessment against Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Min. Lot 28 .............................................................................. 283-284 suspension of 1933 taxes . ............... .. " S-Hendricks Geo. J. 288 , . . . " 8-Hantelman Lena„ suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes :... 238-317 " 8-Hartman Carl F., sign bond ................................................ 291 " 19-Haupert. John and tlnaia,. suspension of 1933 taxes ........ 302-317 19-Hoffman Alois M., appointed member of Playground and Recreation Commission ........._...._..__. ............................. 305 26-Hostert Herman, requesting permission to redeem tax sale certificate against south ~a of Lot 41, McCraiuey's 2nd Add .............:.....a............~...................._...........,........... 308 Nov, 6-Hoag. Mrs. Amanda, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes 316 Dec, 3-Herget A• H, et al, requesting that boulevard lights on Central Avenue be relighted .........:.........:.......................... 336 3-Hoppman Brake Service, sign bond ....:............................. 338 " 13-Hemmi Eng. Estate, suspension of 1928,1929,1930, 1931 1932 and 1933 taxes ......................•..........................,.... 347-349 INDEX-Book 64 . 1934 SUBJECT Page I Jan, 9-Inland Bonding Company of South Bend, Indiana 13 9 granted permission to'transact business in Iowa ........ - 9-Interstate Power Comptny, new electric rates ................ 10-11-14 29-Ickes Harold L. Administrator, Federal Emergency Administration of Public VPorks, relative to either the execution or cancellation of Grant Agreement for 36 Feb improving Atlantic Street ................................................ 6-Intemvational Brotherhood of Teamsters, Chauffours, . requesting that truck drivers of the City of Etc. , Dubuque be members of organized labor ...................... 44-172-192 March 6-Iowa Produce Co., sign bond ..........._ .............._.............:..... 59 April 16-Iowa Oil Company, requesting permission to widen Rhomberg Avenue two feet at 20t1u and Jackson Sts. 128-142 " 25-Iowa Oil Company, sagn bonds ............................................ 142 May June 23-dnterstate Finance- Corp., sign bond ..................._......_... 15-Ice Cream stand at the corner of Mt. Pleasant and 165 Julien Avenue that the matter of license and' operation °' be referred to City !Manager .......- ................................. 25-Interstate Power Company, ball in amount of $8,697,95 185-212 for labor and materials supplied in the removal of thou transmission lines from site of new Air Port ...... 191-235 " 25-International Harvester Company of America extending invitation' to Council to attend Safety Meeting to be held at their building on June 27, 1934 ..........:................. 191 July 10--Immanuel Congregational Church, requesting the City Council to accept the amount of $175.00 as settlement ~, in full of the special assessments levied agaimst property 20~ 10-Industrial Subdivision, request to purchase the south 75 feet of Lot 1, Block D ................................................._....... 208-213 Sept. 4-Iowa Association of Chiefs of Police, requesting the City of Dubuque to send Chief of Police to convention at " Sioux City, Iowa ...........................:..._............_....A........... Numbers 31-H-2, 31 B 2-10, i31 B 8.14 4-Iowa Project 252 , extending tame limits from August 1, 1934 .................... 264 Oct. 1-Iowa Project No. 31-BI8-14 setting over and appropriating 286 the amount of $1,500.00 from Consolidated Fund ........ Nov. 23-IIntemstate Power Company, requesting permission to 327 re-route their Seminary Hall Bus .................................... Dec 13-International Harvester Company of America, thankjng . Council for the business on Trap-Tractor .................... 347 " 13-Iowa Project No. 31-B 2.34, setting over and appropri- 348 ating the amount of $250.00 from Consolidated Fund " 13 Iowa Project No. 31-B 15-2, Supp. setting over and 00 from Consoli- 016 mount of $6 ti th . , ng e a appropria 348 " 13-Iowated Fund ................................................................_......... a Project No. 31rB 2-10, Supp. setting over and appropriating the amount of $275.00 from Consolidated " Fund ........................................................................................ 13-Iowa Project No. 31~B 8-14 Supp. setting over and appropriating the amount of $2,134,00 from Consoli- 348 dated Fund ............................. 349 INDEX-Book, 64 1934 SUBJECT Page 1 Jan. 2-Jeannetaud Joseph, relative to amount expected to be paid by the City for strip of ground at West 8th St. r ~. and Julien Avenue ................._...._...............................,... 4-44 y Feb, '5^Jaeger Hardware Co,, sign policy ..........._ ........................... 40 15-Judges and Clerks at Special ,Election, appointi~rng of 46-51 March S~Tacobi Chris., suspension of 1932 taxes .................................. 58 " ~ 6~Tuergens John N. & Sons, sign bond ................................ 59 e : " 17-Judges and Clerks, election of March 26, 1934; appovn~t- .. ing of ..................:.._......................................_......................... 74 17-Johnson High-Test Oil Co., requesting permission to construct new sidewalks' and driveways at filling station on the correer of Rhomberg Ave, and' Stafford Street 77 22-toffee Bertha, suspension of 1933 taxes ............:............. 88-315 " 22-Jaeger Mrs. Frank M. et al,, requesting that the alley between Bennett and W. 3rd Sts. from N. Algona St. east be graded and surfaced with cinders .................... 90-162 27-Judges and Clerks, payment of for electiaml of March 26, 19,34 ....................._...._....,..........,........................_~...:..... 113 April 2-Johannsen Elmer, sign bond ............................._..................... 126 " 2-Jaeger Arnold G., (The Uptown) sign bond .................... 126 May 7~Taeger A. G., granted' Class "B" beer permit ..._ ............... 155 . July 2~Toseph Mrs. N. B., gramhed cigarette permit .................... 201 :; " 2-Jaeger-xunnert Co., granted cigarette permit .:._.........._. 201 " ~ 2-,Tacquinot Harry J., granted cigarette permit ................ 201 ` " 30-Jaeger !A, G., renewal of cigarette permit ......._.._.....:..... 230 Oct. 8-James Miss Nora. & Luckert, Miss Lillian, sign bond .... 291 " 19~Tohnsan High-Test Oil Co,, requesting permission to construct new driveways .at 10th & Locust Sts. ,....... 3p5-314 " 26~Tellison Jessie, suspension of 1933 taxes ......._ ................... 309-315 ,, Nov. 5-Jellison Margaret, suspension of last half of 1933 taxes 316 12-Johnson Hi-Test Oil Co,, sign bond ...........................:.......... 322 INDEX-Book. 64 SUBJECT Page 1934 K- Jan. 9-Kircher J. F., offering property for sale locates on Algona ._..-... "" 9-42 ores ... Street for playground •pm'P •••••••°""""" 6-Kolb Maria Mrs., cancellation'of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes . Feb 3 . " 5-Kies Drug Store, sign policy ..................................... .. . 39 . ~~ '6--Kies & Butler, sign policy ........:............_:......................... " 15-Kane ,Thomas F., notice of claim for personal injures ted cancellation of special 47 " 15.-Knoll Ida and Robert H., gran .................. : 48 ..... as~essment ..........:............__........................... atiarch 5-Kiernan James, suspension of 1932. taxes-_.-••--~•••••~••••••• . f 1932 taxes .....:.......... i 57 68 on o 5-Kiene Estate Peter, suspens suspension of 1932 taxes,...........•.•••:•••••••••••••:• Kluck Mary " 5 68 58 ,, - b-Kulow Charles, suspension of 1932 taxes ........................... ension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes us k 58-359 p , s !' S-Kressig. Fran ~~ 5-Kies Bootrie, sign band ......................._..............,,............... ............._........... f 1932 taxes 89-115 .. 22-Keller Fred li., suspension o " 22-Kaesbauer Barbara, cancellation of 1932' and' 1933 taxes o l 89-315 Koehler for " 22-Kretschmer W. M., re etitiongof Mxs. Sarah ing p den i 90 y n . .action . cancellatio~u of 2nd half of 1932 taxes ..._ ............:.......... 1932 taxes f of a 1 d f 2 i . 90. • 3 4 19 T e on o 22-Koehler Mrs. Sarah, cancellat ril 2-Kane M. R.,• appointed 14Tayor for y ~ ••• d 1933 taxes A 121 124-135 .•._ p '° 2-Kraer Nicholas, suspension of 1932 an ension of 1933 taxes ......._ ............... 130-316 3 '.! • 16-Kramer Wm. J., susp . M......... 16-Kane Mayor, excused from P ting at 8:45 los Stevo granted Class li '~ 13 ~~ o ou 25-Kar~gan Andrew D. and Ko ' • ~ 137-138 .. .. ... "B" beer permit .......... • " 25-Kretz E. P., granted Class B beer permit ......._.....:..: nted Class d Kiefer Alfred,.gra Adol h an f ' 138 138 er P 25-Kochendor " .".B".beer permit' .....:................._.........:............_........_....,.. . "B" beer permit ............ 138 '! 2b-Kleeman. Arthur, granted Class 1933 rker~busch John and Mary, exemption of 1932 and K 1,10 X15 . o 25- tax~ ..._.........._ .............._..............................._.......~.... " 25-Kinzie Earl and Takos Peter, sign bond ........-................ •• 142 142 . " 25-Knowlton E11en1 Rider et al, sign band .••.•••••••a••••••••••••••••• .. . 142 . " 25-Kraft Clothing Store,~sign bond ....................................... si bond ..........._......_ ..................... • h n 142 ~ op, g " 25-Kleine Apparel S " 25-K-M. Supply Co., requesting permission to sub-contract ortion of their Main St: a C p o., to James F. Lee Paving contract from Jones Str~a sed"B'T beer permit 143 155 nt d Clo May 7-Kirkpatrick Mrs. Anna, g " 7-Kelsen John granted Class "B" beer permit ••••••QOl and that the sw~mmmg p 155 23-Kennison H. A•, suggesting auditorium applications be combined in one P. W A. 159 Project ..............._............................................ 23-Keneally Stephen, cancella for Class "B" beer i 169- on licat ....... . " 23-Kunz Mrs. Bernice aPP .............:.. 161 Wgte 4 plant ..................... permit, denied .............••• •••• •• contract awarded for ue 23-K v 164 p um m e ul ment ........ermit .................... emergen y P June 9-Klein Frank, gramited Class B beer p • that the claim of Mrs. M. 181 '< 15-K=~'h Supply Co., statang rf has been referred to their insurance agent d i 18~ o rn B << 15-K-M Supply Co., siS~ bond ................................................... " 16--Key City Roofing Co., sign bond .......................................... amination of various con- 186 " 26-Krajewski C; L, bill for ex t ncil ~..:-...,..: demned buildings r 190 201 • mi anted cigarette pe July 2-Kies Drug Store, gr an &Koliopoulos, granted cigarette permit •••••-•• ri K t " 201 201 g ar ............ 2- " 2-Klauer Julien Hotel Co., granted cigarette permi raivted cigarette permit .-•••••••••••••••••• d 201 201 , g " 2-Kirchoff Edwar " 2-Kretz Cafeteria, granted cigarette permit ....••••••••.••••••••°• al of cigarette permit ...:-...•••••••••••••••• 202 02 " 2-Kiene Dorothy, renew Knockel Louis J., renewal of cigarette perm~tl •••••••••••••••• • " 2 2 206 ,...., :..:,. ~::.• - ~~ 10-Kintzinger Nick, suspension of 1933 taxes 207 • ..... " 10-Kenyon Ethel, notice of suit .................... INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page a u n Sept, ~a a ~~ Oct. I~~ ,~~ rs ~~ ~r Nov. a Dee. K 19-Key City Gas Co., requesting the City to haul the coal donated by them to the homed of tha poor .................... 2I0 19-Korn Ludwig, cancellation of, 1933 taxes .....••..••-.•.. • ....•. 211 30-Klingenberg Terrace, request to have same improved .... 227 30-Komler M: L, and J. E., ordered to either repair or tear ' down wooden sheds at the rear of Lot 644 ..........._....... 228-234 4-Kuehnle Louis H., granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 253 17-Kressig Frank, suspension of 1934 taxes ...................:.... 21i9-316 17-Kotowske F. J. et al, requesting the Interstate Power Co. to operate busses on iMt. Loretta Avenue ..........:..... 260.339 17-Kringle Oliver, abjectir,~ to construction of new railroad trae'k on Sycamore Street ........................................._..... 260 17-Kretz Cafeteria, sign policy .........::...........~........................... 264 1-Keatly John, suspension of 1933 and' 1934 taxes ..._....... 287-316 1-Ktauer Mfg. Co., relative to ratoa charged by the Inter- state Power Co. for electrical energy ..............:.....::.. 283 1-Karrigan ~& Koliopoulos, granted cigarette permit ......,: 285 8-Kaenug Theresa, suspension of 2nd half of 1933 taxes 288-315 8--Kies Peter V, claim _for damages to automobilo caused by Fire Department track ............_ ................:................. 299-3.01 19-Kaiser Lena, suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ 302-322 19-Kearns P. J., suspension of 1933 taxes ................................ 302-316 19-Karberg P, K., appointed member of playground and Recreation Commissiotv ......._ .....................:......:..:..._....... 305 26-Kline Louisa M.; cancellation of 1932 and 1933 taxes 309-316 12-Kassler Motor Co., sign bond .....................:..:.....:....:.......... 321 23-Kersch Nick, atupension of taxes .......~.........._.:...._ ............. 326-349 73-Klinkhammer Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 1933 taxes .... 326-349 23-K-M. Supply Co., Contractors, bill in the amount of ' $87.00 'for excess charges on the improvement of Main Street, Section No. 2 .............................................. 328 13-Koehier Sarah and Henry, cancellation or suspension of 1933 taxes :...................:......................:.................................. 348-349 E• INDEX-Book 64 SUBJECT 1934 Page- L Jan. 2-Lawson Charles aivd Galle Hubert, granted beer permit tha tin " 2-Lacy Fxank R., reques public dances to all ordinance be amended to app Y, 0 13-68 lb-Linderman Kezie Estate, cancellation) of taxes ..........••.••• ension of 1932 taxes ............................ us d F 10.58 p , s re " 22-Luckritz " 22-Litz Franklin T.,, applying for position on City Boiler ............ 10 Inspection, ....................................................................... '0 29--Lee James T, Agent £or Columbia Casualty Co,, request bond of Berg-Arduser & Co, 35 ing the release of sign 29-Lawson Edith, cancellation of 1933 and 1934 taxes ..:..... 35-166 39 Feb. b-Lundbeck Catherine S., suspension, of 1933 taxes ............ & Cleaning. Works, sign policy ..................:. ein D ' h0 40 g y 5-Lange .s 5-Leath & Co.,. sign .pohey ..:................_.................................. March 2-I,a Tour Barbara, can ensa f 2 d half ofs1932 taxes ~ 62 57 on o " 6--Le Grand Frank, soap " 6-Ley Joseph, suspension of 1932 taxes .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 58 " w5-Lebben !MS's. John, suspension ofl 1932 taxes .................... " b-+Lang Mrs. Martin suspension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes .. 68 b9 « 5-Leik Wm, C., sig~u bond ..................._................................. 5-Loizeaux Dr. Chas. E., sign bond .......................................... ... 69 69 ....._ .............. ;'° 5-Leath &. Co., sign bond .................................. . of 2nd' hal£ of 1932 and all i on ," 22-Le Grand Frank, suspens .............. 89 . .................... .. of the .19 3 axes .:........................... ;" 27-Link Edward, requesting transfer of his Class "B" beer . 2 permit to 2417 Rhomberg Avenue ....................._............ appointed as membew of Board of Review W. J ndm L t 8 118-165 , . . u - 2 April 2-Loper.Mrs. Wm• et al, objecting to issuing of beer permi ilding located at 1116 W. 14th Street .........••• b h 123 126 u e far t " 2-Landon Charles T., Park Commission d Class ~ B" beer " 25-Leiser Emil and Kress Hugh, gr .........., _ ...:: ~7 ". " " . - permit..:..........._........... _..:..._.._ ................. " 26-Lynn Melvin C, granted Cln~s~ Cla ~~Bp be it permit ra edr ' 138 138-246 er of .Moose, .g ," 20--Loyal. Oxd Field ~bes 26-Luke George e i r 139 . ou d Dubuqu West purposes in for playgr dbeck Catherine S., the Cow~vty Treasurer requested L " un 25- ' to withhold Exam tax sale the delinquent special assess- t Lot 242 Woodlawn Park Add ............. 145 menu agains May 7-Lee Betty, revoking rited ClassB"B"ebeereperlmit ........... F 165 ., g " 7-Lehman John charge • on June 2b-Laing Arnold, cancellation of the 1934 rental 189 . Market Stand No. 15 •••••••••••°•ermission to redeem tax " 25~--Lyon Geo. T. Estate, requesting p 7 of held against the east ~Z of Lot t i o . e ca sale certif ...... the Sub. of east ~Z of City Lot 65 ......._,._....••••• d Tucker H. W.~ ordered to connect • ls R., an " 25-Luthe John Lot 1 of Gilhams Add. with sanitary sewer ................ 20Q. July 2-Lang Martins suspension o~ 1933 taxes ............................ granted cigarette permit ............._...•••••••••••••• Ludwig M. J. " 2 201 202 , - " 2-Leik William, renewal of cigaret antped cigarette permit Leiser Emil and Kress Hugh, gr 10 f 208 - ...••••••••••••• ~~ 1p-Library tax levy fpr year 1935, certificate o .......... 262 ,Sept, 4-Leiser Emil, sign bond ...:................................................ n policy ....................._a.........._.............. i l 264 g es, s a 17-Landon Char taxes ....••-.., p sn 327-340 ..•.•-.•.•.•••••••. ••.•. claim of Belle Nov. 23~-Lawrence M wrence Mrs. Belles original notice of suit ••••••••••-••••• L 347-349 a Dec, 3- " 13-La Shorne Blanche, suspension of 1933 taxes •••••••••••••••• INDEX-B,ook 64 1934 SUBJECT Page Mc Jan, 2-McCauley Frank P, and' Baumhover B. L., requesting a refund on their cigarette permit ......................._........... 1 22-McEvoy Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of meeting 15 29-McKay Richard, Secretary of Planning and Zoning Com- mission, expressing appreciation on passage of Zoning Ordinance ..._............_...._ ......................_........._.............._... o n 37 Feb, 12-McCarten H• B. Plumber, warrant in the am u t of $28.87 ordered drawn for repairs to water service for .Margaret O'Shea Est .........................._............................... 45 " lb-McGrath Margaret, suspension of 1933 taxes .................... 47-316 March 5-McCarron Robert, suspension of 1931 and 1932 taxes .... 57 " b-McLaughlin Mrs. Maud, cancellation of 1932 taxes ••••.•.. b7 " 22-McEnany M. E., cancellationu of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes 88.124-136 " 29-McMahon Jos. A., appointed member of Board of Review 117-118' 29-McEvoy F3d., appointed member of Board of Review ........ 117-1'55 April 16-McCoy Mary, suspension of 1933 tax ........ ................... . • 129-145 16-McCauley Charleg B., cancellation of 1933 taxes .......,.... 135 25-McLaughlin Frank P,, granted Class "B" beer permit 137 25-McDonald Daniel, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 131& May 7-McCormick Mary, cance]]atio>v of 1932 taxes ...-......:.... 161 " 7-McDonald John J„ granted' Class "B" beer permit ............ 16b July 2-McLaughlin Frank P., granted' renewal of cigarette permit 202 2-114PcFarlane Robert, renowal of cigarette permit ..........., 202 Aug. O-JMcDonald. Jghn L., granted. Class `:B",beer permit ........ 236 Sept. 17-Mc14~ann 1L'llrs. Sophie, granted) Class "B" beer permit :.,. 266 21-McLaughlin Maude, cancellation of 1933 taxes ................ 270-314 Oct. 1-McMcCarten H, B., requestuug exemption of taxes on west . 60 feet of Lots 21, 22 and' 23 in Bonson & Stewart's Sub. 282 Nov, 23-McCauley Mary, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 326 R.. I1~DEX-Book 64 INDEX-Book 64 ' SUBJECT Page 1934 SUBJECT r, r Page . , , 1934 ,_ . 1'°•: *~ lYl . ~ , ` Jan. 2-Mid-Continent Petroleum Corp„ sigru bonds .............:...... struction of s 4 " " 10-Mulligan Battery & ~lectxic Co, si olic 19-Hagee Thomas J. ~ P y ~~~-•~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ granted Class "G" beer ermit ...,.... ~ 208 213 Street, con " 5-Main Street and So, Mart~ 8-20-36-1 55-156 ~ Aug. 24-.Macgino Frank, requesting Council to suspend rovoeation ~ ' •..•.•.:^.:.....`............•....• ....••.. sewer ..._..... " 15-~Mlasters George, Plumbing Inspector, stating that a vac- f Examiners for Plumbers d B 3 Sept, of his CLiss "B" beer permit 674 E. 18th Street ........; 4-Miller L, A., suspension of last half of 198Q taxes, all 246-253 ~ ' o oar arucy has occurred,on !!'" 22-Murtaugh C. B, Stato Comptroller, approving of tempor- ; " of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes ..........................._..,............ 4-.Mathey Chevrold't .Ca . sign bond ... . .. .. . ..: . 251 252 ary transfer of $75,000.00 from Bonded Debt Sinking solidated Fund and C `f • " , . ..... . .. ... ...... ......... 4~Meyer Albert M., granted Class "B" beer permit ...........,i 863 on Fund of which $55,000,00 to 004,00 to Wire Maintenance Fund ......................... $20 i i 17 " 21-,Miller John W., cancellation of 1933 taxes" .................:..... ' 21-Meyer Taul, granted cigarette permit ,.............. , 270 271 „ pp T<'eb, 6-Mississippi Valley Association and. Upper Mississ nouncing agreement an dual i Oct, , 1-M'eurisse Mayme et al, stating that they are not in on, an Waterway Associat 39 favor of a•' track iiu front o£ their homes ........................ 279 m~embership .....,.__._ .............................................................. 15-Mulholland Leonard, requesting app't of Judge of election 46 " Nov, 1-Milks Andrew, cancellation of 1938 taxes .,....,..,....,....,.... 5-H;orong Joseph requesting permission to pay the 282-316 March 2-Meighan Fred L., requesting transfer of Class B beer 51 , original amount" of street assessment, penalties to be ,. • permit ....._:.~ ....................:.............._...................................... " 2-Main and South Main Streets, from the m~orth Property t to the south property line of St " " ~m a is pro ty cafe t el' in fed, on h• per to d a 1470 Wood rSt, 5--.Marton Isom, granted transfer of bear permit ................ i 2-321 31 313 ree line of Charter 66-93-84.95-96.97-98 55 .99-100 12-~ssiss ppf Valloy Association Convention to .be held at .. West I7th Street, to improve .......: 127-143-192 218-219-280-221-222-223-224-226- 226-328 St, Loius, Missouri, Council and City Solicitor author- ized t tt d " 5-Milks Andrew H,, suspension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes ension of 2t~d half of 1932 taxes us th M 58 68 t " " en o a ....................................................._...:,..,.....».. 23-Mullen Katherine and Julia, suspension of taxes .........,.. 23 hl t i M A L ' 322 328.86U p . s a " 5-Handers 6-~Mjoreske Mrs, Andrew, suspension of 1932 taxes ............ that Riker Street be uesting l ' - u sc er . ., suggest ng that- the City discontinue the present practice of handling insurance on publio . , req 17-Mulligan James eil a " 72 buildings :................+.............._...._.,...........,,..........,.,.,.........» 827 • made passable .....................:.......................................... sion of 1933 taxes ............................ ' 89.124 'I" 2~Mi11in. 0, F. re uestin the installation) of catch basin I St e t 22-Muecke Anna, suspen '~ April 2-Moore Ellenb cancellation of End half of 1933. taxes ........ : : "126 Dec, on owa ree , betwe n 9th and 10th Streets ...,.....,.. 3-aMankato Brewing Co,, sign bond ........................................ 829 838 ..... . " 2-Metropolitan Cleaners, sign bond ................................ erve as is member of Board of t " 3---Mullen Bros. $c Co,, bill in amountt of $7.87 for labor and i o s '" 2-Matz Frank Sgt., • Trustees of Police Dept and Pension Fend ..:..•.:•••••••• 126-231 130 '"' " repairing sewer at res dence of 1.. J. Schustex ...,......., 13--•.Muellich H,, sus erasion of 1933 taxes .....,..»» ........ ....... 339 347-360 16-1V);urphy~ Wm. A:, suspension of 1933 taxes .................. ,~ "B" beer permit •••••••••••••••••••• ~~ . p n 3 13-Maehinek Fmil, sus ensio of 188 taxes ......,...,,..,.,»...., 347.849 25-Maas Wm,, granted Class 25-Mai M, C., granted' Class "B" beer permit ...,......._.._... .......... ermit "B" beer 137 137 .. p 25-Machinek Jos. J., granted Class " 25-Mayerle John, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 138 " 25--Masses George, granted' Cleass "B" beer permit ...,........ granted' Glass "B" beer permit ................138-213-243 ino Frank c M 5 r g a - 2 " 25-Morton Isom, granted Clasd "B" beer permit ••.-••••••••••••••- " 25-lM~iller Fay E,, granted Class "B„ beer pormit ................ 138 138 " 25-Milligan Harry C., granted Class "C" beer permit ........ " 25-Murtagh C, B., State Comptroller, acknowledging receipt of letter in regard to temporary transfer Exam Water blic Library Fund advising of P u Works to Dubuque return of $3,260,19 and asking that balance of $4,239.81 141 , be extended for another Year .......................................... tional Re-employment Office, N , a May 7-Madden W, A., Manager thanking. Council for their share in purchase of trailer 149 film in the interest of unemployed ~•••••••••_•••••••••••••••••° llation of boulevard light from Jones t i , a ns " 7-.Main Street, Street to W. 13th St, .......153-207-253-273-2744275-276-27 7-278-279 ' " 23-Munger Effie, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ~1t••.:.. ranted Glass "B" beer+ p li 16A 'I " ne, g " 23-~Machinek Caro " 23-Mai M. C,, granted Class B beer permit ..•..:•••••••••••••• inviting Council to participate e tt 1G0 , e 23-Memorial Day Commi in Memorial Day Parade ..............._.................._............... ermit " b " 167 ," l; •••••••• eer p B Junks b-Meighan Fred L., granted Class " 15 Mathi~Moffatt Co., sign band ................................................ . 186 186 _ . l;• , 15-Majestic Supply Co., sign bond ....................................... si bond ..................._................. '...... « 15-.Miller Brewing Co,, gn , ......... ermit tt 186 201 ; ' ~' ' ........... e p July 2-Mai Melchior C., granted cigare " 2-Miller George, renewal of cigarette permit .................... .... ermit tt i 202 202 f; ....... e p gare « 2-Meyers Charles F,, renewal of c " 2-Meyers-Cox Co., renewal of cigarette permit ..................:. val of proposal 202 :? 1Q-Murtagh C. B., State Comptroller, appro f White-Phillips Co, to take up No Fund warrants 207 - ~r o of City of Dubuque .......................................................... ................................... . : olicy i 208 . . ... gn P co Eller Brewing Co,, s ~~ ~ ~ ' ~~ .... . :~'` ~~ ~' ' ~ ° INDEX-Book 64 : ; INDEX-Book 64 : • Page 1934 SUBJECT Page i ~ ~ 1934 SUBJECT ~ 0 r 3 N 26-National Re-employment Office, requesting City of Du- Jan 28 Jan, 2-rOrdinance No, 13-33, amending ordinance No, 11-33, pro- viding for the issuance of $16,000.00 Sewer Bands .... 2-3-8 ~ - , buque to pay one-half of extra auto maintenance ........ xtending invi- " 9-Oesterrich Charles, applying far position as electriciay 8 March 22-National Rivers and Harbors Congress, e 90 ~ 9~-Ordinance No, 1-34, amending ordinance No, 4-33, provid- ~ ~. ',. lotion to Council to attend convention ............................ f Du- i rn for a license and fee fgr transient purchasers of junk 10-17-18 g ty o 22-National Safety Council, advising that the C the 1933 i " 16-Ordinance No. 2-34 fixm and establishing rates for ' ` .'~ n bu ue has been awarded second place q 91 furnishing electricity for residential uses and purposes 14-18-19 • ~ Y c 26 1 "L2-Ordinance No, 3-34,Zoning Ordinance ................................21-24-25-26 a A~ ril p ... ••••• . •••••••••••••••• ••-•••°•• Charls R,, srgn bond 2-Newkirk „» 25-Nelson William, granted Class B beer' permit ............ 1 3q : " 27-28-29w30-31-32-33-34-35 22-Ordinance No, 4-34, prohibiting marathon dances, walk- June S~Newburgh A, W., requesting a reduction an special assess- Sab k' 169-194 athon, skatathons or similar endurance contests ........ 21-22 " ............. s ment on Lot 1 of 3 and 2 of b, Babcoc J. Estate, owner of Lots 280-281 East Dubuque 5-Nagle J Feb. 5-Orpheum Theatre, sign. policy .............................................. 40 March 22-Ordinance No, 5-34, appropriating money for the various , Add,, lots being used .for playground purposes, the 180 _ funds and purposes for fiscal year 1934 ....................87-818.116-117 " ` City of Dubuque to pay the 1933 taxes ............................ f hearing to be held at the United States Engo~r ti N April 16-O'Donnell Kate, cancellation of 2nd half of 1933 taxes . 129-314 1932 and 1933 taxes 129-135-156 cancellation of 1931 16-O'Toole John J ;, ce o o 25- eer's Office, Roek Island, Ill,, upon objections ta,app' ction of a loading wharf on t ~ " " , , lfi-Oiler Rose Estate, susponsion of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes 129-135 137 i " " ' ru al of plans for the cons the right bank of the Mississippi River, three miles 191 •~ " beer perm B t Regan and Gregory, granted Class 25-O 25-O'Neill William E., granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 138-234 below Dubuque ...................................................................... Nielsen Lawrence, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 25 197-244 201 " ~~ 25-Oak Street, light to install .:....................................._....... 139-157 2;5-Ordinance No, 6-34, establishing as a boulevard Central July - 2-Nelson's Barbera Shop, granted cigarette permit ............ ication relative to establish- Avenue from south line of 4th Street to the northerly 162 143 151 ' 10-Newkirk Charles R., commun 209 . - n~us of said avenue ..:.............:....::...:...._:..:.......:....... termi ing "City Routes" on Main Street .................................. granted Class."C" beer permit .................... N Nicks P 10 245 " 25-~0'Brien Leo, granted permission to redeem. tax sale ..........................................._..................... 14,5 ......... certificate Aug. " ., . - 24-Nielsen Lawrence, granted cigarette permit •••••••••••••••• May .... . 7-Ober George C., Manager Hotel Julien Dubuque, request- Sept, 21-Nicks.Peter N., ca llation of 1933 taxes ......_.....:... 270 316 4th and Main Street e t urn at m t at t e o 149 " e " Oct. cance 21-Nicks 19-Noyes mss, Mary, C. A., requesting permission to pay the principal lus 6% levied against Lot t " ,: , ..••. • ....................................... .......................... removed . b allowing ]eft hand'turns when'green 23-Ordinance No. 7-34 171 166 ' p of the special assessmen ~ ; • - on traffic devices ................................ -fight is displayed ........................... 2, Jungk, Dubuque ................................. 6-Nagle Arthur E., granted Class "B" beer permit ............. 313 '! 23-Ordinance No, 8-34, prescribing rules and regulations for the conduct of places of business operating under Class . Nov. " 23-Noyes C. A., owner of S, r/a of City Lot 47, notified to located do said property ..,....... d h 333 :: "B" beer permits ....................................................................166-171-172 202 it e s demolish frame s National Safety Council, inviting the City of Dubuque to 3 339 July .................... 2-Olanosky M, B., renewal of cigarette perm vacating a portion of Dubuque 19-Ordinance No. 9-34 Dec, - again join the traffic safety contest ............................ , Cascade Road, and conveying same to John B. Welp 216-226 Aug, 10-O'Regan Timothy, granted Class "B" beer permit :......... 241 Sept, 4-Ordinance No. 10-34, providing for the issuance of $28,000 sewer bonds ..........:......................:..................249-250-255-2~6-257-269 21-Ordinance No, 11-34, granting the Chicago, Milwaukee, St, Paul & Pacific Railroad Company the-right to con- ' . strnct any industry track upon Sycamore Street from East 19th Streeiw to East 16th Street ............:................. 268-280 • " 21-Ordinance No. 12-34, amending Ordinance No, 10-34, pro- viding for the issuance of $28,000 Sewer Bonds....268-280.26a-288 Oct, 1-Ordinance No, 13-34, granting the Dubuque Facking Co. - the right to construct and maintain a loading platform on, west side of Sycamore Street and a ramp and' aisle enclosure om south side of East 17th Street ................ 286-289 " 19-Ordinance No, 14-34, amending Ordinance No. 12-34, pro- ' viding for the issuance of $28,000,00 Sewer Bonds...300-307-306.313 .,,, ,. " 19-Ordinance No, 15-34, An ordinance fixing and establish-- lashing rates to be charged for the furnishing of electricity _. ..:................_...................._.........:_..:.................. 304-33G " 26-Osterberger Eliz., suspension of taxes ..............................:. 309.316 ~ Nov. 5-Ordinance No, 16-34. An ordinance amending an ordin- ~, ante entitled `-`Ordinance No, 11-34." An ordma~nce ~•, granting to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific ~.: Railroad Company, the right to construct an Industry -~ Track uponi Sycamore Street, from East 19th Street ... . ,•,,.,• .318.320.321 to East 16th Street ................................................ ,~, -~ • ~ 12-Ordinance No. 17-34. An ordinance amending an ordin,- '~ `' ' ~ ante entitled "Ordinance No. 3-34." Zoning Ordin- .`• ~. , ance ..._ .............................................._..............:....~.........319r320`324-325 . '' " 23=O'Shea Brdiget, cancellation of taxes .................. 326-349 ~;`' Dec. 3-Ordinance No, 18-34. An ordinance ifixing+ avid estab- p , lashing rates to bd charged for the furnishing of elec- , p i' , tricity within the City of Dubuque ....335-340-342-343.344.345-346 ~ ~' , Book 64 INDEX ~~~~-B ~,4 ~ ' SUBJECT Page 9;934 JIJ:BJEQ' ~~ x.• . 1934 ~~ p P r~ Jan, Z-Pinski George F,, excavation bond ...••.••••••••••••••••••••••••°•••• sign bonds ........................ C 4 ~~ reg. p ~ • .,....,MH.,,. 2- etrakis Pete, renewal of ~igarettre ermat u 2-Potterveld D fie, renewal ff-cigarette ermit ~.,~,,..,, " F202 ~D~ ~ ~.• " ~` ompany, 2-Phillips Petroleum 2-~Pfotzer Henry and Dement Ida, condemnation proceed- ame structure on south 60 feet f f l 10-Payrolls list of, for month o f June, 1934 ........................ " 10-Park Board 'Pax .Levy' for year 1935, certificate of ..._... " 2D'f 2U9 ~`. • r o ings for remova of Lot 2, of Lots 8 and 9 in Geiger's Subdivision ........~~ n of City of Dubuque Pl "Cit 6-12 10-Playground and Recreation Tax Levy for year 1936, certificate of ......._ .................._.........................::...............-.. 209 ~' ` ;. ° a y 2-Planning and Zoning, ublic hearing to be held .................•••••••••••••••••••••••••••~ ~• 0-2 1-24-25 37 " 30-Pusateri Michael, requesting that the City Treasurer be in t t i d t t th i l f p 20-27-28-2930-31-32-33.3 4-35- s ruc g e o accep e or na amounts o the special ~ " 9-Powers Mrs. Ray, requesting release of excavation bond onth of December, 1933 ................ f 8-1~ ' assessments, waiving penalty and advertising charges on West 45 feet of Lot 7, Hodges Sub ...................._....... 229 " " or m 9-Payrolls list of, 9-Palen Dr. Chas., dangerous condition' of his sidewalk on 9.48 Aug, 0-Pierce Frank, Secretary-Treasurer of League of Iowa Municipalities, submitting bill for dues in League of Feb. property on Hill Street ..._.4 ..................•............_............... 5-Pf between aMinera] and Pearl Sts. lot hi s cr r 43 Iowa Municipalities ....... ...................................................... " 14-Payrolls list of, for month of Julys 1934 ..._ ....................... " 233 240 ' ul s s s o flow a ove 1~-Palen Louise M., requesting appointment of Judge or .. 46 10-Paquette Millard, granted cigarette permit ..............._... Sey+t, 4-Pape Charles 0,, requesting+ permission to blast rock on 242 " Clerk of Election ............................................~................... 15-Payrolls list of, for month of January, 1934 .........:.......... laim for damages to has car f t 48 48 ~~ west side of Roosevelt Street, also blasting bond ........ 4-Pape Chas, et al, requesting that the Dubuque Stone 250 c o `+ 16-Plein Ray, settlemn March 2-Potter Wm. J., cancellation of 1931 and 1932 taxes •••••••• 932 t 63'67 67 Products be enjoined from blasting except as permitted by City Ordinance 252 " axes .... 6-Parker James M., suspension of 1931 and 1 suspension of 1932 taxes .................... Ray Powers Mrs ~5 67 ................._...... . ........................................ ~~ " 17-•Pelky Henrietta, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ..-..... 260-317 " , . - 5~•Pleimling Nick, cancellation of 1932 taxes ...................•.• of 1932 taxes ...................: i 6g 58 17-Payrolls list of, for month of August, 1934 ...............:r.... Oct, 8-Planning and Zoning Commission, change im Article 6, 204 +' ' " on 5-Polder Florence, .suspens b-Palm Leb„ suspension of 1932 taxes ................................ • 68 69 Section IH of Zoning Ordinance ............................290-304 " 8-Planning and Zoning Commissaett recommending changes -319-324 6-Peryon .E; P., saga,. bond . ....................................................• ' 17-Payrolls list of; for month of February, 1934 .••.•••••••••••• proposition for the City ittingt b C 73 , in the Zoning map of the Zoning Ordinance ....290-304 " 8-payrolls list of, for month of September, 1934 ................ .319.324 292 1i . m o., au 27-Pier John & for playground purposes, the property to purchase Nov, 12-Payrolls list of, for month of October, 1934 ......._........... " " " 322 . boarding on the north by W. 3rd St., on the west by n the south by Hale Street ...,...: d 92-162 23-Poire Albert V,, granted Class B beer permit ................ Dec. 3-Pelinka Larry and Sid, sign bond ........................................ 327 338 ' 10 o So. Algona.St., an Police Department, purchasing of three automobiles.... 27 116 13-Payrolls list of, for month of November, 193 .................. 348 '• April - 2-Pauly Mrs. John, suspension of ?nd half of 1932 and all .. . 1~-134 • " .. of 1933 taxes.. ..........:.....................................:................... 2-Petrakis Charles K.; sign bond .............................._.............. Reemployment I}ireetor National I 120 owa 16-Pfund Hans C,, Reemployment Service, requesting City to join in the purchasmg films to encourage industry and home ovm~ 128 , -141-149 ere to make work available ......._......_..........._ ............... Plat of Sub. of Lot land Lot 2 pf Randall's Sub, No. 2 130 16 - 10-Payrolls list of, for month of :March, 1934 ..................•. 137 " i26-Page Hotel, granted Class "B'"beer permit ...................... uette Mallard, granted Class "B" beer permit ...••.•••••• 25-Po " " q 25-Paul Gust, granted Class "B" been' permit ............•....... 25-Petrakis Charles K., granted Class "B" beer permit ....-... 138-165 138 26-Pape Charles 0., granted Class "B" beer permit ............ Central States Parole tive Secretary E 138 May , xecu 7 Padden W, E., Conference, inviting a representative of ~ Police Dept 149 to' attend the parole conference at Chicago, Ill......... ' " 7-Peaslee Mxs, Alfred T,, requesting permisaionl to erect a ss Main Street to advertise a play b ~. anner acro rope at F+rst Congregational Church .... .... 7 Payrolls list of, for month. of April, 1934 .:._ ................. 149 164 23-Pierce Frank, Secretary-Treasurer of League of Iowa relative to ordinance for dancing in Municipalities " , beer taverns ............................................................................ 23-Paul Gust, revoking of Class "B" beer permit ................ 168 165 180 t` June 9-•Payrolls list of, for month of May, 1934 ............................ 16-Premier Pabst Sales Co., sign bond ..........._ ................... 180 • ~'~ " 26~-Pusateri Michael, requesting Council to accept the sum of - ~ ~ $203.23, as full payment of assessment leveed against the West 46 feet o$ Lot 7, in Hodges Sub. No, 2~........ 189 , s' " 25-Police Pension Fund, application to be mad'd to the State 196-205-212 ' ~~ Comptroller to increase levy ........................................... July &-Peed John P., granted Class "B" beer permit .....W...-,.....- 200 201 ~' " " 2-Peryon's Pharmacy, granted cigarette permit ................ granted cigarette permit ........................ Petrakis Charles 2 201 t• ~•. " , - 2-Pogo Hotel, renewal of cigarette Permit ............................ 202 ~.. ~, i•, • INDEX-Book 64 INDEX=Book 64 1934 SUBJECT YAge duly 30-Quinlan Robert granted Clas9 "B' beer permit ................ 229 1934 SUBJECT Page R Jan, 2-Ruprecht Bros;, sign bond ..........................................._......... 4 " 15-Ris John J., application as memlber of Board of Review 13 Feb. 16-Recreational Director, report of ..._ ................................... 47 MParch 2-Roeder Mae, cancellaion of 1931, 193a and 1933 taxes 63-67 " 2-Recreational Department, report for month of Jan„ 19$4 54 2-Roosevelt Street, from the west lino of Rhomberg Ave. to the east line of Lot 6, of Piel's Add. to improve 54104-105 106-107.-108-156-173-174-17.5-176-177-178-17&- 186-187 " 5-Rhomberg Nick, suspension of 2nd. half of 1932 taxes .... 58 " 6-~Ryle Eugene, suspension of 1931 and 1932 taxes ............ 69 `q roquesting permission to operate White 6-Roed'ell L. W „ Music Trailers ..._.........._ ....................................................... 59 5-Reckord Tire & Battery Co,, sign bond ......................._... 59 !r-Ryan Dr. '1'3. J., reappointed as member of Police and Fire Commission ...........................................:....................... 60 " 17-Riker Street, requesting that same be made passable .... 72 " 17-Refunding Bond's to the amount of $54,000,00 to issue .... 74-75-76-77 108-109-110-111 " 27-Right-ofWay for a road through Mr. Papin's ]and ........ 92 27-Reynolds 0. A,, Secretary of Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce, requesting a joint meeting of R~reational and City Planning and Zoning Commission, td secure funds for the construction of an Auditorium an~D Coliseum 92-161 i0 27-Rhomberg A. L. for self, for T. E. Rhomberg) and for J. A. Rhomberg Estate, objecting td Roosevelt Street special assessment ....................._......................................... 104-179 27-Rhoades C. E., addressed Council requesting that Central Avenue from 4th St. to 14th St. be made a (boulevard 111-126 " 27-Ryan Wm. L., Chief of Fire Department recommending that the hazard existing at ruins of 3-story brick building on the River,front near east end of. Railroad owned by A. A. Coopor Estate, be removed Avenue 112-162 , April 2-Rotmarn Louis, sign bond ...................:........:........__...........,... 126 " 2-Rotman Sam, sign bond ..............._.................................._, 126 " 2-Roedell L. W., requesting permission to usa his White Music Trailer on streets of City for ensuing year ........ 127 " 16-Rath VaT, suspension of 1933 taxes ..............._..........:.......:.. 129 " 16-Ryder Mrs. S., cancellation of 1933 tax ..................~........... 129 25-Roshel~ Bros, Co,, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 138 25-Reno Louis, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 and all of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........._.........._ ................_................... 140 " 25-Recreation Department, reports for months of February and March, 1934...._ ..............................~............................... 141 May 7-Rhomberg L, A., granted Class `B" beer permit ............ 155 23-Roth John, granted Class "B" beer permit ..._ ................... 160 June 5-Rafferty Slough, to be made available for baseball and playground purposes ................................_...................:t... 169 X2-Roberts William S., appointed as a member of the City Counoil, to fill the unexpired term of Counicilman Thompson, deceased ..............................._............................. .184-185 15-Renier Music Store, sign bond ............4........_ ....................... 186 July 2-Retail Merchants Bureau, requesting that Main Street from 4th Street to 11th Street be kept clear of auto- mobiles from noon, to 4 o'clock onl July 19, during cele- bration of the event of the completion of the new pav- ing of Main Street ..........................._.................................. 199 " 2-Reynolds 0, A., Secretary Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce,, requesting the Council to attenid Dubuque Day at Cascade, Iowa .........._ .......................~............................... 199 " 2-Ruegnitz R, S. et al, requesting Council to designate the site and locate new swimming pool on City property at Eagle Point ..............._........._.........._........................... 200 2-,Roepsch George, expressing his opposition to building a swimming pool at either Rafferty Slough or Comiskey Field and stating that he was opposed to abolishing the beach at Eagle Point ...........:.................................... 200 ~: INDEX -- BOOK 64 1934 BUBJECT Page ~. " 2 Ruegnitz .R .A., ,stating that ho :favored the'bu%lding of the :swu~mming pool st Eagle Point Peach _..~....._.._... 200 " 2 Red Front Cigar .Stare, ~rans~ed cigarette peranit __......... 201 '~ 2-Roshek Pros. Co., granted cigarette pormit ._.........._..._. 24Yi 201 '" 2Rath Central :Market, granted cigarette Permit _......___.. 202 " 2-Ragatz Geo. 'dr., renewal of cigarette permit ._ .................. "' 19-Rainbo Oil Co., request to change sidewalk approaoh at the intersection of East 4th'St.and,Bodega Street .... 216-234 '" 30-RockAVe91 'Ora Cain et ,al, requesting permission ~to settle .the balance nf'the special `tax assessed against 1Lots'2 :and B,, in ~Grigg's '.Sub, _.._......._.._..__.........._ .................. 2h& thug. 6--Rath I,eo J., granted Class "B" beer permit _.._.._....._......._. 235 " 10-Ryan Wm. I,,, .Fire Cd~ief, .granted permission to attend the ,FirE Chief's C.onuemition at Milwaukee, ~iiisc, .... 240 inept. 4 Reed .Tom, requesting the amendment of Ci ~ Crd~nance to allow a permanent auction :house at 965 Main St. 254 Q` 17-Retail :Merchants Bureau, opposing the amending rof City Ordinance to allow a permanent auction house to be " establisbed _.._.~ .........:....._._.........__...._......_......~_._._.. 17-Ring lkilary J., suspension of 1934 t~xesn _._....,._ ............... 259 '259-346 " 17 3i~ailroad Crass'mgs to change :mamropnrated gates and flags to electrically roperated flashing signals ............263-264-348 17--Rath ~Geo, C. Sons ine,, sign pohey ..._...._..._ ............:........ " " 264 260 " beer permit _ .............._. B 17 Reinter Frank, granted'Class Oct. 8-Republican County Central Committee, requesting por- .mission to .extend banner across t3th Street ......_........ 289 19-Reyno9ds 9.. A,, `Secretary ofChamber rof Commerce, pre- . !seritmg bill in amount of .;64,40 to cover additional 805 :expense bn sociability ,tour into Northeastern .iowa..~... " 19-Roepsch Goorge J., appointed member of Playgrom~d; and " Recreation Commission ... 19-Rhomberg Kahl, :appointed member :of Playground and 306 Recreation Commission _....__._ ..............._....._.....,............, 305 ~6-~R.oshek Thomas G., bill for damages to autmmobile as a result :of driving into :open manhole at thecorner rof Main and 'Seminary Btreets _ ......................._...... North 309 " . 26-Rudolph Margaret, canoellation rof 1932 and 1933 taxes 349-316 '" 26Retail Merchants Bureau, :requesting permission bo 810 dnsta'll 'Christmas Lighting Decorations .....................:.. Nov. 6-I,Zoberts W. J., Examines in charge of Union Trust ~& Savings Bank, requesting Council Ito ,accept the prim :cipal :amount of the special assessments, plus;advertrs- ing.costs levied against.Lot 31Q Davds 'Farm Add.._..... 312 ~~~ ~ n u,il 326-849 " fror the r questing pormissio exch nts Bnrea 23-Ret r1144 . Dec , holding of a Santa Clair parade .............__............._,...... 3-Kyle Eugene ~., 'suspension rof 3938 taxes .........,.-..~..... 32 7 336-349 . ~~ 3-Roma Cafe, sign bond .........__........._ ..........................._......... 338 "' 13-Retail Merchants Bureau, advising that they have ~ta'ken out a liabdlity policy oovering street decorations ........ 347 " 13-Russell Edw. ~C., cancellation of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes 342-349 ' INDEX-Book 64 k 1934 _ SUBJECT Page S Jan. 2-Storm Sewer Bonds to amount of $16,000,~gO„ to issue .... 2-3-8 " _ 2-Schrup Oliver, .damages to basement of residencd caused ;. by the backing up of sanitary sewer ..........................:..... 3 ~~ ,2-St. George Hotel, sign bond ................................................ 4 " 2-Sehvrietering Jacob J,, sign bond ........................:............... 4 " 5-South Main Street and Main Street, construction o~ i storm se~wer ............................._...................................8~-38.155-150 t , " 9,Schiltz Peter J., appointed member of City Council to fill the unexpired term of Henry Schuckert ...........:................ 8 " - '. 9-Stewart Carl A., Power of Attorney ..........._ ....................... 9-13 " 22-Schiltz Albert V,, Chairman, Peter N. Nicks and H, J. Hoffman,Committeo of Marquette Court of Catholic Order of Foresters conve m a rec~ation for efforts in cr tins rojects t he ~ ~ 16 " g ~ reg 22-Schwae ler Ro A, et al at u~ting t t W. 3rd St, ea of Algona Street be opened and' graded ...........:............ 17-42 " 29-Sutton Anna A,, requesting that alley between Wooten and Mchean Ave, be graded and made serviceable .:.. 35.41 ,. , " 29-Schlosser George, granted Class "B" beer permit ........:... 37 Fob. 5-Standard Oil Co,, sign policy ....:............................................. 40 " 6-Schmitz Anthony et al, requesting opening+ of street fxom - Lowell Street to East 21st Street ..........._ ................... 41,, i " 5-Schmitt Jos. W. et al, requesting that Gilmoro St, be . repaired, and sidewalks constructed, also alley repaired 41 ` " 15-Staxx denude L, requesting appointment as, Judge or Clerk of election .......:......._..:....... ....... ........., .... ...........................:.... 46 " 16-Schueller Henry, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 47.115 . " 16-Sanders Alvin E., suspension of 2nd half of 1932 tax and i all of 1933 tax .........................................:.......................... 47-114 " 15-Schmitz Anthony, stating that ho was not the originator - .~ 1 of the petition requesting the extension of (g. 21st St. 48 Mlarch 2=Schenker Victor and Luetta, suspension of 19371 taxes b2-316 " 2-Stork Peter, suspensions of 1932 and 1938 taxes ............ 52.114-147 ' 2-Seitz Joe P. cancellation of 1932 and 1933 taxes ............ 53.114 " 6~Slattery Mary E., suspension of .1932 taxes .................... 57 " " S~Schnee Katherine, suspension of 1932 taxed .................... 57 " S~Schoeberl John, suspension oP 1932 taxes ............................ 57 ' , " 5-Sear George; suspension of 2nd ha14 of 1932 taxes ..:..... 69 " S=Schmid Hubert, suspension of 1982 taxes ............:..:........ 59 " 5-Sunderland Geo., susponsion of last half of 1931 and all of 1932 taxes .....:.......................................................... 59 ~5--Schargitz Fred, suspension of 1932 taxes .......................... 59 " S=Schargitz Frank, suspension of 1932 taxes ........................ 59 " 5-Schueler Kate, suspension of ltnd half of 1932 taxes 59 .` " 5-Suverkrup Henry, suspension of 1932 taxes .......:...,......•. 59 5-Schiltz Oliver, cancellation of 1932 taxes ........................ 59 ''' - " v5-~Schaetzle John, sign bond .......................:............................ 59 " S--Sportsmanis Tavern, sign bond .......................................... 59 " 6-Stoffregen Louis, appointed as member of Board of :,.Adjulstment ..........................._......_....................................... 60 + " 5-Smitih~W. A., appointed as member of Board of Adjustment 60 " 5-Street Lightto install, between James St, and Mercy Hosp. 60 " 17-Stempfer,.Philip; making application for either Judge or Clerk of Election .................................................................. 72 " 17-Sowle Vincenk E., requesting withdrawal of his name . •.from.,nomination papers of Thomas Kirkwood ............ 72 22-Scharff Louise, suspension of 1933 taxes ........................ 89-316 " 22-,Sinner Emma <hTrs., cancellation of taxes ............................ 89-317 " 22-Sinner Barbara Mrs., can~eellation of 1933 taxes ...........: 89.317 " 22-Schmidt C. J., cancellation of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 89-134 and sidewalks constructed, also alley repaired ............ 41 " 22-Schroeder Elizabeth Vosberg, cancellation of the last half of 1931 and ally of 1932 taxes ............................................ 89-146 " 122-Sanders Frank, suspension of 1931,1932 and 1933 taxes 90-115 " 22-Schadl Joseph, suspension of 193$ taxes ............................ 90 INDEX-Book 64 1934 'SUBJECT Page 1934 ~ f SUBJECT Page 22-Schiessel John'et al,. requestin removal of the building 10-St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital, warrant ordered drawn in Dun o .1 or ra om and Dare for Leroy . ' n the of the Dubuque Spiral H a r o k 163 91 Treanor '•"••'•"" $""'-•••••••••.....• •• ••-••••~••~~•~~•••• ••~•••-•• 240 F rd haz e fi termed as a _2700 .block on-Elm St., - 114-124 " 10--Steachen Mrs. Nick cancellation ••~• of 1932 and 1933 taxes 240-317 " 27~Schmitt. Walter. J., suspension; oi; 1932 taxes .................... 'April 2~Shea J, J. City .Clerk, administered oath of office to F. M, ` " ~ ~ 24•-Scherer George J,,, granted Class B beer permit .......... 3~0-,Sutton John ranted Clas "B" be it 244 •.: ~,` ''' Jaeger and Peter Schiltz as Councilmen ........................ -~ ermissicn to hold tag day uestin ti A l S ' 1r21 123 fSept. • " , g s er perm .................... 4-Schaerberl John, suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ ' - 246 250 g p rmy, rq va on a ! 2- 2-Streletzky .Margaret, suspension of 1933 taxes ...........:.:.. 124-316 ` ~ 4---Sears Geor e s g , uspens~on of 1933 taxes ............................ 4-lStandardl Qil Co. sign bond 261-318 262 z ~ " 2-Singer.Eugene, suspension of 1931, 1932 and 1933 taxes - " " 124-134 1'L7 125 „ , .....................~...._...... •••• •••••••••••• 17-Sanitary Sewer to construct in Chestnut Street and' Cox beer permit ....;......: B " 2-Setter Aloysius, granted Class : - - i~15 ' ' ~ Street .......................................................258-299-301x313.31.&-323-324 ~~ .. 2~Setter Aloysius, granted c"garette permit ......................... requesting permission to erect a church Church ' P t St " 16 " " 17-,.Starr Mary G., suepensionl of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ - 1 ' 259-316 , er s . e - marker on the west side of Central Ave. at 21st St. 128 7-Schadler Louise,. owner of Lot 2 of 2, Saunders Sub. ~ granted: permission to pay original special assessment ' " 1,6--Schneider Mrs, Margaret, claim of .........:.....:..:::............ " 25-iSchaffhauser Wm, A., gnante~l Class "B" beer permit- ° 128 1'37 " plus 6% interest and advertising costs .................:...... 2i-Schaaf Louisa suspension oP 1933 taxes 267 270 316 ' permit :..........• " 25-Stavras Georgo, granted Class "B" beer William gra'n~beed Class :"B„ beer permrt ;...:.......- Savar " 25 137 1~8 " „ , , ........................ 21-s5chmid Wm., sus erasion of 1933 taxes .................: P .......... 21 S tt M . 270.316 ; y -~ " 26--•Stemm John, granted Class "B" beer permit ................... i " " 138 138 - co r., representative of State Department of Agri- culture, relative to sterilizing of glasses in •beer taverns 271 t ......., beer perm C ' " 25-Sullivan Joseph J., granted Class granted Classi "C".beer permit :..,.... Jacob ieterin h 25 S 138 Oct. „ 1-Schneider Carl J„ cancellation of 1933 taxes .................... 282-316 i g c w - May 7-Secretary of Commerce, Washington, D. C., inv~tmg " 1-,Standberg Mrs. Sandra, suspension of 1938 taxes ::...... 1-Stoltz Raymond J, and George J. Zillig granted cigar- 282.317 Council to attend the Fourth National Co~iference on •~' S49 , ette permit ..................................:..........................;.....:.......... 286 Street and Hi hway Safety ..................................... g "' ~ ' ' " 7-=Shailenberger Wilbert, license issued for itenerant 53 r` ~ " 1-Sullivan Thos, P., granted cigarette permit ........................ $-Strand .Theatre, sigu bond ....................... .................... ...... . 285 291 physician ....................._..............................................,........:... .granted Class "B".beer permit ........ ielman Harvey " 7 S 155 " r., '- 8-Smith William Ave re ry, appointed as a member of Plan- d Z i i i C , p -- 7-Schnee Mike B., granted Class "B" beer permit;........... ' '•" 155 on n omm on, term ss to expire May g n4 93 2 gl 9 298 " 7-Snyder Charles T., granted Class "B" beer permit :....... 155 for injuries received in 1933 15$-166-263 claim Clarence Mrs S ' " 7 ~ " . • • ........,••, , 19~~chuller Mrs. E, et al, objecting to the construction of ' . , . auer. .- ~" ranted permissicn to-redeem tax sale 7-Steffen .Henry, g ; rtificate held by City against Lot 261, Hams) Add. 166 ~ "" sanitary sewer in Chestnut Street and Cox Street ....302-313-323 26-Schru Eliz., sus erasion of last .half of 1933 taxes :....... 309-349 26 y n . ce ~„ ' 7=Service Transfer Co. 09 Davenport; Iowa, granted per--~ blast on Gain property on Roosevelt Street '= t i i ' 67-158 " -Stor S. A., ca cellation of 1933 taxes ......._ ................... 26-Scherrer Frank C., granted Class "B" beer permit ..,..:...... 309 310 • on o m ss 23-Stoltz Raymond J; and Zillig George J., granted; Class ,. 160 _ +•Nov. 5-Shiloh- Circle, Ladies of Grand Army of the Republic, presenting silk flag ands standard .................................... 311 "B"..beer perinit ..........._ .........:...._.........:..................:....... `June S-Schaefle Frank L., granted Class "B" beer permit .::..... 179 ~ 5-Senior.. High School, requesting.. permission to hang banner across Mai Street 313 ~ '" 9--Schmitt Anton,, granted Class "B" beer permit .........:...... ranted Class B beer perms d Mik r ' • ~~ 181 i ~~ ...................... ............................ n 12-Sa ' s u ' g n e 9-San at the southeast corn 82 9-Swimming Pool to construct, ' " 20 r " 0-269-283 - ~ of Lot 138, East ~uth Dubuque Add.uMi s Ros n a Durand, owner ..:.............32 t M a 0-328-349 - Street and South Locust Street R.ailroad "' "' appointed as a member of the Board hiltz Councilman ''S 6 '' " `! ` 12--S ary's Par~sh r questing' permissiou to erect a sign , c ~- 1 ....... of Examiners for Plumbers ..................._.........: ° """ I87 199 ~ across Main Street .:.........................W~......................-......_. 12-Sewage Disposal Committee. of Chamber of Gommerco, 320 ............. ... duly 2-SabersAniton, notice of suit ............ ................ ~ ••••• a permit " g granted ci arett r-Kleine Grocer Co. Inc. d h S 201 , requesting that tests be made of water in the Mississ- " ,, roe e c 2- 2-Schneider Drug Stare, granted cigarette permit ...,........ 201 6'1 ippi River regarding the effect df sewage whicly is em tied into the river P 320 " 2-Stavros George, granted c~garett~ ;permit ......:............_... ' renewal of cigarette -permit ................ E. J fer Co Stam 2 2 ..; _ - " " .......................................................... 12-Scheppele E. L.,. signs bond ........._..............~ ........................... 12 St db d t Cl i M S d "B" b 321 322 ' , . . p - 2-Scherer George J., renewal" of cigarette permit ,':::......: df foal sale sale- ti 202 ~~ ~, - ran erg rs, an ra, gran e ; ass eer perm t g re „ P 12~-Sand Frank ranted Class B beer ermit .................... 322 on u 2-Sheffield C. L. property, redemp 204 " 3 Sisters of Charity B. V, Ilv6, requesting that they be 2 - ;~ , ..~ ....................................................................... ' certificate « .. 1'O--Sibbings Jewel Store, sign policy ~ ................................. 208 roleased and absolved' from payment of special assess- ment for the boulevard lights on Main Street abutting , 10-St. Mary's Church, granted' permissions to erect a banner 209 . St. Joseph's Academy ............................:.............................. 326 on Main Street ............................._............:.......................... " 3p~St. Mark's Lutheran Ghurch, Women'e Guild, requesting - -., "~ 23-Sisters of the Holy :Ghost4 ruins of building located on City Lot 14 to be eondemned 332-337 permission to use 12th St. for holding of Ice Gream~ 226 ; " ............................................. , 23-Sullivan J. M., recommendations .that bunldings located on •' `,, ` - Social ..........:......... .................................................... ........ " 30-Stemm John, granted cigarette permit ..... ut up a io t i i 230 his:.property known as City Lot 46, be condemned and" removed ....... ...__ ............................................. 32-337 ~ ss o p ng perm n 6-Scherer George M., request 'Aug. ortable root beer stand at S. W. cornea of City Hall Dec. 3=Schmidt C J , suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ 336-349 p ~ .................................................. 336 ~ }. • on Iowa Street ...... 6_-S h Frank, granted Class "B" beer permit .. ... „ and u A b 236 , t of $7,37 due to sanitary 3-Scsewerr back rag lul?li m ~ basement of residence ........ 339 ven e erg " 10--~~" Sewers to construct; m Rhom 238-239254 258--2 . 87-288-310 13-Schlueter Leo B. and ;Frank J., authorized Power of ~' , • ,iifi other streets ............:.... ...:,....:. " l0~torm Sewer Bonds to the amcuni; of $28:00.0.00 •t>D' be ompany ...................... Attorne b American Surety .C Y Y 346 ;r -• ~ .....~....•••••••-239-249.260-255:25:G-2b7-258-208-269-2~0 : : ed i i ~~` ..... ...... ... ssu 281-285-286-288-299.300- 306-309-308 ~. r. ~i: , ~ ~', '~ , . • INDEX=Book 64 =1934 '.SUBJECT Page T fan. 9-Theobald Paul et al, requesting that sidewalks be built on both aides'of Cathexine Street ................................. 9.42 ~ `~ 16-Transfer _..temperary from .bonded debt sinking funds - of $75,000.00 of which $55,000.00 is to Consol- ., . idated Fund and $20,004.00 to Fire Maintenance Fund 11-12-Y7 " 15-Thompson Counalman, appointed as iiaember of Board of • " Examiners for Plumbers ..........................._................_..... 22-Trimpler.George, granted Class "B" beer permit ............ 13 17 'Feb. 6-Trenkle Co.,.sign.policy..-... .:..:....................._,..._..................... 5-Transfer of $34,824.09 from Consolidated Fund to be used 39 in connection with. C. W.~"A. Projects 1 to 3b ............ 44 12-Transfer of $826.40 from Consolidated Fund to bo used irn 8 and 14 ............ connection with Ct W. A. Projects 5, 4'5 • March 2-Thimmesc'h Frank Ta., requesting permission to pay :the Add:: without G1 ns a -52-1 i ' of 1932 taxes• Geo E , remissio 5-Tu meyer ~9 " 6-Theiring Frank W., cancellation of 2nd half of 1932 taxes 69 " 6 ,Tuthill Wan. H',~ suspension of 2nd half of. 1932 taxes 69 " 6-Triangle Hatchery, sign bondl ............................._...............:. 69 ` " 6-Trimpler Geb,, sign bond .. .................................._.........,....... 59 17-Tradehome Shoe Stares Inc., requesting permission to ' use Flagpole in front of 605 Mairn St for advertising 72 " 17-~TinkhamSeNellie B., cancellation of 1932 °taxes ............. 73 " 22-Thielen Mathilda, s~pension of 1933 taxes ..............._....... 90-316 '22-Thimtnese'h Frank D., requesting permission to redeem the tax sale certificates against Lot 27, McG~aneys April 2nd Add...., ........................:.......................................:........... 2--Telegraph-Horald and Times-Journal, appointed official 90 122 " newspeper .............................................................................. of $?A5:00 from •Consolidated Fund to C. W. A. 2r-Transfer " ; Project No. 601 ..................................::.........,....................... 16-Theiring F. W., suspension of 1933 taxes ..:........................ 1~ 130 "" 18-Thomas Frank G., guardian of John Thomas a minor 133 " claim of ..................................................._............,................. 16--Thompson Councilman, appointed Mayor- Pro Tem of 133 " meeting ..........................._:..........................._......................... 25-Tschudi Joseph, granted Class "B". beer permit ............ 138 '+ ~ 2fi:-~~hompson Frank and Hogan Vincent J., graphed Class " ccC„ beer permit ..................:.....................:.......................... 25-The Great Atlantic ~~Pacifac Tea'Co,, granted cigarette 138 " permit .....~ ...........................:......................................_...._... 26-Truher C. E. et al, requesting removal of street light in 138 alley between Lecust and Bluff Sts. and Jones and " Dodge Sts ................................._............................................. ?~6-,Theos John, suspension of 1933 taxes ..........................._:.... 139-150 140-31G 142 " 2~-Trausch John F. and Arthur et al, sign bond ...................... " L6~-fJ'inkham Nellie B., warrant in the amounN of $190A~,0(1 ordered drawn for purchaso of S. E. 150 ft. Lot 693, Ham's Add. ° ~ May 7-Thomas Frank G., original notice of suit .......:................ by Frank G. Thomas, original notice of suit Thomas John 7 145 162-217 152- ~ " , - 7-Tinkham Nellie B., warrant deed to City of Dubuque ...... 1 2 7--Transfer of $38,40 from Consolidated Fund to C. W. A~ Project No. 31-4-1 ................................................................ 00 from Consolidated Fund to E. R. A- fer of $1424 n T 9 154 . ra s - Project for Municipal Airport .......................................... 158 23-Thompson Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem of .................... 168 " meeting ................................................................ 23-Trewin C. B. Ise., requesting settlement of delinquent ~ 159 assessments against North 25 feet of City Lot 563 ........ 00 from Consolidated Fund to E. R. A. f $384 f . er o June 9-Trans Project No. 31-B-2-10 .......................................................... 181 " 9-Transfer of $2734.20 from Consolidated Fund to E. R. A. 181 Project No. 31-B-813 ................................:......................... INDEX--Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page T 12-Thompson Ardenal Councilman, resolutions of sympathy upon his sudden and tragic death ................................ 183 " 16-Theisen Battery & Electric Co., sign band ........................ 186 " 2t~i-Traffic_Safety on streets of Dubuque, observance of all signs and signals and ordinances .................................. 194 July 2-Trieb Bertha Estate, suspension of taxes .......................... 199-318 2-Trimpler George J., granted cigarette permit .................... 201 " 2-Tschudi Joseph A., granted cigarette permit .................... 201 ~~ 2-The Interstate Co., renewal of Cigarette permit ............ 202 2-Trapp Arthur J., renewal of cigarette permit ................ 202 " 2-Thompson & Hogan, renewal of cigarette permit .:;..... 202 " 2-The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Go., renewal of cigar- ette perm~t .............................................................................. 202 " 2-The Dubuque Club, renewal of cigarette permit .............. 202 10-Trimpler W. F., renewal of cigarette permit .................... 209 Aug. lO~Tax levies for the year 1934 ................................................ 238 10-Treanor Leroy, payment of hospital and doctor bills for personal injury ................................................................ 240 " 30--The Service Club, granted Class `B" beer permit .......... 247 Sept. 4-The Dubuque Boys' Welfare Aas'n and The Dubuque Boys' Club, requesting cancellation of real estae taxes one City Lot 209 .............................................._................... 261-263 4-Tradehome Shoe Co. Inc,, sign J~ond .................................... 252 4-Tri-State Motor Co., sign bond .............................:................ 252 .Oct... 1-Thal Della C., cancellation of 1933 taxes ............................ 282-316 1-The Dubuque Club, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ 284 8-Tuthill Ruth M„ suspension of 1933 taxes ........................ 288 8--tfegeler Edward B., sign bond ....:........................................... 291 Nov, 6-Tractor and Bulldozer, purchase of ............311-312-330.33 1-332.338 " 12-Taylor-Yonkers Co., sign bond ................. ............................. ~ 3..1 INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page U Jan. 6-Utzig Arnold; Chairman Taxpayers Committee and Citizens Progressive League, requesting calling of spec ial election to vote on abandoning Manager Plan of 7-23-46-51 . Government .............:............................................................ " 29-United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co;, requesting can- 35 cellation of sign bond of Fitzgerald Cigar Co ................. 67 March 6-.Utzig John, suspension of 1932 taxes ............................ suspension of 2nd half of 1932 taxes ........ F A " 5-Utzi 69 ., g . « 5-Uppinghouse Robert R., suspension of 1932 taxes ............ requesting Gouncil to i Waterway Ass n i i 59 , pp ss " 27-Upper Miss oppose the Eastman program as it pertains to the cony 92 trol of rail, truck, bus, air and water lines .................... April 25-United States of America vs. certain ]ands hereinafter ti on describedi and Gity of Dubuque et al, condemna . 144-170 praceedirngs .....................................................,.................... May 7-United Electric Ca., assignment of account to Crescent 163 Electric Supply Co ................................................................. " 23-Universal Car & Tractor Co., sign bond .......•..••..•• •••••••••• i 165 rug June D5-United Brotherhood, of Carpenters & Joiners, express ointment of William S. Roberts the a i k pp n s their than to fill the vacancy an Council caused by death of 189 Ardenal Thompson .......:.................:........~............................. 2-United Cigar Store, renewal of cigarette permit ............ July th i ' 202 e n n, warrant lp_..,Upper MississippG `Waerways Aas amount ofl $50.00 ordered drawn in their favor ............207-227.233 " 10-United Electric Co., requesting an extension of time till of contract for install- letaon m 4 f , p or co , August lat,193 ation of boulevard light on Main Street ........................ 207 Sept. 21-Upper Mississippi Waterways Assn, requesting the City vention at Minneapolis, Minn. d 269 con of Dubuque to atten Nov. 2~United States of America vs. City ofl Dubuque et al, on ibution of funds on Lock site No. 11 and on Road- t di r s way to Lock site No. 11 •^•••••••••••••••°••° 327 INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUB J ECT Page ~ T V Jan. 22-Veterans of Foreign Wars, permission to hold "Buddy ....... .............. . PoPPY° sale .................................. ...... .. .............. 16 Feb. 15-Vander Muelen Sipka, requesting his name be taken off the petition requesting calling of special election ......... 47 March 6-Van Winkle Emma M. et al, requesting sanitary sewer to .be constructed in Fremont Avenue ............................ 60 ~ 1 D i 73 April 2-Vier tel E. D, sus erns an of 1932 taxes .............................: 124-136 " 16-Visiting Nurse Aas'n, cancellation ofi 1935 taxes ........... 133 25-Vogelsberg Peter, granted Class "B" beer permit ..........., 137 " 25-Vogler A. J., granted Class "B" beer permit ............:....... 138 25-Van Driel Anton and Link Leo, granted Class "B" beer Permit ........................................................................................ 138 25-Voelker Realty Go., cancellation of 1932 and 1933 taxes on Lot 6 of Min. Lot 322 ......................................~......:...... 141 May 7-Veterans of Foreign Wara, requesting permision to use caliope on streets to advertise their carnival ................ 160 June 9-Voelker Realty Co., the City to lease their property for playground purposes located at 32nd Street ................ 182-191 Sept. 4-Vogel Geo. J,~ requesting cancellation or 60% reduction on all back taxes of Dubuque Altar Mrfg. Car ......:....... 265 Oct. 1-Venn J. et al, objecting td granting the Chicago, 1~In1- Waukee St. Paul & Pacifie Railroad Co. the right to construct an :industry' track on Sycamore St. from Ja. 19th St. to E, 16th St ...................................:......................... 279 " 26-Voggenthaler Louisa, cancellation of taxes .......................... 310 INDEX--Book 64' INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page 1934 SUBJECT ------~ Page • 2-Wagger Leo, claim for damages to automobile) ................ Jan 1.19-20 " 30-Wiedner Stanle y, granted cigarette permit .................... _ Sept, 4-Wullweber Dora cancellation of 2nd half of X933 taxes 246 261-316 '... . " 2-Woolworth Company F. W.; claim for backing up of 4-13 , - " 17-Williams Sidney J., Director Public 'Safety Division, ~; . - « sewer into cellar .....................__....................................... 5-West 8th Street, construction of storm sewer ............5-20-36.155-156 13 ~ National Safety Council, inviting City nager to attend conference ........._..................................................... 258 + " " ll'i-Weber J. J., exemption of 1933 taxes ............................ March 2~Wallace Id'a B., claims for personal injuries .................... 52-179 ,, 17-Warranty Deed from Dubuque Lumber & Coa] Can.. con. veying Lot 25 (excepting Railroad Right-of-way) in " to 2=Wampach Anna, cancellation of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ b3 52-114 -59-316 McCraney's Eagle Point Addition •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 260 ~ " 2-Weber Lincoln, suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ " 2--West Seventeenth from the west line of Contrall Avenue „ 17-Welber Fiold, ordered rented for an additional g month ' period for the sum of $50.00 far playground purposes 262 ~ to the east line of W. Locust St., to improve ....ir4-1011191-102-103 r cancellation of 1931 and 1932 taxes v7 ine th C " " 17-Welu Dominick, requesting a refund of $75.00 on cigarette h , er a 5-Weber Mrs, • " fi-W~anger Anna B,, suspension of 1932 taxes ..:.............:....... 57-88-118 59 « permit as e has• discontinued business ...............:........ 17-Willa Mr., requesting permission to operate a beer tavern 266 6-Waldorf Gertrude, cancellation of 2nd half of 1932 taxes ~~ 59 at 1901 Washington Street ............................................ 267 ~~ ••••••••••,•••.,..,,..... 5-Wilberding Henry, sign bond ....................... • " 5-Wol€e Msgr. J. M, appointed as member of Board of 60 Oct. 1-Weber Joseph J., suspensionu of 1933 taxes ........._........... " 8-,Wolfe Rt. Rev, Msgr. J. M,, reappcinted as a member of 283-316 Adjustment .............................................................................. 5-Waller R. D., appointed as member of Board of Adjustment " ~0 ~ Planning and Zoning Commission, term to expire ` • May 24 1939 ..~ 298 " 17-Wersinger John B,; requesting a free license to peddle 73-132 , .......... .................._.............................,......... " 19-Winger Anna B., suspension of 1933 taxes ......._ ............... 302-316 fruit and vegetables ............................................................ °' 22-White Nellie M., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes ........ 90 " 19-Weiner Kath,, suspension of 1933 taxes ............................ 19-Witter Theresa and William requesting the City Council 302-316 " 27-Wallis John Rider, Trustee et al, objecting to levy of and So. Main of Mom St in f , to accept the sum of $200,00 for a receipt in full of the , g or pav special assessment Section No, 3, West 13th St. to West 17th St. St. 97-127 special assessment levied' against Lot 2 of 2 of 1 of 2 of 2 of Min, Lot 347 for the improvemernt of Roosevelt St 303 , April 16jWeber Mrs. John H., requesting reduction in taxes of Lot Kelly's Sub ..................... t 34 of Lot 41 f E 1 127 , , Nov. 12-Willy John et al, requesting extension o£ street lights an K f A , as o 1 of " 16-Williams Ada L., suspensiorn of 193f2 and-1933 taxes ....•• 130-135 134 upper au man venue ............................,......................... " 23-Weber Mrs, Cecelia, transfer of beer permit .................... 320 327 " 16-Workmen's Compensation under Relief Program ............ .. ermit "B" beer l 137 " 23-Witmer Esther B., owner of N. ~Z of City Lot 48, notified .......... p ass " 25-Weber Frank J., granted C " 25-Wisner Marie, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 138 tal for playground purposes 139-157-199 i t to demolish frame garages located on said property " 23-Women's Relief Organization, in connection with the 333 o ren ve " 26-Welber Field, relat llation of 1943 taxes ........................ l 144 Milwaukee Shops, requesting that the City trucks be ~• ena, caiuco " 25-Weitz He ~ ... .,..... . suspension) of 1932 taxes ........................ 26-Wilson H• ' 146-327 authorized to hand relief coal to former Milwaukee ......: employees ... .............. ... .. 33 , May 7-w lication~and bondnfor~Class BB'~beer permit t 104fi . . .. .. ............................................ app Central Ave. under the name of Casey & Wilson .... 150 151 " 7-Wxmer Clara M., suspension of 1931 and 1932 taxes ........ Tinkham to City; of Dubuque B lli f N 152 ; . e e " 7-Warranty Deed o " 7-Welu Dominic, granted Class "B" beer permit ................ 155-243 159-316 • " 23-Ward Frank, suspension of 1932 taxes ...•••.-••••~••••••••••••••• granted Class "B" beer permit .................... " 23-Wolff Leroy 160 ~ , " 23-Weber Mrs• Catherine, claim £or damages to home at used by blasting on C. W. A. Projects St 164-193 .,ca 1906 Pierce June 5-Westercamp Bros., regarding construction of a secondary j curbing on 17th St, abutting their property' and sug- of a storm sewer down 17t1a St.....17 ildin h b 0-193-211 : ;. ' g u e Besting t 6-Ward Mrs. Margaret, granted Cla a mB'sion to p ace a esting p 17g ~, " 25-Witwer Grocer Co•, requ refrigerator car in' rear o~ their building on Sh188--208-214-233 .; ' Street ...........:................................................................ '° 2'5-White-Phillips Co. Inc., proposal to take up "No Funxl" 191-206-209 !.•' ' warrants, of the City of Dubuque .................................... 25-Warren Dell H., granted Class "B" beer permit ............ ~~ ~~ July 2-Welp Johiu P., requesting City to vacate to him a triang- ht-of-way which constitutes the i h f ~. g e r t ular piece o Rockdale Road and which abuts Lots 1 of 1 and 1 of 199-215 ~. , . ~,' •; ~ :~~ « 2 of Randal]'s Suh. No, 2 .................................................... 2-Willa iMss. F. X., granted cigarette permit ........................ 201 201 , ~`•~•°• ,,- ~ ;' " 2--Wagner William, granted cigaretto permit ................•••••• " 2-Witwer Grocer' Co., granted cigarette permit .................. 201 202 ~, , ., -_ +` ? `~~'~" ~ " 2-Western Grocer Co., renewal of cigarette permit ............ renewal of cigarette permit .................... lu Dominik W " 2.202 ~•: _'f~.' , e 2- " 2--Walgreen Drug ~~, renewal of cigarette permit ,........... 208 -`' _~.•, ` " 10-Wiarren Dell, granted cigarette Permit ................._........... erg et sly requesting that Klimgen lther Rudolph G. W " 3 227 • fig' - -y-- • , a 4- Terrace be improved .....:............................................. Aug. 20-Weber Mrs. Cecelia, granted Class "B" beer permit ........ .. ermit "B" b 243-327 243 ~~;~ .......... eer p " 20-Wiegand Harald, granted Class INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page March 5-Young Lena, suspension of 1932 taxes ••••••~•••~••••••••••~-••••••••• 67 " 17-Ypung Joe et al, requesting the installation of a street light on corner of Burlington and Primrose Streets .... 73-131 June 26-Yokom Wm. L,, bill for examination oii various buildings as ordered by City Council ........._ ..................................... 190 Oct, 1-Young Clifford B., suspension of 1932 and 1933 taxes 283-317 INDEX-Book 64 1934 SUBJECT Page Z Jan, 29 -Zang Anton, notice of claim ............................... 35-179 Feb. 5 ..................... -Zengle Adam P,, cancellation of 1929,1931,1932 and 1933 taxes .......................................................................................... 39 March 27-Zogg Mrs. 14binni~ et al, objecting to Roosevelt Street special assessment ............................................. .... 104-170 June 25- Zwack Anton, bill for examination of various buildings as ordered by the City Council ...................................... 190 July 2 -Zillig Adam, renewal of cigarette permit ........................ 202 Oct. 19 -Zoller August, appointed as member of Playground and Recreation Commission ..............................~....................... 305