Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Global Warming 1.5 Degrees C Copyrighted November 19, 2018 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 10. ITEM TITLE: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Global Warming of 1 .5 Degrees C SUMMARY: City Manager transmitting information from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that addresses the impact of global warming. SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receive and File ATTACHMENTS: Description Type IPCC Press Release Supporting Documentation Headlines Supporting Documentation IPCC FAQs Supporting Documentation IPPC Global Warming of 1.5 Degrees C Supporting Documentation ipCC � � . . . . . _ �. ��.;, climare chanee 2018/24/PR IPCC PRESS RELEHSE 8 October 2018 Summary for Policymakerz of IPCC Special Report on Global W arming of 1.5°C approved by governmen[z INCHEON, Republic of Korea, 8 Oct - GmiOng global wartning t� 1 5°C woultl requlre apitl, hr- re acM1ing antl unprecetlentztl cM1anges In all aspec5 of mciery, tl�e IPCCsaitl In a newagvssmen[ VNtl� dear benefi5t� people antl naW al ecosy4ems, IimiOng global wartning t� 1 5^C comparetl t� 2°C coultl go M1antl In M1antl witl� e unng a sus[ainable antl equi[able sooery, tl�e Intzrgovemmenbl Panel on Glmatz CM1ange QP(LJ saitl on Montlay. TM1e Special Reporton Global Wartning of 1 5°Cwasappmvetl bytl�e IPCCon 9aWNay In IncM1eon, Republic of Korea. Itwill be a key sienOfic Input Int� tl�e Kat�wice Gimatz CM1ange Conference In aoia�a ��� oe�emee�, wne� eo�emme�a re��ew me aansAereeme��m mdae d�Rare ma�ee. .vNm m re ma� e,000 sde�oa� rer�e�� drea a�a me aea�area �o�o;e�oo� or mo���as or ev,ercanagovemmemreviewersvwnawiae, mis ��mporcan� reporcr tiaesmmeereaamanapoii�y reie�a�ce orme iacc,' �m Ho�.,�e �e, a,a��orme iacc Nlnep'-one aumors ana review eaimrsrmm ao counmes preparea me iacn reporc �m response m nvirzoon rmm me Uniretl Naoons Famewon: anvenoon on a�imare Cnange (UNFCcn7 wnen it aaoprea me aansAgreemenr�n 2m s. TM1e report'sfull name ISGIobalWarmiqg ofl.6`C, an I�C�oerial reoort on the irryadsofglobal �m'R9 of i6°Cabove prctintluYnallevelsantl relatetlAlobalAreenhouaeAasemi,ssion pathwa�m', n�the mAe# of ,Nreqgtheniqg the global reapon,re to the threat c3 clirrate rhange, sus(ainable tleveloprrzn( antleRortstoemtlimtepoverty "One of tl�e key mesages tl�at comes out very 4mngly fmm tl�is report Is tl�at we are alreatly eing tl�e consequenss of 1°C N global wartning tl�mugM1 more e#reme weatl�er, nsng sea levels antl tliminisM1ing Arctic sea Ice, among o[M1er cM1anges," saitl Panmao ZM1ai, Co-CM1air of IPCC Working Gmup I. The report M1igMigM16 a number of clima@ cM1ange Impac6tl�at coultl be avoitletl by IlmiOng global rtning t� 1 5°C comparetl t� 2°C, o e. Por Ins[ance, by 2100, global sea level nse vwultl be ID cm lower witM1 global wartning of L5°C comparetl witl� 2°C. TM1e IikeliM1ootl of an AmOc Ocean free of sea Ice In summervwultl be once per cenWry witl� global wartning of 1 5°C, comparetl witl� at leastonce pertleatle witl� 2°G Coal re0svwultl tlecline by ]0.80 percen[witl� global wartning of 1.5°C, wM1ereasvirtually all Q 88 pemen[J vwultl be los[witl� 2°G "Every e#a bit of wartning matters, upeoally since wartning of 1.5°C or M1igM1er Increases tl�e nsk Hansoat2tl witM1 IonglasOng or Irteversible cM1anges, sucM1 as [M1e loss of some ecosy4ems," saitl ono aam,er, co-a,airrn iaccwon;� ��up u. GmiOng global wartning vwultl alm give people antl ecory4ems more mom t� atlaptantl remaln eeiow reievan� nsc mresnoms, aaaea aarmer. rne reporc aim e:amines pamways avaiiaeie m iimi� wa�ing m i .s�c, wna�i�woum m�m acnieve mem ana wna�me �nsequen� �um pe. . .a . . . . '3y mIr" "The good news is that some of the kinds of actions that would be needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C are already underway around the world, but they would need to accelerate," said Valerie Masson-Delmotte, Co-Chair of Working Group I. The report finds that limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require "rapid and far-reaching" transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. Global net human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide (COZ) would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching 'net zero' around 2050. This means that any remaining emissions would need to be balanced by removing COZfrom the air. "Limiting warming to 1 .5°C is possible within the laws of chemistry and physics but doing so would require unprecedented changes," said Jim Skea, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group III. Allowing the global temperature to temporarily exceed or 'overshooY 1.5°C would mean a greater reliance on techniques that remove COZfrom the air to return global temperature to below 1.5°C by 2100. The effectiveness of such techniques are unproven at large scale and some may carry significant risks for sustainable development, the report notes. "Limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared with 2°C would reduce challenging impacts on ecosystems, human health and well-being, making it easier to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals," said Priyardarshi Shukla, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group III. The decisions we make today are critical in ensuring a safe and sustainable world for everyone, both now and in the future, said Debra Roberts, Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II. "This report gives policymakers and practitioners the information they need to make decisions that tackle climate change while considering local context and people's needs. The next few years are probably the most important in our history," she said. The IPCC is the leading world body for assessing the science related to climate change, its impacts and potential future risks, and possible response options. The report was prepared under the scientific leadership of all three IPCC working groups. Working Group I assesses the physical science basis of climate change; Working Group II addresses impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; and Working Group III deals with the mitigation of climate change. The Paris Agreement adopted by 195 nations at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in December 2015 included the aim of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change by "holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre- industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels." As part of the decision to adopt the Paris Agreement, the IPCC was invited to produce, in 2018, a Special Report on global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways. The IPCC accepted the invitation, adding that the Special Report would look at these issues in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty. Global Warming of 1.5°C is the first in a series of Special Reports to be produced in the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Cycle. Next year the IPCC will release the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, and Climate Change and Land, which looks at how climate change affects land use. -z- TM1e Summary for Pollrymakers (SPMJ presen6 tl�e key fintlings of tl�e Speoal Report, basetl on tl�e of1� ment of tl�e avdilable sienOfiq @cM1ni�l antl socio-economic li@aW re relevdnt t� global wdrtning 5°G The Summary for Pollrymakers of tl�e Special Report on Global Warmiqg of i6°C (SR15J Is avdllableatM1tN://wvwv.lom.dt/reooNsrl5/ orwvwv.io¢dt. Kev 4a04i6 of tl�e Soeoal Reoort on Global Wartnino of 1 5°C 81 autl�orsfmm 44 ci0zensM1ipsantl 40 cowtries of restlence - 14CooNinaOngLeatlAu[M1ors(CLAsJ - 80 Leatl autl�ors(LAsJ - PReviewEtlitors(REsJ 133 ContriblRingautltors(CAsJ Over8,000 citztl referenss A mmi rn a2,om ev,ercana govemmen�review commena �F�� ome�oarc i z,ees se�o�a ome�oar�zs,a�e�, Finai �o�emme��oarc a,eao7 wr�re mro�aro�, o��aar iacnar�aece, errao�. ��o +r�ea�arnwr�om� Weani Zabula W i ]8 108 315/ or Nlna Peeva +41 ]8 518 ]O88 PoIIowIP(Lon � Facebmk, � Twitter ,� Gnketllnantl "-dlnsbgam Notes(oretlitors The Special Reporton Global Warmiqg ofi6 �C , known as SR15, Isbeing preparetl In responset� co�nvibtion fmm tl�e 214 Conference of tl�e Parties (COP21J t� tl�e Unitztl NaOons Famevwrk �e�oo� o� a�Rare a,a�ae ��� oecemee� zms, wne� mev reamea me aans Aareeme��, a�a w� ioLm me raia�oa o�aioe�e a� me zam co�r�re�ce or me aam� (�aza7. me raia�oa oiaiogue wiu rzke nock or me mueaive enora rn aarcies ��n reiaoon m pmgres mwams me iong rerm aoai ot me aans Aareemen�, ana m �mmrm me oreoaaoon ot naoonauv aererminea conmeuoons. oerziisormereporc, ��nduainemeappmveao�Ji�, �neemunaonme oe� rne reporcwas preparea unaermeioin�menoricieaaersnip orau mree iacnwon;ne �mups, wim supporcrrommewon;ne �mup i remniai supporcunic W M1a[ iz [M1e IPCC? TM1e Intz�povemmenbl Panel on Gimatz CM1aR9e (IPCC7 Is[M1e UN botlV �r agvssnp tl�e soence elatetl t� dimatz dtange. Itwds eriablisnetl by me Unitztl Nations Envimnment Pmgamme (UN Envimnmen[J antl tl�e Wotltl Metzomlogi�l Organlza0on (WMOJ In 1888 t� pmvitle polirymakers witl� repular soenOfic agPsmen6 conceminp dimate cM1anpe, i6lmpli�0ons antl po@n0al fuW re nsl5, as well ast� putforvVdN atlapbtion antl mi0ga0on stra@gies. I[M1as 185 membe�statzs. IP(C agPsmen6 pmvitle govemmen6, atall levels, witl� soenOfic Infortmd0on tl�attl�ey �n use t� tlevelop olmatz polloes. IPCC agPsmen6 are a keV Input Int� tl�e Intzmational nepo[ia0ons t� bckle dimatz dtange. IP(L repor6 are tlaftetl antl reviewetl In seveal stages, [M1us gua2rReeing objectivity antl transparenry. TM1e IP(L assyses [M1e tl�ousantls of soenOfic papers publisM1etl eacM1 year t� tzll polirymakers wM1atwe knowantl tloNt knowabouttl�e nsksrela@tl t� clima@ cM1ange. The IP(L ItlenOfieswM1ere �- there is agreement in the scientific community, where there are differences of opinion, and where further research is needed. It does not conduct its own research. To produce its reports, the IPCC mobilizes hundreds of scientists. These scientists and officials are drawn from diverse backgrounds. Only a dozen permanent staff work in the IPCC's Secretariat. The IPCC has three working groups: Working Group I, dealing with the physical science basis of climate change; Working Group II, dealing with impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; and Working Group III, dealing with the mitigation of climate change. It also has a Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories that develops methodologies for measuring emissions and removals. IPCC Assessment Reports consist of contributions from each of the three working groups and a Synthesis Report. Special Reports undertake an assessment of cross-disciplinary issues that span more than one working group and are shorter and more focused than the main assessments. Sixth Assessment Cycle At its 41�` Session in February 2015, the IPCC decided to produce a Sixth Assessment Report (AR6). At its 42"' Session in October 2015 it elected a new Bureau that would oversee the work on this report and Special Reports to be produced in the assessment cycle. At its 43rd Session in April 2016, it decided to produce three Special Reports, a Methodology Report and AR6. The Methodology Report to refine the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories will be delivered in 2019. Besides Global Warming of 1.5°C, the IPCC will finalize two further special reports in 2019: the Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems. The AR6 Synthesis Report will be finalized in the first half of 2022, following the three working group contributions to AR6 in 2021. For more information, including links to the IPCC reports, go to:www.ipcc.ch -4- Global Warming of 1 .5 °C an IPCC special report on the impacts of global warming of 1 .5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty Headline Statements A. Understanding Global Warming of 1.5°C4 A1 . Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1 .0°C of global warming above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8°C to 1 .2°C. Global warming is likely to reach 1 .5°C between 2030 and 2052 if it continues to increase at the current rate (high confidence). A.2. Warming from anthropogenic emissions from the pre-industrial period to the present will persist for centuries to millennia and will continue to cause further long- term changes in the climate system, such as sea level rise, with associated impacts (high confidence), but these emissions alone are unlikely to cause global warming of 1 .5°C (medium confidence). A3. Climate-related risks for natural and human systems are higher for global warming of 1 .5°C than at present, but lower than at 2°C (high confidence). These risks depend on the magnitude and rate of warming, geographic location, levels of development and vulnerability, and on the choices and implementation of adaptation and mitigation options (high confidence). B. Projected Climate Change, Potential Impacts and Associated Risks B1 . Climate models project robust7 differences in regional climate characteristics between present-day and global warming of 1 .5°C, and between 1 .5°C and 2°C. These differences include increases in: mean temperature in most land and ocean regions (high confidence), hot extremes in most inhabited regions (high confidence), heavy precipitation in several regions (medium confidence), and the probability of drought and precipitation deficits in some regions (medium confidence). B2. By 2100, global mean sea level rise is projected to be around 0.1 metre lower with global warming of 1 .5°C compared to 2°C (medium confidence). Sea level will continue to rise well beyond 2100 (high confidence), and the magnitude and rate of this rise depends on future emission pathways. A slower rate of sea level rise enables greater opportunities for adaptation in the human and ecological systems of small islands, low-lying coastal areas and deltas (medium confidence). B3. On land, impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, including species loss and extinction, are projected to be lower at 1 .5°C of global warming compared to 2°C. Limiting global warming to 1 .5°C compared to 2°C is projected to lower the impacts on terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal ecosystems and to retain more of their services to humans (high confidence). B4. Limiting global warming to 1 .5°C compared to 2°C is projected to reduce increases in ocean temperature as well as associated increases in ocean acidity and decreases in ocean oxygen levels (high confidence). Consequently, limiting global warming to 1 .5°C is projected to reduce risks to marine biodiversity, fisheries, and ecosystems, and their functions and services to humans, as illustrated by recent changes to Arctic sea ice and warm water coral reef ecosystems (high confidence). B5. Climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to increase with global warming of 1 .5°C and increase further with 2°C. B6. Most adaptation needs will be lower for global warming of 1 .5°C compared to 2°C (high confidence). There are a wide range of adaptation options that can reduce the risks of climate change (high confidence). There are limits to adaptation and adaptive capacity for some human and natural systems at global warming of 1 .5°C, with associated losses (medium confidence). The number and availability of adaptation options vary by sector (medium confidence). C. Emission Pathways and System Transitions Consistent with 1.5°C Global Warming C1 . In model pathways with no or limited overshoot of 1 .5°C, global net anthropogenic CO2 emissions decline by about 45°k from 2010 levels by 2030 (40— 60°k interquartile range), reaching net zero around 2050 (2045-2055 interquartile range). For limiting global warming to below 2°C, CO2 emissions are projected to decline by about 20°k by 2030 in most pathways (10-30°k interquartile range) and reach net zero around 2075 (2065-2080 interquartile range). Non-0O2 emissions in pathways that limit global warming to 1 .5°C show deep reductions that are similar to those in pathways limiting warming to 2°C (high confidence). C2. Pathways limiting global warming to 1 .5°C with no or limited overshoot would require rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban and infrastructure (including transport and buildings), and industrial systems (high confidence). These systems transitions are unprecedented in terms of scale, but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions reductions in all sectors, a wide portfolio of mitigation options and a significant upscaling of investments in those options (medium confidence). C3. All pathways that limit global warming to 1 .5°C with limited or no overshoot project the use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) on the order of 100-1000 GtCO2 over the 21 st century. CDR would be used to compensate for residual emissions and, in most cases, achieve net negative emissions to return global warming to 1 .5°C following a peak (high confidence). CDR deployment of several hundreds of GtCO2 is subject to multiple feasibility and sustainability constraints (high confidence). Significant near-term emissions reductions and measures to lower energy and land demand can limit CDR deployment to a few hundred GtCO2 without reliance on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) (high confidence). D. Strengthening the Global Response in the Context of Sustainable Development and Efforts to Eradicate Poverty D1 . Estimates of the global emissions outcome of current nationally stated mitigation ambitions as submitted under the Paris Agreement would lead to global greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 of 52-58 GtCO2eq yr-1 (medium confidence). Pathways reflecting these ambitions would not limit global warming to 1 .5°C, even if supplemented by very challenging increases in the scale and ambition of emissions reductions after 2030 (high confidence). Avoiding overshoot and reliance on future largescale deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) can only be achieved if global CO2 emissions start to decline well before 2030 (high confidence). D2. The avoided climate change impacts on sustainable development, eradication of poverty and reducing inequalities would be greater if global warming were limited to 1 .5°C rather than 2°C, if mitigation and adaptation synergies are maximized while trade-offs are minimized (high confidence). D3. Adaptation options specific to national contexts, if carefully selected together with enabling conditions, will have benefits for sustainable development and poverty reduction with global warming of 1 .5°C, although trade-offs are possible (high confidence). D4. Mitigation options consistent with 1 .5°C pathways are associated with multiple synergies and trade-offs across the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the total number of possible synergies exceeds the number of trade-offs, their net effect will depend on the pace and magnitude of changes, the composition of the mitigation portfolio and the management of the transition (high confidence). D5. Limiting the risks from global warming of 1 .5°C in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication implies system transitions that can be enabled by an increase of adaptation and mitigation investments, policy instruments, the acceleration of technological innovation and behaviour changes (high confidence). D6. Sustainable development supports, and often enables, the fundamental societal and systems transitions and transformations that help limit global warming to 1 .5°C. Such changes facilitate the pursuit of climate-resilient development pathways that achieve ambitious mitigation and adaptation in conjunction with poverty eradication and efforts to reduce inequalities (high confidence). D7. Strengthening the capacities for climate action of national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities can support the implementation of ambitious actions implied by limiting global warming to 1 .5°C (high confidence). International cooperation can provide an enabling environment for this to be achieved in all countries and for all people, in the context of sustainable development. International cooperation is a critical enabler for developing countries and vulnerable regions (high confidence). Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 2 IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of LS°C 3 Frequently Asked Questions 4 5 6 Drafting Authors: Myles Allen(LJK), Heleen de Coninck(Netherlands), Sarah Connors (LJK), 7 Francois Engelbrecht(South Africa), Marion Ferrat(LJK/France), James Ford(LJK), Sabine Fuss 8 (Germany),Nigel Hawtin(UK), Ove Hoegh-Guldberg(Australia),Daniela Jacob (Germany),Debora 9 Ley(Guatemala/Mexico), Diana Liverman(USA),Valerie Masson-Delmotte(France),Richard Millar 10 (LJK), Peter Newman(Australia), Anthony Payne (LJK),Rosa Perez(Philippines), Roz Pidcock(LJK), 11 Joeri Rogelj (Austria/Belgium), Sonia Seneviratne(Switzerland), Chandni Singh(India), Michael 12 Taylar(Jamaica),Petra Tschakert(Australia/Austria). 13 14 Draft Note: 06/10/2018-FAQs are subject to copy editing and trickle backs. 15 16 17 FAQ L1: Why Are We Talking about 1.5°C?....................................................................2 18 FAQ 1.2: How Close Are We to 1.5°C?..........................................................................4 19 FAQ 2.1: What Kind of Pathways Limit Warming to 1.5°C and Are We on Track?............................6 20 FAQ 2.2: What Do Energy Supply and Demand Have to do with Limiting Warming to 1.5°C?........8 21 FAQ 3.1: What are the Impacts of 1.5°C and 2°C of Warming?...........................................10 22 FAQ 4.1: What Transitions Could Enable Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C?.........................12 23 FAQ 4.2: What are Carbon Dioxide Removal and Negative Emissions?.................................15 24 FAQ 4.3: Why is Adaptation Important in a 1.5°C-Warmer World ........................................17 25 FAQ 5.1: What Are the Connections between Sustainable Development and Limiting Global 26 Warxning to 1.5°C above Pre-Industrial Levels? .................................................19 27 FAQ 5.2: What are the Pathways to Achieving Poverty Reduction and Reducing Inequalities While 28 Reaching the 1.5°C World? .........................................................................22 29 30 FAQ-1 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ L1: Why Are We Talking about LS°C? 2 3 Summary: Climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies 4 and the planet.In recognition of this, the overwhelming majority of countries around the world 5 adopted the Paris Agreement in December 2015, the central aim of which includes pursuing efforts to 6 limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C.In doing so, these countries, through the United Nations 7 FrameworkConvention on Climate Change (CINFCCC), also invited theIPCC to provide a Special 8 Report on the impacts ofglobal warming of I.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global 9 greenhouse gas emissions pathways. 10 11 At the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) in December 2015, 195 nations adopted the Paris 12 Agreement'. The first instrument of its kind,the landmark agreement includes the aim to strengthen 13 the global response to the threat of climate change by `holding the increase in the global average 14 temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature 15 increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels'. 16 17 The first iJNFCCC document to mention a limit to global warxning of 1.5°C was the Cancun 18 Agreement, adopted at the sixteenth COP(COPl� in 2010. The Cancun Agreement established a 19 process to periodically review the `adequacy of the long-terxn global goal (LTGG) in the light of the 20 ultimate objective of the Convention and the overall progress made towards achieving the LTGG, 21 including a consideration of the implementation of the commihnents under the Convention'. The 22 definition of LTGG in the Cancun Agreement was `to hold the increase in global average temperature 23 below 2°C above pre-industrial levels'. The agreement also recognised the need to consider 24 `strengthening the long term global goal on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge...to a 25 global average temperature rise of 1.5°C'. 26 27 Beginning in 2013 and ending at the COP21 in Paris in 2015,the first review period of the long-term 28 global goal largely consisted of the Strucbxred Expert Dialogue(SED). This was a fact-finding,face- 29 to-face exchange of views between invited experts and iJNFCCC delegates. The final report of the 30 SEDZ concluded that `in some regions and vulnerable ecosystems,high risks are projected even for 31 warming above 1.5°C'. The SED report also suggested that Parties would profit from restating the 32 temperature limit of the long-term global goal as a `defence line' or `buffer zone', instead of a 33 `guardraiP up to which all would be safe, adding that this new understanding would `probably also 34 favour emission pathways that will limit warxning to a range of temperatures below 2°C'. Specifically 35 on strengthening the temperature limit of 2°C,the SED's key message was: `While science on the 36 1.5°C warxning limit is less robust, efforts should be made to push the defence line as low as possible'. 37 The findings of the SED, in turn,fed into the draft decision adopted at COP21. 38 39 With the adoption of the Paris Agreement,the iJNFCCC invited the IPCC to provide a Special Repart 40 in 2018 on `the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global 41 greenhouse gas emissions pathways'. The request was that the report,known as SR1.5, should not 42 only assess what a 1.5°C warmer world would look like but also the different pathways by which 43 global temperature rise could be limited to 1.5°C. In 2016,the IPCC accepted the invitation, adding 44 that the Special Repart would also look at these issues in the context of strengthening the global 45 response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverly. 46 47 The combination of rising exposure to climate change and the fact that there is a limited capacity to 48 adapt to its impacts amplifies the risks posed by warxning of 1.5°C and 2°C. This is particularly true i Paris AgreementFCCC/CP/2015/10/Add.l https://unfccc.inUdocuments/9097 � Structured ExpertDialogue(SED)final report FCCC/SB/2015/INF.1 https://unfccc.inUdocuments/8707 FAQ-2 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 for developing and island countries in the tropics and other vulnerable countries and areas. The risks 2 posed by global warming of 1.5°C are greater than for present-day conditions but lower than at 2°C. 3 FAQ1.1: Timeline of 1.5°C Milestones in the IPCCs preparalion of the Special Reporl on Global Warming of 7.5"C and some relevan7 events in ihe history of in[ernational climate negotiations � � � I F>`�« .� �;. � I I �; . . . . . .. . 1988 1992 199] 2009 20'10 2015 2016 2018 Nov_ May �ec �ec_ Dec �ec /�ug_ Oc�. ��__global average tempeisNres ��_.tieng(hening the longteim global ��.holdng Ibe increase inlhe global aboultl no[exceetl P tlegrees goel(3°C)on the bosis o/!Ae best emge temperalurelo well belowT"C �Celsius)abovepieJndusMal vaJables�enti(cNnawleAge, abompie-indusNallevelsandpursuing a �� iacre e� z�i i� � � �:.urn_ ,�noevi a�t�m ��E_,pe.�,� .. � - }4n ! . . �'S��C . IJ .t.p`C � .. �J1T 4 5 FAQL1, Figure 1: A timeline of notable dates in preparing the IPCC Special Report on Global 6 Warming of 1.5°C(blue) embedded within processes and milestones of the United Nations 7 Framewark Convention on Climate Change(iJNFCCC; grey), including events that may be relevant 8 for discussion of temperature limits. 9 FAQ-3 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 1.2: How Close Are We to LS°C? 2 3 Summary:Human-induced warming has already reached about 1°C above pre-industrial levels at the 4 time of writing of this Special Report. By the decade 200�r2015, human activity had warmed the 5 world by 0.87°C(f012°C) compared pre-industrial times (1850-1900).Ifthe currentwarming rate 6 continues, the world would reach human-induced global warming of I.5°C around 2040. 7 8 Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, countries agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions with a view to 9 `holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels 10 and pursuing effarts to limit the temperabxre increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels'. While the 11 overall intention of strengthening the global response to climate change is clear,the Paris Agreement 12 does not specify precisely what is meant by `global average temperabxre', or what period in history 13 should be considered `pre-industriaP. To answer the question of how close are we to 1.5°C of 14 warming, we need to first be clear about how both terms are defined in this Special Report. 15 16 The choice of pre-industrial reference period, along with the method used to calculate global average 17 temperature, can alter scientists' estimates of historical warming by a couple of tenths of a degree 18 Celsius. Such differences become important in the context of a global temperabxre limit just half a 19 degree above where we are now. But provided consistent definitions are used,they do not affect our 20 understanding of how human activity is influencing the climate. 21 22 In principle, `pre-industrial levels' could refer to any period of time before the start of the industrial 23 revolution. But the number of direct temperabxre measurements decreases as we go back in time. 24 Defining a `pre-industrial' reference period is, therefore, a compromise between the reliability of the 25 temperature inforxnation and how representative it is of truly pre-industrial conditions. Some pre- 26 industrial periods are cooler than others for purely natural reasons. This could be because of 27 spontaneous climate variability or the response of the climate to natural perturbations, such as volcanic 28 eruptions and variations in the sun's activity. This IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C 29 uses the reference period 1850-1900 to represent pre-industrial conditions. This is the earliest period 30 with near-global observations and is the reference period used as an approximation of pre-industrial 31 temperatures in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. 32 33 Once scientists have defined `pre-industrial', the next step is to calculate the amount of warming at 34 any given time relative to that reference period. In this report,warxning is defined as the increase in the 35 30-year global average of combined temperature over land and at the ocean surface. The 30-year 36 timespan accounts far the effect of nabxral variability,which can cause global temperatures to 37 fluctuate from one year to the next. For example, 2015 and 2016 were both affected by a strong El 38 Nino event,which amplified the underlying human-caused warxning. 39 40 In the decade 2006-2015,warming reached 0.87°C(f0.12°C)relative to 185�1900,predominantly 41 due to human activity increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Given that global 42 temperature is currently rising by 0.2°C(f0.1°C)per decade,human-induced warxning reached 1°C 43 above pre-industrial levels around 2017 and, if this pace of warxning continues, would reach 1.5°C 44 around 2040. 45 46 While the change in global average temperature tells researchers about how the planet as a whole is 47 changing, looking more closely at specific regions, countries and seasons reveals important details. 48 Since the 1970s, most land regions have been warxning faster than the global average,for example. 49 This means that warxning in many regions has already exceeded 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 50 Over a fifth of the global population live in regions that have already experienced warxning in at least 51 one season that is greater than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 52 FAQ-4 Total pages: 23 Re-trickleback version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 FAQ12:How close are we to ? Human-intlucetl wartning reachetl appmximately 1°C above pre-intlustrial levels in 2011 Current warming rate z o0 >>s wr cU 00 �y� 201� wm �m ioo g� Human�intlucetl E o warming °i m qimate uncertainty �^'� a�s — for 1.5"C pathway � � 0 50 0 25 a o0 issa isao zooa zoza zaao zaso zoeo zmo 1 2 FAQ1.2, NYgure 1: Human-induced wartrting reached approxunately 1°C above pre-industrial levele 3 in 2017. At the pieeent rate,global temperaturee would reach 1.5°C uound 2040. Stylized 1.5°C 4 pathway ehown here involvee emieeion reductione beginrting immediately, and COz emieeione 5 reaching zero by 2055. 6 7 8 9 FA�S Total pages:23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 2.1: What Kind of Pathways Limit Warming to 1.5°C and Are We on Track? 2 3 Summary: There is no definitive way to limitglobal temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial 4 levels. This Special Report identifies two main conceptual pathways to illustrate different 5 interpretations. One stabilizes global temperature at, or just belaw, 1.5°C.Another sees global 6 temperature temporarily exceed 1.5°C before coming back dawn. Countries'pledges to reduce their 7 emissions are currently not in line with limiting global warming to 1.5°C. 8 9 Scientists use computer models to simulate the emissions of greenhouse gases that would be consistent 10 with different levels of warming. The different possibilities are often referred to as `greenhouse gas 11 emission pathways'. There is no single, definitive pathway to limiting warxning to 1.5°C. 12 13 This IPCC special report identifies two main pathways that explore global warming of 1.5°C. The first 14 involves global temperature stabilizing at or below before 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. The 15 second pathway sees warming exceed 1.5°C around mid-century,remain above 1.5°C for a maximum 16 duration of a few decades, and return to below 1.5°C before 2100. The latter is often referred to as an 17 `overshoot' pathway. Any alternative situation in which global temperature continues to rise, 18 exceeding 1.5°C perxnanently until the end of the 21st century, is not considered to be a 1.5°C 19 pathway. 20 21 The two types of pathway have different implications for greenhouse gas emissions, as well as for 22 climate change impacts and for achieving sustainable development. For example,the larger and longer 23 an `overshooY, the greater the reliance on practices ar technologies that remove COZ from the 24 atmosphere, on top of reducing the sources of emissions (mitigation). Such ideas for COz removal have 25 not been proven to wark at scale and,therefore, run the risk of being less practical, effective or 26 economical than assumed. There is also the risk that the use of COZ removal techniques ends up 27 competing for land and water, and if these trade-offs are not appropriately managed, they can 28 adversely affect sustainable development. Additionally, a larger and longer overshoot increases the 29 risk for irreversible climate impacts, such as the onset of the collapse of polar ice shelves and 30 accelerated sea level rise. 31 32 Countries that formally accept or `ratify' the Paris Agreement submit pledges for how they intend to 33 address climate change. Unique to each country,these pledges are known as Nationally Determined 34 Contributions (NDCs). Different groups of researchers around the world have analysed the combined 35 effect of adding up all the NDCs. Such analyses show that current pledges are not on track to limit 36 global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. If current pledges for 2030 are achieved but no 37 more,researchers find very few (if any)ways to reduce emissions after 2030 sufficiently quickly to 38 limit warxning to 1.5°C. This, in turn, suggests that with the national pledges as they stand,warxning 39 would exceed 1.5°C, at least for a period of time, and practices and technologies that remove COz 40 from the atmosphere at a global scale would be required to return warxning to 1.5°C at a later date. 41 42 A world that is consistent with holding warming to 1.5°C would see greenhouse gas emissions rapidly 43 decline in the coming decade, with strong international cooperation and a scaling up of countries' 44 combined ambition beyond current NDCs. In contrast, delayed action, limited international 45 cooperation, and weak or fragmented policies that lead to stagnating or increasing greenhouse gas 46 emissions would put the possibility of limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial 47 levels out of reach. 48 FAQ-6 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 FAQ2.1:Conceptual pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C Two main pathways illustrate different interpretations for limiting global warming to 1.5°C. The consequences will be different depending on the pathway Global temperature stabilises at or Global temperature temporarily exceeds below 1.5°C above preindustrial levels 1.5°C before returning later in the century �� d� �U �U m� m-- a�m a�m n c a c E in E u, � � � � a v �� 1.5°C......................................................... � � 1.5°C......................................................... o � o � o�a rna c$ c Q � � � � o�,>_ rn>_ m� m� U � U � Time l Time 1 2 3 FAQ2.1,Figure 1: Two main pathways for limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre- 4 industrial levels are discussed in this Special Report. These are: stabilizing global temperature at, or 5 just below, 1.5°C(left) and global temperature temporarily exceeding 1.5°C before coming back down 6 later in the century (right). Temperatures shown are relative to pre-industrial but pathways are 7 illustrative only,demonstrating conceptual not quantitative characteristics. 8 FAQ-7 Total pages:23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 2.2: What Do Energy Supply and Demand Have to do with Limiting Warming to 1.5°C? 2 3 Summary:Limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels would reguire major 4 reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in all sectors. But different sectors are not independent of 5 each other, and making changes in one can have implications for another. For example, if we as a 6 society use a lot of energy, then this could mean we have less flexibility in the choice ofmitigation 7 options available to limitwarming to 1.5°C. Ifwe use less energy, the choice ofpossible actions is 8 greater—for example, we could be less reliant on technologies that remove carbon dioxide (COZ) 9 from the atmosphere. 10 11 To stabilize global temperature at any level, `neY COZ emissions would need to be reduced to zero. 12 This means the amount of COZ entering the atmosphere must equal the amount that is removed. 13 Achieving a balance between COZ `sources' and `sinks' is often referred to as `net zerd emissions or 14 `carbon neutrality'. The implication of net zero emissions is that the concentration of COz in the 15 atmosphere would slowly decline over time until a new equilibrium is reached, as COZ emissions from 16 human activity are redistributed and taken up by the oceans and the land biosphere. This would lead to 17 a near-constant global temperature over many centuries. 18 19 Warming will not be limited to 1.5°C or 2°C unless transforxnations in a number of areas achieve the 20 required greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Emissions would need to decline rapidly across all of 21 society's main sectors, including buildings, industry, transport, energy, and agriculture,forestry and 22 other land use(AFOLi�. Actions that can reduce emissions include,for example,phasing out coal in 23 the energy sector, increasing the amount of energy produced from renewable sources, electrifying 24 transport, and reducing the `carbon footprinY of the food we consume. 25 26 The above are examples of`supply-side' actions. Broadly speaking,these are actions that can reduce 27 greenhouse gas emissions through the use of low-carbon solutions. A different type of action can 28 reduce how much energy human society uses,while still ensuring increasing levels of development 29 and well-being. Known as `demand-side' actions,this category includes improving energy efficiency 30 in buildings and reducing consumption of energy- and greenhouse-gas intensive products through 31 behavioural and lifestyle changes,for example. Demand- and supply-side measures are not an either- 32 or question,they work in parallel with each other. But emphasis can be given to one or the other. 33 34 Making changes in one sector can have consequences for another, as they are not independent of each 35 other. In other words, the choices that we make now as a society in one sector can either restrict or 36 expand our options later on. For example, a high demand for energy could mean we would need to 37 deploy almost all known options to reduce emissions in order to limit global temperabxre rise to 1.5°C 38 above pre-industrial levels,with the potential for adverse side-effects. In particular, a pathway with 39 high energy demand would increase our reliance on practices and technologies that remove COz from 40 the atmosphere. As of yet, such techniques have not been proven to wark on a large scale and, 41 depending on how they are implemented, could compete for land and water. By leading to lower 42 overall energy demand, effective demand-side measures could allow for greater flexibility in how we 43 structure our energy system. However, demand-side measures are not easy to implement and barriers 44 have prevented the most efficient practices being used in the past 45 FAQ-8 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 FAQ22: Energy demand and supply in 7.5°C world Lower energy demand could allow for greater Flexibility in how we strucNre our energy system. allows more choice With ,there is about which low-carbon energy supply less Flexibility as virtually all available options to use to limit warming to 1.5°C. options would need to be considered. Lo�::-carbo-e-ergy Lo�::�carbon e-�cv Lo�::�carbon e-ergy supply opt ons' supply opt ons' supply opt ons' • • • Low' .. � Low' � • • energy � energy � � tlemantl -......, � demantl � � • • • High energy � � demantl � • • • Example 1 Example 2 _,.,..,.�.�.,.,..,...,................._....�.....,.-,...,... �.,,..,. ...w....�.....,: -.. ,,._._....,..,.. .,.,.,,,...,..,.., :..,....,.,�.,.,.i...,......_ 1 2 FAQ2.2, Figure 1: Having a lower energy demand inereases the flexibility in choosing options for 3 supplying energy. A larger energy demand means many more low carbon energy supply options 4 would need to be used. 5 FAQ-9 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 3.1: What are the Impacts of LS°C and 2°C of Warming? 2 3 Summary: The impacts of climate change are being felt in every inhabited continent and in the 4 oceans. Hawever, they are not spread uniformly across the globe, and different parts of the world 5 experience impacts differently.An average warming of I.5°C across the whole globe raises the risk of 6 heatwaves and heavy rainfall events, amongst many other potential impacts. Limiting warming to 7 1.5°C rather than 2°C can help reduce these risks, but the impacts the world experiences will depend 8 on the specific greenhouse gas emissions `pathway'taken. The consequences of temporarily 9 overshooting 1.5°C ofwarming and returning to this level later in the century,for e�mple, could be 10 larger than if temperature stabilizes below 1.5°C. The size and duration of an overshoot will also 11 affect future impacts. 12 13 Human activity has warmed the world by about 1°C since pre-industrial times, and the impacts of this 14 warming have already been felt in many parts of the world. This estimate of the increase in global 15 temperature is the average of many thousands of temperature measurements taken over the world's 16 land and oceans. Temperatures are not changing at the same speed everywhere,however: warming is 17 strongest on continents and is particularly strong in the Arctic in the cold season and in mid-latibxde 18 regions in the warm season. This is due to self-amplifying mechanisms,for instance due to snow and 19 ice melt reducing the reflectivity of solar radiation at the surface, or soil drying leading to less 20 evaporative cooling in the interior of continents. This means that some parts of the world have already 21 experienced temperatures greater than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. 22 23 Extra warming on top of the approximately 1°C we have seen so far would amplify the risks and 24 associated impacts,with implications far the world and its inhabitants. This would be the case even if 25 the global warxning is held at 1.5°C,just half a degree above where we are now, and would be further 26 amplified at 2°C of global warming. Reaching 2°C instead of 1.5°C of global warming would lead to 27 substantial warxning of extreme hot days in all land regions. It would also lead to an increase in heavy 28 rainfall events in some regions,particularly in the high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, 29 potentially raising the risk of flooding. In addition, some regions, such as the Mediterranean, are 30 projected to become drier at 2°C versus 1.5°C of global warming. The impacts of any additional 31 warming would also include stronger melting of ice sheets and glaciers, as well as increased sea level 32 rise,which would continue long after the stabilization of ahnospheric COZ concentrations. 33 34 Change in climate means and extremes have knock-on effects far the societies and ecosystems living 35 on the planet. Climate change is projected to be a poverly multiplier, which means that its impacts are 36 expected to make the poor poorer and the total number of people living in poverly greater. The 0.5°C 37 rise in global temperatures that we have experienced in the past 50 years has contributed to shifts in 38 the distribution of plant and animal species, decreases in crop yields and more frequent wildfires. 39 Similar changes can be expected with further rises in global temperature. 40 41 Essentially,the lower the rise in global temperabxre above pre-industrial levels,the lower the risks to 42 human societies and natural ecosystems. Put another way, limiting warxning to 1.5°C can be 43 understood in terxns of`avoided impacts' compared to higher levels of warxning. Many of the impacts 44 of climate change assessed in this report have lower associated risks at 1.5°C compared to 2°C. 45 46 Thermal expansion of the oceans,resulting from delayed ocean mixing,means sea level will continue 47 to rise even if global temperature is limited to 1.5°C,but this rise would be lower than in a 2°C 48 warmer world. Ocean acidification,the process by which excess COZ dissolves into oceans and makes 49 them more acidic, is expected to be less damaging in a world where COZ emissions are reduced and 50 warming is stabilized at 1.5°C compared to 2°C. The persistence of coral reefs is greater in a 1.5°C 51 world than that of a 2°C world,too. 52 FAQ-10 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 The impacts of climate change that we experience in future will be affected by factors other than the 2 change in temperature. The consequences of 1.5°C of warming will additionally depend on the 3 specific greenhouse gas emissions `pathway' that is followed and the extent to which adaptation can 4 reduce vulnerability. This IPCC Special Report uses a number of`pathways' to explore different 5 possibilities for limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. One type of pathway 6 sees global temperature stabilize at, or just below, 1.5°C. Another sees global temperature temporarily 7 exceed 1.5°C before declining later in the cenbxry (known as an `overshooY pathway). 8 9 Such pathways would have different associated impacts, so it is important to distinguish between them 10 for planning adaptation and mitigation strategies. For example, impacts from an overshoot pathway 11 could be larger than impacts from a stabilization pathway. The size and duration of an overshoot 12 would also have consequences far the impacts the world experiences. For instance, pathways that 13 overshoot 1.5°C run a greater risk of passing through `tipping points', thresholds beyond which certain 14 impacts can no longer be avoided even if temperatures are brought back down later on. The collapse of 15 the Greenland and Antarotic ice sheets on the timescale of centuries and millennia is one example of a 16 tipping point 17 FAQ3.1:Impact of 1.5°C and 2.0°C global warming TempereNre rise is not uniform across the wodd.Some regions will experience grealer increases in hol days and decreases in cold nights than others +7.5°C:Change in averege tempereture of holtest days +y,0°C:Change in averege tempereture of hottest days � :. -:,x. _ � � �i�� . _' s\ ' � �i'l . .��) 1 1 v /� L a � li �: - �.- . .a - - ' -��—�� i.-... - -— ''�. .-- ._:'.__. �:.. �-.,.__��'$ __ ... -. +7.5°C:Change in average temperature of coldest nighis +p.p°C:Change in averege tempereture of coldest nights C L�. . . , ._ ____ ,__�s.� o� ��� uu u.e �u i5 zu �u au eu nu �uu i8 19 FAQ 3.1, Figure L• Temperature change is not uniform across the globe. Projected changes are shown 20 far the average temperature of the annual hottest day(top) and the annual coldest 21 night(bottom)with 1.5°C of global warming(left) and 2°C of global warming 22 (right) compared to pre-industrial levels. 23 FAQ-11 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 4.1: What Transitions Could Enable Limiting Global Warming to LS°C? 2 3 Summary:In order to limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the world would need to 4 transform in a number of complex and connected ways. While transitions tawards lawer greenhouse 5 gas emissions are underway in some cities, regions, countries, businesses and communities, there are 6 few that are currently consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C.Meeting this challenge would reguire 7 a rapid escalation in the current scale and pace of change,particularly in the coming decades. There 8 are many factors that affect the feasibility of different adaptation and mitigation options that could 9 help limit warming to 1.5°C and with adapting to the conseguences. 10 There are actions across all sectors that can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This 11 Special Report assesses energy, land and ecosystems,urban and infrastructure, and industry in 12 developed and developing nations to see how they would need to be transforxned to limit warxning to 13 1.5°C. Examples of actions include shifting to low- or zero-emission power generation, such as 14 renewables; changing food systems, such as diet changes away from land-intensive animal products; 15 electrifying transpart and developing `green infrastructure', such as building green roofs, or improving 16 energy efficiency by smart urban planning, which will change the layout of many cities. 17 Because these different actions are connected, a `whole systems' approach would be needed for the 18 type of transforxnations that could limit warming to 1.5°C. This means that all relevant companies, 19 industries and stakeholders would need to be involved to increase the suppart and chance of successful 20 implementation. As an illustration, the deployment of low-emission technology(e.g.,renewable 21 energy projects or a bio-based chemical plants)would depend upon economic conditions (e.g., 22 employment generation or capacity to mobilize inveshnent),but also on sociaUculbxral conditions 23 (e.g., awareness and acceptability) and instibxtional conditions (e.g.,political support and 24 understanding). 25 To limit warming to 1.5°C,mitigation would have to be large-scale and rapid. Transitions can be 26 transforxnative or incremental, and they often, but not always, go hand in hand. Transformative change 27 can arise from growth in demand for a new product or market, such that it displaces an existing one. 28 This is sometimes called `disruptive innovation'. For example, high demand for LED lighting is now 29 making more energy-intensive, incandescent lighting near-obsolete,with the suppart of policy action 30 that spurred rapid industry innovation. Similarly, smart phones have become global in use within ten 31 years. But electric cars,which were released around the same time,have not been adopted so quickly 32 because the bigger, more connected transpart and energy systems are harder to change. Renewable 33 energy, especially solar and wind, is considered to be disruptive by some as it is rapidly being adopted 34 and is transitioning faster than predicted. But its demand is not yet uniform. Urban systems that are 35 moving towards transforxnation are coupling solar and wind with battery storage and electric vehicles 36 in a more incremental transition, though this would still require changes in regulations,tax incentives, 37 new standards, demonstration projects and education programmes to enable markets far this system to 38 work. 39 Transitional changes are already underway in many systems, but limiting warming to 1.5°C would 40 require a rapid escalation in the scale and pace of transition,particularly in the next 10-20 years. 41 While limiting warming to 1.5°C would involve many of the same types of transitions as limiting 42 warming to 2°C, the pace of change would need to be much faster. While the pace of change that 43 would be required to limit warxning to 1.5°C can be found in the past,there is no historical precedent 44 far the scale of the necessary transitions, in particular in a socially and economically sustainable way. 45 Resolving such speed and scale issues would require people's support,publio-sector interventions and 46 private-sector cooperation. FAQ-12 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 Different types of transitions carry with them different associated costs and requirements for 2 institutional or governmental support. Some are also easier to scale up than others, and some need 3 more government support than others. Transitions between, and within,these systems are connected 4 and none would be sufficient on its own to limit warming to 1.5°C. 5 The `feasibility' of adaptation and mitigation options or actions within each system that together can 6 limit warming to 1.5°C within the context of sustainable development and effarts to eradicate poverty 7 requires careful consideration of multiple different factors. These factors include: (i)whether 8 sufficient natural systems and resources are available to support the various options far transitioning 9 (known as environmental feasibility); (ii)the degree to which the required technologies are developed 10 and available(known as technological feasibility); (iii)the economic conditions and implications 11 (known as economic feasibility); (iv)what are the implications for human behaviour and health 12 (known as social/cultural feasibility); and(v)what type of institutional support would be needed, such 13 as governance, institutional capacity and political support(known as institutional feasibility). An 14 additional factor(vi—known as the geophysical feasibility) addresses the capacity of physical systems 15 to carry the option, for example,whether it is geophysically possible to implement large-scale 16 afforestationconsistentwithl.5°C. 17 Promoting enabling conditions, such as finance, innovation and behaviour change,would reduce 18 barriers to the options, make the required speed and scale of the system transitions more likely, and 19 therefore would increase the overall feasibility limiting warming to 1.5°C. FAQ4.1: The different feasibility dimensions towards limiting warming to 1.5°C Assessing the feasibility of different adaptation and mitigation options/actions requires consideration across six dimensions. Environmental Technological feasibility feasibility O � Geophysical 1� $ Economic feasibility � � feasibility Institutional Social/cultural feasi- feasibility bility 20 21 22 FAQ4.1, Figure L• The different dimensions to consider when assessing the `feasibility' of adaptation 23 and mitigation options or actions within each system that can help to limit warxning to 1.5°C. These FAQ-13 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 are: (i)the environxnental feasibility; (ii)the technological feasibility; (iii)the economic feasibility; 2 (iv)the social/culbxral feasibility; (v)the instibxtional feasibility; and(vi)the geophysical feasibility. 3 FAQ-14 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 4.2: What are Carbon Dioxide Removal and Negative Emissions? 2 3 Summary: Carbon dioxide removal(CDR) refers to the process of removing COz from the 4 atmosphere. Since this is the opposite of emissions,practices or technologies that remove COz are 5 often described as achieving `negative emissions'. The process is sometimes referred to more broadly 6 as greenhouse gas removal if it involves removing gases other than COz. There are two main types of 7 CDR: either enhancing existing natural processes that remove carbon from the atmosphere (e.g., by 8 increasing its uptake by trees, soil, or other `carbon sinks) or using chemical processes to,for 9 example, capture COz directly from the ambient air and store it elsewhere (e.g., underground).All 10 CDR methods are at different stages of development and some are more conceptual than others, as 11 they have not been tested at scale. 12 Limiting warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels would require unprecedented rates of 13 transforxnation in many areas, including in the energy and industrial sectors, for example. 14 Conceptually, it is possible that techniques to draw COz out ofthe atmosphere(lrnown as carbon 15 dioxide removal, or CDR) could contribute to limiting warxning to 1.5°C. One use of CDR could be to 16 compensate for greenhouse gas emissions from sectors that cannot completely decarbonize, or which 17 may take a long time to do so. 18 If global temperature temporarily overshoots 1.5°C, CDR would be required to reduce the atmospheric 19 concentration of COZ to bring global temperabxre back down. To achieve this temperabxre reduction, 20 the amount of COz drawn out of the ahnosphere would need to be greater than the amount entering the 21 atmosphere,resulting in `net negative emissions'. This would involve a greater amount of CDR than 22 stabilizing atmospheric COz concentration—and,therefore, global temperature—at a certain level. The 23 larger and longer an overshoot, the greater the reliance on practices that remove COZ from the 24 atmosphere. 25 There are a number of CDR methods, each with different potentials for achieving negative emissions, 26 as well as different associated costs and side effects. They are also at differing levels of development, 27 with some more conceptual than others. One example of a CDR method in the demonstration phase is 28 a process known as bioenergy with carbon capture and storage(BECCS), in which ahnospheric COz is 29 absorbed by plants and trees as they grow, and then the plant material(biomass) is burned to produce 30 bioenergy. The COz released in the production of bioenergy is captured before it reaches the 31 atmosphere and stored in geological forxnations deep underground on very long timescales. Since the 32 plants absorb COz as they grow and the process does not emit COz,the overall effect can be to reduce 33 atmospheric COz. 34 Afforestation(planting new trees) and reforestation(replanting trees where they previously existed) 35 are also considered forms of CDR because they enhance natural COZ `sinks'. Another category of 36 CDR techniques uses chemical processes to capture COZ from the air and store it away on very long 37 timescales. In a process known as direct air carbon capture and storage(DACCS), COz is extracted 38 directly from the air and stored in geological forxnations deep underground. Converting waste plant 39 material into a charcoal-like substance called biochar and burying it in soil can also be used to store 40 carbon away from the atmosphere for decades to centuries. 41 There can be beneficial side effects of some types of CDR, other than removing COZ from the 42 atmosphere. For example, restoring forests or mangroves can enhance biodiversity and protect against 43 flooding and storxns. But there could also be risks involved with some CDR methods. For example, 44 deploying BECCS at large scale would require a large amount of land to cultivate the biomass 45 required for bioenergy. This could have consequences for sustainable development if the use of land 46 competes with producing food to support a growing population, biodiversity conservation or land 47 rights. There are also other considerations. For example, there are uncertainties about how much it FAQ-15 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 would cost to deploy DACCS as a CDR technique, given that removing COz from the air requires 2 considerable energy. FAQ42: Carbon dioxide removal and negative emissions Examples of some CDR/negative emissions techniques and practices Bioenergy with Carbon Capture Afforestation and and Storage(BECCS) re-forestation COs �o,���� � � ��,:�� _ �� � � � � . �� Atmosphenc COi is • • ARores�alion(plenling trees)antl refores[etion absorbetl by planLs antl (replanling trees where they previously �rees es�hey gmw antl existetl)enhance neNral COi`sinks' �hen lhe plant ma�erial @iomess)is Nmetl into bioenergy_. ..Ihe CO�releasetl in lhe pmtluction of bioenergy is capNretl before it reaches�he aMosphere 3 antl sloretl untlergmuntl 4 FAQ4.2, Figure L• Carbon dioxide removal (CDR)refers to the process of removing COz from the 5 atmosphere. There are a number of CDR techniques, each with different potential for achieving 6 `negative emissions', as well as different associated costs and side effects. 7 FAQ-16 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 4.3: Why is Adaptation Important in a LS°C-Warmer World? 2 Summary:Adaptation is the process of adjusting to current or expected changes in climate and its 3 effects. Even though climate change is a global problem, its impacts are experienced differently across 4 the world. This means that responses are often specific to the local context, and so people in different 5 regions are adapting in different ways.A rise in global temperature from the current 1°C above pre- 6 industrial levels to 1.5°C, and beyond, increases the need for adaptation. Therefore, stabilizing global 7 temperatures at 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels would reguire a smaller adaptation effort than at 8 2°C. Despite many successful examples around the world,progress in adaptation is, in many regions, 9 in its infancy and unevenly distributed globally. 10 Adaptation refers to the process of adjushnent to actual or expected changes in climate and its effects. 11 Since different parts of the world are experiencing the impacts of climate change differently, there is 12 similar diversity in how people in a given region are adapting to those impacts. 13 The world is already experiencing the impacts from 1°C of global warxning above pre-industrial 14 levels, and there are many examples of adaptation to impacts associated with this warxning. Examples 15 of adaptation efforts taking place around the world include investing in flood defences such as 16 building sea walls or restoring mangroves, efforts to guide development away from high risk areas, 17 modifying crops to avoid yield reductions, and using social learning(social interactions that changes 18 understanding on the community level)to modify agricultural practices, amongst many others. 19 Adaptation also involves building capacity to respond better to climate change impacts, including 20 making governance more flexible and strengthening financing mechanisms, such as by providing 21 different types of insurance. 22 In general, an increase in global temperature from present day to 1.5°C or 2°C(or higher) above pre- 23 industrial temperatures would increase the need for adaptation. Stabilising global temperabxre increase 24 at 1.5°C would require a smaller adaptation effort than for 2°C. 25 Since adaptation is still in early stages in many regions,there are questions about the capacity of 26 wlnerable communities to cope with any amount of further warming. Successful adaptation can be 27 supported at the national and sub-national levels, with national governments playing an important role 28 in coordination,planning, determining policy priorities, and distributing resources and suppart. 29 However, given that the need for adaptation can be very different from one community to the next,the 30 kinds of ineasures that can successfully reduce climate risks will also depend heavily on the local 31 context. 32 When done successfully, adaptation can allow individuals to adjust to the impacts of climate change in 33 ways that minimize negative consequences and to maintain their livelihoods. This could involve, for 34 example, a farmer switching to drought-tolerant crops to deal with increasing occurrences of 35 heatwaves. In some cases,however,the impacts of climate change could result in entire systems 36 changing significantly, such as moving to an entirely new agricultural system in areas where the 37 climate is no longer suitable for current practices. Constructing sea walls to stop flooding due to sea 38 level rise from climate change is another example of adaptation, but developing city planning to 39 change how flood water is managed throughout the city would be an example of transformational 40 adaptation. These actions require significantly more institutional, structural, and financial support. 41 While this kind of transforxnational adaptation would not be needed everywhere in a 1.5°C world, the 42 scale of change needed would be challenging to implement, as it requires additional support, such as 43 through financial assistance and behavioural change. Few empirical examples exist to date. 44 Examples from around the world show that adaptation is an iterative process. Adaptation pathways 45 describe how communities can make decisions about adaptation in an ongoing and flexible way. Such FAQ-17 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 pathways allow for pausing, evaluating the outcomes of specific adaptation actions, and modifying the 2 strategy as appropriate. Due to their flexible nature, adaptation pathways can help to identify the most 3 effective ways to minimise the impacts of present and future climate change for a given local conteat. 4 This is important since adaptation can sometimes exacerbate vulnerabilities and existing inequalities if 5 poorly designed. The unintended negative consequences of adaptation that can sometimes occur are 6 known as `maladaptation'. Maladaptation can be seen if a particular adaptation option has negative 7 consequences for some (e.g., rainwater harvesting upstream might reduce water availability 8 downstream) or if an adaptation intervention in the present has trade-offs in the future (e.g., 9 desalination plants may improve water availability in the present but have large energy demands over 10 time). 11 While adaptation is important to reduce the negative impacts from climate change, adaptation 12 measures on their own are not enough to prevent climate change impacts entirely. The more global 13 temperature rises,the more frequent, severe, and erratic the impacts will be, and adaptation may not 14 protect against all risks. Examples of where limits may be reached include substantial loss of coral 15 reefs, massive range losses far terrestrial species, more human deaths from eatreme heat, and losses of 16 coastal-dependent livelihoods in low lying islands and coasts. FAQ4.3:Adaptation in a warming world Adapting to further warming requires action at national&sub-national levels and can mean different things to different people in different contexts ♦iiii ADAPTATION �� , ,"TRANSFORMATIONAL ADAPTATION i � �� r Responding to and preparing for — Deeq systemic change that requires the impacts of climate change reconfiguration of social and ecological systems � � Allemative lifestyles � y Improved infrastructure, �' �� i.e.e�cienl irrigalion of employment. � �. systems to deal I � ��� with drought Changes to farming,e.g., ti • �� � diversifying crops, ���—� @ sirengthening links lo markel � �� / Flood proteclion New city planning to �� , and safeguarding of safeguard people / fresh water supply and infrestmcWre �. �� 17 18 FAQ4.3, Figure 1: Examples of adaptation and transformational adaptation. Adapting to further 19 warming requires action at national and sub-national levels and can mean different things to different 20 people in different conteats. While transformational adaptation would not be needed everywhere in a 21 world limited to 1.5°C warming,the scale of change needed would be challenging to implement. 22 23 24 FAQ-18 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 5.1: What Are the Connections between Sustainable Development and Limiting Global 2 Warxning to 1.5°C above Pre-Industrial Levels? 3 4 Summary: Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs of people living today without 5 compromising the needs offuture generations, while balancing social, economic and environmental 6 considerations. The 17 UNSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) include targets for eradicating 7 poverty; ensuring health, energy and food security; reducing inequality;protecting ecosystems; 8 pursuing sustainable cities and economies; and a goal for climate action (SDG13). Climate change 9 affects the ability to achieve sustainable developmentgoals, and limiting warming to 1.5°C will help 10 meet some sustainable development targets. Pursuing sustainable development will influence 11 emissions, impacts and vulnerabilities. Responses to climate change in the form of adaptation and 12 mitigation will also interactwith sustainable developmentwith positive effects, knawn as synergies, or 13 negative effects, known as trade-offs. Responses to climate change can be planned to maximize 14 synergies and limit trade-offs with sustainable development. 15 16 For more than 25 years, the United Nations (LJN) and other international organizations have embraced 17 the concept of sustainable development to promote well-being and meet the needs of today's 18 population without compromising the needs of future generations. This concept spans economic, 19 social and environxnental objectives including poverty and hunger alleviation, equitable economic 20 growth, access to resources, and the protection of water, air and ecosystems. Between 1990 and 2015, 21 the iJN monitored a set of eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). They reported progress in 22 reducing poverty, easing hunger and child mortality, and improving access to clean water and 23 sanitation. But with millions remaining in poor health, living in poverty and facing serious problems 24 associated with climate change, pollution and land-use change,the iJN decided that more needed to be 25 done. In 2015,the iJN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)were endorsed as part of the 2030 26 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 17 SDGs (Figure FAQ 5.1) apply to all countries and have 27 a timeline for success by 2030. The SDGs seek to eliminate extreme poverty and hunger; ensure 28 health, education,peace, safe water and clean energy for all;promote inclusive and sustainable 29 consumption, cities, infrastructure and economic growth;reduce inequality including gender 30 inequality; combat climate change and protect oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. 31 32 Climate change and sustainable development are fundamentally connected. Previous IPCC reports 33 found that climate change can undermine sustainable development, and that well-designed mitigation 34 and adaptation responses can support poverty alleviation,food security, healthy ecosystems, equality 35 and other dimensions of sustainable development. Limiting global warxning to 1.5°C would require 36 mitigation actions and adaptation measures to be taken at all levels. These adaptation and mitigation 37 actions would include reducing emissions and increasing resilience through technology and 38 infrastructure choices, as well as changing behaviour and policy. These actions can interact with 39 sustainable development objectives in positive ways that strengthen sustainable development, known 40 as synergies. Or they can interact in negative ways,where sustainable development is hindered or 41 reversed, known as trade-offs. 42 43 An example of a synergy is sustainable forest management, which can prevent emissions from 44 deforestation and take up carbon to reduce warming at reasonable cost. It can work synergistically 45 with other dimensions of sustainable development by providing food(SDG 2) and clean water(SDG 46 � and protecting ecosystems (SDG 15). Other examples of synergies are when climate adaptation 47 measures, such as coastal or agricultural projects, empower women and benefit local incomes,health 48 and ecosystems. 49 50 An example of a trade-off can occur if ambitious climate change mitigation compatible with 1.5°C 51 changes land use in ways that have negative impacts on sustainable development. An example could 52 be turning natural forests, agricultural areas, or land under indigenous or local ownership to 53 plantations for bioenergy production. If not managed carefully, such changes could underxnine FAQ-19 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 dimensions of sustainable development by threatening food and water security, creating conflict over 2 land rights and causing biodiversity loss. Another trade-off could occur for some countries, assets, 3 warkers and infrastructure already in place if a switch is made from fossil fuels to other energy 4 sources without adequate planning for such a transition. Trade-offs can be minimized if effectively 5 managed, as when care is taken to improve bioenergy crop yields to reduce harxnful land-use change 6 or where workers are retrained for employment in lower carbon sectors. 7 8 Limiting temperabxres to 1.5°C can make it much easier to achieve the SDGs,but it is also possible 9 that pursuing the SDGs could result in trade-offs with efforts to limit climate change. There are trade- 10 offs when people escaping from poverty and hunger consume more energy or land and thus increase 11 emissions, or if goals for economic growth and industrialization increase fossil fuel consumption and 12 greenhouse gas emissions. Conversely, efforts to reduce poverty and gender inequalities and to 13 enhance food,health and water security can reduce wlnerability to climate change. Other synergies 14 can occur when coastal and ocean ecosystem protection reduces the impacts of climate change on 15 these systems. The sustainable development goal of affordable and clean energy(SDG 7) specifically 16 targets access to renewable energy and energy efficiency,which are important to ambitious mitigation 17 and limiting warxning to 1.5°C. 18 19 The link between sustainable development and limiting global warxning to 1.5°C is recognized by the 20 SDG for climate action(SDG 13), which seeks to combat climate change and its impacts while 21 acknowledging that the United Nations Framewark Convention on Climate Change(LJNFCCC) is the 22 primary international, intergovernxnental forum for negotiating the global response to climate change. 23 24 The challenge is to put in place sustainable development policies and actions that reduce deprivation, 25 alleviate poverty and ease ecosystem degradation while also lowering emissions,reducing climate 26 change impacts and facilitating adaptation. It is important to strengthen synergies and minimize trade- 27 offs when planning climate change adaptation and mitigation actions. Unfortunately, not all trade-offs 28 can be avoided or minimized,but careful planning and implementation can build the enabling 29 conditions for long-terxn sustainable development. 30 FAQ5.1: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) The link between sustainable development and limiting global warming l0 1.5°C is recognised by ihe Sustainable Development Goal for climate action(SDG 13) 1 POVERiY J ANOWELI-B ING 4 EOUCAlION J EpIIALTY U ANUSANITAiION • • • • � � I--I I � � ���r� r � � � U EfANOM1Bo6ROW N a7 A OINFPASfROCPNE �0 NEp ALiIES 11 ANO OMM NRIESS IL C XSO Pilpl _ ANOPAODOCIION i � ' = , � L] ^11 �\./ 14 AELOWWATER 15 ONLANO 16 ANOSIRONGCE 17 FOAINECOALS �'�e� INSTIiUTI0N5 w,.�, SUSTAINABLE � � ;�„ ,� � DEVELOPMENT G�ALS 31 32 FAQ 5.1, Figure L• Climate change action is one of the United Nations Sustainable Development 33 Goals (SDGs) and is connected to sustainable development more broadly. Actions to reduce climate FAQ-20 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 risk can interact with other sustainable development objectives in positive ways (synergies)and 2 negative ways (trade-offs). 3 4 FAQ-21 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 FAQ 5.2: What are the Pathways to Achieving Poverty Reduction and Reducing Inequalities 2 While Reaching the LS°C World? 3 4 Summary: There are ways to limitglobal warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. Of the 5 pathways that exist, some simultaneously achieve sustainable development. They entail a mix of 6 measures that lawer emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change, while contributing to 7 poverty eradication and reducing inequalities. Which pathways are possible and desirable will differ 8 between and within regions and nations. This is due to the fact that development progress to date has 9 been uneven and climate-related risks are unevenly distributed. Flexible governance would be needed 10 to ensure that such pathways are inclusive,fair and equitable to avoid poor and disadvantaged 11 populations becoming worse off. Climate-resilient development pathways (CRDPs) offer possibilities 12 to achieve both equitable and law-carbon futures. 13 14 Issues of equity and fairness have long been central to climate change and sustainable development. 15 Equity, like equality, aims to promote justness and fairness for all. This is not necessarily the same as 16 treating everyone equally, since not everyone comes from the same starting point. Often used 17 interchangeably with fairness and justice, equity implies implementing different actions in different 18 places, all with a view to creating an equal world that is fair for all and where no one is left behind. 19 20 The Paris Agreement states that it`will be implemented to reflect equity... in the light of different 21 national circumstances' and calls far `rapid reductions' of greenhouse gases to be achieved `on the 22 basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverly'. 23 Similarly,the iJN SDGs include targets to reduce poverty and inequalities, and to ensure equitable and 24 affordable access to health,water and energy for all. 25 26 The principles of equity and fairness are important for considering pathways that limit warming to 27 1.5°C in a way that is liveable for every person and species. They recognize the uneven development 28 status between richer and poorer nations,the uneven distribution of climate impacts (including on 29 future generations) and the uneven capacity of different nations and people to respond to climate risks. 30 This is particularly true for those who are highly wlnerable to climate change, such as indigenous 31 communities in the Arctic,people whose livelihoods depend on agriculture or coastal and marine 32 ecosystems, and inhabitants of small island developing states. The poorest people will continue to 33 experience climate change through the loss of income and livelihood opportunities, hunger, adverse 34 health effects and displacement 35 36 Well-planned adaptation and mitigation measures are essential to avoid exacerbating inequalities or 37 creating new injustices. Pathways that are compatible with limiting warxning to 1.5°C and aligned with 38 the SDGs consider mitigation and adaptation options that reduce inequalities in terxns of who benefits, 39 who pays the costs and who is affected by possible negative consequences. Attention to equity ensures 40 that disadvantaged people can secure their livelihoods and live in dignity, and that those who 41 experience mitigation or adaptation costs have financial and technical support to enable fair 42 transitions. 43 44 CRDPs describe trajectories that pursue the dual goal of limiting warxning to 1.5°C while 45 strengthening sustainable development. This includes eradicating poverty as well as reducing 46 wlnerabilities and inequalities for regions, countries, communities, businesses and cities. These 47 trajectories entail a mix of adaptation and mitigation measures consistent with profound societal and 48 systems transforxnations. The goals are to meetthe shart-term SDGs, achieve longer-term sustainable 49 development,reduce emissions towards net zero around the middle of the century,build resilience and 50 enhance human capacities to adapt, all while paying close attention to equity and well-being for all. 51 52 The characteristics of CRDPs will differ across communities and nations, and will be based on 53 deliberations with a diverse range of people, including those most affected by climate change and by FAQ-22 Total pages: 23 Pre-trickle back version Frequently Asked Questions IPCC SR1.5 1 possible routes towards transforxnation. For this reason, there are no standard methods for designing 2 CRDPs or for monitoring their progress towards climate-resilient futures. However, examples from 3 around the world demonstrate that flexible and inclusive governance structures and broad participation 4 often help support iterative decision-making, continuous learning and experimentation. Such inclusive 5 processes can also help to overcome weak institutional arrangements and power structures that may 6 further exacerbate inequalities. 7 FAQ52: Climate-resilient development pathways Decision-making lhal achieves the United Nalion Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),lowers greenhouse gas emissions, limits global warming,and enhances adaplatioq could help lead to a dimate-resilient world � �.... ...� Busines Nane HigM1 e��'��_ emissians � Law �� Some Coun�nes antl emissions � communl�iesat f �� tlifterenllevels � ���� oftlevelopmen� ����� � All Netzem Totlay's worltl Achieving Lower Limi[ing global the SDG's emissions warming(°C) g 9 FAQ 5.2, Figure L• Climate-resilient development pathways (CRDPs)describe trajectories that 10 pursue the dual goals of limiting warxning to 1.5°C while strengthening sustainable development. 11 Decision-making that achieves the SDGs, lowers greenhouse gas emissions and limits global warnung 12 could help lead to a climate-resilient world, within the context of enhancing adaptation. 13 14 Ambitious actions already underway around the world can offer insight into CRDPs for limiting 15 warnung to 1.5°C. For example, some countries have adopted clean energy and sustainable transport 16 while creating environxnentally friendly jobs and supporting social welfare programmes to reduce 17 domestic poverty. Other examples teach us about different ways to promote development through 18 practices inspired by community values. For instance,Buen Pivir, a Latin American concept based on 19 indigenous ideas of communities living in harxnony with nature, is aligned with peace; diversity; 20 solidarity; rights to education, health, and safe food, water, and energy; and well-being and justice for 21 a1L The Transition Movement, with origins in Europe,promotes equitable and resilient communities 22 through low-carbon living, food self-sufficiency and citizen science. Such examples indicate that 23 pathways that reduce poverty and inequalities while limiting warxning to 1.5°C are possible and that 24 they can provide guidance on pathways towards socially desirable, equitable and low-carbon futures. 25 26 27 FAQ-23 Total pages: 23 IpCC INTEPGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON climate chanQe Global Warming of 1 . 5 ° C An IPCC Special fteport on the impacts of global warming of 1 .5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context oF strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty � ' � � �" WG I WG II WG III � :_'�� � WMO UNEP Global warming of 1 . 5°C An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty Summary for Policymakers Edited by Valerie Masson-Delmotte Panmao Zhai CaChair Working Group I CaChair Working Group I Hans-Otto Portner Debra Roberts CaChairWorking Group II CaChairWorking Group II Jim Skea Priyadarshi R. Shukla CaChairWorking Group III CaChairWorking Group III Anna Pirani Wilfran Moufouma-Okia Clotilde Pean Head of WGI TSU Head of Science Head of Operations Roz Pidcock Sarah Connors J. B. Robin Matthews Head of Communication Science Officer Science Officer Yang Chen Xiao Zhou Melissa I. Gomis Science Officer Science Assistant Graphics Officer Elisabeth Lonnoy Tom Maycock Melinda Tignor Tim Waterfield ProjectAssistant Science Editor Head ofWGIITSU IT Officer Working Group I Technical Support Unit kont cover layout:Nigel Haw[in kont cover artwork:Time to Choose by Alisa Singer vwwv.environmentalgraphifi.org-O Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change. The artwork was inspired by a graphic from the SPM(Fgure SPM.1). O 20181ntergovemmental Panel on(]imate Change. Pnnted October 2018 by the IPCC,Switzedand. Elec[ronic copies of this Summary for Policymakers are available from the IPCC website vwwv.ipcc.ch ISBN 9 7 8-9 2-91 6 11 51-7 Summary for Policymakers Summary for Policymakers � Summary for Policymakers Drafting Authors: Myles Allen (UK), Mustafa Babiker (Sudan), Yang Chen (China), Heleen de Coninck (Netherlands/EU), Sarah Connors (UK), Renee van Diemen (Netherlands), Opha Pauline Dube (Botswana), Kristie L. Ebi (USA), Francois Engelbrecht (South Africa), Marion Ferrat (UK/France), James Ford (UK/Canada), Piers Forster (UK), Sabine Fuss (Germany), Tania Guillen Bolanos(Germany/Nicaragua),Jordan Harold(UK),Ove Hoegh-Guldberg(Australia), JeamCharles Hourcade (France), Daniel Huppmann (Austria), Daniela Jacob (Germany), Kejun Jiang (China),Tom Gabriel Johansen (Norway), Mikiko Kainuma papan), Kiane de Kleijne (Netherlands/EU), Elmar Kriegler (Germany), Debora Ley (Guatemala/Mexico), Diana Liverman (USA), Natalie Mahowald (USA), Valerie Masson-Delmotte (France), J. B. Robin Matthews (UK), Richard Millar (UK), Katja Mintenbeck (Germany), Angela Morelli (Norway/Italy), Wilfran Moufouma-0kia (France/Congo), Luis Mundaca (Sweden/ Chile),Maike Nicolai (Germany),Chukwumerije Okereke(UK/Nigeria),Minal Pathak Qndia), Anthony Payne(UK),Roz Pidcock(UK),Anna Pirani(Italy),Elvira Poloczanska(UK/Australia), Hans-Otto Portner(Germany),Aromar Revi Qndia),Keywan Riahi(Austria),Debra C.Roberts (South Africa), Joeri Rogelj (Austria/Belgium), Joyashree Roy (India), Sonia l. Seneviratne (Switzerland), Priyadarshi R. Shukla (India), James Skea (UK), Raphael Slade (UK), Drew Shindell (USA), Chandni Singh Qndia), William Solecki (USA), Linda Steg (Netherlands), Michael Taylor (Jamaica), Petra Tschakert (Australia/Austria), Henri Waisman (France), Rachel Warren (UK),Panmao Zhai (China),Kirsten Zickfeld (Canada). This Summary for Policymakers should be cited as: IPCC,2018:Summary for Policymakers.In:Global warming of 1.5°C An IPCC Special Report on the impac[s ofglobal warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context ofstrengthening the global response to the[hreatofdimate change,sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverry�V.Masson-0elmotte,P.Zhai,H.0.Pbrtner,D.Roberts,1.Skea, P. R.Shukla, A.Pirani,W.Moufouma-0kia,C Pean,R.Pidcock,S Connors,l.B.R.Matthews,Y Cheq X.Zhou,M.I.6omis, E Lonnoy,T.Maycock,M.Tignor,T.Waterfield(eds.)].Wodd MeteorologicalOrganization,Geneva,Swi�edand, 31 pp. 3 Summary for Policymakers Acknowledgements We are very grateful for the expertise, rigour and dedication shown throughout by the volunteer Coordinating Lead Authors and Lead Authors, working across scientific disciplines in each chapter of the report, with essential help by the many Contributing Authors. The Review Editors have played a critical role in assisting the author teams and ensuring the integriry of the review process.We express our sincere appreciation to all the expert and government reviewers.A special thanks goes to the Chapter Scientists of this report who went above and beyond what was expected of them: Neville Ellis,Tania Guillen Bolanos,Daniel Huppmann,Kiane de Kleijne,Richard Millar and Chandni Singh. We would also like to thank the three Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change QPCC) Vice-Chairs Ko Barrett, Thelma Krug, and Youba Sokona as well as the members of the WGI,WGII and WGIII Bureaux for their assistance,guidance, and wisdom throughout the preparation of the Report: Amjad Abdulla, Edvin Aldrian, Carlo Carraro, Diriba Korecha Dadi, Fatima Driouech, Andreas Fischlin, Gregory Flato, Jan Fuglestvedt, Mark Howden, Nagmeldin G. E. Mahmoud,Carlos Mendez,Joy Jacqueline Pereira,Ramon Pichs-Madruga, Andy Reisinger, Roberto Sanchez Rodriguez, Sergey Semenov, Muhammad I. Tariq, Diana Urge-Vorsatz,Carolina Vera,Pius Yanda,Noureddine Yassaa,and Taha Zatari. Our heartfelt thanks go to the hosts and organizers of the scoping meeting and the four Special Report on 1.5°C Lead Author Meetings. We gratefully acknowledge the support from the host countries and institutions:World Meteorological Organization, Swi�erland; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil; Met Office and the University of Exeter,the United Kingdom; Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), Sweden; the Ministry of Environment Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, the National Climate Change Committee in the Department of Meteorological Services and the Botswana Global Environmental Change Committee at the University of Botswana, Botswana; and the government of the Republic of Korea. The support provided by governments and institutions, as well as through contributions to the IPCC Trust Fund, is thankfully acknowledged as it enabled the participation of the author teams in the preparation of the Report.The efficient operation of the Working Group I Technical Support Unit was made possible by the generous financial support provided by the government of France and administrative and information technology support from the Universite Paris Saday(France),Institut Pierre Simon Laplace QPSL)and the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de I'Environnement (LSCE). We thank the Norwegian Environment Agency for supporting the preparation of the graphics for the Summary for Policymakers. We thank the UNEP Library, who supported authors throughout the drafting process by providing literature for the assessment. 4 Summary for Policymakers We would also like to thankAbdalah Mokssit, Secretary of the IPCC,and the staff of the IPCC Secretariat:Kerstin Stendahl,Jonathan Lynn,Sophie Schlingemann,Judith Ewa,Mxolisi Shongwe,Jesbin Baidya,Werani Zabula,Nina Peeva,Joelle Fernandez,Annie Courtin,Laura Biagioni and Oksana Ekzarho. Thanks are due to Elhousseine Gouaini who served as the conference officer for the 48th Session of the IPCC. Finally, our particular appreciation goes to the Working Group Technical Support Units whose tireless dedication, professionalism and enthusiasm led the production of this Special Report. This report could not have been prepared without the commitment of members of the Working Group I Techniwl Support Unit, all new to the IPCC, who rose to the unprecedented Sixth Assessment Report challenge and were pivotal in all aspects of the preparation of the Report: Yang Chen, Sarah Connors, Melissa Gomis, Elisabeth Lonnoy,Robin Matthews,Wilfran Moufouma-0kia,Clotilde Pean, Roz Pidcock,Anna Pirani, Nicholas Reay,Tim Waterfield,and Xiao Zhou. Our warmest thanks go to the collegial and collaborative support provided by Marlies Craig,Andrew Okem,Jan Pe�old,Melinda Tignor and Nora Weyer from the WGII Technical Support Unit and Bhushan Kankal,Suvadip Neogi and Joana Portugal Pereira from the WGIII Technical Support Unit.A special thanks goes to Kenny Coventry, Harmen Gudde, Irene Lorenzoni, and Stuart Jenkins for their support with the figures in the Summary for Policymakers, as well as Nigel Hawtin for graphical support of the Report. In addition,the following contributions are gratefully acknowledged: Jatinder Padda (copy edit), Melissa Dawes (copy edit), Marilyn Anderson (index),Vincent Gregoire(layout)and Sarah le Rouzic (intern). The Special Report website has been developed by Habitat 7, led by Jamie Herring, and the report content has been prepared and managed for the website by Nicholas Reay and Tim Waterfield.We gratefully acknowledge the UN Foundation for supporting the website development. 5 Introduction This Report responds to the invitation for IPCC'...to provide a Special Report in 2018 on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways'contained in the Decision of the 21 st Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to adopt the Paris Agreementl The IPCC accepted the invitation in April 2016, deciding to prepare this Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways,in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of dimate change,sustainable development,and efforts to eradicate poverty. This Summary for Polirymakers (SPM) presents the key findings of the Special Report, based on the assessment of the available scientific, techniwl and socio-economic literature' relevant to global warming of 1.5°C and for the comparison between global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C above pre-industrial levels.The level of confidence associated with each key finding is reported using the IPCC wlibrated language.' The underlying scientific basis of each key finding is indicated by references provided to chapter elements. In the SPM,knowledge gaps are identified associated with the underlying chapters of the Report. A. Understanding Global Warming of 1 .5°C` A.1 Human activities are estimated to have caused approximately 1.0°C of global warmings above pre-industrial levels, with a likely range of 0.8°C to 1.2°C. Global warming is likely to reach 1.5°C between 2030 and 2052 if it continues to increase at the current rate. (high confidence) (Figure SPM.1){1.2} A.1.1 Reflecting the long-term warming trend since pre-industrial times,observed global mean surface temperature(GMST)for the decade 200Cr2015 was 0.87°C Qikely between OJS°C and 0.99°C)s higher than the average over the 1850-1900 period (veryhigh confidence). Estimated anthropogenic global warming matches the level of observed warming to within ±z0% Qikely range). Estimated anthropogenic global warming is currently increasing at 0.2°C Qikely between 0.1°C and 0.3°C)per dewde due to past and ongoing emissions(high confidence).{1.2.1,Table 1.1,1.2A} A.1.2 Warming greater than the global annual average is being experienced in many land regions and seasons,induding two to three times higher in theArctic Warming is generally higher over land than over the ocean. (high confidence){1.2.1,1.2.2, Figure 1.1,Figure 1.3,3.3.1,3.3.2} A.1.3 Trends in intensiry and frequenry of some dimate and weather extremes have been detected over time spans during which about 0.5°C of global warming occurred (medium confidence). This assessment is based on several lines of evidence, including attribution studies for changes in extremes since 1950.{3.3.1,3.3.2,3.3.3} 1 Deusion 1/CP21,paagaph 21. 2 Theassessmentmversllteamreacceptedforpubll�tlonby15May2018. 3 EachHndinglsgroundedlnanevdluationofunderlNngevidenceandagreemen[AlevelofmnHdencelse.pressedusing(ivequallHers'.verylow,low,medlum,hlghandveryhlgh,and rypeset In Ibllcs,for exemple,medium con/idence.The following terms have been used ro Indl�te tl�e assessed Ilkellhood of an outmme or a result.virWally certain 99-100% pmbablllry,very Ilkely9�100%,Ilkely6Cr100%,aboutas Ilkelyas not33-66%,unllkely�33%,veryunllkely�10%,excepoonallyunllkely�1%.Addltional terms(e.tremelyllkely 9�100%,more Ilkely than nob5�100%,more unllkely tl�an Ilkely 0-<50%,e.tremely unllkely 0-5%)may also be used when appropnate.Assessed Ilkellhood Is rypeset In Ibllcs, for e.ample,�erylikely.Thls Is mnsistentwitl�ARS. 4 SeealsoBoxSPM.1'.CoreConceptsCentralmtl�IsSpeualReport. 5 PresenNevel of globalwarming Is deHnedas the aveage ofa 30+,�ear penod centred on 2017 assuming the recentate ofwarming mntlnues. 6 Thls ange spans tl�e fouravdllable peer-reviewed estlmates of the observed GMST change and also acmwti foraddltlonal wcerbinrydue m possible shorPterm naWal vdnablllry. [L21,Table 1.1] 6 Summary for Policymakers A.2 Warming from anthropogenic emissions from the pre-industrial period to the present will persist for centuries to millennia and will continue to cause further long-term changes in the climate system, such as sea level rise, with associated impacts (high confidence), but these emissions alone are unlikely to cause global warming of 1.5°C (medium confidence). (Figure SPM.1){1.2, 3.3, Figure 1.5} A.2.1 Anthropogenic emissions (including greenhouse gases, aerosols and their precursors) up to the present are unlikely to wuse further warming of more than 0.5°C over the next two to three decades(high confidence)or on a century time scale (medium confidence).{1.2.4,Figure 1.5} A.2.2 Reaching and sustaining net zero global anthropogenic CO3 emissions and dedining net non-0O3 radiative forcing would halt anthropogenic global warming on multi-dewdal time scales (high confidence).The maximum temperature reached is then determined by cumulative net global anthropogenic CO3 emissions up to the time of net zero CO3 emissions (high confidence) and the level of nomCO, radiative forcing in the decades prior to the time that maximum temperatures are reached (medium confidence). On longer time scales, sustained net negative global anthropogenic CO3 emissions and/ or further reductions in nomCO, radiative forcing may still be required to prevent further warming due to Earth system feedbacks and to reverse ocean acidifiwtion (medium confidence) and will be required to minimize sea level rise (high confidence).{Cross-Chapter Box 2 in Chapter 1,1.2.3,1.2.4,Figure 1.4,2.2.1,2.2.2,,,} A.3 Climate-related risks for natural and human systems are higher for global warming of 1.5°C than at present, but lower than at 2°C (high confidence).These risks depend on the magnitude and rate of warming,geographic location, levels of development and vulnerability, and on the choices and implementation of adaptation and mitigation options (high confidence). (Figure SPM.2) {1.3, 3.3, 3.4, 5.6} A.3.1 Impacts on natural and human systems from global warming have already been observed(high confidence).Many land and ocean ecosystems and some of the services they provide have already changed due to global warming (high confidence). (Figure SPM.2){1.4,3.4,3.5} A.3.2 Future climate-related risks depend on the rate,peak and duration of warming. In the aggregate,they are larger if global warming exceeds 1.5°C before returning to that level by 2100 than if global warming gradually stabilizes at 1.5°C,especially if the peak temperature is high (e.g.,about 2°C) (high confidence).Some impacts may be long-lasting or irreversible,such as the loss of some ecosystems(high confidence).{3.2,3.4.4,3.6.3,Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3} A.3.3 Adaptation and mitigation are already occurring (high confidence). Future dimate-related risks would be reduced by the upscaling and acceleration of far-reaching, multilevel and cross-sectoral dimate mitigation and by both incremental and transformational adaptation (high confidence).{1.2, 1.3,Table 3.5,4.2.2,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4, Box 4.2,Box 4.3,Box4.6,4.3.1,4.3.2,4.3.3,4.3.4,4.3.5,4.4.1,4.4.4,4.4.5,4.5.3} 7 Summary for Policymakers Cumulative emissions of COz and future non-COz radiative forcing determine the probability of limiting warming to 1.5°C a)Observed global temperature change and modeled responses to stylized anthropogenic emission and forcing pathways G loba I wa rmi ng relative to 1850-1900(°C) .� is Observed monthlyglobal mean surface temperature Estimated anthropogenic ip warmingtodateand — --- likelyrange � � Likely range of modeled responses to stylized pathways iet ib,c&d) a.s mi� � ❑FasterCOzreductions(blueinb&c)resultinahigher probability of limiting warmingto 1.5°C ❑No reduction of net non-COz radiative forcing(purple in d) results in a lowerprobability of limitingwarmingto 1.5°C ° I i i i i i i 196� 198� 2��� 2�2� 2�4� 2�6� 2�8� Il�� b)Stylized net global COo emission pathways c)Cumulative net COo emissions d)Noo-COo radiative forcing pathways BilliontonnesCozperyear(GtCoz/yr) BilliontonnesCoz(GtCoz) Wattspersquaremetre(W/m') sp COzemissions a000 a dedine from 2020 qp i to reach net zero in i � Non-Wz radiative forcing or �40 or 2°°° ' � notreducedaker2030 3� Cumulative COn zp emissions in pathways i000 reachingnetzeroin i i io and i i } i a a a 198� 2�2� 2�6� Il�� 198� 2�2� 2�6� Il�� 198� 2�2� 2�6� Il�� FasterimmediateWzemissionreductions MaximumtemperatureriseisdeterminedbycumulativenetWzemissionsandnetnon-COz IimitcumulativeWzemissionsshownin radiativeforcingduetomethane,nitrousoxide,aerosolsandotheranthropogenicforcingagents. panel(c). Figure SPM.1 � Panel a�.Observed monthlyglobal mean surface temperature(GMST,grey Ilne up to 2017,fmm the HadCRUT4,GISTEMP,CotarrWay,and NOAA datasets)change and estlmated anthmpogenlcglobal warming(solld orange Ilne up to 2017,with orange shading Indlcating assessed likely range).Orange dashed armw and horizontal orange ermr bar show respectMely the central estlmate and likely range of the tlme at whlch 1.5°C Is reached if the arrent rate of warming mntlnues.The grey plume on the right of panel a showsthe likely range of warming responses,mmputed with a simple dlmate model,to a sryllzed pathway(hypothetical future)In whlch net COz emissions(qrey Ilne In panels b and c)dedlne In a stralght Ilne fmm 2020 to reach netzem'm 2055 and net non- CQz radlative forcing(grey Ilne In panel d)'mcreases to 2030 and then dedlnes.The blue plume In panel a)shows the response to faster COz emissions reductlons @lue Ilne In panel b),reaching netzem'm 204Q reducing amulatMe COz emissions(panel c).The purple plume showsthe response to net COz em Issions dedlning to zem'm 2055,with net nonLOz forcing remalning cpnstant after 2030.Thevertical ermr bars on right of panel a)show the likely ranges(thln Ilnes)and central terciles(33rd-66th percentlles,thlck Ilnes)of the estlmated dlstributlon ofwarming 'm 2100 underthesethree styllzed pathways.Uertical dotted error bars In panels b,c and d show the likely range of hlstorical annual and amulative global net CQz emissions'm 2017(data from the Global Carbon Pmject)and of net nonLOz radlative forcing'm 2011 from ARS,respectively.Vertical axes In panels c and d are scaled to represent appmxlmately equal effects on GMSL[L2.1,L23, L2.4,2.3,Flgure L2 and Chapter 1 Supplementary Material,Cmss-ChapterBox 21n Chapter 1] 8 Summary for Policymakers B. Projected Climate Change, Potential Impacts and Associated Risks B.1 Climate models projed robust'differences in regional dimate charaderistics between present-day and global warming of 1.5°C,s and between 1.5°C and 2°C a These differences indude increases in: mean temperature in most land and ocean regions (high confidence), hot extremes in most inhabited regions (high confidence), heavy precipitation in several regions (medium confidence), and the probability of drought and precipitation deficits in some regions (medium confidence). {3.3} B.1.1 Evidence from attributed changes in some dimate and weather extremes for a global warming of about 0.5°C supports the assessment that an additional 0.5°C of warming compared to present is associated with further detectable changes in these extremes (medium confidence). Several regional changes in dimate are assessed to occur with global warming up to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels,induding warming of extreme temperatures in many regions(high confidence), increases in frequenry,intensiry,and/or amount of heavy precipitation in several regions(high confidence),and an increase in intensiTy or frequenry of droughts in some regions(medium confidence).{3.2,3.3.1,3.3.2,3.3.3,3.3.4,Table 3.2} B.1.2 Temperature extremes on land are projected to warm more than GMST(high confidence):extreme hot days in mid-latitudes warm by up to about 3°C at global warming of 1.5°C and about 4°C at 2°C,and extreme cold nights in high latitudes warm by up to about 4.5°C at 1.5°C and about 6°C at 2°C (high confidence).The number of hot days is projected to increase in most land regions,with highest increases in the tropics (high confidence).{3.3.1,3.3.2,Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3} B.1.3 Risks from droughts and precipitation deficits are projected to be higher at 2°C compared to 1.5°C of global warming in some regions (medium confidence). Risks from heavy precipitation events are projected to be higher at 2°C compared to 1.5°C of global warming in several northem hemisphere high-latitude and/or high-elevation regions, eastern Asia and eastern North America (medium confidence). Heavy precipitation associated with tropical rydones is projected to be higher at 2°C compared to 1.5°C global warming (medium confidence). There is generally low confidence in projected changes in heavy precipitation at 2°C compared to 1.5°C in other regions.Heavy precipitation when aggregated at global scale is projected to be higher at 2°C than at 1.5°C of global warming (medium confidence).As a consequence of heavy precipitation,the fraction of the global land area affected by flood hazards is projected to be larger at 2°C compared to 1.5°C of global warming (medium confidence).{3.3.1,3.3.3,3.3.4,3.3.5,3.3.6} B.2 By 2100,global mean sea level rise is projected to be around 0.1 metre lower with global warming of 1.5°C compared to 2°C (medium confidence). Sea level will continue to rise well beyond 2100 (high confidence), and the magnitude and rate of this rise depend on future emission pathways. A slower rate of sea level rise enables greater opportunities for adaptation in the human and ecological systems of small islands, low-lying coastal areas and deltas (medium confidence). {3.3, 3.4, 3.6} B.2.1 Model-based projections of global mean sea level rise(relative to 198Fr2005)suggest an indicative range of 0.26 to OJ7 m by 2100 for 1.5°C of global warming,0.1 m(0.04-0.16 m) less than for a global warming of 2°C (medium confidence). A reduction of 0.1 m in global sea level rise implies that up to 10 million fewer people would be exposed to related risks, based on population in the year 2010 and assuming no adaptation (medium confidence).{3.4.4,3.4.5,4.3.2} B.2.2 Sea level rise will continue beyond 2100 even if global warming is limited to 1.5°C in the 21 st century(high confidence). Marine ice sheet instabiliry in Antarctiw and/or irreversible loss of the Greenland ice sheet could result in multi-metre rise in sea level over hundreds to thousands of years.These instabilities could be triggered at around 1.5°C to 2°C of global warming (medium confidence). (Figure SPM.2){3.3.9,3.4.5,3.5.2,3.6.3,Box 3.3} � ROIlO5I�I5IlEfE OSECI IO f11E3f1 IIl3I3I IE35INJ0�IIIfCIS OP CI�If113IE f110CIEI5 SIIOW�IIE 53f11E 51]fl OPC}I3f1]ES 3I IIIE]fICI p01fII5�IE,3fICI�Il3I CI�IHEfEfICES�Ifl I3f]E fE]IOf15 3fE SCdIISII�IIy signiH�nt. 8 PmjectedchangeslnlmpactibetweendlfferenHevelsofglobalwdrmingaredeterminedwithrespectmchangesinglobalmeansur(acealrtempeaWre. 9 B.2.3 Increasing warming amplifies the exposure of small islands,low-lying coastal areas and deltas to the risks associated with sea level rise for many human and ecological systems, induding increased saltwater intrusion,flooding and damage to infrastructure(high confidence). Risks associated with sea level rise are higher at 2°C compared to 1.5°C.The slower rate of sea level rise at global warming of 1.5°C reduces these risks, enabling greater opportunities for adaptation induding managing and restoring natural coastal ecosystems and infrastructure reinforcement(medium confidence).(Figure SPM.2) {3.4.5,Box 3.5} B.3 On land, impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, including species loss and extinction, are projected to be lower at 1.5°C of global warming compared to 2°C. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C is projected to lower the impacts on terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems and to retain more of their services to humans (high confidence). (Figure SPM.2) {3.4, 3.5, Box 3.4, Box 4.2, Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3} B.3.1 Of 105,000 species studied; 6% of insects,8% of plants and 4% of vertebrates are projected to lose over half of their dimatiwlly determined geographic range for global warming of 1.5°C,compared with 18%of insects,16%of plants and 8% of vertebrates for global warming of 2°C (medium confidence). Impacts associated with other biodiversiry-related risks such as forest fires and the spread of invasive species are lower at 1.5°C compared to 2°C of global warming (high confidence).{3.4.3,3.5.2} B.3.2 Approximately 4% (interquartile range 2-7%)of the global terrestrial land area is projected to undergo a transformation of ecosystems from one rype to another at 1°C of global warming,compared with 13% (interquartile range 8-20%)at 2°C (medium confidence).This indicates that the area at risk is projected to be approximately 50% lower at 1.5°C compared to 2°C(medium confidence).{3.43.1,} B.3.3 High-latitude tundra and boreal forests are particularly at risk of climate change-induced degradation and loss,with woody shrubs already encroaching into the tundra (high confidence)and this will proceed with further warming. Limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C is projected to prevent the thawing over centuries of a permafrost area in the range of 1.5 to 2.5 million km' (medium confidence).{3.3.2,3.4.3,3.5.5} B.4 Limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C is projected to reduce increases in ocean temperature as well as associated increases in ocean acidity and decreases in ocean oxygen levels (high confidence). Consequently, limiting global warming to 1.5°C is projected to reduce risks to marine biodiversity, fisheries, and ecosystems, and their functions and services to humans, as illustrated by recent changes to Ardic sea ice and warm-water coral reef ecosystems (high confidence).{3.3, 3.4, 3.5, Box 3.4, Box 3.5} B.4.1 There is high confidence that the probabiliry of a sea ice-free Arctic Ocean during summer is substantially lower at global warming of 1.5°C when compared to 2°C.With 1.5°C of global warming,one sea ice-free Arctic summer is projected per century.This likelihood is increased to at least one per decade with 2°C global warming.Effects of a temperature overshoot are reversible forArctic sea ice cover on decadal time scales(high confidence).{3.3.8,3.4.4J} B.4.2 Global warming of 1.5°C is projected to shift the ranges of many marine species to higher latitudes as well as increase the amount of damage to many ecosystems.It is also expected to drive the loss of coastal resources and reduce the productiviry of fisheries and aquaculture(especially at low latitudes).The risks of dimate-induced impacts are projected to be higher at 2°C than those at global warming of 1.5°C(high confidence).Coral reefs,for example,are projected to dedine by a further 70-90% at 1.5°C(high confidence)with larger losses(>99%)at 2°C(very high confidence).The risk of irreversible loss of many marine and coastal ecosystems increases with global warming,especially at 2°C or more(high confidence).{3.4.4,Box 3A} 9 Consistentwitl�eadlersWdles,Illustrative numberswere adopted 6om one recentmeb-sWdy. 10 Summary for Policymakers B.4.3 The level of ocean acidification due to increasing CO3 concentrations associated with global warming of 1.5°C is projected to ampliTy the adverse effects of warming,and even further at 2°C,impacting the growth,development,calcification,survival, and thus abundance of a broad range of species,for example,from algae to fish(high confidence).{3.3.10,3.4A} B.4.4 Impacts of dimate change in the ocean are increasing risks to fisheries and aquaculture via impacts on the physiology, survivorship,habitat,reproduction,disease incidence,and risk of invasive species(medium confidence)but are projected to be less at 1.5°C of global warming than at2°C.One global fishery model,forexample,projected a decrease in global annual catch for marine fisheries of about 1.5 million tonnes for 1.5°C of global warming compared to a loss of more than 3 million tonnes for 2°C of global warming(medium confidence).{3.4.4,Box 3A} B.5 Climate-related risks to health, livelihoods, food security, water supply, human security, and economic growth are projected to increase with global warming of 1.5°C and increase further with 2°C. (Figure SPM.2){3.4, 3.5, 5.2, Box 3.2, Box 3.3, Box 3.5, Box 3.6, Cross-Chapter Box 6 in Chapter 3, Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4, Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5, 5.2} B.5.1 Populations at disproportionately higher risk of adverse consequences with global warming of 1.5°C and beyond indude disadvantaged and vulnerable populations,some indigenous peoples,and local communities dependent on agricultural or coastal livelihoods (high confidence). Regions at disproportionately higher risk indudeArctic ecosystems,dryland regions, small island developing states,and Least Developed Countries (high confidence). Poverry and disadvantage are expected to increase in some populations as global warming increases;limiting global warming to 1.5°C,compared with 2°C,could reduce the number of people both exposed to dimate-related risks and susceptible to poverry by up to several hundred million by 2050 (medium confidence).{3.4.10,3.4.11,Box 3.5,Cross-Chapter Box 6 in Chapter 3,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4,Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5,,5.2.1,5.2.2,5.2.3,5.6.3} B.5.2 Anyincreaseinglobalwarmingisprojectedtoaffecthumanhealth,withprimarilynegativeconsequences(highconfidence). Lower risks are projected at 1.5°C than at 2°C for heat-related morbidiry and mortaliry (very high confidence) and for ozone-related mortaliry if emissions needed for ozone formation remain high (high confidence). Urban heat islands often ampliTy the impacts of heatwaves in cities (high confidence). Risks from some vector-borne diseases,such as malaria and dengue fever,are projected to increase with warming from 1.5°C to 2°C,induding potential shifts in their geographic range (high confidence).{3.4J,3.4.8,} B.5.3 Limiting warming to 1.5°C compared with 2°C is projected to result in smaller net reductions in yields of maize,rice,wheat, and potentially other cereal crops, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa,SoutheastAsia,and Central and South America,and in the CO3 dependent nutritional qualiry of rice and wheat(high confidence). Reductions in projected food availabiliry are larger at 2°C than at 1.5°C of global warming in the Sahel, southern Afriw,the Mediterranean,central Europe,and the Amazon(medium confidence).Livestock are projected to be adversely affected with rising temperatures,depending on the extent of changes in feed qualiry,spread of diseases,and water resource availabiliry(high confidence).{3.4.6,3.5.4,3.5.5, Box 3.1,Cross-Chapter Box 6 in Chapter 3,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4} B.5.4 Depending on future socio-economic conditions, limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared to 2°C may reduce the proportion of the world population exposed to a climate change-induced increase in water stress by up to 50%,although there is considerable variabiliry between regions (medium confidence). Many small island developing states could experience lower water stress as a result of projected changes in aridiry when global warming is limited to 1.5°C, as compared to 2°C(medium confidence).{3.3.5,3.4.2,3.4.8,3.5.5,Box 3.2,Box 3.5,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4} B.5.5 Risks to global aggregated economic growth due to dimate change impacts are projected to be lower at 1.5°C than at 2°C by the end of this century10 (medium confidence).This exdudes the costs of mitigation,adaptation investments and the benefits of adaptation. Countries in the tropics and Southern Hemisphere subtropics are projected to experience the largest impacts on economic growth due to dimate change should global warming increase from 1.5°C to 2°C (medium confidence).{3.5.2,3.53} 10 Here,Impacts on emnomlc gmwtl�refer ro changes In gmss domestic product(GDP).Many Impacti,such as loss of human Ilves,ml Wal henbge and ems;rstem services,are dlfHcult ro vdlue and monetlze. 11 B.5.6 Exposure to multiple and compound dimate-related risks increases between 1.5°C and 2°C of global warming,with greater proportions of people both so exposed and susceptible to poverry in Afriw and Asia (high confidence). For global warming from 1.5°C to 2°C,risks across energy,food,and water sectors could overlap spatially and temporally,creating new and exacerbating current hazards, exposures, and vulnerabilities that could affect increasing numbers of people and regions (medium confidence).{Box 3.5,3.3.1,,,3.4.11,} B.SJ There are multiple lines of evidence that since ARS the assessed levels of risk increased for four of the five Reasons for Concem (RFCs) for global warming to 2°C (high confidence).The risk transitions by degrees of global warming are now: from high to very high risk between 1.5°C and 2°C for RFC1 (Unique and threatened systems) (high confidence); from moderate to high risk between 1°C and 1.5°C for RFC2 (Extreme weather events)(medium confidence);from moderate to high risk between 1.5°C and 2°C for RFC3 (Distribution of impacts)(high confidence);from moderate to high risk between 1.5°C and 2.5°C for RFC4(Global aggregate impacts) (medium confidence);and from moderate to high risk between 1°C and 2.5°C for RFCS (Large-swle singular events)(medium confidence).(Figure SPM.2){3.4.13; 3.5,3.5.2} B.6 Most adaptation needs will be lower for global warming of 1.5°C compared to 2°C(high confidence). There are a wide range of adaptation options that can reduce the risks of climate change (high confidence). There are limits to adaptation and adaptive capacity for some human and natural systems at global warming of 1.5°C,with associated losses(medium confidence).The number and availability of adaptation options vary by sector (medium confidence). {Table 3.5, 4.3, 4.5, Cross- Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4, Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5} B.6.1 A wide range of adaptation options are available to reduce the risks to natural and managed ecosystems(e.g.,ecosystem- based adaptation, ecosystem restoration and avoided degradation and deforestation, biodiversity management, sustainable aquaculture,and local knowledge and indigenous knowledge),the risks of sea level rise(e.g.,coastal defence and hardening), and the risks to health, livelihoods, food, water, and economic growth, especially in rural landscapes (e.g., efficient irrigation, social safety nets, disaster risk management, risk spreading and sharing, and community- based adaptation) and urban areas (e.g.,green infrastructure,sustainable land use and planning,and sustainable water management) (medium confidence).{4.3.1,4.3.2,4.3.3,4.3.5,4.5.3,4.5.4,5.3.2,Box 4.2,Box 4.3,Box 4.6,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4}. B.6.2 Adaptation is expected to be more challenging for ecosystems,food and health systems at 2°C of global warming than for 1.5°C(medium confidence).Some vulnerable regions,induding small islands and Least Developed Countries,are projected to experience high multiple interrelated dimate risks even at global warming of 1.5°C (high confidence). {3.3.1, 3.4.5, Box 3.5,Table 3.5,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4,5.6,Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5,Box 5.3} B.6.3 Limits to adaptive capaciry exist at 1.5°C of global warming, become more pronounced at higher levels of warming and vary by sector,with site-specific implications for vulnerable regions,ecosystems and human health (medium confidence). {Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5,Box 3.5,Table 3.5} 12 Summary for Policymakers How the level of global warming affects impacts and/or risks associated with the Reasons for Concern (RFCs) and selected natural, managed and human syste ms Five Reasons For Concern (RFCs) illustrate the impacts and risks of different levels of global warming for people,economies and ecosystems across sectors and re IOf1S. Purple indicatesvery high g risks of severe impacts/risks and the presence of significant irreversibility or Impacts and risks associated with the Reasons for Concern(RFCs) the persistence of v ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ climate-related hazards, � � combinedwithlimited t verynign abilitytoadaptduetothe �_zo � M nature of the hazard or v' I� �I� � M Hign impacts/risks. a- is a- ,IH �IM jIM Redindicatessevereand ,�a i.o widespread impacts/risks. = �IM moaera<e yellowindicatesthat "a IN IM-� impacts/risksaredetectable �� IN - unae<ec�abie andattributabletoclimate �v o changewithatleastmedium RFCl RFQ RFC3 RFC4 RFCS �evelMadditional confidence. Uniqueand EMreme Distribution Global Largescale impa¢/rispaue Whiteindicatesthatno threatened weather ofim acts a re ate sin ular <ouima<ecnange P 66 6 6 impactsaredetectableand systems events impacts events attributabletoclimate change. Impacts and risks for selected natural,managed and human systems m ---- -- fi_ I� �, ; m �=2.0 � i M i M v> IH fIH �IM �- 1.5 iIM �� i „.a 1.0 IVH �IM M � H �n ' ry� 'I,� ' H ma IIHH IH H IH IM � �i p Warm-water Mangroves Small-scale Arctic Terrestrial Coastal Flwial Crop Tourism Heat-related mrals low-latitude region emrystems flooding flooding yields morbidity fsheries and mortality Confdenre level fortnnsitiore L=Low,M=Medium,H=High and VH=Very high Figure SPM.2� FMe'mtegratMe reasons for cpncem(RFCs)pmvide a framework for summarizing key Impacts and risks across sectors and reglons,and were 'mtmduced'm the IPCC ThlydAssessment Report. RFCs Illustrate the Impllcatlons of globalwarming for peoplg ecpnomles and ecprystems. Impacts and/or risks for each RFC are based on assessment of the new Ilterature that has appeared.As InARS,thls Ilteraturewas used to make espertjudgmentsto assess the levels of global warming at whlch levels of Im pact and/or risk are undetectable,moderate,hlgh orvery hlgh.The selectlon of Im pacts and risks to natural,managed and human rystems'm the lower panel Is IllustratMe and Is not'mtended to be fully cpmprehensive.[3.4,3.5,,,3.5.23,,,5.4.1,5.53, 5.6.1,Box 3.4] RFC7 Unique and threatened systems:ecploglcal and human rystemsthat have restricted geographlc ranges cpnstralned bydlmate-related cpndltlonsand have hlgh endem Ism or other dlst'mctMe pmpertles.Exam ples'mdude cpral reefs,theArctic and Its Indlgenous people,mountain glaciers and blodlversiTy hotspots. RFC2 6Rreme weather eventr.risks/Impacts to human health,IMellhoods,assets and ecprystems from extremeweatherevents such as heatwaves,heavy raln, dmught and associated wildfi res,and cpastal flooding. RFC3 Distribution of impactr. risks/Impacts that dlspmportlonately affect partlalargmups due to uneven dlstributlon of physical dlmate change hazards, eeposure orvulnerablllry. RFC4 Global aggregate impacts:global monetary damage,globabscale degradatlon and loss of ecprystems and blodMersiTy. RFCS large-scale singular events:are relatively large,abrupt and sometlmes Irreversible changes In rystemsthat are caused byglobal warming Examples 'mdude dlsintegratlon of the Greenland and Antarctic Ice sheets. 13 C. Emission Pathways and System Transitions Consistent with 1 .5°C Global Warming C.1 In model pathways with no or limited overshoot of 1.5°C, global net anthropogenic CO,emissions decline by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030 (40-60% interquartile range), reaching net zero around 2050 (2045-2055 interquartile range). For limiting global warming to below 2°C" CO, emissions are projected to decline by about 25% by 2030 in most pathways(1�30% interquartile range) and reach net zero around 2070 (206�2080 interquartile range). Non-CO, emissions in pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C show deep reductions that are similar to those in pathways limiting warming to 2°C. (high confidence)(Figure SPM.3a){2.1, 2.3,Table 2.4} C.1.1 CO3 emissions reductions that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot can involve different portfolios of mitigation measures,striking different balances between lowering energy and resource intensiry,rate of decarbonization, and the reliance on carbon dioxide removal. Different portfolios face different implementation challenges and potential synergies and trade-offs with sustainable development. (high confidence)(Figure SPM.3b){2.3.2,2.3.4,2.4,2.5.3} C.1.2 Modelled pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot involve deep reductions in emissions of inethane and black carbon (35% or more of both by 2050 relative to 2010).These pathways also reduce most of the cooling aerosols,which partially offsets mitigation effects for two to three decades. NomCO, emissions" can be reduced as a result of broad mitigation measures in the energy sectoc In addition, targeted nomCO, mitigation measures can reduce nitrous oxide and methane from agriculture, methane from the waste sector, some sources of black wrbon, and hydrofluorocarbons. High bioenergy demand can increase emissions of nitrous oxide in some 1.5°C pathways,highlighting the importance of appropriate management approaches. Improved air qualiry resulting from projected reductions in many non-0O3 emissions provide direct and immediate population health benefits in all 1.5°C model pathways.(high confidence) (Figure SPM.3a){2.2.1,2.3.3,2.4.4,2.5.3,4.3.6,5.4.2} C.1.3 Limiting global warming requires limiting the total cumulative global anthropogenic emissions of CO3 since the pre- industrial period,that is,staying within a total wrbon budget(high confidence)." By the end of 2017,anthropogenic CO3 emissions since the pre-industrial period are estimated to have reduced the total wrbon budget for 1.5°C by approximately 2200 ± 320 GtCO, (medium confidence). The associated remaining budget is being depleted by current emissions of qz ±3 GtCO, per year(high confidence).The choice of the measure of global temperature affects the estimated remaining wrbon budget.Using global mean surface air temperature,as in ARS,gives an estimate of the remaining wrbon budget of 580 GtCO,for a 50%probabiliry of limiting warming to 1.5°C,and 420 GtCO,for a 66%probabiliry(medium confidence)." Alternatively,using GMST gives estimates of 770 and 570 GtCO„for 50%and 66% probabilities,'s respectively (medium confidence). Uncertainties in the size of these estimated remaining carbon budgets are substantial and depend on several factors.Uncertainties in the dimate response to CO3 and nomCO,emissions contribute±q00 GtCO,and the level of historic warming contributes±z50 GtCO,(medium confidence).Potential additional wrbon release from future permafrost thawing and methane release from wetlands would reduce budgets by up to 100 GtCO, over the course of this century and more thereafter(medium confidence). In addition,the level of non-0O3 mitigation in the future could alter the remaining carbon budget by 250 GtCO, in either direction (medium confidence). {1.2.4, 2.2.2, 2.6.1,Table 2.2, Chapter 2 Supplementary Material} C.1 A Solar radiation modification (SRM) measures are not induded in any of the available assessed pathways.Although some SRM measures may be theoretically effective in reducing an overshoot,they face large uncertainties and knowledge gaps 11 References ro patl�v✓d;rs Ilmitlng globalwarming ro 2°C are based on a 66%probablllryofstaying below 2°C. 12 NonLOi emissions Induded In tl�ls Reportare all anthmpogenicemissions otl�er tl�an COithat result In adlative forung.These Indude shorPllved dlmate forcers,such as metl�ane, SOf11E HOOfIf13IECI]35E5,OZOfIE pfECll606,3EfO50I5 Of 3EfO50I pfECll606,SOC}I35IlI3CI:�I{JOf13fICI SOIpIIOf CI�IOXICIE,fESpECIIVEIy,35 W EII 35IOf1]��NECI]fEEfIIl005E]35E5,SOC}I35 fII V005 O;JCIE Of SOf11E HOOfIf13IECI]35E5.TIIE 2CI�13IIVE POfUfI]3550U3IECI W 1�I1 fIOfILOt Ef1115510f15 3fICI C}I3f1]ES�Ifl 501{3CE 3IIlECIO�IS fEPEffECI IO 35 fl0fl-COL 2CI�13IIVE POfUfI].[L.Z.I] 13 There Is a dear suentiHcbasis fora robl carbon budget mnsistentwitl�Ilmitlng global wdrming m 1.5°C.However,neither tl�ls mbl�rbon budget northe fiaction of thls budget bken up by past emissions were assessed In tl�ls Report. 14 Irrespective of tl�e meamre of global tempea Wre used,updated understanding and further advdnces In methods have led ro an'mUease In tl�e estimated remaining�rbon budget of about 300 GtCOi mmpared mARS.(medium con/idence)[222] 15 These estlmates use observed GMA m 2006-2015 and estlmate fuWre tempeamre changes using near mnc�e alr tempea Wres. 14 Summary for Policymakers as well as substantial risks and institutional and social constraints to deployment related to governance,ethics,and impacts on sustainable development. They also do not mitigate ocean acidification. (medium confidence) {4.3.$ Cross-Chapter Box10in Chapter4} Global emissions pathway characteristics General characteristics of the evolution of anthropogenic net emissions of COz,and total emissions of methane,black carbon,and nitrous oxide in model pathways that limit global warmingto 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot. Net emissions are defined as anthropogenic emissions reduced by anthropogenic removals.Reductions in net emissions can be achieved through different portfolios of mitigation measures illustrated in FigureSPM.3b. Non-0O2 emissions relative to 2010 Global total net COz emissions Emissions of non-COz forcers are also reduced or limited in pathways limiting global warming Billion tonnes of COz/yr to 1.5°C with no o r limited overshoot,but so they do not reach zero globally. Methane emissions 40 Inpa[hwayslimi[ingglobalwarming[o1.5�C i wi[h no or limited overshoot as well asin pa[hways wi[h a higher overshoot,CO2 emissions so are reduced[o ne[zero globally around 2050. — 0 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 20 Black carbon emissions 1 10 Fou r i Ilustrative model pathways� o. o �� ��pi 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 P3 Nitrous oxide emissions io . P3 1 — 20 _ — P4 0 . 2010 2020 2Q40 2040 2050 2060 20�0 2080 2090 2100 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 Tim ing Of net Zero COz Pathv✓ays llm IHng glo ba lv✓a rming m 15°Cwlth no or limited overshmt Linewidthsdepictthe5-95th f pa��yswlmhigheroversh000 pefCentile and the 25-75th pamways umltlng globalwarming below2°C percenti le of scenarios (No�shown a bove) Figure5PM.3a� Globalemissionspathwaycharacteristics.ThemalnpanelshowsglobalnetanthropogenlcCQzemissionslnpathwaysllmltingglobalwarming to 1.5°C with no or Ilm Ited(less than 0.1°C)overshoot and pathwayswith hlgher overshoot.The shaded area shows the full range for pathways analysed'm thls Report.The panels on the right show non-CQz emissions ranges forthree cpmpoundswith large hlstorical forcing and a substantlal portlon of emissions cpming fmm sources dlst'mct fmm those central to CQz mltlgatlon.Shaded areas'm these panels showthe 5-95°/(Ilght shading)and'mterquartlle(dark shading)ranges of pathways Ilmlting global warming to 1.5°C with no or Ilmlted overshoot.Box and whlskers at the bottom of the figure showthe tlming of pathways reaching globalnetzemCQzemissionlevels,andacpmparisonwithpathwaysllmltingglobalwarmingto2°Cwithatleast66°/pmbablllTy.Pourlllustrativemodelpathways are hlghllghted'm the maln panel and are labelled P1,P2,P3 and P4,mrresponding to the LED,S1,S2,and SS pathways assessed In Chapter 2.Descriptlons and characteristicsofthese pathwaysare avallable'm FlgureSPM3b.[2.1,2.2,23,Flgure 2.5,Flgure 2.1Q Flgure 2.11] 15 Characteristics of four illustrative model pathways Different mitigation strategies can achieve the net emissions reductions that would be required to follow a pathway that limits global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot.All pathways use Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR),butthe amountvaries across pathways,as do the relative contributions of Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) and removals in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use(AFOLU) sector.This has implications for emissions and several other pathway characteristics. Breakdown of contributions to global net COz emissions in four illustrative model pathways Fossilfuelandindustry AFOLU BECCS BillionMnnesCOzperyear(GK6./yr) BillionMnnesCOzperyear(GKOx/yr) BilliontonnesCOzperyear(GKYh/yr) BillionMnnesCOzperyear(GK6./yr) P1 P2 P3 P4 0 uoo iPl: Ascenarioinwhichsocial, i P2: Ascenariowithabroadfomson i P3: Amiddle-of4he-roadscenarioin i P4:Aresource-andenergy-intensive i businessandtechnologicalinnovations wslainabiliTyincludingenergy whichsociMalaswellastechnological scenarioinwhichemnomicgrov✓thand resultinlowerenergydemandupto � intensity,humandevelopment, � developmentfollowshistorical � globalizationleadtowidespread I 2osowhilelivingstandardsrise, I emnomicmnvergenceand I pattems.Emissionsreductionsare I adoptionofgreenhouse-gas-intensive I especialtyintheglobal5outh.A ' internationalmoperatioqaswellas ' maintyachievedbychangingthewayin ' lifes[yles,includinghighdemandfor ' Idownsizedenergyrystemenables I shittrtowardswstainableandhealthy I whichenergyandproductsare I fransportationfuelsandlives[ock I apiddecarbonizationofenergysuppty. mnsumptionpattems,low-carbon produced,andmalesserdegreeby products.Emissionsreductionsare iAfforeslationistheontyCDRoption I technologyinnovatioqand i reductionsindemand i maintyachievedthroughtechnological i mnsidered;neitherfossilfuelswithC6 wellmanagedlandrystemswith means,maKngstronguseofCDR ino�BECCSareused i IimitedsociMalacceplabiliTyfo�BECCS. i i throughthedeploymentofBECCS. i _....._...__..'.�. �....._.....—'..__....__... �...� ! �'__..._� ..—'...._' --�'. � .__--• ..__....__..._. ` Globalintlicamrs 1 pl � py , pg � pq i Interquartilerenge Pothwoyclossiflmtion I Noorlimitedovershoot •Noorlimitedovershoot i Noorlimitedovershoot I Higherovershoot .Noorlimitedovershoot mzemissloncnongelnzoso(/retromio) � -sa � a� : ai a � (-sa,ao� lnmso(/retromio) � -ss � �s � -si � -s� ' (-io�,�a� Kyoro�rreemisslo�lnzoso(/retromio) � -so � as as � -z � (-si,-ss� lnmso(/retromio) � -az � as � -�a : -ao ' (�a,-ai� qnolenergydemond"lnzo3o(%relromlo) : -ls : -5 ' v � 35 � (-1��) lnmso(/retromio) � az � z � u ' aa � (-n,zz� kenewobleshorelnelechlcltylnzo3o(%) ' So ' sfl � 4fl � u • (4�,55) lnmso(/) � n � ai � � ' �o � (es,ae� Prlmoryenergybomcoo!lnzo3o(%relrozolo) � -�fl � �1 � -�5 � -55 ' (-�fl,-55) !n mso(/ret ro mio) . -s� . -n ' -ra � -s� � (�s,-�a� rromolunzoso(/retromio) � -s� � -� � a � ae � (-sa�� lnmso(/retromio) � -a� � -so � -ai � az . (-�a,ai� rromgaslnzoso(/retromio) � -u � -m ; � ' a� � (-ze,u� lnmso(/retromio) � -�a � -sa � u � aa � (-se,e� rromn�cteorinzoso(/retromio) � ss � as � sa � ioe � (aa,ioz� lnmso(/retromio) � �so � sa � soi : aea ' (si,iso� rromblomosslnzoso(/retromio) : -n : o ' ae � -i � (zs,ao� lnmso(/retromio) � -ie � as � iu � aia � (izs,zei� bomnon�lomossrenewobtulnzo3o(/retrozolo)i a3o ' 4�0 � 31s � 110 : (z4s,435) lnmso(/retromio) � a� � �n : a�a ' i�� � (s�e,izss� c�m�mrl�eccs�nrltuoo(e�co) � o � aaa � ea� � iva ' (ssqiov� orwnlcneEas(erco,) . o . isi ' aia � nsi � (aeqeez� Londoreoorbloenergycropslnzoso(mlttlonkrN) � az � 0.5 � za : zz � (15}.z) AgAculNvolCH�emkslor�sln2030(%velN2010) � -24 � -08 � 1 � 14 � (-30,-n� lnmso(/retromio) � -� � �s . -zs ' z � (a�,-za� agAc�tmrot�oemisslo�slnzoso(/retromio) s -ze � �s � a � (-u�� lnmso(/retromio) � e � -ze o � as � (-ze,i� NoiE:lndlcomahovebeenselectedmshowglobolhendsldenNt]edbytheChopter2azsersment 'KyomgasemisslorisorebosedonlPCCSecondAseamentReportGWPloo NOHonolondsecmrolcho�octerlsHrscondlHersubstunHo!lybomtheglobolhendsshownoboe. "Chongulnenergydemondoreossoclotedwlthlmprovementrinenergy efflclencyond behoNourchonge 16 Summary for Policymakers Figure5PM3b� CharacteristicsoffourlllustratMemodelpathways'mrelatlontoglobalwarmingof1.5°C 'mtmduced'mFlgureSPM3a.Thesepathwayswere selected to show a range of potentlal mltlgatlon approaches and varywidely'm thelr projected energy and land use,aswell as thelr assumptlons about future socio-ecpnomlc developments,'mduding ecpnomlcand populatlon gmwth,equlTyand sustalnablllTy.A breakdown of the global net anthmpogenlcCQz emissions 'mto the cpntributlons'm terms of CQz emissionsfmm fossil fuel and Industry;agrialture,forestryand other land use(AFOW);and bloenergywith carbon capture and storage(BECCS)Is shownAFOW estlmates reported here are not necessarilymmparablewith cpuntrieS estlmates. Furthercharacteristicsforeach of these pathways are Ilsted below each pathway.These pathways Illustrate relatMe global dlfferences In mltlgatlon strategles, but do not represent central estlmates, natlonal strategles,and do not Indlcate requlrements. Pormmparison,the right-most cplumn showsthe'mterquartlle ranges across pathwayswith no or Ilmlted overshoot of 1.5°C. Pathways P1, P2,P3 and P4 mrrespond to the LED,S1,S2 and SS pathways assessed In Chapter 2(Flgure SPM3a). [2.2.1, 2.3.1, 23.2, 233,23.4,2.4.1,2.4.2,2.4.4,2.53,Figure 2.5,Figure 2.6,Figure 2.9,Figure 2.1Q Figure 2.11,Figure 2.14,Figure 2.15,Figure 2.16,Figure 2.V,Figure 2.24, Flgure 2.25,Table 2.4,Table 2.6,Table 2J,Table 2.9,Table 4.1] C.2 Pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot would require rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban and infrastructure (including transport and buildings), and industrial systems(high confidence). These systems transitions are unprecedented in terms of scale, but not necessarily in terms of speed, and imply deep emissions reductions in all sectors, a wide portfolio of mitigation options and a significant upscaling of investments in those options(medium confidence).{2.3,2.4, 2.5,4.2,4.3,4.4,4.5} C.2.1 Pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot show system changes that are more rapid and pronounced over the next two decades than in 2°C pathways (high confidence).The rates of system changes associated with limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot have occurred in the past within specific sectors, technologies and spatial contexts, but there is no documented historic precedent for their scale (medium confidence). {2.3.3,2.3.4,2.4,2.5,4.2.1,4.2.2,Cross-Chapter Box 11 in Chapter 4} C.2.2 In energy systems, modelled global pathways (considered in the literature) limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot (for more details see Figure SPM.3b) generally meet energy service demand with lower energy use, induding through enhanced energy efficienry, and show faster electrification of energy end use compared to 2°C (high confidence). In 1.5°C pathways with no or limited overshoot,low-emission energy sources are projected to have a higher share, compared with 2°C pathways, particularly before 2050 (high confidence). In 1.5°C pathways with no or limited overshoot, renewables are projected to supply 70-85% (interquartile range) of electriciry in 2050 (high confidence). In electriciry generation, shares of nudear and fossil fuels with wrbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) are modelled to increase in most 1.5°C pathways with no or limited overshoot. In modelled 1.5°C pathways with limited or no overshoot, the use of CCS would allow the electriciry generation share of gas to be approximately 8% (3-11% interquartile range) of global electriciry in 2050,while the use of coal shows a steep reduction in all pathways and would be reduced to dose to 0% (0-2% interquartile range) of electriciry (high confidence).While acknowledging the challenges, and differences between the options and national circumstances,political,economic,social and techniwl feasibiliry of solar energy,wind energy and electriciry storage technologies have substantially improved over the past few years (high confidence).These improvements signal a potential system transition in electriciTy generation. (Figure SPM.3b){2.4.1,2.4.2, Figure 2.1,Table 2.6,Table 2J,Cross-Chapter Box 6 in Chapter 3,4.2.1,4.3.1,4.3.3,4.5.2} C.2.3 CO3 emissions from industry in pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot are projected to be about 65-90% (interquartile range) lower in 2050 relative to 2010, as compared to 50-80% for global warming of 2°C (medium confidence). Such reductions can be achieved through combinations of new and existing technologies and practices, including electrification, hydrogen,sustainable bio-based feedstocks, product substitution,and carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS). These options are technically proven at various scales but their large-scale deployment may be limited by economic, financial, human capaciry and institutional constraints in specific contexts, and specific characteristics of large-scale industrial installations. In industry, emissions reductions by energy and process efficiency by themselves are insufficient for limiting warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot(high confidence). {2.4.3,4.2.1, Table 4.1,Table 4.3,4.3.3,4.3.4,4.5.2} C.2.4 Theurbanandinfrastructuresystemtransitionconsistentwithlimitingglobalwarmingto1.5°Cwithnoorlimitedovershoot would imply,forexample,changes in land and urban planning practices,aswell as deeperemissions reductions in transport and buildings compared to pathways that limit global warming below 2°C (medium confidence). Technical measures 17 and practices enabling deep emissions reductions include various energy efficiency options. In pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot,the electricity share of energy demand in buildings would be about 55-75% in 2050 compared to 5�70% in 2050 for 2°C global warming (medium confidence). In the transport sector,the share of low-emission final energy would rise from less than 5% in 2020 to about 35-65% in 2050 compared to 25-45% for 2°C of global warming (medium confidence). Economic, institutional and socio-cultural barriers may inhibit these urban and infrastructure system transitions,depending on national,regional and local circumstances,capabilities and the availabiliry of capital (high confidence).{2.3.4,2.4.3,4.2.1,Table 4.1,4.3.3,4.5.2} C.2.5 Transitions in global and regional land use are found in all pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot,but their scale depends on the pursued mitigation portfolio.Model pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot project a 4 million km'reduction to a 2.5 million km'increase of non-pasture agricultural land for food and feed crops and a 0.5-11 million km'reduction of pasture land,to be converted into a 0-6 million km'increase of agricultural land for energy crops and a 2 million km' reduction to 9.5 million km' increase in forests by 2050 relative to 2010 (medium confidence)Js Land-use transitions of similar magnitude wn be observed in modelled 2°C pathways (medium confidence).Such large transitions pose profound challenges for sustainable management of the various demands on land for human settlements, food, livestock feed, fibre, bioenergy, carbon storage, biodiversity and other ecosystem services(high confidence). Mitigation options limiting the demand for land indude sustainable intensification of land-use practices,ecosystem restoration and changes towards less resource-intensive diets(high confidence).The implementation of land-based mitigation options would require overcoming socio-economic, institutional, technological, financing and environmental barriers that differ across regions (high confidence). {2.4.4, Figure 2.24, 4.3.2, 4.3J, 4.5.2, Cross-Chapter Box 7 in Chapter 3} C.2.6 Additional annual average energy-related investments for the period 2016 to 2050 in pathways limiting warming to 1.5°C compared to pathways without new dimate policies beyond those in place today are estimated to be around 830 billion USD2010(range of 150 billion to 1700 billion USD2010 across six models").This compares to total annual average energy supply investments in 1.5°C pathways of 1460 to 3510 billion USD2010 and total annual average energy demand investments of 640 to 910 billion USD2010 for the period 2016 to 2050. Total energy-related investments increase by about 12% (range of 3%to 24%) in 1.5°C pathways relative to 2°C pathways.Annual investments in low-carbon energy technologies and energy efficienry are upscaled by roughly a factor of six(range of factor of 4 to 10) by 2050 compared to 2015 (medium confidence).{2.5.2,Box 4.8,Figure 2.27} C.2J Modelled pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot project a wide range of global average discounted marginal abatement costs over the 21st century.They are roughly 3-4 times higher than in pathways limiting global warming to below 2°C(high confidence).The economic literature distinguishes marginal abatement costs from total mitigation costs in the economy.The literature on total mitigation costs of 1.5°C mitigation pathways is limited and was not assessed in this Report. Knowledge gaps remain in the integrated assessment of the economy-wide costs and benefits of mitigation in line with pathways limiting warming to 1.5°C.{2.5.2;2.6;Figure 2.26} 16 The projected land-use changes presented are not deployed ro tl�elr upper Ilmits simultaneously In a single patl�v✓dy. 17 Induding two pa�hways Ilmiting warming ro 1.5°C witl�no or Ilmlted overshoot and four pathv✓d;rs witl�hlgher overshoot. 18 Summary for Policymakers C.3 All pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with limited or no overshoot project the use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) on the order of 100-1000 GtCO, over the 21st century. CDR would be used to compensate for residual emissions and, in most cases, achieve net negative emissions to return global warming to 1.5°C following a peak(high confidence). CDR deployment of several hundreds of GtCO,is subject to multiple feasibility and sustainability constraints(high confidence). Significant near-term emissions reductions and measures to lower energy and land demand can limit CDR deployment to a few hundred GtCO,without reliance on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage(BECCS)(high confidence).{2.3, 2.4, 3.6.2,4.3, 5.4} C.3.1 Existing and potential CDR measures indude afforestation and reforestation,land restoration and soil carbon sequestration, BECCS,direct air carbon wpture and storage (DACCS),enhanced weathering and ocean alkalinization.These differ widely in terms of maturiry, potentials, costs, risks, co-benefits and trade-offs (high confidence). To date, only a few published pathways indude CDR measures other than afforestation and BECCS.{2.3.4,3.6.2,4.3.2,4.3J} C.3.2 In pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C with limited or no overshoot,BECCS deployment is projected to range from 0-1, 0-8, and �16 GtCO, yr ' in 2030, 2050, and 2100, respectively,while agriculture, forestry and land-use (AFOLU) related CDR measures are projected to remove 0-5, 1-11, and 1-5 GtCO, yr ' in these years (medium confidence).The upper end of these deployment ranges by mid-century exceeds the BECCS potential of up to 5 GtCO,yr' and afforestation potential of up to 3.6 GtCO,yr ' assessed based on recent literature (medium confidence). Some pathways avoid BECCS deployment completely through demand-side measures and greater reliance on AFOLU-related CDR measures (medium confidence).The use of bioenergy can be as high or even higher when BECCS is exduded compared to when it is induded due to its potential for replacing fossil fuels across sectors (high confidence). (Figure SPM.3b) {2.3.3,2.3.4, 2.4.2, 3.6.2, 4.3.1,4.2.3,4.3.2,4.3.7,4.4.3,Table 2.4} C.3.3 Pathways that overshoot 1.5°C of global warming rely on CDR exceeding residual CO3 emissions later in the century to return to below 1.5°C by 2100,with larger overshoots requiring greater amounts of CDR(Figure SPM.3b)(high confidence). Limitations on the speed,scale,and societal acceptabiliry of CDR deployment hence determine the abiliry to return global warming to below 1.5°C following an overshoot Carbon ryde and dimate system understanding is still limited about the effectiveness of net negative emissions to reduce temperatures after they peak (high confidence). {2.2,2.3.4,2.3.5,2.6, 4.3.7,4.5.2,Table 4.11} C.3.4 Most current and potential CDR measures could have significant impacts on land,energy,water or nutrients if deployed at large scale (high confidence).Afforestation and bioenergy may compete with other land uses and may have significant impacts on agricultural and food systems, biodiversiry, and other ecosystem functions and services (high confidence). Effective governance is needed to limit such trade-offs and ensure permanence of carbon removal in terrestrial,geological and ocean reservoirs(high confidence).Feasibiliry and sustainabiliry of CDR use could be enhanced by a portfolio of options deployed at substantial,but lesser scales,rather than a single option at very large scale(high confidence).(Figure SPM.3b) {2.3.4,2.4.4,2.5.3,2.6,3.6.2,4.3.2,4.3J,4.5.2,5.4.1,5.4.2;Cross-Chapter Boxes 7 and 8 in Chapter 3,Table 4.11,Table 5.3,Figure 5.3} C.35 SomeAFOLU-related CDR measures such as restoration of natural ecosystems and soil carbon sequestration could provide co-benefits such as improved biodiversity, soil quality, and local food security. If deployed at large scale, they would require governance systems enabling sustainable land management to conserve and protect land carbon stocks and other ecosystem functions and services(medium confidence).(Figure SPM.4){2.3.3,2.3.4,2.4.2,2.4.4,3.6.2,5.4.1,Cross-Chapter Boxes 3 in Chapter 1 and 7 in Chapter 3,4.3.2,4.3J,4.4.1,4.5.2,Table 2.4} 19 D. Strengthening the Global Response in the Context of Sustainable Development and Efforts to Eradicate Poverty D.1 Estimates of the global emissions outcome of current nationally stated mitigation ambitions as submitted under the Paris Agreement would lead to global greenhouse gas emissions�s in 2030 of 52-58 GtCO,eq yr ' (medium confidence). Pathways refleding these ambitions would not limit global warming to 1.5°C, even if supplemented by very challenging increases in the scale and ambition of emissions reductions after 2030 (high confidence). Avoiding overshoot and reliance on future large-scale deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) can only be achieved if global CO, emissions start to dedine well before 2030 (high confidence).{1.2, 2.3, 3.3, 3.4,4.2,4.4, Cross- Chapter Box 11 in Chapter 4} D.1.1 Pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot show clear emission reductions by 2030 (high confidence).All but one show a dedine in global greenhouse gas emissions to below 35 GtCO,eq yr ' in 2030,and half of available pathways fall within the 25-30 GtCO,eq yr ' range (interquartile range),a 40-50% reduction from 2010 levels (high confidence). Pathways reflecting current nationally stated mitigation ambition until 2030 are broadly consistent with cost-effective pathways that result in a global warming of about 3°C by 2100,with warming continuing afterwards (medium confidence).{2.3.3,2.3.5,Cross-Chapter Box 11 in Chapter 4,} D.1.2 Overshoot trajectories result in higher impacts and associated challenges compared to pathways that limit global warming to 1.5°C with no or limited overshoot (high confidence). Reversing warming after an overshoot of 0.2°C or larger during this century would require upscaling and deployment of CDR at rates and volumes that might not be achievable given considerable implementation challenges(medium confidence).{1.3.3,2.3.4,2.3.5,2.5.1,3.3,4.3J,Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3,Cross-Chapter Box 11 in Chapter 4} D.1.3 The lower the emissions in 2030,the lower the challenge in limiting global warming to 1.5°C after 2030 with no or limited overshoot(high confidence).The challenges from delayed actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions indude the risk of cost escalation,lock-in in carbon-emitting infrastructure,stranded assets,and reduced flexibility in future response options in the medium to long term (high confidence). These may increase uneven distributional impacts between countries at different stages of development(medium confidence).{2.3.5,4.4.5,5.4.2} D.2 Theavoidedclimatechangeimpactsonsustainabledevelopment,eradicationofpovertyandreducing inequalities would be greater if global warming were limited to 1.5°C rather than 2°C, if mitigation and adaptation synergies are maximized while trade-offs are minimized (high confidence).{1.1, 1.4, 2.5,3.3,3.4, 5.2,Table 5.1} D.2.1 Climate change impacts and responses are dosely linked to sustainable development which balances social well-being, economic prosperity and environmental protection.The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),adopted in 2015,provide an established framework for assessing the links between global warming of 1.5°C or 2°C and development goals that indude poverry eradiwtion,reducing inequalities,and dimate action.(high confidence){Cross-Chapter Box 4 in Chapter 1,1.4,5.1} D.2.2 The consideration of ethics and equiry can help address the uneven distribution of adverse impacts associated with 1.5°C and higher levels of global warming, as well as those from mitigation and adaptation, particularly for poor and disadvantaged populations, in all societies (high confidence). {1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.4.3, 2.5.3, 3.4.10, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3. 5.4, Cross- Chapter Box 4 in Chapter 1,Cross-Chapter Boxes 6 and 8 in Chapter 3,and Cross-Chapter Box 12 in Chapter 5} D.2.3 Mitigationandadaptationconsistentwithlimitingglobalwarmingto1.5°Careunderpinnedbyenablingconditions,assessed in this Report across the geophysical, environmental-ecological, technological, economic, socio-cultural and institutional 18 GHG emissions have been aggregated with 100-year GWP vdlues as'mtmduced In tl�e I PCC Semnd Pssessment Report. 20 Summary for Policymakers dimensions of feasibility. Strengthened multilevel governance, institutional capacity, policy instruments, technological innovation and transfer and mobilization of finance,and changes in human behaviour and lifestyles are enabling conditions that enhance the feasibiliry of mitigation and adaptation options for 1.5°Gconsistent systems transitions.(high confidence) {1.4,Cross-Chapter Box 3 in Chapter 1,2.5.1,4.4,4.5,5.6} D.3 Adaptation options specific to national contexts, if carefully selected together with enabling conditions, will have benefits for sustainable development and poverty reduction with global warming of 1.5°C,although trade-offs are possible(high confidence).{1.4,4.3,4.5} D.3.1 Adaptation options that reduce the vulnerability of human and natural systems have many synergies with sustainable development, if well managed, such as ensuring food and water security, reducing disaster risks, improving health conditions, maintaining ecosystem services and reducing poverry and inequaliry (high confidence). Increasing investment in physiwl and social infrastructure is a key enabling condition to enhance the resilience and the adaptive wpacities of societies. These benefits can occur in most regions with adaptation to 1.5°C of global warming (high confidence). {1.4.3,4.2.2,4.3.1,4.3.2,4.3.3,4.3.5,4.4.1,4.4.3,4.5.3,5.3.1,5.3.2} D.3.2 Adaptation to 1.5°C global warming can also result in trade-offs or maladaptations with adverse impacts for sustainable development. For example, if poorly designed or implemented, adaptation projects in a range of sectors can increase greenhouse gas emissions and water use,increase gender and social inequaliry,undermine health conditions,and encroach on natural ecosystems (high confidence).These trade-offs wn be reduced by adaptations that indude attention to poverry and sustainable development(high confidence).{4.3.2,4.3.3,4.5.4,5.3.2;Cross-Chapter Boxes 6 and 7 in Chapter 3} D.3.3 A mix of adaptation and mitigation options to limit global warming to 1.5°C,implemented in a participatory and integrated manner,can enable rapid,systemic transitions in urban and rural areas (high confidence).These are most effective when aligned with economic and sustainable development,and when local and regional governments and decision makers are supported by national governments(medium confidence).{4.3.2,4.3.3,4.4.1,4.4.2} D.3.4 Adaptation options that also mitigate emissions can provide synergies and cost savings in most sectors and system transitions, such as when land management reduces emissions and disaster risk,or when low-carbon buildings are also designed for efficient cooling. Trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation, when limiting global warming to 1.5°C, such as when bioenergy crops, reforestation or afforestation encroach on land needed for agricultural adaptation, can undermine food securiry,livelihoods,ecosystem functions and services and other aspects of sustainable development.(high confidence){3.4.3,4.3.2,4.3.4,4.4.1,4.5.2,4.5.3,4.5.4} D.4 Mitigation options consistent with 1.5°C pathways are associated with multiple synergies and trade- offs across the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).While the total number of possible synergies exceeds the number of trade-offs,their net effect will depend on the pace and magnitude of changes, the composition of the mitigation portfolio and the management of the transition.(high confidence) (Figure SPM.4){2.5,4.5, 5.4} D.4.1 1.5°C pathways have robust synergies particularly for the SDGs 3 (health),7(dean energy),11 (cities and communities),12 (responsible consumption and production) and 14 (oceans) (very high confidence).Some 1.5°C pathways show potential trade-offs with mitigation for SDGs 1 (poverry),2 (hunger),6(water)and 7 (energy access),if not managed carefully(high confidence).(Figure SPM.4){5.4.2;Figure 5.4,Cross-Chapter Boxes 7 and 8 in Chapter 3} D.4.2 1.5°C pathways that indude low energy demand (e.g.,see P1 in Figure SPM.3a and SPM.3b), low material consumption, and low GHG-intensive food consumption have the most pronounced synergies and the lowest number of trade-offs with respect to sustainable development and the SDGs(high confidence).Such pathways would reduce dependence on CDR. In modelled pathways,sustainable development,eradicating poverty and reducing inequality can support limiting warming to 1.5°C(high confidence). (Figure SPM.3b,Figure SPM.4){2.4.3,2.5.1,2.5.3,Figure 2.4,Figure 2.28,5.4.1,5.4.2,Figure 5.4} 21 Summary for Policymakers Indicative linkages between mitigation options and sustainable development using SDGs (rne unkage5 do not 5now�o5t5 and nenefit5) Mitigation options deployed in each sector can be associated with potential positive effects(synergies)or negative effects(trade-offs)with the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).The degree to which this potential is realized will depend on the selected portfolio of mitigation options,mitigation policy design, and local circumstances and context. Particularly in the energy-demand sector,the potential for synergies is larger than for trade-offs.The bars group individually assessed options by level of confidence and take into account the relative strength of the assessed mitigation-SDG connections. Length shows strength of connection Shades show level of confidence ; Theoverallsizeofthemlouretlbarsdepicttherelative Theshadesdepictthelevelofmnfitlenmofthe I potentialforrynergiesandVadeoffsbetweenthesectoral j�� aseuedpotentialforTraEe-oRs/SYnergies. ; mitigationop[ionsandtheSDGs. � ' �� veyrgn mw Energy Supply Energy Demand Land Trade-offs Synergies Trade-offs Synergies Trade-offs Synergies SDG1 No Poverty SDG] � '1 � '� � '� Zero Hunger SDG3 Good Heakh� � •. � •� � •� and Well-being SDG4 Quality � Education� ;� ;� ;� SDGS Gender� I� II � �❑ I Equality e I SDGfi � I■ � I. � ■ I CleanWater� and Sanitation SDG] }�p�II Affordableand �- � ',� 1� ',❑ Clean Energy SDGB DecentWork� � '� � '� � '� and Emnomic Grow[h SDG9 � I� I. � I� Industry, Innovation and Infrastmcture SDG 30 Reduced� II � 11 I� Inequalities SDG 11 �' �� �' Sustainable Citiesand Communities • SDG12� �. � �■ �� Responsible Consumption �� and Production ; SDG 14 Life Below� � '1 � '� Water SDG 15 LifeonLand ❑n •1 � •� � :� SDGlfi� i� I� � I� � I� Peace,Jus[ice andStrong Institutions SDG 1] Partnershipsfor `,�,� I' �� � I� the6oals 22 Summary for Policymakers Figure5PM.4� Potentlalrynerglesandtrade-offsbetweenthesectoralportfolloofdlmatechangemltlgatlonoptlonsandtheSustalnableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs).The SDGs serve as an analtical framework for the assessment of the dlfferent sustalnable development dlmensions,whlch eetend beyond the tlme frame of the 2030 SDG targets.The assessment Is based on Ilterature on mltlgatlon optlons that are cpnsidered relevant for 1.5°C.The assessed strength of the SDG 'mteractlons Is based on the qualltative and quantltatNe assessment of Indlvidual mltlgatlon optlons Ilsted In Table 5.2.Por each mltlgatlon optlon,the strength of the SDG-cpnnectlon aswell as the associated cpnfidence of the undedying Ilterature(shades of green and red)was assessed.The strength of positive cpnnectlons (rynergles)and negative mnnectlons(trade-offs)across all IndMldual optlonswithln a sector(seeTable 5.2)are aggregated'mto sectoral potentlals forthewhole mltlgatlon portfollo.The(whlte)areas outside the bars,whlch Indlcate no'mteractlons,have lowmnfidenw due to the uncerta'mTy and Ilmlted number of studles eeploring Indlrect effects.The strength of the mnnectlon cpnsiders only the effect of mltlgatlon and does not'mdude benefits of avolded Impacts.SDG B(dlmate actlon)Is not Ilsted because mltlgatlon Is being cpnsidered'm terms of'mteractlonswith SDGs and notviceversa.The bars denote the strength of the mnnectlon, and do not cpnsiderthe strength of the Impact on the SDGs.The energy demand sector cpmprises behavioural responses,fuel switching and efficiency optlons In the transport,Industry and bullding sector aswell as carbon capture optlons'm the Industry sector Optlons assessed'm the energy supply sector cpm prise blomass and non-blomass renewables,nudear,carbon capture and storage(CCS)with bloenergy,and CCSwith fossil fuels.Optlons'm the land sector mmprise agrialtural and forest optlons,sustalnable dlets and reduced food waste,soll sequestratlon, Ilvestock and manure management,reduced deforestatlon,afforestatlon and reforestatlon,and responsible sourcing.In addltlon to thls figure,optlons'm the ocean sector are dlsassed'm the undedying report.[5.4,Table 5.2,Flgure 5.2] Informatlon about the net Impacts of mltlgatlon on sustalnable development In 1.5°C pathways Is avallable onlyfor a Ilmlted number of SDGs and mltlgatlon optlons. Only a Ilmlted number of studles have assessed the benefits of avolded dlmate change Impacts of 1.5°C pathways for the SDGs,and the cpeffects of adaptatlon for mltlgatlon and the SDGs.The assessment of the IndlcatMe mltlgatlon potentlals'm Flgure SPM.4 Is a step further from ARS towards a more cpmprehensMe and'mtegrated assessment'm the future. D.4.3 1.5°C and 2°C modelled pathways often rely on the deployment of large-scale land-related measures like afforestation and bioenergy supply,which,if poorly managed,can compete with food production and hence raise food security concerns (high confidence).The impacts of wrbon dioxide removal (CDR) options on SDGs depend on the rype of options and the scale of deployment(high confidence). If poorly implemented,CDR options such as BECCS and AFOLU options would lead to trade-offs. Context-relevant design and implementation requires considering people's needs, biodiversiry, and other sustainable development dimensions(very high confidence). (Figure SPM.4){,Cross-Chapter Box 7 in Chapter 3} D.4.4 Mitigation consistent with 1.5°C pathways creates risks for sustainable development in regions with high dependenry on fossil fuels for revenue and employment generation(high confidence).Policies that promote diversification of the economy and the energy sector can address the associated challenges(high confidence).{,Box 5.2} D.4.5 Redistributive policies across sectors and populations that shield the poor and vulnerable can resolve trade-offs for a range of SDGs,particularly hunger,poverty and energy access.Investment needs for such complementary policies are only a small fraction of the overall mitigation investments in 1.5°C pathways. (high confidence){2.4.3,5.4.2,Figure 5.5} D.5 Limiting the risks from global warming of 1.5°C in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication implies system transitions that can be enabled by an increase of adaptation and mitigation investments, policy instruments, the acceleration of technological innovation and behaviour changes(high confidence).{2.3,2.4, 2.5, 3.2,4.2,4.4,4.5, 5.2, 5.5, 5.6} D.5.1 Directing finance towards investment in infrastructure for mitigation and adaptation could provide additional resources. This could involve the mobilization of private funds by institutional investors, asset managers and development or investment banks,as well as the provision of public funds. Government policies that lower the risk of low-emission and adaptation investments wn facilitate the mobilization of private funds and enhance the effectiveness of other public policies.Studies indicate a number of challenges,induding access to finance and mobilization of funds. (high confidence) {2.5.1,2.5.2,4.4.5} D.5.2 Adaptation finance consistent with global warming of 1.5°C is difficult to quantiTy and compare with 2°C. Knowledge gaps indude insufficient data to calculate specific dimate resilience-enhancing investments from the provision of currently underinvested basic infrastructure.Estimates of the costs of adaptation might be lower at global warming of 1.5°C than for 2°C.Adaptation needs have rypically been supported by public sector sources such as national and subnational government budgets,and in developing countries together with support from development assistance,multilateral development banks, and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change channels (medium confidence). More recently there is a 23 Summary for Policymakers growing understanding of the scale and increase in non-governmental organizations and private funding in some regions (medium confidence). Barriers indude the scale of adaptation financing,limited wpaciry and access to adaptation finance (medium confidence).{4.4.5,4.6} D.5.3 Global model pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C are projected to involve the annual average investment needs in the energy system of around 2.4 trillion USD2010 between 2016 and 2035, representing about 2.5%of the world GDP (medium confidence).{4.4.5,Box 4.8} D.5.4 Policy tools can help mobilize incremental resources, including through shifting global investments and savings and through market and non-market based instruments as well as accompanying measures to secure the equiry of the transition, acknowledging the challenges related with implementation, including those of energy costs, depreciation of assets and impacts on international competition,and utilizing the opportunities to maximize co-benefits(high confidence). {1.3.3,2.3.4,2.3.5,2.5.1,2.5.2,Cross-Chapter Box 8 in Chapter 3,Cross-Chapter Box 11 in Chapter 4,4.4.5,5.5.2} D.5.5 The systems transitions consistent with adapting to and limiting global warming to 1.5°C include the widespread adoption of new and possibly disruptive technologies and practices and enhanced dimate-driven innovation.These imply enhanced technological innovation capabilities,including in industry and finance. Both national innovation policies and international cooperation can contribute to the development,commercialization and widespread adoption of mitigation and adaptation technologies. Innovation policies may be more effective when they combine public support for research and development with poliry mixes that provide incentives for technology diffusion. (high confidence){4.4.4,4.4.5}. D.5.6 Education,information,and communiry approaches,induding those that are informed by indigenous knowledge and local knowledge,can accelerate the wide-scale behaviour changes consistentwith adapting to and limiting global warming to 1.5°C.These approaches are more effective when combined with other policies and tailored to the motivations,capabilities and resources of specific actors and contexts(high confidence).Public acceptabiliry can enable or inhibit the implementation of policies and measures to limit global warming to 1.5°C and to adapt to the consequences. Public acceptabiliry depends on the individual's evaluation of expected poliry consequences, the perceived fairness of the distribution of these consequences,and perceived fairness of decision procedures(high confidence).{1.1,1.5,4.3.5,4.4.1,4.4.3,Box 4.3,5.5.3, 5.6.5} D.6 Sustainable development supports, and often enables, the fundamental societal and systems transitions and transformations that help limit global warming to 1.5°C. Such changes facilitate the pursuit of climate-resilient development pathways that achieve ambitious mitigation and adaptation in conjunction with poverty eradication and efforts to reduce inequalities(high confidence).{Box 1.1, 1.4.3, Figure 5.1, 5.5.3, Box 5.3} D.6.1 Social justice and equiry are core aspects of dimate-resilient development pathways that aim to limit global warming to 1.5°C as they address challenges and inevitable trade-offs,widen opportunities,and ensure that options,visions,and values are deliberated, between and within countries and communities,without making the poor and disadvantaged worse off (high confidence).{5.5.2,5.5.3,Box 5.3,Figure 5.1,Figure 5.6,Cross-Chapter Boxes 12 and 13 in Chapter 5} D.6.2 The potential for dimate-resilient development pathways differs between and within regions and nations,due to different development contexts and systemic vulnerabilities (very high confidence). Efforts along such pathways to date have been limited (medium confidence) and enhanced efforts would involve strengthened and timely action from all countries and non-state actors(high confidence).{5.5.1,5.5.3,Figure 5.1} D.6.3 Pathways that are consistent with sustainable development show fewer mitigation and adaptation challenges and are associated with lower mitigation costs.The large majority of modelling studies could not construct pathways characterized by lack of international cooperation, inequaliry and poverry that were able to limit global warming to 1.5°C. (high confidence){2.3.1,2.5.1,2.5.3,5.5.2} 24 Summary for Policymakers D.7 Strengthening the capacities for climate action of national and sub-national authorities,civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities can support the implementation of ambitious actions implied by limiting global warming to 1.5°C (high confidence). International cooperation can provide an enabling environment for this to be achieved in all countries and for all people, in the context of sustainable development. International cooperation is a critical enabler for developing countries and vulnerable regions(high confidence).{1.4,2.3,2.5,4.2,4.4,4.5,5.3,5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5, Box 4.1, Box 4.2, Box 4.7, Box 5.3, Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4, Cross-Chapter Box 13 in Chapter 5} D.7.1 Partnerships involving non-state public and private actors, institutional investors, the banking system, civil society and scientific institutions would facilitate actions and responses consistent with limiting global warming to 1.5°C (very high confidence).{1.4,4.4.1,4.2.2,4.4.3,4.4.5,4.5.3,5.4.1,5.6.2,Box 5.3}. DJ.2 Cooperation on strengthened accountable multilevel governance that indudes non-state actors such as industry, civil sociery and scientific institutions, coordinated sectoral and cross-sectoral policies at various governance levels, gender- sensitive policies, finance induding innovative financing, and cooperation on technology development and transfer can ensure participation,transparenry,capaciry building and learning among different players (high confidence).{2.5.1,2.5.2, 4.2.2,4.4.1,4.4.2,4.4.3,4.4.4,4.4.5,4.5.3,Cross-Chapter Box 9 in Chapter 4,5.3.1,5.5.3,Cross-Chapter Box 13 in Chapter 5,5.6.1,5.63} DJ.3 International cooperation is a critical enabler for developing countries and vulnerable regions to strengthen their action for the implementation of 1.5°Gconsistent dimate responses,induding through enhancing access to finance and technology and enhancing domestic capacities, taking into account national and local circumstances and needs (high confidence). {2.3.1,2.5.1,4.4.1,4.4.2,4.4.4,4.4.5,5.4.1 5.5.3,5.6.1,Box4.1,Box4.2,Box4.7}. DJA Collective efforts at all levels,in ways that reflect different circumstances and capabilities,in the pursuit of limiting global warming to 1.5°C,taking into account equiry as well as effectiveness,can facilitate strengthening the global response to dimate change,achieving sustainable development and eradicating poverty (high confidence). {1.4.2,2.3.1,2.5.1,2.5.2, 2.5.3,4.2.2,4.4.1,4.4.2,4.4.3,4.4.4,4.4.5,4.5.3,5.3.1,5.4.1,5.5.3,5.6.1,5.6.2,5.6.3} 25 Summary for Policymakers Box SPM.1: Core Concepts Central to this Special Report Global mean surface temperature (GMST): Estimated global average of near-surface air temperatures over land and sea ice,and sea surface temperatures over ice-free ocean regions,with changes normally expressed as departures from a value over a specified reference period.When estimating changes in GMST,near-surface air temperature over both land and oceans are also used.19{} Pre-industrial:The multi-century period prior to the onset of large-scale industrial activity around 1750.The reference period 185�1900 is used to approximate pre-industrial GMST.{} Global warming:The estimated increase in GMST averaged over a 30-year period,or the 30-year period centred on a particular year or dewde,expressed relative to pre-industrial levels unless otherwise specified. For 30-year periods that span past and future years,the current multi-decadal warming trend is assumed to continue.{1.2.1} Net zero CO3 emissions: Net zero carbon dioxide(CO3)emissions are achieved when anthropogenic CO3 emissions are balanced globally by anthropogenic CO3 removals over a specified period. Carbon dioxide removal (CDR):Anthropogenic activities removing CO3 from the atmosphere and durably storing it in geological,terrestrial,or ocean reservoirs,or in products. It includes existing and potential anthropogenic enhancement of biological or geochemical sinks and direct air capture and storage,but exdudes natural CO3 uptake not directly caused by human activities. Total carbon budget: Estimated cumulative net global anthropogenic CO3 emissions from the pre-industrial period to the time that anthropogenic CO3 emissions reach net zero that would result,at some probabiliry, in limiting global warming to a given level,accounting for the impact of other anthropogenic emissions.{2.2.2} Remaining carbon budget:Estimated cumulative net global anthropogenic CO3 emissions from a given start date to the time that anthropogenic CO3 emissions reach net zero thatwould result,at some probabiliry,in limiting global warming to a given level,accounting for the impact of other anthropogenic emissions.{2.2.2} Temperature overshoot:The temporary exceedance of a specified level of global warming. Emission pathways:In this Summary for Policymakers,the modelled trajectories of global anthropogenic emissions over the 21 st century are termed emission pathways. Emission pathways are dassified by their temperature trajectory over the 21 st century: pathways giving at least 50% probability based on current knowledge of limiting global warming to below 1.5°C are dassified as'no overshooY;those limiting warming to below 1.6°C and returning to 1.5°C by 2100 are dassified as'1.5°C limited-overshooY;while those exceeding 1.6°C but still returning to 1.5°C by 2100 are dassified as 'higher-overshooY. Impacts: Effects of dimate change on human and natural systems. Impacts can have beneficial or adverse outcomes for livelihoods,health and well-being,ecosystems and species,services,infrastructure,and economic,social and cultural assets. Risk: The potential for adverse consequences from a dimate-related hazard for human and natural systems, resulting from the interactions between the hazard and the vulnerabiliry and exposure of the affected system. Risk integrates the likelihood of exposure to a hazard and the magnitude of its impact. Risk also can describe the potential for adverse consequences of adaptation or mitigation responses to dimate change. Climate-resilient development pathways (CRDPs):Trajectories that strengthen sustainable development at multiple scales and efforts to eradicate poverry through equitable societal and systems transitions and transformations while reducing the threat of dimate change through ambitious mitigation,adaptation and dimate resilience. 19 Past I PCC reports,reHectlng tl�e Ilteamre,have used a vdriery of appmximately equivdlent metrics of GMA change. 26