W Roll_24_Index_003 Part 1A9,0 9 INDEX—Book 39. 1209 BUBJRCT Peg. w j:3 C7 T A Jas. 7 -Alley first north of Ries street from Windsor to Staf- ford Ave" Improvement of 5, 7, 8, 21, 22. 28, 82 " 7 -Alley bet Windsor and Stafford Avenues from Hen- oepeo 8t. to the mouth end of said alley, Improve - meat of 5, 7.12, 28, 82 " 21 -Alley between 17th and 18th street' and Sycamore and " 11-Aamomat/a Maass dat various R. R. eroat of et1 land r 17 1000 p19905 of 17, 379, 403, 417. 423.424 85 -Alderson. James, ninth 20.48 Pah. 4 -Alta Meta etreet. politico of B. C. Keating et at, relative to widening of 32,48,142 " 11 -Alley bet. Clerk and Angelis street, petition of Alike Sawa, et al.. relative to opening of 37, 42 27 -Auditor of Stela, bill of for auditing City books 09 •• 17-Appfor the year 1909 60.61 star. 4 -Alpine ne street H from West Third to Julien Ava., 6,1,10 paving the gutter of 64 " 4-Awnlbp, regulattag height of 66 18 -Allison. Mary N., by C. H. Waith. petition of tareoffice,87,101 " 10 -Adding machine In Treasurer's o, relative to par - 11 rdase of 67.101 18 -Alleys, cleaning of, notice relative to 79 April 1 -Alley between 8th and 9th and Jackson and Washing, Mt streets, Improvement of I8, 101, 103. 109. 112. 110, 120. 128, 131, 138. 161, 211, 388. 841, 849, 254, 876, 394, 398 " 15 -Althaver, Jobs], petition of relative to cancellation of special smith for Improvements of Althaoser Avenue 99,265,464 " 15 -Alley between Iowa and Clay and 12th and 12th strew Improvement of .... 104,109.112,118,119.186.131, 162. 165, 172, 211. 354, 405. 441. 447, 452, 467, 494 " 15 -Asphalt, erode, relative to stopping Increase of duty on 104 May 6 -Alley between Milwaukee and Diamond Avenues from Jackson street to Couler Ave. establishing grade on 127 " 26 -Alley between queen end Elm streets from 14th street north, petition of H. W. Kruse relative to widening of 148,206 June 3 -Asbury street sidewalk. requested laid on 170 8 -Algona Aram., filling of lots on 174, 180, 210 Jul? 1-Althaamm Armes. remising of 812, 241. 255, 292, 851, 456 1 -Alpine street. surfacing ot, with Tarots 216.370 " 15 -Alley between Lawtber sag Sheridan Avenues. 'rod - d 227.262 at 234.236,386,315,816,338.139 237.470 Aug. %8Ar6Bi MOM es 281 Sept, - r. grade en 301, 352 }.iA `" grade m 301, 352 O-. " ,.v de an 301.352 " 1-A11M abotwees W lihpmboli Avenues from Itfddl► to Red Amines, Improvement of 354 16 -Ailey between Wait 4th and. West 516 street la Paul- ine Isngwortby'a Add., vacation of 318 Oct. 12-Aabnry road, repairing of, from County Rod nand364 1910 INDEX—Book 40 SUBJECT A Jan. 6 -Alta Vista 81, notice of. to complete improvement 4.9, 36 !a -Aware Top ](lining Co.; petition of, by 1. D. Mathes and B. P. BlocWinger. regarding taxes 15,91,599.559 " tic -Ancient Order o1 Hibereians, petition of, asking for the use ofArmory Hall for a dance 14 Feb. 3-Ambnlanee or public maintenance, by Dr. M. D. Linehan22, 65.56 s -Ahem. David, petition of, akin` for back Wary a3,34,w " 10 -Anna Place changingname of, by Henry Lw, et al 41, 53 " lYa Aleerso,, jms*, petition of, asking that Yale St. lying eat of llarvard 8t. be waled 46 " 10 -Alley between Sheinberg ed Lincoln Aves., from 2d Ave. So. to north line of iota 435 and 442, vacating of ----41, N, a, 78, 79, 01 19 -Appy toes for the fiscal year 1910-- N, 60, 114 Mar. 8- o Mines Development Co. petition of. eking th 7 e to lay a pipe line in back of their property 81,128 • 3-A s of State bill for auditing books of city 58 " 15 -Alley between Rhomberg Ave. and Lincoln Ave, and and aandd 5rd Avec, vacating of 90, 106, 115,114 " 16-Allmwr Ave. improvement, approving of 91 " 54 -Alley between Alta Vista sad Belmont St. and Rose and West 34515 8t grading of 94,226 ,1 " 94—Allexa, ..1104 el tlesub's 108 113 pr. • 14- " 61 May F.""^'� 6 -Alley betwmmk M—A4o.. ad Decorah and Dela- " 16.-A9 rl �pd�aka Bmehgs Bank from action of QQW/ ofCldetd-" time fes various positions Jame; et .1, petition of, aslieg that Harvard 8t. ted —Sc. opatiog of li--Aa.rnL amt Op books, of f064 )tee .. � i.a. �. 1113,187 136 155 110 169 159 160 IN, 1541 117, 196, 916, 409 511905 sod number. Aso. westing of. by Pawls A. and Wal- led 11111 ti 199 Jd" tl -dleest l'Ith and 11W lipkBg 11 01, 6711 1 W t opsotai of---- d 5a» f1- mai mosace. b7 Dub. Trades and 099 ***01224 M-Moomemi l " e• 1► Mg. ill-Mtb000so Me. II* i -Alloy Mimeo McNamara for cospee11.1 t9 Heyde. eMbYlCYaa.Yw .W ---- 851. Y16 with lar veeing 509 9µ per, 801, 800, 319, 209 _ud Bdmo.t Ave. eN A1� _ _01101J' 322. ary, N6, 270.100 0y1. eoafymM4V� b� wk15 C. G. WRy. i. 880 66 FommM/M YM. 4fY • �• 1- 1144: � amgwy�—� tom 6wders Ave. " 56-AAe9amklpMI 9I4ag .8 Wpekma9. petition of. /YNag for AA.emP6A, 5th Nov. I7—AWia� „ll6 ,�1, NYisg Wt PwY41e/alY M. km 6li1MY 4 soma.- list wsre late lk. IY rat of CrmdvlYw Dee. t -A i Book Page 14 Date 6V83'3E3 0T Book Page INDEX -Book 46 1911 _ SUBJECT Page A Jan. 19 -Ancient Order of Hibernian.. petition of, asking for use of Armory 0, 36 Feb. 10 -Applications for position of engineer o0 steam roller 33, 60, 07 " 10 -Armory Hall lease 36 " 10 -Armory Hall, painting and meting of 36, 40 " 28 -Appropriations for year 1911 63, 54 28 -Alleys, cleaning of 54 Mch. 2-Aplications for position of stoker on steam roller 07, 75 " 2-Appropriatlo0 for the payment of eettleme0ts of pereonal injury cares 09, 70 0 -Auditing Committee, appointing of, to audit old Water Works bills 71, 74 6 -Angela Street, Improving of 72 6 -Auburn Avenue, from Delhi to Weft 14th Street, Improving of 72, 74, 78, 87, 91, 147, 204, 300, 425, 459, 483 April 7 -Alley between Quee0 and Elm Streets, making " 8 -Alley In Gra0dview Avenue, vacating of 934 " 26 -Assistant Engineer, employing of 121, 147, 152 May 4-Agard, Mre., representing the Hygiene Commit- tee, relative to May 16th being Cleaning Day134 " 18 -Annual report of City Auditor, presenting of152 " 18 -Alley In Pauline Langworthy Sub., vacating of153 " 22 -Alley between Queen and Pine Streets, from San- ford Avenue to 27th Street, giving lot line168 " 20 --Alley between Malo and Locust, from 16th to 10th Street, improving of " 20 -Alley from Rose toe Wee 14th between279, 281, Helmond 61, 372, 370, 384 and Alta Vista Street., grading of 108 " 26 -Annual report of Dubuque Brldgo Co.. presenting of 169 June 1-Apol, Peter, Alderman -at -large, vacancy, fining of 194. 197 9 -Alley lint east of Helmond Street and unnamed street, grading of, by Walter G. Cox and City, to give grade 195, 296 29 -Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues, from Middle to Reed Avenues, grading of 226, 268, 29. July 11 -Austin, A. W.. et al., petition of, reducing Pennsyl- vania Avenue 252 " 20-Alvord, J. W., bill, presented by Attorney J. Cun- ningham 257, 364 Aug. 3-Ald. Sauer, hie rea7On for not acting as a mem- ber of Auditing Committee 282 30-Auetie, A. W., et al., remonstrance against Delhi Street assessment 300, 326 30 -Arlington Street, from Highland Place to Prairie ., Street, improving of 304, 324. 330 30-Arllogtoo Street, from Grove 'terrace to Highland Place, improving of 304 30 -Attorney to give his opinion as to the railroad company's lighting theirr ight of way 307 Sept. 8-Aeeeasor'e report to Councilas to aeaeeame01 roll being ready 323 14 -Arlington Street, between Highland Place and Prairie Stre,t, reducing to 26 feet wide 330 14 -Approaches on roadways, removal of, by Park Commlplonere 330 &r t. aI an p 4L4 •�-t aCg Date $TTBJEOT Book Page INDEX -Book 4, 1918 SUBJECT PUN A Jas. 4-Aatntn Massae, to levy special amassment e 4 -Alley between Grace and Deet Streets, ranting of 4 " 4 -Alley w eDeet street and Louisa fine& yr • ing of 4 4-AMermao Saul stated that then was about 88,000.60 available for comi7 road fund 18 f --Appointments of the Board of Public works 20 a -Appointment of the Lev. Improvement Com- mission ZO 18 -Anne, Mn. Lasa, Petition asking that Lot 88, east Damps, WL, be placed at 18.600.00 10, 64 fhb. 1-ADbnrs MMus, from Dant 10 West Fourteenth 16-A4 8 *meat has been completed 68 ID Ar Automablis Fin Emilie 61. 66 Mem. 39-A,9Bn, 0Nrge, protect against Sanitary Math In Pose DRut 114 April 4 -Alien, .1mk4 petition of asking that Treasurer b* faMBsgt�l9 IQ f r ri Assessment 131, 146 2*.- get, Alderman, Mtmmed that Chief of Police 186 ,ply the Public to remove all ash. from the 19-Ap06, ahn, petition of, asking that CIO'Tsurer 140 be insimmted to credit him with 8187.79 141 86-A , WJ. ., term of, taster Works Tuntae, ex - aired plied ae We 80th 161 16 -Amelia Street, improvement of 163 Maw IgS-Ali 1slomea of eavenl wards Marveled to heal W0en elms 176 " 27 -Auditor to furnish the City Council with Ordin- ance Books 708 17-Aes. Ame.ts previa og for the u laved of Spec- ial pea ml a Stu 0. Improvement rove to be outlawed 184 27 -Amelia Street, Improvement of 184 ]sen 6 -Alley between West 19th and Nostrum Terrace, to grade mid alley and brick gave 211. 886, 883, 316, 819, 349. 417, 431, 464 " 6 --Alley helves, Alta Vista and Mahood Street to " 10 -Asbury retldesW• de and Utlaa ot, satins Councilse tit t 300. 449, 469, 488 • Ove D. D. Co. Meal its oar Mee 816 " 10-A,MmC. Once, new cloth seeded 233 " M --Are lights os 16th and 160E sad Main Streets moved to West Lomat aid 8etenteenth atm* OW Belmont,between Rase set 14th W. 14Street 225 " 26 --Ailey bsen tweSa Vista sed N. Scott, Wrest, from Worths to West 14th Street, to lmpsvte 818, petel pot, 449, 449, 488 full Fpp Ael, L. pot levied asking kin005 g fpr 44* on Omelet Am. 16-Ailey16-Aileyersoorotpbetween M 8811 o146blle Iowa Streets. to brick pare 816, 3110. 863, 380 " 1l-'Anh Mna& to Improve 317 " 16 -Alley between Main we Lomat Street. to Wok " 16- gaA aml tan - pot 1108181. to vote opts ballot 816. 360. 86t, � M =111pM1,,/Q , p l made COW SSP. SU • -16 lql� STS33SECT ...... ~s 1913 000f41CT Pals A 708. 1—Attorrq ]�0ed085eas44 .venae wan - 4 -Atts to test of 3t not of leun BMW _._ 6 las. 14-AeMber aeeototed a.fo mel WO*Wats *Wort le, 17 - 10-108004 W Title miring lot. 391 M Wd96vwo 17 " ii -A. � b7 0.M C14, M vMeMta1t Ier1M 31, 33, M 16-41110 Ve133glve loan warmed. ordered drowa21 . 4-iallo ViVire Committee re /0490, matter at Moly Mt to kande IS W 4-Avto orTM Twee to whertlie 10r Hide 40. 141 • 1a " 0 -Are 14 Weld .4 8totlal 0608 T_ 40 'I 0.08, Amts, relative b 90000, 9101131 17001.4 Rob. 30-Attermis report m remove Poles trier streets . 4 60 allays " 20-Ap 0000latl080 for IMr 1019 n0Rre4 4o Cow 63, 63. 63 6-1947 mltMe of W Whole Re6. 78 -Aldan, 11110. Wyls%. 800(100 d4 029930744 91, Oonl 0738000 " 16 -Alley 6atwmn grllM 004 400446070 avenue from 700(1* to Amo aroma, W lmptovo — 06 118, 110, 139, 160, 193, MS 134, 111, 601 .y;;. " SS-Appropriations'W M4W( fond War — 67 Fie 0-Aatomo6Ue Flo • wanted M. 12, 141 Mar. a -Anvils street to prove 79, 104, 510, 311, 314, 301 0 -Alley between Mala fad I0crot 0091.0, 008 to M- mvete 00,101 Mar. l0-Arob Street to Improv. - 14, 04, 180, 110, 117, 136. 409, 460. 646 30-10430 of State 6111 fir illeniableg Nolo 06 " Attorney Milieus to 00 16 Ow MOM for 97108• a opporlae W 60 " f0-Atla(tic Avenue�90ra e1, 100 9p, 141, 144. f61, 716 " 30 -Avoca Assam 17 6,117, 161, 199, 443, 196, 084, 408, 447, 110, 511 " 74 -Allay between Mdla sad Iowa Streets, ora to 08- prate 100 Apr 3 -Alley 1n Dumb Sub" 4, Improve +19, 114, 147, 144, 108, 179, 171, 116, 401, 116, 419, 446 " 17-Aummo6lM 470, 1eeorder Imtr.10 to Det Ust of 1 / O1 Il6..3 of all 08tomob00V -�. 184, 166 " 17-Ameraid0w0A.860 Satltlaw o the to oovtrec0n0 135 " 17-ArmMy May, 1087 17 Itl Ip t0 9919008 a report MM. to MOM, eseitmeter 510 " 17-Aatm08ts to be made 97 OM OM ConnMI lees ppt177 " 17 -Auditor Lyon, An0aa1049001' 177 rep " 17 -Annual ort or Cleo. 0. Wp89100 City Twosome 177 " 17 -Alley between 9tb and 1910 Itra6ts, 64tw Imo and CW Stints to *WOW with . $40 Bee. 350 117, 179, 160.3 191, 17-1110600100 0 Grew and DM9att Smwr� be " 17-Alploe Meat, Maths Myyp�Mpkf a way tt 110, 1777, 211 to J® 6-Ao�7 91 086029.3 10010t.Ot 089{916091 NW.a to at 6 4411 377 creme is Mary 104, 781 Joao 14+aaomob*a -. . aL rayl M 8071.0 MIMI/err . 7408.4697 0.k. IltreetiInv 12 -Allay m 700808 0867029308 from Nevada *089 Met- WV ea �4 June 12-� Int Mm a 111600 ant. midis et «_ ill lane 11-.UN7 to tarots In Pilaw 2001, 0W0 SWtol Moot momma Smarr to 1014 Rooth Juno 19--1.22.7 9mwoia Amb and Willem �9up a one 1N, 4H, 469 pare em 210 J93 1 -Alloy e Mrs m9� 4 M4mmtl0 0 to 9V Mt mmr 0r.3q, 1308 1.4 416 ler MNat meeWod bp w Mame Undo Omar04 m 1917 17. -Alley Newman Askew aad Waa93g000-Stie „1• 101, 716, 407 from 17th to 1916 Street, W 0990074 166 N0 710, 711. a. SW, MS„ 447, MO MA11 At�B. 14-108290.. Herbert Bond of MO 100, *0.93 Manes, Hoed 39 � A10lamo Assam to MONO maga p 10 " 11-ANanel, report MUM to roam 990800. m emit of the 014 a 0060944, ver McArtknr, 811. water and P. Ryder " 01-1.111796010040.1.4001. Puree a.4 W 114, 461BOW 144008 " 11-1034{ o HW08, Mcombed ai Orme Tart'eoe m M10Hand IU 760. 1/R i01 Plats, to (*prove .. 6050. 4-1atomoblm 400829, math, to 0.Mpm Qat 7-Attorney71 V to 444s444460P MOM -t+. ester w 02929 Nov. 6-10. Assossma t Iplithe 001411077191117 307080 regale NM " 6~ -At m610 10 i Aml�IfaOlWet OWLfoam : �1 0-416446 Strum �6I0�41160�iYaer Iamreet.4 to mitts ml p}-1.193, nesse 010 (Il, ybroee strep, 62940 a " :O--11107. 1290000'beak Mob block 2210 4 -Alloy "ATV I IW 410, 408. 411. "4 407. 441 47T, 441� 11-1.040430 ,. 111-Aedra0.11," rWyve m ]m9m0 00144 008003104 M- M 44. ter ka 900 Naves_"—. - 81—u; 06808 "9010 ---- -- 004 0001 /1793 5erm1Ml0a b 81008 291960 _-.- _._...--.�,,.__.._.�-..� n *1103ln1°i6 4$1, 47 100 601 661111 616 1.7 191 A an. 1-Aeoh Street, epeeist asee4ament of, sed notice 6, 34.49, 68. an. 18-Aaaessor Heller, petition of, relative to granting Inc two deputies an additional {100.00 each 6 1F-Ad�or's Deputy, increase in salary8 te--Atto83ey'a Assistant, granted increase in salary 8 112.-AgWMdt Sprinkler Co., communication of It 184-A12118t2r Hall license suspended It 1a-AflMgy Roof to be repalrei 11, 033 ll-Attggy'. Report. relative to bringing water works MOW IP trial 11 ' 18 -Alley 121104reen Main and Locust, from 14th st. to Imp special special auenmenl of, and waiver *8.160 Improvement, special amusement of 6, 14 43, 53 Feb. e-Aeg L-I.iggid,onmunicetioe of J. E. Ward relative dT 35 of frro06 41S Cox and Verson Street.__ 40, 41 N.eument levied 44 to ening of Hill Street49 reIa 9 40 al, for Fiscal Tear_ 6461 88-ApplpgeY relative to ma ref: for the arrest and e- oavl�kin of alae murderer Chau Btauell 00, 76 31 -Alley between Luettrorthy Ave. and Solon Street, refs - dye to e.eMing._ yy 64, 99, 104 15: " 20-Arduser, Paul, relative to vacating u y beteween Langwortity Ave. rad Solon Streets 64, 60 78-Athlet #111141, eam1401 to make an appropriation 50.64 Mar. 6-Abetnet of Tide to Margaret La nano. to thy 75 19 -Attorney. annul report. of, for *011, 1314. 1912 it 1413 81.114 l8 -Attorney', Report cm abort Mlles for revaluation 81 Apr. 9-Atgalla Street. relative to fm rovhg of 08 t8 -Annual Report of nark board 114 " I6-AlIey between Mom and Lorain St5Beb from Jose* Street to Second Street. to improve 113. 126, 131, 150, 167, 173, 174. 106, 318, 354 350. 381. 425 " 16 -Alley between Main and Iowa Streets. from First Street to Second Street. to improve. 116. 188. 382, 161, 184, 165. 173. 104 916. 348. 383. 425 " to -Alley between White and Jackson. from 6th to 7th. to improve 121. 170, 177.801 " 111 -Alley het. Clay and White Streets from Fourth Street to Seventeenth S to pave 1st. 168, 173. 108, 908. 313, 316. 340, 362, 424, 161. 617 " to -'Alley between Clay and Iowa Streets, from 4th Street to 37th Street, to improve __.135. 157, 1118, 180, 173, 199. 203, 213, 3411, 302. 413, 101, 491. 617 " 16-Aogella Street. from end of present improvement to eau side of Cox Street. to improve 1223.310 " 16 -Alley between Locum end Bluff. from 6th to loth. to Improve .124. 113. 136. 149. 102, Ian 197.199.2/4,933,214,312,345 " 16 -Automobile Fire Engine to advertise for bids 126. 154 133, 014. 944, 360. 640 " 16 -Automobile Ambulance. to advertise Inc bids 126 149,151. 113.224 lel-Arlington Street. engineer to prepare grade 125 Apr. 30 -Alley between Rhombe•et and Garfield Aver, from Doth Avenue to Ann Avenue, to improve. 134, 233, 347, 850, 276. 201 340, 393. 412. 491 May 7 -Alley between Locust and Bluff. from 8th to 1Mh, not to eneavate 162 " 7 -Apple Street from Cleveland Avenue to Rush Street. to improve 1115 " 23 -Allison -Henderson Memorial Park, veto of Mayor Saul 100. 177, 293 " 19 -Auditor, annual report of 178 Jane 4 -Arlington Street from Grove Terrace to Highland Place *0 Improve 983, 311, 317, 918, 321. 398, 344, 369, 382. 309, 396, 484, 431, 353, 580. 6011. 632 " 4-Asnsors instructed to get *03 returns for year of 1914_ 430 " 11-Angella Street accepted by S4 Committee -232,336,357. 368, 428, 464 652 " 11 -Alley bet. Jackson and Washington. to prepare grade_ 243, 248 " 18 -Agreement of Hawkeye Steam Vole. Co. 249 " la -Alley first emit of Aimee Street, between Solon Street and Langworthy Amnon. grade of 249.258 " 18 -Alley berme, Clay and White. from 17th to 10th, to improve 949, 568. 317, 336, 384, 384, 431, 563, .180, 204,031,013 " I8 -Alley first north of Wen Fifth Street to Nevada St., to improve 151. 989, 904, 311, 318, 396, 368, 470. 514, 554 " tB-Allay between Alpine and Neead6 Sto improve 961, 886, 394, 316, 326, 360, 403. 405, 455, 473, 409 " 29 -An Ila Street, to incline fence Bee July f-Alliwn-Henderson Mmortal Association, relative to cancelling taxes of Standard Lumber Co. 293 " l --Attorney reports on 6% retained on improvements and Doaleith k D.Mgne Bridge Co. 297 1 -Austin Wooten. Co., bill of. for new sprinkler 307 " 2 -Alley bel. Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues imnlediate- ty north of Middle Ave.. relative to opening 306, 319 • " B -Angell. Street, to improve from end of present im- provement westerly to Lots 2 and 13. Kringle'. Sob 310, 487, 330, 110. 543. 571 " 2 -Alta Vista Street from West Locust t0 Rosedale Are, to improve 311. 450, 469, 488, 477. 403, 513, 519. 527,536 " 80 -Alley fleet south of Julien Avenue, to improve 368, 603, 680, 833, 537. 846, 671, 601, 815. 982.684, 720 Aug. 6 -Albert Adam, petition of, relative to erecting coal chute t 69 Julien Avenue 397, 432 20 -Alley between 34th and 17th Streets. between Syca. more and Cedar, relative to the yawl,. of 4;10 " 40 -Adams. Herbert, relative to salvage on West Itch St___ 43* " 80 -Adams Eugene, relative to salvage on Highland Place 461 " 20 -Albert. Adam. agreement of, for privilege of erecting coal chute __ _ 498 Sent. 3 -Anderson, A. E., relative to reduction in taxes 484 3 -Auditor. Siete report of. on checking accounts 468 " 9 -Auto. Cbiers Cor. insurance policy renewed 470 " 3 -Alley between Center Piece and Alta Vista Street from Julien Ave. to Lot 0. t. McNulty. Sob.. to improve 476. 598. 520, 534, 540, 344,572 " 17 -Alley Mt. Elm and. Washington.. 34th to 8611., grade of 487 " 17 -Appel, John. relative to Grandview Ave. assessment__ 499 " 17 -Alley Mt. Main and Iowa Ste. from 11th to nth Sts.. contractor notified to ravine detect. 501 " 17-Attorneyinstructed to read lighting contract SM " 17 -Auto oOre chief. to repair and sell and purchase • Ford. ca- 530. 561, 394, 841 Oct 1 -Alpine and West 6th St. relative to purchasing property 537 " 1 -Alley between. Great Ave. and C Place. to improve 536 " 1 -Apel. S and S/. TmMnse St.. relative to widening- 514,587 .191.611 " t0 -Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenues from 5/6, inn ,Dock to Reed Avenue, to vacate Nor. Dee. 6 -Andresen, Mra. Anna, relative to canceling taxes 6 -Alley ban. Eagle Pt. Ave. and Roti. S4 to improve 16 -Alden, Zama 1. relative to WBNB sesews0t *0-Attt,803' a0oet g0 uses of M4I18190rn v.. City 19-Armeey Hall, minds* to lleas 8400.4.-- 14167pewanOLlr�d1-671 •Opgtlm/ NM**.tr esw/.rMbO for mem 687 504 1110 019, 414 613 666 676 710 gook Page 18 `y INDEX—Hook 45 1016 • ivaJscr A Page Page Jen. 7—Apel, Emil, application of..for Chauffeur 'nf Ambit- talo "• 7—Ambulance under supervision of Chef of Police.. 9, 10, 19. 94. 121 !1 81—Adding Machine, to purchase, for Aaaeeeees Office in 99. 66, 119.81—Alley In Union Add., relative to vacating • 49 Feb. 4—Adam, M., re1ative to Rkbmberg Ave. assessment •• 9—Arch St., settlement made with the C. R. Mem mart, 51 4 Co., In balance due for Arch St. Improvetnent. .. 8—Alley between Eagle Point Ave. and Regent Stree•t,. from Queen Street to Prince et., to Improve - 60, 01,. 99, 971.110, 112,117, 119, 317, 191, 343 .. 16—Approprla1tnne for valuing year fixed 46 26—Auto Piro Engine warrants drawn for 19,600.00 Mar. 4—Alley bet. Rlmrnber8 & flarfleld, from Dock'lo Reed 11 " 4—Alley In Pauline LengworthY'e Sub.. 0. 91000 of 94.16. 13—Auto Fire Engin., contract of Nott Fine &0810 CO. tt 1 cancelled. Recorder to'rodvertise ' 13—Auto Patrol' Chaste and Tour101 Car, bids on • s 94, 107, 112.. 121 199, 139 18—American Lel imp` Coeemisslonerive to n[ bene of J.O. Morgan90 18—Alley, between Grant Ave. and Center Place.• to' 110. prove " 91. 91, 108, 111, 186 19—Attorneys report on court cures of Cat& and William • 99 Kleespiss and Mary Hotter 99 18—Allen Emma, allowed soldiers eoempROn 86—Auto Fire Engine, bids of the various firms...100. 111. 114. 118. 141 Apr. 1—Atherton Alice, relative to a reduction In taxes.... 113, 184 • t—Attorney, annual report of - •• 1',rAbetract of Title of Lots 103 to 616 Inbluslve. Ham'116 Add. • I—Alley 1106. Alta' VIi1 and Canter Place, Improvement 130. 160, 111, 800 of ...Med by Street Commissioner •' 1—Automobile, Far.1, to purchase for City Engineer136. 170 •' 1—American LoFrance Fire Engine Co:, awarded con- lracle for furnishing City with Chases and Auto 117 Fire Engine unlc- 16—Allison-Henderson Memorial Association, comm 118 lion of 16—Arlington Street property owners, relative to reduc- tion on the special aeseesment for constructing 110 0ew0r • 16—Anderson, A. E.. warrant ordered drawn for overpaid 160 taxes .. 16—Arch and Asbury streets. U. E. Co., Instructed to do 166 work May. 6—Agreement and waiver of C. A. Voelker, on making nections. Lot 7 Columbia Add., and fat III Cox Add. 168 4—Albee. Mary and Aflame. J. T., report of attorney on taxes. and decree of Judea Ronson 170 80—Alley lying bel. 18111 and 17th St., bet. Cedar and camore Set, petition of. Belsky Co., relative to learing same 191 10—Alley ranning west of 8t Ambrose Bt.. to the 0010 limits In Kleinschmidt and Finley Add., relative to vacating 116 • H.—Ambulance, City to purchase Inner tubes 101 June l -Alderson. James, taxes corrected for the year 1914198 " 2—Alderson, Dr. James. error 1n taxes corrected 220 !—Attorney. report on Raine case. also on the pa)'ment of sums due T. J. Hassett for Street improwent Hnla. 100 17—Attorneys report on Hay ve Schule cue 148 July 1—Automobiles, relative to 10.01108 - 393 '• 1—Alley bel. 9th and 101h Avenues and alley running from Rhomberg to Lincoln Ave. bet 9th and 10th Avenue. 10 Improve 294, 196. 498, 470, 414. 437, 119 1—Alta Vida and West Locust Street, to widen inter- section 996 1—Apple Street, to Improve from Cleveland Ave. to Rush Street 196 1—Alter In Elefnsehmldl's Bub., relative to vacating9160, 018 16—Alley west of Louisa Street, from North Street to South Street, relative to opening 908,447 11—Angell. Street, from Pier Street westerly improve- ment of accepted by Council 118, 286, 331, 149 11—Angell. Street, relative to laking cure of How of water and paYmeol for 60101 work 716 Aug 6.—Anderson, C. 1.. el al, asking to remove water fountain on Grandview Avenue 180,168 6—Assessor's, deputies. petition Of relative l0 an in- crease In salary 331 6—Alley bet Cleveland Avenue and Rush Street from Union Street to Mountain lane, profile of showing ped. 217 Ii—Alley bot Martha Street and West 14th Street, re- lative to fixing 941 1—Angell. Street, 6800.00 to be taken from Grading' Fund, for reentries of 841 I1—Automobiles. mumer. relative to enforcing cutouts. 967 Sato. 1—Alta Vista Street, Improvement of accepted by Coe. .ell 391, 426, 444. 410 •' 16—Austin. A. W., et a1., petition of relative to extending water mains In Delhi Street from Asbury Street to to City Limits 401 •• 16—Attorney in.trueted to prepare a written opinion re- lative to power City Council has over Water Work. 403 • 16—Arch and Sl. Ambrose Street. D. E. Co, to 8a later - section 491 Oct. 7—A Lison -Henderson Memorial Assoeletien, petition of relative to City assuming the mortgage of Allison- Henderson Park " 7—Auditor's annual report for 1114 •' 7—Annoal report. of Auditor and Treasurer ,• 7—Amelia 110 steps. contract awarded to Tho. 1... 01 " 77—A 1.1 lying bel: Rhomberg and lAncom Avenue, relative to Improving '• 19—Aldereon, Chas. P., error corrected In Delhi Street aaoemment '• 1/—Auburn Avenue, grade of from Dexter to Rosedale Ave. Nov. 19—Apel, John, peWlan of a.. e to having IateteM cancelled on his special1 aemeemont ' " 18—Alley bet. Reed Avenue and Rhomberg Are... re- letve to Improving 11—Alpine Street..aser.ment of for improving adal.01 Lot 7 and 61 In Julia tangworthy'. Add, 111401,e to nuking sslllement " 10—Anvil. Street, Engluwr Instructed le prepare grade " 30—Auction sale of old carts and harness Deo. 9-411.0 bet. Grandview Avenue and Bradley Avenue from Allman 400,1 to the north sad of the Alley In Grandview Flaw to vacate '• 11—Annelle Street, grade of from Cas Mreet to Lot 1 Erblgln'. Sub. 498.1169--( pv 44! 442 460,01 181 481 467 106 606,111 601 612 687 144 1188 Book Page 1S1 INDEX -Book 46 S111MSyR vv Pre A Jan. 4 -Algona Armee, prone of. showing grade 6 12 -Attorney Iumr5eted to prepare remintl055 for bride amounting to 091,000.00 14 " 20 -Allay between Grandview Avenue and Bradley Ar- no* from Altman Avenue to north end of alley, rela- tive 10 rawer, 20. 43, 110 Feb. l7 -Armory Hall, rotative to leasing to Governor Greys 61 21-Approprl.tlon for the Oral year 1011 10 Mar. 2 -Alley between Alpine and Nevada Street from Solon Street to [seaworthy Avenue. petition of John Mackey on Improving 4. " 2 -Atherton. A1100, petition of, relative to reducing tars89, 117 1. 2 -Arlon. Susie. ►flowed soldiers' exemption 49 " 2 -Alley between Alpine and Nevada Street from Solon Street to I.. worthy Avenue, to Improve 72 " 16 -Apel. John. relative l0 the 00w.0man1 for Newer In Grandview Avenue 66 Apr. 6 -Alderson. John, petition of, relative to making rawer connection 6l 6-A50r., Dennis, petition ofrelative to takes 90, 116 6 -Auditor instructed to report to caancll the Mambos of tondo 107 ,. 1( -Appointive Officers appointed for the year 1916 107 " 20 -Atlantic Avenue. petition of, property ewna. 00 1- proving street III " 40-Altha0n AMI.. petition of, relative to ww.0 aweea- moot 111. 161 S0 -Althea. Val, petition of, relative to waver .wseanent.. 111, 161 " 20 -Adams. Herbert. bond of 111 " 20 -Auditor, petition of, appointing dapnt7 119 20 -Attorney, petition of, appointing deputy 112 " 20-As.emor instructed to change land values on Broad- way Eet00.lon, on Franklin Street, Brindl:. Sub and West Seventeenth Street 117 " 20 -Atlantic Avenue to Improve from Julien Avenue to Rosedale Avenue 119, 164. 164, 162. 171, 178, 111, (05 10 -Alloys. engineer to prepare Matement of guar. yards of Improved alley. in the city • 124 " 15 -Alley lying between 9511 and 10th Avenue, to Improve 126, 102. 212. 224, 247. 211, 27e, 711. 202. 297. 106 May 4-Atlantle Avenue. petition of, property owner. relative to Improving leg 4 -Alley. and Amer. relative to cleaning, petition of J. VandermlIIen, et al, staking to advertise for bide 180. 169 " 4-Arlu., 1<n.. petition of, relative to reducing taxes 140. 206 4 -Anderson. Carrie a, petition of. relative to reducing taxes 140 " 4-Ad.nm, Herbert, Park Commlwlener. bond of 148 " 1 -Alley .nnlag north from Cora Street beck of OMI property, relative to placing Holm rowloa location 114 18 -Alley In We.taby's Sub., between North and bets Streets, petition of property owners relative to open- ing 112, 206 June l -Attorney's report on eaivape In alley between Clay and White Streets 117 1 -Annual report of Fire MWrlment 107 16 -Attorney's report On .e tars of Solon of Mt. W Jowph 101, 251 16 -Attorney's report on Elk. Home Bldg. and Odd Fellow. t.xee 104. 211 26 -Attorney to be notified t0 second offenders on speed ordinance 122 2o -Arlington Street, to Improvefrom Highland place to Prairie Street 154. 817. 526. 141. 845, 214. 611 July 6 -Annual report of Chief of Police 117 6 -Auto Fire App.nls. eltY 50 50005.12 217, 819, 152 1-Aesewor asking council to di.mlea F. W. Keoneally..._277 10-Anlerleao Hay r Awoolatlon. relative to ordinance on cutting were 180 20 -Adam, M.. petition of, relative to re Bko5O.rg Ave .12rwmcat 260 111 -Art. City Attaro07 elven 4,000.12 la War/ 292 10-Altnrnsy In*mated to notify pordes to remota the spouts ea Mata Street ......._...._._......._..._......... 299 Sept. 7-As.wOYO report of On rseaamst roll balms cam - 077 11 -Auditor IWaN0O to compile annual reports , 101 Oct. a-AWIWM 0f saw, report of. on alta,. 01 MO /9e Nov. 0-A11q between Whit. earl Jackson from 510 to 960 St.et1. Motive to taring 416. 109 2-Art5ofa, L. 5605100 of, tor we of Armory Hall 115 10-AurWen, O., ordered to have Newer cooneetbn0 made_ 490 7 -Aerate, Margaret. petition of, salve to reducing Wee 119 7 -Agreement of Peer Amid Slone Co. and H. and L Kolf.nbeeh on waver 4, Parkway and lawsMle 110 Avenue 7 -Agreement of Hrnamine !Avery and of A. Jaeger 504. 400 7 -Agreement of Zana Hots. Mork. and vett Heb on widening HIshteenth and ('lay Streets 491 Ing Eighteenth and Clay Street. 451 7 -Andean, Carrie H., tax petitio5 received and filed.. 455 15-Arwor7 Hail, petition of lee. &harry eahmg for use of 605 ie St-Asawwie deputies appointed 514 " 21-Am5a4noe, council to 000.5.00 shoat ab.6,50. 612 " 20-AMWI4 Concrete material not to be included l0 the spwldenilo0. 516 28 -Auction sale of 01.1 males 514 J.n. {—Armory 17011, petW4 of H160 School reletlre 0. ming f eating Clemmil far' •• 111—Aletr. Omer S greeting o . permlaelagti ..raotit[ a Dour too._ the etotw 11, 83 TeL. 1—Arm'an reU t<� MM•Aeueelean War fT V rans " 17—Automobile The !kWh..,Deeetea to erB ll 41, a{, 6f, t1. 131 for bile 37—ApproprWlon. for matting' year, teeeletlen adept- 42, 46 ed Sar. 1—Athletic F'lefd. bills of. allowed 54 16—Alley, to Improve. between tilm3e.07 and 1a10alte 84, from Paul to Clifford 0te...31, 36, 73, 64, 10. 083, 1I3, 167 '• 10—Andric04. Grace. tease corrected 011 16—Auto for Me chief, to purchase 43 Apr. 6—Agreement of Oscar Ayers on erecting house on Seventh Avenue •• 6—Alley firm east of Bouch Booth 81. pr0111e 06 nbowin6 grade 60 '• 6—Alley between Bemanary and Lelbnita B4, pronto of, referred N •• 6—Alley first south of Deihl St., from hauls Bt to Hall St, 60 leaprovo- 34, 161, 160, 163, 134. 161, 173 1012 314, 417, 663. 437 6—Alley between Nevada and Booth B4, relative to grading 106 " 14—Asbury Bt. engineer to re -arrange house numbers 110 " 10—Armory Ha11, lease and agreement of, on rent of Hall by (Governor Gre70 106 Hay II—Arnold. Victor. petition of. on erecting a frame dwelling at the fool of Eleventh Bt. 161. 611 f—Artue, Mrs. Lena, petition of, relative to tares.. 160• e6. 3—Annual report of Chief of Police t{6 0—Arlington Bt.. work accepted by street committee 111, 171, ITS, 1113 17—Alley, from the Intersection of Con Bt, petition of property owners relative to vacating 149, 6.1 17—Alley first east of Asbury Bt., petition of Ed. Mc- Evoy, relative to vacating 160 17—Atlanllc Ave.. Improvement of, accepted by Com- mittee on Streets 176, 100, 160. 103, 164, 130 17—Alley, between Kaufman Ave. and Valeria St, en- gineer t0 give rinse 11{, 16T 17—Alderson. Jno., relative to connecting with water pipe • _._ 171 36—Auto Fire Engine. to be named James Saul 111 June 7—Adam. Co.. petition of, relative to vacating C Wn street. 1n Dubuque Harbor Co.'. Add. and Booth'. Add. 106, 1.1, 761 7—Annual report of City Treasurer 10. 11—Anatol report. of City Auditor and Cit? Attorn7 111 33—Alley running Into Hayden's Lane• petition of property owner., relative to open4f July 6—Aurede5, Ella, ordered to have sewer connections mad. 1t1 111—Allay, relative to vacating. between Leeman and Devenport 84 111 " 11—A11.1, relative to re -opening, closed by the Weat Third Bl. improvement .{I 10—Annual report of City Engineer Mt 10—Apron. on .treats ordered removes . pl Aug. 1—Alley In Block 18. Dubuque Harbor Co. Add., rela- tive to v eaung " 1—Asbury St.. to Improve, from 8t Ambrose St. to City Limits " 1—Alice Bt, engineer to prepare grad. 16—Ar671e 8t, peUUoo of properly owners. relative to lmprov103 •• 16—Angella 01., property overdo. petition 01, relative le Improving, from prrmnt Improvement to Co: Bt.. " 16—An6011n St, to Improve, from end of present Im- provement to Cox 8t Sept. 6—Amaseor'e report on hernia tai Inst ready " 6—A/My, between Birth and Eleventh Me, between While and Clay Bl., relative /0 0.35090 10—Agreement of Wm. P. Blettery on Nevada Bt Im- provement Pot l3—American Surety Co., relative to bond of lows. T1219003. Co. " 18—Agreement of Windsor Ave. property owner. on Dec.10—Amertan Defense 3004.17, loc., petition• relative t0 mleguardlat country ._...................._.... " 10—Alderson, J00., petition• relative to reduction is gammen — . — .,, ....._.