White Roll 01 Council Records April 1837 - April 18481837 Pursuant to an act of the Legislative Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin approved an Act to incorporate the inhabitants of such Towns as may wish to become incorporated, an election for Trustees of the Town of Dubuque was held on Saturday, the first day of April 1837 by virute of which election the following gentlemen were declated to be a Board of Trustees under the name and title of the President and Trustees of the Town of Dubuque for one year from the date of said election. William Myers Thomas S. Wilson Charles Miller Thomas Fassitt Timothy Fanning ----------------------------------------------------- Monday April 3, 1837 Preliminary Preceeding Purpose of organizing the Board and electing precediary officers T. S. Wilson as president T. C. Fassitt acted as secretary Charles Corkery as Clerk Patrick Quigley Philip C. Morhiser Morheiser as Marshall and Collector Ezikial C. Dougherty as Assessor Saturday April 8, 1837 Meeting of the Board of Trustees Mr. Fanning submitted to the Board a view of the Lake, or slough adjorning the Town proper and by general consent offered the following resolutions. Resolved Removing obstructions from the slough river next to the Town of Dubuque and for rendering it managable for Steam Boats (steamboats). Money to form a treasury Resolved Committee be formed whose duty it shall be to carry into effect the objects embraced in the foregoing resolutions, to employ men Change the course of the water from the ravine near Mr. Lorimier's house to a channel more direct towards the river -------------------------------- Saturday April 16, 1837 The Board met. Members present: Fassitt, Fanning, Miller, and Wilson. President. The proceedings of the previous meetings having been read, Mr. Miller from the Committee of improvements appointed on the 8th submitted a report that the committee had carried the instruments of the Board into effect as far as fradheath but were compelled to desist from further improvements in the slough in consquences of high water. April 16, 1837 continued The Board accepted the report of Mr. Miller and the committee were discharged On mention of Mr. Fassitt the President of the Board was requested to draft ordinances on the following objects towards One in relation to the meetings of the Board An ordinance to establish certain offices and to define the duties of officers An ordinance concerning breaches of ordinances An ordinance regulating the town police An ordinance to prevent the running of and indecent exhibition of horses An ordinance on fines and forfeitures An ordinance authorizing the Treasurer to provide fire ladders An ordinance authorizing the citizens to furnish fire buckets An ordinance authorizing the citizens to form themselves into a fire company ------------------------- Saturday April 24, 1837 The Board met, members present Messrs Fassitt, Fanning, Miller, and Wilson Pres The President submitted the ordinances called for by the resolution of the 16th Ordinance No. 1 in relation to town offices and the duties of officers being read and appearred by the Board were passed. Signed by the President and attested by the Clerk ��LdY�!'-LBBL� G� �Q.La • c?� L�.��� /iLfv�02`G�sLt-�aii� Q�c�`A� �2-et2c-ie iu QG •fi�rik �1� �%te-ALZ'G Gt^fijl--lGs�, L,�iQ2 /v12L1�1 �- u// lLls-L�IC/t i?s G �h.-lam d ihu `�GLG�I Jlo�. .ato/ i�j .Yip j �Gt'O lac .'�Q -- / jf�/�G�t-/..Gf�" ,,y�'Z'� �LZ�•LZ L�lc /.ssG �ILG-LG v /LI GtGd �� Ale 1/�r SAG C°LZ/tIRA ���� dj�- a� . /��•y � L�..LC G1 JAG �f6LL�l.!/Is G��� �i //t GJ'�i� //tLt�rrc Q. '16 ��Leel �a ,r. 1h ;ZlaWe4lC,L f�c tc./ �cdcs.. • of �i • , ` sue./• � ,..= Cf113* : t.✓ly. z wGdai � fi�Lsi�K• vt. c !T c Gt��td /Flit c/i Z41r1IZW / eG ,i• L2Vli�uli & UPA-44 C �lY�Gfcrs �6t f' A4c� �G'ctY� sGi - �Ltcd • L11// �4��"'� �/'�Lr�l G2 �"'i"'� 7 (.�C1C 1' 6// ALLt.✓ e,2, -- -- --- ---- - - r I J� ✓l6 Rik �stsH /JCR-h'v. �/i�►�s�.�./il�.. yQ���z �tr fAG � i%hz� � !�r+� c�-C /t�i r o� �aG ovV i I /�QoLI4WZZ U till +/ �+ 6L /LI lSDLIihG /�Le(j/ems.- �iPZGfl� e� Q✓ QIw 4l4yee iota. -4 ('�T�►siN.e i,�./ tee 14V-11*-L erzi� 14, '1 L e O?ud2 d" , . 44, et- Q1�ay�lt,t�iri -T`�O £,C,�/i[-.�►cG � G�bt�/r�l �Yl�lssG2�1�T�21%�/�a _ ,-Art +'c cvl i u. Esc " �l�C aLts aC . ���,J-mot �d/ v�A�c�-�yJL vs��/ td�� �t d.`s.� s� t�s•c�a� d-ass� ay .�l�ac ovs��n• !YdG �o�`iR!/jL � f/ ✓r<LLi.�r I:�+• q _lam �� e.�.! �� ." Gt aC//N'! . /��� vG�-� avllR�✓�lis- .emu l�Lce.� AEI .�c az.�'�cRL Lc�—�!i d� . i � �G �lG7LR1✓ £a �,� /j7!/J- JG[il�'t..CL✓ � w� �6�f" U`C�s�lad �T OZGL G2��/7GCL L.1 �v R/�•�-Gd 4 ' • �� �O-Sa(oacd �`1.1D� .�cls�z i�, �+c G..!•L�PZvcsG �9 GL✓ GL- �h-ce Ra 9�L cl�t�.Lt 60 �f!L�� �/�co-LY/�d-oLt - ��- / o / ���1/L2G �GC!/h✓f %� dllLyO Uf 1/10 !Y�/11�t.//�.Gow d e�Ytlr�Re�Ac/ar (1ij�Gtld lL% &ren. 4dcoWle !-/.four -Ot e-A l i?Lg ifLL�!/f !. Ri c• (,jLtrGc- Przl� ��/�rh y� l USZcy `ik� LIt� fc+6t • F �p Ols,zs u-L Rd isvc�t 6C . �� As+,e�,%'�,—�. 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'mF"s �` k �^'� •p°rH'ti t �t ,t .«+ 4M:.% t-� Xr.— 'f �. � t Y.. ....._.-Y.,—rs a��t err •.'. ..... _ +.tn _ ,_ .. ._ - A'. 4 b ....te.,.i....� O.ALGt 4,4j4e z'jf � . lD� ,olf lee c �1� .�/jl�i�vli `j1 .a�lss.Q%t `-h�{y`+�✓./�.d�L RiJs.d�. �etir>.�t,. • C.��-F4 e� sz' `�tr. e�vi y� .� .¢ c c%��C�u�' ld�r.,d � �� � U,w hz rf oe At. /_L!=f?v a, tlj►'-liss A/1. G'G i1 ! �i 111.1G1C .`/d"/ ;s RAsr d OVO-" A. as .. 1%I,", r1 . lam•- d i��c ca .�-..Ca�sf�a.c L*�/. i 40lt. Y .�/� ° l6 4lssGst c. d•J v �c N J ssYsa.17 -fa�a �� � '�7 ��:✓ � t/! !O-GIIf-t Lt �%�ia Cit�%t of .. GGfw(1K . a.a 4h /f'1i • Ro /if. /L �G Qn.O( /ht� ,/ Q� td Cite f ..Y�Q 4'7 A, �Izs.y fie- �� G� �t atyr -td a sc a to", d GZd � t.� �tz. � a✓.t�. Ek• G " / �-Atcocpd f�di ��tct- �v�a�srf.! � /LG`CLsyCAG l/1?i di- •[� G�vrU ,�j-ci � � � ��k�.G / G��� . . %!w .�-t'r� • � �h1e+L-ice` `,�t`/ �r �i2tet ASP a% y� ��d- ,�elfd CLL�d �i oL GZv AI�r� /!�: otf� [�B�i�i �Z�cZtQc✓ PP-, e- �G LtYYjs G �GGC Qd /plt Ve//it oa G9 G�iGi a Gtd D �o�'d• C���Yy� !t vC e RJ �i Q Riiz LeIi1l, aT �E i'D/UrGGl /lzAy�a�. - Qp�,CG� 'l�f/ ' // /l G �1'l.•GcLLG /6YA-� ..'!G%/. :"l%O-l�rNr�Ld, ��f'�— tyGte"4,6d� L%ia. cL . � ✓ q�n.Gl� LQ��, •0•'L � !�e'trJk. sE./ !h c r � �LcRy /l tqu is �• /irc a,a�o o'sri ..t'lK`R- ✓Zi i cs� Lvysd � - Co-rilii.2tz c� .�t. i2a��ryj triG :. _., kilt&&., Y�l4,ei:Z lveie S,�tazhc�lLddd l�iKr Er.I7t�a%i-.rtii�G Gib L4e a� �af" �1s�p�C/s?z//���s/•l.L�c. f,�'a Are, i�li - loll �"0 � �dl�ssd f�a%i'�!L Gs�iss�J►t.-I1�� c,,� � .dGQS Y6-H'tATa� !� 1,�t.Os•�i.Q �i✓�'��-!!�•6ii � _ r ,ak ���/per, �,(p / �j ,•q�_.. �L /l?2 !r'll fit/6 � °�l�•o- �BT�t�1s. c'l.� . R � Ls�. `` ;y ..,.i'. ��%rwr�/ r/V► �/%sc/%F!i J! -/.��� c�'_./ �. �Y. � %y�i;YGG� . ` .. 'q. ®.sr� psi..-r.�s-s,. /�i /�'.- �✓ ✓r /��He ✓� ,.e�trit.. GL�e L' /� eps�d /!�+-6t./ �{/ie eJ�sa � N I�iLRQ'G_-- .GM•Xi�Tst� Rom+--d, .fit ,dam. -it ��..,u�..�f� �o it.c�i v�i � %�i�d� .5 10 . ��� ��►ac�a�i i•c�/ Flu �i �2G �� .�i'ecco� �ie��sr�•:t Z,di-�1✓ At ce�vvraG nalew.eW <ilaii 404or— "OV.IV7 �!-'tea-r,../ r[ lLs✓���� .c� �u �_f��ct /�o-crn'���.--•,1� aga�aru� /�� 7tj1a�GGTrGz: 6p ^,�� �ine-2c !a� O fL1 /Y e [ ire 01►� % fe '�l�z a �t l� GZt i w d d Ltrliif<v �i [i�. J .. �L•t /l ��s c aC � 6i�-�02 L•Lt/J6GC sI 6C� � t�l�'. �a-�•lc.' LiL� �'v7�� il//� d'�� i ��c. A%L • v�c4- !� �/ Lela. _ 'rG �/htfTil!/L5� _ X, 0001, 19 `S%T2?/e4le !iu "!IV, r ®� a/ 'tJY �1/lt/1Ll�1� f-'-"'�V .. l/N 4�ii������_ ��'//G �'-�1'-""%�i � '�i. L�Li !•Vrf/fr�A • /!/�' Q�.!/`LL' GGC . �i,L �r ,�1iLlin2 �%Lfirr ��%/rLf_Q ie ,� . �Lc !/�v f.+�. � bf'R�Y 'FS.§. '�S�a.� -t •`avy h d,:}+rl bik'.- - - r2 a F�a f i?zr GG7. //�� �/-�12Lciu • � a�,s�c.��� r>sllsrnc.vG�-q. H ;&�'Al e-,e w 2 G `��LY- !�1/ltdL GtlGt lr,Ll�Gr/L,a, LrrtttC� I O.a-�.t�A.�d�p /h c-C Qii- : - / �L L 110A. 6L LiG dI Dlt Jac 1� 2U� LC /t Qiti [ !/ft !i Dom. '.emu. P �ti� ��.� �• p . D p 1 lL4 LAC(000 GE'�.QZwhlC- �� r .�. f r eL. r'j�{' 4r,�•'1'M1ie4 x{ ... ...... .. x .. r .,r1 d � ' .. a i' w Y�' "1�(".. `F `M 'YF�r �VZfto l ,�� �` ice• a 2, d p ,��y�•/ yy����G'i l �iZ./ oG �l�sc ,� ram- ��_��,c, eYhdEiA(.��-�. �teGd �fuo Gr�L air✓ �itc �C rt. 9 -ell �iv/�f�'k' � cL i� � �G w� �e�., d %:� �v-se,.l!✓.. �t�C :_-C�•Gt., . 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Oe arc. 3 v� �o IIA, Ile �,O/llri�2r u-d�h- �.���fi�i � cs-r��c,QG �icve� �%e�• ...=d�iw �itiap�za�cd�L p��u! z Ot q, /� L �4 .cam1.av�4e '17 ��ln�ccL awl «sum w , v fo Gt �A�GI/ht Gtti � L`Z�Lt �Gi�dGa��" d � i �GZh W,, 161 7r z l•4�Gfil�1 L`L AG /' 4 i �.- CF.lit^t L�:�'�ic GLtd ,lZfc o�R�r1t� .d,���ril � 6ustuaGls«��� .1�14-d Az l � 1 2�lee �7y �p y� dQy �i�c✓t�.,�..�u �� c�'il�.l. ���F.�iC ,��"dCi�s�tts ,Y!/tvG/.�i/ �/fi«/ss./ /Qi, ✓.�liQ�'�� //�tliGi�ir�tx�.. • p' -c✓ �l � p� �.�0; /� ,.lsut•`yLz.. lll. tK • �Gl� !�� /Y1�Ittt O Gt� / •�,.��K/ ,�ilG �� -� a�leaw �- oss c ,� a� ac _.�'��+� e �:arr� C� ��d� v�lc-mac/ r/Lt�/1ltQtiJt-�/��iC��-//t� G cv��///6z✓ �-dsr%/mod/ �,/����//� Q , ��/ �Gf���sl.�K-. `7tI-✓i'� /f- �6! — f^�' D�ltG�'-eAvt.,e 'tL�•� ZZ& 70� c cvl�i/ a d�� 1.41� %�Rflc' Ir." ''ZG CiL(TiYd� •• seed /�Gis�ic . �irres.-� t � d� �l2re !� /L aP.� . 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R-� - �� �'(Q ,�/ O , � ILL .��.1�• �L,Lc--[vsi /� ` � ' UJ � • �lLWd 1aYiLE/li e it / / mil' izvc-.div�l/Lid RrG1� �Yy , !.v �y/�' 2 62� i�cc�f .�Lccc f . !L c x ® r� �r.�.s+-G d,�• Ctcs� i�h.G�/� d�lzk e�If�- .... � ��QO, iydGc c�C ���.� d• �"�� ,gyp` �'i&,•Ftr�. �+ L __ � � ,.�" . ;'�J aet; .wyrc.l 4i d•H1.u,'.7 �nnilv:n'... ......, ._-. �w1�4I(� 1 �, I //legit s�- /�1+c � c✓�-sr.� �ltt ars� .,�,,/=�/��s�f� /';���.S..I: j 1h /A. �ivt v�1i ltdf / �125 zWc2c..//l, 0, !c tr ram" Ile ��s+c �t :4t/I�/./ta C �.c -�.fia �cin?�i..'sta ,r1ir•/%t�.Rvs"� Sr�fcri� � /1 t �i Ire y Gfic .� �� 4• �l� t/�It.�. � Lgili�i /yce��" iour Abe !.0 ; .q t GYvj'� G�'!/lt c U22 �Lc GLvlc ��Lr cc� ���' G !.L /tic .!-svZi•+, G'v ��-� drr Lia�CLz d ,; �lz�jlti e-��t� �iA u. r� %G a f� �j�lilt/ ,'ie�rtvL �`IrlvtLt% � �2Ry �jtO �L�GS £y�G[Uid7/iv/ •Q, • .[L!!/� A"I.e. 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CG'�/L e. c/ / �%G�GL�GL ssslL-�. iL G�L'lLa�lLLt-Gr;G /?� L L2c L F� 70 G/ �Zl��/li�i /�iL V� _� C'! R Ga ly �`s IG�✓ ' �A ft✓< C$ysY2i✓�/c G�to �t�<L c a�� �� +�{�e��„�Ls.a .�,�� �h.fra ' /tic. �l��to d,� /lct�liC�C!i'%l�/t✓ Gt� , �licc� Gtd�i ��oo O - / � / !d v� R-c/ aft G�s�.•�c st,� eLL6 Qta s�i- L i cit/ ✓A it fYf eZL��GJ; /� i (Y �/svls oG� a li�. Crlke fo e GL r • ���'�� a-�,1.. YLLac`e•e n� eLL l�Jf�� L L#% ��-L�ou, �/1.e Lt�tz� .v, .�lLl,,,�..,. 4.4 ez�l AW-;eed ttt `sty _ /�� �lzris,�• ems. �iui1fou Ls/Gdr� lL?z �h c Z4vh.� l✓�'��-GtrG-Gla ,� .. • / mac. � Q t i 9.G �,LA��d,CvJG,�Y%1 2CG /�ZICr/GLN�CG lLZt .irG4 �Gl/bL.7.Lfils L��t/GL/Llit�a.�/ e/ �/ • / v '% R�Gi c !i� flit r .wit 41i4fi, q."- l� (y/i �✓GZ l U� Zo O (may, T/�1 G � ..�•jL..�K hL eA,. a ee _.fit ccsv,cct f _ _ iO • �Z//i,G 'Al 4 ew ow /LC ta4e o A G v f'2 • �l / �! Gl�i /%/iv�LFJ-f !!� C12. /i . U/fA'Cc cd t�i� �..sc ilC�rvs�f �tiL �lc aCc-IKgG ��<r,� GU►'•s'ia-rl•!s-,t/l�lL• �/ `� L!Cd-L` /t �Q L iCL. � c/ ✓�!1 sc1-ic �c //�� 2 �� L`llyl c /L� / 19•c �f/Ci c = , i1z i!c = l��tiiw pro ,�. Cc°f viz. �k Crhu a u cL' <� ov 2,I a��dtr'dri� wi&L<1� �..G�l 21 ,��A�Cz 6L7a'CG .�yiaccC. Fi LLc Clr. fellf llit�% a7ecd c/solaic.vj- l2 c� �r- y� - ,eracrs/f a 4 Me c,h1l . o� ///�i4• .. /♦ Lt� c e d �f_ e,-�i�t cam% /jit y� A44IMU /�icvtad 44e/Jt n ��Cl�' jit/1ZL=-L•:� L2-t� /?�t•L 1-tee _ „ y-O'e� ✓Y7' Q "%l[ GGl-ks .exel.-I W4214✓Gt lit Gk (1/"A,?�L�JsLZiQ�: o�y*li` Cy //n' Ly�`!s�(j►'� e/�l!✓i to Lt r �y ��O ! [� / �. , %.j' _ /�... ,� dC G///y�ipL_2L Gl /� l G 1��• ZY /l-0 lL•l ��dlyl !��•-//j/j� �/y" . y • O/%�-i tiill/iJL/bt�7,r4 G�`l�. i%L��7�[G�lc� tG tl�, �����✓!i[��� /��'/LGLLr- Lt/%�LIL� 1 ft�7.!oe Xy" /�'�" �lG�f l%' i�LiL L?/✓j< J/LL11.Z .� a%%" .�Y�L K�Is . .• A'aA A,` � lJ W t°C'G � a, e Gl.G ds L' JOW 00, CA Gsi� i 14 ✓ ev l: AP.. aO'b--Gt aG'G ✓i�fLlcis izs i-ac Ail2 . 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LaCG !/ups.�s ii�-u�s�r� -O (l/'/•v /G!�-��2� v,L Cam/ �Q/tsiL t //j� /� �/ GA CNiY.:Gsc.� � l�iiZ+��r ,ds�c ��%% ��.✓ /,��° _ /ART r/!c LLt O'r �'%LOtiLa•dt t6L �6-t�i�Lt/ �G : /ta. d.L�L �'1v `%!ss' . 7/c'. �� �o ���e�x y>r � C��' a�al+-�3 �e�r •�- o �le�lau/ sZ.. �. - ,�`G�F�r��1. ,,,t ��� d l�s• lrlr� C Q��LL cc ac dsa c6Zw C�r7t%�R� .: Sri f/Linri� iJ� rA ��fvk G� L/U'1�2a se-rist �/ f�s t•CtVzlrY�i+-Z.-L6G' s /� fittl�it,l%ss�s. � ✓� � G c'-.� LtsC...rYk6�.+r���iir. l.�Gl�¢..'.i-d ' vfl-- .lOi �r`7'.`/1ai !' !/ �lL1./tc�.7z. �'A��r t AC ���•P% ��lLc� �a7'rs c�stc roc. Z�/1Lct,dLtlG �i� .. • • a�V.�VXI' d �y.li1.. gi s/�LLtissc c ,i � v Gz' �`/f7.O�-t R� �i� /�� �/ �, `-G • L , G7u/ �� c tO //t G'-UiYt OL /%.G L ti�l�la. • . cs����-' �it� ���=G{ d ����r.7'�'/`161�t qC �R.!^-�Gr� � �k a Ljisr �/ wit d. vya �1 !IA dl • !`Lc. oeo [d i L !Lt 4�9,eele At ��?.. � /�R� d2r• // `-t!j' ,�2.v-iv Glll�c- �1L !l /s�,c � L't- /!!/�j!/iu6���t _/! *48 GZv i)-t iI'lx� �o R-z�C'%t (//�Gvt4 Gi a J : s2 tdt•ss/c GG dews i� ward •d� /i1a �1zio sib 0-/0-sva%2,:4'ca! je ' - tt LL sQi1c- a!' A.k.G'-Lc./�fs s �G ivYi� IQ/la AL ' cs-� �D�Qitast� C �/� J'iae A,* --,'le �z�� ldoe-/ G- !tom 1 let. e�c - iu� ! ! 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UfLd Ha' L/�id f.��/t.• .dd'7is-�s-4�!`..C.� � /!-GLIl� s7t. <r� � r t I R-t�6/ass �._ /t i� �A� /a!6� �ybia t 6YTtc - � - ��tAItCAG �si//'-lily G�!/l:I��!',d1.1�%/t /?✓, ,r"l�G,.• ,7 /c d �R G'YJ�� .�y -�!/.uc Cr�✓�.• �7�- rfi �iT-s�-p ,dR�c e� 0-7 ✓/G .�N.. , �7.�`GQ ILY��i® /,�alv !ti C3�ilhv�v-/td 1�.GY.tc .hr1,e e.l G .tea Lr�. -I2e fh- rr rh - �P Ci r ✓� ��t 7'���k.w r, ,6 `tic /- ��v ��c t� js •d/:r#.f RS� d ��:l�C� e'/�fi' �� .ed� �,cp�zc dp r'.taG c. . :� ✓�� a � ��r�.:�'' t%: Laic ,� � �+c t�.cs � � `er�9 i�,� h- ��� ti. - ./T� .r��o.L Aik d det t+Ge !/i �lzslZi. �?rt//� `lte I�e./� !✓L c ��� . ���1�• ��-d ��Yi.�r-r_-i/ �/ asa'a..sa� t_.�G sv.:a�. �z Gf6� Gi e. !pti /`l s GDGtd IGGC- GL/ LO �LG� tv A ��, L �¢li �� o���-.ram• ��'�rve.�'�, i %`!1✓ �s-dazes �e �%� y� � �o /Q �� cam• zc �� W �iflfu�. t ✓ a /�i�'�� J11- Odo /lyt�lsnvla, dh• t7�J�A'��/f�� IZ [�.ed/�'r�.✓"�.�. - ��G�a � ..'"i�. ,�C/ -"'t�fi�%t- �LIG. - i�/ili /� JII� .. ,... i .. - ...;.;��.:5ev +..' � r:. •. �, ' ... . dirrs 409 r '+.Q�"ietara f le tAf 11 /Yld VA-",�40-47 ' , d ,r >i��✓cr aasvy A-4 // W-ov ov-,* ,� �..�.��%�� .G.�� z �.�1G1✓t , G �t�a. Sit.. dim. r/c c -- _.. 10ycu e'��, �. �a; `e..�-- � _Gl �isw ..�i �..o�! �.G �- � Ls�.o� tea. y►� FR-c:, r� 04 ��- 11- ,= �?-P a�=c�, �.,!�`s• �so.c4::... _ :�.�. E�c� ,c r c wz- _ £--,., us-s,.. r1 GC y� �..�? ✓f':�r/r Ls►ri 00 .tdvs.ir.�/Q ac,cti I #* Qi� -Z 2. G; �1. eALLQ9v/'1. d :yelrQ/1lri-jv",4, ✓yl!-d1.�i !LC � /ilr..l�� �,�,�/ �- ��Lti !/rw •,�C�ila-.��/�Y1s�a�ce�� Alea p � r �.: i��s•� �i '46AW. A��e Wit./ 07 i9C.'(Y!lfGts .ECG, .1Ciuilsr Ge.� �se•t ALL e� "�,s ,�1 ol - - /7 nth• �'Lt'/ /%t�zt.G p i(/1C�Is�s�7`aaC 0701 C!/L�G.vt�lf�i-s-tyA�r.e���o-- r- R�� //Gs�LA�ss �yy�ywrCJiiG Qol C drs►..s+, 7&-- d 4 A "Y', ,e ze GC A`e 00-AW /� �J�isi-�i� � �e�2s � , l�.�izic-.vtic %47 �7 oc,,;ee. Ole, .. $5 ofcLLs�h�, p. h _ ��' ✓dim �. Apt_ �v ���.1` 6�1i ✓�u-a-sca �G ��r i�+r. �U.v i��l� iL'y /h/�`��s���.6ti�I.'J.�+I � • �i1I/!!.i a- �t c✓� � C� ��i �,�v"cam R'��i�t./ �i' IPrr�r�� is.� «-.�- .1 At .74 ot t, ^s tk .yw ism R � k r �v�QTALLs��GdLtG G/ GTi�- ��Rr s� l�rl /ihLtr llBLr��jtGc p ' p��1 �a •�� ate., ��Q� -�-- � /%Z� ��L .'�'�'f/lt'pp�� ///y'Gl /p!� `/���' lL/�-I,�LC� �E✓�GlL6� nLLCr/Lte2G - ��Lola! !�A`- ��•�J /,� "vss.e d�ls?i 'y��J- � �2" �Coss�µ,.;� •Y e ' �i Q is ew-e, s ri- Itle iyy.� .�iLa.�i•!�/r/ l�,� Cv u/y'yvGl.CG�i o. L%.r1ti ✓GLsr��a2c G�G✓iic-GG iot9psils st �u Al de ��t! . /> G .0 Q.i ��iiC/• . �O �lliCfli All Re 4-, mG QQ G� �. 2Q �LiO' : O�a,.� P� �i f Qt-' L1 A� �t4Fe / dZc— (l�j �lGc e -ZVI //1. --lcllLlidi- LCC"va. . Q ��i(�Ltt O�i "f/�U� �c L`-1��/Lt,f!-2✓ Q _ orl G Qi!/1 B"/i�./6� ✓1ldt./ �� !�`c //!ic%/. G lc a, d Flo l� w hG /rd� �i.�s 4ye�d l-ot--", � se. du�ryd� fy `�i�..s-� �,. ,l/s�h a�►y .�R�1- � ,,,o-� �s�. �r 10��/ 00, 40 . 101,z- Pik, �ufaZ` r`w -• .. -'._L: '.....-.._.- C.::a.... z't...:1 -_. :. r ./. '.�I�.�KlLG /�i �'tsR�l►_. '�'+iT..�Gf/i�". D%� - . i �''�. �,'r .r:�{i��v{rir �.M�v�r�, 'r�..4,..`.N"!"„� �+��a,?w v - .. -, .. n- . ;•'� c A- �fv 0l�./ *t ,die -��.�d � �'�t-CG d!c .G ✓�� /l'�i*.s�,' s� � _ 71 40-X low �cC �� lj�/�r�•d�n��� ��c �!� dv,� /ram idl,4401 !� , /lc u��� .�✓-sa� s -�-t Q- �rrvc �+% � .4.1�r. lLsrr�t�,t di � .� � � �-Goo-a•. � ��- :.� _ .. ✓� � � CLl�LvAG �, Q' Ll�•.Fts��'LL I�LlL- GL/C-4 -L�� lL,t� G GL . � G��s•.�tse..�1,c.r bs�( 1���� �- o ,eke �%I� 2�: as .rr�%f�!'n�.e.d .+ � ems• -��.c.-aiG A r C�1 ,:z e3 -77� , 7.- IA— s � Gtc � Ltd Q GL�•/5��� G�z� �Z a �i �L �z- 4`%Z_ �jh-/�LPLa.+ f fool law- � c �-ys-�._-s.- ��c.i. /mow ��' eX�.,c�•s.a sus•..-.� • �n ai1� a ass=-",rs ��rvf•� - T�u /jo a� a� T�•� ,�rsrsr .tom- � e� .�is.�r�0� .. F u /Zi S�iQ�t- �Ilad , re,� :ram. N fXeA�A i h- tio- C�ac- w.G.ci lie OIf 09O4 ell, ����Csr�s►/.s</� - �.F��t�(�JE.�.�al��z G�'1Y'v� �'7`!/�..-�- �-a��7'�.1.��,1%�/. �G✓vtcl,� 6cI GG✓ 4�rh+-ss 7Nrl� B�1a �Cwp/W �tti eu `Glw s�a�� EZ• Z'C ��lvc�L fi , •l1 iF arc ����� � � - ZL;_ .' /�`, ���d_,p� /�/ ,Os*-� d�*-`- G l-.[�Glti/ [eq 0, %e l°Gsv<lea al 6!(/� , oAv Z�Z'109: f �razd a�Gow/j , 7u,., o 44 c1a1seXe cudam "�Z Gs eZ e k, eA /f/"zllel�, a � Aa L fi ✓TC�-_ a�s��lt�c , ��dL✓ �docc d �Go � �sui�L. a t!ey1//1 � /�TiXa w ""fl atl: Gk - G<ic F-)C�ce do ze�� ��c �i or��-d -moo - _ Pj��,. vim.- �u--,��r✓�i�c ��.�s.,�,�r.� a y�� �/� .tds.; lr.aO i�rh-lc�.Qa,�ilfi • ,ysfhs�-Z Joe AaG�f�i,'Gr yr. c�G, . uia •. ,� d"'Oe Ave�� '=�' G��G/11s �1•. l�lf� L�.. ..A.VL��S � �/ !/ �' ZL' ,I�, ,.�!�.Q'N l ,p �.. 0✓ mac./ �1 G✓e-�.�vC �i--f��a.� iC . ol ��sd.�ct6L ,"e / �C / SA� Its OIA j vo,C' w � .�i- �e- . �l6iscGAG �G//� ✓/'�``/I -�i1 tt./-G d �t �T.r�'st�/ /PAL � tti -- %h� a dG- lam, � /�!!� ��L'/� :�.hcc.l.�� L'Y•��t�, °v��"/!�'2'Cdi��./.1� .V. r� da.GL 6 L�J�'it !�'jk'•, d 'ems t✓ C�i,/s� dlr�'ii14e or ���-; a �,. ,-tea /� �, i 51 •�i� .7s.u=� °°!/ �c, /G�-Ce-cd T���LCQ��?vtG.s�G%/� �%,Q�`�� /�(��G2c21�<<9'�a✓ot��stz.. ���� �Co its ��'ld� �.9.'���C dY>.L '� 1CL1t/✓!'iLG`Jc �G�G� ! CJlst. 4L lL /f(.CC ��i � ASS car" l e / e r c '�s�c c�[ ���! ✓/�,GL�Gyd {vr�L J�J f-D-Gti �iGL R GY�� l yI1� fY//���" '1�y�t/�i." Gv4!2c"f kV. J o 'oi LZa-Co � •�(Y.�C/"6u�� �JY`!'dt'Gtiytcds�- ./.17i �+'�.r , %L�p lid./`r�frl2�d�l:��h+�l�. mx Af- �G�/��O"✓� L?.. /%l�ILJ-G02ti• �!% 'tc/L�Z��G� �dt��l-C-lr_!-Llrok3 �e«- t1e,G4 e.,Y a-& a eo-li, vi dlI C �y / [ ��Rt � '�/,-Gr/L�� Gli%dv` �GGLGL� A�tti d G1i cd �6�a1.Orr vv� c� G -Zdc-Z. c c�%lii 7 PrcO�i �_ - N�-bs.. .- -�!r Gc a• lL�..�,! ,17t c /�..v� �/�i L L'o2el ��C �— ex _; ✓ �' J!'"J ./ ✓ E/i/t a i..- , . i�4.GL�L � Ll ��C%��!'�'�ZGC� KC/ G/� �✓�i' /� ��O i� dam, .J /�./'•/���!%!/��G�Ly����GL�fZtbh/ a/�76!%�r., ,e�'+UI�/f["G(�GCi`/(9'96L4 ��xG«ac f , GIi?�`Nc t vlA�s. � d ,o ��G�l� c vs..v G�Y.G �/9.cud-ltsa c,� !/� ���tc`��s��tc �Zr, , 1��.► I;e6Vp QfG. vh c d Ce7�iil�.s.a1la e/ c�7 L c t-vle q /I t epr.L c LG d �� J S`./��sc �l' ✓!�'a'itZ,r� sss-'. �i1-c �-ld/ /r7 it//TG� � /Gw' , i"=' �' . / �.�1t !i4Y���1 i �i-�1. " /!.- �lr�� ot�- � 4rffAsc�.�f►,T�``—� �i•/'r.✓�//l�t,,/�ty.,�iaC, l�-� c- sv'�s-�ls �s q mod, r1!�"t G'O�i..�J2e :�,11�.�to�d �0 9�c q�tL. iis,c ��� R,✓� +�-ss�,<�ii.0� ®' ��a ��� •��a�..� ,�-� sr �.�, �-ao �1 ot.,���n- 6l�- ram, QcL�,. • emu% ��-��/� `�'�' ,�ao �u�c �i,. .lf-o�c: � �,� 1/& l am. A ' 4 e .W'.- � 4. G /I�azd , Sao ., ��� d Tom` ,��yyv�i a ..� "- G!'i ��La✓ /a�, .QC�� dh GL C c oss-•�/f-- syJ �� /,//�'✓JG � G`/1.'Ls C� GEq�j yLL�iitLGG�.�jj v '7�✓ w eL 'aw, "4-,aeea ekov le, z 't 7,c e'l',l ZZ" 24, Ve' W; -1 ovez Iled, Ile- Oeoz?,asoo,le- tot, o f ��� �-�lA'� �� �'� ��� � ✓. �<// � .ems `'/�� Bo'?% s,l�/>"i-'jc. lil+� 7,L lLN i d��' � G'fw� a/��t+,Ai' � { �" •ZGftat %s`, cY ilyt! c- G'�ce e"ei a�z a AI, /Zli/q, Q/hi'vImGG:� � /lam PT��. �" �✓2r�f� I� • � � ,� ,/�rr.G/.�e�> Al: 000 p 4�4� eeev OSX4& AI. • . _:. �'`. -.� � .` Ibi`f�ti�„� -; N �A�Fs-yi zc,` !.%�'t.�- ,`/Jyr, _ . �- IS1f- �- •s; AR 77-1 e:Ia�Ii�s � t. _j��� ^�i//�h �i�O�7Cn�-�.,f',s,p• � �r� � " 2 a 7ee,4s j p A�Ci, Ril+• � •I�rGGs-G�l�i-ti/�y /�2 Ge C/d. G O/�.G,7-D yvfit G �6Lo d !'iliZt�lisv�7G. l�OW.o �%ji►.L- co-yt.✓yi.. �.� ?�.- �I-Gf s-zv �c• _ _ �� � '4�!/it�G ^ic ,s.� c. LLi,. !?i' 20' L�!/1���Gc�L_C-��T2i��CL�✓�i�iC `+�/fL-L-G� G/!ti/'�� •fir i�t GLG Cl?+c/iZa, o �I� �.Ltsli!-s riles/-sc� /I GDGZc 1 G6G �t.0 �1 �L l�j�, W ��`1��. • ��� f ®. e � � �R.4 !/YG•Ys-s e � �G� 7/'G` Gtti lam. �%� ��Z�%���fp,�s GDvlc •7GGl LE .�SG�i: �i./'!ti � R'i''G �- �lia,��Ar'�~srs.. `Tz i/� G�1 ti� � =/.i� --t+-- �� /� .�N•c G�t-t� ?�•�.. . •r' Zi, 'Qp/Li�. �cG �..... �� Ld '/.�%/�!•K91'G%� �I-z�Ot Gl• Q4 !i!'?�-�iLts G<tiQ' /' � /i g <t-� ����llyl"lr,c w� - ciy�. ,► Co .�� �'lGG1G c✓�O. 6 �y���i� `. ve A A aEt � e, 2"A 17 -le4C Ile 40 �G� n �Av✓''L -� .�/Lt L/L i/�//laG-i- %1 C C </%-�G�t GC . � �Qc GL/ �G �i to � �i��lLrl. �.l<•G' - ¢ //'' � ;•� �,�- ��. 1 �� s�o ,ems. • .�i y 7,1 �-,A • -0 ,ice K�i.0 . ssv �'6o n - r e� �d�a �•-oL ot?:Llse�C� OG� `�l �.� ' ,� c�-c�..t: � a, ..?fiir� �__ih� �� k ,�x�, • �"-mow � c . tee A"vf I !r pi1r.0 lea. o �._Gs i mow /7,40 �.e of -CLce -04C �.. . �.,t��� � %2�i/�-z-r�.�� �o lv��•� �c,,,�as,.- -,�trcacri� �r, a .ice �-/Io' 4c� •,�:, _.-:11 � �--�-A�-G+G /��/ vs•�--siv- �a-siT.�i� !i/f�.,G�-C ifssu.7's-�..y . /.l �v �a6GcG�- Y1�i�.,s�� 8+� • rcA'�i..q:a.. Ltr�at G. g��iszai�cC `� a F 40 02�1 ce tom` ✓'fZ 1f�%� (J; /S`'� l%,�%��2Z ., YfA�G1�JZc L1i� ;CIO%. �tA ,r�, C!-/C"G, l ic. !� �� �°�i+.�%Za.�(�!• lie. % C �lll eG7e Zi' 1.��,GC-lLu de- cJ2e rler /e �t.�� ��O�rit�c-L !1-AG �or,ss t q! o p ✓�� � i/�.- �-r�- q /� t�L �emot, d �.co �-r�ct,��� �v�,� s ��r� !o Gy Cam/"*�i�. �U� Vl�y�. ✓7 C A�GI �/li Gdc i/� G� LI�J/ y�y t- Ly-ila. �j•Q7/ iaOiicLi 4.-IV-4" 7v � � aG��oe L�U1r..,ys-�AAi�YIC= G�I�-c�Rtq�LoG. /L�l,i �+e27F�sFQ ; � � wed• �. %aft: GLy�.�i,.4. /e/� d� ' � O CL? G -tGLI �G✓ �'!� G ZL �U`�L4 �/'LiGGi d � � Ctt Qc . Ylet Ak *",-Ae AGe '"(p,�1 ���-,. ,i wcz:� Gal �Li-c.� • L`�L C' /�, , �� Cas��sr err-1�� Jv' ,00v7" �CLzvca �-� L./%/- c /cL � L1t- ,O-fii.?rGj!L�� ii .�GI.[�Qr�Q G'tt� %ha,•M --44 eye" 6LGL � / 62 `l2G ilzr 2atc�c� 6h ,/L, Oit a O T�Lc- Ox� c �z4+= jt R.Y1� AZ�dliYd.`sr�. .v Lz-fie ccc �f� dam , v� Atv G, ` Lco�GL2�v �w cae W as-n._ orstiv � /QiuLzi..�vt� pp %� ,/i1i►' �!l./-�•ti a �t�- it' T�i` �, .[ v/zc•'.6'�`1�►Yf..�10°'� �/A��/6L?�t, �I!!Z!f!/Yt- l�s�Gl��G1��/��.f//l/�tJ,7Q GJL' ./�: ��/9"9/ l�l i'!�• /%t _. !1 S ep"Ar C �/!!'.� ,LAC %' !- s� • �tAlG!' 'r !/!i c r H. � `�a��o9 d%, `vly�-l0 �.- �',O`1�� / 6 A ?r JOY .i G,ly ,�i.i��es.7/ �/ .�C e Avh -Til2v /J-cOfis✓1 ��'Gi � � �� u !Ayer oe r f ����_G�I✓� H%r�R.s G'vh .tom! �CCir A o "a i,41 446, A��... G�dk cLvtz s.R AW- 7. IkD.-e < �.s�.to. Al lee4 c,d /C V zL ��lic `' s7-lc /jam / i s t� pA -s s�t� -t ✓� C %/� i � {�-� v �!/�"h /��1�'�e t,� ��fi-� Gl�ti+-��.��Ii1� lAv A�afvri!✓..�-�Z��Ll � L��u/i2%u✓./1 �eC /A Y/,O �L !il zoo 4 /Jri AF A, Paz 4ii� � ��-Jz..f.�i�G Ysv ���1s�L IR�.P�I���-//���• '--��� C��J. .d _ ��� �TiB.c.-//il�y/�c! dsrrs,. n-� - M. ` m t�r'r nr ;..,y.�. '" '• ' ^'ate � �;� � a '��%,�l 9if�C a�liZ1 i�Ji N✓ ✓�/ 1 2� 14A, FA �h.� �� .ram. • �1 c t �z /r <� . _%fu %l� G�/f� />. cJ , / }���ly��.°!�l�—.�G_J� A• v� 7pak� /LSw, �iy /L�ci �G/s�.. y T� � Lildr//�'� L .,,rr•rc.�-�. . yr✓r e%t#��l� �-4 q«G _ he /CAPoil,/-sa vrt, / �^r rlc� ���l�y i c.✓, ! ���Z/..liflrL.lC�llh.^.. �� • Y�L6�CG'C't1 -- ✓�f �- �-i.-u ice:.. � � �o-a-Z d s�� �+/�� ssu,.�,%Q�ti" � �/: ✓ li; a�',liLi � :. 5�'�A�ct�sa�. l�s., 1.�- ca/ +r�.r - ��/ ee6 0 It /e�rin��d..-i�aCl t�/�j-s-�. `� t��i.� �i�s„q c�-Ps�j��. •�jO e,�''=a� e3 �. d /�� !1r7�ice�i . � d �i-?�G e7� , 6trU•s !.[ �+✓f %xL3�i Pissfi T�Tvd ��° alA'u2k a sv.' ��s, �-f-� Gad "r•,O ft o;iw ems. . . , .. - .��' a/�.�a ���� .ilia'' ✓,�Q, .�.._ � //e. a✓c �c vt �[ _ sh" lrx, e . t.G. /�a.- 'Z�fs t� c at'L /t�f r r /Ka, /fit ` � At LZ Zl, HZGPH`G✓s.. , ��R,l" ; i�� l2rJ .:sf t L✓-L lc !!. lc � �►- .mod LY� �� Ol'd/-V, 15; s i Gv Inc/ AS epw,�il LZ 2s G,c I�li� ._dcCll.e�is.._,., �o G.I�-��-- — #7�f �� J�� �iQ yr✓yc iis� � �i1�'-r<L� /F A-�+U (.yI a.I��itr /�IGri . �ivla O L !I/rGt k' l� i1c L' A944t bJ-44-&l 4014�/t l / ,.�� �����r�l c..rar.-� a� GL �v�� �,✓�"/uf`o�.��J /�pll�l u..r �j�ir 50,51 :.7c.e��su..1.�1� �ppf?i_L �I. 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LLs. cr �ei.r��' f,Rssa_ 4i�rh�a� ate AAWcc"w,r, �IG4�1v1-GY �O CCU-ltr �2Q,1t�l_-2 (�t�_d �l/T,�ii �I"h �ss Gt'.�s� rp✓Ya� e _ 2 06j' c e e�/. -e.� �vr. �d A da' a�iJ , "e,- yi-r�,�! a.Pe s-tv s !� �i�t�,. �vtu.9 •Lt,C� awl -C,o �o.cd Ei1 d e;��.cv-.✓ !ti-a,v a.-�S � ci a«�2 a�-� /iw 7/LN' a "_qv~ fi e,," W e-.,, `� V � � i i� ter, e�s�., • � ��� �...,.,, /h e �-�� /ti � < o �C /t a�� ��-,tu)p/� .07,eC lLc, CLc.•�i �,� (/¢t.�- C�s�,�rs./r/ `j Aa Gc q2 2r,�i Qn `ems/ 9 �/ � may-- ® 44 GVGLLG� 14", ifl�Lc%,�Tc a a. �rGG �ii�, 7�gi Gtc �� !a at WAA ,oa,-�q- r i� ova/% hie lisp !L ��� �r.e-� ��az,. ���--� ec-P� ✓Jlc� �j�oy.-�.� ..gyp a-e�iti,�„ �l�tsr✓ eyK- Ode / �� ez.i �i,, 2 2 c o t.,..,-,;D4. / /f frLC..�u..y...s.✓'.��i•s•� !/`Y�.tJaC .�v � � �o f �r-ezv �r.c�%�_ � �� C/l�� �ry f ,p2sha�, /ham �n, rz�.✓��-a�tc�.-.�/ tX �%ii /hz..0 •GLI4v Off— L'lti � Q�L✓ �/ P P.-c�'` C_.I lt�ss elz .. nllt�+�4`tr fi�.eSF '�l ` /�'�"" �r a��c#►.- �'2� LGp Gse/!" � vw • CL` �P�+f2.E�' dv' sr .ado_ he 46-01"Iia Alj ie AA*w - a L�s�� ���lu A�i"ir.�,� s,►�to c�.k�i�iLk�.� t��Z'G Ctl��.�� • 6J Cite d7,. �h oe•� �7/ trE�I�ts� !� w OC//-++� 61i�1 Q Gc�'K� 2, Gt.�.,�•-�A�Jnm � �-G l(,t/.•� c'�itc� � �0�. Q �% �� � V� /llz4�� IBC- a�!�•r.�lel�,Ct�s�.� �/� �%��liCl.�s�.d.�-a/ �Di-t��� /%� � �D�k.�rrk �� sr✓-/i�(/,�t:.,. `to �ucod,..eP �G�L�-c� �a,� t<, .CO e.s�,.,..u2i�etJ /� %�� fir- a�r-si«,�� � e1G�.t�ti �EAi.•s.�o..e�. +• e3.i �n�%L°lo/lo, �.1.�,,,,,,,o�, //���, LG�G� o`9lr��/Llts,�.,�.ie..��, Ale �e/G�i �jC �%��� �sr� �i,.lw�i�.� e�e•-e�•�i A -it/ QZait�:,..euw.. �o-�Gi-�� �� k,W6 eY A-w4 �CGSIIx -ISO, �� z4;wj�t /o lei elc,;w G'dc�. v rt v iio /Lx, (�����IUiLl►�tln/ (/(iI<<rT Iq�'I C��YGLLt[�� �7L �4f� �I[yi�d�'ss-Yrn.Nf ce- !�-� %�ii. sQ� (�. � 4p�ir '' :_ ���' ��f%d��p ��"�W �i'L/•�'1�A.4 ,l�/ -�ll: c� �JIL �lI!/ � i � Aiy �Q � • ham/ . , ///i .• A ail"I'v, Icy lCl /+ l Q A4 et4, X:,,Ot al- -'r/o, l ` 4V,,, 4i ,t o-&.-4. / ✓,emu e.s s .O r lls,. &o-V tf� Ad e-'7e4 96�Ij- 9 9 // Li e,�, 144 .40 lz a w 1f/ �Z-le ��J'i� `✓ �C/!�C/ � �-fh� }C/�1GGn Q, /`i Q�y- �GC1��D, /� tlt- �• o�v , �L2 E J e-s�.t � R. �r-lam I- - 'Jll /./t Ls asr,lL � /t. <rr �.G �/�`eL•/J/Gal�iLCs,. ��1/�rs. Cu ! f'el��l� i.�illi.owy ; �� � �.�/. /1 D C2.�IG-tea i/ eCv !•Ii D�J Cl�o-w t•--�y0 _ /l . •fl U1 �t !+ C! ,wit Q Ct �� ///I/ L[ f'Cu v ?Cs�l+ Oav &GC.Gael s�At,a�4 n �¢s �z e,�� 2Qi ,�su.�, G?.t,, u.� Cor,.�rl�i,..t,9 G�+. �(e . a...� ��✓ C��e*-�i�u�� �ue � �'Z�, �iL�,e[/ h -��a ealy .� vGGo�A•�t��r.,�s: �.,. A;, "al LeoAl .✓ ✓cup e.n l ;1` ir) ",izev t s„ e. C��, �--/lam. �� , �..• Ls� � �. �. ��ti �, . •� ��, � �. � ����_� i,�� �`L ����' �L��..� ram; �,:,rt�•a- �j(L •. �QI't rc !ry L %f� LsvZli t/%L 17 ,�Tuc 1j k,7 w �L�oi ih y 9 ®Is- I�i' •- �Qt gt�x�firur t.Lihl� /iLft02- �O/'so•rsr� � G7Y+ ill �. t 0 /i[wG G!fly�V[?NPl��t ,' �t�•1.LfOC-s•s�,t�.1 ,6`)/`/%/O-��'7^� Lv�PL1,,/ /��� /� �/l7L �/+"a-�' lAel Am-o1/ ezl Lip ,�a.�ti, � wi,,a.�e�,�•a�,, �a,� ems. � o �,�,, �� � �� z /a�l.F!PA�fI �iL I�r,. i �LI Tt/! �Y+/ /in s.. / �!�/t . »e u✓ / Cv�liJ h.�LI.N .. _ eve- 61& 04", 14, 4�-�a.,r, ID - �' AC, 4ee 2v i sv _ fC/itslY� . s�c.v •l 71/' !J"f Qe-r /-�, %If�irvrw� Luu�•.�s.�i /'!i. i�a�.J'�i`ai Lo A!-CL.e-+�.t� f�- d 11 z�rc ., ¢ o� O Ah�� . G� / �- Q ,�¢I�JGI ✓ Al a �G.�i/ (pe s„�►... da+v a ie s .0 a,,.L/44'.161 ?U , ate , 44415k .� c► AqAa •r..* a.4 ass+. AV /eZ~ �r:�;4k- i, y„fL CA�G7lfirr dw t%!/�, orr CL�c %f �%G AH. czr,st/ W ~4*%� /,DD vGC�.6.csvv a� /h� �R�thra``ylD7i,�ui e5 Ap op Cry �,.�✓ �o� a�� 11va�d., � �., a�s.s,�:TQ'a s�'�,s-�d.�,y�;..2� . I.-Ad �a. i�J��Gr U �r�s�G a� .L c�u -- o r.��ems:� �/ l+r�w tw �sv s�t���� ems✓ 0�T Q/�xwdw fit: pale - �D - i..s„�- . ts� ►�..C�'s�C�_aiv/� /hu4 itNd 6�r ilw 7 Pst,� �f CIGIt� �leA4,/ /" /dlr 1��' � r'.ecsj,,dutstG���� oD,►.e[a.ti,► e�.L � �..►;�.� .w� AP Y ✓t�.iea rw Ja.� 440. 0 A4 Aw*W s Ao,.1� i1f'� i�cv C ' �o C. e. r s. ' ai '' `�` ~ AO:y w l� OGLh Ge..C� /haC/J LI✓ .. Q41 Ole •O.db-bs,..7-a+-6x� ),�`?.GO a. , vA7tL'-�j� /hi, 4,+✓JJ� 1�DGt.�.� !/! ��t,it� �hD�j �LQe- ee,A�� G�_�i etc, rs-r,./,�o-a.z��� r�iGf��`-~ifv '/•'�L�r�An� e�.� !%G GZ.c...-s+'�_ fit. Gtra�.�rr-era �- � DLk-� " to tL/�%7raJI+ GL4E//�BB+ "z � i fries d.:G A7E mot, s gum ,e cxte� �o ltiwGt�G a, �i� Q� cea /w A� a o,; (QtizE C fG gfiLrn ���2% oz LSE G�9 zoo . i � 4� a �9 4 :/4 <fh�0- � /� - ��a�.AG as o i?�a-� �n y„ �w j 1,64 le aPn 0.lr n, Q [ o /e% �` �iti •%iLvt ctD U� ,%` �L� + a �-7-� OTC �IJQ`7� ��� Gfi-�t.4 �t-�CfvR�� �►'��+✓ "iwT.�rtir •G�-�i;e:�/ aax 46 ;Y r -��'ac�,,,a�►✓ 1�e�o-.� �� lti-,�,o _ ate- j�.2a���r 9 - ..:, c1 �, �o �� a, Ko due �-- �✓, • � s�-, oc t0r tyl ZsAco, e.Z a, a •Q�au� G�r� � ter/ , a.e��ccv ��-��`-'� �� i ea441 �G �� /t/LGC/. � / 1���:GG1G (�` �rl-�ZGQ/ I-G-A -✓ 2C Q � � a�I�v O Lvni ,�v y ,2r.([P�n�rrv, /yn �,�,tu� -1 c n✓ U'> rc o .lf�iG�i�� Gen 4 y/c/�C`�i ��j�G�G •�7��%%1/t�yl L� �sv • d cri Ct�x�• � 2 :�. ss-vq +Z/ �iLJJ. C41� � (�v"pIs'✓� . LL! QO i/1,L�p /n�. },—Q �� / l t.� ��A- � �l�t/ Plug GL� lL-t�� �' ifi � - �frti►� �� s ,�le-Y,,. GUD G� C1�:.e a.�e /�A.�/�� Gf.-�.e.� C%,►.o�.,�;�J�74�,r�, deO�lj �5 1L �YX �Qi t�i�L 6GG�4/pih Q Q-�O�/ Cf�YwiJ �nlW-Q'h <i�fi_ i'/�': ,ems . -���', i t� lrs�vt L�i-�Gu.aUp ��e � Gi �o.�.-iY►� ,..,.: ° •�..knG �" N �� `G h ors - �-.►..sr. �.�. h�i �•�^"'` ,s� • 'Tt L; �,yiz 0-�v lot/ 4v a a d-a, vu e .G emu. a& eF., �GI�-sVi �ucrfir.c _� , a�� �+- ;�yu �c� w A�►-� r�f�i.� C� . C..Y 2C�.Lc.��.�- �iP.l ` . �l �hr.��iy 'AG �La.c� %� fssr�✓ �Gw o� i� �%/D Dew Gt, Ica �✓� - 6rii �p , � �s.-.r�/- . X2- j� CIGO24rrel�i✓ /�O-GCO-�jtlj QLjt-�r� D Gw G'�,t-r, C�' ita�-y `/�e � e�.� LL eii / t Z—tz' p oG, D�etdAI !/�. Gw zZ Q, e-.Gh-.fie. Vn �t�r�.sti ��Ga.fv .Lfi---GcD Gz �C�.�d� Gt.i�� -(Os/irmvG2Ii.� ur�,c�ilLr� '• � �•.' i �1'i�rh �G1`l.Vi /%A. !L �1i Q�slLt��9 .� ��fi�4sr Nk od WAv4 A/, . `�%" � . ��-'X� �Lr✓ �i R.s� ��l oCJ�-rit.LJ r �1.�/d` .�N.. !fit �,� tea., -'/ �.Fts......,.f.�.�:�ns.,�� ew�'' - �•t� _ .��. w. � .. �y,,cc /�.e,.:J%L ax-/�e.,�—h�, si.►�' �i - v �acc.e�i%�'1 r 224, rr4-JP%,O( "4, 4-vJ*. 30 O et 1004O4 1, �,L..#� a e lv at✓ hil"12, ;, /eg'l" ate✓, 2. y't,."s- r0 i1�v�%r�,v/JaL %��i Own✓ e�,yi���6 Gv��� .�ae ��.���-cam �ett�e./ aAd �-Wa4 v`hr ,�.o�w e�Q��r,-�a.,•r ✓��l �. > . ,r C�t��.ce,� �f�o��-���. X 7t,�.. 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Q.a.�GY, GL•�-le-�v_ G���7� EY �i�! n. �..,� /%7 1 r es• tss: o't� f / le or_- xl-oz,�� &tur l 7 v A® L1G p r% 1 �4'1'Y1�3-h--GGC.E.L• f..-e� � e� �t�CL,�,,Giw � � - Q�h.etst-f- ea- !� Gti-ud �n.a-s dj lleaf- _,, DDC� moo' t�/� 4' 4 17a¢.j� sLtc �f a,i �h,ay ov Q_e ti,.ta Zell,"�r��` �« G�� ate•✓ ih �LGLn�- a.�a/ �uv G� .. s�a� - �.i /fze. • /,ts�#�.r. Gt�/J �a �wvccotdLa7r✓i xe /i - .�le� O.-n/. lL�-�ee -ri -��� �..-� ass-✓O%Za Ik-Cc-y �ic�--.lit-c� . ���4-1 UiB O`� ✓ � �i'� l'71.1 I��=// � a �IjY '� O lssaiL �C/O��i/rs9ilXx-(!e 0 4�tf ..� GGc+-'� �s,,�s.-r �..9;o u.�✓�` Ii 2ei pyC-Qhe�//���4'to,0'�- Q�e't�t' r...�o� D°2r 124,1� Q,eawl�asr.r Ole G.'HYLfiP/ O i!/ vC/K:df�� 'VA, Q�tpc�} - /ram a ii►rraiv Bs �/CG D �1 Iy, e-,,c/ Cs�/4� 6, �t�ri Lfi fllD l�C~E � GL�/w 41C . hW a- �, ✓ Ja ; o Z� A*f - 41-0- st/ .Ae;(, c �Zv iry,,q ar,C�, �/!r . �Gti xLl �1G e- e•�r� ,_ % a<< 41 Get, fir. , fi 14- o- xD t/1/ C t (ry✓/lam /�.�h+'V e r G Cr' �c� is ��`.cr.9�✓ �Gr- w,e � t" �-.�,''. � �4 � . Ile—__ �(�LpGPis✓ �GR-Iist✓ �0�4Z[��t/ �!'c-t /ii q'!i✓ e- � /� � / t_,1 �� t -!l (!l �i �1 t P -W - `Nj' PLC In-�I.- �,�y(�" t (�o�� s9vtr�t//O r � rat ✓d�7�iriOs�i%cu'�ilc 1./ /l ��//?ham Q�CI.��/��'�fd LL /q�.L�y,i G�(..9 Gt' ®h/ /h.t/�'/y✓Q.�✓✓ o �Cy�J✓,/� i%h�df�oeyv e- _ c�C-Gcz.�e%zlr+.tLs,+/�/ �O'P"l� �. �`L�r�+�i i��f�%yi;; = P��w� � n- -ems a..�p.�.� lr�z►o a �;,. � fir`" _ ih "t,-' Oi.a4(1 Weer✓ au �if rhf� %hQ.r�v.. D �"l�.Q�� /�1�°, �/c�J Gt.�L�ilt% i✓�.O �O�rv»- a�`p d l �' /c ,�?��.4/: �L,� s�//%-- � JLlyd %jl/L/.sd'L� � �ilfE �%ccr _ = Gt�iL l�ii/ !� .GJ • vI" .. �Q.�'..,�Q..�._9 Lcd ,ad 0 -t.0,11.�,.� %'t �(A C l �/a td /loI 640% ✓�t.[i _�j�S7nlyi c�J/iU ����p¢l(n. %_ �Q -�� iyQ.Pli �?�eZ_ G� 7 " Q�IAiJ �?^✓ c/ aLG� !h �QiLU� GGl�1LQ_ d GGu�c�rP� vi�� G7-� o7Y�i .�po jyyrn.�lfiL �n✓�'' .. �� .� , We�/ N ;,� ��'` ��� �? � •� f��� ✓4. m�,.�.--ate ,4s Af- u.1.�sw uv, &4e-1 N � P— .A��-{�� t4l[ Oh, A C G�QcJ r��i¢f. � � l7✓ J� BOA/����(/�%1 a�/l/ /r L' /7�e/ =&WiLO, //L� CLyL�Lta�LsivGn�� Ulfi D. �.•-�/Grin- � .� i�4�iiv�G' Cr/yLGyr� � �Tia� ��t..f!/ � �•Os�v. GeI/_ A/ (/(i0 ��m/� ABC✓ e �-«ir��ry a,�/ � r��tr � � �/� lG�e, - ova/ j�'e7/_`'dlt.Ertal.,� ;�' +��,,-COI�Gt�ti•f— 6Zsc.� /Lls.� t� tvs�-o�1t.c._� 00 lLir. � a.�Lsa,� p� �.�l�vivGGs+/ v /r/d �<Gy �h� o/e e. 04� �Q •/ cc� �at,,, n,. �-l�Lct�'- fib/... Gai%t2 � lQt��. �6c.-� s.L t. f-J�r 9� �-n ffi� �'a ,�. v.,• �a c co P �� `.:- �.Q.�.d 4!_ �% �. Leta. � //tL-' I �7. lit./ R.ft�.-t-O !i�/ t - O �+'���'✓ 1 41 CI"4,4 Gu �i:s e,.e c��►M ,�tl.a O,i /�v �Gr C'�"9 } R ev� cc-s 9 -+ p0 4,z �lL C�i Lvt9 i 14/�s�, [/t�isvtt r�1�✓�/t._�% �l �,L Lo�irt� C ^.&J'LO 4FOV /"'yi'r✓ �f/G� �O-(�C-l1/�/J �/yti�dv ?s�.a-st.lilTisa.,, uu-I� e•rd.�CLa-.�+Q.G�s�.9 a�� c� T � �` �� .r • xti� � ;,, „yam' _ � o►.. d c �s►s�..f�cv flc� a u.�i Qr� �c�'.eo� /-a�,, .�i�._/�x�".•t!i'.�r:._i:� t p /yam d`%i tLr, ftice� • � it�2 0 Gs��iC� rP/ 02�s-rie. err /h/ /7�/�L � /��L ��� �D. • � R� = Ja1412, a.tee 01 !y a r�'iX •/hs-u e.�i/ ,vt r�n �e . l /! LL/Ot l O •Lf/Lr/'✓L �`\ • . CIA( V rt-- l'yY/9i if%Y � �G'�.o cif.'✓/ �I v�4�t�� :/�ji� %l� U%y 4v`t✓ �, .Gt/�-O' C/Cx iU/I s rvez-r/ ��6Z/,r'lZrGis� / /1%i � . /�1�11?1.Q.rLit/�; ..: i" �f• I-1 ,. ` Rrs-ic. /4-�.'- AV. / i�Od`iY�/1'rr C!/ �i✓ �� .�(/L �L' � �t/'"LLB c-O It//YiY L2 Gr�Al F�✓,� i j��IO-/L Q-14.:/ ,/ lid �rYGGyvJ • . /��''�-G.6�1�LJ'n,Lr✓ Q Lars-I-t/ �i i2- i'y'[.-� i'iL R- �dL �G�%'✓+/ h2'r�l t� � R��� rr�T? �o �'1�irLatd steer. ��2rr-�at�-�v C o `•� //'-,�� �J2 �3n� � ri�iist.D . � !? i��':�fet.-YYOt/a'ri[/ �-d»✓ // (/Gt%r.N P/ �- a Sri tOo fjG A"- dLC�202�L8 s�.�� C �//`l� � 114,111,c�Tp LCGLap �di� --Ae, �llisr.G- �&Itetx �1•v /h'LD �jLOir�/ (l ' � �� r2l�Gc.e-� `h 616 /yL E�✓ Lf c.f 4r�.lLyito G! .-LvC j ,G.v e1w At a,d rrh4/ :�� z�iGrr •2 .�! a-�-�y• o�_ 1 Cad l�ie�.� men! 1a,/to..✓�L� �a.�y�h-`�a� Q-t.�ez./c9-, ��_`� ����-a�; G�ioty -LOB o c� �/ 6r� �y i arc A e r -It-I lip✓ er, 0_ c /4&,edAZA(- 1!�j Al a1A V & /(/,/ Itz— � LCPifkll-� o� �`�e�'�� �f �lL , lv o � >� l-�t/ VG4 tyir,� i t. c/ /ri�0•��G r o '-'� - /1jt !! 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I�YLt.e�f✓' ljJr/ l�� C /f D ti/ �1, 1J4 �Qc i� /�0�+/ �N�/ ��/. ,7,v t� I /47- ��y9/I �/OLA.�r�ati! �/ish, �,� %C �� pia/ �/� 2." s f�YLEst GCGG�i d`k! �'� CLa/� 0/ 44ze a <IlorGr,I% �`_ e-v I s� C�tr Z' G�-f[ a SLY tid 11. ��� o ae,---.Q sv ,fly ez .lz." ply ?� ce fr/l fie 410kZ et/ /Z .?� s� -&' j / a,-�L2v�/ Iyt� r�Q�rn✓ G+�e�cl1 r/V/ . i(!/�yyi�rr+,G!`f��J eG► /LO ,Gt Gif/ Alt o,cn� �d Lse.4� u eat / - 4WIWI ?or��ir,Lu o Gh Q � �v lv /tG�GGG �1/on e1i. -4ee < 12'ce,"r.Q[.? � .lam �f lL.� 4t 0 We �K. Pent*. 44V' �.y eJi�G-G Qi1ly'r!y f�iCu. 2�k-�.r.� CA�) ewoL-/ j am dJ, 7� A!-lr /rn. Lt.��lsr�j �! l ..2c✓ !1v �s�i �iiic.GVJ � �� �p2e.d% a%� p ® Q 4 Aldd ;/ A4 lr�e�mi 1 G� n �� �o ' • � ��e���l �Lc�;; e �fl'"'''���r���� :may - !/li A- C, /AC e/As - OV/ui G&o �41v� A�Ilew-d 14, & 4e-� y ��r OO C�..vn�R,x/9/ji,Gl�tu�fr 9j /iZ2f �.P����o,w� G���2 � �r��c. � �o �l�i//�c.�1 l��r'�r/ /��/Ca � c�✓�;i: �C lOe"fi e dA1 C �o t va �J �Osv Q �Losu�+v� Via` -®'Ve.�_ A, 44- 6' , L'J�P-v �sltsi��t-•,G 7iL ��Jt�v �{*�/.•;1�� a..� �,v e�= �'y/.L�10 �/G�•,e� �G oT/ (/iJa �� 2U-� (./�G+�liii,�G�r/.c/a�iiO�Rii/ J!�/dfi � j c7%%L,:• %LG�i i3fi�iliR/ . l /1�lLfGes�'�`JGGLLi�Jjtsip�J,_3 �f- �QQ� -/`� I��fim/ ��,���/% � I��.�.G��-� l•LC�:e������ 6Ls-..oL. d"adl/ ��a�/U cis/rtpjGti'dvG��P�2 !J►� i0Qi!Q-d/ r J� Ile . oO_ ! %ham �m a.�� �� 1��. air✓ c�it�+�t,f� . 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SY7- fib+. Giffin. tc/� /lG- . ltiC CuJGw xlaC uJ ur /c/ � G- Q. � � �a Lts. C2 c�-1, ��n✓, 9c s t "-�"e-4��. /�a.�".� /eo- �Lr ��i/ �J•e�/ � // �Jc�i� / ' 1S✓ec�.n cam t/7U. roso".e"z. ,*,"�jZt,[OGrr.� A//G ��Gs-r l.+� !/�f � 2s.. � ./Y�ui ,��lyird ��GL� GJ✓�- � v ����r�J !^Qrr/.� //G(G,Le�J� �iQi /CF �a.0e.> G9QQ sir/ /ll� 'AA'/� ns I "te 'Z�h� G • I� /O /%Lll�tr� /e"o I �fl/ C'S� iti> / Ge � Q.iCI�lLrsu au P 2 opt dJ�t�n�/ /7w 4,r, /%ce�isvA e 1 i �vo �t-.- do cr%P�Gt s�sr/ '/t' Cli� y C,7 i (O4lliavG4?O Q-gPput�svA T � O ll 1, �; ��� ut�-�„� �Z�ivei� C� o s �, �t �h s�f/i Lu•-d .. /L ,z_)e q LaGrz� ,plc lc"B O.cc e-J / p �L2�1.l,Lrri/ 0��9� O�i��, Y�1L-Lri � �sv �� �•e� �i d!!/ - e'1E�e/�.c.� LOB,✓ �%.��-tv cox,�r-eatia:/coav e�7� ,�u,�Ge./�� � `� e��: �J��� . awl �ati� �,�. Oa.•� �cGy. �i� �= //i%iF� "�/L law 4'/if?srl7/r OZt� Z!t/ ioLt� rr/ Ap0, h�h2on�LtpD ,0• GA �� e e" / // �j At usa 77� �-�v �!i lLt a �a:�s�.v e�C / i (/U/ Et;4#,v4- d+t. to,= %Ce- C1z�r�G Gni 40. :%C t.�rl�j _ .. �� � ey �� ��tzr/ a.�e �.-� ev�-h. ten/ • en 0 A ate' AMrCe�i� �ll.�!%resv �`'�fm �pQ�. s�► Q�,r�.8��.' �cr� T��� e��v�c..c�i �i-wp, a.�a� . e 8, _rzcc� Qt P , /iz�./q� OV r/I7ayar /• wed -41-1 e, ie e J/Gejot- ® 4401tll",� C� Xill CTi•e4u/ G ��urG,�:s�� % lr. a��'�,pw ���G�� c u.�. w a���i�.a-u..� � �;k�`c� /moo, lLt r D Q u�l -�oo ,m.4.i1e� Giie o.�av _ �ou.T,��sppG _eo.ae./�a��p•' L�La� //L�scu-> v ./itc.�i{.Gr�<. +�it�� �i sv dh.0 iFi ea; -h !9� 1�/� a�icty�-.Gi o� �n.�"ss�v Q.ed�.�ari �m-v ssr's�':•: e,4 �G�a,� � c�,�,2s,,do e��ia�.civ �� C%L-./ �-o�i �on✓ ��o�/� GpplsZVI J 0 6U Z ; GQ ed s ti / �c�c .� �i [ QUA.: �Grfcfcs �sJe-moo �2�r "ode A Laavv/ lLn. t-�sq, G•QU Clt��-�lGiw� � /%A�i�i�c_oj' ��� ✓��??.,a �o.r� ,� �� B • ,. O �D,rti,(�✓ G1�i.G'GGtr� �� ���� C�� �'.�, t"� � o��e �'s� Ab v OAS 4 - " K ..F ,004 T ��r��t� /Ti,Ar��� � /J�I�iT c�"s�; /� .+G�r��r �����..�/l�i�►.y...�Lie,SZ Q'.1�= GLi �►�. l.�j �e��'�.�.�; Gl-e�A. �G/.t� Ja.,a ��/o4r�iQ.��-4ii �'�� Oo �r�( a,_ �Q��ysv_ /.G�ri1h//7C2 G TZ ep- Gft,,O' iJC!i-Alee,1�A� w ��lfcli �%t-�tGri loC1�v /iTJCo aZ1,AiGr�!/OO, tifi /4'O?��/ a _ �h the O1rss+r�l� G�. J�i•si/yhe�.p - �w�JY/- .�/'!sl��iht(�j �' 6d dx� %/Gv_a✓d�%'Qi �-�/ ���'/• ®f�/l�G2n i'f'� �//_ Q�� �� 4%fil3l.�.1ri d•GP.�r e-ri //Gr �; /,� D�� /�j J �l e�itAtr41" — do , oo %% °.ate &ea ' .. ._ _ � Y �iKLy wiyyL Bdh.o /�7GLU C,�(/h✓��/IO�Y�i /lhd. Q•iG;� �' .QAfs-..�/ /%Il1v/ ���D //I�Gd`fil�s•�G�s� /c/DGG�cGse��l7l-ce.L� �4 Q s r9tti,T,ds✓ a7r�, %/�,,G' , af-9 aAlwoye ilv� � �/�,, ��G��✓ -�af �Ltcc� rr>i/ '��'i/.e'�c� �iavy,: y a0c�t.19 Oa�a�- l�.itQ9 �0 '/ P/ �dG/GGfv Cl�/ QC�/ T�Q GFGGI./LG! 4 OG�ct Ga s�i ofe0, aua eA.cc:G e a . cad, a*4 c�co av d w ae 'day eO� aL1�@ !v az k" aYo� fk uJ •1� • 7`u'' ���, a-u,�.�i�; a.� a.Ll.�,-,-a. �Gj �7o f7ci' t!/�ivC..� a �✓ % i fib, �LLnry �t fi2v" u C�vo G l.�se 9 liG�iraa Ln dTej 'r�Ria r dam- ls' ell- v b- Ate . y 6' 'Oedo, At T r/ylLuiur a�/o �� Grrfi r c�i 1wG_� iLe cir �..2c ten/ /> �/ Gi /501 ev, ,,,,�/ �E�l1 vP� ��.� ��/G� �Z(.�LLG7�71/ �GL G/ �I/ZO�GCL/�O!"✓. �a� /i��/ �(G�.��R l/ / n ► r(z�(i/�y%✓ � / i�y�dw L � uj ////%/////L�jy��(/)�/� jtJ�/ ere, o/v//✓/"�-.b � q- � Ak klei p�lic� a .�U c'�B i s cp.s✓ -fug U �/ Gtr 4��a�; j �fy `` GG Q/ p rIVB'1 L 4ko" ��- ...... . ....... � U Iwlz l�cal�iaA— 4�f;&l7�"AV aft O�Oi,2"i',vl� ee !- L!n✓ , , osso da /, 6z G.,;�- An' �2d.���9 �� /ft� rots-.y✓ e� � /Grre .�a llQ,rQJ GL+ i .Cte.a X6 B s�� i IDP�Li. $ ll/ /�CLI GIiiL Cei l-��Gev /5iy�,� �, ;4,z,""/ /J,//s��zz� 066 - � �% lQ/• O C �y OG� �%!r_:'.�yG 6.'�u.'.se�r!^e'n�L � fv •y d�iit2v �%v�J ���r) vzv p �'2Gh.t.�! ��C�.9 .� l�i-.ti✓ a�j �� .��LGav �� �Gy� ,iJ `Y�1Lt. ��1/LLui�L'�/CB�GQre/ (/i�/ Gst4 rf �. �Piw C1/��.�?rt-f/�Lr:�l�sYi✓ G2��dl�' �t..i � .�0•�dd�r�uwQ% • . � CYl�.,��G, CfD��e �lcv a✓ lt� �a � Gt%-,�r-a�., (,.Lld �/�'. Pl.-rs��•[r/ �� •'�% I eztl 4-A, �. %/C• Dt/ �Gq�i` ?x �rtir i 2 �i.%BGa rua' �C1i (..�G%YGCGCL� /47/�'1L! l fL�if 0_ C Cam!-� �G E' P sYCt.I'!'� G �G/! !i/rtQ .G• /.% �!/0�7 J /������t : �GU.c�Gs.✓ C ���ll�ri,�lLrr (O�iv � ,�1i ��lLcsi -�Ais' �f1 �D-�J� �Q, 07. Qd9 ��JGr�i>v ✓ �ay Sri ��/ 2s� Z114 Gfi" / c� LPL e hh �,,, t 3 . !,/��tsosL, �Gsr�Q,�_ •9 �� .�> GLsv.� � r � �/�y,% �CLrn,G, 21.��u. Grd� ✓✓11 D � p e—� _ 'R�Glyt,G�y 1�nd�e 9 RD i�Gu�.�l� �1�✓ �is� lti��..G..a� .� C�yO �y�f. ff� GJi'/Gty�!/Gt.��cc�Aii �%GIlC/Jer/ c��,v�►1,.�re-� ,PGl�vr ec� a� �-f�.aumYa�n/ �dce � .g.�0�/_... �Ai/ eo" or �h"i 0%(,i�lv �9 C.jLQ,t •�R�r✓ �OiJ2llGe^��4C211Gi�✓ �/� eowlo. "�ed 'AA � a. ..�i I u' la- � u..� J a./ 04 eJ _, . ; ���:�U. �'✓Oi't.�t.C.t� ��tLli lI � . D l�yir. t _. ✓/Lc_ (.� !//4.tcs� !!t� �sc . C'7z D��v�., / /vLirCat /G�t� �! o� ��'•Ifu C.f.0 G� �1 � �Lt�1s: Q.a lL- � ��%) a.0 !!M��i� %��,1 � LLB 'JYrX� �%12�1��. / t�i/'/ �tlQ.✓.-�../" Alp Ax, �� eel Al „ _I _• V �/1' ry - it Qom.•._ - _ _.�./ fo6� d3 BD Al OoK a 01 Moe !!// a7a. 1�115s i►sa /` L Idz�s: lit.�i Q, z/1 a i 4/ P-0--o- 44619 I_AZ O Mil 4i�a-s-LLs.�•a.��.. ti�ftiwt.l.�- ,�+V• ;/ '.':a 'Ri47 1 - J CAL- 400-14*1..ac.,��,j► �., Yam• . 2 01 • AK T4 Alm." 4 4 vv'. & 64— ;5, Zol l OF xe Ivz. A ..../�' ff '� Lfh� j��a�c. r�,.. f�yt��f,�Q .V LPL-s���a•.ra.�t' � /h�� ...►'' O l Ce 110, ,5 " ✓a. ��,(���.. /ate.. �`.e� ti.- �a.�.. ? L�� �✓. G.�.r.��i��� �`30. ,.� Q� , _ hi. � f .�.....5... ic.a,..�.—.+.--t.�.�--•.a . ti 1r.•+�+-sad ez, ��' �� ��L � � �,.� rz�-�.� � ircu,4.,� �� � w •l Qom. _ ��L C T'! may✓ /fLL Q. �p-%�1407. / l�jfi .X�d� -%hu (�- • /p i � iA�si�.a.aa.,.. G`� .., � o�t,,�./.c�dp�.x•r�� ��c- ta-sf.�-d. ; �� � �i..�.c. i:/F.a, 2�"-s+- 6�J eiL-or'r�.-va-c..�./. ✓�YdLL�_._ Q_r1 C-c.c.:1 C�ti4..�-c.-�:- - � e![� 4L a/,f�. .►a!'- ...:�. �� 11'0� �/ cirjr . i7v.�✓� ��Gtra. GL.c-L�� --- ,cts-as,P�r-•--,� � � �s� �jb.,,v �s'Y /� f/ .� % �- � �r Q.c�-•. ems..-.. Ci .o �.s_- "T Ze �/•/M//JJ'/i•Q•f.I►//{Q�yL (�.P ,% . /(ram/i)+1i .la . �`l?(s.xs. G�ccri0...tq ��L} ta.-.,. y ,c1,n:•, All- �tL i-/ 01 ... .......,.. ...-.-a�.....r-.- - - - / - � � / '%L Qom.•' J� ;�� ^.�.,'Q�';"� ,�,�.•� �,�,�. ems,. a... � u.y. � .f7.. ��YitL.......if • (✓L(,aJ4.e• a`r,/:, . / / CPC � Ci-►+. � C.-G t'71.L l�-ia... / .. �. ....... '.: .. /. /• C.f.�"tt! C-L/c is-,>.i,/L....a •�%Jt P,tyc._�ci� �� Gi.. [s-�c✓ O ' ��j`a sz�� fz o�-�i- �,.. D `�L/u 2�'ts !.r/�c±� .� �.. /�'R. � c Gfx.c A �o�-z-� ,.. «r .. ^{'/"[ E cs.✓" �vts LL ✓� ca ^a/� /�O crs ,� ��/C Gjm Gsa LL/ 41 It Q..- fa o � 7/.� %%®si/) �cr- %c.-,..�5. Ky' �L.�.�a«sc� 1if.���G.J, Gvi�.sr.,. '%Tl�� �Y::..,>� �✓�/3: 60 o _ • AI L CYTGGIti�-CLs. �� i/O j!/Lt L..Aid4•%r� ilas NsLL�t. Lif ��•..s � / /,il DAL!>r V✓�LGOL•(L'[rL. � � Oaa.•.-rs[ !N/. , f . 717 v ` �//I��Q.. tom. P4�wa. �X /.� l/fw/).. Cf..� GkYO>_ �+.�•7 ft. LL r E moo. ��9 Zwb L., al /X4� 1• 4 A° • Do j-d Ad p f. V V O I• v d - fit At AIII& 7:7A p ✓� �a/�ai.-,� _ ��-u, ,C�-�:u .� ate.,...... d ,Gra-z..4 � as. ; f i i� �. O�r�. � �.s.C✓ /•i%7� J, G /Lt�fLcsv!/Zc� . � 1 �s�IY �� 0 GGLdn. 'z �i.�►. a i C� C �+.. rG. y� i4 s�i hn f�'✓ 5.. e4 c a... ir...... �• _ L� EGA-Cs+t'' �J .�r•cs.Y. I�ii �/!a-��c � ,�i GCCP••�s.y VR.^� �C i� ✓! `/ w.i^ "I L /L�FbL/ % ��t�C V `«L, "I�Nr (.t♦. /��.5 ✓0.., �[_l.rlf/K�' �% �./r• Cam., k:�-..•.(, �.�1Le au a� f�;,,7 , ✓o «�. ��� � /� ✓/Zt ae Arl L /"yam ' I %/L 012- ! /li L,`dytLr ✓/[ !k. C qC.. %!i'. / L l , %/4zle4- zG./ell 44 . i L C..r6►- dlf ` . L. .(G( c L /sfL/ w .. h. t. L 44!e-df t - tea! ;J a.. c Azo, dl,41 141, � La..•.✓� �/-r � , //L ss� //[!c-� �"C ila.�ra.cw.•v Cc..a�. ♦A�( JJ � 6-it..tN o �f(// `y�� /�//J ll.L._tr .I.. -. �iY.l..rw�•/". L!%6•%i/"1..�a Ii i Y • I��suK�c //'/ 1 � E-r�- r,. ''�•, �� a.�.e.. �Q.- , _/�.0�5/. �[RR i�T�++ra' .:. w� 1.�..I�F..l". �'r%s.'�fLcx�.�.._ 9..� '.�. Aos '�'Yk•`{R'n.:.,,� .1�..:..: . ._ V I.. /�"�.j•,wn�'.iL f_L.1 +qr � Y. .- w . Y� ♦. x r �� �� Oda. � �. �w✓.,.� 6� Aao & ���Y . 'OG. �� t t+� I �.tJ �KQN hal.a— /Q/J h"Q,. l� ✓ 7r � ��// -4 r 00 W THIN MANN 1M1 AN AN OF JUBU AV 29. Paid The#. Farley, art $500 A It, .. L. Coolish. work 2000 P. JAM Conine, asp J. P. Farley. work *a 11141b. 30 Z. O'Hare, work on-ImAk.. with Sam, 600 Was. 0111oft, 900 A. Calhoun, lavol, 200 C. J. LOW, 6V 400 June 2 A.Vilaii,ftj ":*,00djM* d ISO, 200 C. J. F 0 - 4i&4WbW& salary up to Apr. 25, 146,41 00 R. Dwouss materials for ti p, 530 C. J. Limit, salary us to K :11Wb. 2000 Win. Bmitb, work on 4th 1200 Win. Reach, 200 C. K. Booth, so judge of sloctius 6t IM, Soo A. W. Harrims, clerk - -4 -a 200 C. Collins, hauling mob ON ftb at. 380 41 L. Jacob making Doak and Table for Council room; 2900 " * M. C000k " a Donal" .4 Soo 9 « L P. Luck, work on M St. as per oostro"I - 2500 % 12 M. Bilks 11 an food at lower sad of Town, n 75 46 oo of mt. oilmol, .0 .# 44 Ulm M. josboso, 1. .0 11 41 • M. disc...0 .9 to .4 is 99 P. Dow. hauling 4 doing filed at 41 *1 Mr. BaUumistial to survey. 188 .6 93 Win. Joan work on read, AD r July 2 Jobs Hossuater leveling as M. #&h St. " ps .Umif. 47 P. Bonn, work on road an per contracts *a 9 D. Mullis, building bridge on Clay St. Aolop 'We. CrUern, 4 days wotk home & cart. 210111101 .6 000. staff, flag star, boo C. J. Lim, SaW7 up to June 2fth t45. 3090 13 J. P. Parley, fencing P. 9640 Tbu& Parley. work at U.N—. .1bow. Goo .4 Ws.Lawler, ... 4. . . 525 July 15 Jan. Campfield, n., 525 John McCoy work * L. Holles-, 520 Ro"-Mr. - :: :: $25 Math hays: Pat Norton, Soo Was. Jon". Sit. I'llompeop & Finley one se the, 3310 Farley do Benson Me 'Meaths. 30 C J. Lelst, removing nuisume as Streets. 1 000 1; C. J. Lust, salary up to July gah -43, P. Dunn, work an lower and of town. 2000 F. Dano. Aug. Wis. Joass building brit2000 A. Whose, leveling an at funding, 24 00 at. 1000 John Coffba. building wall on L. fit. John Corse 3000 4090 If. Simplot, rope and chains for are hushes 1490 9! Express Office lot printing, 4100 John Hasenotter grading M. St. 8099 Transcript offico printi 400 G. L. Nightingale. dm;Flg 2 doud& & swearing, In Maya. 400 C. J. Liest, salary,te August sah -4s, Sept. is P. Duos work at lowaf end of town. 2000 30 J. Whitcher amessing city. 4300 C. J. Islest f9paring grave 4000 625 C. J. Llort, salary to 8 W. Blake. reparing is 2 4h St. per ;3000 Wm, mtr act, W 00 John HOMOsetter. grading M. St. Oct. 23 C. J. LWA, wood for Council 1100 00 Jobs Hamenotter, gradju. an M 44h Sts. A. Callima, leveling am &Ggbw" C, J. Imist, salary to Ost. kith .4a 4000 Sullivan #j Grafford. work on 3d. k BlqffSj&. so W 17 7000 Julio HUMenotter, grading an nuffike&lmrSife, figrosaimaj. 95 93 24 :. M. & lungD". I Is& Evans. building bridge go *lke GL ! " so Erase, rook furnished on - - JOIL 1-09-ortby, lumber lursiabod brill0 _an# 61 re Jr. Guerin• cutting willows of the Ulsod. 99 JASCONW.omomtma radingLat. it goo Jok 05111by. men" lalit"r. sscrom 01111140. 111111111 vas bod"16 see Jan. Is J. Whl-----1WWv!4y .08AL&L.80. 0 X. 19 R. 2 plies market how", 1440 G. W.Starr, dassmses. slating, Maket Hoeft, die 2 34111, 0 TUC : _Silby. making & as ng are buchu, C. J "set saw Marshal op to Apr. 1st 'A I" 99 X4-b =111iff Market ardinumico. IA M 23 .0 1 "go " loymena artow, Peter DUAR us a 1, C. J. Liest. heading for eity 1916, C. J. Liest. &Se, aue on c9liectleft of Sol 44 contract stmailket howas J. E. Whisiber asawHmi Manages" of sit basileff in askic yards on St. J. E. Wililober 3 emosselof voilills J.W. Farley post Byrum air Canted W.jL Somesiow as WN6. 4 so' Join Comwown" for Plow I.. SL' �alagn At a�eeSri"@ W TotaR a-1 nt of coney peQ14(if't* tism Apr. lat. 'J$'V',W. I& 1�iote inev's Bank per St. prodW 51 00 Proem-y note due Wm. A. Trask for fire sn0ioo 117 j Afil & ofoutstandins orders 20000 1 Aaoa, due for building Powder Magazine 9W 83 Balance due on Market House 860 00 By amount of money received i6r the year 180 ! SMI15 8i8'J lb 1845. City Corporation, Cr. By am't of taxes collected by C. J. Liest for 1842, 1W do '44 8004 Gfoeery Liecnss for 18486'46 1899 44 Dray and W $son license for ISO 4• '48 Jae Reese Hay Sesies 11500 Auctioneer$ and Pedlars .7 02 5400 Billiard Tables ra 45 Am't colleatedby V. J. Liest as l wWd for IM and '46 81970 Incidental eollaction from show@ and tttili by Marshal 400 DON tat collected fib 4000 Cash received from Iwnd Ofiicw 8iftll��ti r, : _' 720 00 For the payment ofthe above amount of ' 88432 15 Am't due the city in the hands of The*. McKni fi6t firmer r$cslrsr of ]Public money at the town of Dubuque received for the sale of town lots flood not paid nver to the city 1800 00 Ain't of cash on hand in the bands of S. Laworthy present receiver of Public oioneys, and ready to be paid over Supposed amount of money due the,mt unsold isle Fire engine purchased by the city a m't of judRemcots due tM eft ladders and boob on haa� (ytftu b 19500 sd.) , bd: r t tir1im tIF Sarapere tud;.n:-,8000 ty Furniture �I,lyutusa l der MaQa lin$ 1 �nnam -� fiie� t 50 00 tp't of funds rolleetii. ii' brier by'tie Ibrmer marshal M. sir secured by t. iaild rise. mntdns as security 10824 City Narita House imp go 9 euC fats$ relwneii/ltltitk boards for the yarn 1880'400'41 9013 Y8 agnl�s Pit wi•oa band r 00 . atMtrM M� d '44'43 f: , F. K.O'FLRi «.. �i� Iliuwtu.alrr�t. . . March alai I818 n30 , r f.. I �TAldermanofMeCihrofDtdrqueyforfiayeoPI844.{ M; r h on City Treasury April 16, itiid A. Fullwiler, for workLon llf tinssL u a u, .. �` M4r�n a a r �dltt$ at. 6100 u ° 's. Atitighton and W:;srt* lbS.Bli�li0�. 10,b0 a 24 . N Wi'Leon aGa Reeseeket ` �' ; 26950 a cc c` M. McNair for collectiog tatty+ (190,$101� at.5 perct. 8,`14 i Stationary bill ' ti 14,00 tw, kV +" ' Owen Smith -for securing bridge 12,00 L�,fiy4l,l * a lilMcNaii,as Marshal, 20.00 «, ,w Rogers and Booth,, s& judg -a of Election, �,QO each, 4,00 vc a. a J, augherty, and bjer ! , . do 1 do "' 4,00 James Patterson -18* of two Elections 4,00 29 " Rupsrt;Andcieewia retli tof room for two do.," per day 4,00 June, 3 Farleqaod?7hafti fixing Bridge 6100 M. Mc*%%,services &A M�arsha , 27,22 u 10 u Thbs. Wallace, filing culvert on Iowa St. 25,00 u 16 It Gl L Nightengale Justices rem io,aw of Wm. Rohm4n 3,17, ku1' lc K M. Me, Goble �keying .nuisance 2100 A Fulwiler,fdr t4ber furnished• for Id. St, 2,QO a 211 L P Luck. woek,,sla !!Mitt. 6100 P O'Harn ah. lottla Sr: 9100 Emerson and' . •stiaterials furnished forgave r•.'< Yard, Lo'and paying h°Md40.,, 15,12 rimlp 161 Reynolds Vi 'op L'Hollow 12.00 John MaLaughliN. dir' do 10,00. 15 " . John Blnke work,,' 1 fir't 4,00 u 48 " M McNair servi a' ��..� tot 4000 August 19 u Peter Duon, worms , a i ,� 3,00 .c 26 a M. McNair monep > k.; t .:.�.. *Oi"Oe Mrcalhouo lava 1W..M McNair servicad gads�l pt ti.7a,.Sept 3 " BFDavisa' essiagcity $orid*Ie 8 L Clifton 30 perch. rook 1; St , T C Dyer cost of stilt Oty vs T" Tla* u a a E. 0. Hare Haullog 9Q Loevit 131• u u a John Malony, work,on Locust St. 4,Ott a u M. Flannagan, ac a a u 4,00 cc a u rhos. Farley, 'c 2100 Mttl� « 16 a H. Timmer York oa Locust St. 3,00 20 Jape Morping ll furnished for M. St. 6,00 t 26 " Tbee. McCraneales note $26,31 and =16,17 for lumber furnished for bridges on Main St. 41,48 9 " }Vm. Lashells work on bridge at'ianding 6,00 eo. Sheridan building wall on Main St. 40,00. BepL 20 u 'P Donehoecontract and extra work on LocitstBt. 200,00 Oct 21 u L Velarsh Teamingon Main St; .td ,Q .•., ♦»3ttVr 26,50 Now 48. " Trahscript Office Printing 14,00 41: ' PDunn hauling and fixing Brid 4,00 Drdi: ! " R Rogerslaying 17 perch orrX' i * St. 16,00 " " a A Cline as arbitrator between CW.a td H Tronor fit Co. 4,00 t< 9 1�it`74CCnllylshauling rock on 4th St 11,50 R Regeis rock furnished on 4th 21,2'5 f a a u C J Leiat money paid for work on 8th at 6,00 ' i 1845, Jas 13 « W R Evans work on L Hollow 6,00 27 Felix Mercier 100loads dirt on M 3i 41h As. 6100 cc a u J V Campton Ironing five Ladd8re 4.50 Feb 10 u C 1 Liest services as Marshal for2 Mos. 40,00 u a a Farley fit Ronson 108 A square Lumber 8,6g At 24 " R Cox rent of room up to Api 1st 1845 36,0d u u u J E Witcher making Schedule of real estate on, account 2646 u u u CJ Licat services as Marshal upto,1"2b X0100 Mar. 10 it Wm Spears hauling dirt on Locust at 8,00 W B Smith services as Clerk up to Apl.1st I845 160,00 " " u PC Morehiaer painting fire Ladders 12,00 « Ill- u G L Nightengele acknowledging 2 Deed& 1.06 4 u C J Liest collecting $630,43 at 8 per cent • • 31,6E u C. J. Leist as Marshal up to,March 2b�t�► ll"& 20000 ISu cc A Arthur hauling If leads sand on ItlV. "`''. 60> t< a Felix Mercier do five Ladders 60 It IS a Goo, Greene City Attorney for 1844 60,00 , JoseQh Evans work on Culvorton M & 8th ate 64,00 For improve» lettfs by coat to on the following streets. (to with�t�ii,N , Locyat,aiD,r Iowar Clay, and W 1►ite, MAR " 31 " MrChaplsin fot"di�g inch on Locust st 10,00 HLong worthy 4,i0,trpjOmd on Mtt• 1,80 '• •' " Thos f?nrley reitliagBridge 4,00 u Mt Eggleston'' es to casq of Wm �ebman 88 u " " stationary for Scrip hook & Wood for CCouncil 9.90 Totatamotfin of mgaey paid out by the Corporution -- from Apt. lot 1844 to Apl. let 1845 1 $2926,11 Note due Minors Bank for street profits 1839 100,00 Promisary aote;dvo W A Trask for fits Engine with interest at 8 per cent per anatun kOlstjgly, 111h lb40 to April 1st 1845 I : 661�&7 Amount of outstanding orders roturneil do scam- . pad �,y the Clerk as per ordinance No: 3 issued r pteti Api lot 1843 3337,�8 Et d 04 Pctwdor Magtaino ft08,"A nnil/tt, CORPORATION Orders psis to J.13: Shields by T. H. Benton former Treasurer. By amt. of Taxes collected by McNair for 1842r 21b, wt; 1843 add 1844 1249*2 C'Grocery License (gQr 1844 and 1845 u u 130,00 Dray and Wago4do Jas. Reese flap " u _ Ile" 1- Auctioneers i; "�'� sa Billiard Table t s : ;, Rent from 4th �.r {� Mineral raised by S., %�Piv►orthy t 10,00 tn� P.:C. Merhiserpttyuw tfor Lot no..663 , !, By amt'' Collected bj, . J. Leist as Marshal for i°42 43 dc44 1000 444,68 Incidental Collections'fioWt shows andexbibitions I:t+00 Dog tax collected"bj. Marshal 43,00 'to the Qy, Nid; in the hands of the '-141,24 Amount of (Lode belonra-zir. c former prehalIf. Amount due from F.own ltp former' Tt61"' 2,50 "+ Amountof judgement paid bjt En0#1P1Id,14'1a 'llkNeilr as Con stable and not pd. over. 48,63 For the payment of the above'debt of �7136,99 there isdue on Tax lists as reported by forma Words for the 2032,93 yyears 1939140 and 41 ; , " Tax List of 1842. 7 Due on Amt. of Delinquent, Takes not pd for tLe.psu>G T 13. Amt. of monO-&b the Ow from LanAffiee 44.R7yeg+sters 114 0000 t report. Supposed, 64 salei, 70 lots a9 adve a sa`e at the nor ��y►�y� 1'M,� arch 27tli 43.aa.lots Lead ottriosr a+•1 ; ;.,i66 Fite engine purchased by Pity;andon''hsnd: • ,+ 410 Amt. of 'udgements due they, , Udereon s ' " 72700 Fire hand' 30,00 City Serapers * 5,00 City Toole Do Furniture and Presir 25,00 no,00 Powder Magazine. 8263,06 F. HLL At a p " EMIT 6uquearch 31st 184��L r s ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAT'OR AND ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1643. APOW1111%. Orders an City Treasury3 N Ps.. r, k Wilson at: Koesacker, bill of,pp�rr"99 for 184t, McNair, for M Sit 70 ; pervices as Arapal,. - - 6 75 a' Evan Watkins, bill ofstationder, - 6 13 L. G. Ntgbtingale, bill as Justice for 1842, - 21 13 June 48eb. C. Stafford for guarding and boarding C. Roberts, - 6 U0 Ad u J. W. McMillion, 4110 , tie do do 2 00 N N S. L. Clifton, for plankiag�hridge, .. _ , 3 00 " a Thos .Farley, setting posts on landing, . _ - G 00 July 3rd. C. SWITo�b for work on Lorimidr, Jlelievr, - 30 00 a 31nsikg a k"fhNtrtltCrn city, , W%'a Stilt @'-Etnle'e - 6 31 August 14 mill, T, or 9111& a, - 2 00 a N ,. notttt+g 3. pasts 04landing - • 8 87 Quigley, as appraiser for 1843, - - - 2 00 N K E. C. Dku berty do , :de 2 00 N '28 0. Bobien, hauling logs for bridge, - - - 75 " a T. Fanning, aquaro lumber do - - - 2 75 N u Goa"' ,budding bridge,. 30 00 l8ept. 10, J. W. McN ;pion, for removing ouissoces - - 8 78 Octb'r 9, McNais, removing obstruction on PtiblieSquare, - 21 00 John W right, 03 feet sqt lumber for bridge, 3 18 a u Th.. Facloyadigging drain, - 2 00 ' Nov. 7th, ji, R. Sias% aw ey refitttded for lleense paid Treaftry, 6 36 17 Jos. ing lwrtpgr for ladder, •' 27 James P ioWd for grave yard, 1 " toN Oue cord ofVh5ty Council, • .,- Dec. 18, Houghton 6s W bartiogi printing urdinanee No: 9,- " o Air. Rigby, survey in alley, - - N a UqXair, fixing Main -street. - - - " 23 WaF Reb*,imur, blacksmith,, for graye-yard, - ` Dec. 18th, �� %penes incurred in taking up fioge: M. McNair, bill for taking up doge, • G cc K -- M Timons hauling lumber, N n'rl,. Hate;a bi* of itl&o r, ]an. Sth, Ski. Hdowell's bill of lumber, N �c John ShaTord, hauling lumber, - - ,: 17 ,c " Wnj. Coburn do db - - - r 67 a K Benj. Coburn, for fixing Mai -street, 00 N cc John Bartlett, haulitt lis', _ 00 'c c' Tice and Hazlett do do - - - [ 9 87 jlak: Stud. Jos. Ogleby making Are ladders, - 00 listh. 4th. T. Falvey making city press, - Clifton and Farley fixing bridge, : 00 !' 60 a -_ Jos. Fanning making city asal, - a a 27th P. Quigley appraising in 1842, - - - - James Anson building five culverts 40i 00 N N �- at Do. do Culvert on aa� St. • r N a M. McNair's bill as lllarshaj, N N B. Rupert a. Justice of the Penes, - a G. L. Nightingale do. do N u w u Jed. Evans bill for Wildin bridges or culver Jos. Ogleby bill for'2 ladders, - a c' Davis 4 Crawford Attorney fees, - a N W. B., Smith cxtra services, deo. N u a c' Kelly sari�ea rendered, AlIcNa Amt. paid r for oollecting SSA86 sa a W. B. Smith services as clerk, - Total amount of, money paid out by t ' April let.1843, to April let. 1644, - :w Nola duo Aliners'a gaok for atreota Promissory note due W. A. IF Ott 8-per cent from July 1 lth. 1840 to April, 1 n. Amt. of out standing orders rat Med by the 08 per Ordinance No 3, issued previous let April; 843. 7 Total unit of City debt, q1 p CITY 000"AT11UN 1 1st. Orders remallift in Tresextry, 75 By amount collected by 5f. McNair on taxes for 1842 gl Gtocery License for I843and 44 .409 525 00 Dray do -do do 90 Howes andUaboy do i, Ci reux C. MIler for hay scales in •" and 43, - - 10 60 Paid to the Treasu car by MeI*j* for tax of 42 and 43, 458 of Will. Hales note, 24 AOL receivod for ttse, vide or wep, A* pd. Treasurer by the Marshal (br dog tax, Qg IAmt, Alk- do b3rpht"la collected from pedlar & Theatre 6 do bjr4VWk at oallected from do do - am 0 . Due corporation by JhrQ Morhiser for lot On Bluff Street, 70 00 Judgment is favor,oW-against E. Br4wu for moneysloa paid over as collector IorI842 with 004 46 63 Is". Amt. due by Jas. Rom as weigh master, 12 00 1434 U1, For dobt,of$5461 84, there is duc on the Tax List, re board, forthe years 1839--:140, & 141, $2032 9; Due an Tax f rformorboard-of IOU,, 146 51 AmountofdolingWnttaxes uavoUe!;Ied of thu year 1 #43, 319 64 Note of William Hale, 24 31 •AWt of moncy due the ekyo in the Land Oract, as.pee, Register's repoV4 1600 00 Supposed AWt OU sales of 179 lots, as advertised sate e at the Land. • Office, Nwh'27,1845, frorn the report of rormer boitrd-, 1700 00 •tin Ea rehased by the city,. and now cc hand, 4t0 6t; "iloulzments due Alsoun thecity, 78 32 File Ladder, made and on haudi 40 00 City Scrapers, 001 Amount of Ansets, JAMES ttedt" WX Smrru Cj?k EkjbLqqj!e, March 29, 1844. -P I A CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES I hereby certify that the following described records of:_ LOOM Q- RT - MEr 4012 i& State: L7L4LACi From: Thru: were photographed as received and without alteration by the CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES at Cedar Rapids, Iowa Date. 96 'q3 Signed: ,� Witness: CREST INFORM TION TECHNOLOGIES END ROLL N C-87 O.L Apo% ieoj7 Apt', loVip