Y Roll_11 Part 2I47 Regular Session., Oct. 3, 1802. A. W. Hosford, lot 2 Cain's sub 48 lineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 21 60 21.33 sq yds guttering at 45c. 9 60 53.33 sq yds macadam at 45c. 21 00 $ 55 20 A. W Hosford, lot 3, Cain's sub: 4S lineal ft curbing at 45c... $ 21 60 21.33 sq yds guttering at 45c. 9 63 53.33 sq yds macadam at 45c. 24 (.0 $55 20 A. W. Hosford, lot 4:Cain's sub • 48 lineal feet curbing at 45e..$ 21 60 21 33 sq yds guttering at 450.. 9 60 53.33 sq yds macadam at 45c. 24 00 $ 55 20 John llier, lot 5,Cain'ssub : 55 lineal teet curbing at 45c..$ 24 75 24 44 sq yds guttering at 45... 11 00 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 27 5 ) 63 25 A. W. Hosford, lot 6, Cain's sub: 55 lineal teet curbing at 45-..$ 24 75 24 44 sq yards guttering at 55c 11 01) 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45e . 27 50 - D P. S Webster, lot 8, !Cain's sub: $ 63 25 103 9 lineal feet curbing at 45x$ 46 75 51.29 sq yards guttering at 45c 23 OS 108 44 sq yds macadam at 45c. 48 80 Henry H. Willmers, lot 9, -$ 118 63 Cain's sub: 48 lineal feet curbing at 450..$ 21 60 21.33 sq yards guttering at 45c 9 60 53.33 sq yds macadam at 45e... 24 00 20 A. W. Hosford, lot 10, Cain's sub: --$ 55 48 lineal ft curbing at 45c....$ 21 60 21.33 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 9 60 53.33 sq yds macadam at 45c. 24 00 Jane McCloskey, lot 11, Cain's sub: 55 20 55 lineal ft curbing at 450....$ 24 75 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 11 00 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45e. 27 50 A. W. Hosford, lot 12. Cain's sub: 3 63 25 55 lineal ft curbing at 45o....$ 24 75 24.44 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 11 00 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45e. 27 50 63 Adopted by the following vote: , 25 Ayes -Alda Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, G lab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. G lab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: flat to pav for improvement of Algona avenue from West Fourteenth street to Dexter avenue by 0 11 Kringle, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: C.A.Voelker et al, lot 246 Woodlawn Park : 100.4 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 40 16 44 62 sq yds guttering at 40c. 17 85 122.70 sq yds macadam at511c. 61 35 C. A. Voelker et ai., lot 245, - -$ 119 36 Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c.. $ 20 08 22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c. 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50e. 30 68 C. A. Voelker et al., lot 244, - $ 59 68 Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 22.31 sq yds guttering at 400.. 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c.. • 20 08 8 92 30 68 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 243, -$ 59 68 Woodlawn Park: 68.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 27 28 42.62 sq yds guttering at 40c . 16 92 122.70 sq yds macadam at50c 49 92 -$ 94 12 M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 203, Woodlawn Park: 10(1.4 lineal ft curbing at 403.,$ 40 16 44 62sq yds guttering at 40c . 17 85 122 70 sq yds macadam at 50c 61 35 -$ 119 36 M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 204, Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40e..$ 20 08 22 31 sq yes guttering at 40c.. 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 68 -$ 59 68 M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 205, Woodlawu Park: 50.2 lineal fc curbing at 400...$ 20 0S 22.31 sq yds gutterlug at 40c.. S 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 68 $ 59 63 M. Tschirgi, Sr., lot 208, Woodlawu Park : 69 4 linsal ft curbing at 40c...$ 27 76 42 31 sq yds guttering at 49c.. 16 92 99.85 sq yds macadam at50c.. 49 99 $ 94 60 G. B Thomas,lot 242, Wood - lawn Park: 67 9 lineal ft curbing at 49c...8 27 16 42 31 sq ydsgutteriog at 40c.. 16 92 9'J 85 sq yds macadam at50c.. 49 93 $ 94 01 C A. Voelker et al., lot 241, Woodlawu Park: 59.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 22 31 sq yds gutt ring at 400.. 61 35 sq yds macadam at 5)c.. C. A. Voelker et al., lot 240, Woodlawu Park: 5(1 2 lineal ft curbing at 40e...$ 20 OS 22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at50c.. 30 68 G. B. Thomas, lot 239, Wood- - $ 59 68 lawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 20 OS 22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 3 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 63 G. B. Thomas, lot 238, - $ J9 63 Woodlawn Park: 63 4 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 27 36 42.31 sq yds guttering at 40c. 16 92 99 85 sq yds macadam at 500. 49 93 $ 94 21 20 08 892 3(1 63 $ 59 63 C. A. Voelker, et al., 1ot207, Woodland Park: 68 7 lineal ft curbing at 40c..8 42 31 sq yds guttering at 400. 99.85 sq yds macadam at 50c. C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 208, Woodlawn Park: 50 2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 22.21 sq yds guttering at 40c. 61.35 sq yds macadam at 5Jc. C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 209, Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 20 08 22 31 sq yds guttering at 40c.. S 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c. 30 63 27.48 16 92 49 93 -$ 94 33 20 08 8 92 30 68 - -$ 53 63 C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 210, Woodlawn Park: 50 2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 22.31 sq yds guttering at 40e. 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c. r C. A. Voelker, et al., lot 211, Woodlawn Park: 68 lineal ft curbing at 40c....8 27 20 42.31 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 16 92 99.85 sq yds macadam at 50c. 49 93 59 6S 20 08 8 92 30 68 - $ 59 63 C. A Voelker et al., lot 237, Woodlawn Park: 68 3 lineal ft curbing at 40e..$ 27 32 42 31 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 16 92 99 85 sq yds macadam at 50c. 49 93 --$ 94 17 $ 94 05 Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. 148 C. A Voelker etal., lot 236,Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 20 08 22.31 sq yds guttering at 40c. 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c. 3U 63 C. A. Voelker et al.,lot 235, $ 59 68 Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 20 ( 8 22 31 sq y da guttering at 40c. 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c. 30 68 $ 59 68 C. A. Voelker et al., lot 234, Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 22.31 eq yds guttering at40o.. 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50J. C A. Voelker et al, lot 217, Woodlawn park: 69.5 lineal ft curbing at 40o..$ 27 80 42 40 sq yds gutteriug at49c.. 16 96 100.10 eq yds macadam at 5Uc 50 05 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 218, Woodlawn park: 50.4 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 20 16 22 40 sq S ds guttering at 41o.. 8 96 61.60 sq yds macadam at 5)c.. 30 80 20 08 C. A Voelker et al., lot 219, 8 08 Woodlawn park: 38 92 50 41ineal ft curbing at 40c..$ $ 59 68 22 40 sq yds guttering at 400. 61.60 sq yds macadam at 500. C. A Voelker et al., lot 22), Woodlawn park: 50.4 lineal ft curbing at 40o.$ 22.40 sq yds guttering at 40o. 94 13 62 60 sq y ds macadam at 50c. C. A. Voelker et al., lot 221, Woodlawn park: 69 1 lineal ft curbing at 400 .$ 42 40 eq yds guttering at 40c. 94 37 100.10sq yds m'adam at 30c. C. A. Voelker et al., lot 233, Woodlawn Park: 68.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 27 28 42 31 sq yd• guttering at 40c.. 16 92 99.85 sq yds macadam at 50c. 49 93 --$ C. A. Voelker et al., lot 212. Woodlawn Park: 68 8 lineal ft curbing at 400..$ 27 52 42 31 eq yds guttering at 40c.. 16 92 99.85 sq yds macadam at 500. 49 93 --$ C. A. Voelker et al., lot 213, Woodlawn Park: 50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40o.$ 20 (8 22.31 sq yards guttering at 40c 8 92 61.35 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 68 $ 59 68 C. A. Voelker et al., lot 214, Woodlawn Park : 50.21ineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 20 08 22.31 sq yards guttering at 40e 8 93 61.35 eq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 68 $ 59 68 C A. Voelker et al., lot 215, Wocilawn Park: 50.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 20 08 22 31 eq yards gutteriug at 40c 8 92 61.55 Eq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 63 $ 59 68 C. A. Voelker et al., lot 216, Woodlawn: 67.9lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 27 16 42.31 sq yards gutteriug at 50o 16 92 99.85 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 49 93 $ C. A. Voelker et al., lot 232. Woodlawn Park : 69.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 27 64 42 40 sq yards guttering at 40c 16 96 100.10 sq yds macadam at 500. 50 05 $ 94 65 C. A. Voelker et al., lot 231, Woodlawn Park: 59.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 20 16 22.40 eq yards guttering at 40c 8 96 61.60 sq yds macadam at 50o.. 30 80 $ 59 92 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 230, Woodlawn park: 50.4 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 20 16 22.40 sq yds guttering at 40o.. 8 96 61.60 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 80 $ 59 92 C. A Voelker et al, lot 229, Woodlawn park: 50.4 lineal ft curbing at 40e...$ 20 16 22 40 sq yds guttering at 40o.. 8 96 61.60 sq yds macadam at 50c.. 30 80 - $ 59 92 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 228, Woodlawn park: 50.4 lineal ft curbing at 400..$ 20 16 22 40 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 96 61.60 sq yds macadam at 500. 30 8U $ 59 92 C. A. Voelker et al, lot 227, Woodlawn park: 12. lineal ft curbing at 40o....$ 4 80 5.33 sq yds guttering at 40c... 2 13 14.67 sq yds macadam at 50c. 733 - a 14 26 94 81 59 92 20 18 8 96 30 80 $ 59 92 20 16 8 96 30 80 59 92 27 64 16 9) 50 05 $ 94 65 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that to pay for improvement of Cornell street from May Place to Thomas street and Thomas street from Cornell to Alma street, by Norton & Lee, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Hannah Gelling, n 34 lot 11 Yates and Pickett's sub: 13 7 lineal ft curbing at 49e... $ 6 71 11.56 sq yds guttering at 59c.. 5 78 94 01 29.33 sq yds macadam at 54o.. 15 84 -$ 28 33 M. J. McCullough, lot 7, Morgan's add: 59 9 lineal ft curbing at 49c...$ 29 35 33 02 sq yds guttering at 59c.. 16 51 84.07 sq yds macadam at 54c.. 45 40 -$ 91 26 M. J. McCullough, und. 3( lot 8, Morgan's add: 24.1 lineal ft curbing at 49c...$ 11 83 10.74 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 5 37 27.37 sq yds macadam at 51c.. 14 78 -$ 51 93 Geo. W. Schrup, und. 34 lot 8, Morgan's add: 24.2 lineal ft curbing at 49o...$ 11 84 10.73 sq yds guttering at 5 ►c.. 5 36 27.37 sq yds macadam at 54c.. 14 78 --$ 31 98 M. J. McCullough, und. ?X lot 4, Morgan's add: 24 2 lineal ft curbing at 49c...$ 11 84 10.73 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 5 36 27.37 sq yds macadam at 54o.. 14 78 $ 3198 Geo. W. Schrup, und. 34 lot 4, Morgan's add: 24.1 lineal ft curbing at 49c...$ 11 83 10.74 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 5 37 27.37 sq yds macadam at 54c.. 14 78 $ 31 93 Jos. S. Morgan, lot 10, Mor- gan'€ add: 65 1 lineal ft curbing at 49o...$ 31 90 39.47 sq yds guttering at 50o.. 19 74 77.75 sq yds macadam at 54o.. 41 98 --$ 93 62 149 Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. Jos. 13 Morgan, lot 16, Mor- gan's add : 9 87 sq ycs guttering at 50c...$ 4 94 9.07 sq yds macadam at 54c... 4 90 L. W. Barker, lot 6, Morgan's add: 107.9 lineal ft curbing at 49c..$ 52 87 49.38 sq yds guttering at 51c.. 24 69 132.58 sq yds macadam at 54c. 71 59 $ 149 15 James Howie, lot 11, Mor- gan's add : 1819 lineal ft curbing at 490..$ 89 13 89.51 sq yds guttering at 51c.. 44 75 217.98 sq yds macadam at 54o. 117 71 $ 251 59 James Howie, lot 12, Mor- gan's add: 49.1 lineal ft curbing at 49o...$ 24 09 21.82 sq yds guttering at 500.. 10 91 43.64 sq yds macadam at 54c.. 23 57 $ Chris. Fredrich, lot 13, Mor- gan's add: 49.1 lineal ft curbing at 49c...$ 24 06 21.82 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 10 91 43.64 sq yds macadptm at 510.. 23 57 $ 58 54 Jos. S. Morgan, lot 14, Mor- gan's add: 147 3 lineal ft curbing at 490.. $ 73 56 sq ods guttering at 50c.. 149 sq yds macadam at 54c... 9 84 5S 54 A. A. Loetscher, lot 5, Fair- view add: 58.6 lineal ft curbing at 49-..$ 23 71 26.67 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 13 34 62.33 sq yds macadam at 54c.. 33 66 $ 75 71 72 18 36 78 80 46 $ 189 42 A. A. Loetscher, lot 6, Fair- view add : 50 lineal ft curbing at 490....$ 24 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 11 11 44.44 sq yds macadam at 54e.. 24 00 $ 59 61 A. A. Loetscher, lot 7, Fair- view add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 49c $ 24 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 50c11 11 44.44 sq yds macadam at 54c24 00 -$ 59 61 Martin Buoel, lot 8, Fair- view add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 40c$ 24 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 50o11 11 44 44 eq yds macadam at 54c24 00 -$ 59 61 Martin Buoel, lot 9, Fair- view add. 50 lineal ft curbing at 49o$ 24 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 50011 11 44.44 sq yds macadam at 54c24 00 --$ Martin Buoel, lot 10, Fair- view add: 74.9 lineal ft curbing at 49o.$ 36 70 33.83 sq yds guttering at 50c16 67 86.58 Eq yds macadam at54o35 95 -$ 89 32 A. A. Loetscher, lot 11, Fairview add: 133 9lineal ft curbing at 490.$ 65 61 69.33 sq yds guttering at 50c34 65 126 31 sq;yda macadam at 54c68 21 $ 168 47 Rebecca J. Farley, lot 20, Fairview add : 185 9lineal ft curbing at 490.$ 91 09 87.56 sq yds guttering at 50c.. 43 78 174.67 sq yds macadam at 54o. 94 32 $ 229 19 59 61 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: .Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Twenty-third street from Couler avenue to Jackson street by E E Frith, contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, acid for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jos. Stoltz, e 100 ft lot 376, Davis Fa m add : 102.5 lineal ft curbing at 39o.$ 89 98 49 73 sq yds guttering at 39c.. 19 41 161.78 sq yds macadam at 39c. 63 09 -8 122 48 Adam Stoltz, w 80 ft 1ot376, Davis Farm add: S9 lineal ft curbing at 39c....8 34 71 40.66 sq yds guttering at 39c.. 15 86 13;71 sq yds macadam at 390. 54 U9 $ 104 66 Peter Wanderscbeid, Jr., lot 267, Davis Farm add: 190 lineal ft curbing at 390...8 74 10 90.44 sq yds guttering at 39c.. 35 27 300.47 sq yds macadam at 39c. 117 18 $ 226 55 James Levi, lot 238, Davis Farm add : 192.1 lineal feet curbing at39c$ 74 92 90.44 sq yards guttering at 39c 35 27 301.02 sq yds macadam at 39c 117 40 $ 227 59 H. W. Butler, lot 213, Davis Farm: 190 liaeal feet curbing at 301.6 74 10 90 44 sq yards guttering at 39c 35 27 30102 sq yds macadam at 39. 117 40 --$ 226 77 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council or the city of Bubuque: That to pay for the improve- ment of Twenty-fourth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street, by Geo. E. Taylor, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Leopold Franklin, lot 368, Davis Farm add: 192 6 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 77 04 90 18 sq yards guttering at 40c 36 07 247 99 sq yds macadam at 40c. 99 20 Jac. Marshall,lot 277, Davis $ 212 31 Farm add: 190.21ineal feet curbing at 40c$ 76 08 90 18 sq yards curbing at 40.. 36 67 247.99 sq yds macadam at 4Uc 99 20 Jacob Haudenscbild,lot 276,--$ 211 35 Davis' Farm add: 193.6 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 79 44 90.18 sq yds guttering at 400.. 36 07 247.99 sq y ds macadam at 40c. 99 20 $ 214 71 Chas. Krantz, lot 367, Davis' Farm add: 193 1 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 77 24 90.18 sq ds guttering at 40e.. 36 07 247.99 sq yds macadam at 40c. 99 20 Adopted by the following vote-$ 212 51 Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, rage, Peaslee and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Windsor avenue from Lincoln avenue to Garfield avenue by Staudt & O'Farrell, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, i Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. 150 a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the ssveral amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jac Grill, lot 49, Cook's add : 144 5 lineal ft curbing at 42c..8 60 84 65.11 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 27 35 233.05 sq yds macadam at 42c. 97 88 -$ 185 87 Richard Fengler, lot 36, Cook's add : 129 7 lineal ft curbing at 420..$ 54 47 224.16. a yds guttering at 42c.. 24 54 q yds macadam at 42c. 94 15 -$ 173 16 H. C. Deckert Est., lot 21, Cook's add: 145 5 lineal ft curbing at 420..$ 61 11 65.55 sq yds guttering at42c.. 27 53 232.89 sq yds macadam at 42c. 97 60 -818724 Daniel Schwartz, lot 8, Cook's add: 144 7 lineal ft curbing at 42e..$ 60 77 66 sq yds guttering at 42c.... 27 72 238.17 sq yds macadam at 42c. 100 04 -$ 188 53 Gandanz Truog,:ne 35 lot 7, Cook's add: 145 4 lineal ft curbing at 42c.$ 61 C7 66 sq yds guttering at 42e.... 27 72 238.17 sq yds macadam at 420. 100 04 ---$ 188 83 Mary Horner, lot 22, Cook's add: 146.6 lineal ft curbing at 42c.$ 61 57 66 sq yds guttering at 42c.... 27 72 232.39 sq yds macadam at 42c 97 60 ---$ 186 89 Kate Guederian, northeast 34 of lot 35, Cook's add: 146.5 lineal feet curbing at 42c$ 61 53 65.78 sq yards guttering at 42c 27 62 233.05 sq yds macadam at 42c. 97 88 $ 187 03 Henry Suverksup, lot 50, Cook's add: 145.51ineal feet curbing at 42c$ 6511 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 233.05 sq yds macadam at 42c. 61 11 27 35 97 88 $ 186 34 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Air Hill street from Julien avenue to West Eighth street, by Dan Sheehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named,situateand owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Nagle, lot 11, Kelly's sub: 154 7 lineal ft curbing at 40...$ 61 88 70 22 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 29 49 193.11 sq yds macadam at 42c. 81 11 $ 170 48 John Mullen, lot 21, Kelly's sub: 67.7lineal ft curbing at 403...$ 27 08 30 09 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 12 64 82.74 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 34 75 $ 74 47 Michael Parker, lot 4 sub of lots 22 and e3f 23, Kelley's sub: 37.5 lineal ft curbing at 403...$ 15 00 16 67 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 7 00 45.83 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 19 25 $ 41 25 Michael Parker, lot 3 sub lots 22 and e35 23, Kelly's Rub: 32.5 lineal ft curbing at 403...8 13 00 14.44 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 6 06 39.72 sq yds macadam at 42c. 16 68 ---$ 35 74 W. P. Rigdon.lot 2, sub lots 22 and a% 23, Kelly's sub: , 20 lineal tt curbing at 400....8 8 00 8.89 sq yds guttering at 42c... 8 78 24.44 sq yda macadam at 42c. 10 26 -$ 2199 Wm. Jenkins. est, lot 1, sub lots 22 and e34 23, Kelley's sub: 44 5 lineal ft curbing at 403...$ 17 80 25.87 aq yds guttering at 42o.. 10 57 72.91 sq yds macadam at 42c. 30 62 $ 59 29 D. Barry Estate, wX1334, lot 12, Kelly's sub: 74 1 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 29 64 38.18 sq yds guttering at 42c. 16 04 104 99 sq yds macadam at 42c 44 10 -$ 89 78 D. Barry estate, s35 lot 12, Kelly's sub: 35 lineal feet curbing at 40c..$ 14 00 15.56 sq yds guttering at 42e.. 6 54 42.78 sq yds macadam at 42c. 17 97 $ 38 51 P. B. Martin, w40 ft 875 ft lot 12, Kelly's sub: 40 lineal feet curbing at 40c..8 16 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 7 47 48.89 sq yds macadam at 42c.. 20 53 $ 44 00 Geo. Traub,w100 ft lot 1 sub 19 and 20, Kelly's sub: 50 lineal feet curbidg at 40c..$ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 42c.. 9 33 61.11 sq yds macadam at 42o. 25 67 -$ 55 00 Geo. Traub, n25 ft lot 2 sub lots 19 and 20, Kelly's sub: 25 lineal feet curbing at 400..$ 10 00 11.11 sq ,yds guttering at 420.. 4 67 30.56 aq yds macadam at 42c. 12 84 $ 27 51 John A. Spear, lot 2 (ex- cept n25 ft) sub lots 19 and 20 Kelly's sub: 132 6 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 53 04 56.71 sq yds guttering at 42c. 23 82 154.18 sq yds macadam at 42c. 64 78 $ 141 62 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Glab,Nicks, Olinger, Page. Smith and Stoltz Ald. Glab offered the following: .Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. that to pay for improvements on Hill street from West Third to Dodge streets, by John Tibey, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: O. S. Langworthy, lot 8, Mrs. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub of part of min. lot 73: 218.2 lineal ft curbing at 403..$ 87 28 99.10 sq yds guttering at 40o.. 39 64 275.98 sq yds macadam at 45c 124 19 $ 251 11 V. A. Langworthy, lot 4. Mrs. L. 11. Lang - worthy's sub of part of min. lot 73: 211.1 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 84 44 93.82 sq yds guttering at 403.. 37 53 258.01 sq yds macadam at 45o 116 10 -$ 238 07 V. A. Langworthy, lot 3, Mrs. L. H. Lang - worthy's sub of part of min. lot 73: 330.1 lineal ft curbing at 40c..8 132 04 146 58 sq yds guttering at 40c. 58 63 401.99 sq yds macadam at 45c. 180 90 371 57 151 Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1592. James O'Farrell, lot 8 of min. lot 73: 248.7 lineal ft curbing at 40-..8 99 48 112.49 sq yds guttering at 40;,. 45 00 306.41 sq yds macadam at 45c. 137 88 - $ 282 36 Peter R. Martin, lot 3 of 2 of 2 of 9 of min. lot 73: 50 lineal tt curbing at 40c....$ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 400.. 8 89 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 27 50 - $ 56 39 Peter R. Martin, lot 2 of 2 of 2 of 9 of min. lot 73: 60 lineal ft curbing at 40c....8 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 89 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 27 50 $ 56 39 Peter R. Martin, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 9 min lot 73: 50lineal feet curbing at 40c..$ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 89 81.11 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 27 50 $ 56 39 Agnes Langworthy. lot 3 of l of 2of 9 of min lot 73: 356 5 lineal feet curb'g at 40c.$ 142 60 158 44 eq yds guttering at 40c. 63 38 435.72 sq yds macad'm at 45c. 196 07 $ 402 05 Michael Hannon, lot 4 of 1 of min lot 68: 133.51in feet curbing at 40c..$ 53 40 59.47 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 23 79 164.63 sq yds macadm at 450.. 74 08 Mary A. Trenk, n 50 ft lot -$ 151 27 2of 1 of min lot 68: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40o..$ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 89 81.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 27 5U $ 56 39 J. E. Wooten, s 87X„ft lot 2 of l of min lot 68: 87 5 lin feet curbing at 40c....$ 35 00 38.89 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 15 56 106.93 sq yds macad'm at 45c. 48 12 J. E. Wooten, lot 1 of 1 of $ 98 BS min lot 68: 574 lin feet curbing at 40o....$ 229 60 255.11 sq yds guttering at 40c. 102 04 701.56 sq yds macad'm at 450. 315 70 E. Pillard, lot 4 of 1, of min $ 647 34 lot 68: 92 2 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 36 88 40.98 sq yards guttering at 410 16 39 112.69 sq yds macadam at 45c. 50 71 E. Pillard, lot 5 of 1, of mim $ 103 78 lot 68: 57.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c$ 22 84 25.38 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 41 Mrs. S. B. Cutler, lot 6 of 1, $ 64 90 of min lot 68: 57.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 22 84 25.38 sq yds guttering at 40o.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45e.. 31 41 Louis H. Cutler, lot 7 of 1, $ 64 40 of min lot 68: 57.1 lineal feet curbing at 40o$ 22 84 25.38 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 41 64 40 Mary A. Trenk, lot 8 of 1,of min lot 68: 57.1 Iinra1 feet curbing at 40c$ 22 84 25.25.38 sq yds guttering at 49e.. 10 15 q yds macadam at 450.. 31 41 Katie Henschel, lot9 of 1,of $ 64 40 min lot 68: 57.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 22 84 25 38 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 10 15 69.79 eq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 41 ---8 64 84 F. M. and R C. Mathis, lot 10 of 1 of min lot 6:2: 57.1 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 22 84 25 38 sq yds guttering at4ic.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45c. 31 41 --$ 61 40 F. M. and R. C. Mathis, lot 11 of 1 of min lot68: 57.1 lineal tt curbing at 400..8 22 84 25.38 sq y ds gut. ering at 40c.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 41 $ 64 40 John Sigworth, lot 12 of 1 of min lot 68: 57.1 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 22 84 25.38 eq yds guttering at 40c.. 10 15 69.79 sq yds macadam at 45c. 31 41 J. E. Wooten, lot 13 of 1 of min lot 68: 59 3. lineal ft curbing at 450. $ 23 72 26 36 sq yds guttering at 4•1c. 10 54 72 48 eq yds macadam at 45c. 32 62 $ 64 40 668S J. E. Wooten, lot 14 of 1 of min lot 68: 59.3 lin feet curbing at 40c....8 23 72 26 16 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 10 54 72.48 sq yds macadam at45c.. 32 62 8 66 SS F. M. and R. C. Mathis, lot 15 of 1 of min lot 68: 59.3lin feet curbing at 40c....$ 23 72 26.16 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 54 74.48 sq pus macadam at 45c.. 32 62 -$ 66 88 Mary C. Wall, lot 2 of min lot 58: 102 6 lineal feet curbing at 400$ 41 04 45 60 sq yds guttering at 400.. 18 24 125.40 sq yds macadam at 450 56 43 --$ 115 71 Mary C. Wall, lot 4a, sub of pt of min lot 149: 43 4 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 17 36 2107 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 8 43 5145 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 23 15 $ 48 94 J. E. Wooten, part of min lot 149, lying north of Dodge street and east of Hill street: 39 lineal feet curbing at 40:..$ 15 80 1911 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 7 64 45.22 sq yds macadam at 45e.. 20 35 $ 43 59 Adopted by the following vote: • Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Oliiger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Main street from Charter to Seventeenth streets by Atkinson and Oloff, contractors in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is heresy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Ellwanger, n60.4 ft of lot 464, city: 76 8 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 38 40 5 4 old curb reset at 9c 48 191.07 sq yds brick pay at $1.69 322 91 S. H. Guilbert, 842 ft n m 1-5 b 361 78 lot 464, city : 42 5 lineal tt curbing at 50c8 21 25 75.55 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 127 68 S. H. Guilbert, 133(im 1-5lot 8 148 93 4613410 lineal ft curbing at 50o..$ 6 50 23.11 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 39 06 8 45 58 Mk IRegular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. 152 G. B Grosvenor, s3 8 ml 5 lot 464, city : 3.6 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 80 16.8 old curb reset at 9' 3 31 64.27 sq yds brick pav $1 69115 38 --$ 119 49 J. G. Bailey, s m1-5 lot 461, city : 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50e$ 25 60 91.02 sq yds brick pav 81 69153 82 179 42 Arthur McCann, s1-5 lot 464, city : 77.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 34 50 181.11 sq yds brick pav $1 69. 3C6 (.8 -$ 344 58 • W. J. Knight, n 2-5, lot 469, city : 1261 lineal feet curbing atFOc.f 63 05 267.15 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 451 43 • $ 514 53 A. Christman, n 41.2 feet, m 1-5 lot 4'59, city : 41 2 lineal teat curbing at 50e $ 20 60 73.25 sq y ds brick pav at $1 69 123 79 144 39 C. H. Eighmey, s 10 feet, m 1 5, lot 409, city: 10 lineal feet curbing at 50c...$ 5 00 17.78 sq yds brick pav at $1.09 30 0.; $ 35 05 C. H. Eighmey, n 34.2 feet, s m 1 5, lot 469, city : 34.2 lineal feet curbing at 10,.$ 17 10 60.80 sq yds brick bay at $1.69. 102 75 $119 85 Mrs. A. B. Rood, s 17 foot, s m 1 5, lot 4'59, city : 17 lineal feet curbing at 50'..$ 8 50 30.22 sq yds brick pav at $1.60. 51 07 $ 59 57 Mrs. A. B. Rood, n 17 feet, s 1 15,1ot 469, city : 17 lineal feet curbing at 50c..$ 8 50 30.22 sq yds brick pay at $1.69. 51 07 $ 59 57 Dr. Asa Horr, s 34 ft, lot 469, city : 57.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 28 50 138.27 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 233 68 $ 262 18 George B. Provost, n 1-5 lot 465. city : 76 2 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 38 10 137.59 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 232 53 - $ 270 63 C. H. Booth, n m 1.5 lot 465, city: 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 25 60 71.11 sq y ds brick pav at $1.69 120 18 $ 145 7S John S. Lewis, m 1-5 lot 465. city : 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 25 60 71.11 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 120 18 $ 145 78 D. W. Linehan, n 40 ft s 2-5 lot 465, city : 40.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 20 00 55.56 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 93 90 - $ 113 90 James Levi, n 65.8 ft s 62 ft, lot 465, city ; 87.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 43 50 158.74 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 268 27 $ 311 77 St. Joseph's academy, lot 46S, city: 167.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c.. $ 83 50 266.62 sq yds brick pav at$1 69 459 59 $ 534 09 Jas. Levi, n40 ft lot 468A, city: 55.56 sq yds brick pav at$1.69. $93 90 $ 93 90 A. Levi,s75 ft lot 463A city: 175 83 sq yds brick pav at$1.69$ 275 15 $ °75 15 First Baptist church, n53.5 ft lot 466, city : 74 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 39 15 151.45 sq yds brick pav at$1.09 255 95 $ 295 10 Geo Burden estate, m23.3 ft n2 5 lot 466, city : 23 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c ..$ 11 65 33.65sq yds brick pav at$1.69 56 "i7 $ 68 52 Mrs. E. Munsell, n m1-5 lot 466, city : 25 (i lineal ft curbing at 50o..$ 12 80 30 98 sq yds brick pav at $ L.69 62 50 $75 30 Mrs. E Munsell, n3f sml-5 lot 4'16, city : 25.6 lineal tt curbing at 50c.. $ 12 80 36.98 sq yds brick pav at $1.09 62 50 $ 75 30 D. N Cooley, s3 sml-5 lot 4e 1, city : 25 6 lineal ft curbing at 5)c ..$ 12 SO 36 93 cq yds brick pav at $L 69 62 50 - --$ D. N Cooley, n16 ft em1-5 lot 466, city : 16 0 lineal ft curbing at 503 ..$ 8 00 23.11 sq yds br.ck pav at $1 60 39 ( 0 $ H. P. Bissell, est, sS6.4 ft lot 466 city : 10l 9 lineal ft cuSbing at 501.$ 54 95 19782 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 334 32 75 30 47 06 $ 389 27 John A. Koch, n33 n60 ft lot 467, city : 45 7 lineal ft curbing at 50 ...8 22 85 105 09 eq yds brick pav at$1 62 177 01 $ 200 45 W. L Bradley, m3. 1366 ft lot 467, city: 22 lineal ft curbing at 59o....4 11 00 31 78 sq yds brick pav at $l 69 53 71 $ 64 71 Grace A. Provost, s X n 66 feet lot 467, city : 22 00 lineal ft curbing 50c....$ 11 CO 31 78 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 53 71 -$ 64 71 Main St. M. E. Church, m 100 tt 1ot 467. city: 100 2 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 50 10 144 73 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 244 59 $ 294 69 H. B. Glover, n 43.2 ft s 90 ft, lot 467, city : 43 2 lineal ft curb'g reset at 9c. $ 3 89 62.40 sq yds brick pav at $169 105 46 $ 109 35 Mrs. Otto Junkerman n 26.2 ft, s 46 8 ft. lot 467, city : 26.2 lineal ft curbing at 50o...$ 13 10 37.84 sq yds brick pav at $169 63 95 $ 77 05 James Collier, s 20.6 ft lot 467, city: 44 2 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 22 10 103.35 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 174 66 - $ 196 76 Ira Hansen, lot 40 A, city: 75.2 lineal ft curbing at 50 (...$ 37 60 147.55 sq yds brick pav at $1.68 249 36 286 96 D. N. Cooley, lot 40, city: 513 lin feat curbing at 50c...$ 25 65 74.10 sq yds brick pav at $169 125 23 $ 150 88 D. N. Cooley, lot 39, city: 51.3 lin feet curbing at 50c....$ 25 65 74.10 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 125 23 $ 150 88 W. L Bradley, lot 38, city: 51 3 lin feet curbing at 50c....$ 25 65 74.10 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 125 23 $ 150 88 153 J?egular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. Universalist church, lot 37, city : 74.2 lin feet curbing at 50c....$ 37 10 147.12 sq 3 ds brick pave, $1.69 24S 63 285 73 Ann and Emma Hackett (W. H. Peabody, trustee), s 8 2 feet lot 41, city : 8 2 lin feet curbing at 50c....8 4 10 11.84 sq yds brick pav at $1.79 20 01 --$ 24 11 J. C. Johnston and Mrs. F. E Moser, n 43 ft lot 41, city : 66.6 lin feet curbing at 50c....$ 33 30 135.71 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 229 35 --$ 262 65 Anna and Emma Hackett, (W. H. Peabody truseee) lot 42 A, city : 33 0 lineal ft curbing at 50c..8 6 50 18.78 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 31 74 $ 38 24 Auna and Emma Hackstt, (W. H. Peabody trustee) lot 42, city: 38.3 lineal ft curbing at 510...$ 19 15 55.32 eq yds brick pav at $1.69 93 49 --$ 112 64 A. Levi, n 34 lot 43 city: 25 7 lineal ft curbing at 50e..$ 12 85 37.12 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 • 62 73 --$ 75 58 James Levi, a i/ lot 43. city : 25.7 lineal ft curbing at 5'10..$ 12 8.5 37.12 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 62 73 --$ 75 58 J. H. Shields, n 42.2 ft lot 44, city : 42.3 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 21 15 61.10 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 103 26 --$ 124 41 L. H. Wapies, 8 9 ft lot 44, city : 9 0 lineal ft curbing at 50e...$ 4 50 13.00 eq yds brick pav at $169 21 97 ----$ 26 47 L. H. Wades, lot 45, city: 73.9 lineal feet curbing at 50'.$ 36 95 147.26 sq yds brick pavat$1.69 248 87 $ 285 82 Mrs. B. F. Lawrence,lot 38 A city: 74.51ineal feet curbing at 501.$ 37 25 146.97 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 248 38 --$ 285 63 Mrs. B. F. Lawrence, lot 36, city : 51.2lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 25 60 73.95 eq yds brick pav at $1.69. 124 98 Amelia M. Hodgdon, est., $150 58 n 34, lot 35, city : 2.8 lineal feel curbing at 50o.$ 1 41 22.9 lin ft old curb reset at 9o. 2 06 37.12 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 62 73 66 Grace A. Provost, s 34, lot--$ 19 35, city : 0.7 lineal feet curbing at 50c..$ 35 25.00 lin ft old curb reset at 9c 2 25 37.12 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 62 73 Allison & Bradley,s 9.7 feet, -$ 65 33 lot 34, city : 9.7 lineal feet curbing at 501.$ 4 85 14.01 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 23 68 53 C. H. I;ighmey,und 34 n 41.6--$ 28 feet, lot 34, city : 10.4 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 5 20 15.02 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 23 38 Robert Waller, est., and X, $ 30 58 n 41.6 feet, lot 34, city : 31.2 lineal feet curbing at 50a.$ 15 60 45.07 sq yds brick pay at $1.69. 76 17 --$ 91 77 Amelia M. Hodgdon, est., n 20 feet, s 40 feet.ljt 33, city: 2U lineal feet curbing at f01...$ 10 00 28.89 sq yds brick pav at$1.69. 48 82 -8 58 82 Allison & Bradley,s 20 feet, lot 33, city 44 6 lineal feet curbing at 50a.$ 22 30 101.91 sq yds brick pav at$1.69 172 23 --$ 194 53 Allison & Bradley, n 11.2 feet, lot 33, city: 11.2 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 5 60 16.18 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 27 34 32 94 Mrs. A.P.Lewis, lot 46, city : 74 6 lineal feet curbing at 501.$ 37 30 146.97 eq yds brick pav at $1 69 248 38 --$ 285 68 L. H. Waples, n 1X lot 47, city: 25 6 lineal ft curbing at 50c... $ 12 80 38.98 sq yds brick pav at $169 62 50 -$ 75 30 Trustees M. E church, s 34 lot 47, city : 25.6 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 36.98 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 12 80 62 50 --5 75 30 C. J. Peterson, n 34 lot 48, city : 25 6 lineal ft curbing at 50c..5 12 80 36.98 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 62 50 - - $ 75 30 Second National bank, a 34 lot 48, city : 25.6 lineal ft curbing at 50e..$ 36 98 sq yds brick pav at 5169 8. M. Wells and R M. Ham eat., lot 49, city: 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 25 60 73.95sq yds brick pav $1.69.. 124 98 - 150 58 Richard Cox est.,lot 50.city : 15.7 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 7 85 58 8 curbing reset at 9c 5 29 146.97 sq yds brick pav $1.69248 38 Dubuque Street Railway -$ 261 52 Company : 13th to 14th at., 89.10 sq yds granite pav at $1.99 $ 177 30 13th to 14th st , 160.40 sq y da brick pav at $1.69. 271 08 12th to 13th sc., 504 77 sq yds brick pav at $1 89 ...... . 853 06 llth to 12th st., 499 02 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 843 34 10th to 11th st., 499.18 sq yds brick pav at $l 69 843 61 9th to 10th st., 497.93 eq yds brick pav at$1.69 12 80 62 50 --8 75 30 841 50 Adopted by the following vote: $3,829 89 Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab,Nioks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. (8.) Noes-Ald. Cushing. (1.) Ald Glab offered the following: .Ifeeolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that to pay for the improvement of South Locust street from O. C. line to 450 feet south, by Meehan & Hassett, contract- ors, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: M. Mabony, lot 4, Stout's Dubuqne: 38. lineal ft curbing at 45o...$ 17 10 16 89 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 7 60 67.56 sq yds macadam at 45... 30 40 ---$ 55 10 Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1592. 15 4 Jobn Talty, lot 3, Stout's Dubuque: 47.7 lineal ft curbing at 45e$ 21 46 21.20 sq yds guttering at 45c9 54 84 80 sq yds macadam at 45a38 16 Wm. Scollard, lot 2, Stout's —$ Dubuque: 44 5 lineal ft curbing at 45c$ 20 03 18 89 sq yds guttering at 45e8 50 69.33 sq yds macadam at 45c31 20 Kate Hafey, lot 1, Stout's Dubuque: 48 8 lineal ft curbing at 45e$ 21 96 21 69 sq yds guttering at 45c9 76 86.76 sq yds macadam at 45c39 04 - $ 70 76 Pat Dunn, lot 5, Bonson's sub: 20 lineal ft curbing at 450 $ 9 00 8 89 sq yds guttering at 45e4 00 35.56 sq yds macadam at 45c16 00 $ 29 C0 John Talty, s23 ft lot 4,Bon- sou's sub: 23 lineal ft curbing at 45o....$ 10 35 10.22 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 4 60 40.89 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 18 40 $ 33 35 Kate Moore, lot 7, Stout's Dubuque: 39.5 lineal ft curbing at 45o...$ 17 77 17.55 sq yds guttering at 453.. 7 90 70.22 sq yds macadam at 45c. 31 60 $ 57 27 Kate Moore, lot 8, Stout's Dubuque: 47.7 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 21 47 21.20 sq yds guttering gt 45e.. 9 54 84.80 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 38 16 $ 69 17 Kate Moore, lot 9, Stout's, Dubuque: 48.3 lineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 21 74 21.78 sq yds guttering at 45c . 9 80 94.22 sq yds macadam at 43e 42 40 - $ 73 94 Kate Moore, lot 10, Stout's, Dubuque: 48.8 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 21 96 21.69 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 9 77 86.76 sq yds macadam at 45c. 39 04 $ 70 76 Mrs. Andrew Murphy, lot 3 Coates' add: 52 lineal ft curbing at 45o....$ 23 40 23.11 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 40 92.44 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 41 60 - $ 75 40, Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -10. Noes— None. On motion the special assessment for the improvement of Clark street was referred to the city attorney and city engineer. The rules were suspended and Mr. P. Mur- phy addressed the council and objected to the manner of the improvement of South Locust street. It was ordered that the contractor com- plete the grading of sidewalk on Twenty- fourth street abutting the property of Mr. Marshall. Ald Olinger moved that the marshal be instructed to stop the use of steam whistles. Carried. REPORTS OF OtMMITTEES. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported that the treasurer had ad- vanced during September $1,049, and recom- mended that warrants be drawn to pay same. Report adopted. Also presented the following, which was adopted: .Resolved, That in the requisition upon the mayor for the issuance of improvement 69 16 59 73 bonds. adopted at the slept. 9th session, that the numbering of the bonds commence with 48 and run to 148, and that the word inclu- sive be stricken out. Ald. Crawford presented and read for the second time an ordinance relating to the excavation of paved streets, highways, ave- nues and alleys, which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The ordinance regulating the width of tires was taken up, and on motion the ordi- nance was amended to make the width of the tires three and one-half inches in width. The ordinance as amended was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The ordinance providing for the making of connection with sanitary sewers was read for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported in favor of having the fol- lowing semi-annual report of the auditor filed, and that it be printed and made a part of the regular council proceedings. DUBUQUE, Iowa, Sept. 1, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Counctl: GENTLEMEN -I herewith submit to you my semi-annual report for six months ending August 31, 1893 : Cash In treasury March 1, 1893 ........... ........ $ 28,734 86 REOEIPT5, Expense, tax 1891 $ Interest, tax 1891 Engine house, tax 1891 Water, tax 1891..... ... Expense, tax 1890 'nterest,tax 1.90 Water, tax 1890 Expense, tax 1889 Interest, tax 1889 Water, tax 1889 Consolidated, tax 1886 Special bonded taxes Special bonded taxes Special sewerage taxes Interest collected on legu• lar taxes Interest collected on bonded taxes Interest collected on spec- ial taxes Interest collected on sew- erage taxes Cost of advertising Sale of improvement bonds. Accrued interest on bonds Loans . .. .. . E. E. Frith (refunled over pay on Sanford street) C. J. W. Saunders (laying tile pipe) C. J. W. baunders (stab- ling horse) Nessler & Jungk, repair- ing street (Other parties) repairing s reets Diamond Jo Line, rent of levee E. Ryan (cleaning alleys) Damages to property, Mertz street Damages to property, Lin- coln avenue Repairing sidewalks Rent of huckster stands Sale of horses, (fire de- partment) See of old hose (fire de- partment) 33,058 92 16,529 47 5,509 81 4,782 08 21 18 8 96 2 26 1 56 1 01 13 1 93 8,120 13 3,582 50 858 75 819 36 237 11 181 19 17 38 40 23,500 00 26 11 40,000 00 67 52 12 00 3 00 4 25 6 25 5 00 179 50 600 00 600 00 16 65 235 95 110 00 25 95 155 Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. Sale of trees (on Glen Oak avenue) .... Sale of sand and filling Dubuque Street Railway Comp.ny (opening cul- verts) 4 95 Dubuque Water Company (electrician's service). 4 40 Dubuque Electric Light and Power Company, (electrician's services) . 107 20 Rolling streets351. 50 Scale rec.'pis 214 68 Impounding receip.s 123 00 Fines receipts 82 35 Auctioneers' license..... 100 00 Billiards and pool license 470 00 Brokers' license 100 00 Boat house license 20 00 Butchers' license 1,000 00 Dog license 851 00 Hotel and restaurant li- cense 480 00 Hotel runners' license... 60 00 Livery stables license .., 400 t 0 Peddiers' lienee 318 00 Saloon license 10,805 00 Team lfeense 1,940 00 Theater and circus li- cense 224 On Vault cleaning license25 00 Total 5185,226 93 DISBURSMENTS. Warrants raid since March 1, 1893... $136 912 99 Intere-t on warranis re deemed 378 06 Coupons redeemed 9,160 73 ImprovemeLt bonds re- deemed.... 9,000 00 - -$155,451 Cash in treasury Sept. 1, 1892 $ 29,775 RECAPITULATION OP WARRANTS ISSUED. Expense account $ 10,041. 31 Rngineer account2.198 04 Fire account......... 10,639 58 Gas and light account7,690 40 Police account 11,485 44 Printing account.... 895 05 Refunded tax accountu76 39 Road account 40,631 92 Brtdge aceount.... 10,660 87 Water account 7.420 00 Loan account 20,000 00 Interest a°count...... 3,099 42 Impounding account 272 85 Engine house (Central) account ... 12,442 Damages to property ac- count 2,782 Personal damages ac- connt 75 Sewerage account.... 1,052 Health account 998 Special bonded assess- ment account 12,024 Special assessments ac- count 4,227 Special sewerage assess- ment account.......... 52 Fines and fees account.. 12 Insurance account 412 Warrants outstanding March 1, 1892 Total Warrants redeemed since March 1, 1892 Balance warrants out- standing Sept. 1, 18928156,227 62 The following is a statement of contracts entered into by the city; with whom, for what purpose, and amount of each during the six months ending Aug. 31, 1892: STATPurpose. Contractor. xAmount. For improving Maple street,Steuck & Farrell.$ 5,886 40 Madison street, do 2,922 34 Burden avenue, do 9,115 00 Fourteenth stree t do 760 90 Windsor avenue,bet Eagle Point and Garfield ave- nues Steuck & Farrell 1,414 80 1 00 115 85 78 15 50 00 00 15 00 73 58 00 00 52 $159,392 25 133,783 38 $293,175 81 138,947 99 Hill street, John Tibey 4,477 00 Main st., Atkinson & Oloff 57,323 00 Locust and 9th, do 7,550 00 Rose and Center Place, Corrance & Lavin 3,929 50 Alley and west of Nose sL, Corrance & Lavin 718 82 Cornell & Thomas streets, Lee & Norton 3,541 93 Broadway. do 4,276 12 Grant and West Eleventh sts., Williams & Bevins 2,259 00 Washington st.,E.E. Frl,h 4,856 60 Twenty third st., do 867 50 Schroeder ave.. do 1,157 10 West Fourteenth street, P. F Guthrie 4,724 r5 Alta avenue, 0.G Hriugle 2.111 OJ Algona avenue. do 4 336 40 Dubuque avenue, do 1,35:: 00 Delaware avenue, do 1.193 10 Decorah avenue, do 1,197 00 Apple strt et, do 2,078 00 Clark street, do 1,496 40 Auburn ave., Ed Ryan 5,381 90 Broadway Extens i o n , Theo Altman 5,162 85 Windsor avenue, C. Ryan 13,784 40 Air Hill street.D Sheehan 788 40 Twenty-Iourth, Twenty- fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, George Taylor 2,880 00 Storm sewer in Eleventh street. Ulrich Ruff 1,915 00 Storm sewer in Eleventh street, A. Schmitt 4,860 00 Storni sewer in Fifth and Main Sts., M. Tschirgi,Jr 3,473 00 $168,369 31 Sanitary sewer in Clay, Seventeenth and Eigh- teenth streets, Corrance & Lavin $ 280 00 Central Engine House 5 200 00 (foundation I. Proctor $ 2,177 00 Central Engine House (bnilcing) GowerJones 21,201 00 Central Engine House (finishing third floor) Gomer Jones Central Engine House (plans, etc.) T. Carkeek 4,426 00 935 12 $ 28,739 12 Grand total 5195,388 43 As there has been some changes made in these contracts since they were let, thereby increasing the cost in some and a reduction in others (but as vet not reported to me), therefore upon a final settlement there will be some change from the above. STATEN ENT NO. 2. Contract for Amount paid. Bal. due. Maple street .. $ 5,500 00 $ 106 40 Madison street, overpaid $427 66 3,350 00 Burden street 9,115 Fourteenth Street 150 00 610 Windsor street 1,414 Hill street ....4,477 Main street .......... .. . 6,024 73 51,298 Locust and Ninth streets 7,550 Rose and Center Place.. 150 00 3,779 Alley east and west of Rose Cornell and Thomas sts500 00 3,041 Broadway street 4,276 Grant and West Eleventh streets 2,259 Washington street 4,856 Twenty third street 867 pchroeder avenue1,157 West Foulteenth street10,000 00 3,724 Alta avenue .. 2,111 Algona avenue 3,336 Dubuque avenue 1,352 Delaware avenue1,19:3 Decorah avenue 1,197 Apple street 2,078 Clark street 1,448 Auburn avenue 5,381 Broadway Extension 5,162 Windsor avenue 13,784 Air H111 street 788 Twenty-fourth, T wenty- fifth and Twenty-sixth streets 00 90 80 00 27 00 50 62 93 12 00 80 50 10 05 00 40 00 10 00 00 50 90 85 40 40 2,680 00 15 Storm sewer in Eleventh street, A.Schmidt (over. paid $64 Ou) Storm sewer in Eleventh street, U. Ruff.... Storm sewer in Fifth and Matra streets Sanitary sewer in Clay street (Seventeenth to Eighteenth) Central Engine House, foundation Central Engine House, building Central Engine House, finishing third flour ... Central Engine House, plans,etc Regular Session, Oct. 3, 1892. 156 4,924 00 1,915 00 3,032 50 4;0 50 260 00 2,050 00 127 00 11,392 50 9,808 50 4,426 00 510 00 425 12 Totals . $ 38,553 73 $157,306 38 Less amount overpaid. 491. 66 Balance due.... ...... $156,814 70 STATEMENT wo. 3. To be paid by special assess- To be paid ment by abut- by city Contract. ting rropert•. for grading 31aple street $ 4,166 40 $ 1,500 00 Madison street 1,572 34 1,350 00 Burden avenue 6,615 00 4,500 00 Fourteenth street 610 90 150 00 Windsor avenue 1.339 80 75 00 Hill street 3,977 00 500 00 Main street 57.323 00 Locust and Ninth streets7.550 00 Rose and Center Place3,469 50 460 00 Alley east and west of Rose street 718 62 Cornell and Thomas sts1,968 68 1,57 Broadway street 3,226 12 1 0 Grant and % est E1ev, nth streets 1,692 00 587 00 Washington street.... ... 4,856 60 Twenty-third street 799 50 88 Schroeder avenue877 10 280 West Fourteenth street. 2,781 05 1,938 Alta avenue 1,552 00 559 00 Algona avenue 2,-36 40 500 00 Dubuque avenue1.047 00 305 00 Delaware avenue1,047 00 146 10 Decorah avenue1,047 00 150 00 Apple street 1.082 00 996 00 Clark street 1,398 40 100 00 Auburn avenne2.951 90 2.430 00 Broadway Extension 8t3 080 61 2,082 24 Windsor avenue 9,784 40 4,000 00 Air 11111 street......... .. 738 40 50 00 Twenty-fourth, Twenty- flfth and To enty sixth street 2,580 00 100 00 Totals 5132691 72 $ 23,429 59 The following 1s a statement of the vari- ous funds: Bonded improvem't fund Bridge fund.... 14,P97 43 Expense fund 78,052 25 Engine house fund Interest fund water fund ............. 618 38 Respectfully submitted, J. M. Kamm', Auditor. Report adopted. Ald Crawford moved to d: Oct 89 Dr. Cr. 9,274 03 3,997 18 30,368 38 rn to Tues - p. m. Car- ec 00 CO 00 der. 1892. /%' ✓ a2r1t"y7.1.1/ iuyor. 157 Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 4, 1S92. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Oct 4, 1892. Council met at 7:50 o'clock p. m. May or Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Peaslee Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Smith moved that the rules be sus- pended and the abutters on Oak street be given a hearing in regard to the change of grade Olt said Oak street. Mr. P. Quinn, Sr., in behalf of the abut- ters askea that no change be made in the grade of Oak street. Ald. Crawturd moved that the contractor be authorized to deposit surplus grading on Oak 'street on the lots of the abut- ters on the north side of Oak street, to be done under the supervision of the street committee. Carried. Ald. Nicks arrived at S o'clock p. m. The contract for the stone culvert on Sev- enth avenue and Lincoln avenue was awarded to U. Ruof at $7 00 per lineal foot, for the width of the street. Ald. Page arrived at 8:25 o'clock p. m. Ald. Glab, chairman of street committee, reported as;follows: In favor of approving of the red line as the official grade of Rowan street That they had examined and accepted the following streets: Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth streets, between Couler avenue and Jackson street; Burden avenue from Windsor to Strauss avenue. Apple street from Cleveland avenue to Rusb street. Instruct the street commissioner to repair Aogella street between Pierce and Cox streets. Instruct the street commissioner to repair the levee between Jones and Camp streets. That they have instructed the street com- missioner to have Fifth avenue made pass- able. That they have instructed the street com- missioner to make May place passable. Instruct the street commissioner to repair West Seventh street. Receive and file remonstrance of Joseph Kleeman et al. against improving the alley between Johnson and Windsor and Rhom- berg and Garfield avenues. That Thirteenth street between Maple and Pine streets has been ordered improved. Grant the petition for improvement of alley in Morheiser's sub. That they have instructed the engineer to prepare plans for a stone culvert on Lincoln and Seventh avenues and advert'se for bids for the per- formance of the work. Adverse to the peti- tion for arching the Kniest street sewer iron Garfield avenue to Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, as, after a careful exami- nation we find that no nuisance exists in said sewer. Adverse to proposition of John Specht in regard to selling the city gravel. Receive and file petition of O. W. Geiger et al., in relation to surface water on Staf- ford avenue running through their property. Receive and file petition of property own- ers on Maple street remonstrating against the condition of said street, as the same has been properly rolled. Instruct engineer to prepare a plat show- ing a forty foot street from Olive street to Weigel alley. That they have instructed the street com- missioner to repair Stafford avenue near the residence of M. Zwack so as to make the same passable. That the council has allowed Steuck & Farrell *1,500 on bill for grading Winona avenue and would delay action on balance of hill until final estimate is made. That the council hag allowed Ed Ryan $1,000 on bill for grading Auburn avenue and would delay action on balance of bill until final estimate is made. In favor of paying the following bills: Stench & Farrell *'03, being partial esti- mate for constructing storm arch culverts on Burden and Winnsor avenues Norton & Lee $1,075, grading Cornell and Thomas streets, being balance due. E. E. Frith *200, partial estimate for grad- ing Schroeder avenue. Stench & Farrell *33 87, for grading Wind• sor avenue. Wm. Marshall $6.23, for repairing steam rol ler. O. G. Kringle £341.84, for grading Algona avenue James Street $7, stone. O G. Kringle *62 75, for grading Clark street. Eugene Dietzgen *2.75 adjusting transit. O. G. Kringle *12.50 laying tiling ou Clark street. John Pirkley *10 45, gravel. Stench & Farrell $87.10, grading Madison street. John Tibev *341.73 grading Hill street. Paul llg, $34 56, services as assistant en- gineer. Atkinson & Oloff, *1,561, estimate on Main street, between Eighth and Ninth. Atkinson & Olo1I, *5,715, estimate on Ninth and Locust streets. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, of the committee on sup- plies, reported as follows: In favor of allowing the following bills: Young & Sons *222 80 Ferguson Bros 37 25 Reintried & Jaeger 3 55 Duggan & Kane 1 25 A Tredway & Sons, Hardware Co47 W. S. Molo 85 Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor of paying the bill of Ferguson Bros. of ;195 75 Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported as follows: In favor of allowing L. Dailey to erect frame building on part of city lot 504 Adverse to petition of C. Oswald for per- mission to erect frame building in alley be- tween Clay and White and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Refer communication of Municipal Fire and Police Telegraph company to the city attorney. In favor of referring petition of John Sul- livan for position in the fire department to the chief of the fire department. Also reported as follows on the petition of the Adams company for extension of water mains. Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the Dubuque Water company be and it is hereby directed to extend its water pipes along Third street to intersec- tion of Third and Market streets. The city guarantees to the said water company the use of such quantitthe line of such street as will proof duce alonger uce asuof money equal to 7 per cent. on the cost of the pipe so ex- tended. The said pipe to be laid and ex- tended within sixty days from the adoption of this resolution. The city shall place a fire plug at the corner of Market and Third streets to be paid for by said city at the rates provided in the Water Company's charter. Also reported as follows: Your commit- tee on fire would most respectfully report that they have examined and accepted the new Aerial Hook and Ladder Truck and Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 4, 1892. 158 would recommend that a warrant for 83,100 be drawn in favor of the Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing company, being the contract price. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Times company, $29.15; Ledger, $4915; German Catholic Printing company, $50; Telegraph, $162.48, and Herald, $75. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas company, $110.90; Globe Light and Heat company, $551.67, and Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company, $666 30. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Cancel taxes of Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co. for 1891, in accordance with the ordi- nance granted said company. Cancel taxes of Mrs. John Zerr for 1891. Refer petition of Central Union Telephone Co. in relation to taxes, to the city attorney, to give his written legal opiuion of the rights of the city to levy and collect taxes from said company. Adverse to petition of minor heirs of Patrick Ford estate. Cancel taxes of Thos. Mulqueeny for 1891. Receive and file petition of l3ophia Demp- sey for cancellation of taxes. Adverse to petition of Mrs. W. F Flynn. Cancel taxes of St. Columbkill'a church on lots 138 and 139, Union add. Cancel taxes of Barbara Klump on lot 17 High street addition. Allow Mrs. Jonathan Houpes to pay one- half her taxes as payment in full for 1891. Adverse to cancelling taxes of B. F. Harris on personalty for 1S91. Report adopted. Also reported adverse to petition of Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick for cancellation of taxes. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the taxes of Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick be cancelled for 1891. Carried. Also reported in favor of referring peti- tion of A. Munsell for cancellation of taxes to the committee of the whole and city at- torney. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the taxes of A. Muneell be cancelled. Car- ried. Also reported in favor of referring petiti- tion Eleventh Street Elevator company for exemption of taxes for 1891 to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the taxes of Eleventh Street Elevator be cancelled Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Electrical supply Co., $61.58; Svendsen & Ott, $1.90, and W. S. Moto 25c. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer commit- tee. reported as follows: Adverse to the adoption of the plans and specifications for a storm water sewer on Sanford street, and in lieu thereof would recommend that the Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light and Power company be instruct- ed to raise their tracks on Sanford and Jack- son streets, and put in suitable iron culverts across the north and south side of Jackson and Sanford streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Page, Peas - lee and Smith. Noes--Alds. Cushing, Glab, Nicks and Stoltz. To delay action on the petition of J. A. Rhomberg for extension of sewer be- tween Seventh and Ninth avenues. as the season is too far advanced for the construc- tion and completion of said work before winter. In favor of extending the sanitary sewer in the alleys between Washington and Jack- son and Eleventh and Seventeenth streets and between Washington and Elm and Eleventh and Seventeenth streets. Allow the bill of Lavin & Corrance of $283 25. In favor of extending the sanitary sewer on Julien avenue between West Eighth and Broad street. also in alley adjacent thereto as far as practicable. In favor of holding back 10 per cent. of the amount due Lavin &Corrauce for construct- ing sewer on Burch street until such time as said Lavin & Corrance put said Burch street in as good condition as before, and to the satisfaction of the sewer committee. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer be instructed to prepare plans for draining that part of the city north of Nineteenth street. Carried. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the executive committee of the board of health, reported in favor of the adoption of the recommenda- tions of Health Officer Wieland for the ex- tension of the sanitary sewer system. In favor of referring the communication of the marshal in relation to dumping place for garbage to the executive committee of the board of health with power. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the paving committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Chas. Smith, $25, and Henry Glab, $50. Report adopted. Engineer Blake presented the following report on the bids for sanitary sewer in the alley east of Wilson avenue: Frank McCann $832 75 M. Tschirgi, Jr 830 00 Lavin & Corrance 825 25 Ald. Peaslee moved that the contract be awarded to Lavin & Corrance. Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Adverse to the petition of the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company for an extension of time to build and operate their line on Windsor avenue from Linwood gate to the city limits, as the city and abut- ting property owners on said street are go- ing to an expense to have said street im- proved s0 that said street railway may build and operate their line, as per their agree- ment with the city. Report adopted, and the recorder Instruct- ed to send the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company a copy of the re- port. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing the extension of Pine street, between Tweuty-second and Twenty-third streets, and after said plat is filed in accordance with the ordinance, we further report in favor of opening said street, providing the same is done without expense to the city. In favor of receiving and filing petition of Peter Dax et al. in relation to large rock on private property, as the city has no jurisdic- tion. Receive and file the bill of J. E. Bilbrough for $200 for damages alleged to have been done by storm water. Ask further time on the petition of the Dubuque Street Railway company, asking that Jones street from Main to I. C. R. R. tracks be paved with granite, and that Clay street from Seventeenth to Tenth, and Cou- ler avenue from Eighteenth to Rhomberg avenue be paved with brick. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Mrs. P. Kennedy in relation to large rock on private property adjoining her 159 .Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 4, 1592. premises, as the city has no jurisdiction. In favor of receiving and riling the bill of John Muntz, of 84, for labor alleged to have been done in saving timbers and sidewalks on Seventeenth street during the recent flood In favor of referring the bill of the Wood - lawn Park company to tee city attorney to examine and report the liability of the city for the payment of same. Adverse to the petition of Joseph Grab for aid on account of injuries claimed to have been sustained while in the employ of the city. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a profile showing the established grade of Brad street between Julien avenue and Dodge street; also a proposed change of grade tbat may be feaeable, and submit same to the council. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of N. Mettel et al. in relation to the overflow water from the Linwood artesian well, running through their property. In favor or instructing the engineer to pre- pare plat showing the widening of Weigel alley, so that the same shall be a 40 -foot street, and when same is filed in his office to notify the property owners interested that it is the intention of the council at its next regular meeting to consider the said widen- ing of Weigel alley. In favor of instructing the engineer to pre- pare a profile of the established grade of Bluff street between Fifth and Sixth streets, also a grade according to the curb in front of A. A. Cooper's residence on Fifth and Bluff streets, and submit acme to the council. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Anna M. Bush in relation to filling done on city lots 541 and 45 as the amount of filling done has been returned by the engineer as correct. In favor of referring the communication of the National Association of Building Com- missioners to the ordinance committee and city attorney to examine the ordinance in relation to the construction of buildings, and report what is necessary to be added to the ordidance, so that in the construction of buildings they must be made fire-proot as possible. Report adopted. Also reported not to grant petition of Smedley Manufacturing Co. for l,ermission to extend side-track across Garfield avenue. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the petition be granted. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks and Stoltz -5 Noes—Alda. Cushing, Page, Peaslee and Smith -4 Ald. Peaslee submitted the following which upon his motion was adopted: Resolved, That the east 25 feet of Louisa street, between North street and West Third street, be vacated or annulled for public use, on condition that the east 25 feet of lot 7 and 24 in Michel's add. be dedicated to the city for street purposes as shown on accompany- ing plat, and that the subdivision of lots 6, 7. 8 and 9, of Quigley's sub, be approved and accepted as shown on rccompanying plat. Ald. Peaslee submitted the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the $600 deposited with the treasurer in the month of July by E H. Sheppley et al., being the amount con- tributed by them towards defraying the ex- pense of opening Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street, be and is hereby accepted. Also presented the following report: Your committee has had under careful consideration the petition of a large number of citizens and taxpayers living along the line and in the vicinity of the terminus of the Key City Electric street railway, which was referred to us at the last regular meet- ing, and which asks the council to remit all city taxes now levied against said company, and to exempt the property of the company from taxation for a term of years in the future. It is stated in the petition. and your com- mittee is satisfied of the truth of the state- ment, that this line of street railway has never, since its construction, up to this time, paid the expenses of operating it. It has been sold under a foreclosure of mortgage, and the purchasers are considering what course to pursue in regard to its future maintenance and operation. The continued operation of the line is a matter of very great importance to a large number of taxpayers, and especially to the western part of the city. where a large num- ber of improvements have been made and much mouey invested in the expectation that the road would be maintained. It it should cease to be operated the result would be a great loss to many of our citizens and depreciation of property, and a correspond- ing lowering of assessments and reduction of taxation. As an objection to granting the prayer of the petitioners it has been urged by some that it would constitute a precedent, and that the other street railway companies, particularly the line now in the hands of a receiver, would make application and claim a right to a similar exemption. To this it is suffi- cient to say that both of the other lines of street railways in Dubuque, and especially the one in the hands of a receiver, have been doing a large business and have earned much more than the cost of operation, and conse- quently stand in no danger of being discon- tinued. In that respect they stand in an en- tirely different situation from the Eighth street line. Under all the circumstances your commit- tee is disposed to favor the granting of the prayer of the petitioners in part, but only on condition that the operation of the railway shall speedily be extended to Center street, in West Dubuque, and that new rolling stock be placed on the line and a better and more frequent service be given the public. W e, therefore, recommend the adoption by the council of the following resolution: Resolved, by the city council of the City of Dubuque, That, in consideration, that the Key City Electric Railway company, or its successors, or assigns, shall within thirty (30) days from the adoption of this resolu- tion, extend and complete the construction and equipment of its line of street railway to the intersection of Center and Delhi streets, in West Dubuque, and operate its said line of railway, the entire length of the same, running a car each way, at least once, in every twenty (20) minutes, the full length of the line, from six o'ciock in the morning to eleven o'clock in the evening of each day, and continue to so operate and maintain said line, on such time, and give efficient service to the public, the city of Dubuque will cancel and remit the city taxes assessed against the Key City Railway comnany for the year 1891. or, it said taxes for 1891 have been paid by tha holder of the tax certificate given by the city treasurer at the sale for taxes of the property of said company for the s ear 1890, the city will repay to the hold- er of said certificate, the amount so paid by him, for the subsequent tax of 1891, provided, the'railway company shall pay the holder of such certificate any penalty or interest which may have accrued on said payment of the taxes of 1891. And, Resolved, further, That in consideration of such extension, and increased service, and the said company or its successors shall fully equip its line of railway so at to render the public good, prompt, and r 1 Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 4, 1892. 16i) efficient service, and continue to operate the same in such manner, and run items at the times and intervals above stipulated, the city of Dubuque will relieve and exempt said line of railway, its rolling stock, and all property of the owners of the same, directly connected with the operation of said street railway, from all city taxes during the period of five (5) years, commencing with the year 1592. In case the owners of said street railway shall at any time fail to operate and main- tain the same in a thorough and efficient manner, and as hereinbefore stipulated, the exemption from taxation above provided for shall at once cense and determine, and this resolution become inoperative for the remainder of the period specified for such exemption. And it is further provided that in case the earnings of said street railway shall in- crease to such an extent before the expira- tion of the period of five (5) years, herein above specified, as to be more than sufficient to defray the current expenses of operating and maiutainlog the same, the exemption from taxes herein granted shall thereupon terminate, and the property exempted shall thereupon be subject to taxation as other city property. Adopted by the followiug vote: Aves—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Peas - lee, Smith and Stoltz -6. Noes—Alda. Cushing, Nicks and Page -3. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Smith offered the following: Resolved, by the city council, That the city engineer be instructed to deduct from all estimates made for contractors in the im- provement of streets the forfeiture of $10 per day, as provided by the contracts: and that the forfeiture of $10 per day be enforced against all contractors and oeducted from the amount due on their contracts, except- ing that an allowance of sixty days be made for all street contracts awarded prior to May 15, 11:92, on account of the unusual rain- fall in April and May. Ald. Crawford moved that the resolution be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Nicks, Page, Peas - lee and Stoltz. Noes—Alda. Byrne, Cushing, Glab and Smith. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Queen street, between Sanford street and north end of lot 46a, Stafford's add , to tem- porary grade, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following,which was adopted: Resolved, That the alley running from Wei- gel alley to Spruce street, the opening of which was ordered at the present session of the council he hereafter known and desig- nated as Wilber lane; also that the city at- torney he instructed to procure relinquish- ments of the right of way from the parties who petitioned for the opening of said`alley, and who now own the ground. Ald. Peaslee offered the fo.lowing which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water compa- ny be and is hereby authorized and directed to extend its water pipes along Allison place southerly to Delhi street to corner of Alli- son place and College avenue, in accordance with section 3 of the charter of said Water company. Resolved, also, that a hydrant be placed at the corner of Allison place and College ave- nue, to be paid for by the city of Dubuque as provided for by the Water company's charter. And the city of Dubuque hereby guarantees to Raid Water company the use of such quantity of water aloug the line of Allison place as at the water races fixed by the charter of said Water company, will produce a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per ceut on the arta- al cost of the pipe used in the extension above referred to, said pipe to be laid within sixty days from the adoption of this resolu- tion. Ald. Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water eor- pauv be and are hereby directed to extend their water mains along West Fifth street from Alpine street to College avenue. and the city of Dubuque guarantees to said com- pany a sum of money sufficient to pay inter- est at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of the pipe required to be so extended, as pro- vided in section 5 of chapter 52 of the revis • ed ordinances of 1557. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be and is here- by instructed to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the completion of the stone arch sewer in the alley between Sixth and Ninth avenues so as to connect with brick sewer, and submit same to the sewer committee for approval, and when same are approved by said committee the engineer is directed to advertise for bids for doing the work. Ald. Page offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specification for a lat- eral sewer in the alleys between Jackson and Washington and Washington and Elm streets, between Eleventh and Seventeenth streets, and submit same to council. Ald. Page offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a storm water sewer of sufficient capacity on South Main street, be- tween Jones and Dodge streets, and submit same to sewer committee, and when same are approved by said committee, the en- gineer ie instructed to advertise for bids for the performance of the work. Ald. Page offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications for a san- itary siwer on Julien avenue, between West Eighth street and Broad street; also in alleys adjoining thereto, where practicable, and submit same t o the council. Ald. Nage offered the following which was adopted: Resolved That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and spe- cifications for a sanitary sewer from Bluff street along Julien avenue to Hill street, and along Hill street to West Fifth street to con- nect witty the sanitary sewer now in course of construction and submit same to council. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That an order for two dollars each be drawn in favor of the jurors who as- sessed the damages by reason of the opening of Lincoln avenue. Petition of Charles Klingenberg for filling of his lot adjoining Klein street. Referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford moved that the council appropriate x+300 for the improvement of Rowan street, to be done under the super- vision of Mr. James Rowan. 1' 161 Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 11, 1 S92. Ald. Page moved to refer the matter of improvement of Rowan street to the com- mittee of the whole. C: ' Al' . raw . d m. • to adjourn to Oct. 11 ., 13 2, 30o' ' ock p. m. Carried CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Oet. 11, 1892, Council met at 8:05 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in thechair. Present—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page. Peaslee and Smith. The following places of registration were selected: Second ward—First precinct, John Pier's, on Seventh street. Second precinct, Fourth street engine house Fourth ward — First precinct, Lorimier house. Second p^ecinct, Western brewery. Third precinct, Kenyon's barber shop, on West Locust street. Third ward—First precinct, Trexler's liv- ery stable. Second precinct, Police head- quarters. Third precinct, Eighteenth street engine house. Ald. Byrne moved that the action of the council taken a.. a previous meeting in se- lecting a place for registration in the Second precinct of the First ward be reconsidered, and that the Montana house be selected as the place for registration in the Second pre- cinct of the First ward Carried. Bid for retaining wall on Alma street was opened and read. Peterson & Co. being the only bidders, on motion of Ald. Crawford the contract was awarded them—excavating 25 cents per yard, stone work $1.35 per perch. Ald. Byrne moved that the contract for stone sewer on Dodge street he awarded to Frank McCann, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Mr. McCann's bid is as follows: 4 foot 6 inch sewer, $2.74; 4 foot sewer, $2 45, Ald Nicks moved that contract for con- structing stone culvert on Tweuty-fourth street b-tween Jackson and Washington streets be awarded to Steuck & O'Farrell at SS per lineal foot. Carried. Petition for sanitary sewer on Roberts avenue referred to the sewer committee. Ald Peaslee moved that when the money for paving bonds arrive that the following amounts be paid the several contractors, be- ing 75 per cent. of the amount due them: Dan Sheehan, Hill street $ 600 O. G. Kringle, Clark street 1,000 Steuck & O'Farrell, Windsor avenue1. 00 E. E. Frith, Twenty-third street 700 Geo. Taylor, Twenty-fourth street 600 Geo. Taylor, Twenty-flfth street 600 Geo. Taylor, Twenty-sixth street 600 O G. Kringle, Algona street 2,100 Norton & Lee, Cornell and Thomas street 1,400 Meehan & Hassett, South Locust street 500 John Tibey, Hill street 2,500 Carried. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Revolved, That the Dubuque Water com- pany be instructed to extend their water mains in the alley between First street and Jones street, and between Maiu and Locust streets within twenty days of this notice, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Water company 7 cent. on the cost of the pipe as provided in section five of chapter 52 of the revised ordinances of 1887. Mayor Saunders presented the following veto message: MAYOR'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Oct. 11, 1b02. To the City Council: GENTLEMEN --Alter a careful consideration of all the circumstances involved in your resolution of the 4th inst., exempting the Hill Street Railway company for a number of years from all city taxes, also instructing the treasurer to refund the taxes of 1891 amounting to $343 90, in consideration that said company will do what their franchise las, s they must do, naively : to operate their line and accommodate the public. Because the road claims to be in financial stress the city comes to her aid and wants to exempt her taxes. Is it the fault of the city that said com- pany 1s so situated? No. The court records show the history and management of the road iu question. The original organization being made in bad faith, it shoe sthat he parties now own- ing the road bought the bonds at some valu- ation, may be they paid par, yet the mau- agers of the road have actually given them $43 000 stock, which, had it been sold for Dash, the road could have paid its liabilities, but as it is many of our business men and taxpayers had to lose for material furnished said road. Besides a bona' of $-1,000 in cash and land to the value of $ 4 0Ju was raised and given to said compaoy by residents on the hill, so that they would build and operate the road for the accommodation of the public. Has the company done so? No. Has not the council passed resolution after resolution instructing said company to extend and operate their liue to West Du- buque? And they have failed to even recog• nize the order. Tne council should take extreme measures and compel them to live up to their charter, and not be offeriug them inducements so that they can in the future continue as they have in the past. The city council is responsible for the prop- er operation of said road and you owe it to the people on the hill to see that said road is operated according to their franchise. I therefore return you the resolution pass- ed October 4th remitting the taxes of the Hill Street Railway company without my signature, as it would establish a bad pre- cedent, which I believe cannot be found in the United States. and would lose to the city thousands of dollars in the future. Who has ever heard of the city giving away a valuable franchise for no considera- tion, and then want to exempt it from taxes for a term of years. It is absurd and unreasonable, and an in- justice to the taxpayers of the city. All of which is respectfully submitted. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor's veto message be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Cushing moved as aa amendment that the veto of the mayor be sustained. Ald. Crawford moved that the motion of Ald. Cushing be laid ou the table. Carried by the following volt: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee, and Smith Noes—Alda. Cushing and Nicks. The question being put on the motion to s Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 11, 1S92. 162 refer to the committee of the whole was car- ried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Alds. Cushing and Nicks. The rules were suspended and Capt. Thrift addressed the council and extended an in- vitation to the council to attend an exhibi- tion drill of the Governor's Greys at their armory on next Monday evening. Ald. Peaslee moved that the invitation be accepted. Carried. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer be in- structed to give the proper stakes according to plans and specifications a .epted by the city council for the improvement of Main street, to the Dubuque utreet Railway com- pany. to set their tracks, and said railway company be notified to brine. said tracks np to said stakes forthwith, anu a failure on the part of the Dubuque Street Railway com- pany to comply with the above order, then the city marshal is directed to remove said tracks from said Main street without further notice. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Cushing, Nicks, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Alds. Crawford and Glab. Aid. Cushing offered the following: WIIEREAS, It is deemed expedient and ad- visable to open and re-establish a public highway consisting of an alley f. om Clay street to Seminary street along the souther- ly end of lot 11 of the sub city lots 439 and part of lot 676; therefore, be it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be anu he is hereby directed forthwith to make a sur- vey and plat of such highway as required by the ordinances of the pity of Dubuque upon that subject; said highway or alley to be six feet two inches in width. The city engineer is directed to immediately serve notice as re- quired by the ordint.nees upon the owner or owners of any property proposed to be taken by said highway. Adopted by the following vote: Aves—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Peeslee and Smith. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the alley running from Jul- ien avenue to West Eleventh street, and, next east of Grant avenue, be graded, g tered curbed and macadamized in confor ity with the ordinance upon that subjec . That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and tnecifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: AGlab, Olinger. Page, Peaslee BNteka, ingerhnd andSmith. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city hog scales for the north end of the city be located at Leo Pa- len & Co.'s corner, Eighteenth street and Couler avenue. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: WHEREAS, The equalization committee were compelled to have their meetings most- ly at night, and, WHEREAS, The services of the auditor were required at said meetings; therefore, Resolved That an order for one hundred dol- lars be drawn in favor of J. M. Keuety for said extra services. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee. reported in favor of approving the plat of Sheridan's subdivision. Report adopted. Ald. Nicks offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to replace the bridge over Couler creek in the alley between Twenty-seventh street and Peru road and Jackson street and Couler avenue, so that the public can cross said creek with safety. Ald. Smith offereu the following which was lost : Resolved, That the city recorder be and is hereby iustructed not to receive any bills after the 28th of each month. and to give notice to the public to that effect. Health Officer Wieland presented a com- munication calling the attention to the coun- cil to the filthy condition of the alley be- tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, be- tween Pine and Maple streets Referred to the marshal and street commissioner for im- mediate gction. Ad. th m. - t test: 16 Official Notices. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of September, 1892, the toliowing special assessments were levied ou the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case the own- ers of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual i qual installments, the first ins ailment being due on the date of levy, and the last instailment six years from date of levy, all bearing Interest at the rate or 5 per cent. Der annum. Parties wishing to psy all at once as heretorfore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any patt of the assessment at the end of six years from dale of levy the pri.perty will be ad- vertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque, this 17th day of September, A. D., 1892. LAWR13806 GONN8tt, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For curbing, guttering and macadamizing Maple street, from 13th to 18th street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't. IN ichael Smith, East Dubuque add 326 $110 36 Anton W4udr4seek, do 96 Jac Pfeiffr r est., do 96 A. W. Kemler, do 96 Annie Turner, do 34 Pier & Ackerman, do 09 do do 96 do do 96 do do 98 do do 86 J. R. Jellison, do a 34 23 John Cahill. do n 3y 69 Vitus Fleischman, do 42 Mar ` in Nowotory, do s f 69 Anton Z.ck, do n,4 69 Helen Koenig, do b A 69 G. G. Moser, do 296 20 Wm. McLaughlin, Sr., do w80ft 315 65 Albert Benda, do s 34 314 69 Nicholas Steffen, do n 34 314 69 Peter M. Schlosser, do s 34 31 s 69 James batons, do n 34 313 69 Mary Boyle, do s t4 312 69 Isaac Ber Joseph, do n 14 312 89 do E Dub add, sub lot 311 2 35 Rueben i ewis, do do 1 28 Albert Leute, do 232 31 Aug. Rohr, do 283 03 John Stumph, do 284 83 Mary D 180011, do 285 83 Chas lratka, do 286 05 John Klucg, do 325 121. 04 Anton Waudraczak, do 324 69 83 Mathias Dudzinski, do 323 69 83 Frank Strinsky, do 322 69 83 Peter Hanson, do 321 119 79 John Butler, do s 34 287 46 36 Mat Bahukg, do n %S 281 19 30 -Chas. Bornheiser, do 288 69 96 John Codesky, do s 34 289 34 97 Mary Gehl, ns, do n' 7A 28) 35 01 Joseph Dentenger. do 290 69 96 J. C. and R. E. Butler, do 291 74 83 Mathias Lillack, do 320 118 73 Nicholas Boesen, do 319 69 96 Josepn Zewanek, do 318 89 96 Frank Bones, do s 34 317 34 97 Frank Peterka, • do n'4 317 34 97 Josephine Broda, do 316 12l 39 J. A. Blumberg, do 306 79 46 Chas. R. Anthony, do n % 307 34 65 Aug. Ducclni, do s %307 34 65 Geo. Kline, do n 4 308 34 65 LI W. 0 annolt, do 309 t 9 29 Albert Hovorka, do n IA 310 37 09 Joseph Kubee, do s '4 310 48 67 C., M. & St. R. R. Co., do 301 74 09 do do 300 6H 30 Valentine Hentrick, do 299 89 30 John Rokuseck, do • 98 69 30 Valentine Hentrick, do 297 84 26 A. Lewis, do s t 308 34 65 John Mundt, do n J 290 34 69 For curbing, guttering and macadamizing Fourteenth street, from Pine to Maple streets. Name. Description. Lot. Am't Pier & Ackerman, East Dubuque. 281 152 00 Albert Leute, do 282 152 67 Nic Clois, do 261 194 06 Anna Roshon. do 282 1149 99 For Madison street, guttering eetfromMaito Seminary streetand ing 327 09 328 s•9 329 69 330 117 281 120 280 69 279 69 278 69 277 116 292 85 292 31 21,3 69 294 34 294 3t 295 34 81 120 34 34 34 34 34 34 1 79 120 69 89 69 98 Name. Description. A. R. Staufenbeil, Cog's add. do do do do a 34 do doe% do do a i4 du do a 311 do doe 34 Wm. Rudolph. sub 2 city ontrot 678 1 Christian Jungk, tub 2 of sub 2 of city outlot 678 1 126 00 do do 2 75 00 Marg. Flynn, sob 2 of city out lot 873. 6 134 R2 James McCann, do 5 71 82 do sub 4 or sub q of city outlot 673, Lot. 91 9.2 51 50 49 48 47 Am't 12 48 107 25 83 00 63 00 63 00 80 78 7 56 183 96 2 25 83 Fleming Bros., 00 83 74 P. W. Crawford, sub 2 of city out - lot 67:.', 7 24 27 do do 1 22 40 El'za A. Bale. sub city outlot 673 1 231 17 John Cameron, L. H. Lang.'s sub, 31 141 75 do do 30 68 92 do do 29 68 92 do do 28 8 82 Michael Duggan, sub c ty outlnt678 1 600 72 do tub 54 Marsh's add 2 54 87 For paving and curbing Main street, from Seventeenth to Fourteenth street. Name. Description. Lot. Am't St. John's Episc'p'l church, city s2.5 463 534 52 E. H. Shepley, city, m 1 5 463 193 86 N. W. Kimball, do n 2-5 463 498 118 City of Dubunue, Jackson Park, 1714 56 F. M. I+obison est., City, s 157 ft of w 44 746 662 23 Geo. L. Torbert, City, n 57 ft of w34 746 248 35 Jos. Herod, do n t-5 472 226 44 do do n+S4nm1•5 472 107 93 Mrs. MaryWilson do s i4 n m 1-5 47.2 107 98 do don 5 212 ft m 1-5 472 21 93 M. Gilleas. do s 46 ft m 1-5 472 19.4 03 H. F. Mulligan, do s m 1 5 472 215 96 J. & D. "linger, do s 1 5 473 391 00 W. H. Peabodl, do n 1-5 471 301 25 R. Cux est., don m56 10.12 ft 471 241 71 Mrs. Anna Otley,do s m 51 2.12 ft 471 217 89 D. D. Myers, do s 90 10-12 ft 471 589 55 Mrs. Elizabeth Young, City. 470a 322 13 A. J. Van Duzee, do n li 471 170 77 Geo. Crane, do n m 4 470 174 69 D. B. Hende son, do 5 m 1-4 470 178 48 Nic. J. echrup. do s 470 339 02 Dub. St. Ry. vo., from Fifteenth to center of Four- teenth streets. 439 06 Special Aateeiament Notice. To John A. Koch: You are hereby noti- fied that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the City of Dubuque for the improvement of Main street from Ninth street to Fourteenth street, adopted on the 6th day of September A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be voted for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement. Lot n 3(1 n 66 ft, 967 in city owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said mee iug of the council, to be held on the 3rd day of October A. D. 1b92, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied 6t J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 1 Notice to Unntrac.ora. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 2 p. m. Monday, Oct. 3, 1892, for constructing stone culverts on Twenty- fourth street between Jackson and Wash- ington strees; Seventh avenue, Ham's addi- tion, between Rhomberg avenue and Lin- coln avenue; also in alley between Couler avenue and Lemon street, Twenty-seventh street, and Peru road; and for two culverts on Seminary street; and for a stone arch sewer on Dodge street from South Dodge to Brad street; also for a retaining wall on Alma street from Thomas street to Picket street. The work to be nce with plans and specifications inne ons onafile insaidoffice. A boni of $200 will be required with Oficial Notices. 161 each bid. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. E. C. BLARE, 5t— City Engineer. Special Assessment Notice, OFFICE OF TRF CITY ENGINEER, 1 DUBUQUE, Iowa. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Main street from Eighth street to Fourteenth; Air Bill from Julien avenue to West Eighth street: Grant avenue from Julien avenue t,, West Eleventh ' street ; 'Windsor avenue from Lincoln avenue to Garfield avenue; Twenty-third street from Couler avenue to .tackson street; Twenty fourth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street; Clark street from West Locust street to West Seventeenth street; Cornell street from May Mace to Thomas street; i homes st eet from May Place to Alma street; Algona avenue from West Fou teenth street to Dexter avenue; Hill street from West Third st-eet to Dodge street; South Locust street from O. C line to 450 feet south: Rose street front Alta Vista street to'Centt r Placejall in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, rind of the street railway occupying with its track a portion of sad Main street, and to any person or persons, firm or company havit g any interest in said seal estate or said railway: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque, a plat of said above named streets in said city, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground abutting on said streets and the tracks of the street railway laid thereon, subject to special assessment for the paving. guttering and curbing and macadamizing of said streets, and the names, as far as pract,cable, of the several owners of said abutting real estate, and of said street rail- way, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and against said railway, for tne inspection of any person. firm or com- pany Interested in any kind in sa.dreal estate or in said street railway, and that such pe son, firm or company. having any objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objections in writing at or before the nr at meet- ing of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 3d day of October, 1892. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer, Sept.22d10t. Dubuque, Iowa. AN ORDINANCE To protect the paved and macadamized streets of the city of Dubuque. and for that purppose to regulate the width of the tires of wag- ons, trucks, drays and other vehicles used for the transportation of heavy articles Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That on and after the first day of November. 1P92, it shall be unlawful for any teamster, truckman, drayman, cartman, wagoner, or other person, to drive or use, or permit to be driven or used, on any of the paved or macad- amized streets of the city of Dubuque, any wag- on drawn by more than one horse or mule, or any truck, dray, cart, or other vehicle used for the hauling of any kind of merchandise, lumber, cordwood, pinewood, coa , ice, stone, brick earth, sand, or gravel, or other heavy articles of any kind, unless the tires of the wheels of such wagon, truck, dray, cart, or other vehicle shall be at least three and one half inches in width. Pro- vided, that until after the first day of March, 1893, the provision' of this section shall not ap- ply to the wagons of farmers bringing into the city any kind of farm produce, or in the city for the purpose of trading. Sec. 2. That on and after Nov. 1, 1892, it shall be unlawful for the owner er driver of any om- nibus, omnibus wagon, baggage wagon or milk wagon, to drive. or use, or permit to be driven or used on any of the paved or macadamized street' of the city, any omnibus, omnibus wagon, bag- gage wagon, or milk wagon drawn by more than one horse or mule, unless the surface of the tires of the wheels of such omnibus, or other vehicles shall be at least three inches in width. Sec. 3. That after the expiration of three months from the da'e of the taking effect of this ordinance it shalt be unlawful for any teamster, farmer, truckman, drayman, or other owner or driver of any wagon, truck, cart or other vehicle, drawn by more than one hose or other animal to lock. or permit to be locked, or otherwise prevent or obstruct the turning of the w eels of such wagon or other vehicle while being driven on any street, avenue, or pub road ur alley within the city limits, except by means of a metal or wooden shoe at least four inches wtoe. Provided, that th's section shall not apply to vehf iles used exclusively for the transportation of passengers. Sec. 4. That any person who shall be guilty of ululating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, nn cony ction thereof, be fined $L for the first off•nse, with c+eta of suit: and for each subsequent offense not less than $5 nor more than $20, with cuss. Sec. 5, That the or finance adopted Aug, 5, 1889, entitled, an ordinance 'regulating teamsters and owners of neavy draft wagons, drays, trucks, etc , for protection of streets," be and the came is hereby repealed. Sec. 6. That the city marshal, street commis- sioner, and other city omcers having police pow- ers, are specially charged with the strict enforce- ment of this ordinance. Sec 7 This ordinance shall be published in the official papers of the city, and shall take effect and be in force fr..m and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Lady Herald news- paper. Adopted Oct. 3, 1892. OHAs. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. It AN ORDINANCE Relating to the Excavation of Paved Streets, Highways, Avenues and Alleys. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. Whenever any porton of any street, highway, avenue or ally in the city of Dubuque is ordered paved or macadamized by the city coun- cil, it shall ue the duty of every person, co paitntrehlp, corporation nr company to take no- tice of such order and forthwith and before any such portion of street, highway, avenue, or ahey is paved or macadamized, to make all excava- tions, for making gas, water, sewer. steam heat- ing and all other desirable or necessary connec• thous, provided that every person, corporation, or comnany before and in ,he making any such excavation shall comply strictly with all existing of dinances governing excavations in the streets, highways, avenues and alleys. Sec. 2. No person, corporation, or company shall dig, excavate, or in any manner break up any paved street, hignway,avenue or alley In said city unless such person, corporation or company shall first have obtained a permit from the city recorder of the ci.y; of Dubuque as hereinafter provided. Sec 3. Any person, corporation, or company desiring the permit referred to in section 2 hereof shall make written application for the same to the city recorder of said city, stating specifically the place, extent and purpose of such excava- tion, when the same will be made, and that such person, corporation or company will furnish a money deposit as hereinafter required, and that such person, corporation or company will allow Said city out of such deposit to repay itself the cost and expenses incurred by it In filling excavation and restoring the street, highway, avenue or al- ley at the place of excavation to its proper con- dition prior to such excavation. Sec 4. That the city recorder may grant a per- mit which shall be approved and countersigned by the mayor to any person, corporation or com- pany making application as aforesaid to dig or excavate in any paved street, highway, avenue or alley of said pity, provided such person, corpora- tion or company shall deposit with the city treasurer such sum of money as said city recor der shall require to pay the cost and expense of refilling the paving and restoration of the street, highway, avenue or alley to its proper condition prior to such digging or excavatton, and provid- ed further that no permit to dig or excavate in the paved streets, highways, avenues or all, ys of said city shall be granted by the city recorder when the ground is frozen to a depth of twelve inches or more, unless in case of extreme emer- gency; and provided further that no such permit shall be valid until approved by the mayor and such money deposit made as hereinbefore pro- vided. Sec. 5. All the work of refilling such excava- tions and replaciog the paving and restoring the street, avenue, highway or alley to its condition prior to any digging or excavation therein, ex- 165 Official Notices. cept as hereinafter provided, shall be done by the city of Dubuque under the special supe - visiou of the sewer inspector, and toe cost thereof shall be deducted , rom the money deposited as hereinbefore require- Red the balance of such money, if any, small be •epaid to tnedepositorby the city treasurer upon the written order, report. and direction of the sewer inspector, approved and couutersigned by the mayor, and not other- wise. Sec 6. It shall be the duty of the city recorder to keep a correct record of all permits granted by him under the provisions of section 4, which shall show the name of the persou, firm or com- pany. to wnom the permit was granted, the place, extent, and perpose of the excavation, whet the same is to be made, the lime required to com- plete the same, the amouut of money deposited with the treasurer and the date of the permit. For the purpose of keeping and preservinc such record he shall procure a bound book of printed blank permits, numbered conveniently, and the stubs of which shall be an exa t copy of each permit. The recorder shall also procure and keep on hand for the use of applicants a supply of printed blank applications for permits, and such other blanks as may be necessary. When- ever any permit shall be Riven by th-r recorder he shall give written no,ice of the same to the sew er inspector, who shall have supervision of the work of excavation, and see that the same is made in all respects in accordance with the per- mit granted. Sec. 7. It is hereby made the duty of the City marshal, sewer inspector, street commissioner, and of all the police officers of tne city to take notice of any excavatious being made in any of the streets, alleys, or public places of the city, and to arrest any person, or persons engaged in making or directing or superintending such ex- cavations, unless he or they she 1 exhibit a writ- ten permit for the making of the same, duly issued in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 8, Contractirs with the city of Dubuque, for the construction of sewers, or the laying of sewer pipes, shall not be r. quired to make any money deposit when obtaining permits for exca• vationv, but any moneys at any time due such contractors from the c ty on their contracts, or so much as may e required to complete the filling of the excavation, and the restoration of the street or alley to a gond condition shall be re- tained by the city and used for such purpose, and no contract for such work shall be finally settled and paid for until the production of a written certificate from the sewer inspector, that the excavation has been properly filled, and the surf ace of the street restored to a good condition. Sec. 9. It shall be the duty of the sewer inspec- tor upon being notified of any such digging or excavating having been completed as hereinbe- fore required, to cause, without delay, such ex- cavation to be refilled, the paving to be rep'aced and the street restored as fully as posstble to its former connition and to keep an ac 311' ate itemized account of the expenses incurred by him in such work, which shill include the cost of a sufficient supply of water for flushing, and to report as soon as work shall be completed the amount of such expense to tee city treasurer who shall de- duct such amount from 'he amount aeposited an¢ return the depositor the balance if any there be. Sec. 10. Any person. copartnership, corpora- tion or company who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined nor less than $5 nor more than $100, and npon failure to pay said fine to the city of Dubuque. imprisonment shall follow as pro- vided by the charter and ordinances of the city of Dubuque. Sec 11. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage, and pub ication (one time) in the Dubuque Daily Herald newspaper. Adopted Oct. 4, 1892. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS. Approved Oct 7. 1892. Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Notice. Publ'csee- der] of the City Couns ihereby given of Dubat at uque, held on the 4th day of October, 1892, the follow- ing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For the construction of an 8 -inch tile sewer in Clay street from Seventeenth to Eighteenth etre..t: Amount. Mary Newhans, sub city out lot 675, lot 1..$19 44 !Ilene & Altman, sub city tint lot 675. lot 2 19 44 W. Gruber, sub city out-1ot675, n 27% feet 101 3 12 42 Thadeus Gruber estate, sub city out-1ot675 s 14% feet to 3 7 02 Thadeus Gruber, sub city out lot 875, n 17% feet lut4 .. .. 7 74 Nick and Frank Glab, sub city out -lot 675, s 22 feet tot 4 ..... 10 17 Edward Monti, sub city out lot 675, lot 5.. 67 50 Adam Vogel, sub city out lot 675, lot 6 33 75 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 17th day of October, A. D., 1892. LAWRENCE GONNE8, Treasurer of tae City of Dubuque. AN ORDINANCE To amend an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to provide : or opening, altering or an- nulling streets, alleys and high- ways in the city of Dubuque." Re it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That chapter 26 of the R.vised Ordinance of 1887 of the City of Dubuque, lowa, be amended by adding thereto the fo.lowing sectione: Sec 1. Provided, however, that either the land owner or the city may appeal from the assess- ment of the damages oy the jury aforesaid to the district court of Dubuque county, lowa, within thirty days after the day the assessment is report- ed to the city council, by giving the adverse party, or if such part) is the city, it, treasurer, city recorder and marshal, notice in writing that such appeal has been taken; the city recorder seal' thereupon file a certified copy of so much of the record and appraisement as applies to the part appealed from and said court snarl there- upon take jurisdiction thereof and try and dis- pose of the same as in actions by ordinary pro- ceedings. The land owner shall be plaintiff and the city of Dubuque defendant. Sec. 2. An appeal shall not delay the opening, extending, wideuiug or otherwise changing the proposed street, alley or highway, if the said city shall pay or deposit with the city treasurer of said city the amount assessed and awarded by said jury; said treasurer snail not pay such de- posit over to the person entitled thereto after the service of notice of an appeal, but shall retain the same until the determination thereof. Sec. 3. An acceptance by the laud owner of the damages awarded by the jury chair bar his right to appeal. Sec. 4. On the trial of the appeal no judgment shall be rendered except for costs; the amount of damages shall be ascertained and entered of rec- ord in court, and, if no money has been paid or deposited with the said treasurer the city shall pay the amount so ascertained, or deposit the same with the city treasurer before entering upon the premises. Sec. 5. If on the trial of the appeal the dam- ages awarded by the jury are increased, the city shall nay or deposit with the city treasurer for the use of the land owner the whole amount of dam- ages awarded before entering on, or in any man- ner whatever using or controlling the premises. And the city marshal upon being furnished with a certified copy of such assessment may remove said city, its agents, servants or contractors from said premises unless the whole amount of the assessment is fortwith paid or deposited with Inc city treasurer for the use of said land owner. Sec. 6. if the amount of the damages awarded by the jury is decreased on the trial of tne appeal, the amount assessed on the trial of such appeal only shall be paid to the land owners. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage by the city council and its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald, newspaper, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Aaopted Oot. 4. 1892. Approved Oct 7, 1892. CSAUNDERS, J. C. FTZPATRK,CtRecorder. Official 14rotices. 166 Registration Notice. MAYOR'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, Oct. 12, 1492. 1 Notice is hereby given that the registers of election, duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, state of Iowa, for the ensuing year, will be in attendance in the places herein below designated for the pur- pose of registering all voters as may be en- titled to vote at this fall's election, to be held Nov. Sth, 1892. Said registers will meet at their respective places on Thursday, Friday and Saturda,, October 27th, 28th and 29th at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Sat- urday, Nov. 5th, 1392, from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. of said day for the purpose of correcting the list and adding thereto, such as may be en- titled to vote. Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, Nov. Sth, 1892, (e,ection day) and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and register only such vot- ers as were absent from the city during the preceeding days that the board was in ses- sion, also such voters as did not become citizens until Tuesday, Nov. Sth, 1892. The places of registration is the several wards and precincts of said city are as fol- lows: • First Ward—First Precinct: Svendsen R; Ott's lumber office, Locust and Dodge street. Second Precinct: Montana House. Second Ward—First Precinct: John Pier's, Seventh and Clay streets. Second Precinct: Fourth street Engine House. Third Ward—First Precinct: Trexler's Livery. Second Precinct: Police Head- quarters, city hall. Third Precinct: Eigh- teenth Street Engine House. Fourth Ward—First Precinct: Lorimier House. Second Precinct: Western Brewery. Third Precinct: Kenyon's Barber Shop, West Locust street. Fifth Ward—First Precinct : Schmid's brew- ery. Second Precinct: Saunders' Building, Kniest street and Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct: Corner Fengler and Rhomberg avenues. Fourth Precinct: Corner Jackson and Twenty-third streets. All qualified voters of said city are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time herein• before mentioned for registration, they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. CIIAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: J. C. PITZPATRICK, Recorder.—tf Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to Saturday, Nov. 5, 1892, at 4 o'clock p. m., for grading, guttering, curbing and macadamizing the following streets according to plans and specifications in the city recorder's office. Klein street from Eagle Point avenue to Kliugenberg terrace. Broad street from Julien avenue to Home of the Friendless. Dodge street from South Dodge street to Grandview avenue. Twenty-fourth street between Jackson and Pine streets. Alley between Providence street, Lincoln avenue and between Johnson and Windsor avenues. Alley east of Wilson avenue from West Eighth street to Wilson avenue. Klein street—Grading, 1,452 cubic yards fill; 560 lineal feet curbing, 250 square yards guttering; 685 square yards macadamzing. Broad Street—Grading, 13,566 cubic yards; 3,400 lineal feet curbing; 1,100 square yards guttering; 6,500 square yards macadam- izing. Dodge Street—Grading, 6,926 cubic yards cut; 5,600 lineal feet curbing; 2,500 square yards guttering; 13,050 square yards macad- amizing. Alley between Providence and Lincoln, Garfield and Rhomberg avenues: Grading, 689 cubic yards; 815.5 square yards macad- amizing. Alley east of Wilson avenue—Grading, 61S cubic yards; 1,205 square yards macadam- izing. Twenty-fourth street between Jackson and Pine streets—Grading, 1,201 cubic yards till; 1,400 lineal feet curbing; 600 square yards guttering; 1,77:1 square yards macadamizing. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing; the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing; grading to be bid for in total. Bidders must furnish bond of $200 that con- tract will be entered into if awarded. Pro- posals will be acted upon at the regular ses- sion of the council Nov. 7, 1892. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. Phe city reserves the right to reject all bids. -10t J. C. FITZI'ATRICK, Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will he received at my office until 2 p. m. of Friday, Oct. 21, 1892, for constructing sidewalks as viz.: On the south side of Third street between Alpine and Brad streets; 4 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On the south and east side of Southern avenue between Railroad avenue and lot 4, O'Counor's addition; 4 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On both sides of Maple between Thirteenth and Eighteenth streets; 6 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On the north side of Ciark between West Locust and Seventh streets; 6 feet wide, 2 Inch plank. On the south side of Almond in front of lots 38, 39, 40, in Cox's addition; 4 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On the south side of West Fourteenth street between Prairie and Alta Vista; 4 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On the west side of Main street, s mY n m% and n% city lot 470, and s m 1-5 city lot 472; cement, 9 feet wide. On west side of Pine between Twenty- third and Twenty-fifth streets; 4 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On the south side of Julien avenue between Delhi street and the west line of lot 12, Mor- heiser's sub. ; 6 feet wide, 2 inch plank. On both sides of Rose street from Walnut street to Alta Vista street; 6 feet wide, 2 inch plank. The above work to be done in accordance with specification, on file in said office. The right to reject any and all bids is re- served. E. C. BLAKE, 10t City Engineer. Proposals for Palotinw. Sealed proposals will be received at the ollice of the c.tv recorder of the city of Du- buque, until Ssturday, the 22nd day of October, 1899, at 2 p, m., for the painting, including the furnishing of materials, of the pagodas in Washington and Jackson squares. The work to be done according to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the city recorder. A good and sufficient bond in the sum of $290, conditioned for the faithful perform- ance of the work, must accompany each proposal. A certified check on some Du- buque bank for that amount may be substi- tuted for the bond. Bids must be in gross for both pagodas. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman Committee on Public Grounds and Buildiugs. td 167 Official Noticesi Notice. The assessment books are now ready for the inspection of taxpayers and will be un - till the 13th of October, when any person feeling aggrieved by the assessment of their real estate or personal property may appeal to the council for correction. A list of the changes proposed to be male by the equali- zation board will be found at the city coun- cil room and at the door of the county audi- tor's office in the city ball. An adjourned meeting of said board for final action on the proposed changes will be held at the council room on the 18th of October from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. J. M. hENETY, City Auditor. Final Notice to Saloonkeepers. DUBUQUE, Iowa, Oct. 14, 1S92. You are hereby notified that unless you pay the second installment of your saloon license for 1892 at once, I will be compelled to proceed against you according to the ordinance on that subject. To avoid trouble and expense, you will take notice of the above order, as no further time will be given. tf S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Proposals for Painting. Sealed proposals will be received at the of- fice of the city recorder of the city of Du- buque until Saturday, the 22d day of Octo- ber, 1892, at 2 p. m., for the painting, includ- ing the furnishing of materials, of the Fourth street and Eighteenth street engine houses and the patrol house on Washington and Thirteenth streets, according to the plans and specifications on file in the (Alice of the city recorder. A good and sufficient bond in the sum of $200, conditioned for the full performance of the work, must accompany each proposal. A certified check on some Dubuque bank for that amount may be substituted for the bond. Bids must be in gross for the entire work on the three buildings, and also separately for each: and the contract or contracts will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder or bidders, either for the entire work or sep- arately, as the committee may deem best for the interest of the city. P. W. CRAWFORD, Chairman of Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. td Notice. To whom it may concern : Notice is here- by given that the undersigned commission- ers duly appointed by the city council of the city of Dubuque will meet in the marshal's office of the city of Dubuque on Monday the 21st day of October 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of viewing the change of grade at various points between Paul street and West Locust street on Seminary street and assessing the damages, if any, to the abutters by reason of said changes. L. M. LANGSTAFF,i JOHN'WUNDERLICH, tf JAMES HOWIE, Sidewalk Notices: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Queen street, between Sanford street and north end of lot 4tic, Stafford's add., to temporary grade, at the expense of abutting property. Adoptea Oct. 4, 1892. J. C. FITZ.l'ATRICK. 10t City Recorder. List of City TVarrant8. 168 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder, April, 1892, CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, t DUBUQUE, Iowa, May 1, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTI.EiIFN—The folioRingis a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of April, 1892: Name For What Purpose. Amount. L Gonner, treasurer, salary for Mara $150 00 J C Fitzpatrick, recorder, do 116 63 J M Kenety, auditor do 116 65 J J Tiouartby. attorney, do 125 00 John F titemm, assessor, do 125 00 Jae P Bennett, aas't assessor, do 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do 100 00 Ed hyan, streetcommies'ner, do 91. 65 Joseph Reinfried, fire chief, do 75 OU A Gratz, market master, do 50 00 P McNulty. park custodian, do 46 50 1 8 Bigelow, health officer, do 30 00 Carl elpiegelhalter, poundmaster. do 40 00 B Rawson, sewer inspector, do 60 00 John Kletn, meat ir, apector, do 50 00 James Bunting electrician, do 75 00 Ed Blake, engineer, do ]25 00 E S Hyde, asst engineer, do 100 00 Jas Boyce, do do 100 00 John O'Connell, clerk, do 83 35 Dennie Ryan, police 5 00 70 CO 43 80 50 00 37 20 10 00 50 00 48 80 50 00 50 00 45 20 13 20 50 00 ... 45 20 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 45;:0 50 00 50 00 48 60 46 80 50 00 46 80 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 S5 00 80 4 0 60 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 2 CO 6 00 1 50 6 75 3 00 2 25 6 75 6 75 4 50 6 00 Jonn Raesli, do James Carter do B Cain, do Wm O'Brien, do M O'Connell, do Wm Hennessy, do Wm Frith, do John Loetecher, do PMc'erny, do Thos Reilley, do P Dunnegan, do P Kearney, do P Hanlon. do J Fitzpatrick, do D Nortondo James Allen, do John Reuter, do M Hardie, do Wm Welsh, do Sam Elmer, do J Flynn, do Dan Lavery, do John Hoffman, do Ed Moore, do T Bake, do J Murphy, do Wm Klauer, do P Scharf. do P McCollins, do Geo Rubeck, do J Murjhy, patrol driver James Daly, fireman... Job Barnes, do J Straney, do Jt Murphy, do Wm Bucy, do J Schnnbeger, 00 T Shea, do Ed Ke as, do M Ititel, do P Martin, do J Essmau, da John Flynn, do T Walker, do J W iltse, do T Flynn, do D Ahern, do James Allen, do George Moyer, do Chas Kannolt, do F Ganabl, do ADuccini, do J Ward, do F Young, do John Arndt, laborer................ ... L Abehardt, do ................ M Aboitz. do J Albrt cht, do T Ahern, do C Blinkert, do TBuse, do C Burchard, do W Ball. do .........••• ... .•. ••••........ ................ ....... ... •••• ••••........... ....•.......... Name. For What Purpose., Amount. Jonn Boetke, laborer........... 00 F Baversdorf, do 75 ,J Bergman, do 75 A Burke, do 00 A Bistram, do 00 J Byrne, do 50 Wm Bartling, d0 50 R Burns. do ••••00 D Bernes do 00 R R Benedict, do 50 P Brandenberger,do ................ 25 J Bottoms, do 25 J Bewer. helper road roller 1 25 John t;ahill, fo eman 4 90 Wm Crumpwell, laborer 75 J Casper, laborer 75 John Corbett,laborer ... 1 00 Sam Collins, do 75 B Conlin, do 00 L Corcoran, do 75 J Connory, do 00 D Connory, do 00 Ned C •radon, foreman.... ............... 90 John Cahehan, laborer .................... 75 John Corcoran, do 25 T Connolly, do 50 Jerry Cahill, do 75 M Clerk, do ............ ... 50 James Cahill, do 60 M Carmody, do 00 M Dieferding, do 75 J Dwcrak, do 90 P Dempsey, do 75 J Dougherty, 00 75 GeoDingeldein, do 00 Jemes Dolan, do 50 Ed Desmond, do 75 M Dumphey, do 50 James Doyle, foreman 25 C Elesno, laborer 75 John Eagan, laborer 75 Wm Emmert, do 50 H Foltz, do 50 C Fuusello, do 50 John Fix, do 26 C Fatka, do 00 H Flood, do L Fritz, do ................ 75 Dan Fox, do 00 Wm Flannagan, do 00 F Fost, do 00 C Pfend, do 50 P Fitzgerald, do 25 HGollie, do 50 John Grewe, do 50 Wm Grobe, do 00 L Gross, do i 0 Joe Grab, do 75 J Ginter, do 75 C (iruuzig, do ....... .... ... 00 Ed Grew, do 2 25 John Giessler, do 3 00 Aug H••fferman, do 75 Geo Henkel, do 95 N Hilger, do 40 Chas Herzog, do 50 D Harman, do 75 A Hanover, do 75 James Hall, do 25 F Herzog, do 75 M Helvtek, do 75 John Hafey, do ............ 75 T Hackney, do 75 Ed Hackett, do 50 P Hayden, do ......... 00 Geo Hughes, do 50 Jas Harker, do 50 Jas Hurley, do 75 A Johnson, do 25 John Kinsella, carpenter. 4 75 A Kauffman, laborer 25 F Kruse, do 50 F Kuntz, do 10 C Knoeber, do do 3 25 P Kien, J Kraus. do 25 J K^autz, do 75 M Kilburg, do 25 J Karch, do 75 F Karns, do 75 F Kreeger, do 75 J Kellett, do 75 J Kelly, do 35 P Kiuney, do ........ 75 M Kline, do 00 Ed Lee, do 50 0 Luckhold, do 00 John Lacy, do 00 John Lavin, do 75 169 List of City Warrants. Name. For What Purpose. Amount. H Luck, laborer 8 75 H Lippstook, do 8 90 11 Leicht, do 8 00 M Lilack, do 6 00 H La.,ge, do 2 25 J Lux, do 8 75 P Lynch, do 4 50 P Melchoir, do 7 ,0 C Mackelberg, do 7 50 PMoutel, do 6 00 A Meraske, do 5 25 C Meckenberg, do 5 25 L Meurise, do 5 25 JMelone. do 6 75 James Melloy, do 8 75 M Murphy, do 6 75 T M ahuny, do R 00 M Mahony, do 8 75 Ned Morgan, do 6 75 L Maher, do 6 76 P Moran, do 6 75 C Messsrknecht, de 4 50 C Mec•hlenberg, do 3 75 A Merz. do 1 5o P Mohan, do ....... 1 50 B McCormick, do 7 50 M McCo,:e, foreman 1L 40 J McNulty, laborer 40 L McEvoy, do 1 60 A McGuan, do 78 J McBride. do 00 T mcDonald do 75 John McG,ath, do 50 H McMullen, do 75 M Nuten, do 75 Dom Nichols, do 00 MNowarth, do 50 P O'Brien, do 50 J Obbelt, do 50 Chas Otto, do 1 UO Julius Otto, do 75 F Oswald, do 50 T Papenthen, do 28 Wm Pickley, foreman 90 H Potts, laborer 75 James Purcell, laborer 00 D Powers, do 50 J Perryon, do 60 Jarrett Pan, do 50 J Pantz, do 60 J DRiek, do 75 A Neuter, do 00 1 00 John Raetz, foreman F Raedloff, laborer 1 75 C Rieger, do 75 F Rieger, do 75 F Remus, do 25 75 C Rebesch, do Geo Rink, do """"""' 50 W Rieman. do 00 20 D Raefelt, do M Ryan, do 75 M Raen, 00 Geo Rieder, do 0 John Ryan, do........ •••••••• 00 James Raw. do50 James Ragan, do _ 80 A Stevenson, engineer road roller... 6 00 Joseph Saber, laborer.... 00 M Soeeht, do 25 P Stoller, do75 N Schroeder, do "" "" Aug Schiltz, do "' 60 Geo Sutter, do 00 25 A Stever, N Sweeney, do •' """"""' 00 WmSwaegler, do •• 00 50 A Sogg, do 50 Bmiih, 50 Pdo S Stieble, do 50 M Sullivan, do 50 Joe Seik, do 2 00 John Twigg, do 50 James Tobin, do 3 50 HTropp, do 00 John Wolfe, do•• ••••1 75 P Weirick, do 75 P Wagner, do 00 J Wei ick, do 25 Aug Wittee, do 75 Gott Wirt, do 00 Ed Welsh, do do 76 T Welsh, 00 John Whalen do 50 R Wiederman, do 50 John Welsh, do 00 A E Walker, do 75 Christ rust, do 75 Name. For What Purpose Gen Zumhoff, foreman, 3 Zittman, laborer W Zachina, do N Brandt, team R Bennett, do T Byron, do J Beacom, do Ed Burns, do M Borne, do M Crabin, do Wm Uorcoran, do Bart Cain, do W Cook. do Ed Cleaver, do T Chatfield, do T Elliott, do R E Fri h, do Fischer & Co, do J Garragan, do E L Glew, do M Gantenbein, do F Gregory, do F Graff, do Hat ge, ty Bros, do P Horch, do M J Hannon do H B Harold do P Jorden, do C Kampman, do Thos Kane, do O +Kringle, do Ben Kane, do John Lona, do P Linehan, do Wm Mohr, do J Menz,l, do F Mathis, do R Mathis, do Joe Moore, do C MiElratn, do Wm McG ath, do J McCollins, do J McGrath, do Jas M..Donnell do Jas McCracken do J McQuillan, do JMcCarron, do ...._....... .... J Norton, do 8 Norton, do Ed Pegel, do John Parker, sr, do John Parker, jr, do John Pratt, do Con Ryan, do ....... ........ Con Ragan, do ................ Jas Rowan, do „•, Cal Roberts, do H&ehmidt do J Sullivan, do John Steffes, do Joe Siege, do J Simpson, do J Strotz, do J Sigr.tz, do J Sutherland, do J ringreen, do • • • ...... • • • • • • F Seeley, do John Savage, do John Terry, do Robert Ta,bot, do Catherine Tobin, do .... A Turner, do ...... • • • • • P Vogel, do• Geo, ge Wetter, do F Winters, do L Daly,do D Nitterauer, express,do E J Carpenter, do A Doerr, John O'Brien, labor, Thos Butcher, do Thos Kenneally, register list Svendsen & Ott, lumber Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing W W Wormood, winding and care town clock ................... Mell 11 Cushing, storage chemical engine John E Hartig, keys Svendsen & Ott, lumber A Pannancher, filling sidewalk James Kelly, stationery Ferguson Bros, repairing fount2ins " rubber packing Knapp, Stout & Co. Co. lumber Christman & James O'Connor, Healy, nails brooms and lanterns Jos Geiger, repairing o,rscalesFrakRobinnrepairingsteam roller Amount 7 90 5 25 4 50 10 50 12 25 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 8 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 7 00 8 75 10 60 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 8 75 12 25 5 25 1 75 14 00 11 40 10 50 8 75 1 75 7 00 8 75 8 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 10 50 10 50 8 75 8 76 3 50 10 50 1 75 12 25 8 75 7 00 7 00 9 70 1 75 1 75 b 25 7 00 7 00 1 75 19 25 5 25 525 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 1 75 8 75 12 25 14 90 1 75 5 25 10 50 1 75 1 75 50 50 50 50 47 25 45 50 10 00 28 43 4 25 .•••••.......... 72 00 6 00 50 88 10 00 75 4 80 75 3 30 4 05 4 00 31 95 5 75 a (I List of City Warrants. 170 Name. For What Purpose. Amount. A Y McDona'd Co, repairing "Linehan" 58 Fraatz 4 Clark, lantern wick 20 Jan O'Connor, soap and lye 5 80 John Ganahl, horse shoeing 13 70 Standard Lumber Co, shavings 1 50 Dubuque Mattress Co, wire bed springs37 00 Lear & ?Miler. hose shoeing 2 50 Thos Fitzpatrick, horse shoeing.... ... 3 50 T Hill, repairing hose cart ... 4 70 Key City Gas Co, coke..... 35 26 Frank Robinson, repairing scales 4 00 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 6 75 Eiigene Dietzen & Co, eraser and book3 82 Ed Blake freight on goods 40 Palmer, *inall & Co, blank books ........ 30 95 Engineering News. advertising 2 40 The Newburg Co, signs for fire alarm10 85 Jas Kelly, stationery 11 25 P E Strelau, pine wood 2 00 Harger & Blish, stationery 15 40 Mrs Koenig scrubbing police office 4 00 Dubuque Water Works, water 500 00 500 00 " " 60 00 N C Ryan, judge of election 5 00 John Jess do 5 00 Cal Roberts, clerk of election 5 00 Jas Bennett Co 5 00 H H Smyth, judge of election 5 00 Robt McArthur, do 5 00 D G Scott, clerk of election 5 00 W F Fitzpatrick, clerk of election 5 00 M Morgan, judge of election 5 00 P Roffman, do 5 00 P Bewer, clerk of election 3 00 Rchard Butler, clerk of election5 00 Robert McGivern, judge of election 5 00 W K DeLorim'er, do 5 00 Chas Pitschner, clerk of election 5 00 Richard Wallis, do 5 00 Otto Hess, judge of electiod 5 00 John Leicht, do 5 00 Prank Steelier, clerk of election 5 00 John Ltllig, jr, do 5 00 I K Beekman, judge of election 5 00 E Sommerfield, do 5 00 P Specht, clerk of election 5 00 Peter Oeth, do 5 00 Montana House, rent for election 5 00 John J Mullany, do 10 00 7 orimier House, do 5 00 Dubuque Omnibus Co, do 10 00 R W Lange, do 5 00 Mrs E Mueller, do 10 00 Heel" Brewing Co, do 5 00 Wm Meyer, do 10 00 Thos Kenneally, jr, register of election10 00 H Keeley, d o 10 00 E Cummings, do 10 00 P F Guthrie, do 10 00 John Kleinschmidt, do 10 00 H Ternes, do 10 00 A 3 Bunting, do 10 00 Dan Riordan, do 10 00 13 Brinkman, do 10 00 G Gmehle, do 10 00 A Schmid, do 10 00 E A Frenzil, do 10 00 A Gratz, boarding prisoners 19 00 Geo Taylor, improving alley .... 145 54 Name. For What Purpose. Amount. Thos Byrne, filling lots........ .. 500 00 do do ... 121 4& Adam Schmidt, improving 27th street 213 36 John Tibey, improving Washington et24 50 Chas t•teuck, improving Rhomqerg Av500 00 do eo do 306 35 D W Linehan, improving Iowa street500 00 do do do 16 11 L Gonner, treasurer, money advanced500 00 do d0 do 334 58 Simon Meyer, macadam 34 00 Mrs Heim, do 110 00 Lewis Wachin, do 16 00 Ned Morgan, do 43 00 Val Burns, do 18 00 N Mcroland, do 39 00 P Ryan, do 21 00 Andrew Ring, do 5 20 John Melone, do 4 50 Chas Mehl, juror on Bose street 2 00 Chas Holinagle, do 2 00 Jas Hayes, do 2 00 Jos Stoltz, do 2 00 John Degnan, do 2 00 L C Fuller, do 2 00 J Wunderlich do 2 UO 13 Poole, do 2 00 John Jess, do 2 00 (4 Flemming, do 2 00 Chas Gregoire, do 2 00 J W Parker, do 2 00 F Schloz, sharpening tools 1 20 Key City Gas company, gas 115 81 Dubuque Electric R'y, L & P Co, electric light.... 500 00 Dubuque Electric R'y, L & P Co, electric lignt 166 30 Globe Light & Heat Co, gasoline lamps.. 500 00 .4 " .. 4333 Reinfried & Jaeger, handcuffs 3 50 Dr G M Staples, services attending fire- man 131 00 Duggan & Kane, matches .... 1 00 James Kelly, stationery 75 Novelty Iron works, repairing engine80 xeinfried & Jaeger, brooms and brushes6 00 P H Halpin, nails, soap, etc 4 60 Nessler & Jungk, repairing fountain 1 20 I,oveity iron works, leather belt 2 95 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' association, band sawing 25 Chas Herzog, sawing wood....... 7 50 The Te,egraph, advertising 75 00 German catholic Printing Co, advertising 50 00 The Herald, " „ The Times, F Merz, repairing locks Wm S aiolo, plumbing Nessler & Jung, " American Central Assurance Co, insur- ance on city property 37 50 Chi Litman & H ealy, wire nails 70 Re nfried &Jaeger, ax handles 30 John Litscher, medical attendance 15 00 Con Ryan, rollinggrandview avenue 250 00 Western trireman advertising 1 25 Mr ana Mrs Koenig, janitors' services20 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants drawn by me during the month of April, 1892. J. C. FITZ PATRICK, Recorder. 29 1 29 15 5 10 1 50 18 95 171 Official Notices. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 4th day of October, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case the own- ers of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual i qual instailmerts, the first ins'allment being due on the date of levy, and the last installment six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. Parties wishing to pay all at once as heretorfore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the pri,perty will be ad- vertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque, this 17th day of October, A. D., 1892. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For the Improvement of Main street from Four- teenth to Ninth streets— Name. Description. Lot. Am't John Ellwaiger, City n 60 4 12 ft 464 $361 , 9 8 H Guilbert, city 8 42 ft nm 1-5 464 148 91 do city n/ m1 5 464 45 56 G B Grosvenor, city sift ml -5 464 119 49 J G Bailey, city sml•5 464 179 42 .Arthur McCann, city 81-5 464 344 58 W J Knight, city n2 5 469 514 53 A Christman,city n 41 2-12 ft ml 5 469 144 39 C H Eighmey, City slO ft ml 5 409 35 05 do city n342-12 ft sml 6 469 119 85 Mrs A B Rood, city s17 ft sml 5 469 59 57 do city n17 ft s1-5 469 59 57 Dr Asa Horr, c ty s34 ft 469 26 ' 18 Geo B Provoost, city nl-5 465 270 63 C H Booth, city nml 5 465 145 78 John 8 Lewis, city ml -5 465 145 78 D W Linehan, city n40 ft s2 6 465 113 90 James Levi, city w 65 8-12 s62 ft 465 311 77 St Joseph's Academy, city 468 534 09 James Levi, city n4u ft 468a 93 90 A Levi, city 875 ft 468a 297 15 First Baptist church, city n53.5 ft 466 295 10 Geo Burden est, city m23,3 ft n2 5 466 68 52 Mrs E Munsell, city s/ nm1-5 466 75 30 do city n1/2 m1.5 466 75 30 D N Cooley, city s% m1 5 466 75 30 do city n16 ft smt-5 466 47 06 H P Bissell est, city s86 4 12 ft 466 389 27 John A Koch, city nM n66 ft 467 200 45 Wm L Bradley, city m% n66 ft 467 84 71 Grace A Provoost, ci,y s3<, n66 ft 467 64 71 Main Street M E church, 0 ft 467 294 69 H B Glover, city n4312 2 s90 ft 467 1L9 35 Mrs Otto Junkerman, city n26 2.12 846 8 12 467 77 05 James Collier, City s20 6-12 It 487 196 76 Ira Hansen, city 40a 286 96 D N Cooley, d.j 40 150 88 do do 39 150 88 W L Bradley. do 38 150 88 Universalist church, do 37 285 73 J C Johnson and Mrs F E Moser, city n43 ft 41 282 65 Anna and EmmaHanchett, W H Peabody trustee, city s 8 2-12 ft 41 24 11 do city 42a 38 24 do do 43 112 64 A Levi, city n% 43 75 58 James Levi, city s/, 43 75 58 J H Shields, city n42 2.12 rt 44 124 41 L H dti les, city 89 ft 44 28 47 45 28 82 Mrs B F Lawrenee, doy 36 150 58 do do 36a 285 63 Amelia M Hodgdon, city n1/2 35 66 19 35 65 33 34 28 53 31 30 58 Grace A Provoost, City s3 Allison & Bradley, city s9 7 12 ft C H Eighmey.city undkt n42 6.12ft Robert Waller est, city undSf n41 6-12 ft 34 9177 Amelia M Hogdon, 0 ft s40 ft 33 Allison & Bradley, ty n city s20 ft 33 do city n 11 213 ft 33 Mrs A P Lewis, city 46 L H Waples, do ni/, 47 Trustees M E church, do 8/ 47 C J •• eterson, do nst 48 Second National bank, do s/ 48 8 G Wells and R M Ham est, city 49 Richard Cox est, Dubuque Street Railway ct o 50 from Fifteenth to Ninth sts 58 f2 194 53 32 94 285 68 75 30 75 30 75 30 7530 150 58 261 52 4,296 79 For Improving South Locust Street from Old City Line to 450 feetSouth— Name. Description. Lot. Am't M Mahony, Stout's Dubuque 4 55 10 John Talty, do 3 69 16 Wm Scoilard, do 2 l9 73 Kate Hafey, do 1 10 76 Pat Dunn, Ronson' sub 5 29 00 .john salty, do s23 ft 4 33 35 Kate Moore, Stout's Dubuque 7 57 27 do do 8 6917 do do 9 73 94 do do 10 70 76 Mrs Andrew Murphy, Coates' add 3 75 40 For the Improvement of Hill Street from West Third to Dodge Streets— Name. Description. Lot. Am't O 8 Langworthy, Mrs L I1 Lang - worthy's sub of part of min lot 73 8 251 11 V A Langworthy, do 4 238 07 do do 3 371 57 James O'Farrell, sub min lot 73 8 282 36 Peter R Martin, sub min jot 73 lot 3of2of2of 9 5839 do sub min lot 73 lot 2of2of2of 9 5639 do sub min lot 73 lot 1of2of2of 9 5639 Agnes Langworthy, sub min Jot 73 lot 3 of l of 2 of 9 402 05 Michael Hannon, sub min lot 68 lot of 1 151 17 Mary A Trenk, sub min lot 68 n50 ft of 2 of 1 56 39 J E Wooton, sub min lot 68 s87/ft of lot 2 of 1 98 68 do sub min lot 68 ft lot l of 1 647 34 E Pillard, do lot4 of 1 10398 do do lot 5 of 1 64 40 Mrs S n Cutler, do lot 5 of 1 64 40 Louis H Cutler, do lot 7 of 1 64 40 Mary A Trenk, do lot 8 of 1 64 40 Katie Henschel, do lot 9 of 1 64 40 F M & ft C Mathias,do lot 10 of 1 64 40 do do lot 11 of 1 64 40 John Sigworth, do lot 12 of 1 64 40 J E Wooten, do lot 13 of 1 68 88 do do lot 14 of 1 66 88 F M & R C Mathis, do lot 15 of 1 68 88 Mary C Wall, do 2 115 71 do lot 4a sub of part of min lot 149 48 94 J E Wooten, part of min lot 149 n of Dodge street and e of Hill street 43 59 For Improving Twenty-fourth street from Couler Avenue to Jackson street— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Leopold Trautlein, Davis' Farm add 366 212 31 Jac Marshall, do 277 21135 Jac Haudenschield, do 276 214 71 Chas Hrentz, do 367 212 51 For the Improvement of Algona Avenue from West Fourteenth Street to Dexter Avenue— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. C A Voelker et al, Woodlawn Park 246 119 36 do do 245 59 68 do do 244 59 68 d0 d0 24• Sia i0 M Tschirgi, Sr, do do do G B Thomas, C A Voelker et al, do G B Thomas, do C A Voelker et al, do do do do do do do do do do do do do d0 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d0 do 203 119 36 204 59 68 205 59 68 206 94 60 242 94 01 241 59 68 240 59 68 239 59 68 238 94 21 207 94 33 208 59 68 209 59 98 210 59 68 211 94 05 237 94 17 236 59 88 235 59 88 234 59 68 233 94 13 212 94 37 213 5966 214 59 68 215 59 68 216 94 01 232 94 65 231 59 92 230 69 92 I ■ Oficial Notices. 172 Name. Description. Lot. Am't. C A Voelker et a', Woodlawn Park 229 59 112 dri do 228 59 9 3 do do do 227 14 26 217 9k81 do do 218 59 92 do do 219 5,092 do do 220 59 92 do do 2!1 94 65 For the Improvement of Cornell Street frim Mav Place to Tnomas S'reet and Thomas Street from Cornell to Alma streets— Name. Description. Lot. Am't, Hannah Gelling, Yates & Pie) ett's sub n% 11 28 33 M J McCullough, Morgan's sou 7 91 26 do ao undi 8 '3198 Geo W Schrup, do und/z 8 31 98 M J McCullough, At) and% 4 31 98 Geo W Schrnp, do undyy 4 31 98 Joseph S Morgan, do 10 93 62 do do 16 9 84 L W Barker, do 6 149 15 James Bowie, do 11 251 A9 do do 12 5H 51 Chris Fred ich. do 13 58 54 Joseph S Morgan, do 14 189 42 A A Loetscher. Fairview add 5 75 71 do do 6 59 61 do do 7 59 61 Martin liuoel, do 8 1i9 61 do do 9 59 61 do do 10 89 32 A A Loetecher do 11 168 47 Rebecca J Farley. do 20 229 19 For the Improvement of Grant Avenue and West Eh venth Street West of Race Street— Name. Descriptio.,. Lot Am't. A W R osford, Cain's sub 1 70 86 do do 2 b5 29 do do 3 5120 do do 4 55 20 John Hier, do 5 61 25 A W Ho ford, do 6 63 25 P S Webster, do 8 118 63 Henry H Willmers, do 9 55 20 A W Holford. do 10 55 20 Jane McCloskey, d r 11 63 25 A W Hosford, do 12 63 25 For the Improvement of Air Hill Street from Julien Avenue to West Eighth Street— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. John Nagle, Kelly's sub 11 172 48 John Mullen, do 21 74 47 Michael Parker, Kelly's sub sub of 22 and e% 23 4 41 25 do do 3 35 74 W P Rigdon, do 2 21 99 WmJenkins est, do 1 59 29 D Barrey est, Kelley's sub w,i n54 12 84 78 do do 135 ft 12 38 51 P D Martin, Kelley's sub n 40 ft of the 875 ft 12 44 00 Geo Traub, Kelly's sun sub of 19 and 20 w100 ft of 1 55 00 do Kelley's sub sub of 19 and 20 n25 ft of 2 27 51 John A Spear, do (exceptn25ft) 2 141 62 For the Improvement of Windsor Avenue from Lincoln Avenue to Garfield Avenue — Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Jacob Grill, Cook's add 49 18o 87 Richard Fengler, do 36 173 16 H C Deckert est, do 21 186 24 Daniel Schmalz, do 8 18s 51 Gaudang Truog, do neYss 7 ]88 83 Margaret Hoer.,er, So 22 186 89 Sate Guederian, do ne% 35 187 03 Henry Sunerksup, do 50 188 34 For the Improvement of Twenty third Street from Cooler Avenue to Jackson Street— Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Joseph Stoltz. Davis Farm add el00 ft 373 122 48 Adam Stoltz, do w80 ft 376 104 t6 Peter Wanderechfed, J•, Davis' Farm add 267 226 55 James Levi, do 238 227 59 H W Butler, do 213 226 77 Notice of Sale. I will sell at public auction to the best bid- der for cash. on the 7th day of November, 1892, at 2 o'clock p. m , at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following impounded animals, towit: One dark bay mule, aged al-ont 12 years. BDubuque, Nov. 1, 1892. 6t@' `ity Marshal. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the subdivision of the Several wards of the city of Dubuq ie into election pre - eta. WHRRRAs, The eoactment of chapter thirty- three .33) of the laws of the Twenty-fo irth Gen- eralassembty of the state of Iowa, commonly known as the Australian ballot law, bas rendered necessary the subdivision of the several wards of the Cit, of Dubuque ILL) e ection precincts; therefore, Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: ter tion 1. That the First ward of the City of Dubuque shad be, and is hereby divided into two election precincts That all that portion of said ward lying south of Dodge street and South t treet and on a direct line from center of South street to city limits shall coastttute and be known as the First precinct; that all that portion of said ward lying north of Do rge et eet and South street shall constitute and be known as the Second precinct. Sec 2. That the Second ward of said city shall be d.vlded into two election precincts. Tuat all tnat portion of said ward east of Locust et•eet sha 1 coast tote the First preciuct; and al, that portion of the ward west of Locust street snail constitute toe Seton precinct Sec 3. That the Th rd ward of said city shall be divided into three election precincts. All that portion of said ward lyiug between Eighth a d Twe,fttt streets shall cons irate the First pre- cinct! all that portion of said ward lying between Twelftn and Fifteenth streets shall constitute the Second p eciuct; all that p irrion of said ward north of Fifteen'h street shalt constitute the Third precinct. bec. 4. That the Fourth ward of said cit, shall be divided into three election precincts. That all that portion of said ward lying south of Four- teenth strut and east of Alta Vista street shall cons itute the First urecinct; all that portion of said ward west of Alta Vista street and south of West Locust street and Arob street to the city limits shalt coast tute the Second precinct; all that portion of said ward north of Fourteenth street and east of Alta Vista sire.rt to its lnterrec- tion wit h West Locust street and all north of Arch street and north and east of West Locust street shall constitute the Toird precinct. Sec 5. That the Fifth ward of said city shall be divided into four election precincts. All that portion of said ward lying west of Couler avenue shall eonstitute the First precinct; all th,t por- tion of said wari lying north of Twentieth street, east of touter avenue, south of-auford street and west of Windsor avenue shall constitute the Secoud precinct; all that portion of said ward ly ng east of W ir• dsor avenue to tuterse 'tion with 'twentieth street to city limits shall constitute the Third precinct; al that portion of said ward ly- ing ying north of Sanford street, east of Cooler ave- nue, west of Windsor avenue to city limits shall constitute the Fourth precinct Sec 6. That at all city elections in the City of Dubuque a sepsra'e poll shall be opened at such place as shall be designated by the city council in each of the precincts created by this rdi- nance, for the reception of the ballots of the legal voters residi .g in such precinct. No per- son erson snail vote itt any other precinct than that in which he resides at the time. All elections in the precincts created by this ordinance shad be condr,c.ed in all respects fu the manner provided by law and the ordinances of the city now in force Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with any of the foregoing provisions are hereby repo Jed so far as, and only to the extent, that taey contravene or are inconsistent with this ordinance tiec 8. This ordinance shall be published in the official papers of the city, and shall take effect and be in force fr •m and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Lally Jierald news- paper. Adopted Sept. 9, 1892 Approved dept. 13, 1892. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDBRS, Mayor. Attest: J. C •FITZPATRICK, City Recorder 173 Regular Session, .11'ov. 7, 1892. CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session Nov mber 7th, 1892. Council met at 9.41 o'clock a. m., Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present– Aide. Byrne. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaelee, Smith and Stoltz On motion, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved as printed The following bills were ordered paid : Paul Ilg, assistant engineer 52 50 Chas. Brown, services on Main et45 00 Henry Glab, assistant in engineer'd office 50 (0 Chas. Smith, services as rodman i5 00 John Schrup, inspector on Main st.. - 45 00 John Harney, repairing tools 7 55 Reinfried & Jaeger, powder 2 20 J. M. McKenzie, repairing roller 50 Novelty Iron Works, repairing roller 9 30 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 51 r4 Christman & Healy, hard were 5 25 Atkinson & Oloff, extra work on Main street 37 00 Headford Bros , man -hole frame 8 00 John Butt, repairs for sewer inspeo'r 2 40 W. 8. Moto, plumbing 9 20 Frank Siege, expre sing 3 10 John J. Sheridan, pails 2 85 John Toussaint, coal 154 82 G. J. Jones. centers for Main street„ 11 75 Cbae. Van Horn, dust pans 8 60 Ferguson Bros , plumbing 22 90 Reinfried & Jaeger, sledge handle15 B. D. Linehan, picks 4 75 C. C. L' mbke & Co., harness supplies 2 50 Lear & Pfiffner,'horseshoeing 4 25 Smedley Manufacturing company, repairing stove 2 00 Ellwanger Bros , harness supplies6 75 B. D. Linehan, repairing tools 3 85 Dubuque Water company. hydrant supply 1 172 50 A. wunderlich, horseshoeing 7 60 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 5 50 Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing 10 50 Thos. Hill, repairing.— 2 40 J. M. McKenzie, repairing 11 50 Iowa Iron Works, grate 1 00 Joseph Geiger, glazing 1 00 Johh Bell, repairing pagodos 366 30 N. H. Schilling, repairing chimneys11 25 Isaac Proctor, balance due on engine house 127 00 Gomer J. Jones, part payment on en- gine house 667 50 T. J. Conlin, shavings 2 75 Lally & Geisler, repairs at parks 9 25 Thos. Burns, twenty-eight loads of gravel 11 20 John Pickley, seventeen loads of gravel 6 80 John Alexander, stone 10 00 V. Menzil, macadam 201 00 F. Hess macadam 78 00 Chas. Ferber, macadam 21 00 F. Kuhl. macadam 42 00 Chas. Sampson, macadam 122 00 Chas Burkhardt, macadam 7 00 C. Messerknecht, macadam 5 03 J. Spies, macadam 22 00 J. Parker. macadam 16 00 Mrs. Sullivan, macadam 8 00 John Ganahl, horseshoeing 12 15 J. P'uhrman, covering 5 60 Tom Byrne, stone 79 70 J. Culbertson, filing saw 1 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lum- ber.. 6 85 Bart E. Linehan. cement 4 4U Byrne & Saul, rock 82 50 R. J. Love, pine wook 1 50 F Schlez, repalring tools 6 80 Chris Gantenbein, paving stone 1 75 John Hutt, survey pine 2 40 U. Ruff, sewer work on Eleventh 1,5i 0 00 street. $2,128 75. allowed j Norton & Lee, West Locust street l 000 00 $1,23828. allowed 11 10 00 11 10 50 00 12 50 450 00 Reir.tried & Jaeger, tape M Kilhurg, macadam Steck & O'Farrell, grading Maple et. Peter Kean, repairing gutter Wildame & Bevins, grading Grant avenue, $523 21, allowed Lavin & Corrance, grading Rose street. $3111 00, allowed Steuck & Farrell, grading Burden avenue, $1,000, allowed E. E Frith, resetting curb 2 50 Steuck & 0 Farrell, grading, etc. on Main street 465 52 Mrs Koenig, set vices as janitor 20 00 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning city ofii-'es10 00 Lizz•e Koenig, cleaning city offices., 10 00 John Tibey, curb on Iowa street 132 96 Jesse Jellison. sodding around parka179 03 James Lee, cement sidewalks 359 68 Joseph Geiger. glass and glaztu 5 25 P. H Halpin, brooms 2 20 Christman & Healey, hardware 10 10 M. M. Hnffmann, crape and gloves,3 70 Lesure Lumber company, shavings,1 50 Reinfried & Jaeger, rope 1 35 Key City Gas company, coke 8 99 Jos. J. Rowan, caps 38 00 G. F Thormann, drug supplies6 35 Peter Hoffmann, soap 3 70 Dubuque Rubber company, coat but- tons 1 85 Key Citv Gae Co., coke 12 42 Lesure Lumber Co , shavings 1 50 Burns & Donahue, hay 1 00 Trenk Wire works, repairs.... 80 Wm. G. Watters, hay 85 33 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 7 50 Ham & Carver, postal cards, etc 13 50 L. Daiiv, cleaning around market.... 26 5U E. M. Dickey, oil 2 50 John T. Kearns, recording deeds 31 50 Harger & Blish, legal cap 1 50 Mell H. Cushing. livery hire ..... .-. 13 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, whistles 2 00 James Kelly, stationery 10 90 Dubuque Telegraph, stationery 16 00 G. B. Grosvenor, one record 1 50 Phil Pier, wood 29 50 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 8 50 Carl Spiegelhalter, watchman ser- vices 150 L. Kress, assistant poundmaeter 48 (10 D. Kichok, cleaning garbage dump1 35 Mart Loes, " " " 1 35 P. Melehoir, " 1. .I 1 35 G. B. Grosvenor, note books 2 00 C. McElrath, hauling garbage 2 00 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., lumber 183 75 The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: John Kleinschmidt $ 27 65 Reintred & Jaeger 8 89 Bart E. Liuehan 10 00 Wm. G. Watters 26 95 Iowa Iron Works 1 00 Farley & Loetschr Mfg. Co 50 Tom Connolly 1 50 T W. Rue e 1 75 Carr, RS der & Engler 60 Novelty Iron Works 4 65 To the printing committee: The Times Co 29 15 The Herald 225 09 The Ledger 58 30 To the committee on police and light : Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Co $ 668 30 Globe Light and Heat company551 67 Key City Gas company 114 35 To the street committee : P. Sohloz 195 230 00 500 00 • Regular Session, Nov. 7, 1892. 174 W. M. Greenhow Novelty Iron works Guthrie & ehesterman To the committee on lire and water: Dubuque Water company Iowa Iron Works To the committee on public grounds and buildings The following bills vere referred to the auditor for collection: Dubuque Street Railway Co Atkinson & Oloff Dubuque Water Co The matter of the publication of official notices in the official papers referred to the printing committee and recorder. REPORTS OF OFFICERS Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Oct 1, $21,161.67; reoApts for the month of October. $79,255.40, and cash on hand Nov. 1 $50,818 49. Also reported $17,596.06 in the improve- ment fund. Also reported $1 699.75 due city officers for salaries for October, and also presented a list of coupons redeemed daring October. Report referred to the finance committee and warrants ordered to pay officers Street Commissioner Carter reported $4,- 748 70 due for street work for the month of October. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Marshal nice reported $1,720.80 due the police for October; also reported seventy police cases tried in October; also reported having made seventy-three patrol runs; also reported having collected $54 pound re- ceipts. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $619 40 due for sewer work for the mouth of Octo- ber. Received and filed and warrants or- dered to pay same. Joe Reintried, chief of the fire department, reported $1,311.25 due the fire department for the month of October. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Marketmaster Norton reported $61.15 pound receipts; also reported $13 40 due for board of prisoners Received and flied and warrants ordered to pay same. Lamplighter Coughlin reported having lighted fifty-one gas lamps during October. Received and filed. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales. Received and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scaies $2 60. Received and flied. The rules were suspended, and Mr. Corbett addressed the council and objected to the proposed extension of Louisa street. Communication of Marshal Rice asking that the patrol wagon be repaired. Referred to the committee of the whole. The following proposition was presented and read and referred to the committee of the whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN: Allow 118 through Mr. C. H. White to make the following proposition to you, thereby saving your city the large amount of $29,824.82 interest you are now pledged to pay under your present issue of bonds. In examining your debt statement we note you have $695,425.53 of bonds drawing six to seven per cent. interest and stilt to run from three to eight years. Your annual interest on this amount of bonds as they now stand amounts to $41,785 53. Ourpropositio.. is to save you $29,824 by your authorizing an issue of refunding bonds to the amount $696 425 dated Jan- uary 1,1893,due January 1,1913, drawing per cent. interest. Interest January to July payable in New York city,both principal and 2 70 3 40 5 00 20 00 329 58 42 90 $ 4 75 11 20 4 55 interest payable in gold, which you sell us at par and accumulated interest These bonds to be delivered to us upon our presenting to you from time to time any of the present issue of the 6 and 7 per cent. bonds now issued and included in the list at- tached to this otter. You to give credit at par and interest for all old bonds presented and we to pay you par and interest for the new issue. The form of the refunding bond to be satisfactory to yourselves as well as to us. We desire to c ill your especial attention to this one fact, that by the above refunding plan you do not increase your debt in the least but save 86,- 961.25 annually, or in the full length on the old bonds—$29,324.82. Trusting the above proposition will meet the approval of your honorable board I beg to remain, C. H. WHITE Of C. H. WHITE & CO. Nov. 7, 1892. The following is a list of the bonds re- ferred to: Due May 1, 1894. $ 1,470 92 Due Jan. 1, 1896 28,910 00 Dub Feb. 1, 1894 ... 1 545 00 Due Feb. 1. 1902 15 490 00 Due Jan. 1,1901 35.0,.0 00 Due Jan. 1, 1901 13,510 00 Due April 1, 1899 37.432 00 Scattering, 1899 4 234 00 Due Sept. 1, 1896 105.309 37 Due Feb. 1,1896 96 617 26 Due Jan. 1, 1897 334 057 09 Due Feb. 1. 1897 22,820 96 Scattered, 1897 78 50 Total.... $696,425 53 Besides offering to refund your present bonded indebtedness of 8696,425 of 6 and 7 percent. bonds, we will also refund your floating indebtedness amounting to $100,- 000 or there about, now out in the form of warrants, drawing 6 per cent. interest we taking the twenty-year gold 5 per cent bond at par dated Jan. 1, 1893, due Jan. 1, 1913; interest and principal payable in New York city semi-annually, and trust both of our offers will meet the approval of your honor- able body. C. H. WaITE. The following is the report of the commis- sioners appointed to assess damages by rea- son of the change of grade on Seminary and Madison streets: DIIBrQUE, Iowa, Oct. 21, 1892. To the Honorable .2lfayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN : —The undersigned commis- sioners, duly appointed and qualified to as- sess the damages by reason of the proposed change of grades on Madison and Seminary streets, beg leave to report as follows: Madison street—M. Duggan, lot 1 of out lot 678: no damage. Seminary street—Geo. R. Clark, lot 6, Por- ter's add. ; no damage. C. H. Jordan, lots 3 and 4, Porter's add.: no damage Andrew Cullen. lot 2, Porters's add.; no damage. John Flynn, lot 2, min. lot 191; no damage. Report approved and accepted and made a matter of record. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, That warrants be drawn on the paving fund as follows, for the following contractors, beiug the amount due and un- paid on contracts completed and accepted by the city: Steuck & O'Farrell, Maple street ...$ 129 83 « 1' Madison street. 360 68 Dan Sheehan. Air Hill 201 64 O. G. Kringle, (,lark street 493 91 Steuck & O'Farrell, Windsor ay482 89 E. E. Frith, 23d street 208 05 265 98 259 50 261 60 753 41 Geo. E. Taylor, 24th street N 25th street i 26th street O. G. Kringle, Algona av Norton & Lee, Cornell and Thomas streets 459 34 175 Regular Session, Nov. 7, 1592. Meehan & Bassett, South Locust st163 64 John Tibev, Hill street 896 07 Steuck & O'Farrell, 14th street 198 72 Total $5,155 28 The rules were suspended, and Mr Schreiner addressed the council and asked for right of way from West L):ust street to Catherine street Ald. Peaslee moved that the matter of right of way from West Locust street to Catherine street be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Carried. Engineer Blake presented a plat of pro- posed extension of alley from Clay to Sem- inary street. Referred to the street com- mittee. Also plat of proposed extension of Louisa street from North street to South street. Re- ferred to the street committee. Also presented plat showing widening of Weigel avenue. Referred to the street com- mittee. Health Officer Wieland presented a list of property and asked that the owners thereof be compelled to make connection with sani- tary sewers. Recommendations adopted. Ald Glabofferedthe following: Beit resolved by the City of Dubuque, That the special assessment for the improvement of Twenty-fourth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street by George E Taylor, con- tractor. passed Oct 3, 1892, be and is hereby cancelled and in lieu thereof be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That to pay for improvement of Twenty-fourth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street by George E Taylor, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the sa e, a'special tax be and is hereby levied on y e several lots, and parts of lots, and part e of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Leopold Trautbein, lot 366, Davis Farm add: 192.6 lineal ft curbing at 40c.$ 77 04 90 18 sq yos guttering at 40o.. 33 07 259.10 sq yds macadam at 40c. 703 64 —$ 216 75 Jac. Marshall, lot 277, Da- vis add: 190.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c.. $ 76 08 90 18 sq yds guttering at 4Oc.. 36 07 259 10 sq yds macadam at 40c. 103 64 $ 215 79 Jacob Haudenschild,lot 276, Davis Farm aid: 198 6 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 79 44 90 18 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 36 07 255.77 sq yds macadam at40c. 103 31 $ 217 82 Chas. Krantz, lot 367, Davi4 Farm add: 193 1 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 77 24 90 18 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 36 07 255.77 sq yds macadam at40c. 102 31 $ 215 62 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Stoltz. Ald Olinger moved that the marshal be instrncted to enforce the ordinance regu- lating the width of tires on vehl ies. Car- ried. Pag ove day, ov10,/1892, Atte Approved until Thur - 9 o'clock a. m. Carri d. 1892. Mayor. Adjourned Regular .Session, Nov. 11, 1892. 176 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 10, 1892, Council met at 9:35 o'clock a m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Presenu—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Petition end plat of alley in Geiger's sub presented, and on motion plat was adopted. The following petitions were referred: To the street committee: Petition of August Roeber in relation to water course on Fifth avenue, and claim of $50 for bridge over said water course. Protest of James Howie, et al.. against special assessment being levied for improve- ment of Cornell and Thomas streets until said streets are completed. Petition for improvement of St. Mary's street. Petition of Paragon Oil company for per- mission to lay a two inch pipe under the sur- face across Charter street from lot 1, block 19, Dubuque Harbor company's add, to the Illinois Central railroad side tracks. (With power.) Petition for extension of Oak street to Rising avenue. Petition of D G Peterson & Co. for per. mission to excavate that part of Cornell street where it intersects with West Seven- teenth street. Petition of Isaac Proctor for permission to change grade of sideslvalk of West Fifth street from Roberts avenhe to west line lot 41 (with power). Petition for sidewalk on Grove street To the assessment committee: A. McCann. Ira Hanson. J. P. Donahue, A. A. Sears and Mrs Anna Huber. To the committ=e of the whole: Petition of C. F Schepple and L. Zeidman f,r a side track to their places of business on Pine street (with power). Petition of Capt. N. Kimbel for a donation of $800 for the maintenance of the Eagle Point ferry boat To the electrical committee: Petition of the Ryan Packing company for an electric light on the levee at Charter street and one at Railroad avenue. Petition for an electric light on Summer Hill. Petition for grade on Fifth avenue re- ferred to the engineer. Petition of Pier & Ackermann asking that the order for laying a .sidewalk on the west side of Maple street be reconsidered. Grant- ed. Petition of Mrs. B. Isborn for extension of time to lay sidewalk corner Ninth and Clay. Granted until May 1. 189:3. Petition of Frank Hitchens asking that he be allowed to pay $5 as payment in full for taxes of 1892. Granted. Remonstrance against laying sidewalk on south side of West Fourteenth street, be - two, n Walnut and Alta Vista street. Re- ceived and flied. Claim of Nicholas Sweeney for damages by reason of Dodge street sewer overflow- ing. Received and flied. Petition of James Crawford for permission to erect hog scales on Twenty-third and Jackson streets. Ald. Glab moved that James Crawford and Jacob Kessler be appointed hog weighers. Carried. Petition of E M. Dickey and James For ester for extension of Highland Place. Re- ferred to the street committee, and the en- eineer was instructed to prepare plat of pro- posed street. The rules were suspended, and Mr. F. Weigel addressed the council and objected to the proposed extension of Highland Place. Recommendation of Chief R+infried for the purchase of new hose ani fire appara- tus. Referred to the committee on lire and water, with power Petition of employes of C., M & Sr. P. R. R. shop? for abatement of nuisance caused by the slaughter house in that vicinity. Re- ferred to the executive committee of the board of health and the health officer, with power Claim of W. G Riemann for damages by reason of personal injuries sustained by falling on a public street. Referred to com- mittee on claims. Remonstrance against sewer on Roberts avenue. Referred to the sewer committee. The following bills were allowed: Geo. Feneler, cement $ 81 20 John Ganahl, sharpening tools 18 25 Dan Sheehan, grading Air Hill street 50 00 Headford Bros., grates 143 82 Dubuque Fire & Marine Inc. Co., in- su • ante 37 50 London Assurance Co . insurance18 75 The following bills were referred to the street committee: Theo. Altman 20S2 00 Jotn Tibey 1700 00 Geo. E Taylor 10) 00 Bill of lowa Iron works, $1.45, referred to the committee on supplies. Bill of T. W. Ruete, $2 6 ), referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Ald. Crawford moved that the brick paving on Ninth st. be ween Main and Lo- cust and on Locust street between Eighth and Tenth htreets be accepted. Carried by the following vote: Aves, Aids. Byrne, Crawford. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Nayes, Ald. Cushing. Bill of Atkinson and Oloff for paving Main, Ninth and Locust streets, $19,064 90, presented. Ordered that they be paid 95 per cent of the total amount of their contract on Ninth and Locust streets less the amount already received by them. and allow them 75 per cent of the total amount of their con- tract on Main street between Seventeenth and Jone 1 streets, less the amount received by them. Profile of grade of Twentyfourth street from Jackson to Pine street, referred to the street committee. Engineer Blake presented a plan of the propo a drainage system to drain the water in alley between Sanford and Twenty-fifth streets, also in alley between Couler avenue and Jackson streets to the Couler creek. Referred to the committee of the whole. The rules were suspended, and Mr Nevins, superintendent for Atkinson & Oloff, asked for an extension of time in which to finish contract for paving Main street. On motion the matter was referred to the attorney to report on in the afternoon. The rules were suspended and Judge Lene- ban addressed the council in relation to the opening of Twenty-sixth street across the tracks of the Chicago Great Western rail- way, and stated that Twenty-sixth street, in so far as said company was concerned, had not been opened nor dedicated as a public street. Judge Leneban also addressed the council in relation to the opening of the alley at Eighteenth street, from Clay street to Sem- inary street, and stated that the German Congregational church would give the re- quired right of way for 1300 On motion the matter was referred to the city attorney. Ald. Olinger moved that action on bids for street improvements be postponed until after January 1, 1893. Carried. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $119.40 177 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 4, 1892. due for sewer work. Ordered paid. Ald. Glab moved to adjourn until 2o'clock p. m Carried. Council met at 3 o'clock p m. Mayor Saunders in the chair Presenc—Ards Btrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smtth. Petition of Atkinson & O,off asking for an extension of time in which to complete the contract for paving Main street uutil such time as the weather.will permit, said time to be determined by the paving committee. Referred to the committee of the whole. Communication of C. H White & Co. ask- ing the council to refund them $83.33 accrued interest paid by them on the last issue of bonds. Received and filed. Recommendation of Chief Reinfried that additional fire alarm boxes be pte chased. Refe,red to the electrical committee, with power. Petition of Dubuque Omnibus company asking that the ordinance regulating the width of tires be suspended in so far as it ap- plies to omnibuses. Received and filed. The report of the committee of fifty citi- zens on the water works matter was present- ed and referred to the committee of the whole to report on at the adjourned session. The following bills were ordered paid: George Hinkson, moving wagon $ 50 John E. Hartig, repairing locks 4 b5 John T. Kearns. 793 20 bushels oats293 62 J. C. Fitzpatrick, clerk board of health 2'i0 00 City Attorney McCarthy reported that the city was leg -illy liable for the bill of the Woodlawn Park company of *1,510.79, pro- vided 50,000 yards of grading has been dune. Ald Olinger moved thatj the bill of the Woodlawn Park company be received and filed. Carried. Also reported on the petition of the Cen- tral Uaion Telephone company for reduc- tion of assessment that the city has not got the right to assess the Telephone company. Report adopted and the treasurer instructed to cancel the tax. City Attorney McCarthy also presented the following resolution, which was adpoted: WHEREAS, Messrs. Atkinson & Oloff, the persona to whom the contract for the pave- ment of Main street has been awarded, have petitioned the council asking an extension of time for the completion of the paving of Maie:street owing to the fact that concrete made in freezing weather is worthless; therefore. Resolved, that such extension of time be greeted to said Atkinson & )off from Nov. 10, 1892, until the paving committee or city council shall notify or direct said Atkinson & Oloff to resume work not later than May 1, 1893. It is understood that the adoption of this resolution shall not vary, modify, re- scind, or add to, or in any manner affect the contract now existing between the city of Dubuque and said Atkinson & Oloff--the intention being to only modify said contract so as to extend time for the completion of the work as above indicated, but all the rights of the city under said contract shall remain undisturbed. EEPORTS OF COMMITTEs. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: In favor of cancelling the taxes on Mineral lot 17 for the year 1891, the purpose designed for its use being educational exclusively. Instruct the city treasurer to cancel the tax on lot 3 of sub. Mineral lot 181 assessed to Mrs Dennis Lenihan for the year 1891,the above described lot being the property of the county of Dubuque. Cancel taxes for 1691 on lot 1 net of sec. 13, 89, 2e it being the property of the Lin- wood Cemetery association. In favor of cancelling the tax on the w34 of lot 3 of sub. ne3 of sec. 13, 89, 2e, it being the property of the St. Francis Orphan asylum. Also as follows: Your committee. who were instructed to deliver the issue ot improvement bonds, dated October 1, 1892. numbering from 47 to 148, amounting to *50,100 beg leave to re- p.,rt the delivery of said bonds, and hereto attached hand Treasurer Gonner's recelp for same. Report adopted. Ald Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Received and filed plat and ordinance of James Rowan and associates, asking for a franchise for an electric street railway. Received and filed petition for repair of Rowan street, as *3,i0 has been appropriated for the repair of said street. That they have instructed the street com- missioner to extend the south wall of the Dodge street sewer 100 feet east of Locust street, which will protect the property and foundation of the building proposed to be erected by S. P. Wadley. That we have instructed the street com- missioner to lower the surface of Clark street from West Locust street to a point about 175 feet west, and that said street is now completed in a satisfactory manner. In favor of deducting $10 per day on all contracts let prior to June 15, 1893, that are not completed in ninety day s after time specified in said contract, and $10 per day to he deducted on all contracts awarded since June 15, 1891, if same are not completed in specified time according to contract. That when the improvement of Fourteenth street is completed will it be time enough to consider the matter of a change of grade on said street. That it is not advisable at present to se- cure the services of a permanent microscop- ist, and when the same is necessary it will be time to consider the matter. That atter a careful examination of the condition of the width ot Queen street, that the land abutting said Queen street has been platted, and the same has been approved by the city years ago, and that it is now too late to reconsider the subdivision of said land. Adverse to the petition asking to have the name ot Rowan street changed to Rowena street. In favor of allowing James Rowan to erect a porch four feet wide over the alley in rear of his new store on Iowa street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, providing the base of said porch is seventeen feet above the grade of the alley. In favor of flxiug the assessment of the Excelsior Brass works on city lots 504 and 57u at $10 000, and exempting personalty for a term of ten years, commencing Jan. 1, 1892. Also reported as follows on the petition for the appointment of a police matron: "That the city has had a janitress at the city hall for some time past, who attends to such matters as would be required of a police ma'ron when necessity demands it." Also reported as follows ou the proposition of C. H W bite & Co. for refunding the city's indebtedness: "That it is too premature to isque 5 per cent. bonds, as we believe that about the time our old bonds mature we will be able to float a better bond than 5 per cent " Also recommend that warrants for $823 45 be drawn in favor o! Treasurer Gunner for money advanced, and that loan warrants for $10,000 be drawn for money borrowed. Report adopted. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported as follows: In favor of not approving plat of Forester's sub unless the alley is changed as indicated on plat and Vernon street extended through lot 15. Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 10, 1892. 178 Recommend that the grade of Angella street be established as shown by the green line on plat, with the provision and reserva- tion that the portion of the street in the lim- its of Gilliam's addition may be improved in two different grades or levels, if the city council deem it expedient to adopt such method, and that the city engineer he in- structed to record said g. ade according to said green liue in the grade records of the city. Adverse to accepting plat of Mueggen- burg's sub, because said plat shows streets laid out, and over which he has no control. In favor of adopting the red lines and fig- ures as the official grade of Grove and King streets as shown on within plat. In favor of paying the following bills: John O'Dea, macadam $105 00 E. E. Frith, resetting curb 3 70 M. Mabony, macadam 161 00 Richard Corrigan, mscadam 24 40 Adolph Gagne, macadam 135 00 Chicago, Burlington and Northern railroad, railroad iron 36 54 M. Specht, macadam 4 0.1 Nick Theis, macadam 30 00 O. G. Kringle, grading Apile street614 81 Chas Burkherd, macadam 22 00 Stencil & O'Farrell, retaining wall on Madison street 626 40 John Williams, stone 15 00 Henry Blitsah, macadam 9 00 Mrs. Welsh, macadam 37 00 Allow Altman & Taylor $1,000 for grading Broadway extension, being a partial pay- ment. Adverse to paying bill of Con Ryan ($4,000) for grading Windsor avenue until said street is completed and accepted Adverse to paying bill of Ed. Ryan ($1,131) for grading Auburn avenue until he has completed said contract to the satisfaction of the city. That the alley east of Grant avenue be- tween Julien avenue and West Eleventh street bas been ordered improved. Instruct the street commissioner to put Adams avenue in a passable condition. In favor of granting the petition of W. J. Buehler et al , for the improvement of the alley running from Hill street to West Third street. Instruct the engineer to submit an esti- mate of the amount due Meehan & Hassett for grading on South Locust street. That the city has awarded the contract for a stone areh culvert on Seventh avenue Receivedand filed petition of Chas. Klin- genberg asking the city to fill his property. That they have instructed the street com- missioner to build a foot bridge across Pierce street, if possible, so as to allow P. McNerney to have access to bis pre ises. Received and filed commuuieation of James Rowan in relation to Rowan street, as the matter has been referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Received and filed communication • of Sarah H. Ham in relation to bridge on Sev- enth avenue. Received and filed petition of Hannah Gelling in relation to Cornell street, as same is completed, and will be rolled and covered according to contract. Also reported having accepted the follow- ing streets: Burden avenue, from Windsor avenue to city limits. Schroeder avenue, from Seminary to Lei- bnitz street. Alley between West Eleventh and Rose, and Alley west ofe and wRace street, streets,alnut place. between West Eleventh and Rose streets. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: following bills: In favor of paying the Ledger, $29.15; Times, $29 12, $29 15; Herald, $75: $75. $91 40. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, of the committee on police and light, reported in favor of paying the following hills: Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company. $656.30; Globe Light sed Heat company, $551 67: Key City Gas company, 4106.25 and $22.93 Report adopted Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Adverse to petition of John Muntz for re- duction of assessment for 1391: cancel assess- ment of John A. Holland on personalty for 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Cushing, to whom was referred the petition of Wm. Marshal for sewer in alley between Tenth an Eleventh and between Washington and Jackson streets. reported in favor of granting the petition. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the electrical committee, reported as follows: In favor of having the location of the electric lamp es prayed for in the within pe- tition by residents in the viciuity of Dodge and F. emont streets returned to its original location at the intersection of Dodge and Frem nt stre. ts. In favor of paying the bill of the Electric Supply company of $8 92. Report adopted. The following communication was present- ed by Ald. Peaslee and ordered made a mat- ter of record: Dunuqun, Iowa, Nov. 5. 1892. Edw. C. Peaslee, Chairman Electrical Committee, City: DEAR SIR—We beg to advise you that our machinery is now in operation at the power station, and we are prepared to supply the city with electric lights contracted for with this company. Yours truly, U. S. E. L & POWER Co., W. J. B. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the paving. committee, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Byrne & Saul $3 50 Byrne & Saul 2 25 The Knapp, Stout & Co. company 3 75 Rsceive and file protest of Dubuque Street Railway company against change of grade on Main street. Receive and file remonstrance of A. P. Lewis against special assessment on Main street. Rep:.rt aaopted. Ald Nicks, chairman of the committee on markets, reported sfollows: Recommend that Mr. and Mrs Koenig be appointed janitors at the city hall for a per- iod of four months at the rate of $49 per month, said amount to be in full for all work i-• - done by them. Report adopted. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $119.40 , due for sewer work. Received and riled and warrants ordered `• to pay same. The following bills were ordered paid: John Hayes, services as foreman $ 5 40 F. Fellbaum, macadam.... 41 10 C. Mes,erknech t, macadam.... 5045 100 John Karch REBOLUTIORS. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: .Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that permission is hereby granted the Chicago and Great Western Railroad road company, as herein specified, to lay the spur track to the factory of the Iowa Cottle company, on Sixteenth street, provided, however, that no movable part of the track be inside of the sidewalk. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: WHEREAS, The city of Dubuque has en- tered into a contract with the United States Electric Light and Power company for 200 arc electric lights, and 179 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 10, 1892. WHEREAS, Said company will soon be ready to fulfill said contract: therefore, Resolved, That notice be and is hereby given the Dubuque Eleetric Railway, Light and Power company that the city of Dubuque will cease to use or have any use for the sev- enty arc electric lights included in their one year contract with the city, atter 60 days from this date, and notice is hereby given that the contract for these lights will ter- minate as per the contract. Ald Nicks offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed to have a stone crossing placed on the west side of Couler avenue on Eagle Point avenue. Ald Nicks offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on both sides of Burden avenue, between Windsor avenue and city limits, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. (8.) Nay es -None. Ald. Smith offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the city recorder be and is hereby directed to issue a venire to the city marshal to summon a jury of twelve free- holders, citfzens, to assess the damages, if any, that may be caused by the opening and establishment of Louisa street, between North and South streets, as shown on plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, That the Dubuque Electric Rail- way Light and Power company be instruct- ed to put in an iron culvert on the north side of Jackson and Rhomberg avenue; also on the north and south sides of Jackson and Sanford streets, within twenty days of this notice, and in case of failure of said com- pany to put in said culverts, then the street commissioner is to put in same at their ex- pense, without further orders from this council Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the alley street, between Hill and Burch streets, running south of Hill and West Fifth streets, be graded and ma- cadamized,in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, and Smith (8) Noes. none. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of West Eleventh street, between Race street and alley next east of Center Place. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Peasles and Smith -8. Noes -None. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two.inch plank, be within 15 days of this notice constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both sides of Grant avenue, be- tween Julien avenue and West Eleventh street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nick, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith -8. Noes -None. Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved That the city of Dubuque hereby agrees to give the German Congregational church the sum of $30) for the strip of land 6 feet 2 inches wide on the south end of lot 11, provided the said German Congrega- tional church execute to the city the proper deed for said strip, to be used for highway purposes. • Ald. Cushing offered the following which was adopted: Resolved. That the owners of the following described property. lots and parts of lots, be no.ifled to make the proper sewer connec- tions with said property within twenty days of this notice: Anna M. Bush, city lots 538 and 539. A. A. Cooper, w 74 et. city lot 84. Palmer, Winall & Co., lot 1 of Weigel's sub of city lot 180. Herman Kombacher, lot 2 of Weigel's sub of city lot 180. Phillip Ptersh, lots 3 and 4 of Weigel's sub of city lot 184. Roman Lorenz, lot 5 of Weigel's sub of city lot 180. J. G. Bailey, sm 1-5 city lot 464 Arthur McCann, s 1-5 city lot 464. C A Voelker, lots 1 and 2 of city lot 444. Michael Buchanan. s 15 city lot 442. John A Hansen, e34 city lot 254. Fred Weigel, a 44 ft. city lot 21. L. H Waples, nM city lot 47. Petr Holz, e 61 ft. n 1-5 city lot 440. John Flynn, n14 n 1-5 city lot 454. N. W. Kimball, n 2-5 city lot 463 Wm L B adley, s 2-5 city lot 748. A. W. Hosford, e 74 ft., city lot 623. Ira Hansen, city lot 40a. Jas. Collier, a 20 ft, city lot 467. B. Kistler, est , s 82 ft, city lot 56. B Kistler, est., n 12 6 100 ft, city lot 57. Rev. J. Hennessy, city lot 59 and part of 58. Jas Kelly, part of city lot 58. A. O'Malley. part city lot 53. Wm L. Bradley, agent, city lots 252, 252a and 253. Frank Goodrich, lot 7 sub city lot 653. John Waiter+ est, city lot 628 Geo. L. Torbert. n 2-5 city lot 459. Geo. Richardson, city lot 128. Thos. Connolly, city lot 177 and 178. Anna M Bush, city lot 648, 649 and part of 650 A Tredway, city lot 149 and part of 135. Frank Brede, city lot 270. Mrs. Mangle est, city lot 263. Mrs. B. Buehler, e 1 5 city lot 447. John Schup, n 2 5 city lot 435. P. Olinger, city lot 199 and lot 1 of 200. Wm Hintrager, city lot 200, part' of. G. M Staples„ .tity lot 2110, part of. Byrne Bros., city lots 207 and 208. John Flynn, e pt. city lot 84. Winona Land Co , city lots 584 and 565. John V. Rider, e 52 tt. s 2 5 461, city. In case of failure of any or all of above parties to make said sewerage connections, in the time above specified, then the city of Dubuque shall order the same done, and the expense thereof shall be assessed against the property thus connected. Ald. Crawford reported that the contract for painting the two engine houses and patrol house was awarded to A. L. Trilk for $665, and the contract for painting pagodas to M Czizek for $65. The matter of displacing or discontinuing gas or gasoline lamps, referred to the com- R. Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892. 180 mittee on police and light and the elertricai committee. Ald Crawford moved that the contractor be permitted to make return curb on east alley in Jones sub on a basis of fourteen feet in width. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the city attorney be instructed to prepare proper resolution for condemning the bridge of the Chicago Great Western Railway Co. on Peru road. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. Fred Weigel addressed the council and objected to the widening of Weigel alley. Mr. Wilber also addressed the council in relation to the widening of Weigel alley, and urged that the said alley bo widened. Ald. Olin er moved to adjourn. Attes Recorder. 1892. ifi/.I •' Mayor. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892, Council met at 8 o'clock p m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Main street from Charter to Seventeenth streets, by Atkinson & Oloff, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby ievied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named,situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Robert Waller est., n 34 ft., lot 32, city : 57.7 lineal ft curbing at 500.8 28 85 122.13 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 266 4U —$ 235 25 John Flynn, s 30 ft lot 32. city : 30 lineal ft curbing at 500.....$ 15 00 43.32 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 73 23$ 88 23 Asa Horr, n X lot 31, city : 21.31ineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 30:81 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. Mrs. A. Buechler, n 1-3 lot city : 21 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 10 65 30.81 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 10 65 52 07 $ 52 07 ---$ Syndicate Block Co., s 1-3 lot 31, city : 21.3 lineal ft curbing at 500—$ 10 65 30.81 sq yds brick pav at $1.69— 52 07 Syndicate Block Co., lot 30, city : 641ineal feet curbing at 50c..$ 32 00 92.44 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 156 22 188 62 72 62 72 62 72 22 Syndicate Block Co., lot 29, city : 86 5 lineal ft curbing at 501.,.$ 43 25 155.74 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 263 20 —$ 306 45 Mrs. M. Levens, lot 51. city: 74 3 lineal fc curbing at 500...8 37 15 146.98 8q yds brick ply at $169 248 40 --$ 285 55 Mrs. M. Levens, n 2 2 ft lot 52, city : 2 2 lineal tt curbing at 50c....$ 3.18 sq yds brick pav at $169. Wm. Watson, n m 33 ft lot 52, city: 33 lineal ft curbing at 50c.... 47.67 sq yds brink pav at $1 69 1 10 5 37 $ 6 47 16 50 80 56 $ 07 06 William and Frances A. Coates, s 156 ft lot 52, city : 16 lineal ft curbing at 50c....$ 8 00 23.11 sq yds brick p.1.v at $169 39 05 $ 47 05 William and Frances A. Coates, n 35 lot 53, city : 25 6 lineal ft curbing at 500..$ 12 80 36 98 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 62 50 $ 75 30 John V. Rider, s35 lot 53, city : 25.6 lineal ft curbing, reset, at 93 $ 230 36.98 sq Ids brick pav at $ L69. 62 50$ 61 80 Robert Waller est , lot 54, city : 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 500...8 25 60 73 96 sq yds brick pav at 81.69 124 99 $ 150 59 Fred Weigel, lot 55, city : 24 2 lineal ft curbing at 50c...8 12 10 137.26 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 231 97 —$ 244 07 Say City Electric Street Railway company: 44.32 , q vds brick pav at 8169 74 90 John V. Rider, lot 28, city : 7 4 lineal ft curbing at 590....$ 3 70 52.1 lin ft old curb reset at 90 4 69 115.30 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 194 86$ 203 25 W. H. Peabody, n21 ft lot 28a, city : 21 lineal ft old curb reset at 9c$ 1 89 30.33 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 51 26 John V. Rider, s 7 feet lot 28a, city: 7 lin fc old curb reset, at 9c $ 63 10 11 sq. yds brick pav at $189 17 09 Jonh V. Rider, n 33 feet, lot 27, city: 83 lin ft old curb reset at 9c.$ 2 97 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 80 56$ Helen Finley est. s 23 feet, lot 27, city : 23 lin ft old curb reset at 33 22 sq r yds brick pav at $9 69 C. Whitaker est. lot 27a, city : 8 lin tt old curb reset at 9e $ 1155 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 C. Whitaker est. n 36 6 feet, lot 26, city : 26.5 lin ft old curb reset at 9c$ 2 38 38.28 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 64 69--$ 67 07 Anna M. Bush, s 37.6 feet, lot 26, city : 5 7 ft lineal curbing at 500.. .$ 2 85 31 9 lin ft old curb reset at 9c 2 87 54.17 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 91 55$ 97 2 53 15 17 72 83 53 2 07 56 14 $ 5S 21 72 19 52 $ 20 24 181 Adjourned Regular Session, Xov. 23, 1892. Helen Finley est., lot 25, city : 51.4 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 2i 70 36.3 old curb reset at 9,3 3 27 165.46 sq y ds bk pav at $i 69.. 279 63 --$ 308 60 John Hennessey, n 43 tt lot 56, city : 64.5 lineal ft curbing at 50 t...$ 32 25 12541sgyds bk pay at $1.69.. 211 91 --$ 244 19 B. Kistler est., s 8.2x75 ft lot 56, city : 8.2 lineal tt curbing at 50c...$ 4 10 11.84 sq yds bk pav at $1.t9 .. 20 01 --$ 24 11 B. Kistler est., n 12.6 ft lot 57, city : 12.6 Lineal ft curbing at 503..$ 6 30 18.05 sq yds bk pav at $1.69... 30 50 --$ 36 80 John Hennessey, s 38.8 ft lot 57, city : 38 8 lineal ft curbing at 59c..8 19 40 55 99 sq yds bk pav at $1 69... 94 47 $ 113 87 John Hennessey, n 2.6 ft lot 58, city : 2 6 lineal ft curbing at 503...$ 1 30 3.61 sq yds bk pay at $1.69.... 6 10 $ 7 40 Arthur O'Malley,n m 20 6-10 ft lot 58, city : 20.6 lineal ft curbing at 50c..8 10 30 29.61 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 50 04 $ 60 34 James Kelley, n m 21 ft lot 58. city: 21 lineal ft curbing at 51e....$ 10 50 30.33 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 51 26 --$ 61 76 John Hennessy, s 7.2 ft lot 58, city : 1.2 ft lineal curbing at 50c..$ 60 6. old curb reset at 9c 54 10.40 eq yds brick pav at $169 $17 58 -$ 18 72 John Hennessy, lot 59, city : 5.2 lineal tt curbing at 50c..8 2 60 46 old curb reset at 9c 4 14 73.96 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 124 99 -$ 131 73 John Hennessy, lot 60, city: 5.4 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 2 70 68.4 old curb reset at 90 6 15 146 98 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 248 4U 25 Wm L Bradley, lot 751,city: ---$ 257 165.61 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 $ 279 88 Wm Ruff, s 34 ft lot 18, city; -$ 279 88 49.11 sqyds brick pav at $1 69$ 83 00 83 Mary B Wallis, n 43.6 lot $ 00 17, city : 62.98 sq yds br'k pav at $1.69.$ 106 44 Eliza A Wilson, and -$ 106 44 ft lot 17, city: s 21 6.5 old curb reset at 9c $ 59 46.82 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 79 13 $ 79 72 D S Wilson, and 34 s 21 ft lot 17, city: 6.51in ft old curb reset at 9c .$ 58 46.82 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 79 13 J. D. Sullivan est n34 loi 61 city, 5.2 lineal ft curbing at 59c.... $ 26 119.97 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 202 75 -$ 228 75 M J King, e m 19.6 ft lot 61, city : 19.6 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 9 80 28.31 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 47 84 ---$ 57 64 79 13 J. H. Thedinga Est.,s 2.9 ft lot 61, city : 12.9 lineal ft curbing at 5°c...$ 18.63 sq yds brick pav at$1.69 J H. Thedinga Est., n 11 ft lot 62, city : 11 lineal ft curbing at 50e....$ 15 89 sq yds brick pavJA $1.69. A. Kaiser, n m20 ft lot 62, city 29 lineal ft curbing at 50c.....$ 10 00 23.89 sq yds brick pav at $1 69. 48 82 $ 58 82 Mary P. Albee, and 34 s m 19.2 ft lot 62, city : 9 6 lineal ft curbing at 50c....$ 4 SO 13.S7 sq yds brick pav at $ . 69. 23 44 $ 28 24 6 45 31 48 $ 37 93 5 50 26 85 --$ 32 35 E. W Albee, and 34 s m 19 2 ft lot 62. city : 9 6 lineal ft curbing at 50e....$ 4 SO 13.87 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 23 44 $ 23 24 FredJenkel Est., s 14.4 ft lot (12, city : 14 4 lineal ft curbing at 59e..$ 7 20 20.80 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 35 15 -$ 42 35 George M. Staples, n 1-3 lot 63 city: 21.5 lineal ft curbing at 50e..$ 10 75 31.05 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 5. 47 --$ Lydia M. Vebber, m 1-3 lot 63 city : 21 5 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 10 75 31.05 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 52 47 $ 63 22 63 22 L. A. Rhomberg, s 1-3 lot 63 city : 16 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 8 15 5 2 old curb reset, 9c 47 31.05sq yds brick pav at $1 69 52 47 $ 61 09 Jac. Michel, n 2-31ot 64 city : 62.11 sq yds brick pav at $1 69. $ 104 97 First National bank, e 94 ft -$ 104 97 s 34 lot 64 city : 94.36 sq yds brick pav at $1.69.$ 159 47 Dubuque Electric Ry, L. $ 159 47 and P. uo.: 44.32 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. $ 74 90 Staples, Pelan and Wilson, $ 74 90 nN lot 16, city : 125.41 sq yds brick pav at $1.69$ 211 94 Geo. M. Staples, slot 16, ---$ 211 94 3, city : 31.05 sq yds brick pav at $1 69.$ 52 47 W m. Coates est., n3. lot 15, -$ 52 47 city : 21.5 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 10 75 31.05 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 52 47 -$ 63 22 Mae H. Peabody, s lot 15, city : 5.7 lineal ft curbing at 50e...$ 2 85 62.11 sq yds brick pav at 81.69 104 97 John Hennessy, lot 14, city: -$ 107 82 93.17 sq yds brick pav at $1.69.$ 157 46 P. Kiene, Sr., lot 13, city : -$ 157 46 165.08 sq yds brick pav at $1.69$ 278 99 Wm. L. Bradley, n 34lot ---$ 278 99 750 city: 46.37 sq yds brick pav at $1.69$ 78 36 Jas. Woodward, n 1-3 s 34 -$ 78 36 lot 750, city ; 15.45 sq yds brick pay at $1.69$ 26 11 $ 26 11 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23,_ 1892. 182 Wm. L. Bradley, s 2.3 s X lot 750, city : 30.91 sq yds brick pav at $1.69$ 52 24 -$ 52 24 Robert Waller Est., n 1-3 lot 7418, city : 30.91 sq yds brick pav at $1.69$ 52 24 $ 52 24 D. W. Linehan, m 1-3 lot 749, city : 80.91 sq yds brick pav at $1.69.$ 52 24 -$ 5224 Jas. M. Sullivan, s 1-3 lot 749, city : 3.8 lineal tt curbing at 50c....$ 1 90 30.91 sq yds brick pav at 81.69. 52 24 -$ 54 14 Second National bank, n X lot 748, city: 80.91 sq yds brick pav at$1.69$ 52 24 - --$ 52 24 Wm. L. Bradley, s 9G lot 748 3 9lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 1 95 38.7 tt old curb reset at 9c.... 3 30 134.70 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 227 64 -$ 232 89 Alex Levi, lot 24, city : 185.61 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 $ 279 88 - -$ 279 88 Jos. J. Horr, lot 23, city : 92.59 sq yds brick pav at $169 $ 156 48 -$ 156 48 Josephine and Joshua Ogi1- by n 34 lot 22, city : 46.37 sq yds brick pav, $1.69..$ 78 36 $ 78 36 D. S. Wilson estate, s X lot 22, city : 4 6 feet old curb reset at 9c...$ 41 46.37 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.. 78 37 $ 78 78 Emilie Gmehle, n 20 ft lot 21, city : 20 sq yds old curb reset at 9c.$ 1 8D 28.89 sq yds brick pav at $t.69 48 82$ Fred Weigle, s 44 ft lot 21, 5 city lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 2 50 61 lin tt old curb reset at 9c5 49 136.72 sq yds b'ck pav at $1.69 231 06$ 239 05 50 62 Dubuque St. R'y company: 495.06 sq yds brick pav from Eighth to Ninth st at $1 69.$ 495.06 sq yds brick pav from Seventh to Eighth st at $1.69. 498.56 eq yds brick pav from Sixth to Seventh st at $1 69 499.10 sq yds brick pav from Fifth to Sixth st at $1 69... 491.17 sq yds brick pav from Fourth to Fifth stat $1 69.. 499 33 sq yds brick pav from Third to Fourth st at $1.69. 470.60 sq yds brick pav from Second to third st at $1.69. I. C. R R. Co., n 38 ft lot 20, city : 45.7 lin ft old curb reset at 9c$ 127.91 sq yds b'ck pav at $1.69_ S. M. Langworthy, s,n 20 ft lot20, city: 3 lin ft old curb reset at 9a..$ 27 28.89 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 48 82$ 838 65 836 65 842 56 843 48 841 91 843 87 964 31 -$6009 43 4 11 216 17 -$ 220 23 V. A. Langworthy, 20 city ; 9 53 square yds brick at $1.69.... 6.6 ft lot paving, V. A. Langworthy, lot 19, city : 18.78 square yds brick at $L69 $ 161$ n 13 ft paving, $ 31 74 --$ 49 09 16 11 31 74 Ed Langworthy, m 40 ft lot 19, city : 57.78 square yds brick paving, at $1.89 $ 97 65 $ 97 65 Steiner & Zust, a 11.6 1ot19 city : 16.75 square yds brick paving, at $169 $ 28 31 -$ 28 21 Steiner & Zust, n 10.6 ft lot 18, city : 14 73 square yds brick paving, at $1.69 $ 24 89 $ 24 89 Ed Langworthy, s 20.6 ft, n 30.8 ft lot 18, city : 29 75 square yds brick paving, at $1.69 $ 50 28 50 28 R. Cox estate, lot 65, city: 19 lineal ft curbing at 500....$ 9 50 39.1 ft old curb reset at 9c.... 3 52 116.75 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 197 31 ---$ 210 33 R. Cox estate, n 7 ft lot 65a, city 7lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 3 50 10.11 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 17 09 - ---$ 20 59 Reeder Langworthy, s 20.6 ft lot 65a, city : 20.5 lineal ft curbing at 50e8 10 25 29 61 sq yds brick pav, 81.69.. 50 04 ---$ 60 29 H A Rooney, n 3G lot 66, 21.5 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 10 75 31.06 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.. 52 49 - ---$ 63 24 John A. Simplot, s X lot 86 41. 1 lineal ft curbing at 500..$ 20 55 19 ft old curb reset at 9c 17 62.11 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 104 97 ----$ 125 69 R. Cox estate, n X lot 67, city; 4 lineal ft curbing at 500 $ 2 00 17.5 ft old cuab reset at 9o1 57 31.06 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 52 49$ 56 06 Arthur McCann, s 2-3lot 67, city : 37.5 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 18 75 5.7 old curb reset at 9c 51 62.11 sq yds brick pav at $1.69104 97 -$ 124 23 Arthur McCann, n 11-12 lot 68, city : 9 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 45 1.30 sq yds brick pav at $1.692 2 - 2 85 Robert Waller Est., and s 63 7 ft lot 68, city: 114lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 5 70 33.9 old cnrb reset at 90 3 05 122.83 sq yds brick pav at 1.69207 58$ 216 33 C. H Eighmey, and 34 s637 ft lot 68, city : 3.8 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 1 90 11.3 old curb reset at 9c 1 02 40.95 sq yds brick pav at $1.69. 69 21--$ 72 13 W. H. Peabody, n'24 ft lot 12, city : 47.3 lineal ft curbing at 50o$ 23 65 106.87 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 180 61$ 204 28 R. Bonson, Est., m 20 lot 12, city: 8 0 lineal ft curbing+nt 50c8 4 00 12 old curb reset at 9c 108 28.89 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 48 82$ 53 90 R. s 20 t lot 12, it 28.89 sq yds brick pav,$1.69.$48 B2 $ 48 82 183 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1S92. R. Waller, est, n 1-210111, city: 5.6 lineal ft curbing, 50e $ 2 80 30.91 sq yds brick pav, $1.6952 24 --$ 55 04 R Bonson, est, s 2 3 lot 11, city : 30.31ineal ft curbing, 50c $ 15 15 12.5 lineal ft old curb reset. 9c 1 13 61.82 eq yds brick pav, $1.69104 76 $ 120 76 German Bank, lot 10a, city : 43.33 sq yds brick pav, $1 69$ 73 23 --$ 73 23 Timothy Dillon, lot 10, city: 49.54 sq yds brick pav, $1.69,.$ 83 72 - $ 83 72 Geo. Mollart, n 20 ft lot 9. city : 28.89 sq yds brick pav, $1.69..$ 48 82 8 44 82 John Deery, s 44 3 ft lot 9, city : 18 8 lineal ft curbing at 50c8 9 40 6.6 lineal ft old curb reset 9c 59 135.90 sq yds brick pav, $1 69 229 59 —$ 239 66 A. Levi, n 44 ft lot 69, city : 4 lineal ft curbiug, 50c 2 00 135 47 sq yds brick pav, $1.69 228 94 — --$ 230 94 James McDonnell, s 20.6 ft lot 69, city : 29.32 sq yds brick pave, 81.69 49 55 ---$ 4955 John Hennessey, n 23 ft lot 70, city : 40.59 sq yds brick pav, $1.69$ 68 60 $ 63 06 F. Mangold, s 20 tt lot 70. city : 29 03 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.. $ 49 06 $ 49 06 Jas. F. Crider, lot 70a, city : 23.11 sq yds brick pav, $1 69..$ 39 (6 —$ 39 06 Jas. F. Crider, n 5 feet. lot 71 city 7.22 sq yds brick paving,$1.69.$ 12 21. $ 12 21 Christ Higley,s 19 feet, lot 71 - City : 27 45 sq yds brick pav at $.69.8 46 38 $ 46 38 Christ Higley,n 8-12 ft .lot 71 a,city 0.96 sq yds brick pay.at 81.69.; 1 62 --$ 162 M.J.Mulgrew, lot 71a (less n 8-12 ft) 57.25 sq yds brick pay., $1.69.8 96 75 —$ 96 75 M. J. Mulgrew, n 6 9 ft, lot 72, city : 98.2 sq yds brick pav at $1.69.$ 16 69 —$ 16 60 Ryder Bros., s 25.5 ft, lot 72, city : 36.69 eq yds brick pay. $1 69.$ 62 1)1 Ryder Bros, lot 72a, city : $ 62 01 8. lineal ft curbing at 50c....$ 4 00 118.13 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 199 64 W H Peabody. n 23 ft lot 8, city : $ 203 64 9.5 lineal ft curbing at 50c....$ 4 75 105 71 sq yds brick pav, 81.69. 178 65 Anna M Bush, m 19 lot 8, city 183 40 27.44 sq yds brick pav, 81 69. 46 37 ---46 Mae H Peabody, s 22 lot 8, city —$ 37 31.78 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 53 71 Anna M Bush, lot 7, city: - —$ 53 71 93.02 sq ys brick pav, $1.69.. 157 20 Larry Powers, n 34 3 ft lot 6, city: - $ 157 20 49.54 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.. 83 72 Julien House Hotel Co. s 30 - ft, lot 83 72 6, city: 43.48 sq yds brick pav at$1.69.$ 73 48 Julien House Hotel Co. lot 5, city :—$ 73 98 145.82 sq yds brick pav, $1.69.$ 246 44 A. A. Cooper, n 64 ft, lot 3, city : $246 164.50 eq yds brick pav, $1 69 $ 278 00 $ 278 00 T. P. Coates & Jas. Watters est, s 3-12 ft, lot 73, city: .43 sq yds brick pav at $1.69.$ 73 $ 73 T. P. Coates & Jas. Watters est, lot 74. city : 69.91 sq yds brick pav at $.69$ 118 15 $ 118 15 T. P. Coates & Jas. Watters est, n 6-121ot 74a, cite : .74 sq yds brick pav at$1 69.$ 1 22 —$ 122 Ruder Bros , s15 6 ft lot 74a. city : 22.39 sq yds brick pav at $1 69$ 37 84 $ 37 84 Rdyer Bros , lot 75a. city : 13 eq yds brick pav at $1 69.. $ 21 97 8 21 97 Brunskill & Metcalf, n21 ft lot 75, city : 30 43 sq yds brick pav, $169..; 51 51 $ 51 51 John Watters Est,m21 ft lot 75,city : 30.4S sq yds brick pav, $1 69.. 8 51 51 Walter Manson Est, s 3 2 ft lot 75, city : 19.07 sq yds brick pav, $1.69..$ 32 21 $ 32 23 Walter Manson Est, lot 76, city : 194.16 sq yds brick pav, $1 69 8 328 13 $ 328 13 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Chat to pay for improvement of Locust street from Eighth to Tenth street, and Ninth street from Main street to Lo- cust street, by Atkinson & Olcff, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereny levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : John Watters est, lot 628, city: 64.1 lineal ft curbing, 50c....$ 32 05 140.44 sq yds brick pav, $1 65. 231 73 R. Bonson est, and 34 lot 629, city_ 78 25 6 lineal ft cnrbing, 5uc $ 12 SO 56 89 sq yds brisk pav, 81.6593 87 Brunskill & Metcalf, and 35 lot 629, 106 67 city : 25 6 lineal ft curbing, 50e $ 12 86 56.89 sq yds brick pav, $1.6593 87 E. R. Jackson, s Xlot 630: —$ 106 67 25.6 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 12 80 56139 sq yds brick pav, $1.6593 87 M. O'Rourke, n 3! lot 630, city : —$ 1(6 67 25 6 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 12 80 56 89 sq yds brick pav, $1.6593 87 Wm. Bothwell est, lot 631, city : —$ 106 67 51.2 lineal ft curbing, 50e $ 25 60 113 78 sq yds brick pav, 81.65187 74 E. R. Jackson, lot 632, city: —$ 213 34 74.2 lineal tt curbing at 59e$ 37 10 211.70 sq yds brick pav, $1.65 349 30 ---I. O. O. F. Hall ass'n, lot 633, city: 386 40 74 9 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 37 45 211.70 sq yds brick pav, $1.65 349 30 Harriett L. Horr, lot 634, city : r 386 75 51.2 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 25 60 113.78 sq yds brick pav, $1.65 187 74 BanalMartin, lot 735, city : —$ 213 34 51.2 lin ft curbing reset, 12c $ 5 14 113.78 sq yds brick pav, $1 65 187 74 $ 193 88 51 51 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892. 184 A. Tredway, and j4 lot 6.36, city: 25.6 lineal tt curbing at 50c$ 12 80 56.79 sq yds bi ick pav, $1.6593 87 ---$ 106 67 Grace A. Provost, and ;y lot 636, city : 25.6 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 12 80 56.89 eq yds brick pav, $1.6593 87 --$ 106 67 Grace A.Provost,undW lot 637,city : 32 lineal feet curbing at 511c$ 16 00 69 63 eq yds brick pay.at $1 65 114 94 -$ 130 94 A Tredwav, und3 lot 637, city : 32 lineal feet curbing at 50.,$ 16 0) 69.C6 eq yds brick pay. at $165 114 94 $ 130 94 Geo. Wiliging, lot 155, city: 64 lineal feet curbing at 51c$ 32 (0 139.32 sq yds brick pav $1.65229 83 --$ 26183 Dr L H. Fowler, lot 154. city: 51.2 lineal feet curbing at 50e.$ 25 60 113.78 sq yds brick pay. $165. 137 74 - $ 213 34 United States of America (Custom House) lot 153, city : 51.2 feet old cut b reset at 12c.$ 6 14 113.75 eq } ds brick pay. 81.65. 137 74 --8 193 88 United States of America (Custom House) lot 152 city : 6.4 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 3 20 6.7 feet old curb reset at 12c.. 80 131.93 sq yds brick pay. $1 65 217 68 - -$ 221 63 United States of America (custom house), lot 151, city : 126 3 lin f t curb, at 50e $ 63 15 3 lin tt old curb reset at 12c.. 36 518.35 sq yds brick pav, *1.65. 855 28 $ 918 79 Wm L. Bradley, lot 1t9, city: 189.8 lin tt curb at e'ic $ 94 93 9.1 lin ft old , urb reset at 12c. 1 09 517.55 sq yds brick pav, $165. 854 45 $ 953 45 A. Tredway, lot 149, city : 39.4 lin ft curb at 50c $ 19 70 11.8 lin ft old curb reset. lcc. 1 42 113.78 eq yds brick pav, $1.65. 187 74 $ 208 86 M. E. Connelly, lot 148, city : 51.2 lin ft curb at 503 $ 25 60 113.78sq yds brick pav, $1.63* 187 74 -$ 213 34 M. O'Rourke, lot 147, city : 51.2 lin ft curb at 50c $ 25 60 113 78 sq yds brick pav, $1.65187 7 $ 213 34 B. W. Lacy, und j( lot 146. city : 4.3 lin ft curb at 5Jc $ '2 15 17.4 lin tt old curb reset, 12c2 09 46.81 sq yds brick pav, $16377 24$ 81 48 '..Jno. V. Rider, and 1.3 lot 146, city: 4.3 lineal ft curbing at 51c$ 2 15 17.4 ft old curb reset at 1232 09 46.81 sq yds brick pav, $16577 248 81 48 W. L. Bradley, and 1.3 lot 146,city: 4.3 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 2 15 17.4 old curb reset at 12c 2 09 46.81 sq yds brick pav, *1.6577 24$ 81 48 Richard Cox Est lot 50, city : 115 5 lineal ft curbing at 590. $ 57 75 306 67 sq yds brick pav, $1.65. 506 01$ 563 76 Mrs. M. Levens, lot 51, city: 124.4lineal ft curbing at 500$ 62 20 306.17 sq yds brick pav, $1.65. 505 18$ 567 38 Adopted by the following vote: ANicks, Olinger, Page and Crawford, Glab, easlee. N Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Burden avenue from Windsor avenue to city limits by S.euck & O'Farrell, coutractors, in frout of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is herby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Linwood Cemetery association, lot 3 sub lots 11, 19 and 13 of ueX, sec 13. 59, 2e: 586 5 lineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 263 92 76133 sq yds guttering at 45c. 117 60 921 33 sq yds macadam at 41c 414 69 --$ 796 12 Linwood Cemetery Ass'n, lot 3 sub lits 11, 12 and 1:3 of neVt. sec 13,89. 2e: 77 lineal ft curbing at 45e... $ 34 fi5 35.11 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 15 80 135 33 sq yds macadam at 45c 60 90 -$ 111 35 Linwood Cemetery Ass'n, lot 1 of lots 11, 12 and 13 of ue% sec 13, 89 2e: 1:17 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 89 92 54 67 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 38 10 396.78 sq yds macadam at 45c 138 05 $ 265 07 Gottfried Knoernschield, lot 144, Burden-Lawther add: 85.8 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 38 61 3672 eq yds guttering, 45c16 32 136.93 eq yds macadam, 45c61 63 I16 56 Jo Brandel, lot 143, Burden-Law- ther add: 51) lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 2.2 sq yds guttering, 45011 00 77.77 sq 3 de macadam, 45c35 00 Fredoline Landolt, lot 142, Burden- Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbiug, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45c10 01 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45c35 0J ----I Henry Richter, lot 141,Burden-Law- ther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 4.5c $ 22 50 25 22 sq yds guttering, 45c111 00 77 73 sq yds macadam, 45c35 00--$ 67 50 Frank and E. Reinker, lot 140, Bur- den-Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22. 22 sq yds guttering, 45c10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45c35 t0--$ 67 50 John Schmidt, lot 139, Burden-Law- ther add: 59 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq 3 ds guttering, 45c10 00 77.78 sq yde macadam, 45c35 00 67 50 Henry Richter, lot 138, Burden- Lawther add: 71.5 lineal ft curbing, 45e$ 32 17 33.56 sq yds guttering, 45^15 10 135 34 sq yds macadam, 45c60 $ 103 17 Geo. Eichhorn. lot 77, Buaden-Law- ther add : 69.1 lineal ft curbing, 450$ 31 10 32 49 eq yds guttering, 45c14 62 132.23 sq yds macadam, 45c59 50 $ 105 22 A. Dement and E. O. Duncan, lot 76, Barden•Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering. 45c10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45335 00 A. Dement and E O. Duncan, lot 75 Burden-Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45c$ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 45c10 W 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c 35 900 67 50 67 50 67 50 87 50 185 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892. A. Dement and E 0 Duncan, lot 74 Burden-Lawtber add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45o$ 22 59 22.22 eq yds guttering at45'1' 00 77.78 eq yds macadam at 45c 35 00 -$ 67 50 T. A. Bieping, lot 7d, Burden- L•twther add: 43.9 lineal ft curbing at 45c$ 19 76 22 67 eq vds guttering at 4.oc10 20 96 eq yds macadam at 45c43 20 --$ 73 16 J. Keller, lot 137 Burden-Law- ther add: 71.3 lineal ft curbing at 45c$ 32 09 33 33 eq yds guttering at 45e15 00 133.78 sq yds macadam at 45o 63 20 $ 107 29 John G. Scheppele, lot 136 Burden-Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45o$ 22 50 22.22 sq yds gutteric g at 450 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c 35 00 --$ 67 50 Geo. Burden, est, lot 135 Burden & Lawther's add : 50 lineal feet curbing at 453$ 22 50 22 22 sq yds gutt ring at 45c1,1 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45335 00 6 67 50 Geo Burden, est, lot 134 Burden & Lawther's add : 50 lineal ft curbing at 45c....$ 22 50 22.22 eq yds guttering at45e. 10 00 77.78 eq y ds macadam at 45c. 35 03 8 67 50 Geo Burden, est, lot 133 Burden & Lawther's add: 68.3 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 30 73 32 sq yds guttering at 45c 14 40 133.78 sq yda macadam at 45c6U 20 $ 105 33 Geo Burden, eat, lot 132 Burden & Lawther's add: 71 lineal ft curbing at 45e ....$ 31 95 33.33 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 15 00 133.78 sq yds macadam at 45c. 60 20 Stephen Zenner, lot 131 Burden &$ 107 15 Lawther's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45o..$ 22 50 22 22 sq yos guttering at 45c.. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 453.. 35 00 Stephen Zenner, lot 130 Burden &$ 67 50 Lawther's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c..$ 22 50 22.22 eq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 10 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 35 CO -8 67 50 Stephen Zenner, lot 129, Burden- Lawther add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 45c..$ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 35 CO C. Jacobi, lot 128, Burden-Lawther, 67 50 add: 70.2 lin ft curbing at 45c... .8 31 59 33 eq yds guttering at 45c.... 14 85 133 78 sq yds macad at 450.... 60 20 C. Bornheieer, lot 127, Burden- 106 64 Lawther add: 70.6 lineal ft curbing, 45c....$ 31 77 33 sq yds guttering, 45c 14 85 133.78 sq yds macadam, 45c60 20 Geo. Burden est, lot 126, Burden -108 82 Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 451 $ 23 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45010 00 77.78 eq yds macadam, 45e35 00 ---Geo. Burden est, lot 125, Burden - 67 50 Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45c10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45e35 00 ----$ 67 50 Geo. Burdon, est, lot 121, Burden- Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45e $ 22 50 22.22 eq yds guttering, 45»10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45c35 00 ---- $ 67 50 George Burden est, lot 123, Burden - Law, her add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45o $ 22 50 2.2.22 eq y ds guttering, 45c10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45c35 03 ----$ 67 50 George Bu• den est, lot 122, Burden- Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45c10 10 77.78 aq yds macadam, 45c35 00 - -- $ 67 50 George Burden est, lot 121, Burden- Lawther add : 47.61ineal ft curbing, 45c $ 21 42 22.22 aq yds guttering, 45c10 09 93.40 sq yds macadam, 45c40 68 - -- $ 72 10 George Eichborn, lot 92, Burden- Lawther add: 116 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 52 20 53 23 eq yda guttering, 45c24 10 224 eq yos macadam, 45c 100 80 - --1 177 00 George Burden est, lot 91, Burden- Lawther add : 50 lineal ft curbing, 450 $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45c10 00 77.78 aq yds macadam, 45035 00 - - -8 67 50 ❑ George Burden est, lot 89, Burden- Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 45c $ 22 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 45c.... 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam, 45o.... 35 00 $67 50 Fred Ackerman, lot 88, Burden- Lawther add: 70 lineal ft curbing at 45c....$ 31 50 32 90 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 14 80 133.78 eq yds macadam at 45c, 80 20 --$ 106 50 T. A. Bisbing, lot 87, Burden-Law- ther add: 70 lineal ft curbing at 41c....$ 31 50 32 90 aq yds guttering at 45o.. 14 8J 133.78 eq yds macadam at 45c. 60 20 H. Dement and E. 0 Duncan, lot 106 50 86, Burden-Lawtber add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45c....$ 22 50 22 22 eq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c . 35 00 H. Dement and E. 0. Duncan, lot 87 50 85, Burden-Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 450....8 22 50 22 22 sq yda guttering at 45c.. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 35 CO H. Dement and E. 0. Duncan, lo- t$ 67 59 84, Burden-Lawther add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 45e$ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 35 00 H. Dement and E. 0. Duncan, lot 87 50 83, Burden-Lawther add : 70.9 lineal ft curbing at 453$ 31 90 33 eq yde guttering at 45c. 14 85 133.78 eq yds macadam at 45c. 60 20 T.A.Bisbing, lot 82 Burden & Law- -$ 106 95 ther's add: 68.5 lineal feet curbing at 45c.$ 30 82 32 23.g8 yds guttering at 45c14 40 1q yds macadam at 45c 60 20 Geo. Burden, est, lot 31, Burden &$ 105 42 Lawther's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 453$ 22 50 22.22 eq yds guttering at 45o. 10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c. 35 (10 $ 67 5 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 7, 1892. 186 Geo. Burden, est, lot 80 Burden & Lawther's add: SOlineal feet curbing at 45c$ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c10 00 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45o35 l0 Geo. Burden, est, lot 79, Burden - &$ 67 50 Lawther's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 4'c $ 22 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 45c10 10 77.78 sq yds macadam at 45c35 01 Geo. Eichhorn, lot 78, Burden - &$ Lawther's add: 71.4 lineal feet curbing at 45c $ 32 13 83 33 sq yds guttering at 45c15 00 133 78 eq yds macadam at 35c 60 20 $ 107 33 Geo. Eichhorn, lot 118, Burden & Lawther's add: 132 3 lineal feet curbing at 453 $ 59 53 59.87 sq yds guttering at 45e26 94 238 22 sq yds macadam at 45c 107 20 T. A. fibbing, lot 116, Burden -Law- $ 193 67 thur add: 131 5 lin ft curbing at45o $ 59 17 60 67 eq yds guttering at 45c27 30 224 22 sq yds macadam at 45c 107 2J --$ 193 67 B. J. O'Neil, lot 16, O'Neill's River- view : 129.6 lin ft curbing at 450$ 58 32 59.38 eq yds guttering at 45c26 72 238.22 sq yds macadam at 45c 107 20 $ 192 24 B. J. O'Neil, lot 17, O'Neill's River- view 132 2 lin ft curbing at 45o$ 59 49 59.73 sq yds guttering at 45e26 83 234.22 eq yds macadam at 45c 107 20 $ 193 57 Mrs. M. Muntz, lot 38, O'Neitl's Riverview : 133 1 lin ft carbing at 45c$ 59 90 62 eq yds guttering at 45c27 90 238 22 sq yds macadam at 45c 11,7 20 $ 195 00 F. J. Swansen, lot 39, O'Neill's Riverview : 131.2 lin ft curbing at 45o....$ 26 88 59 73 sq yds guttering at 451. 26 88 238 22 sq yds macadam at 45o 107 20 - $ 192 67 B. J. O'Neill, lot 60, O'Neill's Riverview : 132 5 lin ft curbing at 45c ...$ 59 02 61.22 eq yds guttering at 451. 27 55 244.44 sq yds macadam at 450 110 00 -$ 197 17 B J O'Neill, lot 61, O'Neill's Riverview : 136.41ineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 61 38 63 sq yds guttering at 45c 28 35 244 44 sq yds macadam at 45c 110 00$ 199 73 B J O'Neill, lot 82, O'Neill's Riverview : 140.5lineal ft curbing at 450$ 63 22 59.11 sq yds guttering at 45c26 R0 227.11 sq yds macadam at 45c 102 00 --$ 192 02 M J Shannon, lot 83, O'Neill's Riverview : 140.2 lineal ft curbing at 45o$ 63 09 58 30 sq yds guttering at 45c26 24 227.11. sq yds macadam at 45o 102 20$ 191 53 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Crawford Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: Tbat to pay f or improvement of And avenue to Rush street by 0 G. Kringle,le street from contractor, n ontr ctor, infront of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and shereby parts oflot , and parcels of real estate here - 677 50 inafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: T. Kenneally, lot 92, Union add: 2 O lineal ft curbing at40e... $ 80 00 94.22 sq yds guttering at 40c37 69 329 78 sq yds macadam at 50c 164 89 ---$ 282 50 Bridget Redmond, lot 128, Union add: 175 2 lineal ft curbing at 40c.$ 70 08 7778 sq yds guttering at 40c31 11 27.2.22 sq yds macadam at 50c136 11 $ 237 30 Bridget Redmond, lot 127, Union add: 174 8 lineal ft curbing at 40c$ 69 92 77.78 sq yds guttering at 40c31 11 272.22 sq yds macadam at 50c136 11 - -$ 237 14 T. Byrnes, lot 93 Union add 219.7 •ineal ft curbing at 40c$ 83 88 94.22 sq yds guttering at 40c37 69 329 78 sq yds macadam at 500 164 89 - -$ 288 46 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Tbat to pay for improvement of Twenty -Sixth street, from Couler avenue to Jackson street,by Geo. E. Taylor, contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and the same is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op• posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Nic Mueller est. lot 346, Davis farm add: 190 lin ft curbing at 40c $ 76 00 89.91 sq yds guttering at 40c35 96 257.25 sq yds macadam at 400. 10.2 90 --$ 214 86 Nic Jochum est. lot 297, Davis farm add: 191.11in ft curbing at 40c$ 76 44 89 91 eq yds guttering at 40c35 96 257.25 sq yds macadam at 40c. 102 90--$ 215 30 Jac Kessler, lot 296, Davis farm add: 190.1 lin ft curbing at 40c$ 76 04 89.91 sq yds guttering at 40c35 96 257.25 sq yds macadam, 40o102 90--$ 214 90 Nic & Frank G ab, lot 347, Davis add: 194.2 lin ft curbing at 40c$ 77 64 89 91 sq yds guttering at 40c35 96 257.25 sq yds macadam, 102 90--$ 216 54 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aide. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That to pay for improvement of Twenty-flfth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street by George E Taylor, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Paul Traut, lot 1, Traut's sub: 105 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 42 00 52 sq yds guttering at 403 20 80 143 sq yds macadam at 40o57 20$ 120 00 John Pilmaier, lot 4, Traut's sub: 40 lineal feet curbing at 40c. $ 16 00 17 78 sq yps guttering at 40c7 11 48 89 sq yds macadam at 40e. 19 56$ 42 67 187 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892. Michael Appel, lot 5, Traut's sub: 45.5 lineal feet curbing at 4,1c $ 18 21 20.22 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 09 64 50 sq yds macadam at 40c.. 25 80 --$ 53 09 Michael Schunk,lot 287,Davis Farm: 189 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 75 60 90 sq yds guttering at 40c.... 36 00 256.39 sq yds macadam at 403 102 56 -$ 214 16 Herman A Ellwanger,lot 286,Davis Farm: 189.5lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 75 80 90 sq yds guttering at Tic.... 36 (1 256.39 sq yds macadam at 403 102 56 $ 214 36 Gerhard Tenhof,lot 357, Davis Farm : 194.21tneal feet curbing at 403.$ 77 63 91 sq yds gutt ring at 40c.... 36 00 256 39 sq yds macadam at 4Uc 103 56 $ 216 24 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Page and Peaslee Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: Tbat to pay for a four feet wide (two inch) plank sidewalk on south side of thomberg avenue from Reed street to first avenue by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as foliows: Matilda McCluer, lot 36, McCraney's First add : 26 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 14s/e F43 83 Matilda McCluer, lot 37, McCracey's First add : 59 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 149 c $8 70 Nic and Frank G ab, lot 26L, Ham's add: 60.5 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 14jc$8 92 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes -Aids. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Ald. Glab offered the following: . Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque; That to pay for a four feet wide, two-inch plank sidewalk on south side of Twenty-fifth street, between Jackson ana Pine streets, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : R E Langworthy, lot 221 Glendale add: 74 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 14%c.,$ 10 91 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Page and Peaslee. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a four feet wide, two-inch plank sidewalk on south side of Twenty-fourth street, between Jackson and Pine. by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parte of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: R. and E Langworthy, lot 223, Glendale add No 3: 104 6 lineal ft pl'k sidewalk at 141Xe.,$ 15 43 R. and E Langworthy, :lot 246, Glendale add No. 3: 97.5 lineal ft pl'k sidewalk at 14(e . . $ 14 38 R. and E. Langworthy, lot 247, Glendale add, No. 3: 98.3 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 14%c.$ 14 50 R. and E Langworthy, lot 270, Glendale add No. 3: 97 7 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 149 c,$ 14 41 R. and E Langworthy, lot 271, Glendale add No. 3: 78 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 10,1c...$ 11 50 R. and E. Langworthy, lot 294, Glendale a d No. 3: 74 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 14,,ic...$ 10 91 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for a six -feet wide two-inch plank sidewalk on both sides of Winona avenue from West Fifth to West Third street by Bryan Donahue. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named,situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of re•il estate, as follows: O F. Hodge, lot 11, Deming & Horr's sub: 47 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c...$ 10 34 O F. Hodge, lot 12, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c..$ 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 13, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c..$ 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 15, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c..$ 11 00 O F. Hodge, lot 16, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c..$ 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 17, Deming & Horr's sub: 65 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22e....$14 30 John McCoy, lot 3, McCoy's sub: 142 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c... 31 24 John McCoy, lot 4, McCoy's sub: 141 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c... 31 02 O F. Hodge, lot 18, McCoy's sub: 51.6 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c.. 11 35 O. F. Hodge, lot 19, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c .... 11 00 O F. Hodge, lot 20, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c.... 11 00 O F. Hodge, lot 21, Deming & Horr's sub: 49 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 22c.... $ 10 87 O F Hodge, lot 22, Deming & Horr's sub: 45 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 23c.... $ 9 90 O. F. Hodge, lot 93, Deming & Horr's sub • 44 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 22e $ 9 68 O. F. Hodge, lot 24, Deming & Horr's sub: 42 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 22c $ 9 24 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee. Aid. Glab offered the following: Resolved. By city council of the city of Du- buque: Th it to pay for improvement of Bhroeder avenue from Seminary street to Leibuetz street by E. E Frith, contractor, in front of and adjoining the the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite to each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: J P Bei roeder,lot 4, Schroe der's add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 45c....$ 11 25 20.89 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 9 40 52.22 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 23 50 $ 44 15 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 23, 1892. 188 J P Schroeder, lot 5, S3hroeder'a add: 4U lineal ft curbing at 45 ....8 18 00 17.78 eq yds guttering at 45 8 00 94 44 sq yds macadam at 45c. 20 00 - - $ 46 00 J P Schroeder, lot 6, Schroeder's add: 38 1 lineal ft curbing at 450...8 17 15 17.78 sq yds guttering at45c.. 8 00 54 44 sq yds macadam at 45c. 24 50 - -- $ 49 65 J P Schroeder, lot 7, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 45c... $ 18 00 17 78 sq yds guttering at 450. 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadam at 45c. 20 (0 - -- $ 46 00 J P Schroeder, lot S Schroeder's add. 40 lineal ft curbing at 45e....$ 18 00 17.73 sq yds guttering at 45cs 00 44 44 sq y ds macadam at 45c1 10 -----3 46 0) Nicholos Groff, lot 9, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 453 A 18 00 17.78 eq yds guttering at 45c. 8 00 44 44 sq yds macadam at 45c20 00 --$ 46 03 Nicholas Groff, lot 11, Schroeder's add: 119 lineal ft curbing at 45^$ 53 55 54.67 eq y ds guttering at 4524 60 130.55 eq yds macadam at 45c58 75 -$ 136 90 J. P. Schroeder, lot 12, Schroeder's add: 89 1 lineal ft curbing at 45c.. $ 40 10 41.33 sq yds guttering at 4.5c . 18 62 88.89 sq yds macadam at 450 . 40 10 98 62 J. P. Schroeder, lot 14, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 45c8 18 00 17.78 eq yds guttering at 45c8 00 44.44 eq y ds macadam at 45c20 00 $ 46 00 J. L. Miller, lotl5,Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 450....$ 18 ' 0 17.78 eq yds guttering at 45c.. 8 OU 44 44 eq yds macadam at 45c . 20 00 46 00 Nicholas Bohler, lot 16, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 450....8 18 00 17.78 sv yds guttering at 45c.. 8 00 44.44 eq yds macadam at 45c.. 29 (0$ 46 00 J. P. Schroeder, lot 17, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 453...:$ 18 00 17.78 eq yds guttering et 450.. 8 00 44.44 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 20 00 -8 46 00 J. P. Schroeder, lot 18, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal ft curbing at 450 $ 18 00 17.7S sq yds guttering at 45c8 00 44.44 sq ods macadam at 45c20 0 0 ti J. P. Schroeder, lot 19, Schroeder's add: 40 lineal feet CO 17.78 sq a yds guttering at � curbing at 45c8 01 44.44 eq yds macadam at 45c20 t $-- 46 00 J P. Schroeder, lot 20, Schroeder's add: 52.3 lineal ft curbing at 45c .$ 23 53 20.89sq yde guttering at45c9 40 52 22 sq yds macadam at 45c23 508 56 43 Adopted by the following vote: es-Alds. Crawford, Nicks, Olinger, Page and � Glab, easl a-7g Noes-None. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of 46 00 Duhugne: That to pay for the improvement of Rose Street, from Walnut to Alta Vista street, and Center place from Rose Street to north line of McNulty's sub, by Lavin & Corrance, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the ssveral lots, and parte of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinaf- ter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate, as follows: E. E Jones, lot 5 of sub min lot 88: 414.4 lin ft curbing at 49c $ 166 96 205.33 eq yds guttering at 40082 13 427.23 sq yds macadam at 55c497 23 - --867632 Mrs. A Cummings, lot 1 of -7 of min lot Ss: 3.54.2lIn ft curbing at 403$ 141 68 157.42 eq yds guttering at 4'c. 61 97 608 73 eq yds macadam at 55c. 334 89 ---$ 539 45 E. Williams, lot 1 of Cummins sub of outlot 739 city : 55. lin ft curbing at 413$ 22 00 2154 sq yds guttering at 49c9 83 97.82 aq yds macadam at 55c. 53 80 Henry Gilbert, lot 2 Cummins- eub-$ 85 63 of outlot 739, city : 51.9 lin ft curbing at 400$ 20 76 . 23 07 eq yds guttering at 400c.. 9 23 89 38 eq yds macadam at 550. 49 16 Frank Lothorp, w 45 ft lot 3 Cum•$ 79 15 M108 sub of outlot 739. city : 45. lin ft curb ug at 40c A 18 00 20. sq yds guttering at4 lc.... 8 00 77.5U sq yds macadam at 55:. 42 63 S 68 62 Eugene Laude, a 6.9 ft lot 3 Cum- mtus sub of outlot 739, city: 6.9 lin ft curbing at 400.. ...$ 2 76 3.07 sq yds guttering at 4)c... 1 23 1188 sq yds macadam at 55c. 6 53 ---$ 10 52 Eugene Laude, lot 4, Cummins' sub Int 739. city : 51.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 21 76 23.07 sq yds guttering at 4(10.. 9 23 89 33 sq yds macadam at 55c. 49 16 -8 79 15 Frank D. Stewart, lot 5, Cummins' sub of out lot 739. city : 51.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c.$ 20 76 23.07 sq yds guttering at 4((0.. 9 23 89.35 sq yds macaiam at 550. 49 16 -$ 79 15 Mrs. A. Cummings, lot 6,Cummins' sub of out lot 739. city : 51.9 lineal feet ourbing at 400.8 20 76 23.07 sq yds guttering at 400.. 9 23 89.33 sq yds macadam at 553. 49 16$ 79 15 T. J. Lavine, lot 7, Cummins' sub of out lot 739, city : 55 7 lineal feet curbing at 410.8 22 28 25 sq yds guttering at 403.... 10 00 96.44 sq yds macadam at 553. 53 04 --8 85 32 Jae. Howie, lot 8, Cummins' sub of out lot 739. city : 116 1 lineal feet curbing at 41c. $ 4i 44 19 93 4983egyds guttering at 40c.. 199.84 sq yds macadam at 550. 109 918 176 28 Ira Hansen, o , lot 17, Cummins' sub of out lot 739, city : 126.6 lineal feet curbibg at 40c.$ 50 64 54.44 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 21 78 239.14 aq yds macadam at 55o 131 53$ 203 95 Mrs. A. Cummings. lot 18, Cum- mins' sub of out lot 78), city: 12.94 lineal ft curbing at 4 )o..$ 51 76 • 55 55 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 22 22 241 sq yds macadam at 553... 134 20$ 203 1 189 Adjourned Regular Session, .NOv. 23, 1892. A. W. Hosford, lot 20, Cain's sub; 51 8 lineal tt corhing at 4'1c... $ 20 72 23 11 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 9 24 1' 4.23 sq yds macadam at 55c. 57 33 —$ 87 29 A. W. Bastard, lot 19. Cain's sub: 42.9 lineal tt curbing at 40c...$ 17 16 19 .7 sq yds guttering at 4 lc.. 7 83 73 88 sq yds macadam at 55c.. 41 6:3 —$ 65 42 A. W. Hosford, lot 18, Cain's sub: 55 6 lineal ft curbing at 4 >e...$ 22 24 23 11 sq yds guttering at 4'e.. 9 24 190.08 sq yds macadam at 55c. 55 t3 —$ 8651 Geo. Meyer, lot 5 of 2, sub of min lot 88; 176.6 lineal ft curbing at 40c..ti 70 61 83 55 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 23 42 309.78 sq yds macadam at 55c. 170 38 —$ 274 44 John D. Wade, lot 4 of 2 sub min lot 88: 46 3 lineal ft curbing at 40"...$ 16 52 18 36 sq yds guttering at 40:.. 7 34 50.48 sq yds macadam at 55c . 27 70 $ 51 62 John C Hilkin, lot 3 of 5 of sub of min lot 88: 41.3 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 16 52 18 36 sq yds guttering at 4)c . 7 34 50.48 eq yds macadam at 55c. 27 76 Mary M Reynolds, lot 2 of 2 of sub of min lot 8S: 62 lineal ft curbing at 40c....$ 24 SO 27.56 sq yds guttering at 410 . 11 02 75.78 sq yds macadam at 55c.. 41 6S W. Hopkins, lot 1 of 2 sub of min lot 88: 47 lineal ft curbing at 40o ...$ 18 80 20 89 58 67 sq yds macadamds at 5e. 32 27 Geo. S. Weaver, lot 1 of 4 of sub of 59 43 mi a lot 88: 33 5 lineal ft curbing at 40! ..$ 13 40 14 89 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 5 96 4!.17 sq yds macadam at 55c.. 23 19 ---55 John Reding, lot 3 of 4 sub of min 4. lot 88: 33 4 lineal tt curbing at 40c...g 13 26 14 64 sq yds guttering at 414c . 5 94 40 82 sq yds macadam at 55c. 22 45 E A. Gillism, lot 4 of 4 sub of min 41 75 lot 88: 33,4lineal it curbing at 40c...$ 13 36 14 84 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 5 94 40.82 sq yds macadam at 55c. 22 45 John Bossard, lot 1, of 3, sub of min lot 4188 45 5 lineal ft curbing at 40e..$ 18 20 20.22 eq yds guttering at 40c.. 8 69 55 81 sq yds macadam at 55c.. 3U 59 Elizabeth Stewart, lot 2, of 3, sub of5m min lot 88: 45 5 lineal ft curbing at 400. $ 18 20 20 22 sq yds guttering at 401.. S 09 55 61 sq yds macadam at 55c.. 30 59 A. G. Wright, lot 3, of sub of min lot SS 88 193 4 lineal It curbing at 40e..$ 77 36 91 55 sq yds guttering at 41)e.. 36 62 337 11 bq yds macadam at 55c 185 41 39 Anna M. Bott, lot 4, of 3, sub of 299minlot 88: 165 7lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 66 2S 71 11 eq yds guttering at 40c.. 28 44 287 00 sq yds macanam at 55a 157 85 Julia Gilliam, part of min lot 88: $ 252 57 176 7 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 7U 68 84 00 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 33 60 328.94 sq yds macadam at 55c 180 1,2 ----$ 2S5 20 51 62 77 50 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes -Aidb. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page and Peaslee-7. Noes -0. Ald. Crawford moved that the special as- sessment levied against Mrs E Williams on lot 7, Cummins' sub. for the improvement of Rose street be cancelled as per agreement. Carried Ald. Olinger moved that the bids for fire hose he opened and referred to the com- mittee on fire and water. Carried. The follow,ng bids were opened and re- ferred to the committee on fire and water: Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co. Na- tional Jacket 80c Same, Excelsior Brand 70c Name, Superior 60o E. B. Prrston & Co., Uuique 90o Same, Keystone SU0 Name, Horse Shoe 75c Revere Rubber Co., American extra 75c Eureka Mire Hose Co., knit jacket 85c Eureka Fire Hose Co , new surprise 75c Eureka Fire Hose Co., paragon 8Uc Eureka Fire Hose Co , eureka 40c Columbia Rubber Works Co., knit jacket 703 Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., Bay State jacket 70c Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., Bos- ton fire jacket 80c W D. Allen & Co., dragon 75c W. D. Allen & Co., czar 65e A Y. McDonald Mfg Co , knit j acket65c Engineer Blake presented plans and speci- fications for sewers on We,t Fifth street and Roberts avenue, from Winona avenue to West Eighth street; and in alley between Jackson and Washington streets: and in alley between Tenth and Seventeenth streets; and on West Eighth and Hill streets; from Bluff street to Burch street. Referred to the sewer committee. The followiug bills were ordered paid: Bryan Donahue, building sidewalks..$329 55 Fred Luderer, work on sewers 15 75 The following bills for rolling streets were referred to the auditor for collection: Atkinson &; Oloff $740 43 Atkinson & Oloff 200 77 Steuck & O'Farrell 403 32 E E. Frith 41 14 Lavin & Corrance 236 ( 5 O. G Kringle 60 20 Geo. E Tay for 51 28 Geo. E Taylor 51 45 Petition of John Bell for permission to erect stairway in alley on the south 1.5 of lot 445. Granted during the pleasure of the council. Communication of Woodlawn Park com- pany in relation to bill of $1,510.79 for grad- ing streets in Woodlawn park. Referred to the committee of the whole. Communication that the plansand elevationRobinson ofa building proposed to be erected on 1-5 of lot 459, cor- ner Eleventh and Iowa streets be approved. Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald Crawford offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, 1 hat the committee on public grounds and buildings is hereby instructed to ascertain whether it is practicable for the city of Dubuque to acquire for park pur- poses, and as a place of public resort, the bluff containing the grave of Julien Du- buque, end if so, on what terms, and report the result of its investigation to the city council. Also that the city engineer be in- structed, under the supervision of the com- mittee, to make a survey and plat of the ground proposed to be acquired, if request- ed by the committee. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of audiisherebyainstructed toiprepareaplat Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 7, 1892. showing a forty foot (40 foot) street between Catherine and West Locust and between West Seventeenth and Clark street and An- gelis street. The rules were suspended and General Geo W. Jones addressed the council in rela- tion to fences and sidewalks on Cos and West Fourteenth street and asked that the city restore same. On motion the matter was referred to the street committee. Aid. Olinger moved that the engineer be instructed to make out separate bills for the curbing, guttering and macadamizing of Main street between Seventeenth and Madi- son streets Carried. The rules were suspended and Capt. trift addressed the council and stated that the Governor's Greys intended to open their armory on Deo 15, and asked the council to co-operate with them in making the affair a success. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder, May, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, L DUBUQUE, lows, June 1, 1892. i To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GEETLEMFN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1892: Name For What Purpose. Amount. L Gonner, treasurer. salary for April ..8150 00 J C Ficzpatr.ck,recorder, do .. 118 70 J M Kenety, auditor do .. 118 70 J J MOuartby, attorney, do .. ]25 00 John F 8temm, assessor, do .. 125 00 J. P Bennett, ase't assessor, do .. 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do .. 100 00 Rd 8yan, street commiss'ner, do .. 91 70 Joseph Reinfried, fire chief, do.. 75 00 A Gratz, market master, do .. 50 00 P McNulty. park custodian, do 45 00 1 S Bigelow, health officer, do .. 30 00 Carl 8piegeihalter, poundmaster, do .. 40 00 B Rawson, sewer inspector, do .. 60 00 John Klein, meat inspector, do .. 50 00 James Buntin , electrician, do75 00 Ed Blake, en neer, do .. 125 00 E S Hyde, ass t engineer, do .. 100 00 Jas Boyce, do do ., 100 00 John O'Connell, clerk, do .. 83 40 G Gmehle, ass't assessor, do .. 38 50 Dubuque Elec R W L & P Co, electric light.... „ u do .... u u do .... „ 66 do .... James Daly. fireman. Job Barnes, do J Straney, do J Murphy, 00 Wm buoy, do J Sohonberger, do T Shea, do EdHess, do M Ritel, do P Martin, do J Essmau, do John Flynn, do T Walker, 00 J Wiltse, do T Flynn, do D Ahern, do James Allen, do George Moyer, do Chas Kannolt, d0 F Ganahl, do J Ward, do A Duccini, do J Pfiffner, do W >smith, do F Young, do J Saner, do J Eitel, do 500 186 500 186 60 75 50 80 60 50 50 50 80 85 80 t•0 50 00 50 60 80 75 50 50 50 2 2 2 2 2 00 30 00 30 00 00 00 00 000 00 00 00 00 t0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 190 Ald. Crawford moved that it is the sense of the council and city officers that they take part in the opening ceremonies of the Governor's Greys' armory and assist in re- ceiving and entertaining guests f abroad. Carried. 01' , ' : mov to adjourn. Carrie. Approved �4'.i•der. 1892. Ci ' v Mayor. Dennis Ryan, police Joan Raesli, do James Carter do B Cain, du WmO'Brien, do M O'Connell, do Wm Hennessy, do Wm Frith, do John Litecher, do PMc'serny, Thos Reilley, dodo P Dunnegan, do P Kearney, do P Hanlon J Fitzpatrick, ddoo D Norton, 00 James Allen, do John Reuter, do M Hardie, do Wm Welsh, do Sam Elmer, do J Flynn, do Dan Lavery, do John Hoffman, do Rd Moore, do T B ake, J Murphy, dodo Wm Klauer, do P Scharf do P McCollins, do Geo Rubeck, do John Murphy, do Jas Ryan, do M Kilty, J D Siegrest, dodo P Sutton, do John Arndt, laborer M Aboitz. do 29 25 10 J Albrr cht, do 25 10 '1' Ahern, do 30 40 T Buse, do 8'60 PBrandenberger,do 34 50 W Ball do 4 10 John Boetke, do ]3 75 J Boecher, do 5 75 F Baversdorf, do 2527 00 J Bergman, do 40 A Burke, do 11 40 A Bistram, do 11 00 J Byrne, do 25 90 GO R Burns. do 23 60 D Bernes. do 29 00 R R Benedict, do 25 H Bliukert, do 11 25 Wm Bartling, do "' 1 00 C Brandenberg,do 21 00 Jas Burns, do 45 50 J Bewer. helper road roller Wm narkley,laborer 45 40 John Bottoms, paver R John�)onlCinorbett, do do , L Corcoran, do J Connory, do T Connory, do Ned C indon. do John Caliehan, do John Corcoran, do Jerry Cahill, do '7 50 2 35 51 85 51 85 50 00 48 35 51 65 50 00 51 85 50 00 51 65 51 65 51 65 ....... .... 50 00 51. 85 50 00 51 65 51 65 51 85 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 85 45 05 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 :3 15 21 t0 9 50 4 95 9 00 3 75 38 00 22 90 3L 90 25 90 8 60 30 20 9 75 30 40 26 60 191 List of City Warrants. Sam Collins, do 16'50 M Clbrk. do 940 James Cahill, do 31 10 Wm Crumpwell,do 5 25 J Casper, do 9 75 M Carmody, do 34 10 W Cunningham do 30 00 J Coyne, do 6 00 M Dieferding, do 27 75 P Dempsey, do 1 90 J Dougherty, 00 21 40 Geo Dingeldein,do 25 50 James Dolan, do 12 40 Ed Desmond, do 25 10 M Dumphey, do 26 60 James Doyle, foreman 39 4U J Dwcrak, laborer 10 10 Bryan Donahue, foreman 30 20 J Donahue, laborer.... 1 50 John Eagan, do 29 25 Wm Emmert, do 26 25 H Foltz, do 24 40 C Fousello, do 29 25 John Fix, do 34 50 lr' Fiedler, do 8 25 11 Flood, do 6 40 L Fritz, do 27 40 Dan Fux, do 24 75 Wm Flannagan, do 9 0i F Forr, do 1 90 C Fatka, do 8 60 J Fitzgerald, do 33 00 H Gollie. do 21 00 C tarunzig, do 30 40 L Grose, do 30 75 Joe Grab, do 33 00 Joe Ginter, do 1 90 Aug dower, do ........... 2 60 Ed Grew, do 34 5^ P Grew, do 17 60 Wm Grobe, do 10 50 John Gieselt r, do 36 75 Aug Hnfferman, do 31 90 D Harman, do 33 25 A Hanouer, do 40 James Hail, do 3 00 F Herzog, do 30 75 M Heloruk, do 40 John Hafey, do 31 90 T Hackney, do 34 10 Ed Hackett, do 25 90 P Hayden, do 29 25 Jas t,urrey, do 27 00 Geo Hughes, do 23 60 N Hileer, do 18 40 Jas Harker. do 22 90 Geo Henkel, do 3C 00 A Johnson, do 26 25 J Jeckin, do 17 25 John Kinsella, carpenter. 52 00 J Kraus, laborer 1 90 Chas Krantz, do 1 90 M Kilburg, do 4 10 J Karch, do 25 50 F Kreeger, do 213 10 J Kellett, do 13 10 J Kelly, 00 28 10 P Kinney, do 26 25 M Kline, do 27 40 F Karns, do 11 25 F King, do 3 00 E R King, do 12 45 John Lavin, do 26 25 H Luck, do 2t 40 11 Lippstock, do 27 00 11 Leicht, do 6 75 M Lilack, do 29 25 J I ux, do 9 00 John Lacy, do 19 10 P Lynch, do 28 10 C Luckraholz, do 15 75 Ed Lee, do 31 90 P Melchoir, do 30 00 A Mareska, do 1 90 L Meurise, do 25 50 J Melone, do 31 10 James Melloy, do 21 40 M Murphy, do 23 25 T Mahuny, do 28 90 M Mahony, do 26 66 Ned Morgan, do 26 60 L Maher, do 9 00 P Moran, do 30 , 0 C Messerknecht, de 2 25 C Mer hlenberg, do 1 50 C Meggenberg, do 15 40 C Maekelberg, do 13 50 P Mohan, do ....... 2 RO T. Mulpeeny, do 34 50 Simon Meyer, do 25 90 J Mullin, do 6 75 M McCone, foreman 31 50 1 MnNulty, laborer 27 00 L Mevoy, do 27 75 A McGuan, do 27 00 .1 McBride, do 30 40 B McCaffrey, do 9 00 T McDonnell do 7 90 John McGrath, do10 90 11 McMullen, do 35 25 M McMahon, do 31 50 B McCormack, do 28 10 N Mc Poland, do In 75 M Nuten, do 29 25 Dom Nichols, do 27 00 B Nichols, do 15 40 N Nowarth, do 8 a0 J Obbelt, do 31 90 Chas Otto, do11 80 Julius Otto, do13 10 F uswald, do 24 00 P O'Brien, Jr., do 23 10 PO'Brien. Sr., do 33 40 J Petryon, do 26 60 Woo Pickley, foreman 27 60 H Pots, laborer 7 90 James Purcell, laborer 33 40 J t'apenthen, do 1 99 D Powers, do 34 50 Jarrett Pan, do 11 25 C Pfend, d0 1 90 J Pant z, do 2 25 J Q rig ney, do 29 60 D Quik, do 8 10 J Quail. do 32 60 J hn Raetz, foreman 4u 25 C Rieger, laborer. 40 Geo Rink, do 7 75 10 W Rieman. do 30 C Raefelt, do M Ryan, do 2722 0090 M Raen, d0 27 00 Geo Rieder, d0 18 90 James Ragan, do 29 60 uhas Reilly, do 4 50 John Ryan, do 26 60 James Raw, do 26 60 F Remus. do 9 75 F Raedloff, d0 15 75 F Rieger, do 26 80 Wm Rooney, do 18 00 A:Reuter, do 40 A Stevenson, engineer road roller.., ,. 60 00 L Saber, laborer.................1 90 M Speoht, do 32 60 P Stoffer, do 30 00 N Schroeder, do 12 40 Aug Schiltz, do 40 Geo Sutter, do 27 75 ASteuer, laborer .... • • • • $8 r• 0 N Sweeney, do 8 80 Thos btrany, do 8 25 Joe Seia, do 25 00 Wm Swaegler, do 28 10 PBmirh, do 31 10 M Su.livan, do 31 10 N Steinmetz. do 24 75 John 1•urlivan, do 21 75 P Schi tz, foreman, 33 90 John Twigg, laborer 8 60 James Tobin, do 36 00 H Tropp, do 4 90 John w o fe, do 34 50 P Weirick, do 40 P Wagner, do 28 90 M Wampeck, do g 78 Aug Wittee, do 11 60 Gott Wirt,do ............ •29 25 Ed Welsh, do 32 60 T Welsh, do 19 10 John Whelen, do 26 25 R eeiederman, do 10 50 John Welsh, do 9 40 Ed Henkelman, do 7 50 A E Wa.ker, do 75 C Yust do 14 60 Geo Zumhoff, foreman 35 90 WZachina, laborer 28 10 P' hearn, team17 50 Thos Ash, do 16 70 A Brandt, do a8 50 E Brewbecker, do 28 00 J Beacom, do 10 50 T Byron, do 15 75 R Bennett, do 42 00 Ed Burne, do 16 70 L i rnell, do 24 50 M Crahin, do 58 70 Bart Caln, do 49 00 W Cook, do 29 75 ,s List of City Warrants. 192 Wm Corcoran, do TChatfleid, do ......•••••....• T B Cain, do J Dunkley, do II Dodson, do Wm Dodson, 00 L M Edwards, do John Elliott, do ... Thos Elliott, do ... IC E Frihh, do Fischer & Co, do M Ganteubein, do John (Lary, do ••• •••••• J Garragan, do F Gregory, do F Graff,do Hat, ge, y Bros, do Thos Hein. do H B Harold do Wm Howard, do John Hoff inter, do M J Hannon do P Horsch, do P J.rrdeu. do C Kampman, do Thos Kane, do 0 .+ Kringle, do John Kenneally, do John Lung, do P Linehan, do Ed I. tg-n, do J Menzrl, do E Meyer, do Joe Moose, do A Mink, team C McElrath, do Wm McG:ath, do J McQuillan, do 46 J McGrath, do 02 JJMcCollins, do ••• ......••'•" 58 Jas McDonald. do 14 Jae McCracken do 14 J McCarron, do .-- . 13 J Norton, d01 A Nauchman, do 15 J Ott. do 38 John Parker, sr, d0 40 John Pratt, do 10 Chas Pa•rott, d0 16 Con Ragan, do 8 Cal Roberts, do 48 Jas Rowan, do 49 Con Ryan, d0 49 J-ingreen, do 50 John Steffes, do 38 H cob midt do 13 Joe Siege, 18 J Strotz, do 3 J P Schroder, do 73 J Sutherla d, do 12 F Schulz, d0 7 A Scheutal, do 37 F Seeley, 33 John Savage, do ..............- 1 J Spielman, d0 7 97 John Terry, do 48 Catherine Tobin, do 23 ATurnet, do Robert Tape t, do 274 P Vogel, do 7 .1Von Hollen, do ••••-•••••• 27 Oeo,ge Wetter, do M Wagner. do 24 John Williams, do ......•• "•' 15 John Welsh, do 45 D Zogg, ............ F Siegge, express, 1 J J MoC0llins, do D Nitterauer, do •••••••••""" 14 A Gratz board of prisoners.... Adam Schmidt, improving Peru road 223 John Tibey, improving Washington st93 Toney Siege, improving JulienJmavenue204 Wm Marshall, repairing N8 Fratz & Clark, blue vitrol Eteuck & Farrell, Grading Madison street 55000 4 " Maple „ 500 66`' 6430 J Hansen, macadam ............... 10 John Platz, ••.............. Duggan & Kane, oil. ... .. .... .•. Dubuque Wooden WareCo,, and fuse.... Christman & Healy, powder Frank Robinson. repairing steam roller.. Knapp, Stout & Co. Co. lumber......... • • • 1 . 1 Svendsen •••porta and Hardie & Scharle, finance rep printing .•, re airing tools....... .• Mt B sD Lining, p ... John Schuler, oft and basket . 1 Palmer, Winall & Co, printing •........... 1 1 7 30 97 0 27 '40 12 7 19 2 3 5 16 7 26 2 14 0 55 2 39 4 23 7 14 0 14 9 7 0 34 1 41 1 66 5 40 2 28 0 57 2 28 9 49 9 49 0 32 4 13 2 5 2 13 3 49 0 66 5 20 2 5 2 71 15 56 34 9 i Mr. Mary Meehan, scrubbing city hall3 75 F H Finke,team tags Bn 00 Farley, Lnetscher Mfg Co kindling 2 00 6 75 5 Hargtr & !Dish, stationery ... •.... 2 25 5 John o' Brien, 1 ibor 44 50 0 Thos Butcher 44 50 O Isaac Proctor,founda ion for engine housa 500 00 5 •' 250 00 O G A (?rosvenor. stationery 2 50 O P H Halpin, bran 1 80 O Phil Pier, coal . . 8 40 d Key City Gas Co. coal and coke 17 56 0 Thos Kenney. iron pipe 2 00 O John Kleine hmidt, corn 1 60 e Dubuque Cabinet Make's' association, 5 moulding. 6 87 5 Lear & ?tiff tier. foot oil 1 50 O John Cahil', trees in parks.... 38 75 5 E E +rith & Bros 2 00 O Lear & P6ffner, horse shoeii g ... 6 50 5 I eadford Bros, cast icon manholes 5 50 O Jas Kel'y, stationery 16 15 O Jos Geiger, repairing scales 22 00 J Ferguson Oros, repairing fountains 23 76 '1 C H Whitwe'1, veterinary services25 00 A Wunderlich. horse shoeing 5 25 Smedley Mfg Co. brass castings ... 1 20 Dubuque Water Works, 212 hydrants 500 00 500 00 60 00 50 00 '1 he Hera1& blank books ... 0 5 0 0 0 0 50 75 00 15 70 40 75 85 00 00 75 75 50 20 25 70 75 35 90 40 75 50 15 40 50 50 25 00 25 00 35 10 70 20 40 00 40 50 40 75 90 50 25 50 52 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 00 15 93 2 65 4 00 0 95 3 00 0 00 510 1 25 1 60 1 50 44 ft P F Guthrie, revising ordinances T 0 Sullr%an, macadam Anna M flush. rent for tar kettle William Howard, cinders John Ktetnschmidt. oil 7 00 I B Bigelow, stationery John McKinley, notary pub is services9 00 Itobt Love. freight on goods 1 85 Western Electric i.o, zinc, copper, etc30 40 E E Frith, removing dead animals 8 00 8 50 H L Conger, coal.... . Joho Kleinschmidt, hay and bran 16 00 L Daly, removing dead animals .. 4 00 J C Fitzpatrick, clerk board of health ... 200 00 Globe Light & Heat Co, 330 street lamps. 500 00 44 ., " " .. 50 00 Key City Gas Co, 53 street lamps 110 41. 41. gas Carr, Ryder Engler Co, shavings.... --- • • • : 118 50 50 The Harald, blank books • L Gonner, treasurer, moneyoadvanced.... 500 00 u do d .... 500 00 do do do .. 219 44 North British and Mercabt,le Insurance Co , insurance on city property 37 50 Liverpool, Loudon and Globe insurance 37 50 Co„ insurance on city property Commercial Union Assurance Co., insur- ance nsur 75 00 ance on city property..... Hanover Fire Insurance Co, insurance 37 50 on city proper ty Norwich Union Fire Insurance Co., in- BUT n- 37 60 sutance on city property Fireman's Fund instil ance00., insurance 37 50 on city property..... J. M McKenzie, feed boxe... for patrol 8 65 Reinfried & J-eger, supplies3 90 house8 Dubuque Wo 'den Ware Co., lumber 40 68 John Kleinschmidt. bran ai d salt .. Robert McGivern, damages to cistern14 00 0 . The Telegraph, advertising 2975 00 The Herald, 4 29 15 The Times, 44 29 15 The Ledger. juror on Merz street 2 00 Justus Bechtel, 2 00 Chasrn Apel, " 4 44 2 00 Juliusk reds, i4 44 2 00 Julius A. Voelr, " " 44 2 00 Chris. Vaelker, 4• 2 00 H. Nagelmaker, 44 ,4 44 2 00 E. W Duncan, 14 442 00 J. H. Carroll, 44 4, 2 00 J Christman,, 4r 4; 2 00 Jas. O'Connor, 44 2 00 Ira Hansen,44 64 46 2 Ou A. Buesch, Sioux City sufferers, flood sufferers. •• 500 00 Chas. V. Bauman, salary • •'insurance on American Ii,surance Co , city property............ Jersey Insurance co.,insurance on city property ........ Dubuque Fire and Marinelnsurance Co, insurance on city p Pety Key City Insurance Co , tnsarance on city property ............... . I heteby certify that the foregoing is a truaand the rmonth of May, 1ect Mt of all to drawn by me d J. C. FITZ'ATRICK, Recorder. 255 00 2 75 8 00 40 193 Official Notices. AN ORDINANCE. Requiring the making of eunnect:ous with san- itary sewer s Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That whenever it shall appear to the city council that any property owner on any street, alley, avenue or public highwty along wh ch a sanitary sewer has been constructed, has failed, neglected or recused to make proper at d necessary horse connections for th° proper car rying off of house or privy sewage, the city council may, by resolut'on, order such proper sewer connections to be made i y such property owner, a.•d earn resolutioe shall state the name of the owner or owners of the proper- ty to be taus connected by sewer, with a descrip- tion of the property, and fix the time in said res olution within whi h such connections shall be made, and shall also melte that if said co' nec- ttons are not made by the time specified the coun- cil shall order such work and connections made and assess the cost and expenses thereof against the property to be thus connected by sewer. Sec. 2 A copy of said re olutinn, duly attested by the city recorder, snail forthwith be served upon such property o ner or owners, or his or their duly authorized agent or attorney. The service thereof shall he made by the e,ty mar- shal, who must endorse thereon his return and file the same with the city recorder, and when- ever it appears that such property owner or own- ers are nou•residenis,and have no duly author zed agent or attorney upon whom servi e can be made, then and in that case the said notice ' hall be published in the official paper of the city of Dubuque for five times. And the service of a copy of said resolution, as herein prov ded, shall be deemed sufficient to require such property to make said sewer connections. Sec. 3 Whenever any property owner who has been duly served with notice to make such sewer connections shall neglect or refuse so to do, then and in hat case the council may order the same to be done by contract. after plane for said im- provement have been submitted and approved by the city council, and for that purpose they ehal, advertise in the city paper for ten times for pro- posals for constructing said house drains or con- necting sewers. and assess the cost and expense there if against the proper.y to be thus coni ected, said work to be done under the supervision of the sewer inspector and committee on sewers, and said assessment shall be made and collected in the same manner as assessment, and taxes are levied, assessed and collected for the erection of lateral sewers as is provided in chapt r 94 of the re, iced o.dinances of the c.ty of Dubuque, of 1887. Sec 4. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage by this council and pub ica- tion ten times in the official papers of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted Oct. 3,1892, CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J.... FITZPATRICK, Recorder. 10t tip' COW AQeePPmpn1 Nr. rice OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, DUBUQUE. Iowa. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Main street from Second street to Ninth street; Locust street from Eighth street to Tenth street; Ninth street from Main street to Locust street; Apple street from Cleveland avenue to Rush street; Schroeder avenue from Seminary street to Leibnitz street; Rose street from Walnut street to Alta Vista street; Center Place from Rose to n line of McNulty's sub.; Burden avenue from Windsor avenue to city limits; Twenty-flfth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street; Twenty-sixth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street; all in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of the street railway occupying with its track a portion of said Main street, and to any person or persons, firm or company having any interest in said real estate or said railway: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the pity recorder of Du- buque, a plat of said above named streets in said city, showing the separate lots or par- cels of ground abutting on said streets and the tracks of the street railway laid thereon, subject to special assessment for the paving, guttering and curbing and macadamizing of said streets, and the names, as far as prac- ticable, of the several owners of said abut- ting real estate and of said street railway, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and against said rail- way, for the iuspection of any person, firm or company interested in any kind in said real estate or in said street rallway,and that such persou, firm or company, having any objections to the special ' ax proposed to be assessed as rhown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objections in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 23d day of November, 1392, at 7:30 p. m. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer, Dubuque, Iowa. Notice of Sate. Notice is hereby given that I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash on Friday, Nov. 25, 1893, at 2 o'clock p. m., the following described buildings situated on Lincoln avenue between Couler avenue and White street: One two story brick building, one two story frame building, also barns, woodsheds, etc., on side streets, said build- ings to be removed from said streets by pur- chaser within sixty days from date of sale. —12t S. B Rice, City Marshal. Close the yatoona. In accordance with the statutes of the state of Iowa, I hereby give notice that all saloons and places where liquor is sold must be kept closed this 8th day of November, 1892, a gen- eral election of said state being held upon that date. Said saloons must be kept closed between the hours of 8 a m. and 7 p. m. of said day, and any person guilty of an infraction of the said statute will be promptly arrested and punished as the law provides. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Special Aemesement Notice. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, ) 1 DUBUQUE, IOWA. To the owner or owners of the several lots and psrcelsof ground abutting Main street from Jones street to Second street; West Eleventh street from west of Race street; alley from West Eleventh street to Rose street, east of Race: alley from West Eleventh street to Rose street. west of Race street, all in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of the street railway occupying with its track a portion of said Main street, and to any person or persons, flrm or com- pany having any interest in said real es- tate or said railway: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in the ofiic3 of the city recorder of Dubuque, a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground abutting on said streets and alleys and the tracks of the street railway laid thereon. subject to special as- sessment for the paving, guttering and curb- ing and macadamizing of said streets and alleys, and the names, as far as practicable. of the several owners of said abutting real estate, and of said street railway, and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and against said railway, for the inspection of any person, firm or company interested in any kind in said real estate or in said street railway, and that such person, firm or company, having any objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objections in writing at or before the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 5th day of December, 1892, E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer, nov22101Dubuque, Iowa. I1 Official Notices. 194 Special Assessment Notice. To F. J. Swanson : You aro hereby notified that In accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Burden avanuefrom Windsor avenue to city limits, adopted on the 10th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot 39 in O'Neill's Riverview add, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 5th day of December, A. D. 1892, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. 10t J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Notice to Teamsters and Owners of of Vehicles. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, IOWA, Nov. 1,1892. You are hereby notified that the ordinance "To protect the paved and macademized streets of the City of Dubuque, and for that purpose to regulate the width of the tires of wagons, trucks, drays and other vehicles used for the transportation of heavy arti• cies," is now in full force and effect, and any teamster, truckman, drayman, cartman, or other person who drives, or uses, or permits to be driven or used, on any of the paved or macadamized streets of the City of Dubuque, any wagon drawn by more than one horse or mule, or any truck, dray, cart or other vehicle used for the hauling of any kind of merchandise, lumber, cord wood, pine wood, coal, ice, stone, brick, earth, sand or gravel, or other heavy articles of any kind, unless the tires of the wheels of such wagon, truck, dray, cart or other vehicle shall be three and one-half inches in width, shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Any person who shall be guilty of violating the above order, shall on conviction thereof, be fined $1 00 for the first offense with costs of suit; and for each subsequent offense shall be fined not less than five nor more than twenty dollars with costs of suit. To avoid further trouble and expense you will take heed of above order, as from this date I shall see that the ordinance is strictly enforced. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Special Assessment Notice. To Jas. F. Crider, Geo. Mallart and Christ Higley: You ,are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Main street from Seventeenth street to Charter street, adopted on the 10th day of November, A. D. 18922, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 70a and west 4 feet 71, in city, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be on the 5th day of December, A. D. 1892, and show cause, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. lot J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. 1 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. 195 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. Council met at 9;40 o'clock a m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present.—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glob, Nicks, 011uger, Page. Peaslee and Smith. Ordered that the minutes of the session of November 7 on page 174 be corrected by adding to the report of the jury wbo assess- ed damages by reason of change of grade on Madison and Seminary streets the names of the jurors, L. M. LangsialL James Howie and John Wunderlich. Also that the min- utes of the adj uurued session of November 10 be corrected co show that the couucil adjourned to November 23, 1592. Also that the recorder notify the official paper that they will be compelled to reprint the official proceedings it they are not free of typo- graphical errors. Action on the passage of bills was post- poned until afternoon. The following petitions were referred to the assessment committee: Mrs. Mary Need- ham, J. Herod and Mary 13. Wallis, H. B. and J. B Glover and Mrs John Cheetham. Petition of George Atkins for permission to grade the alley between Hill street and Winona avenue. Referred to the street com- mittee and engineer. Petition for damages by reason of grading Oak street. Referred to the street commit- tee. Petition for improvement of West Seven- teenth street. Referred to the street com- mittee Petition for improvement of Catherine and Angelis streets. Referred to the street committee Petition for opening of State street Re- ferred to the street committee. Claim of Thomas Hassett of $195 for filling done ou South Locust street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Dubuque Pressed Brick com- pany asking that its assessment be fixed for ten years at $10,0.10 on realty and personalty, commencing Jauuary, 1893. Referred to the committee of the whole. Petition for removal of obstruction on O'Neill street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Communication of C. H. White & Co. in relation to ons amounting to $1,050; referred to the finption of outlawed ance committee. Communication of Iowa Columbian com- mission for a copy of city directory. Re- corder instructed to forward copy per quest. Petition of George Mehl to have alley graded between Clay and White and Seventh and Eighth streets. The engineer was in- structed to e a between Seventh hand e Eighth and betweerofile of grade of n White and Clay streets. permission. Petition of George Mehl asking p to build a stairway in alley at corner of Seventh and White streets. Granted during the pleasure of the council. Petition for opening of Twenty-sixth street across the railroad track of the Chicago Great Western Railroad company., Aid. Olinger moved that when the parties who laid out the addition and the partessigning ofe this petition guarantee to pay, p a- opeuiug said street, that the city will then proceed to opoa the same. Carried. Petition of Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company, j put in the order of the council ordering them to p iron culverts at Jackson street, ou both sides of Sanford street and on north side of Rhom- berg avenue. Ald. Page moved that further time be granted. Ald. Olinger moved as an amendment that the resolution be enforced in so far as it ap- plies to Rhomberg avenue Carried. Petition of P. H Murray for extensi n of sewer from Bluff street to corner St. Marv's and West Third streets. Referred to the sewer committee and the engineer instructed to prepare plans for sewer. Communication of M. L. Borth for position in fire department referred to the committ. e on fire and water. Proposition of Quigley & Tuttle to refund city debt. Received and tiled and ordered that when the city intends to refund the city debt it will advertise. Communication of the City Council Jour- nal asking the city to subscribe for that journal. Che recorder was instructed to subscribe for a copy for each alderman and a copy for the mayor. The matter of locating electric lights at High bridge referred to the committees on police and iight and electrical construction. The matter of discontinuing gasoline and gas lamps referred to the city electrician with power to have same discontinued Aid Page moved that;street commissioner have steps on Motu street between Seven- enteenth and Seminary streets, put iu safe condition. Carried. Aid. Page moved that the Globe Light and Heat Co. he tns•.ructed to ole a report of the location of their lights. Carried The rules were suspended and M. M. Cady addressed the council and objected to assess- ment for improvement of alley between Walnut and Race and hetween West Elev- enth and Rose streets. On motion, referred to street committee and eogiueer. REPORTS OF OFFICERS Auditor Kenety reported cash on hand Nov. 1, 189.2, $50 818 49. Receipts for Novem- ber 819 327.55. Cash on hand Dec. 1, $15,- 388 67. Also reported $16 519 23 in the bonded improvement fund; also that the tax books for 1892 amounting $215,924 67 had been turned over to the treasurer for collection; also reported $1,638 50 due city officers for November; also presented list of coupons re- deemed. Report received and filed and warrants ordered to pay city oifiaers. Chief Reinfeied reported $1.300 due the fire and Gleed the warranof lts ordered Re- ceived o pay same. Marshal Rice reported $1,793 30 due the police for November; also reported eighty- two police cases tried during November; a'so having made eightv-tour patrol runs; also reported $23 pound receipts; also re- ported having made the following col– lections: $10 for abating nuisance, $303 sale of building, $120 saloon license, $6 15 from Dubuque Water company for elec- tricians services and $'.from Martin Kerwin for filling. Received and flied and warrants ordered to pay police. Street Commissioner Carter reported $2,- 028.85 due for street work for NJvember; also presented au itemized statement of same Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Marketmaster Norton reported $32 scale receipts for November; also $1240 due for bd woarrant ordered to pay b ners. Received and of anp prisoners. one s Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $1 024 05 due for i flarNovem- ber. Received and flied sewers wrts order- ed to pay same. MarehaL Rice reported $131.11 due for driving piles for garbage dump. Ordered paid Charles Pitschner reported scale receipts 196 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. of West Dubuque scales $3.64. Received and filed. T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales $I0.15. Received and filed. D. Hoffmann, justice of the peace. report- ed, $4u.25 collected on city ordinance cases during November. Received and filed J. P. Schroeder reported scale receipts of Eighth street scales $2.19. Received and flied. Lamplighter Coughlin renorted having lighted 53 gas lamps during November. Re- ceived and filed Mrs. C. Deckert reported scale receipts of Eagle Point avenue scales $3.43. Received and filed. The jury appointed to assess damages by reason of the opening of Louisa street re ported as follows: DUBUQUE, Dec. 2. 1892. We, the undersigned jurors duly appoint- ed and qualified, he eby assess the damages as follows by reason of the extension of Louisa street, between North and South streets: John Corbett, lot 24 John Corbett, lot 25 John Corbett. lot 26 Ntck and Frank Glab, lot 59 $'50 150 11)0 200 8600 Respectfully submitted. John W. Halpin, Gottfried Gmeble, S. A. Atherton, B Wesrercamp, John Jess, Arthur O'Malley, Chas. Mehl. Robert McGivern, A Ellwanger, Lewis C. Fuller, Peter Specht, Peter Kiene, Sr. Action postponed. City Attorney McCarthy reported having procured deed from Wilhelmina Kruse to lot 2 of 2, in Hughes' sub, for the widening of Delhi street, and recommended that deed be accepted and money paid. Report adopted. Alio reported as follows on remonotrance against paying special assessment for im- provement of Clark street: That the en.i- neer re -measure and assess for Clark street only as ordered by the city council; that it was an error to measure up West Seven teenth street. Report adopted. Engineer Blake presented return of right of way notice for widening of Weigel alley. Received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: Herewith present to you city treasurer's re- port for November, and recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of L Gonner for $79J.33, being the amount of money advanc- ed by him, and further recommend that loan warrants be drawn for $16,000. Report adopted. Ald. Byrne, chairman of the committeeon claims, reported in favor of allowing J. W. Halpin, John Jess and Jas. O'Connor $1.00 each for qualifying as a juror on the Fourth street extension matter. In favor of paying the following bills: Geo. G Perry, 2i cents; T. J. Conlin, 25.00; M. H. Cushing. 426.00. Report adopted. Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported as follows: Instruct the engineer to notify the owners of property that has to be taken for the opening of State street to appear and show cause why said extension should not be made. Report adopted. That the following amounts, and that the balcontractors be anceaid f any be held hack until such time as their contracts shall have been completed accord- ing to contract: Steuck & O'Farrell, Maple s'reet 4306 68 Steu82 89 E. EcFriith, T enty. hird streWindsor et 208 208 05 Geo. Taylor, Twenty-fourth street 265 98 Geo. Taylor, Twenty-fifth street.. 259 52 Geo. Taylor, Twenty sixth street 261 60 O. G. Kringle, Algona avenue.... 703 41 No,ton & Lee. Cornell and Thomas streets 409 34 Meehan & Hassett, South L Joust Sc163 64 John Tilley Hill street 846 07 Steuck & O'Farrell, Fourteeuth street 198 72 Warrants ordered to pay same and to be held until the mayor is satisfied that all street aprons are put on. Receive and file petition of August Roeber asking that be be allowed compensa- tion for a bridge on Fifth avenue. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing the proposed extension of Oak street to Rising avenue, according to the ordinance on that subject. That Cornell and Thomas streets have been completed according to contract.and recom- mend that the petition of James Howie et al. objeetung to said improvement be received and filed. Grant petition of P H. Murray et al for improvement of St. Mary's street between West Third and Emmett streets. Grant petition of J. J. Grigg et al. for a sidewalk on south side of Grace street. That they are favorable to allowing the Paragon Oil company to lay a 2 -inch pipe under Char,er street, at the pleasure of the council. In favor of paying the following bills: F. Sobloz $ 1 95 Wm. Greenhow 2 70 Guthrie & Chesterman 3 00 Geo. E Taylor 100 00 Report adopted. Also made the following report, which was referred to the committee of the whole: To the Hon. _Mayor and Council: GENTLEMEN—Your committee on streets beg leave to report that there are a number of streets which the contractors thereof want us to examine and accept. but said streets ought to have been completed for the last two months or more. but now it will be impossible to have said streets rolled and covered so as to complete the work. Your committee would therefore ask for instructions es to the propriety of examin- ing said streets and accept same as far as completed or wait until such time as said streets can be completed and accepted by the city. It will be a hardship on the con- tractors to wait for their money until then, and if said streets could be accepted so far as they are now completed and the special assessment levied against abutting property for cost of same, the city could pay said con- tractors a part of their money and hold the balance back until said contracts are finally completed. Ald. Glab offered the following which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of Grace street, between Grandview avenue and East street, at expense of abetting property. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the following b 113: John Harney $ 11 70 B E. Linehan 144 00 Carr, Ryder & Engler 20 Report adopted. Ald. Smith, eported minnof the favor of allowing the following bills: Herald $75 00 Ledger 29 15 Times company..., 29 15 Also receive and flle 150 for August and SeptemberlHerald of as the same $has been paid. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on 4 4 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. 197 police and light, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Globe Light and Beat company $551 67 Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power company 666 30 Key. City Gas company 114 35 Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction, reported as fol- lows: Your committee, to whom was referred with power the recommendation of the chief of the fire department for additional fire alarm apparatus, reports that upon care- ful consideration owing to the immediate necessities, we have ordered from the Game - well Fire Alarm Telegraph Co. of Chicago (1) indicator and gong combination—set gong to be 15 inches—one of the latest im- proved automatic, non interfering repeaters with a capacity for (5) circuits, together with switch board, galvanometers, fuse spring jacks and cords and tapping keys to correspond; all of the above to be furnished and placed in readiness in the Central en- gine house for operation in connection with our present system—our present reoeater to be turned in as part pay ment. Report adopted Aid Page, chairman of the committee on sewers, reported as follows: In favor of approving the plans and speci- fications for a sanitary sewer in alley be- tween Jackson and Washington and Tenth and Seventeenth streets. In favor ot approving plans and specifica- tions for a sanitary sewer on West Fifth and Roberts avenue from Wilson avenue to West Eighth street. Allow $125 0J an bill of John Heim of $141.30 for brick. Receive aikd file remonstrance against the extension of the sanitary sewer on Roberts avenue as we believe the sewer is a necessity and will be a great benefit to the abutting property owners, a majority of whom want said sewer extended In favor of granting petition of E. A. Spaulding for sanitary sewer on Roberts avenue. Report adopted. Also reported as follows: Your committee on sewere to which was referred the wtthin petition of numerous citizens residing on Couler avenue, Washington, Jackson and other streets iu the second sewerage district asking to have the sewerage system extend- ed t given he eubject careful having attentionare strongly of the opinion that the pray er of the petition c,ught to be granted,and prompt action taken by the counoil for that pur- pose. We therefore recommend as a first neces- sary step, that the main sanitary sewer ou Washington street be extended its presentnorthern terminusat Fite nth street, along Washington street to Sanford street; and also that the branch sewers nec- essary for the house drainage of that portion of the second sewerage district be construct- ed at the same time, and that the city engi- neer pecificationssrnfor conscted to true ing are plans said main and branch sewers. It will probably be necessary to still fur- ther extend the main sewer into that portion of the second sewerage district northuf San- ford street very soon. if not immediately, recommendationand the neer on that point shallbe called forfty or. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that when the engi- neer report on the foregoing recommenda- t tion xnd the sewerrfat hether it is advisable to et her north than Sanford street. Carried. Ald Page offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque:. That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to adverttte Lir proposals for a sanitary sewer on West Fifth street and Roberts avenue between Wilson avenue and West Eighth streets according to plans and specifications approved by the city coun- cil. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Page offered the following: Resolved, by the city council ot the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to advertise for bids for the construction of a sanitary sewer in the alley between Jacks rn and Washington and Tenth and Seventeenth streets according to plana and specifications approved by the city council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 o'clock p. m.—Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of instructing the engineer to pre- pare plans and specifications for a storm sewer to drain the storm water north of San- ford street, as we believe that the within plans of the tile sewerage are inadequate for the purpose. Report adopted. petition of In favor of granting the p Shepple & Zeideman to have a sidetrack laid across Nineteenth street and on Pine street, provided that no movable part of said track be laid on Nineteen th street, at the pleasure of the council. Report adopted. In favor of deterring action until spring on the petition of N Kimbel asking for as- sistance to operate the Eagle Point terry, and then consider the advisability of giving the said N. Kimbel such assistance as may be deemed just and proper Repore adopted. Instruct the street commissioner to repair the sidewalk and fence belonging to Geo. W. Jones on Cox and West Fourteenth street, and also repair Cox street so that the water willehe residence d dence of Geo. W. Jones, ifpos- stole. Report adopted. As follows, on communication of the mar- shal :in relation to condition of the police pa- trol, "That the committee on fire have pro- vided horses for said patrol, and that the matter of repairing the wagon be referred to the committee on poiice and light." Re- port ed. In favorofallowing Grace Robinson to construct areas in the alley back of building to be constructed on the corner of Iowa and Eleventpleasure leasu eof the streets, ouncisaid l riiviledge to be at the Report adopted. In fa sor of paying Atkinson & Oloff the 20 prim- ovement ofer cent. held Main street,t. hback on them or saide sty et is completed and accepted according to con- tract. Ald. Page moved as an amendment that Atkinson & Oloff be paid the 20 per cent. now. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks and Page. Noes—Alds. Cushing, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Also reported as follows: Your commit- tee to whom was referred the veto of the mayor of the resolution of the city council remitting for five years the city taxes of the Key City Electric Railway, company, on condition that said company should com- 198 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. ptete and operate its line to Center street in West Dubuque within (30) thirty days. and run its cars each way as often as once in twenty (20) minutes, and also on certain other conditions, would respectfully report that in order to harmonize the views and differences of opinion between the mayor and a majority of the council, we recom- mend that said resolution he rescinded and the following resolution fixing the assess- ment of the railway and property used in its operation at live thousand dollars (85 000) per annum for five years, commencing with the year 1892, and remitting the taxes of 1891, be adopted in lieu thereof. A resolution fixing the taxable value of the Eighth Street and West Dubuque Street railway : WHEREAS, The continuance of the electric street railway, now owned by the Eighth Street and West Dubuque Street railway, is of great public im. ortance, and its opera- tion has heretofore been attended with great financial loss and there is •danger that its operation will be abandoned altogether to the great injury of the public and the serious depreciatiou of the taxable value of prop- erty adjarent thereto; therefore, be it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the taxable value of the electric street railway now owned by the said E ghth Street and West Dubuque Street railway, and of the extension to Center street in West Dubuque, and all other property whatsoever, appurtenant to and connected with such road, and proper to be used in the operation thereof, shall be assessed for taxation at the sum of $5 000 per annum for the period of five years, be- ginning Jan. 1, 1592. such sum shall cover all municipal taxation of the city of Dubuque; and said valuation shall apply to said prop- erty without reference to who at any time may be the owner thereof: provided, how- ever, and this grant is made upon the ex- press condition that within thirty days from the passage and approval of this resolution the said line of road shall be extended to the corner of Delhi avenue and Center street, and that it shall be operated so that cars passing each way, over the whole of said road between 6 a m. and 10 p. m shall not be more than twenty minutes apart Upon the completion of said extension to Delhi avenue and Center street, as aforesaid. and the filing of written acceptance of his reso- lution by said electric line, the city of Du- buque will cancel and remit the city taxes assessed against the Key City Electric Street Railway company for the year 1891 ;or if said taxes of 1891 have been paid by the holder of the tax certificate given by the city treas- urer at the sale for the taxes of the property of said company for 'he y ear 1890, the city will repay to the holder of said certificate the amount so paid by him for the delin- quent tax of 1891, provided the railway company shall pay the holder of such cer- tificate any penalty or interest which may have accrued on said payment of the taxes of 1891. Ald Cushing moved that that part of the report referring to the refunding of the taxes of 1891 be stricken out Lost by the following vote: ANoes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Pagnd O,iPeas- Peas - lee and Smith. The report as presented was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne, Crawford. GIab, Page, Peaslee and Smith Noes—Alda Cushing Nicks and Olinger Also made the following report: Your committee of the whole having had under consideration the communication of the Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress in regard to the use of the third story of the new Central engine house as a public hall, respectfully report that as we understand the purpose and intention of the city coun- cil, the city will have and retain full and en- tire control of that part of the building as well as every other • portion of it. While the council baa granted to Co. A, F,rst regiment Iowa national guard, better known as the "Governor's Greys," the privilege of using the third story of the building as an armory and drill room. We see no reason why the hall cannot also under proper regulation be used for other public purposes whenever the city council shall grant permission. As a large amount of valuable state and com- pany property will be stored in said build- ing, we believe that the military company should be allowed the exclusive use of the rooms in the rear of the large hall, and we recommend that it be granted until other- wise ordered by the council. N e further recommend that the use of the hall other than a drill room be restricted to public gatherings for purposes and objects of general interest to toe citizens and tax payers of Dubuque, and not grant to private societies, clubs. Judges or other private or- ganizations. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and Mr. Eugene Adams addressed the council and objected to assessment for improvement of Maiu street for the reason that his property does not abut on Main street On motion the matter was referred to the city attorney and engineer. Mr. Robert Jass also addressed the council and objected to paying assessment for the imorovement of Main street. Ald Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: Receive and file bill of D. Sutherland of $61.25 for covering for streets alleged to have been sold to the city. as said D. Sutherland asked the foreman if he would not haul said material from the premises without coat to the city. Io favor of paying the following bills: Svendson & Ott $16 95. P. C. Foley $1.75, John Kleinschmidt $ 35 25, Baumgartner & Klein $17 70, Svendson & Ott $8.95. Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing company 59c, Baumgartner & Klein $12 15, Carr, Ryder & Bugler company 15e, Novelty Iron works $5 25, T. W. Ruete $1 75, Reinfried & Jaeger $9.69; H. Corrance $3 95, Iowa Iron works 81.45, Tom Connolly $i 50, Standard Lumber company g14 03, Key City Lime works 16.5'), F Schloz $2.10, Treater Bros. $16, Bart E. Linehan $4 40, Novelty Iron works $2.99, Key City Gas company $29 9l, Standard Oil company S9 Allow $29 70 on bill of W. S. Molo of $41 85, as balance of said bill has been paid. Report adopted. Ald. t'age, chairman of the committee on sewers, reported as follows: Your committee on sewers beg leave to report that they have examined and accept- ed the sanitary sewer on Hill, Burch and West Third streets, constructed by Lavin & Corrance, contractors Report adopted. HILLS The following bills were ordered paid : Name For What Purpose Amount. Mrs. A. Heim, sewer brick $ 763 00 28 70 Burdt & Keller, " 551 00 C. H. Reeves, railroad fare and ex• pense in ease of Kreis vs city .. , . 15 00 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery, 90 2 75 99 75 90 90 5 50 89 i)0 1 5) James Kelly, Telegraph, blanks, etc Hardie & Scharle, blanks, etc B Lagen livery hire J mea Lahey, wood .1 C. Jacobi, hat and coat rack John Bell, repairs at Eighteenth st engine house T W Fitzpatrick & Co., horseshoe- ing Lear & P6Tner, horaeshoeing 74 20 4 001 2 01) Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. 199 Iowa iron Works, water tubes for engine 329 58 Albert Kaunolt. horseshoeing 12 111) A Wunderlich. „ 15 20 Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware17 95 Chicago. Burlington R R , freight 3 68 Headford Bros., manhole covers24 01 Atkinson & Olof extra labor 45 55 H. Corrance, oil, matches, etc 5 20 Headford Bros manhole covers35 63 Christman & Healey, hardware19 02 John Pickley. sand.... ........ 30 00 Bart E Linehan, cement and sewer pipe 143 45 Mr. & Mrs. Koenig janitor services 31 6' Fire and Water, advertising 2 00 John Scbrup, inspector on Main st . 22 50 G. B. Grosvenor. books 2 110 Chas. Brown, assistant for engineer 28 51i Portland Paving Co., laying walk117 04 u filling sidewalk17 10 R.W. Rodgers, repairing sidewalk3355 30 0 Paul Ilg, asst. engineer 15 77 5 Chas. Smith, rodman for engineer Henry Giah asst. engineer' 5) 00 Tschirgi & Kringle, wall on Algona 29 75 avenue George E. l'aylor, resetting curb9 45 Norton & Lee, sewer on W. Locust 2 street 48 00 Benjamin Van Vranken, flush tanks 305 00 E E.Frith. grading Frances street190 00 Tschtrgi & Kriogie, sewer on Main 202 50 street 3 00 /larger & Blish, Carbo .P Portland Paving Co., cutting d ,wn trees and resetting areas 19 00 50 M. Kilburg, macadam P. F Guthrie, grading West Four- teenth street Steuck & O'Farrell. grading Burden 500 avenu 00 Stanek & O'Farrell, grading Main street 337 33 E. E. Frith, grading Schroeder ave- nue 80 00 Ulrich Ruoff, storm sewer on llth 1,226 77 street The following bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: Wm. G. Watters R. Lorenz John Toussaint Dubuque Mattress Factory . Duggan Sullivan & Kinsella P. H. Halpin Christman & Healey Western Electric company. T. W. Rnete Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing company Carr, R der & Engler company Standard Oil company Ellwanger Bros Baumgartner & Kleih Dubuque Wooden Ware company.. Wm. G. Watters Standard Oil company Key City Gas company. The E M. Dickey company Baumgartner & Kleih Key Cit) Gas company Duggan & Kane Baumgartner & Kleih W. M Greenhow Duggan & Kane Key City Gas company To the street committee— Ulrich Ruof T. Hassett E. E Frith Lavin & Corrance Lavin & Corrance Lavin & Corrance Peterson & Co John Sewer 0 G Kringle Ed Ryan D. W Linehan Norton & Lee 25 50 Ned Morgan 36 00 P. Quinn 9130 John Pickley 22 72 M J. Hannon 11 28 John Cohi.,s 19 70 J. Karch 36 50 13 D. Linehan 3 91 Knapp, Stoat & Co. Co 1 15 Christman & Healey 3 75 Svendsen & Ott 12 20 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co 7 70 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co 2 38 Novelty Iron Works 1 13 Novelty Iron Work' 3 40 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co 6 74 To the committee on pubiio grounds and buildings— Joseph u ldings— 4 50 Joseph Geiger.... 2254 00 Wm. Howard Dubuque Water Works 400 1870 00 Andrew Reilly To be electrical committee— 8 92 Electrical Supply Co75 J. Buntiug 1 75 James McCracken Pcer Stouffer 75 R. Triggiliis 11 00 Wm Quinlan 8 00 Portland Paving Co 7 00 J. L. Bunting 1 57 Western Electric Co 141 61 To the committee on police and light— 75 Joseph Geiger 3 70 M M Hoffmann l 70 Peter R Martin 551 07 Globe Light & Heat Co Dubuque Electric RailwayL & P.Co 1 6 23 30 Kev City Gas Co 19 50 L Kress To the committee on printing— 75 On The Herald 75 CO pemokrat 75 00 German Catholic Printing Co 87 00 Telegraph 58 30 Ledger To committee on fire and 30 1 water— Iowa Iron Works 0 Iowa Iron Works 12 60 Dubuque Water Co 1,212 00 6,1 01 To committee on claims— 50 37 50 P. E. Strelau 50 12 00 E. C. Blake 9 85 To committee on finance, Lavin & Cor - 5 95 ranee, $1.7242'3. 1 70 The bill of Larry Daily, $8 35 Referred to 18 03 the committee on markets. 75 The bill of Carson McElratb, $91. Referred to ex -committee board of healtn. 1 25 Bill agaiust Norton & Lee, $15.84, for curb 95 taken from West Locust street. Referred to 9 00 auditor for collection. 16 05 Petition of L C. Bissell for permission to 4 85 make connection with sanitary sewer on 26 95 West Third street. Referred to the sewer 62 44 committee. 4 20 The following bills for street rolling were 14 79 referred to the auditor for col ection : $219 77 5 50 Atkinson & Oloff 3 65 John Williams and Chas. Bevine 91. 20 91 15 9 74 Lavin & Corrance 2 40 Petition of Mary C. Blake in relation to 8 8) special assessment, referred t.1 the delinquent 30 tax committee. 7 65 Protest of D J. Hennessy against special 55 55 assessmentain street againstfor timprovement36 city of Referred to city 535 00 attorney. 7. 50 Petition of E. H. Sheppley for permission 26 70 to erect an outside stairway on the north 1 50 side of Lincoln avenue and White street. 35 97 Referred to the committee of the whole. S8 80 Engineer Blake and Street Commissioner 540 CO Carter made the following report whi,;h was 30 10 referred to the street committee: 877 69 To the honorable Members of the Street Com - 1.131 00 inittee: 168 75 GENTLEMEN: The street commissioner and 200 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. myself have examined the following streets in accordance with instructions from the street committee: We find Frances and Washington streets to contain the required amount ot macadam; Dubuque avenue, Decorah, Delaware and Alta avenues in Woodlawn Park in a fair condition; the grading on some parts of the sidewalk is not fully completed; two blocks on Auburn avenue in fair condition, the other blocks are not complete; the lower end of 0 ,k street in Union addition has the required amount of macadam; from Apple to Belle s reet there is from one to three inches of macadam shortage The above mentioned streets are all we have examined. Respectfully submitted. E C. BLAKE, City Eogineer. JonN CARTER, Street Commissioner. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Grant avenue and West Eleventh street west of Race street, by John Williams and Charles Bevine, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and the same is hereby levied on the several lots, and parrs of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op• posits each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. W. Hosford, lot7, Cain's sub: 155 3 lineal ft curbing at 450.$ 69 88 67.70 sq yds guttering, 45c.... :10 46 241.17 eq yds macadam at 45c. 108 53 $ 208 87 Henrietta Thompson, lot 13, Cain's sub: 143 1 lineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 64 40 65 38 sq yds guttering at 453.. 29 42 228 7 sq yds u. acadam at 45c.. 102 92 $ 196 74 A. W. Hostord, lot 17, Cain's sub: 92.6 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 19 17 18.93 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 8 52 70.23 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 6U $ 59 29 Martha L. Gruner, lot 16. Cain's sub: 42.4 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 19 03 18 84 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 8 43 68.31 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 30 74 -$ 58 30 A. W. Hosford, lot 15, Cain'., sub: 42 4 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 19 08 18.84 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 8 43 68 31 sq yds macadam at 45c.. 31 74 -$ 58 30 A. W. Hosford. lot 14. Cain's sub: 53 9 lineal ft curbing at 45c...$ 24 26 23 70sq yds guttering at 45o.. 10 66 97 77 sq yds macadam at 450 . 44 00 -$ 78 92 J. P. Earley, lot 22, Cummins' sub out lot 739, city: 112.8 lineal ft curbing at 45c..$ 50 76 49 33 sq yds guttering at 45o.. 22 20 192 06 sq yds macadam at 45c. 86 43 --$ 159 39 Andrew Drees, lot 1, out lot 738, pity : 113 9lineal ft curbing at 45c. $ 51 25 47.51 sq yds guttering at 45c.. 21 38 178.87 sq yds macadam at 45o. 80 50 $ 153 13 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of alleys from West Eleventh to Rose (alley east of Race street,) by Lavin & Corrance, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned. and each lot for or the several amounts set opposite parcel of real estate. as follows: Garrett Fleming, lot 13 Cummins' sub out lot 739 city : 11. cub yds grading at 1234c.. $ 1 33 47.64 sq yds macadam at 45c. 21 44 ---$ 22 32 Martin Kerwin, lot 14 Cuumina' sub outlot 739 city : 11. cub yds grading at 12Mc..$ 1 33 39.11 sq yds macadam at 45c..-4 54$ 13 98 Martin Kerwin, lot 15 Cummins' out lot 739 : 11. cub yds grading at 1234c..$ 1 38 39 11 sq yds macadam at 450.. 17 60 C. hath, a 2-3 lot 16 Cummins' sub out lot 739 city : 11. cub yds grading at 1234c..$ 91 26.03 sq yds macadam at 55c. 11 74--$ 12 65 I. Cleminson, a 1.3 lot 16 Cummins' sub outilot 739 city : 3.7cub yds grading at 1214c..$ 46 13.01 sq yds macadam, 45o... 5 86 ----t6 6 39 18 93 I. Cleminson, a 1.3 lot 17 Cummins' sub out 1ot739 city : 3 7 cub yds grading at 123i;c .$ 46 13.04sq yds macadam, 45c.... 5 86 --4 6 32 Ira Hanson n% of lot 17,Cummins' sub out lot 739, city : 7 3 cub yds grading, 1234c.... 91 26.08 sq yds macadam, 45c.... 11 74 --- 12 65 James Howie, lot 8, Cummins' sub out lot 739, city : 11 cub yds grading, 12y4'... . 1 38 3911 sq yds macadam, 45c.... 17 00 Stephen Harughty, lot 9,Cummins' sub out lot 739, city : 11 cub yds grading, 12hc 1 33 39.11 eq yds macadam, 45c17 6U J. W. McNett, n 36 ft lot 10, Cum- mins' sub out lot 739. city : 7.2 cub yds grading, 1234c90 25.60 sq y ds macadam, 45c11 52 W. W. Wilkinson, s 19 ft lot 10.Cum- mins' sub out lot 739, city : 3.8 cub yds grading, 1234o47 13 51 sq yds macadam, 45c6 08 $ 6 55 W. W. Wilkinson, lot 11, Cummins' sub out lot 739. city : 11 cub yds grading, 1234c 1 38 39.11 sq yds macadam, 45c17 60 ;$ 18 98 Chas H. Snow, lot 12, Cummins' sub out lot 739. city : 11 cub yds grading, 1234c 1 38 47.64 sq yds macadam, 45 21 44 $ 22 82 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Gieb. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: .Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That to pay for improvement of alley from West Eleventh to Rose street (al- ley west of Race st.) by' Lavin & Corrance, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. W. Hostord, lot 14 Cain's sub: 165.1 cu yds grading at 23c$ 37 97 156.0 sq yds macadam at 45c. 70 20 $ 108 17 18 98 18 98 12 42 l 3 1 sed Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. 201 A. W. Hoetord, lot 20, Cain's sub: 165.4 cu yds grading at 230...$ 38 04 153 33 sq yds macadam at 45c 69 00 $ 107 04 Mrs. H. Cummins, lot 18, Cum- mins' sub of outlot 739, city: 69.7 cu yds grading at 230....$ 16 03 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 27 508 43 53 Mrs. Dora Reed, lot 19, Cummins' sub of outlot 739 city : 69.7 on yds grading at 23c....$ 16 03 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 27 5043 53$ Wm. Gilliam, lot L20, Cummins' sub of outlot 739, city : 69.7 cu yds grading at 230....8 16 03 61.11 aq yds macadam at 45c. 27 50 53 J. :P. Earley, lot 21, Cummins' $ 43sub of outlot 739, city : 69.7 cu yds grading at 230....$ 16 03 61.11 aq yds macadam at 45c. 27 50- $ 43 53 J. P. Earley, lot 22, Cummins' sub of outlot 769. city : 69.7 cu yds grading at 230....$ 16 03 61.11 sq yds macadam at 45c. 27 50--$ 43 52 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Burne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. (9 ) Noes -None. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Main street from Seventeenth to Charter streets, by Atkinson & Oloff, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby Levied on u he several lots, and parts of lots; and parcels of real estate hereinafter named,situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. A. Cooper, w 34 lot 4 A, city : 7.1 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 3 55 16.7 lineal ft old curb reset, 9c 1 50 133.05 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 224 85--$ 229 90 T. O. Sullivan, s 34 lot 4 A, city : 20.4 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 10 20 29 47 sq yds brink pav, $1.6949 80$ 80 00 A. W. Albee, lot 4, city: 15.9 lineal tt curbing. 50o $ 7 95 8.1 lineal ft old curb reset. 90. 73 34.67 sq yds brick pav, $1 6958 59$ 67 27 Rich. Hinde, n 34 lot 3 A, city : 21.4 lineal ft curbing, 50o $ 10 70 30.91 sq yds brick pav, $1.6952 24 -$ 62 94 A. W. Bernier, s 34 lot 3 A, city: 7 4 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 3 70 14.00 lineal It oid curb reset,9c 1 26 30 91 sq yds brick pav, $1.6952 24$ 57 20 Wm. Coates, lot 3, pity: 15.0 lineal ft curbing, 50e $ 10 70 31.7 sq yds brick pav, $18952 24$ 62 94 Wm. Coates, lot 2 A, city : 42.4 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 21 20 61.82 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 104 48--$ 125 68 Wm. Coates, n 21.8 feet lot 2, city: 21.7 lineal ft curbing at 5008 10 85 31.34 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 52 9663 81 Alex Simplot. s 4-12 ft lot 2. city : .3 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 15 .43 sq yds brick pav at $ L 6973 _$ 88 Alex Simplot, n 215 ft lot 1, city :. 21.4 lineal ft curbing at 500 .$ 10 70 30.91 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 52 24 --$ 62 94 Alex Simplot, m 21.8 ft lot 1, city: 21 7 lineal ft curbing at 500 ..$ 10 85 31.34 eq yds brick pav at $169 5.2 96$ 63 81 M. McMahon. s 21.8 ft lot 1, city : 45.4 lineal ft curbing at 50. $ 22 70 118 33 sq yds bk pav at $169.. 199 81$ 222 51 John Walters, and 34 n 30.2 ft, lot 77 city: 20 7 lineal feet curbing at 50c $ 10 35 3 5 lin. tt old curb reset at 90. 32 73.53 eq yde brick pay., $1 69 124 27$ 134 94 Mary Wilde, and X n 30.2 ft, lot 77, city : 10 4 lineal feet curbing at 503.$ 5 20 1 7 lin. ft old curb reset at 90. 15 36.76 sq yds brick pay., $1 89. 62 12 67 47 Wm. Wilde, uad 34 n 30.2 ft, lot 77, city : 10 3 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 5 15 1.3 lin. ft old curb reset at 91. 16 36 74 sq yds brick pay., 81.69. 62 14$ John Phelan, s 10-12 ft, lot 77, city: .5 lineal feet curbing at 500..8 25 1.30 sq yds brick pay. at 81 20 _$ John Phelan, lot 77a, city! 18.82 sq yds brick pay., $1.69.8 82 51 John Phelan, n 2 6 ft. lot 78, city : 3.61 sq yds brick pav , $1.69..8 6 10--$ B. J. O'Neill, s 19 6 ft n 22 ft lot 78, city : 18.8 lineal ft curbing at 500...8 9 40 28.17 sq yds brick pav at $1.89 47 61--$ o John Sullivan, est., a 22 ft lot 78, city : 10 ►l lin ft old curb reset at 9c $ 90 32.93 sq yds brick pav at$169 55 85--$ 56 55 P. J. Burke, lot 78 A, city: 9.5 lineal ft curbing at 50 :....8 4 75 28.89 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 48 82 53 57 Wm. Lawther, n 22 ft, lot 79, city : 10.21ineal ft curbing at 50c...8 5 10 11.8 lin ft old curb reset at 9c. 1 06 3178 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 53 71$ 59 87 John Bell, m22 lot 79. city: 2 8 lineal ft curbing at 50c. .8 1 40 31.78 sq yds brick pav at$1.69 53 71 55 11 Martin Carroll, sm 19 4 ft lot 79, city : 28.02 eq yds brick paving at $1 69 $ 47 35 B. J. O'Neill, s 15 ft lot 79. city : 2.02 sq yds brick pav, $169...8 3 41$ B J. O'Neill, lot 80, city : 16.3 lineal ft curbing. 50c $ 8 40 180.49 sq yds brick pav, $1.69305 03- $ 373 43 John Hennessy: 13.8 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 6 90 36 8 lineal ft old curb reset, 90 3 31 162.00 sq yds brick pav, $1.69. 273 78$ 283 99 67 46 2 45 82 51 6 10 57 01 3 41 John Hennessy : 3.8 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 1 90 19.7 lineal ft old curb reset 90 1 77 33 94 sq yds brick pav, $1.6957 35$ Rich. Bennett: 13.3 lineal ft curbing, 500 $ 6 65 33.94 sq yds brick pav, $1.6957 36$ Rich. Bennett:' 36.1lineal tb brick pay, $1.69..$ 12 50 61 03 36.11 sq yds$ 61 03 64 01 73 53 202 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. James Rowan, s27 ft lot 532, city: 27 lineal ft curbing at 5 lc $ 13 50 39 eq yde brick pav at $1.6965 91 $ 79 41 Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, lot 4 sub w34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor company's add: 215 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 10 75 31.06 eq yds brick pav at $169 52 49 —8 63 24 Anna M. Bush, lot 5, sub wi,4 block 1, Dubuque Harbor company'+ add: 21.5 lineal ft curbing at 54c.. $ 10 75 31.06 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 52 49 63 24 J. H. Lull estate, und34, sub w34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor company's add: 8 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 4 00 2.7 lin ft old curb reset at 9c24 15.53 sq yds brick pav at 81 69 26 25 $ 30 49 J. V. Rider. und sub w34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor company's add: 8 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 4 10 2.8 /in ft old curb reset at 9 :25 15.53 sq yds brick pav at 81 69 26 24 - $ 30 49 C L Pritchard Manufacturing Co., lot 7 sub of w34. block 1, Dubuque Harbor company'. add: 21 5 Lineal tr curbing at 50c$ 10 75 31.06 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 52 49 - $ 63 24 J H. Shields, and % lot 8, sub w 34 blk 1, Dubuque Haroor Co.'s add: 14.3 lineal ft curbing at 50c$ 7 13 20.61 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 34 83 $ 41 96 John Watters, est., and 34lot 8 sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add: 7.1 lineal ft curbing at 50.....$ 3 57 10 30 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 17 41 $ 20 98 J. H. Shields, and % lot 8 A, sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add: 14 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c..$ 7 13 20.61 sq yds brick pav at $1 69 34 83 41 96 John Watters' est.. and X lot 8 A, sub of w X block 1, Dubuque Har- bor Co 'a aud: 7.1 lineal ft curbing at 50o....$ 3 57 10.30 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 17 41 J. H. Shields, and 9 lot 8 B sub of$ 20 98 w 34 olock 1, Dubuque Harbor Cu.'s add: 14 3 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 7 13 20.61 sq yds brick pav at $1.69 34 83 John Watters' est., and 34 lot 8 B- ,8 41 96 sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Har- bor Co 's add: 7.1 lineal ft curbing at 50c...$ 3 57 10.30 sq yds br,ck pav at$1.69 17 41 Anna M. Bush, lot 9, sub of w 34 98 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's add. 25.0 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 12 50 36.11 sq yds brick pay., $1.69. 61 03 Anna M. Bush, lot 9a, sub of w.34- ,$ 73 53 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's add : 25.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c$ 12 50 3611 eq yds brick pav , $1.69.. 61 03 Anna M Bush, lot 10, sub of w35- ,$ 73 53 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co's add : 25 00 lineal feet curbing at 50c$ 12 50 36.11 sq y ds b. ick pay., $169.. 61 03 Richard Waller, lot 11, sub of w34,$ 73 53 block 1. Dubuque Harbor Co's add : 25.00 lineal feet curbing at 50c$ 12 50 36.11 sq yds brick pay., $1.69.. 61 03 --8 73 53 C. L Pritchard, lot 12, sub ot w34, block 1. Dubuque Harbor Co's ad 1: 3 g 3 lineal feet curb ng a 50c.$ 15 15 16 0 lin. fs old curb reset at 9 , 1 44 66 88 sq yds brick pay., $1.69. 113 03 - $ 1°9 62 J. H. Shields et al., lot 13, sub of w34, block 1.Dubuque Iarh.Uo's add; 25 0 lin tt old curb reset at 9 i $ 22,5 36.11 sq yds brick pay., $1.69.. 61 03 $ 83 28 J. H. Shields, und 34 lot 11, sub ot w 34 block 1. Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add: 4 1 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 2 03 8 5 Lineal ft old curb reset, 9 76 18 05 sq yde brick pav, $1.6930 51 --$ 33 30 J. H. Lull est, and 34 lot 14. sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s ads: 2 0 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 1 01 4.2 lineal ft old curb reset, 9c33 9 3 sq yds brick pav, $1.6915 26 Wm Bradley, and 341ot14, sub ot w X block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s ads: 2.0 lineal ft curbing. 50c $ 1 01 4 2 lineal ft old curb reset. 9c3i 9.03 sq yds brick pav, $1 6915 26 --8 16 65 J. H. Shields, and 34 lot 15, sub w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co 's add: 5.3 lineal ft curbing, 50c E 2 67 7.1 lineal ft old curb reset, 9c65 38.05 sq yds brick pav, $1.6930 51 $ 33 83 J. H. Lull est, and 34 lot 15. sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add: 2 7 lineal ft curbing, 50c $ 1 34 3 6 lineal ft old curb reset, 9c32 9 03 sq yds brick pav, $1 6915 26 $ 16 92 Wm. Bradley, u»d 34 lot 15, sub of w 34 block 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add: 2.7 lineal ft curbing, 5Go $ 1 34 3 6 lineal ft old curb reset, 9c32 9.03 sq yds brick pav, $16915 26 J. H Shields, and 34 lot 16, sub of w3(„ block 1. Dubuque Harb Co's add : 8 7 lineal feet curbing at 500E 4 33 3. 9 lin. tt old curb reset at 9c35 18 05 sq yds brick pay., $16930 51 — J. H Lull, est, and 34 lot 18, sub of$ 35 19 wi,4. block 1. Dubuque Herb Co's add : 4 3 lineal feet curbing at 50e$ 2 16 1 9 lin. ft old curb reset at 9n17 9.03 sq y ds brick pav at $1.6915 26 Wm. Bradley. and 34 lot 18, sub of--$ 17 59 w34 block 1 Dubuque Harb Co's add : 4.3 lineal feet curbing at 50c$ 2 16 1 9 lin. ft old curb reset at 9e17 9 03 sq yde brick pay. at $1.69 15 26 Robert Jess, e 35 tt lot 533, city : --$ 17 59 31 7 lin. ft old curb reset at 9s$ 2 85 162.00 sq yde brick pay., $1.69. 273 78 Robert Jess, e 35 ft lot 534, city: - $ 276 63 52 0 lin. ft old cul b reset at 9c$ 468 75.11 sq yds brick pay., $1.69.. 126 94 Catherine Sullivan, lot 535, city : --$ 131 62 36.1 lineal feet curbing at 50c.$ 18 05 64.75 sq yds brick pay., $1.69119 43 Catherine Sullivan, lot 535 A, city:$ 127 48 32.0 lineal ft curbing at 50n$ 16 00 98.05 sq yds brick pav, $1 69165 70 —$ 181 70 16 65 16 92 Regular Session, Dec. 5, 1892. 203 • D. J. Hennessy, n lot 536, city 53.28 sq yds brick pay, $169..$ 90 04--$ 90 04 Austin Adams' est, sj4 lot 536, city : 2J.22 sq yds brica,pav, $169..$ 34 17$ 34 17 City of Dubuque, park: 205.8lin ft, old curb reset, 90.$ 18 52 476.09 sq yds brick pav, $169 . 804 59$ 823 11 Dubuque Street Ry. right of way from Jones to Second st• : 14s8.42 sq yds brick paving at $L 69 $2 430 9:3 —$2 430 93 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glatt, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith- 9 Noes—None. Mayor Saunders presented the following message to the council which was referred to the committee of the whole and city attor- ney : Duiw@UE. Ia., Dec. 5, 1892. Gentlemen of the City Council: For some time the question of waiving the city's rights to purchase the Dubuque water works has been before this council, and by you referred to a committee of fifty cit zens, who in an able report. requested the council is.ht to urchase It toot no of the waive the greatest importance that the city should own its own water system; and I fully believe it to be the wish of all citizens, and I also believe that all arrange- ments could be made as to the details of providing for the payment therefor. And I earnestly request the council to pass the proper resolution giving the Water company the required notice, and also as to the ap- pointment of the appraisers. I further recommend the appointment of a board of water commissioners of eight cit- izens, and you may include the mayor of the city to act with the commission to perfect in detail the work, as to the issuance of bonds, and it necessary get such legislative acts passed to enable and provide for the egality of the purchase. Such commission may also Du- buquehave the ht to Water companyt as to the purchasotiate with the of their plant by agreement without apprais- ers according to the full meaning and inten- tion of section 7 of thecharter wheneverofeaDu- buque Water company, and ablereport of thenthe it may becommittee be deemed asfu ther provided bty section 7. on page 189 of the Revised Ordi nances of the City of Dubuque, be adopted or rejected by a for teat purpose.spAs a thele members held of the city council have a great deal of work to perform pertaining to their duties of office, therefore I only recommend the appoint- ment of a board of water commissioners as the same is done by other cities. Such com- mission should at all times consist of able men and be non-political. and have full con- trol of the management iu every particular. I have some few suggestions to make how the money could be saved and how the money may be secured to meet the payments. and while it is based on the issuance of 5 per cent bonds yet I believe that such bonds could be sold bearing a less rate of interest. It is my firm belief hat it is of the great- est importance for the welfare of the city to own its own water system. There are no great (*stacles in the way. The legislature will no doubt pass an act to enable the city of Dnbuque to issue water district bonds. For instance : $50,000 to be paid by the city; $50,000 at 5 per cent to be paid 1n five years; $50,000 at 5 per cent to be paid in ten years; $30 1,110 at 5 per cent. to be paid in fifteen years; $50,01 0 at 5 per cent. to be paid in twenty ytars. The interest annually amounts for the first iit would beo$7,51)1 «to otheh nextxt$5,000,ears and for the next $2 500. The city now pays the water company on an average of about $15,000, per year, and in ten years it is safe to say we -vill have to pay the company $20 000 per year. Now let us see what the city saves: 25 000 $5,000 per year for flys years.... ....: After five to ten years, $7.500 per ye'r 37,500 After ten years rate of $20,000, sav- ing per year $10,10 75.000 After fifteen years at rate of $20,0 'u, 87 500 saving per year 117,t03 Total amount *225,010 The foregoing statement is not over esti- mated but taken from actual figures, and it can easily be seen that the city can save enough from the amount paid to the Du- buque Water company to purchase the plant ane figure interest at 5 per cent. W hile it is impossible to find out the correct revenue or income of the water company from consum- ers, but it is not less, or ought to be not less then $21 000 per year. The consumers could be doubled if the city would reduce the rates one-half and adopt a meter system Yes. it is safe to predict 5,001 consumers on the above basis. Your outside revenue could and would yield at least $25.010 per e veelar, andd our people lea water they would need for less than one•half the present rates. Estimate $10,000 annual operating expenses; $1.030 for new pipes and mains annually: $5 OuO an- nual surplus for sicking fund. Now com- pare with other savings from the city and you will find that it is of great importance to our city and our people to own the water system. My figures are not exagger- ated and are open for criticism. Now is the time, and it is ever our duty to work for the welfare of our of the eost Therefore, I request you, gentlemen, city council, to adopt the necessary resolu- tions to bring about the foregoing results. Respectfully, C. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Ald. Stolz arrived at 4:3) o'clock. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: WHEREAS, 11 is understood that his ex- cellency, Governor Boles and Lieutenant Gov. Bestow have been invited by the joint committee of the Board of Trade, the Du- buque Posts of the Grand Army of the Re- public, and the present, and ex -members of the Gov.,rnor's Greys, t t be present at the reception and military ball to be given on the evening of Dec 15, on the occasion of the opening and inauguration of the new armory of the Governor's Greys, Company A, First Regiment of the Iowa National Guard which invitations receive the hearty concurrence of the citizens of Dubuque gen• erally: therefore. Resolved, That the mayor be requested to address Governor Boies and Lieutenant Governor Bestow and urge their acceptance of the invitation, and invite them to visit our city on the occasion referred to as the guests of the city of Dubuque. Ald Ginger offered the following, which was adopted: WRER&As, This council bas directed the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Bower company to extend its railway trac north- erly on Windsor avenue to the city limits, as required by its charter; and, WHEREAS. Sid clmpauy bas failed and neglected to so extend its track; therefore, Resolved, That unless said track is thus ex- tended by January 1, 1893, this council will take the requisite action toward forfeiting the charter of said street railway company. Ald Stoltz offered the following, which was adopted: 204 Regolar Session, Dec. . , 1892. Beit resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the benevolent associa- tion of the paid fire department of the city of Dubuque be and are hereby granted the free use of the third floor of the Central en- gine house for their annual ball. Ald 'Smith offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the marshal be instructed to remove the obstructions on Louisa street be- tween North and Bennett streets. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was adopted : WHEREAS, The city intends to change the grade of Sanford street between Windsor avenue and Eim street, and WHEREAS, All abutting property owners are not williug to have said proposed change of grade made; therefore, Resolved, Tbat the city recorder be in- structed to give the proper notice aceordiug to the ordinance why sal i proposed change of grade should not be made. Ald. Cushing offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city couneil of the city of Dubuque, That the cit' carpenter be in- structed to erect a pair of steps on the alley at the head of Eighteenth street. from Sem- inary street to Clay street, under the direc- tion of the street committee. Ald. Page offered the following, which was adop ed: Resolved, That the Key City Gas company be and are hereby notified that the city will dispense with all their gas lamps from this date, and that the committee on police and light he and are hereby instructed to place gasoline lamps where required, on account of the discontinuance of said gas lamps. Ald. Page offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, Tbat the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and speci- fications for an eight -inch iron pipe sanitary sewer on Julien avenue, between Bluff street and Hill and West Eighth streets, said pipe to be laid on the north side of the storm - water sewer on said Julien avenue. and to be so constructed so that the sanitary sewers along Julien avenue, also Hill s.reet, may be connected with the same. Ald. Glab offored the following which was adopted • Your committee on streets beg leave to re- port that they have examined end accepted Broadway extension between Diagonal street and Cardoya avenue, done by Theo- dore Altman, contractor, and the same is completed according to contract. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Wircrtges, It is deemed advisable to open and extend Fourth street from its intersec- tion with Sixth and Market streets to Com- mercial street, and said street as extended to be sixty-two feet in width. Therefore the city engineer is directed to make a survey and plat of such proposed improvement as Drovided ubuque, and the the i of file the same withinten days for public inspection, and the engineer shall therefore give notice in writiog to the own- ers of property as required by law, directing said property owners to appear before this council at the next regular session and show cause. it any they have. why the conte plated improvement should not be made Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, By city council of the city of Du- buque: That the mayor is hereby author zed nd required for the purpose of providiug for the payment of the cost and expense of improving the following streets and alleys, to -wit: Burden avenue, Apple street, alley east of R ice street, alley west of Race street, Main street from Eighth to Jones street, Broadway extension To issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov 2, 1e91, by the city couneil of the city of Du- buque, bonds to the amount of $26,510, as hereinafter stated, of the denomination of $501 each. numbering frons 1eS to 2011, inclu- sive. all dated Jan 1. 1993, payable seven years atter date, bearing intere:•t at the rate of 5 per cent per annum. payable semi-an- nually at the otHce of the city treasurer of Dubuque, Iowa• and redeemable at any time at the option of the city of Dubuque. said bonds to be issued for said streets as fol- lows: Burden avenue $ 6,500 Apple street 1.100 Alleys east and west r f Race street500 Main street from E ighth to Jones street 15 5110 Broadway exteusion.... 3,0.10 $2rl 500 That when said bonds are issued and reg- istered shall he delivered to the finance com- mittee, who shall notify C. H White & Co., that said bonds are ready according to their contract with the city. and when the money is received from C H. White & Co said money is to be given to th- city treasurer to be applied in accordance with the provis- ions of the ordioance adopted Nov. 2, 1891. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alds. Byrne Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Ald. Crawford moved to reconsider the action of the council on the payment of the 70 per cent of the Main street improvement to Atkinson & Oloff Carried. Ald. Page moved to allow Atkinson and Oloff the 20 per cent on their contract. The following is the vote on the motion : Ac as—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, and Page. Noes—Alda. Cushing, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The mayor voting no the motion was lost. The question being put on the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole, the report was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the sewer inspector was in- structed to protect sewer pipes which are lying on the levee at the mouth of the main sewer. The following were appointed a jury to as- sess damages for change 1f grade on Sanford street: N. H. Schilling. J. W. Parker and P. H Halpin. Al . ling +. _. • . ./ to Dec. 12, Attest. Approver 1892. frMayor. Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 12-13, 1892. 205 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Dee. 1`'2, 1892. Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Sunders in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab and Olinger. A uorum n bei sett—JSe mayor a. , 0 ced r [i th until wo static' ad - T e say, Dec/z13, 1892, a •urn o'clo Att •..'t 'der. / / 1892. .0)-9"").-2 .all�y� Mayor. ourned Regular Session, Uec, 13, 1892. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Aids Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Crawford offered the following: WHEREAS, By the terms and conuitions of an ordinance adopted Dec. 5, 1)70, entitled "An ordinance authorizing S Chamberlain and others to construct, maintain and oper- ate water works and supply water to the city and citizens of Dubuque, defining their powers and privileges and prescribing their duties," it was stipulated and provided that at any time after twenty years, upon giving six months' notice, the city oc Dubuque should have the right to purchase from said S. Chamberlain and others all the buildings, machinery, pipes and other property. with all their rights and privileges (but not in- cluding any franchise therein granted. or that partiess,,ight be which were thereafter not tor eeito said ncluded in the estimated value, but, in the purchase. should revert to the city of Dubuque), at such price as might be agreed upon ty the city council and said parties: and that in case of a disagreement, the price should be ascertained by five dis- interested persons, non residents of the city, two of whom should be chosen by the city council of said city, and two by said S. Chamberlain and others; and the fifth by the tour thus chosen; which ordinance, in- cluding the foregoing provisions, which are contained in section 7 thereof, was duly ac- cepted by the said S Chamberlain and as- sociates, Dec. 16, 1870; and WHEREAS, more than twenty years have elapsed since the acceptance and taking effect of said ordinance, and the city of Du- buque now desires and proposes to purchase from said S. Chamberlain and others. their associates, successors, assigns, or legal rep- resentatives. under the terms, conditions and reservations of said section 7, all the buildings, machinery, pipes, and other prop- erty constructed and operated by said par- ties under the provisions of said ordinance as a water works plant, in said city, with all their rights and privilege, but not in- cluding the franchise granted in said ordi- nance; therefore, be it Resolved, By the city council of the city o Dubuque, that the mayor be and is beret), instructed to give to said S. Chamberlain and others, their associates, successors, as- signs,or legal representatives the six months notice provided for in section 7 of the afore- said ordinance, that the city of Dubuque de- sires and proposes to avail itself of the right of purchase res rved and stipulated in said ordinance, and that after the expiration of six months from the date of the service of such notice, the city of Dubuque will pur- chase the property hereinbefore specified at such price as may be agreed upon by the ci,y council and said parties. or, in case of disagreement, at such price as shalt be ascer- tained by arbitration iu the manner pointed out in said ordinance: provided, that the terms of purchase agreed upon, or settled by arbitration, shall be ratified by a majority of the legal voters of the city at a special election to be held for that purpose. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, t.u,hing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stolz Ald Cushing moved that warrants for $645.85 be drawn in favor of E E Frith for the improvement of Schroeder avenue. Car- ried. Ald. Peaslee moved that warrants be drawn in fever of Margaret Graff for $5,81,0 for opening of Lincoln avenue. Carried. Protest of George Mehl against proposed grade of alley between Clay and White streets and between Seventh and Eighth streets. Referred to the street committee Petition of George B. Burch for reduction of assessment on Julien house to $511 000 as agreed upon by previcus council. Granted, and assessment reduced for 1892 to $511.100. Auditor Kenety reported $212 56 collected on special assessment for improvement of Julien avenue and due Tony Siege. Re: eived and filed and warrant ordered to pay same. Petition of Trades and Labor Congress for free use of the Central Eugine House hall for the night of Jan. 5, 1892, for the purpose of giving a ball in aid of the destitute fami- lies at Homestead, Pa Granted and detail for rooms referred to the committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings. Eugineer Blake reported that the assess- ment against lot 13, Stewart's sub. owned by John Osel, for improvement of Grandview avenue, was made according to the method of assessing corner lots, and that the meas- urement is correct. Report adopted. Also presented profile of grade of alley be- tween 7th and 8th streets, and between Clay and White streets. Referred to the street committee. Ald. Glab offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, That a warrant for $1,691 23 be drawn on the paving fund in favor of Wil- liams & Bevine for the improvement of be- ingGrant avenue and the total amountdue streets,leventh for the imprve- ment of said street. which Ald. Smith offered the following, was referred to the committee of the whole. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dnbuque : That the "Grand Army Posts" of the city of Dubuque be and are hereby given permission to use the third floor of the Cen- tral engine house for their meetings, for the transaction of their regular business and such other purposes as the council may deem just and proper. Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor be instructed to appoint a special committee of three to ex- amine and determine whether it would be cheaper or not for the city to put' in a boiler to heat the new Central engine house or have the same heated by the Steam Heating company, also investigate whether the city of Dubuque is to pay for the gas used by the Governor's Greys in the new armory in the Central engine house, and it so, said Governor's Greys be instructed to have a separate meter put in for their own use; 206 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 13, 1892. also that said committer be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for a sufficient number of in- candescent electric lights for lighting the first and second stories of the Central en- gine house, and said committee to report back to the council its doings hereunder. Ald. Stoltz moved as an amendment to that part of the resolution referring to the lighting of the Central engine house, that the same be lighted by gas Carried. The resolution as amended was adopted. On motion the matter of procuring gas fixtures for the first and second stories was referred to the committee on supplies to ad- vertise for bids. Ald. Olinger moved that when the council adjourn, it adjourn to Saturday, Dec. 17, 189:, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that warrants of $4 each be drawn in favor of the commissioners who assessed the damages by reason of change of grade on Madison and Seminary streets. Carried. Ald. Stoltz moved that warrants for $2 each be drawn in favor of the jurors who assessed the damages by reason of the open- ing of Lincoln avenue. Carried The bill of Dan Sheehan of $201 64 for im- provement of Air Hill street was ordered paid. The following bills were ordered paid: L. J. Berner, constructing garbage 37 50 John Munt, Sr, dumdo do $ 13 12 John Erlestine., do do 13 12 John Munt, Jr., do do 13 1.2 Will Bowers, do do 87 Aenry Bat don, do do 13 12 Jas. Lahey, team do do 7 62 Harger & Blish, stationery 50 Gomer J. Jones, estimate on Central engine house $150) 00 Frank Correll, constructing sidewalk 364 39 Bryan Donahue, constructing side- walk. 679 73 Philip Pier, one cord wood 5 00 On the bill of O. G. Kringle of $877 69 for grading Dubuque, Decorah. Delaware and Alta avenues, he was allowed 8500 On petition of Ed. Ryan and Con. Ryan for $5.000 for grading Auburn and Windsor avenues. ordered that Ed. Ryan be allowed $1,181 for grading Auburn avenue, and that Con. Ryan be allowed $1,000 for grading Windsor avenue. Bill of E. Schollian of $91 for police over- coats ret erred to the committee on supplies. Ald. Peaslee moved chat the claim of t he city against the Chicago Great Western Railway Co of $50 for hose damaged be withdrawn on appeal of Mr. Dahoven, the engineer in charge of the engine which ran over the hose. Carried. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Clark street from West Locust stre. t to West Seventeenth street, by 0 G Kringle, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, sjtuate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Charles Reilley, lot 1, sub out lot 682, city : 30 lineal ft curbing at 40c....$ 12 00 13.33 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 5 33 2.22 sq yds macadam at 46c.. 1 u2 J. M. Kenety, sw 34 lot 2, sub out lot 18 35 682, city : 25 lineal ft curbing at 40c....$ 10 00 16 67 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 6 67 22.22 sq y ds macadam at 46c. 10 22 ----< 26 89 Wm. Grings, ne 34 lot2, sub out lot 652, city: 25 lineal ft curbing at 40e... ,$ 10 00 16 65 sq yds guttering at 40c. 6 67 38.89 sq yds macadam at 48,.. 17 89 ----$ 34 56 John Clark, lot 3, sub of out lot 682, city: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c..88 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 13 33 77 78 sq yds macadam at 46c.. 35 78 --$ 69 11 John Clark, lot 4, sub out lot 682, city : 25 lineal feet curbing at 40c..$ 10 00 16 67 sq yds guttering at 4 le.. 6 67 38.89 sq yds macadam at 46c. 17 SO $ 34 56 Thos. Reilley, lot 4a, sub out lot 632, city : 251ineal feet curbing at 40.3..$ 10 00 16.67 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 6 67 38.89 t yds macadam at 46c . 17 89 $ 34 56 Mrs John McMahon, lot 5, sub out lot 632, city: 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c..8 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40s . 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadam at 46c . 35 78 --$ 69 11 Mrs. P. Gill, lot 0, sub out lot 632, city : 50 lineal feet curbing at 40c..$ 20 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 40e.. 13 33 77 78 sq yds macadam at 46c . 35 78 --$ 69 11 Mrs. P. Gill, lot 7 sub out lot 682, city ft curbing at 40c....$ 20 00 33 33 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 13 33 77.78 sq yds macadam it 46c. 35 78 —$ 69 11 John Deery, lot 8 sub out lot 68.2, city : 50 lineal ft curbing at 40c....$ 20 00 33 33 sq 1 ds guttering at 40c.. 13 33 77 78 sq yds macadam at 46c. 35 78 —$ 69 11 John Deery, lot 3 sub out lot 670, 141. lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 56 40 94.33 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 37 73 224 78 sq yds macadam at 46c 103 40 Winnie Hammel, lot 1 of 2 of ou- ts 1 lot 670, city : 92 lineal ft curbing at 40,....$ 36 80 60 66 sq yds guttering at 40^.. 24 16 136 89 sq yds macadam at 46c 62 97 03 Winnie Hammel, lot 2 of 2 of ou- t$ 124 lot 670, city : 90 lineal ft curbing at 40c....$ 36 00 611 sq yds guttering at 40c.... 24 00 140 sq yds macadam at 46c... 64 40 John Hier, e 51 ft of lot 1 A out lot --$ 124 40 682. city: 53 5 lineal ft curbing at 40e..$ 21 40 35 67 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 14 27 83 22 sq yds macadam at 46c. 38 28 Wm Metcalf, w 144 ft of lot 1 A o- fd 73 95 out lot 882. city : 153 3 lineal ft curbing at 40c..8 61 32 94 s 940 s yds guttering at 40e.... 37 60 q yds macadam at 46,... 170 20 City of Dubuque, in West Seven 269 12 teenth street: 58 7 lineal ft curbing at 40c..$ 23 48 36 34 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 14 54 305 71 sq yds macadam at 46c. 140 63 --$ 178 65 97 53 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 13-17, 1892. 207 City of Dubuque, in West Locust street: 13.2 lineal tt curbing at 40e ..$ 5 28 17 01 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 6 80 42.77 sq yds macadam at 46c. 19 68— $ 31 76 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, OnleY Smith . .. Stoltz A.C ing adj urn. ( rried. Att/ t : 4 Afrip : ed re verder. CITY COUNCIL. 1892. Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 17, 1892. Council met at 7:45 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present.—Alds. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Mayor Saunders presented the following message to the coon Dt: nC VIE, Dec. 17, 1892. To the City Council: GHNTL.hNEN—At a session of your honor- able body held Dec. 13, a resolution was passed and adopted, levying a special assess- ment ases-ment on abutting property for the improve- ment of Clark street. On nd that the city of Dubuque is charged i for on I the coat of improving said street at its intersec- tion with West Locust street, also at West Seventeenth street, when in feet and in jus- tice to the city and its citizens that part of said improvement at the intersection of West Locust street should that partd tofo tbe the abutting property. As timprovement at the intersection of West Lo- cust street it should be charged to the abutt- ing property, and as to that part of the im- provement at the intersection of West Seventeenth street, it is clearly illegal as it is no part of the improvement of Clark street, but of West Seventeenth street, and I fail to find that a resolution has bee cooeen n il by this council or any p of the city of Dubuque, ordering said of it mt Seventeenth street or any portion proved. I am also reliably informed that the por- tion of West Seventeenth street is not im- proved according to the city's method or specifications, but only to conform with the grade of Clark street. In rt of the theresabove e facto, I return you that p on as applies to the assessment of the city of Dubuque at the intersection of Clark and West Seventeenth street as clearly illegal, erroneous and unjust, as it was never or- dered by the council or any e. I also return you that portion of the reso- lution as applies to the intersection of West Locust street, as that part is legally ordered improved by the resolution orderind the im- provement of West Locust street some years ago, and also by the resolution ordering the improvement of Clark street said in- tersection was not improvedon tn the former resolution adopted ordering Locust street improved, then it is legal and proper to imrove at the time Clara street was proved. I ask your honorable body tom- re - consider that part of the resolution of the special assessment for improvement of Clark street as applies to the city of Dubuque for any part ot the same and adopt the follow- ing corrected assessment. Respectfully sub- mitted, CHAS. J. W. SAUNDEIia, Mayor. Alo. Glab moved that the assessment against the city of Dubuque for the improve- ment of Clark street, at its intersection with West Locust street, also at its intersection with West Seventeenth street be cancelled. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Ala. Glab offered the following: .Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the following special assess- ment for improvement of Clark street be cancelled : John Deery, lot 3 of sub out lot 670 141 lineal ft curbing at 400...t 56 40 94 33 sq yds guttering at 40c.. 37 73 224.78 sq yds macadam at 46c 103 40--- 197 53 Winnie Hammel, lot 1 of 2 of out lot 670 city : 92. lineal tt curbing at 403...$ 36 80 60 66 sq yds gutering at 40c.. 24 26 136.b9 sq yds macadam at 46c 6.2 97$ 124 03 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald . Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peas - lee and Smith. No-Ald. Crawford. Ald. Glab offered the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That to pay for improvement of Clark street from West Locust street to West Seventeenth street, by 0 G. Sringle, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Deery, lot 3, sub outlot 670, city : 15 3lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 61 20 102. sq yds guttering at 40c... 40 80 244 22 sq yds macadam at 46c. 112 34--$ 214 34 Winnie Hammel, lot 1 of 2, sub out - lot 620, city : 93 2 lineal ft curbing at 40c...$ 37 U0 70 sq yds guttering at 40c 160.22 sq yds macadam at 46c73 70$ 138 93 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Cushing, (flab, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. No—Crawford. The following bids for gas fixtures for Central engine house were read: W. M. Greenhow, $56.0J; Ferguson Bros., $26.00. wOn as award d to Ferguson of Ald. lBros.the contract Ferguson Bros. also made two bids for furnishing and putting in position boiler in Central engine house. One bid $475, and the oth $575. On motion the re- ferred to the committee rboilerss for ttee onsupplies r with power. street commit- tee, reported in favor of accepting pAld. Glab, chairman of the t ot sub. of lot 1, in Geiger's sub -div. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read an ordinance to repeal section nine of an ordinance to pro- vide for adjusting and re-establishing the ward boundaries. the following Adopted on first reading by vote:Glab, Olinger, P13581813 and Smith.Cusing, Also presented and read an ordinance to II 208 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 17, 1892. amend an ordinance to regulate elections. Adopted on first reding by the following vote: A Ol nger, Peaslee and Smith,Luahing, Glab, Also presented and read an ordinance to repeal and regulating the Bale and inspec- tion of kerosene oil, etc., the same being chapter 90 of the revised ordinances of 1837. Adopted on the first reading by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Also presented and read an ordinance to amend an ordinance to regulate marksts and the sale of meats, being Chapter XVII of the revised ordinances of 1887. Adopted on the first reading by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aide. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger and Peaslee. No—A Id. Smith. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, That the hereby instructed toissuea recorder dvenire to the marshaitizento emtonassess r the of damag,free- holders,i any, that may be caused by the widening of Weigel alley, as shown by plat prepared by the city engineer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. thCommunication ettleme t be made with. F. cGuthrie onkhis contract for revising the ordinances, and that he be paid the balance due him, $80. The rules were suspended and Mr. Guthrie addressed the council and spoke in relation to his claim and said he was ready to ahead and complete his contract. Ald. Olinger moved that the chair ..: n ordinance committee be instructed to • otify Mr. Guthrie to fulfill his contract with the city in revising the city ordinances. Carried. The matter of the completion of the revis- ion of the ordinances was referred to the ordinance committee and recorder with power to have same completed at as early a date as possible The rules were suspended and Health 091- cer Wieland addressed the council on mat- ters pertaining to the sanitary condition of the city. Ald. Cushing moved that the marshal no- tify all persons whose lots were ordered filled, and on which the time was extended, that the time bas now expired and that the engineer will proceed in the regular manner and have said lots filled at their expense Carried. Mayor Saunders presented: the following communication which was referred to the committee of the whole DUBUQUE, Dec. 17, 1892. To the City Council: GENTLEMEN:—At a session of the council held Dec. 5th, 1892 you adopted a resolution givinccertainthe conce sions, also remittihth Street ng the city taxes of said company for the year 1891, which taxes, however, have been paid into the said city treasury, and the city council has no right whatever to remit anything alonewhich is not unjust to te to the he taxpayers of the city, but also clearly illegal. I therefore veto and return to you that part of the resolution without my approval and ofiici,,. ignature. Respectful) •, C r. _. _ _ xnEies, Mayor Carrs er. ..........1892. 41'1',14411 Mayor, List If City Warrants. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS, 209 Drawn by the City Recorder, June, 1892, CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE., DUBUQUE, IOWA, July 1, 189.2. To the Honorable .Jlayor and City Council: (;EaTI.sNFN—The follow iug is acomplete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 189.2: Name. For What Purpose Amount. L Bonner, treasurer, salary for May. . .$150 00 50 00 L dormer, clerk hire, ,. 110 Bo .. 116 65 .. ]25 00 .. ] 25 00 .. 100 00 .. 100 00 .. 125 00 .. 100 00 .. 100 OU .. 100 00 .. 91 85 75 00 .. 50 Ou .. 30 00 .. 20 00 .1 C Fitzpatrick, recorder, do J M Kenety, auditor do J J Mcuarthy, attorney, do E C Blake, engineer. do E S hype, asst engineer, do do Jas Boyce, do John F atemm, assessor, do J • a P Bennett, abet assessor, do d Gmeble, asst assessor, do S B Rice, marshal. do John Joseph Relnfried. fire street hef, do Ed Norton, market wester, do F W Wielat d, health officer, do Jae Smith, wharf master do Carl Sptegelpoundmaster, do James Bunting electector. do lcian, do John O'Connell, clerk, do James Daly. fireman .............. ....... Job Barnes, do J Straney, do J Murphy, dou Wm t,ucy, do T Shea, ....... J Scbnuberger, do Ed Ke as, 'et Eitel, do P Martin, do J Essmaa, do J Flynu. du ........: J Wiltse, do T Flynn, do FE.smau, do ••••••••........ F Walker, do do D Ahern. George Moyer, do James Allen, do Chas Kannolt, do F l;anahl, do J Ward. A Duccini, do nce Dennie Ryan, P Joan Raesli, do James Carter dodo Bart Cain, Wm O'Brien, do M O'Connell, do Wm Hennessy, do Wm Frith, John Litecher, do do do do do 00 do do do do do do do do P McNerny, Thos Reilley, 1' Dunnegan, P Kearney, J Fitzpatrick, Dan Norton, James Allen, John Reuter, M Hardie, Wm Welsh, Sam Elmer, Jas Flynn, Dan Lavery, Ed Moore, do Jas Ryan, do M Kitty, JD Secreat, do P Sutton, do John Murphy, do Wm Klauer, do P Scharf do P McCollins, do John Hoffman, do P Hanlon, do • •.... b0 00 Geo Murphy, ddriver . 60 00 Jno Murphy, patrol6 00 J Ahearn, laborer ......... ......::•••-� 18 20 JAlbrecht, do '•" 6 20 T Ahern, do ............ 2'7 80 M Abbitz, do ..'•""'•..20 60 John Hewer. do ••••.•.•""' 40 00 60 00 '75 00 83 35 00 00 75 00 50 00 80 00 BO 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 85 00 60 10 e0 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 80 00 75 00 80 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 ;5 00 '0 00 50 00 48 35 435 46 05 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 48 35 48 35 38 45 48 35 50 00 50 48 3b 30 5 48 70 . 19 95 0 00 48 35 48 35 18 25 ....... t0 00 50 00 51 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 ............. 50 00 50 00 John Bottoms, do Wm barkley, do A Burke, do R Burns, do John Byrne, do D Bernes, do Patrick Burke, do H Brennen, do J Bergman, do Joan Boetke, do Theo Buse, do W Ball do John Corbett, do L Corcoran, do John Corcoran, do W Cunningham do M Carmody, do Sam Collins, do Jerry Cahill, do R Conlin, do Lant Cahill, do Ned C ndoo, do Wm Crumpwell,do Jno Dougherty, co M Dieferding, do Ja4 Doyle, foreman M Dumphey, laborer Geo Diugeldein,do .Tames Mien, do Ed Desmond, do ••ohn Eagan, do R Ed ly, carpenter, Wm Emmert, laborer P Fitzpatrick, P Fitzgerald, L Fritz, 11 Flood, Dan Fox, Jonn Fix, H Foltz, H Gollte. Ed Grew, L Gross, John Ginger, C Qruozig, John Giesler, Joe Grab, Jas Harker, Joh., H4fe9, do do do d0 do do do do do do do do do do do do Ed Hackett, do Dan Harman, do do P Hayden, Geo Hughes, do N i1t14er, 11 Henkel, do James Mail, do Aug Unfferman, do F Herzog, o A Johnson, do J Jeckin, J Kinsella,carpenter r Kinney, do J Kellett, do E M King, 00 J Kelly, do M Kline, do J Karch, do F Kreeger, John Lavin, do do Ed Lee, for John Lacy, do M Lilack, do P Lynch, H Lippstook, do do H Luck, do H Leicht, John Mullen, do T Mulgeeny, do do T Mahout', do M Mahony, Ned Morgan, do James Melloy, do J Melone, P Melcholr, do C Mackelberg, do P Moran, L do Meurise, Den Melone, do do 8 Meyer, foreman M McCune, J M,'Nulty, laborer A McGuan, do L McEvoy, 11 McMullen, do N McPoland, do T McDonald, do 13 McCormack, do Dom Nichols, do d0 M Nuten, do P O'Brien, 21 50 13 85 20 60 18 20 13 20 ....••13 20 6 75 4 40 17 90 5 75 9 80 17 90 19 95 16 90 17 90 4 05 11 15 18 80 14 85 11 50 4 75 ,,,,,,,.. 9 80 13 20 20 60 11 85 17 50 13 50 12 50 11 15 11 15 20 60 24 50 12 60 7 50 17 25 6 10 •••• a 45 5 40 18 90 •••. 16 90 16 20 11 85 17 90 7 45 478 17 90 •••• 30 76 18 90 17 25 1 35 12 50 15 20 16 90 11 15 5 10 10 50 12 0 52 00 12 15 10 15 16 20 9 15 14 55 17 20 15 55 15 20 9 15 ..... 7 45 15 90 7 10 14 20 29 95 0 25 19 68 20 25 14 55 20 95 14 85 14 85 19 25 3 75 17 90 29 00 22 80 16 90 945 4 05 5 '75 , 10 80 ............. 13 50 20 12 50 210 _List of City Warrants. Joe Obbelt, do F Oswald, do F Oswald, do Wm Pickley, foreman ..... ...... James Purcell, laborer D Powers, do C Pfend, do J Per ryon, do J Q,iigney, do ero.. D quit k, do J QualI, do ....... John Raetz, foreman James Ragan, laborer M Ryan, do James Raw, do ........ •••• •••• J Ryan, :do ........ .••••••• Geo Rieder, do F Reger, do M Raen, do WmRoney, do WRieman. do ....... ........ A R Stevenson, engineer road roller.... J Stroney, laborer John Sullivan, do W Steiumetz, do Joe Seit, do Tom .shea. do M Snea, do Geo Sutter, do P 1011,h, do M Suilivan, do 14 Swaegier, do M Specht, do John schroeder, do ........ ........ P Scoffer, do P Schlitz, do James Tobin, no John Whelen, do Ed • Welsh, do A E Walker, do Thos Welsh, do P Wagner, do John No fe, do Gott Wirt, do W Zachina, do Geo Zumhoff, foreman T Byron, team do do ... do do do do do do do do do do ........ ........ ........ ........ N Brandt, R Bennett. Geo Butler, M Crahin, Bart Cain, L cruel], J Dunkley, J Elliott, T Elliott, Fischer & Co, John Geary, J Garragan, id Gantenbein, do M Ga,,dy, do 31 J Hannon do Il B Harold do John Hoffmier, do P Jorden, do Thos Kane, do C Kampman, do P Linehan, do John Long, do J Mena% do J McCracken do Wm McG, ath, do J McGrath, do Jas McDonnell, do JMcCollius do John Parker, do Patrick Ryan, do Wm Rawson, do P' Seeley, do J Strotz, do Anton Siege, do Joe siege, do M Shay, do A Schoenthal, do D Sutherlar d, do H tichzoidt do John Steffes, do F Schulz, do Catherine Tobin, do A Turner, do J Terry, do J Von Hollen, do 11 Welsh, do J Welsh, do J Williams, do George Wetter, do M Zogg, do •••• •••• ........ ......... ••• •••• ...... •••• ...... ................ • . •• ...... .• ...... ............. 1•• ............. •, ............ ay, express J Met.o111n, do Ed Norton, board of prisoners ............ 18 60 la AO 20 25 20 60 19 85 19 60 9 80 15 53 18 90 14 85 9 5 31 95 16 55 12 85 18 60 9 45 13 85 18 25 10 80 7 .0 21 30 60 00 4 40 13 20 15 90 25 00 3 40 1.A 50 12 50 8 10 9 80 16 55 20 95 4 75 20 60 23 20 13 50 16 20 15 20 3 00 12 15 13 85 18 25 7 10 15 90 27 55 37 05 7 10 15 75 11 05 26 00 22 05 18 15 13 40 15 00 16 55 14 20 52 00 12 60 25 20 4 75 25 20 16 55 19 70 43 35 31 50 32 30 48 85 17 35 11 05 55 15 34 65 32 30 3 15 24 45 6 30 3 15 19 70 11 85 3 15 19 70 15 75 27 60 9 45 3 95 3 15 29 15 20 50 18 15 24 45 37 80 15 75 29 95 46 50 13 40 26 00 12 60 1 00 50 12 00 41 The LedP 1ger, it he Herald, Chas Steuck, improving alley. 19 55 Thos Byrne, filling lots ..... .. 465 / 0 P F Guthrie, building sidewalks.... ..... 145 77 Norton & Lee, grading Lomeli and Thom- as streets.... 500 00 Lavin & Corrance, grading Rose and Cen- tre Place ................ 150 00 Tschirgi & Kringle, storm water sewers ou Main street 500 00 Tschirgi & Kringle, storm water sewers on Main stn et 500 00 Tschirgi &Kriogle, storm water sewers on Main street ...... 302 50 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, one pair rubber boots Chi istm an & ti ealy, powder and fuse. Henry Glob, rod man Standard Lumber Co, lumber.... ...... James Levi, gloves . Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lumber John "'Brien, labor Thos Butcher " . ..... B E Linehan, sewer pipe 44 Headford Bros, manhole covers Jas Stieet, Stone 3 76 3 40 50 00 2 25 1 88 17 17 42 85 42 85 18 60 7 20 40 00 4 89 Beinfried & Jaeger, nails ........... 30 Wm 5 Molo, plumbing 7 20 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co.lum Der 6 75 Standard Lumber Co, lumber 15 23 John E Hartig, keys and repair.ng locks 4 00 Svendsen & utt, lumber 31 10 Lear & Pflffner, horse shoeing.... 2 50 Albeit Kannolt, do ..... 7 50 A Wunderlich do Dubuque Water Works, 212 hydrants 4 70 500 00 500 00 60 00 Wm G Watters, hay 154 81 Standard Lumber Co, shavings 2 25 E M Dickey Co. waste 13 80 Jas Kel y, slationery 75 Frantz & Clark, drugs 1 70 Christman & Healey, nails and axe. ..... 2 20 Frantz & Clark, sponges 60 Wm S Molo, gauges and gaskets ..... 1 00 T Hill, repairing chains and wrench 2 75 Key City Gas Co, coal and coke 21 57 Western Electric co. bra^kets and zinc10 55 J & A 31 Treater, rode for electrician 35 Christman & Soo, matting 25 87 John Newman & Son, repairing wagon13 50 atb, freight 1 00 Baumgartner Az Kleih, locks ...... 1 70 Dubuoue Rubber and Belting Co, hose8 25 M Dickey Co, waste 12 50 Jos Geiger, repairing windows 14 70 Dubuque Lmteed Oil Works, flax seed1 70 Mary Meehan, scrubbing city ha 1.... 3 10 Baumgartner & Kleih, one hoe 45 James Kelly statlonery 44 10 10 4 50 Win G Wafters, hay. O McElrath, removing dead animals 39 90 Palmer, Winall & Co, stationery 19 5000 Mrs Koenig, janitor Joh,, Muniz, stone 135 0000 HNaglemaker, oil and matches 6 90 Wm S Molo, wrench 2 25 C McElra,h, removing garbage Harger & Blish, stationery 182 5000 H i.,nffin & Sons. one numerator Chas J Heller, police hats... 12 00 ' 108 10 Nitro Davis, juror city ordinance case1 00 H Tode, Ed Hughes " 1 00 J H Mccabe, " .• • 1 SO Chas Moyer, " .6 1 00 • • • • John Palen, " 1 00 Samuel Martin, " 1 J P Powell, " 00 id Hubert, " •••• 1 00 Geo H cry, 11 1 CO W 11 JPnngs, " Wm Webber. " 1:1 1 f3g in Geo Schramm, repairing cistern 1 00 7 20 31, ta Koenig, scrubbing city hall Mrs K en, 16 25 Globe Light & Heat Co, 331 street lamps. 50103 0205 Key City Gas Co, 52 street lamps " W W Wormood officers' stars. ....... 105681 030037 Ferguson tiros, repairing foun.tains 13 05 National Dt mokrat, advertising The T 75 00 75 00 • • ...... 29 15 ne 29 15 mes, 44 2 Key City Gas Co, gas, patrol house.......29 9 15 . 3 05 ......... Tom Connolly, repairing patrol wagon9 75 Official Notices. 211 Norwegian Plow Co, (hare on plow 4 25 Frets & Clark, paint and brushes4 05 J Ryles, lye and coal ....... .. 70 John Ganabl, repairing tools..... 7 50 Dubuque Water Co, water for engine houses. ....................... 20 00 Joe Straney, removing dead animals 4 50 John F O'Dea, wood 48 00 Chas Oswald, repairing lamp 1 or roller1 10 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, pavirg blocks 23 50 Novelty (+on Works, repairing roher 409 44 Wm Marshal, repairing roller 63 25 L Gonner, treasurer, money advanced500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 159 81 Mary Blake, damage to fence 20 00 11 henge,salary park custodian 46 50 C 11 Whitwell, veterinary services. 15 82 Clerk of District Court, costs in Hintrager case. 93 90 Clerk of Supreme Court, costs in Hintra- ger case 42 75 Wm Hintrager, judgment in Hintrager case ............ 136 64 E J Evens, repairing walks to parks 17 28 Thomas T Carkeek, sup't 9th street en- gine house 150 00 Gower Jones, building 9th st engine h'se 5u0 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do ao 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 (10 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 350 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1892. J. C. FITZ PATRICK, Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the arty council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 23d day of November, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case the own- ers of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual t qual installments, the first ins'atlment being due on the date of levy, and the last instalment six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate or 5 per cent. heretorfoe ( Paan rdoesso.ialn case ofyfailureonce as to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will be ad- vertised aodsold. Dated at Dubuque, this 5th day of December, A. D., 1892. LATreasurer of he City ENCE of Dubuque. ONNE For the improvement of Main street from Charter to Seventeenth streets: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Robert Wal er, est., n 36 feet, city 32 $235 21 John Flynn, n 30 feet. city 32 Asa IIorr, ct/, city 31 Mrs. a. Buechler, m yg, city 31 Syndicate Block Co , BM, city 31 Syndicate Block Co., city 30 Syndicate Block Co , c.tcity 29 51. Mrs. M Levens, Wm WMrs. atson, n m3 feet22 , ci 52 city 52 William and Frances ACoates, a 16 feet, 3ity 52 William and Frances A Coates, n% 53 John V Rider, OA, city 53 Robert Waller, est, city 54 Fred Weigel, city 54 Key City Electric Street Railway company John V Rider, city W H Feabody, n 21 feet, city John V Rider, n 33 feet, city John V Rider, s 7 feet, city He'en Finley, est, s 23 feet, city C Whitaker, est, city C Whitaker, est, n 36 6 feet, city Anna M Bush, s 37.6 feet, cit city Helen Finley, est, John Hennessy, n 43 feet, city 28 28a 27 28a 27 27e 26 26 25 56 88 23 82 72 82 72 62 72 ] 88 22 31 6 45 285 55 647 97 06 47 05 7530 64 80 160 59 214 07 74 90 203 26 53 11 83 53 17 72 58 21 20 24 67 u7 97 27 308 60 244 19 B Kistler, eit, s 8 2x75 feet, city 56 B Kistler, est, n 12 1 feet, city 57 John Hennessy, s 38 8 feet, city 78 John Hennetsy, n 2.8 fejt, city 58 Arthur ()Willey, nm 20 6.10 ft, city 58 James Kelly. sm 21 f et, city 58 John Heat essy, s 7 2 feet coy 58 Johu Hennessy, cit, 59 John llennessy, city 60 Wm L Bradley, city 751 Wm Buff, s 34 feet. city 18 Marr B Wallis. n 43.6 feet, city 17 Eliza A Wilson, und.yl s 21 tt, city 17 1) 8 Wilson, and t4 8 21 feet, city 17 J n Sullivan, e•t. n y1. city 61 M J King, em 19.6 feet, city 81 J 11 Tbedinga, est, s 12 9 fe, t, city 81 J H Thenainga, eat, n 11 feet, city 82 A Kaiser, nm 20 feet, city 62 Mary P Albee, and 4 sm i 9.2 ft,city 62 E W Albee, and yt sm 19 2 ft, city 62 Frei Jenkel, est, s 14.4 feet, city 62 Geo M Stuples, n ?;;, rity 63 Lydi+ M Vebber, m?y, city 63 L A Rhomberg, 5?,,;, city 63 James Michel, ny;, city 61 First National Bank, e 91 ft,syfi,city 64 Dubuque Electric Ry. L and P Co. Staples, ' e an and Wilson, n 94, city 16 Geo M Staples. 104, city 16 Wm Coates, est, n?,;, city 15 Mae h t eabody, s94, city 15 John Hennessy, city 14 P Kiene, S•, city 13 Win L Bradley, nu, c ty 750 James Woodward, n14 s%, city 750 Wm L Bladley, sy4 s4, city 750 Robert w eller, est, n1/4, city 749 D W Linehan m?„ city 749 Jame. M eulllvan, sy{, city 749 Second National Bank, n14, city 748 Wm L Bradley, s?g,city 748 Alex Levi city 24 James J Horr, city 23 Josephine and Joshua Ogilby, nyi, city 22 D 8 Wilaon, est, s1A, city 22 Emilie Gmehle, n 20 feet city 21 Pred Weigle, s 44 feet, city 21 Dubuque Street Railway company— From Eighth to Ninth $ ('3865 From Seventh to Eighth836 85 From Sixth to Seventh 842 5-1 From Fifth to Sixth843 48 From Fourth to Fifth 84191 From Third to Fourth 843 87 From second to Tnird 964 31 24 11 36 80 113 87 74e 60 34 61 76 1872 131 73 257 25 27988 83 00 106 44 797'2 79 71 228 75 57 64 3793 32 35 58 82 28 24 28 24 42 35 63 22 83 22 6109 104 97 1f9 47 74 90 211 94 5 47 63 22 107 82 157 46 278 99 78 36 26 11 52 24 52 24 52 24 5514 52 25 232 89 279 88 156 48 78 36 78 78 50 62 239 05 Tota, $6.009 43 I C R R Co, O n 38 feet, city 20x$220 28 Ft M Langworthy, sm 20 feet, city 20 49 09 V A Langworthy, 6.6 feet, city 20 16 11 V A Langworthy, n 13 feet, city 19 3174 Ed Lan &gwor.hy, 11.6 feet40 , city 19 28 21 19 97 65 Steiner & Zust, Steiner & Zust, n 10.6 feet, city 18 24 89 El Langworthy, s 20.6 ft, n 30.6city 18 50 28 R Cox, est, city 65 210 33 R Cox, est, n 7 feet, city 65a 20 59 Reeder Langworthy, s 20 of 1, city 65a 60 29 60 29 H JohnA A Sim s14, city 66 125 69 R Cox,Simplot, nhj, city 67 56 08 R Mc, s%, city 67 124 23 Arthur Arthur McCann, Robert Waller, st, and 4, 863.7 ft, 68 2 86 city 68 216 33 C 11 Eighmey, and Wi, s 63.7 ft, city 68 72 13 RW H Peaboey, sm 20, city 12 204 26 53 90 R Bailer, est, s 20 ft, city 12 48 82 R Waller, est, R Waller est, n%, city 11 55 04 sag, cit 11 120 76 (4Bman Bank, est' cit l0a 73 23 Timoth city 10 83 72 GeoTimothy Dillon, 48 b2 John Deery, s 44 3 f 20 eet, pity 9 239 66 ALevi.Deers, n 44 feet, city 69 230 94 James Le69 49 55 James McDonnell, e 20.7 feet, feet, city70 68 60 John Hennessy, FMangold, a 20 feet, y 70 39 9 06 James if Crider, cit70a 06 James F Crider, n 5 feet, arty 71 12 21 Christ Higley, s 19 feet. city 71 46 38 Christ Higley, n 8 12 feet, pity 715 162 M J Mulgrew, (less n 8-12 feeLicity Ila 96 75 M J Mulgrew, n 69 feet, city 72 16 60 Ryder Bros., is 25.5 feet, colty 72ty 62 01 21 o62 01 Ryder Bros., 212 Official Noticas. W B Peabody. n 23 feet, city 8 183 40 Anna M Bush, m 1P, city 8 46 37 Mae H Peabody, s 22, city 8 53 71 Anna M Bush, city 7 157 20 Latry Powers, n 34.3 feet, city 6 83 72 Julien House Hotel Co , s 30 ft, city 6 73 48 Julien House Hotel Co., city 5 248 44 A A Cooper, n 64 feet, city 73 278 00 T P Coates and James A' atters, est, s 3.12 feet, city 73 73 T P Coates and Jams Watters, est, city 73 118 15 T P Coat 28 and James Watters est. 11 612 Let, city 74a 1 22 Byder Bros., s 15.6 feet city 744 37 84 Ryder Bros , 21 97 Brunskill & Metcalf, n 21 feet, city 75 51 51 John Watters, est, m 21 feet, city 75 51 of Walter Manson, es', s 32 feet, city 75 32 23 Waiter Man.on, est, city 76 313 28 For the improvement of Locust Stree, from Eighth to Tenth street, and Ninth street from Man to Locust street: Name. Description Lot. Am't John watters, est, city 628 $263 78 R Bonsor, est, and yt, ci y 6.29 136 i.7 Brunsklil & Metcalf, and A, city 629 306 67 E R Jackson s34, city 630 10d 67 M O'Routke, n y3, city 630 106 67 Wm Bothwell, est, city 631 21334 B R Jackson, city 632 388 40 I 0 0 F Mali Association, thy 633 :386 7• Harriett • Horr, city 634 213 34 Samuel Mar in, city 635 19 i 88 A Tredway and 4, city 636 10 67 Grace A Provost, and %, city e36 106 67 Grace A Pri.vcst, mid 3.6 city 637 13o 94 A Tredway, and ys,, c,ty 647 130 94 Geo Wiliging, city 155 26188 Dr L H Fowler, elty 154 213 34 United States of Americe, (Castnm House city 353 193 88 United Slates of America, (C,.s om House) city 152 221 68 United States of America, (Custom Wm L Bradle House) city 151 918 79 A m L Br y, city 150 950 45 M E Connelly, city 149 2083 864 M O'Rourke, city 148 147 213 34 B W Lacy.city 48144 John VRids r, and %,,, city 1446 8.48 W L Bradley, und '. city 146 8 48 Richard C , x , est, city city 146 6378 Mrs M Lorene, city 50 261 38 city 51 28138 For improving Apple street from Cleveland avenue to Rush street: Name. Descrintion. Lot. Am't T Rennes 1y Union add 92 $282 58 Bridget Redmond, Union add 1 8 237 30 Bridget Redmond, Union add 127 437 14 T Byrnes, Linton add 93 286 48 For the improvement of Burden avenue tom Windsor avenue to city limits: Name Description. Lot. Am't Linwood Cemetery Assoc ation, lot 3, suo lots 11, 12 and 13, of ne sec 13 89, 2 Linwood Cemetery kss ciati on, lot $796 12 4, sub lots 11, 12 and 13, of Linwood Cemetery ne Associa ion, lo89, t 111 35 1 of lots 11, 12 and 13, of nes Gottfried Knoernschield 1 Bur89den 265 07 Jo Bran del, & Lawther's add 144 116 58 do 147 60 Fredoline Landolt do 142 67 50 Henry Richter do 141 67 50 Frank and E Reinker, do 140 67 50 John Schmidt, do 139 67 50 Henry Richter, do 138 108 17 Geo Eichhorn, do 77 105 22 A Dement and E 0 Duncan,do 76 67 50 A Dement and E ODuncan,do 75 67 50 A Dement and E O Duncan,do 74 67 50 T A Bisping, do 73 73 , 6 J Beller, do 137 107 25 John G Scheppele, do 138 8 r 50 Geo Burden, est, do 135 67 50 Geo Burden, est, do 134 67 50 Geo Burdenest, do 133 105 33 Geo Burden, est, do 132 107 15 Stephen Zenner, do 131 67 50 Stephen Zenner,do 130 67 50 Stephen Zenner, do 129 67 50 C Jacobi, do 128 106 64 C Bornheiser,do 1.27 106 82 Geo Burden, est, do 126 67 50 Geo Barden, est, Geo Burden, est, Geo Burden, est, Geo Burden, est, Geo Burden, est, Geo Etchhorn, Geo Burden, est, Geo Burden, est, Geo Burden est, do do do d0 d0 do do do do Fted Aelierman, do T A Btsbiog, do H Dement and E O Duncan,do H Demeot ar d E 0 Duncan,no H Dement and E O D,.ucan,do H Dement and E 0 Duncan,do T A Bisbing, do Geo Burden, est, do 81 do do 80 do do 79 Geo Eichhorn, do 78 do do 118 T A Bisbing, do 116 B J O'Neill, O'Neill's Riverview 16 do do 17 Mrs M Monts, do 38 F J Swanson, do 39 B J O'Neill, do 60 do do 61 do do 82 125 124 123 122 121 92 91 91 89 88 88 85 84 83 82 M J Shannon, do 83 For the Improvement of Rose street from Wal- nut street to Al a Vista street. and Center Pace from Rose street to North line of MCNuhys sub: Name. Description. Lot Am't E E Jones, lot 5 of sub min lot 88 $876 32 Mrs A Cummings, lot 1 of 7, t f min lot 88 539 45 E Williams, lot 1 of Cummins s..b of out lot 739, cty 85 63 Henry Gi.bert, lot 2, Cummins su., of out iot 7 9 city 79 15 Fraok Lnthorp. w 45 feet. 1^t 3, Cummins sub of .ut lot 739. c ly 68 62 Eugene Lunde, e 6 9 ft, lot 3 Com - mins suo of out lot 739, city 10 52 E 'gene L rude, lot 4, Cummins sub of lot Frank D Stewart, lot b, Cummins 79 15 sub of out lt,t 739, city 79 15 Mrs A Cummins, lot 6, t.ummins sub of out lot 739, city 79 15 T J Ltvins, lot 7, Cummins sun of James Howie, lot 8. Cnmmi9s sub So 3 2 9 ci Ira Hanson, n °5 lot 17, Cf out lotummi s 176 28 sub of out lot 739, city 203 95 Mrs A Cummins, lot 18, Cummins sub of out lot ib9 city 208 18 A W Hosford, Cain's sub 20 87 29 do do do 19 65 42 Geo Meyer, lot 5 of 2, sub ofomin 18 88 bl 88, John D Wade, lot 4 of 2, sulb ot min 27} 44 lot 88 John C Hilkin, lot 3 of 2, of sub bl 62 mn lot 88 Mary M Reynolds, lot 2 of 2, of sub 51 82 f min lot8 W Hopkins, lot 1 of 2, sub of min 77 50 lt 88 Geo 5 Weaver, lot 1 of 4, of sub 59 4E of in lot8 John Reding, lot 3 of 4. ub of min 42 65 8 E A Gilliam, lot 4 of 4, sub of min 41 75 8 John Bossard, lot 1 of 3, sub min 41 75 lot 88 Elizabeth Stewart, 101 2 of 3, sub of b8 88 m88 A G Wright, lot 3 of sub oflmintlott 58 88 88 Anna M Bott, lot 4 of 3, sub of 299 39 Julia Gilliam, min lot 88 252 57 28- 20 For the improvementmof iSchot rroeder avenue from Seminary street to Liebnitz street: Name Description, Lot. Am't J P Schroeder, Schroeder's add 4 44 1 do do do do Nicholas Groff, do J P Schroeder, do J L Miller, 67 FO 67 50 67 50 67 50 72 10 177 00 6t 50 67 50 87 50 108 60 106 50 6750 67 50 67 50 106 95 105 42 67 50 67 50 87 50 107 33 193 67 19467 192 24 193 57 195 00 392 67 197 17 199 73 182 02 181 53 do 5 48 0 do 6 49 6 o do 7 4601 do 8 46 ON do 9 46 01 do 12 136 98 1 9 6 do 14 460` do 15 46 01 Ojtcial Notices. 213 Nicholas Bohler, J P Schroeder, do do do do 18 46 00 do 17 49 00 do 18 46 00 do 19 46 00 do 20 56 43 For the improvement of Twenty fifth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street: Name. Description. Lot Am't Paul Trout, Trout's sub 1 $120 01 John Pilmaier, do 4 42 67 Michael Appel. co 5 52 09 Michael Sehunk, Davie Farm 287 214 16 Berman A E lwanger, do 286 214 38 Gerhard Teuhof, do 357 216 24 For the improvement of Twenty-sixth street from Couler avenue to Jackson street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Nic Mueller, est, Davis Farm add 348 $214 86 Nic Jochum, est, do 297 215 30 Jacob Kessler, do 296 214 91 Nic and Frank Glab, do 317 2t6 54 Notice. Public notice is hereby given th•t at the ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque, hell on the 23d day of November, 189' toe fol- lowing apeci"l assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For constructing a Sidewalk on Winona avenue from West Fifth street to West Third street: Descrint'on. Lot Am't Deming & Horr's sub do do do do do do McCoy's sub do Deming & Horr's sub do do tt o ds do Name. O F Bodge, do do do do do do John McCoy, do O F Hodge, do do do do do do l t $ 10 34 12 11 00 13 11 00 14 11 00 15 11 00 38 1100 17 1430 3 :11 24 4 31 02 18 1135 19 11 00 20 11 00 21 10 78 22 9 90 83 9 68 do 24 9 24 For constructing a Sidewalk on North side r f Twenty fourth strew between Jackson and Pine streets: Name Description Lot. Am't R and E Langworthy,G endale add e4o. 3 223 $ 1543 do do 247 14 50 do do 270 14 41 dodo11 h0 do do do do 294 10 91 For constructing a Sidewalk on South Side of Twenty.flflh street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't R E LangWor:hy, Glendale add 221 $10 91 For constructing a Sidewalk on South Side of Rhomberg avenue from Reed street to First avenue: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Matilda McCluer,McCradnoey's 1st ad 366 $7 3 8833 do Nic and Frank Glab, Ham's add 261 8 91 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thir ty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent bear interest fter the same rate the delinquent city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 5th day of December, A. D. 1892. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, within fltteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on both sides of Burden avenue, between Windsor avenue and city limits, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, be, within fifteen days of con- formitythis notice withonsthe ordinance inucted andlaid relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Grant avenue, between Julien avenue and West Eleventh street. Adopted Nov. 10, 1892. —3ec2-10t J. L. FITZPATaicK, Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby elven that at the session of the C1'y Oouncil of the City of Dubuque, held on the 5th day of December, 1892, the following special assessments were levied on tae real estate hereinafter described, and that in case the owners of the property so desire they can pay the assess- ment in seven annual equal installments, the first iultallment being due on the date of the levy, and the last installment six years from the date of levy, all bearing i.-terest a. the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. P.rties wishing to pay alt "t once as hetetsfore can do so. In case or foilure to pay all or any part of the as- sessmert at the end of six ye rs from date of levy, the property wilt oe advertised sou sold. Dated at Dubuque this 16th day of December, A D 1892. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Fir the improvement of Main from Seventeenth to Charter streets: Name Description. Lot. Am't A A Couper, city. n;4 4a $229 90 T. O'Sullivan, ci�clty, 4 6727 E W Albee, nye 4a 6:27 Richard Hind, est, A W Heeler city, ssy, 34 57 20 Wm Coatis, city 3 6184 do city 24 125 68 do n 21 8 12 feet 2 63 81 Alt x Simplot, city. s 4 12 feet 2 83 do city, n 2 i 5-12 feet 1 62 94 Chares Simplot, city, m 21 8 12 feet 1 63 81 John Ratters, cry und% n30 912ft 77 124 9. Marg Wilde city, nnd14 n 30 9 12 ft 77 67 47 87 47 2 45 82 51 610 57 01 56 55 5357 59 87 55 11 4735 341 313 43 283 99 81 03 84 01 73 53 1941 Wm Wilde, city, una VI, n 30 9.12ft John Phelan, city, s 10-12 feet 71 do city 77a do city, n2612ft 78 B J O'Neill. city. s 19 6-12 ft n 22 ft 78 John 8u1 ivan, est, ctty, a 22 feciet '78 y 78a P .1 Burke, Wm Lowther, city, n 22 feet 79 MartinJohn Bell et 19 Carroll, city, sm 9 4 12 ft 79 B J. 0' .Neill, city, s 1 5-12 feet 79 do c ty 80 John Henueasey, city 531 do city, n% 5t2 Richard Bennett, et ty, siA 532 do sty, n 25 feet 532a Duggan, Sul iran & Kinsella, t 532a Du buqu- Harbor Co's add, blk 1 4 83 24 Anna M Bush, do 5 63 24 J H Lull, est, d s and 3S,b k 1 6 30 49 0 49 J V Rider, do do 6 C r, Pritchard Mfg Co., same 7 63 24 J H Shields, do und$%, blk 1 8 41913 John Watters, est, do undM, bik 1 8 20 98 J H Shields, do und%, bik 1 8a 41 96 John Watters, J H Shields, est, do una95, blk 1 8b 41 98 John Watters, est, do undo, b401 8b 73 b3 Anna do Bush, do do 9a 73 53 o do do 10 73 53 do LErdo 11 73 53 do 12 129 62 Richard Waller, do C L Pritchard, do do 13 63 28 J H `Shields et al.,do J II Shields, do undo, blk 1 14 33 30 J H Lullfl,, est, do und3O, bblk 1 14 16 65 lk 1 14 16 65 J H Shields, m L Bradley, do do undy„ blk 1 15 33 83 do blk 1 15 16 92 J H Lull, est, do undl, bik 1 15 16 92 Wm L Bradley, J H Shields, do und34, blk 1 16 35 19 J H Lull, est, do undi4, blk 1 16 17 59 Wm L Bradley, do undq, bik 1 16 17 59 Robert Jess, city, e 35 feet 583 276 63 o do city 535 127 48 Catharine Sullivan, pity 535a 181 70 DdOcity, n1,4 536 90 04 A ustin Adams, J Hennes, city, s%536 3417 A Dubuque Street Ry Co from to Second street 2,430 93 214 Oficial .Notices. For the improvement of Grant Avenue and West Eleventh street, West of Race street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't A W Hosford, Cain's sub 7 $208 87 Harriette Thompson, do 13 198 74 A W Hoetord, do 17 69 29 Martha L Gruner, do 16 58 3 $ A W Hosford, do 16 58 30 do do 14 78 92 J P Barley, Cummins' sub 22 159 39 Andrew Drees, sub city out lot 738 1 153 13 For improvement of Alley east of Race street from West Eleventh to Race street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Garrett Fleming, Cummins' sub 13 $22 82 Martin Kirwin, do 14 18 98 do do15 5 18 B8 C Vath, do s% I Clemimton, do n?; 16 6 32 do do sli 17 6 32 Ira Hansen, do n9; 17 12 65 James 11.,w e, do 8 18 98 Stephen Harughts do 9 18 98 3 W McNttc, do n36ft 10 1242 W W Wilkinson, do s19ft 10 655 1655 do do Charles 11 Snow, do 12 22 82 eor improvement of Alley West of Race street from West Eleventh street to Rose street: Name. Description. Lut. Anet A W Hosford, ..sin's sub 14 $108 17 do do 20 107 04 Mrs A Cummings, Cummins' sub 18 43 53 Mrs Dora Reed, do 19 43 53 Wm Gilliam, co 20 43 53 J P Earley, do 21 43 63 do do 22 43 53 Special Assessment Notice. Office of the City Engineer, Dubuque, Iowa : To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Broad- way extension between Diagonal street and Cordovia avenue, all in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of any street railway company occupying with its track a portion of said Broadway, and to any person or persons or company having any interest in said real estate or said street railway : You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Du- buque, a plat of said above named streets, in said city, showing the several lots or par- cels of ground abutting on said streets and the tracks of said street railway laid there- on, subject to special assessment for paving, guttering, curbing and macadamizing of said streets, and the names. as far as practi- cable, of the owners of said abutting real estate and of said street railway, and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground and against said railway, for the inspection of any person, firm or company interested in any kind in said real estate or in said street railway, and that such firm or company, having objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed, as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objections in writing, at or before the next meettng of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 2d day of January, 1893. 20-10t E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Special Assessment Notice. To John M. Kirkpatrick, S. K. Miner, Mrs. Mary Cordon and Elizabeth Herbst: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the construction of lateral sew- erage on Hill, Burch and West Th?rd streets, adopted on the 5th day of December, A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement. Lots 1 of 4 and 2 of 4 min lot 73 and lot 1 of min lot 76. lot 2 of 6 of sub of lots 1 of 3 min lot 76, 2 of min lot 77, west 62 ft of lots 4, 5 and 6 in Ktene and Blockling- er's sub, and lot 7 in Fortune's sub. owned by assess- ment, you, subject being said special you may appear atsaimeeting, to be held on the 2d day of January, 1893, and show cause, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be made. 102 J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. fipeolal Asseesment Notice. To Clara Soloman: You are hereby noti- fled that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of sidewalk on Grand- view avenue from Delhi street to South Dodge street. adopted on the 5th day of De- cember, A. D. 1892, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot 12, in Whelan's sub, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 2d day of January, A. D. 1593, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. (dec14 10t) J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. Manse of Grade Notice. At the session of the city council of Du buque, held Monday, December 5th, 1892, it was decided chat the proposed change of grace on Sanford street as shown by the profile in the city recorder's office, will be considered at the next session of the city council, not less than fifteen days from the date of this publication, and that all per- sons claiming damages by reason of such proposed change of grade must file their claims before such meeting with the city recorder. Dubuque, Iowa, December 12th, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRICK, 12-151 City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at : my office up to 4 p. m. Dec. 3151, 1892, for con- btructing lateral sewers as follows: On West Fifth street and Roberts avenue, also in alley between Jackson and Washington streets, Tenth and Seventeenth streets, the work to be done in accordance with plans and specifications 3n file in my office. A bond of $200 will be required with each bid. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Notice to T.xpayers. The undersigned is now ready to receive city taxes for the year of 1892. All such taxes remaining unpaid on the lst day of February next become delinquent on that date and bear interest at the rate of 1 per cent. for the first three months and then 2 per cent. for each month after 'May 1, 1892, until paid. LAWRENCE GONNER, lm Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. List of City Warrants. 215 LIST OF CITY WARR AN'I S Drawn by the City Recorder, July, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, lows, Aug. 1, 1892 f 1'o the Honorable Jfayor and City Council: GENTLEM!N—The following is a comole' a list of all warrants issued by me during the month of July, 1892: Name. For What Purpose. Amount L Gunner, treat urer, salary for Juue $150 00 L Gonntr, clerk hire.• 50 J 0 Fitzpatrick, recorder, salary for June116 651)0 J M Keuety, auditor, do 11665 J J McCartny, city attorney, do 125 00 John F Stemm, assessor, do 125 00 James Bennett, aes't assessor, do 100 00 G Gmeh e, assistant aceessor, do 100 00 E C Bake, engineer, do 12500 E 6 Hyde, assistant engineer, do 100 00 James Boyce, ass't eng1Leer, do 100 00 S B Rice, marshal, do 10J 00 John Carter, street comm'r, do 91 65 Joseph Rey -tilled, Bre chief, do 75 00 Ed Norton, maraet master, do 50 00 F W Weiland, health uflieer, do 30 00 James Smith, wharf master, do 20 O t C 8ptege.natter, poundmaster, do 40 00 60 0.1 James Bunting, e.ecuician, do 76 00 • B Rawson. sewer inspector, do • • Henry Henge, park custodian, do 45 00 Jobn 0 Connell, clerk, do 83 35 Dennis Ryan, police 77 50 John Raesli, do 7235 James Carter, do 5165 B cath. du 45 10 Wm 0' Brien, do 51 65 M O'Connell. oo • 51 85 Wm Hennessy, do ......... .......... 5183 Wm Frith, du 5165 John Lttscher, do ........... 51 65 P McNeruey, do...........51 63 T Reilly, do PDon _egan, do 5165 P Kearney. do 5165 J Fitz ,atrlck, a0 48 30 D Norton, do 51 65 James Allen, do 5165 John Reut:r, do 50 00 M Hardie, do 5185 Wm We,sh, do 516.) Sam Elmer, do 5165 James Fly,. n, Go 5165 D Lavery, do b165 Ed nt0ore, do 5165 M Kilty, do .1 Siegrest, do P auttoo, d0 T Blake, do J Mur. hy, d0 Wm Klauer, do P Scharf do P MCCotlins, do D Hoffman, d0 PHanlon, do ..,......... ••.• Geo Itubeck, do John Murphy, do ....... James Daly, fireman Job Barnes, do JJ 7lturpny, Straney, do ..... doWm Ducy, "..""" T Shea, co ............ ...• •.•• Jschoubarger, do ...........•.... •••• Ed Keas, do 60 00 M Kite], do P Martin, do 85 00 J Essman, do 60 00 J Flynn, do 60 00 do 60 0J J w iltse, 50 00 F Es•man, do 50 00 T Flynn,T do 50 00 DAbearr, ,,,• 6000 Ahearn, do • • • • • • •' "" 73 00 Geo Moyer, d0 • 60 00 James Allen, do 50 00 C Kannalt, do "' 5050 00 F Ganahl, J Ward. do 50 00 A Duccini, do 50 00 Ed Norton, board of prisoners.. 10 80 T Ahearn, laoor 25 "5 J Albrecht, labor 28 80 M Abbitz. 6 10 .7 Bohn. mason 7 50 J Bitter, labor 25 35 51 65 51 t5 51 85 48 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 51)10 60 00 6u 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 Th°o Buse, labor ........... .............. 4 05 W BO), labor ,, .... 28 35 J Bewer, helper road roller . .. ... 45 50 J Bottoms, paver .......... 27 50 P Burke, laborer John Byrne, do ..., . , J Bergman, ao J B.ethe, do 1) Benne, do NmBarkley, do A Burke, do R "urns, do 11 Brennan, do L Bisich, do W Crumpwell, do John Corbett, do John Callahan, do Jerry Cahill, do M Cuyte, do M Carmody. do J Corroran, do L Corco an, do D Cr aty, do Samoo,lins, do B Conlon, do Ned Condon, do James Cahill, do ' en Condon, do ....................... James Doyle, foreman .................... Jas Dolan laborer J Dougherty, do M Dumpby, do M Dieferding, do Ed Desmond, do M Do sey, do Geo Dingeldeio,do R Eddy, carpenter John Kagan, laborer John Evrrett, do ... John Fix, do .. ... P Fitzgerald, do Dan Fox, do H Flood, do .... F Freeman, do F Fos, do Fritz Fu'znicker, mason ............ 801 Freeman,laborer............... .. 11 Foltz, do M Flannery, do Joe Grab, do ••• •••• Jog Giessler, do ....................... EdGrew, do ....................... C Grunzig, do .•• ••........ H Grieve, do ................ ..... L Groes, do John Grew, do H Gollie, do Joe Ginz il, do James Harker, do John Haley, do Dan Barman, do James Hall, do NHilger, do PHayden, do T Hackney, do Geo Hughes, do Ed H.,ckett, do Fred Harris, do F Herzog. do A IIaunour, do A Hofferman, do Peter Jacobi, do A Johnson, do John Jecklin, co John Kiusetla, carpenter Phil Kinney, laborer J Karon, do M Klein, do J Kelly, do M Kirk, mason 11 Knenkel, laborer B J Knee, do F Kreeger, do M Katze, do ltd Lee, do John Lavin, do M Lllack, do John Lacy, foreman W1 arge, laborer ...................•••• 16 Lange, do H Luck, do 11 Lelcht, do 11 Lempke, do Ill Mullen, do Ned Morgan, do M Mahony, do do P Moran, L Maher. do T Mulqueele, do P Helcnoir, do ...... 22 05 28 35 28 70 1 35 1125 2700 25 00 24 65 12 15 20 25 28 70 27 35 5 40 5 40 1935 2 05 27 35 24 00 13 50 25 35 9 46 12 50 8 10 2 70 30 35 18 90 28 05 2., 00 28 70 26 35 11 50 23 65 4•i 50 27 00 19 25 13 20 16 20 29 40 17 55 6 75 810 18 00 4 06 28 05 2 05 28 35 2835 28 05 24 00 22 30 23 30 9 45 28 05 24 30 29 00 30 40 20 70 24 65 25 35 22 95 18 90 4 05 11 50 54" 32 75 5 40 105) 2130 24 85 15 90 52 00 30 05 5 40 27 00 27 35 24 90 4 05 1 35 16 55 9 45 20 70 22 95 25'0 33 70 16 20 3 90 31 05 30 15 5 40 24 00 28 05 28 35 2675 10 10 24 95 2830 ..... ••••...... •••• •••• 21 G List of City Warrants. M Murphy, do '1' Mahony, do Fred Milier, mason M M, rgan, foreman Gen Martin, 1,,borer P Moutel, do James Mellny, do C Machelberg, do M Marion, do Rnbt Mack, do Simon Meytr, d t 1. Meur0c, oo M mcCune, foreman A Met4uan, laborer L McEvoy, do H McMullen, foreman J McNulty, do J McBr.de, laborer T Mc0onnell, do M McMahon, do M McCattan, do B McCormack, do Wm McLane, do M Unteu, do B Niekols, do P O'Brien, Sr , do P O'Brien, do M O'4hea, do JoeOobelt, do F Os+.aid, do Jas Purcell, do D Pop ers, do ... , ... Wm Pickley, foreman C Pfend. laborer....... J Perryon, do John Quail, do D Quirk, do John Quigney, do Wm Rooney, do James Ragan, do M Rain, do Geo Rieder, do ..... ........ M Ryan, do J Ryan, do Tames Raw, do H Reynolds, do W Ruff, mason John Raetz, foreman ... Bic Ries, laboror. Fred ' ieger, do Mr. Rieman do Geo Sutter, do A R Stevenson, eogineer road roller Joe Stik, laborer J Sullivan, do M Sullivan, do Wm Swaegler, 00 N Steinmetz, do James Smith, do W P spaulding, do JnoSchemmel, do ...... ..... ....... Pat'k Smith; do Joe Saurwein, mason M Specht, laborer J Schroeder, do M Sherroch, do . ............ J gchiltz, do ......... P Achiltz, foreman ............ N btiever, laborer P Stof er. do James Tobin, do L Trop, du Wm Thompson, do C Utzilr, do John Whalen, e Thos Welth, do John Wolff, do R Wiederman, do P Wagner, do M Wampeck, do m Weber, foreman N4 Ziehina. laborer............ Geo Zumhoff, foreman EdAntum, team. T Byron, do MBurne, do N Brandt, do R Bennett, do .1 Beacom, do John Bizler, do EBrewbeoher, do M Crahm, do Bart (fain, do T B Cain, do John Dunkley, do John Decker, do Thos Blllott, do Fischer & Co, do ..... E E Frith, do ................. M Gantenbein, do ...... 18 90 22 95 25 50 22 35 1690 14 20 6 75 2.265 11 50 70 27 00 30 40 38 95 28.5 2670 6 1..1 36 7i 21 80 17 55 10 15 2100 22 95 5 40 22 30 20 28 19 35 4 05 11 50 30 05 3.t 15 20 25 29 70 3590 16 20 2180 26 00 27 00 13 85 19 35 27 70 14 85 26 70 22 95 23 65 1620 17 55 18 00 43 30 5 40 19 60 29 40 2E 00 60 00 25 00 22 05 2 70 22 65 1 35 22 30 14 85 ,8 10 5 40 5 00 30 40 1 35 5 40 18 25 35 00 15 55 31 05 4 05 810 7 45 2 70 27 70 25 00 19 60 1150 1995 18 90 4 05 27 35 41 10 9 45 28 25 19 70 20 50 33 10 8 50 6 30 15 75 55 95 50 40 8 70 25 20 11 05 15 75 1 60 45 70 26 80 John weary, do ....................... 53 5:5 P' Graff, do 11 05 M J Bannon, do . 43 35 Thos Hein, do 30 45 J eloff meyer, do 28 35 Wm Howard, do 33 10 PJarden, do 5g 10 30 'rhos Kave, do 51 20 C Kampman, t`o P Linehan, do ....................... 5040 ltd Laren do 1 75 John Long, do 4570 T G Moore. do 14 20 T McCollins, do 23 85 J McCracken, do 48 85 J WCG, ath, do ... 48 85 Wm McGrath, do 4 75 Dan McCollins, do 4 75 M 1"De4, do ..... ... ............ 14 20 J Parker, do 43 35 John Pickley, do 7 90 J Quinlivan. do 25 20 Geo "tynolds, do 20 50 Con Ragan, do 18 90 J Ryan, do ..... 5 55 J gaffes. 00 65 40 J Sutherland, do 15 75 D Sutherland, d o 34 65 John Savage, do .......... 23 65 H Schmidt, do 51 20 J strotz. do 37 80 A Srhwenthal, do ............ .... 29 15 J Spielman, do 14 20 J Swink, do 4 75 if Sctulz, do 160 J Singreen, do 3 15 Cath Tooin, do 51 35 A Turner, do 25 20 J Terry, do 17 35 Hobt 1 apelt, do 29 95 J Van Holten, do 15 75 John • eish, do 52 80 Geo Wetter, do 34 65 Jahn Williams, do 33 10 H Wel h, do . 14 20 J Withrow, do ................. 630 M Zogg, do 15 75 John O'Brien,laborer............ . ... 43 75 Time Butcher. do 42 00 John Melone, do 6 75 P Fitz a:rick, do ............. 10 15 H nrennao. do 8 10 Thos McCaffreydo 57 00 Chas Speth. do 7 50 Thos Hearvey, do 35 A M iota, do 4 50 Wm Griffin, do 16 50 John Dunkley, do k5 29 Frank Faber, do 21 00 Andy Therman,do 6 00 B McCaffrey, do ..... ....... ... 12 75 Jas Rooney, do 4 75 W A Garver, do ... 225 R 0 Tompkins, do 185 Jos Rooney, do . 5 25 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing......... 10 00 A Y McDonald Mfg Co., bolts for engine50 Dubuque Water Company, 212 hydrants500 00 do do 500 00 0o do 60 00 P Schlenker, oil cans...' 40 P Klauer, dog checks and cups 96 45 G B Grosvenor, stationaly ...... .. 7 50 Wm Marshal, repot ing engines 45 57 A Y McDo9ald Mfg Co, two pair tongs 1 40 Hesdford Bros, two grates .......... 2 55 G B Grosvenor, stationary 4 25 F S'•hloz, repairing too s 2 80 A Wunderlich horse shoeing 5 00 Wm 8 nolo, hose band 30 T Hi'1, repairing engines 2 85 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 3 00 Key City Gas Company, coke 20 31 P F buttrle, grading West Fourteenth St500 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading Maple street450 00 Palmer, Winall & Co, stationary ,... 14 00 A R Parker, repairing lawn mower 2 00 Henry Glab, assistant rodman 50 00 I Proctor, labor..... ........ Lawrence Daly, cleaning around market hoofs 25 75 G A Hoerner, cusoadores 7 20 James Kelly, stationary . 14 50 Parley & Loetscher Mfg Co, lumber 50 Guthrie & Chettetmao, laying sewer pipe 4 00 T J Conlan, livery hire 6 00 B Logan, do 3 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading Madison St500 00 do do 350 00 Adam REuter, assistant park custodian25 00 List of City 1Yarrants. 217 P 11 Halpin, bran, etc 4 20 G Gmehle, assistant assessor 50 00 T 1I111, repairing engines .............. 1 50 J W Wlttmer, medicine for C Kannolt6 75 Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co, shavings1 10 Platt Bros Company, tiremens' hats 20 83 14 D Linehan, repairing tools 9 .5 Standard I.umher Co, lumber .... .... 8 :30 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 2 doz rings 4 50 Baumgariner & Kleih, nails, files, etc70 J Mc.Jollins, removing dead auimal4 1 00 Dubuque Electric Hy L & P Co, 100 arc lights5i000 Dubuque Electric Ry L & P Co, lights 166 30 Globe Light & Heat Co, lights .... 500 t u do do 5167 Key City Gas Co, gas . 106 25 W Greenhow, plumbing at city hall 0 45 Rey City Gas Co. gas 3 15 Electric Supply Co, supplies 4 55 The Times Co, advertising 29 15 The L,dger, do 2915 The Herald, do 2915 L Daty, cleaning around city hall. 32 10 Adam Doerr, hauling scale we'ghts, 75 John E flartig, repairing locks 4 25 Knapp, Stout Ni Co Co, lumber 2 47 Fraatz & Clark, blue vitriol 57 422 Wm 8 Molo, repairing fountains Far,ev & Loetscher Mfg Co, shavings 50 G A Hoerner, an ern globes ....... 65 II Nagelmaker, oil and brooms • • •' 4 30 2 30 John Butt, steel pins 2 80 Reinfried & Jaeger, nails ......... . Novelty Iron Works, repairing engine .., 2 755 Smedley Mfg Co, r, pairing tools...... C e[cEltath, removing garbage.... 17500 Adam Schmidt, storm water sewer,llth St 500 00 do do do 50000 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 50000 do do do 500 00 do do do 50000 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 Thos McDonald, labor 19 53 James Street, stone crossing 19 53 Tony Siege, stone . ... •....... .... L Gonner. treasurer, money advancel • • • 500 00 00 0 do 0 do .... 2227 91 do 3 75 John Schrup, ax man 8 00 Charles Smith, helper ...... • • • • • • Mrs Koenig, janitor 15 00 Lavin & Corrance, wall on Rose street119 85 Isaiah Cleminson,jurordoon HighlandPlace2 00 00 do E A Frenzel. Po 2 00 B Westercamp, do do 2 00 P Specht, dodo 200 John Moser, do do 2 00 Hugh Co encs, eo 2 0.i Joseph L Horr, no 2 00 A Ellwanger, do do 2 00 John A Hauser, doeo 2 MM Tsebirgf, Sr, do do 00 Anton Trueb, do do 2 00 Con Callahan, Geo Salot, juror on Fourthdo t extednsion o 2 00 J Wunderlich, do do do 2 00 N H Schilling, do do do 22201:1010) ChasHollnagel,do do do 2 00 John Krayer, do do do John IIartig, do do do P H Halpin, do do do 2 00 M Brown, do do do 210 L M Langstaff, do do do 2 00 OttoKllwanger.do do do 2 00 Louis Trapp, do do do 2 00 Tschirgi & Kringle, storm water sewer, Main street 500 00 500 00 do do 200 00 GO 5E0 00 Gomm' J Jones, 9th Street Engidoo House500 00 do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 50000 do ddo 500 00 do do do 500 Ou do dO do 50000 do d0 do do do 500 00 ter sewer on Adam 8ohmidt, storm Eleventh street 424 00 J hn 0 I here ioy ceerrtify that the foregoing is a true and correct list or all warrahts drawn by me during July, 1892. J. C FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder, August, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, 1 DUBUQUE, IOWA, Sept. 1, 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The folioriing is acomplete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of August, 1892: Name For What Purpose. Amount. L Gonner, treasurer. salary for nJuly. . •5150 00 50 00 L Grainer, clerk hire, J C Fi,zpatrece, recorder, do .. 116 70 J M Kenety. auditor do .. 116 70 John F atemm, assessor, do .. 125 00 E C Blake, engineer. do .. 125 00 E S Hyde, ass't engineer, do .. 100 00 Jas Boyce, do do .. 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do .. 100 00 John Carter, streeteom's'ner, do .. 9l 70 Joseph Reinfried, fire chief, do . • 75 00 Ed Norton, market master, do .. 50 50 00 FF0 W Wieland, health officer, do Jas Smith, wharf master do .. 20 00 Carl Spiegelhalter, poundmaster. do • • 13 Rawson, sewer inspector, do • • Hames Renge,pg arklecustodtan,do Henry Heoge,p " John O'Connell, clerk, do • • James Daly, fireman.... Job Barnes, do J Straney, do J Murphy, QO Wm uucy, do Ed Ke as. do J Scnonberger, do do T Shea, *t liStel, do P Martin, do J Essman, do J Flynn, do do J W iltse, F Walker, 0o •••• • ..... •••• T Flynn, do F Essmau, do D Ahern, do James Allen, do George Moyer, do F Ganahl, do Chas Kannolt, do A DUCcini, do J Ward, Dennis Ryan, police Joan Raesli, do James tarter do art Cain, M O'Connell, do wm Hennessy, do Wm O'Brien, do Wm Frith, John Litscher, do do PMc8erny, Thos Reilley, do P Dunnegan, do do P Kearney, J Fitzpatrick, d0 Dan Norton, do James Allen, do John Reuter, do M Hardie, Wm Welsh, do Sam Elmer, do Jas Flynn, dO Dan Lavery, do Ed Moore, do M Kitty, do JD Secrest, do P Sutton, do T Make, do John Murphy, do Wm Klauer, do 50 00 P Snharf d0 50 00 P McCollins, do 50 00 Joon Hoffman, do 50 00 P Hanlon, dO 50 00 do 60 00 Geo Murphy, ""' Jim Murphy, patrol driver labor 70 50 L Faber, " 39 00 Thoq McCaffrey, do 18 75 40 00 60 00 75 00 46 50 83 35 60 00 75 00 50 00 80 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 85 00 60 ( 0 e0 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 28 05 50 00 50 00 5 00 70 00 50 00 44 85 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 50.00 50 00 EO 00 50 00 50 00 44 85 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 43 15 50 00 50 00 2650 00 tO 00 50 00 39 85 50 CO 50 00 50 00 B McCaffrey, do Wm Griffin, do Jas Rooney, do do Jos Rooney, team John Welsh, Wm A Garver, labor John Zinn, 18 30 36 00 40 85 1 50 23 60 218 List of City TJ i rants. B McCormack. do14 15 0Strver, do ......... • •• 1 30 J McGrath, (10 9 75 P Lynch, do 1.3 50 Richard White, do 15 00 P Bell. do 17 2n W B McCaffrey, do 4 00 H We'r•h, team 6 30 Wm McG ath, do 1 6 ) Frank Belendy,laborer 4 50 Ed Norton board of prisoners.. 20 60 T Ahearn, labor 28 05 J Albrt cht, do 1 35 A Burka, do 23 05 Wm carkley, do 12 15 J Bergman, do 16 90 John Byrne, do 24 30 P Burke, do 29 40 H Br nnan, do 5 10 R Burns do 16 55 James Burns, earpenter 13 50 J Boetke, laborer 29 40 Theo Buse, do 16 20 D Bernes, do 1 70 M Ball do 17 9J John Bottoms, paver 42 00 John Bewer, helper steam roller 43 75 M Burns, laborer 14 55 John co•bett, do 30 95 Sam Collins, do 26 70 John Corcoran, do 27 70 John C ltehan, do 26 70 Jas Cahill, do 16 20 M Clark. do L Corcoran, do • •„ ” " 22 65 R uonitu, do •4 05 Ned C ndon, do M Coyle, do "• • 25 0 6 00 W Crumpwell, do 70 M Dorsey. do 18 91 M Dieferding, do 28 35 M Dumphey, do 25 00 GeoDiugeldein, do 16 90 J Dougherty, 00 29 40 Ed Desmond, do..28 05 Jas Doyle, foreman .......... James Dolan, laborer 20 20 R Edi20 60 John Eagan,1acarpenter,r 43 5 J Everett,30 15 H Flood, do 28 70 Sol Freeman, do 1 75 75 F Filzrucker, mason4 .i P Fitzgerald, laborer 44 35 D Fox, do 20 70 John Fix, do 30 05 H Foltz, Sr, do .......•,.• •••• 5 40 H Foltz, Jr, mason 10 50 M Flannery, laborer 5 40 F Fort, do 2 70 C Arun zig, do H Grieve,-do21 95 3? d Grew, 3130 L Gross, 6) 9 40 HGollie. do 19 70 2 A Gantenbein, mason 27 70 12 Joe Grab, 00' John er, laborer 70 do 28 22 65 Joe Giuzel, do 21 30 Jas Harker, do 37 50 James Hail, do 17 55 F Harris, do 1 35 John Hafey, do 19 95 Ed Hackett, do 29 05 T Hackner, do 28 80 P Bayden, do 30 40 F Herzog, do 25 00 N Hit er, do 16 90 Dan Harman, do 22 30 AJohuson, do Peter Jacobs, do 17 55 29 40 John Jeckrin, do J K1n�ella, carpenter 2 70 50 00 M Kline, laborer M Kuenkel, do 19 95 J Karch, 10 80 Pbil Kinney, do 21 30 J Kelly, 00 16 30 16 Joe Knoell, d0 90 Fred Kreeger, do5 40 John Lavin, do 21 05 John Lacy, foreman 26 70 Rd Lee, laborer 32 40 H Lippstook, do• 3 40 25 00 H Luck, d0 H Leieht, do 12 85 Chas Lempke, do 9 80 W Lange, .."" 70 B Lohrffien, ms on 70 31 Lilack, laborer 12 00 12 50 M Murphy, do P Melcnoir, do James Melioy, do M Ma homy, do P Moran, do L Maher, do '1' Muh eery, do M Mor;an, foreman neo Martin, laborer Ned Morgan, d0 T Mahony, d0 F 31iiler, mason C Mackelberg, laborer M Magerlon, do L Meurise, do P Moutel, do S Meyer, do J Mulle", do Ho pert. Mack, do M McCabe, foreman L Mcavoy, laborer A McGuau, laborer P McMulleo, foreman J M Nulty, do JMcRrlde, laborer Wrn McLain, do B Me ormack, do T McDonnell, do T McCaffrey, mason B McCaffrey. laborer P McNulty, d0 M Nuten, do Dom •!chola, do PO'Brien Sr, do J Obbelt, do F Oswald, do Wm Mickley, foreman D Powers, laborer U Pfend, do A Pfiffner, mason James Purcell, laborer J Pei ryon, do J Quail, do D Quik. do James Ragan, laborer 15 stuff, mason ... M Rvan, laborer F Rieger, do J Ryan, do M Raen, do James Raw. do Wm Rooney, do J• bn Reetz, foreman W Rieman, laborer N kiss do T R• ir.y, do M Snecnt,do J Schemmel, do "' J S mi. h, do J Sauerwein, mason A Schmidt, do J Su livan, laborer P Smith, do Wm Swaegler, do N Stei„metz, do M bcneirock, do P Stoffer, do Geo Sutter, do John Spies, uo J Straney, do NSweeney, do P Schiltz, foreman Jo n Schiel, laborer J Schue, do Joe Seia, do AI Stevenson, engineer road roller.... Wm Thompson, laborer .... H Topf, do P Utztg, do T Welsh, do J Whalen, do Johu N olfe, do Peter Wegner, do R Wiederman do M Wampeck, do M Wall era, do Wm Weber, do Gott Wirt, do J W'dder, do W Lachine, do Geo Zumhoff,:foreman Ed Antrim, team PAhern, do '•""""' James Burns, do John Bigler, do B Brewbecker, do R Bennett,, do n Brandtdo B Cain, do M Crahin, do ................ .............. .............. ••• ••.•........ 18 60 21 30 21 30 28 :35 24 75 29 70 30 40 37 60 21 60 70 29 05 56 25 24 08 5 40 26 35 7 45 19 25 13 50 2 05 28 00 24 83 30 4J :36 00 36 00 4 05 28 33 15 90 35 13 50 8 80 5 40 31 05 24 30 21 95 31) 05 11 15 31 60 30 05 n) 05 :3250 26 70 28 70 27 00 1 35 22 95 89 00 24 :30 24 e5 5 10 8 80 17 90 I e 85 36 40 25 35 1 70 19 95 30 40 14 20 7 45 28 35 49 40 28 05 1 70 31 40 21 R0 26 35 20 95 27 75 70 21 60 19 60 20 00 28 35 3, 25 00 60 00 26 70 1 :ia 70 14 115 28 05 29 40 30 05 4 05 70 16 65 36 00 27 00 26 70 15 55 15 20 12 60 23 65 7 90 12 60 25 20 68 45 32 30 81 45 48 83 List of City Warrants. 219 C D Clark, do J Dunkley, do E B Frith, do M Gantenbein, do John Geary, do J Garragan, do Chris Gantenbein,do J Hoffmeyer, do M J Hannon do Wm Howard, do P Jnrden. do C Kampman, do Thos Kane, do John Lona, do P Linehan, do C Lempke, do J G Moore, do F Mathis, do JMcCollins, do ... ............ Jas McCracken do J McGrath, do Wm McGrath, ao ................ R McElwain, do J W Norton. do Noonan Bros, do J Parker, do JQuinlivan, do Con Ragan, do Geo Reynolds, do J Ryan, do Joe siege, do ............ . J Swink, do D Sutherland, ao J Savage. do J Sutherland, do J Steffes, do Hrchmidt do H Strotz, do J Sigritz. do ............ John Terry, do Catherine Tobin, do A Turney, do ............ P Vogel, do J Von Holten, do John Welsh, do H Welsh, do John Williams, do George Wetter, do M Zogg, do V herr, express J Mcuollins, do A Doerr, do F Sieve, do J Steffes. do Dubuque Water works, Rater for city hall James Bennett, assistant assessor Headfnrd Bros., sewer grates John Schrupp, inspector on Main street Wm Geishecaer, rodman R J Love, wood for roller.... Char les r mith, ax man Henry Glab. assistant for engineer 0 Gantenbe in, stone crossings James Street, stone crossings B C Blake freight on goods E J Evens repairing sidewalk Hussman & Ltes. fuse F St hloz, repairing tools Baumgartner & Kleih, chain John Tibey. rock Farley, Loetscher Manufacturing com- pany, stakes Duggan Sr Kane, oil Standard Lumber company, lumber Knapp, stout & Co. company, lumber F. Schloz, repairing tools • • • Novelty Iron works, rubber packing Svendsen & Ott. lumber Gomer J Jones, building Central Engine house Dubuque Rubber and Belting company, repairing coat. • • Hussman & Lies, powder & fuss • B D Linehan, repairing tools Dubuque Rubber and Belting company, fifty feet of hose John Pickley, gravel Anton Siege, stone Byrne & Saul, rock.... .......... .... Dubuque Rubber and Belting company, firemen's coats Wm 0 Walters, hay for patrol John Mullen, harness oil Wm 0 Watters, hay Leture Lumber company, shavings Bllwanger Bros, repairing harness air - Smedley Manufacturing company, repair- ing roller Bart E Linehan, cement A Reuter, assistaut park custodian 1 60 3 15 7 90 63 80 6n 65 38 15 2 00 57 50 00 15 4 75 61 45 56 70 65 40 62 25 45 70 76 80 17 35 11 85 21 30 32 30 71 70 11 85 3 15 16 55 25 20 64 60 50 40 15 00 66 95 9 45 3 15 19 70 41 75 11 05 13 40 62 20 '5 40 37 80 11 n5 17 35 57 50 3 15 6 30 11 85 26 80 21 30 12 60 66 95 14 40 1 25 1 25 75 1 00 1 0' 20 00 100 00 113 14 45 01 23 07 1 59 25 00 50 OU 20 16 21 42 5 3U 13 00 30 1 00 90 67 3J Smedley Manufacturing company,repair- ing engine. 1 44 Knapp Stout & Co. company, lumber26 83 Wm a b oto, plumbing 43 00 A Wunder•ich, horseshoeing 5 50 Bart E Linehan, sewer pipe and cement55 30 F Schloz, steel pine 2 75 Zehetner & Vogenthaler, aepairing steam roller 2 22 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 22 95 G B Grosvenor, stationery... 12 05 Reinrrir_d & Jae3er,tools powder and fuse In 95 L Daly. cleaniug around market. 28 50 Mr. Koenig, sc ubbing police headquar- ters 9 00 Mrs Koenig. janitor 15 00 W M Greenhow, pluming 1 40 Henry Tropf, assistant Doundmaster21 00 J It Jellison, repairing sewer. 2 50 P Powet s, repairing fire alarm lines 5 25 S M. Elrod', freigbt on goods 1 92 Western Electric company, wire81 18 J K Graves, witnesefees 12 00 C McElreth, hauling garbage 189 00 The tie ald, hand cart 10 00 .Tames Kelly, stationery 16 25 J H Trleb, labor 21 85 John O'Brien, labor 50 00 T Butcher, laoor 43 75 Key City Gas company, coke 18 86 E B Chandler, fire alarm box and magnet 135 00 00 Wm Howard, horse hire GumerJoues, Central Engine House 500 00 do do do 475 00 Thos T Carkeek, superintendent on en- 150 00 gine house Joe Geiger, repairing doors 7 00 tr'erguson oro+, repairing fountains 9 10 500 00 Dubuque Water works, water.... 500 00 do do do 00 CO 00 do do Steuck & Farrell, grading 14th street 150 OU Guthrie & uhesterman, grading 9th street 509 00 ti Ed Ryan, tea al h re n dams Express Co, expressage on goods. 7 75 J W Wittmer, drugs 5 7 35 Key City Gas company, gas .• 510 do do street lamps 106 25 Dubuque Electric Railway, Light at.d 500 00 Power company, arc lights do do do 166 60 Globe Light and Heat Co, gasoline lamps. 500 00 do do do 0 51 67 The ' edger, pr.nting.... 2915 29 15 The Times company, printing Knapp, Stout & Co. company, lumber.... 428 65 do do do 48 00 Headford Bros, manhole covers 3 950 t.hristman & tiealev, nails •• ' '7 15 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails . .... 2 85 F Scholz, repairing tools 13 85 John Williams, stone 287 10 BartB Linehan, sewer pipe16 10 J W Wittmer, drugs • • Baumgartner & Kleih, lanterns picks and 8 '75 handles 85 Duggan & Kane. oil 39 31 Knapp, Stout & Co, lumber 59 21 Svenden & Ott, lumber... ........ 0 Bart tC Linehan, cement 1 90 0 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lumber 90 4 50 do2 35 1 35 F Schloz, lanter n holders 53 28 50 Nova ty Iron Works, repairing roller 101 53 10 62 B E Linehan, sewer pipe............ 7 90 3 0=e btandard Lumber Co, lumber 7 80 3 t 0 it Schloz, repairing tools 2 35 Knapp, Stout & Co, lumber 5 80 75 002 Mrs Mary Weiss, personal damage 75 50 67 50 L Gonner, Treas, money advanced 4 4 3 0 do 500 0 50 do do 500 00 5 30 do 4 35 do do 460 95 Dubuque NatidoonalBank,borrowed money 500 00 700 50 8do 500 0 23 4 do do 500 00 41 00 do do 50 00 41 00 do do 500 00 1 0067 do do 500 00 14 50 do do 500 00 54 50 1 00 do o 600 00 a 5 0 00 1 35 do do 500 00 17 35 do do 500 00 do do 500 0 do do 500 00 do do 50 00 3 00 85 tiO 25 00 220 List of City Warrants. Dubuque National Bank, borrowed mouey 500 00 do do 500 00 Second National Bank, do 600 01 do do 500 00 do do 100 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 5on o0 do do 500 00 do do 100 00 do do 500 00 do do 600 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 German Trust & Saving Bank, do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 C H Altona, twine 05 J J McCarthy, salary 125 00 Atkinson & Oloff, improving Main street 500 00 do do 500 00 no do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 24 73 Steuck & Farrell, improving Maple street 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do improving Madison street 600 00 do do 600 00 0o do 500 00 do do 500 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the mouth of August, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. • Special Meeting, Dec. 29, 1892. 221 CITY COUNCIL. Special Meeting, Dec. 29, 1892. Council met at 2:40 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present.—Alds. Byrne. Crawford, Cushi Giab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, 8m and Stoltz. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of taking action in relation to the issuing of paving bonds, as a mistake had been made in the issuing of the last lot of bonds ordered Ald Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows, which was adopted: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN: As per order of your honor- able body, held Der. 5, 1892, instructing us to deliver the paving bonds to C. H. White & Co.. amounting to $26,500, numbering from 148 to 200 inclusive, beg leave to state that the same have been delivered as per order. and for which please find treasurer's receipt attached. Alt of which is most respectfully submitted. EDw. (:. PEAsLEE, JO -N P PAGE, P. OLINGER. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dnbuque: 'That the paving bonds issled by the order of the city council at its regular session held Dec. 5, 1892, for the purpose of defraying the cost and expense of improving certain streets and alleys in the city of Du buque, be and the same are hereby ordered cancelled, and that all acts and resolutions of the city council held Dec. 5. 1893, in re- gard to the issuance of said bonds, be and the same are hereby declared null and void and of no force and effect. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, B9 the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby author- ized and instructed for the purpose of pro- viding for the payment of the cost and ex- pense of improving the following streets and alleys. to -wit: Burden avenue, Apple street, alley east of Race street, alley west of Race street. Main street from Eighth to Jones street, and Broadway extension: to issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1891, by the city council of the city of Du- buque, bonds to the amount of $26 590, as hereinafter stated, of the denomination of $50 each, numbering from 148 to 200, inclu- sive,all dated Dec. 31, 1892, payable seven years atter date, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. payable semi- annually at the office of the city treasurer of Dubuque. Iowa, and redeemable at any time at the option of the city of Dubuque, said bonds to be issued tor said streets as follows: Burden avenue $ 6.500 Apple street 1,000 Alleys east and west of Race street500 Main street troll) Eighth to Jones st15,500 Broadway extension That when said bonds are issued and regis- tered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall notify C. H. White & Co. that said bonds are ready according to their contract wit,h the city, and when the money is received from said C. H. White & Co. said money is to be given to the city treasurer to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1b91. Adopted by therollowing vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne, Crawford, (flab, Nicks, Olinger oltz Pe Shing, mit.h Carried dor, 1892. ae 2-2/.1 .31ayor. BT OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder during Septem- ber, 1892. CITY REOOBDER'9 OFFICE, DuBOQOE, TOwe, Oct. 1. 1892. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GESTI,EMSN—The following is acomplete list of alt warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1892: Name For What Purpose Amount. L Gonner, treasurer, salary for august...$ltu 00 L Gonner, clerk hire, do .. 50 00 J C Fi:zpatrtca,recocder, do .. 118 85 J M Kenety. auditor do 118 65 J j Mc Jarthy, attorney, do .. 125 00 John F etemm, assessor, do 125 00 E C Blake, engineer, do 125 00 E S hyae, ass't engineer, do 100 00 Jas Boyce, do do 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do 100 00 John Carter, streetcom's'ner, do 91 65 Joseph Reinfried. fire chtef, do 75 00 Ed Norton, market waster, do 50 00 F W Wielat d, health officer, do 30 00 Jas Smith, wharf master do 20 00 Carl 8piegelhalter, poundmaster, do 40 00 B Rawson, sewer inspector, do 60 00 James Bunting electticisn, do 75 00 Henry Renge,park custodian,do 46 50 John O'COunell, clerk, do 83 35 Jas l Bennett, ase' tassessor, do 10 000 00 JamesDaly, fireman .............. Job Barnes, do •"""" '•00 7 60 5 00 J Straney, do ............ . 60 00 J Murphy, do 60 00 tym uucy, do 500 00 Ed Ke as do 50 00 J Schnnberger, do 5050 00 E Shea, do 50 00 -' Seas, do 60 00 P ttai, 85 00 P Martin, do 60 , 0 J lssma Fiynn. do 80 00 J Flynn, do 60 00 FJ WRue,ssma 50 00 F EWalter, do 50 00 F Walker, d 50 00 D Flynn, do 60 00 J mes Al do 80 00 James Allen, do 7b 00 George Moyer, do 28 05 Chas Hannolt, do 28 00 F Ganahl, do 50 00 J Ward. do 50 00 A DUCCini, d0 •0 50 Dennie Ryan, police 72 35 Joan Raesli, d0 5 James Carter do 48 4L 63 40 Bart Cain, 51 5 M O'Connell, d0 51 65 Wm Hennessy, do Wm0'Brien, 51 00 o 65 do 50 Wm Frith,135 John Litscher, do 53 51 15 5 1' McNerny, 48 80 Thos Reilley, do 51 65 P Dunnegan, d0 51 65 1' Kearney, d0 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, 51 65 Dan Norton, do do 51 65 James Allen, •..... do 51 65 . John Reuter, d0 51 65 Wm M Hardie, d0 28 20 Sam Elmer, do Welsh, , 51 65 222 List of City Warrants. Jae Flynn, do 51 65 Dan Livery, do 51 65 Bd Moore, do 11 65 MKllty, do ••••••• el 65 J D Secrest, do 51 65 P Sutton, du .......... 51 65 T Blake. do 50 30 John Murphy, do 50 00 Wm Klauer, do 50 00 P Scharf do 51 85 P McOollins, do 51 65 Joon Hoffman, do 48 90 P Hanlon. do ........... 50 00 Geo Rubeck, do 51 65 Juo Murphy, patrol driver ........... 60 00 John O'Brien, labor 50 00 Tom Butcher, do 46 35 Frank Fabor. do 13 50 Jas Rooney, do 45 50 R Wrl3tht, do „ 00 Chas Melendy, do 6 00 Wm Griffin, do 7 00 C Lempke, team 3 15 J Parker; do 4 70 P Connell, labor 27 i5 P Lynch, do ...... 3:3 00 II v Tompkins, do 1 75 John welsh, team 29 90 D Pendergast, labor i8 5 Tom i'trauev, do 9 75 Thos Mctaffrey, ao 32 25 Hugh O'Connell, do 2 6U P Grew, do 2 B0 P Linehan, team 4 70 Jas Hurley, tabor 1 75 Garrett Doyle, do 1 75 R M McElwain. te.m 1 60 R Tregillis, laborer 1 75 CH Pierce, do 1 75 John Melone, do 1 50 John Arndt, do .... 6 75 J Albrecht, do ... ....... fi 70 Joon Bewer, helper steam roller 52 50 J Bergman, laborer 32 40 John Byrne, do 5 75 P Burke, do 32 40 J A Boetke do "' ........ • N9 70 Wm Ranting, do 2 40 R Burns, do 278 35 B Brommett, do 27 00 M Burns, do 4 05 `3 00 Jas Burne, do John Bottoms, paver 3 00 John Corbett, laborer 50 00 Jas Cahill, "" "" 29 70 do 29 75 Sam Collins, do 31 75 L Coroorau. do 33 7., John Callahan, do 19 e5 Nea Condon, do 10 80 John Corcoran, do 27 00 J Cullen, do 2 70 H Collett, do 14 S5 D Crotty, do 5 40 M Dlefferding, do 11 50 M Dumphy, do.... .......... • :al 50 John Dougherty, do34 10 Ed Desmond, do 29 70 Jai Doyle, foreman 30 80 J Dolan, laborer 22 95 M Dorsey, do 24 30 PDarby, do 4 05 R Eddy,45 50 J Eagan, carpenter D Fox, laborer 29 70 P Fitzgerald, do 30 75 25 65 M Fagan, do John Fix,26 35 FFort, dO ""^•••••••••• 3310 C Fischer, do d0 6 75 L Grose, "" "• 10 80 60 Ed Grew, do 34 65 do 34 10 C (iru►iztg, do •••8 10 A Grieve, do 6 75 11 of •111n, do John Giesaler, do9 45 Jas Harker, do .... .. ...... • •• 33 75 Dan Harman, do .. "•' 3 00 NioHilger, do """".•.••••• 311 75 John Hafe , "" "" "' 45 Ed Hackett, do 25 00 21 30 Thos Hackney, do 21 30 P Hughes. do F Herzog, do 31 75 28 70 E L King, do A Johnson do 22 2 655 PJacobi, 33 10 John Kinsella, carpenter..... 2 00 H Kuenket, laborer 5 75 4 P Kinney, 40 do 29 40 M Kline, do J Kutch, do J Kelly, do F Kreger, do J Kiuzel, do J Lavin, do M Lilack, do Fd Lee, do 11 Leieht. do II Lippstock, do 7'I.00ergan, do H Luck, do Jahn Lacr, do Matt Lres, do M Murphy, do L Meurice, do P Melcholr, do P Moran, do T Mulqueeny, do '►' M,hony, du 11 Mahony, do r. Miller, mason M Mage,ion, laborer M Morgan, foreman Jas Meiloy, taborer C Mackelberg, do J Mu,len, do M McCune, foreman n Mention, laborer J McNut y, foreman P McMullen, ,,u Wm McLain, laborer L McEvoy, do B McCormack, do J Mel.ide, do M McCarten, do T McDo..nelt, do M Nuteu, do Joe Noe , do dam l(ickols, du P O'Brien, do Joe Obbelt, do F Oswa. d, do Wm Pickley, foreman 1) Powers, laborer C Pfend, do A Pfffner, Jos Purcell, J Perryon, J Quail. P Quinn, N Huff, Jas Ragan, M Ryan mason laborer GO do do mason laborer do N Reiger, do Jas Raw, do Wm Rooney, do J Raetz, foreman T Reilly, laborer Geo Helder, do Wm Kiernan, do J Sullivan, do J Straney, do M Suecht, do Wm Swaegler, do P Stoffer, do N rteinmetz, do W Sweeney, do M bu liven, do 51 Scnelrsck, do 1' Shay, do A hue der, mason neo Sutter, laborer Joe Seta, do John Schiel, do A L Stevenson, engineer road roller.... Win T om nson, laborer John Wo, ff, do T Welsh, do M Watters, do P Weiner, do Gott Wirt, do J Whalen, do Wm Weber, foreman W Zachina, laborer Ed Antrim, team P Ahearn, R Bennett, do J Birxler, do " T Byron, do N Brandt, do Geo Butler, do M Burns, do J Barrett, do M Crahin, do C D Clark, do B Lain, Jae Deegan, do J Elliott, do M Gantenbeir, do . .............. 32 40 32 40 8 10 12 .0 ................ 6 75 14 55 33 75 33 75 30 05 17 55 26 '35 9 45 33 60 6 75 18 25 20 25 23 65 32 40 :30 75 27 00 :38 40 18 00 5 40 28 80 7 45 24 30 ............ :33 75 33 60 25 00 38 40 40 80 16 90 31 75 ....... .... 19 60 16 20 7 65 2 05 24 30 3.240 14 85 33 10 3 • 45 23 CO 38 00 30 75 32 40 17 50 :12 40 ..... 33 45 22 90 ......•• .. 21 65 18 00 7 80 25 65 29 70 18 25 23 65 40 40 22 95 28 35 21 60 25 65 27 00 1620 8 10 28 05 18 90 25 00 33 10 31 75 1 35 15 75 10 15 25 00 8 10 60 00 34 10 33 10 9 45 4 05 16 20 18 90 22 95 33 60 25 65 50 40 3 15 53 35 7 90 36 25 15 75 11 05 14 20 425555 18 90 42 55 33 10 18 90 List of City Warrants. 223 Wm Howard, do 68 15 J Boni eyer, do 75 60 T tieing, no 34 65 M J Hannon do '75 60 P Jorden. do 18 90 Thos Kane, do 40 95 P Kenn, ally, do 61 45 C Kampman, do 73 25 P Linehan. do 39 40 John Lung, do 72 45 C Lempke, do 27 60 Robert Mathis, do 70 50 W 55 15 F Mathis, do m McGrath, oo 53 55 J McGrath, do 61 45 J McCracken do 70 90 Sam McEirath, do 6 30 D McCollins, do 1 60 JMcCollins, do 28 35 J W Norton. do 12 60 Noonan Bros, do 25.20 J Parket, do 48 85 J Pickley, do 3 15 Mrs Quinlivan, do 42 55 eo Reynolds, do .... 15 J Swink, do ................ 33 3 90 A Siege, do ........ 80 J Simpson, do ... 3 15 D Sutherla^d, do 42 55 H rch'nidt do 7a 45 J Steffen, do ............... 72 45 H Strotz, do 50 40 J Sutherland. do 3 15 Catherine Tobin, do 44 10 J Terry, do 9 45 John Williams, do 80 .i Welsh. do ............. 3 15 Geroge Wetter, do 6 30 D Zogg, do 3 15 J Mc ..olltns. express 50 Ed Norton board of prisoners 20 20 James Kelly, stationery 8 70 Western Wheeled Scraper company, one road scraper 236 37 Barger & Bltsh. stationery 11 10 Bart E Linehan, cement 21 40 Jordan & Jordan, centers and straight edges.1 30 ..... .. 10 30 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing John Newman, repairing wagon 4 50 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 4 00 P C Foley, pine wood for city hall 7 00 H G Freeman, one box.... ...... 1 00 B D Linehan, ironing tubs........ . ... 3 25 Barrett's bindery, one binder........ 2 44 L Daly. cleaning around market house25 00 M J McCullough, fifteen copies of law of Fifteenth general assembly.. 7 50 Palmer, Winall & Co, blank books 89 50 Christman & Healey, nails............ 2 75 Gomer J Jones, part payment on Central Engine House 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 389 50 Frank Robinson, repairing roller 7 99 M Zwack, repainng roller 12 05 C McElrath, removing garbage. 189 00 John Staler, team for electrician1 40 R Tregiler, wiring new engine house 23 00 Knapp Stout & Co. company, at.kesti 75 Dubuque Rubber and Belting company, one pair of rubb, r boots 3 00 J J Sheridan, two empty kegs 50 Headford Bros, manhole covers 4 34 !l W Raymond, one dozen lanterns. 328 8 Kev City Gas company, coke W W Wnrm000d, winding town clock and star ............... ... 74 00 Reinfris d & Jaeger,repairing lawn mower 1 10 A Reuter, assistai,t park commissioner25 00 Smith Printing company, city directories. 24 00 I 8 Bigelow services as expert 605 00 04 Erwin & Wood, lumber Jos J Rowan, bed spreads 1 50 Peter Hoffman, brooms, salt and pails.... 5 90 Mrs Koenig. janitor city hail......... • • • • 19 00 9 50 Jordan & Jordan, level board C C Lempke & Co, patent lever for fire wagon Dubuque Water works, 216 hydrants do do do do do do Atkinson & O:off, grading Main street A Wunderlich, horseshoeiog T Haggerty, horse hire C C Lempke & ('o. repairing harness Baumgartner & Kletli,oails and hooks Leture Lumber company, shavings 2 75 500 00 500 00 74 64 121 50 5 65 7 00 5 35 70 1 00 Smedley Manufacturing company,repair• ing engines .. 2 82 Wm Marshall, repairing engines...... 5 13 A Kannolt, horseshoeiog 9 00 P . lancy,horse hire 1 60 Lear & Pffn, r, horseshoeiog 6 00 Svendsen & Olt. lumber 6 15 Christman & Healey, nails, etc 35 Frastz & ulerk. drugs 9 50 T 11111, repairing engines 2 10 M burns, horse hire .... 65 J P Bennett, assistant assessor............ 100 00 G Gmeh e, do 100 00 Geo P Hose, opening of Henderson ave24 00 Chris A Volkert, juror on alley between Clay and Seminary streets 2 00 W H Torbert, do do 2 00 M M N' ffmsnn, do do 2 00 John P.lmaier, do do 2 00 Ira Hansen, do do 2 00 John Pier, do do ' 00 Henry Kruse. do do 2 00 John O'Dea, do do 2 00 J Christman, do do 2 00 T 0 minivan, do do 2 ( 0 C Gantenbein, do do 2 00 H Z,rneoke. do do 2 00 B F Miller & Co. city maps ... 225 00 Byrne & Saul, filling South Main street... 125 25 The Ledger, advertising..... • .. .. 29 15 B E Frith. g ading Twenty-third street.. 68 00 Key City Gas company. coke..... ...... 27 39 M Sullivan. macadam '70 00 L Gonner. Treas, money advanced 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 429 57 Atkinson & O1off, paving Main street 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do no 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 50u 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 600 00 do do 500 00 oo do 5t,0 00 do do 500 00 do do 118 16 German Trust and Saving Bank, loan 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 5 0 00 do do 50U 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 Second National Bank, do 500 00 00 do do t00 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 go do 500 00 do do E00 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do d0 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 Meyer & Altman, opening of Elm street. 450 00 Chas Smith, helper engineer's office 25 00 Henry Glab, rodman engineer's office... • 50 00 Wm Geiseker, do do "" 45 00 John Schrup, paving inspector 224 List of City Warrants. Thos Hassett, riprapping South Locust st. 231. 60 Steuek & O'Farrell, grading Burden ave 500 00 do do do 50J 00 Ed Ryan, oo do do 5 0 00 y , do Auburn ave 500 t 0 d John Bell, repairing Fourth street en- 500 00 gine house Altair.- Houpes, juror in city case..... C D Seward, do P Gandolfo, do Jack Duch, do Henry Betancourt, do A Grahsm, do Geo W Ruston, do James Donahue, do P Hughes, do L Mutosiky, do L Broil, do AGraham, do L H A dams, witness in c.ty case Wm Doty, do Maggie Doty, do Nora Lanser, do A Meyer, retaining wall, Eighteenth st engine house 500 00 do do do 35 00 Byrne & Saul. curbstone on Main steeet38 35 Jos P Norton, removing trees on Main st22 50 Iieadford Bros, twelve grates........ 48 20 The Times company, advertising 29 15 The Herald, avertising 75 00 Uhirich Rutr, Eleventh street sewer 500 00 do do do 300 00 TschirffT T Duy, fe fees itt eiiae yorrdinanceases4001 00 00 Wm Flynn. witness in city ordinance case 60 Key Cltv Gas Co, gas and street lamps109 25 Dubuque Electric Hy L & P Co, 100 arc lights 51 0 00 Dubuque Electric Ry L & P Co, lights 166 65 Globe Light & Heat Co, 331 lights 500 s'0 do d 5167 Ferguson Bros, repairing fountains 62 10 The Adams company, settaes for parks207 1 0 Dubuque Water works, water 10 00 C J W Saunders, money advanced for fees 4 95 Anna and Wm Wilkinson, opening of Rose street 68 83 Jas Lee, sidewalk around Jackson park500 00 do do do 15 62 Con Ryan, grading Grandview avenue50 00 Mrs E Roberts, refunded saloon license25 00 Mrs Conzett, refunded impounding fees27 00 Sarah E Dean, witness in city case 60 Martin Hayes, do M Barber, do 6060 John Groth, do John Dolan, do 6060 Jack Klein, do 60 Correct 1st of all warrantsrthat the f issued nbysmer dduring the month of September, 1892. J. C. FITZ r'ATRICK, Recorder. 39 60 1 00 1 00 11.0 1 00 1 CO 1 CO 1 00 1 10 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 60 60 60 60 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder During October, 1892, Dun nus,, lows, Nov 1, 18FFICE92 CITY RECORDR'S2'o the Honorable .Jfayor and City Council: GENTLEMSN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me luring the month of October, 1892: Name. For What Purpose. Amount L Gonner, treasurer,salary for September..5150 00 L Gonner, clerk.. 50 00 .. 116 65 .. 116 65 .. 125 00 .. 125 00 .. 125 00 .. 100 00 .. 100 00 .. 100 00 .. 91 65 . 75 00 .. 50 00 .. 50 00 .. 20 00 .. 40 00 60 00 J C N'itzpatrlck, recorder, do J M Keuety, auditor, do J J McCarthy, city attorney, do John F Stennis, assessor, do E C Bake, engineer, do E 8 Hyde, assistant engineer, do James Boyce, ass't engineer, do S B Rice, marshal, do Joseph Carter, street fr, chief, do Rd Norton, market master, do 1' W Weiland, health officer, do James Smith, wharf master, do C Splegelhalter, poundmaster, do B Rawson, sewer inspector, do James Bunting, electrician, do Henry Henge, park custodian, do John O Cohnell. clerk, do James Daly, fireman Job Barnes, do J Straney, do J Murphy, do Wm Duey, do T Sheri, o0 Ed Kees, do J Schouberger, do M Kite!, P Marten, do J Essman, do J Fly,th, do J a lltse, do T Flynn, do F Es•man, d T Walker, do D Ahearn. do James Allen, do Geo Moyer, do C Kannalt, do J u ard. do A Duccini, do F Ganahl, do Dennis Ryan, police John Raesli, do James Carter, do B r 'sin, do 51 O'Connell, do Wm Hennessy, do W m O'Brien, do Wm Frith, do John Lttscher, do P McNerney, do T Reilly, do P Dun . egan, do P Kearney, do J Fitzpatrick, do D Norton, do James Allen, do John Reutar, do 31 Hardte, do Sam Elmer, do James Fly( n, do Dan Lavery, do Ed Moore, do M Kilty, do .i Siegrest, do P 'Kitson, do T Blake, do J Mur„hy, do Wm Klauer, do P Scharf do P McCollins, do •r Hoffman, do P IIanlon, do Geo Rubeck, do John Murphy, do .Ed Nortou, board of Thos Byrne, filling loterisoners Geo Taylor, improving alley T Ahearn, laborer A Alderson, do John Bottoms, paver ........ • • • • • •. J Bewer, helper road roller ....... James Burns, laborer D Bernes, do A Burke, do Wm Barkley, do J Bergman, do J Byrne, do P Burke, do J Boothe, do B Brummitt, do R uurns, do M Burns, do H Beckett, do 8 Bordeau, do S t'ollins, do J Corcoran, do L Corcoran, do James Cahill, do J uallaban, do J Corbett, do M Dieferding, do M Dunphy, do P Da by, no M Do sey, do J Dougherty, d Ed Desmond, do ..... ........ Wm DeLorlmier,foreman........... Thomas Dolan, laborer M Dolan, do It Eddy, carpenter John Kagan, laborer P Fitzgerald, do Dan Fox, do U elecber, do ............ ... ..... •••••• .... .... ...... ••••...... 7500 45 00 8335 60 00 75 00 50 00 80 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 85 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 80 00 77 05 50 00 53 40 48 35 51 65 41 50 50 00 51 63 51 65 60 00 55 00 55 00 46 70 5160 55 05 53 40 53 40 53 40 53 40 53 40 53 40 55 00 4670 53 40 29 90 50 00 5160 51105 53 45 51 50 51 65 21 65 60 00 15 80 141 20 226 10 2635 1 35 47 05 50 70 33 05 5 40 1590 25 00 29 40 10 80 29 70 21 30 3180 3100 10 85 9 40 5 45 29 10 30 40 25 00 29 70 8 10 29 70 675 28:0 31 20 30 40 31 05 29 05 26 40 4 50 3 75 26 25 21 75 28 25 31 20 29 40 List of City Warrants. 225 Y Fagan, do John Fix, do F Futznlcker, mason ...................... C Grunzig, laborer ............ L Groes, do Ed(stew, do H Gollie, do ....... .......... John Giessler, do ... ....... Joe Grab, do John Hayes, foreman Jas Harker, laborer......... NW Hilger, do DanHarman, do ...... ••......... Thos hackney, do P Hayden, do F Herzog, do John Hafey, do Ed Hackett, do M Hannon, do James Hurley, do James Hirt, do P Jacobi, do A Johnson, do JJecklln, co J Kiusetla, carpenter Geo Kuenkel, laborer P Kinney, do .................. J Karen, do E L King, do M Klein, do J nelly, do Frank King, do F K.eeger, do T Lonergan, do M Lilack, do Ed Lee, do lI Leleht, do John Lacy, foreman H Lippstock, laborer M Loes, do H Luck, do J Lavin, do .......... .. C Lempke, do PMelchoir, do L Meurise, do T Mulquee..ey, do James Malloy, do P Moran, do M Mahony, foreman C Macnelberg,laborer L Maher. do T Mabony, do PMontel, do John Mullen, do M McCone, foreman P McMullen, foreman J McNulty, do L McEvoy, laborer J McBr.de, du A McGuan, do Wm McDermott,do ..... ........... Thos Mucaffrey, mason M McGrath, foreman M Nuten, laborer Dom Nickols, do P O'Brien, do JObbelt, do M O'Shea, do F Oswald, do A Pfiffner, mason Wm Plckley, foreman D Powers, laborer Jas Purcell, do J Perryon, do C Pfend, do P Quinn, do John Quail, do John naetz, foreman M Hoen, laborer. Wm Rooney, do F ieger, do J Roesner, do Geo Rieder, do ..... Jsmes Raw, do T Reilly, do James Hagan, do A Ring, do M Ryan, do A R Stevenson, eogineer road roller Joe Seik, laborer J traney, do M Specht, do N S a eeney, do M Sullivan, do J Sherroch, do .................. P Stuffer, do Geo Sutter, do J Sullivan, do P Smith, do Dan Sheean, mason 810 h 40 3001 15 60 15 00 30 45 4 70 31 75 1 3u 9 60 3755 19 85 29 00 775 9 45 21 7U 31 40 25 05 2.2 9s 6 15 1 30 32 10 27 t0 6 10 50 00 5 45 29 80 21 :i5 1750 8 10 30 45 6 75 4 00 15 95 27 10 3045 11 10 3d 80 5 45 12 80 k9 71 6 15 16 95 22 35 2100 31 20 28 50 31 40 37 60 28 70 22 95 23 65 6 10 29 70 3700 9 60 39'23 2430 28 35 24 . 0 20 60 21 00 15 60 4 SJ 2 t 95 30 40 31 40 4 05 20 95 39 4U :33 80 :11 20 2700 16 20 29 70 8 80 29 70 38 00 23 10 10 80 32 10 28 05 24 65 5 40 14 85 25 65 1 35 6 90 60 00 25 00 17 55 32 75 16 20 70 4 05 31 75 10 15 29 90 1825 14 00 Wm Spaulding, laborer 8 15 Joe Sauerwcin, mason ..... • • • 2 50 N Steinmetz, laborer 4 05 Wm Th mpson,do 1960 w Weber, foreman 24 90 0 'tt Wirt, laborer 14 25 John Whalen, e 270 John Wolff, do 31 75 P Wagner, do 25 85 IN 7.tchina, do 1995 Thos Ash. team 15 75 Geo Butler, do 22 40 R Bennett, do 52 00 T Byron, do 64 60 M Burns, do 68 95 B('aln, do 6030 M Crahin, do 70 90 J Dunkley, do ...... 6 30 F Graff, do 6 30 Wm Howard, do 32 i;0 J Hoffmeyer, do 64 75 Thos Ilein, do 67 75 M Hannon. do 36 35 P Keuneally, do ............ 22 40 Thos Ksne, do 5355 C Kampman, do 55 30 P Linehan, do 31 85 C empke, do 31 50 John Long, do 57 05 Wm Mct4rath, do 2050 J McGiath, do 3465 Jas McCracken, do 75 80 J McCollins, do 24 45 John Parker, do 67 20 Mrs Qmnlivan, do 50 40 Con Eagan, do 31 50 D Sutherland, do 6615 J Spielman, do 1890 J Swink, do 3940 J Steffes, do 64 60 A Siege, do 4 75 J Sutherland, do 39 40 H Strotz, do .••• ••••16 75 II Schmidt, do 64 05 Cath Tooin, do 30 75 A Turner, do 3 15 John Williams, do 6 30 J • e'sh, do 50 40 Geo Wetter, do 6335 John O'Brien, laborer 50 00 Trio. Butcher. do .. 40 25 Jos Rooney. do 43 30 Tom McCaffrey do ............ 40 50 P Lynch, do 7 40 li Pendegrast, do 6 80 H O'Connell, do 11 35 P Grew, do 11 35 Jae Hurley, do 740 Narrett Doyle, do 7 40 P Quinn do 5 25 Pat Burke, do 5 25 C H Pierce, do 41 10 Thos siraney. do 6 40 P Linehan, team 6 30 R Tredillis, laborer 36 75 John t'reet, du 915 Geo Wetter, team 160 C Cnapman. laborer 1 60 Henry Smith, team 1 80 J Strotz, do 1 80 Ambron Hurd,laborer 9 95 Fred Amesbury, laborer 31 50 Peter Amesbury, laborer 31 50 Dennis Sullivan, do ............. 17 00 James Harley, do ........... ib 25 Jeff McGrath, team 1 60 The Adams company, settees for parks18 00 John Tibey, curb around Washington park 500 410 do do do 39 71 Jessie Jellison, sodding around Jackson park .............. ... 56 70 Dubuque Rubber and Belting company, hose an couplings 13 15 Thos Carkeek, services as superintendent200 00 Baumgart.,er• & Kleth. nails 4 45 Standard Lumner comoany, lumber 7 03 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 14 15 G A Hoerner, lantern burners. 10 Ham & C .rv. r, blank s a'ioaery 1 50 Knapp, Stout & Co company, lumber. 13 83 A eiegd, repairing Union avenue .... 50 00 J A McKinles, services as notary i Walla15 00 Dubuque Telegraph, blank stationery... 179 50 James Levi, gloves. .. ....... 3 50 Jos Geiger, repairing police headquarters 3 50 Baumgartner & Klrth, nails, etc. . 130 Kty City Gas comoany, coke........ 85 90 Dub..oue Woolen W.•re company, lumber 8 90 Aug Fetter. wnitewashing calaboose 11 0.) J H Trieb, labor......... 17 25 226 List of City Warrants. 0 McElra'h, removing garbage 182 00 Thos Henney. catch basins 82 i, 1 Ilaraer & Biish, stationery 9 80 }tobirr• on &Purcell, 011.............130 Headford Bros, repairing roller 30 standard Lumber company, lumber.. .... 2 87 Erwin& Wood, lumber 1440 Ii 31 Dickey company, coke..... 8 24 Duggan & Kane, brooms .......... ... 50 Smedley Manufacturing company, repair - lug roller 0 30 John O'Dea, wood 5 00 B D Linehan, rep tiring tools...... , . 3 30 0 J Heiler, club and belts 33 00 Bart E Linehan, cement......... 9918 Headford Bros, manhole frames.... 40 00 Mrs Koenig, j tnitor 20 0u Ed Desmond, labor. 2 05 E L King, do 2 05 M Ryan, do 2 05 B McCormack, do 1 35 J Felton, do 1 35 Mrs Quinliven, team .. 3 15 L Donner, treasurer, money advances500 00 do do 40211 do do 148 95 Eugene Dietzen, repai.ing i 'struments2 75 t. G Kringle, grading Clark sheet 02 75 Jas Street guttering for Sanford street7 00 O G Rrinele, grading Algona avenue 341 84 Wm Marsha 1, repairing roller 6 23 Steuck & Farrell grading Windsor avenue 33 87 E E Frith, grading S.3hroeder avenue 200 00 Norton & Lee, grading Cornell & Thomas streets 500 00 Norton & Lee, grading Cornell & Thomas streets• •50 00 Norton & Lee, grading Cornell & Thomas streets 7300 Steuck & Farrell, culverts on Burden and Windsor avenues ....... ... •... ... 305 00 Paul 11g, assistant engineer 34 50 Joan Pliny, grading Hill street ......... 341 73 Steuck & Farrell, grading Mndlson street. 87 10 John Pickley, gravel 10 45 0 G Kringle, culvert on Clark street 12 50 Atkinson & Oloff, improving Main st500 00 do do 500 00 co do 0106 do Ninth and Locust sts..50 r 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 50000 do do do 500 00 rip do do 500 do do do 500 00 do do do 50010 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 215 00 Key City Gas Co, gas ................... 110 90 Globe Light and Beat Co., gas 500 00 do do . do 5107 Dubuque E. R L. & P. Co., electric light500 00 do do do do do 10140 The Herald, advertising 75 00 The Telegraph, do , 102 48 German Catholic Printing Co., advertising 50 00 The Ledger, do 29 15 The Times Co, do 29 15 Ferguson Bras., repairing fountains and Wm 8 Molo, gas pipe 195 85 Tredway & Sons, screws 47 47 Duggan & Kane, o11 and wick.... Reinfried & Jaeger, lawn mower 1 25 Ferguson Bros , repairing fountains 37 25 Young & Sous, transit, etc 222 80 Wm 8 Molo, pipe 25 Svendsen & Ott, lumber ................... 1 90 Electric Supply Co, supplies 81 59 Lavin & Corrance, lateral sewerage 2.3 25 Henry Glab, assistant to engineer50 00 t:has Smith, do do 25 00 Byrne & Saul, cutting curb 0 50 Jacob K ch, j lint on Lincoln av 2 00 Geo L Torbert, d0 00 John O'Neill, do 2 00 Thos Cnnnolly, do 2 00 E W Duncan, do 2 00 John Deery. do 00 John Ellwanger, do 00 M .1 Mulgrew, do 2 00 John Tri x er, do 2 00 F W Altman, do 2 00 Phil Pier, do 2 00 G Wunderlich. do 2 00 Fire Extinguisher Mfg Co., ar1e1 truck500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 de do do 500 00 de do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 100 00 Atkinson & Oloff, improving Main st 500 00 N Ruff, Eleventh street sewer.. 500 00 d3 do do 30000 H Nagelmaker, matches and soap 1 00 Headford Bros., grates 50 40 Key City Gas Company, coke 12 71 Lesure Lumber Co , shavings 1 50 Lear & Pfiffner, horteshoeiog........ 3 00 Atkinson & Oloff, grading South train st154 44 John Schrup, assistant to engineer 45 00 'has Brown, do do .... 42 00 Dubuque Water Woks, water 500 00 do do do ..... ...... 500 00 d0 U0 do.. ..... 145 00 Gomer J Joues,Constructi'gCent. eng h'se 500 00 do do do do 500 00 do do do do 500 00 do do do do 500 00 00 do do do 51,0 00 do do do do 57000 do do do do 25125 J W Kenety, clerk equalizrtion mom etc100 00 Dan Sheehan, improving Air Hill street500:00 do do do O G Kringle, do Clark street 500 00 do 0o do 500 00 Steuck & Farre.1, do Windsor av 500 00 do do do 500 00 E E Frith, do 23d street si'o 00 do do do 200 00 George Taylor, do 24th street 50► OU do d0 do • 100 00 do do 25th street dm do 500 00 do 26th street 100 00 d °500 00 do do do 10000 O G Kriingle, do Algona av 500 00 do dO do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do do do do 500 C0 100 00 Norton & Lee, do Cornell & Thomas sts 500 00 do do do do 500 00 do do do do 400 00 Mahan & Hasset, do South Locust st5 0 00 John Tibey, do Hill street 50000 da do do 500.00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 000 00 do do ao Steuck&Farrell, do 14th street 500 00 00 I hereoy certify that the foregoing is a tr e50and Correct list or all warrahts drawn by me during October, 1892. J. C. FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. I zst of City TVarrants. 227 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS. Drawn by the City Recorder during Novem- ber, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. l DUBUQUE, IowA. Dec. 1, 1892 To the Honorable .Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The folioRing is Acomplete list of all warrants issued by me during the mouth of November, 1892: Name For What Purpose Amount. L Gonner, treasurer, salary for October$150 00 L Gonner, do clerk 50 00 J C Fitzpatrlek, recorder, do 116 65 J M Kenety, auditor do 116 65 J J Mc Jarthy, attorney, do 123 00 John F atemm, assessor, do 125 00 E 0 Blake, engineer. do 125 00 Jas Boyce. do do 100 00 E S Hyde, ass't engineer, do 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do 100 00 John Carter, streetcom's'ner, do 91 65 Joseph Reinfried, fire chief, do 75 00 Ed Norton, market master, do 50 00 Henry Henge,park custodlan,do 46 50 Jas Smith, wharf master do 20 00 F W Wielat;d, health officer, do 50 00 John O'Connell, clerk, do 83 35 B Rawson, sewer inspector, do 00 00 James Bunting electrician, do •• 75 00 C Spiegeinalter,poundmaster, do 40 00 Dennis Ryan, police 75 00 John Raesli, do 70 00 James ('arter do 4 95 Bart Cain, du 48 35 M O'Connell, do 50 00 Wm Hennessy, do 50 00 Wm O'Brien, do 50 00 Wm Frith, do 50 00 John Litscher, do 50 0J P McNerny, do 50 00 Thos Hedley, do 50 00 P Dunnegan, do 44 60 P Kearney, do 46 70 J Fitzpatrick, do 48 35 Dan Norton, do 48 :15 James Allen, do .... •.. 50 00 John Reuter, do 50 00 M Hardie, do 51 65 Sam Elmer, do 50 00 Jas Flynn, do 50 00 Dan Lavery, do 50 00 Ed Moore, do MKilty, do ..•.• J D Siegrest, do P Sutton, do ..... •. John Murphy, do Wm Klauer, do P Spharf do P McCollins. do John Hoffman, do P Hanlon, do Geo Rubeck, do Jno Murphy, do John Kintziuger, do M Craugh, do James Daly, fireman.... Job Barnes, do J Straney, do J Murphy, do Wm uucy, do ... ............ EdKe as do .......•........ J Schonberger, do T Shea, do ....... ... .... M Eitel, do P Martin, do J Essman, do J Flynn, do •••••••........ J Wiltse, do 'rFlynn, do •••••••••....... F Walker, do F Essman, do W Smith, do James Bunting, do Wm Hippman, do D Ahern, do James Allen, do F Ganahl, do A Duccini, do JWard, do •••••••••••••••. C Kannolt, — do •••••••••••••••• TAhearn, laborer ..•............. John Bottoms, paver ,.••.•....•...• Wm Barkley, laborer A'Burke, do John Bewer, helper steam roller 10 00 10 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 46 70 51 65 51 65 46 70 51 65 33 30 60 00 8 25 46 70 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 4 25 60 10 80 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 17 00 80 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 35 10 50 00 2 70 21 60 52 50 J Bergman, T Byrne, Ii Beckett, R Burns, Jas Burns, M Burns, P Burke, B Brummitt, J Boedehl, Sam Collins, L iorcoran, Jas Cahill, Jerry Cahill, John Corcoran, M Coyle, .1 Caoahan. John Corbett, M Dorsey, Ed Desmond, do John Dougherty, do M Dumphy, do P Darby. do M Diefferding, do J Dolan, do laborer do.•...•.......... ao do do do do do......... .. do............ do 00 do do do do do............... do Wm DeLorimier, foreman... Joon Lagan, laborer .... R Eddy, carpenter P Fitzgerald, labors F Futznicker, mason H Flood, laborer C Fischer, do Data Fox, do John Ftnerty, do Ed Grew, do H tf lli', do John Giessler, do M Hannan, do John Hafey, do Jas Harker. do Dan Harman, do Ed II, ckett, do P Aaydeu, do F Herzog, do Nic Hilger, do August Joss, do John Jecklin, do P Jacobi. do A Johnson do John Kinsella, carpenter. J Kelly, laborer .E S King, do P Kinney, do J Karch, do M Kine, do Matt Loes, do T Looergan, do J Lavin, do 13 Luck, do 8d Lee, do John Lacy, foreman C Lempke, laborer II Lippstock, d0 H Leicht, do M Lilack, do T Mulqueeny, do Jas Meiloy, do M Maher, mason P Moran, laborer M Mahony, foreman T Mshony, do P Melchoir, do L Meurice. do ... John Mullen, do ..• Thos Mcoaffrey, mason ... John McNulty, foreman L McEvoy, laborer M McGrath, foreman , n McGuan, laborer M McCune, foreman M Nuten, laborer Dom Nichols, do Louis Nipp, mason Joe Noel, laborer P O'Brien, do Joe Obbelt, do F Oswald, do J Perryon, a0 A Pfiffner, mason Wm Plckley, foreman Jas Purcell, laborer O Pfend, do D Powers, do J Quail, do J Ra.etz, foreman Jas Ragan, laborer M Raen, do Adam neuter, do M Ryan, do Geo Reider, do T Reilly, do 33 75 18 90 12 15 18 90 33 00 9 45 6 10 33 75 28 35 34 05 22 95 32 40 4 75 32 40 29 05 1 35 33 75 35 10 29 70 1 35 <9 40 31 40 G0 40 8 10 8 00 21) 05 21 75 38 25 9 75 10 50 16 20 •••• •........ 30 40 1 35 32 40 5 40 33 10 14 55 32 40 37 50 3375 24 30 5 40 28 35 25 65 4 05 24 30 33 75 28 35 52 00 33 75 6 10 29 70 20 70 33 75 11 15 29 70 22 95 33 75 33 75 30 40 8 80 3 05 28 35 33 10 25 00 20 00 12 95 40 00 16 90 29 70 32 40 33 75 9 75 40 00 33 75 38 80 24 30 40 00 27 20 1, 80 15 00 32 40 33 75 33 75 30 05 33 10 41 95 22 65 32 40 16 20 .......... 31 75 27 00 40 00 33 10 4 05 2 70 9 45 12 15 .•...•.. • 33 75 List of Citic Warrants. Wm Rooney, do li Ravenick, do Jas Raw, do F Reiger, do J Raesner, do Geo Sutter, do P Stoffer, do W Sweeney, do Joe Sett, do A L Stevenson, engineer road roller.... J Sullivan, laborer P smith, do Wm Spensley, do M Shay, do W Stevenson, do WmToompson. o0 Wm Weber, foreman Gott Wirt, laborer P Wanner, do J Whalen, do T Weleti, do John Wolff, do W Zachina, do N Brandt, team R Bennett, do M Burns, do T Byron, do Wm Brackett, do Jacob Boette, laborer M Crahin, team B Cain, do T Bern, do M J Hannon do J Hoffmeyer, do Thos Kane, do C Kampman, do C Lempke, do John Long, do F Mathis, do J McCracken do Wm McGrath, o0 JMcCollins, do J Parket, do Mrs Quinlivan, do Con Ragan, do D Sutherlaud, do J Swink, do J Sutherland, do J Strotz, do J Savage, do P Shea, do H soh midt do J Steffen, do George Wetter, do J Welsh, do D Zogg, do John O'Brien, laborer Tom Butcher, do Jae Rooney, do R Tregillis, do Dennie Sullivan, do ...,....•••••• Jas Hurley, do Fred Amesbury, do Peter Amesbury, do Wm McGrath, team John Murray, laborer John Long, team Tim Duggan, laborer P Linehan, team John Gormon, laborer Wm McGrath, team Wm Ryan, laborer Michael Igo, do Wm M Andrews, do M White, do M Watters, do Tom Bauman, do Wm Whaloy, do Jas Rooney Jr do Emil Hall, do Thos Kane, do Gib Collinson, do C H Pierce, do M Crane, do Jas O'Donnell, do Geo Block, do John Hackett, do Jae Wilmer, do Thos Smith do 0 W Jenkins, do Pat Fury, do Pat Lusk. do Joe McMahon, do Chas Carroll, 00 Dan Sullivan, do Wm lliltey, do John Connel, do John Callahan, do John Madden, do John Rebman, do ................ ........ ....... ................ 27 00 8 10 10 80 7 80 33 75 27 00 25 35 28 35 25 00 60 00 25 6.i 17 55 16 20 17 90 10 80 25 0 34 00 6 75 20 25 12 85 12 85 33 75 23 30 84 60 65 40 69 :30 69 30 6 30 6 75 22 05 67 75 70 90 15 75 12 60 52 8U 75 60 58 30 55 15 37 05 66 95 69 30 4 75 74 05 74 05 74 80 58 30 31 50 47 25 77 20 63 00 30 75 75 60 68 15 6460 20 50 23 65 50 00 45 50 42 00 36 75 11 35 26 25 39 35 39 35 14 30 9 60 4 70 14 85 2 40 1 7i 40 95 8 75 14 0 9 60 14 00 14 00 12 25 11 35 9 6 11 35 1 35 1 75 14 00 8 60 12 25 11 35 12 25 7 00 12 25 9 80 9 60 8 75 8 75 2 60 2 80 3 05 1 75 85 85 1 30 PMcvulty, do Peter Morgan, do Geo Hughes, do Mrs and Lizzie Koenig, janitors John Tibey, curbing around Washington park ............................... 132 98 Jas Lee, sidewalk 4th at engine house 359 88 Jessie Jellison, sodding parks179 03 Jos Geiger repairing city hall 5 25 Christman & Healy, hardware10 10 P II Halpin, bran and brooms ....... 2 20 M M Roffman. gloves and crape 3 70 Lesure Lumber Co, shavings 1 50 Itsinfriec & Jaeger, powder and fuse 2 20 Jos J Rowan, firemen's caps.... 38 00 G FThorm4n, drugs 6 35 Peter H .ffman, soap........... 3 70 Dubuque Rubber and Bel ing Co, buttons 1 65 Key City Gas Co. coke. .••• 12 42 Lesure Lumber Co, shavings 1 50 Burns es Donahue, hay........ ........... 1 00 Treuk Wire Works, repairing hook and ladder truck. 80 Wm G Watters, hay.... ....... ... 85 33 Svendsen & Ott, lumber ............. ..... 7 30 Ilam & Carver, stationery.. . ............ 1:1 50 L Daly, c eaning around market house .. 51 50 John 'P Ke•ru•, recording deeds..... .... 31 50 Harder & Blirh, stationary.... 1 50 Me1111 unstring livery for committees. . 13 00 Rein fried & Jaeger, whistles 2 00 Jas Kel y, stationary 10 90 Dubuque Telegraph, blank stationery18 00 Phil Pi r, wood for city hall 29 50 1 ear & Pfiffner, hone shoeing 8 50 C 'piege halter, extra police 1 50 Louis Kreps, assis ant pound master. 48 00 Dom Nichols, labor 1 15 Matt Loes do 1 15 P Me'chior, do 1 15 G B Grosvenor, stationery 2 00 E M Dickey Co. oil... 2 50 C McElrath, removing garbage 182 00 B D Linehan, repatrins tools 3 65 G B Grosvenor, stationery 1 50 Knapp, Stout & Co Co, lumber3 75 Paul 11g, a•eistant engineer ............ 52 50 Chris Brown. assistant engineer 45 00 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 7 60 do do 5 50 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing.... 10 50 Thos Hill, repairing hook and ladder2 40 B D Linehan, repairing tools 4 75 C C Lembke & Co, repairing harness 2 50 Lear & Pfiffuer, horse shoeing 4 25 Smedley Mfg Co, repairing stoves 2 00 Ellwanger Bros, repairing harness. 6 75 Dubuque Water works, 212 hydrants 100 00 do do do 500 00 CIO do do 17.2 50 Ferguson Bros, repairing fountains 22 90 Rei• fried & Jaeger, edge tools.......... 15 Chas Van Horn. catch pans and hammer 8 80 CJ Jour s. centers. ... ............... .. 11 75 John Toussaint. coal 154 82 Atkinson & .luff, sand and labor 37 00 Hradford Bros, manho'e covers 8 00 Wm S Molo, repairing flush tanks9 20 John Butt, tampers and bars 2 40 John J Sheridan, oil, pails. etc ' 85 Christman & Healey, nails and tools 5 25 Standard Lumber Co. lumber 51 04 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading Burden ave 500 00 Frank S'ege, express hauling......... 3 00 Novelty Iron Works, repairing styam roller ii 9 30 J M McKenzie, repairing steam rollet50 John Barney. reps irlug tools 7 55 John Schrup, paving inspector . 45 00 Chas smith, rodmau engineer's office25 00 Henry Glab, rodman engineer's office 50 00 Ed Norton board of prisoners 13 40 James Lee, cement sidewalk around Washington park. 500 00 James Lee, cement sidewalk around Washington park. 500 00 James Lee, cern nt sidewalk around W.shingt,.n park 442 73 F Menzil, macadam 201 00 F Hese, do 78 00 Chas e'erber, macadam............ 21 00 F Kuhl, do 42 00 Chas Sampson, do 12� 00 Chas Burkhardt do 7 00 C Messerlinecht, do•• 5 t 0 J Spies, do 22 00 7 Parker, do 18 00 Mrs .nuivan, do 8 00 M Brocher, do••• Ii 10 Tom Byrne, rock.......... . 79 70 1 75 1 75 1 :30 20 90 List of City TV tyrants. 229 J M McKen'ie, repairing too's.... 11 50 Iowa Iron Works, ro , airing engine 1 00 John Bell. repairing pagodas. 366 3 t Jos Gieg. r, repairing patrol house 1 00 W H Schilling repairing chimney 11 25 Gomer J Jones, 9th street engt e house' 00 00 do do 167 00 Isaac Proctor, do 127 00 T J Conlin, shavings 2 75 Lally & Giessler, repairing pagodas_ 9 25 Thos uurns gravel 11 20 John Alex ander. rock........... 10 00 John Ganohl, horse shoeing 12 15 Joe Culbertson, 11 lug saws 1 00 John Pickley, gravel 6 80 J Fuhrman, covering 5 60 Knapp, Stout & Co company, ,umber 6 85 C Gautenbein, rock 1 75 Byrne & Saul, rock 82 50 Bart E Linehan, cement 4 .0 R J Love. pine wood150 John Butt, survey pins.... ....... 2 40 Norton & Lee, sewer on W. Locust street 500 00 do do 500 00 N Ruff, sewer on Eleventh street500 00 do do ... ....5000 do do . 500 00 Steuck & Farrel, grading Maple street50 00 Peter Kean. labor 12 50 Williams &Bevin, grading Grant ay450 00 E E Frith. resetting curb 2 50 Lavin &Corrance, g,ading Rose andCen tre Place. 200 00 Mrs Koenig, janitor 20 00 Reinfried & .Jaeger, steel tape 10 00 J C Fitzpatrick, clerk of board of heal,h 200 00 John T Kearns, oats 293 02 Geo Hinkson, express hauling............ 50 John Hartig. repairing locks. ... 4 85 Byrne & Saul, cutting r urb 5 75 Knapp Stout & Co. company, lumber3 75 John O'Dea, macadam 105 00 E E Fri'h, resetting curb on 27th et 3 70 M Mahony, macadam.. 1 60 R Corrigan, macadam 24 40 Adolph Gagne, do 135 00 C,B&NRRCo du 36 54 M Spe, ht, do 4 00 Nic Theis, do ... :30 00 G G Kringle, grading Apple street 500 00 do do 114 80 Chas Burkhard, macadam 22 00 Steuck & Farrel, retaining wall on Madison street 500 00 do do 126 40 John Williams, rock 15 00 H Blitsch, macadam .... 9 c0 Altman & Taylor, grading Broadway extension 500 00 do do 500 00 Mrs Welsh, macadam .. 37 00 Electrical Supplp Co, electrical supplies 8 92 Key City Gas company. gas 22 95 do do 106 25 Globe Light & Heat Co 50010 do do 51 67 Dubuque Electric Ry L & P Co, lights 500 Dubuque Electric Ry L & P Co, lights 166 The Herald, avertising and tax list 24i. The Times, do 29 The Ledger, do 29 L Gonner, Treas, money advanced500 do do 322 Second National Bank, loan 500 do do 500 do do COO do do 500 do do 500 do do 500 do do 500 do do 500 do do 100 do do 500 German Trust and Saving Bank, loan 500 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 CO do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 5 0 00 do do 500 00 00 30 40 15 15 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Geo Hughes, John Connolly, Win Ryan, C Carroll, Peter Morgan, Thos Smith, T Redmond, labor do do do do do do 10 50 12 25 12 25 12 25 7 45 D O'Connell, do 9 60 J Sheridan, do 11 05 Wm Melloy, do 10 t 5 Dan Sheehan, grading sir Hill street . 50 00 Dubuque Fire & Ma ine Ins Co, insurance 37 50 London Assurance Co, insurance 18 75 Geo Fengler, rock and cement 61 20 Atkinson & Oloff, improving 9th and Locust street 500 00 do do Mails slr'et do do do do 00 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d0 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 00 do do do do F Felbaum, macadam C Meserknecht, do John Karch, do Jahn IIayes, labor Heedford Bra, g ates 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 50'J 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 99 00 500 500 500 500 600 500 500 500 500 500 281 41 45 00 50 00 5 40 143 62 John Ganahl. repairing too s 18 25 B yan Donahue, sidewalks 329 35 Fred Ludeser, labor ....... ..... ... 15 75 I he, eby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of november, 1892. J. C. FITZrATRICK, Recorder. LIST OF CITY WARRANTS Drawn by the City Recorder During December, 1892. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, t DDBUQUa, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1893. r To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of December, 1892: Name. For What Purpose. Amount L Gonner, treasurer,salary for Nov ember.5150 00 L Gonner, do clerk.. 50 00 J 0 Fitzpatrick, recorder, do .. 116 '70 J M Keuety, auditor, do .. 11670 J J McCarthy, city attorney, do .. 12500 John F Stemm, assessor, do .. 12500 E C B' ake, engineer, do .. 12500 E 8 Hyde, assistant engineer, do .. 100 00 James Boyce, ass't engineer, do .. 100 00 S B Rice, marshal, do .. 100 00 John Carter, street comm'r, do .. 91 70 Joseph Reinfried, are chief, do 75 00 Ed Norton, market master, do .. 50 00 Henry Henge, park custodian, do .. 45 00 James Smith, wharf master, do .. 10 00 F w' Weiland, health officer, do .. 50 00 John O Connell, clerk, do .. 83 40 B Rawson, sewer inspector, do .. 60 00 James Bunting, electrician, do .. 7500 C Splegelhalter, poundmaster, do .. 40 00 230 List of City Warrants. Jame* Daly, fireman 60 00 P Hayden, do 17 90 Job Barnes, do 7b 00 P Jacol,l, do 17 55 J Straney, do b0 John Jecklin, do 12 15 J Murphy, do 80 00 J Kineella,earp�nter 60 0 Wm Duey, d0 60 00 P Kinney, laborer . .... ............. 25 35 T Shea, do 50 00 11 Kuenkel, do 4 76 J Schonberger, do 50 00 J Kelly. do 3 40 Ed Heae, 50 00 r Karch, do 1 35 do do 2 70 F Stringy, do ... 75 00 M Elbe,do 20 70 J Braman, do J Flynn, Qe 60 00 M Loee, do 70 J a iltee. do 60 00 Ed Lee, do 18 80 ...... 80 Oht 11 Luck, do 12 76 F Es-mdo , do 50 00 John Lavin, do 10 80 50 00 John Lacy, fo?eman 19 60 Flynn,Nlyn T n, T Walker, do ............ 50 00 M Lilack laborer 1 35 D Ahearn, do ................ 60 00 C Lempke, do 2 05 James Allen, do ................ 60 00 M Maker, mason W Hlppman do 4 00 C Kannolt, do .. "" "" 80 00 Jae Malloy, laborer 9 45 J Ward. d0 "' 50 00 John Martin, do 15 55 A Duccini, do .. ' "' . ' .. 50 00 P Melchior, do 11 50 F Ganahl, do ..".. 50 00 C Macaelberg, do 2 75 Dennis Ryan, "" 50 00 T Mulqueeny, do 22 95 John Harrill, P do a 75 00 L Meurlr e, do 7 8 J James Carter, do 70 00 M Mahony, foreman 91 70 50 CO P Moran, laborer 17 90 B Caen. do 46 70 T Mahony, do 15 70 M O'Connell, no 48 70 John Mahony, do 1b 20 Wm Hennessy, do 50 00 A MCG Jab, do 23 55 Wm O'Brien, do 45 35 J McNulty, foremanWm 28 80 John Litscher, do 50 •00 L McEvoy, laborer • ...... 21 30 P McNerney, do 50 00 B Mc, ck, do 7 80 50 00 M McCune, foreman 19 2U T Reilly, do 48 35 L Nipp, laborer P Dun._ assn, do 23 P Kearney, do 46 :0 Dom , s, do 9 402b do 50 00 M Kitten, do 2 70 J Fitzpatrick, D Norton, do 50 00 P O'Brien, do 17 90 James Allen, do 50 00 J Obbelt, do 50 00 7 40 John Reuter, do F Oswald do _. "' 2 70 Sam Elmer, do 48 35 C Pfend do 1 35 50 00 "' James Flyun, do Wm Pickle, do 2 55 Dan Lavery, do '•..•••••• 5000 Jas Purcell, do 16 b5 48 35 Jas Ragan, do Ed Moore, do do 22 95 M Kilty, do 50 00 N Ray nick, do 24 0 50 00 T Reilly, do .1 D Slegrest, do 17 20 P Sutton, do 46 70 Wm Rooney, do 4 75 M utto n, do 48 33 J Raetz, foreman .......... • • • • • • .. 34 40 .r Hoffman, do 50 00 J Raesnor, laborer 22 30 M Hardee, do 50 00 A Ravenick, do 4 05 J Mar, Hardie, do••••• 50 00 N Sweeny, do 50 00 J Sullivan, do 19 95 Wm Klauer, do 50 00 P Stoller, do 4 05 P Scharf do 80 t 0 Geo Sutter,do 14 05 McColline, do 50 00 '1' shay do 4 30 P Hanlon, doa , , 50 00 Joe Seik P , do Geo Rubeck, ................ 25 00 A Stevenson, engineer road roller........, 25 d0 0 J Murphy, do 60 00 Wm Thompson, laborer John Kintzinger, do 30 55 John 4v o18, labo er 2 2 150 P Sullivan, do •••••• '• 19 95 Thos Welsh, do 21 70 P Powers, do 28 25 Joon Whelen do 11 50 20 7' Ahearn, laborer 14 20 J Bargmau, do " ".. 8 80 R Bennett, team 20 b0 P Burke, do 14 20 T Byron, do 11 05 M Burne, do • • • , 34 45 B Cain, do 2160 18 20 Thoe Elliott, do Paver ...................... 12 00 C Gantenbein, do•••• 1 80 John Bottoms, James Burns, laborer 4 50 M Hannan, do 40 95 J Benzler, do J Boetke, do 16 75 J Hoffneyer, do 17 305 H Beckett, da 25 Thos Heins do7 90 .. 1 35 Haggerty Bros, do J Bewer, helper road roller ....... "' "" 4 75 M Coyle. laborer 3b 40 J Jochum, do 8 Collins, da 6 40 T Kane, da 6 :30 J Callahan, do•• 25 65 C Kampman, do 7 90 L Corcoran, do .. "" """ 22 20 P Linehan, do 40 20 18 90 F Matltn, do J Corbett, do 4 75 James Cahill, do• 26 70 Jas McCracken do 20 50 •J Corcoran, do 12 86 J Mc Jo111ne, do 58 30 Ed Der mond, do 17 90 8 Norton, [do 15 75 P Darby, do ...... 1015 J Parker, do 25 20 J Dolan, do 14 86 Mrs Quinlivan do 320 50 M Dieferding, do ...... 191 80 Con pagan do 36 200 5 M Do sey, do John herl n do 22 05 J Dougherty, do " "" "" 18 20 D Sutherland, do M D Dougherty do " 2 05 John Savage,do 7 45 b 40 J Sutherlan, do•• James Doyle, do 17 35 R Eddy, carpenter .................. . 43 80 J StSchm, 5 18 90 H Geo Wetter,tdo John Eagan, laborer.., 24 3042 55 P Fitzgerald, do 10 50 do 15 55 11 Flood, do 1 05 John U Brien, laborer 5 do 00 0 t,lecher, do 13 50 50 00 M Fagan, do Tom Rooneys do Dan Fox, do 10 815 Jon ooney er do 43 30 Ed Grew, do R Treglllie, do 43 0 J 1 Grew, r, do 17 90 Mike Igo, do 30 80 Joe (Hessler, do 8 10 Mike White, do 40 70 Jas Harker, do 13 50 Jas Hurley, da 20 80 Ed Hackett, do34 50 Mike Watters, do 34 b5 DandIIcket , do 20 25 Geo Black, do 210 John Hafey, do 17 56 P McNulty, do 18 35 M Hannon, do 25 00 Geo Hughes, do " "" "" 34 46 3 40 John Madden, do 12 70 875 List of City Warrants, 231 John Connolly do Wm Hei ley, do M McMahon, do Wm Ryan. do Jos Rooney jr do Dan Sullivan, do C Carroll, do Pat Morgan, do P Fury Sr do P Fury Jr do Tom Smith, do C Gardner, do P Linehan, team Wm McGrath, do J Sankey, laborer C Lusk, do John Hackett, do T Redmond, do Wm Whaley, do Wm Schaeffer, do Wm Brackett, do Nick Brandt, team Jas Roland, laborer D O'Connell, do J Sheridan, do J Willard, do P Hubbard, do Wm Stevers, do J Perryon, do Thos Kane, team Chas Ratkie, laborer J Cosgrove, do Wm Kelly, do J Sutherland, team John Welsh do D Suther.and, do Otto Utterer, laborer Ed Mulligan, do Jas O'Connell do John Stever, team Haggerty Bros, team Ed Cross. laborer M J Hannon, team Fred Luderer, laborer Julius Bartillohy, laborer P Powers, laborer Ed O'Shea, do Emil Wuster, do John Callahan do Wm Rawson, do C W Jenkins, do Ed Nortou, boarding prisoners L J Birner, garbage dump Steve O'Shea, do John Mundt sr do John Coughlin, do Will Powers, do John Eskell, do Henry Bordeu, do John Mundt, jr do Jas Lahey, do L Gonner. treasurer, money advances do do Second National Bank, borrowed money do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do no N Ruff, Eleventh street sewer do do do do E E Frith, grading Schroeder avenue •••• • ••.......... •..•••••.......... ••••..•........., 12 25 Steuck & Farrel, grading and macadam - 12 25 'zing North Main street 337 33 14 00 do grading Burden avenue 500 00 10 50 P F Guthrie, grading West 14th street 500 00 16 60 do do 50 97 15 75 M Kilburg, macadam. 12 00 12 75 Portland Paving Co, removing trees 19 50 12 75 Barger & Wish, stationary .... ... 3 00 34 55 Tschtrgi & Kringle, sewer on Main street 202 50 16 60 E E Frith, graning Francis street. 190 00 12 25 B Van Vranken, flush tants 105 00 1 75 Nortou & Lee, sewer West Locust street248 00 20 80 Geo E Taylor, resetting cu b 9 45 10 10 Tschirgi & Kringle, extra work on Algona 85 avenue 29 i5 14 8 i Henry Glab, help, r in engineer's office50 00 34 55 Chas Smith, helper in engineer's office..., 15 77 7 45 Paul 11g, assistant in engineer's office, 26 25 10 50 11 W Rogers, repairing sidewalks.. .. 35 30 11 80 Portland Paving Co, grading sidewalks17 10 :3 50 do do cement sidewalk 67 U4 18 90 Chas Brown, helper in engineer's office. , 28 50 9 60 G B Grosvenor, stationery 2 00 9 60 John elchrup, inspector on streets. 22 50 10 05 Fire and water, advertising 2 00 7 00 Bart E Linehan, cement 119 55 14 00 do do 24 20 14 85 John Pickley, sand ... 39 00 26 25 Christman & Healey, nails and rope 19 02 28 35 Heedford Bros, manhole covers.... 35 63 85 Ula Corrance, oil and matches 5 20 14 85 Atkinson & Oloff, labor and cement 45 50 10 05 Heedford Bros, manhole covers 24 00 12 60 C. B & N R R, freteht on mdse.......... :3 68 9 45 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails, oil can, tools 17 95 12 60 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 15 50 85 w Kannott, do 12 00 11 35 Iowa Iron Works, repairing engines. 329 58 14 00 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing 2 00 6 30 T W Fitzpatrick, do 4 00 6 30 John Bell, repairing 5th ward engine h'se 74 20 7 00 C Jacobi, hat rack 1 50 4 75 James Lahey, wood.... 69 00 15 75 B Lagen, livery hire. 5 0 5 25 Hardie & Scharle blank stationery 90 90 4 35 The Telegraph, blank books, tax books85 50 4 35 do do stationery 14 25 4 35 James Kelly, blanks, stationery 275 00 10 50 G B Grosvenor, stationery 90 1 75 C H Reeves, witness fees in Kreis case vs 17 50 city 15 00 12 40 Burdt & Keller, labor on sewer on 50 00 South Main street 500 00 13 i2 do do do 51 00 13 12 Mrs A Heim, brick for sewer on South 6 12 Main street 28 70 3 50 do do do 50 . 00 10 50 do do do 263 00 7 00 P 11 Halpin, court costs in Kreis vs City232 70 1 75 Wilhelmina Kruse. damages to property25 u0 26 00 Wm S Moto, repairing fountains 26 70 70 500 00 Standard Oil Co, oil 290 33 Key City Gas 00, coke.. 29 91 500 00 Novelty Iron Works, repairing roller 2 99 Bart E Linehan, cement.. .. 4 40 500 00 Trexler Bros. livery hire 16 00 500 00 Key City Lime Works, stone.... 6 50 500 l'0 N Schloz, repairing tools....... 2 10 500 00 Standard Lumber Co, lumber 14 08 500 00 Tom Connolly, repairing patrol wagon1 50 500 00 Iowa Iron Works repairing tools 1 45 500 00 Reinfri, d & Jaeger, nails and tools 8 69 500 00 T W Ruete, paint 1 75 5500 00 00 00 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, lumber. er. 60 500 00 Novelty Iron Works, repairingroller 4 65 5( 0 00 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co, lumber 15 Baumgartner & Kleih. nails and tools.... 12 15 500 00 Farley & Lnetscher Mfg Co, shavings 50 500 00 00 00 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 8 95 500 00 Baumgartner & Kieih, lanterns, nails17 70 John Kleinschmidt, feed............ 36 15 5500 00 0 00 P C F o:ey, pine wood 1 75 00 00 John Harney. repairing tools 11 70 111 70 Bart E Linehan, sewer pipe......... . 5G0 00 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co. lumber 20 500 00 Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitors 31 60 500 GO Mrs John Ileim, brick for sewer 125 60 500 00 Key City Gas Co, gas 114 35 500 00 Dubuque E. R L. & P. Co., electric light500 00 500 00 do do do do do 166 30 500 00 Globe Light and Heat Co., gas 500 00 500 00do do 51. 67 do 500 00 Mell 11 Cushing, livery, 26 00 500 00 T J Conlin, do 5 00 500 00 50000 J W Halpin, juror doon Fburthattreet 1 00 100 John Jess, 500 00 Jas O'Connor, do do 1 00 500 00 Geo Perry. salt 90 5 226 77 The Times Co, advertising.... ........ .... 99 80 00 The Ilerald, do 75 00 232 List of City TTrarrants. The Ledger, do 29 15 F Schloz, repairing tools 1 95 Wm M Greenhow, repairing fountains..,2 70 Guthrie & Chesterman, resetting curb3 00 3 E Taylor. grading 2 eth, 25th, 26th sts100 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Maoie st129 83 do do Madison st 360 68 do do Windsor av 482 89 E E Frith, improving 23d street208 05 E E Taylor, improving 24th street 265 98 do do 25th street. 265 98 do do 26th street261 60 O G Kringle. no Algona ay...... 703 41 Norton & Lee, improving Connell and Thomas streets .. 409 34 Meehan & IIassett, improving S Locust st 183 64 John Tibey, improving Hill street. 500 00 do do 346 07 Steuck R. O'Farrel. improving 14th st 198 72 Chas J W Saunders, mayor, salary500 00 Alderman Thomas Byrne, sa'ary.... :300 00 do P W Crawford, do 300 00 do Mell II Cussing, do 300 00 do John Glab, do '100 00 do Is P Nicks, do ... ... 300 00 do P Olinger, do ... . .. 300 00 do John P Page, do 900 00 do Denis Smith, do ... .... 300 00 do F J Stoltz, do ........ 300 00 do Edw C Peaslee, do ........ 300 00 L J Bi•ner, labor on garbage dump do 13:7.1 : 373 5012 John Mundt, Sr, John Erskin, do 13 12 John Mundt, Jr, do - 13 12 Wm Bowers, do _ 87 Henry Bordeo, do 13 12 Jas Lahey, do 7 62 Harger & Blish, stationery 50 Anton Siege, improving Julien ay212 56 Philip Pier, wood.... ........ ..... ... 5 00 Bryan Donahue, laying sidewalks 500 OJ do do ... 179 73 Frank Correll, do . 364 39 O C Kringle grading in Woodlawn park500 00 Gomer J Jones, Oth street engine house500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 John Wunderlich, juror on Madison and Seminary streets 4 00 L M Langstaff, do do 4 00 Jae Howie, do no 4 00 Ed Ryas, grading Auburn ay500 00 do do .... 500 00 do do ............ 13100 Con Ryan, grading Windsor av 500 00 do do 500 00 E E Frith, improving Schroeder av 500 00 do do 345 85 Dan Sheehan, improving Air Hill street201 64 John W Halpin, juror on Louisa street2 00 Gott Gmehle, do do 2 OJ S A Atherton, do do 2 00 B Westercamp, do do 2 00 John Jess. do do 2 00 Arthur O'Malley, do do 2 00 Chas Mehl, do do 2 00 Robt McGivern, do do 2 00 H Eliwanger, do do 2 00 Lewis C Fuller, do do 2 LO P slpecht, do do 2 00 Peter Klein, Sr, do do 2 00 Margaret Graff, opening Lincoln av 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 0o do 5(0 00 do do 50000 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do no 50000 do do 500 00 do do 300 00 Williams & Bevins, improving Grant Av and W llth street 500 00 do do 500 00 do no 501100 do do 191 23 I hereoy certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during month of December. 1892. J. C.:FITZPATRICK, City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 13th day of December, 1892, the following spectul assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case the own- ers of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual qual iustarlme' ts, the first ins'atlment being due on the date of levy, and the last installment six years from nate of levy, all bearing interest at the rate or 5 per cent. Per annum. Parties wishing to pay all at once as heretorfore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from dale of levy the property will be ad- vertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque, this 16th day of December, A. D., 1892. LAWRENCE GONNBK, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For improving Clark street, from West Locust to West •.eventeenth streets Name. Description. Lot. Am't. Chas Reilley, sub city out lot 682 l $ 18 35 swIA 2 26 89 ne% 2 34 56 3 69 11 4 34 58 4a 34 66 5 69 11 6 89 11 '7 69 11 J M Kenety, do do Wm Grings, do do John Clatk, do , do do do do Thos Reilly, do do Mrs J McMahon do do Mrs P Gill, do do do do do John Deery, do do 8 89 11 do sub city out lot 870 ^ r 3 214 34 Winnie Hammel, do do lot 1 of 2 138 98 do do do lot 2 of 2 124 40 John Hier, sub city out lot682;we51 ft la 73 95 Wm Metcalf, do do 144 ft la 269 12 I End of Book No. 22 December 5, 1892 City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 23 January 2, 1893 - December 14, 1893 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR THE YEAR 1893. DUBUQUE: THE TELEGRAPH. PRINTERS AND BINDERS, 1894. CITY OFFICERS FOR 1893. Mayor—A. W. DAUGHERTY Recorder—T. J. COONE,Y. Treasurer—H. B. GNIFFKE. Assessor—J. F. STEMM. Auditor—J. M. KENETY. Attorney—JAS. E. KNIGHT ALDERMEN: First Ward­—JAMES BUTLER. THOS. BYRNE Third Ward—A. VOGEL. PETER OLINGER. Second Ward—PHIL RYDER. JOHN GLAB Fourth Ward—.J. B. POWERS. P. W. CRAWFORD. Fifth Ward—J. M. LILLIG, N. P. NICKS. APPOINTED OFFICERS: Committee Clerk--JOHN O'CONNELL Engineer—W. H. KNOWLTON. Marshal—S. B. RICE. Street Supt.—JOHN CARTER Chief Fire Dept.—JOE REINFRIED Electrician --J. L. BUNTING. Sewer Inspector--JOHN O'BRIEN Wharf Master and Wood Measurer—JOHN WOODS. Market Master—ED. NORTON. Park Commissioner - H HENGE Health Officer Dr. J. W. FOWLER STANDING COMMITTEES FOR 1893. PETER OLINGER Mayor Pro Tempore, Chairman Committee of the Whole. Finance—VOGEL, OLINGER, POWERS Ordinances­—POWERS, CRAWFORD, BYRNE Claims—GLAB, NICKS, BUTLER. Streets—OLINGER, LILLIG, POWERS, BUTLER, RYDER. Harbors—BUTLER, GLAB, VOGEL, NICKS, CRAWFORD Supplies—CRAWFORD, OLINGER, LILLIG Markets—GLAB, NICKS, RYDER Public Grounds and Buildings—CRAWFORD, GLAB, BYRNE, LILLIG, OLINGER Fire and Water—OLINGER, LILLIG, POWERS, RYDER, BUTLER Police and Light—RYDER, VOGEL, POWERS, GLAB, BYRNE Printing—POWERS, BUTLER, RYDER, VOGEL, NICKS Delinquent Tax—LILLIG, BYRNE, GLAB, OLINGER, CRAWFORD Electrical Construction—NICKS, CRAWFORD, RYDER Sewers—BYRNE, RYDER, LILLIG, CRAWFORD, VOGEL Ex Com. Board of Health—RYDER, BUTLER, VOGEL, POWERS, NICKS Paving—CRAWFORD, BYRNE, VOGEL, GLAB Renaming Streets—BYRNE, GLAB, CRAWFORD, OLINGER, NICKS Regular Meeting of City Council, first Monday of each Month. City Election, first Monday in April v 1 t INDEX--- Hook 23. 1893. St'lid ECT. , Bli I PAGE. A Jany. 4 Alley from I8th street to Semi nary st.,deed to ground presented 23 2 1 " 4 Alma street,petition for change of grade(23 p.38) " 3 " 4 Assessor Stemm sworn in " 3 . " 4 Assessor's assistants,G.Gmehle and G.Bennett,approved(23 p.4) " 3 Feby. 6 " if " " salaries fixed " 17 - " 6 Arch street, special assessment for sidewalk " 19 March 6 Alley between Sanford and Regent and Prince and Queen streets petition for improvement(23,p.38) 66 27 66 6 Allerdyce,Mr.,water in his building to be analyzed .... " 29 " 6 Adams Co.,exempted from taxes on improvem'ts and real estate " 81 " 6 Alley between Providence and Lincoln and Johnson and Windsor avenues,bids opened(23,p.49) " 31 " 6 Alley between Valeria street and W. Eagle Point avenue,plat of,(23,p.38) it 31 April 6 Altman,Theo.,bill of(Street Com.) " 33 " 6 Alley,petition of Joseph Needham for,in Deming& Ilorr's sub- division(Street Com.) 4634 446 Alley bet.Locust and Harrison sts.,pet.for vacation of,granted. •' 34 6 Alma street,contract on,cancelled " 38 " 6 Alma street, res. for improvement of,(Com. of Whole)(23, page 82, I99,224,225) " 31) 46 6 Aldermen,retiring addresses of 6641 " 13 Angella street,pet.for improvement of,(Street Coln.) " 45 " 13 Alley bet.7th and 8th and Clay and White str.,resolution for im- provement of,(23,p.53,56,57) " 45 May 1 Alley bet. Sanford and 23rd sts.,deed of land for widening " • 49 66 1 Alley north of Sanford,widening of,referred to Com. of Whole " 51 " 1 Alley adjacent to Broadway, pet,in relation to,(Com. of Whole. " 51 44 1 Alley, petition for vacation of alley abutting lots 1, 2 and 7,Buettel&Laugworthy's add. (23,p. 75) 6651 661 Alley bet. 13th'and loth and Clay and Iowa sts., pet. of J. H. Shields for water mains in(Fire and Water) 6652 1 Alley east of Hill, profile of grade(Com.of Whole) C452 1 Alley bet. 15th and 16th and Pine and Maple sts.,ordered imp " 55 8 Alley west of Winona ave., pet.to estab.of grade,granted ' 56 469 Alley bet. Lincoln and Providence and .Johnson and Windsor aves.,grade established,(58 and 76) 4657 " 18 Almond st., pet.for sidewalk on, (75 and 76) 4657 " 18 Almond st. bet.Ellis and Foye sts.,sidewalk ordered on 6658 " 18 Alley bet.7th and 8th and Clay and White sts.,grade of(p.75,121) " 60 " 18 Alley bet.15th and 16th and Pine and Maple,profile of grade(75) " 60 " 18 Alley west of Winona ave., profile of grade,(Street Com.) 1660 ". 18 Alley running north bet.Center Place and Alta Vista st.,pet.to extend to Rose,(Street Com.) It 60 " 24 Alley bet.Wilson ave.and Pine st.,grade of,(p. 73) 6661 June 5 Angella st., pet.of E.J. Ryan, for repair of, (Street Com.)(75) '670 4444 5 Alpine st.from West 3rd to Dodge at, pet.for improvement of 6670 5 Alley bet.Windsor and Queen st.,pet. for imprvnrt.of,granted . " 70 44 5 Alley bet.Rhomberg and Garfield ayes.north of Kniest st 6670 5 Alma st., G. `'V.Farley allowed$1,100 for retaining wall on(128) " 70 0 Alley east of Grant ave., profile of grade of 6673 7 Alley bet.Kniest st.and Johnson ave.and Rhomberg and Garfield aves.,engineer to prepare grade of I " 83 1 i _______ _____ I INDEX. ,,,'S. SUBJECT. BK PAGE. A • 7 Alley bet.Sanford and Clinton sts.and Queen st. and Windsor ave.,engineer to prepare grade of 23 83 •• 7 Alley bet, Sanford and Clinton sts. and Queen st. and Windsor ave.,ordered improved(169) " 84 44 7 Alley bet.Kniest st.and Johnson ave.and Ithomberg and Gar- field aves,ordered improved " 83-4 7 Alley bet.West 3rd st.and Fenelou Place and Burch and Summit sts.ordered improved(p.87, 102) " S4-5 •• 7 Assessment Com. for 1893 appointed 46 y,, •• 92 Alley between 7th and 8th and Clay and White streets,contract let(141, 163) 88 " 22 Alley between 15th and 16th and fine and Maple streets, con- tract let(149, 163, 171) .' 88 " 22 Alley east of Grant avenue between Julien ave,and W. llth st., contract let " 88 " 22 Alley bet. Johnson and Windsor and Providence and Lincoln ayes.accepted,(116, 125, 127, 129, 149) j " SS •• 22 Alley bet.Prince and Queen and Sanford and Regent sts.ordered improved(119, 149, 172, 173) " 89 1uly i, Angella st.from Pierce st.to west line of Gilliam's sub,estimate cost of (102,121) I 6! 96 " 5 Alley from Kniest st.to Johnson ave.het,Garfield and Ithomberg aves., rade of ,, 90 .. 5 Alley bet.Windsor ave.and Queen st.profile of grade of(121,149, 199,221,222, 220) " 90 " 5 Aprons,plank,in gutters oustructiug same(97) ,I 96 " 10 Almond st. pet. in relation to laying sidewalk on,granted " 99 " 10 Atkinson and Oloff,pet.of,in relation to claim against city " 99 " 10 Alley bet. Windsor ave.and Queen at.and 2nd Cross st.north re- monstrance against improvement of,(199) " 99 . " 10 Alley bet.Washington and Elm,pet. of Fidel llenuser in relation to drainage of " 100 " 10 Alley bet. Kniest st.and Johnson ave.and Rhomberg and Gar- field ayes. contract let,(149, 173, 178) " 101 " 10 Alley bet.Summit,Burch and W. 3rd sts. contract let(149, 172-3) " 101 10 Alley West of Union ave. petition of Jos.Needham for opening of " 102 13 Alley east of Grant ave.,grade of,adopted(166, 199,215,216) " ' 102 • " 13 Alley east of Wilson ave.,grade of,adopted(119) " 102 '` • " 13 Alley east of Hill st.,profile of grade(118, 119, 147) " 102 " 13 Alpine st.,estimate of grading(118) " 106 " 13 Alley 14west 67 " 7 of Center Place, plat to be prepared(115,118, 119, • .. 106- " 13 Alley bet.22d and 23d and Washington and Elm sts.ordered im- proved, (119, 121,211,214,215,233) " 107 " 13 Alley bet.22d and 23d and Washington and Jackson sts.,ordered • improved (119, 121,201,202) " 107 " 13 Alley bet Burch,Hill and W.3rd sts. plans to be prepared show- ing extension of,1116, 165) " 107 " 13 Arlington st. sidewalk ordered on bet. Grove Terrace and Highland Place 108 Aug. 10 Alley between Humboldt and Stafford ave.petition to improve, • granted(150) « 0 • " 10�' Alley Weigle,jury to assess damages, (122,129, 143) " 12 " 10 Alma st.,pet. for 6 ft.sidewalk,granted " 121 1 10 Alta ave.accepted(135,136) " 121 " 10 Auburn ave.accepted(133, 134, 135) " 121 • " 10 Alley bet.Schiller and Humboldt and Rhomberg and Lincoln ayes. ordered improved(129, 130, 150, 178,199) " 122 i 10 Alley bet. Stafford and Humboldt and Rhomberg and Garfield ayes.ordered i►nproved(123, 130,150, 199) " 123 " 29 Alma st.;resolution establishing width of sidewalk " 143 Sept. 8 Alley bet.Hill,Burch and W. 3rd ordered improved(177,179,234) " 154 25 Alley bet. 22d and 23d sts.and Couler ave. and Jackson street ordered improved(169, 184, 192) " 157 INDEX. 1898. --• - --- 81'I3JEl'T. --- ----- 13K PAGE. Oct. 2 Alley bet. 11th and 12th and Jackson and Washington sts.,pet.of Jacob Pliffuer,et.al.,in relation to condition of 23 166 2 Alley bet. 14th and 15th and Jackson and Washington sts., pet. of Jos. Platz,et.al., for sewer in " 166 3 Alley bet. Stafford and Humboldt and Garfield and Rhomberg aves., grade of adopted(216,217) " 169 3 Alley bet. Stafford and Windsor and Garfield and Ithomberg " aves.,grade of adopted " 169 3 Alley bet. Schiller and Humboldt and Lincoln and Rhomberg aves.,grade of adopted(213, 214) " 169 4 Alley bet. West Eagle Point ave. and Hart and Francis and Valaric sts.,engineer to prepare grade of " 179 4 Alley bet.4th and Clinton and Windsor aves.and Queen street ordered opened " 179 66 4 Alley bet.Sanford and 22d and Washington and Elm sts.,ordered improved(193, 199,234) " 181 66 4 Alley west of l3ooth st., engineer to prepare plat showing ex- tension of " 182 " 13 Alley bet. 1st and 2d and Main and Iowa sts.,resolution to allow ('. M.&St.Paul It.R. Co.to extend track on " 183 " 1.3 Abbatoir, remonstrance of .Hiss Mehan et. al. against con- struction of(234) 66 183 Nov. 6 Alley bet.9th and 10th and Locust and Bluff sts.ordered improved (226) " 195 44 6 Alma street,Sidewalk ordered on " 196 6 Avon '' « '' '' " 196 9 Ahearn, Maurice T.taxes, 234 " 197 9 Angella street, petition for grading of " 198 46 9 Alderson,Allick claim of 232 " 198 9 Alley west of Hart st.,profile of grade of " 198 " 9 Almond st.ordered improved (226) • " 204 " 23 Armory, YoungLadies Choral Society granted use of " 211 " 23 Alley,communication of S. B.Rice in relation to cleaning of,234 " 211 Dec. 4 Armory, petition of Journey men and Plumbers and others for use of " 232 " 4 Atkinson Oloff,claim for improvement of Main st. " 232 " 4 Aldermen ordered paid " 283 • 4. — 1 4 ■I _ • INDEX. 1 1s11. si'BJECT. 1 BK PA( E. B Jan. 4 Bills allowed1 4I4 Bannon,Mrs. Kate taxes (21) 3 4 Burkis, Mrs. Geo. taxes(21) 3 4 Boesveld,3Irs.John taxes (21) 3 4 Brauhm, Magdalena P. taxes(21) 3 4 Bluff from 4th to 6th sts. profile of grade(8w) 4 0 Bonds, paving to amt. of$29,000 ordered issued (20) .. - 15 Feb. 6 Burton,Est. Del taxes (30) 4117 i} 64 44 6 13uehlman, Henrietta Del tax (29) 4417 46 6 Breckwoldt,Mrs. Anna Del tax (30) 4417 :. 6 Buildings National Convention invitation to attend " 18 6 Bills allowed .f 17 .{ 6 Broadway extension,special assessment for improvements " 19 .: 6 Baker,S.E.adverse to tax petition .1 21 " 6 Bonds, 1 to 9 and 17 to 39 called in " 22 Mch. 6 Bills allowed 27 If 6 Brennan, Bridget Del tax (3i) " N8 " 6 Beach,.James Del tax .. 28 " 6 Broad street bid,for imp. of opened,82,85 31 April 6 Bills allowed .. " 6 Burke, Mrs. Bridget Del tax(53) a 34 zY •` 6 Buildiug& Loan, People's petition to put up sign " 34 " 6 • Buseman, 1Ierman pet for cancellation of assmt .. 34 April 13 I3each,Janes taxes(53) " 45 " 13 Bonds and Salaries of officers 46 46 May 1 Bills allowed " 50-51 1 Bills referred " 51 ';t' " 1 Brown,Michael taxes(81) " 51 :: 1 Brennan, Bridget taxes(81) .: 51 `':.j " I Bonds, communication of C. H. White & Co.in relation to ex- change on „ 71 " 1 Bridge Fund, City Treasurer to demand same,(56, 7.2, 73) " 52 ii 1 Broadway, Norton& Lee allowed $750 for grading of(7 6) 1 " 58 1 Broadway accepted,(76, 77) " 53 " 1 Broadway Extension accepted, (76,80,81) •. 53 " 8 Blake street,petition for repair of .: 86 street, petition for of oi61 56 • 648 Bonds, petitn of C. H. White& C . n grade, to interest on " 56 61 8 Bonds Improvement,called in " 56 " 18 Brad street,crossing ordered at intersection of.Julien ave )75) " 61 June 5 Bills allowed(70) i 1169 • ft Bisanz, taxes,105 + " Ill " 6 Brad street,estimate of cost of impt 1 " 73 " 7 Broadway Extension,sidewalk ordered on both sides " 82 " 7 Broadway,sidewalk ordered on both sides(141) " 83 " 7 Brad street,resolution for imp.of. (Lost) a 83 .. 7 Bicycles,Attorney to draft ordinance governing same " 84 July 5 Bills allowed,(98, 100, 102, 105, 113) " 96 46 5 Bluff street,sidewalk ordered on east side,bet 13th and 14th (129) " 97 ( 10 Bills,referred " 98-99 I 10 Broad street,contract let(101, 199.225, 226,234) :1 99 • " 10 Blake, Mary C.petition of in relation to sidewalk (120) " 99 " 10 Bohler, Nicholas petition in relation to city license 4699 " 10 I3onds of$20,000 ordered issued 14101 13 Brad st.ordered improved " 108-9 Aug. 7 Bills allowed(120 and 121 " 115 64 7 Bills against City to be verified " 115 " 7 Bluff street.extension,petition of A. W. Kemler et al for repair of(119) " 116 .. 7 Burden ave.,remonstrance of F. Swanson against sidewalk on.. " 116 7 Bentin, Mrs. petition in relation to alley cor. Rhomberg and Schiller(150) " ,, 8 Brad street,profile of proposed change of grade .. 118 28 Blake st.,petition of J. A. Rhomberg in relation to contract for grading of(169) " 129 i , ' INDEX. 1893. I SUBJECT. I HK PAGE. B Aug. 28 Brad street,contract let(234) 23 130 Sept. 5 13ills allowed, (148, 149, 150, 153) " 146-7 it iT Bills referred(150) " 147 it 5 Butler,Ald.allowed $100.00 of salary " 150 " 5 Bridge fund, matter of considered • " 155 Oct. 2 13111s, Ald. Crawford to prepare form for recorder to verify to " 165 " 2 Bills allowed, (168, 169, 176) '• 165 • " 2 Burden & Lawther add., pet. of Wm. Lawther et al.to have grades on streets established,(199) " 166 • " 2 Blake street,pet.of Bridget Costella in relation to condition of (198,227,233) " 166 2 Bills for rolling streets, warrants ordered drawn in favor of • Treasurer ' " 167 • ' 2 13111 of Graff Bros.for cleaning vault at Montana house " 167 " 3 Bonds,$50,000.00 ordered issued for street imp. (192,201) " 168 44 3 Bills referred " 169 3 Breen,Mrs. D taxes " 178 3 Bonds,numbering from 259 to 274 inclusive " 184 • 3 Bush, 13nna M. pet. in relation to sidewalk(200) 192 3 Broad street,sidewalk ordered on(197) " 193 Nov. 6 Bills allowed,(198) " 195 6 Booth street,sidewalk ordered on " 196 44 6 Board of Supervisors,pet.for cancellation of taxes " 197 0 Board of Education, pet.in relation to fire plug " 197 66 6 Bradley et al, petition in relation to taxes " 200 • ' 46 6 Buseman, et.al., petition in relation to taxes 200 lf 6 Booth st.,bet.W. 3rd and Dodge st.,ordered improved(226).... " 204-5 ' Dec. 4 Bills allowed " 231-2 • " 4 Board of Health, pet.for the establishment of " 232 " 4 •Board of Education,remonstrance against special assessment for sidewalk " 232 " Berry, Mrs.J. H. remonstrance against special assessment for . sidewalk " 232 '" " 4 Blake, Mary C.pet for remission of special ass'm't for sidewalk " 232 4 Bond of$500.00 of issue of 1857,report of City Attorney(240) " 234 4 Business Educators'Ass'n of America invited to Dubuque " 235 " 4 Blake, Mary C.taxes " 235 4 Bornheiser, Susan taxes " 235 ft 4 13rehen, Ilenry claim against Brown& Brown " 236 k;. INDEX. 1898. I SUBJECT. BK PAGE. 0 .lany 4 Cooper,A. A.,Assesment Com., (21) 2:3 3 " 4 Consor,Mrs. D.Assessment Coni., (21) .i 3 " 4 Cadman, Rosa Assessment Com ,. 3 •• o.Chuning Mrs.J. F.Assessment Com. (21) 3 4 Cooper, A. A. pet. for refunding team license 8 66 4 City debt, proposition of It. W. Stewart to refund 3 " 4 Central Engine House,report of com.on (10,31) 5 " 6 Clay st.,bet.3rd and 18th sts.,res. for imp. of(18,30) '• 10 it 6 Couler ave. from 18th to Sanford st., res. for imp. of(30) it 11 '• 6 Contractors Street,to be paid 75 per cent.of estimate on uu- finished work, balance when completed 64 14 " 6 City Hall, matter of remodeling (p 38) •' 14 Feby. 6 Central Union Telephone Co.,bill of$390.72 " 17 " 6 Colford,P. del.tax, (1)29) " 17 46 6 Corbett,Mrs. Michael,del.tax,(1) 29) 17 • " 6 Canavan, Mary,del. tax, (1)29) 46 17 " 6 City Carpenter,services dispensed with 18 Mch. 6 Couler ave.,oemonstrance against paving {t 28 446 Consumers'Steam I leating Co.,taxes reduced to $10,000 6, 30 666 Central Union Telephone Co.,proposition in relation to Electri- cian's salary " 30 " 6 Central Engine House, pet. of Brotherhood of 1t. It.Trainmen for use of " 31 Apr. 6 Callahan,Ellen T., remonstrance against establishment of pass- age across lot 16, Quigley's sub 84 r 646 Curtis street,petition of Peter Eisbach in relation to ., 38 " 6 Committees,standing, appointed " 42 " 13 Catherine street,petition for improvement of " 45 " 13 Custodian of parks. Henry Henge, appointed " 46 May 1 City Attorney McCarthy,resolution on retirement of lf 50 64 1 Cerr,Mrs.d., pet.on taxes " 51 " 1 City Recorder Fitzpatrick,resolution in regard to retirement of " i1 " 1 .Catherine street,plat of 8 ft.lane to W. Locust st " 52 64 1 Cornell and Thomas sts., Norton & Lee paid balance on account " 53 � 56 ' i' 8 Catherine street, pet.for repair of(75) « 24 College ave.,matter of grade of(73) " 61 June 7 Couler and Eagle Point ayes.,crossings ordered on « 84 " 22 Columbian Pub. Co.,pet.in relation to souvenirs {{ 87 " 22 Committee on Sewers,members increased {. 87 " 22 Committee on Paving, increased 87 July 5 Covering for macadamized streets 1 6496 88 • If Catherine st. from W. 17th to Angella st.,estimate cost of ! 44 5 Couler ave., plans and specifications of sewer on 4490 " 10 Couler Creek,petition in relation to(120) 96 • H " 10 Conlin,Ellen petition in relation to taxes (120) 99 '' 10 Cedar street,petition for improvement of(118,169) 66 10066 10 Cleveland ave., petition to have sidewalk replaced " 100 " 10 Catherine st. and W. Locust St., jury to assess damages for 8 ft. lane (104, 117, 119) 102 " 10 Chestnut st., petition in relation to condition of 107 " 10 Couler Creek,that water course be cleaned(108) 107 " 27 City Hall, matter of renting first floor " 113 Aug. 8 College ave.,profile of proposed change of grade of(178)... 118 II 10 Chalders,Harry taxes(150) " 120 " 10 Clark and Angella sts., matter of establishing a street between " 121 " 10 Catherine and Angella sts., ordered improved (p 149) " 122 " 10 Couler Creek,that nuisance near 27th and Jackson st.be abated (p 178 " 122-3 Sept. 5 Center Place,pet. of A. G.Wright,et.al.,remonstrating against change of name " 148 " 5 Central Union Telephone Co.,Auditor to cancel warrants drawn in favor of 418 Couler ave.,sidewalk ordered on west side,abutting lots 3,4 and 66 149 5,Brewery add « 153 •' 8 Center Place,sidewalk ordered in front of McNulty's sub " 153 b',1 410 5 INDEX. 1893. SUBJECT. t3K1 PAGE. 0 Sept. 8 Cherry st.,sidewalk ordered on east side,bet. Cleveland ave and Rush st 2;1 154 " 25 Clinton st,the marshal to remove obstructions 157 . Oct. 2 Chimney Inspector,(p 234) " 107 a= " 2 Coates ave., profile of grade of(p 199) 167 13 Catherine st.,pet. of F. W.Kringle & Co. for permission to sink shaft on(p 200) .. " 184 Nov. 6 C., M.& St.P. R.R.Co., bill against ordered collected 197 " 6 Conigisky,Ed.taxes(p 234)... " 197 9 Chuning,.lane pet.for refunding pound tax (p 234) " 197 9 Cram, Dwitt C.pet. for removal of fountain on 17th and Locust st " 198 ik 9 City lot 457,sidewalk ordered on " 203 66 9 Clay st.,bet. 12th and 13th sts.,sidewalk ordered on " 203 "• 2:l Cunningham,Martin, pet.in relation to special assessment. " 211 Dech . 1 j Connolly,Thos.taxes " 232 4 County Attorney Matthews,pet.to have Engineer prepare neap of IL R.tracks near round house " 232 i_. 4.-',i',✓:. •P5��7'• yft III INDEX. - - i o. sU8.11s('T. BE I I'AGE D Jany. 4 Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & P. Co., notified to discontinue incan- descent light 2 3 2 " 4 De Hoven, S.con). in relation to bill of$50.1111 If 2 66 4 Dubuque Elec. Hy. 1,.& P. Co.,pet.for reduction of ass'mt. (p 21) " 2 " 4 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., taxes (p 21) 3 664 Dennall, Susan taxes (p 21) '. 3 644 Dubuque Water Co.,com. in relation to claim for hydrant at C, G M.& St. P.shops(p 21) 3 �t 4 Dubuque st. Ry. Co.,pet. for reduction of assessment(p 21( 3 I 66 4 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., pet. for fire protection at Eagle Point(p 54) • ., 3 66 4 Dubuque Electric Hy. L. & P. Co., list of lights not properly lighted 14 5 `• 4 Dubuque 'Vater Co., report of citizens'committee on •• 1; 10 64 4 Dubuque Water Co., notified that the City intends to purchase " 10 Feby. 6 Driscoll, Mary taxes(p 30, 70, 105(..... " 17 " 6 Dubuque Linseed 011 Paint Co.,taxes(p 30) " ' 17 •• 6 Donahue,James taxes (p 30) 17 Mch. 6 Dubuque Casket Co., for exemption for ten years (p 3s) " 27 64 6 Deckert, Mrs. II. C. 211owed to pay one-half her taxes in full. ... i " : 28 " 6 Dubuque Social Turnverein,taxes(p 37) 46 28 6 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., ass'mt fixed for ten years at $10,000 " 31 46 6 Dubuque St. Ry. Co.,notified to operate line to Eagle Point " 31 "it 6 Dodge st.,bet. South Dodge and Grandview ave., bids opened (p 60,172, 199) " 1 31 6 Dubuque St. Ry. Co.,bill against, referred to auditor to collect `• ' 33 46 0 Dubuque Electric Ry. L. & P. Co., bill against, referred to auditor to collect " 33 •` 6 Dodge st.sewer,pet.of S. P. Wadley for extension of (p 54).... " 34 " 6 Deckert, Mrs. C.permission to remove store " 84 666 DeLorimier, Mary taxes ,• 34 " 6 Dubuque Turbine Co.,pet.of in relation to track on Washington st. (p 45,75) „ 38 " ' 6 Duggan, Michael pet. of 16 39 " 6 Dubuque Water Co., proposition of " 39 " 13 Dubuque Board of Trade,cont. in relation to street signs .. 44 45 " 13 Dodge and Broad sts.,bids for improvement of {. May 1 Diamond Jo Co., pet. for lease of levee (p 57, 72' 46 " 51 8 Drainage north of Sanford st. pet. for(p 73, 74) 56 " 18 Donahue,T..1.,pet. for public scale on Grandview ave. (p 81) " 57 " 24 Dog license for 1893 fixed " 61 " 24 Dubuque St. Hy. Co.,requested to place signs on cars ii 61 .June 5 Dodge list., remonstrance of B. Gallon'against change of grade (p 100,121, 148) " 70 66 5 Donahue, Margaret taxes (p 105) " 70 " 5 Dubuque Light &Traction Co.,notified to extend their line on Windsor ave 14 , 72 " 7 Dubuque Ilarbor Improvement Co's. add.,lots ordered filled (p 104, 123) 83 " 7 Dock st., bet. Rhontberg and Garfield aves.,ordered improved... •` 83 " 7 Dubuque Elec. Ry. L.& P. Co.,notified of expiration of contract. " 84 " 22 Dee Geo. &Son,pet. of,to survey their property 46 87 " 22 Dubuque St. Ry. Co., pet. to lay cross over on Main st " 87 22 Dodge st.sewer, McCann& Williams allowed $3,000 on " 87 .July 5 Dock st.,improvement of,east to C., M. & St. P. Hy " 96 " 5 Drainage of city north of 19th st .' 96 66 5 Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co.,com. in relation to tilling •• 96 I10 Dodge st., pet. of Cath.McDermott in relation to special ass'mt.. " 99 " 10 Davis Farm add., petition of E. Lutz in relation to filling lots.... " 99 " 10 Dubuque Light&Traction Co.,petition of " 99 " 10 Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co.,taxes(p 150) •• 1011 " 10 Dodge st., petition of Ed. McClain in relation to width of(p 116, « 121,166, 169) 100 10 Dodge st. South,and Grandview ave., pet.for water fountain on " 100 " 10 Dock st.,improvement postponed (p 227) " 13)1 i I 1 I r t+! w i e t»_ °��'xf , ! `� • .....,.� _ •;``,�- ..' . fit >'�...., INI)Et. wva. SUBJEI'T. IBh I PAGE. D June 10 1)odge st., commissioners appointed to assess damages (p 117) 23 10.2 " 10 1)avis Farm add., Tuts ordered filled(p 124) " 104 Au . 7 I)odge st., hill of Frank McClain for wall on sewer " 110 " 7 1)ubmiue Boat Club Ass'n.,taxes(p 150) " 116 •' 10 Dubuque ave.,accepted(p 136, 137) " 1.20 " 10 1)ecorah ave.,accepted(p 137) " 121 " 10 Delaware ave.,accepted(p 136) " 121 28 Dubuque Light& Traction Co., petition to put in curves and switches un 8th and 5th sts " 118 SO pt. 5 Dubuque St. Hy. Co., pet.in relation to running cars on Sage- ville road " 147 5 Daugherty, Mrs..lames taxes(178) " 148 " 5 Day, W. 11.claim for damages by steatn roller(p 168) " 148 " 5 1)odge st. from Booth st.to Grandview ay.,acc'pt'd(p 211,212,213) " 149 " 5 Dubuque & l)unleith Ferry Co.,report on forfeiture of charter. " 149 " 8 1)odge st., south side bet. Locust and Bluff, ordered improved (p 161, 19. 199,2131 " 153 Oct. 4 Davis Fara add., sidewalks ordered in front of lots No.230,270 • 27'2. :;; ) and 371 " 180 " 23 Dodge. st. sewer ordered extended(p 211,234) " 194 Nov. 0 Dodge st.,sidewalks ordered on " 196 " 6 Dumpily, Martin taxes (p 234) " 197 " 6 I)ubuque Drum Corps,pet. for use of armory " 193 6 1)ubuque St.Ity. Co.,taxes " 197 " 9 Dubuque Light&Traction Co.,taxes,(p 234) " 197 Dec. 4 Dubuque Social Turnverein,remonstrance letting Armory " 282 " 5 Duggan &Kane,bill allowed " 233 " 5 1 Demsey,Sophia taxes.... .... " 234 Y i1. ... d ^S �d pN+'f^Y( A'.j,'A .1 .*" _-f. fgr ..., y W .;ft �F �pk, • INDEX. INO. I St'1t+JF.(T. RK PAGE. • E Jany. 4 Engineer's office, committee to examine(p 4,37) 23 2 6 Eight St. fi West Dubuque Ry. Co., res. fur reduction of taxes1`t " 6 Eighteenth ;t., bet.Clay and Cooler ave., res. for paving(p:111( " 11 Feby. 0 Eureka t.as Savings Co., pet. to attach governors (p 29, 39,70, 106, 116 �• 1 Mch. 6 Eagle Point Ferre Co.,pet. fur assistance (p 45. 54, S1, 119) '• 27 " 6 Election judges aid clerks appointed •' 11 Apr. 6 Election warrants ordered to pay judges,clerks. Registers, and places for holding election and registration " :14 " 6 Eighth St.& West Dubuque,com.thanking council " :14 44 6 Electric light, bid for opened (p 45,54) " 37 " 6 Election,canvas of votes of •• 40 " 11 Engine house, pet. fur in Grandview Park add 45 13 Eleventh st.sewer,claim of U. Huff 45 " 13 En,ineer, election of, referred to next meeting (p 49) W. 11. Knowlton elected " 41; " 13 I Electrician,J. L.Bunting elected •• 46 " 28 Elm st.,award of jury to M rs.l4eisler and fence ordered removed " 49 May 1 Elm st.extension .. 44 31' 1 Eleventh st. sewer,bill of C. Ruff(p 82) 51 1 Emmet and St.Mary's sts.,bids for coust'n of sewer(p 1.20) 51 " 8 Eight St.&West Dubuque St.Hy. Co.,petition of ;p 60,71,95,1091 '' 33- " 8 Electric light ordered on White st., bet. Eagle Point ave. and Sanford st .• 56 11 8 Electric light,pet.for on \W. 8rd and Burch sts :168 Engineer Knowlton,bond of fixed at $5,000, (p 57)44 ., ,(^ 9 Engineer Blake released a+ 18 Euclid ave., pet.of.T. Sheridan for grade of 10 June 5 Electric lights,for on Broadway 1 •. 711 " 5 Everet,Johanna,pet.to fill lot(p 96,99).'... I 711 " 22 Electric lights, pet. for on Grove Terrace o 87 " 22 Electric light, list and location of(p 1446) 87 22 Electric light,Star Co.,proposition accepted " 87 " 22 Eddy,R.corn.of in relation to shaft on W. 3rd st ; " 88 July 5 Eagle Point ave. from Cushing's vinegar factory to Valeria et , estimate cost of " 61 5 Ellis st.,plans and specifications for sewer on 4696 10 Ellis and Almond sts.,profile of change of grade on presented " 101 1 10 Euclid and Monroe aves.,engineer to prepare grade of " 102 10 Eighteenth st.,pet.of Gustus Sippel, et. al.,relating to wall in rear of Engine house(178) " 107 Aug. 10 Engine house,Central, estimate cost of blinds for 64 120 - 10 Eleventh st., near Grove Terrace and Weigle alley ordered repaired ` 12--13 - 10 Eagle Point ave.,sidewalk ordered on bet west line of lots 3 of 135 and 145 in Langworthy's add " 122 " 28 Eddy, R.,case against the city " 129 Sept. 25 Eagle Point Ferry,matter of landing for(p 168)..... " 157 Oct. 3 Ellis st.,grade of approved (p 196, 197) " 109 44 8 Early, Mrs.Eugene taxes 178 44 4 Engine house,Ald.2nd and 4th Wards appointed to have plans and specifications prepared for(p 184. 193) 64181 " 4 Elevator on 6th st., marshal and fire chief to examine " 188 Nov. 6 Elm st.,bet.Eagle Point and Hhomberg ayes.,ordered improved (p226) " 195 9 Electric poles to be painted an appropriate color • " 20( 44 9 Eleventh and Iowa st.,electric light ordered on ` 200 9 Ellis st.ordered improved(p 226) " 04 " 23 Eighth St.&W. Dubuque St.Ry.,res. in relation to operation of " 211 " 23 Edith st.,plat showing p 11 b extension of " 211 Dec. 4 Elm st., bet. Garfield and Eagle Point aves., width of sidewalk established „ 232 Dec. 4 Electric lights ordered on Belmont Place and Rose st " 28a " 14 Engler,E.A., taxes „ 235 14 Engineer's office,committee appointed to examine..... " 2343 ]4 Eleventh st.sewer,profile of " 286 I .6.: INDEX. 18U8. I SI 11.1l;t"I'. BE PAGE. P .1 any. 4 Fourth st. extension,objections of.1.A. Ithomberg 1p 41 23 2 4 Fourth st. extension,venire issued[p 4, 131 " 2-3 4 Finn, Mrs. 4;,•n. W. taxes[p 211 " 4 Fifth ave., pet. for improvement of[p :381 64 4 Fire limits fixed /1 4 4 Eire Department, report of cont.on purchase of hose and wagon " 5 6 Fourth st., bet White and Main sts., res. for imp.of Ip :301 " 10 " 6 Fire endue house, pet.for on (Grandview ave.and S. Dodge st. 1p :ll 46 11 Feby. (3 Firzloff, Sophia,taxes Ip 30,45,5:31 " 17 " 0 Fire Department, list of then, &c.,1p 281 64 22 Mch. (3 Fifth ave., pet. in relation to waterway[p 381 " 28 46 6 Fox. Mrs. Mary taxes[p 371 " 28 `• (3 First st. park, recorder to advertise for bids for cottage in " 31 " 6 Fire protection ou the hill and at Eagle Point [p 37,45,541 •' 31 Apr. 13 Fire protection iu West Dubuque, pet.for " 45 " 13 Fifth ave.,pet.for improvement " 45 " 13 Fire Chief.Toe Reinfried elected 46 46 May 1 Flynn, Mrs. Patrick taxes 11, 811 " 51 " 1 Fulton school,pet.of 130::x•1 01•Education in relation to drainage of " 51 " 1 Fountain, 17th and Locust,remonstrance against[p 116, 1491 64 52 44 8 Francis st.accepted[p 70, 70, 78, 79, 118] " 56 " 18 Faherty,M.W pet.to erect frame building 37 .lune 5 Ferry boat, Dubuque and E. Dubuque, application for charter [13 1781 44 70 " 0 Fifth ave.,engineer to prepare profile of grade of and estimate.. " 75 7 Firemen,resolution in relation to conduct of 82 7 Francis st.,sidewalk ordered on both sides " 83 7 Firemen given the use of the Armory 6t 83 '° 7 Fourteenth st.,bet. Pine and Maple,sidewalk ordered()nip 14:31 " 84 '' " 22 Fourteenth and Iowa st., pet.of M. Liddy for grade on 6487 July 5 Fifth ave..profile of grade(p 1781 " 96 " 5 Fourteenth st. bet. Bluff and Prairie,sidewalk ordered on S. side " 97 ; 665 Fourteenth st. bet walnut and Cox's add.,sidewalk ordered on N. , side " 97 '° 5 Fourth st. bet.Locust and alley east,sidewalk ordered on S.side " 97 " 10 Ferris, W. E.pet.to drive on sidewalk " 100 4 " 10 Fink st., pet. of A.Schwarz for repair of[p 121] 46 100 ;;r„• ” 10 Francis st.,remonstrance against " 102 " 13 Fourth st.,warrants ordered to pay jury " 107 " 13 First ave.,sidewalk ordered on 14 107 Aug. 7 Fischer, Christ. pet. iu relation to claim against 1'. F. Guthrie117 " 7 Fitzpatrick, Mrs. John taxes[p 150] '• 110 ° " 7 Fourteenth st.. West,in relation to change of grade..... 64 117 ` Sept. 5 Fuller, Airs. D. 11. pet in relation to filling lots... 147 " 5 Fuhrman, Richard taxes cancelled.... 44 150 Oct. 2 Fink, George taxes 166 " 2 Finkeuauer,Cath. taxes. " 166 4 Fourteenth st., abutting lot s. 2-5 of 431,sidewalk ordered en.... 181 ;,, Dec. 4 Fountain on 5th and 11311 sts.. pet. for removal of 1 232 is _ , .. ,. • . , . . . - . . , . . . INDEX. ' MM. SUBJECT. BEI PAGE. G .Jany. 4 Grandview ave. sidewalk. remonstrance against assessment for Lp 2, 11, 14.21,361 . 23 1 4 Grimme, lieu ry taxes 1p 211 , .. " 4 Globe Light & 11( 0 Co.. list and location of hunps presented " 66 4 Gasoline lamps. list of ones discontinued 1p 291 1 . " 6 Glen Oak ave.. res. in relation to opening.of 1p 211. " 1 Feby. 6 11uthrie,P. F. paid$80.00 for revising ordinances and discharged " 6 4;rahain, Katie,taxes 1p 301 0 1; It Ennui i;intra House, pet. for remission of taxes - 17 ipera House, license reduced •• _s 11 Gelirig, Mrs. Emil taxes - :10 Apr. 6 (;10\cr. 11. B. & .1. 11.taxes 1p 531 - :1) 11 4;1,,i), Light& lleat Co., E. 11. llotigland, upt.. add'sil council.. ,. .• 6 Garhagp. bids to be advertised for 12 •• 13 Grace st.,res. for sidewalks on 1p 76. 95 " 15 18 Garbage,contract let 1p 411. 721 - 15 ti May 8 Garbagedisttict,coin. of Marshal Rice in relat'n to extension of. - 56 IS Grant Park, pet. for repair of sidewalk 1p 811 . 57 .11110, 5 Grandview Park add.. pet. of 11. Herncourt for op'n*g•streets in 5 Gasoline lamps,pet. for on 3th ave 70 , ,. 1 Grant ave.,sidewalk ordered on both sides Lp 1431 .. 7 Garfield ave.. bet. Middle and Dock sts.,ordered improved 1p 17s 193,233. 2341 . - -43 ; 1 1 •• 22 . Gasoline lamps,report of committee on July 10 i Giant,Mrs. David taxes •• .. ••,-, 99 " 10 1 Governor's Greys,pet. in relation to use of Armory • " 99 " 10 Geisler, Katy pet. of in relation to damage by storm 1 p 120, 1981 - 100 " 10 Glab, Nic and Frank taxes ft 120] HO " 10 Garfield ave., remonstrance against imp.of 1p. 1961 •• 100 " 10 Glen Oak ave.,profile of grade of .. 101 10 Globe Printing Co.,to publish notices - 105 I 1 Aug. 7 Graff Bros., bill of$148.15 11991 64 115 7 Gruber,Geo., taxes •• 1141 1 1; " 28 Guthrie& Chesterman, 9 bills against filed Lp 1501 - 12 Oct. 2 Guthrie, P. F.,claim of Bernard Conlin, Thos. Ilassett and C. Grunzing against ., 106 ii 2 Grethes,J. M.,taxes[p 2341 " 106 2 Gilliam,Julian taxes " 166 64 2 Grace st., pet.of J.J. Grigg for grade of sidewalk. " 167 ' 44 2 Grant ave., petition of E. H. Ileadford, et. al., remonstrating . against change of name it 167 •• 23 Grandview ave.,crossings ordered on 44 193 ov. 6 • Gniffke, H.B.tax com. ii 197 44 6 Glab, Henry claims against filed 66 198 44 6 Garfield ave., profile of change of grade of if 198 .' 6 Garfield ave.,near C.,G. W.tracks, res. for electric light. if 200 " 6 Glen Oak ave.,bet.Julien.ave.and W. 3rd st.ordered imp.lp 2261 " 2(15 I)( . 4 Gmehle,G.claim of$100.00 it 232 4 i 1 4 Glen Oak ave.,north,engineer to prepare plat of if 235 --4 . . 1 1 ! 1 0; 'llIE' ''' : ' INDEX. txAa. SUBF.�7'. I131: I�AG h:. .Jan. 6 I[oward, Wm. matter of purchase of cinders 23 14 Feb. 6 Hemmins, Fredenia taxes (p. 30) 4417 64 0 I Ierzog,Mrs. Elizabeth taxes (p.30) 17 66 46 64 64 64 li 1 lartig,.1 Mins taxes (p. 30,45,53) " 17 r, I lerod,Joseph taxes (p.30,45,53) 17 r, 11offmann, IIenretta taxes(p.30) 4417 It I Iammonn,.John F. taxes(p.30) 44 17 it I 1 enderson, M. C. H.taxes(p.29) 17 a 1 loppe, C.taxes[p.29] •' 17 11 1 libernian Society, pet. foruse of Central Engine house[p.28].. 6` 18 Mch. (1 lIinz, Mrs.taxes[p.37] 28 Apr. li high Bluff street,pet. for improvement of[p.82] 34 6611 I[orr, Asa taxes 34 Ii Health Officer, Dr.J. \V.Fowler elected 46 .1 tine. 5 IIintrager,Wm.remonstrance against special assessment.. " 70 " 5 Humboldt street,petition for improvement of 70 .July. 5 Horse Holler,engineer instructed to purchase 96 5 High Bluff,profile of grade of [p. 169] 96 5 Health Officer.communication of 96 10 Highland place,petition for extension of[109, 118,122]......... " 99 10 Hotel, petition of in relation to license [p. 149] " 99 " 10 Humboldt street,contract for improvement let [p. 169, 170] 101 " 13 1[orr,Asa amount of taxes to be refunded 106 " 13 Bill street, sidewalk ordered bwt. W. 3rd and Dodge strees[p. 116, 175] 108 Aug. 7 Iloupes, Jonathan taxes[p. 150] •` 116 6464 7 Harold street, petition of Jno. Felzthen for improvament of [149,167[ 116 10 Harris,Sub Division 14 121 Oct. 2 Hanson,Mrs.Anna taxes " 166 442 Henderson, Mrs.Anna taxes 44 166 46 4 I[erold street,ordered improved[p. 193,234] 181 " 23 Herod, Joseph taxes 192 Nov. 9 Hart street,profile of change of grade of[p.232 46 198 Dec. 4 Heim,Mrs.taxes for 1893 cancelled [p. 234] 66 231 644 Harris, Mark taxes 66 232 4 Ilitchins,Frank taxes 232 44 232 " 232-3 4 Harold.ll. R. petition to keep swine 464 Hennessy, Archbishop asking that his name be stricken from petition remonstrating against-sewers on Julien Ave 644 home of the Friendless. stecial taxes " 234-5 INDEX. v93. sI•14JE "I'. Mil PAGE. lat. 6 Iowa bet.3rd and lith street res. for improvement of Ip. 311 _ !:; 111 I'el). 6 Isborn,Barbara taxes Ip. 30, 116, 1501 1 NI ch. 6 Iowa Trust and Saving Bank,taxes reduced :;n Apr. 13 Ice Ilarbor, petition of S. Scott in rdlation to nuisance in •15 May. 1 International Association of Machinists,communication of f.I .lune. 6 Iowa bet. 10th and 11th streets. special tax levied for repair of sidewalk on 81 " 2.2 Iowa bet.8th and 4th streets, sidewalk ordered'on S9 .I my 5 Ice Ilarbor Com.to draft ordinance showing boundary of 95 16 5 Iowa bet. 14th and 15th streets, sidewalks ordered on east side [p. 116, 120]. 4; 10 Iowa street,petition of M. Liddy asking for grade of •• 100 " 13 Iowa street,sidewalk ordered on abutting S. t., city lot 11; 10S Nov. 6 Ill.Central 11. R Co.bill against ordered collected 19' " 6 Iowa bet.13th and 14th streets sidewalk ordered on Dec. 14 Iowa Iron Works.bill of !36 • I ' • j • INDEX. 1893. SUBJECT. I3! PA(;E. .Jan. -1 Julien )louse,assessment on furniture reduced 1p.41 2:1 1 4 .1 eifroy,Joseph taxes 1p. 211 .{ 3 " 6 Jones from S. Locust to Main street res. for paving gyp. 30, 16911 Feb. 6 .Johnson, Mrs. Mary A.taxes[p. 30, 371 1 r Jecklin, J. II. taxes 1p. 291 1; • MCI]. r .Jecklins Sub.plat of[p. 38, 121] "• 1 : 1 Aprl. r .tones. O. J.bill of 3:.3 Jane -, .Jones street• petition for st win sewer on [p.1021 ill :) .less, 1tobt. matter of sidewalk on 1st and Main streets " 72 " .tones bet. Alain and Locust sts.ordered paved [p. 123, " 89 • •• .J alien ate. bet. Walnut, and Pine sts. ordered improved [0. 108, 118] " 89-90 .July 10 .Jones street,remonstrance against improvement of " 100 13 .Jackson bet.22nd and 27th sts.side walk ordered on 1p. 175,1761108 Aug. 8 clones atreet, plans and Specifications for storm water sewer118 29 .Julien ave., bet. Nevada and Rooth streets,sidewalk ordered on S. side of " 193 Sep. 5 .Jaeger, A.F.petition iu relation to claim against llenry Treres, " 150 " 8 .Julien ave.res.ordering sidewalk in front of lots 1 and 2 Cains add " 153 'f;•'` 44 8 .lulieu ave.res.ordering sidewalk iu front of Min. lot 46 151 " 25 .Julien ave„near Booth street matter of drainage of " 157 Oct. 4 Jackson st.,sidewalk ordered in front of lot 2, Peterson's Sub " 180 4 Jackson st.,sidewalk ordered on bet. 1thouiberg and Lincoln ave. " 180 4 Jackson st., sidewalk ordered on abutting lots 60, S. to 59 and N. iz 61 E. Dub.add " 180 4 " 4 Jones bet. Main st. and Ill. C. R. 11. tracks storm sewer ordered on [198,205] 181 Nov. 6 .Jaeggi, W.H. tax •` 181 9 :Jackson, M.E. Church taxes 12341 197-8 9 .1 alien ave.between Walnut st.and Wilson ave.ordered repaired " 201) 9 Julien ave.bet.Alta Vista and Alpine sts.ordered repaired[p.2261 " 204 Dec. 4 .Journeymen Plumbers asking for appointment of a Sanitary Inspt 232 " 4 Jones, Jane petition asking for $75.00 for piece of ground on Rose street [p. 2351 " 232 5 .Jordan,C.Il.et al petition remonstrating against change of grade on Seminary street... I " 232 • • • • • INDEX. • • t893. .t•RdEcr. ! BKII 41/14 Jany. 4 Krueger, Mrs. 11. taxes 1p 211 23 3 Feby. 6 Kolf,Mrs. Margaret toes 1p 291 I 17 6 I'ietzman. 1[enrietta taxes 1p 291 11 • Meh. 6 Kimbel, ('apt. It.. pet. for assistance to run Eagle Pt. Ferry 1081 " 0; 6 Kimbel, ('apt. R. pet. in relation to landing at Eagle Point 27 Apr. 6 Klingenberg's sub., pet. of ('has. Klingenberg for tilling lots in 19 541 .• 34 6 Kennedy,John 11.taxes(p 531 •• ;;.1 " 13 Kane st., pet.of Mary Stauer in relation to plat of(p 491 •• May 1 Kane st., pet. of.1. G. Menke' for widening of 1p 75( June 5 Kiene,Peter pet. for compensation for labor ;u 5 Klump, Barbara.taxes 1 p 1051 ;(1 " 5 Kress,Eliz.taxes ip 1(5 •• ;tl July 10 Kimbel,II.communication of •• 10 Kochendorfer,A. 1;30.00 ordered refunded to 102 • " 10 Kniest's,L. sub., lots ordered tilled(p 123] Aug. 7 Knabe,Mrs.Ann bill of,ref.to city atty. and corn. on claims.... " 1 I5 `• Katselka, Minna taxes(p 150 •• 111; " 7 Katz, C.W. taxes (p 15(1( •` 11tt 8 Keppler st.,right of way obtained 118 8 Kleine st., pet. of('has. Klingenberg for imp. of(p 192. 193,2261 •• 148 Nov. 6 Kimbel,11. taxes(p ')341 197 6 Kimbel,R. pet. of for balance due 197 6 Key City Pleasure Club, pet. for use of Armory •• 197 • • INDEX. 1888. SUBJ Eel'. AK PAGE. Z Jany. 4 Lincoln ave.,deed for extension of presented 23 2 6 Lights,list of 30 in long term contract of Dubuque E. Ry. L. & P. Co 466 Feby. 6 Lenzing,Caroline taxes[p 29] 6617 ,,:,18148. 6 Little, Bruce& Co.,taxes 6617 Mch. 6 Lewis,Julia claim for personal damages 1p 371 28 6 Lippert,Mrs.W.taxes[p 371 28 6 Lincoln ave.,bet. Cooler ave.and White st,res. for imp. of 1 p381 " 31 6 Lights,electric,list of without Globes 6631 Apr. 6 Leibnetz st.,pet.for improvement of[p 54] 34 " 5 Leibnetz st.,pet.of Adani Schmidt for payment for grading on.. " 38 " 13 Lincoln ave.,bet Couler ave.and White st.,res.for imp of[p 70] " 45 May 1 Lavin,M.pet.and notice of in relation to money due 6651 1 Light, pet.for near viaduct on Peru Road 6651 1 Light,pet.for on Pickett and Alma sts " 51 • 1 Lights,City Electrician to furnish plat of location of " 55 " 1 Lots,engineer to enforce order for filling of " 55 8 Ledger Printing Co., bill of 6656 .lune 6 Liebe sub., plat of presented[p 121] if74 " 22 Ladies'Catholic Benevolent Society, pet. for use of Armory 6687 " 22 Levee,pet.of Wm. Groff for erection of shed on 4487 .July 5 Locust st.,bet. 7th and 8th sts., sidewalk ordered on West side of[p 116] 1697 " 5 Lucas,11 1argaret,taxes " 99 •• 5 Lukenbell, Ezra taxes[p 120] 100 10 Lincoln ave.,pet. for improvement from Reed st.north [p 118 .. " 100 " 10 License,one-half refunded to Lange&Lange 101 " 10 Lemon st.,matter of change of name 44101 '' 10 Lincoln ave.,bet let and 9th ayes, proposed change of grade of " 104 " 10 Langworthy,Julia L. petition of in relation to filling lots it116 " 13 Langworthy's E.add.,lots ordered filled[p 109, 116,123, 124,153] " 104 " 13 Luke, Mary J.taxes " 105 " 13 Lincoln ave.,minority and majority report[p 149, 184] " 106 " 13 Ledger Printing Co.,warrants ordered held " 109 Aug. 7 Ludwig,Peter taxes[p 150] " 116 • " 8 Lincoln ave.,cost of extending culvert " 118 " 10 Langworthy's L. H.add.,taxes ordered cancelled on n. %of lot 13 " 122 " 10 Langworthy's L. H.add., lotstordered filled 46 124 Sept. 5 Lucas,Margaret pet.asking that money due be kept from a city employee 66148 8 Lincoln ave.,bet White st. and Ceuler ave.,res. to imp. (lost) " 154 8 Lincoln ave.,bet.White st.and Couler ave.,be made passable " 154 Oct. 2 Lincoln ave.,bet.White st.and Couler ave.,res.to imp.[166,167, 178 if164 ❑" 3 Lee,James auditor instructed to collect$22.00 from " 169 3 Lincoln ave., change of grade adopted[p 196, 198,233 64169 3 Lots ordered filled[p 179] " 177 41 3 Locust and Bluff st., report of coin.on contract of Atkinson & Oloff for improvement of " 183 " 13 Lincoln ave., from Reed st. to 1st ave.,engineer to prepare plat showing the straightening of[p 236] " 184 'zNov. 9 Lincoln ave.,bet. Reed st.and 2d ave.,ordered improved [p 226] " 204 9 Lippstock, Henry taxes " 232 Dec. 4 Loes, mat.claim of.... " N35 • ! INDEX. isae. rt B.)r.� r. st PAGE. • M .lan. .1 Metz,Mrs. Elizabeth taxes [p. 21, 29] 23 3 -I McCune, Mrs. .Joseph petition for extension of time to pay special assessment [p. 21] 3 4 Murphy, Mrs.Andrew petition to have assessment for southern avenue postponed .. :1 6 ! Mayor,recommendation of t{ 14 Feb. 6 i Maloney,Mrs.I3.taxes(p.30) 1 7 466 I Marlin, Nicholis taxes(p.30) I 14,l 17 16 6 1 Mackert, Valentine taxes (p. 30, 37) ,. 17 " 6 Madison street petition of M. Duggan for damages for change ! of grade .. 18 l; ,I .. 6 Meyer, C'. H.addition plot approved ,. 21) " 6 Manufacturing institutions, list of exempted from taxation 28 ,4 l _.2 I M ch. 6 .Mathis,Carolinetaxes (p. 3 i) 2S I " 6 Mulqueeny,Thomas taxes(p. 37) 41 28 " 6 Mulqueeny,Margt. taxes(p. 37) .' 28 III " 6 Mahony, Mrs. C.taxes (p. 37) 28 I III 6 Munsell,A.taxes (p. 37) " 28 " 6 McLaughlin, Mary .11. taxes [p. :11) « 29 I 1ft9 Mueggenbergs sub., plat of " 31 il it 6 Mineral lot 80 lot 5, plat of(p. 38) " 31 Apr. 6 Murphy,Mrs.Ann. taxes(p. 53) It 84 " 6 McMahon, Mrs. John taxes " 34 ' I 466 Manufacturing Institutions exempt from taxes " 39 " 6 Macadam,Engineer Blake presented list of " 39 "64 6 Mayor Saunders Valedictory... 16 6 Mayor Daugherty, Inaugural address 41-2 !Ii Mayor pro tem.,Ald. Olinger elected {f ` ' 42 ,i ' 13 Madison street petition of M. Duggan(82, 197) 14MY,};45 II 13 Mertz streets,to establish grade on(p.102) 45 13 Marshal, S. B. Rice elected •' `1 46 ;' 13 Market Master,Ed.Norton elected. 46 11Iay 1 Main street improvement of remonstrance of D. J. Hennessy against (p.73).. 4450 1 Mertz street,profile of grade of 66 .52 " 1 Macadam bills allowed (p. 167) " 53 " 1 Main bet. 1st and Jones streets sidewalk ordered on East side of " 55 8 Madi,Annie taxes (p.81) " 56 '" June 5 Monroe ave. pet.of J.Sheridan for grade on 66 70 " 5 McMahon Mrs.taxes (p.120) " 70 5 McCormick,Ellen 70 66 5 McNally,Johanna taxes (p. 148, 178) 46 70 645 Main street,Atkinson &Oloff allowed $4919.25 on " " 6 Madison street, obstructions ordered removed and sidewalk " repaired " 75 " 7 Middle street,sidewalk ordered on (p 143) " 84 22 Main bet. 17th and Charter streets, report of Committee on acceptance of " 87-88 " 22 Main street,Atkinson & Oloff allowed$10,000 as part payment on " 88 • July 10 Mayor Daugherty message of,about Pomeroy Suffers(p.105) " 99 10 Main street,special tax levied on abutting property (p. 103-1041 " 102 .4 " 10 McMahon, Mrs. tax " 105 • " 10 Mineral lot 79,lot 6 o7 ordered filled(p•124) " 109 " 29 Mulgrew,M.J.petition for damages (p. 150, 211) " 113 " 29 Main street,Atkinson & Oloff allowed $5000 on contract " 113 Aug. 7 lvlajerus, M. petition for grade on lot 300 " 116 7 Martin,Hanora taxes (p. 149) 116 " 7 Meukle,J. G.claim for damages(p. 168) " 117 Aug. 7 Mayor's salary to be paid quarterly. " 119 Sept. 5 Mayor's communication to the council " 145-6 5 Mathis,Chris. pet.of asking for grade line " 147 " 5 Mundt,John taxes[p 1781 " 148 Oct. 2 Mayor Daugherty,com.of in rel.to death of J.W.Wood 412 Mayor Daugherty's corn.in rel.to imp.bonds under date of issue �� 165 Aug. 1, 1893--------------_-------- 14 165 ! II. I, • ATL} ---—'--- _' �x a N a "V• L... -,. .,ai..... . • , rk....x«w Y • INDEX. 18:3. SUBJECT. RKI PAGE. M Oct. 2 Mayor 1)augherty's caul. in relation to I)ubuque \Vater Co. carrying out contract 23 11.;3 " 2 McMahon,Mike, taxes " 1611 " ? Al(('an n &Williams,claim of McDermott& lliggins against.... " 1111; 2 Macadam,list of,amount measured ordered paid]p 1(18, 169].... " Hili I \Ineggenberg's sub., plat of adverse " 1(11) •` Marshal Bice authorized to have police procure overcoats " 117 1 Macadam,engineer and st.supt.to have same broken on streets. " 181 " -1 Main st.,report of corn. on settlement of Atkinson & (fluff, for imp.of " 182-3 4 \McDermott S Gow,bill of]p 184] " 184 4 Meyer, Peter bill of[p 2313] " 150 Nov. 9 NIontana 1[ouse,vaults,report of Officers 1)'('onnell and O'Brien [p 234] " 190 9 \IcCarten, taxc " 200 23 \leggenberg, 1)eitrick,claim for damages.... " 211 Dec. 1 NIc[,aughlin, Mary taxes " 232 1 \I ueller, Nic. remonstrance against special assessment " 232 4 Alacadanl,bills ordered paid 234 1 Macadam,poor men only to be employed " 235 • • • i1 • INDEX. 1898. sl'0,1E("1'. 11K PAGE. N Apr. 13 Norwegian flow Co., pet. to construct bridge across Main st. [p 54,57,75] 23 45 May 1 Nevada st.,pet.to improve Ip 84] 51 1 Nairn, Mary A.taxes 1p 81] •• 51 1 Norwegian Plow Co.. pet. to have curb lowered 54 24 Nevada st.. matter of grade of.... .. i (31 .June 6 Nevada st.,estimate cost of 73 6 Nevada st.,contract for imp. of let (p 149, 169, 202. 21)31 101 Aug. 8 North st.,remonstrauce of Anna M.Bush on matter of sidewalk . •• 118 28 Novelty Iron Works.taxes 129 Sept. 5 Nolte est., pet.in relation to sewerage 1p 1701 ;i 148 Oct. 2 Najedley, Frank,taxes 11113 Nov. 6 Neuhouse, Mary taxes[p 2341197 • � I �ij INDEX. 18118. SUHJE("r. BK PAGR. .lany. 4 1)•Farreli,.1as.remonstrance against ass'mt for sewer on \\'. :3rd st 2:1 1 " 4 O'llalloran,.1as.,assessment eom.[p 211 1 3 4 1)ak st.,com.of G. M. Robison in relation to opening of... 3 " 4 Officers, reports of 41 3 4 Oak st., plat of proposed extension of[p 14, 18,+10, 1118, 191),2341. 4 Feby. 6 1)rdinances,matter of revising 17 6 Officers, reports of18 6 Ordinance to secure general health of the city " I 2O Mch. 6 Oesterberger,Mary M. del.tax 1p 371 os " 6 Officers.reports of " `'8 44 6 Ordinance,to provide for the revision of the ordinances.... " 29 6 Officer,.annual reports of to be printed•.. 29 At-r. 6 O'Connor, 1Ionorataxes " 34 6 Officers,reports of 34 " 6 Oak st. pet. of Con Callahan in rel. to grade of 38 " 6 Offices,applicants for to file applications " I 42 " 6 Oak st., pet.for retaining wall on (p 82, 100, 121, 1091 " 45 " 13 Official printing,application of Telegraph for 45 13 Ordinances,copies of, res. in relation to disposition of " j 45 " 13 Officers,election of by Council 411 " 13 Officers,bonds and salaries of 46 " 28 OIlicers,bonds and salaries of approved " 49 " 28 Officers,qualified 64 49 "• 28 Ordinances, City, Mayor to give to whom he may see tit " 49 " 28 Ordinance, wide tire,remonstrance against(p 55) 64 49 May 1 Officers sworn in 64 i0 1 Oficial paper,pet.of Times Co " 51 " 1 Officers report " 52 1 Ordinance providing for compensation of City Electrician 1p 74) " 52-3 " 1 Official printing, matter of (p 58, 85) " 54 " 1 Ordinance,taxing and regulating telephone and telegralxi poles ordered drawn(1)73, 118) " 55 " 18 Opera house outrage,com. appointed to investigate(p 58,59,60). 1 " 57 " 18 I Ordinance to regulate elections " 60 June 5 Officers,reports of " 70 " 6 O'Neil st.,profile of grade of 44 i3 " 22 Ordinance regulating bicycle riding(p 101) " J0 .1 uiy 5 Officers,report of " 95-6 " 5 I Ordinance in relation to building permits 6496 " 5 Ordinance requiring carriages and all vehicles to stop for fire if 97department " 5Ordinance relating to Fenlon Place elevator " 97 " 10 O'llara, Mary Ann,taxes(p 120) 64 100 " 10 O'llalloran,:Mary Ellen taxes(p 120) '` 11/0 " 111 Olive st.,pet.of C. A.Wilber,et. al.,for opening and grading of (p 116, 199) " 100 " 111 Ordinance relating to steam ferry bet. Dubuque and E. Dubuque (p 117) " 1111; " 10 Officer, 1fealth,conimunication of " 11)6 Aug. 8 Ordinance,that slope of sidewalk be changed " 118 " 8 ordinance relating to vaults and cess pools. " 118 " 10 Oak st.,accepted(p 139, 140, 109) " 1'=1 28 Ordinance rel.to the imp.of sts.and construction of sidewalks " 109 Sept. 5 Officers,report of(p 149, 150, 151) " 149 " 8 Ordinance to regulate sprinkling,Attorney to draft same ., 154 i)ct. 2 Officers, reports of 11" 3 Ordinance relating to hotel license , •• ••• `' 1', " 23 O'Reagan,Maurice taxes 461112 Nov. 6 Officers, report of(198) " 197 Dec. 4 Oswald, Helena taxes. i. • 44 4 O'Connell,M.matter of continuing office of 44 14 4 Ordinance relating to 6 feet of the easterly side of Madison st.. . '` 5 Officers,reports of I ' I { j' i �! INDEX. --- ----- I1 ,;u;. st-MIEl!T. HK P:\tiE. 1P .Ian. 4 Pine street extension from 22nd to 23 rd st plat of proposed ii, extension (p. 18) 23 .1 1' Feb. 6 Patch,S.J.taxes)p. :in) 6617 Itch. '6 Pickley,.Ino. petition to be releived from bond of Adam Schmidt " 17 " 6 Prospect street, pet. torgasoline lamps on (81) 28 66 1 iI �1 446 Pier,Phil allowed to move from building on 7th street 28 j \[ay 1 Police, petition for at Eagle Point " 51 .June 5 Proctor, I. petition in regard to macadam " 70 6 Peils sub., plat of)p. 121) 74 " 6 Phoenix Park,pet. of D. Smith for building on . 74 " 7 Police res. in relation to equipt of '• s2 146 7 Police matron. pet for appointment of Jennie Lewis ,p. 99) •• S7467 Prince st.bet. I?a4,1e Point and San ford street ordered impro\ed �!i j ', (p, 119, 199,r 223,224.) .. 8a July 5 Petition of John heckevoet •• 95 ! I; 5 Pay days, regular days appointed , 97 `• 5 Prairie bet. 14th and Arlington streets,sidewalk ordered on. . .. 99 11 " 10 Pomeroy sufferers donation to •' ' 99 I 10 Prairie et.,petition for sewerage on " 99 " 10 Peabody ave.,petition for opening of (p. 178) " 1110 1 " 10 Pleasant and Lemon streets,profile of grade presented 44 101 Aug. 7 Pine, 13.Schulte et al pet. in relation to sidewalk (p. 169) " 116 647 Park Hill, A. Gartner et al petition for improvement of(p. 169, 193, 198, 233.) 1113 64 7 Parker, Ira petition for damages •` 117 " 10 Pine bet. Hill and W. 18th sts., name changed to('aladonia Place (p.147) " 1 123 " 29 Pine street, special assessment levied for sidewalk on between 23rd and 25th streets (p. 154, 167) " 142 Sept. 5 Poole and Stevens, corn. of assessor Stenon in relation to assess-• ment (p. 178.) 1 " 148 " 5 Pier,Phil petition for tire protection on hill " ! 148 " 5 Peru Hoad. from Cooler ave. to Lenton st.,accepted (p 166, 171) " 149 Oct. 3 Paul& Leibnitz, pet..lno. .1. Barker et.al., for 2 ft.of sidewalk • • for wall 11,E Nov. 6 Prince st., sidewalk ordered on 66 1913 " 9 Police overcoats, marshal to supt. purchase of " 2011 " 14 Pelan,Jas.pet.in relation to macadam " 2• _.30 1 • • 1 i i ' • c INDEX. 11493. eUR.Ih:l'9'. IiI' PM:E. Q. P eby. 6 Queen st., pet. for opening of(p 45, 107, 178) 2:1 17 " 6 Queen et., report of coin.on change of grade of(p 19M) 18 Mav 8 Queen st., bet. Eagle Point ave.and Regent st., accepted (p 77, 78, 149, 167).... " 56 .luIv 10 Queen st., pet. in rel.to laying sidewalk on (p 1'29. 112, 150) 6690 " 10 Quigley, Wm. pet of in rel.to the service required of the Du- buque Street Ry.Co.over 800 foot strip " 100 Oct. 2 Queen st., north of Sanford, pet.of Fred ('. Meyer for grade on 117 17`1. '_':1:1) 1Pn ''' v., • e y' ii . I r, Ip I N.D.E X. 1111 : st'It.JEt"I'. Ith 1'A t:F:. � I'! ta!1a. - 1 R 1 .1aoc. 4 Hentbold, Mrs. remonstrance against assm't for sewer un 11111 st2:1 1 • • 4 Rose st.,deed for straightening of presented •' 4 Rose st.,triangular piece of(deeded re. Jane .Mmes 4 Reuter, Catherine taxes (p'21( .1 4 Heli,Emil taxes (p :1u) .1 6 Ryan I'acicin_ Co..action on pet. for electric lights „ 1; b'eby. 6 Rupprecht. 'olnu!on t41 apes (p 31)) 1 16 1i 1{eynolds. Iaisa taxes(1) :10) 1 • (i Reed. Mary 1'. taxes(p 7111) 1 i 11 II (i Rabbit. Mrs. M..1.taxes (p 3n1 1 6 Roberts aye.. remonstrance against sewer on (p 1:x:1 I _11th. (; Ilo,li L. pet. for improvement of(p 38) " ''- r, Ilei, st.. let. for improvement of(p 38) .. 27 1 April r Railroads, assessment and valuation of tired and 1 c p ordered 11 1 furnished to assessor •:14 6 Reports,annual,contract for printing awarded a(; 6 Hhomber,,.1. :\. pet. for light(p 45) i1 ,. 1i 1{homberg aye.. pet. for electric light on :1. May 1 Railroad add.. matter of lots in U( " 1 Reis st.. and :-an1ord ave.,pet.to improve ip 14'. 161(1 " :i1 " 1 Ressih, )lathias taxes(p 81) " :e1 1 Rose st., Lavin & l'urrance, paid balance of bill 53 " 8 Regent st.,bet. Windsor tar. and Queen st.,accepted ?p 11, 78, '• 51; ` 8 Rand, D. \\'. pet.to repair sidewalk on 12th and Main sts •` :�� June 5 Hubeck,Mrs.taxes(p 1(711 i " 70 1 5 Rath,Johanna taxes (p lUfi) ;II (i Road roller. matter of purchase of 7:1 i " 22 Railroad crossings, R. H. companies notified to construct auto- matic gates ou (p 1 n , 129, •?n u _:151 " •:( July 10 Railroad crossings,city atty. rep rte! in rel.to paving between '• ! 1(u( " 10 Huff,11.bills against tiled I p 18-11 1110 " 10 Regent st.,ordered improved(p 119, 1711. 199,216) " 10; Aug. 8 Reports of officerc 1 1 7 1 Oct. 2 Registers of election appointed " 166 " 3 Havenick,Nit. pet. for assistance 16•4 " 4 Hhomberg ave.,sidewalk ordered on 1 •` Iso Nov. 6 Regent st.,sidewalk ordered on i " 1 195-1; " 9 Ryan, N. C.taxes, (p 2:14) .. 148 1) Roberts ave.,electric li,bts ordered ou " 200 Dec. 4 Rowan st.,pet. for change of line of '' 2:12 4 Ithomberg ave.,remonstrance against repair of sidewalk on. 2:1.2 • " 4 Road roller, matter of repair of " 232 i • • ; I, • I . . • • ., ,:,,,,, . . , , ' , • . , • ‘,.4,i,,,v4.,,ott, ....i.:.,,4;:,' .4'.,' '.""•,40.11,,- ,•,., . ,... . . INDEX. • 1S93. ' SUBJECT. 131i PAGE. -- - - s -luny. 4 I Sewer on Burch, \V. Id and 11111 st.,objections to ass'int for(p 18) 23 :.! 4 Schindler, Call. taxes (p 21) 64 3 " 4 Sitterlv, Mrs. C. taxes In 21 I 64 3 - 4 SchaelTer. ('ath. tax(s. t p 21) 441 3 - 4 Ship canal convention. call for (p 21) 4 Southern tve. sidewalk. remonstrance against assm't for(p 21) " :; 4 Schinii It. Adam pet.in rel.to bill for extra grading on Leibnitz st " :1 44 4 state st., coin. of 1'. Eisbach in relation to opening of 64 9*I 44 4 Stendehack,.1. 1'. pet. to have litint)s removed from Bellevue add " 3 4 Sewer on W. :1rd st., remonstrance against assessment for 46 4 Star Electric ('o., pet. For return of $1.101; 64 3 4 sehleuter.1: St hies' claim for damages for loss by storm water, - :i , . • 4 , Sanford st..claim for damages by reason of change of grade on (p 18. 3o) i " :1 7 " 4 Steam roller. engineer of discharged 44 3 4 ' Street from Catherine to W. Locust st.. plat of(p 30) 44 4 • 4 Sewers on W. :ird and 81. Mary's sts., plans for(p 30,73,238,50) " 4 - 4 Sewers,sanitary, whether property abutting can be bonded (11 19 " 4 0 Southern ave., pet. for electric light on 5 - i; Sewer on W. 5th. Wilson ave.,and alley east of Wilson ave. ac- eepted (p 18, 19) .. 6 44 (1 Sewer on W.8rd st., pet. of L, C. Bissell, et. al.,in relation to " 0 " 0 Seidel, Mrs. Anna taxes cancelled " 0 Sower 011 Burch, 11111 and W. 3rd sts.. special assessments for tp 235.239.240) " 11 " 0 Sidewalks.special assessments for construction of " 12-13 (3 i Sewer on W. 5th and Roberta ave..contract let(p 17,80) 44 14 - 0 ! Sewer in alley het. 10th and lath and Jackson and Washington ! sts.. contract let (1) 154.176. 177,234) [ . 14 " 6 Summit add.. engineer to prepare plat of lot - 14 - 6 State st.. venire issued for opening of(p 18.30. 381 - 14 Feby 0 Schmidt. (leo. F.taxes (p 3(0 " ' 17 0 Seward. Iar.\- F. taxes(p 210 " ; 17 0 $t. John's church,taxes tp:lo; .• • 17 " I; Sullivan. Mrs. (,7. D.taxes(p 3); " 17 - " 6 Spalin, Mrs.Peter E.taxes(p 80; - 17 .. 0 Sweeney, W. G.taxes (p 3(4) " 17 " 0 Sewer on Roberts ave.. remonstrance against - 17 .. 6 Sewer on Ellis st. from Dorgan alley to Almond st. (p 82) .6 21 44 0 Shields,J. 11. notice to till stagnant water lot(p 28). .. 66 21 Mch. 0 South Locust st.,pet. for improvement (p 28) 66 63' 97 - 0 Shay, Mrs. Mary taxes(p :171 28 lk 0 Schnell, Mrs. Anna taxes 46 2S 0 Sewer on W. 5th st. and Wilson ave. and alley east of Wilson ave.accepted(p 82) . 46 31) " 0 State st.,award of jury for opening of accepted 44 30 " 0 Snow in alleys,st.com.to collect at the rate of 40c per load for hauling •' :11 " 0 Sewer district No.2, profile of. " 31 April 0 Smith. Mrs. Katie,taxes (p 53) " :14 0 Sullivan, Katie E.taxes .. 0 Si. Mary's et.,pet of Rt.Rev..1. I lenuessy in rel.to sewer on (p 235; " :14 " 0 Sewerage, pet. of W. A. Leathers, et. al., in relation to sewer in Fortune's sub. (p 60) •• 24 " 6 Street sweepers, Champion Sweeper('o's. invitation to Council - 34 .. (3 State st.,deeds of property for extension of presented by Mrs. E. and John Lavery " :16 " 13 Saunders, Mayor valedictory of 40 " 13 Sanford st,engineer to prepare profile of change of grade(p 118) " 45 " 13 Street commissioner, appointment of 46 40 " 13 Sewer inspector,John O'Brien elected 44 40 " 13 Steam roller, engineer of 46 40 " 13 Streets, committee on renaming of appointed 64 40 28 Seminary st.,change of grade adopted 64 49 May 1 South Main st., bill for filling of against .1. 11. Shields 64 50 IN I)EX. tµ93, SUMP Ei 'r. lIK ('.Aral•:. s it l' 11 n- 1 Special assm't of 1). .1. Hennessy for imps of main st 2:1 :11 i •. 1 Small pox patient from Diamond .Io steamer, bill of :,n 1 Sewer, (lurch,W. :3rd and 11111 st., protest in relation to. ,o „ 1 Sewer in Dorgan alley. in rel. to assessment of I p:r0) 30 1 State st.,extension of;aid Gleed •` a0 641 Sewer, 11th ;t.. halauce due on 11 1 Sanford st., widening.of alley north of 61 J1 j1 Streets,opening of. running into(lraudvieav Park add 51 I � 1 Sewer,llth st.. pet. of I'. 1;ntT.... .. " 51 1 Spring st., pet.to improNe 9 s2) 51 1 Spahn,Mrs. C. taxes (9 s1, •• 51 " S eminary st., obstruction on ,9 35) •• .41 I44 1 Sewer, petition of Frnu•i, .I;,eger to extend sewer north from • Cushing's barn (p s". " 31 1 Sewer inspector.commuuicat ion in rel, to man hole. ., JI " 1 Supervisors Dubuque Co., res. thanking city for use of city hall. 51 •' 1 Sullivan, Katie E. taxes •• -,;; " 1 Smoke nuisance,(p 72).. " ,,,, • " 8 Street sweeper,pet. of A. Wender in relation to :,I; " 9 Street commissioner,office abolished •• ,,; " 18 Street commissioner, Carter released •• -,; " 18 Sewerage on Roberts ave.,(p 129) •• 7); " 18 Sewer inspector,pet. of for wagon (p 52) 611 " 18 I Sewerage on Summit st •• " 24 Seminary st.,matter of grade on (p 7 3) " 01 (, June 5 Steel signs, pet.of Langton & Trudell to furnish (p 87) 44 70 5 Sanford'st.,remonstrance of J.Jehring against change of grade cp 82,98, 100,102,104) 7o Seminary st.,remonstrance against change of grade on (p 2111 • ;o ' Street supt.,.John Carter appointed and salary fixed •• ..) II ,‘ 5I Steam road roller,P. Moore appointed engineer ;,\, • Ip ,c7 Sewerage ordered on Summit and W. 5th sts o 52 I 44 7 Sewer connections, res. for ., 54 I " 22 Schank,John, pot. of in rel. to sewer connection with Montana 1 house „ S7 1 .1 Illy ;; Streets,matter of laying pipes in 110 i 1u Schraft, Peter pet.in relation to hydrant 44119 10 Sewer connections, pet. o1•W. (-1. Stewart and A. Krosen est. in relation to „ i ,1,r 10 Seventh ave.,pet.of Nic Kintzinger and .las.Tobin in relation to filling(p 119) 919 10 Street improvements,bids opened `• 100 10 Sidewalk,pet.of C. H.Wilmott,et. al., in relation to " 100 " 10 Sanford st.bet. Cooler ave.and Jackson st., proposition of John Knoernschild in rel.to 100 111 Seminary st.,pet. of Ed. Muntz for repair of(p 121) ,, 1011 " 10 Sewer,pet. of.J.A. Ithamberg iu relation to on !Blomberg and ., Lincoln and 6th and.9th ayes 1111 10 Sidewalk, pet•in relation to 11I! " 111 Sewer,pet.of Mrs. Mary Enright remonstrating against iu alley above 111tH bet. Jackson and Washington sts `• , IBI! 10 Sewer and stagnant water on Cooler ave., pet.of.los. Diet, et. al., in relation to1111 " 10 Seminary st.,Brown & Brown allowed $2,000 on contract (p 119) " ' 00 10 Seminary st., remonstrance against change of grade of. 44 July 13 Sewer Cooler ave. between 18th and Eagle Point ave. plans and 111 specifications apopted (p. 119,237,238 " 13 Sewer Ellis street, bet. Dorgan alley,and Almon street,plans and I Iu, specifications (p. 120,230) 1111. " P1 ~ewer, W. rth and Summit street(p 119,2811 11; Street signs, matter of(p. 117) I0a " 13 Stafford ave.,engineer to examine grade of(p. 118 1 ., 10 11 11 Seminary street,petition of Emma L. Allen, special assessment 1O0 (p. 121, 184) " 10; 13 Sewer on Hill, Burch and W. 3rd streets res. in relation to assessment (p. 150, 177.) « 1117 • I i I, I t . i � ii INDEX. lsa3, s1 I:.I t:1 'I'. mI: I,.tt:I•:. s • .July 13 Se\V Pr 011 Elm street, plans and specifications ordered 23 1 1118 13 Sixth street,sidewalk ordered in Front of lot 752 " ' 108 13 Sewerage Sanitary,parties orderded to connect with(p.110,1'2.1) " 1119 Au . 7 Sewer, storm, water and sanitary. on ll,ll street,coni. appointed 10 investigate (p. 111. 1511) " 115 •• 10 Sweney W. G. taxes (p. 150) " 120 10 Sanford street, to prepare plans and specifications for storm sewer on (p. 151, 109) 44 121 111 Seminary street, from west end of present imp't to Gold street and W. Locust street to East line of Main lot 1911,accepted (p. 141, 149 121 28 ' Streets names of changed •` 130 " 29 Seventeenth and Washington streets, stone crossing ordered on " 143 •• 211 Sewerage assm'nt, ordinance in relation to, ref. to ordinance committee to examine 143 • 2:1 Street res. relating to the amount to be expended on (p. 145, 157, 178) • 143 Sept. 5 Sewer on W.8th street petition to have extented (p. 150) 64 147 5 Shoup, Wm. taxes (p. 178) 148 •• 5 Slater],Chris.claim for damages (p. 198) 148 5 Specht, Robt. remonstrance against paying sidewalk assm'nt " 148 • 5 Sanford st, from C. G. W. Ry.to Windsor accepted " 149 •• 5 • Stein's sub.'lreasurer to redeem lot 1 of 4, from tax sale for'91 " 150 • 5 Sewer Sanitary, engineer to prepair plats and speci.licalions 1'or on Almond bet. Ellis and I ove sts. (p. 157) `' 15(1 �' •• 5 Streets renumbering,resolution for on Garfield,Rhontber,• and 1 Lincoln avenues (p. 1111, 179h " 15:; rt665 Seventh st. bridge,engineer to repair 1:57 ()(.l• •' Sullivan. Mfrs. C. 1).taxes " 1(th • " Sewer on Julien ave., plans for presented " 101 Stevenson,A. R.bill of received and filed 109 8 • Stafford avenue, the blue line recommended as the proposed grade (p. 196, 198, '.'8:3) " 101) " 4 Stendebach Place,first street north of Sanford named (p. 183) " 179 " 4 Stendebach Place, bet. Windsor and Queen streets sidewalk ordered on " 181 4 Sewerage,Julien ave. from \V, Stli st. to alley west of Alpine st. resolution for construction of(p.183,184,233,234) " 181 4 Sewerage on Prairie street from W. 14th to summit of Bluff,res- olntiou for construction of (p. 184,200,204,226,227) " 181-2 • 4 Stafford add. streets in named " 1811 4 Seventh and.Jackson streets,petition (41' Farley Loetscher.& Co. et al. in relation to waste '.1 iter on lt 184 •• 4 Sewerage on Almond st.contract let (p. 230, 237) " 184 Nov. 14 Shannon, Mrs. Michael taxes 114. 234) it 107 • • 9 Seminary street accepted (p.217. 920) if 199 " 9 Seidel, Anna taxes (p. 235) " 2011 • 9 Stafford avenue bet. Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, ordered improved " ' 204-4 9 Seminary bet. Gold and W. Locust street sidewalk ordered on.. '• 204 9 Seminary bet. Clifford street and W. line of Min. lot 198 " 204 •• 0 Station'ave. het. 1 hcnmberg ave. and Linwood ('emetary ordered • • improved 41o. "20I •• 204 • 23 Scott, 5. K. et al, pet. for skating rink in Ice ]Labor (p. 230) •• •211 2:1 St:tndenleyer. )Irs. Emily pet. in relation to sidewalk 21I Nov. 23 Seminary ('lace, plat of ]presented •• 211 Der. -1 Sigwortli. Lewis, claim :c aiii t Alois Lang •• 2:12 .4 swift Bros,claim for :Ille ed damage to beef..... •• :• .1 Sidewalks, special assossment for repairing of •' =:f_ •• 4 Sewerage.special:Iss111•t, parties notified to appear before Council .':L " 14 • Schmidt, Geo. T. taxes " 14 Sehank,.Ino. pet, 111 relation to saloon license •• 231: " 14 Sewerage,4th district. 4 mill rate adopted •' 23'' , • • r, ti e- ....---------------—------ Or _._ _..., 1 _ - 1r .I ' _I N I ).EX. ,..1.1,11..,"1.. ill; pAi.r. 1,...3. T I 1I ! 1 ,.2:; i;•I'eltv. 6 Tuegel. 111i/a1tet .it taxes ,p ..)11) 1; Teltinsier, Nx hi) ha%4. wide tires mil.% I/1 be entplI. by city 1p 11 'I Icit. 0r li st„ pet. fr oopenng iof tit 38, I 0 Thielen.Johanna taxes 2: •,, Apr. 6 Twenty-fourth st.. grade e-taldished ••. . . .. Mav 1 Treasurer tlnittke sworn in . ... . .. . .. .. .. . . . •• , . 1 Treasurer (:onner. matter of bond on account of suit against Platt llros I .t..., I " 1 Telephones.Telephone ( o. to Dullish cite as per rIiII:uu - 1 Twenty-second st.ordered improved lit 111:1. 119. 1011. . I . 1 1 E •• 1 Twenty-third st. ordered improved (p ;31. . . . . . • .114 " 24 '1'elephones, matter of referred to map,' .11.1111' ) Telephone and Telegraph poles. lev .itig .11 toll on. . . , . •• 0 Taxes,Ilelintitient,saute to he collected .. " ••t " 22 Thirteenth st.. bet.Pine and 1\la plc, contract awarded (p 119. 1;1, •• ss 1 I - 22 Twenty-fourth -I., bet. Pine and Jackson. contract awarded 1 p 120, 1:1,. 1391 - .. l11 .1ttly ,-) Telephones. location of - 00 ' ,1 11 Tschirgi. Sr.. I. proposition 01 to sell lot tp 1;9. 1,4, lt . Pit I. Aug. 7 Twenty sixth st.. Col. Lyon addressed (1°111-nil (I) 1111. 11,. 1111, 111011. 18n, " 10 Twenty-fourth st.. accepted •• .. 117) 121 1111i " 10 Twenty-sixth st.,sidewalk ordered on north side. bet. Jack-on and Pine •• 122 Sept. 8 Twenty-sixth st..,sidewalk ordered on bet. Cooler a‘, and Jack sou st •• 8 'l'ax levy for 189:1 made 1:41 t‘ 8 Third st.,sidewalk ordered on S. .-d,10 bet. .Upine tool !tooth ',Is '• I, 11 Oct. 4 Twenty-se('ond st., bet. Elni and east end 0110...!nd. ordered int 1 proved (p 19:3.234) - 1 " 4 Twenty-Second st.. bet. Jackson and Colder 1 (*reek, sidewalk(121(10)1 on .. 1.11 4 Typographical Union. pet. for use uf Armory Nov. 11 Thirteenth st.,bet. Iowa aini alley east,sidewalk ordered on.... " .2.(13 " 2:3 Tax books for 1893 completed 2.11 I Dec. -1 Tseltirgi, M.Jr.,bill of i::").00 allowed •• 0:13 1 ! I , ______ • ..::, I4,1'1 1 1, ,,,.. ..,,4 .), ..., I ,II 1 1 . . • • INDEX. SI 1-1.1 El'T. ItK • TJ t . s. LIN., L. & 1'. ('‘). notified t() reino‘(4 4)1) 4111 and White 4 1 . L. & 1'. ('41.. electri(ian's 1)11y t44114, deducted t . S. 1.21(e. L. & refunded $1,()(10 deposited 1)y 1114.01 \larch If 1 !dot) ave., pet. for h.tTIgQ 11uralle 5;2, 1(12. 1 1‘• • • • • • • •• 4kt• I N I)E,'X. st-11.1E(..r. lI I.\4.1. • Jan. 4 Voss,Amelia taxes (1) 21) •) 4 Vey,Mary tflX( p. 211 Melt. 6 , Villa st,, petition for ir provement.of 1 p. 1 .111 Il( 7 Veterinary surgeon, Shippley and Bauman appointed " •••.1 7 Vogel,'Jos. resolution on death of lo; AuT,. 7 Valaria street. petition to have stone roononeti 10 Valariastreet,siOewalk ordered on. bet. horde l't. avo.a111111art l'2•2 1 kw. 4 Valaria street.engineer to prepare plat 1 !! , ' 1 !III 1 11 1:1 111 • • il, . INDEX. p'93. S U BJ E CT. 1 , Mil PAW.:, ,-- - NV- I Jan. .1 Wales, C. E.taxes(p.4) 44 4 Washington het. Sth and 9th sts., petition of Knapp, Stout& Co. to lay R. R.track on ti 4 Waller, Mrs..1. R. taxes(p. 21) ,‘ " 4 Western Union Telegraph Co., pet. for Franchise " .4 Woodmeasurer to report to the council 6 West Main st., 1.11111 Main to Jones at., resfor imp. of(p 30)..... " ; 11 ,. 6 Washington st., between 7th and 11th sts., pet. for permission to remove tracks to side of(p 30) " 11 Feby. (3 Wallis, Mary 13.taxes(p 30,45,53) 1 i 17 " 0 Wiegaml, Peter pet. to have deed corrected ‘, , 17 " 0 Washington st., pet. of.1. P. Schroeder& Co.to use part below 7th st. (p 30) it 1 s 4i 3 West Locust st.,pet. for imp. of(p 30) it : 18 •• /1; West Dubuque St. Ry. (2o., pet. for extension of time 44 , 18 46 0 Weigel alley,action on report of Jury for widening postponed i (p 31, 184) " , 18 " 0 West Third st., profile of . ‘, 19 14 3 Water mains ordered extended on 8.Dodge st.and Cleveland ave " 22 Mel). 6 World's Pair cont. of chief of police fur policemen (p 39). it 27 0 West Eagle Point ave., pet.for improvement of (p 38) ‘, 27 " 6 Windsor ave., pet. in regard to change of grade(p 38). " 27 64 ii White,C. 11. &Co.,communication in regard to bonds 41 28 " 0 Water mains, pet. for extension on Cornell, Thomas,Picket and Alma sts.(p 37, 45) « 28 ll 6 Water supply,sample to be analyzed(p 34, 35,30) :, 28 4, 6 W1111 SL, grade to be established tt 28 0 Wieland, Dr. claim against city employee li 28 ,. 6 Weigh master,First Ward,application of Jas. Doyle(p 29) 4, 28 44 6 Warren st., matter of tilling :4 28 tt 6 Winall, S. 8.,taxes(p 37) t4 28 it 6 Woodmeasurer Smith, pet. to retain fees (p 38) " 29 " 6 Wallis, Mary 11.assin't on lots 141 and 142 fixed at$30,000 for 1898 " 31 Apr. 6 White & Co..accrued interest ordered returned them 4 6 36 44 6 , Woodlawn Park Co., bill of $1.510.79,cont. of the whole (p 54) " 39 " 13 West Eagle Point ave., pet. for improvement of. if 45 " 13 West 17th st.,pet. for improvement of(1) 75) 46 45 " 13 West Locust st., remonstrance of A. Kockendorfer against side- walk on fit 45 . . " 13 Woodmeasurer and Wharfmaster.J. Wood elected if 411 ,.. 13 Weighmasters, Mrs. II. C. Deckert,Chas. Pitchner,Jas. Doyle, elected 44 46 " 13 Weigher of hogs,application of Jacob Kessler it 40 May 1 Waverly ave.,extension of 4: 51 1. Windsor ave.,change of grade of (p 75,87, 102, 118) 44 51 44 1 Water mains, pet.of 1). I), Meyers for laying of on Summit st " 51 44 1 Water mains, pet. of J. 11. Shields for laying of bet. lith and 14th and Clay and Iowa sts 64 51 64 1 Weights and measures,J. If. Lucas appointed inspector of 44 51 . 44 1 Waverly st., engineer to prepare plat connecting with Thediuga's • add.(p 73, 178) it 52 " 1 Washington st.,bot.Sanford and 22nd sts. accepted 14 53 ti 1 Water mains orered extended front Rhomberg and Lincoln ayes to 10t1> ave, Line st. and N. ist st ii 55 " 1 Water mains ordered extended on Summit st ‘, 55 44 1 Wharf master,J. W.Woods appointed ‘, 1 55 61 8 Walters, C. H.pet. to remove frame building - 56 64 8 Windsor ave.,Con Ryan allowed $750.00 part payment.on " 5(3 8 Water, matter of condition of(p 00,71) . ti 56 " 18 West Seventh st.,pet.of.f.:4. tfarrigan for curb line on 44 57 . - . 18 West 5th st.,bet.Roberts ave.and Alpine st., sidewalk ordered on (p 01) " 5s 18 West Third st., matter of grade of 1731 ' 61 .1 tine 6 Washington st.,cont.of engineer in relation of grade of 44 73 - 6 West Eagle Point ave., engineer to prepare an estimate of cost of ..Tinting " — .4) --- -- -- • - -- - -------- _. • ... 7,. ',. ,,,„ IN I)E X. s('11,1 . I Ia I' NK PA111C. .w 1 .I1111. 0 1Vashington st., bet. Sanford and 22nd sts., ,p tial assessment levied for improvement of 1p 801 2.2 79 1 0 Washington 81.,bet. Sanford and 22n1 sts., siu�talk ordered on [p 1411 ., R4 •• 22 Windsor ave., C. Ryan allowed .' 5,000.0))on contract , „ . 88 •• 22 West Main st.. bet. Main and Jones sts., res. for imp. of, lust , `t!) July 5 West Fifth st., plans and specifications for sewer on !Ifi 5 Washington st.,profile of grade of[p 149 01i •• 5 West 5th st..sidewalk ordered on north stile 97 •• 1(1 Winall,S. S.t•t\es !19 I •• 10 West Locust 91.. pet. in relation to sidewalk on � 99 10 Wilde and Mc Lenan sts.,pet. for Light on 99 1(I Wilde st., pct. of 11. Riker to have water mains extended. 99 ; j i 10 West Locust st.. pet, for storm water sewer om l p 1211 99 •• 10 Wood,.1 mo. W. taxes�p 12(11 100 I 10 Water mains, pet. for extension of on 3rd and St. Mary's sts •' 100 10 • Water mains anu tire plug, pet. for on Saumder ave. to Lemon I and Davenport sts •• 11111 •• .13 Water mains.extension of on 1'ornell,'l'homas and Alma sts '• 1115 •• 13 Water mains, extension of in alley bet. lath and 14th and Clay , and Iowa sts " 1125 •• 13 White st.,engineer to prepare plat showing proposed extension of between Sanford and 22nd sts.1p 1181 •• 10(1 1. " 18 Water stains,extension of ordered on W. 3rd st.ip 1501 1111 13 Water mains,extension of ordered on St. Mary's st. [p 1311 . ... •• lu; • 1:1 Water mains. extension of ordered in alley bet. Romberg and Garfield and Stafford and Humboldt ayes •' 1118 •• 1:1 Water mains,extension of ordered on Humboldt ave. bet. Ithom- berg and Garfield ayes •• 112`1 •• 13 West Locust et.,sidewalk ordered on in front of lot 15, ljuigley's sub. [1) 116 •• 111`1 13 West Locust st., sidewalk ordered on bet. Ellis st. and llodgen ave.[p1131 •• i tom .. 13 West Locust st., sidewalk ordered on bet. Flynn's property and Ilodgen ave. lo 175 •• 108 " 18 West 3rd st., sidewalk ordered on St. Mary's and Cardiff sts. 1 p 113, 121, 175 •• 108 Aug. 7 West 3rd st., pet. of Geo. Acker, et.al., for change of grade 1p • 118, 1491 116 7 Wood st.,pet of Fred Dupins,et. al.,to have grade estab. 4491117 7 Water mains, pet. for extension of in alley bet. 1 lth and 12th and .Jackson and White sts. 1p 1781 •• 117 •' 7 Water mains, pet. of Geo. 1I. Fifield, et. al., for extension of to • cor. W. 11th and Prairie sts 117 " 7 Water mains,pet. of Mary K.Torbert, secy., for extension of to Home of the Friendless 1p 178, 1791 •• 111 " 8 West 14th st. from Alta Vista to Atlantic st.,report on established grade of[p 129 118 8 Woodlawn Park add.,report of special committee adopted 1111 8 White st. bet. Sanford and 2241 st. and ('outer ave, and Jackson st.,jury ordered on [p 121, 14i, 1991 ..... . 119 " 111 ' \Vest 14th st.,accepted[p 137, 1381 121 A\.:' . Io Windsor ave. accepted (p. 129, 131, 132, 133' 157, 168) 66121 to \\indsor ave.,sidewalk ordered 011 between Klingenberg street • and City limits(p. 129,178) • •• 122 .. 11) Walnut street, sidewalk ordered on west side between 14th and chestnut streets (p.169) i {' 122 10 Water Mains ordered extended on Nevada between W. 5th and W. drd streets ,: 12:' •` 10 West Main,bet. Main and Jones street resolution to pave (p. 169) " 123 10 West 14th street,profile of change of grade of between Alta Vista " and Delhi to be prepared (p.150) " 1.23 •• 10 Windsor ave.,special assessment levied for laying sidewalk on " 125 " 10 Walters, A. C.petition for privilege to erect iron steps on 9th st " 1p. 131) i 44 195 ,,i INI)EX. . ts+)a. S1'11.1E4r. ' IIK PAGE. W . i Aug. In Nog. Park add., petition relating t.o replacing of sidewalk and Aprons on 28 129 Sept. 3 I Woodland Park add., petition of in relation to contract(p. 1138) " 148 5 I, Weighers, City notified to make monthly reports 1411 " 5 ' Washington from 22nd to 23rd sts accepted " 149 •• 5 Washington street, pet. of Annie Schiel in relation to special taxes for improvement of " 106 Oct. JiYeighers of I logs appointed (p. 167) " 166 2 ✓Weigle alley, pet. of C. A. Wilber et al. for change of name of64 167 " 2 Wilde st., profile of change of grade presented (p. 199) " 167 " 2 Wood st., profile of change of grade presented (p. 199) 167 " 3 Woodmeasurer,.1. W.Woods,resolution on death of " 107--8 " 3 Woodineasurer,.1. W.Woods appointed to fill unexpired term " 107 " 3 West 14th street, in favor of the bine line as the proposed grade grade of fp. 196 1971 169 3 Washington street, from Sanford to 24th street assessment for improvement of levied gyp. 174, 1751 " I 173 " 4 White street, sidewalk ordered on " 180 4 White street, sidewalk ordered ou bet. 20th street and Eagle Point avenue " 180 " 4 Washington street, sidewalk ordered on hot.22nd and 23rd sts " 180 " 4 /White st.,sidewalk ordered on bet. 7th and `3th fits 44 181 44 4✓Weigle alley ordered improved 1p. 193 " 181 " 23 Wells,Sarah G.taxes 66 192 " 23 Whittamore, Bridget sidewalk [p. 196 .... " 192 Nov. 6 Windsor ave.,sidewalk ordered on " 1115 " 6 West Locust street,sidewalk ordered ou 1p. 2041 " 1)9; " 11 West Eighth street,steps on repaired 44 1191 " 6 ,AYellhoeffer,Joe taxes " 197 " 9✓Weigle alley, profile of change of grade " 198 " 9 West Third sidewalk ordered on bet.Alpine and Booth sts " 199 • ! " 1) White bet. Sanford and 23rd street,ordered improved[p.226] " 204 " 9 Wilde bet.S. Dodge and McLenuon sts.ordered improved[p. 226] " 265 23 West street, sidewalk ordered on " 211 Dec. 4 Watson, Wm.taxes " 234 • " 14 Water Works, resolution in relation to purchase of " 235 `• 14 \\'ilhaber,Jac.taxes " 235 INDEX. 1NlCi. i .I� • z June } Zangmeister,.J. petition of for sewerage 2 1 M Nov. 11 i Zwack,petition for grade of Stafford ave 1 19 7I ;! II IIS ii' II is I'I I i ' 'VIII I • Regular Session, Jan. 2, 1913. 1 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session January '2, 1893. Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Pro Tem Peaslee in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Page and Peas - lee. There not being a quorum present the mayor pro tem announced the • e council w.uld stand ate,. . , nor 'ednesday, 4. 1 a st corder. 1893. .1fo yor. ourned Regular Session, Jan. 4, 1893. Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz The rules were suspended and Mr C E. Wales addressed the council and asked that the assessment on furniture in the Hotel Julien be reduced to the same as last year; also that his assessment on lots 30, 31 and 32, Nairn's sub, be reduced. On motion the matter was referred to the assessment com- mittee to report on in the afternoon. Mrs. Rembold also addressed the council and objected to assessment for sewer on Hill street Joseph Herod also addressed the council and objected to assessment for sidewala on Grandview avenue, as the sidewalk is not laid in accordance with the resolution. Ald. Stoltz moved that the minutes of the previous meetings be approved as printed. Carried The following bills were allowed: Name. For What Purpose. Amount. M. Farrell. macadam $ 6 00 Svendsen & Ott. lumber 1 55 Baumgartner & Kleih. hardware2 45 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 17 05 G. A. Hoerner, cuspidores 4 20 The Adams Co , weights 1 23 Farley & Loetscher M'f'g Co., lum• ber 85 G. B Grosvenor, water closet paper 7 50 W.M. Greenhow, plumbing 1 10 C. C. Lembke & Co., harness sup- plies 2 20 Schroeder -Kleine Grocer company, brooms, etc 9 91 The E. M. Dickey Co., white waste5 50 Carr, Ryder& Engler Co, flooring, etc 4 62 James Kelly, stationery 6 55 Lagen & Sloan, hoot ointment 1 00 Joseph Geiger, glazing 1 00 R. J Love, pine wood 1 59 Haggerty Bros., hauling oats 5 25 H. C. Kenlein, typewriting 1 50 E. E. Frith, removing dead animals. 3 00 John Degnan, hay 65 05 Tucker & Malony, hay 355 05 F. Schloz, repairing tools 3 60 J. J. McCarthy, expense for tele- grams 75 Western Fireman, advertising 1 25 Clerk of district court, witness fees. 7 80 Smith Printing Co., city directory4 09 John Harney. re,,airiug tools 17 75 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' associa• tion. beds, ete 78 00 Key City Gas Co., coke 18 67 Standard 01 Co , oil 3 50 C. Jacobi. chairs 43 (10 Fraatz & Clark, drug supplies )4 65 Dubuqud Wooden Ware Co, pine wood 4 50 L. Daily, expressing 5 50 Herald. advertising 15 00 Chas Herzog, sawing wood 22 95 City Council Journal, subscription to Journal S 80 Duggan & Kane, lye, salt, etc 1 55 L. Witter & Sous, repairing scales3 00 Theo. Altman, grading Broadway, $1 082 24 allowed 500 00 John Tibey, grading Oak street, $1,7)o allowed 1,000 00 John T. Kearns, recording plats1 00 Mr. and Mrs. Koenig janitor work40 00 Svendsen & Ott. lumber 2 00 Novelty iron Works, bolts, etc 3 97 Dubuque Water Co , 249 hydrants1,245 00 Jos. Needham, insurance 20 00 G. Salot, insurance 20 00 F. 0 Brandt. insurance 29 00 J. H Herancourt, insurance 20 01 Peter Klauer, hardware 5 90 P. E. Strelau, hauling flush tanks3 00 Henry Glab, services in engineer's offs^e 50 00 Geo. L. Torbert. insurance 31) 00 R. Gruner, insurance 41 00 Iowa State Insurance company 40 90 Peter Kiene 67 Soo 30 00 Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance company 40 00 Key City Ii'ire Insurance company 60 ( 0 Chris Burdt, bricklaying • 41 00 Chas. Hillery, inspecting sewer 3 00 F G. Siege, expressing 1 CO Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man hole frames 16 00 F. Schloz sharpening tools 3 80 Noonan Bros., hauling to garbage dump 1 00 L Daily, hauling to garbage dump1 50 Geo. Fengler, lime 60 Butt Bros., repairs 18 55 J. F. Ris ScB• o , coal hod, &c 2 15 Wm. Graff. cleaning vault 73 32 D. Smith, 4 piles 9 30 S. Bastian, 1 pile 1 50 Jos. A. Palen. drug supplies 5 90 Iowa Iron Works, repairs 10 58 Trenk Wire Works, steel wire 60 Butt Bros., repairs. 10 65 Thos. Hill, repairs 15 95 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 8 00 Standard Lumber Co , lumber 20 91 Reinfried & Jaeger. hardware 28 01 Palmer, Winall & Co., stationeryk9 50 G. B Grosvenor, stationery 3 39 J P. Stendebach, insurance..... 30 00 The following bills were referred. To the committee on supplies: - L Lindenberg $ 1 00 Jordan &Jordan 75 Byrne Bros 30 90 T. J. Conlin 7 00 Bart E Linehan 225 93 Key City Gas Co 332 01 Novelty Iron Works 69 Dubuque Water Co 296 38 Dubuque Water Co 489 16 Carr, Ryder & Engler 25 Peter Klauer 61 60 To the street committee: Geo. Wetter $ 15 75 James Meloy 25 87 Peter Kiene 21 75 John Malone 58 65 John Quail 25 CO Hussman & Lies 3 25 Nic Theis 6 00 2 .Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 4, 1893. D. W. Rand Lavin & I •orrance Steuck & Farrell To the electrical committee: Star Electric Co Western Electric Co Central Union Telephone Co Electrical Supply Co United States Electric Light Power Co To the printing committee: Herald $ 75 00 Times 58 30 Ledger 58 30 To the committee on police and light: Dubuque Electric Light & P. Co fi 666 30 Globe Light & Heat Co 535 00 To the committee of the whole: Steuck & O'Farrell 133 19 U. Ruff To the sewer committee: James Levi 885 00 U. Ruff 2591 13 To the committee on flre and water: Shipley & Bauman 74 67 To the city attorney : John T Kearns 10 00 Ald. Olinger moved that the recorder no- tify the Dubuque Electric Railway. Light and Power company that the city will dis- continue the use of incandescent lights sixty days atter date, as provided by contract. Carried Ald. Cushing moved that a committee of three be appointed to examine as to the con- dition of engineer's office and as to what work is necessary to be done in said office. Carried. City Attorney McCarthy reported as fol- lows: That he had procured deed from Im• manuel Congregational church for right of way for alley from E ghteenth street to Seminary street; also deed from Julia Ann Gilliam for straightening of Rose street; also deed from Margaret Grafi for extension of Lincoln avenue. Deeds accepted and or- dered recorded. Also presented return of right of way notices for opening of alley from Eighteenth street to Seminary street. Recommended that bill of Charles Hillery, $1.45 witness fees, be paid; also hill of J. P. Cooney, justice tees, $3 20. Receive and file communication of Munic- ipal Fire and Police Telegraph Co. Receive and file communication of S De Hoven in relation to bill of $50 for hose de- stroyed. That Eugene Adams is liable for the as- sessment for improvement of Main street. Receive and file remonstrance of D. J. Hennessy against special assessment for im- provement of Main street; also made the following report: WHEREAS, The city of Dubuque deeming it necessary and proper to straighten Rose street, and WHEREAS, For this purpose the city of Du- buque by proper proceedings, condemned a triangular piece of ground abutting the southerly side of said street opposite to and south of lot five (5) and mineral lot 88; and WHEREAS, After the condemnation afore- said a small triangular part or piece of Rose street abutting said lot five (5) of mineral lot 88, was of no public use, and of no bene- fit or advantage to the city of Dubuque; and WHEREAS, All the property abutting Rose street at said point is owned by Jane Jones; and WHEREAS, Said Jane Jones makes no ob- jection to the valuation of said triangular piece of ground, bntconsents thereto; and WHEREAS. A plat of said triangular piece of ground has been prepared by E. C. Blake, city engineer, which plat was dated Feb. 14, 1892, and the same was accepted by this council April 7, 1892, said plat showing said triangular piece of ground, and marking the same as lot five a (5a), and the same is to be 10 00 62.5 25 10 $ 703 62 159 64 20 25 8 55 and 308 07 266 50 hereafter known as lot 5"a" of mineral lot vS in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and, WHEREAS. Said Jane Jones has purchased said triangular piece of ground for the con- sideration of $75; therefore, Resolved, That said triangular piece of ground described as lot 5a oC mineral lot 88 a oresaid be, and the same is hereby an- nulled and vacated and cancelled of record, and, Resolved, further, that all the right, title and interest of the city of Dubuque in and to said lot be, and Is hereby vented in the said Jane Jones, and that she and her suc• cessors, heirs and assigns are hereby vested with the title thereto, and with the sole and exclusive use and enjoyment of the sane; and, Resolved, further, that the mayor and re- corder of the city of Dubuque are hereby authorized to execute a deed in the name of the city of Dubuque to said lot upon pay- ment to said city of the sum of $75.0U. This resolution is adopted with the express under- standing and condition that the said Jane Jones or her assigns shall make no objection to the payment of the special tax tor the improvement of Rose street or the sidewalk thereon. and that said Jane Jones or her as- signs will pay said tax as required by law, it there should be any failure in the pay- ment of said taxes this resolution shall be null and void and of no effect. Report adopted. Petition of the Knapp -Stout & Co. Com- pany for a permit to have a spur track run from the corner of Eighth street to the side- walk and along the east side of Washington street to Ninth street. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole with power. Remonstrance of James O'Farrell against payment for sewer on West Third street. Referred to city attorney and engineer. Petition of Dubuque Electric Railway Light & Power company for reduction of assessment to $10,000 tor a term of five years. Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Peaslee moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Page, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The rules were suspended and Mr. J. A. Rhomberg addressed the council and objected to the extension of Fourth street and stated that his objection were the same as made the last time the matter was before the council. Petition of J. R. Lindsay et. al., objecting to levying of assessment for sewer on Burch, West Third and Hill streets. The rules were suspended and Mr. J. R. Lindsay addressed the council in reference to the above petition. The rules were suspended and Mr. T. .1. Paisley in behalf of Mary Burton, Mary Wil- son, Peter Kiene, Frank Altman and C. I3. Berg, addressed the council, and objected to the levying of a special assessment for the laying of a sidewalk on Grandview avenue. The matter was referred to the committee of the whole. Atd. Peaslee offered the following: WHEREAS, On the 5th day of December, 1892, the city council adopted a resolution as required by law providing for the extension of Fourth street from Sixth and Market streets to Commercial street; and, WHEREAS, A plat of said proposed exten- sion has been filed in the engineer's office as required by law; and, WHEREAS, Written notice to the owners of property over which such improvement is proposed to be made, has been served as re- quired by law: and, WHEREAS, Two weeks have elapsed since Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 4, 1893. 3 the completed service of said notice, and atter hearing objections to said improve- ment and otherwise considered the advis- ability and public need of said improvement and deeming it advisable to lay out, open and extend Fourth street as shown by the plat aforesaid; therefore, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city recorder is direot- ed to issue a venire to the city marshal as provided by the ordinance of the city of Dubuque. to summon a jury of twelve free- holders, citizens of the city of Dubuque, to assess damages it any, sustained by the owners of property taken by said improve- ment, and to make report to this council as required by law. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Curbing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The following petitions were referred: To the assessment committee: Joseph Jeffroy, Mrs. J. R Waller, Henry Grimme, Mrs. Catherine Schueller, Mrs. Elizabeth Metz, Mrs. Catherine Schaeffer, A. A. Coop- er, James O'Halloran, Mrs. George W. Finn, Amelia Voss, Mrs. D. Consor, Mrs. H. Kru- ger, Rosa Cadman, Mrs. Kate Bannon, Du- buque Wooden Ware Co.. Mary Vey, Mrs. J. F. Chunning, Mrs. Geo. Burkis, Susan Den - ell, Mrs. Catherine Reuter, Mrs John Boes- veld, Magdalena P. Brauhu, Emil Reb and Mrs. C. Bitterly. To the committee of the whole: Call for a national ship canal convention at Wash- ington, D. C. Remonstrances of T. J. Paisley, C. H. Berg. F. W. Altman, Mary B. Wallis and Mary Wilson. Communication of Dubuque Water com- pany in relation to claim for hydrants at Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway shops. Petition of Dubuque Street Railway com- pany for reduction of assessment to $25,000 for ten years Remonstrance of J. B. Randall Lumber company against levying of special assess- ment for sidewalk on Southern avenue. Petition of Western Union Telegraph com- pany for an ordinance granting them right of way and certain other privileges in the city of Dubuque. To street committee: Petition of Rebecca J. Farley for change of grade on Alma street. Bill of R. T. Eddy of $37 for balance due as sidewalk inspector. Petition of Adam Schmidt in relation to bill for extra grading on Leibnitz street. Petition for improvement of Fifth avenue. Communication of Peter Eisbach in rela- tion to opening of State street. The petition of J. P. Stendebach to have lamp posts removed from Bellevue addition. Referred to the committee on police and light. Petition of Dubuque Woodenware Co. et al., asking for fire protection at Eagle Point. Referred to the committee on tire and water. Protest of M. H. McCarthy against levy for sewer on West Third street. Referred to the sewer committee and engineer, Petition of A. A. Cooper for refunding of $30 team license. Referred to the committee on claims. Petition of Star Electric company, suc- cessors to the United States Electric Light and Power company for return of $1,000 de- posited with city treasurer last February. Referred to the committee of the whole and city attorney. Petition of Mrs. Joseph McCune for exten- sion of six months time to pay special as- sessment for sidewalk on Grandview ave- nue. Referred to the delinqent tax commit- tee. The following petitions were received and filed: Communication of G M Robinson in re- lation to opening of Oak street. Petition of Mrs. Andrew Murphy, that the collection of speeial assessment for improve- ment of South Locust street be suspended until the curbing is properly reset and side- walk tilled. Communication of R. W. Stewart offering to refund the city debt at 4 per cent Claim of Schleuter & Stines of 150 for damages by reason of overflow of water into their cellar on Clark street. Remonstrance and claim of damages of John Jehning by reason of change of grade on Sanford street. The Globe Light and Heat company pre- sented a list of the location of gasoline lamps, which was referred to the committee on police and light. John F. Stemm bond of as assessor ap- proved and John F. Stemm sworn in as assessor Ald. Olinger moved that the services of the engineer of the steam roller be dispensed with until spring. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne. Cushing, Nicks, Olinger. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Noes—Aids Crawford, Glah and Page. Ald. Page moved that the services of pound master be dispensed with until next spring. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne. Crawford. Cushing, Grab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Assessor Stemm recommended that G. Gmehle and G. Bennett be appointed assis. taut assessors until such time as the assess- ment roll is completed. On motion the recommendations as made by the assessor were approved. Ald. Stoltz moved that the bonds of assis- tant assessors be fixed the same as last year. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the wood meas- urer be instructed to make report to the council from the commencement of his offi- cial term, and turn into the city treasury 5 per cent. of his gross receipts. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICER'. Auditor Kennety reported cash on hand Dec. 1, 1892 Receipts for month of Decem- ber, $69,018.56. Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1893, $58 044 11. Also reported $17,99623 in bonded im- provement fund; also reported $1,679 95 due city officers for month of December; also presented list of coupons redeemed. Report received and filed and warrants ordered to pay city officers. Street Commissioner Carter reported $624.25 due for street work for the month of December. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Marshal Rice reported $1,851.95 due the police for the month of December; also re- ported 40 police cases tried; also reported $3.00 pound receipts; also reported 42 patrol runs; also reported having received $4.00 from Central Union Telephone Co. for re- pair of sidewalk. Report adopted and war- rants ordered to pay police. Joe Reinfried, chief of the fire department, reported $1,379 20 due the firemen for the month of December. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. City Auditor Kenety reported and returned to the council the following bills which he was unable to connect: J. F. Stampter $78 84 P. W. Crawford 53 55 Hosford & Gruner 7 50 R. Gruner 2 50 Referred to the street committee. Mayor Saunders reported that he had served a copy of the resolution, passed at the last session notifying the Dubuque Water 4 Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 4, 1893. company that the city intends to purchase said works, on N. W. Kimbal, the secretary, and also a copy by registered mail on E R. Perkins, Cleveland, Ohio, president of said company. Report accepted and received and Sled. City electrician reported and presented a list of the gasoline lamps which he bad or- dered discontinued. Referred to the com- mittee on police and light. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $419 25 due for street work for the month of De- cember. Report received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same T. J. Granfleld reported scale receipts of First ward scales $:2 18. Received and filed. Chas Pitschner reported scale receipts of West Dubuque scales $6 18. Received and filed. City Auditor Kenety reported that dupli- cate warrants to the amount of $110 35 had been drawn and recommended that the same be cancelled. Warrants ordered can- celled. Marketmaster Norton reported scale re- ceipts $32 35; also reported $20.80 due for board of prisoners. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. J. Kessler reported scale receipts of the Twenty-sixth street scales $8 22 Received and filed. J P. Schroeder reported scale receipts of the Eighth street scales $11.25. Received and filed. Engineer Blake presented return of right of way notices for opening of Fourth street extension, State street and Oak street. Re- ceived and Sled. Also presented the following plats, which were referred to the committee on streets: Profile of Bluff street from Fourth to Sixth street. Plat of proposed extension of Oak street. Plat of proposed street from Catherine street to West Locust street. Plat of proposed extension of State street. Plat of Pine street extension from Twenty- second to Twenty-third street. The plat of the proposed extension of Fourth street from Sixth street to the High bridge, referred to the committee of the whole. The plans and specifications for sanitary sewers from Bluff to St Mary's street, and and on Emmett and St. Mary's streets, re- ferred to the sewer committee. The assessment committee reported in favor of placing the assessment on the furni- ture of the Hotel Julien at the sante figures as last year, and adverse to the petition of C. E Wales for reduction of assessment on lots 50, 51 and 52, Nairn's add. Report adopted. Aid. Crawford moved that when the coun- cil adjourns it adjourn to Friday, Jan. 6, 1893, at 9 o'clock a. m. Carried. Bonds of assistant assessors G. Gmehle and G. Bennett approved, and G. Gmehle and G. Benrrett sworn in as assistant asses- sors. Ald. Crawford moved that the question of whether property abutting on streets or al- leys where sanitary sewers are constructed can be bonded the same as street improve- ments be referred to the city attorney. Car- ried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the city elec- trician notify the United States Electric Light & Power Co. to remove pole on Fourth and Waite streets to the place designated by the city electrician within twenty-four hours, and if not moved within that time that the city electrican move same at their expense. Carried. Mayor Saunders appointed the following committee to examine the engineer's de- partment, and also see it expenses in said department cannot be reduced and report what improvements can be made in said office Aids. Olinger, ' easlee and Crawford. Ald. Stoltz offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the fire district eatery's 1,500 feet beyond the water supply of hydrants, and the city engineer be directed to furnish the assessor with a map showing the fire district as above. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne. Crawford, Cushing, Glab. Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Sto tz. Ald it g , over . • . fou . - Carried s / Attes 1893. ell -"Ci" Mayor. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Preseno—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaalee, Smith and Stoltz. REPORTS OP COMMITTEES. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the financeconi- mittee, reported as follows: That warrants be drawn in favor of L. Gonner, treasurer, for $3,361 63 for moneys advanced by him during the month of De- cember. In favor of paying bill of Lavin & Cor - ranee, $1,724 g2, for sewer on Hill, Burch and West Third street, less 10 per cent., which is to be retained for repairs atter the work has been completed. Also reported that they have delivered im- provement bonds numbered from 148 to 200, inclusive, amounting to to $26,500, as per resolution adopted Dec. 29, 1892, to Messrs. C. H. White & Co., in accordance with their agreement of July 18, 1982. Herewith find treasurers receipt attached for same. Re- port adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read for the sec- ond time an ordinance to amend an ordi- nance to establish and regulate markets and the sale of meats, being chapter XVII. of the revised ordinances of 1887. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Also presented and read for the second time an ordinance to amend an ordinance to regulate elections. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Alda Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Also presented and read for the second time an ordinance to repeal section nine of an ordinance to provide for adjusting and re-establishing the ward boundaries. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, GlaNicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. 5 Also presented and read for the second time an ordinance to repeal an ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene oil, etc. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: T. W, Ruete $ 75 E. Scholium 90 00 R. Lorenz 69 00 Christman & Healey 1 70 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Cd 1 25 Western Electric Co 18 1)3 P. H. Halpin 59 Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella .,.... 9 85 Baumgartner & Kleih 8 80 Baumgartner & Kle h 3 65 Baumgartner & Kleth 4 85 Ellwanger Bros 23 05 John Cousseint 37 50 Duggan & Kane 7 h5 Duggan & Kane 2 40 C. Altona 1 50 Wm. Gree..how 30 E. M. Dickey Co 5 50 Standard Oil Co 4 211 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co 20 95 Key City G is Co 14 79 Key City Gas Co 55 55 Key City Gas Co 9 74 Bart E. Linehan 1U 10 Bart E. Linehan 51 20 Allow Wm G Watters $9 40 on bill of $12 60; allow $19.341 on bill of $25 95; allow $44 6U on bill of $62 44. Receive and file hills of Standard Oil Co., $9 00. Carr, Ryder & Eugler Co., 95c. Report adopted. Ald Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: Allow the following bills if they have not already been paid: T. W. Ruete, 73.60; Ferguson Bros., $42.90; Thos. T. Carkeek, $200. Report adopted. Also reported as follows: Your committee on public grounds and buildings would respectfully report that we have carefully examined the new city build- ing known as the Cen-•ral engine house, and find that the contractor, Mr. Gomer J. Jones, has, with ea herein- after stated, completed hisoriginal contract for the erection of the building, and also that tor the flnishiug of the third story, in a faithful and substantial manner. There re- main, however. some defects in th e roof and in the water pipes; provided for carrying off the storm water and melted snow, which we think should be remedied by the con- tractor. We find that the condition of the accounts of the city with the contractor is as follows: Amount of the original contract $yl 201 00 with G J. Jones........ . Second contract for finishing third 4,420 00 floor Putting on tin roof by order of 350 00 council 30 00 Extra for tablets $26,007 00 Amount paid to date 19,200 25 Balance unpaid $ 0,806 75 Your committee therefore recommends that the work of G. J Jones under his two contracts ou the Central engine house be ac- cepted as complete with the exception of the roof tractordissbound to put in torm water good which the and perfect condition to the satisfaction of your com- mitteee, and that $200 be retained to insure the doing of said work. We further recommend that the amount remaining unpaid on the contract, to wit.; $6,8.6 75, oe allowed the contra( tor, lees $220 to be retained as above recommended. Respectfully submitted. P. W. CRAW FORD, MELL H Cl'atIING, F J ST LT/,, JOHN GI.An, TOM BY RN E. Committee. Report adopted. Aid. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported In favor of Dubuque Water Woks company, $1,21'26'), CU and $20, and Iowa Iron works, 25 cents. Also as follows: Your committee on fire and water, to whom was referred with power the matter of purchasing hose and hose wagon for the fire department. beg leave to report as fol- lows: That we have contracted for the pur- chase of 1,5(0 feet of cotton hose as follows: Chicago Fire Hose company, Du- buque Rubber and Belting com- pany, agents, 500 feet of National Jacket at80c $ 400 00 E B Preston & Co.. 500 feet of hose, wax treated at 90 450 00 Boston Woven Hose company, 250 200 feet of hose at 80c 00 Revere Rubber company, 250 feet of 18i 50 hose at 75c Total $1.237 50 We are also negotiating for the purchase of a hose wagon for use in the Central En- - gine house, and expect to have same ready for said house when required, all of which is respectfully submitted. Ms J. HLT . NG, P W CRww FORD, Tom BYRNE, JOHN P. PAGE. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of pay- ing the following bills: X29 15 Ledger Herald 75 75 11 (15 50 Telegrai.h 00 German Catholic Printing Co 507 5 00 National Demokrat Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the committee on police and light. reported in favor of paying the following bills: $108 33 Key City Gas Co Dubuque Electric Ry. Light & P. Co6641 30 31 50 Louis Kress 75 Joseph Geiger. 9 70 3 M. M Hoffmann Key City Gas Co 557 155 Globe Light & Heat Co1 00 P. R Martin Report adopted. Also presented a list of electric lights of the Dubuque Electric Railway Light & Power Co. reported by the marshal as not being properly lighted. On motion the au- ditor was instructed to deduct the amount from the hill of the Dubu.iue Electric Rail - Light & Power Co. Ald Peaslee, chairman of the committee on electrical construction. reported in favor of paying the following bills: 00 R. Triggillis $ 11 100 Wm. Quinlan. 00 Peter Stouffer 75 75 James McCracken 75 James Bunting 1 75 James Bunting 1 Electrical Supply Co 8 75 141 961 2 Western Electric Co et(tion for Also in favor of granting the p an electric light ou Southern avenue. In favor of paying the within bill of the Portland Paving Co. of $7 00 for repairing walks around poles. and the auditor be in- structed to collect $1 W from the U. S. E. L. fi Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. & P. Co. atd 6 00 from the Dubuque Street Ry Co. being their pro rata for said cost. Postpone action on petition of the Ryan Packing Co. for two electric lights until such time as all the present lights are loca- ted and in operation so that the city can see if any changes can be made from the pres- ent locations Also presented a list of the thirty electric lights of the Dubuque Electric railway Light & Power Co. as located by your com- mittee that are included in their long term contract, and would recommend that they be made a matter of record. Report adopted. Ald. Page, chairman of the sewer commit- tee, reported in favor of referring petition of L. C. Bissell for permission to make sewer connection with the West Third street sewer to the mayor and recorder. Report adopted. Ald. Page offer. d the following, which was adopted: Y our committee on sewers would most re- spectfully report that they have examined and accepted the sanitary sewer on West Fifth street, Wilson avenue and in alley be- tween Wilson avenue and Pine streets, dune by Lavin & Corrance. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the executive committee of the board of health, reported in favor of paying $70 on bill of $91 of C. McElrath Ior hauling garbage. Report adopted Ald. Glatt, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported in favor of allowing the follow- ing bills: Knapp, Stout & Co. Co :, 1 15 Christman & Healey 12 75 Svendsen & Ott 20 J. Karcb 36 50 John Collins 19 70 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co 3 53 Hassett & Meehan 72 50 D. W. Linehan 157 15 Ned Morgan 36 00 M J. Hannon 11 28 John Pickley 22 72 P. Quinn 91 30 Dubuque Woodenware Co 14 44 U. Ruff 535 00 Lavin & Corrance 1 50 E. E. Frith 36 70 B. D. Linehan 3 90 Lavin & Corrance 58 80 do do 35 97 John Bawer 30 10 Novelty Iron Works 4 53 Defer payment of hill of Peterson & Co. of *540 for wall on Alma street until said wall is completed according to contract Refer the bill of Norton & Lee of $25 50 for extra work ou West Locust street sewer to the sewer committee. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee. chairman of the assessment committee, reported as follows: Adverse to the following petitions: Joseph Herod and Mary B. Wallis, A. McCann, H. 13. & J. B. Glover, A W. Sears, James P. Donahue and Ira Hansen. Cancel taxes of Mrs. Mary Needham on lot 4 of Needham's sub for 1892 Cancel taxes of Mrs Anna Schiel on lot 43,E Langworthy's add, for 1892. Cancel taxes of Ben Cheetham estate on lot n 50 ft of lot 38 in Wilson's add, for 1892. Cancel taxes of Mrs. Anna Huber on lot 30, McDaniel's Park Hill add., for 1892, and adverse to refunding said taxes for 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Receive and file communication of the street committee in relation to examining and accepting streets, which is impossible to roll and cover until spring. and that no money be paid ou any of said streets until they are completed according to contract. Receive and file petition in relation to re- moving obstructions on O'Neill street. as a dispute has arisen as to the location of said street and can only be determined in a court of justice. Receive and file resolution to give the use of the third floor of the Central engine house to the Grand Army posts for their regular meetings. as said poste have not asked for the privilege Receive and file petition of E. Sheppley for permission to build a stairway on north side of Lincoln avenue, and would recom- mend that the council in the future refuse to grant any permits for stairways or other obstructions on any of the streets or alleys of the city. Receive and file claim of Thos. Hassett, as the city engineer has submitted an estimate of the grading to the council and same has been reterred to the street committee. Report adopted. Also reported as follows on the report of the committee of fifty citizens appointed by the mayor to investigate the advisability of the city purchasing the Dubuque water works: /. Resolved, That the council recommends the approval of the following report of said committee, and that such action be taken as is necessary to determine what said works will cost the city, according to the rights of the city as provided in the charter of the Dubuque water works. Report adopted. The following is the report of the commit- tee: To the Mayor and City Council of the City of .Dubuque. Iowa: Your committee of flfty citizens, viz: W. J. Knight, Jacob Rich, W. H. Utt, Wm. L. Bradley, Fred. A. Rumpf, George Salot, Sr., N. Gonner, F. A Gniffke, J. M. Boothby, J. J. Dunn. James McCann, G. M. Staples, M. M. Walker, D. D. Myers, James Levi. A. A. Cooper, John Macdonald, T. W. Ruete, John Etlwanger, B. W. Lacy, P. 11. Halpin, Thomas Connolly, D. J. Lenihan, M. M. Ham, J. H. Shields, Peter Kiene, Jr., James Forester, E W. Duncan, G. L. Torbert, W. H. Day, J. A. Rhomberg, A. W. Dougherty, D. B. Henderson, George B. Burch, C. Bay- less, G. B. Grosvenor, John Mulkern, F. B. Daniels. John Treater, P. J. Q iigley. Chris. A. Voelker, Charles Schreiber, A. W. Hos- ford, B. W. Blanchard, B. D. Heeb, William G. Watters, N. H. Shilling, John Deery, Jacob Christman, John C. Fuchs. H. B. Glo- ver, heretofote appointed by you to to con- sider the rights and liabilities of the city un- der existing arrangements with the present Water company, and suggest ways and means by which the city could become own- er of the plant of that company, would re- spectfully report, that it has attended to that duty and herewith makes a report of its doings in that behalf. On Sept. 23, 1892, the committee met, with W. J. Knight in the chair and John McDonald as secretary, and a full attendance of the members of it. A general discussion was had of the sub- jects on which the committee was called on to deliberate. B. W. Lacy offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That it is the sense of this com- mittee that the city should not relinquish the right now possessed by it, at its election. to purchase the plant of the present water company, secured to the city by the ordi- nance under which that company is now acting. On motion of W. H. Utt, it was moved and carried that a sub -committee of seven. of which the chairman of the main committee should be chairman, should be appointed by the chair to consider and report to the main committee at a future day, fully, on the whole subject committed to the main com- mittee. -a. Adjourned Regular Session, .Tan. 6, 1893. The chairman appointed as members of the committee of seven, Jacob Rich, B W Lacy, A A Cooper. George B. Burch, John Ellwanger, John McDonald. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet again on call of the chairman J. MAcnoNALD, Secretary. W. J KNIGHT, Chairman. Oct 13, 1892, pursuant to call of the chair- man, your committee of fifty again met, with W. J. Knight in the chair. and John McDonald secretary, and a full attendance of the members of it The committee of seven presented its re- port, which was as follows: the level is of excellent quality and costs but little for distribution. The artesian well and pumping station at the tont of Eighth street are not in accordance with the r• quirements of the charter of the water company, and may or may not be counted in the appraisernent to be made. There are various opinons as to the desira- bility of the water, but many cities prefer an artesian supply to a river source How • ever, it does not seem to your committee that the maintenance of the station cuts any large figure in the general desirability or expense of the system. The new pumping station at Esgle Point taking water through "points" sunk into low lying gravel strata along the river is a common and popular method of water supply. The water is clari- fied and purified by percolating through the deep gravelly and sandy strata, and is gen- era,ly regarded as of a pure and desirable character. To the fluter by -orbs Committee of Fifty: In the investigation undertaken l y your sub -committee, the questions naturally aris- ing first for consideration relate to the rights and privileges of the city under the existing ordinance or contract with the water com- pany, and upon these questions your com- mittee have reached the following conclu• sions : 1. That nothing short of an absolute and formal waiver 1-y the city can destroy or im- pair its right at any time during the remain- ing twenty-eight years of the charter to pur- chase the water works at its actual value, exclusive of the franchise, to be fixed by appraisernent in case of disagreement in the manner provided by section 7 of the ordi- nance; that the provision in said section forbidding the sale to any other parties without first giving the city the refusal at the same price, is unquestionably an addi- tional privilege granted to the city, and the failure of the city to avail itself of such re- fusal in no way waives or affects the right under the former provision to purchase at any time subsequently at an agreed or ap- praised value; the only effect of the failure to avail itself of such refusal being to au- thorize the sale to other parties at the price named, which parties would then occupy the shoes of the present company and be de- pendent upon aid subject to the same or- dinance with all its conditions, including the right of the city to purchase the works at their actual value, excluding the value of the franchise. 2. That while at present, on account of its debt already exceeding the constitutional limit, the city cannot procure funds with which to purchase said works by the issue of bonds in the usual form creating an absolute indebtedness, your committee behave that in view of the doctrine announced in the decision of the supreme court in Burlington Water Co. vs. Woodward, 49 Iowa 58, the funds can be procured by pledging the in- come of the water works and the proceeds inter- estof a on he bonddxto and tpayment tion of a proper sinking fund. It being apparent then that the city does not lose its right to purchase the water works at the present value of the material and appliances by tailing to purchase at any given time, or reason of any transfer of the property to ya new company, the next question to be determined is : Shall the city take steps to secure the works now, or wait until it is in a better financial condition to purchase? What are the considerations in favor of an immediate purchased Are the plans of the present company for the water supply un- desirable and insufficient, and the outlay for their extension simply piling up their cost to the city without as- sisting to create a good, substantial, com- trehensive he sooner the city purchases economical system and enters up- on a different system the better. Your committee believes that it is not necessary or desirable to make any material chaniAll thethe method furnished waterf the supply.by The Eagle Point pumping station has a pumping capacity of 3 000 000 gallons per day. The Eighth street station has a capac- ity of 2,000,000 gallons per day, and adding to this the amount of water furnished by the level and its reservoir, a full future sup- ply of water by the present system would seem to be assured. It does not, therefore, seem to your committee that immediate ac- tion is neces ary for the purchase of the works, either to secure a full supply of water or to head off a useless outlay under a sys• tem that the city would have to abandon when it came into possession of the works. Nor would there seem to be any want of power or authority in the city to enforce from the company a sufficient supply of good water to all parts of the city. Section 6 of the ordinance provides: "And it at any time during the continuance of this charter the water of said level shall be unwhole- some, or the quantity thereof insufficient to supply the demands of the city, then said parties shall be required to furnish a suf- ficient supply from the main channel of the Mississippi river north of Seventh street in said city, and to construct and use for that purpose engines and pumps of a sufficient capacity to force the water through the pipes to any part of the city. And whenever said parties tail to furnish the quantity of water sufficient to supply the demands of the city and its citizens, or tail to comply with every requirement of the ordinance, then the council may, by resolution, forfeit the rights hereby granted. While another provision of the charter would seem to subject the power of the council to forfeit the charter rights of the company to a decision of the courts, it is nevertheless apparent that it is not neces eery for the city to buy the water works in order to enforce an adequate service. It has the power to enforce a sufficient service from the presznt company or any company that may purchase the rights of the present company. The only material question, then, in the matter is: Should the city buy now as a matter of econommunicipality nd auddfor the private consumerfinaial polio, for s of the water: This is simply a question of the cost of the works and the net income therefrom. To get at these facts is of course adillicult prob- lem for your committee. It is impossible for them to determine what the appraisers provided for in the charter will fix upon as the value of the water works plant de from the franchise. Andithis tecimty andagers of s to the water company give) any information as to the receipts aavd expenditures of the company• done our best to avoid mere rumors or spec ulations as to the value of the works or the gross or net income of the company. But Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. in default of any direct information from the company upon these points, we are com- pelled to fall back upou comparative esti- mates, as shown by similar plants in other cities of about the same population and needs as Dubuque. Your committee understands that the only question that can come be- fore the appraisers is the value of the material—pipes, machinery and appliances as respects their present worth in turnishiug the water supply. If there have been auy costly experiments, if there have been any expensive app.iances, that are now of little value in fnrnisuing water to the city, they are worth only in an appraise- ment, what it would cost the city to secure the ; same amount of water by other appliances; not what they may have cost the company. The value of the plant is simply relative to the work that it does, or is capable of doing, as compared with other methods. And this, doubtless, will be the view taken by the board of appraisers that may be selected. To know, therefore, what it has cost cities of approximate population, probable growth similar situation, and general needs, to secure an equal supply of water, is undoubtedly to ascertain what an equitable appraisement would fix as the value of these works. On this point your committee has made con- siderable inquiry and looked up a good deal of data. We have examined the publish- ed statements of all the water companies throughout the United States, and have also consulted water works' engineers and manu- facturers of water supplying machinery. Estimates of the latter as to the cost of a water plant sufficient for the needs of a city similarly situated as Dubuque; with ap- proximate population, and prospects of in- crease, with similar probable expense for laying pipe; approximate number of miles of pipe, and generally with larger capacity of pipe; about the same number of hydrants and greater capacity of machitery—placed the cost of such plants, when new and ef- ficient, at from $200,000 to $250,000. This estimate is borne out by the published re- ports as to other cities, a few of which we will give : Burlington, Iowa—System direct: daily capacity of pumps 6,500,000 gallons; 218 hy- drants; pipe 4 to 16 inches in diameter; nine- teen miles of main; cost $185 000; owned by company ; annual expense $12,000. cioux City, Iowa—System direct and res- ervoir of 1,500,00i gallons; daily capacity of pumps 4,000,000 gallons; 147 hydrants, 30 miles of mains, 4 to 30 inches in diameter; cost $200 OW; owned by city ; annual expense not given. Lincoln. Neb.—System direct and stand pipe; daily capacity of pumps 4,500,000 gal- lons; 245 hydrants; twenty-eight miles of mains, frcm 4 to 16 inches in diameter; cost $225,000; owned by city; annual expense $18,523. Winona, Minn.—System direct and stand pipe; daily capacity of pumps 5,000,000; hy- drants 225; twenty-two miles of mains 6 to 12 inches in diameter; cost $235,000; owned by city; annual expense $8,000. LaCrosse, Wis.—Direct pumping; daily capacity of pumps 6.500,000 gallons; 181 hy- drants; nineteen and one-half miles of mains, 6to2U inches in diameter; cost $191,164; owned by city; annual:expense $9,325. Madison, Wis.—Direct pumping; daily capacity of pumps 4,000 000 gallons; 123 hy- drants; twenty-four miles of mains, 3 to 16 inches in diameter; cost $230,000; owned by city; annual expense $9,500. Jackson, Mich.—System direct; daily capacity of pumps 6,000.000 gallons; twenty- one miles of mains,4 to 18 inches in diameter; cost 4250,000; owned by city ; annual ex- pense $12,0.:0. F. Wayne, Ind.—System direct and reser- voir of 3,000,000 gallons; capacity ot pumps, 9,000,000 gallons, 317 hydrants; 35 miles of mains, 4 to 24 inches in diameter; cost, 1280,- 010. owned by city; annual expense, $15.000. Youngstown, O.—System direct; daily ca- pacity, 8,000.000 gallons; 208 hydrants; 25 miles of pipe, 4 to 20 inches in diameter; cost, $230010; owned by city; annual expense, $12,000. Aurora, Ill.—Pump to standpipe, 250,000 gallons; daily capacity of pumps, 4,1 10,000 gallons: 29 miles of main, 4 to 16 inches in diameter; 278 hydrants; cost, $217,764; owned by city ; annual expense, $7,742. Cairo, Ill.—Pumping to standpipe and direct; capacity of standpipe, 260,000 gal- lons; daily capacity of pumps, 4,000,,00 gal- lons; 160 hydrants; 16 miles of mains, 6 to 18 inches iudiameter; cost 1150.000; owned by company; annual expense, $10,000. Bloomington, Itl—Pumpi. g to standpipe; 75,000 gallons; daily capacity of pumps, 3,- 500,000 gallons; 230 hydrants; 25 miles of mains, 4 to 10 inches in diameter; cost, 1100,- 000; owned by city; annual expense, $6.300, Elgin, Ill.—Pumping to standpipe bf 5,000,- 00 ,000;000 gallons; daily capacity of pump8, 3.000,- 000 .000;000 gallons; 2 8 hydrants; 20 miles of mains, 6 to 24 inches in diameter; American filter; cost, 4189.100; owned by city; annual ex- pense, $6,000. Lexington, Ky.—Reservoir of 93,000,000 gallons; system direct; daily capacity of pumps, 3.000,000 gallons; 245 hydrants: 18X miles of mains, 4 to 18 inches in diameter; coat, $250,000; owned by company; annual expense, $10,000 Baton Rouge, La.—In this city the Smed- ley works, of Dubuque, have put in a system ot gravity, and pumping to a reservoir of 350,000 gallons capacity, and standpipe of 132,000 gallons; daily capacity of pumps, 3,- 000,000 gallons; 95 hydrants; 18 miles of mains, 12 to 14 inches in diameter: cost to construct, $75,000; annual expense, $3,750. Dubuque, Iowa—System, gravity. stand- pipe and direct Supply from level not stated; daily capacity of pumps 5,000.000 gallons; 25 miles of mains, 4 to 16 inches in diameter; 232 hydrants, cost not obtainable; annual expense of $16,000. Estimating from these figures, your com- mittee believes that a committee of fair ap- praisers, taking full cognizance of the rights of the city under the charter, and of the present general condit on of the material and methods of supply, would fix upon the neighborhood of $2u0,000 as the equitable value. Can the city afford to take the works at that price? That depends upon the pres- ent and probable income. Your committee has been unable to secure from the company any direct information upon this point, after several interviews and inquiries, although courteously and pleas- antly received by the company's officers. Not caring, however, to base its report upon street speculations and rumors, it has indus- triously looked for the information in quar• ters deemed authoritative or well informed, and feels that its information is approxi- mately correct. There has been a large ad- dition to the number of private consumers within the past two or three years; and in the extension of the mains and of sewers the use of the water by the city is rapidly growing. The management ot the company has undoubtedly been fairly economical, and the amount of net income as compared with gross receipts is as large, probably, as could be shown The assess- ment of the company by the pity has been upon the basis of $250,000, and the city and county taxes paid by the company are about $5,500 per annum. Your committee has good reason for be- lieving that counting out expenses and taxes, and $1,200 or $1,500 annually paid for an extension of the level under the com- Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1593. 9 parry's contract, the net income of the com- pany at present is not far from $18,010 per annum. The city pays the company annual- ly for water supply about $1:3,000, and there are 1,150 private consumers, whose gross payments we have no way of ascertaining. We believe we have good authority, how- ever, for saying that the net income is real- ly about *18 000. These figures show as follows: Present net income $18,000 Interest on $200,000 at 6 per cent 12,000 Profit to city on that invest par an..$ 6,L01 Add county taxes which would not have to be deducted from net rev- enue 2,7'10 And the profit on the present income would be, per annum $ 8 700 There will undoubtedly be a constant and large increase in the public and private use of the water, with a large increase in the net income. With a careful and economical management by the city, this increase of in- come would go tar towards putting in ex- tensions and improvements, leaving, say $7,000 per annum to be applied to the dis- charge of the purchase obligations. Now a to the plan for purchase: If the city was in a condition to issue her bonds and use her legitimate credit, she couldread- ily secure the means of purchase at 4 or 5 per cent. But that being impossible. it is prob- able that any plan adopted would require an interest charge of 6 per cent. On this basis we have authority for saying that means will be advanced to the city by her own citi- zens to buy the works on something like the following proposition: The city to raise by special tax $50,000 of the $20),000 required. The other $110,000 to be supplied by some of our citizens upon a pledge of the revenues from the water works, and such revenue as it may choose to raise annually by a special tax to reimburse the advances of money made. It is, in the judg- ment of your committee,entirely practicable to formulate a plan to do this under the decision of the supreme court in the Bur- lington case, that would avoid the legal diffi- culties under the constitutional limitation of indebtedness. apprais- ers would be the situation if the app ers would assess th., value in the neighbor- hood $200 000. ap- praismentcou d not be had,asuppose fair and thatthe value should be assessed at $210,01.0 The figures would then show: 00 0 ,8 Net income $18.000 Increased by county taxes $20,700 Interest on $251,000 at 6 per cent15,000 • Balance $ 5,700 The net income, then, would still more than pay 6 per cent. on the cost: but exten- sions and improvements would probably have to be paid out of an increased revenue or out of the general fund of the city until the interest charge was reduced by pay- ments by the city upon the principal. The city is not bound to accept an un- favorable appraismeut. But whether she loses her right to purchase by refusing to accept the appraismeut is a point that your committee has not thought necessary to in- vestigate or discuss, but is a point that the ledetermine before entering al advisors of the upon the appraishould e ment. Nor has your committee considered the question whether the ordinance under which the present company is acting carries with it au exclusive ch your committee suggests tshould receon vic e careful consideration. No company owning the water works can afford to do anything to arouse the just indignation of the people and of the city council And with the power of the council over the company, and with the right of the city to buy the works and arbitrate the price, there seems to he abundant guarantee of an eventual sale to the city at the just value under the charter provisions. Bo long as the city does not relinquish its right to purchase the works, no actual sale is likely to be made at an exhorbitant figure. No company will he anxious to pay any fancy price for the property in contravention of the desire of the people and the just rights of the pity. The city can therefore, if it chooses, afford to rest upon its rights: secure whatever legislative action. or make whatever fiu• ncial provision, may seem necessary to put it in condition to purchase, and then enforce a just bargain through negotiation or appraismeut. No probable concessions upon the charter rates by any new company would be equiv- alent to the value of the municipal control of the works. What may seem to be a rea- sonable schedule of rates with a limited pop- ulation and under a restricted use may be a very onerous charge under a great extension of population and of use. All test'mouy concurs in the desirability of municipal con- trol of the water supply for our cities. And to give the people of Dubuque unlimited use of the water at absolute cost has surely in it more of promise than the beat bargain thata can now be obtained of any p corpora- tion. The just rights of the city under the charter are apparently of vistly greater ad- vantage, present and prospective, than any propos.d concessions upon the chartersched- ule of rates. And the re;ord of annual ex- pense as given above, under municipal and corporate management, shows that thestate- ment of extravagance in muuicipal manage- ment are mere bugbears to aid corporate schemes Your committee would therefore recom- mend the passage of the following resolu- tions: Resolved, As the sense of the committee of fifty appointed by the mayor and council to consider the water question: 1. That the council should not surrender the right of the city to buy the works by ap- praisement under the terms of the ordin- ance 2 That the mayor and counci, should, as soon as it is deemed expedient, it unable to agree upon proper terms, give notice to the water company of its purpose to buy the works under the provisions for appraisement of the ordinance. 3. That securing a fair price by negotia- tion or ent, the council. on ap- proval by popularmvote, buy the works upon the plan herewith outlined, or some better one that may be offered. 4. That the management tof the d be given when bought by ay into the hands of a carefully selected non- partisan commission, and so main a[ned. W J. B W. L+cr, A. A. Cooren, JACOB Ric JOHN ELLwANGEit, GEO. B Bcio Ii, J. MACDONALD. On motion of Thomas Connolly the report as presented was adopted. N. (limner offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved That it is the sense of this com- mittee of fifty that we would criider the fer the sum of $209.000 as a very highpCe plant of the present company. it was moved and carried that the com- mittee of seven be requested to present the record mayorof andec city councs of the committee tthe being n0 10 Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. further business, the committee of fifty ad- journed without day. All of which was respectfully submitted. W. J. KNIGHT, Chairman. J. MscnoxwLD, Secretary. Also reported on the communication of the mayor in relation to the purchase of the water works that the council has taken the necessary steps in accordance with the re- port of the committtee of fifty citizens for the purchase of the water works. Also reported in favor of instructing the mayor to notify E R Perkins, president of the Dubuque Water works, of the council's intention to purchase said works according to their charter. Report adopted. Also reported as follows on the veto of the mayor on the Eighth Street and West Du- buque Street Railway company matter: "•A majority of your committee would recommend and report in favor of the adop- tion of the resolution reducing the assess- ment of the Eighth Street and West Du- buque Street railway to i.5,e00 for five years and remitting the taxes of 1891 notwithstand- ing the veto of the mayor " Adopted by the rollowing vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne. Crawford, Web, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Noes—Alds. Cushing, Nicks and Olinger. Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, That the amount this day allowed the contractor for the construction of the Central engine house be not paid to him un- til he shall satisfy the commitee on. public grounds and buildings that all sub contrac- tors and material men on the work have been paid or their claims so arranged that tha city will be released from any liability on the same. Ald. Cushing moved that the resolution for the improvement of Iowa street be re- scinded. Carried. The matter of bill for grading Woodlawn Lark re referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Fourth street between White and Main streets be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifl ations for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the street railway company occupying portions of said street with their track, are bound by law or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinance of the city un ler which said street railways have been constructed and maintained are bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the expense of abutting property. That the Dubuque Street Rail- way Company be directed to pave such por- tions of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the city engineer, as they are legal• ly bound to do by law or ordinance; and said street railway company is hereby re- quired to notify the city recorder in writing five days after the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway company, whether or not they propose and desire to do said paving themselves, and that in case of their failure to so designate their wishes, within said five days, it will be presumed that said street railway company does not wish to make said improvement themselves, and that the city will be then at liberty to make the improvement as contemplated by law at the expense of said street railway company. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of the street. Resolved, hy the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Iowa street between Third and Seventeenth streets be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the or- dinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder is directed to give the proper notice for kids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, ex- cept such portions of the same as the several street railway companies occupying por- tions of said street with their tracks, are bound by law or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinance of the city under which said street railways have been constructed and maintained are bound to pave at their own cost. to be done at the expense of abutting property. That the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Co., Dubuque Street Railway (. and the Eighth street and West Dubuque street Railway Co. be each severally directed to pave such portions of said street in accor- dance with the plans and specifi •ations pre- pared for the same by the city engineer, as they are severally legally bound to do by law or ordinance; and said street railway companies and said receiver are hereby re- quired to severally notify the city recorder in writing five days after the service of copies of this resolution on said street rail- way companies and said receiver, whether or not they or either of them propose and desire to do said paving themselves, and that in case of their failure or either of them to so designate their wisnes, within said five days, it will be presumed that said street railway companies or company or receiver do not wish to make said improvement themselves, and that the city will be then at liberty to make the improvement as contem- plated by law at the expense of the several street railway companies. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of street. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved, hy the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Clay street, from Third street to Eighteenth street, be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the several street railway companies occupying portions of said street with their tracks are bound by law, or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinances of the city under which said street railways have been constructed and maintained, are bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the expense of the abut- ting property. That the Dubuque Street Railway company, Dubuque Electric Rail- way, Light and Power company, and the Eighth Street and West Dubuque Street Railway company be each severally directed to pave such portions of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the city engineer, as they are severally legally bound to do by law or ordinance; and said street railway companies and said receiver are hereby required to notify the city re- corder in writing within five days after the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway company, whether or not, they or either of them proposes and desires to do said paving themselves, and in case of their failure to so designate their wishes within said five days, it will be presumed Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. f, 1893. 11 that said street railways or comnanies or re- ceiver, do not wish to make the Improve- ments themselves, and that the city will then be at liberty to make the improvement as contemplated by law, at the expense of the several street railway companies. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of street. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Eighteenth street between west line of Clay and east line of Couler ave- nue he curbed and paved with brick in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject That the city engineer he and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to sive the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the street railway companies o cupying por- tions of said street with their track, are bound by law or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinance of the city under which said street railways have been constructed and maintained are bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the ex- pense of abutting property. That the Du- buque Street Railway copipany be directed to pave such portions of said street in ac- cordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the city engineer, as tcey are severally legally bound to by law or ordinance; and said street railway company is hereby required to notify the city recorder in writing five dans atter the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway company whether or not they propose and desire to do said paving themselves, and that in case of their failure to so designate their wishes, within said five days, it will be presumed that said street railway c.impany does not wish to make said improvement themselves, and that the city will be then at liberty to make the improvement as contemplated by law at the expense of the said street railway companies. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of street. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Resolved By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that Couler avenue, from Eigh- teenth street to Sanford street be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject: that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, ex- cept snch portions of the same as the street railway company occupy- ing portions of said street with their tracks are bound by law, or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordi- nances of the city under which said street railway company has been constructed and maintained, is bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the expense of the abut- ting property. That the Dubuque Street Railway company be directed to pave such portions of said street in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the city engineer, as they are legal- ly bound to do so by law or ordinance; and said street railway company is hereby re- quired to notify the city recorder in writing within five days after the service of copies of this resolution on said street railway com- pany, and said receiver, whether or not they propose and desire to do said paving theni- selves, and that in case of their failure to so designate their wishes within said five days, it will be presumed that said railway com- pany does not wish to make the improve- ments themselves, and that the city will I hen be at liber y to make the improvements as contemplated by law at the expense of said street railway company. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of street. Ald. Cushing offered the following: Revolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That West Main street, from Main to Jones street, and Jones street, from South Locust street to Main street, he curb- ed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject, and the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to pre- pare plans and specifications for said im- provement and the city recorder instructed to advertise for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and paving to be done at the expense of abutting property. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer instructed to prepare profile of street. Ald. Stoltz moved to adjourn to 7:3U o'clock p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7 o'clock p m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Byrne. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, N:cks. Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The rules were suspended and Mr. M. Brown addressed the council in relation to grading of Seminary street. On motion of Ald. Glab, Brown & Brown were allowed $1,0 0 on their bill for grading Seminary street. Bill of C. Spiegelhalter, $7 50,;for services as poundmaster. Ordered paid Petition of manufacturers on Washington street, between Seventh and Eleventh, ask- ing that the railroad track now laid in the center of said street he removed from below Eighth street and tracks laid on each side of Washington streetstarting from point in front of Martin & Strelan's office below Eighth street and leave the center of the street from Eighth street north unobstruct- ed. Referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Smith presented a communication asking that a fire engine house be built on Grandview avenue near South Dodge street, the petitioners agreeing to devote a lot to the city for that purpose. Referred to the committee on fire and water. The special assessment for laying sidewalk on Grandview avenue referred to a special committee to he appointed by the mayor. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the construction of a S inch tile pipe sewer in Hill, Burch and West Third by Lavin & Corrance, con- tractors, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own --d, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: (1 Ft. Am'L of Area. Price. Tax. Christ Lelbfritz,lot 1 sub of lots 1 of :3 min lot 76, 2 min lot 77.... 5,400 51c $ 27 54 Emma Rembold,n 35 ft lot 2 sub t,f lots 1 of :3 min lot 76, 2 min lot 77....... 3;500 51c 17 85 11 B Becher, s 15 ft lot 2 sub of lots 1 of 3 min lot 76, 2 min lot 77 1,600 51c 7 65 11 B Bacher, lot :1 sub of lots 1 of :3 mtu lot 76 2 of min lot 77 6,000 51c 25b0 Anna I. ltabbitt, lot 4 sub of lots 1 of 3 mitt lot 76, 2 mitt lot 77 6,600 51c 33 66 Mary P Sherman. lot 5 sub of lots 1 of :1 min lot 76, mtu lot 77.... ... 4,700 51c 23 07 12 Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. Sq. Ft. Amt. of Area. Price. Tax. Gustav F Manstedt,lot 1 of 6 sub of lot s l of 3 min lot 76, 0 min lot 77 2,970 51c 15 15 Eltzabe h Herbrt, lut2 of 6 suo of Iota 1 of 3 min tot 76, 2 min lot 7 2,980 510 15 20 Taeresa 'toltz, lot 1, Dem- ing & Horr's sub 5,700 510 29 07 Chas and E Braoley,lot 29, Deming & Horr's sub8,100 510 41 31 Thos alters, lot 1, Geo Martin's sub 6800 510 34 68 Joe Reynoldson Est, lot 2, Geo Martin's sub 6,800 510 34 68 8 K Miuer. n62 ft of lot 4, 5 and 1, Kttne & Bloch linger's suo 6,900 5I0 36 19 Amanda M Taft, n79 s125 ft of lot 4, 5 and 6 Kiene & Blcchlinger's pub .. 10,900 510 55 59 A Hammen Est, s50 ft of lot 4, 5 anti 6, Kiene & Blochlinger's sub 7,000 510 35 70 W A Leathers, e'/5 lot 21. For.uue' sub 2,160 510 11 02 Mrs Rich S ott,ei lot 8,do 2,950 510 15 04 Mrs. Mary Gordon. do 7,80 3,750 51c 19 12 F E Lindsay, lot 1 of min lot '75 8,500 510 43 35 do lot 5, do '74. 8,200 510 16 32 H F Brainard,lot 4 Burch's 7,8n0 510 39 78 sub W F 8 Gilliam. lot 3, do7,800 510 39 8 F 11 Carberry, lot 1, do7 800 510 39 78 do lot 1 of 2, do 1,690 510 8 62 Geo B Burch, s pt lot 2 of 2, do 60,350 510 Geo B Burch, lot 1 of mm lot 73 . 8,100 510 Geo B Burch, lot 2 of 2 of min lot 73 800 510 Geo B Burch, lot 3 of 2 of min 10173...............3,850 510 M H McCarthy.lot 1 of min lot 74 5,000 51c M H Mcuarthy.n pt of lot 1 of min lot 7'.3 11,500 510 Jacob Rich, n 150 ft of lot 1 of 10 of min lot 73 2,250 51c Jacob Rich, bot 2 of min lot 74 3,600 510 Jacob Mich, n pt of lot 2 of min lot 72 13,500 510 F W Wood ich, n1 lot 28, Deming & Horr's sub 3,750 bic Rich Greenley, s44 lot 28, Deming & Horr's sub3,750 510 I Harris lot 27, Deming & Bore., sub.. 7,500 510 John M Kirkpatrick, lot 1 of 1 of 4, mtu lot 73...... 1,680 John M Kirkpatrick, lot 2, of 4, min 1.173 9,000 John 31 Kitkpatrick, lot 1, of min lot 76 120 I Harris, lot '46, Deming & Horr's cub 6,750 I Harris, lot, 25. Deming at Borr's sub ....... 7,200 John McCoy, lot 1, McCoy's sub .. ........ .. .10, 740 J E Wooton, lot 2 of 2 of 3. of min lot 78......... 23,550 Geo J Vogt, n 32 ft, lot 6, Buettel & L. add 3,200 Regena Vok t, s 18 ft lot 8, Buettel & L. add 1,800 Regena Vogt, n 16 ft, lot 5, Buettel & L add1,800 Wm C Vogt, s 34 ft lot 5, Buettel & L. add......... 3,400 Wm C Vogt, n 1 ft lot 4, 'suede' &L. add 100 Jacob Wellhofer, s 49 ft lot 4,1Mettel & Horr's sub 4,900 Elizabeth Ntwberg.lot 1 of 3, Buettel & L. add 6,460 Albert Hey, lot 2 of 3,Buet• tel's & L add. 4,240 J L Buettel, and y, lot 2, Buettel & L. add 2,870 F W Langwortby, and 4, lot 2, Buettel & L add9,670 W B Hopkins, iot 1, Buet• tel & L. adu 5 000 Jame.+ O'Farrell, lot 8, of min lot 73 24,000 307 78 43 35 4 08 19 63 25 50 58 65 11 47 18 36 88 85 $ 19 13 19 13 38 25 510 8 57 510 45 90 510 61 510 34 43 510 36 72 510 54 77 51c 120 11 510 16 32 510 9 18 610 8 16 510 17 34 510 51 51c 24 99 510 32 95 51c 2162 510 13 62 51c 13 82 510 25 50 51c 122 40 A C Buettel,lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 9 of min lot 73 14,700 51C 74 97 A C Buettel, lot 1 of 1 of 2 of 9 of min of 73 .. ..14, 700 510 74 97 L C Bissell,lot 1 o. 9 of min lot 73 33,750 510 172 13 Wm Harkett, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of nut lot 735. city 15,400 510 78 54 L 0 Dolson, lot 1 of min int' 8 5 200 510 28 52 Adopted by the following Crawford,ot: Nicks, Ayes -Alda. Byrne,Glab, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. AId. Glab offered the boll rwing: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. That to pay for a 4 -foot wide (2 -inch plank) sidewalk on south side of Southern avenue between Railroad avenue and Rowan avenue by Frank Correll, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lot., and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as [o lows: Dubuque Lumber company. lot 41, sub min lot 39. 177 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c... $ 26 11 J. 8. Randall Lumher company, lot 42, sub min lot 39, 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 7 37 J. 8. Randall Lumber company, lot 43, sub min lot 39. 50 lineal feet plank 7 37 sidewalk at 14%c J. S Randall Lumber company, lot 44, sub min lot 39, 44 lineal feet plank 6 49 sidewalk at 14%c J. 8. Randall Lumber company. lot 2 of 55 of min lot 39, 260 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 3S 35 J. 8 Randall Lumber company,lot 50, sub min lot 39 80 lineal feet plank 11 80 sidewalk at 14%c J. S. Randall Lumber company. lot 51, sub min lot 39, 60 lineal feet plank 8 S5 sidewalk at 14Yie J. 8. Randall Lumber company, 1 t 52, sub min lot 39. 299 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 44 10 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Olinger. Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council, of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a six feet wide (two inch plank) sidewalk on both sides of Grandview avenue from Delhi street to South Dodge street, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lats, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jos. McCune, lot 3, Boxleiter's add, 69 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c....$ 15 87 O. F. Hodge, lot 3 of 1, Quigley's sub, o of pt of min lot 157. 93 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c. 21 16 H. H. Willmt•rs, lot 3, sub of lots 38 and 39, Quigley's sub, pt of min lot 157. 533 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c 12 30 H. H. Willmers lot 4, suo lots 38 and 39, Quigley's sub, pt min lot 157, 53% lineal feet plank sidewalk at 230 12 30 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Aid. Glab offered the followingg: Resolved. By the oity onuncil of the pity of Dubuque, That to pay for a six -feet wide (two-inch plank) sidewalk on south side of Julien avenue from Broad to Delhi streets. by 11'rank Correll, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is here- Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. 13 by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Key City Electric Street railway, lot 3, sub of 12 of min lot 172, 43 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 213c $ 9 13 Key City Electric Street railway, lot 2, sub of 12 of min lot 172, 40 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 21.ic 8 51 Key City Electric Street ra Iway, lot 1, sub of 12 of min lot 172, 49 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 21Yc 8 50 J. W, Seewart. lot 16, Morehiser's sub of lot 45, Morhiser's add. 45 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 213.1e 9 56 J. R. Weston, let 13, Morhiser's sub of lot 45, Morhiser's add, 36 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 21,1c 7 65 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stolz. Ald Glab offered the followin: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for a 6 foot wide (2 inch piank) sidewalk on north side Rose street. from Walnut to Alta Vista street. by Frank Correll, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special Lax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: E Williams, lot 1 Cummins sub of outlot 739, city, 53.6 lineal feet plank sidewalk, at 213 $ 11 17 c Adopted by the foliowing vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cu4hing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for a 4 -foot wide (2 -inch plank) sidewalk on south side of West Fourteenth street from Walnut street to Alta Vista street by Frank Correll, con- tractor, in front and adjoining same, a spe- cial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcel, of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: W. G. Cox, lot 3 of min lot 90 796 lin- eal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c. $117 41 Eliza Buehler. min lot 89. 42.2 linedf feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 6 22 John Flynn, lot 2 of out lot 740, city, 75.5 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 11 14 W. Wilkinson, lot 3 of out lot 740, city, 124 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c 18 36 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee. Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Glab offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 6 -foot (2 -inch plank) wide sidewalk on both sides of Winona avenue from West Third to West Fifth streets, by Bryan Donahue. contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcrls of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: O. F. Hodge. lot 11, Deming and Horr's sub, 47 lineal feet plank side- walk $10 34 walk at 22c O. F. Hodge, lot 12, Deming and Horr's sub, 50 lineal feet plank side- 11 00 walk at 22c O F Hodge, lot 13. Deming and Horr's soh. 50 lineal feet plank side- walk at 23c 11 00 O F. Hodge. rot 14, Deming and Horr's sub, 50 lineal feet plank side- walk at 23c 11 CO O F. Hodge, lot 15, Deming and Horr's sub, 50 lineal feet plank side- walk at 123, 11 00 O. F Hodge, lot 16, Deming & Horr's sub, 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 17, Deming & Horr's sub, 65 lineal feet plank sidewalk ate 22c 14 30 John McCoy. lot 4, McCoy's sub, 142 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c31 24 John McCoy, lot 3, McCoy's sub, 141 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22c31 02 O. M. Hodge, lot 18, Deming & Horr's sub. 516 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 22,c 11 32 O. 11'. Hodge, lot 19. Deming & Horr's sub, 50 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 22re. 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 29. Deming & Horr's sub, 50 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 22c. 11 00 O. F. Hodge, lot 21, Deming & H rr's sub. 49 lineal fc plank sidewalk. 22c. 10 73 O. F. Hodge, lot 22, Deming & Horr's sub, 45 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 22e. 9 90 O. F. Hodge, lot '23, Deming & Horr's rub, 44 lineal ft plank sidewalk. 22c. 9 63 O. F. Hodge, lot 24. Deming & Horr's sub. 42 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 22c. 9 24 Adopted by the tollow'ng vote: Aves—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Ald Web offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That for laying a 4 -foot wide (2 inch plank) sidewalk on south side of Rhomberg avenue from Reed street to First avenue by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied ou the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Matilda M'Cluer, lot 36, McCranevis 1st add , 28 lineal feet plank side-$ 3 83 walk at 14%c Matilda McCluer. lot 37, McCraney's 1st add., 59 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c 8 70 Nic and Frank Glab, lot 261, Ham's add., 60 5 linear feet plank sidewalk 8 92 at 14%c Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Burne, C awford, Cushing. Glab, .Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a four feet wide (two inch plank) sidewalk on south side of Twenty-fifth street from Jackson to Pine street, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: R and E. Langworthy, lot 221, Men - dal add No. 2, 74 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 14%c $ 10 91 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glah, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald Glab offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque that to pay for laying a 4 toot wide (2 inch plank) sidewalk on south side of Twenty-fourth street. from Jackson and Pine streets, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining same,a special tax be 14 Adjourned Regular Session, Jan. 6, 1893. a'Fl is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of Tots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: R. & E Langworthy, lot 223, Glen- dale No 3, 1C4.6 lineal feet plank side 17 43 walk at14%c R. & E Langworthy, lot 21'3, Glen- dale No. 3, 97.5 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c 14 38 R & E Laugwortby, lot 217, Glen- dale No. 3, 98 3 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c 14 50 R. and E Langworthy, lot 270, Glen- dale No 3. 97 7 lineal feet plank side- 14 41 walk et 14%c R. and E. Langworthy, lot 271, Glen- dale No. 3, iS lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c 11 50 R. and E. Langworthy, lot 294 Glen- dale No 3. 74 lineal feet plank side- walk at 14%c 10 91 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Alds. Burne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Bids for construction of sewerage were opened and referred to the engineer for computation Mayor Saunders recommended that the council make appropria ions for , xpenses for the coming year in all departments, and the auditor he requested to report to the council tha standing of each department,and that all contracts as soon as made by the council be entered by the auditor against each department. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also recommended that the ordinance committee be instructed to prepare an or- dinance providing that hereafter all cement sidewalks laid the surface of same be corru- gated Referred to the ordinance commit- tee. Engineer Blake reported the following bills for sewer on West Fifth street and Roberts avenue: D. W. Linehan $724 0) M. Tschirgi, Jr 867 50 Lavin & Corrance 753 00 Ald Crawford moved that the contract be awarded to D. W. Linehan. Carried. Sewer in alley b6tween Jackson and Wash- ington and between Tenth and Seventeenth streets: Steuck & O'Farrell X2195 60 Lavin & Corrance 1 976 01 D. W. Linehan 1,927 40 M. Tschirgi, Jr 2,319 00 Aid. Stoltz moved to award contract to D. W Linehan. Carried. Ald. Peaslee moved that the matter of negotiating with Wm. Howard for purchase of cinders be referred to the street commit- tee. Carried. Ald. Cushing moved that when the money for bonds be received that 75 per cent be paid contractors on work where same is not completed. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the full amount be paid contractors on work accepted. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Olinger offered the following, which was adopted: WHEREAS, The county officers are about to vacate the first floor of the city hall; and, WIiEREAS, The records of the different officers of the city are in an unsafe condition in case of fire; therefore, Resolved. That the mayor be and is hereby instructed to appoint a special committee of three to examine and determine the feasabil- ity of remodeling the said city hall, so that said records may be safe in case of fire, and that the expenses in other departments be curtailed as much as possible so that said improvements will not be made an addi- tional expense to the city. The mayor thereupon appointed the fol- lowing special committee: Aid. Olinger, chairman; Alds. Crawford, otoltz and Byrne. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which WAS adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That hereafter, whenever the city eugiueer advertises for the laying of plank sidewalks, that he shall prepare his specifi- cations, so that said lumber shall be No. 1 plank, dressed on one side and not less than 8 inches wide, and said plank to rest on good sound 4x4 sleepers, so that when said sidewa ks are laid and completed, they shall he in good substantial condition both as to workmanship and quality of lumber, and such contractor receiving contract to give a bond, and shall not be paid until sidewalk is properly accepted and reported to the council AN GI ab offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Duhuque, That so much of the resolution passed by the city council of the city of Du- b.que, Nov. 2, 1x91, ordering a six foot side - wet, ou Grandview avenue between Delhi and Soutn Dodge streets, be annulled and of no force or effect, so far as it applies be - twee,' Dodge and South Dodge streets on said Grandview avenue, and in lien thereof, Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with th:, ordinance in relation to sidewalks ou both sides of Grandview ave- nue between Dodge and South Dodge streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nicks, Oliuger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. -8. Noes—Ald. Cushing. -1. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a ulat from actual survey of lot 1. Summit addition, said lot being the one that M. Tschirgi, Sr., desires to sell to the city for $100 for use as a fire engine house. Ald Smith offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city recorder be instruct- ed to issue a venire to the city marshal to summon a jury of twelve freeholders. citi- zens of said city, to assess the damages, it any, that may be caused by the opening and extension of Oak and State streets, as shown by plats prepared by the city engineer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne. Cushing, (slab, Nicks, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -7. Noes—Aids. Crawford and Olinger -2. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: WHEREAS, The plat and location of the proposed extension of Glen Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West Locust street, as surveyed by the city engineer in the sum- mer of 1890, between Fourteenth street and West Locust street, was not satisfactory to many of the property holders and other par- ties interested in the opening of soid street; therefore, Resolved, That said survey and plat be re- scinded and set aside, and the aldermen of the Fourth ward and chairman of the street committee be appointed a special committee to select and locate a route for said street; that the city engineer be instructed to act in conjunction with said committee, and to make a survey and plat of said street as re- located and file the same in his office, and give the proper notice to property holders in accordance with chapter 26 of the revised ordinances of 1887. Adjourned Regular Session, .Tan. 6, 1893. 15 Ald. Peaslee offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby author- ized and required for the purpose of provid- ing for the payment of the cost and expense of improving the following streets, to -wit: Francis street, Auburn avenue, Decorah av- • enue, Delaware avenue,Oak street, Dubuque avenue, Alta avenue, Washington street, Queen and Regent street, Broadway street, Windsor avenue, West Fourteenth street and Peru road, to issue under the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1891, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds to the amount of $19,030.00, as hereinafter stated, of the denomination of $500 1') each. numbering from 201 to 258 inclusive, all dated Feb 1, 1893, payable seven years after date, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the city treasurer of Dubuque, Iowa, and redeemable at any time at the op- tion of the city of Dubuque, said bonds to be issued for said streets as follows: Peru road $ 500 West Fourteenth street 2,500 Windsor avenue 9 Broadway street. Francis street Auburn avenue Decorah avenue 1,000 Delaware avenue 1,C00 Oak street 3,000 Dubuque avenue 1,000. Alta avenue 1.500 Washington street 2,000 Queen and Regent streets 1,000 Total $29,000 That when said bonds are issued and reg- istered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, who shall notify C. H. White it Co. that said bonds are ready according to their contract with the city, and when the money is received from C. H. White It Co. said money is to be delivered to the city treasurer to be applied in accordance with the provisions of the ordinance adopted Nov. 2, 1891. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda, Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -9. oes— ld.e,ourn. Carr d. ecorder. 1893. ✓ �.. eAdMayor. 16 Official Notices. Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of January, 1893, the fol- lowing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: Nor the construction of a sidewalk on both sides of Grandvi ew avenue from Delhi to South Dodge streets: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Joseph McCune, Boxleiter's add 3 $15 87 O F Hodge, sub 1. Quigley's sub 3 21 16 II 11 Willmers, sub 38 and 39, Qutg- ley's sub 3 12 30 do do 4 12 30 For the construction of a sidewalk on both sides of Winona avenue from West Third to West Fifth street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't O F Hodge, Deming and Horr'ssub 11 10 34 do do 12 11 00 no do 13 1100 do do 14 11 00 do du 15 1100 do do 16 11 00 do do 17 14 30 John McCoy, McCoy's sub 4 3124 31 02 11 35 1100 11 00 10 78 9 90 do 3 O F Hodge, Deming and Bores sub 18 do do 19 no do 20 do do 21 do do 22 do do 23 9 68 de do 24 9 24 For the construction of a Sidewalk on South Ride of Rhomberg avenue from Reed street to First avenue: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Matilda McClure,McCraney's 1st ad 36 $3 83 do do 37 8 70 Nic and Frank Glab, Ham's add 261. 8 92 For the construction of a sidewalk on South side of Twentyflth street from Jackson to Pine streets: Name Description. Lot. Am't R and E Langworthy, Glendale add No 2 221 $10 91 For the construction of a sidewalk on South side of Twenty-fourth street from Jackson to Pine streets: Name. Description Lot. Am't R and E Langworthy,Gtendale add No 3 223 $15 43 do do 246 14 38 do do 247 14 50 do do 270 14 41 do do 271 1150 do do 294 10 91 For the construction of a sidewalk on South side of Julien avenue from broad street to Delhi street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Key City Electric Street sub 12, min lot Railway, 3 $9 13 do do 2 8 50 do do 1 8 50 J W Stewart, sub 45, Moreheiser's add 16 9 56 J R Weston, do 13 7 65 For the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Southern avenue between Railroad ave- nue and Rowan avenue: 2r ame. Description. Lot. Am't Dubuque Lumber company, sub min lot 39 41 $26 11 J 8 Randall Lumber company, do 42 7 37 do do 43 7 37 do do 44 649 do sub 55 min lot 39 2 38 35 do sub min lot 39 50 11 80 do do 51 8 85 do do 52 44 10 For the construction of a sidewalk on the South side of Fourteenth street from Walnut to Alta Vista street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't W G Cox, sub min lot 90 3 $117 41 Eliza Buehla, min lot 89 6 22 John Flynn, sub city out 740 2 11 14 W W Wilkinson, do 3 1836 For the const, notion of a s'dewalk on north side of Rose street from Walnut to Alta Vista street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't E Williams, Cummins sub 1 $11 17 For the construction of an 8 -inch tile sewer in H111, Burch and West Third street: Name. Description. Lot. Am't Christ Leibfritz, sub 1. sub 3, sub min lot 76 and sub 2 min lot 77 1 $27 51 Emma Rembold, do n 35 ft 2 17 85 H B Backer, do s 16 ft 2 7 65 do do 3 25 50 Anna L Rabbitt, do 4 3366 Mary 1' Sherman. do 5 2397 Gustav F Manstedt, do lot 1 of 6 15 15 Viz Meth Herbst, do lot 2 of 6 15 20 Theresa Stoltz, Deming and Homs sub 1 29. 7 Chas and E Bradley, do 29 4131 Thos Watters, Geo M srtin's sub 1 34 68 Jac Reynoldson est , do 2 34 68 S K Miner, Kiene & Blocklinger s sub n 62 ft 45 and 46 35 19 Amanda M Taf t,n 79 ft s 129 ft 45 and 46 5559 A Hamman esL, s 50 ft 45 and 46 35 70 .W A Leath.rs, Fortune's sub e i4 21. 1102 Mrs Rich Scott, do 8 15 04 7 19 12 1 43 35 Mrs Mary Gordon, do ir E Linusey, sub min lot 75 do do 74 5 H F Brainard, Burch's sub 4 W la' 8 Gilltam, do 3 F H Carberry, do 1 do sub 2 Burch's sub 1 Geo B Burch,sub 2 Burch's sub spt 2 do sub min ',3 1 do sub 2 n'in lot 73 2 do do 3 M 11 Mc :artily, sub min lot 74 1 do sub 1 min lot 72 n pt 1 Jacob Rich, sub 10 of min lot 7:1 n 150 1, - do tdo sub min lot 74 do sub n pt of min lot 7g F W Woodricb, Deming Sr Horr's sub n i.'S P'chard Greenley, do s ii28 I Harris, do 27 J ohn M Kirkpatrick, sub 1 sub 4, min lot 73 .1 do sub 4 min lot 73 2 do sub min lot 96 1 I Ha-. s, Deming Sr Horr's sub 26 do do 25 John McCoy, McCoy's sub 1 J E Wooten, sub 2 sub 3 min lot 76 2 Geo J Vogt, Euettel & Langwor thy's n32ft 6 Regenia Vogt, do s 18 ft 6 oo do n 16 ft 5 Wm C Vogt, do s 34 ft b do do n1. ft 4 Jac Wel'hoefer, do s 49 ft 4 E"zabeth Newberg, sub 3 Euettel & Lan gworthy's add 1 32 95 AlbertNey, do 2 2162 J L Buettel,Buettel & Langwortby's add and', 2 1362 F W Langworthy, do 2 13 62 Wm B Hopkins, trio 1 25 50 Jas O'Farrell, sub min lot 73 8 122 40 A C Buettel, sub 1 sub 2 sub 9 min lot 73 2 74 97 do do 1 7417 L C Bissell, sub 9 min let 73 1 172 13 Wm Harkett, sub 2 sub 2 city out- - lot 735 1 78 54 L G Dolson, sub min lot 78 1 26 52 And that in cage of failure to pay the same within tbi, ty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated -at Dubuque this 17th day of January, A. D. 1893. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. 1632 39 78 39 lei 39 78 8 62 307 78 431-- 4 08 19 63 25 50 58 65 1 11. 47 2 18 36 2 69 85 1913 19 13 38 25 8 57 45 CO 61 34 43 36 72 54 77 120 11 16 32 9 18 8 16 17 34 51 24 99 Notice. To Whom it May Concern : Notice is hereby given that the under- signed commissioners, duly appointed by -the city council of the city of Dubuque, will meet in the city marshal's otfi 3e of the city of Dubuque on Tuesday, the 17th day of January, 1893, at 9 o'clock a. m., for the pur- pose of viewing the change of grade of San- ford street between Elm street and Windsor avenue, as shown by profile now on file in the office of the city recorder, and making assessment of damages, it any are sustained by reason of said proposed change of grada. P. H. HALrtx, N. H. SCHILLING-, J W. PARKER, Jan 4 3w Commissioners. Regular Se&&ion, .Feb. 6, 1893. 17 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1893. Council met at 9:45 o'clock a m. Mayor Pr3 Tem. Peaslee In the chair. Present.—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Oa motion the minutes of the previous meetings were approved as printed. The following bills were allowed: Name. For What Purpose. Amount. L Daily, cleaning around market$ 8 35 John Toussaint, maple wood 43 75 Telegraph, blank books 48 25 John Tihe_y.grading Oak street $7u0, allowed 600 00 Henry Glab, services to engineer's office James Kelly, stationery 15 6a Palmer, Winall & Co , blanks, etc28 75 Herald, indexes and bindii g pro- ceedings, etc 115 62 Jos. J. Rowan, box 50 Mr. and Mrs.Koeuig, janitor se. v.ce 49 00 Theo. Altman, grading Broadway, $582 24. allowed 5C0 00 Wm. Howard, street sprinkling 225 01 Eugene Dietzgen & Jo.,profile paper 1e 00 R. D Kirmse, clock 11 CO P. H. Halpin. bran, brooms, etc 7 50 Sullivan & titampter, sheeting, etc. 15 01 Svendsen & Ott, Iumher 11 10 Ferguson Bros . gas fixtures 26 01 Standard Lumber Co , shaviuge3 75 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing Co . putty 2 75 Key City Gas Co., coal and coke32 11 Charles E. Berry, harness,collars,eto 79 7,1 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware sap - plies 3 12 E. H. Little. Bruce & Co , burners30 Cllwanger Bros., harm ss supplies51 60 Bhristman & Healey, hardware 4 05 Caumgartner & Kite b, nails2 45 E. C. Blake. express charges 4/ Duggan & Kane, oil and salt 1 50 Central Printery, monthly blanks6 51 M. H. Cushing, storage and livery hire 6 00 Hardie & Seharle, 500 bonds, etc56 25 Geo. R. Clark, arch for culvert 4 55 A. Gasser. brick 3 90 J. M. McKenzie, repairs for fire de- partment Baumgartner & Klteh, hatchet and nails 1 15 Iowa Iron Works, repairs 50 T. W. Fitzpatrick, horseshoeing1 50 Lear & Paifoer, horseshoeing 4 00 Thos. Collings, horseshoeing.. 2 00 The bills of G. Gmeble and G Bennett, assistant assessors. of $100 each ordered paid and salary fixed at 4101 per month each, and the auditor instructed to put their names on the pay roll. Bill of P. F. Gathrie of 480.f0, balance due for revising ordinances, ordered paid and contract with Mr. Guthrie ordered canceled. Ald. Crawford moved that all papers in connection with the revision of the ordi- nances be turned over to the ordinance com- mittee and that two more members of the council be added to the ordinance committee to be selected from wards not now repre- sented on the ordinance committee. Carried. Aldermen Smith and Glab were added to the committee. The following bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: $ 25 C. H. Altona 5 82 Carr, Rs der & Engler 25 J. M. McKenzie 2 57 Bewer Bros Consumers' Steam Heating Co 148 80 50 00 F. Schiez Jos J. Rowan Baumgartner & Kle►h John E. Hartig Key City Gas us.... Merkes & Hasler To the enmmacre on fire and water: Zehtner & Vogenthaler $ 2 49 The Adams Co 1 23 E B. Preston & Co 450 00 Dubuque Water Co 1,230 00 Dubuque Rubber Co 402 00 Shipley & Bauman 87 92 To the committee on printing: Herald $ 75 00 Telegraph 58 35 The Times 53 30 Ledger 58 30 To the committee on police and light: Globe Light and Heat Co $ 6583 20 Chas. Het zog 75 Key City Gee Co..... .... 90 Duouque Electric Railway, Light and tower Go 315 80 To the committee on public grounds and building: A. L Trilk $ 125 CO T W. Ruete 2 60 Geo R. Clark 4 70 Henry Geiger 5 90 To the committee on electrical construc- tion: Star Elentric Co $ 843 56 Central Ucion 'telephone Co 390 72 And committee to confer and adjust with the Telephone company. The but of $4 Ut for cleaning snow around the city hall referred to the market commit- tee. Bill of Knapp, Stout & Co Co. of $19 48 referred to the attorney. Bill of Electrical Supply Co. of $S.55 re- ceived and filed. Also bill of Frank Strinsky, $10. Bill of Williams & Bevine, $34 21, referred to the street committee Bill of $75.35 against Dubuque Street Rail- way company and bill of $6: against Du- buque Electric Railway, Light and Power company for hauling snow from streets oc- cupied by their traces were referred to the auditor for collection. PETIT!"NS. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, Peter Colford, Frederica Hemmins, Mrs. Elizabeth Herzog, Julius Hartig,Jose{,h Herod, Burton estate and Mary B Wallis, Henrietta Hoffmann, Mrs. John F. Ham - mann, Mrs. C. H Henderson. C. Hoppe, Mrs. Mlbhael Corbett, Solomon Rupprecht, Rosa Reynolds, Mary C. Reed. Mrs. M. J. Rab- bitt, George F. S shmidt, Mary F. Seward, St. John's church, Henrietta Buehlmann, Mrs. Anna Brechwoldt, Mary Canavan, Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Mrs. Sophia Firzloff, Barbara Isborn, Dubuque Linseed 011 Paint company, Mrs. .C. D. Sullivan, Mre. Peter E. Spahn, W. G Sweeney, S. J. Patch, Mrs. B Mniony, Mrs. Margaret Kolt, Katie Graham. Valen- tine Macnert, Elizabeth Tuegel, Caroline Lenzing,-Mrs. Emit Gehrig, James Donahue, C. H. Little, Bruce & Co., J. H Jeokiin estate, Henrietta Kietzmaun, and Nicholas Marlin. Petition of Grand Opera House company for remibeion of taxes received and filed. Petition of Eureka Gas Saving company, asking permission to attach gas governors to city meters, referred to committee on police and light. Petition for opening of Qieen street re- ferred to shiest committee. Petition of Peter Wiegand, to correct error in deed, referred to the engineer and attor- ney. Remonstrance against sewer on Roberts avenue referred to the sewer committee and engineer. 12 35 13 80 1120 8 65 39 90 12 45 Blurry Page - Hand Templated Regular Session February 6, 1893 W J Cantillion W A Hubert sewer on Hill and West Third Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company D McCaffrey Wilson Avenue P F Guthrie Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Michael Duggan Washington St Frame warehouse Improvement of West Locust St West Dubuque Street Railway Company Hibernian Society saloon licenses C, B, and No Ry Co cleaning sewer U B E L and P Co repairing sidwalks Street Commissioner Carter Joe Reinfried chief of fire department Sewer Inspector Rawson Engineer Blake Marketmaster Norton T J Granfield Chas Pitschner L Palen and Co J Kessler J C Longueville West Third Street Auditor Kenety Resolution Resolved West Locust St and Center streets by Bryan Donahue Finley's Addition Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith, and Stoltz H•.•...d. By the city oouncll of the city of Dubuque, Tbat to pay for Improvement of Broadway ext.n•lon from Diagonal street to Charles Street by Theo Altman,contractor, In frontf and adjoining same,a special tax b. and 1. hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of Iota. and parcels of real estate h.rwioatt.er named, sttaste and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each to tor parcel of real estate, as follows: C. H. Meyer, lot 2, King Grove add: RI 7 lineal feet curbing at 41c $ 13 W 31.141 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 12 84 47.50 sq yds macadam at 45c. 21 87 --$ 47 21 ('. H Meter, lot 3. King Grove add: 5n 5 lineal fe curbing at 41x...1 211 71 :t4 •t; ►q yds guttering at 41c.. 13 80 7s :xi sq yds macakam at 45c. 35 35 f 69 86 C. H. Meyer. lot 4, King Grove add: 111. lineal ft curbing at 4 Lc.... 25 01 41.117 eq yds guttertog at 41c.. 17 49 4074 ty yds macadam at 45e. 42 181 84 68 C. H. Meyer, lot 5, King Grove add: 74 fl Mural ft curbing at 410..E 32 23 rte 33 ey y ds guttering at 41c.. 28 42 9t s•i yds macadam at45c.... 42 301 102 95 C. H Moyer. lot 8. King Grove add: 91 s Imes' ft curbirg at 41c ..1 87 64 1L. 33 .o yds guttertug at 41c.. 28 42 9i ey yds macadam at45o.... 42 801 108 38 C. H Meyer, lot 6 "A," King Grove add: 79 5 lineal ft curbing at 41e...4 82 61 54 33 eq yds guttering attic.. 21 86 SI 51 sq yds macadam at45c.._8 67$ 91 13 John Nagle, lot 8 King Grove add. 70 lineal ft curblog at 41c.... 118 70 46 67 W yds guttering at 41c.. 19 13 7U sq yds msoadam at 45c.. • • 81 50 179 33 John Nagle, rot 7 King Grove add. •4 dosal ttcurbing at 416.... 414 44 Sed eg yds guttering at 41c.... 23 91 54 sq yds maosdam at 45c.... 37 8) 195 20 C H. Meyer, lot 24 King Grove add 815 lineal ft curbing at 41 u... 424 80 40 31 sq yds guttering at 41c.. 16 53 11u 5) sq yds macadam at 45o.. 27 23 C. H. Meyer, lot 25 King's 21 add. t04.411ooal ft curbing at 41c... 423 94 !Vs 91 .q yds guttering at 410.. 15 97 56.40 sy yds macadam at 45c. 26 25 19 D. Mueggsnburg, lot of 29 King's 24add. 94., 5 lineal ft curbing attic , 6101 47 16.131 •q yds guttering at 410. 67 79 24s sq yds macadam at 450... 111 60 D. Mnrggenburg. lot 1 of 29 King'e CS° 86 24 mid. 246 3 Hord ft curbing at 41 e.. $99 75 1(52 67 sq yds guts (ring a1410.. lib 89 246 al yds macadam at 45c... _ 110 70 =277 14 Wm Anners, lot 1, Broadway add: 713 lineal ft curbing at 410 ....9 14 35 14,3t wl yds guttering at 410.. 9 57 4S q yds macadam at 45c.... 15 75$ 39 67 H. J. Roesch. lot 2, Broadway add: 3d lineal ft curbing .t 410 t 14 85 24 Meg yds guttering at 41c9 57 :t1gyds macadamat45c...• 15751 3967 20 Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1S93. H. J. Roesch, lot 3, Broadway add: 35 lil dcuring ntteriing at 41c$ 14 35 0 57 23.3833 sq eq y Ru 35 eq yes macadam at 45e 15 75$ 39 67 H. J. Roescb, lot 4, Broadway add : 35 lineal ft curbing at 41c$ 14 35 23.33 eq yds guttering at 41c9 57 35 eq yds macadam at 45c15 75$ 39 67 H. J. Roesch, lot 5, Broadway add: 35 lineal ft curbing at 41c$ 14 35 23 33 sq yds guttering at 41c9 57 35 sq yds macadam at 45c15 75$ 39 67 H. J. Roesch, lot 6, Broadway add : 35 lift c uttering atat 141c. ,$ 14 35 9 57 23.83 sq ydsguttering 35 sq yds macadam at 45c.... 15 75 39 67 H. J. Roesch, lot 7, Broadway add : 35 lineal ft curbing at 41e....$ 14 35 35.33 sq macadam at 450at 1... 15 75 .. 9 57 35 sq yds$ 39 67 H. J. Roesch, lot 8, Broadway add : 35 lineal ft curving at 41o....$ 14 35 23 33 sq yds guttering at 410.. 9 57 35 sq yds macadam at 45e.... 15 75$ 39 67 H. J. Roesch, lot 9, Broadway add : 35 lineal ft curbing at 41c ...$ 14 35 23 33 eq yds guttering at 41c.. 9 57 35 eq yds macadam at 45c.... 15 75--$ 39 67 H. J. Roescb, lot 10, Broadway add : 58 lineal ft curbing at 41c....$ 23 78 33 sq yds guttering at 41c 15 53 56 sq yds macadam at 45025`0--$ 61 56 Henry Lange, lot 6, Reinfrank's sub: 65 lineal ft curbing at 41c$ 26 65 43 33 eq yds guttering at 41c17 76 65 sq yds macadam at 45e29 25 —$ 73 66 Chris Bulow, lot 5, Reinfrank's sub : 55 lineal ft curbing at 41c8 23 55 36.66 sq yds guttering at 41c15 (3 55 eq yds macadam at 45324 75--$ 62 33 Wm. Bulow, lot 4, Reintrank's sub : 55 lineal tt curbing at 41c$ 22 55 36 66 sq yds guttering at 41c15 03 55 sq yds macadam at 45e.... 24 75 $ 62 33 Jac. Reinfrank, lot 3, Reinfrank's sub: 167.5 lineal ft curbing at 41e..$ 6S 67 133.33 sq yds guttering at 41c. 54 66 252.34 sq yds macadam at 450.113 55 —$ 236 88 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Bill of $102 73 against Theo. Altman for rolling Broadway extension was referred to the auditor for collection REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Olinger, ot the finance committee, re- ported as follows: In favor of having warrants drawn in favor of L Gonner, treasurer, for $1 449 26, being the amount advanced by him during the month of Januar% . Also reported as follows: Your commit- tee on finance to whom was referred the within coupons, amounting to $1 050, beg leave to report that atter a careful examina- tion we find that the payment of the bonds to which said coupons were attached were compromised by the issuance of new bonds to Riggs & Co., New Yo,k, and that all coupons, of which the within are some, be- came null and void when detached from the original bond when same were presented for redemption, and return coupons to C. H. White & Co., New York. Also reported that they had delivered im- provement bonds numbering from 201 to 258 'Delusive, dated Feb. 1, 1893, amounting to $.9.000, to C. H. White & Co , according to findresolution treasure 'sareceipt for Hsame. ereto Repo attached adopted. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted: .Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the finance committee be and are herehy instructed to destroy the is- sue of improvement bonds, issued by ,order of the council Dec. 29, 1893, and dated Jan. 1, 1893, and report to the council at its next regular meeting. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented au ordinance entitled "an ordinance to secure the general health of the city." which was re-referred to the ordinance committee. Ald Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported as follows: In favor of approving the plat of C. H. Meyer's addition. In favor of allowing the following bills: Hussman & Lies $ 3 25 D. W. Rand 10 I0 John Quail 21 25 Peter Kiene 17 85 Nic Theis 6 00 John Melone 49 30 George Welter. 13 35. James Melloy 22 00 • Lavin & Corrance 6 25 In favor of instructing the city auditor to collect X7160 from J 3'. Stamp er and $36 75 from P. W. Crawford as per their agreement for improving Main street abutting their property. Also would report that we have collected $7 51 from Hostord & Gruner for filling, fur which please find treasurer's receipt at- tached, and would recommend that bill of $2 50 against R. O. Gruner be cancelled. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Jordan & Jordan $ 75 Consumers' Steam Heating company123 6U 19 65 Key City Gss company 24 45 Key City Gas company 36 11. Key City Gas company81. Novelty Iron Works 25 Carr Ryder & Engler company 00 T. J Conlin 7 700 3060 P Klauer 61 Byrne Bros 12 900 D.,bnque Mattress company1 00 L. Lindenberg Refer hills ot Dubuque Water Works company $296 38 to committee on fire and water. Rsfer bill of Dubuque Water company of $439 16 to committee on sewers. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor of paying the following bills: $ 20 00 Andrew Reilly 18 75 Andrew Reilly 225 75 Wm. Howard Duhuque Water company 400 00 M. Zwach 50 38 Jos. Geiger ' 4 50 Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported to favor of allowing. the bill of Shipley & Bauman of $74 61 for veterinary services. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the committee on printing, reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of the Herald, $75, and Times,$58 30. Received and filed bill ot the Ledger for printing during December, 1892, as it has failed to fiulfill its contract with the city for publishing notices for the city during said month. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, of the committee on police s Regular Session Et1'. (, 1 ! l: 2 1. and light, reported in favor of paying the bills of the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power Company of $11630, end the Globe Light aid Heat Company of $535. Re- port adopted. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delinquent tax committee. reported as follows: Reduce assessment of H. L Herron on per- sonalty, to 13‘ 0 for 1891. Cancel ass( ssment of John Catoskv estate for 1892. Grant Mrs. McCune six months time at 6 per cent per annum in which to pay special tax for laving of a plank sidewalk abutting her property. Grant petition of Mary C. Blake to pay special assassmeut for laying sidewalk, with- out interest. provided said assessment is paid within ten days. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger of the committee on electri- cal construction, reported as follows: In favor of paying bill of Central Union Telephone company of $10 25, and in favor of paying bill of Central Union 'Telephone company of $10.10 for telephones used by the city officers during Jan. 1893, and the city auditor be instructed to collect said amount from said officers, as shown on ,the within bills. Receive and file bill of Western Electric company of $150 64. Pay the bill of Electrical Supply Company of $8 55. Pay the bill of the Sar Electric Company. (successors of the United States Electric Light and Power Company) of $703 62 for 1311 lights during the month of December, 1892, as per contract. Pay the bill of United States Electric Light and Power Company of $308.07 for electic light during November, 1892. Con- tract price. Instruct auditor to deduct electrician's salary out of warrants ordered drawn for United States Electric Light and Power Company. Report adopted Ald. Crawford, of the sewer committee, recommended that James Lee be allowed $800 on his bill of $885 for sewer across right of way of Chicago Great Western rail- way. Report adopted. Ald. Stoll z moved that Ulrich Ruff be al- lowed 12,590 on his bill of $2 591 13 for sewer on Eleventh street and on Bluff street. Re- port adopted. Ald. Cushing, of the committee on assess- ments, reported as follows: Adverse to the following petitions: A. A. Cooper, Mrs. D. Consor, S. E. Baker, Mrs. Elizabeth Metz, Mrs. Geo. Finn. Mrs. Amalie Voss, Mrs. Cath. Schaeffer and Mrs. H. Krueger. Cancel taxes of the following: Mrs. John Boeeveld, Kate Bannon, Geo. Burkis, Mag- dalena P. Brehm, Rosa Cadman, Mrs James F. Chunning, Mrs. Susan Denell, Jos. Jeff- roy, Mary Vey, Cath Reuter, Cath Sahueller and Mrs. Bitterly. Reduce assessment of Mrs. John R. Waller on city lot 140 to $10,000, and reduce assess- ment on household furniture to $:300 for 1892 Reduce assessment of Jas. O'Halloran on lot 151 East Dubuque add, to 32,200 for 1893. Reduce assessment of DDubuque to Reduce 1, ooden Ware company as 2, s% 3, 19, 20 and s% 18, McCraney's Eagle Point add , to 11,000 Lots 21, 22 and s%23, McCraney's Eagle Point add., to $250. Lots 353, 359 and 360, Ham's add., to 1120. Lots 361 and 362, Ham's add., to $10. Lots 37l and 372, Ham'sadd., o $2CO3Band $200. cancto personalty forr 1892, according to agreement of the council March 3, 1889. Report adopted. Also reported adverse to petition of Henry Gramme. Ald Olinger moved as a substitute that the assessment of Henry Grimme be reduced to $3,200, and that excess tax paid by him be refunded. Carried. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of paying bill of Dubuque Water company of $400 for hydrants at C , M. and St P. yards for the last two _years. Receive and file petition or Dubuque Street Railway company for reduction of assess- ment to $2:1,u00 for ten years. Receive and file remonstances of T. J. Paisley, F. W. Altman, C. H. Berg, Mary B. Wallis and Mary Wilson protesting against paying for the construction of a four -foot sidewalk on Grandview asenue. Receive and Ole communication in relation to a national ship canal conventi.n. Receive and file petition of Dubuque Elec- tric Railway, Light and Power company asking that their assessment be reduced to $10,0 at for a term of ten years. In favor of adopting the following resolu- tion : WHEREAS. The plat and location of the proposed extension of Glen Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West Locust street, as surveyed by the city engineer in the sum- mer of 1890, between Fourteenth street and West Locust street, was not satisfactory to many of the property holders and other par- ties interested in the opening of said street; therefore, Resolved, That sa-d survey and plat be re- scinded and set ask e, and the aldermen of the Fourth ward and chairman of the street committee be appointed a special committee to select and locate a route for said street; that the city engineer be instructed to act in conjunction with said committee, and to make a survey and plat of said street as re- located and file the same in bis office, and give the proper notice to property holders in accordance with chapter 26 of the revised ordinances of 1887. Refer the bill of U. Ruff, of $266.50, to the sewer committee. In favor of paving the bill of Steuck & O'rarrell of 313319 for improving Main street between Seventeenth and Madison streets. Instruct the city treasurer to refund to the United States Electric Light and Power Company $1,OCO deposited by them es secur- ity that they would fuiflll contract tor elec- tric lights awarded to them by the city Receive and file remonstrance of the J. S. Randall Lumber Company against paying special assessment for sidewalk constructed abutting their property, and would recom- mend that the mayor appoint a committee on sidewalks, whose duty it shall be to ex- amine all sidewalks constructed by the city, and that no money be paid on sidewalks un- til same are reported and accepted by the city. Report adopted. RE SOLUTION. Ald. Cushing offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the street commissioner be instructed after March 1, 1893, to employ on city work only such teams and teamsters as shall have complied with the city ordinance in relation to the width of wagon tires. Ald. Crawford offered the following,which was referred to the sewer committee: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be and the same is hereby ordered to be constructed on Ellis street, connecting the same with the sewer in Dorgan alley and extending torth- warily to Almond street, the cost thereof to be assessed to the abutting property. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was adopted. It aE. ppears that lot 2 of block ''3 of Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addition to the city of Dubuque Is subject to be covered with stagnant water; be it therefore Resolved, That J H. Shields, the present owner of said lot be required and hereby le ordered to fill said lot so as to prevent stag- nant water thereon, and that Mr. Shields be 22 Regular Session, Feb. 6, 1893. NOTICE. notified to appear at the next session of this council and show cause, if any he had, why this resolution shall not pass. Aid. Glab offered the following, which was adopted : Resolved, That the committee clerk be in- structed to furnish the council with a list of all manufacturing institutions that have been exempt from taxes during the past ten years, and the date of the expiration of same. Ald. Smith offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, by the City Council of the ( ity of Dubuque. That the Dubuque Water com- pany be and is hereby instructed to extend the water mains from their present terminus on Grandview avenue, near South Dodge street, to south Dodge street. along Booth D edge street to Cleveland avenue, and along Cleveland avenue to Villa street; and the fire committee instructed to locate the nec- essary water plugs along said streets, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Du- buque Water company 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be extended; said extetsion to be completed on or before the first day of June, 1893, so as to enable the city and the inhabitants along said route to procure the necessary water as may be re- quired. Ald. Peaslee offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city treasurer be and is hereby instructed to call in the following street improvement bonds, described as fol- lows: Bonds 1 to 9 inclusive, dated Feb. 1, 1893, at 6 per cent. interest, payable semi- annually to bearer, and sold to C. H White & Co., New York; also bonds 17 to 39,inclu- sive, dated Dec. 1, 1891, at 6 per cent. later - est, payable semi-annually to bearer, and sold to Farsor, Leach & Co., New York, all of above bonds amounting to $20,000. Ald Crawford offered the following,which was adopted: .Resolved, That the chief engineer of the fire department be instructed to report to the council at its next session the names of all persons employed in the fire department. in what capacity and where employed and at what compensation. Also the names of all firemen now in the depart- ment who have been appointed since July 1, 1892, by whom appointed, and if appointed by the chief engineer himself on the recoln• mendatlon of members of the o ncil, the names of the : ldergisa recom r..- . r ing such atme Carri order. 1803. a")-7--1-sf. C -4--///M« yor. Notice to Olean Sidewalk¢. STREET COMM!SPICNER`s OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Jan. 24, 1893.—Notice is hereby given to all parties interested to remove the snow and ice from the sidewalk abutting their prop- erty, within fifteen hours after said snow or ice have accumulated on said sidewalk. Upon failure so to do by the cwner or oc- cupant to remove said snow or ice within fifteen hours, I shall do the same at the e x- pense of abutting property, as provided by ordinance. JoiiN CARTER, Street Commissioner. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of February, 1893. the following spen..l assessments were levies on the real estate hereinafter described, and chat in case the own- ers of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual i qual instalments, the first ins a'lment being due on the date of levy, and the lest instalment six Sears fiom date of levy, a'l bearing interest at the rate 0, 5 per cent. ner annum. Pas'ies wishing to pPy all at once as heretorfore can do so. in case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will be ad- vertised and sold. Dated 41. Dubuque, this 15th day of February, A. D. 1893. Treasurer ofRt he City of Dubuuque. For the Improvement of Hroadway Extension from Diagonal to i :harles Streets - Name Description. Lot. C H Meyer, King's Grove add 2 do do do do 4 do do 5 do do do do 6a John Nagel, do do do 7 C H MdeOyer, dodo 24 2- Deilrich Mugaenherg. sub 29. King's 2d add 3 do do 1 Wm sinners, Broadway add 1 HJ Roeech, do do do do do do do do do do do do 00 8 do do 10 Rheinfranks` sub 8 do 5 do 4 do 3 A m't. 47 21 .89 86 84 68 102 95 108 36 91 13 79 33 95 20 68 66 83 19 280 86 277 14 39 67 2 39 67 3 39 67 4 30 67 5 39 67 6 39 67 7 39 67 39 67 do 9 39 67 do 64 56 Henry Lange, 73 66 C..rls Bulow, 62 33 sem Bulow, 62 33 Jac Rheinfranks, 236 88 NOTICE_ Public notice is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque, heli on the 6t1 . day of February, 1893, the fol- lowing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For the t -eying of a Sinewalk on North Side of Arch Street, Between West Locust and Center Streets— Name. Description. Lot. Am't A Kocbendorfer, Finley's add 44 10 89 do do 43 10 89 d0 do 42 10 89 do do 41 10 89 do do 40 10 89 do do 39 11 55 And that in case of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 15th day of February, A. D. 1893. LAWRENCE GONNER, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. rtreet Commissioner's Ofllice. To whom it may concern: Notice is here- by given that all parties shoveling snow off the roofs of buildings or out of their yards on to the streets or alleys of the city must haul the same away, or such parties will be arrested and prosecuted for obstructing the streets or alleys, as the case may be. JOHN CARTER, 20t. Street Commissioner. Notice. Notice is hereby given that all boys and girls must stop skating and sleighriding on the sidewalks and streets of the city as the same is dangerous to the public and must be abated. All boys and girls caught skating and sleighriding on the public thorough- fares of the city will be arrested and prose- cuted to the full extent of the law. Jan. 4-1m— 135M Rice, CityMarshal. List of City Warrants. 23 LIST OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder during the Month of January, 1893, CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, l DUBUQUE, Iowa. Feb. 1. 1893 j To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLaMSN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1893: Name For What Purpose Amoupt. L Gonner, treasurer, salary for December.$L50 00 L Gonner, do clerk60 00 J C Fitzpatrick, recorder, do 116 70 J M Kenety, auditor do 116 70 John F etemm, assessor, do 125 00 E C Blake, engineer, do 125 00 E S Hyde, ass't engineer, do 100 00 Jas Boyce, do do 100 00 S B Rice, marshal. do 100 00 John Carter, streetcom's'ner, do Joseph Reinfried. fire chtef, do Ed Norton, market master, do F W Wieland, health officer, do C Spiegelhalter,poundmaster, do B Rawson, sewer inspector, do James Bunting electrician, do Henry Henge,park custodian, do John O'Connell, clerk, do Dennis Ryan, police Jonn Raesli, do Bart Cain, d r M O'Connell, do Wm Hennessy, do Wm O'Brien, do Wm Frith, do John Litscher, do P McNerny, do Thos Reilley, do PDunnegan, do ... P Kearney, do J Fitzpatrick, 00 Dan Norton, do James Allen, do ....... John Reuter, do Sam Elmer, do Jas Flynn, do Dan Lavery, do Ed Moore, do M Kilty, do JD Siegrest, do P Sutton, do M Craugh, do J Hoffman, do P Sullivan, do P Powers. do James Carter do John Kintzinger, do M Hardie, do J Murphy, do ••••••••••••••• Wm Klauer, do P Scharf do P McCollins, do P Hanlon. do ............ Geo Rubeck, do John Murphy. do James Daly. fireman.... Job Barnes, do A Straney, do J Murphy, do Wm buoy, do J Schonberger, do T Shea, do Ed Ke as, do M Eitel, do F Stransky, do JEseman, do ............... J Flynn, do •••• J Wiltse, do T Walker, do C Specht, do J Powell, do •••••••• D Ahern, do James Allen, do •••• • B Hippman, do 0 Kannolt, do F (.anabl, d0 A Duccini, do J Ward, d0 F Rosman, do T Flynn, d0 J Driscoll, do . A McDonald. do P Burke, laboorer J Bottoms, do JBets er, do 91 70 75 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 60 00 75 00 46 50 83 35 75 00 70 00 f 0 00 48 35 50 0.) 48 35 50 00 50 0.r 50 00 50 00 50 00 45 05 36 80 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 EO 00 tO 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 CO 50 00 50 00 45 05 50 00 50 00 50 t0 50 00 50 00 50 00 25 00 60 00 80 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 60 10 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 80 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 53 20 80 00 16 50 16 50 5 75 3 00 14 00 MCoyle. do 6 75 John Corbett, do 7 80 J uorcorao, do 5 10 S Collins, do 3:3 75 James Cahill, do 2 70 J Dougherty, do 4 40 Ed Desmond, do 2 70 Wm DeLorimer,toreman 40 M uorsey, laborer 2 70 John Eagan, do 1 36 Dau Fox, do 13 20 John Fix, do 8 10 at Fagan, do 2 70 J Ginzler, do 1 2035 J Haley. do 14 Jas barker, do 4 60 J Kinsella, carpenter 45 50 r Klnnet, laborer 10 15 C Kampman, do 7 45 /41 Kiehl, d0 10 16 Tom Lee, do 6 45 John Lacy, foreman 5 20 H Luck, laborer 1 70 J Mullen. do 2 O5 T Mulqute.ey, 00 11 15 J Mc vulty. foreman.... 24 80 BatcCormack, laborer 2 40 Jas Purcell, do 5 75 D Powers, do 15 55 J Perryon, do 4 05 At Ravenick, do 2 70 N Ravenick, do F ieger, 2 70 do 70 M Ryau, do 70 James Hagan, do 2 70 wm Rieman, do 5 40 John ttaetz, foreman 16 80 J Hoesnor. labor.r. 7 45 A R Stevenson, engineer 1800 00 N Sweeny, laborer J Seitr, do 25 S6 TT Shay, do M Specht, do 8 80 J Whalen, do 5 S0 JJ Wolff, do 50 wm Wilson, do P shear", team 14 95 R Bennett, do 13 40 Haggerty Bros, do 33 10 J ffdo 1g 30 5 TRoKane,meyer, do 12 60 P Linehan, do 3 15 J McColltns, do30 J Met:racken, do 6 30 Mrs Quindvan, do 15 75 John Swink, do 12 33 J S.effes, do 15 30 J Sullivan, do 13 40 H Schmidt, do •I Siogreen, do b 55 John O'Brien, laborer ............. 4550 00 50 Tilos Butcher, do 45 45 Jos Rooney, do .......... WmBawsun, do •••• 42 00 Mikelgo, do 44 60 P McN ulty, do 38 06 Mike White, do 35 85 John Hackett, do 3630 J Perryon, do 47 25 P Lineh»n, team 11 05 K m McGrath, do 9 45 Jeff mcGrath, do Thos McCaffrey, mason 9 75 Ed Norton, board of prisoners 20 80 Palmer, Winall & Co, blank books 2d 50 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware28 00 Standar 1 Lumber company, lumber 20 91 00 A Wunderlich, horseshoeing Thos Hill, repairing hook and ladder.... 11 45 Burt Bros, repairing roller 10 05 Trenk wire works steel wire. 00 Iowa Ironworks, repairing engine 10 0 90 Jos A Palen, drugs 9 30 0 D Smith, piles. 1 50 8 Ba Han, piles 82 Wm Goaff, cleaning vaults 73 82 J F Ris & Bro, sprinklers 18 15 Butt Bros, repairing et. gine80 Geo Fengler, lime 0 L Daly. labor 1 1 5 60 Noonan Bros. labor 3 80 F Scbloz. repairing tools Headford Bros 6 Hutchens, manholes11 00 00 F SSiege, express.— ....... 00 Chas Hillery, labor 4 3 30 00 Christ Burdt, labor Key Lity Insurance Co, insurance on city 80 00 property Key City Fire and Marine insurance 00, 40 00 insurance on city property ..... ......... 24 List of City Warrants. Peter Kir ne & Son, insurance on city 30 00 property Iowa State Insurance Co, insurance on 40 CO city proper'y .......... R Gruner, insurance on city properly. ... 40 OU George L To.beit, insurance on city prop - city... Ins. HomeInsurance Co, insurance on City 20 00 proper. y. .. Firemau's Fund Insurance Co, insurance 20 00 on city proper.y Geu Salot, insurance on city property20 OU American insurance Co, insurance on 20 00 city property 7 00 G is Gros•enor, supplies Henry (slab, ass stunt for engineer 50 00 P S Srrelau, freight on Hush tanks3 40 E M Dickey Co, white waste 5 50 Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitors ... 40 00 Dubuque Water works, hydrants 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do ......... 245 00 G B Grosvenor, stationery 3 :10 John T Kearus, recording plat and deed1 00 John Tibey grading oak street 50U 00 do do do .. 500 00 Theo Aitman, grading Broadway Exten- sion 500 00 L Witter & SOUP, repairing city scales :1 00 City Council Journal, council journals 8 80 Chas Herzog, sawing wood 22 98 (3 A Hoerner, cuspadores 4 20 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails and wire 2 45 J P Stender ach, insuring city property30 OU Michael Farrell, macadam 6 00 Carr, Ryd r & Engler Co, lumber4 62 The Adams Co, window weights 1 23 Lear & Pflffner, hurseshoeing 17 t 5 C u Lempke & Co, repairing harness 2 15 Schroeder & Kleine Co, oil tank and brooms 9 90 The Herald, extra advertising ... ... 15 00 L Daly, cleaning around park 5 50 Dubuque Wooden Ware company, pine wood 4 50 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' association, beds and bedding.... .......... ....... 78 00 C Jacobi, chairs 43 00 P U Hal DU', court costs. ..... 7 80 Standard 011 company, oil 3 50 John Harney, repairing tools 17 75 Smith Printing company, city directory4 00 Western Fireman, advertising 1 25 1' Suhloz, repairing tools 3 6,1 J J Mr Car thy, telegrams 75 Jos Ge ger, glazing 1 0 r Tucker, Maloney & Co, hay 355 05 John Degnan, hay 61 05 E E Frith, removing dead animals 3 00 110 Kenlein, typewriting 1 50 Haggerty Bros, hauliug oats 5 .5 R J Love, pure wood.... 1 50 Lagen & Sloan, horse shoeing 1 00 James Kelly, stationery 6 55 Key City Gas company, coke 18 87 Fraatz & Clark, drugs 14 65 Wm M Greenhow, plumbing 1 10 Duggan & Kane, lye and soapine 1 55 Novelty iron works, bolts 3 97 P Klauer, repairing stoves.... ........ .... 5 90 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 2 00 Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing com• parry, lumber.... 85 J J McCarthy, salary. 125 00 P H Halpin court costs 1 45 J PCooney, court costs 3 20 L Gonner, treasur, r, money advanced 500 00 do do 500 00 0o do do do 500510 0000 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 361 63 Lavin & Corrance. sewer on Hill, West Third and Burch streets 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 52 43 C H Altana, hardware 1 50 Wm M Greenhow, globe 30 Wm 0 Watters, hay 44 80 do do 19 30 do do . 9 40 Bart E Linehan, sewer pipe ........... .. 51 20 do • do . 10 00 Key City Gas Co, coke 9 74 do do 55 55 do do 14 79 Dubuque Wooden Ware company,lumber 26 95 Standard 011 company, oil 4 20 30 00 E M Dicky company, waste 5 50 Duggan & Kane, oil and wicks. 2 40 do brooms and soap7 65 John Toussaint. wood 37 50 Ellwanger Bros, blankets 23 05 Baumgartner & Kleila, hard warP. 17 30 D 0 ggan, Kinsella & Sullivan, tools.. • 9 85 85 P II Halpin, ax e grease ... .... ... .... • • • • . • • • • 50 Western Electric company, electrical sup- 18 03 plies Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing com- 1 °., party, lumber ............. .......... Christman & Healey, hardware 1 7U R Lorenz, half price of overcoats for po- 60 00 live . E ochollian, nalf price of overt oat, for 90 00 police 75 T W Ruete, drugs Iowa Iron works, repairing engine25 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 50 00 Dubuque Water Works, water 20 00 do do do ..... 500 00 do co d0 500 00 do do do 212 00 Ferguson Bros, repairing fountains 42 90 T W Ruete. drugs 2 60 German Catholic Printing company, ad- vertising ...... 50 00 Notional Demokrat. advertising.... 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, do 2,7 50 Tne Herald, do 75 00 The Ledger. do .. 29 15 Dubuque E R, L and P Co, electric light500 00 do do do 166 30 Key City Gas company. gas 108 33 aloba Light and Heat Co, gasoline lights 501 00 do do do 51 67 PeterR Martin, metal polish 1 CO Key City Gas company, gas.. • • . • • • • 9 15 Joe Geiger. repairing city hall... .. 75 I outs Kreps, assistant pour dmaster 37 50 C McElrath, removing garbage 10 00 J Karch, macadam 36 50 John Collios, macadam 19 70 Ba -sett & Meehan, grading Southern ave. 72 50 D W Linehan, improving Iowa street 157 15 N Morgan, macadam ........ M J Hannon, gravel......... 11 28 John Pickley, gravel 22 rw 2 P Quiran, macadam 91 30 U Huff, Seventh avenue sewer 500 00 do do do 35 00 Lavin & Corrance, repairing alley........ 96 27 B D Linehan. repairing tools.. 3 90 Dubuque Wooden Ware company,lumber 14 44 John Bewer, labor 30 00 Svendsen & Ott, lumber. 12 20 Christman & Itealey, nails ........... 3 75 Knapp, stout & Co company, lumber 3 53 Novelty Iron works, repairing roller 6 53 C Sj,iegelhatter, salary .. 7 50 Brown & Brown, grading Seminary street 500 00 do do do 500 00 James Bunting, freight on goods...... .. 1 57 Port and Paving company, repairing side- walks 7 00 Western Electric company, wire 141 81 James Bunting, freight on goods 75 James McCracken, team 1 75 P Stoller, labor.... 75 Wm Quinlan, labor 8 00 R Tr -grills, labor 11 00 Thos Uarkeet, services as architect 200 00 Gomer J Jones, Central Engine house.... 500 00 do do 325 00 do no 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 75 00 do do 188 50 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 455 00 do do 500 00 do do 97 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 466 25 Steuck & O'Farrell,improving Burden ave 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 List of City Warrants. 25 Steuck & O'Farrell,improving Burden ave 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 221 95 Theo Altman, improving Broadway Ex- tension 500 00 do 500 00 do 500 00 do 500 00 do 325 00 Apple street 500 00 do 500 00 do 43 48 do do do do O G Kringle, improving do do Lavin & Corrance, improving alley east of Race street 197 45 do west of Mace street 43:2 86 do improving Rose and Center Place 501 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 500 00 do do 201 67 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list or all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1893. J, C. FI'I'ZPATRICK, Recorder, AN ORDINANCE. To amend an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to establish and regulate markets, and the sale of meats, etc.," being Chapter XVII, of the re- vised ordinances of 1887. Be it Ordained by the City Couizcil of the Czty of Dubuque: Section 1. That Sections one and two of the ordinance described in the tit e hereof, be and are hereby repealed, and the following sections enacted in lieu thereof to wit: Section 1. That the building on Thirteenth Street, between Clay and Iowa Streets. known as the Central Market, or so much thereof as may be used for market purposes, with the ground ad- joining the same owned by the city, with as much of the streets adjacent thereto as may be necessary for the purpose, is hereby established as a public market, and to be kept as suca under the direction of such person as the City Council may appoint to perform the duties of market master. Sec. 2. That the rent of stalls in said market, and of stands on the grounds adjacsnt to the same, shall be fixed by the City Council in each year,ucstallsrto andthe 1s stands may become May,of vacor ant. whenever choice of stalls and stands at the rent fixed by the Council, shall be offered for sale on the prem- ises, by the market master, or city marshal, on the 1st day of May in each year, (or on the 2nd day if the 1st day shall be bunday,) at an hour between 9 o'clock a m. and 4 o'clock p. m.: Provided, that the lessee of any stall or stand have the privilege of leasing the same for an- other year, at the rent fixed by the Council. The sale may be adjourned for good cause, not longer than one week. The highest bidder for any stall or stand shall be entitled to a lease of such stall or stand for the term of one year, on payment to the treasurer of the rent and pre mium, in cash. Leases signed by the mayor and recorder shall be issued to persons entitled there- to. If any stall or stand shall not be leased at the regular sale, or shall at any time become vacant, the Council may appoint a day for leas ing such stall or stand in the manner herein pro- vided. Sec. 3. That the words "markets," "market houses," and "market masters," wherever the same occur in said Chapter XVII, shall be stricken out, and the words "market," "market house." and "market master," substituted in lieu thereof. Sec. 4. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald. Adopted Jan. 6, 1193. Approved Jan. 18,1893. CHA'..T. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Reorder. AN ORDINANCE. To amend an Ordinance entitled "Au Ordinance to regulate elections. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section one (1) of Chapter three (3) of the revised ordinances of 1897, being "An Ordinance to regulate elections," be and is hereby amended by striking out the word "two" in the second line of said section, before the word `judges," and insetting the word "three" (:3) in lieu thereof; also by striking out the word "ward" in the third end fourth lines of said sec- tion, and inserting the word "precinct" in lieu thereof in each or said lines. Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be 1n fo ce Loin and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald. AdoptedJan.9, 1893. Approved Jan. 18, 1893. CIIA4. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FtTZPAT HICK, Recorder. AN ORD[NANOE. To repeal Chapter XIV, of the revised Ordinances of 1857. .Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque : Section 1. That Chapter X,V, of the revised ordinances of 1887, being an ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the election of a city assessor," be and the same is hereby re• pealed. sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication on time in the Dubuque Daly Herald. Adopted Jan. 6, 1893. Approved Jan. 18, 1893. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. To repeal an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the sale and inspection of kerosene oil, etc , the same being Chapter 90, of the re- vised ordinances of 1887. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of .Dubuque: Section 1. That Chapter SC, of the revised ordinances of 1887, be and the same is hereby re- pealed Sec. 2. This Ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication one time in the Du- buque Daily Herald. Adopted Jan. 6, 1893. Approved Jan. 18, 1893. CHAK. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. AN ORDINANCE. To repeal Section nine of an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to provide for adjusting and re- establishing ward boundaries." Be it Ordained by the City Council of the Ctty of Dubuque: Section 1. That Section nine (9) of Chapter two (2) of the revised ordinances of 1887, be and the same 1s hereby repealed. Sec. 2. Thos Ordinance shall take effect from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald newspaper. Passed Jan. 6, 1893. Approved Jan. 18, 1893. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: J. C. FITZPATRICK, Recorder. Regular Session, Jfarch 6, 1S93. 27 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, March 6, 1893. Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Alds. Byrne, Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peat<lee, Smith and Stoltz. a On motion the minutes of last meeting were approved as printed. The following bills were ordered paid : Name. For What Purpose. Amount. B. E. Linehan, white waste $ 60 Smedley Manufacturing Co., slid- ing poles Dubuque Mattress C3., mattresses27 50 Jos. Geiger, glass and glazing at calaboose B. McCormack, cleaning around city hall John Hafey, cleaning around city hall Wm. Flynn, cleaning around city hall Duggan & Kane, sat brooms and matches 5 40 John Callahan, cleaning around city hall 70 N. Ravenick, cleaning around city hall 135 B. McCormack, cleaning around city hall 70 John Finn, cleaniug around city hall 1 35 Excelsior Brass Works, repairing hose coupler 60 Charles Herzog, sawing wood 12 50 Jordan & Jordan, blue print board. 1 25 Bewer Bros., material for binding plats 10 63 American Express Co., express charges on transit 1 75 Reinfried & Jaeger. hardware for central engine house 3 38 Carr, Ryder & Ecgler Co., blue print frame 8 00 Ellwanger Bros , repairing harness for patrol and robe 22 05 Peter Klauer, iron box.. 2 90 Mrs E S. Hyde, binding plats 13 50 Fraatz & Clark, turpentine and oils. 11 10 Standard Lumber company, lumber 55 The Adam' company, castings 12 35 Steuck & O'Farrell, stone delivered on Seventeenth and Sycamore 4 CO streets... P. H. Halpin, matches, bran and axle grease 17 95 Mell H. Cushing, livery hire 9 00 F. Dahlieg, stubs 2 50 Lear & Piiffner, horst shoeing 6 f 0 John Toussaint, oak wood 51 00 L. Lindenberg, vise 60 T. W. Route, drugs J. C. Fitzpatrick, session laws3 20 Merkes & Hassler, bran and salt.... 1 35 G B. Grosvenor, one roll blue print 7 paper 50 Mr. and MrsKoenig, janitors at 40 00 city hall 24 00 Harger & Blish, stationery Barrett's bindery, two binders 4 50 }larger & Blish, stationery 13 65 James Kelly. stationery 4 50 Geo. R Clark, labor on clock tower4 70 Chas J. Brayton. insurance 37 50 Jos. Geiger, labor at patrol house1 50 Cath. Ritter, witness fees 60 Mrs. A. Heim, brick for Eleventh 60 90 street sewer Bart E. Linehan, cement 1 10 Dubuque Rubber and Belting com- pany, rubber boots and washers5 75 Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing 2 50 106 00 1 00 70 35 70 J. M. McKenzie, braces for eliding poles John E Hartig, spring for horse collar Henry Geiger, ,carpenter work, city hall Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser- vices 13 25 Albert Kaualt, horstslioeing 13 00 Lagan & Sloan, horseshoeing 10 50 Thos coffins, horseshoeing 20 (10 E. E Frith, hauling dead animals7 50 Nessler & Jungk, plumbing Eight- eenth street eugine house 103 70 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 6 30 John C Kearns, recording plats3 50 Key City Gas Co, coke 12 43 Lesure Lumber Co, shingles 3 00 Byrne Bros, rent of wagon for patrol 2) 00 Ferguson Bros,plumbing aad repair - Fountains 11 90 The following bilis were referred: To police and light committee: Dubuque E ectric Railway, Light and Power Co $ 223 80 Key City Gas Co 46 90 Globe Light and Heat Co 520 00 Star Electric Co 1,030 57 To the printing committee: The Times Co $ 58 30 The Ledger 29 15 The Herald 75 0) The Dubuque 'Telegraph 29 15 To the committee on supplies: Farley & Loetscher M'f'g Co $ 40 Central Union Telephone Co .. 19 75 E d. Preston & Co 450 00 To nommittee on fire and water: Dubuque Rubber and Betting Co$ 11 25 Dubuque Water Works 1,235 00 To committee on public grounds and buildings: Zehetner & Vogenthaler $ 5 93 Thos J. Carkeek 122 W To the city attorney : Fred Beyer $ 60 To spec'al committee and public grounds and buildings committee: Ferguson Bros $ 748 51 To special committee: Ferguson Bros $ 51 54 Bill of H. L. Conger of $11 2i fur First ward scales was received and filed. Bill of city against C. B & N. Railroad Co. of $7.00; the auditor instructed to col- lect same. 9 50 35 5 90 PETITION 5. The following petitions were referred to the commit.ee of the whole: Petition of the Dubuque Casket Co. asking for exemption from taxation for ten years. Petition of Edward Conlan et al. asking that Rush street be improved. Petition of W. J. Woods et al. asking that Villa street be improved. Petition of Nio Feller et al. asking that the alley between Sanford and Regent and Prince and Queen streets be improved. Petition of Michael Mahoney asking that South Locust street be improved. Petition of John Bonfield. Chief of Secret Service World's Columbian Exposition, ask- ing that the city detail two officers for ser- vice at the Columbian Exposition. Petition of Wm Below et al. asking for the opening of Twenty-sixth street and agreeing to pay part of the expense. Petition of Capt. R Kimbel asking for as- sistance to run the Eagle Point ferry. Pettition of James Cushing & Son Com- pany et al. asking that West Eagle Point avenue be improved Petition of Miohael'Zack et al. asking that Reis street be improved. Petition of Capt. R Kimbel in regard to the landing at Eagle Point. Petition of Fred Mussehl in regard to change of grade on Windsor avepue. Petition of August Roeber in regard to Regular Session, Nardi 6, 1893. water way on Fifth avenue, Ham's addition. Communication iof John Pickley asking that he be relieved from bond of Adam Schmidt, deceased, on contract for improv- ing Alma street. Petition of John H Bradley, et al., for change of grade on Union avenue, and engi- neer to prepare profile of said proposed change. Communication of C. H White & Co. in regard to bonds was referred to the finance committee. Claim of Julia E Lewis for personal dama- ges was referred to the committee on claims. Petition of J A. Rhomberg, asking that two gasoline lamps be placed ou Prospect street, was referred to the committee on police and Light. Petition of C. H. Wilmott, et al., asking that the water mains be extended on Cornell, Thomas. Pickett and Alma streets, was re- ferred to the committee on fire and water. Petition of the Hibernian Society and Ma- chinists Union, asking tor use of the Armory for dancing purposes, was granted and re- ferred to the committee on public grounds and buildings to have said societies deposit a sufficient amount with the treasurer to pay all expenses that may be caused by their use of said hall. Petition .of Mrs. H. Deckert that she be al- lowed to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full for 1892 Granted. Petition of Philip Pier for permission to move frame building on Seventh ani White streets to rear of lot. Granted Communication of W. W. Wieland, health officer. in relation to having the water fur- nished by the Water Works company exam- ined and analyzed. Referred to the health officer with power. Petition of Henry Riker for establishment of grade on Wilde street. Granted, and the engineer instructed to prepare profile of grade. Claim of Brown & Brown of $400 nn esti- mate for grading Seminary street. Allowed. Claim of D. W. Linehan of 32.25 for mac- adam. Referred to the street committee. Claim of F. W Wieland against a city employe for professional services. Referred to the chief for collection Petition of the Grand Opera House com- pany that they be allowed to nay their li- cense for the years 1892 and 1893 at the rate of $50 per annum. The rule were suspended and J. H. Shields, on behalf of said company, addressed the council on the matter. Ald. Stoltz moved that the'petition of said company be granted.s.Carried. Petition of James Doyle for weighmaster in First ward. Referred to the aldermen of the First ward to report later. J. H. Shields also addressed the council in relation to filling lots abutting Warren street, and stated that he was willing to fill said lots as soon as Warren street was filled so that he would be able to gain access to his property. Referred to the street com- mittee to confer with J. H. Shields iu rela- tion to filling Warren street and abutting property. Remonstrance of Peter Holz et al. against paving Couler avenue was read. Action postponed until afternoon session. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax com- mittee: Caroline Mertsis, Dubuque Social Turn Verein, Mrs. Hinz, Mrs Mary Shay, Bridget Brennan, Jas. Beach. Mary M. Oesterberger, H. S. Winall, Mrs. Mary Fox, Mrs. Anna Schnell, Thos. Mulqueeny, Margaret Mul- queeny, Mrs. W. Lippert, Mrs. C. Mahony and A. Munsell. Also communication of the city assessor in relation to erroneous assess- ments. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Kenety reported as follows: Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1893, $56.694 10. Re- ceipts during the month, $81,757 86 Dis- bursements during the month.$130,750.96. Balance on hand March 1, 1893, $7,70L.00. Also returned bill of city again ,t J. F. Stampfer for improving Main street, said Stampfer recusing to pay same. Also reported $1,535 30 due officers for month of February, 1893. Also presented a list of coupons redeemed during month of Febru- ary. 1593. Warrants ordered drawn to pay city offi- cers, and report refered to the flnancd com- mittee. City Marshal Rice reported $1.824.85 due the police for the month of February, 1593. Also reported 64 police cases during the month. Also reported $33 fines collected in city ordinance cases. Also $66 35 collected on short term saloons. Also collected $11.00 from old opera house for license. Also col- lected $2 4 • from Dubuque Water company for electrician's services. Als3 reported 64 patrol runs during February, 1593. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,501 50 due firemen during February, 1893. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen. Street Commissioner Carter reported $986 90 due for labor during February, 1893; also presented itemized statement of road expenses Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Also presented statement showing amount of snow hauled from the alleys. Referred to the street committee to report at the after- noon session. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $458.25 due for labor on sewers during Feb 1893. Received and filed and orders ordered drawn to pay the same. Committee Clerk O'Connell submitted a List of manufacturing and ocher institutions, that have been exempt or granted reduction in taxes during the past ten years. Referred to the committee of the whole. Police Justice Gratz reported $6 75 due in city ordinance cases. Received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay same. Fire Chief Rein tried submitted the follow- ing which was ordered made a matter of record. To the 1To)morable. Afayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—In compliance with your order of Feb 6, 1893, instructing me to give a list of the firemen employed in the fire de- partment, the r positions and compensation; also a list of flrem-n appointed since July 1, 1892, by whom appointed, and on whose recommendation they were appointed, I herewith submit the same to you: NO 1 ENGINE COMPANY. Name. Postion. Salary. M. Eitel, captain y60 00 J. Essman, engineer 75 00 A. Duecini, stoker 50 00 John Flynn, driver, (engine) 60 00 John Wilts, driver, (hose cart) 60 00 T Walker, hoseman 50 00 James Powell, hoseman 50 00 C. Specht, hoseman 50 00 NO. 2 ENGINE COMPANY. James Daly, captain $60 00 Job Barnes, engineer 75 00 A. McDonald, stoker 50 00 J. Murphy, driver, (engine) 60 00 Wm. Duty. driver, (hose cart) 60 00 J. Schonberger, hoseman 50 00 T. Shea, hoseman 50 00 Ed Keas, hoseman 50 00 IIGOK AND LADDER COMPANY. A. Ahearn, captain 60 00 James Allen, driver (i0 00 W. Hippuran, electrician 60 00 C. Kaunalt, tillerman 50 00 Regular Session Narch 6, 1S93. 29 F. Ganabl, truckman 50 00 James Ward, truckman 0 00 (leo. Collison, truckman 50 LO CHEMICAL ENGINE COMPANY. F. Reesman, captain 6 0 00 F. Flynn, driver R0 p0 A. Straney, pipeman 50 00 James Rooney, pipeman 50 00 Of the above the following were appointed since July 1, 1892: James Powell, C. Specht, A. McDonald and James Rooney. Said men were appointed ley me on my own responsibility, as to their qualifications for the positions they were to fill, and no personal recomendation of any alderman, or other person, influenced me in said appoint- ments. Respectfully submitted. JOE REINFItIEo, Chief. Marketmaster Norton reported $18 25 col- lected on scales during Feb. 1893; also re- ported $22 05. the percentage due the city on hog scales for the season ending Feb. 1, 1893: also reported $S 60 due him for board of prisoners during Feb. 1893. Iteceived and filed, and warrant ordered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. Chas. Pitsrhner reported $3 00 due the city on scales in West Dubuque for Feb. 1893. Re- ceived and filed, Woodmeasurer Smith reported $5.88 due city as percentage for months of January and February, 1803: also asked that he be al- lowed to retain all fees collected by him as woodmeasurer. Referred to the committee of the whole. Mrs. Henry Deckert reported $4.90 due city on scale receipts for Dec. Jan. and Feb. 1893. Report received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported $3 75 due the city for scale receipts during Feb. 1893. Received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read for the first time, "An ordfnance to provide for the re- vision of the ordinances of the city of D buque and their publication in book form. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—None. On motion the rules were suspended and the ordinance read by its title for the second time, and placed on its final passage by 'the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz -10. Noes—None Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: In favor of filing the report of the city auditor for January, 1893. That they have destroyed the "Improvement bonds" issued by order of the council Dec. 29, 1893, and dated Jan. 1, 1893 Also reported in favor of drawing warrants in favor of L. Gunner, treasurer, for 12,253.88 for money advanced during February, 1893. as per receipts at- tached. Report adopted. Ald. Olingar, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported in favor of paying the following bills: J. M. McKenzie $ 25 consumers' Steam Supply Co 148 80 F. Schloz 12 85 Merkes & Hassler 12 45 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co 25 Bewer Bros 2 57 John E Hartig 8 f5 Jos. J. Rowan 13 8u C. H. Altona 25 Baumgartner & Kteih 8 20 Report adopted. Ald. Stoltz, chairman of tha committee on fire and water reported in favor of paying the following bills: Zebetner & Vogentbaler $ 2 49 Dubuque Water Co 1,270 00 Dubuque Water Co :96 39 Report adopted. Ald. Smith reported as follows: In favor of paying the bill of The Herald $75 00 The 'Telegraph 29 15 The Times 29 15 and in favor of receiving and filing the bill of the Ledger of $58 30 for official printing for December and January as said Ledger failed and neglected to publish the notices of the city as required. Bspert adopted. Ald. Byrne of the first ward reported as follows on the petition of James Doyle for weigher of the first ward scales: In favor of granting the petition of James Doyle for weigher in the first ward. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and Mr. Aller - dyne addressed the council in relation to the water furnished iu his building by the Water works company. Ald Peaslee moved that the health officer be instructed to have water furnished to said building analyzed. Carried. The annual reports of officers were re- ferred to the finance committee to have the same published in pamphlet form. Ald. Cushing moved to adjourn to o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 p. m. Mayor Saunders in the chair. Present—Ald. Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Olinger. Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Page, chairman of the police and light committee, reported as follows: In fa- vor of paying the bill of the Key City Gas company, $9 45, for gas for patrol. In favor of receiving and filing the bill of the Key City Gas company for gas in the armory. in favor of paying bill of Key City Gas company, of $39 90, for gas for central en- gine house In favor of paying bill of Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company, of $355.80, for electric light. In favor of paying $500.f0 on hill of Globe Light and Heat company, for gasoline lamps. In favor of granting permission to the Eureka Gas Saving company to attach their gas governors to the city gas meters on trial as asked tor. In favor of receiving and filing the report of the electrician in regard to gasoline lamps. In favor of paying the bill of Chas. Her- zog, of 88 75 for sawing wood for city hall. Report adopted. Ald. Byrne arrived at 2:30 p. m. Also presented the following, which was referred to the committee on police and light and electrical construction, with power to see that provisions are made to light the out- skirts of the city • Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the use of gasoline lamps be discontinued from and after March 14, 1893, the date of the expiration of the present contract with the Globe Light and Heat Co. Ald. Cushing, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of cancelling the taxes of the fol- lowing named parties for 1892: Henrietta Keitzman, Mrs. Caroline Lenz- ing, Mary F. Seward, Mrs. Michael Corbett, Margaret Kolf, Mrs. H. Lahey, Mrs. Eliza- beth Metz. Peter Uolford, Mrs. Mary Cana- van, Henrietta Buehlman and Mary M. Mc- Laughlin. In favor of cancelling personalty of Mrs. C. H. Henderson for 1892. In favor of cancelling assessment of J. 11. Jecklin estate on personalty of $2,200 fur 18.92. 30 Regular Session March 6, 1893. In favor of cancelling assessment of Kate Graham of $1,000 on moue) s and credits for 1892. In favor of cancelling assessment of Anna Breckwoldt on moneys and credits for 1S92. In favor of reducing assessment of Emil Reh on moneys and credits to :S1 000 for 1892. In favor of allowing Salome Rupprecht to pay one-half her taxes as payment in full for 1892. In favor of reducing the assessment of Mrs. Emil Gehrig on lots 7, S and 9, Finle)'s addition, to $650 for 1592. In favor of allowing Geo. F. Schmidt to pay one half his taxes as p'yment in full for 1892. In favor of reducing the assessment of Mrs. M. J. Rabbitt on west 35 feet city lot 653 to $1,500 for 1892. In favor of reducing the assessment of the Consumers Steam Heating Co. to $10,0;0 for 1892. In favor of allowing Mrs. F. Hennis to pay one-half of h_r taxes as payment in full for 1892. In favor of reducing the assessment of the Iowa Trust and Saving bank to $202,5011 for 1892. Also report adverse to the following peti- tions. Johanna Thielan. Rosa Reynolds, Julius Hart'g, Dubuque Linseed Oil Paint Co., Mary Driscoll, W. G. Sweeney, A. J. Patch, Mrs. B. Maloney, Mrs. Sophia Firzloff, Bar- bara lsborn. Mrs. C. D. Sullivan, Mrs. Peter E. Spahn, Elizabeth Tuegel, Nicholas Marlin (on water tax), St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, Mrs. John F Ham- man, Joseph Herod, Burton est., Mary B. Wallis, Elizabeth Herzog, Charles Hoppe. Report adopted• Also report adverse to the petition of Jas Donahue for reduction of assessment on n 23 feet city lot 105. Ald. Glab moved that the assessment of Jas. Donahue be reduced to $3,000 for 1892. Carried. Also reported adverse to petition of Mary C. Reed. Ald. Olinger moved that her assessment be reduced to $800 for 1892. Carried. On motion the following petitions were referred back to the committee for further consideration : Mrs. Mary A. Johnson, Hen- rietta Hoffmann and Valentine Mackert. Ald Peaslee, of the electrical committee, reported in favor of paying the bill of the Star Electrical company of $841. Also mov- ed that the several electric companies be de- ducted for lamps not properly lit according to report of city electrician, and the auditor instructed to collect same. In favor of paying the bills of the Central Union Telephone company and the auditor instructed to collect same from the different officers as shown ou said bills, and hold amount due the city from said Central Union Telephone company. Report adopted Also presented a proposition from the Central Union Telephone company and moved that the ordinance committee draft an ordinance iu compliance therewith. Car- ried. Ald. Page. chairman of the sewer commit- tee, reported as follows: In favor of approving of the plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer on Em- met and St. Mary's streets. In favor of accepting the sanitary sewer on West Fifth street, Wilson avenue and alley east of Wilson avenue. ca In favor of granting the remonstrance of property owners on Roberts avenue against construction of sanitary sewer on said street, and would recommend that the con- tract awarded to D. W. Linehan for said work be cancelled and annulled. In favor of paying the bill of Dubuque Water works of $4S9.16 for water for flush tanks the past s ear. In favor of allowing U Ruff *28 for extra work done on West Eleventh street sewer. le favor of paying bill of Norton A. Lee of *25 50 for extra work on West Locust street sewer. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of delaying action for the present on the petition for the improvement of West Locust street. In favor of allowing Knapp, Stout & Co. company, permission to run a spur track on Washington street, as shown on accom- paniug plat, to be at the pleasure ot the council,and subject to such res riction as the city council may determine just and proper. Ia favor of rejecting the award of the commissioners appointed to assess damages by reason of the proposed change of grade of Sanford street, and that warrants of $2 each be drawn in favor of said commis- sioners. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat from actual survey of a lane 8 feet wide. extending from the eastern line of Catherine street extended,to West Locust street, and proceed in accordance with sec- tion 2 of Chapter 26 of the revised ordinances of 1887. In favor of placing the assessment of the Dubuque Pressed Brick company on realty and personalty used and owned by them iu their bus ness at $10,000 for a term of ten years, commencing Jan. 1, 1893, and the or- dinance committee is instructed to draft an ordinance in compliance with the above. In favor of allowing J. P. Schroeder & Co. permission to use parr. of Washington street, abutting lots 18 and 19, city, for warehouse purposes at the pleasure of the council, said J. P. Schroeder & Co. to pay the city at the rate of $25 per annum for the time they are allowed to occupy said premises. In favor of rejecting the award of the jury as returned for the opening of Oak street,and in favor of accepting the award of jury for the extention ot State street, and the treas- urer instructed to deposit $550 in the treas- ury, being the award of said jury on said street, to be paid when the proper deeds for said land are given to the city, and that warrants for $2 each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Report adopted. Atso reported as follows: In favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improve- ment of Clay street from Third street to Eighteenth street. Ald. Stoltz moved that action be postponed. Carried. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of Eighteenth street, which upon motion was laid on the table. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of Cou- ler avenue, which upon motion was laid on the table. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of Fourth street from White to Main streets. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Ald Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Noes—Ald Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Page and Stoltz. Also reported in favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of West Main and Jones street. Lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Glab, Olinger, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Noes—Aids Byrne, Cushing and Page. Also reported in favor of deferring action on the resolution for the improvement of Iowa street Report adopted. Petitions of property owners remonstrat- ing against improving Clay street and Couler avenue, were taken up and on motion re- ceived and filed. Regular Session March 6, 1893. 31 Ald. Glab, chairman of the street commit- tee, reported in favor of instructing the street commissioner to collect at the rate of 40 cents per load for hauling now from al- leys, also find that the snow hauled from streets was taken from the gutters along the different streets. Report adopted. RE9OLUTIONs. Ald. Crawford offered the following,which was adopted: WHEREAS, The Dubuque Pressed Brick company bas purchased the ground known as the Fairmount Park addition, for the pur- pose of establishing an extensive plant for the manufacture of pressed brick. and also, if practicable, of brick for street paving, which enterprise, if carried into successful execution, will be of great benefit to the in- terests of the city, but as to some extent in the nature of an experiment. Therefore. Resolved, That the assessment of said Fair- mount Park addition shall be fixed, for the ten years, commencing Jan. 1, 1893, at $10,- 0110 each year, which shall include all im- provements erected on said ground by said Dubuque Pressed Brick company for man- facturing purposes. Provided, That this resolution shall be and remain in force only on the expi ess condi- tion, that the sato Pressed Brick company shall establish and maintain a plant for the manufature of pressed brick on the ground above described, and from and after July 1, 1893, shall employ in said manufacture at their plant on said ground, during at least nine months of each year, an average of not less than twenty-five (25) men. And, provided further, that the provisions of the foregoing resolution fixing the amount of the assessment of . aid property of the Pressed Brick company shall only relate to such portions of said Fairmount Park addi- tion. as is, or may hereafter be owned by the Dubuque Pressed Brick company. and shall not apply to any part of said addition,or any lot in the same, which have been or may be sold to other parties. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That in adopting the resolution fixing the assessment for taxation of the north half of Block "C" in Booth's addigion at $3.150 for ten years, passed Sept. 3, 1892, in favor of the Adams Manufacturing com- pany, it was the intention of the council that such assessment should include all im- provements erected on said real estate for manufacturing purposes. Ald. Crawford offered the following,which upon motion was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Resolved, That the city will pay all just bills for the heating and lighting of the Central Engine House up to March 1, 1893. Ald. Crawford offered the following which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Lincoln avenue, between Couler avenue and White streets, be graded - ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvemenc,and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the perfor- mance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Ald. Peaslee offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the assessment for 1893 on city lots 141 and 143 be placed at $30,000. Aid. Olinger offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That all teamsters complying with the ordinance in relation to wide tires on or before the first day of May, 1893, shall be exempt from team license for the ensu- ing year on presentation of a certificate to the city marshal that they have complied with the ordinauce, and the marshal is in- structed to take notice of above order. Ald. Stoltz offered the following which WWI adopted : Resolved, by the City Council of the ( ity of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Street rail- way company be, and are hereby notified to operate their line of street railway to its ter- minus and Eagle Point, according to their charter, ane any failure on their part to comply forthwith with above order, shall be considered as presumptive evidence and cause for the city council to revoke that part of their charter. Ald Smith offered the following which was adopted : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and is hereby directed to advertise for bide ac- cording to plans and specifications for the erection of the cottage on the First street park. The award of the jury on widening of Weigel alley was taken up, and Ald Peaslee moved that the award be accepted and that V the treasurer be instructed to set aside $801 in the treasury, being the award of said jury. Ald. Olinger offered as an amendment that the report be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald Peaslee moved that warrants for $3 each be drawn in favor of the jurors. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that bids be opened for the improvement of Broad and Dodge streets, and alley between Providence and Lincoln, and Johnson and Windsor avenues. Ald Olinger offered as au amendment to defer action. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Cushing, Glab, Olinger and Page. Noes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. The vote recurring on the original motion was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz Noes—Aids. Cushing, Glab, Olinger and Page. The bids were.opened and referred to the engineer tor computation. Petition of T. H. Do son et al., asking for fire protection on the hill, was referred to the committee on fire and water: also the matter of fire protection at Eagle Point. City Electrician Bunting presented a list of electric lights without globes, and on mo- tion the auditor was instructed to deduot and collect full amount for past month on said lamps Bill of Henry Glab of $50 for assistant in city engineer's office was ordered paid and his name to be placed on the pay roll. Petition of the S. A. Wolcott Lodge No. 60 of Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen asking use of armory for benefit ball, was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Profile of sanitary sewers in second dis- trict was referred to the sewer committee. Plat of Jecklin's sub referred to street committee. Plat of Muegenberg's sub referred to street committee. Plat of sub of lot 5 of min. lot 80 referred to street committee. Plat of proposed alley between Valerie street and West Eagle Point avenue was re- ferred to Ald Cushing to secure the slgua- tures of abutting property owners to said plat. The following judges and clerks for the spring election were appointed. 32 _ egular Session, March 6, 1893. FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Judges, Thos. Kenneally, Thos Byrne. Pn1l. Pier; clerks, Thos. Finn, Tnomas J Burns. Second Precinct—Judges, Nic. Ryan, Ed Pauls, Denis Smith ; clerks, Ed Reddin,For- rest Langworthy. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—Judges, Peter Altman,Chas, Mehl, Louis Brio, Jr.; clerks, J. W. Hoff- man, Chris. Miller. Second I-recinct—Judges, H. H Smyth. R. Eddy, Thos. Johnson; clerks, J. P. Quigley, 1. Cleminson. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Judges, John Pier, Wm. Brown, John Wunderlich; clerks, Frank Udall, Joe Myle Second Precinct—Judges, Franz Scherr, Al. Walters. James Hayes, clerks, Charles Altona, P Bewer. Third Precinct—Judges, Anton Vogel,John C. Althauser, Leo Palen; clerks, Charles J. Flynn, R. Butler. FOURTIT WARD. First precinct—Judges—Ed. C. Peaslee. P. W. Crawford, Al. Matthews; clerks, Tom Loftus, E. Anderson. Second precinct—Judges—A. Frudden, Ed. Blake, Ed. Royce; clerks, Chas. Pitsch- ner, J. W. Coy. Third Precinct—Judges, James Lee, Chris. Voelker. Geo. R. Clark; clerks, Dwight M. Cram, Rob. Lee. FI I'TII WARD. First Precinct—Judgts. John Zimmerman, Joe Kaufman, D. Hoffman; clerks, John Hanover, Henry Schilling. Second Precinct—Judges. F. J. Stoltz, I. K. Beekman, N. P. Nicks, clerks, E. Somer- feld, Frank Duetscher. Third Precinct—Judges, A. Hainer, F. Doerscb, Chris Capritz; clerks, H. Hahn,W. Eichman. Fourth Precinct—Judges, E. Frith, Paul Bewer, L. Doerfler; clerks, Wm. Maybanks, N. Engle. Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn. A ld. Crawford moved as an amendment to adjourn to March 15. Lost. The original motion was carried and the counci 4- dj y rned. Atte ezeta4...dcR corder / " 1893. giyyyl_ '✓ Mayor. s Regular Session, April 6, 1S93. 33 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, April 6,1893. Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Saunderein the chair. Present—Alda. Byrne Crawford. Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. On motion the minutes of the previous session were approved as printed. The following bills were allowed : Name. For What Purpose. Amount. Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware $ 1 9J Harger & Blish, stationery 13 80 J. F. Ris, hardwire 2 40 John Butt, blacksmith repairs 80 Thos. Hill, blacksmith repairs... 1 95 Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser- vices 26 50 Geo. Welter &Jas.Melloy, macadam 6 27 Thos Cain, labor putting up booths 4 00 John Wickam, " 4 00 G. Jacobi.ofce chair 6 00 Revere RubberCo., 250 feet hose187 50 E B. Preston & Co., 5 0 feet hose450 00 Western Rubber and Belting Co , 250 feet hose 200 CO Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., six Champion glass screws 3 00 E M Dickey Co., white waste and brooms ▪ 17 80 P. E Strelau, use of team 50 Philip Pier. coal .... 53 14 Harger & Blish, stationery 37 85 Sveudsen & Ott, lumber 3 95 Key City Gas Co . coke .. 38 47 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 500 feet hose 400 00 W. H. Torbert, drug supplies 9 44 Standard Lumber Co., shavings 1 50 G. N. Raymond, basket, etc 4 35 Peter Klauer, hammer tack.' etc3 55 Cornelius Ryan, Jr., rolling Grand- view avenue. 250 00 P. H Halpin, clerk, court costs in Helen Larned case Harger & Blish, stationery Chas. Hai zog, sawing wood Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, services as janitor P. Stoffer. cleaning around market N Raven'ck,cleaningaround market L.Corcoran,cleaniug around market F. Siege, cleaning around market Mrs. Mary Drees, cleaning around market J. 0 Fitzpatrick, compiling and re- visit g ordinances Headtord Bros and Bitchiest, man- hole covers German Catholic P tubing Co.. ad- vertising Zehetner & Vogenthaier, worst on sewer pipe, etc E. E. Mrith, removing dead animals Peter Klauer, covering patrol house roof Wm. S. Molo plumbing Bart E. Linehan, cement, etc Lear & Pfiffuer, horseshoeing John Toussaint, wood Peter Klauer, hardware J. W. Wittmer, drugs G. A. Hoerner, six cuspadores John Mundt, services saving side- walk... Theno & Wertenbrucb, rubber boots Svensden & Ott. lumber John Trexler, oil Harger & Blish, box G. J. Jones, lockers. lining hay loft, etc , at Central engine house Palmer, Winall & Co., assessment books, etc 90 60 5 05 10 00 40 CO 1 2 05 70 2 50 50 400 00 24 00 50 00 5 98 13 50 101 40 12 80 74 00 3 00 18 00 10 75 5 40 3 00 4 00 325 11 20 30 1 50 677 50 30 50 D. D. Nitterauer, hauling hose Frank Siege, A. Fuhrman, •' " L Daly, •' J McC Bins. '• " Wm McLaughlin. " Jae, Tobin. " Steuch & O'Farrell, resetting curb John Gauahl, horsesboeiug and re- pairs Lear & Pfiffner, Ihorseshoeing A. W uuderlich, horseshoeing and repairs. ............... .. ... W. Gruber, hardware G B Grosvenor Co.. eta lonery Thos T. Carkeek, balance for plans and superintending Centrai en- gine house 123 00 Jamey Kelly, stationery 67 75 Peter Kiene, macadam 3 90 J. W. Wittmer. brush 55 Knapp Stout & Jo. company, lum- ber 3 59 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, firemen's coats 11 25 Palmer, Winall & Co., marshal's record 12 00 Byrne & Saui, work ou Main street. 25 00 Peter Klauer, *epairs 50 E. B Preston & Co , hose wagon450 00 W. W W ormocd, care of town clock 73 00 John M. Fiizpatrick,labor and team, putting up and taking down booths 61 00 John Westercamp, assisting iu put- ting up and taking down booths10 00 Cabinet Makers' association, chairs and tables for election 3 00 Ham & Carver, supplies for election 104 9J Telegraph, supplies for election and stationery 184 33 McDermott & blow. pluinbiug 4 95 The following bills were referred: To the committee on supplies: Trexler Bros Electrical Supply company Dr. J F. McCarthy Carr, Ryder & Engler Dubuque Wooden Ware company Ferguson Bros Reinfried & Jaeger W. G Watters Dubuque Wooden Ware company To the street committee: Lavin & Corra ce 110812 00 24 Theodore Altman B. D Leneban 7 3u To the printing committee: 58 30 The Times Co The Ledger 29 15 The Herald 75 01 The Telegraph 29 15 To the committee on police and light: Star Electric companv $1,077 09 Western Electric company... 2 93 Globe Light and Heat company 500 00 Dubuque Electric Railway Light 21530 1 50 100 1 50 50 1 00 1 00 150 1 20 100.5 3 50 2 00 1 55 15 70 20 00 7 60 2 00 4 50 3 35 27 95 2 00 14 56 27 fit and Power company Key City Gas company To the electrical committee: 64 00 E. B. Chandler & Co.... $ Central Union Telephone company20 25 To the committee on fire and aster: Dubuque Water company A1,245 00 To the committee on public grounds and buildings: $ 374 20 G. J Jones To the sewer committee: $ 85 00 Norton & Lee The bill of the Misses Rafferty of $5 for meals served judges and clerks of election received and tiled. Bids against Dubuque Street Railway company. $12.75 and Dubuque Itlectric Hall- way Light and Power company, $8.30, re- ferred to the auditor for collection. 68 40 34 Regular Session, April 6, 1893. Ald Crawford moved that warrants for $10 each be isters of election, and that n tn favor ot e warrant tor$5 each be drawn in favor of the judges and clerks ot election. Also that warrants for $10 each be Brawn to pay for the use of the pl-ces where the election was held, and where the registration was held. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the wh ale: S. P. Wadley for extension of Dodge street sewer Charles Klingenberg in relation to wash- out of tote 1 and 2 in Charles Klingenberg's Fourth sub division, and askiug that same be filled. Petition for improvement of High Bluff street. Petition for improvement of Leibnitz street, north of Harold street Petition of Asa Horr for cancellation of taxes and that the taxes paid by him for 1889, 1890 and 1891 on Farmers and Mechan- ics Tools be refunded. To the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. Katie Smith, H B & J B Glover, Mrs. Bridget Burke, K. E. Sullivan, Mrs. Ann Murphy and John A. Kennedy. To the committee on police and ligh • : Petition of Star Electric company for pay- ment to them of $51.27 deducted from their lighting bill. Petition of Dubuque Electric Reilwev, Light & Power • o. for payment of $18.75 deducted from their bill of February. To the committee on sewers: Petition of Rt. Rev. J. Hennessy asking that further action on the matter of con- structing sewer on St Mary's street be post- poned until next meeting Petition of W. A. Leathers et al for per- mission to build a sewer in the rear of lots 15 to 21 inclusive in Fortune's sub to con- nect with the sewer now on Burch street. Petition of Joseph Needham for establish- ment of a public alley across lot 11, of Dem- ing & Horr's sub -division on the north part of said lot running east and west. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of Mrs. John McMahon for can- cellation of taxes for 1893. Referred to the city attorney. Invitation of Champion Street Sweeper company to the council to visit (Minton to examine street sweeper. Referred to the may or with power. Petition of People's Building and Loan association for permission to put up sign. Received and filed. Petition of Mrs. C. Deckert for permission to move store from c rner Rhomberg avenue and Windsor aveuue onto Windsor avenue. Granted. Bill of Thomas Hassett of $85.71 against Guthrie & Chesterman. Received and filed. Petition for vacation of alley tbetween Locust and Harrison streets, running south from Dodge street. Grauted. Petition for cancellation of assessment of Herman Buseman on lot 20, of Littleton & Sawyer's addition. Granted. Petition of Mary De Lorimier for cancella- tion of taxes Granted. Petition of Henor i O'Connor for cancella- tion of taxes. Granted Statement ot County Auditor McCullough of the assessment and valuation of railroads in the city of Dubuque as fixed by the ex - 'nutty • couucil and board of supervisors of Dubuque county for 1893. Filed and copy ordered lure ished the assessor. Communication of Eighth Street and West Dubuque Street Railway company thanking the council for the passage of the resolution fixing the tax value of its property for the years 1892-1896 inclusive. Received and filed. Remonstrance of Ellen T.Callahan against the establishment of a passage way across her lot, No 16 of Qaigley's sub of out of lot 7.0. Received and filed. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Auditor Keuety reported as follows: Cash on hand March 1, 1893, $7,701. Re- ceipts tor the mouth of March, $84,724 54. Disbursements for Mach. $19,312.67. Cash in treasury Aoril 1, 1893, $23.112 87. Amount required to pay city officers, $1.859.90. Amount of money in the paving fund, $30,- 041.47. Also presented Itst of coupons re- deemed during March. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay city officers. Marshal Ries reported $1,865 50 due police for month of March. Also reported forty- three police cases tried during March ; also reported pound receipts, $6 00; floes col- lected on ordinance cases, $11.00. Also re- ported forty-three patrol runs made during March Received and tiled and warrants ordered Street Commissioner Carter reported $168 80 due for street work for the mouth of March; also presented an itemized state- ment of same. Warrants ordered to pay same and report referred to the street com- mittee Chief Reiafried reported *1,510 due the firemen for the month ot March. Received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pas same Marketmaster Norton reported scale re- ceipts $39 65: also reported $11.20 due for board of prisoners. Received and flied and warrants order. d to pay same. Sewer Inspector Rawson repnrted $4`0.75 due for sewer work for the mouth of March. Received and filed and warrants ordered to pay same. Health officer Wieland presented the fol- lowing report, which was ordered published in the official proceedings and referred to the hoard of health: To the• Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: GENTLEMEN: You will hereby flod attach- ed the conclusions arrived at as the result of the bacteriological and chemical examina- tion of the various supplies of water, as instructed by your honorable body at your last regular meeting: co crxsioNs. • Artesian -1. The artesian water coming from a great depth (more than 100 feet) and having traversed perhaps several hundred mi es underground before reaching us, is as pure and wholesome as any water which can be obtained. Reservoirs -2 The water from the two reservoirs contains nothing objectionable from a sanitary stand point. This, which belongs to ths class of spring water, issues from many subterranean crevices and caves, and ought to be of most wholesome for drinking purposes. It has been claimed that numerous water closets and cess pools on the bluffs commun- icate with the subterranean body of water supplying the reservoirs. If this is the case the amount of refuse is so insignificant in proportion to the immense body of water as to disappear in it and elude the most deli- cate tests and the danger for the present is almost, if not quite, nothing It must, how- ever, be admitted that in the future as the bluff become more densely populated and the amount of water perhaps less, there may come a time when this, one of our best supplies of drinking water, shall be- come contaminated, and your hon- orable body ought to have the power to prevent the construction of any new water -closets, sinks or cess -pools which open into the crevices and subterranean lakes of our bluffs. Eagle Point -3. The water from the Eagle Point pumping station is obtained from drive -wells sunk through the sand near the 6 TABULATED REPORT OF EXAMINATION OF DUBUQUE DRINKING WATER, BY DR. G MINGES SOURCE OF WATER Artisan well Drinking reservoir Fire Reservoir before cleaning after cleaning Eagle Point Pumping Station Eagle Point Fire Plug Hotel Paris Own Hydrant before repairing after repairing Allerdyce store Building flat William Griffin's hydrant March 29, March 30, April 1 Chemical Examination Parts Per Million Chlorine in chlorides Saline ammonia Organic oxygen Nitrous acid in nitrites Nitric acid in nitrates Sulphuric acid in sulphates Lime Sediment Vegetable algae and woody fibers Sarcinae and leptothrix Actinophrys diatoms confervae Animal one hair no animacules daphmiae to the pint peramecia to drop paramecium Monads and amoebae Para mecia and other animalcules Microbes Kinds solid, no typhoid mold fungi no smell liquefactor no fetor no typhoid liquefying no bad odor ammonical odor no typhoid bacilli Great fetor evolving great fetor very fetid ammonical smell fishy odor musty smell Remarks pipe broken possibly defective plumbing 36 Regular Session, April 6, 1S93. river's bank. It is often supposed to be river water which filters hack into the shore through the sand; but it is much more probably ground water. which, after having fallen upon the earth's surface in the shape of rain and snow, has percolated down through the upper porous lavers until it has reached an impervious stratum of clay or rock and is now moving ow slowly toward the which it suppliesperhaps underneath the bed of the latter. Many similarly situated works in other cities have been shown by experiments to derive their supply from this ground water. This is the same water which supplies our shal- low wells. many f which are known to be unsanitary, and it the water -hearing strata should be found to dip towards Eagle Point that would accouut for the pollution of the water shown by chemical and bacterio- logical examination. The fact that the water in onr wells rises and falls with the river does not disprove the ground water theory of the the origin of our well water, for the increased pressure of the rising river dams back the ground water and causes it to ascend in the earth, as the water in wells near the ocean fluctu- ates with the tide without becoming salty. The various plants found in the sediment, such as algae, diatoms, contervae, etc., as well as the amsebae, peramecia and other animalcules, also the larger animals called daphmie are perfectly harmlesss. The majority of the bacteria are probably also inocuous; but their number indicates that the filtration is not perfect, as the ground water should contain few if any bacteria after passing through five or six feet of earth. if many bacteria are present they must come either from a contaminated soil or from cracks or crevices in the earth, and if harmless bacteria can find their way in, those which are dangerous can do so equally well. While no specific disease germs were found, the water is still objectionable on account of the proportion of liquifying bac- teria which evolve noxious gasses during their putrifying action. These bacteria of decomposition when drank are liable to produce similar effects on the in, es nal con- tents causing flatulence and diarrhoea. Perhaps purer water could be obtained at Eagle Point by driving the tubes to a deeper water -bearing stratum. Filteration would be another very good means of improving the water and making it unobjscttooable. Or the water could be led through maius not communicating with those carrying the other two kinds of water, and be used only for mechanical purposes. It has been claimed that the Eagle Point water cannot be forced into the mains, but the opposite view based on the occasional turbidity of the water in the center of the city is con- firmed by the fact that the level of the water in the reservoir has been raised Live feet by the pumps at Eagle Point. It may be that this turbidity is caused by dirt which had been washed into the new pities at Eagle Point during their laying, but this again would only prove the communication of the different systems. The water from Eagle Point in its present condition should by no meaus be led into residences. as the mass of modern authority is to the effect that citie+ have a right to de- mand water which is above all suspicion, and experience has abundantly shown that it ie dangerous to have two sets of water - pipes In a house, one for good and the other for bad water. F. W WIELAND. Health Officer. City Attorney McCarthy reported as fol. lows: In favor of paying the bills of Fred Bever 60c, The Knapp, Stout & Co. company $19 48 and John '1'. Kearns $10; also reported 1n favor of accepting deed of Ernestine Lavery and John Lavery to lot 2 of 2 of 11 of mineral lot 47; also lot 2 of 2 of 2 of mineral lot 46 for the extension of State street, and that a warrant for $500 be drawn to pay for same and that the plat of said extension be puton record. Report adopted. James Doyle reported scale receipts of First ward scales at *2.13. Received and filed. C. J Even reported scale receipts of Couler avenue scales $3 85 Received and filed Chas. Pitschner reported scale recripts of West Dubuque scales *2.30. Received and filed. J. F. Smith, woodmeasurer, reported $1.55 receipt for the month of March. Received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: That they have awarded the contract for printing the annual reports of officers to Hardie & Schsrle. In favor of instructing the treasurer to re- mit to C. H. White & Co , New York, $73.60 accrued interest lost by them by reason of delay in delivering, Dec. 31, 1503, issue of bonds, and that their contract for purchas- ing bonds be extended one year from April 1, 1893 In favor of filing the report of the city auditor for February and that the bill of $71 60 against J F. Stampfer be referred to the city attorney. In favor of having warrants drawn in fa- vor of Lawrence Donner, treasurer, for moneys advanced during March, amounting to $1,363 12. Report adopted. Ald Peaslee offered the f Mowing; WHEREAS, fhe finance committee during the year 1893 were authorized to borrow a sufficient sum of money to meet the current expenses. and. WHEREAS, Said committee made arrange- ments with several banks to secure said money at 6 per cent. with the understanding that same was to be paid back on or about March 1, 1593. and, WHEREAS, The city has been unable to pay back the full amount to said bauks in the time above specified: therefore, Resolved, That loan warrants issued to said banks during 1893, and t emaining un- redeemed, draw interest at the rate of 7 per cent. per annum from March 1, 1893, and the city treasurer be so instructed. Ald. Crawford moved that the resolution be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks and Stoltz. Noes—Aids Byrne, Olinger, Page, Peaslee and Smith. The mayor voted aye. Ald. Stoltz moved to adjourn until 2 o'clock p. m. Cart led. AFTERNOON SESSION'. Council met at 2:05 o'clock p. m. Mayor Saunders iu the chair. Present—Ards. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Glab, Nicks, Olinger, Page, Peaslee, Smith and Stoltz. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: In favor of paving the following bills: Farley & Loetscher Manufacturing company $ 40 P. E. Strelau 114 30 Bart E. Linehan 147 00 Ferguson Bros 800 00 Also reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of special assessment for laying side- walk on Grandview avenue beg leave to re- port that they find that the council has die- posedof the matter by approving of having the sidewalk laid as done by the city en- gineer. 1 Regular Session, April 6, 1893. 37 Also reported 'That they have examined the engineer's office, and found the records well kept up and the office in good shape and condition." Report adopted. Also reported the inventory of the en- gineer's office, which was ordered placed on record The following is the inventory : Inventory of the engineer's office, April 6, 1893. E. C. Blake, city engineer: Three writing desks: 10 chairs; 2 stools; 1 plat and profile case: 3 tables; 1 drawing table, 4x10; 1 desk and pigeou-hole case: 1 map rack; 3 drawing boards; 1 book case and plat rack. INSTRUMEN7s Two Gurley transit. one Gurley of no use; 1 Young & Son's transit: 2 Gurley levels, one level no good; 2 leveling reds; 1 picket pole; 1 51 -toot chains; 1 100 -toot chains: 2 50 foot steel tapes: 1 75 -toot steel tape; 1 75 - foot linel tape; 12 pine; 2 hand axes. 1 hand saw; 1 hand sledge: 1 s raight edge; 1 case of drawing instruments; 4 curves; 3 trian• glee; 2 T squares; 0 right line pens; 2 blue print frame and tin pan; 1 letter press; 2 gas lamps; 2 stoves. Profile sewer book: grade book No. 1; grade book No. 2; grade book No 3; grade book No. 4; grade book No 5: plat book A; plat book; records of city plats. NEW BOOKS. Plat books No. 7, 9 and 10; records of im- provements books A, B and C; index to plats and profiles; records of mineral lots; two city directories: book No. 1, records of cross sections in streets and alleys; book showing sewer connections and special assessment; record of sewer connection issued; one lot book; one house number book. OLD PLATS AND PROFILES. Plans brick paving. city of Rockford; location of electric ligats; Dubuque Harbor company's property: plan of stairs of city hall; map of the the city of Troy; plat of Rose street; map showing drainage area of Dubuque; map showing location ot street lamps; profiles ot storm se ever on Main street; Cascade bridge; Joe Davis; Seventh street sewer; Dubuque and Dunn- Leith bridge; brick nevi, g plansof city of Dubuque; Dubuque and Pacific grounds and property; map of Dubuque county; dis'ribu- tion of hydrants; water way Bee Branch; proposed plans of city hall; Clayton county: plans of Fifth ward engine house; maan p en- gine of the city of New Hampton, Iowa; p house; elageville road; map of Inde- pendence, Iowa; Wooklawn park; plans of chemical engine house; map of the city of Dubuque, Potter; Fourth street exten- sion; proposed al'ey through mineral lot 78; plan of sanitary sewer ot West Eighth and Hill streets; plat of Kane street from Eagle Point avenue; blue print of Kansas City tracks: plans of the Chicago, Burlington and Northern depot; Linwood cemetery plat. Ald. Olinger also reported in favor of pay- ing the bill of Central Union Telephone Co. of $2J,25 for telephone service and audi- tor instructed to collect amounts due city for same. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger moved that bills against may- or and attorney for telephones be cancelled. Carried. Ald Cushing, chairman of the committee on delinquent taxes, reported as follows: Adverse to petitions of Bridget Brennan, etta Hoffmannt,andacanceluta estofHenri- Fred Heintz, Dubuque Trade Journal, Mrs. C. Mahony, Caroline Mathis, Thos. Mulquee- ney, Margaret Mulqueeney, Mrs Mary f vaso cancel assessment on s4 m 1-5, 476 che same is adouble assessment; allow Mrs. Mary A Johnson to pay one half her taxes as payment in full for 1892. Reduce assessment of Marie M. Osterber- ger to $1,200, s% lot 222, Davis Farm add, for 189:. Reduce assessment of N. S. Winall on lot 2, A. McDaniel's sub, to $800 Reduce assessment of Dubuque Social Turnverein to $650, as per agreement of the council in 1891. Receive and file petition of Mrs Mary Shay for cancellation of taxes for improve- ment of Dodge street. Re-refer petition of James Beach to delin- queut tax committee. Report adopted. Ald. Page. chairman of the police and light committee, reported as follows: In fa- vor of paying $1,018.70 on bill of Star Elec- tric Light company for electric Tight during February, 1893, the balance being deducted for lamps not lighted and properly cared for. Repoi t adopted. Also reported that they have received pro- posals from the Star Electric company and Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company for 100 arc electric lights (more or less) and submit the same to you for your consideration. Ald. Page moved that the bids for electric lights be opened. Carried. The bile were as follows: Dubuque Electric Railway. Light and Power corn pany, $70. pany, $64 73, Star Electric com- Ald. Stoltz moved that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder. Ald. Cushing moved to refer the bids to the incoming council: Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Crawford, Cushing, Giab, Olinger, Peaslee and Smith. Noes–Aida. Nicks Page and Stoltz. Also reported in favor of referring peti- tion of J A. Rhomberg for gasoline lamps to the new council. Also reported in favor of paying the fol- lowing bills: Key City Gas Company, $1 75 and $48 90 Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power Company. $228 80 In favor of allowing $500 on bill of $521 of the Globe Light and Heat Company. Report adopted. Ald Peaslee, chairman of the electrical committee, reported in favor of placing ad- ditionalelectric lights on Rhomberg avenue as asked fir by the petitioners on Rhomberg avenue. Report adopted. Ald. Smith, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: Allow the following bills: Telegraph $29.- 15. 'fames $29 15, and Herald $75. Receive and file bill of the Ledger, $2?.15, for February. Report adopted. Ald. Byrne, chairman of the committee on claims, reported in favor of receiving and filing the peti,ion of Julia E. Lewis asking that she be allowed sufff:lent compensation for alleged injuries sulfated by her, by rea- sen of falling on the street. Report adopted. Ald Stoltz chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported as follows: Allow bill of Dubuque Water company of $L•2i Re3fer petition for Ore protection on the hill to the new council. Refer petition for extension of water maiue on Cornell street to the new council. Refer the petition of residents along Grandview avenue for engine house in Grandview Psrk add to the new council. Refer petition for fire protection at Eagle Poiat to the new council. Report adopted Ald. Crawford, chairmau of the commit- tee on public grounds and buildings, report- ed as follows: Yourcommittee recommends the adoption of the within res elutioa, ai wa if td that the heating charged for by the Steam Heating comp say was mostly for the beaefic ot from city in order to keep the water pip 3S Regular Session, April 6, 1893. freezing and bursting. or for the benefit of the balls aud the council to be parties iu the aArmoty hail, utt orized and that nearly all of the gas d for the sameed for the Gas company was use pur- poses. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, of the special committee on the hill of Ferguson Bros. of $748 51, present- ed the bill to the couu::il for their action. On motion the bill was ordered paid. Ald Olinger, of the special committee on remodeliug the city hall reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of remodeling the city hall, beg leave to report that they have secured plans tor said improvement, and would recommend that they be approved by Lha council, and that the city proceed to remodel said hall as soon as they feel able to go to the expense. as the records in the dill ,rent Mil les are in a very unsafe condition at present. Report adopted Aid. Cushing, of the special committee ap- pointed to secure .ignatures for the opening of an alley between West EtglePoint avenue and Valeria street, reported in favor of re- ferring said plat to tee aldermen of the Fifth Ward. Report adopted Ald. Glab, chairman of the committee on streets, reported as follows: In favor of referring the profile of grade of Bluff street between Fifth and Sixth streets to the new council. In favor of approving the red line as the established grade of Twenty fourth street In favor of referring petition and plat tor the extension of Highland Place to the new council. In favor of adopting the red line as the ofii sial grade of alley between Seventh and Eighth and Clay and White streets as shown on plat. Iu favor of approving plat of Dillrance and Perry's subdivision of lot 5 of mineral lot 8i. Iu favor of referring plat of proposed ex- tension of Pine street to the new council. In favor of referring the plat of Jecklin's sub to the new street committee. In favor of referring the profile of grades of Pleasant and Limon streets to the naw street committee. In favor of referring the petition of Re- becca J. Farley to the city engineer to ex- amine the advisability of changing the grade of Alma street. In favor of paving the bills of D W. Lin- ehan. $32 25, Williams and Bevine, $84.21, and Smock & O'Farrell $25 00. Iu favor of allowing D. G Peterson & Co. permission to excavate on Cornell street at its intersection with West Seventeeth street, said Peterson & Co. to leave said street in a passable condition. Receive and file communication in relation to alley between Rose and West Eleventh street. That bids have been received for the im- provement of alley east of Wilson avenue, and that same will be improved when the grade is established on said alley. In favor of referring petition tor improve- ment of West Seventeenth street to the new council. Receive and file petition of Con Callahan et al in relation to grade of Oak street. In favor of referring the within petition for the improvement of Catherine and An- gella streets to the new council. In favor of referring petition tor opening of Queen street to the new council. In favor of receiving and filing petition of Peter Eisbach in relation to Curtis street. In Cavo- referring petition for the im- provement of Fifth avenue to the new coun- cil. In favor of referring the resolution for sidewalk on Grace street to the new council. That they have granted Gm. Atkins per- mission to grade alley between Hill street Winona avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the com- munication of 51. Fagan in relation to State street, as the same has been ordered opened by the council. • Tnat the alley between Race and Walnut and Rose and gest Seventeenth streets has been repaired as asked for by G. Flemming et al. Receive and file bill of El Ryan of $1.131 for grading Auburn avenue, as the same has been paid. That they have agreed to allow I. Proctor to raise his sidewalk on West Fifth street as described ou within peti ion. Receive and tile the matter of purchasing cinders from W m. Howard. Th .t Alam Schmidt has been allowed in full for grading ou Leibaiiz street, as esti- mated by the city engineer. Report adopted. Ald. Peaslee, chairman of the committee of the whole. reported as follows: In favor of grant ng the pe ,iii in for the improvement of alley between Sanford and Regent and Prince and Queen streets Iu favor of referring i tie petition for the improvement of West Eagle Point avenue back to the council. In favor of referring the petition of the Dubuque Tu bine Co. et al., in relation to track un W ashingtou street to the new council Received and flied petition of Fred Mus - sent in relation to charge of grade of Wind- sor avenue, as the city proceeded according to the ordinance and said Fred Mussehl made no objections. Received and filed petition of Captain R. Kimbel in relation to the ferry landing at Eagle Point. Received and filed petition of August Roeder in relation to waterway on Fifth avenue, Harris' addition. Receive and Repetition of James F. Smith asking that he be allowed to retain all fees collected by him as woodmeasurer. Delay action on petition for change of grade and improvement of Union avenue until the engineer files profile for prop .sed change of grade, as instructed. R-caive and tile the petition for improve - mint of Ries street, as the cost of grading would ba too large an expense to the city at present. Receive and file the communication of J. H. Shields in relation to filling done on his property abutting South Main street. Refer petition of Capt. R. Kimbel for do- nation of $1,0(0 for Eagle Point Ferry to the new council. In favor of exempting the Dubuque Casket company from taxes on improvements and personalty for a term of ten years, com- mencing Jan. 1. 1893. Receive and file petition for the improve- ment of Villa street, as the cost of grading would be too expensive to the city. Receive and flle the within petition for the improvement of South Locust street. Receive al d file petition for the improve- ment of Rush street. as the cost of grading would be too expensive to the city at pres- ent. Instruct the engineer to prepare a plat showing the extension of Twenty-sixth street across the Chicago Great Western Railway company's right of way, and pro- ceed according to the ordinance upon that subject. Cancel the contract for the improvement of Alma street awarded to Adam Schmidt, deceased, and release John Pickley from said bond es asked for in within petitiiin. Receive and flle resolution for the im- p ovement of Lincoln avenue between Coo- ler avenue and White street. Refer claim of Woodlawn Park Co. of 1 Regular Session., April 6, 1S93. 39 $1,510.79 for grading done in said addition to the committee of the whole. In favor of referring the petition of Michael Duggan for compensation for dam- ages to property on account of change of grade on Madison street to the new council. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of referring the pe- tition ot the World's Fair Columbian Expo- sition asking the city to furnish two police during the fair, back to the council for final action. Ald. Peaslee moved to refer to the mayor with power. Carried. In favor r f having the following proposi- tion of the Dubuque Water Co. made a mat- ter ot record and filed. CLEVELA D, 0 , Sept. 27. 1897. To the City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMaN: You are hereby ..otitiei that the Dubuque Water company, a corpo- ration organized under the laws of Iowa and the owner of all the machinery, buildings pipes and other property, and all the rights and privileges for and pertaining to the con- struction, maintenance and operation of water works to supply water to the city and citizens of Dubuque, as provided by chapter 52 of the revised ordinances of the said city, has received and is ready to accept an offer, spot cash, made by J. K. Grave+ and C. J. Brayton for themselves and associates, for the purchase of all its said property, rights and privileges, for the sum of $3;9,675, the purchaser to assume its indebtedness in the sum of $40.759 33 And the Dubuque Water company hereby tenders to the city of Dubuque the privi- lege of purchasing said property, rights and privileges at the same rates and on the same terms, and requests the acceptance or re- fusal of said r ffer. THE DUBUQrE WATER COMPANY. By E. R PERKINS, President. Also reported iu favor of tiling the follow- ing list of institutions exempted from taxes during the past year, and that the same be recoraed in full in the minutes: To the Eton. Afayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN: In compuance with your order of Feb 6, 1893, herewith find list of manufacturing and other institutions ex - exempt or granted reductions during the past ten years, and time of expiration of same: Adams Company, valuation on real estate, fixed at $3,150, and improvements and per- sonalty canceled for a term of ten y ears, commencing Jan. 1, 1897; expires Dec. 31, 1901. Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co, exempt from all taxes until net revenue of said bridge pays an annual dividend or interest of S per cent on money actually invested in the con- struction of said bridge, less the $25,000 con- tributed by the city. Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. Valuation on real estate to remain at same value as listed in 1889, and improvements and pers inalty cancelled for a term of ten years, commenc- ing Jan. 1, 1889. Expires Dec. 31, 189s. Dubuque Specialty Machine Works, ex- empt from taxes on improvements and per- sonalty for a term of six years. commencing Jan. 1. 1892 Expires Dec. 3l, 1897. I. 0 0. F., exempt from taxes for ten years commencing Jan, 1, 1892. Expires Dec. 31, 1901. Julien House Hotel Co. Valuation fixed at $50,000 for a term of ten years, commenc- ing Jan. 1, 1888 Expires Dec 31, 1897. Key City Iron Works, exempt on improve- ments for a term of six years, commencing Jan. 1, 1891. Expires Dec. 31, 7896. Dubuque Paper Co. exempt from taxation on improvements and personalty for six years, commencing Jan. 1, 1883. Expired Dec. 31,1888 Excelsior Brass Works, valuation placed at $10,000, for a term of ten years, commencing Jan. 1, 1893. Expires Dec 31, 1902. Geo Doe. 'faxes exempt for a period of ten years, commenciug April 7, 189:. Ex- pires April 6, 1901. Knapp, Stout & Co. Co., all lands and lots owned b5 said company. or H t,. Stout living east of the tracks of the C. M. and St. P. R.R. north of the tilling ground of said company or H. L Stout and south of the south line of Eleventh street; and all lots and parte of lots and lands now owned by said company or H L. Stout lying east of the C M. and tit. P. R R., north of the alley betweeu Seventh and Eighth streets and south of the filled ground of said company or H. L Stout lying north of Eighth street. Assessment on above lots, parts of lots and lauds shall not be increased for six 1 ears, commencing Jau. 1, 1886. Expired Dec. 31, 1891. Eighth Street and West Dubuque Street R .ilway company. Valuation fixed at $5,000 for a term of five years. commeucing Jan. 1, 1892. Expires Dec. 31, 1896. Cancer assessment on improvements of Dubuque Social Tutuverein for five ears, and assessment on lot to be ;6 500 per year for flue years, commencing Jan. 1, 1891. Ex- pires Dec. 31. 1895 National Iron and Brass Works, exempt from all taxes except on real estate, for a term of six years commencing J n. 1, 1881. Expired Dec. 3l, 1886. Norwegian Plow company, exempt from taxes for eight years, commencing Jan. 1, 1880. Expired Dec 31, 1887. The above are all I can ficd as appears of record Respectfully submitted, JOHN O'CONNELL, Committee Clerk. Report adopted. The rules were suspended and E H. Hoag- land, superintendent of the Globe Light aad Heat company, addressed the council, and stated that his company would be willing to furnish any number of gasoline lights to light the suburbs at same price as present contract. Ald. Crawford moved that the committee on police and light and mayor of incoming council be authorized to make arrangements with the Globe Light and Heat company for lighting in outlying districts until such time as other arrangements as are contemplated are made. Carried. Engineer Blake presented list of macadam broken amounting to $1,821.80. Ald. Glab moved that 85 per cent. of amount be paid. Carried. Eogineer Blake presented estimate of grad- ing done in Woodlawn Park, amount of bill $1,510 69. Referred to the committee of the whole. The bill of J. W. Wittmer of 75c and Geo. W. Wunderlich of *5 10. Bills of Dr. Geo. Minges of $75 and Floyd Davis of $20 were referred to the committee of the whole. Bill of Ulrich Ruff of $16 was referred to the sewer commit ee. Bill of E B Chandler of $950 was referred to the electrical committee. Report of Eureka Gas Saving company was referred to the committee on police and light. Ald. Cushing offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Alma street between Pickett and Thomas streets, be graded, guttered, curb- ed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder is directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macada- mizing to be cone at the expense of the 40 Regular Session, April 6, 1893. owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Aid. Crawford moved that the council proceed to canvass the vote of the election. Carried. Aids. Peaslee and Cushing were app3inted tellers. The result is as follows: Municipal Officers Mayor A W Daughtery T T Duffy Recorder T J Cooney John Kleinschmidt Treasurer H Gniffke L Gonner Attorney J E Knight H Michel First Ward, First Precinct, Second Precinct Second Ward, First Precinct, Second Precinct Third Ward, First Precinct, Second Precinct, Third Precinct Fourth Ward, First Precinct, Second Precinct, Third Precinct Fifth Ward, First Precinct, Second Precinct, Third Precinct, Fourth Precinct Aldermen Majority, Plurality James Butler R F Curran P Quinn Philip F Ryder John Mulkern A Vogel John Trexler J B Powers T O Sullivan J M McKenzie John Lillig Henry Hartman Mayor Saunders delivered the following valedictory : GENTLEMEN OF TIIE CITY COUNCIL - After two terms as alderman and two terms as mayor of this city, I am about to perform my last official act. While I do not wish to go Into details eulogizing the active work done by the city council during those years, as there might have been some work done that might not have been of public neces- sity for the present, yet [ believe that a ma- jority of the people will some time in the future see the wisdom of the council during the past few years Personally, I was opposed to a great amount of work done by the city last year. but when the most of said work was ordered, after petitions from abutting property owners were presented, and asking and willing to pay their share of the improve- ment, I did not think it good policy to inter- fere with the improvements, and I am sure that the city has received full value for the money expended last year. There is no immediate danger as to the city's future prosperity. Her financial standing is good abroad as well as at home, and where a few years ago the city had to pay 8 per cent. interest, now all necesary funds may be secured at 5 per cent. The fire department is in excellent con- dition. both as to equipment and officers and men. I have found the police department to compare with the b,st of other cities and was unable to make any improvement over my predecessor. The city engineer's office should receive careful attention as to appointments, as it is one of the most prominent offl:es in the city, as a good engineering department is invaluable to the city. the road department has been a very large expense to the city and will continue to be, as the city will have to keep pace with local improvements. There is one evil that I have noticed while in the council, and, that is the merciless combination of a majority of the street contractors, who take as many con- tracts as they can start to work on, but never finish them according to contract as to time of completion, quality of work and quality of material. It seems that the majority of them depend on their natural amount of "bluff" and "in- fluence" (which they have in untold quanti- ties) to get their contracts accepted netore the same are completed according to con- tract I would recommend to our successors to have all alleys macadamized, as the city would be under no expense tor grading, and would also urge our successors to try and have the legislature paws a law to assess all the costs of street improvements to the abutting property owners as is done in other states. I also wish and hope that the incoming council will at an early day get used to that double issue of political life, namely, peti- tions signed by prominent citizens tor the opening of streets, etc., that,would be a very large expense to the city and then in less than three months atter the "prominent" citizens shout ther lungs weak for "reform." As my weals and woes will always be identical with the citizens of our fair Key City, my good wishes will always be with Dubuque, for here is my home while I live and at Linwood I want to be at rest when my last roll call is made. I cannot conclude without returning to the members of this council. and to the different city officers my heartfelt acknowledgement for the kindness and courtesy they have always shown me, and I desire to give them all my grateful thanks for the assistance they have always given me in the discharge of my official duties,and to acknowledge the Regular Session, April 6, 1893. 41 zeal and ability with which they have always performed the duties incumbent upon h sm. With the best wishes for the success f our successors in which I know you heartily join, I now vacate this place and introduce to you my successor. Mayor Saunders delivered the oath of office to Mayor -elect A. W. Daugherty. Aid. Cushing delivered the following farewell address: MR. MAYOR AND GENTLEMEN OF 1 HE COUNCIL —Two years ago about this time I was called here to take the oath of office as alderman of this (et present) beautiful city. To -day 1 retire—but not alone. but with all whose time has expired. Better so. We are known as the one hundred thousand dol- lar council, and it is better to retire together to see if our successors can do better or show more for money expended. We leave no tracks behind for them to cover, only the interest on the above amount. But to re- turn: in the two years I have served with you, I have (as you know) voted as my con- science dictated on important matters, by so doing making many enemies and perhaps friends, and have been called everything from a crank to a gentleman: but that can only be expected by one who tries to serve the people before himself, at least it so appears to me. There is no doubt in my mind there are some among you who have a friendly feeling toward me, and I can at least say that I have for you, and will never forget the kindness shown me while I have been a member of this honorable body, and can only regret having had cause to wrangle with you. where there was a difference of opinion: but bygones are bygones and can be forgotten. To the hold -over candidates I must say that though the preseut council may have overreached the mark a little, and we have beautified our city so much in so short a time, I still believe there is material among you that will keep the ball a rolling and will not let the city die for want of improve- ments. I thank you very kindly, gentle- men, for the many courtesies shown me, and now say good-bye as one of you, and hand over my chair to my successor, Mr. Vogel, one of the citizens. AIdermen Smith, Stoltz and Peaslee also made a few farewell remarks. Ald. Glab offered the following which was unanimously adopted: N IIRREkS, The mayor and five of our brother aldermen are about to Lever their official relations with us. and WHEREAS, During their official relations with us they have worked untiringly for the whole city and sacrificed their time for the welfare of the public, being ever mindful of the duties imposed on them; therefore, Resolved, That we tender to them our heart- felt thanks for their unselfish aevotion to duty and may they be as successful in their private life as has been their public service is the sincere wish of their remain- ing brethren Ald. Crawford also made a few compli- mentary remarks in reference to the retiring aldermen. Mayor Daugherty delivered the oath of office to the following. James Butler, alderman First ward. Philip F. Ryder, alderman Second ward. A. Vogel, alderman Third ward. J. B. Powers, alderman Fourth ward. John Lillig, alderman Fifth ward. Mayor Daugherty then delivered the fol- lowing inaugural address: GENTLEMEN OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND FEL- LOW CITIZENS OF DUBUQUE: By the will of the majority of the citizens of Dubuque ex- pressed at the polls in the recent municipal election, I have been placed in the grave and responsible position of mayor of our city for the ensuing year, and have just taken the sacred oath of office to administer the affairs pertaining to my duties as such with justice imoartie 1 toward all, adhering strict- ly in all things to the welfare of the city's in- terests in my ad i Migration t t its municipal affairs. In assuming the duties of the office of mayor I almost tremble when i consider the weight of the great responsibility placed up- on me at this time, nor does the responsi- bility rest alone with me. The alder men who compose this council are in a degree as responsible for the manner in which the affairs of the city are conducted, and the.r responsibility is no less in magni- tude than the mayor himself; as upon you, ina great measure. depends the success of a wise administration. The eyes of every citi- zen in Dubuque (Ido not use the term citizen in the sense of a party organization) are turned upon the acts of this council and every man will be a critic to see that we car- ry out the measures of retrenchment and re- form advocated by the people for the wel- fare of the city. It will become the new administration to consider caretudy the questions so forcibly brought out by the people in all matters per- taining to retrenchment and reform in the administration of our city's municipal af- fairs. The terms "retrenchment" and "reform" involves the idea of a former extravagant and lavish expenditure of the public money. Let us contemplate for a moment how far and in what manner this retrenchment and reform is demanded. A man owes his neighbor a thousand dollars to pay which when due he has nothing in sight It he has been squandering his earnings and consequently made no preparation to meet his obligation he must begin to re- trench. Now it would hardly be expected of him to retrain from eating or to pay the debt by relinquishing the common necessa- ries of lite. He may by economical instead of lavish expenses in his habits, curtail and thereby save a sum equal to the amount of his debt and be able to discharge it. This Is a fair illustration of what I under- stand by the terms retrenchment and reform and is a fair business proposition as it relates to reform in the ex. euditure of the public money in the administration of city affairs. It money has been misappropriated or used lavishly where it is not needed, correct it by retrenchment. The people demand that for the money expended they should have value received in good, substantial improvements, something tangible to sho w for it. No man of any business capacity will corn - plain of a good, substantial improvement made if eccomplished at a reasonable cost. The management of the city's affairs in the past is a matter of history with which you are all conversant, and I am not disposed to ci iticise the past, even if there is a cause for criticism. We must take things as we fiud them, and if there have been errors commit- ted in the past, profit by experience and cor- rect them for the future. I trust, gentlemen,you will do your duty, I shall endeavor to do mine. I shall need your counsel and advice in many ways in the performance of my duties. and I ask your kind forbearance. I also invite the council and advice of all my friends and citizens in- terested in the welfare of a thorough busi- ness administration of the city's affairs. Much of the care and responsibility in con- ducting the labor incident to my office will be relieved by a careful and wise selection of proper officials to fill the various positions to which you will be called in your official capacity to elect. Too much careful con- sideration cannot be indulged in, in your de- liberations in the selection of good efficient and well qualified men to 1111 their respeo- 43 Regular Session April 6, 1893. tive positions. To start aright is halt the journey finished. Gentlemen, in conclusion let me say, I trust in our relations with each other dur- ing the coming year there will be no discord or nothing to mar the progress of a good business administration and nothing to in- terrupt the most cordial and harmonious in- tercourse as business men having in charge the affairs of this growing and prosperous city which we have been selected to conduct for the ensuing year, so that when the labor of the year is done we may have the satis- faction of knowing we have as the city's public servants, done our duty well and faithfully. Ald. Crawford moved that the council pro- ceed to ballot for a mayor pro tem. Car- ried. Alds. Ryder and Vogel were appointed tellers. On the eleventh ballot Ald. Olinger, hav- ing received a majority of the votes east, was declared elected mayor pro tempore Mayor Daugherty announced the follow- ing as the standing committees for the ensu- ing year: Finance—Vogel, Olincer, Powers. Ordinances—Powers. Crawford, Byrne. Claims—Crawford, Nicks, Butler. Streets—Olinger, Lillig, Powers, Butle Ryder. Rarbors—Butler, Glab, Vogel, Nicks Crawford. Supplies—Crawford, Olinger, Lilli Markets—Glab, Nicks. Ryder. Public Grounds and Buildings—Crawford, Glab, Byrne, Lillig, Olinger. Fire and Water—Olinger, Lil11g, Powers, Ryder. Butler. Police and Light—Ryder, Vogel, Powers, Glab, Byrne. Printing—Powers, Butler, Ryder, Vogel, Nicks. Delinquent Tax—Lillig. Byrne, Glob, Crawford, Olinger. Electrical Conetructioa—Nicks, Ryder, Crawford. Hewers—Byrne. Ryder, Lillig. Executive Committee Board of Health -- Ryder, Butler, Vogel, Powers, Nicks. Paving—Crawford, Byrne, Vogel. Ald. Olinger moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m., Thurs- day, April 13, 1893, and that it be made a special order of business to appoint officers. Carried. Aid. Olinger moved that all aspirants for appointment to ottioe file their application on or before Saturday. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the recorder be instructed to advertise fo for hauling rbage. Carr • Ald f,or hovedto adjourn. Carried. Approved Mil' OF CITY WARRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder during the Month of February, 1893. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. DUBUqua, Iowa, March 1, 1893. } To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The folloviing is acomplete list of alt warrants drawn by me during the month of February, 1893: Name For What Purpose. Amount. L Gonner, treasurer, salary for January$150 00 L Gonner, clerk hire do 50 JC Fitzpatrick, recorder, do e ' 116 16 00 J M Kenety, auditor, do 60 J J 1 t5 00 McCarthy, attorney, do Rd Blake, engineer,• • 125 00 E 8 Hyde asst engineer, do • 125 00 Jae Boyce, asst'tengineer, do 100 00 • • 100 00 Jonn Stemm, assessor, do 8 8 Rice, marshal, do • • 125 00 J Carter rommissioner do • • 100 00 Jos Reinfried, fire chief, do • • 91 60 Rd Norton, marttetma,ter, do 75 00 F W wie.and, health othcer, do •50 00 B Rawson,sewer inspectjr, do 50 00 Jas Bunting, electrician, do 75 00 H Henge, park custodian, do • • 46 00 John O'Connell, clerk, do • • 46 50 James Daly, fireman........... 83 35 Job Barnes, do 70 00 AMcDonald, •do '...""""•••• 50 00 J Murphy, do 60 00 .••• m Duey, do•••• """"'••• 00 00 • ""' • . 50 00 JSChonberger, do T Shea, do 50 00 R 50 00 Keas, do 60 00 M Eifel. do Fetrinsky, do 80 00 J Rosman, do 16 25 A Duccinl, do "" ' •' • ^ • 50 45 ecorder. 1893. 01.. J Flynn, do 80 00 J Wiltse, do 60 00 T Walker, do 50 00 C r•pecht, do 50 00 James Powell, do 50 00 D ahem,, _ • J Allen, do 60 0O 0 W Hippman,W 0 tdo .......... 60 00 C Kannalt, do 50 00 F Ganahl, o0 50 0 J Ward, do 50 00 Geo Collinson, do 24 75 F Seeman, do 60 00 r' Flynn, do 60 00 A tran -y, do 50 00 J Driscoll, do 44 80 D Ryan, policeman 75 00 John Itaeslie, do 70 00 ,,,, BCaia, do 48 35 M O'Connell, do 50 00 Wm Hennessy, do ••• ...• 48 35 Wm 0 Brien, do 48 35 Wm Frith, do•••• b0 00 John Litecher, do 41 50 P Mc eruey, do 43 15 T Reilly. do 46 20 P Dunnegan, do 5 0 00 P Kearney. do 38 50 J Fitzpatrick, do 3R 50 D Norton, do 48 35 Jos Allen, do 50 00 John Reuter, do 50 00 Sam Rimer, do 50 00 Jae ' lynn, do 50 00 Dan Lavery, do 50 00 Rd Moore, do 48 35 M Kilty, do 50s 35 00 J Siegrist, do 4 P Sutton, do J Hort man, do M Craugh, de 40 70 23 25 P Sullivan, do 50 00 P Porters, 50 00 Jas Carter, do 50 00 JohnKintzfnger,do M Hardie, do 50' 00 .1 50 00 Murphy, dU 50 00 Wm Hauer, do b0 b0 00 CO List of City Warrants. 3 P Scharf, do 50 00 P McCollins, do 50 00 P Hanlon, do 50 00 GeoRubeck, do 2, (0 J Murphy, do 60 00 John O'Brien, labor 50 00 Tom Butcher, do 45 50 Wm Rawson, do 21 00 Joe Rooney, do 45 50 John Hackett, do 43 75 M Igo, do 41 50 J Perryon, do .... ...... 37 60 P Linehan. team 29 90 Geo Reynolds, labor 44 10 Wm Brackett, team ....... .. 3 15 Jas Beed, labor 22 75 Rd Norton, board of prisoners........ 10 80 W mMcDermott, maLadam 33 15 M Farrell, do 17 00 P Eyan, do 53 55 John Whalen, no .... 39 19 Ed Lee, do 56 10 Jas O'Shea, do 48 35 Jack Mahony, do 11 05 M Burke, do 26 35 John O'Dea, do 15 30 Jas Gillespie, do 20 Fred Nauk, do g:12 90 Vinc't&Blinkertdo ............ 25 50 Geo Gow, do 9 35 John B tscher, do 7 65 Chas Karen, do 70 55 John Spies. do 51 00 John Albrecht, do 44 20 Max Heins. do 12 75 John Woodrich, do 17 85 Chas Boregard, do 16 15 Chas Prebe. do 51 85 Fred Oallow, do 42 50 Andrew Ring, do 22 10 Ring & Duschik,do 40 80 Ring & rohs, do 24 65 Frohs & Spahn. do 17 00 Geo Shoen, do 18 70 J Bottoms, do 26 35 John Jesl, do 11 05 P Kroheskie do 42 50 Peter Kleine, do 59 84 Del Gagne, do 109 85 Fred Otto. do 174 42 J Moroney, do ............ 53 30 Tom O'Connell, do 90 27 P Mohan, do 37 06 Parker & Roy, do 411 57 McCune & Case, do 22 61 Jas Cahill, do 39 61 P McPoland, do 19 80 Neil M cPoland, do 49 13 P Dempsey, do 21 34 M McCune, do 10 28 Jos Meloue, do 26 35 Barnes&Co, do 69 53 Sam Allen, do 23 12 Jas Kelly, stationary 15 60 Jos Rowan,box 50 R D Kirmse, clock 11 00 Wm Howard, spa inkling around city prop erty 225 00 Theo Altman, grading Broadway erten• sion 500 00 Mr and Mrs Koenig, janitors 40 00 Sulivan & Stampfer, pillow casing and sheeting......... 15 01 P H Halpin, bran and brooms 7 20 Svendsen & Ott, lumber 11 10 Standard Lumber c3mpany, lumber 3 75 Ferguson & Bros, gas fixtures 2r3 OJ Eugene Dietzgen & Co, profi.e paper 12 00 Key City Gas company, coke ........ 32 11 Farley &Loe sober Manufacturing com- a 75 4 00 30 3 12 pany, repairing windows Lear & Pfiffner, horseshoeing C H Lttte, Bruce & Co, lamp burners Reinfried & Jaeger, bolts, etc Chas E Berry, fire harness ... .... 79 70 Ellwanger Bros, harness and repairing... 51 60 Christman & Healey, nails. ... ........ 4 05 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails......... 2 45 Central Printery, blank stationery 6 50 Hardie & Scharle, do 56 25 Mel H Cushing, storage of chemical en- 6 00 gine Albert Gasser, brick ........ 3 90 Iowa Iron works, repair ng springs 50 Geo R Clark, arch end circle ............. 4 005 Thos Collins, horse shoeing 1 50 Duggan & Kane, oil. E C Blake, express on goods ...... ....... 40 J M McKenzie. repairing engine house... 10 40 John Toussaint, wood. .......... 43 75 Dubuque Telegraph, stationery .... 48 25 John 'Iibey, grading Oak street 500 00 do do do 100 00 Pa'mer, Winalt & Co, stationery 28 25 Henry Gisb, assistant in engineer's office 50 00 'the Herald, blank books 115 62 L Daly, cleaning around market house8 3; P t' Guthrie, revising ordinances80 00 O Omehle, aeaistant assessor 100 00 O Benne t. do ........... 100 00 T W Fitzpatrick, ho sesboeing 1 50 Baumgartner & Kleih, nails 1 15 Ed Brunskill laborer 2 40 J Broulette, do 2 40 Jas Burns, do 3 40 John C,rbett, do 2 7u Sam Collins, do 28 35 Dan vox, do 2 70 John Fix, do 6 45 M Fagan, do 1 05 John Batey, do 14 20 tieo Burnes, do 2 70 Jas Harker, do 4 50 John Kinsella, foreman 45 50 P Krokeskie, laborer 2 70 Phtl Kinney, do •7 10 C Kamomwn, do 5 10 Jas Melloy, do 3 05 T Mulqueeney, do 14 85 Wm McDermott,do 1 35 Jas McKernan, do 2 '70 JMcNulty, do . ........•16 80 TMcCaffrey, do 1 35 B Mc,. ormack, do 5 10 P O'Brien, do 70 B Oswald, do 1 35 J Obbelt, do 5 75 John Raetz, foreman 8 40 N Ravenick, laborer 3 75 Wm Rieman, do 7 10 A 8t venson, do 10 00 Joe Stek, do 25 CO D Sullivan, do 2 70 M Specht, do 3 75 M Scheirock, do 2 70 John Wolfe, do 3 75 $am Brandt, team 5 55 Tim Byron, do • 9 45 Thos Elltott, do 5 55 Haggerty Bros, do ....... 3 15 N Kintz,nger, do 3 95 J Leik, do 5 55 P Linehan, do 19 70 J McQuillan, do 6 30 J McGrath, do 6 30 J Norton, do 6 30 Anton Siege, do 6 30 J Spielman, do 3 15 H Schmidt, do 5 55 J Singreen, do 4 75 Rob't Tape.t, do 5 55 Cath Tobin do 7 10 P Vogel, do 5 55 Wm .inholt, express 50 J McCollins, do 50 L Gonner, treasurer, money advanced500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 449 26 Globe tight and Heat company, light500 00 do do do 35 00 Dubuque Electric R, L & P Co, light 500 00 do do do 166 30 The Times company, printing 58 30 The Heraid, printing 75 00 Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services74 67 Jo eph Geiger, repairing city hall4 50 M Zwack, repairing engine house 50 33 Dubuque Water works, water for drink- ing fountains 400 00 A Reilly, insurance 18 75 do do 20 00 L Lindenberg hardware 1 00 Dubuone Mattress company, bedding12 00 Byrne Bros, livery hire 30 90 P Klauer, repeir,ng 61 60 T J Conlin, ttvery hire 7 00 Carr, Rrder & Engler company, lumber2.5 Novelty Iron works. repairing roller 36 69 69 Key Cao Gas company, ompanyogas 36 11 Crnsumers' Steam Fleeting Co, steam for 123 60 Central Engine house Jordan & Jordan, straight edge Lavin & Corrance grading alley Jas Melloy, macadam Geo Wetter, do .Jas Melone, do N Theis, do P Kiane. do John Quail, do 7 6 25 22 00 13 35 49 30 6 00 17 85 21 25 44 Li8t of City Warrants. Hussman & Lies. powder & fuse ... 3 25 Steuck & O'Farrell. improving Main from Seventeenth to Madison streets......... 133 19 Dubuque Water works, seven hydrants in 40n 00 Milwaukee yards U Ruff, El,venth street sewer ........... 5.0 00 do do 500 00 do do do do do do James Lee, do do do ... ou0 00 'United States Electric Light and rower company, electric lights.......... 308 07 Star Els ctric company, electric lights500 00 do do do 203 62 Electric Supply company, electrical sup- plies 8 55 Central Union Telephone company, tele- phone rent . ............ 20 55 Lee & Norton, improving Broadway do do do do do do do do do do do do Adam Sebmit, du Peru road E E Frith, do Frauds street do do do do do Washington street500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 Con Ryan, Jr, do Windsor avenue 500 00 ' do do do 500 00 do do do 50u 00 0o do do 500 00 do do do 25.1 t 0 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Queen and Regent streets 500 00 6o do do 400 00 John Tibey, improving Oak street500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 490 00 P F Guthrie, do W Fourteenth strr et 500 00 do do do 500 00 do do d0 500 00 du do do 45o 00 Ed Ryan, da Auburn avenue 500 ou do do do 500 00 do do do500 00 do do Burden avenue500 00 do do do 100 00 0 G Kringle, do Alta ave,,ue500 00 do do do 500 00 do do do 50 00 do do Dubuque avenue500 OU do do do 2L0 00 do do Decorah avenue500 00 00 do do . 250 00 do do Delaware avenuet00 00 do do do 250 00 Theo Altman, do Broadway extension 500 00 do do do 175 00 I hereoy certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list or ale warrants issued during the month of February, 1893. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Recorder Pru Tempore. 00 00 500 00 500 00 "000 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 250 00 450 00 500 00 250 00 AN ORDINANCE To provide for the Revision of the Ordinances of the City of Dubuque and their publication in book form. Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the revision of the city ordi- nances as prepared under the supervison of the committee on ordinances of this council, and printed on the pages following this ordinance, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and published in book form with an index, as provided in section eight of the city charter, and shall be known and designated as "The Revised Ordinances of 1893," and from and after such Publication, shall be in force, and when verified by the certificate of the City Recorder, with the seal of the city attached, shall be received with- out flirt er proof as presumptive evidence of such ordinances. :section 2. That all public or general ordi- nances, or parts thereof, not included in said revision, shall be repealed, so far as they conflict with the provisions thereof, but no fine forfeit- ure, penalty, right, action, suit, debt or other lia- bility whatsoever, created, instituted, incurred or accrued bv, or under the same, shall be released, oi'charged, annulled. repealed. or in any wise affected, but may be prosecuted, recovered. or e i„yed, or any suit or other pr„ceeiing be com- menced or completed thereon. as fully and in the same manner in all respects as if s ch ordinances or pacts thereof had remained in full force. rect'on3. That this ordina:,ce shall be pub- lished in the official newspapers of the city, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald newspaper. A''opted March 6th, 1893. Approved March erh, 1893 CHa't. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Rt corder Pro Tempore. NotioP to Contractors CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. DUBUQUE Iowa, March 10 1893 j. Bids will be received at my ofli:e up to Saturday, March 18, 1893, for the construc- tion of a cottage in the "First Street Park” according to plans and specifications now on file in my office Bidders must file a certified check nn some Dubuque bank tor $500 that they will enter into contract if awarded. JOHN O'CONNELL, 7t Recorder Pro Tempore. Notice to Sidewalk Contractors Sealed proposals will be received at my office, city hall, up to 4 p. m , Wednesday, March 1, 1893, for laying a 4 foot sidewalk on both sides of Grandview avenue, from Delhi to South Dodge street, and on the west side of Glen Oak avenue, from West Third street to West Fifth street, and ac- cording to plans and specifications on file in the above office. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. 5t E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Right • P Way Notice. To Ellen T. Callahan: You are hereby notified, that a proposition is now pending before the city council of the city of Du- buque, for the establishment of a passage way across land in which you claim an in- terest, as follows: Lot No. 16 of Quigley's sub. of out lot No. 710. a plat of which pro- posed improvement has been filed in the of- fice of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the said city council to be holden at the city hall of said city, on the 6c.h day of April. 1893, it will be determined whether said proposed improve- ment will be made, and you are hereby noti- fied to appear before said council at said ses- sion, and show cause, if any you have, why said proposed improvement should not be made. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. DUBUQUE, March 23, 1893. 10t Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office up to Thursday, April 6, 1893. at 2 p. m., for furnishing material and labor, and build according to plans and specifications a sewer on Emmet and St. Mary's street. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. E. C. BLAKE, March 27, '93.-10t City Engineer. Notice to Saloon Keepers MAYOR'S OFFICE, Dubuque, March 30, 1893. You are hereby notified to close your places of business on Monday, April 3, 1893, election day, and not sell or give away any intoxicating liquors during said day. A failure to comply with above order will subject you to the penalties of the law on that subject. CHAS. J. W. BLUNDERS, 3t Mayor. Adjourned Regular Session, April 13, 1893. 45 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, April 13, 1892. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. in., Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present, Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, (Linger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The mayor stated that the special order of business for the meeting was for the electiou of the different appointive c fii,ers. Ald. Crawford asked that he be relieved of the chairmansh p of the committee on claims. The mayor granted Ald Crawford's re- quest and appointed Ald. Glab chairman of the committee on claims. The following petitions were referred: To the committee of the whole: Petition of Norwegian Plow company for permissiou to construct a bridge across South Main street from prfsent factory to connect with their new warehouse. Petition for retaining wall on Oak street. Petition f sr engine house in Grandview Park addition. Petition for stationing of a fire company on the hill near West Dubuque. Petition of Capt. R Kimbel for donation of $1,000 for Eagle Point ferry. Petition for fire protection at Eagle Point. Petition of Michael Duggan for compensa- tion for damage, to his property on account of change of grade on Madison street %lo the street committee: /Resolution for sidewalk on Grace street. Petition for opening of Queen street. Petition for improvement of West Eagle . Point avenue. Petition for improvement of West Seven- teenth street. Petition for improvement of Fifth avenue. Petition for improvement of Catherine and Angella streets. Petition of Adolph Kochendorfer, obj f et- ing to sidewalk on West Locust street, laid in front of his property, and asking that amount of assessment paid by him for said sidewalk be refunded. Petition of Dubuque Turbine company et al in relation to track on Washington street, and mayor. To the delinquent tax committee: Petitions of Mrs. Sophia Firzlaff James Beach and J. Herod and Mary B. Wallis, The petition of J. A. Rhomberg for gaso- line lamp on Prospect street between Fifth and Seventh streets at the alley, and at the corner of Prospect and:Seventh streets. Re- ferred to the committee on police and light. Report of committee on police and light in reference to letting coutract for 100 arc lights, referred to the committee on poiice and light and electrical construction. Petition for extension of water mains on Cornell street. Referred to the committee on fire and water. Petition to have city hay market cleaned, referred to the executive committee of the board of health. Communication of Dubuque board of trade asking that a committee be appointed to confer with the Dubuque Stamping and En- ameling Works with reference to making arrangements to have proper street signs on the corners. Referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Petition of Mary Staner asking that the description of property conveyed by her to the city July 3, 1SSS, for street purposes and described as lot 2 of subdivision of mineral lot 344, he changed by proper authority to lot 2 of 2 of subdivision of mineral lot 344, and that when said correction is properly authorized that said plat be recorded in the office of the recorder of Dubuque county. Referred to the city attorney and city engi- neer. Petition of Ulrich Ruot that his claim for damage done and loos sustained while con- structing the Eleventh street sewer be paid. Referred to the sewer committee. Communication of the Telegraph asking that it be made the official paper, and offer- ing to do th. work for the compensation as now paid. Referred to the printing commit- tee. Petition of Sam. S Scott asking to have nuisances in the ice harbor abated. Refer- red to tt'ecommittee on harbors Petition to have grade established on Mertz sheet Granted and the engineer in- structed to prepare profile. Jacob Kessler repor ed scale receipts of Couler avenue scales $4 77. Received and filed. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted : .Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer ,be and is hereby instructed to prepare a pidfile for a change of grade of Sanford street between Elm street and Windsor avenue, showing the established grade; also the proposed change, and proceed in accordance with the ordinance upon that subject. Ald Crawford offered the following which was adopted: Resob ed, That the copies of the new revised ordinances be disposed of as follows: Three copies to the mayor, two copies to each alderman, one copy to each city officer having offices in the city hall, including the city attorney. One copy to the chief of the fire departm-nt and to each engine house, and one to each of the daily and weekly newspapers of the city, and one to the board of education. The remaining copies to be placed in the hands of the city auditor for sale at the rate of ;1.50 per copy. Ald. Glab offered the following, which was referred to the street committee: .Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a•ley between Seventh and Eighth and Clay and White streets, be graded and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abut.ing property. Aid. Crawford offered the following, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Lincoln avenue, between Conler avenue and White street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject That the city engineer be and he is nereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals Por the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abetting property. Aid. Ryder, chairman of the executive committee of the board of health, made the following report: Your committee of the executive board of health beg leave to report that they adver- tised for bids for the hauling of the garbage for the ensuing same, and find taseason E Frith is the lowest 4G Adjourned regular Session, April 13, 1893. and best bidder, being $6 75 for the three dis- tricts that the city is divided into, and would recommend that the contract be awarded to said E E Frith. Report adopted and contract awarded to E. E. Frith and bond fixed at $500 and con- tractor to commence April 15 Ald. Olinger moved that the bids for the improvement of Dodge and Broad streets be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Communication of T. J. Cooney, racorder• elect, recommending the appointment of John O'Connell as assistant recorder and committee clerk. was read and, on motion, the recommendation was adopted Ald. Powers moved that the council pro- ceed to the election of officers, and that they be elected by ballot. Ald Glab moved as an amendment that the council elect by open ballot. Lost by the following vote. Ayes—Alds. Byrne, Glab and Nicks. Noes—Aids. Butler, Craw- ford, Li11ig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The question being put on the motion of Ald. Powers, it was adopted. Aids. ltyder and Vogel were appointed tellers. The following applications for marshal were read : D. Hoffmann, Ed. Morgan, S. B. Rice, John Meyer and Jacob Klein. On the fourth ballot S. B. Rice having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected marshal. Ald Powers moved that the election of street commissioner be postponed dntil next regular meeting. Carried. The following applications for chief of the fire department were read: Joseph Reinfried, James Daly, John Drehouse and Andrew A. Cullen. On the second ballot Joseph Reintried hav- ing received a majority of the ballots cast, was declared elected chief of the fire de- partment. Ald. Glab moved to postpone election of engineer until next meeting. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Nick s, Powers and Vogel. Noes -Alda. Butler, Lillig, 011inger and Ry der Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of appointment of engineer and street com- missioner be referred to the committee of the whole for the purpose of talking the matter over and determine if it would not be advisable to dispense with the street com- missioner. Carried. The following applications for city electri- cian were read: J. L. Bunting, Robert H. Cleveland, D. F. Langton and Geo H. Moyer. On the first ballot,, J. L. Bunting having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected city electrician. The following applications for market - master were read : Math. Becker, P B. Merkes, Wm. E. Pula, Jake Spielman, W. F. Brandt, Chris Gantenbein, P.C. Foley,Jacob Sievers and Ed. Norton. On the twenty-sixth ballot, Ed. Nort having received a majority of the votes c was declared elected marketmaster. The following applications for health offi- cer were read: J. W. Fowler, F. W. Wie- land and B. Michel. On the fourth ballot J..W.Fowler received five votes and F W. Wieland received live votes. Mayor Daugherty cast the deciding vote for J W. Fowler and he was declared elected health officer. The following applications for sewer in- spector were read: J. P. Donahue, B. Raw- son, Geo. Casutt, John O'Brien, R. T. Eddy and Anton Beyer. On the fifth ballot John O'Brien having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected sewer in- spector. Ald. Ryder moved that the matter of ap- pointment of sidewalk inspector be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The following applications for custodian of parks were read : Patrick McNulty, Geo. Frost, James H McBee, Henry Henge, John Bottoms, John Haley, Wm. Pickley and Wm. Terry. On the fourth ballot Henry Henge having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected custodian of parks. The following applications for woodmeas- urer and wharfmaster was read: J W. Woods, John Kearney, Joseph Brandon, J. F. Smith, Owen Reynolds, John Specht, John Kyne, G. Forkaut, Chas V. Baumann, Wm. Waring and Wm. J. Clark. On the ninteenth ballot J. W. Wood hav- ing received five votes, and Mr. Warring having received live votes, Mayor Daugher- ty cast the;deciding vote for J W. Woods,and he was declared elected woodmeasurer and wharfmaster. Mrs. H C. Deckert and Charles Pitschner were unanimously elected weighers of the Eagle Point and West Dubuque scales re- spectively. The following applications for weighmas- ter of the First ward scales were read. James Doyle Thomas Connolly, Joseph Straney, N. C. Ryan, John Mahony, Michael McMahon. On the sixth ballot James Doyle, having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared elected weigher of the First ward sc ales. The matter of appointment of engineer of the steam roller was referred to the street committee. Applications of John O'Connell and A. W. Lynch for appointments as committee clerk. Received and filed. Application of Jacob Kessler for appointment as hog weigher of the Fifth ward received and filed. Ald. Olinger moved that the bonds of salaries of new officers be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that when the couneil adjourn it adjourn to Friday, April 2S, 1893, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. Mayor Daugherty named the following committee for renaming of = - : Aids. Berne, Gla. Oliog= - . •• . and Nicks. d.O=r to ad'.urn. Carrieyd! pproved er. 1893 (q]or t, Oficial Notices. Registration Notice. MAYOR'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, March 8, 1893. } Notice is hereby given that the registers of election, duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, State of Iowa, will be in attend- ance at the places herein below designated, for the purpose of correcting the registry list of last fall's elect on and adding thereto such electors as may be entitled to vote at the city election to be held April 3, 1893, Said registers will meet at their respective places on Saturday, April 1, 1893, at 8 o'clock a. m., and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m of said day. Said registers will thereafter meet on Monday (election day), April 3, 1893, and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and register only su' h voters as were absent from the city on the preceding Saturday during the time the board was in session; also such voters as did not become citizens until Monday, April 3, 1893. The places of registration of voters in the sev- eral wards and precincts of said city are as fol- lows: First ward—First precinct, Svendsen & Ott's Office; Second precinct, Montana House. Second ward—First precinct, Court House; Second precinct, Fourth Street Engine House. Third ward—First precinct. Ninth Street Engine House; Second precinct, City Hall; Third pre- cinct, Eighteenth street Engine House. Fourth ward—First precinct, Lorimier House; Second precinct, Western Brewery; Third pre- cinct, Kenyon's Barber Shop, West Locust street. Fifth ward—First precinct, Meyer's Livery; Second precinct, Mrs. E. Mueller's, 211 Eagle Point avenue; Third precinct, V. Mackert's, Lin- coln avenue: Fourth precinct, James Crawford's, Twenty-third and Jackson. All Qualified voters of said city who failed to have their names on last fall's registry are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time herein before men- tioned for registration they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, State of Iowa. Attest: JOHN O'CONNHHLL, Mar7dtd Recorder Pro Tempore. Notice. Notice is hereby given to architects, build- ing contractors and private parties who are to erect buildings that you must first secure a builUing permit from the city engineer. Failure on your part to do the same will make you liable to prosecution in accord- ance with the ordinance on that subject. S.B. RICE, mar18-30t City Marshal, Dubuque. Notice to Teamsters. Notice is hereby given to all teamsters and owners of teams that they must pay their team license on or after May 1st, 1892, pro- vided however, that all teamsters and owners of teams that comply with the ordinance in relation to wide t.res on or before the above time will be exempt from such license, provided they file the proper certificate with me that they have complied with said ordinance. All teamsters and team owners failing to comply with the above order on or before May lst, 1893, will be arrested and prosecuted for violation of the ordinance upon that subject, both as regards license and violation of wide tire ordinance. S. B. Rics, lm City Marshall. Mayor's Proclamation, In pursuance of law and the ordinance of the city, I, Chas. J. W. Saunders, mayor of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, do hereby proclaim that an election will be holden in said city on Monday, April 3, 1893, f9r the purpose of electing A Mayor, A Recorder, A Treasurer. An Attorney, Also one Alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will be opened at 8 o'clock a m., and closed at 8 o'clock p. m., but may be beld open until 8 o'clock p. m. on said day, provided, a proclama'ion is so made at the opening of the polls, to receive the votes cast at such election. in the following places, to.wit: First ward—First precinct, Rafferty's, South Locust street; Second precinct, 155 Main Street. Second ward— First precinct, Court House; Sec- ond precinct. Fourth Street Engine House. Third wa' d—First precinct Ninth Street Engine House; Second precinct, City Hall: Third pre• tinct, B. Westeresmp's. Fourth ward—First precinct, Lorimier House; Second precinct, Western brew.ry; Third pre- cinct, Ryan Livery Barn. Fifth ward—First precinct, Schmid's Brewery; Second precinct, Henry Mueller's; Third pre- cinct, Chris. Capritz' ; Fourth prscinct, James Crawford's. Witness my hand and the Seal of said city this 8th day of March, 1893. CHAS. J. W. SAUNDERS, Mayor. Attest: JOHN O'CONNELL, Mar7dtd Recorder Pro Tempore. Notice to Clean Alleva STREET COMMISSIONER'S OFFCE, DusCQua, April 7, 18133. Notice is hereby given to all persons in- terested to clean their alleys within five days of this notice, and if same is not done in above time I will be compelled to do the same at the expense of the tenant or prop- erty owner. JOHN CARTER, 10t Street Commissioner. Notice. CITY MARSHAL'S OFFICE, i UB DUQUE, Iowa, April 19, 1893. s Notice is hereby given to all parties living in the garbage district that they must pro- vide the proper receptacles for the holding of garbage to be placed in a convenienti lace for the collector. All parties are warned not to throw their garbage in the streets or alleys or they will be prosecuted accord- ing to the ordinance upon that subject. lm S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice. Notice is hereby given that ball playing on any of the streets, alleys and avenues of the city is prohibited, and any boy or other person caught violating above order will be prosecuted according to the ordinance upon that subject. Parents of children please take notice and save trouble and expense. 301 S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Notice to Saloonkeeper.. CITY MARSHAL'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, April 15, 1893. Notice is hereby given that your license for 1893 is vow past due, and must be paid forth- with. A failure on your Hart to comply with the above order will subject you to the pen- alties of the ordinance upon that subject. 151 S. B. RICE. City Marshal. I Adjourned Regular Session, April 28, 1893. 49 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, April 28,1893. Council met at 8:41 o'clock p. m., Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present, Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawtor Glab. Lillig, Nicks, O,inger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of hearing the report of the committee of the whole on matters referred at the last session. Mrs Geisler stated that she was not satis- fied with the award of the jury for the open- ing of Elm street, and anted that she be given two weeks in which to remove her fences Ald. Olinger moved that if Mrs. Geisler accept the award of the jury she be given one week's time in which to remove the fences. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that the change of grade as shown by the red line of profile of grade of Seminary street between West Lo- cust street and the first angle east, be adopt- ed. Carried. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the matter of bonds and sal- aries of the city officers for the ensuing year, beg leave to report as follows: The rules were suspended and Mr. John Harney addressed the council and stated that the three inch tire would be satisfactory. On motion the above petition was received and filed Ald. Olinger mo .d to adjourn. Carried. Att Recorder. 1893. Bonds. $75,001 5 0110 5,100 5,J10 5(00 500 500 500 Treasurer Recorder Attorney Marshal Fire Chief Market Master Health Officer Sewer Inspector Report adopted Ald Olinger moved that the ea'aries of the officers elected be fixed as the same salary as last year. Carried. Bonds of the following officers -elect read and approved. Treasurer—Henry Gniffke. Recorder—T J. Cooney Attorney—Jame• E Knight Marshal—S B Rice Fire Chief—Joseph Reiufried. Health Officer -J. W. Fowler. Marketmaster—Ed ward Norton. Sewer tnspector—John O'Brien. Ald. Olinger moved that the council pro- ceed to the election of city engineer by bal- lot. Carried. Alds Butler and Glab were appointed tel- lers. On the third ballot W. H. Knowlton was declared elected city engineer. Ald. Crawford moved that the election of the balance of officers be deferred. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution. white was adopted: Resolved, That the city auditor be and is hereby authorized to forward to the city at- torneys of the cities of Davenport and Lan- sing. each a copy of the revised ordinances of 1893 of the city of Dubuque, and also to such other persons as the mayor may by written order direct. o Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported in favor of awarding the contract for the improvement of alley between Providence and Lincoln and John- son and Windsor avenues to the lowest bid- der, E. E. Frith. Carried. The petition of the Knapp -Stout & Co. Company and others, that the Tire Ordi- nance read three inches instead of three and one-half inches, was presented and read. Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, May 1,1893. Council met at 9:90 o'clock a m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glob, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Oa motion minutes of previous meeting approved as printed. City Attorney McCarthy reported as fol- loWs: Presented bond and contract for remov- ing garbage and dead animals On motion bond and contract wan approved. Also rec- ommend that the matter of preparing deed to lots 4. 5, 6, 7 and 8, railroad addition, be referred to the city attorney. Report adopt- ed. Also recommended that the deed of Frank J. and Louise Cosley to the city of Dubuque for a piece of land for the widen- ing of the alley between Sanford and Twenty-third streets be referred to the new city attorney, with directions not to deliver same to the city of Dubuque until the other property owners in said block shall have deeded the necessary ground for widening said alley, or until the city shall have con- demned or otherwise secured said land. Re- port adopted Also presented the following resolution : Wheezes, Mary Stoner on July 3, 1888, conveyed to the city of Dubuque for street purposes 14-100 of an acre of land off the northerly end of lot 2 of the sub -division of mineral lot 344, being intended to be used by the city as a part of Kane street: and WHERSAS, The piece of land thus con- veyed was described in the deed of convey- ance as lot No. 2 of lot 2 of the sub -division of mineral lot 344; and WHEREAS, By some oversight the plat of said street and piece of land thus conveyed has not been recorded on the plat book of county recorder's office, as required by law, by reason of which a cloud is cast upon the title of the property still belonging to the said Mary Stoner, which cloud inter- feres with the sale of her property; there- fore, be it Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the property thus conveyed be marked and numbered by the city en- gineer on said plat as lot 2 of lot 2 of the sub -division of m neral lot 344, and that the engineer be authorized and directed to re- cord said plat in county recorder's office, Dubuque.county, Iowa. Adopted. Also recommended that the deed from Johex- tension of Elm street be acceand Theresa Scharff for ted, ground for andthe 50 Regular Session, Nay 1, 1893. city recorder instructed to have same re- corded in the office of the recorder of deeds of Dubuque county, Iowa. Adopted. Also recommended that the bill of $217 for grading or filling on South Main street, held by the city against J. H. Shields, be referred to the city attorney. Adopted. Henry Gnlffke, treasurer -elect, was sworn in by the mayor. City Attorney McCarthy presented the following resolution, which was unanimous- ly adopted: WHEREAS, The term of office of Lawrence Gonner, treasurer, has expired; and WHEREAS, As such officer he has been sued for wrongfully seizing a part of the goods of Platt Bros. to satisfy a tax due the city on said goods: and WHEREAS In proper management of said matter it becomes necessary for him to exe- cute a bond with surety: and WRERaes, Said suit is still pending in the district court of Dubuque county, being case No. 9350 Law: therefore, Resolved, That the city of Dubuque will in- demnify and hold harmless both himself and his bondsmen by reason of any matter grow- ing out of said litigation, being fully advised in the premises and being satisfied that said Mr. Gonner was fully justified in pursuing the course adopte'i by him in the premises. Also recommended that the master's cer- tificate for sick or disabled seamen, dated May 9, 1891, and being intended as evidence of claim against the Diamond Jo Line of Steamers for caring for small pox patient taken from the steamer Sidney on said day be referred to the city attorney with instruc- tions to collect the balance due the city from the Diamond Jo company for caring for said patient at request of company, it appearing that the sum of $300 has been paid the city and that the further sum of $294 85 remains due. Adopted. Also recommended that the protest of D. J. Hennessy against special assessment for improvement of Main street on lot njf of city l/ lot 536, be referred to city attorney and city engineer. Adopted. Also recommended that the protest of abutters in relation to assessment, etc., for sewer on Burch, West Third and Hill streets, be referred to the city attorney, the com- mittee on sewers, and city engineer. Adopted. Also reported as follows on the petition of P. W. Crawford in relation to special assess- ment for the construction of lateral sewer- age in Dorgan alley: Recommended that the assessment against adjacent property to Dorgan alley be readjusted and made upon a basis of all property within a radius of 150 feet from said alley, and that the assessment heretofore made he rescinded and the city engineer instructed to make a new assess- ment on all property to be assessed for con- struction of sewer in said alley. Adopted. Also recommended that the deed from Mary J. and A. A. Cooper for land for ex- tension of State street be accepted and placed on record in county recorder's office, and warrant for $50.00 be drawn in favor of Mary J. Cooper Adopted. Alen reported in favor of paying the bill of J. P. Cooney of $375 for fees in city ordi- nance eases. Adopted. Ald. Powers offered the following resolu- tion which was unanimously adopted: Resolved. That we approve of the report made to us by the outgoing city attorney, Mr. McCarthy, and that we recognize in him a faithful and efficient officer, and part with him with regret. The following city officers were sworn by the mayor: Jas. E Knight, city attorney. T. J. Cooney, city recorder. Jos. Reinfried. city fire chief. S. B. Rice, city marshal. J. L .Bunting, city electrician. John O'Brien, city sewer inspector. J. W Wood, city wood measurer. Jail. Doyle, city weigher,First ward scales. Henry Henge. city park Ed. Norton, city murketmaster. Ald. Grab moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glah Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The following bills were allowed: Name. For what purpose. Am't Ferguson Bros.. tile pipe $ 1 88 The Smith Printing Co., printing or- dinances 602 57 B. D. Lenehan, sharpening tools 12 95 Hardie & ticharle, printing, blanks and stationary 25 00 James Kelly, stationary 62 65 Joseph Geiger, carpenter work 2 40 James McCracken, cleaning around city hall 2 50 A. Siege, cleaning around city hall.. 2 50 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 17 34 Hussmann & Lies, hardware 2 75 Central Union Telephone Co., use of telephone 17 50 John F. O'Dea coal 17 00 John D Mets, mounting maps 6 00 Barrett's bindery, binders 6 00 Fischloz, hardware 50 Chas A. Noyes, merchandise for en- gineer 5 10 Shipley & Bowman, veterinary ser- vice 13 00 Hardie & Scharle, printing finance report and stationary. 74 90 Eichhorn & Bechtel, hay 75 Iowa Iron Works, material for fire engines Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co.,rub- 10 50 ber stamps 75 Wm. Smith, labor 1 00 Butt Bros., repairing road scrapers1 75 G B. Grosvenor Co , stationary 3 50 P H. Halpin, broom. 2 40 Key City Gas Co., coke 30 54 Erwin & Wond, lumber 6 50 Sveosden & Ott, lumber 76 Peter Hoffman, salt 1 25 A Y. McDonald and Morrison Co , rubber packing 75 Merkes & Hasler, bran 2 55 Headford Bros. and Hitchins Foun- dry Co , engine grates 2 70 Thus Collins, horse shoeing 5 50 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing 5 00 John Butt, repairing engine house6 50 C Herzog, labor 2 40 Merkes & Hasler, bran 3 40 Merkes & Hasler, hay a5 Joseph Cahill, pine wood 1 75 Chas. Smith, assisting engineer chisels 15 00 C., M. and St. P. R. R. Co., steel Phil Pier, coal 1 50 30 SS Standard Oil Co., oil 3 50 Key City Gas Co., gas 49 00 F Schloz, repairing tools 6 25 The Ansonia Electric Co., glass insu- lators 5 40 Baumgartner & Klett), hardware.... 70 John Sheridan, oil 55 Excelsior Brass Works, repairs on engine 75 Dubuque Specialty Machine Works repairs ou engine 4 90 Bewer Bros., oil cloth 65 Norton & Lee, constructing on Elev- enth street 85 00 J. W. Jones, 1 pail 50 Standard Lumber Co., shavings 50 Dubuque Water Co., water for hy- drants 1,249 50 Lesure Lumber Co., shavings50 Regular Session, fay 1, 1893. 51 Standard 011 Ca.. oil 2 40 Richard Eddy, brick inspector 22 50 Mrs. Koenig, service as janitor, City hall 20 50 The bill of Ulrich Ruff of $227 50, for con- structing storm water sewer on Eleventh street, was read and on motion $101) was al- lowed and balance referred to street com- mittee. The following bills were referred: Supply committee. H. Corrance T. Schloz Reinfried & Jaeger Reinfried & Jaeger Butt Bros Butt Bros Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella F. H. Finke P. E Strelau.... Baumgartner & Kleih 8 10 Committee on public grounds and build- ings: Portland Paving company 217 47 The Mechanics Insurance:company37 50 The Consumers Steam Heating com- pany 241 60 (tomer J. Jones 100 00 Committee on sewers: Byrne & Saul 33 90 Bart E Leneban 87 63 The bill of Lavin & Corrance of $822 69 for constructing sewer on West Fifth street, Wilson avenue and alley east of Wilson avenue was read. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. Corrance addressed the council in relation of same. On motion the bill was referreed to committee on sewers. The following bills were referred to the street committee: C. H. Algona 4 10 Norton & Lee 58 00 The Knapp, Stout & Co Company1 49 The Standard Lumber company1 30 The Knapp, Stout & Co. Company70 The Knapp, Stout & Co. Company3 48 Police and light committee: Star Electric company 1,077 09 Western Electric company 24 98 Globe Light and Heat company 500 00 Key City Gas company 54 75 Fire and water committee: Dubuque Water company 20 00 Printing committee: The Ledger Printing company 147 75 The Herald 75 00 The Times company 58 30 Harbor committee: James Smith. 30 00 Board of health committee: Dr. F. W. Wieland 7 00 Electrical construction committee: The Ansonia Electric company7 60 Committee on claims: J. C. O'Neil 50 The bills of H L. Congar for $1.30 and J. H. Forester. Lorimier house, for $32 were re- ceived and filed. Bili for $1.75 against W. M. Greenhow was referred to city auditor for collection. Ald Olinger moved that the committee on supplies be instructed to adopt a form of blanks on which to file claims against the city. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Frank Fosselmann in relation to the widening of alley north of Sanford street. Petition of John Fenzel et al. for the ex- tension of Waverly avenue. Petition of L Reinecke et al. for the wid- ening of alley north of Sanford street so as to make an extension of White street. Petition of P. Quinn, Sr., for position as foreman on streets. The petitions of Jake Spielman, Giles Samuels and W. T. Armstrong. $ 5 50 9 15 80 10 4 35 4 40 2 45 10 1:0 65 Petition of Geo. Zumhof in reference to alley adjacent to his property near Broad- way. Petition of George G. Perry et al , object- ing to the opening of streets running into Grandview park. Petition of Henrietta Wolf and Charles Wolf to grade, gutter and macadamize Spring street, from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street. Petition of Michael Zwack et al., for the improvement of Ries street and Stafford ave- nue. o Petition of John L. Buettell et al., for the macadamizing, guttering and curbing of Nevada street, between Third and Fifth streets. Th following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax commttee: Mrs C. Spahn, Mary A. Nairn, Mrs. Pat- rick Flynn, Mathias Ressek, Mr. Michael Brown, Bridget Brennan, Mrs. J. Cerr. The following petitions were referred to the committee on street,: Petition of Geo. F. Atkins et al for the vacation of alley in rear of lots 1, 2 and 7 in Buettell & Langworthy's add. Petition of J. G. Meukel for the widening of Kane street Petition of Thos. Hardie, secretary, in re- gard to drainage sewer in vicinity of Fulton school. Petition of W. G. Gruber in relation to obstruction on Seminary street, referred wi h power. Petition of Fred Mussehl in relation to change of grade on Windsor avenue. On motion rules were suspended and Mr. Mus- sehl addressed the city council in regard to the above change of grade. The following petitions were referred to the committee on sewers: Petition of P. H. Murray asking that bide be opened and contract let for sanitary sewer on Emmes and St. Mary streets. Petition of Francit Jaeger to have city sewer extended from Cushing livery one block north. A communication from J. O'Brien, sewer inspector, in relation to manholes in sewers. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Alex. Gratz, J. P., for copy of revised ordinances. Petition of D. D. Myers et al for the laying of water main on Summit street and plac- ing of h3 drant on corner of Summit and Fifth streete. The application of J. H. Lucas to be ap- pointed as inspector of weights and meas- ures. Granted. Mr. Lucas was then sworn in by the mayor. A communication was presented by Mr. John Beaton representing the International Association of Machinists, in regard to the treatment they received at the armory. Mr. J. Beaton addressed the council in relation to same. On motion a special committee of three consisting of Aids. Glab, Crawford and Olinger, were appointed to investigate the matter. A petition and notice to the city council was presented by Mr. Lavin in regard to money due on sewer contract to Lavin & Corrance. Mr. Lavin addressed the council on said mater. A petition was presented by Gus Baum- gartner et al asking for night and dsy police at Eagle Point. Referred to the mayor and marshal. The petition of the Times company asking for the appointment as city official paper during the coming year. Referred to the printing committee. Petition of the Diamond Jo Line company for lease of part of lower levee for coal yard purposes. Referred to committee on har- bors. Petition of J. H. Shields for the extension of water mains in the alley between Thir 0111111111111. 52 Regular Session JIay 1, 1893. teenth and Fourteenth and Clay and Iowa streets. Referred to tee committee on fire and water. Communication of C. H. White & Co. in relation to exchange on money received for redemption of bonds. Referred to finance committee. Petition of Jacob Collins et al , asking for a light near viaduct on the :Peru road. Re- ferred to the committee on police and light. Petition of A. A Loetscher et al , for elec- tric light on intersection of Pickett and Alma streets. Referred to the committee on police and Tight. A resolution was presented from the board of supervisors of Dubuque county, thanking the city couucil for the use of the city halt for court house purposes, which was receiv- ed and filed. Ald. Ryder presented the following reso- lution, which was ucanimously adopted : WHEREAS, The term of of}f to of .1. C. Fitz- patrick, as city recorder, has expired this day; and WHEREAS, Said J. C Fitzpatrick has been a very efficient and capable t, flicial, discharg- ing his duties in a most satisfactory manner; and WHEREAS, In the discharge of bis duties he has introduced many needed reforms, so that the records of the office are now kep; in a business -like manner; therefore, Resolved, That the thanks of this council be and are hereby tendered him for the zeal- ousness with which he performed his duties, and the many courtesies shown us during his official career. Resolved, further, That this resolution be spread upon the records of this council. Ald. Lillig presented the following resolu- tion. which was adopted : Resolved, That the street committee. in con- nection with the city engineer. be instructed to examine as to the coudition of the streets and property on Sanford street and north to Twenty -fourth street with reference to con- structing sewers thereon aad to report to the council Aid. Nicks offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council, That the city engineer be instructed to prepare a plat showing a street running west through min- eral lot 311, so as to connect Waverly ave- nue with Thedinga street, the engineer to proceed in accordance with the ordinance upon that subject Ald Powers offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the county treasurer be and is hereby notified to turn over to the city the amount collected to date in the bridge fund as belongs to the city, and the finance committee, mayor and city attorney are in- structed to confer with said treasurer in re- lation to same, and the city treasurer is in- structed to demand said money from said county treasurer. Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn to 7:30 p. m. Carried. EVENING SESSION. Council met at 7:45 p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Alda. Butler. Byrne, Crawford, Lillig, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Kenety reported: Cash on hand April 1, 1893 $23 112 87 Receipts during month 64.116 43 Disbursements 33,839 14 Cash on hand May 1 $53.390 21 Also reported amount due city officers for April, $1,838.25. Also reported list of coupons redeemed dur- ing the month. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Chief Reinfried reported $1,513.50 due fire- men for the month of April. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Marshal Rice reported $1,84.4.30 dud the police for the month of April. Also reported forty-seven police cases. Also reported forty-nine pa rol runs. Also reported pound receipts $13 50. Also reported $15 collected as fines in city orninance cases during the month of April. Report adopter and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Street Commissioner Carter reported $3,• 879 59 due for labor on streets :during April. Also presented itemized statement for road expenses for said month. Warrants ordered drawn for laborers and report referred to street committee. Sewer Inspector Rawson reported $385.15 due for labor on sewers Report adopted; warrants ordered drawn to pay forlsame. Marketmaster Norton reported $16 20, amount from the markt-t house scales. Also reported $1'3.0 due for board of pri- soners. Report adopted and warrant or- dered drawn to pay for board of prisoners. City electrician reported as to location of gasoline lamps. Referred to committee on police and light. Jas. Doyle reported $3 65 due city from receipts of First street scales. Report re- ceived and filed. Chas. Pitschner reported $1 25 due city f?om receipts of West Dubuque scales. Re- port received and filed. J. P. Schroeder reported $11.25 due city from receipts of Eighth street scales. Re• port received and filed. City electrician reported lights not proper- ly cared for during month of April. Re- ferred to the committee on police and light. A communication of City Auditor Ken- ety in relation to warrant for $36.7), drawn in favor of E E Frith, for resetting gutter and curb on danford street. Raterred to street committee. Petition of J. P. Norton et al., remonstrat- ing against the removal of horse fountain on Seventeenth and West Locust Granted. Alds. Glabs and Nicks arrived at 8 o'clock p. m. City,Engineer Blake presented plat for an 8 -foot lane from Catherine to West Locust street. Referred to committee of the whole. Also, presented profile of grade of alley east of Hill street. Referred to committee of the whole. Also, presented profile of grade of Mertz street. Referred to committee of the whole. Also, presented profile of change of grade of Union avenue. Referred to committee of the whole. REP RTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Vogel, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee on finance report in favor of having a warrant drawn for $511.20 in favor of tha city treasurer for money ad- vanced during the month of April. 1893, and would recommend that loan warrants be drawn for the several parties within for money borrowed during the past month. Report adopted. Ald Vogel presented the following resolu- tion, whish was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the finance committee be au- thorized to borrow a sufficient amount of money, if necessary, to meet the current ex- penses. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read for the first time an ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance providing for the compensation of the city electrician and designating who shall pay the same," adopted May 2, 1891. Carried. of r :•r Regular Session, May 1, 1893. 53 On motion the rules were suspended and the ordinance read for the second time and placed upon its final passage by the follow- ing vote : Ayes—Alda. Byrne, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—Alda Butler and Crawford. Ald. Ryder moved that all action relating to above ordinance be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the ordinance be read for the first time. Carried. The ordinance was read for the first time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne. Glab, Lillig, Olinger Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—Ald. Butler, Crawford and Nicks. Ald. Glab moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance reed for the sec- ond tune and placed on its final passage. Carried. The ordinance was read for the second time and adopted by thefollowing gvote: fcke, Ayes—Alda Byrne, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—Alda. Butler and Crawford. Ald. Powers presented the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, La.: That the Central Union Tel- ephone company be requested to furnish to said city, for city use, to be placed at such points within the corporate limits as the city may specify, six (6) telephones, with ex- change service, free, in addition to those furnished by said Telephone company un- der provisions of its ordinance agreement with the city; provid• d that for each of such telephones separate written contracts, con- taining the customary provisions, except that it is with charge, shall be previously signed, having endorsed thereon the fact of concession herein specified. Ald Olinger, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported as fol ows: In favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of alley between Seventh and Eighth and Clay and ite streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogler. Also in favor of bill of $110 due Lavin & Corrance, balance due for grading on Rose street. Adopted Also for $50 due Norton & Lee, balance on contract for improving Cornell and Thomas streets. Adopted. Also in favor of paying Paul Krocheskie $17.85 for macadam. Adopted. Also lull:Ivor of balance due on macadam Peeter Kiene $13.80, Adopted. Also in favor of allowing Norton & Lee $750 as part payment for grading on Broad- way. Adopted. Also reported in favor of paying macadam bill to the amount of $218 02. Adopted. Also reported i favor ot accepting Broad- way, Broadway Extension and Washington street between Sanford and Twenty-second streets. Adopted. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing the within report of the street commis- sioner for March, 1893. .Adopted. Ald Nicks, chairman of the electrical con- struction committee. reported as follows: In favor of paying E. B. Chandler $800 for indicator, gong, etc., as per contract. Adopted. In favor of paying E. B. Chandler $64 for magnets. Adopted. In favor of paying bill ot $14 75 to Central Union Telephone company for rent of tele- phones. Adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the execuutivvee committee of the board of health, reported in favor of instructing the street commis- sioner to clean the hay market; also report - red in favor of emoving dead animals. Adopted. $7 °U for Also reported in favor of paying E. E. Frith $8L for removing garbage and dead animals. Adopted Ald L'llig, chairman of delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: In favor of reducing assessment of J. A. Kennedy to $1.000 ou lot 2, Bush's sub, for 1893 Adopted. In favor of reducing assessment of Katie E. Smith to $800 on lot 6, Milligan's sub. for 1892. Adopted. In favot of reducing assessment of Mrs. Ann Murphy to $1,300 on north twenty feet, city lot 83 for 1890 Adopted. In favor of allowing Kate E. Sullivan to pay one-half of her t,xes on lot 1 ot 2 of 3 of city lot 738, as payment in full for 1892. Infavor of canoe ling the taxes of Bridget Burke on the south 27 feet of lots 10 an 11, in Levi's addition, for 1892. Report adopted. Your committee ;report adversely to the following petitions: Sophia Firzinif, H. B and J. B. Glover, Mrs. John McMahon and James Beach. Adopted. Adverse to the petition of Joseph Herod and Mary Wallis Alo. Crawford moved that the prayer of petitioners be granted Lost. Report of committee adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: In favor of paying bill of $356 20 of G. J. Jones for wo k on the Central engine house. Adopted Ald. Crawford, chairman of committee on supplies, reported as follows: Your committee reports in favor of pay- ing Fergus in Bros.' bill of $:7.85 for plumb- ing. Adopted Also in fvor of thay. Adopted. of $10.40 to Wm. GWaters for Also in favor of paying bill of $11.25 due Dubuque Rubber and Belting company for rubber coats for firemen. Adopted. A so in favor of paving bill of $2 to Rein - fried & Jaeger for wheelbarrow. Adopted. Also in favor of pay tug bill of $7.60 due Ansonia Electric Co. for electrical supplies. Adopted. bill of Also report in favor of paying $135 due Dubuque Wooden Ware Co. for lumber. Adopted. bill of Also report in favor of paying $4 50 due Carr, Ryder & Engler Co. for lum- ber. Adopted. printing Powers, chairman of the p g committee. reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying bill of printing for Marc,Telegraph93dopte for Ad Adopted. offi - cial prh Also report in favor of paying bill of $75 due Herald for official printing for March, 1893. Adopted. Also report in favor of paying the Times company's bill of $29 15 for official printing for March, 1893 Adopted. Also report in favor of Paying bill of$29.15 due the Ledger for official printing for March, 1893. Adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: r committee report in favor of paying t the bill of the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power company of $187.50 for electric light for the month of April. 1893. Adopted. tAlso report in favor of Layin Bud bill otPDu- buqueDElectric Railway, Lig er company of $205 31 for electric light for month of March, 1893. Adopted. Also report in favor ofopaving ifor lgofs the Key City Gas company $" d in the City hall and Central engine house during March, 1893. Adopted. Also report in favor of receiving and filing bill of Western Electric company of $2.98. Adopted. Also report in favor of paying the bill of 54 Regular Session, allay 1, 1893. G be Light and Heat Co. of $500 for gaso- line lights for March, 1893 Adopted. Also report in favor of deducting $37.34 from bill of Star Electric Co of $l.i1iT.r9for lights not properly lighted during month of March, 1893. and paying balance of $1,139 75. Adopted. Your committee on police aad light, and electrical construction, to whom was referred the kids for 100 electric lights, more or less, beg leave to report that after a careful con- sideration of the matter, that we deem it inadvisable at present to enter into a con- tract for any more electric lights, and would report in favor of receiving stud filing the accompanying bids and proposals and would further recommend that no further ac- tion be taken on the matter until such time as the council knows the number of lights required, and the location thereof. Adopted. Your committee report in favor of in- structing the treasurer to refund $15 75 to the Dubuque Electric Railway Light and Power company, being amount collected from said company for lamrs without globes, and would recommend in future that said company be deducted for any lamps not provided with globes. Adopted. Your committee report in favor of in- structing the treasurer to refund to the Star Electric company the sum of $51 27, being amount collected from said company for lamps without globes, as we believe said company endeavored to place the globes on said lamps as sonn as possible, but hereafter would recommend that there be deductions for all lamps without globes. Adopted Aho, report in favor of referring the with- in statement of gas consumed through city meters since gas governors have been at- tached, to city electrician, to examine and report what benefit the city may gain by the use of said governors. Adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the paving committee, reported in favor of granting the petition of the Norwegian Plow com- pany asking that the curb on South Main street, abutting their factnry, be set three inches below the grade, said permission to be at the pleasure of the city council, and if said curb is ordered raised in tr a future, the same to be done at the expense of abutting property and said Norwegian Plow company to hold the city harmless for any damages that may be caus;d by the lowering of said curb. Report adopted. Ald Butler, chairman of the committee on harbors, reported as follows: Your committee report that we have ex- amined the ice hart or at the foot of Second street, and are unable to fled any nuisance that exists there at present, as complained of in within petition, but would recommend that the marshal be instructed to abate any nuisance that might exist in or about said harbor at any time in the future. Report adopted. Ald. Olinger, chairman of committee on fire and water, reported in favor of paying bill of Dubuque Water company for *1,245.- I.O, amount due for hydrants for month of March. Adopted. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reports as follows: Your committee report in favor of refer- ring the petition of the Dubuque Wooden Ware company, et al , to the fire and water committee to try and make arrangements for the storage of a hose cart in the im- mediate vicinity, also as to the necessity of more fire plugs in said vicinity and report to the council. Report adopted. Report also in favor of instructing the mayor to appoint a special committee of three to examine the contract with the Woodlawn Park company, as regards the within bill for grading and report the same to the council. Report adopted. The mayor appointed the following aldermen to act as such: Alds. Olinger, Powers and Glab. Also in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Chas. Klingenberg, ask- ing the city to fill lots 1 and 2 in Chas. Klin- genberg's subdivision. Report adopted. Report as follows on the within communication of property holders on West Hill and vicinity, offering to donate, part payment for a lot in Grandview Park addition for Bre purposes. That we appre- ciate their willingness of assistance in the matter, but deem it inadvisable at present to go to the expense of constructing a build- ing and equiping a hose cart. Report adopted. Also report in favor of granting the within petition of the Norwegian Plow company for permission to build a bridge across south Main street, at the pleasure of the council, said Norwegian Plow company to hold the city harmless for any damages that may be caused by the construction or main- tenance of the said bridge across said south Main street. Ald. Crawford moved to amend that they furnish plans of bridge and submit same to council for approval before constructing same. Report adopted as amended. Your committee reports that the city is ready to proceed with the extension of Dodge street sewer abutting S. P. Wadley's property, and are waiting for said S. P. Wadley to proceed with the construction of his building. Adopted. Report also in favo- of referring the within petition of Francis Jaeger et al., for fire protection on the hill to the fire and water committee, to see what arrangements could be made for the equipment of a hose cart at some suitable point and report to the council. Adopted. Also report in favor of receiving and filing within petition for the improvement of Leibnitz street. Adopted. Also report in favor of referring the with- in resolution in relation to interest on war- rants to finance committee. to confer with parties holding said warrants and adjust the matter to the best interest of the city. Adop ted. Also report in favor of paying the within bill of Floyd Davis of $20 for sanitary analysis of water furnished the city by the Dubuque.Water company. Adopted. Also report in favor of paying within bill o! Dr Geu. Minges of $75 for microscopic ex- amination of the water furnished by the Du- buque Water company. Adopted. Also report in favor of referring the peti- tion of R. Kimball asking for assistance for running the Eagle Point ferry to the fire and water committee, to confer with said R. Kimball in relation to the manner he intends to run said ferry, both as to the number of trips per day and length of season. Adopted. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Nicks offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the matter of official print- ing for the ensuing year be referred to the printing committee. Ald. Nicks offered the following: Resolved, By the pity council of the city of Dnbuque,hat Twenty-second and Twenty- third struts, between Jackson and Elm streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadam- izing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property; grading to be bid in total. Regular Session, fay 1, 1893. 55 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Butler, Burne, Glab Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ala. Crawford asked to be excused from voting on the above resolution, which was granted Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the alley between Fifteenth and Sixteenth and Pine and Maple streets be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and he is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the expei,se of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler. Byrne, Crawford, Glab. Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Olinger offered the following which was adopted. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water com- pany be instructed to extend their water mains from tne present terminus on Rhom- berg avenue to Lincoln and Tenth avenues and Lime and North First streets, and that a water plug be placed at the corner of Lin- coln and Tenth avenues; also on Lime and North First streets under the direction of the fire committee and fire chief. The city of Dubuque guarantees to said Water com- pany a sufficient amount to pay interest at ofthe the rate pipe eer cent torequirede er annum so extended. Adopted. Ald. Olinger presented the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the time for the enforcement of the wide tire ordinance be extended ten days more, so as to allow the wagon makers time to complete and finish the wagons now in their hands. Ald. Olinger presented the following reso- lution, which was adopted. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the ordinance committee and city attorney be instructed to draft an ordi- nance taxing and regulating telegraph and telephone poles that are erected and main- tained on or along any street, alley, avenue or public place in the city. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, he. within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of Main street, between First street and Jones street, where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glag, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powerb, Ryder and Vogel. Ald Olinger moved that the city engineer shall proceed to enforce the filling of all lots that have been ordered filled by the city council. Carried. Ald. Lillig moved that J. H . Wood be ap- pointed wharfmaster at the same salary as last year. Carried AId. Ruder moved to adjourn to Monday, May 8, at 7:30 p. m. t. arried. Attes ecorder. Ald. Ryder presented the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the Dubuque Water company be instructed to exted their water mains along Summit, and that a water plug be placed on said street under the supere city vision of the fire chief and fire committee, guaranteeing to said company mpa at a rate of ntt sum of money to pay per cent per annum on the cost of pipe so re- quired to be laid. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city attorney be in- structed to give his written legal opinion as to what course the city has to take to abate the nuisance caused by the smoke that issues from the buildings of the Steam Heating works and the Dubuque Electric Railway, Light and Power compagy's plant. Ald. Ryder also offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: .Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city electrician be and is hereby instructed to furnish fur the informa- tion of the police and showing the location oflight all c street tlighee a tslat in the city. Ald. Byrne offered the following resolution : CITY COUNCIL. 1893. ayor. Adjourned Regular Session May 8, 1893 Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Alds. Byrne. Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Petition of Eighth street and West Du- buque Street railway in relation to the order passed by the council Dec. 5, 1892, reduc- ing their assessment to 15,000, was read. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution in relation thereto. WHEREAS The Eight Street and West Dubuque Street railway y lied with the resolutions passed by the council in regard to the extention of its line, and, WHEREAS, The city treasurer and' city auditor cannot receive the taxes and re- demption money as is in said resolution pro- vided, without further order from the coun- cil, it is therefore Resolved, That the city treasurer be in- structed to receive from said Eighth street and West Dubuque Street railway in full for taxes due to the city of Dubuque for the year 1892, such amount as he will find due upon a basis of $5,000 valuation of the property said company ; and, Resolved further. That the city auditor be instructed to receive from said Eighth Street and West Dubuque railway the due for m of $219 27. or such sum as he may the redemption from tax sales for special tax for sidewalk, and the regular taxes for 1890, and for the interest and penalty on tsx sale for taxes of 18911, and for the interest and penalty on the tax sale for taxes of 1891, to- gether with a warrant on the city treasurer for tax form 1892; and furter be that it the raga- oityetreasurerafor the sum of $240.15, payable 56 Adjourned Regular Session, JIay S, 1 S93. to the city auditor, to aid in such redemp- tion, as provided in the resolution hereto- fore passed by the council in relation to this railway Referred to committee on ordinances. Petition of Anna Madl for remission of taxes. Referred to delinquent tax commit- tee. Petition of Chas. Hollnagel et al. for elec- tric light on White street, between Eagle Point avenue and Sanford street. Referred to the committee on police and light. Petition of F. W. Kringle in relation to condition of Catherine street. Referred to committee on streets. Petition of Herman Knoernschild et al. for drainage pipes in alley between Couler avenue and Jackson streets, and Twenty- second and Twenty-third streets. Referred to city engineer and committee on streets. Petition of Tony Siege asking that Blake street he put in a passable ondition. Re- ferred to street committee with power. Petition of Geo. B. Burch in relation to an electric light or gas lamps on Burch and West Third streets. Referred to committee on police and light. Petition of W. J. Cantillon asking for a change of grade on Brad street. Referred to committee on streets. Petition of the county board of supervis- ors asking for the paving of alley between Clay and White and Seventh and Eighth streets with brick. Referred to street com- mittee and action on resolution for improve- m•nt of said alley be postponed. Petition of M E. Erwin and W. A. Wil- liams to establish grade of alley west of Winona avenue Granted. and eugineer in- structed to prepare profile of grade of said alley. Petition of C. A. Walters to remove frame house to rear of his lot. Granted Petition of A. Wender asking council to test his street sweeper. Chairman of street committee and street commissioner were instructed to test the same. Communication of C. H. White & Co. in regard to exchange on money paid by city for redemption of bonds, was read. On motion, the treasurer was instructed to write C. H. Waite & Co that interest and principal on bonds were payable in Du- buque without additional expense to the city as per their contract. The communication of City Treasurer Gniffke in relation to order of city council in regard to special assessment for con- structing sewer in Dorgan's alley was re- ceived and sled. Communication of S. B. Rice. marshal, in relation to extension of garbage districts was referred to executive committee of board of health. Ald. Olinger offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a warrant for $750 be drawn in favor of Con Ryan in partial payment for the improvement of Windsor avenue. Ald. Vogel offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be in- structed to call in improvement bonds. num- bering from 48 to 72 luclnsive, issued Dec. 1, 1891. to Farson, Leach & Co , amounting to $12 500. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee on streets. reported as follows: That they have examined and accepted the following streets: Regent street between Windsor and Queen streets and Queen street between Eagle Point avenue and Regent street, done by Stanek & O'Farrell. contractors, also Francis street done by E E. Frith, contrac tor. Report adopted. Ald. Powers moved that the city treasurer be instructed to make a formal demand of all money due the city from the bridge fund now in the hands of the county treas- urer, and a failure on the part of said coun• ty treasurer to deliver the same, the city attorney be instructed to commence pro- ceedings for collection of the same. Car- ried. Ald. Byrne moved the rules be suspended and parties desiring to address the council be given the privilege. Carried Mr. Allerdyce addressed the council in re- gard to the condition of the water iu his premises on Fourth and Clay streets. On motion the matter was referred to the ex- ecutive committee of the board of heal .h and city physician with power. Ald Crawford moved that kids for build- ing sewer on Emmett and St. Mary's streets be opened and contract let Carried. Bids of D. W Linehan, H. Corrance and M. Lavin were opened and read, On motion the bid of Aft Lavin, as follows: Tile pipe, per lineal foot 553; manholes. $25 each, and flush tank, $65, was accepted and contract awarded to him, he being the low- est bidder. Aid. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- neuded to hear Mr. Nelson, attorney for the Ledger, in regard to a suit against the city now pending. Carried. Mr. Nelean addressed the council and agreed to accept $5) in full for claim against the city and pay all costs. On motion the matter was referred to the printing committee, city attorney and re- corder Ald. Crawford moved that the bond of the city engineer be fixed at $5,000. Carried. Ald. Olinger moved that when the council adjourns it does so to m'et Tuesday, May 9, at 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald Olinger moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest:d pproved 1892. ✓ Mayor. O o i t C- Recorder. An ordinance, To amend au ordinance entitled, "An ordinance providing for compensation of the City Elec- trician and designating who shall pay the same, adopted May 2, 1891 " Section 1. Re it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque. that au ordinance adopt- ed May 2, 1891, ert,tled, "An ordinance provid- ing for compensation of the City Electrician and designating woo scall pay the same," be, and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of section three (3) of saia ordinance the following proviso: "Provided that this ordinance shall not be held to apply to the Central Unir n Telephone Com• parry, now operating a telephone exchange in said city under au ordinance wanted to 1t by the city of Dubuque on the 7th day of august, 1882." Sec 2. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its t,doption by the City Council, and its publication one time in the official newspaper of the city of Dubuque. Approved May 4, 1893. A. W. DAUGHBRTY, Mayor. Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice. The huckster stands at the market house will be sold at auction Saturday morning, May 6, at 101o'clock. 4t— E. W. NORTON, Marketmaster. r 1 Adjourned Regular Session, .3iay 9, 1S93. 57 CITY COUNCIL, Adjourned Regular Session, May 9, 1893. • Council met at 3:33 o'clock p. m., Mayor Daugherty to the chair. Present—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, G,ab. Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: .Resolved, That it is the sense of this com- mittee ot the whole, and that they so report, that there should be a change in regard to the office of street commissioner, which is abolished, and that as a substitute therefor there shall be a suitable man hired as fore- man, or superintendent. by the street com- mittee, who shall be subject to their direc- tion and control in connection with the city engineer, including the right ot the street committee to discharge him at any time they see fit. Ald Crawford moved to amend, that the city council elect the foreman. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford and Glab. Noes—Aids. Butler. Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers. Ryder and Vogel Ald. Olinger's report was then adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler. Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Voge:. Noes—Aids Byrne. Crawford and Glab. Ald Olinger moved to suspend the rules to hear ard to paving r the alley back of the court harties address the council iu ouse. Carried. Mr. Pier and Chas. Mehl addressed the council in regard to the same. Ald. Ryder moved tnat said alley be im- proved as determined by the committee who have the matter in charge when they report to the council. Carried. City Engineer Blake presented profile of grade of alley between Lincoln and Provi- dence and Johnson and Windsor avenues. Ald. Olingermoved atddeclared t shown onthe plat be he estab- lished grade. Carrried. Petition of u. W. Rand for repairing plank sidewalk abutting Baptist church on Twelfth and Main, referred to city engineer and mayor with power. The bond of City Eogineer Knowlton was presented, and, on motion, the same was approved. W. H. Knowlton was then sworn in by Mayor Daugherty. Ald Powers moved the salary of city en- gineer be *3,31,0 per year Carried. Ald. Butler, chairman of the harbor com- mittee, reported in favor of granting the petition of the Diamond Jo company. toAdoinstructed prepare contract aud city giving a lease for two years at one dollar per year. Ald. Powers presented the following reso- lution, which was adopted. WHEREAS. Edward 0 Blake has discharged the duties of the office of city engineer. by permission and request of the council, after the expiration of pie term, said Edward C. Blake is now released and disoharged from said office and its duties. He shalt receive payment for his services since the exp' on of his term up to this time at the same rate fixed for his salary during his term, and the proper officials of the city shall execute to him a city warrant accordingly. Ald. Powers ale& presented the following resolution which was adopted: WHEREAS, J C. Carter has discharged the duties of the office of street commissioner by permission and request of the council, after the expiration of his term, said John Carter ie now released and discharged from said office and its duties. He shall re- ceive payment for his services since the expiration of his term at the same rate fixed for his salary during his term, and the proper officials of the city shall execute to him a city warraat accordingly Ald Crawford made a motion that the action of the council granting the build P ow company pan a bridge across South Main street be recon- sidered, and moved that action on said mo- tion be postponed until the next regular meeting Cal tied. Ald. Olinger moved that when the council adjourns it does so to meet Thursday, May 13, at 7:30 o'clock p m. Carried. Ald. Byrne moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest -G"1--- ecorde r. 1893. Mayo r CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, May 18, 1893. Council met atby in the ch5 o'clock pirm Mayor Daugr Preseno—Alda. Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Olinger. Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. R, der moved to allow Mr. Faherty the privilege to erect a shed on I ,wa be- tween First and Second streets. Referred to the mayor and maeshal with power. The petition of E A. Spaulding, et al, for sewer on Roberts avenue. Referred to the sewer committee. Tee petition of D. D. Myers, et al., for sewer on Fenelon streets. Summit Referred to the sewer com- mittee. Petition of C. Bayless, et al., that Grant Park be repaired and sidewalks attended to. Referred to committee on public grounds and buildings Petition of G. B. Huckels, et al., for side- walk on Almond street. Graated. Petition of J. S. Garrigan for correct curb line on WeetSeventn street. Granted Petition of T. J. Donahue for privilege of placing public scales on Grandview avenue and to be appointed weighmaster of same. Referred to committe on markets. resolu- tion: Powers offered the following tion : Resolved, That a committee of three be ap- pointed by the mayor to investigate tiattheat pro- ceedings ;and outrages perpetrated and he Grand Opera house last evening, partic- ularly whether the police officers and mana- gers of the Opera house were negligent in their duty with reference to the same. The mayor appAdopted. ointedAlda. Powers, Ryder and Crawford a committee to investigate the same. Ald. Olinger moved tatthe W ndeoe and lashed in the alley between • 5S Adjourned Regular Session, Nay 18, 1893. Johnson avenues and Lincoln and Provi- dence streets be reconsidered. Carried. On motion the profile of grade was re- ferred to the street committee to report at next meeting. Ald. (flab offered the following, which wag referred to the street committee: Resolved, By the city council nt the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of West Fifth street, between Roberts avenue and Alpine street, where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting property. Ald. Olinger offered the following, which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Almond street, between Ellis street and Foye street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn to Wednes- day, the 24th, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. Attest y ao/.... Recorder. ( / 1893. ay or CIT " COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session May 24, 1893. Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Powers, chairman of the printing committee, reported as follows: In regard to the matter of the official printing, referred May 6, the committee recommends that the council designate by majority vote of all the members of the city council one city piper printed in the English language as the official paper fur the ensuing year, fixing the terms thereof, and one city paper printed in the German language, in which shall be printed and published all official notices, and that the council fix the terms and amount to be paid therefor. Your committee herewith annex In the report ap- plications made for said printing. Report adopted. Ald Ryder moved to postpone the letting of contract for printing until a future meet- ing. Carried. Ald. Powers, chairman of the special com- mittee to investigate the outrage at the opera house, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: The committee appointed by the city coun- cil to investigate the proceedings connected with the performance of the Cherry sisters at the Grand opera house on the evening of the l7th of May, report as follows: That they have examined into the matter carefully, and as completely and thoroughly as possible, with a view to arrive at the ac- tual facts, and as directed in the resolution appointing us to "ascertain p lrticularly whether the police officers and the manager of the opera house were negligeut in their duties." A large number of witnesses were exam- ined by us under oath, and their testimony carefully taken by a shorthand reporter, which has been preserved and can be writ- ten out in long hand if desired. We find the following facts from the evi- dedce and our investigation: That the troupe known as the Cherry sis- ters had been criticised and their perform- ance ridiculed largely by the public press in the cities where they had performed prior to their appearance here. The persons com- prising the troupe, as tar as we could ascer- tain, were of good character, and there is nothing in the performance improper, but that neither the play or acts or actors possess much if any professional merit. The people on .the stage did nothing to invoke the improper and riotous reception they met with from a small portion of the audience. As soon as the play commenced, without giving opportunity to determine whether it was good or bad, it was interrupted by up- roar, hooting, blowing of horns and the throwing of vegetables of all kinds, and missies and article, of various descrip- tions upon the stage and even at the performers. Water from a tire extinguisher and shot, nails, a tin boiler and various other articles were thrown on the stage. This continued until they were compelled to close the performance. We judge that a large portion of the audience felt outraged by the conduct of those engaged in this dis- turbance, anticipating that while there was not much merit in the performance they, from its crudeness and lack of merit, might have some genuine fun. The performers, it seems. did not court or desire the notoriety arising from the disturbance. The ladies of the troupe became very much frightened. One of them had been bit in the face with a stream of water. and another was cut on the hand by a missile thrown onto the stage. After the cup tain went down and it was an- nounced by the manager of the troupe that performance would not proceed, the crowd which had caused the disturbance and brok- en up the performance continued around the oi,era house, jeering and hallooing, so that the ladies of the troupe, it appears, were afraid co leave the house to go to their hotel. The police, however, interfered, kept the crowd back and protected the ladies while they took their carriage which was drawn swiftly up the alley to Ninih street, thence to Locus street, to avoid the crowd, to the Paris hotel, where the troupe was stopping. Incredible as it may seem, many of those who had caused the disturbance and driven the performers from the stage, followed them to their hotel, passing down Main street, arriving at the hotel about the same time the carriage containing the troupe got there. The noise and confusion caused a large gathering in the street around the hotel, those creating the disturbance jeering, hooting and throwing eggs into the carriage, and when the ladies were getting out one of them was struck by an egg. as was also the landlord of the hotel, wh was assisting them into the house, and the driver of the hack was struck with a stone and his hack damaged. After the ladies got into the ho- tel the crowd rushed into it, hooting and throwing eggs until they were driven out by the landlord, and finally a policeman came, when it dispersed. ft is needless to say that a disturbance of this kind was a breach of the peace, a violation of law, and renders those participating in it liable to criminal punishment, which they richly deserve and should certainly receive. It also reflect Adjourned Regular Session, .May 24, 1893. 59 upon the city. its good name, morality, the orderly behavior of its'citizens and the en- forcement of law and order by its offi ;ere. The ,conclusive portion of the resolution under which your committee was appointed, required us to examine more particularly into the conduct . f the police officers, who receive their appointment from the city, and the manager ot the opera house, whose li- cense to conduct it is obtained from the same source. It appears that the manager of the . opera house, with full knowledge ot this troupe and the unfavorable criticisms made wherever they had performed, entered into an arrangement with its manag.r by which he was to receive 50 per cent. of the net profits, and that he at least made eugges- ttons se to notices extensively published in the newspapers of the city in regard to the troupe, and indicated that large license would be given to those attending, and in short that a general gond time could be had by those so disposed. No doubt this con- tributed largely to the unfortunate result which followed. The opera house had also been prepared for such an oc- currence by removing and changing the scenery so that it could not be damaged. The manager of the opera house applied previously to the city marshal for a squad of police to attend at the opera house that evening, for which tickets were given by him to the marshal. There seems to be a disagreement between the marshal and the manager of the opera house as to what took place between them in regard to police. The marshal testified that the man- ager of the opera house said: "Everything was to go in the opera house that night ex- cept damage to the property." This is de- nied by the manager of the opera house. The city marshal did send a squad of police to the opera house, telling them substantial- ly that there was to be a free time; that everything was to go except injury to prop- erty, and that they were to act under the directions of the manager of the opera house, and this was the understanding of the police when they went to the opera house. The manager of the opera house was in and around the opera house during the perform- ance and saw the poli -eman there and never, at least publicly, objected to any of the dis- turbance; never demanded that those who were creating and never askshould ed the as ist nceof the police. The captain of the police stated underoath that ordinarily he would have stopped the disorderlstood that everythingconduct, to go free except but be rdamage to property, and that he was to act under the directions of the manager of the opera house. The greatest outrage was what took place after the close of the performance when the ladies of the troupe were going to their hotel, and after they arrived at the hotel. It appears that the police officers did not ac- company the troupe to the hotel. They tes- tify that they saw the troupe, as they sup. posed, safe on Ninth street, and returned and saw the crowd on Eighth and Main streets, and had no idea or intimation that the crowd would follow the troupe to their hotel, and the various officers were or- dered then on duty to their respective beats. It appears that one officer at the time occurrence at the opera house, and when the troupe arrived at the Paris Hotel, was on duty on the beat which included the hotel, but he was not the reular officer f that beat, but had been sent down specially that evening on account of the absence of the regular officer. He says he wason another ppart of his beat when the company arrived at the hotel, and when be passed the hotel a large portion of the crowd bad left and he immediately dispersed the balance. It also appears that the city marshal was not pres- ent at the opera house, as was expected, un- til near the close of the performance, having been kept away unexpectedly by other duties. The landlord at the hotel testifies that they telephoned immediately upon the arrival of the crowd around his hotel to the city hall for the police and patrol, and was answered that it would be sent immediately, that no police appearing they telephoned several times and were informed at last that the police would be down on the next car. It appears that the city marshal was not at the city hall when the telephones were re- ceived, and the policeman there in charge telephoned to the central station to the cap- tain of police, but it does not appear that he had yet returned from the opera house. It seems that no policeman except the one on the beat arrived at the Paris Hotel until the crowd had entirely dispersed. It seems to us that the general nature of the performance, in connection with the newspaper reports in regard to it, and the method of advertising it in the city papers invited and to a large extent conduced to and were instrumental in producing the result that followed It seems also that the manager of the opera house ought not to have permitted such a performance in the opera house, es- pecially ought not to have indicated that such license should be given to the crowd attending. it also appears to us that he should have attempted to stop the disturbance. and to have asked the aid ot the police to that end it it could not be stopped without. and for this reason he is justly liable to censure. It is probably due to him to say that undoubt- edly he did not suppose the disturbance would gn to the extent it did, and that it started quickly and increased so rapidly he was somewhat confused. While we think he should be censured we do not think tis license should be ng of the kind should occur ome- ur againunless E WWe think also that it is questionable whether the marshal should permit the po- lre to be used under circumstances like these, to countenance actions which might lead to a riot or breach of the peace. It seems to us that the proper thing for the marshal to have said to the manager of the opera house would have been that it the police west to the opera house they went to preserve order and must act upon their own judgment and in accordance with their or- dinary duty; otherwise it leaves the police present subject to unjust censure, for they are acting under particular instructions from their superior, which are not known to the people. There is also a question as to whether the police should not have gone whowth - ever,he they could note to ir hotel; re reasonably anticipate that the crowd would do the extraordinary and outrageous thing of following the troupe after they left the opera house. The whole proceeding was the result that is almost certain to follow a departurefrom to the course of order and propriety, snd permit lawlessness to any extent is inducing and inviting it to the extreme. The man- ager of the opera house and the police offi- cers of the city should understand that they show d carefully guard the morality and good name of the city, and that if they do the license oo so the f s the opefficers raremoved, be hhouse can be re- voked. in this out- ragethose who were engaged upon decency and are violaters of the law, it is not within our power the evince to deal. We can onlysay duty it is to officers of the law, that see that they are punished, the evidence thee information furnished by have taken can readily be obtained if cul r desire it. We do not see that any, pa action of the council is required, they 60 Adjourned Regular Session, .may 24, 1593. not having jurisdiction or power to punish those engaged In the commission of the acts referred tu. J. B. POWERS. PHIL. RIDER. Ald. Crawford made the following minor- ity report: In the main I concur in the foregoing, re- port, but consider it entirely too mild in its censure of the total failure of the marshal and police to make any effort to suppress the riot at the opera house, and to protect the helpless women who undertook to per- form there from insult and Wary, or to prevent the crowning outrage perpetrated on them when they returned to their hotel after their attempted entertainment had been broken up. P. W. CRAwF •RD. On motion the report of the committee was adopted as read. Aids. Byrne and Olinger arrived at 8:45 p. m. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the executive committee of board of health, reported es follows, which was adopted: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN: Your committee of the ex- ecutive board of health, to whom wee re- ferred the matter of the condition of the water supplied by the Dubuque Water com- pany, beg leave to report that after a care- ful consideration of the matter and a con- ference with the Water company have come to the conclusion that the cause of the condi- tion of the water was caused by the mains not being properly cleansed and flushed, and the pressure on the pipes from the operation of the pumps at Eagle Point has been so strong that it causes the iron rust, etc., to dissolve in the water, thus giving it a yellow and cloudy appearance. To avert this, the Water company has agreed to try and furnish enough water from their artesian well and the "level" for drink- ing end household purposes, and only supply water from the Eagle Point station in cases of necessity, or when the supply from other sources is insufficient. By this arrangement on the part of the Water company we believe that the city will have pure and wholesome water, and that there will be no reason of complaint in the future. The Water company also agrees to put in a plug at the end of their main in the alley between Fourth and Fifth and Iowa and Clay streets, and to properly flush said main, all at their own expeuae, which we believe will remove the cause of complaint in regard to the water furnished to adjacent property in that vicinity. PIIIL. RYDER, J. B POWERS, JAS BUTLER, N. P. NICKS, A. VOGEL, Committee. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows, which was adopted: ' our committee report in favor of award- ing the contract for the improvement of Dodge street between South Dodge and Grandview avenue, to Williams & McCann, they being the lowest legal responsible bid- iiers. Ald. Olinger moved that the grade of the alley between Seventh and Eighth and Clay and White streets as shown by the red line on profile, be reconsidered and that the grade as shown by the green line be substitu- ted in lieu thereof as the established grade. Adopted by the foilowing vote: Ayes—Aids. B atter, Byrne, Crawford,Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Byrne, chairman of the sewer com- mittee. reported as follows, which was adopted: Your committee report in favor of grant- ing the petition of W. A. Leathers et al. ask- ing that they be allowed to construct a san- itary sewer in the rear of their premises on Fenelon Place and connect same with city sewer, said sewer to be constructed under the eupervistou of the city engineer and on plans to be approved by him. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, reported as follows on the reso- lution relating to the taxes of the Eighth Street and West Dubuque street railway. That we have had under consideration the petition and have conferred with the city auditor and other city officers and have ex- amined the records of the former proceed- iugs of the council in relation to the matter referred to in the petition, and would rec- ommend that the following resolution be adopted: WHEREAS The Eighth Street and:West Du- buque Street railway has fully complied with the resolutions passed by the council in regard to the extention of its line, and, WHEREAS, Tne city treasurer and' city auditor cannot receive the taxes and re- demption money ae is in said resolution pro- vided, without further order from the coun- cil. it is therefore Resolved, That the city treasurer be in- structed to receive from said Eighth street and West Dubuque Street railway in full for taxes due to the city of Dubuque for the year 1892. such amount as he will find due upon a basis of $5,000 valuation of the property of said company; and, Resolved further. That the city audit^r be instructed to receive from said Eighth Street and West Dubuque railway the sum of $219 27. or such sum as he may find due for the redemption from tax sales for special tax for sidewalk, and the regular taxes for 1890, and for the interest and penalty on to sale for taxes of 1891,together with a warrant on the city treasurer for the sum of $340.15, that being the regular tax for 1892; and fur- ther be it Resolved, That a warrant be drawn on the city treasurer for the sum of $341.15, (three hund ed and forty and 15100) payable to the city auditor, to aid in such redemption, as provided in the resolution heretofore passed by the council in relation to this railway. Report adopted. Ald. Powers, chairman of ordinance com- mittee, also reported as follows: Your committee reports and recommends the adoption of an ordinance entitled An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to regulate elections." The ordinance was read for the first time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crwford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald: Powers moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance read for the sec- ond time, and placed on its final patsage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab. Lillig, Nicke, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. The ordinance was then read for the sec- ond time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab. Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes –None. Engineer Knowlton presented profile of grade of alley between Fifteenth and Six- teenth and Pine and Maple streets. Also profile of grade of alley west of Winona avenue. Referred to street committee. The petition of P.Vogel,et al that the alley running northerly between Center street and Alta Vista street be extended and opened to Rose street. ,referred to street committee. Petition of John O'Brien asking the city to purchase wagon for use in sewer department Adjourned Regular Session, .31a? 24, 1893. 61 referred to sewer committee. Ald. Crawford offered the following resol- ution, which was referred to the street com- mittee: Resolved, That a stone crossing be placed across the east side of Brad street at its in- tersection with Julien avenue, to be put in u Ald. Crawford offered r the direction of the following: Resolved That the subjects of grades of Brad etre W est Th d street, from Julien ovenue f om Alp neto d ge street; to Grand View avenue: and of Nevada street, from West Fifth to West Third; also ot liem- mary street and College avenue, be referred to the city engineer to examine the same and recommend any change or modifica- tion he may deem for the public interest. Also that he prepare and present estimates macada- mizingof the cost of Nevada grading, curbing West Third to Julien avenue to est Fifth Dodge st eec. Adoptedand Brad street m Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved, That the license for dogs for 1893 be fixed at treasurer so El instructed. Adopted. tand he city opted. Ald. Mob offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dto prepare easablt the e graderneer be for the alleycted be• to prep tween Pine street and Wilson avenue, and submit same to the council. Ald. Vogel offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the Dubuque ztreet Railway company be requested to attach some sign or device to their cars so that the traveling public can distinguish the Main street and Couler avenue oats from the Clay street and Rhomberg avenue cars Ald. Olinger, chairman of the street com- mittee. reported in favor of the adoption of the following resolution. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk six feet wide, ot good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be within ten days of this notice laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Filth street, between Roberts avenue and Alpine streets where not already laid, Adopted at the y the ex- pense of abutting property. following vote: Byrne, Crawford, Ayes—Alda. Butler, Gllab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Ryder moved tht the to the ha of the extra telephones be placed f the mayor, to be placed where he sees fit. Carried. Ald. O1inr oved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: C' Ap _Recorder. ....__1892. .- Mayor. LIST OF CITY WPIRRANTS, Drawn by the City Recorder during the Month of March, 1893. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, L DUBUQUE, lows, Aptil 1, 1893. i To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is acomplete list of alt warrants drawn by me during the month of march, 1893: Name ForWhat Purpose. Amount. L Donner, treasurer, salary for February..$150 00 J. Gouner, clerk hire do .. 50 00 J C thtzpat'ick, recorder, do . 118 65 J M Kenety, auditor, do .. 116 65 J J McCarthy, attorney, do .. 126 00 Johu Stemm, assessor, do .. 125 00 Geo Beouett, ass't assessor, do .. 100 00 G. Gmehle, do dodo .. 125 00 O 00 Ed Blake, engineer, .. 100 00 E 8 Hyde ass't engineer, di , , 100 00 B _ Jas Boyce, at•st'tengineer, do , 100 00 5 Rice, marshal, 91 65 J Carter.etreet commissioner do00 Jos Reinfrted, fire chief, do .. 7650 00 Ed Norton, marretmaster, do .. 91 50 00 F W Wie.aud, health ofticer, do 60 00 6 RawsOf,sewer inspector, do 75 00 34s Bunting, electrician, do 45 00 H. [lenge, park custodian, do 83 35 John O'Connell, clerk. 60 00 James Daly, fireman 75 00 Job Barnes, do 5 00 A McDonnell, do o 7 50 00 J Muruby, „ 60 00 W Duey, do ""' 50 00 J Schonberger, do „ 50 00 T Shea, do 50 00 Ed Rees, do 80 00 M Eitel, do „ 75 00 J Essman, do ............ 50 00 A Duccini, do oo 50 00 J Flynn, 80 00 J Wiltse, do 60 00 T Walker, do 50 00 James Powell, do 50 00 0 zpecht, do 50 00 D ahem, do 80 00 J Aden, do 60 00 `,; W Htppman, do 60 00 C Kannalt, do 50 00 F Wado 50 00 J Wardrd,, 50 00 Geo Collinson, do 60 00 F Bagman, do 60 00 •i FlLynn, do ...... • 50 00 A *tran ey, d0 41 50 J Rooney, d° ' 75 00 D Ryan, Policeman .......... ........' John Raeslie, do70 00 d ...,, , 48 35 48 35 Noticed Saloon -Keepers Final notic='s hereby given to all saloon- keepers that if their license is not paid dlon or r before April 28th, 1893, I will be comp prosecute them according to the ordinance on that subject. Do not wait to be called upon by the procurias ng your licenseu can save ronbor le and expense by pp before the time above 13. Ric$ city Marshal. 3t B Ca n, M O'Connell, do Win Hennessy, do Wm O Brien, do Wm Frith, QO John Litscher, do P McNerney, do T Reilly. P Dunnegan, do P Kearney. do J Fitzpatrick, do do D Norton, Jas Allen, do John Reuter, do Sam Elmer, do Jas elyan, do Dan Lavery, do Bd Moore, do do M Kilty, J D 8legrist, do do P Sutton, M Craugh, do J Hoffman, do P Sullivan, do do P Powers, Jae Carter, do JohnKintzinger,do M Hardie, do do J Murphy, Wm K auer, do P Scbatf, P MBCollins, do 33 25 46 70 50 00 ....... 50 00 50 00 50 00 ........... 50 00 .......... • 50 00 ... 50 00 ................ 50 0 50 0 0 ............ ................ 50 00 43 ................ 42 g0 5 ................ 44 35 ............. 42 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 ........... 50 00 50 00 50 00