W Roll_02 Part 2April 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Hiram C Pierce Marshal bond and John G Shields and Edward Langworthy securities H C Pierce collector Marshal repair a breach in the bridge Bluff St. 8th St. City Council meeting time 7:00 PM April 19, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry improvement of public square boxes around the trees set outside the square Henry S Hetherington assessor had qualified Hiram Pierce James M Emerson as surety B J O'Halloran faithful discharge Communication from Recorder C Corkery State of the books and papers of this office City Charter duties and penalties of the recorder April 19, 1852 Recorder keep the seal of the city Recorder's letter to Council C Corkery finds no ordinance record, no account with treasurer, collector, or city officers Harbor warrants not in a proper state of preservation Suggest a few special meetings of the whole board April 19, 1852 street improvements election of watchman Petitions favor of appointment of B H Wilmott and John Doyle and Owen Smith grade for a building M Ragartz Rattery Ordinance dogs John Burns digging grave Thomas Johnson repairing bridge Lorimer Hollow Henry Crull sexton of public graveyard rates of burial April 26, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Committee on state of the books and papers of the office city records Report on state of streets April 26, 1852 entire board to meet and examine Bluff St. High St. Lorimer Hollow, and the sewer on the 14th St. grade S E Corner of 7th St. and White St. White St. to Jackson St. City Engineer draw profile maps of the city to recommend a definite grade for approval by the Board permanent enclosure around the market house G Blocklinger survey of High St. Jennings Dredge boat April 26, 1852 Abel Hawley dredge boat assessment of merchants County Court capital actually invested Special Meeting April 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Delong and Norton's bill planting trees in the Public Square surveyors High St. corrected plat Merchants tax Resolved that assessor assess merchandise provisions Section 468 of Code of Iowa Watchman Wilmot confine his beat to that part of Main St. between Waples House and the American House 14th St. sewer parliamentary rule motion calling for a committee Special Meeting April 27, 1852 permanent improvement of 14th St. Street leaving up Lorimer's Hollow to the Corporation line May 3, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Delong and Norton Engineering proposals Everett and Jennings establish the water table of O'Halloran's Store Main St. and 7th St. enclosure around market house proposal Hill and Baird and J O'Meara estimated cost culvert Lorimer's Hollow road repair Street Commissioner planting trees and placing boxes around public square John O'Meara May 3, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry debt created by improving the public square hay scales Dungee Forsyth improvement of 2nd St. between Main st. and Iowa St. Contract with Collins for repairs Gildea and Wilson making coffins delinquent tax list delivering articles on the wharf Samuel Mordecai F E Bissell agent petition of opening Iowa St. through the public graveyard Lot No. 453 Lot(453) Ordinance to license and regulate auction sales May 3, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Ordinance to secure the health of the city and to prevent nuisances hospital location south of city Special Meeting May 6, 1852 Liquidating of the debt improvement public square Delong and Norton and J O'Meara scrip grade of the city Engineers Everett and Jennings refused scrip May 6, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry H W Billings, Mayor of Alton, copy of revised ordinances of Alton Sheriff of the County refused to allow the city the use of the jail a place to be used as a Calaboose County Treasurer taxes on Islands improving Bluff St. May 10, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Engineer to locate the grade of the city Deliquent tax 1851 Ordinance to license auctioneers Ordinance to secure health of the city Lorimer Hollow six sections boundary of the city to Bluff St. 2nd St. Wharf high stage of water in the river May 10, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judge Lovell, tax assessed on real estate location of Quarantine Hospital Hebb's old furnace Drite Hollow temporary hospital improving Bluff St. May 10, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Jones St. Owen Dunn hole filled house Lorimer Hollow William Gilliam Theatrical Company license printing and publishing contract improving Dodge St. Special Meeting May 11, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Wharf regulations public landing north of the south side of 6th St. to lumber south side of 6th st. to south side of 5th st. to wood landing 5th st. exclusive use of Bogy's Steam Ferry Boat Steam Boat landing landing at the foot of 2nd St. Fanning's Ferry Boat Judge Lovell Committee on Calaboose May 11, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry city printing proposal Owen Dunn Dr. H Burkleo health officer cleansing of Main St. owners own expense to clean out the gutters along the curb stone Fernando McCraney Police Officer May 17, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judge Lovell county tax Ordinances auctioneers and health of the city published six days in the Miners Express improvement Bluff St. Calaboose first story of the market house building city scrip Wharf master T Fanning land ferry boat May 17, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Nadeau, Rogers and Co. landing in front of their mill Henry Miller market master enclosing market house John O'Meara Wm Gilliam Edward Short digging grave John T Everett grading the city east of Main st. Ragartz grade corner of White and 7th St. employ an engineer assessment of merchants examine deposit of manure May 17, 1852 manure on Dodge St. Special Meeting May 18, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry G J Adams Theatrical Troupe license market house fence posts rails as stays C J Lehmann paint the market house May 18, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry grade White and 7th St. Assessment list of merchants Physician to act as health officer - Dr. Burkleo examine Locust St. between 1st St. and the city boundary Abel Hawley Habor tax for 1851 was remitted for Mrs. Hunter, a widow with several children Special Meeting May 20, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry enforce wharf regulation J L Langworthy landed a raft of lumber 5th St. public landing Adjourned Meeting May 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Wharf Ordinance wharf between 2nd St. and 5th St. use of steamboats wharf between 3rd St. and 4th St. used for other purposes Judge Lovell having Locust St. between 1st St. and southern boundary high water mark protect public cisterns May 24, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Henry Miller declined to accept market master position Fernando McCraney as wharf policeman letter from Alfred L Brown Engineer, grade establishing Ragartz lot examination survey natural surface on White St. from 4th to 8th Streets grade on streets Court House Grade two feet higher than a regular grade from Clay to Orange Streets depression in grade May 24, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry grade reported by Mr. Brown adopted committee on city scrip Quarantine Hospital Holt, Mahony, Wm H Merritt Judge Lovell county tax on Islands raising south end of Locust St. above high water Jones St. Dodge St. May 24, 1852 repairing 2nd St. Cornelius Collins John Flynn Lehmann painting market house O'Meara block steeple and ring in Calaboose Ordinance to levy taxes and defray current expenses Ordinance amend an ordinance to levy one percent tax on the taxable property of the city Ordinance to regulate and license brokers and loan officers Assessment list Messrs Langworthy refused to list their property in the North East corner of the city plat of Mineral Lands Code of Iowa Beckett run a drift for Mineral May 24, 1852 Beckett mineral under the public square on the hill public graveyard ciy plat convey water Lorimer Hollow Road Adjourned Meeting May 25, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Mathew Flanagan Dodge St. John Fling Assessment list publish a notice in city paper of assessment May 25, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry City printing proposal Holt, Mahony, Wm H Merritt and Co. objected because the city was not so poor as to make it necessary that its work should be done for charity Miners Express Office employed to do printing Herald Office printing copies of bids for printing Ajourned Meeting May 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Assessor Hetherington F N Goodrich petition property injured by water Iowa St. and 10th St. Ordinance prevent obstructions on the public landing tax on dogs Ordinance on brokers and loan officers May 27, 1852 Ordinance to license merchants, shopkeepers, druggists Recorder to issue licenses to all drays and waggons City printing Miners Express Resolution Resolved meeting of city inhabitants requested Globe Hall discuss issues of the city outstanding scrip May 31, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry cisterns Dodge St. Quarantine Hospital Grade of a lot in the vicinity of "Our House" Messrs Rogers and Thomas, Attorneys at Law suit against G J Adams in violation of ordinance raft Main st. Fernando McCraney wharf master G J Adams petition fine Justice Mathews theatre market house hours extended May 31, 1852 permanent rock in the public landing steamboats tied up June 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judge Lovell road labor and tax levied highways right of the city to claim and control tax county tax May 31, 1852 permanent rock in the public landing steamboats tied up June 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judge Lovell road labor and tax levied highways right of the city to claim and control tax county tax June 7, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry public landing wharf grade of lot "Our House" Patrick McNamara bridge on Dodge St. Quarantine Hospital built by Ora Holland William Lawther Harbor Improvement County Tax Wallet property of stranger who died at the house of D A Mahoney Edward Short Hickey June 7, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry digging graves Fernando McCraney Harbor Master J H Emerson surety Sections 3 and 4 Health Ordinance published and placed on steamboats Congress complete harbor improvement Captain Barney June 8, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Assessment appeals M Mobley, Cook, Sargent, and Co. general license to keep loan and brokers office Charles Corkery sell Land Warrant H A Wiltze Enoch Brown assistant Marshal take charge of the sick at the city hospital Committee to procure lime June 8, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Fernando McCraney wharf master B H Wilmott watchman June 9, 1852 Assessment roll Petition Peter Waples reduce assessment Goodrich and Angerin license land warrant dealers June 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry David S Wilson land warrant dealer C McCrea mayor proclamation vote for or against a loan of $10,000 for improving the streets, watercourses, and public landing H C Pierce cleaning market house June 14, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry McCrea land warrant license public cisterns public landing repairs on Dodge St. lime for distribution assessment list P Waples reduction of assessment B J O'Halloran June 14, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Assessment roll accepted P A Lorimier relief young man sick at the house of Edmund Mattox pauper John Fitzpatrick Cornelius Collins damage to property Main st. 15th St. Charles Bogy to S Genevieve letter from Dr. H Burkles health officer Dr. Horr Dr. J W Finley appointed health officer M Mobley and T Davis funding city scrip June 14, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry funding city scrip Edward Short digging grave Judge Lovell county fund J W Briggs pump cistern John Gunn Michael Murphy J Smith 38 barrels lime H C Pierce 40 barrels of lime Public Landing Fund John T Everett G Brocklinger VB P Norton repairing bridge Lagan Linehan Linnehan June 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Land warrant dealer McCrea funding scrip Davis Mobley Judge Lovell burial expenses bill Edward Short Lagan and Linehan public landing fund Main St. 15th St. Patrick Norton repair bridge Dodge St. June 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Resolution Resolved that mayor proclamation borrowing on credit of the city $10,000 on city bonds Bluff St. below 4th St. sewer Jones St. Blake Hollow profile maps streets east of Main st. and north of 14th st. establishing grades Andrew Griffin John Flings Henley and Driscoll liming Walsh's cellar 3 cellars John Kelly John Hickey digging groves Special Meeting June 22, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry license land warrants and loan officers capital invested by the following persons H A Wiltze and Co. Charles Corkery C M Crea June 28, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry H A Wiltze license land warrant dealer John M McDonald John J Angerine land warrant dealers prosecution of those without licenses John Kelly cellar lime complaint June 28, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry state of cellars Cornelius Collins draymans license paving work public landing Clarke and Beckett G Blocklinger Brocklinger John M Gowan E C Peck S Smith 98 barrels of lime A Hoffman nursing John Cook Thomas Johns repairing bridge James Hurley and co attending cholera July 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Suspended Ordinance firing of crackers and fire arms Abel Hawley harbor improvement James R Goodrich license loan office Bissell and Clark loan warrant land warrant legality of licenses examine Barney Cut and Steamboat channel low water July 7, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Stout recorder pro tem 5 feet of water in shallow places Steamboat channel dredging public landing and main river Marshall salary Judge Lovell road tax paid in the city James Hurley attending a patient Quarantine Hospital J Smith 98 barrels lime Thomas Johnson repairing bridges N Hoffman John Cook July 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Steamboat channel Main River and the Public Landing Judge Lovell City Road Tax City Road Supervisor consult Lawyer Burt H S Hetherington assessed lot and building southwest corner Main St. 5th St. abatement assessed moneys July 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Richard Cox Lot No. 65 Lot(65) Hetherington assessment of M Huff abatement John Kelly cellar Hurley and Driscoll small bridge repaired Main St. M Geary Landing convey standing water from the lower end of town to the slough publication newspapers proceedings of City Council Poll books votes loan majority for the loan $10,000 July 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry obtain $10,000 loan on most favorable terms H S Hetherington salary assessor George Strasser stall in the market house John D Bush steamboat wharf new warehouse wharf master public landing Mrs. Diana Chesterman bedding destroyed M Gowan and Clarks repairing bridge B H Wilmott salary Thomas Donahoe hospital Maurice Flynn Main st. John T Everett surveying wharf A McDaniel judge election publishing annual report of the council and scrip notice Mahony, Stanton, and Adams F M Crany wharf master July 19, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry wharf master Steamboat landing Merchant license application and statement made to the council Recorder was instructed to issue no licenses to Merchants, Druggists, or shopkeepers without order from Council Loan could be obtained M Gery's Landing bridge private property B H Wilmott city watch Owen Smith Communication Gregoire and Bogy July 19, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Gregoire and Bogy ferry license Timothy Fanning suit against them Resignation M Mace weighmaster A J Wightman weighmaster raise streets at the lower end of the city above high water bills relating to the poor should be paid out of the county fund County Judge keeper of the poor fund Maurice Flynn work James Jones city hospital John Smith 16 barrels lime James Hurley digging grave July 26, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry repair bridge lower end Main St. issue of bonds streets south end of town Public Landing steamboat wharf docking low water mark paving from south side of 4th St. to south side of 5th St. wharf master receive bids 50 cords of limestone for paving 9 inches in depth, 4 inches in thickness M Gowan and Clark building a bridge on Dodge St. purchase target rod city engineering August 2, 1852 Abel Hawley harbor improvement fund Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry south end bids raising streets public landing furnishing paving rock public notices for bids August 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry M Geary's Landing bill Anthony Jordan purchase target rod Parsons, agent of Abel Hawley, boat ceased to work last fall Ordinance providing for a loan for public improvements Sufficient amount of scrip be issued interest on bond to Timothy Davis Communication Hon George W Jones thanks interest city affairs grade of Main St and 15th St. reconcile a misunderstanding excavation now in progress Application License Averills Panorama of the World's Fair Overland Route to California August 2, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bush City Road Supervisor south end of Locust St. repairs Lorimer Hollow Road E C Peck clerk election Joseph Sebring deputy Marshall Burns and Cahills cleaning Shadwicks cellar Edmund Mattox care of Wm Pitt while sick County Judge August 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry committee on loan South end streets several sealed bids bids to raise streets high water A E Skinner Patrick R Noon M Gowan and Clarke Blake and Brennan Patrick Sherman Flanagan, Ahern O'Hern, Flynn and Co. contract for minimum bid not to entertain any bid above the third lowest Public Landing progress of the work Target rod grade at the confluence of Main st. and 15th St. J C Jennings survey of that locality August 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry wharf master bids delivery of paving rock Public Landing G Blocklinger Miller and Emmerson contract by the perch or cord Preservation of trees in the public square Construct two temporary bridges over the culvert 14th St. remove impediment of water Resolution of Council June 20, 1851 bids for improvement works 14th St. sewer Bluff St. improvement streets north of 10th st. and west of Iowa st. sewer from McDaniels Hollow cross streets between Main St. and Iowa St. south of 11th St. draft drawn on Public Landing fund wharf master B H Wilmott night watch Wm S Gilliam clerk of election August 9, 1852 Abraham P Bunting Simon Tranor Main St. F M Crany reimburse Harbor Fund Wilging and Hartman 13 coffins A L Brown city surveying August 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Davis and Walworth license to sell Land Warrants license and regulate loan and brokers offices paving rock on the public landing written agreement Miller and Emmerson 50 cords of limestone August 12, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry streets south end of town contract with Flannagan, Ahern, Flynn and Co. filling up all streets and alleys subject to inundation south of 2nd St. to a level of 18 inches above high water mark 14th St. 8th St. repair sewer Bluff St. liable to water damage convey pavement gutters on each side dredging SteamBoat channel August 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry South end streets Public landing wharf immediate docking excavation confluence of Main St. and 15th St. temporary bridge 14th St. repair the sewer on 8th St. Bluff St. cross streets engineer committees could not proceed with the business of the city without an engineer J C Jennings City Engineer August 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 14th St. sewer receive proposals Charles Corkery behalf of citizens living in public square sink a well outside the square on Bluff St. temporary loan progress of work on the public landing L H Langworthy give 10 acres of land for hospital in exchange for land north on the hill for graveyard yard on public landing to build boats August 16, 1852 Mathew McNair market master J T Everett surveying Jacob Christman judge of election F McCraney public landing W H Merritt printing and publishing Farley and Christman hospital J P Farley and Co. August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry public landing advertized for proposals and bids Nortons sandpit at the corner of Main St. and 15th St. Target Rod not arrived from St. Louis Mr Marsh consented to loan one from Anamosa 8th St. sewer August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry bids Bluff St. temporary loan work on public landing Cook, Sargent, and Co. loan L H Langworthy exchange vacant graveyard doubted the authority of city council to exchange land Boat Yard foot of Dodge St. be set apart as a boatyard for 5 years McNamara city had no power to encumber the public thoroughfares for the accomodation of individuals August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry bill of Wilging and Hartman making coffins Alfred L Brown surveying and engineering streets bids for work on Bluff St, 14th St. sewer, docking of the public landing Bluff St. Work H Treanor and S Treanor A E Skinner Patrick Noon G Blocklinger Robillard and Boland Patrick Sherman John Hoins H V Gildea P Fanning P C Morhiser 14th St. Sewer Hugh Treanor Blake and Brennan Patrick Noon G Blocklinger Nazle and Co. Docking wharf Hooper and Erdman J A Emmerson Nagle and Duffy August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Jesse Jarrett city engineer County Treasurer deliquent county taxes on the islands, vacant lands, be sold in default of payment County judge refused to remit taxes Ordinance on punishment of crimes and misdemeanors designate the grade at the confluence of 7th St. and White St. Treasurer books taxes paid Committee devise an economical plan for the general cleanliness of the city duties of market master street commissioner on Scavenger Warden of Hospital pay off James Jones August 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry repair Main St. 1st St. 2nd St. Smith and McKinley legal advice Harbor Contract James Jones Warden of Hospital Thomas Johnson repairs on bridge Gildea and Wilson coffins Mathew McNair 16 barrels of lime J M McDonald judge election F M Craney public landing John Smiths lime A L Brown engineering Emerson and Shield August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 8th St. sewer completed public landing bids for docking Ira A Emmerson successful bidder P C Morhiser lowest bidder for Bluff St. 14th St. sewer Godfrey Blocklinger lowest bidder contractors for respective works Judge Lovell remitting tax on vacant lands and islands refused August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry suit city and Edward Langworthy assessing property against the city in District Court appeal to the Supreme Court Ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled an ordinance to prevent the violation of the public peace Grade confluence 7th St. and White St. settle with and pay off James Jones warden of hospital repairs of Main St. between 1st St. and 2nd St. August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry economical plan general cleanliness and repair of streets Office of wharf master, market master, and street commissioner be united in one person have power to repair breaches in bridges on streets and remove nuisances Dredge Boat in the slough Adams location for a Boat Yard Morgan Curran, Edward Fitzpatrick sink a well curb stone Clay St. 5th St. 6th St. Harbor Bonds Harbor Improvement Fund J P Farley Telegraph from Honorable George W Jones Congress passed the River and Harbor Bill, grant of $15,000 for Dubuque and $100,000 for the Rapids August 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Mathew McNair discharged market master Fernando McCraney Wilging and Hartman coffins Bills P Noon repairs John Kries judge Owen Smith judge John Hartsock clerk Mrs. Finn Owen Smith watchman B H Wilmott Charles Corkery telegraphic dispatch F McCraney hire of men on wharf September 6, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Public landing Dredge Boat outer slough Bluff St. grade confluence 7th St. White St. repairs Main St. between 1st St. and 2nd St. cost of curbing and paving County Treasurer tax on Islands bonds and contracts 14th St. sewer docking wharf Ordinance to collect fines and regulate groceries September 6, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry City Engineer establish stones for permanent bench marks committees in charge of public works proposals election Street Commissioner special market master dispensed with, Marshall duties of that office tax remitted bills Abel Hawley harbor improvement McNair Waples and Smith hospital William Newman Hugh Trainor Treanor Hugh Lemon September 13, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry proposals improvement of streets north of 10th St. and west of Iowa St. B J O'Halloran City Treasurer sale of City Bonds Cook, Sargent, and Co. route of exchange between Dubuque and New York sections 4 and 19 of the city charter denies existance of power to supercede him in his official capacity September 13, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry petition George W Jones resurvey and relocation of Lorimer Hollow road plank road in a straight line from its confluence with Bluff St. to the city boundary power to levy a toll Night Police groceries kept on the islands threatened resistance at the risk of their lives Emmerson and Shields Bills F McCraney public landing Emmerson docking John Noel cisterns Patrick Walsh 8th St. Sewer Emmerson 14 cords of rock Special Meeting September 15, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Final location outer line public landing grading Bluff St. Special Meeting September 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry requisition of the citizens who desire a vote for and against subscribing $100,000 stock Southern Wisconsin Rail Road mayor proclamation Public Works September 20, 1852 Met informally without business Special Meeting September 22, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Loan Main St. work Bids proposed Godfrey Blocklinger September 22, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Proposed bids Patrick Noon John O'Meara John Boland Francis Gibbie John Blake lowest bid A McDaniel Leonard Harr dirt cellar excavation Main St. Special Meeting September 23, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry late loan Cook Sargeant and Co. draft be drawn for $3000 on loan Recorder, Treasurer, and Marshall be requested to furnish the Council statement of orders drawn, monies received and expended Owen Smith watchman September 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judges and Clerks election on September 29, 1852 subscription of stock in the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Hugh Treanor John Hartsock Hugh Lemon W P Wrightman Mathew McNair John McDonnell S G Fennimore Warner Lewis Absolaw Cain Opening bids for stone wall docking of Public Landing Godfrey Blocklinger Jeremiah Borland Ira A Emmerson September 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Opening bids stone wall docking public landing P Fanning and Co. opening bids improvement of streets (2nd St. 4th St. 6th St. between Main St. and Iowa St.) John O'Meara Bill Henry Crull as sexton of the public graveyard Abel Hawley outer slough Godfrey Blocklinger 14th St. sewer F McCraney wharf master J T Janett City Engineer B H Wilmott A P Wood William Ahern Edward Short Special Meeting September 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Revision Ordinance to collect fines and regulate groceries Lorimer Road George W Jones petition Leonard Horr cellar excavation Public landing bids P Fanning and Co lowest bidder contract loan City Treasury Cook Sargent and Co. wharf improvement repairs on Public graveyard fence September 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry contract John O'Meara improvement of streets 2nd St. 4th St. 6th St. 14th St. Sewer Blocklinger Ira A Emerson public landing Abel Hawley dredging outer slough Henry Crull sexton public graveyard market house Jones warden hospital Election Results for and against a subscription of stock in Southern Wisconsin Rail Road First Ward For - 87 Against - 3 Second Ward For - 210 Against - 2 Third Ward For - 130 Against - 4 September 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Directors Southern Wisconsin Rail Road subscribing to stock October 4, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Ordinance for the collection of fines Street commissioner South end improvement measurement made by the City Engineer Recorder issue bonds for $1000 Public Landing contract entered and signed stone docking and paving of public landing contract John Blake October 4, 1852 Bluff St. grade side walks of adjacent property 14th St. Sewer McDaniels Hollow graveyard fence Cross Streets John O'Meara declined contract Dredge Boat work in the outer slough Abel Hawley Recorder draw on Harbor Improvement fund in favor of Abel Hawley Mr. Parson's mill Beaubien and Descelle filling lots on 4th St. October 4, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Judges and Clerks last election semi annual reports of Collector, Treasurer, and Recorder Collector's time for collection of taxes extended to November 1, 1852 Bills Godfrey Blocklinger 14th St. Sewer James Campfield Bluff St. Anthony Jordan William Roach Mathew Newell Jewell Maurice Flynn Patrick O'Shea Timothy Driscoll Michael McGovern public landing David Baird R Spaulding record books Special Session October 6, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Complaint contractors improvement of streets lower end of Iowa St. city bonds threaten to stop work Council refused to modify the contract permanent repairs to Lorimer Hollow road excavating the canal October 11, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Public Landing Bluff St. 14th St. Sewer McDaniels Hollow graveyard fence improvement of Main St. semi-annual statement of the Treasurer, Collector, and Recorder Bids for improvements 2nd, 4th, 6th Streets Thomas Roche Anthony Jordan Andrew Consadine Maurice Flynn John O'Meara Patrick O'Shea petition cut a steamboat channel through the outer island "Barney cut" October 11, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 8th St. Sewer improvement south end of city bonds Cook, Sargent, and Co. Recorder print and issue printed bonds Michael Ahern American Exchange Bank, New York lease hospital building during winter Miners Express B J O'Halloran injure the credit of the city October 11, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Galphinisen undue the Charter communication of Treasurer Ira A Emmerson Orr and Easby Almanson Eaton Public landing materials Bills P C Morhiser Bluff St. David Baird 14th St. Sewer C Collins Main St. Wm Rebman handcuffs Wm Roche Patrick King W C Mace candles, nails Charles Corkery October 18, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Petition steamboat channel outer island cross streets Main St. Iowa St. contracts Anthony Jordan 2nd St. Anthony Consadine 4th St. Patrick O'Shea 6th St. property holders required to pave and grade sidewalks in front of their respective lots October 18, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry excavation of canal 8th St. Sewer receive bids Semi-annual reports of the Treasurer, Collector, and Recorder explanation of communication in Miners Express overcharge of interest on bonds mayor interest on taxes October 18, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry market master and weigh master semi-annual reports Charles Bogy steam ferry boat landing apart from Fanning B H Wilmott salary nightwatchman during winter Bills Fanning and Kavanaugh public landing fund G Blocklinger 14th St. Sewer David Baird Wm Ahern 10th St. property holders Main St. grade sidewalks Special Session October 19, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company of Benton, WI $100,000 capital stock October 25, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry 4th St. cross streets public landing dredge boat canal excavation Abel Hawley proposition and contract 8th St. Sewer Bids Morris Flynn G Blocklinger John O'Meara Arthur McCann October 25, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry graveyard fence survey Rev. Bishop Loras portion of lot erect a church temporary landing steam ferry boats Ira A Emmerson rock public landing rock flagging at the crossings of Main St. sink a well corner Locust St. and Jones St. Bills Abel Hawley harbor improvement David Baird hay 14th St. October 25, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bills P C Morhiser Bluff St. James Campfield Public Landing Thomas Ryan Wm Roche Wm Ahern 10th St. Cornelius Collins Main St Orr and Easley on Emmersons docking H L Stout loan harbor improvement James Rowan G R Ursts lime Cook, Sargent, and Co draft H C Pierce city bonds A J Wrightman weighmaster Treasureres vouchers account Amount of city scrip surrendered Harbor Improvement Drafts Harbor Bonds General Improvement Fund Hay scales Walsh's Lot Special Session October 26, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Draft Cook, Sargent, and Co. in favor of H C Pierce sale of city bonds honored by the payment of 612 sovereigns October 26, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry draft on treasurer of 612 sovereigns H C Pierce October 27, 1852 Not a lawful draft Treasurer would not pay draft Treasurer fined for refusing to pay the draft October 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry $10,000 loan written across face of draft draft in favor of Godfrey Blocklinger 14th St. Sewer salary Marshall November 1, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry all committees and projects public landing streets at the south end of the city 14th St. Sewer cross streets Main St. Iowa St. North of 10th St. west of Iowa St. canal excavation Lorimer Hollow Road George Jones peition relocation graveyard fence petition Bishop Loras 8th St. Sewer temporary landing ferry boats willingness to pave sidewalks Treasurer's communication in Miners Express B H Wilmott increase salary watchman November 1, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry H C Pierce sovereigns from the Treasurer Cook, Sargent, and Co. draft Richard Plumbe keep dwelling house encumbered sidewalk Bids flagging crossings on Main St. P Fanning and Co. G Blocklinger petition Hon J J Dyer reduction of grade on Main St. November 1, 1852 Bills Morrison Wheeler wheelbarrows B H Wilmott salary watchman John Toole 14th St. Sewer John Vesterman P Fanning and Co. public landing J Blake November 3, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry deliquent tax list petitions indigent indignant widows remission of taxes Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Falvey, Mrs. Cleveland remitted Lawrence Hurley harbor tax Mrs. O'Connor County judge road fund Lorimer Hollow Road November 3, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry city road fund Lorimer Hollow Road Treasurer value of sovereigns and other financial opperations City bonds sold in New York on receive New York value treasurer vacant office South end bonds Michael Ahern and other contractors November 8, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Public Landing Dredge Boat interfering committees continued canal excavation John O'Meara bid Lorimer Hollow Road recommended relocation engineer November 8, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bogy and Fanning landing steam ferry boat North of 10th St. West of Iowa St. error in survey reduce grade improvement of Main st. Road fund Hon Lincoln Clark counsel for treasurer charges in writing value of sovereigns specifications November 8, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bills Ira A Emerson docking Almanson Eaton Orr and Easley H L Stout Farley and Christman Wm Ahern 10th St. John Blake Locust St. Globe Hall Globe Hall November 9, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry charges against the treasurer Judge Clark Council had no jurisdiction to entertain a legal investigation to pronounce judgement Testimony of H C Pierce and Alderman McHenry heard in support of the charges November 15, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry reports from committees south end of the city public landing Bluff St. 14th St. Sewer Cross streets North end of Main St. Canal Excavation Lorimer Hollow Road graveyard fence road fund Fanning and Co. paving public landing Revenue and taxable property from the assessment roll property in city harbor tax deliquent harbor tax city tax proper deliquent city tax road tax dog tax deliquent dog tax November 15, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Jennings present on behalf of the Treasurer Resolution Treasurer failed to show cause he should not be declared vacant Board declared B J O'Halloran removed from office of Treasurer Jennings appeal to not pass this resolution Mayor recommended compromise November 15, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Jennings Judge Clark Resolution to remove B J O'Halloran passed John H Thedinga Robert C Waples November 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry election of a Treasurer in place of B J O'Halloran Robert C Waples proposed Burt objections to Waples political only Mayor declined to vote Waples declared the Treasurer elect November 16, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry B J O'Halloran to give all monies, books, vouchers, and papers to Council Drafts ordered on the treasury P C Morhiser Bluff St. Fanning and Co. Public Landing James Campfield levee Thomas Ryan Wm Roach Thomas Roach John O'Neil Nicholas Glynn John Easley Anthony Jordan contractor 4th St. Bills H Chapman 14th St. John Smith lime H C Pierce market calaboose John Dawson cholera cases November 17, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Robert C Waples bond $15,000 Peter Waples, Allan Wilkie, P A Lorimier, L D Randall, John D Bush, James Huff, Dan Smith, John Kries, Timothy Mason, John M McDonald, John King, David S Wilson, Wm H Robbins, G W Burton securities draft Cook Sargent and Co. sale of city bonds blank drafts for the use of the city Blank Blank November 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Minutes corrected compromise with the treasurer minutes published in Express request to correct the minutes B J O'Halloran and Jennings November 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Minutes corrected Jennings declined to give any assurance B J O'Halloran would perform the duties of the office of Treasurer recommended compromise petition of some 200 citizens equal and exact justice to all portions of the city by paving Main St. from 1st St. to 8th St. roads becoming more and more impassable Council has not the means nor the power to compel individuals to do work cost of paving Main st. November 21, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Main St. Letter from Mobley interest city scrip Bills John Toole 14th St. Sewer Patrick O'Shea contractor 6th St. Owen Smith watchman Lawlor and Eagan digging ditch 1st St. Jones St. H Chapman balance E Mattox nursing Wm Pitt rejected November 29, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry true line graveyard enclosure fence graves improperly made notice in newspapers Lorimer Hollow work on cross streets south end Canal excavation Dorgan, Delay, Murphy cost paving Main St. $5000 seven squares 1st St. to 8th St. businesses responsible for paving November 29, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry property owners unite in doing the work amendment to the city charter legislature Dredge Boat operations 14th St. Sewer Godfrey Blocklinger John Blake contract Cook, Sargent, and Co. Drafts John Vestercimp B F Davis B H Wilmott Cornelius Collins Bly and Smith December 6, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Lorimer Hollow road receive proposals broken rock macadamizing the upper section canal excavation south end improvements property owners had not consented to work done on Main St. at their expense proposals for paving Main St. conducting water through lower ward December 13, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Lorimer Hollow Road City Engineer receiving proposals from property holders for right of way graveyard fence proper line cross streets south end improvement Blake's contract north of 10th St. and west of Iowa St. Dredge Boat work Abel Hawley December 13, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry John Toole work on 14th St. John Vestercimpe Anthony Jordan contract 2nd St. Andrew Cosgrove 8th St. Thomas Johnson cleaning market house James Campfield 1st St. Michael Mehegan December 20, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry grave yard enclosure city engineer Bills Robert M McKinley rod Heman Chapman Bids paving Main St. canal excavation bids for broken rock macadamize Lorimer Hollow Road cross steets south end improvement city bonds contractors Blake contract Treasurer and Collector quarterly report first regular meeting of the Council in January December 20, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry citizens grave yard committee purchase of Lot No. 746 Lot(746) John Parker, Mathew McNair, Squire Mathews Charles Rattery petition error assessment Remitted Harbor and City tax of widow Downes Bills John Levins Main St. 10th St. Dennis Dealy Dennis Delay 1st St. and alley Wm Ahern Kelly and Co. slough December 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry grave yard fence Heman Chapman subdividing grave yard lots, streets, and alleys Plan No. 1 adopted W W Corriell purchase Lot(746) canal excavation Dorgan Delay and Murphy Lorimer Hollow Road Patrick O'Shea contractor cross streets 6th St. John Blake contractor north of 10th St. west of Iowa St. December 27, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bids paving Main St. property holders on street expense Rattery assessment death of Owen Smith, city watch John Kelly and Co. pulling up spiles in the slough Bills George R Ursts lime Proprietors of Dubuque Herald printing B H Wilmott watchman L H Langworthy Janesville W H Merritt Anthony Jordan 10th St. Special Meeting December 28, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company delegation conference with Mayor Special Meeting December 30, 1852 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Company S.W.R.R.C. contract $100,000 subscribe stock January 3, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry grave yard enclosure Lorimer Hollow Road contract Patrick Biggins quarrying and delivering broken rocks macadamizing Southern Wisconsin Rail Road contract ratified and approved construction of a railroad from Janesville to a point on the Mississippi River opposite Dubuque Joseph Sivca??? vacancy watchman Thomas Kerley January 3, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry financial affairs report H C Pierce report of money on hand Cook, Sargent, and Co sales of city bonds boards on corners along Main St. to designate the numbers of cross streets Andrew Consadine 4th St. contract Bills J W Rebman Redman grave yard fence R McKinley Thomas Kerley January 5, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry amendment city charter November 29, 1852 legislature General Assembly now in session memorial to Congress title to the streets, alleys, public squares and grave yards Hon George W Jones January 10, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Anthony Jordan contract 2nd St. Andrew Consadine 4th St. contract balance due to Owen Smith Wisconsin Lumber Yard ordered to be paid out of Public Landing fund Cornelius Collins H C Pierce Charles Corkery Dennis Delay January 17, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry interest due next month on city bonds August 1852 Newman and Richard of Cincinniti, Ohio Fire Engine public meeting of citizens first class fire engine G W Buton Burton 26 buckets last fire Dorgan Delay and Murphy Mathew Hays for grave yard fence Ira A Emerson wharf January 24, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry plat of the new cemetery Jarrett City Engineer December 27, 1852 survey and subdivide new cemetery into lots George W Burton fire buckets Ordinance to amend an Ordinance in regard to fires purchase more efficient protection from damage by fire Public Landing draft Ira Emerson January 24, 1853 Richard Merkle damage late fire Lagan and Linehan irons for fire ladders January 31, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Property holders lower end raise and fill up lots north of Jones St. Edward Langworthy between 11th St. and 12th St. on White St. market house in the north schools lot attached to the 3rd Ward School House January 31, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry First Ward school house also in debt enlargement no public school property in the second board Canal Excavation increase in salary Dorgan, Delay and Murphy canal contractors John D Bush Road Supervisor lower end of Locust St. want of funds County Judge road warrants Road Fund collected $3000 Harbor improvement fund drafts to pay Locust St. hands January 31, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Andrew Consadine 4th St. Contract Harbor and City Tax of Widow A B Stewart remitted Bills B H Wilmott watchman Henry Crull grave February 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bill for loss of bedding sickness and death of Wm Hale Jesse M Harrison Canal Excavation Dorgan, Delay, and Murphy work abandoned Miners Express print notice to property holders and city scrip Road fund New Districts - boundaries of wards in the district recently attached to the city holding elections Bills J Swearingen watchman C Collins removing nuisances February 14, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Michael Mehegan error assessment John Fitzpatrick lots purchased at tax sale An Ordinance to divide the territory brought into the city of Dubuque and to provide for holding elections therein Fire Engines in Eastern Cities first class apparatus Harbor and City tax of Widow Ryan remitted Bills Stout and Co. lumber Jesse Jarrett engineering and surveying C Hall hauling water to fire Owen Dunn Lorimer Hollow Road February 21, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Michael Mehegan assessment Lot No. 598 Lot(598) John Fitzpatrick Lot No. 685 Lot(685) taxes in 1851 boards along Main St. names of cross streets Jesse M Harrison loss of bedding sickness death William Hale June 1851 Thomas McCraney, H A ???? exclusive ferry privilege Mississippi River at Eagle Point fronting 1 mile on the Mississippi River and for the term of 20 yards Harbor and City tax on homestead lot of Widow Evans was remitted Dorgan, Delay, and Murphy contractors on canal February 28, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry McCraney ferry privilege Mississippi River at Eagle Point Wiltse Lorimer Hollow Road improvement relocation south end Locust St. brewery street commissioner property holders pave sidewalks and in front of lots Bluff St. petition Wm L Johnson earth canal to fill a lot on Iowa St. A J Weightman Wrightman resignation weigh master February 28, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bills Wm Ahern Marshall W H Merritt printing A J Wrightman J Siveringen night watch J Swearinger B H Wilmott Andrew Consadine 4th St. J D Bush harbor fund Locust St. March 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry paving Bluff St. property holders petition John McDonald investigation into conduct of Swearingen night police petition T Mason Ordinance to prevent the erection of frame buildings west side of Main St. 3rd St. 4th St. city charter petition Charles Bogy exclusive use of 1st St. landing for ferry boat Dredge Boat Abel Hawley March 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Lorimier Hollow Road residence of General Jones westward Cooley Road between Bluff St. work divided into sections Bonds issued Mathew Flanagan and Co. south end improvements Dorgan, Delay, and Murphy harbor improvement fund March 14, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bids for Lorimer Hollow Road improvements and relocation how to pay, special tax of one fourth percent not to embarrass the incoming board Cooley Road Plank Road survey summit Lorimer Hollow March 14, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry no justifiable cause of complaint against Swearinge J C Jennings surveying and engineering loan from harbor improvement fundby draft in favor of John D Bush south end of Locust March 21, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry accepted bid William Johnson for Lorimer Hollow Road contract one half improvement completed in the fall 1853 and the other half fall 1854 Removal of Cosgrove's house call a jury purpose of assessing damages establish grade of road west of General Jones residence proclamation of upcoming elections March 21, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry elections 1st Ward - Dubuque House, P Byrne Edward Keas and Herman Chadwick 2nd Ward - Amos Mathews house, H V Gildea and S Shoms 3rd Ward - William Johnson house, L L Wood and Amos Mathews Northern District - Plank Road Toll House A Heib and Knapp Southern District - John Wilde house John McKenzie and John Fitzpatrick petition E W Nagle grade improvement Iowa St. and 3rd St. John D Bush street supervisor county road orders harbor fund south end Locust St. Dorgan, Delay, and Murphy canal excavation Thomas Hardie bill street labels Enoch Brown repairing bridge annual report March 28, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Lorimer Hollow Road west of residence of General Jones S Rappings S Underhill teach spiritualism without license Hugh Treanor judge election 1st Ward Solon Langworthy judge southern district M Hinkley northern district Charles Bogy statements Waples Cut across the Island ferry license communication Captain Joshua Barney, U.S. Agent improvements of harbor act of Congress Maurice Flynn Marshall Yager office G Blocklinger 8th St. culvert Special Meeting April 1, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry petition of 40 citizens of the 1st Ward against appointment of Herman Chadwick judges of elections Thomas Cook and William Newman H Treanor Garret Busenburg Wm A Adams printing bonds April 5, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Waples Cut summit Lorimer Hollow Road first class fire engine in the eastern cities Hunneman and Co. Boston furnish engine of 26 to 40 man power with all necessary apparatus Joe Swearinger watchman B H Wilmott April 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry recorder fiscal report H C Pierce report officially as Marshall and Collector Justice Thedinga and Justice Mathews deposit monies from fines jury assessing damages of running Lorimer Hollow Road through Cosgrove property summit west of General Jones house ferry privilege Charles Bogy Hunneman and Co. Resolved that mayor instructed to order an engine April 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bluff St. contractor extend filling of streets and alleys south end of city Election Results Poll Books Mayor - Jesse P. Farley, B J O'Halloran Recorder - Wm H Robbins, Charles Corkery Marshall - P C Morhiser, Peter Brennan Treasurer - John G Shields, Waples Assessor - J W Markle, S G Fennimore Aldermen 1st Ward John Hartsock J D Bush M McNamara B M Samuels 2nd Ward M Mobley H L Stout John King Fred Weigle 3rd Ward James Burt Edward Langworthy Southern District George Wilde G O Karrick Edward O'Hare Northern District F McCraney J E Norton A Heib April 7, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry candidates having the largest number of votes were declared duly elected Bills H C Pierce sundries E Brown fence public square H Schroeder April 9, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry petition of 33 citizens recommending Martin Cannavan for appointment as watchman Collectors report collecting harbor tax Marshall salary recorder salary city attorney James Burt salary R C Waples Treasurer salary Doctor Finley Health Officer salary Squire Thedinga fines collected and deposited Charles Bogy ferry license public landing Bills John O'Meara Main st. April 9, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bills J C Clark hauling water fire A Lingmaster watching fire at night Henry Fish Nicholas Spitts April 11, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry fire engine Hunneman and Co. of Boston named Washington jury assess damages on the line of the Lorimer Hollow Road collecting deliquent harbor tax final Collector's report Treasurer O'Halloran and Treasurer Waples reports examine reports and destroy scrip Bills Ryan Larkin fire buckets Warren and Paddock watchmen J Swearingen P O'Shea 6th St. contract Anthony Jordan water to fire Dorgan, Delay, and Murphy canal excavation H Chapman building fence cemetery April 11, 1853 Farley, Waples, McNamara, Pelan, Stout, Burt, McHenry Bills Stephen Cardiff public landing John Kearnes Thomas Dolan John O'Neil H Brady Brown Lacey Patrick Doyle Blank April 11, 1853 New Council Election Results Aldermen B M Samuels, M McNamara, H L Stout, James Burt, E Langworthy, A Heib, F McCraney, E O'Hare, George Wilde, M Mobley Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heib, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Alderman Stout elected mayor pro tem Burt Marshall elect file bond Oath of office Ebenezer Cook as Notary Public of Scott County, Iowa John G Shields treasurer elect penal sum bond John H Thedinga Justice of the Peace of Dubuque County McCraney nominated John Rosseau McNamara nominated Martin Canaran watchmen John W Markle Assessor elect qualified by C Corkery Notary Public April 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heib, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley assessor bond John Rosseau declared watchman elect new Council Room committee another room P O'Shea 6th St. contract additional officers April 14, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heib, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Marshall presented his bond for approval with Robert C Waples and Benjamin Samuels as securities contrary to the spirit of the city charter Charles Corkery Notary Public bond John G Shields with J H Emerson and Wm G Stewart as securities 6th St. contract appointment of officers April 14, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heib, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley improve Locust St. between 1st St. and Jones St. Grave Yard public auction advertize and sell all lots in the new cemetery minimum price of lots fixed at $5 cost of repairing road leading across the Cooley creek in the direction of Eagle Point examine road on the summit residence of General Jones jury to assess damages April 14, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heib, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Oath of office John Rosseau watchman Charles Stafford stall in market James Hurley petition remove material 3rd St. 4th St. E W Nagle petition grade and improvement at corner of Iowa and 3rd St. Warren and Paddock bill night watch Ryan and Larkin fire buckets Maurice Flynn nuisances C Hall water for fire April 18, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Council room - Globe Hall Lorimer Hollow Road summitt west of residence of General Jones 6th St. contract P O'Shea 1/4 of work on 6th St. April 18, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Road to Eagle Point estimated cost repairs on 2 roads and bridges cemetery stalls in market house L H Langworthy proposition exchange 10 acres of land for a piece of land owned by the city at the head of Main St. Harbor improvement stopped high water Marshall select low land for the depositing of manure taken from streets petition John Fitzpatrick work on levee Bills P O'Shea 6th St. Wm Pool public square Fanning and Co. levee 11th St. 14th St. work April 25, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Council rented Globe Hall for one year Lorimer Hollow Road General Jones damages between Cotter and the city road running through Cotter's land road as surveyed through Cotter's land be declared a public highway 6th St. committee Eagle Point Road new cemetery L H Langworthy exchange lands Levee April 25, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde, Mobley Canal excavation Abel Hawley change the grade 1 foot on 11th St. and 14th St. bonds of John Markle as assessor wharf master floating dock removed to the opposite side of the slough and tied up 3rd St. and 5th St. map 50 ft of the landing Engineer establish the grade on 1st St. from Bluff St. to the levee May 2, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Bills C Collins work on levee W Pool market house P C Morhiser Bluff St. Paddock House from Platt Smith 6th St. Wilde Messrs Bush, Johnson, and Brenan damages on paving Road to Eagle Point Public sale of 250 lots no further sale until survey completed L H Langworthy May 2, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde work on levee, high water 11th St. and 14th St. large sewer Collector H C Pierce account Treasurer R C Waples account B J O'Halloran settlement with council blank deeds printed for the lots in the new cemetery 2nd St. work May 2, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde 11th St. and 14th St. condition of 10th St. near residence of Lewis order from Harbor Fund improvement bonds 15h St. Mr. Norton agreement 3rd St. repairs committee Fine suspended for John McGowen petition of R McKinly and others to open White St. and Jackson St. repairs on Madden Hollow road appointment of J W D??? Lorimer Hollow Road through the land of Sullivan, Bush, Morhiser, and Smith Bills Patrick O'Shea interest on bonds John Clark May 9, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Road to Eagle Point contract with Mathew Flanagan road in order to reach the cemetery work and pricing of the new cemetery Proposition of L H Langworthy to exchange acres of land at the head of Main St. Collins reported contractors on the Levee were not doing their work according to contract 11th St. and 14th St. work continued examine annual report of the late Council published 2nd St. grading May 9, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Ordinances An Ordinance to establish the new cemetery An Ordinance to protect public property An Ordinance to amend an ordinance to prevent obstructions in streets and alleys An Ordinance to levy a highway tax An Ordinance for the measure of lumber and wood Mr. O'Halloran settlement with Council committee on 3rd St. unable to do anything because of high water Madden Hollow Road new survey of the road Lorimer Hollow Road - relocate the road near the residence of George Bennett May 9, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Permanent arrangements with Cosgrove Relocate the road through Bush, Smith, Morhiser, and Sullivan's land James R Goodrich license money refunded examine condition of the street near the residence of Nagle, Samuels, Finance committee Invite proposals for city printing Contractors A Jordan 6th St. and 2nd St. May 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde B J O'Halloran balance due by him to the city, instructed to pay Treasurer Committee on city printing, printers invited to put in a bid Divide the city into 5 wards Bills J L Garrett C Collins J Dolan R McCraney Watchmen salary May 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Bills H Chapman for new cemetery borrow from the harbor fund Bluff St. work May 16, 1853 May 17, 1853 Levee work continues 10th St. 11th St. 14th St. progress Grading on Locust St. completed Committee to extend Jackson St. and White St. jury throught there was no damage done to (name) Declare Jackson St. a public highway through the land of Mrs. Stern May 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Lorimer Hollow Road through Bush, Sullivan, Smith, Morhiser land Road surveyed and platted plat according Summon a jury to assess damages Iowa St. Finance committee written report Committee on city printing, sealed bids from each publisher Bids returned by Marshall for corrections May 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde H S Hetherington aid the assessor in the discharge of duties Petition of George Burton preventing the erection of any wood buildings on the block between 2nd St. and 3rd St. and Main St. and Iowa St. Communication of Bishop Loras Elect by ballot a Health Officer, Dr. R McMahan elected Superintend the survey of streets Standing Committees Committee on Claims Committee on Finance Committee on Judiciary Bills P O'Shea C Collins work on Harbor T Dolan J O'Neal Abel Hawley 1 month service on harbor John Blake grading Locust St. Fanning and Kavanaugh work on landing May 23, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Madden Hollow Road in very bad order, request for Council to make repairs Lorimer Hollow Road repairs continued, Property Holder on the line of Lorimer Hollow Road had signed the relinquishment Road as survey declared a public highway Elect a surveyor to survey streets. A L Brown elected surveyor Mayor proclamation calling for a vote of the citizens of Dubuque for a vote for or against a loan of $20,000 for improving harbor roads and school purposes May 23, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Petition of 150 citizens submit the question to the citizens whether or not the city shall take $100,000 in stock in the Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road Mayor proclamation of citizen vote for loan Petition of C Wulwiber to prevent damage to property Petition of Langworthy and others for the improvement of the left hand street running up the Lorimer Hollow Road Petition recommending the appointment of H H Day for lumber measurer Bridge on Locust St. repaired Butcher to move their meats to the market house during market hours Bills John Russou watchman William Pool graveyard John Collings landing McLaney Farley and Christman Pat O'Shea 6th St. improvements J L Garrett city engineer P C Morhiser Bluff St. Fanning and Kavanaugh G Blocklinger 14th St. culvert May 26, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Lorimer Hollow Road Jury summoned who assesed the damages in favor of Andrew Cosgrove at $700 and George Bennett at $200. May 30, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Eagle Point Road reported the excavation and mason work completed according to contract Levee progress Marshal to notify Blake and Brennan to complete their contract, suit commenced against them for damages if not completed 10th St. 11th St. 14th St. stone work, excavation Lorimer Hollow Road continued Committee on wards continued Committee on Bluff St. continued May 30, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Committee on Hill St. Committee on C Wulwiber danger of damage Measure lumber and wood Election of lumber measurer Elected H H Day lumber measurer proposition L H Langworthy duds Petition of George W Jones widen and straighten Lorimer Hollow Road procuring the right of way Communication from Warner Lewis 10th St, 11th St, 14th St. Report from Finance Committee Resolution Resolved that the question be submitted to the people as to whether they will or will not authorize the City Council to borrow a sum of money upon the bonds of the city $20,000 to be applied to the payment of improvements May 30, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Resolution Resolved borrow a sum of money for improvements now under contract and in progress of completion Projects work on levee to improve the main avenues leading into the city to procure grounds necessary for the erection of public buildings and school houses procuring means to protect the city from damage by fire making such repairs and improvements upon the public highways a system of common schools as required by the charter city bonds Petition of citizens asking to fill up the holes on Main St. Marshall instructed to to have the dirt thrown from the curbing to the middle of the street fill holes from 1st St. to 8th St. Bills interest for bonds M Flinn and Co. John Blake R McCraney watchman May 31, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Lorimer Hollow Road compromise with Andrew Cosgrove signed relinquishment George Bennett Verdict of jury, road as surveyed be declared a public highway Suit against B J O'Halloran and his securities for balance due by him to the city as late treasurer Petition of J D Bush water from his lot Marshall to fill up the lots at the lower end of the city Marshall notify the property holders lots on Bluff St. June 6, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Petition John D Bush fill up lots at the lower end, water from lot Damage of property of Andrew Cosgrove and George Bennett be paid The difference on American Gold Assessor assess all property in the new limits Petition of Waples and Warnoly referred to Judiciary committee Petition of F Mangold Communication of Joshua Barney Resolution Resolved by the City Council that it is the desire and intention of the city authorities to cooperate with Captain Barney in the work on the Harbor present contract with Abel Hawley June 6, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Resolution Resolved operations of work of said boat may not conflict with the government plan of improvement if possible to avoid it Committee assist the engineer in recommending the establishment of the grades and adopting a profile Examine the water course coming down Bluff St. and Dodge St. Mayor authorized to subscribe to the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road $100,000 Janesville meetings of SWRRC, committee attend meeting Cast their votes for the city, J P Farley, Honorable Lincoln Clark, E Langworthy, F V Goodrich, or M Mobley Election of $20,000 loan held in 2 weeks Bills P C Morhiser Bluff St. C Collins public landing June 6, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Bills P O'Hafre Dirty Hollow James Condron James Campfield Bluff St. Patrick O'Shea John Queely June 13, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Work on 14th St. completed, payment to the contractors 10th St and 11th St. work continued Lorimer Hollow Road recommended payment to contractors Water Course running down Bluff St. and Dodge St. Votes for and against the loan for $100,000 Dubuque and Pacific Rail Road June 13, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Notice given in the city papers of loan vote Resolution Resolved that it is not the intention of the Council to appropriate any of the $20,000 loan to the improvement of the harbor Election of night watchman, George Starr elected Marshall purchase 100 barrels of lime Bills Michael Engreight Dirty Hollow M Mahen P Byrne home for elections John Russau R McCraney watchman P C Morhiser embankment on 4th St. June 20, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Madden Hollow surveyed establish grade on Dodge St. A L Brown elected engineer for the city Marshal remove all rafts at the lower end Petition of Blocklinger and others establishing grade on Clay St. Examine condition of alley west of 14th St. Petition of Cooper and others proposing repeal of the Hog Law $20,000 loan, 111 for the loan, 55 against the loan Committee to meet the delegate of the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road at Janesville June 20, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Subcribed the $100,000 stock to the rail road for the City of Dubuque Bills A Jordan and Co 2nd St. Fanning and Kavanaugh work on levee P C Morhiser Bluff St. Abel Hawley work on Harbor C Collins work on landing W H Merritt committee on claims June 27, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Alley west of 14th St. no damage to property holders 11th St. committee recommended that a curbstone and gutter be set down from Bluff St. to Jackson St. Dodge St. and Bluff st. invite proposals for doing the work Continuation of the road near J E Miller property Hill St. road could be made passable June 27, 1853 Committee to propose an Ordinance and make such other arrangements to secure the $20,000 loan Mashall prevent the drays from congregating at one place on Main St. June 30, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Secure loan of $20,000 Ordinance adopted and ordered to be published Ordinance prohibiting the firing of crackers and fire arms was suspended on July 4, 1853 Bush application to grade Bluff St. and Jones St. June 30, 1853 Marshall instructed to cause to be opened the County road running to Eagle Point William H Robbins - Recorder July 5, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Report on Bluff St. and Jones St. and grading the streets Some repairs on Mineral St. and Bluff St. Bids for work on Dodge St. and Bluff St. and Hill St. Power to advertise for proposals Committee on Bee Branch near the residence of Miller Committee assist the engineer in establishing the grade of 5th St. July 5, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Examine the amount of filling on Iowa St. near 4th St. Examine the conditions of the landing and street where ferry boats land Petition of Messrs Pratt and Mauson, Madden Hollow Widening the street between the warehouse and furnace deposit the dirt between 1st St. and Jones St. Communication John King July 5, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Petition of John King and others Petition of N V Duelles and others P C Morhiser elected city collector Bills P C Morhiser work on Bluff St. J R Redman Rebman measuring work John Simpson work near Catfish John Rielly Bluff St. John White Pat Farley C Driskel C Daily John Luithin Thomas Murphy Thomas Dolan Daniel Drilin Seymore Wm H Robbins July 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Lorimer Hollow Ferry landing, no necessity for filling at present 4th St. and Jones St. report Petition of John King widening the Cooley Avenue Superintend the printing and issuing of city bonds to the Southern Wisconsin Rail Road Committee on temporary loan Bids for widening the street between the warehouse and furnace July 11, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Excavation and filling required and the lowest bidder Bids on Dodge Street Bids on Hill Street and Air Hill 14th St. culvert and curbing Bridge on 8th St. repaired Petition of R McKinley and R O C Anderson P C Morhiser bonds with G W Jones, John Hautsrek and C Collins securities Marshall instructed to furnish the city printers with a weekly report of all police affairs Bills P M Drulrisk Druldrick John Russau James Condron July 11, 1853 Bills Wm Johnson Lorimer Hollow J H Thedinga Judges and Clerks Grugan, Forsythe and Co. Hay scale H H Merritts July 18, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Committee on the levee 4th St. 11th St. 14th St. repairs Resolution Resolved that William Gilliam employ men and improve 14th St. Dirty Hollow excavation and repairs on the road on the west side of Whiskey Hill and on the street near the brewery July 18, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Straightening and widening Lorimer Hollow Road, procuring right of way Hill St. improvement project, bid to the lowest bidder Air Hill contract Mineral St. and Bluff St. contract Contract to widen the street between the Warehouse and the furnace Progress Public Square Procure a temporary loan July 18, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde procure a temporary loan $2,000 deposited the sum in the hands of the treasurer Bluff St. and Dodge St. committee Treanor was the lowest bidder Messrs Andrew and Wilkinson build projection on 5th St. below Main St. City engineer purchase suitable engineering instruments Hawley leave his work for one week Grade near 10th St. on Main St. Marshall purchase a horse and cart for the use of the city Madden Hollow Road repairs July 18, 1853 Bills Cook, Sargent, Barney, and Co. interest on bonds Assessor Markle McCraney and Shaw for work on Dirty Hollow Booth and Shine for lumber N N Donitzen assisting city engineer Prevent smoke from being emitted from planting machine Dickinson Special Meeting August 1, 1853 Farley, Samuels, McNamara, Stout, Mobley, Burt, Langworthy, Heeb, McCraney, O'Hare, Wilde Salary of watchmen persons employed by the mayor be continued until next election Confer with the late City Printer CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES I hereby certify that the following described records of:_ Wahlert Memorial Library - Loras College State: Dubuque, Iowa From: Council Records No. 2 April 1848 - August 1853 were photographed as received and without alteration by the CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES at Cedar Rapids, lowa Date: September 16, 1993 Witness: Terri Cole CREST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES END ROLL NO. C-87