John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project_Hearing Copyrighted October 15, 2018 City of Dubuque Public Hearings # 1. ITEM TITLE: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project SUMMARY: Proof of publication on notice of public hearing to consider approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated costforthe John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk I nstallation Project, and the City Manager recommending approval. RESOLUTION with Respect to the adoption of the Resolution of Necessity proposed for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project RESOLUTION Approval of plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project RESOLUTION Approving the Schedule of Assessments and estimate of total cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receiveand File;Adopt Resolution(s) ATTACHMENTS: Description Type JFK Road Sidewalk Installation Project-MVM Memo City Manager Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo Resolutions (3) Resolutions Plats Supporting Documentation Schedule ofAssessments Supporting Documentation Financial Assistance Chart Supporting Documentation 5-21-18 Council Citizen Correspondence Supporting Documentation 7-2-18 Council Citizen Correspondence Supporting Documentation 10-10-18 Council Citizen Correspondence Supporting Documentation Proof of Publication Supporting Documentation THE CTTY OF Dubuque �" ui���eNe�ary DUB E 'il��i;' Masterpiece on the Mississippi Z°°' Z°'Z 2013 2017 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project (CIP 3002773) DATE: October 8, 2018 City Engineer Gus Psihoyos recommends City Council approval of the plans, specifications, form of contract and the estimated cost of $366,363.61 for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project. The John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project will provide for installation of 4-foot-wide sidewalk along John F. Kennedy Road on both sides of the street from Asbury Road to the NW Arterial (IA 32) adjacent to abutting properties that do not currently have sidewalks. The estimate for the assessments include the sidewalk costs, engineering costs, contingency, mobilization and traffic control. These costs are estimated as follows: Items Costs Sidewalk related $119,493.14 Retaining Walls $59,670.00 Mobilization $26,330.00 Traffic control $25,000.00 Contingency $28,961 .55 Engineering $47,786.56 Total $307,241.25 The project will require the installation of short retaining walls at six (6) locations on the project. The construction cost for the retaining walls is estimated to be $59,670 for 1105 LF including construction, engineering and contingency. This cost is distributed proportionately to all property owners on the project. The average public improvements assessment based on the engineer's estimate, including contingency and engineering for a 100-foot lot would be $6,265. If property owners elect to install sidewalks prior to the assessment project, property owners would not incur costs for the retaining walls or any of the mobilization, traffic control and engineering costs. This could result in a savings of approximately $37.51 per LF. On a 100-foot lot frontage this amounts to a possible savings of$3,751 . If the property owner elected to do the 4-foot wide sidewalk installation on their own the estimated lineal foot price would be approximately $25 per lineal foot of sidewalk. Low- to moderate-income property owners subject to street assessment will be eligible for financial assistance ranging from 20 to 100 percent of the street assessment for the owner-occupied resident property depending on family size and income level. This financial assistance program is made available through the One Percent Local Option Sales Tax. Based on a review of the petitions received in 2018 opposing the project, it has been determined that the opposition to the project is over 90°k of the total proposed assessment. The City Council will be required to approve the resolution of necessity on a 7-0 vote to proceed with levying the special assessments. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. 1 j t.11��'GL+'t tf t� , Mic ael C. Van Milligen MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer 2 Dubuque THE CITY OF � A9�A�er�a ciry U B � �� �r �I Masterpiece on the Mississip�i Z�'�2°'Z 2��3�2��� TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer r C� _,.,_�. DATE: October 8, 2018 SUBJECT: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project (CIP 3002773) INTRODUCTION The attached resolution is in reference to the public hearing for the for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project. BACKGROUND Since 1999 there has been discussion in the community concerning sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. Multiple petitions were received both for and against the installation of sidewalks. At the July 2, 2018 City Council meeting, the city council voted 5-2 to proceed with the installation of sidewalks. City staff were directed to proceed with the development of a sidewalk i��t�llation projec# anci us� special assessments to fund the project. DISCUSSION The John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project will provide: Installation of 4-foot-wide sidewalk along John F. Kennedy Road on both sides of the street from Asbury Road to the NW Arterial (IA 32)adjacent to abutting properties that do not currently have sidewalks — Excavation to allow for the installation of the sidewalk — Installation of base stone for the sidewalk — Installation of 4" thick sidewalk in most areas — Installation of 6" thick sidewalk at driveway crossings — Installation of modular block retaining walls where needed due to topography to accommodate the sidewalk. — Restoration of disturbed area with topsoil and seed. The project construction documents will follow the Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) in the development of the construction documents. This project will have special assessments. The estimate for the assessments include the sidewalk costs, engineering costs, contingency, mobilization and traffic control. These costs are estimated as follows: Items Costs Sidewalk related $119,493.14 Retaining Walls $59,670.00 Mobilization $26,330.00 Traffic control $25,000.00 Contingency $28,961.55 Engineering $47,786.56 Total $307,241.25 The project will require the installation of short retaining walls at six (6) locations on the project. The construction cost for the retaining walls is estimated to be $59,670 for 1105 LF including construction, engineering and contingency. This cost is distributed proportionately to all property owners on the project. The average public improvements assessment based on the engineer's estimate, including contingency and engineering for a 100-foot lot would be $6,265. If property owners elect to install sidewalks prior to the assessment project, property owners would not incur costs for the retaining walls or any of the mobilization, traffic control and engineering costs. This could result in a savings of approximately $37.51 per LF. On a 100-foot lot frontage this amounts to a possible savings of$3,751. If the property owner elected to do the 4-foot wide sidewalk installation on their own the estimated lineal foot price would be approximately $25 per lineal foot of sidewalk. PROJECT SCHEDULE The schedule for the project is as follows: Initiate Public Bidding Process September 17, 2018 Publish Notice to Bidders, Advertise for Bids September 18, 2018 Mail Special Assessment Notice to Property Owners September 21, 2018 Publish Notice of Special Assessment: 1St Publication: September 21, 2018 2"a Publication: September 28, 2018 Public Hearing on Plans & Specs, Spec Assessments October 15, 2018 Receipt of Bid Proposals (Bid-Letting) October 18, 2018 Award Construction Contract November 5, 2018 Project Completion Date June 30, 2018 RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the City Council approve the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project through the adoption of the enclosed resolution. 2 BUDGETIMPACT The estimafie of prc�bable cast for th� John F. Kennedy Road SidPwalk Installati�n ProjFct is as follows: Description Estimate Construction Contr�ct $ 289,615.50 Contingency 28,961.55 Contract Admin / Construction Engineering 47,786.56 Tota) Project Cost 366.363.61 The project funding summary is as follows: CIP Fundinq Source Amount 3002773 John F. Kennedy Sidewalks 59,122.36 Special Assessment — Sidewalks 307,241.25 Total Project Funding 366.363.61 PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS Low- ta moderat�-income pro�erty �wners subject to street assessment will be eligible for financial assistance ranging from 20 to 100 percent of the street assessment for the owner- occupied residPnt property depending on family size and income level. This financial assistance program is made available through the One Percent Local Option Sal�s Tax. City staf� will review �nd process financial assi�tance a�plications for owner occupied properties once final costs are developed for the project. The interest r�te for unpaid balances is 3%. Any unpaid balances can also be paid for over a 15-year term. The average public improvements �ssessment based on the engineers estimate, inc{udinr� contingency and engineering fior a 10U-foot I�t would be $6,265.00. Att�ched is the financial assist�nce ch�rt that the Cifiy uses in d�termining financial �ic� �availability. This chart is updafied ev�ry ye�r b�s�d on the US D�partment of F-lousiny and Urban Develn�ment (HUD) guidelines. 3 aPPOSiTi�ON T�D ASSESSMENTS Based on lowa Code 384.51, if there is opposition to special assessments on the project, approval of the resolution of necessity will require the city council vote be super majority or unanimous based on the percentage of opposition. The city council vote is required to be 75% in favor of the resolution of necessity if the opposition to the project is less than 75% of the proposed assessment. If more than 75% of the proposed assessment is opposed to the project, the council vote must be unanimous to approve the resolution of necessity. Based on a review of the petitions received in 2018 opposing the project, it has been determined that the opposition to the project is over 90% of the total proposed assessment. The City Council will be required to approve the resolution of necessity on a 7-0 vote to proceed with levying the special assessments. ACTIONTO BE TAKEN The City Council is requested to approve the plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project through the adoption of the enclosed resolution. Prepared by Jon Dienst, PE cc: Jenny Larson, Budget Director Jean Nachtman, Finance Director John Klostermann, Public Works Director 4 Kevin Firnstahl From: Randy Wedewer <Randy.Wedewer@dubuquecounty.us> Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 7:54 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: RE: Abandoned - City of Dubuque Preliminary Schedule of Assessments - JFK Sidewalk Installation thanks From: Kevin Firnstahl[mailto:Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2018 3:36 PM To: Randy Wedewer <Randy.Wedewer@dubuquecounty.us> Cc: Kerry Bradley <Kbradley@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: Abandoned - City of Dubuque Preliminary Schedule of Assessments -JFK Sidewalk Installation Randy, In case you haven't already heard. The City voted this project down for lack of a unanimous vote. Therefore, we will not continue with the assessments. Please contact me if you have questions. Pardon the delay. I was out on medical leave last week and am catching up! Thank you. Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 kfirnsta@citypfdubuclue.org 563-589-4100 From: Kevin Firnstahl Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2018 11:14 AM To: 'Randy Wedewer' <Randy.. Wedewer(dubuq_uec©unty._us> Subject: City of Dubuque Preliminary Schedule of Assessments -JFK Sidewalk Installation Hi Randy, Attached is a copy of Certified Resolution No. 281-17 Preliminary Schedule of Assessments and Plats for the JFK Road Sidewalk Installation Project. FYI - This doesn't go to public hearing until 10/15, and with the % of opposition requiring a unanimous vote, this may or may not move forward. I'll have original hardcopy to you today or tomorrow. Thank you. Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 50 W. 13th Street 1 Dubuque, IA 52001 Click here to report this email as spam. RESOLUTION NO. -18 RESOLUTION WITH RESPECT TO THE ADOPTION OF THE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY PROPOSED FOR THE JOHN F. KENNEDY ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT Whereas, the City Council has proposed a Resolution of Necessity for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project and has given notice of the public hearing thereon as required by law; and Whereas, the public hearing has been held, all persons offering objections have been heard and consideration given to all objections and is pending before this Council; and Whereas, this is the time and place set as provided for the taking of action on the proposed Resolution of Necessity. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the proposed Resolution of Necessity described above is hereby: _ Adopted, without amendment, and all objections filed or made having been duly considered are overruled. _ Adopted as amended by the Preliminary Schedule of Assessments attached hereto as Exhibit A, and made a part hereof by reference. All objections filed or made having been duly considered are overruled. _ Deferred for later consideration to a City Council meeting to be held on the 5�n day of November, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building Council Chambers (second floor), 350 West 6�h Street, with jurisdiction retained for further consideration and action at the adjourned meeting. _ Abandoned. Passed, adopted and approved this 15�h day of October 2018. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. -18 APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, FORM OF CONTRACT, AND ESTIMATED COST FOR THE JOHN F. KENNEDY ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract and estimated cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project, in the estimated amount $289,615.50, are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 15�h day of October 2018. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. -18 APPROVING SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS AND ESTIMATE OF TOTAL COST FOR THE JOHN F. KENNEDY ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the attached plat, schedule of assessments, and estimate of total cost for the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalk Installation Project are hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 15�h day of October 2018. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk -.,; , , pp lj 1'v `" , _. ,.. ._... _..,, , ` _�... N _ .. __., ____ . ` � ......._. �oz�.22jo2s .�� , ` ", ,3�•8� 65.35 120 ;' / ............. ._......._ . . . J .... ... ., ., __, ., ...,,.... .. .. ..._..... Q'� o �94 wo g�'�6 � n Z r � � N N 1021.227.026 � �`, � � .,, �O�L9 � � j , � o c.3� � , �4� ,_.. � � � � : _. _ _.... ._ 109.6.. _ _._.. _.. ._.._.. 0 30�`�� 60' � 120' � � ���� � SCALE 1" = 60��EE� '�� . N ' .., .,._........./ , o _..._...�a. � � � � � N > � � j � O � � N � W CO � N O W ;p J � � �I � p -' � 00 � pW 'P � N N W � � � N � O '' � , W V U1 CP : � � '. � � N � 1p2,2?,03 � o N 6 W w "� � 193.39 _ .. ,.._.. 100 167 __. ..... ...... . .. ._ .. _...... ____ . __. _._...._. . .. .. ..... . ... _._ , .... ...., .._ . .. ...._ 100 ; _.__. . .,. ._.._. . __.. .._..... 212.45 _.._............. ...... . . .... _............. __...__.__...._...._....__.......�......_..._._..._......._...._._...__.... Proposed Sidewalk To Be Placed � Between 2' and 4' behind Existing Curb(Typical) Install New Pedestrian Ramp Possible Retaining Wall At Direction of City Engineer See Retaining Wall Details Remove & Replace Trench Drain ' � ��� i�i�%" _.__....__......__........._............_._..__.___._._ �, - ������������������� �������/�� � ��������� ��� � � �� 61.25 61.25... .. __..... 79.98 ,� _ . _ .. . ... _._._. ' �" v �� �� 61.25 61.25 : 6 .25 o y nn Law Buildin Company _ . _.._61.25.. _. 61.25 � Jo�hn & P II a a g --- - y " "" 61.25 Crai Lindecker& P Y 2345 Kennedy Rd. _ ,_,,.,,.._.., , . . . Jose h & Nanc 61.25 g S linter 54.67 80'22 Joshua D Judy Howe Timothy Kotz Jamie M Strub Robert & Leigh Deanne Jasper Mc Killip 2455 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52002 � 'Rick & Dana Boul 2233 Gordon Dr. , 2343 Gordon Dr. ' 2361 Gordon Dr. Ann Lynn 2395 Gordon Dr. 2419 Gordon Dr. Dubu ue, IA � o Schmitt & Jayna q Michael &Jolene 2315 Gordon Dr. , Dubu ue, IA 52001 Dubuque, IA Dubuque, IA 520a12381 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA Dubuque, IA N � � Rettenber er M Etal a 52001 Dubu ue, IA 52001 52001 , �,�, 9 Dubuque, IA 52001 � a 52001 o v o 2291 Gordon Dr. 2299 Gordon Dr. � 0 52001 , N Steven & Martha Dubuque, IA o -� N o 0 0 ^' N Smith � Dubuque, IA 52001 � � � ;�, o N N ' N N � , -� 52001 -� N � � 4962 Asbury C'a�le r�v: rn � ; U,' ; -� w � N � o -� N � o W . . . , , � � o Dubuque, IA 5�02 o cCO�, � w � •`'' �° o �' o o w rn w N W v W _...__... � _..._ __._.._ . ._. � o � o � • � � - o cn o _, o v _._._,. � N N � (�O � O � fJl � � � -� A � O _, N �N Ca � N W O -� -' � O � � � O N W N � � N � � � � � j O � O W O W 0 31.72 79.835 N o __._ _ i ' i ; o : _... _.. .._..__.._. ...... . __.._.. _�.�____ ._ _ _ _. __. 61._..... ____ -g1 _._. _.._61 _ __._ �_ _ __.._.61.. ..._. : _.__... ...._.....��....._ _61...... .... ; __._ . ,� CIT� �7F I�IJ�UC��TE -.. f ENGINE�RING C71V(SION �. 'CITY�HALL,� .50 WEST'13th�.STREET , �� '� DUBUQUE,JA 520Qt-4664 � .. ....-. ... -�.:- �.... . ._.,.._._. . . :PHQNE..�� C563)589-4270�� .��FAX ��.(b63j 588-4206. _._._,. . .. ._.._,__. � .. - .._,_._.,_ . . ., _,...._ .. Dia:m By� SlviMi �� ApE�wved 6y: � ��� Uzte' 1?ti iroi � . , . 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Leslein Dubuque, IA Dubuque, IA 3305 Kaufmann Ave 2551 Kennedy Rd. 52002 Dubuque, lA 52002 52003 Dubuque, IA 52002 Dubuque, IA 52002 66.5 66 5 _.,,, , __...... .. -. _.--. 80.2 ' __._..........._.. ... . _. 94.53 160 � _.. ....... . . . .._. ......._._.. �������� 193.39 _._. .... ..... . .... _. ����� ����������� , ,a 90 __. .. ....... _. . ...._. ..._._........__._ � ���������� �-�/��� 123.53 ___._. , : ,�� � � �.,:�-,. ., 9�.� __ :_..._... .... . � � - � � ,����� - � �' w_ -�� � ,, ����i j : e ��-..; s. ,.,�, _ . ..._ .._. ���-����- o _...... _.... _ . - - Possible Retaining Wall See Retaining Wall Details emove ep ace edestrian amp Proposed Sidewalk To Be Placed � Remove&Replace Pedestrian Ramp Remove&Replace Pedestrian Ramp Between 2'and 4'behind Existing Curb(Typical) =-�,��. ������������� At Direction of City Engineer ������i'��'��'�' .. �i��i��"//"��,9������_... . _....... . 10- ils ���������������%%������'���i�� -��. _.. 100 -._.... .. _.. _� .. __ _ __. �00 � ;� , �� , ���� "� _......_... .. _. _ � 1 50 ' ; �;�� _ . _ _.. . . __ . 100.4 93 18 �e�e , 50 Larry&Linda Youtzy McDonnell William V&C 79 gg James Burton 61.25 Donald &Pamela Ga ne 2511 Marywood Dr. 2548 Rosewood Dr. Dotolo 61.25 61.25 Law Building Company g 2512 Marywood Dr. 61.25 John&Pollyanna 3299 Kaufmann Ave. Dubuque, IA 52001 Dubuque, IA 52001 2549 Rosewc Craig Lindecker&' Joseph&Nancy 2345 Kennedy Rd. 66 � Dubuque, IA 52001 10.15.354.030 Robert&Leigh Deanne Jasper Mc Killip Splinter ' Dubuque, IA 52002 � � Dubuque,lA 52001 0 10.15.354.026 Dubuque, IA: 2455 Gordon Dr. 1 N Dr. A n n L y n n ' 2395 Gordon Dr. 2 4 1 9 Gor don Dr. Dubu ue, IA � —' -- 2381 Gordon Dr. Dubu ue, IA q rCOv � 10.15.358.001 _ ....,.. . , 20Q1 Dubuque, IA 4 W o� _....... . . ............ .. . .... . _, Dubuque, lA 52001 52001 52001 v o � , , 52001 � � ' _.... _... ..._... ..._ ........ ...... . , . __._.___. _ .. _ ..,.. .. 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' �.� � .'���G� .lFK Sidewalks Instailation Project v o rn � �;.i P.Numt�et: Shwt NuinRe� �Q ut�� � � � w b cn r / �,,.. \ Z _, .._ .... ... . ..... , rn o %` A i v r . .,�--_., „ � A ' ' O � . 1� __.,_...,, 0 ; 30' 60' 120' ``� , SCALE 1" = 60' FEET j` 0 � ' , o , � _._........... ......._.. , , m o A � O W rn N � A N m , � � ca W N o � ,, cfl o 0 � rn rn A A ' 2625�Gennedy Rd. o N David°&Elaine Hansel ' �' �`' 5550 Sun Valley Rd. orY Victoria&Gregory Dubuque, IA 52002 Samuel Sullivan Lynn Siegert Building, LLC 2699 Kennedy Rd. Nauman Eugene&William Heeren 2659 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52002 - -- Rd. 2571 Kennedy Rd. 2639 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 " Dubu ue, IA _... ._�..8.�... ...... .............__...._..__ . �._.._._.._............ _..... .. .. _... . . ..... . q Dubuque,lA 52002 „ , _ .-- - -- 52003 225,48 ....... _94.53..._._....._. 100.._.... . _.._.._... _...... _........_. ._... _......._.._... ...._ 66 5 .... . _.. _ �� �� ���������������y�.���������=� __ -- � ���� Install New F � �%���i/���i/�i�'_ � �%f- ����� ossi e etaining a Proposed Sidewalk To Be Placed See Retaining Wall Details Between 2'and 4'behind Existing Curb(Typical) Remove&Replace Pedestrian Ramp At Direction of City Engineer � y���"/'///��!d"�i���i�'��-��`�-'�����%ii�'��'�_- t,� � ���y�����"�%��%/ _.._.._.._.....,. _�������/�i'���� _..._... .. 150 , �� �' ��� _,,,��� s..�� � ����� � � _ . . . ._ .. .......�......,..__........... 15 �� � ; �, � _... . � � � --����-���'�� %� ��'�' _ .. .. ._..104 25 _ 123 71 85 y 50 J &T S , _... .....104.25 - - - - � � • Patrick&Sheri Clanc Thomas ina _....... . 105.28 2691 Marywood Dr. Medley 50 William J. Specht&Ann Dubuque, IA 52001 2690 Marywood Dr. Carol Meyer Dubuque, IA 52001 William V&Debra D Marie Dr. Dotolo 2644 Kennedy Rd. 2674 Kennedy Rd. 10.15.353.001 001 2549 Rosewood Dr. Dubuque, IA 52002 , Dubuque, IA 52002 10.15.351.001 Dubuque, IA��0�1353.014 ': o - , � � _. _... _.... � ' , O O ,,.._„.,. _.,,, ., , � .� , > '. , ,„,. ,. . ., .„..,...�. , Gl � �, � � � ., ,�, ,_. _ ..—., . _ ...,,. � ,,,, W � ',, W � � , W W LeRoy&Julie Timmerman John&Judy Pfohl o � 10.15.353.015 2636 Kennedy Rd. w ao 10.15.353.002 10.15.351.002 Dubuque, IA 52002 2640 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, lA 52002 ' o ` ` � _._... �.._. _.. _... .. ...... . _. � , . ...,........_ . _. ....,.. W , ,........_... ... ,.... _. ... . � _....... ......_..... . . W b o _..... ._... . ..... ... _ , , � _..,,.._. __... ..._... 10.15.353.016 � 10.15.351.003 o � � a, � o � � � �1�� �� ��J�e�l��� 0 o W i,.� U, � `J' � u' � \ ' _.; W W cn � o 0 0 • Et�9GiN�ERING DIVISIQN ___ �. ___ _—- . ���� W . W W � �� p�o .. � � CtTYNALI., �59lNEST 93th STREET ._. _. _._._ ..__ . .. p � � . � � � DUBUC2UE,lA 5200'i-4$64. .� ..�. � �PHONE��. �� �.583 589-4270. FAX � � � W � O O ,.., ,, . C j (S63)589-4205: N � . . . . . . � p . ., , � � � Dl.�wn3y:��. JWD� A{µmve�j6y,�� JWD. � � Da[e:� 12!IItti7- � . � ���hf�V�W ��9��'Y V�.A�� -�. THF CI�YOf'�..t1'�y�`<Kl�������� � �/�SS@SSI'Tl@fl�P�at . ;. . , � T�.�., �j J��;, ��� Rosewood Dr.-Marywoad Dr. �/ � , , JFK Sidewaiks Instailation Project , , _l._._.._.__ ��'q� �g . . .. ,.,._. _ —--.,,,,,_. . �� ������.�f - " �� �C.I P.NurMec . . . SheetNiimbcr� � of (� : ���L2�,'9���' „ Z , ,r, r�, � 0 30' 60' 120' - ��o L2�g��o� --� SCALE 1" = 60' FEET r=''�� �--"'�� Arbor Oaks Bible Chapel ��,� _..,--�"��� � �, „�---" Ken IA 5 002 _.._. J 2843 _...._ .. . _...... ,., ,.--- Dubuque, � ,-' / g�p•t-Z�'g��� ,,--" , , „ , � , � _........_...._..__� , �� ` , ; __._._.._._....._..__. ,,�' , �,-- ,---„' , " �= , „ ___ � �-- � o � � ''� � � N"'� - /- o � � , ' � ' o ,N , , � l /ri .O /// � I � /�i� � /�i �i� � i O� � // / / i __...___.._- ---"�""" �%" / 3170 Spring Valley Rd. _.,. / ,,-� - -� ' Dubuque Community School _.__....._.............................._..._...._..._....._....---_.._.._.._._..._........._............._._.._......,........_.._...._......_..............._......._ / ,= (Eis wer) _..___.............._..__.. _.........._... . enho Remove&Replace Pedestrian Ramp , 2300 Chaney Rd. Remove&Replace Pedestrian Ramp ,—� " Dubuque, IA 52001 Install New Pedestrian Ramp - ' _.... _... � o 0 , _... � � 'o o . � _����" .... ......_.. ... ..._� ` � � o ' Q o � � � , cn 0 0 � � � cn cn W w � � •� � W ' W o o , o 0 50 W w o o� � � , o ,o �N ,W &Tina S .� ,W ,o � � � rn cn A N � ywood Dr. 3260 Raven Oaks ` , _, , IA 52001 Dollinc LLC -- """""""� ' ; , ..,_.,,.. .._ E10002 County Rd. P � 1.001 Wisconsin Dells,WI 53965 : 10.15.307.022 !.............._....__...._.......__...._................___......__....._..._..._..____.._.._--......._.._........._..._._.._._.._......_.....__._..._.......__.._........._.....__....---......, 0 Cn (.J O � 10.15.307.020 •� �I`�'�GiN�ai�p v�i�s�o�U� , „,.,,,'. '�� � ' � �GI't�HAtI.,�� �50 WEST��3th STREET v�� .,, .:.� . .. �,,,,�� � .� ���,.. .��_° � �PHQNE. :. .:��D 3�589-4270A. Q�FFVC g4 "� � 62 P. � ,_�� ,,,: a�, ��� � „ � ,.- , - . '>'�, � , �= \ .�(563)589-�F203 � ... . . . .. .. .. . :� � � L'rsim By:�� .JNp �� � Appmved.6y:� )UJG Datar� 12tllF0i. � ._ . . 7HECITYOF F?��� . � - — �'r�p�sed �id��nr�l{� _ _ , �, �u� E ASS@Ssm�nt Raven Oaks Drive-David Drive '- (�t[,y� f�p ��+.n� , , JFK Sidewaiks lnstallation Project �. .. � � �� ������- �7 """ ""�� �CIP.'dumUm:� � SiaelNumber�. � .Q, o( :6:.. - __....... . ... _.._.. _._. _._ � ` �'f� o � � o � �� � rn A `J� Stephanie o ' o '� ; 2995 Ken o � : � � Dubuque, � 'c� � � �� ��/ _____.__... .._._.� � .� ' Tom &Darlene Sarvis '� . . .... .. � � 2975 Kennedy Rd. .f �/ O� , � •�� Patricia A. Cocayne Dubuque, IA 52002 � � � � —' Living Trust %� �o �� ��� � r, � 2955 Kennedy Rd. �6 / 0 30' 60� 120' °Dubuque, IA 52002 �%� /� � SCALE 1" = 60' FEET 2935 Kennredy Rd. �5 � �� , � - -� Dubuque, IA 52002 �� �� _.___. o _._..............._. ` / . � m �� � ���: 0 0 1�6�� � � o _, � �� � 53 rn / �� � � , rn �/ �� Summit Congregational United Church o �%j 93 2885 Kennedy Rd. °' � �� � Dubuque, IA 52002 j i Install New Pedestrian Ramp //�/ / 10,��a f // i i�� /���$'1 ��� /�� �� � j ��� ii /'�� � i��� � � � �! Arbor Oaks Bible Chapel �/�� 2843 Kennedy Rd. � f `1 Dubuque, lA 52002 �'J , �� � i , �� ` �g o / � ,--''� �/ 10.16.428.001 � N � � / / N � � '`� �� � J O � ' � � �� i O W � i� �� �� �� �i �� .., �' �� 10.16.429.001 _.._............_................ rn N = , � ''�� %� � ' ._...._ ......._.... _._ = 10.16.428.002 - ' �/ ,. . . .. � � � _,..,,._._.,. � �''f � 10.16.429.002 ,r�� , ,-- �%''�� � ...._.......__..._..... .......: 10.16.428.003 3170 Spring Valley Rd. ' _.. ___. _... ... . Dubuque Community School i ` (Eise�hower) CIT�'` �F ��.T�T.:T(,��CTE _..._........................._.. 2300 Chaney Rd. �� ENGtNE�RiPf� DlvISIC?N � Dubuque, IA 52001 10.15.305.001 ; cir-Hacc: so w�s-r�3cn srRE�T _...__.. _........ ........ _...... _._. __., ......._... . � .'AUBUQUE�,tA 520p�-4864 �. � � . � - ���PHOPIE. �(583)589-4270�� FAX �. (563}.589-4206. 10.15.301.001 or:3w�av rn�o n�,N��veaby �wo na�c: �z�+�,o� m, rHE crry or Assessment Plat � Prop��ed �idevvalk --���U` 50 �U� �+ David Drive Area � _ _.___ . _.._.._._.. - JFK Sidewalks Installation Project __,__.__.— . . $Gaeuu� �ie .��ie1uL` �c�.P.Dwrnbec � s�,.,et Nun,bcr� ��'j of 6�� /� 'O //�� � � j \ /�� o \ 3199 Kennedy Rd. � ��, Virginia Jahnke Z �i� ��� ' 1771 Rosemont �! o 0o Dubuque, IA 52002 � // 6, � /� 2 � � �j .�j 11� �/ � � i �o i�� / � � Charles&Sharon Schemmel ,! �i� � 3169 Kenney Rd. � j 0 30� 60� 120' �� ��� ��Dubuque, IA 52002 /� SCALE 1" = 60' FEET / �o % /��� '�_ �s , Dennis&Susan Williams �`-� �� � ` o � , 3139 Kennedy Rd. /�� �i �, �Dubuque, IA52002 ��,` i% / � / �' `�� �� //$35 � o �o�, Rick&Abbey Steines a5� / � '�, 3087 Kennedy Rd. i �� � � ` ' � , •��a / Arin C Pask / �` r'� \} Dubuque, IA 52002 ��/ \aG� G JCb��yp ��� 3298 W 32nd St. �% ��-� � 3057 Kennedy Rd. 1p0 �i� �oge��`S��rg /�� Dubuque, IA 52001 �% Key City Rentals ��. �� 5�de�a�aeh�rd ee< � � / ' `, 3253 Arrowhead � � Sed rd�' �rg`� � A�9 / � � �, , Dubuque, IA 52001 '•, ��� QroP°eer2 a o�G��y �i 12 � � ��' �e�N�ce°���r �1 600�6LZ�9��0� ,.. -� " � o , , � P�0 ....... _.. � '6, , ` ,�00/ �� �,` _,......._,...._._._. ....... �� ._............................._..... � / �� o � � � � ��o� Thomas& Irmagene Pfiffner �, �� 1�p rn� `-, 3037 Kennedy Rd. �% �� � / � o � Dubuque, IA 52002 5 �% � 1 00� rn 1���� � ,�p0 .�� �, ��� •o `t Jacqueline Winders 't � �� 3017 Kennedy Rd. i�� �' `, o � George&Rose Pfeiler Z00'6LZ�g��� Dubuque, IA 52002 ��� ��� `, '�, � 3150 Kennedy Rd. ` 1,�25��� ���� , ��� Dubuque, IA 52002 Stephanie M &Curtis Pierce `, �� � � � � ' - �� , � 2995 Kennedy Rd. ��--� •��a�l /�� '� �o �� cv , Dubuque, IA 52002 � �� a b l ___............._......... .� e �yP � y ���ac���gGv< ���� David&Beverly Unsen '� ' � -�o .��s � � /� `� 3078 Kennedy Rd. is ` �1`Lj� S�de��ber`�d ee< ���� 1� John J Kohnen Trust ` Dubuque, IA 52002 � ���� �oposea2 araG��y��g ��,' 3038 Kennedy Rd. Lyle&Shirley Cardy ��v� / � ehN ���o � �� Dubuque, IA 52002 3058 Kennedy Rd. '� ' j o- P ee r� �% John J Kohnen Trust � �� gP�p�ce / �� 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 � '\ g��pl. � �� �00 Dubuque, IA 52002 � � �o `, £00'6GZ' � � � John J Kohnen Trust � , ' ��� ` °'-' � _. ... _. ��' 3038 Kennedy Rd. � ` � � _ . _ _ ,.. _. ,_ ._ _ �� � .O 1 l � 1 � � ` Dubuque, IA 52002 `. � � ` ..... - �� ,t o ',_—__--- �� � �� , �' ,, � � g. � ` 9 > > � // ` �� / /� � �o ` `� �% \ O� /�,� � �� O �1 1 � / 1 ` '� 1 \�, t 2986 Kennedy Rd. o '� y00'6LZ�9��� Janann Riley&Elaine Mozena`, '�, '\ ', C/0 Elaine Mozena � ��� �� ` ,12485 Clearview Hgts. `, .o ` � ��eosta, ia,5zoss � '' �,, ��I�'���O� �� �TJ�TJC��T��� � o '� � i ,� , � ti �. ENGINEEF2ING DIVISION ��� ,, } � � ._.�.- "�"��� GITY HALL, 50 WEST�93th STREET � _ __. _ �9 `l \ _.... .,_,._.,....,---� �DUBUC2iJE.�IA 52001�-4864 � �� O `...,.._....,..... . \ �'� . - � PH4N6.���� .. (563)589-4270 .FAX . (503)589-4208� � .., . . .. � . ., '` : l Ui,�+n1G�:� JtM1�D �pP�uvaJfty: JWD � Date- iJit(Oi�. � ` � � -" Assessment Piat = Pr�p���d �ide�alk . ,, l� ��, ' Tr���u8 � � , .S,�a4G4`[utG� u4e .�� .! aDlks Install t�ion Project David FK Sidew �C�P.Numaer. � � ..�.ot Nwub��. g �,r � ��6 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA JFK ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF VALUATION AND PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS DATE: AUGUST 23, 2018 The following schedule is hereby determined to show each lot proposed to be assessed for the improvement shown in the title together with the amount proposed to be assessed against each lot and the valuations shown opposite each lot are hereby fixed as the true valuations of such lots by the City Council of the City of Dubuque Sidewalk Total Location NetAssessed Valuation L.F. CosUUnit Sidewalk Assessment Preliminary Parcel Address Lot Description Propertv owners Valuation 120181 wllmprovement Frontaae 62.65 Costs Deficiencv Assessment 10-22-103-012 2291 Gordon Drive LOT 2-1 NEIL PLACE& LOT 1-1 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Rettenberger, Michael D&Jolene L $162,110 $167,135.78 80.22 $62.65 $5,025.78 $0.00 $5,025.78 10-22-103-011 2299 Gordon Dr. LOT 2 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Schmitt, Joshua D&Jayna M Etal $119,070 $122,907.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-010 2315 Gordon Dr. LOT 3 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Buol, Rick J &Dana K $139,460 $143,297.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-009 2333 Gordon Dr. LOT 4 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Howe, Judy A/K/A Judith M Howe $123,560 $127,397.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-008 2343 Gordon Dr. LOT 5 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Kotr, Timothy E $113,480 $117,317.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-007 2361 Gordon Dr. LOT 6 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Strub, Jamie M $135,200 $139,037.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-006 2381 Gordon Dr. LOT 7 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lynn, Robert F& Leigh Ann $154,760 $158,597.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-005 2395 Gordon Dr. LOT 8 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lindecker, Craig M &Jasper, Deanne M $122,560 $126,397.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-004 2419 Gordon Dr. LOT 9 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Killip, Joseph L& Nancy A $118,280 $122,117.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-003 2455 Gordon Dr. LOT 10 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Splinter, John I & Pollyanna $128,270 $132,107.31 61.25 $62.65 $3,837.31 $0.00 $3,837.31 10-22-103-001 2345 Kennedy Rd W BAL OF LOT 11 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Law Building Company $54,387 $57,018.30 42 $62.65 $2,631.30 $0.00 $2,631.30 10-22-101-001 3299 Kaufmann Ave LOT 1 BLK 18 CLOVER HILLS SUB Gagne, Donald H & Pamela P $125,720 $132,010.06 100.4 $62.65 $6,290.06 $0.00 $6,290.06 10-15-358-001 2512 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 20 CLOVER HILLS SUB Burton, James Michael $134,080 $139,917.73 93.18 $62.65 $5,837.73 $0.00 $5,837.73 10-15-354-030 2511 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Youtry, Larry J & Linda A $125,510 $131,775.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-15-354-026 2548 Rosewood Dr. LOT 23 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Donnell, Daniel C& Margie J $139,540 $145,805.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-15-353-014 2549 Rosewood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB William V& Debra D Dotolo $140,300 $146,895.79 105.28 $62.65 $6,595.79 $0.00 $6,595.79 10-15-353-005 2636 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-1-3-1 & LOT 2-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Timmerman, Le Roy J&Julie K $173,940 $180,468.76 104.21 $62.65 $6,528.76 $0.00 $6,528.76 10-15-353-004 2640 Kennedy Rd LOT 1-1-3-1 & LOT 1-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Pfohl, John A&Judy M $124,080 $130,608.76 104.21 $62.65 $6,528.76 $0.00 $6,528.76 10-15-353-003 2644 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-E PT-1-1-1-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Meyer, Carol $173,030 $186,105.68 208.71 $62.65 $13,075.68 $0.00 $13,075.68 10-15-353-001 2691 Marywood Dr. LOT 14 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB Clancy, Patrick J&Sheri A $120,710 $130,483.40 156 $62.65 $9,773.40 $0.00 $9,773.40 10-15-351-001 2690 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 27 CLOVER HILLS SUB Medley,Thomas J&Tina S $168,480 $177,877.50 150 $62.65 $9,397.50 $0.00 $9,397.50 10-15-308-001 3260 Raven Oaks LOT 2 RAVEN OAKS 3260-3280 RAVEN OAKS Dollinc LLC $1,051,150 $1,059,921.00 140 $62.65 $8,771.00 $0.00 $8,771.00 10-16-279-023 2986 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1 BRUECKS SUB Mozena, Rodney M Etal $32,100 $38,365.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-012 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 2 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen, John J Trust $32,100 $38,365.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-011 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 3 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen, John J Trust $150,630 $156,895.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-010 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 4 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen, John J Trust $33,560 $39,825.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-009 3058 Kennedy Rd. LOT 5 BRUECKS SUB Cardy, Lyle E&Shirley Ann $129,660 $135,925.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-022 3078 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 6 BRUECKS SUB Unsen, David M & Beverly A $162,780 $169,045.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-279-007 3150 Kennedy Rd. LOT 7 BRUECKS SUB Pfeiler, George& Rose M $145,910 $153,737.49 124.94 $62.65 $7,827.49 $0.00 $7,827.49 10-16-279-021 3298 W.32nd St. BAL OF BAL OF LOT 8 BRUECKS SUB Pask,Arin C $143,470 $156,523.13 208.35 $62.65 $13,053.13 $0.00 $13,053.13 10-16-483-028 3305 Kaufmann Ave. LOT 5 BLK 1 JOHANSEN SUB#1 Zulic,Zuhdua& Mine $137,200 $147,224.00 160 $62.65 $10,024.00 $0.00 $10,024.00 10-16-483-022 2531 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF 1 JOHN METTELS SUB#2 Spear, Kathy L $144,220 $151,959.15 123.53 $62.65 $7,739.15 $0.00 $7,739.15 10-16-483-021 2551 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-1-1-2-E 2 AC LOT 1 JOHN METTEL SUB#2 Leslein, Kenneth A&Colleen $145,010 $150,034.53 802 $62.65 $5,024.53 $0.00 $5,024.53 10-16-483-020 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-2 E 2.00 AC OF 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,Victoria L&Gregory H $104,082 $108,24823 66.5 $62.65 $4,166.23 $0.00 $4,16623 10-16-483-019 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF LOT 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,Victoria L&Gregory H $64,725 $68,89123 66.5 $62.65 $4,166.23 $0.00 $4,16623 10-16-483-017 2639 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 S1/2 OF 2-1 MIN LOT 452 Heeren, Eugene C&William T $110,290 $116,555.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-483-016 2659 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1 OLD TIMERS ATHLETIC&SUPPER CLUB PLACE Lynn Siegert Building LLC $794,831 $808,957.32 225.48 $62.65 $14,126.32 $0.00 $14,126.32 10-16-277-012 2935 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Guler, Mary P $117,410 $124,088.49 106.6 $62.65 $6,678.49 $0.00 $6,678.49 10-16-277-011 2955 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Cocayne, Patricia A Living Trust $134,210 $138,908.75 75 $62.65 $4,698.75 $0.00 $4,698.75 10-16-277-010 2975 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Sarvis, Tom N & Darleen $134,820 $139,518.75 75 $62.65 $4,698.75 $0.00 $4,698.75 10-16-277-009 2995 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Pierce, Stephanie M &Curtis $149,200 $156,248.13 112.5 $62.65 $7,048.13 $0.00 $7,048.13 10-16-277-008 3017 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Winders, Jacqueline A $131,220 $138,268.13 112.5 $62.65 $7,048.13 $0.00 $7,048.13 10-16-277-007 3037 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 T89N-R2E Pfiffner, Thomas D& Irmagene $134,990 $142,038.13 112.5 $62.65 $7,048.13 $0.00 $7,048.13 10-16-277-006 3057 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89 NR2E Key City Rentals $158,680 $164,945.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-277-005 3087 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89 NR 2E LANDS INSIDE Steines, Rick A&Abby L $202,880 $209,145.00 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $0.00 $6,265.00 10-16-277-013 3139 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF 2-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16&BAL 2-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 T89NR2E Williams, Dennis M &Susan G $174,540 $179,86525 85 $62.65 $5,325.25 $0.00 $5,32525 10-16-277-014 3169 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E LANDS INSIDE Schemmel, Charles J&Sharon $139,080 $146,284.75 115 $62.65 $7,204.75 $0.00 $7,204.75 10-16-277-015 3199 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF LOT 2-1-1-1-1- 1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89NR2E LANDS INSIDE Virginia Jahnke $83,900 $91,441.18 120.37 $62.65 $7,541.18 $0.00 $7,541.18 10-15-353-018 2674 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1 CAROL MEYER PLACE Specht,William John&Ann Marie $15,640 $21,905 100 $62.65 $6,265.00 $789 $5,47625 5005.43 $788.75 $312,801.44 Parcel Comm/Resid Address Lot Description Propertv owners Mailinq Adress Citv/State Valuation 120071 w/Improvement Frontaqe 30 Assessment 10-15-308-001 C 3260 Raven Oaks LOT 2 RAVEN OAKS 3260-3280 RAVEN OAKS Dollinc LLC E10002 County Road P Wisconsin Dells,WI 53965 $830,100 140 30 $4,200.00 10-15-351-001 R 2690 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 27 CLOVER HILLS SUB Pliner,HenryT&Marion D 2690 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $143,800 150 30 $4,500.00 10-15-353-001 R 2691 Marywood Dr. LOT 14 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB Clancy, PaMck J&Shen A 2691 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $113,400 156 30 $4,680.00 10-15-353-003 R 2644 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-E PT-1-1-1-1-23-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Meyer,Carol 2644 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52001 $153,700 208.71 30 $6,261.30 10-15-353-004 R 2640 Kennedy Rd LOT 1-1-3-1 &LOT 1-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Pfohl,John A&Judy M 2640 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52001 $111,500 104.21 30 $3,126.30 10-15-353-005 R 2636 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-1-3-1 &LOT 2-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Timmertnan,Le Roy J&Julie K 2636 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52001 $156,100 104.21 30 $3,126.30 10-15-353-014 R 2549 Rosewood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB Konzen,Martin&Julie R 2549 Rosewood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $130,500 105.28 30 $3,158.40 10-15-354-026 R 2548 Rosewood Dr. LOT 23 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Donnell,Daniel C&Marjie J 2548 Rosewood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $135,500 100 30 $3,000.00 10-15-354-030 R 2511 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Youtzy, Larty J&Linda A 2511 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $115,200 100 30 $3,000.00 10-15-358-001 R 2512 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 20 CLOVER HILLS SUB Burton,James Michael 2512 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $129,300 93.18 30 $2,795.40 10-i6-277-005 R 3087 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP 89 NR 2E LANDS INSIDE Steines, Rick A&Abby L 3087 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $208,700 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-277-006 R 3057 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 NVSP 89 NR2E Raeder,William C&Christine 6165 Emery Ct. Bettendort,IA 52722 $i5Q000 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-277-007 R 3037 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 T89N-R2E Pfffner,Thomas D&Irtnagene 3037 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $134,200 112.5 30 $3,375.00 10-i6-277-008 R 3017 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP89NR2E Winders,Eugene J&Jacqueline 3017 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $126,700 112.5 30 $3,375.00 10-i6-277-009 R 2995 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP89NR2E Lightfoot, Michael L&Deborah A 2995 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $138,300 112.5 30 $3,375.00 10-i6-277-010 R 2975 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP89NR2E Sarvis,Tom N&Darleen 2975 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $135,000 75 30 $2,250.00 10-i6-277-011 R 2955 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 NVSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Cocayne,James A&Patricia A 2955 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $134,900 75 30 $2,250.00 10-i6-277-012 R 2935 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Guler,Mary P 2935 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $116,300 106.6 30 $3,198.00 10-i6-277-013 R 3139 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF 2-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6&BAL 2-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 T89NR2E Williams,Dennis M&Susan G 3139 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $161,500 85 30 $2,550.00 10-i6-277-014 R 3169 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 TWSP89NR2E LANDS INSIDE Schemmel,Charles J&Sharon 3169 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $123,700 115 30 $3,450.00 10-i6-277-015 R 3199 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC i6 NVSP 89NR2E LANDS INSIDE Virginia Jahnke 1771 Rosemont Dubuque,IA 52002 $89,800 120.37 30 $3,611.10 10-i6-279-007 R 3150 Kennedy Rd. LOT 7 BRUECKS SUB Pfeiler,George&Rose M 3150 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $143,000 124.94 30 $3,748.20 10-i6-279-009 R 3058 Kennedy Rd. LOT 5 BRUECKS SUB Cardy,Lyle E&Shirley Ann 3058 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $122,500 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-279-010 R 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 4 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52001 $31,800 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-279-011 R 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 3 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $141,600 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-279-012 R 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 2 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $30,700 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-279-021 R 3298 W.32nd St. BAL OF BAL OF LOT 8 BRUECKS SUB Welter,Kurt D 3298 W.32nd St. Dubuque,IA 52001 $13Q200 208.35 30 $6,250.50 10-i6-279-022 R 3078 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 6 BRUECKS SUB Unsen, David M&BeverlyA 3078 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $139,000 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-279-023 R 2986 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1 BRUECKS SUB Riley,Janann L&Mozena C/O Elaine Mozena 12485 Clearview Hgts Peosta,IA 52068 $7Q700 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-433-007 R 3300 David Dr. LOT 1 WYNSTONE Steelegray Inc. 15451 Stacie Ct. Dubuque,IA 52002 $970 101.71 30 $3,051.30 10-i6-483-016 C 2659 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1 OLD TIMERS ATHLETIC&SUPPER CLUB PLACE Siegert,Thomas G&Lynn M 2659 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52002 $478,300 225.48 30 $6,764.40 10-i6-483-017 R 2639 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 Si/2 OF 2-1 MIN LOT 452 Heeren,Eugene C&William T 2639 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $100,900 100 30 $3,000.00 10-i6-483-019 C 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF LOT 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,Victoria L&Gregory H 2571 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $1,534 66.5 30 $1,995.00 10-i6-483-020 C 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-2 E 2.00 AC OF 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,Victoria L&Gregory H 2571 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $60,900 66.5 30 $1,995.00 10-i6-483-021 R 2551 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-1-1-2-E 2 AC LOT 1 JOHN METTEL SUB#2 Leslein,Kenneth A&Colleen 2551 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $138,200 80.2 30 $2,406.00 10-i6-483-022 R 2531 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF 1 JOHN METTELS SUB#2 Spear,Kathy L 2531 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,IA 52002 $93,300 123.53 30 $3,705.90 10-i6-483-028 R 3305 Kaufmann Ave. LOT 5 BLK 1 JOHANSEN SUB#1 Zulic,Zuhdua&Mine 3305 Kaufrnann Ave. Dubuque,IA 52002 $120,900 160 30 $4,800.00 10-22-101-001 R 3299 Kaufmann Ave LOT 1 BLK 18 CLOVER HILLS SUB Gagne,Donald H&Pamela P 3299 Kaufrnann Ave. Dubuque,IA 52001 $11Q900 100.4 30 $3,012.00 10-22-103-001 C 2345 Kennedy Rd W BAL OF LOT 11 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Law Building Company 2345 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52002 $48,500 42 30 $1,260.00 10-22-103-003 R 2455 Gordon Dr. LOT 10 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Splinter,John I&Pollyanna 2455 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $12Q500 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-004 R 2419 Gordon Dr. LOT 9 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Killip,Joseph L&NancyA 2419 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $117,300 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-005 R 2395 Gordon Dr. LOT 8 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lindecker,Craig M&Jasper, Deanne M 2395 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $119,400 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-006 R 2381 Gordon Dr. LOT 7 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lynn,Robert F&Leigh Ann 2381 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $147,600 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-007 R 2361 Gordon Dr. LOT 6 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Donlin,Michael T Sr 2361 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $132,400 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-008 R 2343 Gordon Dr. LOT 5 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Maggiq Delores G 2343 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $112,300 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-009 R 2333 Gordon Dr. LOT 4 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Howe,JudyA/K/A Judith M Howe 2333 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $114,700 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-010 R 2315 Gordon Dr. LOT 3 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Buol,Rick J&Dana K 2315 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $14Q400 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-011 R 2299 Gordon Dr. LOT 2 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Kueter,Robert G&Rita L 2299 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $113,600 6125 30 $1,837.50 10-22-103-012 R 2291 Gordon Drive LOT 2-1 NEIL PLACE&LOT 1-1 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Rettenberger,Michael D&Jolene L 2291 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,IA 52001 $156,900 80.22 30 $2,406.60 5007.14 $i5Q21420 CITV OF DUBUQUE,IOWA JFK ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT PRELIMINARV SCHEDULE OF VALUATION AND PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS DATE:NOVEMBER19,200] The Nllowing schedule is hereby detertnined to show each lot proposed to be assessed for the improvement shown in the title together with the amount proposed to be assessed against each lot and the valuafions shown opposite each lot are hereby fixed as the tme valuations of such lot;by the Ciry Council of the City of Dubuque Sitlewalk Location NetAssessetl Valuation LF. Cost/Unit Sitlewalk Assessment TotalPreliminary BLOCKTOTALS Parcel Atltlress Prooertvowners MailinaAtlress CiN/State Valuation(200]I w/Imorovement Fron�ta e 35 Costs Deficiencv Assessment Comments 10.22-103012 2291GONonDnve RettenbergerMichaelD&JoleneL 2291GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $156900 $159]0]]0 8022 35 $2,80]]0 $ODO $2,80]]ORearGordonRomAsbury-Kaufinann 10.22-103011 2299 GONon Dr. Kueter,Robert G&Rita L 2299 Gordon Dr Dubuque,IA52001 $113,600 $115]43]5 61 25 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 total indudes Law Bldg. 10.22-103010 2315GONonDr. Buol,RickJ&DanaK 2315GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $140,400 $142543]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103009 2333GONonDr. Howe,JudyP✓K/AJudithMHowe 2333GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $114]00 $116,843]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103008 2343GONonDr. Maggio,DeloresG 2343GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $112300 $114,443]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 1 0.22-1 0 3 0 0] 2361 GONon Dr. Donlin,Michael T Sr 2361 Gordon Dr Dubuque,IA52001 $132,400 $134543]5 61 25 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103006 2381GONonDr. Lynn,RobertF&LeighAnn 2381GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $14],600 $149]43]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103005 2395 GONon Dr. Lindecker Crzig M&Jasper Deanne M 2395 Gordon Dr Dubuque,IA52001 $119,400 $121 543]5 61 25 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103004 2419GONonDr. MCKillip,JosephL&NancyA 2419GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $11]300 $119,443]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103003 2455GONonDr. Splinter,Johnl&Pollyanna 2455GordonDr Dubuque,lA52001 $120500 $122,643]5 6125 35 $2143]5 $ODO $2,143]5 10.22-103001 2345KennedyRd LawBuildingCompany 2345KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $48500 $499]ODO 42 35 $1,4]ODO $ODO $1,4]ODO $235/145 10.22-101-001 3299KaufinannAve Gagne,DonaldH&PamelaP 3299KaufinannAve. Dubuque,lA52001 $110900 $114,414D0 1004 35 $3,514D0 $ODO $3514DOE5ideJFKKaufinann-Marywood�. 10.15-35&001 2512MarywoodDr BURon,JamesMichael 2512MarywoodDr. Dubuque,lA52001 $129300 $13256130 93.18 35 $3,26130 $ODO $326130 $6]]530 10.15-354030 2511MarywoodDr VouKy,LarryJ&LindaA 2511MarywoodDr. Dubuque,lA52001 $115200 $118]OODO 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500DOE5ideJFKMarywood-Rosewood�. 10.15-354026 2548RosewoodDr MCDonnell,DanielC&MarjieJ 2548RosewoodDr. Dubuque,lA52001 $135500 $139,OOODO 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $],OOODO 10.15-353014 2549RosewoodDr Korrzen,Martin&JulieR 2549RosewoodDr. Dubuque,lA52001 $130500 $134,18480 10528 35 $3,68480 $ODO $3,68480E5ideJFKRosewood-Marywood�. 10.15-353005 2636KennedyRd TimmertnaqLeRoyJ&JulieK 2636KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52001 $156,100 $159]4]35 10421 35 $3,64]35 $ODO $3,64]35 10.15-353004 2640KennedyRd Pfohl,JohnA&JudyM 2640KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52001 $111500 $115,14]35 10421 35 $3,64]35 $ODO $3,64]35 10.15-353003 2644KennedyRd Meyer,Carol 2644KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52001 $153]00 $161,00485 208]1 35 $],30485 $ODO $]30485 10.15-353001 2691 Marywood Dr Clancy,PaMckJ&Shen A 2691 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,IA52001 $113,400 $118,860D0 156 35 $5,460D0 $ODO $5,460D0 $23]4435 10.15-351-001 2690 Marywood Dr Pliner,HenryT&Manon D 2690 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,IA52001 $143,800 $149p50D0 150 35 $5,250D0 $ODO $5250D0 E 5ide JFK Marywood-Raven Oaks: 10.15-30&001 3260 Raven Oal¢ D011incLLC E10002 County Road P Wisconsin Dells,WI53965 $830,100 $835,OOODO 140 35 $4,900D0 $ODO $4900D0 $10,150D0 10.16-2]&023 2986KennedyRd. Riley,JanannL&Mozena GOElaineMozena12485CIearviewHgts Peosta,lA52068 $]0]00 $]4200D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500DOE5ideJFKSpnngValley-32nd�. $1928S4PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&012 3038KennedyRd Kohnen,John 3038KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $30]00 $34200D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $1928S4PreviousAssessment � 10.16-2]&011 3038KennedyRd Kohnen,John 3038KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $141,600 $145,100D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $35226]PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&010 3038KennedyRd Kohnen,John 3038KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52001 $31,800 $35300D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $35226]PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&009 3058KennedyRd. CaNy,LyleE&ShitleyAnn 3058KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $122500 $126,OOODO 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $1928S4PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&022 30]8KennedyRd. Unsen,DavidM&BevetlyA 30]8KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $139,000 $142500D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $1,8]244PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&00] 3150KennedyRd. PfeilerGeorge&RoseM 3150KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $143,000 $14]3]290 12494 35 $4,3]290 $ODO $43]290 $1,845]3PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]&021 3298W32ndSt. Welter,KURD 3298W32ndSt. Dubuque,lA52001 $130200 $13],49225 20835 35 $],29225 $ODO $]29225 $32,665.15 10.16�83028 3305KaufinannAve. ZuliqZuhdua&Mine 3305KaufinannAve. Dubuque,lA52002 $120900 $126500D0 160 35 $5,600D0 $ODO $5,600DOW5ideJFKKaufinano-SunsetPark� 10.16�83022 2531KennedyRd. Spear,KathyL 2531KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $93300 $9],62355 12353 35 $4,32355 $ODO $432355 10.16�83021 2551KennedyRd. LesleiqKennethA&Colleen 2551KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $138200 $141,00]DO 802 35 $2,80]DO $ODO $2,80]DO 10.16�83020 25/1KennedyRd. Nauman,VictonaL&GregoryH 25]1KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $60900 $6322]50 665 35 $2,32]50 $ODO $232]50 10.16�83019 25/1KennedyRd. Nauman,VictonaL&GregoryH 25]1KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $44,600 $4692]50 665 35 $2,32]50 $ODO $232]50 10.16�8301] 2639KennedyRd. HeereqEugeneC&WilliamT 2639KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $100900 $104,400D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 10.16�83016 2659KennedyRd. 5iegert,ThomasG&LynnM 2659KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $4]8300 $486,19180 22548 35 $],89180 $ODO $],89180 $28]]]35 10.16�3300] 3300 David Dr. Steelegray Inc. 15451 Stacie Ct. Dubuque,IA52002 $9]0 $452985 101]1 35 $3,55985 $2,42].39 $1,13246 W 5ide JFK David Dr-lowa 32�. 10.16-2]]-012 2935KennedyRd. Guler,MaryP 2935KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $116300 $120,031D0 106.6 35 $3,]31D0 $ODO $3]31D0 $13858]PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-011 2955KennedyRd. Cocayne,JamesA&PaMciaA 2955KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $134900 $13]525D0 ]5 35 $2,625D0 $ODO $2,625D0 $195885PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-010 29]SKennedyRd. Sarvis,TomN&Datleen 29]SKennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $135,000 $13],625D0 ]5 35 $2,625D0 $ODO $2,625D0 $195945PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-009 2995KennedyRd. Lightfoot,MichaelL&DeborahA 2995KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $138300 $14223]50 1125 35 $3,93]50 $ODO $393]50 $2,61001PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-008 301]KennedyRd. Winders,EugeneJ&Jacqueline 301]KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $126]00 $130,63]50 1125 35 $3,93]50 $ODO $393]50 $19419]PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-00] 303]KennedyRd. Pfiffner,ThomasD&Irtnagene 303]KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $134200 $138,13]50 1125 35 $3,93]50 $ODO $393]50 $19425]PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-006 305/KennedyRd. RaederWilliamC&Chnsfine 6165EmeryCt. BettendorflA52]22 $150,000 $153500D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $238888PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-005 308]KennedyRd. Steines,RickA&AbbyL 308]KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $208]00 $212200D0 100 35 $3,SOODO $ODO $3500D0 $1]2666PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-013 3139KennedyRd. Williams,DennisM&SusanG 3139KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $161500 $164,4]SDO 85 35 $2,9]SDO $ODO $29]SDO $1,482]OPreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-014 3169KennedyRd. Schemmel,ChatlesJ&Sharon 3169KennedyRd. Dubuque,lA52002 $123]00 $12]]25D0 115 35 $4,025D0 $ODO $4p25D0 $2,00598PreviousAssessment 10.16-2]]-015 3199KennedyRd. VirginiaJahnke 1]]1Rosemont Dubuque,lA52002 $89,800 $94,01295 1203] 35 $4,21295 $ODO $421295 $40,13891 $2p23]4PreviousAssessment TOTAL DIVIDED BV 49 PARCELS�. 500].14 1]52499 $2,42]39 $1]2,82251 $1]2,82251 $352699 Ed5�f1EEE5: WES�f1EEE5: EdS�: WES�: 2968.75 2038.39 $103,90625 $68,91626 5007.14 $172,822.51 5929% 40.71% OBJECTION SPREADSHEET CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA JFK ROAD SIDEWALK INSTALLATION PROJECT PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF VALUATION AND PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS DATE: NOVEMBER 19, 2007 The following schedule is hereby determined to show each lot proposed to be assessed for the improvement shown in the title together with the amount proposed to be assessed against each lot and the valuations shown opposite each lot are hereby fixed as the true valuations of such lots by the City Council of the City of Dubuque Sidewalk 7otai LOCatiOn Valuation COst/Unit Sidewalk Assessment Preliminary Parcel Address Lot Description Propertv owners Mailinq Adress Citv/State w/Improvement 35 Costs Deficiencv Assessment 10-22-103-012 2291 Gordon Drive LOT 2-1 NEIL PLACE&LOT 1-1 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Rettenberger, Michael D&Jolene L 2291 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $159,70770 35 $2,80770 $0.00 $2,80770 10-22-103-011 2299 Gordon Dr. LOT 2 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Kueter, Robert G&Rita L 2299 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $115,74375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-010 2315 Gordon Dr. LOT 3 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Buol, Rick J&Dana K 2315 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $142,54375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-009 2333 Gordon Dr. LOT 4 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Howe,Judy A/K/A Judith M Howe 2333 Gordon Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $116,84375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-008 2343 Gordon Dr. LOT 5 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Maggio, Delores G 2343 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $114,44375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-007 2361 Gordon Dr. LOT 6 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Donlin, Michael T Sr 2361 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $134,54375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-006 2381 Gordon Dr. LOT 7 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lynn, Robert F&Leigh Mn 2381 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $149,74375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-005 2395 Gordon Dr. LOT 8 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Lindecker,Craig M&Jasper, Deanne M 2395 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $121,54375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-004 2419 Gordon Dr. LOT 9 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Killip,Joseph L&NancyA 2419 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $119,44375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-003 2455 Gordon Dr. LOT 10 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Splinter,John I&Pollyanna 2455 Gordon Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $122,64375 35 $2,14375 $0.00 $2,14375 10-22-103-001 2345 Kennedy Rd W BAL OF LOT 11 BLK 17 CLOVER HILLS SUB Law Building Company 2345 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52002 $49,970.00 35 $1,470.00 $0.00 $1,470.00 10-22-101-001 3299 Kaufmann Ave LOT 1 BLK 18 CLOVER HILLS SUB Gagne, Donald H&Pamela P 3299 Kaufmann Ave. Dubuque, IA 52001 $114,414.00 35 $3,514.00 $0.00 $3,514.00 10-15-358-001 2512 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 20 CLOVER HILLS SUB Burton,James Michael 2512 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $132,561.30 35 $3,261.30 $0.00 $3,261.30 10-15-354-030 2511 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Youtry, Larry J&Linda A 2511 Marywood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $118,700.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-15-354-026 2548 Rosewood Dr. LOT 23 BLK 21 CLOVER HILLS SUB Mc Donnell, Daniel C&Marjie J 2548 Rosewood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $139,000.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-15-353-014 2549 Rosewood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB Konzen, Martin&Julie R 2549 Rosewood Dr. Dubuque,lA 52001 $134,184.80 35 $3,684.80 $0.00 $3,684.80 10-15-353-005 2636 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-1-3-1 &LOT 2-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Timmerman, Le Roy J&Julie K 2636 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52001 $159,747.35 35 $3,647.35 $0.00 $3,647.35 10-15-353-004 2640 Kennedy Rd LOT 1-1-3-1 &LOT 1-2-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM PFohl,John A&Judy M 2640 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52001 $115,147.35 35 $3,647.35 $0.00 $3,647.35 10-15-353-003 2644 Kennedy Rd LOT 2-E PT-1-1-1-1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM Meyer,Carol 2644 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52001 $161,004.85 35 $7,304.85 $0.00 $7,304.85 10-15-353-001 2691 Marywood Dr. LOT 14 BLK 22 CLOVER HILLS SUB Clancy, Patrick J&Sheri A 2691 Marywood Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $118,860.00 35 $5,460.00 $0.00 $5,460.00 10-15-351-001 2690 Marywood Dr. LOT 1 BLK 27 CLOVER HILLS SUB Pliner, Henry T&Marion D 2690 Marywood Dr. Dubuque, IA 52001 $149,050.00 35 $5,250.00 $0.00 $5,250.00 10-15-308-001 3260 Raven Oaks LOT 2 RAVEN OAKS 3260-3280 RAVEN OAKS Dollinc LLC E10002 County Road P Wisconsin Dells,WI 53965 $835,000.00 35 $4,900.00 $0.00 $4,900.00 10-16-279-023 2986 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1 BRUECKS SUB Riley,Janann L&Mozena GO Elaine Mozena 12485 Clearview Hgts Peosta, IA 52068 $74,200.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-012 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 2 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $34,200.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-011 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 3 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $145,100.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-010 3038 Kennedy Rd LOT 4 BRUECKS SUB Kohnen,John 3038 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52001 $35,300.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-009 3058 Kennedy Rd. LOT 5 BRUECKS SUB Cardy, Lyle E&ShirleyAnn 3058 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $126,000.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-022 3078 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 6 BRUECKS SUB Unsen, David M&Beverly A 3078 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $142,500.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-279-007 3150 Kennedy Rd. LOT 7 BRUECKS SUB PFeiler,George&Rose M 3150 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $147,372.90 35 $4,372.90 $0.00 $4,372.90 10-16-279-021 3298 W.32nd St. BAL OF BAL OF LOT 8 BRUECKS SUB Welter, Kurt D 3298 W.32nd St. Dubuque, IA 52001 $137,49225 35 $7,29225 $0.00 $7,29225 10-16-483-028 3305 Kaufmann Ave. LOT 5 BLK 1 JOHANSEN SUB#1 Zuliq Zuhdua&Mine 3305 Kaufmann Ave. Dubuque, IA 52002 $126,500.00 35 $5,600.00 $0.00 $5,600.00 10-16-483-022 2531 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF 1 JOHN METTELS SUB#2 Spear, Kathy L 2531 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $97,623.55 35 $4,323.55 $0.00 $4,323.55 10-16-483-021 2551 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-1-1-2-E 2 AC LOT 1 JOHN METTEL SUB#2 Leslein, Kenneth A&Colleen 2551 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $141,007.00 35 $2,807.00 $0.00 $2,807.00 10-16-483-020 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-2 E 2.00 AC OF 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,uctoria L&Gregory H 2571 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $63,227.50 35 $2,327.50 $0.00 $2,327.50 10-16-483-019 2571 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 OF E 2.00 AC OF LOT 1 J P METTELS SUB NO 2 Nauman,uctoria L&Gregory H 2571 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $46,927.50 35 $2,327.50 $0.00 $2,327.50 10-16-483-017 2639 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-2 S1/2 OF 2-1 MIN LOT 452 Heeren, Eugene C&William T 2639 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $104,400.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-483-016 2659 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1 OLD TIMERS ATHLETIC&SUPPER CLUB PLACE Siegert,Thomas G&Lynn M 2659 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque,lA 52002 $486,191.80 35 $7,891.80 $0.00 $7,891.80 10-16-433-007 3300 David Dr. LOT 1 WYNSTONE Steelegray Inc. 15451 Stacie Ct. Dubuque, IA 52002 $4,529.85 35 $3,559.85 $2,427.39 $1,132.46 10-16-277-012 2935 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 -9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Guler, Mary P 2935 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $12Q031.00 35 $3,731.00 $0.00 $3,731.00 10-16-277-011 2955 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E(LANDS INSIDE) Cocayne,James A&Patricia A 2955 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $137,525.00 35 $2,625.00 $0.00 $2,625.00 10-16-277-010 2975 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Sarvis,Tom N&Darleen 2975 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $137,625.00 35 $2,625.00 $0.00 $2,625.00 10-16-277-009 2995 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Lightfoot, Michael L&Deboreh A 2995 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $142,237.50 35 $3,937.50 $0.00 $3,937.50 10-16-277-008 3017 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E Winders, Eugene J&Jacqueline 3017 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $13Q637.50 35 $3,937.50 $0.00 $3,937.50 10-16-277-007 3037 Kennedy Rd. LOT 1-2-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 T89N-R2E Pfiffner,Thomas D&Irmagene 3037 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $138,137.50 35 $3,937.50 $0.00 $3,937.50 10-16-277-006 3057 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89 NR2E Raeder,William C&Christine 6165 Emery Ct. Bettendorf, IA 52722 $153,500.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-277-005 3087 Kennedy Rd. LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89 NR 2E LANDS INSIDE Steines, Rick A&Abby L 3087 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $212,200.00 35 $3,500.00 $0.00 $3,500.00 10-16-277-013 3139 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF 2-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16&BAL 2-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 T89NR2E Williams, Dennis M&Susan G 3139 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $164,475.00 35 $2,975.00 $0.00 $2,975.00 10-16-277-014 3169 Kennedy Rd. BAL LOT 1-2-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP89NR2E LANDS INSIDE Schemmel,Charles J&Sharon 3169 Kennedy Rd. Dubuque, IA 52002 $127,725.00 35 $4,025.00 $0.00 $4,025.00 10-16-277-015 3199 Kennedy Rd. BAL OF LOT 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-9 NE 1/4 SEC 16 TWSP 89NR2E LANDS INSIDE urginia Jahnke 1771 Rosemont Dubuque, IA 52002 $94,012.95 35 $4,212.95 $0.00 $4,212.95 E-Mail Signature on Petition $2,427.39 $172,822.51 75°k Obj Needs 7-0 $129,616.88 $16,824.71 90°k Received Objections $155,997.80 1-Jun-18 FAMILY SIZE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HIGH -LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW HIGH-LOW %RELIEF 41,450 4Q932 47350 46,759 53,250 52,585 59,150 58411 63,900 63,102 68,650 67,792 73350 72,434 78,100 77,125 20 4Q931 4Q414 46758 46,167 52,584 51,919 58,410 57672 63,101 62,304 67,791 66,934 72433 71,517 77,124 76,149 22 4Q413 39,896 46166 45,575 51,918 51,254 57,671 56932 62,303 61,505 66,933 66,076 71516 7Q600 76,148 75,172 24 39,895 39,378 45574 44,983 51,253 5Q588 56,931 56193 61,504 6Q706 66,075 65,218 70599 69,683 75,171 74,196 26 39,377 38,860 44982 44,391 5Q587 49,923 56,192 55454 6Q705 59,907 65,217 64,360 69682 68,766 74,195 73,220 28 38,859 38,342 44390 43,799 49,922 49,257 55,453 54714 59,906 59,109 64,359 63,502 68765 67,849 73,219 72,244 30 38,341 37,824 43798 43,208 49,256 48,591 54,713 53975 59,108 58,310 63,501 62,644 67848 66,933 72,243 71,267 32 37,823 37,306 43207 42,616 48,590 47,926 53,974 53236 58,309 57,511 62,643 61,786 66932 66,016 71,266 7Q291 34 37,305 36,788 42615 42,024 47,925 47,260 53,235 52496 57,510 56,712 61,785 6Q928 66015 65,099 7Q290 69,315 36 36,787 36,269 42023 41,432 47,259 46,594 52,495 51757 56,711 55,914 6Q927 6Q069 65098 64,182 69,314 68,339 38 36,268 35,751 41431 4Q840 46,593 45,929 51,756 51018 55,913 55,115 6Q068 59,211 64181 63,265 68,338 67,362 40 35,750 35,233 40839 4Q248 45,928 45,263 51,017 50278 55,114 54,316 59,210 58,353 63264 62,348 67,361 66,386 42 35,232 34,715 40247 39,656 45,262 44,598 5Q277 49539 54,315 53,517 58,352 57,495 62347 61,431 66,385 65,410 44 34,714 34,197 39655 39,064 44,597 43,932 49,538 48799 53,516 52,719 57,494 56,637 61430 6Q514 65,409 64,434 46 34,196 33,679 39063 38,473 43,931 43,266 48,798 48060 52,718 51,920 56,636 55,779 60513 59,598 64,433 63,457 48 33,678 33,161 38472 37,881 43,265 42,601 48,059 47321 51,919 51,121 55,778 54,921 59597 58,681 63,456 62,481 50 33,160 32,643 37880 37,289 42,600 41,935 47,320 46581 51,120 5Q322 54,920 54,063 58680 57,764 62,480 61,505 52 32,642 32,124 37288 36,697 41,934 41,269 46,580 45842 5Q321 49,524 54,062 53,204 57763 56,847 61,504 6Q529 54 32,123 31,606 36696 36,105 41,268 4Q604 45,841 45103 49,523 48,725 53,203 52,346 56846 55,930 6Q528 59,552 56 31,605 31,088 36104 35,513 4Q603 39,938 45,102 44363 48,724 47,926 52,345 51,488 55929 55,013 59,551 58,576 58 31,087 3Q570 35512 34,921 39,937 39,273 44,362 43624 47,925 47,127 51,487 5Q630 55012 54,096 58,575 57,600 60 3Q569 3Q052 34920 34,329 39,272 38,607 43,623 42884 47,126 46,329 5Q629 49,772 54095 53,179 57,599 56,624 62 3Q051 29,534 34328 33,738 38,606 37,941 42,883 42145 46,328 45,530 49,771 48,914 53178 52,263 56,623 55,647 64 29,533 29,016 33737 33,146 37,940 37,276 42,144 41406 45,529 44,731 48,913 48,056 52262 51,346 55,646 54,671 66 29,015 28,498 33145 32,554 37,275 36,610 41,405 40666 44,730 43,932 48,055 47,198 51345 5Q429 54,670 53,695 68 28,497 27,979 32553 31,962 36,609 35,944 4Q665 39927 43,931 43,134 47,197 46,339 50428 49,512 53,694 52,719 70 27,978 27,461 31961 31,370 35,943 35,279 39,926 39188 43,133 42,335 46,338 45,481 49511 48,595 52,718 51,742 72 27,460 26,943 31369 3Q778 35,278 34,613 39,187 38448 42,334 41,536 45,480 44,623 48594 47,678 51,741 5Q766 74 26,942 26,425 30777 3Q186 34,612 33,948 38,447 37709 41,535 4Q737 44,622 43,765 47677 46,761 5Q765 49,790 76 26,424 25,907 30185 29,595 33,947 33,282 37,708 36970 4Q736 39,939 43,764 42,907 46760 45,845 49,789 48,814 78 25,906 25,389 29594 29,003 33,281 32,616 36,969 36230 39,938 39,140 42,906 42,049 45844 44,928 48,813 47,837 80 25,388 24,871 29002 28,411 32,615 31,951 36,229 35491 39,139 38,341 42,048 41,191 44927 44,011 47,836 46,861 82 24,870 24,353 28410 27,819 31,950 31,285 35,490 34751 38,340 37,542 41,190 4Q333 44010 43,094 46,860 45,885 84 24,352 23,835 27818 27,227 31,284 3Q620 34,750 34012 37,541 36,744 4Q332 39,475 43093 42,177 45,884 44,909 86 23,834 23,316 27226 26,635 3Q619 29,954 34,011 33273 36,743 35,945 39,474 38,616 42176 41,260 44,908 43,932 88 23,315 22,798 26634 26,043 29,953 29,288 33,272 32533 35,944 35,146 38,615 37,758 41259 4Q343 43,931 42,956 90 22,797 22,280 26042 25,451 29,287 28,623 32,532 31794 35,145 34,347 37,757 36,900 40342 39,426 42,955 41,980 92 22,279 21,762 25450 24,860 28,622 27,957 31,793 31055 34,346 33,549 36,899 36,042 39425 38,510 41,979 41,004 94 21,761 21,244 24859 24,268 27,956 27,291 31,054 30315 33,548 32,750 36,041 35,184 38509 37,593 41,003 4Q027 96 21,243 2Q726 24267 23,676 27,290 26,626 3Q314 29576 32,749 31,951 35,183 34,326 37592 36,676 4Q026 39,051 98 2Q725 1 23675 1 26,625 1 29,575 1 31,950 1 34,325 1 36675 1 39,050 1 100 Copyrighted July 2, 2018 City of Dubuque Action Items # 1. ITEM TITLE: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalks SUMMARY: City Manager transmitting information about the John F. Kennedy Road sidewalks. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Council ATTACHMENTS: Description Type John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalks-NNM Memo City Manager Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo ExhibitA Supporting Documentation Exhibit B Supporting Documentation ExhibitC Supporting Documentation Exhibit D Supporting Documentation Exhibit E Supporting Documentation Exhibit F Supporting Documentation Exhibit G Supporting Documentation Exhibit H Supporting Documentation E�ibit I Supporting Documentation ExhibitJ Supporting Documentation THE CITY OF Dubuque � D `J L E ulA�eiloGb ,�II� ► Masterpiece on the Mississippi Z°°' 2°'2 2013 20l' TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalks DATE: June 27, 2018 City Engineer Gus Psihoyos is transmitting information about the John F. Kennedy Road sidewalks. �� U� ��� Mic ael C. Van Milligen � MCVM:jh Attachment cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos City Engineer THE CITY OF Dubuque � ui.uene�cih DUB E 'VI��` Masterpiece on the Mississippi Z°°'.�0'2 z���3.z��� TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, City Engineer DATE: June 6, 2018 RE: John F. Kennedy (JFK) Road Sidewalks INTRODUCTION This memo gives an update on the request for sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arterial (IA 32). BACKGROUND Since 1999 there has been discussion in the community concerning sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. In 1999, the Engineering Department prepared improvement plans, and assessments based on preliminary approval of the project by City Council. At the July 6, 1999 public hearing, the City Council rejected the project due to objections from the property owners who cited high assessment costs and lack of pedestrian usage. In preparation of the John F. Kennedy Road Reconstruction Project from Spring Valley Road to the northerly City limits in 2002, Engineering had included the installation of sidewalks with the project. At the April 15, 2002 public hearing on the plans for the project, the City Council eliminated the sidewalks from the project. Since October 2006, many requests have been made for sidewalks on this section of John F. Kennedy Road. On May 7, 2007 the Engineering Department requested direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the installation of sidewalks in this corridor. The property owners at that time along Gordon Drive, whose backyards abut John F. Kennedy Road, filed a petition in objection to the placement of sidewalks in this area. The primary issues cited were: a) Steep backyard slopes; and b) Accessibility to John F. Kennedy Road from Gordon Drive for winter maintenance and to use equipment (shovels and/or snow blowers). At the same time, area residents and Eisenhower Elementary school staff had filed a petition, Exhibit C, with over 75 signatures in support of sidewalk installation along this corridor. On August 6, 2007, the City Council directed the Engineering Department to proceed with initiating a sidewalk replacement project along John F. Kennedy Road, from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arterial (IA 32). At the December 3, 2007 City Council meeting, the City Council adopted the Resolution of Necessity, approved the Preliminary Schedule of Assessment, established the date for the public hearing, and authorized the City Clerk to advertise for proposals for the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Road Sidewalk Installation Project between Asbury Road and the NW Arterial (IA Hwy 32). The public hearing was on December 17, 2007. The preliminary Schedule of Special Assessments were mailed to all impacted property owners on December 6, 2007. The mailing also included an informational sheet concerning the special assessments. At the December 17, 2007 City Council Meeting, a motion was made to receive and file the documents and adopt the Resolutions approving plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimated cost for the John F. Kennedy Sidewalk Installation Project, Asbury Road to Hwy 32 (Northwest Arterial); Resolution of Necessity for the John F. Kennedy Sidewalk Installation Project, from Asbury Road to lowa Hwy 32 (Northwest Arterial); and Resolution approving preliminary schedule of assessments for the John F. Kennedy Sidewalk Installation Project, Asbury Road to lowa Hwy 32 (Northwest Arterial). The motion was seconded. Gordon Drive residents at the time spoke to the City Council in opposition. The City Council denied the project moving forward on a 7-0 vote. At the February 19, 2018 City Council meeting, the City Council received and filed correspondence concerning the installation of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. A petition, Exhibits A and B, from residents on Gordon Drive and other residents along John F. Kennedy Road and the area opposed to the installation of sidewalks was submitted. DISCUSSION On February 19, 2018, City Council directed city staff to investigate the costs and feasibility of installing sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. Current Condition The corridor currently has sidewalks on both sides at different locations but not continuous. Gaps occur most prominently north of Kaufmann Avenue up to Marywood on the north side where it meets John F. Kennedy Road. Additionally, a gap in sidewalk coverage exists north of Spring Valley Road up to the city limits. See the attached map, Exhibit D, where the sidewalk is shown to exist and not exist. 2 Below is a table that summarizes the lengths of sidewalk missing on each side of John F. Kennedy Road from Asbury Road to the NW Arterial. JFK Sidewalks Installed LF Not Installed LF East Side 1825 2812 West Side 3046 1645 Tota I 4871 4457 Current Policy and Practice Since the 1857 City Charter, Exhibit E, the City has recognized the importance of sidewalks in the community. The 13�h article of the charter states the City is "to open, alter, extend, widen, establish and vacate, and to grade, pave and otherwise improve, clean and keep in repair the sidewalks, streets, alleys, wharves, docks, landings, and other public grounds of said city". The City of Dubuque has had a sidewalk installation and repair policy adopted since 1919, Exhibit F. This policy has been modified and amended over the year with the most current copy of the policy attached to this memo. This policy is what city staff refer to when talking to property owners on the need to install or repair sidewalks. Per City Ordinance it is the abutting property owner's responsibility to maintain sidewalks. The Engineering Department responds with dedicated staff inembers to sidewalk complaints and they inspect city owned sidewalks throughout the city. This response and inspection process is done to minimize trip hazards to the public and provide equitable means of access to all residents. Additionally, in 2011 , the City of Dubuque adopted a Complete Streets Policy, Exhibit G, whereas the following design goals and applications are described: 2. Complete Street Design Goals: a. Design and construct new streets in anticipation of increased demand for bicycling, walking and transit facilities. b. Design and construct new streets that allow for future improvements to accommodate complete street design attributes, such as provision of extra right of way to accommodate an off-street bike trail in the future. c. New public streets that implement all or some components of complete street design shall utilize standards found in the following design guidelines: a. AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). b. SUDAS (statewide urban design and specifications program). c. Federal highway administration. d. ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers). 3. Complete Street Applications: 3 a. Most collector and arterial streets are constructed/reconstructed by the City of Dubuque and hence application of complete street design criteria will be handled through the city's internal design and approval process. b. Local residential streets in most new residential subdivisions will incorporate some complete street design criteria, such as sidewalks on both sides of the street, curb ramps at intersection corners, etc. c. Collector streets within new subdivision, in addition to above, may restrict driveway access to side streets to facilitate on street bike trails, could include wide sidewalks and parkways to facilitate walking. (Ord. 1-12, 1-17-2012) Additionally, the installation of sidewalks is discussed in the recently adopted City Comprehensive Plan titled Imagine Dubuque. In Chapter 8 — Transportation and Mobility Complete Streets are specifically discussed. As quoted in the chapter, "The objective of Complete Streets is to provide safe and convenient transportation options for all modes of transportation and system users." In all street projects, city staff are looking for opportunities to make streets complete. This includes the recently completed Historic Millwork District project and the Elm Street complete Streets Project from 9�h Street to 12�h Street. Below is a list of streets with similar traffic volume and design type to John F. Kennedy Road around the City of Dubuque. Road From To Sidewalks com lete? John F. Kenned Asbu Rd. NW Arterial No Asbu Road Universit Ave. NW Arterial Yes Pennsylvania University Ave. NW Arterial Yes Avenue Universit Avenue Bluff St. Asbu Rd. Yes Loras Boulevard Bluff St. Universit Ave. Yes Grandview Avenue Kane St. US 20 Yes Kaufmann Avenue Central Ave JFK Road Yes W. Locust Street Bluff St. Clarke Drive Yes Sidewalks on Dual Frontages During the discussions concerning the JFK sidewalks, the residents along Gordon Drive have expressed their concern of having to maintain sidewalks on two frontages. This is different than corner lots that have sidewalks on two sides of the house and must be maintained by the owner. In this case, the additional sidewalk is located at the back lot line of the property. In the winter, the concern is how does one reach the sidewalk with 4 snow in the backyard and limited access. There has also been concern about the amount of snow to be cleared due to JFK Road being a primary snow clearing route in the city. Some of the streets in Dubuque have dual frontage like Gordon Drive and are maintained by the abutting property owners: Kimberly Drive (Asbury Road) LaVista Court (Asbury Road) Arrowwood Lane (W. 32nd Street /Arboretum Drive) Arrowwood Lane (Arboretum Drive) Glenwood Court (Pennsylvania Avenue) Amy Court (Pennsylvania Avenue) Lunar Drive (Crescent Ridge) Lake Ridge Drive (Starlite Drive) Council Hill Drive (Fremont Avenue) Autumn Ridge Lane (South Pointe Drive) Corridor Usage The current corridor has a number of different users: a. School traffic due to the proximity of Eisenhower School b. Pedestrian activated stop light near Sunset Circle and John F. Kennedy Road (school boundary for Eisenhower School is shown in the figure below) c. Significant area of potential students west of John F. Kennedy Road and north of the NW Arterial Students north of the NW Arterial do not have an accessible sidewalk route to Eisenhower School either via John F. Kennedy Road or 32nd Street. Students on the east side of John F. Kennedy Road use the Dubuque Community School District asphalt path at the end of Chrissy Drive. The path is owned by the school district, not the City. Photos of pedestrians either in the grass or street are in the attachment to this memo, Exhibit J. 5 Eisenhower Elemeniary Schoo!- School 8oundaries Map (School A[tendance ZoneJ SearchlAaddrers:l �I Ci� � ��nmary �M I�:��ddl=_ �N�Ron �O C[Fer�l.:�cetl I Map sa'.el��tc Sagevdle P E[SENHOWEftELEMENTARYSCHOOI - f::��Ir���',-.;r:�park� hr 61 _ � Q Cas'inu Q _,__�r _ .�. �.. . lh'J' � ����,. . . ":n . + ' ���'" � [�u6uque E �� �,. ,.i,. ._. _ Figure 1 -Eisenhower Elementary Schoo/Attendance Boundary Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Considerations The City of Dubuque has spent significant investment in accessibility accommodations in the public right of way and in public facilities. As we design streets and make improvements in the public right of way, the City is bound to follow federal law related to accessibility and equal access. As an example, when the engineering department started to design the Cedar Cross Road Reconstruction Project plans, the city attorney's office looked at the ADA requirements and advised the staff to make sure there were sidewalk accommodations on both sides of the street. This provides equal access to people on both sides of the street without having to go out of their way to reach the sidewalk. A bus stop adjacent to 2644 Kennedy Road was installed in December of 2004 to primarily serve residents that live in a group home on Marywood Drive that is operated by Hillcrest Family Services. Based on coordination efforts with ADA consultants and reviewing federal requirements, the City is required under federal ADA guidelines to install sidewalks to this location if transit service is continued. 6 Cost Impacts City staff reached out to area contractors for possible pricing of the sidewalk installation. The cost for installation is estimated to be around $6.00 per square foot. Based on a 100-foot lot frontage, this cost to the property owner would be $6.00 x 100' x 4' _ $2400. Some of the properties would incur higher costs than this due to the need for short retaining walls. In 2007 some property owners installed the sidewalks on the west side of the street (Kennedy Manor Apartments and Summit Congregational Church). They replaced sidewalks in advance of the City doing an assessible sidewalk installation project. This amounted to around 800 feet of sidewalk. Under the current City sidewalk policy, property owners can hire their own contractor and have sidewalk installed or replaced. The sidewalk policy allows property owners to install the sidewalks themselves, if the sidewalks meet the workmanship and specification requirements of the City. Special Assessments Policy The City of Dubuque has an assessment policy where, concerning a project such as the JFK sidewalks, it could be assessed against the property if the owner so chooses. If the property owner elects not to pay for the project after the assessment is levied, they have the option to have the amount due for the sidewalk added to their property taxes at a rate of 3°� per year for fifteen years. Using the example above of a $2,400 assessment, the annual cost would be approximately $201 .00 per year to a property owner. REQUESTED ACTION This memo is provided for your information and as requested by the City Council. Please let me know if you have any further questions. 7 Photos of Pedestrians in Grass or on Street � Y~ F'}1 . �} ���+�F i 3 T �M1 �r �� w �4 P 1 ' �4� � � . I�� s.{�; 'k�4 �,.� 17 " c „� V.P UY' � 1 VR'T +� t �.:. � �;_,�. '�".� a ;;-�.�..� r ' n , _ S � ,?�^�.; � �� ' � a� . k 7' � _a ' ... _�6 � , 1" — -�m ;,��, _ � ..� —= ��.: � � �:�., ��� � a� _��, � � I�, , � Figure 2-Mowing ROW Figure 3- Walking in grass PE�ESTFIFNSWALKINGFLONGJFK '�� Y RS�/�` `�^T � 1 _��.�� �" � _� . �r � - ���° s '` = � �� ` ~� �� � :z. �'�� � �`�� '�� � � a < < > � �� �� ,,�,s �� <'� �� t r: �,�;a 4 v�� `Vl,rr� .�_�. � ��'�^ �M -ay% r- ,I - ' - Y.. ���� ..n�:N�:i'i.YflVui.�- 1 ��.:�..: .� ..��.Y�t-t _ �� � . . - _���5.:�►�`�P/ 'a i -�` �u ''� 5 � — — � � ,i' � h � + �. �;'� � � � � � �_ �!, �:._.e� � � � � . � �. �'��f+4 ���- :d � i �' • � � T Figure 3- Walking in Street �, � �i 6 ° s.,. W„• !� �_ � RIa�. ti- i �s '��;a-r4"� r � �r -� -�, 9.. . ,•rr , :'r :� " �¢ ..` � ` -..r;, .�"�r3T .., � t _,r'. r ,S � - � � � � l'� h ' / Y �Y. '^� i �+> ,�' � � ��, r :r k r.. � l ' - ��� � '�.c` �.. "� " � �� t � � I � � �Y � .� � 'y t � +:�.�• ���l�.ia T �T-;� � r.'L.. '4.���. 1C'�s.'_ _'. '°' _ . �!y��i ,., � - ,: Y� " � Figure 4- Walking near Gordon Drive [',` / �� I. ' � \'���� - 'p� � �`. , �'i -- - � �� �_ � � I'� .`" ' — ������ - �. � �...� � - - - -.-i�_ —'� � ___. � _ � � � i�... . .. .. . . :..., .,u;k Path in Grass : �,.-_, . , �� :�- Z�i.. F � h 3. x i � `\�,(�'� Y A " .; ��ti �� AN t�"'� � a� . 4/,� �,�'.�p`' �.��'�"�r f;� ,1�.'. ' +n�,�t SI� `�� ?'� �(' P � [+ 4 � ���� �!`, r s�r.,, � a `� . �w> �.�;; �_� i�A�i'� � • �f !�'w a ' � s:�' �F}'..' x �,. - 'r-,� h � f� �i�Q� �� '�'r �. � , , k � �� � {t� � y � � � 4 � ��. 4 � "` � - �du.� •� � � ,�' �. � � r a &. ��"�; "7��� � F` �'� ' , l � f ��—.� �3 — �.�_ '. ,�. � ��:�• �� r'�� _ i'x`4t f �., �. � '� '�;_ r '' - - � ' - y / �§�s_ �r'\1...y�yy�w�.4� � � �� j ( 1..;.,�,,y,�� .� �� . . /�" '�►�iµ;¢:E.��. �. P. �..'} . _ 1Ji�y� Y�`,; , d;'�- I �F � � � �\ � -�. Figure 7-Jule Bus Stop with no sidewalk 9 Public Input on the Installation of Sidewalks See Attached Letters — Exhibits A, B, C, H, and I 10 Page I of2 Jeanne Schneider -Sidewalk installation on JFK Rd. '�,,� I ' ��� From: <FFLYNN314@aol,com> To: <rtlbuol@ciryofdubuque.arg> Data: 12/12/2007 11:12 pM Subjetl: Sitlewalk installation on JFK fttl. � CC: <amichalski@ciryofdubuque.org>,<rjones@cityofdubuque,org>, <kiyncn@ciryofdubuque.org>, �kbralg@cityutdubuque,org>, <jconnors63@mchsi.com>, <pcline@cityofdu6uqe.org>, __.__blynn@dbqco.org> ___- _.____.__—__._ 70�. Mayor Roy Buol and Dubuque Ciry Council members Fran�. Robert Lynn 2�81 Gortlon Dr I Ref: Sidewalk installation on JFK I will noI be attending [he Decem6er t7th meeting where aiscussion will take place regarding the installation of sidewalks along JFK ftd. from Asbury Rd. �o ihe Norlhwest Atlerial. Please take a few minutes to read this latter so that my opinion on ihe matter can be haard. I reside al 2381 Gortlon Dr.with my wite and 3 chilAren antl have been here since 1989. I know all my neighbors on Gortlon Dr. and share their concems with this projecL I am against the installallon of a sidewalk as � It is not neede�i and will only cause a burtlen on Ihose of us who live here. � I want to point out a pelition in (avor of the pru�zct that was presented to you This petiton was D�esented to parents who were attending an Elsenhower School functlon. One name on thls petition is Kim Meyer of Gordon Dc Kim wfll [ell you that sho signed this pe6ton hecause it was placed in (ron!of her whlla she was slgning other aocuments pertaling !o her childreo, that Itwas a hactic slluatlon with enlldren eu about so she Just slgned whatevar was given to her. Kim Meyer is against the sidewalk installation. Al(hough she lives on the unaffected siAe of Gortlon Dr., her mother lives on(he af(eqed sitle of Gordon Or. antl Ihere is no way Kim whuWd have ever slgned anything in lavor of lhis sidew2lk that would aHect her molher. Kim's mother is a widowetl aenlor cibzen who lives alone_ A�arge percentage of Ihe othe!names on thls petition are fmm peronts who do not live anywhere near Eisenhower school. They tlocumented Iheir address's fmm areas arountl the Kelly Lanel Fremont area. Flow does this prcject aftecl lhem7 Theirchildren will neverwalk to or fmm school ana only goes lo prove that ihis pelition is taintetl 2nd should be disregarded. Lef ine ensure you lhaf thelr ere no chil�lren wno walk along JFK !o get to school. Thuse chiltlren who live in the Gornon �rJCrissy Dr. a�ea use the Imil tha[runs off of Crissy Dr. Our children all attendad Eisenhower and never even considered il. Tiaffic is hectle at the intersection of K2ufmann antl JFK and Is e dangerous place for eny walker, wilh or without a sldewalk. As for(he children in lhe KimbetlylWaller St. area, Lhey walk along Waller lo Sunsat Circle antl use thz teacher altenAetl crosswalk. I have heard comments that bike �idars need a sidewalk N get to the new bike trail that mns along the Arterial. Thal is nonsense. The onry people thal are going to do Ihis are experienced long distance bike riders and they will use[he street, as Ihay always tlo. Children anA leisure ritlers are not going on such a ritle,conslder the nilly terrain. The sidewalk SeClion running along Gortlon Dr, deszrves some serious consideralion above all. I hope Ihat ynu have all taken the time to look overlhe area and ".he tlemands it would Dut on the homeowners II s�, you are aware that is impossible to reach the sidewalk saction from the backyards. Thal it is unreasonable to ask us to mainlain such a walk in�he wiNar nor is Ihere any good way of tloin9l(. PUDIic safery is a wncerq and ihe pu6liu in this mettu Is us. I have paid close attantlpn to lhe snow plows this month antl noticad lhat when they g0 tlown JFK tFlc majorily of Ihe snow coming otf otlhe blatle is lantling exaclly where Ihls sitlewalkwill be. i Ilwoulrf be a naver ending nlghtmare to keep Iha walk.s clean tlunng the winteL � Dwing Ihe sprmc�/summer season Ihere are a few people who walk abny this portion of JFK. Not rrany, II (ilc://C�,�Ducunsrqt,md Scpina�lj�chncidlLoeul SctlingtiCl'cn�plXl'GipWi.ecA:I7ti0f^CPD... I'�I-!2007 1'age 2 oC2 hut some. I have noticetl that most of them use the sidewalk that currently exists on the opposite sitle of JPK, Those that walk on the Gordon Or. side do so because lhey want to. This area is always kept clean and well mowetl. If[hey truly had a problem with walking on grass I suspect they would use lhe sidewalk on the other side. If� tlon't neetl something, I don't purchase it. Thal is what is being asked of us. There is no neetl for a sidewalk along JFK, especialry lhe Gordon Dr. area. Maybe somebody wants it, but there is no need for it and the cost does not justify the wanL Common sense comes into play here, weigh lhe gootl vs the baq the cost and � hardship, antl the fact lhat lhere is alreatly a sitlewalk behind Gordon Dr. for those who want to use it. I tlo hope lhat whoever it is that wants Ihis project also voices his or her opinion to you because I would Iove[o know why i[is needed so �adly. Sincerly Robert F. Lynn See AOCs lop rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter. �ile:UCADucumcnts-�nd SclLiugs\jnchncidALocal Scttingsl'fempAXPGrpWiscW7601�2Cf�U... I2/13/2007 �_ Kevin Firnstahl I from: Mike Rettenberger <mikeretten@gmaiLcom> Sent: Saturday, February 17, 20186:13 PM To: Roy D. Buol; Ric W.lones; David T. Resnick; erett Shaw; Luis Oel Toro; Kate Larson;Jake A.ftios Cr. Kevin Fimstahl;Jolene Rettenberger Subject: February 19, 2018, City Council Meetinq -Action Item kl -Citizen Correspondence Requesting Sidewalk Installation on lohn F. Kennedy Road Dear Honorable Mayor and City Counci� Mempers: My name is Jolene Rettenberger and I reside with my husband, Michael, for over 29 years at the address of 2291 Gordon Drive. At this time, we would like to share the opposition of the placement of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. I know that ihis is a rather long email, but it has a �ot of valuable and worthy information that we feel is very important to share with the City Council members since about half of the members are new to the City Council since this issue was f rst addressed back in the summer of 1999. late moming on Friday, February 16th, 2018, I received a telephone call from one of our Gordon Drive neighbors/friends with a concern that the Sidewalk Installation on John F. Kennedy Road was back on the City Counci� agenda as an Action Item for Monday, February 19th. So needless to say, the communication with all of our neighbors started immediately with the sharing of information with everyone from the neighborhoods of Gordon Drive to the neighborhoods of John F. Kennedy Road/Northwesi Arterial. It is my undersianding ihat communicalion (WebQA) was created on February 5, 2018, by BiII and Jan Stoffel of 3384 Ashley Lane, Dubuque, expressing their concerns over placement of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road stretching from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arlerial. As you are aware, this wiil be the third City Council attempt requesling sidewalk installation along John F. Kennedy Road. The first request was prese�ted to the City Council back on Tuesday, July 6, 1999 at 7:00 pm at the Carnegie-Stout Public Library, in which there were no Yeas, and Nays from Buol, Mayor Duggan, Markham, Michalski, Nicholson, Robbins and Voetberg. Motion failed. In the July 7, 1999, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Jeffrey Pieters, listed under other busmess, the council cited the following remarks: • Declined to authorize a $141,566 projec[ to extend sidewalks along the east and west sides of Kennedy Road, be[ween Asbury Road and Spring Valley Road. • All of the property owners who would have been assessed for a portion of the costs of �he sidewalk project signed a petition opposing it. • In such a case, a unanimous vote is required of the council [o au[horize a project, said Pub�ic Works Director Mike Koch. • The council did vote unanimously against the project. • "This is the first time, I think we've had 100% opposition anywhere," said Council Member Dirk Voetberg. "But quite frank�y, with 100% opposition, I am real loath to say government knows best," he said. The City Council initially had directed Koch to develop a sidewalk plan for that stretch of Kennedy Road, along with four others in April 1998. i I . Council Member Roy Buol said that one of those other sidewalk projects, on Pennsylvania Avenue, had several signs indicating it was warranted, where the Kennedy Road project did not. For instance, worn paths in the grass along the road indicated heavy pedestrian traffic along Pennsylvania Avenue. Kennedy Road has no such markings, he said. Also, "I've never gotten a call on that section of Kennedy Road," Buol said. "I don't see a need for it myself." . Council Member Ann Michalski said she believed adding sidewalks actually would compromise pedestrian safety along that stretch of Kennedy Road. A guardrail between the roadway and adjacent properties would have to be shifted to accommodate the sidewalk, rendering it a less effective barrier, Michalski said. . Mayor Duggan said the argument some senior residents posed, that adding sidewalks along their properties would pose a heavy burden in terms of shoveling snow, was a valid one. To clear the accumulated plowed snow from the four-lane road, he said, residents 'would probably need a snow blower like we have at the airport.' The second request was presented to the City Council back on Monday, December 17, 2007 at 630 p.m. in the Historic Federal Building. Motion failed 0-7. See below for some of the minutes of the Public Hearing: . Petition from residents on John F. Kennedy Road from Asbury Road to lowa Hwy 32 (Northwest Arterial) in opposition to the proposed sidewalk installation project. . City Manager advising that the neighborhood meeting regarding the JFK Sidewalk Installation Project, scheduled for Tuesday, December 11 th, was canceled due to weather, however, there have been phone conversations with Gordon Drive residents. . Several neighbors spoke in opposition to the proposed project. Jolene Rettenberger at the meeting (back on July 6, 1999) stated that then Council Member Buol agreed that the sidewalk was not necessary; Council Member Joe Robbins had said that petitions were circulated and people signed them without knowing what it was about; and Council Member Ann Michalski had said she believed sidewalks would be unsafe to walk on. . Council Member Kevin Lynch said that of those that spoke, he did not hear anything with respect to a need for sidewalks, but that the project was creating a hardship both financial and physical. . Council Member Patricia Cline questioned why build in that area. She said she would not vote for the project and explained the process for the record. . Council Member Ann Michalski stated that she opposed the project in 1999 to place sidewalks along Gordon Drive. She was concerned with the area around Kaufmann Avenue and John F. Kennedy Road, especially north of Spring Valley Road. She requested that the City review the maintenance of sidewalks along arterials. . Council Member Ric Jones spoke about the public and private costs noting that the City does incur costs. He reiterated that this was not a "done deal", and that there is statutory process for such a project. He admitted that he was the one responsible for bringing it to the table, but he is not supportive of it now. . Council Member Karla Braig said she would never vote for a sidewalk along Gordon Drive and making residents responsible for what is essentially a public sidewalk. She believes there is a need for more bus stops and that the City should look at more use of paths and trails. . Council Member Joyce Connors thanked her colleagues for expressing the same concerns she had. . Mayor Roy Buol stated that if sidewalks were needed in the area, there would have been more people present in support of the project. z Please note that in-between these City Council meeting dates from 1999-2007, several articles have appeared in the Telegraph Herald over the years. For example, an article taken from the Mav 8• 2007, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Rob Kundert, was entitled, "Council Curbs Sidewalk Plan". This article shared that on a 4-3 vote, the council directed the City Engineering Department to look at a tough bit of terrain affecting residents on Gordon Drive, on the east side of the roadway, and to review the entire project. Mayor Roy Buol and Council Members Kevin Lynch and Pat Cline cast the no votes, possibly an indication on how they would vote on the overall project, which would likely go through a public hearing to move forward. Council Member Kevin Lynch quoted, "I have not heard a compelling argument why we need to do this. I don't think iYs necessary." Council Member Ric Jones quoted, "What we need is a safe path for citizens." A point of discussion was the projecYs effects on residents on Gordon Drive, whose property abuts the east side of Kennedy Road from Asbury Road to Kaufmann Avenue. Their lots have a steep decline before meeting the roadway at a guard rail, with little space for a walk. Council Member Karla Braig quoted, "I honestly don't know how they could keep those sidewalks cleared of ice and snow in the winter time." Council Member Ann Michalski noted the council has made such exceptions for home owners in the past, pointing out that by City code, sidewalks should have been installed as the neighborhoods developed. In the Auqust 5, 2007, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Rob Kundert, entitled, "Dubuque, Homeowners Reach Crosswalk", City Council members will take up the issue of building sidewalks along Kennedy Road. The discussion of the issue will be limited to the council table. The Engineering Department recommends that a public hearing be held next year after it is known how many residents had opted to do their own work, which would be necessary to design the final project to be let for bid. If the council decides to move forward, the Engineering Department then would consult with property owners. Council Member Ric Jones was quoted, "I've overwhelmingly heard from people who want the sidewalks, as well as opposition from those who have to foot the bill. Some of the people have legitimate concerns. We have to find a way around them if we can." In May, the council directed the Engineering Department to look at the feasibility of the project, especially concerning residents on Gordon Drive where backyards slope to a guardrail on Kennedy Road, creating a tight space to put a walk. It was also noted that the Gordon Drive area would require some tree trimming and the relocation of utility poles and boxes before installing the sidewalks, which will add to the cost. In the Auaust 7, 2007, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Rob Kundert, entitled, "City Steps Forward on Sidewalk Plan", it was noted that several council members voiced concems about residents with special circumstances, especially those on Gordon Drive, whose backyards slope down to Kennedy Road and into a guardrail. Council Member Karla Braig quoted, "I've always said we can have exemptions. Other neighborhoods have gotten exemptions. Sidewalks are just a part of the price you pay for living in a community thaYs called a city." Council Member Kevin Lynch voted for the project, but questioned if sidewalks along the busy roadways really were a safety issue. He was quoted as saying, "I still have not heard anything to convince me that this is any more than a 'wanY, not a 'need'." In the December 18, 2007, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Mary Rae Bragg, entitled, "Kennedy Sidewalks Sideswiped", Council voted 7-0 against proceeding with the plan. It was quoted and promised by Mayor Roy Buol that hearing the residents' objections and council members' unwillingness to support the project, "If this comes back again, I'll make sure the neighbors are talked to before (city) engineers are notified." In the Julv 21 , 2010, issue of the Telegraph Herald written by TH Staff Writer, Andy Piper, entitled, "Sidewalks Lead to Controversy" (an artide disputing arise over what the law requires and when 3 exceptions should be made), Council Member Kevin Lynch was quoted as saying, "The Kennedy Road situation between Asbury Road and Kaufmann Avenue, many property owners actually lived on Gordon Drive and would have had to walk down to Kaufmann Avenue and then back up Kennedy to maintain their walks. It just didn't make any sense. I'm happy with the way the system works but certainly not with the result of Monday night. IYs always a real contentious issue for some reason." In closing, Mike and I look forward to hearing from you per email or phone call at 563-542-9337 (Mike's cell) or 563-590-7114 (Jolene's cell). Please feel free to drive up/down John F. Kennedy Road to see not only vehicle traffic, but pedestrian traffic. The Rettenberger's will be in attendance at the City Council meeting on Monday, February 19th for our third City Council attempt (in opposition) requesting sidewalk installation along John F. Kennedy Road. Thank you for your time in reading our lengthy, but informational email. Mike & Jolene Rettenberger 2291 Gordon Drive Dubuque, lowa 52001 Click here to report this email as spam. 4 - � i DATE: June 25, 2018 ��� ��' TO: Honorable Mayor, City Council Members, and Staff of the City of Dubuque ��� RE: Support of Sidewalks on 1FK: Submission of 485 signatures of support O � Citizens in neighborhoods along and nearJFK Road between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial, the Eisenhower School family and other citizens of Dubuque who are concemed with the City Council goal of livable neighborhoods, respectfully ask that the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque require the completion of sidewalks in this area. • Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to visit area businesses, restaurents, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. • Not all residents in this area have cars. Low-income neighbors must walk to important destinations to get medications or groceries. Others are transit dependent and two of the three bus stops along JfK Road between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial are in sections with no sidewalks. • Residents are forced to walk in the roadway when snow, ice, mud, and other obstacles prohibit them from walking in the grass along sections that have no sidewalk. The hills on JFK create additional visibility challenges for pedestrians. Paths wom in the grassy areas with no sidewalks are proof of the need for sidewalks. • The City has installed accessible corners along 1FK, but many, induding at David Drive, Raven Oaks Drive, Marywood Drive, Rosewood Drive and Kaufmann Avenue, lead to areas with no sidewalks. • Almost all other property owners in Dubuque have sidewalks on their property. No exceptions are made for the age or income of the property owners or for the number of pedestrians that use the sidewalks. It is unfair and not equitable to require sidewalks on some properties and not others. • Sidewalks along 1FK Road would promote healthy Iifestyles. People with access to sidewalks are more Iikeiy to walk and meet recommendations for physical activity. • Sidewalks could increase the property values as more buyers are interested in pedestrian friendly areas. • Making it easier to walk to Eisenhower could help al�eviate before and after school traffic • While the path between Eisenhower and Crissy Drive does assist many schooi children in that area, it does not a�leviate all of the access issues in the neighborhoods and for the school. • With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. Sidewalks support each of the Council's goals by promoting health, safety, connectivity, mobility, and equity. • The new City of Dubuque Comprehensive Plan references improvements to sidewalks as a City goal 29 times, specifically mentioning 1FK sidewalks several times. This plan was approved unanimously by the Council in September 2017. ����I��k..� �� .��t� �� �� ��= �3� �!�'y ���€dC�� ��fC� '�3[�����;,�, �� 1 j � , .. . . � . . � . . . . . . � � . . . . . .. � I � I I; . � � � . . � - �� II� � � . � . . ' . . �. I � r � � � � . ' � . III ` II i� , . . . . , � . . �� il . . , , . . " , . . . . . II � p...w� � °'�"V �� . � - . . � `�r �� � �' � � � �� � � ���� ( �� �� �:) • ��,,, �'� ,.���-�--z.�-� l(��,�, � � � ��� � � � ., :� �� ��� � ',;i �� � , ,� �,��,�°��'�"',w+ " a/ �._ G''�'�°�2'��:��..�,� �-' ;�G��� �� �, �:. ,� � � ,� �: � �� � �� � � �� .��, � �:� ��� � � : �� � ; ��� �� �� �� � � �� � � , � � ��, � � � � f. - �.. � . � . � � W� �' �d�. �� . . W�r'� � `'" w � 7 �,��._ :�� � � -� � � ���� .� J � � � �����-� � � . � i We encourage 1;he City Council a�nd Staff of the Cit of Dubu u� to a � `` Yk�` Y q pprove the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury �; Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would ct�ntribute to the safety and conv�enience of children and adults �Nho " ' wish or need tcr walk or bike to school,to work or to area businesses, restaurar�ts, entertainm�nt venues and City amenities, s�uch as the Northwest Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Council several times in the last 22 years, the neec� has grown and is even more valic�. With the City's focus on livable and sustainak�le communities� the time is right to complete the sidewalks. ' PRINTED NA�ME SIGNA�TU�E A,DDF�ESS COMMENT/�;RQUP � 1. � � � � `�� wc�- 'f`��� G�-�.�P�vv'��✓� •���'�`�'�.o.,-..� ���v� 0 c � .. � �TJ���r c��5���� � 2. � . • �C��� �W`-G�, ��`fl�j�-- .� C)t°c.1c7�' d�✓� Lf f c�'•f'k d C(9 �`B PL d c�`�� ��9� � CCJ�p.S ��lh � � � � � G� �j 3. .�' `� V-e C�C'UJ�� e"tia a�l� � I� r�� i ' t� ,, ' �� (� �r Cl���n C°�} � t� ���c�-�, t� V.��S ,�c�d.�.�L �. i 1 C�"���,'j'_ �"����1.`� � '� �,,�._�_ ) c c v�� ��1r:��e �c� ���t� -�� � 4 ' � `� d� y � , . � ��'°,, �(� ;� �.�� �-___ �� �d� ��,�,s � � "; �cC �c� �%��.,�,�..� ��� _. v f3� �.�. �. � � 5. __�.__ ��w� I , ,,7 � C� 7� C�r.��'+ C� �'�.3 ��� � '16- ���t '� '� j,�z...y �-�' ��-��v��-- �- " ,� i� 6. �,�-}�°r ��.nl��r,�T' �s 9 �. �3 UV n�N� '�c��,�y ;�,��. 52 v Z . D 2.�� � Q ��. C . �io � --�' � � /�.„ �o�. °�r� w�a'��r�c.S�S l,�i�-(,� s ,� 7 ! �C�C.�'�% ���d�� ��' ��r}'I � ����� V��. u.e... 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While this issue ha�; been to the Council several tirrues in the last 22 years, the need has grown and is � N even more valid. With the City°s focus on livable and sustainahrle communities, the time is right to complete twie sidewalks. � �� PRINTED NAME SIGNATU�E ADDF�ESS COMMENT/C�ROUP � � - � � �.. � �. ��--�� ��� ��G y S��-��� �� � �; �3�� � �— ��-��t � ;; z. ;: �, � �,�.� �.����� �� � ��� � ������ ��-�-� �� 3. � �/'�f�� t 4f " ,S� �,'r ����� �Q. � � ��� � � Y � � � � � a�� � u 4. � Q�3 �Jc)���5 �, � 5. �. , � � �-`�,(,f ��,�� , �'C��(� �s �� �,,�ca�aQS ��.�e , 6. !' �� (���� ` . ;, �._ �a���� � � ;, �i�` � �.- . 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With the City's focus on livable and sustainab(e communities, the time is right to complete the sidewafks. �� PRINT NAME SIGNATURE„ ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP ;i 1. /� �'� e � �✓� � � ;—�— ; e �/✓ f . � { !�' -- ��� �j�, �..� ,�.,.C�.�t' � � I `�� Vi 4ii'iG� ���?�� 'a�'�`'' / �' f ,�/� .��" �- '_' , �l� � ._.�� � 6�`��� '� i�, � �... .�.-- � C� �. ' � �' ' � ` �., �� ! � r �� � �'��� ����,� � F; f�(;,,�o+, ��,-�.-, l,� �� '(,CJ� ��) �� � f� �y� � �1 "> 'r G�� i ,r— � � � ..�� \/:/�Li. II �� � � . '� � � �I � � �� �- I� v� , �� � � �-- �� �e, I 4. li � � l�, � ��,rr�-���- 3.� �s �r� � � � � � �. � , � � " �. � i � � . . � 6. � — �.��,�� �1�r� � �-� � ��� �� ����� � ���. � J I� 7.� I (��� ��1�(�1��� . �i s. � ��'� i � �� � �. �� �� � � � - � 9. e a g � j i�, ��� �� � ' � � � ��z-� � � � �" � � .:, _ . - � � ���� � .���� � �.o. �� l { ����... ��,�� �'�� 6�5 � � � : �� 11. � � `� � � .��� �� � 12. � � �t�.�� � � �;Y� � � � �� � rv � � � � � � � i ii� We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the� compietion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury i� Road to the Nou�thwest Arterial Path. We betieve that these sidewalks would cnntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who j wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, s�ch as the Northwest � Arterial Path and the Dubuque,Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Council several tim�es in the last 22'.years, the neecJ has grown and is even more valicJ. With the City's focus on livable ancJ sustainable communities, the time is rigl�t to complete the sidewalks. ��� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP '�i 1. � � � �`�'���.�0�' l�'�'` , 'y � � ���� ��C1��`���� �������,� �!': 2. � ` i � � �c'e, �\ ���,5 ��. �3�� �„�� �,"��'� I 3 �� '�,i � ! �,���, �l���l�� ��`��� �a�,��:�.� � �',��f"�/� � �' , 4. ��c�no���V CR'c�r��� ` .� �— `�.� � �-��Y �C� � �J° �ec � ,� 6��r 5. ��n 1��,0�� �,�,�,�..� ,�,��� L ,� ���z�� G�� s�,��� D� ������ � �r������rw, � 6. � v �R��� ' 1 ��� ►�d� ��uC�� �3�- ��~a�-� v�` 5 . r ,, 7. �°�d��._.�.� ,�r �� u c�� �-� ���-- '!; I � s. t��:�.o., � , `� ��s� � r� . � � . '! s. � ��(} �I ���,i�. C� �-�,�,�%,.�-� �,� ��-�� e��c���n ,� � r�, �. ,-i��� � 10. � �� � � � �; 11. � � � � ' ��., � q 3� ��.►��u �, r`}� ��I` �� . �� � 12. �� -� ,� � � � � � � � g � �� i We encourage the City Council and Staff of the Gty of Dubuque to approve the compietion of 5idewaiks on th�stre�ch of JFK Ftoad from Asbury i Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would c�ntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who a wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area busir►esses, restaurants, entertainmFnt venues and (;ity amenities, s�ch as the Northwest � Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Council several times in the last 2�years, the need has grown and is % even more valicl. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities➢the time is right to complete the sidewalks. ;I � PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE �� ADDCiESS COMMENT/GROUP � 1. / � I� (...--l�i �,���. ��-`,�� �..;�"""`�--��;,��--�_ ? � L,5 ��=� � �-� �� l��� ;� � �� �. - � � � � � _ �I 1 tu ��--,��._ C�,� ' 3� �, J _ �. � ��C�� � a � — ;I ��� , �� ��r��� � ,�o f � ���- l, ��, 4. , � T� ,l� ��G�f c �,-� 3! 3 G � � �" c �� � �� -� � � � � �L � .� . 5. , � �` � ' `, .�� / � � � 6.�a. ��'� j ° _�' � 7. ' � � �.� ��c� �� - ��,�,.�`� ��_. (� — ^�-�.�,,.t,�� ;?( ,z ��';�s ��� �"`-�-�.,`��� I� 8. , .°�°' �" - ,�� � /� Ij � �/� �'\ r('d I��.-__ ��- � � � �J �(��� V�S �!� ji 9. ��� �' � � . i . � , � Z � ����-ti.._ ,�� � ,�._���. _� � � �.(c � � f`�� ,�'�l�//� e. �G�-___,�` �e ��'`z '�?R �z.. u 10. `� � ` .��.�.,u_� ,.�r--._„-...-.--__ �.�_.__ j r��-z. -G�"��c.� -"� � 11. � � � � �1„��nnr,� 7� , ���t.� � �)� f� e� �i�f����� ° � 12. � . , Y j � !�'� �Y�Y<c���{r�°���,,, �' " ` � �1 c� i ���°��° �2 �s :� �. � � � � I We encourage the City Council and Staff of the Gty of Dubuqu�to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sid�walks woutd contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who � wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest " Arterial Path ar�d the Dubuque Arboretum. Wh�le this issue has been to the Council several tirrres in the last 22 years, the neecl has grown and is ;� even more valicl. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communitiesf the time is right to complete th�e sidewalks. li PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDR,ESS COMMENT/GROUP 'i� 1. � �, ��S�'� I��C��h �I Q� � �� ��.l�s �� z. ; � !�i �, � � ��� ��'l�� � ��� ��-��� ����` �� 3. � �.�a � �,��� � � ��` ; <��` �.., �_ �t.� J �f°,�: `1.r� ��'l�s' i 4. ,,d�°'` '; �,,� l���a ��t�S� er � �rr �� G � „��i�r �,(�. � � ,, 5. /"� � �,,,.�-.�__ � �,l ct:�..v� ��.��,��,�,� �_ ��� C�-2���, C�- ; ; 6. ���s2.�;�' �" �; -�- ( � ; �``�'1..�.�� ��.e,..�:a �. .,�i � 1 Cp.-�,� e.�2..�"� �1 a�C.��„ � . I; 7. �,�.-, �'ii .� � ,�.��.� ���` � �,I�. � � l 8. � ' R ' � � � �^��y �' ��� (� � �u��� � ������ ��� � �� ,� P �� � � r � � � _ , � ,, 9. �' , � � '� � - .��'� ��.� �c- ��,s� �� �`-`�,� ,�.� �c�,� ���- '� 10. � � �y�,�.m�.... I ���r� �',� . �" ,�� r� l�.r� /�� v r Q�,�J �' � 11. � � � (.� C��� � 1'�� �[�i��' � � ����Y � ' ,.� .� � � , �f e 12. . � S ` ✓ � ��cx� � -��� i �'�G��i" 1� l`1 �� c� ��J` � �Cf''r ���,� �,t.�, � � � � a � � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve th� completion of,idewalks on thE stretch of JFK Road from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We beliewe that these sidewalks would cc�ntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who � wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest '� Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. Wh61e this issue ha� been to the Co�ncil several tirrues in the last 2�years, the need has grown and is ,� even more valid. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communitiesy the time is right to complete the sidewalks. Ij il PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP 1. , ,;i �1, ���1���,1�1��-f � ��-( `Z J � ( )� �c�� (,�Un, � i .� ,p� � 4 ����'l �� ��61 � ���" 6 �d B �' t � �-''����'�at�"' ��f � � � I���I ' i ii 3. ��.�. �� / ��.,� � ��—� � �� �� ! , � 4. �� � _____-�_.- � - i .r ���1 �� �c��� � � 5. ; ��-���`�-�"ns ..��f� ..�- ��,�,� d l�� �r1lr,��"�'° ��` �' 6 .=n �,,� �.�....���.. - r . _ s . ,.n��- , �. . � � � � _ ,�� , �' ���"" ,r �` � ,�� � ��:. �����o,, �� .-,a . , � �. >�.r_ � � . „ � ,, �������..�.m.�-�" �.{ �' �,I I,.a� . p, � /^/`/;���`/y�:\ °,;�� � �; 9w'.sf ...P�� � { + �Y s 1p`��� � / I �..,../ � � ��� ��� I. \.,+��^ l/ i j � 8. -, ,( '°'� ��} v , '/6 (� { ��` �i I� � �.�.'. �/ ' � � l� ' ....(i.re�� �. �,.;�.L�^�:.1�� �-���� ���..�rrr'[�...4--C_,i:`t (�.� 'i 9. .� � _r ._��.%� �'£ � :; � � � �� � ��� ��� �� � � Zo . e�����r ����r c� ��� r .., ' �2�. l �c� �� �y . � r y u 11.� �� � r �1 �' 'li u�(�� �ni.�/ sP��^re� I S I ��.v�e� Y—������.�- -�,�:� ,� �l� .�1�or � � � �� � � ;,n' Getil� �.2. - �=-� �� C � "� l� � ���-- `� � � .�2�� ��'/�r,�� �0'�-c�,��'y ��, � � � � � ,� We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to w�lk o� bike to school,�o work o�to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment��renues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Art�rial Path and the Dubuque A�boretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrnunities, the tirr►e is right to complete the side�r�alks. , � PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP '� 1. , � ��� (.,��� � � ��� r � ��� � �� 2. ,1�-f u�vc..�Cc� �� cza���$�r�i l �� i � ( > b� �loi� -F� r,+aecl�. f� �-�i�. C�.d"I C� I��`��'_'�1�P� Vl c��' � ��d � �eet� f� �l � � � ` L"r'dS5' ,� �1 3. 1,,� �o ��.�s.� f,� � � �,� � � �� c��, �C� �..� � ,C_ � �°a-�-��v- S'��- —S(i� �.:��t,`c�, � � �--. 4. S<` �' �C i �"� C � �� � '� � � 5. ,_ ��C�.� �G�.l� ��' � � I ����°� ��� � � � ��� �� � i 6. � � �g��,��c. .���� u�- � � ��� �� ��a., �UV�� � (/� �.��� �� '�� 1 � J lU� G�sG,�'C �-�+,. ��� 7. - ' �i , .___ ; , �_ _�. �� � ��. �. '� 8. ','I S(it S C ��L��ra�a a'� , .,c.rs-�z,-Y..� ��.m_� °�� d� c.m..�i �� , • � 9. � � _,— , ��� �,��il-{�rP�' ��'a^r���, , �'� ` ��f �J� � ,_.-� �//�-�.,� " -, i�� 10. - �� � ��� � 3 t �� �a..s��� v���s � ; �� 11. � � ^ �r � � E� � E ��� G'✓� r,� �y r �l �s � ��a �,,� _ 12. n� � . � ��-�.G ` ���� � � b���e � B r l !�(� r�-�a- �.�. , � � �. I� We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu�to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Ri�ad from Asbury !� Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or bil<e to school, to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwe�st Arterial Path and I the Dubuque A¢-boretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidevoralks. � PRINTED NAME SIGNATU�E ADDF�ESS COMMENT/(;�ROUP !�� 1. � ►.�.�.,, �- /��� � � !I ���� ��-�Q�� ���r ..��) b ��.� � �, .� d .,�,,�,�.��,�,,,�- �,.-a� � ��i 2. � , 1 , � ���'t �a��I//Y�- � ��1� � �°,� '� 3. . �u ; � __ q � � � ��� ' �S v,��, �_e�-���,�e�- .� 1 � ����. �!� _ ✓ - 4� � �, �. � .� �.,.�,� ��.. .� . � � 5. .. � _ �-- � � �-�� ��.��.���.� ���� � , 6. �� ��� ; �'�\ `" � ���� l�, !:� r o �. � 7. - �-- , � �� (r�.,�s`�. ������� �93� �'�c� ���r�r�r ���- ` � �' �4 S. ° � (i e � � � ��, ��� °�" � �1� �r� . ��tr�, ��- � 9. L � � P ./' � / , � � � � � �� �� �� �r � � � 10. '�� n (� � � r,���.(� /� ��- � . ���. � �.� � (n .� � � � l� C'.� �-�� � f - c J� � �� � l I 11. � �, � _ �} � � __ � ��1� �3�e�.� �c�r�,��� L�9 ����,� � I ) ���, �,'�'i � ,j � �6 � �� Co� � �. �,r� C n� � � `� � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu�to require the c�cnpletian of sndewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Noethwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or 1 bike to school,to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment�renues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path �nd i the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrnunities, the tirr�e is right to complete the sidewralks. PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/C�ROUP � 1. � C���� � . J � � 1 � �- �.�� a �y1 � / % �' .� � r� ! C✓ a,� � � � 'r 'I 2. � � ; ,�1,��.SCda��,>-' �%��� �..�� C�e��� ��L� _ � . ; 3. - . � ���� Q����1SiJ� rL.Q� Y�O�CI��d► �� C�Y��c1P�- dm s � 4. � . � �t�C'� C°".�' a C. z-q�{ �.a la�d S-� ,, . . � 5. 1/ � .. I',��'U)'y r' l��''l�l� I- C `� \� ��v�V �d V� � W•'- �'� �!��� •v V. F �; I�� � �� i'�'1 tn ( �� �c�:.:� ``�"���..,.�...(� �.�-�.-`"��..�(�t..•.t�' � �:a Y.�U ���l-�1 L cT�.,vu., � . . 'f 7. � „ ,���� f., � I � ,-��. �C�i��.�. �� ,�� �i�� ,°��.�,, � .�1�_` �"'� ����� G��- � ��� s. a ��� C��� r� �v �C� �� �� �-,� Z�. N `� � , � 9. ���b I�i � -�-� '` ~���! •�l� `�� .�� �� �, ,� -� � -� � � � .� �; � 10. �y(l� �y �; �? � �' � � � V � � + ����`���i� \ �`�i(�'� ��,.��� � � n�;�, ��f� ��,,..,�='.�'� �J ,,,,� � � .�,,� i 11. �, f j,� ��� ;� ,��..� � ����.�� ���C� l�� � L� �,� ����� � ����.� ��1���- �L,�/ ��� �. v� ..� , / � � 12.�E�� /� �( � / (�� � G� ` G�, �'� ` ✓;�. �-,�, �,� ,., ` � - � �, .���:� ,�--� ������ ��� �-� � a � � � � We encourage �he City Councit and Staff of the C�ty c������a�r�q�a�to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury " ,1 Road �o the Northwest Arterial Path. Sidewall<s would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or � bike to school,�o work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and � the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrnunities, the time is right to complete the side�r✓alks. ' ; PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/(�ROUP 'Si 1. - �`'' J�'f° . , yt„z �1 �:`. '�,�: `'� f./� , �,�' � � � � �� " ��� . �;; .g�°L�-� Y�`-..` d Ll.d G-� �,�o� � 1���'�` l.�LV�`' �j Ltim ,/�' .�vg u f .,6,n , r _ f p 9'U' �./' �..� ���. � dI � ,�g �iS'L^ P/^r �I � ` � 2. � ii -�tta�c ��e,+l�� i c� � l� L I ���sc� � Bi�+n� �a�'�e I 3. ��� ��n �1c��� 88��?`k��.�- L� . U��l�;� /�`�;�g �fc;� � � � 4. �.,�,�� '(�(1b0�� ��2b I���c,c�l � U Gta,�r� � I, fk � v�l � � �! e � 5. ��� �- ��� (��.,Q 3� C1��o f� �-� WG�'.� S � �'�-� �l�j z�5 � �y � �"� GP>�7J �` �• G�,y,/ ,�jn ��`i,,y���o� � �'1 . �e � �, ��� � 1 ��`�`' ��yKe r � , � � < < � �� ����� I� � �� � �� � � �u , � 8 . � � � � , . , � �. l ��., �,� ��la� �V�-�y_.�r��.� -e�' _ r I � 9 ; �� �G�G✓�i' � 11 � ,r,��-�t,��� ,�e, ���- `��`��� . 'ti 1�. ; a � ���� �����s � ���� i�� C�� ��I�e� 1 ����� ���-� � 5 u 11. :--� � � � �,,. 6��°�f�rc��,�. `�� �S�l( �g�,, l �� �-� � �L� �� 12, �, , , p �— � �, �1 — � � �� � ; � � � e � � n � � .I � We encourage �he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Ruad from Asbury 1 i i.t, Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or '' �'' bike to school, �o work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment�✓enues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and ; � � the Dubuque A�boretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainab{e comrnunities, the tin7e is right to cornplete the sidewalks. � I PRINTED NAME SIGNATUIRE , ADDF�ESS , COMMENT/C�ROUP �� � 1. • � � � ��� ����"�.. � � � �'gCu� ��a c� . S � f - �,; �=-��r ��.�:;v '������� � 1 c,-� �i �-�` `- �`� 4 � -�: F���.�..,' � ��� � G� '�i 2. � ���` �'1 �l Z�`�� ��� C�� �� �4.� �.I��- I 3. � ,� ,�� -- � ��o �����C- ��-� �,�,��, ��� �; l� ,_.5"'�i�,�t t��� �,,�� �.�°��` �.,.w. ,�r 4. dj � �� �.,°'�� �l ��t�� ��d��/� �� l l ��``'�j�c�`� ��,�� ��c�,��� ; �� ���� �� � �.,� ,1�;, �� s �� � . � � � � � — �3-��c��. `����:�r�v�►� �` ;� ,��.� ��; ���r�tl��� � �,�,_ ��;-� � �4� . � L � I 6. °-`' ,_.. `> �.. e '°__..... C`' II. � —�'����- . ���` �' , ;, ,�'', �'-� � `� � � � B '� y- i� 7, 1 � �1� �,��:�� ���L���. � ���� � ��c: �� �r� 1 �a c-�. b�. ,�— � � �c� i 1��,� ',; $. ,� � ,- - ��;�� � d���� � � � �'� t' � ��vb� �zc��al r�a l�v� c�. ��1� !; � 9. / � � � � j�� �� �- �-� � � i � � ��� ���� � �� ��� , �c�` �'',��� ��- � � ��c �;�. 10 , �°��;2 �i� �f�f/�G�'�� a / � , ���' � � � ��� /�l C C� /fL� � i, 11. ' 3�� C�..S�-(e �.�G�ZyG J �� � ___. ., . vB�i7 �' V� S �3 "� ���; (C.i'1/' C �C 7�E�G � � � ����1�1 '� l., �j �� � — ,, , 12. � �.. � � � ' C�,—�'�.. � � � � `�.� L�',�,�`�,", � �,�.,� _. � �(C�e..�' �,'d._ ��— a � �``� �'-- �.,�-�.�. �� � , � j ,, We encourage the City Council and StafF of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK R�ad from Asbury � I Road to the Noethwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children an� adults who wish or need to walk or �'� bike to school, to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment�renues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and � the Dubuque Arbaretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrnunities, the time is right to complete the sidevaralks. . i PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP !I 1. � / � '`�' p� li � h �.! � i orrso� � wN� �,rr�-c.�-`.. �� � � /Y1,�4 a r,v U o„� (J 2.. �; '��� 2.�� �� �� � (.a�'/�0��.�'L /� + � � III . (��1 �� �' � c� �I 3. n �'� a S �' �,�, �'�'� ':j � � � �.�.,�.� �� s�� ���� ,��.�; ��,.�. 5. �rr,�--� `�I� y •'J �2. U�''i �r/� �./�K [/�/n � � (-! L�. 1 D!�/" I�i/���✓ ,�.�. � 6. li r r �� � � � 7. � ,��'�, � �-�s�'� ��..� ,� ��` � ,��,�� ', s. ���p �� � �� % C. /� � IC�. �' �� �. �� ��� � 3 � u 9. " ' � 1�I ��1� �- � �� 3� ��. __.,�a��.� �o- 'ti u so. , � � ��t I� 1 � �� a .� �u 2� z �'�c�a �., � ,, ; 11. � � ` � '� v�tL ` � I Lv� � 12. �(� I� ��� w��� �� '�� � � � � � � � �� � '�� � � jl �i We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of 1FK Road from Asbury �I' Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. We belie�e that tnese sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who � wish or need to walk or bil<e to school, to work or to area businesses, restaura¢�ts, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Nortkiwest 'i� Arteria) Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Coa�nci! several times in the last 2�years, the need has grown and is yp even more valid. With the City's focus on IivabBe and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewalks. h PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE { _ . ADDf�ESS COMMENT/(�ROUP ,� 1. � � ���v s f���i.� �._,�,� ��-����� � � ���" �� ���� ��- � � ��� e � 2. � 'I �! ��� �� ���-- ` �3� � I��.��.��� 3. � � `�� ' � �- � � �-�..� . ����7 �`t�.� ��� .Or_ !� 4. �� , � � �� - h� � � `�11��� �-� �� � 5. � �� ./ ` �, � ...� � . ,� - i � �� - ., � 6. __ � �i ,,,�n � � �, l� � j,�� , � ili 7.���„ ���,�� S`��� ; <. � � �, � /�,,. � ��� � ,; 8. � �; �� � ���r � , �c?7��i L����- ��. ���� ; 9. � �;,' � �if I�►���'�� ��.`�� S�/� � . � �s'� ��lr ��/ i�cr�i� ��,� �� 10. •, ( � � � q Z� � � ,I 1.L. � y +� ��t+ "-`ti; ��(O1 � I S(/ ��1(� � V � a� 12, re ; � �� � � � �� � c�- � __ � � �� We encourage the�'nty C�o��racil and 5taff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asburry� ;�i Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or '� bike to school, �:o work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues an.d City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and the Dubuque A�boretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewall<s. . ; PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS C�MMENT/(�R�UP � . � �P� r � �� ���.�"�.�,�'� �, �,+ , o�� �� ,� � . �� � � • � c�/ � � 2. ��� � ; �v�.�. �; ' � � � � ►�� , `, ���,.-..... � �-��r-� � ;,� . �.�. S r'-��,y �! l a �.� � ��i� � : �:��� , 3. ` `�-�;, � ' i� ��;� ;� �-�d�'r3�.�� ,��"� �j�, 4. � i \�'V�aA..� � � `-- � � �`�,� , i 5. � �l �clC �u���✓ � � � S �l� �'] Sj��C� � �; 6. ,I ��`��`E.�C' �{0.'�'� �°� ��ZJ.� ��.r �i1��� .. I 7. ;� � � �I�li 8.� ,� � °� c�c� ��C�I��C� ,^ .,,�,���1 ��1� ���� ����1 �� �i ;9. I �� ��'�'f�i�� ..�. �\�� '���� t���.�� ���"i`"`� 1s� � 10. � f��,l��r ���� S �o� t�� . �� 11, � ,`� �:� � '; 12. ,�., � . � � �,S ���� ����� . �. � � f � � � ,N a � � We encourage �he City Council and Staff of the City of DubuquP to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Ruad from Asbury ;; Road to the No�•thwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or a bike to school,to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northw�st Arterial Path and ��'� the Dubuque Arboretum.With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. � i PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMM-E.�VT/GROUP , . '� � � i 1 " Z�� ��:���� �. ' �,_� ''` � � ���e��` - :� � �� ' . � � � �. �� �� � ���� � ���� ��� ������ � � ..�� � �; 3. t ,:- 1 ��� G���d�<���� ' . ���� 3 �� � �����vl��J � 4. P, �'�� ��3 ;i ��.�a �J��r��J�r - �� l°'�U� �r��,/�-v� ;, '� 5._�,�--° (��•�:!�..�'v`s I L�� �1`�'�� � �.� "�" � 6. � � ������m ; f� � �� t � � �. . ;: ; f' l� 'i / �� ! j i 8. � �� � ��� U � � � � � � � 9 . � �, �. ; ��� � � � 10 � abh,� �i�� � ��� r�.10 CI �i 11. � -� i � � �� ������ �� 1�. ���rr�i ���s � ���� �'� a � � � � � ;y � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury j Road to the Narth�nrest Arteria! Path.Sidewalks�nrould contribute to the safety and convenience of chi(dren and adufts who wish or need to waik or '�' ; bike to school, to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and ;j the Dubuque Arboretum.With the City's focus on (ivable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewalks. ''� �li PRINTED NAME SIGN�TURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP II Z. ,, 1 � -���� '��ti'`�l, '�� , ��� �y�� ,� l��L���,S �'���� � �-��" ��� � �� �=� �?.�`c�� I 2. " �y,�> ��v°oc� pi�. �� �C��. �C�S� � ��'°� � �—� `�_ �">�'� ii i 3. ,� � �c��`� �°— �,:�.-� �` '� �. c����C� �� c�v�c�c� ' ��`��,� � i 4. ��'� G��� Ua �� � , / - ,-; ���� [�r�li< �f�� �� ��t ',�� �. � � ���C� �Y1CR;� ��d� . r ��� 7 � . �1 � � 6 �p � ! . " I l� g�-Y-{'CJl_� �Ir t,� �� �� � . ' , � �� ..�....�.._�_. y � � '� _ � ���l,J ' 7. ��- ��t �� � �� !'i ��o ' �,� � �' � ��,�,, .�� s. -� . � � � �,��� p�. I� �` � _ � 9. ; � �.7vcr ����' ��. u � g �� � �'�-���� U��,G��r���� �"/�'"'�-� ���"�-{� i�� ��� ..5���� �i= Z0. �,� �fv�en �- � � � r � � � ,� �2m�.� ` � �; z 1. ` ���'�10��- � � � z2. � ���� �J�a��-f�L. s� � �.�c� ��e�� ' °�-� �.I,� �c �2c� � � � � � l We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve th� completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbu��y i ,i Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. We believ�e that these sidewalks would cuntribute to the safety and convenience of children and aduits v�ho ; wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and C;ity amenities, such as the Northwest ; Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. Whale this issue has been to the Council several tirt�es in the last 2�years,the neecl has grown and is �� r even more valicl. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrt�unities, the time is right to complete thie sidewalks. ','�, �� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDFAESS COMMENT/CROUP �� � 1. � �1'�leb ctc�r� d�c���r^ � �r (�,Q�,C���,�, (a,c7'l'u��r2e� zeJ/� ; � /--� �t �, ��,,�._ � ���5��- �� � . �� � e �Z�� fV C�ac�.�..� �' ��S �-� ��,���.�� ��; d 2. � C--�e��r���� �►�Q,`�i��'r' i ���� : j �t c� �, ' P��� � S �.�--� ����-�v� �� 3. � ,� � i� C[� �� �e�' Pr��!"`�`���r" c��.� +� � �'�U. ��:,,�a� I ��c�w�a � � � 9�� � � `� �. `� G �' �t� �y� ��v— Sd�.u--���6 �soJ�" rC �� 4. r i.t,.b�t �� ,�e�✓�P'�-;e�" �."'T� '� � � i; � d�'" ' � � ).}�� •� � .����/��� '"°Y�- ��•�S `� �l�►������� � ���I 5. i �w��'���LL��� c�lL e�'�'t �`�d� i! 6. � � �'\��� R��C�� �, ��E�6 ����r� ���� L.�,, ;! �. � �1���e`� � 2��3 S1�c.c��� L�� ������ � '; � 8. �, c- �-i�I�-t�� ��L�.�( �� ���� � 9 ",� ; "°'�-`y'� ii , �r�'1C.,�` ( ����� � � �� � ;� � II . . b n r �i �7. i � � �..��-�' � "�� �,� .� .�b ��✓e S�� �',C�,� �- � � Zo.� ��n� � i���r � � � � , � ��� ���.���,�( �, �a � ! � 11. �� � � �'1 � ���'�"�" �� �a ��a I�►� �� � . $ 12.� � � , + ' ` S7 F'��,e � �'y��� �t�� � `�-�.�[ � �5� �(� �� � f��� f��c1 u .��- : �,,�--- _.. . � � a � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve th� completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury �� Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults vo�ho � wish or need to walk or bike to school,to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities,such as the Northwest 4 Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. Whsle this issue has been to the Council several tirr�es in the last 22 years, the need has grown and is �' even more valid. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. !�� !� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDF�,ESS COMMENT/(�ROUP II 1. r d _.. � i! �� � I" � ��.; ��Z� `(2 �� � � z. � ,� .. � � � 9� � ��� ' ' �� ��� '�� 3. j �. y � � �� ��� ��'� ji 4. I� .� ��r �e�,� �f�.� � � l g ��n����t�1 �1�r " f � � r U �v � '''i 6. � f � J �Z d/�-�`� � r.�-''���...�- `��v� �'" ;�-`�/ c � II' 7. � ;i � ij �� �� ��� C���� ��.����w° �� I� �� : g. �. � � !''� . � ` � �� � � � �- i; 9. � ' 4 � �i r , � `�1��k� ��'f��P ��( ��o . � � � 1 ' F1 � � � � 1 . � � � ,� `��� � C-��� ��� i � � j �� � 12. � v �� ,� ; .� � ��L/ ,�, �� f! � � � i� �, We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu� to approve the completion of aidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would ct�ntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults wha �I wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work ar to area businesses, restaura�ts, entertainm�nt venues and City amenities, s�ch as the Northwest ry Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. Whwle this issue has been to the Co�ncil several times in the tast 2�, years, the neec� has grown and is j even more valic�. With the City's focus an livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete tN�e sidewalks. � R PRINTED NAME SIGNATURiE ADD�ESS COMMENT/(�ROUP !I 1. ��rUCC' �I�� �� G�\ �'�?.�,�,�� �� 2 �93 ��5� waUr� ��' �V�� 4 . ` � 2. ��dc�P�• �u✓'h,L�� !� �w �"� �`1`1 � �'z?l e��s J'��-_ � � 3. .,s-/� ;i �/� �����'rL �c.��! .���� ��C�l�,�►�/�� I . . ;i 4. � � _ �� � �� ;� ��� �� �� �� 5. � � li � ����� ��� � '� �... � 6. � � � ; � f t ���� � � ��� ,, ,� .� ��� � _ � �. � � ( � y� � f�r � �� �I��,-,,�.,, � ,� ���� �_ ��. ' 8. v I/// _ _ � � _ , _ � 9 [/9 � i� ��N J�p Y 9 '�� ���� ���� + b"• • ll' � ���� - If 9. � , � '� _ � I� 10. 4; - ���� ��,��r� �� � 1�. P _' � � �' � �� � � � � .���7 �.���� � 1z. . � � � � 5 �- �� �-���G �3� � ��, �e-�� � �� � `;i „V I II We encourage'the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve th� completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK I�oad from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sid�walks would cGntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who I� wish or need tv walk or bike to school,to work or to area busir�esses, restaurants, entertainm�nt venues and City amenities, sa�ch as the Northwest � Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. Whole this issue has been to the Council several tir�es in the last 2�years,the need has grown and is '� I c��, even more valic�. With the City°s focus on IivabEe and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks: jj � �-� PRINTED NA,ME SIGNATURE ADDF&ESS COMMENT/C�ROUP i; �� 1. :5s� (e�'��-��.-J v.�,�`�.�--- �� � ( � , �, ,� ,� � � ��hu� v� %�I ��oe� ;; � 2. ���v t�. 5 t�-- S-F-� S �, �- �.=I��..�... � � '� � �A.� ��,�� '��6=t� � ��- 5�e�/ `� �l�;����- I, 3. ��'G��' �2.����►c, ' ,w.._ � , �� — ,, ... �7�1 t>vcr'�t1���� - ' � 4. J/ /�l��y � C�s Ga .� �'t��G(,-�/l �(/ �� G�' � �bt � �" � . . �� 5. � �r��v hJc��--��,� ��-� �i �� � `� � ��3� � ��z�� " 6: , L 1��"f �r '�� ��,�� '; �\Ci���i ���,���°� .� � `�� -v j 7. �� �. � � :.� ``� �i� I; , � �`� !; 8. �`� � � � `�^ � — `' � ;� f� 9. ` � ��5� I����-� 9�`�2� ��+� r�1�� �r � �� Zo. , �Co�� C�f���C�G7�' � � �� � , � � �{ � � 1 � � .� �\a� . � 12. � I�.�` ��" `�- . � � � .... � '� We encourage �he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury ;' Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sid�walks would cantribute to the safety and convenience af children and adults who i! wish or need to wall< or bike to school, to work or to area busirpesses, restaurar�ts, entertainm�nt venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Council several tirr�es in the last 22 years, the need has grown and is �, even more valid. With the City"s focus on IivabYe and sustainatale communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. �! PRINTED NAME SIGNATUN2E ADDR�ESS , COMMENT/�;ROUP I� e, 1. � � Q� � � a ��� E�� � � �� � z. , ' `��� (�-�-- �--T 3 3� �� ��� � � �� C� �� � S � � � � �� 3. IJ ,�� � �. �,� 'b � � � � �, S����, � � 4. 4 ; � f' ,�nvw��� �� - �.`� �� L� b � ��. ' 5. J � - ��r�1d � � `� � �'���.� C�,�- � 6. , i! � N �a�� �� � ` �� � . �� � � 7• � ( f � /9/ I / ����- �1 ,�- ���� �L��c���e C� � �� , $. ��`-�� � � q c,,�,.,..� a.� �� `�';�'�-,..c C°� P( � �i � ,i 9. , .3 � .fi"I��-�- C� : � ��, ���.��Z � l� ' � �' 10. ;�' ., f , �, /� " � �� (� ��`a l �.� � �d r� � � � � � � � �� ��� �'1 �� ��c; ,r ���� S`�'�� ��? -�e��� 11. y � , � �,�G� � �� ,�1�� 3�J� ��JI�� �� r� � : 1 � �� � � , � 1z. � I � r-�.d G; I v � � ��� c� ��� C d� L�ar �/�� 1�,�a,� �,;a-r,� .�,,�� � � _. a � � i � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the completion of�idewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would cc�ntribute to the safety and conv�nience of children and adults who ,� wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest � Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Co�ancil several tirroes in the last 2�years, the neecl has grown and is �, even more valic�. With the City's focus on livable and sustaina�ile communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. I� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/C�ROUP 1. m �� �I.� �i���� � ���-' 3��s ���r l�s l�� ������ , 2. � 'i 0 ��,.��.,� � f r j'1 I ��1 —_ eL-�.����ld.'l✓�Y..(�J � � 1���-�--�� _ _ f 3. � v � � ���� � ��� � L�l� ,�t��� ���JI, ,��c. ���� _ � 4. �� ;; �'l Il �` ' ;` � �' �I �, 5. � - s ,, � � �" � � r .� �- � ' � �� � � � � �,� �. � ��� � � `�. � i ��°'�Q � �\�:� � �� �� �� , � �. � , 'I; ��� �L�����.�w le ���;�' � ��� �eaC�a �'��� �n� s. � � � �3 � �a ���--e���.� � i �Q'���'t ���?f e����� � � �� �' � i, 9. l l � ,� � - o � '; !6'@-��,�1 ��(.��� ' � 10. r ��7 ����re� ��. I �i��.. ����� ` ��_ ���- � � 11. r3►� ���, T��� � �4��, Q����. � �, � l�v$ �� ���. 12. �,�"�,'"��-� �i v d C,�...a-�-f� (���'-- ��� �,(S� i 5 � ��-�'v�.� � � �/a- �`�P l�f�.;�..�-L,c..� � � �, � � � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would cantribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who � wish or need to walk or bike to school,to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, s�ch as the Northwest '�? Arterial Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue ha�been to the Council several tirr�es in the last 22 years,the neecl has grown and is '� even more valid. With the City's focus on livable and sustaina��le communities, the time is righit to complete the sidewalks. �,1 PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRES5 COMMENT/GROUP Ij � ��r,,.. S���--�Y-I��� � `�� �� l-������..� s G� �, , 2. . i ���'�— ,�Cr7 . � CL� � . i 3. � � �� .�._.__. , � ��� i �. ��°��.� ��- � ��—� �-%f'c� �r+�..�' c����.[� I i 4. � - I '+ i„����� 4 � � -` ��c�(2.. �r�vtc��Cc�.,-c��.� ' � 5. f� r ! � �e.5 �-e,�"� �C�9� Ci���I k ��c ��' � 6. ''� �, I � I � � � Gylei�� ct�' �(��� �f..b�,� dvw � i 7• I � �.� �`� �t �.' 4Q in'l�a 1!t ,�o�''a l '/t t'�,�[i 1. �o Et ��. �ii " ' �f�T'11 �/o."s�� � �q� " ir� C�rvt ��1 °��' L� ��'.S 5, o�`�r � �I�"' ��� 1 �,�,/J�,, �� __..._ g � /�`,.-�,� I; ����4 ��� � V � . �� �: � � 1 .���"`�.,. � ��� -0� � ���'� ���� �����rj �� 1 �� 11. , , / f , / � ✓l 1,.�/ � T�'� � �I � �J � � �'l�C>� � �� v r 12. , � c �. � � , ��=�� `�� ���.� ���/��r � �� � � � � , i� � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � I Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults v�ho ,a wish or need tc� v�alk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest � Arterial Path ar�d the Dub�que Arboretum. Whwle this issue has been to the Council several tirrtes in the last 22, years, the need has grown and is j even more valid. With the City's focus on livabie and sustainable communities, the time is righwt to complete the sidewalks. � . � PRINTED NA,ME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/CROUP �j 1. '�M���ct r-�� �oZc�� !i �r� -���e✓° �r ii . , . z. � � � ���� �il e � �� _ � ��5 %��f� �-po �, , 3. �_,_.� �j �..�j, f ��f? � ��� 4. ' I�� , ��._.- YrC�, V�'l�'_� � �J��� ���� �.1C1C� �-�. 5. � ....1�ccV1.�'1 �t � ����� �C��GL2J:i�rr� ��` i 6. � ; ��� � �'� �'�"�����-'� ��� s %�s���� �� 7 :���r f�� ��/-� �"/►� ��j � e/ T� '4, `��'�a""` �� �`'� �sGG�c� J.d�',� S N �a I � � Sc.l���� � I ����J ���� c�� !,, �� 9. � j; �� ��� � so. �� u ��� �1 Q ��' � �-�-.� �`� �`� ���lv U v� � 11. ���� �uS��o�� ��� �� � 1z. � � � -��� �.�Se. ��� � �� � � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks would contribut�to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to waik or J bike to schoo�,to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants,e►�tertainrr�sent wenues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and I the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable �ommunities, the time is right to compiete the sidewalks. � � PRINTED NAME SlGNATURE R►uDRESS COMMENT/GROUP � 1. �: C�f f�� ��f ��JG� ��/�C�` � 2. f ;,�, � �� �� �f��c� ����-/ .�� i �� � � �. - � ���j� ��<c.eeN' i `�Jn c. I��- ►� � --7�� !�� -e n,� q- �e��r C.��ss� ; - ��� 5. � ����_ � _ � R���d �{ � � �� � �� � 1 6. � :�; ,,�✓J �,�� �-�/��' . ����, �� � �� C:r„�,� e�� ;i a�� ` � �, � � � ���� ��� 1 � ��:� ��� � � 1� � �a ` .���.� ; 8. ,� � =t� �,,� a 1C, ��,�2 � t ','� 9. v ,� -.�`1°� �l e- ��u �� � �1�� �a��� � � �o. �,, r � °'/ �`' ` '� d � � � ��" ,�'-�2 ;� .,�� �' —�� ,✓��i� ..�i .�--� �Q� � ��..��- r �� � �� 7 11. f a � ., . i /� / . �� g i ��/ [ 12. ? s , � � � � � � � � � , � We encourage the C�ty Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu�,to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury I Road to the No�-thwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and�adults who wish or need to walk or �i bike to school,�ko work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path �nd � the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities, the tirrie is right to complete the sidewalks. ti �i PRINTED NAME , SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/f�ROUP �,,I 1. �� '�..� �-��- �� ���� �� ����� , ��� ��� � � � � � ��@����� ��- �� � �` ii , ���;���_� r��-� __ ��� I ����,�o � � ��� ��� ��- � � �i � ; �, � �� 3.� �,��0 ��������y ��s�� �J�,�L� �°^ ��� ) '' . �, , , ;; , � �i 4. � � � �s� ���l�� (�-� � � � `��-� TI�er n�e T.�e.�,` a C Q� � , '� . �� 5. , � -l/� ��� �I� G1h ti ' �t/ /��� 0?3�� ��Jo`j � �� �i � �� 6. � � � � / � 5�, �-��� ,� �- � I 1 -_-- '4 ��1,.L � �i� r� Q�u�,�1� �� u���/�v�,.C�J %2 S�` �0 Q�vvb� ��i �i� J� � l le �2 �'�'0�'� �� 7. , , � ' ��� � �J� �us� 4 �� �`��� � �� ��'l`� �r'�u��c�,tr� �: , �� v c���, ��`J., ��1 s. � �� � � �. �� �� �� � � 2 ` '� � � �.�� �e � c �� a 9. � /�"�.��i"'�� �?'�'(�-\'`��� Z1�� �t,.C�� �v� L� ,i � 10. � � �',cx1U-�tl�n� `�-3 �= ' ���e �� �1�7_�' �t ��. �l.-t � p ��� �-�CZ-� $�c�� . W���i�VL ,� �� �� 13:� , e g � � , -I C�'t�S �� �i�1 � `�`P-�c� o `�.v�t�'sf-� � a „�- � �Z G1 (� � �� , �I��f�_ 41°7 �S�j r i t c� �� �CC�r � T� ���5-� �� � l�t l� � � �� � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the Gty of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or � bike to �chool,to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arteria( path and � the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus mn iivable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sid�walks. � PRINTED NAME SfGNATURE ADDfdESS COMMENTfGROUP � 1. . � s � � � ��y ��3�C> �' .(.������e�1 � ��� ,���' � �z � ..ti`'��:�%��� ,�� � �fi� �.S"'�a,� �1 2. f°:� � i -� �" � � /��G� `� � ;o� � C � c� !� 9 .�°'---L � � e' � � �` _ �. � i; ���� �����s�. ��� ��.� ���� ���-��,� � �z� � � �.. �� �I �� L t3� ��2�-�- J 37 a S C�r.,�r� �) 5. �� ��t t,` li; `y��� � l ��J -� :.� ���� '�� � 6. ;i �`�'� �'c��ur�v,�a.,.-, �.�`��e1��� �`��v �cl�c�tcc/�.. � ��� � � 7. e �. l�c�� d°vt.�e-� �� �c�<<�' (' ���p-�` � 8 • ' . � �; � � � �-.� �" .�.� t 3� � u,�=��r���1 � � � �� t � • � s �V� 1 � 11 ��1 �, � s� 7 �v� � S��- �� � n 10. �-�c�-��/�, �fe'.��z,. ,t�./3 � •C. �-i0;n ���1� �` ' " - 7�',�.�2�.,-�'�,.' � � 11. � c� �� r1/��.r � ,`� �� ,�l�';�_ : - � �'c� , 12. � �s`"r�� �"��. 1`�����s� �����;s�.°m'.'.�" /o� �'•'� �a� f �� ��l�.3' _C,�' � � � , 'i We encourage the City Counci) and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury I Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks wouid contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or ; bike to schoc�{,to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and Cit�r amenities, such as the Northwest Arteria4 Path and �1 'i the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's facus on livable and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the side�rvalks. h� PRINTED NAIi/IE SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP i 1. '� ���'�'� �' � �� ' �� � � `�- �3(�S"I� ��scar,� �� �' S o� '� 2.��1'le. 1�1�-�e— � �--� �S C� G�r n �,��� . 'i �� / s l o� �, � 3. � � e � � //�� /� �J%) �..:�� I��/Y��c9 1�...� / '�" � ��. �,c�''L�-�---� �� � �� i 4. `� i II at_c�_L��,( ������,.�,��� ��; ° l�;� �c [I.��� S�� � �. � .�� �'� � �7%�-��� s ��' , / � ��� f - 6. a� ��een VI/��ch-�-as a�°�`�✓'�P,�-�� 3 31�� L� ��.r,aa. 'i 7. ,. � �) � , ���,.� ,� I�o �.r v�v��. .- ����� � � ,� 3G 9 � �, 5�aaoa � � � S. (N�,a r� �-d� 2�2,�•. � �� '. n �-�-.ti 3 3l�9 5 o a 'N 9. � �� ; '���,�-y �`n���� `�`�' 3� 7� �S�.��� �;� 10. � ,�,g-t4, �/� � � � S'G��ll (,JC����-� � �� f.(.�� ��,��-�-��--� .��l�' � �'��� ��'- � � � ��6�- � 11e 3�{��( /�s. � �-- !�� ��1 � � G �✓ � s� a 12. __.---- \ � ���, � ���� � t� 3� �r,�.�-,,� c�-, � � � �k '� � We encourage �he City Council and Staff of the Lity of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Rr�ad from Asbury �l I Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish oc need to walk or � bilce to school, to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path �nd '� the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable comrnunities, the time is right to compl'ete the sidewalks. '� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/C;ROUP �? . . „ 1� 1j ' ]� , , ` 2�i '�,/�2 C-�"- { IV� V ':I � � [X� � S��e�U-Z,, j 1�5� � c�u �n,. ; ; , . �,�'n ��-<JC..�� �o� v� ,- ��d� I 3. `' ��-�- ��K�� ���.c�.. � �l � Gue,o���`� �- ; 4. ��SC� f� c��ic � ( � ; , � � ,�`�c�a''�'� � ��'' , �' ��_-.. ' � ,,- �' ��. 5. � � � � p .��'�11"l �.� [s � � � �,:� �� 7�r� s� � ��. � a� � � s�t �� ��c� � 6. Ia �� _ i _°�' ��- (�l��� f� �2� � ��• ��a `� 7. - ��'�� Ili � ��`� c� � � �, ; s. �, t�, � �� � � �� �,=�,.;�� �,� `�c,�'? ( �1������S�-rC�l��l��i�(( 9. _ _ _ _ `' dn � � �� �.f����.�.-�t�,� �-��� PC���.�.L-�. �-�� � � � �� v�.����J���� �� . � 10 � . yl �D�°I �� c[ i�'3� sc t e� � �I � 11. ,�1 �� � ����\ 1��u In��• ' ; � 1�� ��.i��--� c��� � � 12. ' + � �ie '� �� ,�� � � �� �' .(�(, � , . � � � � � �� We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury j; Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks wou(d cantribute to the safE�ty and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or ��� I; bike to schoot,ta work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arter6al Path and ;; the Dubuque Arboretum.With the City's focus on livabfe and sustainable cc►mmunities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. �" ji PRINTED NAME SiGNATURE ADDRESS COIi�/LMENT/GROUP �� 1. l�l��tv�n� �11 �o� r� ��1`� � /�"��°�e� � ; � _`�---�.- 2. � ( I'� p n � � �� l� � !1 � � �� r ` ��'�` �� llfs�l�� ��r � �;`�(�,�,`�`�� t�t�� �SZ4`;�..�j(ti�.v'�Csy1 ��C� F, _.._ _ 3. e ;i �'� �/1 � ��1.�1�v � t� 1`��t�! �ta��..�c.s�� ��. ii; i �. C.�� "1 � ^ � '��CC-P �r�(..�o -P .� 5. 7��,.` �,��„�.�,�- j,� � � � o�,.}� �'���,.,� 6. � � P ,�r i_�� ��� �,�� ���� �G�- �. �� � � : ��, 7. .e..,�..� G� � � �L�c L ��Eev- �;�iZ�te�l l �� ��—��� �/�—.._.-- �9�� �,/�^�."� � , � �. �'� K,�.�..- �i �Q:� - � ��5 �° �f-, ` ,,,�11 ° ✓l✓i�2... / , ^ �21a� �.� �' 9, p i��'' � II ...Sv� t � /���°'`��� ,�,y��?�` � �� l��- �(�( C.,$ � �� ., ,, 10. ji �j���r�., � �v� c���,� �--..�� ��... � .�u�l d��=�� �'�;� �°�y h � 4 11m �%i �:...-� �� r � � � ���� � ; ` � ���� ��; �� �tbd ����� ���'S �� i� 12. , � ` ,� l � ���«��- =�:1�� ���� �u n �GQ * � � � i� � � I�� % We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch af JFK Road from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or III bike to school,to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest#�rteria! Path and II the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's foeus on livable and sus�tainab(e communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. PRINTED NAME SIGN TURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP ,� 1.��%,..�- �/� �zf�-� ���� ��`I"I��/n� 2. ^ �,-,._.,��i ��,. i /�.�C�IC� l��G-�''�r<vr�u- � �"�.�� �"� � 3 ���� �e-��e _ `� ���2 ���ec� t � � 4. � �. � U 1 I �I�� (��.� a�� �A n �,�; c�- �� r � � ��� ,�c� �� �e�- -� � .�.� � ��, , 6, — �, , � � I� � ���-�-, � ��,.. �� �� 7. _ ����� �� ,,�� L� ,� i - � �-e �,� �� �� �>� � i� 8. � � � �� �o� � ►�s�u S �j�;��,��,�.�.. ��3�a ���i�e��,�v a/�a�4 �� '� ��� ����y�r������ �3� .�� I,� �,��b� � ���. ,; 1 '� ���,��- e,� �� ���'� ��� !�;� C� �c� ���. �- s��e c��) �s' ;�� � � �.�.. ; ���� ;� -�-.�-' � �r� , � , I � _ ��-- �'�� z�. � � h � � � � � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the comp(etion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury �, i Road to the"Northwest Arterial Path.Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or ;; bike to school,to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and Cityr amenities, such as the Northwest Arteria! Path and ;� the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on iivable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewalks. I� PRiI�TED NAME SIGI�ATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP � 1. � /�ll3�/ « �'�����- e2cd ''I (�G�,y�C�, �i 2,S c� V t�-�w�-u-e- ,Z�- S Zf�2, �� !i 2. � !' �a��ira .�G v��.�- ��r� a77 U /Ylus �a� �'� � �' � � fl, saaoc I 3. ' �/ . . ,3�i7 ��� ��� 1 V�.�� �..�iLu �azv�.S Zo a3 4` ��.� � �`� � ��1 �.o�n r�A��� � �� ��'�� ��`° � l���i� 1�, ,- �'�-- , I �� . 6. �� � � � i,����c � � ���/�� ` ` � � .�" ���� � -��-�' .���' � ���"���a�a � . �I �-�cs �ls� „ �. � ,� ,�, l�r�`T�� � ��-� � � � �c.f�-- l,�- �Q�Z �; 8• .w f,.----� � 3��� �i �i , ��� � �f� s. �, �- , � �'�� 9 �� ,��-� , ', ����;� v�/� �� �i L.��,�'sc,a ,.� ����" '! 10. .� �.�' r,,, e; : br =-'� � � f� � � � 7� ��� ' 'I :.-� �,., : �� � � �� �.���,, �� � �� ,� �� ... �: II � _r ��,,r, ��, r�.����� n .,-----. � . � , � 11.�.� .� . � % � � I,� , �'"`� �,. ! J ' ,./, /, / �"�' � �f `�� �t. y� '�' -(,R -2�, �C�` '� � � � 12. �' ` �,�'����c,jG,� �, 3���llL�° � '� � � ;� � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuquc to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would ccantribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who � ,1 wish or need to walk or bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Nortl��west y Arteria) Path and the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue haJ been to the Council several tirr�es in the last 22 years, the neecl has grown and is !; even more valicV. With the City"s focus on livable and sustainah�le communities, the time is right to complete tN�ie sidewalks. 'a PRINTED NAME SIGNATUk�E ADDRESS COMMENT/rROUP ; 1. ���c�hawr� P��c�►°�� �� � � a �i �r � � �c�� � ��85 5 ro UG . u �. �r � � � . ��� b0� .. � z. � �� S�-� Ko�ire�., �S�re� UG�I�u,, �1�. �rl����s �1.��r� � �'�; r 3. a # {� � kw � '4 � <�� y � � �ti,w �,x v .�-e"'6�i s��� �f �' � ,Y,"�N I� �� � , 4.,a..:�r�s� ."�"� �'•"�b ,,,..w,�•� s .:k`� � �� `' �'���.�,� ��� ��a��.� _. ,,.se , � " .m�J � t E.� � � ..,.., ..�_ .�. . ..,:.,. ..� .� ,. � . �� �� � �� ',.. � °$�4,�',• , , . ��� . ���:���� � ��� � � � � : � I'I 4. , � i : ` � � � . �ii��— I 5. � � P � ���I/ S ile ���� J�(` ��i��'t �i Se rti�L n�-t-�V �-��✓� I'; 6. �( ���. VS/�� , �c�-��� ��resnt� � � � �. h � v � ° � � � � �,f1 �u sS �Irrv-wwc,voo� �n �'`5�d^c� �; ; � � 8. ;� c � q °(4 ,,. 9 '� �� � � b ,� i' 9. -� � '� p � � n I � � G� c,��9 �; � - _,/� �O c�J� � 10. ��c� � � 11. � � 3I�S S � V� P. � c� 12. � s % ' � ,���d .������� ��� � ���1� �,�s �;�—� (� �� �,' � � � � � I l We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road from Asbury 'i Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who wish or need to walk or � bike to school, to work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and � the Dubuque Arboretum. With the City's focus on livable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewalks. ,� PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/GROUP � ,i 1. �,u-S�c��E�� �„���«u� 3HDo +k�s�.;Lc �.�cti j � �u3u�t��;� �G2�o'z- li i 2. . 3��in ��a�7r�c� ��-e�° Carr�2 ���-� �� �-e-� ��� Y�� a� .� �i 20 ,�3�D (���c�.`�Ct�� L-�� � 3. !i ��,� ���. ` 1��� u� �� ���� �a. 4. ��.� �� (' �<< j,� ��--,�-.� '! � � l�`l� �I ��,, ¢� ✓`''1 �� i ��•-'�S �"'"��..�--�s ��,.� 1� r � �:. �'�v� i -`. �;j 5. : ` ��`�3��cr,�,%T�� L-��� ' C�.�` Ql��'�l�S ,� ��` �` �, ' ; ��� � ,° ` �' �° � 1�� r,c� /�1 �at� � , ; �' �? 6. ,�-: �� �� �,'� ` '3�q� ��.� '��� �-� � � 1 � �va � ��� '� � 7. a ; , `�lo' ��c�� '�"f�� l.� 1 gr�1 ����� � 1 11 1✓ �� < , � -� (� t.� � '� tx7�- � 8. �1 . �1� �`� ����-� �'�--�"-�,�`--��~'_ �r, 'I' ( � '�_ 1,.�.1� �./ �ft�,4_s�t� �J� � �/ � t`�,.��� '� � ���� �� ������ q 9. � d � � � ��°���, � � ��� +_�� � � L � � � �4.4�4A. �.,� �.QW ' cJ L��9. � � i i 10. _n ���' �G°�1��1 �. � �� � :�li�' �iV�l,�'`� ) )� �� �, a 11. �-�. r�-�'�B -'" °.�:� �-._.__ —�^--_ �-�~ � ��� ��e c�a �'!�t?.,'@ .�,� � ,� ,��� �—,..s � ��. ���G� � ��� � 12. �.. ���f�� ?-�( ��.�,1� ��� (r,✓1 � __. _ .�J�,b �uc' ' ✓, I �3� �'����n �l'�� �� ��� �i �u�. �V��jLI L s (� ��'t�" 2(�3�( �rass� 'p� . I��� �o,�`,�f �-auu �� �..�„_. ___ <<n ,���,�, � �� \ We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the comp{etion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK Road frvm Asbu i� � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path.Sictewaiks would cantribute to the safety and canvenience of chiidren and adults wha wish or need to waik or ;� bike to school,to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants,entertainment venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path and � the Dubuque Arboretum.UUith the City's focus on iivable and sustainable communities,the time is right to complete the sidewa{ks. � PRtNTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDR�SS COMMENT/GROUP '� , 1. ��, c�cQ �C'�5 ���� �,. `.�.~�, ���` .�1cf,�� s�, �r��. ::��0' I ��..�-�,� � . 1�L���� °��ac :��y' .�~��c> i ;I 2. - �� � - � - . � ii . _ ,� I , , . � _ . . ` .�_ ,:° ,-�: �a�. __ � - �� ° . ; , . . , . .....,. �. , 6 . . � , . � , : ,. '�. ' .l_ r� ,+� , i ,i - _ . � . �.� / I . �_. , ' _�Q _._ _ _ _ __ '�„�,�:� d_��'r (�u ��_ �_ __. _ __ _ _ 3, �vr�/��r� ��� � �`�y.lv'"" ,,,,."_"'__---- �N- .��- � �'a� i ; � 9 4. �1 � 3 �{ a o ��,�� —' ; �� l��� � � ; :�, � _-- — -�'l: - ..�, �c.�- , � —�`?��> . 5. � � ��,��`i, , � � �;�������� > �v�.--a��� 6. � ,'�3 l, �'.�i� l�'� ,��° !i �� �/ � � r %' ` �� � �� �..�� li 7. � a� �`� �,�,�e ��' ; �,�� 2c, , (��� �,�� ����" �v� �� �� 6C�/ � 'I $. `" � � � � �� L��'�� ���� ���������� ' � [.,����1� � �- S�� � v ,I I�� 3 O �t � G� � a ,, so. �,�n �q�C!,�G�� P��`� .po��r�!�r ;� d I � 11. ` - 9 �l G��� �� �` ` 3��� �� � u� � { 12. \ � � . , ��`�� �,�� j v�J i��F � ��L�� � �� ��� � r��� ° � � . � � , I �� � 19Ve e�c�ura�e th��i�y C�ua�ei� �r�d Staff of�h� �ity��Dubu�u��o r�qu�r�th� c�r��leti�n of sid��noalks on th�stretch �f JFIC R��d fr�r�A� �ry i ���d to the Norti�vvest�rt���f P�th.5�d�+��lks e�aia9d contribut�to th�saf�t�p ar�d conver�ien�e �f�hi�dren and �d�l�s onoh��os� or��ed��wa9�o�, k�mk�t�s�hoc��,t�uw�rk�r��vis�t ar�a bcason�ss��, r��tauran�s, ��1t�CX�tPlQll�tl$VEIl�1�5�Cl�CI�f�!'tll@tll'$l�9, suc8� �s�t�a�I���hw�st Acterial P�th ��� �he ��buq�e Ar��retuu�. With the�ity`s f�cug on 9ivab��and s�as�ain��9� c�r�rr�un�t�es,the tirn� �s��ht�o cor�pl�t�the s6d��a�ks. ��m��E� �v�n�� sA�n���u�� ' ���R�ss �� ���/��ouw �o � � S rav �� '�i �. s � �... � �,, �� � �� �.�U�.��k�,� ' ` � ; _. � _��ri . �f�ay __ I 6 . _ _.. . _ . . _ _ __ _ ...__ . ... __.. _ _ ..__.. . . i _ _ . _ . �. ---�--�--� ��� °�����-----�� ,� ! � .�l���D � d r'�'V 7 ;r� �'�-r��a �c�J .�l�f�� :r-� ' �'D _�, 5. � w �� A � r � � � �iy� � � � �� � ' l�� /���� �. �!3 � � G,�i� �a `o _ R-�� �, �� �. ' ��' /� �� , /��;�� 3�3io ,��,,<.� �; ��' ' ia �a �o n ►�1.a ,�3ct K �,.-o� � _ ' oC�c�-�_ ,�-w.��,�,.., �3.� �, [9 G•t..,�;� ; 9m . � o�i � ��� L � `��� � � �� �.o. U� �� ��;-�� �c`)�L, " �--� `�v`j SC� 0 �� ��. . U � � �2a2 L �a/�� �/ " �� s a� ���=11j 1�� ; ,� � � '' � � �- � U� � � � �� � � � � ��� �c �- �(,�...�� � 1��...a ���� �I �,. � � � � 1 J � � We encourage the City Council and Staff of the City o#Dubuque to approve the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK ftoad fr sbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidewalks would cQntribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults vvho wish or need ta walk Qr bike to school, to work or to area businesses, restaura�ts, entertainm��nt venues and City amenities,such as the Northwest � Arterial Path arid the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue has been to the Council several tirraes in the last 22 years,the need has grown and is � even more valid. 1Nith the City`s focus on livabVe and sustainakale communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. '� PRINTED NAME 51GNATUR�E ADDF�E55 COMMENT��;ROUP � �.. 1. ��, 1 �� � �J 'u ��ff" t�►v ���� � C �-r l.�C-cG (��C� �; �, 2. ` . . �i�( � �°t�'�Gi �i � � '��U6� �j/�� �` e' �� � ��-�� �� �, c� - �� � N .� � � 3. ������ �3� �'lr����� � � c�S ���� '��� �� � '�� ���� �.� ��,�c.� T C ,l �i� �� � ��' � 5. � _ �`� li �� "�'"� d��'i`� ;���'"r'�Cf� �f �y� �°C... ij 6. ' f /�-- � �� f� 7 li '�J �' � �` ��:�"�.��," � `��-�l� °'--� ��� .�,�, � �� u �. � s i C S� r� � � ���� Yo��vU� L� . �c� � ' �5 �' s. � `�` � � 1J 0 �, o� ���� 9. � �` li _ � __ � . :� � � � . .� i 10. � � � � r � _ �� �- � � ,, 11. � _ �� � - Z��e�. ��-� � 12. �� � � /d � � � We encourage�he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu�to approve the completion of sidewalks on th� stretch of JFK �ioa from Asbury �„ Road to the No�thwest Arterial Path. We believe that these sidPwalks would contribute to the safety and conv�nience of children and adults who �`� ; wish or need t� walk or bil<e to school, to work or to area businesses, restaurants, entertainm�nt venues and City amenities, such as the Northwest ,i Arterial Path ar�d the Dubuque Arboretum. Whwle this issue ha� been to the Council several tirrves in the last 22 years, the need has grown and is � even more valid. With the City°s focus on livab�e and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. ',' . il PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDF�ESS COMMENT/(��ROUP Ii . �� 1. �to b°� ��c.:�v� `�c �' ���"�c:�� `�-ra��°' 'YYl p `1-.�.�c.Tz.�.=�.. ; � .i{� 5 Z,ta�l 2. ��5� ��l ��o�t� �, ��1� �1� �' � � �� � �� �,� ,� �> 3. ��� `� t � �� ���� Je�� � �� � ����� � :�fl ����� ��, 4. � � ' �l �� �L��r� � � s. `��u� � c.�����' ; e �, ��� '! �1v� C� ' —�^' � i; 6. � d� � �,,,� � � �- ;�; : ,; r.� � � ��-- i� 7. � ����� �,e �ct�r� �c��;� �8z�2 (��r�� � !i � ;; 8. � ,� ����- �, � ��° �°'� �� ,i �� °��-� 1�� (,�;���n Y��� � ti �. . g 9. l.�� �rA�-��'� �i0� �. � e , ' '' ��� � � � 10. , � d � ° f Z f 7 /M°f ��� � � ��� � � � �� �� � 11. � � � 12. � � � 5 g � � We encourage�:he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuque to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK R�ad from As �� Road to the No�°thwest Arterial Path. Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children an� adults who wi>h or need to walk or I, bike to school,to work or to visit area business�s, restaurants, entertainment wenues and City amenities, such as the Northw�st Arterial Path and j the Dubuque Arboretum. With th� City's focus on livabl� and sustainable communities, the time is right to complete the sidewalks. 1 PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDRESS COMMENT/CROUP �V � 1 c�.e ���,�-N�t -- � �� '�J G � �I . ��� �. � . � a �� o�� al����,� � - � � �� �°�„�-�,,,��' �� � ,� 3. � J�o?�eo �rro c�u�aD 'i l�a r� � �a��1 el r �u ����� d � i 5ao0 'i! 4. � J /'=�'� �4�'G"��tJ '! � ��`�� �/��',� �/ ' �' ��� -�-�` � �,. 5.�� �l �- r I�e L� �� �c�►� � ���.�.� � � � - N�a �e �� � 6. � ,.� �F � � � D � �� � �*' � 7. � _r � � � �� L�� ���� �—��� ��c1� �. 8. � �. �� � 10. f� i�. ! 11. '�� � 12. �% � � � � , . ..�"'°'� � i;li � I�`� We encourage�he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuquk� to require the completion of sidewalks on the stretch of JFK R�ad from Asbur is Road to the Nou°thwest Arterial Path, Sidewalks would contribute to the safety and convenience of children an�d adults who wish or need to walk or � bike to school, �:o work or to visit area businesses, restaurants, entertainment�renues and City amenities, such as the Northwest Arterial Path �nd � ; the Dubuque A�bc�retum. With the City's focus on livable and si,�stainabfe comrnunities, the tin•�e is right to cor-�plete the sidewalks. I� li , PRINTED NAME SIGNATURE ADDF�ESS COMMENT/(;ROUP 1. (' �_ � � ��.�`_���[..�J� �a �� I 2. ,, �I e���'� ��� ,�t' �---' ^ �/,Jl� � GeC�iGc �s y'e� �'_ ( �S� � i � �� 3. �..�,,,,e�� � � C�. � / 1 ;� ��� �,,' > �> �'PG7( � ! �"i'= �e�'C �'d�T I 4. f � � ��� i / �I � ,� ��` � / ���� 1::��-� C,d�, �� �� C�, � . ����c� � � � . � s. ..�� �m� ���� ��� �� ��� �:�� �;�.�-�-�-�.-�- � ' ,� ( �,��=- ����� . �, 6. � � � �I 7. a 'i ,i � 8. i 9. . . I��1 ; 10. � 11. � 12. � � ; � � ' � � � � li� We encourage �he City Council and Staff of the City of Dubuqu�to approve thE= completion of,idewalks on th�stretch of JFK l�oad from Asbury � Road to the Northwest Arterial Path. We belie�re that these sidewalks would ccantribute to the safety and convenience of children and adults who j � wish or need tc� walk or bi1<e to school, to work or to area busir7esses, restaura��its, entertainm�nt venues and �ity amenities, s,uch as the Northwest I� Arterial Path arrd the Dubuque Arboretum. While this issue ha� been to the Council several times in the last 2�years, the neec� has grown and is � even more valici. With the City's focus on livable and sustainakNle communities, the time is righat to complete tl7e sidewalks. � r PRINTED NAME SIGNATU�E ADDF�ESS COMMENT/(�ROUP 1. , ', ►����. � �� � � � :� �� ���� ���-����� � o �� . ,, 2. - �..�.��.�._�.M���...,�...�tiy.�.. .��.�.�..���..�.�,.�.�._.�.�.�,�.� �.��..�w.��.�.�_ ; 3. � a ' �� �t �/� �� �`�( /��� � � 4. _���%����..�.',�,.�-�` — . ��� �� �; I � ,�.��'�,��, . �,� 5" J� ��� ������� ��� � �.� � �- �r�� � � 6. � _ ; �, � 7. , i ;� ,I; 8. �! � r . G 9. � . . � 10. '� Ii �� 11. � � a 12. � , i � � � u�,rr �,� � John E Kennedy Road - Sidewalk Location � oaGls= DELMONACOpq � � .I � OGLEST � �+ � p � �' `I�Gt o P�P��NI 2P � -. s c � �P� �,pE � 5� z o � . p �pl��a DOVEST y . 9 I - Q ' y,m ,�l F � e� -g . � . �t � �.� Q Y � � _ � _ ,0� � OWENCI ,. P � - � .. - � � � � , - _ - •�/�. � :/ `_�'�---�� .., _.__.�—�--�Q JOHNFI�NNEDYRO �.�-:G'� . _..� _. � . . - � , . Y < � , E . � o I . ' Q . . : � � . poxwQal GOROONON Y - ' ' - 0 , - � . ROSEWOOODft ¢ N��� A C p _ �S p K � � O W O � Q O �y � OP CRISSYDR A P. L f� � � C ti G T/tYGG OR , GLENVIFWCIR µr��pERNEt=� 1 ' _. RU I 1 �� MARTINOR � ' � • . 1 _ —__ __ . _ __ - __ • n�.i��. !r. �i sioi,� .�.�. . �� ' .... inn 2 n�rw ����,a A .aN L I . alhNnnpJ�K �__ " '� F i_�buy i, kAlun�! 1fK �, �U� John F. Kennedy Road - Sidewalk Location DAGIS � ,�� , ' : � , �e v' � � eq 2 ! � � " R��Yy u r � m - �, . � � � o -.. ., l, � `'/�- .- z ; '�'' '' � - —1 . } W . ��y ' A �; , ; � � , ASHLEY LN ' �t�` �. m , n @ C s rt-� ' ��'-p'F'G ,� ,_ � � �� , � �_� � � � � ti..� .-� - - ,� � _ Z� y f. Z .._ , � � Y �� ��• 1 ,D � ��� � ASHLEYLN A�� �a � i ' � ` � � } .� .� '� � . � ` � - m� 05,� . �r. ,�� � r u ._.�� _ , o '� , Rp 3tid ,� ,M _ ' 9� \ �, ��1 ^� � K�NNEp� � ,� . HIBISCUS LN o � o� �.... � .,,�x �oNN F _ �A ,� . i , . i � �o :� 7 C. � ` •y • �� � � . �� � I � Q �_ � 1 y '� �� _ r� G " �l, _ 'p� a , , . . c s � _ � ` ^' , G �y r • J �- " :—� y •�I �., � /� .'�� O ?i J� � �� � � N O . i�. � ,.�r_ � � `/ � N . ' � . ARBORE7UM m A ,� ARBORETUM DR OR A � ,�„ . :•��.+� . ! , .�"� ' ARBORETUM DR _ 0 '1 1 - , �' � �1 " SheeL11" x17" � � ,1U10T1'3f15�IfSYOpS nrpv��a.m,r: 1 inch = 250 feet c,v i o �, q,� tn�z — Area Without SidewalkAlon JFK E 9 `' s°" ° 9 sowasi,a�ns�. a: 250 125 0 2W Feet P o e�(663)58952�0�1 . _ = m — Existing Sidewalk Along JFK Fe.,�ssa�seadios \ ! � 18� 't�- ! �I 7 �� QiFY' i;EL�RTE3 3� � Thicr.w�th-7'n oEe:i, al[er, estend, in:,en, esEabti�h s:�H,�,. 2nd tiacaca ar.d [o grde, P;.re und ot�eru,'ise im,r.rove, auo. .�a � s�i.."., cbsm �r�! kaet�, in reFeir �he :ideuaike. st.ze:;. .!�zrs hh;vcz:. daci:s, I:u:ungs, an1 cusr pcS:ic �L-rou;:cs' cf sail ci.v. I' �urteenth—To esu6lis}�, e:ac, ,^.nd keea ic repai:, pNo^a hridys-, culvtrts ar.d ->t�vers, an� rer,il-�o the cse u: tht �a s<�+�� �Rn:e; t� �:abli>(i, ai[cr a^d chan�e the chaenel ur w2tzr muae;.^nd b� n�ili u:em cp z:d ccce; ti:a��ose:. I Fi^rrn;t—Tn rrec: r:.arktr i:nuse;, e?nhii;n r..arkct ons... pl.tces, zed pr.cide ia: tlic r�Iseion and �e;e::.:rie::t � t!:e:eo i. Cisree::.`:—Ta p:c�i�'e fcr at] r.ee�%i:l huridir.S ie; rao�„ I the use �,.r tee d^:, anQ icr e:�losiny. irp�-iag an1 p:� amw�on �[ �g il },. �hc ..�. 6e�or �.; Po b� utr � S���e t e � '- 7� r i�1'.�� .� tt ot c 1 an�t '. ��p,,,,, �'ibl�cl n � � - 6.. [hent �r ��ra:t �_ �lrg,.7a�� rhe ta[br.:a;; :::ci:r.agt and n:unr.:;; o[ 2Ii bcar, e:;c: ra:[s withia thz ci��. Ei�Lc:ecti:'I'oGctr,se,tacer.dreZula?aaeaioeeecs, �,�,p,r, ptddler and tr:we:.n� aterChf�vs. ;�rxerg mercnnet. ro- d��� � tsi(ccs. !i,�fe: kea;,e:;. sc± karpe:s oi li��ery-�ta�.;l�=, of eac- . �-g}:<,i_se,, cea:uicr hecs:,.=:doc:ns zr.d piace>of zmuse- me,t.aad 6::.k_rs, d��ers ia c:or,e^. a-::raa,, r.o[es znd ,.�_ reeide;:c:3 ei inde6Czdr.e�:,2nil w_;:'c:of s!l kL�ds. cr '�'inzc;es�h-5'c lic�;e. c;s ana re-�:;=tb I:aclacy� ama,,..,- enf:ia:e�� urn;hn;t,. aagon. cart�, d;nyc. aaS a�t e^t:e: Veh"�� vehia,e_. z1d porter, nr.d fi.e tFe rates to t:� chaiged tec the c_r;in�e of �e,r,ns, nnd £or th� wagena,a,a, anr[age, dnyaK: cr porCera�e ni prope,rry. � T�crr.,iech—io lieecse, tas, rta i;a:a ar.0 suppres� d�:eatrica' nnd e9;e: esSihitions. s;.��.cs a:d a=:-ust�nzct_, i�°•'•'- ant:6iCiarct InF(es,ttn pin alle}3.�zd b�,cpF�asi guvb(L7� ��U'�• '. lioiu�.. and Uawd� hos�s, nc�.d I:.r.ses ot p;cs:i'u:ica; '. al;e to ta� a=d dest�v dr,g�, t� a�-i:;ate ttie �e;inh`a ar.d meusurz> tb 6e i�;:d in s�id ci;r; Eu pro�:de tor tl'.e io- . ' sptc�inr.2r.3 iaeasuri::,oi�.coed. Lcrt:be:�nv oiI>.and ior � � t6e inspec:,on acd uti,hicq e[ mal aml ha.: and to pro- � vide ior and ra�tilate tlie io;peeUien nf beef, �rk, f1o�r, bu[irr, Ivd und aiher oraci=i�:n,.. and ;u ;e,ulata rl:e � � re��dagoi iaea:. punttq�. eeg�:abic;and eeher prcvision.. � I � 4nF �HAPTER V� , �1�, rg �s Streets and Sidewalks Ordi�ance No . 47, oe ine „egi;ge„�e o[ n��,sett o� n�s ert,pwyees � M Ocd[navice ftelati�g to Building o( Permanent while constructing said walk and that he will keep I and Temporary Sidewalks, und Providing for the �he walk in good and perfect repair for the time Repair oF the same. stated in the plans a�d specifications and shall be Be it Ordained by the Gity Council oF the CiTy ot forb1e �dam�a e�loes and extense Paused b holder Dubu d°Y g P y rea- que: son oF his failure to build suc6 walk a¢ordmg to SHALL HE HUILT TO GRADE. Section L That specifications, and for any breach oE the bond. permanent sidewalks hereafter built or laid on any One ot the <onditions of the bond shall be that snreet, shall not be laid until the body oF the same the Engineer's decision that the walk needs repair sha11 have been graded, so that when compiete such shall be final. No bond sha11 be good for a longer sidewalk shall be atthe established grade, and all period than one year. sidewaLks, unless otheawise ordered, shall be per- � anent sidewalks and sha11 6e ronstru<ted of ce- INSPECTION OF SIDE WALKS. Section 6. A33 en� or arti[icat stone, as piovided in the plans Pe+manent sidewatks built shall be subject at all nd soecifications (or permanent sidewalks pre- tlmes to inspection and contzol by the CiTy and pared by ohe Engineer and approved by the Gouncil. shall be approved by the £ngineer and Street Com- ' r before the p¢rson or (irm doing the DUTY OF ENGWEER. Section 2. lt shaLL be worklshall be entitted to demand or r¢ceive pay the duty of the Engineer, upon the taking e[fect of � Erom the properTy owner for b�ilding the same, this ordinance, to submit plans and specifications and the Engineer aad Street Commissioner must for permanent and temporary sidewatks to the report to the Council on every permanent sidewalk Cowcil, and the Comcil, upon making such changes built by pr3vate contractor, or by the City contrac- s tLey deem advisable, shall approve the same tor. The contractor buildin walk under and such plans and specificatioas so � g a pr�vate � sha11 canstitute [he lans a�d approved ontract shall report its completion to the Street p specifications [or Gommissioner. permane�t and temporary sidewalks and shall con- tinue in force wvil changed by the Council. The Gouncil may order any sidewalk which is I OWNER MAY CONSTRUGT. Section 3. My taken up anddrepla<dhand the personsor firmabnild- property owner may build a permanent sidewalk in ing the sam shall be liabte on their bond for fail- front of or along his property at any time at his ure w to doewithin the time 'Eied. The Goun- n expense, by se uring a permit as hereafter cil or the Ma speu provided, but such sidewalks shall co�orm strictly notice. Yor may revoke ny pezmit without_ to this ordinance and the pLans and speciftcations then in force, and no permanent sidewalk shall be SIDEWALK CEATIFICATES AND ASSESSMENTS. I built by any p¢rson without securing the permit Section 9. Permanent sidewalk certificates may therefor, and whoever shaLL builtl or undervake to be is ued in the same manner and to the s ef- build, or have any person build for him any perma- tect as street improvement and sewer certiLicates + nent sidewalk, without having Eirst secured a per- Provided for in Chapter 8 of Tifle V of the Code and �II mit therefor, shatl be guilTy of a misdeameanor, the owner oF any lot or parcel of land against which 1i but no permit sfiall extend for more than fifteen an assessment [or permanent sidewalks is made, (� (IS) days. may at the time of making said special assessment � take advantage ofthe provisions ot Sections ]9h to COUNCIL MAY ORDER. Section 4. The Gouncit, 79ID inclus3ve of the Supplement of 190] [a the Gode by the adoption oE a resolution, may order the con- oE lowa, which assessments shalt bear interest at svruction, remnstruction and repair of permanent the rate ot 6 per cent per a sidewalks upon any street, highway, avenue, public +�um. I round, wharf oz landing. When sidewalks are or- OBSECTIONS TO CQST. Section B. All objec- dered mnstructed, recovstructed or repaired a tions to the assessment of cost of construction of 1 contiract therefore sha1l be entered into by the City Peimanent sidewalks, against the lots or parcels and the work shall be done according to general of land in Eront of which the same are constructed I. ptms and speciEi<ations prepared therefor. After and all objections to the prior proceedings, on ao the rontract has 6een completed the wst sha11 be <owt of rrrors, ivzegularicies or inequalities sed to the lots or parcels of real estate before ust be made in riting and filed with the Record- wnich such sidewalks have beem m�structed, r - = PT'or to the date fixed fnr said assessment; and construc[ed or repaired and >haLL be collected as �ll objections not s made shaLt be deemed waived � a special tax in the manver provided by law. except where [raud is shown. � CONTRACTORS SEL4LL G1VE BOND. Section 5. TEMPORARY SIDEWALKS. Section 9. The Any person or firm desiring to engage in Ihe con- Council may by resotution or order direct [he � struction o[ permanent stdewalks for private busi- building of a temporary sidewalk along or in front ness r [or the City of Dubuque, sha11 execute a oL any lot, part of lot or parcel of land in Gont of � surety company bond in the sum oi $ 1,000, to be �'hich a permanent sidewalk canmt be c nnru<ted, approced by the City qttorney, conditioned that he aad describe the place and the time in which the witl hold the City harmless Erom damage because s me may be doae, which shaLL mt be less than � ten days from the date of such order or resolution, I 32 I Such sidewatks so ordered shaLL not be less than BUILDINGS. Sec[ion L That no owner o - 4 feef in width, ualess otherwise ordered by the pant of any properTy within the City shall cre<e on �ouncil and shall be cor.structed in the manner any lot or parceL thereof a building of any kind or provided for in the speci[ications hereinbefore re- chazacter, any pazt o£ which building projects or ferred to. e:tends over ar beyond the property line oF suc6 NOTICE. Se<tion 10. Notice of said resolution �ot or parcel thereof, abutting upo� any street, r order shatt 6e given the ow r or hls ayent or atley, or othzr pubtic ptace. The provi- attor�ey [or [he property in theemarmer speciFied avenuo[this ordinance shall apply mt only to m Section 4 0( this ordinance. buildings to bz erected, but aiso to buildings here- tofore e ected and mamtamed contrary to the pro- LIMIT OF COST. Section I L The cost o( visions o( this section. building su<h temporary sidewalks shall not ex- qgEA WAYS, ETC. Section 3. No owner o - eed b0 cents the lineal foot and shalt in alt cases cupant o[ any building within the City shaLL cov oc be in proportim to the spedal benxLits conferred �truct or maintain or contirme to maintain any part ov the property thereby, and not in excess thareoi. of any public sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley, CITY MAY CONSTRUCT. Se<tion 1Z. If the any vault, ruom, <oaI ho1e, ov a way Eor any hold=r o owner of any tot, par<el of ground or land purpose whatever, unless said persoq firm, o shall neglect or refuse to coa.ply with such order orporatim shall (irst fite a written application within the time therein stated the City may at once with the Gowcil, together with a sketch or plan proceed io c nstruct said sidewalk as piovided in showing the m of construction and sive o[ said order, 6y contractors o uch other agencies uch room or vault� and the puvpose Eor which in- s the Sidewalk Inspecvor maysselect, but the s me tended, and consent has been given by the Gouncil shall bx done under the supervision oF the Engineer to e ect or mai¢taln the same. That aLL openings and such Sidewalk Inspector. of a�y chaxacter which may be c nstructed or REPTIRS OF SIDE WALXS. Section 13. That maintained leading into any such room, vault, coat whenever it shall be deemed necessary or ezped3- hole, or ea way through or to any street, avenue, eni by the Sidewalk inspector of the Gity to repair alley, orasidewalk shall be <overed so as to pre- v temporary or permanent sidewalk within the �ent ivjury to persons, ammals, or vehicles. 1 mits of said City, said Inspector shall give to thz DOWN SPOUTS. Section 6. No owner or occu- owners ot each or aoy lot abutting upon such side- pant of any building in the Ci[y shall erect or mai�- walk, a aocicx oE not lxss [han 24 hours, requiring tain any down spouts or pipes for cwducting water aid owner to xepair said sidewalk or any portion from the roof of such buitding or elsewliere s theveoE wder [he directim of said Inspectoq which to di�charye the water flowing therxfrom onto ors notice shall be in riting avd personally s ved over the sidewalk adjacent to su<h building. upon said owner, his agent. or attozney in charge of pENALTY FOR V(OLATI�NS. Section 7. That said property, iE found in the City. It such owner, violatin an of the f the agent or attorney carmot be fowd within [he Gity aoy permn g y provisions o then said e be made b d Ins ector foregoivg ordinance shalt be guilty of a misdemean- r pair may y sai p or and shall, upon co�vicLLon thereoE, be fined not without giving any notice. In the event ot [ailure less than $ I0.00 v e than $ 100.00, or be to make such repair so ordexed, the said Inspector oafined in jail not to exceed 30 days. shall repair said sidewalk prompfly at the expense � of said abutting property and the o s thereof ABATEMENT. Section 8. That i( any persoq and report the same to the G[ty Council. firm, or corporation shall erect or maintain any In the e ent said Sidewalk Inspectoc deems an building or thing in a maMer contrary to the terms mediateVrepair or removal of any defective side- of this ordinance, that the Ghie[ of Police shall V walk necessary he shaLL have authority to make notiEy such persoq firm, or corporation to r e such repair or removal withouc notice. uch obstxuctims, and iF such person, [irm, omo corporation shaLl [ail to r ve the s within MAY ASSESS GOST OF REPAIRS. Section 14. 48 hours after mtice has been s vedaupon him oz As s any temporary sidewalk or any repair it by the Ghief of Police, that the s may be re- n any sidewalk has been completed as herelnbefore oved at his or its expense, oz theas may be provided, the Sidewalk Inspector and Engineer shall declared a nuisance and te abated in theemanner report the cost of such sidewalk or repair to the provided by law. Ctty Gowcil, and if the samz shatl be approved by 1919 Revision; Amended 5�7�28; aid Com<il they shall forthwith Ievy a special tax on each lot, part of lot o: tana abutting ou said OTdi¢3�Ce NO. 53 . sidewalk sufficient to pay the costs oE Ne improve- ent or repair made in [ront thereot, said assess- An Ordinance Prov3diag for the Cleaning of Side- ment to be a lien on the lot ox parts oE 1ot or land walks. in quesfion and shall be levied antl collected the ge it Ordained by the G�ty Gouncil of the City of same as other speual assessments. Dubu que: 1919 Revision; Amended 5�2�t8. WHO RESPONSIBLE FOR GLEANING. Section l. OTd1i13oCE NO. 51. That che occup:ani of any lot ov parcel thereof, o any buiLding toca[ed on any lot or parcel thereof r M Ordinance Relating to Obscructiovs In or Upon within the City, which tot or parcel thereof fronts 5[reets, Avemies, Alleys, and Sldewaiks, and upoq or lies aLong any sidewalk of stone, planks, Providie� Eor the Aemovat "Chereof. brick or o[her n , laf, or che owner of any such Be Iv Ovdalned by the City CounciL oC the Gity of Piopecty, it che same shall mt be occupied, shaLl Dubu ctear uLL such sidewalks in Evont oE, or Iy3ng along 4°2' such building or loq ot at! >n , e and slush, es 33 SterlingCoditiers, Inc. Page I of3 1 10-1-2: SIDEWALK INSTALLATION AND REPAIR: �� A. Installation: 1 The owner of any lot or parcel in the city, that abuts upon any improved pub�ic street that has concrete or stone curb shall, at ihe owner's cost, install to standard city specifications a sidewalk along the full length of the portion of the bt or parcel abutting the public street when said lot or parcel is developed or redeveloped or at the direction of city council. For purposes of this subsection, "development or redevelopmen£' means any improvemen! that creates a new parking lot, new principal siructure, garage, carport, covered deck, or covered patio on the lot or parcel or changes the footprint of the parking lot, principal strudure, garage, carport, covered deck, or covered patio on the lot or parcel. 2. Upon application and for good cause shown, the city manager may grant a full or partial exception to the above requiremenL (Ord. 44-09, 9-8-2009) B. Duty Of Abutting Property Owner To Maintain: The abutting property owner must maintain the area from the back of ihe curb to the right of way line, and must keep such area in a safe condition free from defects, debris, nuisances, obstructions or any other hazard. The abutting property owner is liable for damages caused by failure to maintain such area. The abutting property owner must maintain such area in a safe condition, in a state of good repair, and free from defects. The abutting property owner is liable for damages caused by failure to maintain such area. Notwithstanding the obligations imposed hereunder, the property owner may not remove diseased trees or dead wood or piant, [rim, remove or treat any tree or plant material on pubiic right of way without frst obtaining a permit from the ciry forester. (Ord. 57-14, 9-2-2014) C. Notice To Replace, Repair Or Reconslruct: t. Whenever the city manager shail determine lhal the conditions uf any sidewalk as described in subsection B of this section exisi, the ciry manager shali serve notice by certified mail on the abutting property owner, as shown by the records of the county auditor, requiring the abutting property owner to replace, repair or reconstruct the sidewa�k. 2. If the city manager determines that the replacement, repair or reconstruction of the sidewalk is not practicable because of circumstances beyond the control of the abutting property owner, the city manager may allow or require a temporary repair of the sidewalk until such circumstances no longer exist. (2007 Code § 41-102) http://www.sterlingcodihers.com/codebooWprii�tnow.php 04/04/2015 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 2 of 3 D. Collection Of Costs Of Replacement, Reconstruction Or Temporary Repair By City: If the abutting property owner who has been notified pursuant to subsection C of this section to repair, replace, reconstruct, or temporarily repair the sidewalk shall fail to repair, replace, reconstruct, or temporarily repair such sidewalk within thirty (30) days after the mailing of such notice, the city manager may cause the required action to be performed and assess the costs against the abutting property for collection in the same manner as a property tax. (2007 Code § 41-103) E. Installments: If any amount assessed against property under subsection D of this section exceeds one hundred dollars ($100.00), the assessment may be paid in ten (10) annual installments, in the same manner and with the same interest rates as provided for assessments against benefited property under the code of lowa. (2007 Code § 41-104) F. Procedures For Levy: The procedures for making and levying a special assessment pursuant to subsection D of this section and for an appeal of the assessment are the same procedures as provided under the code of lowa. (2007 Code § 41-105) G. Sidewalk Inspection Policy: The city manager shall develop, with the approval of the city council, a written sidewalk inspection policy which shall govern the repair, replacement, reconstruction or temporary repair of sidewalks. (2007 Code § 41-106) 16-11-16: SIDEWALKS: A. Sidewalks shall be required on all public street frontages and constructed of concrete or permeable pavement in accordance with the city and ADA standards. B. Sidewalks shall be placed five feet (5') behind the curb parallel to the street, unless an exception has been permitted by the city engineer to preserve topographical or natural features or to provide visual interest, or unless the subdivider shows that an alternative pedestrian system provides safe and convenient circulation. C. In planned developments, sidewalks may be located away from the road system to link dwelling units with other dwelling units, the street and on site activity centers such as parking areas and recreational areas. They may also be required parallel to the street for safety and other reasons. http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/printnow.php 04/04/2018 Sterling Codifiers, Inc. Page 3 of 3 D. Sidewalk installation shall be the responsibility of the owner of property abutting the public right of way. This responsibility shall extend to all successors, heirs and assignees. Sidewalk installation shall be required when the development of a lot has been completed. All vacant lots shall have sidewalks installed upon development of eighty percent (80°�) of the lots shown on the approved final plat. (Ord. 52-09, 10-19-2009) http://www.sterlingcodifiers.com/codebook/printnow.php 04/04/2018 , � m � Mi �� -�w��,r �E_(;�-11,!r�� 18 PtAR 2_� ,1i1 9� 25 � Re:Sidewalks ou JFK �'IY� �'�����'��� =1f�ICB March 27,2018 ��!!'�'!'=:1::'. I,? City Council : Tri-state Trail Vision is on of the ten oiiginal 2010 envision committees. Along with ECIA eve developed the ori�inal DMATS Bicycle aiid Integrated T�ail Placi. � The city of Dubuque has adopted a Complete Streets Plan wlucl�states that all roadways should be developed for pedestrians and bioycles as well as vcMcles. Although there is evidence of pedesd�ien use at ceetain times of the yeaz on JFK between Asbury and tlie Northwesl aiterial and its prosimity to Eiscnhai�e� school and[lie Nortli west arterial hike path,there is no sidewallc connecting.iFK with Niese.Tri-state Trail vision supports adding a sidewafk to tMs portion of JFK. Sincer ����� Charles Winterwood President Charles Winterwood, President TriState Trail Vision 1555 Moutrase 1'ertace Duboque, IA 5300I � 1 il -:.) Dubuque — THE CITY OF � DUB E '�I��I' ��>.�o,� Mnsterpiece on t{te Mississippi :�,,.zo„ Mayor Roy D. Buol,City of Dubuque 50 W 13`"St DubuquelA 52001 April 3Q 2018 Honorable Mayor euol, The Resilient Communi[y Advisory Commission su6mits ihis letier in support of sidewaik installa[ion to complete a pedestrian-friendly path that can 6e used for walking and 6iking alongJFK Road. At their March and April regular meetings, the Resiliency Commission reviewed the materials from the February 19, 2018 Ciry Council meeting regarding sidewaiks on 1FK. Commissioners reviewed the STAR Community Rating system, Ihe imagine Dubuque comprehensive plan, and our strategic priori[ies that were deveioped in luly o(2017. Staff also provided a map of current eidewalk locations on JFK,and the City Code goveming sidewalks. After review of these materials, the Commission advises tha[ the City Council develop a requirement to complete missing sections of JFK Road for the following reasons: 1. From the STAR Community rating, the rating system that the City uses to identify benchmarks and 6est practices related to sustainable communities: a. The Built Environment objective provides guidance of development Compact & Complete Communities: "Concentrate development in rompact, humams<aled, watkable centers and neighhorhootls ihat connect to pubiic transit, offer diverse uses and services, and provide housing options (or families of all income leve�s." Dubuque measures neighborhoods agains[ the Walkabiliry standard, whi<h requires that 90% ot roadway length mntains sidewalks on both sides orconnection pathways and 100%of crosswalks are ADA accessibie. b. Additional credit is availa6le for actions that emphasize expansion of sidewalk networks to improve pedestrian amenities, active lifesryles, and walkability and increase intersection density,orthe number of publidV-accessible sidewalk or street iniersections per square mlle. 2. From the Imagine Dubuque Comprehensive Plan: When it mmes to mobiiity, residents most wani enhanced off-stree[ trail network and connectivity, improved on-road bike lanes, and enhanced walkability via connectivity and crosswalks (p 8-3�. The plan further remmmends implementation of a Complete Streets Policy adopted in 2011. The 1fK ftoad Corridor is specifically swdied on p 8-9. 3. In our 20ll-18 svategic priorities, the Resilient Community Advisory Commission recommended the following: a. The RCAC recommends Ciry Council identify poiicies Ihat can create a buil[ environmen[ where residents can make healthy choices. b. The RCAC recommends Ciry Council utilize an equity lens to ensure that all residents have acress to healthy natural and hullt environments and heaRh services (low income housing units access to trail). x.,�i�� r.oni.� e��.s�er x,xn.,2.m�r�v i����a.�ia,�� r�.,a�����t The Commission, by a vote of 8-1, advocates that the City Council consider policies to complete sidewalks on JFK Road and in other gaps in the community. We recognize that there is a potential cost to the residents whose properties are impacted, but the positive impact to the community is more beneficial. We recognize that completion of the sidewalk network is important in connecting the surrounding residential networks to the Northwest Arterial Trail, and also has equity implications for low-income and transit-dependent residents who live in the neighborhood. Sincerely, �����, � c�� � Leah Specht Resilient Community Advisory Commission Chair Secvice People Integ�ity Responsibilily Invovafiov Teamwock I �� / w i iiuvs-uxos�n-co���.,ci us � x�.�ni�.+e i�r.rtm� • com,.r.omu��us • eonlact ur ueWils liaine I�IORof�el I'n�nenln.' �dylle�nnun=nC GtyManaqer 'ulir�� etrroyWOie tx ��llM1x�I�'J�����eitl p.n dil�lc o.ArvIC IieiLqe. In I.il/@im[il�I�aVa�ortl GtY�4lnaJr�. 1[n�mlLrtv4tt�ua�iellulv.w.Ru491us��peilnua(rva� oil�nnylny6uelli.NwulOe�lnvllnin�'r�nnnonrvalAa�l/olsAee.J�.l IM:ItlNu'I�ixl[Onsl�m I�11 Lom Ilm inlnqotle�n u!4.YuuY�ll[a�l on.l 114 8nn�l In Il�v flni�lObo•.l NlPudl.l�'r�n�nli/ne LVW.M... Ip�9unet o:0i�y IB.lM1ix�as LqCn.ln Isve n l�o pe'.unul mnmlV inox`�I IlxrvnLL�e6ru Mt cruviorell L�nIY'�^��..A N i..ry #t�C Vc�nt�n un�q rt u our oClnivn I��ai II��evun m.:n:ah iai r.m O�v - �elixrLY^o�vl'. ua¢ n. L:te �r u. x Wt� 1c . . .tl11k�. lAl - . .Jo11L.1� ' -a_ 1 N`Jlm . 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I �' I..mmi¢ItqiLl�xJ 14A�J �o��.nlu.r�rlinil Gf IEo OWi116m�4�¢viil nnil II K. 4��r n�, Fdl e��U Inn'.A.�OvI Il �crn�tc_ � ut . .n_:uW�nt��rl ,1l .Cyuflubo�m )_Ic . .uliJ �,I'�:J 'niWn...a.lcnrv. c�b,..�. � Nutes � Me55atjulllrtory � Re�ueSfl�e.LilS �� , Photos of Pedestrians in Grass or on Street N �� ;' < � � �s� 'a -' � +t1 �� �'". � �p1 -� :? � �� °`° "'�'¢' ^"Iz� a. �:;� P:` x z =� , . �I � ' ^ � - _ - _ cASr: �"y �� "�--' - <. - � I F9ure Z-l�loev � HONi . . , .. nu.ry ��:... ` �i��".: � t� ���I �-.�t � .` '�''�'�' ' �� , 4 � � .,_ :+.;� 1��-: , , . . y .�� �- � _. � ^ ,N. �y tl/ / � .:��Q/ � .� � ' �� ��._ �' ��°�` � . / :_.,� � � . ,� � � n.. , ... �W '. . . . . f p.� '�(� .�:.. R ,M� � � a . i � , �!/ � ' ` t j�p � ' j - .: �'� ! :� � � : �`1 ,,��(H�1p � i ��(-� . � ' V I J ..Y,. �, .�� {�•�-•,!=•"1 ' � �. .. � . �. .. � �,E � � .. �e� � . � R�� � .�_� — ` 1 .-��. 1 � _' �. � '_._ .I �� � �' � , �; � , : �,.-_, . , �� :�- Z�i.. 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Buo) Sent: Monday, July 02, 2018 6:20 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: Fwd: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Citizen Support Center" <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Date:July 1, 2018 at 3:52:41 PM CDT To: "rdbuol@cityofdubuque.or�" <rdbuol@cityofdubuque.or�> Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Paula Friedman Address: 2962 Fox Hollow Drive Ward: Phone: 556-3121 Email:friedy621@aol.com City Department:City Council Message: I am unable to attend Monday night's Dubuque City Council meeting where the council will consider and vote on the topic of sidewalk installation along all of John F. Kennedy Road.Thus, I am sending you this email to urge you to vote for this. I walk from my home on Fox Hollow Drive to the walking path along the Northwest Arterial one or two times a week in favorable weather. I am walking on Kennedy Road and for a portion,there are no sidewalks and I am walking in the street. I believe this is a safety issue for me and others who may want to reach the destination of the path along the arterial.Traffic on JFK can be heavy and using a sidewalk would be a safer way for me to get there from my home. I know this issue may inconvenience some homeowners who reside on JFK, but I am only asking that these citizens do as I do.That is,maintain a sidewalk for public use.Again, public safety is a concern.Thank you for your consideration. Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Jolene Rettenberger Sent: Friday, June 29, 2018 7:39 PM To: Roy D. Buol; Ric W. Jones; David T. Resnick; Brett Shaw; Luis De) Toro; Kate Larson; Jake A. Rios Cr. Kevin Firnstahl; Trish Gleason; Mike Van Milligen; Cori Burbach Subject: John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalks - City Council meeting on Monday, July 2nd, 2018 Attachments: Petition turned into City Hal) Objecting to JFK Sidewalks on May 4 2018.pdf; Gordon Drive backyards to JFK and Crissy Drive pathway.pdf Hello to all. My name is Jolene Rettenberger and I live at the address of 2291 Gordon Drive, in which our backyard property abuts to John F. Kennedy Road. My husband (Michael) and I have lived on Gordon Drive for 30 years, raised two sons who attended the Dubuque Public Schools, and have enjoyed our neighborhood in which we take pride in our property, as do all of our neighbors. It has come to our attention that the John F. Kennedy Road Sidewalks is listed under Action Items for the City Council meeting scheduled for Mondav, Julv 2nd at 6:00 pm. Earlier today, I shared this information with all the households along John F. Kennedy Road, so I'm sure you'll be receiving some telephone calls, e-mails, and some of us will be approaching the podium to speak with you on Monday night. For your convenience, I am attaching a copy of our Neighborhood Petition. Back on May 4th, 2018, our petition was turned into the City Clerk's Office with just about 100% of us I the installation of sidewalks from the Asbury Road/JFK Road intersection to the N.W. Arterial/JFK Road intersection. As the petition states, as property owners we feel that these sidewalks are not needed, and we are all concerned about the accessibilitv/maintenance, expectations/obliqations, as well as the financial burden of the sidewalk assessments and public safetv. We invite all City Council Members/City of Dubuque Staff to stop by our Gordon Drive properties prior to Monday night and view our grassy areas behind our homes — you will not see any worn paths of walking traffic. We don't see/get any pedestrian traffic along the backside of our Gordon Drive properties. (see attached PDF for pictures along Gordon Drive) We don't understand how the City of Dubuque can expect the property owners to be able to get to some of our properties in order to clean/maintain them. All of us Gordon Drive neighbors would have to drive around the block, find a parking spot and remove the snow and ice and/or cut the grass, as well as trim the area. During the winter time, how many times would we be doing this as the snow plows go up and down John F. Kennedy Road many times during the day and night? (When I spoke with John Klostermann in Public Works on this prior to our February 2018 City Council meeting, he could not tell me how many times the snow plows go up and down John F. Kennedy Road. He just stated numerous times.) As far as public safety, you should hear or witness the traffic that drives on John F. Kennedy Road. Even though the speed limit is 35 mph in most of the stretch along the way, vehicles (including motorcycles) go much faster than that. And when drivers are speeding and/or not paying attention, things can happen real fast. (Refer to the Gordon Drive pictures and see what happened during the Christmas holiday when a pickup truck lost control going up John F. Kennedy Road. The driver hit i the end of the guard rail, flipped over and crashed into the neighbor's backyard fencing. (Just recently, that property owner took down the fencing around his backyard property.) People aren't slowing down...and now we want to install sidewalks along the "John F. Kennedy Road Speedway"?!? That's an accident waiting to happen... In addition to the Gordon Drive backyard pictures, you will also see some pictures of the guard rail that is located on the backside of some of the Gordon Drive properties, as well as pictures of the beautiful trail that is in placed at the Dead End of Crissy Drive that takes evervone safelv over to the Eisenhower Elementary School District property and can be utilized to safely connect everyone to the biking/walking trail along the N.W. Arterial. (These sidewalks are already in place around the neighborhoods of Eisenhower Elementary School and can be utilized to reach the trail along the West 32"d Street area.) At the end of our Public Input allotted time back on Monday, February 19th, Council Members voiced their opinions and started a discussion on the possibility of signage and directing people to use this pathway at the Dead End of Crissy Drive. This pathway is a nicely, paved blacktop area that is already in place. Has anything become of this conversation? By the way, has the City of Dubuque conducted any traffic studies, pedestrian studies and/or sidewalk assessments along John F. Kennedy Road since our last meeting that was held on Monday, February 19th, 2018? At that meeting, City Manager Mike Van Milligen shared that the City needed additional time to do the studies, but I haven't seen anything set-up at our end of JFK. To date, we haven't received any updated sidewalk assessments since 2007 or 2008, so who knows what the cost of these sidewalks are going to be, which is going to be a financial burden for everyone. Not only will this be a financial burden, but many of our John F. Kennedy Road property owners are elderly. In closing, "thank you" for taking the time to read our email and to review the attached petition and pictures. Again, feel free to stop by and see our properties along John F. Kennedy Road. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Rettenberger's. See you Monday night. Jolene & Mike Rettenberger 2291 Gordon Drive Dubuque, lowa 52001 563-590-7114 (Jolene's cell) 563-542-9337 (Mike's cell) jrettenb@cityofdubuque.org (Jolene) mike.retten@gmail.com (Mike) z � ����� �.. .�..� r�r�h i�, zois The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: We, the property owners along John F. Kennedy Road (from Asbury Road to Highway 32), �������m to the installation of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy ' Road. We feel that this does not warrant sidewalks due to the following: o Need � o Accessibility/ Maintenance • Expectations / Obligations o Financial Burden of Sidewalk Assessments o Public Safety *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Propertv Owner(s) Street Address Telephone (*Signifies Rental Property) , �'�� �.__._. � f�..� � �;,�.,_ �-� ��"� 1. ��'� ��`�-��.��" �'C °�°�.���� 2291 Gordon Drive 590-7114 ^~"" 1 '�".W.._,.�. 2. ;o'�a� _ ��� �°��°" � 2291 Gordon Drive 542-9337 �_�.__�_._.__._._. ����,. �j������������ �� ���� 3. ���� �-�-ty-.-�-- - 2299 Gordon Drive* °5�9�6�`t-� (Deed Holder- Ryan M. Adams) NOTE: See attached email 4. � _���. 2299 Gordon Drive* (Dee Holder- Joshua D. Schmitt, Ham Lake, MN) ,�,.,�� - °� 5. `� ���°'�� .,�,�"����� ��� __ 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 . � � �� " - ����,� 6. • ���` ��w°���� �-~ry 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 .� C 7. �'.,,,,�„r, ��,,,,� ���� �-'��x�. - 2333 Gordon Drive 584-9082 ,� ,,�, .... 8. �-- -�- --- � � ��"� -- 2343 Gordon Drive 451-2123 ,. �.� 9. � y` �;,� � 2361 Gordon Drive 543-2322 � 10. s��'^�,�" �,��""�!J , ��.,,...,....�_... f � 2381 Gordon Drive 590-5325 � ,- �",�� "� 11. ,� �L'����-��°�~�""� 2381 Gordon Drive 590-4962 Jolene Rettenberger From: Jayna Adams <adam0383@umn.edu> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 9:21 AM To: Jolene Rettenbergei- Subject: Sidewalk on JFK My husband and I own the house located at 2299 Gordon Street. We are writing to inform you that we oppose the sidewalk being proposed on JFK Road. Thank you, Josh and Jayna Schmitt Clicl< here to report this email as spam. 1 Bescou-��Diibuque C��unty,IA https://be�icon.sclmeiclereoip.comiApplication.aspx?App1D-93&Lay... ,�,,�,, ��c`�,�C�I'1�� Dubuque County, IA Summary ParcellD 1022103011 AlternatelD 1-17-13-2 Property Address 2'���'3 GORUON UR �€ DUBUQUEIAS'?001 ez E� Sec/Twp/Rng N/A '�; � . BriefTax Description LOT 2 BLI<17 CLOVER HILLS SUB ;�'o �`�� � � ' ' (Note:Not to be used on legal douiments) ��*i �'i" ��.� : ' Deed Boolc/Page 2015-8722(7/7/2015) , � � �`� "� � : � .. :. 4 :�. '4 �.� -E '3. - :� a'-.. .. Contract Book/Page � '`������� �-�� -- -��� Gross Acres 0.00 ,,,,�� �,� ,� ' Net Acres 0.00 � �� �, � Class R-Residential � �- � � _ - _.,;,�� . :.:. : �6;, r �(Note:This is for tax purposes anly.Nof to be used Por mning.) � � 'L .�Y,._. ..... _' ; :a . _.---- _ -. ,._._. D�strict DUBA-DUBUQUECITY/DI3QCOMMSCI-i ""`--'—`-' '`? '°°°°° - .:::::::::-:::::::::::::::.:::::::::-::::::::...... -.._. , _:::::::::::_::::::::::::::_.:::-_:::::::::... ... ...� ,:::::::::::::._.:::::::::::::-:::::::::::_-:::-:::.... SchooiDistrict DUBUQUECOMM.SCI-IOOLDIST - -- ;::::.:._::_.:::::::::: :::�::::::::::::...::::::::: _:::-_:-::_:_::::._.::::. :-......:.......... .._.................... .. .. .�...—................._..:_....... .........,............... _.................._...... ,;;.,..._;_.__._._._..._.---....._._........_.._,.._._....... ._...._.._.__._«......::..................w::x.......,-..... _;.__........ . .......... .._...._.._:: . _ ..,�:, _��,_.::::-::::::::___::-::::::::_::.::::::-:::::::::�:�::::::-:::::::::::::::::. --- :�:__.�.._......._._.::._..._......_.................................._.....__.._.....;.....,____._... ---..,,._......_...._.�_::::::::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::::,;::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::: . _.�__...........�....-. .............................. ....:_.._.;......__..�. Y:_._-...............:._....__.......... .._.:_...-._...._._.__........_......_..:..._... �_.:�::_..........:_:::::::-=::��::::=:::::::::::::c:e:::::'::.:�:::c::�:::�:::::::�:::::::::�:::�:::::::::::::::: �:��.__.:_._.....—:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�,::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::�::::::::�:::::::::::::�.:::::::::::�,::�:::�::::::: ___...__._._._...._._..._.._......._.__._................_..._..............._....._................................................_............_...__...... . .______.._........._....._.._......_........_......... Owners ` Deed Holder Contrect Holder MailingAddress Adams,Ryan M Schmitt,Joshua D&Jayna M Etal 14643 Yancy St NE Schmitt,loshu7 p&Jayn�M Etai Ham Lal<e MN 55304 14b`�13 Yancy Sl NC Ham,La!<c MN 5530�{ Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lot 61.00 x 146.00 Lot Area 0.21 Acres;8,906 SF Residential Dwellings Residential Dwelling Occupancy Single-Family/Rental UniC Style Architecturel Style Ranch . Year Built 1961 Condition Gradewhat'sthis? 4+5 Roof None Flooring None Foundation None ExteriorMaterial Alum/Vinyl InteriorMaterial None Bricl<or Stone Veneer Total Gross LivingArea 936 SF Attic Type Number of Rooms 5 above;0 belaw NumberofBedrooms 3above;Obelaw BasernentAreaType Basement Area 936 Basement Finished Area Plumbing 2 Full�ath; Appliances Central Air Yes Heat FHA-Gas Fireplaces Porches Decks Additions Gareges 2535�-(Built'1961�; Sales Mu�ci Date Seller Buyer Recording Sale Coodition-NUTC Type Parcel Amount 7/1/2015 KUETER,RITA L SCHMITT,105HUA D,JAYNA M&RYAN M 15-8722 Normal Deed $123,00090 i There are other parcels involved in one or more of the above sales: Inducles sales on or after 1/1/2003 � �F3 5/2I�Q1$, 3:14 I'M ✓'�,yyp �.. � � ^� k T p 'M � mP e��„ �P ..,.�....�,.,,..,..,.,�.. �2• .� �'" �` 2395 Gordon Drive 258-2866 " '� �. O���J 13. �', ��`� ��������. �'� ��������.� 2395 Gordon Drive 543-3945 � �; �' �' ��" f��� .. '�: ,�. 14. �;�� ;� ���' �" �,�r�.� 2419 Gordon Drive 590-2980 p ,�;� � v� � 15. �rv•�w ��~�� ��,i�'�'� �.�AV� �i� ���� 2419 Gordon Drive 599-3091 , v � � �� ��,���i��'���.�. 16.��.��"��-�r�" ) � �~��a-£" 2455 Gordon Drive 556-4253 � 17 .� �:w ,�''�,�'� �r��`'���Tc�`�,�LL-- 2455 Gordon Drive 556-4253 � ,.. 18��� ��� �����.� ,�_�n. � ,�. �.�, ` �� � ��" ,i��°�� °' 3299 Kaufmann Ave 583-9378 f���° _ 19. �'�;,? G��.�. ���. � t � . ��'� ,�����.�,M��..�g,� �:�M 3299 Kaufmann Ave 583-9378 ,..� �r,,�. 20. �,:� o , ,�e �'�y � u `�'�`� 2512 Marywood Dr 584-0884 � 21. ��_��� 4`.... ,� �`� � ���°;�`�µ"p��1`� 2512 Marywood Dr 584-0884 � _ , 22• �-����q��,�� �..�a_,._a�...,�..� �� �"iV� �� 2511 Marywood Dr 590-7811 r�:.;� �� �� 23• � � {t���.���µ � 2511 Marywood Dr 513-4749 � � � 24. ��t���,'-z_�:t��.-- �'� `�����°����� 2548 Rosewood Dr 556-1694 ,, 25. ��--�v���,. ����`=� (;,�-b-,�-a.-�,L`� 2548 Rosewood Dr 556-1694 NOTEe See attached email 26. rom p�a�ert� owners (w�lliam 2549 Rosewood Dr 870-754-0680 and Debra Dotolo) who reside (Email is billd5l@msn.com) 27, in Harrison, Askansas. 2549 Rosewood Dr 870-754-4036 � � , �.�.._ �. ,,�,,� . 28. �.�� r"�z,x� ���� /,���. 2636 John F. Kennedy � a��f��-i° �"���� ,,�_ ��.,�.�.�,� ....__ ,.T, . �� ,, 29 %�;' � ,��" f�- ,, �<•��� w�-��w;�v � .�u.w r� ) 4,,__ `�- J c�,�,,���. �.�_,�� � ��w„����.� � 2636 John F. Kennedy <: �s_-�.,�, , � 30. 2640 John F. Kennedy 31. 2640 John F. Kennedy 32. ��,h;�� � �' ���� � _ 2644 John F. Kennedy ��I�� ���� � , � � �"'����,�, � � ���� �� � 33. ""���� )� �,��,� ��� f (�� ,,�; ���G: � 2691 Marywood Dr 543-4601 � ��,..�.,, " � .._� �� ,, . 34. ��C"°"' � ��,,�.�� � �� ��`� �-��� �� 2691 Marywood Dr 543-2691 � To Whom It May Concern March 21, 2018 This is William � Debra Dotolo, home owners of 2549 Rosewood Drive, Dubuque, lowa. We (Debra & William Dotolo) are ,4GAlIVST the installation of sidewall<s along John F. I<ennedy Road. If you have any questions or concerns on this you may contact us at 870-754- 0680/870-754-4036 or email �ill���@rr�s�.co�n. Sincerely �1Nillia��r� & De�ra DotoCo 406 Natchez Trace Harrison, AR 72601 870-754-4036/870-8�'4-0680 billd5l@msn.com .m�����'j ti,�,. Be�acon-Dubuque CounCy, If\ h[Cps,/lbelcon.scluieidercc�r-�.com/ApplicaCion.��isE��s'?AppID=93&L1y... ;;u, ��c'�.�C��1��� Dubuque County, IA Summary ParcellD 1015353014 ��s ��,` Altemate ID 1-17A-3-1 ri �� - "d Property Address 2549 ROSEWOOCI DR � ; �, DUBUQUE IA 52001 �r'�' 4Y�'. " Sec/Twp/Rng N/A p ,��"°�� BriefTaxDescription LOT'18LK22CLOVERFIILLSSUB f�,�r"� (Note:Not to be used on legal documenCs) �", �� ���, -.` ""� DeedBool</Page 2014137(1/3/2014) li �y��r ' `�� ContractBook/Page � � s GrossAcres 0.00 � ��� ������r�,�� �79� � ' Net Acres 0.00 r ��°' ��`����'° , J � Class R-Residential � �� �`� � �91�i (Note:This is for t�x purposes only.Not to be used For zoning.) � ��'� � d � , � � r � a Dfstrict DUBA-DUOUQUE CITY/DOQ COMM SCI-I �a � ^ SchoolDistrict DUOUQUECOMM.SCHOOLDIST �'` y�� „n S i+� � �'�"�����.J%�7�Ill�ifi�rl��1����t�%y�l���f'�iil���r��i�r �i"y�ri rF;iu al�tr,� �/fly�i i � r / i 9 ii F��dliv���l��i Jti� i � r�i r//r �i r�/� /�i��l i�eallil�i���� �/ U�� ���✓��f�/�I � �/f�r✓ r ✓r ,vr a 1��J//'//�i1iIlIV����f 9��!f�Jr��TY�ar' ��,���i`�1if f/�/I� i/ // �� � �A1 r� ������'J��i�'�9��������p,f,/���� ������r�u/��''„���M�d"������/,,�,i�lr��u����r��x�,?�,��u,�m���,���.�r/�i�Pti���1�������d� ' Owners Deed Holder Contract Holder Mailing Address Uatalo,William`V&Uebra"U Dotolo,William V&Debra D �bU6 Natchez Trace 406 Natchez Trece FI�rrisurr AR 7<b01 Harrison AR 72601 Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lot:70.00 x 105.00 LotArea 0.17 Acres;7,350 S� Residentiai Dwellings Residential Dwelling Occupancy Single-Family/OwnerOccupied Style Architectural Style Split Fo�/er YearBuilt 1963 Condition Grade what's this? h+5 Roof Asph/Gable Flooring Carp/Vinyl Foundation Conc Exterior Material Stl Interior Material Drwl Bricl<or Stone Veneer Total Gross Living Area 966 SF Attic Type Number of Rooms 6 above;2 below Number of Bedrooms 3 above;1 below Basement Area Type Basement Area 966 Basement Finished Area 750-Living Qtrs.(Multi) Plumbing 2 Full Bath:1 Other Fixtures; Appliances 1 Range Ui�it;1 Oven-Single; Centrel Air Yes Heat FFIA-Gas Fireplaces Porches , Decks Additions Gareges 26t3 SF-(Built 1963�; l of 3 Sl2/2018,3:I S PM � , � !/ � � 35. � ��'� �"� �-'��� � <�� 2690 Marywood Dr 564-1341 �� ',; �' �. � � �,� d�' ��l��,r,� �p�,��,�° �',,�"�w,�"���,,� 36. w G�'���' �•�����- 2690 Marywood Dr 513-1988 �,�.,,�... � � _ � ,,, 37. �w�� � � � �� � ��� "''' �' 3305 Kaufmann Ave 581-07 � � 88 �' -�°� ' , ,. �,�x>I_. ��. - "� �� �°�.:� 38. � �- 3305 Kaufmann Ave 581-0788 � ,� 39. � ^�� �-��.��M� ��:���..�,�,..�...�. 2531 John F. Kennedy 590-3825 � � r'�% �,��, �' 40. ��� �=-��� 2551 John F. Kennedy ����A�r` ��-~� 'j'�,���-, �:, ��, �. 41. )' �"�,� � ���� 2551 John F. Kennedy ''� a���.��r��,���`�,�5��'��°�w. �� � 42 ��°�m��.�..�_.���.��� ��� ��- -=`� 2571 John F. Kennedy 583-3500 (NOTE: Business, Creative Edge Hair& Tanning Salon) ;� � ' ' ' � ����"�=� �- - 2639 John F. Kenned w��7��H�5 ��-'�`�� , 43. r .�, :-�:� � �° � -� � � �.�,_ � Y - c���,.�� 44.�� �y7,-�---�-- ���- }�� ,a ' 2659 John F. Kennedy 556-0776 NOT� Business, Egelhof, 'e�t& Casper Westview Funeral Home &Crematory) f ,,-r % Y , 45. _�,--����-''^����-��.%'� ' 3038 John F. Kennedy� 301-331-Z812 �„�� �'��� ,,� �� �_.s'�,��.�.. .- ,.�. 46 � �� �;; 3058 John F. Kennedy 583-8954 � r�.� 47. �����°°�����"� �-�� �~�^'�"� 3058 John F. Kennedy 583-8954 - � ... r�'"�� �............ 48. �;�<<.�� z���-�,�--- 3078 John F. Kennedy 556-4130 49. —'�—'������''���� ����-�'�1��'��`` 3078 John F. Kennedy 556-4130 ,..._.� �-- 1 50. � t�--2..��.�_��� ��.�,�..a_.�-� �r�_�, 3150 John F. Kennedy 556-5968 ,�P �� � 51. �-�'��"^�r'��,,��-� � ��� � 3150 John F. Kennedy 556-5968 , .� ti �� � 52. �,����-°���:> ,����r�����'��a��t������;� 3139 J o h n F. Ke n ned y 556-4452 �/ � ,��; �� � , � ,,.. 53. �kr..'k�r'�,;.���s:�-r.��`�� �%�'�����C�G��'����T'-�-'�3139 John F. Kennedy 556-4452 ' �,��� , 54. �.r���.,�.�`�"�'�����a� 3298 West 32nd St 715-415-3801 ✓ r ,� ' � d 55. `��' '�,�� � � �� ��,� '':�,,�� .� 2935 John F. Kennedy 583-1188 , �..., 56. �.�������'^�,�au��� �. ' ;��,�-.����`,en 2955 John F. Kennedy ��� ��� ,.��r r� ,4� u,-, 57. ����..���������,,�, �/,� w.,����,��;,���, 2975 John F, Kennedy 556-2905 58. 2975 John F. Kennedy 556-2905 _ ._. � r, � 59. ������ ��.�I��',�1��4��1,t.�.. � l�..Q �,f�,� 2995 John F. Kennedy ���",�C,)��,�> � � .. 60. �r��.��� ¢�.�.���' 2995 John F. Kennedy `�,�i"�����,���� �`�(ri f 61 �-������, 7 •��,, �,°" ��� r��� ;�;�,�.� 3017 John F. Kennedy 583-0564 C``���� �� �.�.. � � "i x / , 62. � �"��.��L�,T� ����°�..��•�..;��� -����,��� � 3037 John F. Kennedy 588-0951 � ,�.._ , _ °� � .;� , �......_ 63 ��������u���� ,w�� ����`��� � �� 3037 John F. Kennedy 588r0951 64. _w��"��� v-%'`�-'�`� 3057 John F. Kennedy* �7��_�c��r��� (Deed Holder- Key City Rentals, 3253 Arrowwood Ln) �� .`j ,�-.S'� i l�-�S 65. ��;��--� 3059 John F. Kennedy* �,'' �� (Deed Holder=�Cey City Rentals, 3253 Arrowwood Ln) 66. 3087 John F. Kennedy 67. 3087 John F. Kennedy 68. 1.��;., �.�-� � >�,,�r��,�tiy.� �� �.�" �� ,,� �~ ��--�-��� 3169 John F, Kennedy 556-6142 � �;� 69. _� ,�--���y'%-�'r .��-��'�-�-�----(�' 3169 John F. Kennedy 556-6142 � ` ' .e'� 70. ,,,�°.- �.,� � �'` 3199 John F. Kennedy Rd* 588-3692 ( e.�der- Vi nia�Jahnke, lives at 1771 Rosemont St, 583-8790) f � � , i 71 �- . ,, , , � ' ��a-� , 2986 John F. Kennedy K.. 7��.":3 �� �.��. ���-��.� -�..�..,� ��...m _ r 5« (v � �a t I�t�w�o�nim d by Joel & Rodney Mozena) � �, ._ �s z<<<� ������� .y-��. r- � �. , t..r:__�.M...,w.. V �.' c,.......�._...,-W.� �x� � ON � DAY, r�Y 4 , 2018 AT APPROXIMATELY s:o5 �, JOLENE RETTENBERGER DELIVERED (in person) THIS PETIT/OM TO 6CEVIN FIRIIISTAHL, CITY CLERdC. � � � ,, '> - � � � <� � �,� �..._ .� _._.., l C' Cj .. } �f �- _. . .. � M I ,�_.�W�.t'�� �� l ��,�j��1`� �:���� � �� � ` ;.y / ��.�_�M.�.��lives at 3199 JTK Rd) (Re er of 3199 John F. Kennedy Rd) NOTE: See attached email 73. frc��trn c,�nPr_ (lives in Waddell, AZ, 224-402-5311) (Owner o 30_ 8 John T. Rennedy Rd and lot next to it) Jolene Rettenberger From: Kevin Kohnen <kknddl@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 10:16 AM To: Jolene Rettenberger Subject: Petition against sidewalk construction on Kennedy Road Dubuque Iowa Kevin Kohnen owner at this time, supports the petition against sidewalk construction for(3 lots) on Kennedy Road East Side of I<ennedy at 3038 and a lot below 3038, and the lot above 3038. Thanl<You for your consideration. Sincerely, Kevin Kohnen 3`24-402-5311 ,�- ��r� � "'"� , / kl<nddl@�m,aol�corri�'" � �, m. �;�;�7 s���. Clicl< here to report this email as spam. 1. F3��icon -� Dubuque Counry, [A htfps:Ube�uon.schneidercoi-��.com/ApplicaCion.aspx'?App[D=93RLay... ;;, ��c`��C)I'1��' Dubuque County, IA Summary ParcellD 1016279011 � � �K'� '�"�' �°" / AlternatelD 5-16-1-54 ��� � � � � � � Property Addf-ess 3038 JOEW F KENNEDY RD °' DUQUQUE IA 52001 �'"��.,`�'y } ��` / Sec/Twp/Rng N/A ;�„� '��+.^a,,''". /. ':. Brief Tax Descrip[ion LOT 3 6RUEC1<S SUB � i (No[e:Not to be used on legal documents) � ` Deed Bool</Page 200800017378(12/19/2008) ContractBook/Page i Gross Acres 0.00 � NetAcres 0.00 �����` � I Class R-Residen[ial P P Y e , ...� , ' r � � � '� ',,,,.. �"„� �,.. . :^'� ��,, (Note:This is for tax ur oses onl,Not to be used for zonin�.) i , District DU�A-DUI3UQUE CITYlDBQ COMM SCH School District DUBUQUE COMM.SCHOOL DIST ' . ��`�.�mk��„� ��x�a,,,_,.,. Owners Deed Molder Contract Holder Mailing Address Kohilei9.J�hn 1 Trust 3/26{C17` Kohnen,John J Trust 3126/07 7326 N Citrus RcI 7326 N Citrus Rd Wad�lell AZ 8S3i5 Waddell AZ 85355 Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lot:100.00 x 400.00 Lot Area 0.92 Acres;40,000 SF Residential Dwellings Residential Dwelling Occupancy Single-Family/OwnerOccupied � Style Archltectural Style Conventional(newer 2s) Year Built 1950 Condition Grade what's this.' 4 Roof None Flooring None Foundation None Exterior Material Brlc Interior Material None Brick or Stone Veneer Total Gross Living Area '1,556 SF Attic Type Number of Rooms 5 above:0 below Number of Bedrooms 2 above;0 below Basement Area Type BasementArea 1,556 Basement Finished Area Plumbing 2 Full Ba[h;1 Other Fixtures; Appliances CentralAir Yes Heat FI�A-Gas Fireplaces Parches Decks Wood Ded<-Nied(4'l6 SF):Asph/Wd Roof OH-Med(80 SF�; Additions (52 Bsmt SF); Garages 6505F-(DuiIt1950�; Sales Multi Date Seller Buyer Recording SaleCondition-NUTC Type Parcel Amount 2/11/1999 D-99/2890 Unuseable Sale-Other Deed $0.00 +There are other parcels involved i�one or more of the ahove sales: Includes sales on or after 1/1/2003 1 of 3 5/2/2018, 3:1( PM L�eacoi�-Ditb�tque Cottnry, [A httpti:/lbeacon.sclmeiclercoi-��.com/Applic��Ci��u.as��`7AppID=93c�Lay... Y`le.a :,,,, �c�C�r1 Dubuque County, IA Summary ParcellD 1015279012 � AlternatelD 5-10-1-65 PropertyAddress 30<iBJOHN'FICENNEUYRD DUBUQUE IA 52001 Sec/Twp/Rng N/A BriefTax Description LOT 2 BRUECI<S SUB (Note:Not to be used on legal documents) Deed Book/Page 200800017378(12/19/2008) Contract Bool</Page GrossAcres 0.00 Net Acres 0.00 Class R-Residential (Note:This is for tax purposes only.Mot to be used for zoning.) Distrid DUBA•DU[3UQUECITY/DBQCOMMSCH Schoal District DU6UQUE COMM.SCHOOL DIST Owners pee�1 Holder Contract Holder Mailing Address Kohnen,John 1 Trust 3J26/07 Kohnen,Jahn J Trust 3/26/07 73'�f N Citrus RiJ 7326�I Citrus Rd Widrlcll AZ 85355 Waddell AZ 85355 Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lat:100.00 x 400.00 Lot Area 0.92 Acres;40,000 SF Sales Mtu�ti Date Seller Buyer Recording Sale Conditlon-NUTC Type Parcel Amount 2/11/1999 D-99/2890 UnuseableSale-Other Deed $0.00 +There are other parcels involved in one or more of the above sales: Indudes sales on or after 1/1/2003 Valuation 2018 2017 2016 2015 Classification Residential Residential Residential Residential + Assessed Land Value �y32,100 $32,100 $32,100 $32,100 + Assessed Bullding Value $0 $0 30 $0 + Assessed Dwelling Value $0 30 $0 g0 = GrossAssessedValue $32,100 $32,100 $32,100 $32,100 - ExemptValue $0 $0 $0 $p = NetAssessedValue $32,100 $32,100 $32,100 $32,100 Taxation 2016 2015 Pay 2017-2018 Pay 2016-2017 + Tax�ble Lancl Value $18,277 $17,856 + Taxable Building Value $0 $0 + Taxable Dwelling Value 80 $0 = GrossTaxableValue $1g,Z77 $17,856 - MilitaryCredit 80 $0 = NetTaxableValue $18,277 $17,856 x Levy Rate(per$'1000 of value) 33.91801 34,U1012 = Gross Taxes Due $619.92 $607,28 - Ag Land Credit $0,00 $0.00 - Fainily Farrn Credit $0.00 $0.00 Homestead Credit $0.00 $0,00 - Disabled and S�nior Citizens CrediC 30.00 �0.00 - [3usiness Praperty Credit $0.00 $0.00 = Net Taxes Due $620.00 $608.00 1 of 2 � Sl2/2U 18,3:16 PM Bzacon- Dubuque County, IA https:l beacon.scluleiderco��.conti'Applieation.aspx'?AppID=93��Lay... 7M .,,� ����OI'1 Dubuque County, IA Summary Parcel ID 10L5353004 � � � �� Alternate ID 5-15-L-1A a `��� ����.�� �� PropertyAddress 2.fi4qlQi-YNFICENNEDYRU ���� §- �$ ' DUBUQUE IA 52001 '�,�� , �''�a �'�,���`� ;� ��. Sec/Twp/Rng N/A � t� �� � BriefTax Description LOT 1-1-3-1&LOT 1-2 1-2-3-1 OF HIGHLAND FARM r� +�� �� � ��� y (No[e:Not to be used on legal documerr[s� ��� . � � ��y Deed Book/Page 1233402(7!10/2002) �� . ��_,; _: ContractBook/Page . -�� `�'' ��. Gross Acres 0.00 .�� i ,- Net Acres 0.00 � � „ ����� Class , R-Residential � �: � ��� �� �_ (Note:This is for t�x purposes only.Not to be used Por zoning.) � :..._ - �. :-��:, .._... . ....:....:.. _..:-... District DUBA-DUBUQUE CITY/DBQ COMM SCFI � •:a=-��-�:.:.u-.�� School District DUBUQUE COMM.SCHOOL DIST .�� ' " .j� : �,z r ' : _..��:� �- .._.__.. : ..�Y.... � , ,, _._ .,. 4;! '�........_.__ ' � �-�i ib___" _s_._ /� p � ....._... ......... .—:.x �1 �' �, Owners /'� � �1 DeedHolder �- G� ContractHolder MailingAddress Pfohl,John P,&Judy M pfohl,John A&Judy M 2640 Jahn F Kennedy Rd 2640 John F Kennedy Rd DubuquelA 52001 Du6uquelA 52001 Land Lot Dimensions Reoular Lot:104.00 x 166.00 Lot Area o.ao acres:17.2ba sF ���`Z�;: "T�T+e�E' r�.7C� ����r+E" ��lY�'�" Residential Dwellings two (2) addresses that did ResidentialOweliing IIOt Sl�Il 011I petition whith .�__. . ...... ._____._ _____ ----__._.__..—.. ._ ___ . ....__ __._ -- OPPOSES the installation of -""" Beacon-Dubuque County, I:� https:/ibeac sidewalks along John Fe � ay Bennedy Road from the Asbury to t�e N.TnT, .Arterial inter— �:,~=<v�:�a���a ;,,�, C �r�' Dubuque County, IA Summary - ;�_:-�:-__;:_---�:=_:_-_,___:_:_:__-:::-:_=::_______�---;.--�__:_--.Y_-�_ _._ Parce11D lO1o277005 ..::::::::.:::::::::::�:::::-::::::::::_::::::::_:-::::::::::::::-:::..:::::._�::::::::::::::_:-:::_::::::-:-::::::::-:__-::�-_.__.._.._,..._:_ .._..__..__._....._�._............__....._.........._...:............._.........._..,..........._.....,,-:::--::............._.._........r :_z _ -'-- - - - - ' ' - - ___::.__-___:.:�r� - , :::.::.....:....::::.::::�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::-:,:::::,..::::::...:::-::::............ - '- -'-- '--_-' - - ----`�_� �"- Alternate 0 5-1 - _ - - -=- ---- -------_ _-��___ I o 1-4 1 ,........._.._._ ....................................._...................._............................::::........._::::..:::: :.:::::::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::....:::::::: ....::-:::::- ........ � _......._._................_.._......._...........,.,_,___,....._...__....._.,.._..._..._..........__...__.....__:....._..._s:�_ �::--:_-::::-::::��:-_:_,:::::::..—_.._;_..,..:::- _. . ::-:::.:_-::::_.._�_=::::__:__::==s . __,::_::_r-=:. PropertyAddress 3087 J0�!N F KENNEDY R� � .� 1 ; ,� ::: i �:_::__::-:-=_ � _::::::__,.. . . .. ,i" k: . :.:�':—...;.. .. . . -.. � ::c. e . oueuQuE in szooz � , � - ;. : :.::..:::-:_..... . Sec/Twp/Rng NrA ` 'i. ; '-` . , BrlefTax Descripdon LOT 2-1-1-1-L-'1-9 ME V�l SEC 16 TWSP 84�IR 2E LANDS I�151DE (No[e:Not to be used on le,al documents) - Oeed Boolc/Page 24038-02(12/1 V?002) 'i ContractBool</Page �,,,� �,._.: '- � ��� '' .;:. GrossAcres 0.00 . - '. __....... -- : �: _ Net Acres 0.00 � ' - _...... . .: i ., ..., .. Class R-Residentiai ��_ :- - �_-- �- � ... . (Note:This is for tax puiposes o�ly.Mot to be used For m�ing.) �.r � -� � ,� .._.._.. District DU�A-DUBUQUE CITY/DDQ COMM SCH �� - . � � School District DUBUQUE COMM.SCFIOOL DIST . ' .� _: *6}r�n, � : � tn ; _ - •L� • .........:.. . . : :.; ..::: ........ .......: ._...r '7 i �--9� � � � Owners � , �( � Deed Holder � Contract Holder MailingAddress Steirres,Rir.k A&Abby L Steines,Rid<A&Ab6y L 3087 John F Kennedy Rd �087 John F I<ennedy Rd �ubuquelA 52002 DubuquelA 52002 Land Lot Dimensions Regular Lof:100.00 x 168.00 LotArea 0.39Acres;16.800 Sf- Residential Dwellings [)ncirlonrf�l fh.�olli..n ° �-'�� �-,�w� Ma.rch 17, 2018 ��� ��:%,M ��� a.� ��:,�'"��P °s `" �' '�� ��� y 1! { wd t �[^ L'_=.:F ` � �''�.. �w.v.�"^""...�...+.�im Q,.� � � ` } t il 1 � ' ��N � . The Honorable Mayor an�,�G�ty Gounc�if;f�Fl.�:�bers: �`W���'''�" ���°�'�`�}���'� ° �� t,>>�,�s� � � >,. " i , ' � -i .,� '��°'1 � �-' We, the property owners along John F. Kennedy Road (from Asbury Road to Highway 32), O�JECT to the installation of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy � �'`'���°`� Road. We feel that this does not warrant sidewalks due to the following: • Need • Accessibility / Maintenance • Expectations / Obligations • Financial Burden of Sidewalk Assessments • Public Safety *#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Propertv Owner(s) Street Address Telephone (*Signifies Rental Property) , ��� �_ �:���, 1 � ��.� :� �. � = ��'������������"�'-�'` 2291 Gordon Drive 590-7114 .. , � 2. ,����� ����� — 2291 Gordon Drive 542-9337 ,�— __._..—.�y ���,_ Wc��_������ 3, �'(1� �"'°�� --- 2299 Gordon Drive* `5�9-�`t'4 (Deed Holder - Ryan M. Adams) NOTE: See attached email 4. 2299 Gordon Drive* (Dee Holder— Joshua D. Schmitt, Ham Lake, MN) � r� �_ r� ' �%� 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 5. ,<'�.�.--�.,..� v �����-� ��'U�-�� 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 6. � r � `:- � 7. � ,-,,.,�,;� ,� ��-=��-�,��.,��.- 2333 Gordon Drive 584-9082 � �� ..., r � � � . ,.�.<� ...� _ ,�, ,o- g. - - ,� r � 2343 Gordon Drive 451-2123 , �,... g, ,r ✓� ���,��� �;� ,�� 2361 Gordon Drive 543-2322 I� ,, . � ., .,� 10. ,�,�,��-� :�'��sfY.�� ��Y��" 2381 Gordon Drive 590-5325 . �� �;;, �,, 11. �''e ���`��T�r�� 2381 Gordon Drive 590-4962 � �.......:: . . .. ...::...... ; �.�. � � NOTE: This guard rail protects the ' ,: backyard properties for the following Gordon Drive neighbors: � � �, � ; . ; ,� 2291 - Rettenberger ; � �' �,� 2299 - Rental property � -: ��-� 2315 - Buol � . . # :. � :..E � s�� � � 2333 - Howe � �� ��� � �_� �£ -� g��.� 2343 - Kotz .. . --.: :�-� : _. .::-�.. � -� � � � �� . �� � . . -'. __ .b : �':� F.tl�' __ £ 3 __ ......... ...: _..._ ___ 'e::.ffi. . ...._ ...� v.._ ' .... — : ...._...:._ ................_.............._...... ......._ ......_...._............ - _ ................................... ........ :ee�... : -::e-.........._........:::�::::- : ................ .. '- _ .. ._ ......::�:.. ._.¢:.c::::::c:::::: ....... _....... �� ' .. ...::... .........._..._... :��ee...........z.:.__.. .. . ..._..._..... . . � �:e:-::::o:e:......e_ _ ' ... . ......_. ... . .... .:. .. ___._. . . ":-ee_''::. ..........._....::.::____' �.....�v:. _: ....._. .__'__—__ 'ii:�......e'::..: .............._......_._... ' __' .;.. .. ._.. ..._.........___... ..._..._....._._. ;,� ...._........___._.. : � ._.._._-.:: _.._...._..._.._... __... . ' ..... .:::�i'e"--_E_e � : : �� ; .. -__ ... � .� ...� �� :: ,,,,.,.,�.,.���.,..�.,,,.-��.:::.._:.:::u::...e ::._ . '-:x;;... .... � ' _ _ .. . ...:-�_c..._.._.. �.::.::.... ��:��_: . �° i:. 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NOTE: A new end cap of guard rail was ��� ;_. � � - � � � � . _ _ � ._�:::._. ��.:: .:_. �-:::: - installed in the Spring of 2018 ,..�_ �'"� � � ��--- __........_ _ � ........._.........................-:::.:::::::::::::::::::: w.„ ..t.._.........................:::::::::::::-:-::--::-:-::::::::::-:::::::::::::::::::: - -_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . . . .__.__._..*��. ::::::::::::::::..� _.. ..::,�_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, _:_.�:� ::: due to a truck hittin it while ,�' ._.�..:: :.��:_:_::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ::.:�:::.. g �� _. ...... . �:�:5:.--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -� -- _.� _..,�::�:::::::::::::::::::_:::::::::::::::::....................................._........._, : .... � . - �.::-:_ .. ,; . .... . ..:.....:.:...:�:::_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... _ � -- : : : . ,..; � -.:,:::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: driving up John F. 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Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2018 8:48 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Brian Walsh Address: brian@freeflightbikes.com Ward: Phone: 5635991499 Email: brian@freeflightbikes.com City Department:City Council Message: Dear City Council Members, I am writing to convey my thoughts on the JFK sidewalk problem we have been trying to finish for years.As a resident in the Arboretum neighborhood I have occasion to see the need for the sidewalk from The Arterial to Eisenhower school every day.And since the Arterial trail has been finished the need has gone up significantly. Dubuque's reputation as a green city and it's previous commitment to Complete Streets mean this should be an easy decision. Many times during the year this stretch of road is not very walk-able,and the people who have to walk it are forced onto a busy street with 35mph traffic. Please solve this problem for your citizens by installing sidewalks along JFK for our safety and continued use of the awesome network of trails along the Arterial.Thank You,Sincerely, Brian Walsh 3242 Bittersweet Ln Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2018 11:49 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Danielle Neyens Address: 1991 GOLDEN EAGLE DR Ward: 3 Phone: 5634515175 Email:danielleneyens5512@gmail.com City Department:City Council Message: Dear Council Members, I just wanted to reach out. I am not sure what/if anything you can do to bring this the appropriate parties attention. I am a resident of the Eagle Valley subdivision.So my family uses the Roosevelt to Peru roads or Roosevelt to Lincoln/Rhomberg roads multiple times a day.With the addition of all the homes in our neighborhood and homes along Roosevelt it seems there is an arising need for sidewalks on Roosevelt.As you can imagine, it is quite dangerous to be walking on the side of the roadway ditches and many times people are not going the posted speed (imit. Frequently,we see people walking along the ditch (ine walking towards the pool or children walking up from the school bus stop areas along the road.This seems very dangerous. With many people wanting to access Heritage Trail or other amenities downtown such as Bee Branch and A.Y. McDonald Park it requires them to walk or ride bicycles,or pushing strollers in the ditch areas which are not very wide and the terrain is less than ideal. Personally,we have chosen to drive to the trail outlet areas or drive and park downtown because of the dangerous nature of the lack of sidewalks. I know our neighborhood has had the park pushed to the back burner due to funding, but I think it is important that the City provide safer access to other amenities in the meantime. I appreciate your time considering this matter and would welcome the opportunity to provide further feedback. Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 9:37 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Kevin Stevens Address: 2016 GOLDEN EAGLE DR Ward: 3 Phone: 563-599-3663 Email: kstevens@tricorinsurance.com City Department:City Council Message: Mr. Mayor and Council Persons,Thanks for all you do for the city of Dubuque. Ms. Larson, Mr.Jones and Mr. Resnick have already received this, I wanted to forward to everyone on the council.As the proposed water tower gets installed in our area in the next few years,it is a good time to study the feasibility of better access in the area for pedestrians and bicyclists.As a resident of Eagle Valley area, I understand it firsthand.This has been a growing area with many homes over the last 15 years.There are many people of all ages in a relatively small area.One of the challenges here is that currently the only paved access to the subdivision is from Roosevelt.There are no sidewalks from the bottom of the hill on the east end towards Rhomberg all the way up the hill and back down to Peru RD.The road is very narrow 2 lane with no shoulders to speak of and is treacherous for bicycling and walking. When we want to ride bikes we typically haul them down to Peru RD or over near the Dubuque Driving Range to access the Heritage trail and other areas.While I understand the complexity of widening the road to add sidewalks, it seems a perfect opportunity to study how the situation can be improved while in the process of constructing and installing the water tower. Dubuque has made many strides in making the area more bike and pedestrian friendly,this would be another step.Another step to consider for bike access would be to have a paved connection between our subdivision and the one directly north of us. I think this may have been discussed or will eventually happen,and if/when it does people in our neighborhood could access the trails, Eagle Point Park,and other areas without risking their safety on Roosevelt,trudging through woods or having to transport their bikes to a safer starting spot via automobile.Thanks for your time and consideration,and please let me know how I can help in any way.Thanks! Kevin R Stevens Click here to report this email as spam. i F�om: Trish Gleason To: Kevin Firnstahl: Kerry Bradlev:Jon Dienst: Gus Psihovos Cc: Crenna Brumwell Subject: Emails in Opposition to Sidewalks on JFK Date: Monday,September 24,2018 9:08:44 AM Attachments: Untitled.msa OPPOSED TO]FK SIDEWALK PRO]ECT.msa Reauardina o6iective on sidewalks on]FK oroiect.msa Attached are three emails that came into the City Clerk's Office on Friday, registering their opposition to the sidewalks on JFK.These emails were sent because of a document published in the TH stating that opinions needed to be registered with the city Clerk's Office. Please let me know if you have issues opening the attachments. Kind regards, `rYlSGI L. C�C2aS0V6, CMC, IaMFO, IaCMC Assistant City Clerk 50 West 13th Street Dubuque, IA. 52001 563-589-4120 tgleason@cityofdu buqu e.org F�om: Maraie McDonnell To: Trish Gleason Date: Friday,September 21,2018 2:48:53 PM City Clerk Regarding the JFK City sidewalk issue project... MY name is Margie McDonnell 2548 rosewood DR This concerns' me and my husband because We are Seniors, we really can not afford this. We are not able to maintain it in the winter months. We rarely see any one walking. I was shocked to hear your source estimate 16-20 persons per day walking here. I do not see it. We do not feel it is necessaryl No one in a wheel chair or crutches could maneuver these hills on JFK, so the good Doctors theory does not hold to work with sidewalks on hills. MY husband and I had considered moving to a more suburb area, there they pay associates fees for street maintained etc.. We dismissed this idea because of this added associates fee. This sidewalk fee far exceeds those associations fees. I would pay less out of town to these housing developments. PLEASE CONDICER THIS CAREFULLY AND FAIRLY. necessity, we are both desperately apposed to sidewalks on JFKI We are at your mercyl Clickhei�to reportthis email as spam. D§t6tkere for the accessible vers'on Trom: �'�Pb� rnshaPam SLbjec[: OPP�E9 TO]RC SIDEWALK PRQ]EQ Detc Fnday,Septzrtbx 21,2018 1'.40'.46 PM JG(city sidewalk projed opposition F��I'� e foRika�'ble vers'on Margie McDonnell Qunchlady1722@aoLcom)To:tgleason Details My husband and I are to the sidewalks on JFK. We have had a lady come to our door wanting us to sign her petition in favor of this sidewalk.How dare her, I thought. Her plea was this. Would you sign this petition to have the city install a sidewalk on JFK. almost all my neighbors signed it,they thought the city was going to take care of all ofthis. I don't think the neighbors knew what they were signing... Margie McDonnell 2548 Rosewood Dr Dubuque SSGi694 Reply Reply All Forward Click here to report tlrie email as epam. F�om: Maraie McDonnell To: Trish Gleason Subject: Reguarding objective on sidewalks on JFK project Date: Friday,September 21,2018 1:07:13 PM From: Margie McDonnell <lunchlady1722@aol.com> Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2018 19:24 To: Roy D. Buol <rdbuol@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: sidewalk on JFK I am totally against this sidewalk. . PLEASE consider carefully on this decision. be Fair. . many other streets do not have sidewalks. do you, in the city? This concerns' me and my husband because We are Seniors, we really can not afford this. We are not able to maintain it in the winter months. We rarely see any one walking. I was shocked to hear your source estimate 16-20 persons per day walking here. I do not see it. We do not feel it is necessary! No one in a wheel chair or crutches could maneuver these hills on JFK, so the good Doctors theory does not hold to work with sidewalks on hills. MY husband and I had considered moving to a more suburb area, there they pay associates fees for street maintained etc. . We dismissed this idea because of this added associates fee. This sidewalk fee far exceeds those associations fees. I would pay less out of town to these housing developments. PLEASE CONDICER THIS CAREFULLY AND FAIRLY. necessity, we are both desperately apposed to sidewalks on JFK! We are at your mercy! Click here to report this email as spam. ii STATE OF IC�WA {SS: DUBUt�UE COUN�'Y '� � � CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION I Suzanne Pilce a Billin Clerk for Woodward Communications Inc. an Iowa cor oration ublisher !� , � g > > P � P , of the Telegraph Herald,a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Dubuque, County ' of Dubuque and State of Iowa; hereby certify that the attached notice was published in said newspaper on the following dates: Septeinber 21 & 28, 2p18, and for which the charge is $72.28. i � � � I; �� i Ii '1 Subscribed to before me, a Notar Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, '� this �?�..� day of �,�;;���� , 20�� . � I ; � � ,� i'/'/,�oy..��+ /� r���->ie�m� �� Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. � �� ; � ��F' �����'�� 4 �'���R,.�� C�F��Y}��Y����t� ; ���, �� ���rrss�isslcsn�1���€��r 15���� � a'��� 'utYt��ti�>si�pn�xt�.F�o.1,2[d20 :"� �''�'y ,�,.�..�,.........--e_m.-•-6-.�..".�` � , � � � � �� � contract and estimated I ' CITY�QF DUBUQUE, cost for the John�'F.� � z IOWA� : �- 'I Kennedy��i�oad,. �id,e-�� OFF�C�A6 NO710E i walk Installation Pro-� � I�pTICETO ject, in accordance I i PROF�RTY'OWNERS ' with the provisions,of' I� JOHN F K��lN�DY Cha�ter'"26, Code oi l ,� ROADSIDEWALK I lowa on the 15th day of I � INSTALLIlTIOM O�tober,'2018, at 6:00 'i PROJEGT,':` . . � p;m .in_ the, Histocic' Notic`e �s��g�veii that j ` Installation of 4-fqot- Federal B'�i1ding Cou'n-� �� there is, now on file fo'r i wide sidewalks along cil Chambers (second� public inspecfion;in the � .1ohn F.Kennedy Road floor), 350s West 6tli �, ! � Office of the Clerk of i :�on botli ��sides�of�the S'treet Dub,uque '1o�a, �, �� the City of Duliuquet � street from Asbury at which time the own- i �; Ip,wa a pro�posed reso'- `Roatl to>the NW Arteri- �� ees of'property sutiject i � lution ofi necessity r ari al'p`A 32) adjacent to to assessment'�or the �i i estimate of� cost and abutting properties proposed improvement j schedule showing tY�e that do'not currently I o'r any other person ' amounts proposed to hauesidewalks having an;iriterest 'in ' ' be� assessed�,against � Exsavation to a'llaw � � '� each lot.and the valua- � th�fnatter may appe;ar � ', for the installation�-of and be .h2ard for tir,� � tion.of each lot,within a � the,sidewalk" • against;the making`of' disfrict approved . by Installation of base i the improvement said the City Council,of'the stoneforthesidewalk proposed plans speci- I �i City of Dub4que,,lowa, — In§tallation`of 4' I fications form of con- � I for a„public irnprove- I. thicksidewalk°in most �ract_ estimated cost, i = . � ment ;of fhe ,�yqe(s) i, �areas% -: " '' ���� �the boundaries'of'tlie �� and' in the location(s) j —,insfallatiori of 6" I district, ,:the asse"ss- � as�•follows.,. ��� ��thick sid2Walk at drive- I menf agai�st any�]ot",�I �� The:John F. Kennedy Way'crossings � � o'r the final'atloption;of i ! Road Sidew�lk Insialla- i �Installation of mod- a resolution of necessi- li tion, P-rojecC�wil� pro- I ular-�.blockf `reYaining �y A pro``perty� owrier��j vide: : I` walls `where needed Will be d`eemed to liave � due to topography to ' Waived all ob�ections ! � accommotlate the'"side- 'unless, af the time;of � � � � walk.� �` �� �� hear%ng the property� �� � '� —Restoration of dis- � owner ha"s`filed objeo-I , i turb'ed"area with top- tions with tlie City , 9 � i�� §oil and,seed:<"� �'' � Clerk,'50 Nl. 13t���t., 'I � � The proposed distr`ict Dubuque,IA �2001.�� : ' ' to be 'benefited and II . pny visual or hearing- i u subject to°assessment �� impaired,personsneed- Ij for the'cost of such im- i ing "special assistan"ce � � provements ' is> de- i or persdnswith speeial 'I scribed as follows: I �����i�ity neetls � John F;Kennedy Road � �should contactYhe„CitY { � abutting properties b"e- � ClerKs'"ofF�ce at (6&39 �� tween 'Asbury �Road J 589 4P00 :or TDD 'at i � and the NW Arterial(�A (563) fi9`Or6678 at I'east , � � 32NOTICE OF��PUBLIC � 48 hours;prior'to'the�I � HEARING ON PLANS, I k�eeting. : ' , + SPECa�FICATIONS, � Pu¢lished by ordetr of �l FORM OF CONTRACT, the City°Council �iVen ,' ' AND, ESTIMATED 1 on the ,1f7Ch day' of � 3eptern�er2018 ' � � � � COST � K'evin 5.Firnstahl; � � The�City,Council �ill "CMC„CiCy Clec� � hold a`public 6earin,g � 'Zt9/21;28'' � on the proposed-plans, specificatipns;"form oT I """"""'"" �� `"�"' � � � � � i-%�-_ � � ;_J March 17, 2018 'i'^ � . . , .. _ �' :. - The Honorable Mayor an�d City Council N}ef�bers: We, the property owners along John F. Kennedy Road (from Asbury Road to Highway 32), OBJECT to the installation of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. We feel that this does not warrant sidewalks due to the following: • Need • Accessibility/ Maintenance . Expectations / Obligations . Financial Burden of Sidewalk Assessments • Public Safety *#*#'#`#*#*#*#"#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*#*# Propertv Owner(sl Street Address Telephone (*Signifies Rental Property) � \ �� \ � `� C'�"�-'�t-'"��a+"j.`��� 22g1 Gordon Drive 590-7114 2� l�2-' 2291 Gordon Drive 542-9337 3. n�) �'ii'„ �i''� =1 N�;- )�;�'� 2299 Gordon Drive' �5�9�6&44� (Deed Holder- Ryan M. Adams) NOTE: See a[[ached email 4. — 2299 Gordon Drive* (Dee Holder- Joshua D. Schmitt, Ham Lake, MN) 5� � 1�--�" ��� 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 6. �W�"✓��-' �'�'�� 2315 Gordon Drive 556-9247 7. � 2333 Gordon Drive 584-9082 � $� '_ ��� 2343 Gordon Drive 451-2123 9� ��'�� ' 1 2361GordonDrive 543-2322 10. � ' - 2351 Gordon Drive 590-5325 �//. 11. ���%� 2381 Gordon Drive 590-4962 Jolene Rettenberger From: Jayna Adams <adam0383@umn.edu> Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 9�11 AM To: lolene Rettenberger Subject: Sidewalk on 1FK My husband and I own the house bcated at 2299 Gordon $treet. We are writing to inform you that we oppose the sidewalk being proposed on 1FK Road. Thank you, losh and Jayna Schmitt ❑ick here[o report this email as spam. � m — -�, = o� LJ w � 1 Beacon � Dubuque Cou�ry,IA hups.//beacoaschneidercorp.comiApplicaiion.espx?App10-93&Lay... �B@aC01'l � Dubuque County, IA Summary aa��eiio iozzio3oii '� nue.�aoeio i-n-i3-� PmpertypEd�exs 2299GOR�ON�R -�� � �' �UDUQVEIA52001 �� Sec/1Wp/Rng WA ,�. Br¢fTdxO¢SfiplOn LOT00LKI�QOVERHILLSSUB y �� � tNm�rvovroe��seeo�iesaieo��me�v) yJ�, y - DaetlBook/Pa&e 2%SA]22pq201S) g� ) �� Q��,� eono.aaeoopiaage k �rl �� � � GroszAcres 000 p Ne[Acres 000 . Y�I'k'�'�i� � � ' CJass R-R 'tl n�aol yy� � — (NI _ThI515fortvpu�poicSanly.No[[obcusetlloiEanng] _ �� L -' � D'SM1c[ DUBA-OUBUpUECITY/DBQCOMMSCH - S�FooID'SKct DU�VQVECOMMSCHOOLDIST _.�e �l Owners DeedHolder ComractHolEer MailingHdtlress Mams.Ryan M SCM1mIt�JosM1ua�6layna M Ebl 14643VancyS[NE SCM1mipJozM1ua�6lavno M Elal Ham Lake MN 55304 1Jfi43Yanry5LNC Ham tzke MN 55304 Land LOIDlmenslons kegularLo06].00x]4600 LotArea 02]Aves�.B,9065F Residential Dwellings aesme�e�aiowen'��e Occupancy $ingle-Family/Ren[alUnit $tyle fv[hlte[[ural$NI¢ RanCM1 YearBuitl 1961 Cantlition � _ e�aee..n,�:�n�: a+s Roof Non �� � � Flooring Non � '� �� �� Fountlatlon None Fxtetlo�Matendl Alum/Vlpyl In�¢ri0/Ma@�ial None BriQorS[oneVeneer TolalGmssLivingqrea 9365f /+[[icTyPe . �'� — NumberofFooms Sabove',Obelow �'. � " NumberofBetlmams 3above-.Obebw (U V� easemen[l�reaType BazementHrea 936 BasemenlFinisM1etl Area Plumbing 2FUIIBn[k AOpllances WnhalRlr Yes Heat FHA-Gas Fireplaces Par<bes Decks nEtlifions Garages 2535F-IBuilI196ll', $d�25 Mulli Da[e Selle� Buyer Fecortling SaleContlition�NUTC TYpe Paral Amount ]/V2015 KUETER,RITAL SCHMITT105HUADJAYNAM&RYANM 15�8]12 Normal Deea $123W�40 rTM1creareolherpalce151nvolvedlnoneormoreof[I�eabovesalei memessaieso�o�ene�inrzoos i of 3 5/2i20 i R, 3:1 A PM -j l 12. l��'w� d� �""� � 2395 Gordon Drive 258-2866 13. `- '- �.� �-�� � �--' 2395 Gordon Drive 543-3945 ��, � 14. ' !'t��t �'0� � . � i" �: ?-- 2419 Gordon Drive 590-2980 / i 15. ` � ✓i �� �4 � � ! �� 2419 Gordon Drive 599-3091 16.!�, � ����'v 2455 Gordon Drive 556-4253 17. _/ � � .�-.��--�� 2455GordonDrive 556-4253 18: - �-�` `� �— 3299 Kaufmann Ave 583-9378 19. '•-'c�C��,f/�-�_,�., l�6. 3299 Kaufmann Ave 583-9378 () 20. i/T i ��� 2512 Marywood Dr 584-0884 21. �i c�,,, . w�t��+r' � 2512 Marywood Dr 584-0884 22. ,.�„-,�,1..�,_� `�� 2511 Marywood Dr 590-7811 _C, � 23. :��, w �� , Zll��� , 2511 Marywood Dr 513-4749 _ � (� 24. ����G.z�- M ` Ala��v.8/' 2548 Rosewood Dr 556-1694 25. ;4}-cv,,. ��1 ', .J��,.�-.,�% 1 2548 Rosewood Dr 556-1694 NOTE: See attached email 26. from uroperty ower� (Williamz549 ROSBWOOCI Df 870-754-0680 and Debra Dotolo) who reside (�il is 6i11d51@msn.com) 2] in Harrison, nrt�aosas. 2549 Rosewood Df� $�a-�54-4036 28. :j.�: - "� =� 2636 John F. Kennedy s >"c -s :�- � i � � � 29. �4���i ��.�-----� ' , ,��._� 2636 John F. Kennedy ����- 1—?i� i � 30. 2640 John F. Kennedy 31. 2640 John F. Kennedy 32. ��/;,, � �� l l'� �� -_� 2644 John F. Kennedy 5ht ���'� � �� �� V ' 33. `)�^,�,� �a �� -� / 2691 Marywootl Dr 543-4601 / 34. �' 2691 Marywood Dr 543-2691 To Whom It May Concern March 21, 2018 This is William & Debra Dotolo, home owners of 2549 Rosewood Drive, Dubuque, lowa. We (Debra & William Dotolo) are AGAINST the installation of sidewalks along John F. Kennedy Road. If you have any questions or concerns on this you may contact us at 870-754- 0680/870-754-4036 or email biIId51@msn.com. Sincerely 1NiCCiam & De6ra DotoCo 406 Natchez Trace Harrison, AR 72601 870-754-4036/870-834-0680 � �; biIId51@msn.com T -'?S: � y _. " C� .-- � �� Bucon-Dubuyue Counry, IA hups://beacoaschneidercory.com/Applicatioaaspz?Applo-9}&Lay... �B@aC01"1 Dubuque County, IA Summary Pe,�ano imsssama � are,�ac�io i-vn-s-� " ampe��yaaa�as zsasaosew0000a DV60Ql1E IA 52001 Sec/rwp/Rng N/q BrrefTax�e5ai0tion lOT1HLK22CLOVERwLL55Ue INo[eNo[m be uzetl on legal tlommrn[s) DeeEBooN/Page 201113Jf]l320101 - ConttaRBook/Cage GrassAcres 000 - � �I �j Netqcres 000 J ' Class R-R¢siaential __ — �No�e.TFlslzfor[ax purposesonly No[lobeuzetllor[aning.) � pisttitt OUBA-OUBUQUECItV/�BaCOMMSCH ' ' . SCM1oalDishic[ �U�UQVECOMMSCHWL�ISi taT -__ _. Owners oeeeemee� eo�e�a�eHome� ma�r�gnee,e:: oomio.wm�am v n o�ea o oomm.wmam v s oee,a o 405�1�cchez➢aw 406 Nv¢M1ez irace HvrnznnARl2601 HamisonAR]2601 Land �om'�me�.m�: aes�ia.�oe:�000.iosoo LofArea ODAces'],3505F Residential Dwel lings � /-1 b n�vde�naiowenme - -- o«�na�w s-��eie-vzm�ivow�e,o«uaaa ' '. - � Sryle ArcM1i(eclura6ryle SpG[Foyer Yea�Bullt 1963 '- . co�mno� GratlewFastFix+ 4�i " Roo/ AzpM1/Gable -- Flooring Carp/Ynyl = :Y) � Fauntldtian COnf ' (�� O ExterforMadrial 50 Pl InleriorMaterial �rwl � BricMar5loneVeneer TotalGrossLivingArea 98BSF acti<rwe NumberafRooms 6above2below NumberofBedrooms 3above;]below BasemenlAreaType Basemen[/aRa 9y8 BasementFinfsM1eDAraa ]SO�GvingQvs�MW(p Plumbing 2FUIIBatklOtM1erFix[ures'. qpplimas IRangeUnil.tOren-Single�. Cenhalf�ir Ves Heet FHA-Gaz Frevlace: ForcM1es Oecks NtlEi�ions Ga�ages 2885F-(Buli[19631: t of 3 5/2/20 i 8,3:t S Pbl (� , 35 7 �^� �J���(� � �. 2690 Marywood Dr 564-1341 1 ; 36. �� �� ����L�t - 2690 Marywood Dr 513-1988 37. � ����1 3305 Kaufmann Ave 581-0788 � 38. I ' � " �'J 3305 Kaufmann Ave 581-0788 r 39. _ - 2531 John F. Kennedy 5903825 40. � ` 2551 John F. Kennedy 'j 5; %.!Y�, 41. � � � '' -_ 2551 John F. Kennedy �-����5 YL'���r �� ._ 42 �. � L�_ -��'��- 2571John F. Kennedy 583-3500 (NOTE: Business, Creative Edge Hair & Tanning Salon) s, ,� � 43. ^'� r� � � ' ZC� � 2639 John F. Kennedy -5�3 7485 �'��- , � � :,�� 44. � � �-- ��L 2659 John F. Kennedy 556-0776 NOTE: Business, Egelhof, e &Casper WesNiew Funeral Home &Crematory) / f � 45. � ��� 3038 John F. Kennedyx 301331-7b12 46�� � � � � �!�--�.�-� 3058 John F. Kennedy 583-5954 47. �� ��-L-�"`� 3058 John F. Kennedy 583-8954 ��� 48. �I ;z �F'/f ,�-�--- 3078 John F. Kennedy 556-4130 49. '���'���, �/�11qPi�^' 3078 John F. Kennedy 556-4130 � l � � � :-�� 3150 John F. Kennedy 556-5968 5Q � o-��� �.�a�f-- SL ��Ci� - � 3150 John F. Kennedy 556-5968 52. �,������r�to 3139 John F. Kennedy 556-4452 53. -.J1,L.c«,J*'.`y Gi:�,(��r.�,�����3139 John F. Kennedy 556-4452 54. (���'cu� 3298 West 32nd St 715-4153801 c - 55. t. �. 2935 John F. Kennedy 583-1188 56. ' �°��� _ ,V " .<-�r�= 2955 John F. Kennedy - � � 5��'� �� �"� 57. �;,''�l � ��� t_y� 2975John F. Kennedy 556-2905 5S. 2975John F. Kennedy 556-2905 59 ,l�l����l�lAu I� LI L�L,F 2995JohnF. Kennedy �}A;I �`�C � Y � 60. Lc2��c.�.u% 2995 John F. Kennedy X3 'iZ`�1 C;S�� � 6L ���C ' c .��c'�..� 3017 John F. Kennedy 583-0564 62. \ ' �' r/>Yla,� �-���� ������ti� 3037 John F. Kennedy 588-0951 �7�r ' U , 63. ��r���� �7-/,�;�� 7]� 3037 John F. Kennedy 588-0951 � �� 64. _'�L�✓��°P��% 3057 John F. Kennedy* ��-j�-�� (Deed Holde�- Key City Rentals, 3253 Arrowwood Ln) 65. �fZ�'t��7��' 3059 John F. Kennedy* ��'� `/'- ��"'S (Deed Holder- Ke C yty i Rentals, 3253 Arrowwood Ln) 66. 3087John F. Kennedy 67. 3087 John F. Kennedy 68. ��/.�- . �`r�/�,�;:-- - ' 3169 John F. Kennedy 556-6142 � ,/ ,,/ i 69. j� c��-`�✓/.-C �,��-��-�/ 3169 John F. Kennedy 556-6142 �� 70. � 3199 John F. Kennedy Rd* 588-3692 . ( ed older-Vi�g nia Jahnke, lives at 1771 Rosemont St, 583-8790) 71. �-� �� V��� 2986JohnF. Kennedy ..>63 -s,�-`�s'�.-� (�a t ��m d by doel & Rodney Mozena) �-.� _ �c<.�. :;_ ��- � � - ON rRiDAY;' �Y 4 , 2018 AT APPROXIMATELY a:os ari, JOLENE RETTENBERGER DELIVERED (in person) THIS PETITION TO KEVIN FIRNSTAHL, CITY CLERK. � —� � �� - � � �� > - �1 --�"-CC/ i ���'�-'- �" � Y � � ` '<lives at 3199 JFR Bd) (Reyjer of 3199 John F. %ennedy Rd) NOTE: See attached email 73. — (lives in Waddell, AZ, 224-402�5-311� (Ocmer o 30 8 John F. Rennedy Rd and lot ¢ext to it) i< ` - -r-� c ti �: (D � Jolene Rettenberger From: Kevin Kohnen <kknddl@gmaiLmm> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2018 1016 AM 70: /olene Rettenberger Subject: Petition against sidewalk construction on Kennedy Road Dubuque Iowa Kevin Kohnen owner at this time,supports the petition against sidewalk mnstruction for(3 lots)on Kennedy Road East Side of Kennedy at 3038 and a lot below 3038, and the lot above 3038. Thank You for your consideration. Sincerely, Kevin Kohnen = — � 3F9-402-5311 �� . - - -" kknddl(�RmaoLmm �'. �- �. - Click here to report this email as spam. � ����� " � n a� 1 6eacon-Dubuque Counly, IA h�ry�sUbeaconschneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppI�93&Ley_. f;�Beacon� Dubuque County, IA Summary aa«euo misz�sov NI(ernahlD 5-161-64 � ' VmperryNddreyx 30481OIWFKENNEDYRD oueuaueinseoat Sec/Twp/Rne N/!� � ' .p� l�]. Breliax�aaptfon LOT3BRUECKSSUB *3'�. Wo(e'.No[[o be uzetl on legal Qoaunenls) .� >.,-,�nr'� �eetlBaok/%ge 2008000ll3]B�12/19/10�8� 'f, Jq� ConvactBook/Vage � e,o::n�,e: o.00 i, NefNcres O.W . � : Oass R�Fczitlen[ial � .. . � �Nafe.TM1iSisforlaxpurposesonly,No[Wbeu5e4foNonng.� - �� �� DfsMtt �UBA�DUBUQUEOrv/DBQCOMMSCH '� SCM1ool�lstrlc( DUBUQUECOMM.SCHOOLDIST � Owners oeee uome� eom.a<cHome. ma�r��gaad.e.. rcaM1ncnloM1N 1ms:3rz6/o� iNhne�Jono 1 rrusi 3rzNOJ ]326 N Ci V��s RJ 9326 N Cftms Rtl Wadaell/�205955 Watl4aIlA285355 Land �om�me�:�o�: a�gwa��oeia000.noo.00 Lo[Frea 092Bves�,400005F Residential Dwellings -� `n ReSidmtialDwelling � �j Ofcupanry $In61e�Family!OwnerOcmpietl '- Sryle NrcM1l[ectuOlSryle Con ional�newer251 -= YearBuilt 1950 n ' Canai[ion � ' - GradewFXs�Ms? 0 � Roof None � CO � � � Fmo„�e �o�e r: ll Fe��ea�o� No� Ex[eriorMa[erial Brk e InleriorMahlial None 8/ifkp�$tOn¢Venee� TolalGrossLivingArea 15565F AtticTYGe NumherofRooms i�bove:Obelow NumberofBearooms 2above',Qbelow BasementNreaType Bazementnrea 1.556 Basemenl FinisM1etl Nrea Plumbing 2PoIIBa1M1�.10IFe�FisNres�, POPlidnce5 CenhalAtr Vez Heal FHB-Gas FlRplaces GmcM1es Dacks Wootl�eck-Mpd(0165Fl:A50hM'tlRmfOH-Me�(BOSFI: Ndtlilions (52Bem[SF�; Garages 6505F16uil[19501: $d�PS Multi Date Seller BuYe� Remraing SaleCondi[ion-NUTC Type Garcel Amoun[ 2/11/1999 D-9W2B90 Onuseable Sale-0tM1er �eetl 5000 �There are otM1e�parcels invoWed in one or mo�e oRhe above sales: Intlutlessaluonorafterl/L2003 Infl Si9/�OIR i�IfiPM Beacom Dubuque Couvty. IA hups://beamasclmeidzrcory.com/Application.aspx?AppI�93&Lay... �B@aCOII Dubuque County, IA Summary ParcellD ]016D9012 ' �, T T, Alteme<oID 5-06-]-65 _ � �y y P/ap¢rtyl�dd/¢55 303810HNFKENNEDVRD r 111 Dl1�UQUEIq52001 - � - SecRwp/Rng N'A r eneeraxoescrlpGon LoizaRUEIXssue � INo�e:Nattobeuze�onlegaltlommenlsl . . ' -" Daetl600k/Page 2008000ll3�0fII/M1920081 . - � -- Con[ra<tBook/Pag¢ �1 GrmsAcrez 0.00 � — �� `� Ne�Hves 0.00 C� Class R-ResltlenGal �� T INo[cTM1islsfortaxpiuposesanly�No[Io�eusetlf0�xaning.l �isM1ic[ OU�A-DUBUQVECITY/�BQCOMMSCH SCM1oolDishict �U�UQUELOMM.SCHWLDISr Owners oeeeeoie�, eo�na«Hma�. ma�r�gpae.ers KannenJOM1N im5f 3R6/0> KOM1neiJo�N imst Y26/0] ]J26 N Gt ut Ra �326 N Cilms Rtl Watl�eIlA285355 WnOdeIlA285355 Land LOIDlmensionz RegularLOM1l0000x400.00 LotArea 0.92AvesGQ0005F Sales MW[i Date Seller Buyer Remrding SaleConJl[iom NUTC Type Paral Amount 2tt1/1999 P99/4890 Onuseable5ale�OMer �eetl $0.0� �ibiere are olM1er Varmis mvolve�In one or more ol[M1e abow sales: m�waes saes on or aner tn2oN Valuation P018 201] 2016 3015 Oasslfim�lon Fesi�enlial IEeSiden[ial RP5ldentldl FesltlenEal � Assesietl LantlValue $32,1W $J2,300 $32,100 $32100 ♦ Assezzetl 6uildingValue $0 50 §0 SO . n::e::mow�u���gvai�e so ao So so = GmzsRssessetlValue $32100 83?100 8]2100 $32.100 - ExempNaWe SO $0 50 $0 = Ne(AssessetlValue $32,100 $32 100 $]2,300 $32,f00 Taxation 2016 2015 Gay20ll-2016 Pay3016d011 ♦ TaxableLantlValue S1d2T/ $D,856 � raxabie euaeingvvwe So So = Taxable pwellingValue SO 50 � Gm55TaxableValue $162)J $ll,856 MIIIttryGe�l[ $0 $0 = Ne�TanableValue S18.D] $ll,B56 x IpryRa�e(pe�81000ofvolue� 3399801 340ID12 = GmssTaxesDue 8619.9P $60]28 - ng��ao-ed�n so.00 Soao - Fam�rvFa�mcreatr s000 sono - Hame:�esae,emi sana Sooa - oi:abmeanaseniorcnze�.screah saoo Soao a�:m�::v.00�merea�� saao soaa = Ncerz.c:oue 8ezoao g6oeoa I oC2 5"_:2015. 3J6 P�I Baacon-Dubuyua Counry, [A h«ps:`beacon.sclmaidarcorp.rorri Applicatioaasps'?AppID=93&Lay_. (;�Beacon� DubuqueCounty, lA r' � `� 18 F�''i - ,,. Summary � ' � - ' ' Par¢IID 106R5900G �¢ \� j : AlternatelD 5.15-1-IA �� � �,c�.h� \ } '� ' PmpeMAtltlress 26a010YWFKB�NEDYRD ,��2 \ ��• DVBUQUEIl�i240t ,.�pl � '1 �-�5 Sec?wplRng N;A e� 'ti � p� Z BretTaxOes<rp(an LOT1�13�16LOTL2d�2�9�lOFHIGHIANOFAPM x` woee.uoemee�:eeo�ies�ma<�me��:i ��;+ - ��w"SA:" oeeeeook/aage 1z33a-0zU.iono@I �"�`�"' K . ContaRBook/Pag h �� �`^ Gmssl+cres 0.00 A���� ��� Ne(Aves 000 Oass R-F tl lal � �� � �� (Y [e.inYsfar(oxpur0osuanlyNatto5euscdbrzonng ` � D'stict DUBA-DOBl14UECITYiDOQCONM>CH " " - ' $cM1oolDs[rct DUBUQVECOMM.SCHOOl�IST � T1 , ��ai �� � �'� r � • .. . _ r"� Y� ��� Owners . �� /"'� oeeaHome. �� eo�v.ciHoiae. manmgaae,e:: Pfp�UOM1nASIudYM / pfoM1lJOFnq6lutlyM 26a01aM1n F KenneaV Ra 26JO loM F Hannedv RE DubupuelA52001 DubuQuelA52001 Land �om�me�,m�s aee�.ia,meioa.eo.ieeao LotFrea 040Acre5:1J2645F NOTG: lhese ace Cue only Residential Dwellings [wo (2) addresses that did aez�aennamwen;ng not sign our petition which _—_—_._' ___' _'__ , _ - OPPOSES the installation of � Bzacon- Dubuque Counry,I4 h[tpsY�baa: sidewalks along John P. � .`, Rennedy Road from the Asbury [o the N.W. Arterial inter— s:�c[ion. t;�Beacon'" DubuqueCounty, lA Summary carceiio �oinznoos '. . '_ .. . . .�'.. ' ':y mee.�aeeio sao-iai �� . d:�,� ¢ .. . >--, �'..:', PmpertyAEtlress 309]IOHNfKEVNE�VR� y' oueuaueinszooz � ` � ��Ea:�l�`�;: - . ,.n Sea?wp/Rng N�A i� BrietTax�escfip[lon LOT2-1-1-1-1-]�9NEC45EC16N/SGd9NR2ELANO51N51�E (NO[¢_NOI Io b¢uSPtl on I¢gal tlOGum¢n6� � �ae4Book/Page 2a09&02p2/11/20@I Contact8mk/Page � Gm55Aa¢5 000 �'�� NetAcres 000 �����'�yyy��y ❑ass k-ft tl n[ial __ � (N �,ThlSisforLdxpWpO5P50nIyNa<tobeuzetlfmxanng) .i�v D'sh<[ �UBA OUBUQUECIN/D�QCOMMSCH �� � - T� SCM1oalDisbi<[ DUBOQUECOMM.SCHCOLOIST � �Gn eC/1h � �c-�w �—s . .� Owners � ; �I �� � � oeeeHome. � eo�o-a�iHome, maumgnmress Slelnes RIckA fiA�by L 5[eines.Pock A&l�bby l 309]loM1nFHenrntlyRtl HOB]loM1nFKennetlyRd Dubupue IA RC01 �ubuque Iq 52002 Land mm�m.o:�o�. aes��a��o��iooao.iee.00 LotArea 039Aaes:16B005F Residential Dwellings � V � ����;� ����`.�,:r�„.�,,�_���� ,. =6..-� �. ��.�. ��� ��� � * �e 4 �� 2� , . �•,,� a��,`r'�'1.f�.t-;,,, r'�•,E�•, g Re•Sidewalks on JFK ``'f���' `-J'`�"'' ``°' �''f�!��' March 27,2018 �_.��.iz"i�_'��;;,:,,, �/� City Council : � Tri-state Trail Vision is on of the ten original 2010 envision committees. II� Along with ECIA we developed the original DMATS Bicycle and Integrated Trail Plan. � The city of Dubu.que has adopted a Complete Streets Plan which states that all roadways should be developed for I� ; pedestrians and bicycles as well as vehicles. Although there is evidence of pedestrian use at certain times of the year on JFK between Asbury and the Northwest arterial and its pro�mity to Eisenhauer school and the North west arterial bike path,there is no sidewalk connecting JFK with these. Tri-state Trail vision supports adding a sidewalk to this portion of JFK. , Sincer y, � Ii �� � Charles Winterwood Fresident � � �� i Charles Winterwood,President i 'i'ri-State Trail Vision 1555 Montrose Terrace • Dubuque,IA 52001 � � � � � � � 'V Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Thursday, Apri) 26, 2018 2:00 PM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Address: Ward: Phone: Email: kathsteuck@aol.com City Department:City Council Message: Please complete sidewalks on JFK up to Asbury Rd.Very unsafe for children and adults to walk in the grass/road. Click here to report this email as spam. i ��� ii� ��� r i r 3140 Castle W��ds Ln Dubuque,IA 52001-1096 Ph�ne: 563-590-9015 (cell) E-Mail yasynlee@rnchsi,c�rn April 23, 2018 Dear Dubuque City Council and Mayor: We have been residents in the Arbor Hills subdivision, one block from Eisenhower Elementary School, since 1992, and have generally been very pleased with Dubuque City services and government. As citizens of this neighborhood, we respectfully request that the City Council and the Staff of the City of Dubuque require the completion of sidewalks along and near JFK Road, between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial. This is a safety issue, as well as a lifestyle concern. Children walk to Eisenhower school, and adults walk to the local shopping malls and stores. During inclement weather, they must walk through snow, mud, and ice. These routes are being used, because there are worn paths in the grass. Of the three Jule bus stops along JFK between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial, two are located in sections with no sidewalks. Although accessible corners have been installed along JFK, several of them lead to areas with no sidewalks, which does not assist those who need a sidewalk surface. This initiative is consistent with the city's focus on livable and sustainable communities. Sidewalks support the Council's goals of promoting • health (more likely to walk if there's sidewalks); • safety (no need to walk in the street, when the grassy area is impassible due to snow and ice); • connectivity (easier to get to area businesses by foot); • mobility (transit dependent and low-income residents have better access); • and equity (almost all other property owners have sidewalks and maintain sidewalks on their property). It is baffling to us how sidewalks have not been required and completed along this stretch of JFK, especially as the area has expanded with new housing, during the quarter century that we have lived here. The new City of Dubuque Comprehensive Plan references improvements to sidewalks as a City goal 22 times, and specifically mentions JFK sidewalks several times. We hope that this is the year that the City Councel and the Staff of the City of Dubuque move to require the completion of sidewalks in this area. Sincerely, Yasyn Lee Mark Niemer RAINBO OIL COMPANY PO Box 768 Dubuque, lowa 52004-0768 Phone 563-582-7291 April 19, 2018 City of Dubuque—Council Members 50 W 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 Dear Dubuque City Council Members, Mayor&other City Staff, We are submitting this letter because we are in favor of the sidewalk project being completed along and near JFK Road between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial. The completion of sidewalk along this area would provide safety for adults and children who need to travel this path by foot or bike. Various individuals living in that area do not have access to a vehicle and relay on walking to get to needed locations;they are being forced to walk in the street when conditions of snow, ice, mud and other obstacles prohibit them from walking in the grass along sections that have no sidewalk. We appreciate your time in reviewing this request and look forward to your decision. Sincerely, Rainbo Oil Company Kwik Stop Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Saturday, Apri) 28, 2018 11:34 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Mike and Bobbi Martin Address: 2860 DANLIN CT Ward: 1 Phone: 563-580-9990 Email: usammartin@mchsi.com City Department:City Council Message: Dear Dubuque City Council,We request your formal consideration to require that sidewalks be installed to complete the stretch of JFK Road, between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial Recreational Path. Requiring sidewalks along JFK Road is equitable for all pedestrians and property owners.All Dubuque residents deserve sidewalks in their neighborhoods to safely access bus stops,schools, parks,trails,stores,restaurants,and workplaces. Not all residents along and near JFK Road have personal transportation. Many city residents(iving near and around this stretch of JFK Road must walk on the street to purchase groceries, pick-up their medications or to access mass transit of which they are dependent.Two of the three bus stops along JFK Road within this stretch are in sections with no sidewalks. Residents and visitors need to safely reach the Northwest Arterial Recreational Path from this area of our city.As Dubuque is boasting and striving to have connectivity with accessibility to city amenities,the absence of safe passage on sidewalks on JFK Road is an obvious and glaring disconnect to this commitment.The attractions, businesses and neighborhoods on the north side of the NW Arterial are isolated from all Dubuque residents that wish to walk safely using JFK Road The lack of a proper pedestrian crosswalk on JFK Road at the NW Arterial is absent also. It is unfair and not equitable that some properties and not on others be required to have sidewalks.This is demonstrated on this stretch of JFK Road where only some of the residents and business properties are in compliance with having sidewalks and maintaining these year-round. If sidewalks are a required standard within the City of Dubuque;why the exception? Please consider the number of pedestrians that walk this stretch of our fine city out on the street,the option of walking in the street is unacceptable,and walking on the grass along side the road possess its own hazards.The City Council of Dubuque should demonstrate consistency to tax payers and visitors spending their dollars that wish to utilize businesses and amenities.The goal to safely access businesses, neighborhoods, public transportation and recreation throughout our city via JFK Road is just a sidewalk away.Thank you for your efforts and your consideration Mike and Bobbi Martin 2860 Danlin Court Dubuque, lowa Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Saturday, Apri) 28, 2018 11:08 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name:Chad Address: 891 Barbaralee Drive Ward: Phone: Parkin Email:chp1025@aol.com City Department:City Council Message: Please consider putting sidewalks along JFK. It is a good idea that will benefit the community. I am glad this issue is being examined by the council. It is surprising that one of busier streets does not have sidewalks,especially so close to Eisenhower school. Thanks! Chad Parkin Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Kevin Firnstah) Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2018 10:50 AM To: City Counci) Subject: City Council Website Inquiry re JFK Sidewalks City Council Members, The message below was received by the City Clerk's Office via the City's web page. I've forwarded it to the appropriate internal staff. Thank you. Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 k f i_r_n s t a_�c.i t y c�f d_u_b_u..q_u_e..c�_r.� 563-589-4100 Judy Hanson 563.590.2936 abdJudyhanson@yahoo.com I urge you to require that sidewalks be installed on the stretch of JFK Road between Asbury Road and the Northwest Arterial Path. These sidewalks would help to promote a healthy lifestyle for the Dubuque residents. According to Health by Design, a coalition in Indiana, sidewalks create health benefits. Sidewalks provide opportunities for walking and studies have shown that people with access to sidewalks are more likely to walk and meet recommendations for physical activity. Physical activity would help to decrease incidence of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and certain cancers. Dubuque has a excellent Northwest Arterial Path and a lovely Arboretum but it is difficult to reach them without sidewalks on JFK Road. Have you ever tried to push a stroller or ride a bike on grass?You have two choices, walk on the grass or walk in the street. Due to the amount of traffic on JFK Road, I would not recommend walking in the street for safety reasons. Dubuque advertises that our town is a healthy town to live in, so let's help to keep our pedestrians moving on the west side and give them sidewalks to walk on. (Source: http://www. healthbydesignonline.org/documents/ HbDFSSidewalks.pdf.) Thank you for your consideration. Judy Hanson 1 Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2018 7:30 AM To: Kevin Firnstah) Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name:Gail&Gary Cording Address: 3210 SPRING VALLEY RD Ward: 2 Phone: 563-590-0996 Email:g_cording@hotmail.com City Department:City Council Message: We recently signed a petition encouraging the city to consider the sidewalk situation on JFK.We(ive on Spring Valley Road and are"walkers". We walk to both Fareway and HyVee,we walk to various coffee shops and restaurants,and we walk just for pleasure. No matter what direction we go,there are sections of JFK which require us to walk on either the grass or the street, neither of which is particularly safe or comfortable. We understand that property owners are hesitant to add sidewalks(due to the expense and snow removal)and encourage the city to assist those property owners with the initial installation costs. We empathize with the snow removal argument because we,too,must take on that task...but if the city could assist with the installation, perhaps the property owners wouldn't be so hesitant to take on the snow removal that the majority of homeowners in Dubuque are required to do.And,any future developers should be required to install sidewalks during the construction/development phase to avoid similar issues in the future. Click here to report this email as spam. i Dubuque THE CTTY OF � DuB E ""i�i" ' ll ' mm zmz Mnsterpiece ori the Mississippi �o„-Za„ Mayor Roy D. Buol,City of Du6uque 50 W 13"'St Du6uquelA 52001 April 30,2015 Honora6le Mayor Buol, 7he Resilient Community Advlsory Commission submits this letter ln support of sldewalk lnstallation m <mnple[e a pedestrian-friendly path [hat can be used for walking and biking along 1fK Road. At their March and April regular meetings, the Resiliency Commission reviewed the marerials from the February 19, 2018 City Council meeting regarding sidewalks on 1FK. Commissioners reviewed the STAR Community Rating system,the Imagine Du6uque comprehensive plan, and our straregic priorities that were developed in luly of 20ll. Staff also provided a map of current sidewalk locations on 1FK, and the City Code governing sidewalks. Af[er review of these materials, [he Cmnmission ativises that the City Council develop a requirement to complete missing sections of 1FK Road for the following reasons: 1 From the STAR Community rating, the rating system that the City uses to identify benchmarks and best practices related to sustainable communities: a. The Built Environment objective provides guidance of development Compact & Complete Communities: "Concentrate development in mmpact, human-scaled, walka6le centers and neighborhoods [hat comiect to public transit, offer diverse uses and serviws, and provide housing options for families of all inmme levels." Dubuque measures neigh6orhoods against [he Walkahility standard, which requires that 90% of roadway length contains sidewalks on 6oth sides or mnnectian pathways and 100%of�rosswalks are ADA acressible. 6. Additional credit is available for actions that emphasize expansion of sidewalk networks to improve pedestrian amenities, active lifestyles, and walkahility and increase intersection density, or the num6er of pu6lidy-accessihle sidewalk or street intersections per square mile. 2 Fmm the Imagine Duhuque Comprehensive Plan: When it mmes to mo6ility, residents most want enhanced off-street trail network and connectivity, improved omroad bike lanes, and enhanced walkahility via connectivity and crosswalks (p 8-3�. The plan fmther remmmends imptementation of a Complete Streets Policy adopted in 2011. The1FK Road Corritlor is specifically studied on p 8-9. 3. In our 2017-18 strategic priorities, the Resilient Community Advisory Commission rerommentled the follawing: a. 7he RCAC remmmends Clty Council ldenti(y poGtles that can create a bult envlronment where residents ran make healthy cholces. 6. The RCAC recommends Ciry Council utilire an equity lens to ensure that all residents have azcess to healthy natural and built environmen[s and health services (low inroine housing uni[s access to trail�. s'erc�ao roopw emynp' uo6pmamanY emursimu row�,nro�6 The Commission, by a vote of 8-1, advocates that the City Council consider policies to complete sidewalks on JFK Road and in other gaps in the community. We recognize that there is a potential cost to the residents whose properties are impacted, but the positive impact to the community is more beneficial. We recognize that completion of the sidewalk network is important in connecting the surrounding residential networks to the Northwest Arterial Trail, and also has equity implications for low-income and transit-dependent residents who live in the neighborhood. Sincerely, �����, � c�� � Leah Specht Resilient Community Advisory Commission Chair Secvice People Integ�ity Responsibilily Invovafiov Teamwock � �,,���.����' �, ""�""'" Dubuque THE CITY OF ' IIIFAm� I wuiaiu�;�e�.a: �� �� `� . �� 1�� �m� � . . . ` . 'lll . ��� . . . � � � . . � j� �2Q07•2012 � � Masterpiece on the Mississippi zo�3.zo1, y i . ,� i i Mayor Roy D. Buol,City of Dubuque j 50 W 13th St ,� Dubuque IA 52001 I� April 30, 2018 I� Yi Honorable Mayor Buol; !� ij The Resilient Community Advisory Commission submits this letter in support of sidewall< installation to '� complete a pedestrian-friendly path that can be used for walking and biking along JFK Road. 'i� :,i At their March and April regular meetings, the Resiliency Commission reviewed the materials from the ; February 19, 2018 City Council meeting regarding sidewalks on JFK. Commissioners reviewed the STAR Community Rating system,the Imagine Dubuque comprehensive plan, and our strategic priorities that were ' !i developed in luly of 2017. Staff also provided a map of current sidewalk locations on 1FK, and the City Code �I governing sidewalks. � il After review of these materials, the Commission advises thet the City Council develop a requirement to ;; complete missing sections of 1FK Road for the following reasons: ',i ,i ;, 1. From the STAR Community rating, the rating system that the City uses to identify benchmarks and best �j practices related to sustainable communities: j� a. The Built Environment objective provides guidance of development Compact & Complete " p Communities: "Concentrate development in compact, human-scaled, walkable centers and � neighborhoods that connect to public transit, offer diverse uses and services, and provide , housing options for families of all income levels." Dubuque measures neighborhoods against � the Walkability standard, which requires that 90% of roadway lengih contains sidewalks on ji both sides or connection pethways and 100%of crosswalks are ADA accessible. b. Additional credit is available for actions that emphasize expansion of sidewalk networks to � improve. pedestrian amenities, active lifestyles, and walkability and increase intersection � density, or the number of publicly-accessible sidewalk or street intersections per square mile. � 2. From the Imagine Dubuque Comprehensive Plan: When it comes to mobility, residents most want enhanced off-street trail network and connectivity, improved on-road bike lanes, and enhanced walkability via connectivity and crosswalks (p 8-3). The plan further recommends implementation of a Complete Streets Policy adopted in 2011. The JFK Road Corridor is specifically studied on p 8-9. 3. In our 2017-18 strategic priorities, the Resilient Community Advisory Commission recommended the following: a. The RCAC recommends City Council identify policies that can create a built environment where residents can make healthy choices. b. The RCAC recommends City Council utilize an equity lens to ensure that all residents have access � to healthy natural and built environments and health services (low income housing units access to trail). � � Service People Inteo ity Responsibility Innovation Teamwork � ¢ � � � � i The Commission, by a vote of 8-1, advocates that the City Council consider policies to complete ! � sidewalks on JFK Road and in other gaps in the community. We recognize that there is a potential cost to fhe residents whose properties are impacted, but the positive impact to the community is more beneficial. We recognize that completion of the sidewalk network is important in connecting the surrounding residential networks to the Northwest Arterial Trail, and also has equity implications for low-income and transit-dependent residents who live in the neighborhood. � i �. Sincerely, I � � � II � � . � Leah Specht � a Resilient Community Advisory Commission Chair < , I�I _ � ��i I� � � � � � � � � � a j! �! � � � � � � i, � � � � � � � '� Service Peop(e Intee ry Responsibility Innovation Teamwork � f a � � � i � f � Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> ''� Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2018 7:30 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website � � � Contact Us ; � 'i Name:Gail&Gary Cording I N Address: 3210 SPRING VALLEY RD ' i� � � Ward: 2 � � � il I'I Phone: 563-590-0996 'il .I Email:g_cording@hatmail.com � �� i ,� City Department:City Council �� � i�l Message:We recently signed a petition encouraging the city to consider the sidewaik situation on JFK.We live on Spring Valley Road and are"walkers".We walk to both Fareway and HyVee,we walk to various coffee shops and restaurants,and we walk just for �i! pleasure. No matter what direction we go,there are sections of JFK which require us to walk on either the grass or the street, �� neither of which is particularly safe or comfortable. We understand that property owners are hesitant to add sidewalks(due to the ��i expense and snow removal)and encourage the city to assfst those property owners with the initial installation costs.We empathize !� with the snow removal argument because we,too,must take on that task...but if the city could assist with the installation,perhaps the property owners wouldn't be so hesitant to take on the snow removal that the majority of homeowners in Dubuque are I required to do.And,any future developers should be required to install sidewalks during the construction/development phase to ''; avoid similar issues in the future. � ;i 'I u �� �� ;� Clic � k here to report this email as spam. � 9 � � 9 '� � {4 6 � � 1 � I Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 6:33 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Susan Balsamo Address: 2770 Van Buren Avenue Ward: Phone: 5635433586 Email: suebalsamo47@gmail.com City Department: City Council Message: Please consider taking some more time on the 5G issue. I appreciate the desire for connectivity, but there are serious concerns about the safety of the current plan. Also, I support the requirement for sidewalks along JFK. It's frightening to see pedestrians trying to navigate that area - either on or off of the road but people do need to walk there. Thank you so much for your consideration - I know these are not easy issues and I appreciate your efforts on behalf of all of us. Click here to report this email as spam. 1 Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:49 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Mary J Giesler Address: Ward: Phone: 563-583-8778 Email: mjgiesler@earthlink.net City Department: City Council Message: Dear Mayor and Council: I think complete sidewalks should be installed on JFK. We installed our sidewalk when we built our home, which means we paid for our sidewalk ourselves. Nw, I'm a 76 year old widow and I pay to have my snow removed by a local business. It is a responsible action for having a home. It would be unfair to use city tax dollars to maintain and remove snow from a private residence. Thank you for reading my opinion. Sincerely, Mary J. Giesler 2310 High Cloud Dr Dubuque, IA. 52002 Click here to report this email as spam. 1 Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 11:58 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Mark W Niemer Address: 3140 Castle Woods Ln Ward: 2 Phone: 5635902751 Email: markniemer@gmail.com City Department: City Council Message: I am writing to you to encourage you to vote in favor of the proposal to install sidewalks along Kennedy Road north of Asbury Road. I spoke at the council meeting on July 2 2018 to point out that paved sidewalks improve accessibility especially for those using a cane, crutch, wheelchair or stroller, or who need firm footing and not soft turf. For those who object to the cost of the assessment, there is a mechanism to spread the assessment out over several years to mitigate the cost. The maintenance issue for those on Gordon Dr has also been addressed. Getting a car is not always an option and does not address the issue of using the sidewalk to access the path along the Northwest Arterial. I am not going to reiterate all of the arguments regarding the sidewalks. I do want you to consider that the sidewalks would improve accessibility for all. The traffic along JFK is not the same as it was when we moved here in 1992; it is significantly heavier and sidewalks also provide a safer and less risky walking path. There are times when a representative needs to make a decision to help his or her constituents and times when the decision needs to be made for the benefit of the greater community. This is one of the times when the benefit to the community must be considered over the individual. Thanks for your attention and time Mark Niemer Click here to report this email as spam. i Kevin Firnstahl From: Roy D. Buol Sent: Monday, October 15, 2018 6:36 AM To: Mike Van Milligen; Kevin Firnstahl Subject: Fwd: JFK Sidewalks Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Dave Sandman <davidsandman46@gmail.com> Date: October 14, 2018 at 10:19:14 PM CDT To: Ideltoro@cityofdubuque.org, irios@cityofdubuque.org Cc: rdbuol@cityofdubuque.org, riones@cityofdubuque.org, dresnick@cityofdubuque.org, bshaw@cityofdubuque.org, kmlarson@cityofdubuque.org Subject: JFK Sidewalks Dear Luis and Jake: I am writing to ask for your support for the installation of sidewalks on JFK from Asbury Rd to the NW Arterial. I live in Wynstone Subdivision off of JFK. I am a REALTOR with RE/MAX advantage. Please take a minute to watch the videos I created to support the installation of sidewalks. They have received many comments and shares in support of the installation. Please see the link below. I believe the costs that the city is estimating is high and the sidewalks could be put in by the homeowners for substantially less. Homeowners are responsible throughout the city for installing sidewalks in front of their homes and this situation is no different. Those that have paid for sidewalks in front of their homes should not also be paying for sidewalks on JFK by potentially including them in future capital budgets. I also understand financial assistance would be available to low and moderate income homeowners to help with the financial burden. Getting a unanimous 7-0 vote to continue this process will ensure that this road will be safer for our children and citizens before someone is hurt or killed due to any delays. Please support this for the safety of our community. Here is a link to the videos. Thanks. JFK Sidewalk video Number 1 https://www.facebook.com/davesand manrealtor/videos/783439505200673/ JFK Sidewalk video Number 2 Update https://www.facebook.com/davesandmanrealtor/videos/320654465155807/?notif id=1539529199012 811&notif t=page post reaction 1 Dave Sandman REALTOR licensed in IA and IL RE/MAX Advantage Realty dave@davesandman.com www.davesandman.com Phone - 563.599.7444 Click here to report this email as spam. Trish Gleason From: Kevin Firnstahl Sent: October 15, 2018 12:39 PM To: Trish Gleason Subject: Fwd: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Please print and add to the packet to copy for tonight. Don't forget council mail. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Citizen Support Center" <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Date: October 15, 2018 at 12:37:53 PM CDT To: "kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org" <kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Melissa Simon Address: 3380 PEACH TREE LN Ward: 1 Phone: 5635642973 Email: mw.photo@hotmail.com City Department: City Council Message: I am highly in favor of the proposed sidewalks on JFK towards the NW Arterial. My family enjoy walking to the Arboretum and to the soccer fields for activities however it isn't always ideal to have to push strollers across grass with young children - especially if muddy. And now that winter is approaching, we won't be able to go on any walks unless we want to walk in the road as we aren't about to push a stroller through mounds of snow. Please consider the families also that walk to Eisenhower with their children who don't have a safe sidewalk to use. Click here to report this email as spam. From: John Splinter Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:26 PM To: Ideltoro@cityofdubuque.org Subject: J F Kennedy Rd. Sidewalks On behalf of Myself and My Wife Polly we would like to Thank You for Your Support on Not installing Sidewalks on the East Side of JFK Road along the Gordon Dr. Back Properties. We so enjoyed your visit to our home and getting to know you. Now knowing that that you were not born or raised in the Dubuque area 1 thought you might be interested in some history on JFK Rd. Prior to the death of President Kennedy the road was called Old Timers Road, i guess named after the Old Timers Supper Club that was located where the Sullivan Chiropractic Center is now, and the road was a 22' wide former County Road. in 1968 the City decided to improve the road to a Major Arterial Street with asphalt pavement and concrete curb & gutter to a width 41' and as a result City had to get the following easement from the Gordon Dr. abutting property owners. The Easement reads as follows, "Perpetual Right And Easement To Deposit Fill Material And Slope And Embankment The Same, The Base Or Toe Of Which Fill Shall Extend in The Following Described Lot" Also' That Grantors Shall Not Disturb The Integrity Of The Lateral Support In JFK Road." I bring this to Your attention (because of the grading assessment) because the Right Of Way or the West Property Line of our lots is 13.5' from the back of curb of JFK Road. The fact that Gordon Dr. was an Established Subdivision with the houses built in the late 50's -early 60's with 13.5' of R.O.W remaining behind the back of curb and the Grading Easement, the shoulder along the road should have been graded to a minimum of 7' wide @ 4% slope towards the curb if there was any intent to ever installing sidewalks. Instead of Grading the Shoulder the City installed "W" Beam Guardrail the entire length of the Gordon Dr. Properties to SE Corner of Kaufmann Ave. at the back of curb. Fast forward to 1986, the asphalt pavement and stone base out lived it's life so the. City decided to upgrade the pavement to 8" Thick P.C. Concrete and base repair. During the reconstruction the guardrail was removed and after the pavement completion the Guardrail was only installed on the Upper 5 Gordon Dr. Lots and No Regrading of the Shoulder on the Lower 6 Gordon Dr. Lots was done. I approached City Engineer at that time Mike Koch asking Him to reinstall the rest of the Guardrail and He told me it was better for Vehicles to leave the roadway and go into our backyards than to stay on the roadway. I hope this information helps You understand the frustration that We all have. One final note, I have been observing the pedestrian traffic on this portion of JFK Rd. If any there maybe one person on the East side in a week and is usually a runner who prefer running on grass. Now on the West side there are pedestrians between Asbury and Kaufmann, 99% are employees of Honkamp-Krueger walking to and from work from their parking lot at the SE corner @ JFK & Kaufmann or from their parking lot at the former Farm Bureau Bldg. and employees that walk on their break times & lunch time. Their walking route is as follows from their buildings to Kaufmann then West on Kaufmann Ave to Bonson Rd then South on Bonson to Asbury Rd then East on Asbury to JFK Rd then North on JFK to their buildings or vice -versa. In Closing We Want To Thank You Again For Your Time And Support! Feel free to share this information with any of your fellow Council Persons. Feel free to call me if you have any questions, my number 563-513-8997 Sincerely John & Polly Splinter 2455 Gordon Dr. Trish Gleason From: Kevin Firnstahl Sent: October 15, 2018 2:41 PM To: Trish Gleason Subject: Fwd: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Please print for tonight. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: "Citizen Support Center" <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Date: October 15, 2018 at 2:05:23 PM CDT To: "kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org" <kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Dawn Danielson Address: 3350 PEACH TREE LN Ward: 1 Phone: Email: ddanielson0215@yahoo.com City Department: City Council Message: City Council, I have lived on Peach Tree for 6 years and have seen an increase in traffic from the northwest arterial onto JFK. From David St to the NW arterial there are not sidewalks and I know tonight there is a meeting to discuss this. I strongly encourage the council to vote yes for this for safety reasons. Let's not wait until what happened in front of Hempstead happens on JFK. Any time citizens are forced to walk on a road they are being placed in danger. Anytime! It would be a shame if the council voted no and someone gets hurt. Then it is too late to add sidewalks as the lost of even one life from something that can be prevented would be a tragedy. I understand that some do not want to pay for the expense of sidewalks but I as a home owner know it is my responsibility to keep walk ways safe. Who is responsible if people have to walk on the street. Is the property owners shifting their responsibility to the city? What would happen if someone was struck by a vehicle? Who would be liable? Is it not in the city's own best interest to protect everyone. If the city would knowingly neglect to protect those walking along the road would they not share in the blame if someone was injured? Why put the city in this position when there is a simple solution at hand of requiring sidewalks in an area that everyone knows that people walk. The cost of sidewalks never would out weigh the lost of a human life. Thank you for reading my note and hopefully hearing my plead for your vote of yes. Sincerely, Dawn Danielson 1 Kevin Firnstahl From: Citizen Support Center <dubuqueia@mycusthelp.net> Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 10:56 PM To: Kevin Firnstahl Subject: "Contact Us" inquiry from City of Dubuque website Contact Us Name: Yasyn Lee Address: 3140 Castle Woods Ln Ward: 2 Phone: 5635909015 Email: yasynlee@gmail.com City Department: City Council Message: I'm not able to attend the October 15 City Council meeting, but I did attend the July Council meeting when the JFK sidewalks were discussed. It was clear from the citizen speakers at that meeting that those who oppose the sidewalks were all homeowners who will be charged with the expense and upkeep of the sidewalks. As a homeowner myself, I can certainly sympathize with their concerns, but City Council is charged with the welfare of the entirety of Dubuque, not a few households. The benefits of the sidewalks have been enumerated many times, and are compelling. I won't repeat them and I'm sure others will enumerate them. If Council wishes to mitigate the individual homeowners' expense and inconvenience, I don't oppose those efforts, but I urge you to make this the final vote for the sidewalks. The fact that this issue has returned for at least the second time that we have lived in Dubuque is a strong indicator of the need for these sidewalks. The rest of the neighborhood has worked hard to get this issue before City Council because it benefits many in the community. Please do not pass the opportunity to make Dubuque more accessible and safe for its citizens. Click here to report this email as spam. 1