Y Roll_11 Part 4 INDEX.- E3oolc 24. • 1894 S U BJ ECT t'n,•11 E • Jan 2 Engineer's office,report of committee appointed to cx:uuhie 9 2 Ells.St.,change of grade,rtport of commissioners on (p 224,27 ..296 mi) g 2 1•:dwa ri I tit special tax for Sid(walk 00 12 " 22 Elect rie light contract with the Stai Electric Light Co ext(nded 2:; Feb 5 E:n•H,Anna L, taxes (p 36) ;o 5 Ellis St pet of Frank Coates et al fun improvement ;.; March 5 Ernst,Edward,pet asking that taxes be refunded 40 5 Elem ion voting plane In the 1st precinct changed 41. • " 5 Eberhardt. 1.. pet in relation to Delhi engine house 45 April 5 Elect hii.clerks and judges allowed $5.00 each 125 5 Election.a nsnnt of rust of places fon voting and registering deferred 125 • ' 5 EIevenih 8t Elevator Co.,taxes (p 161i,290,248) 127 61 5 Election,mun•ass of votes 129 • " 18 Engine house,Delhi St.,bill of F Beer&Son,balance due,on'recount 138 " 18 Engine house,Delhi St accepted (p 161 102) 141 " 18 Engineer,city, W II Knowlton elee ed (p 159) 191 30 Engine house,Delhi St.,contract fol improving grounds let (p 107) 141 " 30 Eleventh St.- bet Iowa and Clay,sidewslk ordered on 141 May 7 Expressmen,pet of John h' Burns et al to have same removed frons. Seventh and Main 151 64 7 Engineer of steam roller appointed 155 • " 7 Elm St from Lincoln to Eagle Point Aye,accepted 155 ` 7 Ellis St.from W Locust to Almond St. accepted (p 184, 185, 199, 249) 155 667 Eagle Point Ave, bet Windsor and Stafford Ave, ordered improved (p 167,282) 158 i June 4 Elm St,pet of Henry Muellers in relation to assessment of 174 66 4 Ellis Sr, pet of Wm G Limbeck remonstrating against assessment p 199 208) 174 " 4 Eigluh and Iowa,West.and South sides, crossings ordered on 176 " 4 Elect rielights loeated 178 " 4 EiI'1 It St..South side bet (lay and White.,sidcw'rslk ordered on 179 " 4 Eli Veldt] tit., het Main and Locust Sts,sidewalk ordered on 179 " 4 Elm St.,East two-thirds of bet Sanford Ave and 23d St ordered inn• « proved 1 p 1!s:,,208 250,2.51, 278,281 282 294 299,300,:304,'114) 180 4 Elm St.,North of Sanford Ave and 23c1,sidewalk width of established 6foot 181 " 4 Elm St.,from Eagle Point Ave to Rhomberg Ave assessment levied fin. improvement 183-4 " 4 Equalization committee appointed 188 i. " 4 Elm St.,bet Eagle Point.Ave and Rhonsbtrg Ave 2 i , sidewalk ordered 278) 196 July Ellisppet Stf G Sehrieber et al in relation to grade of sidewalk 198 " 2 Elm St.,bet Eagle Point Ave and Lincoln Ave, sidewald ordered on 462 East side of 202 Electric lights location of(p 267) NO3-4 ` 19 Electric lights,ordered on Grandview Ave bet S Dodge and Dodge 214 Aug 5 Excelsior Brass Works,taxes (p 249) 29�4�� 666 Electrie light,pet to have one placed on 15th and Locust K 9i 4 " 6 Eagle Point Ave,bet Johnson and Windsor Ayes,sidewalk ordered on 2`' 9 Esther St.,Engineer to prepare plat fun extension of)p;275,`296) ?41 9 Elm St.,bet Sanford and 23d Sts,sidewalk on East silt of 241 Sept 4 Edwards,Geo,taxes (p 276) 248 ,. " 4 Eighteenth St.,from Clay to Coulei Ave, ordered paved (p 300,314) 264 " 4 Ellis St. bet Almond and W Locust Sts,sidewalk ordered on 266 Oct 1 Elect ric lights ordered on Angella and Catherine Sts 276 `� 1 Egiia l izatiors committee ordered paid 27 44- 1 5 Eberhardt,L, taxes 294.3 " I5 Elm St.,het 22c1 and 23d,sidewalk ordered on 298 Dec 3 Emsley,Alley,pet for improvement granted 315 t w 1 I I 1.:_ INDEX.-Book 24. 1894 SU BJ ECT 1 PAGE B Sept 4 Bridge,tax,levy made 283 4 13roadwa5 St from 131ocklmgers Lane to Diagonal tit., sidewalk or tiered 2(i. " 18 13onds called in 21;7 ; - Oet 1 Bills allowed (p 2s3) 2i"1 r 15 Bonds,improvementordered issued (p 297) 285 Nov 5 Bills allowed (p 300) 293-4 Dee 3 13ills allowe I 313-14 {{ 3 Belton Fredericke taxes 314 {4 3 Bunting J L.,petition to erect poles and wires in streets and Alleys 314 1 7 i i 41 1 c i IR 11 f) • • 1N0EX.--Book 24. 1894 8 U BJ ECT PAGE C Jan 2 (;mhnan, Rosa,taxes(p 33) 2 66 2I C•arne}, \tars B,taxes (p 33) 2 669 C heel haiii,;Sirs John,taxes (p 33) 2 " 2 Chicago Great Western 14 It Co,communication of in relation to sig mils 66 9 Center Place,nano of not to be changed 4-5 " 10 Charity organization to have use of room in City llall 18 " 10 tanovan,Mary 13.,taxes (p 34') 23 fele 0Cooper,A A,taxes (p 36, 123,295) 32 i ,-,! Conrad, Win,taxes (p :ib) 32 ('hiring, Win,taxes .1) 16) 32 ' :, Cadman, Rose,taxes (36) 32 • ('l1tlori1 Ave. and Liberty St.,petition for light on 32 15 City Attorney communication of in relation to peddler's license 3b-7 \laurli s ( miler Ave and 21st St. petition foi light on 39 _ ( endeuuring hand ordinanel 011 41. " ) ( 1 1tr•l1 engine ho use.chimneys i xaurine(1 (126) 41 " 5 t'oiilei Ave., het Meyer.' livery and Schmid's brewery, crossing or I tiered 46 April 5 Conigisky,A ,taxis (p 1611) 127 5 Conrad ti',taxes 128 � • ` 5 C•(vanaugh,II, petition in relation to sewerage assessment (p 175) 128 5 heroical engine.contract foi cancelled 128 " 5 Chemical engine,contract foi accepted 128 �� 5 Committees appointed 131 2 o Cantillion,W J et al,pet in relation to sewer on Booth and W 3d Sts 137 18 (outer Ave abutting lots 319,320 and 8.1, sidewalk ordered 138 May 7 Chestnut tit.. Engineer to give grade of 150 7 Cooler Ave.. hit 26th St and Peru Road sidewalk ordered on 157 " 7 Conk i Ave het 11honiherg and Eagle Point AV( sidewalk ordered on 157 ` 7 Corn(II St., het \V' (Atli and Thomas Sts, sidewalk ordered oii 157 `66 ' 7 Cooler Acv • between Sanford and 93d Sts , sidewalk ordered on 157 7 CoarlerAve , het Eagle Point Ave and Sanford St., sidewalk ordered on 157 << 7 Clay St.,bet 13th and 14thSts,sidewalk ordered on 158 66 7 Clay St.,bet 14th and 10th Sts,sidewalk ordered on 158 7 Clay St. bet 5th and 7th Sts sidewalk ordered on 158 4 7 Cooler Ave, bet '3aiiford and Peru(toad,sidewalk ordered on 158 Jun( 9 Clay St.,bet stli ;end 9th Sts, sidewalk ordered on 161 Clara and August as Sts,pet of Agnes Langworthy in relation to vaca 66tion of(p E.G. 1s5) 174 4 Cottle! ('reel:, Int in relation to(1) 248) 174 ` 4 Clark, f•: \I . pet 111 relation to special tax (p 300) 175 " 4 I ('lay 5t , East side het 8th•(nd Oth Sts,sidewalk ordered on 180 July' ('hid-Si. West side het lith and 17th Sts,sidewalk ordered on 20 ('hay tit . het 126i•in,l 13th Sts,amount foi sidewalk levied 303 Aug 6� Curtis st.. pet foi improvement of(p '350,264 296) 224 6 Charles St,bet Broadway exten and Muscatine St,sidewalk ordered it9 olr 238 Caledonia Place,bet (Jill•uid W 8tlr St., sidewalk ordered on 241 Sept 4 Colford, Marg't taxes (p 976) 248 4 Conlin,Lizzie,taxes (p 276) 248 << 4 Clay St., bet 3d and Pith Sts,ordered paved(p 300 '114) 264 4 Cottle]. ,bet 18th and Sanford Sts, streets ordered paved (n 300, • g) 2 Central engine house,lease of to Governor's Greys 277 Oct 1 " 15 City offices moxed 285 Dec. 3 C, \l ct St P 1t It Cy ,petition tot right of way 315 1 i i 4 INIDEX.--Book 24. 1894 SU BJ ECT PAGE Jan 2 "I:uta:mn. \!a1. an't 111\1.s tj. 't::, 13s) 2 " 2 'ire sop 1 runt of( Ii:rt It1.u11'rn•(1 411 n Iatihu to purchase of host.•111 1.11111-S \Vaz,on 2 " 2 n•.1 til., pet of John 1luutess\ tot permission to act upy liana side tta l l: 2 ` 22 'ire hose hid,: for opened (p 111( 23 ` 22 ,'ire 1'uirf s tt••tgon •ut,l combination (heutical wagon proposals re (11Vctl 2.3 232 ?uhrnl;ol..lohu. taxes (p 131) 23 Feb o 'iretlt p I p.•I. of Frank Snlln••nt for posit loll on .12 '. '1.115 train IMinnow to Potosi pet fon all appropriation 32 " i 'ourth Si rxtension. pt t 111.1 1 I.hontberg tit relation to t•p ._35,.3.",7) 32 " 5 'inn. AII'S 1.1.411';.'.Inst s 1 p •:1• 45 1:31) :33 " lo' 'ns, Mrs John. tit\es cancelled 36 " 15 'itiley Add anti Finley. \\aplt s •unl Burton &dd., names of streets recommended clt tli t l 38 • " 15 '11ye St. plat pro semi d showing grade of(p 40) 38 March 5' 'lynx,Mrs Patrick, taxes Ip i 35) 39 " 5 FremontAvt, named and ordered) improved(p 12" 1n0, 177) 39 5 Forrest Lane bet Ne\ iia and 1)111 till,ordered improved(p 159,199) 40 " 5 Finance committee. ri)port of 48-117 April 5 Fourth tit. object lou.to award of jury rot extension of(p 129 151,207) 125-7 5 Fly ilii, Mrs Mary faxes 128 ' 18 I'orrstet Janus pot ill relation to wall on 1Itlt St under elevator 137 1 " 18 Forrest Lane contract•t wanted (p 2:4,250) 139 " 18 Fink St,in full:s Add, bridge ordered across(p 176) 140 I " 18 I'on1•th St extension,1 t 11 11 Co ordered to tilt,right of wad (p 201, 140 203) May 7 Fifth 'tve,Engineer to inakc t.stttnatt, of cost of grading(p 1110, 187 r 253 ,354, 300) 155 449 Farley, 1 P,resolution on death of 10,. June 4 Fire alarm box, petition tot on Seminary St (p 200) 174 " 4 Fatka,Karl,pet to have sidew•tlk raised on 14th 174 1 " 4 Fremont St.,pet of Chas Vanllorn in relation to chatgt. of grade of (p 17(3) 174 " 4 Fifteenth and Iowa,stone crossing ordered on 176 " -1 I't IIII•teellth and Washington,stone crossing ordered on 176 " 4 fifth tit,bet Iowa and Clay,silt walk ordered on 178 " 4 I'if111't. gutter on South shit., West of Bluff, ordered covered 181 July 2 Fire hose,committee to purchase (p 927) 200 " 2 Fire engines,bids to be received fot purchase of(p 227 24.2,363,'398) 200 " 2 first Ave.,bet Pthontberg and Lincoln,ordered unproved (p 215,225, 20 2S0) Aug 9 First Pres Church,pet for grade on 1111i and Locust 240 9 Fire boxes,recommendation of Fire Chief a5 to location of(p 249) 1 240 9 Forrest Lane, bet Nevada and Del ht Sts,sidewalk ordered on 241 Sept 4 Pourtl1 St extension,proposition of Con Ryan to furnish filling for (p 271;) 248 " 4 Foye St., bet )mond and \'V Locust Sts, Engtneei to prepare plot of 204 " 4 First St het Locust St and Alley East,sidewalk ordered on 2415 Oct 1 Fourth St C 13 &N Ry to till right of way on 27777 ` 1 Fremont Ave resolution fot improvement of " 15 Fischer C 11 claim fot tilling lots 295 " 15 Fogarty,Rev .1 11.,taxes 295 Nov 5 Fifth Ave,from Adauis to Lake Peosta, matter of improving (p 307, 317) 30131 Dec 3 First Universalist Church Sot iety,taxes 3 Fire Engine,named 315 443 Fourth St ex lIi In,proposition of(.eo W Farley for tilling 315 ' 20 Fourth St tX611ni(111 tilling to lie placed inside the proper 11ue 328 If INDEX. Boole 24. ]894 SUBJECT 11'ece IllillIlll°' . _._.:: l _ _ Jan 3 Garfield \vv , front Th5t to Fent,lei A\' spot tai tax for imp of 5 Garfield \\t• tl'nni \Iitltllt•10 1)ock 81 , spet•taI tax for imp of a 44 I •n lile t• assistant nit 1'- Ut' bnndnfnpprttt'etl 12 8 4 a dollii, I' M . pet fot n•t'nntlingsaloon license (p 18) , 17 .19 ,3.4 127 8 (.n. r 1 t l';irnliu:t, t,nes I1 :ani Felt ( i.•.It i. \It Date, damaet account ufovertluw of Coulei Creek, ainn•I April 5 (•annlin, lamps. E 11 Hoagland, communication of in relation to eon- (rnt t 5 (.It•.,.It•1. f'r 11 k.et al,pet to have pipe cam surplus water off Elton'Itnrg .\ce 127 5 (.i.swan Louis a.stssmt nt reduet d I p 476) 128 46 ') WI it (laic .\\e.. ISI it showing a&•Ran t in the ahgmcut of 138 5 (Galt. .\Irl . \•tItiurtur _• \ 130 133 5 ( aria . bid,,to be advertised fuo hauling of M:1 (• 7 turd\i.•vv ,\vt pet for widening of from Southern ave to terminus, ipp I7o, 1 i) 150 4 1''11 evv \ve. pet for vacation of part of 150 23 (.rove 1 errace bol 11th and 12th Sts,sidewalk ordered on (p 170) 104, June 4 (Irntd Oi rt House('n , In t in relation to license (201) 174 4 GrandOlier•t I lona.( n,1s rtuisaon given to close alley to put in bullet 171 1711 4 lotve'lerraee, Engineers report on grade of July 2 (.randview Ave., East . pet tut el-etru light on 198 2 (den Oak Avt trout.Julien Avt to W 3d St accepted (pp 232,233) 199 •, 2 (.artield Avt from Dock to Ann_\v7.,accepted (pp 233,834) 200 2 tir:unlview ,yt . from Southern Ave East resolution for improve- stent of('950) 202 .\lig, 6 (.andolrip st.,grade established 226 41 (tarlielit .\VI', bet Jliddle and Dock St,sidewalk ordered on (p 274) 24I 9 Glen Oal: _Ace.,bet Julien \vv. and W 3d St sidewalk ordered on :241 2 ` 15 (,rant. \It's David,taxes 2141 Nov 5 Grandview 1vt front 8ntltnt tit &vt, East,Eugineet to prepare plat of. 297 ` 5 (Iroc( terrace, impruv'euiettt of accepted (p 304) :391) 1 .I , I 1894. 1 SUBJECT IPAC E H Jan 2 Hickok,Sylvester, INIDtaxesEX. Boole 24. 9 Hlarold St,remonstrance of 0 Dietrick et al ag nist acceptance 2 .. 9 Henderson, Pheresa,taxes d 2 Harold St frow Seminary to Leibinitz,special tax for inmproveumentof 9 10 442 Heim,Mrs,matter of remission of taxes reconsidered(p 34,'264) 17 1° 10 llart St.,remonstrance of Frank Fosselinan et al against chiuigt of grade of(p 150) 18 " 10 Hart St.,report of commissioners appointed to assess damages 18 19 10 Hatt St.,grad( established 10 Feb 5 Ilenrich Joseph, taxes(p '36) 32 5 Mintz,1\ is 1,taxes (1) 36) �3 5 llilkins.-Schoft'ard, taxes (p 36,156) '3 " 5 I t ill au l \i' 5th tit.,pet of( E Bradley et al to retain fountain on i2 Marc]( 5 IH.,.t,i1 1.. its m.ittei of site fot (p 198) 44 April 5 l otilpi.. \Ir. .I.,uathan,taxes (p 160) 127 5 llinning,Albeit, taxes ]2n " 18 llardie &liarlc,,pet of to furnish directories 139 " 30 Hill St , bet W 3(1 and\V 5th Sts,sidewalk ordered ou 141-9 May 7 11(.rn ��urt, He taxes 150 44 7 1lero 1..I su+ph,chum of*7 50 on account of improveument of Maio St 150 " 23 Mollyy�t ,crossing ordered on 1041 June 4 Hughes.\Irs Eliza,taxes 174 14 4 Hu(klea,(r J ,taxes 174 18 High Bluff St.,bet Stafford & Schiller, ordered improved (p 208,2.54, 2.5.5) 196 Aug 6 Hill St,sidewalk ordered on ,i73 0 Holly St.,bet Cleveland Ave and hush St.,ordered improved (p 978, 285) `:40 44 " 9 High Bluff St. bet•Stafford&Schiller,sidewalk ordered on 24.3 Sept 18 Higli I3hiff St extension, engineer to prepare plot of (p 975,376,977, 297) Citi � Oct 1 Ilowatka,Albert,taxes (p 297) 274 Nov 5 Highland Place extension Engineer to prepare plat of 298 " 5 Holly St. bet Cleveland Ave rind Rush St,sidewalk ordered on 299 Dec .3 High Bridge Co.proposition of (p 316,317) 314 • NDEX.--Book 24. 1894. SUBJECT PAGE March 5 I 0 0 F Lodge, taxes April 18 Iowa St.,sidewalk ordered on abutting lots 210,211..21.2 1.118 May 7 Ice skating rink in Ice 11 arborresolution in relation to 155-6 7 Iowa St., bet loth and r.a h,sidewalk ordered on both sides 158 " 7 Iowa St bet 11th and I•'th,sidewalk ordered on West side (p 203) 158 {( 7 Iowa St., bet lrtlt and 17th,sidewalk ordered on•ihottii;_ hit 746 158 June 4 Ieborn ut t r;t, pet. in relation to sidewalk on(011 and t la 174 4 Iowa tit., 1.0I .1.1 and 4111 tits,sidewalk ordered on bet h shies of 178 " 4 Iowa St.. het 4th and 5111 tits.,sidewalk ordered on East side of 178 " 4 Iowa St , het :dlt and 6th Sts,snit walk ordered on \\est side of 179 Aug 6 Iowa St..ht t tall and/ill tits sidewalk ordered on 1?ast side Of 238 Sept 4 Ind School Dist of Dubuque, taxes(p 276) 248 4 Iowa St., abutting lot 4.;-I, sidewalk ordered on 266 " 18 Irving Ave.plat of extension of presented 267 Dec 3 111 Central 111t Co. petition•tntl ordinan e fot right of a••ty presented 314 • ' 4 • • 1' If !' I •: . : . INDEX. Boo lc 24. 1894 I SU BJ E c T PAGE .11 Jan Jungfernia.u,B 13,pet remonstrating against improvement Of Wilde ,S•t '. 2 1 ulieu Lodge No 322,B L of F pet for use of armory 2 2 .Julien Ave from Nevada to 13ooth tits.special ial assessmentfoi sidewalk 12 8 .Julien Hotel Co,pet of(neo 13 llur•h in relation to assessment of 17 8 .Joseph,Isaac,taxes (p 36) i2 Feb. 15 Jones,Jane,report of City Attorney on claim of(p 128) 36 March 5 Jeoffroy,,Jos,taxes (p 128) 37 " 5 .lohnson,Mary F,taxes (p 128) 37 May 9 Jackson St,bet 24111 and 25th Sts., sidewalk ordered on East side of 157 9 Jackson St.,bet 27th and Peru Road,sidewalk ordered on West sideof 157 160 9 Jones St.,bet W Main and Locust, sidewalk ordered on N,irtli side of. 9 Julien Ave bet Diamond House and Wilson -.vi.., sidewalk ordered on South side of 160 161 9 Julien Ave bet Bluff and Walnut,sidewalk ordered on 23 Julien Ave, bet Alley West of Alpine St to Allison Place,plans for sewer in presented 166 July 2 Julien Ave from Alpine to Alta Vista,accepted(p 204) 200 Aug 2 Jaeger,Hon A F,resolutions in regard to death of 219 " 2 Johnson Ave,bet Lincoln and Eagle Point Ave sidewalk ordered on 238 Sept 4 Jefferson St.,sidewalk ordered on 266 Nov 5 Julien Ave bet Walnut and Wilson Ave.,ordered improved(p 307) 299 314 Dec 3 Johnston Mary A.taxes 3 Julien Hotel Co,assessment foi 1894 fixed 314 I: • INDEX. E3oolc 24. 1894 SUBJECT PAGE K Jan 2 Kinney. Ilaiinali. taxes (p 33) 2 64 2 Kramer. Mrs Michael,taxes (p 33) 2 Feb. 5 Klock.John,taxes (p 3?) 32 665 Kallenberger Fredericka, taxes (p 3b) 3'2 ' " 5 Kuntz.Jacob,piece of ground adjoining his property ordered vacated � .35 5 Keckevuet,John, ,et to have ice skating rinks licensed 3.5 "/ 15 Key i'ityEleetria• Ry Co.,assessment reduced to$5,000 for 1893 813 Aril 5 Key('ity Iron Works,taxes 128 _ 5 Kluuip,Barbara, taxes 128 v: "• 18 Kniest St.,sidewalk ordered on abutting Tots 11 and 12, Smedley's sub 138 May 7 Kress,Mrs Adain. taxes 150 44 7 Kimball,Richard, pet.for assistance to run Eagle Point Ferry 150 " 7 Kleine St from W Eagle Point Ave to Klingenberg Terrace accepted (p 174,183) 155 ' 23 Klinkhanuuer,llernian, assessment reduced 166 m• • July 2 Kane St.. )nwdei house ordered removed 198 << 2 Key( ity Furniture Factory,pet for hydrant on 12th and fine 19.8 2 Ke,'City Fire Ins Co.,taxes opinion of attorney on (p 316) 201 Aug 6 Kniest St.,bet hayfield and'Blomberg Aves,sidewalk ordered on 238 • Oct 1 Konig sub,plat of presented (p 300) 275 " 1 Kearney,Michael M allowed to have stand of 7th St 277 Dec 3 Kniest,Guthrie and Brown's sub,communication of assessor. on 314 I3 Kimball,It,taxes cancelled 314 • O 1 k 1 1t! INDEX.-Book 24. 1894 SUBJECT PAC a 1, Jan 2 I ippert.'1'heresa �I . taxes (p :i3) 2. 9 Lietznian Henrietta. taxes(p 33) 2 " 2 Lot 43,E Langw, i lby's add.,taxes on cancelled 'i `< 2 Lot 44 in E Langworthy's add,ordered filled (I) 1•'. 140, 4 2 Lincoln Ave, report of commissioners on change of grade 5 2 Lots in Dubuque Harbor Impp't Co add.special tax levied for filling 1`:. Feb 5 Lincoln Ave., pet of Sarah Ham in relation to gra(le of i3 5 Lenzing Caroline,ltaxes i3 15 Lot 35,East half,Treasurer to redeem sante from sale 36 " 15 Lincoln Ave,bet Beed and 1st Ave„proposed change of grade 18 March 1 I.ot I,Cumings'sub,Treasurer to redeem from tax sale, 41 1 , Licensing of hill posters 41 1 Langworthy s subdivision,pet 101 vacating struts and alleys in 44 April 5 Lincoln Ace, Engineer recommends that the whole width be im droved (p 155, 186, 187) 125 5 Lal(y,Mrs Wm ,taxes (p 166) 127 5 Loui a St.,pet of II. L Aver} et al for opening of to Rigi 127 " 5 Lni��nod Cemetery Assn,diet to have order for sidewalk rescinded 127 ' 5 Lavin,M claim of$28.50 ton extra work on A ltiiond tit 127 " 5 Lot 3 of sub of mm lot 53 Treasurer to redeem from sale 128 " 5 Leathers, W 11,pet LI relation to sewerage tax (p 1511 176) 128 18 License of saloons,breweries and all places where liquor is sold fixed 139 `° 30 Lesure Iaunber Co, pet to occupy streets and alleys in Dubuque Harbor Co's add (p 1591 140 May 7 Lincoln Ave.,remonstrance against changing width from Whit( and Couler Ave (11 177,227) 150 " 7 Ledger Printing Co.,pct L Brin bill fat printing 150 " 7 Leibnitz St. pet foi nu rrovemeni of(p 176) 150 ` 7 Leibnitz St. et North Alain and Harold Sts,sidewalk ordered on 158 " 7 Lemon St.,bet 27t1i and Peru Road,ordered improved (p 167,258,250) 159-60 " 7 Lincoln Ave,bet 2d and 3d Aves ordered improved(p 167 281) 160 June 4 Lutters,John H pet to raise sidewalk (p 199) 174 " 4 Leibnitz St.,pet for guard rail on North side of 174 " 4 Lincoln Ave,pet for arc electric light East of C M Sc St P tracks 174 " 4 Lincoln Ave,pet of E H Sheppley for grade stakes (p 274) 175 4 Lincoln Ave, ,," North of 3d Ave., proposition of B Lacy to buy surplus earth 175 " 4 Lot 10,Jungk's add,sidewalk ordered laid abutting same 178 " 4 Locust St.,bet 1st and 2d Sts,sidewalk ordered on West side 180 " 4 Locust St.,bet 2d and 3d Sts.,sidewalk ordered on East side 180 64 4 Lincoln Ave,bet 3d and 4th Aves,ordered improve 1 (p 195,279,280) 1 181 4 Langworthy,E add,lots in ordered filled (p 0•,`.61,284 285) July 2 Lincoln Ave., pet for improvement of fulwidth bet White St and Cooler Ave (p 249, 2d3,264,2'5,268,29d 315,316) 198 " 2 Luke,Mary Jane,taxes (p 249) 224 " 2 Lemon St., remonstrance of Glab Bros et al against manner of lin 240 provement of(p 248,250) 64 2 Lincoln Ave bet 1st and 3d Aves., sidewalk ordered on 243 Sept. 4 Lahey,Mrs Win taxes(p 276) 248 4 Lincoln Ave,bet 3d and 5th Aves.,grade established 2.50 " 4 Lake Peosta,Mayor to appoint a committee in relation to securing of 264 Oct 1 Lincoln Ave,from 94,h Ave to C,M &of P tracks,pet for improve 274 went of " 1 Lucas,Margaret, taxes 274 ` 1 Lowther Ave.,ordered improved(p 2851 278 " 1 Lincoln Ave.,bet.Reed and 1st Ave,sidewalk ordered on 2118 Dec 3 Lange,11rs A., taxes 314 i /I >_. --- I I INDEX. Boole 24. 1894 SUBJECT I PAGE I M Jan 2 Mulgneene',Thos.,taxes(p 33) 9 2 Mackert,Valentine,taxes(p 33) 2 10 Macadew,resolution offered fol the employment of poor wen to break18 " 10 Macadew,list of parties and amount broken (p .33) 18 " 10 McEvoy Place,street West of S Dodge and North of Curtis St named 18 " 10 Madel,.Jos.,taxes (1) 34) 23 ` 10 Malone,Kate taxes (p 84) 23 Feb 5 McCeney,Mrs E,taxes (pp 33,37, 197) 32 " 5 _Martin,Mrs Iionorah,taxes(p 3;1) 39 66 5 Moore,'N S., taxes 33 " 5 Mt St .Joseph's Academy,pet fol 3 ft of sidewalk for wall (p 39) 35 " 5 Macadam,Engineer instructed to measure all broken and submit same to Council. 35 15 Miller,Mrs Nic., pet.foi cancellation of special taxes 40 April 5 Macadam,list of percentage withheld ordered presented (1) 137) 125 5 Mathis,Caroline,taxes (p 166) 197 " 5 Mulqueeney,Margaret,taxes(p 166) 127 " 5 McLaren,claim for damages on account of grade,Glen Oak Ave(p 175) 127 5 Mahoney,Miss,taxes 123 IP ,, 5 Marsch,3Irs John,taxes 128 " 5 McPoland,Mrs P,taxes 128 " 5 Madison St.,ordinance vacating 6 ft off the easterly side of 198 5 Mayoi Daugherty's valedictory 130-31 " 5 Mayor-elect Olinger's inaugural 131 5 Morrisey, Catherine, allowed six months time to pay special assess ment (p 175) 150 May 7 Marion Ave.,Engineei to prepare profile of grade of(p 2126) 150 64 7 Main St.,bet 1st and Jones,west bide,sidewalk ordered on 160 June 4 McNally,Mrs Johnana,taxes 174 " 4 Metcalf, D, pet. asking to be allowed to pay butcher's license with macadam 174 " 4 Mt Pleasant Ave.,near Julien Ave,gutter ordered repaired 176 July 2 Main St.,improvement of,committee to examine 904 ' 2 Main St.,Atkinson&Ololf allowed$2,500(p 241) 209 Aug 6 McManus,Mary,taxes (p 249) 224 66 6 McCracken,James,taxes(p 249) 224 " 6 Main St.,bet 1st and 9d,east side,sidewalk ordered on 238 Oct 1 Marugg, Peter,taxes(p 297) 274 I ,1 1 Macadam,price of fixed(pp 300,317) 277 15 McClain,taxes Nov 5 Merz St.,pet for iudrovement of(pp 297,299,301) 295 Dec 3 McGuinness,Mary,taxes 294 314 " 3 Mayor Olinger's Message 327-14 r 1 1 lI 41 _ --1-4/ �., _.. . —� • INDEX. Bock 24. 1894 SUBJECT I "F N Jan 5 Newman,John,remonstrance against special assm't fol improvement of Booth St. (p. 127) April 3 Ninth St.,South sale,bet Main and Iowa,snit wall:ordered on 14 July 19 Ninth St.,office building,pet in relation to assessment(p 215,233) 914 Sept 4 North Glen Oak Ave,Engineei to prepare plat showing extension of (p 300) 20k i Oct 1 Ninth Ave,from Lincoln to lthomberg,pet for improvement of 274 Dec 3 Nineteenth St.,bet Elm and Pine Sts, sidewalk ordered(01 3•+3 1 • 414 1 INDEX.-Book 24. 1804 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan 2 ()Ulcers,rs, r1 ports of 3 114 I)nIin;un•1.to regulate bill posting asked foi (p 41) 17 FebFeb 5 1 Iliccr,. report, n1 32-33 1 5 O Brien. t stili nn1 taxes 5 O'U1nrn r, 11»11101 taxes i3 ` 5 Oak til , plat of r\(elision of presented (p 274) 34 March 5 O' Farrell,Mrs II taxes (p 128) 39 5 O 1 eagau Mrs 1 itiiiee,taxes (p 128) 39 " 5 011iceis,reports of 40 " 5 O'I Dole 'ferrenc(,pet for water 1n;1111,1111 Byrnes St (p 176) 41 " 5 Ordinance regulating i n,kenuisa net passed fp 159) 42 4 5 Ordinance licensing skating rinks il:,:)) 44 5 Ordivanee to establish Board lit'l lealih under the laws of the 19th(4 A (p 1:6) 44 April 5 Officers, 0 ports of 127-8 5 Ordinance vacating 6 feet off Ile ensierlside of Madison St 128 ` 18 Officers appointed 137 " 18 Officers'salaries fixed (p 11,1,200 !t 7) 140 1. " 30 Officers elect qualified 141 May 7 Official 1iintnlg,.lpplication of re legraph for 15(1 7 Officers, r(ports of 151 i 9 Official priutint„mallet of referred (p 177,178,2'27,'239,240) 161 June 4 Olinger..luhn taxes 174 " 4 (1 Neill St.,pet nl 1) \V AN bite to be given correct lines of(p 198,274) 175 ' 4 Officers, report,of 175 July 2 O'Halloran,Ellett Jl taxes 197 " 2 Officers, reports of 199 442 Ord lila lice restricting cattle from running at large 200 14 1. Ordinance regulating peddlers(p 211) 201 Aug li Officers, reports nI' 22.5 " 9 Ordinance in relation to paving and curbing streets 240-41 Sept. 4 Officers, reports of 249 4 Oak St.,bet Rising Av( and Bell St, sidewalk ordered on 265 Oct 1 Officers, reports of 275 15 Ordinance regulating the utanufature and storage.of oils 283-4 Nov 5 Ordinance vacating Clara and Augusta Sts 295 o 5 Officers, reports of 2954) " 20 Ordinance nn relation to cleaning vaults '307 Dec 3 Officers, reports of '315 fre-CeaCt.C1-41-f- Co 14 0 238 a, i i 1 1 I" ii., , .r INDEX. Boo lc 24. 1894 S U BJ ECT. PAGE Jan 17 Pfotrer pet in relation to paying special assessment under protest 17 Feb 5 Plumbing lnspecton,sewer inspector to perform said duties .34 March 5 Paulina St.,street running from W 5th to W 4th St south named (p 1751 195,252) 39 April 30 Providence St.,resolution for improvement of(p 159,107, 174,177, 185, 199,204,225,21.3 2.59 200) 141 m May 7 Purgton Paving Co proposition of 150 7 Prairie St. sewerage assessment levied 1534 " 23 Peal St.,stone crossing ordered on 166 " 23 Pest house,location of to be selected(p 1.76) 108 Juni, 4 I'ium St.,from hush to Cleveland Avc,,pet in relation to grade of 174 ' 4 Pickett St pet of Mrs J C Paine foi improvement of(p mow, 215,276, 99, 00) 154 July 2 Pickett St pet for change of grade on 198 Sept 4 Peterson,C J ,taxes 248 • 4 1'roNidence St.,bet Johnson and Stafford Aves.,sidewalk ordered on 205 Oct 1 Peterson's sub,pet foi vacation of streets .rnd alleys in (p 298) 274 Nov 5 Police overcoats,city to defray one-half expense of 298 5 PIckett St.,sidewalk ordered on (p 300) 298 !nilimimm."v1 INDEX. Booic 24. 1894 S U EJ ECT PAGE Q Jan 2 Quigley,P J ,communication of in relation to the publication of the llecembei tax sale Feb 5 Queen St.,council addressed in relation to change of grade of(p 177) 11-32 Marcie 23 Quince St.,stone crossing ordered on 161, Sept 4 Queen St.,bet Edward St and North lnu of Stafford add,resolution to improve (p 276,297) 265 Oct 15 Quigley Win,taxes 294 Nov 5 Queen St.,bet Regent and Stafford,sidewalk ordered on 29s II INIDE X.—Boo{c 24. 1894 SUBJECT PACE I: I - Jan 2 11,ynolds• Rosa,taxes (p 'Iat 2 II••nici. ('nihcrint taxc. Ip :,1h , Ilhonih r_ \cc ynri;t1 I;IX fm'Sidi'\Valk mn Irvii-(I 11 Feb 5 Ruff. 1 .claim for allc,cd h:danee tine lot work on sewer :i liawling \Ir. 11, 11i lar; in :In) IhiWail ..'I. 10 t ltaIt,in main o1' " 5 111 .11 til , bet Itoile and Quince tit.,resolution to improve (p 232) March 5 Rush tit . rltatt:;, of grade of(p 40 1117,250) 44 5 lthotnhcre .1 •1 pct fol remission of special his 10 445 Rush 'it.. het I)otlac andQuince ordered unproven (p 2,0 215 294.291).:100,.10; 45 April 5 1'.oesek. Mail. taxes (p 166) 1::7 5 Russo, Frank pct 0) relation to lot on cot LIH. olnAve •urd l oiest St 0 174) 127 5 Richards E 11 et al,pet to have order foi sidewalk on Seminary St rescinded 127 " 5 Railroads communication of County Auditon In relation to valuation of 197 " 18 12ecord maps Engineer reported ready 137 May 7 I1eifi ieck Shipplt, pet to have correct line of lot 100 established (p _ 175) 151 " 7 Rigi St.,pet for extension of 155 9 heed Ave, bet Lincoln and Rhomberg Ayes -ordered improved(p 167 175,200,233) it10 23 Rush St.,bet S Dodge and Apple Sts,sidewalk ordered on both sides (p 224) 167 June 4 Rhomberg,DIclaim of fon damages on account of street through lots 31 and 32 Farley add 175 4 Rush St,from Villa to Union Ave.,pet for improvement of 175 4 Rhomberg Ave,bet Reed and Ann Ave sidewalk ordered on ` 178 4 Rhontherg Ave, bet Reed and 1st Ave.,sidewalk ordered on 180 4 Rhomberg Ave,sidewalks hereafter laid not to be less than 6 ft 182 Aug 0 Iteupreclit,Salons, taxes (p 249) 224 " Rigi St grade established 226 Sept 4 Raella Ed, taxes 948 Oct 1 Ryan,N C,taxes 274 " 1 registers of election appointed 274-5 Nov 5 Rush St.,bet Apple and Quince,sidewalk ordered on 299 Dec 3 Randall,J 5 Lombe) Co,remonstrance against special assessment 317 1 • INDEX. Boole 24. i 1894 SU J ECT. - B - • Jan 2 Sewerage.4th District,communication of Eng Knowlton in relation to • assessment 1. 1 642 Sands, Anton, taxes 2 • " 2 St Mary and Emmet, tits. renuutshuuce of llugh Cavanaugh against • • slurial assessment r1 lil 2 2 built\a an Mrs 1 1). taxes 4 2 Speerl.( hi istiioi,claimreeetvt.d said tiled 4 2 Street signs, son unloved 4 • • 2 Stafford:A vt ,Commission(r s re port of change of gr Me on 5 8 Silzet,Mary l.), taxes (p 1...) 17 • 10 Seminary 1 lace, plait 01 presented (p ia) 18 " 32 Steam p Steamroller. soetticatiun of work required prtst,nted 2:, " 22 Salrton st., to 1 unlet .t ve., pet Jos 1)ietl 111 re baton to sewer on :i: Feb 5 Streets, names tot,h:u, eil 33 5 Sidi walk,special tax for(limiting of :33 64 :, Stxlford Ave,plat ut •l nge of grade pr(sruted .34 5 St Joseph Mercy Hospital. let tut the taeatiun of streets •an(1 allays . OP am in A Lgwortlt s add 35 44445 Sullivan,Mrs Bate 3 ,taxes cancelled on halt'of lot 38 36 5 Sewer in aIle) from 1st to Joos St., etc pros,idol 11, 45, 154) ;5 March 5 Seward,Alard I' taxes (}t 128) bet Muni and Iowa Sts, plans 39 5 Smoke nuisance. pet of Board of Supers isUi:, i p 41,128) 3:1 I• 5 South Dodge St bet Dodge and Curtis tits sidewalk ordered on West side of 46 April 5 Sewer in Samford St from Coulet Ave to White and to 2.3d St., amp of presented 1.25 5 Stafford Ave couu itinkal un in 14lation to sti aighten ing of 136 " 5 smith,Mrs Katie,taxes (11 166) 137 " 5 Sveudsuu&Ott,(Iaiui against Jones Bros aceount of engin( house 127 " 5 Sullivan, Martin. pet to pins(base surplusgradingon Wilde St 127 • " 5 Siuunue, \Viii rt al, Int fur electric light on (tartlet('Ave 197 • " 5 Staufeuhiel, 11 1: et al, pet fui water mains on Madison St L27 " 5 Spann, Anna, taxes . 128 64 5 Stith-di, Jno, taxes 128 . " 5 Sehul, Angelia, taxes 198 " 18 Sisters of Visitation, 1)e1 in relation to sewer in Julien Ave. 1.37 " 18 Summit Add,lot nue w i ler,(I redeemed from tax sale 130 " 18 Seminary St.,pet of 11 Fit ke et al in relation to wall on (1) 176) 1.39 " 18 bewei in alley bet W 3d•ins Fentlon St.,pet of W Cr Cox et al foi 139 " 30 Sewer in Julien 1vt. from 11111 St to alley West of Alpine, 13 kiobi awarded contract (p 260,2(31,262 2$:i 141 " 30 Scwet in 11111 St from Julien Ave to 1\' 5th St.,ordered constructed (p Ir,1, 1137,2(30,' 0) 142 May 7 Stevenson. Mary, taxes 150 7 St Jose!li,St.,Lugiueeu to prepare profile of grade of 150 " 7 Stot,k,not to nave same running at large 150 46 7 Street signs,Mayor and Engiueet to have saint, placed on street cor- ners 1510 7 Sewerage,pet for in alley bet liar and 14th and Washington and Elm (p 177) 44 • 7 Sewerage in Walnut bet Julien Avt, and W 11th, remonstrance 150 against(p 175, 177, 187,303) 150 • 64 7 Seminary St, special assessnit it levied for laying of sidewalk on 151-2, " 7 Stafford Ave. accepted (p 18.5, 186 198, 200,205,206,224,230,231,•93.9, 233,250,2.3, 290, 360) las 41 9 Second Ave, bet Lincoln and Rhomberg Aves,ordered improved 160 " 9 Sidewalksitalley Engiiieertst of to use liistel discretionu111 ordered' attet oflaying39) 1161 61 " 9 Sewerage,in Julien Ave and alley West of Alpine to Delhi and along Delni St to Allison Place,ordered constructed p (187 188,240) 161 " 23 Southern Ave,resolution to improve same (p 168, 240, 2(38 294, 315, 324,'325, 3••6) , 1136 " 23 Second:1ve.,from Lincoln to Itbuttiberg Aves,contract fou improve- ', ment let(p 251,252) 167 June 4 Seminary St.,pet lot water fountain placed on neat Harold 174 4 Siegere Frank,claim of foot injury to horse(p 227) 174 4 Sewerage 111 alley.bet Washington and Elm,front llth to 14th Sts, re- uuunstance against (p 177) 174 4 St.Joseph and Marion St,engineers report in relation to grade of (p 226) 1 " 4 Seminary St.,Enginet•i to subunit amt of overhauling done by Brown& 176 ,{ Brown. 176 4 Seminary St.,city carpenters instructed to replace sidewalk of A Mc « Kenzie 4 Stock to be restrained from running at large west of Grandview Ave 176 177 46 4 Sewerage ordered in alley bet Feuelon Place and W 3rd from Burch i St to lots 8 and 9, Prospect 11111 •add, to 3rd and St. Mary St, (p. " 189 y l :04 Sixth Stbet Iowa l ,sidewalk on South Side in 178 178 i 4..____ - ` -mina INIDEX. Boo lc 24. 1894 SUBJECT I Pe"" s -June 4 Sewerage on 5th St bet Main and Bluff. Engineer to prepare Flat. Kc 181 " 4 St Ambrose and Arch St.,water fountain ordered on 181 " 4 Sewer ordkred constructed on Iioherts Ave from W 5:h to \\' Stb St Engineer ordered to prepare plans and specification, (p 215, 240, . .JOS,314) 181 " 18 &,overage,assessuu,nt pct of.Jno icCaffer\,for extension of time to pay 190 " 18 Sewerage pet of Joe Strenskey et al,101 of from 11i11 St W est 195 " )8 Sewei,stormwatet from 7111108th St otdercal (p 200) 146 .3u1y 2 Sewerage,north of Sandford St. En iucct to prepart plans for (p 202 1 2110 " 2 Sewerage\V Sth St from Bluff to 11111 St ordered constructed(p 214, 238,239, 503) 202-x' " 2 Sewerage connections ordered made (p 275) 208-9 Aug 0 Strenskey Mathias.taxes (1. 7219) 224 " ti State St..pet fot ,,peuiuL:'"t (1, 950,275) 224 ' 6 Stilltnore St . u.rde(.A111)1Nt)d 226 " 6 Smith. 1' 0. . ' of 1 11 e' .\ , taxes (p 250) 240 " :) Seventeenth St resoluiion lot paving of on (p :30) 211 " 9 Stafford .\v-e. het 4,a111a 1d .1\e and Linwood Cemetery,sidewalk or- dered "11 (p :02) 241 Sept 4 Shannon. Mrs Michael taxes (p 270) 245 4 South Locust St.-Mary.Murphy allowed to pay special tax without in- terest248(p 270) " 4 Sewerage on Almond St .remonstrance against 241) " 4 Sewerage on Olive `t . pct to hay( extended 240 " 4 Sewer pipe,con, of Enguurat 111 r(lat.ion to purchase of II, 214) 249 4 Sidewalks,repairing of. special assessment 1(vied (p :;01) 261-9 " 4 Seweragt,bet 1st and Stlt Sts alai Main and Locust wittier of purchase 3 of " 4 Sewerage in alley front Sanford and 17th bet Washington and.)•ick son,ordered in (p 268) N64 {f 4 Sewerage in Sanford St from alley Wt st of Washington to White St ordered in 264 " 4 Sewerage in Whitt,and alley front Sanford to 27th oraleroal in ill 268) 264 " 4 Seweragt.in Nevada from Julien Ave to W 5th 51. a,rdcret1 in in 2138) 26+ '/ 4 Sewerage in Olive St North of Jefferson ordered in fp '365. :,11::1 204 4 Second 81.,bet Locust and alley East,sidewalk ordered on t p 267, 265 {f 4 Southern Ave from Railroad Ave to Rowan St,ordered improved (p • 268,315,316,320,321, 322) 2(113 " 4 Sewerage from W 11th bet Walnut and Race and alley East of Race, ordered in (p 283) 267 Oct 1 Southern Ave pet.in relation to sidewalk (p 296,300) 274 " 1 Siugrlot, Alex and Chas, taxes 274 1 Sewerage on 4th bet Bluff St and elevator, ordered extended (p 284, ' 307) 267 • 4' 4),...., Summit engine house named 277 1 15 Seventh St bet Washington and slough, sidewalk ordered on 278 " 15 Schroeder-Kleine Grocery Co,allowed to elevate sidewalk '284 " 15 Sewer. in Lincoln Ave front A11e bet Jackson and Washington to 284Johnson Ave, plans presented Nov- 5 Sewerage Assessment Coin of Engineers on 294' 44 5 Schaeffer Cath, taxes 207 ll 5 Sewerage Assesments remonstrances against 297 " 20 Southern Ave,resolution in relation to vacation of part of sidewalk 807-8 " 20 Street improvements resolution as to payment for988 Dec 3 Seidel Anna M, taxes t 3 Specht John and Henry,pet for donation fot help 314 " 3 Sheppley.remonstrance against paying tot repairing sidewalk 314 {f 3 Schmidt Geo, taxes 315 " 3 Sewerage connections ordered 316 " 3 Street contractors to give bonds fol payment of wages and Material :327 " 3 Sewei in Alley bet Walnut and Race Sts ordered :328 • • I --mow INIDEX. E3ook 24. 1894 SU BJ ECT t'm'R 'I' Jail 'I re1111)1i. Marti,taxes 2 1N I a..1urgi M .St utattc r or gi\ing right of \\"1 on 1)4 Ilii St 1 I'weut second from lam to East end of assessment tot hop t of 8-9 • 2 '1'went v fifth St., uiattei of removal of fence owned b' l' 1. \V Iiv ( 0 17 Feb •; 1uegtil Elizabeth (p 37) 32 5 Tempo, L.wts, Int In relation to warm lam 32 5 Tc,hirgi M Sr, warrant ordered drawn in favor of to pa3 1 nt 1, Summet ad35 March 5 Tenhoeff Henrietta,taxes (p. 1281 '39 " 5 Turbine and Rollet Mill Co.,taxes :09: PP5 Treasurer's report fon N'ebruary approvedMay 7 I'urnet Mrs Ann, taxes17 'l'urnet hall 'Trustees taxes (p `2,0) 17 'Thoutas St bet Aluta and Cornell tit:• sidewalk o r.lered on1 '' Thirteenth St bet Main and Locust.sidewalk nr.lare t on 158 9 1 hird Ave bet Lincoln and R.houtberg,ordered inlpro ed (p 111.3,251) 1(10 " 9 L'hird St W,bet Winona and Alpine sidewalk ordered on 1(i0 June 4 Typographical Union No 22,pet to relation to city printing 374 4 Tines Co.,application fol city printing 175 ` 4 Third St- bet Iowa and Clay, sidewalk ordered on 179 " 4 Iwenty-third St E X of bet .Jackson and Elm, ordered improved 96) ISL " 4 Tax levy for 1894,matter referred to finance core 263 Aug 9 Tenth St. ordered paved(p 298,274) 241 9 '1 wenty third St. bet Elm and.Jackson Sts sidewalk ordered on 243 Oct 1 Twenty-seventh St.,North half,deed fol presented 274 Nov 20 Trans Mississippi River Convention,delegates appointed to attend :300 • 1 1 •••4 i 3 1 f 1 Irte ______-._ INDEX. Boole 24. 1894 SUBJECT PAGE Jan 5 Union Ave., Engineer's Com, in relation to change of grade of (P 34, 3.5, 34 May 25 Union St., ston40)e crossing ordered on 166 • 1 INDEX.—Boole 24. 1894 SU BJ ECT PAGE V March 5 Vogel Catherine taxes (p 128) 39 April 18 Villa St.,sidewalk ordered on abutting lot 199138 18 Villa St.,sidewalk ordered on abutting lot 2, Harper's Add 138 July 19 Vault cleaning,matter of regulated 138 Sept 4 Veterinary surgeon,Shippley&Bauman appointed 249 4 Vaults cleaned (p 275) 250 " 18 Vaults ordered cleaned 567 Nov 5 Vault cleaning to be done by contract 294 L• li r, • ' iii II. I[ ill I1 1 1 I" k I' l 4 11 4. 1 +l iII, I I . ,i it _— .M111111111 INDEX. BOo1G 24. 1894 S U EtJ ECT PArR • Vii Jan 9 \\001 ten,Sarah, objection of to payhtg special asst.ssm't for for im luocenl't of ally 2 Wilson .\v1 pet of Sadie G Curt et al against pay ingseweiassessnt't 2 ' 2 West 341 sl.. pet of 11 E Eddy in relation to shaft on (p 19.24) 2 64 2 \\;tllis. Vlar\, taxes 3 2 watoi limit.. to extend 1.,00 ft.,1 heco11l1 ;illy \\';1141 ping of hydrant 4 • 2 West 14th Si .(Mange of grade ol. report of commissioners on 5 •` 2 W;ishinelog tit . het 23rd and 2 11(1 Sts spI ei 11 tax on sidewalk 11 " 8 Wale' works'ri Dort of special ennini in (1.1;11 ion to purchase of 17 8 Warrants •ity. issued in 189:2 and not paid, leer cent interest to be allowc,l on 18 " 22 \Vater to hi turned on plug situated on 5111 and \e'ado Sts 22 " 29 West 14th. from Atlantic Ave and Alta Vista.engineer to wake esti in.1e of grading of(34) 24 Feb 5 1\bite St, remonstrance against grading of 31 5 IV11lhoefet, Jacob. taxes (p 37) . 32 " 5 \V'alkei. .'.1 VI taxes (p 47) 39 ' 5 1\eigle:4111.y red line adopted as the proposed grade of 34 . • 5 White SI.. het 9311 and 33d Sts,jury ordered to assess damages(p We3. 7 34 • 5 White H.. plat (4f extension of 35 o \\atm.matins,ordered extended on Clay St bet 1.7th and 18th Sts 35 March 3 Winona St., 1ec1 that street running south be improved 39 3 Wik land,D A F W et al pet.lot gutter crossing Conte]. Ave and lthomberg Ave 40 " 3 West 14th bet Alta Vista and Atlantic Ave,ordered improved (p 151, 300) 45 " 3 Windsor Ave, bet Eagle Point Ave and Kleingenberg St.,sidewalk ordered on 46 " 3 \\est Locust St. bet 16th and 17th(Sts sidewalk ordered on 46 " 3 1V ater mains ordered in alley bet Rhomberg and Garfield and Stafford and Windsor 46 " 3 Water mains ordered 111 Windsor Ave bet Sanford and Burden Ave 46 " 3 Watei Inai115 ordered in Ellis and Almond and tire plug located 46 April 5 White St., from Sanford St North,width of sidewalk changed to 6 ft 125 ' 5 Watei stains,fret to have 501114.,extended on W 3d tit 127 " 5 \V•itet utains, pet of J .1 Murray et al for watei mains on W 3d and St Vary Sts 197 ' 5 White at extension,award of jury, etc, referred to new council (p 151),:;H,237,2.50) 127 18 Weigle Alley,net of Wm Duggan et al for opening of 137 ` 18 Willie' Lane,Engineer to make survey and plat of proposed opening • of(p 175,201,284 314,315) 137 " 18 Watei mains,pet of Svendson & Ott to hava same extended South of Railroad Ave 137 ''r " 18 West 5th St.,sidewalk ordered on abutting lots 5,11,12,1.1 14,15 16,17, 18, 19,20 and 21 138 ' 18 West 5th St sidewalk ordered on abutting Tots 1 and 2 sub of 121 138 ` 18 Water ruants,pet of J E McCallum to have, extended from W 8th down( aladoni Place 139 " 18 West Eagle Point Ave. bet Francis St and Cushing's Vinegar Fae- tor\ sidewalk ordered on 142 " 30 Water mains ordered o1(.Julien Ave bet Hill and Alpine Sts 150 May 7 Watet 'gains,pet to have saute extended on Clark St 150 " 7 \\est 14th St.,pet foi improvement of(pP 214,228,229,251) 150 " 7 Water mains,pet fol extension of bet Alpine and W 3d 151 7 Wiwlsol Ave,,bet Burden Ave and city limits, sidewalk assessment levied 152 " 7 Water mains ordered laid in W 11th( St bet Spruce and Walnut Sts 156 " 7 Watei plains ordered laid in W,3d tits bet. Hill and Alpine Sts 156 " 7 Watei ntaius ordered laid in Madison from Seminary St to lot 49,Cox's add 156 " 7 Watet mains ordered 101(1)11 W 3d St to Summit to 5t.Mary's St 156 " 7 Water mains ordered laid in Wilde St 156 " 7 Water mains ordered laid in Dodge to Esther 156 7 Water mains ordered laid in Julien Ave to intersection with IJi1l and Alpine Sts 156 7 Weigle Alley,quit claim deed from J and F A Rumpf fol ordering of 156 " 7 White St.,bet Lincoln and Eagle Point Ave,sldewaik ordered on 157 •' 7 Washington St.,bet Sanford and Eagle Point Ave. sidewalk ordered on 157 7 White St.,bet 18th and Eagle Point Ave sidewalk ordered on 157 " 7 White St.,bet 7th and 8th,sidew4Ik ordered on 158 " 23 Walnut St,from.Julien Ave to W llth Sts.,plans,etc,for sewer pre- sented 166 " 23 Walnut St. stone crossing ordered on 166 i " 28 White St.,Engineer to prepare plat fon widening of(p 284) 166 June 4 White St.,,jurors on condemnation of ordered paid 173 4 Water mains,pet of J Rider to have extended from Seminary St to lot 33 (p 200, 203) 174 144 Watei mains,pet of Frank McLaughlin to have extended on Dodge St 174 ! • I II 1 J'', ,1 INDEX.- Book 24. 1894 SU BJ ECT p^'R III iV June 4 1st 14611 tit. West of \Ita Vista. Engineer to s« into t.h, setting of HI 11 Westu1'It Ili I!1!t •,22.1) .S.'1) !a`, ?...1-11 .4 ; 1 I'll " 4 \\est 11111 1t reeonuueudalion of 1•:ngint t 1 4 \\aluul tit het \\ 11t11 and lulu n .\vt Side Wails ordered on s 3 1,11 1 \\hilt'51. bet '.111 and nth Sts side\\all: ordered on 79 ` •I \\t'.1 1 11 11 51. Ilei Slu-ueo•1101 \\;1111111 Sl, . .idt wall: 161.1119141 On .0 It I l t \\'Inti•til., het 1.6111:1114 11111 Sts. •i1lr\c:llk ordered on .9 1 ,,, 1 \\o.I al 51. het St \I;o'c -;11111 111111 11 .,1 ,1116'‘‘all. nnit•rod on '1) I' 4 West ad St. abuttingWest on s0 511 of East Ila of city lot 11116 sidewalk or , ,', 1 'iI 4 \\est 510 het Alpine and Nevada. sidewalk ordered on 611 J 4 Water mains ordered extended in•tilt•\ het Humboldt and Sc.hilk t and j;; [,;trii ld and I111otnhetk S2 ` 4 Wilson 1' 5 resolution on death of S2 ' I " 4 Watei cpet et forextensuo of on Eagle Point from AA indsor to Iii Slatlrnd (p 191)) 95 " 18 \\':166.6 mains pet of 11 1•, Lint Kan for from.coni s to 1,I tit t p 101, II 199,905, 1 6 94 .July 2 \\'ebet,Herman taxes 97 2 \\'atet mains ordered extended 111)11g\\ E I'oint \t e 97 64 2 \Cildt,St,bet I)odel and Lenton Stn, aerepted 111 21:, 214 1:.1f,•''„, 200 " 2 \\atei stains or extended East of the 1 \I & St 1' l; 1; 1 rat 1:s 203 ` 2 \Vindsm \ve bet Eagle Point AV•. and hlingt nth r_tit ....l t( 1:11 tax for sidewalk levied 208 " 2 W•itei neons bet \\ Eagle Point Act and Kant St.,lin plug ordt.t•t.(1 on 204 " 19 Whitt St. from Sanford to ''l til..accepted (p 22S) 214 19 Water Co directed to furnish buret w;del 1 214 ` 19 Watei Co to extend their ma ills as ordered 1i council 214 Aug 6 Water mains,pet 101 extension of 1161 'lemon St i 2.20 44 • 6 Washington St, bet 13th;111 1 14611 tit:, sill \\ 111: ordered on 238 0 \Nest 14th St.,bet Alta Vista and lit 1111 Sts salt will:ordered of 242 44 0 Wilde St. bet S Dodge rind McLeunou St., side\\ 11k ordered on j 242 0 \\Mile St„ bet McLennou and Eastern terminus onlered unproved (p ' 2110,;15,318) 242 Sept 4 Whittemore Bridget,taxes 1 p 276) 248 4 West Eagle Point Ave..pet. for improvement of 24.6 44 4 Water mains,pet Vol extension of on East 1:t St (p 276) 249 4 Water mains,ordered c.xtettled'thing Caledonia Place .263 " 4 Water mains,ordered extended bet Schillet and Middle •cul(,arlieid and lthomberg Aves 264 " 4 Water mains ordered extended to 18th and ElmSts 264 it 4 West Eagle Point Av( from end of present improvement to Kane St., , ordered improved(p 268 315 322,323,324) 205-8 64 4 West )Iain St.,bet 1st and Jones Sts.,sidewalk ordered on 265 I 444 West 14th St.,sidewalk ordered on (p 302) 260 " 18 Water stains ordered extended on Nevada St (p 276) 267 I ( 18 Water mains ordered extended on W 14th St from 131utf St Wt st 274 I L Oct 1 Wassel,Catherine .J,taxes 2,i4 1 Watei mains,pet for extension of on 27th St (p 276) 274 if441 Water mainslist f presented 274 1 Water Co.,rat(,of payment tot hydrants lixed (p '301) 274 1 Weigle Alley,improvement of accepted 276. 46 1 Watei mains, ordered extendee along Clifford St from Seminary to Leibnitz. St " 15 West 3d i t.,sidewalk ordered on 285 Nov 5 Waterworks,tabulated statement showing cost of 296 5 Water mains ordered in Roberts Ave 297 " 5 Water mains ordered to Jackson St to Peril Head 288 " 445 West Eagle Point Ave,abutting lot 138,L 11 L add to Kane St,side 5 walk ordered on 1)98 1)ec 3 W alk i, M M.ordered improved taxes(p 3(17) 299 314 : I l 1 1 f INDEX. E3oolc 24. 1894 S U BJ ECT 1'e1.11 1 Jan 2 1 eo.John taxi., 1p :1:1) April 5 \aies add,pet o1 Pet et Keine et al to have saute,urveyt d and t xaet ne of;tal;e1l 1127 July 18 l'ouii_. I It nr\ et al ,1, t 11) hay( \\atet nouns extended front \\ lit up , 11111 tit 197 .r- • ' INDEX. 13ookc 24. 1894 SUBJECT 'I \lamba0 5 Zelietm.9 &\oggeuthaler, taxes 128April 2 Zueri,Mrs Emil, taxes I II II I, , I I I i sr F ' ii, ' I I ' I I I I 11111111 Regular SeBsim, .T CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session January 1st., 1894, OFFICIAL. Council met at 9 o'clock it. m. Present—None. Adjoured to Tuesday, •January 'Lod., at 1 to o'clockvm. Attest ........... 7.Recorder. A Prov 1893. . Mayor i CITY CUVNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session Jan. 2, 1894. (OFFICIAL,.I Council met at 10:`20 o'clock a. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger and Ryder. Minutes of previous session were approv- ed as printed. Aid. Crawford moved that the report of the city engineer in relation to the levy for sewerage assessment be published in full as presented to the council. Carried. The following is tire engineer's report, which was adopted Dec. 4th, 1893. To the Honorable Afayor and City Court- eil of the City of Ilubugat: GuNTiN:MEN: In cou,pliance with your order to make assessments for the sanitary sewers, in accordance which the ordinace,l would respectfully make the following re- port: All that portion of paragraph 4; section 1, page 4`26 of the revised ordinances, after the words "Third District' _iii the third line of said paragrapht is amendatory to the original ordinance and contemplates the manner of assessments in the 4th dis- trict, by means of sab•districts, and would seem to be conflict with section 11, page 430 of the same ordinance; but as the amendment to section 2 is of a more recent date than section 11 it would determine th manner of assessment m the 4th district. The original assessment for the sewer on Burch, West Third and still streets wa made in accordance with the estimate o cost made by the city engineer and ap- proved by the city council. The portio of the sub -district that was sewere cost less than the estimate; what th balance of the district would coat canno be determined fully until fall the sewer have been built. This difficulty will arts continually in each sub district from th fact that it is impossible to tell the exa cost of sewers before they are built, an new streets are liable to W laid out in su districts after an estimate has been mad The cost of building sewers on accou of pipe costiog less and for other reason is gradually growing lead. From the cost of sewers already built the city 1 am able to make an estimate the probable cost of the sewers in t 4th district as a whole, and believe that a ituary 1YE, 1891. 1 - - -- - —k/ uniform rate can be made that will be just to the abutters and to the city and I also believe that an assessment on that basis would be in accordance with para- graph 4, sec. 1, page 436 of the revised or- dinauces 1 would recommend that a four (4) mill rate per square foot for a depth of W fret be adopted for the 4'h district. While the cost of the sewers may vary a little either way from this rate, on the whole there will be;little difference, and as each abutter pays a uniform rate they cannot complain. Respectfully su mitted, W. il. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. The following bills were ordered paid: Joue+ Bros. contract on engine W house... . Dubuque Water Co, horse drinking 39 1G fountain...... W. It. Torbert, soda ................ G 04 J. W. Witt trier, Jr., supplies to fire department ....................... 11 60 Dubuque Rubber and Beiting Co., supplies to fire department........ 48 15 P. H. Halpin, supulies to fire de- 18 06 partment.......... . Dubuque Cabinet Makers Associa- tion, curtains etc ................. Smedley Mfg. Co., repairs.......... 67 6'2 Standard Lumber Co., lumber..... 17 82 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber .................................. 50 Duggan & Kane, supplies.......... 10 16 B. 1). Lenehant repairing tools..... 5 80 J. and A. M. 'f rexler, supplies for 2 16 steam roller ...................... Jiro. Harney, repairs............ 22 80 12 W T. J. Conlin, livery ................. Ino. Gan ahs, repairing tools........ 2,1 65 L. Lindenberg, hardware........ . Ed. Ryan, improvement on Broad 965 Al street........ .. Dodson & Schoenthal, improvement 487 G6 Cot Booth street........... Geo. W. Farley, improvement of Garfield avenue ................... '249 0'7 Chas. Steuck, improvement of Gar- field avenue............ E. S. Daughter),, services........... 40 W W. H. Knowlton, material and car 4 70 fare............ .. Ferguson Bros., plumbing and sup. 13 7l1 sup- plies... Cabinet Makers' Associa- tion, desk for fire chief............ 24 W Dubuoue county recorder, recording 6 W plats.............................. Ham & Carver, paper .............. 2 60 Dubuque Water Co., water......... 680 20 Albert Gasser, bricks ............... 249 0120 P E. Strelau, wood ................. e lieadford Bros. & lfitebins Co., castings forsewer......... . 40 40 Smedley IN1'f'g Co., supplies for 7 79 sewer....................... s B. E. Liuehan, cement and pipes f etc. for sewer .......... .... ... 30 10 n 'I'ELFORAPn, material and printing 68 50 d fleury Herzog, sawing wood....... 24 35 e Jos. Geiger, carpenter work and 27 46 t supplies .......................... d Jos. Norton, trimming trees........ 11 00 e John E. Hartig, repairing lock..... 2 75 e Mrs. & Mr. Koenig, services as jani : 40 00 cttors ............................... d Ed..Hackett, cleaning laround city 1 b- hall ................. .... 35 e. Sam. Collins, cleaning around city 2 7G nt hall.. s W. Flannagan, cleaning around city 1 70 hall..... • _ to Joba Eagan, cleaning around city : 'i ofhail ................................ 1 96 he L. Corcoran, cleaning around city 74 a hall .............................. . Adjourned leeyular Sexxioa, Jontairy 2,nd, 1894. M. Quinlan, cleaning around city 1 50 hall.............cleaning................ Jake McCollitis, roun1 city hall .............. 00 Jas. Tobin, eleauing aronrid city hall................................ 1 00 llardie & >charle, printing......... 12 00 J,agan & Sloan. horse shoeing...... 7 50 Peter It. Martin, services testing steamer ........................... 15 00 11. 11. lialpin, supply to engine hoii,e.............................. 3 85 Rhepley & Bauman, veterinary ser- vices.............................. 10 65 ,John flanahl, general blacksntith- ing............................... 17 75 Pier & Ackerman, ice .............. 18 00 James Levi, malting ................ 9 48 Dubuque Water Cc., water......... 20 00 B. E. Linehan, eoal................. 90 31 Josenh Ilahpert's bill for the improve- ment of Harold street of $141.28 was pre- sented and on motion of Aid. Mab $91.20 was ordered paid, the balance to be re- tained until the street is put in good con- dition. Bill ofl E. Schollian or $30 for overcoats was ordered paid. The bill of F. Schloz of $8.05 was re- ferred to the street. committee.,# The followingbilis were referred to corn- mittee on police and light: Key City Gas Co.. $96.75; Globe Light Heat Co., $297.53: The following hills were referred to com- mittee on fire and water: Dubuque Water Co., 81,360; W. S. Molo, 75cente; McDonald & Morrison Alfg. Co., 50 cents. The following bills were referred to the sewer committee: W. AI. Greenhow, $33.36; W. S. Molo, $8.50; F. Schtoz, $9.95. The bill of Central Union 'Telephone C.i. of $58.50 was referred to committee on elec- trical construction: The following bills were referred to the printing committee: Dubuque'1•ELu:GItAPH, $75; The Globe, 29.15; Herald, 29.15. PETITIONS, ETC. The commumicauon of J. F. Sternm recommmending that Gottleib Gmehle and Geo. Bennett be appointed assistant assessors, was approved and bonds fixed same as last year. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the equalization coin inittee: Mrs. Kate Bannnn, M. Theresta Lipp- ert, Rosa Reynolds, Thos. Mulqueeny, Catherine Reuter, R9saCadman, Sylvester Hickok, Henrietta Lietzinau, Marie Trembler, John leo, Valentine Mackert, Mrs. John Cheetham, Hannah Kinney, Anton Sande, Mrs. Margaret Flannagan, Mrs. Michael Kramer, Mrs. Mary B. Car. ney. The following petitions were received and filed: B. B. Jungferman et al, remonstrating against the improvement of Wilde street. Sarah Wootlen objecting to paying special assessment for alley running through her lots. John Newman remonstrating against Special assessment for Improvement of Booth street. M. '1'schirgi, Sr., acceptance of resolution of (-lot. 23, 1893, in relation to a passage way on the east side of the new engine on Delhi street, agreeing to grant the right of way for the five feet of west side of lot adjoining said engine house. The communication of P. J. Quigley, manager of Dubuque TELEGRAPH, in re- lation to the publication of the delinquent tax sale, the same havinv. been published in other than the official paper of the city, referred to ordnance; committee and city attorney. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the ,whole and city at- torney: laugh Cavanaugh in relation to special sewerage assessment, on St. Mary and Emmett streets. W. A. leathers in relation to assess- ment for sewerage on Burch street. Sndie G. Cort et. al. in relntiou to assess- ment for sewerage East of Wilson Ave. The petition of .Julien Lodge No. 32'd Brotherhood Locomotive Firemen was re- ferred to the committee Of the whole. The following were referred to the street committee an engineer: Pelition of Iferman U. Dieterich of al., protesting a>autst acceptance of Harold St Petitition of Philipp Kleinsehrodt, of al., remonstrating against special assement for the improvement of alley between 22nd and 23rd and Washington and Elm streets. The petition of It. T. Eddy in relation to a certain shaft on W. 'Third street near Finley hospital, was referred to street committee and city attorney. The bill of John Cahill of $5.00 for olant- ing trees in Pheonix park was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. The communication of .los. Reinfried in relation to hose wauou and extra hose, a "joker" for chemical engine house; also new wagon for chief Referred to com- mittee on fire and water. The committee of if. Fernstrom, chief engineer of Chicago, Great Western Hy. Co. in relation to electric alarm signals for crossings was referred to city attorney and aldermen of the Fifth ward. Petition of John Flynn in relation to saloon license was referred to the mayor with power. - I Petition of John Hennessy for permis- sion to build platform on north side of his building on First street, the same to rest on sidewalk, was granted, provided it be re- moved at the pleasure of the council. Aid. Olinger moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock P. m. Carried. Attest/-,, Q • ............. I.. Recorder. ro ed: 1893 .......... 7, ayor. CIT COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular $eseion Jan. 2, 1894. 1 OFF1C1AI,. Council met at 2:30 O'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—A Ids. Butler, Byrne. Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Aid. Olinger moved that that rules ne suspended and Alias Mary Blake be allow- ed to address the council. Carried. Miss Blake addressed the council in re- Adjourned Rojular Se 8o1on!) 'Jan., a i%y 2ud, 1894. latiou to special assessment for sidewalk, she agreeing to pay the principal and in- terest, as payment in full, the city to pay the penalty. Granted. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City auditor reported as follows: Cash on hand Dec. 1893 ........ 11 7,9'2.4 29 Receipts for month1uf Dec....... 78,853 97 Total ............... .........$86,788 26 Disbursmeuts during Dee........$50,636 49 Balance Jan. 1, 1894............$30,146 77 Also reported $2,099,80 due city officers for mouth of Dec. 1893. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Also reported $1,124.73 due to the city from different parties. Referred to cout- mittee on claims and city attorney. Fire Chier Reinfred reported $1528.30 due firemen lir the uiontu of Dec. 1893, re- port, adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen. Street auperintendaut Carter reported $1568.60 due for labor on the streets during Dee. 1893, referred to street committee anu warrants .rdered drawu to pay laborers. Marshal Rice reported 82,036.10due police for the month of Dec. 1893, also reported $4.50 pound receipts, and $25.00 for short term saloon I icen sce, reported 53 police cases dnringDec. report referred to committee on police and light and, warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Jahn O'Brien sewer inzpector reported $602.15 due laborers on sewers during Dee. 1863,reterred to sewer committee and war- rants ordered drawn to pay laborers. blarketMaster reported $31.95 sale re- ceipts due for month of Dee., also report- ed $21.00 due for feeding prisoners during Dec. 1893. Report a(lupteil and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. City weighers Jus. Doyle, T. J. Dona- hue and Chas. Pitschner presented their reports for Ute month of Dec. 1393 receiv- ed and fired. City Wood Nleasurer J. A. Wood re- ported due $9.55 city as fees for wood measured during December, 1893. Report adopted. City Engineer Knowlton presented a communicauou in relation to the opening or widening or changing of streets, with a view of assessing benefits as well as damages. Referred to the ordinance cum- mittee and city attorney. Also reported that progreiis bad bieen made toward the opening of White street from 22nd to 23rd streets and Lincoln ave- nue and Oak street. Report received and sled. Also presented the following report, which was adopted: To the Honorable Mayor and_102Gg Coun,- ell of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN: -1 have renumbered Gar- field, Etiomberg, Lincoln, High Bluff and Adams avenues in accordauce with your instructions, and the following general in - f )rmation might be of interest to the pub- lic and the interested abutters. The sys- tem of 100 numbers to the block has been adhered to. This system can be used where the blocks are reasonably regular and not too long. Garfield, Rhomberg and Lincoln aven- ues are considered as running east and west and the cross avenues as running north and south with even numbers on the east and south and odd numbers on the west and north sides of the streets. Agree- able to former action of the council Lin- coln avenue extends from Couler avenue to the Mississippi river (except one block lout yet opened). ltuomtierg avenue ex- tends from Cooler avenue to the Missis- sippi river, and Garfield avenue from the intersection of Itnom )erg and Elm to the Mississippi river, and all cross streets east of Windsor avenue are to ba called aven- ues. Tne numuers uegia at Cooler avenue and continue as follows: Cooler ave. to %V bite street, 101 White street to JacksUa street, 2011, Jackson to Washington street, 300. Washington street to Him street, 400. Einl street to Kniest street, 503. Kniest street to Junnson ave, 61NI. .Johnson ave to Windsor ave., 7110. Windsor ave to Stafford ave, 800. Stafford ave. to Humboldt ave, 900. 1luniboldt ave, to S: hiller ave, 11000. achiller ave. to Middle ave., 1,100. Middle ave. to l''engler ave., 1,200. Fengler Ave. to Anti ave•., 1,200. Ann ave. to Duck ave., 1,40U. Uuck ave. to Reed ave, 1,500. Reed ave, to 1st ave., 1,000. 1st ave, to 2nd ave, 1,700. 2nd ave. to 3rd Ave., 1,8W. 3rd ave. to 4th ave., 1,900. 4'.h ave. to 51h ave., 2,000. 5th ave. W 0th ave., 2,100. bib ave. to 7 It ave., 2,201). 7th ave. to 8th ave, 2,30U. 8th ave. to 9th ave., 2,4UJ. 9 It ave. to 10th ave., 2;500. 10th ave. to Front ave., 2,600. In renumbering this portion of the city a card was left on each ,house showing the proper number. Respectfully submitted, W. U. KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Also presented estimate of cost and plat of proposed changing of Park avenue from Cuuler avenue to Davenport street. Re- ferred to committee of the whole. Also presented plat of proposed exten- sion of North Glen Oak avenue troin Julien avenue to W. 14(h street. Referred to committee of the whole. Aid. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and .John 1) ehouse allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. Mr. Drehouse addressed the council in relation to the office of chimney inspec- tor. REPORTS OF COMMITTRES. Aid. Vogel, chairmau of the hnance committee, reported in favor of adopting the city treasurer's report for month of De- cember, 1893. Adopted. Also reported that the committee had sold the issue of $50 000 of improvement bonds to C. 11. White k Co., New York, at one per cent. premium and accrued in- terest, amounting in all to ;$50,795.912, less $100 paid for deliverance of bonds and ex- change on draft, for which please find trea.drer's receipt attached. Adopted. Aid. Glab, chairman of the assessment committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ducing theaasessmeot Tom Connolly on s 34 of e 'X of city lot 746 to $15,000 for 1893. In favor of reducing the assessment of Mary Wallis to $7,000 for 1893. In favor of reducing the assessment of Cath. Fiukenauer one -halt for the year 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes on pers- onalty of 'Theresa lienderson for 1893. In favor of allowing Gottleib Gmehle $100 for services to assessor's office. In favor of cancelling the assessment of Jacob Wildhaber on moneys and credits for 1893.; In favor of cancelling the taxes on lot 43, E. Langworthy's add, for 1893. Adjourned Regular Session, January 2nd, 1894. In favor of instructing the treasurer to refund to Frank Negedley $12.80, amount paid by him on moneys and credits for 1892. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Sarah G. Welly and \l. M. llatu for reduction of assessment for 1893. In favor of instructing the treasurer to redeem part of min lot 184 for years 1890 and 1891. In favor of cancelling the taxes or Henry Lipostoek on lot 31, Fengler'saod, for 1893. Report adverse to petition of illark flar- ris for reduction of assessment for 1893. in favor of cancelling the assessment of E. A. Engler on horse and buggy fur 1893 and adverse to his pennon for reduction of assessment. In favor of reducing the assessment of Mrs. C. D. Sullivan on lot 4 of 2 and 2 of 3 of city lot 598 to $1,000 and lot 807, Me. Daniels' sub to 81.10,) for 1893. III favor ul allowing Frank fluchehs to pay $5.50 a+ payment to lull on his home- stead fur 1893. Adverse to petition of Michael Mc- Mahon for reduction of assessment fur 1893. In favor of receiving and filing petition of Mrs. Annie Hansen in relation to assess - metal for 1893. In favor it allowing Geo. F. Schmidt to pay one-half bill taxes as payment in full for 1893. Adverse to the petition of tier. Fink for reducuou of asses. ment for 1893. In favor of cancelling the assessment of Mrs. Juliana Gilliam on personalty fur 1893. Lai favor of reducing the assessment of the Dubuque Woodenw.,re Co. as fol- lows: Lots 1, 2, SM 3, 19, 20 and sX 18 in 51c- Craney's It ftuw Point add., Lu 81,UGu• lots 21, 22 and ,X 23, ble"raney's Eagle F -Int add., to 825u; Lots 358, 359 and 360, haul's add., to $120; lots 361 bud 352, Haul's add., to $10; Iniy 371 and 372, llau,', add., to $20U; Int 528, ham's add, to $'201, and cau- eel persouafty;for 1892 s per agreement of the council March 8.1, 1809. In favor of cancelling file ass, ssment of blary McLaughlin of, lift 2 ,•f Newman, Coopea and Smyth's sub. for 1893. Adverse to the petition or Susan Boi n- hetser for remittance of taxes for 1891 and 1892. In favor of reducing the assessment of lialam Oswald 10 $3,800 for 1893. Report adopted. Aid. Ryder, chairman of committee un police and Iigut, reported as iuiluw.: YoureommoLee report in favor of re- eeivi g and tiling the report of the elec- trician for November, 1893. Al•o in favor of Pd) log the ollotaiug bills: Diamond .ln lone steamers, 8120; J. W. W f tiller, $4.70; I)u•_g•in & K,,ue, UU cents: Knpsa & attest $105; Key '.try G.s Coy VAN; tV. G, LYatLers, $10.40: Star Etee- tric Un., 81,425 60; (;tittle LI_n "& (feat Co., $300; J. & A. U. Tiexler, $6.05: A. Gratz, 82 70. Report adopted. Aid. Byroe, chnutuan of s--wercommit. feel reported as follows: Your committee report 1t, favor of pay- ing the following uills: A. lleim, $64.4U. Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., $47, In putt of hewer mu ypecLur at, or of receiving Nt vi i1893.19 e Re- port odopted. Aid. Olinger, chairman of street cum. mattee, rep rtes it, favor of Laving war- rants drawn fur $2,546 99 it, Iavur of elty treasurer fur rolling done for cuutracwrs, to balance rhetr accounts. Adopted. Ald. Ryder of the committee on print. In presented the foiluwthg report; Your committee report lit favor of pay. ing the following bills. Globe Printing Co.. 829.15;'I'Imes, $29,15; Dubuque lierald, $`29 15; Dubuque TELIi- GRAPH, $75. Aid. Glab, chairman of committee on claims reported ui favor of receiving and filing ciuih► of Christian Spaeri for alleged damage.. to horse. Also in favor of receiving and filling the claim of Deitrick Muegienberq for re- moval of barn on Broadway extension. Report adopted. Aid. Oltuger, chairman of the committee of the whole reported its follows: Your committee report in favor; of pay- ing bill of Iowa Iron Works of $1,185.50. AW. Ryder, chairman of the executive committee of the hoard of health, re- ported in Iavor of granting the peti- Litin of E. A. Gilbert, DI. D.*et al., for the establishment of a board o ;health In con- loruuty wtih chapter 168 of tae laws of Iowa, ithd the urdinace committee and city attorney are Instructed to prepare an or- dinace in compliance therewi(h, Report A(lop. ed. Aid. Olinger, chairman of the special Colltmatteeappointed to examine the en„ I- ucer's office presented Life following report Which was adopted. Your comtuialee to whom was referred the matter of examining thee") ongineeea office ueg leave to report in favor of h .ving all sub,uvisions find additions to the city Put in the city map records, and when comple ed making a tracing from said map from whish blur prints can be taken for the purpose of pfacirtg ail records of gas and water pipes, h)drants. electric lights sown la t rill ofsha ng all Maps ian detc. At! and 1 --corded ill proper records. Also LII favor Of ►laving the bench an rks throughout the city rev's d. We find teat the city engi- neer's office has been taxed to its utmost capacity by reason of the large anfouut of work orde'ed by thus and previous couu- cils, all of which are hereby submitted. P. OLINO wK, PHIL RYDN:R, J. B. POWERS, Conn suttee. Olinger, atrman oayhiltc0"Itnitve, repuretltit tvr ofping Of Dubuque Water Cu Adopted. ropany of $1.360.00. Aid. Olinger, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported ill favor of referring the matter of retaining Sanitary Inspector O'Connell during the winter to the mayor. Aid. Byrne, chairman of t to committee on rehari•mY streets, reported as follows: Your Committee beg leave to renort that after a conference with S. J. Soulhwell, represen(ing the Dubuque Enameling Works, he azrees to Inrnt•h signs as per s,rm •1e at the rate of 30 cents apt. ce, which we cunsirier cheap, and we would recom- mend that the conned give the contract to the Dubuque 1'.11ameling Works for 800 signs at 3U gents and such other number H., Ittay be requ-rea thereafter, in lots of 25 or 50. Adopted. Alta. Olinger offered the following reso- Iullon, which was adopted: Resolved by lite City Council of the City of D buque, That the water limits ahall extend 1,500 feet beyond any water plug or hydrant. Alit. t_rawford offered the following reso- lut,un, which was adop-e : Whereas, A large tua j.,rity of the rest- Adjourned Regular ,Senion, January 2nd, 1894. dents of the street heretofore known as Center Place have objected to the proposed change of the name of said street to Bel- mont Place; therefore Resolved. That the name of said street remain as Center Place, and the action of the council changing the same to Belmont Place be rescinded. Aid. L.illig presented the following which was adopted: To Thos. 'Lein and Wm. Rellfelt: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lot 44 in E. l.angworthy's add. You fire notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passed, as it is proposed that said filling shall be done at your expense. The next session of the council will commence un Feb. 6th, 1894. The commissioners appointed by the City Council submitted the following re- Drt: To the Mayor and City Council: GLNTLEMEN—The undersigned, your commissioners appointed by you to assess damages if any by reason of change of grade to abutting property on: Lincolu Ave., Stafford Ave., Ellis St. and West Fourteeoth St. beg leave to report as fol- lows, to wit: Lincoln Ave. your commissioners find no damages to any of the abutting DroD- erty owners, Stafford Ave. your commissioners find no damages to any of. the abutting property, W.14ttt street, your committee find no damages to any of the abutting property owners. Ellis street, your committee find in ftivor of H. S. Hetherington the sum of $300 and your committee find in, favor of Geo. A. Ferris the s -um of $100 as damages, by reason of change of grade. All of which Is respectfully submitted. J. WUNDERLICH, D. W. 1ANhnAN, C. RIEF3TECK. Report confirmed and i tie treasurer in- structed to set aside the several amounts to be naid above parties when they give re- ceipts f„r same. Aid. Olinger moved that when the coun- eil sojourn it adjourn to Monday, Jan. 8th at 7 o'clock p. in. Carried. Aid. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improve- ment. of Garfield Ave. from Pune street to Feugler Ave. by Chae.Steuck contractur,in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and par's of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: C. F. Scheppie. lot 26 Wick's add: 66 0 lineal ft curbing at 39+.........$ 26 74 31 11 sq yds guttering at 38c......... 11 82 116 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c.. 46 OJ Total ..............................3 8306 P. J. Reuuamter, lot 26 W Ick's ado: 600 lineal feet curbing at 39.........$ 19 50 22 2'1, sq yds guttering at 38c......... 844 77 78 sq yds macadamizing at 39c.... 30 33 Total. .8 68 27 Francis Jaeger, lot 1 Jaever's sub: 46 6 lineal feet curbing at 39c.......8 18 17 20 71 sq yds guttering at 38C......... 7 87 72 60 sq yds macadamizing at 39e.... 2828 Total. .$ 64 s$ Francis Jaeger, lot 2 Jaeger's sub: 46 6 lineal it curbing, at 39r.........$ 18 17 20 71 sq yds guttering at 38c........ 7 87 42 60 sq yds macadamizing at 39c... 28 28 Total ............................. 8 5432 Francis Jaeger, lot 3 Jaeger's sub: 46 6 lineal ft curbing at 39e..........$ 18 17 20 71 sq yds guttering at 38c........ 7 87 72 60 sq yds wacadaniizing at 39e.... 28 28 '1'otal ............................. $ 64 32 Francis Jaeger, lot 4. Jaeger's sub - 65 3 lineal it curbing at 39e..........$ 26 47 30 80 sq yds guttering at 38......... 11 70 130 93 sq yds macadamizing at 39c., 61 06 Total ........................ ...$ M `lit Francis Jaeger, lot 6 Jaeger's sub: 66.6 lineal ft curbing at 39c.........$ 21 66 24 til q yds guttering at 38c........ 9 37 106 66 sq yds mucadamiziugat 39c ..$ 41 17 Total .............................$ 72 19 Francis Jaeger, lot 6, Jaeger's hub: 60 Ito it curbing at 39c .............$ 19 6u 7.d 22 sq yds guttering at Mc........ 844 77 78 sq yds i nacadamizing at 39c... 3033 Total .$68 37 Francis Jaeger, lot 9, Jaeger's sub: 46 6 lin it curbing at 39c............$ 18 17 20 71 sq yds guttering at 38c........ 7 87 72 50 sq yds macadautizing tit 39c... 28 28 Total .. .. .$ 64 32 Francis Jaeger, lot 10 Jai get°s sub: 46 6 Int It curbing at 391.............$ 18 17 20 71 sq yds guttering at 38e........ 7 87 7G 60 sq yds macadamizing at 39c... 28 28 Total .............. ...$ 5432 Francis Jaei:er, lot 11, .Jaeeer's su;,: 46 6 doeal ft curbing at 390..........$ 18 17 2071 sq yds guttering at 38c..... ... 7 87 72 66 sq yds fuacadamizing at 39c.... 28 28 Total.. ..$ 5432 Francis Jaeger, lot 12, Jaeger's sun: 67 6 un It curbing, 39,•... ... .$ 2638 31 78 sq it guitenug, E8;..... ... 1208 130 93 aq yds macadamizing, 39c.... fit 06 Total.... ... .............. a9 47 Ad pled by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne Crawford Glab, Lllug, Nicks, Olinger, nyder and Vogel. Noes—None. Aid. Olinger offered the following: Reso-ved by the City Council of ilte City of Duuuque, that to pay for improvment of Bouch street from Julien avenue to W. 3rd street by DO-imun & Schoentel eoatractor, in front of and adjuuuug sante, it special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and pareels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several aa,ounts set opp ,site each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: 'Phos. Hill, iot 63, S. M. Langworthy'$ add' 1896lineal ft curbing at 39%r.,$ 66 49 66 d -g Sq yds guttering; at 39%v....... 26 08 136 66 sq yds macadamiziog at 89%c b3 88 Total..............................$l36 46 J. vv, DUlyduce, lot 39, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 47 7 lineal it curbing, 89%c.,,,,,,,,,$ 18 86 23 00 sq I ds gutterin i, sif% •........ 9 14 49 83 sq yds macadam,ziag, 39%,:... 19 61 6 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2nd, 1894. Total $ 47 61 J. W. Di!trance, lot 40, S. tMLang - worthy's add: 50 0 ineal ft curbing, 89%c $ 19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering, 39%c 8 83 44 44 sq yds macadamizing, 39Sac17 66 Total $ 46 37 J. W. Diilrance, lot 41, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 500 lineal ft curbing, 39%c $ 19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering. 34%c 8 83 44 44 sq yds macadamizing, 39%c17 66 Total $ 46 37 Geo. Perry, lot 5 of 5 min tot 80: 49 75 lineal ft curbing, 39%c $ 19 78 22 11 sq yds guttering, 39!..ie 8 79 44 22 sq yds macadamizing, 89%c, 17 57 Total $ 46 17 Geo. Perry, lot 4o1 5 Min lot 80: 49.75 lin. tt. crubwg at 39%c $ 19 78 22.11 sq. yds guttering at 8ft%c8 79 44 22 sq yds macadamizing at 39%e17 57 Total S 46 14 Geu. ferry lot, 3 of 5 of min lot 80: 49.75 lineal teetcurbing at 39%c$ 19 78 22 11 sq yds guttering at 89%.• 8 79 4422 sq yds macadamizing at 39%e17 57 Total $ 46 14 Geo. ferry lir 2 of 5 of min 101 80• 56 55 lineal feet curbing at 39%c22 48 26 10 sq yds guttering at 39%.• 10 38 60 22 sq yds macadamizing at 39%23 93 Total .8 513 79 Jac. Zangmei,ier, 111. 24 Brad St. add: 113.5 lineal It curbing, 39%c $ 45 12 55 66 sq yds guttering at 39%c 22 08 118 22 sq yds macadam zing at 39%c, 46 99 Total $114 19 S. M. Langworthy, est 1o131 S. M. Lang. worthy, add 980 lineal feet curbing at 39%c......$ 38 96 48 sq yds guttering at 39%c 19 08 97 78 yds macadamizing at 39%038 87 • Total.... $ 95 91 S. M. Langworthy est., lot 32, S. M. Langworthy's add: 50.0 lineal feet:curbing at 39%c $ 19 88 22.22 square yards guttering at 39%c 8 83 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c 17 66 Total $46 37 J. S. Stephens, lot 33, S. M. Lanw- worthy's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 39%c $19 88 22.22 square yards guttering at 39%e 8 80 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c17 66 Total $ 46 37 Adrian liabluetzel, lot 34 S. MLang - worthy's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 39%c $ 19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering at 39%c 8 83 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c17 66 Total•$ 46 37 M. Eckstein, lot 35, S. M. Langworthy's add: 50 lin ft curbing at 39%c $ 19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering at 89%c 8 83 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c 17 66 Total $ 46 37 Jac Zangmeister, lot 36, S. MLang - worthy's add: 50 lin ft curbing at:39Xc $ 19 88 4444 4444 eq yde guttering o dam ziu gat 3te7 60 g /c17 60 Total 8 46 37 Susan Crotty, lot 37, S. 111. Langworthy's add: 500 lin ft curbing, 39%c $ 19 88 22 22.q yds guttering, 3914.. 883 44 44 sq yds macadamizing, 311 . 17 66 'Total $ 46 37 Susan Crotty. lot 3.s. ,5..M. Langwor&Iiy's add: 65 5 lin ft curbing, 311,c $ 26 01 30 90 sq yds guttering, 311%c 12 28 66 22 sq yds macadanizing, 39%c26 32 'total $ 64 64 Ju. Zugenbuehler, but 54, S. M. Lang- worthv's add: 139 2 lin ft curbing, 39%c $ 55 33 6542 sq yds guttering, 3934c 26 00 135 56 sq yds macadamizing, 39%e53 88 Total $135 21 11. Ziepprecht est., Int 23, Nairn's add: 173 4 lin ft curbing, 39%c $ 68 93 80 44 89 yds guttering,1434e 31 97 232 33 sq yds macadamizing, 39%c92 35 Total $1143 25 Gilbert Perry, lot 22, Nairn's add: 59 3 lineal feet curbing at 39%c $ 23 57 26 67 89 yds guttering at 39%c 10 241 84 44 sq yds macada 'zing ac39%c33 56 'Total $ —f-1773 Gilbert ferry, lot 21, Nairn's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39%c. $ 19 88 2222sq yds guttering at 39%c 18 83 61 11 69 yds macdainizing at 39%c..8 24 29 Total $ 53 00 Gilbert l'erry, lot 20, Nairn's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39%c $ 19 88 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39%c 8 88 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c. 24 29 Total $ 53 00 Gilbert Perry, tot 19, Nairn's adil: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39%c $ 19 88 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39%c 8 83 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c9.4 29 Total $ 53 00 Adisun Cain, but 18, Nairn's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39%.. $ 19 88 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39%c 8 83 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c24 29 Total $ 53 00 John Newman, lot 17, Nairn's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 39%e $19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering at 39%c 8 83 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c24 29 Total $ 53 00 John Newman, lot 16, Nairn's add: 60,1ineal ft curbing, 39%c $ 19 88 22 22 sq yds guttering, 139%c 8 83 6111 sq yds macadamizing, 39%c24 29 Total .$ 53 00 John Newman lot 15, Nairn's add: 715 lin feet curbing at 39%c $ 28 42 33 56 80 67 sq yds ds aada muttering at 0 13 34 i ng 39%c. 32 07 Total $ 73 83 Eilzabeth Gregory, lot 5, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 170 6 lineal feet curbing at 39%c8 67 82 80 44 2323 sq ydsds gmacadamAing t `c 31 97 at 39%c 92 35 Total $192 14 Pat. '1'ibey, lot 4 S. M. Langworthy's add: Adjourned Regular Session, January 2nd, 1893. 7 59 2 lineal ft ;curbing, 39%e $ 23 53 29 67 sq yds guttering, 39%c 10 60 K4 44 sq yds macadamizing, 39%.•33 56 1'utal 3 67 69 Pat. '11bey, lot 3 a. M. Lang worthy's add: 50 lineal 11 curbing, 39%c $ 19 88 22.22 sq yds guttering, 39%c 8 83 61 11 sq yds macadamizing, 39%-24 29 Total .$ 53 00 Bridget 11 ake, lot 2, 3. M. Laugwnrthys' add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 39,84e $ 19 98 22 22 sq yds guttering at :sti%c 8 83 61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c. 24 28 Total $ 53 00 Mrs. ESI. llIak", lot 1, S. .sI. Lang - worthy's add: 62 2 lineal ft curbing at 314%. $ 24 73 28 00 sq yds guttering at 39%e 11 13 88 11 sq yds macadamizing at 39%c. 35 02 Total $ 70 88 Chas. R. Harris, lot 1 of 8 of min lot 159: 66 8 lineal 11 curbing at 39%e 3 26 55 31 11 sq yds guttering at 39%c 12 36 96 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39%e38 48 Total $ 77 34 Chas. 1.. Ilarris, 0 34' lot 1 ut 2 of 8 min lot 159: 57 2 lineal ft euroing at 34%e 3 22 74 25 42jsq yds guttering at 39%0 10 10 69 91 sq ytls macadamizing at 39%e27 79 Total ...3 60 63 Phoebe 11. Harris est, C. H. Eighmey exc., s 'lot 1of2of8ofmin lot 159: 80 3•lineal ft curbing at 39%c 3 31 92 37 47:sq yds guttering at 39%c 14 89 91 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39%e34 44 Total $ 83 25 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Liilig, Nicks, Olinger, Vogel and Ryder. Noes—N one. Ald. Olinger offered the totlowing reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That, to pay for alley from Sanford street to 221 street between Wash- ington and Elm streets, by Alois Lang, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is Hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein - atter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel 01 real estate as follows: Mary Graff, lot 1, O. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 37 cu yds grading at 1234e 55 38 50 sq yds macadamizing at 36e13 86 Total $ 14 41 Mary Graff, lot 2, O. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 13 en yds grading at 1234e 52 33 33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 00 Total $ 12 52 Diary Gratf, lot 3, O. S. Laugworthy's sub: 4.15 eu yds grading at 123c 52 33.83 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 00 Total $ 12 52 Mary Graff, lot 4, 0, S. Langwortny's sub: 4.15 eu yds grading at 1234c 52 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 OU Total $ 12 52 Henrietta Herzog, lot 5, O. SLang - worthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 12qc 52 33 33 sq yds maeadanliz!ng at 36c12 00 Total 312 52 Jun. Morrison, lot 6 O. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 12y9e $ 52 33 33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 00 Total .312 62 John Morrison, lot 7 O. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 123yc $ 52 33; 3 so yds macadamizing at 36c12 00 Total $ 12 52 .John Morriso:,, lot 8 O. S. 1.augworthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 124e $ 52 33 33 sq yds macadam iztng at 36e12 00 Total 312 52 Jim. Morrison, lot 9 0. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 15 cubic yds grading, 123ye $ 52 3333 sq yds macadamizing, 36c 12 00 Total $12 52 Jno. Morrison, lot 10 O. S. Langworthy's soh: 415 cubic yds grading, 124e $ 52 3333 sq yds macadamizing, 36c 12 00 Total 312 52 John Morrison, lot 11, 0. S. Lang - worthy's sub: 4 15 eu yds grading at 12;4e $ 52 33 33 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 09 Total $ 12 52 Chas. Kruse, lot 12, O. S. Lang worthy's sub: 4.15 cu yds grading at 1234'$ 52 36.00 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 Olt Total $ 13 48 Jahn Homan, lot 13. 0. S. Langworthy's su0: 4 15 eu yds grading at 123yc $ 52 36.00 sq yds macadamizing at 36e12 95 Total $ 13 48 John Boman, lot 14, O. S. Lang - worthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 12Xe $ 52 33_33 sq yds macadamizing at 311c12 00 Total $ 12 52 Max Rhomberg, lot 15, O. SLang - worthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 123. $ fi2 33 33 sq yds macadamizing at 36e12 00 Total $ 12 52 Max Rhomberg, lot 16, O. S. Lang - worthy's sub: 4 15 eu yds grading at 1234c $ 52 33 33 sq yds macaillzing at 36c 12 00 Total $ 12 52 J. B. Foerster, lot 17. O. S. Lang worthy's sub: 4 15 cubic 1 ards grading at 123¢c.....$ 52 33 33 sq yds inacadam.zing at 36c.... 12 00 Total $1- 2 52 J. B. 13 'nester, n lot 18, O. S. Lang - worthy's sub: =1 - ( 2 07 cubic yards grading at 1230... $ 26 16 67 sq yds macadamiziug at 36c6 00 Total 3 - 6 26 8 Adjourned Regular Session, January 2)ul, 1894. Geo. Seibolt, s 3j 18, U. S. Langworthy's sub: 2 08 cubic yards grading at 1234e $ 26 16 67 aq yds macadamizing at 3626 00 Total $ 6 26 Nic. Weber. lot 19, 0. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 15cubic yards grading at 124e $ 50 33 aq yds macadamizing at $6a12 00 Total $12 52 Nic %Veber, lot 20, U. S. Langworthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds grading at 12%c$ 52 33 38 sq yds macadamizing at 36c... 12 00 Total 8 12 52 Nic. Weber, lot 21, U. b. Langworthy's sub: 4 15 cu yds graentg at 12 4c $ 52 3338 sq yds macadamizing at 36e12 OJ Total $ 12 52 Nic. Weber, lot 22, O. S. Langworthy's sub.• 4 15 cu yds grading, 12;1c 52 33 33 sq yds macadamizing, 36e 12 W Total $ 12 52 Nic.. Weber, lot 23, U. 5. LangwurU»'8 sub: 4 15 en yds grading at 12;4e. $ 52 8833 sq yds macadamizing at 36c12 00 --- Total $ 12 52 Nic. Weber, lot 24, U. S. Lang worthy's sub: 4 33 cu yds grading, 12M$ 54 3817 sq yds macadamizing at 36e13 74 Total $ 14 28 Adopted by the tolling vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Byrne, Crawford Glab Liliig, Nicks, Olinger and Hyder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of 'Dubuque; That to pay for improve- ment of 22nd street from Elm,street to east end of street by Alois Lang, c:►ntractor, in front of and adjoining same, special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereivafcer named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Sophia Frizloff. lot 70, E, Langworthy's add: 147 lineal ft curbing, 40c $ 58 80 6533 sq yds guttering, 40c 26 13 232 18 aq yds macadamizing, 86c83 58 Total $168 51 John Detttnan, lot 1 sub of lot 196 and 197, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 147 7 lineal ft curbing, 40c $ 59 08 23046q ss yds guttering, 40c 26 '26 yds macadamizing, 36c83 15 Total $168 94 r Adopted by the following vote: Abll$ks�eReOeyevfadGa, LilligNicks, Vogel. Noes—N one Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving alley between Hill, Burch and West Third street by Geo. 'Taylor, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts o1 lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and fur the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Phillips, lot 1 of 3, Buettell ,Pc Lang worihy's sub: 9 2 lineal feet curbing reset at 10e....8 92 1360 cubic yds grading, 15c 2 03 42 22 sq yds macadamizing, 40e 16 89 Total .. $l9 84 Albert Ney. lot 2 01 3,;Iluettell & Lang - worthy's sub: 18 cubic yds grading, 16c $ 2 70 4278 sq yds macadamizing, 40e 17 11 Total 819 81 Joe Wiilhoefer: 22 05 cu yds grading at 15c $ 3 31 53 33 sq yds macadamizing at 402. 21 33 Total $ 24 64 Wm. C. Vogt: 45 cu yds grading :at i5c $ 07 1 11 sq yds macadamizing at 40e07 Total Win. C. \ ogi: 15 3 cu yds grading, lbc $ 2 30 37 78 sq yds macadamizing, 40c 15 11 Total $ 17 41 Regina Vogt, a 16 ft lot 5, Buettell dr Langworthy's sub: 7 20 cu yds grading, 15c $ 1 08 17 78 sq ) ds macadamizing, 40e 7 11 $ 51 Total $ 819 Regina Vogt, s 18 ft lot 6, Buettell & Langworthy's sub: 7 05 cu yds grading, lac $ 1 15 18 89 sq yds macadamizing ;at 40c.... 7 56 Total $ 8 71 Geo. Vogt, n 32 tt rut 6, Buetteil & Lang - worthy's sub: 13 15 cu yds grading at 15c $ 2 03 3333 sq yds macadamizing at 40c13 33 Total $ 15 36 Sarah Wootten, lot 2 of 2 of 3 of min lot 75: 148 50 cu yds grading at 15c $ 22 28 366 67 sq yds macadamizing at 40c146 67 Total $168 95 Gus Maustead, lot 1 of 6, sub of lot 1 of 3 min 76, and lot 2 of min 77: 96 8 cu yus grading at l5c $ • 1 46 17 92 sq yds macadamizing at_40c7 17 Total $ 8 62 Eliza Herbst, lot 2 of 6 of sub of lot 1 of min lot 76, 2 01 min lot 77: 12 50 cu yds grading at 15c $ 1 88 23 17 sq yds macadamizing at 40c9 27 Total $ 11 15 Mary Sherman, lot 5 sub of lot 1 of 3 min lot 76, lot 1 of 2 of min lot 77: 6.0 lineal ft curbing at 50c $ 3 00 7.0 lineal ft curbing reset at 10c70 60.0 cu yds grading at 15e... 9 00 128.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c51 38 Total $ 64 03 Wm J Buckler, lot 1 of sub of lot 1 of 3 min lot 76, lot 2 of min 77: 10.0 lineal ft curb reset at 10c $ 1 00 14 04 cu yds grading at 15c $ 2 11 32.63 aq yds macadamizing at 40c13 05 Tota 1 $ 16 16 Emma Reinbald, n 35 lot 2 sub of lot 1 of 3 min lot 76, lot 2 of min lot 77: 15 75 cu yds grading at 15c $ 2 36 Adjourned Regular Seee on, January 2nd, 1894. 26'25 sq yds macadamizing at 40c..,. 10 00 Total S 12 86 11 11 Backer, s 15 feet lot 2 suu o[ lot of 3 min lot 76, lot 2 min lot 77: ti 75 cu yds grading at 15 • $ 1 01 125Usq yds mncadamiziu¢ at 4Uc... 5 00 'Total t1 ul 11. 11. Bicker, lot 3 sub ot lot 1 ui\: nun pit 76, Int 2 of min lot 77: 2250 cubic yds grading, 15e •,4 1 :1, 41 67 sq yds macadamizing, 4Uc 16 67 'Total Etyma 11 ttbbit, but 4 sub of lot lot 76, lot 2 of afro lot 77: 32 63 cu yds grading at 15c $ 4 89 56 67 sq y ds macadamizing at 40e22 67 'Total $ 27 56 (leo. Buren, lot 2 of 2, Iturcli's sub: 30 84 cu yds grading at 15c $ 4 63 75 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40130 36 Total ...$ 34 99 Geo. F. Atkins, lot 7, Buettel & Lang - worthy's sub; 40 26 en yds grading at 15e $ 6 04 90 44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e39 78 Total $ - 45 82 Geo. F. Atkins, but 2, Buettel d Lang - worthy's sub: 10.2 lin feet curbing reset at 10c$ 1 02 53 55cu yds grading at 15c $ 8 03 144 44 sq yds macadamizing at 40e. 57 78 x+20 05 1 of 3 min 'rota) $ 66 83 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, (flab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, iltyder and Vogel. Noes --N one. Ald. O1 tiger offered the following: itesolved by the City Council of the City ot Dubuque: 'That to pay for improving Garfield Ave. from Middle avenue to Dock avenue by George W. Farley, con- tractor, in front and adjoining same, a spe- cial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate Hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Max Kistler, lot 1 Fengler add: 67.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c........$27 00 31.78 square yards guttering at 40c... 12 71 131.10 sq yds macadamizing at 47c... til 62 Total $101 33 Jno. Kistler, lot 2 N'engler's add: 46 7 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 18 68 20 76 square yards guttering at_40c8 30 7264 sq yds macadamizing at 47c34 14 Total .8 - 61 12 11. G. Wunderlich, s 1-2 lot 4 .Jungle's add: 25 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $.10 00 11 11 square yards guttering at 40c4 44 38 89 sq yds macadamizing at 47c18 28 Total $ 32 72 Lillia 11'uuderlich. u 1-2 lot 4 Jungk's add: 25 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 10 00 11 11 square yards guttering at 4Uc4 44 38 89 sq yds macadamizing 47c 18 28 Total _ .8 32 72 Aug. Jungk, lot 3 Jungk's add: 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 40c8 89 77 78 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 56 'total .8 65 45 Aug..lungk, s 1-2 lot 2Jungk's add: 25 0 Tines) ft curbing at 40c $ 10 00 11 11 sq . ds gu:terine at 40e 4 41 38 84 sq yds macadamizing at 47c18 28 Total $ 32 72 Amelia Reinter, n 1-2 lot 2, Jungle's add: 25 0 lineal feet curbing at 40e 8 10 00 11 11 sq yds guttering at 40e 4 44 38 84 sq yds macadamizing at 47e18 28 Total $ 32 72 Nathan Bliss, tot 1, .luuik's add: 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 20 00 22 22 sq yids guttering at 40c 8 84 77 78 sq yds nlileadaniizing at 47c36 56 Total $ 65 45 Christian J ungk. lot 18, JlcCraney's lst add: 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 84 . 7 78 sq yds macadamizing at 47e36 56 Total $ 65 45 Christian Jungk, lot 19, McCraney's 1st add: 64 4 1111 ft curbing at 40e $ 27 96 3290 sq yds guttering at 40c 13 16 136 22 sq yds macadamizing at 47c114 02 'rota' $105 14 Francis .Jaeger lot 13 Jeager's sub: 62.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 24 84 24.51 sq yds guttering at 40e 11 811 126.95 sq yds macadamizing at 47c69 15 Total $ 95 79 Francis Jaeger lot 14 Jaeger's sub: 50.0 lineal Leet curbing at 40c $ 20 00 22.22sq. yds. guttering at 40c 8 89 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 56 1't,tal $ 65 45 Francis Jaeger lot 15 Jaeger's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 4Cc $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 87 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 56 Total $ - 65 45 Francis Jaeger lot 16 Jaeger's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 87 77.78 sq yas macadamizing at 47c36 56 Total $ 65 45 Francis Jaeger lot 17 Jaeger's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c.. $ 20 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40e 8 87 77.78 sq yds macadainizingat 47c36 56 Total $ - 65 43 Frank Paley, lot 17, McCraney's 1st add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 40c 20 011 22.22 sq. yds. guttering at 40c 8 81i 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 47c$ 36 56 Total $ 65 45 Frank Paley, lot 16, McCraltey's,lstadd: 68.2 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 27 28 32.10 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 84 136.22 sq yds macadamizing at 47c... 64 02 Total 8104 14 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes -None. Ald. Olinger offered the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving 11 arold street from Seminary street to 111 Adjovnwedl liejalar Sestina, Jnnnirry 2nd, 1894. Leibnitz street, by Joseph llaupert, eontracrur, in front of and ndIoining same, A si eCdIl .ax ut• a1111 is liel'1 by .evie111111 the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and uwued, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real ,slate, as follows: C. A. Voslker. lot 32, J. 1'. Schroeder's add: X19 00 50 lineal ft curbing, 38c 27 55 sq yds guttering, 38c 1'1 47 55 11 sq yds macadamizing, 38e 20 94 450 41 Total C. A. Voelker, lot 31, J. 1'. Schroeder's acid: 19 00 50 lineal feet curbing at 38c 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38e 10 47 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 38e20 114 Total $ 50 41 J. Duseber, lot 22. J. P. Scbroeder's add: $ 14 00 50 lin ft curbing at 38c 2222 sq yds guttering at 38c 10 47 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 38e20 97 Total .$ 50 41 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 21, J. 1'. Sehrueder's add: 50 lin ft curbing at 38c s 19 00 22 22 sq 3 ds guttering at 38c 111 47 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 38c20 97 Total ` 50 41 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 23, J. 1'. Sehrutder's add: 41) lin ft curbing at 38c $ 15 20 17 78 sit yds guttering at 38c 6 76 35 55 sq yds macadamizing at 38c13 51 Total $ 35 47 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 24, J. P. Schroeder's add: 40 0 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 15 20 17 78 sq yds guttering at 38e 6 76 35 55 sq yds macadamizing at 38e13 51 Total $ 35 47 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 25, J. P. Schroeder's add: 40 0 lineal ft curbing, 38c .8 15 20 17 78 sq yds guttering, 38c 6 76 35 55 sq yds macadamizing, 38c13 51 Total $ 35 47 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 27, J. 1'. Schroeder's add: 93 lineal ft curbing, 38c 5 35 34 41 33 sq yds guttering, 38c 15 71 82 67 sq yds macadamizing, 38c 31 41 'Total .8 82 46 Herman 13usemau, w 46 ft lot 97, Me- chanic's add: 174 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 66 12 91 sq yds guttering at 38c 34 58 163 55 sq yds macadamizing at 38e62 15 Total 8162 85 11. O. Dietrich, lot 30, J. 1'. Schroeder's add: 70 7 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 26 87 33 20 sq yds guttering at 38c 12 62 77 33 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 39 Total .8 B8 88 Dil, O. Dietrich, u 5 ft lot 33, J. I'. Schroeder's add: 5.0. lineal feet curbing at 38c $ i 90 2.22 sq yds guttering at 38e... 85 4.44 sq yds macadamizing at 38e1 69 Total $ 4 44 J. P. Schrosder, s 59 ft lot 133, J. P. Schrueder's add: li5a lin II 1'1 000 at 38o '>'2481 ::u 07 •q yds uuiuuiuu a1 38:• 11 135 711:L2 :q yds ►uneatiu1111 Zi ng at 38c...- 26 61 t'utal 8 113 14 Ludwig Grasset, lot 28, J. 1'. Schroeder's add: 52 1 lin ft curbing at 38e y 19 80 24 44 sq yds guttering at 38e 14 24 102;67 sq yds macadamizing at 38e39 01 — Total S 68 10 \ilupted by the follow ing vote: Ayes—Aids. 13u ler. iltyrno, Crawford, Giab, Lillig, Nicks„ Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—N one. AId. Olinger offered the following. Resolved by the City Council of the City Colwell of the City, of Dubuque. 'l'hat to pay for unpreviiig Broad street troth Julien avenue to 1louie for the Friendless by EiI. Ryan, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the .everal amounts set opposite each lot or pal eel of real estate. as follows: .101111 Schmidt, tot 18 3l1. Pleasant. add: 254 5 lin fi curbing at 43e 8111 59 117 11 sq yds guttering at 46e 53 87 505 24 rq yds macadamizing at 48e242 55 'Iota I... `408 01 Ora Ilwlauo, 11 w =;S lot 23, Mt. Pleasant add: 143 5 lin ft curbing at 43c 8 61 71 70 30 sq yds gui tering at 46c 32 34 267 91 :11 yds macadamizing at 48e128 60 Total $222 65 4Iary l:altenback, s w 1,; lot 23 Mt. Pleasant add: 4211 lin ft curbing tit 43c $ 18 Ota 27 51 sq yds guttering at 46c 12 65 84 42 sq yds macadamizing at 48c42 42 Total $ 73 133 Gee. Gray, Sr., tot 26 Mt. Pleasant add: 1430 lineal feet curbing at 43c $ 61 49 71 20 sq yds guttering at Otic 32 75 266 13 sq 'yds macadamizing at 48c127 74 Total 8221 48 J. 1V, Coy, lot '2 of 31 Mt. L'leasant add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 43c $ 21 50 25 91 sq yds guttering at 46c 1 i 92 89 42 sq yds macadamizing at 48c4'2 92 Total 3 76 34 Joseph Cullen, lot 3 of 31, Mt. Pleasant add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 43e $ 21 50 22 35 sq yds guttering, 413c 10 28 89,42 sq yds macadamizing, 48e 42 9'2 Total fi 74 70 Joseph Cullen, lot 1. Htle_v's sub: 29 0 lineal feet curbing at 4 e 12 47 17 33 sq yds guttering at 46c 7 47 58 33 sq yds macadamizing at 48e25 60 Total $ 46 04 J. R. Riley, lot 1 of 3, Riley's sub: 4 0 lineal feet curbing al 43e $ 1 72. 1 78 841 yds guttering at 46c =82 7 4 sq yds macadamizing at 48e 3 41 Total 3 5 95 J. R. Riley, lot 2 of 3, Riley's sub: 118 20 lineal feet curbing at 43e $ 50 82 60 27 sq yds guttering at 46e 27 73 222 22)3q yds macadamizing at 48c106 67 'Adjottrn-ed Re/alar Session, January 2nul, 1894. 11 Tot al $185 22 .I. N. Riley, lot 2, lliley'• sub: 0011 'moat Get curbing at 41k• $ 25 80 211 SII ,is q.itterin, ad 46r 12 33 107 2d at y its lobed,nt znig at 48e51 40 Total $ 59 59 Anna Al. Bush, lot 19, 31t. Pleasant add: 25:141111 fteurdng at 43o SI 11 51 116 89 rq yds guttering at 413e 5:'3 77 505'24 sq yds macadamizing at 4Se1 52 Total :40783 Anna Al. Lush, lot 22 Mt. Pleasant add: 201 lin ft curbing at. 43c $ 80 43 89 33 sq yds guttering at 46c... 41 09 357 33 sq yd; macadamizing at 48c171 52 Total :`;299 01 Anna M. Bush, lot 27, Mt. Pleasant add: 201 lineal it curbing, 1:3., $86 43 89 33 sq yds guttering, til • 41 03 357 33 sq yd + macadamizing, 48c.... 171 50 Toutl 8299 04 t'. T. Lush, e 1-2 lot 30, Dir. Pleasant add: 262 7 lineal lett curbing at 43c ..$112 90 117 78 sq yds guttering at 41c 54 18 473 sq yds macadamizing at 48c227 04 Total '394 18 Adopted by the following vote: • Aves—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. A Id. Olinger offered the following: ite,olved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a four foot wide plank sidewalk on bath sides of Booth street, from Julien avenue to (Vest 3rd street, by .1. 11. 11tley contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Tots, and parts of lots, and parcels of reallestate hereinafter nanted,'situate and owner, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Thos. Bill, lot 53 S. M. Langworthy's arid: 71.8 lin ft plank sidewalk,.... lti.;c$ 11 85 Geo. ferry, lot 39 S. D1.,Langworthy's add: 39.8 inn ft plank sidewalk, 1tic $6.57 Geo. l'erry, lot 40 S. M. Lanwordty's add. 50 lin ft plank sidewalk, 161c $8.25 Geo. l'erry, lot 41 S. M. Laugworthy's add: 50 lilt ft plank sidewalk, 16Ms. $8.25 Geo. l'erry, lot 42 S. M. Langworthy's add. 44% lin ft plank sidewalk,16jc ?8.21 lleor ferry, lot 4 of 5 of min lot 80: 49% lin ft plank sidewalk at 16Xc..$ 8 21 Geo. Perry, lot 3 of 5 of ruin lot 80: 49% lin ft plank sidewalk at 16,'4c..8 8 21 Geo. Perry, lot 2 of 5 of min lot 80: 49% lin ft pian" sidewalk at 10Xc..$ 8 21 Bridget Blake, lot 2, S. M. Langworthy's add: 50 lin ft plank sidewalk at 115':2c $ 8 25 Mrs. L. Blake, lot 7, S. M. Langworthy's add: 53 lin ft plank sidewalk at 161Xtc$ 8 74 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for a six toot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Broad street, by J. It. Miley, contractor, 111 front of anal_ adjoining saute, a special tax be and is hereby, levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hcrenratlter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Richard Smith, Int 13„llonte add: r] 50 lineal ft plank snl'waIif at 21 •...8 12 00 D.J. Linehan, Int 4 Il one 00 lineal ft plank side w,uit, 21. s 14 30 1)..1. Linehan, lot a, Iloilo. add: 60 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 24c $14 4ll 1). J. LIneltan, lot 2, tiotne add: 50 lineal feet plank sidewalk, 24c: 142 110 1)..1. Linehan, lot 1, Route add: 50 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 24e .$ 12 00 Key City Electric Street Railway Co., lot 6, Oakland 1'ark add: 51,1: Inn ft plank sidewalk $ 12 42 Key City Electric Street Railway Co., lot 5, t htklanri I'.t k add: 51°;.i tin ft plank sidewalk 5 12 42 B. A. Kennelly, e 111) ft lot 2, Oakland Park add: 50 lin ft plank sidewalk 1:2 00 B. A. Kennedy, e 110 ft lot 1, Oakland Park add: 70 8 lin ft plank sidewalk $ 16 99 :1d tpted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, (.lab, Lillig, Vicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel -9 Noes—None. Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That to pay for laying a four foot wide plank sidewalk on 'nom - berg avenue, abuttint, lots 4 3 and 434, Gain's add, by James Mel) mall), con- tractor, in front of and ad,j caning same, at special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts sof 4 it,, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, for the srveral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Jos, Zimmerman, lot 433, 1lain's add: 50 lin ft plank sulewal,: it 17ydc....5 8 91 .los. Zimmerman, lot 434, Hanes add: 62 lin ft plank sidewalk at 17Xe....8 11 08 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford. Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ruder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. ()Binger offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a four -toot wide plank sirtewalk on both sides of 11 ashington street, between 22d and 230 stieets, by James McDonald, con- tractor, in front 01 and ad joining saute, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, aid parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of read es- tate, as follows: John Marzein, Int 46, E. Langworthy's add: 10 lit,eal feet. plank sidewalk at 17%c. $8 94 John Marzen, n 33 ft lot 45, E. Lang - worthy's add: 35 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%e...$6 211 Thos. Zeieu, n 15 ft lot 45, E. Lang - worthy's add: 15 lineal ft plank sidewalk at li%e...$2 O8 Thos. Zeien, s 26 10-12 ft lot 44, E. Lang - worthy's add: 28 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 17%c...$3 00 Adopted by the I'ot:owing vote: Ayes—t1 Id. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, (flab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger. Ryder and Vogel -11. Noes—N one. 12 Adjourned Regular Se88ion, January 2nd, 1894. Ald. Olinger offered the following Resolved by the Coy Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying an eight foot plank sidewalk on south side of Julien avenue from Nevada to Booth street, by Junes McDonald, contractor, to front of and adjoining, stone, a special tax be ar.d is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lois, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set (opposite eacl, lot or parcei of real estate, as lolloes: Thos. 11111, lot 52 S. f+1. Langworthy's add: 25 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 82e..$8 00 'Phos. 11111, S. M. Langwoithy's add: 2 lineal lee, plank sidewalk at 32c ....$ 64 Adop ed by the following vote. Ayes—Alas. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Aid, Olinger offered the following: Resolved by the City Council oI the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 feet wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Edward street by .lames McDonald, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining same, a spec.al lax be and is hereby levied on the several lois, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and fur the several amounts set (opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Wnt. Althauser, lot 81a, Stafford's add: 103 lin It plank sidewalk, 17%c$ 18 41 I. l'loizer, lot 46a, Statlord's add: 1353 lin ft plank sidewalk, 17yc$ 2R 86 Adopted by the filiowing vote: Ayes—Altos. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Liilig, Nicks, Oliiger, Ryder and Vogel (9). Nayes—None. Alto. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council 01 the City of Dubuque: That to pay for tilling lots to prevent stagnant water lying there- on by Geo. W. Farley, contractor, a spec- ial tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and 101 the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Chicago, Great Western R. 11. Co. pt of lot 24, block 15, Dubuque Barba'. Improve- ment Co.'s add: 109 cu yds tilling at 35c $ 38 15 Chicago, Great Western R. K. Co. pt of lot 23, block 15, Dubuque Ilarbor Improve- ment Co.'s add: 421 cu yds tilling at 35c $147 35 Wm. Ilintrager, pt of lot 23, block 15, Dubuque llarbor Improvement Co's add: 51 cu yds filling at 35c $ 17 85 Adopted by toe following vote. Ayes—AId's Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. (9). Noes—None. Ald. Olinger offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for tilling lots to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon, by Pe er Borsch, contractor, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: John Marzen, 101 46, E. Langworthy's add: 352 cub yds filling at 18c $ 63 36 John Marzen, n 35 ft lot 45, E. Lang - worthy's add: 245 cub yds filling, 18c $ 44 10 Thus. Zelen, it 15 ft 1ut 45, IC. Lang - worthy's arid: 107 cub yds tilling, 18c 8 19 36 Adopted by the follnwtng vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, (:lab, Lillig, Nicks, ()linger, Ryder and Vogel. Nays— N one. G. Umel le:uresented his bond as as- sistant city assessor which was approved. Ile was then sworn in by the mayor. A Id. Olinger moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: Recorder. Approved: 1893. Mayor NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 231 day of Nov. 1893, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate beieinafter described, anti that in tase the owners of the proprerty so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual equal installments, the first install• mint being due on the date of levy, and the last ihtallment six years from slate of levy, all bearing interest at the rice of 6 per cent. per annum. Parties wishing to pay all at once as heretofore can do so. In case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from dateot levy Die property will be advertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque this 29th day of Nov- ember, A. I). 1893. Ilk:sity B. GNIFFKN:, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For to imp ovemenr of Seminary Street From West Boundary of Cux's Ad- dition to West Locust Street. Name Des- Lot Ain't. ' cription. Mrs. Sarah Gill, Porter's add. 7 $96 58 Jas. Vogenthaler, do Fred.11aard', ti 61 60 Geo. It. Clark, du do 5 6161 60 60 4 Ellen 11 f. Cullen, Litteton & C. J. Jordan do 3 61 60 V. A. Langworthy. do 2 77 15 Sawyer's add 63 57 26 J. h itgerald, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 60 41 Kenety & Mulgrew, sub 60 and 62 61, Littleton & Sawyer's add 2 Kenety & Mulgrew,sub 60 and 61, Littleton & Sawyer's add 1 97 77 S. Backer, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 58 & Sawyer's add 97 45 Eliza Allgeyer, Littleton & Sawyer's add 57 60 41 Kenety & Mulgrew, Littleton Kenety & Mulgrew, Littleton 56 61) 41 & Sawyer's atttl 55 1)0 41 G. Broadhurst, Littleton & Sawyer's add 54 60 41 H. Grasstick, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 58 60 41 H. Grosstick,Littleton & Saw- t_7 yer's add 52.7,j 60 41 A. Ganteubien, Littleton & Sawyer's add 51 60 41 A. Gantenbien, Littleton & 60 41 Oficial Notices. 13 Sawyer's add 50 A. tiantenbien, Littleton & Sawyer's add 49 Josephine It.tenshon, Litt le. on &: S,wyers add 48 Josephine (Reflation, Littleton & Sawyer's add 47 A. Wille, Litt eton & Sawyer's add 41S A. Witte, 1.i ueton & Sawyer's add 45 Chas. Sebuttz, Littleton & Sawyer's add 44 Chas. Schulz., Littleton k Sawyer's add 43 Chas. Schnitz, Littleton & Sawyer's add 42 N. \1'i. dntan, Littleton & Sawet's add. . 41 F. 11'iedtnnn, Litt etou & Sawyer's add 40 F. %1'iedman, Littlet.ii & Sawyer's add '39 Emily Siaudio' nteyer,Litt le - MR & Sawyer's add 38 Emily Staodennteyer.Littie- tun & sawyer's add 37 Otto Wiedman, Litticiun & Sawyer's add 36 John Lark, Littleton & raw - yet''., Add 35 Joseph 1)useneek, Littleton & Sawyer's add 34 Chas Wilde, I.ittiet tt & >a%\- yer's azul 33 Chan. Wtide, 1.it; ieuw & saw- yer's add 32 Chas. Wilde. sub 2, min lot 193 2 1). A. Alah oiey est., suu'2 udu lot 193 1 Mount St Jusepu's Academy, sub min lot 191 3 Jlount Sr. Joseph's Academy,. sub min lot 198 1 John Flynn, sub min lot 1912 Mount St. Joseph's Academy sub min lot 191 1 H. Benson est, min lot 199 C. J. Richards, sub nun lot 198 2 1). A. Mabony es,, sub thin lot 193... 1 C. F. Gassman, sit., 39 and 31 Littleton & Sawyer's add1 C. F. Gassman, sub 30 and 31, Littleton & Sawyer's add2 J. M. McKenzie, Littleton & Sawer's add 29 J. 151. McKenzie, Littleton & Sawyer's add 28 Rosa McKenzie, Littleton & Sawyer's add 27 Rosa McKenzie, Littleton & Sawer's add 26 J. M. McKenzie, Littleton & Sawyer's add 25 J. M. McKenzie, Littleton & Sawyer's add 24 John Schiel, Baseman & Eberl's sub 1 Anton Ebert, Buseman & Eb- erl's sub 2 11. Busemau, Buseman & Eb- erl's sub 3 Jonas Scherer, Littleton & Sawyer's add, a 125 ft 19 Chas. Schultz, Littleton & Sawyer's add 18 Chaa. Schultz, Littleton & Sawyer's add 19 Chas. Schultz, Littleton & Sawer's add 16 Chas. Schultz, Littleton & Sawyer's add 15 V. Keppler, Littleton & Saw - 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 .1 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 61) 41 60 41 69 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 41 60 97 82 86 981 95 4 52 196 07 1356 30 1267 81 81 54 206 06 10653 29 62 21 62 21 60 40 60 42 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 40 60 50 60 40 99 16 99 20 60 40 60 40 60 40 57 40 ver's add 14 V. Keppler, Littleton & Saw- yer's add ... 13 V. Keppler, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 12 J. Klingel, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 11 Ludwig (tassel, Littleton & Sawyer's add 10 A. Kafller. Littleton &. Saw- yer's add 9 A. llertinrr, Littleton & Saw- yet's add S F. Kuhn, Littleton & Saw- yer's add ; F. Kuhn, Littleton & Saw- yer's add 6 .1. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's add. 5 J. 1'. .Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's add 4 J. 1'. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's add 8 .1. 1'. Schroeder, Schroeder's add 29 Ludwig Grasset, Scnroeder's add 28 .1. P. Schroeder, Schroeder's sub 27 J, 1'. Schroedt r, schroeder's add 211 E. Ernsdorf, Schroeder's sub13 do do 12 NisGroft', to 11 51. Connut,;hani, l'orter's adtl 11 Wm.llunrager, do 11) John 111ak. est, do 9 do do 8 Alley grotty Sanlord to Clinton L'etween Windsor Avenue Queen Street. .1. Morgan, suu 25, Sanford's add 1 .1. Moran, Sanford's add66 J. Below, Sr., Stafford's add. 71 do do 39 11. Oltde, do s;..-4" 40 Airs. F. Glide, 00 104 41 S. Scheretzle, do 41 J Dittman, sub 42 and 43 Staf- ford's add 2 11. Pfotzer,sub 42 and 43, Staf- lord's add 1 11. Pfotzer, Stafford's add44 Ed. Pfotzer, do 45 do do 46a 1V in. Aithauser, do ala do do n;. 32 E. Sance do s'i3 32 C. Stafford, do 33 E. Evan's, do 34 M. Carney sub 35, do 2 C. Borheiser, do do 1 do sub 35a do 2 J. C. Dittman, Windsor ave- nue sub 7 Nicholas Eruster, Windsor ay. sub, n 25 ft 6 Henry Pfotzer, do s 12 ft 6 do do 5 do do 4 do do 3 Henry Lange, do 2 do do 1 F Naubauer,Jr, Stafford's add 46 do do a% 47 Nieh Denell, Esq. do s;y 47 do do 57 do do 58 do do 59 do do 60 do do 21 N S Andrews, do 20 Henry Stafford, do 19 F. Stafford, do 18 11. Stafford, do 17 56 23 60 40 60 40( 60 40 60 40 6040' 60 40 60 41 60 41 611 41 60 41 150 41 69 21 111 25 98 73 76 09 75 00 81 10 8ti 04 78 65 61 6t/ 61 60 96 27 Streets and 16 26 13 42 13 42 26 68 13 57 13 57 27 21 26 27 70 26 26 68 26 68 13 36 13 36 13 36 13 31 16 77 26 77 41 36 4 49 24 15 20 20 13 31 '6 79 20 20 21 57 13 36 13 36 13 36 13 31 13 31 13 31 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 68 14 (lgir'ial _1'r)tioe 8. Win. Scharf, do Fred. I:ohoOT', do II. Luchterhand do Sophia Firzlotf, riu 1'. Stafford, do C. Neckenberg, (10 N. ettel, Mettel sub do d0 \Vm. I)uestng, Stafford's add. Lucy Iluol, do ('. Stanford, do (It) do do do do do llenry Plotzer, do d) do I'hitlp Becker, do Ida Dement, do do (10 .1. J. I'fnrzer, do henry I'fotzer, do du do do Uo Michael Z vack, d0 Ed I'pfotzer, do Fred Hollow. do Chas Hollow, do .1 Bullow, Jr, do Ed I'flolzer, (lo du do Il 1 62 Mil 65 66 24 25 12 14 15 16 n j 48 nt/ 48 411 50 31 30 s'/., 29 n':y 29 28 27 51 52 53 54 55 26 25 211 lig r, Its _i1 21i 1;S • 211 11S 211 6s 109 s,, II_ 16 :_' :111 6 lis 26 lis 2(i 68 26 68 13 31 13 31 26 68 26 68 13 31 26 28 13 31 13 31 26 68 26 68 211 68 26 tib 26 (i8 26 68 26 68 26 68 26 iib C Luchterhand, do 24 26 68 11' Luchterhand, (10 23 :6 68 ltoi,ert Bassard, do 22 26 68 Chas Stafford, do 56 211 Iib For the improvement of 1)odtae Street, From South Dodge Street to. Grand- view Avenue. Name. 1)escription. Lot. \Vtil. McDermott, sub pt of min lot 149 1 5239 79 \VIII. Ballard est. sub pt of win lot 144 2 158 65 \Vin. Ballard est, sub pt of mitt lu' 3 158 65 John L twrey, sub pt ot min lot 15911150 ft 4 212 911 .lames E. Met.atn, sub 2 sub 5 sun pt min lot 149 1 174 12 John 1ic11ullen est. sub 5 sub pt ruin lot 149 1 39 67 .John S'evin1111, sub pt min lot 119 w ' i .... li 11(1 00 Cath 11e1'i, 11, sun pt Inn Int 149 c.'.4. li :19 117 'hath. 3Icl2Iaiu, sou pt Info lot 149 w 23 ft 7 36 49 31rs. Andrew Murphy, sub pt min lot 149 111 52 it 7 82 50 Jas. E. ;McClain, sub pt ruin lot 149 e% 7 An1't. Jas. E. McClain, sub pt min lot 149 B. Gallon, sub 2 sub min lot 158 P. Rhombere, sou 2 sub min tut 158 P. lthombere, sub min lot 158 w.i 401114 Murphy, sub tont lot 158 0t' (2. Ryan, .1r., Reeder Lane - worthy's add C. Ryan. .1r., Reeder Lang - worthy's add Maggie Doltz, Reenter Lang - worthy's add Maggie 1)oliz, Reeder Lang - worthy's add \Vm. Melloy, It. Lang worthy's add Mary 11. Nelson, R. Lang - worthy's add Andrew Nelson, 11. Lang - worthy's add Jas. E. 31eClain, 11. Lang - worthy's add 39 67 8 214 1.2 1 188 07 2 52 36 1 211 03 1 212 12 7 84 40 8 81 55 9 81 55 6 81 55 5 122 01 4 139 02 3 81 55 2 81 55 ('tits. Anderson, 1:. 1,an;- wortb)'s add 1 152 32 :Mary \Vali. sub 1 and 2 mor lot ail nod pt 111 111111 not 14941( 219 21 saran \\'oaten. pt loin Int 149 east of 11411 street 3117 47 \' 11I ah,( Jas .11t(I fin, utwc Int til 818 63 (1. Rhombere, sub 1 and 2 of min lot 02 and pt of min tot 119 I 1). Ilhnnrberg, silo I 44401 2 of min lot (2 and pt of mitt tot 149 1). 1Uio ii berg, sub 1 1111(1 2 ot ruin 1 t 62 and pt of lout Mut 11(1 1). Ithomte'rg, sou 1 and 2 of min lot 162 and pt of Nuri tot 14'1 Thos. Byrne, B.115011 ,\ stew - art's sub 'Thos. Byrne, liunson & Stew- art's sub Thos. Byrne, 1.011s4441 & Stew- art's sub Thos. Byrne, 'Stinson & Stew- art's sui) 15 Tnos. Byrne, liuusun &-Slew- art's sub 113 Thos. Byrne, Bonsor..\ Stew- art's sub .17 'rhos. Byrne, Bul:so0 & Stew- art's sub 18 Thos. Byrne. Branson & Stew• art's add 19 John Byrne, sub min lot 624 W m. A. McClain, sub 5 nun lot lit 1 105 Eli Mehl Ilea est, sui. 5 nun tut 162 2 74 00 Fur the lmrrove111 rat of Prince Street From Eagle Point Avenue to Sanford Street. herr. Nagel, Sanford's sub5 147 90 I;eo. Maybantt, sub 49 San - ford's sub 1 311 65 Merman Bau'gwald, sub 49 Sanford's sub 2 9 Ito llerman Bargwaid. sub 50, Sanford's sub 2 17 1.6 ;Michael Christ old), sub 50 la 212 45 2a 117 87 3 t 20 62 5 98115 12 10:3 1:3 13 14 77 74 77 74 77 74 77 74 77 74 77 74 77 74 174 5:t Sanford's sub I ::'i "6 Andrew Bata, SaufIu'u',s Nutt. 51 5:: 33 Alt_list 11-uuuu'I, do 55.: 2 5:: ;;:5 .lo.,.ph .lun¢Uluth, 110 )1/ :1:: :111:3\Iuu1 I: alt, do S'.4 51 _11 I1t1 Lorenz Senaullel, du ill_ 54 21l 66 L. 1)obmeier, do s,,; 55 2G 66Andrew Fuerst, do 11% 55 26 66 Archibald Treanor, do56 53 33 Anton Costello, du 512 57 26 30 .los. Fuerst, do 111-, 57 26 66 Alois 1'rasser, du 58 53 33 .las. II. Hetherington do 59 53 33 (2. & G. IV. Ry. do 6l( 72 21 C.& G. W. Ry. do Mil 74 41 Florence May, Sanford's sub. 42 87 47 J. Rowan, do n'; 43 26 Inti W. Ent ri ringer, do s1 43 26 66 1'. ;Meyer, d0 n 44 26 66 John Beaver, (10 sX 44 26 66 M. r'eller, Ito 45 53 33 11'..1. Nessler do 4ti 83 44 Cath. \\ ii teen, ((ii((n 24 ft 47 511 40 '1'. Kelley, d4) s 26 ft 47 27 73 F. Berg,Ifo 48 53 33 F. Kiebler, sub (13, Sanfords sub 4 53 33 Ilnnnah 1t. Philos, sub 63, Nanfords sub 3 53 33 .1. .\ppelt, sub 63, Sanford's suit, n :111 ft 2 32 110 .I. ',& T. Kane, sub 63, San - ford's sub, s 20 ft 2 'Ll .34 J. & '1'. Kane, sub 63, San - ford's sub 1 881 510 Win. .1ate'•gi, Sanford's sub11 147 60 (?;,';„ z wotie . . Improving Allay from 22nd Street to 23rd Street bet ae••n Washington Street ao(1 Eon :',I ree• . C 3lesserkheeht, lot 1, sub of lots 52. 53an.1 u 22 1'', int 54. E. Lang add 1'. K ledl..rlu got, E. Lantz - worth ttdd, s 28 ft 54 1'. Kleinschruot, E. Lauug- wothy's add, n 22 ft 55 A. W. Ilosfor(1, E. Lang - worthy's add's'28 ft 55 A. W. Ilosford, E. Lang - worth) 's add 513 ('. linnath, E. Langworthy's acid, n 41 it 57 \V. (fan, E. Langworthy's add 4 It 57 W. (.an, E. Langworthy's add n 33 ft 58 C. ltehteld, E. Langworthy's add, s 17 ft 58 C. Rehfeld, E. Langworthy's add. n '•a 59 F. Voelscbeek, E. Lang - worthy's add, s;l 59 F. Vuelscheek, E. Lang - worthy's add 60 Wm. F. lioehl, E. Lang - worthy's add 61 .1. 13ulow,Jr., E. Lanworhy's add 62 A. Kauffman, E. Lang - worthy's add 63 3l. Nowasschack, E. Lan_- worlha's add 64 31. Bradah, E. Langworthy's a11d 135 JI. Bradah, E. Langworthy's add 66 31. Bradah, E. Lauewortny's add 67 .1. Steffes, E.Langworthy's add 68 do do 64 F. Stock, .Jr., do 35 do do 36 A. \V anger, do 37 do do 38 C. W. Abitz, do 34 31. Nowasehalr, do 40 A. Kauffman, do 41 .J. Billow, Jr., do 42 Anna M. Schill, do 43 '\1'm. liehfeld, Langworthy's add, s 41 10-12 ft 44 'Phos Zieler, E. Langworthy's add, n 26 10-12 ft 44 Thus Zeiler, E. Langworthy's add, s 15 ft 45 .1. 5Iarzen, E. Langworthy's 114.1, n 35 ft 45 .1. Jlarzen, E. Langworthy's add 46 1I. Lorenz, L. Langworthy's add 47 R. Lorenz, E. Laugworthy's add 48 F. Schmidt, E. Langworthy's add .. 44 C. Messerknecht, E. Lang - worthy's add. 50 C. Messerknecht, E. Lang - worthy's add 51 43 47 11 81 4 24 11 81 21 05 17 26 3 80 13 42 7 113 10 52 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 52 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 20 71 20 71 20 71 20 66 20 66 20 66 26 66 20 66 20 66 20 66 20 66 20 66 14 47 14 35 6 20 14 47 20 66 20 66 20 66 20 66 20 66 23 14 For the improvement of Alma Street from 'Phomas to Pickett streets. .Jas C Paine, sub city out lot 667 3 10 36 Phillip Sage, sub city out lot 6157 9 113 86 Rebecca J Farley, Fairview sub . 15 51 80 Rebecca J Farley, Fairview sub . 14 43 16 A C Buettel, Fairview sub... 13 43 16 Chas Welntot r, do 12 43 16 A A Loetscner, do 11 83 76 15 Martin lino', do 10 14 24 N'trst I'reshylen,ut church, sub to s 11) and 11. Cooley's soh3 6 115 l' Bayless, sub lot 4, Coo:ey's stub 1 4 64 Ger M staples, Come) 's sub8 39 17 Al 11 Carney, do 7 43 16 4 31 11 Jtebman do 6 •48 113 toltll li lover (!0 5 43 16 Alfred Jlartield don 2') ft 4 17 27 3lrs 1. A liowdish dos 8 ft, d 48 ft 4 24 16 \1' 11 Ilebn(an do s 2 ft 4 1 72 do .1 It I'nwers 1111 s 7 ft 3 6 04 do n 43 ft 3 37 12 do(l0 2 43 113 Jas (] Carney do n ? 1 20 47 \V II Ilebman dos 1 i 1 t30 48 1, or improving Alley from Ilumboldt Avenue to Schuller Avenue be- tween Ilhonl4erg A venue and Lincoln Are Phil Doerr, Ilouher's add 28 22 93 'thee 5intlold do 27 21 38 A Scnilsky,(io 26 21 88 Jlxrtln 13x11, do •':( 21 28 Ludwig lluesing, do 21 21 88 1Iafmdr Brosdo 23 21 88 do do 22 21 88 Ileury Jungle, do 15 22 43 do 1111 16 21 88 Jos Gulcriseh du s ! 17 10 94 llenry Sears do n yy 17 10 44 do do 18 21 88 August Marsch (lo s is 14 10 44 Chas ll:rke do n .12 14 10 94 Geo Kuntzman,do 20 21 88 Wm Benton do 21 21 88 For improving Broad Street from .Julien Avenue to the 11 one of the Friendless. A I. N'rudden, home add 7 250 04 (lodo 6 74 34 Richard Schmidt do 5 74 34 D .1 Linehan do 4 118 66 To do 3 118 156 0 do 2 74 39 (10 do 1 71 39 Geo (fray, Sr., Mt. Pleasant add, n 120 ft 7 178 53 Geo Gray, Sr, 31t Pleasant add 2 252 50 home of the Fried( Gray's sub Geo Gray, Sr, Gray's sub do do 1 19 2 33 do 3 33 do 4 33 do do 5 33 John P Schmidt, Mt Pleasant add, e to 75x140 1r 6 111 58 Key City Electric Street Rail- way Co, Oakland \'ark add. 6 77 015 Key City Electric Street Rail- way Co, Oakland Park add. 5 77 013 Anne E. Graham, J. N. TIlli's sub 7 77 06 do do 6 77 Ott do do 5 77 013 Eliza Walser, Oakland Park add 4 74 311 do do 3 74 39 B. A. Kennedy, Oakland Park add, a 110 ft 2 74 34 B. A. Kennedy, (laklanu Park add, e 110 ft 1 144 15 For improving alley east of Grant avenue from Julien avenue to West 11th street. W, and E. Ileedford, Cain's sub 61 Frank Duggan, (,aid's sub 2 13 84 G. 11. Davis, do 3 13 84 A. 3V. Ilosford, , do 1 13 98 John flier, do 5 15 93 A. o . Ilosford, do 6 15 413 do do 7 16 27 37 76 '76 76 76 16 O• ria/ _1'utieex. Andrew Dreese, sub out lot 738 .......................... 1 319 16 Kate E. Sullivan, mita 2, sub 3, sub city our Int;73s.......... 1 33 00 J. W. Parker, sub 2, suU3,sub city out 10 738 .... ......... 4 7 24 Jannie 11'esi, sup ell}' nut lot 738 .......................... 11 28 71 For the improvement of alley from llum- bo It avenue to stalfortl avenue bowels G Olield and Ithom- beru avenues. '1'hiid Presbyterian church, Drwbilbies add ............. 1 23 6'l Catharine (bass, Dreibilbles add......................... 2 23 62 Win. 1'. Cooley, Driebilbies add. ... . 3 23 62 -Fred Miller, Dr,ebllbies addi- tion ........ .. .. ..... . 4 23 62 Uhas. Kutner llreibilbies ad- dition........ ................. b 23 62 L. 11. Parker, llreibilbies add 6 23 62 Martin -'even, do s 35 ft 7 17 0 Df. J. C:diaban, Dreibilbles adtl, II 11.8 it ................ 7. 6 05 JI. J. Calahan, llreibilbies' add .............. .. . 8 24 78 Christian Ittfsteck, Dreibil- bies' add .................... 4 24 78 Louisa Ifeifsteck, Dreibilbie8' add ........... .. . 10 23 62 John and Aug. Kiein, llreibil- bies' add .................... 11 23 62 Chas. Kuttler, llreibilbies' add ............... . 12 23 62 Ernest Weidner, Dreibilbles' add ....................... .. 13 213 62 Fred Jailer, I/relbilUies' add 14 23 62 Mary Meyer, llreibilbies' add it 40 ft ......................... 15 20 07 Julius lvieduer, llreibilbies' add,s 6.8 ft........ . 15 3 54 Julius 1Vleuner, Ur?ibilbfes' add, ..................... it; 23 62 of the improvement et Regent street from Qtl,,,en to Prince streets. W. J. Nessler, Sanford's sub 46 134 55 Janet Bach, do 37 184 55 L. Rath, Est., cin 36 134 88 Cath. 1Vittgan, do n 21 ft 47 134 36 For the improvcmeut of the s ,_ of Dodge street front flinty to S„utlr Locust stree s. James Beach, city ............ 582 372 09 Notice of sale. 1 will sell at pubic auction to the best bidder for cash, on 'Tuesday, 2d day of January, 1894, at 10 a. in., at the public Pound of the city of Dubuque, on Ehn street, between 14th and 15tH streets, the following impounded anunals to -wit: One Sorel mare about 12 years old, white stripe in face, righthuul lei left ear split. white, a bone lroffe, ])ubuque,SDec. 28, 184il- Marshal.lr ssan Balt Notice. 1'o Johnllarzen and 'Thomas 'Linn: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolutou of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the improve- ment of sidewalk on IVashington street, adopted Ott the 4th day of December, A. D., 1893, a special absessuient will be levied for theexpeuse thereof at the next regular andmeepar of thercels of ias y council, upon all lots and pand abutting on said iin- Inr eE. llaem T, lot 46, 45 and n 26 10-12 feet, 44 bean • gworthy s add, owned by you, subject to such 8pe'clat assessment. And meeting at of the council, to ou are notified to appear pheld on said IRt day of January, A. D., 1894, and show callse, If ally you haver %%*fly Mall aRReRs. nieut should not be levied. 12 -I9 -IM. '1'. J. Cotl`EY, Recorder. Recorder. Special Assessment Notice, To Joseph %inunerman: Yom are hereby notified that ill accord. ance with a resolution of the City Council o: the City of Dubuque for the improve. stent of sidewalk Rhoinberg avenue, adonted on on the 4th day of December, A. D. 1893, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting oh said fill. provement, lots 4331 and 434 In llana's add, and owned by you being subject to such spec) l assessment. And You are hereby notified to appear at said 'meeting of the council, to be held on the Istday or Janu- ary, A. D. 18:44, and show clause, It any you have, wily said assessment should not be levied. '1'..1. Cot 1N EY, 12-19-101: City Recorder. 'I)eclal Al4,09stti Ctlt "10M."'. ."'. 1'o J:1hn 3larzen and 'rhos. '/,inn: You tire hereby notified 1113t In accord- ance with a resolution of the City Connell of the Citi of Dubuque fur the filling Of lots, adapted ou the 4 h day of December, A. D. 1893, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all lots and pareels of land filled, lots 46 and 4:i in E. Langworthy's add, owned by you being subject to such special assess - in int. And you are notified to appear at said ulee,m, of the coiner. to be held on the Lt day of .lanu.uyl A. 1). 1893, and slow eanse, if any you have, why said as- sessment 8110111.1 not be levied. 12-I9-10= T. J. Cnoxi?v, Smecaai AeKrssment No ice. OFFICH OF TRIS l l'I'Y l$N(:IN1,.L1t, Dt'nr1417r:, Iowa. y '1'o the owner or owners of the sev- eral lots and parcels of ground abutting Brcad st. froul Julien Ave. to home of the friendless: Booth street. (Brad' at.l from Julien Ave. to W. 3rd street. ilarzoitl St. from Seminary street to Leibnetz street. Twenty-second St, from Elm St. east end of street. Garfield Ave. from Middle Ave. to Ann Ave. Alley from Sanford St, to twenty-second between Elm St, and Washington street. Alley between W. 3rd St., Rill St. and Burch St. all in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, and of any street raiiway company Occupying with its tracks a portion of said streets, and to any person or persons or company having any interest in said real estateor said railway. You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city retorter of Du- buque a plat of said above named streets in said city 8110"1,119 the several lots or Parcels abutting streets and the tracks of said street railway laid thereon, subject to the special assessment for paving, guttering, curbing and macad- amizing of said streets, and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and of said street railway and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground and against said railway for the inspec- tiOn of any person, firm or company in- terested in ally kind in said real estate or Ad,jotirn,ed fl,,flttiaj, Ses.Pin t, lalw at',l 81h, 189.1*. 17 on said street railway and that such firm or company having object inn to the special tax u_ roposed to be assesse I, as shown by said plat, may file with Pity recorded his or their objections in tvriung, at or before the next meeting of the citN. (••)uucil of tine h city of Dubuque, whicwill meet the 1st day of January 1894. W. 11. KNOWLTON. 12-19-10t. City Lagineer. SPee,al Assesrvit!nt \voce. To Addison Caw.❑ — You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for improvement of Booth street, from Julien avenue to West Third street, adopted on the 5 day of Dec. A. D. 1893, a Special Assestment, will he levied for file expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the CIt1' Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, Lot 18 in Nair's Add owned by you being subject to such speciai assessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the ('ouncil, to be helot on the 1st day of .January, A. D. 1894 and show cause, of any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. 12-25-55t- T. J. Cooxl' Y City Recorder. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties hav- ing claims against the city that they must tile tho same in my office, property certi- fied to on or befare the 'Thursday preced- ing the regular meeting of the council of each month. All claims not so tiled will not receive consideration at the next meet- ir,g of the council. T. .1. C'oox'1,Y, 12.19-1m City Recorder. N utice. 1'n Whom- It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the under- signed commissioners, duly appointed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, will meet in City hall on the 3d day of .January, 1394, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon for the purpose of viewing the premises, grade and proposed change of grade on hart street, as shown by the profile now on file in the office of the city recorder, and making assessment of damages, if any are eusstained, by reason of said proposed change of grade. J. 1VUXnFati.unt, D. w. L1Nt,IIA1, C. REIFSTF:c•h, Coil] ni Dated this 11th day of Deccenibere1893. 12-18-3tv T. J. COOHF71-, City Recorder ChrY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session Jan. 8, 1894. 1OFFICIAL I Council met at 8 o'clock p. in. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. 1'reseut--Alda. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, 1n11ig1f, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder. Aid. Olinger moved that the action of the council remitting the taxes of :firs. Ileim as compensation for damages be reconsid- ered and petition referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and Col. Lyon be allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. Vol. Lyon addressed council to relation to removing fence belonging; to C. G. W. It. It. Co. on 26th street. :% Id. Olinger moved that they be allowed to replace fence until such time as the city shall build approaches to railroad cross- ings, and that the street committee and engineer have same done. Carried. Aid. Ryder moved that parties who now have petitions for the use of the armory be granted permission to use the same pro- viding the dates do not conll.vt with dates that the Governor's Greys use same, and such parties are to deposit FSU to defray all cost a Carried. nd exneuses that may be;incurred. Petition of .lames Mullen in relation to sewer assessment on St. Mary's street, was referred to committee of the whole. The following petitions were granted. Petition of Henry Pfot•rer in relation to paying; special assessment under protest. Petition of (;eo. B. Burch for reduction of assessment on .l alien house. Petition of 1'. M. Gandolfo asking to have amount of unexpire.t saloon license refunded. Reterred to the mayor with power. Petition of James Coffee asking that an ordinance be passed regulating bill posting and distributing bills and advertismews. Referred to the ordinauceconunttee. Petition of Mary 1). Silzer for coneella- tion of taxes. lleferred to the assessment committee. Mayor Daughterty chairman of the special committee in relation to purchase of water works presented the lotlowiug report. T.)lhr ('1,1/ Couitrit of the Citil of Dit- buque: Your committee appointed by your hon- orable body December l4th, 1893, to ascer- tain and report to you in reference to whether, and of so what, additional legis- lature is necessary to enable the city to purchase the waterworks owned by the Dubuque Water Company, beg leave to report as follows: That a meeting of said committee was called and held at which all of the members of the committee wete present except the lion. w. J. Knight. That upon examination such as the com- mittee felt satisfied in Rising to the sub- ject they find that the question as to what legislation isnecessary to enable the city to purchase the property of the Dubuque %Vater Co. or whether any is necessary—or as to whether any legislation could avail the city so is to enable it to purchase the water works without a violation of the constitution limiting the right of the city to incur in- debtedness, is 'it very complicated and in- tricate question, requiring more time and a more critical and extended examination of the statutes and authorities than the committee were able to Rive, and they therefore recommend that the subject mat- ter referred to in said resolution, being purely a legal question, be referred to the city attorney with directions to fully in- vestigate it and if, considering the import- ance of the matter involved, the city coun- cil thought it advisable they could procure the aid of another attorney to assist. 'four committee think no action of the city in the direction indicated should be taken until after a full and thorough examination is had, and upon the advise of an attorney, or attorneys who had care- fully examined and investigated the ques- tions iuvalved in and connected with this matter. Fours etc., A. W. DAtraultirrrv, Chairman. C Report adopted and committee author- lis .1,Ijmirieed fle,(ltdar til~e•­i(iir, .Icfiteol y 117th, 1894. ized to employ any suitable assistant they deem advisable to assist the city attorney to fully investigate the matter. Aid. Crawford offered the following resolution: Whereas, it is understood that the street committee of this council has ordered the street comutigsioner and city engineer to stop all work of quarrying rock and of breaking macadam: and that Ili conse- quence of such order all laborers engaged in getting out rock and breaking ma- cadam, have been laid off and discharged. And 1:'hereas, Tile giving of that kind of work by the council was intended to af- ford employment to such of the laboring class of the city as wereout of work and to needy Bull destitute circumstances , anti while continued (lid much good and re- lelved much want and suffering; therefore, Resolved, 'That the city council hereby disapproves of the action of the street committee its unneces- sary and cruel, and as causing much suffering and distress; and the street commissioner and engineer are hereby instructed to resume the giving Of employment to all actual residents of the city in needy clrcunis ances, and to continue the same as before the recent stoppage of work, until the council shall direct it to cease. Al. Oint,er moved to lay the resolution on the table. Carried by the following: Ayes—Ald's. Butler, Luling, Olinger, Powers and Ryder. Nayes—Aid's Byrne, Crawford, and Nicks. Aid. Olinger ehairman of the street com- mittee presented. the following report: Your committee on streets report that on the 3rd (lay of January, they Instructed the city engineer and street superintendant to discontinue the quarrying and breakinit Of macadam until the meeting of the coup- cil, when such action might be taken as is necessary, as we believe that nt the rate macadam was being broken the city would have near 60,000 cu y(ls of macadam on hand again spring. Adopted. Aid. Crawford moved that the engineer and street committee be allowed to employ Parties to break macadam in accordance with resolution heretofore adopted, and all such parties shall obtain a written Permit from the engineer. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Lilhg, Nicks, Olinger and Ryder. Noes—Alds. Powers. n the coun- cilAaldjourn it adjourn toatWednesd ay, Jan. 10th at 7:30 o'cloctc p, m. Carried. Alli. Olinger, chau'man of the street committee, reported in favor of referring the remonstrance of Frank hosselman et al., against proposed change of grade on .tart street to the emnmittee of the whole so they may view the premises. Adopted. The city engineer presented a list of Ina. cadam amounting to 6,310.6 cu. yds, which was referred to the cotnmittee of the whole, and the engineer and street super- intendent were instructed to exanunesaid list and ascertain the parties who should be paid for the same, Carried. J. 1'. Schroeder et al., presented a plat of Seminary place which was referred to the street committee. The following bills were ordered paid: hardtt, $18' llodsou & Schoeilial, $lb 10; 1, .7 Riley, $16.22: llodson & Schoeothal, $ti1.10; Ed. Ryan, $268.61; Williams & D1c- C 5. Aid. $tower's, chairman noflihe0ordinance committee. reported as follows: lourcontnuttee;to %% bout was referred the communication of AIVy Knight In relation to hoed of 8600 and coupons attached, beg I eave to report that after a careful exatni_ nation of said bond we believe that the city has a good legal defense to make y against pament of said bond and attor- ney so inotructed, Adopted. $58lnv l n .33 be drawnin favor r or C. I I 11'hite E Co. for interest caused by delay of delivery of bond:. Carried. Alit. Itvrne offered the following resolu- tiod, which was adopted. Ilesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That the street next west of South Dodge street and north of Curt:s street be named 11eEvoy Place. The petition of May Sears et al mem- bers of file charily organization of 1 r ib ique asking that a %;want room oh the _nd floor of the city hall be set apart for their use to open F_ central orrice, on [notion of Aid. l'ow•ers, was granted. Aid. Hyder moved that the finance eom- mittee be authorized to sell the balance of $20,000 issue (if bonds to the best advantage of the city. Carried. Aid. Olinger moved that the city treas- urer be instructed to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on all warrants issued during 1892 and not paid when presented for payment. Carried. Aid. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest/ i %;- ro C y -►.1 / Recorder. r........... . 1893. .... dp% L^ ayo? C1'PY UNC111,. Adjourned Regular Session Jan- uary 10. 1894. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor llau,herty in the chair. Present—Alis. Byrne, Crawford, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and lty- der. Mayor Daugherty to whom was referr- ed the petition of l'. _11. Gondolfa asking that amount of unexpired saloon license be refunded, reported in favor of granting the same. Adopted. Aid. Byrne chairman of the sewer cout- mittee reported in favor of paying bill of Mat. Loes. Adopted. On motion the report of the commis- sioners appointed by the city council to as- sess damages if any that may be caused by change of grade on Hart street was opened and read as follows: 181.14. To lite Iio a City Vuttiwi6Jan f Lubuqu C•lty: GsN•i'LXMN;N: The undersigned, your commissioners appointed by you to assess damages if any by reasou of proposed change of grade on I Iart street, beg leave, to.'Unlit the following report, to -wit: Your commissioners find no damages to Adjour)tc(1 I eyllhfe Se-lov ori, J(alm(trq 10th, 1894. 1(1 any abutting property owners on said Bart street. Respecilully submitted, .1. \1'rsnr.1l1J1'11, 1). W. I.t. l•:It: , C. Commissioners. Report confirmed. Aid. Lillig of tite committeeof the whole repotted in favor of approving of the red linens the official grade of hart stroet. 11eyort adopted. Aid. Olinger, chairman of the street Committee, presented the following repot.(: Your committee to whom wits referred the petition of It. E. Edily u1 relation to shaft on \Vest Third street be,, leave to report that after a careful exanu- nation of the matter, we lied that the Tinley Iluspital made a sewerage connection with said shaft and arched the same over and agreed to hold the city harmless front any dannwea that mi¢ht be sustained by using said shat!, and Its there is a question as to who holds the rights to said shaft we would recommend that said petition be received and tiled. Adopted, Aid. U.1 -der moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Eddy and othLrs be al- lowed to address the council. Parried. Ur. Eddy, F. M. L'umpf and F. B. 1)amels then addressed the council in re- lation to shaft oil West Third street. :kill. Ryder moved that bit of Ed. Hyan for X164.93 for grading on 1V 14:h street Lie allowed. Carried. Engines• Knowltou presented the fol• low'ilia report. In accordance with instruction front your hornorable body 1 have revised the macadam list for December on the follow- ing basis: Where one person has less than twenty cubic yards, or was breaking rock taken from the streets of the city, or rock taken out by the city, or by permission. in nearly every case a full estimate has been returned, and where more than twenty cubic yards have been broken by one man, excI-pt in needy cases, the anwunt allowed has been re- duced to twenty cubic yards per man. A few piles have not been returned. The summary of the list as corrected anoints to the following: 2,918 cubic yards at $1.00 .............. 2,918 1164 cubic yards at 75c ................ 498 Total...........................:...$3,416 Less 15 per cent .................... 512 Amount (tile ........................52,904 Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for same. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, presented the following report, which was adopted: You committee report it) favor of reduc- ing the assessment of the Dubuque Street Ry. Co. to ;x30,009 on personalty for 1893, providing they pay their taxes on or before Feb. 1st, 1594, otherwise said reduction is to be unit and void. Also is favor of reducing the assess- ment of the Dubuque Lielit tl- Traction Co. on personalty to $30,000 for 1893, pro- viding they pay their taxes on or before Feb. 1st, 1894, otherwise said reduction is to be (lull ana void. Aid. Crawford offered the following resolution: Hesoived, That the Dubuque Drum Corps be allowed the use of the Armory hall for a bail for the benefit of the corps, xud that the subject be referred to lite committee on public grounds and buildings to arranYe with said Orunt Corps for it flight that will not conflict with other arrangements. Adopted. Aid. Hyder offered the following which was adopted. Itesolved, That warrants for Sit, each be drawn in favor of John Wunderlich, 1). IV. Linehan and C. Helfsteck ft,r services as commissioners on change of grade. Aid. Hy( er moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: 1 .:. ecorder. ... 1893 . .. . Ma or. NOTICE. Inutlet. fs hereby given that at the sPs- si.a1 of theCiicI'uuncil of the city of Dublique, hell .,it th.• I ith tray of December, Isfrt, the fol- Iowln;: special assesstiumis were I. -vied oil the real estate Ilei einafier doeeribe(l: For the construction of a ~ewer in 11111, Burch and West Third Streets, I. (1 Dolson, sub min lot 7s.......... 1 .= _ti) 81) Jas Emil.~. Dealing & Ilorr's sub. 1 !'.t 80 Tilos EBI';ul!ey, du do .... 29 26 tui F \y \\eod r:cll, do CIO .... 23 2000 I Ilam,, do (to....27 20 Olt John M Kirkpatrick, sib t of 4 f alio lot 7: ............. 1 24 01) John \I Kirk, ata ick, sub mia till 711 1 4 22 du do sib 4 min tut 73.. 21 48. I Hill rk, Deming S Ilorr's sot)..... 26 20 110 do do do .... 2; '27 W John Meloy, Jte(Im's sub........... 1 4.2 06 A 1' Frmtdcti, suU s min Int 73....... I Is 40 Oo tin du .. 2 18 40 do do do ....... 3 1s 41, ,Ja, O'Farrell, sub Ii lnin lot 73 u pt 7 7 00 A C Iluetel, silt) 1 of 2 of 9 of alill lot 7311011It part......... 2 36 n0 A C Ruettel, sun I'll 2 of a of inal lot 7:1 girth girl......... t :16 00 L t' I:i" 91, set .i o1 ruin Int 73 n pt.. I 106 00 Jacnn Itiell, "ll, "Itil' min Lot 73 i pt f (t till do .,I,. Int 74 ............... 2 14 40 do min lot 72 north part. 2 33 60 1I 11. MWarthy, loin lot 7-1........... 1 18 00 do min fol r_ It pt...... 1 24 20 T Hickson, Fortune', sib pt........ 7 15 00 Mrs 1, Scutt, hnrume', sub pt....... g 11 So (lo l"Iti oe'sstill pt........ 0 20 Oa W A Leather.,, horl une's sub pt.... 21 s 64 Ili Ili (to .... 20 20 (Ili do du d0 l0 12 So A IGunnam cstatl• Kiene 6t Illocit- linger'ssulIll S50 It.... ........ 4,6,6 2000 A M'fafl, K iemc 1; L'IoekliniCer'3 slit) gart11011117.1ftskill1_I,Wet_ ..4,56 3160 (: t; I't•I.1'\, Klelie S. 1 hwklinger's part north 62 it.......... ...4, 5, 6 24 80 J Ito>au,IdRon eSl, .Martin's still ..... 2 27 20 'hos \\:liters, Mal tin's sub......... 1 27 20 \ lit J Buell r. ill 1 n1 a of in 1 76, and lot 2 ,1 til 1 7-;, ................ 1 21 60 Enima h;ull .. dd, s11n 1 ora of Ili 1 7G and lot 2 lit u1 177 it :l5 feet........ 2 14 00 H B Ilaek, r..till 1 of 3 of lit 1 76 and lot 2 of til 177, s 15 ft ............... 2 r, all it B Haeker, .Sat) 1 of 3 of 1111 711 and lot 2 of til 1 77 ... .................. 3 24) 00 Anna L Rabbit, slit) I of 3 (if n1 1 76 .till tut _ of 1:1 177 .................. 4 20 610 F (:Lindsey, it U lot 75 .............. 1 :t.2 s) d0 Illi 74 pt........... 5 li oil GUS 5eheak0witz, Burell's sub pt.... 4 24 W A Conigisky, BUrCh'S sub pt......... 3 24 0a F ll Carberry, Burch's sub, pt...... 1 24 s, (10 sub 2 Burch's sub pt.. 1 6 Oil Official Notices Geo B Burch W B Hopkins, Buettel & Lang Geo Atkins E Newburg Albert Ney J Wellhoefer Wm G Vogt Regina Vogt Geo Vogt Sarah Wooten Elizabeth Herbst Derstan F Manstedt Couler Ave, Eagle Point Avenue Nic Palen William Jaergens B Hobi Herman Dement Wm and F A Coates Frank Jaeger Geo Kimmerle Anton Voegler August Wundelrich, Steiner's add Peter Schraffel Mrs. Anna Schaetzle Valentine Luck John Grutzmaener Chas Jahries David Lorenz Peter Sahm Martin Wagner L H Langworthy Catharine Heeb Gregory Reinfried Chas Kling Wm Hollnagel Henry Pfotzer John Griner Peter Holtz Conrad Lange Henry Gatena Martin Jacquinot John Osthoff Frank Schmidt D Rhomberg F W Weiland N H Schilling C B Keesecker J J Linehan Peter A Schuler Conrad Kohlman Conrad Schmeid Red Dehling Julia Bauch Nicholas Gonner Ben D Heeb Dubuque Malting Co Almond St from Ellis to Foye St Kate Lundbeck, Cox's Add J Markward W G Cox J Haurick C M Buettel Wm Sinhold Mary Sucker Lizzie Fanning M Butler Cath C Keas Rosa Cadman W G Cox Moritz Nallmar G B huekes Mrs. Thos Murray W G Cox E H Whitneben J Hueckels E C Ferris Thos Connolly Anna Hilders Dietrick Prange Louis Tempers J W Norton J G Suiker, Buetelli Dan Norton sewer in Emmett and St. Mary's St H Kavanaugh Mary McDonnell Mary Lanahan Mr. John Dowling Jas C Rooney St. Mary's Academy St. Raphael's Cathedral John Hennessey Jane Mullin P H Murray Thos Sweeney Mrs. E Treanor Wm Corcoran John Kenna Wm Ducey Patrick Lenihan Mrs. M Walsh James Lee James Quinn Mrs. E Treanor sewer in W 5th St Wilson Avenue Alley East D C Philips Elizabeth Blish John Soathwell Wm Roehl John Butt P F Guthrie Clara A Allen John Philips Eliza H Thomas W G Norman Sarah A Thomas John Freeman John F Headley Josephine Turot Kelly's Sub E C Letert John Lyons John McCaffrey Daniel Whelan J J Dunn F M McLaughlin John E Hedley Michael Collins Alfred Hobbs Summit St Howard Dodge M F Past E D Redmond, Kiene and Blocklinger's sub Wm Potts John Deery D D Meyers H A Rooney John Keenan P H Powers J N Berry E G Shackford Mrs. Anna Whelan John Walter Joseph Culbertson John H Klein John Lall Ellis st from Dorgan's Alley to Almond St Geo H Ferris H S Hetherington Cox's Add W Lundbeck C A Ferris Anton Trueb Gustav Schreiber J B Lundbeck Catharine F Fawkes John Clark Patrick Ford Wm Davis F H Sheppley Amanda Norton W G Cox December 21, 1883 Sleet+ial Semi.on,, January 22nd, 1894. 23 CITY UOUNUIL. Special Sassion January, 22, 1894. Council met at 7:10 o'clock p. in. Mayor Daugherty fit the chair. \'resent—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Lillig. Nicks, Clinger, Powers, Ry- der and Vogel. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting w as to take actiou in relation to bonds issued August lit, 189:3, also on pro- posals for hose etc., Wit were received by Elle lire committee. Aid. Clinger, chairman of the fire and water committee presented the following report. Your committee on lire and water would most resuecifully report, as per order of your hohorab.e body, we have received proposals for 2,000 feet, more or less of hose, a combination hose wagon, and also a chief's wagon and submit the same to you for further cuusuieration. Adopted. At(]. Clinger moved that the matter of hose and hose w anon be referreal to the committee on bre and water with power. All Crawford moved as an amendnieut that bids be opened and the matter be re- ferred to committee of the whule. Car- ried by Lhefulluwang vote: Ayes --Aldi. Buller, Byrne, Crawford, Powers and VoLCI. Noes—Alds. Lillig, Nicks, Clinger and Ryder. Aid. Gfab arrived at 8:115 o'clock. The buts were opened and read as fol- lows: The Millralized Dubber Co., salaman- der brand We per ft. The Dubuque Rubber and Belting, Co. unique brand, We per It. The Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co. Keystone bra..d, 8'Ic per ft. The Dubuque Rubber and Beltiug Co., llorsesuoe brand, 70c per It. Novelty Iron 1Voiks, Dragon Jacketed Leatherite, 76c per ft. Novelty Iron Works, Dragon Jacketed, 72c per ft. Novelty Iron Works, Czar Leatherite, 7Uc per it. Novelty Iron Works, Czar cotton, 65c per 11, Excelsior Brass Works, Peerless, 70c per it. Excelsior Brass Works, New Surprise, 75e per ft. Boston Woven Hose & Rubber Co., L'.tatou Fire Jacket, 80c per ft. Boston Woven Bose & Rubber Co., Boston Knit J acket, 65c per it. Boston woven Hose & Rubber Co., Tiger Jacket, 70c per ft. Chicago Fire ilote Co., Standard Knit Jacitet, 65c per ft. ChicaLo k Ere llo e Co.. National Knit Jacket, 80c per ft. Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., Baker Fab- ric. 80c per ft. Gutta Percfta & Rubber Co., Jacket, 70e per it. Revere Rubber Co., American Jacket, 75c per ft. Revere Rubber Co., Sterhmg American Jacaet, 80c pur ft. Piopusais oh combination hose wagon were presented as follows: The Fare Extingut.her Manufacturing CO. of ChieaL'o, 62,0„0. Lingren, Mahan Chemical Vire Engine Co., 51,550. Aid. Olinger stated that Mr. Tom. Con. nolly would furnish chief's wagon for $140 and old wagon. Petition of the Star Electric Co., asking that the contract for electric lighting ba extended for live years fit, tead of three. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. 1\1010 be allowed to address tlie council. Carried. ,Mr. 'folo addressed the council in rela- tion to lite above matter. Ald. Vogel moved that petition be granted. Adopted by the following Vote: Ayes—Alds., Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Wall, Lillig, Nicks, Clinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. AM. Ryder offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Whereas, The Star Electric Co. is de- sirous of making large additions to it, electric fighting plant fur the purpose of enabling it to more etiiciently carry out Its contract with the city of Dubuque, for IightinL the sweets of the city, ant.t avoid the possibilities of interruption in its ser- viee, by breaking down or burning; out of machinery, and In so doing will be coin- pelled to inenr it large expenditure of money, which the brief duration of its present contract will not justify, and which would be practically lost if said eoutract should for any reason fail to be renewed at its let initial ion, Therefore, to it resolved, that the exist- ing contract of said company, for street lighting, be and is hereby extended for a period of five years from the first day of September 193, so as to make the same continue until first day of I September 18;18, provided that nothing in this ic6oiu- tion shall be construed to, to any manner chan,,•e or vary the terms of said contrac', except, as to,lhe titne of its exnira- tion. Resolved, further that if this resolution be accep ell in writing by said Star Etect- tric company, it shall be signed and ex- ecuted by the mayor, on behalf ofthe city and by proper officers of said company, and waen so signed and executed, shall constitute at va!id and binding con- tract between the p it ties. The petition of the Star Electric Co. asking that the charges made against it, un account of the city electrician's service be discontinued. Referred to the commit- tee oil police and light. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Jos. Madel, John Furhniann, Bridget Bren- nan, ltia'tidalen It. Brauhn, 31 ary Conavan and ha e .Malone. Aid. Wnger, chairman of the street committee, ore,ehted specification of work which is needed on the steam roller. ite- ferred to the committee of the whole. Aid. Vogel, chairman of the finance committee, ofrered the following resulu- lion: Whereas, The city council of the city of Dubuque did, on the 10th day of July, 1843, pass a resolution authorizing the mayor to issue y20,000 of lmpruvetnent bonds, both principal and interest of said bonds payable at the office of the city treasurer of Dubuque, lova, and 1Vnerem, It is the intention of the city of Dubuque, that both urincipal and inter- est of said bunds shall be payable in New York; therefore, Itesolved, That the words "payable at the office of the city treasurer of Dubuque, Iowa," in said resolution tie and are here. by declared nail and void and of 110 force January 22, 1894 the Nationalors Parkbe bank Insubstituted: New TPayaoth cityle,t Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab, LIIIig, Nicks, Powers and Vogel. Noes—Alds. Olinger and Ryder. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved, That the water be turned into the plug on 5th and Nevada streets near the 1111 ward school house. Ald. Olinger moved that the matter be relerred to the committee of the whole and tire chief. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. !Antler, Lillig, Nicks, Olin- ger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glab and Powers. Ald. Liilig offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Dock street, between Lincoln ave and !Blomberg ave, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids anti propo- sals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the,tiwners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldo. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Litlig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry- der anti Vogel. Ald. Linty offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Dock street, between Garfield ave. and C. M. & St. 1'. R. R. tracks be graded, guttered, curbed an maca lam- ized, in conlornity with the ordina.tce upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and maca- damizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes--Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glatt, Lillie', Nick, Olinger Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Crawlurd offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to make an estimate of the amount of grading required to complete the bring- ing to the established grade 01 14th street from Alta Vista street to Atlantic avenue. Ald. Ryder moved that the city recorder be instructed to notify the directors of the Finley hospital to tile a bond indemnify- ing the city against any dainages in their suit against R. '1'. Eday. Carried. Ald. Nicks moved to adjourn. Carried. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of I)uOiiglu, held on the 2.1 day of .tan. 1894, the following spcotal assessments were levied on the real caste hereinafter described: For Constructing a sidewalk on both sides u1 Broad Street. Name 1/es- Lot Ain't. Rich Schmitt, home add 0 $12 00 1). J. Lenehau, do 4 14 40 (to do 3 14 40 do do 2 12 00 do do 1 1200 Key Uty St. Ry. Co., Oakland Park add 6 12 42 do lo 5 12 42 B. A. Kennedy, e 110 ft, llonre i dd 2 12 00 11. A. Kennedy, e 110 ft, lfoute add 1 16 199 For constructing a sidewalk on both sides of Booth Street from Julien avenue to West 'Third Streets. Thos. 11111, 8. M. Langworthy's add 58 S11 85 Geo. Perry, du b9 6 57 du do 40 8 25 do do 41 8 25 do sub 5, min lot 80 6 8 21 do do 4 8 21 du do 3 820 do uo 2 821 Bridget Blake, S. M. Lang- worths's add 2 8 25 Mrs. E. Make, do 1 8 74 For constructing a sidewalk on both sides • of \Vasnington street between 221 and 2311 streets. John Dlarzeu, E. Langwor- thy's add 413 8 94 John Alarz.:u, E. Langwor- thy's add, n 35 ft 45 626 Thos. Zero. E. Langworthy's add, s15lt 45 268 Thos. Zein, E. Langworthy's add, n 26-10 It 44 5 00 For constructing a sidewalk on south side of Juiien avenue front Nevada to Booth streets. Thos. Hill, S. M. Lang worthy's add 52 8 00 'Phos. Hill, 8. M. Langworthy's add 53 64 For constructing a side waik on both sides of Edward street. 1Vin. Althauser, Stafford's add. 31a 18 41 Ed. 1'fotzer, Stafford's add... 46a 23 86 For constructing a sidewalk on !(lwmuerg avenue. Jos. Zimmerman, flank's add 433 8 94 flu do 434 1108 Ifor tilling the following Tots ordered by the city council to prevent. stag- nant water lying thereon. Chicago & G. W. R'y. Co. Du- buque Harbor improvement Co's. add, block 15, part 24 38 15 Chicago & G. %V. Wy. Co., Du- buque harbor Improvement Co's. add, block 15, part 23 147 35 Win. lltntrager, Dubuque har- bor lmprovenkent ('o's. add, block 15, part 23 17 85 John Marzen, E. Langworthy's add 46 63 36 John Marren, E. Lang worthy's add, n 35 ft 45 44 10 Thos. Zein, E. Laugworthy's add, s 15 ft 45 19 26 And in case of failure to pay the satne within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest Official Notices. ')5 thereafter at the saute rate as the delin- quent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 18th day of Janu- ary, A. 1). 1891. 111);Niy B. (iNINFkt:, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. Notice in Relation to Filling Lots. To Mos. Zr'tn: You and each of you are hereby notified that it is the intention of the City Council of tate City of Dubuque to pass a resolu- tion al its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Part lot 44, in E. Langworthy's add. You are notified to appear, if you de- sire, at the next regular meeting 01 the council and show cause, if any you have, why said resolution should not be passe I, as it is proposed that said tilling shall be at your expense. The next session of the council will com- mence on Feb. 6th, 1894. T. J. COONEY, 1-5-2-w City Recorder. Notice. Dtntu41P)`;. Iowa, Jan. 4, 1594. Sealed proposal will be received by the tire committee of the city council at the city hall, up to 4 o'c rick p, in. of .January 15th. 1894, for 2,000 feet of cotton tire hose. Proposals must be accompanied by sample hose bid on. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. I'1rrr:ii OLINGER. Chairman t"ire Committee. JOHN O'CoNNELL, Clerk. 1-4-101 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the City Council of the City of Dubuque held on the 2d day of January, 1894, the follow- ing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case owners of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual equal install- ments, the first installment being due on the dale of levy, and the Last installment six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annuli. Persons wishing to pay all at once as heretofore can dC se. 111 the ease of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the Cud of six years from date of levy the property will be advertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque this 18.11 day of January, 1891. 11 EMI 13. (1W1FFKE, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For the 1 lnproventent of Booth Street front Julien Avenue to West Third Street. Name and Description. Lot. Ain't. 'Thos Hill, 5 M Langworthy's acid._ 53 $135 45 .1 W Dillrince, do 39 47 61 do do 40 46 37 do do 41 46 37 O leo ferry, sub 5 mitt lot 8)5 48 14 do do .. 4 4614 110 (10 ..... ....... 3 46 14 do do 2 56 79 .1 Zangmeister. Bradstreet's add24 114 ID 5 M Langworthy est, 5 M Langwor- thy's add... 31 96 91 5 M Langworthy est, 5 M Langwor- thy's add:32 46 37 .1 8 Stephens, Si M Langworthy's add 33 46 37 Adrian llabluetzel, 5 51 Laugworthy's add...... .... 34 46 37 M Eckstein, 5 M Langworthy'sadd35 46 37 Jae Zangineister, 5 M Langworthy's add 36 46 87 Susan Crotty, S M Langwot•th)'s add 37 46 37 do do 38 64 84 -1 Zugenbueldel', do 54 135 21 11 Ziepprecht's est., Nairn's add2) 193 26 Gilbert ferry, Nairn's add251 67 73 do do 21 53 00 d0 do NI 53 00 do d0 19 53 00 Addison ('•tin, do 18 53 00 John Newman, do 17 63 00 do do h; 631N1 do do 15 79 s3 Elizabeth (I regory, 5 M L angworthy's add 5 192 14 Patrick 'ribty, 5 M Langworthy'sadd 4 67 69 do do ...... 3 53 00 Bridget Blake, do 2 53 011 Mrs EdlIlake, do 1 70 88 ('has 11 Harris, min lot 151 lot 1 nf8 77 84 do thin lot 159,11 111 of lot 1 012 of 8 INI 63 Phoebe I1 Harris es', 11110 10t 159511f lot. 1 of 2 of4 83 25 For Improving 22d Street from Elm Street to east end of street. Sophia Fir zloff, 1s Langworthy's add 70 108 51 John Del titian. sub 1911 and 197, L 11 Langworthy's add1 108 49 For the Improvement of Harold Street from Seminary to Leibnitz Street. C A Voel er, J 1' Schroeder's add32 do do 31 .I Duscher, d i 21 .1 1' Schroeder, do 2° do do 23 do tlo..... 24 do do 25 do do 27 Herman Baseman, Mechanic's add, w 46 ft ........... 97 11 0 Dein'ieh, .1 P Schroeder's:Add80 do do n5n33 f P Schroeder, do ....s 59 ft 33 Ludwig Grasset, do 28 60 41 44 33 44 33 44 33 35 47 35 47 35 47 12 46 162 85 68 88 4 44 63 14 68 10 ror Improving Garfield Avenue front Middle Street to Dock Street. Max Kistler, F'engler's add 1 101 33 John Kistler. do 2 61 12 A .1 wuudertieh, Jungk's add s hf4 32 72 Lilian Wun.ierlich, do n hf• 4 32 72 Aug.lutigk, (10 3 05 45 do Aurelia Relater, do a 0f2 32 72 mo s 1(12 32 72 Nathan Reiss, do1 65 45 Christian .1unglc, McCrtney'8 1st add 18 435 45 o do 19 105 14 Francdis Jaeger, .laeger's sub 13 9) 79 do do 14 OG 45 do do 15 65 45 do do 16 65 45 do do 17 65 45 do do 18 05 4,, Frank Paley, Slel'raney's 1st add17 65 45 do do 16 104 14 For the Improvement of Broad Street from .1u• hen Avenue to Moine of tile Friendless. John Schmitt, Mount Pleasant add18 403 01 Ora holland, do 11 w 7-8 21 222 65 Mary Kaltenbach, do s w 1-8 23 73 63 Geo (.ray, Sr, do 26 221 98 .1 W Coy,rfo lot 2 of 31 76 31 Joseph Cullen. do lot 3 of 31 74 70 do Iteille ''s sub 1 46 04 J 1t Iteilley, Re lley s sub lot 1 of 3 5 05 do do lot 2 of....,3 185 22 do do '2 89 59 Anna M Bush, Mt, Pleasant add 19 40) 83 do do 22 299 01 do do 27 299 01 C T Bush, 00 e DI 30 394 18 For the improvement of the Alley from Sanford street to 22d street. Marg Gtalt,•0 5 Laugworthy's sub1 do do 2 do do 3 4 5 d„ Henrietta 1lerzog, John Morrison, de do do do do Chas Kruse, John Homan, do Max Rhomberg, do J 15 Forester, do Geo Siebolett, do do do do do do (1i do (10 do do do (10 110 (10 110 14 41 12 52 12 59 12 52 12 (49 12 52 12 59 12 52 12 52 12 52 12 52 13 48 .. 13 13 48 .. 14 12 52 .. 15 12 52 .. 16 12 52 17 12 52 n h 118 6 26 5 lif 18 6 26 26 Ofticia1 .3 ot ices. :87.e \\'cher, do 19 1s 69 do do 20 12 12 do do 21 1.2 59 dodo 22 19 52 do 23 12 5.9 do do do 21 14 28 For 1110 Pinel Street Fengler Garfield from C F Schepple , Wick's add 25 83 06 1'J Ruegamcr, do 21; 58 27 Francis Jaeger, Jaeger's sub1 51 39 do do 2 6182 do do 1 1-4 32 do93 do 4 88 d(. do ... fi' 19 , d0 (10 0 5S 27 do do 9 7,4 do do do (lo 11 u1:,' (10 (10 1.2 19 47 Alley between 11it1, Burch and West Third Streets. .lohu Phillips, sub 3 Buettel & Lang's 1 19 84 Albert Noy, sub 3 Buettel & Lang's sub 2 19 81 .lac Wclluoefer, Buettel & Lang's sub s49ft 4 2461 Wm (• Vogt, Buettels & Lang's sub 11 1 ft 451 Win C Vogt, Buettels & Lang's sub s 34 ft 5 17 41 Regina Vogt, Buettels & Lang's sub 1116 ft 5 8 19 Regina Vogt, Buettels & Lang's sub 6 s 18 ft 6 8 71 Geo Vogt, Buettels & Lang's sub n 32 ft 6 15 36 Sarah Wooten, sub 9 sub 3 sub inia lot 76.... ....... 2 108 95 Gus Nacnstedt, sub 6 part n1 lot 76 and 77 1 8 62 Eliza Herbst, sub 6 part mill lot 76 and 77 - 11 15 Mary Sherman, sub pt min lot 76 and 77 5 64 03 Wm J Buckler, sub part min lot 70 and 77 1 16 16 Emma Reinhold, sub part min lot 76 and 77 n 15812 19 8G 11 11 Backer, sub part min lot 76 and 77s15ft...........9 601 11 13 Backer, sub part min lot 76 and 77.... ..... ... 3 20 05 Emma E RabLet, sub pt min lot 70 and 77.......... 4 27 56 Geo B Burch, sub 2 Burcli's sub2 :34 99 Geo F Atkins, Buettel & Lang's sub7 45 82 do do do 2 66 83 List of City 1VaiTants. 27 IN OF CITY WARRANTS Issued by the City Recorder during September, 1898. ('ITV itEcoltiiEWS OFFICE, Iowa, Oct. 1. 1893. 'D. the lion..ralde Alayor and City Council: (IENI LEM EN following is a complete list of all warrants issued hy me during the month of September, 1893: Nome, For wnat Purpose, Amount 11. B. (flint 0 ....Salary for Aug, Treas- urer ..... .. ... ....... 8150 00 11. B. 1; iiillke Salary for Aug.. clerk 51 00 'f. .1. Cooney salary for Aug-, Re- corder 116 70 J. M. Reuel y Salary for Aug„ Aud- itor 116 70 .las. E. Knight ..Salary for Aug., Attor- ney. .. . 125 00 .1ohn F. Stenim „Salary for Aug., As- sessor. 125 00 W. 11. 1(nowIton-Sitlary for Aug., En- gineer 27560 E. S. Ilyne.... ...Salary for Aug„ As- silnatit Engineer100 00 J. Boyce... ....... Salary fdr Aug„ As- sistant Engineer100 00 Henry G lab .... ... Sala ry for Aug., As- sistant Engineer50 00 S. B. Rice .........Salary for Aug., Mar - slut! ........ _ 100 00 John Carter ......Salary for Aug.; Street Superiutendent91 70 Jos. Reinfried Salary for Aug., Chief of lire department.. 75 00 Ed. Norton. .... Salary for Aug., Mar- ketniaster. ...... ..... 50 00 .1. W. Fowler S al:1r y for Aug.„ !tenni' officer.-- 50 00 J. O'Brien Salary for Aug., Sew- er Inspector ..... .... 70 00 James BuntingSalary for Aug , Elec- trician 75 00 Henry !lenge ..... Salary for Aug., Park Custodian 46.50 .T. W. Woods......Salary for Aug., Wharf - master 20 00 John O'Connell..Salary for Aug., Com- mittee clerk 83 35 Ja.. Daly Fireman .. . ..... 60 00 Job Barnes. 75 00 A. McDonnell" ....... • •• • •••• 50 00 .1. M uglily " 60 00 \V • IHIcY • •••• .- ......... 60 00 .1. schonberger" 50 00 Etl. keas16 50 03 Tom. ItY414,1. 61 ......... • • • • . • 50 00 Al. Eitel.. " 00 00 Jobe Essinan" 75 00 A. 1)00011i" 50 00 J . IQ; nn 1.1. 60 00 .1. Wiltse..... " 60 00 1. SPeellt16 50 00 1'. Walker 66 ....... • • • • • • • • 50 00 .1. l'owell .. . .. 50 0) I). Ahearn ..... ... " .... ....... .... GO 00 .1. Allen66 GO 00 \V. !Lippman 66 GO 00 t '. Katinolt ..... " ....... • •••• •• . 50 00 F. Ganahl• . • ........ • .• • 50 On .1. Ward 6. 50 00 tl. l ollinSOn...... " ....... 5000 F. E i•man 60 00 T. ynn" ........ ..... .. 60 00 A. 'valley ........ ....... 50 00 .1. Ito ney...... , " ..... ...... .... 50 00 1). Ryan... Captain of Police 75 00 .John Itaesli..... ... ...... 70 00 Bart. Cain.........Policeman . . 50 00 Wm. Ilenuessy... " ...... 50 01 Wm. O'Brien__ .. 50 00 Wm. Frith....... .. 50 00 John Litseher..... 50 GO 1'. NicNerny...... 50 00 Thos. Reilly ....... 66 48 35 P. Dunnegan50 00 P. Kearney 6,6 ....... • .. . . . . 50 00 John , Fitzpatrick50 00 Dan. Norton ....... ...... . 48 35 .lanies Allen ),50 00 .11)1111 Reuter 66 50 00 •huhes Flynn t. Dan. Lavery E61. MoOre66 Al. 1i ilty .. .1 1). Seerest P. satton66 Al. Craogh. 64 •16)1411 1 I 01144481116 1'. Powers._ .... 66 66 ....... • • • • • • • 1'. Sullivan.. 1). Linehan ..... .. ..... • - ..... • Thos. Gordon0 ......... • • • •• .1. Scielman$6 Ole Nelson ..... ,. Jas. Carter• 66 .1. K 'W./Anger 16 NI. II anlie John NI tirphy 46 SIMI. Miner64 Teter Scharf ....• 66 P. MeCollinS66 P. J. FEMIOn" j.1.. amitilsriornhy.. .. . . . ... . :, c. SpiegelhalterPoundal:is er 'I. Aheafft ........Laborer M. Alibitz J. A beeellt 41 ............ . • • .1. Ityrite..... " .... ......... .. 1'. Burke " J. Bewer.... 'Helper ro id roller .1. Boetke Laborer. J. . Barnette-' .... • J. Burns a It. Burns._ " A. Iliirke M. Wiros ..... !lolt;7117)1r4itent.t.. • - 66 Siiiii ( 1111)1.1566 ... ......... . • • Ti4OS Caffrey Mason D. Crot ty .Laborer .1. Cahill IS 13. Capritz ..... •• • • •• •• ......... \V in. Crutupwell..• .1. Corcoran ..... 66 .11. Crahin 66 M. 1'ityle Win. ('lark0 .1. Dougherty 46 M . I nunpliy16 NI. liorsey.. Jati. Dolan 61 John Eagan. • 66 ti 0 n Everet 66 E. Frith...... 64 C. Frisch 16 64 .......:::• ......... 1 ... C. Fischer 1). 1' Laborer F. Faber.. M. Fagan ........ L. Fritz P. Fury, Sr ..... .. John Varley ...... 11. Fon? G. A. Gutberlett. 130. Grew. Joe Grau John Giessler it C Grinizig0 1'. Greg,ry ..... .• li. (tonic-. M. Giereck. .. 46 66 1)an. Hannan Ed. Haekett61 F. Herzog 66 66 Jas. 11 arker .. N. Hager 66 A. Hofterman A. Johnson. •6. ........- ..... 66 John Hitfey ..... 1'. Jacobi Inc Jecklin46 .1. Kelly ....... 46 M. Mine ..... .1. liarch'• LIP Po Kinney J. KinsellaCarpenter F. W . Kringle.....Foreman. . E. S. King Laborer ..... . ...... ..... 66 C. Kampmann F.Kr. eger " ......... ...... M. Loes John Lavin ..... JohnLux ..... " ... .... John Lacy. ..... Foreman . . M. Lilack.. ..... ..Laborer..... ......... .. Jas Melloy ..... .. " • ..... .••• 1'. Moran • • • 1'. Moore ..... ....Engineer road roller.. ........ 28 List of City Warrants. T. Murray•••••••,Laborer.... 1'. Melcboir C. Mackelberg•••• ••'•".. J. Maroney" .............•• 1.. ,\leurlse" .. T. Mahony... I'. Murrey " ............ 44 A. Marsch...... • L. McEvoy . 13. McCormack••••••••••••••• J. McNultyForeman............... P. McMullenLaborer A. McGuan....... 4. M. McCone......Foreman W. McLain....... Laborer M. Nuten •••••••••••"•• P. O'Brien, Sr.,............••• I. ObbrIt " F. Oswald" Wln. Pickley Foreman........ .. • • D. Powers Laborer,.. ............. J. Perryon..... ............... .Jas. Purcell••••••••••••••• John Quail " ••••••••••••••• W. Rieman" ............... Rinker, M" ............... C. Roselle " ............... ltaetz, John Foreman. Raeu, M .........Laborer T. Reilly 6. . W. Rooney M. Shay '4 Seik, J.......•. 4{ " Jos. Schmidt ......... .... J. Schiltz" Geo. Sutter" J. Sullivan" N. Sweeney, Jas. Stevenson66 J Straney M. Scheirer ............... C. Steiner. ," ............... Steins LIt............... Vogt. Joe41 ............... Wolf, John 11 ............... P. Wagner1/ Whalen, J ..... " ............... V. Zaehina............... Geo. Zumhoff Foreman ............... Bennett, RTea1n.................. Burns, Jas.. 4. T. Byron" ................... Geo. Butler NI H Cushing" Cain T. B . . ................... Corcoran, Wm.1 Costello, Mrs " Cain B 61Dunkley, J....... 66Elliott, T ti8lliott, John" U'uhrmau, R St................... Frith, N41 Foley, P. .0 Geary John.•••.•— ........... Gantenbein, M Hannon, M. 14 ................... Heins, T.... ,,................... Jarden, P a Kane, T hintzinger. J,, .... Long, John11 Lempke. 0 ..... 64C. Leicht F. Mathis 66 .........•••••••••• John May Jeff. McGrath" W. McElrath 14 ................... John McGrath"... J. McColllns...... " 26 80 C. McE1rath " 37 80 John O'Dea 14 15 75 J. Parker1 14 90 44 90 Mrs.Ouinlivan" 30 40 (leo. Reynolds" .................. 15 75 H. Schm dt" ................... 31 50 F. Schulz " .... ........ ...... 23 65 J. Steffes" ................... 6 A. Siege" 42 55 I). Sutherland.... " ,,,, 2s 05 Jas Smitll......... "............. 11 30 Cath. Tobin..... " .... L, Tayylor......... 41 22 57 Geo. Wetter 11 • • • • • 22 5S M. Igo Laborer... ..........:.: 31 15 M. Specht" 3,, 110 Wm. Terry11 45 jl J. Hillery.. "'.."• • 45 25 11 47 '60 1` .... 27 co J. Mooney11 .......••...... ............... 2;185 Jas. Rooney ....... J. Oakley A, McKinon64 J. Ryan T. Clarke64 F. Schilling M. 0 Brien.. 111. I.oes .1. Mtinsch Jno. Beyer" J. llnnsen F. Omer ....... U. Ruff 66 P. Grew Jos. Beyel'.... .. B. Ludescher M. Kline W. Crumpwell" J. Kelly14 Jno. Eagan. F. Lassance M. Murphy T. Ahearn N. KlntzingerTeam........... ...... G. Reynolds N. Brandt" It. Bennett... T. Elliott. . . 1. McColltns Mr's. Koenig Janitress E. S. Daugherty.. Ax man... ........ R. T. Eddy....... M. O'Connell Sanliary i ollcenrn... R. T. EddyLabor ................. M. O'Connell Sanitary policeman.. Williams & McCann.Imp. Dodge street. .166 11 66 Grading Dodge street. 1. 11 " 41 4I " 11 41 11 6. 66 Ed. Norton....... Board of prisoners L. Daly............Cleaning around mar- ket house... 21 50 Shlppley & Baumann. Veterinary services 21 15 F. C. Austin Mfg Co New rol.er........... . 500 00 F. C. Austin Al 12. Co............ New roller loo al Geo. W. Farley. 1ti1 h 117 7- James Hlyd... is,•eer on EMs street210 7 Jas. McDonald sidewalk ... s13at 1)8 George Taylor... I nlproviug aevada St1410 ou 4' 0 W Geo. W. Fal ley . Hulbuohli st 500 :NIL McCollinson & Mc- Carron Seswerh5eet th and Sum Hilt 139 2i Robert 14Iath[s....Imurovlut alley be- tween Summit and Burch 266 31 Henry Proctor.... improving 1.1!11 street 501 to ' 7 :ill E. A. & O. D. Parish. Excavating Couler Creek.... ........ 10)1141 Adam Schmidt estate IEproving 1'. ru road.. 181 8.44 Alois Lange lnlproving alley be- t% ecu Kniest anti Johnson streets 141 84 Geo. W. Farley.. Gradin;; Humboldt St • 82 78 M. Lavin..........Sewer, Couler ave Adam Schmidtest.Grading Peru road517))3'.2'11u.1 11 11 7,0 H. Proctor ........ Gtadilig Alma St 71 l0 H. l'roctor........Grauing 13tl1 street75 141 1 '1 00 D. W. Linehan.... Sewer in alley br tween 10t11 anti 17111 tits493 52 E. E. Frith .......Imp. Washington St1 u 1 u " " 591) 1 0 311 (4) 41 Steuck & O'Farrell.InIp. alley Sanford to Regent Steuck & O'Farrell.lulp. alley Sanford to Clinton Steuck & O'Farrell.11up. alley Sanford to Clinton streets I np, San'ord, Queen gad Regent streets. 180 75 500 1,0 2111 11» 500 10 LiBt of City Warrant8. 29 Imp. Sauford, (,queen and Itegent.streets5011 00 • Imp. Sanford, Queen'111 and Regent streets275 00 Brown & Brown.. Imp. Seminary street100 00 The TEI,NU1tAPH.Adver 18102 75 00 The Titnes........ " 29 15 The Ilerald 29 15 The Globe........ " 29 15 ('tar Electric Co.. Arc lights 5'0 00 Star Electric Co... Arc lights 500 00 Sta. t'lect•ieCo ..Arc lights 87 91 Dubuque Light & Traction Co Are lights......... ... 187 50 Globe Light and 11 at Co Gasoline lights 5 0 00 Key City Gas Co.. Gas 37 50 Dubuque Water Company ... Water 500 00 Dubuque Water Company Water 500 00 Dubuque Water Company........ Water 345 00 .1. F. McCarthy... Medical services...... 2 00 13. E. Erith.......Removing garnag3.... 324 00 11. B. (7 n i 1fke, treasurer........ Money advanced 500 00 11. B. Gnitfke, treasurer........ M'mey advan^ed500 00 H. B. G n i 'Ike, tr•..asurer........ Money advanced500 00 11. B. G n i ffke treasurer........ Money advanced 310 00 1'. McNerney Loan 350 00 Kate N. Murphy. •••• 2,0 00 500 00 Thos. J. McGee... " .............500 00 . 100 09 I'at. Birmingham " 300 00 Theo. Hager 500 00 ' 66200 00 M. A. Kelly " •.................. 300 00 Ellen Rowan 5 0 00 Fireman's Benefit Association " 500 00 Jos. Kriebs ' . . .. ... 500 00 6. .. ••• 5A100 500 00 Bennis Powers . Wm. McDermott.Macaixtn.............. M. r'arrell............... John Whalen Ed. Lee John O'Shea..... John O'Dea Jas. Glllaspie Frea. Nauk Vincent & Blinkert Geo. Gow John Bitsche Chas. Karch John Spies John Albrecht Chas. Prebe A. Ring.......... Froh: & Splthn Ring & Duschunk Ring & Frolt Geo. Schou John Jes P. Krokeski Frei. Orta... J. Moroney 'C. O'I ;unnell P. Mohan Parker& Roy McCune & Case James Cahill P. Dempsey M. McCune..... . J. Melone Rstmis & Co mato Allen... Frank Roy... Ed. Keas 1). Sutuerlaud John :nail....- Schreiner & Ruh H. Ti. pe C. McGee John Koeler John Fix Win. Scluirf John Beyer H. Crmnps Jaeger & Ferris C. Mueggenoerg J. Rotten' an Geo. Grube F. Luchterland John Becker R. Huber V. Burns J. McDermott J. Stedman M. Bock ha, tz, F. Kukla J. Norton Simon Meyer Jatnes Le • " ............... 1 95 J. P. SchroederTile pip, and cement. 119 15 B. E. Linehan " ...... 152 64 D. W. Linehan=ewer from 101010 17th streets 510 00 D. W. Linehan...Sewerfront toth to 17th streets 224 4.5 E. E. Frith .[mo. Washington St.. 50 00 • Con. Ryan, Jr....Grading Windsor aye. 500 011 " 500 0'1 " 500 0 ...... " .... 1) •' ........Improving " .... 50010 •'.... 500 1111 ".6 66 .... 375 86 B, J. O'Neill ......Oats ................... 79 35 Aug. Bracher. Macadam 12 07 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of September, 1893. T. J. COONEY, Clty Recorder. 1 Regular Session, February 5th, 1894. CI'T'Y COUNCIL. Regular Session, February 5th. 1894. IOFFICIALI Council met at 10 o'clock a. 01. Mayor I'ro. Tem. (Hu1ger In the chair. Present --A Id Butler, Byrne, Crawlurd, Glab, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Byiiie moved that minutes of the last meetings be approved as printed. Car- ried. Ald. Glob moved that the rules be sus- pended and that. all par les desiring to ad- dress the council in relate ,ii to Queen and White streets be allowed to audress the council. Carried. Chas. E. Lutz, 1\'In. Ohnesorge turf \I r. Butler addressed aha catuncii in relation to the widening and extension of 1Vhite street. Fred Meyer and Simon Schatzle ad- dressed the council in relation to the change of grade on Queen street. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of change of grade be referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carred, The petiuno of a committee from St. Raphael s parish asking for the use of toe Armory for a fair was read. Ald. Ryder moved that it.e rules he sus- pehdtd and the above (tommtltee be al- Ioweu to address the council in relation to sane. Carried. Dir. Ilayiten of the el tuntittee addressed the council i : relation to their petition. Ald. hider moved that they be granted the use of sauce. Carried. The folio%ine bills were ordered paid: Geo. Bennett, asst. assessor $ 100 00 .Mr. and .firs. Koenig, services as janitors 40 00 .1. '1'. Kearns, recording deeds2 25 .Novelty Iron Works, Rain hole covers 29 20 Baumgartner & K eib, hardware, etc IV in. Benno, sated 1'. Mertz, repairs Mrs. Demi. bricks Rubinson & Pierce, oil Peter Meyer, sand 2 .1. P. Sehioetler, cement 10 Albert Gasser, bricks 14 I ergusun Bros., plwubtug... 2 Duggan. Suit' van & Kiusella, sup- plies Dubatlue TELEGRAPH l u., print- ing 67 50 Palmer, W Ina11 & Co.. printing65 75 Hardie & Scharie, printing 22 75 Barger & Bli-h, stationary... 3 65 .las. Kelley & Sou, stationary15 55 McDerm It & Gow, plumbing37 05 Reiniried & Jaeger, supplies 6 90 McDonald & Morrison, supplies50 Key City Gas Co., coke • 28 75 Diamond Jo Line Steamers, ducking.... 20 \\' S Moto, labor and supplies 75 J)uegan & Kane. supplies 1 80 \V B Iluni, wot.d 115 14 'veudsen & Ott, lumber 2 45 Baumgartner & Kleith, hard- ware Standard Lumber Co., lumber.... J 1' Ris & Co., labor and sup- plies 1 90 W 11 Torbert, supplies lire depart - meat dulgrew and l'hi11ips, coal Christman &llealey, hardware 6 4 14 35 00 50 00 40 00 40 00 00 75 1 25 1 5U 14 50 29 43 10 44 Key City Gas Co., coke Standard Oil Co., oil Fred neer & Sun, Supt. engine house on Delhi si reet Fred (leer & Son, sketches for re- bhtdelil'g city hall Peter IUaaer, supplies and re - pall' I E Ilartie, repairs Cur engineer.. F Mete$„repairs Byrne Innis., Irtery ,Io. Geiger, cal'oeuler w•urlt 1'1?Siiumnr, lumber \V 5 \Coln, elee,rtc supplies E Frith, balance fur improving 22nd st r•'t•t 11. 13. Gni11•te, to bat account for rnlbog 417 50 '1' .1 Cooney, servlc -s as cies k ut Board of !lentil) 300 lit) E S Daugherty, set vices as rod - 4000 00 Goll G lielil', as+'t aaessnr 100 UO Globe Light & Cleat Co, gasoline hgnls 294 20 Star Eectrrc Go, lights 1453 50 Star Electric Co, lights 1433 Ib Key Udy Gas Cu, ens 96 75 Dubuque %Vater Co, water 10 00 Ili -ram, printing 29 15 Times, printing 29 1b '1'El.LGitard, printing 75 011 Toe Globe, printing 29 15 Jno Mullen, harness oil 4 50 J & A \I '1'iexier, hrhu 80 Bauing: suer & K'ei i, supplies for patrol douse. 2 00 le 31ertz, reearrs and supplies 3 25 Lear & t'tiltoer, horse shoeing.... 15 05 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 10 50 Kanuult & Power horse shoeing 15 00 Steep ey & Baumann, services and medic?ue 10 135 Jinn Butt, repairs and material3 15 .1 M \IcKettzi.', venni 3 011 Lear & 1'tiitl•d,•t, hose sit.., nig._ 0 50 Novelty Iron 1101 kit, lepairs u11 steamer 28 (39 Key City Iron Works. labor, we.. (3 09 Leo 1' .leu & Cu, supplies for lire dep'1 50 Excelsior Brass Wilks, repairs uu steamers 22 40 Dubuque Wider Co, wafer 1360 01) Tool Uolhus, horse shoeing9 25 P. R. Martin, lever for steamer55 C. U. Lenlbke & Co, supplies 6 35 J. 111eCuI lies, Cleaning around city hall 1 50 1.1'obiu,cleautng around city hail1 00 N. Schroeder, clearing around city hall 70 '1'. Butstord, cleaning around city hall 70 S. Collins, cleaning around euy hall 35 B. \IeCotmack, clearing around city hall 3 05 A. W. 1)augherty, 'f'elegraphing3 55 The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light and ordi- nance: William White, .J. J. )fcDonnell, E. Grahow, Edward L'roelt. '1'he following bills were referred to the cominlltee 011 police and light: Globe Light and Clean Co., $279.14; Key City Gas Co. $90.75. The following hills were referred to the committee on markets: Ferguson Brits.; $20.5u. The following bills were referred to the printing committee: 'l'ICI.E(altaPlt, $75; Natioul Demokrat, 850; The Globe, $%9.15; Times Co., $29.15; German Catholic Print- ing Co., $54.20. 31 34 30 14 10 100 00 300 00 30 30 6 (30 2 73 7 00 4 30 2 (Nl 80 27 10 :32 Regular Session, February 5th, 1891. The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: !tenth,ried & Jaeger, $105: Eureka Gas saving o., $55. Bill of W. 11. Knowlton for street car fare was referred to street committee. The biill of Michael 13eckius and Peter Kiene were referred t•, the street commit- tee and superintendent. 13111 of VV. M. Greenhow was referred to the marshal. The petition of U. Ruff in relation to claim against the city of $259 05 for extra work on sewers was read. Ald Glab move,' that the rules be sus• pendeel and Mr. Hugo ltuh be allowed to address the council in relation to same. Carried. Mr. Ruh addressed the council in regard to Mr. Itutl''s chum. On motion the matter was referred to Committee of the whole. The following petitions were referred to the committee of t he wuule: The petition of S mon Scliaetzle, Henry l'fotzer, John Denman. Edward 1'fotzer, Fred. Meyer. Hannah Ohde, J. 1'. Stende- bach, Fred. Meyer et at., and Fred. Itad- loff et al., remonstrating against the change of grade et Queen street. Petition of Frank Sullivan asking to be appointed to a position on fire department on the hill. Petition of John and Henry Specht in relation to appropriation for running fer- ryboat to l'otosi, Petition of Geii. B. Burch in relation to special assessment for ; improvement of alley. Petition of J. A. Rhomberg in relation to 4th street extension. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Dubuque Licht and Traction Company, Elizabeth '1'uegel, Joseph llenrich, Mrs. T. Hintz, John Kluclt, Mrs. E. Mcueney, A. A, Cooper, Jacob %Vellhoeter, William Conrad, Duuuque Packing & Provision Co., Mrs. Jane Chunuing, Isaac Joseph, Mrs. Belle Rawlings, Wilting & Sehatfard, M. M. %Volker, Henrietta BueWmau,Mary Fox, Mrs. Anna Dahill, Mrs. Frederica Kellanoerger, Mts. llonorah Martin, Caro- line Guerdet, Mrs. Rasa Cadman, Mrs. Anna L. Early and Mrs. C. Deckert. The following petitions were referred to the city et,eineer. Petition id Joseph Dietl, et al., in rela- tion to sewer on Sanford street to Couler Creek. Petition of Louis Tempos, asking to be allowed to break macadam. The following petitions were received and filed: Petition of B. Gallon in relation of the grade on Dodge street. Petition of Sarah Ham, et al., in rela- tion to change of grade on Lincoln ave. The petition of C. E. Bradley, et al., re- monstrating against removal of fountain on 1 -lull and West Fifth streets, was re- ferred to the aldermen of the Second ward. Petition of D. ,Mue„'genberg in relation to his claini against the city on account of change of line of Broadway extension, was referred to street committee and engineer. The petition of Frank Coates, et al., for extending the grading and macadamizing of Ellis. Granted. Petition of Henry Tropt et al., asking for a light on the corner of Clifford ave. and Leibnitz street, was ref9rred to the com- mittee on police and light. The petition of the Adams Co. in rela- tion to taxes was granted. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution whielt was adopted. Resolved, [hat the assessment for 1893 of the north half of block C. Booth's addi- tion (lots 1 to 21 inclusive) assesed to the Adams Co. be changed from $5,000 to $3,150 and entered on the tax boort, in ac- cordance with the resolution adopted by the council Sept. 9.h, 1892 (page 136 of Record) and March 6t1), 1893, (page 31 of Record) and the same assessed in the name of the owner, C. 11. Booth, instead of the Adams company. AIsu that the assessment to the Adams company of $3,375 for 1893 for improve- ment on said real estate be anti is hereby cancelled. Resolved further. That the assessor be instructed to hereafter assess said real es- tate, and the improvements thereon, in accordance with the action of the city council un Sept. 9th, 1892, and March Orli, 1893, above referred to. Ald. Lillig moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. tri. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council stet at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Ald. Olinger, mayor pro tem, in the chair. Present—A Ids. Buller, Byrne, Crawford, (.lab, Lillie. Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The petitions of F. J. Benish and Du- buque Turbine and holler Mill Co. in re - 'atom to taxes were referred to the delin- quent tax committee. Petition of Peter Ziegler asking permis- ston to use a nsu•raw tire wagon while 1111- ing his lot was granted by the [allowing vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Byrne, Glab, Lillig, \teas, Powers and Vogel. N Ids. Crawford and Ryder. The petition of Airs. E. Brand asking the city to deduct amount of her claim against Frank Essinau from his salary. lt'eeived and filed. Petition of Michael Donahue for dam- ages caused by obstruction in highway. Referred to conunittee un claims and city attorney. )illi of the Ansonia Electric Co. referred to the electrical construction committee. The following bulla were ordered paid: Albert Gasser, for brick, $28. Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., for brick, $15. 1'. Klauer, furnace in new engine house, $263. .1. Ty ler, laying brick, $25.95. Byrne & Saul, $26.34. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Audiior Kenety reported as follows: Cash in treasury Jan. 1st., 1894$36,146 77 Receipts for month of Jan 69,707 97 Total $105,854 74 Disbursements for month of Jan uary $69.517 84 Bonny.; 369.517 90 Also presented list of coupons redeemed during January, 1894. Also amount required to pay city officers for month of January, 1894. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Ctiie[ Reinfried reported $1,510 amount' clue firemen for month of January, 1894, Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen. Marshal Rice reported $1886.10, due police for month of January 1891, report- ed 66 pot ce case for the month, and $13.00 fines collected in above cases, reported $7.00 pound receipts. Report adopted and warrants ordered Regular Session, February 5th, 1894. 33 drawn to pay police. Street Super ntendett Carter reported $562.40 due laborers and also presented an unitized statement of road expenses. Warrants ordered drawn and report refer - ed to street committeu. John O'Brien, sewer Inspector, reported 8660.75 due laborers for work on sew- ers for the month of January, 1894. Re- port adopted and warrants ordered to pay laborers. Wood Measurer .1. A. Woods reported 1,470 cords of wood measured during the month of January, and receipt for $5.85 paid city treasurer amount due city. Re- ceived and tiled. The report of City Weighers James Doyle, T. J, Donahue, C. J. Even, Chas. l'itschner and J. Y. Schroeder were re- ceived and tiled. Market Master Norton reported $23.40 from scale receipts. Also reported $24 (10 due for boarding prisoners. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for boarding pris- oners. John Carter reported number of lots having snow cleaned from sidewalks abut- ting, referred to marshal to collect. City Electrteiun bunting presented a list of electric sights 001 properly lit dur- ing the month ui January, 1894 Received and tied. Engineer Knowlton pre•ented a report in retanoo to Inc advisubiiiiy of changihee the location of Union avenue. Adopted. Also recommended that the names of the foltowing streets be changed, the navies being duplicated: Ca tnp street in Oak Grove Add. to picker street. Catherine street, in Julien add to Maria street. Columbia street, in C, 11. Meyers add to Meyers street. George street, in sub of out lot 700 to Cooper street. Oak street, in King's Grove add to .Ruth street. Pearl street, in A. McDaniel's sub to W. l.2tlt street. Pearl street, in Julien add to Earl street. Union street, in Julien add to Finke avenue. Valley street, in Oak Grove add, to Dil- lon street. West street, in sub out lot 701 to Need- ham Place. Report adopted. Also presented list of macadam meas- ured during the month of January amount- ing to 2,792 cufyds. Report adopted and warrants ordered prawn to pay for maca- dam. 1)r..1. 1V. Fowler. health officer, re- ported 832.90 due M. O'Connell tor sani- tary service. Adopted and warrant or- dered drawn to pay M. O'Connell. Ald. Vogel, chairman ot the fuanee, committee reported in favor approving of the report of the city treasurer for January. 1801, except the matter in relation to the redemption of bonds which was referred to the committee of the whole. Report adopted. Ald. Crawtord uttered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved,That the chairman of the com- mittee on ordinances, Ald. Powers and city attorney be instructed to examine the state law providing for the issue of im- provement bunds and ascertain whether there is anything in same which prohibits the city from using money collected from special assessments for paying for similar iniprovemetts, intead of calling in old bonds, and issuing uew bonds for this pur- pose. And that if any provision of the law is found to prevent such action uy the city, that they prepare such abet tim•en$, as shall permit the city etiunetl to a -c moneys so collected for the same ch irac,er of im- provements, told thus obviate the necessity for the issue of uew bonds, and if practica- ble procure the adoption ,of the same by the iegisLitore. Id. Litlig, of the street committee, re- ported its meows: Tour coning tee report in favor of re- ceiving wet til ng the report of the street superintendent for November, 1893. In tavnr of referring the testi u-tr.unees against special tax for repairing stdett albs to the city engineer and earoeltIer. Report that it is inexpedient al present to go io the expe se of cuaugine the location of ltu".an street. In favor ot paying the foI'oivini; bills: Ougeau. Sullivan & iii sella, $7.50; F. Scholz, $9.90; hart. C. Linehan, 851.63; Svendsou .k 0.1, 828 46; 1'. 11. Murray, $15.50; Rentfrted it Jaeger, 90e; T. W. Fitzpatrick, 81.4.50; Baumgartner, 813.45; Excelsior Brass works. 82; Novelty Iron works. 82 70; Standard Lumber Co., 81.40; .loliu Butt, $6 30; Key City Iron works, 60 cents. Blab, chairman of the assessment committee, reputed as follows: Your committee teport in favor of can- celling the taxes of Caroline Lenziug on lot 27.4, Davis r arm a Id. for 1893. lit favor of c.+nceuiug the taxes of hose Cadman on west ?_: lot 31, Cox's add. for 1843. 1n favor of canceliing the t txt•s of Xirs. Theresa Leppert on it t til 1.6 tee, lit 19, Ill Littleton S, SA yei'c atm. for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Geo. But k s est., fur 1893. lit lavor of cancelling the taxes of John Yeo um lot 4 in Boblettet's sub for 1893. to fayur of eaucelling taxes of Cath. Rueter on lot 351, Davis Farm add,f.ir 1393. In favor of cancelling the aseessment of N. S. Moore for improvements oil min lot 50a for 1893. 1n favor of cancelling assessment of Catharine O'Brien on moneys and credit. fur 1893. l it favor of cancelling the taxes of Kate Batman for 1893. In fi.vor of cancelling the taxes of Mary B. Carney on lot 1 of 35 and 2 of 355, Staf- ford's add for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Ben Cheethaut est on 0 50 ft lit 38 to 1Vtlsou's sub for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Val- entine Mackert on tot 95, McCraney's add, for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Thos. 1liulqueeney on lot 13, Dorgan's sub, for 1893. lit favor of allowing llonora O'Connor to pay one-half her taxes; as payment in tull on lot 4 of sub 138 and 140, L. 11. Lang - worthy's sub, for 1893. Report adverse to the following tax petitions: Rosa Reynolds, Ileurte.ta Leitz- man, Mrs M. Kramer, Mts. Mary Flamm - Wan. Anton Sand and llnnnalt Kinney. Petitions of Mrs. John Silzer and Mrs. Geo. Finn to the delinquent tax committee. Report adopted. Ald. Lill chairman of the delinquent tax committee reported as follows: Your committee rep,mt in favor of can- celling taxes of Mrs. Mary Trembler on lot 5, Hughes' sub, of aliowing Magdalena Brahti to pay one half her taxes on lot 31 Regular Session, _February 5th. 1894. 20, Levin's add, as payment in full for 1893. 1 In laver nt cancelling taxes on lin 1, Grandview p ace. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Jos. Matti 0u 1 it 249 Davis' Farm add, for 1893. In favor of cancelling the. taxes of Brid- get Brennan oh lot 6, Quigley's sub, for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary Conavan on lot 3, Bissell's sub, for 1893. Report adverse to the following tax pet- ition-: John F11hrrniall, Ilouora Lnnergan and Kate M Ald.Lillig of the committee of the whole presented the 1011ow1ng report: Your committee repots in favor of grant- ing the petitions of the Julien Lodge No. 322, 11. L. F., ,i unrneynien Plumbers. Stearn and G is N'iaters;untun and 1lieber- hian society for use of the Armory. 1m favor of cancelling the arse-sment of 3Irs. A. Ilene on her property for the years 1893 and 1891 in consideration tit clatmf or damages by 1100,1. 1u favor of the ad Tient of the red lice as the proposed grade of \Veille alley. Report id referrence to the pennon of the Plumbers and G.as Fitters union for the appointment of an inspector of piuulb- ing that the sewer inspector perform said duties. Report adopted. Ald. Bryne, chaurnan of the committee of the whole presented the following re- port: Your committee in favor of receiving and tiling the report of the sewer inspector for 1)ec. 1893. Also in favor of pa, ing the following bills: F. Scholz, $9.95; Win. S. Moto, $8 55; W. M. Greenhow. 50 cents. Report adopted. Aid. Ryder, 011irllla11 of the committee on puttee and light presented the follow- ing report. Your committee repr,rt in favor of re - cel ving and tiling the report of the marshal for Dec. 1893. Adopted. All Nicks, chairnialt of the electrical construction comfit iuee reported in favor of paving bills of the Central Union Co. of 858.50 adopted. ' Ald. Lillig offered the following reso- lution: \Vhereas, The property, lots, and parts,/ of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water; and \Vhereas, the owners of said property have ueen notified as required by law to appear and snow cause wly said lots should not be titled; therefore, Be it resolved, by the City Council of the City of Uuuuque that the following de- scribed property, lots, and parts of lots, viz.: Lot 44, in E. Langworthy's addition, be filled and raised at the expense of the own- ers, to a height sufiicieut, in the judgment of the city engineer, t0 prevent stagnant water remaing thereon. The work Is to be completed by April 1510. 1894. The city marshal shall notify the owners of said prop: rty of ttie passage of this res- olution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or recusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and fn the man- ner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Adopted by the foliowg vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glib, Lillig, Nicks, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—Nolte. AId. lig, of the committee on fire and water, reported lit favor of paying the Dills of tine 1)uUtlue V tier Co. of $1,960 Adopted. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder be and Is hereby nistrmeted to issue a venire to the city marsh ri, commanding him to summon a jury of 12 Ireelt.,Id-rs, citizens, to assess the damages 11oat. may be caused by the ;imposed waleltint and extension (if 1Vhtte street from 221 to 23(1 streets, as shown by the plat prei'ared by the coy engineer. Aid. Powers moved that the equalization committee be de -chanted. Carried. communication of \V. 11. Knowlton in relation to the change of tocatiol of Union avenue and grade of salve was ap- proved. 11. 13. (milli:e treasurer presented a comtnunicati 11 stating that he had em- rinyed Messrs. Gottfried, Ginehle and ,lames Bennett to c 'Beet delinquent taxes which amounted to $1060 00 and that there was due them fur the. +:nue $106 00 anti that warrants be drawn in their favor. Re- ceived and hied and wlt•rauts ordered drawn to pay saan . The communication of Bart. E. Lenihan in relation to chimneys on the central engine louse, was referred to tate ordin- ance committee. Ald. Powers moved that Ald. Ryder be appointed as chairman of the ordinance committee to investigate the smoke nuis- ance. Carried. The petition of Kate Geesler asking to be compensated for damage done her garden by reason of overflow of Couler creek, was read. Aid. Ryder moved that rules be sus- pended and Mr. Corance be allowed to address the council in relation 10 the mat- ter. Carried. Mr. Corance addressed the council re- lative to the matter. On Ill0tIon the pet- itln1 was recelved and tiled. City Engineer Knowlton reported as PO The grade on %Vest 14tH street from Alta Vista to Mastic avenue would require 4.250 c11. yds. of 1111ing. the estimate cost of which would be $850 00. Received and filed. Also presented plat of White street extension. Reterred to tate omnuttee of the whale. Also plat of extension of Oak street. Referred to Committee of the whole. Also plat of chauige 1n 6tatford avenue at the outer section of Eagle Point avenue. Referred to committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution which was adopted: ite<lved, '1 hat the city engineer be in- structed to examine the grade 01 the west- erly portion of Almond street with a view to changing the same if practicable. so as to meet the views of the property owners. Also 111 case he recommends any change of grade as now established he ascertain and report whether all the abutters wouid consent to such change. Aid. Crawford offered the following reso- lution which was adopted. %Vhereas, 'There is a Broadway in King's addition and a Broad street in 31ount Pleasant addition which are often con- founde•I together allal which similarity of names sometimes creates confusion. '_'here- fore, Resolved, That the name of Broad -street be and is hereby changed to Mount Pleas- ant avenue. Ald. Crawford rkffered the following re 9- luti0u which' Was adopted. • Adjourned Regular Session, February 15th, 1894. 35 Resolved, '['hat tate city engineer be in- structed to stake at survey and plat of the proposed change and relucatien of Uniot, avenue • in accordance with his report to the council presented this,date. Ald. Ciawlrrd otter d the following res- olution which was adopted: Resolved, That a warrant be drawn on the treasurer for the sunt of five hun- dred and sixteen dollars in favor of Mr. Tscltirgi, Sr., the same being the am.niot of the purchase money for lot one, Summit addition, except the easy tilts feet, with 6 tier cent interest from July 17th, 1893, tip to this date, sad warrant to he payable on the 17th day of January, 1895, and to bear interest tram date of warrant at the rate of Six per cent per annum. 'Inc purpose of thIs resolution being to curry out the action of the council adopted July 17th, 1893, page 109 of record. Ald. llraawford moved that the mayor and recorder tit. authorized to execute a deed to Jacob Kuntz o[ the tractional piece of property formerly used as part of a street adjoining his property and vacated by the conned Aug. 5111, 1889 (Record 19, p. 19. 351 and 359) and that the city attor- ney be instructed to prepare said deed. •Carried. Ali. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion which was referred to the street com- mittee and engineer: Whereas, The city ot Dubuque did lin- prove Seminary street abutting Mt. at. Joseph's academy; and, W hereas, By such improvement the property of said Mt. St..loseph's academy is left from 2 to 12 feet above grade; and, Whereas, Said academy is desirous of improving their property by terracing, etc.; theretnrc. Resolved, That said Mr. St. Joseph's academy be allowed to use three Leet of said walk auutting their property on said street fur the construction of a retaining wall to protect their property. Ald. Byrne offered the following resolu- tton: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That hush sweet, between Dodge and Quince streets, be gradtd guttered, turned and macadamized, In conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to snake the necessary plains and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- uosals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the :abutting property, grading in total. lief• rred to the city engineer to estimate the cost. Aid. Vogel offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Wit er Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Clay street, between lith and 18th streets, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said parties the use of such quantity of water silting the line of such street as will produce a sum of money sufficient to pay niterest at the race of 7 per cent. per annum on the cost of the pipe required to be so ex:ended. Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn to Febru- ary 16th, at 7:30 o'clock p. in. Carried. .Atte Cv Approved: Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, Feb. i5, 1894. IOFFICLAL.I Ald. Olinger, mayor pro tem., in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Lillig, Ry- aud Vogel. Ald. Ryder offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolyed by the City Council ot the City of Dubuque, 'That the Firemen's Be- nevolent association be allowed the use of Armory hall on '1liauksgiving eve 1894 tor tlielr annual ball. The petition of the Dorothy Dix circle for use of the Armory hall on night. of March 27th, 1894, tor a children's charity bail, was granted. J. M. Keuety, city auditor, presented a communication asking that warrant for $100.50 in favor of Messrs. Ste .ck & O'Far- rell tar rolling 24th street be changed to $95.22 fur rolling alley between Washing- ton and Jackson from 224 to 23d. Also that warrant No. 4,108 issued Octo- ber, 1893, in favor of Kannolt & Powers, and warrant No. 2,878, dated Aug. 7th, 1894, drawn in favor of the Standard Oil company, be cancelled as there were du- plicate bills presented for sauce. Adopted. Petition of John Kekevuetasking for the adoption of an ordinance and resolution licensing skating tinter III ice harbor. Ald. Vogel inuved teat rules be sus- pended i,ud Mr. McCarthy be allowed to address Ute council. Carried. Rules were suspended and Mr. Mc- Carthy addressed the council in relation to the above matter. On motion the petition and ordinance were referred to the com- mittee on harbors. Petition of St. Joseph's mercy hospital asking the city to vacate certain streets and alleys in A. Langw•unhy's sub. Mr. MaCartny addressed the .council iu relation to same. On motion the matter was re erred to the ordinance committee and the recorder Instructed to give the proper notice iu re- lation to the proposed vacation. Petition of Merman Lemuke et al., ask- ing that the four men now engaged to widening part ot Valetta street by remov- ing rock bluff be allowed to continue and that tete city will purchase the macadam taken out of bluff. Referred to street committee and engineer. Petition tit the Key City Pleasure Club asking for the use of the armory March 26, referred to committee on Public Grounds and Buildings Alderman Olinger offered the following resolution which was adopted. Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be instructed to measure all tuacadaan property broken up to March 1, 1894, and submit list of same to the council at its next regular meeting, aS most of the peo- le breaking said macadam are in needy 86 circumstances and it would be a great Adjourned Regular See8tof', February 15th, 1894. tee of the whole and the marshal instructed relief to them at the present time. Aldo Lilhg, chirman of the delinquent tax committee reported as adverse to the Your committee rep following tax petitions: Mrs. Elizabeth Tuegel, Mrs. Geo. Finn, Rose Cadman, Mrs. Packing & Provision CCo.,yDubuque John , M. M. Walker, AnnR Dabin and Jacob Well- hoefer. Keport in favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Jno. Fox on her homestead for 1893. Of cancelling taxes Mrs. F. Kallenberger on tut 218 Glendale add. for 1893. Of allowing Katie E. Sullivan to pay one half her taxes a.s payment an full on lot 1 of 2 of 3 of out lot 738 for 1893. Of allowing Mrs. donors Martin to pay one-half her taxes as payment in lull for 1893. Of instructing the treasurer to redeem e X lot 35, L. H. L.angworthy'a add. front tax sale of 1892, in accordance with the or- dinance. In favor of reducing the assessment ot Isaac B. Joseph on n % lot 312 and lot 2 of sub. 311 East Dubuque add. to $800 for 1893. Of reducing the assessment of Joseph Heinrich on lot 27 Cox's add. to $1,800 for 1893 and treasurer instructed to refund attempt paid over said assessment. Of cancelli„e the taxes of Mrs. Jane Chuning for 1893. Of canceling taxes of Mrs. Belle Rawl- ings for 1893. Of reducing the assessment of the Key City Electric railway company to $5.000 for 1893. Of instructing the treasurer to refund to Win. Conrad $3.15, amount over paid on N. % o[ lot 369 Davis' Farm add, tor 1893. Ot cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Jno. Sdzer on W. 130 ft of lot 47 Cox's add for 1893. Of cancelling the taxes ot Mrs. F. Hintz, on lot 23 and S. X 22 E. Langworthy's iidd for 1893. 01 cancelling the taxes of Henrietta Buehinian for 1893. Of cancelling the as essment of the Du- buque Turbine & Koller Mill Co. on im- provements on lots 417, 418 and 419, city, for 1892 anu 1893 and that the assessment on above lots be placed at $5,700 for 1892 and 1893 as per agreement of tate council December 7, 1891. 01 allowing Mrs. Anna L. Early to pay one -halt her taxes on lot 105 Cox's add, as payment in full for 1893. Ot allowing Mrs. C. Heckert to pay one- half her taxes as payment in full for 1893. In favor of referring Inc petition of Caroline Guerdet for cancellation of taxes on moneys and credits to the city attorney. Also 01 referring petition of Hilkin & Schatfart in relation to taxes to city at- torney. Report adopted. Aid. Ryder moved that petition of A. A. Cooper for reduction of assessment for 1893 be referred back to the detinqueut tax committe. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Byrne, ltyder and Vogel. Noes --Aids. Lillig. City Attorney Knight reported on the petition of Jane Jones asking that $75.0 be refunded to her which she paid city for strip of ground on hose street and recom- mended that same be refunded to tier. Referred to the committee of the whole. City Attorney Knight presented the fol- lowing which was reterred to the commit - to notify police to report all accidents that come under their observation: To the Honorable J(dl)or and City Conn- ell of the City of Dubuque: (;ExTLL Mtx:v:-1 desire to call your at- tention to section 15, chapter 23 of the city ordinances. It is the section which pro- vides for the regulation of hawking and peddling in the city. 'Phis section hits been in our ordinances for many years and many attempts have beet' ntatle to enforce it. Recent alleged violations 01 it have put the query to tie as to whether its pro- visions can be iegally enforced and inves- tigation satisfies rite that the most impor- tant provision til the section, the one in which our business men are most interest- ed is of no validity whatever. 'Phis sec - tem, as 1 have said, undertakes to regulate hawking and peddling. It further pro- vides that no one shall canvass for orders for any article to be thereafter delivered at retail without u.liceuse for such purpose under a penalty tit not less than live nor more than twenty-five dollars and that the selling, offering for sale for present or. tuture delivery of any such articles wheth- er in any temporary place of business or ortherwise sbat! be deemed a violation of this ordinance.” The clause which pro - Inuits canvassing for orders for future de- livery, tate coulee' was not by charter au- thoi ized to make. By the 18 paragraph of section i of the city charter, bower is given "to license, tax, and regulate peddlers and traveling merchants". The meaning of the word peddlers cannot be extended by any provision in an ordinance beyond what that word would and does properly y mean. The supreme court of Ih s suite has decided that"the solicitation of orders tor goods by sample is in no sense peddling." 'flits was decided in a case which arose in the city of Davenport. Tee ordinance of that ;city, like the section reterred to in our ordinance, provided for a license for peddtiog and lur.her. that "the soliciting orders for future delivery of goods shall be deemed and taken to be peddling." In the Davenport case, the supreme court quoties with appruvat the definitions of a peddler given by Webster and %Vor- cester which are as follows: Webster defines a pedd.er to be "A trav- eling trader; one who carries about small commodities on his back or in a cart or wagon and selis them." Worcester defines a peddler to be "A. traveling merchaut; one who travels about the country carrying commodities for sale." • This Davenport case was decided in 1888 and is reported in 75 Iowa, page 74. • In the case of the town of Spencer vs. Whiting 68 Iowa 878, 1881, the supreme court of this state decided that taking or- ders for goods to be subsequently delivered was not peddling. In the casof Commonwealth vs. Farnam, 114 Mass., 267, the supreme judicial court of that state held that It was not hawking or peddling fur the agent of a sewing ma- chine company to go from place to place exhibiting a sample machine and soli'iting orders to be tilted by the company and de- livering upon conditional contract of sate the machine sent to lbw by the company in response to such order, although occa- sionally he should till an order immedi- ately by the delivery of the sample, and although once, contrary to his custom, he made an absolute sate. '1'ltis case has been approved by the supreme court of this state. _J Adjourned Regular Session, February 15a, 1894. 37 The result of all this is that under our present charter power Is not given the city to punish as peddlers persons who solicit orders to be subsequently delivered where such persons do not take the goods around with them fur delivery on sale being made. Again, the law k well settled that what- ever may be the power given in the char- ter the city Has no right to license agents from other states who come here to solicit orders or make sale of goods afterwards to he furnished from the house such atent represents doing business in other states. 'The supreme court of the United States has settled it beyond question that such trade isinter-state comuaerce subject to regulation only uy congress and cannot be taxed or licensed by the legislature •tit the state or by any municipal corpora- tion created by it. The, leading un this subject is Robbins vs. Shelby county taxing district. 120 U. .S. Reports 480. In that case the validity of a statute of 'Tennessee wac 111 question. The statute ,provided that no one should sell goods by sample in the Shelby county taxing dis- trict without having first obtained a license under penalty prescribed in the act. An agent for a house in Cincinnati who was frond taking orders in a taxing district of Tennessee was arrested. prose- cuted and convicted under the act to which reference has been made. Oa habeas corpus the Supreme Court of the .United States released hire and deckled tnat the state could not require a license for the doing of such business. That it was inter -state c,n.nierce and could only be regulated Dy act of congress. In ►e Spain, 47 Fed. Reporter 208 a manufacturer of goods in West Virginia, sent Ins agent into Norut Carolina to sell goods by sample on the iustaument pian, the goons to be delivered to each purchaser by the agent afterwards. The agent was arrested and prosecuted under a statute of North Carolina as a peddler who had not taken out a license as required by the act of that state. On hearing the court de- clared sue statute void and released the defendant. !n Slel.au hlin vs. the City of South Bend, 26, N. E. Reporter 185, an ordinance similar to our ordinance was under con- -sideration and the court held that that ordinance which forbade traveling mer- chants or peddlers from selling or ulfertaig to sell any merchandise without having obtained a license, cuutd not be enforced against one who sells by sample, goods located and owned in another state. In the City of Bloomington vs. Boor - land, 27, N.E. Reporter 692, it was decided by the Supreme Court of Illinois that though the city charter of Bloomington authorized the licensing and taxing of hawkers and peddlers, an ordinance pass- ed thereunder imposing a Incense tax, so tar as it. operated on persons soliciting orders for goods for a principal iu another state was voia, being in c,ntravettiot of the teiteral constitution which vested in con- gress power to regulate commerce between the states. The same ruling was made as to an or- dinance of the city of Austin, .Minn. in re Kim -rel, 42 Fed. Roporter, 775. Other cases might be cited on these points but 1 deem unnecessary to take up your time in doing so. The law is Clear and settled ot which there can be no •doubt that the city cannot tax or li- cense persons who solicit orders here or wake sales of goods here, the goods bpuag at the time 10 another state though the course of uusiness be to ship the goods here to the agent who takes the order and he should go around and .teliver them. 1 have gone into this subject to a greater extent Mau 1 would have done h td it not ueen for the cumplatnti that have been trade that these ortliu.tnces have not been enforced and because of the uncertain ideas our merchants have as to Lhelr le- gality. '1 aey have not been enforced sulety and a1011.1 because of their inva- lidity.; 1 would suggest iu view of the present situation that It would be better to repeal the section of me ordinance nailer consid- eration and adopt asubstitute within your power to enact ao that Lhe inerctla its and officers of the city may understand what can and what cannot be done under the power given in the charter to tux or license pe idlers. 1 think it would be better to do tais than to uermit the present section to remain and thus subject Inc city to cost and expense in unavailing efforts to en- force Lite provisions of the ordinance as they now stand. t want to call your attention further to the ordinance providing fur Lie licensing of brokers, viz.: Section 9, chapter 23. Uy the,teruis,of that section,oul uutivldual wh a has not taken out a license, is !mole, if he "buy, discount, or shave any bili of exchauge, chec c, draft or order for the payment of stoney or other thing of value, bands note, uroinissory tote. bond, mort- gage or other writing obligatory," or of he -buy, sell or negotiate toe sale or purchase of any such instruments or personal or reit property for otters f•,r a commission or otuer compensation." So that if this section be valid a single transaction of buying or selling any of the property designated would make the indi- vidual engaged 10 it li.tule Lu tide peilaity prescribed. In my opinion, there ►s no power given in the charter to enact such an ordinance. The charter paragraph 18, section 7, authorizes the licenses of certain trades, business and occupations. You can license the business of dealing in notes, bilis, etc., and tris is the extent of the power given by the charter. 'That in- strument does not authorize you to pettish a man unless he Lakes out it license for selling or buying any of the kinds of prop- erty mentioned u) the section unless it is the business or occupation of the party complained of to do that particular kind of ming. You can li •ease the business or occupation, nothing more. And if you do so,the ordinance trust tie general and apply to all engaged in the business;or occupation licensed. 1 nave called your attention to this ordinance because the mayor and mar- shalopn ttdesirous of he ordinance is invalid ^and it my opinion it would be only a useless waste ot money in costs to attempt to enforce at, and 1 have iet the matter rest until it could be brought to your attention. 11 it is desiredto 11- cense brokers or uersons engaged in the business of shaving notes, etc., an ordi- nance for that purpose can be drawn and made to apply generally. In as 1110011 as the city is constantly opening and building new streets, 1 de- sire to suggest lor your coustderation whether legislation ne not necesary to cit ri- - able the prepertforce city to y fur the condemnation sof streets ets and highways. Sect.on 19 of the charter relates to this subject. Tue validity of it has been as- sailed several times in courts none f the cases where that question was 3g Adjourned Regular Session, February15th, 1894. involved have reached a judicial decision. It t9 contended with force that the city has no right to force condemnation ioflopeof srivate te property for the purpose . and highways, and this on the ground that in the proceedings contemplated by the section of the charterrefearretr oto provesion wherthe is not made for appea! property owner can have the matter tried in due course f law. Under owner cannot be depre ived ttu- ion a property of his property even for a public purpose without due process of law, and it is held in many casesprovisi ineberitess madecabyawhich quires that p the propertyner can court. thene proceed- ing by an appca is not provtued for by section 19. '' 1u get over this defect, a rdi- nance was passed pproviding for an appealear or so ago an l by to It this property bervalidthe the etrict court. (ejection made to section 19 of the charter would be done away with. To say e ast, it is a serious question whether tlhe cot uncilcould by any ordinance it might pass give the courts jurisdiction of the proceedings, that is to say, whether the council could, as it were, bring that within the jurisdiction of the district court by appeal which was not within the jurisdiction of that court by the general laws of the state, whether the district court is to have jurisdic- tion by appeal of mailers arising under section 19 of the • charter, such jurisdiction should not he given to it by an act of the legislature. 1 do not be- lieve it wise to leave a matter of this conse- quence in such doubt when it can be easily remedied by legislative enactment. The legislature is now in session and the mat- ter could be brought before them hetore they adjourned. In conclusion 1 desire to call your atten- tion to the necessity of instructing each member ut the police department u) make a report of all accidents in which he gams knowledge while he is on his neat, giving the names of witnesses thereto. the circum- stances attending the accident and every- thing else that will tend to explain it. This should be done especially in cases of injury to persons where it is probable a claim for such injury will be made against the city. There are two cases now pend- ing before the district court of this county against the city for personal injuries in which the claims aggregate $30.0110. The accidents on which the • suits were brought occurred before 1 came into office and 1 knew nothing of it until the suits we e susbsequently commenced at which time they inquiring to ascertain if anyone had investigated them at the time they occurred and found that no in- vestigation had been made, the result be- ing that the city is placed at great disad- vantage in detencling the cases because of its failure in finding persons whose testi- mony would throw light on the occurr- ence. Such cases should be investigated immediately on their happening. When the matter is fresh and when persons can be found who know something of the ac- cident. 1 would suggest that the report by the police be immediately brought to the attention the city attorney. It is the rule in other cities to do this to protect the city against the numerous claims which are tiled against it which have no merit whatever. Respectfully submitted. J. E. KNtaier, City Attorney. Engineer Knolwton presented plans and speeifications for sanitary sewer in 'alley from 1st to Jones between Main and Iowa. On motion the same were approved anit the engineer directed to advertise for pro- posals Also presented plat of .1. 1'. Schroeder and 11. 0. I)enrick and recommended that sante be approved. Adopted. Also presented plat showing proposed chane of line of Lincoln between heed and tit avenues, whieh was approved. A Iso presented map showing a portion of Finley add and Fie ley,\\'aples & Murton. add shnwiog the names of streets therein and recommending that the sane be changed. Rererred streets. Also presented a plat showing the pro - prised widening of Booth scree.. Ald. Nyder offered the following in rela- tion thereto, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and' is hereby Instructed to prepare plat showing the proposed widening. of 11 loth street from Dodge street north in front of lots 1 01 2 and 2 of 2 of tee subd1vi+ion of mineral lot 158 anal pro- ceed in accordance with the ordinance. Also presented plat showing the pro- mised change of Foy street, also grade of Rush street which were laid over till the next regular meeting. Ald. Lillis: moved that the warrant drawn in favor of AI. 1'schugi, lir., for payment of lot 1 Summit addition be held' until the title of lot is shown to be clear. Carried. Ald. l:yt ino ed o adjourn. Carried. Attest: • to committee on renaming Appro ''corder. 1894. Mayor Right of v \ auto. • - '1'o 11. W. Buil. , 1). A. Price, Sophia Schmalz and Er t Schmalz. Yon are hereby notified that a proposi- tion is now pending before the city council of the city of Dubuque, tar the establish- ment of a ( White) street across land in which you claim an interest, as tollows: a part of lots 213, 227, 228 and lot 4 sub of lots 218 and 219 alt in Davis Farm add. city of Dubuque, lows, a plat of which proposed improvement has been filed u1 the office of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the said city council to be holden at the city hall of said city, on the 5111 day of February, 1894 it wilt be de- termined whether said proposed Improve- ment will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why said proposed improvement should not be made. W. 11. KNOWLTON, 1-20-12t Coy Engineer. Dubuque, Jan. 19:h, 1894. Change of tirade Notice. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dinufg ;E, Ia., .tan. 4, 1894. Notice is hereby given that there is now on tile un my office a profile showing a pro posed change of grade on Queen street. All parties feeling agrieved at such proposed change of grade must file their claims w my nttice en or before the 34 day of February, 1891. T..1. CooNEV, 1--2181. City Recorder. Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. 39 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. 1 OFFICIAL1 Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present- AIds. Butler, 13yrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Olinger; Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Byrne moved that the procedings of the council be approver as printed. Adopted. 1'he following bills were allowed: M. O'Connell, health officer $ 25 00 75 llardie & Scharle, printing 16 5 20 Harger & Blish, stationery Dubuque 'l'ELEGRAPII, printing and binding proceeding.... 79 55 G. B. Grosvenor, stationery, &c33 05 Ham & Carver, Printing 6 00 James Kelly, stationery supplies. 24 60 Nester & Junk, plumbing &c 10 75 13. E. Linehan, supplies for sewer 33 79 J. Toussaint. supplies for sewer2 50 Frank Drasda, supplies for sewer 60 11. Nagelmaker, supplies for sewer.... Ferguson Bros, plumbing and sup- plies for sewer F. Schloz, labor tor and supplies for sewer W. 11. Greenhow, plumbing and supplies for sewer W. 11. Greenhow, plumbing and supplies for sewer P. 11. Halpin, supplies for sewer. J. J. Sheridan, supplies for sewer. B. E. Linehan, tire department.. Dubuque Rulther & Belting Co. fire department Christman & llealey, tire depart- ment Merkes & Hasler, bre department. James B ach & Sons, tire depart- ment Riefsteck & Bennett, fire depart- ment Weirmiller & Prooser, firedepart- went J. J. Lynn, tire deparment Svendson & Ott, tire department Svendson & Ott, fire department Nagelmaker, for patrol house Merkes & [taster, for city pound. Mulgrew & Phillips, coal for city 30 3 75 12 70 1 80 13 70 75 86 44 11 00 4 80 4 40 14 00 121 25 4 Ob 15 25 61 1 55 2 45 3 85 63 77 T. Botsford, cleaning around the City hall Chas. Herzog, sawing wood J. F. 1{is & Bros.. snow shovel Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, service as janitors W. 11. Knowlton, supplies for en- gineer's office W. M. Greenhow, plumbing, and supplies F. Kuehl, supplies for streets Loftin Rand Powder Co., supplies for streets Nester & Junglt, labor John Duggan, supplies for streets Dubuque Water Co., water A. Schwarz, tire department A. Wunderlich, fire department McDermott &Gnw, fire supplies 'Phos. Collins, fire departtnent.... G. Jeoffroy & Son, fire depart- ment Tom. Connolly, tire department and patrol house P. 11. Halpin, fire department F. Schloz, streets The following bills were referred city attorney and marshal: Sam Starr, $2.00; Christ Beckey, Toney Hubert, 2.00. The following bills were referred W. W. 1Vormood, winding and 72 00 care of city clock 90 Ferguson Bros„ plumbing Portland Paving Co., supplies 100 for sewer E. S. Daugherty, service as rod- 00 man 40 Geo. Bennett, services as assistant 100 00 assessor Gr. Gmehle, services as assistant 100 00 aasassoC John [Farley, cleaning around the 35 city hall M. Schroeder, cleaning around the city hall D. Coreorn, cleaning around the city hall Jas. Tobin, cleaning around the MY hall B. McCormick, cleaning around the city hall P. O'Farrell, cleaning around the city hall '1'. Connally, cleaning around the city hall 70 2775 60 42 50 22 78 17 26 1 75 32 50 75 9 60 1,360 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co., $86.30; Globe Light & Ileac Co., $269.88. 13111 01 Wm. S. Molo of $5.00 was re- ferred to the city electrician. Bill of the Ansonia Electric Co. of $3.80 was referred to the electrical construction committee. Tne following bills were -referred to the Printing committee: The Globe $29.15, The Ti Seri Co. $29.15, The herald $29.15. `1'he claim of Svendsen & Ott against Jones Bros. for material furnished for the new engine house was referred to the special committee of the Second and Fourth ward aldermen. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. Catherine Vogel, Joseph Joeffroy, 13. O'Farrell, Mary Flynn, Mrs. Patrick Flynn, Susan Bornhauser, Mrs. John Ahern, llenretta Tenhoff, Mary F. Sew- ard, Mrs. Maurice O'Reagan, Louis Giese - man, Zehentner & Voggenthaler, Mary F. Johnson, Turbine and Roller Mill Co. The following petitions were referred to the street committee and engineer: Petition of Michael Hardie and Jno. Kearney for permission to sick a shaft on West Cox street. Petition of Albert Neuman in relation to sidewalk on Thomas and Cornell streets. Petition of Deggendorf et al in relation to price of macadam broken du West Lo- cust street. Petition of Sister M. Josephine, superior of Mount St. Joseph's tor 6 feat of ground on at West Locustsstreet he treet, aud alsois improvedat pr Petition of llenry C. Ferris et al., re- monstrating against change of grade on Almond street was referred to the engi- neer. Petition of S. W. Upton, asking that the street west of Winona street running south front Langworthy's sub beo ltname street and 0 ordered improved. Aid. Crawford moved that the street be Pauline referred tot and at the matter of the street com- mittee improving, be and engineer. the The remittee of were referred to 1 00 14 75 11 80 3 50 to the $2.00; to the 35 105 70 1 05 70 70 Regular Session, .March 5th, 1894. Petition of James Spensley, et al., re- monstrating against the improvement of Dodge street west from Grandview ave - Remonstrance of Mrs. A. Langworthy against vacating certain streets and and alleys in A. Langworthy's subdivision. Communication of E. 11. Sheppley in re- lation to fare charged by the Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Co. Petition of S. 11. Littlefield et al., that the name of Dodge street from Grandview avenue to its junction with Fremont street be changed to Fremont avenue; also Fremont street be changed to Fremont avenue; also that the grade be changed and that the street be improved. The petition of Harmony and Julien lodges, 1. U. O. F., to have taxes on city lot 633 cancelled as agreed by former coun- cil. Ald. Crawford offered the tollowing resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city tax for the year 1893 on Harmony and eJulien y tlodges, 633. O. 0. Fowned ., of the be ecouncild in aadopte d ccoracwith action the 5th, 1892, pages of record 87 and 102. Petition of Geo. Rath and Mrs. John Kuntz, asking that city engineer be in- structed to give the cure line on Clay street between Twelfth and Thirteenttl streets. Granted. Petition of M. Addie for permission to keep the Central musee open on Sunday. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Addie be allowed to ad- dress the council. Adopted. Mr. Addie addressed the council in re- gard to the above matter. On motion the [natter was referred to the mayor and marshal. Petition of Michael Mabony asking that contract be let for the ltnprovement of Southern avenue between railroad avenue and the point where the work has already been done. was referred to the aldermen of the First ward. The communication regarding the con- dition of sidewalk in front of Mrs. Kater- tne Weber's property on West 17th street was referred to the aldermen of the Fourth ward. Petition of Henry Bavedick et al. for an electric light on ()outer avenue and 21st street was referred to comtnittee on police and light. Petition of the board of supervisors in relation to the smoke nuisance was re- ferred to the smoke committee. Petition of Edward Ernst asking that tax of 8150 on merchandise, which was paid under protest, be refunded, was re- ferred to ordinance committee. Communication of T. L. Greenhow sug- gesting that judges and clerks of election to be appointed tie selected from compe- tent unemployed working men. Received and filed. Petition of Dr. F. W. Wieland et al. for the construction of a gutter across Couler avenue at the corner of I'.homberg avenue was referred to the engineer and street superintendent with power. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Kenety reported as follows: Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1894 $ 36,336 90 Receipts for the montn of Feb93,200 88 Total... Disbursements during Feb Balance cash in treasury, March 1, 1894 $ 31.318 81 Also reported $1,845.30 due city officers $129,537 78 98,218 81 for the month of February, 1894. Report referred to finance cominitteee and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Alnrshal Rice reported $1,841.85 clue police for the month of February, 1894. Also reported 37 police cases during the month. Also reported $16.50 tines collected in above cases; reported $2.00 pound receipts, reported $66.75 collected for short term sa- loon license, also $4.25 for short term butcher license and 75c for brick sold to Consumers' Steam Beating Co. Report received and tired and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Fire Chief Iteinfried reported $1,510 due firemen for the month of Feb. 1894. Re- cetve.l and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to day firemen. Strut Supt. Carter reported $164.40 due for labor on streets. Report referred to the street committee and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers. Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported $328.55 clue for labor on sewers during February. Report referred to seaer committee and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers. Market Master Norton reported $25.75 due city from scale receipts. Also $11.60 due for feeding prisoners during munch of February. Report received and filed and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding pris- oners. Wood Measurer J. A. Wood reported 1,381 cords of wood' neasured during month of Feuruary and $4.85 due the city for same. Received and tiled. The reports of city weighers Jas. Doyle, 'T. J. Donahue, Mrs. C. Ueckert and Chas. Pitschuer were receivt d and Tiled. The report of Alex Gratz, justice of the peace. of city ordinance cases tried before hien during the month and $9. 75 fees due for same. Referred to the city attorney. Alit. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a pl it showing the proposed widening of Booth street front Dodge street north in front of lots 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 of the subdi- vision of min lot 158 and proceed in accor- dance with the ordinance. Also presented map of proposed change of Foye street. Referred to committee of the whole. Also presented plat and protile of the proposed change of the location of Union avenue front Belleview street to Alta Vista street. Referred to committee of the whole. Also presented profile of grade and pro- posed grade of Rush street from S. Dodge street to Quince street. Also an estimate of cost of grading. Report adopted. Mao presented list of macadam amount- ing to $4,220.10. Ald. Powers moved that it be referred to committee of the whole. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Glab, Lillig, Powers and Vogel. Noes—Ald. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Olinger and Ryder. Ald. Crawford gloved that warrants be drawn in favor of parties who had permits from the engineer. Ald. Glab moved as an amendment that warrants be drawn in favor of all parties as returned by engineer. carried by the followg vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Craw ford, Glab, Lillig, Olinger and Ryder. Regular Session, Martha 5th,, 1894. 41 Noes- Alds..'owers and Vogel. Ald. Olinger moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Adopted.P J. (;ooxFr, Attest: Recorder. AFTERNOON SESSION Council met at 2:80 o'clock p. in. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Alas. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers Ry- der, and Vogel. The petition of F. S. Enright et al, elec- tors of the first precint of the first ward, asking that the place of voting be held at the school house on Wild street. Grantel. Petition of Terrence O'Toole, asking that a water way on Byrne street be con- structed to carry off surface water. Referr- ed to street committee. way of damage to buildings, furnt- Engineer presented an index of the new tore, extra washing, waste of coal, record map, asking that same be printed. extra light, etc., not taking into account Adopted. the enhanced death rate, amounts to twen- Ald. Crawford offered the following ty-five million dollars a year. On this resolution which was adopted: 'basis he makes a new appeal for an effec- Resolved, that the city treasurer be in- tive resistance to this great evil. Many of our American cities, particu- larly those of the Mississippi Valley, are interested in this great problem, and Mr. Russell's address might very well find re- publication here. In confirmation of the above, in a paper read by Wm. 3letcalf before the Engineer's Association of Western Pennsylvania, March 15th, 1892 on the question of smoke, in the discussion .which followed Doctor Daly took up the question of smoke on health and he thought that no one would contend that the human anatomy was de- signed as a smoke consumer. Carbon- aceous particles of smoke have a most in- jurious effect upon the lungs and produces consumption ot the most incurable type. Examination of the lungs of deceased 1'ittsburghers show that these are usually of a dull red mottled color. These mottled lungs have goue out of fashion to some ex- tent during the natural gas era, but they are coining in, said Dr. Daly. The Pitts- burgh death rate is higher than that of Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo, De- troit, Milwaukee, Louisville or Indianapo- lis, but the death rate was 1.62 per one thousand less in 1884-89 or the natural gas period, than at any other time. In a more recent article on the subject ot dced that the increaser isoabouthave 2 60pertione thousand more than during the period of the natural gas. Pnysiciant claim thas the small particles of coal in smoke are very readily inhalect into othe lungs, but never exhaled. Abatement Institution he shows that dur- ing the great fogs of London In 1880, togs which were doubtless due in the main to smoke in the atmosphere, the death rate in London rope 10 January from the nor- mal winter figure of 27 1-11 to 48 1-10 for the week ending February 7th, which was the period of densest fog. At the same time the death rate of nineteen provincial towns was only 26 3.10, in other words the cases of death over the average of an ordi- nary winter period was 2091. He esti- mated that at least ten times as many per- sons were ill from the sante cause. It thus appears that the dead and wounded in this contest with a preventable nuisance was equal to that of many famous battles. Mr. Mussell computes that the annual loss to the population of London in the strutted to redeem lot one (1) in Cunt- mmg's subdivision from the sale of the same cor the special tax for laying side- walk in front of said lot, as by agreement between the city and Mrs. Eliza Wil- liams the owner ot Ute pre- mises, the cost of improvement was; o be paid for by the city and that the mayor and recorder be instructed to draw a warrant for the amount required to ef- fiect such redemption, to -wit, $13.03. Aid. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, reported as follows: Your comniit'ee report that in the man- ner of condemning land for the purpose I of opening or widening or changing of streets, the benefits cannot, be taken into consideration by jury assessing the dam- ages, as it is prohibited by see. 18 of ar- ticle one of the constitution of the state. Adopted. Also recommend that the city engineer be instructed to examine into the 'natter of the chimneys of the Central engine house as to whether they are defective and if so, if they can be raised without injuring the building. Adopted. Also report in connection with the city attorney, we think it doubtful as to whether the council has the power to pre- vent parties who pay city licenses from ppropriety i passingsuch ft bilis, and an ordinance. ltidoubt the Adoptea . Ald. Ryder, chairman of the stroke or- dinance committee, presented the follow- ing communication in relation to smoke nuisance: 1'o Iderman 1'hitlip nyder, Chairman of the Ordinance Committee on Smoke Prevention: In compliance with a request from you 1 would most respectfully submit the fol- lowing abstracts from various reports on the question of smoke in cities, showing In a limited manner its damaging effect on lite and property, its cause, and what has been accomplished in other cities in abat- ing the difficulty. 1 do not attempt to give more than a brief abstract of information at stand on the subjec', but simply enough to place the matter in a fair and impartial positron before your committee as the source from which the Information comes is reliable and trustworthy. 1n a recent paper contributed by the Hon. F. A. IL Russell on the subject of the damage by smoke in great cities where bituminous coat is burned, published un - •der the auspices of tite London Smoke The above is, no doubt, sufficient evi- dence to prove the positive injurious effect of smoke upon the human system. In the "Engineering News" of Jan. 9th, 1892, the following paragraph in Reference to the smoke nuisance in Chicago is given: "The stroke nuisance in Chicago has been taken up by a committee of five meg rep- resenting nineteen ;Chicago clubs. This committee has tiled articles of incorpora- tiou and Intend taking vigorous measures against smoking chimneys. They will pro- ceed at once to elect officers and establish an office and bureau of information.The programme is coat a secretary, attorney and a competent, well known engineer shall be employed, alis of all smoking wners n chimneys ntadc out, such chimneys presented with a list, and requested to abate the nuisance. The ser- viees of the committee's engineer will be offered to parties seeking to prevent their chimneys front smoking." 42 Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. In another issue of the same paper, May 5th, 1892, 1 Lind the following: `The smoke nuisance is receiving increased attention in Pittsburgh and Cleveland since Chi- cago'st- tebegan works w thsuconh (good results." From a paper read before the Engineers' Club of St. Louis by Prof. W. B. Potter, published in the "Engineering News" abstract the following: 'inspectors of the 1smoke nuisance minee e eto utwoon ary work forthpasmonths and prosecutions are about to be started against defendants for which purpose a spe- cial attorney hat been secured by the Citi- zens' executive committee. A month's no- tice otfenders after hav- ine been reported byserved on e s heinspectors, after which time they would be prosecute.& if they did not abate the smoke." The re- port then goes on to show that different devices have been tested wtth a view to prevent smoking chimneys. It is stated that difficulty is found in getting accom- modations for testing new devices. The steam jet principle is used to many of the devices, the down -draught in several others, the cokeing arch in others and so called composition compounds to add to coal nefore or during use, are being tested. These compounds, so far as their experi- ment goes, are worthless. It further states that the work of the committee has re- sulted in creating a demand for better de- signed hollers and greater care in operat- ing besides abating the smoke, while more care is being exercised in selecting fuel, and probably coal will soon be sold on the basis of heat units in this marker. The steam jet process is usually quite effective in preventing smoke. but gen- erally in a slight increased consumption of fuel. In one case, however, an economy of 18 per cent. has been obtained with a ateam jet where a bed of 15 inches was car- ried on a hard worked boiler, though when the thickness was increased to 20 or les- sened to 8 inches there was a loss in economy and capacity. The down -draught type is not only effective in preventing smoke, but in- creases the efficiency and economy of the plant and 40 to 50 pounds of coal to the square foot of grate surface with a good draft or 50 pounds with strong draft can be drawn on down -draught and grate bars. A new down -draught device has been brought out in London, England, that is quite successful, and promises to solve the smoke problem. It has been estimated that the smoke front private grates in London Is four times as great per square foot of area of grates as from large factories. 11 is claitned that the extra expense of adding a down - draught device to a one hundred 11. P. plant was about $800.00 and that an econ- omy of about 23 per cent in fuel can there- by be saved. The ingenious invention by Mr. John Sargent, inventor of the Sargent time lock and manufactured by Sargent and Green- leaf of Rochester, New York, has been brought out and tes ed with apparently very satisfactory results. It is perfectly simple and inexpensive. The general priciple is that of the injection of steam and air into the tire box. This is controlled by an ingenious application of the prin- ciples of tate time lock, by which the act of opening the furnace door for the purpose of supplying fresh fuel,winds a clock train set to run down in a given period of titne and also the valve controls tate admission of steam. Ttie running down of the clock work shut the air inlet together with the • steam valve. The length of time for the clock to run is determined by the average tiring of the furnace and may be made to vary In summer and winter and from day today or when ever (bore is any consider- able variance inure demand tor steam with its consequent demand for heavy tiring. 'Tho apparatus may be attached in a few hour+ to any steam setting without interference with its regular and continuous use. It is claimed to be durable and to require no more attention than any other titling to the boiler or furnace. It is moderate in first cost, and It is claimed that its use in a majority of cases will lead to the economy of luel sufficient to pay for it in a ahort time. As a result of several tests made with this Sargent attachment, with one single exception, an economy of luel was shown, mute pounds of water being evap- orated per pound of coal wink: using the appliance,f and the smoke was almost entirely abated. 1t states that during one of the tests when the smoke preventor was not In operation, larite quantities of smoke issued trout the chimney fur from three to live minutes after each firing, while during another test with the appli- ance in operation, the smoke was 'educed to a mere nothing, none appearing but for a few moments at firing. "1'he difference in the labor of tiring was also very notice- able. The report of these tests concludes with the following: "'There seems to 0e no reason tberef..re why ) int are not justt- tied in claiming for the steam jet system as used at the Luck factory, not only suc- cessful smoke prevention, but some saving in fuel as well." From the report to the state board of health of 'Tennessee by Olen A Landreth, professor of civil engineering, Vanderbilt University, a very aule and interesting ar- ticle, and 1 regret that apace and time will not admit of a more extended quotation from the paper, after giving in detail the cause of smoke by reason of fresh coal be- ing thrown into the:furnace and the heat being reduced so that the combustion can- not take place of the light volatile sub- stauces which produce the yellow fumes which first pass off from the tire before the (Leese black snioke is given off, then when the heating is sufficient to consume the volatile ,substance and not sufficient to commence the process of cok- ing the coal, the dense black smoke is given off, which is simply tine particles of carbou or non -consumed coal. Ile then gives the injurious effects to the system, confirming what has prevtousiy been stated on that subject and then adds: "But the sanitary objection to smoke is not the only one, it is objectionable from the defacement of public buildings and residences, by the insidious soot which pervades our dwellings, offices, 11 - brutes, picture galleries, and stores, uijur. ing our clothing, pictures, papers, lur- niture and brit a brat. It is objectionable for the fruitless efforts for:cteanliuess, where cleanliness is impossible. It is ob- jectionable from Inc loss of life and the increase cause of artificial light. It is ob- jectionable for the repression of lesthetie teudences and the mental and meet' de- pression and discouragement. It is objec- tionable in its effects on our citizens, many of our wealthy and cultivated, who will not remain in an atmosphere of smoke." Passing to the means of accomplishing combustion without smoke production it is safe to say that ao far as pertains to steam boilers It may be obtained by one or more of the following agencies: 1. By the proper design and setting 01 Regular Session, March, 5th, 1894. 43 the boiler plant. This implies proper grate area sufficient draught, the neeessery s :air Ind admission sfurnaces,ace bet ween andtleampleP :Ind through com- bustion roo n under the boilers. 2. 13y that system of tiring that is best adapted to each particular furnace to se- cure the perfect comuustinn of bituminous coal. 'Phis may be etcher (a) "coke tiring" or charging of coal in'o the front of the furnace. Until partially coked, that is pushing back or spreading, or (b) or alter- nate side tiring or (e) "spreading." by which the coal is spread over the whole grate area in thin uniform layers at each charging. 3. Admission of air through the furnace door, bridge, wall or side ovalis. 4. Preventing the coaling of furnace and boilers furnace doors t air -when are openfoha inrush of ncharg ngc al and handling the lin. 5. Establishing a graduation of several steps of combustion so that coal may be charged, dried and warmed at the coolest part of the furnaea, then moving to the hottest plane where the final combustion of coked coati is completed and cou.pel the combustion gases to pass titroagh this boner part of the fire. Ile then a.ldi that the number o[ smoke prevention devices which have been invented k legion. Ile then gives the description of some of the more prominent devices for sutoke preven- t.ou which time and space will not permit me at present to numerate. Previous to 1890 over one thousand pat- ents have been taken out for the preven- tion of smoke. Ile adds "It is no longer a problem whether smoke can be prevented or not. 'Phis has already b ecu settled in the affirmative in a number o f local ies where proper laws for smote abasement have been passed and enforced. Ile quotes a letter from Mr. White, consoling engin- eer to the Chicago Society for the preven- tion of smoke under date of May 4, 1593 and says; "The experience had in Chi- cago bas shown plainly that it is perfectly easy to equip steam boilers with furnaces which shall burn ordinary soft coal in such a manner that the the making of smoke dense enough to obstruct the vision shall be couhned to one or two intervals of per- haps a couple mixup s duration in the or- dinary day of ten hour„. It is safe to say that the work of the past year has resulted in diminishing the amount of smoke in about the business center of Chicago by 75 to 80 per cent as at whole and there are plenty of individual cases where the abate- ment would probably reach more than 98 per cent of the smoke made a year ago.” From the foregoing it would seen) that The plan out -lined In St. Louis and Chi- cago would seem a fair one to interested parties. Hoping that the above information may be of benefit to you and your committee, 1 am, Yours respectiully W. 11. KNOWLTON, CityEngmeer. Ald. Ryder presented and read for the first time an ordinance • niitled: An ordinance declaring the emission of dense smutte from chimneys and smoke stacks of buildings, and from boats and locomotives to be a nuisance, and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof. Ald. Ryder moved that the rn'es be sus- pended and the ordinance read by its title and placed 011 its final passage. Carried by the fol:owing vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford (flab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. The ordinance was then read by its title for the second time and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrn", Crawford; (flab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Aid. Powers, chairman of tate ordinance emu in it tee, reported on t he petition of Michael Duggan in relation to the vaca- tion of ti feet of the easterly sidewalk of Madison street; also an ordinance accom- panying same, and would reeonuneud that the proper notice be published in regard to said proposed vacation as provided by or- dinance. Adopted. Also reported in relation to the petition of tate Dubuque TELEGRAPH in regard to the pub.icaatiou of tate delinquent tax list as follows: Your committee report the following: That at the session of:tttecit y council, May 24th, the printing committee reported recommending that one paper printed in the English language, be selected as the official paper for the ensuing year, and that one paper printed in the German lan- guage be selected to print all official notices, which report was adopted by the council, and the letting of the contracts for printing vas thea postponed to a fu- ture meeting. That at a meeting of the city council held June 7th, the city council reconsidered their action, adopting the report of the printing committee and substituted it for the report of the printing committee of last year and proceeded to ballot for a paper to print all proceedings and notices which resulted in selecting the TELEGRAPH, which was declared the oftictat paper. smoke prevention can be easily accoitt- The report of the printing co plashed, at least where the hearty co-oper- last year, which was adopted, provided anon 01 the owners of tactortes and tate that one paper should be seleoted as the official paper to publish the pro- ceedings of the council and designated several other papers, also as papers m which to publish official notices. 'Inc treasurer clatins that by adopting that report the other papers were made of- ficial papers saute as the 1'Er.EORAPn. Wthat it e was the s claimed cial paper antt the the only 0 y one heseuare tithe facts zed to p bitsh the alist. briefly stated or act ing within theof to require aprovince ordinance province fal this eon.E. KKNIGHT, City Altursiieyhairman. J for any exist. One of the fruitful sources of smoke, aside from poor coal, is unskilled, inexper- ienced firemen. 'rite best grades of soft coal can be unskillfully handled and made to produce a large amount of smoke, while with sltilllul handling with the sane con- ditions, very little smoke would be made except possibly when the fires are pushed to their greatest capacity. however, to It hardly seems advisable, take the harsh aggressive policy of forcing citizens to abate the nuisance, without giv- ing them the council and benefit of the ad_ vantages of skilled experience t., --• ter, but atter sufficient encouragement has Adoo trdported in relation to the petition been given u se dig that, without re- the sults, it would seem that then harsher i of stree orand alleyiuRented in A. parts means would be justifiable. 44 1Regulctr Session, March 5th, 1894. Worthy's subdivision as follows: We are unable to determine as to the request contained in said petition without personal examination ane would recom- rnend that this be referred to the commit- tee of the whole. We doubt the right of the council to make a conveyance even if the street Is vacated. Adopted. On motion bids for the improvement ot Dock street and sewer in alley between Jones and First streets were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Ald. Olinger, chairman of tne street committee reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ceiving and tiling the within petition of the board of education in relation to spec- ial tax fur repair of sdewalic. Adopted. In favor of receiving and filing the peti. tion of Jackson avenue church in relation to special tax for repairing sidewalk - Adopted. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of J. A. Rhomberg in relation to special tax for repairing sidewalk. Adopted. In favor of paying \\'.:i1. lino Niton bili of $2.65. In favor of granting petition of Merman Lentbke et at, outuAlug man to quarry rota on Valeria street the same to tie un- der the jurisdtctwi of the city engineer. Adopted. In favor of deducting the cost of repair- ing sidewalk of Mrs. Berry on \v 5th street. Adopted. In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Nic Miller asking that no special tax b. levied against her property fur repairing sidewalk, as rite saute was erroneous. Adopted. i Ald. Butler, chairman of committee on harbors, reported as follows: Your committee report in tavor of the adoptiuu of an ordinance and resolution of relation to skating rivas and would rec- ommend that the ordinance he read lir the first tittle. Adopted. Tie ordinance entitled an ordinance licensing ice skating rinks was read tor the first time. Ald. Powers, chairman of the printing committee, reported in fa.vor of paying the following bilis: German Catholic Printing Co., $J0.00; the Globe, $29.15; 1't:1.t:cn Ae1t, $75; herald, $29.15; National 1)emukrat, $50; 'Times Co., $29.15. Adopted. Adverse to bill of Dubuque Catholic Printing Co. of $4 80. Adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of committee on police and light reported in favor of pay- ing the following bills: Key City Gas Cu., $65.30; Star Electric Cu., 51,470.95; Globe Light & beat Co., $270.14; in favor of re- ceiving and filing marshal's report fur January. Adopted. Aid. Crawford, chairman of committee on supplies reported in favor of paying the following bills: Remfried & Jaeger, $1.05; Eureka Gas Saving Co. $55. AIrd. Nicks, chairman of the electrical coustructton committeee, reported in favor of paying bill of the Ansonia Electric Co. of $3.80. Adopted. Aid. Ryder, chairman of board of health, reported as , follows. In favor of paying bill of E. E. Frith of 814.50. Adopted. Also report that the committee 10 con- junction with the board of supervisors had selected a site for tne city hospital from the sisters at Asbury free of cost. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the police and light committee in connection with the or- dinance committee, reported 10 favor or paying the follow bills: Wm. White 60e, E. Grabow 60c, Edward Broeli 600-1. J. McDonnell 60e, Mrs. \Vm. Daugher.; 60e. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the em:a- mittee of public grounds.and building,, repotted as follows: lour coinmittee repots In re'ation to petition of the Key City Pleasure club tor use of the Armory that the night on whirr they ask for same is the regular drill night of the Governor's Greys, and that by a former resolution of the council the hall is expressly reserved for the use of the company, therefore report adverse to pe- tition. Adopted. .Also report in favor of paying bill of John Cahill of 85 for planting treys in Phoenix park. -Adopted. Aid. Powers presented the following ordinance which was read for the first time: An Ordinance. entitled "An Ordinance to establish a Hoard of health in confor- mity with chapter Cl.N.V11I of the laws of the Nineteenth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, and defining their powers and duties." Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. The Board of health of the city of Dubuque shall consist of five mem- bers, two of whom shall be members of the city council, the other two, one 0 reputable physician and one a citizen, not menthers of the city council, and the mayor of the city shall, ex -officio, be a member of said board, and the chairman thereof. The four members shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the eIty coun- cil; provident, that in appointing members of the touted in 1801, one sha I be op - whose term as alderman expires tit l,'03, and one whose term expires in 1S:+e, the latter for the term of t wo years, and thereafter an alderman shall be ap- pointed each year to serve as a member of such board iur two years. The other members of the board shall continue in office for the term of one year, or during the pleasure of the council. Vacancies in the board shall be tilled at t he tirst regular meeting of the council after toe annual election in April of each year, or as sour► thereafter as may be convenient. 'file board of health may, with the ap- proval of the city council, appoint a health officer. The mayor, with approval of the council, may at any time remove any member of said board and till all vacancies occuring in said boa•d, by removal or otherwise. Sec. 2. The board shall meet on the Fri- day preceding the regular meeting of the city council in each month, or as maty be designated by law, ur at the call ot the chairmalt. Sec. 3. The board may make and deter- mine the rules ot its own proceedings, and shall keep a record of its proceeding", rules, regulations and orders. It shall also keep accurate accounts of all expenses in- curred by its authority. The rules. regu- lations and orders of said board shall be signed by the chairman there of, and in case of his absence by temporary chair- man, anti attested by the cleric. The said board shall at least once each month report its actions. including expen- ses incurred to the city council, and shall also report at such other times as may be required by the city council. Sec. 4. 'lite city recorder shall be clerk of said board. attest the rules, regulations and recorordds.ers, and snake reports and keep its In case of his absence a temporary clerk Regular Session, March, 5th, 1894. 45 they be chosen records,the land111attessl tor t the the tune keep the rules, regulations and orders. Sec 5. It shall be the duty of the health officer to attend the meeting of the board and execute its orders. acp- 6. shall ers and be subject tall have all the the duties and restrictions Provided for in an act of tie Nineteenth General Assembly of the state of Iowa, entitled, "Au act empower- ing ci les under special charters to estab- lish boards of health." Sec. 7. All persons are required to obey the rules, regulations and orders of said board. neglect l t soto do, shall ver shall guilty offas refuse, and be tuned not Tess than one dollar, nor inure than one hundred dollars, and be imprisoned uuti1 the same is paid, provided that such imprisonment shall not exceed thirty days. See. 8. Each member of said board shall receive, as full compensation for his ser- vices fur each day he shall attend the meet - thereof, such sum as shall be named byteconcl at the time of theap- pointment of s:ud board. Sec. 8 Alt ordinaucei in relation to board of heilth and heaittr of the city now in force and not in conflict with chapter one hundred and sixty-eight of the laws of the N iuetee 11 General As- sembly of the state of Iowa, are still con- tinued in force and all the powers and au- thority therein are hereby ves ed in said board of health constituted by this ordi- nance. Sec. 9. All ordinance and parts of ordi- nance in contlict w.th the provisions of this ordinance are h: reby repealed. Sec. 10. This ordinance shall take effect and ption and be in publicat un publication rom tafter the TELLG3AP1I. Aid. Olinger, chairman of the street com- mittee, reported in favor of levying special assessments for laying of sidewalks as cor- rected. Adopted. Ald. Vogel, chairman of the finance committee, reported as aolluwe: In favor of approving of the report of the treasurer for the month of February, 1894. Also in favor of approving of the report of the auditor for January, 1894, and recommend that. a warrant for $100 be drawn in favor of the treasurer to balance account for sale of improvement bonds. Also reported they nave sold $12,000 of improvement bonds to C. 11. While & Co. of New York and received therefor as per aureeme.tt as follows: I'rineip tl, $12,000; accrued interest, $250; printing bonds, $12; total, $12,262, less commission, $200; ex- press charges, $12; balance. $12,050 for which tied treasurer's receipt at- tached and would recommend that a warrant for $212 tie drawn in favor of the treasurer to valance account as above shown. Report adopted. Petition of L. Eberhardt in relation to size of windows in ehaiue house on Delhi street, was granted and matter of pr,ce, was referred to Ald. Nicks and Architect !leer, and mutter of claim for 3300 was re- ferred to the aldermen of the Second and Fourth wards. City Engineer Knowlton reported as fol- lows on bids for the improvement on Dock street: D. W. Linehan A. Schnuthal E. E. Frith Gen. W. Farley A. llaberltoru A. Lange Blake and Ragan M. Tschirgi, Jr Brown & Brown John Pickley John '1'ibey Phil. Doerr Steuck & O'Farrell Altman & Taylor Frank McCann 1,268 12 1,006 00 995 50 1,084 00 1,070 00 1,086 00 1,029 00 1,020 00 1,086 50 AId. Lillig moved that Brown & Brown be awarded the contract. Carried. Also reported bids for construction of san- itary sewer between Main and Iowa and Jones and First street. M. 'Tsch rill Jr., $404; Thos. Dorsey, $476; Frank 5IcCaun, $471; Ed.Ryan, $411; 1). W. Linehan, $940. Ald. Byrne moved that contract be award to M. Tschirgi, ,Ir. Cartfed. Aid. Crawford moved that when the council adjourns it adjourns to meet Marchi 20;11 at 7:30 p. ni. Adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the petition of Mrs. Geo. 1 inn in relation to tax be re- considered anal referred back to the delin- quent tax committee. Adopted. Alit. Crawford offered the following re- solution: $1,002 00 1,032 00 1,146 50 1,128 50 1,141 00 1,052 50 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That 14:11 street, between Alt t Vista and Atlanu: streets, be graded in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to d pro- give for the performance of the propnotice for bills er lswork. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A.d's. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Ltling, Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder. -9 QNoes—Vogel. Ald. Byrne offered the following reso- lution: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That hush street between Dodge and Quince streets, be graded, guttered, curved and niacadain zed, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment. and the cityrecorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for toe performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, GIab, Lillis Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Hyder and Vogel. Nays—None. Ald.Olinger offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the alley be- tween Ihomberg and Garfield and Wind- sor and Stafford • avenues be graded, and macadamized in conformity ubjeth Ute ordinance upon That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- paid im- r veplans ment,tat and nd the city trecorder ions for dn ecte l to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the gradtng and at Inc expense of the macadamizing be of the abut- ting property. Adopted by the following ue eCrawford, Ayes—Aids. Butler. By Grab, Lustig, N:cks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder and Vugel. Noes—None. 46 .regular Session, ."arch 5th, 1894. Ald. Glab offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That, Forrest Lane be- tween Nevada and Delhi streets be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the pity engineer be and is hereby directed to niake the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and propo- aals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following yote: Ayes—Alds. Butter, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within'00 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the ea t side of Windsor avenue, between Ergle Point avenue and Klingenberg street where notalrearly laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AId. Butter, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ry- der and Vogel—ti. AId. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of Lite City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, or good two-n,ch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalk, on the a (i t. side of West Locust stre.g, be- tweej, 16th street and 17th street, where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property, Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glab, Lillig, Nicks, ()huger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Litlig offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: ltesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains in the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenue from Wind- sor to Stafford avenue, and the city of Du- buque guarntees to said Water Co. a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe re- quired to be so extended. AId. Lillig offered the following resolu tion, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque \Vater Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains' on Windsor avenue from Sanford street to Burden avenue and that fire plugs be located under the direc- tion of Inc fire committee and fire chief, the city of Dubuque agreeing to guarantee a sufficient sum of money to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so required for said extension. Aid. Nicks offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, That the street superintendent be instructed to ray a stone crossing on Cooler avenue between Myer's livery and Schmid's brewery as at present it is im- possible to cross said street unless by walking two ordinary blocks. AId. Ryder offered the following resolu- lion which was adopted: Resolved, That the street superintendent be instructed to raise and repair the stone crossing on the north side of Ninth and lowa streets. Ald. Ryder offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '\'hat a warrant be drawn in favor of Michael Corbett and Con Sullivan for 514.50 for balance due on macadam, as said parties are in very needy circumstances at present. AId. Powers offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their weter mines on and along Ellis and Almond streets and that water plugs be placed under the direction of the hre com- mittee and fire chief. The city of Dubuque guaranteeing to esti I Water company the use of such quantity of water as will pay interest at the rale 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe required to be so extended above work to be clone immediately so as not to hinder or obstruct the improvement of said street. AId. Powers offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, '\'hat the chaittnan of the co ntnittees of the respective political part- ies be requeste 1 to report proper persons residents of the respective precincts to act as judges and clerks of sown precincts to the recorder before the adjourned tweeting on the 20th of this month. AId. Byrne offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cem- ent, be, wi:htu 15 days of this notice, con structed and laic in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, en the west side of South Dodge street between South Lodge street, and Curtis street where not already laiti, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford Glab, Lillig. Nicks, Olinger, Powers and Ryder and Vogel. Annual reports of.otficers were present- ed and orderecdpublislted. • Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. 47 Mayor's Message. ExEc►-TIPE DEPARTMENT, CITY or'DunuQuE, March,1, 1894. To the Honorable Members of the City Council: (4r:NTI.E?IEN:I have the honor herewith to present to you for your consideration the annual reports of the heads of the various departments of the city government of Dubuque, Iowa, for the fiscal year ending February 28th,1894. These reports have been carefully compiled,are full and complete in all their details and I trust their contents will be perused with pleasure, and much profit and valuable information may be gathered therefrom. l' The Auditor and Treasurer's report will show you the exact condition of the finances of the city at the close of the fiscal year. And while the balances indicate an increased indebtedness,the lull and impartial reports of the various officers,together with the report of the Finance Committee, will give you all the needed explanations for this seeming increase in the public debt and will show that, instead of an increase, so far as the acts of the present council are concerned, there has been an actual decrease,both in the floating and bonded debt of the city. All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be very truly. A. W. I)AUG l I E 11'11", Mayor. Auditor's Report. 1)uin Qcr;, low.‘, March 1,1894. To the Honorable Mayor►n►ol City Council of the City of Dubuque: (1ENTI.EMEN:-1 herewith present a statement of the financial-transac- tions of the city for the fiscal year ending February 28th, 1894. Also a detailed account of the expense of every department of the city,and a state- ment of the city's indebtedness, including bonded, special bonded and boating, with the rate of interest, when and where payable. And I submit the same by renewing my recommendations and suggee tions of a year ago. RECEIPTS. TAXES. Taxes for the year 1879 2.00 Taxes for the year 1887 1.10 Expense Tax for 1888,6-mill levy 7.98 Interest Tax for 1888,4-mill levy 5.32 Sewerage Tax for 1888, 1-mill levy 1.33 Water Tax for 1888, 1-mill levy .90 First District.Sewerage 'fax, 13-mill levy .30 Expense Tax for 1889,6-mill levy 7.98 Interest Tax for 1889,4-mill levy 5.32 • Water'fax for 1889, I.;-mill levy 45 First District Sewerage Tax for 1889, 1i,-mill levy .14 Expense'fax for 1890,W.I.-mill levy 51.49 Interest Tax for 1890,'234-mill levy..... 21.88 Water Tax for 1890, 1-mill levy 7.66 Expense 'fax for 1891,6-mill levy 201.36 Interest Tax for 1891,3-mill levy 100.68 Water tax for 1891. 1-mill levy 33.56 Engine House Tax for 1891, 1-mill levy 33'i6 48 Regular Session, March nth, 1894. 1 , 48 534.67 Expense.Tax for 1892,71.E-mill levy 12,942.50 Interest Tax for 1892,2-mill levy Engine House Tax for 1992, 1.,-mill levy 1 3:i.68 5.535.53 Nater Tax for 1892,1-mill levy 102;17.;.i:1 Expense Tax for 1893,71.-mill levy 27,460.04 Interest'fax for 1893,2-mill levy 1.2,8:17.119 Water'fax for 1893,1-mill levy 2,039..17 Special Taxes 4,958.51 Special Sewerage Taxes 29,703.50 Special Bonded Taxes... Interest Collected on Regular Tax 1,378.077307 Interest Collected on Special Tax 4 Interest Collected on Special Sewerage Tax 7.89 •:4,• Interest Collected on Special Bonded Tax 1,297.36 Cost of Advertising 134.20 $ 253,606.52 LICENSES. Auctioneers $ 87.50I Billiards and Pool 410.00 Butchers. 1.161.25 Boat Houses 40.00 I. Brokers 100.00 ('leaning Vaults 75.00 Dogs 616.00 I lotel Keepers 360.00 Livery Stables 400.00 Peddlers 025.50 Pork Packers 60.00 Saloons 22,519.15 Team and Express 382.50 Theatre and Circus :180.00 Transient Merchants 150.00 ---$ 27.: !;,;.'• MISCELLAYEOI'S. .City Scales 4117.3.2 Fines and Fees 205.50 Impounding Animals 171.10 Rent of Huckster's Stands 2413.25 Wood Measurer 43.53 Dubuque County Bridge Fund 15,000.00 Rolling Streets i, 863. 71 Telephone Service(Chas. Fossellman) 13.38 Removing Dead Poles (Star Electric Co:) 6.68 Removing Dead Poles(Dubuque \Vater Co.) 10.50 Telephone Service(F.J.Stoltz) 2.75 Cleaning Alleys 309.10 1 Sewers under Right of Way(I.C. 1t. lt.Co.) 22.92 Sewers under Right of Way(C.M.&St.P.R.R. Co) 22.92 Sale of Improvement Bonds 70,000.00 Loans by Finance Committee .. 117,705.00 Sale of Ordinances 6.00 Sale of Macadam 25.00 Gas at Armory 2.00 Electrician's Services(Iiey City Electric R.R. Co193.00 Electrician's Services(Dub. Light and Traction Co) 134.20 Electrician's Services(Star Electric Co.) 211.80 Trimming Trees(J. Bunting) • 38.83 Repairing Alley(Greenhow) 1.75 Rent of City Property(Geo.Dee) 1.00 i1 I i Regular Session, Marchi 5t/, 1894. 49 Hent of City Property(Diamond Jo Line 6.00 I i Repairing Main Street(Atkinson &Oloff) 33.3131 i Opening Culverts (Dub. Elec.Light&Power Co) 8.30 Premium on Improvement Bonds 500.00 Accrued Interest on Bonds 245.92 I'. Sale of Brick 23.55 ; 'I Refunded Overpay(T. tonne) 15.50 Refunded Warrants(Adams Co.) 1.23 i Rebate on Electric Lights not Lighted 103.80 Excavating Permits (Refunded) • 1,770.00 Removing Dead Poles (Dub. Elec. Hy., L.& P.Co) 4.50 -$ 213,498.45 Total Receipts $ 494,466.87 Cash in Treasury March 1. 1`393 7,701.00 (;rand Total $ 502,167.87 ` DISBURSEMENTS. Bonded Debt (5 per cent. principal) $ 7,226.98 • Interest Coupons :i2,4( .56 Warrants Redeemed 3170,718.16 Improvement Bonds Redeemed 90,500.00 ---$ 470.848.90 Balance in Treasury March 1. 1894 $ 31,318.97 WARRANTS ISSUED. SALARIES. Mayor and Alderm3,750.00 3,7 en00 Treasurer soo.oo Treasurer's Clerk 600.00 1,400.((0 Recorder 1,400.00 , Auditor 1,5(1)05) 00.00547'`0 92.50 Attorney Marketmaster Park Commissioner Assistant Park Commissioner Assessor 1,500.00 Assistant Assessors 1,500.00 , Electrician 900.000.011 Wharfmaster 16 160.00 Committee Clerk 340.0050 Janitors -----$ 16,5140.70 MISCELLANEOUS. 4 i.1 Stationery , 0 Session Laws 3:' 10 10.50 Binders Light and Gas for City Hall 276.52 \Vater for City hall 50.00 48.09 Postage (jg,2(i Rent of Telephones Repairing City llall 172.70 Itepairing Fountains 404.66 Refunded (Deposits for Guarantee of Contracts1,000.00 Refunded (Deposits for Excavating Permits) 1,730.09 32.00 " Recording Deeds and Plats 32.00 Livery for Committees 61.25 Sawing Wood 61.25 ('leaning Snow frotn around City Ball iO 1eqular Somiol7, Afai'ch 5th, 1894. Soap,Matches, Brooms,etc 39.05 Putting up Voting Booths 79.00 Registers of Election =" ►1.110 Clerks of Election 140.00 Judges of Election 210.00 Rent for Rooms for Election 190.00 (tent for Chairs,Tables,etc., for Election 3.00 Election Tickets 187.33 Blank Stationery,etc., for Election 132.90 Revision of City Ordinance. 400.00 Redeeming City Property from 'Tax `ale 12.25 Helper for Electrician 1.00 Electricial Supplies 61.31 Analyzing Hydrant Water 95.11 Sidewalk at Engine ]louse 195,73 Sidewalk around Jackson l'nrk 312.sI Sodding at Jackson ('ark 103.44 Cleaning and putting down Carpet in Council Room 23.00 Repairing Lock and Keys 17.75 Painting Park Pagodas 05.00 Cleaning around Market 164.33 Lawn Mower for Parks 7.50 ]lose for Parks 27.45 Plumbing at 5th Ward Engine house 113.95 Investigating Opera house Scandal 12.00 Steam for Governor Greys'Armory 241.60 Repairing and putting up Stoves 40.55 1)og Checks 35.55 Blank Books 454.35 Indexing Council Proceedings 63.00 Redeeming Iiey City Elec. Ry. Co.'s Property from Tax Sale :340.15 Toweling 71.511 Laundry Work 5.75 Paving at Central Engine House 113.77 Oil,Nails,etc.,for Parks 8.25 Donation to Pomeroy Sufferers 500.00 Printing Postal Cards 8.75 Cuspidores 6.60 New Harness for Horse used for Sidewalks. 20.00 Clerk of Equalization Com.and Extra(jerk ]lire.. 50.00 Painting Engine Houses and Patrol (louse 700.00 Team Numbers 10.00 Repairing Tools for Electrician 11.40 Removing Dead Poles 96.81 Trimming Trees 201.75 !hulling Tree Trimmings 101.56 Subsidy to Eagle Point Ferry Co 500.00 Coal for 1st Ward Scales 1.30 Repairing Furniture 2.50 Sketches for New City Hall 300.00 Sidewalk around Grant ('ark(and 10 per cent. re- tained on others) 496.27 Catching Dogs 53.00 Removing Horse from Sewer 2.00 Court Costs in Eddy Case 3.47 Court Costs in Helen Larned Case. 90.60 Rubber Stamps 1.'15 Notary Seals 8.511 . . ; , . . . ' . Regular Senion, .illarch 5th, 1894. 51 One new Ilorse Drinking Fountain 116.25 Telegrams 6.30 Freight and Merchandise :15.54 Collecting Delinquent Taxes 106.00 Repairing Sidewalks 26.93 Matting. for Offices 22.27 . Grading.and Sodding Grant Park 90.00 i • Painting Fountains 5.00 i • Ice for City 1101 0.00 Printing Improvement Bonds 24.00 Damages to Wagon by Steam Roller 22.110 Sprinkling ('ity Property 225.00 1 ! ,,-7.• Tax Receipt Books 03.80 Lumber for City llall Care and Winding Town Clock 144.00 Plumbing at City Hall Scrubbing ('ity Offices 69.80 Express on City Goods 114.94 • Furniture 1.50 Printing New Ordinance Books Printing Finance Reports . 72.90 - - ----$ 13,781.65 - . Total of General Expenses $ 311,:172.:15 . . ROAD DEPARVIENT. Salary of Street Commissioner it 1.100.00 . . Salary of Time Keeper 50t1.110 Paid for Labor 0:4501.05 • . Paid for Teams 12,823.011 Paid for Expressage 14.50 Macadam 11.448.71 ,• Rock 1,2S9.4.0 Repairing Tools 254.56 Cutting Curb Stone 58.90 011 06.08 Rolling Grand View Avenue 250.00 Re-setting('urb on Grant Avenue 11.00 Repairing Road Scraper 1.75 Inspector on Main Street 67.50 Pine Wood(for Roller) 12.25 Tools 40.06 Lumber 85.95 Repairing Hose .60 Nails, etc 38.80 . , • ! 1 Gravel 112.75 Retaining Wall on Alma Street 2,464.60 Coke and ('oal 1155.93 Steel 13rooms,Pails,etc 10.45 Stationery 5.75 Repairing Steam Roller 116.03 Re-setting Curbs on Frances Street 15.40 Paving Blocks 27.61 Horseshoeing 18.50 White Waste 10.98 Retaining Wall(Alley east of Grant Ave) 35.30 Repairing Retaining Wall on Semenary Street 39.75 One New Road Roller 600.00 Freight on New Roller 30.00 Powder and Fuse •5.65 l' • • '\i • i9 I?eptlar Se wwn, flare 5th. 1894. Retaining Wall on Dodge Street 163.6.1 He-setting Curbs on Dodge Street 22.40 He-setting('urb on Nevada Street 2.60 He-setting Curb on Ilumbolt Street 20.17 Re-setting Curbs on Sanford, Queen and Regent Streets 1:3.7(1 He Setting Curbs on Booth Street 15.71) Grading Streets in Woodlawn Park 1.510.;11 Grading Dodge Street(t\"illiams& McCann) 2,061.(111 Grading llumbolt Street (Geo. W. Farley) 282.78 Grading Alma Street(II.Proctor) 71.10 Grading Thirteenth Street(II. Proctor) 96.66 Grading Peru Road(A. Schmidt 100.00 Grading Twenty-Second Street(E. E. Frith' 123.30 Grading Broadway Extension (Theo. Altman) 82.24 Grading Broad Street (E.Ryan) 2,509.51 Grading Nevada Street(Geo.Taylor) 570.00 Grading Auburn Avenue (E. Ryan) 106.00 ' Grading Oak Street(.1.Tibey).... 100.00 Grading Queen and Regent Streets (Steuck & O'Farrell) 235.92 Grading Twenty-Fourth Street(Steuck& O'Farrell 147.1)0 Grading Alta Avenue (0. G. Kringle) 381.69 Grading Prince Street (Steuck & O'Farrell) 913.)))) Grading Booth Street(Dodson .l Schoenthal) 513.00 Grading West Fourteenth Street (Ed. Ryan) 717.95 Grading Seminary Street(Brown& Brown 3,833.80 Grading Main Street, 17th to Madison (Steuck & O'Farrell 34.75 iIGrading Grant Avenue (Williams & Bevine) 73.21 Grading Streets in Dubuque Harbor Improvement I' Co.Add.(C.H. Booth) 648.45 Grading Broadway Street (Norton&Lee) 1,050.00 Grading Rose and Center Plaee (Corrance & Lavin) 110.00 11 .1, Grading Elm Street(E. E.Frith) 72.60 Grading Windsor Avenue (E. Ryan,Jr.) 3,000.00 Extra Grading on Cornell and Thomas Streets(Nor- ' 1 ton &Lee) 58.00 Extra Grading on Washington Street(E.E.Frith).. 25.90 Extra Grading on Alma Street (Geo.W. Farley).... 36.00 Extra Grading on Elni Street(C. Ryan) 40.50 Extra Grading on Burden Ave. (Steuck &O'Farrell) 162.35 ----- '74,557.33 i BRIDGE. Labor 7,025.79 Teams 1,126.00 1 Cement and Sewer Pipe 1,186.66 Brick 416.52 (.umber 1,240.24 Repairing Tools 78.84 Rubber Boots 7.00 Tubs and]3arrells 3.50 Nails, Rope etc 69.90 Express 1Iauling 1.25 Packing for Pipes 2 40 Culvert across Dodge Street 194.00 Excavating Colder Creek 367.62 Gravel 11.55 Tools 10.90 iil it ii i Regular Se88ion, March, 5th, 1894. 53 Wood 11.00 Repairing Sewer Pipe 8.50 Sand 4.00 Extra Work on llth Street Sewer 28.00 Extra Work on W. Locust Street Sewer....... 25.50 (;rates and ('overs 268.45 Culvert in Windsor Avenue 78,35 Storm Sewer in 11th Street 312.511 Storni Sewer in Dodge Street 4,324.32 Storni Sewer in Washington and 24th Streets 472.90 Rock 182.'55 Oil5.90 ----$ 17,468.64 . FIRE DEPARTPIENT. Salary of ('lief $ 900.00 Salaries of Firemen 18,103.57 I Ilay, Oats and Fead 722,08 _ horse Shoeing 295.25 Repairing Engines 1,409.18 Light and Gas 578.64 Sliding Poles 115.50 Plumbing 109.40 Veterinary Services 151.00 Shavings .. 30.60 Coal and Coke 832.52 Repairing Harness 49.30 Rubber Washers 8.75 Tools 21.56 Nails,Brooms, Pails,etc 40.44 • Repairing Stove 1.23 Lumber 30.01 „ Oil 89.65 Pine Wood 5.00 Bicurb Soda,etc 154.23 Baskets and Mats 4.35 Rope and Pulleys 17.34 One Fine Circuit Automatic Repeater 1,014.00 Repairing Gongs 14.26 Rubber Coats 59.40 Repairing Hose Cart 13.45 Grates ... 3.45 Water 70.00 'Repairing Nozzles 5.75 Locks 1.60„ • Step Ladder and Grind Stone 4.50 Repairing Chief's Wagon 20.20 One New Wagon , 20.00 Inspecting Engines 18.00 Supplies for Chemical Engine 10.00 Curtains and Room Moulding 62.10 Extra Ilorse Hire 4.00 Expenses to Tournament 29.95 Copper Wire 140.14 One New Alarm Box 25.00 Electrical Supplies.... 38.05 Bedding 148.80 Steam for heating 150.84 Rent of Telephone 450 00 One New Hose Wagon ,-r • .i-I. IRe('ell,t e Se88ion, X(treh 5M, 1894. New Hose1,237.50 White Waste 52.36 Sprinklers and Coal Ilods 6.911 Glass Screws 3.01) POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salary of Marshal $ 1,200.00 Salaries of PUIICemen 22.11)9.30 Salary of Patrol Driver 720.00 Board of Prisoners 210.95 Horse Shoeing 4200 llay,Oats and Feed 201.52 (-las and Light 71.55 Wood and Coal 124.10 Robes and Repairing harness 37.911 Sawing Wood 10.00 ('leaning and Repairing Calaboose 12.00 Shavings 3.00 llats, Caps and Belts 158.00 Repairing Patrol Wagon 97.70 Repairing Road Wagon 24.50 Plumbing at Patrol house 85.10 Sash Cord .80 Lanterns, Padlocks,etc .. . 36.50 Medical Services at Calaboose 2.00 1 Patrol Stations 105.00 Police Stars 10.00 Repairing Hose 1.35 Repairing Furniture 9.S5 One-half Pay for Overcoats 135.00 Ice 9.00 • Harness Oil 4.50 Repairing Locks 3.50 Rent of Wagon for Patrol 20.00 White Waste 1.80 Bedding 21.25 Water 3000 Telephone Rent 97.84 Stationery 9.00 Record Book 12.00 oil, Drugs,etc 26.10 Repairing Stoves and Hydrant 10.75 P --$ 25,653.86 ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT. Salary of Engineer (Blake) .* 413.50 Salary of Engineer(Knowlton) 2,429.85 • Salaries of Assistant Engineers 2,400.00 Salaries of 1[elpers 1,131.25 Street('ar Fare 54.70 Rent of Telephones 60 00 Repairing Instruments- 36.55 Expressage on Supplies 2.45 Binding Plats 13.50 Material for Binding 13.20 Blue Print 7.50 Frames, Pans etc. (for impressions) 29.90 Drop Attachment for Gas 13.70 Stationery. . . . J. S' Supplies. 10.(X) l f 15.90 t6 1111 Regular Session, March 5th., 1894. 55 Mounting Maps • 6,00 Cleaning and Repairing Office35.61 Blank Books 22.00 Leveling Rods 1.10 -----$ 6,695.01 SEWERAGE. Salary of Inspector $ 800.00 Labor 1,517.10 Brick 213.30 I,y Sand 2.00 Manhole Covers 29.20 Toole 1.25 ----$ 2,562.85 SPECIAL BONDED ASSESSMENT. For Lupruviug Prince Street(Steuck& O'Farrel).. 1,392.67 For Improving Alley from 22rd to 23rd, bet. Wash- ington and Elm Streets,(Steuck&O'Farrell) 790.39: For Improving Alley from 22d to 23d,bet.Washing- 1 ton and Jackson Sts.(Steuck & O'Farrell) 1,072.37 , For Improving Twenty-Fourth Street (Steuck & O'Farrell) 1,599.61 For Improving Alley from Sanford to Regent Sts. I (Steuck & O'Farrell)) •••• 248.32 I For Improving Alley from Sanford to Clinton Sts. • (Steuck & (►'Farrell) 1,899.51 For Improvement of Regent and Prince Streets (Steuck& O'Farrell) 327.67 For Lnproving Garfield Ave.(Steuck&O'Farrell) 775.41 For Improving Queen & Regent Streets (Steuck & l O'Farrell) 2,859.98 For Improving Alley from 15th to 16th Streets, bet. Pine and Maple(Jas.('nshing) 322.84 For Improving Alley from 7th to 8th Streets, bet Clay and White (Jas. Cushing) 248.92 For Improving Clark Street (0.G. Kringle) 493.91 For Improving Dubuque Avenue(0.G. Kringle).. 330.64 I For Improving Alta Avenue(0.G. Kringle) 545.48 For Improving Decorah Avenue (0.G.Kringle) 330.80 For Improving Delaware Avenue (0.G.Kringle) 336.04 For Improving Algona Avenue (0. G.Kringle 50.00 For Improving Broad Street (E. Ryan) 5,226.91 For Improving Auburn Avenue (E.Ryan) 835.17 For Improving Twenty-Second Street(E.E.Frith) 1,165.43 For Improving Washington Street(E.E.Frith) 1,766.09 For Improving Frances Street (E.E.Frith) 444.67 1 , For Improving Alley from Providence to Lincoln Avenues(E. E. Frith) 507.43 For Improving Dodge Street, South %, Bluff to Locust(Peter Eisbach) 207.09 For Improving Ninth and Locust Street (Atkinson S, Oloff) 366.52 S •For Improving Main Street(Atkinson& Oloff) 20,387.58 For Improving Hill Street(J.Tibey) 50.00 ! For Improving Oak Street(J.Tibey) 1,015.23 For Improving Dodge St.(Williams&McCann) 8,868.39 For Improving Nevada Street(Geo.Taylor) 1,458.40 For Improving Alley,Hill to Burch St.(Geo.Taylor) 597.50 For Improving Alley,Summit to Brad Street(Robt. Mathis) 297.24 I,i li ,i I 1 56 11,-1„1„»' .Cevxion, 11I,10r.11 5th, 1894. For Improving Huntbolt Street(Geo. W. Farley) $ 1,435.29 For Improving Garfield Avenue(Geo. W. Purley) 1,187.45 For Improving Thirteenth Street(Ilam Proctor) (3(10.90 ,For Improving :Una Street 'Ilam Proctor 799.31 For Improving Peru Road (A. Schmidt) 320.10 For Improving Alley from I'neist to.Johnson Street )Alios Lange) 150.51 For Improving South 1., of Dodge between Locust and Bluff Streets (-kilos Lang) 165.00 . For Improving North end of 22nd St. (_lios Lan_) 337.00 For Improving West 14th Street (P. F. Guthrie) 795.70 For Improving Alley bet. Julien Avenue and West 11th Street (Cain and Schoenthal) 215.51 For Improving Alley front Humbolt to Stafford St. (Phil Doerr) 380.21' For Improving Alley from 11umbo!t to Schiller St. (Phil Doerr :308.42 • For Improving Booth Street(Dodson & Schoenthal' 2,470.92 For improving Harold Street(.Jos. Houpert) ... (189.88 For Improving Alley from Sandford to 22nd Street (A1ios Lang) 1300.00 For Improving Windsor avenue (C. Ryan) .. 7.891.92 For Improving Thomas and Cornell Streets (Norton & Iee 50.00 1 For Improving Broadway(Norton & Lee) 1,081.07 For Improving Broadway Extension(Theo.Altman) 136.32 i For Improving Semenary Street(Brown & Brown). 15,217.75 - - - : 91,125.95 PRINTING. The Telegraph (Advertising) 870 75 The I lerald(Advertising) .. 579.05 The Times (Advertising) 349.80 The Globe(Advertising) 174.00 The Ledger (Advertising) 1113.60 The National Demokrat (Advertising I.... 125.01) The German Catholic Printing Co.(Advertising) 100.00 The Herald(Tax List) 138.10 • -# 2,254.20 LIGHT AND GAS. Globe Light and Heat Co.(Street Lamps) 5,218.20 , Star Electric Co.(Arc Lights) 15,526.03 Dubuque Electric 1ty. Light. and Power Company (Arc Lights) 895.75 Dubuque Light&Traction Co.(Arc Lights) 610.89 Gas Governers 75.00 C WATER, Rent of Hydrants 17,023.46 Horse Fountains 633.48 Flush Tanks 1,069.36 Drinking Fountains 100.00 Eight Hydrants in C. M.& St. P. R. R. Yards 200.00 ----------'* 19,320.1(0 REFUNDED TAX LICENSE ETC. j Regular Taxes 291.47 Special Sewerage Taxes • .42 0° Saloon License 116.66 1r- Auction License • 12.511 -- --- 862.65 tl • f{egular , 'esato 1,, March 5th, 1894. 57 • DAIIAGES TO PROPERTY. For Opening of Weigel Alley $ 400.00 For Opening of Lane from West Locust Street to Catherine Street 25.00 For Opening of Alley East of Center Place 40.00 For Opening of Alley East of Hill Street 235.00 For Opening of Elm Street Extension 75.011 For Opening of State Street. 550.011 For Commissioners on Ellis,Sanford and other Sts. 18.00 10 For Commissioners on Queen Street......... 6.00 For Commissioners on Sanford Street 6.00 For Commissioners on Dodge Street 12.004 For Jury on Oak Street 24.00 For Jury on Weigel Allev 24.00 For Jury on Lane from W. Locust to Catherine St24.00 For Jury on Fourth Street Extension. 24.00 For.1 ury on Various Streets 36.00 $ 1.499.00 _ i LOAN. Money Borrowed by Finance Committee ..$117,705.00 , --- -4 117,705.00 INTEREST. Paid on Floating Debt $ 10,547.59 Paid Contractors,Collected on Special Assessments 20.37 Paid to C. 11. White & Co., Accrued Interest Re- funded 58.33 -$ 10,626.92 IMPOUNDING. Salary Pound master $ 520.00 Salary Assistant Poundmaster 611.00 Hay, Bran, etc 30.20 Jmponnding Receipts(Refunded) 2.00 -$ 615.21) FINES AND FEES. Justice Fees in City Cases 36•25 Witness Fees in City Cases 9.00 -- - -$ 45.25 PERSONAL DAMAGES. J. G. Muekel(Son injured by obstruction in Road).$ 15.00 1 --$ 15.00 FUEL. Coal and Wood for City Offices $ 432.10 $ 482.10 INSURANCE, Continental Insurance Co $ 37.50 Mechanic Insurance Co 37.50 ' . ___; 75.00 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. 645.11 For Sidewalks 1,551,4x: For Filling Lots -- - $ 2,196.8 SPECIAL SEWERAGE ASSESSMENT. Sewer in Emmett and St. Mary's Streets $ 1146.75t!1 Sewer in Wilson Avenue s22. Sewer in Alley between Washington and Jackson 540.45 Streets,from 10th to 13th Streets 343.23 Sewer in Ellis Street 461.00 Sewer in West 501 and Summit Streets March 5th, 1894 Sewer Couler Ave Alley between Washington and Jackson 13th to 17th Streets Hill, Burch, and West 3rd St Almond St Engine Houses Central Engine House (G Jones) Superindendent of buildings plumbing central engine (thos Carkeek) Boiler (Ferguson Bros) Furnace for Delhi (Peter Klauer) Real Estate Engine House Delhi St (Tschirgi) Board of Health Salary of Patrolman Salary of Clerk Removing Garbage Removing dead animals stationary Vital Statistics Chemical Examination of Water Postage Abandoned Child Dr. Fowler to Davenport Disenfectants Warrants Issued General Expenses Bridge Fire Police Engineer Sewerage Special Bonded Assessment Printing Light and Gas Water Refunded tax Damage to property Loan interest impounding fees and fines personal damage fuel Engine Houses March 5th, 1894 Real Estate Board of Health Statement of City Indebtedness Bonded Debt Henry Young loan Corcoran Loan ; Floating Debt Grant and Smith Settlement Miscellaneous Loans Principal of Bonded Debt Interest becoming due RO Regular J'c+•Ymo)), 'larch 5th, 1894. Improvement. Bonds Sold During the Year........ 70,000.00 il Total $ 281,500.00 Improvement Bonds Redeemed During the Year 411,500.00 I Balance Outstanding March 1. 1894 $ 191,000.00 Interest Becoming Due During This Fiscal Year on Improvement Bonds. April 1, 1894, Payable at the City Treasury 1K 1,250.00 Mav 1. 1894, Payable at Notional Park Bank, N. Y. 1,500.0(1 .Inne 1. 1894,Payable at the City Treasury 662.50 I August 1. 1894, Payable at the City Treasury 1,312.51) August 1, 1894, Payable at National Park Bank, .New York 10(1.1111 I)sober 1, 1894. Payable at the City Treasury 1.250.00 November 1. 18111, Payable at National 1'urk Baulk, • j, New York l..allll,llll December 1. 1`:11. Payable at the City Treasury.... (1(1.2.'511 February 1, 181)5, Payable at the City Treasury.... 1.312.50 February 1. 1895, Payable at National Park Bank New York 300.011 —$ 10,050.00 Resources. 1)elimluent Tax of ISM * 859.30 Delinquent Tax of 1*41 1.292.62 Delinquent,Tax of 1882 045.113 Delinquent.'Fax of 1883 1.18 5.11 Delinquent'Fax of 1884 2.4111.12 Delinquent Tax .5f 18S5. .. 1.3u1.;1 IDelinquent Tax of 1886 _.1`1 .311 Delinquent Tax of 1887 1.471.3:5 Delinquent Expense'Fax of 1888 1,1(40.40 I Delinquent Interest Tax of 1888 1.293.61 Delinquent Water'Fax of 1888 285.81 Delinquent Sewerage'Fax of 1868 325.4(1 Delinquent First District Sewerage Tax of 1888 74.54 Delinquent Expense Tax of 1889 1,142.08 Delinquent Interest Tax of 1889 7(11.41 i,4' Delinquent Water Tax of 1889 ,. 50.12 Delinquent First District Sewerage Tax of 188918.57 Delinquent Expense Tax of 1890 1,297.66 Delinquent Interest Tax of 1890 548.14 i Delinquent Water`Pax of 1890 134.19 Delinquent Expense'Fax 01 1891 002.09 I Delinquent Interest Tax of 1991 451.06 Delinquent Eueine House Tax of 1891 150.37 Deliuqueut Water Tax of 1891 95.66 Delinquent Expense'Fax for 1892 820.27 Delinquent Interest Tax of 1892 2,'11.4.2 Delinquent Engine House Tax of 1892............. 5:5.01; Delinquent Water'Fax of 1892 53.25 Delinquent Expense'Fax of 18931;,:29.27 Delinquent Interest Tax of 1893 11,4141.16 I' Delinquent Water Tax of 1893 5.892.45 Delinquent Special Sewerage Taxes 1.905.62 Delinquent Special Taxes (Sidewalks,etc.)... 1,:513.99 Delinquent Special Bonded Taxes 115,66 5.82 261,188.15 711111 r Se. 1oi , March, 5t1t, 1894. (11 Available Resources. Amount,of Delinquent Taxes Collectible(estimated)$ 02,i00.00 Amount of Delinquent, Special Taxes Uncollected in favor of the City :1,3110.00 .Amount of Licenses and Miscellaneous Receipts Collectible (estimated) 30.0110.0(( Amount of Cash in the Treasury (not Belonging to any Specific Fund) 111,000.00 -----$ 126.000,00 Respect fully Submitted, .1. M. ('itv Auditor. Treasurer's Report. lluucrtui':, IoW. , Mareh 1, 1894. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: - GENT 7.KMnN:--I respectfully submit the following report of the receipts and disbursements of the City Treasurer for the year ending February 2911x, 1894. RECEIPTS. Cash on lland March 1st, 1893 $ 7,701.00 Tax of Year 1893 $ 143,279.50 Interest 18.05 --* 143,290.61 Tax for Year 187L•_' 8 10,248 38 Interest 1,282.07 Advertising Costs 129.00 — -- 1,131311.11:7 fax of Year 1891 $ 309.10 ,Interest 55.72 • Advertising Costs .60 --$ 425.48 Tax for Year 1890 81.03 Interest 20.30 --- — 101.33 Tax of Year 1889 $ 18.89 Interest .84 —_- -- 14.73 Tax of Year 1888.... • 15.83 Interest 9 10.77 Tax of Year 1887 1.1(1 Interest 14 1.23 Tax of Year 1879 2.00 — 2.00 Forward 223,213.22 Special Tax for the Improvement of Sidewalks, Filling Lots,etc $ 1,039.37 Interest "''' 83.44 3.40 Advertising Costs ----------$ 2,126.41 Special Bonded Tax for the Improvement of Streets ,$ 29,703.50 Interest 1,297.36 - — 31,000.80 lit Iea1ular Sermon, J[arch 5th. 1894. Special Sewerage Tax $ 4,958.54 Interest 7.89 Advertising Costs .60 ----$ 4,967.08 Licenses and Miscellaneous $ 87,409.43 U ----$ 37,409.48 Loans(Money Borrowed) $ 117,705.00 -$ 117,705.00 Received from Sales of Special Improvement Bonds $ 70,000.00 i1 Premium 500.00 • Accrued Interest 245.92 —$ 70,745.92 Received from County Treasurer, Bridge Fund•...$ 15,000.00 — — $ 15,000.00 Total Receipts $ 502,167.87 DISBURSEPIENTS. Warrants Redeemed $ 370,718.36 Coupons Redeemed 59,630.54 Bonds Redeemed 40,500.00 —$ 470,848.90 Cash on Maud March 1st, 1894 $ 31,318.97 Tax Balances. 1880 $ 859.30 1881 1,292.62 1882 945.93 1883 1,185.14 1884 2,044.42 1885 1,301.74 1886 2,180.36 • 1887 1,4 71.35 1888 3,919.82 1889 1,981.18 1890 1,980.59 • 1891 1,599.18 1892 1893 1,155.00 66,096.18 Special Sewerage 1,995.62 Special Assessment 1,513.90 Special Bonded Assessment 175,665.82 ---$ 267,188.15 Licenses and Miscellaneous. Auctioneers $ 87.50 Billiards and Pool 410.00 Butchers 1,161.25 13oat blouses 40.00 • Brokers 100.00 Cleaning Vaults 75.00 Dogs 616.00 Hotel Keepers 360.00 Livery Stables 400.00 Peddlers 625 50 Pork Packers 6000 Saloons '?2,.519.15 Team and Express 382.50 Theatres and Circuses 380.00 Transient Merchants 150.011 I•i 1 1 a ;lt Regular Se8eion, Jtarc/ 5t/, 1894. 63 City Scales 497.33 Fines and Fees 205.50 Impounding Animals 171.10 Rent of 1-Iuckster Stands 293.25 Wood Measurer 43.53 Rolling Streets 5,863.71 Telephone Service • 16.13 Removing Dead Poles 21.68 Cleaning Alleys 309.10 Sewers Under R. R. Right of Way 45.84 Sale of Ordinances 6.00 Sale of Macadam 25,00 Gas at Armory 2.00 Electrician's Services 538.50 Trimming Trees 38.88 Repairing Alley 1.75 Rent of City Property 7.00 Repairing Main Street 33.90 Opening Culverts 8.30 Sale of Brick 23.55 Refunded Overpay 15.50 Refunded Warrants 1.23 Rebate on Electric Lights 103.80- Excavating Permits 1,770.00 $ 37,409.43 Respectfully, HENRY B. G}NIFFKE, City Treasurer. Engineer's Report. DUBUQUE, IOWA,March 1,1894. To the Honorable City Council of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN:—In compliance with the usual custom,I herewith submit a statement of work in detail, so far as the engineering department is con- cerned, also a statement of the work done by the Street Superintendent under the direction of your honorable body and the Committee on Streets, for the fiscal year ending February 28th, 1894,together with such sugges- tions in reference to matters pertaining to this department as seem advan- tageous to the welfare and economical government of this department of the city expenditures. STATEMENT NO. 1. Shows the amount of money expended for the grading,curbing, gut- tering, macadamizing and paving with brick of streets which have been assessed to the abutters, with the exception of the items of grading marked with a star,which have been paid for by the City out of the general fund. This statement embraces No. 1 and 2 of last annual report. STATEMENT NO, 2. Shows the location and size and length of storm water sewers built to date and not assessed. In this I have combined Statements Nos.3 and 4 of the previous report,thereby saving space and making this statement more convenient for future reference and extensions. STATEMENT NO. 3. Shows the sanitary sewers built to date. This corresponds with State- ment No. 6 of previous report. STATEMENT NO, 4. Shows the location,dimensions and cost of sidewalks constructed by contract and assessed to abuttors. • 4. Ilef/ubfe Ses..f(uf, Jlfr.,.eh 5th. 1894. - -- -- . STATEMENT NO. 5. II: shows the work done by th st1 t superintendent iu general street repairs for the past year. and r,n•r, sl,inuls with Statement No. 7 of 1898 report. STATEMENT NO. 6. sh,,w,the grading done by the Street Superintendent and corresponds to Statement No.8 of 1s9:1 report. STATEMENT NO. 7. Shows the amount of macadam broken since August let,1898,to date. STATEMET NO. 8, • Is a summary of work done during the fiscal year ending February 28th, 1894. 1n comp:ring Statement No. 1 of 1893 With same statement of 1894 it will he noticed that Broadway Extension;also'Dubuque, Decorah, Delaware and Auburn Avenues and West 14th, Francis, Oak and Washington Streets appear in each statement. These streets and avenues were not accepted or assessed until the present tiscal year,although'Ynuth of the work was done upon them. The amount shown in the report`of 1893 not assessed in that year amounts to about $30,000, which deducted from the 1898 statement leaves the special assessments for that year about the same as this. All work of every description thls year that is assessable has been closed up and assessed with the exception of the alley east of Wilson Avenue and south of West 8th street, which was not quite completed before winter weather closed in. GRADING. Statement No. of 189:1 report shows the amount of grading done by the City and paid for out of the general fund,and amounts to $30,019.60. The amounts in Statement No. 1 of 1894 report marked with a star show the amount paid for grading by the City in 1893,and amounts to$13,107.91, and of this amount over $10,000 has been paid out for work done under contracts,the bids for which were received in 1892,leaving less than $3,000 expended by the City for grading done ori streets, and not assessable, for which bids have been received during the present fiscal year. By referring to Statement No.6 of 1894 it will be seen that the cost of grading done by the Superintendent amounts to $4,743.20,an excess over the previous year of $2,181.05. This was occasioned by grading Garfield,Dock and Stafford Avenues,and hauling the material to Queen,Regent,Elm and Cedar streets and was done to provide employment for teams and men in needy circum- stances. All of this work was done in anticipation of the corning season's work,as Stafford,Garfield and Dock Avenues and Elm street are all ordered improved. The system of grading adopted in excavating these streets I think a judicious one,and if carefully adhered to where the conditions are favorable,will result beneficially to the City and the laboring classes. But • the most thorough care and watchfulness must be exercised or the results might be otherwise than profitable. STREET AND ALLEY CLEANING. Statement No.5 corresponds with Statement No. 8 of previovs report, and shows the amount of work done in cleaning streets and alleys and making general repairs by the Street Superintendent and Engineer under the direction of the Committee on Streets, and shows $5,276,04 less than the previous year. This difference would have no doubt been materially increased by at least$5,00 but for the fact that the City was almost Com- pelled to furnish employment to idle teams and :nen,who could not get work elsewhere. It would seem that vigorous measures should be adopted as to cleaning streets, and alleys particularly, and collecting for the expense of the same from the abuttors. People who put ashes and other refuse in the alleys have Regular Se on, March 5th, 1894. 65 no more right, legally or morally, to ask that it be removed at the City's expense than they have to ask that the City furnish them the coal free of expense which produced the ashes. It is manifestly unjust to many tax payers who clean up their own premises that they should be compelled to help pay for cleaning their neighbors'. For the past season only about $300.00 has been collected, while the amount should be very much greater. There is no apparent reason why the expense of cleaning the alleys should not be assessable against the property and collected the same as any other assessments, for sidewalk or street or alley improvement. The present ordinance simply provides a tine for not removing filth of any kind after receiving notice to remove the same, and does not provide for the cleaning of streets and alleys by the City and charging for doing the same. If the ordinance could be changed so that.an assessment could be made against the property,it would no doubt simplify matters and result in a large saving to the ('ity besides securing cleaner alleys. STREET REPAIRS. During the present season a large amount of street repairing has been done,and the steam roller has been worked to its full capacity,and a large amount of rolling has been done by the new six ton horse roller. This roller for surface rolling gives excellent satisfaction. As no brick pavement has been built this year we have not had occasion to use the horse roller on sub-grades. Where the grade of the street does not exceed six per cent. four horses are sufficient, and are sufficient for a single block on an eight per cent. grade. But with steeper grades six horses are necessary. It would be an advantage to the City to own a sprinkling wagon to use in connection with the rollers. When the weather is very dry the rollers can- nut bond the surface of the street without the use of water,and this requires the return of the rollers frequently to streets after a rain storm in order to give them a smooth surface. Much depends in securing a smooth surface 011 a new street,and the expense of a sprinkler would be more than saved in the increased service of the roller,and it has not always been possible to get a sprinkler at the proper time this season. As a large amount of street repairs will probably be made this season'on account of:the large stock of macadam on hand, it would seem advisable that arrangements be made to have the steam roller operated at least sixteen hours per day, during the busy season. The good effect of sufficient rolling on the new and repaired streets will at once be apparent. Quite a number of streets have been im- proved during the season on the following plan: The old street surface has first been spiked up with the steam roller, and as soon as possible the men have followed with picks and loosened the stone so that forks and rakes eau be used. The coarse stone has been thrown or raked back and the fine stone and dirt raked into the gutter,then the requisite amount of new macadam has been hauled on,spread, and rolled thoroughly and the fine rock from the gutter used for covering. This makes au excellent sharp covering and bonds well,giving a smooth surface at once without dust or mud if thoroughly sprinkled and rolled. As a sample of the cost of repair- ing the streets as above, llth Street from Clay to Iowa,cost as follows :46.45 27 Days Labor at$1.35 4.50 3 Days Foreman at$1.50 28.35 9 Days Team at$3.15(hauling macadam) 72.00 75 Yards New Macadam at $1.00 10.00 Uuse of Steam Roller --- .$161.30 Total Cost 244 Lineal Feet of Street Improved 66 Cents Cost per Lineal Foot The 72 yards of new macadam would make a covering of three inches in depth over the entire surface of the street. The cost of improving this 1 l 66 Regular Session, March .5th, 1894. street is a fair sample of many others improved in the same manner. The street is as good as new,and I would invite inspection of this and other streets similarly improved. One advantage in this form of improvement is that the surface of the street can be kept at the proper grade and in much better form without the use of as much rock as when patching is resorted to. Another advantage is that the street will furnish its own covering and of an excellent quality. Here, as in other work,the steam roller is very essential in first picking up the street,and the horse roller is sufficient for rolling the street after having been repaired,also after covering. The en- forcement of the wide tire ordinance will prove of great benefit to the life of macadamized streets. It is difficult to estimate what it has cost the City of Dubuque to maintain the narrow wagon tire. In order that a more com- plete detailed statement of street repairs can be made, I would recom mend that printed cards be furnished foremen, properly ruled,so that eaeh fore- man in the evening could make out the time of each man for the day, giving hours worked, nature of work, location, etc., and mail it to the Engineer's office,and by means of a similarly ruled tally sheet in the office, a complete daily statement of all work done would be obtained at very little trouble and it would be a reliable check on the labor and expenditures of the department,and would save in the end many times the trouble and expense of keeping it, aside from the advantage of having a thorough knowledge at hand in concise form, showing what different improvements had cost for future comparison. For the lighter repairs and cleaning of the city,I think a system of dividing the streets and alleys into sections,and giving a foreman two or three men,as the case may require,to help, would if properly carried out, prove satisfactory. The plan is not new,and has been tried and proved successful in other cities. One great advantage is that a foreman has some inducement to labor, if he takes any pride and interest in the results. If not,the interest of the City would require that a man be procured who would. To explain this system in detail would require more space than the present report will admit. SIDEWALKS. In reference to the repairs of plank sidewalks there seems to be some question of the authority of the City to make repairs without first serving notice upon the abutters if they can be found in the City. It is clear that in case of non-residents repairs may be made without the formality of a notice. With the large amount of plank walks in our City in all stages of decay,it should not be necessary for the City to be put to the expense and delay of giving a notice,as this frequently costs the City as much for inspection and serving notices as to make the repairs. Two street carpenters with a horse load of assorted planks can make very many repairs in a day, and the cost to the abuttors would in nearly every case be less than to make the repairs themselves,and if people knew that the first notice would be a new plank laid in their walk for which they would have to pay,they would be more careful to keep their walks in repair. This system of repairs has proved very efficient in other cities,and certainly would in this with the result of having much better walks than at present. By this system of repairs, the inspection of walks to determine what walks need renewing entire,can be made at the same time without additional expense or trouble. I think an excellent plan,where old walks need renewing entire,is to have an inspection made in the fall,and such walks as need renewing be reported to the City Council and ordered laid down before,say May lst of the follow- ing year, which if not done by the abuttors would be laid by the City without further notice. This would save the Council much trouble and and valuable time,with the result of having much better walks during the summer when a good walk is appreciated. BRICK PAVEMENT. The brick pavement put down last season and this seems to be wearing very satisfactorily with the exception of the large brick placed along tile Irl. rtI I Regular Se88ion, March 5th, 1894. G7 rails of the street car tracks. These,as to the material in the brick and the plan of using them,will, I think, prove failures. I have noticed carefully . the brick and concrete where excavations have been made on Main street and the concrete seems good and the brick show little or no wear on the surface. I notice, however,that where small pieces have been broken off the edge of the brick by a blow from the calks of horses'shoes,a tendency to fracture in parallel lines to the side of the brick, and to quite a depth. This, if general, will be a serious defect, for in time quite a depth of the surface of the brick would be broken off,and would require the relaying of that part of the street receiving the heaviest traffic. Brick for pavements were discontinued in Boston for this cause since 1891. It may be added here that 71 per cent. of the streets in Boston are macadamized. The Street Superintendent,however,advises the adoption of asphalt in order to secure a more permanent surface to the streets. There should have been a few grates put in when Main street was constructed to take the water from the street railway tracks into the sewers. One at 10th,one at 5th, and one at 1st streets are essential. The water that falls on the track cannot get out except by running to some low point and there accumulating until it runs over the rails and across the street. A small narrow grating connecting with a pipe leading to the sewer is all that is required, and would have cost but a trifle if it had been put in when the street was being built. In a very exhaustive paper on brick pavements read before the Indus- trial Engineers'Congress at the Columbian World's Exposition in Chicago by Danial W.Mead,member of the American Society of Civil Engineers,in which he gives a general outline of the history of brick pavements for the past twenty years. Among other information he shows the analysis of the clays used for paving brick at twenty-five different points in the United States. I notice that the analysis of the Hudson River Shale at Clinton, Iowa,corresponds quite closely with that of the clay or shale from which the Galesburg brick are made. As the same shale underlies the hill portion of Dubuque,it may be possible that paving brick could be manufactured here, as no city can excel Dubuque in the quality and price of common building brick. He also claims that alarge percentage of clays are suitable for making brick that are suitable for county roads and for suburban traffic, and from many clays brick can be made that will stand the traffic of cities from 30,000 to 50,000 inhabitants,and he states his belief that clays can be found that if properly manufactured and properly placed in the pavement will outrival granite under the heaviest traffic,and that some brick are now made that woutd prove economical under such traffic. IIe estimates the life of first class brick pavement to be: For light traffic,thirty-five to fifty years; for medium traffic,twenty to twenty-five years; and for heavy traffic, ten to fifteen years. He gives a table showing the character of brick pave- ments in forty-two cities of the United States, embracing the following: name of city, years in use, foundations,depth of saud cushion in inches, size of brick, filling in joints, average cost per square yard. A majority show sand and broken stone for foundations, with nearly as many concrete foundations,and a large majority, especially of the western cities, use sand filling between the bricks. He recommends sand filling on account of the ease in making repairs. The price varies from $1.32 to $2.78 per square yard, according to foundation and filling. Where asphaltum is used for filling,the price was the greatest. There can be no question as to good results under ordinary conditions in putting down brick pavements in Dubuque with three essential con- ditions taken into account, viz: lst—Good concrete foundations. 2nd— First class quality of brick,and 3rd, when not subject to too heavy traffic. With these conditions fully complied with,it would be safe for the city to construct brick pavement as rapidly as the financial condition of the city would warrant. The most serious objection to building brick pavements in the city at present is, that their construction furnishes very little employ- r RK lRe9ular Se$siena, March 5th, 1894. ment to our laboring classes, and the largest expense for prick and freight is paid to outside parties. The present plan of the so-called cleaning of the brick pavement is not effective. The expense of keeping the street clean is incurred without results. The city should have a sweeper, and with less Ii, expense than at present the streets could be kept clean. A street sweeper in three hours would pass over all the brick pavement,leaving the dirt next to the curb,so that two or three men with a horse and cart could take it up easily. From 1st to lOth streets might require sweeping nightly,and for the balance,probably three times a week would he sufficient. This would jl keep the streets clean and at less expense than has been incurred the past . season with the streets only partially cleaned. F NEW CITY MAP. In accordance with instructions I have the new Pity Record Map now completed with the exception of making a few eomparisons wtth the records. This map has been made on a scale of one inch equal to 200 feet, and the old map of 1875. which was very carefully compiled from deeds, re_ords and surveys by George B. Woodworth and myself, has been used as a base, and all additions and sub-divisions of the city since that date, have been copied and added to the map of 1875. This has required a large amount of pains taking labor. The new map shows every sub division com- plete, giving the lot numbers and dimensions of lots so far as they are shown on the records.and where space would admit. In addition there is shown the location of all street car lines. turn-outs.and power houses,also all the railroad trades. sidings, switches, depot buildings, engine houses, shops,etc., within the city limits, also the location of all public buildings school buildings, churches, hospitals,engine houses,water works buildings, stand pipe and hydrants, and the llth and 4th streats elevators,and ward boundaries, besides much other useful information. From the map the accompanying table of the streets of the city has been compiled, showing the name of each street,also former name if changed, its location. length, width,and house numbers, and its location by the letter and figure on the margins of the new map. An index to the neap has also been prepared, giving the location of each named sub division in the city arranged alpha- s , betically,also numerically. and giving the location of each on the map by I the marginal figures and letters. There are :26; -uh-divisions,aside from I the numerous sub-divisions of lots and lands that are not designated by I I name. It is intended that blue print copies be made from this map upon I which the sewers,water mains, lights, gas mains, unproved streets,etc.,can be shown. The tracing can be corrected from time to time as additions and sub-divisions are made,thereby keeping the map corrected up to elate. STORM WATER SEWERS. Storm water sewers have been constructed as shown in Statement No. I 2. The one constructed on.Jones street front Main to Locust during the very cold weather of this fall while the ground was frozen cost more money i; than it should on that account. Quite an expense has been incurred in cleaning storm sewers this season,especially 11th and Kniest streets sewers. . About$500.110 was e. eucled i❑ putting a new brick pavement and relaying the old paving also 11th street sewer east from Washington street to the railroad track in order to prevent stagnant water hi the sewer as the grade at the railroad tracks was higher than an Washington street. Cooler Creek I!i from the inlet of the Kniest street sewer to Washington and 23rd streets,a distance of 2,740 feet,was cleaned out,deepened and widened at an expense I 1 of only $368.00 which will materially increase, if not double,its capacity, and no doubt prove beneficial to the health of the people in that'vicinity. A storm water sewer should be constructed from Couler Creek up Sanford to White streetwith a branch alongWhite to 24th street. It shouldld b e built of brick in order to facilitate subsoil drainage. Surveys have been made for the proposed turning of the Bee Branch.Creek Hirth. This work is not fully completed. I , Regular Session, March, 5th., 1894. 119 SANITARY SEWERS. Sanitary sewers have been constructed as shown in Statement No. 3. As a very large portion of the sewers to be constructed in the immediate future,especially in the hill district,will be of eight inch tile pipe,1 would recommend that the city purchase the pipe and Vs,and furnish them to the contractors at cost. As no assortment is required,and as all manufacturers give 90 days on their pipe,the city really would not advance anything,and as contractors are giving monthly estimates the cost of the pipe would of course he deducted from their estimates. The great advantage in this is that the city would always be certain of getting No. 1 pipe and without any increase cost to abuttors. Itis less trouble to the city and to the contractors and has been, I think, quite generally adepled in other cities with beneficial results. MACADAM. On account of the dull tunes and warm weather iu the early winter, December especially, a much larger =bunt of rock has beeu broken throughout the city than usual. In my judgement the rock is as well "i broken as usual,and_of equally as good grade. No rock has been allowed ' i to be broken in the quarries where the stone comes from a higher level (1 than was is known as the four foot ledge. The money paid for breaking i rock has no doubt been of great assistance to many of the poor and deserv- ing laboring classes, and at a time when it was impossible to obtain work elsewhere. Very much more rock would have been broken bad not measures been taken to stop it. It would seem as though some plan should be adopted so.that rock broken ayd._bought by the city could be disposed of aside from what is needed in the general street repairs. My plan would be to reduce the price for breaking rock so that there would be no profit in it and thereby take it out of the hands ef_sp_eeulators,and then the needy and industrious could break all they wanted to,and the city would not be over- stocked,except possible, in a time like the present. Theu if the city should have more than it could use,sell the balance to contractors,even at a small loss if necessary,it would be far better than to pay out money for poor relief and get nothing in return. In a case like the present where it becomes necessary to limit the amount of rock broken there is the danger of refusing the needy and deserving. As an inducement to have rock taken from the street,an additional price might be paid. The price for breaking macadam is the same now as it was twenty years ago, while the purchasing power of money is much greater. There is one thing that should not be lost sight of viz:the great advantage•of giving men employment during the winter season. Even at the present price there is perhaps no case in which the city gets as near value received for the money expended as in that paid for broken macadam. My only thought in recommending the above is to place this work in the most deserving hands. Besides the advantage to the laboring man iu furnishing him employment during the winter season,the city receives a direct benefit from the taxation of numerous homes that have been erected where but a few years ago were rocky hills and bluffs. The measuring of the macadam the past winter has required a large amount of work and care,on account of the great number of interested parties,there beiug over 250 individuals and firms who received money for breaking rock in December,January and February each. There are over I 400 piles of macadam, a majority of them having had additions made to them each month. As the statements will show, a large amount of special assessments have been made for work done the past season and for work left over from the previous season. There has been a large amount of field work done also, as care has been taken to have all improvements and work done in a thorough manner. To enumerate this work would require more space than the present report will admit. i • .y, r, C C.O. e+ fa CD .O, so o m b 0 TABLE SHOWING NAMES OF STREETS AND AVENUES, LOCATION, LENGTH,WIDTH,HOUSE NUMBERS,LOCATION ON RECORD en • t7 m co Ii MAP AND FORMER NAME CHANGED IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. F m ti c r, `° p NAME OF STREET. LENGTH. WIDTH. HOUSE NUMBER. LOCATION OF G r • F m O R From 0 to RECORD MAP. ( C CY • R C °, m p a; r• ip Abbott Street from Leibnitz st.to Watts st 850 40 170 3 B m m m C e.' ^+ Adair Ave. from West 14th et.to Dexter avenue__................. 1400 50 280 4 B s ..+ Cr' ,, 0 Adams Avenue,from First avenue to Fifth avenue 2100 50 420 1 E m o ,_, m ▪ o' ct Adams Street,from Leibnitz street to Wabash avenue .......... 880 50 176 3 B p. o m O m = ea Air Hill Street,from Julien avenue to West 8th street 860 50 70 5 C 0 e< 09. p P Alpine Street,from Julien avenue to Dodge street 19003 50 55 510 5 C 0 0 p E w O Altman Avenue,from Grand View avenue to Sterling avenueo a. e m 0 C Alberta Street,from Coates avenue to Simpson street 480 b A m - ., p m Almond Street,from Ellie street to Foye street ............ .................. 850 50 176 3 C B p o m 0 r .. Cr Alumni Avenue,from South View Terrace to West Locust street 500 50 100 4 B m m o z_. O m o Alma Street.from Pickett streetlto Thomas street........ 450 40 90 4 Cco Algona Avenue'from West 14th street to Dexter avenue 1350 50 270 4 A ? - re m. CD • Alta Avenue,from Dubuque avenue to Delaware avenue. .................................. 1100 50 2.1 4 A ' p ci •• m q K N Allison Place.from Delhi street to Cottage avenue 600 50 120 5 B -+ Althauser Avenue,from Stafford avenue to Eagle street 1500 40 300 2 D m .s A o '1 m. Alva Street,from Ascension street South 550 40 110 1 E m G m e+.. . rir, U i Ann Avenue,from Lincoln avenue to Peosta street ... ......... 1000 50 200 2 E 0 0 m m c '1 p Anna Place,from Cornell street to Rebecca street 150 40 30 4 C e'D ApAnple Street,a Street, rom Oak street tofrom West st Rsi Rush streettostreet 650 60 1500130 6 C 300 4 C +,` '.-10 .oi ,..m c 0•, Arch Street,from West Locust street to west of city limits 1800 50 250 4 A ,t' Arlington Street,from Prairie street to West 12th street 1050 60 191 4 C T •trim•m m z r i Argyle Street,from Lowther avenue to Groveland Place 500 50 100 1 C ^+ p ti Aspen Street,(now Linden street)from Lake Peosta to Peosta street Q c c .. g r C m Ashton Avenue,from Decorah avenue to Delaware avenue 610 50 122 4 A o c ,,,,, p oa m Aspen Street,from Valley street South 400 40 SO 6 D ", ? CO~ Ash Street,from 12th street to 20th street 2600 64 520 8 E Ascension Street from George street North 750 50 150 1 E l?j p r m !.. ,, Asbury Street,(formerly Park st.and Center st)from Delhi street west to city limits 2100 64 420 4 A m Atlantic Street(now Pacific st.)from Fremont street to Clifton street _ m m o O 0 o Atlantic Avenue,from West 14th street to Dexter avenue... 1510 50 302 4 B •, ti C -I 0'9 Audubon Avenue.from West 14th street to Dexter avenue........ . 1460 50 292 4 B e 0 = Q o Auburn Avenue,from West 14th street to Dexter avenue 1450 50 290 4 A a co m m Augusta Avenue,from Peabody avenue to Clara street... 200 40 40 6 Ctml "'t • Avoca Avenue.from Decorah avenue to Delaware avenue 500 50 100 4 A ` nv 'D o '- Babcock Avenue,from Crawford avenue to Levi Terrace 900 50 ISO 1 B :" p m C m Cr:: o P. eo. ? ,,-. . . - • . • TABLE OF STREETS,erc.—colcriNuED. ---- -- — HOUSE NUMBER LOCATION ON I , NAME OF STREET. LENGTH. wlirra. From 0 to RECORD MA1.. I - Bellevue Street,from Union avenue to Alta Vista street............ .. 1500 60&40 300 3 B Bennett Street.from East street to Grand Viev.•avenue.... .. ........... .................... 2100 40 420 5 A 1 I Belle Street.(now Burns et.)from Cleveland avenue to Vine street Bell Street.from Third street to Commercial street................ .......................: 2800 64 560 5 E , I ret" Birch Street,(now Brook st.)from Lake Peosta to Peosta street 1 cb Illocklinger Lane,from Couler avenue to Broadway • 500 100 2 C 2i; 1 ecs, Blake Street,fro:n Union avenue to West Locust street. 10011 tio 2011 311 Bluff Street,from First street to West Locust street 4900 50 791 5 D es BluffStreet South,from First street to Vilas street..........,................................... 1900 551. 3811 6 I) Booth Street,(formerly Brad st,)from Julian avenue to Dodge street . 26011 40&50 3470 5 11 I Brad Street, (now Booth st.1 from Julien avenue to Dodge street . 1 Co.,,• Bradley Avenue,from Altman avenue to Grand View avenue. 8400 54 1 win 6 11 St Broadway Extension,from Diagonal street to Park Hill avenue 201111 50 2iN.1 2 C Ilroadwa),•.fro:n Blocklinger Lane to Diagonal street 1200 70 2411 2 Broad Street.MOM Mt.Pleasant ave.)from Julien avenue to Home for Friendless brook Street,(formerly Birch st.)from 10th street to Peosta street 1300 64 260 2 E ... Bush Street,from St.George street to Esther street 50 146 7 C Burlington Street,from Stoltz avenue to Sabula street 1000 50 200 2 B 14..... Burch Street,from West 5tli street to West.3rd street . . 800 40 100 5 C ,.?:."•1 Burden Avenue.from Windsor avenue north to City limits 60 190 1 C Buena Vista Street,from Lawther avenue to Linwood Cemetery 600 50 120 1 1 D Burden Street,(now Grand View ave.)from Lawther street south . , ......., e.. Burns Street.(formerly Bell st)from Cleveland avenue to Vine street 550 40 110 6 C . Carol Street,from Cornelia avenue south 35 2))&40 2 C • C..li Camp Street.from Southern avenue to Levee 1700 64 340 6 D cf. ....., catherine Street.from West l7th street north. 650 60 130 4 C .... . i'ar Street,from Blocklinger Lane south • 210 30 42 2(' cannon Street,from Laurel street to Herron Place • 570 64 144 7 I) t..... canal Street,from Water street west350 60 70 5 E CO t'ardiff Street.from West:Srd street south................ ....... ....;................ . ........ 450 540 la; 14... Catherine Street.(now Maria st.)from Wabash avenue to Harriett street raladonia Place,(formerly Pine street)from Hill street to West 8th street 600 10 . 120 5 C center Place.from Rose street to Julien avenue.... . ......_...... ......... ..........• 720 50 144 5 C Center Street,(now Asbury st.and St.Ambrose st.)tient Asbury street north. • Center Street.from West street to Delhi street 1 tho 50 2:10 5 A Center Avenue,(now Coates avenue)from Dodge street west Cedar Street,(now Cypress st.)from Eighth street to Sixth street . . Cedar Street.from 10th street to 19th street . 2000 i 64 rgio 3 11—. — ----- -- - —.1 1—, . . • i - - - - _ • -,'. rillill.IIIIMIMMMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIpPPIIIIIIIIMIMI lND NAME OF STREETS,ETC.—Commit-En. HOUSE NUMBER LOCATION ON NAME OF STREETS. LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAP. Charles Street,from Broadway Extension west 470 50 94 2 B Chestnut Street,from Highland Place west O.C.line 1470 60,48 y.&80 259 4 C Cherry Street,from Avoca avenue west city limits ........................... .. 1400 50 280 4 A Charter Street,from West Main street to Levee............ .................................. 1250 64 250 6 E cQ Cherry Sweet,(now Holly st.1 from Cleveland avenue to Rush street.................... ....... Clark Street,from West Locust street to West 17th street 550 64 110 4 C Cleminson Avenue,from Wunderlich avenue to Fairmount avenue 700 50 140 1 A Clifford Street,froSeminary street to Napier street.... 700 25&40 140 3 C 'I Clara Street,from Augusta east 600 50 120 6 C Cleveland Avenue,from South Dodge street to South Bluff street 3200 60 632 6 C 1 Clifton Street,from Lull street to Pacific street 600 5500 120 7 B co Clark Street,(now Herron Place)from Barden street north •• co co Clark Street,(now River et.)from Seventh rtreet to Tower street 64 .Q_ Clay Street,from Third street to 18th street . 4800 960 4 D Clinton Avenue,from Windsor avenue to Queen street 500 100 1 D Cora Street,from Grand View avenue,east 450 64 90 6 B College Avenue,from West 5th street to O'Neill street 1200 50 240 5 B Cornelia Avenue,from Broadway Extension east.. ...................... 580 50 106 2 C Cornell Street,from West 14th street to West 17th street 1 25 4 C n Cox Street,from West 14th street to Angelis street Collins Avenue,from St.Joseph street to South street 740 40'•z 148 6 A r Coates Avenue,(formerly Center ave)from Dodge street west 2750 60&30 550 6 A Commercial Street,from Seventh street to High Bridge 1700 64 340 4 E CA Courtland Street.from Harriett avenne to 7th avenue• 1150 66 :MO 2 F c4. Columbia Street,(now Meyers st.)from Leibnitz street to Wabash avenue..... .... ............ Concord Avenue,from Marion avenue to Costes avenue 650 50 130 6 A Columbia Street,from Pleasant street north 800 40 60 2 D CD Cooper Street,(formerly George st.)from John street east and west.... 8330870 50 344864 1 5 D Ftp. Couler Avenue,from 18th street north to city limits • Curtis Street,from Malady street to South Dodge street 1700 60 340 6 B Cross Street,from Coates avenue to Simpson street 450 50 90 6 A Crawford Avenue,from Wunderlich avenue to Lowry avenue 1250 50 250 1 B Crosby Street,from Finke avenue to Lucretia street 950 66 190 2 F Cypress Street,(formerly Cedar st)from 6th street to 8th street extension 1700 64 340 4 E Davis Avenue,from Sheridan street east 1300 30 260 1 D Davenport Street,from Stoltz avenue to Park Hill avenue 1500 50 30:) 1 B Decorah Avenue,from Avoca avenue to Adair avenue 2080 50 416 4 A 1pillr"."""gIINMIMIMIMIMMMIMIIIMIMIIIIImm....IMINMIMMMIIMIIMMIMMIIIMIMIMIII.EIMMIIIIIIIII.M.I.M.II.M.MII.mmpt • NAME OF STREETS, ETC.—CONTINUED. HOUSE NUMBER LOCATION ON NAME OF STREET. LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAY. 1920 50 1384 4 A Delaware Avenue,from Avoca avenue to Adair aevnue 1120 50 284 4 A Dexter Avenue,from Algona avenue to Adair avenue 20 64&50 1050225 A Delhi Street from Mt.Pleasant avenue,west limits 250 52.8 54 C 570 50 114 7 D m Dell Street,from Arlington street to West Fourteenth street2 C Disney Street,from McLenan street east and west 500 60 100 1 B Diagonal Street,from Center avenue to Broadway 400 50 80 Diamond Street,from Cooler avenue to Jackson street........ 1400 50 304 4 B 50 130 7 B Dubuque avenue,from Alta avenue to Adair avenue.... 650 30 80 3 C Dillon Street,(formerly Valley et.)from Grand View avenue north 4006(.1 Dorgan's Alley,from Madison street to Ellis street 1400 74&64 1196 6 C Dodge Street,from Levee west of city limits 2000400 E N. Dodge Street South,from Dodge street to Grand View avenue. 1000 ;60 2000 Dock Avenue,from Peosta street to Lincoln avenue.... 700 50 140 6 B O Dunning Avenue,from Grand View avenue to Perry avenue ... 2111 2 D Eagle Street,(now Falcon st.)from Lull street to Pacific street w 5 A f .................. 1100 40 150 Eagle Street,rfromfrom Viola street to diddle avenue 1250 East Street, w Gen a to Delhi street 3 D h toZgpO 60,64 40 450 Q East Avenue North Glen Oak ave)from Couler avenue e.West Locust ..... 2 B Eagle Point Avenue,from Stafford avenue to a westavenue.........••••.... 8900 60 64 62 E I 0 Eagle Point Avenue West,from Couler avenue west to city limits 1320 66 Earl Street,froin Wabasha avenue to Harriet street 1100 50 264 1 C Edith Avenue from Sheridan street west 500 40 100 C I Edith Street,from O'Neill street to West Third street 700 40 140 2 D -., Edison street,(formerly Franklin st.)from Stafford avenue to Althauser avenue 700 50 50 2 D Edward Street.from Windsor avenue to Queen street 450 50 4 D 90 4 13 Edina Street,from Alta Vista street west 5450 5640 1060 Eighth Street,from Mississippi river to Bluff street.... 1500 50 S 64 300 5 C Cp Eighth Street West,from Julien avenue to Roberts avenue 3650 f.. 730 3 D Cp Eighteenth Street,from Lake Peosta to Clay street 1000 64 30 2 F Go Eighth Avenue,from Lake Peosta to Lincoln avenue................. 800 64 126 4 C Ellis Street,from West Locust streeth north 2800 64 402 4 3 C Eleventh Street West,from Bluff street to Grant avenue 35000 700 D Eleventh Street,from Lynn street to Bluff street....... 13500 64 64 40 2060 3 D Elm Street,from Tenth street to Peru Road 410 42 662 5 D 1900 7 D Emmetth Street,from Bluff de street to St.oMary's v118 1 D C English venu from Windsor streetor to Southern idavenuet 590 50 Euclid Avenue,from W ind.or avenue to Sheridan street ..t w 1 I i Limm°11111.1111111111111111111MMIIMMIMIIMMIlliar7 :-._------- nimuummuuiunrwml._.„_.,..--,..-,_7T_-_-.,„.7,__ , ' • N A M IS OF STREETS, ETC.—CONTINUED. • HOUSE NUMBER LOCATION ON f SANE OF STREET. LENGTH. — WIDTH. From 0 to IiECORU MAP. 83(1 it0 70 7 1) Esther Avenue,from Bush street to Wilde street6 1) .............. ... !N)ll 180 • Exchange Street,from Dodge street to Cora street • 1100 til 60 60 140320 2 11 r • Front avenue,from Peosta street to'_forth First street........ 6 61 Falcon Street.(formerly Eagle st.)from Lull street to Pacific street 1700 Fairmount Avenue,from Clemineon avenue to Saunders avenue 70 360 o R • I Fenlon Place,from West 4th street to Burch street 1100 a E ............ 02 50 2'10 Fengler Avenue.from Peosta street to Lincoln avenue 1 133 00 75 410 5 D v First Street,from Mississippi river to Bluff street................................. . 600 • 50 1:31 2 F • First Street North,from 10th avenue to Mississippi river ! 24 5 1) Fifth Street,Rom Bluff street to Mississippi river 4900 50 S f 4 342 5 C Fifth Street West,from Bluff street to Delhi street 4500 64 900 5 C Fifteenth Street,from Lake Peosta to Bluff street 4500 64 x:10 1 1) , E First Avenue.from Peosta street to Adams avenue 1100 64 !110 F 4 Finke Avenue,(formerly Union avenue)from Harriet street to Seventh avenue..... ........ ,ri11 E 4650 64&50 30 1 220 5 B Fifth Avenue,from Peostavstreet north...h .t.. 1100 30 Forrest efrom es street to Do Si street 1000 35&401 200 3(' Foye Street,from West Locust street to Seminary street Forrest Street,(now Shandon st.)from Union street to Villa street. .. YKill i U 1811 3 C IFourth Street West,from Alpine street east 5650 640 130 I U 1 Fourth Street,from Mississippi river to Bluff street.... .................... 160- ;D Fourth Street Extension.from White street to Market street tart 130 3 D Fourth Street West.from Bluff street to Fenlon Place !N0 4 D Fourteenth Street,from Lake Peosta to Bluff street 4 61 I9III 4 C Fourteenth Street West,from Bluff street to Delhi street 1100 6644 2111 1 F. Fourth Avenue,from Peosta street to Adams avenueUN1 E Fulton Street,(formerly Franklin et.)from Monroe street to Kings street 500 A 100 3 C C Co Frances Street.front West Eagle Point avenue to Hart street 1 50)) 50 100 3 B yo Francisca Avenue from Vincent avenue to Alumni avenue 2000 5 t0) 7 A I Fremont Street,from Dodge street to Lull street . 01 441 3(1 4(' Franklin Street,front Thomas street west Franklin Street,know Edisan st.)from.Vthauser avenue to Stafford avenue................. • fwli 31I 1311 2 N Gay Street,from Broadway Extension west 800 5!) 1603 2 11 Gandolfo Avenue,from South street to St.Joseph street....... ........•••. •........•"• .800 1111 L 61 1X1 6 1: • Garfield avenue.from Elm street to Mississippi river 500 50 150 1 F: George Street,from Ascension street south George Street,(now Cooper street)from John street east and west.............. .... ••••••....• Gilliam Street,from West street to Delhi street.... ... I 900 50 180 3 A --- a'b 'rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"MIMMIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.IMIMIIIMIIIIIIIII.ImimilIllmillmIIMIIIIIIII.II"Ill"imillm.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘- .. -.,. a NAME OF STREETS. ETC.—Co:ilINCEI1. — -- _ __------- -='------------ —------=--.-- HOUSE NUMBER. LOCATION ON __-___ - N'IIYI'H. RECORD )IA!'. LENGTH. I From 0 to NAME OF STREETS, --1" - - :a,: ri B _-_ _. .... 11111 40 S 4>; 60 4 11 __ - 8!1X1 90 I . 7W) Glyn Oak Avenue.from West'Third street to Julien t Loci A0 69 !11 ;111 Glen Oak Avenue North,from Julien avenue to West Locust street • \ 4 NI 1 l' 4 01de Street.es. from emn111 street et tcso ...... .................. 1ty) 50 4 A Gold street,from Seminary street"auto... ... ............. : Garen .tr'1t,Ahe.from Bllrlh•tl avenue to Windsor avenue •• 1!111 5l1 I 3S0 6 A (:race Street,from Its elnd \test 111 elft'limits .•... 111X) I lif_ 4(' •' (:rove street.Ryas fraud View avellue 11 h::1ststreet.,.•.......• 'X) 150 0 111) (' - r Grove Terrace.trom\V' t Ilth street 1 Arlington street :x10 ' 1 1. e (:race Street.from Broadway ss 1cnc I?[h•1:Iv' south.................. 15250 'X (;suit View Street,t nest 1'1.' t'L•nld ave»ne)from South Dodge street to Booth Bluff street1A 4l1 ;11 : C b Oruvel:md 1 4:0-',trom Sheridan l street to llardeu avenue :Iti0 40 ri4 C Grant Aveua.' from Juliet.avenue to West 11th stBeet .I,yl GO L 100 1a 0I 6 8 Grand4. View loath,i formerly eh \V oAlley)her H West llth street south 1:511 I 51) 00 1 11 Grand\"eery Street.tenor.from Delhi street to\lather Flouse 3 0 i0 _til) 111 - 1-4eels51- 1. o north of\lilltreetlle street 181NI 254) 1 B t:....,Ifeeb Street.A t.ei ut••front It street to West Em'le Point avenue 1'2541 30 Ilalpiu .\cruor.from\\'nudrrlic :senor Ul Lottre across.... 4l) 150 t' !MNI Ilartlstr • et from u m:cooler avenue 1 frVal Fulton street to Wallace street..................... ..... 111 i(• , Hart street.from('eater ucenm•to 1 1:, Leibnitz etl•eet tr4'Ct ...... 4ish ! .440 1!'0 4:\ Harold street,from t May street ctrert to In•oc itr street WO 5V 1(X1 4_\ WO `.I Harmon reef.f front May btreet to\urea Lotus' sure[ w) 50 90 4 \ 1 Hazel WreeL from tea. tstreet east et tcest..,,........ ) 90 6A Hall Street,from Genre street to Delhi street •,,, . 6 C Hancock Street.11'x111 Barns street east 11x1) 5. 1 6 F -. south........................................... 11140 ' Harrisonelroot.,from.lunes street 33 528 120 4( Cr_-; Ilatriel Street,from Fluke avenue to Lucretia street 1'NXI •2 3 is.. Hellion Surest,from\Vest Fourteenth sheet to Franklin strt•et. .. 600 !1p -20 41. tp„ l00 B tlrmpsa•sd Street.from West Fogle Point avenue to Leibnitz street................... 700 50 120 1 1) Helena Street.from Hellion rarer west _:0 _ 64 • • Ileudersuu Avenue,from Perry aceune to(:rend View avenue... ... 1 67 1) Medley Court.from Strauss avenue to Lowther avenue..... .................... !, !1) GO 60i0 110 41) Merron Place,from in ds View uueuue north 250 p,,•; 5 Henry nd Place, ,front Windsor attune et stases street 6660_, b0 atfl 4 C Highland Place,front\Vest llth street to Arlington street 4200 4110 3 E Hill Street,from Julien avenue to Dull reset.... 4200 50 ay0 2 I) • hickory Street,from I'eosta street to Sixteenth street 1660 -- lfi>h Bluff Street,from Stafford avenue to Prosser avenue I CI I I I I . • i • t -_ - _.. - . 1 _ 2 NAMES OF STREETS, ETC.—CoNTixvxn. HOUSE NUMBER. LOCATION ON NAME OF STREET. LENOTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAP. Hodgden Avenue,fromiWest Locust street to Seminary street 600 40&50 120 8 C Holly Street,(formerly Cherry street)from Cleveland avenue to Rush street 500 60 100 6 C Hudson Street,from Wabash avenue to Harriet street 1320 66 264 2 E Humboldt Avenue,from Garfield avenue to High Bluff street 930 50 186 2 B Huff Street,(formerly James st.)from Camp street south...................... 900 64 180 6 D Q Ida Street,from Delhi street to Grace street. 50 60 5 B 1 Iowa Street North,from Seminary street north 5100 b4 1020 4 D 50 70 3 C Iowa Street,from First street to lith street RI Iowa Street South,from Railroad avenue to First street 2800 64 560 6 E '2 James Street,from Peabody avenue to West 3rd street 600 40 120 5 C James Street,(now huff street)from Camp street south m Jackson Street,from Sixth street north to city limits............... 12150 64 3203 4 D co Jefferson Street,from Olive street to Walnut street 800 50 142 4 C co John Street,(now Simpson street)from Dodge street west ......... • Jones street,from Bluff street to Levee 2100 li4 420 5 D John Street,from West 5th street south 400 50 80 5 D Johnson Avenue,from Garfield avenue to Eagle Point avenue 1200 1200 50 240 8 D Julien Avenue,from Bluff street to Delhi street ........ .. Julien Street,(now Primrose street)froth Keokuk street to Davenport street Kane Street,from West Eagle Point avenue west to city limits 4200 40&60 840 2 B ci Karrick Street,(formerly\\°alnut srreet)from Poplar street west to clty limits300 50 60 4 A r Keokuk Street,from National street to Primrose street.... 550 50 110 2 B Keppler Street.from Seminary street north '1 0 4))) 150 6 B Kiere Avenue,front Perry avenue to Sterling avenue 2 King Street,from Fulton to Broadway Extension 600 50 120 C Kleine Street,from Klingenberg Terrace to West Eagle Point avenue..... 300 50 60 8 C ti Klingenberg Terrace from North Main street to Clifford street 1400 40 180 8 C Op Klingenberg Street,from Stafford avenue to Windsor avenue. 601) 40 120 D . Kneist Street,from Eagle Point avenue to Garfield avenue 1100 64 210 3 D ! I.orintier Street,from Levi srreet north and south *100 60 120 7 C Langworthy Avenue,from Booth street to 11111 street................................... 1400 50&64 • 280 5 C Lowther Avenue,from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue 1050 50 210 1 D Laurel Street,(formerly Lowther street,from Grand View avenue north. 800 33 160 7 D Levi Street,from English Lane to Samuel street 1400 605;40 280 7 C Lemon Street,from 27th street to Peru Road 900 64 180 1 B Lemon Street,(now Viola street)from Pleasant street north Levi Terrace,front Wunderlich avenue to Lowry avenue 1250 60 250 1 B r 1 ,N.N 'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIMIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIEIII wa lit NAMES OF STREETS,ETC.—CONTINUED. \-- HOUSE NUMBER. LOCATION ON NAME OF STREET. LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 t0 RECORD MAP. 1 1100 '""'A 2 C Lewis Street,from Valeria street north.. .................. .... 1100 60 64it 80 220 2 C 0 Leibnitz Street,from North Main street to Abbott ••••• 40 50 04 A31 Lincoln Avenue,from Conler avenue to Mississippi river.—........... 10900 50 032 1 F 600 40 1 0 2 Liebe Avenue,from Jackson street to C.,G.W.R.R.track 11002 i` Lime Street,from 10th avenue north1 B ' Linden Street,(formerly Aspin street)from Peosta street to Lake Peosta 1 64 5 A Lowry Avanne,from Crawford avenue to Levi Terrace.... 1600 50 2.40 6 C Louisa Street,from North street to Delhi street 500 50 320 Lois Street,from Reeder street to Solon street 7100 64 3 B .ocust Street West,from Sixteenth street to Arch street.............. 7000 64 960 100 7 5 D Locust Street,from First street to Sixteenth street ....... 480 64 340 Locust Street South,from First street to Southern avenue co • Logan Street,(now Pickwick street).................. ............ I 64 120 B o Lull Street,from Fremont street to Clifton street....... ............... .w 33 450 2 E Lucretia Street,from Wabash avenue to 7th avenue.................... 2050 04 b80 3 E ,y Lynn Street,from 12th street to 20th street 26ly McCabe Street,(now Broadway Extension)................. .......• 1200 50 40 6 C R . McEvoy Place,from Curtis street north ; 240 2 V i McKinley Street,from Harriet avenue to Seventh avenue200 50 80 7 D McLenan Street,from Teresa street to Wilde street 440 50 180 6 B 31rPherson Avenue,from Altman avenue east 1540 74 300 6 A Marion Avenue,from Ridgi street to Dodge street. .. .... 400 60 190 3 C Madison Street,from Main street.to Seminary street 950 50 176 4 A Ch May Street,from\Vest Locust street south 40 4 A em May Place,from Cornell street west 200 40 n • 4 B !v Martha Street,from Alta Vista street west.... .... ... 60 180800 4 B 40 Malady Street,from Dodge street to Grand View avenue 900 64 570 5 E Cp Market Street,from 8th street to 3rd street......................... 5 E 1{a. Esta lig 000 6 D Main Street South,from Maint street south 3100 04 620 Main Street West,from stret r e et................... 5900 64 1120 5 D Main Street,from First streetSemino Seminary sWeet.E..le Pon..v nu - 64 1970 3 C Main Street North,from Seminary street to West Eogle Point avenue.... 110050 410 3 D Maple Street,from 12th etreet to 18th street.......... ......... .... 23000 14 410 3 E Marsh Street,(formerly Willow st.)from Thirteenth street to 20th st.... 1320 04 `t•1 2 Maria Avenue,(formerly Catherine)from Wabash ave.to Harriet st400 40 80 2 E Merchant Lane,from Gold street west 140J 40 280 2 CD _ Merz Street,from Windsor avenue to River View street 1 I • V'. -- NAME OF S'1'fib:F.'1'S, free.—CoNTINCED• _-H._-. ...- HOUSE NUMBER.. LOCATION ON — - LENGTH, WIDTH. From 0 to ' ItECOBD MAI'. NAME OF s'rIEET. . R/MI 50 1110 8 B Meyers Street,(formerly Columbia st)from Leibnitz st.to Wabash aveir411 10\1i 11180 1 1 )Iiltville Street,from Confer avenue west to city limits 250 50 WI 1 A Milwaukee Avenue.from Coater avenue to Jackson street Mineral Street,(noir\V.Locust street)from 17th st.to Semina.tr 4 l St0 : &i f) O N; • Middle Avenue.from l'eosta street to Eagle street..... 850 ;,11 270 1 ll R Monroe Avenue.from Windsor avenue to Sherulnn street............. .• i!0 720.0 ) 1 1) Mountain Lane.from Shandon street to Cleveland areuue 17 At sig 14410 4 1) \It. Pleasant.lye..(for.Broad stl front.1ulienave to Ihone for Friendles. 175)) gra) 40 0 2 1) U 7 11 Morgan Avenue.from Park avenue to Grand View;hemp• ..... 12tH) Fin s. Morning Sun A'euue,from Olivet.street to Short st rept !ta( 10,5 t>tl ISO 11 Monroe St..(formerly Harrison t 1 from Broadway Extension to Kane st 14141 50 :ISO 1 11 Muscatine Street,from Stoltz avenue to Gay street... 195ti '.'NII 15 A Z.Mineral Street,front East street to 4:1111am street 147(4) 1i11 280 1 A Napier Street,from Hempstead street to Clifford street IItNI GO National Street.(formerly State sn front Keokuk 4 to I)aveepnrt st 2100 50 220 1 B Nevada Street,from.1 ulioa aveune to Solon street 400 lit nkat 55 B Needham's I'Iace,(formerly\Vest stt from West 5th st.to\Vest ;1h-t.. 10 III N6 _(' lit Nightingale Street, from English Lane to Levi street.... IN0 a1 3t) 3 1) r Nineteenth Shret,from Lake l'eosta to Fouler avenue ".KB) lit ;.WI 41) ...... lit @Ilfl 2 b I .. i Ninth Street.front fuse street to Bluff sure[.............. p100 A Ninth:\cettue,from I'eosM street to Lincoln avenue MNNI tits 1IM) North Street.from Grandview avenue west 6A Oak Street.ino s filth street)from_King street south 1.>tt ;a1 1 ) Oak Street.from Burns street to Union street..:. 400 ;•• NII 6 t' Olive street.irons\Vest llth street south 10 '' 4 4 1(' • ~ O'Neill Avenue.from Sheridan street west 0 SO 5 It CO 10)) 11A A O'Neill Street,:ruin College avenue to Booth street.......... 50 i C 'i+s O'llaealt Street. (formerly•R'ashington st.front Delhi 1.to Mineral st5441 :i11 1140 Paul Street.from Seminary street to hlingenhere Terraee1118) la) 141) 2 l' Park Bill Avenue.from Culler avenue to Muscatine street 60 170 7 Ii Park Street. .now Asbury st)Brom Delhi street.west to city limits. IS K10 Park Avenue. from Morgan avenue to[.rand View avenue ... Jif • 60. lit 150 7 It Pacific Street. tormerly Atlantic 41 from Fremont st.to t'lifton st 8 51( :>(1 nal Perry Avenue.from Grand View avenue to Altman avenue 500) gl 1011 8.t Penn Street,from Delhi street west to e•itt mute i 15 1W) 5•\ Pearl Street.from East sti t to t.tlli:11 street -- --_— 0. Pearl Strut.inutt W a-t 1 th-t from I9ih street.to Arttngtofl supe[_. 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIENNNNNNNIINNININIEEINIEENENIIMIIIIMIIIMIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMINMMMMIMMMMMMIMIIIMMIMIIIIIMMIMUMIMIIMIIMMIIMMIIIMMMIIIIIP 1 , 1 • NAMES OF STREETS, ETC.—CONTINUED. H_OL'SE NUMBER. LOCATION ON SAME OF STREET. LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAC 440 6 Peabody Avenue,from Dodge street to HIll street •200 690 60 RO 132 6 C Pear Street,from Rush street to Oak street river 6700 64&60 132 2 E Peosta Street,from Hickory srreet to Mississippi ••• 1250 340 1 B ri`'J, Peru Road.from Couler avenue north to city limitsm Pearl Street,(now Earl st)from Wabash avenge to Harriet street 2 D Pfotzer Street,from Windsor avenue to Queen street 225 50 20 304 4 1• Pierce Street,from West Locust street to West 17th street.. .. Pickett Street,from Bluff street to Henson street 900 40 180 4 Cst- Pine Street,from Mississippi river to Twenty-seventh street 12000 40 R5t61 3211. 5 1)4 Pickwick Street,(formerly Logan ave.)from Rose street north (p C Pine Street,(now Caledonia Place)from Hill street to West 6th street400 80 4 A o Poplar Street,from Karrick street to Asbury street 50 144 48 B os Portland Street,from Watts street to Schlegel avenue400 60 80 6 C Plum Street,from Cleveland avenue to Rush street.... ... 400 50 180 2 D S• • Pleasant Street,from Stafford avenue to Viola street. 600 50 40 6 C Platt Street,from James street east....2_................................. 900 60 182 4 C v Prairie Street,from West lIth street to est 14th street 450 40 90 5 C Prospect Street,from West 5th street to west 7th street50 160 2 D L Providence Street,from Stafford avenue to Johnson avenue 800 800 50 155 2 1) Prince Street,from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street.. ........ ••• 1470 50 55 2 B q Primrose Street,(formerly'Julien st.)om Keokuk st.to Davenport et50 94 2 B Putnam Street,(formerly Warren et)from Broadway Extension west470 64 140 6 1) Quince Street,from Rising avenue to Rush street 3000760 b0 600 2 I) queen Street,from Eagle Point avenue to Clinton avenue `" Quincy Street,from\\'ahasha avenue to Harriet street 1320 6 264 2 E Range Street,from Alva street north ••-••• ••• 9`0 25 v Race Street,trom West Eleventh street to Rose street 180 50 56 4 C Rail Road Avenue,from Southern avenue to Mississippi river1800 60 361) 6 D Rebecca Street,from Thomas street south300 50 UI) 4 Reeder Street.from Alpine street to Lois street.—........... 5500 50 110 6 B CO .P. Reed Avenue,f street to Lincoln avenue D Regent Street,from MO 50 2000 1 E Windsor avenue to Prince street 560 50 Ills Rising Avenue.from Dodge street to Union street..... 1300 50 360 6 C Ri'i Street,from Marion avenue to South street.................... 1100 50 220 6 A Rider Avenue from Grand View avenue to Morgan avenue 900 50 180 7 C River Street,(formerly Clark st.)from Seventh street to Tower street1600 664 320 4 E D River View Street,from,Merz street to Eagle street —1 CC I Cc NAMES OP STREETS, ETC.—CONTINUED. HOUSE NUNEER. LOCATION ON NAME OF STREET LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAP. Ries Street,from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue 410 40 80 91) I Riker Street,from Galley street west 400 40 811 6(' Rhomberg Avenue,from Colder avenue to Mississippi river.... ... 10810 50,.t.61 1865 2 1) Robin Street,from English Lane west 2$0 40 56 'C 120Robiwest. 6110 20 51) 1 oselson Street,lenue,frol n\ralnut om StrreetBluffreet to Alta Vita street.................... 200 50 24U 4 C' 1,lttl 63 Rosaline Street.from Leibnitz street to Klingenberg Terrace. ... 250 3 C Rock Street,from Julien aneune to Wilbur avenue....... 50 5 C Roberts Avenue,from Rest Eighth streei to West Fifth st a set.... 65 181) 5 C Rowan Street,from Southern avenue to Grand View avenue......... r 1+550 IM _7u7 D f Russell Street,front Grand View avenue south 2400 50 480 8 D 7. Ruth street,(formerly Oak street)from Kings street south 250 50 50 2(7 to Saunders Avenno,from Cleminson aveune to Lemon street...... 2650 50 531) 1 B Sabnla Street,from Burlington street to Davenport street 6(6) 50 120 2 11 Samuel Street,from Southern avenue to Levi street 51)0 40.l'•60 100 7 D N Salina Street,from Dodge street south =210 64 161 61) i. Sanford Street,from Cotter avenue to Windsor avenue 11011 51) :1222 2 1) Seminary Street,from Iowa street to West Locust street 765,11 50.t 114 !Nin 1 3 B Second Street,from Iowa street to Bluff street 11)6) 86 2211 I 51) Second Street\fest,from College avenue to Walshstreet................. 5(6) 54) 1411) 5 B 3500 61 71111 ' 511 Seventh Street,from Commercial street to Bluff street Seventh Street\\'est.from Prospect street to Hill suet !SNI 64 180 5 l' 0 Seventeenth Street,from Lake Peostu to\Vest Locust street 4700 414 940) 3 1) Seventeenth street West,from Bluff street to(:ox street ..,. 1910 (4 3811 3(' Second Avenue,from Adams avenue to Peo.t,a street 1110 64 29)) 1 E Seventh Avenue, from Pwasta street north to city limit. 601)) 1.4 1220)) 1 F ti Schroeder Avenue.front Seminary street to Leibnitz sheet. 400 40 80 3(' Op Schiller Avenue.from Peostu street to High Bluff street 1210 5) 24'; 2 I) CC Schlegel Avenue,from Portland street east 44e 25 684 3 B 4., Sheridan Street,front Lowther avenue to Davis avenue....... .. 10811 50 C 55 2111 1(' • Shaudon Street,i formerly Forrest st.i from I'm ion street to Villa street. 710 60 1411 6 1) • . Short Street.from.Queen street to Moraine_ Sun avenue 750 41) 50 2 II Sixth Street,from Bluff street to\lissis.iplti ricer 4000 64 810 5 II Sixteenth Street,from Bluff street to lake t•••ost1 4410 64 8 0 31) Sixth Avenue,from Peusta street to Lincoln avenue 1000 04 200 1 I•' Simpson Street,(formerly John.t.)from('ros-street to Dodge street... 230 (1(1 460 7 V South View Terrace,from Alumni avenue w\iueeut-11,1111,' 460 50 80 I I: 1 NAMES OF STREETS, ETG. l oNTINUEI). .. ... ......._ .._......_.._. _T_ ._ -- HOUSE N6?IRER. LOCATION(1\ LENGTH. __ w1UTH. From A to RECORD IAY. NAME OF STREET. _ • South Street,(now West street)from Gilliam street to Center street 1(00 :,l) 200 013 Solon Street.from Lois street to Booth street 2350 ftp 47t1 fi A South Street.from Dodge street to Collins avenue 1;;11X1 lilt\lii llilttl 1) C Southern Avenue,from South Locust street south to city limits 11101) 11X1 7-) st.Joseph Street,from Dodge street to Collins avenue 2000 511 00 6. Nh•rlin_Avenue,from Altman ayeutte[o liiene aceuttl• -11X1 51) 80 ( . St.George Street,from Wilde street to Bush street.... 4511 lip l7(' State street.from(;rand View avenue north 11)00 lilt 1711 1 K ss Stoltz.\Venue,front l.t•vi'Terrace to Lemon street........ 1111 15 11 State Street,(now National-t.i from Keokuk street to Davenport street. 5fd1 _III Stewart Avenue,from Delhi sweet to duliett acenue 1'1) 5l) 240 ti.\ 5 B co Stebntore sheet,from South street to 3larion avenue 200 50 11X1 ti A St.Mary.-`treat.from Emmett street to\Vest 3rd street 31x10 Sli 111X) . Stafford.\Venue.from Garfield ave»1te to Linwood Cemetery 030 ;,)I. 106 1 1) Strauss:\cruse,from Burden avenue to Windsor avenue I;4O 50 1110 14 1) i' Si.Ambrose Street.t)art of Center st.) from :\sbmry st.to Hazel still 13» B !'.....t - !NNI 1 Spring Street.from West Fourteenth street smolt...... 5511 :,11 11U 4l' Spruce Street,from Julien avenue to West 11th street.. 31111 :to 160 4 I' Sullivan Street.from Southern avenue to Levi -t reel.... .. ........• 31„1 to 160 5(' summit Street from West Third street to We-t Fifth-tri•.t 511 fi11 1) Slitter Street.from Windsor avenue to Queen street ,2511 84 x511 23 1) CJr ,.511 lull 4 I) ...,'...7. Spruce Sycamore Street.from 12th staeet to 19th steer... 3121X1 l a n 64 66)) t I) Tenth Street,from Bluff street to Cedar street......... 171X13411 5 F + Tenth Avenue.from Peosta street to Lime street 3100 44 Third Street.from Bluff street Bluff t Mississippi Lui rivet .. 750) 51 i.MI\72 141:1 Third Street\Vest,from Bluff street to LkeP street 43(X) ii4 I 81)1) 4 1) Thirteenth Steer,from muff street to Laze Peosta.......... 7511 40 1511 CO CO Thomas Street.front Alma street to Cornell street , 111X1 li4 1211 1 E Third Atreet.,from Peosta street.to Adams avenue.................. 2µN1 32&1:1 4-'ll -t E Tower Street.from Third street to Commercial street 500 ;tp 104 7 E Teresa Staeet.from Mel.enan street east and west 15.51.1 50 104 1 B Trexler Avenue,from\\unatalids avenue to Lowry-avenue Mil) 511 il)6 1(' 1'rantTerrace,from Diagonal Street south .ilN) io 411 3) Troy Street,srom Johnson anemic,soath.... 31X1 4s) M) 3 I) Twentieth Street.from Lvun street to Lake Pettsta. 3(N) 4 l> Twelfth Street,from Bluff street to Lake Peosta 4)55) , 66 O60O 4 I) -- Twelfth Street\5_est.from Bluff street to Grove Terrace.... ap • !..' 1 • t f 1 ., • • • ac NAMES OF STREETS, ETC.--CuNT1NuEn. , HOUSE NUYBEH. LOCATION ON SAYE OF STREETLENGTH. tl•IETH' From Oto aE CORn YAI'. Twenty-First Street,from Hickory street to Lake.Peosta................. 850 64 170 2E Twenty-Second Street.from Couler avenue to Pine street.... 1200 50 240 2 C Twenty-Third Street,from Conler avenue to Maple street........... .... 1400 no 280 2 C Twenty-Fourth Street,from Cooler avenue to Maple street............... 1800 54) 860 1 C C Twenty-Fifth Street,Brom Couler avenue to Pine street.................. lli 0 50r Twenty-SixthStreet,from Couler avenue to Pine street. 14011 50 380 1 C • Twenty-Seventh Street.from Lemon street to Pine street 2050 50 410 1 C a Union Street,from Shandou street to Rising avenne 1000 64 200 6 D Union Avenue-from West Locust street to Alta Vista street 2000 60 400 4 B Union Avenue,(now Finke et.)from Harriet avenue to Seventh avenne Valley Street,(now Dillon st.)from Grand View avenue to York street G ll Valley 211IU 50 420Street.from Southern avenne to Wilde street 9100 50 4206 C' &. Valeria Street,from West Eagle Point ave.to West Eagle Point ave 1100 -s) .2.20 4 B C Vernon Street,from Alta Vista street to Mt.Pleasant avenne 4 B C Vincent Street,from West Locust street to South View Terrace...... .... 10 50 194 4 D Villa Street.from Shandon st0eet to Cleveland avenue 800 M) 160 Vine Street,from Dodge street to Burns street....... .... .... ; )i)f 4 50 6 C Viola Street.(formerly Lemon street)from Pleasant street north Warren Street,(now Putnam st.)from Muscatine street east and west Waller Street,from Coates avenue to Simpson street 1100 I'0 1'20 u A C Walsh Street,from West Third street to West Second street 1100 50 10 Walnut Street,(now Chestnut street)from Walnut street west...... CA Wall Street,(now Wallace street)from Monroe street south Walnut Street,(now Barrick street)from Poplar street west...... Washington Street,(now O'Hagan street)from Mineral et.to Delhi sta C Walnut Street,from Julien avenue to West Fourteenth street1350 80&40 Ut 6 E 40 Iv Water Street,from Railroad avenne to First street..11120) 664 190 6 E cC Warren Street,from Dodge street to First street............. 1100 50 64 0 5 E S'' Wall Street,from Seventh street to Mississippi river 111611 40,64 ) J E Washington Street,from Tower street to Peru Road 1320 326435 4 E Wattle Street,from Lucretia street to Maria avenue •• 120 66 264 2 E Wabasha Avenue,from Lucretia street to Maria ave.... ...... 82840 33 168 3 B Wabash Avenue.from Meyers street to Portland street...... 1040 50 118 3 11 Watts Street,from Hempstead street to Abbott street.................... 400 50 06 Wallace Street,(formerly Wall street)from Monroe street south........ 110 80 West Street, (formerly South st.)from Gilliam street to Center streets.. 650 550 50 50 130 8 B William Street,from Alta Vista Street to Blake street......... - . 1 s , • I NAMES OF STREETS ETC.—CuNTINuEn. - HOUSE NUMBER. LOCATION ON NAME OF STREET. LENGTH. WIDTH. From 0 to RECORD MAP. Willow Street,from Asbury street east....... .. 1100 50 220 4 A Wilson Avenue.from West Fifth street to Julien avenue 1250 40&64 250 5 C Wilde Street,from South Dodge street to Esther street 3200 50 640 7 l Willow Street,(now Marsh st.)from 20th street to Luke Peosta.......... m Windsor Avenue.from Garfield avenue to Davis avenue.................. 0'410 50 i 60 1277 1 U Wilbur Avenue,from Grove Terrace south to Spruce street I 750 20&40 150 4 C . Whelan Avenue.from Grand View avenue to Bradley avenue 400 50 b0 6 B a White Street,'from Fourth street to Twenty-third street..............., 8400 64& 10 13911 4 II Y Woodworth Street,from Seminary street to Wabash avenue1480 40 1 2911 3 B Wood Street.from Julien avenue north 2300 64 3364 13 Cf? Wunderlich Avenue.from Cleniinson avenue to Stoltz avenue1850 50 270 1 B ct Yates Street,from West 17th street to Franklin street 450 60 90 4 C I at York Street,from Dodge street to State street. 1750 410 350 6 B "• — O R n C?I c► Iv GO 84. W ‘4401111111111 • 1 aiC STATEMENT NO.NO. 1 . Streets and Alleys Improved and Assessed during the Year Ending February 28, 1894- 1.--. 1 t.„., Writ EETS AND ALLEYS. CON T II ArD IR G II AM-NG CUR III Xi; GUTTERING MACADA M. TOTAL. LENGTH. ce, , ---.. - Z. Broadway Ex. from Diagonal to Charles Theo. Altman.- ..I!i•,' $ :111:;.9:1 $ 193.53 $ 410.60 $ 908.06 1 390 Broadway, from Brocklinger lane to D'gonal Norton& Lee I i,o:o;.s3 430.00 1,844.95 3,331.07 1,200 Frances. from W. E. P.Ave. to Hart st E. E. Frith :;:-,i.••,..! 177.87 •601.9s 1.194.67 520 .. Main, from Charter to 17th st. Atkinson & Mott1,2:11.1 1-10,429.20 11.699.44 1,346 ek e.. , Alley,from John.to Win'r het.Li ne'n &Prov. E. E. Frith 48.09 458. 5 507.46 383 Z Alley. from 7th to 8th sts. bet. (lay & White James Cushing : 248.92 , 248.92 280 Alta Ave.,front Dubuque to Deleware . 0. G. Kringle ' *381.69 494.44 060.30 s3 F.;4 1,595.48 650 6._ • Auburn Ave., from Dubuque to Deleware... Ed. Ryan ..i *100.00 1,013.41 401.67 1,400.14 2,935.92 1,160 I ,,,... • Dubuque Ave., from Auburn to Alta 0.I:. Krin!,le 1349.00 150.72 54.32 1,1180.64 440 •••:: Decorah Ave.,from Auburn to Alta 0. I:. Kringle 348.48 1:. .04 55.28 1.080.80 440 ct Deleware Ave., from Auburn to Alta 0. ( . Kringle I 352.44 15;.28 50.32 1.4)80.04 440 IV. 14th st., from Delhi to Atlantic P. F. Guthrie 812.14 30.59 1.502.97 2,715.70 1,005 c...-1 c•-:.. Oak street, from Quince to Belle lohn Tiby 100.00 1,191.30 51:1.85 1,080.02 :1.415.23 1,345 ,:z•-• 24th street, from Jackson to Pine Steuck& O'Farrell ':'14;.00 532.38 203.14 8114.09 1,599.61 750 Windsor Ave., from imp. to City Limits Con..1. Ryan. Jr... *1,5oo.oll . 2, 11 .92 , 1,•2:;:;.-,-5 6,000.25 9,941.92 3,086 1.4. Co . Alley, from 15 to 16 bet. Pine and Maple sts J. Cushing 1 10.40 252.44 322.84 280 co 1.4. Alley, from Kneist to Johnson bet. Garfield and Rhomberg Ave Alois Lange 11.10 148.40 159.50 159 Alley, from Summit to Burch bet. Fenelon Place and W.3rd street R. Mathis 49.80 247.48 297.28 348 Totals 2,464.68 10,787.93 4411.74 28,770.82 44,149.88 14.222 ----- • STAT E M E M T NO. 1 --Continued. - Streets and Alleys Improved and Assessed During the Year Ending February 28, 1894. • ST'REE'T'~AND AI.I.EY9, CIINTRAcTon. 0 RADING. - CURBING GUTTERING. MACADAM. I •1'u•1'A1. 1 LEX6't'11. . *100.00223.72103.65352.73 1i$ 680.10 '$ 284 Peru Hoad,frum Lemon to 150 ft. I•:..Iacksou A. Schmidt.. ' $ $ $ $ Sanford& Queen from Sanlord to E.P.Ave. and K.('. I:. 11.track to Windsor Ave.. Steuck&O'Farrell `235.92 (183.52 318.04 958.34 1.959.90 845 , Washington st., from Sanford 10 23rd st E. E. Frith... ....... 810.85 ;(14.83 909.46 2,085.14 910 Humboldt Irons Lincoln to Garfield ave G. W. Farley........ " ,s.'.;s 475.12 209.75 750.42 I 1,435.29 • 627 z • 13th st. Maple to Pine 11. Proctor :96.06 181.80 88.16 390.64 660.60 280 Alley,from Regent to Sandford bet.Queen : ld Prince . .. Steuck &O'Farrell 1 15.00 - 2:13.32 , 248.21 250 Nevada,from W.3rd to W.5th st George Taylor 1 *570.07 462.84 245.50 ;111.12 1,458.46 595 22nd from Jackson to Elm st• E. E. Frith 1 *123.30 414.21 181.62 569.59 ' 1,165.42 5011 Alley front 221141 to 23rd bet Jackson& Wash. Steuck & 4)'Farrell' 175.09 857.55 ! 1,032.07 857 Alley from Ilumb't to Stafford bet. Garfield - !, • 4 and Hut hoberg Ave Phil Doerr 85.45 ''94.78 380.23 379 S 14 Dodge st. from 111utT to S. Locust st..... Eisbach & Lan_i• 144.99 62.10 105.00 I' 372.09 315 • - . Prince st.,from E. Pt. Ave.Sanford st Steuck&O'Farrell. *90.00 030.92 286.35 x21.29 : 1,738.56 805 "' Regent st.,from Queen to Prince Steuck&(/'Farrell. 219.24 98.12 225.92 538.28 240 Alley from 22nd to 23rd bet Wash.and ElmSteuck &O'Farrell • 11.2.48 1;2:1.05 , 73553 890 41.41 1A 174.10 215.51 37 1) rlgeley lst„tiro Grant5. Dodge to Grandview aveMcCann. h1V lltm4 j ^='ti,-001.00 ,283.60 1,426.19 5.230.14 i 8,918.39 2,795 Alma st., from Thomas to Pickett 1!.Proctor... 1 *71.10 T-- 827.90 1411.78 32.1.03 799.31_ 470 Totals I 4,060.26 6,893.7 j 3,530.49 13,627.53 ,! 24,423.09 11,315 - = '-.....------. ..-- =`...7.;.;"7.1., • 00 s • STATEM ENT NO. 1 .--Gontinued. Streets and Alleys Improved and Assessed during the Year Ending February 28, 1894. - - ti ce N'I'RElirs AND ALLEYS. t'ONTRA("1'(llt. GRADING. CI•I:IANI:. GU'TT'ERING. I MACADAM. TOTAL. LENGTH. Alley,from Sanf'd to Clt'n bt.Wind.&Queen Steuck&O'Farrell I$ 315.50 $ 1,574.01 $ 1,889.51 1,770 • Seminary st, from Cox's Add'n to W. Locust Brown & Brown.. 1 *3,402.00 '$ 4,385.88 $ 1,957.52 I 8,923.85 15,267.25 5,145 Alley,from HumboldttoSchiller bet. Rhom- 285.18 308.42 367 j berg and Lincoln. Phil Doerr 23.24 Alley, from Sanf'd to 22nd het.Wash.&Elm. Alois Lange I 12.50 1 293.50 306.00 611.5 22nd st, from Elm to E.end of street Alois Lange 117.88 52.39 I 166.73 337.00 ' 175 Alley, from Flitl to W.3rd and Burch st Geo. Taylor 81.73 6.64 509.13 597.50 630 Booth st., from Julien ave. to W 3rd st Dodson&Schrent'I *513.00 957.91 I 439.55 1,073.36 2.470.92 I 1,230 Garfield ave., from Pine st. to Fengler st .Chas.Steuck 247.21 109.07 419.13 775.41 328.4 Garfield ave. from Middle to Dock st G.W.Farley 345.76 156.58 685.11 1,187.45 443.4 Harold st. from Seminaryto Leibintr Jo Haupert.. I 296.44 . 140.77 ! 302.47 739.68 426 c~ P Broad st. from .Julien ay . to Home of the Ed. Ryan. ' *2509.57 1,464.19 719:42 I 3,043.30 5,226.91 937.0 W. 14th street Ed. Ryan. , *717.95 ti 1. 7,675.49 7,621.91 3,575.30 17,275.77 29,106.05 12.063.3 ca 2,464.68 10,787.93 4,411.14 28,7 7 0.82 44,149.88 14,222 `•4' 4,060.26 6,863.77 3,530.49 13,627.53 24,423.09 11,315 _ Totals _1$ 14,200.43 $25,273.61 $ 11,516.93 *59,6 7 4.12 $97,679.02 137,600-3 *Grading paid by the city from the General Fund. tBrick pavement on lower Main Street. i ir _______ ____ ____ -----............-- _AIIII1111111111111111 STATEMENT NO. 2. Storm Water Sewers Constructed to February 28, 1884. LOCATION. CHARACTER 8'ZE LENGTH. PRICE COST CONTRACTOR. I YEAR. g R Eagle Pt.Ave,from Couler Ave.to Couler Creek Stone Arch.. 4x 7 ft 1,010 W.Eagle Pt.Ave.from Couler to Cushings Stone Arch.. 5x6ft 1,690 0, ' Sandford St.,from Couler Ave.to Couler Creek Tile 9in 990 co 0 17th street,from Main to W. Locust street Stone Arch.. 6ft 560 0 W. Locust st., from W. 17th to Clark st Stone Arch.. Oft 260 m W.Locust st., from Clark street west Stone Arch.. 9ft 620 970 e Eft Main st.,from 14th to 17th street Stone Arch.. o 14th street,from Main to Pine streets Stone Arch.. 5x6It 1,970 a 16th street,from Pine to Couler Creek.. Tile............ 15in 590 ]5th street,from Pine to Couler Creek Stone 2x3ft 830 lo llth street,from Pine street east Tile 18in 150 Elm street, from 8th to 9th streets Tile 24in 320 o 15th street, from Elm to Pine streets Tile 12in 220 in East of C.M.&St.P.R. R.from 7th to 8th streets Tile ]bin 460iv 8th street, from Bluff street to the Slough Stone Arch.. Eft 3,470 c. Julien Ave.,from Bluff to Hill street Stone Arch.. 5ft 640 4th street, from Clay to White street Stone Arch.. 3ft 240 1st street,from Locust to Iowa streets Brick Arch.. 4x6ft 650 15,640 cx -.I ao ao STATEMENT NO. 2--Continued. Storm Water Sewers Constructed to February 28, 1894. - ---- LOCATION. :C'IIARACTER.I SIZE. LENOT'I. PRICE. COST. I'ONTIIACTOR. YEAH Q Dodge street,from Bluff street to Peabody Ave. Stone Arch.. 6 ft. 970.0 Dodge street, from Peabody Ave.to 0. C.line Stone Arch.. 4 .x10 386.0 Dodge street across South Main Stone Arch.. 6x10 ft 107.0 ° ° Stone Arch.. 6x10 ft 484.0 ° °. 14th street,from Pine to Sycamore street Stone Arch.. 7x10 ft 1450.0 0 Kniest street. from north of Eagle Point Ave.south 3 16th ssreet, from Pine street to Couler Creek Stone Arch.. 2x2ft 524.0 West 5th street,from IIill street to Winona Ave Tile.. 18in 600.0 > Valley street Stone Arch.. 5x6ft 75.0 s., .Jackson street,across Cooler Creek .... Tile 6x10 ft 100.0 a' ` Alley,bet.Elm and Washington from 18th to 19th streets. Tile 12in 280.0 c CD 19th street,from Elm to pine streets Tile. .... 18in 278.0 L 19th street,from Elm to Washington streets Tile 15in 226.0oa Garfield, Rhomberg and Lincoln Ayes.,across Couler Creek..... Stone Arch7ix14ft 198.5 n + Iowa street,from 5th street to 15th street Tile...... ...... 10-15in 2860.0 Q CO ° Co Julien Ave.,from Hill to Walnut street Stone Arch.. 30in 1160.0 !A Hill street,from W.5th street to Julien Ave. Stone Arch.. 5ft 1380.0 Dodge street,from Bluff street to S. Locust street Stone Arch.. 5x10ft 307.0 $ 2.2.$ 699.96 P. Eisbacl. 1891 Dodge street,from O. C.line to S.Dodge street ... Stone Arch.. 4x10 1531.0 2.40 3,645.60 T.J. Donahue. 1891 12,916.5 $ 4,345.56 STATEMENT NO. 2.--Continued. i Storm Water Sewers Constructed to February 28th, 1894. y LOCATION. CHARACTER. SIZE. LENGTH. PRICE. COST. CONTRACTOR. TEAK g Dodge Street,across Hill street Stone Arch.. 5%ft X60.0 $ 2.60$ 155.90 John Tibey. 11891 West Locust street,from west line Cox's Add'n to Hodgen aveStone Arch.. 6ft 1281.0 2.74 3,798.01 Lee&Norton. 1891 16th street at Couler Creek Stone Arch.. 6x10ft 64.0 7.90 505.50 Ulrich Ruff. 1891 70 Sanford street,at Couler Creek Stone Arch.. 5x1Oft 62.0 7.20 446.40 Ulrich Ruff. 1891 0' Millville Roaand Lemon street Stone Arch.. 5x10ft 117.0 5.40 621.30 Adam Schmidt. 1891 3rd near Walsh street Stone Arch.. 2x31t 120.0 176.00 John Tibey. 1891 9thst Avenue,(Ham's add'n)from C.M.&St. P.R.R.north Stone Arch.. 6x10ft 319.0 6.001 1,912.35 Ulrich Ruff. 1891 Alley between Rhomberg and Lincoln ayes.from 7th to 5th ayes Brick Arch.. 5ft 570.0 3.95 2,253.85 M.Tschirgi,.Jr. 1891 R 5th street,from White street to Iowa street Brick Arch.. 3ft 600.0 964.05 D.W.Linehan. 1891 1 Railroad venue,at slough Tile.......••••• 2ft 80.0 100.00 1891 llth street,from Washington east to C.G.W.tracks Stone Arch.. 5x5ft 393.3 3.45 1,357.56 Ulrich Ruff. 1892 ti~ llth street,through C.G.W.and C.M.&St.P. Rys Stoue Arch.. 5x5ft 286.5 6.00 1,719.00 Norton& Lee. 1892 llth street,from C.M.&St.P.tracks to lake Stone Arch. 5x5ft 910.0 3.20 2,912.00 Ulrich Ruff. 1892 llth street,from east side of Washington to west side Main stStone Arch.. 5x5ft 1520.0 3.22 4,920.00 Adam Schmidt. 1892 Stone Arch.. 4x5ft 330.0 3.28 2,727.50 Ulrich Ruff. 1892 co 11th street,ofrom west side of Main to 12th street Stone Arch.. 3x5ft 61.0 2.50 152.50 Steuck&O'Farrell. 18924. Burden avenue1 Burden avenue Stone Arch.. 3x5ft 61.0 2.50 152.50 Steuek&O'Farrell. 1892 7th avenue,(Ham's addition Stone Arch.. 7x7ft 70.0 7.65 535.00 Ulrich Ruff. 1892 6,904.8 $25,399.42 c►^ \ • to c STATEMENT NO. 2.--Continued. Storm Water Sewers Constructed to February 28th, 1894. m LOCATION. CHARACTER. SIZE. LENGTH. PRICE. COST. CONTRACTOR. YEAR r R I West Locust street Stone Arch.. 6x6ft 640.0 $ 1.95$ 1,248.00 Norton &Lee. 1892 5th street,from Iowa to Main street Brck Circ'lar 3ft 355.0 1.86 660.30 M.Tschirgi,Jr. 1892 Main street,from 4th street to 5th street Brck Circ'lar 2ft 355 0 1.17 415.35 M.Tschirgi,.l r. 1892 N. Main street,from 5th street to 6th street Brck Circ'lar 2%ft 365.0 1.26 459.90 M.Tschirgi,.l r. 189`2 o Main street, from 6th street to 7th street Brck Circ'lar 2ft 323.0 1.19 384.57 M.Tschirgi,.Ir. 1892 Main street,from 9th street to 10th street Brck Circ'lar 2ft 339.0 1.22 413.58 M.Tschirgi,Jr. 1892 r Main street,from 10th street to 11th street Brck Circ'lar 2%ft 336.0 1.30 436.80 M.Tschirgi,.1 r. 1892 Main street,from llth street to•12th street Brck Circ'lar 2ft 390.0 1.17 456.63 M.Tschirgi,.I r. 1892 Main street,from 12th street to 13th street Brck Cire'lar 2ft 324.0 1.17 379.08 M.Tschirgi,Jr. 1892 r South Main street Brck Circ'lar 3x3ft 680.0 2.75 1,917.30 City. 892 c..It Bluff and llth streets Brck Circ'lar 3ft 35.0 1.80 63.00 City. 1892 Bluff and 12th streets Brck Circ'lar aft 70.0 1.80 126.00 City. 1892 14th and Main streets Brck Circ'lar 3ft 35.0 2.50 87.50 City. 1892 ry Tile............. 18x18 90.0 12.50 City. 1892 c 19th strreeetf,,east side of Pine street Clark StreetTile 18in 40.0 .80 32.00 City. 1892 '.4. ... Eagle Point avenue and Jackson street ... Tile 18in 40.0 .80 32.00 City. 1892 1892 23rd street and Washington street Tile... 18in 60.0 .80 48.00 City. 1892 Elm street and 11th street Tile............ 18in 80.0 .80 64.00 City. 4,567.0 I$ 7,257.51 r ---------.-- -- 1 STATEMENT NO. 2.--Continued. Storm Water Sewers Constructed to February 28th, 1894. LOCATION. CHARACTER SIZE. LENGTH. PRICE. COST. CONTRACTOR. YEAR Bluff and llth street Tile 24in 30.0 $1.80 $ 54.00 City. 1892 West 14th street Tile 24in 74.0 1.461 108.41 City. 1892co cso Locust street,from 8th to 9th street Tile 18in 400.0 .95 380.00 City. 1892 N. Dodge Street,South Dodge to Booth street Stone Arch.. 4x4%ft 1683.0 4,324.32 McCann&Williams 1893 c) Dodge street,near Malady Stone Box... 2x3ft 122.0 194.00 McCann&Williams 1893 Dodge street,from Locust street east . Stone Arch.. 7x10ft 125.0 806.94 City. 1893 Jones street,from Main to Locust street Brck Circ'lar Min 514.0 1,212.75 City. 1893 A Jones street,from Main east to I.C.depot Tile............ 18in 176. 410.80 City. 1893 16th street,across Cedar street Stone Box... 2x2ft 97. 160.56 City. 1893 c 15th street,across Cedar street Stone Box... 2x3ft 89. 161.40 City. 1893 Jones stret, across Main street ... Brck Circ'lar 3ft 67. 452.20 Citi•. 1893 3,377.0 7,265.38 Co 15,640 4,345.56 'a. 12,916.5 25,399.42 1 6,904.8 7,257.51 43,405.0 $44,267.87 co r rIIIIIMIIIIIIMOPIII - . ____ _._ __ ....,..- STATEMENT NO. 3. Sewers Constructed on the Separate System, to February 28th, 1894. COST. tp SIZE OF SEWER. o i v EA R. a e- ❑c LOCATION. CONTRACTOR. -C^a S ecial First Second Fourth General Total Y 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 30 x - Ase+seri t District. District. District.I Fund. Cost. • inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. inch. Inch. " 'Lri.O 4 $ $ 5,005.2.5 o,60a.ii+ 1888 q Levee and let Street Extension....J.C.Murray 095 0 5 2+ ' 2,200.71 1889 co 1st Street Extension and Iowa J.C.Murray..... 2871 1 13 2,200.7 2,200.71 1889 O Iowa,White and Jackson J.C.\!arra}'..... C59f1 i. 8 4,531. 4,537,1 1889 Washington,5th to Ibth J.C.Murray 6 l 903.51 41,507,'' 1889 15th,Wash.to Alley bt.Bluff&Loc J.C.Murray16.0 1352.0 430.( 5 1,913.51 90 1889 1st Street Iowa to Bluff J.C.Murray.. ., 6.0 182.0 896.1 7 1,807.69 1,215.911,807.69 1889 i*1 10th,Washington to Locust... J.C.Murray..... 638.4 588.5 709.0 3 807.68 807.69 1889 A 4th,White to alley bt.Iowa&Clay Reilly&Forrestal 314.7 5 932.09 195.55 1,127.64 1889 W.14th,Bluff to*Prairie... D.W.Linehan... 125.0 528.3 574.t1,`Lri7.41 2,127.!1 1889 a liluff,let to bth D.W,Linehan... 2280.0 8 86688.116 657.41 890.•• 1889 ' 320.8 63. 6 Bluff,8th to 11th.. .. ReiIly&Forrestal I N43.20 • 1941 262.'1 1889 Reil! Forrestal 320.0 9 t 490.'tC 1389 Ut Bluff,llth 14th y` 640.0 1 4811.40 268.71 799. 1889 Bluff,12th o 14th Reilly&Forrestal g 2 530.35 Bluff,14th tor 16th D.W.Linehan... 750.3 145.5 2 ^30., 9 .2st 1889 Alley bt.Main and Loc.15th to 16th Reilly&Forrestal 7.6 812.0 7 1 1,296.22 397.65 1,597.652 1889 Pearl,Arlington and West 11thReilly&Forrestal 1917.2 13 2 2,273,5 1889 Alley bt.Bluff and Loc.,lst to llth Reilly&Forrestal 3207.4 8 2 22,273.59;73.99 1, .5' 1889 CO co Alley bt Main and Loc.8th to 17th Reilly&Forrestal 2491.8 2 1,73e 97 3,298.1.73 1889 • Alley bt.lowa and Main,let to 15th Reilly&Forrestal 4479.3 24 4 2,949.598 3,29 .11 1889 Alley bt.Iowa and Clay,4th to 17th Reilly&Forrestal 4008.+ 16 3 2,998.00 2,949.11 1889 Alley bt.Clay and W98 hite,4th to 17th Reilly&Forrestal 4124.2 12 3 0488.; 2,9 .11 1889 . Alley bt.White&Jack.6th to 17th Reilly&Forrestal 3490.9 1 2,430.7 115.61 498.41 1890 Grove Terrace M.Lavin... ..... 609.9 2 293.80 185. 1 479.11 1890 W.Locust,bt.10th and 17th P.F.Guthrie.... Totals....... 25682.6 628.31477.96662.2 1862.62)580.02871.0 2867.0 174 20 I 21276.83 6232•85 708.81 19865.10 0 r111111111111111111.111111 - „ . STATEMENT NO. 3.--Continued. Sewers Constructed on the Separate System to February 28, 1894. SIZE OF SEWER. : (OST. LOCATION. CONTRACTOR. s ___.. YEAR. 8 9 10 12 15 20 24 . ••••••-::s.„.'• Special First Second Foneth General Total inch: inch. inch. inch. inch.I0 inch. inch. inch.'' 1 ' Ass'ssm't District. District. District. Cost. Coat. 2 180.14 162.46 3 342.61 1891 Alt and.fall Streets M) I aviniehai,... 250.0 221.0 2 1 ,$ 523.1 528.15 1891 Alley bt.Main Iowa,15th to 17th D.W.Liueha)1,•• 635.0 1 831. 189! Dodge Street,Levee to S,Locust.. M. Lavin.... .... .841.2 6 1,3:31.' , ca South Locust,let to Dodge........ 1).W.Linehan... 946.6755.'2! 1891 4 1 466.7 288.5ess Harrison,Dodge to Jones.......... 1).W.Linehan... 586.0 2 406.' 406.;1 1891 N, ir Alley b.W Main&S Lo.1 to Jones D.W.Linehan... 448.0 2 1 862.76 1 862.7: 1891 O 510.54 1891 South Main,Dodgs W Jones D.W. Linehan... 61 .0 2 1 510.54300 101.73 1 408.86 1891 Alley 6 Clay Alley, f lte,17 to 185,in 1S M.Lavin 515.0 2 1 581.0: 581.1' 1891 Alley 's Alley,from 17th to Ellis D.W.Linehan616.4 2 1 482.1 1 Alley bet.Jack&\Vasil.8th to 10th Lavin&Corrance 610.0 482.11 1891 9th,Elm to Washington D.W.Linehan... 54'2.0 1 1 541.76 541.76 1831 .^. Connection at 1st and Locust D.W.Linehan... 74.0 1 86.72 86.72 1891 Olive Street and Alley west 1).W.Linehan... 269.0 • ,2 I 217.41 1891 Clay Street,from 17th to 18th Lavin&Corrance 286.51 1 177.48 106.10 283.58 1892 s- 13111,8rd and Burch Streets Lavin C Corrance 2409.0 9 1 1I 1.468.6. 1 1,724.22 1892 chi. Wilson Avenue and Alleyeast Lavin&Corrance 1120.5 8 1 1 584. 822 69 189208. 3 1 596.44 648.75 1893 _ Emmett and St.Mary's streetsM.Lavin 925.04 1828.4' 1893 Alley b.Jack.&Wash.10th to lith D.\V.Linehan2213.8 ;I, 11 2 6 1 I 1,040.44 1,005.: 1893 ti Coiner Avenue,18th to R.1'.Ave.. M.Lavin 1449.7 848.28 1893 C1p Ellis,West 5th Dorgan's Alley to Almond.. J.Bird ... 507.403 3 1 344.96 1.962 441.!1 1893 t0 Almond from Alley.. Roberts Ave City aiSummit Streets n Co.... x.330 3 1 I 360.641 8.0 0. 1893 ! Almond Street M.Lavin......... 931.3 1 11 27281 1893 16441.2 61'2.0'2032.2 74 18 11,120.91 1569.30 210.83 14244.4 25182.6 528.81477.96652.31862.62580.02871.02667.0174 20 1,276.33 6232.85 708.81 19865.1646902.55 - Totals..... 142028.8 528. 2019.63713.51892.52580. 2871.0'2857.0248 3832,678.03_7103.151 210. 703.81 1lg1t15.1811Q38tl.9r it Total lineal feet,all sizes,63688.0.-12.06 miles. Total No:Man Holes,248. Total No.Flush Tanks,38. Average cost per lineal foot of Sewer,including Man holes and Flush Tanks,.947 cents. c, f- C4J 1 STATEMENT NO. 4. Sidewalks Laid During Year Ending February 28th, 1894. LOCATION. CONTRACTOR, KIND. WIDTH. LENGTH. COST. P.F.Guthrie Plank 6 feet 562.0 $ 140.15 West Eleventh Street P. F.Guthrie Plank 4 feet 2430.5 434.47 Pine Street Avenue B.T.Eddy Plank 4 feet 362.2 68.82 ' Pine SP. F. Guthrie 506.5 80.54 Queen Street Plank 4 feet 608.5 108.77 . P. F.Guthrie Plank 4 feet Washington Extension P. F.Guthrie Plank 4 feet '769.6 137.56 Gant Broadwayv Extension 4 feet 230.6 41.22 ti Grant Avenue P. F.Guthrie. Plank 4 feet 110.5 19.75 P. F.Guthrie. Plank Q Fourteenth Street 4 feet i6 Middle Street P. F.Guthrie. Plank 4 feet 866.5 153.81 West Third Street Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 335.5 59.561 Hill Street Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 4 feet17.76 Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 4 feet 100.0 Westkon Streett Street27.42 Jackson Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 4 feet 154.5 Julien Avenue Jas. McDonnell.... Plank 8 feet 27.0 8.648 feet 236.5 42.27 co Stendebach Place Jas. McDonnell-- Plank 128 8 22.884.•. Washington Street Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 4 feet 122 8 20.02 Jas. McDonnell..... Plank 4 feet 118.63 Rhomberg Avenue Plank 6 feet 494.3 J.R.Riley Plank 513.6 84.75 BroadotStreet J. R.Riley.. ' 4 feet Booth Street 8686.8 $ 1,611.78 lieyeilar A`'e88ion. March 5th, 1894. 95 STATEMENT NO. 5. Cost of Streets Repaired and Cleaned by Street Superintendent. ('leaning Snow from Streets and Alleys $ 517.40 ('leaning Fourteenth Street Sewer 195.50 Repairing Aprons and Bridges 2,505.30 •('leaning Culverts 157.70 Repairing Peru Road 136.45 Repairing South Main Street 365.85 General Repairing .1,5118.85 Repairing Cooler Avenue 334.65 Repairing Jackson Street 527.70 Repairing Alleys 671.00 Repairing Seventh Street. 4r0 S0 Repairing Locust Street .. 63.30 Repairing First Street 68.60 Repairing Millville Road 29.70 Repairing Alpine Street 55.60 Repairing West Third Street 403.90 Repairing West Fifth Street 451.75 Repairing Burch Street .... 73.90 Repairing Delhi Street 83.50 Repairing B1uff Street Extension 78.50 Repairing Iowa Street 338.40 Laying Crossings 477.55 Repairing Railroad Avenue 169.25 ('leaning Streets and Alleys 14,026.50 Repairing West Eagle Point Avenue 115.70 Repairing Clay Street 147.60 Repairing 9th Street 185.10 Repairing West Locust Street 211.00 Repairing Hhomberg Avenue 100.10 Repairing Washington Street 63.40 Repairing Gutters 40.70 Repairing Villa Street 47.65 Repairing South Locust Street 39.90 Repairing Chestnut Street 105.65 Repairing Thomas Street 35.70 Repairing White Street 224.40 Repairing Seminary Street 49.60 Repairing g E 1e Point Avenue 112.90 p b 430,45 Cutting Weeds and Thistles ' Constructing Culverts on West Fourteenth Street 67.50 Repairing Highland Place • 253.90 .Repairing West Eleventh Street 435.90 .Repairing('ascade Road 97'70 Repairing Southern Avenue 450'30 Repairing Summitt Street 90.40 Repairing.Jones Street - 87.50 Repairing Grove Terrace '75.00 Repairing Julien Avenue 459.20 Repairing Dodge Street 93.60 Repairing Fourteenth Street - 200.70 Repairing Fifteenth Street 306.40 Resetting Curb and Gutters 216.70 Repairing West Fourteenth Street 166.'51 •C©netruetiag Culvert,Sixteenth and_Cedar Streets 102.00 96 Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. s Constructing Culvert,Fifteenth and Cedar Streets 95.70 Quarrying Stone for Macadam.............. 1,025.75 Excavating for Sewer on Dodge Street 140.65 • Constructing Sewer on Dodge Street 336.00 Covering Sewer on Dodge Street 148 25 Cleaning Snow from Walks 6,40 Engineer and]]elper for Road Roller 1,050.00 Total $31,641.80 • • STATEMENT NO. 6. Cost of Grading Done by Street Superintendent. hill Grading South Main Street $ 147.65 Grading Sidewalk on Queen Street ... 99.20 Grading Sidewalk on Washington Street 257.00 Grading Sidewalk on hill Street 38.90 Grading Burden Avenue 81.15 Grading Streets with Road-Scraper 156.90 Grading Fifth Avenue 141.75 Grading Lincoln Avenue 167.70 Grading Cedar Street .. 1,541.99 Grading Garfield Avenue ... 1.341.90 Grading Elm Street 549.80 Grading Dock Avenue 268.75 Total $ 4,743 20 STATEMENT ATEMENT NO. 7. Showing the Amount of Macadam Broken from August to February, Inclusive. CUBIC YARDS J MONTH. PRICE. TOTAL AMOUNT. PERCENTAGE I AMOUNT I,( E. • BROKEN. RETAINED. Aug. 1893.. 168.50 $1.00 $ 168.50 $ 25.28 $ 143.22 Sept. 1893... 317.00' 1.00 317.00 57.55 259.45 Oct. 1898... 586.70 1.00 586.70 88.00 498.70 Nov. 1893... 999.87 • 1.00 999.87 1.52.87 847.00' Dec. 1893... 2918.00 1.00 3,416.00 512.00 2,904.00 Dec. 1893... 664.00 .75 Jan. 1894... 2145.60 . 1.00 2,555.80 380.35 17.;.1.5 .Jan. 1894... 546.95' .75 , Feb. 1894... 4726.00 1.00 i 4973.26 754.16 4,219.10 , Feb. 1894... 317.80 .75 S Total 13,390.42 $ 13,017.13 $1,910.21 $ 11,046.92 Total amount paid $ 6,827.82 Regular Sess;,,,,, .Marek 5th, 1894. 97 STATEMENT NO. 8. Summary of Work for Fiscal Year Ending February 28th, 1804. SPECIAL ASSESSEENTS. For Sanitary Sewers $ 3,862.10 For Streets and Alleys 97,859.13 For Sidewalks 1,611.78 ---$ 103,133.01 NOT ASSESSED. For Storni Water Sewers $ 7,722.91 For Grading Streets kContracted for) 13,007.91 For Grading done by City ... 4,743.20 For Repairs and Cleaning Streets(Statement No.5) 31,641.80 For Crossings,Retaining Walls,Etc 4,109.14 —$ 61,224.96 STREETS AND ALLEYS. Length of Streets improved during year 5.71 miles Length of Allays improved during year 1.43 miles 7.14 miles IMPROVED STREETS AND ALLEYS TO DATE. streets, Curbed,Guttered and Macadamized 48.802 miles Alleys Macadamized 8.618 miles Streets Paved with Stone 0.993 miles Streets Paved with Brick 1.551 miles Streets Macadamized... 9.571 miles Alleys Paved with Cedar Blocks 0.053 miles Total 69.588 miles AMOUNT AND AVERAGE COST OF MATERIAL USED IN CONTRACT WORK DURING THE YEAR. 77,923 Cubic Yards Grading,cost$14,050.28 1803c per cubic yard 60,028.2 Lineal Feet Curbing,cost$25,460.91 4241c per lineal foot 27,318.13 Square Yards Guttering,cost$11,517.634216 per square yard 108,626.26 Square Yards Macadam,cost$49,216.244530c per square yard 6,171.12 Square Yards Brick Paving,cost$10,429.26...$1.69 per square yard .:g., 4 98 Regular kS'essaon, ]]larch 5th,.1894. Marshal's Report. 1)uitu(ttE, Iown, March 1, 1894. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENT LENIEN:-1 herewith submit to you my fourth annual report of the Police Department for the year ending February 28th, 1894. The police force consists of thirty-six well equipped men. The force has maintained its efficiency for duty as is evidenced by the number of ar- rests made during the past year. ARRESTS MADE DURINU.TME PAST YEAR. Intoxication 36S Vagrancy 105- Affrays 42 Assault and Battery 38 Larceny 28 Disturbing the Peace 25 Exciting a Disturbance 19' Assault • 18 Violating City Ordinance 14 Disorderly Conduct 13 Profane Language 11 Carrying Concealed Weapons • 1P Interfering with an Officer • 9 Fighting 11 Malicious Mischief 7 Violating Tire Ordinance •• li Frequenting House of 111 Fame Unlawful Assembly 4 Assault with Intent to Commit Bodily Injury 4 Gambling 3 Peddling without License 3 • Shooting inside City Limits Keeping Saloon Open After Hours 4 Obtaining Money under False Pretenses..... Burglary 2 Prostitution 2. Violating Butcher Ordinance2 Assault with Intent to Commit Murder Cruelty to Animals Robbery 2 Violating Market Ordinance 2 Defacing Private Property 2 Selling Obscene Literature 1 Violating Slaughtering Ordinance. 1 Keeping Gambling]louse 1 Disorderly House 1 Selling Liquors to Minors •„•••,,,,,..•.............. 1 Misdemeanor 1 Committing a Nuisance 1 Keeping Saloon without License 1 Excavating Street 1 Uttering a Forged Check ..... 1 Obstructing Streets 1 rr S ', w Regular Se88aon, 1Cctrch, 5th, 1894. 99 , '!, Assisting Prisoner to Escape.... I Tapping Tills 1 ICeepiug (louse of I11 Faure .) Exposure of Person Total 447 Of the above 65 were City Ordinance cases, for which fines to the 1 amount of$205.50 were collected and paid into the City Treasury. The Pound receipts amounted to $1'11.1t) during the past year, and shows that the ordinance in relation to animals running at large is generally observed. Death has again invaded our ranks during the past year and removed from amongst us one of our most valued members,Officer George Rubeck, whose efficient services will long be remembered. During the past year the City has put in four patrol boxes on the out- skirts of the City, and have been a great help to the police in the enforce- ment of their duties. Thanking you and the city officers for many kind favors, I am most respectfully, S. Il. RICE, City Marshal. Board of Health Report. Ali.111b, To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN:—The physician to the Board of Health has the honor to submit his annual report for the fiscal year ending February 28, 1894. The wise policy of your honorable body in actively promoting the cause of public health, by adopting and putting in force stringent sanitary measures and by supporting in every way your sanitary officers has, with the aid of the other departnients, placed the city in a cleaner and better condition than it has ever been before. I think it proper to disc , rieifm, the ooperation of some of these measures,as well as to suggest provenients of our sanitary system. THE GARBAGE PROBLEM. Our present garbage system,conducted at city expense under thorough supervision,seems best suited to the needs of the city so long as the govern- ment will allow the Mississippi to be used as a dumping ar oun . The scheme of dividing the city into districts with a licensed hauler,responsible for the cleanliness of each district,would probably be an improvement. LOW LOTS. • Several low lots were ordered drained and tilled. Many of these were a menace to public health, due to the accumulation of surface water and filth upon them. Surface water and air from damp cellars and low places are particularly dangerous to health. WELL . Drinking water,if impure, is by far the most active agent in distribu- ting contageous diseases,milk being seof thee city and on the flats are unfit Most of the wells in the upperparterunlit for drinking purposes. Yet the water from these wells,draining P liallow— - A. • 100 Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. some covered up privy vault near by,is used by the family and their neigh- bors until their physician is called to find that typhoid fever,diphtheria,or other infectious disease is invading the home. PRIVY VAULTS. The Sanitary Patrolman reports a deplorable condition of the privy vaults in some places. Some have been emptied secretly by night into Couler Creek, others iu different parts of the city are spread over the garden or buried in an ash pit. This evil should be corrected at any cost. SANITARY SEWERS. The sanitary sewer is the greatest aid to public health that can possibly be brought into use. It carries away disease and pestilence and a city can- not attain even a fair sanitary condition without it. Dubuque has kept abreast of the times to putting in miles of sewer pipe for sanitary purposes. Until the completion of the sewer system, the con- struction of vaults should be regulated by ordinance. They should if used be constructed so as to be water tight like a cistern and cleaned before becoming offensive. CESS POOLS. An abomination and a breeder of disease that should never be permitted under any circumstances in our city. OUR WATER SUPPLY. The large artesian well which supplies the high elevations around \i/ Dubuque,is one of the largest in the United States and gives a fine mineral water,having suspended in it iron and other medicinal salts. The water from the large underground lake at the head of the water works is as chemically pure as any spring water can be. The large pump- ing works at the present time are giving the best of satisfaction. ICE. The source and distribution of our ice supply should receive close attention. Ice being such a public necessity in this age should be taken from off good drinking water. Portable ice should be taken as near to the middle of the river as possible and not from the ice harbor or the slough north-east of the city. In the latter flows the Couler Creek and its filth from the slaughtering houses,also offal from Paley's dairy and a daily flush from the north vault of the Milwaukee shops. MARKETS AND FOOD INSPECTION. Our market is probably the largest and best in the United States for a city of this size. Having such a Large market it is necessary for some one to be extremely watchful unless decayed fruit and vegetables, spoiled meats and fish,addled eggs and diseased fowls,young veal and old beef be sold and consumed by the unwary. It is impossible for the market master to attend to this and watch his scales. He should have the aid of an officer under the Board of Health during each forenoon of market days. SLAUGHTERING HOUSES. All butchers inside of the city limits have been required to kill at the slaughtering houses. These abattoirs are thoroughly inspected each morning at the killing hour, and no diseased beef or young veal has been allowed to be killed and sold. This watchfulness of the Board-of Health has raised the standard in the quality of meat equally as much as milk testing has raised the quality of milk. HICK. At the beginning of the year the quality of the milk was very poor,only averaging 3.20. By publishing the results of the test each time and prose- cuting the tricky ones to an amount which has now reached over two hundred dollars, the average test gradually rose to 3.33 for July,3.45 for 1 i :. Regular Session, Illarch, 5th, 1894. 101 — Ia August, ,3.52 for September, and to 3.76 for October. A city ordinance similar to the State Dairy Law should at once be passed in order that the tines may pass into the City Treasury instead of into the State Treasury. DAIRIES. These have never been inspected,but from reports of other cities no larger than Dubuque there is demonstrated great need for such inspection. Dairymen will feed unwholesome food,keep filthy stables and milk diseased cows. I predict that the infant mortality will be greatly lessened during the next summer season and year if the Board of health will adopt stringent rules regarding pure milk supply. Milk permits should be issued and licenses collected by the Board of Ilealth. SANITARY NEEDS. In sanitary sewer districts no new privy vaults should be allowed to be built,and all hotels,boarding houses, saloons and barber shops should be ordered to connect at once. An emergency hospital in or near the city and in easy access from the boat landings and railroads should be built this season. This building project is now in the hands of a competent conunittee to act with power, I believe. POLICE STATION. This dungeon is damp and cold from an ever absence of the sun's rays. Medical and surgical service by the Physician to the Board of health has in all instances,when requested,been rendered prisoners confined here. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The sanitary condition of our public schools are of the utmost impor- tance to our citizens. I think that the Board of Health should make frequent inspections of all school buildings, to advise in the construction thereof in order to secure the best ventilation and light and the best sanitary condition of the plumbing,water closets and outhouses. It is an indisputable fact that diphtheria and scarlet fever is much less during vacation than during the school season. VITAL STATISTICS. Our birth returns by midwives is excellent and also the' returns sent in by some physicians,yet quite a percentage are not reported. This is to be deplored, as a complete record of births would be extremely useful and valuable. There has also been a general failure,on the part of physicians, in reporting typhoid fever. If all cases were reported valuable information regarding the local conditions causing the disease would aid us in abating and stamping out this disease. from the printed A number of tables have been carefully prepared monthly'reports of the Health Department besides other information of vital interest. They are as follows Number of deaths by years and months since 1884. Annual death rate for the last nine years. 'Deaths from all causes classified for the year 1893. Annual death rate per month for 1893. Deaths from preventable diseases by wards. Per cent.of deaths froM preventable diseases for each year since 1884. Births and nativity by wards. A condensed'meteorological table by S.E.Emery. 111\ Milk inspection for the year besides other milk statistics including fines,etc. Amount and value of food-stuff condemned and destroyed, including eggs,veal,beef,chickens,fruit and vegetables. Dead animals removed. Work done by the Sanitary Patrolman. These tables will be published in pamphlet form only. • 102 Regular Session, _March, 5th.. 1894. Want of space forbids,a review of the mortality report; thefig eur s speak for themselves. The totals show but 431 deates,which is remarkably low for a city of 40,000 inhabitants. The death rate per thousand for 1892 is 10.20,and for 1893 10.7 7,showing the city to be in good sanitary condition and one of the healthiest in the United States for its size. Annual health reports, compared with those from other cities,give abundant proof of the healthy locality of Dubuque. Most of the cities of this size have a death rate of 16,18 and 20,and crowded- cities rowdedcities in an unsanitary condition as high as 28 and 30 per thousand inhabitants. METEOROLOGICAL TABLES. It will be seen by sanitarians and others that the tables as given by Observer S. E.Emery show a salubrious and healthy climate with but six- tenths of a day each month of foggy weather and a nicely balanced rain fall of but 2.5 inches per month while we are entirely free from gales and high winds. The number of days of clear or partially clear weather is really remarkable--the average being twenty days for each month. THE CITY, SITUATION, CONDITION. Dubuque has a most admirable location, being situated on the greatest water way of the world and on the four most extensive lines of railway in the west. No climate could be healthier than that which wraps its mantle about the queenly city. Being in latitude forty-two and a half degrees north,no great extremes of either heat or cold are experienced. Excessive moisture seldom prevails, dryness with a pure and bracing air being the rule. Vegetation, panicularly grass, wears the hue of bright emerald green, while the sky reveals a deep cerulean blue outlining with striking distinctness clouds that float therein in varied pleasing shapes and masses, often shaded and silver-lined. Sunrises and sunsets are golden,and the stars of night,in this clear atmosphere,shine with a scintillating brilliancy. The grand strewn that flows by the city bears on its bosom an active com- ! coerce extending from Lake Glazier, source of the Mississippi far in the north,to the Gulf of Mexico in the region of the tropics. While iron lines of travel already point to the north, east, south and west,other routes are are either projected or being built to encompass the intermediate areas. A vast, fertile,coutributary territory is now largely occupied and daily re- ceiving rapid augmentation in the way of capital and population. The attractions of Dubuque that make it pleasant to citizens already- , here and inviting to visitors and others in search of homes and a good busi- ness location are numerous. In a partial way may be mentioned the following taken from Munsell's Trade Journal : Are.i of City Square Miles .15 Acres Number 9600 Real Estate Appraised $20,232.049 Total Valuation $26,976.065 Estimated Population 40,000 Streets Improved, miles.... 61 Sewers,miles N1 Public Schools, number .„21 Private Schools,number 31 Hospitals,Asylums and Homes 5 Public Parke 6 Newspapers and Magazines 14 • Number of Banks 8 Fire Engine Companies 5 Railroads Entering City 4 Public Library, volumes 15,000 River Front, miles 7 Artesian Wells 8 Fine Custom House....................................................1 ii 1011 Regular Sesstait, March 5th, 1894. 11)3 ____—____ "- -• - Government Ice Harbor 1 Ne*Court House . 1 . Bridges across the River 2 Fine New Odd Fellows Temple Marine Ways 1 • : Number United States Torpedo Boats built 1 Number Ilnited States Coast Defense Boats built 1 Line of Steamers between St. Louis, Dubuque and St. Paul required each season 4 Steamship Ways 1 ., Fine Hotels 5 Medium Hotels 16 Large Livery Stables S Water Mains, miles 35 (4as Mains,miles 16 Electric Street Car Companies 2 Electric Street Car Tracks,miles 24 Fraternal Societies 130 Religious Societies 30 .lobbe I,: '70 Manufactories 1111 Cornet Bands 3 Orchestras 5 Meteorological Station 1 Telephone Station 1 Hill Elevators 2 Electric Light and Power Companies 2 Water Company 1 Steam Heating I'lant . 1 Railway Shops 3 City Ilall Building 1 Pleasure Boat Houses 4 Young Men's Christian Association 1 Churches30 Producing Zinc Mines 10 to 15 Producing Lead Mines ....3 to 6 THE EXECUTIVE COrIMITTEE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. 1 wish to say that the Mayor and the Executive Committee with Mr. Ryder as chairman have given merited attention to all complaints besides a great amount of their time and good nature to many vexatious questions. In conclusion, I would request that three hundredcopies of this report be printed in pamphlet form so that the same.may be exchanged with other Boards of Health,copies be presented to the physicians of this city and a quantity given to the Board.of Trade and to others who desire them. I have the honor to remain, Yours respectfully, _ J. W. FOWLER, Physician to the Board of Health. - - .• _ . 101111111111r.- ..,_ 104 .S'es8wn, March. 5th. 1894. • Fire Chief's Report. -111 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN MEN:—In accordance with the requirements of the City Ordi- nance governing the Fire Department I I submit to you my annual report of the Fire Department for this fiscal year, 1893. This report will be found to contain the amount of expenditures salaries of the men,number of fires, location of engine houses,etc.,etc. During the year the department has responded to eighty-three alarms. This being an increase of twelve alarms over last years record. Most of these were small fires, and were extinguished by the chemical engine. I consider the chemical engine to be the best apparatus.for small fires we have in our department. Especially in the fact that it causes very little damage by water. Our department,as now organized,consists of live companies,namely Engine Company No. 1, Engine Company No. 2, ilook and Ladder Com- dany No. 3,Chemical Engine Company No. 4,and 1-Iose Company No. 5. The last named Company is yet to be organized and equipped with a Com- bination Chemical Engine, Hose Cart and Hook and Ladder. ENGINE COMPANY NO. i. Engine Company No.1 is located at the corner of 18th and Clay street, and is a two story brick building,being occupied on one side by the Engine Company and on the other side by the Hose Company. The north end of the building is used as a stable,boarding four horses, used in drawing the apparatus to and from fires. The second story is used as the sleeping apartments of the men,and is equipped with beds, quilts, blankets, etc. The library and billiard room occupy the west half of the house,and contains books, papers, magazinas, novels,etc. The billiard room is fitted out with a billiard table, cues, etc. The members of the company purchased the table for their own amusement. The north end of the building is used as a hay loft. One corner of the loft is set apart for the machine shops, where the repairing of the house,as • far as practible,is done. Bev,/l,,,' Nemxion, M(Z1'ch. 5th, 1894. 105 Below find an inventory.of apparatus,tools,etc., in our possession up to date: EMI INE SUPPLIES. 1 One Gallon Coal Oil Can. .. 1 Steam Fire Engine,Ahern Build. 2 Fine Snout 011 Cans. 1 1lose Carriage(Silsby). 1 One Gallon Jug. 4 horses. 1 Oil Syringe. I 1000 Feet first class Hose. 2 Bench Vices. 1100 Feet second class Hose. IIOSE CART sore ts. 100 Feet 1 inch Garden Hose. 6 }lose Spanners. 2 Set Patent Swinging Harness. 1 }lose Leak Stop. 45 Feet Belting and Weights for 4 (lose (looks. same. 60 Feet Rope. 1 2 Thirty-four Pound Weights;for 2 Iron (lose Jacks. Doors. 1 Wooden Bose Jack. 1 heater for Engine. 5 Play Pipes. 1 Water Tank and Connections. 1 Ahern Shut-Off Nozzle. 1 Martin Patent Engine Lighter. 4 Rubber Coats. 1 Seventy•five pound Weight for 1 Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle. Stall. 1 Waldron Shut-Off Nozzle. • 1 Extra Set Engine Gates. 1 Seven-eight inch Nozzle. 1 'l'nwer Bell. 1 Flat Lumber Yard. TOOLS. 21/2 inch Nozzles. i Spanners. 1 114.inch Nozzle. 2 Hummers. 1 One inch Nozzle. 4 Monkey Wrenches. 1 Cellar Nozzle. 2 Screw Drivers. • 1 Siamese. 12 Expansion pings. 1 Air(Chamber Spanner. 6 Hose Washers. 2 hydrant Wrenchs. N lit inch Silsby Nozzles. 2 Suction Spanners. 1 Safety Pop Wrench. BARN SUPPLIES. 1 Twenty-one ft. 4 inch Suction. ti Horse Blankets. 1 (land Saw. 2 Curry Combs. 1 Hatchet. 1 Rubber Card. 12 Crow Drills. 2 Scoop Shovels. 3 Socket Wrenches. 1 Pick. 50 Feet Sash Cord. 1 Sieve. 2 Cole Chisels. 1 Bran Box. 1 Two Inch Open Wrench. 1 Ceiling Broom. 4 Small Open Wrenches. 4 Wooden Feed Boxes. 4"S" Wrenches. 2 Pitch Forks. 2 Fire Shovels. 1 Wash Basin. 2 Fire Pokers. 1 Zink Bucket. Il Lanterns. 2 Whips. 3 Hand 011 Cans. 4 Two feet Chains. 2 Five Gallon Oil Cans. 2 Towels. 2 Twenty-five Gallon Oil Cans. 6 Five feet Chains. 1 Fifty Gallon Oil Can. 2 Old Collars. w, • 106 Regular Sesszon, Ramie. 5t1►., 1894. 4 Sleigh Runners. :.0 Pounds Old Brass. 50 Feet of hope. 20 Molls Toilet Paper. 1 Wagon. 2 House Brooms. 9Horse Sheets.ets. 1 Fourteen Feet ladder. 9 Horse Blankets. Eight Foot (.adder. 2 Interfering Boots. 1 ('lock. 1 Shovel. 1 Zine 2x8 I'eet. 1 Two Bushel Basket. 1 Zinc 4x4 feet. 1 Four Quart Measure. " Barrel Salt. I Stall Broom. 5 Gallons Valve Oil. 2 Zinc Feed Boxes. 5 Gallons Cylinder Oil. 2 !loxes llurneas Soap. 50 Gallons Coal Oil. 1 Sprinkling Can. ?:L Load Kindling Wood. 1 Tin Cup. 1 Sixteen Inch Gong. 1 Wooden Water Bucket. 40 Bushels Oats. 2 Rattan Brooms. 100 Pounds Old Iron. 9 Sponges. 10 Pounds Waste. 2 Boxes Frazier's Axle Grease. BEnnoom. 1 Pair Old Haines. 4 Old Buggy Wheels. `I Bedsteads. 50 Feet of Rope (Hoisting hay.) 22 Sheets. 1 Patent Hay Fork. 11i Bed Blankets. 1 Two-Wheeled Cart. 8 Pillows. 12 Arm ('hairs. troust,: st PPM ES. 1 Otlice Chair. 0 Bars Soap. 3 Sliding Poles. 100 Boxes Matches. 1 Book Case. 1 Stove,25 ft.7 in. Pipe. 5 Picture Frances. Coal Scuttles. 1 Hydrant Map. 2 Feather Dusters. 1 City Directory. 2 Mud Splashers. 8 Mattresses. 10 Chairs. 18 Pillow Cases. 40 Bushels Coke. 8 Springs. 64 Tons Soft Coal. 1 Center Table. Ton Pittsburg Coal. I 1 Table 4x6 feet. 5 Feet 3 Inch Packing. 1 Bath Tub. 5 Feet%Inch Packing. 3 Cushings. 1 Gamewell Fire Gong and Indi- I 1 Office Desk. cator. 2 City Maps. Load Shavings(Bedding). 1 City Ordinances. 214 Tons flay. • Engine Company No.1 is made up of eight(men.i;Four belonging to the Hose Company and four to the Engine Company. Following is the roster of the Company: Name. Position. Former Occupation. M.Eitel Captain ..Woodturner. .Ino. Essmau Engineer Cigarmaker. A. Duccini Stroker Laborer. J.Flynn Driver .. .Teamster. J.Wiltse,Driver Driver.... Blacksmith. T.Walker Hoseman ...Teamster. 0.Specht Hoseman Teamster. J.Tschudi Hoseman Moulder. ENGINE COMPANY NO. 2. Engine Company No. 2 is located at the corner of Fourth and Locust streets,and is a two-story brick building,occupied by one Engine Company' and one Hose Company,consisting of eight members. Re!pular 8e...miwn, Mcirch. 5th, 1894. 107 On the first fluor of the north Dart of the building are stored the re- serve apparatus. It is now vacant,the reserve engines and hose carriage • being kept at the Central I louse. This side was formerly used in quarter- ing the l look and Ladder Company, which has since been removed to the Central Douse. The sunth side is now occupied by the Engine and Hose Company, while the back part or west end of the building is used as a stable for quartering the horses used in drawing the apparatus 10 fires. On the second floor are the sleeping apartments,library, billiard room, and gymnasinul. Tle hay loft occupies the west end on this boor,and here is stored the hay,oats,eta., used in feeding the horses. Below find an inventory of supplies,etc. CELLAR. 1 Double Set Berry 11 ai'uass. I Neuter. ri fair Spanners. 2 Toes Coal. 2 flay Pipes. " • 511 Bushels Coke. 1 Hose.lack. 81)Gallons Coal (111. 2 hose llooks. i 211 Gallons Lard Oil. 1 Stove. 1,500 Pounds Old Iron. :50 Feet Stove Pipe. (1110 Feet steam Pipe. Y,Brass Aiding Poles. 1 Load fine Wood. 2 Pieces Chamois Skin. 2 Fifty Gallon 011 Taal;;. 20 Feet Hope. B.\RN. 1 Clevice. 4 Horses. I Double Set Warwick laxness. 4 Bridles. 1 Coal Scuttle. 4 Halters. I Clock. 2 Currycombs. 2 Lanterns. 2 Brushes. 11.‘v-i.ur.,r. 1 Grind-stone. 2 Ton Hay. 1 Bench and Vice. 900 Bushels Oats. 14 Bucket Wagon Grease. 100 Bushels Bran. 4 Pair Blankets. 1 Old Wagon Box. 2 Cakes Harness Soap. 1 Smoke Stack. 1 Extra Pair Lines. 2 Old Babcocks. 1 Shovel. 1511 Boiler Flues. 1 Fork. • 2 Ilan Forks. 1 Water Pail. 1 Stove. 1 Seeve. 00 Feet Hope. ENGINE ROOM. BED ROOM. 1 First-class Silsby Engine. 7 Bedsteads. 24 Feet Suction Hose. 6 Bed Springs. 1 Relief Valve. 7 Reil (guilts, 1 Monkey-wrench. 7 Pair Blankets. 2 Whips. 7 Pair Pillows. 2"S" Wrenches. 7 fair Pillowslips. 2 Lanterns. 1 Pair Sheets. 3 Flue'Wrenches. 7 fair Mattresses. 2 Pair Tongs. 6 Extra Sheets. 1 Hose Wagon. 2 Carpet Brooms. 1 Siamese. 1 Gong. 10 Feet 1 inch FIose. 1 Desk. 1 Fire Poker. 1 Library Chair. • 1 Fire Shovel. 1 ('enter Table. STORE ItOOM. 1 Haute. 1 Gamewell Gong and Indicator. 6 Lanterns. 4 Rubber Coats. 2 founds Sperm Oil. 10('hairs. 1 Pound Lantern Wick. 1 Martin Engine Lighter. 14 Dozen Brooms. 108 Regular SexBdo t, fta 'cIa 5tla, 1894. ill Pounds Waste. 2 1'aiut Buushcs. :3 Pole Cushions, 2n Peet Old 1 inch close. 24 Voxes Matches. 1 Pattie-knife. 1 Dozen Copper Bands. 1 Box Toilet Paper. 1 Dozen Rubber Washers. 1 Stove. 4 Buckets. 2 Wagons. 4 Rubber Coats(old). 20(1 Pounds I'ittshurg Coal. I Steel Broom. 1 Exercising('art. 1 Stt.el Scraper. I Step-ladder. 1 Saw, 1,50I Feet Cotton 11ose. I Plaine. 200 Feet Rubber Hose. 1 Draw-knife. 101)Feet Old !lose. 1 Bits. 50 Feet 1 inch Hose. Name. Position. Former aMenpatiun. .1as. Daly Captain 'teamster. .lob. Barnes Engineer .Engineer. A. McDonald Stroker .........Plasterer. .1. Murphy Driver Teamster. W. I)ucy Driver .Teamster: .1. Schonberger Roseman..... Laborer. E. I'eas Roseman fainter. Tom Hider Roseman Wagonmaker. HOOK AND LADDER COi1I'ANY. The I look and Ladder Company has its quarters at the Central Engine House,located at the corner of Ninth and Iowa streets. This building is a modern,three-story brick structure, heated by steam, the boiler being in the cellar, which is also used in storing coal. The first floor is occupied by the Babcock Truck, No. 1,and the Aereil Rook and Ladder Truck. No. The No. 1 truck is used only for uptown calls and the hill district; it being lighter in weight and, therefore,more easily handled. The No.2 truck is used in the manufacturing distriets and all territory south of Fifteenth street. Two reserve engines and one hose carriage, with 600 feet of hose,are stored here in reserve for large fires. The second floor is used as a bed- room,library,battery-room,and hay-loft. The third floor is occupied by the Governor's (treys as an armory. Steam being supplied from boiler in cellar. \ I . Regular Seveim), March 5th, 1894. 1.09 , I . Below tin(l inventory of supplies, tools, ctc.• in our possession up to date: 1 Bacock Truck. 2 Leather Buckets. 8 Ladders. CELLAR. 3 Axes. 1 Boiler. 2 Lanterns. 1 Yuutp. 1 Hose Hoist. 1 Flue Cleaner. , 1 Crowbar. 1 Poker. I 1 Patent Door Opener. 1 Shovel. 1 1 Pull-down (look :old ('hair. 1 \V heelbarr,m. 8 Leather (Hats. 1,000 Pounds Coal. I Set Double.trees. 1 Barrel Salt. I 1 Set Single-tree. • 1 Extra Wheel for No. I Truvk. 1 Breast harness. vtnsr 1.:.01m. 4 Rubber l'oat.s (bad order.t s ('hairs. I 1. Pitchfork. I flock, ,I 2.Leather Buckets. a scrub Brooms. 125 Feet 1 inch Rope. 2 Stable Brooms. NO. 2 .tKumi.•rgt•(•tc. 1 Duster. tI 1 Aeriel Ladder,75 feet. 1 1 Stell-ladder. 1 Portable Extension bolder, 45 1 Window ((rush. feet. o Charges fur Babcock Extiu- 1 'thirty Foot Ladder. gttisher. 1 Twenty-five Foot Ladder. 1 Vice. . l Twenty Foot Ladder. 1 Grindstone. 1 Fifteen Foot Ladder. 1 (111 Tank. 1 Ten Foot Ladder. 13 Gallons White Oil. 2 Roof Ladders,12 feet. 1 Bucket Axle Urease. 8 I'ompier Ladders, 16 feet. I Luad Shavings. 1 Double Set Swinging Harness. 1:10 Feet 91;inch Hose. 4 Lanterns. .150 Feet 21, inch ('noon Muse. 11 Ladders. 100 Feet 11, incl( I{uhher IIos,•. 2 Shovels. 1 Single Wagon. 2 Pitchforks. BARN. 2 Brooms. 4 horses. 1 Crowbar. I 1 Set Double Harness. 1 Patent Door Opener. 1 Set Single I largess. 2 Babcock Fire Extinguishers. 4 Bridles. 1 Pull-clown (look and ('hair. 3 Collars. 2 Axes. 1 Saddle. 1 Wire Cutter. 1 Bushel Basket. 2 Monkey-wrenches. 6 Feed Boxes. 4 Cotton Hooks. 1 Shovel. 1 Broadaxe. 1 Pitchfork. a' inch Rope. 1 1 Sprinkler. 1000 0 Feet ij4 Inch Rope.1Feet j4 1 I 1 Galvanized Iron Bucket. 6 Rubber Coats. 1 Quart Hoof Ointment. I i 110 Regular SeRs'on, Atoreh Sib. 1894. 1 Sieve. 11%y t 1r•r. 11 11Eu noc1M. 1,200 founds Hay. 8 25(1 Bushels Oats. Beds. 8 Mattresses. 1 flay Fork. 8 Bed Spreads. 711 Feet inch itope. 8 Quilts. 1 Pulley. 8 Pair B1anKets. s•ruur: itouM. 16 Sheets. I:, Bale White Waste. 16 Pillowslips. 15 Pounds Shaine. 81ied Boom ('hairs. 35 Pounds Soap. 2 Brooms. 50 Packages I'ea i line. 1 Step-ladder. 30 Bolls Toilet Paper. HALLWAY AND I.InIIAI)v• 8 Boxes Matches. 1011 Feet 1 4 inch Cotton Hose. 1 Dozen (lose pings. 1 hose Bracket. 1 Dozen Hose Washers. 1 Nozzle. 4 Rubber Coats. 1 I3ox for holding Books. 135 Bottles for Fire Extinguisher. 50 Bound Books. 2 Collar Pads. 150*ltel•aar.ines and Novels. 4 Dozen Coat Buttons. 7 ('hair,. 4 Dozen Vest Buttons. 11)esk. 1 Dozen Stable Brooms. :1 Cuspidors. 1.: Dozen ('arpet Brooms. The Chief's wagon is also quartered at this house. The following is the roster of the Company: Name Position. Fortner Oc,upation. D. Ahern Captain Carpenter. .1. Allen Driver Teamster. \ '• 11ippman Electrician Lineman. C. liannolt Tillerman Moulder. F.Ganahl Truckman Moulder. I, Ward Truckman Carpenter. (ieo. Girke Truckman .......13lacksntith. • COMICAL ENGINE COMPANY. Chemical Engine Company is quartered at the Central Engine House. Th first floor being occupied by the Chemical Engine. The back part of the room is used in stabling the two horses which are used in drawing the apparatus to and from fires. Tho second floor contains the sleeping ap- partments of the men. This Company consists of four men, a captain, driver and two pipemen. • • Regular 8elmion, March, 5th, 1894. 111 The following is an inventory of supplies,etc.,now on hand: Chemical Engine suppled with 1 Currycomb. 2 Fifty Gallon'yanks. 1 Horse Brush. 2 Sixteen Foot Ladders. 2 Horse Sheets. • 2'Twelve Foot Pike Poles. 2 horse Blankets. 1 Lanterns. 1 Horse Whip. 4 Charges Chemicals. 2 Feed Boxes. 1 Set Swinging Harness. 1 Bucket. 2 Horses. 1 Parr Harness Soap. 1 Pair Berry's Patent harness 1 Keg Soda. Bangers. 1 1'arboy Acid. 150 Feet li.t inch Rubber Hose. 1 Duster. 9 Plunge Nozzcls. B 2 fixes. ED ROOM. 4 New Rubber Coats. 4 Bedsteads. 1 Clock. 4 Springs. 1 Eight inch I,amewell Alarm. 4 Bed Spreads. 1 Sliding Pole. 4 Blankets. 4 New Chairs. 1 4 Quilts. 3 Old Chairs. 4 Mattresses. . $Pillow-slips. ' . BARN. 8 Sheets. 1 Scoop Shovel. 5 Chairs. 1 Barn Fork. 4 Pillows. 2 Brooms. 1 Cuspidor. • The following is the roster of the Company: Name. Positron, Former Occupation. Frank Essman Captain Miller. T. Flynn Driver Teamster. A.Straney Pipeman.... Lineman. .1. Rooner Pipernan.., Teamster. EN(i1NE COMPANY NO. 5. Engine Company No. 5 is located at the corner of Delhi Street and Forrest Lane. This is a two-story brick building,to be occupied by a hose company consisting of four men, equipped with a combination hose wagon,chemical engine and hook and ladder. It is the intention to have this company answer to tires in the hill districts only. The total loss by tire during the year w as $8,000,against$20,000 last year. Thus showing a decrease of $12,000. The total expense for maintaining the Fire Deportment for the year was$27.3511.10. Below find an itemized account of the Same: 900.00 Salary of Chief18,103.57 Salary of Firemen 1-lorseshoeing N95.25 Feed .... 722.08 Repairing Engine 1,409.13 Light and Gas 573.64 Sliding Poles 115.50109.40 Plumbing 151.00 Veterinary Services 30.60 Shavings 8' 51 32 Coal and Coke 32 52 Repairing harnesses 112 Regular S'e8aiom, Mardi, 5th, 1894. Rubber Washers and Rings 8.15 Tools ... 14.811 . )latches, ltroome,ete 40.44 Repairing Stove 1."3 Lumber 30.01 011 39.65 Pine !Wood 5.00 Sulphur,Acid, Soda and Drugs 154.23 Baskets, Math, etc 4.35 Rope and Pulleys 17.34 Automatic Repeater 1,014.00 Repairing(long 14.26 Rubber Coats 59.40 Repairing !lose Carl. 13.4:5 Grates and Packing. 3.45 Water 70.00 Repairing Nozzle 5.75 Files and Locks 1.60 Step-ladder and Grind-stone 4.5(1 Repairing Chiel's Wagon 10.20 New Wagon 90.00 inspecting Fire Engine 18.00 Supplies for Chemical Engine 10.00 Curtains and Mouldings 62.10 Extra horse (tire 4.00 Expense to Tournament 29.95 Copper Wire 146.14 Fire Alarm Box 125.00 Electrical Supplies 35.80 Tools 7.38 Matsresses and Bedding 38.05 Steam for Heating Purposes 148.80 Telephone Rent 150.84 Hose Wagon 450.00 New !lose 1,237.50 Waste 52.36 Sprinklers,Coal hods,etc 6.90 Glass Screws 3.00 Total Amount Expenses $27,359.10 VALUATION OF DEPARTMENT. ll1OICRIPTION OF NAME OF COMPANY. PRORERTY. No 1. No.2. H L Co.'ChemC.Co.No51 Total. Real Estate and lmp'ts$ 9,000$ 15,000$ 38,184 $ 4,0001 61,13400 Apparatus 5,000 5,500 4,200 2,000 16,700 01) Horses 900 900 400 400 2,600 00 Furniture and Supplies 500 500 950 100 1,350 01) Hose and Couplings1,450 1,450 2,90000 Tools 150 100 75 325 00 Harness 200 160 80 160 600 00 Value Sol Turck Engine 2,500 00 .1 KGraves Engine 2,500 00 Hose Central House... 1,237 50 Total Valuation.... $17,200$23,210; 38,189$ 2,660$ 4,000$91,89600 There is also one hand hose cart in service at Eagle Point equipped with 450 feet of rubber hose. The Gamewell Fire Alarm is in service, and consists of fourty-one boxes,etc.,distributed about the city. /,erltiIitr b'ettti;ott, March. 5111, .1894. 113 ----- _- - _ -- RECOM('1ENDATIONS. --- f I would sewntoe to your honorable body that you enact an ordinance compelling all persons erecting and owning buildings over a certain height, and employing a certain number,or over that number of persons,to equip the 811.100 With proper tire escape8 and 1 stand pipes. . In conclusion I wish to extend my thanks to his Donor the Mayor,and ` the City (onllei1 for past favors,and for the improvements which have.or will be made in the near future,again thanking you, I ant Respectfully fours, .IOS.REINFltlba), Chief Fire Department. Electrician's Report. lilli.lib,- 7'o the Honorable Mayor and Cit/! Council of the City of Dubuque: (xIN'rt.r:mtt. :-1 herewith submit my annual report for the year en 11n!_• February 28th. 1894,with such other relative matter as will in my opinion be 01 interest to yourselves and the general public. The past. fiscal year has been one of marked progress in the electrical line in our city, but.as the use of electrical energy increases,so the number of poles and wires increase in even proportion. while the liability to fire and personal injuries increase in greater proportion. We are using'_jai Arc Lights of 200( nominal candle power arranged on five separate circuits,carrying the current at a pressure over 2:100 volts. to light the streets and avenues of the city, dispensing with the gasoline lamps almost entirely, and right here I believe is the proper time and place to define the tern `•2000 candle power" which seems to be misunderstood by many. Practically.2001) candle power is not the light that 2000 lighted candles produce throughout the area lighted by the lamp but is the light produced by the expenditure of 450-146 of a mechanical horse power. In factories.business houses and residences over six thousand incan- descent and over one hundred arc electric lights are used,and to which the wires to furnish the current must be run, which easily accounts for the im- mense net-work of overhead wires carrying currents of electricity at pressures that would kill if not kept subject to our restrictive rules governing the same. The overhead wires are increasing yearly,and I would recommend such legislation as is necessary 01 require either placing them underground or aerial cables might be substituted in that portion of the city where the wires are most numerous. While it is made my duty to attend all fires and remove by cutting down whatever wires obstruct or menace the bre depart- ment in the discharge of their duties,yet there are llcalities where ti,e great number of the wires would occupy so touch time in cutting that a fire night get beyond control before the necessary ladders could be erected. This past year has been a busy one owing greatly to the fact that the several companies do not arrange between them+elves for the joint use 01' poles and constantly my official interference is neeessaay to require the strict compliance with the ordinance relating thereto. It would seem that the ideal but impractical method of the city owning all poles and requiring the same used by those desiring to erect wires would remedy the matter. i!IPISIIIIIIIL . -- - i 114 R'yofile Semon. _1Cat•ch 5th. 1894. 1 have :luring the past year under your instructions caused the shade trees which either obstructed the streets or street lights to be so trimmed as to remove the obstruction. Also 1 have kept a record of all lamps used I'or street lighting,which wen• not producing light as provided by contract.,and • reporied the same to you, thereby saving an expenditure of $227.1.3. In this matter I have endeavored to deal justly between the company interested and the city. The following data fully demonstrates that the city of Dubuque has made even progress,although an adverse year in financial circler, with any of the cities of even size and for which we can justly feel proud. Mileage Of Poles.for Electrical purposes 93 Mileage of \Vires for Electrical Purposes 580 Mileage of Aerial Cables for Electrical Purposes 5(1 Mileage of 1•ndergroumd Wires for Electrical Purpose.: • Number Poles for Electrical Purposes 4632 Number•• Wires for Electrical-Purposes 701 Number Aerial Cables for Electrical Purposes 5 Number Underground Wires for Electrical Purposes Dynamo .Machines for Electrical Purposes . r34- 1)vnauno Machines for :1rc J.iQlrtit1 10 Dynamo Machines for Incandescent Lighting . 17 Dynamo \Iaehines for Power 7 Electric Motors for Street Car Propulsion 50 Electric \Iutors for Manufacturing Purposes 24 \rc I'aectric I.i lts fur strr •t Lighting 276 Are I:leotrie Lights for Private Lighting 92 Im<:mdeseent Li hts fur Private Lighting 0460 Tela phone lnstrunu•nts 473 Telegraph lnstrnments 51. 1:leetric• ('Ineks 15 Fire :Marna Loxes 41 -Estimated Power 1o run Dynamos in 11. 11 1500 The following will sooty what hors been done by me and the accidents caused by Electric wires: Complaiuts investigated relating to wires 313 Com p1uints investigated relating to poles 107 .Notices issued relating to the above 121. Permits issued for poles or wires 105 Wires,secured,changed or cut clown 107 Poles,secured,changed or cut down 54 Wiles falling across or obstructing street 110 Fires caused by electric wires Accidents to persons(severe shocks only) 11 Accidents fatal to human beings or animals I desire to thank you for past favors and trust that try efforts and actions as above mentioned will meet witIt your approval, and I also appreciate the promptness of the Police Department in calling my attention to prostrated wires,etc.,thereby avoiding many serious shocks, if not fatal, to our citizens. Respectfully submitted, .1. L. BUNTING, City Electrician. Regular Session, March 5th, 1894. 115 Sewer Inspector's Report. DUBUQUE, IOWA, MARCH 1, 1894. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: GENTLEMEN:-I herewith submit to you my annual report for the year ending, February 28, 1894, showing the amount of work done under my supervision during the past year: • SANITARY SEWERAGE-SEPERATE SYSTEM. West Eeighth Street 248 lin.feet Summit and West Fifth Streets , 700 " Emmett and St. Mary's Streets 925 " Alley between Washington'and Jackson and 10th and 17th Streets 2,213 " Couler Avenue 1,449 " Ellis Street 507 " Almond Street 931 " Total new work. 0,973 lin.feet or 1.32 miles added to previous milage, makes a total of 13.4 miles of sewerage to date. All of the above work was done by contract except sewer on Eighth Street, which was done by day labor under my supervision,and cost$272.80 including flush tank. There has been no serious trouble with the sanitary sewerage during the past year,and the same has been kept in good running order at an ex- pense of $1,517.10. Number of Miles of Sanitary Sewer to date 13.4 Number of Miles of Manholes 291 Number of Flush Tanks,complete 25 Number of Flush Tanks,without syphon 11 Number of House Connections available 40011 Number of Houses Connected 604 PERMITS ISSUED TO DATE. 1889 130 1890 138 1891 103 1892 86 . 1893 112 Total 664 HOUSE FIXTURES CONNECTED WITH SEWER. Laundry Tubs p31' Water Closets 952 Bath Tubs 426 Sinks 900 Urinals 91 Wash Bowels 809 Total 2074 There were 107 excavation permits issued during the year to licensed plumbers, and they have complied in all respects with the ordinance on that subject. w. A. ii 1 1 Regular ,S'e.'.h n, March 5th, 1894. STORM WATER SEWERS. • During the past year a good deal of my time has been taken up in looking after storm water sewers, cleaning and repairing old ones and making new extensions. The principal new work is as follows: Jones Street-581 lineal feet Brick Sewer,6 Catch Basins and repairing the street,5 Manholes and Covers. Also 176 feet 18 inch Tile Sewer east of Main street. Third and Clay Streets-114 lineal feet of Tile Sewer,2 Catch Basins, 1 Manhole. Seminary Street--120 lineal feet Tile Sewer,4 Catch Basins. Eighth Street—Arching Sewer,22 lineal feet. West Locust Street Sewer-60 lineal feet,arched over. • Fourteenth Street Sewer--57 lineal feet,arched over. First Street Sewer—Relined with 7,800 brick in good cement mortar. All the Storm Water Sewers have been cleaned out the past year, and are now in good condition, but it has cost quiet a good deal,as most of the sewers were in a deplorable condition. I removed about 1.,800 loads of gravel,debris,etc.,from them. The gravel was used by the Street Commissioner for covering streets. I have put in quite a number of new Manholes and Catch Basins during the past year. The total number to date are as follows: Manholes in Sanitary Sewer 291 Manholes in Storm Water Sewer . 67 Catch Basins 4 230` Total 588 The work in this department has increased ten fold during the past two years,and takes up the greatest part of my time in attending to this depart- ment alone. There are about ten miles of Storm Water Sewers in the city. This with Sanitary Sewers makes about twenty-two miles of Sewers that the city has at present. The city is well drained with Sewers now, with the exception of thi t part north of Sanford street,and also east of Jackson street between 19th street and Eagle Point avenue. Some provisions should be made for the drainage of that portion of the city as heavy floods inundate the whole territory. WATER FOUNTAINS. The water fountains have been a source of annoyance the past year, but I believe the most of them can be kept up in good shape now. I have fixed them so that it requires no digging to get at the valves or pipes. I have constructed manholes under each fountain, and the same is covered with a cast iron cover. When it is out of repair all that has to be done is to remove the cover and the trouble can be ascertained at once. The above has been extra work on my pert,and I have tried to perform it to the best of my ability. In conclusion I want to return thanks for the many kind favors shown me during the past year. Respectfully submitted, J01 N. O'BRIEN, Sewer Iuspe3tor. Ii •i 111116 Special Session, larch 13th., 1894. 117 CITY COUNCIL. Speoiai Meeting, March 13.b, 1894. ION'N1CIALI Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Pro 'rein Olinger in the chair. Present --Aids. Butler, Crawlortl, l.tllig, N tcks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. The chair stated that the object of the meeting was to take some 'IPA ion in rela- tion to the proposed abrogation of the city's special charter by the state legisla- ture. Ald. Ryder moved that a committee of five with the city attorney be appointed to go to Des Moines to assist Mayor Daugh- erty in the matter of retaining the charter or to delay action in regard to sate. Carried. On motion Mayor Pro Tem Olinger. AId. Crawford and Powers were appointed to select the primer persons and to prepare a residuum stating the position tit the city council in relation to the hatter. ( ar- ried. Aid. Ryder moved that when the coun- cil adjourns it adjourn to sIarch 14th at 2 p. m. AId. Ryder moved to adj turn. Carried. Attest!' er. ... 1893. Mayor CITY 'COUNCIL. Adjourned Sp+cial Meeting', March 14, 1894. IOFF'ICIAle. 1 Council mei at 2:45 p. m. Mayor Dangheriy in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Lilhg, Nicks, Oiteger, Ryder and Vogel. Mayor Daugherty slated that the object of the meeting was to appoint a committee to go to Des ,,Moines to coffer tit' the members of the regi-Iature tit regard to re- taining the special charter. Alit. Crawford offered the following reso- lution: Whereas, A bill is now pending in the general assembly of this stale, providing for a repeal id the charter, of till cities in the state of Iowa, incorporated under special statutes; which bill if it should be- come a law, would abolish at one swoop, the charter under which the city of Dubuque for more than fifty years, has cep tinned its municipal affairs, and grt.wt frons an insignificant mining village to it flourishing city of rorty thousand inhabitants, aid which without preparatiom, or a full understanding of the effects of such chm.ge, would leave the city and the city government, for at lime at least, in Innen 1 h condition uta snidest, si ship ou an unknown sea; .rill • Whereas, Said proposed wholesale re- peal is wholly unuecessiuy and uncalled for, for the reason that under tae general law of the state, each city has already full power, of its o\Nil Volition, to abandon i18 special charter whenever a majority of its citizens shall decide to do so at a special election, Which the city council of any city is bound ui order whenever dirty of its legal voters by petition, shall ask to submit the question of such abandonment; and Whereas, The said repealing bill appears to be the outgrowth at a contest in the city of Cedar Rapids, to which the adyoc+tes of the abandonment of the special charier of that chili were overwnelrliugiy deteaued at a populareiecrion,tront the result of which, they have appealed to the legislature, and are now urging that body to assist them in defeating, the popular will of the voters of their own city; therefore. Resolved, by th • City Council of the City of Dubuqu.•, that we regard the paseage of the pending bill tor toe repeal of ail speci- al charters of cities in the state to be un- wise, unnecessary, and uncalled for, and, as the duly elected representatives of the citizens of Dubuque, and of the city gov- ernment, we respectfully protest against the same. %Ve ask the honorable general assembly to leave the question of the abandonment of our city charther to the luture action of our own citizens and taxpayers, where IL properly belongs, and where the general law of the stove contemplates that it should be lets. We respectfully call the atteu1lou of the mem tiers of the general assembly to the fact that the law of the state requires the question of the aband'nineta of a special charter to be submitted to the legal voters of any city whenever fifty of its ci'i- zeus shall petition to that effect, and re- spectfully urge that the abandonment of our charter, and a reorgani .align of our city government, if desired by our citizens, can be more properly effected atter the de- Iieerarion, di=cussiin and full understand- ing of the effect of such changes, which would result from a subuiissi m of the question to a popular vote of those most directly intere-ted; Resolved, Further, That in view of the fact that the advocates of the pe.udinz re- pealing bill. who, for the most pair, are attorneys of powerfut railway companies, and representatives of other corporate in- terests, are on the trreund persistently urg- ing the passage of the propsed legislation a committee he appinted to proceed to Des Moines 10 represent the views of this coun- (il, and of the great majority of our cm - zees, before the proper committees of the house of r-presentatives, and the- senate, and the members of the legislature gen- ii ally and that such committee const81 of the fo,lowint gentlemen, and such others as his honor. the mayor, may see proper to associate with them, to -wit: Doti. A. W. Daugherty, mayor, Jas. E. Knight, city attorney, Iron. B. B. Rich- ards, A. V. Mruduen, Pltil Ryder, alder- men, W. 11. Torbert, lVan. Quigley, Geo. G. Perry, 1'1111 Pier, C. I). Ilam. ton. 1. J. Dunn, tion. C. A. Voeiker, W. 11. Kiwi - ton, city engineer, Hon. J. 11. Powers. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Linn!, Olinger, Ryder andVogel. Nays—None. AId. Olinger moved that a committee consisting of AId. Crawford, chairman of the street 1.Ontltlittee, city engineer and street supertnte ndent be authorized to have the steam roller repaired. Carried. AId. Olin"ger nuved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: ' ' - coria?) 118 Official Notices. Approved: 1894 ...Mayor AN DINANCE. An Ordinance declaring the emission of dense smoke from chimneys and smokestacks of buildings and from boats and locomotives to be a nuisance and fixing a penalty for the violation thereof: Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1, That the owner or owners of any boat or locomotive engine and the person, or persons, employed as engineer or otherwise in the working of the engine or engines in said boat, or in operating such locomotive, and the general manager, superintendent, yardmaster or other officer of any railroad company having charge control of any locomotive engine, and the owner, lessee) or occupant of any building who shall, cause, permit, or allow dense smoke to issue or be emitted from the smokestack of any such boat or locomotive engine, or from the chimney or cnamneys, or sin9kesiack'or smokestacks of such building within the corporate limits of the city of Dubuque, shall be deemed guilty of creating a public nusiance, anti for every such offense, shall be Lined in a sum not Tess than live dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and be imprisoned until such fine is paid; provided, that to convict under this ordinance, it shall be nec- essary to prove, in addition to the escape or emission of such dense smoke, that the sante is injurious to prop- erty or to business. or is a personal annoy- ance to the public. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to cause this ordinance to be en- forced, and to make eomplaiot against and cause to he prosecuted all persons violat- ing the same. Sec. 3. That this ordinance shall be In force and take effect from and after sixty days from the date of 118 adoption and one publication thereof in the official paper of the city. Adopted March 5, 1894. Attest. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder A. W. DAUGHERTY, 91ayor. Resolution Ordering Stagnant Water Lots to be Filled. Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject to be covered with stagnant water and Whereas, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law to appear and show cause why said lots should not be tilled, therefore, Be it resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the following de- scribed property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: Lot 44 in E. Langworthy's add, be filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient, m the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining thereon. The work is to be completed by April 15th, 1894. Tile city marshal shall notify the own- ers of said property of the passage of this resolution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. 2.13.12t. Notice to Contractors. Seale'. proposals will be received at my office up so 4 o'clock p. in. of Saturday, March 3d, 1894, for improving Dock street from Lincoln avenue to Rhomberg ave and from Garfield avenue to C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co's. track, according to plans and specifi- cations now on file in my office: _"aradrds.iiig, cut 350 cubic yards; till, 50 cubic G Curbing, 1,000 lineal feet. Guttering, 450 square yard+. Macadamizing, 1,250 square yards. Bidders roust st.,te the price per lineal foot for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and macadamizing, grading to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and suffici- ent bond of 8200.00, that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the next regular meeting of the council to be held .March the 5th 1894. Ab .ve work to be completed on or be- fore June 15th 1894. Blanks fur bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. T. J. COONEY, 2-9-191 City Recorder. Vacation Notice. Dubuque, la.. Feb. ltith, 1894. Notice is hereby given that there is an application on file in the office of the city recorder of the city of Dubuque asking the City Council to vacate the following street and part of street and part of alley: Clara street and that part of Augusta street which is bounded on the west by lot 18 and on the east by lot 17 in A Lang - worthy's subdivision, and also that part of an alley lying west of Augusta street, hounded on the north and west by lots 1 and 2 and on the south by lot 18 in A. Langworthy's subdivision. Notice is also given that any person having any objections to the proposed vacation of said premises will make said objections in writing and file the same with the city recorder of Dubuque on or prior to the 3d day of March, 1894. 2-17-2w T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, lowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, March 3d, 1894, for furnishing all material and labor and building a pipe sewer as follows, according to plans and specifica- tions On file in said office, viz: An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley from 1st street to Jones street, between Main street and Iowa street. Estimated length 700 feet; two manholes. Bidders to stale price per lineal foot for sewer complete, and price per each man- hole, and to furnish a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into it awarded. o ;1a'hell city reserves the right to reject any or bids. W. 11. KNOWLTON, to mar 3.City Engineer. List of City Warrants. 119 1.13'f ov crr \VARRANTS Issued by the City Recorder during October, 1893. (•1TS RECORDER'S OFFICE., DUBUQUE, Iowa, Nov. 1, 1893. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1893: .1a Cushing ......Imp. alley bet. 7thand 8th and Clay and White....... $217 S1 .las. Cushing ling. alley beL 15th and )ath and fine and Maple 291 29 A. W. Daugherty.Salary July, Aug. and Sept., Mayor... 250 00 Name. For what Purpose. Amount H. B. Gniff! e....Salary for Sept., Treas- urer....... $150 00 T B. Cooney Salary for Tor8 Sept. clerk Re 5 1 00 Re- corder 116 65 J. M. Kenety Salary for Sept., Aud- itor 116 25 Jas. E. Knight.. Salary for Sept., Attor- ney ttor- 1 5 ney........ 00 John F. Stemm.. Salary for Sept.,125 00 'As- sessor. W. 11. Knowlton..Salary for Sept.. En- gineer 00 E. S. Hyde.......Salary for Sept.. As- sistant Engineer100 00 J. Boyce .Salary for Sept„ As- sistant Engineer.... 100 00 Henry Glab.......Salary for Sept., As- sistant Engineer.... 50 00 S. B. Rice.........Salary for Se.it., Mar- 100 Mar- shal 00 John Carter...... Salary for Sep.t, Street Superintendent.... . 91 63 Jos. Relufriel....Salary for Sept., Chief of lire department75 00 Ed. Norton. ....Salary for Sept., Mar- ketmaster..... 50 00 J.W. Fowler.....Salary for Sept, Health officer50 00 J. O'Brien........Salary for Sept., Sew- er Inspector70 00 Janes Bunting... Salary for Sept , Elec- trician 75 00 Henry Henge Salary for Sept., Park Custodian 45 00 J. W. Woods Salary for Sept., Wharf- mast harf- 20 00 master John O'Connell... Sa arytee for eSe k , Com: D. Ryan.... __Captain of Police John Raesit Bart. CainPoliceman ............. Wm. HenuessY Wm. O'Brien " ••••..•.. Wm. Frith" John Litscher P. McNerny Thos. Reilly P. Dunnegan P. Kearney. Jo`f n Fitzpatrick. Dan. Norton James Allen John Reuter James Flynn Dan. Lavery rod. Moore M. Kitty J. D. Secrest P. Sutton M. Craugh John Hoffman 1'. Sullivan.. P. Powers D. Linehan Thos. Gordon J. Spielman.. Ole Nelson .Jas. Carter I. Kfntzluger M. Hardie John Murphy 6 6 666 46 Li 16 66 66 66 1.4 b. 66 66 66 66 " Sam. Elmer Peter Scharf " P. McCollins" P. J. Hanlon" J. Hllson" J. Murphy C. SpleeelhalterPonndmas.er Jas. Daly... Fireman Job Barnes....... " A. McDonnell.... .f. Murphy........ " W. Ducy T. Schonberge• Ed. Keas Tom. Ruder M. Eitel.. John Essman A. Duecini .3. Flynn J. Wiltz.... T. Walker C. Specht .1. Powell ). Ahearn........ J. Allen W. Hippman C. Kannolt F. Ganahl J. Ward G. Collinson F. E sman ••••.........• 83 Sri 75 00 70 00 48 35 500. 48 +5 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 10 511 00 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 (N) 50 00 90 10 50W 6000 50 (0 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 43 4) 50 00 28 35 16 50 6000 50 00 50 00 46 70 A. 'traney J Ito^ney W. Burke6. T. W. Smith ••••••......... T. AhearnLaborer M. Ahbitz f. Albrecht 66 ••••••••••••••• B. Brummitt........... W. Bali ........... .J. Bewer...Helper road roller.... A.11urke Laborer M. Burns......... 1'. Burke.......... 66 J. Bottoms .......Paver.. C. Buse Laborer .............. 1. Boetscher66 .1. Byrne.. .... 6 .......... .. M. Broscher ••••••••• It. Buril9.... " .......... .. ... Ed. Berry... Sam Collins66 .1. Cahill 6f ••6•• ""•" B. Capritz.......... M. Coyle.. 64 .3. Corcoran hos CaffreyMason ................ John Corbett Laborer ............... . 1. Corcoran6. M. Crahlu Wm. Crumpwell" Wm. Clark .Carpenter .............. M. Carmoly .Laborer M. Dumphy...... ••••• M. Dorsey M. Dieferdlug John Eagan. ..•I{ ............... .6 John Everet66 •..... C. Fischer•............... F. Faber Mason... M. Fagan••" 66 16 6. 66 66 " .6 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 ............... ............... 5000 50 00 50 00 50 18) 50 00 60 00 50 00 60 000 75 00 50 110 60 00 GO 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 60110 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 OD 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 3 00 300 15 65 10 80 3 40 8 10 8 10 50 00 6 75 9 80 14411 35 40) 7 80 6 75 10 15 4 05 12 50 8 40 30 05 19 60 12 15 9 80 12 24 33 25 :8 35 20 60 1690 10 15 42 00 5 75 10 50 8 10 12 15 13 50 12 50 12 15 29 25 23 30 3 40 20 25 2 70 14 85 40 00 6 10 17 90 17 55 9 80 3 40 9 45 10 80 11 50 5 41 4 75 8 10 17 55 13 85 16 90 P. Fury D. Fox 11. Foltz John Fix John Farley C. Frisch F.d. Grew P. Gregory H. Gollie G. a. Gutberlett. J. Glossier i6 C. Grunzlg..... Joe Grub: li J. Granto N. Hilger6. H. tledley 66 John Hafey..... C. Herzog 66:: ............... 16 55 Dan. Harman Ed. Hackett...... 39 00 Jas. Harker...... •• •'••... ..... .9 50 15 94 A. Johnson....... 1i 50 C. Jacobi 16 ............... 10 80 C. Kanpmann J. Karat66 ............... 16 20 1'. Kinney F.W. KringleForeman 14 40 " 66 16 •t 66 .6 66 .6 120 Ldsf of City Warrants. E. S. King Laborer ................. .1. Kelly M. Klwe F. Krt ewer I. Kinsella...... Carpenter T. Loneruan tab •rer I'. l.elrlleltner ... ......•• M. Lilack......... John Lavin....... 241. Loes 11. Luck 66 John Lux F. Ltsehane" .•••••.... .John Lacy Foreman ............... 1'. Melenolr..... Laborer Aug Marsh...... " T. Meggisen P. Moran T. Mahnuy • I. MMien 1'. 6) ton eyt. . . 1.. rtenr'sse" 1'. Moore..... Engineer load roller.. Jas .Uclloy.... Lahore) ................ .r. Moroney ........... .1. McVnittForeman............... L. McEvoy ..... Lanol• 1• AI. McCone......Foreman A. 1•iclluan Laborer 1'. McDonald '' ••.•........... B. McCormack" ............... E. McMullen M. Aute) •' F. (swabs" ............... P. O'Brien, Sr" .1. Oble 11 •' • 1Vrn. l'i. hley Foreman........ O. PowersLaborer,... ...... Jas. Purcell ....... .. .... .. W. Preston.- . .. .I. I'erry011..... " John Quail " ... C.ltoseln) .......... W. Rooney........ •` W. It lrlll;l➢.... ... " .. .. ........ .1a3. Ragan '' Itartz, .10huForeman . ltaen. \I ......... Laborer.- ..... .I.na11 •r•un' 11, I;iul:r; \I. shay . tit%celi1•V .los, Schmidt L. Steiner. .1. Sullivan Jas. Stevenson Geo. Sutter Seik, J....... \Vu,. Spensley M. Sheir•ock WIn.Swaegler .I l4traney I. Tasebuer. Wm. TtioinpSOn }I. Tippe 1). Thareu F. Tbiering Whalen \I. White.... \I. Watters Wolf, John P. Wagner .1. \Vandersclteld. \\'. Lasu►na N. lir nil Team It. Bennett" 1.11 16, .las" U. O. Baker (leo. Buller 64 Costello, AO's Al 11 Cushing" ('a in T. 13 I'itiil, 13 .. ... ' 1)iukley..1....... " Elliott, 'r .` Foley, 1'. C " N. I.1'1111," .1. Garrigan .. M. Gaut etlbein' P. }Iwsch M. J. Hannon' Wm. }toward'• Hagerty Bros t, P. Jorden" T. Kane" N. lilutziuger. . C. Letcht" 1'. Linehan Long, John, .. •.•........•••• .........• ••• ..... ••.••••..........• 4 05 25 •5 11 15 10 15 511 00 0 10 6 75 1') 80 16 20 6 75 7 45 11 ti 6 45 19 60 4 05 9 45 675 16.5 13 50 14 85 12 15 14 :0 60 00 ,) 45 2 115 l8 iO 19 t0 3720 16 10 11 85 1'2 50. 8 10 8 10 11 60 14 85 36 40 14 85 14 211 3 40 17 55 14 20 6 75 10 50 16 90 13 85 18 25 35 60 675 8 80 2 05 20 25 7 45 14) 15 9 80 6 75 14 20 11 15 25 110 i 80 22 30 8 10 2 05 2 7() 11 85 8 10 6 10 6 10 8 10 17 65 6 75 17 55 16 _5 Ii 75 ., 4.) 18 90 8 35 so 60 17 35 18 90 18 90 1.7 35 17 31 12 60 20 50 37 05 13 41 52 80 7 111 13 9(I 7 80 20 50 315. 11 05 48 05 42 55 :34 65 18 94) 96)•11 276 Lent pk e. C. N'. Mathis...... A. Mathis .. Ieil. 1411)1ath.. Wm. 11e14rat,11.. John A1c1•:Irad). .1. Alcl'illina.... Jlu. \Irl racken 8, Nui:"n .I0.a Ott J. Parker Airs. (Juinlivau A. Siege... I. 8 ig worth .... F. Selri7 I). Sutherland II. Schur tit ('alt. '.whin .1 Welsh .. Geo. \Vent1•...... `• C. t,anteubeiu....Laborer R. T. Eddy........ Joe. ('nark:........ .....•••••••••. Jas. McDonnell.. " M. Specht........ \\1n. 'I'rrry.. .1. Hillery .1. Ityan .I. NInnsch........ M. O Brien John Spear 1'. 111011.......... • A. i'iilIli r .I. Bu Iter•........ 141. Kline..... . 1. Kelly \V. Cruwpwell Jut". Eagan F. .Lassa nee M. 'Murphy T. Ahearny..... 1'. Fury. Sr r. tlakley til. lgo 1'. Butler'... • . 1\1. li lgg 118.... ... T. McDonald 1'. Duscher 1:1'Ow .I. AniesbUty N. lloupes .los. Rooney 1'. Lynch... .lno. Beyer ............... U. Kull' 11. Reynolds Team ........... ...... N. Marlin N. Kintzinger ................... N. Brandt Geo. Hiuksoi Express ................ Victor He1t I). Broadhurst J. Gibbons Laborer ................ •• ........... Ed. N,rtoi.. Board of prisoners.... Mrs. Koenig...._Janitress ............... E. S. Daugherty l(Odlilan .............. . It. T. Eddy ................ J. M. Keuety Salary ................. M. O'Connell Sant ary 1(41iccman- Atkinson & 01AT1muroving gill and Lo- cust streets \1'illiams & McCanu.1utp. Dodge street. 46 • •..........••••••• .••••••.........•• 64 11. 16 66 11 64 11 46. 66 t6 64 .f .. 66 61 16 It 66 Steuck & O'Farrell.Inup, 24114 street 64 M. Sullivan .......Macadam Geo. W. Farley... hock W. 11. Knowlton.Street car Tare A. & E. 1'arr.sh..E x e a v a ling Couler ('reek E. E. Frith .1mp. 22nd Street.44 ..... • .....Grading 46 l'eter Kien....... Macadam Ed. Ryan... lwp, Broad at 61 41 66 46 llart E. Linehan _Sewer pipe J. 1'. ochroedcr...Cement........... J. 1'. Cooney.... .. Fees .............. Nester n1 Jiiugk...ltepairing hydrauts.. 241ilgrew & Plul- 1 ps....... .Sewer pipe 24 45 14 211 14 20 29 e5 40 95 18 911 17 35 13 411 14 20 31 50 22 0.5 34 65 9 45 05 15 75 34 65 33 90 31 50 14 20 21 30 2 70 2'0 2 70 2 70 41 60 43 15 43 35 41 60 34 60 3720 29 35 1350 10 50 13 50 1 71) 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 711 1 70 4 75 26 70 17 60 29 75 17 04 3 10 6 75 7 10 7 1i 910 7 90 8 35 4 50 15 00 6 00 46 51) 1 60 4 75 3 95 5u 75 13 75 8 75 17 60 22 50 40 00 18 t0 5010 t0 00 366 52 400 60 500 00 500 141 100 00 100 00 100 1111 155 30 200 00 52 21 11) 00 6 45 7 011 100 00 500 00 500 00 101) 70 95 9.) 26 05 5.0 011 5(10 00 500 00 265 50 110 65 3 45 4 25 11 55 69 95 Li8t of City A'apra)lts. 1'21 .1. 1'. Sct'roeder & 10........ Sewer pipe Geiget Rep. patrol holm W. H, Toroert...So a C. H. Ali one......Nails John 11 t rimy RP )atrulg tools Diamond Jo Line. White wase ,lets. Belo fried....( xl'ensa to Ilse tour- i,oinetlt A..1. Kriel :Whitewashing......... 1.. 11015'...... .Cleaning around mar- ket. house........... .31,Ell'ath Team- ing t_'o........... Team Smith Printing l'o.itation.ry Dub. Rl.uhcr and (Belting ('.......Rubber ,,tamps........ 3lrs. .1 11. Spiel- man.............Caring for child....... T..1. Cooney and John O'Connell. Notary seals .1. W. Fowler.... •Lrxpeuse to Davenport Ships ley & liamueau.Veterwaryservices John Fuhrnrt ...I:rxvel August Brocher..3laearliuu 7I.31ahony 31. Sullivan M. Burke 1'ba,. John Beyer" Jitem) Cooper" A. Siege......... Rock ... .lames Street Rock.- ......... James Leee'on •trnal ng cents t s) Ilewalk ............ M. Sweeney.. Nine dam 1'. (Juin,. sr...... .. Steuck &(PFarrell.Gradiug 24th street tuipro,itie alley 64 66 41 1tarry l'roctm•....Ldp. 1:2111 street Geo. W. Farley ... lusp. 11 uulboldt street Lavin & Corranee.t:U11itrltei1111; sewer K. E. rith..... ..Imp. \\'ashmgtou St Theo. Altman ...G ailing Broadway Ex- Steuck & O'Farrell.lnip. Regent and Saa1)rd sty, cis Dubuque \Vouden Ware Co I umber O. G. Ktiu;le.....Imp. nark street ..Imp. Algona avenue John Tibey..... ..Inip. l)ak st.reet nip. cPik street F. Sc:dnz Repairing tools........ Lesure Lumber Co. Li u n he r .............. Steuck & O't'arreh.ltup. 24th street ...... Standard Lmnuer Co 1 umber ..... Pure, Petroleum Product Co __Oil._ ..... ............. 1'. 11. Halpin Axle grease............ Chas BurchardMacadam..... .lames lioyce..... Street car fare.. .... Svendsen & Ott..Lumber........ .. W. H. I<uowltou..Money advanced...... .1. 1'. Schroeder...ltock 'nos. Hassett " John Tlbey 44 44 6 nn 1 75 10 08 1 70 2 75 95 211 95 4 25 25 IN) 4 111) 4 5,) 1 25 4 IN) 8 50 It 86 1)) 65 3 73 17 00 192 50 19 55 2.2 511 7 65 10 '20 23 0)) 19 58 12 05 163 02 9 10 59 5)) :3 r 50 500 01 269 13 50., 1111 53 5(1 11)1 b• :146 71 (71 79 259• 282 39 82 24 3980 54 55 4:13 9! 511 141 51111 00 347 13 16 50 36 08 3,;221 I; 70 57 33 5" 10 63 6 53 56 56 47 75 49 70 10 72 11 10 a) C.H. Altona 'MN .....2 _11 Win. Ma. shall .... Repairing roller...... 5 I., 1'd. Ryan (;rad' g broad street.. 5,41 00 " ,,,, ,. .ANI INI 4(6 (41 (leo. Taylor Imp. Nevada street ... '500 OU 58 38 The l'unes 2 66 (trading " •... 143 10 The TatatultA t't.Adver 1siu_ 7,', 00 " 29 15 The Globe........ 6629 15 The Herald....... 30 513 W. W. Wor'nlood.\Vindii g town clock72 013 W. S. Molo.......Re;utiring 1'ountaiu+34 8; .los. Geiger.......Bepairilg city hall7 l0 W. M. Greeihow.ltep;41riug fountains14 .; lteinfrted &.laeger.Cups and chains 80 J. L. MoLt lrou Works Drinking fountain.... 116 2527 5 Joseph SchmidtLabor....... H. Ii, (1nm$ke Money advanced...... 489 35 Frank Melvin....l.oau................... 403 )11 Fred. Holtz.. ........ 50.1 013 f. 600 00 Thos. Buds.... " 4111 00 \(iffy Callahan. " .... LINT 10 111111111111111F.-- - . Ltd. Nauk. Maggie McDonnell " ........... Thos. 1'raudy.... " M. Lavin .... ..... Sewer. a t,uler :vve • 11 (').111 ,sem & Me- l<eroan Sewer, West 5ti, and t3n Will l 811 el`l •..... 321 75 .1;un's 11 int Sewer, Ribs 84 rem .... 102 44 W. P. Klauer Oil ..................... 5 bn CentratUnion Telephone Cohent of Iclephn les .... ,los. No. ton '1'linuulut' 111,4...... Jit, ' tlll/1111)M111t" .1. C. rtou" J. .\Iel'r ekett" 1'. Stolle; ............ Jelin 1:4 (I ilt.. .Collector J. l;. 3leukel Personal dainties.... G. li. l.. (wend 'Sl:d io;w)'y........ .... 1', Schloi 11 '(;(ring fouls Harger & lilt.11....•ta iouery P. Khmer. .1)og tats.. 11. 13. (lalttne (toiling 100(1 1)8) IN) 1.18) e0 '200 0) 20)) no 2110( 1011 (8) 31), I'II 1)8) INI 11111 IN ) 102 82 64 46, 64 44 64 46 ,• .4 ....... •••..• N. If frith ......Removing garbage.... F. IS ,lusep , ..... 7)lsmfeciaut........... 1/u1)tl14e Light & Traction Co __Are 111his......... ... Star Electric Co. :V.e li;hiv...... Star l•aeel'i.• l'n Star r.leelrl,'Co ...\1.• li•,bly Chas St:1 ,:Lii....'11•Ie1,li ow -tattoos Key Cil, Gas Theo. T'riclull'....11 i.n lul< I -0111e pris- llterkes & 1-lassl••r.1l;r, W. \V. \Vormood. Poli, e •.1.1,..., Ce..t•al union fele- Co....... 'ele- Co........'Telephone ) eut Globe Light and 11 at nu Gasoline lights........ Frail lr & (,ark1)rugs Butt It os Kep.41rir.g engine Dubuque tV at e r Company ........ \Vater Dubuque W ate]. \Vater ......... . .... Company... Dubuque \Pater Company\Vater ................. A. Wunderlich .. , , l lorseshoeiug.. .John Ilutt........ Repan ing wagon Key City Gm Co..Cose nlerke.s& Hassler.Bra l Kxcelsiur Brass WorksRepairing nozzle Sventlsen & Duh. \\'oodeu\vare ( 0......... Pine wood W. 11. 'l'4) bert.... Soda....... Standard Lumber Company .. Shavlrl.s......... 1(14114011 .0 1'uwers.11urseshn-ilg rhos. Collins .....71orseshoeiug Lageu & •."loau....11orsesboeing 1'. 13. Hoffman.. .. Brooms ............... Carr, Ryder & En- gler Co .......... (.umber .............. . Zeltetucl' & Vog- eethater Repairing ]swder...... P. II. 1-taipinSalt, In an, etc......... 1'. 11. MartinSoau............. ..... The herald Advertising............ P. F. Guthrie. Imp. West 1411i St.... lb 66 64 44 66 21 8•i 3:) 041 28 IN) 25 IN) 1 )) 54 3:; 25 00 V )4) 15 00 15 L5 3 •0 :3:; 20 16 115 31 11 83 47 152 na 57 i:3 57 4:1 57 6:; 186 07 168 1u 500 0•) 66 06 31 5,1 17 67 30 9.1 45 22 312 W 12 10 48 39 500 00 500 (NI 193 75 111. 011 47 40 2 75 4 15 450 14 25 415 83 10 5: 15 40 500 00 500 00 338 :10 6 5, 1 55 17 87 80 '2 75 3 10 3 eO 16 :13 1 541 8 INI 4 01) :1 511 2 00 4 50 90 1370 4 0:) 29 15 13 511 1!1 NI 12 IMI 18 40 11 8i) 7211 16 05 17 70 122 List of City Warrants. 84 49 .1 408 33 Atkinson & Otofl.ImP. Main street408 33 iirow•n & Brown..Imp. Seminary street50060 00 00 14 '' 11 500 00 509 to 411 " •' 500 181 •• '• 600 09 100 00 i' '• 81 63 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of October, 1893. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Adjourned Regular Session, 111areh 20th, 1894. 123 A CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session March 20, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Glatt, Lillig, Nick, Olinger Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Crawford moved that the the city engineer be instructed to proceed and make an estimate of the amount of tilling in Booth's addition as per agreement wan the city. Carried. Ald. Olinger, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported in favor of awarding the contract for a new com- bination chem cal engine and hose wagon to the Fire Extinguisher Manufacturing Co. for $1,800. Adopted. Md. ltyuer moved tnat bids be opened and referred to the engineer for computa- tion. Carried. The petition of Rudolph Jones et al, asking that Fifth avenue be improves, was read. Ald. Lillig moved that rules be suspend - ea and parties interested be allowed to ad- dress the council. Adopted. Rules were suspended and parties ad- dressed the council in relation to condition of Fifth avenue. Ors motion the matter was referred to the street committee and engineer. Tne following judges and clerks of elec- tion were appointed to serge at the coining election: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Judges—Phillip Pier, Sr., Thomas Byrne, J. J. Kavanaugh. Clerks—M. M. McCarten, Jr., James Nairy. Second Precinct—Judges—Janies13utler, T. J. Burns, Henry I'renk. Clerks— James Agnew, George Barnes. SECOND WARD. Second Precinct—Judges—Phil Ryder, Jake Zangnieister, John Glau. Clerks— Cyril Ur guire, C. 1). Hayden. First Precinct—Judges—Peter Ferring, P. Altman, P. ll. E. Sumtnertield. Clerks— F. J. Burns, Phil. Pier, Jr. TI11RD WARD. First, Precinct—Judges—Peter Olinger, John Pier, J. L. llorr. Ulerks—Milte'1'ur- ley, C. 11. Sampson, Second.Precinct—Judges—John Klein- schmidt, Wm. Duggan, A. SIM plot. Clerks—Wm. Keep, W. Kretschmeyer. Third Prectuct—Judges—Leu Palen, John Trexler, A. Vogel. Clerks—Rich- ard Butler, C. B. 'Trewm. FOURTH WAItD. First Precinct—Judges, 1'. W. Crawford, Ed. Peaslee, llorace Poole. Clerks—Tom Loftus, lieo. W. Kiesel. Second Precinct—Judges, Robert Mc- Givern, P. Geishecker, J. W. Coy. Clerks —Paul lig, A. F. Frudden. Third Precinct—Judges, James Lee, J. P. Schroeder, Geo. R. Clarke. Clerks— John Weimer, Henry Wybrant. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Judges, John Krayer, Fred. 'leer, Jr., W. H. Schilling. Clerks —C. K. Mathis, L. Donner. Second Precinct—Judges, N. Nicks, F. J. Stolz, Peter Sahm. Clerks—Frank Duertscher, Jacob Spielman. Third Precinct—Judges, Chris, Capritz, Wm. Kaneve, J. Lillig. Clerks—Louis Mahn, Rubt. Becker. Fourth Precinct—Judges, Paul Hewer, James Street, Louis Doerfler. Clerks— Jacob Kessler, .Julius Dement. Ald. ltyti4r moved that the members of St. Raphael's parish be allowed to change the date of use of armory to April 15th. Carried. Ala. l'owers moved that opened bids and awarding contracts be referred to the t oui- mittee of the whole and engineer. Car- ried. Petition of Mrs. Susan Crotty et al., re- nionstrating against the improvement of Forest Lane was reterred to the cumtnit- tee of the whole and engineer. Petition of J. C. Miller et al.. asking that alley b-tween lthumberg and Garfi.dd and Humboldt and Schiller he improved, was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Whereas, The large number of citizens re+iding,tti Ancell- +trent and vicinity are in it deploratle condttiou for want of means tit getting fuel and other supplies to their homes; therefore, Resolved, That the sum of two hundred dollars be appropriated for the improve- ment of said street, and the city engineer be Instructed to see that said sum or so much of the sum as may be necessary be expended to the best advantage for that purpose. Also that Pierce street be im- proved so as to nialt.+ the sante passable. Referred to street committee and engineer with power. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: v Recorder. 1894. Minuet, to is n Aite Vw. STREET CO'tIMISS ONER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, March Its, 1894. All parties are hereby notified to elean the alleys abutting their premises within live days of this notice, and in ease of tatlure so to do, the city of Dubuque will clean the sante at the expense of the owner or occupant of any budding abutt- ing on said alley. The city will also remove all ashes and debris found on any street, avenue, lane or other public thoroughfare and charge the cost thereof to the owner or occupant of the building abutting thereon, 3-16-5. JOHN CARTER, Street Supt. ayor SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good, wit in h30 plank, d• days of brick,thinotice, stone construe cr onstructed andbe, wlaid in conformity with the ordinance i0 relation tosidewalks,t avenue e` andsor Kingeubbe- e g street, at expense of abutting property, except where a good 4 -foot walk is now laid the same shall remain undistur bed, and be in lieu of a six foot walk. Resolved by the City Council of the City of two-inch plank ',rick, stone o cementfeet , be of with- In 20 days of this notice, constructed and be, in conformity with the ordinance on sidewalks, on the west side of South Dodge street, between 124 qfficial Notices. Dodge street ami Curtis street, where not a. - ready laid, :ot the ext ense of abutting property. Resolved Iw lie my Council of the ity of Dubuque: '1 hat a sidewalk d tett wide, of good oriel:, sono or cement, In, within thirty. clays of this notice, constructed and laud lu conformity t, itll the ordinance In relation to sidewalks, oil i its east side of West Locust street, between 1001 stre,•t and 17th street where not al- ready laid. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted Ity toe. City Council March 5, 1894. All plank walk nnlst be bud with No. 1 pine, • two Inches Bina and not less t an eight niche. wide, and surfaced on one side, ;aid crosswise on Poor by tour inch stringers, sixteen feet long with Pont-, broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each tuners-ction. There must be two stringer•+ for a four foot walk. three 'or a six and eighi foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve loot walu. Stringers to be supported every four feet with tui ick or stone. Grub plank must not be asp d. t.8.1ot 1..f. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposn1s will be received at my nftiee, up to 4 o'clnek p. m. Tuesday March 90, 1894, for 1111 proving lite foil wing sweets and alley, ticcording to plat and specifica- tions now on life 111 my Mince: Rush street from South Do Ice street to Qninee strew. . Grading 9,140 cu yds (cut), curbing 4,400 lineal feet. ufuttertnC, 2,000 sq yds, macadamizing 6,81)0 so yds. For at Lane from Nevada street to Delhi street. Grading, cat 1.575 011 yds, till 400 cu yds, curbing 1,050 lineal feet, guttering 500 sq yds. macadamizing 2,300 sq yil.s. W. 14t1i street from Alia Vista street to Atlantt•: avenue. Grading, cut 1500 cu ycls, fill 4,250 en yds. Alley ficin Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue, between ithonioerg avenue and Garfield avenue. Grading. rut. 1,333 011 yds. Mticadiun zing, 1,210 sq yards. Bidders most state the price per lineal font for curbing, the price per sq Sit for guttering and macadamizing. Grading un streets to oe bid in total, grading 111 alleys to be by th •cubic yard. Bidders must furnish a gond and -uf- ficient bond of 8200 ilia' contract will be entered olio if awarded. Proln;.n,s will be acted on at nn ad- journed ntreting of the council, to be held March 20,11, 1894. Blanks inr bidders will be furnished by the reefinter. The eiry reserves the right to reject:any or rill bids. '1'. J. CooxEY. 3.8.10t Recorder. Noiar.• of Vacation of street. To Il')inttt it tIay Concent• Nonrr is hereby elven that the City Council of city of Dubuque, Iowa, pro poses to vacate and annul of record six feet off the easterly side of Alailisou street, abutting lot No. 1 of the subdivision of out lot No. 1173 and lot No. 2 of subdivision of lift 54 to Marshes sedition in city of 1)u- buque, Dubuque County, lows. Any person having any ebjeetions to such proposed scrum m'e requested to file saline in writhe with the city Recorder of Said city ori or before the 20th day of March 1894. A. W. DAuonkttTY, Mayor. 3-7-lOt. '1'. J. CooNicY, Recorder. Notice 10 Sidewalk Contractors Sealed proposalt will be received at the city engineer's office. city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. in. Saturday. March 24th, 1894, for eunstruciiug side- walks as follows where nut alseady laid, viz: A. 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on east side of Windsor avenue, from Eagle Point avenue to Klingenberg street. A 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on west sive (4! South Dodge street between Dodge street and Curtis street. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk of prick, stone or cement on east side of West Locust street, between 161h and 17.11 streets. A 4•foot wide blank sidewalk nn both sides of West street, now Needham Place, between W. 5111 and W. 7tn streets. All in accordance with speei ligations nit file nl said (ffiee. A bond or $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject, any or all bids. W. 11. KNOWr.TON, 3-9-14t City Engineer. Notice. 'fo Property Owners of Summoning of Jur) : To I1. W. Butler, Benedict Nieoles, A. 1). fierce and 1)et.rich Mauer—You will tale nutlet. that on Monday the 19itt fitly of March, 1894, at 9 o'clock a. m , at the office of the City Marshal at the City hall in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, a jury will be sum• nutted, drawn and empanelled to assess the damage, if any, occasioned by the opening and establishing of a street through and over certain real estate owned by you; said street known as widening and extending of White street between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets, when and where, as aforesaid, you can ex- ereise sued rights in the premises as are given you by urdinanee. 3-5-15t S. B. Rick, City Marshal. Regular Session, April 5th, 1894. 1'27) Gilley COUNCIL. Regular Session April 5th, 1894. [Official. J Council met at 9:45 o'clock. Mayor Dat:gnerty in the chair. Present—A Ids. Buller, Byrne, Crawford, Grab, Lillie, Nicks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Olinger moved that action on the minutes of preceeding meeting be deferred. Carried. • 'Inc following lilts were allowed: $ 21 05 5 27 24 40 25 o0 Bryan Donahue. macadam John Bituersdorf, macadam A. Leidinger, macadam P. Krow•cheski, Ina3ad,ttn George Bennett, asatstaut asses- 100 00 sof Gotf. Ginehle, asslstaut assessor100 00 Win. Geisheker, rodnuut for en- gineer 21 95 E. E. Daugherty, rodmait for en- 17 30 t;tneer E. J. Evens, sidewalk on semin- ary street P. F. Guthrie, sidewalk on Grace street and Grandview aye 16 80 J. B. Riley, sidewalk on %Vest Locust, Prince street and , ur- den avenue.... M. Tschtrgi, Jr., sewer on Prairie steel M. Tschirgi, Jr., sewer in alley from First to Joie-, Fraley & Loetscher Mf.. Co, lumber Geo. Farley, nuprovtanent of alley from 9,,h to 10th street, be- tween IJlutf and Locust St Dubuque Stamping and Eutamet- teg Works, street signs John Glob. chairman street com- mittee 1892, telephone rent Geo. N. Raymond, supplies Jos. Geiger, carpenter work for engineer Sveudse'I & On, tome r Jus. Relit tried, telegrams and freight charges Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, hre department Bewer Bros., fire dep't John Butt, tire dep't W. H. 'Torbert, tire deo't Farley, Loetrcher Co., tire dep'I Franz & Clark, fire dep't J)ubuque \lartr'ess Co., tire neper. Kanuott & ['towers, tire deu't John Essman, tire dep't Shepley & Bauman, lire dept Charles F. Berry, fire dept Jteinfr)ed & .Jaeger, lire dap') Geo. W. W underlieh, tire dep't W. S. Moto, lire department Standard Lumber Co., tire de- partment Lagan & Sloan, fire department Svendson & Ott. fire dep ulmoot McDermott & Gow, tire depart- ment Lear & Ptitfner, patrol l'eter R. Martin, examining and specification for steam roller B. D. Linehan. street Morrison Bros., repairing steam roller Nell Cusuing, every for Dubuque Water Co., hydrants March Reinfried & .Jaeger, Ilrin k tog cups. Dubuque Herald, printing 128 93 298 54 386 50 7 25 216 80 203 10 24 00 3 00 3 25 4 96 27 01 Cabinet Mskers' Association, 1 case B. E. Linehan, sewers NI. O'Connell, sant ary patrolman Lear & Phlfner, horseshoing, pa• tier Hanson, license plates Palmer VV'inall & Co.. printing Jon. '1'. Kearns, recording deeds Expense special charter comma - tee to Des Moines John Maloney. oil for electron lteinfred & Jaeger, copper wire tor elPciion G. N. Raymond, lamps for elec- tion Jas. Kelley & ti ,n, stationary for election Alex Simplot, engraving, for elec- tion Dubuque Cabinet Maker's associa- tion, rent chairs and tables, for election Mr. and Mrs. K ier,uig, janitor -Tom Connolly, cleaning around city hall P. O'Farrell, cleaning around city hall D. Corcoran, cleaning around city hall • M. Schroeder, city hall J. Mctrolina, city hall James Tobincleaning around city hail Hardie & S •harle. printing as sesstrnPnt rolls .James Kelly, receipt u.Ioks The following bills were referred to the committee on police and Baht: Star Electric Co., arc lights $1,490 40 Globe Light and heat Co., gnSO 268 33 line lamps 69 35 Key City Gas C ,., glia The following bills were referred to the printing CO'mittee• The Globe I,tibuque TELEGRAPH The 'limes The lIeraid The following bilis were referred to the electrieal construction committee: 3 80 Ansonia Electric Co Central Union 'I'elephoue Co 58 50 The foilnwing bills were referred to the committee on supplies:. $ 50 85 Key City Gas Co 385 ti. Corrance B;il of John Horner of $12 72 was re- ferred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. The following bills were referred to the sewer committee: W. S. Malo, $17.05; P. E. Strelau, $4.00; Anton Schneider, 89.00; P. 11. hatpin, 70c; James,Lyon 80c. Aid. Crawford moved that the registra- tion clerks and judges and cl-rits of elec- tion be allowed $5 00 each. Carried. On monnn the amount to be paid for rent of deferred until alltibillsregistration places sau bpre- en ted. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer st showing the percentace d to present a withheld on inaca data. Car- rierl. r presented map Engineer Knowlton showing location of sewers 011 Sanford street from Cooler creek to XV hire street and along %V bite street from Sanford street to 23d street. Referred to sewer commit- tee. Engineer Knowlton recommended that a sIx toot sidewalk on White street from 2 50 192 35 20 20 16 20 4 65 5 00 10 25 1-00 21 25 57 95 6 70 9 05 30 3 75 9 110 1 75 3 80 3 80 25 00 1 65 11 25 10 00 1,360 00 65 28 00 cleaning around cleaning around 45 00 3 45 50 00 4 00 9 90 15 00 2 25 161 90 60 30 4 95 41 35 1 65 2 25 40 00 1 35 70 70 70 1 50 100 33 75 2 50 $ 2915 91 75 29 15 29 15 126 Regular Session, April 5t/, 1894. Sanford street north instead of 8 foot be ordered. Adopted. Also reported he had examined the chimney of the Central engine house with reference to the smoke complained of and that the raising of the chimney higoer would not materially help matters, but that if coke could be substituted for soft coal it would remedy the evil Referrred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Also presented a communication and plat in relation to the straightening of Stafford avenue in front of Mr. Morga- daut's property. Referred to street com- mittee with power. Also reported that Mr. Shepply had ap- plied for grade stapes uu one-half ot L n- coln avenue, between Couier avenue and White streets, but recommended that the eu;ire street be improved. Referred to • street committee: Ald. Vogel uttered the following: Resolved by the City Council ot the City of Dueuqu3, That Lincoln avenue be- tween fouler avenue and White street, (48 feet) be guttered. curbed an macadam- ized, in conformity with the ordiaa;ice upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to snake the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recotder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of toe work; the guttering, curbing and maca- damizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Lost by thelollowine vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Glab, Lil- lig, , Powers and Vogel. Moes—Alts. Nicks, Olinger and Ryder. Ald. Olinger, chat man of the committee of the whole. reported as follows: Your committee report in laver of the adoption tit the following resolution: Whereas, At a meets Ig of this council held on February 6 h, 1893. a resolution was passed accepting use award of a jury in proceedings had to extend Fourth street from Sixth street to the High Bridge; and Whereas, At said session a resolution was adopted setting aside in the treasury the funds necessary to pay the several amounts specitied in said award to be paid the owners of the property condemned for said street, and declaring said street open as a public highway, as designated on the plat and in the award of the jury then accepted and Whereas, Subsequently ,Joseph A. Rhom- berg commenced a suit tor injunction in the district court of this county to restrain the opening of said street and said suit has since been and now is pending; and Whereas, Lot one, ot block three, in the Dubuque harbor improvement company's addition, then and now the property of the Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge company, was included in the plat and award of the jury as aforesaid and ►u said award said Bridge company was allowed the sum of two thousand uoflara as damages for the taking of said lot; and Whereas, Said company objects to said lot being taken and contests the right of the city to take tate same for street pur- poses, on the ground that it is part of its right of way necessary for the exercise of its franchises but is willing to have part of said lot and parts of its other properly taken for the purposes of Paid street; and Whereas, It is desirable to have said street opened as soon as possible and. for that purpose, it has been agreed between said lthomberg, said Bridge company and the city, that all matters or difference ex- isting between them that now prevent the opening of said street as laid out on the plat adopted February' 6th, 1893, as afore- said, shall be amicably settled by making a change in said street, and a new plat has been prepared showing such change and is now on file in the re- corder's office; and whereas. because by the change but a small part of said lot one will be taken for said street, and addi- tional property of said Rhotnberg will he taken therefor said bridge company has agreed, that it will make uo claim for damages for the taking of said part of said lot one or for the taking of part of other ot its property for said changed street as shown on s'id last mentioned plat and that it will release to said Rhornberg said sum of two thousand dollars awarded to it as afore- said; and whereas said new plant is sat- isfa.ctory to all parties and the change made affects but the property of said. bridge company and sand Rhomberg; and tv hereas. It is tor the best Interest of all parties to have said change made and said street established as shown 00 said new plat; therefore, to effectuate such purpose, is resolved, as follows: First. That said new plat be and the same hereby is approved; that the former proceedings so far as they apply to the part of said street in which a change is made as shown on said new plat be and the same are hereby modified to conform to said plai; and that said street as changed and platted on said new plat b•i and the sante is hereby established as a public highway. Second. That the amounts awarded in the aK aril before mentioned for property owned by said Rhotnberg be paid him; and that he be also paid said suis of two thous- and dollars awarded to said Bridge com- pany as aforesaid. Third. 'That before said payments are made to said tthomberg he shall tile in the r, corder's office a good and sufficient deed conveying to the city title to all property owned by hint and taken for said street as shown by said new plat. Fourth. That before said sum of $2,000 awarded to said Bridge company is paid to said Rhon►berg, said Bridge cutnpany shall file a release thereof to said Ithom- berg, and also a deed conveying to the city all property owned by said company and included its said street as shown on said new plat.' DUBUQUE, Iowa, March 30, 1894. To the Honorable City Council of the Ci•y of Dubuque: The Dunlieth & Dubuque Bridge com- pany will consent to the proposed exten- sion of Fourth street to the west end of the wagon bridge, if the north boundary of said street through lot one (1) block three (3) and thr9ugh the vacated portion of 'Power street, and through lots one, (1) two (2) and three (3) in block six (6) is made, as shown and designated on the ac- companying plat by red dotted lines; provided said city shall procure to be conveyed to the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge:company the title to the area of the small triangle at the northwest corner of lot two (2), block (3), making a strip of ground forty-two and one-half (42'x) feet in width, extending from tha levee west- wardly on the south side of the center line of the present Dunleith and Dubuque Co. track, to the west line of lot one (1) in block six (6),for au unencutnbrred.rigbt of Regular Session, April 5t11, 1894. 127 way for the Dunleilh and Dubuque Bridge Co. as shown on the acconlpanyin ,plat GEO. Vice—President. 11.Secretary. Ald. Powers moved that rules be sus- pended and parties interested in the above 'natter be allowed to address the council. Carried. Rules were suspended and Mr. Knight and otriers add reseed 1 he COU 141110 retsina to flee same. Alit. Crawford moved that the report of the committee be adopted. Carried by the following vote. Ayes—Allis. Butler, Byrne, Crawford. Glab, Nicks, Olinger, andltvder. Vo*el. Noes—Allis. Lillig, F Alli. Crawfutd otiered the following re- solutions. Resolved, That the mayor and recorder be and are hereby aulho ized and instruct- ed;tu draw warrants oulthe city treasurer to favor of the parties whose property has been taken for the opening and extension of Fourth street to the High Bridge, in ac- cordance with the resonitiun this day adopted, and for the several amounts specified in the award of the jury and as provided in said resolution, when said parties shall severally present the proper relinquisment of the right over their said property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Byrne, Crawford, Giab, Nicks, Olinger, and Ryder. Noes—Ards. Lillig, Poweis and Vogel. Ald. Ryder Moved to aujouru to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. ANTE1tNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Daugherty in the char. Present—Aids. Butler, Byrne, Craw- ford, Glatt, Lillie., licks, Olinger, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. PETITIONS. The following petitions relating to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax com- mittee: Mrs. Katie Smith, the Eleventh Street Evevator Co., Mary Driscoi, Mary De Lorimter, Caroline Matins, Ann Burns, A. Conigisky. ars. Jonathan Ruups, Mrs. Wro. Lahey, Math. Roesek and Margaret . Mulqueetiy The claim of of Svendseu & Ott against Jones Bros., was referred to the buildiug committee of the new engine house. Petition of Reeder Laugwtorihy et al, to have water mains extended on West Third street between Hill and Alpine streets. Re- ferred to termini tee on tire and water. Petition of .1. J. ,Murray et al, in relation to the extension of water mains down West Third street to St. Mary street and along Emmett street. ltelerred to com- mittee on tire and water. Petition of Martin Sullivan desiring to purchase part of surplus grading on W ilde street. ferred to street committee and engineer with power. Petition tit Peter Kiene et al., asking to have city engineer survey anil stake out the exact line of road through Yates' addi- tion. Granted. claim of Brown & Brown of $215 for grading on Seminary street. Referred to street cotnmissloher and engineer. Petition of Frank Russo in relation to a lot oh corner 01 Lincoln avenue and Kniest Re- ferredstreets to the ordinanto ce comms tee and city attorney. The Iollowing petitions were referred to t he street committee: Petition of E. B. Richard et al asking to have order for sidewalk on north side of Seminary street cancelled. Petition of 11. L. Avery et al asking to have Louisa street opened to ltig istreet. Petition of Rnye, Parker & Otto asking to be allowed $1,15 fur breaking tnacadatu on the street. Petition of John Newman remonstrating against special assessment. on lots 10 Nairn's add. The fallowing petitions were referred to the cuunni tee on police and light: Petition of Wm. Stinuhes et al for an electric light on Garfield avenue between Sixth and Seventu avenues. Communication of E. li. Hoagland in retaton to contract for gasoline lamps. Petition of A. R. Stautenbeil et al ask- ing to have the water mains extended from Seminary street down Madison st eet, lot 49 Cox's add. Referred to the commit- tee ,at fire and water. Petition et Ironwood Camti, M. \V. A., asking for use of toe armory hall on April 121h. Granted. Petition of the Linwood Cemetery Asso- ciation that the order fur a sidewalk on Windsor avenue. north of Klingenberg avenue to the cemetery gate be rescinded. Keceivt d and flied. i'etition of W. M. Greenhow in relation to hill against the city for plumbing. Re- ceived and filed. Tne claim of Mrs. McLaren for damages on account of the grading of Glen Oak avenue. R.terred to city attorney and en- gineer. Petition of Frank Giessler et al., asking that a pipe be laid to conduct water from drinking fountain on Khuutberg avenue. Referred to sewer committee. Chitin of M. Lavin tor $28.50 for extra work on account of change of line of sewer on Almond. Reterred to sewer committee. Communication of J. M. Kenety in rela- tion to bill referred to him fur collecuuu. R1erred to city attorney. Tne cinnmuntcitiou of County Auditor McCullou..it in relation to the valuation of the railroads is the City of Dubuque. Ap- proved and referred to the city assessor. Ald. Crawford moved that the commit- tee of the whole to whom was referred the bids for the improvement of sire• is and allefor theextension 01 whites reetbedio the award of the scharged and toe same be referred to the uew coun- cil. Carried. Report of officers. City Auditor Kenety reported as follows: Cash in treasury Marcllarc h1894 1, 84 $31,827.97 318.97 Receipts daring Total 863,148.94 Disbursmentsduring March 1891$28,502.98 Cash in treasury April1, 1891$34,643.96 forAlso reported the mouth of M8atcb1894e city officers Also presented a list of coupons re- deemed during the mouth of March, 1894. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Street Superintendent John Carter re- ported $3,572.82 due for road expenses during the month of March. Referred to street committee and warrants ordered to pay lrrltl laborers. It-ce reported $1,879 due the police for the month of March; also re- ported seventy -Seven police cases during month. Also reported $2.00, pound receipts for March 1894. Also reported $7.00 collected for short term saloon license during the mous- 128 Regular Session, April 5th. 1894. Received and tiled and waranis ordered drawn to pay police. Sewer inspector O'Brien reported 8494.30 amount due for labor on sewers during Match, 1894. Report referred to sewer committee and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers. Fire Chief Remitted reported $1,520 amount due firemen ler Mar h, 1894. Re- port received and tiled and watrtlts or- dered drawn to pay firemen. Markelmaster Norton reported r $27.95 due city from scales lor March, 1894. Also reported $22.80 due from feeding prisoners during Marco, 1894. Deport adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay lor feeding prisoners. City Wend Measurer J. H. Wood re- ported $1.45 per cent. clue city for wood measured during Marco, Received and filed. The report§ of City \Veighmasters Jas. Doyie, Una+. Pitschner, '1'. J. Donahue and Jacob Kessler were received and tiled. Bill of La.Uugoe lleraid of $166.67 for printing. Ordered paid, City Electrician Bunting ieported num- ber of street litmus not properly lighted during \larch; also reported $10,50 due Phil. Connolly for removing dean poles. Report adopted and warrant ordered drawn to pay , . Connolly. PETITIONS. Ald. Lillig, chairman ot the delinquent tax committee, reported as toliows: Your committee is 111 favor of granting the foilowiug petitions for caucelmdion of tuxes: Mrs. Mary Flynn, Mrs. Maurice O'Rea- gau, 11enriertit '1 nhotf, \Its. John Ahearn, Mrs. Emil Zoerr, Mary Seward, Angie Spahr', Sophia Dempsey, Joseph Jeffrey, Mrs. Patrick Flynn'', John Strel- ler, Mrs. Geo. Film' : usau Bornheiser, Miss Mahoney, Mary A. Johnson. In favor ot allowing Mrs. Margaret Flannagan to pay one-Iialt her taxes as payment in 1 ,11 for 18113. In favor or reducing the assessment of A. A. Cooper on lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, block 4 and lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Mock 5, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add to $8,000 and also reduc- ing city hots 616 and 616a to $30,000 for 1893. In favor of canceiling the assessment of the Key City iron Works on improve- ments on lot 399 city for 1893. In favor of cancelling the personalt y of the Dubuque 'retinue holler Mill Cu. for 1892 and 1894. In favor of allowing Mrs. John Marsch to pay one half of her taxes as payment in full on lot 4 in McCraney's second add. In favor of reducing the assessment ot Catherine Vogel ou s3 of lot 369 Davis Farm to $300. 111 favor of allowing Barbara Kiump to pay one hall her taxes on lot 17 'lieu street as payment in lull for 1893. In favor of instructing the treasurer to redeem lot 3 of sub. of min. lot 53 fur tax sale 01 1891. In favor of instructing the treasurer to refund Fred. Conrad ainouut paid on per- sonalty for 1893. In favor of allowing Mrs. Mc1oland to pay one-half her taxes as payr'leut in full for 1893. lu favor of allowing Mrs. Angelis Schul to,pay one-half her taxes as payment iu fu 1 fur 1893. In Laver of reducing the assessm•'ut of Louis Giesniau to $3,000 for 1893. Report adopted. Aid. Olinger, chairman 111 ttie comtult- tee of ttie whole, repor.ed as follows: Your committee report in favor of post- poning action On the application of Frank Sullivan for a position on the nre depart- ment or' the 11111. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jac. Welhoefer to relation to grade of alley east of 11111 street. In laver ot receiving lied hung the peti- tion of 1). Mueagenberg 111 imatton 10 line of Broadway extension. In favor of reterr 11g the petition of W. A. Leathers ill relation to sewerage tax to the city engineer and committee clerk. in favor of referring the matter of the city hospital back to the ex -committee of the board of health. In favor ot receiving and filing the com- munrication of the city attorney in relation to the chitin of Jane Jones. In laver of referring the petition ot 11ugh Cavanaugh et al., in relation to special sewerage assessment on Sr. Mary's street, and also petition of Sadie G. Leffert et al., lor sewerage in alley east of Wilson avenue, to the city attorney. In favor of receiving and Kling the peti- tion of E. 11. Sheppley in 'elation to the tolls charged on the high bridge. In favor of ehangiug the axile of Dodge street trent Grandview avenue to Fremont avenue, and that Fremont street be changed to Element avenue and that the engineer be instructed to prepare a profile and estimate of grade of said Fremont avenue. lit favor of receiving and filing the com- munication of the city treasurer in relation to [hooey to the special bonded huprove• meta fund. Report adopted. Ald. Glair chairman of the committee on claims reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- hig bill et Ferguson Bros. of $20.50. In tavor of Instructing the city at tirney to collect bills reported uy the city auditor, due the city. Report adopted. Ala. Ryder enalrmau of the committee on police and light, reported 10 favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas Co. $109.25; Globe, Light and fleet Co. $269 88. Report adopted. Aid. 1-tyeer, chairman of the board ot health, reported in favor of payhig bill of L. E. Frith of 87.00 fur removiug dead ani- mals. Report adopted. Alit. Grab of the special committee re- ported itt favor of receiving and titing the petitions of C. 1-1. Reynolds et al for the removal of the fountain on Hill and West 5th street. Referred to the new council. Petition of the board of supervisors In relation to the smoke nuisance in vicinity of the court house. Received and tiieil. Ald. Lillig, chairman of the delinquent tax con niitt.ee reports as follow.: Adverse to the following tax petitions. Adopted. Albert banning, F. Benish and Sirs. B. O'Farrell. Aid. Powers, chairman of the printing committee, reported itt favor of paying the following bills: Tunes, Co., $`29.15; The Herald, $29.15; The Globe, $24.15; '1'ELS.- GRAPn, $75. Engineer Knowlton presented plat of propo•ed widening •.1 alley between Glen. Oak ave. and Edith street. Also plat showing a change in the alignment of Glen Oak ave. Referred to the street committee and engineer with power. Ala. Powers presented and read for the. second time - Au ordnance vacating six feet off the easterly side of Madison street, abutting upon lot No. 1 of the subdivision 01 lot No. Regular Session, April 5th, 1894. 129 678 and lot No. 2 of the subdivision of lot 64 in Marsh's addition in the city of Du- buque, Dubuque county, luwa, andgrant- ir.g the exclusive use, pussessiim and con- trol of said premises and ground to the owner of the above described abutting property, Michael Duggan tit Dubuque, l,wa, _.doo'ed by toe f.dlowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Byrne, Crawford, Glee, Ryder. Liltig, Nicks, Olinger, Powers. Noes—None. On motion an ordinance relating to es- tablishment of new board of health and also an ordinance relating to licensing ice skating rinks were relerred to the new council. Aid. Nicks, chairman of the special com- mittee, reburied as fo114) s: your special committee to whom was re - fel red the matter of equalizing the cost of sash for new engine house, would most respecl1ully teportin favor of de- ducting 96.5(1 on contract on account. of the difference in thick ess. Report adopted. Ald. Powers presented a protest against the action of the city council taken In ,e- garcl to openug ,1f 4th street extension which was signed by Mayor Daugherty, Alderman Lilllist, Vogel and Powers. Received and filed. A Id. Olinger moved that the contract for the new chemical engine with Revere rub- berer company be cancelled. Carried. Ald. Olinger presented a new contract with the Eire Extinguisher Manufacturing Co. and moved that the mayor and recorder be instructed to sign the same. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to canvass the vote of the election and tellers be appointed. Carried Ald. Glab and lnllig were appointed tellers. The result is as follows: c. • cx aw CX. -1 1 --c —0 •.•4Ju1Ja)d IBA I;1 • IJutJald puooaS NuA\ 7`'J!,4 N 1+N CC= MO, 0,0 M1v MM ` - CM= MW - -1 4":4:1- 4:5 4- =1 cue. -1a CK 3 MGC 0 ;112 '174 • • • IJultaud 7611.1 •)Ju1:)ai.1 puoaag •.•43Uthud • )ouiaa.d puoaag • •Ioulaaud PiItIJ •NUM puna S • N tc -- L' • N J 7L1 m7 •a7 e`•5 =o 'r V, 4.0c 1444 • • • aUpa1d Isita I I' a x • 714 r -4= == • 42111JaUd l)tll,aati - :^xsr is:— c = 130 Regular Session, April 5th, 1894. the city and president of this council than that 01 the most pleasing nature. and dur- ing the heat of deuate on the flour of the council chamber a most respectful de- corum has at all limes been observed when the gavel called tit order. FINANCES. The past year has been a year long to be remembered as one traaght wall many difficulties 111 providing the necessary funds adequate to carrying forward the many needed improvements of our city and to furnish employnleu1 to a large class 01 wage-earners, who depend solely upon their tabor to ubtain the common neces- saries of me. ie. On assuming the duties of my office one year ago 1 tomtit an empty treasury. Toe newly appointed committee on fin- ance was Cuulpelled to borrow at tints the necessary fonts wilt, which to pay tie current expenses of toe city tar the prev- ious munch, which included the members of the lire department, toe police and all other departments, together with the labtu- ers employed ui the sweets, all necessary and iucIIenuti to a lapitlly growing city of forty thousand peuple,but to secure this was an easy t .sk compared to the amount Ulu finance commit tee was coilpeled to burrow to replace lulus appropriated to the 'educ- tion of the floating deur wh,cli amounted to a trifle less than x50,000. Large 111Cumpleted contracts for the im- provement of streets, alleys, sewers, etc., were In preoess of coin pielibll watch re- quired it heavy outlay of money, and to pro- vision made at the time, authorizing me to replenish the treasury by the Issuing of bonds to raise funds with which to meet these ntatunog obligations of the city to contractors for the improvement of these streets as provided by tile statue. %Vi h the city's credit already strained to its utmost and no funds 111 the treasury, it fitanend panic, such as the world has never seen or felt before, swept over the entire country like a .• littering blast, prostrating every form of business, and all the great industries of a prosperous uatiou were at once paralyzed and its people lett helpless as a caravan atter a suad storm 0.1 a trackless desert; securities became at once worthless, bonds were uuue,oiIable amu nothing seemed left to us but to grope our way through the financial dark- ness that enveloped the whole country. llouey could only be obtained by paying a heavy rate or interest, not only for the little we could secure of batiks for ear - rent expenses, but interest, always bur- (let:solI a to a tax paying people, was de- manded by those holding our city war- rants Lir street improvements. Tue levy of 10X mills on the valuation of the city property was insufficient to pay the current expenses 01 the city, including ad vanes made on sir et improvements and the interest due on outstanding bonds and city warrants, consequently the float- ing debt, so sacredly guarded Uy the pub- lic press, at the close of the 1110141 year was of necessity increased slightly, but with au these unfavorable surroundings this debt was not increased to the extent an- ticipated by those familiar with linaaclal conditions, and 1 ant pleased to odd the city's financial condition is in a more healthy condition to -day than at any time during the year. 'Phe resources of the city are greater by from $20,000 to $30.000 than a year ago, and the tiottucial credit of the city has been partially, if not fully restored. Eastern capital is seeking in- vesttneut in our improvement bonds as good securities, and 1 believe the ctty to- day is i11 a fair way of keeping pace with' her sister clues in her growth and import- ance. STREET IMPROVEMENTS. There nave been extensive street im- provements in vandals parts of the city, a dettilet'. staletuent of winch can be found In the engineer's report, which also in- cludes a complete alphebetical list of names of streets with their width, length and cog tit llnurovemet1 etc., which is a vain •b.e addition to tae report 01 that ef- ficient officer. All streets (having duplicate names have been ienanled by the committee, and unique street signs have been ordered and are now ready to place on Che corners to designate the name of the street, a long tett necessity. The street.; have never been in better condition than tlhey are at this time. Much til tuts is due to use of wide tires on heavy draft and ether two horse vehicles, and 1 ueheve the city can better afford to remit the team Incense and enforce the wide tire rd malice than to return lit furrier condi- tions as it will require a greater outlay of money to keep the street., hu repair with tine use of narrow tires than will be real- ized hl the collection of teats licenses. POLICE DEPARTMENT. The city has enjoyed the protection of an efficient police h,rce, and 111udgh the cost of the departuient has exceeded the cost of the same in preceeding years it has not exceeded the demands of the public. The city Is rapidly extending is hornier limes in the erection of buildings on the outskirts, which demand protection, the territory embraced 111 the patrolman's beat is necessarily large and requires more men to do the work properly time in former year, and the 0011 et tae department must necessarily itercase uh preportioa. Miring the year there was placed in dif- ferent sectiots of the city telephone sta- tion.., al trifling cost for the use tit the po- lice department, winch have proven of much value and added greatly to the effici- ency of the department. F1RE DEPAitTMIINT. The city ore department speaks for it- self. It needs 110 commendation at my stands to prove its efficiency. 1Ve.t1 man- aged by an efficient force of firemen it is to our city o hat a life saving crew is to a sea tossed mariner. Quick to respond to the alarm of danger it oas proven it eflielency by preventing many conflagrations during the year. It is claimed by many to be expensive, but when we consider the value it has been to the city in saving property the cost of maintaiug it dwindles Into insignifi- cance. A new engine house has been erected during the winter on Delhi street Lir the better protection of those living on the hills and will soon be completed aid ready lor occupancy. A combination chemical engine ladder and hose truck with all the necessary ap- paratus is being contracted for. which will afford all the protects in required by those living in Its vicinity for some LIMO to come, The cost of maintaining the fire depart- ment has gradually increased of necessity for the past two or three years, but now that the necessary engine houses are pro- vided the expen,e can be gradually di- minished. ELECTRICAL LIOIITING. One year ago the city was partially lighted by electricity. A few of the slain thoroughfares were lighted with arc lights i Regular Seaton, April 5th, 1894. 131 ant the outskirts were lighted with gaso- line lamps, but these or most of them have been remuvt-d and instead arc lights of 2,000 caliche power each have taken their place, and to -day the city is one of the best lighted, at the lowest cost, of any ,coy in Iowa. They are now located in nearly every street in the city over 350 ot these arc lights and while the cost of maintaining these are a trifle more than gasoline lamps, they have proven entirely satisfactory to all, even with the additional cost. CONCLUSION. 1n conclusion, gentlemen, 1. recommend to you of tile old as well as to those who are to take the seals ot tie retain): mem- bers of this council, a system of retrench- ment in the matter of street and other much needed improvements, should be carefully truarded u itil such time at least as the city's debt 1s partially if not en- tirely oultterated. The interest now paid by the taxpapers on the puulcdebt is now and always will be a burden and can only be lightened by strictest ecouomv. A strict observance of the statute providing for the necessary funds for street improvements be- fore the contracts are completed will tad materially in keeping down the vexed question of increasing the floating debt. 1 would Most respect- fully recommend refunding the bonded debt by issuing long tun, bonds at, a low rate of interest, which can now be negot- iated very favorably, and thereby reduce the amount paid fur Interest on short time bonds. Thanking you again. gentlemen, tor the consideration shown me, and wis tine you a prosperous and successful administration for the year to come. 1 now have the honor of presenting to you my successor, they m tyur of our city, Peter Olinger. A. \V. DAUGHEftTY. Ald. Grab delivered the following fare- well address: Mit. CHAIRNI?aN AND GENTLEMEN OF T1IE COUNCIL—As 1 ata about w sever my otflcial relations with you, 1 cannot du so without expressing my heartfelt thanks to you all fur the many courtesies shown me during my term of office. 1 may not ars all times nave held the same views as a major- ity of you, yet 1 was guided by what 1 thought was righty, and if 1 have made any mistakes, they have been of the head and not of the heart. hoping that the same friendly relations shall continue in the future as they have in the past• 1 now re- tire to matte way fo. my successor. Ald. Nicks also made a tees farewell re- marks. Ald. Powers made complimentory re- marks in reference to the retiring inayor and aldermen. °Mayor Daugherty delivered the oath of office to Mayor-eiect Olinger. Mayor Olinger deiivered the oath of once to the following: John Halpin, adlerman of the First ward. T. J. Shea, alderman of the Second ward. A. Vogler, alderman of the 'Third ward. P.W. Crawturd, aiderm in of the Fourth Ward. Joseph Kaufman, alderman of the Firth ward. Mayor Olinger than delivered the follow- ing inaugural address: To the Members of the City Council: GENTLEM1•.N1-1laving been chosen by the iful and grand to the office ofle of lwh ch 1is tc have just takenthe oath, viz: —mayor—an 1 as such 1 am aware of the great responsibility that Is attaeaed to thesanie,but 1 trust that eneli and every- one of you that have been elected to this council th s year, as well its these who re- main Irani the last, with myself, will by concerted action endeavor to retain the confidence 01 those who have placed Us 111 our respective pesltloas b. faithfully per- forming our duties without fear or favor w the interest id the whole City. As it is well known that the financial condition of the city Is such that 1t is of vital importance that we curtail the ex- penses of encu and every department to us lowest possible point, and yet not to such a degree its to iuteriere with the prosperity of tine city, and yet protect toe interests of these WIl Ul it is Our only le protect. By a gutted effort 1 am sat:stied we can reduce the 11 iaung dent considerably, thereby saving alarge sunt of interest, as the same is and has been steadily growing, until now 11 tastes about one-third ot the total taxes collected to pay the interest on our debt. And as our expenses have in- creased from year to year they are now far In excess of the receipts and the titne has come when we must change tilts state of affairs lir we will not be faithful to the trust impose! in us. 1 would recommend for your favorable consideration the necessity of Making ap- propriations for the different departments, so that you can see where you are standing at the end of the year. Tot+ can be easily dune by making a close estimate of the re- sources of the coy up to the bud of the tiseat year. 1 want also to call your atten- tion tip rue fact teat we city is now p tying for 272 hydrants at. $5'.) per year each, amountMt to $1t,320. Now, if 23 inure hy- drants are added, making 300 tit all, then the city gets thein at $50 eat: . fir $15,000, thereby Malting a saying of $1,320 a year on water, bisid,:s etym.; our citizens un the outskirts better tire protection. As most of you are well aware, there is now over $20,000 in the special bonded im- provement fund, on whien the city is pay- ing interest without deriving any benefit, and Immo] recommend that improvement bunds for that amount tie called in and caneelle,1. 'There are many subjects of whish 1 might, tali your attention lo, but deem it best to investigate With you the exact condition of the several departments and then 1 shall suggest to you from dine to trine for your consideration the best methods to pursue for din best interests of Inc city. All of which isUr sgee Olinger. submitted. Mayor, Mayor Olinger then announced the standing committees as follows: Finance—Ryder, Crwwford, Vogler . Ordinances—Powers, Ryder, Kaufmann. C alms—Voider, Powers, Halpin. Streets—Kaufmann, Vogler, Powers, Ryder, Halpin. Harbors—Vogel, Lillfg, Crawford, Shea, Halpin. supplles—llalpiu, Shea, Vogel, Powers, Kan (01111111. Markets—Kaufmann. Butler, Vogel. Public Parks and Buildings—Shea, Pow- ers. Vogler, Intlig, Butler. Fire and Water—Crawford, Kaufmann, Ryder, Vogel, Butler. Police and Light—Liliig, Shea, Halpin, Kaufmann, Vogler. Printing—Vogler, Crawford, Ryder, 13utler, Liliig. Delinquent Tax—lfalpin, Shea, Vogler, Powers, Kaufman. Electrical Construction—Butler, Vogel, 132 Regular Ses won, April 5th, 1894. Kaufman, Powers, Ryder. Sewers—Butter, l.iilig, Crao,ford. Executive Committee of R tars of Ilealth —Shea, Powers. Kaufnivt, Vogler, I1atpin. l'avioe—Ryder, Lillie. Powers. Renamnie Streets—Crawford, Shea, Butter, I.illig, Vogler. Electric it Cousiruetion—lititler, Vogel, Kaufmann, Powers, Ryder. Aid. Kaufmann moved teat Ald. Ryder be appointed mayor pro tem. Carried. AId. Powers offeied the following reso- lution which was adopted: 1tesolye.l, That all applicants for ap— pointments to office tile their applications in wining with the recorder before the next meeting of council. Cart ted. Ald. Ifalpin moved that when council ad- journ it meet Monday, April 9th, at 9 o'clock a. m. Aid. Hyder moven as an amendment that when the council adjourns it dues so to meet Aprii 18th, at 9 o'clock a. m. Car- ried. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the executive commit- tee of the board of health be instructed to adyeruse for bids for the hauling of gar - clove and dead animals ler the season of 1894 to the best advantage of ttie city. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to adjourn. C.irried. Attest: er. 1893. Mayor Mayor's Proclamation. In pursuance of law and the ordinances of the city, 1, A. W. Daugherty, Dlaynr of the City of Dubuque, Stare of lnwa, do hereby proclaim that an election wilt ue holden in said etty un Monday, April 211d, 1894, for the purpose of electing .A Mayor, An Auditor, Ali Assessor, Also one Alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polis will be opened at 8 o'clock a. m., and closed at ti &chuck p. in., but may b.+ held open until 8 o'clock p. in. un said day, pruviued, a proclama- tion is so made at the opening ut the pulls. to receive the votes cast at such electon, in the following places, to -wit: FIRST WARD. First Precinct —T. J. Donahue's corner Grandview ave and South Dodge streets. Second Precinct -155 Main street. SECOND WARD. First Precinct —Court house. Second Precinct—Fourth Street Engine !louse. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Nintu Street Engine House. Second Precinct—city Hall. Third Preciucl—Muntz Store, 1041 Clay street. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—t.orimier !louse. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Ryan Livery Barn. FIFTH \t•AUD. First Precient, Schmrd's Brewery. second Precinct. Henn, Mueller's. Third Precinct, Christ Capritz's. Fourth Precinct, James Crawford's. 1Vittiess my hand and the seal of said city this 8 h day of March 1894. [SEAL] A. W. DAU,HERTT. Mayor. Attest: '1'. J. COONEl, City Recorder, Registration Not ce. MAYOR'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, louts, March 14, 1894. } Notice is hereby given that the regis- ters of election, duly appointed to register voters in the city of Dubuque, state of lows, wilt be in attendance at the places herein below mentioned, for the purpose of correcting 'he registry list of last fall's elecuun and adding thereto such electors as may be entitled lo vote at the city elec- tion 10 be held April 2d, 1894. Said registers will meet at their respect- ive places 00 saturdtty, Match 31st, 1894, at 8 o'clock a. in., and be in session unlit 9 O'clock 1). ln. of said day. Said registers w I I:I hereafter meet en Mon day, (election day.) April 2nd, 1894, and be in session from the time the polls open un- til they close, and register only such voters as were absent from ttte ell on the pre- ceding Saturday curing the time the board was 1n se•sion: also such voters as did not heroine citizens until Monday, April 2ud, 1894. The places nt registration of voters In the several wards and precincts of said city are as follows: FIRST WA1tD. First Precinct—Svensson & Oit's office. St.cond Precinct— ontana nouse. SECOND WAitD. First Precinct—Court house. Second Precinct—Fourth street engine hoose. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth street engine house. Second Precinct—City hall. Third Precinct—Eighteenth street en- gii.e house. FOURTH W,Vt D. First Precinct—Loruiuer house. second Precinct—Western brewery. 'L'ttird Precinct—Kenyon's barber strop` West Locust street. FIFTII WARD First Precinct—Meyer,' livery. Second Precinct—Mrs. E. Muelller's. Third Precinct—M. IVenner's, 1071 Mom berg avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jas. Crawford's 23d and .Jackson streets. All qualified v--.ers of said city who failed 10 have their names on last, tall's registry list are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and with- in the time hereinbefore mentioned for re_istration tliev will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. A. W. DAUGHERTY, Mayor. Attest: T. J. COONEY, City Recorde. List of City Warrants. 133 I i s rj OF \\T A R 11 i N is Issued by the City Recorder During November, 1883. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, 1 DU1flJ UE, Iowa, Decepther 1, 1893. f To the honorable Mayor and City Council: ( l EN 1 I.EM EN— The following is a complete list of all .varralita issued Uy me doting the month of November, 1893: Name. For what Puypo3e. Amount 1-1. B. Gnilfke....Salary for Oct., Treas- urer ................... $150 00 H. B. Gnitlke..... Salary for Oct., clerk.. 50 00 T. J. Cooney.... ••Salaryfor Oct., Re -corder 116 65 .J. M. Kenety. • . •.Salary for Oct, AuU- 'tor.................... 110 63 J. F. Stemm......'a'lary for Oct.. As- sessor .... ......... 125 00 J. E. Knight......Salary for OctAttor- ney 125 00 W. H. Knowlton..Salary for Oct., En- gineer 275 00 E. S. Hyde Salary for Oct., As. sis:ant En:;ineer.... 100 00 Jas, BoyceSal .ry for Oct. Assist- ant Engineer... 1t0 00 Henry G1ab Saari for Oet., Assist 50 00 S. B.Rlce Salary for Oct., Mar- shal ar- 100 00 John Carter Svlary for Oct. Street Suuerinteudent J. Reinfried......Sa1arS for Oct., Chief of fire department Ed. Norton........Salary for Oct., Mar- ketinaster J. W. Fowler Salary for Oct. Health Officer ............... john O'BrienSalary or Oct , Sewer Inspector J. Bunting........Salary for Oct., Elec- tric i an .............. . H..Henge.........Salary for Oct., Para Custodian46 50 J. W. \Vood Salary for tict., W hart - master .............. 20 00 John O'Connell, alary for Oct., Com- mittee clerk James Daly Fireman.... ........ • • . Job Barnes...' A. McDouald...... J. Murphy Win. Duey I Schonberger Ed. Keas T. Ryser 13. McDonald M. Eitel J. Essman A. Ducciui J. 'lynn J. Wiltse T. Walker C. Specht.. James Powell.... 1). Ahern d. Al1ru ............... VV. Hippuran C. Kannolt ............... F. Ganahl 1. ••••••••••••"• J. Ward 66 Geo. Collinson" F. Esstnan 1. T. Flynn" A. Straus " J. Rooney Geo, Gerke Emil Kaun D. Ryan Captain of Police J. ltaeslie..... ....Captain of Police B. Cain.... Policeman Wm. Hennessey. ••••`••"• VN m. O'Brien Wm. Frith ..... " •••••••••.....• John Litacher" •.••...."""• F. McNerney" T.I::illey.... P. Dunnegan I'. Kearney .1. Fitzpatrick" 91 65 75 00 50 00 50 GO 70 CO 75 00 6. 66 64 kb 66 66 46 1). Norton6. ............... 50 00 James Allen50 00 .lohn Reuter •' .. .. 50 00 .lames Fiynn " 50 00 D. Lavery........ " 50 00 Ed. Moore........ 50 00 M. Kilty " ... 60 00 .1. Seerest.... ..... 50 00 P. Sutton......... 50 00 M. Craugh........ " ............... 48 35 .J. Hoffman 50 00 1'. Sullivan 51 IMI 1'. Powers 1. 50 00 1). Linehan 48 35 Thos. Gordon " , 45 O5 J. Spielman 14 41 75 J. 1lilsotl " ............... 50 00 .lames Carter51 65 J. Kintzinger.•" 51 G5 M. Hardie„ 51 65 J. Murphy51 65 Sam. Ebner "............. .. 51 65 P. -chart4. 51 65 1'. McCollins .............. 51 65 1'. Hanlon" 51 65 John Murphy•" ••••••••••..... 6000 C. S igelhalter.....utudinaster.......... 50 00 Ed. NortouBoarding prisoners.... 13 00 •1. Ahearn Laborer ................ 23 65 M. Abbitz..... .. ................ 17 55 .1. A breeht............... 82 40 W. Ball........... " ............... 11 50 A. Burke.... .6 810 Chas. Buse25 00 P. Burke...... ........ 17 55 M. Burnes.... I7 911 R. Burns............... 19 25 John Byrne.. ..... .. 20 25 John BewerHelper road roller... 50 00 1'. Braudeubelger.L:tborer 5 40 Curls. Beyer Mason ................. 2t 75 is. Bromuritt Lauorer 18 8 9050 El Berry ................ .I•IllryBoetke" 18 90 1'. 13randerbach... ............... 8 10 Sam. Cbbins ............ John Co, bett ............... 33 10 ii. Conlin" ............... 13 85 \Vin. Clarke" 42 90 Wm. CarterMason .............. 5l 00 John Coyne Laborer ................ 9000 .1 is. ( Iliwily „ "".."' 2422 95 46 Al. Crahoo............... .Iain,•, Cahill' 16 12 20 31 20 83 35 611 00 75 00 511 011 60 00 00 •0 50 00 50 00 50 00 2 00 60 00 75 00 59 00 60 00 60 10 50 00 50 00 59 0) 00 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 18 85 6100 60 00 42 85 50 01 86 00 1 65 75 00 70 00 48 35 50 00 46 70 50 00 40 00 51 00 48 35 ............... 50 00 50 01 .1. Callahan....... M. Carmody...... " L. Corcoran....... " W. rmnpwell.... , M. Coyle John Corcoran 1). Corcoran Phos. Calirey 4 115 ............. .. 93 65 31 Os 14 05 18 60 21 60 2 25 5 40 30 40 28 70 16 20 2 711 10 80 135 26 00 16 55 29 70 10 80 35 10 16 20 20 95 21 60 16 73 40 00 15 50 8 15 17 59 17 50 275 29 05 22 95 10 90 21 60 22 65 10 80 2 70 2 70 29 05 33 10 24 30 30 49 22 39 011 13 85 24 .. ............... Mason... M. Dwnpby Laborer M. Dudensky..... a . Dieferdlug.... .•••••.•• M. Dorsey........ " James Dolan..... " •••••.•.••..... Fred. Datil `1s.... John Drl-colt John Eagan John Evert l' , Flasher H. Foltz Al. Fa1( ,an Dau. FOX... „ 1'. Fitzgerald•••••••........ C. Frisdh . ' F. Faber Mason ................. John Farley Laborer C. I.onsrllo if ...• ........ L. Fritz . Jolln FIX \Vin. Flynn M. Farrell H. Goble Ed. Grew 11. Grllnzlg I'. Gregory Joe Grab „ John Giesster,. Joe Ginter Aug. Goss Ed. Hackett John Hafey. Dan. Harrnau F. Herzog '" Aug. Holferinan aures Harker' P. Hayleu..... •" A. Joltnsou..... ..... •-••..... • 44 64 6. 6. ••...........• 134 List of City Warrants. P. Jacobi" It Jesse James F. 4 . KringleForeman ............. E. L. KingLaborer................ John Karel' " .......... M. Kline" ............... P. Ktokeekl 66............... .1. Kelly" ............... 1'. Kinney•• F. Grceger " ............... J. KlusellaCarpenter C. Ksmpman Laborer ................ L.Kone" C. Kreui......, " ............... John Lutke" ............... H Luck' M. I.oes. ............. M. Lilack John Lavin " John Lacy Foreman .............. T. Lonergan Laborer.... .1. Leideuger C. Lelrlteimer T. Mahony J. Moroney M. Murphy T. Murrey L. Maher P. Murrey J. Mullin Robert Mack James Molloy P. Melcholr L. Meurtsse M. Maliony T. Mulqueeney" 1'. Moran" P. Moore Engineer road roller.. I'. AlehaiiLaborer• ........ A. Wanderscheld. " ........... Dorman Miner... T. Meggison...... ............... J. McNulty Foreman L. McEvoy.......Laborer....... M. NIcCone Foreir an A. McGnan.......Laborer P. McMullen •• ............... James McEvoy F. McBride M. McCarten B. McCormack Wm. MCLtin " D. Nickols'• ............... M. Nuteu" L. Nipp Mason John Noeth.......Laborer F. Oswald ............... P. O'Brien, Sr" ............... J. 00 elt ............... P. O'Toole., ............... D. Powers " ............ Wm.l'ickley Foreman James l'urcell....Laborer........ A. PP.flnei'........Mason .1.1'erryon... ....Laborer .John Pfeiffer ............. Jolrl Iluail"...... John RaetzForeman ............... Wm. Rooney Laborer Win. Rieman .lames Ragan" John Ryan. •` ....... ............... M. R:ten44 F. Renter 4 T. Re'lly... 44 M. Rinker" J. Raesnor F. Riede M. Shay44 J. Sullivan J. Stevenson Geo. Sutter 44 N. Sweeney 44 • John Spear.... Joe 8eik.... ..... " 1. Selber• Wnr. Swaegler... " L. Stirrer'........., o M. Shettock J.Schnr.di •••••.,,,,.,,,, H. Seltinidt....... F. Theirmg Win. Thompson J. Taschner Aug. Wittee 11 Chas. Wittee 4 P. Wagner44 John Wolfe Foreman T. Welsh.... Laborer M. Watters....... '• 66 44 44 16 " 16 4, u ............... 44 44 " 17 25 13 50 28 00 11 50 29 70 29 05 28 36 29 70 18 25 24 00 50 00 22 65 10 80 10 80 10 80 22 95 4 05 18 90 20 95 32 40 33 10 8 10 16 20 18 25 23 65 21 60 22 65 13 50 10 80 25 63 4 05 15 20 4 05 31 75 1 35 80 75 19 25 60 00 6 75 111 90 16 20 8 10 38 40 26 70 38 40 25 65 14 85 27 70 8 111 15 20 20 95 6 75 4 05 13 50 9 00 16 20 12 15 18 90 16 90 2 70 20 25 800 20 60 27 00 16 20 10 80 29 70 39 20 11 50 25 65 26 00 26 00 30 25 27 00 20 60 18 90 17 25 10 80 2365 21 60 17 55 18 90 17 55 36 00 25 00 4 05 21 95 24 30 21 60 2 70 2 70 25 00 10 50 20 25 2 70 8 10 14 85 35 90 5 10 24 30 M. White......... " .............. . F. Weny.......... • J. Whalen •' N. \Vanipeck" ............... S. Weber" C. Test '• W. %aching '• W. Becker Teatn John Becker •' C. O. Baker James Burns Jaines Beacom'• 1t. Bennett" Ed. Behrens•' ..... ......... N. Brandt" ............... Sam Brandt " B. Cain 66... 1'. Clancy ......... •' Bridget Costello.. Tom Connolly ... •. M. H, Cushing... 46• .............. A. Conrad 16 1'. Elliott 66 J. Elliott 4• .............. P. C. Foley N. Frith Fuhrman Bros John Garragan M. Gantenbelu John Geary M.J. Hannon \Vm. Howard J. Hotimey'er Tout ltaaerty P. Jarden J. Kenneally T. Kane N Kin(zinger .John Leicht P, Linehan—. . .. ............... Join Long `• ............... Chris. Lelupke66 .... .......... C. Leiclit...... 44 ............... c. Messerknecht•• Joe Moore It. Maths J. alur•rey F, Mathis F. Mathis... John May. L. Motscu.... John McGrath Win McGrath... " J. McCollins Jeff McGrath C. McElrath S. Norton............ P. O Shea............... L. Ott66John Parker • 46John Pickley Beu. Phillips " Amos Paley" 5118. Quinlivan" Aug. 'weber 44 Geo. Reynolds" H. Schmidt44 J. Sigworth" D. Sutherland4. A. Stele'• J. Sullivan J. Sutuerland64 J. Steffes 66J. Savage J. Sinkey 46 16F. Schulz....,4. J. Strotz" L. Sigwarth " Cath. Tobin. " M. Tice 66V. Villas66John Welsh •• Geo. Wetter'• M. Specht Laborer M. Igo W. '1'er'ry J. Hillery 1'. Fury, Si• M. Higgins Geo. eyer John :Wunsch James Ragan..., James Bennett.., Chas. Dillon P. Grew ..Thos. McDonald61Bert t lswal(l Chas. Beyer T. Caffrey...., Joe Rooney Se 66 66 44 \4 " 44 44 " 46 66 44 16 " 44 " 44 44 66 21 30 10 15 3 05 25 65 13 50 18 90 24 30 6 30 23 65 33 10 31 50 37 80 35 45 15 75 23 65 6 30 39 40 39 40 45 70 16 55 6 30 6 3J 52 80 1. 6') 28 35 40 95 47 25 22 05 17 35 54 35 26 80 14 20 57 50 6 30 53 15 34 65 74 60 4s 85 31 50 22 05 52 00 41 75 18 570 14 20 32 30 10 25 11 05 34 65 1575 15 75 29 95 43 35 52 00 33 10 56 70 45 70 14 20 23 65 43 35 48 85 60 65 19 70 25 20 73 00 44 10 40 95 18 90 18 90 76 95 2 40 38 25 20 50 48 85 16 55 10 25 39 40 12 60 15 75 57 50 42 55 630 33 10 22 05 44 65 48 10 48 10 42 00 45 10 51 15 44 65 39 85 43 75 40 25 40 25 36 75 24 00 10 60 900 10 50 31 95 i List of City Warrants. 135 M. Lavin " John Beyer............... Luke Connolly ... • F. AmesLa y 66 .............. . (leo. Echert.... " .l. Fitzpatrick" M. Loes......••••• ,. .............. P. Fury, Jr II. Wiley .• 44 N.Sheehar ` John Breen 66 M. U'Brleu 66 P. Lynch • J. Globous... " I). Broodhurst.... " ............ •• • Jaines Oakley.... " ............... .James Hurley.... M. shay ............... N. Brauut ..... Teaut................. Liuenau (leo. Reynolds" N. Kintzinger b. Motsoh M. O'Connell Mrs. 1'. Kien Mrs. Koenig H. T. Eddy 66 Sanitary inspector.... Scrubbi g city hall.... Scrubbing cuy hall.... Rodin an E. S. Daugherty .. Rodman Chas. Herzog.....Sawiug wood Thomas We1sh...Labor . Williams & McCaun.lmp. Dodge street..64 66 66 •• ` Gradin, " Steuck & O1Farrellh1U,,.alley ...... Lip. Regent street Prince street500 00 437 79 "Grading Prince street 90 0.1 A. & E. Parrish... Excavat g Cotler creek 167 62 Peter Eisbach....Inmp s hf Dodge street. 297 09 M. Lavin... ..... Sanitary sewer Almoud 174 38 st, eel Alois Lange Imp. s ht Dodge street 140 to Harry rtoetorGrading 13th street.... 21 66 :tines Lee 1t-pair•.ng sidewalk... 22 30 Thos. HassettRock (George Taylor ...Improving alley....... 440 25 Cain es Schoenthal. " 163 35 Phil. Doerr " 33815 Phil. Doerr . 232 41 Geo. W. Farley...Imp. Humboldt ave... 20 17 Jas. McDonald .aid walit 93 81 John Ttoey..... ..Rock 15 61 A. Siege Rock 116 70 Dodson & Schoen- thal.... .. Grading Booth street. 64 ling. Iluoth street 14 " ..1 I. p. (tooth street Henry Proctor ....Int, . Alma street ..Lop. Ahua street Ed. Ryan Grading Broad sire, t Grading Broad street. Brown & Brown. lino. seminary street.. 66 imp. Se,,.inary street. • Amp. Seminary street. _Imp. Seu•itiary street. Imp. Seminary street. Steuck & OFarrel!.lmp. Sanford and Queen streets....... E. E. Frith Lup. Washington St.. Geo. W. Farley Imp. Humboldt St.... Henry Proctor top. 13th street Steuck & O'Farrell.tu,p. alley Geo. Taylor ..lntp. Nevad+street... E. E. Frith ........Imp.22d street Steuck Sr O'FarrelLuup. aley Phil. oerr ..... Imtp•alley.... hf odge street Alois Langep• August Brocher .. 'Macadam... ...... Albert Eppler.... John Whalen..... John Kelly....... o Nic. Ra, mg John O'Dea 46 Fred. Schultz64 T. Kelly..... Frauk (toy ` John Melone Nic. Theis P. Quinn N. Sweeney M. Burke... A. Gratz... . Fees .................. . Knapp, Stunt & 66 7 00 19 50 13 00 11 25 10 90 835 6 00 4 51 3 51) 3 00 3 00 2.2 75 6 00 5 00 13 91 7 5,1 6 75 1 90 18 91) 1420 59 85 1 60 12 60 50 00 10 65 31 90 4375 49 00 11 90 7 5, 500 oil 50.' 00 103 011 500 011 5110 a) 344 45 1,5 211 480 00 167 oll 500 00 56 50 t. 389 75 500 00 454 00 500 011 110 511 500 110 241 00 5011 00 500 00 500 00 500 0, 444 15 Co. Co Lumber ................ 112 04 Adair Reuter Labor .................. 1 25 Le .lire Lumber Co.Ltamber 37 54 F. Schlor Repairing tools.. 24 55 F. Scat •7 Repairing tools17 35 G. A . Hoerner.... L • in ern globe45 John Tuuss•tint... Wood 51 00 Duounne Wooden Ware C • 1 umber. .... 5 25 A. Brown... ...... Rep. steam roller...... 1 00 John Terry ....... flue wood 5 25 Ba0mgannet' & lileilt..........:fools... .......... 1 10 Ellwf nser Brim .. lte.,niring harues4 25 Lear & Pettier_ Horses.meing....... 14 50 B. D. Lineitan....Itepairing tools11 15 1)itmoud Jo I.tne.Uil.3 25 Latlin & (rand Powder Co ...... Powder and fuse 2 00 B a u in g a rtner & Meth 'fools ... 3 00 James Kelly 'iatiouerc. .... ...... 9 110 Barger & 111131151 ittonery....... ..... 12 50 Jewell Calculator Co.. ...........Comtometer....... 5 00 Relufrted & Jaeger. Nails ................. O. Reinecke...... Rock ...... ............ (300. Cornish Reek .................. Diamond Jo LineOak limb r........... W. H. Knowlton. Street car fare Ferguson Bros....Pluutuing Mentes Sr Hassler.Hay................... Ferguson Bros.... Repairing fountains.. . G. A. Hoerner...,Cuspadores ..... Staudard Lumber 4lN) Co ............... Shavings James Lev t.......Mattiug 12 79 Lesure Lumber Co........ ....... Lumber.... ........... J 00 L. Daly ...... ..... Cleaning around city 5 00 197 49 17.2 70 79 83 51 40 27 77 75 02 64 73 95 22 42 1 25 oa) 20 20 21 00 EL'00 Id 41 77 20 36 65 50 65 28 70 137 70 12 75 41 61 10 50 6 90 4 10 3 75 400 5 '25 17 15 1,3 06 10 85 1 15 4 10 67 30 3 00 Merkes & Hassler.Hay 1 50 P. Hughes & Son. Baskets P. H. McCann Pans1 75 J. R. Jel 'son Sodding Grant Park.. 90 00 liarate & ScharleBlaiiK books........... 110 75 Edw.mger Brosltepairing harness.... 16 35 Lear & PritfuerHorseslto1ing......... 9 25 Jos. G-iger Repairing city hall.... 18 10 Retarded & Jaeger. Naas ................. 75 Christman & Hea- ley Nails Key City Gas Go..Coke ............. . 76 59 Retarded & Jaeger.Rake and brooms1 30 W. 15. 'Turuert....Sotla and acid 16 16 Merges & Bassler.(Jean1 75 Diamond Jo Lute. Ducking 30 Baumgartner & Klein Tools .................. 1 45 J. R. Weston Painting fountains 5 00 W. S. Molo.......Repalt•ing tountalus14394 1585 B. E. Linehan.... ....Cement Hettdford Bros & G4 21 Hitchens........ Grates Standard Lumber Lumber 70 82 Company........ Bauulgartuer& Kletlt.... Tools .................. 2 25 Dunuttue Omnibus 3 On Company ..Livery John Terry Pine wood...—. ....... 2 00 W. S. Moto Repairing engine...... 24 67 H. Kimbel...Donation to Terry C). 300 0•) Star Electric CoElect is lights 100 00 Star Electric Co.. Electric lights 500 011 Star Electric . o... Electric lights 31:5 99 Globe Light and 347 17 Heat Co Lights Key City Gas Co.Uas..........••••••41 40 James Lee ltepalrlug sidewalks.. 3 68 11. E. Wise Removing poles....... 3 60 Central Electric Co. Wire ................. 95 75 E. B. .tan iler Fire alarm box 125 00 Cents Union Tele- phoue Co Telephone rent...... , ... 95 Wm- T. 4atshallRep. steam roller. .3 5) Ste) 1 & O'Ferrall.Iiep. Queen and Re- gent streets ' 487 41 Steuek & 0 Farrell.Imp. alley405 (10 Beamsartler & Kleih.Clratun 6 Tools.— ......... . 3 80 Key City Gas Co..Coke.... ...... 88 45 Key City Gas Co..Coke... .... 7u 86 J. P. Schroeder & Co.... ...Cement ............... 45 Byrne & Saul....Rock........... .... .. 27 00 1', Borsch Gravel 11 15 H. Nageunaker ...Barrel........ .. .. 1 W B a u in g antler & Klein Tools 7 85 136 Lirrt of City Warrants. T. B. Cain Ruck J. 1'. Schroeder &•file pi e... Co p A. Drees Repairtug engine 1. Butt.......... 66 hose cart McDermott & Gov " gas pipes John Butt......... wagon Exeelskii r a ss Works ...... ..Repairing nozzle Kannolt & PowerL.Horseslmelug .... Tnos. Collins.-- John olli s.....John Ifs onan Repat. in. engine...... Dubuque Water CompanyWater Dubuque Water Compauy Water Dubuque Water Company........ Water Key City Gas Co..Coke Key City Gas Co.. Coke .................. E. E. with __Removing garbage H. 1i. Gtdffke Money advanced...... 44 „ B. F. Burke 1 oan.... ....... Harry Clark Fred. w eiget .... .............. Jos• Kriebs J. P. Quist ey Juror .................. 'John Wunderlich. '• . Peter Specht..... '• Chas. Holdaget... " ... ('brie. Capri/ H. Nagelinaker" ,James Cush ng` 66 T. 1'. 1 Oates .James Hayes" .totin Jess Jas. E. McCiatu. " ..... L. M. Langst.tff H, T ppe Rock Palmer, winah Co Blank stationery National Demokrat.Advertisiug German Catholic Printing Co.....Adyertistng The Globe 66 .......... The Herald The Tines The TELEdnruAdver.istng 66 8 40 69. 70 2 76 0 30 1 15 10 25 3 75 14 tilt 9 75 75 500 00 500 00 345 00 14 74 23 76 312 00 413 86 466 83 446 17 270 00 400 Ito 400 00 5.0 00 300 300 3 0.) 3 OO 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 Ito 3 00 8 00 18 50 50 OJ 50 00 29 15 20 15 29 15 81 1.0 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list or all warrants Issued by me during the month of November, 1893. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of heat at the office of the city re- corder up to 4 o'clo2 k p. nt., April 17th, 1894. for the hauling of garbage and dead animals fair the season of 1894, in districts as follows: First District—All that portion of the city south of Eighth street and Julien avenue. Second District—All that portion of the city north of Lrtglith street sad Julien ave- nue to 17th street, including West Locust, Ellis and Aimonu streets. Third District—All that portion of the city lying north of district number two. Bidders must bid on each district sepa- rately, 'and state the amount per day for doing said work. In case of failure of the party securing the contract for any or all district in fulfilling the same the city will have the same done at his or their expense. Bidders must furnish a good and suffi- cient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into, if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Blank proposals will be furnished by the city recorder. TIm SHEA, Chairtnan Executive Committee of the Board of Health. 4-12-5t T. J. COONEY, Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance vaca ing six feet off the easterly side of Madison street, abutting on lot No. 1 of the subdivision of out lot No. 678 and lot 2 of he subdivision of lot No. 54 in Marsh's addition in the city of Dubuque, Dubuque county, lows, and granting the exclusive use, pass°scion and control of said prem- ises and ground to the owner of the above des2ribed abutting property, Michael Duggan of Dubuque, Iowa: Whereas, 'The city of Dubuque has changed the grade of Madison street abut- ting said above described real estate, which change of grade has damaged the said property: and, V't hereas, lu order to compensate the said owner for the damages thus sustained; and, Said premises and ground are not required for street or sidewalk pur- poses or for other public purposes; there- fore, Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That the easterly six feet of Madison street, abutting Int No. 1, of the subdivision of out lot No. 678 and lot No. 2 of the subdivision of tut No. 54 in Marsh's addition, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and rife same is hereby vacated. Sec. 2. '1'nat Michael Duggan of Dubu- que, Lown, his successors and assigns, is hereby granted the exclusive right to use, control and occupy the pretnises so va- cated and designated in section 1 hereof. Sec. 3. 'flits ordinance shall not be 1n force until after its passage by the council and Dailypublication l'E7 kO: APR newspaper.e in Dubuque Adoptad April 5th, 1894. Approved April 14 u, 1894. P. CLINGER, Mayor. Attest: '1'. J. GOONEY, City Recorder. Published 10 the Dubuque Daily TELE- GRAPH April 16, 1894. It Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. in., 'Tuesday, April 17th, 1894, for furnishing all material and labor and building a pipe sewer as follows, according to plans and specifica- tions on file in said office, viz: An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Julien avenue, from W. 8th street to alley west of Alpine street. Estimated length, 2,400 feet, 11 man holes. Bidders to furnisn a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. 11. KNOWLTON, 4-6-91 City Engineer. .14/llitpne(/ Rev 4,,1, cm- cotTNe[L. Ses t0?1, April 18th, 1894. 137 Adj aurnecl. Regular Session April 18th, 1894. IOF'F1C1A1..1 Council met at 9:45 o'clock a. in. ttayor ()anger to the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Hal - ,pin, K tditnann, Lillie, Powers, Shea, Vogel and Voiler. Oa motion the council proe!eded to elect appointive officers. For Martial—.John I.aesli recetved tl votes anti Michael Coffee 4 on the second ,ballot. John Raesli having received a majority of all the votes was tteciartxl elected. For Street Superintendent—.lames Lon- •erlau received 3 votes, Michael Oswald 1, John Carter 6, on the first ballot. John Carter, having received the major- ity of all the votes was declare I electe 1. QFor Sewer luspector—Chas. Hillery re- ceived 3 votes, .rlicnael Igo 6, and John O'Brien 1. onithe second ballot. Michaet tiro having receive.' the ma- jority of all the votes was declared elected. For Nlarketu►aster--Andrew F. Voelker received 1, Jos. Spahn 2, Jac. Klein 6, Joe Trout 1, on the second ballot. Jac Klein haviug the majority of all the votes was declared elected. For Fire Chief—Joseph ;teinfried was elected uy acclamation. DFor Assistant Recorder—.John O'Con- nell was, on motion, declared elected by acclamation. For health Officer—J. W. Fowler re- ceived 3, C. 11. Hamilton 1, and F. W. NVieland 6. on the second ballot. F. W. W telaud having received the ma- jority of all the votes was declared elected. For Park Custodian—C. Gantenbein, Sr. received 'lenge 6,l Patrick AheaJohu r3att1,toaltue firsHenry ballot. Henry }lenge having received the ma- jority of all the voles was declared elected. For woodmeasurer W ui. Warring re- ceived 1 vote, F. J. Ulr ch, 2; Jos. Bran- don, 1; James Hannon, 6, ou the second ballot. James Hannon having the majority of all the votes was declared elected. Far city electriciau J. L. Bunting re- ceived three votes and George Osborn seven on the first ballot. George Osborn having received the ma- jority of all the votes was declared elected. Ald. Halpin moved that action ou ap- pointment of city engineer be postponed. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved that the appointment ot weighmaster of the First ward scales be referred to the alderman of the First ward with power. Carried. Ald. Rader moved that all the other present incumbent city wet¢hmaslers be reappointed. Carried.utntment o[ pound On motion the apP master was referred to the marshal with power. On motion the appointment of the en- gineer of the steam road ruler was referr- •ed to the street committee with power. The petit mu of 1'. Quoin Sr., for the ap- pointment of street foreman was eter ed to the street committee wi h power. The appointment of sidewalk inspector wasalse referredr to the weights measures committee t f tne whole. The invitation of the Onset Birthday association to attend the c.aebration of Grant's birthday at °ateaa the 28th inst. was accepted and recorder ius.ruetetl to thank the eunuuntee for sante. Aid. Li1li cliatrinan tit file committee en police 1111,1 light reported in Laver of paying t ll of the Star Electric Co. of $1490.40 and auditor iustru,;ted to collect $1054) from said company for lights not properly lit. Adopted. Petition of W..1. Cautillton et at. in re- lation storm sewer to alley betweeu Booth and Dodge streets referred to qua street committee and engineer. Aid. Halpin moved that the bide for sewer 00 .1 alien avenue tie referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. l'e ition of the sisters of the Aeatfenty of V',sitation in relation to sewer on Julien avenue referred to, the committee on sewers. Communication of James Forester in re- lation to the condition of Inc remising wall on E,eveitth street under Inc elevator. Referred tutee city engineer. Petition of Chas. Klinsenuerg in relation to ate improventeat of Lincoln aveaue be- tween gooier avenue and White. Receiv- ed and tiled. Petition of Wm. 11. Outgau et al for the opening of iVeigel alley to Kock street was referred 10 the committee of the wuole. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved; That tne city engineer be in- structed oge opl at of the l Ppo edolema and eat b- lisnme►tt of Wilber cane in accordance with the I peLI Oo for aide high'; way this day P said survey and plat to tie m tde and other action connected with the sante to be in accordance with the provison of chapter 30 of the Revised ordinances. Adopted. Pelitionof C. R. K eyuolds et al., asking for the removal of fountain on West Fifth and Hill street. Referred to the committee of 'tie whole. Petition of Svendsen & Ott, asking to have water main extended south of Rail- road avenue. Reterred to the committee ou tire and water. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, That the matter ot extension of water tnalus south of Railroad aveuue ton tire be e i he tire examine the adv advisability of said naittee °exteu- strip. Adopted. Communication of Engineer Knowlton st sting that he had twenty new record maps ready for use. Referred to the com- mittee tit the whole. Bill of F. (leer & Son, balance due on account of new engine douse. Referred to special committee. Bill of Larry Dailey of $18.00. Ordered paid. Engineer Knowlton presented list of macadam amounting Ap- proved andwarrantsordered to drawn to p196.05. ay same. Alit. Ryder moved that far the same. prII 26111 be made pay )' Car- ried. Aid. Ryder offered the following: Resolved b) Ti the City CouncilC1ttreasurerr be 01 is nereby e, in,tructeu to call in street and is iwpnive.ueni pond-, numbered from 1 to 4bear- log i in erestwove at the raledated or 5styer cent per annuli., payabie semi-annually, and sold w Farson, Leach & Co., New York, all of suave ut•ods amounting to 313,566 Ad- opied• 13A Adjourned Regular Sebe on, April 18th, 1894. Ald. }cyder offered the tulI it f thee City Resolved by Y of Dubuque: That the mayor is hereby authorized and required r thehpp repose of providing for the payment anu expense of iinproving the following streets and alleys. to -wit: Alley from Humboldt to Schiller between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues . 300 00 Alley from Sanford to 22iid be- tween 1Vashitbgton and Elm • streets Twenty-second street Crum Elm to east end of street 300 00 Garfield avenue from Middle to Auu ave 1,900 00 Harold street trout Seminary to Liebnetz street 700 00 Weigle alley from West Eleventh street to south end 650 00 Julien avenue Trim Alia Vista to •Alpinestreet 640 00 Booth street from West Third to Dodge street 2,600 00 Lincoln avenue from Reed to Secontt ave 2,200 01) Glen Oak avenue from West Third to Julien ave 2,100 00 Almond arid Ellis street 3,000 00 Kleine street from % est Eagle Point avenue to Klingenberg Terrace 600 00 Alley between Ninth and 'Tenth 'and Locust and Bluff street 240 00 Wilde street from South Dodge to McLennan street 6,500 00 Stafford avenue from Garfield ave to Linwood cemetery 5,900 00 Elm street from Eagle Porta aye to Rhouiberg ave... 1,700 00 Dock street from Lincoln ave :o C., M. St. P. R. 1: 1,770 00 White street`trom Sanford to 23rd street 2.100 00 Alley from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue between Rhom- berg and Garfield avenues 490 00 Forrest Lane from Nevada street .to Delhi street 1,000 00 To issue under the .rovisiou of the or-' dinance adopted November 2nd, 1891, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, bonds to the amount of $35,000, of the de- nomination of $500 each, numbering from 399 to 468 inclusive, and to be dated as fur lows: .$20,000.00 May 1st, 1894. and $15,000 00 July 2d, 1891, payable seven years after date' and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-an- nually, both principal arid interest payable at the office of the city•treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. That when said bonds are issued and registered, they shall be delivered to the finance committee, and said committee is hereby authorized to negotiate said bonds at not less than par, and pay the proceeds of the same to the city treasurer, to be ap- plied by frim in accoruance with the pro- visions ot the ordinance adopted Novem- ber 2d, 1891, and said conuntttee is to re- port its doings hereunder to the city coun- cil. Adopted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawtord, Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered ttie following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days ot this notice. constructed and laid in con• lormity with the ordinance in relation to 300 00 Sidewalks , on Copier avenue abutting lots 319,820, and 521, Davis Farm add where not already •lttid, at the expense of abut- ting property. • LAdopted by the following vote: flAyes—Ales. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kautmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea,. Vogel and Vogler. AId. Shea offered the following: Resolved, By the tiny Council of the city of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank. brick, stone or cement. be. within 30 days of this notice,. .constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on abutting lots 11, 12, 13, 14,-15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 of sub city loot 100 parts of 691 and 721, where not already laid, at the• •exuense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda, Butler, Craword, Halpin,. Kaufmann. Lillig, Power, Ryder, Shea, ;Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council the of City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide,. of good two-iuch plank, brick stone or 'cement, be, , within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lots 1 and 2 of sub city lot 721 where not already laid, at the expeuse of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,. Kaufmann, Lillig. Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Alderman Halpin offered the following:: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of gram two-inch plane. brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on. Villa street. abutting lot 199, Union add, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. ' Adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin,: Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea,. Vogel and Vogler. AId. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone on, cement, be, within 20 days of this notice,. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation too sidewalks, abutting lot2, llarper sub add. wnere not already laid, at the expense of abutting propert y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Hatpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers,;Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Lillie offered the following. Resolved by the City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 0 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on Kniest street,1 abut- ting lots 11 and 12 Smedley sub where not already lard, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, . Vogler and Vogler. AId. Vogler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city: of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within, 30 nays of this notice, constructed and laid inconformity with the ordinance in rela- dan Adjourned Rey olar e lou, Agri! 18th, 1894. tion to sidewalks, on Iowa street, abutting city lots 210, 211 and 212,wherenot already laid. at the exense id Adopted by tt!${voteproperty. he following ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, katlflnanii. Lillig. Powers, Ryder, Suea, Vogel and Vogler. AId. Ryder moved that the bonds and salaries of city officers be reterred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Add. Crawford moved that when the council it es so Wed- nesday, Apr Irot 25th at2 o'clock spent. et Car- ried. Aid. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: 1 1. : Recorder. 1894. C CITY COUNCIL. Mayor 131J ed to refund the money paid said T. C. Sparks, and mark the same cancelled on his books. Ald. Crawford moved that the contract for the improvement of Forrest Lane and alley f Stafford to Windsor between Rnouiberg and Garfield avenues be award ed to the lowest bidders. Carried. AId. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: —" e/, 1894. Special Session. (OFFICIAL.I Council met at 5:05 p. m. Mayor Olinger In the caair. Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Powers, Ryuerr, Shea and Vogler. 'the committee of the whole reported in favor of the adoption of a resolution regu- lating places of public resort, includtug taurants reweriesawholesale liquor nd allplaceswhere liquorsrare sold, including ale, wine, and neer, and fixing Inc License therefor at the rate in in- stalments per annum, payable quarterly star ments in advance, and wheu the cut - lection of the assessments under the mulct law:arell b3 creui edonlsant assessmentsoe the amount as and allpail ow d by the city from the time said assessment is levied. Report adopted. AId. Halpin moved teat the contract for •curbing, guttering and macadamizing Rutin street between South Dodge and Apple streets be awarded to M. 'l'scuirs Jr. Carried. Ald. Crawford <ffered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That W. 14th street between Alta Vista Atlantic macadamized, guttered, curbed nded conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plana and specifications for said improve- ment. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for Inc performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler,rawfotder, , a i ai . Kauftnaun, Powers, Vogler. Nays—None. City Attorney Knightisubmltted the fol- lowing which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the sale of lot 1 Sum- mit add tor apectal taxes in 1893 to T. C. Sparks, be and the seine is declared null and void and the city treasurer is instruct- 4rMayor CITY COUNCIL. OFFICIAL. Adjourned Regular Session, Aprtl 25th, 1894. Council ►net at 2:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aidermen Butler, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Petition of 11. Ficke, pastor and the trustees 01 the Immanuel church in rela- tion wall on t side of Seminary street.e tI 6 Referred to the e sstreet committee. Petition of W. G. Cox et al for sanitary sewer in alley between Third and Feneton str •eta. Referred to the sewer committee. Petition of J. E. McCallum et al to have water mains extended down West Eighth stte...t and Catdooia Place. Referred to committee on fire and water. Petition of Ilardic & Scharle in relation to the new city ldirectory ing thcity 1894-5with .Referies redto the mayor with ;lower. Ald. Crawford offered the following res- olution which was adopted. Resolved, 't'hat the city engineer be authorized to lower the grade of the southeasterly part of south Grove Tace to now being improved, ti in his judgment wilt be for the benetit of the st ee and the public, providing any agreed to by the abutting property holders. AId. Ryder offered the following: ol of the Resolved, by the City City of Dubuque, That the resolution in relation to calling In and redeeming im- provement bonds numbered from 1 to 47 inclusive, dated August lit, 1892, be de - dared null and l'hattitheticity d in (ied treasurer l f. Resolved, and finance committee be and are hereby in- structed to call inlus r et numbive dated numbering from 1to47 August 1, 1892, bearing interest.at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi- auivall'. Adopted. AId. Ryder offered the following reso- lution. City of ( oby :Dubuque, the City Council of the ltsoThat the part of the resolution in relation to the issuance of iiuprovemeut bonds passed April 18, 1894, wlticit says: "Pay- able at the office of the city treasurer sir a in n the city of Dubuque, out and of nu force or effect, and that tae 144) Adjourned liec/ri1'# Se alon, April. 25th, 1894. mayor and finance committee be instructed to have said bongs and interest thereon payable at such place as they may deter- . noire and to the beet advantage of the city. Adopted. Mayor Olinger presented a telegram frmnC. 11. White & Co.. New Pork, stat- ing that they, would make exchange .,f bunds, the city to pay charges of shipping bonds. Ald. Ryder moved that the agreement made by the mayor with C. 11. White & Co. be adopted. Carried. Ald. Lllhg offered the following •resolu- tion: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and to hereby directea to prepare a proline showing a grade in alley between Garfield and Rhomberg and Humboldt and Sete, - ler avenues. Adopted. Aid. l,illig offeietl the following reso- lution: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the alley be- tween Rhomberg and Gat field and Schiller and Humboldt avenues, be eraded, and macadamized, in conformity vi ith the ordinance upon that subject, That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to stake the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice fur bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be dune at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. (sutler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Whereas, The city council, did on the 5th day of February: 1894„ pass a resolu- tion ordering lot 44 in E. Langworthy'4 add tilled, so as to prevent stagnant water f 0111 lying thereon the same to be cow- pleted on or before April 15th, 1894, and. Whereas, The owners of said property have failed and neglected to do said work, therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifiicatiohs for filling said lot so as to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon, and when ma d plans and specifications Inc finished the city engineer is instructed to advertise for proposals for doing said work. The filling to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the property so fll lect. Ald. Kauflmann offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to piepare a plat showing a proposed vacation of the south 8j4 feet of Lincoln avenue between Couler avenue and White street and Uro- ceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Kauffman offered the following reso- lution Resolved. That the street commissioner be instructed to construct a bridge across Fink street in Fink add so that the saute is passable for the traveling public. Re- ferred to the street committee with power. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu. tion which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That tl,e lllinois Cen- tral railroad company, the owners of 1. e side track crossing Fourth street extension on a trestle work, be and are hereby Doti - lied to fill said Fourth street extension with earth filling along their tight of way over and across said Fourth street exten- sion . The bill of Ed. Ryan of $167.10, balance due for grading West, 14th street, was or- dered paid. Ehgioeer Knowlton presented a blue print map showing location of pipes and hydrants on Railroad avenue and South Main. Referred to„coutmittee on fire and water. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: our committee of the whole to whom was referred the matter of bonds and sal- aries of officers for the ensuing year beg leave to s..ibmit the following report: Treasurer, $2,100 per year. 81,200 per year to be in full for all services, including clerk of board of health Auditor, 81;200 per year. Bond, $5,000.. Attorney, $1,500 per year. Marshal, $1.200 per year, all fines and 'fees to be paid into the city treasury. Bond, $5,000. Fire chief, $1,030 per year. Bond, $5,000. Electrician, $720 per year. Sewer inspector, $720 per year. Bond,. $500. Park Custodian, 81.50 per day. Marketutaster, $600 per year. Bond, $500. Health Officer, 8600 per year. Bond, $500. Street Commissioner, $1,000 per year. Bond, $1,000. Asssiatant Recorder and Clerk, $1,000• per year. 1Vharfmaster, 820 per month during navigation. All of abave salaries to be in full for all services performed during the ensuing year. Also, that the wages of laborers and teams for the ensuing year be as follows: Teams, 30 cents per hour. Laborers, $1.35 per day. Foreman, $1.60 per day. Sewer hien, $1 75 per day. Aid. Vogel moved that the salary of the treasurer remain the same as last year. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Lillie*, 1'owers and Vogel. Noes—Aid. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald. llalpin, moved that the salary of .the treasurer be fixed at $2,100. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Crawford, Lillig, Powers and Vogel. Ald. Crawford moved that the salary of the recorder be fixed at $1,400. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Lillig and Pow- ers. Noes—Aids. Butler, Halpin, Kaufman, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. AId. Ryder moved that the recorder's salary remain as reported by committee of the whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Aid. Crawford, Lillig, 1'owers and Vogel. Ala. Ryder moved that the balance of the salaries remain as reported by the committee of Hie whole. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel tib„ i t iS'c8eiu)P., .11)) it 30th, 1894. 141 and Vttalei . Ald. Crawford reported that the special building committee of the new engine Ixawe examinee' the new engine house, now complete as per plans and specifications, Aird agreed to pay $50 extra for wainH- coating and recommend that the engine house be accepted. On motion the report was adopted. AId. 11 tlpin moved that the ()outwit elect remainder of otlicers. Carried. AId. Shea and Kaufmann were appoint- ed tellers. For the office of engineer: W. H. Knowlton received six on the first ballot. W. 11. Knowlton having received ttie majority of votes was declared elected. Ald. Halpin moved that the council tix the salary of the et' ineer. AId. Powers moved as an amendment that matter of salarly be referred to tee committee of the whole. Carried. On motion the appointment of sidewalk inspector was referred to the committee of whole. AId. Lillig moved to a 'journ. Carried. Attest: /K 'der. 1894 CITY COUNCIL. tine. be opened. Carried. The following were the bids for sewer on Julien ave: Con. Ryan. per lineal foot, 60e; man hGles $24eaett. Tbos. Dorsey, per lineal foot, 50e; man. holes, $22 10 each. Dubuque Construction Co., per lineal fool, 40c; in au holes, $23 each. A. Debi, per lineal foot, 38, ; men holes, $17 obeli. Altman & Taylor, per lineal font, 50e; man hates, ;+21 eacti. 1). i. V. Loiehaii, per lineal foot, 40e, man hales, $20 each. 1). 1). Hoffman, per luteal fo•it, $1.04?; 'tan notes, :522.51, Alit. Ryder moved that A. llobi be awarded the contract. Carried. City Engineer Knowlton presented the bid of Altman & Taylor for improving the grounds sutroundtag the new engine house which is as follows: Grading 10 cents per cu yd, brick paving -40 cents per sq yd, Iliacadauuzibg—'L'3! 1 cents per se yd, auditing -10 cents per sq yd. Ald. Sues moved into Altman & Taylor being tue.oiiy bidders that they be award- ed the contract. Carried. Ald. LIIlig offered a resolution for the improvement of Providence si. between Johnson and Siatford avenues and also Eagle Point avenue between \N indsor and Stafford avenues, Referred to street COM- M ittee. AId. Vogler offered the following: Resoiv, tl oy tue City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk eight Leet wide, of good two -titch plank, be, within lifter' days of this notice, constructed ;tnd laid in conformity wittitite ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of llth street, between Iowa street and Clay street, wuere not al- ready laid, at the expense ot abutting property. Special Session, April 30. I OFFICIAL.' Council met at 10:30 a. m. Mayor Olinger in tile chair. Present—AIN. Butler, Crawford, lialpin, Kaufman, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Mayor Olinger stated that the object of the meetrne was to approve ot bonds and also the swearing in of officers. Ald. Halpin moved:that the bonds be ap- proved as reported by the city attorney. Carried. The following officers were sworn in by the mayor: Auditor—M. M. McCarren. Street Commissioner—John Carter. Marshal—J. liaesle. Markel master—Jacob Klein. Electrician—George Osborn. Health Officer—F. W. Wieland. VVoodmeasurer—James Hannon. Park Custodian—Henry !lenge. Sewer inspector—Michael Igo. Petition of Lesure Lumber Co. in asking for the right to occupy and fill Cedar street from \Vail street to Sixth street and Washington and Wall, from Cedar to Market, and alley in blocks 21 and 27. R:- ferred to the comtnittee of the whole. Ald. Lillig offered a resolution in rela- tion to the above whicn was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of W . 11. Chapman in relation tri furnishing gravel to ttte city. Referred to street committee. AId. Halpin moved that the bids for con- struction of sanitary sewer on Julien ave- Adopoted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Llittg, Powers, Ryder, Sbea, Vogel atilt Vogler. AId. Vogler offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of tile City of Dubuque, ['hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide. of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on toe south side of 14,11 street, between Main street and Iowa. streets where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting Y• Adopted by toe following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler,Crawford, ytwfod, Il Shea, Lillig, Powers, Vogel and Vogler. AId. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two -Inch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in Con- formity with the ordinance in relation to siltewalks, on the east side of Alpine street, between Julien avenue and West Fifth street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Power, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Sueaotfered the following: Resolved by the City Conned of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank. brick, atone or cement be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and I'tid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of 11111 street, between Vest 142 ' List of City Warronte. 4d street and West 5th street where mital. ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes. —Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Li111g, Powers, Ryder, S:,ea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: : Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'L'hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide. of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or rement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and land in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks 1111 the north side of West Eagle Point ave- nue between Francis street and - Cus Ings Vinegar Works, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Orawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, I,iilig, Powers, Hyder, Snell, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Crawford offered the following res- olution: That the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby ordered to extend its water Mains on .Julian avenue from its inter- section with 11111 street westerly along said avenue to Alpine street. That a hydrant be placed on the line of said watertnain every thousand Ieet and he ^ity of Dubuque hereby guarantees to said Water Co. the use of such quantity of water along the line of such street as at the rate st:pucated 111 section three •of chapter seventy.three of the revised •ordinance will produce a sutra of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on the cost of the nine required to be so extended. Helen ed to the com- mittee on fire and water and en.lineer with .power. Ald. Hyder offered the following resolu- lion, which way adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City •of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plates and specifications for a sanitary sewer on Hill street lrom West 5111 to .Julien avenue and submit the same to the council, the •cost of construction of said sewer to be payable by the adjacent property owners. Ald. Hyder moved to adjourn. Carried. .Attest,:, ••et Appr. : 1894. ' eGl -.Mayor. TJIST OF CITY¶ARIIA` TS Iseund by the City Recorder during December, 1893. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE, Jl894. To the Honorable Maand City Council: GENTLEMEN—The following is a complete list of all warrants Issued by me during the month Of December, 1893: Naive. For wilitt Purpose. Amount H. B. Gniffl e....Salary for Nov., Treas. urer.500 H. B. Gniffke Salary for Nov.. clerk X15. 00 ' T. J. Cooney Salary for Nov., Ile - corder 116 70 J. M. 1Cenety Salary for Nov., Aud- r Julut F. Stenuu..Salaritoy fur Nov., As- sesa01.. .lar. E. Knight.. Salary for Nov., Attor- ney W. H. Knowlton..Salary for Nov., En- gineer E. S. IIyOe ..Salary for Nov„ As- sistant Engineer.... J. lioyce..... .....dulary for Nov„ As- sistant Engineer.... Henry GIab.......Salary for Nov., As- statant Engineer.... S.11. Rice ..... ....Sa Lary for iiov., Mar - al Jolm Carter Salary for Nov., Street Superintendent Jos. Heintt•ied....sahu•y for Nov,. Chief of tire department Rd. Norton. Salary for Nov., Mar- ketntaster J. W. Fowler.....Sa1ary for N o v, Health officer .J. O'Brien........Salary for Nov., Sew - el Inspector James Bunting...Saltu•y for Nov., Elec- trician Henry Iienge Salary for Nov., Park Custodian J.A. Wooils......Salaryfor Nov., Wharf - mast er John O'Connell...Salary for Nov., Coni- nuttee clerk Butler.... Salary • " 'I'. Byrne.... " P. W. Craw- ford....... " John (lab.. " " John Ll11ig.. " N. P. N eks.. " .. 1'. Olinger... " J. B. Powers. " Phil. Ryder .. " " A. Vogel Ja.. Daly. Fireman Job Barnes " A. McDonnell J. Murphy W . 1)till ......... J. Schonberger Ed. Keas Toni. Ryder M. Eitel.. John Esaman A. Duccini J. F1h nu J. \Vilt7 T. Walker C. Specht 1. 'lschudi D. Ahearn J. Allen W. Hlppman C. Kannolt J. Ward Geo. Gtrk • G. • .dlinson F. Ganahl.. F. .... ,mau A. • Lraney" J. iso. tie " D. Ryan...... Captain of Police John Kaesh...... Bart. Cain........ Policeman Wnt. Hennessy... Win. O'Brien Win. Frith John Litscher 1'. McNerny Thos. Reilly P Dunnegan P .Kearney John Fitzpatrick Dan. Norton James Allen John Reuter James Flynn Dan. Lavery Ed. Moore... M. Kitty P. Sutton M. Craugh John Hoffman I'. Sullivan P. Powers D. Linehan Thos. Gordon J. Spielman ........•••.....•• 64 66 66 66 66 It u 46 b 46 44 ••• •.......... .......••••.•.• •.............• " 66 66 66 66 et It .........•.•• 116 70 125 00 125 t0 275 00 100 00 100 00 50 09 100 00 91 70 75 00 50 00 5000 70 00 75 00 45 00 10 00 83 35 300 011 31100 300 60 300 00 300 00 300 (8) 300 00 300 00 3110 00 300 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 ,0 00 50 00 60 011 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 33 32 60 01 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 165 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 70 00 50 00 50 0' 28 25 95 05 50 W 50 00 45 05 60 00 34 90' 50 00 5u 00 50 00 50 00 5000 5000 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 LO 47 05 46 70 50 00 46 711 511 00 50 00 Lig of City era tits. J. Hilvon....... .. .1. 1). Secrest .las. Carter66 • •• .I. Klntziuger M. Ilardie. John Murphy ••••••••. Sam. Ebner Peter Scharf 66 1'. McC'ollius 1'. J. Hanlon .1. Mltrplly.....66 .1. Powers .. .......,....... G. Snyder........ C. Spieaelhaiter..l'oundmas.er M. Anbltz 1 aborei ............... J. A breeht ..•.••••. '1'. Ahearn F. Abend M. Ahearn Win. Ahearn ` .1. Bewer Ilelper ro.,d roller.... C. Buse Laborer • A. Burke Chas. BeyerMason I;. Brummitt. ..•• 1'. Bell Mason... .1. Bender Wm. Bennett Laborer. ............... M. Bacnus .. Mason.:........, .1. Bottoms....... Laborer. . • • • • J. Burns ••••••••••••••• P. Burke Tom. Botsford• •... •...... .1. 13oetke M. Burns .1. Byrne. . brouskdl H. Breen Malt Burne .loon Corbel' tiara ( 0111118 \Vm. ('lark \Vin. 1'raulpwell M. (':u moiy . M. l'ralnu 1). Corcoran....... .1. Callahan....... " '1'. (1811 rev Mason Win. Caner .1, Cahill 1. Coyne M. Coyle T. Cahill L.,borer................ .iohu Carney" • • ... • • John Cahill_ Forenlan W. Conlin Laborer.... J. Corcoran B. Connolly...... • Jas. Connolly M. l)ieferdiug M. 1).. dlusky M. Dorsey 1'. l)empsey F. Daniels J. Dougherty NI. 1)umphy A. Duccini J. Drisco.l 11. Eddy .148. Enright._11 John Eag6an P. E►shall Mason .. .............. .John Everet...... Laborer .1. Eberhardt F. Felbaunl John Farley L. Flitr C. Frisch Win. Flynn... John Fix C. Fischer M. Farrell 11. Forty , A. Froinntelt..... •••••••••. •...• F. Futzuiclter.... Via:on................ • is ]roY 1 aborer................ • 11 Ma son Laborer 16 Laborer 64 66 61 11 60 00 E. Grobel..... "45 45 IK, gas. Harker" :(91N) 50 W F.'•Herzog..•• to ]f. 50 011 N. Hugert 50.10 Ed. 1laekett 66 810 50 00 John Hafey •' '430 50 W A. Hanitnernleister 4 75 50 00 F. 11(91) ... 9 45. Gu 1p Dan. Ihuman.... .11 9! lu 50 On P. Hayden •` 14 :0 60 IMI J. Hackett " .. ... .... ..... 18 23 28 '255 A..1 (eger •' ti, (A 15 10 A. Johnson 46•... .. I:3 211 511 00 P. Jacobi •' ............... r;. 5 411 A. Kraft IG s5 4 11 59 J. Karcii......... 4 05 3 40 P. ICrok••skl...... 8f ............... 14 . 4 05 F. Kruse . 44 1015 G 10 C. 1\reut7 " ................ 11 50 8 80 M Kllne " 1 35 50 00 F. Kreeger 12 15 14 81 L. Kohn" 16 n) 7 45 C. Kamputau•` 20 25 47 25 1'. Kien '• 28 fA 19 60 J. Kinsella Carpenter 50 00 33 00 P. Kenueally....Fore1ab ,remanr7 45 5 40 33 00 M. Kearney G. ..... 19 60 1. Kline........... " 1G 4211 0 21 JO. Krenzlg........ 12 15. 22 59 J. Kiozler " 3 75 1 35 J. K(lh .... .. 20 2'1 2. 95 F. W. Krogle Foreman ............... • 0 Ik) le 90 P. Kinney. Laborer 33 411 19 15 John Lavin 9 5151 19 15 H. LucK .... ...., 11 50 M. Lilack......... '• - 9 45 7 45 P. Lynch.. " 39 00 John Lut ke " 11958:54100550 7 45 'l'. Louergau ;7, ::1 05 C. Leirheimer ' :9 70 W. Leming` 29 75 Joun Lacy. ......bo•eman 3 40 1s .5 P. Moran ..... ....Lanorer3 1)) 25 (,0 1'. Milligan 9 45 James Mulkern o 3 75 :10 40 J. Norah " X11 20 60 P. Moore..... Engineer loud roller.. 60 to 31 50 A. WauderscheidLaborer 9 15 67 60 M. Murphy........ " 7 4.; 4 05 .1. Moroney....... " 13 2(4 21 65 L. Meurisse....., 70 Ill 80 Ti.. Multiueeny.... " IG 90 •• 711 0 75 ' murrey........ .......... 15 90 K. Mack.......... " 4 40 24 10 Jas. :1Iel1Oy.. .... 5411 3 (5 T. ,iMeggison :3 75 99 :3, .1. NI alien 6 75 12 15 1). Miner 11 b0 27 70 J. Mo suer........ Mason27 75 16 12 15 M. Morr'ssey....Laborer.............. 7 45 17 25 1'. Mohan......... •' 1G 20 12 15 T. McDonald..... 13 50 22 Go M. Me( at'Leu ` 14 20 4 05 M. M(•Con0. .. Foreman...... 215161 1 60 1420 J. McNulty........ ••••••"•""" 1280 11, McCormack... ••••......•. 10 15 ... 4 05 Jas. McEvoy , 32112244 2 95 90 11 1 0 L. McEvoy1' i41 aU 11 20 P. McCarteu „ ""• G 75G5 ............... 23 16 3 40 23 30 J. N[. Grant__Grant__Grant__6618 85 66 W P. Mcl'oiaud 5 40 J. McGee 66 16 :10 A. MCG0 P. • •• 168 80 10 40 Wm. McLain„ 1 35 6 75 Wm. McDermott1 40 ( McMullen .,4 1, ••••........ 20 95 J. iloeth111 lU 21 60 J. Obbelt • 23 65 19 GO P. O'Toole66 28 28 35 4 05 1'. O'Brien, Sr.... 27 70 00 27 1M) B. Oswald........Mason 2^ 4U 4 05 Wm. l'ickley Foreman........ 15 55 A. 1'liffnel• Mason....' ............. :17 50 47 25 .1. )'liffner........Laborer................. 9i4 65 30 4) .1. Perryon•.••• • 21 95 8 80 Jas. Purcell ••••• 1 . .... .. .. .. .. ... 24 00 12 15 1). Towels,1 12 50 23 65 John Quail 20 25 .lobo RaetzForeman. 37 W 92 95 W. Rieman....... Laborer_ 10 80 27.0 F. Rieger .. " 16 'l0 14 83 M. Rinker........ 7 48 14 85 .lames pagan..... " ............... 18 G) 4 05 M. Ram ........ • 111 8(1 .. 10 15 23 30 C. posellp ., G 75 8 10 John Ryan•... •• • • "" """"'.' 10 80 7 4•, J. 13aesuor .. 8 10 1 35 F. Riede...-. ,....•• 8 10 6 75 C. Rehfelt.... 16 61 46 11 14 66 Wm. Flannagan 1'. (• itzgerald M. Fagan 11. Collie, 1'. Gregory Ed. Grew.. Jos. Ginter, Aug. G oss11 1. &.iessler Joe Grab.. J. Garrison....: P. Ginter 1. C. Grunzig, C. Gauteubem, Jr lk 11 " 12 15 M. Nuten......... 1 I,ixt of City Warroitty. T. W. R000nelRy..........••• e $ei k .1....... 41e0. Sutter ..••••••....... L Steins.. John SpearFor'elnan... .......... M. SllayLabor'er'............... . .1. Sullivan..... H. Schmidt M. Sheirock " Win. Swaegler" ..lox. Saber " .Gen. Schlegel" Nlc. Schroeder" .Jas. Stevenson" N. Sweeney" A. Mhelller..... Mason.... ......... Theo. Tice Laborer ................. 2N. Tlleirtng.. " F. Taschner .............. A. Von DillonLaborer.... ..... .John Wolfe,Forernan N. Wan i.peck....Laborer T. Weber'....,..... .. A. Wetter'......... " .... ....... M. Waite........ Y. Wacuer........ " 4.has. Wild ........ Masi n .J. Wittry..........Laborer........ M. Waiters •Geo. Wihlon .. Yust, • .. .. .. ......... W. %aching` ..TOhn Becker Team........... ...... Wm. Bee er................... S. Klanilt" C. 0. (taker ................... N. Br.,udt" ................... Ed. Behrens M. Burns ................... • Vin. Kidner " ................... R. Ilennett 1. Byron .M h Cashing" .................. . Cain I'. B" •Cain, 11 61 l'oslelio, MI's" ................... A. Conrad........ " 1', , lancy ... ....... .. .... .. Win. Corcoran" Phil. Doerr. " Elliott, .1'• T. Elliott • „ U. Fink • ..... Foley, 1'. C E. E. Frith R. Fuhrman•' .......... ..folio Gea.y " M. Ganlenbein... •• ....... .1. Ga Tigan 16 11. Hagerty Hagerty Bros Al. Hannon" .............. 1'. }latterly " ................... .1. Hoftuleyer" T. 1{e1119... „ T. Bassett,• • Wm. Howard.... " ................... 1'..lordeu 1'. Keaneally ................... N. Kiutziuger" • .......... John Long........ .1.',meta .. •' Sal it LeIChl...... P: Leicllt.......... " ................... P. Linehan........ •• It Ml111118 ....... " .1. Atesserknecht.. I. Murray 64 Wm. Mohr I.. Meisel) .I, MCCol1111e .l01111 McGrath" ................... .lett. McGrath• , Win. McGrath.... "............... AleEliath" .... S. Norton „ ................... .........•......... L Ott •• 1'. O'Shea 11. 11'Nelil A, Paley .1. Parker .. Mrs. tluinhvan+.. Geo. Reynoldson. Aug. Roeber...... A. Siege.......... 1). Sutherland.... J. Sankey......... 41 •• 16 61 46 64 11 50 7 45 25 W 4 05 11 5(1• 14 2(4 27 20 7 45 4.05 11 i.(1 1485 12 5)) 12 15 4 05 2 70 8 10 21 95 54 04 7 1. 15 6 75 2 70 25 60 20 :15 13 50 101 80 _9 Ili 10 80 23 25 4 03 4 03 2 70 4 115 2 70 9 45 42 55 22 05 18. 15 8() 31 50 18 90 31 50 22 05 25 20 945 44 10 25 20 21 311 18 00 :9 95 24 46 59 10 47 25 23 6.; 34 65 37 80 6 30 28 35 39 40 26 80 lu 25 28 35 7 10 10 25 25 20 .,4 6) 46 i.0 27 60 6.0 34 65 48 05 3 15 25 20 36 80 58 30 9 45 27 60 48 85 3 15 26 80 22 05 6 30 22 05 32 80• 20 50 28 35 15 76 2835 18 90 13 40 L' 45 39 40 37 80 15 75 22 85 28 35 18 90 18 15 31 511 5 55 J. Sullivan J. Sutherland .1. Stroti J. Mtetes....... A. Turner........ Cath. 'l'ebin...... •• M. Tice Victor Villls 1;. Van W le" Geo. Wetter John Welsh M. IgoLaborer ................ Win. Terry........ •' .............. John (Briery .1. Beyer P. Grew M. Higefos M. Specht M. O'Brien P. k ury, Sr Jas. Bennett Jolts Grolie...... John Munsell Joe. Roo ey James Ryan Phil. Newman C. Millon... P. Fury. Jr P. Sadler. P. Ihlscher Hugh Coune4 L. Welsh L. Butler.... .. L. H. Adams H. Wiley F. McCann Nic. Reuter C. Meyer.... H. Dolan ,1 Costello T. Donahue Samuel Carroll T. Needham M. Grew W. Ahearn Win. Flannagau M. Cullen M. Farrell J. Fox W. Fox W. Sheehan W. Mulligan ,John Zelnk H. Oakley C. 11.Jones James Breen Owen Reynolds P. Callahan John Eagan M. Dorsey P. Lynch Anton SchmidtMason 1. (payer.... F. Amesbury A. Nicks Brlltklayer............. Geo. ReynoldsTeam .................. Nie. Brandt 46 L. Motsch....," ................... 1'. Clancy ................... P.Linehan ..... •' T. McCollius J. StraneyLaborer G. J. Henlricks.. '• J. Hartman .1. Redington " .......... R. Henn •it Team.......... J. M. 'Turner Laborer P. J. Sloan........ " Chas. Beyer •` .............. E. S. DaughertyRodman... Mr. & Mrs. Koenig. Janitress M. Mulgrew Damages to wagon.... Ed. N .rton. Board of prisoners.... John Eagan Labor .................. John Lavin" NIc. Schroeder" Matt. Rinker..... •` Key City Gas Co.. Gas ........ M. O'Connell Sanitary policeman... Duggan. Sullivan & Kinsella Teols Mulgrew Si Phil- lips Coal. M'.Igr'ew & Phil- lips .Coal 286 •L.) The TN:r.EGRAi'H.Statlunery 31 75 G. B. Grosvenor. •• 10 811 Hardie & Scharle. " 58 86 Walton, Bieg & Ibtter,..........Stationery 46 " 14 " 66 • 16 16 16 16 " •4 64 16 11 66 u 1• 41 46 46 •••......••••• 311 4o 29 95 24 45 26 2)) 1890 m 80 37 w) 315 34 65 25 20 9 45 40 25 48 '25 40 25 2450 36 lsl 42 00 42400 48 75 43 75 42 00 3520 30 75 38 50 413 4.0 10 90 28 90 12 75 13 Ill► 450 14 20 21 75 1725 12 00 7 90 1 50 1 50 75 7 20 75 75 9 a) 13 20 75 75 75 75 3 40• 8 70 6 75 75 75 5 70 10 20 525 10 54) 8 75 9 10 70 70 1 511 6 25 1'2 00 600 15 (M) 63 00 7 90 31 50 15 75 15 75 6 30 13 65 75 75 10 15 3 15 9 00 8 00 7 50 40 00 40011 22 50 14 6() 1 35 70 1 35 70 51 15 5.► 00 1 30 117 19 8 75 1.;, f of City l Tarront,c. 145 Haul & Carver ....Tax receipts63 80 .lames Kelly...... Stationery... 1 20 Standard Lumber • COntpauy..... —Lumber 49 93 Knapp, Stout & Co Co Lumber. Christ mau & 1Iea- ley ... Nails 2 01 .lohn Tlbey Jtoci' 13 61 John Butt Repaving tools 1911 John Harney " 1' 75 '1'no4. Byrne_ .._Filling lots............ 15I; 40 Lakin & hand Powder Co. Powder and fuse • Svenusen & OI t.. Lumber Christman a Hea-•Nails 2 00 Key City Gas Co..Coke 100 45 N. SchIoZ..... ....Repairing tools........ 26 75 Iteiotried &Jaeger.Touls 10 0.1 P. Schlenker Repairing roller 4 85 L. Daly..... .Cleaning around mar- ket house... Thos. Collins Horseshoeiug. VauValdenberg & McEvoy ......... Repairing roller A. Wunderlich.... Horseshoewg Shippley & 1Saumaau. Veteri n ry services Win. nlarshall....itepairing engines. Key City Gas Co..Cokeauu coal Reinfried & Jae- ger..... Hinges.. W. H. Torbert.... Soda Standard Lumber Company.... ....Shavings T. W. fluete...... Drugs... Janes Levi Blankets.. ........ T. W. Miele...._Oil and drugs........, Standard Lumber Company... ..... Shavings B. K. Lluehau....Coke.........., W in. Howard.... Sprinkling.... Junes r res........Engiue House......... Trexler Bros __Livery ! . itoumson ltepaii mg fountains.. F. Robinson Repairing hose........ Williams & Mc - Ca lu Rock Win. Bennet, Fees F. McCann Retain ug wall Dodge s met F. Schlo7 Repairing tools....... Thos. hassett(tock Headfor'd Bros. & Hitchins Manhole covers B. E. Linehan Cement and pipe .1. P. Scummier & Co...............Cement and pipe. B. E. Linenau.... Cement and pipe Joseph Tyler Labor Joseph Tyler Labor I. R. nil' y...... .Sidewalk Byrne & Saul Ruck Otto Relnecke....ROCK Mrs. Welsh ................•• Geo. Cornish Pet r Murrey 66 Tallies Cushing," h,•nnealty & O•Meara........ Macadam JohnBoetke...... " ••••••••••••• t;has. Burchard.. " Aug. Broclter.... " • O. Uollignuu ••••••••••• •• l Ceras. Eup. er ••••••••.....•' Jacob asuer Chas. Ka.eh John Metoue John Mullen M. Mahony F. It. 1v itsche C. H. Pierce P. Quinn, Jr Frank troy Wrn. Swaegler Dan. 51.111V,n Tl Sullivan 49 10 Peter Horsch...,Filling Lots............ 1211 72 Edward Rya Grading Broad street. 91 00 'Dodson & Schoen- thal ....... Grading Booth street.. 61 55 ('ain & Schoenthal,lnlproving alley 31 44 Williams & McCann.Grad ing Dodge St467 90 Imp, 5000 00 .4 500 00 " " " 500 0t1 16 " •' 86 71 " " Extra work " Alois Lange Improving alley 365 ••••:: 22dSt 47 69 Geo. W. Farley. ..Imp. Garfield ave 44 66 16 66 66 " Steuck & O'Farrell.Imp. Prince and Re- gent street9......... 296 11 " ' alley......... 11'2 80 Chas Steuck Imp. Garfield ave.... 5oo a) " " " ...... 47 80 Steuck & O'Farrelhlmproving alley 102 74 8 33 Jos. Ilaupert Into. Harold street... 500 00 7 25 .loseph Il aupert 1mn. IIorold street.... 58 GO Bri4.n & BrownImp. Seminary street. 500 00 6 30 4. 44 .... 504) 00 24 75 " .... 500 00 21 25 " " " " .... 500 00 33 31 " d " '• " .... 500 00 31 75 " " " " `' 330 83 George TaylorResetting curb Neyada 70 street 2 60 5 04 Phil. Doerr Improving alley....... 35 27 George Taylor __Improving alley....... 93 61 Dodson & Schoen- thal Inip. Booth street..... 500 00 111 llo 22 40 197 89 67 35 313 84 500 00 365 50 2 50 22 80 18 00 2 4. 394 37 Henry Proctor ....Imprlvidg Alma St... 144 81 Star Electric Co ..Arc lights ............. 500 00 7 25 Star Electric Co...Arc lights. ...... 500 00 15 32 Star r.lectricCo ..Arc lights 412 7U 225 00 H. B. Glover Gloves 50.. 00 Globe Light and '20 Oil 5 5o Heat Co......... Street lights 14 58 E. E. Frith....... Removing garbage1 00 1 35 Kev City Gas 1'o.. Gas 40 Joseph Geiger.... Repairing city hall1 75 21 20 W. W. Wormood.P,lfce stars 6 00 60 Central Union Telephone C0...Telephone rent 163 65 J. P. Schroeder & 26 60 Co Cement........... 6 50 Dubuque Water at Cotnpany..... ... Water '24 00 Dubuque Water 26 u9 Company Water.......... . Dubuque Water CompanyWater 350 Duuuque Water........................ Duggan & Kane.. Matches and oil 3 70 17 57 133 37 75 00 67 50 205 32 25 00 7 35 3 50 5 25 10 15 99 75 25 28 17 W) 29 00 19 00 42 00 11 W 13 50 75 00 74 00 118 01 7 00 68 00 31 50 26 00 160 00 29 00 11 u0 Thos. 34 00 Henry Tippe...47 Ou 4 4417 00 Win. Wells &Co. " 18 00 5 P. Brandenn erg.. Labor . 5 40 W. H. Knowlton. Street car fare 186 Ot John Tibey....... Ruck ................ 82 0G John Be^ker' Rock ................... 8 50 M. Tschirgi, Jr... Surveying...... . 4l Thos. Hassett.... Rock .................': 25 5 1 A. Siege " .................. John Tibey..... " 28 38 M. Lavin ....Sewer 1n Almond St.. 163 70 Geo. W. Farley... i tiling lots 12 89 5 40 30 00 Reim rled & Jaeger. ape line Western Electric Co Supplies ... 24 80 p George Girke Labor 1 8110 Emil Kann ............... 150 E. B. Chandler'Magnets ....... , 10 50 Electric Supply Co. Wire ................. 50 39 C11 istman & Hea- ley Tools....' ............. 125 Mrs. Jane Chun- ning........ ... _Money refunded 2 00 Tlloinas Byrne.... Filling lots............ 8. 32 H. B. Gninke... —Money advanced..:.:. 516 14 16 7 Thomas J. Pr•andy.Loan .... 150 00 Edward Ryan....Improviue Broad St1000 0 44 u " 1; 66 44 {4 4466 44 " " 44 44 4. 4. " 44 •• Grading W. 14th street 500 00 •• . 49 02 Steuck & O'Farrelland Regent streets .. 35 92 44 " Re -setting curb, Sand- ford Queen and Re- gent streets......... Brown & BrownGrading Seminary St. 4167 62 The Herald Advertising l979 0015 The Globe........ o The Times........ 7 The TELEGRAPH. „ 29 15 64 44 u 4. 66 •- " 10000 " " 14.0 00 61 • 100 00 61 44 100 00 ••64 100 00 100 00 6. 100 00 •• 10000 500 00 500 00 188 50 146 Oficial .Notices. I hereby certify that tile foregoing F a correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of December, 1893. 1'. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all parties in- terested that they must provide the pro- per cask or keg for holding their garbage, etc., as same will not be allowed to be thrown in the streets or alleys. Any party found throwing garbage, etc., in any street or alley will be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with the ordi- nance on that subject. 4-17-10t. S. B. RICE, City Marshal. Ailjoliened Regular rSes.viott.ith, 1894. 149 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session May 7th, 1894. 1t)FFIC1A1,.) Couneil met at 10.00 o'clock a. lit. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Dal - pin, Kattfmaun, Lilitg, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion the proceeding for the month of March were approved as printed. The toll°winit bills were ordered pais .38 Key City Gas Co Shipley & Bauman, veterinary services.... tire & llealey, depart- ment Lllwanger Bros, tire department Tom Connu1IY,hir deppedepartment._Tom CCollings,dp trtute1)uouque W stet• Co.,fire depart- ment A. Wunderlich, Heauford Bros. department.... McDonald & J[urrison department. Dubuque '1'ia.Eti itAPI, finance reports M. O'Connell, sanitary service.... Barnard, Walker & Clewell, sta- tionery Baumgartner & Klein hardware Barger & Bitsh, stationery 1'. Schlo`. blacksmithiii Mr. and Mrs. Koenig, janitor ser- vice Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness A. T. McDonald & Morrison Co, pump handle Paul Krochesket, breaking mac- adam A. Leidenger, breaking macadam. John 13abersdorf, breaking mac- adam 1'. Quinn, break dig macadam G. \v hewer, breaking macadam . 11. Schtliiug, brick E..1. Evans, sidewalk \\ in. Geishecker, service as rod - man Standard Lunt uer Cu., mintier \V . 11. Knowlton, cash advanced fur car fare for March Jos. Meholita, gravel ovement of 1). \V. Linehan, improvement Lincoln avenue D. \V. Linehan, grading of Lin- coln avenue \V. 11. Knowlton, cash advanced for car fare for April Steuck & Farrell, improving Elm street Steuck & Farrell, improving Iihomberg avenue Steuck & Farrell, grading Al- mond street ............... ... . Steuck & Farrell, grading Staff- ord avenue ................ . Steuck & Farrell, improving Al- mend and Ellis streets Steuck & O'Farrell, itupruvtug Statt'ord avenue ............. 1,4 09 03 J. 11.9 42 Riley,Miley, sidewalks 107 00 G. Gmeltle, assisting assessor, Geo. Bennett, assisting assessor100100 00 Brown & Brown, g 18 00 avenue tire deparuneut.. & Ilitchens, lire Co., lire priutuig Brown & Brown, improviug Duck avenue 725 80 Phil Doerr, improving alley be- tween Windsor and Stafford and Garfield and Rhom rg avenues. . 380 00 Geo. W. Farley, g' 87 20 street Geo. W. Farley, improving Klein 447 00 street Fred Scholz, repairs for street 6 Dept 50 lleaittord Bros. & 11itchins„ (crates 83 and manholes 23 Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies for 4 sewers 45 Frank Robinson, supplies for sewers B. E. Linehan, supplies tor sewers Wm. M irshalI, supplies for sewers 1teitsteck & Bennett, coal for tire department 10 65 Fratz & $'lark, supplies for tire department.... 1 02 Mulgrew & 1'mtlips, supplies tor D 14 95 13 15 tire department 1316 95 Dubuque Water Co., water 57 65 Hardie & Scharlie, stationery and 30 10 7 25 printing Joseph Griger, carpenter 23 75 201 00 00 Dubuque'Tra,iiultAPS Co., print- ing 71 20 113 OU 33 Byrne Bros., livery 5 W John Fultrmart, sand 4 35 Mutgrew & Phillips, cement 100 Fred Scholz, repiurs, etc., 45 00 street department 5U 00 1►iamond Jo line steamers, iron 00sheave for street department.... Svendsun & Cit, Mintier for street 10 90 7 83 1 50 5 12 25 04 for 33 00 60 16 45 14 25 40 00 3 00 75 37 90 8 50 17 80 11 00 7 50 126 88 340 79 40 00 8 00 6 95 100 70 1,521 90 80 00 4 65 1,272 90 807 50 310 00 900 00 895 00 deparnnent Chas Oswalt], supplies for city hall hardware Baumgartner & KieiKh , for paras hardware Christman & Healey, for parks rxruage,etc E. E. Frith, removing ^ dead ani- mals............... .. ...... 4 50 Star Electric Co, are lights 1491 90 Globe Light & Beat Co, gasoline 208 33 lights ..................... Key City (pus CO, gas 89 30 The following bills were referred tothe city attorney: Sneider $2, Sullivan $2, Henry John Peter Sahni $2, Jacob Philip '$'erneo $2, $2, 1i. 11. Beller Becker $2, George Luke The following ollowing r huts were referred to the committee on police and light: A. Y. McDonald & Alorrtson Manufac- turing company 50c, KeyrCitic enias coomPa ny $69, Mrs. Kien $20, 75. The bilis for rent of rooms for election purposes were referred to committee on claims.and Also bills of John WestercamP takingJ. M. Fitzpatrick for putting up and [town booths for election were referred to the committee on claimsn Bill of J. 1'. Cooney, jstice of the peace for $18.25 was referred to the ordinance following owere nreCcommittee. to the printiegmmitttee rmaatholic Printing Co., iKSU; Dubuque '1'r:[.i;oitnru, $75; The Herald, 029.15; 'Tunes Co.. 858.30. The following bilis were referred tot e the marshal: Ferguson Bros., $3.90; Stand- ard Lumber Co., $1.50. Hills of Morrison $281.57 Smedley lfg..f$Bros.7Wefer ed appointed to have to special committee road roller rep. 12 30 1 05 49 05 47 85 1 10 7 70 6.2 65 1:,11 .Irljornvrerl Req'h'r Sexxr'un, J/(ry 7th, 1894. Bill of 'Turbine & holler Mill Co, of 81.15 was referrel to street committee. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. Mar- garet Donohue, Mrs. Adam Kress, Ann Turner, Peter Kiene & Son, agents, '1'ur- tier hall trustees, Ilenry herancourt and Mary Stevenson. The following petitions of l henry Eagan, Joseph Boyle and Jacob L'otzet tor posi- tion on the department were reterred to the lire chief. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Mrs. Louisa Geiseman et al. to have sanitary sewer on Julien avenue extended between Alta Vista and Al- pine. Petition of Catherine Morrissey to be al- lowed six months' tune to pay special side- walk assessment. Petition of John Babcock et al. to have grade on St. Joseph street and Marion ave. established. Petition of C. M. Walker to Lave the cityeugineer to give the proper grade on Chestnut street. Petition of the registers of election for five dollars extra compensation for ser- vices. Petition of John J. Lundbeck et al. to have sidewalk ordered laid from North Main to Schroeder ave. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Richard Kinibel for a dona- tion of $100 per month to assist in running Eagle Pout ferry. Petition of Alfred I lerron et at to have Grandview avenue widened from residence of John Barrett to eastern terminus. Petition of E. 11. Shepley et al remon- strating against the improvement of Lin- coln avenue between Cooler avenue and White street.less than IS feet in width. Petition of A. W. llosford et al to have stock restrained from running at large on Fremont avenue. Communication of Health Officer Wie- land in relation to the condition of the hydrant water. Petition of 11. Luz et al l:rotesting against the improvement ot Fremont street and portions of Dodge street adjoining. Petition of Adolph Kochenoerfer et al. to have a pubii; fountain erected on north- east corner of St. A mbrose and Arch street. • The following petitions were referred to the committee on tire and water. Petition of .J. M. Kenety et al, to have the water mains extended from W. Locust to Catherine street. Petititton of Alphons Matthews for the extension of water trains on Julien ave between Walnut and \Vilson ave. Communication of the Puriugton Pav- ing Brick Co. of Galesburg, 111., agreeing to replace all defective brick sold by them to the city free of charge. Referred to the paving committee. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:30 p. m. Mayor Olinger in. the chair. Present—AIN. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Petition of J. Herod in relation to charge of 87.50 for taking up and laying the Cor. of 17th and Main over the sewer was re- ferred to the paving committee and city engineer. 'The proposition of the Dubuque TELE- GRAPH asking to he made the : official paper for the year. Referred to the coin. - natter oii printing. Bill and communication of 1„ Brin, .I r., in relation to alleged batauce due the hedger Printing Co. referred to the print- ing coinmittee. rhe petition of .1. P. Sehar'le protesting against the change of grade on Hart street 1 was received and tiled. The bill of the Dubuque ~tamping and Enameling works ot 850.70 for street signs was ordered paid. o Ald. Powers moved that the mayor and engineer be authorized to have street signs placed on street corners. Carried. On motion the bids received for the im- provementof West Fourteenth street were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Petition ot A. L. Dawley et al. to have street cars operated according to ordin- ance. Referred to the marshal with power. The following petitions were referred to the sewer committee: Petition of Nick KnutTrnann to have sewer constructed in the alley between Eleventh : nd fourteenth and IVashington and halm. Petition of Ilenry 1.eieker et al. retnon- stratiug against the construction of sewer on Walnut from Julien ave. to \Vest llth street.• Petition of the Sisters of Charity asking the city to vacate alt of Grandview ave. south of toe north line of mineral lot 17, was referred to the conimitte of the whole. The following were referred to the street superintendent. Petition of Mrs. Andrew Murphy to have the city grade •sidewalk and raise Curbing between Dodge and Ratiroad avenue. Petition of Anna M. Bush notifying the city not to place any tilling of any descrip- tion on her premises. The petition of the 1)ubuque Butcher's requesting the city to require grocer's and all others that sell meat to pay a city li- cense was referred to the comtnitte of the whole. 'rhe Dubuque Retail Grocer's Protective association presented a petition requesting the council to adopt an ordinance which they presented regulating the business of peddling. Aid. Halpin moved that the rules be suspended, and Judge Lenehan he allow- ed to address the council on the subject. Carried. Judge Lenehan and others addressed the council in relation to the same. On motion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole and city attor- ney. The following petitions were referred to the street e.ommtttee: Petition of C. '1'. Bush to have street re- paired at the corner of Broad street and Julien avenue. Petition of Thos. McDonnell asking that he be given work on the streets. Petition of Carl A. E. Deiterich et al to have Leibnitz west of Harold street im- . Petition of \V. '1'. \Villiams et al to have 14th street from Broad to Wood street im- proved. Petition of J. M. and Rose McKenzie asking that the special assessment for side- walk on certain lots in Littleton & Saw- yer's add be deferred until same is laid. Application of Patrick Fury for position as storm sewerage foreman. Petition of Peter Kiene asking to have order compelling him to put clown side- walk in front of city lot 212 rescinded. lite/friar' Sex. /w . JI try ;14. .1894. 1a1 l'etition of Nicholas Mettal et al in rela- tion to the damage caused by heavy floods coming down Burden avenue and not hav- ing a proper outlet. The following petitions were 'referred to the street committee and engineer: Petition of E. G. Winner et al to have South Alpine street between West Third and Dodge street improved. Petition of S. 3[. Langworthy et al ask- ing that water mains be laid on Alpine between West Third and lodge street. • Petition of 11. N. C. Schneider protesting against the change of grade on Weigle alley. The petition of J. B. Gilmore asking that fence obstructing an alley north of Vernon street be removed, was referred to the city engineer and marshal with po a er. 1'he petition of C. Reifsteck and C. F. Schepple to have the correct boundry line of lot 2 of mineral lot 106 established, was referred to the city engineer and attorney. Petition of Peter Kiene & Son, agents, in relation to laying sidewalk on north side of lot 26i, was referred to the city engineer with power. Petition of Anna M. Bush stating that Broad street from Julien avenue to West 14th street was not sufficiently rolled by the steam roller, was referred to the street superintendent. The invitation of the committee asking that council and police to join in observ- ing bserying Memorial day, was accepted and the mayor to make arrangements. The petition of Johnhltyan asking that team Remise be not retained from his war- rant was referred to the mayor with power. The petition of John Drehouse asking that money due him from Nic Swinie who is working for the city be retained was re- ferred to the committee on claims. Netitun of Chas..1. Schaefer asking that money due hirn from Sanitary Officer O'Connell be retained from his salary was referred to committee on claims. Petition of John F. Burns et al, asking that exuressmen be removed from the cor- ner of 7i and Main streets was referred to the mayor and marshal. The notice of G. W. Reynolds stating that he being the lowest bidder for haul- ing garbage that the city shall execuet said contract was referred to the city at- torney. REPOTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor Kenety reported as fol- lows: Cash on hand April 1st, 1894 $34,043 96 Receipts for the month of April 108 45 1894 ....$34, Total Disbursntent :or April 1894 Balance +•ash in Treasury, May 1st., 1894 $44,039 (42 Amount required to pay city officers for the month of April 189s. '41,848.40. Also presentee a list of coupons redeem- ed during the month of April. Also presented the balance to the credit or debit of each fund May 1st., 1891. War- rant ordered drawn and report referred to finance committee. Street Superintendent Carter reported $3,792.40, amount due for labor on streets during the month of April. Warrants or- dered drawn to pay laborers and report re- ferred to the street committee. Marshal Rice reported $1,889.60 due Police for the month of April 1894. Also reported 40 police cases disposed of during the month of April 1891. $68,812 44 $24,772 52 Also reported $20.00 tines collected dur- ing month. Warrants ordered drawn and report referred to the police and light com- mittee. Sewer Inspector O'Brien reported $324,- 50 due for labor on sewers during month of April, 1894. Report reterred to sewer com- mittee and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers. Fire Chief ltemfreid reported $1,528.00 due firemen for the month of April. Re- ceived and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen. City Attorney Kntght reported in favor of approving the report of .Justice Gratz. Iteport adopted. Market Master Norton reported $17.90 due the city from scales. Also reported $16.40 due for feeding prisoners for the month of April. Re- port received and tiled and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding prison- ers. Woodmeasurer .1. A. Wood reported 413 cords of wood measured during the Month of April and presented treasurers receipt for 75y being the per cent. oue to the city. Report received and filed. The report of City 1Veighmasters .las. Doyle, 11. 5. Ruh and Chas Pitschner were received and filed. The communication of W. 11. Knowl- ton in reference to the drainage of the Copier Valley was referred to the com- mittee of ttie whole. Engineer reported that the wall on 11th street under the elevator should be sup- ported by additional masonry. Report re- ferred to street c•nutnittee and engineer with power. Reported that Eleventh street for a dis- tance of 150 feet connecting Grove Ter- race and Grove Terrace South should be improved, while said streets are being im- proved. Referred to the street committee. Also presented profile of alley from Humboldt to Schiller between lthoinberg and Garfield. showing the grade line that he would recommend. Adopted. Also presented profile of grade of Tre- mont avenue from Grandview avenue to south end of '1 remora avenue. Referred to street committee. Also presented plat of proposed vaca- tion of part of Lincoln avenue between Cooler avenue and White street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented plat showing change in alley in Bellevue add. to committee of the whole. Reported $150.00 due B. Gallon for right of way damages for ground taken for Booth street, adopted and war- rant ordered drawn to pay same. The communication of Standard Lum- ber Co. in relation to the award ut the jury for right of way for Fourth street ex- tension was referred to the committee of the whole. Engineer Knowlton reported the follow- ing bids for the improvement of West Fourteenth street which were as follows: Altman & Taylor .$5834 00 C. Ryan. Sr 662`3 50 Brown & drown 5914 00 Geo. W . Farley 6415 50 John Williams 7095 00 0315 00 John '1'ibey 6606 25 John Blake Ald. Halpin moved that Altman & 'fay- loy being the lowest bidder be awarded the contract. Carried. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved bythe City to.pay !l of for a1e 4 foot of Dubuque, ' wide plank sidewalk on north side of proposed Referred 1:i'2 :11/ 1.4 Rey?f•n) , JLu y 7th, 1894. Seminary street, • between Clifford street and west tine of mineral lot 198, by E. .1. Evans, contractor, to front of and adjoiuiny. same, a special tax be and is hereby levied,on the several Tots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each tot or parcel of real estate, as folloas: Ludwig Grasset, lot 28, J. 1'. Schroeder's add: 11.3 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 10c..81.86 .1. 1'. Schroeder, lot 29 J. 1'. Schroeder's add: 48.7 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 1634c..88.04 .1. 1'. Schroeder, lot 3, Littleton & Saw- yer's add.: 40 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 10 c...86 60 .1. 1'. Schroeder, lot 4, Littleton & Saw- yer's add.: 40 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 163yc...86.60 J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 5, Littleton & Saw- yer's add.: 401ineai it plank sidewalk at J. 1'. Schroeder, lot 6, Littleton & Saw- yer's add: 40 lineal ft. plank sidewalk at 1634e..86 60 J. P. Schroeder. lot 7. Littleton & Saw- yer's add: 40 lineal f . plank sidewalk at him ...811 60 Ludwig Grassel, lot 10, Littleton & Saw- yers's add: 40liceal ft. plank sidewalk at 1634...86 60 Anton Ebert, lot 2, Baseman & Eberl's sub: 40 lineal ft: plank sidewalk at 1634c.:86 60 J. M. McKenzie. lot 24, Littleton & Saw- yer's add: 40 lineal It. plank sidewalk at 164c..S6 60 J. M. McKenzie, lot 25, Littleton & saw- yer's add: 40 lineal ft. plank sidewalk at 161.;e... 6 60 Rose McKenzie, lot 26, Littleton & saw- yer's add: 40 lineal ft. plank sidewalk at 161_c... ri 60 Rose McKenzie, he; 27, Littleton & Saw- yet's add: 40 lineal ft. plank sidewalk at 1(13 c..811 60 J. M. McKenzie, lot 28, Littleton & Saw- yer's add: 30 lineal It. plank sidewalk at 16?4e..'4 95 J. M. bleKenzie, lot 29, Littleton & Saw- yer's add: 40 lineal ft. plank sidewalk at 16.1'e..$6 60 C. 1?. Gassman, lot sub of 30 and 81, Littleton & Sawyer's add: 41.2 liar ft plank sidewalk at.l63dc....86 80 • Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, IIalpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, 1'uwers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann otfered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a four foot wide plank sidewalk on south side of Seminary street, from Gold street to West, Locust street, by E. J. Evens contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owner, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or;aarcel of real estate, as follows: V. A Langworthy, lot 2 Porter's add. 64;4 lin It plank sidewalk at 1634c...810 64 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler. Crawford, llalpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Power, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for a 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on 1Viudsor ave. between Burden ave., and north end of Wind- sor ave., by .1. 11. Riley, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining same, n special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Geo. Burden est., lot 4, Burden & Law- ther's add.: 50 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 16.'4c...88.25 (leo. Burden, est., lot 5, Burden & Law- ther's add.: 60 lineal It plank sidewalk at 16;,c... 9.90 Wm. Law titer, und ;.;' lot 11, Burden & Lawther's add.: 26 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 16,1,;c sl_2ti J. V. Eider, and 34 lot- 11, Burden & Lawther's add.: 26 lineal It plank sidewalk at 10!_.....4.24 Lawther and ! lot 12, Burden & atther'f add.: 20 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 163ye...83.30 .1. V. hider, and ?-; lot '12. Burden & Lawther's add: 20 lin ft plank sidewalk at 16%c 83 30 Lawther, and ;:; lot 13, Burden & Law titer's add: 20 lin ft plank sidewalk at 16;4c 3 30 J. V. Eider, and ? lot 13, Burden & Lawthet's add: 20 lin 11 plank sidewalk at 1634c 3 30 1V m. Lawther, and lot 14, Burden & Lawthea's add: 20 lin ft plank sidewalk at 1634c $3 30 J. V. (titter, turd ;.4 lot 14, Burden & Lawther's add: 20 lin f0 plank sidewalk at 16;.e 3 30 Adoptettby the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman!), 1.tllig, Tuners, Hyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. \nes Alb, Kaufmann offered the following. Be.;otveil. by the City Council of the City of • Dubuque: That to pay for a four -foot wide plank sidewalk on 00th side of Prince street, between E. 1'. Ave. and Sanford streets, by J. H. Riley, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Chicago Great 1Vestern Ry. Co. lot 60, Sanford's sub: 67.7 lin ft plank sidewalk at 16;4c'...$11 17 C. G. W. Ry. Co. lot 61, Sanfords sub: 75.3 lin ft plank sidewalk at 1634e...812 43 Jas. Rowan N. ;-4 lot 43, Santut'd's sub: 25 lin ft plank sidewalk at tri' ;e $ 4 13 Adopted by the follong vote: Ayes—A Id. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauffman!). Liliig, Powers, Hyde., Shea, Vogel and Vogler. roes—V one. Ald. Kaufman offered thi following: Resolved by the City Council of the City fo Dubuque, That to pay for a six foot wide plank sidewalk on W Locust street. abutting lot 14, Quigley's sub of out lot 71U, by .1. R. Riley, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Ellen N. Callahan, lot 14, Quigley sub of out 161.710: 50 lin ft plank sidewalk at 24c 812 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, llalpin; _Adjourn ct! Kaufman, Lillig, I'o\ters, I; der, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. 1'..:IU1ni lt11 offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City o[ Dubuque: That to pity for a six foot wide plank sidewalk on north side of Flits street between 17th street and Ellis street by J. 1l. Riley, contractor, ill front of and adjoining the same, a special tax De and is hereby levied on the several lots, and harts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lit or pat cel of real estate. as billows: Catherine Morrisey, lot 3, Dorgan's sub: ti9 iii ft plank sidewalk at '25' ....... 17 42 datnes McCann, lot 1, I. t' 's saw: 51 lineal ft plank sidewalk, 2510. X12 88 I) C Cram, Int 1 ut 072 tt. city: 49 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 2514e.$ 12 37 Adopted uy the loI.owing vote: Ayes—A1ds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. AkI. Kauffmatin oiTered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: 'That to pay for a four -food wide plank sidewalk on south side of Grace street between Grand view avenue and .East street, by 1'. F. Guthrie, contractor, in front of aujoiutng the sante, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts or lots, and parcels of rein estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each tut or parcel of real estate, as follows: N. Michaels, lot 7, Budge's sub: 44.2 lineal feet piank sidewalk at 7 9017 c M. Michaels, lit 8, llodge's sub 44.2 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 17%c $ 7 90 1.. at. Post, lot 9, Dodge's stip: 5.6 lineal It plank sidewalk at 173. e $ 1 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogeler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Coital of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving alley front Ninth street to Tenth street be- tween Locust street and Blutf street, by Geo. W. Farley, contractor, in front of and adjoining the saute, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and tor the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: 1Itu•mony and Julien lodges, 1. U. U. F., lot 633, city: 2 08 20.8 cubic yds. grading at 10c S 63.2 sq. yds. macadamizing at 41:c ' r fl v 8 Total 527 30 Barnett 1.. liorr, lot 634, city 20.8 cubic yds. grading at 10c2 OS 2 18 51.2 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40c... - 'ss 56 Total .5. " Samuel Martin, lot 635, city: 2 08 `20.8 cubic yds. gradwg at 10c.. ... 51. 2 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40e... 20 48 Total - 22 56 A. Tied way, und. X lot 636, city: 10.4 cubic yds. grading at 10c......$ 1 04 25.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40e10 24 Total,x5- .11 28 Grace A. Provost, und. lot 636, city: 10.4 cubic yds. grading at 10e$ 1 04 0,.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40c10 24 I1. Total S 11 " S A. 'I'redway, und.'34 lot 637, city: 10.4 cable yds. grading at 10e $ 1 01 31.6 sq. yds. macadamizing at 40e12 24 'l'ottil .8 13 28 Grace A. Provost, mid ,' lot 637 city: 10 4 cu yds grading at 10c 1 04 31 6 sq yds maeidatnizing at 41.1c12 64 Total 8 13 68 First Universalist church, lot 638 city: 20 8 en yds grading at 10 2 08 63 2 sq yds macadamizing at 40c25 28 Total S 27 36 Helmuth Batt, n se tt. lot 031) city: 11 4 en yds wading at 10.• y 1 14 280 sq yds macadamizing til 40c. Total 8Irs. A. Kaiser, est., s 23.3 iti L 6311 city: 44 9 4 cu yds gradius; at 10e 23 2 sq yds macadamizing at Total S 10 22 Mts. in. Kaiser est., lot 2 sub of a 11. 8-12 feet lot 640 city: 4 0 cubic arils grading at 10,1x+ 40 1) 6 sq yds macadam zing at 40' 3 84 Total ` i 21 O'ILnliand, lot 1 sub ,of o 11 5-12 feet tot 640 city : 9 cubic yards grading at 10c $ 09 2 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40e 80 Total S 89 U. Holland, lot 2, sun el s 39 4.12 ft lot 640, city: $ 79 7 9 cu yds grading, 10c 19 5 sq yds macadatniztug at 40c.......1L 80 Total .8 8 59 John Phelan, lot 1, sub 01 s 39 4-12 feet lot 40, city: 84 8 0 cu yds grading at 10c 20 1 sq yds maeadamiztug at 40e 8 04 S 8 84 11 20 5 1'9 34 'Total .lotus I'heitnt, tut 2 of 1 of 1)11, tiny: 0 2 ea yds 2ruling, 10e 0 02 0 4 sq yds macadamizing, 40e Total Conrad 1). Scherr, lot 1 of 101 ill!, city: 18 11 8 cu yds grading at 10 29 1 sq ycls macadamizing at lir.... 11 tit Total 8 12 82 1'. W. Crawford, tot '201 011, i•ity:\ 88 8 8 cu yds grading at ids 21 7 sq yds macadamizing at 40,• 8 68 5 9 56 18 Total P. \V. t_rawfnrtl, lot 612, (.ity: 20 scubic, +ands grading at IUc 252 O8 63 2 sal yds macadamizing at 40c____ .827 36 Total Adopted by the iolluwing vote: Ayes—Ards. Butler, Crawford, Ilalpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Stiea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. API. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Coun r [thee con- struction 1)ubuque: That to pay fo of an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Prairie street from tt est Fourteenth street to Chestnut street by 11. Tschirgi con- tractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate herinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several 151 amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A. W. llosford, and ?.; N 88 lot 783 A. Mcllaniels sub, 4,400 sq It, at .001, $1.7.60. A. W. Keniler, mid 'j N 88 lot 783 A. Mvl)aniels sub, 4.401) at .094, $17.60. 1). '1'. Smith, 5 12 lot 783 A. Me - Daniels sub, 1,20U at .014, ;11.80. D. '1'. Smith, lot 782 A. Mcllaniels sub, 10.0011 at .004, 840. Mary 11. Wallace, lot 781 A. McDabtels sub, 10,000 at .004, 840. Mary 13. Wallace, lot 780 A. Mcllaniels sub, 10,600 at .004. 810. L. Powers, lot 798 A. Mc Daniels sub 6,000 at .004, 824. J. (1. Bailey, 11' 40 lot 794 A. Mcl)aniels sub, 2,401 at .901, ..4.60. iteuben 1Vaiker. W 45 S 34 lot 797 A. Mcl)aniels 3,247 at 004, $12.46. 5, A. &Iherton, E 15 5 .. lot 797 A. Me - Daniels sub, 1,0'U at .004. $4 32. C. Lantatty, N .y Iot 7147 A. Mcllaniels sub, 4320 sq ft at .iu.il, 817.28. 5. A. Atherton, 11 to .' e not 796 A. Me• Daniels sub 2,88) ;u .out, .511.52. C. Latitzay W 4) : lot 796 A. Mc - Daniels sub .0(11'2,88.) at .•11 52. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kallmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. 111. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for the con- strue lou of an 8 incl) tile pipe sewer in alley from 1st street to .)ones street, be- tween Main and Iowa streets. by M. Tscturgi, Jr., contractor, adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, au1 parcels of real estate hereutatter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or pared of real estate, as lot to w,: 1. 0. 11. 1{. Co., eis 11, 1 Dubuque Har- bor Co.'s add, 61,800 sq V. at .904, 8259 20. John Hennessey, lot 531, city, 4,555 sq ft at .004, 518.22. ,John Ilennessey, n ?1 lot 532, city, 1,635 Sq It at .014, 8651. Rich Bennett, sj lot 532, city, 1,365 sq ft at.004 85.46. Bich Bennett, n 25 ft of lot 532a, city, 1,150 sq ft at .094, $4 60. Janie: Rowan, s 27 ft lot 532a, City, 905 at .004, 5:3.02. John Hennessey, lot 1 sub w '. lot B 1, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add'. 045 sq ft at .004, 82.58. John Hennessey, lot 2 Dubuque harbor Co.'s add, 715 sq It at .11U4, 82.86. 1{i h Bennett, lot 2a Dubuque harbor Co.'s add, 985 sq ft at .004, 53.01. Rich Bennett, Dubuque Harbor r Co.'s add, 1,350 sq ft1 25 ft tat3.004, 55140. James Rowan, s 27 ft lot 3 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add, 1,795 sq ft at .004, $7.18. Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella,. lot 4, 2140 sq ft at .0,14e, $8.56. Anna M. Bush 1st 5, 2140 sq ft at .004, 88.56. -t It. Lull est, and %, lot 6, 1070 sq ft at .004c, $4.28. J. V. Rider, and },; lot 6, 1070 sq It at .004e, 54 28. 1. ll. IIIelds, and 2.4 lot 8, 1420 sq ft at 004c, 85.68, John Watters est, and 1-3 lot 8, 710 sq ft at ,004c, $2.81. J. 11. Shields, and 2-3 bit 88, 1420 sq ft at .004e, $5.68. John {Natters est, und 1-3 lot 8a. 710 sq ft at .004c, $2,81• J. ll. Shieius, and 2-3 lot 8b, 1420 sq ft at .l/,, y 711,. 1894. .001; 55.08. 1 John Watters est, unci 1-3 lot 8b, 710 sq ftat1.004, $284. A 0 ua M. Bush, lot 9, 2500 sq ft at .004c, $10.00. Anna M. Bush, lot Oa, 2500 sq ft at 1.0041, Anna M. Bush. lot 10, 2500 sa ft at .004c, $10.00. R. Waller est, lot 10, 2500 sq ft, at .001; $10.00. 1'. 1., Pritchard & Co, lot 7, 2140 sq ft aE .004c, 83.56. C. L. Pritchard Mfg. Co., lot 12, 4,630 sq ft, at .004e $18.52. C. L. Pritchard Mfg Co., lot 13, 2,500 sq ft, at .001e 810. .1. H. Shields, and 3.; lot 14, 1,250 sq ft at .001c, 85. ' .1. 11. L1111 est, and !4 lot 14, 625 sq ft at .II04e, 52 50. Will. 1.. Bradley, and 34.lot 14, 625 sq ft at .001x, 52 50. .1. 11. Shields, and X lot 15, 1,250 sq ft at .00Ie, 55. 1. Il. I.nll est, and i+ lot 15, 625 sq ft at .0114^ 82.50. 1Vnt. L. Bradley, and 1.4 lot 15 1;25 sq ft at .wito, :` 50. 1. I 1 ?.5. Sields, unci Xlot 16, 1,250 sq ft at .9114, .1. 11. Lull est, und 14 lot 16 625 sq ft at W. L. Bradley, und !:t lot 16, 625 sq ft at .004c. 52.50. .1. Il. shields, and ni lot 17, 4.000 sq ft at .00Ic 516. .1. 11. Lull est, and 14 lot 17, 2,000 so ft at .004 88. W. L. Bradley, und '.4 lot 17, 2,000 sq ft at .004x. 85. Adopted by the following; vote: Ayis—Alds. Butter, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Nyder, Nnea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kallmann offered the following': ){esolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque, That Io nay for repairing sidewalks by the city of Uubuge in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied ort the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcel, of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: A.. Soldner, lot 2 of 1, Fosselman's sub, 82D.. .23Mauer, lot 227, Davis Farm add, 81.15. Cooler avenue school, lot 235, Davis Farm add, 55e. .lames Levi, lot 238, Davis Farm add, $2.05. Adam Jaeger, lot 271, Davis Farm add, 40c. Jacob Marshall, lot 277, Davis Farm add, 50e. J. A. 1lhomberg, lot 221, Davis Farm adrl, 25c. J. A. Rho:nberg and .10 Meuser, lot 225, Davis Farm add, 40c. M. E. church, lot sub of 180, 50c. John Olinger, lots 1 to 23, Boulevard add, 820.60. Al. Matthews, lot n,X of nl-5, city lot 451, 75c. .1. A. 1thonrberg, lots 8 and 9, Corriell's, 52.25. J. II. Berry est., lots 3 and 2, 1{. Brown's sub, $1.955. Adalbert Waller, lot 9, West's add, 60e. John Noel, lots 294, Davis Farm add, 81.00. John Heini est, lots 316 and 317, Davis Farm add, 81.20. • M. 11. Hoffman, lot 266, Davis Farm add, 95c. IL efitil/l!' .S*cs.ernrl, .If H/ illi, Geo. W. Works, lot 255, s!_, Davis Farm add, 40e. John Stieber, lot 321, Davis Farm add, 50e. Hose McCeney, lot 764 A. Mcl)aniel's sub,$1.25. ,las. P. O'Farrell, lot 8 Glendale add, $2 55. Win. Alderman, lot 322 eity add, 53.55. Agnes I'itscllner, lot 341 Davis Farm add, $0.40. .las. O'Farrell, lot 344 Davis Farm add, $0.40. C. 11. Meyer, lot 10 and 11 Glendale add, $1.00. Gerhart •renhof, 337 Davis Farm add, $0.70. , E. Richter, lot 231 Glendale add, 80.10. Geo. Weidner, lot 234 Glendale add, $1.20. A. F. Jaeger, lot 217 s' _ Davis Farm add, $1.00. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Acus. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig Powers, Ryder, Snea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 foot planet sidewalk -on Needham 1'oace, between \Vest Fifth and Seventh streets, by .1. 11. Riley, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels ot real estate hereinafter named, sinuate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as totluws: ,lames McCabe, lot 1, Corr'.ell's sub: 185.5 lineal ft tlanksidewalk at 16!5.830 61' Patrick Iiughes, Lot 1. Neelihanrs sut1: 51.5 lineal it Mani: sidewalk at 16':..88 50 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A itis. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vog.er. AID. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a four foot wide plank sidewalk on Dodge and South Dodge streets by .1. R. Miley, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels 01 real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the stver al amounts set opposite ettelt lot or parcel of real estate as tallows: Michael Rea, lot 2 of 5 of min. lot 162: 161 lineal ft.plank sidewalak at 16'4c, $27 C6 Adopted Uy the 101lowIiig vote: OAyes—Aids. Butler. Crawford, Ilalpin, Kaufmann, 1 iilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. =Aid. Kautmann, chairman of the street committee reported as follows: Your committee report in favor ot re- ceiving and filling the report of the street commissioner for February and March 1894. Adopted. Report in favor of improving Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street at.a width of 40 feet. .Referred to the eommittee;of the whole. lit favor of instructing the engineer to prepare an estimate of the amount of grad- ing on street west of Winona avenue be- tween West Fifth and West Fourth street. Adopted. In favor of referring the petition of Tar - ranee O'Toole in relattou to storm water on Burns street to the engineer anis street superintendent with power. Adopted. Report that the city has not taken any 1 ti!11. 1•)5 action in regard to a change of grade on Almond street. Adopted. Report in favor of granting the petition of Albert Neuman for sidewalk on Cornet 1 and 'Thomas street. Adot ted. In tayor of receiving and till ng petition of Parker, lloy R i eto asking t o to allow- ed extra cJnipensallelt for breaking ma- cadam. Adopted. In favor of receiving and tiling reution of John Newman in 1elation to grade of Bonin street. Adopted. Report in favor of extending ltigi street, as asked for by 11. L. Avery et al. provid- ing the parties interested will subscribe a sufficient amount to pay for said exten- sion. Adopted. lteport tm favor of delaying action 011 construction of slue walk on north side of Seminary street, as asked .tor by E. B. ltienards et al. Adopted. In favor of recelvine and tiling petition of W. .1. 1anliliou et al., In tellwoi to storm water seeer along Booth street. Adopted. lteport that they have appointed I'at Moore, enetneer of the steam roller from month to month, as he may be required at :sot) per month, and that he be authorized ie hire his own asslslaut at not to exceed 51.511 per day, both of said men to be un- der the supervision of Ih+ street com.nittee and engineer. Adopted. Report In favor of instruziti.g the engi- neer 10 prepare a e,tI,nate of the cost of grading Jth avenue Irotn .\pants avenue to the south line of Jansen's situ. Adopted. Also presented I,etiuo1 of (leo. W. Far- ley a_reeing to do tine grading on the block )u Garfield avenue between Ann and 'Jock without buy expense to the pity. On motion the contract was awarded to 111111. \Iso reported that the following streets and alleys had been ace, p'edascouip!eted: Stafford avenue from 1, 11 held to Eagle Point avenue, Duck avedie front Lin- coln to lthomuerg avenues and from Gar - he'd avenue to C., M. 5t. P. sly. tracks, Dodi avenue troll Ri :tonere to Gar- field avenue. Elul street from F tele Point avenue to 1t ioiiberg avenue, Lincoln avenue from steed avenue to Second ave- nue, Ellis street from West Locust street to Almond street, Klein street from Eagle Point avenue to KI111genberg terrace, alley from Windsor to Stafford avenues, between Garfield and Ithumoerg. Alley from .1111 to ]nth streets between Locust and 11lut1' streets. Adopted. Ald. Ryder chairman ot 1110 finance com- ntittee reported in (avoir of receiving and tiling the rep ,rt ut the city treasurer for March and April, 1891, and that warrants be drawn in lavor of 11. B. Gnittke for money advanced during March and April and also for loan warrants drawn by Iii. Adopted. Ald. Powers chairman of the ordinance committee, preseuted and read for the sec- ond time an ordinance entitled "Au ordi- nance licensing ice skating rinks." Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Llllig, I'owers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Also presented the following resolution which wad adopted: Whereas, what is known as the Govern - meat lee harbor is now being used by two different parties for the purposes of ice skating rinks; and, Whereas, said harbor has a frontage of about 600 feet, the northerly 300 feet front being used for skating rink purposes by one party and the southerly 300 feet being used 151; _1(1)(mpat-,/ .Ce8, nn, herr/ 5th., 1894. for like purposes by the other party; and, )vhereas, said Harbor is well adapted for skating purposes apd it being desirable to promote anti encourage ice skating its a public amusement and valuable exercise; and, Whereas, the city of Dubuque has the right to control said llarbur u1 every man- ner not ioconsis:eut or in conflict with the usea alit( purposes of the united States government: therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubnque that the person now using and occupying the southerly half of said Har- bor lir skating rink purposes be 0114 1+ heteby permitted, in so far as the city of Dubuque has the power to permit, upon the payment to the city of Dubuque of the license fee of • 50 as required by law, to use and Occupy in the ulture said south- erly half of slut harbor tor ice skating rink purposes; and resolved further that the per:.im now u.nIg and occupying the northerly hull ,ti saol Harbor be and is hereby permitted 1n so far as the city of Dubuque has toe power u) permit, upon the payment of the license fee of $50 as required by law. to use and Occupy In the futtire said northerly halt of said harbor for ice skating rink purposes. .Provided, however, that said ice skating rinks shall nut extend more than 300 feet easterly from the west snore or bank 01 said Ice Harbor; aunt l'ruvitted, also that nothing herein con- tained shall be eon.0 nett 10 lnnit the police control over said harbor at alt times, the same as now held and exercised by the city of Dubuque; and, Provided, ICS() [hat the privilege.: con- templated to it conferred by this resolu- tion shall not be exclusive to lite persons now occupying said ice harbor unless Wey shall Kaye issued to them or them a license bay the eity of Dubuque on or prior to the 1st day of October of each year. .also presented and read for the second time, an urdivance entitled "An ordi- nance to establish a Board of Ilealtlt in conformity with chapter ti LXV111 of the laws of the Nineteenth General As- sembly of the state of Iowa, and defining their powers and duties. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Alt(. Vogler, chairman of committee on claims, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ceiving and filing tete, petition of .101[11 Sigwortli it) relation to claire against a contractor. Adopted. 111 favor of receiving and tiling the pe- tition of henry Brelien in relation to chum against a contractor. Adopted. Report in favor of receiving anti tiling the bill of A. A. Stevenson. Adopted. com- mittee, reporld. ted chairman1 ff favor ofpay paying harbor of J. A. Wood of 20 for services as wharf master from Mareh 15th to May 1st, 1894. Adopted. Ald. Shea, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: committeeYour ing b Il ofJohHoner of of $12.72.Ador of pted. Report in favor of paving premium of $75 on policy of the Phoenix Insurance Co. Adopted. Also to favor of paying premium of $75 ou policy of Dubuque Fire and Marine In- surance Co. Adopted. Also in favor of pitying prentlum of $82.5;1011 policy of the Dubuque Erre and Marine insurance Co. Adopted. A Id. Crawford ettairmatt of COltlltlittee on tire and water reported as follows: Your committee reports in favor of granting the petition of Geo. .+Tilsit( for extension of water roans on West Elev- enth street between Spruce street and Walnut street• Adopted. 1n favor of instructing the water com- pany to turn 011 the water on tire plug on Vest Fifth and Nevada streets and that the matter of removal be deferred. Adopted. In favor of granting the petition of Reeder Ltutgworthy et al for the extenslori of water mains on West Third street be- tween Hill and Alpine streets. Adopted. In favor of granting tne petition of A. R. Staufenbeil et al for the extension of the water mains on Madison street front Seminary street to lot 49 in Cox's add. :1 (opted. in favor of granting the petition of J..1. Murray, et al. for the extension of the water shuns on \Vest 'Third from Summit to St. Mary's street. Adopt( ti. In favor of receiving the report of the tire c lief for the mouth 01 1):cember, 1893. Adopted. In favor of granting the petition of Henry taker, et al, for the extension of teat[•- mains on \\Pude street and would reeootuend that the sante be extended [Aruin dopted. Dodge stre.:t to Esther street. Also your committee on tire and water recommend the adoption of the resolution ordering the laying clown of water mains on Julien avenue from its intersection with 11ill street to Alpine street. Adopted. Alts. Halpin, chairman of toe committee on supplies, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing the bill of Mulgrew & Phillips of $17.31. Adopted. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, 13y the City Council 01 the City of Dubuque, What the Dubuque Witter company be instructed to extend their water Mains along the following streets, to -wit: iOn and along Wilde street from South Dodge to Esther street. On and along West Third street from bill to Alpine street, and from Summit to St. Mary's street. On and along Madison street from Setnitiary street to lot 49 Cox's add. On and along West Eleventh street from Spruce to Walnut street, and that water plugs be located under the direction of the tire chief and tire committee, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company the use of such quantity of water along said streets as will produce a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of seven per cent. on the Cost of the pipe required to be so extended. Adopted. In favor of paying bill of 11. Corrauce of $3.30. Adopted. In favor 111 paying the bills of key City Gas Co. of $50.25. Adopted. Attorney Knight reported that the question of remtssiou of the taxes of 1111 - kin & Schatfart lie would recommend that the taxes be remitted. Adopted. Also presented a quit claim deed from F. A. Itumpt and Elizabeth .1. itunipf to the city for right of way for the widening of Weigle alley. Accepted and ordered recorded. City Engineer Knowlton and Committee Clerk O'Connell reported that the matter of W. A. Leathers in reference to sewer- age assessment be referred to the city at- torney and engineer. Adopted. (,Ij,,,rrrr rl li',, al rr Se8arn,. .11,1r1 ifl. J811 f. AM. ',deg offered the followine: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 tees wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side +elks, on the east side of Cooler avenue between 26th street and l'eru road where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: .lyes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, 1'uwers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogier. Nunes—":one. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Tnat a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of go id two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within' 2(l days of tits notice, constructed and laid in couforinity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east stile of %Vine street, between Lin- coln and Eagle Point avenues, whi-re not already laiii, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, ltyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Maya—Nolte. Ald. f.ithg offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, o[ good brick, stone or cement, b , within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in contorrnity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the went aide of Couler avenue, between Rhomberg and Eagle Point avenue, where not already laid, at the 'expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufruaan, Lillie, Powers, ltyder, Shea, Vogel aid Vogler. Nays—.\one. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City o[ Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 leet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, tie, within 20 days of thin notice, constructed and laud in conloruiity with the ordinance in ;relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Washington street, between Sanford street and Eagle Point avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid's. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Sttea, Vogel and Vogier. .Noes—Noce. Aid. Laing offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'Flint a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Jackson street between 24th street and 25th street where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ards. Butler, Crawford, llaipin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Lillig ottered the following. Resolved by the City Couucil of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two -nista plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and lald in conformity with tqe ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west stile of Jackson street, between 27th street and Peru street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ails. Butler, Crawford Halpin, Kaufmann, hillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Lillie' offered the following: P lesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-ihclt plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 21) days of this notice, construeted and laud in contort -nay with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks 00 the west slue of Cornell street. between W. 14th street and Thomas street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adooted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler. Crawford, Ilalpin, Kautmann, Lillie, l'owers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Napa—None. Ald. Lillie offered the hollowing: 1t.essolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of tuns notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 'Phomas street, between Alma street and Cornell street where not already laid, at the exp©ese of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butter, Crawford, Ilalpin, Kauhuani. labia, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Lilhg offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That. a sidewalk 6,feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and Iaid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Couler ave. between Sanford street and Twenty-third street where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, llaipin, Kautinanu, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nnes—None. "'Resolved Lillie' offered the following: Resolved by Inc City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of the notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of White street, between N•ighteenh street and Eagle Point avenue, where pot already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, l'owers, ltyder Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Id. Lillie offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, ['hat a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice. constructed and laid in couforniity wlttt the ordinance tit rolatiou to sidewalks, on the east side of Couler avenue between Eagle Point ave- nue and Sanford street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted ity the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillie.!, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. 1—'7 Ald. Vogler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, fiat a sidewalk 12 feet wide vee(/ Se88ion, .31:ay 7th, 1894. of good brick. stone n; cement, he, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance its relation to sidewalks, no hntu sides of Iowa street, between 10th street and l:Itlt street where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Ilalpin, Kaufmann t,ilitg, Powers, Ryder, Shen, Vogel *111(1 Vogler. Nays—None. Aid. Vogler (offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity' with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street abutting s 34 of city lot 449 where not already lard. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: . Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Vogel offered the following: Hesolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 f et wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be within thirty days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Iowa street, between llth street and 12th street wnere not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogeler. Noes—None. Alderman Vogler offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of tuffs notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides et Clay street, between 14th and 16th streets where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, •Crawford, Ilalpin, Kaufman. Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Shen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid fn conformity with the ordinance to rela- tion to sidewalks, ou the west side of Clay street, between 5th street and 7th street wherenot already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the folloa1nf vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel ann Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Tnat a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laud in confortnity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of White street, between 7th street and 8th street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: AKaufmann, Butler, mann, LtIllig,1'wo s, Ityder,l Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. A Id. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved toy the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of good 2 -inch brick, plank, stone or cement, be, wilhin 15 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nonce in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Leibnetz street, between North Main street and Ilarold street, where not already laud at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vole. Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Ilalpin, Kaufmann, Lilltg, Powers, Ryder, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council 01 the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement be, within 15 days of this notice, coustructed and and laid in conformity witn the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both sides of Cooler avenue, be- tween Sanford street and Peru road where not already laid, at the expense of abutt- ing property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—:Ids. (Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel anil Vogler. Ald. Vogel otfeered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid to conformity with the orndu,ance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of luwa street, between 16th and 17th streets and abutting s 57 ft ueY, city lot 746 where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. 'Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Alderman Powers offered the following:. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, witbm 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the south side of 13th street, between Main and Locust streets where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Keufmann, Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The bond of W. 11. Knowlton was ap- proved and he was then sworn in as en- gineer by Mayor Olinger. Ald. Kaufman;[ offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Eagle Point avenue, between ‘Vindsor Ave. and Stafford Ave. be gtaded, guttered, curbed and macadam- ized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plus and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ala. Butler, Crawford Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noyes—None. . rl rill/ Requlci)' ,s",,,;.m. .11,1 ,1 9/h. 1894. 159 \Id. I nulni tui offered in,. following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That Providence street, be- tween .Johnson avenue and Stafford ave- nue, be graded, guttered, curbed and mac- adamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hrireby directed to make the necessary plans and specinca• tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Alit. Lillig. chairman of police and light committee, reported in favor of en- tering into a contract with the Globe Light and heat Co. fur one hundred or more, at the option of the city, of gasoline tights for a term of three years, at $20.00 per light per year, and that the city attorney be intructed to draw up a contract whit said company on behalf of the city. Adopted. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn to 1Ved- iesday, May 9th, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. Attest: i er. pro ea: 1894 ...1; y7""y Mayor CITY COUNCIL. OFFICIAL. Adjourned Regular Session, May 9th, 1894. Council met at 8:00 o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Power, ltyner, Shea, Vogel and 'Vogler. Ald. Vogler, chairman of tate printing comtnitee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing the following gills: Tunes Co., $29.15; Globe Printing Co., $29.15; the Dubu')ue '1'LLIWRA1011, $75.00; the Herald, $29,15. Adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee report the alley be- tween Garfield and lthomberg and Ilum- boldt and Schiller avenues has been or- dered improved as petitioned for by J. l.. Miller, et al. Adopted. Also report in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved, That the Lesure Lumber company have permission to fill Cedar street from Wall street to Sixth street, Washington and Wall streets from Cedar street to market street and the alleys in block 21 and 27 from Cedar street to Mar- ket street without expense to the city and at their own cost.• In return for which the said company are to have the exclusive right to use the same for piling lumber thereon without charge until such time as the city council shall declare Lite said streets and Suess needed awl oprtt lot' public use wi:e,h the use and right to use the sante by said company shall cease and all lumtter or other things put on said streets and al- leys or any of them shall be removed upon sixty days notice given by the council to said company. Adopted. Report in raver, of receiving and tiling the petition of .John Specht asking for as- sistance to run a ferry between Dubuque and Potosi. Adopted. In favor of postponing action on the ap- pointment of a sidewalk inspector for the present. Adopted. Also report in favor of purchasing 1,000 feei of hose as fuliows: 500 feet "Unique" at 90 cents per foot from the Duouque Rubber & Beltiug Co., 500 feet "Eureka" at 40 cents per loot from the Excelsior Brass Works. All of above hose to be same quality as per sample fur- nished with proposals. Adopted. Report in favor of receiving and tiling the remonstrance of Mrs. Susan Crotty et al., against improytig forest Lane. Adopted. In favor of receiving and tiling the ap- plication of D. A. McKenzie for inspector of weights and measures. Adopted. lit tavor of reducing and piing the claim of U. Ruff, Adopted. Report. that the salary of engineer be $2,400, and bis bond Ue 05,000. Adopted. Report in favor of reterrmg matter of clue1's wagon to the mayor ad chairman of the lire committee with power. Adopted. Report in favor of widening White street between 22d and 23.1 streets when the par- ties interested deposit a sufficient amount in the treasury to cover tile aw and of the jury. Ald. Butler, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing the fallowing bills: Central Union 'Telephone company $69. 35, P. 11. Ilaipiu 70c, 1'. E. Strelau . 4, .Jas. Lyons 80e, W. S. Mole $17.05. Adopted. Report in favor 01 receiving and tiling the sewer inspector's report for March,1844. Adopted. Ald. Lillig, chairman of the police and ligilt committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ceiving and tiling the report of the city electrician for March, 1841. Adopted. In favor of granting the petition of Win. Simons et al, for gasoline lights on Gar- field avenue between lith and 7th avenue. Adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the special committee, reported in favor of paying the bill of F. Meer & Son, balance due for preparing plans and specifications and su- perintending constru: tion of engine house on;Delht street. Adopted. Aid. Ryder, presented an ordinance en- titled "An ordinance declaring the emis- sion of dense smoke from chimneys and smokestacks of buildings and from boats and locomotives to be a nuisance aid fix - lug a penalty Ior the violation thereof Adopted. Ald. nyder moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance be read by its title the second time and placed on its final passage. Carried. 1'he ortlinaive was then read by its title the second time and adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Alas. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann. Liliig, Powers, Hyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: 1(i11 :I,1jettener1 Ie',-yrtlnr. .tiecxii n, _Alai 9th, 1894. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Lemon street between 7th street, and Peru road, be graded, guttered, curbed and inacndauiized, conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for stud improve- hient. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be doue at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler. Crawford, Kauf- mann. Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the 'following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Lincoln avenue between 2d and 3.1 avenues, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized in confor.nity Willi the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, anti the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the guttering, cut bing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Second avenue, between Lincoln and Ilhurnberg avenues, be grad- ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city- engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans anti specitfcations for said itnprove- nient, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the pertormance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense 01 the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- man, Lillig, Powers, ityder, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; '"'hat Reed avenue between Lincoln and lthomberg avenue be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and spec;fications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- torinanee of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and mticadamizing to be dome at the expense of the owners of the abutting pro- perty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mauu, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. AId. Kaufmann offered the foliowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City o1 Dubuque: '"'hat Third avenue between Lincoln and Uhomberg avenues, be graded, guttered,curbed and macadamized, at con- formity with the ordinance upon this sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is nerebyairectea to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper uotitte for bids and proposals for the performative of the work; the gutter- ing, curbing and nracadanuzirig to be none at the expense of the owners of the abut- ting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes —AId. Butler, Crawford, 1' auf- iihtnn, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. N ayes—None. AId. Butler uttered the following: resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalit 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or omen t,be,within2u days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side 01 West Main street, between First street and Jones street, where not already laud, at the expense of abutting prepety. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Kant- ntann,'Lillig Powers, Hyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Bottler offered the following: Resolved by the Coy Council 01 the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be within 20 days, constructed and laud ,it con- formity with the ordinance in relation to. sidewalks. on the north side of ,Jones street, between West Main street and Lo- cust s,reet where not already laid, at the - expense DI abutting property. Adopted by the toltowing vote: Ayes—Aid. Ilutler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Vogel and Vogler. N oes--None. Alderman Butler offered the following:. Resolved by the City Council of laity of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brietc, stone or cement, be, within 16 days of thic notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in :elation to sidewalks, 00 the east side of Bluff street, between li'irst and Second streets, where riot already laid, at the expense of abutting property. "Adopted by the following vote: AKauf- mann, Lillig,sP wers, ,lty er, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ala. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by, ttie City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide,. of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment. be. within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordivahce in reiatiou to sldewallcs, on the south side of Julien avenue between Diamond house and Wilson avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler. Crawford, Kauf- man, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel andVogler. AId. Ryder offered tate following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, '!'hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two -itch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 15 days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Third • street. be- tween Winona street and Alpine street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Aids, Butler, Craword, Kauf- mann. Lillig, Power, Ryder, Shee, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following: %i„ruvr,,l %if'ful,/v' ,S't'xeitrf...l/,[q !)tl,, 18!i4. 11;1 Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'l'hitt a sidewalk eight feet wide of brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 15 days ut this notice, constructed anu laid in conformity with the ordinance lit relation to sidewalks. on the east stile of Bluff street between Eighth street and Ninth street, where not already laid, at. the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, lowers, Ryder, Shea, Vugel and Vogler. A Id. Powers offered tile fullowiue: Resolved by the City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, slope Or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the north side Of Julien avenue between Bluff said Walnut streets, where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutt tugprope:ly. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldi. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillie, Powers, nyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Alderman Vogler offered the fo!iowin2: Resolved by the City Council theuf City of Dubuque, That as sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brief: stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, con- structed and laud in conformity with the ordinance to relation lo sidewalks, un the east side of flay street, between 8th street and 9th street where not already laid, at the expense of anutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, 6auf- urann, i.illig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler. AId. Powers offered the following reso- lution which was referred to the commit- tee of the whole: Resolved that the action of this council fixing and changing the salaries of the city treasurer, city recorder and city au- ditor is reconsidered and the salaries of said officers shall remain as fixed by the council last year. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer De con- structed on the alley next west of Center Place from an inter section with the sewer now being constructed on lulieh avenue, northty along said alley to the highest point on Summit of the same between Julien avenue and ifuse streets, That the city engineer be instructed to prepare the proper plans and specifica- tions for said sewer and to advertise for proposals fur doing the work. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, hatpin, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. AId. l,illigottered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'Thai tae city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare profile of grade of alleys between Johuson and Second avenues and Garfield and Lincoln avenues and submit shute to the council. AId. Lillie' offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, 'That the city marshal be and is hereby instructed to have the obstruc- tions removed from Couler creek and Kniest street sewer near Dee's factory so that stagnant water will not lay along said place. Ald. Vogler offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'i'hat the mutter of of. ficial prit.ting for the ensuing year belre- ferred to the printing committee. AId. Vogler offered the following reso- lution which was :,touted: Resolved, That stone crossings be laid as follows under the direction of the city engineer un south side of 11111 and .lack - son streets, north side of Illth and %Vash- i11L'lnll streets. • North side of 19th street in alley between Jackson and Washington streets; also that crossing on I`ttlt and (',inter avenue be re- nal' et! and I,ut in good condition. Alit. Vogler otTerel the following reso- 1utinti which was adopted: Resolved, 11y the t sty Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby nistru'•ted to use pis judgment in regard to the etnstructiou of new walks of brick, stone or cement on streets, where good plank walks are now lam, he is instructed not to interfere with sante, provided said walks are not laud subsequent to any order of the council that they should be otherwise. AId. Ryder offered the following resolu- ttuo which was adopted: OResulved, By the elty council of the city ut Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer be con- structed on hies street b,e,wceu West Fifth street and Julien avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer and approved by the city council, the cost of said .ewer to be asses- sed to the adjacent property m accordance to the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Ryder offered the following reso'u- lion wheel was adopted: 1tesuked, lsy the city council of the city 01 Dubuque: That the finance committee and mayor be and are hereby authorized and instructed to redeem outstanding improvement bonds when m their juti egment. Diet is at sufficient aanutlnt ua the treasury in the special bentle4 improve- ment Lund. A Id. Crawford offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, That the sanitary sewer now pow being constructed un Julien avenue be extended westerly Iron lis present pro- posed termination at the alley next %vest of Alpine streets along Julien ave. to Delhi street, thence along 1)eltai street to the highest point on summit of said Delhi street, at or near Alli- son street. 'That tee city engi- neer be instructed to prepare the plans and specifications for the extension of said sewer and to advertise;for proposals tar doing the work. Aid. Crawford, chairman of the special committee, reported as follows: Your special committee on the construc- tion of nae new engine house respectfully repolt that the contractors, Jone• Bros., have completed their contract for the eon- struction of the building and the council has accepted the work. The account with the contractors stands as follows: Amount of original contract $3,340 00 Extra work as per certificate of architect 101 00 $3,141 00 Paid on contract up to date 1,400 00 Balance due $2,041 00 The contractors have given orders on the city an favor of sub -contractors and mater- ial [nen for work and labor and materials tarnished for the engine house to the amount of $2,026.19. It there are any further claims against ll.•' .I(Ijt,e(,vit•d Regular Session, Jiay 9M, 1894. the contractors wine!' might, become liens on the property, your committee has nut been able to ascertain them. We recommend that the amount of .$2,- 041, due the contractors be allowed in full settlement of their contract and warrants drawn nn the treasurer for the several amounts of orders given by then[ in favor of the sub -contractors and material men according to the list attached and the bal- ance amounting to 614.80 tie uaid to con- tractors. Report adopted. The petition ot Ily Ilutfmann asking to be allowed to ereel a platform and steps 4 feet 6 inches wide on the sidewalk at south entrance to his building on ]6th and Clay. Granted. Petition of Mrs. E. G. Young stating that cesspool adjoini ii, ter property on White street between llth and 12th is a nuisance and asking that the sante he abated, Referred to the board of health. t•ention of 'leery Richter asking for permission to erect a Irame structure on Main between First and .Jones streets. Referred to committee 011 lire and water and mayor with power. Ald. Snea offered the following resolu- tion winch was referred to the colo l►l lltee of the whole: Resolved by the City Council of tile City of Dubuque: That it horse drinking foun- tain be ',laced un the north side of sixth street, between Iowa and Clay as the sable is a ue:.•essity in said neighborhood anti would bea public benefit. Aid. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion: Whereas, It has pleased Divine Prov1- slence to remove from our midst lg'on..J. 1'. Farley, ex-utayer ot our fair city; and Whereas, during his career bout as a public officer and private citizen he has used his best efforts for the welfare and advancement of our city, and his works are a living example of the perseverance lie has shown as a public spirited citizen; Therefore. Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: That in the death ot J. 1'. Farley the city has lost a true citizen, and that, we extend to his bereaved family our heartfelt sym- pathy In this their hour of sorrow. Resolved, Further that inese resolutions be s,read upon the archives tit the city and that an Angrossed copy of same be pre- sented to the family. Adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that the sewer now being constructed be connected with the new engine house, and tnat the special committee be instructed to do the same. Carried. Aid. Ryder moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: AN ODINANCE An Ordinance entitled Ordinance to establish a Board of ilealth nl conform- ity with chapter CLXV111 of the laws of the Nineteenth General Assembly of the State of lows, and defining their powers and duties." 13a it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Uuuuge: Section 1. The hoard of ilealth of the City of Dubuque shall consist of live mem- bers, two of whole shall be members of the city council, the other t wo. one a repu- table physi •fan and one a citizen. not members of the city coulicil, and the mayor of the city shall, ex-ollico be a member 01 stud board, and the chairman! thereof. The four members shall be ap- pointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council; provided, that In ap- pointing uteinbers of the council in 1894, one shall be appointed whose term as al- derman expires in 1895, and one whose term expires in 18:16, the latter for the tern[ of two years, and thereafter an alderman shall be appointed each year to serve as .a member of such board for two years. The other members of the hoard shall con- tinue in office for the Terni of one year, or during the pleasure of the council. Va- cancies in the board shall be filled at the first regular meeting of the council atter the annual election in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be couven- i.•te. I ne Board of Health may, with the ap- proval of the City council, appoint a health officer. The mayor, with the approval of theeoun- cii, may at any time remove any member of stud board and till all vaca:!cies occurring In said board by removal ur otherwise. Sec. 2. The hoard shall meet on the Friday preceding the regular meeting of the city countyd in each month, or as may be designated by la a, or at the call of the chairman. Ser. 3. The board may make and 'de- termine the rules of its (twit proceedings, and shall keep a record of its proceedings, rules, regulations and orders. It shall also keep accurate accounts of ail expenses th- em re,l by its authority. The rules, regu- lations and orders of said board shall be signed by the chairman thereof, and in case of his absence by the temporary chair - ,nap, and attested by the clerk. The said board shall at least once each month report its actions, including ex- penses incurred, to the city council, and shall also report at such other times as may be required by tete city council. Sec. 4. The city recorder shall be clerk of said board, attest the rules, regulations and orders anti make reports and keep its recut ds. In case of his abience a temporary clerk may be chosen by the board, who shall for the time keep the records and attest the rules, regulations and orders. Sec.5. It shall be the duty of the health officer 10 attend the meeting of the board and execute its orders. Sec. 6. The said board shall have all the powers and be subject to all the duties and restrictions provided for in an act of the Nineteenth general assembly of the state 01 ruwa, entitled "an act empower- ing cities under special charters to estab- lish boards of health." Sec. 7. All persons are required to obey the rules, regulations and orders of said board, and whoever shall fail, refuse or neglect so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be lined not less than one dollar, nor more than one hundred dollars, and be Imprisoned until the same 1s paid, provided teat such imprisonment shall not exceed thirty days. Sec. 8. Each members of said board shall receive, as full compensation for his services for each day he shall attend the meetings thereof, such sum per day as 163 shall be nailed by the council at the time of the appointment of said board. Sec. 49 All ordota _es now in force in relation to board of health and health of the city now in force and not in conflict with chapter one hundred and sixty eight of the laws of the nineteenth the general Assembly of the State ot Iowa are still colitlIltled in force and all the powers and authority therein are hereby vested to said board of ht null constituted by this ordi- nance. Sec./0 All ordinances and parts of ordi- nances in conflict w ith the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. See. 0 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and atter its adoption and publication in the Dubuque Daily T EL.EG us on. 1'. Oi.txo t:if, Jlayor. Approved May 17, IS9I. Adopted by the city council May 9th, 1594. Attest: '1'..1. CooNEY, City Recorder. AN URI)INANCE. An ordinance delaring the emission tit dense smut:e !rum ccinineys and smoke- stacks of buildings and from boats and lo- comotives to be a nuisance and fixing a penalty for the violation meteor lie it ordained by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. Tnat the owner or owners of any haat or locomotive en- gine and the person or persons em- ployed as engineer or otherwise in work- ing the eugwe or engines in said boat, or in operauhg such toc..mot ve, and the pres- ident, general manager, superintendent, yard piaster, ur ower officer of any steam, electric, street, or ower railroad company, having charge tit or control ever such loco- motive engine. or 01 the power house or houses, machine shop or shops or other building ur buildings of any such railroad company, and the engineer and fireman having charge of or cuhuoi over the en- gine room or boiler -house ot any such com- pany, anu the owner, lessee or occupant of any building, whetter such owner be a corporation or au matt 'dual, who shall cause, pet mit, or aglow dense smoke to is- sue or be emitted from the smokestack ot any such boat or locomotive 'eogine, or from the clitminey or ctitmiueys,r, somke- stack or smokestacks of any such houses or bu►:dnig as aforesaid, within the cor- porate limits of the city of Dubuque, or having authority so to do, shall nut pre- vent the emission of the saute, shall be deemed guilty of creating a public nui- sance, and snail be lined in a sum nut las than rive nor more than lofty dollars and may be imprisoned until such tineas pal!: or execution may be Issued therefor and for the co.is. Ste. 2. '1'u convict under this ordinance, it shat) only be necessary to prove, in ad- uiuou to the escape or emission ot such dense somkc, that the same is ihjarious to property, or to business. or is a personal annoyance to the public. Sec. 3. A separate offense under this rlinatice shall Le considered co tted every day, during any portion which, such dense atnoke in emitted o permitted to escape as aforesaid. Sec. 4. On complaint being made against any corporation charging a vtulauua of thts ordinance, the justice before whom such complaint is [bade shall lix a time for the appearance of such corporation to an- swer thereto, and such corporation shall be considered in court at the time so fixed: notice thereof, signet by the justice, having been tirst serveu on said corpora - tom: and 00 other or Ruttier proceedings shall be necessary to bring sum corpora - tom into court to answer to sa:u com- plaint. The notice hereat c„ntepopiated may be served in the saute manner and on the same persons, as 111 case of a notice in a civil action biought against such corpor- Mani. Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the city marshal to cause this ordinance to be en- forced, and to make complaint against and cause to be prosecuteu ali persons aud cor- porations violating the same. ti. All ord.uances heretofore passed lit conflict herewith ate tereuy repeated. Sec. 7. Thisurd:uance shill be w force irutn and after 11s adoption and one pub- lication thereof in the utticial paper of tete city. Approved May 17. ISA. Adop:ed May 9th, iS91, by the city coun- cil. 1'. OLINi;E::, ylayor. Attest: 1..1. COONEY. City I:erotder. n Ordluanca Liconatug Ice Skat- ing It,nks. lie it Oh!ained by the City C,,ut.e•il of the City of 1lubuque: Sects It 1. Tlt.tt no person shall by him- self, agent or servant, c m•1ii . operate or manage for gain, hire ur profit any ice skatlug root, ur any place, budding or en- closure kept and maintained for the pur- pose otskating where money is charged for admission thereto, or for any pro.il:ge connected with tete use id the same with- out titst haying procured au annual liceuse ihereior under a penalty of not less than live nor more (hall tweUty dollars for each offense. pec. 2. That fifteen cents shaa be the maximum pr:cechargeu fur each admtss:un to said nu s. Sec. S. For each license to keep such skali•ig rink, there -hall tie collected by the city of lluuuque the sum of fifty •lultars ou the first day of October of each year. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage and one publi- cation in the Dubuque TELEGRAPH, the official paper of the city of Dubuque. Approved May 17, 1891. Adopted May 9, 1894, by the City Counel:. 1'. ()LINGER, Mayor. Attest: '1'..1. CooxlV, It City Recorder. Notice to Contrao:ors. CITY ti ECOIttEI:'S OFFICE, 11CnC4CE, Iowa, April 2'.3, 1824. S "aced proposals will be received at no office up to Saturday, May 5. 1594 at 4 o'clock p. in., for the improvement ot Nest lith street from Alta Vista street t,i Atlantic avenue according to pians and specifications now tin tile in ruy office. Grading—Cul, 1,5u0 en yds, till, 4,230 ea "yds. Curbing -4,800 I:neal feet. (;uttering -2,150 'q yds. Macadamizing—b.550 sq yds. (udders must state the price per lineal ft for curbing, the price per square yard for guttering and maeadamtc:ng. trading to total. Bidders mast furnish a good and suffi- cient bond of $21)0 that contract will be en- terea into if awarde(:. (is -//,'/,1 .l ft ;re W. Proposals will be acted upon at the regu- lar session of the council to commence May 7th, 1894. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to reject. any or all bids. T. .1. Cooarlty. 4.23 -td Recorder. 5pectat AsSo ',neat Notice. To Ellen F. Callaghan: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the laying of sidewalk on West Locust street, abutting lot 14 to Quigley's sub., adopted on the 5.h clay of i11ay A. D. '91, a special assess- ments will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upcu all lots and parcels Of laud abutting on said improvement, lot. 14 owned by you being subject tosuch assess- ment, aid you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council. to ::e held on the 7th day of Mar. A. 1). 1894, and show cause, if any you lai-e, why said assess- ment should riot be levied. 4-311.5c '1'..1. Coote Ky-, City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk eight feet wide, of good two-inch plum:, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and land in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Eleventh street, between lova street and Clay- street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting uroperty. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordmanee In relations to sidewalks, on the south side of Ninth street, between Main street and locwit street where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank be, within 15 d rya of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewal KS on the east side of Al pine street, between Julien ave. and Vest 5th street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Citye Resolved, Dutuque: 'l'hatt y the a sidewalkCouncil o4 feet wide, of good two -itch plank, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in contoimay with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of 11111 street, between West 3d street and West 5th streets where not already laid, at the expense of abutting Iiruperty. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'Phata sidewalk 4 feet wale, of good two-inch plank ue, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou the North side of West Eagle Point avenue, between Frances street and Cushing's vinegar worsts where not already laid, at the expense of abutt- ing property. Adopted. April 30, 1894. ail plank walks must be laid with pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long with joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intelaeetiou. '1'here must b. two siring• ers tar a four foot walk, three for a six and eight foot walk, and four fora aril or twelve foot wall:, stringers to be supported every four feat with brick or stone. Grub plank trust not be used. 5-2-10t. T J. CooNFT, Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 ,lays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with toe ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Couler ave. emitting tots 319, 320 and 321 Davis' Farm add. where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 3'1 clays of tips notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the sidewalks, abutting lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, of sub city tuts 700, parts 691 and 721 where not already laid, at the expense 01 abutting hru;len y. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Trost a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-iucu plank, brick, stone or cement, be, witting 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lots 1 and 2 of sub. city lot 721, where not already laid, at the expense of the abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuvue, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, he, within 20 days of this notice, constru: ted and laid in conformity with the ordinance 111 relation to sidewalks, ou Villa street, abutting lot 199 U1110n add, where hot already laid, at etre expense 01 abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-ineh plank, brick, stone or cement, be within 20 days of this notice, const urged and laud in conformity with the ()romance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lot 2 llarper's sub., where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. 1tesoived by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'l'hat a sidewalk, 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on Kniest street, abutting lots 11 and 12, timedley's sub, where 1) t already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of tit s notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on Iowa street, abutting city lots 210, 211 and 212 where not already lapid, at tete expense of abutting property. Adopted April 18th, 1894. All plank walks must be laid wall pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four inch string- ers, sixteen feet long with joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. •'1'here must be two stringers for a four toot walk, three for a six and eight foot walk, and four for a ten Ujji,.%al Notices. 1115 or twelve font walk. stringers to be sup- ported every four leer wall brick or stone. grub plank must not be used. 4.21-101 T..1. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder, by the commit- teeoh suepttes, tip to 4 o'clock p. in. May 5, 1891, for furnisnutit the city with 1,000 bushels of good oats. Said o its to he delivered at such places and in sUCtt whinnies its the comtnittee may determine. Bidders tuust furnish sample of oats bid on, and may leave the sante at the store of 1'. 11. llalpin nit Soutu Locust and Jones streets. '1'he city reservs the right to reject any or all hits. 4-24-111. J. W. 11 ALPIN, Chairman. Notica co Oontrac7,ors. OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER. ) DUBUQUE, luwA. Sealed proposals will be received at the office un to 4 u'el CIt p. in. Friday, May huh, 1894, for the filling tit lots ordered by the city eoaticil, to prevent stagnant w from lying thereon, where not already filled, as follows, viz: Lot 44, L. Lang worthy's add. Approximate amount of liking 260 cubic yards. According to specifications on file in said office. Bidders must furnish a Co id and suffi- cient bund of $200 that cowaruct will ue entered into If aw,irii -(l. The coy reserves the right, to reject any or all bids. W. 11. KNowL'ros, 4-3040t City Engineer. Notie., to aids walk Contractors Sealed proposa's will be received at the city eugiueer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa. up to 4 o'clock p. in. Sattrr lay May 12, 1891, for cmwatruetnie sidewalks as fol- lows, where not already laid, viz: A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on Cooler avenue, abutting lots 319, 320 and 321, Davis' !tarn add. A 4 tout wide p'ank sidewalk on Villa street, abutting lot 1 9 Union add. A 4 tout wide plank sidewalk on Cleve - laud avenue and Villa street, abutting lot 2 Ilarper's sub. A 6 tont wide plank sidewalk on \Vest Fifth and Summit streets, abutuwg lits 1 and 2 01 city Int 721. A 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on West Fifth street ttbuttiut; lots 11 to 21 in sub of city lot 700. A 6 -feet wide plank sidewalk on Kniest street abutting lois 11 and 12 Swedley's sub. An 8 -foot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk 00 lows street abutting city lots 210, 211 and 212. Ali in accordance with specifications 011 file in said office. A bowl of $100 will be required won each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or ali bids. W. 11. K N WLTON, 3-4-.01t No.ice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city eugirieet s office, city of Dubuque, la., up to 4 o'clock p. in. Friday, May 18, 1894, for constructing sided viz:la f follows, where not already laid, wide plank sidewalk On north side W. Eagle Point avenue between Frances street and tushnig's Vinegar works. A fear foot wide plank sidewalk nn west side of 11111 street between W. '!third street and W. Fifth street. A six lent wide plank sidewalk on east side 01 Alpine street between Julien ave- nue and W. Fifth street. An 8 -toot wide plank sidewalk on south site of Eteveuth street between lowa and Clay streets. A 12 -foot wide brick, stone or cement sutewalk on south side el Ninth street bet- ween Jlain and Iowa streets. All in aeruudance with speeiheations on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. L'he ri ty reserve the right to rejeet any or rill h,,is. \V. 11. KNowl.'1.ONr, 5-5-10t City Engineer. No do a . Bids will be received at the city engi- neer's office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Satur- day,'tap 19, 1894, for furnishing the city of Dubuque with crossing walk stone in accordance with plans and specifications on rile in said office. '.l'he right to re- ject any and all bids is reserved. 5-15.4t. W. 11. KNOW LTON, City Engineer. SJirririj .s'esNion, 231/i, 1894. CITY COUNCIL. Special Session, May 23, 1894. OFFICIAL.1 Council met at 8:15 o'clock,p. 111. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Ards. Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, IIllig, Powers, Ryder, and Vogler. Mayor Olinger staled that the object of the meeting was 10 act on bids for street improvements, and Buell other business as the council should wish. L.lht motion the bids tor street work were opened and referred to the engineer fur computai ion. Ald. Utopia, chairman of the delin- quent tax committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of can- celling the taxes of Mary De Lormier un part of city lot 154. Of cancelling taxes of Ann Ilurusjon slot 11 at.d e32, 12 in Newman, Cooper and Smyuis sub. Caneelling the taxes of Mrs. Wm. Laney on lot 11,ih Kelly's sub for 1843. Cancelling the taxes of .Margaret 11u1- queeney for 1843. Cancelling the taxes of Caroline Mathis on lot 52, in March'., add, for 1893. Canceling taxes of Matt ltaesek on W. 1.; lot 552, .East Dubuque add, for 1843. lterlucing the assessment of herrn an Klinkhanrmer on lot 6,Myrtlesub, to 8150.- 00. for 1893. Reducing the assessment of Mrs. Kate timnh 00 lot 6, Milligan's sub, to 8900.00, for 1893. 1n favor of receiving and Tiling the fol- lowing tax Letnion Mrs. Jonathan 'loupes. Mrs. Mary Dris- coll anti A. Conigisky. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of receiving and tiling the petition of 11th street eleva.ar, lor cancellation of taxes for 1893. Ald. Crawford moved as au amendment that the taxes be remitted. Ald. rowers moved to postpone action until next meeting. Carried. Ald. lialpi11 proved that the contract for the improvement of Soitheru avenue Wt 1C11 was mitered improved Iwo years ago be given to the lowest bidder. Ald. Powers moved as an amendment to refer the matter to the s treet committee to look 1110,uiatter up and report at the next meeting. Carried. Ald. Mallin offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Tont d on Resolved, Cleveland avenue with t sssins be Inter'secti ns 01 the following streets: South side of (lolly street. _North side of Apple street. South side of \'ear street. North side of Quince street. South side of Union street. Said crossing to be laid under the super- vision of the city engineer. City engineer presented the following plans and specifications for a sewer in Julien avenue trout alley west of Alpine street to Allison Place. Adopted. forla ever in all yans westand of Center Piace from Julten avvenue to summit iu alley. Adopted. Also presented plans and specificotions tor a sewer an \Walnut street from Julien avenue to (West Eleventh street, and in West Eleventh street from Walnut street east to Summit street in said street, and in Prairie street from West Eleventh street north to Summit street in said street. Adopted, Alti. l'rawford offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved, That ' a stone crossing be placed across Walnut street 00 the north side of Rose street; and also that the cross- ing across Walnut street on 1110 north side of Chestnut street be completed, the work to be done under the supervision of the city elgiueer and street superiutennent. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tio.t which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer le and is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing the proposed widening and c xteusion 01 N'hlte street 'roue zed to 21th streets, showing the lauds or lots prop >sett to be taken, the names of owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed t0 be tale and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved uy the City Council of the City of Dubuque, flint Nitth avenue, between Adams Ave. and 800111 line of Jansen's sub be graded, lettered, curbed aid inseadam- izid,tn conformity won the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is lrereuy directed 10 make the necessary plans and specitica ions for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of. the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at ttie expense 01 the owners of the abutting property, grating to be bid in total. Adi.pted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. ,3utler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauftnann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Powers offered the follow•ieg: Resolved by the City Council of the City - of Dubuque; That the alley between (West Locust and Almond, from Ellis to Foy streets, be graded and macadamized,: In conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby di- rected to make the necessary plans and spec:lications for said improvement, anti the city recorder directed to give the proper no ice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the grading and mt:cadamcriug to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting pru- pret y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler. Crawford, Halpin,. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, and Vogler. Noes --Notre. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk three feet wide, of good two-inch plank Wick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days o1 this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with inc'ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the east side of Grove Terrace, between 11111 and 12th[ streets where not already lard, at the expense of abutting property. .Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Vogler and iJalpin. Noes—None. Ald. Halpin offeered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank brick, stone or cement, be within