Y Roll_11 Part 5;o/ Session, _May 23th. 1894. thirty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conrormtty with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks un both sides of Rush street, between _ South Dodge and Apple street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AId. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaultnanu, J illig, Powers, Ryder and Vogler. Noes—None. AId. Crawford moved that warrants be drawn for the balance due .Jones Bros. for the several amounts ,unts as shown by orders riven by Junes Bros. to sub -contractors. Carried. AId. Kaufmann moved that the rules be suspended and M. l'schirgi, Jr., be al- lowed to address the council. Carried. Rules were suspended and M. 'l'schirgi, Jr.. addressed the council in relation to the grading on Rush street. CAid. Ryder moved to refer the matter to the street committee and engineer with power. Carried. Ald. Ryder moved to take a recess of 15 minutes. Carried. The council reconvened at 10:15 o'clock. Engineer Knowlton reported on the bid for the improvement of streets as follows: Second avenue from Lincoln to Ithom- berg: A. Schoenthal 5581 20 Cushing & O'Mallta 545 00 -John \Viillarns 619 00 Geo. W. Farley 663 00 I'hilbp Doerr 545 20 euck & O'Farrell 601 60 Scherr 595 80 D. W. Linehan 701 6) Infill Pickley 5145 40 Brown & grown 582 60 Dubuque Construction Co 602 00 E..1. Eevens . 620 60 On motion Cushing & O'Jlalliabeing the lowest bidders were awarded the con- tract. Third avenue from Lincoln to Baum - berg avenues: A. Schoenthal 1516 20 A. Lange 54120 Philp Doerr 505 20 505 00 ..John 1'ickley 545 60 Steuck & O'Farrell Cushing & O' Mania 443 00 Erank Bertin 516 20 Juno \Vtlii.uu' 529 00 .John Blake 551 40 Mooney &,\I luutka 609 20 Dubuque Construction Co 547 00 Brown & Brown 529 60 I). W. Linehan 621 00 .E..1. Evans 555 60 Oti motion, Cushing & O'Jlallia being the lowest bidders, were awarded the con- tract. Reed avenue from Lincoln to ithomberg avenue: Brown & Brown $592 00 A. Lange $592 30 .John Pickley 599 15 A. Schoenthal 599 70 Stenck & O'Farre') . 549 40 Dubuque Construction Co 599 70 9 10 l ro. W. Farley •Cushing & O'Mallia 542 40 D. W. Linehan 656 6 80 John Blake Phil. Doerr 5554 4 70 0 r rant: Bentin 0 On motion, & O'Matba being the lowest bidders, were awarder the con- tract. Lincoln avenue frotu Second to Third avenue. ...$1086 00 .,John Williams 1). W. Linehan W in. Scherr Geo. W. Farley Cushing & ('\lallia Dubuque Construction Cu Phil. 1)oerr Steucl: & O'Farrell John Pickley Brown & Brown John Make Frank Hewitt A. Schoenthal Carl dank E. J. Evans On motion Cushing .\ (1'>la11a being the lowest bidders were awarded the contract. Lemon street from 27th street;to Mellville road. Peter llorsch s2 241 50 Geo. Fengler 2,046 00 Brown & Brown... 2,033 00 John 1'rekley 2,121 50 Cushing & 0' Mania 1.984 50 Dubuque Construction Co 2,087 00 John Heim 1,894 00 lieckius & Ilein 2,020 00 .John Brake 2,136 00 Geo. W. Farley 2,197 50 E. E. Frith 2,234 00 1). W. Linehan 2.301 00 Steuce & O'Farrell 2,1'271 00 Con Ryan, Sr 1,832 00 E..1. Evans 2,088 50 On motion Con Ryan, Sr., being the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract. Eagle Point avenue from \Viudsor to Stafford avenue: Struck & O'Farrell $584 00 Cushing & O',\lalha 584 00 Dubuque Construction Co Bbl (10 Geo. W. Farley.... Philipp Doerr 5 599.00 Brown & Brown 59 3 2 2 1000 Alois Lang 634 00 E. E. Frith 011 caution Philip Doerr bailie' the low- est bidder was awarded the contract. Provtdenrestreet, from Johnson to Staf- ford avenue: 1721 25 Dubuque Construction C Geo. W. Farley $1.723 80 Stuck & O' Farrell 1,497 10 Cushing & O'Jdallia 1.886 20 Brown & Brown L886 511 E. E. Frith 1,597 60 .John '1'iby 1.393 50 l'hilip Doerr 1,261 51) A. Lange 1,486 74) On motion Path') Doerr, being the low- est bidder. was awarded we contract. Alley between Humboldt and Schiller and Ithoutberg and Garlilld avenue: gl5 50 Prank lientill 50 Pbihp Doerr 297 7'S Cushing & e'1' Mallia L85 Geo. W. Farley 371 6J Dubuque Construction Co 368 70 Steuclt & U Farrell 961 64 On motion Philip Doerr being the lowest bidder was awarded the contrurt. Sewer on 11111 street from Juaen ave. to Burch street: 778 :rat Dan Sheehan 96:1 ;5 James Ilirt) 1,1459914)4Int Thos. I)ursey 0;, .1. Blake F. M. Kringle 705 50 M. Lavin Dubuque Censti•Ucttun Cu 1,001 W On caution, M. Lavin b •ing the lowest bidder, was awarded me contract. The petition of Chris. A. Voelker and Janes McKriken for a change of grade en Adair avenue wa: referred to city engtneer to prepare plat of same, Mayor Olinger presented the following 1117 17106 00 1137 38 1176 20 1040 11u 1141 011 1017 011 1151) 00 1133 50 1114 20 1171 00 1211 00 1082 00 13800 1147 00 1fis Offlelal Notice& as members of the board of health for 1894: F. %V. \Wieland, M. 1). physician. lien Michel. ALIIEI1\IEN. '1'..1. Shea, 2 years, J. B. Powers, 1 year. Approvers. Alit. Powers offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved. That the present pest house is unsuitably located and is in such a con- dition that it c ellen be safely used and its use is dangerous to both patient and cilt- zens, the same Is therefore condemned and the mayor is directed to have the stone im- mediately demolished and destroyed. Aid. Powers offered the following resolu- tion which was adnp'ed: • liesolved, Teat a committee of four to be appointed by the mayor are hereby authorized to purchase a boat to be u•ed temporarily as a pest house to case they think it is necessary and one can be ob- tained at a reasrinab•e pric •, Resolved further that the board 01 Relish areaUthor- ized and instructed le confer with the board of supervisors inlreenril to a location and builou z a permanent pest house a td to report to this council 01 its next session. Mayor Olnlger appronied Aid Hyder, .rower+, Kautnantl and Vt glee u committee with power 10 purcnase a boat for use as a pest house• Ald. ll al pin offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, font the city engineer be and Is hereby instructed to prep ire a pia. and profile of Southern avenue f nm ltnilro:,it avenue •e Grandview avenue and submit the same to the council, also esti- mate of minium of grading I'owers m .sed to adj.,uru. Carried. Attest •C . :Gt1. L :... Mayor er. 1894 NOTICE. CITY MARSUAL's OFFICE, DUBUQUE, la., May 2, 1894. Nonce is hereby given to all parties re- quiring a city license that the same is now past due and it not paid immediately they will be prosecuted in eccordance with the ordinance on that subject. This applies to owners of places of pub- lic resort, hotel keepers, boarding houses. liveries, butchers, teamsters, expressmen, pool and billiard halls, boat houses, auctioneers, brokers, hotel runners, thea- tres and peddlers, JOHN RAESLI, 5-2 15t. City Marshal. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office. city of Dubuque, la., up to 4 o'clock p. rn. Tuesday, May 2211, 1894, for furnishing all material and labor and !uniting a pipe sewer as follows, ac- cording to phots and specifications on hle in said otlive, v z: An 8 -then tele pipe sewer and connections 111 11111 street from Julien avenue to West Fifth street. Es- timated length, 1,450 feet; 7 manholes. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with bid that comma to will be entered into if awarded. The city reserve+ the right ro reject any or alt hods. W. 11. KNOWI.TON, 5-10•lOt City Fu•t:weer. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the e,51011 of the city council of the City of Dubuque, 1 eltt on tite 511 day of bine, 1894, toe following special as•essments we.e levied ou the real e•tate l.eieinafter rlescrioeu: Fol corstrnetine a plank sidewalk on Windsor avt•title between 'hitter' avenue and mirth end of \Vunl- sor avenue. Lot. Am'r. (;No. Burden est., Burden & L iwthei'.s add 4 $9 90 Geo. Burden est., Burden & Lawiher's add 5 8 25 Win. L,tw.tler, 13ur,i ii & Lia thet's add, 1:11.1 %11 ' 4 29 J. V. haler. Burden & l..tw- tier's add, unci ;t 11 4 29 Wm. Lowther, Lurdeti & Lowther's add, untie4 12 3 30 J. V. it der, Bunsen & L.tw- thet's 11(11, and % 12 3 30 t% in. Lowther, Burden & Lawtnet's add, unit X... 13 3 30 J. V. Rider, Burden & Low- tlter's add, and X 1;3 3 30 Win. Lowther, Burdett t¢ Iiawthei's add, and 3'..•, J. V. hider, Burden & Law- ther's arid, unit ! 14 3 30 For constructing a plank sidewalk on south st.te of Seminary street. from Gold street to West Locust street. V. A. Langworthy, Porter's add 2'S1064 For constructing a sll ewalk on north ride of Seutnitry from Clifford street to west lime of mineral lot 198. Ludwig Grasse], J. P Sehroeder's add 28 $ 1 86 J. P. Schroeder, J. P Schroeder's add 29 8 04 J. P. Schroeder, Lttttieton & Sawyer's add 3 6 60 J. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer's add 4 6 60 J. P. ahroeder. Littleton & Sawyer's add 5 6 60 J. P. Schroeder, Littleton & Sawyer'sadd 6 6 60 J. P. Schroeder, Liu.etou & Sawyer's add 7 6 60 Ludwig Grasset, Littleton & Sawyer's add 10 6 60 Anton: Ebert, Busem.ut & Eberl'a add 2 6 60 J. M. McKenzie, Littleton & Sawyer's add 24 6 60 J. M. McKenzie, Littletuu & Sawyer's add 25 Rosa McKenzie 26 Rosa McKenzte... 27 J. M. McKenzie 28 J. M. McKenzie 29 14 330 6 60 6 60 6 60 4 45 660 Official _Notices. C. F. Grasstnann, sub 30 and 31 Littleton & Saw- yer's add 1 6 80 C. F. Grassman, sub 30 and 31, Littleton & Sawyer's 2 6 80 add For constructing plank sidewalk on north side of West Locust street betweeu Seventeenth and Ellis street. Catherine Morrissey, Dor- 3 17 42 gait's sub James McCann, Dorgan 1 12 88 sub l). C. Cram, sub city 672a1 12 37 For constructing. a plank sidewalk on • Vest Locuts street abutting Int 14 Quigley's sub of O. L. 710. Ellen F. .,aluthao, sub city 11 12 00 outlot7l0 For constrnetiug a ptauk sidewalk on both sides of Prince street from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford street. Chicago Great \Vestern Ity., Sanford's sub 60 $ 11 17 Chicago Great \Vestern Ry., Sanford's sub 61 12 43 Jamas Rowan, Sanford sub, 43 4 13 For constructing plank sidewalk on south side of Grace street beween Grand- view avenue and East street. M. Michels, llodge's sub 8 $ 7.00 L. M. Post, Ilodge's sub9 1 00 For constructing plank sidewalk.on Need- ham Place between West Fifth and _Vest Seventh street. James McCebe, Carriell's 1 $ 30 til sub Patri k Hughes, Neeham's 1 8 60 sub For constructing plank sidewalk nn Dodge and South Dodge street. Michael Rea, suu 5 of min lot 162 2 27 06 For repairing sidewaUa. A. Goldner, sub 1 Fossel- 2 2 23 man's sub D. Mater, Davis Harm add 227 1 15 Couler Ave. school, Davis 235 bb Farm add James Levi, Davis Farm add 238 2 05 Adam Jaeger, Davis Farm 271. 40 add Jacob Marshall, Davis Farm 277 add J. A. ithoutberg, Davis 221 Farm add .1. 11. Rhomberg, Davis 225 Farm aud... M. E. Church, Olinger's sun 1 John Olinger, Boulevard add, lots Ito 1 .9it 1 6 4513 Al Matthews, city n /s , J. A. Rhomuerg, Corriel.'s 9 sou, 8 and J. 11. Berry Esq., 11. Brown's sub, 2 and Albert Wolter, West's add9 John Nall, Davis Farm add299 John Mein, Est., Davis 317 _'arm add, 316 and M. M. Hoffman, Davis 266 Farm odd G. W. Works, I)avis Farm add, s ?4 255 John Stieoer, Davis Farm add 321 Rose MaCeeney, A. Mc- 764 Daniel's•Isub Jas. 1'. O'Farrell, Glendale 8 add W tn. Alderman, city ....... 322 Agnes Pitsehner, Davis 341 Farm add 50 25 40 50 2'1 60 75 2 25 1 95 60 1 00 1 20 95 40 50 James O'Farrell, Davis Farm add 344 John Daugherty, Glendale - add 10 and 11 Gerhard 1'enhotf, Davis Farm add 357 E. Richter, Glendale add231 Geo. Wiedner, Glendale add 234 A. F. Jaeger, Davis Farm add s 34 217 1 25 2 55 3 55 40 169 40 1 00 70 50 1 20 1 00 For constructing tile sewer in alley from First to Jones street between Main and Iowa streets. Lot. AW't. I. C: 1t. R. Co., Dubuque Harbor Co's odd, e% blk 1 $259 20 John I lennessy, city 531 18 22 do city n% 532 6 54 Richard Bennett, city s34532 5 46 do city u 25 It532a 4 60 James Rowan, city s 27 It532a 3 62 John Hennessy, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, bik wyl 1 2 58 John Hennessy, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, Mk w%1 C 2 2 86 Richard Bennett, Dubuque harbor Co's add, ell: w%1 2a 3 94 Richard Bennett, DuUuiue Harbor Co's add, n 2., ft bik w%1 3 5 40 James Rowan, Duuagse Harbor Co's add, s 27 ft, bik w%1 3 718 Duggan. Sullivan & Kin- sella, Dubuque harbor 4 8 b6 Co's add, Mk w%1 Anna M. Lush, DuUuque ilarbor Co's add, blk w341 5 8 56 J. 11. Lull est, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, uud %, 6 4 28 bik w/1 J. V. hider, Dubuque Ilar- bor Co's stud, und %, 6 4 '28 w%1 C. L. Pritchard & Co., Du- buque harbor Co's add, bik w311 7 8 56 J. 11. Shields, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, und %, 5 68 WI: w%1 8 John Waiters, est, Dubuque Harbor Co's ddd, und nn, 8 2 48 bik w%1 J. H. Shields, Dubuque Har- bor Co's add, uud %, bik 8a 5 68 w%1... John Watters est, Dubuque. Harbor Co's add, und %, 8a 2 48 bIK V.,%1 J. 11. Shields, Dubuque Har- bor No's add, und %, bik 8b b 86 w%l John Waiters est, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, und 'a• 8b 284 Mk v..,61. Anna M Bush, Dubuque ilarbur Co's.a.ld bik w%1 9 10 00 Anna al. Bush, Dubuque llarborCo's. add,htk w%1 9a 10 00 Anna M. Bush, Dubuuua Harbor Co's.add, bik w341 10 10 00 R. Water est, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, bik w341 11 10 00 C Du- buque Harbor Co's add bik w•%1 12 18 52 C buqul' harbor Co's eadd bik w%1 13 10 00 J.HH. ue arbor Cos adI add, Wit tw341 und% 14 500 _ ie harbor Co'se est, adDuuvg31 und'} 14 2 50 Wni. Bradley, Dubuque 170 Ujji(i e1 .1'nt if'(•.' . Harbor Co's. add, blk W'41 and 4 25 5 00 J. B. Shields, 1)ubuque Harbor Co's. add blit w,1;1 and .1. 11. ball est, Dubuque Harbor Co's add, blk it'll and !4 IVtn. L. Bradley, Dubuque harbor Co's.add, blk w'l uud !.t J. 11. .shields, Dubuque Ilarb ar Co's. add,ullt w!..1 and '_ 16 5 00 .1. 11. Lull est, Dubuque Il arbor Co's. add blk w)41 Ulld '4 Wm. 1.. Bradley, Dubuque 1(arbor Co's add. bik w),l and . 11; 2 50 .1. 11. Shields, Dubuque 11 arbor Co's add hilt w?_1 unit 1s 17 16 00 .1. 11, Lnll est, Dubuque Harbor (i,'s. add, Ink g and '4 IVrn. l.. • Bradly, 1)11buqur llarbnr Co's.add, blk v. unci 1.4 17 8 00 For the construction of a tile pine sewer on Prairie Street from West Four- teenth to Chestnut streets. A. IV. Ilosford, A. Lot. Ain't. Daniels' sub., and. ;.Q it 88 fret 783 $17 69 A. W. 'lieniter, A. Ale - Daniels' sub., uud. I.i 11, 88 fent 783 17 60 1). '1'. Satoh. A. McDantets' sub., s. 12 feet 783 4 8) I). 1'. Smith, A. .NlcD;ellarts' sub 782 40 00 Mary B. Wallace. ey. 31e - Daniels' sub 781 40 00 Mary 13. Wallace, A. Me- l/Juliette sub 780 40 00 L. Powers, A. McUaniels' sub . 798 24 00 J. G. Bailey. A. McD.Inaels' sub., w. 40 ft 7.9 9 60 Iteubeti %V'alker, A. Me - Daniels' sub., w. 45 feet s 1' 797 12 96 14 250 15 2 50 15 2 50 16 2 50 17 8 00 S. A. Atherton, A. 31e - Daniels' sub., e. 15 feet s 7e7 4 32 C. Laniziy, A. McDaniels' sub., n. ;y' 797 17 28 S• A. Atherton, A. 11c - Daniels' sub., w. 40 feet s. '. X116 11 52 C. l,anizky, A. blcDaniei:;' sub., w. 40 feet n. !;..,, 796 11 52 Anil that in case of failure lo pay the sante within thirty days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delin- quent annual city- taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 2Ist clay of May, A. I). 1894. iiNHY Pr. Treasurer ofllthe City of Dubuque. NOTICE. 1'111,.i • buds,• 15 tiel'ebv g'iarii dial alt the sem- -1.w .il Ilii.a ay Council iu t1 city of Dubuque Iwid oh the :all day of May, 1894, the follow. ing spee•lall assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case owners of the property•so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual equal instaUl- nlents, the Illtst installment being due an the 'late of levy, and the last Installment six year from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annual. Persons wishing to nay all at once as heretofore can do se. In the case of failure to pay all or any part of the assesslll •Ilt at the end of six years from date of levy the property wit! be advertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque this 2151 day of May, 1594. HENItY B. r*NEFFliE, '1'reatsur('I' of the City Of Dubuque. For the improvement of the alley be- tween Locust and Bluff streets from till to 10th streets. Harmony .V Julien Lodges 1. 0. 0. F., city... 633 27 36 Harriett L. Burr, city Gal 22 56 Samuel Martin, city 635 22 56 A, Treadway, city Incl '_630 11 28 Grace A. l'rovnost, city un(1 ?- 636 11 28 A. Tred way, city and ',637 13 68 Grace A. l'ruvoost, city tlnd 1 First Universalist Church, 637 13 68 city 638 27 86 Helmuth Butt, city n 28 it039 12 34 Mrs. A. Miser, city, s 33.3 ft 539 10 22 Mrs. A. Kaiser. sub city 640 n118.12ft 2 424 0. holland, sub coy, 640 11 11 8-12Ift 1 89 0. 11oiland, sub city 610 s 34 4.12 11 9 8 59 John Poeta'', sub city 640 s 34 4-12 ft 1 8 84 .loin Pllelali, sub 1, city 641 2 18 Conrad 13. Scherr, sub 1 city till 1 12 82 1'. W. Crawford, sub city 641 9 9 56 P. IV. Crawford, city 612 27 36 Notice. Bids will be received at this office up to 4 o'eloclt p. n1. of Tuesday, May 22n1 for building pile bridge across Bee Branch near Ilelnl's brick yard. Plans a11(1 speci- heatlnn on tile at this otlice. '1'he right to reject ally or all bids is reserved. 5-19-2t1V. 11. KNOWL't'ON, City Engineer. l" (ll Ice to tontractore. Sealed propsals will b' received at this office, up to 4 o'clock p. m., of IVednesday, 3lay 23, 1894, for improving the following streets and alley, according to plans and sl Peificatons 110w on file in this office: Lenton street from 31illvillestreet to 27th street. Grading, cut, 1,000 cu yds, 1)11, 1,500 cu yds. Curbing, 1.700 lineal feet. Guttering, 750 sq yds. Macadamizing, 3,000 sq yds. Providence street. front Johnson avenue to Stafford avenue. (ir hllag, cut, 1,325 cu yds. Curbing, 1,100 lineal leet. Guttering, 5110 sq yds. Macadamizing, 1,100 sq yds. Eagle Point avenue from Windsor •ave- nue to Stafford avenue: Grading, eut. 440 cu. yds. Curbing, 701 lin ft. Guttering, 390 sq yds. JIacadamizing, 1100 sq yds. Alley Isom It UIII 00114 aveaue to Schiller avenue between 1 homber,. avenue and Garfield avenue: Grading, cut 603 en yds. 1'lIflea ilan1Iziug, 820 sq cds. LINCOLN AVE. FItY(t SECOND AVE. To TIlilID AVE. Grading cut 430 cu. yds., fill 782 cu. yds. Curbing, 900 lineal leet. jl' /il ., lltll'f':t. tiutterlult, 500 sq. yds. JIacadamiziblt, 1,600 sq. yds. '11!1Ittl AVE., F 110 1.1Nc•ot.N AVE. TO ItIIoytIEI1G AVE. Grading cut 30 cu. yds., till 320 cu. yds. Curbing. 440 110. feet. Guttering. 2110 sq. yds. %Iaeadanuzung, 8114 sq. yds. •t..t'ONit AVENUE FROM LINCOLN AVENUE To IIIIOMMIEut+ AVENUE. Grading, nil 1100 eublc yards. Curbing 440 lineal feet. Guttering 200 yards. Jlacada lnir.nlg 8.10 snuare yards. tt1E1 AVKNUE Fho\I LINCOLN AVENUE TO ItiIOMl(E1(t: AVENUE. Grading, eut 430 cubic yards; till 40 cu- bic yards. Curbing 590 lineal leet. Guttering 200 situate yards. \laeadawizme 720 square yards. Bidders must slate price per lineal foot for curbing. the price per square ,yard tor guttering and macadamizing. Grading on streets to be bid in total, grading pi alleys to be by the eubye yard. Bidders mn•st furnish at gond and suffici- ent bond of X200 that contract will be en- tered Intoe it awarded. Proposals will be acted on at a meeting of the ;noted to 00 held May 23rd 1844. Blanks for bidders will be furnished by the I(e)t(ler. The Lily reserves the rielit to reject. any ur all buds. '1'. J. COONEY. 5.11-101. City lacottter. N1,11e45 10 S01I walk ( 4)Ilil'+tet,,res- Sealed proposaus will be rtceiyed at tie city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Ia. up to 4 o'clock p. w, Saturd Iy, May cI1, 1844, for constructing sidewalks as follows, where not already laid, v z: A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on north side of .1hotnas street between Alma and Cornell streets. A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on west side of Cornell street between W. Four- teenth and 'Phomas suet ts. A 4 foot wide plank sidewalk on west side of .Jackson street between Twenty- seventh street and Peru road. A 4 feet wide plank sidewalk on east side of Jackson street between 'l'weuty- lourth and '1'wentylifiill streets.th soles of A 4 -ft. wide sidewalk h Washington s'reet between Sanford street and Eagle Point avenue. A 4 -ft. wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Leibnitz street between North Main street and Iiarold street. A 4 -ft. wide plant: sPle\vah11; on north side W est Third street between IVIItoua avenue and Alpine street. A. 6 -ft. wide plank suiew•all; t\al forh oth sides of Couler avenue between street and Peru Road. A 0-11. wide plank sidewalk on east side of 1\ hate street 1elween Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point avenue. A 0 -ft. wide plank sidewalk on west side of \V hue street between Eiguteeuth street and L;agte 1'utnt avenue. An 8 filet wide plank side walk on south side of Julien avenue between \V. 8 h and Wilson avenue. An 12 foot wide plank sidewalk on north side ot Julien avenue between Bluff street and Walnut street. A 6 foot wide brielt,stone or cement side- walk on west sole ot Iowa street abutting S. 57 feet N. E a id of city lot 746. A 6 foot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on west sideaof vec eouaer a ventre e between Blomberg Point avenue. 171 A 0 foot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on east side of Couler avenue between Eagle Point avenue and Sanford street. A 0 foot wide, brick, stone or cement sidewalk on east side of Bluff sweet, be- tween first and Stcund streets. An 4 foot wide brick, stIne or cement sidewalk on east side of Blunt street, be • - tween Eigh.li and Ninth streets. A 12 had wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk en west side of Clay, between 13th and 14th streets, abutting s y; n in 1-5 Mt city lot 4411. A 12 foot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on both sites of Iowa street, be- tween filth and 13i h streets. A 12 Put wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on broth sides of Clay street be- tween 14 h and 111 b streets. A 12 loot \Niue brick, stone or cement sidewalk on west ride of Clay street be- tween Fifth and Seventh streets. A. 12 loot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk IIo east side of White street be- tween ,,evenih and Eighth streets. A 12 toot, wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk un south side of Thirteenth street between Main street and Locust street. A 12 foot wide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on north side of .Innes street between \V. Main and Locust streets. A 12 ioot w ide brick, stone or cement sidewalk on west side ot \V. Main street between First and Junes street. A 12 foot w.110 prick, stone or cement sidewalk on east sole of Clay street be- tween Eighth and Ninth streets. All to accordance with spe:•ticalions on file in said office. A bond of .-1110 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to rei'et any or all bids. 1i'. 11. KNow'1,'1'11 N, 5-14.10t City l+:ngiueer. Notice. UrnuerE, May 8, 1841. Notice is hereby given to all parties in- terested, that they must net Ii11 or cover their vaults or cess pools unless the same are cleaned nut. A failure to comply with this order will subject the offender to the penalties Df the ordinance on that subject. 5-8-15t .1911N Itxlal.l•:, City Marshal. Notice. 1)ritu(ltE, Iowa, May 17. To the parents, principals and authorities of the schools of Dubuque: You are hereby notified to give your co- operation in the prevention and spread of measles. by the retention of all children boot scinlul, in families where the disease is prevailing. You are asked to he prepared to meet with such penalty as is proscribed to trans- gressors of the law on that subject. lis order of the Board of health. 1'. W. W 1E[.AND, Health Officer. 5-17-3t It'rt u1'', R,-.ce olt, juite 4th, 1894. CI'l'Y COUNCI L. 17; Regular Session June 4, 1894, IOFFICIAL.1 Council met at 10:10 a. tn. Mayor Olinger in the chair. ' Present—AIts. Craw lot d, Kaufmann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Vogel moved that the minutes of the proceedings for the months of April and May, be approved as printed. Car - tried. The following bills -were ordered paid: Dubuque Enameling, Co., street signs .8 45 60 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Seminary street 50 00 'Carr, Ryder & Engler, wap rot- lers . 20 00 %V.:111. Knowlton, cash paid for blue print paper.... 41 37 Excelsior Brass Works, dog tags. 22 75 Dr. J. W. !Fowler, stationary, etc. 23 60 Dubuque TELEGRAPH, printing. 29 25 Wm. G usheker, services as rod - man 40 00 W. 11. Knowlton, cash advanced for car fare 3 80 J. 11, Riley, constructing side- walk 27 50 R. 11, Le,, constructing sidewalk 18 27 E. J. Evans, improving of Julien avenue 459 00 F. H. Retteumaier, bridge near 3Lllvilla9 row' 135 00 E. J. Evens, constructing side- walk 110 16 .13. Ilobi, eoustrucuhg sewer un Julien avenue 415 50 11. W. Cook, filling lot 37 83 Phil. Doerr, Improving alley trout Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue 49 17 Steuck & O'Farrell, goading At - mond and Ellis strews 230 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving • Almond and Ellis streets 1,320 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Elm street 275 25 .Steuck & O'Farre , improving Stafford avenue 909 00 Steuck & O'Farrell, improving Duck avenue 162 57 .1). W. Linehan, improving Lin- coln avenue 359 75 D. W. Linehan, grading Booth street 212 50 1). W. Liueuau, improving Gleu Oak avenue 708 00 D. W. Linehan, grading Glen O.tk avenue 156 00 Altman & Taylor, grading %Vest 14th tueet • 351 00 Brows & Brown, improving Wilde street 1,657 50 Brown & Brown. improving Duck avenue 185 96 Brown & Brown, grading Wilde street s 575 00 Geu. W. Farley, improving Klein street 186 24 August Bracher, macadam 2 13 Altman & 'Taylor, improving around engine house Thos. llasseu, crossing stone A. V. 0.d,, beat house Smedley Manufacturing Cu., re - Pairs on roller Reinfried & Jaeger, tape hues Win. S. 'lolo, plumbing Palmer %Vuaad & Co., printing li einlried .1r Jaeger, hard ware 154 00 8 87 40 00 34 15 9 00 1 70 7 00 1 85 Lrar & I-fiffner, horseshoeing... 11 00 Jac S:hnlidt, assisting park cus- todian llubuquehose Rubber and Belting Co, 8 55 John Drehouse, timbers 4 20 • Standard Lumber Co., shavings1 50 Wm. Marshall, material for roller65 Ferdinand Mertz, cover for roller5 00 Excelsior Brasi 1Vorks, material for roller 4 25 Ed. Cleaver, pine wool 1 75 Key City Gas Co, coke for steam roller 80 90 Standard Lumber Co, lumber32 05 John Terry, pine worm 1 75 Ferguson Bros, plumbing 4 85 11. D. l.enehan, repairing tools7 75 Duggan & Kane suppltes for city hall and street 8 75 Toney Siege, stone 4 5U Christ Brown, stone 1 70 Svennson & Ott, lumber 21 76 E. E. Frith, hauling garbage, etc 211 65 !larger & Wish, statiuucry 3 75 Dubuque ltuuber and Melting Co, signature stamp 1 50 Hain & Carver, printing 18 75 T. J. Conlin, livery 10 00 Golf. Gmehle, assistant assessor, 100 00 Geo. Bennett. assts'ant assessor, 100 00 Jas. Kelley & Son, inkstands, etc, 4 00 Walton & Beig, supplies for en- gineer 21 60 Hardie & acharle, panting 20 70 Mrs. Peter Kien, cleaning city ol- (ices 6 25 Mrs. Koenig, janitor service 20 OU Mrs. Koenig, cleaning city hall5 OJ Ferguson Bros., plumbing 3 90 Jos. Geiger, repairing windows50 Barger & Blish, flags, etc., for tire department 20 50 Sveutlsen & Ott, lumber fur lire department...... 9 55 Lear & Pfiifner, horseshoeing for tire department 7 00 Tom Cullius, horseshoeing for fire department.... 5 51) J. Sherman, stove for tire depart- ment 2 25 W. 5. Dlolo, push button lir tire department 25 McDermott & Gow, plumbing for fire department12 85 Tom Connolly, wagon for fire de- partment 140 00 Northwestern Oil Co., oil for fire department 4 94 A. 1Vunderlich, horseshoeing for tire department... 10 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for tire de- partment 9 87 Smedley Mfg. Co., brass hucltles for tire department 50 Standard Lunger Co., lumber for tire department 3 85 Laeen'& Moan, hosesh, eing 10 50 .John Butt, hardware, etc 4 60 Jos. Sunones & Co., dry goods5 75 M. Brown & Sun, oats 86 85 John Butt, repairs, etc 4 15 W. S. Moto, supplies for engine house 21 35 Bailin Hal and Glove Cu., hats... 2l 00 Iteinfned & Jaeger, Hardware.... 10 20 Excellisor Brass NVurks, repairs 60 °engine J urors on condemnation of White street wore ordered pail $2 each. Tne following bills were referred to the city attorney and board of health: 1)r. Brownson $50, Dr. Bigelow $10, Charles Oswald $2.05. neither') & Bechtel 81.95, Jos A. Palen .56.95, Fent Graff 815, F. W. Wieland 830, J. Sherman 55.30. 20 00 174 Regular Seesiof, Tune 41h, 1894. The following bilis were referred to the city attorney: G. 11. Runyon $L80, VF m. Schafer $1.20. The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Key City Gas Co $53.10, Globe Light and heat Co $268 33. The following bills were referred to the committee on p intim;: The Globe :',758.30, Dubuque TELEGRAPH $75, National Dent- okrat $50, the Times Co $58.30. The following bills were referred to the sewer cmninittee: Smedley Manufactur- ing Co $4.03, J. A. Khomberg $3.20. The bills of the Duhughe \Vater com- pany for $1,385 and $30 were referred to the committee on lire and water. Bill of Merlces & Itnsler of $2.25 was re- ferred to the committee on supplies. The following bills were referred to the marshal. J. W. 1V ittiner,.J r, $2.75; 'Trudell Carriage 1Vorics, $1.00; Standard Lumber Co., $1.50. Bill of the Dubuque Cornet Baud of $52 bb w as referred to the finance committee. Bill of the Fire Extinguisher M'fg. Co. of $1800 was referred to the committee on bre and water. PETITIONS. The 101 owing pertuons were referred to the cumnintee on tire and water: Petition of .1. V. Rider to have the water mains extended from Seminary street to lot 33, L. 11. Largworiby's sub. Petition ut Chris. A. Volker et al. to have tire alarm call box;piaced on Semin- ary street. Petition of Frank McLaughlin et al. to have water mains extended on Dodge street from Bluff street to Grandview ave. The following petitions were referred to the dt,Iniquent tax committee: Mrs. Eliza Hughes, Mrs. Johanna McNaly, G. J. Huekels and John Olinger, ab the state- ment of the Dubuque high Bridge Co. The following petitions were referred to street committee and engineer: Petition of Barbara lsborn in relation to laying a new cement sidewalk on 3th and Clay. Petition of Karl Falha to have sidewalk raised to the established grade on 141h street between Cedar and Sycamore streets. Petition of John 11. Lutiers asking per- mission to raise sidewalk above grade. Petition of 'rhos Meehan in relation to the grading of Plum street from Rush street to Cleveland avenue. Petition of fleury Mueller in relation to assessment for the improvement of Elm street. Petition of William G. Limbeck remon- strating against any assessment against lot 45, Cox's add, and claiming damages on account of the change of grade oh Ellis street. The following petitions and communi- cations were referred to the committee of the whole: Communication of J. 11. Shields protest- ing the vacation of any streets or alleys in Dubuque llarbor Improvement Co's add. Petition of Ludwig Grassel et al t0 asking for a water fountain on Semi- nary street near Harold street. Petition of 'Typographical Union No. 22 to have all the city printing done in es- tablishments that use the union label. The petition of the Grand Opera House Co. that the license remain the same as last year. Petiti Providence a have ce street ! nproved lin n of J. Welker et accordance with the plat as adopted by the city coun- cil January 7th, 1889. Petition of E. C. Blake et al asking to have Alia Vista street improved troni W. 14th street to West, Locust. The following petitions were referred to the street committee. Petition of Mrs. J. C. Prune et al., for the imptovement of Pickett street front Alma to Cornell streets. Petition of Barbara lsborn for the priv- ilege of building a cistern under the side- walk. Petition of John V. Stutter to have alley between Forrest cone and W. 5th street south of Glen Oak ave., graded. Petition of Mrs. M. 1'. Brauhu et al., asking that the city engineer examine into. the matter of the setting of curb stone on 14th street, west of Alta Vista street. Petition of Chas. Van limn in relation 10 the change of grade of Fremont ave.;. also the improvement of same and that water mains be laid or. same to Wartburg Seminary. Petition of Mary L. Del worth, et al.,. asking that a guartl incl be constructed on the north side of Leibnitz from North Main to Paul street. The following t.etitinns were referred to the city attorney. Petition of Frank Rosso in relation to• lot on corner of Lincoln avenue anti Kniest street. asking that plat be recorded. Communication of Agnes Langworthy iu relation 10 the vacation of Clara and Agusta strtet in sub -division of mineral. tut 11. Claim of Frank Seeger an.1 J. 11. Davin for injury to horse was retorted to commit- tee nn Planus and and city attorney. The following petitions were referred to the board of heatm. Petition of N. Meyer in relation to the condition of lots 2 and 3 in E. Lang - 's add. Petition of Hune & Kalfenbach in rela- tion to condition of Couler crtek and ask- ing for a sewerage system in that part of the city. The petition of Anton Hochenstein in relation to short term saloon license was referred to the mayor with power. The petition of the Grand Opera Ilouse Co. for permission to close alley while completing the boiler house for the opera house was referred to the mayor and en— gineer gineewith power. The pe:ilion of G. J. Baumgartner et al. asking for an arc light on Lincoln ave.,. east of C., M. & St. P. K. 11. track?, was referred to committee on police and light. Petition of Edward Carney et al. asking that bonds be issued to pay for the im provemeit of Kleine street from 1Vest Eagle Point avenue to lilingenberg terrace was referred to the finance committee. The remonstrance of A. Frick et al. against having sewer put in alley between Washington and Elm from 11th to 14th at present. Petition of 1tev. N. M. Waters et al, asking for the use of Washington park on Sunday evenings in July and August for granted.a pubs:c, union p•eaching service was Petition of T. O. Sullivan et al, asking that City Engineer Knowlton be allowed to survey mineral lot 205. was granted. The proposition of the Dubuque Stamp- ing and Enameling works to furnish drinking cups fc,r fountains and citybuild- ings was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings with power. Petition of D. Metcalf asking that he be allowed to pay butcher license with ma- cadam was referred to the engineer to measure the same and report value of the Regular Session, June 4th, 1894. 175 macadam to the city council. Aid. Ryder moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. ru. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council tnet at. 2:20 o'clock p. rn. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aldermen Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Power -i, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The following petitions were granted: Petition of E. 11. Shep play asking that the city engineer be instructed to give him the grade stakes on Lincoln avenue. Petition of Catherine Morrissey asking to be given seven month's time in which to pay special assessment for the improve - stent of Ellis street. Petition of R. W. White to have the city v engineer to give the correct lines locating O'Neill street. The following petitionts were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of henry Weber et al., residents of Grant Co., 1V is , protesting against the amount charged for fare over the Iligh Bridge. Petition of Michael Ludwig, protesting against the establish meat of 1Vilmer ave. Claim of M. Rtiom berg for damages on account of running street through tuts 31 • and 32, Farley's add. Ald. Ruder arrived at 2:50 p. m. Toe following petitions were referred to the street committee and engineer. Petition of Jas. Beacom et al., asking that approaches on Byrnes street and Ris- ing avenue leading o.i to Oak street be fur proved. Proposition of B. W. Lacy, administra- tor, to buy surplus earth on Lincoln ave.. •north of 3.1 ave. Petition of Mrs. E. lleacock et al. asking .to have Rush street improved from Villa to Union ave. and to grade the same from Union to Quince. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of E. M. Clarke asking to have one-nalf of tile special assessment for the improvement of Ellis street cancelled. Petition of Henry Neuwoehner et al. •asking that the improvemeat'of Reed ave. be pest potted. Petition of James Forester. et al., in re- lation to the widening of 1Vetber lane. Proposition of S. W. Upton to buy the •surplus earth taken off Pauline street was referred to the street cumntissiouer and en- •gineer with power. The communication of Dr. F. W. Wie- land and list of parties he would have con- nect with the sanitary sewer, was referred to the sewer committee. '1'be communication of Dr. F. 1V. Wei- land in relation to the complaint of impure water furnished by the water company and requesting that the same be examined .by the state chemist, was referred to the board of health with power. The application of the 'Times Co. to be appo.nted the official paper for the ensu- ing year, w,is referred to the printing com- mittee. REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash in treasury May 1, 189..$44,039.92 Receipts for month of May, 1894.. 38,495.10 '1'ctal ... $82,535.02 Disburaments during May,1894. 45,863.04 Cash in treasury June 1,1894 $36,671.98 Also reported $1,711.55, amount requir- •ed to pay city officers during month of May, 1894. C.] Also presented list of coupons redeemed during month of May. 1Varrants ordered drawn and to pay city officers and report referred to finance committee. Street Superintendent Carter reported $3,391.35 amount due for labor on street during the month of May, 1894. Warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers and report referred to the street coninuuee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,553 05 amount due firemen for the month of May, 1891. lteoort adopted and warrants or- dered drawn to pay firemen. Marshal Raesle reported 81,614 05 amount required to pas the city police for the month of Mav, 1894. Also reported $13.00 amount collected as fines during the month. Also reported $100 collected for short term saloon license. Also reposed $9 00 collected for pound receipts. Also reported 75 police cases during the month. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the police. Sewer Inspector Igo reported $128.15 amount due for labor on sewers fur the month of May. Warrants ordered drawn to pay for la- bor and report referred to sewer commit- tee. Marketmaster Klein reported $9.70 due city from scales Also reported $165 collected from sale of stands around the market. Also reported $37 due for feeding pris- oners during the month of May. Report referred to the market committee and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. City Electrician Osborn presented list of electric Tights not properly lighted curing the month of May. Report received and fired, Woodmeasurer J. J. Mannon reported 442 cords of wood measured during May and presented treasurer's re.eipt for 70 cents, amount due city for same. Report received and tiled. The report of city weighers T. J. Dona- hue, James Doyle and Chas. l'itschner were received and filed. The report of Alex Gratz justice of the peace. was referred to the City Attorney. City Attorney Knight reported adverse on the petitions of James Mullin, Sadie G. Cort, et al. and Vigil Cavanaugh in regard to special assessment for sewerage. Also reported in favor of receiving and tiling the notice and petition of Mrs. J. McLaren. Also reports in favor of paying the fol- lowing bills: 1'. 11. Hiller, $1.20; Philip'1'ernes, $2.00; Jacob Backer, $2; Peter Salim, $2; Henry Sneider, $2; John Sullivan, $2; George Luke, $1.20; Jos. O'Holioran, $2; Paul 11g, $3: David S. Wilson, $81.24. Also report against paying claim of Michael Donahue for alledged damages. Also report in favor of receiving and til- ing notice of G. W. Reynolds. Report adopted. Engineer Knowlton reported as fol- lows: Report that a survey has been made in accordance with the records and estab- lished the boundary lice of mineral lot 106, and do not think a joint survey with .Mr. Tschirgi would be 01 any advantage. Report on petition of Peter Kiene Sc Son, agents, that the walk on the north side of lot 368 has been repaired and is in good condition. Report on petition of 'Terrance O'Toole that 1 do not find the water runs into his l it; 11, fRilttr Session, June Pl , 1,S.'JW. cellar or does any damage by reason 01 any work done by the city. Report on petition of Dr. F. W. tVieland et al. that culvert at Coiter avenue and J1honhberg avenue has been repaired. Reported in reference to lowering grade of the south end of Grove terrace south, that 1l:e work of improvement had pro- gressed so far that it would not be advis- able to make any change. Report ut reference to profiles and grades of St. Joseph and Marion streets that it will be nece: sary to run levels for all in- tersecting 810 els and alleys before a 90It- able grade could be determined. Also the same is true of Adair avenue. Report that Angella street has been re- paired. Report that on the i etition of Louis Tempus that the macadam lists do nut show that he ever broke any macadam. Report adopted. City Engineer Knowlton and City At - tory Knight to whom was referred the pe- tition of W. A Leathers in 'elation to special sewerage assessment. lleport ad- verse to same. adopted. I. Report of standing contnrittees: Ald. Ryder chairman of the finance com- mittee reported in favor of receiving and filing the report of the auditor for April. Ald. Powers chairman of the ordinance committee reported in favor of oayulg bill of .1 ustiee Cooney of $18.70. adopted. Ald. Vogler chairman of committee on claims, reported as follows: Your committee report 111 favor of re- ceiving sad filing the petition of Chas. Schaeffer in relation to claim against city employee. In [aver of receiving and filing petition of John Drehouse in rela ion to claim against city employee. 111 favor of paying the following bills on account of ele^hon: Fred. \issle y10.00, Wm. Kenyon $10.00, ,John 1Vestercnuhp $7.00, '1'. O. Sullivan $10.00, t'eter Geishelter $20.00, .1. Fitzpat- rick $81.25, Dubuque Fruit and Produce Co., $10.00, M. Weber 810.00, F. J. Cosley $5.00, August Fischer $10.00, 1'. .1. Dona- hue $10.00, Chris. Capritz $10.00, J. J. Kavanaugh 810.00, fleury Miller 810.00, Loriniler House $15 00. James Crawford $10 00, Svendson & Ott $10.00. Report adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, c'aairnuin of the street committee, reported as follow Your committee repiirt in favor of re- ceiving and litifig the petition of W. F. Wilrners for the improvement of W. 14th street, as the same has been ordered done by the city. 1n favor of granting the petition of Louisa Gtesmann asking to be given the grade line on Alpine street. In favor of Instructing the street commis- sioner to give 'Thos. McDonald labor on [tie streets providing he signs an agree- ment to allow his -wife to draw 1315 wages. In favor of adopting resolution for stone crossing on the north and south side of Eighth and lowa streets, on the south side of 15th and Iowa, on north and south side of 14111 anti Washington. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare an e,ttma:e of the amount of grading required on Leibitlzstreet west of llarold stieet. In favor 01 instructing the engineer to advertise for bids tor constructing a bridge across Fink street in Fink's add. 10 favor of paying bill of $1.15 of the Dubuque Turbine t. holler Milt Co. !n favor of instructing superintendent to repair gutter on Julien avenue near Mount Pleasant avenue so as to prevent stagnant water from lying thereon. 1u f tv'r of instructing the engineer to submit an estimate of the amount of over- hauling tome by Brown & Brown on their contract on mninary street. In favor of instructing the sidewalk car- penter to ri-place the sidewalk of Alex McKenzie on Seminary street. In favor of receiving and filing petition. of l'eter Kiene 111 relation to laying side- walk on lee a street. In favor of the recommendation of the engineer for the improvement of West 11 h street. In favor of instructing the engineer to devise 11 practicable a suitable plan for the drainage o1 water near Burden and Windsor avenues. In favor of receiving and tiling the peti- tion of 11. It'it rte et an., asking for a retain- ing wall tin Seminary street. Report that they have examined the im- provement of Weigel alley auto ting prop- erty of II. F. C. Schneider and from the - report •,t the city eoguteer we find that the grade has not been raised at said point. In laver of instructing the street super- intendent to repair Alpine street near Dodge street so as to make the same pass- able for public travel. L. favor of the adoption of the red line as the proposed grade of Fremont avenue and the recorder iusreucted to give the - proper notice of such proposed change of grade in aceerdauce with the ordinance. In favor of ree?iving and fi•iug the re- port of the street eummissiuner for the month of April, 1891. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mitteeon lire and water, reported as fol- lows: Your committee report that the water mains be extended as asked for by Alphons. Mathews has been ordered by the coun cil. Also would recommend that the petition. of J. E..\leCallum et al. for the extension of water mains on W. 8t1 street and Cale- dona place be granted. Report that the petition of Ilehry Rich- ter for permission to build a porti •n of his factory on Main between First and Jones with • studding and boards, has been • granted. Ald. Shea, chairman of public grounds and building reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing the Folling bills: Mrs. Koening, $18.75; Mrs. Kien, $20;. McDonald & Alorrisor. alfe. Co., 50e. Report in favor of receiving and hliiit the matter of as city hospital. As a special committee appointed by the council has purchased a boat to be used in case of emergency. Report adopted. AW. nyder, chairman of the committee of the whole reported as follows: Your committee report that after an ex- amination of Grandview south of the north line of mineral lot 17 the find that the city has nothing to Vacate, having no interest In same. In favor of referring the petition and ordinance of the Dubuque Retail Grocers' Protective association in relation to ped- dlers to the city attorney and ordinance committee to draft a suitable ordinance and submit same to the council. In favor of granting the petition of St. Joseph's Mercy hospital for vacation of Clara and Agusta streets; also alley as asked for and that the recorder be directed to give notice its corrected tor said pro- posed vacation. ' In favor of widening Grar.dview avenue Regular Se88ion, June 4th, 1894. 177 from Southern avenue to its eastern tertn- mils where abutting propetty owners give the necessary eround required free of cost to the city. lu raver of granting the petition of A. \V 1losford et al., asking that neer 1•e test rained from running at Targe west til Grandview avenue in the First w.n.l 81111 the 01d11,.nce committee instructed to amend the oidinathee Ili ac- cordance pith same. Your coulnIi.lee deem it inexpedient at present to improve Fremont s.reet from Dodge street to Its southern terminus. Itepurt in favor of the erecter of a horse Iruikino tauntain un 6 h street between Iowa and Clay streets. 'In laver of nlstruC'tng the Dubuque Water Cu. That they must furnish the city and its Cit z:'11s an ;tbti l int supply of pure, whmtestone water a•e1 nn tele :allure (01 their part so 111 11n the e,ty will tvith- hold payment for 11 3 (Iran s and proeeed against !Rem III aceo.ttitice with litter or- dinance. In favor of referring the p. lition of the butchers in relation to ucensing Orl•eers that sell meet, to the city attorney ant the ot•tlIllaPce committee littee to ex tm ire 00 or- dinances in relation to the :Ione, illlll if they are deficient, stud committee is in- strue ed 111 drlut alt erlltnanre revering sa d business. In favor of rece.v.lg 1111,111111W. the neti- tioti of L. 11. Siielo.ier, et al to relai ton to the troth of l.ineeli ;mettle between Center avenue aid \\'hire slieel. 1n favor of allowing Geo. 13. (lurch $2 1 as payment 11 full for strip of grouted 111 alley east of Hill street. In favor of receiving and filing the com- munication of the 'L.0;111(1;1111 Lumber Co. 111 relation 10 the vacates et certain streets and alleys in the Du:.uque Harbor lin- plov, meat Co.'s addl,io11 as WO (11 ern the sa'ue inexpedient at the present time. In savor of appointing three commis- sioners to assess the damages, if any, that may be caused by the prtpo;ed charge of grade on Queen street. !n favor of IIle.propose11 change of alley in Bellevue addition as sauwn by the red apes. In favoring Of insttuclin'_ the recorder to give the proper 11111re for the 'itemised Vacation of 8yv f et of Lincoln av,•11ue from fouler avenue to White street as shown 011 plat. Report adopted. Also reported in laver of postponing action on the petition of lleery 0. hose et al., uh realm to the width el 1'rovidenee street, 1111(1 that the contractor improving said street be reques ell to cease work 1111 said street until the width of same is de - determined. Ald. Shen moved that the platter of the improvement and width of 1'revldeuce street be referred to the eng,neer and coy attorney with power 10 proceed ac- cording to the putt of same o11 recur 1. tarried by the following vote: Ayes—A Ids. Kaufmann, 1.11110, Powers, Ryder, 8hee. Vogel and Voglu'. N ays—Cra w 101(1. .1111. ln,to, ciiunman. of the emumi•lee on pollee and light, reported as [Wiliest Your Crlillllitee reported In favor of paying the following bills: hey City Gas Cu., $69; probe 1.'ght ¢ IIeat Co., $268.33. Also report in favor of receiving avid tiling the report of the marshal for the mon! 11 of Apt il, 1591. Report adopted. Aid. l.tlltt 111 the electrical clillnllnCli0n emin mit reported In favor of paying the following bills: Iteinlried & Jaeger, $3 25; Star Electric Co., $1.490.40 and the audit. r instructed to collect rebate on lamps and the elec- trician's salary. Report adop'od. All. Lilltg of the server committee re- ported as follows: Your committee report it. favor of receiv- int. and 1iline the retina of the server in• apectnr for April. 1894. In favor of instructing the . egineer to devise some plan to carry the water from water fountain on 1U11mberg and Windsor avenues so as the same will not create a nuisance by flowing nn the street. Also report that they be granted further time for action on pcti'inn of Net Kauf- mann For construction of sewer in alley be- tween Washington and Elm from 11th to 14111 street. Reportin favor of paying the follwing bills: Ilead ford L'res.& 1litehe•Is Foundry C0., $319; N.II. schltlinlg. $3 75; J.P. Schro oder, $32..40; 31. 1. , vie. .x28.59. Report adverse io the remonstrance of 1Ieery 1 eielier: et al., against construe int of sewer on \\ ,tlntht street. In fever of referring the plan and esti- mate 01 the city engineer for storm water sewers 00 Sanford and White streets to the sewer committee, attorney and en- gineer. Report that the sanitary sewer (las berm ordered i't tier alley west of C. n:er ;'lace as a•hed for by the Sisters of the \'Isita- 111n1. All. Vogler, chairman of (fie wining committee. reported es ((1ii,1'•: Feer eonnnittee report 111 favor of pay - leg 1 . llrin, Jr.,$30 in full of all claims on will of the ledger Printing Co. for notices pubtrshed in tie Ledger providing ,all 1.. Brat, Jr., signs a ree-ept in full for said claim. In favor of paying the following bills: l:ernlan Cathnli Pfititing Co. $50; the Herald, 829.15; '1'r:1 Eo oAi'it, $75. Also t resented the foilowing: To the Honorable Jiuyor and City Court• evil: GENTLEMEN: Your commit tee to w•hnnt was referred the matter of official printing for the ensuing year beg leave to report that after a cirelnl consideration of the subject we wmild most re-pee.1811y re- port in layer of selecting one daily paper !or the 1flirla1 paper, the same to lie dune by your honorable body; said paper to publish all proceedings of the 00000o, all official notices of the city and its efli ters. exempt the delinquent tax Ilst, and fnrilish 75 copies of the official preceettings, as lieretlf.ire in pamphlet form aril receive ns eenipcns ttin:1 therefor at the rate of 8:100 per annum. e would also recommend that the three ren a Hing daily newspapers be al• Iewod to (mulish ail 11(1 111 noiie0s of the rift• :uu1 its officers as published in the of- ficial paper and receive 'tis compensation (hillefore at the rate of $350 each per mi- ut\\fie w'en'd further r• commend that the "\\'e,ten" trod Nalenid Domnkrat, weekly newspaper'. bo ado wed to publish all official notices of the city and its officers as published in the efileial paper and receive Its c11111pe11111111(111 tlherefor at III, rate of $150 0;100 per annum. \%e would further recommend Haat the council reserve the right at any time to annul the foregoing or any part of 11. \Ve would further recommend mutt the council reset ve the light to deduct from above amounts. to be pail sa d news- papers, such amount as they deem proper 178 !1 Malar Sen on, June 4th, 1894. in case of failure on the part of any said newspapers to publish all official notices . of the city aid Its officers, except the council proceedings and the delinquent tax list, as puoiished in the official paper of the city. and It is understood that said newspapers will publish all official notices as requtred of them, without further notice from anybody in the employ of the city. On motion action on the appointment of au official paper was postponed. Aid. Rader, chairman of the finance committee, reported is favor of approving of the tressurer's report for May, 1894. Re- port adopted. Ale. Lilhg, chairman of police and light committee, to whom was referred the mat- ter tit removing gasoline troops and sub- stituting electric lights therefor report in favor ot Iocatilg electric lights as follows: One on 3toauway .xiensaon near brick yard. One on iicoadway extension and Gay street. Two on !Vest Eagle Point avenue. One on Stafford and We.; One on Lincoln ave. and Duck street. One on Queen s reet. Otte on Adams and First ave. Two on high Bluff street. 01111011 Smiitary and liepplat' street. Making eleven electric bents, by the loeadonn of which we can despeuse with 43 gosoiine lights, th.clt makes a saving to city of $147.75. On the muter of change of elechie lights we would ask further time. Report adopted. Alit. Crawford moved that the city en- gineer be instructed to repair Atige'1a street. Carried. AIA. Crawford offered the following res- olut O is Resolved, That a sanitary sewer tie con- structed in the alley between I euelt.n Place and 3rd street from Burch street easterly along ssuu alley to alley between lots 8 and 9 in Prospect 11111 addition; thence southerly along the last described alley to Third street; thence easterly along 'Hurd street to St. Mary's That the city engineer be instructed to make the proper plaits and specifications for said sewer and to advertise for pro- posals for ei.nstructing the sauce. The expense of the sa ine to be paid by special assessment on the abutting and ad- jacent property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Aad. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council 01 the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30clays ot phis notice, constructed and laid in conformity with tt.e orcluiatme in rela- tion to sidewalks, on both sides of lowa street, between &1 street and 4th street where not already laid, also new curb.og and resetting of old curb as may be nec- essary, all at the expense of abutting 1 roperty. Adopted by the following:; vote: Ayes Crawford, Kaufmann, Powers, Shea, Vogel Vogler. Nays—None. AW. Shea offerer) the following: Resolved ofDubuq a That at idewalkl 8 feet wite de of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the north side of 3rd street, between lowa street and Clay street wit re not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be tie:essary, all at the expense 01 abut- ting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—ylus. Crawford. Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Aid. Shea offered the billowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Duouque: '1' hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, moist' acted and laid in conformity wit, the ordinance lit rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side of Fifth street, between Iowa street and Clay street where not already laid, also new eutbwg and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by toe following vote: Ayes—Allis. Crawford, Kauftnatin, Lil- lie, Powers, soder, Shea, Vogel and V ogler. N ottes—Noce. Alit. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council til the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 f et wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be within thirty (lays of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity whir the urdt- uivnce in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 6 In street, b. tw•een lowa street and Clay street where not aheadv laid, also new curoiug and rese ting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldi. Crawford. Kaufman. Lillie', Powers, It, der, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays— Noone. Aid. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the Ci y emitted of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, tit good brick, stone or cement, Pe, within .'0 ,lays of tnis notice constructed and lard in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the eastside of Iowa street, between 4 h and Sat street, where not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as In ty be nec- cessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A Id. Crawford, Kaufmann, Ll - lig, Powers, Ryder, Suer!, Vogel and Vugeler. Noes—None. Aid. Powers offered the fol to wing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4;feet wide, of good two inch plank br•aek, stone, or cement be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructe 1 and laid 111 contormly with the ordinance w relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Walnut street between !best Eleventh street and Julien avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting pi operty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. AId. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: 'l'uat a sidewalk 6 Leet wide of good two-ihetl plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laud in conformity with the ordinance in rel,atioa to sidewalks, on bout sides of Almond street, between Ellis street and Foye street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting i!' Regular Session, June 4th, 1894. . 179 property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AId. Crawford,. Kaufmann, Univ. Powers, 11) der, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—No ne. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk ti feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laud in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lot 10, ,Jungles add, where not already laid, at the exprnseot abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. N ays—'.None. AId. Kttnifmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of,Dabuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good twi.-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, wi hin 15 days of utas notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the west side of lthnmberg avenue between Middle street and Stafford ave, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting properly. Adopted by the fulluwing vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, liautmann, Lil- lig, Power, Ryder, rhea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—Nine. Alit. Kantiutnn offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, Tutt it sidewalk 6 feet wide, of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this _notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, mi the west side of Ritouiberg avenue be- tween steed street. and Ann street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds.Crawford, Kaufmann, 1.i1 - lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Shea offered the following: Ressolved by the City Council otthe City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 feet wale, of good two-inch plunk, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of to is notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordivar:ce in relation to sidewalks, 00 the south side of Eighth street, between \Vhite street and Clay street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AId. Crawford, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. AId. Shea offered the following: Resolved by ttie City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, bride, stone or ce- ment, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laud in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, o:1 the west side of White street between Filth street and Sixth street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ands. Crawford, Kaufmann, lig, Powers, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. AId. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, he, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Slxih street. be- tween Clay street and 1Vhile street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutt- ing property. Adop ed by the following vote. Ayes—Aids, Craword, Kaufmann. Lil- lig, Power, Hyder, they, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of gond two-inch plank, brick, some or eemeut, be within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid 111 con- formity with tate ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West Dills! reel, between Spruce street aid Wal- nut street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the loliowmg vote: Ayes—Ale. Crawford, Kaufmann, 1.11 - lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Vogel and Vox - ler. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved by this City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '\'hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days 011111s notice, construct -al and laid in conformity with tie ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side of llttt street between 3Iain an 1 Locust streets, where not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb tis may bprne per,necessaryy, all at the extlense of abut - Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—AId. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillie. Powers, Ryder, Shea, Voget and Vogler. Noyes—None. AId. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Commit of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement be, within 30days of this notice, constructed and laid in con• fortuity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street between Twelfth street and Thirteenth street, where not already laid; also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as uiay be necessary, all at the expense of abuung property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig, Powers, l.yder, Shea, Vogler and Vo Ngler.None. AId. Shea offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, '\'hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement,be,w.thin 30 days of this notice, constructed and tai 1 in nouforinity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Iowa street, between Fifth street and Sixth street, where not already laid, also new curbing, and resetting of old curb. as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Vog;er offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick stone or cetnent, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confortnity with the ordinance in rotation to sidewalks, on the east side of White street between 'Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street where not already 101) Regan««/' .No0( e on...1"et/IG 41/l. 1894. laid, also new curbing and resetting ot old curb as may be necessary, all at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted by the f ,llowin(f vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, l,il- Iig, Powers,,ltyder, Shea, Vogel and Vog- ler. Ald. Vogler offered the follnwrne: 1{eselved by the City Council of City of Dubuque, Teat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 3U days of thic notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in :elation to sidewalks, on the east side of Chy street, between Etehth street and Ninth street where not already laid, also new curbing and re9eliee of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting properly. Adopted by the follownus vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Aid. Ryder offered the foil -wing: ltesolveel by the City Council of tile City of Dubuque, That a s (Jewell,: 12 feet wide, of teem brick, stone ur cement, be. within thirty days of this noting, constructed and laid in confa,tnhily with the ordinance in reatinn to sr Iewalks. on the west side of Locust street, between 1+t and 2nd slreets,where not already I:ud.also new curbing and re-+ettine ot alit curb as may be oeeessary, a:1 tit the exp.fnse of abutting property. Ad ,pted by the following vote: Ayes—:lids. t;ratv[nt',1, liaurmar, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Suet, Vegs I and V 'v ler. Alderman Ryder littered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'law, a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of tit s notice, constructed and hid in conformity with the ordinance 10 rela- tion to sidewalks, on east. side of Locust street between; Second and Third streets where not alrea iy laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote. Lil- lie, Ayes—Ala. Powers, Ryder,urShea, nVog Kaufmann, and Vogler. Naves—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 80 days ot this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to stdewal"s, on the east side of Jliuff street between First street and Junes street, where out already laid, also new curbing and re- settiog of old curb as inay be necessary, all ars the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Sheat, Vogel an.1 Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Ryder Resolved offered by theCitylCa ie following:nciciffhe City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidee elks, on the north side of West Third street, be- tween St. Mary's street and Burch street, where not already laid, at tete expense of abutting property-. Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—Ards. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- Iig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'I'hat a si lewaik 8 feet wide, of (fond two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 mays of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the IV. 50 feet of E. 113, of city lot 608 on \V. 3rd street where not already Iaid, at the exense of abutting proparty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Adis, Criweird, Kaufmann, bit ie, Po• -vers, Rader, Sheat, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—:.one. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of gond two-inch plank, brick stone or cement be, within 15 d ys of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance 1,1 relation to sidewalks on the south side of %Vest Fifth street between Alpine street and Nevada, street where net already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ares—Aids. Crawford, li-tufmann, Lil- lie'. Power?, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay—Nobe. Ale. Ruder offered the f aliowin': Resolved ey the City Council of the City of 1)ibuque, That a sidewalk, 0 feet wide, of g,.od two-inch plank, bricir, stone or cent mr, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in cunforiney with the ordinance in re etaun to sidewalks, os the south side of \Ve•t Fifth street, b a trees Alpine s'rcet and Nevada street where not already laid, at the expense ot abutt.ln_ t ooerty. Adopted by the follo s itg vide. Ares—Alda. Crawford, Kaufmann, Ltl- li_, Puwets, Ityler, Shea, Vegel and Voglar. Noes—None. A Id. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch blank, brtclt, stone or cement, be within 15 days of this ootiee, coast uc ed and laid in conformity with V the ntdtnauice in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of lthomberg ave., ue- t wen Reed and First avenue, where not already la.d, at the expen-e of abutting prouercy. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Eaurnnano, lit;, I Pr.ower-, Ryder, Sbea, Vogel alai Vo Noes—N ane. li,tufutaun trffe'ed the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City. of Dubuq,,e: That the E. %ot Elm street, between Selina,' and e3rd streets be graded, guttered curbed and inncadituiiz,tl uh c,nfor,nity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and 18 hereby directed to make the necessary' plans and specifica- tions for said unproveunent, and the city recorder diren:ed to give the proper notice for bids anal proposals for the eerfenhauce of the work, the guttering, en' hint; and macadamizing' to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, cratl- ing to be bid in 'total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufman, bit - lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. 1 June 4th, 1894. 181 Nays—None. Aid. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Linadn avenue be- tween Third and Fourth ave., be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam•zed, 111 conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications fur said improve- ment. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for tne performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owner's of the abutting property. Gradiug to be bid, an total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the t. ity ot Dubuque, That Ann avenue between Lincoln and Garfiel avenues, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con• lormity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice fur bids anu pro- posals for the performance ot the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grading to be bid in to al. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- tig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel anti Vog- ler. gild. ltyd, r offered the following: Bluff street and that the city engineer be instructed to prepare the proper ulaus and specifications for the construction of said sewer and when sante are filed with the recorder, he is directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for doing said work. Also that the gutter on the south side of of Filth stree:west of Bluff street be cov- ered with pinup, so as it will not be dan- gerous to the traveling public. On motion the portion of resolution re- lating to the construction of the sewer was referred to the sewer committee and engineer, and that portion of resolu- tiou relating to the covering of gutter was adopted. Aid. Powers offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved, That the sidewalk on the east side old Elm street is hereby established at 6 feet betweeu Sanford avenue and 23d street. Ald. Powers offered the following reso- lution.wtiich was adopted: Resolved, That iti accordance with the suggestion of the health physician the city water furnished by the \Vater com- pany be submitted to a chemist to be se- lected by the said health physician to be analyzed provided the exuense thereof shalt not exceed the sum of $20.00. The matter of the tax levy for the year 15:14 was referred to the finance commit- tee. Ald. Shea offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, 'L'tiat the committee on public grounds and buildings be instructed to procure an architect and ascertain the cost of fixing the lower part of the city hall as a station for the patrol wagon and report sane to the cout,eil. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City - of Dubuque, That the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a profile of the grade on Bluff street between Third and Eighth streets; also a proposed grade if necessary and submit sane to the council. Ald. Powers offered the following reso- lution, which was abopted; Resolved, That the tinance committee be instructed to examine into and ascertain in regard to the outstanding bonds of the city other than the improvement bonds, which will become due in 1, 2 and 3 years from this date and ascertain whether said bonds cannot be replaced by 4 per cent. bonds upon long time, said bonds now drawing 6 and 7 per cent. AId.Powers olferred the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, That a water fountain be placed at the N. E. corner of St. Ambrose and Arch streets. Ald. Shea offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved That the committee on public grounds and buildings be instructed to have the necessary shelving and lockers placed in the City Auditors ottice fur the filing away of record and papers. Ald. Shea offered the following reso- lution: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of llubuque:i That a sanitary sewer be constructed on Robert ave from W. Fifth to W. Eighth streets and the city engineer isiin- structed to prepare the necessary Wails and specifications for said improvement and submit same to the council, said work to be done at the expense of the owners of the adjacent property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque; That Pauline street, be- tween West Fifth and West Fourth streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to slake the necessary plans and specinca• tions for said iniproveneut, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting' proptrty. Grading to be biil in total. Adopted by tine following vote: Ayes—Allis. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lit - le. Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None, Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city conned of the city of Dubuque: That s 2-3 of 23d street, be- tween Jackson and Elm street. be graded, stuttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That city engineer be and is hereby directed to matte the necessary pinus and specifications fur said improvement, and the coy recorder directed to give the prop- er notice for bhls and proposals for the performance of the work: the guLti•ring, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, ,Ktatifniann, Lill- ie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vo- gler. Noes—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, That a storm water sewer be • constructed on Fifth street from Main to 182 fleffular Session, June 4th, 1894. Adopted by the folium vote: Ayes—A Id. Crawford, Kauffman 11, L11 - lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. L iilig offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque %Vater Co. be instructed to extend their water mains in alley between llumb°ldt ant; Schiller and lthumberg and Garfield avenue the City of Dubuque guaranteeing to such water company a sufficient sum of money to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. of the cost of pipe so required to be extended. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That ail sidewalks here- after laid on Rhouiberg avenue be not less than Six feet in width and laid in accor- dance with the ordinance. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Whereas. Jt has pleased Divine Provi- dence to remove from amongst us Hun. T. S. Wilson, and 1'Jherens, Said T. S. 1Vilson was presi- dent of the first board ot trustees, of the town of Dubuque, and also held other offices of trust and responsibility in the State o[ Iowa, and Whereas, alis official career was charac- terized by zealous and unswerving devo- tion to the public interests by a cleat and lofty sense of sound judgment, and Whereas, A conscientious, upright, noble man, a man who had convictions and never feared to express them, and in all his acts was governed solely by what was right and for the public good, there- fore Resolved, That in the death of '1'. S. %Nilson ttha State of luwa has lost a pioneer and thecityof Dubuque a man who was faithful to every public and private duty, and who achieved success in lite by constant devotion to the puplic interest. Resolved, Further that as a mark of es- teem and to the end that his memory may be perpetuated in the ar- chives of the city, that a copy of these res- olutions be spread upon the records of the city, and au engrossed copy of same fur- nished the family of ttie deceased. Aid. Ryder offered ttie following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, '%'hat, that part of the resolution 10 relation ,to issuance of im- provement bonds passed April 18th, 1894, and amended April 25th. 1894, which reads as follows: "And $15,000, July 2nd, 1894, payable seven year after date, and bear- ing interest at the rale of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually both prin- cipal and interest payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa," be and is hereby reconsidered and annulled and of no force or effcr, and in lieu thereof, that the following be sub- stituted: "$15,000, June 8th, 1894, payable 7 years after date, or at any time before said date at the option of the city council, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent. pe annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and interest payable at the otfitce of the city treasurer in the city ot Du- buque, Iowa. Ala. Shea offered the following which was adopted: 1'o Dietrich Mauer: You ace hereby notified that it Is the in- tention of the city council of the city of Dubuque to pass a resolution at its next regular session, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times subject to be covered with stagnant water, which lots are numbered and described as follows: Lots 2and 3 in L. Langwurthy''s add. You are notified to appear, if you desire, at the next regular meeting of the council and show cause, if any 300 have, why said resolut1on should lot be passed, as it is prupo'ed that said filling sl,all be at your ext.ehse. The next session of the council will commence on July 2, 1894. A Iti. Kaulmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Dock ave. from Lincoln ave. to lthoni- berg ave. Suit from Garfield ave to C., 111. & St. 1'. 11. 11. track by Brown & Brow n, contractora', in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied un the several lots and pares of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and tor the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Gus. Wetuner, lot 1, sub lot 80 and 81,. MeCraney's 1st add: 89 lineal ft curbing, at Mc $ 32 04 4222 sq yds guttering at 35c 14 78 116 11 sq yds macadam zing at 36c41 80 Total $ 88 62 Julia Rnuwoerg. lot 3, suit of 80 and 81, McCraney's 1st add: 59 lineal ft curbing at 36c $ 21 24 26 68 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 34 8333 sq yds tnacadamizingat 36c _210_2 00 Total $ 60 58 Christ Loli.rman, lot 63 McUraney's first add: 149 lin ft curbing at 36c 55234 53 64 68 90 sq yds guttering at 35c 24 11 199 44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c.. 71 80• Total $149 55 Wm. G. Watters, lot 82 McCrauey's 1st add: 147 5 lin ft curbing at 36c $ 53 10• 68 90 sq yds guttering at 35c 24 11 199 44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c71 80 Total $149 01 Peter Guenther, lot 62 McCraney's lst arid: 150 02 lineal feet curbing at 36c $ 54 07 68 90 sq yds guttering at 35c 24 11 199 44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c71 80 Total $149 98 J. A. Jthomberg, lot 8 (except right of way) McCraney's 1st add: 171 1 lineal ft curbing at 36c $ 61 60. 77 82 sq yds guttering at 35c 27 24 24i 17 sq yds macadamizing at 30c86 82 Total $175 66. C., 111. & St. P. R. 11. Co., pt lot 8, Mc- Craney's 1st add: 127 lin ft curbing at 36c $ 4 57 6 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 2 33 24 sq yds macadamizing at 36c 8 64 Total $ 15 54 John Leicht, lot 9 (except richt ot way), McCraney's 1st add: 149,9 lin ft curbing at 36c $ 53 96 68 40 sq y ds guttering at 35c... 23 94 213 18 sq yds macadamizing at 36c76 74 Total $154 64 C., M. & St. I'. R. 11. Co. part of lot 9, McCraney's 1st add: 34 4 lin ft curbing at 36c $ 12 02 14 84 sq yds guttering at 35c 5 19 47 sq yds macadamizing at 36c16 92 Regular Session, June 4th, 1894. 183 'total $ 3413 Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—AIJs. Crawford,Kaufmann. Lil- lie, 1'owers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. .Noes—None. Alit. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, ;That to pay for improving ,Kleine street from West Eagle l'oint avenue to Klingenberg 'Terrace, by George \V. Farley, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opp ,site cacti lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Fred. lhode, w lot 63, Marsh's add: 78 lineal ft curbing at 38c. $ 29 64 40 sq yds guttering at 38c 15 20 103 90 sq yds macadamizing at 42c43 (14 Total .8 88 88 James Jochum, lot 62, Marsh's add: 62 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 23 56 '27 78 sq yds guttering at 38c 10 56 86 40 sq yds macadamizing at 42c36 29 Total $ 70 41 Ed. Carney, lot 1, Klingenberg's 4th sub: 162 6 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 6t 79 70 22 sq yds guttering at 38c26 68 205 55 sq yds macadamizing at 42c86 33 Total 8174 80 Mrs. Chest. Mathis, lot 1, Siege sub: 116 3 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 44 19 54.22 sq yds guttering at 38e 20 60 159.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c66 83 Total '-131 62 Mrs. Christ. Mathis, lot 13, Siege sun: 196.5 lineal ft curbing at38e $ 74 67 87.33 sq yds guttering at 38 33 19 237.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c99 68 Total $207 54 Adopted by the fol townie' vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vo- gler. Noes—None. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Dock avenue from ltbotnberg to Garfield avenue by Steuck & Farrell contractors, ur front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinatter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set oo- posite each 1st or parcel of real estate, as Ioltows: Independent School District of Dubuque, lot 41 McCrauey's 1st addition.. $ 66 60 148 lineal ft curoing at 45c 65 55 sq yds guttering at 45e 29 50 199 44 sq yds macadamizing at 45c87 75 Total ...$185 85 P. Olinger lot 27, McCraney's 1st add. 168 5 lineal ft curbing at 45c $ 75 82 76 90 sq yds guttering at 45c 34 60 246 56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c110 95 Total 8221 37 1.). Sauers, lot 45, blcCraney's 1st add: 149 5 lin ft curbing, 45c $ 67 28 65 55 sq'yds guttering, 45c 29 50 199 44 sq yds macadamizing, 45c89 75 Total .$186 53 \Vin. Watters, lot 26, McCraney's 1st add: 165 lineal ft curbing at 45e $ 75 37 76 90 sq yds guttering at 45c 34 60 246 56 sq yds macadamizing at 45c110 95 Total S°20 92 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Kaufmann. Lil- lie, Powers, Hyder, Shea, Vogel and Vog- ler. Noes—N one. AId. Kaufinannn offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That that to pay for inuirov- ing Eim street, from Itbombertt avenue to Eagle Point avenue. by Steuck & O'Fer-. rail, contractors. in front of adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinalter nan.ed, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite eacti lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Henry Muelier, Sr., lot 1 of 12 of L. Kniest's sub: 182.9 lineal feet curbing at 37e $ 67 67 62.33 sq yds guttering at 37c 22 44 197.00 sq yds macadamizing at 36c79 89 Total 3163 00 Henry Mueller. Sr., lot 1 of 1 u 1-3 0199, L. H. Langworthy's add: 35.00 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 12 95 42.78 sq yds guttering at 36c 4 20 11.67 sq yds macadamizing at 37e....5 83 Total $ 32 98 E. J. Schilling, lot 1 in j(, 01 99, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 94 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 34 78 31 34 sq yds guttering at 36c 11 27 114 88 sq yds macadamizing at 37a42 50 Total $ 88 55 Mrs. J. Peryon, lot 1 of s% of 99, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 91 0 lineal feet curbing at :.7c $ 34 78 31 34 sq yds guttering at 36c 11 27 114 88 sq yds macaclamtziuh at 37c42 50 Total $ 88 55 Mrs. N. Gtessler, lot 1 of 1 sub of lot 98, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 17 75 lineal ft curbing, 37c $ 65 68 59 16 sq yds guttering,t36c 21 30 216 91 sq yds macadamizing, 37c80 27 Total $167 25 N. H. Schilling and C. 11. Meyer, lot 1 of 4 of 11. L. Kniest sub: 10 lineal feet curbing at 37..c$ 3 70 3 33 sq yds guttering at. 36c 1 20 11 11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c.... 4 11 Total $ 9 01 Barbara Roberts lots 1 of 1 of 2 of 3 of 10, L. Kniest's sub: 31 45 85 lin It curbing at 37c $ 28 33 sq yds guttering at 36c 10 20 103 79 sq yds macadamizing at 37c38 40 Total $ 80 05 Conrad Fuchs, N. X lot 96, L. 11Lang - worthy's add: $ 4 07 11 lin it curbing at 37c 3 66 sq yds guttering at 36c 1 3.2 13 44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c4 97 Total $ 10 36 Peter Scharff, lot 1 of 3 of 97, L. 11. Langworthy's add: 32 5 lineal ft curbing, 37c $ 12 03 1083 sq yds guttering, 36c 3 90 39 72 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 14 70 Total $ 30 63 184 Regular Se88ion, June 4th. 1894. Lorenz Eberhardt, Iott2 of s iY of,1 of 96 L. H. hangworthy's add: 464 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 17 17 23 67 sq yds guttering at 36c 8 52 57 41 sq yds macadamizing at 37c21 25 Total 8 40 91 Jacob (kink, lot 1 (excepts 100 It) of b 1. of 95 L. 11. Langworthy'+ add: 1u3 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 38 11 34 33 sq yds guttering at 36c 1.2 36 125 90 sq yds macadamizing at 37c46 58 Total $ 97 05 Jacob J. Grude and Prank P. (irode s 100 ft, lot 1 of e % of 95, L. 11. Lang- wor;hy's add: 104 8 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 38 78 36 84 sq yds guttering at 36e 13 26 130 77 aq yds mncadainizing at 37e48 39 Total .$100 43 nto Bauinover, eat., ilot 1 of s X of 100, L. H. Langworthy add: p 38.4 lineal It curbing at 37c $ 14 21 27.47 sq yds guttering at 36c9 89 54.27 sq yds macadamizing at 37c20 08 Total $ 44 18 11. Dement, lot 2 01 1 of n 3 of 99, L. 11, Langworthy's add. 47 lineal ft curbing, 37c 8 17 39 15 67 sq yds guttering, 36e 5 63 57 44 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 21 25 Total .8 48 27 John Schartt, lot 1 of 6 of 98, L. H. Lang worthy's add: 22 3 tineas 1t curbing, 37c .$ 8 25 7 43 sq yds guttering, 36e 2 67 27 87 sq yds macadamizing, 37c10 13 Total $ 21 05 John Schatif, lot 1 of 2 of 97, L. 11. Lang - worthy's add. 30 2 lineal ft curbing at 37c 8 11 17 10 07 sq yds guttering at 86c 3 63 36 91 sg yds macadamizing at 37c13 66 Total $ 28 46 City of Dubuque, south 10 ft. north 32 ft., lot 3 of 97, L. 11. Lang worthy's add 18 5 lineal ft curbing at 370 $ 6 81 5 73 sq yds guttering at 36c 2 06 27 78 sq yds macadamizing at 37c7 69 Total $ 16 59 J. B. Muelierleily, tot 1 01 4 01 97, L. 11. Langwortny's add. 17 lineal It curbing at 37c $ 6 29 q yds guttering at 36c 2 04 50 77 q yds macacamizing at 37e7 69 Total $ 16 02 Christ Oestringer, lot 1 of the sub of 1 of the sub of 1 and 2 of the sub of 1 and 3 of 10 and 2 of 3 of 11 of L. Kniest sub: 6 lin ft curbing at 37c $ 2 22 sq yds guttering at 36c 72 7 33 sq yds macadiuniziug at 37c2 71 Total 8 5 65 Michael and Theo. %Weber, lot 2of sub of 1 and 2 of sub of 1o13of10and 2of3 of 11 of L. Kniest sub: 89 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 32 93 29 67 sq yds guttering at 36c 10 68 105 11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c38 89 Total $ 82 50 St. Joun's Lutheran church, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 3 of 10 L. Kniest sub: 1768 lineal ft curbing, 37c $ 65 23 67 33 sq yds guttering, 36c 2') 64 210 22 sq yds macadamizing, 37e77 78 Total 8163 65 John M. Miller and Christ. Rtetsteck, Ior 1 of 7 of 9, L. Kniesl's sub: 19 5 lin ft curoiog, 37c 8 7 23 1067 sq yds guttering, H6c 3 84 33 11 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 14 47 Total 8 25 54 John M. lliiler and Coast. lcetfateck, lot 1 of 2 of part of min lot 215: 202 4 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 74 89 66 33 sq yds guttering at 36c 24 60 256 05 sq yds macada izing ai37c94 74 Total 8194 23. Anton Baum hover, lot 1 of 3 of n % of 100, L. H. Langwarthy's add: 103 lineal feet curbing at 37c8 38 11 35 33 sq yds guttering, at 36e 12 72 127 11 sq yds maedamiziug at 37c:_774,77 03 Total 86 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alus. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel ami Vog- ler. Noes -None. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the - City of Dubuque: That to pay for improv- ing Ellis and Almond streets by Steuck & O'Earrell, contractors, in front of and: aujoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, :114.1 parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Catherine Morrissey, lot 3 Dorgan's sub: 32.2 lin ft curbing at 37c $ 11 91 16.44 sq yds guttering at 35c... 5 75- 61.48 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 75 Total $ 40 41 Barbara Flick, lot 4 Dorgan's sub: 59.8 lin ft curbing at 37c 22 13 28.89 yds guttering, 354. 10 11 134.72 sq yds macadamizing, 37c49 89 Total 8 82 09 Geo. A. Ferris, lot 5 Dorgan's sub: 50 lineal It curbing, 37e $ 18 50 22.22 sq yds guttering, 35c 7 78 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 82 89 Total .8 59 17 H.S. Hetherington, lot42 Cox's add 50 lin ft curbing at 37,• $ 18 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 78 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 37c32 89 Total $ 59 17 11. S. Hetherington, lot 43 Cox's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 18 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 78 88 89 sq yds macadamizing at 37c3: 89 Total ti 59 17 Mrs. 11. B. Hetherington, lot 44 Cox's add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 37i $ 18 51)- 7 07 78 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 32 89 Total .$ 59 17 Wm. Lundbeck, lot 45;Cox's add: 50 0 lin ft curbing, 37c $ 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 35e. . 7 78 88 89 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 32 89 2..228g yds ;guttering, 35n Toted $ 59 17 C. A. Perris, w ;4 lot 46 Cox's add: 46 lin ft curbing, 37c $ 16 65 25 89 sq yds guttering, 35c 9 06 88 89 sq yds ntacadamztng, 37c 32 89 Re julcar Session, June 4th, 1894. 185 Total $ 58 60 Actin '1'rieb, w tot 47 Cox's add: 50 lin ft curbing, 87e • $ 18 50 2222 sq yds guttering, 35e 7 78 88 84 sq yds macadamizing, 37e32 89 'fatal $ 54 17 Gustav SclirIcuer, w ;:j lot 48 Cox's ado; 50 lineal ft curbing at 364 8 18 50ng icemetary eavenue from (a tt 1.1 to incl, 22 22 sq yds guttering at 37e $ 7 78 88 84 sq yds macadamizing at 37e32 89 i contractors, in front of and adjoining the 148 lineal ft curbing at 37e $ 54 76 65.55 sq yds guttering at 3tic 23 60 200.06 sq y'(Is macadamizing at 36c74 06 'Total 8152 38 Ald. Kaufmann offered the toIIt wl111 : ltesilven. By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pity fur inlprov• - Totala 59 17 J. 13. Lundbecl:, w .1,4lot 49 Cox's add: 50 lineal ft curbing, 37: S 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 35c 7 78 88 89 s.l yds macadamizing, 370 32 89 Total 5 59 17 Cath. F. Fawlte•, w is tut 50 Utx'$ add: 8 5 lineal feet curbing at 37e $ 3 1115 8 84 sq yds guttering at 35c 46 22 lig yds macadamizing at 37c17 10 Tots] $ 23 36 Jrlhn C.ark, lot 1 01 1, Lox's adtt: 96 2 lineal feet curbing at 37e $ 35 54 48 89 ..q as guttering at 35, 17 11 219 02 sq yds macatlamiz:ug at 37e81 U4 Total5133 74 Patrick Ford est., til ^of 1, Cox'. add: 39 4 lineal ft curbing, 5 14 58 17 51 sq yds guttering, 35c 6 13 70114 sq yds macadamizing, 37e Total 25 91 t $ 46 (12 Wtit. M. Davis, lot 2. Cox's add: 22 7ti 615 lin ft curbing at 37c 14 57 27 33 sq yds guttering at 35 1.09 33 sq yds macadamizing at 87e40 45 Total $ 72 i8 E. 11. Sheppley, lot 3, Cox's ado: S 22 7ti 61 5 Int ft curbing at 37c 2 57 27 33 sq yus glittering at 35c 109 33 sq yds macadamizrt:g at 37:4U 45 Total5 72 78 Ainitm•lit Norton, lot 4, Cox's aad: 55 lin It curbing at 37: 5 20 35 31 50 sq yds gutteriu g at ::5c 11 t3 10943 sq yds macadanUzing at 37e- 40 45 5 71 83 Tot al W. G. Cox, 101 5, (Vtx's ado: t3 50 36 5 lin tt caroms: at 37c 17 78 sq yds guttering at 35e 9155 sq )ds macadamizing at 37033 87 'Tidal 5 53 54 Adopted by the. latdowing vote: Ayes—Alias. Powers, 1, yler,tShea, Vogelnand Vo,11- g- ler. i )were, ,y ler. lot 15, Conk's add: Gottlieb ch t'aeger, 5 r4 ..1. 148. lineal tt curl n11 at 37: 65 55 sq yds guueri t2 at 30 • 200.16 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 'Total Otto fleas, tut 42. C ok's Rud: 148 5 lineal ft carping at 374 65.55 sq) ds gutiertng at 364 2u0 06 art yds macadamizing at 37e.. 74 02 I; to al , 56 Mrs. Michael Lehman e•t. a 3) tt nit 43, same, a special tax be and is hereby' levied 011 the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hetelnafter named, situate anti awned, and tor the several amounts set opposite alien lot or parcel of real estate as follows: 'i'hird Presbyterian church, lot 1, 1)ne- bi'bt's add: 855 13 149 Ian ft curbing at 37e 23 60 (i5 55 sq yds guttering at Lin 2114 94 sq yds ntacada+utzing at 37c75 83 Total 5154 56 Julius Weidner,lot 16. 1)riebe.bie's add: 141 2 lin ft curbing at 37e $52 24 68 55 sit yds guttering at 36' 24 tib 20006 sq yds macadamizing at 37c74 02 'Total 5150 94 Chas Kuttler,not 17. Urlebetple's tutu: 149 lin ft curbing at: 7e $ 55 13 lis 55 sq yds guttering at 36 c 23 1111 200 06 sq yds macadamizing at 37e74 02 .•' Tical $152 75 !tlary ltnerette, Int 3'2,1)riei,•l• ts 557 13 23 do 73 02 Total 81tt't2 7;, Fred 1,eutz, tit 48, I)rte0eulte','ia 157 7 lin ft curhi ig at 37e ` .1:15: 7 .q yds guttering at ii11' 2' t- 8 2 98 .1. M. Lillie, lot 14, Cook's lido: 55 02 158 7 lin ft curbing at :17c 23 130 65 55 sq yds glittering at 36 • 20114 sq yds macadamizing at 37c75 83 144 un ft curbing at 31e 65 55 sq yds guttering at :.ti • . 2J0 06 sq yds macadamizing, :17e 2'24'28 `q yds macadam zing at 37e Total $151 45 ''red. ltuinlf, lot 448, Ham's add: 3 13 3') 35 lin ft c,trbnnI at 38 15 55 sq yds guttering at 38c 5 9l 6 22 55 50 sq yds macadamizing at 38c19 21 'Total $ 38 42 Fret!. 1{Olull, lot 72, AlcCl'lllley's 1st add: w3 81 10 Inn ft guttering at 38c 1 694 44 sq yds guttering -at 380 14 44 sq ydswacadatniz.ng at 38c- 5 49 1l 'Total$ 10 98 23 6') Wm. Li:uctier, lot 73, Jle1.ruuey's 181 74 02 add: ?19 `23 5 6 lineal feet c'lrbing at 3Sc S152 88 22 2square is mac dun iztut; tat 38e.. 211 71 55 70 28qY 54 94 . 54 414 23 00lJLeCraneuull s 1st henry Aurder, tut 74, )' noir: 277 93 7:3 5 lin 1t. (turning at 38' 5 13U3 31 44 sq yds guttering at 38c 101 08 80 yds macadamizing a 38c43 36 Cook is add: - `..I iii 14:.05 lineal it curbing at 37e I n '',5.55 ,qy'di gutlecnlg at 370 2U '.t 17 80 yds utacadtttnizing at 36c71 i_ ci:1'-' 38 est, itaj 1.11 70, '1''ttal Nits. Jlichael Lehman Cook's add: Total$84 38 Jos. ltueeiuuer et al., lot 454, llaul'•4 1,0(1: ;,U lineal feet curbing at 38' $ 19 44 22.2`2 -q yds guttering at38c 88 90 sq yds rnacadamiz ng at 38e33 78 186 Regular Session, June 4th, 1894. Total $ 61 22 Jos. ltuegamer et al, lot 453, Ham's add: 74 lineal feet curbing at 38c 28 12 34.67 sq yds guttering at 38c 13 17 188.88 sq yds macadamizing at 38c64 17 Total ..8105 46 Philomena Rhomberg, lot 452, ham's add: 71 lineal feet curbing at 38 ....$ 26 98 33.33 sq yds guttering at 38c ........ 12 67 165 sq yds. macadamizing at 38e.... 62 70 Total $102 35 Philomena lthomberg, Int 451, Ham's add: 50.6 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 19 23 22.50 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 55 81.52 sq yds macadamizing at 38c... 30 98 Total • $ 58 76 August Klavitter, lot 450. Ham's add: 50.6 lineal feet curbing at 38c $ 19 23 22.50 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 55 78.71 sq yds macadamizing itt 88c29 91 Total. $ 55 69 Albert Graffi, lot 419, ham's add: 50.6 lineal feet curbing at 38c S 19 23 22 50 sq yds glittering at 38' 8 55 75.90 sq yds macadaiuiz rig at 3828 84 Total. S 56 62 F. M. Rubinson e+', lot 460, 1 :edit- 74 lin ft curbing at 38. $ 28 12 34 67 sq yds guttering at 38 • 13 17 117 33 sq yds macauaamiz.ng ai 38i94 18 Total $ 85 87 F. M. Robinson est, lot 459, Ham's add: 50 lin ft curbing at 38e $ 19 CO 22 22 89 yds guttering at 88c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 88,;33 78 Total s 61 22 F. M. Rouwsuu est, lot 458, Ham's add: 50 lin ft curbing at 38c ......... $ 19 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38i; 8 41 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 38c33 78 Total $ 61 12 F. M. It 'Wilson est, lot 457, ham's add: 50 lin it curbing at 38e S 14 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 382: 3 "i8 'Total. $ 61 22 Philomena Rttumberg, lot 456, lla:n's add: 50 lin ft curbing at 38c $ 19 10 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 88c33 78 Total 61 22 J. 1t. ltuotuuerg, tut 450, ham's a5;10: 50 lin ft curbing at 38c S 19 00 22 22 sq yds guttering itt 38c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 38a33 78 Total$ 61 22 Win Freimark, 8 566, Ham's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 38c 8 19 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88.90 sq yds macadamizing at 38e33 78 Total 8 61 22 Margaret Schreiner, lot 565, Ham's add: 50 lineal it curbing at 380. $ 19 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88 91 sq yds macadamizing at 38c33 79 Total $ 61 22 T. Klake, lot w 564, ham's add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 9 50 11.11 sq yds guttering at 38c4 22 44.45 sq yds macadamizing at 3Yc16 89 Total $ 30 61 C 13rouaer, e„ lot 564, Ilatn's add: 25 lineal ft curbing at 38c 8 9 50 11.11 sq yds guttering at 38e 4 22 44.45 sq yds macadamizing at 38c16 89 Total g 30 61 John Remus, lot 563. Main's add: 50 lineal curbing at 38c .$ 19 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88.90 sq yds macadt:mizing at 38e33 78 Total $ 61 22 Andrew 1Fofti, lot 562, Ilatn's add: 74 lineal ft curbing at 38c $ 28 12 31 67 sq yds guttering at 38c, 13 17 117.33 sq yds macadamizing at 38c44 58 Total • $ 85 86 Martin Jungle, lot 572 Ham's add: 50 6 tiaeal feet curbing at 38c 819 22 22 50 sq yds guttering at 38e 8 55 78 71 sq yards macadamizing at o8c29 91 Total $57 69 Christ Ferner, Sr., lot 571 Ilam's 50 6 lin ft curbing at 38c S19 23 22 60 sq yds guttering at 38e 8 55 88 52 sq yds Inacauamizing at 38e30 98 Total 858 76 ()mist Ferber, Sr., tot 570 ham's add: 74 2 lineal ft corning at 38' 828 20 3467 sq yds guttering at 38.. 13 1t 166 sq yds macadamizing. at. 38c 62 70 Total 8101 07 Christ. (lode, lot 569, Ham's and: 74 lineal ft curbing at 38c $28 12 84 67 sq yds guttering at 38. 13 17 177 77 sq yds macadamizing at 38,:67 55 'total :8108 84 Martin Wagner, lot 568 hunt's add: 50 lineal ft curbing at 38r $19 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 38c33 78 Total 861 22 Marton Wagner, 567 Ham's add: 50 lin ft curbing 38c $19 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 44 88 90 sq yds macadamizing at 38 33 78 Total .861 22 Ald. Kaufmann offered the fotiowiug: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, l'hat to pay for improving Lincoln avenue from (teed to Sec- ond avenue, by D. \V. Lenehan, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining saline, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts c'f lots, and parcels of real estate hereinatter named, situate and owned, for the several amounts vet opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Frederick Watkins, lot 109, McCrauey's 1st. add: 36.11 sq yds macadamizing at 38c$ 13 72 Total $ 13 72 Thos. Allen, lot 110, McCraney's 1st add: 50 6 lin ft curbing at 38c $ 19 23 22 5 sq yds guttering at 38c 8 55 77 78 sq yds mac.rdamizmg at 38s26 90 Total $ 54 68 J. A. lthomberg, lot 111 McCraney's 1st add: 50.6 lin ft curbing at 38c $19 23 22.50 sq 1 ds guttering at 38e 8 55 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c23 71 lt(2yul,rr June 1tli, 1894. 187 Total .,.851 49 J. A. lihowber,f, lot 112 Jlc._raney'a 1st add: 14 lin ft curbing at 3Sc $ 5 32 6 22 sq yds guttering at 38 • 2 36 22 22 sq yds macadamizing at 3807 68 Total .315 56 Martin Jungle, lot 574 Dam's sub: 29 lin ft curbing at 38c $ll 02 12 89 sq yds guttering at 38. 4 90 41.90 it yds macadamizing at 38e15 92 Tut al $31 81 Martin ,luuglt, lot 573 ham's add: 50.6 lin ft curbing at 38c .$19 23 22 50 sq yds guttering ati38c 8 55 75.90 sq yds macadamizing at 382 28 84 Total $56 52 Geu. Funk, Int 19 Gook's ado: 96.3 cu yds grading at 5e $ 4 81 58 33 so yds macadamizing at 35c20 42 • Total $25 23 John Demser, n 35 6 ft lot 2U Cook's add: 65.5 cu yds grading at 50 $ 3 28 39.67 sq yds macadamizing at 35 • 13 88 Total y17 16 11. C. Deckert est, s 16.8 ft, lot 21 Cook's add: 31.2 cu yds grading at 5c $ 1 56 18.67 sq yds macadamizing at 35' 6 53 Total $ 8 09 1i. C. Deckers est, lot 21 Cook's add: 96.3 cubic yds grading, 5e $ 4 81 60.55 sq yds macadamizing at 35c21 19 Total $26 00 Adopted by the following vole: Aves-AI(l. Crawford, Kaufmann. Lit - lig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vog- ler. Noes -None. 1. \t. Ltllig, lot 14. Cook's add: 109 1 cubic yank Brading at 5c 66 11 sq yus macadamizing at 33t$ 235 46 13 Total $28 59 Gottlieb Schwaeger, tut 15. Cook's add: 109 lcubic yards Brading at 5c 46 66 11 so yds macadamizing at 1!5c8235 13 t 'Total 3 26 59 Gottlieb Schwaeg«r, tot 16, Cook's ad,i: 96 3 cu yds grading at 5c $ 4 81 58 33 sq yds macaaamiziug at 35c20 48 G Total 325 23 Gottlieb Scuwaeger, n 496 teet, tot 17, Cook's add: 91 5 cu yds Brading at 5c 55 44 sq y ds mu cadauuz•ng at 35e$149 4)58 Total323 98 Geo. Funk, s'' 2.6 feet, lot 17, Cook's 24 ati 4 8 cu yus gt airing at 5c 1 24 2 89 tq yds macadamizing at 35e 1 .S125 Total Glen. Funk. lot 18, Conk'. add: ; ,1 $t 96 3 cu yds grading at 5 53 33 .to yds macadamizing at 35c 20 42 Total 25 haufmauuuttereu the tulluwing: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'That to pay fur improve- ment mprove- toQ11 Staffo(t alley avenue between Stafford avenue raid lihumberg avenue by Phil. Doerr, contractor. in front of adjoining the same, a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter matted, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Daniel Schmatz, lot 8, Cook's add: 116 3 eu yds grading al 5c s 1 81 60 55 sq yds macadamizing at 35c.... 21 19 Total ‘_,i 00 Dattiel Schmalz, lot Si Cook's add: 96 3 cu yds grading at 5c... 1 81 58 33 sq yds ntacauamizing at 35c.... _,t 42 Total $25 23 Dan Schmalz, lot 10, Cook's add: 4 81 96 3 en yds grading at 5c 58 33 sq yds macadamizing at 85c 20 42 Total Dan Schmaltz, lot 11Uouk's add: 9t1 3 cu yds grading at 5c $204 81 58 33sq yds macadamizing id 35c 42 Total$25 23 Geo. 13uettler, lot l`2, Cooks add: 96 3 eu yds grading at 5e 8240 20 4 81 421 58 33 sq 305 uutca:lionizing at 35c S25 28 8'25 23 Total .1. 31. Lnlia, lot 13. Gook's add: 96 3 cu yds grading at 5c 3 4 81 58 33 so yds uu,cadawiztug at 35c `.'0 42 Total $25 23 Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids fur the improvement of r'ittn avenue: 1377 00 lno, t\ iti,ams 1,3 1 75 Aug. Lange 1,3'2`15 75 C. Ryan, Jr 1,222 05 Peter Ilurscu 1,493 '25 A. Ilaberkoru 1,241 85 Dubuque Construction Co 1.24590 Frank Beat in Sieuek & O'Farrell 11,307 5000 J. A. Schoenthal 1,295 35 Ge.,. W. Farley Oil motion the Dubuque Construction Co. were awarded the contract. Reported as follows tor the construction of sewer In alley west of Center l'lace: Dubuque Construction Cu... $155 50 John O'Brien 131 00 Jos. Burl & Sun ... 156 25 Bernard Gallon 192 00 'Thos. Dorsey. 115 00 F. M. Kringle 183 50 E. J. Evens 185 50 D. W. Linehan 186 00 M. Lavin 168 50 t)n motion the contract for the construc- tion ui sewer was awarded to 'linos. Dur - se y. For the construction of sewer on Wal- nut, Prairie and \V. llth: 00 Al. ',Mill 3557 i 58 00 1). \V. Linehan 655 ( 0 11. Gallon 813 00 F. 51. Kringle Joseph Bird & Stu, $567. Rooney & yliuulkP, $455. .i,ihu O'Brien, 3441. , Dubuque Construction Company, $524. E. J. Evans, $559 Thus. Dorsey, 3389. On motion 'Taus. Dorsey . was awarded the contract. Eor the canstruction of sewer on Julien and Delhi from alley west of Alpine street to Finley hospital: 51. Levin, 3801 50. Dubuque Construction Company, 3801.50.lobo O'Brien, 3634.10. 1). W. Linehan. 3921. Jo) Hurd & Son, 3989.35. 18K Regular Session, Tune 4th, 1894. F. M. Kringle, $890.30. Thos. Dorsey, 535.60. On motion the contract was awarded to Thos. Dorsey. Mayor Olinger appointed following as committee on equalization for 1894. Aids. Kaufmann, Crawford, Vogler, Sties and llalpiu. Alii. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn it adjourns to meet on June 18th at 7:30 t•. in. Carried. Aid. Shea moved to adjourn. Attest: ' - ved: rder. 1894. Mayor SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council o[ the City of Dubuque: 'That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, atone or cement, be within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, un the north side of Thomas street, between Alma street and Cornell street where not already laid, at the expense of ubuttiug property. Adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the city ot Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone ur cement, be, within 20 days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side et Cornet) street between West 14th street and Thomas street, where not alread laid at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good trick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days (if this notice, constructed and laid in cofornilty with the ordinance in retatiun to sidewalks, oti the we.t side of Clay street, between 13th street and lith street abutting S. of city lot 449, where not laid, at the expense ut abutting pro- perty. Resolved by the City Council of ttie City of Dubuque. That a sidewaik 12 feeet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, ue, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laic in cot:turwity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west stile of lnwa street, between Eleventh street and Twelfth street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good prick, stone, or cement, he, withut 20 days of this notice, constructed and lain in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on both sides of Clay - street, between Fourteenth street and Six teentb street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constrncted and laud in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay street, between 6th and 7th street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'Pkat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation t i side- walks, 00 both sides of Leionitz street, be- tween North street and Harold street where not already laid, at the expense ot abutting property. Resolved by tete City Council of the City of Dubuque: !'hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, bet within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of White street, between 7111 and 8'h street=, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting properly. Resolved by the City Connell of the City of Dubuque:'That asidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, spire or ce- ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed anti laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Cutter avenue, between '1 went y -sixth street and Peru rod 1 where cot already laid, at the expense of abut- ting promerty. Resolved by the City Council of the city ot Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, briek, stone, or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice cunsttucted and laud its conformity with the orduduiee in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of \Vashtngt n street, between Sanford street and Eagie Point avenue. where not already laid, at ttie expense of abutting property. Resolved by tite City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, rat t plank, brick, stone or cetnee, be within 21) days of this nonce, coli-iructe l an'1 laud in conlotinity with the ordinance in relation to stdewalks, on the east s•de of White street, between Lin - coin i 1 1 E.igte feint avenues where not already laid, at the expense of abutting Property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and hill iu conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Jackson street, between 24th street and 25th street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. 1-t •soived by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on ttie west site of Jackson street, between 27th street and Peru street where out al- ready laid, at ttie expense ot abutting pro,terty, Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of tills notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sulewal„s, 011 the west si le of Iowa street. between kite and 17th streets and abutting s 57 teat n e ;4 city lot 746 where not already laid. at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days til this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with rhe ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south stile of 13th street, between Main and Locust streets, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the city Ofticial Notices. 189 of Dubuque, That a sid:waik 6 feet wide, of good brick, atune or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance iu rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Couler avenue, between Rhomberg and Eagle Point avenues, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick, stone, or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid to conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on both sides of Couler avenu- between Sanford street and Twen- ty-third street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement. be within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in contormity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of White street, between 18th street and Eagle Pouit avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of tha City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk nix feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Couler ave, between Eagle Point ave, anil Sanford street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, construe.ted and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, en both sides of lowa street, between 10th street and 13th sir, et where not already laid, at the expense 01 abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of he City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the both sides of Cooler avenue, between Sanford street and Peru road where not already laid, at expense of abutting property. Adopted May 5, 1894. Resolved by the City Ct.unctl of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of.this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- iton ;o sidewalks, on the west side of \Vest Main street, between First street and Jones street where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the city ot Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between 1st street and 2nd street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council ot he City of Dubuque: 'Tat a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformtty with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Julien avenue between the on avenue where not alreadymond laid,e nat thesxpense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement be, within 30 days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conturntty with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side 01 Clay street, between 8tn street and 9th street where not already laid at expense 01 abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good two-inch plonk, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days 01 this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalk„ on the north side of Julien ave, between 131uff and Walnut street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of 3d street, between Wi- nona street and Alpine street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8 teet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the east side of Bluff street, between Eighth street and Ninth street where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks on the north side of Jones street, between \Vest Main street and Locust street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. All plank walk must be laid with No. 1 plank, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen fret long with joints gpikes broken, if t eaaud chitd with intersection. penny There must be two stringers tor a four foot walk, three for six and eight foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve foot walk. Stringers to be with brick or stonepoGrurted plat every feet four must not be used. Adopted May 5th, 1814.J. CooxEY. 5-19-10t. City Recorder. epeeist Assensment: Notice. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, Dubuque, lows. To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting alley from 9th street to 10th street between Bluff and Locust streets. Alley front Windsor ave. to Stafford aye, between Garfield ave. and itbomberg ave. Liucoln ave. (room Reed ave. to 2nd ave. Dock ave. Irom Lincoln ave. to Litwin - berg ave., and from Garfield ave. to C„ M. & St. P. it. lt. tracks. Dock ave. from Rhomberg ave. to Gar- field ave. Statford ave, from Garfield ave. to Ltn- Wo".c.l cemetery. st. from lthomberg ave. to Eagle Point ave. Kleine st. from West Eagle Point ave. to Klingenberg 'Terrace. And to any person or persons or com- pany having any interest fn said real 190 Official Notices. estate. You are hereby notifi d that there is on file In the office of the city recorder of Du- buque n plat of said above named streets and alleys to said city, showing the several lots or parcels of grounds abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special assessment for paving, gutterin>:, curbing and macadamizing of said stteets and alleys and the names as far as practicable Of the owners of said nbuttulg real estate and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, for the inspection of any person, firth or com- pany interested in any kola in said real e+tate and that such firm or company hav- ing objection to the specie' tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with city recorder his or their objec- tions in writing at or before next meeting of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, which will meet the 4th day of June 1894. w. 11. KNOWLTON, 5-21-101. I_ ity Engineer. IJIST OF 19AItN:!\'fS Issued by the City Recorder During* January, 1894. CITY RECOIIDER'9 OFFICE, I Dunuqun, lows, February 1, 1894. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GICNTLEMEN—The following is acomplete list of all warrants Issued by me during the month r Jana try. 1894:. Natne. For what Purpose. Amount A. W, Daugherty.Salary, Ylayor$250 00 H. B. Gutttae....Saler) for Uec., Treas- urer 150 00 H. B. Gniftke Salary for Dec., clerk.. 50 00 T. J. Cooney....—Salary for Dec., Re- corder 116 65 J. M. Kenety.....Salary for Dec., Aud- itor 116 65 J. F. Sternm...... r alary for Dec., As- sessoi .... .. 125 00 J. E. Knight Salary for Dec., Attor- ney 125 00 W.H. Knowlton..Salary fur D. c., En- gineer.... ........ u- gioeer............ 275 00 E. S. Hyde Salary for Dee., A sis:ant Engineer.... 100 00 Jas. BoyceSalary for Dee. Assist- ant Engineer........ 1C0 00 Henry Glab Salary for Dee., Assist- ant Engineer.. ... 50 00 S. B. Rice Salary for Dec., Mar- shal 100 00 John Carter Salary for Dec. Street Superintendent. 91 65 J. RelnfriedSalarj fur Dec., Chief of fire department:. 75 00 Ed. NortonSalary for Dec., Mar. ketmaster............. 50 00 J. W. FowlerSalary for Dec. Health Officer 50 00 John O'Brien Salary for Dec , Sewer Inspector............ 70 00 J. BnntingSalary for Deo., Elec- trician 75 00 John O'Connell... clary tor Dec., Com- mittee clerk 83 35 James Daly.......Fireman6u 00 Job Barnes 75 00 A. McDouald 64 50 (Xi J. Murphy.....,66 GO 00 Wm. Duey" CO t 0 echonberger60 00 J. Keas .. 50 00 T. Ryder.... " 50 00 M. Eitel... ,. GO 00 J. Ess.nan 75 00 A Dueciul 50 00 J. I' Iynu46 60 00 .1. \\ iltse.... .... " 60 00 T. Walker" 50 00 C. Specht. " ............... J. Tschudl" 1). Ahern64 .1. Ail•.n " , Itippman •' C'. Kanuiolli le. Ganahl •' J. Ward Geo.Gerke •' ............. . F. ssinau T. Flynn ............... A.StraneY " J. Rooney " Jaynes Powell" 1). Ryan Captain of Police J. ltaeslie.........Captain of Police 13. Cain . Policeman Wm. Hennessey.. " \t in. O'Brien \\'m. Frith John Litschar P. AIrN. rney 1'. 11.•ilh•y I'. Uauuegan P. Kear• ey66 J. Fitzpatrick. D. Norton 66 Janes Al en " John Reuter " James Flynn D. Lavery" Ed. Moore.. P. Kitty P. Sutton'. M. Crauglt" ............... J. Hoffman 46 J. Spielman. 66 1'. Powers 1). Linehan66 Thos. Gordon " 1'. Sullivan 46 J. Milson .. J. Powers" G. Snyder... It J. Secrest James Carter66 J. Kintzinger" M. Hardie" J. Murphy.. 60bner Sam. E,. P. -chart.... 1'. McCollius 1'. Hanlon John Murphy' C. Spigelhalterl'nundinaster H. 11 edge .........Park custodian N. A, ei.dt........Laborer.... T. Ahearn 66 J. Byrne . A. Boyeln" J. Boetke..... .., ................ M. Blown.... Foreman... . John Bewer....Helper road roller.... R. Burns... Laborer ................ S. Bruusklll ................ Wm. Bennett................ Chas. Beyer....:" ...... ......... Win. Breen.... . ............... T. Cahill.... ,i, .......... ..... J. Corbett.. Wm. Clark" M. Carmody „ ............... John Cahill .Foreman...... D. Corcoran Laborer. J. Carney66 J. Callahan ..... ......... Steve Cain" ............... M. Coy18 .. John Corcoran" W. . rumuwell" John Coyne.... J. Daugherty" J. Dixon... 1' P.1)onahue ' John Driscoll " Aug. Duccini 64P. empsey " M. Dusching " M. Dorsey T. Donahue " J. Everet" 66 a 66 " 66 06 ............... ............... •••• ......•••• J. Farley. Wm. Flynn....... John 1 ix W. Flaunagan C. Fisher A, Froebel Dan Fox M. Fagan441 50 00 60 00 t-0 00 CO 00 60 00 50 ru 50 Ott t0 00 50 tat 6. 00 60 00 50 0) 50 0 1330 75 00 70 04) 50 00 48 70 46 70 50 00 t0 00 5. 00 60 00 41 50 3820 50 00 46 70 50 00 48 35 C,0 00 45 05 45 05 43 15 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 50 00 48 35 50 00 44 80 5060 50 CO 50 00 50 60 45 05 50 00 50 01 50 00 50 t0 43 15 50 00 50 00 GO 00 50 00 46 50 2 70 1 35 7 45 6 10 2 10 37 35 0 tO 4 05 1 35 7 50 21 30 11 85 5 40 43 75 9 45 38 40 8 10 31 05 8 10 8,80 2 70 3 4u 4.05 675 2 70 6 10 6 10 8 10 23 65 2 70 2 70 3 40 12 85 8 10 2 70 40 01 8 10 3 40 2 05 405. 4 05 2 70 1 35 _List of City 19i John l;ie,sier.... n2 70 C. G8uu'nbein11 .... ......... .. 3 75 .toe (;Iot'r4 40 A.u 2 70 Ju(;rase" 3 40 e Grab I'. (;titer 666 10 Ed. Grew 2 05 Jas. g lrker 4637 50 J. Hackney 4 75 F. Herzog "20 95 A. Ito pt1" 4 75 John Hafey.. .. .. 3 40 John Hack1•tt " 12 85 P. .la. obi " 8 45 Jos.•p11 lio11111" 20 05 P. hennealiyFore'r an 31 60 .I, Kinsella ..... ..1'ttrpeut-r50 0.1 M. Kearn.. 1 abOrer 11 85 1.. Koln'. 2 70 1'. It .111(111:111 66 4 05 1:. Iirenzig16..... 3 40 .......... .I. It uul!1....... •' 8 10 1'. ICutnlv.,,, " 4 135 4 00.1.1110 lL'i „ 28 35 A111011 Loebel19 35 ' 9 35 John Lutske1 50 'I . l.onergan5 40 l' Win. Lavine. .,. I eih 'inler. 0 10 61 10 50 .le•,v ie \I.,r rn lv Arnold Siri t'• 2!t 15 Al. Morriss y '• ... 5 40 . • 2 05 A. 5 iiii•r ln•id.66 6 11 D. \!ilia' 8 l0 I'. 31 u:1!uccn 3 40 70 1'. 5! 111:an I'. \I I,I,I P Engineer road roller.. 60 co 51. 51c1 ltrtcll Laborer 11 15 .1 \ll'Evoy..... ... •` 11150 1' 51.• 1 eland..... " 6 75 T. McDonald 147 a0 .1. SIeKemail " ........ 11 85 J.25 35 13 MelMeclan eg..' .. 6 10 '. 51,r,%in 66 2 70 1\m. 1L,LIiu 415 L. 5Iclvoy... 6 10 .1. lle::111y61 . .. 4U J. 1'. MO; nu•e John Neetlt.,"3 41 P. O'Bri'•u, Sr"3 40 Al. O'Meara ,, ......... ..... 15 90 W. H. Oswa:d. • • .. 11 60 03 40 J. Peters......... « 6 10 J. PPrryot' .. 70 J. 1'.feitfer11 20 Joidl BaelzForelnan 120 t•. Reeder.... ... Laborer 2 J. Baesuor " 05 .1 Spear Fore1na11.............. 14 80 T. SalkLaborer• 95 0331 7; Geo. Schou....... .. 5 40 66 P. Stoller'......... 11 H. Sehwiut....... 8 80 Jos. Serbes..... .. " 2 10 lien. Schlegel.....„ .... ........ 2 71, N. Schroeder " 270 M. Seheirock.,6 40 B ,. 6 iUSweeneyN. Sweeney . 'l'regillis23 G6 1 65 T. \'onl)tltuan.. 9 85 Geo. \Viltuo12 85 J. Wittry.. ' 5 40 Aug.J.W1 iit»e ...... .1 70 Ag. a 30 \Vro. Bending 3l,.,,.T0AlI1 11 05 W, Seeker... 46 33 10 A. Conrad........ G 30 Mrs. C..stell1..... 6 30 Phil. Doerr. ...... .. 630 J. Elliott 6,1 32 45 1'. C. Foley 17 3t it. FE. Frith._ •. ,• 15 75 E. E. i t h ..l „ 34 66 4 61 C. Frith.• C. thin eubeln• .. 6 30 Al. t; a many14 20 John Tical•{'.• 9 45 11. IletPl'ty....••. 1+ 20 J. Ilotlmeyer••... 4 20 T. Kane..... ••"""....... 11 05 .1. Long 6 3U .1. 1.ei,•Ilt 6 30 1 .1..\tesserknecht••3 15 .1 Murray1500 \1'411. Alohr..... .............. 8 15 1.. \lotsell ...... ... 9 15 .1. \IcCulllus ... •. John McGrath-. ............... 15 75 .1011. a;rl;ratlt' •a 30 (1. \Iel:lralh...••630 O5 N5'11. \IcGratlt" 323 15 1'. 5. Norton 11. 0' N 1.111 ... 11 05 A. 1'ulrcGalt A. t! 'l •r . i:111 Gc I;e>c robls.... G 3u A. Sh'.......... John Stette• .. 12 l3U r 18 OU H. 1lrotz 6 3u M. Tice. ............... 0 30 C. Tobin 25 '0 C. VanWle.... . 1+ 20 M. Igo..... 4G 23 Wm. Terry• John Hillery " ........ Al.O•lu•iel% ,. ....... 43 75 4:315 .............. 1. Fury, Si'.... .. .. .. ..... 11(1 .lame Bennett . 23 65 r. Butter1:f51150 Lar y \Velsh..... 28 ou .1011a Minimal .......... C. 0111011•` 9 60 1'. Grew .,28 85 Al. Spech... Toho Grube.. 34 10 . „ ... 34 33 ... ............ .Lures Ryan...,,, ;;c ;- M. 11:g: ns....... •' 25 •.-, 1.. 11. Adams..... 21 411 T. 54') uahl..... e1 .. 1), 1• n, Jl:hu cr:v)y,.. _y; 1'. Lin. 11 41 1'»;un .. , , , • . John 11 3!c 1.1 11, . " •• n '' ................. GRomit__ 4 70 49 5u Geo. ................... Ueu. l;eynolds.. •• .... 40 00 E.,1. ! 1, ,211 'i ly.. l0011lllan............... 3 T. .1:01 Al 1:. KOe-- Ed. ..orto.1Hoard of prlsuuers....' 21 CO C. 1.co".10....... Trani .................. 6 30 P. Alci'.:oleo Laborer ,....... ... 6 10 t+ 1E1,4140 le.... Assistant assessor 1U0 10 Du 6.gttu & Kaue...0ils, broom‘, etc10 15 L. Lindenberg....Touts............... 9 32 Sutedley Mauulac- 111110' co 11••palrinttengines et 63 4l 41 1'. 1i. Halpin .... .ilt!l Bran : ud ay... 99 Joseph Geiger . ..ltepuuiut; city (:all27 43 . hos 11,- ren;:.....Saw ing wu,.d 24 35 The Tra.EcarA4t,Blaukstationery is 5.1 3u to B. E. 1.inehan....Cement Headflyd Bros & Hitcbees.. • Gratp.9 aid covers..... 41; 40 A. GasserBrick .... .............. 24.2 13 Haut !C. CarverBlank, stationery 2 50- J. T. K 31t'n4...... ttacording plats6 0U Feiguson 13ros....G:ts fitting• 13 70 0 W. 11. Knowlto ..Street car (tre 0 Ed. 1larkett......Clketitlu around mar- ket ar- 1 35 S in Collies ;, 2 70 1 70 cilia EaganFlanna ''.. 1 33 Julia Eagan" „ .... 70 1I CoreoQuiiI 1 1" .1 ..1. 1 U5 AL (hili !Lill' ... • " 106 J. 111eGoltln, 1 00 James Toole ' • •' John E. llartigRepatring loci........ 2 75 Joseph Nor•tonTrunuling trees...... 11 00 Jolty S (tank Rehm ed salouu II - 33 33 F.. ScholtianPolice OVCI'COUt'...... 30 00- B. E. LiaeltanCoal.................... 90 36 IJubuq,to Nater \VaterGO3 00 l'011lpa2y...... .. ............ Dubuque Water Coin Any ........Nater 80 20 Dubuque Water C.tlllpally ..... ...\Vater ................. 204.0 . James Levl.......Netting Pier & ACkerinan.lce..... • 18 uu Ship( y & Bau- man Veterinary services... 1.0 64 Peter lt. MartinTestlug lire steamer.. 15 0 Lager & S101tuHorseshoeing Hardie & Scharle.Yriuting bonds12 00 Dubuque Water , Co npaoy .Water for fountains... 337 111 W. (L 1u: ............. 11 60 J. W. Wittmer, Jr.Drugs Dubuque (tubber & Belting Go...Rubber coats.......... 48 15. Dubuque Cabinet Makers' AssoCla- 11'11 .............Curtalns and ftxtures. 57 20 192 List of City Warrants. 13. D. Linehan.... Repairing tools... J. & A. M. 'irex- ler 011 and matches....... John (:anahl Repairing tools...... John Harney Repairing tools....... T. J. Conlin Livery................. Ed. Ryan.. improving 13.oad St.. Geo. W. P':u•IcyImp. Garfield avenue. Chas. SteuckLnp Garfield avenue. Jos. Haupert imp. Harold St Dodson & Schoen- thal....... Imp. Booth St Dui uque Wooden Ware C • Lumaer................. Standard Lumber company Lumber Jones Bros........ Engine house 16 • The TEI.Ru1tA1'H Advertising ....... The Herald . 1'lie'fimes" The (41abe Iowa Iron \Vurks.ltepairing engine.. •• it • t. Diamond Jo Line. Waste. J. W. Witten r..Ir.Drugs. . . Duggan & li.4ucGil................. Kopsa & hies Poiice overcoats. . Ke) City Gas CuOas................ Dating. e Cabinet Makers' Asso- ciation Lumber W. G. \Vatters.... Hay ....: Star Electric o..Elect'le light 61 Globe Eight and Heat Co...... Ga. -Wine lights J. & A. M. Trexler.Oats A. Gi•317 ....Pees A. 11 ei'n ..........Brick Dubuque Pressed 13iick Co.. Brick Dubuque Water Company........ Water Dubuque Water Corn pan). Water Dubuque Water Company Water ............. Steuck & O'Far- rell. .Imp. 24th et, eet. .....imp. Prince scree. . Lup. Regent street •. • A ley... , Cain & Sehoeuthai.lmp. alley........ Williams.. At .11c - Cann Imp. Dodge street.. . Williams & Mc- Cann.... Imp. Dodge street . . Harry ProctorImp. Alma street uc Stek & O'1''ar rel l Bro\1'i1 & Blown.. Brown & Brown. Phil. Doe' s• ..... . Alois Lange Alois Ian.) Geo. Taylor...... A. Schoenthal Chas. Steuck..... Geo. W. Parley.. Jos. Hauuert H. B. Gniffke.... Imp. alley__ ........ Imp. Seminary street. .Imp, Seminary street. .Lnp. alley ............. lilt'. alley . .Itup. 22d street .imp. alley .Liu' Booth street .Imp. Garfield ave. .Imp. Garfield ave Imp. Harold avenue .Money advanced 11 61" 46 61 66 46 M. O'Connell Sanitary patrolman. John FlynnRefunded saloon 11 - Williams & Mc- Cann Grading c-Cann....Grading Dodge street. Ed. Ryan Grading Broal street: J. R. Henley....., ttldewalks Dodson & Schoen- thal , .(4rading Booth street. Chas. Burchard...11facadam.............. Dodson & Schoen. tital..............Rosetting curb on Brown& Brown ..Grading Semintreet ar; tit. Brown & Brown..Grading SeminarySt.. C. kl. white & Co, Ref tinned interest..... MTs. Jot in Tr'oy... Loan ... ..... ......... 5 30 2 15 38 40 22 80 12 00 500 00 455 91 2907 178 88 91 28 4S7 55 2 50 17 82 200 00 21,0 00 200 00 103 00 100 00 1 0 (h) 75 00 29 15 29 15 29 15 50.1 t0 500 00 185 50 1 20 4 7u 60 105 0) 95 40 2 23 10 40 500 00 500 00 425 6i 300 00 6 05 2 75 04 40 47 90 500 00 500 00 360 00 100 5) 1. 2 67 3) 56 69 23 20 72 500 00 119 43 44 10 196 77 01'0 00 392 39 40 75 40 70 23 16 n3 04 135 00 5'5 7:) 72 88 `t9 80 500 00 500 00 482 95 315 6) 159 84 51 00 25 00 207 00 258 51 16 22 61 70 1 87 15 70 500 00 153 18 58 33 500 00 " " 61 Dubuque Co. Bank " 66 11 16 First Nat'l Bank. Loan 16 St 66 u •. .. 66 61 66 .. 11 •• 41 11 14 61 61 fib 66 .................. " a •• .................. Firetnan's Fund Association " ... .... .. .. M . Loes..... . Labor.... ........... ... 1 . M. GaudoltoRefunded salooni- cense..West • Ryan Gradin 4 est 15th St Ed. Rsan Ed. Ryan 46 " J. Albrecht Macadam...... All. -n & Mohan'• J. liaven,dorf" T. Bargeman " J. Heuer.......... `• 1'. Sewer .. C. Beyer.......... •. J. Beyer'.... ..... •` ..... .......... ..... uu ;err.... " C. ............... .1. Bottoms 11 E. Braser W. P. Briggs M. Burchard...... ............... W. Btieluw..... ... M. Burke It. Burns T. Burns V. Burns C. Burchard .. M. Burchard...... .Jus. Bakey........ " R. Cocem " James Cahill `4 Cain & Connolly" .J. Campbell " James Carroll J. Casper " ............... O. r olllgnon " Col ins & Flanni- ga n Conrad & Co F. Conn ad & Cu loin. Connolly Connelly & Car- ney........, Corbett 1\ ally A. Ciumpwell.... W. Ci-u..pwell.... C. Carton L Dax.. .. J. Deggendor•t P. 1)ewpsey lntes:e O Wilde J. Dougherty L uau & lien - neatly. C. Elleman \V. Emmert Lrsheu & Quirk F. Farber C. Faunon 11. Farrell F. Pellbaum Geo. Fe. bar H. Ferris.... John Fix C. Fraesch N. Pnth (J. Props I). Fi'ommelt Fred. Gallow Del. (.ague Geo. Gow... J. Gillespie M. Groff John Giesler T. Hackney 64 64 Si 66 ,4 u " 61 16 /. •• 11 1. 16 " 16 500 00 235 09 50110 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 5000 50 Un 500 00 500 10 500 00 51000 500 00 500 (.0 501) 00 500 00 50000 900 00 500 00 500 0. 500 00 50) 00 4m 00 4 25 25 (.0 50 00 50 00 04 93 21 00 43 50 17 u0 16 00 21 00 5 01 1750 17 00 500 11 (0 10 00 15 03 7 0 17 (10 17 00 21 00 5 00 17 00 17 00 500 17 00 7 00 14 00 9 50 21 00 11 00 13 00 8 59 17 00 10 00 24 00 4 00 8 50 10 00 4 50 17 00 25 50 5 5.) 9 00 17 00 17 0. 11 00 2.350 17 00 28 50 ....:..:27 50 17 50 19 60 10 00 17 50 12 50 6 0) 17 00 8 50 5 50 25 00 1451 17 0(I 17 00 1i 511 10 0) 14 00 17 (81 12 00 List .of City Warrants. 193 C. Hollernan" Ed. Hackett T. Hackney T. Hent " Herbert& Medal. A. H. Heinelder Ambrose Hud M. lielvick..... U. Heuser .... F. Hollnagle...... ............... Hird & Brady 1', Jacobi A. F. Jaeger J. 11. Jell.s,.n O. Kolleuberg.... A. Kaesbauer.. A. Kalil/maim.. J. Hauler[........ P. Keene.......... 6. .. John Kelly John Kelly „ T. It they .....'Jo, Keuoeally & ,,a• . hill.... .... ..... J. Kearns '' ............... J. Klaes66 A. Krtlucky J. Kohler .......... 1'. Kramer " Theo. a robe64 Y. KroKesKle00 .. W. Ktelow . M Lilack..... Lacey & Gr•w" Peter Latz " A. Leidenger " A. Mackert Johu Meloue James melloy " A. Wande,schled. " J. Morose " A. martin O. Meckentletg" F. Menzel.... """' Herman Meyer... •. ... Peter Mlhm.... 40 Conrad Miller.... ••••••••••••••• H. Mrax......... .. Mullen & Dorsey. " 1'. McCabe....... ............... McCaffrey& Misr- ring tavr11ig Ed. McDermott W. McUermot 1'. MOLtery McLaughlin& Jel bsou.. .. .........- N. ..N. McPolaud " MtPoland & Wil- liams ..... '•. Nank & Smyth M. ruten....... ............. . Y. Ne small. .. ........... Fred, Neyes•••••...... Nick & Decker, Tilos. U', onnell James O'Shea Parker, Roy & 66Otto A. Prieb• 011 .. James Purcell.. M. Quinlan..... •••••'•••'•' Y. F. Qu nu. Jr... P. Quinn, Sr W. [Henan H. Ramus. .•••••.•.. '1. 1 ottermau•. n6 F. Itodlon.. M. Reis... ..... .. Ed. Ryan.. Jacob Schorr .. N. Schroeder J. Scherrer.. ....... bchiltz & Jellison. "' Fred. Schulz" •••••'••....... H. Scbwaegler .. .............. W. Swaeglel•...... .. W'. SOharL........ .. J. Siete..... „ 11. Speeht ., Spies &Co ..... ••••• Spear, Carney & .. coCo—._. ., M. Sullivan .. .......... Mrs. Sullivan Dan. Stl C " .............. Sul & livan Corbett. O. Sumpter ..... , L. Sutherladd.. . N. Sweeney 44 64 64 " „ kb 14 I,0 12 011 3 50 4 .0 34 u0 17 1,0 u UO 12 011 2 00 17 00 20,0 17 25 50 95 60 7 00 17 00 21 00 23 50 18 50 7 ,.,j 21 00 2 00 11 50 16 00 a 00 1850 20 W 13 50 17 00 17 00 800 9 00 1,1,0 9 00 21 W 4 30 60.00 12 011 2 75 lu 60 17 l0 30 00 17 110 21 40 21 00 8 00 1.s 00 34 00 21 .0 R. Taber & Co 11. Tapeuthen.. 11.'rippe, Sr 11. Vaud, rift C. Vutceut %Yeas & Welt. Weirs JWhxieu Ed. Winkelman Geo. Wetter" Yates & Ke Ily` Join) Wand r tcli.Commissioner......... 1). W. Linehan,' ,• " ............... C. l:elrsteck....... .••••.••••••••• 66 " u 2600 4 00 2000 6 50 17 50 14 50 17 00 6 044 10 00 10 00 30 OU 6 00 600 6 OJ I hereby certify that the foregoing 19 a t tie and correct Ilst u' all warrants issued by me during the inenth of January, 1894. T. .1. COONEY, City Recorder. N Ittc.I t 3 a wer Oon rectors. Seated proposals will be received ,It the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Ia., no to 4 o'ctoek p. ni. Saturday, June 2d, 1894, fur tarnishing all material and labor gut butl,Ullg tripe sewer.' 115 follows. ac- cording In 11 1111• geld specifications on tile in sai.i , thee. viz: An 8•tnch tile pipe ewer on Julien avenue from alley west of AIpule sir e1 to Alison place. Estimated length, 1.830 I.•et; 7 manholes. An 8•u.cu lite pipe sewer nn Walnut strut a,•,1 West 11th street and Prairie street. E•nma eii length, 1,200 feet; four maul notes, line tiu•h tank. Au 8 inch the pipe sever in alley west of C. n er Pince. Estimated length, 350 feet, two 1111111 h„lei. H1duers to eu,nish a bond of $200 with hill that contract will be entered into it ay. acted. 'Cue city reserves V eHi ht to reject any or all toils. 5.25 6t City Engineer. 7 50 Notice of Sale. 11 W 1 will sell at public auction to the best 42 50 bidder for c•,sh, on the 2nd day of Junee 1894 at 2 o'clock p. in. at the public pu 33 50 of the oily 01 Dubuque, on Elm street, net- %) Ito ween 14th an(l 15111 streets, the following 17 00 im•,nuuted annuals to -wit: 27 059 weighs abOtte out 1,600 pounds, idsn hOtie ,, and is a IittI12 years e 17 t0 knee sprung. JOHN RAESI.E, B W City Marshal. 13 60 17 00 Dubuque, May 28, 1891. 5t 17 00 Notice to Oontraaotors. too 60 Seated proposals will be, received at my 21 U 00 (Mie up to 4 p. m. of Monday, June 4th, 21 8 50 1894, for improving Fifth avenue from 17 011 Adams avenue to the south line ,f Jansen's 24 ,0 sub. according to plan's an 1 speciticallons 17 Illi 1ow on, hie in in t• ofllee. 210 The lollowing is the estimate of said ••1 Un work: 7 Grading—Cut, i 1,400 cubicc yards. 2550 Fill 25 60 Curbing -1,076 lineal feet. 16 :,0 Guttering -720 square yards. 5 011 Macadamizing -1,650 square yards. 451 7 00 00 Bidders lutist state the price per lineal 1 17 00 foot for rat ut e, and andprlmacadamizing, uare 16 5I1 yard for guttering 17 0' grading to he bid in gross sum. 1160 0 Bidders must give a good and sufficient 25 50 bond of 82101 that they will enter Into con- tract, it awarded. 40 0l Proposals will be acted on at the next 17 00 regular session of the city council to be 10 50 held June 4111, 1894. as600 oil Blanks for bidders wilt be furnished by 11 511 the recorder. 'Che city reserves the right to '1'.ect all bids. J. COONEY, 291 00 re 5.24-101. City Recorder. Adjourned Reiolor Session, June 18th, 1894. 195 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, June 18..b. 1894. rubber grades, the rubber hose being old and in inferior condnmu, and Whereas, The city of Dubuque has but two tire companies. of eight men each for service with steamers in actual use, leav- ing reserve steamers practically useless, and hereas, The water system of Dubuque is entirely low preasure system; therefore, be It Resolved, That the city of Dubuque be urged to put every engine Into tirst-class condition at once, secure two more fire companies and put the reserve engir.e in serv.c, one at,the tire chief ;tteadquarters, and the other at an advantageous point iu the manufacturing and lumber districts; that they be urged to secure not less than ten thousand feet of first-class hose with hose wagon or cars sufficient for proper service. Resolved, That a copy of these resolu- tions be presented to the mayor a:,d alder- men, with the urgent recommendation that they be given immediate attention. Respectluily submit ed, CO\I \I ITT 1t; E. The report of L. Andrew, Ph. 1)., acting chemist on the result oof analysif the s of e ache owof laterlt from the Eagle Point station was referred to the Board of llealth and his fees of $10 were ordered paid. Bids for making larger water connec- tion with the norse drinking fountain on South .linin street were opened and re- terred l'he follow gthe lbi lls were ordered ittee on fire 1paid: James Lee, cement sidewalk, Jackson park, balance rine, $34.75 James Lee, brick walk around Central engine house, $20.07. Portland Paving Co., cement walk around Central engine house, $21.74. Gen. W . Farley, improving Garfield ave- nue, $744. On motion the matter of official printing was referred to the committee of the whole. J.Newtnan J. Levi Bill of I{. Eddy, and Julien Avenue Livery on account ot the launching of the Ericsson, was refer- red to the finance committee. On motion the horse drinking fountain on W. 5th and 11111 streets, was ordered removed to 6th street, l a followingen vote: and Clay streets by Powers, ltyder,lVogel and Vogler. li, (7.). Nays—Aids. Crawford and Shea. On motion the natter or stone crossing on Almond street, was referred to the city engineer and street committee. Plans and :specifications tor salutary sewerage on Roberts avenue, and 1 alley etween W. 3rd end enelnn Place, re- ferrede to the board of health. City Engineer Knowlien reported as follows on bids for street improvements: I Lincoln avenue,from 3rd to 4th av nu s: 1,545 1,400 907 1,858 1,299 1,090 OFFICIAL. Counr•,il stet at 3:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger 10 the chair. Present—Aids. flutter, Craw ford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, rowers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion bids for the improvement of streets and alley were opened and referred to the engineer for computation. PETITIONS. Petition of Louis Vogt, et al., remon- strating against the improvement of Elm street from Sanford to 23d street was read. On motion the rules were suspended and Louis Vogt addressed the council in rela• tion to the above (natter. On motion the petition and bids for the improvement of said street were referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Chas. Fosselnian et al., ask- ing that three feet of the sidewalk off the north side of Providence street be vacated was referred to the street committee. Ald. Crawford moved that the sidewalks on Almond street be laid four feet in width. Carried. The following petitions were granted: Petition of A. Mueller et al. for exten- sion of water mains on Eagle Point ave. from Windsor to Stanford ave. Petition of .John McCaffrey for two years' time to pay special sewerage tax was granted at 7 per cent. per annum. Petition of B. E. Linehan for construc- tion of sanitary sewer on Water street from .Jones to First street extension. The foliowiug petitions were referred to the street committee: opening of Petition of ,. W. Upton for op.e Riley through lot 11, Deming & llorr's sub., to connect \\'Mona ave. with Pauline street. Petition of Francis Jaeger et al. ni rela- tion to sidewalk on west side of Walnut street. Invitation of the citizens' committee ask- ing the council to attend a Fount' of July celebration was accepted. ednatty et al. asking of Joseph that the sewer now being constructed on Julien avenue be extended up Hill street to the alley between W. Filth ftreet and the alley north of W. Thirst street, thence up said alley to Pauline street was re- ferred to the sewer committee: that Petition 01 C. C. Taft et at, asking Mr. Michael Connell be appointed a police- man on the hill was referred to tate mayor with power. Recommendation of Fire Chief Reinfried to relation to equipping a new engine com• pany at Centras engine house, also asaittg that the city purchase more hose, was re- ferred to the mayor and tire committee. The following resolutions adopted at a meeting ot the tire insurance adjusters at the Julien were read and referred to the committee on tie and water and mayor: Whereas, We find that the city of Du- buque has but four steam engines, two in active service and two for reserve, and, Whereas, One of said steamers is entire- ly disabled, another is not in good condi- tion at best. leav- ing but one engine in first-class coo lit un, and Whereas, the city o[ Dubuque is provid- ed with but three ahs usand between tof hose. cottoh and divided about eq 3' John Williams Con. Ryan Sr Dubuque Construction Co Frank Bentin Geo. W . Farley Steuck & O'Farrell Peter Dorsch On motion the contract was awarded to Frank Bentiu. Ann street, from Lincoln to lttiomberg avenues: 81,026 Erank Dentin 1,267 Steuck & O'Fat reit 1,5'21 Geo. W. Farley 1,316 Phil Doerr 1 330 John Williams 196 Adjourned Regular Session, June 18th, 1894. Dubuque Construction Co 1,269 ()n Motion the contract was awarded to Frantz lieptin. 23rd ntr et, from Jackson to Elm streets: $716.00 658.6, 727.00 747.00 Steuct & O'Farrell 680.60 Adolph llabekron 716 00 Geo. W. Farley 731.8(1 Con. Ryan, Sr 735.90 John Williams 694.00 On motion the contract was awarded to Peter llorsh. Pauline street, from W. 5th to W. 4th streets: Wm. Sheridan $270 00 John '1'ibey 434 40 Geo. 1V. Farley 47l 60 On motion the contract was awariied to Jonn Tibey he being the lowest respon- siole bidder. Alley from Foye to Ellis street between Almond and West Locust street: Win. Sheridan $206 00 John McGrath 709 20 Norton & Norton 659 20 John Parker 730 40 Geo. W. Farley 752 40 Brown & Brown 679 30 11. W. Cook 639 00 John Williams 732 3U C. S. McGovern 760 40 Steuck & O'Farrell 694 20 John O'Brien 625 40 On motion the contract wa awarded to John O'Brien, he being the lowest re- sponsible bidder. EESOLUTIONS. AId. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That an eight inch sanitary tile sewer be constructed in and along Water street from Jones street to First street extension, that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary plans and speeitications for said improvement, the cost of construction of said sewer to oe done at the expense of the owners of adjacent property. Adopted uy the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann; Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water Co. be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Eagle Point avenue from Windsor to Stafford avenues, and that water plug, if necessary in the judg- ment of the fire committee, be placed on Stafford avenue, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Water Co. a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. AId. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the clty engineer be, and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specification for a stomp water sewer on Washington street from 7th to 8th Street, and submit the same to the city council. Ald. Lillig offered the following: • Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk, 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Elm street, between Eagle Point avenue and Rhomberg avenue,where Aug. Lang... Peter llorsch.. ;'hili Doerr E. E. Frith not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- man. I,iiltg, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays— N one. AId. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuqne: That High Bluff street, between Stafford and Schiller streets be graded, guttered curbed and macadamized in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the eerfoniance of the work, the guttering, cui biug and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lititz, Powers, ; Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following which was unanimously adopted: Resolved. 13y the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That we gratefully ap- preciate and tender our thanks to the fire departments of the cities of W aterloo, In- dependence, ;Maquoketa, East Dubuque, Clinton, Galena, La Crosse for their gen- erous response to the request of the mayor for aid and for their proffer of aid to sup- press the tire at the late disastrous con- flagration which occurred in our city; and, Resolved farther,'1'hat the thanks of this council is extended to the fire department of this city for the grand, faithful and skillful work done by them at said fire; and our further thanks are extended to the of- ficers of the different railroads in the city for their ani in bringing and offering to bring the fire departments of the aforesaid cities to this city free of charge. AId. Crawford moved that the fire com- mttttee have power in relation to the ex- tension of water mains south of Railroad avenue. Carried. Aid. Vogler moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: Recorder. Approved: 1894 Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session July 2nd, 1884, [OFFICIAL] Council met at 9:40 o'clock a. ni. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The following bills were ordered paid: Chas. E. Berry, harness $ 10 80 Dubuque Stamping and Enameling Works, signs 25 80 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, Regular Session, July 2d, 1894. 197 hose and supply A. B. Hauser, clock or tire depart- ment Dubuque Water Co., water Dubuque \V rater Co.. water 574 81 6 00 30 00 1410 00 Dubuque Water Co., water 1385 00 Ryder Bros , soda tire department26 88 Met kes t& Hasler, supplies 3 20 W. H. Torbert, supplies fire de- partment Adapts Co. supplies tire depart- 1 00 91 50 meat • Dubuque Cabinet Makers associa- tion, supplies for fire department F. Mertz, supplies of fire depart- ment Key City Iron tVorlcs, suppltes for tire department Key City Gas Co., gas for fire de- partment Ja.t. Beach & Son, oil for fire de- partment John Roehl, supplies tor tiro de- partment John Esstuab, repairs for fire de- partment 1'. Clancy, teams for tire depart- ment John Davis, lunch for fire depart- ment Rider, Wallis Co., uierehandtse.for fire department Smedley Mfg. C., supplies to sewers J. A. Rhomberg, sand for sewers B. E. Linehan,supplies for sewers lteinfried & Jaeger, supplies for 25 sewer Diamond .to. Line steamers sup- 70 plies for sewers Central Electric Co., Electric sup- 9 20 plies Fred. Scholz, black•mithiug. 1 20 B. E. Ltnehan, cement for streets95 tleadford Bros. & rtitchens, cast- ing60 for street roller A. Nageimaker, supplies ter street 1 55 Fred. Sehloz, supplies for street... 13 85 John Duggan, supplies for street. 1 00 Duggan, Sullivan & Sullivan, sup- 3 00 plies for streets Duggan & Kaue, supplies tor 25 streets street John Spear, putting up 12 00 signs Jas. Bunting, putting up street 10 00 signs8 00 Arthur Carlyle, impounding dugs13 00 Nam & Carver, printing Thos. Lonergan, assistant park 27 0 custodian Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co., 13 0 hose Geo. Bennett, assistant assessor... 100 0 Gotfried Gamble, assistant as- 100 0 sessur. Martin Hayes, delivering fur- niture5 to pest house J. W. Wittuter, Jr.. oil for police 2 7 department Standard Lumber Co.,shavtiigs for 1 5 police department 'feuded Carriage;woriii,„epairs1 0 Hardie & Scuarle, P 21 report 7 Jas. Kelly & Son. stationary DubuqueTELEORAPIU, printing18 W. G. Watters, nay for pollee de- 9 1 75 5 18 47 32 13 00 17 60 2 00 4 00 6 65 3 58 4 03 3 20 6 74 Mrs. Koenig, janitor at hall 20 00 Fire Extinguisher \Iauufacturing Co., chemical tire and engine 1,800 00 and hose wagon Duggan & Kane, supplies for hall90 T. E. Joseph, disinfectant for hall2 00 Steuck & 0' Forret!, improvement of Almond street 617 94 D. W. Linehan, improvement of 619 50 Glen Oak avenue Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement2 940 00 of Stafford avenue + D. W. Linehan, improvement of 624 30 Bnuth street Cushing & O'Multe, improvement 450 40 of heed avenue M. '1'schtrgi, Jr., improvement of 978 75 Rush street Corrance & Leven, improvement of alley east of Wilson avenue454 20 Altman & 'Taylor, improvement tit 993 40 West 14th street Dodson & Cousins, improvement 746 01 of F Brest Lane Phil. Duerr, improvement of alley Irom Humboldt avenue to Schil- ler ave Brown & Brown, improvement of 2392 50 Wildesireet E. J. Evens, improvement of Jul- ien11675 ave M. Lavin, constructing sewer in 102 75 11111 street sewer w 13. liobt. constructing617 00 Hill street t - 'rhos. Dorsey, constructing sewer in alley east of Center Place121 75 Thos. Dorsey, constructing sewer 207 73 in Julien ave Rubors E. Lee, cunstrucuug side- 157 84 walks ou Clay Robert E. bee, constructing side- 53 11 walks on Julien ave Dau. Sheehan, constructing side - 106 10 walks J. lt. Riley, cous,rucung s:de- 43 85 wants Wm. Geisheker, services as rod 40 00 man 40 Geo. W. Farley, wading 44 40 street.... Alois Lange, gra ling 22u street15 00 D. W. Linehan, grading Reed ave12 74 •68John '1'ibev, crossing stone 8 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., trick 15 00 Ald. Ryder moved that rules be sus- pended and Mr. Herron be allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. The rules were suspended and Mr. Her- ron addressed the council in relation to the resolution passed. entering sidewalk on Grandview to its easieriy terminus. On motion the engineer was instruced to suspend operations oil said sikewaik for. the.pre$e'ic' PETITIONS. 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 partmeut H. Nagelmaker, supplies for police department Mullen Bros, plumbing Geo. Wernn, rope and laoor at pest house Chas. Kulso, sawdust Peter Kiane, cleaning office. 2 6 3 3 2 50 05 75 85 00 73 35 00 00 The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. Michaei MCManoe. Ellen M. O'13at- torn, Rosie McCeneY, Merman Weber. Petition of henry Young et al. to have the water mains extended to the summit of Hill street Iran W. 3d south was re- ferred to the committee on tire and water. The following bilis were referred to the street committee: The Globe $29.15, Dubuque TELEORAPIf $75.00, Ta Thollewiogebs bilis s$29.15.e Herald were to the street committee: Novelty iron works $12.52, Smedley Mfg. Co. $857.47. The following bills were referred to the committee on claims: Trexler Bros. $11.00, Mrs. E. Mueller, $10.00, Wm. Meyer 810.00. 198 Regular Session, July 2c1, 1894. The following bills were referred to the committee on tire and water: Dubuque Water Co. $10.00, Jos. A. Palen, $9.05. 1'he following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Globe Light and Heat Co. $263.33. The following bills were reterred to the committee on public grounds and building• Angus Felter$52.75, Iteinlried & Jaeger, $1.30. The following bills were referred to the committee on supplies: Wm. G. 1Vatters, $112.60. Duggan, Sullivan & Kinsella, 83. Tne bill of William .Juergens of $5.65 was referred to the street superintend- ent. The bill of Wm. Schaefer of 81.20 was referred to the city attorney. The bill of the Western Electric Co. of $37.26 was referred to the electrical con- struction committee: The following petitions were granted: Petition of August Priebs, et al., asking that water plains be lain along West Eagle Point avenue and a hydrant be lo- cated on the corner of %Vest Eagle Point avenue and Kane street. Communication of Jno. F. Stemm, city assessor, asking that assessment on lot 132, East Dubuque add., assessed to Nicholas Steffen be cancelled as the same is a double assessment. Petition of Friedrich tichulz et al., ask- ing that the powder houses located on Kane street be removed, as the council had in 1891 ordered them to be removed, and that the proper officer; proceed to have the orders of said council fulfilled. On motion the Powder Con.pany was given thirty days to remove the said houses. The invitation of the Dubuque Seen- gerbund and Swiss Americau Club to par- ticipate in the celebration of 41h of July was accepted. The following Petitions were referred to the committee of the whole. The petition of the hey City Furniture Co., et al., asking for the location of a hy- drant near the railroad track on Twelfth street. Petition of Albert Luchterband et al., in relation to the sidewalk ou the west side of Stafford ave., from Lin wood cemetery south to hies street. Petition of J. J. Murray, et al., asking for a change of grade on Pickett street should said street be improved. Petition of Richard Schmid et al in re- lation to the grade to which Stafford ave- nue is being itnproyed was referred to the engineer and committee of the whole. The following petitions were referred to the engineer and street committee: Petition of J. H. Deggendorf in regard to macadam on West Locust street which was reterred to the street committee and not acted on. Petition of Gus Schreiber et al remon- strating against the petition for cutting down the grade of the sidewalk on Ellis street fronting lots 48, 49 and 50. Petition of A. Maybauks et al remon- strating against the proposed improvement of Elm street from Sanford to Twenty- third street. l'he following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole and city attor- ney: Petitions of Valentine Luck, Peter Schraft et al, Mrs. Mary A. Doft, Peter A. Schuler, Conrad Kuhlmann, E. H. Shepp- ley and Chas. Klingenberg, protesting against the vacating of any part of Lin- • coin avenue and the improving of the same at a less width than 48 feet. Should the same be improved at less than 48 feet they will claim damages for the same. '1'he following petitions were referred to the committed on claims: Petition of Edward Norton asking to have team license refunded as lie is not working same in the city. Petition of Bryan Donahue asking that he be allowed full time and pay for the time he lost by being disabled titrougn the negligence of a city employe. The petition of 11. Firzlott et al. to have the contract for the improvement of Elm street awarded was granted. The following petitions were referred to the counnittee on police and light: Pet own of A. 11. llemni-dder et al. ask- ing for an electric light at the intersection of Stafford avenue and Mlerz street. Petition of Phil. Link et at, in relation to a dance hall on Elm street between 13111 and 14th, claiming the same to be a nui- sance and asking the abatement of the seine was referred to the mayor with power. The petition of J. W . Norton protesting against the assessment agate+t his prop- erty for the improvement of Almond Street claiming the same was not done according to the established grade was received and tiled. Petition of Timothy Dillon, et al. ask- ing for electric lights on East Grandview avenue, remonstrating against proposed sidewalk on same. The objectiou of Agnes Langworthy against the vacation of Clara and Agusta streets and nart of street and alley was referred to the city attorney. Petition of Geo. A. Morse, et al., in re- lation to the correct line of O'Neil street, was referred to the city attorney, engineer and committee of the whole. Ald. Kaufmann moved to suspend the rules and that Mr. E. H. Sheppley be al- lowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Stieppley addressed the council in relation to the vacation of 8% feet of Lin- coln avenue. Petition of lit. Rev. Archbishop J. Hen- nessy et al., protesting against having the sanitary sewer laid from 3d street to the intersection of St. Mary's street was referred to the sewer committee and engi- neer. Petition of the Standard Lumber Co. et al., asking that city equip one engine in the new engine house, corner Ninth and Iowa streets was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Sttea moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. in. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:30 p. in. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The following bilis were allowed: W. M. Greenhow, plumbing on First street fountain, $52.61. Duggan Sullivan & Kinsella, hardware, $3.10. Headford Bros. & Hitchens Co., casting, $9.30. A. Gasser, brick, $0.00. u r'. Scbloz, repairs, $6.25. Atkinson & Oloff, paving brick, $138.00. E. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals for month of June, $232.70. McElrath Teaming Co., use of teams for fire department, $4.00. Jac Zangmeister, supplies for engine house, 87.35. , Regular Session, July 2d, 1894. 199 Butt Bros., repairs on hose cart ant ma- terial, $24.25. Reintried & Jaeger, hardware, $2.15. MattGas,, jtees, $4 75. Alexlex Gratz, justice 1 eter Olinger, painting and labor at city hail, $20.1i5. W. 11. Knowlton reported that 1). Met- calf has 33 cubic yards of macadam on West 1711 street and that the sauce was broken by John Malone and sold to Met- calf. On motion the macadam was ac- ferrett to the street cummi,tee. rented and amount be applied to his 11- grading on l eibnilso tz sreet,aifrmntate of llaro dtete . Rewest to Abbott street. Referred to street com- mittee. Also submitted profiles of St. Joseph and Jiariou street, atso of ltigi, Concord, Si 'Invite and Gandolfo streets. lteterred to the street committee. Also reported that he had examined the grade of South street froth Fremont ave- nue to Colltus street, a4 established and finds the grade uusui able. R ferrel; o street committee. Also presented plans and specifications for a sewer in Water street front Junes to Fest street, referred to the sewer commit- tee. Ald. Kauffman, chairman of the street Committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of referring the petition of Henry Mueller to the city en- gineer to examine the amount of special tax levied against 11 s property and find out if the same is correct. Report adverse to the petition of John 11. Letters asking that he be allowed to raise sidewalk o.i Peru street. Report in favor of referring the petition of Frank Jaeeeret al. in relation to side- walk on west side of Walnut street to the city engineer and street commissioner. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare it plat showing Went Fourteenth street to be ou a straight liiie west 01 Alta V.sta street and ?proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. In favor of receiving aad tiliue the peti- tion of Win. G. Lundbeck in relation to grade on Ellis street. Report adverse to the petition of Barbara lsborn asking permission to build c stern under sidewalk on Ninth and Clay street. In favor of referring the petition o[ E. M. Clarke asking that his special tax for the improvement of Ellis street be referred to the committee of the whole. ...;;l=C 1 Report adverse to the petition of 11. Neuwoehner et al., retnoustrating against the improvement of Reed ave. In favor of receiving and Kline the peti- tion of S. W. Upton, asking that the ma- terial from l'aulina street be deposited on his premises, as there is no surplus ma- terial on said street. In favor of receiving and tiling the peti- tion of James Beacon', et al., 1n relation to the extension of Oak street. Report that the grade of ,tush street has been legally establisted and find no record of the council agreeing sed by to ll up Mr. bleehan's property Report that the following streets and alleys have been examined and approved for the purpose of special assessment. Alleyfrom [ Schiller be- tweenarfieldand R humberg, Alley east of W ilio" avenue. Almond street E Booth streetEllis from 3rd Foye to street. O'Neill street. Forest Lane from Nevada street to Glen Oak avenue. •Gy north of len Oak aW venue 3rd street. from Julien avenue to al adopted. , Engineer Knowlton presented the fol- lowing: ,flans and estimate of brick sewer in street. Action postponed. Also presented plan of storm NVashington street, Referred committee. Also presented profiles of change of grade of Adair, Audubon. Dubuque, De- corah, Delaware and Dexter avenues. Re - 5.h sewer In to street reuse. ID paying 11eliebill Knight of Witt.reported Schaefer, 1$1.20. Report adopted. Also that bill of G. 11. Runyon should be paid by the county. Adopted. REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash in treasury June 1,'94 $36.671 98 Total receipts for the month tit 33,130 72 June Total Disbursements Cash in treasury Jnue 1,'41 Also reported $1,710.05 amount due city officers for the month of June. Also presented a list of coupons re- deemed during the month of .lune. Re- port referred rorderedrawn commie and city officers. Street Superintendent Carter reported $2,314.30 due for labor on the streets for theolJune. Warrants ordered drawn to pay aores and report reered to the street committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,751.65 amount required to pay firemen for June. Also the lumbo yard $214 t ire,Jutie9.e for extra men at Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay hretnen and extra help. Marshal Raesle ire reportedf$ l,6 6.60 month the amount due city 1 June. Also reported 75 police cases during the month of June. Also reported $5.00 collected for fines during the month. Also reported $14 pound receipts for the month of June. Report adopted warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Sewer Inspector lgo reported $190.60 the amount due for labor on sewers. Report referred to the sewer committee and war- rants ordered drawn top Y laborers. Marketmaster Klein reported $5.25 due city for scale receipts. Also reported $12 60 due for feeding Pr Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. TLe report of Electrician Osborn was referred to the committee on police and light and electrical construction commit- tee. The reports of city weighmasters Chas. Pitschner and Jas. Doyle were received and tiled. W oodineasurer Jas. Bannon reported $1.95 due city for wood measured during June. Report adop City Attorney Knight and Engineer Knowlton reported that the records show that Providence street as originally laid out in Cook's add. was 50 feet wide and by act of the 2ity council on Jan. 7th, 1889. was changed to a width of 45 feet and recommended that the street be improved upon the width so established. Report $69,802 70 $33,557 99 36,244 .1 200 Regular Session, July 2d, 1894. Garfield avenue from Dock to Ann ave- nue, Julien avenue from Alla Vista to Alpine street. Rosh street from South Dodge to holly street. Reed avenue from Lincoln to Rhoinberg avenue. Stafford avenue from Lincoln avenue to Lin wood cemetery. West. Fourteenth street from Atlantic to Audubon Ave. West fourteenth street from Mount Pleasant avenue to East street. Wilde street from South Dodge street to English lane. Your committee report in favor of vacat. ing 4 feet off the sidewalk on the north side of Providence street. Report adopted. AId. Ryder, chairman of thewfinance committee, reported In favor of receiving and tiling ttie report of the treasurer for the month of June. Report in favor of paying tate First National bank $15.000 on loan warrants held by them as noon as we call procure the money tor 6 per cent. In favor of bonding Kleine street for cost of improving same. Report adverse to the claims of Richard Eddy, J.Newman, .1. Levi and .Julien Ave- nue Livery on account services, etc., at celebration of the launching of the Erics- son as they received no iustruction froin the city. In favor of paying bill of the Dubuque Cornet band of $52 for music lurnistied during the launching of the Ericsson. Re- port adopted. The cotnniunlcation of W. H. Knowlton In relating to the drainage of water from Linwood cemetery near Burden and Windsor avenues was referred to the street committee. Ald. Ltllig, chairman of the committee on notice and light, reported as follows: Your committee reports in favor of pay- ing the following gills: Globe Light, & Heat Co. $268.33, Key City Gas Co. $53.10 and Star Electric Co. $1,490.40, and the auditor instructed to col- lect the amount due ;he city for electri- cian's salary andlights not lit froin the Star Electric Co. Also reuorted in favor of placing electric light on Lincoln avenue west of C. M. & St. P. R. It. tracks at the most convenient place. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing commit ee reported in favor of paying the following bills: Times Co., $58.30; TELEGRAPH, $75: National Demukrat, $50; Globe, $58.30. Adopted. Ald. Butler, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor o in- structing the engineer to prepare an esti- mate o[ the cost of constructing a storm water sewer on W. 5th from 5th street to Bluff. We deem it inadvisable to construct a sewer in the alley south of W. 5th street and west of Hill street if sewer is con- structed on Robert's avenue. Your committee report in favor ofefer- ring the communication of the health of- • titer in relation to sewerage connections to be made with private houses to the board of health. Report in favor of instructing the engineer to prepara plans and specifications for a oumeined sys- tem of drainage of Sanford street and territory north thereof with the prob- able coat of satne. - Report adopted. AId. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on lire and water reported as tal- lows: Your committee recotnmends that the petition of J. V. Ryder asking that the water mains on Seminary street be ex- tended south on West Main to south line of lot 32 L. 11. Langworthy's add, be granted. Also recommends that the committee be authorized to purchase 1000 feet of addi- tional hose for use of tire department. Also that proposals be invited from the different fire en,rine manufacturing cotu- panies for a new steam tire engine of a of a capacity of 800 gallons and with the most approved,utodern improvements, the seller to take ttie .1. J. Linehan or Sol Turk engine in part payment. Also report in favor of granting the peti- tion of Chris. Voelker, et al., asking for a tire alarm box on Seminary hill, and the fire chief have the alarm box put in at the most suitable point. Report adopted. Aid, Powers, cnairman,'of the ordinance committee, presented the following ordi- nance, wlurli was read for the first time. An ordinance amending Chapter 72 of the revised ordinances of 10893 restraining certain animals from running at large. Be it ordained by the city of Dubuque. Section 1. That Section 1 el Chapter 72 of the revised ordinances of the city of Du- buque is hereby amended so as to extend to, include and prohibit the animals men- tioned in said section from running at large in all that part of said city west of Grandview avenue and south and west of Fremont ave- nue, and the north Cascade ttnad 6, and said animals are hereby prohibited from running at large in said territory and all of the provisions of said Chapter 72 in re - gat d to the impounding of anomais and in- terfering therewith shall apply to animals hereafter running at large in said terri- tory with the same force and effect as is said territory had been originally in- cluded within the provisions and pro- hibitions of said Chapter 72 and not ex- cepted therefrom. This ordinance shall be in force froin and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily 'TELEGRAPH. Aid. Powers moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its final passage. Carried. The ordinance was then read by its title for thel,econd time. Adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillis, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. N oes—None. On motion the bids for the improvement of High Bluff street were ordered opened and read. 1'he bids were opened and read and re- ferred to the city engineer for computa- tion. Ala. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported its follows: Your committee report in favor of hx- trig the salary of the following city offi- cers tor the ensuing year as follows: City treasurer. $2,400; city reeorder, $1,400; ciry auditor, $1,400, and city elec- trician, $780, the above to be in full for all services performed by them in their re- spective offices. Report in favor of receiving and tiling the communication of Michael Ludwig and L. A. Rhomberg estate In relation to the widening of Wilber lane. in favor of receiving and tiling the peti- tion of J. Welker, et al in relation to width Regular Session, July 2d, 1894. 201 of Providence street as the width of same has been established by the city. Report in favor of iixtng the license of the Grand Opera (louse at $50.00 tor the ensuing Sear. In favor of receiving and filing petition ot the tanners ot Grant Co. Wis., in relation to tolls over high bridge. In favor of directing the city recorder to issue a venere to the clty mar+hall com- manding him to summon a jury of 12 citizens, free holders, to assess the damages that may be caused by the proposed widen• ing of Wilber Lane along the n 21) feet as shown by the plat prepared by the city engineer. In favor of instructing the engineer to make an estimate of the amount if grad- ing required to grade Alta Vista street from West Fourteenth to West Locust street and submit same to the council. Report adopted. Aid. Ryder, chairman, also reported that the committee of the whine deemed it Inexpedient at present to estabiish and open street south of West Eleventh street as asked for by Jas. Forester et al. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Kaufmann, Lillig. Powers, Ryder, Shea. Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—Aid. Crawford. Ald. Ryder chairman of the finance committee presented tee following which was adopted: holders. So also section 14 chapter 52 of the revised orulinadces of our city provides for the taxation ot stock in corporations and companies and it has been decided by our supreme court in the case ot the Equit- able Life insurance company vs. the Board of Equalization of the city of Des Moines 74111 Iowa, 178, that the stuck company of this character in the (hands of its stock- holders alone is taxab;e. A corporation or company belongs to its stockholder{ and when, as in the case of these two com- panies, a corporator has no tangible property, the company can only be taxed through its stoch.hulders. Respectfully, J. E. KNIGHT, City Attorney. Referred to ordinance committee and at- torney. Also reported that the city had a right to license all re:ail dealers in meats, &c. Re- port receive,) and tiled. Also reported that Clara and Augusta streets had been dedtc tted fur street pur- poses only and should they be vacated they would revert back to the original owners. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also pressnied the following ordinance which was referred to the ordinance com- mittee and attorney. Be it Ordatnea by the City Council of the To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: GENTLEMEN:—Your committee to whom was referred U,e matter of examin- ing and ascertaining the amount of old bonds outstanding that fall due in the next few years; also the natter of replac- ing same by 'silting 4 per cent, twenty - year bonds, beg leave to report that we have had a conference with Mr. W. L. Bradley in relation to the same. We have mutually agreed that for all old bonds outstanding that Mr. Bradley will turn over to the city, to give in return the same amount of 4 per cent twenty year bond, aiso 1 per cent commission. This agreement to hold good until Jau. 1, 1895. arrangement, We believe This is a good and if all our outstanding bonds could be exchanged the satne way, It would make a saving to the city of about $20,000 a year after the first year. (loping your honor- able body will approve the above, we are most respectfuily, FINANCE COMMITTEE. Ald. Powers moved tnat the matter of the official printing be postponed to the next meeting. Adopted. Ald. Shea, chairman of the board of health, reported in favor of the plans and specifications for a sanitary sewer uh alley between Fenelon and W 3rd street from Burch street to alley between lots 8 and 9 in Prospect Hill add, and along said alley to West 3rd street, thence along West 3rd street to St. Mary's street. Adopted. The city attorney gave hta opinion as follows regarding the city's right to tax certain insurance companies: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN: in answer to your in- quiry whether the city can legally impose a tax on the Key City lnsurance company and the Dubuque Fire and Marine Insur- ancecompany, 1 desire to say that in my opinion you cannot treat each of these companies as au individual and lax each of them as a e of this stateo its provision company. d or generaltaxat on provides for the taxation of :he stock of the corporation through its stuck - City of Dubuque: Section 1. No person shah within the Itnuts of the city of Dubuque hawk or peddle any goods, wares, merchandise, books or other articles, or canvass for orders for any such articles to he hereafter delivered at retail without tirst obtaining a hi•ense for such purpose under a penalty of not less than $5 nor more than $25. Sec. 2. The mayor ot the city is hereby authorized to license the business men- tioned in this first section, bnt no license shall be issued by him therefor at one time for a lona r period than one day, nor un- til the os- ited the lsum plicof $25 withnt treforthe alcoy treashave urer for the use of the city. Section l5 of Chapter 27 of an ordinance tttAld.tRyder ioa to toffered the folloicenses is herebwinreg resolu- tion which was adopted: Whereas, It appears that in the proceed- ings taken by the city council on Decem- ber. 5, 1892, tor the extension and opening of Fourth street from Sixin street to the westerly end of the high bridge according to the plat of the city engineer, the notice required by Section 2, Chapter 31 of the revised ordinances was not served on the owners of lots in the Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Co.'s addition owned by the Standard Lumber company, which failure to comply with the requirements of said section rendered the prucceedings for the laying out of said extension invalid so far RS relates to the right of way through and over the said lots; therefore. Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to give the personal notice to the owners of said ealin sestate, aid ection 2that at the next session of the council occurring after the lapse of two weeks [coin the date of the service ot said notice the queaton of the opening ot said improvement through said 'reacil,land theat said owners be tned are recoun- cil, required to appear before the council at that tune and show cause why the contemplated im- provement should not be made. The following resolution was offered by Ald. Ryder, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city treasurer and to demand of theaF're & Marine indirectedCo. 202 Regular Seasion ,Tiny 2d, 1894. and the Keay City fns. Co., payment of the taxes due the city as appears from the tax list of the city tor the year 1893, and in case said companies or either of them de- cline to pay the said tax .ecause the shares are not assessed as provided by taw. then the said committee and city treasurer de- mand of said company so declining a list of the shareholders together with the nember of shares of stock owned by each of said sharehn tiers c:n .fan. 1, I89. Aid. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That first avenue between Lincoln arid Rhomberg ave., be graded, guttered, curbed and macadam zed, in conformity with the ordinance upon thitt subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improve- ment. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for toe performance of the work, the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid 1n gross suet. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel, and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'J'hat Grandview ave., be- tween Southern avenue and its western terminus, be eraded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. 'That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specinca- tions for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for b.ds and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in gross sum. Referred to the engineer to give an es- timate of grading. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Pickett street. between Alnia and Cornell streets, ne graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer he and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specinea- tions tor said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the,performa ce of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property, grad- ing to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: r Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, >,iIltg, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. —.i Ald. Vogel offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be, within in days at this notice, constructed and laid 15 conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay street, between ltith and 17th streets, and Clay abutting lot in m 1-5; andi roll 1-5, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Volger. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two -such plank, brick, stone, or cement, be, within 20 trays of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on east sides of Elan street, between Eagle Point avenue, and Lincoln street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting propert y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes.—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann. Lillig Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. A Id. Shea 'offered the following: Whereas, Tne property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, subject t0 be covered with stagnant water; and Whereas, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law, to appear and show cause why said lots should not be tilled, therefore, be it hesolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the following di scribed property, lots and pars of lots, viz: 2 and 3 in E. Langworthy's add., be titled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remaining weren't. The work 1s t0 be completed by August 14t. 1894. The city marshal shall notify the own- ers of said property of the passage of this resolution in the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to fill up or raise said property, lots or parts of lots, by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and ttiecosts thereof as- ses -ed against and be a lien upon said property. Adopted by the tollowiug vote: Ayes—Allis. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lilltg, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Shea offered the following resolu- tion, which was referred to the committee of the whole: Resolved, That the eompensation of earn member of the board of health, aside front the mayor, De $50 a year, and the c dnpensation of the mayor, as chairman of said board, be $100. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That the C., M. & St. P. R. R. Co. be instructed to repair their crossings on 7th east of Washington street so that carriages and ether vehicles may easily cross over the same. if said work is not diene in 15 days the street commissioner is instructed to do the satne at their ex- pense. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved, That a combined system of sewerage be coustructed on sanforl street from Couler creek to White street, along White street to ':a1 street, and thence along alley between Couler avenue and Jackson street to 23d street, and the city engineer is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications for said improve- ments, the cost of construction of sanitary or house drainage part of said sewer to be done at the expense of the owners of ad- jacent property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler. Noes—Norte. =Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be con- structed from terminus of present sewer on Hill street and .lulien avenue to Bluff Regular Se,Qsion, July 2d, 1894. street by the most feasible route, and that thre plans nd tai specifications engineer be for the constred to uc- tion of said sewer, the cost thereof to be .done at the expense o[ the owners ot ad- jaceut property in accordance with ordin- ance on that. subject. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillie', Powers, Hyder, Saea, Vogel and Vogler. ' Noes—None. A1d. Shea offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be and .is hereby instructed to devise some plan .for the drainage of the property south of West 3rd street and west of Booth street and submit same to the council. Ald. Shea offered. the following resolu- •tion which was adopted: Resolved, That the 1. C. It. R. Co. be in- structed to till their right -of -Way on 4th street within 30 clays of this notice. In •case of failure on their part so to do the city engineer is instructed to prepare plans and specifications for doing said work, and submit same to the council. Ald. Crawford offered the following re- solution, which was adopted. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Nater Co. be and is hereby utstructed to extend their water mains on and along North Main street from Seminary street to the soutadd,tline of ancl thatla water plug be locth atedun- der the directions of the tire ccommitte and chief, the city of Dubuque ing to said t\ ater Co. a sum of money 801- ficieut to pay interest at the rate of 7 per •cert. on tue cost of pipe so'requiredi to be extened. Aid. Crawford offered the following res- olution which was adopted: Resolved, By tue city council of the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to extend their water mains so as to place water plugs in tae following places, to -wit: One on 'Twelfth street east of the St. 1'. 14. R. tracks. One 250 feet east of Pine street on Elev- • eut a street. One at the foot of Tenth street. One east of the C., M. & St. 1'. R. 11. tracks on Tenth street. One 250 feet east of Pine street on Ninth street. One in the alley norttt.of Seventh street •east of fine street, said pluglaced under the direction of the tire committee and fire chief and to be of such kind as they may determine. The city 01 Dubuque guaranteeing to said company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent. on tete cost of pipe so re- quired to be extended. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following; Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a cement sidewalk on Iowa st eaststreetsside, from Twelfth toin by E. J. Evans, contractor, special front m of and adjoining saute, a tax be and is hereby levied ontof real estatseveral e l. and parts of lots, and parcels fherinafter or the several tuaniou is edsituasetatoppo site each lot or parcel of real estate, as f tl l3 lot 457, Jno. Waters est., and ;l city: , e, 294.4 sq ft cement sidewalk at 12 1 b lot 457, 36 06 Richard !uncle, ,city: -294.4 sq ft cement sidewallgat 124c.$ 36 06 203 Frank O'Farrell, s ;3 s m 1-5 lot 457, city: 294.4 sq It cement sidewalk at 121.4c.3 36 08 . V. hider, s 1-5 lot 457, city: 16.1 sq ft cement sidewalk at 1214c..$ 1 97 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 6 - foot wide plank sidewalk on east side of Windsor avenue between Eagle Point ave- nue and Klingenberg street by .1. R. Riley, contractor, in front of and adjoining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts et lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and opposite each lot for the parcels ofl hrealestatnts e as follows: Ca•herine Schuler, lot 1 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's sub: 50N lin ft plants sidewalk at 25c $12 63 ,Ioe Fretsche, lot'. sub of 5 Stafford's snb: 30 lin etsche, lot 4, sublank sidewalk aof t o JoeFr5, Stafford's sub: 29';, lin ft plank sidewalk at 25c.....$ 7 37 .•vdopled by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Ryder, !Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, ea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kauttmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for construct- ing a 12 -foot wide cement sidewalk on west side of Clay street between 'twelfth and Thirteenth streets; contractors, in front of adjoining the same, a special tax bean tishereby fe andvied d on the several lots, parts parcels of real estate Hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Geo. Rath, s 1-5 ot lot 448, city: 710 sq ft cement sidewalk at 124c...$86 98 John Kuntz est. s m 1-5 lot 448, city: 589 sq ft cement sidewalk at 12%C, ..$72 15 1+:ugene Beintni, m 1-5 lot 448, city: 632 sq it cement sidewalk at 121 c...S76 20 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tions, which was referred to the Engineer and street committee: Resolved, That the street commissioner on Julien abe instructed to fill the venue west of Walnut street,tas the sante is a nuisance to the owners of adjacent property. Ald. Ryder offered the following .Ceso u- nion. which w1 hat the a ktteer dein s Resolved, 'ome Plan to carry off water from 7th and Jack - 8011 streets, as same becomes a uutsance int its present condition. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: con- 1'.esolved, That Brown . Brown, tractors,be made to haul some earth tilling troliver lWildek on e sante onpropertyof MrsQltath,pandro- viding same is not hauled outside distance, Provided in their coutract. Ald. Lillig, chairman of police and light, presented the . following which was adopted: To the lion. Mayor and Cttp Cotutctl: 204 Regular Session, July 2(1, 1894. GENTLEMEN: Your: committee would recommend that arc electric lights be placed as follows: One on Southern avenue near Belly's residence. Oue on Southern avenue west of Eng- lish Lane and one on Southern avenue and Grandview avenue. By so doing, 12 gasoline lamps can be removed which will made a saving to the city of 646 75 per year ou said. lights. Ald. Vogel uttered the following resolu- tion which was referred to the street com- mittee and engineer with power. ltosolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be laid on the north side of 17th street on Clay street under the supervision of the city en- gineer. _lid. Kaufman offered the following reso lotion which was adowed: Resolved, 'rind the Duuuque Water Co. be instructed to place a water plug at the intersection of West Eagle Point avenue and Kane street. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following reso.ution which was adopted: Be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, 'That four feet tie and is hereby declared vacated off of the north side of Providence street between John- son and Stafford avenues, provided that the said vacation is made on the condition that the owners of property abutti rig on the north side of sato street save the city harmless from all damages caused to their property by said vacation and that they agree iu writing to waive notice of the proposed vacation and any other provisotn of the ordinance in relation thereto. Ald. Crawford moved that the engineer and paving committee examine the brick paving done by Atkinson & Olotf to as- certain if Inc saute is perfect, and report at the next meeting of the council. Carried. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, 'That to pay for laying a six foot wide plank walk on the south side of \Vest 5th street, by Robert E. Lee, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Watters' estate, lot 2 sub of part of tot 721, city: 157 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 24'tic.$38 27 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kaufinan, Lilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—N one. Ald. Kaufmann offered the folllnwing: 1tesolveo, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a cement sidewalk on west side of Iowa St. between 13th and 14th Sts. by E. J. Evens contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on ttie several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: J. 11. '1'hedinga, Est., north 2.5 lot 461 city: 861 square feet cement sidewalk at 124c., $105.47. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alts. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Potters, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: ltasotven by the (sty Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for titling cer- tain lots to prevent stagnant water standing thereon as per order 01 the council by 11. W. Cook, contractor, ut front of and adjoining the saute, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the s neral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereritofter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set o,,- posite each lot ur parcel of real estate, as Iollows: Thos. Zeien est., n 26 10 ft lot 44, E. Lang worthy's add: Ell lit,g 233/ cu yds at 16c $37 33 Adopteu uy the following vote: Ayes—Ala. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillie, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noyes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for con- structing a brick sidewalk on Iowa and 13th streets, abutting city lot 456, by `l. 11. Shilling, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax ue and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of tuts, and parcels of real estate herennal- ter named, situate and owned, and for the reveral amounts set opposite each lot or .parcel of real estate, as follows: Emilie Ginehle, lot 1, sub of s of lot 456, city 203 sq yds brick sidewalk at 62%c$126 88 Adopted by the following vole: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, rhea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ail. Kaufmann offered the following: R -sol vett by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'flint to pav for improving Julien avenue from Alpine to Alta Vista street by E. J. Evens, contractor, in front ut sod adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied 00 the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Louisa Gaiseutan, n 150 ft lot 1, Martin's Dubuque: 123 1 lin ft curbing, 39%c $ 48 93 60 78 sq yds guttering, 39L. 23 86 216 90 sq yds macadamizing, 3tt,;, 84 59 Total $157 38 Louisa Getseutan, lot 2 min lot 81: 59 .2 lineal ft curbing, 39;;ie $ 23 53 30 87 sq yds guttering, 39.Fc 12 12 100 22 sq yds macadamizing, 39c42 98 'Total .$ 78 63 W. C. dace estate, lot 1 min lot 81: 73 0 lineal ft curbing at 39%c $ 29 01 37.18 sq yds guttering at 39% 14 59 131.55 sq yds macadamizing at 39c51 30 'Total $94 90 Academy of Visitation. pt of ruin lot 86: 56.90 sq yds macadamizing at 39c22 19 Total $ 22 19 JJohn Hennessy. lot 1 Levin's add: 190 7 lineal ft curbing at 39ac $ 75 80 93 33 sq yds guttering at 394c.. 36 63 400 00 sq yds macadamizing at 89e156 00 Total $268 43 Adopted by the fuilowiug vote: O Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Kauf mann, Lillie. Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Refill lifr Session, July 2nd, 1894. N oes—Nona. lti. Kaufmann offered the fallowing: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'That to pay for improve- mentot \Vinto street from South Dodge street to McLennan street by Brown & Brown, contractors, in front of and tie - joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot, or parcel ot real estate, as tallows: 'lint Cain Est. lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 7 min lot 45. 161 lin It curbing at 40c 8 61 4) 75 11 sq yds guttering at 40e... 3U 04 210 22 sq yds macadamizing at 42e87 29 Total 5182 73 Mary Wilde, lot 1 of 2 tit 2 of 7, nun lot 45: 135 lin ft curbntg at 40c 55244 0b00 60 sq yds guttering at 40e 165 sq yds macadamizing at 42 6d 30 Total$147 30 Mary C. Norman, w: lot 6, minlot 45: 63 4 lin It curbing at 400 $ 25 36 32 45 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 98 81 28 sq yds macadamizing at 42c84 14 Total 8 72 48 11. Ott N. Brewer, e;:,; lot 6, min. Int 45: 64 1 lineal ft curbing, 40c $ 25 64 3365 sq yds guttering4,40e 13 t 6 81 28 sq yds macadamizing, 42c 34 14 72 84 'Total Phil. Beyt11, lot 2 of 5 of nun. tot 45: 304 5 Lineal ft curbing at 40e $121 21 80 14094 sq yds guttert11g at 40c 38 378,90 sq yds mac;ulamiztug at 42e159 14 Total .$337 32 Pii 1. Bey 01, tut 1 tit 5 of min. lot $5: 00 35 0 lineal ieei curbing at 40022 15 55 sq yds guttering at 40........... 6 42 78 sq yds macadamizing at 42e.... 17 97 $3814 Total M. Lath and .E. 1fey111, lot 3 10111 Int 42: 64 2 lin it curbing at 40c$ 25 68 37 33 sq yds guttering at 4Uc14 93 131 67 sq yds macadamizing at 42e- 55 30 Total ......................... $ 95 41 Phil Be . 01, tut 4 1010 lot 45: 346 0 lineal feet curbing at 4U.r$138 40 153 78 sq yds guttering at 40c61 51 422 90 syds macadamizing at 12e. 177 62 Total$377 53 Fraucts Mangold, let 3 43cti min lot 45:til 20 140c.. 153 0 lineal ft curbing,. • • • • • • • • 61 20 68 01 sq yds guttering ...... 77 54 187 0 sq yds macadamizing, --- 166 94 Total .. lndet,eutteltt school District of Du- buque, lot 2 loin lot: 88 80 222 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 8 87 `98 G7 271 34 syds q yds acadaro ti40cat'42c..-113 96 Total.............................$24'2 23 )!'nuts N10 tomes,, Int 1 nun lot 45: 85 5 lineal feet curbing at 4Uc....... .$ 36 20 31 20 42 44 sq yds guttering at 110 00 b yds macadamizing itt 421+..- 46 20 Ad''S 47 38 opter by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lille!, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. 205 Nays—None. AId. Kaufmann offered the tnllowing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Stafford ave. from Garfield ave. to Lin- wood cemetery by Steuek & t t' Farrell, contractors. in front ot and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Linwood cemetery A'ssn, lot 4, min lot 472: 141 8 lineal ft curbing at 370 $ 52 46 63 11 sq yds guttering at 36e 22 72 173 55 sq yds macadamizing at 37c64 21 Total $139 39 Win. lfiutrater, tut 24, 0. Taylor's sub: 50 lin ft curbing, 37c If 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 36e 8 Ou 61 11 sq yds macadamztng, 37e 22 61 Total $ 49 11 \V tn. 11 .ntrttger, lot 23, 0. 'Taylor's sub: 50 lineal ft curbing at 37e $ 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 36c 8 00 61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 37•_ 22 61 Total 5 49 11 IVm. 11intrager, bot 22, 0. Taylor's sub: 50 lin ft curbing, 37c ...$ 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering, 36e 8 00 61 11 sq yds macadamizing, 37e22 61 _ Total 8 49 11 Jacob hut% Est, lot 21 0. 'Taylor's sub: 50 lineal tt curbing at 37e 8 18 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 36c 8 00 61 11 sq yds utacattantiziug at 37e.. • 2 61 'Conti$ 49 11 Jacob Katz Est, tut 20 0. lay/toes sub: 5U lineal It curoi0g at 37e $ 18 51) 22 22 sq yds guttering at 36e 8 00 61 11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 _6t Total. .$ 49 11 Helena Engler, lot 14, 0. Tay'Iot' Ss10: 64.04ineal curbing at 37e 10 148 30.223 68 sq yds guttering at 36c 45.33 sq yds macad.:mi%iug at 37c35 27 Total $ 69 83 Linwood Cemetery Association, lot 10. suuofite?.4sec 13,t•92: 80 2 `2`2 sq yds guttering at 36' 11.11 sq yds 11 , eadamtztng at 37e- 4 11 Total$ 4 91. Chas. Kuutteuuerg, lot 12, Kline .0 Klingeoberg's sub: 101 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c $4 1 g7 76 4 424 45 0 s'l yds guttering at 36e 140.0 sq yards macadamizing at 37c.. 51 80 Total.$105 44 Albert 1,uctterhaud, u 126 lee. tut 1, Kline & Klingeuberg's sub: 99.2 linealcurbing at 36cc$ 36 70 6 00 4444 sq)' 137.55 sq yds macadamizing at 37e- 50 814 $103 514 Ii Intel s sub: Michael Gwa,;K, lot L u[ 4, tia'Iger'. 116 t•, lineal ft corning at 37c$ 43 11 52.27 •q yds guttering at 36e 82 1114.22 sq yds macadamizing at. 37e6U 76 Total $122 72 Adapt Mueller, tot 10 ot 3, Geiger's 47 8ti 128.8 Int ft curbing at 37c $ `7 64 59.55 sq yds guttering at 36c 183.67 sq yds macadamizing at 37c67 1411 206 1a?eqular Session, July 2d, 1894. Total '5137 06 Adopted by the following Note. r Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, l.ilhg, Powers, Hyder, Shea, 'Vo- gel o - gel and Vogler—O. Nays—None. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Glen Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West Third street, by 1). 1V. Linehan, contractor, in front 01 and adjoining Mia same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter nagged, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Mrs. .1. McLaren, lot 4, Clemiuson's anti: 151 lineal ft curbing at 39c $ 58 89 57 sq yds guttering at 39e 22 23 176 sq yds macadamizing at 42c73 92 Total S155 04 J. A. llauser, lot 27, S. M. Laugworthy's add: 52 lineal feet curbing at 39c .e,+ 20 28 25 sq yds guttering at 30e 0 75 52 67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c22 12 Total $ 52 15 .1. A. Hauser, lot 28, S. M. Langwortby's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 19 50 22.21 sq yds guttering at 39e 8 67 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c18 66 Total $ 46 83 J. A. Hauser, lot 29, S. 5.1. Langworthy's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 19 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39c 8 57 44.44 so yds macadamizing at 42e18 66 Total. $ 46 83 Alber B. Hauser, lot 30, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 58.0 lineal leer curbing at 39: $ 22 62 27 55 sq yds glittering at 39c 10 74 62.89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c211 41 Total S 59 77 Casutt liobi, lot 12, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 153 0 lin ft curbing at 39c $ 59 67 68 90 sq yds guttering at 39; 26 87 145 55 sq yds macauamizing at 42c61 13 Total $147 67 Sirs. P. Mackin, lot 13, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 1530 lineal feet curbing at'39c $ 59 57 68 90 sq yds guttering at 39c 25 87 145 55 sq yds macadamizing at 42c61 13 Total $147 67 ,Jacob Zangnreister, lot 24, 8. MLang - worthy's add: 58 5 lin ft curbing at 39c $ 22 82 27 55 sq yds guttering at 39c 10 74 62 89 sq yds macadamizing at 42c26 41 Total $ 59 97 .Jacob 'Zangmeister, lot 25, S. 51Lang - worthy's add: 50.0 lin ft curbing at 30c $19 50 22.22 eq yds guttering at 39e 8 67 44.44jsq yds inacadatnizing at 42c18 66 Total $ 46 83 W ro. B. Bonce, lot 23, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 95 5 lineal feet curbing at 39c 37 24 14.22sq yds guttering at 39c 17 26 05 22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 39 9;► Total 9 94 98 'Phos. Burke lot 2, Cleminson's sub: 146 4 lineal feet curbing at 39e $ 57 10. 57 0 sq yds guttering at 390 22 23 182 67 sq yds. macadamizing at 42c. 76 72 Total S156 05 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford. Kauf- mann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. A Id. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That to pay for improv- ing Ellis and Almond streets by .teuck .tC O'Farrell, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, anti parts of lots and parcels of real estate here - Wafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite t ach lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: E. 11. \Vitinaben, lot 52 Cox's add: 85 8 lineal ft curbing, at 37c $ 31 75• 40 00 s9 yds guttering at 35c 14 Ou 142 55 sq yds macadamizing at 37e52 74 Total c 08 410 J. Ileukeis, lot 53 Cox add: 50 2 linea[ ft curbing, 37c .$ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering, 35c 7 51 6135 sq yds macadamizing, 37c22 7u TotaI s 49 08- W. G. Cox, lot 54 Cox's add: 50 2 lineal ft curbing, 37e .8 1857 22 31 sq yds guttering, 35e 7 81 6135 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 22 70 Total .8 49 08 Edward C. Ferris, e i; lot 55 Cox's adds 25 1 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 9 29 11 15 sq yids guttering at 35c 3 90 30_68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c11 35• Total 8 24 54 Henry t. Ferris, w 3., int 55 Cox's add: 25 1 lineal ft curbing at 37e $ 9 29 11 15 sq yds guttering at 35c 3 90 30 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c11 35 Total .$ 24 51 'Phos. Connolly, lot 56 Cox's add: 50 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 51 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37c2.2 70 Total $ 94 80 Mrs. Anna 1-lilders, lot 57, Cox's add' 47 lin ft curbing at 37c $ 17 39 25 48 sq yds guttering at 35e S 9`2 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 70 Total 8 49 01 Maria Prang, lot, 58, Cox's add: 502 1111 ft curbing at 37c 8 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 81 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 70• Total s 49 08 W. U. Cox, 101 59, Cox's add: 50 2 lin it curbing at 37c $ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 81 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e22 70 Total. $ 49 08 W. G. Cox, lot 60, Cox's add: 50 2 lin ft curbing at 37c....... $ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35e 7 81 61 85 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 70• Total $ 49 08 W. G. Cox. lot 61, Cox's add: Reiular Session, July 2(1, 1894. 2O 50 2 lineal ft curbing at 370 ', 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 81 61 35 sq yds ulat•adamizing at 37e22 70 i Total 84908 Cath. C'. Keas, gut tit, ('ox's add: 50 2 lineal It curbing at 37c g 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering al 35c 7 51 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e22 70 Total ti 44 08 Cath C.Keas, lot 63. Uox's add: 45 5 lineal ft curbing, 37c... S 1q 8 S 25 81 sq yds gu:tering, $5e 61 35 sq yds macadamizing, 37c.... 22 70 Total S 48 56 Louis Tempers. lot 64, cox add 50 2 lineal feet. curbing at 37c $ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at '15e 7 81 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e.. 22 A Total $ 49 08 Louis Tempers, e24 ft, s 10J 11, hat 65 Cox's add: 8 92 241 lineal ft curbing at 37e 10 71 sq yds guttering at 35c... 103 75 90 29 45 sq yds macaulamtznng at 337c Total $ 23 57 .1.W. Norton, e 26 ft, s 100 ft lot 65, Cox's add: :5 11 5t? 31.3 lineal feet curbing at 37c4 58 12 93 sq yds guttering at 35e 31.90 sq yds maeadauilzing at 37c31 80 Total 2791 .1. W. Norton, Int 66. Cox's ndd: • G 19 61 53 0 lineal It curbing at 37e......... 23 64 sq yds guttering at 35e 8 27 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e.._ 22 70 Total $c0 58 John G. Sulker, Int 11, liuettrt s sun: 50 2 lin It curbing at 37e S 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35e 7 SI 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e22 70 Total$ 49 08 1)all. Norton, lot 10 buettel's sub: 5.2.2 lin ft cul bung at 37e 3 19 31 19.64 sq yds guttering. 35c 6 87 53.17 sq yds macadamizing, 37c 19 til 50 2 lin ft curbing al 37e S 18 57 22131 sq ds guttering at 35c 7 81 61-35 sq yds macadamizing; at 37c22 70 Total 5 49 U8 \\'m. ,nlholdt, lot' 9 Cox ado: 50'2 Inn It curbing at :17c 8 18 57 al q its guttering al :1541 7 81 61 35 sq yds macadamizing ;it ::7e22 70 Total... $ 49 08 Mary ziucl:cr, lot 30 Cox's add: 50 2lineal ft. curbing at 37e S Pi 57 2231 sq yds guttering at :1:n' 7 51 61 35 sq yds macadamizing at :17c2_2 70 Total ` 49 05 Lizzie Fanning, w '. Int :11 t'ut'; add: 25 1 lineal feet curbing at :174. j 9 29 11 15 sq ds guttering at :154. 3 9u 30 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c11 35 Total 5 24 54 Mary Butler, e I, ue 31 Cox's add: 25 1 lin ft curbing at 37e 59 29. 11 15 sq yds guttering ;11 35, 3 90 30 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37e11 115 - Total $ 45 85 Kate Lundbeclt, e 24 it lit 23 Cox's add: 39 6 lineal It curbing, 37e $ 14 65 18.22 sq yds guttering, 35e6 38 51.33 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 18 99 Total3 40 02 Jos. Markwuutl, lot 24, Cox's adal:, 18 57 50 2 lin ftcuruing at 37c•7 81, 22.31 sq yds guttering at 35e 61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 37e_ 22 70 8 49 08 : Total W. (1. Cox, lot 25, Cox's add: $ 18 57 502 lin ft curbing, 37e 7 51 22 31 sq yds guttering. 35c. : 22 701 6135 sq yds macadamizing, 37c Total $ 49 08 W. G. Cox, lot 26, Cox add: 50 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c..... •$ 18 81 7 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35e 61 35 sq yds macadan,,zing at 37c_22 70 $ 49 08 Total Cux ;add. Joseph Hendrick, hat 27, 50 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c.... • • •3 18 51 7 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 61 35 sq yds macdannztng at 37c...3 22 70 Total. ...... ... .... S 49 08. C. 51. liuettel, lot 28 Cox add: Total $ 24 54 John Barrett, o' I s lot 32 Cox's add: n . 25 1 lin ft curbing at 371 09. 11 15 sq yds guttering at 35c 30 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c11 35 Total :s 24 54 Catherine C. Kea-, e'-.. tot 32 Cox ;lad: q 25 1 ilu it curbing at 371• 11 15 sq ytlz Wittering at :15 •. 3 90' 30 68 sq yds macadamizing, 37e 11 35 Total 5 24 54 Catttau'lue C. Keats, W n gut 38, Cox's add: $ A 2N 25 1 lineal it curbing at 374 • 11 15 :41 yds guttering at 35' 3 911. 3U 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 11 35 Total$ 24 54 Rosa Cadman. e j3 lit 33, Cox's add: 25111n ft curbing at:.7e $ `I "9- 11 15 so yds guttering at 35 c :1 1111 30 68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c11 1:, $ 11 51 '1'ota1 \\'. G. Cox, lot 34. Cox's add: 50 2 lin tt curbiag at 37, s1:• 22 31 sq yds guttering al 3u,: 7 81 6135 sq yds macadamizing at 37e-in Total 87117-08 \V . G. Cox, lit 35, Cox's add: 50 2 ureal ft curbing at 37e $ 18 57 22 31 sq yds guttering at 35c 17 81 61 35 :q yds macadamizing at 37ea0 Total3 49 08 Moritz Vollmer, lot 36, Cox's add: X18 51 50 2 Ian ft curbing at 37c 7 51 22 31 am yds guttering at 35c 61 35 sq yds Macadamizing at 37c22 70 'Total $ 49 05 G. 13. I luecxels, w '/•lot 37, Cox'sttdil:9Q 0 25.1 lin ft curbing at 37c1 11.15 sq yds guttering at 35c... 8 3 9 30.68 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 11 35 Total S 24 54 Mrs. 'Thos. 5lurray, e % lot 37 Cox's 9 d: 25.1 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 3 90 11.15 sq yds guttering at 35c 30.68 sq yds macadamizingat 37c 11 35 Total $ 24 54 W. G. Cox. lot 38. Cox's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbing, at37c $ 18 57 208 Regular Session July 2(1, 1894. 22.31 sq yds guttering at 35c........ 7 81 61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 22 70 44 08 Total W. U. Cox, tut 34, fox's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbing at 37c $ 18 57 22.31 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 81 61.35 sq yds macadamizing at 37c_ 22 70 Total... $ 49 08 W. U. Cox, lot 40. Cox's acid: 50.2 lin ft curbing at 3lc $ 18 57 22.31 sq yds guttering at135; 7 81 61.35 sq yds macadatnizuig at 37c_ 22 70 Total $ 44 08 Adopted by the follong vote: Ayes -A Ids. Buller, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lilhg, 1'owers, Ryde-, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler -9. Noes -None. Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the bids for the improvement of High Bluff street: el 334 Phtl. Duerr C. 13. McNamara 1.636 John Parker 1,478 Steuek & O'Farrell 1,294 Geo. W. Farley 1 437 John Tibey 1,506 Dubuque Construction Co .. 1,439 Aug. Lange 1,318 On motion the cuu ract for improving High Bluff was awarded to Steuck & O'Farrell. Bids for the improvement of Eltn street were read as follows: Geo. W. Farley $1.567 00 E. E. Frith 1.873 00 John O'Brien 1,656 60 Peter Horscn 1,510 00 Phil. Doerr 1,714 00 Steuck &O'Farrell 1,815 00 A. Haberltorti 1,721 00 Kiene & Bender 1,631 00 John Williams 1,588 00 August Lange 1,689 50 On motion the contract was awarded to Feter Horsch. Ald. Ryder moves that the street super- intendent and engineer proceed and have Lincoln ave. east t.f the C„ 51. & St. 1'. It. 11. track, near Eagle Point, fitted up to grade. Carried. Aid. Shea offered the following: NV hereas,The city council of the city of Du- buque deems it expedient that the follow - described property, lots. and parts of lots should be connected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drainage etc., Therefore. Resolved that the owners of the following described propety, be in- structed to make proper sewer connections therewith, said work to be done within 30 days from this date. In case of neglect or refusal of the owners of above described property to make the proper sewerage con- nection by the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property as follows: B. J. O'Neill, city lot 80. 13. J. O'Neill, city s 15 lot 79. Rev. i. Burke, lot 78a. 13. J, O'Neill, city u to 19 6 ft, lot 78. John Sullivan est., city s 22 1 ft, lot 78. John Phelan, city n 2 6 tt, lot 78. John Phelan, city lot 78a. John Phelan, city s 10-12 ft lot 77. Watters & Co., city and % n 30 2 ft, lot 71. Mary Wilde, city and % n 80 2 ft lot 77. Wm. Wilde, city and1/., n 302 ft lot 77. Ryder Bros., city lot Ths. Ryder Bros., city 8156 ft lot 74a. Coates & Watters est.., city Int 74. F. Mangold, city s 3-12 ft lot 73. F. Mangold, city s 20 1t lot 70. Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, city n 28 ft lot 70, James McDonnell, eity s 20 6 ft lot 69. A. Levi est., city n 44 ft int 64. 1t. \Valler est city and ,s Iii. 7 ft,lnt 68. C. 11. Eighmey est city and 4 s, 63.7 ft, lot 68. Arthur.MCCatln, n 11-42 ft, lot 68. Arthur McCann, city s? of lot 67. 11, A. Rooney, cit v n34 of lot 66. Jacob Michel, n ; of tot 64. Mrs. J. 11. Tnedwga, city, n 11 ft of lot 62. Mrs. J. 11.'1'hedinga, city, s 12.6 ft of lot 61. .1...J. Dunn, city, s m 14 6 P of lot 61. Win. L. Bradley, city, 1nt 751. \Vm. L. Bradley, city, s 21.4 s 34 of lot 750, Wm. L. Bradley, city, s % of lot 748. Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, city. lot 59. Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, city, s 7.2 ft of lot 68. James Kelly, ci'y,sm21.6ftoflot 58. Arthur O'Malley, city, u m 20.6 ft of lot 58. Rt. Rev. John Hennessy, city, s 38.8 ft of lot 57. 13. Kestler est, city-, n 12.6 ft of lot 57. 13. Kestler est, city, s 8 2 and 75 ft of lot 56. Wm. F. A.. Coates, city, s 16 feet lot 52. 1Vm. F. A. Coates, city, n % lot 53. Dr. \\'in. Watson, city, n an 33 Leet lot 52. Mrs. M. Levens, city, n 2.2 feet lot 52. Mrs. Al. Levens, city, lot 51. J. H. Shields, ciiy, lot 50. • 51. M. Ilam, city, lot 44. Waiter Cox, city, a% lot 48. Mr-. A. P. Lewis, city, lot 46. Mrs. A. Levi, city, nj lot 43. A. and E. llacket, city, 42, 42a and s 8.2 feet lot 41. J. C. Johnston, int., city. n 43 feet lot 41. Mrs. F. E. Moser, int., city, n 43 feet lot 41. Mrs. Otto Junkerman, city, n 26.2, s 46.8 feet tut 467. M..I . church, city, n in 100 feet lot 467. Mrs. A. 13. hood, city, n 17.1 feet s 2-5 lot 467. Mrs. A. 13. hood, city, s 17 feet s m 1-5 lot 46i. A. Christman, city, n 41.2 feet ni 1-5 lot 467. Mrs. Anna Otley, city s m 51 2 ft, lot 471. 11. Cox, est., city n fn 56 10 ft, lot 471. W. H. Peabody, city n 1-5 ft, lot 471. Mrs.M. Wilson, city 5 2 ft. m 1-5 ft, lot 472. Mrs. M. Wilson, city s?; n in 1-5 ft, lot 472. Jos. Herod, city n 34 n m 1-5 ft, lot 472. Jos. Herod. city n 1.5 ft, lot 472. Jai, E. Morton and A. \V. llosford, city n 40 ft. lot 82. C. Bradley, city n w 20 ft, Int 83. Mrs. Ann Murphy, city n 20 It. lot 83. A. A. Cooper',' city w 74 1t, lot 81. E. \V. Alnee, city lot 85. D. W. Lenehrn city s 44 ft, lot 86. Geo. Stemm, city n 20 3 ft, lot 85. A. A. Cooper, city lots 87 and 88. John Reineck, city lots 89 and 89a. .Pat Ciark, city, part lot 90. J. 11. Carroll, city, pt lot 90. John Babcock, city, n 217 ft lot 90. John Babcock, city s 283. tt lot 91. J. 13. Glover, city n 35% ft lot 91. 01101./00 1 Official Notices. 209 1 . 13. Glover, city Int 92. ; 13. Laken, city lot 93. t !Staples, city city nit 13 ft, lot 90. Geo. M. Staples, John Lstgeh. city lot 98. ltetiry Ricker, city s 3.. 99. John F. Conant, city 11 ;:;, lot 99. F. A. Gnittke, city e 20 It lot 100. ' D. 11. Conyugham, est. city lots 754 and 755. Michel 0' Bourke, city lot 147. A. Tredway, city lot 119. 1)r. M. E. Connolly, city lot 148. t3 Miss M. D. Lorimer, city s 16 Lt lot 159. Enitna Clark, city in 22 2 ft Jut 159. E. M. Woodworth, city s L-5 lot 476. J. 14. Lull est., city s m 1-5 lot 476. 1). N. Cooley est., city n s lot 476. John Flanagan, city m 1.5 lot 476. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes -Aids. Kauftuann, Powers, Shea, and Vogel.. Noes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Ryder and Vogler. Aid. Crawford moved that when the -council adjourn it does so to meet July 19 at 7:30 p. m, Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that Atkinson Sr, , due ten tor tf be ater improvement Le of lain street. •(iarrieil. Aid. Powers moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: By so ding you will avoid trouble and expense. JOHN RAESLI, 6-28-10t. r "i City Marshal. NOTICE. 1'ttblie mai,,,, is 11ereby given that at the ses- sion held ton Iie i•iiv t i0 ;Ili dayscil of of Julie, he 1894,otheitf ltbuue tollow- ing special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that In Case owners of the property so desire they can pay the assessment in seven annual equal install- ments, the first installltieaat being due on the date of levy, and the Last installment six years from date of levy, all bearing interest at the rate of 6 to pay all it once per cent athetannum. etotore can Parties Io so wishing the case of failure to pay all or any part of the assessment at the end of six years from date of levy the property will be advertised and sold. Dated at Dubuque this 25 11 day of .June, A, D. 1894.1:\ll'1 KE, HENRY 11. Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. 1894. SIDEWALK NOTICES. For improving alley from Windsor Avenue to Stafford ven e, betrg ween' Garfield and • Name and Des. Lot. Amount Daniel Seldnatz, Cooks add...... > j - $ 26 o0 do do 10 25 23 do do ; 25 23 25 23 28 59 du 15 28 59 (soli. Srllwaegler, dodo l0 25 23 do da, do II 49.6 ft. 17 23 88 Geo Fink, do s 2.6 ft178 5 do 25 23 do do 10 do 17 16 John L Decker, do n 35.6 ft 20 8 lrJ 11 U Decker est, do s 16.8 ft 2211! 20 oil do do Geo Buehler, do J M Ltlltg, do do Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be withal 15 days of this make. constructed and laid in conformity withthe or,ttuance in relation .to sidewalks, on each side of 1:randview ave, be- tween Southern Avenue and i s eastern term- inus where Dot already laid, at toe expense of abutting property. All plank walks must be laid with pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid -crosswise on four by four inch string- ers, sixteen feet long with joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. 'There must be two stringers for a four loot walk, three for a six and eight foot walk. and four for a ten or twelve foot walk, Stringers to be sup- ported every four feet with brick or stone. Green plank must not be used. Adopted June 4th, 1894. -6-23-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Liquor seller$. CITY MARSHAL'S OFFICE, Dt;Ruy notified that rt to 8second You are hereby installment of your city license becomes clue July 1st, 1894, paid b ou are notified that the same must y said date, or you will lay yourself lf i p. for nothselling ventoxi- • yo your sating liquors, if you do license. Do not wait to be called upon any more, as it is my duty to see that the sante is • daid when due. For improving Elm street from Rhomberg Ave- nue to Eagle Point Avenue. Henry Mueller, sub 19 1. Kuiest's 1 163 00 sub............................... Henry Mueller. sub 1 n 1-3 of 99 L 32 98 11 Laugworthy's add..........•• 1 E .1 Schilling, sub 111 1-3 99 1. 11 1 88 GG Lan6worthy's alts 1-3.. J. J1 Mrs J Perryo ,1 88 55 Langworthy s add Mrs N Geissler, sub 1 of 98 L JI 167 25 Langworthy's add 1 N 11 schtlllug and Chas It Meyer, 1 9 01 sub 4 of 11 Kuiest's sub.. • ...... of .t Christian Uestrmger, sub and 2 of 1 of 3 of 10111111 9 of 3 of 1 11, L Kntest's sub........ M0110 and 2Webc of 3 of 11so, nI20f 1 of 3 . Kuiest's' sub.. ...... ..... ..... St John's Lutheran church, sub 2 of 2 of 3 0110, 1. Kuicsr's sub.... 1 J M Miller and C ltelfsteck, sub 7 1 of 9, L Kuiest's sub .............. J M Miller and C Iteitsteca , sub 2 1 part of thin lot 315 ............... Acton 13aunlhover, sub 3 of u 2-3 of 100, 1, 11 Langworthy s add..... 1 Anton 13nutnhover, sub s 1.3 of 10J L 11.L8hgwortry's add, e hf..... 1 m 11 Deent, sub 1 of it 1.3 99, L H S Lang worthy'sadd............... John Scharff. sub 6 of 98, L U 1 Langwot•th p,'s add.... f 97, L 1[ John Scharff. su, lauhwortby's add ............... 1 City of Dubuque, sub 97 L if Lang - worthy's add, s to ft n 32 ft...... J 11 Muellerile, sub 4 of 97, L 11• LangworthY'8 add........ • Barbara Roberts, sub 1 or 2 of.3 of 1 10, L Kniest's sub. ............... Conrad Fuchs, L 11 1.augWOttlY's LG add, n lrf......................... 5 65 82 50 163 65 25 54 19.1 23 97 80 44 18 44 27 21 05 28 46 16 59 16 09 80 05 10 3G wit. -210 Official 1Yoticea. Peter Scharff, sub 3 of 97, L 11 Lnugwortoy's add... 1 30 63 I. I.bnhardt, sub 1 of s hf 96, L 11 langworlhy's 8(1d..,,.,.. 2 46 94 J L II f an¢ b orthy's add (except r south 1(0 fret' 1 07 05 J tC 1' 1' 4; rode, sub e or 95, L 11 J.allil'13ul'1 IlV'3 add s 100 feet 1 100 43 For improving Stafford Avenue from Garfield Avenue to Linwood Cemetery. Third Presbyterian church, 1)rei- bllt0e's ad(1...................... .11111u \Vie1lner, 1)reibilbie's add.. ('has k 'iii r. do .... \Lary 1!o2r111e, do .... Frei Lem/, do .... .1 'Al (.illi, conk's add... (; 14•14w:444gler, (10 .... 1M., 111.ss, (10 .... Mr. )1 Lehman. do n 34 ft.... .In do 11 h1 1 154 50 10 151) 94 17 152 75 32 152 75 43 107 25 14 154 45 15 152 33 42 152 56 43 152 38 70 152 38 For the improvement of Lincoln Avenue from peed Avenue to second Avenue. Fred Watkins, \let'raney's 1st, mid 109 13.68 Thos Allen, (10 60 110 5463 .1 A lthomberg, do do 11 t 54 49 da d0 do ]1" 15:30 .51(11)11 Haul's add574 3) 84 (10 do 56 02 do (:1114:4), 3 7 G9 1 'lit'i.; Ferber, -a1 .,3 76 iso 1 5;u ]0? o. ,' l lbd, 509 10.9 84 11111'I111 Wagner, do 568 01 22 ,lo tlo u'o 61 22 \\'m l'n•ictark, do s 111'560 01 22 \T Schreiner ('inri do 505 (.1 22 1' IUask, do w ht564 :m et Chas Itreuu'r,do e ht564 au rl -John Recuts, do L9.( rt A Melte, do 56Si 37 B M Robinson, est (10 4r0 ii 57 do do 4aa ss,? (lo do +:.. (1)22 du do477 :;;It I' Ithomherg, iso a .1 A lt.hoclberg, (10 61 22 .1 Itueg uuer, et al do rt 22 00 do 1e5 40 1' ]them erg, d0 113 1t12 :3:, d0 do 451 53 76 A Klavitter, (1045 57 A (4(1111'. d0 ... .1 rite 173C9 Fred ]tololt, (l0 . . 4i30 44 33I0 #'l no \1eCraney's 1st add. 72 98 Win. Blucher, 10 do 73 54 41) H. Aur der. do do 74 84 33 For improving Dock Avenue from Ilhomberg Avenue to ltarlleld Avenue. Ina. School District, Jlceraney's Ist add ........................... 44 185 85 P Olinger, 111cCraney's Ist add.... 27 221 37 1) Savers, do do 45 238 53 Wm Watters, do do . 26 120 92 For the iulproventaut of Ellis and Almond Streets. (' \lorrissey, Dorgan's sub ........ 3 40 41 Barbara Flick, do ........ 4 82 09 (;e0 A Ferris, (to 5 59 17 11 0 Hetherington, Cox's adtl...... 42 59 17 do do 43 5!) 17 Mrs 11 13 Hetherington do 41 1 17 Wm Lundbeck, do 45 5e 17 C A Ferris, do w hf 40 :. c0 Anton'1'rleb, do w hf 47 7•a 17 Gustav Schreiber do w lif 48 :11 1; J 11 Lundbeck, do w ht 49 59 17 ('Cath F Fawkes, (lo w lit 50 23 36 30110 Clark, sub 1 do 1 1'43 74 l' Ford, est sub 1 do 46 16'82 Wet M Davis, (10 72 76 R H Sheppley, do 3 72 78 Amanda Norton, do 4 71 83 Wm (1 Cox, do 5 53 59 For improvements of Dock Avenue from Lin- coln Avenue to ltliomdergK Avenue, and from Garfield Avenue to C.. h1. & St. Y. R. R. Gus Wiedner, sub 80 and 81, Me- Craney's 1st sub... Julia Rnomberg, sub 80 and 81, Mc- crauey's 1st add .............. . Chris Lohrmae, 11c('raney's 1st add. Wadd5 Watters, 11cCraney's 1st Peter Guenther, Mcl'rauey's 1st add....... ...., ....... 451; 454 ....... 453 1 88 62 3 60 58 63 149 55 82 149 01 62 149 98 J A lthomberg, McC'raney's 1st add........, pt 8 175 66 C.. \1 8t St. P. 1L It.. Co., Me- 15Craney's Ist add pt 8 54 John I.eicht, Mel'rauey's 1st add pt 9 134 64 C., M. &St. 1'. lt. 11. Co., .5IcCra- ncy's let add pt 9 34 13 For 11n3u•ovin4 Kline street from West Eagle Point Avenue to Klingenberg Terrace. Fred Ihde, Marsh's add w hf 63 88 48 388 JOelllll, Mai'sll's add, w ht.,62 70 41 Ed Carney. K lingenbera's 4111 sub 1 174 80 Mrs (lhris Mathis, Siege's sub 1 131 62 Mrs Cruris Mathis, 8lege's sub13 207 54 Notice to a01e3rak Contractors Sealed proposal will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, lova, un to 4 o clock Thursday, July 5th, 15111, for constructing 2 -inch plank side- walks. as follows, where not already laid, A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Grandview avenue between Southern ave- nue and its eastern terminus. An 8 -foot wide sidewalk in front of w 50 feet, e 113 feet, city lot 608, on West Third street. A. ti -foot wide sidewalk on north side of West 'Third street between St. Mary's street and Burch street. An 8 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of sixth street • between Clay street and White streets. An Soot wide sidewalk on west side of \\'trite street between Fifth street and titlt street. An 8 -foot sidewalk on south side of Eighth street between Clay street and While street. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on south side of West fifth street between Alpine street awl Nevada street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of 1Valnut street between \Vest Eleventh street and .Julien avenue. 6 -foot wide sidewaltt on south side of West Eleventl] street between Spruce street and Walnut street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Almond street between Ellis street and Foye+ street. A 1 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Elul street between Eagle Point avenue and lthomberg avenue. A ti -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Khoutber1 avenue between Middle avenue and Stafford avenue. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk abutting lot 10 Jungles odd on Hhomberiz avenue. A 6 -foot sidewalk on west side of lthonr herr; avenue between Ann avenue and Reed evenue. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of ithomberL avenue between steed avenue and Fust avenue. A 6 -toot wide sidewalk on both sides of Rush street between South Dodge street and Apple street. A 3 -foot wide sidewalk on east side of Grove 'Terrace between llth street and 12th street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of $100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or alt bids. \V. 11. KNowLTON, 6.27-6t. City Engineer. Vocation Notice. DUBUQUE, Ia., June 20th, i394. Notice is hereby given that there is an application on file in the office of the city recorder of the city of Dubuque asking the city council to vacate the following street and part of street and part of alley: Official Notices. tion to sidewalks, on the north side of 3rd street, between lowa street and Clay street wh .re not already laid, (also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be neeessary, alt at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side of Fifth street, between Iowa street and Clay street where not already laid, also ng old curb pssary, new be neceralt ttatg Ube expense as abutting property. Resolved by the Cit' Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 f et wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be within thirty days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordt- na""ce in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of 6th street, between lowa street and Clay street where not already laid, also new curbing and nesell tin ehe xpo expense of old curb as may be necessary, abutting property. Clara street and that part of Augusta street which is bounded on the west by lot 17 and on the east by lot 16 in A. Lang• worthy's subdivision and also that part of an alley lying west of Augusta street, bounded on the north and west by lots 1 and 2, and on lhe v south by lot 17 in A. Langworthy s Notice is also given that any person having any objections to the proposed vacation of said premises will mgke said objections in writhig and file the. same with the city recorder of i)u!nque on or prior to the 2nd day of July, 1894. 6-20^w •C. .1. City Recorder. Notice to t)og u•wners. You are hereby notified that gout license for 1891 is now past clue and must beaid at art to comply once. A. abovetorder lure itwill subyour ject you to the penalties of the ordinance on that licensed ttvill ce imprisone'and all xand ds not ealt rowh it according to law. JoIIN RAESt.E, -6-4-20t City Marshal. 211 Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. of July 2,1, 1894, for the improvement of the tollowing streets in accordance with plans and speci- fications now on file in my office, viz: High Bluff street from Stafford avenue to Schil- ler avenue. till 700 cu. Grading cut. 700 eu. yards; •yards. Curbing 1.600 lineal feet. Guttering 700 sq. yards. Macadamizing 2,000 sq. yards. Bidders will be required to furnish a bond act of liObegenateretinti fawardedt.iin- Blank bunds will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on atha session of the council to be held July 2, 4. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. T. J. COONEY. 6-19-10t. City Recorder. Notice of Vacation. Notice is hereby given that there is now nu file in my office a feet plat shoff owing the prsouthd- po-ed vacation of 8% of Lin^olr, avenue uetweetr Cuuler avenue and White street. ob'ections to All persons having any J said proposed vacation must the said order b- jections in writing with the city reco •on or betore July 2nd, 1894. CoovEi', 6-21-10t.• City }recorder. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feetwwihde, of good brick, stone or cement, be, al days of anis notice h thettordin ante in laid in conformity with relation to sidewalks, on the eastside of Iowa street, between 4th and 5th street, where not ,!ready lain, also new curbing and re-settingltt theot dcurb as expensenofy abutting nec- cessary, property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two i nen plank brick, stone, or cement be, within fifteen days of this notice, constructed and laid in contormlty with ttie ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Walnut street between \Ves tieEleventhal street and Julien avenue ready laid, at the expense of abutting property. Relveu by the cityi lewalkil of 6 feet wide ocity f Dubuque: i : lank, brick, stone or of good two-inch p cement, be, within 20 days of this now with ce constructed and laid in conformity the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Almond street, between Ellis street and Foye already laid, at the exstreet where penseofabutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, by chess not e or cement, be, within 15 days constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, abutting lot l0iat lthe texpenseot abutting where not already lard, property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 6 feet owidene , of good two-inch plank, brick, o cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity the ordinance in relation 1 si ee between the west side of Rhomberg where not I\liddle street and Stafford ave, already laid, at the expense of abutting property. SIDEWALK NOTICES. b the CityCouncil of the City Resolved Y of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, tills notice, constructed or 'an laid in dayswith the •rdivaoce in relu- tionconformity to sin w on with sides of Iowa street, to sitweeiI , hernottalready dlaid, also and4th curbing and resetting of old curb as may be nec- essary, all at the expense of abutting propert y. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 8; tees wide ide of good brick, stone or cetnent, he, • in days of this notice, hcthe ordinance in and laid conformity open . Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet we der of good two-inch plank, brick, cement, be, within 15 days of this:notice, constructed Me ordinance it n relation to sidewalks, d laid in conformity w 011 the west side of I honiberg aveuue be- 7212 Official Notices. tween (teed street and Ann street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Hessoived by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this nonce, constructed and laid in confortnity with the ordii,ar.ce in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Eighth street, between White street and Clay street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of gond two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 15 days of Ihis notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in .relation t, sidewalks, on the west side of \'bite street between Fifth street and Sixth street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, T'ltat a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of goon two-inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Sixth street, be- tween Clay street and While street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutt- ing properly. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good twc-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West llthsireet, between Spruce street and Wal- nut street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good two -Inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in coufurmity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side of llth street between Main and Locust streets, where not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abut - property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement be, within 30days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Bluff street between 'Twelfth street and Thirteenth street, where not already laid; also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abuting property. Adopted by the following vote: Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or eetneit,be,within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side 01 Iowa street, between Fifth street and Sixth street, where not already laid, also new curbing, and resetting of old curb. as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good brick stone or cement, be, within l5 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of \Vhite street between 'Thirteenth street aid Fourteenth street where not already already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30, days of chic notice, constructed anti laid in conformity with the ordinance itt :elation to sidewalks, on the east side of Clay street, between Eighth street and Ninth street where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, alt at the expense of abutting properly. Resolved by the City Cot:ncil of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, be. within thirty days of this notice, constructed and IaiU in confi.rmity with the ordinance in reiation to sidewalks, on the west side of Locust street, between 1st aid 2nd streets,whete not already laid,also- new curbing and re -setting ot old curb as niay be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, scone or eetnent, be, within. 30,days of Ih s notice, constructed and laid to conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on east side of Locust street betweeen; Second and Third streets where not already laid, also new curhing and re -setting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all at the expense of abutting prop- ert y. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque„ That at sidewalk 12 feet wide o[ brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within 30 days ot this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east stile of llluff street between First street and Jones street, where not already laid, also new curbing and re- setting esetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 ft et wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side, alks, on the north side of West Third street, be- tween St. Mary's street and Burch street, where not already laid, at the expen: e• of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 nays of this notice,, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the W. 50 leet of E. 113, of city lit 608 on W. 3rd street where not already laid, at the exense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick stone or cement be, within 15 d tys of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with. the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the south side of (Vest Fifth street between Alpine street and Nevada street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, 'That a sidewalk, 6 leet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, he, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with. the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of \Vest Fifth street, be tween Alpine street and Nevada street Om' ial Notices. 213 where hot already laid, at the expense ot abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of he City of Dubuque, That a kudewaik 6 feet wide, of t'oou 1 v .I ch pl:tnh, brims, stone or cement, be within 15 days ,.f this notice, coast paled vud I:ud 111 cppfnrmuy Wit 11 ,he er:llna. co in retinue,' 1t. sidewalks, MI the west stile of 1{Iv nnbere eve., ne- t wen Reed and First avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. All plank walks toast be 1111(1 with pine, two niches thick and not less 110111 elem. inches wide, and surfaced on tine stile, crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long vitll joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes • t ead'tl intersection. There must be.twt. strine- ers for a four toot walk, three for a six, rind eight toot walk, and four for a 1.11 or twelve foot walk, stringers to be supported every four feet wiln brick or stone.. Gate plank must not be useu. Adopted May 4 h, 1894. 620-101. '1' J. CooNEY, Recorder. s[1)EWALK Nor ICE. Resolved by i ne ity Comic(' of the ; ity of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4leet wide, ot good brick, stone or cement, be, within thirty days of this notice, constructed and talo in conformity tt tili the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on tile west side of Etat street, be- tween Eagle Point ave and 'Weinberg ave where not already laid. at the expense of abutting property. Adopted By the City Council June 18, Mt. Ail plank walk must be late with No. 1 pine, two inches thick and not less t an eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long with jotuts broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. There must be two stringers for a four foot walk. three for a six and eight foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve foot wale. stringer's to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used. er20-tut T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Gantr,.otnra, Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. 10. of June 1801, 1894, for tine improvement of the following streets and aitey, In accordance wit11 pinus n my office: arPau ene streetifromcificaos Dow on Ole t W. 4th street to W. 6th street. Grading cut, 200 cut) yds; fill 475 cub yds. Curbing 5110 lineal fret. Guttering 230 square yds. pt acadant zine 440 sq yds. South % of 23I sweet street to Eon street. Grading gut, 400 Pub Curbing 600 lineal feet. Gultrrwy 260 sq yds. Macadamizing 1,200 sq yds. East %of Elul street iron) Sanford to 230 street: Cut -830 cu yds, fill— 200 en Yds, curhing-1,600 lineal feet, guttering 200 sq yds—macadamizing-2,000.: q yds. Anti avenue Dom Lowell) 11Vef1I1e 10 Garfield avelllle: (1 rill' c.ut-2,690 cu yds, f111-470 cu Yds. Cutei 11g— 00 sq 1'200 macadamizing -1,5b0 sq yds—curbing feat. Lincoln avenue from 3rd ave to 4th nve: Grading cut -9,1311 cu yds, curbing - 800 lineal feet, guttering -400 sq yds, macraltu lazing -1,500 sq yds. Alley from Ellis to Foye, bet ween West Lilco' and Almond streets: Grading ctrl -300 cu yds, n11-•350 cu yds, macadam- izdig-2,060 sq yds. freio Jackson Bidders will be required to .urnlsh bond of 8200, guaranteeing that the contract will be entered into if ltwarerl. Blanks bonus will be furnished by the recorder. Proposals will be acted on at a session of the council to be held June 18, 1894. The city reserves the right to reject any ur iii bide. '1'. J. COONEY. 6-6-1Ot Recorder. 5, eolai Assn+m-u1. Notice. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, t Dunuoult, Iowa. To the owner or owner's to the several lots and parcels of ground abutting— W Iltie street from S. Dodge street to Mc- Lennan street. (.eeu Oak avenne from Julien avenue to 1ti . 31 s• reet. Si afford avenue frotlf Garfield avenue to Linwood cemetery. Ellis street Irom W. Lccust street to Al- mond street. AI!amid greet from Ellis street to Foye street. .t 1011111 nveuue trout Alta Vista to Al- pine stege.. And to gut persons or persons or com- p:.ny having any iiii,irest in said real estate You are hereby notified that there is on lit, 1 the •.tlice u( the city recorder of Du- buque it plat of said above named streets in said city, showing the several lots or parte sot grounds abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special assess - for paving, guttering, curbing and macallamiziut.t .•f soul streets and alleys and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, for the inspection of any person, tirin nr (:empony interested in any kind to said real estate and that such firm or company having objection to the special tax proposed to ue assessed as shown by said plat. inay file with city re- corder his or their objection in writing at or before next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet the 2d day of July,W11 . KNOWLTON, 6-181Ot City Euglneer. Special Assessnievt Notice. '1'o Lizzie Fanning: You are hereby notified that In accor- dance with a resolution of the city council ot the city of Dubuque for the improve- ment of Almond street, from Ellis street to Foye street, adopted on the 4111 day of June, A. D., 1801, a special assessmeflt will be levied tar rue expense thereof of the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil. upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement. let wX31 in Cox's add owned by you being subject to Buell special assessment. And you are hereby ..unified to appear at said meeting of the euuncll. to be held on the `Lod day of Julyhave, 0 wily saidnot any should be levied. •1'..l . COONEY, 6-22-tOt. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To Thos. Zelen Est: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the filling of lot, adop1894,ted on a specials assu essment ess lentf will be will leviedele, A. d fl r the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of tie city council, upon n. 26.10 it. 41, E. Laugwurthy's add, owned by 214 Adjourned Regular Se88ion, July 19th, 1894. you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be bend on the 2d day of July. A. 1)., 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. ti•21.10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. [OFFICIAL.] Adjournea Regular 8ess.om, July 19, 1894. Council met at 8 o'clock p. in. Mayor t'ro tem. Ryder in the chair. Present—Alda. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf- mann, Lillig, rowers, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion. the bids for the improve- ment of 1st avenue and Picket street, also bids for the construction of a sewer uu W. 3d street and alley north thereof were opened and referred to the engineer fur computation. The following bills were ordered paid: August Feller for whitewashing city hall $52.75, John, O'Brien for the improve- ment of alley from Ellis to Foy street $312.70, Geo. W. Farley for the improve- ment of tiarheld avenue from Ann ave- nue to Dock avenue $182.08, Excelsior Brass works for fire hose $450, Smedley Mfg. Co. for repair of rmler $857.45, Dubuque Water ;Co. for patrol house $10 J. 11. Palen, drugs etc., for fire depart- ment $9. Chief Reintried reported $18 due for ex- tra help at the tire June 9,11. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn u, pay for help. The petition and ordinance re ating to the 9nt street Office Building company, ask- ing that the assessment on same be fixed at $50,000 per annum for the terse of ten years was react. AId. Crawford inoved that the rules be suspended and parties interested be allow- ed to address the council. Carried. The rules were su-pended and Messrs. Shields, Engler and Connolly addressed the copped in relation to the sante. Ald. Powers moved that the petition and ordinance be referred to the commit- tee of the whole and that action upon same be taken July 20th. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourns it does so to meet July 20th at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. Ald. Kaufmann chairman of street com- mittee reported as follows: Your committee report w lavor of im- proving Rush street from Apple to Quince street, and would recommend that the con- tract be awarded to M. 'I'schirgi, Jr., he being the lowest bidder, would also report in favor of instructing the engineer to pre- pare a profile showing a proposed change of grade on said Rush street from Quince to Villa streets. Also that the following streets have been accepted for the purpose of special assess- ment: West 14th street from Audubon to Mount Pleasant avenue. White street, from Sanford to 22d street. White street from English Lane to Val- ley street. Glen Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West 3d street. Report adopted. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented an ordinance en- titled, "An ordinance prohibiting peddling without a license and f'_xing penalty there - fur," which was read for the first time. Engineer Kt:owiton reported that the sidewalk on the west side of 1Valnur street has been rebuilt or made now. Report adopted. Also presented profile of a change of grade on Lincoln avenue that he would recommend. Report referred to street committee with power. Also presented plans and specifications for a sower un Julien avenue from Bluff to West 81h street. Adopted by the following vote: Aye, Aids. Crawford, llaipnt, Kauf- mann, Gitlin, Powers, Shea, Vogel and V•'e er. Nays—None. AId. Crawford moved that the fire chief be authoriz d to purchase a new gong for the new engine house on Delhi street. Aid. Crawford moved the fire and water committee have the watetine fountain or- dered to .tune to be placed on the corner Arch and St. Ambrose street erected immediately. Carried. AId. Shea, chairman ot the board of health, presented the following which was adopted: To the Mayor and Cita Council: GENTL 11I1,:N—Your committee of the board of health which has had under con- sideration for some time the quality and quantity of water furnished by the Du- buque Water company for the city and its citizens, beg leave to report that we would recommend that the lldbuque Water com- pany be given thirty days' tone to furnish the city and its citizens with pure and wholesome water, and if not, done in said time that the city attorney be instructed to commence nrue edriig.4 against said Water company o' the forfeiture of its charter tor failure .0 live uu to its contract. Ald. Vogel offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That stone crossings be laid on the south side of 19th and Washington streets, also on south side of 20th street and Couler ave. under the supervision of the city engineer. Aid. Halpin offered the following reso- lution which w as adopted: Be it resolved, By the city conncil, That an electric arc lamp be placed on Grandview avenue, midway between Dodge and South Dodge streets. Ald. Halpin offered the following which was adopted: Be it resolved, By the city douncil of the city of Dubuque, That a stone crossing be placed on the north side of Dodge street across Bluff street; also on the west side of Locust street across Jones.; AId. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water Co.. be instructed to put in and extend water mains in the order in which the city coun- cil has or may direct such improvements and that the city recorder make a list of all mains ordered in regular form as to tine date when sit ordered, and reported at Inc next session of the council. Ald. Crawford offered the following res- olution which was adopted. Resolved, That the cleaning ot vaults be discontinued until cold weather, except in cases where it is absolutely necessary. Ald. Vogel offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide. of goo,1 brick, stone or cement, be, within qrned Regular Session, July 2d, 1894. 215 d 15 in conformity with the ordin andcted e days ol this nce iila- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay where nott already lalots id, I,tnd s at the expe.2 of nse5 of ! ty abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A1tls. Crawford, Halpin, Kauf- mann, lnllig, Powers, Shea, Vogel and Volger. Ald, Powers offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: 'J'hat Dell street, be- tween West Locust and Arlington streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and e dt- mance upon that that conformity subject. 'That twith he city ntakeethebnecessarys plansyand specind ca tions for said improvement. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance ne of the work; the guttering, curbing macadamizing to he done at the exp'eose of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: pleted to bx the valuauult on sr Ayes—Aids. l'oweCrawrs, S,hea, Vogel, and 'i mann, Lilhg, and lots upon which same is situated on a Vogler. low valuation for a term of years so that Nays—None.the projectors of said enterprise may reel Ald. Ilalpnt moved that the council ap- justified in investing their money in such point the official paper for the ensuing a public enterprise. J'rilllt' RYDER, year.Chairman Commitee of the Whole. Ald. Crawford moved as an amen.linent Aid. Halpin muved that the rules he that action be postponed until the regular suspended and Mr. Shields be allowed to meeting in August. address the council. Carried. Carried by the following vote: The rules were suspended and Mr. Ayes—Aid. Crawford, Kaut!nann, Lil- welds addressed the council in relation newxotlice building inthe stoebet uerectedthe h on proposed (.0rner of 9.n and a lain. Aid. Powers unwed teat the report of the committee of toe whole be adopted. Aul. Crawford moved as an amendment ce that the petition men ifbuildi rgthe inttcommstreeueet thue granted. Lust uy the folluwtng vote: Ave,—:Ads. (ratvfu.d turd lialpin. Noyes—Aids. Kautfaittiu, L!Ilig, Pow- er., Fogel and Vogler. The vote recurring on the report of the t was adopted. CITY COUNCIL. Aojourned RPgural Session, July 2003, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at 9:20 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem nyder in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Halpin ogel Kauf- mann, Liilig, d Vogler. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole presented the following re- port: Whereas, It does not lie within the pro- vince of the members td this council to tix the valuation of the Office and {Building Men's Building to be erected on the north- west corner of Main and Ninth streets„ as said building is not erected at present,there- fore be ft, Refolved, 'That your committee would recommend to our successors in office when said building is erected and cotn- id building lig, Shea and v ,,,t, .• Powers and Vogel. Noes—Aid. llalpin, Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the bids for tta improvement of streets and laying of sewer: First avenue— y528 p0 J. 1'. Williams 422 020 9 Alois Lange 558 40 1). W. Linehan ..............' 484 20 Phil Doerr... ..................... 474 00 Frank Bodin ..... .............. • 473 00 Stench & O' H'arreli . 5'5 00 Geo. W. Farley ................... On mnllen Aiuts Lange was awarded the contract he tieing the lowest bidder. For Picket street— $570 Geo. W . Farley ................ • 570 60 Alois Lange ..................••••.. 511 John Tiby.. 80 William Cook ..................... . 560 Jno 1'. tviltianis.................. Steuck & O'Farrell .................612ded On motion Alois Lange was the contract he being the lowest bid ler. For sewer on 3rd street and alley north— 700 D. W. Linehan ........... 700 E. M. Kringle .....................'... 780 'Thos, D rsey......................... 780 51. Lavin ...................... 858 john O'Brien.......... ........ Dubuque Construction Co ........... .$1163 On motion M. i ttviu was awarded the contract ue being the lowesbidder. Ald. Ald. Liilig moved to adjourn. Attest: o• (l;T/?2 .. corder, /% ..,..,...,..1894. ` GMaycr committee Mr. Shields asked to withdraw the peti- tiuu widen was granted. Ali. Crawford moved that the plans and specitieattutis tor sewer in ituuerts avenue be approved and the engineer ad- vertise for the censiructuin of we same. Adopted by ttie lollutvrtig vote: Aye;—aids. Crawford. 1101pin, Kauf- mann, 1,1 ig, Powers. Vogel and Vog- ler. Nays—None. Ilse invitation of the National Associa- tomtecFire ati liicrineers h of to attend mayor lire emttthe an- nual eouveutiuu at Jiuntreal, Canada, Aug. 14, 1891, was refereed to the commit- tee of the wtiule. Car- ried. Crawford moved to adjourn. Attest: Ar.rove 1894 . a y c r ') 11; Q LClal NoticeB. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the City of Dubuque, held on the 2d day of .lulu, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: For constructing a Cement Sidewalk on the east side of Iowa street between 12th and 134.11 streets. .John Watters est, etty m Itf u4. 1-5 457 S 36 06 R. Hinde, city ni ht.m 1-5... 457 36 06 F. G'Farrel, . ity s lif 110 t .5457 36 (1 .1. N. hider, city s t-.5 457 1 97 For eunsil acting a l'e gent sidewalk on west side of flay street b (wren 12th and 141118L8. Geo. Nath, City s 1- ........ 487 8J 9S John Kuul,. est, en s 111 448 72 15 Eugene 111401110. city 111 1,5448 76 211 For cons(rn Ling 0 cemc111 Ridewall( on the west side of 11(4.1 str(tq between 13111 and 14th sl roots J. 11. Thedlulla, city a _' 461 115 47 For eonslructi112 a So1c44alk on the • ast side of \\' utd501' Avenue front 12(gl1 Point Avenue to Klingenhorg atl'cet. 4 ;14Icu^ne Sehueit' , sum 3 and 4, 5.;itlord's sun ... .. 1 12 63 .lo(• Fritselie, sob 5 ntallord s add 3 7 50 ,Joe Fritsch,. s:ii: 2 slanmb's add 4 7 37. For cons rue' 112.1 Silh'trtll1 011 soutli side of \1 -ea fifth street. .John Walters est, sui)city nut 721 2 38 27 For constructing a 4)ri141idewail: uu Iowa and 13(11 streets. E. Gumhle, sub city 456... 1 12; 54 For filling lot to prey 141 stagnant water run - tun, thereon. Thos. Ze(n est, E. Langwurthy's ado n 2 1 fee. ....... 41 417 33 Anil that ul ease of failure to pay lite same within I11111y days from this date, the same shall become delinquent and bear Interest thereafter at the sauce rate as the delin- quent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 25th day of J uly, A. 1). 1894. III:NItY 1). Gx1FFKE, Treasurer 1f the City 01 Dubuque. NOTIC EL 1'(14)141 not 1.•e is ( 144 .4,y liven 1heti ill 11, • ,,•s - sten of the 4 ('01111(11 11 the city I (Mani 4.r, hold on the 2,1 day o1 July, 15114, t pili 1u11.m ilig special assessments were levied on 111e l (;- tate 1 ereillaft• 1' described. and 4.11 it io C:(,• the owners of the property so desire (.lu•y eau 4,111 the assessment m 7 annual Nita! iusl ,Ilncut,, ole first installment behq due on the date of levy, and the last installment six years from date of levy, all teari,ig [merest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum. Parties wishing to nay alt at once as 111r141 lore, eau do so. In ease of fail- ure to pay a 1 or any part of the assessment at the eu11 of six years from the (late of levy the propertt'y will h( advertised and sold. uated at Dubuque this 20th d 4.y of .July, A. I). 1894. HENRY 13. GNIFFKE, Tteasul'erof the City of Dubuque. For 4.h:' improvement of Wilde street from Routh Dodge to MCL 140711 street. Lot. Ain't. Tin Cain est, 8111) 1 of 2 of 1 of nein lot 45 2 :;.182 73 Mary \Vi de, sol) 2 012 of 7 min lot 1 ........... .. 1 147 30 51,u•y l' Norman.sub mu, lot 45whf 6 72 48 11 & N Brewer, Sub 111111 lot 45, e lit 6 72 84 Phil lie III, stn 5 min lot 45 2 337 32 Phil lieyhl, sub 5 min lot 43....... 1 38 19 M hath and E lieyhl, sub min lot 42 3 95 91 Fhll Heyhl, sub titin lot 45 4 377 53 Francis Mangold, sub min tut 453 166 94 Independent School District, sub min lot 45... ^- 242 23 Frank McGuinness, sub min lot 451 97 38 For the improvement of Ellis and Almond streets. E 11 Whittuaben, Cox add52 98 49 J llael:els, do 53 49 08 W G Cox, do 54 49 08 Edward C Ferris, du e 111'55 24 54 Henry C Ferris, do w hC55 24 54 Thos Connolly. do 56 49 08 Mrs Annie [Hiders, do 57 49 08 Maria Prang, 58 49 (18 W 1: Cox, du 59 49 08 W (4 Cox, du 60 •4.9 oS W (4 Cox. do 61 49 08 Cath (' Kees, do 62 49 08 do (10 63 48 56 Louis Te:(Il(eS, do 64 49 OS (10 do e:4fts100 feet 65 23 57 J W Norton, (lo w 26 ft s 1011 feet65 27 91 J \\' Norton. do 66 50 t 8 John 41 Sutker, littettell's sub 11 -19 O4 Ihw Norton,d0 1(1 45 85 Kate Liudoack, Cox's add a 24 ft23 40 02 .1 AL•u'k ward, do 14 4:1 08 \\- (1 121X, (l0 .... 2;i (18 \\' l; ('ox, (10 ''?1i 4949 08 .4;4.+ Ilin Inch, do 27 49 08 l' AI Iluettel, do 28 49 0.8 \\' n iudholdt, du 23 49' 8 3L'u•y Sto•ket', do 30 49 08 1.17.210I arming, d1 w 111 31 24 54 Mary I:ui ler, do c ht ;31 24 ; 4 lot'in I;;urett, do w hf 32 24 54 Cath (' Deas, (lo a ItC 32 24 51 do do w ht 33 24 54 Rosa I adman, do a hC 88 24 .4 \V l; Cox, do 34 4') 113 Stu do 35 411 os 31orilz 7'nlhner, do 311 49 11s 1111 lli ocl(els, 4.10 \C lit 37 24 54 Airs Thus .Hurray, (lo a hf 37 24 54 \\' G cox do 3s 49 118 (io (10 39 49 08 do do 40 204 96 For improving Stafford avenue from Garfield avenue to Linwood cemetery. Linwood (Agnetety Assoclati011, sub null lot 472 4 11'9 39 Wm Hinlra4er, O. Taylor's sub24 4911 d0 do 23 49 111t (to do 2'3 •49 .Jacob Kurz, est, do 21 do do 49 11 20 49 I1 Helena Engler, do 19 69 83 Linwood ). emetery Association, sub m• qt' sec 13—s9—o 10 4 91 ( has Iain ieioerg, Kleine & Kling- eubel_,'s sub 12 105 44 A 1,4icht•'rhaud, Kleine & Kling- e(tgbe1 g -s sub e 126 It 1 103 59 Mieltvel Zwael(. Fu ' 4 Geiger s sou, 1 124. 72 Adaut Mueller, sub 3 Geher's sub. 10 137 06 For improving Gell Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West Third street. Mrs .1 AI McLaren, Cleminson's suub.. •... •4 155 04 .T A Hauser, 8 Al Langworthy's add 27 53 15 d0 (lo 28 40 83 do do 29 46 83 A 13 Haus'r do 30 `.9 77 cassutt & Bold, (lo 19 147 67 Mrs 1' Mackin, du 13 147 67 J Ziulnui;ter, d0 24 59 97 do do 2, 46 83 \V 13 lienee, Ito 26 94 48 Tams Burk, Cleminson's add2 1 6 05 Fur the i :,pruvemcnt of Julien avenue from Al- pine to Alt,i Vista street. Louisa (Iiesemiul, Martin's Dab, u 1.50 (14('41 ................... 1 157 38 Louisa (I ieselnan, sub o in lot 81: 78 63 W (' \lace, sub mitt tot 81 1 94 E0 Academy of Nis tat ion, part Of 10111 lot.... ......... ............, 86 22 19 .Tohn Hennessey, Levin's add 1 268 43 Nnticu (0 51duwatk ( uatrac,urs. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa. up to 4 o'clock p. m. Friday, J my 201 h, 1894, for constructing sidewalks of brick, stone or cement, where not alre 1dy laid, and also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, as foil ,ws, viz: A 12 font wide sidewalk no east side of B1uti street between 1st stteet and Junes street. A. 12 foot wide sidewalk on west side of Locust street between 1st street and 2l street. A 12 foot wide sidewaik on east side of Locust street between 2d street and 3d street. An 8 foot wide sidewalk on the north side of 'Third street between Iowa street and CI fiy succi. A 12 foot wide sidewalk on both sides of lowas treet between 3il streetand 4th street. A 12 foot wide sidewalk on the e,ist side 01 Iowa street between 4th street and 55th street. A 12 foot wide sidewalk nn south side of 5th street between Iowa street and Clay street. A 12 fent wide sidewalk nn west side of Iowa street between 5.1) street and 6th street. A 12 foot wide sidewalk on south side of 6th street berween lowa street and Clay street. south side A 12 font wide sidewalk on of 11th street between Main street and Locust street. , A 8 foot wide sidewalk on west side of Bluff street between 12th street and 13th street. ..IAn t} -foot wide sidewalk on east side of White street between l3tli street and 14th street. All in accordance with specifications on tile in said ince. Bills tor new curbing and resetting of old curb will be entertained independent of sidewalk hide. A bond of $100 will be required with each bids. The city reserves the right. to reject any or all bids. \V. 11. KNOw'L'r0N, 7-9 lOt City Engineer. 217 Notice to ~ewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, lows, up to 4 o'clack p. ni., 'l hursday, July 19, 1894, for furnishing all mater- ial and labor and building a pipe sewer as follows, according to plans and sneciftcations on file in said office, viz: An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West 'fiord street from St. Mary's street to alley between lots 8 and 9, Prospect 11i11 add., thence itt said alley to alley between West Third street and Fenelon Pince, thence in said alley to Burch street. Estimated length, 1400 lineal feet, 7 pian holes. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. rhe city reserves the right to reject any or all hills. W. 11. R y Engineer. 7.6-lOt Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be reeivehurt y, t my office up 0) 4 o'clock p. ii July 19:11, 1894, for improving the follow- ing streets according to plans and pee i - tic atins now on rile in my etlice: Picket street from Alma to Cornell streets: 1, 11;1, 100 cu. Gradin,, en 560 en. )' yds; carom!.; 70U tin. ft.; _ itteruig, 30) sq. ' 601 sc yds. yds., niaca,tatnizing, I• First avenue, from Lincoln to Ithumb2rg avenue: Grading. cut 50 en. yds., 011.503 cu. yds., ourbing 440 lin. fr,; gutteridg, 200 sq. yds., utnCali tiutzing 800 sq. yds. _ Bro idders ust statetee price t , sineal r lirice neal foot for curbing, ouare yard for guttering and nitcaduuiz ng. Grading to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a gold and suffi- cient bond of 8200 that comma will be entered into if awarded. the uon a at council to b e Meld Jul19 h,18:4,ron of c Said work to be completed un or before September lsr, 1894. Blaullsfor bidders will be furnished by the recorder. The city reservs the' right to reject any or all bids.1', J. Coon> 1, 7-6-1U[. City Recorder. i Spseial Session, August 2d, 1894. £19 CITY COUNCIL. R9sOlutions of Respect Concerning the Late Ex -Mayor Jaeger. (OFFICIAL1 SPECIAL SESSION AUG. 2. 1894. Colwell met at 5:00 o'cloca p. w. Mayor Gouger in the chair. Present—Ails. CraWWI d, Kaufmann, Lillie, towers, Ryder, Shea and Vogel. Mayor Olinger stated that the object was to take appropriate action upon toe death of ex -Mayor A. F. Jaeger. Aid. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, womit was unanimously adopted: \Vheeas, it has pleased the Almighty God in his inscrutable wisdom to remove from our midst our esteemed fellow citi- zen, Adam F. Jaeger, and Whereas, Ile served for a terin of years in connection with our city government, part of the time as mayor and part of the time as a member tit the council, and Whereas, Ile . discharged the duties of bis official station in a couscienttous and impartial manner with credit to lumself and benefit to the city, and Whereas, Ile was justly recognized as one of our most oubllc spiritedc tiiZeli . as a man of untiring energy, a everything for the furtherance of any en- terprise fur ttie good of the city, and even willing to give his tlute and set vices to any worthy charitable movement when called upon to do so; therefore be it Resolved, That iu h,s death the city of Dubuque loses one of its best citizens, a man whose sterling honesty commended him in all business relations aha whose generous nature and fine social qualities drew about hint a host of friends atwho sinh. 13e - cerely mourn his untimely t further Resolved, That a copy of these resolu- tions be spread upon the records of the council, and that they be published in the daily newspapers of the city, a copy here- of be given to the family of deceased, and that the city council attend the funeral in a bod• On motion the mayor was authorized to make all, arrangements to attend the funeral. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. Sewerage Connection Notice. Mrs. Anti Murphy: In accordance with a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Du- buque July 2, 1891, you are hereby noti- fied to make the pruner sewer connection with lot n 20 ft, lot 88. in cit' , within 80 days of this notice. A failure to make the sewer c,,nnection as herein directed, then the city of Dubuque will have same done and the expense thereof shall be assessed again the property thus connected. Witness toy hand this 14th day of July, 1894. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Mr. C. Bradley: 111 accordance with a resolution adopted by the City council of the city of Dunuque, July 2, 1894 you are hereby notified to make the proper sewer connection with lot n w 20 feet lot 83 in city within 30 days of this notice. A failure to snake the sewer connection as herein directed, then the city of Dubuque will have same done and the expense thereof shall ba assessed against the prol,erty thus connected. Witness my hand thisT 14 4. ay of July 1894' City ltecurder. Mr. 11. A. Rooney: In accordance with a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque July 2, 1894, you ate hereby notified to make the proper sewer connection with n 1-8 lot 66 in the city within 30 days of this notice. A failure to make the sewer con- nection as herein directed, then the City of Dubex- pense the eof shae will ll be assessed against the property thus coiinecte.t. Witness my hand this 14'h day of July 1894. '1'. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Contractors. OFFICE OF THE CITY GINEE1 ,t. Bids will be received at this office up t o 4 o'clock p. in. of Monday, Aug. 6, 1894, for furnishing the city of Dubuque with crossing walk stone in accordance with plans and specifications on tile in said of- fice. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. W. 11. KN ELgiueer. 8-2-4t City Mr. B. Kestter E -q: In accordance with a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City oL Du- buque, )u- notifi- edto make ttteepron r are connection with N. 12x6 ft lot 57, S.82 75 ft lot 56 in city within 30 days of this notice. A failure 10 make the sewer connection as herein directed, then the City of Dubuque will have same done and the expense thereof shall be assessed against the pro- perty thus connected. .Witness any hand this 1'. J t day of July 1894. City Recorder. R •v. 1'. Burke: In accordance with a resolution adopted by July ity2dcouncil oun ilot lou the city of Dubuy1e are hereby notified to make the proper sewer connection with lot 78a, city, within 30 das of this notice. A to make the sewer connection as herein directed, then the city of Dubuque wilt have same done and the expense thereof shall be as- sessed against th6 property thus connected.iJuly, Witness my hand tits 14th day y, 1894. '1'. J. COONEY, 7-18-15t. • City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To John Freeman: You are hereby notified that in accor- dance with a resolution of the hth City of the City of Dubuque prove - stent of alley east of Wilson avenue adopted on the 2nd day July A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the meet- ing expense heCityCouncil that the ereof upon ext regular oflots and .220 Oficial Notices parcels of land abutting on said improve- ment, a 273 ft. lot 2, Wilson's sub. owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 6th day of August A. D.1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be ievted. To Nic Eseh: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with a re+odutton of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the construc- tion of lateral sewerage in Julien avenue from West Eighth street to alley west of Alpine street, adopted on the 2d day of July, A. D., 1894, a special assessment will be levied feu the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land ad- jacent to said sewerage, lot 13, sub of out lot 703 city, and 1 of 14 sub of out lot 703 city, owned by you being subject to suet' special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 61.11 day of August, A. D., 1894, and show cause, it any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. '1'o Louis Dons: You are hereby notified that in accord- ance with resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of W. 14 h street, from Alia Vista street to Atlantic avenue, adopted on the 2d day of July A. D. 1891, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the .next ri gular meeting of the city council, upon an lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement. Lot 18 in O.tklauu ,park owned by you being subject w such special ass'ssment. Anti you are notified to appear at said meeting of the city coun- cil, to be held on the 6 It day of August A. 1). 1891, and snow cause, if any you have, why said assessment. should not be levied. 7-18-15t. T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of good trick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on :he west side of Clay street, abutting lots 261 and s 32 of 265, city where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. Adopted July 19th 1894. 7-21-10t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. bpeehil Assessment Notice. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEEIt, DUBUQUE. IOWA. To the owner or owners 01 the several lots and parcels of grouud abutting alley from Humboldt avenue to Schiller avenue between Garfield avenue and Rhotnberg avenue. Alley east of Wilson avenue to \Vest Eighth street. Booth street from West Third street to Dodge street. Forest Lane from Nevada street to Delhi street. Glen Oak avenue from Julien avenue to West 'Third street. Garfield avenue froiu Dock avenue to Ann avenue. Rush street from South Dodge street to Apple street. !teed avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rho tuberg avenue. Stafford avenue from Garfield avenue to Lin wood cemetery. West 14th street frotn Alta V ista street to Atlantic avenue. Wilde street from South Dodge street to McLennan street. \Vhite street from Sanford street to 23d street. And to any person nr persons or com- pany haying any interest nt said real es- tate. You are hereby notified that there is on tile in the oilice of the city recorder of Du- buque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of grounds abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special asessment for paving, guttering, curbing and macadamizing of said streets and alleys and the navies as far as practicable of the owners of salil abutting real estate and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, for the inspection of any person, tirrn or company interested in any kind in said real estate and that such firth or company having objection to the special tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, niay file with city recorder his or their objection in writing at or before next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet the bin day of August, 1894. W. 11. KNOWLTON. 7.23.101•City Engineer. Notice. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to sat urday, Aug. 4th, 1894, at 4 o'clock p. tn. for a new steam tire engine of a capacity of 800 gallons, the same to be of the most approved modern improve- ments. The seller to take steam fire en- gine "J. J. Linehan" or "Sol Turk" in part payment. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. '1', .1. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to S.,w,,r Cont rectors Sealed proposals will be received at the City engineer's office, city of Dubuque, lows, up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, August 4th, 1894, for furnishing all ma- terial and labor and building pipe sewers as follows according to plans and specifi- cations on file in said office, viz: An 8 -incl' tile pipe sewer on Julien ave nue from Bluff street to \Vest 8th street. Estimated length 700 feet, and one man- hole. An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Roberts ave- nue from \Vest 5th street to West 8th street. Estimated length 900 feet; lour manholes. Bidders to furnish bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any nr all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, 7-21-10t City Engineer Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, August 4th, 1894, for improving Dell street from W 14th street to Arlington street, In accordance with plans and specifications now on tile in my office. Grading, till 610 cu. ' ds.;cut 200eu. yds.; curbing,450 lin. ft.; guttering, 200 sq. yds.; macadamizing 550 so yds. retaining wall 60 eub. yds. ❑ Bidders must state the pt ice per lin. foot for curbing, the price per sq. yd. for gut- tring and macadamizing; also the price per Official Neti,ce8. 221 cub. yd. for retaining wall including cope - lug. Grading to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at a regular meeting of the council to be held August 6th, 1894. Above work to be completed on or be- fore September 15, 1894. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. T..1. COONEY, 7-23-12t City Recorder. Right of Way Notice. 10 11. W. hia Schmalz and erErnstD. ASchrmalSchmalz, hn Roeth, Win. Lenzing: You are hereby notified that a proposi- tion is now pending before the city cuun- •cil of the city of Dubuque, for the estab- lishment of a (White) street across land in which you claim an interest, as follows: A part of lots 213, 227, 228, 273 and s 274 and lot 4 sub of lots 218 and 219, all in .Davis' Farm add, city of Dubuque, lowa, a plat of which proposed improvement has neen filed in the office of the city engineer •of said city, and you are notified that at a session of the said city council to be holden at the city hall of said city, on the 6th day of August, 1894, it will be determined whether said proposed improvement tied will to be made, and you are hereby aypear before said council at said session, and show cause, if any you have, why said proposed improvement should KNOWLTON, • 7.23-]Ot not be made.WCity Engineer. -23 SIDEWALK NOTICES. Resolved by the City Council of the City • at Dubuque: That a sidewalk 12 Leet wide, of good brick, stone or cement, ne, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the west side of Clay street, between 16th street and 17th street abutting n. m1-5 .city, and n. 1-5lot 452 where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of good brick, stone or cement, be, within ilaid n confor0 days mitty wis ith theordinance d in drela- tioti to sidewalks on the east side of Elm . and Lincoln street, wwhere een riot P alreadyle laidnt ,laid, at the expense of abuttin;t property. All plank walk must be laid with No. 1 ,plank, two inches thickaa sdnot rfoced lesuns t oan eight inches wide, four Ione side, laid crosswise on four by stringers, sixteen Leet long with Joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spkes bet twoateacst ingers ttore aton. four There rfoot walk, for six and eight foot lk four and foratenortwelve foot walk. Stringers to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used. Adopted July 2nd, 1894. T. J City Recorder. •7-11-1Ot. 110 a Reg Oar Session, Arryrrst 6, 1594. 223 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Aug. 6, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aldermen Butler. Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, !Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion the minutes of the June and July sessions were approved as printed. The following bills were ordered paid: Name. For what purpose. Amount. Nic Carroll, for labor in parks 410 30 T. C. Joseph, disinfectant 1 5J Kohler, Hayssen & Co , drinking 65 00 fountain McCloskey & don, painting and ma- terial Geo. Wirten, work at parks 10 50 Dubuque Rubber ant Belting Com- 7 Si pany, hose. ex 35 A. Levi & Co., dry goons 2 2 505 B. Hayes, work at parks M. Hayes, expressing for city9 00 Headford Bros. & Hitchens, material 12 00 for sewers McEvoy & Sons, labor on sewers5 00 Frank Beutin, improvement of Ann avenue 427 50 Dubuque Construction Co., improve- ment of Fifth avenue 5 00 1 40 3 50 21. 80 S 29 13 25 6 10 9 10 B. D. Lenehan, repairing to.,ls Duggan & Kane,supplies for city hall Joe Cahill, wood for roller Novelty Iron Works,repairs on roller Key City Gas Co., coke for roller Morrison Bros., repairs on roller John Harney, repairing tools Novelty Iron Works, repairing steam roller Wm. Marshall, " steam roller Mullen Bros , plumbing Jas. Kelly & Son, stationery Palmer, Winall & Co , tax books Robert McGivern, sanitary police service for June „ for July Robert McGivern, " Hardie & ncharle, reports and rules board of health Hardie & Scharle, letter heads for at- torney Hardie & Scharle, 1:. directories. Ham & Carver, printing for engineer department Barnard, Walker & Clewell, binders for engineer department Dubuque Telegraph, printing Harger & Blish, stationery Gott Gmehle, assistant assessor Geo. Bennett Hussmann ea Lies, L. Daly, ngndmarket, April, May, June and July Duggan & Kane, supplies John Eagan, piling pine wood A. Johnson, wood P. O'Meara, pine Standard Lumber Co. lumber.. Svendson & Ott, imouer. - • • Eugene E. Frith, removing garbage t hall Mrs. Koenig, janitor a city O. Wiedeman & Co., repar'ng chairs 1 00 John E. Hartig. repairs on safe lock1 25 John O'Brien, improvement of alley 156 40 from Ellis to Foye street Altman & Taylor, improvement of 2 157 40 West Fourteenth M. Tschirgi, Jr , improvement of 1,877 85 Rush street Dodson & Cousins, improvement of 577 44 Forest Lane 8 39 26 8'3 36 15 10 15 29 00 40 00 50 00 Peter Horsch, improvement of S 2-3 of 23rd street 463 20 Con Ryan, Sr., improvement of Le- mon street 1 552 50 Brown & Brown, improvement of Wilde street 1 731 60 Corrance & Laven, improvement of alley east of Wilson avenue 124 35 Dan Sheehan, laying sidewalks 31 50 Thos Dorsey, constructing sewer in Julien avenue 329 05 M Lavin, constructing sewer in 600 03 Hill street B. Hobi, constructing sewer in Julien 63 59 avenue D. W. Linehan, grading Glen Oak avenue 152 28 Steuck & O'Farrell,grading Stafford avenue 853 95 John Tibey, improvement of Pauliva street 420 10 Steuck & O'Farrell; improvement of 1,119 69 High Biuff street Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement of 330 61 Stafford avenue. Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement of4? White street1,027 Phil Doerr, improvement of alley from Humboldt to Schiller ayes12 79 Phil Doerr, improvement of Esgle 3S4 00 Point avenue Phil Doerr, improvement of Provid- ence street D. W. Linehan, improvement of 1303 70 Booth street... D. W. Linehan, improvement of Glen 70S 72 Oak avenue Cushing & O'Mahe, improvement of 415 SO Third avenue Cushing & O'Malie, improvement of 415 SO Second avenue John Tibey, retaining wall on Lemon 44 00 street stone furnished for John Tibey, 57 00 crossings John Tibey, stone furnished for foun- tains 55 21 2 50 Gao. W W. Farley, resetting curbing... 2 5 J. R. Riley, gravel 11 75 J. R Riley, gravel SS 75 R E Lee, laying sidewalks Joseph Trieb, laying siaewaiks49 14 August Braecher, macadam 19 12 Wm. Geisheker, services as rodman40 00 Trexler Bros., gravel 121 10 Geo. W. W underli Ai, copperas S 57 50 50 John Butt, repair for fire depart- 1 90 men. Bailin Hat and Glove Co., hats for 5 25 fire department A. B. Hauser. repairing indicator for 2 00 fire department Por fire de - McDermott & Gow, pipe 25 partment for fire de- Fraatz & Clark, supplies 4 50 partment lies for R=infried & Jaeger, suppp 2 65 fire department A. Y. McDonald & Morrison rrisor fire Manu- facturing Co , supplies50 de - 92 65 partment 2 20 Thos. Collins, horseshoeing, fire dept 9 10 2 05 Key City Gas Co , coke, fire dept 2 05 Standard Lumber Co , lumber, fire 2 75 5 25 dept. 17 34 Diafiremond t Jo Line Steamers, waste, 10 17 70 43P 232 70 John Essman, repairs for rfl a deptdept 9 85 50 23 00 G W. Wunderlich, supplies, Jacob Sievers, lunch June i neon fire dept 111 OJ 11 Oil G Jeff coy & Son, Tep dept 1 10 Merkes & Hassler. supplies, fires A. Y. McDonald & Morrison,supp fire dept Shippley & Bauman, veterinarian 35 61 services, fire dept Mrs. C. JacobiRaymond, supplies. fire depchairs. etc.. fire t141 35 S50 N. Ray 40 49 Svendson & U;t, lumber, " 400 36 00 19 00 6 00 16 00 1 80 100 00 100 00 S5 2 30 224 Regular Session, August 6, 1894. Key City Gas Co., coke 16 Ex. Brass Works, labor and material for fire dept A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing, fire 11 25 dept 9 50 John Butt, repairs, fire dept Fratz & Clark, supplies, fire dept29 45 Paul Hewer, "" It 1 10 Jos A Palen, „ 3 50 P. H. Halpin, „ 4 65 L. Lindenberg, plumbing, fire McDermott & Gow, p g, 5 80 dept Arthur Carlisle, impounding dogs... 33 011 L. J Baumhover, gloves, police dept 1 10 Lear & Pfiffner. horseshoeing, " 8 00 Ex. Brass Works, dog tags 3 25 Merkes & Hasler, supplies 3 05 Novelty Iron Works, repairs on 12 52 steam roller Morrison Bros., repairs on steam roller 281 57 The bill of T J. Conlin of $7 OU was re- ferred to the mayor. Bill against Steuck & O'Farrell of $99.75 for macadam was referred to city auditor for collection. Bill of Mulgrew & Phillips of $4.10 was referred to the sewer committee. Bill of the Dubuque Water company of $1.425 was referred to the committee on fire and water. The following bills were referred to the committee on electrical construction : Central Electric company $ 9 20 Central Union Telephone 58 50 The following bills were referred to the printing committee. Dubuque Telegraph $75 00 The Herald 29 15 Times company 58 3U The following bills were referred to the city attorney and marshal: Louis F. Metz $ 60 Louis F. Metz 1 20 Mrs. Louis F. Metz 1 20 Mrs. Louis A' Metz 60 Paul Jenkel 1 40 Globe L'ght and Heat company 263 32 PETITIONS. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: May Jane Luke. Mary Ballard, Mathias Strinskey, Mrs. Mary Driscoll, Mary Mc- Manus, Salome Rupprecht, James Mc- Cracken. The petition of the Excelsior Brass Works, asking that the assessed valuation fixed by the council in 1892 remain as so placed. Granted. The communication of Assessor Stamm stating that the assessment roll for the year 1894 was complete and ready for inspection, was referred to the equalization committee. The following petitions of Adam Stoltz, Frederica Hemmings, Katherina Feller. Dan J. Haas, Herman Kuehnel, and Chas. Kreutz claiming damages for the opening of White street was referred to the street committee. Petition of John H. Letters asking for per- mission to raise sidewalk on corner Jackson street and Peru road. Petition of Nicholas Mettal, et al. in rela- tion to the drainage of Windsor and Burden avenue Petition of Matthew Fagan et al. asking to have State street extended and opened up to Curtis street. Petition of Peter Eisbach asking to be al- lowed to improve Curtis street abutting his property, under the supervision of the engi- neer. Referred to the street committee and engineer with power. Petition of M. M. McCarten, et al, asking to have Curtis street repaired, was referred to the engineer and street committee with power. Petition of Leonhard Jaeger, et al., asking 6 25 14 53 to have Davenport street opened to the full width of same from Charles street to Park hill. was referred to the engineer with power. The following petitions were referred to the street committee and engineer: Petition of Geo. A. Ferris, asking that he be allowed $400 for alleged damages on ac- count of change of grade on Ellie Street Petition of Fr. Brandel in relation to the assessment against him for the improvement of Stafford avenue. Petition of Mrs. M. P. Brauhn et al., re- monstrating against the manner in which the curb stonQ was set on West Fourteenth west of Alta Vista. Petition of Theodor Raterman in relation to special assessment against his property for the improvement of Stafford avenue. The petition of James Beach et al., trus- tees of the Congregational society, asking that Tenth street between Main and Locust be put in repair in such a way as shall seem bestwas referred to the street committee and engineer with power. On motion of Ald. Ryder the rules were suspended and all parties who desired were allowel to address the council. Messrs Ohnesorge, Wanderscheid, Jr., and others addressed the council in relation to the opening of White street. Messrs. Long. Frey and others addressed the council in relation to the improvement of Stafford avenue. On motion of Aid. Ryder the matter was referred to the street committee and engineer with instructions to visit the several localities and investigate the same. The following petitions were granted: Petition cf Timothy Flynn et al, asking that Russell street be out in a safe condition. Petition of Mary Enright, asking to be allowed to pay special assessment levied for the construction of sewer without interest. Petition of of Mel1 H. Cushing, asking that $25 paid for livery license be applied on his taxes. ❑Petition of Fred E. Spielman et al, asking that they be allowed to lay a four foot side- walk on Rush street between Apple and Quince streets. The following petitions were referred to the mayor: Petition in relation to sprinkling Couler avenue above Twenty-third street, and ask- ing that the Rbomberg care run at a slower rate of speed. Petition of Charles McDonald, asking that the sum of $16 be refunded for unexpired sa- loon license. Petition of E. Milligan et al , for an elec- tric light at the intersection of Catherine and W est Seventh streets, was referred to the committee on police and light. Ald. Powers offered the following resolu- tion, which was referred to the committee on police and light: Resolved, That an arc electric light be placed on the corner of Fifteenth and Lo- cust streets, near the new High school build- ing now being erected. The following petitions were referred to the committee on fire and water: Petition of M. Tschirgi Jr. et al., for the extension of the water mains from West Fourteenth street on Henion street. Petition of G. F. Kleigh et al., for the lo- cating of a water plug on corner of Valeria and Hart streets. The petition of T. J. Donahue et. al. for a water fountain. and also fire alarm box. on corner of South Do tge and Grand View avenue. On motion the matter of fire alarm box was referred to the fire chief and report came to the council, and the matter of water fountain was referred to the committee of the whole. L. The petition of John Glab that the Knapp, Regular Session, August 6, 1894. 225 Stout & Co. company be prohibited from piling lumber on Ninth street east of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad tracks was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of M. H. McCarthy and D. H. Mc- Carthy asking that the sewer now in course of construction on West Third street he ex- tended to the sewer on Burch and West Third streets, was referred to the sewer com- mittee. The following petitions were received and filed: Petition of Wm. Pohl et al., protesting against the vacation of four feet of side- walk on the north side of Providence street. Petition of Jos. Ruegamer et al., remon- strating against the improvement of First avenue, between Lincoln avenue and Rhom- berg avenue. The petition of Wm Clark claiming $3 00 balance due for erecting street signs was re- ferred to the committee on claims. The petition of Henry G. Young asking that money due him from Frank Eseman employed by the city be retained from his salary, was referred to the fire chief with power. The following agreement was adopted and ordered to be made a matter of record : DUBU@UR, Iowa, July 18, 1894. We, the undersigned, owners of property on north side of Providence street, between Johnson and Stafford avenues, hereby agree to save the city of Dubuque harmless from all damages to our property caused by the vacation of the north four feet of the side- walk on north side of said street, and we hereby waive notice of said vacation and any other provision of the ordinance in re- lation thereto. STIEFBOLD. D. STIEFBOLD. D. EMSLEY. EDWARD SPAHN. JOHN W. SPABN. WM. FRANK REINOEHL. CHAS. FOSSELMANN. CHARLEY NiPP. REPORTT OF OFFICERS. City auditor reported as follows: Cash in the city treasury July 1, 1E94 $36,244 71 Receipts during the month of July, 1894 25,045 14 Total $61,289 85 Disbursements for the month of 41,861 73 July, 1894 Balance 011 hand Aug. 1, 1894 $19,428 12 Also reported $1,920.40 amount required to pay city officers Also presented a list of coupons redeemed during the month of July. Adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers and report referred to the finance committee. Marshal Raesle reported $1,708.55 due police for the month of July, 1894. Also reported 105 police cases during the month. Also reported $32 amount collected for fines and tees for the month of July. Also reported $20 poupd receipts for the month of July. Report referred to the committee 011 police and light, and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Street Supt. Carter reported $2.578.20 doe for labor on streets and sewers. Report re- ferred to the street to pay laborers.committee and warrants ordered Sewer Inspector Igo reported $154 75 due for labor on sanitary re- ferred to ewercommittee rand warrants ordered to pay laborers. Market Master Klein reported $10.80, scale receipts for the month of July. Also, reported $38.40 due for feeding pris- oners for the month of July. Report adopted and warrant ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. The city electrician presented his report, which was referred to the committee on electrical construction. City Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 726 cords of wood measured during July for which $1.25 was due the city, Report re- ceived and filed. The reports of City Weigbmasters Charles Pitschner, T. J. Donahue and James Doyle were received and filed. The city engineer reported as follows: I would recommend that the cistern on Julien avenue be not filled for the present. Report adopted. Report that I cannot find that any double assessment has been made against the prop- erty of Henry Meuller for the improvement of Eagle Point avenue. Report adopted. Report that the best plan to carry off the water from Seventh and Jackson would be to construct a sewer along Seventh to Wash• ington and then connect with the proposed sewer leading to Eighth street. Referred to the sewer committee. Report that the best plan for the drainage of the water in O'Neil.t's sub between West Third street and O'Neill and Booth street would be to extend the present alley across lot No. 3 in O'Neill's sub to O'Neill street and improve the alloy. Report adopted. The communication of the engineer in rela- tion to the width of curb on Booth street and Fifth avenue was referred to the com- mittee of the whole. • Also presented profile of grade of Grand- view avenue from Southern avenue to its eastern terminus and the estimated cost of grading the same. Referred to the street committee. Also presented plat of West Fourteenth street through Levens' addition. Referred to street committee and engineer. Also presented profile and estimate of the extension of Alta Vista street from Four- teenth street to Union avenue and Union avenue to West Locust street. Referred to the committee of the whole Also presented profile of Rusk street, and also plat showing proposed new street run- ning from Rush to Valley streets Referred to street committee. Also presented plat of the proposed ex- tension of White street. Referred to the committee of the whole. Also presented profiles of alleys from Johnson to First avenues, between Garfield avenue and Providence street, as follows: From Schiller to Dock avenue, between Rhomberg and Garfield; from Johnson to Windsor avenue, between Rhomberg and Garfield ; from Johnson to First avenue, be- tween Rhomberg and Lincoln; from Wind- sor to Stafford avenue, between and Providence. Referred e eom tee Also presented plat of the proposed exten- sion of Fourth street. Referred to the com- mittee of the whole. The report of City Attorney Knight in re- lation to the claim of Catherine Welch was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Vogel moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carrried, AFTERNOON SEBBION. Council met at 2 o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion bids for the improvement of Dell and also the construction of ewerston reetJulien and Roberts avenues were ordered opened and referred to the engineer for computation. 2213 Regular Session, August 6, 1895. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance com- mittee. reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the report of the city auditor for the month of June. Report adopted. In favor of adopting the report of the city treasurer for the month of July and that loan warrants be drawn to pay the several amounts, as shown in the said report. Re- port adapted. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee report that the following streets and alleys have been accepted: Wilde street, from Valley street to Mc- Lenan street. West Fourteenth street, from Mount Plea- sant avenue to North Glen Oak avenue. Forest Lane, from North Glen Oak avenue to Delhi street. Booth street, from O'Neill street to Dodge street. Rush street, from Holley street to Apple street. Pauline street, from West Fourth to West Fifth street. Providence street, from Johnson to Staf- ford avenue. High Bluff street, from Stafford to Schil- ler avenues. American avenue, from Lincoln to Rhom- berg avenue. Second avenue, from Lincoln to Rhom- berg avenue. Third avenue, from Lincoln to Rhomberg avenue. Fifth avenue, in Johnson's subdivision. Lemon street, from Twenty-seventh street to Millville street. Twenty-third street, from Jackson to Elm street. Alley, from Ellis to Foye, between West Locust and Almond street. Adopted. In favor of improving alley west of Glen Oak avenue between West Fifth street and Forest Lane. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Deggendorf & Co, asking to be paid extra for breaking macadam on West Locust street. Adopted. In favor of postponing action on the petition for repair of retaining wall on St. Mary's street In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Karl Fatka asking that sidewalk on Four- teenth street be filled to grade. Adopted. In favor of having owners of lots abutting on north side of Leibnitz street construct a railing along said lots or fill the same to grade, so that they will not be dangerous to the traveling public. Adopted Report that they have instructed the street commissioner to lay crossing on north side of Seventeenth and Clay streets. Adopted. In favor of granting the petition of Gus Schreiber et al., asking that the sidewalk on Ellis street be not cut down. Adopted. In favor of receiving and filing the remon- strance against improving Elm street from Sanford to Twenty-third streets. Adopted. In favor of approving of the report of the engineer in relation to the drainage trona Linwood cemetery near Windsor and Bur- den avenues. Adopted. Report that. Pickett street has been ordered improved. Adopted. Report in favor of receiving and filing the report of the street commissioner for June, 1594. In favor of the adoption of the red lines and figures as the official grades of Marion, St. Joseph, Rigi, Stilmore and Gandolfo streets as shown on profile. Adopted. In favor of postponing action on proposed improvement of Lsibnetz street. Adopted. In favor of the adoption of the blue lines and figures as the proposed grades on Adair. Audubon, Dubuque, Decorah, Delaware and Dexter avenues, as shown on profile. Adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent tam committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of allow- ing Rose McCeney to pay $40 in payment in full for 1893. In favor of reducing the assessment of G. J. Henckel. In favor of allowing Mrs. Matt Wolf to pay one-half her taxes on lot 3 of mineral lot 470 as payment in full for 1893 In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Mathias Strinskey for cancellation of taxes for 1893. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Ann Turner for cancellation of taxes for 1893. Report a decrease to the petition of Henry Herancourt for the reduction of assessment for 1593 In favor of referring the petition of Turner hall trustees for reduction of assessment to the committee of the whole. In favor of reducing the assessment on lots 3 and 4, Oakland addition, to $600 for 1893 In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Michael McMahon for 1593, also iu favor of allowing her an extension of time for one year at 7 per cent to pay special tax for im- provement of Dodge street. Iu favor of cancelling the taxes of Herman Weber for 1893. In favor of receiving and riling the peti- tion of Ellen O'Halloran for reduction of taxes for 1893. In favor of instructing the finance com- mittee to examine the books of the Dubuque High Bridge company for 1593, relative to their receipts and disbursements, and report to the council. In favor of reducing the assessment of John Hier on lot 5, Cain's sub, to $1,20J for 189:3 In favor of allowing Mrs. B Joseph to pay one half her taxes on lot 140, Est Dubuque addition, as payment in full for 189:3 In favor of cancelling the taxes of Johanna McNulty for 1593. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary Stevenson on lot 139, Finley, Waples and Burton's adnition for 1893 In tavos of allowing Ars. Mary Rubeck to pay one half her taxes as payment in full for 1593 In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Mrs Eliza Hughes for cancellation of taxes for 1593. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Margaret Donahue on south sixteen feet of city tot 122 for 1593. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Adam Krees on lot 57, Harris' addition, for 1893. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Chas. F. Atkinson for refunding of taxes paid for years 1592 and 1893 In favor of reducing the assessment of John Olinger on Boulevard addition to $15,- 000 for 1593. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of the Eleventh Street Elevator for cancellation of taxes for 1893. Ald. Crawford moved as an amendment that the prayer of petitioners be granted. Lost by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Lillig, Powers and Vogel. Nayes—Alds. Butler, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Halpin moved that the recommenda- tion of the committee by adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—Ald. Crawford, Lillig, Powers and V ogel. Regular Session, August 6, 1394. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following bilis: Dubuque Telegraph, $75; The Herald, $58 30; The Times company, $29.15; Globe Printing company, $29.15. Re- port adopted. Ald Lt11ig, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following bills: Key City blas company, $47.10; Star E:ec- tric company, $ L.490 4u; Globe Light and Heat company, $263 33 Also report in favor of poptponing action on the petition for electric lights on the east side of Grand View avenue. In favor of postponing action on petition of A. H Hemmelder et al., asking for an aro electric light on Metz street and Stafford av- enue. In favor of receiving and filing the report of the city electrician for June, 1894. Report that after an investigation of the dance hall of Frank Nejedley on Elm street we have come to the conclusion not to allow sail dance hall to be run duringthe summer months, and when said hall is opened, said F Nejedley must furnish a city policeman at his own expense. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin. chairman of the committee on supplies, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of giving Edward Norton credit for $10 to be applied on his taxes for 1893, being money deducted from him tor team license. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Frank Seeger and J. E Davis of $300 for alleged injury to horse and buggy. Report adverse to the claim of Bryan Don- ahue on account of injury claimed to have been done him while in the employ of the city. Report adopted. the following In favor of paying g bills: W m. Meyer, $1u; Mrs. E. Meuller, $10, and Treater Bros. M. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of post- poning action on the resolution to allow c..mpensation to the members of the board of health, until such time as the members of the council are ordered paid for their ser- vices. Would also recommend that the salary of the street commissioner be placed at the tame amount as last year, viz$1,100 In favor of granting the petition of Lud- wig Trassel asking for a horse•drinaing fountain on clemivary street, and the fire committee be instructed to locate said foun- tain in a suitable place. In favor of asking further time on the pe- tition of the Standard Lumber company et al. asking that a new engine company be equipped at the Central engine house. Re- port that the water plug has been ordered on Twelfth and Pine streets, as asked for by the Key City Furniture company, et at. Re- port that upon investigation we find that we are unable to vacate Ciara and Aug usta streets, as asked for by the Mercy hospital, but report in favor of allowing said Mercy hospital to use said streets at the pleasure of the council. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of James Shields in relation to the va- cation of streets in Dubuque Harbor Im- provement company '° In favor of the adoption of the report of the printing committee in relation to the of- ficial printing for the ensuing year. In favor of reducing the assessment of G. J. Henkets on lots 7, 8 and 9 in Finley's add to $700 for 1893. Also in favor of instructing the recorder to issue a venire to the city mar oe 1,tcom- manding him to summon a y freeholders citizens, to assess the damages, If any, that may be caused by the proposed vacation of hj{ Leet off the south side of Lin- coln avenue, between Couler avenue and White street. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Albert Luchterhand et al , in relation to width ot sidewalk on Staf- ford avenue. Report adopted Ald. Halpin, chairman of the r•nmmittee on supplies, reported as follows: Your com- mittee report in favor of paying the follow- ing bills: Dugg..n. Sullivan & Kinsella, $3 00; Wm G. Watters, $112 6U, Merkes & Hasler, $2.25. Report adopted. Ald. Shea, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following bills: Reinfried & Jaeger, $'2.00: Thos. Lonergan, $10 00; Noah H. Faust, $33 85: Frank Kearhie. 26 00: Chas Oswald, $d 75; McDermott & Gow, $89 10. Report adopted. Ald. Butler, chairman of the committee on electrical construction reported as fol- lows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following: Bill of Western Elec- tric company ot $37 26. Also report that the city has not.purnhased a gasoline torch from Wm. S. Moto. Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reported as follows: Your committee would respectfully report that the block pavement floor of the room in the Eighteenth street engine house is in a bad and dangerous condition, and ought to be repaired as speedily as possible Also, that the floor of the dormitory in said engine house is in a very poor condi- tion, the plank being greatly shrunken and the surface rough and full of splinters. We recommend a new floor be laid on the old one. We would further state that the front doors of the engine room in the said engine house ought to be changed so as to open out- wardly. We respectfully recommend that the committee be authorized to have the re- pairs and changes above mentioned carried into effect. Referred to committee on tire and water to ascertain the cost. Also report that in pursuance of the order of the council, your committee has purchased 1,000 feet of hose for the fire department, to -wit: 500 feet from the Dubuque Rubber and er foot; and 500 feet fromthe Co. at Ha ey•Campbell rate of 90 cents Co. at the rate of 80 cents per foot. All of said hose has been received and is now in use by the department. Report adopted. Also report that in pursuance of the in- structions of your honorable body. your com- mittee has advertised in the periodical called Fire and Water, inviting proposals for fur- nishing the city with a new steam fire en- gine, and the city recorder has also inserted a similar notice in the city pipers. Propos- als have been received from a number of manufacturing companies, in response which are herewith submitted: Fire Engine company, $4,200 and allow $350 for old engine. Manchester Locomotive Works, first size "Amoskeag" for $4,000 and one old engine. American Fire Engine company, one sec- ond size Clapp & Jones, $3,700, and either of the old engines; one second size Silsby for $3 500 and either of the old engines; one sec - d either of ond size New d engines. Referred to the$3 800 nthe committee of the whole. The petition of Typographical Union, No. 22, and signed by the different trades unions, asking that all city printing be given only to offices authorizedtouse telabel b2.2l of Du- buque Typographical Aid. Ryder moved that prayer of peti• tioers be granted. Carried. The proposition of C. H. White & Co., of New York in relation to the purchase of ceof $150,000 worth of bonds bearing 4% per _,.,ti Regular Session, August 6, 1894. interest was referred to the mayor, finance and ordinance committees with the city attorney. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of White street from Sanford street to Twenty- third street by Stanek & O'Farrell, contrac• tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Jos. Mara, lot 5, Olinger's sub: 110.1 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 40 74 52.90 square yards guttering at 86c19 04 138.33 sq ads macadamizing at 37c5t 18 Total $ 110 96 J. H Rhomberg, lot 181, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 66 lineal feet curbing at 37c ..$ 24 42 31.11 square yards guttering at 36c.. 11 20 83.90 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 31 04 Total $ 66 66 Louie Reinecke, w 95 ft lot 182, LH. Lang - worthy's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 22 20 26.67 square yards guttering at 36c9 60 66 67 sq yds macadamizing at 37o24 67 Total a 56 47 Louis Rainecke, w 93 ft lot 183, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 22 20 26 67 square yards guttering at 36c9 6'1 66 67 sq yds macadamizing at 37c24 67 Total $56 47 Louis Reinecke, w 95 ft lot 184, LH. Lang - worthy's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 37e $ 22 20 26 67 square yards guttering at 36o9 60 66 66 sq yds macadamizing at 37c24 67 Total $ 56 47 Louis Reinecke, w 95 ft lot 185, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 22 20 26.67 square yards guttering at 36c9 60 66 67 sq yds macadamizing at 37c24 67 Total $ 5- 6 47 Chas. Fosseliman, and jf lot 186, Lang- worthy add: 45.5lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 16 84 20 22 square yards guttering at 36c7 28 50 55 sq yds macadamizing at 37c18 70 Total $ 4- 2 82 Frank Fossellman, and lot 186 Lang - worthy's add; 45.5 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 16 84 20.23 square yards guttering at 36c.. 7 28 50.55 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 18 70 $ 42 82 Frank Fossellman, and X lot 187 Lang - worthy's add: 29 5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 10 92 15.55 square yards guttering at 36e5 80 38 90 sq yds macadamizing at 37014 39 $ 30 91 Chas. Fossellman, and 3y lot 137 L. H. Langworthy's add: 29.5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 10 92 15.55 square yards guttering at 26o5 60 38 90 sq yds macadamizing at 37c14 39 Total Total Total $ 30 91 John Knoernschlld, lot 170 L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 64 5 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 23 87 33 55 sq yds guttering at 36c 12 08 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 37c28 78 Total $ 64 73 John Kcoernsohild, lot 1 of 171, L. H. Langwortby's ad : : 30.7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 11 36 211.22 sq yds guttering at 36c 7 28 42 78 sq yds macadamizing at 37o15 83 Total $ 34 47 C. H. Fischer, lot 2 of 171, L H. Lang - worthy's add: 30 7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 14 13 20.22 square yards guttering at 36c8 94 55 55 square yards macadamizing at 37c 20 55 Total. $43 62 Dubuque Street Railway Co., lot 172, L. 11 Langworthy's add : 64 6 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 28 9J square yards guttering at 360 75 0) square yards macadamizing at 37c 23 90 10 40 27 75 Total $62 05 Frank Fossellman, lot 14, Frank Fossell- man's sub: 79 7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 35 78 square yards guttering at 363 91.22 square yards macadamizing at 37c 29 50 12 88 31 12 Total $76 50 Frank Fossellman, lot 13, Frank Fossell- man's sub : 60 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 22 20 26 67 square yards guttering at 36c9 60 66 67 square yards macadamizing at 370 24 67 Total $56 47 Frank Fossellman, lot 12, Frank Fossell- man's sub: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 22 20 v.8 87 square yards guttering at 36c9 60 66 67 square yards macadamizing at 37c 24 67 Total $56 47 Frank Fossellman, lot 11, Frank Fossell- man's sub: 49 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 18 13 27 90 square yards guttering at 36c10 05 66 67 square yards macadamizing at 37c 24 67 Total 852 84 Frank Fossellman, lot 10, Frank Fosaell- man's sub: 99 4 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 35 78 45 78 square yards guttering at 36c16 48 11444 square yards macadamizing at 37c 42 33 Total $95 59 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, L llig, rowers, Ryder,Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: • That to pay for improving West Fourteenth from Alta Vista street to At- lantic avenue by Altman & Taylor, contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite of each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Regular Session, August 6, 1894. 229 Jos. Fecker, lot 151, Woodlawn Park add : 49 78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c$ 17 40 C. A. Voelker, lot 102, Woodlawn Park add: 72.0 lineal ft curbing at 34c 24 48 33.78 eq yds guttering at 33c 11 15 152.90 sq yds macadamizing at 35c53 52 Total $ 8915 C. A Voelker, lot 101, Woodlawn Park add: 61.7 lineal ft curbing at 34c 20 98 26 67 sq yds guttering at 33c 8 80 117 78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c41 21 Total $ 7100 John Kleinschmidt, lot 100, Woodlawn Park add: 62 0 lineal ft curbing at 340 21 08 26 67 sq yds guttering at 33c 8 80 117 78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c41 22 Total $ 7110 John Kleinschmidt, lot 99, Woodlawn Park add: 70.7 lineal ft curbing at 34c 24 04 33 11 sq yds guttering at 33c 10 93 150.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c52 65 Total $ - 87 62 C. A. Voelker, lot 52. Woodlawn Park add: 71.8 lineal ft curbing at : 4c 24 41 33.70 sq yds guttering at 33c 11 12 150.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c52 65 Total $ - 8818 C. A. Voelker, lot 51 Woodlawn Park add: 59.4 lineal feet curbing, at 340 $ 211 20 26.67 square yarns guttering at 33c8 80 116 67 sq. yds macadamizing, at 35c. 40 83 _ Total $ 69 83 Christina Shannon, lot 50, Woodlawn Park add: 59 6 lineal feet curbing at 340 $ ' 20 26 26.67 square yards guttering at 33o.. 8 81 116.67 sq. yds macadamizing at 35e.. 40 83 _ Total $ 69 89 Christina Shannon, lot 49, Woodla wn Park add: 66.3 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 22 54 31.25 square yards guttering at 33c10 31 149.22 sq. yds macadamizing at 35c52 23 Total • $ 85 08 Christina Shannon, lot 2, Woodlawn Park add: 69 3 lineal Leet curbing at 34c $ 23 56 32 58 square yards guttering at 33c10 75 149 22 sq. yds macadamizing at 35e52 23 _ Total $ 8614 Christina Shannon, lot 1, Woodlawn Park add: 57.8lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 19 65 26.67 square yards guttering at 33c8 80 116.67 sq. yds macadamizing at 35c40 83 Total $ 69 28 Anna M. Bush, lot 20, Oakland Park add: 1010 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 34 34 46.67 yardsre guttering196.87 sq. ydsmcaamizinat 35c.. 68 83 Total.... $ 118 57 F. J. Dupuis, lot 19, Oakland Park add: 103.5 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 35 19 47.78 square yards guttering at 330: 15 77 225.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c79 02 Total $ - 129 98 Louis Dohs, lot 18, Oakland Park add: 68 5 lineal curbing at 34c 23 29 32 22 squareeet yards guttering at 83c10 83 163 55 sq yds macadamizing at 35e57 24 Total $ - 9116 W. F. Willmers, lot 17.Oakland Part*•add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 17 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 33c7 33 88.90 sq yds macadamizing at 35c. 31 12 Total ?; 55 45 J. H. Wilimers, lot 16, Oakland Park add: 56.5 lineal feet curbing at E4, $ 19 21 24 44 square yards guttering at 33c8 07 108.90 sq yds macadamizing at 35c38 12 Total $ 65 40 Tbos Heim, w3Oft, lot 1, Oaklank Park add: 41.8lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 14 21 17 78 square yards guttering at 33e5 87 82 22 eq yds macadamizing at 35c23 73 Total ti - 4s s6 B. A Kennedy, e 110 ft, lot 1, Oakland Park add: 110 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 37 40 48 90 square yards guttering at 33016 14 203.55 eq yds macadamizing at 35c71 24 Total $ 124 7S Anna M. Bush, lot 19, Mt. Pleasant add: 324 00 lineal feet curbing at 34o$ 110 16 145 78 square yards guttering at 33c48 11 62311 sq yds macadamizing at 35c218 09 Total $ 376 36 Anna M. Bush, lot 2,1, Mt. Pleasant add: 222.7 lineal feet curbing at 34o $ 75 72 100 75 square yards guttering at 33c. 33 25 437.33 sq yds macadamizing at 35e153 07 Total $ 262 04 Anna M. Bnsh, lot 2 of 1 of 1 M. L. 172: 292 0 lineal feet curbing at 340 $ 99 23 129 78 square yards guttering at 330. 42 83 51211 sq yds macadamizing at 35c181 69 Total $ 323 80 Anna M. Bush, lot2 of 49, Morheiser's add: 21.0 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 7 14 9.33 square yards guttering at 33e3 08 37.33 sq yds macadamizing at 35c13 07 Total $ 23 29 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 1, Morheiser's add: 85 0 lineal feet curbing at 340 $ 28 90 37.78 square yards guttering at 33c. 12 47 151.11 sq yds macadamizing at 35c52 89 Total $ - 94 26 Tschirgi & Schwind, 2 of 2, Morheiser's add: 85.0 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 28 90 37.78 square yards guttering at 33c. 12 47 151.11 sq yds macadamizing at 35c52 89 Total $ - 94 26 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 3, Morheiser's add: 82 9 lineal at 34c19 37 78 sq areeet yards gutgtering at 33c..$ 28 47 173.33 sq yds macadamizing at 35c.. 60 67 Total $ 101 33 r Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 2 of 4, Morheieer's add: 4029 63 .58 sliquarelot eal feet 2 guttering at 33c..curbing at 34c$ 13 9 180.67 sq yds macadamizing at 350.. 63 23 Total $ 106 30 Tschirgi & Schwind, lot 14, Morheiser's add: 16.2 lineal feet curbing at 34c. $ 5 51 99 square yard guttering at 33c 7 50.90 sq yds macadamizing at 35c17 82 Total $ 26 30 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Butler, Crawford, orRyder,H Shea,pn Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Vogel and Vogler. Nayee-None. 230 Regular Session, August 6, 1894. Ald. Kaufman offered the following:, Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Staf- ford avenue from Garfield avenue to Lin- wood cemetery, by dteuck 8t O'Farrell, con- tractors. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Fred W. Karsch, lot 11 sub of 3 Geiger's sub: 48.2 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 17 83 21.78 eq yds guttering at 36c 7 84 86.11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c24 46 Total $ 5013 Raymond Fessler, lot 12 sub of 3 Geiger's sub: 38.4 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 14 21. 17.07 sq yds guttering at 37c 6 15 46.93 sq yds macadamizing at 37c17 36 Total $ 37 72 Raymond Fessler, lot 13 sub of 3 Geiger's aub: 88 4 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 14 21 17.07 sq yds guttering at 36- 6 15 46.93 eq yds macadamizing at 37c17 36 Total $ 37 72 Christina Schmitz, lot 1 sub of 2 Geiger's sub: 54.4 lineal feet curbing at 870 $ 20 13 2418 sq yds guttering at 36c 8 70 68.50 sq yds macadamizing at 37c.. 24 60 Total $ 53 30 Christina Schmitz, lot 2 sub of 2 Geiger's Bub: 34.8 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 12 88 15.47 t q yds guttering at 36c 5 57 42.53 sq yds macadamizing at 37c15 74 Total $ 34- 19 Chas. Baumbover, e 34 lot 3 sub of 2 Gei- ger's sub: 27.2lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 10 06 12.10 sq yds guttering at 36o 4 36 33 24 sq y ds macadamizing at 37c12 30 Total $ 26 - 72 Albert Frey, lot 5, Klingenberg's sub: 43.5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 16 10 19 55 square yards guttering at 36c6 96 43.17 sq. yds macadamizing at 37c19 61 ----- Total$ 42 73 Albert Frey, lot 4, Kliitgenberg's aub: 43 5 lineal feet curbing at 37c r 16 10 19.33 square yards guttering at 36c6 96 53.17 sq. yds macadamizing at 37c19 67 Total $ 42 73 Wm. Keeper, lot 6, Kruse's sub: 40.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 14 30 17.78 square yards guttering at 36c8 40 48.90 sq. yds macadamizing at 37c18 09 Total $ 39 29 Mike Merzen, lot 5, Kruse's sub: 40.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 14 80 17.78 square yards guttering at 36o.. 6 40 4S.90 eq. yds macadamizing at 37c.. 18 t 9 Total $ 39 29 Louis Witter, lot 4, Kruse's sub: 40.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c$ 14 80 17.78 square yards guttering at 36o. 6 40 48.90 sq. ds macadamizing at 37c.. 18 09 Total $ 89 29 Elizabeth Jungbluth, lot18, Hamburg add: 42.4 lineal feet curbing at 37c$ 15 69 18.84 square yards guttering at 36c. 6 78 51.82 sq. yds macadamizing at 37c.. 19 17 Total 8 4164 John Ruebig, E. 34 lot 4, sub of Geiger's sub: 27.2 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 10 06 12.10 square yards guttering at 86c4 86 33 24 sq yds macadamizing at 37c12 30 Total $26 72 John Ruebig, lot 2 of 1 Geiger's sub: 12.4 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 5 51 square yards guttering at 360 15.15 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 4 59 1 98 561 Total $12 18 In. R. Stendeback, lot 3 of 1 Geiger's sub: 40 7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 15 06 18.10 square yards guttering at 36c6 52 49 74 sq yds macadamizing at 37c18 40 Total $39 98 M. R Steudeback, E 34 lot 4 of 1 Geiger's sub: 40.7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 15 C6 1310 square yards guttering at 36c6 52 49 74 sq yds macadamizing at 37c18 40 __ Total $39 98 M. R. Steudeback, E. 34 lot 5 of 1 Geiger's sub: 56.5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 20 91 26.99 square yards guttering at 36c9 63 88.63 eq yds macadamizing at 37c... 32 79 Total $63 38 Rich Schmidt, lot 6 of 5, Stafford's add: 177.8 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 65 79 79.55 square yards guttering at 36c23 64 227.72 .q yards macadamizing at 37c S4 26 Total $ 178 89 Egelhart Hemmi, n 50 ft lot 1 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add: 51.31ineal feet curbing at37c $ 18 98 22 80 square yards guttering at 36e8 21 62.90 sq yds macadamizing at 37c23 27 Total $ 50 46 Cath Schuler, s 50 ft lot 1 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add : 513 lineal feet curbing at 370 $ 18 93 22 80 square yards guttering at 36o.. 8 21 62.90 eq yds macadamizing at 37c23 27 Total $ 50 46 H. Pfotzer, lot 3 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add: 61 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 22 57 27.11 square 'yards guttering at 36c.. 9 76 74 55 sq yds macadamizing at 37c... 27 58 _ Total $ 59 91 Mich Reiner, lot 5 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add: 40 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 14 80 17.78 square yards guttering at 36c.. 6 40 48.90 eq yds macadamizing at 37c... 18 G9 Total $ 3- 9 29 John Bockes, lot 8 sub of 3 and 4, Stafford's add: 50 lineal feet curbtng at 370 $ 13 50 22.22 square yards guttering at 36o8 00 81.11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 61 Total $ 4911 E. Winkelman, lot 6, Klingenberg's sub: 43.5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 16 10 19.33 square yards guttering at 36o6 96 53.17 eq yds macadamizing at 37c19 67 Total $ 4- 2 73 Eliza Jungbluth, lot 17, Hamburg add : 42.4 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 15 69 1S 84 square yards guttering at 36c6 78 51.82 sq yds macadamizing at 37c19 17 Total $ 4164 Pepelar essinfl, A'tgust 6, 1894. 231 Martin Lang, lot 16, Hamburg add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 18 50 82.22 square yards guttering at 36c8 u0 61.11 eq yds macadamizing at 37c22 31 Total . - 49 11 'Cath. Grote, lot 15, Hamburg add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 22 22 square yards guttering at 36c. 61 11 sq yds macadam zing at 37e Total $ John Grote, lot 4, Hamburg add: 26 2 lineal feet curbing at :37c $ 14.22 square yards guttering at 36c 50.11 eq yds macadamizing at 37c 18 50 8 00 22 61 49 11 9 69 5 12 1S 54 Total $ 53 35 Henry Armeden, lot 13, Hamburg add: 159 6 lineal feet curbing at 37c 55 72 65 78 square yards guttering at 36c23 68 227.00 sq yds macadamizing at 37cS3 99 Total $ 163 39 Chas. Rose est, lot 5 of 3 of m lot 467: 109 3 lineal feet curbing at 37c 40 44 52 13 square yards guttering at 3ticIS 77 165.83 sq yds macadamizing at 39c61 36 Total $ 120 57 Louis Nipp, lot 71, Cook's add: 161.1 lineal ft curbing at 37c 59 61 71.78 sq yds guttering at 36c 25 84 2:33.67 sq yds macadamizing at 3786 46 Total $ 171 91 Isidor Ehrlich, lot 1, 0 Tayior's sub: 132 7 lineal f1 curbing at 37c . 49 10 60.75 sq yds guttering at 360 21 b7 179.67 sq yds macadamizing at 37c66 48 Total $ 137 45 G. Gmehle, lot 1, Gmehle's sub: 57.6 lineal ft curbing at 37c 21 31 24.00 sq yds guttering at 36c 8 64 71.33 sq yds macadamizing at 37c26 39 Total $ - 56 34 Martin Gabriel, lot 1. A. Stint's add: 59.3 lineal ft curbing at 37c 21 94 24.90 sq yds guttering at 363 8 96 73.78 sq yds macadamizing at 37c27 30 _ Total $ 58 20 A. M Hemmelder, lot 2, A. Stine's add : 50 0 lineal ft curbing at 37c 1S 22 22 sq yds guttering at 363 8 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c22 Total $ - 49 Fred Brenda', lot 3, A. Stine's add: 50.0 lineal ft curbing at 37c 22.22 sq yds guttering at 36c 61.11 sq yds macadam. zing at 37c 50 00 61 11 18 50 8 CO 22 61 Total $ 4911 John Spies, lot 2 of 4, A. Stine's add: 66.8 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 24 72 31.47 square yards guttering at 36o11 33 98 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 36 26 Total $ 72 31 Theo. Raterman, lot 29, A. Stine's add: 64.7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 23 94 30.53 square yards guttering at 36c10 99 98 sq yds macadamizing at 370 36 26 Total 1 - 7119 Theo. Raterman, lot 30, A. Stine's add: 58.5 lineal feet curbing at 37e• $ 21 65 26.67 square yards guttering at 36c10 99 78 83 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 29 17 Total 1 - 60 42 Theo. Raterman, lot 31 A. Stine's add : 54 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 19 9S 24 sq yds guttering?at 36c 8 64 66 sq yds macadamizing at 37c 24 42 Total $ 53 04 Chas Karseh, lot 32, A. Stine's add : 54 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 19 98 24 square yards guttering at 36cS 64 66 sq yds macadamizing at37c 24 42 Total 1 - 53 04 Chas. Karscb, lot 33, A. Stine's add: 54 0 lineal feet curbing at 370 $ 19 98 24 00 square yards guttering at 36c8 64 66 00 sq yds macadamizing at 37c24 42 153 04 Total Chas Stices, lot 35, A. Stint's add: 69 3 lineal feet curbing at 37c 25 64 32 58 square feet guttering at 36311 73 99.33 square yards macadamizing at 37c 36 75 Total 1 74 12 Chas. ECarscb, lot 34. A. Stine's add: 54 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 19 98 24 CO square feet curbing at 36c 8 64 66.00 sq yps macadamizing at 37c24 42 Total 1 53 04 Gottfried Hertner, est . lot 53, A. Stine's add: 63 4 lineal feet curbing at 37c 25 31 32.18 sq yds guttering at 36c 11 58 94.44 sq yds macadamizing at 37c34 94 Total $ - 71 83 Gottfried Hertner est., lot 54, A Stine's add: 44 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 16 28 19.55 sq yds guttering at 36 7 04 53.78 sq yds macadamizing at 37c19 90 Total $ 43 22 Cnas. Klingenberg. pt of lot 2, Stafford's add, lying east of Staf- ford avenue: 31.0 lineal feet curbing 11 47 13.75 sq yds guttering at 36 4 06 37 90 sq yds macadamizing at 37c14 02 Total $ 30 45 Matthias Gantenbein, lot 1 of 1, Stafford's add : 61.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 22 57 27.11 sq yds guttering at 36c 9 76 74.55 sq yds macadamizing at 27c27 58 Total $ 59 71 Mathias Gantenbein, lot 56 A. Stine's add: 14.0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 5 18 6. 22 sq yds guttering at 36c 2 24 17.11 sq yds macadamizing at 37c6 33 Total $ 13 7- 5 Mathias Gantenbein, n 48 feet lot 59 A. Stine's add: 37 3 linerl feet curbing at 37o... $ 13 SO 23 71 sq yds guttering at 360 8 54 58.67 sq yds macadamizing at 37c21 71 Total $ 44 05 John Althaus, e 2 feet lot 57 A, Stine's add: 2 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c 74 0.90 sq yds guttering at 360 32 2.44 sq yds macadamizing at 37090 $ 19- 6 John Althauser, lot 53 Althauser's sub: 57.7 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 21 35 25.55 sq yds guttering at 36c 81.50 sq yds macadamizing at 37c30 16 Total $ 60 71 F. Margadant, lot 3, min lot 474: 136 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 50 89 62 22 square yards guttering at 36o22 40 182 22 sq yds macadamizing at 37067 42 $ 140 21 Total Total 332 _Regular Session, August 6, 1S94. F. Margadant, lot 1, min lot 468: 60 13 162 5 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 75.55 square yards guttering at 36c27 20 247.38 RI yds macadamizing at 37c91 53 Total $ 173 86 John Mueller. lot 48, Dretbilbie's add: 217 5 lineal feet curbing at 370 $ 80 47 95.17 square yards guttering at 36c34 24 282 33 sq yds macadamizing at 37c104 46 Total $ 219 17 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Hayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: R.soolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Rush street from South Dodge street to Apple street by M. Tschirgi, Jr., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied, on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Rev. John Fogarty, lot 138, Union add: 82 6 lineal feet curbing at 85- $ 28 91 33 50 square yards guttering at 35c13 48 163 33 sq yds macadamizing at 41c65 33 Total 1l7 72 Rev. John Fogarty, lot 139, Union add : 60.0 lineal feet curb'' -ng at 35c $ 21 00 26 67 square yards guttering at 35c9 83 93 33 eq yds macadamizing at 42c37 33 Total $67 66 P. McEvoy, E,t lot 140, Union add: 60 0 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 33 26 67 square yards guttering at 35c9 33 93.33 sq 503 macadamizing at 40e37 33 Total $87 66 Michael White, lot 141, Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 350 .$ 21 (0 26 67 square yards guttering at 35c.. 9 33 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 37 33 Total $67 66 Michael White, lot 142 Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 15c9 33 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40e37 33 Total $67 66 Mrs. C. Mahoney, lot 142, Union add : 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35- $ 21 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 35c9 33 93 33 sq yde macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $67 66 J. C Fitzpatrick, lot 144 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 35o $ 21 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35o 9 33 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45e37 33 Total $ 67 66 T. W Fitzpatrick, lot 145 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 35o $ 21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 33 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40037 33 Total $ , 67 66 T. W. Fitzpatrick, lot 146 Union add: 118 3 lineal feet curbing at 35n < 41 40 57 33 sq y Is guttering at 35c.... 20 07 2(6.90 Bq yds macadamizing at 40c82 '76 Fotal $ 144 23 Jos. Collinson, lot 154 Union add : 66 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 23 10 29 34 sq yds guttering at 35c10 56 102.66 sq yds macadamizing at 40c41 O6 $ 74 42 Total Jos Collinson est, lot 155 Union add : 60 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 33 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 CO Jos. Collinson est, lot 156 Union add: 5815 lineal feet curbing at 35i $ 20 51 29 47 sq yds guttering at 35c 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c Total $ Jas. Connelly, lot 157, Union add: 60 0 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 26,67 Square yards guttering at 35c.. 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c... 10 31 37 33 68 15 21. 00 9 33 37 33 Total 67 66 James Connelly. w 10 ft lot 158, Union add : 10 0 lineal feet curbing at 35cc $ 3 50 4 44 square yards guttering at 35c1 55 15 55 eq yds macadamizing at 40c__6_9. Total $ 1127 St. Vincent Presentation academy, e 50 ft lot 155, Union add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 35c... $ 17 50 22 22 square yards guttering at 35c7 78 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...2121 Total $ 56 39 St. Vincent Presentation academy, lot 1t.9, Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35e $ 21 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 35c9 33 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total 67 66 Qt. Vincent Presentation academy, lot 160, Union add : 60,2 lineal feet curling at 35c $ 21 07 29 78 square yards guttering at 35c10 42 98.53 sq yds macadamizing at 40c39 41 Total $ - 70 90 Frank McGuinness, lot 153, except e 12 ft, Union add: 183 6 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 64 26 86 66 square yards guttering at 34c. 30 34 203 73 sq yds macadamizing at 40c81 51 Total $ - 176 11. Adopted by t' -e following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Liliig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nares—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for curbing, gutter- ing and macadamizing of Glen Oak avenue from West Third street to Julien avenue by D. Linehan, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Glab, lot 2, Newburg and Hale's sub: 139 6 lineal ft curbing at 39c $ 24 54 44 44 62 67 eq yds guttering at 39c 125 33 eq yds macadamizing at 42c52 64 Total $ 131 52 John Glab, lot 3, Newbury and Hale's sub: 50 lineal ft curbing at 390 19 9 67 22 22 sq yds guttering at 390 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c18 66 Total $ 46 83 Barbara Glab, lot 4, Newbury and Hale's sub: 19 50 50 lineal ft curbing at 390 9 67 52 `:2 sq yds guttering at 390 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c18 66 Total $ 46 83 Regular Session, August 6, 1S94. tel Barbara Glab, lot 5, Newbury and Hale's eub: 50 lineal ft curbing at 39c 19 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39c 8 67 44.44sq yds macadamizing at 42c1S 66 Total $ 46 83 Lulu G Iab, lot 6, Newbury and Hale's sub: 50 lineal ft curbing at 39c 19 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 39c 8 67 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c18 66 Total $ 46 83 Lulu (flab, lot 7, Newbury and Hale's sub: 68 2 lineal ft curbing at 39c 26 60 31.11 sq yds guttering at 39c 12 13 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c29 87 Total.... $ 6S 60 Otto Reinecke, lot 13, Newbury & Hale's sub: 147.3 lineal feet curbing at 390 $ 57 45 66.00 sq yds guttering at 39c 25 74 136.44 eq yds macadamizing at 42c57 30 Total $ 140 49 Otto Reinecke, • lot 12, Newbury & Hale's sub: 56 5 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 22 04 25.55 sq yds guttering at 39e 9 96 55.55 sq yds macadamizing at 42c23 33 Total $ 55 33 Chas. L. Kemp, lot 1 of 11, Newbury & Hale's sub: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 390..... $ 23 40 26.67 sq yds guttering at 39c 10 40 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c22 40 Total $ 56 20 Chas. L. Kemp, lot 10, Newbury & Hale's sub: 45.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 17 55 20.00 sq yds guttering at 390 7 SO 40.0 sq yds macadamizing at 42c16 80 Total $ 4215 Otto Reinecke, lot 9, Newbury & Hale's sub: 45.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 17 55 7 80 20.00 sq yds guttering at 390 40.00 sq yds macadamizing at 4216 80 Total $ 4215 Otto Reinecke, lot S, Newbury & Hale's sub: 20 67 53.0 lineal feet curbing at 390 $ 9 88 25.33 sq yds guttering at 395 59.55 sq yds macadamizing _at 42c25 01 Total $ 55 56 B. J. O'Neill, lot 3 of 2 of 1 of 7, mineral lot 159: 31 9S 82linealfeet curbingutteringt 39c at39c $ 14 91 38.22 eq yds g 34 44 82 sq yds macadamizing at42c Total $ 8133 F. Keck, lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 7, mineral lot 159: 18 3 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 7 14 4 8.13 sq yds guttering at 39c 7 16.27 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 6 83 Total $ 1714 F. Keck, lot 2 of 26, O'Neill's sub. No. 2: 83.2 lineal feet curbing at 390 s 32 45 38.90 sq yds guttering at 39c 14 39 73.95 sq yds macadamizing at 42c31 06 Total $ 77 90 Julia Rhomberg, lot 1 of 2 of 2 of 1 of 7, mineral lot 159: 99.8 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 38 92 45.78• sq yds ds guttering macadamizing at 42c... 40 9 at 390 17 S5 97.1111 sq y Total $ 97 56 James Pelan, lot 2 of 25, O'Neill's sub. No. 2: 82.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 32 25 36 90 eq yds guttering at 39c 14 39 73.75 eq yds macadamizing at 42c30 99 Total c 77 63 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aid. Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes - None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvement of Reed avenue, from Lincoln avenue to Rhomberg avenue, by Cushing & O'Malia, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Henry Auredeu, lot 74, McCraney's first sub: 43 83 145 4 lineal feet curbing at 30c 65 8 square yards guttering at 33c.. , 21 71 201.27 sq yds macadamizing at 33c.. 66 42 Total $ - 131 75 Henry Newmacher, lot 70, McCraney's first sub: 145 7 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 43 71 65 S square yards guttering at 83c21 71 201.27 sq yds macadamizing at 33c66 42 Total $ - 131 S4 Hattie Heingartner, lat 75, McCraney's first sub: 14S 7 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 44 61 65 8 square yards guttering at 33c21 71 201.27 sq yds macadamizing at 33c66 42 Total $ - 132 74 H. L. Schumacher est., lot 69, McCraney's first sub: 148.6 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 44 58 65.8 sduare yards guttering at 33c21 71 201.27 eq yds macadamizing at 33c.. 66 42 Total $ - 132 71 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Butler, Crawtord, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Laufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of Garfield avenue from Ann avenue to Dock avenue, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real ter situate and owned, and for e ethe tseveral amounts set op• posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as foilowe: Frank Paley, lot 15 McCraney's 1st add : 66 4 lineal feet curbing at 400 $ 26 56 31.3 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 52 135 3 eq yds macadamizing at 47c63 59 Total$ 102 67 Frank Paley, lot 14 McCraney's 1st add : 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 40e $ 19 76 9 78 21.95 sq yds guttering at 40c 76.84 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ 64 65 John Leicht, lot 13 McCraney's 1st add: 49.4 lineal Leet curbing at 40c $ 19 76 21.95 sq yde guttering at 40c 8 78 76.84 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ 64 65 John Leicht, lot 12, McCraney's let 76addd:49.4 lineal 19 21.95 gutteringin yds eet t 40o0ing at c S 78 234 Regular Session, August 6, 1894. 76 54 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ 64 65 John Leicht, lot 11, McCraney's lst add : 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 19 76 21.95 sq yds guttering et 40c..... 5 78 76.54 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ 6465 John beicbt, lot 10, McCraney's lst add: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c... $ 19 76 21 95 sq yds guttering at 400 S 75 76.84 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ John Leicht, lot 9, McCraney's first 50.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c 22.53 square yards guttering at 411c..` 78,40 sq yds macadamizing at 47c... 64 65 add: 20 28 9 01 36 85 Total - $66 14 D. Rhomberg, lot 20. McCraney's first add : 71.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c 8 28 40 33 33 square yards guttering at 40c13 33 135.30 sq yds macadamizing at 47c 63 59 Total $ - Lt 5 32 Anton Pfohl, lot 21, McCarney'S first add: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 4J0 $ 19 76 21.95 square yards guttering at 40c8 76 76.54 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total - $64 65 Angela Schmtttntan, N.% lot 22, McCra- ney's first add: 24.7 lineal feet curbing at 40c 8 9 SS 10 97 square yards guttering at 40c.. 4 39 35.42 sq yds macadamizing at 47c... 18 16 Total - $32 33 Mary A. Geary, S. 3.4 lot 22, McCraney's first add: 24.7 lineal feet curbing at 420 $ 9 8S 16.97 square yards guttering at 40c4 39 35.4'2 sq y ds macadamizing at 47c18 06 Total 532 33 Wm. Watters, 1ot23, McCraney's first add: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 19 73 21 95 square yards guttering at Tic3 78 76.84 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $64 65 Wm. Watters, lot 24 McCraney's 1st add: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 4Uc 8 19 76 21.95 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 i8 76.34 sq yds macadamizing at 47e36 11 Total $ 64 65 Wm. Watters, lot 25, McUraney's let add: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 19 76 21.95 sq yds guttering at 4110 8 78 76 54 sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 11 Total $ - 64 65 Wm. Watters, lot 26, McCraney's let add: 49 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 19 60 21 95 sq yas guttering at 40c.... S 7S 78.4J sq yds macadamizing at 47c36 S5 Total $ - 65 23 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Forest Lane from Nevada street to Delhi street by Dodson & Cousins, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite eaoh lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mathias'1'schirgi, Sr., lot 45. S. M. Lang - worthy's add : 31 sq yds macadamizing at 59c> 31 59 Chas. Burgner, lot 46, 8. M. Langworthy's add: 41 67 iq yds macadamizing at 39c16 25 Joseph Dufitt, lot 47, S. M. Langworthy's add: 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c16 25 Joseph Dufitt, lot 45, S. M. Laugworthy's add: 41 67 eq yds macadamizing at 39c16 25 W. Li. Watters, 1ot49, 8. M. Langworthy's add: 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39cc16 25 W. C4. Watters, lot 50, S. M Langwortby's G7 sq yds macadamizing at 39c16 25 4a1dd W. U. Waters, lot 51, S. M. Laugworthy's add: 41 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 16 25 Thos. Hill, lot 52, S. M. Laugworthy's add: 41 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 16 25 Thos. Hill, lot 53, S. M. Laugworthy's add: 61 sq yds macadamizing at 39c $ 23 79 J. Zugenbuehler, lot 54, 13. M. Lang- worth,'s add: 31 sq yds macadamizing at 39c 12 09 J. Zugenbuehler, lot 5, 8.M. Langworthy's add: 41 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c...$ 16 25 J. Zugenbuthler: 16 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c...$ 6 50 H. Melchoir, lot 2 of 56 6.M. Laugworthy's add: 25 sq yds macadamizing at 39c ;; 9 75 R. Melchoir, lot 57 8 M. Langworthy's add: 75 sq yds macadamizing at 39c $ 29 25 W . R Pearce, lot 55 S. M. Langworthy's add: 123 33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 4S 10 Mrs. J. McLarren, lot 59 S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 41 67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 16 25 Mrs. J. McLarren, loth S M. Langworthy's add: 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 16 25 Mrs. J. McLarren, lot 4 Clemenson's sub: 41.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c$ 13 00 Geo. G. Perry, lot 44, S M. Langthy's add: 134 lineal feet curbing at 37c 5 49 58 59 55 square yards guttering at 37c2'22 03 74.44 sq yds macadamizing at 39c29 03 Total $- 100 64 Geo. 0. Perry, lot 39, S. M. Langthy's add : 123.4 lineal ieetcurbing at 370 $ 45 66 5511 square yards guttering at 37c20 39 65.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c26 65 Total - 892 70 Susan Crotty, lot 3S, S. M. Langthy's add : 51.6 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 48 69 611.90 square yards guttering at 37c.. 22 53 81.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c... 31 85 Total 5103 07 J. H. Hauser, lot 37, S M. Langthy's add: 112 3 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 41 55 49 91 square yards guttering at 37c.. 18 47 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c... 28 60 Total $SS I" Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kauffmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. A'd. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Booth street from West Third to Dodge street, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots,and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set op- , posits each lot or parcel of real estate, as 1 follows: Reg??lra' Session, August 6, 1S94. 23:; W. J. Cantillon, lot 11, O'Neill' sub No 2: 78.7 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 30 89 36 3o eq yds guttering at 390 14 15 127.78 sq yds macadamizing at 38c48 56 Total $ - 93 40 J W. S.,hwind. lot 10, O'Neili's sub No. 2: 58.0 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 22 62 25 78 sq yds guttering at 390. 10 06 70.59 sq yds macadamizing at 38c26 91 Total $ - 59 63 Reinhard Reiss, lot 9, O'Neill's sub No. 2: 58.0 lineal feet curbing atS'1c $ 23 62 25 78 sq yds guttering at 393 10 06 70 89 sq yds macadamizing at 353£6 94 Total $ - 59 62 August Bruckner, n 40 feet lot S, O'Neill's sub No. 2: 40.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 15 60 17.78 sq yds guttering at 39. 6 94 48.89 sq yds macadamizing at 38c1S 58 Total $ - 4112 D Rhomberg, s 8 O'Neill's sub No. 2: 18.0 lineal feet curbing at 39,3 $ 7 02 8.00 sq yds guttering at 393 3 12 24.00 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc8 36 Total $ 1S 51 D. Rhomberg, lot2, O'Neill's sub: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 23 40 26 67 sq yds guttering at 390 10 40 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 38c27 87 Total $ 6167 D. Rhomberg, n 2 ft lot 1, O'Neill's sub: 2.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c $ 78 .90 square yards guttering at 39c35 2 44 sq yds macadamizing at 38c93 Totaal $ 2 06 John Newman, lot 13, Nairn's add : 32 67 sq vds macadamizing at 380$ 12 41 Thos. E. Andres, lot 12,S. M. Langworthy's sub: 142 0 lineal Leet curbing at 390 $ 55 38 64.93 squareyards guttering at 39c25 3l 202.55 sq yds macadamizing at 38076 97 Total $ - 157 66 S. M. Langworthy est, lot 10, S. M. Lang - worthy's sub: 54.5 lineal feet curbing at 39a $ 21 25 24.21 square yards guttering at 39c9 45 66 61 sq yds macadamizing at 38.c25 31 Total $ - 56 01 S. M. Langworthy est, lot 9, S. M. Lang - worthy's sun: 54.5 lineal feet curbing at 39a $ 21 o 25 24.22 square yards guttering at 39c. 9 45 66 61 sq yds macadamizing at 38c25 31 _ Total $ 56 01 Geo. Ellis, lot 2, sub of 7 acid 8, SM.Lang- worthy's sub: 32 76 84.0 lineal feet curbing at 39c 37.332 square qds yardsguttering at 380at 39 01 102 67 sq y - Total A 86 33 Geo. Ellis, lot 1 sub. of 7 and 8, Lang - worthy's sub: 61.3 lineal feet curbing at 390 $ 23 91 29.00squareman mards acadamizing at 38e... 37 43 at 39c. 11 31 9851 sq yds Total g $ 72 65 HarrC. is s34 lot 1 of 2 of 8 otrM Lt159:o P. H. 37.33 sq by the following voteds maoadamizing at : $ 14 19 Adopted Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Md. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvement of the alley from Humboldt to Schiller, be- tween (Garfield and Rbomberg avenues, by Philip Doerr, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax he and is nereby levied on the several Tots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : J Miller, lot L, Hooper's add: 14 9 sq yds macadamizing at 33c... S 1S 12 41 cu yds grading at 34c 11 Total 18 23 Thos. Maxwell. lot 2, Hooper's add; 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 333....$ 1S 12 41 cu yds grading at 34c 11 Total $ - 18 23 Thos. Maxwell lot 3, Hooper's add: 54 9 sq yds macadam`z ing at 33c1S 12 44 cu yds grading at 34c 11 Total $ - 13 23 Thos. Maxwell, lot 4. Hooper's add: 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 333$ 18 12 44 cu yds grading at 340 11 Total $ 18 23 Stephen Z inner, s e 34 lot 5, Hooper's acid : 27.45 sq yds macadamizing at 33c$ 9 06 22 ou yds grading atyc -_ 08 Total $ 9 2 Hermon Roloff, n e 34 lot 5. Hoopar's add: 27 45 sq yds macadamizing at 33c8 9 06 22 cu yds grading at 340 06 Total $ - 912 Nicholas Loes, lot 6, Hooper's add: 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 18 12 41 cubic yards grading at %c... 11 Total $ - 18 23 Robert Beckler: 54.9 sq yds macadamizing at 3304 18 12 44 cubic yards grading at 340 11 Total $ - 18 23 E H. Sheppley 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 18 1112 44 cubic yards grading at 340 Total $ 18 23 Catherine Beiger: 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 18 1112 44 cubic yards grading at %c Total ti - 18 23 Ambrose Leiser: 27.45 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 9 06 22 cubic yards grading at 340 05 -05 Total $ 911 J C. Scharf: 27.45 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 9 06 22 cubic yards grading at 340.... 05 Total$ 911 Gottfried Klrmse, lot 11, Hooper's add: 54 9 12 .44 cubic yards grading atds. 34o o $ 8 11 Total $ 18 23 Jos. A. McCoughey, lot 12, Hooper's add: 54 9 eq yds macadamizing at 33c18 1112 .44 oubio yards grading at 34o 18 23 Total Pauline Haas, lot 13, Hoopsr's add: 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 33o .44 cubic yards grading at 340 Total 18 12 11 $ - 1823 '88 Regular Session, August 6, 1894. Chas. Kuttler, lot 14 Hooper's add: 54 9 sq yds macadamizing at 33018 1112 .44 cubic yards grading at j c Total $ 18 23 A3opted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, pin. Powers, Ryder,Shea,Vogelnd Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for iniprovment of Wilde street from h Dod a nonstreets, by Brown & Brown,con- tractors. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of teal estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Henry Riker, lot 60, Oak Grove add: 37.1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 1454 16 44 sq yds guttering at 40c 42 78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c17 97 Total $ 39 39 Henry Riker, lot 59, Oak Grove add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 24 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 40c 10 67 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 49c30 80 Total $ 65 47 Henry Riker, lot 58, Oak Grove add : 54.7 lineal feet curbing at 410 $ 21 88 30 43 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 17 73 33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c30 80 Total $ 64 85 139 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 55 60 Thomas Reilley, lot 57, Oak Grove add: 63 55 sq yds guttering at 40c 25 42 81 11 193.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.. Total $ 16213 James Daugherty estate, lot 10, Oak Grove add: 56.2 lineal Leet curbing at 40c $ 22 48 29.77E q yds guttering at 40c 11. 91 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42030 80 Total $ 6519 James Daugherty estate, lot 9, Oak Grove add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 24 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 40c10 67 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c30 80 Total $ 65 47 Henry Riker, lot 8, Oak Grove add: 56 lineal ft curbing at 40c 22 40 30 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 i 0 73 33 si yds macadamizing at 42c33 24 Total $ 67 64 Henry Riker, lot7, Oak Grove add: 56 lineal ft curbing at 40c 22 40 24 90 eq yds guttering at 40c 9 96 68 44 yds macadamizing at 42c 28 74 Total •••• $ 62 10 Martin Welter, lot 6, Oak Grove add: 94.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c 37 6S 42.22 Eq yds guttering at 40c 16 88 118 55 sq yds macadamizing at 42c49 79 Total $ 104 35 Martin Welter, lot 5, Oak Grove add: 84 3 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 33 72 42.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 C6 110 00 eq yds macadamizing at 42c46 20 Total $ 95 OS Mrs Geo. Bayde, lot 4. Oak Grove add: 139 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 55 60 63.55 sq yds guttering at 46e 25 42 181.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c76 11 Total $ 15713 Mrs. Geo. Bayde, lot 3, Oak Grove add: 179 7 lineal ft curbing at 40c 71 83 81.64 sq yds guttering at 40c 32 65 242.2 sq yds macadamizing at 42c10 17 Total $ 114 70 P. H. Halpin, lot 7, sub m. 1. 42: 91. lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 36 40 40.44 square yards guttering at 40c16 18 111.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c46 71 Total $ 99 29 M Rath and E. Beyht, lot 6, sub of miu. lot 42: 91. lineal feet curbing at 400 $ 36 40 40.44 square yards guttering at 40c. 16 18 111.22 sq yds macadamizing at 42c46 71 Total $ - 99 29 J. Pickup, est., lot 5, sub of min. lot 42: 91. lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 36 40 40.44 square yards guttering at 40c. 16 18 111.22 eq yds macadamizing at 42c46 71 Total $ - 99 29 Otto Rath, lot 4, sub of min. lot 42: 91. lineal feet curbing at 400 $ 36 40 40 44 square yards guttering at 40c.. 16 18 111.22 aq yds macadamizing at 42c.. 46 71 Total $ 99 29 Otto Rath, lot 2, sub of min. lot 42: 65 1 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 26 04 29 78 square yards guttering at 40c.. 11 91 96.75 eq yds macadamizing at 42c... 40 65 Total $ 78 60 B. B. Jungfermam, min. lot 48: 982. lineal feet curbing at 40c. $ 393 12 415 22 square yard; guttering at 400178 09 1213.55 eq yds macadamizing at 42c511 19 Total $ 1083 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improvement of alley east of Wilson avenue from Wilson avenue to West Eighth street, by Corrance and Laven, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite of each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: John Freeman, S. 27% ft. lot 2, Wilson's sub: 30 9 sq yds macadamizing at 40c....$ 12 3 14 9 cu yds grading at 20c Total $ 15 30 Sarah J. Thomas, lot 3, Wilson's sub: 39.0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 15 3460 £6 7 cu yds grading at 20c Total $ 20 94 Wm. G. Norman, lot 4, Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 400$ 150 60 26.7 cu yds grading at 20c 4 Total - $20 94 Eliza H. Thomas, lot 5, Wilson's sub: 39.Osq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 15 60 26 7 cu yds grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ - 20 94 John Phillips, lot 6, Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 15 60 26 7 cu yds grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ 20 94 Regular Session, August 6,• 1894. 237 Clara A. Allen. lot 7, Wilson's add: 39 0 eq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 15 60 26.7 cu y ds grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ 20 94 P. F. Guthrie, lot 8. Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c15 60 28 7 cubic yards grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ 20 94 P. F. Guthrie, lot 9, Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c15 60 26.7 cnbic yards grading at 20c 5 34 $ 20 94 Total John Butt, lot 10, Wilson's Bub: 39.0 eq yds macadamizing at 40c15 60 26.7 cubic yards grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ 20 94 W. F. Roehl, lot 11. Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c15 60 26.7 cubic yards grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ SO 94 W. F. Roehl, lot 12, Wilson's sub: 39 0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c15 60 26 7 cubic yards grading at 2Cc 5 34 Total $ 20 94 John Southwell, lot 13, Wilson's sub: 39.0 sq yds macadamizing at40c15 60 26.7 cubic yards grading at 20c 5 34 Total $ - 20 94 John Southwell, lot 14, Wilson's sub: 136.1 sq yds macadamizing at 40c. .$ 54 44 S3.1 cubic yards of grading at 20c 16 6: Total $ - 71 C6 Mich F. Collins, lot 7, Hedley's sub : 99.7 sq yds macadamizing at 40c$ 39 S8 58.9 cubic yards of grading at 20c11 78 Total $ - 5166 John E. Hedley, lot 9, Hedley's sub: 43.6 sq vds macadamizing at 40c$ 17 44 26.7 cubic yards of grading at 20c5 34 Total $22 7S Frank McLaughlin, n% lot 33, Kelley's sub 33.4 sq. yds macadamizing at 40c$ 13 36 22 9 cubic yards of grading at 20c4 58 Total $ 17 94 Jas. J. Dunn, e% lot 32, Kelley's sub: 33.4 e 22 9 cubic yards of gradingds 13 66 at 20c...4 58 Total $ 17 98 Dani Whealan, n 2 3 lot 34, Kalley's sub: 44 6 sq yds macadamizing at 400....$ 17 84 30.6 cubic yards of grading at 20c.. 6_12 Total $ 23 96 John McCaffrey, s 1-3 lot 34, Kelley's sub: 22 3 sq yds macadamizing at 40e.... 8 92 15 3 cu yds grading at 20c :3 06 — Total $ 1198 John McCaffrey, n lot 35, Kelley's sub: 33.4 eq. yds macadamizing at 40c13 3 3 36 22.9 cu yds grading at 20c _ Total $ 17 94 Mary ATaken, damizing at 400.. Kelley'slot 35, sub 13 36 33.4 eq yds4 58 22.9 cu yds grading at 20c Total $ 17 94 E. C. Leffert, w n% lot 36, Kelley's sub: 22.9 cn yds grading atds 20c t 400... • 13 36 4 58 Total $ 17 94 Josephine Tourot, s lot 36, Kelley's sub: 33 4 sq. yds macadamizing, at 40o...$ 13 36 22 9 cu yds grading at 20c 4 58 Total $ 17 94 John E Hedley : 42 8 sq. yds macadamizing at 40c17 12 29.3 cu yds grading at 200 5 86 Total Wm. Harkett, lot 1 of 1 of 37, Kelley's sub: 24.1 yards macadam'zing at 40c.. 9 64 16.5 cubic yards grading at 26c 3 30 Total $ 12 94 Wm. Harkett, lot 1 of lot 2 of l of l of 2 o lot 735, city : 7.0 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 2 SO 4 S cubic yards grading at 20c 96 $ 22 98 Total $ 3 76 Wm. Harkett, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 1 of'9 of out lot 735, city : 20.6 eq yds macadamizing at 40c8 24 16.0 cubic yards grading at 20c 3 20 Total $ 3 20 Eliza Blieh, lot 15, Wilson's sub: a3 99.9 eq yds macadamizing at 40c96 64 0 cubic yards grading at 20c 12 80 Total $ 52 76 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Crawford,Lillig,Powers, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city recorder be and is hereby instructed to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens of said city, qualified to assess damages that may be caused by the widening, opening and ex- tension of the following streets: White street between Twenty second and Twenty- fourth streets, West Fourteenth street in Leven's addition, Fourth street extension from Sixth street to the high bridge, accord- ing to the plat prepared by the city engineer. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That the committee on supplies be directed to advertise for proposals for furnishing fuel for the city for the coming winter. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved. That the ordinance committee and city attorney be and are hereby instuct- ed to draft an ordinance of the revised ordinance of 1893 amending chapter o ato comply with chapter 7 of the laws of the 25th general assembly. Ald. Butler offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of grounds and buildings be and are hereby That the committee on in- structed to have Phupnix park cleaned up and properly attended to. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, That the mayor be authorized to purchase twenty General Assemblycopies othe fortheuse of the city and its officers. Ald. Crawford offered the following res• olution, which was adopted: Rssolved, That the city engineer be instruct- ed to examine the grade of Dorgan alley, from Ellis street easterly, with a view to changing the grade of said alley. so as to make it to the recent grade of Ellis street, and to the establt he in e ment of a curb grade of said alley at its in- tersection that he prepare and report the profilestreet,Seventeenth and suit- able uitable grade for such alley. 23S Regular Session, August 6, 1891. Ald Kaufmann offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare a plat showing the proposed extension of alley between Booth street and Eiith street. from West Third street south to intersect O'Neill street, showing the lauds or lots proposed to be taken, the names of owners thereof, and the quantity of land proposed to be taken, and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the ordinance committee and city attorney be instructed to examine the law in re ation to bonding the floating indebtedness of the city and tale such ac- tion as may be necessary, and in accordauee with law, and report to the council as soon as convenient. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this noti te, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of W ashington street, between Thir- teenth and Fourteenth streets. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of grant- ing the petition of the "office building com- mittee" asking that the assessment on city lots 49 and 50 be fixed at a valuation of $0,- 000 for the fiscal five years succeeding the completion of the building and at $75,00) for the following five years. Also presented a minority report signed by himself and Ald. Powers objecting to the proposed reduction of assessment ane moved that it be adopted. Lost by the following: Ayes—Alda. Powers and Ryder. Nayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Shea, Vogel and Vog er. Ald. Crawfora moved that the majority report be adopted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes- Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—Al Is Powers and Ryder. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Iowa street, be tween Sixth street and Seventh street, abutting lots 221 and n 3SX feet of lot 219, city, where not already laid, also new curb- ing and re setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler. Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Butler offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Main street, be- tween First street and Second street where not already laid, also new curbing and re- setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aide Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Naves—None. Ald Shea offered the following: Rsoolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 0 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid inconformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou the west side of Hill street. abutting lot 39, Ke ley's sub Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes -None Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Charles street, between Muscatine street and Broadway extension Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel an i Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, Byithe City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and lad in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Johnson avenue, between Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point avenue. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks. on the east side of Kniest street, between Garfield ave- nue and Rhomberg avenue. Adopted by she following vote: Ayes—Aids Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. A'd. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the construction of an 8 inch tile pipe in Julien avenue, from West Eighth street to alley west of Alpine street, by B. Hobi, contractor, adjacent to the same a spectal tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Nic Each, lot 13, sub of out lot 703, city 1200 .004 $ 4 SO Nic Esch. lot 1 of 14, sub of out lot 703, city 5S0 2 32 Hugh Cavanaugh. lot 2 of 14. sub of outlot703, city. 2600 " 10 40 Hugh Cavanaugh, lot 3 of 14, sub of outlot 704 city. 600 " 2 40 P B Martin estate, lot 15, sub of outlot 703, city2930 " 11 60 P B Martin estate, lot 22, sub of outlot 703, city340 '` 1 36 Mary Mullin, lot 21, sub of outlot 703 3ity2150 8 60 J W Hoffman, lot 21. sub of outlot 713, city 1160 4 64 John McCoy, lot 19, sub of outlot 703, city 3600 " 14 40 A W Kemler, lot 15, Kel- ley's sub 8000 " 32 00 liegullar b'essWon, August 6, 194. 239 Wm Leahy, lot 14 " 5000 Mike Doyle, lot 13 " 5000 P B Martin eat ne?. lot 12 Kelley's sub 1S70 D Barry est, nw 14 lot 12, Kelley's sub 1570 Thos W hitby, e 29% ft lot 9, Ke,ley's sub 2950 Mrs F Mecklinburg, w 19jf ft lot 9, Kelley's sub 1959 C McCollins, lot 8, Kelley's sub 5000 " 20 01 •• 20 00 " 7 48 " 7 48 •' 21 80 " 7 80 " 2)00 " 20 00 " 20 00 " 8 SO " 11 20 " 31 00 " 21 00 " 20 00 " 20 00 " 13 SO 16 00 " 11 20 " 16 00 " 10 00 " 10 10 " 4 50 " 18 00 " 100 00 " 56 00 " 30 00 " 30 00 " 44 SO " 44 SO 12 00 S S0 14 00 19 20 17 25 19 20 12 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 " 20 00 " 18 00 16 00 8 00 32 00 32 00 8 00 8 00 " 120 " 20 00 20 00 John Nagle, lot 7. " 6000 Fred Freiburg, lot 6 " 5000 " e 22 ft lot 5, " 2200 Adolph Heinz, w 28 ft lot 5,Kelley's sub 2500 E Guthrie,lot 4, Kelley sub 5100 F D Collett, lot 3, •` 5900 D J Hennessy, lot 2, " 5000 D J Hennessy, lot 1, " 5000 D J Hennessy, lot 7, Mob- ley's sub 3450 D J Hennessy, lot 6, Mob- 4000 ley's sub R T Eddy, n 70 ft lot 5, Mob -200 ley's sub Robt Armstrong, lot 3, 4000 Dub Water Co, lot 2, Mob- ley's sub 2500 Mrs C Herancourt, lot 1, 2.00 Mobley 's sub Mrs C Herancourt, lot 1, 12)0 min lot S4 J H Simplot, lot 2 min lot 84 4500 J H Simplot, lot 2 min lot S3 25060 J H Simplot, lot 4 min lot 53 14000 W 0 Macs, lot 1 min lot SL 75)0 Louise Gieseman, lot2 min 7503 lot 81 Louise Gieseman. n 150 ft lot 1. Martin's Dub 11200 Jac Zaogmeister, lot 1 min 1120. lot So Wm. Whelan, lot 11 sub of 3J00 0, lot 7 3, city P. F. Rooney, lot 10 sub of 4200 0, lot 703, city Henry Rooney est, lot 9 sub 3500 of O. lot 703, city Benj. Bassler, s lot 45, Farley's sub 4800 Anna Sauerwein, lot 2 of 45 'Parley's sub 4320 Fred Ludescher, lot 45 Far- ley's sub 4S00 E. Delaney, lot 1 of 43 Far- ley's sub 3000 James Brophy, lot 37 Far- ley's sub 5000 John Nagle, lot 3S Farley's sub 5000 John Nagle, lot 39 Farley's sub 5000 John Nagle, lot 40 Farley's sub 5000 John Nagle, lot 41 Farley's sub 4500 John Nagle, lot 42 Farley's sub John Nagle, lot 4 of 0 lot 00 739, city John Nagle, lot 5 of 0 lot S000 lot 730, city Alphons Matthews, lot 6 of 5000 O lot 735, city......... Mary M. Thomas, lot 7 of 0 lot 7.38, city 2000 Kate E. Sullivan, S of O lot 733 e , ctty feet J. W. oft feetker est. w 3 0 lot 38. city 300 Billion Stokely et al, lot 95W0 of 0 lot 738, city J. W. Parker est, lot 10 of 05000 lot 738, city.. ......... 11 11 11 " " 11 11 11 " it 11 Mrs. Jennie West, lot 11 of O lot 735 city 5000 " 20 00 A W Hosford, lot 1 Cain's sub 3500 " 15 20 P. S. Webster, lot 8 Cain's sub 6060 " 24 00 J. M. McFadden, e j( lot 2 of 1 H T. McNulty's sub. 5250 " 21 00 Al. Matthews. w 3; lot 2 ot 1 H. T. McNulty 's sub5250 " 21 00 John McDonald, lot 2 Mc- nulty's sub 10500 " 42 00 Academy of the Visitation. part of min lot 56..... 20000 " SO 00 J Hennessey, lot 1 Leven' 25i0 " 90 00 add Mrs. J. Marsh, pt of min lot 174 12000 " 9S 00 John Nagle; lot 11 Kelley 's " 15 8) sub John Nagle, lot 10 Kelley's 3300 13 20 sub Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, o eraw ord, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, r, Vogel and Vogler Nays -None Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in alley west of Center Place by Thos Dorsey, contrac- tor. adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is herby levied on the several lots, and ana parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Academy of the Visitation, part of mineral lot 86....24000 .004 $93 00 John McDonald, lot 2, H F2u00 10 00 McNulty's sub Arch Ferguson, lot 1, sub of 3, 6, 7, 10 and 11, H T. Mc- Nulty's4800 19 20 sub Geo. Ferguson, lot 2, sub ot 3. 6, 7, 10 and 11, H. T. Mc- Nulty's sub 3100 " 12 40 J. P. Early, lot 3, sub of 3, 6. 7, 10 and 11, H. T. Mc- 3300 13 20 Nulty's add John Duttle, lot 4, sub of 3, 6 7,10 and 11, H. T. Mc- Nultv's "13 00 sub 3250 H M Rogere, lot 5, sub of 3 6, 7, 10 and 11, H. T. Mc- " 13 20 Nulty's sub 3300 H. M. Rogers, lot 6, sub of 3. 6. 7, 10 and 11, H. T. Mc- " 13 20 Nulty's sub 3300 J. P. 6. 7Earley, a 1ot 11,7H uT.oMc- Nulty's sub 3800 " 15 23 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids Butler, Crawtord, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald. Shea, of the bo rd of hen tlth,the lley pre- sented a list of property from First to Seventeenth and between Main streets,and Iowa moved e be notified to make sewer geconnectionwith their property. Lost by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, Kaufmann, Powers and Shea. Halpin, Lillig, Nayes-Alda. Crawford, Ryder. Vogel and Vogler. Also presented bills for the caring of small pox patients. Referred to the city attorney to collect from the county. AldRyder paper to tho e ensuing roceed year. Cart t- the official p p rigid. Alfie. Shea and Kaufmann were appointed tellers. 11 240 Regular Session, August 6, 1894. 'l he Herald was elected the official paper on the third ballot by the following vote: Telegraph, 5; l eraid, 5. The vote being a tie the mayor cast the deciding vote. AId. Ryder moved that the engineer and street superintendent fill sidewalks on east side of Seventh street below the railroad tracks, and the matter of curbing destroyed by fire June 9 be referred to street commit- tee. Carried. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, 7 hat a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick. stone, or ce- ment, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Eagle Point avenue, between Johnson avenue and Windsor avenue. Adopted by the following vote: Aye'—Aldermen Butler. Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Southern avenue, between the end of present improvement and Rail- road avenue, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for kids and proposals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abuttit g proptrty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Lillig, Powers. Vo gel, Butler, Halpin, Kaufmann, Ryder, Vog- ler and Shea. Ald Butler offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Holly street, between Cleve- land avenue and Rush street, he graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work; the guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Referred to street committee. Engineer Knowlton reported on follows: Julien avenue sewer: M. Lavin Thos Dorsey Jas. Hird & Son F. M Kringle On motion M. Lavin being the lowest bid- der was awarded the contract. Sewer in ltoberts' avenue: John O'Brien Jas. McKenan John McCaffrey James Hird & Son D. W. Linehan M Lavin Thos. Dorsey F. M. Kringle Improvement of Dell street: John O'Brien Steuck & O'Farrell Dodson & Cousins A. Lange John Tibey John P. Williams Geo. W. Farley On motion John O'Brien being bidder was awarded the contract. bids as $408 00 514 00 695 00 634 00 $279 622 388 338 336 397 294 931 50 (0 80 50 00 (0 00 00 $404 00 682 00 560 25 575 50 580 00 527 CO 570 00 the lowest AId. Halpin moved that when the council adjourn it meet Thursday, Aug. 9, at 7 :30 p. m. Carried. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest'` vL ved: 1894. ly l Ji Mayor. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session. Council met Aug. 9, 1894, at S o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aldermen Butler. Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The petition of R. Rorenz et al., in relation to the unhealthy condition of Couler creek was referred to the committee of the whole and engineer. The communication of Dr. F. W. Wieland that the matter of building a sanitary sewer on upper White street be urged with all haste possible and suggesting that the mat- ter be referred to the city engineer to deter- mine the most practical method. Referred to the committee of the whole and engineer. The petition of J. C. Scharf et al, protest- ing against special assessment for improve- ment of alley from Humboldt avenue to Schiller avenue between R' omberg and Gar- field avenue until work is completed and rolled. Referred to street committee. Petition of Fred. B. Smith, general secre• tary of the Y. M. C. A., asking that lots 163 and 16Sa be exempt from taxation. Refer- red to committee of the whole. Petition of Wm. Graham, attorney for the First Presbyterian church, asking that the city engineer be directed to give the grade line of Locust and Eleventh streets. Grant- ed. Petition of Glab Bros. et al, protesting against the manner in which Lemon street was improved, and asking that it be not accepted until it is properly done. Referred to street committee. Fire Chief Reinfried submitted the follow- ing: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: I most respectfully recommend to your honorable body the necessity of placing fire alarm boxes at the following places, to -wit: Corner of Apple and Cleveland avenue, cor- ner Dodge and Grandview avenue, corner South Dodge and Grandview avenue, corner Julien avenue and Delhi street, corner As- bury and Delhi street, corner Seminary and Woodworth street, corner Seminary and Paul street, corner Bhomberg avenue and Fifth avenue. By locating the above boxes it will ma- terially assist the department in quick loca- tion of fires. Referred to committee on fire and water. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented and read for the first time an ordinance entitled "An ordinance to provide for the giving effect to the provisions of chapter seven (7) of the acts of the XXV general assembly of the 6 Adjourned Regular Session, August 0, 1S94. -t state of Iowa, and making provision with respect to contracts for paving and curbing streets and the construction of sewers, the collection of assessments and the issue of bonds or certificates by the city of Dubuque to pay for such improvements " kid. Halpin moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance be placed on its final passage. Ca?ried. The ordInance was read vote; its title and adopted by the f Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauffmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ryder offered a resolution for the paving of Seventeenth, between West Lo- cust and White streets, which was referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a warrant be drawn in favor of Atkinson and OlofY for five hundred and fifty and 21-100 4550.24) dollars in full payment for balance clue on the 5 per cent. retained for brick pavement on Main street, in accordance with their contract with the city. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the c=tey engineer r showinbe and g hereby instructed top Psp the proposed extension and opening w of Esther street, between Wilde street and Southern avenue, showing the lands or lots necessary to be taken, the names of the own- ers thereof, and the quantity of land pro- posed to be taken and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: be drawn ind Resolved, M. Lavin, heThat aorder fsame or 00o apply as part payment for construction of sewer on West Third street Ald. Ruder offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Tenth street from Main street to Locust street be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed ir led to forake t the d neces- sary plans and specifications im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work, the curbing and paving to be doneAdo tied he ex- pense of abutting property. P by the following vote: AyesButler, ieHalpin, Kaufmann, Lilig,yder,Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None Ald. Butler offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of tther citybe onf DDubuque, That a sanitary structed on 'West Third street west f om present terminus as is now under construc- tion to Burch street, and the city eplans ngine Bad is hereby instucted to prepare specifications for construction of said sewer, to be done at the expense of the owners of adjacent property. vote: Adopted by the following Halpin, Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, a Shea, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Vogel and Voglebills were orderedcpaid: r. The following Dubuque Robber and Belting company400 (for hhnse) • Manufacturing com- Hane & Campbell400 Alderman Kauffmann offered the follow- ing : Resot ced, By the city council of the city of tee Dubuque, That a sidewalkstone t cement, wide. of good two-inch plank, brick, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Elm street, between Sanford street and Twenty-third street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the tollowtug vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay es—None. Ald Kaufman offered the following: Resol,'rd, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to the both sides of Stafford avenue, between Garfield avenue and Linwood cemetery, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, L'llig, Powers, Ryder,Shea; Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann cffered the following: Resolved, By the citycouncil of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 Leet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 day s of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, ou the north side of Garfield avenue, between Middle avenue and Dock street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Hal- pin, Butler, Crawford, pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, ot good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Forest Lane between Nevada street and Delhi street where notalready Adopt dat the expense of abutting property. roPrety• y the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauffmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ruder offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days ot this notice, constructed and laid:in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on both sides of Booth street between West Third street street, and on the east e side between O'Neill and Dodge streets where not aalread Adolaidpt d the expense of abutting property. by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauffmann Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Ryder offered hehfollowing: city of Resolved, By city council Dubuque, inch a sidewalk stone orcementt good it io in .h plank, be laid 15 daysconformity of this the' ordinance in and laid in conformity relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Caledonia Place, between West Eighth at theexp nnd Hill se of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, HShea, Kauffmann, lilliR, Powers, Y Vogel and Voger. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stonenoric mean,, be, within fifteen days of this structed and laid in conformity with the or- 242 Adjourned Regular Session, August 9, 1894. dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Glen Oak avenue, between Julien avenue and West Third street where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, dhea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sideway- six feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice. con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to siiewalks, on the north side of West Fourteenth street, be- tween Alta Vista street and Delhi street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the follow- ing vote • Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within flf.een days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Lincoln avenue, between First avenue and Third avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resoloed, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 4 feet wide. of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Wilde street, between McLennon street and South Dodge street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt - e1 by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Twenty-third street, between Elm street and Jackson street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aida. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of High Bluff street between Stafford avenue and Schiller avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes --Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kauffmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Alderman Powers offered the following: Resolved, 13 ' the city council of the city of Dubuque: - That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on both sides of Bennett street, between Grandview avenue and east line Griggs addition. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Wilde street between McLennon and the terminus of said Wilde street be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized. in conformity with the ordi- nance on that subject That the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work ; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Southern avenue, be- tween the end of present improvement to Railroad avenue be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals tor the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald Ryder moved that when the council adjourns it does so to meet Aug. 11, at 7:30 p. m. Carried. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported in favor of accepting the proposition of the American Fire com- pany for the repairing of the two steam fire engines. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—Aids Lillig and Powers. Ald. Crawford moved that the mayor be authorized to execute the contract on the part of the city. Carried. Ald. Kaufman offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city engineer prepare estimates of the amount of grading and the probable cost of doing the work on the fol- lowing named streets in Burden K, Lawther's add: Goethe avenue, Lawtber avenue, Strauss avenue. Headley court, Sheridan street and Buena Vista street. Ald. Halpin moved to adjourn. Carried. AtifY t`: oved: • C/ 1894. Adjourned Regular Session, .lugust 11, 1894. 24:: CITY COUNCIL. Ad,jlarned 1t nLur Session, Aug. 11, 1894. Council met at S o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aid Crawford, Kautmann, Lil- lig, Powers, Rider, Shea and Vogel Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the mayor is hereby au- thorized and required for the purpose of providing for the cost and expense of im- proving the following streets an1 alleys to - wit : West Fourteenth street from Alta Vista street to Atlantic avenue* 5,300 Second avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rhomberg avenue 500 Garfield avenue from Ann to Dock av- enue 900 Third avenue from Lincoln to Rhom berg avenue 500 Reed avenue from Lincoln to Rhom- berg avenue 500 Lincoln avenue from Second to Third avenue 1,003 Lemon street from Twenty-seventh to 1,503Millville road Eagle Point avenue from Windsor to 500 Stafford avenue Providence street from Johnson to 1,200 Stafford avenue Alley from Humboldt and Schiller, be- tween Reomberg and Garfield av- enue Fifth avenue from Adams avenue to 1,100 west line of Jansen's sub Lincoln avenue from Third to Fourth 930 avenue Ann avenue from Lincoln to Garfield 1,000 avenue Pauline street from West Fourth to 400 West Fifth streets E 2-3 of Elm street from Sanford street 1,000 to Twenty-third street S 2 3 of Twenty-third street from Jack- son street to Elm street Alley from Ellis to Foye street between 600 West Locust and Almond street Rush street from South Dodge to Ap- ple street High Bluff street from Stafford to 1,000 Schiller street To issue under the provision t➢ of tcohe ordi- nance adopted Aug. 9, by the ncil of the city of Dubuque, bonds to the amount of $22,000 of the denomination of $100 each, numbering from 469 to 6SS inclusive, to be dated Aug 15, 1S94, payable seven years at• ter date, or at any time before said dbearing te at interest the option of the pity of Dubuque; interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. he both officeinof the city interestal and rasurpayable treasurer in the city of Dubu 1ue, Iowa. That wheny shall be delivered to the finance bonds are issued and reg- istered, ommithey committee, and said committee is hereby authorized to negotiate said bonds atnot less than par, and pay proceeds sbhim same to the city treasurer, to be app n accordance with the provisions ofS94, and thesaiinance adopted Aug. 9, com- mittee is to report its doings hereunder to the city council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel. Ald. Crawford moved that the fire com- mittee be authorized to purchase a horse for the fire department, and that a warrant for $100 be drawn in favor of P. H. Murray to pay for same. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted : Resolved. That hereafter whenever the city council shall determine to issue bonds for the payment of improvements on streets or constructing sewers. it shall be the duty of the committee on finance to adver- tise for proposals for the purchase of such bonds, and such bonds shall be sold to the parties offering the highest pr. mium for the same, such ad- vertisement to be published at least ten days before the negotiation of such bonds. Ald. Kaufmann moved that when the council adjourned it does so to meet Aug. 24 at 7:33 p. in. Carried. Aid. Lillig moved to adjourn. Carried. Attestl CITY COUNCIL. Special Session, Aug, 16, 1894. Council met at 10:30 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Ald. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The mayor stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the matter of vacat- ing four feet of Providence street. Ald. Kaufmann moved that the rules he suspended[and Attorney M. C. Matthews be allowed to address the council in relation to the said vacation. Carried. Mr. Matthews addressed the council on the above subject. Ald. Shea moved that the former action of the council vacating four feet of the side- walk on the north side of Providence strer.t be rescinded. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Ry- der, Shea and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Kaufmann and Vogel. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be in- structed to call in improvement bonds amounting to $15,000, issued July 2, 1501, and pay accrued interest to August 15, 1/394: and that new bonds to the amount of $15,000 of like tenor, dated August 15, 1894, be issued in exchange for same, in accordance with chap- ter 7 of the laws of the Twenty-fifth General Assembly. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: 9-11 City Ordinance. An Ordinance To provide for giving effect to the pro- visions of chapter seven (7) of the Acte of the Twenty-fifth General Assembly of the State of Iowa, and making pro- vision with respect to contracts for pav- ing and curbing streets and the con- struction of sewers, the collection of assessments and the ieeue of bonds or certificates by the City of Dubuque to pay for such improvements. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Duhuque: Section 1. That when the city council of the city of Dubuque shall direct the paving and curbing of any street or streets, or the construc- tion of any sewer or sewers, the cost of which shall be assessable against the abutting real es- tate, it shall make and enter into contract for furnishing the materials and making the im- provement, either for the entire work in one con- tract or parts thereof in separate and specified sections, as the council may deem best. sec 2. All such contracts shall be nude with the lowest responsible bidder or bidders upon sealed propo ale, after public notice for not less than ten days in at least two newspapers pub lashed in the city of Dubuque, which notice shall state as nearly as pract'cab'e the extent of the work, the kind of materials to be furnished, when the work shall be done, and at what time the proposals will be acted upon. Bach con- tractor shah be required to give bond to the city, with sureties to be approved by the city council for the faithful performance of the con- tract. Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the city en- gineer to fu'nish the council with the proper grades and lines of the street or streets to be im- proved and to see that the work is done in ac cordance with the ordinances and regulations of the city with respect to said grades and lines. Sec.4 For the purpose of prov.ding for the cost and expenses of any such impro . ement or improvements the city council shalt from time to time as the work progresses make requisition upon the mayor for the issue of bonLs of the city of Dubuque in such sums and of such de- nominations as the council shall deem best. And it shall be the duty ef the mayor to make and execute bones accordingly in the name of the city to au amount not exceeding the amount of the contract price for such improvement and the incidentals attending the same. Said bonds shall bear the name of the street or streets im- proved and be signed by the mayor and counter • signed by the city recorder and city auditor and s aled with the corporation seal of the city, and shall all bear the same date and be payable seven years after date and be redeemable at any time at the option of the city, and shall bear such in- terest as the council may direct at a rate not ex- ceeding 6 per cent. Der annum payable semi- annually. Sec. 5. When such bonds have been issued by the mayor and sealed with the corporation seal of the city they shall be delivered to the city re• corder, who shall countersign the same and reg- ister them in a book to be kept for that purpose; they shall also be registered by the city auditor in the bond registry book of the city in his office, and countersigned by bim. Said bonds shall then be delivered by the city recorder to the com- mittee or person or persons authorized to nego- tiate the same, taking receipt therefor. Sec. 6. The committee or other persons author• ized to negotiate said bonds shall negotiate the same in such manner as they may deem best, un- der direction of the council, and at such price as may be obtainable for the same not less than par, and shall pay all moneys received therefrom to the treasurer of the city, taking duplicate re- ceipts therefor, one of which shall be delivered to the city auditor. They shall also report in writing to the city recorder toe number of bonds sold and the amount received there'or, which report shall be accompanied by a duplicate copy of the city treasurer's receipt for the amount of the procerds paid to him. Before delivering said bonds to the purchaser of the same said bonds shall be countersigned by the committee or other person or persons authorised to nego - tiate the same. Sec 7. Alt moneys receivel by the city treas- urer from the sale of said bonds shall be kept by him in a separate fund, which shall be known as the "etreet improvement fund," and paid out on,y on requisition of the council, accompanied by certificate of the engineer that the work has been done or material furnished to the amount of said warrant or requisition, and that it is re- quired for the payment of the same And all moneys received by said treasurer shall be kept in the same manner and subject to all regular' Hone regarding other moneys of the city, except that he shall keep a separate account of the same. and all interest received upon the same shall be credited to such fund. Sec. 8. An account shall be kept by the city auditor with the city treasurer of all money re- ceived by the treasurer in raid "street improve- ment fund," and paid out by him for the same. He shall report to the council at the first regu - lar meeting in each month the condition of said fund. Sec 9. When any such improvement shall have been completed it shall be the duty of the city council to ascertain the entire cost of the improvement, and also what po tion of such cost may be by law assessable on adjacent property; and the portion of such 00.1 so assessahle shall then be assessed as provided by law or by ordi- nance of the city, upon the property fronting or abutting on said improvement. When any rail- road or street railway has been constructed and shall remain upon any street which the council may direct to he paved and curbed, or otherwise improved, at the time, when such direction shall be given; and when the owner of such railroad or owners of sucn street railway may be bound to pave or otherwise improve any portion of said street under' any law or ordinaLce of the city, or by virtue of the provisions of any contract or ordinance of the city under which sa d railroad or St eet railway may have been constructed or be maintained, and the owner or owners shall fail or refuse to comply with the order of the council to do such pay ng, then the portion of the cost of paving such street assessable on such railroad or street railway shall be assessed against such railroad or street railway. Sec. 10. That whenever any improvement con• templated by this ordinance shall be ordered by the city council, it shall be the duty of the city recorder. as soon as practicable thereafter, to cause to be served on the managing officer of any railroad or street railway company occupy- ing or about to occupy with its tract the street or streets ordered to be improved a copy of the res- olutions ordering such improvement; and the resolution shall direct such railroad or street railway eompany to improve, such portion of the street as is contemplated by section one (1) of chapter sixteen (16) of the Acts of the Twenty- fifth General Assembly, or as shall be designated or required by virtue of the provisions of any contract or ordinance cf the city under which said railroad or treat railway company may have been constructed, specifying the general charac- ter of the material to be used and the time when said work shall be commenced and finished. And said resolution shall require of said railroad or street railway company to desiginate in writing within five (5) days atter the service of a copy of the same on said railroad or street railway com• pany, whether or not it oropeses and desires to do the work of 1111/rovement itself; and that iu case of failure of said ra ]road or street railway company to so designate its wishes in writing within the time specified, it will be presumed that the said railroad or street railway company does not propose to make the improvement itself and the city counci will then be at liberty to make the improvement as contemplated by law at the expense of such railroad or street railway company; and the costs of paving such streets shall be ascertained, apportioned and assessed by the city council against said railroad or street railway. Sec. 11. It shall be the duty of the city en- gineer to make and file for public inspection in the office of the city recorder a plat of the place or Wales on which such improvement shall be made, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground andbthe namest to , so fax ssment as practicable, r such improve- ment,of the several owners, and the amount to ce assessed against eaoh lot or piece of ground; and if such improvement shall be the paving or other im- provement of any street, said plat shall also show any and all railroad and street railway tracks thereon and the amount, if any, to be assessed against such railroad or street iailway, and shall after the making and filing of said plat aforesaid noticeindaily newspapers published City Ordinance. 24 in the city of Dubuque that ench plat is on file In the office of .he city recorder for the inspection of any perso.. or company interested therein, and that such person or uompanv having any objection to the tax proposed to be a Belied thereby may file with the ei y recorder hi. or their objections in writing at or before the neat muting of the city council after the publication of such notice; that the city council at such meeting, or as soon thereafter as practicable, after hearing and deciding upon any obiectton so filed, if any, and after making all necessary corrections In the assessment as proposed by said plat, will assess and levy as a special tax upon the property of each owner liable to special assessments as aforesaid its just and true pro- portion accordingto law and according to said assessment proposed by said plat as corrected and approved of the amount to be specially as- sessed for such improvement. Said assessment shall be duly entered on the proper tax books of Paid ei y and ehal1 be payable at the office of the city treasurer of said city in seven equal installments, with Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, from the date of the assess- ment, upon the unpaid por.ion thereof, the first of which, with interest on the whole amount at six per cent. per annum, shall be payable on and after the date of such assessment as aforesaid, and the others annually. atter the date of said assessment, with interest on the whole amount unpatd,and said assessment shall be collected like other special taxes, as may be provided oy the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. Sec. 12. Said assessment, with interest accru- ing thereon, shall be a lien upon property abut- ting upon the street or streets on which any r uch improvement is made, or upon such improve- ment from the commencement of the work, and shall remain a lien until fullly paid and shalt have precedence over all o her liens except or- dinary taxes. and shall not be dive ,ted by any judicial sale; PROVIDED, That st ch Len shall be limited to the lots or lands bounding or abutting on such s'reet or streets, or on such improvement and not exceeding in depth therefrom 150 feet. Any railwayfortheent a paving of anyainst street railroad or anystreet shall be a first and paramount hen upon the entire track of said railroad or street railway within the limits of the city of Dubuque. Sec. 13. The ow ter of any property ageing which an assessment shall have been made for thecost of any such improvement shall a ve the right pay the same in full, withinteresttherap).j rate the rate of sic per ceut. per annum from the time said assessment was made. or after having paid one or more of said seven installments, and interest, he may at any time pay in full the bal ance thereon at six per cent. per annum i rom the time when the preceding payment becomes due, and such payment in furl shall Wigs, aand 4dis charge the lieu upon said prop-rty, any owner of such property who shall divide the same so that the feet front on airy such improve• ment are divided into separate lots or parcels, may discharge the lien in like manner upon any one or more of such lots or parcels by payment of the amount e ratio of feet front or square feet to areadof by lot or lIta parcel or or parcels, r to the feet front of thewhole lotassessment hall have been made against any railroad or street railway for the paving of any st'eet, the owner of said railroad or street railway shall have the same rights as are hereinbefore provided, to pay in in- stallments or pay in full the assessment one part of he ainst said railroad or street railway: line of said railroad or street railway hail be y re- leased from the lien for any I a npaid assessment which may have been made against it for paving any street as aforesaid Sec. 14. All moneys from aset thents shalt e appropriated to the pa.' r payment and redemption of he bonds tbat shall be issued for such improvements. And if any interest shall become due on any of said ponds when there is no fund to pay the same, the coun- cil are authorized to m make aa to moi rary loan for said fund for the pay Sec 15. Whenever it is deemed advisable by the city council It shall be lawful for them to issue certificates payable to bearer or to contrac- tors, who. under contract with the city, shall have constructed any such improvements in pay- ment therefor, each of which certificates will state the amount of one or more assessments, or a part or ownthe ers, and made against in theower, and loorstreet railway, on account of, and or the payment of the cost of any such improvement, and shall ne- gotiate the sam or transfer to the contractor, or assigns all the right and interest of such city to, to and with respect to every such assessment, and shall authoriz3 such bearer, contractor or assigns, to receive, me for, collect or have col- lec'ed, by, or through any of the methods pro- vided by la • for the coil etion of assessments for local improvements, including the provisions of this act, or the same may be paid by the tax- payer to the city collector, who shall receipt therefor, and have the same applied to the pay• ment of the certificate issued therefor. Sea. 16. Whenever the owner of any lot or lots, orof any railroad or street railway, the as- sessment or asessmen s ag inst which is or are embraced in any such bonds or certificates, shall severally promise and agree in writing en- dorsed on such bond or certificate, or in a sep- arate agreement that in consideration of having the right to pay his, or their assessment, or re- s ective assessments, in installments, they will not make any objection of illegality, or irregu- larity, as to their respective assessments, and will pay the same with interest thereon, at such rate, not exceeding six per ceot per annum, ae shall by ord.nance or resolution of the city coun ill of such city be prescribed and recuired, he or they. shall have the benefit, and be subject to all the provisions of this o divaoce authorizing the payment of assessments in annual installments, and relating to the leen and collee'ion and pay- ment of as=essments so far as applicab e. Sea. 17. Any owner of any lot or lots, or any railroad or street railway assessed for payment of cost of any such improvement who will not promise and agree in writing. as provided in s:c- tion 10 hereof shall be required to pay his assess- ment f full when made, and the same with in- terest thereon, shall be collectable by or through aned law for the col. leetlo rthe of of assessments for local improvements, including the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 18. Any mistatre in the description of the property or in the name of the owner shall not vitiate the lien. Sec. 19. The council shall not have the right to authorize any improvement under this act un- less the owners of a majority of the feet front, or square feet in area of the property abutting upou, or adjacent to the street, or streets to be im- proved, or any such improvement shall t etitlon the'efor, or unless the same .hall be `oted for by thr 20fouttbs of the Any members the part of any street, orsteeetsclli Secmay be improved under this ordinance, as well as an entire street, or streets, and the cost of the whole or any part of the impro gement included in any resolution or contract, or contracts, may be no- tice,levied at one time and when such actin will o allow tder one hat e just and true rroportion of the entire cost to be assessed uniformly to each front foot or square foot in area, of the lots or lands abutting ou, or adja- cent to such improvement. Sec. 21. a heuever any contract, as contem- plated in the first and second sections of this or- dinavice,shall be fully completed accor ling to the plans and specifications, it shall be the duty of the committee having the Bouts in charge to report the fact to the ci y council, which shall ac- cept the work, unless valid objections shall be made. When accepted the amount due the coa- tractor shall be paid within thirty days after ac• coptance, according to the estimate of the city engineer, approved by the committee In charge of the work, by warrants on the to "Street seIme p lull, rove - meat Fond, said payment unless, by the terms of the contract, a percent- age to be d guarantee that thecontractfor a phasfibeen faitthfulled period, as y executed Nothing herein shall be construed to is r e ant thee clh council from making psi' • count of the nm srov, went before completion, under the recommendation of the committee in charge. dei.. 22. All ordinances or parte of ordinances ineonsth or avening the toregoiug iarerhereby repealed; but foregoing provisions, nothing herein sl i all be construed to strait or ht - validate any ordinance or resolation heretofore adopted not in conflict with this o deem ec oe f im- Sec 23. This ordinance being mediate importance shall be in force and elf ect, from and after its publication in the official paper in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Adopted Aug. 9, 1804 OLINGER, Mayor. Attest: T, J. COON&Y, City Recorder. 246 0.fiicial .Notices. Notice. Bids will be r ceiv ed at the city rec refer's of- fice up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, Aug 11, 1894, for ty for the ensuing year.the veBidders must terinary kstate of he i the price per horse per year for doing said work, including all medicine required. The committee reserves the right to reject any or it bidsY W. CaniyFnnn, Chsirman Fire Committee.8. Dubuque, Aug. 3, 1894 Notice of Sale. 1 Will ddr for cash. Feonthell t 11.3th day brc iof August, on to the b1894,est iate 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm str,et, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following impounded • animals, to -wit: One light gray horse about .0 years old and totally blind. JOAN RAEBLI, Ci'y Marshal. Dubuque, Aug. 7, 1894. aug7 t To Whom it May Concern. That notice is hereby given that all persons who shall ride or drive O , bicyc,es or veloci- pedes or any similar conveyance whatever on or over the streets of this city shall keep to the right and at all times as far as pose' ble give tree and unobstruc ed use of ti e street to horses, vehicles, etc., and there shall be no fast riding or racing on the streets. All bicycles shall be provided with a bel! which shall be rung at crossings and on approaching any vehicle, or , ehicles, or horse or horses, and at night time each bicycle shall be provided with a light or lantern placed in front of the same. Any person or persons violating the above will be arrested and prosecuted in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Aua6-15t P. OLINOER. Mayor. Notice to Contractors. Sealed prorosals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock, Sett. 1, 1894, for improving Southern avenue from end of pres nt improve- ment to Railroad avenue. Grading, cut, 2,700 cubic yards; fill, 2,700 cubic yards; curbing,1,700 lineal feet; guttering, 750 square yards; mac- amiziug, 3,000 square yards. Holly street, from Cleveland avenue to Rush street—Grading, cut, 1,530 cubic yards; curbing, 800 lineal feet; guttering, 340 square yards; mac- adamizing, 1,240 square yards. Wilde street, from McLennan street to east end of street—Graiing, cut, 250 cubic yards; fill, 250 cubic lards; curbing, 50, lineal feet; guttering, 200 square yards; macadamizins, 600 square yards. Also to curb and brick pave Tenth s'reet from Main street to Locust street—New curbing, 500 lineal feet; old curbing. reset. 70 lineal feet; brick paving on concrete foundation,1,600 square yards All in accordance with plans and specifications on file in my office Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing and resetting old curb: price per s mare yard for guttering and macadamizing and brick paving. including concrete foundation. Grading on streets to be aid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the regular session of the council to be held Sept. 4, 1894. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. T. J. CuONBY, aug17-l0t City Recorder. Notioe. Notice is hereby given to all boys that ball playing in, upon and along all streets, alleys and public places in the city is prohibited by ordinance, and from and after this date all boys caught or known to play ball will be arrested and prosecuted, as 1 am deter- mined to have this nuisance stopped. Aug 15-15t JOHN HAESLI, City Marshal. Special Asse>< sm 313t NotEl ce. OFFICE THE unuquE,Iowe To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abu ting: Wilde st f om 8 Dodge et to McLennan. Rue., st from S Doige st to Apple at. Booth st from W Third s to Dodge st. Pauline st from W Fifth st to W Fourth st. Forrest Lane from Nevada st to Delhi at W Fourteenth st from Alta Vista st to Atlantic avenue. Ailey from Rills st to Foye st, between A'moud st to W Locust et Lemon st from Twenty-seventh st to Millville road. South "; d Twenty-third st from Jackson st to Elias st. Providence st from Johnson avenue to Stallard avenue. High Bluff frim Stafford avenue to Schiller avenue Ann avenue from Darfield avenue to Lincoln avenue Second avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rhom- berg av nue. Third avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rhom- berg avenue. Fifth avenue from Adams avenue to south line of Jansen's sub. And to any person or persons or company hav- ing any interest in said real estate. you ate here- by notified that there is on file In the office of the city recerder or Dubuque a pl.t of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of grounds abutting on said streets and alleys, subject to the special assessment for paving, gutt.rine, curbing and macadamizing of Reid streets and alleys and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amount assessed against each lot, or parcel of ground, for the in- spection of a y person. firm or company inter- ested in any kind in said real estate, and that such firm or company Laving objection to the spe- cial tax proposed to be assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing at or before n xt meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet the 3d day of S ptember, 1894. w. H. KNOWLTON. City Engnteer. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office city of Dubuque, up to 4 o'clock Sept. 1, 1894. for furnishing all mater!al and labor and building pipe s'wers as follows, ac- cording to plans and specifications in file in said office. viz: An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West Third street, from alley in Prostpect Hill addition to Burch etre. t. Estimated length, 800 lineal feet. One manhole. An 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Water street, fiom Jones street to First street extension. Estimated length, 300 lineal fent. Two manholes Bidders must furnish a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered Into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the regular meeting of the council Sept 4, 1894. The City reservt a the right to reject any or all bids. W. El. SNOWLTO4, euigl7-10t City Engineer. Notioe. Sealed proposals will be received by the committee on supplies at the office of the city recorder, up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Fri- day, Aug. 31, 1894, for furnishing fuel, (coal and wood). for the city up to April 1, 1895, to be delivered in such places and such quantities as the committee may decide. Bidders must state the price per ton and quality of coal delivered as above des- ignated, also the price per cord for No. 1, maple wood, delivered as above designated. The committee reserves the right to award separate contracts for hard and soft coal. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. J. W. t1ALPIN, Aug 15-16t Chairman. Adjourned Regular Session, Sept. 4, 1894. 247 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Sept, :3, 1894. Council met at 9 o'clock a. m. Present, none. Adjourned to Tuesday, Sept. 4, at 9 a. m. Attest: a Adjourned Regular Session, Sept, 4, 1894. Council met at 9:15 a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Ald Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler On motion of Ald. Vogel the minutes of the last meetings were approved as printed. The following hills were ordered paid: 9 R. Fuhrman, stone 00 J. E. Knight, expenses in the Hunt 19 06 case W. W. W ormood, repairs on seat and 4 00 stamp The Telegraph, postal cards and 45 00 12 45 65 4 80 1 80 printin g Nessler & Jungk. plumbing Baumgartner & Kleih, shovel Nessler & Jungk, plumbing B E. Linehan, supplies (sewer) Diamond Jo line steamers, bale waste 10 80 Kannolt & Powers, horee shoeing14 25 Lear & Pflffner. horse shoeing 10 50 Cooper Hose Lead Stop company, 125 00 five leak stops 00 W. S. Molo, lawn sprinkler 5 20 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 3U 04 Erwin & Wood, lumber Ellwanger Bros , snpplies fire depart - 13 70 ment Standard Lumber Co., lumber fire de- partment lies fire Baumgartner & Kleih, supp 1 25 department Fraatz & Clark, supplies fire depart- ment Key City Gas Co., gas, fire depart - 20 49 mens Merkes & Hasler,supplies,flre depart mens 90 Smedley Manufacturing Co., labor 88 and material, fire department e de- partment & Jaeger, supplies,1 65 fire de art- Ilewer Bros., dry goods, p 4 20 ment 34 20 Byrne Bros , livery supplies, patrol Fraatz & Clark, pp3 house tee, atrol 30 Baumgartner & Kleih,supp. P 1 00 house lies, police 4 59 Lear n PHfY er, supplies, police6 70 EllwaLgee Bros., repairs, road 8 25 B. D. Linehan, rep Morrison Bros • repairs, etc 12 5082 09 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co.. lumber Geo. W. Daykin. repairs on roller1 00 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lumber. 33 70 30 F. Scholz, repairs, road F. dcholz, repairs, road Diamond Jo Line steamers, hall of waste, roller Reintried & Jaeger, nails Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies John Drehouse, hauling and placing sate 20 00 Chas Kulow, pine wood 5 25 B E Linehan, supplies, street 11 90 Standard Lumber company, lumber 1 CO patrol house Mrs J d Randall, sate 15 00 Eichorn & Bechtel. supplies, eity hall 1 75 Merges & Hasler. supplies, pound3 60 Baumgartner & Klein, supplies, hall35 Jas Doyle, repairs on scale 1 80 Diamond Jo Line steamers, supplies 50 board of health Fraatz & Clark, supplies, board of health 2 60 13 Lagen. livery 8 00 Geo Wertin, removing and repairing pest house boat.... 22 50 Tom Connolly repairing hose wagon. 6 75 Dr. Wieland, disinfectant powders23 86 County auditor, copies session laws 1D 00 25th G A 7 00 T J Conlin, livery Mrs Koenig, services as Janitor 20 00 W W Wormood, caring of city clock72 00 Eugene Frith, remo.ing garbage, etc241 655 Jas Kelly, stationery 16 Dubuque Herald, printing.... 11 00 Robert McGivern• sanitary service50 00 Barnard, Walker & Clewell,stationery 3 75 Hardie & Scharle. printing bonds and health officer's report. 39 00 Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser- 0 12 50 vices 5 Reinfried & Jaeger, file Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies 2 7o Mullin Bros., plumbing 80 9 55 W. S. Molo, Monteith, Dempsey & Honer 38 37 Joseph Geiger, carpenter work 5 00 George Wertin, labor in parks 19 00 25 M. Hayes, expressing Brown & Brown, extra work on Dock S 50 avenue Brown & Brown grading Wilde st 9S3 48 Brown & Brown, improvement of 183 S6 Wilde street Peter Horsch, grading s ;' { of Twenty- third street Wm. Getsheker, services as rodman40 00 Dubuque Construction Co., improve- 37 76ment of Fifth avenue Dubuque Construction Co., grading of 116 79 Fifth avenue Dodson & Cousins, grading Forest 168 94 Lane Phil. Doerr,grading Providence street 3 00 Phil. Doerr, improvement of Provi- dence street 25 Eugene Dietzen & Co., engineer's sup - 5 30 plies Thomas Dorsey, sewer in Walnut street 256 50 Dodson & Cousins, improvement of 12 24 Forest Lane Cushing & O' Melia, grading Reed ay131 30 Cushing & O'Malia, improvement of 89 Lincoln avenue 00 Cushing & O'Malia, improvement of 41 61 Reed avenue Cushing & O'Malia, improvement of 55 89 Third avenue Cushing & O'Malia, improvement of 45 93 Second avenue Carr, Ryder & Engler Co , reglazed sash 2 75 rovent of Lincoln Frank Bentin, imp 624 CO avenue rovement of Altman & Taylor, imp 1649 80 West Fourteenth M. Tschirgi, Jr., grading Rush street 326 10 15 90 9 40 10 71 1 75 14 65 1 30 24S Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1594. M. Tachirgi Jr improvement of Rush street M. Tschlrgi, improvement of Rush street John Tibey, improvement of Pauline 23 24 street 34 50 John Tibey, rock John Tibey, grading Pauline 114 4 713 James Street. crossing stone Steuck & O'Farrell, grading High 53 71 Bluff Steuck & O'Farrell, resetting curb28 76, Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement of 17 03 High Bluff Con Rvan grading Lemon street53 00 Con Ryan, improvement of Lemon 33 04 street John O'Brien, sewer in West Fifth street 235 00 John O'Brien. improv'tof alley from Ellis street to Foye street 53 07 Aug. Lange, improv't of Frst avenue 363 00 M. Lavin, sewer in Julien avenue173 25 M. Lavin, sewer in West Third street and alley bet. W. Third and Fenelon 563 60 D. W. Linehan, grading Booth street 263 91 D. W Linehan, improvement of 217 87 Booth street D. W. Linehan, extra work on Lin- coln avenue Peter Horsch, improvement of s 2-3 4 CO of 23rd street Peter Horsch, improvement of e 2-3 882 00 of Elm street16 00 McDermott & Gow, plumbing Star Electric company, arc lights1490 40 The following bills were referred to the committee on fire and water; Carr. Ryder & Engler compaty, $4 35. Diamond Jo Line Steamers 410 80. Dubuque Water company, $1,445. Iowa Iron Works, $75. The following bilis were referred to the committee on police and Light: Key City Gas company. $62 70. Globe Light and Heat company, $263 33. The following bilis were referred to the printing committee: Globe 8 29 75 The Times Co The Herald 75 00 The following bills were referred to the sewer committee: Wm S Molo W. J. Burns & Co $ 94 2795 The following bills were referred to the committee on claims: Western Electric Co $ 37 28 Merkes & Hasler Bill of the Smedley Msnutacturing cpm-it00 pane for $248 95 was referred to the street committee and engineer. Bill of the Dubuque Mattress p'actory of $12 was referred to the committee on sup- plies. The following petitions for the cancella- tion of taxes were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Martin Dempsey, Bridget Burke, Margaret Colford, Bridget Whitte- more, School Board, Lizzie Conlin, C. J Peterson, Mrs. Wm. Lahey, Mrs. Michael Shannon, Ed Raella. The following petitions asking for a reduc- tion of assessment were referred to the as- sessmentcommittee: Geo.Edwards,Eleventh Street Elevator company. The following petitions were referred to the committee on claims : Petition of Scherr Bros. asking that bill against Henry Glab be retained from his salary. Petition of the Armour Packing company that amount due them from J. Klein be de- ducted from his wages or that the mayor be instructed to accept service, in case suit is brought against Mr. Klein. Claim of Mr. Maurice F. Ahearn for 81 35 for wages due from city. 833 00 55 42 Claim of Bryan Donahue for extra pay for putting up street signs Petition of Hussman & Lies asking the city to collect bill against J L Hoffmeyer. Petition of T. J McClosky asking for damages to cutter done in going over man• hole on Fourteenth and Blud streets. Petition of Mrs. M. Lahey asking that the assessment for sidewalk he remitted The petition of C. H Pierce asking that $33.00 be retained from amount clue John O'Brien on contracts, was referred to the committee on claims and city engineer. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Geo Fengler and J. Holz ask- ing that alley between Schiller and Middle street and Garfleld avenue be improved and that water mains be extended in same. Petition of M M. Ham, P M , asking the city to donate one of the new record maps for the use of the postofiice. Petition of Peter Mihm et al , asking that West Eagle Point avenue from the improved street to Kane street be improved. The communication of F. W. Wieland, health officer, asking that two members of the board of health be sent to Des Moines Sept. 6 and 7 to attend the annual meeting of the Iowa Public Health association. Petition of E J. Voggenthaler et al., ask- ing that the water mains be extended on Windsor avenue from Sandford street to the intersection of Burden avenue immediately. The petition of Karl Fatka et al. asking that the railroad company be ordered to construct sidewalks across their right-of- way on Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, and also that Fif- teenth s :rest from Pine street to the alley west be improved. Ald. Halpin moved that the prayer of peti- tioneers be granted, and also that the rail- roads be ordered to plank all of their cross- ings, and the latter part of petition be re- ferred io the street committee. Carried. the communication of W. H. Knowlton inre'ationto sanitary sewer ttnd branches. thereto along Lincoln ave., and along Nevada st. to Lincoln school was adopted. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of Fred. Bluecher et al., asking that High Bluff et. between Schiller and Middle be improved. Petition of Mrs. Mary Murphy, asking to be allowed to pay special tax without inter- est for the improvement of South Locust et. Petition of Albert C. Mears et al , asking to have private alley between the end of Eagle Point ave to Middle st widened, agreeing to give the required amount abut- ting their property. Proposition of Con Ryan, Jr., to furnish filling for Fourth street extension and on Seventh near the I. C. R. R. trestle. Ald. Powers moved that the rules be sus- pended and parties desiring to address the council be allowed to do so. Carried. Rules were suspended and Mr. Lewis ad- dressed the council in relation to the paving of Tenth street between Main and Locust. Ald. Crawford moved that the action of the council ordering Tenth street paved with brick be reconsidered. Carried. Mr. Doyle addressed the council in relation to the laying of a sidewalk in front of his property on Julien avenue. The matter was referred to the street committee. Mr. Kennicker addressed the council in re- lation to his assessment for the improve- ment of Lemon street. Referred to the cibjr engineer and street committee. The following petitions were referred to the street commissioner and city engineer: Petition of Mies Sarah Ham in relation to the change of grade on Lincoln avenue. Remonstrance of James F. Smith, agent of Korman estate, and Mrs. Cooney. in rela- tion to the manner of the laying of a side- walk in front of their property. Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1394. 249 Petition of E Firzloi et al. asking that Queen street from Sanford street north be improved. Petition of George E. Ferris offering to re - !and $L00 paid him by the city on account of change of grade on Ellis street, claiming that the grade bad been misrepresented ,o him, and to have the damages to his proper- ty properly adjusted. The following petitions were referred to the committee on fire and water: Petition of Henry Tropf et al. asking to have the water mains extended on Clifford street from Seminary to Leibnitz streets Petition of A. A Cooper et al. asking to have the water mains extended to the levee on First street so that tire plugs can be stationed east of the Illinois Central railroad tracks. The communication of Alfred Herron and Timothy Dillon asking the committee of the whole to meet them and go over Grandview avenue from Southern avenue to the Mother house and inspect the same. Ref erred to the committee of the whole. Petition of C. M. Buettell et al. asking that the assessment for the construction of sewer in Almond street be lowered. Referred to the committee of the whole, attorney and engineer. Petition of E H. Sheppley et al asking that Lincoln avenue between White street and Couler avenue be improved the full width (48 feet) according to the original plat of 1892 Granted. Petition of James Forester asking to have sewer on Olive street extended south so as to be able to make connections with same. Referred to the sewer committee. Ald. Ryder moved to receive bids for street improvement up to 4 o'clock p. m., Sept. 4. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash on hand Aug. 1, 1814 $19,428 12 Receipts for month of August, 189474,e68 21 Total 193,496 33 Disbursements for the month of 57,309 83 August, 1894 _ Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1894 136,186 71 Reported $1,808.15 amount due city officers for the month of August, 1894 Report re- ceived and filed and wairants ordered drawn to pay city officers. Street Superintendent Carter reported $4,019.15, amount due for labor on streets. Report referred to the street committee and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers. Marshal Raesli reported $1,658 35, amount due police for the month of August. Also reported sixty-eight police during the month Reorted 14 Repord$GLcollectednes above pound receip.s for Reported 1894.olioe, Warrants ordered drawn to pay p and report referred to committee on police and light. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1.516.45, amount due firemen for the month of Apay ddremen and reports ordered drawn to referred to commit- tee on fire and water. Sewer Inspector Igo reported $207.60 due for labor on sewers for the month of August, 1894•laborers, Warrants ordered drawn to pay and Mreort referred to the sewerarket Master Klein reported 111.0itteedue city for scale receipts. Also reported $3•L due for feeding prisoners during the month of August. Report adopted and warrant ordered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. City Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 573 cords of wood measured during the month oases • of August, for which $1.25 is due the city. Report adopted. The reports of City Weighmasters Chas. Pitschner, T. J. Donahue. Jas. Doyle and Mrs. Deckert were received and filed. The report of City Elecarician Osborn was referred to the electrical construction com- mittee. The report of Alex. Gratz J. P., for the month of August was approved and warrant ordered drawn to pay fees. The communication of Engineer Knowl- ton in relation to the city purchasing sewer pipe direct from the manufacturer, was adopted. The engineer also reported an estimate of the amount of grading ot the following streets in Burden & Lawther's adiition: Lawther ave. from Burden ave. to Wind• sor ave Srauss ave. from Burden ave. to Wind• sor ave. Buena Vista ave. from Lawther ave. to southern end of street. Hedley ave. from Lswther ave. to Strauss ave. Referred to street committee. Also presented a profile of grade of Dor- gan's alley Referred to committee of the whole and engineer. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2 o'clock p. m , Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Alds. But- ler, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler Ald. Crawford, chairman of the committee on fire and water, reoorted as folloss: Your Committee report in favor of allow- ing the Dubuque Water Co. at the rate of 150 per year for the rent of hydrants in use during month of July. in favor of granting the petition of G. F. be planih et ed onathe cornertofta water p Hart and Valeria streets. Report that they have received proposals for doing the city's veterinary service for the ensuing year as follows: Shipley & Bauman, $6 25 per horse per year; Whitwell & Fullerton $6 90 per horse per year. Shipley & Baumann being the lowest bidders we would recommend that they be awarded the contract for the ensuing year. Report in favor of approving of the re- commendation of the fire chief in relation to placing of new fire -alarm boxes, and that the chief be instructed to have same placed as so recommended. Reported adopted. Ald. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of filing the nom- munication of the assessor in relation to the assessment roll for 1894. Report in favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary Jane Luke on lot 133 in Finley, Waples and Burden's addition for 1893. In favor of allowing Mrs. Mary Driscoll to pay one-half her taxes as payment ll for 1893. In favor of allowing Mrs. Mary Ballard to pay one-half inher taxes full for lot 2 of sub min. lot 149 as payment Excelsior Brass WorkIn favor of s tthe assessment of he to $10.000 for 1893. Report adverse to the petition of James McCracken asking for reduction of assess- ment for 1893. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mathias Strinsky asking for cancellation of taxes for 1893 In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mary McManus on lot 21, Levi's add.. for 1893. In favor ot cancelling the taxes of Solome Rupprecht on lot 446, Ham's add., for 1893. Report adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee ask further time on the 250 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. treasurer for the month of Aug st, warrants. Report warrants be drawn to pay loan Report adopted. Ald. Ryder. chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: taxes of the In favor of cancelling the Young Men's Christian association on lots 168 and 1fSa. city, for 1893. In favor of reducing the assessment of the Turner Hall society to ?6,500 for 1893. In favor of instructing the engineer to prepare the necessary plans and specifica- tions for the extension of the main sanitary sewer to Sanford street. In favor of extending the main sanitary sewer north of Fifteenth street, also such branches as may be necessary in order to abate the nuisance that may exist in the up- per part of the city. In favor of granting the petition of T. J. Donahue et al. for horse drinking fountain on South Dodge ew av- enue,and he i re committee is to have same placed there. In favor of the adoption of the following resolution : Be it resolved, That the city engineer is hereby authorized to assess the thirty -inch curbing to the abutters on Booth street at 39c per lineal foot, that being the And bid for twenty-four inch curbing. e thirty -inch curbing on Fifth avenue at 29c per lineal foot, that being the average price of 24 -inch curbing in that vi- cinity. Report adopted. Also report in favor of instructing the street commissioner to cover Seventeenth street with gravel be- tween West Locust and White streets as we do not deem it advisable at present to pave said street with brick. Ald Kaufmann moved that the report be received and filed. Carried by the follow- ing vote : Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Halpin, Kauf- mann, Lillig. Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nay es—Aldermen Crawford, Powers and Vogel. health Officer Weeland reported that privy vaults on the following described property be cleaned at once: C. and M. Kirmer, s 60 ft of lot 303, A. McDaniel's sub. A. W. Kinder, lots 95, 96, 97 and 98, Union addition. A. W. Kinder, lots 1 and 2 of 4, N. O'Hare's sub. A. W Kinder, lots 13 and 14 and s 118 ft of lot 12, Hodge's sub. Mary A. Johnson, lot 5 of A. L. Brown's sub. E. A. Spaulding, lot 21 of Wilson's sub. Report adoptee and the city health officer authorized to enforce the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, Tbat to pay for the improvement of the s 2-3 of 23rd street from Jackson street to Elm street, by Peter Horsch, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Nicholas Stoltz est, lot 17, E. Langworthy's add : 48 133.8 lineal feet curbing at 31c 1 414 9 48 64 44 sq yds guttering at 31c.... 220.55 sq yds macadamizing at 31c68 37 Total $ 129 83 M. M. Hoffman, lot 18, E. Langw$orthy's add : 40 67 131.2 lineal feet curbing at 31c $ 18 74 241.L0 sq yds macadamizing at 60.44 sq yds guttering at 310 74 71 1134 12 ot 'tic Mettel et al., in relation to ra nage o in favor of filing the petitions in relation to the widening of W Nice street as a jury has been ordered to condemn the property re- quired for said widening. In arena pla t e theocwingproposedneer to street prepare a p from Rush to Valley street, showing the lands, or lots necessary to be taken, the names of the owners thereof, and the quan- tity of land proposed to be taken. and pro- ceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. SoIn favor of uth Dodge to improving ge street. streetCurtis from In fprepare of plat instructing showing the the prop engineer d open- ing and a p open- ing and extension of State street between Curtis street and Grandview avenue, show- ing the lands or lots necessary to be taken, the names of the owners thereof. and the quantity of land proposed to be taken and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance in relation to the improvement of Lemon street. Report adverse to the petition of John Lutters asking to be allowed to raise the sidewalk abutting his premises on Peru Road. In favor of receiving and filing the remon- strance in relation to the improvement of alley between Humboldt and Schiller and Rhomberg and Garfield. In favor of receiving and filing the remon- strance of F. Brandel, remonstrating against special assessment for the improvement of Stafford avenue. In favor of receiving and filing the remon- strance of Theo. Raterman against special assessessment for the improvement of Stat ford. In favor of the adoption of the blue line and figures as the official grade of Grand- view avenue from Southern avenue to its eastern terminus. In favor of the adoption of the blue brok- en line as the official grade of Lincoln ave- nue between Third and Fifth avenues, as shown on profile. In favor of the adoption of the green line as the proposed grade of Rush street from Quincy to Villa street. and the Recorder be instructed to give the proper notice in ac- cordance with the ordinance, on account of said proposed change. Report adopted. Also reported adverse to the petition of Peter Eisback, asking that he be allowed to improve Curtis street abuting his property. On motion of Ald. Halpin the pray of petition of Mr. Eisback was granted. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Telegraph Herald Times Report adopted. Ald. Lillig, chairman of the committee on police and light, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following bills: $ 41 55 Key City Gas Co 263 33 Globe Light and Heat Co In favor of receiving and filing the report of the marshal for July, 1894. Report adopted. Ald. Halpin. chairman of the committee ll of thn supplies,Kereported Gasn favor of company of $1417 7. Report adopted. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee on finance, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of receiv• ing and filing the report of the city auditor for July, 1594. In favor of adopting the report of the city petition .i t f water from Linwood cemetery. $75 00 29 15 58 30 Total Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. 251 • Chas Messerknecht, lot 51, E. Lao gwor- thy's add: 104 0 lineal feet curbing at 31c. $ 32 24 47.54 square yards 'Knurl. ng at 31c14 74 19.4.11 sq yds macadamizing, at 31c80 17 Total s' 107 15 Chas. Messerknecht, lot 1 sub of 5253, E. Langworthy's add: 56.6 lineal feet curbing at 310 17 55 25 00 square yards guttering at 31c. 7 75 87 11 sq yds macadam zing at 31c27 UU Total $ 52 30 Chas. Messerknecht, lot 1 of 2, sub of 52-53, E. Langworthy's add: 49.0 lineal feet curbing at 31c $ 15 19 21.73 square yards guttering at 31c6 75 71.00 sq yds macadamizing at 31c... 22 01 Total $ 43 93 George 3prossman, lot 2 of 2 sub 52-53, E. Langworthy's add: 13 33 43 0 lineal feet curbing at 3lc 19 11 square yards guttering at 310. 5 92 62.11 sq yds macadamizing at 31c19 25 $ 38 50 Total J. A. Rhomberg, lot 469, Ham's add : 127 6 lineal feet curbing at 30e $ 3S 2s 5S 4 ' sq yds guttering at 33c 19 `'7 236 22 eq yds macadamizing at 33c77 95 Total $ 135 50 J A. Rhomberg, lot 426, Ham's add : 119 2 lineal feet curbing at 31)0 $ 32 76 48 90 sq yds guttering at 33c 16 14 229.10 sq yds macadamizing at 33c 75 60 Total $ 124 50 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 427, Ham's add: 10S 8 iineal feet curbing at 30c $ 32 64 43.90 sq yds guttering at 33c 16 14 229 10 sq yds macadamizing at 33075 60 Total $ 124 38 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 463 Ham's add: 1(9 3 lineal feet curbing at 3uc $ 32 79 48.90 sq yds guttering at 33a 16 14 233 22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c 77 95 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aida. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the improve- ment of Ann avenue from Frank avenue con- tractor, Garfield avenue, byrank in front of and adjoiningthe same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, uud parcels of real estate hereinafter ' named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite of each lot or parcel o: real estate, as follows: Mrs. H. L Schumacher est, lot SS Mc- Crauey's lst add • 41 33 148.5 lineal feet curbing at 2Se $ 65 55 square y and ; guttering at 2Sc18 35 201.16 sq yds macadamizing at 31c62 38 Total $ 122 29 Christ Capritz, lot 56 McCraney's 1st 147 8 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 41 38 65.55 square yards guttering at 28c18 35 201.16 eq yds mycadamizing at 31c62 36 Total $ 122 09 John Dietrick, lot 89 McCraney's 1st aaddb: 148 7 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 41 4 65 55 square yards guttering at 2Se18 35 201.16 sq yds macauamiziug at 31c62 36 Total $ 122 35 Christ Jungle, lot 55 MccC 28oey. s 1st add: 149 2 lineal feet curbing 41 358 65 55 square yards guttering at 28c. 201.16 eq yds macadamizing at 31c62 36 $ 122 49 Total ...................... vote: Adopted by the following d, Hal- al- Crawf Ayes—Aldermen Butler, ore S al - ea Din, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ry , Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city B o coufor ncil of the city of of Dubuque: That top Y Third avenue from Lincoln avenue toi Rh on- om- berg avenue, by Cu,hing tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, sa special tax be and is of lotsyandied on the parcels of realest lots, and partssituate and real estate hereinafter named, p site ownedeach lot or parcel of real estate, as fand for the several amounts set ol- lows: Total $ 126 SS Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pav for the improvement of streeteettAtlanti ouetreavenue,, Altman t from Alta Vista Taylor, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same. a special tax be and is nereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and named, situate restatecels of real hereinafter and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: A L Frudden. lot 7, Home add: 94 22 sq Frudys den, 101 8 Horne add: 32 93 A. 97 78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c... 34 22 D J. Linehan. lot 9, Home add: 15 30 45.0 lineal ft curbing at 3406 60 20.0.1 sq yds gutteriug at 330 80.00 sq yds macadamizing at 35c28 00 Total $ 49 90 D. J. Linehan, lot 10, Home add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 340 $ 17 00 7 33 22 22 sq yds guttering at 33c SS 89 sq yds macadamizing at 34c31 11 Total $ 55 44 D. J. Linehan, lot 11, Home add : 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 34c $ 17 00 7 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c 88 89 sq yds macadamizing at 35c_31 11 Total $ 55 44 J L. Buettell, lot 12. Home add: 26 35 77 5 lineal ft curbing at 34c 11 95 36.22 sq yds guttering at 33c 174.22 sq yds macadamizing at 35c60 93 Total $99 28 286John .lineal e ttet curbing at 34ceasan$add: d97 4S 528.73 square macadards amizingg at at 35co 44 79 185 05 528 71 sq ydsgTotal $ 327 32 Adopted by the following gwford, Halpin, vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Resolved, By the city 0 )uncal of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Second avenue, from Lincoln at e' ue o Rhomberg avenue, by Cushing contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby ylevied lots, and on the several lots, and parts parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several 2u2 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: F. M Robinson's est. lot 435, Ham's add: 1120 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 33 64 48.90 i q yde guttering at 33c 229.10 sq yds macadamizing at 33c75 60 Total $ 125 34 F. M Robinson's est. lot 460, Ham's add : 109.5 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 32 85 48 90 square yards guttering at 33c16 14 264.67 sq yds macadamizing at 33c_ 87 34 Total8 136 33 Jos./, immerni .n, lot 434, Ham's add: 1i17 2 lineal feet curbing at 300 $ 32 16 2 14 48.90 sq yds guttering at 33c 229.10 sq yds macadamizing at 33c75 60 Total $ 123 90 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 461, Ham's add: (i4 103 8 lineal feet curbing at 300 $ 32 3214 48.90 sq yds guttering at 33e 16 207.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c6S 57 _ Total.. $ 117 35 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel, and„Vogler. Alderman Kauffmann offered the follow- ing : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Pauline Street. from West Fourth street to W est Fifth street, John Tiber, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a spe- cial tax be and is hereby levied on the sever- al iota and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcels of real estate, as follows : S. W. Upton, lot 10, Deming & Horr's sub: 111 8 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 33 54 49.0 square yards guttering at 30c14 70 97 78 sq yds macadamizing at 36c35 20 Total - 83 44 S. W Upton, lot 11, Deming & Horr's sub: 47.6 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 14 23 21.15 square yards guttering at 3006 34 42 71 sq yds macadamizing at 36c15 38 Total $ - 36 00 C. H. Eighmey, et al, lot 12, Deming & Horr's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 30c ..$ 15 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 30e. 6 67 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 36.c.. 16 00 Total $ - 37 67 C. H. Eighmey, et al, lot 13, Deming & Horr's sub: 5U lineal feet curbing at 30o $ 15 00 22.22 square yards guttering at 30c6 67 44 44 sq yds macadamizing at 36c16 00 Total $ 37 67 C. H. Eighmey, et al, lot 14, Deming & Horr's sub: 49.4 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 14 82 21 94 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 53 43 88 sq yds macadamizing at 36c15 80 Total $ Cath McCann, lot 11, Pauline worthy's sub: 133.4 lineal feet curbing at 30o 40 02 63 55 square yards guttering at 30019 06 128.33 sq yds macadamizing at 36e46 20 Total $ 105 28 Ed Langworthy est., lot 12, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub: 137 5 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 41 25 64.00 square yards guttering at 300. 19 20 149.44 sq yds macadamizing at 36e53 80 Total $ 114 25 37 20 Lang - Ed Langworthy est., lot 1, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub: 17 6 lineal feet curbing at 300 $ 5 28 9.60 square yards guttering at 30c2 38 36.22 sq yds macadamizing at 36c13 04 Total $ 2120 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of theciity goof for Dubuque: That to pay ay from Ellis to Foye street between West Locust and Almond street, by John O'Brien, contractor, in front and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Kate Lundbeck, e 24 ft, lot 23, Cox's add. 33 33 sq yds macadamizing at 29c...$ 9 66 5.7 cubic yards of grading at 8c 46 Total $ 1012 Jos. Markwood, lot 23, Cox's add: 55.7S sq. yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 18 9.5 cubic yards of grading at 8c76 Total $ 16 94 W. G. Cox, lot 25, Cox's add : 55.78 F yds macadamizing at 29e2 16 18 9.5 cubic yards of grading at Sc76 Total $ 16 94 W. 0. Cox, lot 26, Cox's add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 2908 16 1S 9 5 cubic yards of grading at Sc76 Total 8 16 94 Joseph Hendrick, lot 27. Cox's add: 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29.c16 18 9.5 cu yds grading at Sc Total $ 16 94 C. M. Buettell, lot 28, Cox's add: 55.78 sqyds macadamizing at 29c16 15 9.5 cu yds grading at 8c 6 Total $ 16 94 Wm. Sinholdt, lot 29. Cox's add: 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 13 9 5 cu yds grading at 8c Total • 16 94 Mary Sucker, lot 30, Cox's add: 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c...$ 16 1 S 9.5 cu yds grading at 8c 76 Total $ 16 94 Lizzie Fanning. wX lot 31, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 2908 8 69 38 4 8 cu yds grading at 8c Total $ 8 47 Mary Butler, e 36 lot 31, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29o$ 8 09 4 8 cu yds grading at 80 Total $ - 8 47 John Barrett, w 36 lot 32, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 38 4.8 cu yds grading at 80 8 09 Total $ - 8 47 Cath C, Keine, e 3b lot 32, Cox's add: 27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c8 S0 39 4.8 cu yds grading at Sc _— Total $ 8 47 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1S94. 253 Cath C. Kease, w 34 lot 33, Cox's add: 27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c...$ 8 09 4.8 cubic yards grading at 8c... .... 38 Total 1 8 47 Rosa Cadman, e 34 1ot33, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 8 09 4.8 cubio yards grading at 8e 38 Total 1 8 47 W. G. Cox, lot 34, Cox's add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c1 16 18 9 5 cu yds grading at 8c 76 Total $ 16 94 W. G. Cox, lot 35. Cox's add : 55.7S sq yds macadamizing at 29e...$ 16 7618 9.5 cu yards grading at Sc Total $ - 16 94 Martz Vollmer, lot 36, Cox's add: 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29e1 16 18 9.5 cubic yards grading at 80 76 Total $ - 16 94 G B. Henckels, w lot 37, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 8 09 4 8 cubic yards grading at So Total $ 8 47 Mrs. Thos. Murray, e jf lot 3? Cox's add: 27.89 eq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 8 09 4.8 cubic yards grading at 8c Total a 8 47 W. G. Cox, lot 38 Cox's add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 7618 9.5 cubic yards grading at 8c Total $ 16 94 W. G. Cox, lot 39 Cox's add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c16 18 9 5 cubio yards grading at 8c Total $ 16 94 W. G. Cox, lot 40 Cox's add: 100 55 sq yds macadamizing at 29e29 15 36 17 cubic yards grading at 8o 1 Total. $ 30 51 W. G. Cox, lot 5 Cox's add: 35.00 sq yds macadamizing at 29c10 1455 5 5 cubic yards grading at 8c __ Total $ 10 59 W. G. Cox, e 34 lot 6 Cox's add: 31.55 sq yds. macadamizing at 29c$ 9 15 43 5.4 cubic yards grading at So, 9 58 Total 1 James Lee, w X lot 6 Cox's add: 31 55 sq. yds macadamizing at 29e$ 9 43 5.4 cubic yards grading at 8c __ Total. $ 9 58 James Lee. lot 7 Cox's add: 63.11 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 18 3S0 10.8 cubic yds grading at 8c __ 19 61 Total $ Ernst 1>.isert, lot S, Cox add : 114.11 sq yds macadamizing at 29c1 33 56 3 09 19.5 cu yds grading at Sc Total 1 34 C5 W. B. Yates, est., lot 9, Cox add : 55 73 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 18 8 9.5 cu yds grading at Se - Total$ 16 94 W. B. Yates, est., e 9 ft e 3{ lot 10 Cox add: 10.00 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 2 94 1.8 cu yds grading at 8c _ Total Anna 13. Yates, w 16 ft e 3q lot 10, Cox add: 17.89 sq y de macadamizing at 29c...$ 5 19 3.0 cu yds grading at 8e -_ 24 1 5 43 Total Daniel Wolf, w 34 lot 10. Cox add: 27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c...5 4.8 cu yds grading at Se 8 09 38 Total 1 8 47 J. B Lundbeca, lot 11. Cox add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 18 9.5 cu yds grading at Sc 76 Total $ 16 94 Mary Sampers eat, e ,y lot 12, Cox add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c1 8 09 4 8 cu yds grading at So Total 1 8 47 Thos. Maher, w 34 lot 12, Cox add: 47 89 sq yds macadamizing at 29o81099 4.8 cu yds grading at Sc Total 1 8 47 John Van Holland. lot 13, Cox's add: 55 78 eq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 16 18 9.5 cubic yds grading at Sc Total $ 16 94 Gottfried Mossy, lot 14, Cox's add 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c16 8 9.5 cubic yds grading at So Total $ 16 94 Jacob Traut, lot 15, Cox's add: 55.78 eq yda macadamizing at i.9c1 16 133 9 5 cubio yda grading at Sc Total $ 16 94 John A. Koch, lot 16, Cox's add: 55 76 t yds macadamizing at 29c16 188 9.5 cubic yds grading at 8c Total $ 1 Ellen Sullivan, eX lot 17, Cox's add: 27.89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c8 4.8 cubic yds grading at 80 Total 1 6 47 W. J. Sullivan, wX lot 17, Cox's add: 27 89 sq yds macadamizing at 29c$ 8 39 4 8 cubic yds grading at Sc Total $ 6 47 Mick. Carney. lot 18. Cox's add: 55.78 sq yds macadamizing at 29e$ 16 1S 9.5 cubic yds grading at 83 76 Total $ - 16 94 W. A Buettell, lot 19. Cox's add: 55 78 eq yds macadamizing at 29c5 16 18 9.5 cubic yds grading at 8c 7_ Total $ 16 94 W G. Cox, lot 20, Cox's add: 55 78 eq yds macadamizing at 29o1 9.5 cubic yds grading at 8c Total $ Emma Allen, lot 21. Cox's add: 55 78 sq yds macadamizing at 29c5 9.5 cubic yds grading at 8o Total 1 16 94 Kate Lundbeck, e 24 feet lot 22, Cox's add: 32 'L2 sq yds macadamizing ag o at 29e1 9 3444 5.5 cubic yds g - Total $ 9 i8 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayss-None. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay tor improving Fifth avenue from Adams avenue to the south line of Johnston's sub. by the Dubuque Con- struction company, contractors, in front of and hereby levthe same, a ied on the special veral slot a annd is heroby parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here - 6 94 8 09 38 16 18 76 16 94 16 18 76 254 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1S94. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: H. Krims, lot 1, Johnston's eub: 17 75 61.2 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 11 67 33 33 sq yds guttering at 35c 25 67 77.78 eq yds macadamizing at 33c Total$ 55 69 Geo. Weidner, lot 2, Johnston's sub : 14 50 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 11 67 33.33 sq yds guttering at 350 77.73 sq yds macadamizing at 33c_ 25 67 Total$ 5184 Jane Miller, lot 3, Johnston's sub: 50 50 lineal feet curbing at 29c$ 1 14 41 67 33 33 sq y ds guttering at 35o 25 67 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c Total $ 51 64 Albred Litz, lot 4, Johnston's sub : 14 50 50 lineal feet curbing at 29e$ 11 67 33.33 sq yds guttering 350 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c25 67 Total $ 5184 Val Duttle, lot 5, Johnston's sub: 50 lineal Leet curbing at 293 140 11 560 25 67 33 33 sq yds guttering at 35c 77.73 sq yds macadamizing at 33c... Total Val Duttle, lot 6, Johnston's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 29c..... • • $ 114 50 67 33 33 sq yds guttering at 35c 77 73 sq yds macadamizing at 33c25 67 Total $ 5184 A. and W. Eichmann, lot 7, Johnston's sub: 14 E7 50 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 11 67 33.33 sq yds guttering at 35c 77.73 sq yds macadamizing at 3oc25 67 Total $ 5134 A. and W. Eichmann, lot 8, Johnston's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 11 50 33.33 sq yds guttering at 350 7 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33e25 67 _ Total $ 51 84 Chas. Licht, lot 9, Johnston's sub: 50 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 11 670 33.33 sq yds guttering at 35c 77.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c25 67 Total $ 51 84 H. Gropps, Sr., lot 10,Johnston's sub: 63 6 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 13 44 34.67 sq yds guttering at 350.. 12 13 80.89 sq y ds macadamizing at 33c26 69 51 84 Total $ 57 26 August Roeber, lot 2, mini lot No. 307 : 131 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 37 99 87.33 sq yds guttering at 350 30 56 203.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c67 24 Total $ 135 79 James A. Johnston, lot 12, Johnston's eub: 356 lineal feet curbing at 29e $ 103 24 237.33 sq yds guttering at 35c 83 lib 553 78 sq y ds macadamizing at 330182 74 Total $ - 369 04 J. H. Rhomberg, lot 2 of 1 of mini lot 304: 12 lineal feet curbing at 29e $ 3 46 8 sq yds guttering at 35c 2 80 15 U0 sq yds macadamizing at 3306 16 Total $ - 12 42 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay es -None. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the improvement of High Bluff street from Stafford a ord avenO'Farrell, to Schi!Stanekller avenue, by tractors, in front of and at, joining the same, a special tax be and is hereoy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several l amounts f real st to oo- posite each lot or parcels as follows: John Miller, lot 48, Dreibilbies add: 48 3 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 14 52 01 21.47 sq yds guttering at 28c 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c17 23 Total $ 36 76 Nicholas Strutz, lot 47 Dreibilble's add : 47 lineal feet curbing at 23e $ 13 16 20 90 sq yds guttering at 28c........ 5 85 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c... 17 23 Total $ 36 24 Anton Nigg, lot 46 Draibilbie's add : 47 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 13 16 3 85 20 90 sq yds guttering at 28c 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c17 23 Total $ 36 24 Bathol Capritz, lot 45 Dreibilbie's add: 47 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 13 16 20 9.) sq yds guttering at 26c.... 5 85 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c... 17 23 Total $ 36 24 Mrs. J. Schucker, and X lot 44 Dribilbie's add:4 15.7 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 1 4095 6 97 sq yds guttering at 280 19 15 sq yds macadamizing at 30c5 74 $ 12 09 Total M. Lange, ucd lot 44 Dreibilbie's ad :7fi 31.3 lineal feet curoing at 28c $ 38 90 13.93 sq yds guttering at 28c 38.29 sq yds macadamizing at 30c11 49 Total $ 24 15 John Sass, lot 43 Dreibilbie's add: 13 16 47 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 5 85 20.90 sq yds guttering at 28c 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c17 2:3 Total $ 36 24 George Hartman, lot 42 Dreibilq e's add: 47 47 finest feet curbing at 28c $ 5 85 20.90 sq yds guttering at 280 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c17 23 Total $ 36 24 John Kreamer, s 3y lot 41,Dreibllbie's d : 20 72.2 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 9 212 32 90 sq yds guttering at 280 88.24 sq yds macadamizing at 30c26 47 Total $ 55 90 Felix Hasler, w % lot 40 Dreibilbie's add: 64.5 lineal feet curbing at 28e $ I8 06 30 44 sq yds guttering at 28c 8 52 102.67 sq yds macadamizing at 300__ 30 80 Total $ 57 38 Peter George, lot 39 Dreibilbie's add: 47 lineal feet curbing at 280 $ 13 16 20 90 sq yds guttering at 280 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30c17 23 Total. $ 36 24 Peter George, lot 38 Dreibilbie's add: 47 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 13 3 1686 20.90 sq yds guttering at 28e 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 3Jc17 23 T3tal $ 36 24 A( /oturned Regular Session, Septeinbea' 4, 1894. Peter George, lot 37 Dreibilbie's add: 47 lineal Leet curbing at 28c $ 13 16 20.90 sq yds guttering at 28c 5 S5 57.44 sq yde macadamizing at 30c17 23 Total $ 36 24 Mrs B. Raforth, lot 36. Dreibilbie's add: 47.0 lineal feet curbing at 2Sc $ 13 16 20 90 sq yds guttering at 28c 5 85 57.44 sq yds macadamiziog at 30c .. 17 23 Total $ 36 24 Fred. Budde, lot 35, Dreibilbie's add: 47.0 lineal feet curbing at 2S3 $ 13 166 20.90 sq yds guttering at 28o 5 57 44 sq yds macadamizing at 30e17 23 Total $ 36 24 John Lynch, lot 35, Hooper's add : 52 0 lineal feet curbing at 2Sc $ 14 56 23 11 eq yds guttering at 28c. 6 47 63.56 eq yds macadamizing at 30c19 07 Total $ 4010 John Lyncb, lot 34, Hooper's add : 52 0 lineal feet curbing at 2sc $ 14 56 23 11 sq yds guttering at 2Sc 6 47 63 56 sq yds macadamizing at 3Jc_ 19 07 Total $ 4010 John Lynch, lot 33, Hooper's add: 51 0 lineal feet curbing at 2Sc 4:3.11 sq yds guttering at 2Sc 63 56 sq 3 els macadamizing at 39c... Fred Lentz. lot 34, Dreibilbie's add: 47.0 lineal feet curbing at 28e $ 13 16 20 91 sq yds guttering at 2Sc 5 S5 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 30017 23 Total $ 36 24 Fred. Lentz, lot 33, Dreibilbie's add: 47.0 lineal feet curbing at 2Sc $ 13 16 20.90 sq yds guttering at 28c 5 S5 57.44 sq yds macadamizing at 3Uc17 23 Total $ 36 24 John Roggensack. lot 43, Hooper's add: 52.3 lineal feet curbing a,. 2So $ 14 4 64 64 23 24 sq yds guttering at 280... .... 63.92 sq yds macadamizing at 30c... 19 18 Total $ 40 33 John Roggensack, lot 42, Hooper's add : 52.3 lineal teet curbing at 2Sc $ 14 64 23.24 sq yds guttering at 28o 6 51 63 92 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 1S Total $ 40 33 Nio Fischer, lot 41., Hooper's add : 14 64 52.3 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 6 51 2.3.24 sq yds guttering at 28c 63.92 sq yds macadamizing at 310c19 1S Total $ 40 33 F. J. Naegele, lot 40, Hooper's add: 14 61 52.3 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 6 51 23 24 sq yds guttering at 28c 63.92 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 18 Total $ 40 33 Nio Wampach, lot 39, Hooper's add: 52.3 lineal feet curbing at 2S0 $ 14 64 6 514 23.24 sq yds guttering at 28; 63 92 sq yds macadamizing at 30c_ 19 18 Total $ 40 33 John Pautz, lot 3S, Hooper's add: 52 3 lineal teet curbing at 28c $ 14 5164 23 24 sq yds guttering et 28c 63 92 sq yds macadamizing at 30c_ 19 1S Total 40 33 Rsins523lineal feet0curbing at 28okertlot 37. .....r'. add: .$14 64 23.24 sq ydsguttering uttering at 23c 6 51 63.92 sq yds macadamizing at 39019 18 Total$ 40 33 Rosina Schuckert, s w 3 ft of lot 36, Hoo - per's add: 3 0lineal feet curbing at 2Sc $ 84 84 1.33 sq yds guttering at 28c 3 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30o_ 1 10 $ 231 lTotal August Immisoh, n e 48.8 ofot 36, Hoo - per's add:13 80 49.3 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 6 42 23 91 sq yds guttering at 2Sc 23.83 sq yds macadamizing at 30c7 14 Total 27 36 14 56 6 47 19 07 Total $ 4010 Chas. Steuck, lot 32, Hooper's add : 52 0 lineal Leet curbing at 23c $ 14 56 23.11 sq yds gutteriog at 28c.... ii 47 63 56 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 07 Total $ 4110 Chas. Stencil, lot 31, Hooper'a add : 52 0 lineal feet curbing at 283 $ 14 56 6 23.11 sq yds guttering at 3Sc 7 63 56 sq yos macadamizing at :31c19 07 Total $ 40 10 Alphons Frick, lot 3 i, Hooper's add: 52 U lineal feet curbing at 2Sc $ 14 56 23 11 sq yds guttering at 28c........ 6 47 63 56 eq yds macadamizing at 30c19 07 Total $ 4010 John Niedermeyer est, :ot 29, Hooper's add: 68 5 lineal feet curbing at 28c $ 19 1S 32 22 sq yds guttering at 28o 9 02 108 7S sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 63 Total $ 69 S3 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following : Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque:That to pay for the improvement of Rush street, from South Dodge street to Apple street, by M. Tschirgi, Jr., contractor, in front of and adjo'ning the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied o arches of real the s-veral lots, and parts of lots, and p estata hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mathew Maher, lot 137, Union add: 77 82 2 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 28 28 41 38.31 sq yds guttering at 35c.... • 161 89 sq yds macadamizing at 40c65 96 Total $ 10814 Mathew Maher, lot 136, Union add : 1 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 350 $ 100 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 350at 4Uc37 33 93 33 sq yds macadamizing Total $ 67 66 Mary Kelley est, lot 135. Union add: 60." lineal feet curbing at 3.5c $ 21 00 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 66 Bridget McEvoy, lot 134, Union add: 21 60 0 lineal feet curbing at 350 $ 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 350933 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 66 Bri1get McEvoy. lot 133, Union add: 119 7 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 411 249 9 54 98 sq yds guttering at 350 224.06(1 yds macadamizing at 40c_ 89 80 Total $ 150 74 256 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. Thomas Meehan, lot 132, Union add: S4 5 lineal feet curbing at35c $ 29 58 77 39 33 sq yde guttering at 35c 163.33 eq yds macadamizing at 40c— 65 33 Total $ 1L8 68 Thomas Meehan, lot 131, Union add: CO 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35c.... • •E 21 1 33 26 67 eq yds guttering at 35c 9.3.33 sq yds macadamizing at 4 )c37 33 Total $ 67 66 Thomas Kenneally, lot130, Union add: 21 00 60.Olineal feet curbing at 35c $ 9 33 26.67 eq yds guttering at 35c 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total ..$ 67 66 Thomas Kenneally, lot 129, Union add: 00 00.0 lineal Leet curbing at 35c $ 21 y 33 26 67 eq ydt guttering at 35c.... . 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c...37 33 _ Total $ 67 66 Bridget Redmond, lot 128. Union add: 83.8 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 29 33 9 633 39 02 eq yds guttering at 35c 1114 89 eq yds macadamizing at 40c65 96 _ Total $ 118 95 Wm. Redmond, lot 173, Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 0 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 93.33Eq ids macadamizing at40c17 33 _ Total $ 67 66 Thomas Kenneally, lot 17.2, Union add: 60 0 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 21 00 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40o37 33 Total $ 67 66 Thos. Kenneally, lot 171, Union add: 60.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 38e$ 21 CO 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 33 93 33 eq yds macadam at 40c 37 33 $ 67 66 Total Thos Byrnes, lot 170 Union add: 53.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 380....$ 18 73 30.00 sq yds guttering at 35o 10 5U 93.33 sq yds macadam at 400 Total Thos Byrnes, lot 169, Union add: 62.3 lineal ft curbstone set at 380....$ 21 81 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 33 93 33 sq yds macadam at 40c $ 37 33 Total $ 68 47 Bridget McEvoy, lot 168, Union add: 58.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 38c$ 20 30 29 34 sq yds guttering at 35c 93.33 sq yds macadam at 40c 37 33 $ 66 56 Total 10 27 37 33 $ - 67 90 Lawrence McEvoy, lot 167, Union add: 41.0 lineal tt curbstone set at 38c$ 14 35 18.22 sq yds guttering at 35c 6 38 63 78 sq yds macadam at 40c 25 51 Total $ - 46 24 St. Columbkill's church, lot 166, Union add: 60.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 380....$ 21 CO 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35o 9 33 93 33 sq yds macadam at 4Cc 37 33 Total $ 67 66 St. Columbkill's church, lot 165, Union ado: 60.0 lineal tt curbstone set at 38c$ 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35e 93 33 sq yds macadam at 40c. Total 21. 00 933 37 33 $ 67 66 Wm. O'Brien, lot 164, Union add: 60.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 380$ 21 00 26.67 sq yds macadam at 40c 37 33 at 35c 9 33 93.33 sq y Total $ 67 66 St. Columbkill's church, lot 163, Union add: 60 0 lineal tt curbstone set at 380... $ 21 00 26 67 tq yds guttering at 35c 9 33 93.33 sq yds macadam at 40c37 33 _— Total $ 67 66 St. Columbkill's church, lot 162, Union add: 59 0 lineal ft curbstone set at 380$ 20 65 30 22 eq yds guttering at 35c 10 5S 93.33 sq yde macadam at 40037 33 _ Total $ 68 56 St. Columbkill's church, lot 161, Union add: 60.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 38c$ 21 0000 '26 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 379 33 93.33 sq yds macadam at 40c Total $ 87 66 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for curbing, gutter- ing and macadamizing Forest Lane, from Nevada street to Delhi street, by Dodson it Cousins, contractors, in front of and adjoin- ing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Thos. Burke, lot 2, Cleminson's sub: 88 33 sq yds macadamizing at 390..$ 34 45 Christ. Zimmermann, lot 6 Summit add: 83 33 sq yds macadamizing at 39c...$ 32 50 Mrs if. yds E. Cousin. lot macadamizing at Summit90$ 9 83 33 sq 32 50 Martin Meagher, lot 4, Summit add: 8383 Langworthy esr, s macadamizing ot 3. Summit add: 77.50 sq yds macadamizing at 39c...$ 30 23 S M. Langworthy est. lot 2, Summit add : 77M. 50 Tschds i,5 irgi, Sr., a0 ftlot 1, Summit add: 83.33 32 50 City of Dubuque, lot 1, except at 39a 50 ft, Sum- mit add: 296.67 sq yds macadamizing at 39c..$ 115 70 Wm. B. Bonce, lot 26, S. M. Langworthy's add: 161 2 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 59 64 90.5572.00 suare 26 64 sqyds macadards guttering mizingat 39at c 35 31. Total s 121 59 Trueb and Southwell & Co., lot 23, 8, M• Langworthy's add: 19 61 53 0 lineal feet curbing at 37c $ 23 55 square yards guttering at 37c8 71 29.44 sq yds macadamizing at 39c11 48 Total $ 39 80 Wm Crahan, lot 22, S. M. Langworthy's add: 53.0 lineal feet curbing at 37o $ 19 61 23.55 square yards guttering at 37o8 71 29.44 sq yds macadamizing at 39c11 48 Total $ 39 80 Margaret Lehan, lot 1 of 21, S. M. Lang - worthy's add: 108.0 linealifeet curbing at 37o $ 39 96 48.00 square yards guttering at 37017 76 60 00 sq yds macadamizing at 39cN3 40 Total $ 8112 Adjourned Regular AS'ession, Sept. 4, 1S94. 257 Robert Waller, lot 1 of 1 of 2, Waller's sub: 58.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 37c$ 19 91 24 44 sq yds guttering at 37c 9 04 33.33 sq yds macadam at 39c 13 00 Total $ - 4195 Robert Waller, lot 1 of 2 of 1, Waller's sub: 75 7 lineal ft curbstone set at 37c$ 28 01 37.78 sq yds guttering at 37c 13 93 46.11 sq yds macadam at 39c Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, khea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following. .Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Wilde street from South Dodge street to McLennon street, by Brown & Brown, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Hannah Kinney, lot 14, Oak Grove add: 91.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 36 0 42.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 132.00 sq yds macadamizing at 42c55 44 Total $ 108 73 Hannah Kinney, lot 15, Oak Grove add: 100.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 40 00 17 78 44 44 sq yds guttering at 40c 122.22 sq yds macadamizing at 43c51 33 Total $ 10911 Wm. Burke, lot 16, Oak Grove add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing t t 40c c $ 240 0 0 26.67 sq yds guttering 10 67 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c30 80 Total $ 65 47 Wm. Burke, lot 17, Oak Grove add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 49c $ 24 00 26.67 sq. yds guttering at 40c 10 67 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 30 SO Total $ 65 47 Catherine M. Sullivan, lot 18, Oak Grove add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 24 00 24 67 26 67 sq yds guttering at 4)c 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 30 80 Total $ 65 47 Ed Burne, lot 19, Oak Grove add: 44 00 110 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 19 56 48.89 sq yds guttering at 400 134 44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c56 46 Total $ 1- 20 02 J. S. Randall est, lot 1 of 1 of 55, sub of m 1 39 : 299 2 lineal feet curbinglat 40c $ 119 68 8 132.9S sq yds guttering at40c 9 365. 69 sq yds macadamizing at 42o. 153 59 Total $ 326 46 Pat Powers, lot 11, Oak Grove add: 24 60 lineal ds t uttering at 40c at 40c $ 10 67 00 73.33sgy 8 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c30 80 Total $ 65 47 Pat Powers, lot 12, Oak Grove add : 78.5 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 3140 36.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 119.78 sq yds macadamizing at 42c.. 50 31 Total $ 96 38 17 9S $ - 59 97 Pat Ryder estate, lot 13. Oak Grove add: 287.2 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 114 S8 129 42 sq yds guttering at 400 51 7 7 372.78 eq yds macadamizing at 42156 57 Total $ 323 22 Pat Ryder estate, lot 1 of 1 mineral lot 39: 30.5 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 12 20 13.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 42 37.28 sq yds macadamizing at 42c15 66 Total $ 33 28 Peter Apel, lot 2 of 1, mineral lot 39: 70 05 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 28 20 37 55 sq yds guttering at 40c 15 02 90.44 sq yds macadamizing at 42c37 98 Total $ 8120 Peter Apel, w jfi of 2 of mineral lot 39: 30 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 12 00 13 33 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 33 36 67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c15 40 Total $ 32 73 P. J. Kramer, e of 2 of mineral lot 39: 30 0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 12 00 13.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 5 33 36.67 sq yds macadamizing at 42c15 40 _ Total $ 32 73 Peter Kramer, lot 3 of mineral lot 39: 23 44 5S.6 lineal ft curbing at 40c $ 30.36 sq yds guttering at 40c 12 14 73 33 sq yds macadamizing at 42c... 30 SO Total $ 66 3S Henry Riker, lot 4 of mineral lot 39: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 24 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 400 10 67 73 33 sq yds macadamizing at 42.c30 80 - Total $ 65 47 Henry Riker, lot 5 of mineral lot 39: 30.9 lineal feet curbing at 40c $ 32 36 37.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 15 11 116.11 sq yds macadamizing at 42c 48 77 Total $ - 96 24 Henry Riker, lot 6 of mineral lot 39: fi 12 15 3 lineal ft curbing at 40c 3 43 S 58 sq yds guttering at 40c 42.78 k yds macadamizing at 42c 17 97 Total $ - 27 52 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel, Vogler. Nayes-Nene. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Booth street from Dodge street to West Third street, by D. W. Linehan, contractor in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several real lots. nd parts of lots, and parcels here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mary A. Morse. s 58 ft lot 1. O'Neill's sub: 57 7 lineal ft curbstone set at 390....$ 2250 29.78 sq yds guttering at 39c 11 1 78.22 sq yds macadamizing at 38c29 72 Total $ 63 83 Emery D. White, loth, sub min lot 159: 293 0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 11488 27 226.22 sq yds guttering at 39c 23 327.00 sq yds macadamizing at 383124 26 Total $ 326 76 M. Carney, lot 2, sub of n pt 3 min lot No. 158: 247.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 96 4 53 1165.00 sq yds guttering at 39c... • ... 247.50 sq yds macadamizing at 38e.. 94 05 Total $ 254 93 25S Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1594. City of Dubuque, s pt lot 3, sub min lot No. 155: 337.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 131 43 33 177.7S sq yds guttering at 39c 370.55 sq yds macadamizing at 35c1.40 81. Total $ 34157 B. Gallon, lot 1 of 2, min lot No. 155: 101.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 39 39 49 55 sq yds guttering at 390 19 32 137.50 sq yds macadamizing at 35c52 25 Total $ 110 96 Philo Rhomberg, lot 2 of 2, min lot No. 158: 216.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 34 24 129 33 sq yds guttering at 39c... 50 44 230.67 eq yds macadamizing at 38c87 65 Total $ 222 33 Philo Rhomberg, lot 1, sub of n pt of 3, sub of min lot 155: 242.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 390$ 94 33 65 33 sq yds guttering at 39c 92 00 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc110 96 Total $ 269 82 J. C. Stephens, lot 1 (less et), S. M. Lang - worthy's sub: 42.61ineal ft curbstone set at 39c E 16 61 32 40 sq yds guttering at 390 12 64 37.50 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc14 25 Total 8 43 50 J. S. Stephens, lot 2, S. M. Langworthy's sub: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 19 50 33.33 sq yds guttering at 39c 13 00 50.(0 sq yds macadamizing at 38c19 00 Intal $ 51 51) Mary Walsh, lot 3, S M Langworthy'e;sub : 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 39c$ 19 50 33,33 sq yds guttering at 393 13 00 50.00 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc19 00 Total $ 5150 Theodore Merritt, lot 4,5. M. Lang worthy's sub: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 39e$ 19 50 33.33 sq yds guttering at 390 13 00 50 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc 19 00 Total 8 51. 50 Theodore Merritt, lot 5,S. M. Langworthy's sub: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 39c$ 19 50 32 33 sq yds guttering at :39c 13 00 5U sq yds macadamizing at 35c 19 00 Total. $ - 5150 Theodore Merritt, lot 6 (less street), S. M. Langworthy's sub: 45 lineal feet curbstone set at 39c$ 17 55 34 eq yds guttering at 39c 13 26 68 sq yds macadamizing at 3Sc 25 84 Tatal $ - 56 65 Adopted by the following vote: Aye.—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay es—None. Ald Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council o" the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Lemon street from Twenty-seventh street to Millville road by Con Ryan, Sr., con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : Fred Kenniker, lot 27, West's add : 82.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 3Oc$ 24 66 36 53 square yards guttering at 30c10 96 161 75 sq yds macadamizing at 30e49 74 Total $ 85 36 Fred Kenniker, lot 23, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c....$ 15 (0 26 67 square yards guttering at 30c.. 8 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c.. 32 00 Total $ 58 00 Mary W Houps, lot '29, West's add : 6011 lineal feet curbstone set at 3)c$ 18 (0 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c.. 32 00 Total $ - 58 00 Mary W. Houps, lot 30, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at :300.4 13 00 20 76 sq y ds guttering at 30c S 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ - 55 00 Nic and Frank Glab, lot 31, West's add : 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ - 58 00 Nic and Frank Glab, lot 32, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30c S 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 33c32 00 Total s 53 00 Mrs. Ann Stewart, lot 33, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 3:10$ 18 00 26 67 square yards guttering at 30c3 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 5S OU Nic and Frank Glab, lot 34, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30e$ 18 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 30c. S 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total.... $ 58 00 Peter Bischoff, lot 35, West's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 26.67 square yards guttering at 30c8 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 58 00 Dubuque Malting Co., lot 36. West's add: 60.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 30c$ 15 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30c S 00 1116.67 eq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 5S 00 Dubuque Malting Co., lot 37, West's add: 60 ()lineal it curb stone set at 30c$ 1S 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 58 00 uDubuque Malting Co., lot 38, West's add: 6G 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 300$ 18 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 300 5 00 106 67 bq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total- $ 58 00 Dubuque Malting Co., lot 39. West's add : 60 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 30c$ 18 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 300 8 00 116.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 03 Total $ 53 00 Dubuque Malting Co., lot 40, West's add: 60.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 30c$ 18 00 26 67 square yards guttering at 3005 00 106 67 eq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 53 00 Dubuque Malting Co., lot 11. West's add: 34 2 lineal ft curb stone set at 30c$ 10 26 21.24 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 37 39.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c11 73 Total $ 28 36 Chas. Blichmau, lot 41, West's add: 75.6 lineal ft curb stone set at 300E 22 63 40.2S square yards guttering at 30c12 08 151.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c45 33 Total $ SO 09 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1394. 259 Chas. $li.chman, lot 42, West's add: 60 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 30o$ 18 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c S 00 106.67 eq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total$ 58 CO Henry Blichman. lot 43, West's add: 53 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 30c$ 15 90 33 34 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c32 00 Total $ 57 90 Park Hill Chapel, lot 44, West's add: 60.0 lineal ft curbstone set at30c$ 18 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 300 S 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 30c:33 00 Total $ 58 00 Fred. Knop, lot 45, West's add : 60,0 lineal ft curb stone set at 3Jc$ IS 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at30c 8 00 106 67 sq yds macadamizing at 30e32 00 Total $ 58 i0 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 8, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 33 71.11 eq yds macadamizing at 30c_ 21 33 Total $ 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 7, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal feet curb stone set at 30c$ 12 3300 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c. 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30 21 33 _ Total $ 3S 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 6, Fairmount Park add: 63.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 1S 9966 29 87 sq yds guttering at 30c 147.78 sq yds macadamizing at 30c44 34 Total i3 72 26 E. L. Curtis, e 910 ft lot 49. West's add: S4.3 lineal feet curb tone at :30c.. ...$ 25 29 39.24 sq yds guttering at 30c 11 77 1S3.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c55 00 Total $ 92 06 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 5, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal Leet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 00 33 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c21 33 Total $ - 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 4, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal feet curbsto 3e set at 30c$ 12 0'1 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 33 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 3jc21 33 Total $ - 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 3, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 00 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 33 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c21 33 Total 8 3S 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 2, Fairmount Park add: 40 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c12 00 33 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c.. .... 71.11 sq yds macadamizing at 30c21 33 Total $ 3S 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick company, lot 1, Fairmount Park add: 116.4 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.8 16 92 53.51 sq yds guttering at 300 5 228.83 sq yds macadamizing at 30e68 65 Total 168.61 sq yds Humboldt add: $ 119 62 Agatha macaadamiizing at 30o$ 50 5S Alopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald. K'ufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the cily of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Providence street, from Johnson avenue to Stafford avenue, by Phil Do. rr, contrac- tor, in front of and adj lining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Louis Nipp. lot 71, Cook's add: 53 7 lineal feet curbing at 32c E 17 18 7 23 24 10 sq yds stuttering at 300 55,42 sq yds macadamizing at 3.3015 29 Total $ 42 70 Louis Ntpp, lot 72, Cook's add: 52.5 lineal feet curbing at 32c 16 SO 23.33 square yards guttering at 300. 7 00 55.42 sq yds macadamizing at 33c18 29 Total $ 42 09 Herman Wunderlich, lot 78, Cook's add: 52.5 lineal feet curbing at 32 . $ 16 30 23.38 square yard; guttering at 30e7 00 55.42 sq yds macadamizing at 33c1S 29 Total $ 42 09 Chas. Rose estate, lot 74. Cook's add: 52.5 lineal feet curbing at 32c at $ 16 7 SO 23.33 squareyds macadards ami guttering at 33c18 29 55.42sgg __ Total $ 42 09 Chas. Rose estate, lot 75, Cook's add: 52 5 lineal feet curbing at 32c $ 16 80 23.3:3 square yards guttering at 30c7 00 55 42 eq yds macadamizing at 33cIS 29 Total $ 42 09 John Welker, lot 76, Cook's add: 52.5 lineal feet curbing at 330$ 16 80 23.33 square yards guttering at 3Oc7 O0 55.42 sq yds macadamizing at 33618 29 Total 42 09 M. F. Michels, n 38 ft, lot 77, Cook's add : 51 8 lineal feet curbing at 32c 16 23 02 square yards guttering at 30c6 915ti 63 86 sq yds macadam zing at 33e21 07 Total $ - 44 56 Chas. Rose est, lot 1 of 3, min lot 467: 177 4 lineal feet curbing at 3'2e $ 56 77 78 84 square yards guttering at 30c93 65 195.28 sq yds macadamizing at 33c64 44 Total $ - 144 86 Chas. Rose est, lot 2 of :3. min lot 437:1 20 47 5 lineal feet curbing at 32c 21.11 square yards guttering at 30c. 6 3:3 50.14 sq yds macadamizing at 33e16 55 Total $ - 38 OS Chas. Hipp, lot 3 of 3, min lot 467: 47.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 32c.... 155 20 21.11 yds guttering at 30c 50.14 sq yds macadamizing at 33c 16 55 Total$ - 38 08 Chas Rose estate, lot 4 of 3 min lot 46775 20 47.5 lineal ft curb stone at 32c 6 33 21.11 sq yds guttering at 30c 16 55 50 14 sq yds macadam at 330 $ 38 08 Total Chas Rose estate, lot 5 of 3, min lot 467: 49.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 84 6 60 22 sq yds guttering at30c 16 55 50.14 sq yds macadam at 33c Total $ 38 99 260 Adjourned Regular Sessi Peter Aelpli. lot 7S, Cook's add : 52 lineal ft curbstone set at 330 23 11 sq yds guttering at 30c 63.75 sq yds macadam at 33c 16 64 6 93 21 04 Total $ 44 61 Peter Aepli, lot 79, Cook's add : 52.4 lineal ft surbstone set at 32c16 99 77 23.29 sq yds guttering at 30c 16 99 55 31 sq yds macadam at 330 Total $ - 42 01 John Leicht, lot S0, Cook's add : 52.4 lineal feet curbstone set 32c$ 16 9977 23 29 sq yds guttering at 30 55.31 sq yds macadamizing at 33c 18 25 Total $ - 42 01 Fred Budden. lot Sl, Cook's add: 52.4 lineal feet curbstone set at 32c8 166 77 23.29 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 55.31 sq yds macadamizing at 3:3018 25 Total $ - 42 01 Wm Pohl, lot 52, Cook's add: 155 4 lineal feet curbstone set at 32c.$ 49 73 21 72.60 sq yds guttering at 30c 174.38 sq yds macadamizing at 33c57 54 Total $ - 129 05 Chas Fosselman, s w 196 ft lot 1 M. L. 467: 195 5 lineal tt curb stone set at 32c..$ 62 56 86.89 square y ards guttering at 30c. 29 07 215 33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c.. 71 05 Total... $ - 159 68 W. E. Reinoehl, s w 40 ft u e 45 ft, lot 1, M. L. 467: 40.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32c$ 12 80 17.78 square yards guttering at 30c5 33 42.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c13 93 Total $ - 32 C6 J. W. Spahn, n e 5 fr, lot 1, M. L. 467: 5.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32o$ 1 60 2.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 67 5.28 sq yds macadamizing at 33c1 74 Total $ 4 01 J. W. Spahn, lot 1 of 2, M. L. 967: 30.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32c8 9 60 13.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 4 00 31.67 sq yds macadamizing at 330$ 10 45 Total $ :4 05 Ed Spahn, s w 40 ft, lot 2 of 2. ML. 467: 90 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32c$ 12 SO 17.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 33 42.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c13 93 Total $ 3296 D. and H. Emsley, n e 56 ft, lot 2 of 2, M L. 467: 56 7 lineal tt curb stone set at 32o1 18 14 25 26 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 56 67.55 sq yds macadamizing at 33c$ 22 29 Total $ 47 99 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing an S -inch tile pipe sewer in Hill street from Julien avenue to West Fifth street, by M. Laven, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby lev- ied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : D W. Linehan, lot 45. Corriell's sub, 8,100 eq ft area at 4 mills $ 32 40 Catherine Brouillette, lot 20, G. W. Rogers sub, 1,250 sq ft area at 4 mills 5 00 on, September 4, 1894. CRogersesub,u1 i50eeq ft lot area at Wmitis B g dgers sub,et Finnegan, 250 sgtft ar a at G. 4 mills lot 17, G. W Bridget Finnegan, Rogers sub, 2,500 sq ft area, at 4 10 00 milia W. Rogers Aug. Lange, lot 16, G. g sub, 2,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 00 Aug. Lange, lot 15, G. W. Rogers subJohn W. Lo500 ve, lot 14, G. W. mills ft area at 4 10 00 Rogers' sub, 2 120 sq tt area at 4 mills 8 48 John W. Love, lot 13, G. W. Rogers' 5 48 sub, 1,370 sq ft area at 4 mills John W. Love, lot 12. G W. Rogers' subM. McLauSOO ghlinft area est, lot 21s 3 20 of 39. Kelley's sub, 12,000 sq tt area at 4 48 00 mills. John S. Garrigan, lot 1 out lot 720, city, 5,600 sq tt area at 4 mitis 22 40 John S. Carrigan, lot 38, Kelley's M McCarth300 y. lot 2ft eat 33 20 of1 o 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 out lot 735,c ty, 4,000 sq ft area 16 00 at 4 mills W. A. Harkett, lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 2, out lot 735, city, 1,000 sq ft area at 4 00 4 mills W. A. Harkett, lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 2 out lot 735, city, 5,500 sq ft area at 22 00 4 mills W. A. Harkett, lot 1 of 2 of 2 out lot 735, city, 13,i 00 so ft area at 4 mills 52 00 A. W. Kemler, lot 1 of 4 Brown's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills20 00 Maurice Noonan, lot 1 of 1 of out lot 735, city, 2,750 sq tt area at 4 mills 11 00 Maurice Noonan, lot 1 of 1 of 735a, city, 400 sq tt area at 4 mills 1 60 E. G Shackford, lot 12 of 2 of out lot 720, city, 4 000 sq tt area at 4 mills 16 00 E. Sloan, lot 1 of 13 of 2 of out lot 720, city, 1,400 sq ft area at 4 mills 5 60 M. McLaughlin est, lot 1 of 39, Kel- ly's sub. 100 sq ft area at 4 mills... 40 Andrew Mirages, lot 11 G W. Rog- ers' sub, 2,40.) sq ft area at 4 mills. 9 60 Andrew Miuges, lot 10 G. W. Rog- er's sub. 1,400 sq ft area at 4 mills. 5 60 Andrew Minges, lot 9, G. W. Rog- er's sub, 1,600 eq ft area at 4 mills. 6 40 F. W. Theiring, lot 8 G. W. Rogers' 7 20 sub, 1.800 sq ft at 4 mills F. W. Theiriug, lot 7 G W Rogers' 8 00 sub, 2,000 sq ft at 4 mills J. A Rhomberg, n lot 6, G. W Rogers' sub, 1,000 sq tt at 4 mills4 00 J. A. Rhomberg,lot 5, G. W. Rogers' 8 00 sub, 2,000 sq tt at 4 mills J. A. Rhomberg, lot 4, G W. Rog- ers' sub, 2,000 sq ft at 4 mills S 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 3, G. W. Rog• ers' sub, 2,000 sq tt at 4 millsS 00 J. A Rhomberg, lot 2, G. W Roe - era' sub, 1,500 sq ft at 4 mills 6 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 1, G. W. Rog- ers' Pub, 900 sq tt at 4 mills 3 60 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 46, Corriell's 105 60 sub. 26,400 sq ft at 4 mills J. A. Rhomberg, lot 1 of 52, Cor- riell's sub, 6,250 sq tt at 4 mills25 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 51, Corriell's 00 sub, 5,000 sq ft at 4 mills 20 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 50,Corriell's 20 00 sub, 5,000 sq ft at 4 mills Adopted by the following vote: Ay es—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Alderman Kauffmann offered the follow- inResolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for constructing an fl- inch tile pipe sewer in Julien avenue, from 700 9 00 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. 2(11 alley west of Alpine street to Allison place, by Thomas Dorsey, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Charles Bergner, lot 4, min. lot SO, 11,200 sq ft at 4 mills $ 44 SO M. Schergi, Sr., lot 45, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 4,500 sq tt at 4 mills 18 00 Charles Bergner, lot 46, S. M. Lang worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 Joseph Dufit, lot 47. S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 Joseph Milt, lot 48, S M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 eq ft at 4 mills 10 00 W. D. Watters, lot 49, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2 500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 W. G. Watters, lot 50, S. M. Lang - worth v's aid, 2.500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 W. G1. Watters, lot 51, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 Thomas Hill, lot 52, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft at 4 mills 10 00 Thomas Hill, lot 53, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 3,000 sq ft at 4 mills 12 00 J. Zugenhuehler, lot 54, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 8 00 J. Zugenbuehler, lot 55, S M Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft area at 4 mills J. Zugenbuehler, lot 1 of 56, S. M Langworthy is add, 500 sq ft area at 4 mills V Melchoir, lot2 of 56, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,000 sq ft area at 5 00 4 mills V. Melchoir, lot 57, S. M Laogwor- thy's add, 4,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 00 W. R. Pearce, lot 58, S. M. Lang - worthy's add, 7,400 sq ft area at 29 60 4 mills Mrs. J. McLaren. 1ot59, S.M. Lang - worthy's add, 2,500 sq ft area at 10 00 4 mills Mrs. J. McLaren, lot CO, S M. Lang - worthy's ads, 2,500 sq ft area at 4 mills Mrs. J. McLaren, lot 4, Cleminson's sub, 1,200 sq ft area at 4 mills Thos. Burke, lot 2, Cleminson's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills... Christ. Zimmermann, lot 6, Summit add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills Mrs. H. E. Cousins, lot 5, Summit add, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills Martin Meagher, lot 4, Summit add, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills S. M. Langworthy est, lot 3, Sum- mit add, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills 8 M. Langworthy est, lot 2, Sum- mit add, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills M. Tschirgi, Nr. e 50 ft lot 1, Summit add, 5000 sq ft at 4 mills R. Waller, lot 1 of 2 of 1, Waller's sub, 4010 sq ft at 4 mills R. Waller, lot 2 of 2 of 1, Waller's sub, 5000 so ft at 4 mills R. Waller, lot 1of 4 t 1,s Wler's sub, 11,500 eq John V. Conzett, lot 5, 0 inley Home add, 4,400 sq ft at 4 mills Wm. Dodson, lot 4, Finley Home add, 5,000 sq 7t at 4 mills J. R. aysq o ,a4mills il einley Home add 5Summit add. 5,000 sq t1 at 4 ey Home mills Mrs. J. Marsh, pt min lot 174, 28,000 sq ft area at 4 mills Louise Oiesemann, lot 1,Marsh's Du- buque, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills Margaret Carr, lot 2, Marsh's Du- buque, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills Cath. 00 sq lot area r , t Marsh's 4 r lis Dubuque, 10 00 2 00 10 00 4 SO 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 1600 20 00 46 00 17 60 20 00 20 00 20 00 112 CO 20 00 20 00 20 00 Sophia Kundert, lot 17, Marsh's Du- buque, 5,000 sq It area at 4 mills20 00 Sophia Kundert, lot 18, Marsh's Du- buque, 6,000 sq fc area at 4 mills24 00 John Dowling, lot 11, Lawrence's Dubuque, 7.000 sq tt area at 4 :Hills 28 00 Peter Hoerr, lot 6, Lawrence's Du- buque, 4,000 sq ft area at 4 mills16 00 Louis Giesemanu, lot 5, Lawrence's Dubuque,4,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 16 00 Louis Giesemann, lot 4, Lawrence's Dubuque, 4,0(0 sq ft area at 4 mills 16 00 Maria Schwind, lot 2 of 5 of Riley's sub. 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Joseph R Rilay, lot 2 of 4, Riley's sub, 5,000 eq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Joseph Riley, lot 2 of 3, Riley's sub, 5,000 eq ft area at 4 mills 20 CO C. T Bush, 144 lot 30 Mount Pleas- ant add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills. 20 00 Jo Truth, lot 1 Trueb's sub, 7,000 sq 2S 00 ft area at 4 mills James Baxter, lot 1 of 1 of min lot 159, 4 900 sq ft area at 4 mills 19 60 Mary Riley, lot 2 of 1 of miu lot 159, 8,500 sq ft area at 4 mills 34 00 Trueb, Southwell & Co., 1 of 1 of 3, of nein lot 172, 500 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Dubuque Water company, lot 2 of 1 of 3 of min lot 172, 5,000 sq ft area 20 00 at 4 mills Henry Dobson. lot 2 of 3 of min lot 172 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 A. Schoenthal, lot 4 of min lot 172, 20 00 5,000 sq ft at 4 mills Hurbert E. Willard. lot 5 of min lot 172 5,000 sq ft at 4 mills 20 00 Anna M. Kirby, lot 1 Hughes sub, 1S 00 4,500 sq ft at 4 mills Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city counocil council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay laying a wide plank sidewalk on west side of Rhom- berg avenue from Ann avenue to First ave- nue, by Dan Sheehan, contractor, in front of and adjolning the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Mrs. H. L Schumacher, est., lot 69 McCraney's 1st add, 56 lineal feet 13 16 plank sidewalk at 23%c $ Pat Wabh, est., lot 71, McCraney's 1st add, 311A lineal feet plank side- 7 04 walk at 234c Mary A. Walsh, lot 447, Ham's add, 57 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 13 40 233. c Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following : Resolved, by the City Council of the of Dubuque : That to pay for laying a brick of Locust osidewalk side Second street tothird street, by Joseph Frick, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and unts osite eachor the lotor parcelofrealal o estate, as olt lows: ach E. W. Albee, lot 85. city, 91 sq yds 49 14 brick sidewalk at 540 $ Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following. Resolved, By the city council of the city of 262 Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1S94. Dubuque, That to pay for repairing side- walks t y city of Dubuque, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is heresy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Fred Lorraine, lut 357, Davis Farm add, repairing plank sidewalk 8 2 50 Albert Gasser, lot 1, Sisters' add, re- 4 pairing plank sidewalk 50 Agatha Heim, lots 3 and 4, Sisters' add. repairing plank sidewalk3 75 JohnV.Rider, lots 5, 6 and 7. Sisters' add, repairing plank sidewalk2 90 Chas. Thill, lots 8 an 1 9 Sisters' add, 2 00 repairing plank sidewalk Chad. Fosselman, 1ot65, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, repairing sidewalk 75 Emil Kock, lot 66, L. H. Laug- worthy's add, repairing sidewalk SO Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a tour -foot wide plank sidewalk on west side of Cornell street,between West Fourteenth and Thomas streets, by Dan Sheehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: M. J. McCullough, lot 7, Morgan's sub, 55 lin ft plank sidewalk at 15c * S 25 M. J. McCullough, and lot 8, Mor- gan's sub, 24 lin ft plank sidewalk 3 60 at l5c 0, W. Schrup, uud ;4 lot S Morgan's sub. 21 lin ft plank sidewalk at i 5 3 60 Geo. W. Sehrup, and % lot 4. Mor- gan's sub, 24 lin ft plank sidewalk 3 60 at 15c M. J. Mc( ulleugh, and % lot 4 Mor- gan's sub. 24 lineal feet plank side walk at 150 3 60 Joseph S Morgan, lot 10 Morgaa'a sub, 59 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 15c S 85 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Reso/v.d, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 -foot plank sidewalk on both sides of Leibnitz street, between North Main street and Har- old street, by J R Riley, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: J. L. McGirk, west 117 feet, lot 45, Marsh add, 35 lineal ft plank side- walk at 15%c i 5 14 Adopted by the following vote: Ay es—Alds Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 -foot - wide plank walk on north side of West Third street. between Winona and Alpine streets, by J. 11 Riley, contractors, in front of and adjoining same. a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcels of real estate as follows: AW. 50 lineal feet McCoy's lot 5, pl nksidelalk,at 154c $ 7 63 AMcCoy's Co 's sub, 17 lineal feet plank sidewalk, at 153 c 2 59 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder,Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the elty of Dubuque, that to pay for laying a 12 foot wide sidewalk on the north side of Julien avenue from Bluff street to Walnut street, by J. R Riley, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sever- al iota and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and own- ed, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcels of real estate, as follows: Henry Guerdet, lot 12, sub 703 city, 69 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 41e $ 28 29 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a ce- ment walk on east side of Bluff street, from First street to Second street, by Robert E. Lee, contractor. in front of and ad- joining same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of teal estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: N. C. Rvan, 479 `: sq ft cement walk, 53 91 at 11?.c Mary Donahue, 108.0 sq ft cement 12 15 walk, at 114c G. F. Ryan, 9:2 8 sq ft cement walk, at 11%c 25 06 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a six-foot wide plank walk on both sides of Couler avenue from Sanford street to Peru Read, by Dan Sheehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite of each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: G. Ganahl, lot 255, Davis' Farm add, 60 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c $ 13 SO H. Ellwanger, lot 286, Davis' Farm add. 70 lineal Leet plank sidewalk 16 10 at 23c C. A. Walter, lot 305, Davis' Farm add. 60 lineal feet plank sidewalk 13 SO at 23c C. A. Walter, lot 305, Davis' Farm add, 6834 lineal feet plank sidewalk 15 76 at 930 D. H. Gehrig, lot 13, West add, 60 lineal feet plank sidewalk at 23c13 80 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aida. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 ft. wide plank sidewalk on north side of Thomas street bet. Alma street and Cornell street by Dan Sheehan, contractor, in front of and of Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. 26.1 adjoining same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots, and pacts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and each lot thee several amounts set opposite parcel of real estate, as follows: J. S. Morgan, lot 14. Morgan's sub., 131 lineal ft plank sidewalk at 15c. 19 65 A. A. Loetscher, lot 5, Fairview sub. 4S% lineal ft plank sidewalk at 15c A. A. , lot 6, Fairview eub, 39% lin alrft plank sidewalk 15c 5 93 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved. That stone crossings be laid as follows, under the supervision of the city engineer: Oa the east, west, north and south sides of Fourth and Bluff streets; also, on the so sides ot Fourth and Locust streets nortand also, on the west side of Third and Bluff streets. Ald. Shea offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company he and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on and along Caledonian such and put a water plug, if necessary. place as the fire committee and chief may direct, the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company a sum of money suffi- cient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be ex- tended. Ald. Shea offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the action of the council in ordering the repairing of two old fire en- gines be reconsidered, and that the mayor and fi, a committee be instructed to have three practical mechanics to examine said engines or either of them and give their having as thenengines advisability of them re having said eng paired as contemplated. It was moved to lay the resolution on the table. Lost by the following vote. Ryder, Ayes—Aid- Crawford, Halpin, Vogel and Vogler. Lillig. Noes—Aid. Butler, Kaufmann, Powers and Shea The vote being a tie, the mayor voted no. On motion, the resolution was adopted by the following vote: Kaufmann, Ayes—Ald. Butler, Halpin, Lillig, Powers. Shea and Vogler. NesAld Crawford, Ryder and Vogel. 7 27 ° — Ald Ryder offered the following resolu tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That the finance committee and mayor be instructed to confer with the board of supervisors in e tax of 1S93 and make relation arrangementto the s with said board for settlement of same as may be to the best interest of the city, and report itsaction Halpin hereundercityoffered the following Ald resolu- tioa, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the committee on sewers be and are lilyhereby f lnpurchasing thected to n sanitary der the sewer advisability sewer situated between Main and Locust streets, north of First street Jr. i athst setnd make and owned by M. Tschirgi, the same a part of the sanitary system, resolu- Ald. Ryder offered the following tion, which was adopted: Your committee of the whole would most respectfully recommend that the finance committee be instructed to make such ar- rangements as are to the interest of the o with hinsurance their taxes forein 1S93. thepayment of Ala. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque. that the tax levy for 1594 on the taxable property of the city be as follows: General expense Special interest Water 7j( mills 2 mills 1. mill 1 mill raying floating indebtedness Ald. Crawford moved to amend to make the levy for paying the f1 rating indebted- ness % mill. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig. Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—Alda Powers and Ryder. On motion the resolution as amended was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alis. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque : That the Board of supervisors of Dubuque county,Ia,be instructed to levy two mills un the taxable property inside the lim- its of the city of Dubuque for 1594, for bridge tax. for the use and benefit of the said city of Dubuque. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler Noes—None Ald Lillig offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed to give an estimate of the amount of of the present hoo Fifth avenue from e t i prow ment north to the city limits, with report to the probable ecost ouncilaits next regular meeting. Ald. t,illig offered the following resolution which was adopted : Resolved, That stone crossings be laid on the east and west side of Rhomberg avenue at the intersection with J obnson avenue, the same to be done under the supervision of the city engineer. which Ald. Lillig offered the following, was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the city engineer be instruct- ed to prepare a plat showing the proposed wSchil- ler gand Fengler stee s, showing the landening of High Bluff street between or lots necessary to be taken, the t names land pro owners thereof and the q tit iof tn accord- anceto be taken, and proceed a ect. Ald, iLillig offered the followinth the ordinance on that g, which was adopted: Resolved by the city city council of the city Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company be instructed to extend their water mains in the alley between ?Schiller and Mid- dle streets and ithomberg and Garfield ave- nues, the city of Dubg+lsum ue of money eito pay to said water company er cent on the cost interest at the rate of 7 p of pipe so required to be extended. Ald Powers offered the foilowing resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved. That the crossing on the west side of Locust street on Fourteenth street be treet repaired offered superintendent. the Afolio wing, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city recorder is hereby directed to procure for use of the city tytwouncil at - umes ofeMcLcityense of the aine's code, with the supple- ment thereto. Ald. Powers offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council that the res- olution and order of this isouth eight pa a April 25,1S94, directing the it 264 Adjourned Regular S'e$sion, September 4, 1894. half feet of Lincoln avenue vacated, be re- considered and rescinded. Ald. Powers offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the clty of Dubuque, that the city engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat showing be- tweenthe proposed n lmond and West Locust of street, so as to make a 40 foot street, showing the lands or lots necessary to be taken for said im- provement, the names of the owners thereof and the quantities of land proposed to be taken, and proceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution. which was adopted: W hereas, It is deemed advisable by the city council to lay out and open North Glen Oak avenue from Fourteenth street to Julien avenue: therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey and plat of said street, under and in accordance with the prov stone and requirements of chapter thirty (30) of the Revised Ordinances of 1893; that said street be surveyed and platted fifty feet wide and so located that the west line of same shall correspond with the east boundary of lots 23 and 26 in Mt. Pleasant addition. Also that said plat shall show in different colored lines the easterly 14 feet east street, as originally laid out in said addition, to- gether with the names of the owners of lots 17, 24 and 25, abutting said fourteen foot strip, and report said survey and plat to the council as soon as practicable. That all previous action in reference to sail street be rescinded. Ald. Halpin offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the mayor be and is hereby directed to appoint a special committee of three with the mayor as chair- man, to take such action as may be necessa- ry for the city to secure the title from con- gress. to Lake Peosta. as said property would be a valuable acquisition to the city in the near future. Ald. Vogler offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That the Dubuque Water Co. be instructed to extend their mains and place a water plug on Eighteenth and Elm streets. Ald. Shea offered the following resolution: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Clay street from Third to Eighteenth streets, and Eighteenth street to Couler avenue, and fouler avenue from Eighteenth street to Sanford street,be curbed and paved with brick in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject; that the eity engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder is directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work, the curbing and all of the paving, except such portions of the same as the several street railway companies occupying portions of said street with their tracks, are bound by law or by virtue of the provisions of their contract or ordinance of the city under which said street railways have been constructed and maintained, are bound to pave at their own cost, to be done at the expense of abutting property. That the Dubuque Street Railway com- pany, Dubuque Light and Traction com- pany, and the Eighth Street and West Du- buque Street Railway company be each sev- erally directed to pave such portions of said street in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the city engineer, as they are severally legally bound to do by law or ordinance; and the said street railway companies are hereby required to notify the city racorder in writing within ten days after service of copies of this resolution on said street rail- way companies, whether or not, they or either of them propose and desire to do said paving themselves, and in case of their fail- ure to so designate their wishes, within said ten days, it will be presumed that said street railway companies do not wish to make the improvements them- selves, and that the city will then be at liberty to make the improve- ments as contemplated by law, at the ex- penee of the several street railway com- panies, said work not to be commenced sooner than April, 1895 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler. Crawford. Hnlpin, Kaufmann, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogler. Nayes—Alds. Lilliq and Vogel. Ald Kaufmann offered the following reso- lution : Be it resolved, That sanitary sewers be constructed as follows, viz: In alley frcm Seventeenth street to Sanford street between Washington and Jackson streets In Sanford street from alley west of Wash- ington street to White street In White street and alley from Sanford street to Twenty seventh street. Also in Nevada street from Julien avenue to West Fifth street Also in Olive street from alley north of Jefferson street to said Jefferson street and that the city engineer is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for same. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Nyder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. The proposition of the Blackmer & Post Pipe company to furnish sewer pipe was read and the following resolution in relation thereto was adopted: Be it resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereby authorized to purchase the necessary sanitary sewer pipe for the sewer from Fifteenth to Twenty-seventh streets, provides that the discounts and terms given in the enclosed correepondence are fully complied with. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, That in the action of the city council of Dec. 4, 1893, and Feb 5, 1594, agreeing to cancel the taxes of Mrs. Agatha Heim for 1893 and 1894 on condition that she accept such cancellation in full satisfaction of all claim for damages by fi,od in June, 1893, it was the intention of the council to include in such cancellation the taxes of the estate of John Heim, as well as those of the widow Agatha Heim, and said taxes above specified are hereby cancelled. Ald. Vogel offerei the following, which was referred to the street committee: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a stone crossing be laid on the north side of Iowa extension and Semi- nary street under the supervision of the city engineer. Ald. Butler offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Curtis street, between South Dodge and Exchange street, be gra- ded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering. curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adjourned Regular Session, 'September 4, 1894. 265 Referred to the street committee and en- gineer to report grade and estimate cost of. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That Alta Vista street, between Fourteenth street and Union avenue, be gra- ded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ertyuse of the owners The grading toobe bid for inf the abutting gross Bum. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler. Noes—Novo. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the alley between Rhom- berg and Garfield avenues and Schiller and Middle street.be graded, guttered,curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance on that subject. That the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the grading and macadamizing to be done at the nse of the owners of th abutting property. Adopted by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: Couler avenue sand nWhite avenue, be- tween nr et be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the cityrecorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work: the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the to obwners of tin n e abutting property. Grading total. Adopted by the followingootHalpin, Ayes—Ald. Big, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Kaufmann. Lillig, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Lillig offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalk feet good of two-inchplank, brick, stone cement, t, be, within twenty days of tbis notice, con- structed dinanne and laid lation in conformity with or- on nance in both sides of Providence street, between Johnson avenue and Stafford avenue where not already laid, at the the of abutting property. Adoptedby ing vote • Ayes—Alda Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. V Lillig, Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of of Dubuque, two inch plank, brick, atonthat a sidewalk 4 eorct ement, be, within fifteen days of this notice. con - with the structed and laid in conformity or- dinance in relation to sideewalks,n Block -on both sides of Broadway street, betwee liner Lane and Diaonal where not already laid, t he expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aide. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following : Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Queen street, between Ed- ward street and north. line of Stafford addi- tion, be graded, guttered, curbed- aond in conformity inance upon that subject That the city engineer be and is herlanseby directeto mke and specifications a for tneces- sary plans im- provement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing, and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property ; grading to be bid in total. Referred to street committee and engineer. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of from Dubuque, the terminus Eagle of present improvement to Kane street, be graded, guttered, icurbed and macadamized, in conformity e ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder di- rected to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the•performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the ra abutting prropertyty: : g ding to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal - in, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers,Ryder,Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved By the city council of the city of ftheeecity 1 ide, of oubrick, stoneue: or cement, 12 be, within twelve days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of First street, between Locust street and re dyllad alsoast new street where not al - new curbingand re -setting of old curb as may be necessary,all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Halpin, AyesAlda. Kaufmann, Powers,ligtg, Ryder, Shea, Vo- gel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of the city of Dubuque: That a sid aik4 stone feetot wide, of good 2 -inch plank, brick, cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Oak street, between Rising av- enue and Belle street where notalready Adapt, at the expense of abutting property. Adopt- ed by the following vote: Ayes—Aide. Butler, , Ryder, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Vogel and Vogler. Aid. J. W. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. That a sidewalk 12 feetin tide, of brick, stone, or cement, be, ty days of this notice, constructed and claid in conformity onwith the the northance side not relation Second sidewalks, t,,between Locust street and alley east where not and re -setting of old alasready may be also new c necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: d Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann.in, Lillig, Powers, RderShea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald.J. Halpin ff the Resolved, By the city council of the citfollowing Dubuque, That sidewalk 2 feet we of brick, orcement, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and laid in WO; Adjourned Regular Session, September 4, 1894. conformity with !the !ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of West Main street, between First street a d Jones street where not already laid, g and re -setting be neces- sary, all attee expense rot abuttib as ng property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford,Halpin, 1pin, KKaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: ltesolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that Southern avenue between Railroad owan street be utted venue cbed and ; ande macadamized in conformity in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and iss hereby directed to make the necessary pd and specifications for said improvement. and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and proposals for orithe performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids, Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryders, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Ellis street, between Almond street and W est Locust where not already laid, at the expense roftthe abutting property. Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Alda Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 15 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be within fifteen days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Jefferson street, abutting lot 9 Farley's sub, where not alreadyalaid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler Nayes—None. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fff.een days of this notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West FourtPeuth street, abut- ting lots 520 and 821, A. McDaniel's sub, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vowel and Vogler. Nays—None Ald. Vogler offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That e sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stane or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side• walks, on the east side of Iowa street, abut- ting m 1-5 city lot 454, abutting n 3-10 c ty lot 453, abutting n 2-5 city lot 455, where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Vogel offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That hereafter when sidewalks are ordered. number of each and every lot should be given. Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the bids for the improvement of streets and construction of sewers: Sewer in Washington street: D. W. Linehan John O'Brien M. Laven 751 60 Dubuque Construction Co Oa motion, M. Leven being the lowest bid- der, was awarded the contract. Sewer in West Third street: Donahue & 'o John McCaffrey Otto A. Reinecke D. W Linehan Thos Dorsey $701 OS 751 60 651 40 $191 50 236 00 339 00 186 00 228 00 M. Leven 196 00 Oa motion, D. W. Linehan was awarded the contract Sewer in Water street: X151 f0 Thos. Dorsey 193 00 D. W. Linehan 205 00 M. Leven 158 00 Rennicke & Sullivan being the lowest On motion Thos. Dorsey, bidder, was awarded the contract. Ald. Halpin moved that all bids for the improvement of Southern avenue be reject- ed and the work bereadvertised. Carried. For the improvement of Wilde street: $461 00 518 00 467 50 534 00 39S 00 524 00 539 00 467 00 450 t0 545 00 Bro wn & Brown Kenety & McCann T. J Donahue D. W Linehan Parker & McGrath Steuck & O'Farrell Thos. Hassett Con Ryan, Jr D.,dson & Cousins Geo. W. Farley On motion the contract was awarded to Parker & McGrath, they being the lowest bidders. Ald. Halpin moved that when the council adjourn it does so to meet Sept. 18 at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Carried. City Treasurer Gniffke presented a com- munication in relation to the sale for rail- way tax of 1884 and 1585 of lots n 23 ft of city lot 489 and 31 in Wilson's add. Referred to City Attorney. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. 1894. (,,..t.-, ... Mayor. Adjourned Regular Session, September 1g, 1894. 207 CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned RPenlar Session, Sept, 18, 1894 Adjourned regular session of council met Sept. 15, 15;1}, at 5 o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present, Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman, Lillig, Powers, Ruder, Shea and Vogler On motion bids for the improvement of streets and construction of sewers which had Russell street: two on',Semmary s teat near been advertised for were ordered opened tit Joseph academy: one on Garfield and referred to the engineer for compute- Mt.St Fengler avenue, under the supervision Lion. I of the city electrician. the above being in pended Ald.Ryder moved that the be raccordance with the wishes of the committee and Mr. Albee be alloweedd tto o addreess ss of the whole. the council. Carried, Mr, Albee addressed . Aid Lillig offered the following, which the council in relation to the order to lay a ted a sum of money to pay interest on the cost of pipe so required to be extended, at the rate of 7 per cent. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted : Be it resolved by the city council of the cittreasurer be instructed edof to call in improvemat the ent bends No. 65 to 79 inclusive, dated Oct 1, 1392, and issued to C 11. White K Co., and amounting to 16 001). Ald. Lillig offered the following which was adcpted. Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. that electric arc lights be placed follows: One on Grandview avenue and sidewalk on Second street between Mal and Locust. Alderman Crawford moved that the order to lay sidewalk on north side of Second. be- tween Main and Locust, be postponed until April 1, 1395. Carried. The petition of F. I)uenser et al., asking to have alley between Washington and Elm and Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets raised was referred to the street committee. Petition of John Miller et al., protesting against the opening of lane east of Eagle Point avenue, was referred to the street committee. The profile showing the vacation of part of Ashton avenue and proposed extension of Irving avenue was referred to the committee of the whole. The bill of V. H. Oswald of $52 40 for cleaning vaults owned by Mr. Kemler was ordered paid, and that Mr. Kemler be noti- fied to Show cause why the same should not be assessed against his property. Ald. Ryder offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the Dubuque Water com- pany be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Nevada streot from Julien avenue to West Fifthstreet, under and water plug it required, to be p the direction of the fire chief and fire guaranteeing com- mittee, the city of Dubuque said Water company a sum of money suffi- cient to pay interest at 7 per cent. on the cost of pipe so required to b3 extended. Health Officer Wieland recommended bed property vaults on the following be cleaned: pros act Hill add. Frank Coates, lot 1, p Wm Bothwell estate, lot 5 of Mineral lot 158 Edward Burns, lot 19, Oak Grove add Bridget Redman, lots 127 and 125, Union add. Mrs Daniel Breen. w 40 ft of 540 and n 64 tt of w 30 tt of 541, city. Anna M. Bush, lots 645 and 619. city. Adopted and vaults ordered cltod assess The award of the jury appointedt Fourth streets damages for the opening extension, the widening of White street from widening of to yon urth Fourtee Fourteenth the wi lta g street, and the from Alta Vista to Spring widening of Wilber Lane was referred to the committee of the whole. reeolu- Ald. Ryder offered the following tion, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the Dubuque Water company be and is hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Fourth street from Bluff street west to the elevator. the city of Du- buque guaranteeing to said Water company was a p Resolved. That an arc electric light be placed on Valeria street west of Cushing's vinegar factory, as at present said locality is in total darkness, the same to be placed un- der the direction of the city electrician Ald Shea offered the following which was adcpted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the street commissioner he and is hereby instructed to repair and put in good condition the following street cross- ings: On south side of Sixth street across alley, between Main and Locust: on north side of Fourth street, across alley between Claand Iowa. o n north side of Fourth street, across alley t tween Clay and White Ald. Ryder moven that the lower floor of the city hall shall not beroc u tede hucksters for storage com- mittee on public grounds and buildings. notice Ald Shea presented the following in relation to filling lots: To A. W. Hostord : You are hereby notified that it is the in- tention of the city council of the city of Du- buque to pass a resolution at its next regu- lar sessian, ordering to be filled and raised lots which are at times with stagnant water, which hloobe lots are covered and described as followse add.et lot 55 and all of 56 in E. Lang it you desire. You are notified to appear, at the next regular meeting of the cone ii and show cause it any you have, why id resolution should not be passed, as it is pro posed said filling shall be at your expense. The next regular session of the council will commence on Oct. 1, 1894. vote: Adopted by the following Ayes—Aldermen Butler. Powers,Crawtr CRrawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution : Resolved, That the sanitary sewer on West Eleventh street be extended westerly along said West Eleventh street to the alley between Walnut and Race streets,e1they to nce northerly in and along said north line of lots 11teandy14 sin Cummings'subdivision; plans and specitict.- eLructed to prepare the p Mons and advertise for proposals for doing the work. ice following vote: Adopted dbButler, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmaann,nn, Lillig, AyesPowers, Ryder, Shea and L Vogler. None. Nays— The engineer reported as follows on bids for the improvement of Southern ovenue t to from the end of the present imp Railroad avenue : 208 Adjourned _Regular Session, September 1S, 1894. John Tibey F. M. Kringle Brown & Brown $2,194 00 2,857 50 2,13 00 Thomas Hassett 2,262 00 On motion, Brown & Brown were awarded the Improvement eof Houthernthe obidders.west avenue Railroad avenue to Rowan street: $ 9 771 00 Thomas Hassett73 66 F. M. Kringle 1 9,9,7957 40 Brown & Brown 9,749 60 Con Ryan, Jr 9,785 00 John Tibey5 00 9,7 18 Altman & Taylor 9,83t) 7 00 J. Williams Oa motion Con Ryan, Jr., was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. Improvement of Lincoln avenue from Cou- ler avenue to White street: 223 70 S Frank Bentin 23 40 Phil. Doerr 40 2 Peter Horsch 237 Geo. W. Farley 317 7 0 5 70 A Lange 252 0 Steuck & O'Farrell 25 20 E. E. Frith Oa motion, Frank Boutin being the lowest bidder he was awarded the contract. For the improvement of Alta Vista street from W est Fourteenth to Union street: $5,957 50 Brown & Brown 5 236 50 J. Williams 5,165 00 Con Ryan. Jr 5,600 00 D. W. Linehan 4 966 00 Geo W Farley 5.912 50 Steuck & O'Farrell 5 783 50 Altman & Taylor 5,185 10 On motion, D. W. Linehan being the low- est bidder he was awarded the contract. For the improvement of alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues from Schil- ler avenue to Middle avenue. 416 00 29l 60 277 50 318 30 247 95 242 40 299 75 F. M Kringle Geo. W. Farley Phil Doerr Steuck & O'Farrell Frank Bentin Jacob Brick Wilmer Cook Peter Horsch On motion Wilmer Cook, being the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract. Improvement of West Eagle Point avenue from end of improvement to Kane street Steuck & O'Farrell ',46 894 00 5,416 00 6 056 00 5,656 00 8,421 00 6,166 00 5,462 00 John Williams Peter Horsch E. E Frith Geo. W. Farley Brown & Brown D W. Linehan On motion, John Williams was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. For the construction of sewer in alley between Couler avenue and Jackson street from Twenty-third to Twenty-seventh street. D. W Linehan $ 957 C0 M. Lavin 630 00 Steuck & O'Farrell 885 00 On motion. M. Lavin was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. Sewer in Sanford street from alley be tween Jackson and Washington, and in White street from Sanford street to Twenty- third street. D. W. Linehan $ 721 40 Dubuque Construction Co 763 20 M. Lavin 572 70 Steuck & O'Farrell 851 25 On motion M. Lavin was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. Sewer in Olive street from alley south of Eleventh street to Jefferson street: D.W. Linehan John Welsh Dubuque Construction Co M. Lavin James Hird & Son Thos. Dorsey $ 52 80 49 90 55 70 54 25 47 27 54 80 On motion James Hird & Son were award- ed the contract, they being the lowest bid- der. Sewer in alley from Seventeenth to San- ford street, between Jackson and Washing- ton streets: $1,240 20 D. W. Linehan Dubuque Construction Co.... • • • 1,266 SO M. Lavin 1,78026 0O SS Steuck & O Farrell. IA On motion M. Lavin was awarded the contract. he being the lowest bidder. Sewer in Nevada street, from Julien ave- nue to West Fifth street. • D. W. Linehan $394 00 Dubuque Construction company 295 00 James Hird & Son 243 90 Thomas Dorsey 365 50 John McCaffrey 347 50 On motion James Hird & Son were award- ed the contract, they being the lowest bid- ders. Alderman Halpin moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest :f Recorder. ... .. Mayo r. Notice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city englneet's office city of Dubuque, up to 4 o'clock Tuesday, Sept 18, 1894, for constiuct.ng sani- tary siwers as follows, according to plans and specifications on file in said office„ viz: A20 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley from Sev- enteenth street to Sanford etre. t, between Jack- son street to Washington street. Estimated length, 2,860 lineal feet. Nine manholes. A 16 -inch tile pipe sewer in Sanford street, from alley between Jackson street and Washing- ton street to Whi.e street, and a 12 -inch tile pipe rawer in White stree from Sanford street to Twenty-third street Estimated length in Sanford st eet, 370 lineal feet or 16- inch pipe, Three manholes; White at,eet, 1,500 lineal feet of 12 inch pipe and six manholes. A 10 inch tile pipe sewer to alley from Twen- t6 third street to Twenty-flftn street, between Cooler avenue and Jackson etre-t, and an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in alley from Twer ty fifth street to Twen y -seventh street, between Jackson street and Couler avenue. Bstimeted length of 10 -inch pipe. 1.300 lineal feet. Fix manholes; 1,30 lineal feet of 8 inch pipe and six man- holes. r n 8 inch tile pipe Fewer in Nevada street from Julien avenue to West Fifth ,treet. Bstt mated length, 770 lineal feet. Two manholes; one flush tank. An 8 Inch tile pipe sewer in Olive street from alley north of Jefferson street to Jefferso,. street. Estimated length, 145 lineal feet. One man - Bidders must furnish a bond of 5200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. 13. KNOWLTON. t.5 -10t Clty gngineer. Notice. Notice is hereby given to all property owners, that any sidewalk, abutting their property, that is in bad order must be repaired within forty-eight hours after this notice Failing to have the same done, the city will immeifately have the said walks repaired and the cost thereof assessed to the abutting property. No further notice than this shall be given Dated this 31st day of August, 1891. P. OLINGEH, Mayor. aug3olt Official Notices. 060 NOT ICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of August, 1894, the following special assessments we e levied on the real estate hereinafter described: And that in case of faflu e to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same sha 1 become delinquent and bear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 24th day of August, A. D. 1891. HENRY B. GNIt'FKE, Treasurer of the City of Dobuque. For laying Tile Sewer from West Eighth street to Alley West of Alpine street. Name. Description. Lot. Amount Nick Esch, ecb city out . of 7C3 13 $ 4 80 Nick Each, sub 14 sub cit out 1 2 32 Hugh Kavanaugh, sub 14 out lot 703ub it2 10 40 Hugh Kavanaugh, sub l4 sub out lot cit 3 2 40 P B Martin estate, sub 1 i o03 ut fit Mary Mullen. J W Hoffman, John Meeay, A W Semler, Wm Leahey, Mike Doyle. P B Martin estate, 4. tt 1. ., 66 41 44 66 Kelly's sub 114 t• Kelley's sub, 46 net sub, nwiia lley's sub e tt 46 2914!t Kelley's sub, w19%s ft sub, a 22 ft w28ft Kelley's sub „ ey, Dubuque a 70 Dubuque Itub min lot 8 mih to min lot min lot 8 Martin's Du que,n150 min lot ty out lot` sub. s b 45, N'arley's Farley's su P'arley's eu 66 66outlot7 ub city out6l 738,0 20 etty out l 736, w 3 sub clot 7 Cr1n's sub 66 66tendFre.burg,46 46 Dubuque,ftMobley,sub81subftsub80703 66Farley'sFarley's sub subsub43,64 city46 6 Sullivan,subout 15 22 21 20 19 15 14 13 J W Parker, Mrs Jennie West, A W Hosford, p 8 Webster, J M McFadden, 11 60 1 36 8 60 464 14 40 32 00 20 00 20 00 12 7 4d 9 11 80 9 7 80 20 00 7 20 00 6 20 00 5 8 80 5 1120 4 20 00 3 20 00 2 20 CO 1 20 00 7 13 80 6 16 00 5 1120 2 10 00 1 10 t.0 1. 4 80 2 180J 83 100 00 82 56 00 1 30 00 2 30 00 1 44 80 1 44 80 11 12 00 10 8 80 9 14 00 46 19 20 2 17 28 44 19 20 1 12 00 39 20 00 38 20 00 39 20 00 40 20 00 41 18 00 42 6 00 4 18 00 5 32 00 6 32 00 7 8 00 8 8 00 8 120 11 20 00 1 15 20 8 24 00 sub 1, H T Mc- Nulty's sub, e Ys 2 Alphonse Matthews, sub t, H T Mc- Nulty's sub, w Ys 2 John McDonald, H T McNulty's sub 2 21 00 2100 42 00 Academy of Visitation, part of min lot 88 80 00 J Hennessey, Le. en's add 1 9000 Mrs .1 Marsh, part of min lot 174 48 00 John Nagle, Kelley's sub 11 18 80 " 10 13 20 Marion Stokley et al, sub out lot 738 9 20 00 10 20 00 J W Parker estate, " " For the Laying of a TiIP Sewer in the Alley West of Center Place. Name Description. Lot. Amonnt Academy of the Visitation, part of min lot 86 $96 00 John McDonald, H T McNulty's sub 2 10 f 0 Arch F..rgeson, ub3 6, 7.10 and 11, H T s1cNulty's sub 2 19 20 George G Furgeson, sub 3. 6. 7. 10 and 11. HTMcNuly'ssub 1 1240 J P Earley, H T McNulty's sub 3 13 20 John Duttle, " " 4 13 00 H M Rogers, " 5 13 20 6 13 20 " 7 15 20 J P Earley, Notice to Oontractors. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, 1. DUBUQUE, Sep'. 7, 1894. Sealed proposals will be received at my office the for improvement at of thefollowing sheetst. 18, and nd alleys according to plans and specifications now on file in my office: Alta Visa street, from West 14th street to Onion avenue; grading, c"t 8,500 cu yds, fill 500 cu yds; curbstone 3,700 lineal feet; guttering 1,650 sq yds: macadamizing 6 600 sq yds. southern avenue, from Ra600 ilroad a avenue veadiuec10 Rowan street; ength, 5,574 Cu yds: fill 19,142 cu yds; curbstone .2,000 lineal1eet of 24 in: 3.200 lineal feet of 30 in; guttering 3,700 sq yds; macadamizing 7,800 sq yds. from terminus of West Eag a Point avenue, present improvement to Kane street; length, 2,100 fee.; grading cut 11,000 cu yds; 8115.500 cu yds; curostone (36 in) 4,200 lineal 4 X00 eo: dp mao adamizlc g 4,200 sq yds; guttering Lincoln avenue, from Couler avenue to White street; leng`h, 150 feet; grading, fill 50 cu yds; eurb tone 300 lineal feet; gutte'ing 130 sq yds; macadamizing 360 sq yds Alley between Rhomberg avenue and Garfield avenue from Schiller menus to Middle avenue; length 335 feet; width. 20 feet; grading, cut 815 cu yds; macadamizing 740 sq yds. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for and macadamizing rice per rading uare ondfor streets to be bid in grading total, gradinon alley by the cubic yard. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Propo •als wbl be acted on at the adjourned regular session of the counci , to bo held Sept. 18. 1894. Tho city reserves the right to reject jC t any or all T. bide.pt6 lOt. City Recorder. 6e Notice to Contractors. Sealed pror oasis will be received for improving office e up to 4 o'clock, Sett. 18, Southern avenue from end of present improve- ment to Railroad avenue. Grading, cut, 2,700 pubic yards; fill, 0750 ic sq sqards;uare yards; mac- 700 lineal feet; guttering, amiziug, 3,000 square yards. All in accordance with plans and specifications on file in my office. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing and resetting old curb; price per sivare yard for guttering and maoadamizinR. Grading on streets to be Lid in total. Bidders must Tarnish a good and sufficient bond of $200 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the regu94.l tr session of the council to be held @ept. 18, 18 The city reserves the right to reject je t a y or aall bids. City Reoorder. T. sept 5-101 270 Oficial Notices. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within twenty days of this notice, constructed and relation to sin idewalks, oity nththeesouthnside oe f Eagle Point avenue, between Johnson avenue and Windsor avenue. Resolved by the f ity Council of the City of Du• buoue,That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 -in. plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of laid in confor- mitybwith the notice,is dinance indrelaion to sidewalks, on the west side of Washington street, between Thirteenth street and Fourteenth street. Resolved by the City Council of the City of D u- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet w.de, of gooey two- inch plank, brick stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this uouce, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the east side of Kniest street, between Garfield avenue and Rhomberg avenue. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du• buaue, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of gond two- inch plank brink, stone or cement be, within 20 days of tbls notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side • walks, on the vust side of Johnson avenue, be- tween Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point avenue. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubustone q or cement, beta withino 20 dayset brick, of f thi notice. constructed and latd in conformit, with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Charles s.reet, between Muscatine street and Bro. dway extension street where not already laid, also new curbing and reset.ing of old curb as may be necessary, all at toe ex- pense of abutting property. Resolved by the r ity Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, brick, stone or Cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks. on the west side of Rill street abutting lot 39 Kelley sub. Resolved by the f ity Counc.1 of the City of Dubuque, That a cit ewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, w thin 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to si'ewalks, on the east side of Main street, between Fi et street and Second street where r of already laid, also new curbing and re.etting o old co b as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting pro- perty. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Iowa street, between Sixth street and lot 219 cth ity wheret i notlots 221 aaeacly8nd n laid, also new Curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting , ro • perty. . Ali plank walk must be laid with No. 1 pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and slit faced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four 'itch stringers sixteen feet long with joints oroken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. There must be two Wingers for a four foo. wait, three for a six and eight foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve -foot with brickgstone.Grub plank t eesupported every four ornot be used. Adopted August 6, 1894. T. J. COONEY, l0t-aual7 tfitjy Recorder. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the oily council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch p'ank, brick, stone or cement, be within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south side of Eaple rolnt avenue, between Johnson avenue and Windsor avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch p.ank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of th s none., coastrucred and laid in con- form de- wa ks, onwith the boti sides of Staffordtoavenun to e be- tween Garfiel , avenue and Linwood cemetery where not already laid, at the eiptnsa of ar,ut- tir g property. Resbube,oTh t ay sidewalk 6 fecitcouncet wide, of the t ofrof n good2 inch days plank,f thinotice, construe ed anstone or d laid linin 15 con- f .rmitywith this ordinance 'n relation to side- walks, on the north side of Garfield avenue be- tween Middle avenue and Dock avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buoue, That n sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 itch plank, h ick, stone or cement, be. within 15 dafey mity with of this the icordi ancecindrel and laid in con - to side- walks, cn the sou h side of Forest Lane between Nevada street and Debi street, where not already laid, at the expense of abu ting property. Resolved by the city council of the ci y of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 Well plank, brick, stone or cement.., bei wrhin 15 days of his notit e, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- .sa'ks. on the both sides of Booth street between eeast O'NeillansDodge tside rbetweestreet,d 0Neill and streets where not already laid, at the expense of ab at - ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, co! Rood 2 Inch plank, brick, st ne or cement, be, within 15 days of tnis notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the -sat side of Caledonia Place be- tween West Eighth sweet and Rill street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, 7 hat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the o dinanee in relation to side - on e$ Glen Oak avenue be- tweea Julien avenue anWst Thing set where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Du- buque. that a sidewa k 4 feet wide, of Rood 2 Inco plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formi.y with the ordinance in relation to side- walkr, on the south side of Twenty-third street, between Elm street and Jackson street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting prop- ar.y. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- i ch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, witThat a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of hinocd d15 days of this notice c nstructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to a de - walks, on the north side of lIigh Bluff street be- tween Stafford avenue and Schiller s venue where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- bu e, Chat a sidewa.k 4 feet wide, of good 2 inchplank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this nctrce, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side - walks, on the both sides of nennett street be- tween Grandview avenue and east line of Griggs' addition where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city counctl of the city of Du- buque That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid iu con- formity with the ordinance n relation to side- walks on the both sides of Wilde street, between McLennan street and South Dodge street where not already laid, at the expanse of abutting prop- erty. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or coment. be. within 15 days of this notice, toostructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance In relatioo to side - 1 walls, on the north side of Lincoln avenue be- itween First avenue and Third avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Official Notices. 271 Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque. That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brise, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice constructed ane laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the • orth side of West Fourteenth street between Alta Vi to st set and Delhi street where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, eoustructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance In relation to side- walks, on the east side nr Elm st eet, between Sanford s reet and Twenty-third street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. all plank must be laid with No. 1 pine, two inches thick and not less than eigntinches wide, and surfaced on on side, laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long with joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection There must be two stringers fora four -toot walk, three u.r a six and eight foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve -foot walk. Stringers to be supported eve y foul felt with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used. Adopted Aug. 9, 1894. diet T. J. COONEY. City Reorder. Special Assessment Notice, To E. Guthrie: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city eouncil of tnecity of Dubuque for the 1+ylnei of sidewalk ou south side of Julien avenue from West Eighth street to Wil son avenue, adopted on the 9d day of July, A. D 1894 a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the c.ty con. cil, upon all lots and p°reels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 4 in Kel- ley's sub owned by you being subject to such special assessment and you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 3d day of September, A D. 189s, and show cause if any you hav-, why said assessment should not be ley ed. T. J. COONEY, aug27-6t City Recorder. Notice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed p-opo,ala will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock D. m . Tuesday, Sept. 4, 1894, for con- structing sidewalks of brick, stone or cement, whera not already laid, and also new cu'bingand resetting of o'd curb, as may ee necessary, as follows viz: A 12 -foo wide sidewalk on east side of Iowa street abutting city lots x21 and n 38% feet of 219. A 12 -foot sidewalk on east side of Main street, betwe u First and Second streets Also for the construction of 2 inch plank side- walks, as follows, where not already laid, viz: A 4 foot wide s'dewalk o a west side of Charles street, between Muscatine st.eet and Broadway extension A 4 -foot wide sidewalk ou east side of Elm street, beim eou Eagle Point avenue and Lincoln avenue, A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Ben- nett street, between Grandview avenue and east line of Griggs' sub. A 4 -toot sidewalk on east side of Men Oak avenue, between West Third street and Julien avenue. A 4 foot wide sidewalk on east side of Cale- donia place, between Hill street and West Eighth street. A 4 foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Booth street between West Third street and O'Neill street; also on east side of said street, between O'Neill street and Dodge street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on south side of Forest Lane, between Nevada street and Delhi street, A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Staf- ford avenue, between Linwood ceme ery and Garfield avenue. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on east side of Elm street, between Sanford street and Twenty-third street. A 4 foot wide sidewalk on south side of Twen- ty third street, between Jackson street and Elm street. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on both sides of Wilde street. between South Dodge street and McLen- nan street. A 4 -foot wide ' idewal•' on north side of Lin- coln avenue, between Firs. avenue and Third av- enue. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on west side of Wash- ington street, between Thirteenth and Four- teenth streets. A 6 foot wide sidewalk on south side of Eagle Point avenue, between Johnson avenue and Wiudsnr a,r-nue. A 6 foot wide sidewalk on west s de of Hill street, abu ting lot 39 Kelly's sub. A 6 foot wide sidewrsuk on west side of John- son avenue, between Lincoln avenue and Eagle Point avenue A 6 foot wide sidewalk on east Kniest street, between Ga, field avenue and Rhomb'rg avenue. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of West Rourteenth street, between Alia Vista street and Delhi street. A 6 foo. wide sidewalk on north side of Gar - Bold avenue, between Middle avenue and Dock avenue. A 6 foot wide sidewalk on rorth side of High Bluff street, between Stafford avenue and Schil- ler avenue. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. Bid for new curbing and resetting of old curb will be entertained iudependent of sidewalk bids. A bond of 8100 will be required with each bid. The city reservea the right to reject any or all bids. W. II. KNOWLTON, Aug 21-lOt City Engineer. Notic9 to Sewer Contractors. sealed pronnsals will be received at the city engineer's office. city or Dubuque, up to 12 o'click, noon, Tuesday, Sept 4, 1894, for con- str cting the main s sewn r in accordance with plans and specifica ions on file in said office. viz: A 20 -inch tile ripe sewer on Washington street, from Fifteenth street to Seventeenth street, and along Seventeenth street from Wash- ington street west to the alley between Washing- ton street and Jackson street. Estimated length, 728 feet and three man holes Bidders to furnish bond of $100 with bid, that contract will be entered into it awaroed. The city reserves the right to ore ecHH.NOWLTONds Aug 25-10t City Engineer. Special Assessment Notice. To John Lynch: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of High Bluff street, from Stafford avenue to Schiller avenue, adopted on the 6th day of August, A. D 189t, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of he city council all tots and ing onsaidnimprovernent, lots 35 f44 and 33 in Hooper's add, owned by you, being subject to such ou are to appearcl said meeting of assessment. A he council, tofl ed atbe held on the 3d day of September, A. D. 1894, and show cant e, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. aug305t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To John A. Koch: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a reso.ution of the ci y council of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of alley from Ellis to Foye street, between West Locust and Almond streets, adopted on the 6th day of Au- gust, A. D. 1894, a special asse sment will be lev- ied r meeting or f the ci y cousnse ncil,f t upon ell lotnext s d parcels of land abutting on said improvement. lot 18 in Cox's add, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And yon are notified to heedpon thear e 3d day of Septsaid e mber ecouncil. oDn1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. aug27 61 T. J COONRY, City Recorder. 272 Official Notices. Special Assessment Notice. To D A. Gehrig You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city of Dubuque for the laying of sidewalk on both sides of Couler ave from Sanford to P roads, adopt.d on the 2d day of Ju y, A D. 1894, a special ssessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council upon all In s and parcels of land abutting on said Improve• ment, lot 13 in West add. owned by you, being subject to said special assessmen . And ynu are notified to ap, e r at said meeting of the council, to be held ou the 3d day of September. A D. 1P94. and show cause, if any you hat e, why said assessment should not be lesied. ang27-61 T J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Asseism ax t Notice OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, 1 LUBUQUE,IOWA f To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abu ting: West Fourteenth street from A'ta Vista street to Atlantin avenue. East two-tbirds Elm street from Sanford street to Twenty-th rd street. Eagle Point avent e from Windsor avenue to Stafford avenue. Fit sI avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rhom- berg avenue. Lincoln avenue from Second avenue to Third avenue. Lincoln avenue from Third avenue to Fourth avenue. And to any person or persons or company hav- ing any interest in said real ',state. you a• a here- by notified that there IN on file In the office of the city recorder or Dubuque a pl . t of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of grounds abutting on said street+and allays, subject to 1135 SPE mal assessment for paving, gutt.ring, curbing and macadamizing of said streets and alleys and the names es far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and the amount assessed against each lot, or parcel of ground, for the te- spection of a y person. firm or company inter- ested in auy kind in said real estate, and that such firm or company Laving objection to the spe- cial tax proposed to be assesseo as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objection in writing .t or before n xt meeting of the city council of the etty of Dubuque, which will meet the 1st day of October, 1894. W. H. KNOWLTON 9-17-10t City Engineer. Right of Way Notice. To Nettie Blake: You are berety notified that a proposition is new pending before the clt.y council of the city of Dubuque for the establishment of a street (Foye) across land In which von c aim an inter- est, as follows: Lot 7. Ellen Blake's sub. a plat of which priposed improvement has been filed in the office of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a session of said city council to be hglden at the city hall of said city on the 1st day df October, 1894. it will he deter mined whether said proposed improvement will be made. and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at said session and show cause, if any you have, why said proposed im- provemen'• should not be made W. H KNOWLTON, City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1894.—diet Right of Way Notice. To Valentine Burns: You are hereby notified that a proposition Is now pending before the city council of the city of Dubuque for the establishment rf a street (Esther) across land in which you claim an inter- est, as follows: Lot 2,Oak Grove addition, a Plat of which proposeimprovement has been filed in the office of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a sea- sion of the said city council to be holden at the city hall of said city on the 1st day of Oc• tober, 1894. 1t will be determined whether said proposed Improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at Bald session and show cause. if any you have, why sold proposed improvement should not be maue. W. H. gxowt,TON. City Engineer. Dubuque, Iowa, Sept. 15, 1894'—d10t Notice To property owners of summoning of jury. To Dietrich Mauer, II. W Butler and D. A. Price: You will take notice that on Monday, the 24th of r eptember, 1894, at 9 o'clock a. m., at the office of the city marshal at the city hall in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, a jury will be summoned. drawn and empanelled to assess the damage, if aey, occasioned by the opening and establish ment of a street through and over cettafn real estate owned by you: said street known as White, when and where as aforesaid you can ex- ercise su^h rights in the premises as are given y N RANBLI, 5t by ordinance. J City Marginal. Notice of Change of Grade. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file in my r ffice a profile showing a proposed change of grade on Alta Vista street, between West Fourteenth street and Union avenue. All persons cdatming camages on account of said proposed change of grade must file their claims in my of- fice on or before Oct 1, 1894 121 T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Asse ssment Notice. Tn Mary 1.aboytaux: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolutiou of the CIO Council of the city of Dubuque for The improvement of West Four- teenth street, from Att. Vista street to Atlantic avenue, adopted ou ne5th day of Match, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, upon all iota and p+reels of land ',butting on said improvement, lot 2 of 17 in at. Pleasant addition, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment And you are notified to appear at said mee ing of the Coun- cil, to be held on the lrt day of October, 1' 94, and show cause, 1f any tot) have, why said as• sessment ahoula not be levied. 9 21 8t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Notice to Sewer Contractors Sealed proposals will be received at the City Engineer's cffiee, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m. Saturday, September 29, 1894, for constructing sa' nary sewers as follows, in ac- cordance with plans and snecificatioason file in said office, viz.: An 8 inch tile pipe sewer in West Eleventh street, from Walnut street to alley between Walnut and Rose streets, thence northerly in said alley to north line of lots 11 and 14 + ummings' subdivision. Estimated length 25olineal feet. Two may holes. Bidders to furnish bond of 820e with bid that contract will be entered into if awardea. The city re- serves the right to reject any or all bias. 9 20-8t W. H. KNJWLTON, City Engineer. Regular Session, October 1, 1894. 273 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Oct. 1, 1S94. OFFICIAL. Council met at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, DIlig, Ryder, Powers, and Shea Ald. Crawford moved that the minutes of the September session, in relation to the re- port of the fire committee on the bill of the Dubuque Water Co , he corrected so as to read as follows: Ald. Ry der moved that they he allowed at the rate of $50 per annum, for each hydrant. Carried. Ald. Powers moved that the minutes be approved as corrected. Carried. Ald. Powers moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Kimball be allowed to ad- dress the council in relation to bill for rent of hydrants. Carried. Mr. Kimball addressed the council in rela- tion to the same and also the laying of water mains. Ald. Ryder moved that the hill for rent of hydrants, as presented by the Water Co., be allowed. Carried. Mrs. Burns addressed the council in rela- tion to the opening of Esther street. from Wilde street to Southern avenue. Referred to street committee The following bills were ordered paid : 4 35 Carr, Ryder & Engler Co., lumber Diamond Joe line steamers, white waste 10 80 Dr. J. Greene, examination in Hunt 50 00 50 00 3 50 50 00 case Robt. MeGiven, sanitary police Martin Haves. express L. Daily, cleaning around hall F. W. Wieland,expense to Des Moines. 14 00 C. Spiegelhalter, assisting park custo- dian 00 225 00 Ex. Brass Works, fountains Christman & Healey, hardware 501 35 Bock & Reed, blacksmithing 4 450 Duggan & Kane, supplies 401 50 Smedley Mantic Co , pump1 00 Tom Collings, horseehoeing 2 80 N. Brand. gravel Morrison Bros , steam roller repairs5 9988 Wm. McDermott, macadam Twelve jurors, condemning property, 3 days each at $2 72 00 0 S. Southwell, macadam Mrs. Kien, cleaning ofiimes 1315 Mrs. Koenig. cleaning offices and jani- tor services Ham & Carver, stationery and print - 13 75 ing Jas. Kelley & Son, stationery 5 00 Callaghan & Co., McClaim's Iowa 12 00 code Harger & Blish, 1 blank book 2 50 C. 0 D. Laundry, cleaning carpets20 80 W. H. Knowlton, expense to Dee Moines S8 00.5 T. J. Conlin, livery l3 00 W. G. Watters, hay 1 00 P. R. Martin, polish0 3 0 5 J. W. Truedell, repairs Merkee & Hasler, hay 2 00 Jos. Geiger, carpenter work 10 5 Duggan & Kane, supplies to hall 5 615 Mat Loes, labor 75 3 45 Thos Connolly, labor Peter Kien, cleaning matting 00 R. H. Stewart. repairing chair Dubuque Mattress Works, mattresses. 18 00 Altman & Taylor, improvement round W. Dubuque Engine House 63 26 Phil Doerr, grading E. P. avenue 20 00 Aug. Lange, improvement of Pickett 4 0 street Aug. Lange. improvement of First avenue from Lincoln to Rhomberg27 S4 Cushing & O' 1'Ialia, improvement of Lincoln avenue from second avenue 14 30 to Thi r i avenue Frank Benton. improvement of Lin- coln avenue from Third avenue to Fourth avenue 154 3S John O'Brien, improvement of Dell 80 00 street M. Tschirgi, Jr., improvement of Rush street S56 50 John Tit) :37, improvement of Grove Terrace 582 75 R. E. Lee, percentage retained on side - 9 40 walks John O'Brien, constructing sewer in 4S 60 Roberts avenue M. Laven, constructing sewer in Julien 234 75 avenue. James Hird & Son, constructing sewer 46 30 in Olive street I) W Linehan, constructing sewer in West Third street 112 19 Thos. Dorsey, constructing sewer in 16fi 00 Walnut street Thos. Dorsey. constructing sewer in 148 3S Water street James Street. crossing stone SS 20 Bryan Donahue, laying sidewalks W3 07 Dan Sheehan, laying sidewalks 33 96 Altman & Taylor, improvement of W. 97 14th st Phil Doerr, improvement of Eagle Point avenue from Windsor to Staf- 91 78 ford Peter Horsch, improvement of a Elm street from Sanford street to 23d st441 00 Wm. Geisicker, services as rodman.... 4U 00 Iowa Iron Works, repairs for fire de- partment75 T. W, Ruete, goods for fire departm't. 5 50 Fire and Water Pub. Co., publishing 9 00 notice for bide Ballen Hat and Glove Co., goods for fire department 75 A. Schwaarz. repairing for fire dept1 00 Diamond Jo Line steamers, goods for 1 20 fire dept Fitzpatrick & Co., horse shoeing for fi5 75re dept Ex. Brass Works, repairs for fire dept 4 00 Chandler & Rolfe, gong for fire dept125 00 .fohn Mullin. Harness oil for fire dept4 50 Kev City Gas Co , coke for fire dept1S 42 J. W. Trude'', repairs for fire dept 2 50 Thomas Collings, horse shoeing for fire 11 00 dept Ryder Bros , soda for fire dept 35 84 Merkes & Hasler. supplies for fira dept 65 Mullen Bros., repairs for fire dept 1 10 Dub. Water Co., water for fire dept20 00 Christman & Healey, supplies for fire 3 Hl dept IA) Martin Haves. expressing, (park) T. W. Ruete, goods furnished (park)1 80 Charles Atkinson, papering and paint - 14 50 ing Eugene #frith, removing garbage, etc235 75 W. G. Watters, hay 14451 904 Dub. Water Co.. water The following bills were referred to the committee on printing: National Demokrat, $50; Telegraph, $29.15; the Herald, $75. The following were referred to the police and light committee: Globe Light and Heat Co.. $260: Key City Gas Co., $53.85. Bill of Dubuque Water Co. of $1.448 was referred to the fire and water committee. Ald. Halpin moved that the captains at each of the fire engine houses take account of the gas meters every month and report the amount of gas consumed during the month and report the same to council at its regular session. Carried. 274 Regular Session, October 1, 1894. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the street committee: Petition of Dubuque Wo den Ware and Lumber Co et al, asking that Ninth avenue between Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues, and Lincoln avenue between N nth avenue and the track of the u. M & St. P. 11 R Co. be improved. Petition of Richard Bannett in relation to condition of his sidewalk caused by the change of grade given him by M Tschir- gi, Jr. Petition of trustees of the Congregational church society asking to have 'retail street, between Main and Locust, improved or re- paired. Referred to the street committee with power. Petition of G M. Robinson in relation to lot condemned for the extension of Oak. to Rising avenue. The following petitions were referred to the street committee and engineer: Petition of Albert Neuman asking_ to have a temporary grade cut in the alley between Cornell and A hua streets. Petition of R W. White in relation to the curbing on O'Neill's which intersects Booth street. Referred to the street committee and engineer with power, to carry out the orders of the council. Petition of Dr. 0 Kempf, et al , asking that sidewalk on Southern avenue ba made a 6 -foot walk. Referred to the street com- mittee and engineer with power. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Louis Giesemann, et al., against the amount of special assessment for sower in Julien avenue and Delhi street. Remonstrance of Mrs. E P. Lyman, et al , against amount of special assessment for sewer in West Third street. Remonstrance of A. A. Mead, et al., against amount of special assessment for sewer in Julien avenue from West Eighth street to alley west of Alpine street. Remonstrance of Sisters of Visitation against amount of special assessment for sewer in Julien avenue and alley west of Center Place. Petition of Geo. Schreiner et al, asking to have Catherine street improved. The following petitions in relation to taxes were referred to the delinquent tax com- mittee: Albert Howarka, Mary Ballard, Peter Marugg, Susana Dress and Catherine J. W asser. The following petitions were granted : Petition of Alex. and Chas. Simplot for extension of time to pay tax with interest thereon, and that the same be not de- livered. Petition of Margaret Lucas for extension of one year to pay special tax, agreeing to pay interest on same. Petition of August Jungk et al. asking that the order for sidewalk on Garfield ave- nue between Middle and Reed streets be postponed until next season. Petition of N. C. Ryan asking for six months time in which to pay special assess- ment against lot 121 and say lot 123, agree- ing to pay interest on the same. Petition of the Dubuque Malting company asking the city to vacate streets and alleys in Peterson's subdivision as shown on plat, and submit same for approval. Granted. And the city attorney and recorder instruct- ed to give the proper notices of said vacation. Petition of Dubuque Malting company ask- ing that water mains be extended from kor- ner of Couler avenue and Twenty-seventh on Twenty seventh east to railroad track. The Dubuque Malting company also pre- sented deed for north halt of Twenty-seventh from Jackson street east,which was accepted. Ald Kaufman offered the following reso- lution : WHEREAS, The Dubuque Malting company is the sole owners of all the tots in Peterson's subdivision; and WnEREAS, Said Dubuque Malting company have petitioned for the vacation of all the streets and alleys in said subdivision; there- fore, Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that all streets and alleys in said subaivision, as shown by the recorded plat thereof, be, and the same are hereby declared vacated and annulled for public use, and the city recorder is directed to give the proper notice of said vacation in accord- ance with ordinance on that subject. Adopted. Petition of John Sulker et al.. asking that an arc electric light be located at the end of Alm nd intersecting with Foye street. Ra- ferred to committee on police and light. The petition of E H. Sheppley in relation to the width of sidewalk on Lincoln between Couler avenue and White street. Ald. Pow- ers moved that the rules be suspended and Mr. Sheppley he allowed to address the council Carried. Mr. Sheppley addressed the council in re- lation to the width of the the sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln avenue. On motion, the matter was referred to the city engineer and attorney with power. Petition of Denny Smith asking for a flusn tank at the head of South Main street. Referred to the sewer committee. Petttion of S. J. Cox asking that part of saloon license be refunded to him to be ap- plied on his city taxes. Referred to the mayor with power Petition of T. J. Donahue et al asking for the use of a hose cart on Grandview avenue and West Hill. Referred to the fire and water committee The following petitions were received and flied: Petition of K. Glab asking permission to erect stairway on Seventh and Iowa streets, on sidewalk. Petition of Bernard McCormick claiming pay for two half days' work at city hall. Ald Halpin presented a list of water mains ordered extended, which has not been done; also a number of plugs in connection with same. showing that the number ex- ceeds over 300. Ald. Halpin moved that the action of the council ordering the bill of the Dubuque Water Co. paid at the rate of $60 per annum for each hydrant, be reconsidered and they be allowed at the rate of $50 per year for each hydrant. Carried. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu• tion, which was adopted. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque That because of the com- plaints made to the city council that the stairways on the south side of the Duncan & Coates opera house is a nuisance, and im- pedes public travel in that locality, the mar- shal and city attorney are hereby instructed to investigate said premises and take such steps as they deem necessary to abate said nuisance and open said sidewalk to the free use of the public. On motion the rules were suspended and Mrs Wullwebber was allowed to address the council in relation to sewer on West Third street. The following registers of election were appointed for the ensuing year: First Ward—First precinct: Jas. O'Shea, John Kiley. Second precinct: Henry Lucas, Geo. A. Barnes. Second Ward—First precinot: John A. Forester, Z. Hoffman. Second precinct: P. F. Guthrie. W. S. Couch. Third Ward—First precinct: A. C. Wal- ters, F. O. Udall. Second precinct: Wm. Regular Session, October 1, 1894. 2IJ Keep, Otto Ternes. Third precinct: Chas. Brezinsky, Adam Doerr. Fourth Ward—First precinct: Dan Rior- dan, Geo. H Foster. Second precinct: Peter Geisheker, John Hillery. Third precinct: James Norton, Joseph Herod. Fifth Ward—Firstprecinct: C. J. W Saun- ders, E. A Frenzel Second precinct: Her- man Brinkman, W. Pule. Third precinct: Joseph Ruegamer, G Gmehle. Fourth pre- cinct: Nick Engel, H. Pfotzer. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash on hand Sept. 1, 1894 $36,156.71 Receipts during Sept , 1594 16,320.38 Total cash $52,507 09 Disbursements during Sept., 1594.-$25,319 70 Balance cash on hand Olt. 1. 1894$24,187.39 Also reported $I 971 75, amount required to pay city officers for month of Sept , 1594. Also presented a list of coupons redeemed during the month of Sept., 1894. Warrants ordered drawn to pay city offi- cers, and report referred to finance com- mittee. Street Commissioner Carter reported $3,494 55 due for labor on the streets during the month of Sept., 1S94. Warrants or- dered drawn to pay laborers and report re- ferred to street committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,820.85 amount due firemen for the month of Sept., 1894. Received and filed and warrants or- dered drawn to pay firemen. Marshal Raesle reported 81,769 90 amount required to pay police for the month of Sept. 1794; also reported 70 police cases tried and disposed of during the month of Sept. 1594; &so reported $1S 50 pound receipts for the month of Sept 1894. Warrants ordered drawn to pay police and report referred to committee on police and light. Sewer Inspector Igo reported $196 10 due for labor on sewers during month of Sept. 1594 Warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor and report referred to the sewer com- mittee. Woodmeasurer J. J. Hannon reported 864 cords of wood measured during sept. 1894, the per cent due the city being $2.00. Re- port adopted. The report of City Electrician Osborn was referred to the committee on police and light. The report of City Weighers Chas. Pits- chner and James Doyle were received and tiled. Ald. Halpin moved that all the city weigh- ers be required to send in their report every month. Carried. Ald. Halpin moved that Louis Meis be ap- pointed city weigher in place of Jacob Kess- ler, and that the present incumbents be re- appointed for another year. Carried. On motion, the rules were suspended and Mr. Smith was allowed to address the coun- cil in relation to the way the improvement of West Fourteenth street was done. Ald. Halpin moved that the contractors, Altman & Taylor, repair said West Four- teenth street, and carry out contract within ten days. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:15 p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufman. LilliQ Powers, Ryder and Shea. Plat of John Koenig was referred to the street committee. Engineer Knowlton presented the folllow- ing plats which were referred to the street committee: Plat of the proposed widening of High Bluff street. Plat of Esther street extention. Plat of proposed extention of alley west of Booth street from West Third to O'Neill street. Plat of State street extension from Grand View to Curtis street Plat of proposed widening of Foye street. Tte report of Attorney Knight, in relation to the city purchasing sewer from First to Eighth street between Main and Locust, was referred to the committee of the whole. Attorney Knight recommended that all persons, especially contractors, dealing with the city when they receive a warrant in part payment or in full payment of claimslagainst the city. that they signeou the stub of the warrant hook Rreceipt in part or in full for such claims. Adopted. The following bills on account of small pox pal ient were allowed : Reinfried & Jaeger $ 1 05 Eichhorn & Bechtel 1 95 Charles Oswald 2 05 Jos. A Palen 6 95 Fred. Graff 15 00 Dr. Bigelow 10 00 Dr. Wieland 30 00 J. Sherman 5 50 J. Sherman 14 00 The bill of Dr. Browuson for attending same was referred to the board of super- visors. The board of health recommended that vaults on the following described property be cleaned : O. Reinecke, in Newbury & Hall's sub, lot 5 and 9 F. Mangold, sub min Int 45, lot 3. H. W. Kemler, sub 4, Robert Brown's sub, lot 1. Also that pump be removed and well tilled nn lot 62, East Dubuque add, owned by Mrs. Mary Premmising, because of the close prox- imity to a privy vault. Adopted. Also recommended that property owned by Henry Guerdet, sub out lot sub 703, lot 2. There being no accommodation whatever in the form of outhouses. Adopted. Ald. Powers offered the following: Whereas, The city council of the city of Dubuque deems it expedient that the follow- ing described property should be connected with the sanitary sewer adjacent thereto, for the purpose of house drainage, etc., there- fore, Resolved. That Henry Guerdet, owner of the following described property, respec- tively, lot 2 of sub out lot 703, be instructed to make proper sewer connections there- with, said work to be done within 30 days from this date. In case of the neglect or re- fusal of the owner of above described prop- erty to make the proper sewerage connection by the time above specified, the same will be done by the city, and the costs thereof as- sessed against and be a lien upon said prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Nayes—None. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of having warrants drawn to pay treasurer for money advanced, and also that loan warrant be drawn in favor of the several parties as shown therein and report referred back to finance committee. Adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ferring the petition of John Miller et al., in relation to lane east of Eagle Point avenue, to the city attorney and engineer to exam- ine as to the rights of the city thereon. In favor of instructing the street commis 276 Regular Session, October 1, 1S94. stoner to construct a macadam crossing on Iowa street extension at its intersection with Seminary street. Iu favor of referring the petition of Geo E. Ferris, in relation to change of grade of Ellis street, to the city attorney and en- gineer. In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Ann Murphy, asking that she be allowed to pay special assessment for improving South Locust street without interest. In favor of paying bill of Smedley M'f'g Co. of $249 95. In favor of purchasing the earth filling from Con Ryan, Jr., at 18c per cubic yard, to be delivered on Seventh street and Fourth street, under the supervision of the street committee and engineer. In favor of instructing the street commis- sioner to repair the west end of lane near Eagle Point avenue and Stafford avenue, so that the same will be passable for public travel. Report that they have instructed the city engineer to have the contractor fix side- walk on Clay street, abutting S. Korman's and Mrs. Cooney's property. In favor of receiving and filing the esti- mates of the city engineer of grading on streets in Burden & Lawther's addition; also, Curtis from South Dodge to Exchange street; also, Queen street from Edward street to north end of street. Also that the following streets have been examined and approved for the purpose of special assessment viz: East two-thirds of Elm street from Sanford street to Twenty- third street. Pickett street from Alma to Cornell street. Grove Terrace south from West Eleventh street to Wilber Lane. Rush street from Quince street to Apple street. Report adopted. Also reported in favor of the resolution for the improvement of Q leen street from Edward street to north line of Stafford's add. On motion the report was referred to the committee of the whole. Also reported in favor of instructing the engineer to prepare a plat showing the pro- posed widening and extension of High Bluff street from Schiller to Middle street, show- ing the lands or lots proposed to be taken, the names of the owners thereof and quan- tity of land proposed to be taken, and pro- ceed in accordance with the ordinance on that subject. On motion the report was re- ferred to the city engineer and attorney. Ald. Powers, of the committee on claims, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of paying claim of T. J. McClosky of $3. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of Merkes & Hassler against city employes. Report adverse to claim of Bryan Dona- hue for extra compensation for putting up street signs. Adverse to the claim of Maurice Ahearn. In favor referring the claim of Hussman & Lies against John Hoffmeyer to the street commissioner, who is directed not to give said John Hoffmeyer any more work until said claim is paid. In favor of receiving and filing the peti- tion of Mrs. Lahey, asking that the special assessment for construction of sidewalk be cancelled. In favor of referring the claim of Scherr Bros. against Henry Glab to the city engi- neer. In favor of receiving and filing the claim of the Armour Packing company against a city employe. Adverse to the claim of Wm. Clark for ex- tra compensation for putting up street signs. Report adopted. Ald. Powers, of the printing committee, reported as foliows: Your committee report in favor of paying the following bills: The Globe $58 30 The Times 29 15 Telegraph 29 10 The Herald 75 00 Report adopted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee ou fire and water, reported as follows: Your committee recommend that the reso- lution offered by Ald. Ryder, instructing the Dubuque Water company to extend its water mains on and along Nevada street from Julien avenue to West Fifth street, be adopted, and the water company duly noti- fied. Also recommend that the petition of A. A. Cooper and others doing business on and near the First street levee, asking that the water mains be extended on First street to the levee, be granted, and as many fire plugs put in conue,tion with the same as the chief of the fire department may recommend. Also recommend that the petition of Hen- ry Tropt et al , asking that the water maks be extended from rfeminary street on and along Clifford street to Leibnitz street, be granted and the Water company be so in- structed. Also we find the report of Chief Rientrfed correct and recommend it be received and filed. Report adopted. Ald. Lillig, chairman of police and light, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of placing an electric light on the corner of Angelic) and Catharine streets under the direction of Liao committee on police and light. In favor of paying the following bills:10 Key City Gas Co $ 47 Star Electric Light Co 1,490 00 Globe Light and Heat Co 263 33 In favor of filing the report of the marshal for August, 1892. Report adopted Ald. Halpin, chairman of the delinquent tax committee reported as foliows: Your committee report in favor of can- celling the taxes on lot 1, Olinger's sub., for 1893, as the same is church property. In favor of cancelling the taxes of lot 313, Woodlawn Park add.. for 1893, as the same belongs to the school board. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Lizzie Conlin on e% of lot 28 in Kelly's sub. for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Marga- retColford on lot 33 of sub. min. lot 39 for 1893. In favor of allowing Martin Dumpily to pay one-half his taxes on lots 3 and 4 in Breaky's add. es payment in full for 1893 In favor of cancelling the taxes on w 74 3 feet lot 5, Mt. Pleasant add. for 1893, and that the treasurer be instructed to redeem same from tax sale of 1892 in accordance with the ordinance on that subject, as said sale was erroneous. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Bridget Burke on lots 10 and 11, Levi's sub, for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Mrs. Michael Shannon for 1893, on her home- stead. In favor of reducing the assessment of Geo. Edwards on lot 1 of 1, of min. lot 118, to $51.0 for 1893. Report adverse to the petition of Bridget Whittemore for cancellation of taxes for 1893. Adverse to cancelling special assessment of Mrs. Lahey for sewer on Julien avenue. Adverse to the petition of the Eleventh street elevator for reduction of taxes for 1893. Report adopted. Ald. Butler, chairman of the sewer com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ceiving and tiling the petition of M. H. Mo- Carthy et al. for sewer on West Third street, as same has been ordered. In favor of filing the petition of James Regular Session, October 1, 1S94. Forrester for sewer on Olive street, as the same has been ordered. In favor of instructing the engineer to ex- amine if it is practicable to run a sewer across Jackson street on Bev 'nth street so as to drain the southwest corner of 14ev nth street. Also recommend that the storm water sewer on Washington street between Sev- enth and Eighth streets, be constructed in accordance with the plans prepared by the city engineer. In favor of haying the following bills: W. J. Burns & Co $4 27 W.S Molo 995 Mulgrew & Phillips 4 10 Report adopted. Ald. Butler, chairman of electrical con- struction committee, reported in favor of paying the bills of the Central Union Tel- ephone Co. of $119 50. Adopted. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, offered the following: Resolved By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the mayor be and is di rected to lease the rooms in the upper story of the engine house on the corner of Iowa and Ninth streets, being the third and fourth floors, for three years, at $350 a year, payable quarterly. The city allowing $50 a year to be deducted from the rent for repair. The lease to run to the Governor's Grays, and they not to sublet. The city to furnish steam to heat the same as it is now heated. The lease is herewith submitted also presented a lease between the city and the Governor's Grays for the use of the third and fourth stories of the Central Engine house for armory purposes for a term of three years, to commence Oct. 1, 1894, and to end Oct. 1, 1897. Aid. Halpin moved it be adopted. Car- ried. Ald Kaufmann offered the following reso- lution : Resolved, That the Dubuque Water com- pany be and are hereby instructed to extend their water mains on Twenty-seventh street from Cooler avenue, east to the Chicago and Great Western railroad tracks, and that water plugs required be located and put in under the supervision of the fire committee and chief the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said Water company a sum of money sufficient to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe, so required to be extended. Adopted and Water company be instructed to have same done immediately. Ald Kaufman offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad company be instruct• ed to open up Dock street and plank the same, so as to be passable for public travel in accordance with their ordinance on that subject. Aid Kauffmann offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city recorder be in- structed to issue a venire to the city mar• shal commanding him to summon a jury of twelve freeholders, citizens, to assess the damages that may be caused by the pro- posed widening of High Bluff street between Schiller and Middle avenue, as shown by the plat prepared by the city engineer. Re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted : Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer and street commissioner be and are hereby instructed to place railroad avenue in a passable con- dition, as in its present condition it is very dangerous to public travel, as the street is very narrow. Ald. Halpin offered the following resolu tion, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That because of complaints made to the city council that the stairway on the south side of the Duncan & Coates opera house is a nuisance and impedes pub lic travel in the locality. The marshal and city attorney are hereby instructed to inves- tigate said premises and take such steps as they deem necessary to abate said nuisance and open said sidewalk to the free use of the puhlic. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion. which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the members of the equal- iza ion committee on taxes for 1891 be allowed $50 each for efficient services per- formed by them. Ald Ryder offered the following, which was adoptei: Resolved, That a sanitary sewer be con- structed on Fourth street, from Bluff street west '200 feet, and that the city engineer be and is hereby instructed]to prepare the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and submit same to the council said work to he done at the expense ,of the ownners of adjacent property. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be placed on the north side of West Fifth street, across Wilson avenue, under the supervision of the city engineer. Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved, by the City Council or the City of Dubuque: That the Chicago, Burlington ant Northern railroad company be instruct- ed to fill up their right of way on Fourth street to grade. within thirty days of this notice, so that the city can proceed and till the balance of said street Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ards. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, Tne fire eoginehonse situated at the intersection of Julien avenue and Delhi street be named and known as the Summit Engine House. Ald. Crawford offered the following,which was adopted : Resolved. That the 30 -toot highway run- ning easterly from Ellis street to the alley west of Main street, and sometimes called Dorgan Alley, be hereafter designated and known es Dorgan Place. Ald Crawford presented an agreement signed by James Hervey and others stating that they had no objections to allowing M. M. Kearney to occupy a stand on the side- walk on Seventh street adjoining the Finley block, and also presented the following reso- lution relating thereto: Resolved, That Michael M. Kearney, an old soldier, wounded and crippled at Chan- cellorsville, and unable to perform manual labor. be allowed to occupy a stand under the outside stairway on Seventh street, near Main street, for the sale of popcorn, pea- nuts, etc., during the pleasure of the council. Ald. Powers offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, That a stone crossing be laid on the north side of Sixteenth street across Locust street, under the supervision of the city engineer. Ald. Powers, of the board of health, pre- sented the following bills for cleaning vaults: Wm Graff $ 73 60 V. H. Oswald 154 30 Ald. Powers offered the following resolu- tion in relation to the same: Resolved, That the bills for cleaning vaults hereto attached. upon property specified in the bills, be paid and the respective amounts assessed upon each lot as shown by the said 278 Regular Session, October 1, 1894. bilis, and that the recorder proceed to give the proper notices as required by law and the ordinance of the city. Adopted by the following vate: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Co motion bide for the construction of a sewer in West Eleventh street to alley west were ordered opened and referred to the en- gineer for computation. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That all persons having Canadian or Russian thistles growing ou their prem- ises in the city of Dubuque are hereby noti- fled to have the same removed and destroyed within ten days of this notice, as they are a nuisance and must be abated Failure on the part of any person to remove the same in the time above specified will cause the city to do said work at their expense. Ald. Kaufman, chairman of the street committee, recommended that the price per cubic yard for breaking macadam during the coming winter be fixed at 75c, and that the street committee and engineer have su- pervision over the breaking of all macadam required. Adopted. Ald. Powers moved that the street com- mittee and engineer be instructed to sell the macadam on hand, to the best advantage possible to the city. Ald. Kaufman, chairman of the commit- tee on streets. reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved. by the City Council of the City l% of Dubuque: That Holly street, between Cleveland avenue and Rush street, be grad- ed, guttered, curbed and macadamized. in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That tr a city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city engineer directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work, the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex• pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty, grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, and Shea. Noes—None Also reported in favor of the adoption of the resolution for the improvement of Cur- tis street from South Dodge to Exchange street, said work not to be commenced until next spring. Referred back to the street committee. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Lowther avenue be- tween Burden and Windsor avenues be graded, guttered, curbed and ma- cadamized. in conformity with the ordi- nance on that subject. That the city engi- neer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bide and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Nayes—None. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Dorgan Place and the alley between Dorgan Place and Seventeenth street, be graded and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject, said improvement to be made accord- ing to the present established grade. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifica- tions for said improvement, and the city re- corder directed to give the proper notice for bide snd proposals for the performance of the work; the curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. That Dorgan Place be curbed only on the north side, leaving a sidewalk on said north side 6 feet in width The grad- ing on the alley to be done at the expense of the abutting property Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler. Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel Vogler. Noes --None. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Fremont avenue, between Grandview avenue and the North Cascade road, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. The bids for the grading to be made in a gross sum. Refered to the street committee. Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Llilig, Powers, Ryder,Shea, Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 -inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice,;constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Seventh street, between Washington street and the slough bridge, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. , Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, and Shea. Nays—None. Ald. Shea offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque. Tnat a sidewalk • 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cementt, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Seventh street, between Washington street and River street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Nay es—None. Alderman Kauffmann offered the follow- ing: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of thin notice, con- structed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks on the east side of Elm street, between Lin- coln avenue and Rhomberg avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ing property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Liilig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Nayes—None Ald. Ryder offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Booth street between Dodge street and Regular Session, October 1, 1S94. 279 O'Neill street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Nayee—None. On motion the Dubuque Water company be notified to complete the laying of water mains on Windsor avenue. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for the construc- tion of an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in West Third street from St. Mary's street to alley between lots 8 and 9, Prospect Hill add, thence in said alley between West Third street and 14enelon Place, thence in said alley to Burch street, by M. Lavin, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Catholic Cemetery, R C grave yard, 40500 sq ft area at 4 mills $ 162 00 James Lee, s 100 ft lot 4 out lot 692, city, 28,650 sq ft area at 4 mills114 60 Thomas Faherty, lot 14 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills20 00 Thomas Faherty, lot 13 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Michael Tierney, lot 12 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Catherine O'Brien, lot 11 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 John M. Linehan, lot 10 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq tt area at 4 mills 20 00 John McCabe, lot 9 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq tt area at 4 mills 20 00 Richard Waller est. lot 8 Prospect Hill add. 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Michael Kavanaugh, lot 7 Prospect Hill add, 5.000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Andrew ullen, e 3756 ft lot 6 Pros- pect Hill add, 3,750 sq ft area at 4 mills 15 00 Joseph P. Early, w 12,6 ft lot 6 Pros- pect Hill add, 1,250 sq ft area at 4 5 00 mills Joseph P. Early, e 2•N ft lot 5 Pros- pect Hill add, 2,750 sq ft area at 4 mills 11 00 P. J. Renter. w 22y{ ft lot 5 Prospect Hill add, 2,25'1 sq ft area at 4 mills 9 00 P J. Renier, lot 4 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 eq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 John McCabe. lot 3, Prospect Hill add, 5.010 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Martin Kelley, lot 2 Prospect Hill add. 4,100 sq ft area at 4 mills 16 40 Jas. Harris, lot 1 Prospect Hill add, 4,100 sci ft area at 4 mills 16 40 Mrs G. V. Smock, lot 26 Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Mrs. G. Smock, lot 25 Prospect Hill add, 3 200 sq tt area at 4 mills 12 80 C. W. Wullweber, lot 24, Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 C. W. Wullweber, lot 23, Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Patrick McCann, lot 22, Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills `,.0 00 Patrick McCann, lot 21, Prospect Hill add 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Chas. F. Markle, lot 20, Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Chas. F. Markle, lot 19, Prospect Hill add, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills Michael Brady, lot 1, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills J. G. Moore, lot 2, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills E. J. Scott, lot 3. Fortune's sub, 5.000 sq ft area at 4 mills J. F. O'Dea, lot 4, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 Kate Retalick. lot 5 Fortune's sub, 5,000 eq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Ed Phillips, e% lot 6, Fortune's sub, 2,500 eq ft area at 4 mills • 10 00 B. P. Lyman, wtjf lot 6, Fortune's sub, 2.500 sq ft area at 4 mills 10 00 Mary Powers, lot 10, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq tt area at 4 mills 20 00 E J Scott, lot 11, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Walter C. Cox, lot 13, Fortune's sub, 5,000 eq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Walter G1 Cox, lot 14, Fortune's sub, 5,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 20 00 Adodted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the improvement of Lincoln avenue, from Third avenue to Fourth avenue, by Frank Bentin, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: J. A. Rhomberg, lot 553, Ham's add: 71.5 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 20 74 33 55 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 06 171 55 sq yds macadamizing at 32c54 90 Total $ 85 70 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 552, Ham's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88 89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 551, Ham s add: 50.o lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 550, Ham's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 50 22.22 eq yds guttering at 30c6 67 88 89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c2S 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A Rhomberg, lot 549, Ham's add: 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 548, Ham's add : 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 144 60 22 22 sq yds guttering at 30c 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 33c28 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 547, Ham's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c.... $ 14 6750 22.22 sq yds guttering at 32c 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 44 Ttoal $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 546, Ham's arid: 54 8 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 15 89 24 35 sq yds guttering at 30c.... 7 31 97.42 sq yds macadamizing at 32c... 31 17 Total $ 54 37 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 469, Ham's add: 53.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 15 37 23 55 sq yds guttering at 30c 145 78 sq yds macadamizing at 32o46 65 Total $ 69 08 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 470, Ham's add: 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 29c .$ 14 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88 89 sq yds macadamizing at 32o28 44 Total $ 49 61 280 Regular Session, October 1, 1894. J. A Rhomberg. lot 471 Ham's ante: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 29o$ 144 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 30c 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c29 44 Total $ 49 61 J. A Rhomberg, lot 472, Hata's add : 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 29c$ 14 6750 22 22 sq yds guttering at 30c 88.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c$ 28 44 Total $ - 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 473, Ham's add : 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 29o$ 14 fi 22 sq yds guttering at 30c. 89.89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c.... 28 44 Total $ - 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 474. Ham's add : 50.0 lineal feet curbing at 290 $ 14 8 22 sq yds guttering at 30c SS 89 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 44 Total 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 475, Ham's add: 50 0 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 14 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c.... 6 67 SS 89 sq yds macadamizing at 12c28 44 -- Total. $ 49 61 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 476, Ham's add: 51.1 lineal feet curbing at 29c $ 15 40 23 60 sq yds guttering at 30c 94.40 sq yds macadamizing at 32c30 21 Total $ 52 69 real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: James Forester, lot 2, min lot 175: 41.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 133 0194 18 22 sq yds guttering at 33c 72.90 sq yds macadamizing at 35c_ 25 52 Total .$ 45 47 James Forester, lot 16, Mt. Pleasant add: 297.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 3ic.•$ 101 12 01 79 135 73 sq yde guttering at 33c 590.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c._206 65 Total .$ 352 56 Total $ 857 16 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Nayes-None. Ald. Kaufmann oGered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improving First avenue from Lincoln avenue to Rhomberg avenue, by Aug. Lange, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the s.veral lots. and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Philo Rhomberg, lot 452, Ham's add : 116.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c...$ 32 2 60 0 5`2.90 sq yds guttering at 28c t. 220.22 sq yds macadamizing at 28c61 66 Total $ 109 17 John F. Dobler, lot 443, Ham's add: 113 0 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c$ 31 64 40 80 sq yds guttering at 28c.... 13 94 234.45 sq yds macadamizing at 28c65 65 Total. $ 11123 John Heil, lot 442, Ham's add: 111.3 lineal ft curbstone set at 25c$ 31 16 48.90 sq yds guttering at 2Se 13 69 229.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c64 15 Total $ 109 00 Jos Ruegamer et al., lot 453. Ham's add: 112.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c$ 31 36 48.90 sq yds guttering at 28c 13 69 220.22 sq yds macadamizing at 28c61 66 Total $ 106 71 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Noes -None Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving West Fourteenth street from Alta Vista street to Atlantic avenue by Altman & Taylor, con- tractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of Fred Brauhn est, lot20, Levin's add: 84 0 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 39.11 sq yds guttering at 33c..... 165 55 sq yds macadamizing at 35c Total $ Kate F. Rose, lot 21, Levin's add: 50.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 340$ 22 58 sq yds'guttering at 33c 9).31 sq yds macadamizing at 32c 28 56 12 91 57 94 99 41 17 27 7 45 31 61 Total $ 56 33 Kate F. Rose, w34 lot 22, Levin's add: 254 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 8 64 11.29 sq yds guttering at 33c 72 45 15 sq yds macadamizing at 35c15 80 Total .$ 28 16 H. Fulmer, e3y lot 22, Levin's add: 25.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 8 64 11.29 sq yds guttering at 33c 3 72 45.15 sq yds macadamizing at 35c115 SO Total $ 28 16 11 Fulmer, lot 23, Levin's add : 58.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 19 72 9 31 28 22 sq yds guttering at 33c 125 40 sq yds macadamizing at 35c43 89 Total $ 72 92 S J. Dolson, lot 24, Levin's add : 21.20 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c..$ 72 OS 99.11 sq yds guttering at 33c 32 71 442 72 sq yds macadamizing at 35c154 95 Total ..$ '259 74 W. G. Cox, lot 2 of mineral lot 90: 37.78 sq yds macadam at 35c $ 13 22 - Total $ 13 22 W. 1:1. Cox, lot 14, Levin's add: 193.3 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 65 7272 89.78 sq yds guttering at 330 13529 77 387.92 sq yds macadam at 35c Total $ 23112 F. H. Weihe, lot 19, Levin's add: 62 0 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 21 08 9 44 61 $ 75 00 28.22 sq yds guttering at33- 127.47 sq yds macadam at 35c Total John Hennessy, lot 18, Levin's add : 50.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c... $ 17 27 22.58 f q yds guttering at 33c 5 90.31 sq yds macadam at 35c31 61 - Total $ 56 33 John Hennessy, lot 17, Levin's add : 50.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 17 27 77 2 22.58 sq yds guttering at 33c 7 615 90.31 sq yds macadam at 35c Total $ 56 33 John Hennessy, lot 16, Levin's add: 74.1 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 25519 11 34.71 sq yds guttering at 33c 5 185.84 sq yds macadam at 35c.... 65 04 _ Total $ 101 68 Ilepelai' Se88ion,, Octnl,.1, 1, 1894. 281 Margt. Laboytaux,lot 2 of 17, Mt. Pleasant add: 211 5 lineal ft curbstone set at 34;4 71 91 95.78 sq yd4 guttering at 333 31 61 4.22.43 ay yds macadam at 35.. 147 85 Total $ 25137 Gotlieb Toshuer, lot 1 of mineral lot 175: 147.8 lineal tt curbstone set at 34351; 25 69.24 sq yds guttering at 33c 22 85 355.55 Eq yds macadam at 35c 124 44 Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aid. Butler, Crawford, Haloin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Noes -None. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Lin- coln avenue from Second to 'Third avenues by Cushing & :O'Malia, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es .ate, as follows: J. B. Muellerleily, lot 561, Ham's add: 70.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c..8 21 15 33.11 sq yds guttering at 33c 10 93 170.67 sq yds macadamizing at 33c56 32 Total ti 88 40 J. A. Muellerleily, s3£ lot 560, Ham's add: 25.0 lineal feet curb4tune at 30c.....4 7 5u 11 11 sq yds guttering at 33c 3 66 44.45 sq yds macadamizing at 33c14 67 Total $ - 25 83 John Adams, nX lot 560, Ham's add: 25.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 7 50 11.11 sq yds guttering at 33c 3 67 44.45 sq yds macadamizing at 33c14 67 Total $ - 25 84 J. A Rhomherg, lot 559, Ham's add : 50.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c 7 33 88.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ - 5167 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 558, Ham's add: 50 lineal teet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 33c 15 00 88.9J sq yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ 5167 J, A. Rhomberg, lot 557, Ham's and: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 00 22 22 sq yds guttering at 33c.. .... 7 33 88 90 sq y ds macadamizing at 33c29 34 8 197 54 Total $ 5167 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 556, Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 00 22.22 sq ds guttering at 33c 7 33 88.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ - 5167 J. A Rhomberg, lot 555, Ham's add: 50 lineat feet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 33c 7 33 88.90 sq yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 _ Total $ 5167 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 554. Ham's add: 69.8 lineal Leet curbing at 30c $ 20 94 33 sq yds guttering at 333 10 89 172.44 sq yds macadamizing at 3uc56 91 Total $ 88 74 J. A Rhomberg, lot 468, Ham's add: 718 lineal feet curbing at 300 $ 21 54 33 70 sq yds guttering at 33c 12 12 174 22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c57 49 Total $ 9015 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 467, Ham's add : 50 lineal feet curbing at 30c $ 15 00 22 22 Equare yards guttering at 33c7 33 88 90 by yds macadam iziug at 33c29 34 Total $ 51 67 J. A. Rbomberg. lot 468, Ham's and: 501ineel feet curbing et 31c .. 8 15 00 22 22 Equare yanis guttfring at 33c7 33 88.9J 64 yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total ti - 5167 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 435. Ham's add: 50 lineal feetcuruiug at 30c 15 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 33c7 33 88 90 by yds macadam zing at 33c29 34 Total $ - 51 67 J. A. Rhomberg. lot 464, Ham's add: 50 lineal tees curuing at 30c $ 15 00 22 22 square yards guttering at33c7 33 88 90 by yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ - 51 67 J. A. Rbomberg, lot 463 Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 30c 15 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 33c7 33 88 90 ay yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ 5167 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 462 Ham's add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 30c15 00 22 22 square yards guttering at 33c7 33 88 9U sq yds macadamizing at 33c29 34 Total $ 51 67 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 461, Ham's add: 73.3 lineal feet curbing at 30'. $ 21 99 34 811 square yard; guttering at 33c11 48 174.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33657 49 Total $ 90 96 Andrew Hetti, lot 56.2. Ham's add : 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 33e17 60 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler. Crawford. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea. Nay es -None. Ald Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for improving east % of Elm street, from Sanford st to Twenty-third st, by Peter Horscb, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows : J. Detman, lot 1 of sub 196197, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 63 9 lineal ft curbstone set at 30o$ 19 17 30.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 07 85.33 sq yds macadamizing at 30c25 60 Total $ 53 84 J. Detman, lot 2 of sub 196197, L. H. Langwortby's add: 50 1 lineal tt curbstone set at 30c4 15 03 22.27 sq yds guttering at 300 6 68 70.70 sq yds macadamizing at 30c21 21 Total $ 42 92 Minnie Newbauer, lot 3 of sub 196-197. L. H. Langworthy's add: 50 1 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.4 15 03 22 27 sq yds macadamizing at 30c6 68 69.58 sq yds guttering at 300 20 87 Total $ 42 58 Joachim Newbauer, lot 4 sub of 196-197, L H Langworthy'sadd: 49 3 lineal feet curbstone set at 300.4 14 79 23.15 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 94 68.47 eq yds macadamiziog at 30c20 54 Total. $ 42 2 282 Regular Session, October 1, 1894. Joachim Newbauer, lot 5 of sub 196-197, L H. Langworthy's add : 47.7 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.,$ 14 31 23.15 eq yds guttering at 30c. 6 94 67.36 sq yds macadamizing at 30c20 21 Total $ 4146 Joseph Deitl, lot 6 of sub 196-197, L. H. Langworlhy's add: 48 2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 14 46 22 27 sq yds guttering at 300 6 68 73.47 sq yds macadamizing at 30c22 04 Total $ 4318 Joseph Deiti, lot 7 of sub 196-197, L. H. Langworthy's add: 120 lineal Leet curbstone set at 3'c..$ 3 60 5.83 sq yds guttering at 30c 1 60 15.87 aq yds macadamizing at 3 )c... 4 76 Total $ 9 96 Elizabeth Spahn, lot 8 of sub 196-197, L H. Langworthy's add : 47.7 lineal feet curbstone set at 300$ 14 81 23.15 sq yds guttering at 300 6 94 66.24 sq yds macadamizing at 3Uc19 87 Total $ 4112 Elizabeth Spahn, lot 9 of sub 196197, L. H. Langworthy's add: 44.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 13 29 24 93 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 48 65.68 sq yds macadamizing at 30c.. 19 70 Total $ 40 47 Valentine Schiel, lot 10 of sub 196 197, L. H. Langworthy's add: 46.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c..$ 13 86 22 82 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 85 65.13 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 54 Total $ 40 25 Valentine Solite!, lot 11 of sub 196.197, L. H. Langworthy's add: 48 0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 14 40 22 60 sq yds guttering at 30c. 6 74 65.13 sq yds macadamizing at 30c19 54 Total $ 40 72 N Maybanks, lot 1 of Saunder's sub: 101.9 lineal feet curbstone set at 300.4 30 57 44.44 aq yds guttering at 30c 13 33 151.21 sq yds macadamizing at 30c45 36 Total $ 89 26 Adopted by the following vote : AYES -Aids Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Eagle Point avenue from Windsor avenue to Staf- ford avenue, by Phil. Doerr, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Andrew Mueller, lot 8, Hamburg add : 70.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 32c$ 22 40 35.55 sq yds guttering at 30e 10 67 72.89 sq yds macadamizing at 33o24 05 Total c 5712 Andrew Mueller, 620 ft lot 9, Hamburg add: 28 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32c...$ 6 40 8.89 square yards guttering at 30c.. 2 67 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c... 5 87 Total $ 14 94 John P. Sauner, n3U ft lot9, Hamburg add: 30.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32o4 9 60 13 33 square yards guttering at 30c4 00 26.67 sq yds macadamizing at 38c8 80 Total $ 22 40 Jos. Ott, lot 10, Hamburg add: 63 5 lineal ft curb stone set at 32o$ 20 422 7 28,22 sq yds guttering at 30c 56 44 sq yds macadamizing at 33018 63 Total $ 47 42 Chas. Beck, sw% lot 11, Hamburg add: 25 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 320$ 83 00 3 11 11 sq yds guttering at 30c 22.22 sq yas macadamizing at 33e$ 7 33 Total $ 1S 66 Chas. Kupferschmidt, ne3 lot 11, Hamburg add: 45.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 32c $ 8 00 11 11 sq yds guttering at 30c 3 33 22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c7 33 Total $ 18 66 John Grimm, s w lot 12. Hamburg add: 25 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 3204 8 00 11.11 eq yds guttering at 300 3 33 22 22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c7 33 Total $ 18 66 Henry Armeden, n e 34 lot 12, Hamburg add: 25 0 lineal ft curb stone set at 32o$ 8 00 11 11 sq yds guttering at 30c 3 33 22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c7 33 Total $ 18 66 Henry Armeden, n e 3. lot 13, Hamburg add: 49.5 lineal ft curbstone set at32c4 15 84 22 00 sq yds guttering at 300 6 60 44.00 sq yds macadamizing at 33c 14 52 Total $ - 36 96 Charles Rose, estate, lot 1 of 3, m 1 467: 176.5 lineal ft curb stone set at 32e4 56 48 78 44 sq yds guttering at 3Uc 23 53 163 55 sq yds macadamizing at 33c53 97 Total $ - 133 98 Charles Rose, estate, tot 2 of 3, m 1 467: 47.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 32c$ 15 20 41 11 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 33 42 22 sq yds macadamizing at 33c13 93 Total $ 35 46 Charles Nipp, lot 3 of 3, m 1 467: 47.5 lineal feet curb stone set at 32c.$ 15 20 21.11 sq yds guttering at 30c. 6 33 42 22 sq yds macadamizing at 33 13 93 m Total $ 35 46 Charles Rose, estate, lot 4 of 3, m 1 467: 47 5 lineal ft curbstone set at 32c4 15 20 21.11 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 33 42.2.2 sq yds macadam'zing at 33.313 93 _ Total $ 35 46 Charles Rose, estate, lot 5 of 3, m 1 467: 20.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 32c4 6 40 8 89 sq yds guttering at 30c • 2 67 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33c5 87 Total $ 14 94 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, 'Ryder and Shea. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the pity of Dubuque, that to pay for the construc- tion of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Julien avenue from West Eighth street to alley weft of Alpine street, by B. Hobi, contrac- tor, adjacent to the same a special tax as levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs C. Herancourt, lot 1, Mobley's Dubuque, 2,500 sq ft area at 4 mills, $10.00, is hereby rescinded. and in lieu thereof Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Julien Regular Session, October 1, 1894. 283 avenue from West Eighth street to alley on Alpine street, by B. Hobi, contractor, adja- cent to the same, a special tax be and is here- by levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. C Heraucourt, lot 1, Mobley's Dubuque, 2 000 sq ft area at 4 mills $ 8 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Noes—None. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an S inch tile pipe sewer on Hill street from Julien avenue to West Fifth street by M. Lavin, contractor. adjacent to the same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate here inafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: J. A. Rohm - berg, lot 46, Corriell's sub, 26,400 sq ft area, at 4 mills, $105 60, is hereby rescinded, and in lieu thereof, be it Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pine sewer in Hill street srom Julien avenue to West Fifth street, by M Lavin, contractor, adjacent to the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate. es follows: J. A. Rhomberg, lot 46 Corriell's sub, 14,- 200 sq ft area at 4 mills, $56 80. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Shea. Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the bids for construction of sewer on West Eleventh street: Hird & Son $113 25 John Walsh 121 00 John O'Brien 107 50 Thomas Dorsey 121 00 ;.On motion John O'Brien, being the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract. Ald Crawford moved that when the coun- cil adjourns it does so to meet Monday, Oct. 15. 194, at 7:31 p. m, Carried. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried. 1594. r C.: ,; .• Mayor. Special Assessment Notice. To James Harris: You ate hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the construction of a sewer in West Third street and al'ey between West Third street to Feneloa placeadopted on the 2d day of July, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be lev- ied for the exp nse thereof at the next regular meeting of the ci y council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot lin Prospect Bill owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said mt,eting of the council, to be held on the tat day of October, A D 1894, and show cause, if any yon have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. sep24 61 T. J COONEY, City Recorder. CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Oct. 15, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at S o'clock p. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Sh'a, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Hatpin moved that bids for the im- provement of streets and alley that had been received be opened and referred to the engineer for computation. Carried. The petition of Frank W. Coates asking that the steps on the south side of the Opera house, on Fourth street, be not interfered with was read. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr R. Stewart be allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. Mr. Stawart addressed the council in rela- tion to the order to have steps at side of opera house removed. Ald. Vcgel moved that action relating to the same be postponed. Aid. Ryder amended Aid. Vogel's motion and moved the matter be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of Christman & Healy et al. in re• gard to the trial of a street sweeper and the purchase of same. Referred to the commit- tee of the whole Ald. Powers arrived at S:45 Petition of Albert Frey et al remonstra- ting against any assessment for the improve- ment of Stafford avenue until said street is improved according to the establithed lines. Referred to the street committee and en- gineer. The petitions of Barbara Flick and Bar- bara Isborn asking that the order requiring new sidewalk laid in front of their respec- tive property, be postponed, were referred to the street committee and engineer, with power. The proposition of ll J. Evans to repair the walks in the parks was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Petition of Mrs. Margaret Donahue,asking that sidewalk assessment against her property be cancelled, was referred to com- mittee on claims. Petition of Fred Herbst,asking that amount of one month's unearned license be refunded, was referred to the mayor with power. Petition of L J. Birner, et al., requesting that a sanitary sewer be not ordered on the north half of alley between Walnut and Rose street, referred to the sewer committee. The following bills were ordered paid: Blackmer & Post Pipe company for $313 85 sewer pipe Parker & McGrath, improvement of 264 50 Wilde street A. Lange, improvement of Pickett street 124 19 Con Ryan, Jr., filling material 300 00 M Lavin, constructing sewers as follows: inWashington street fromFifteenth to Seventeenth street 140 00 Sanford and White street 186 00 Alley between Couler avenue and Jackson from Twenty-faurth to Twenty seventh streets 350 00 Ald. Halpin presented and read for the first time the following ordinance: An ordinance to repeal section three (3) of chapter fifty-seven (57) of the revised or- dinances of 1S93 Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque. Section 1. That section three 3) of chap- 281 Adjourned Regular Session, October 15, 1894. ter flfty-levan (571 of the revised ordinances of 1893, beiug au ordinance regulating the manufacture and storage of iuflammable oils, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2 That this ordinance shall i ake ef- fect from and atter its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald, newspaper. Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance read the second time and placed on its final passage. Car - by the following vote. Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the folio Wing vote: Ayes del and Vo Vogler. Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel g Ald Halpin offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque that the Dubuque Oil Tank Line be and is hereby permitted to erect the neceosary iron storage tanks and build- ing and carry on the business of dealing in petroleum products, animal and vegetable oils and greases on Lots 3 and and 4 in Block 19 in the Dubuque Harbor company's ad- dition. Resolved, further. that s fid company be and is hereby granted the privilege and au- thority to put in an underground tine of pipe across the alley in thi rear of said lots above described, c-• f it shall prefer to put in said pipe across aid alley on the line of Charter street. The award of the jury for the widening of White street was opened and read as follows: venuouE, Sept. 27. 1892. To the 17-onorable Mayor and City Council: The undersigned jury appointed to award damages on the opening or White street be- tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets find as follows: Dan Haas, lot No. 226, Davis' farm addi- tion, *50 Dietrick Mauer estate, lot 227, Davis' farm addition, $3u. Dietrick Mauer estate, lot 228, Davis' farm addition, $30. Wm Obnesorge, north half of lot 236, Davis' farm addition, $25. Unknown, lot 214, Davis' farm addition, $25. Unknown, lot 4, subdivision of lot 218, Da- vis' farm addition, $15 Adolph Dafonta, lot 220, Davis' farm addi- tion. $75 Chris A. Voelker, John Jess, J. H. Carroll, John Trexler, Sr. John J. W Norton Lewis C Pier, J. Valentine Keppler, Michael Brown, Carl Steuck, Gustav Joeff rey, Jos J. Rowan. On motion the award, was confirmed and the money ordered set aside in the treasury to pay the several parties upon the presenta- tion of proper deeds. The petition of the Schroeder -Kleine Grocer company for permission to raise side- walk abutting their store rooms on South Main street as per sketch submitted was granted. Engineer Knowlton presented plans and specifications for sewer in Lincoln avenue from alley between Jackson and Washing- ton streets to Johnson avenue. Approved. Also presented plans and specifications for sewer in W est Fourth street from Bluff street west Approved. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted • Be it resolved by the mayor and city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque, That the treasurer be instructed to receive $525 as payment in full for taxes of 1893 of the Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance company. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted • Resolved, That a stone crossing be placed on the north side of West Third street, across Hill street, under the supervision of the city engineer. which Ald. Ryder offered the following, was adopted : Be it resolved by the mayor and city coun- cil, That the treasurer be instructed to re- ceive 13. B. Jungferman's special assessment on *Ude street without interest Ald. Crawford presented the following, which was adopted: To the City Council: Your special committeeconsisting of the aldermen of the Fourth ward, to which was referred the award of the jury summoned to assess damages to property holders caused by the opening of Wilber lane, respectfully re- port that we have investigated the eeticarefully cand oer red with thparties interested. Inour opin- ion the proposed highway is greatly needed and ought to be established from Grove Terrace south to Olive street, on the condition that the property owners on the south side of the street give the right of way for the south twenty feet. which they pro- pose to do. On this condition we recom- mend that the awards of the jury to James Forester and F. Weigel be accepted and ap• proved and the amounts of said awards be set apart in the treasury to be paid to the parties entitled thereto and that the said Wilber Lane be declared a public highway from South Grove Terrace to Olive street. Respectfully submitted, P. W. CRAWFORD, J. B. POWERS. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution: Whereas. Winter is approacbing, and the time for work the present season will soon be ended, and a large number of laborers in poor circumstances. and in many instances entirely destitute. are idle and seeking work in order to procure actual necessaries of life; therefore, Resolved, That in order boreable as l of the y as possible of the needycity to earn something with which to obtain food and fuel for themselves and families before the actual setting in of winter, the street commissioner be authorized to employ labor on street improvements during the month of October to the amount of $5,000, and at that rate per month until cold weather com- pels a cessation of work. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Aids Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following resolu- tion which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque that a brick or stone crossing 8 feet wide be laid across allay on north side of 15th street between Main and Locust streets, as the same will be a great accom- modation to the patrons of the new high school. Ald. Shea offered the following resolution ordering stagnant water lots to be filled : Whereas, The property, lots, and parts of lots hereinafter described are, at times, sub- ject to be covered with stagnant water; and, Whereas, The owners of said property have been notified as required by law t t ap' pear and show cause why said lots should not be filled: therefore, be it Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that the following described property, lots, and parts of lots, viz: 55 and 56 in E. Langworthy's add, be filled and raised at the expense of the owners, to a height sufficient, in the judgment of the city engineer, to prevent stagnant water remain- ing thereon The work is to be completed by November lst, 1894. The city marshal' shall notify the owners Adjourned Regular Session, October 15, 1894. 285 of said property of the passage of this re- solution In the manner provided by law. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners to flit up or raise said property, lots, and parts of lots. by the time and in the manner above specified, the same will be done by the city and the costs thereof assessed against and be a Hen upon said property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Alds Crawford. Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Hatpin offered the following resolu- tion which was referred to the sewer com- mittee: Resolved, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sanitary sewer be con- structed on Lincoln avenue, from the alley between Jackson and Washington streets to Johnson avenue. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk S feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on the north side of West Third street, abutting north 50 feet of city lot 608, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 29 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Apple street be- tween Cleveland avenue and Rush street where not alreauy laid, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, dhea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay es—Done. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion : Resolved, by the city counoil of the city' of Du bnque, That the mayor is hereby author- ized and required for the purpose of provid- ing for the coat and expense of improving the following streets and alleys towit: Wilde street from McLennan street to east end, 1350 Railroad avenue, 11,900. Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street, 17,100. Lincoln avenue from Couler avenue to White street, 1200 Alta Vista street from West Fourteenth street to Union avenue, $4,210. West Eagle Point avenue from end of im- provement to Kane street, 14,200. Alley from Schiller to Middle avenue be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield avenues, 1200 Rush street from Quince to Apple street, Pickett street from Alma to Cornell street, 1500. First avenue from Lincoln to Rhombeg avenue, 1400. Dell street from West Fourteenth to Ar- lington street. $300. To issue under the provisions of the ordi- nance adopted Aug 9, 1894, by the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque, bonds to the amount of 121,000 of the denomination of 1500, numbering from 689 to 730 inclusive, to be dated Nov. 1, 1894, payable seven years after date, or at any time before said date at the option of the city of Dubuque, bear- ing interest at the rate of 5 per cent per an- num, payable semi-annually, both principal and interest, payable at the office of the city treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. When said bonds are issued and regis- tered they shall be delivered to the finance committee, and said committee is hereby in- structed to sell said bonds to the highest bid- der at not less than par, and pay the pro- ceeds of some to the city treasurer, to be applied by him in accordance with the pro- visions of the ordinance adopted August 9, 1894. and said committee is to report its do- ings hereunder to the city council. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None 1luayor Olinger stated he had contracted with parties for the removal of the scale on Rhomberg avenue to Mrs. Deckert's for 15. Ald. Halpin moved that action of the mayor be approved and that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay for same. Carried. Mayor Olinger suggested that the city offi- ces on the second floor In the city hall be re- moved to the first floor. Ald Powers moved that the mayor and committee on public grounds and buildings make the necessary arrangements to have - same removed. Carried Ald. Lillig moved that action in relation to laying sidewalk on Elm street in front of Mr. Riefstsck's property be postponed. uarrieed. Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on bids for the improvements of streets and alley : Dorgan Place and alley— Steuck & O'Farrell 1598 00 Riley & Parker 644 00 Geo W. Farley 696 00 Thos. Dorsey 665 50 On motion Steuck & O'Farrell were award- ed the contract, they being the lowest bidder. Lawter avenue from Burden to Windsor avenue— Geo. W. Farley 11,899 00 Altman & Taylor 1,689 00 Brown & Brown. 1,865 50 Steuck & O'Farrell 1,736 00 P. Horsoh 1,757 00 On motion Altman & Taylor were award- ed the contract, they being the lowest bid- ders. Holly street— Thos. Bassett `SS9 00 Geo. W. Farley 929 SO Altman & Taylor 883 60 Edward Tibey 976 00 Brown & Brown 963 00 Byrne & Saul 999 00 On motion Altman & Taylor were award- ed the contract, they being the lowest bid- ders. Ald. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: L. 1294. c f: f . Mayor. Notion of 14 ale. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, on the 29th day of Septem- ber, 1594, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. the following impounded animal, to - wit: One black horse about 9 years old, scar on right front knee and sore shoulder. JoitN R.kttSLJ, City Marshal. Dubuque, Sept. 24, 1894.-5t 286 NOT ICE. O f)fcial Notices. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city counctl of the city of Dubuque, held on the 4th day of September. 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described: And that In case of failu•e to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shell become delinquent and near interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taken. Dated at Dubuque this 26th day of September, A. D. 1894. HENRY B. GN[a'FKE, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For the Laying of a Fewer on 33111 Street from Julien Avenue to WFst Frtlh Street— Name. Description. Lot. D W Linehan, Jorriell's sub 45 Cath Brouillette, G W Rogers' sub 20 do do 19 Bridget F nnegan, do 18 do do 17 Aug Lsnge, do 16 do d0 15 John W Love, do 14 do do 13 do do 12 M McLaughlin esta'e. sub 39 Kelly's sub 2 John S Garrigan, sub city out lot 720 1 do Kel y's sub 38 M McCarthy, sub 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 c,tv out lot 735 2 W A Harkett, hub l of l or 2 city out lot 735 1 do sub 2 of 1 of 2 pity out , ot 735 1 do sub 2 of 2 c ty out lot 735 1 A W Kemier, sub 4 Brown's sub 1 Maurice Nunen, sub 1 sub city out lot 735 1 do sub lsub city out lot135a 1 E G Shackford, sub 2 sub city out lot 720 12 E Sloan, tub 13 of 2 sun city out lot 720 1 M McLaughlin estate, sub 39 Kelly's sub 1 Andrew Menges, G W Rogers' hub 11 do d0 10 do do 9 F W Thtering do 8 do do 7 J A Bhomberg, do n/ 6 do do 5 do du 4 do do 3 do do 2 Amount $3.40 F 00 7'0 9 00 10 00 1000 10 00 8 48 44 3 20 48 00 22 40 3320 16 00 4 00 22 00 62 00 20 00 11 00 1t0 18 00 5 60 9 60 510 6 40 7 20 800 4 00 810 8 00 8 r0 6 00 ro do 1 360 do Corrie,l's sub 46 105 60 do sub 52 do 1 25 8 1 do do 61 90 00 do do 50 20 00 For the Laying of a Sewer in Julien Avenue from Alley West of Alpine Street to Allison Plsce— Name Description. Lot. Amonnt Chas Bergner, sub min lot 80 4 44 80 M Techirgi Sr, S M Langworthy'sadd Chas Bergner, do W G Watters, do do Thos Hill, do 45 46 do 49 do 50 51. 52 63 54 55 do do J Zugenbuehler, do do do do sub 56 S M Lang - worthy's sub W R Pearce. S M Langworth's add Mra J McLaren, do do do do Cleminson's sub Chris Zimmerman, Summltt add Mrs H E Cousins, do Martin Meagher, do 8 M Langwor.hy estate, do do do M Tachirgi, do e 50ft R Waller, sub 2 of 1 Waller's sub do do do sub 1 of 1 Waller's sub 1 58 59 60 4 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 1 1800 10 00 10 00 10 0n 10 00 10 00 12 00 8 00 • 10 00 2 00 29 60 11100 10 00 4 80 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 16 00 20 00 46 00 John N Cor zett, Finley Home add 5 Wm Dodson, do 4 J R Taylor, do 3 8'mmit.Chnrch, do 2 Mrs J Marsh. part of min lot 174 Louisa Gieseman, Marsh's sub 1 Margar't Carr do 2 Jnn Dnwiing,Lawrance's Dubuque 11 Peter Hoerr, do 6 Louisa Gies, man, do 5 do do 4 Marie Schwird, sub 5 Reilly's sub 2 Josef h R Reilly, sub 4 do 2 do sub 3 do C T Rneh, Mount Pleasant ej4 30 Jo Trueb, Traeb's suh 1 James B iter, sub 1 min ,ot 159 1 Mary Reilly, 4o 2 Trueb, couthwell & '0, rub 1 o 3 min lot 172 1 2000 Dubuque Water t,o, sub 1 of 3 min lot 172 2 2n00 Henry Dobson,sub 3 of min lot 172 2 20 00 A Soho* n'bal, sub min lot 172 4 20 00 A C Willard, do 5 20 00 Annie M Kirby, Hughes' sub 1 18 00 For Constructing Sidewalk on West Side of Cm nel l Sine t— ''ame Description. Lot. Amount M J McCullough, Morgan's sub 7 5 8 25 do do undr//,, 8 360 Geo W Schrup, do and 8 3 60 do do and 4 3 60 M J MoCul ough, do undo 4 3 60 Jos 8 Morgan, do 10 8 85 For the Construction of a Sidewalk on Couler Ave o ue— Name. Deseript'on. Lot. Amount L Ganabl, Davis' Farm add 285 $1.3 80 H Eliwanger, do 286 16 10 C A Walter, do 305 13 80 do do 306 15 76 D 13 Gehrig, West's add 13 13 80 For the t;onstraction of a Sidewalk on Thomas Street— Name. Description. Lot. Amount Jas c Morgan, Morgan's sub 14 $19 85 A A Loeticner, Fairview sub 5 7 27 do do 6 5 93 For the Construction of • Sidewalk on the East Bid • of Bluff Street between First and Second— /fame. Descrlption. ) ot. Amount N C Ryon, city 121. $53 91 [leery Donahue, city s 16 ft 122 12'15 0 F Ryan estate, city SA 123 25~06 For the Construction of a Sidewalk on Rhom- berg Avenue— Name. Description. Lot. Amount Mrs H L Schumacher, McOraney's 1st add 69 $13 16 Pat, ick Walsh estate, do 71 7 40 Mary Walsh, Ham's add 447 13 40 For the Construction of a Sidewalk on West Third Street— Name Description. Lot. Amount A W Kemier, McCoy's adb 5 $ 7 63 do Mc4oy's sub w 15 ft 4 2 59 For the Construction of a Brick Sidewalk on Locust Street— Name. Description. Lot. Amount E W Albee, city 85 $49 14 For the Construction of a Sidewalk on Leionitz Street— Name. Description Lot. Amount J L McDirk, Marsh's add w 117 ft 45 $ 5 34 For the Construction of a Sieewalk on Julien Avenue— Name. Description. Lot. Amount Henry Guerdet, sub 703 city 12 $28 29 For Repairing Sidewalk— Name. DescripLon. Lot. Amount Fred Lorraine, Davis' Farm 257 5 2 50 Albert Gassier, Sister's add 1 4 50 Agatha Heim, do 3 and 4 3 75 Chas Thill, do 8 and 9 2 00 Chas Fosselman, L H Langwortby's add 65 75 Emil Koch, do 86 80 17 60 20 00 20 00 20 00 11200 20 00 20 00 28 00 16 00 18 00 16 00 20 00 90 00 20 00 20 00 28 00 19 60 34 00 Notice tti Saloonkeepers. You are hereby notified that the 3rd install- ment of your license will be due October 1, 1894, and must be paid at once. Failure on your part to comply with the above order w 11 subject you to the:penalties of the ordinance on that sub- ject. JOHN RABBLE, City Marshal. Oficial .ZTotices. 2S7 Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque held on the 8th day of August. 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter descriced, and that in case of failure to pay the one• seventh withtn the time prescribed by the ordinance, governing same. all will be• come delinquent and subjer't to collection by dui tress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKiI, City Treasurer For improving West Fourteenth street fro n Alta Vista street to :. tlantic avenue. Lot. Amt. Jos Pecker, ' oodlawn park add 161 17 42 C A Voelker, do 102 89 15 C A Voelker, do 1( 1 71 00 Jno Kleinschmidt do 100 7110 Jno K einschmidt do 99 87 62 C A Voelker do 62 88 18 C A Voelker do 51. 09 tri Christina Shannon do 50 1 9 89 Christina Shannon do 49 85 08 Christina Shannon do 2 86 54 Christina r hannon, do 1 69 28 Anna M Bush, Oakland park add 20 118 57 F J. Dupins, do 19 129 98 Louis Dohs, do 18 9116 W F. Wiumers, do 17 55 45 J 11 Willme s, do 16 65 40 Thus Heim, do w 30 ft 1 48 83 1eAK'nnedy, do a 110 ft 1 12478 Anna M Bush, Mt Pleasant add 19 376 36 Anna M Bubh, do 20 262 U4 Ann e M Bush, sub 1 of 1 of min lot 172 2 323 80 Anna M Bush, sub 49, Moreheir er's add 2 23 29 Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 1. Moreheiser's add 2 94 26 Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 2 do 2 94 26 Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 3 do 2 101 33 Tschirgi & Schwind, sub 4 do 2 106 30 Tschirgi & Schwind, do 14 26 30 For the improvement of St fiord avenue from Garfield avenue to Linwood cemetery. Fred w Karsch, sno 3, Gieger's sub 11 50 13 Raymond Fessler, do 12 W7 72 RaymondFessler, do 13 3772 Christina Schmitz, sub 2 do 1 53 43 Christina Schmitz, do 2 34 19 Chas Raumhover, do e 34 3 26 72 John Ruebig, do e 54 4 26 7 4 John Ruebig, sub 1 do 2 12 18 M R Stendebach, do 3 39 98 M K Stendebach, do e 34 4 39 98 M R Stendebach, do a 3i 5 63 38 Richard Schmidt, sub 5, Stafford'0 add 6 178 69 E Hemmi, sub 3 and 4, don 50 ft 1 50 46 Cath echueler d . do s 50 ft 1 50 46 H Pfotzer, do do 3 59 91 Mch Reiner, do do 5 39 29 Jno Boekes, do do 8 49 11 E Winklemau, Klingenberg's sub 6 42 73 A' bert Frey, do 5 42 73 Albert Frey, do 4 42 73 Wm Keeper, Kruese's sub 6 39 29 Mike Merzen, do 5 3929 Louis Witter, do 4 39 29 Eliza Jungbluth, Hamburg aid 18 41 64 ElizaJu gbluth, do 17 41 64 Martin Lang, do 16 49 11 Cath Grote, do 15 49 11 Hen y Aureden, do 13 163 39 Cath Rose est, sub 3 of min lot 487 5 120 57 Louis Ntpp,, Cook's add 71 171 91 Isidore Ehrlich, O'Tay'or's en, 1 137 45 G Gmehle. Gmehle's sub 1 56 34 Martin Gabriel, A Stine's add 1 58 20 A M J Hemetder, do 2 49 11 Fred Brandel, do 3 4911 Jno Spies, sub 4, A Stine's add 2 72 31 Theo Raterman, A Stine's add 29 71 19 Theo Raterman, do 31 80 42 Theo Raterman, do 31 53 0. Cath Karsch, do 32 53 04 Cath Kerseh, do 33 53 04 Cath Karsch, do 34 53 04 Chris . tto, do 35 74 12' Gottfried Hertner, do $3 71 83 Gottfried Hertner, do 54 43 22 Chris Klingenberg, Stafford's add 2 30 45 Mathias Gentersbien, sub 1, S'afford's add 1 59 91 Mathias Gentersbeln, Stafford's add 56 13 '75 Mathias Gentersbein, do n 48 ft 57 44 05 John Althaus.r, A. Stine's add s2 ft 57 1 96 John Althauser, Althauser's sub 53 80 71 F. Margadant, min lot 474 3 140 21 F. Margadant, do 468 1 178 86 John Mueller, Dreibi'bie's add 48 219 17 For improving alley east of Wilson avenue from Wilson avenue to W 8th street. John Freeman, Wilson's sub Sarah J. Thomas, +v. G. Norman, Eliza S. Thomas, John Phillips, Clara H Allen, P F Guthrie, P. F. Guthrie, John Butt, W. F. Raehl, W. F Raehl, John Southwell, John Southwell, Michael F Collins, John E. Hedley Frank McLaughlin, Kelly's sub n y4 Jas. J. Donn, do s 34 Daniel Whelan, do n % John McCaffery, do 5 ?.,; John McCaffrey, do n % gary A. Whalen, do s 34 E. C. Ieffert, dow 34 n .4 Josephine Turot, do s 34 John E. Hadley. sub 37, Kelly's sub William Harkett, sub 1 of 37, Kelly's sub William Harkett, sub 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 of outlot 735 William Harkett, sub 1 of 1 of 1 of 2 of out lot 735 1 11 44 Eliza Blisb, Wilson's sub 15 52 78 For the improvement of White street from San- ford to 23d sts. Jos Mara, Olinger's sub 5 110 98 J. H. Rhomberg, L. H. Lang's add tut 66 66 Louis Rienecke do w 95 ft 182 56 47 Louis Rienecke, do w 95 ft 183 56 47 Louis Rienecke, do w 95 ft 184- 56 47 Louis R1ene cke, do w 95 ft 185 56 47 . has Fosselman, do 2nd 34 186 42 82 Frank 'rosselman, do 2nd U. 186 4 t 82 Frank Fosselman, do 2nd A 187 30 91 Chas. Fosselman, do 2nd ill 187 30 91 John Kuoernschield, sub 171, L. H. Lang's add 1 64 73 John Knoernschield, do 170 34 47 C H Fischer, do 2 43 82 Duuuque Street Railway Co., L. H. Lang's add 172 62 05 Frank Fosselman, do 14 76 10 Frank Fosselman, do 13 58 47 Frank Fosselman, do 12 56 47 Frank Fosselman, do 11 52 84 Frank Fosselman, do 10 95 59 For improving Forest Lane from Nevada to Delhi streets. Mat Tschirgi, 8. M. Lang s add 45 31 59 Chas Bergner, do 46 16 25 Joseph Duft, do 47 16 25 Joseph Dafit, do 4M 16 25 W. G. Watters, do 49 16 25 W. G. Watters, do 50 16 25 W. G. Watters, do 51 16 25 Thos Hill, do 52 16 25 ' hos Hill, do 53 23 79 J. Zugenbuehler, do 54 12 09 J. Zugenbuehler, do 55 16 25 J. Zugenbuehler, sub 5e, S. M. Lang's add 1 6 50 N. Melchoir. sub 56 do 2 9 '75 N. Melchoir, do 59 29 25 W. R. Pearce, do 58 48 10 Mrs J McLaren, do 57 16 25 Mrs. J. McLaren, do 60 16 25 Mrs. J. McLaren, Clemtnson's sub 4 13 00 Geo G. Perry, S. M, Lang's add 44 100 70 4 100 84 Geo G Perry, o Susan Crotty, do 38 103 07 J. A. Hauser, do 27 88 62 For improving Reed ave from Lincoln ave to Rhomberg ave. Henry Aureden, McCraney's 1st add 74 131 75 Henry Newmacher. do '70 131 84 Hattie Heingartner. do 75 132 74 H. L. Schumacher est, do 69 132 71 For the improvement of Booth street from W. 3d to Dodge streets. s27%f6 do do do do do do do do do do do do Hedley's sub do 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 9 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 2 15 30 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 b4 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 94 20 94 71 06 51 86 22 78 17 94 17 94 23 96 11 98 17 94 17 94 17 94 17 94 22 98 1 12 94 1 3 76 rp Ism — - - - 0 289 Official Notices. W. J. Cantillon. O'Nel11'e sub No 2 11 93 40 .7. W. Schwind. do 10 59 62 Reinhard Reiss, do 9 59 61 Aug Bruckner, eo n 40 ft 8 41 12 D. Rhomberg, do s 18 ft 8 18 50 D. Rhomberg, do 2 61 67 D. Rhomberg, do n 2 ft 1 2 06 John Newman, Nairn's add 15 12 41 Thomas E andrewe, S. M. Lang's add 11 157 66 8. M. Langworthv est, 00 10 56 01 S. M. Langworthy est, do 9 56 01 Geo Ellis, sub 7 and 8, S. M. Lang's add 2 S6 33 Geo Ellis, do 1 72 65 C. H. Eighmey, cub 1 of 2 of 8 of min of 159, s A 1 14 19 For the improving the alley from Humboldt to Schiller between Garfiel 1 and Rhomberg ayes. J. Miller, Hooper's add 1 18 23 Thos Maxwell, do 2 18 23 Thos Maxwell, do 3 18 23 Thos Maxwell, do 4 18 23 Stephen Zenner, do s e 14 5 9 12 Herman itoloff, do n e A 5 9 12 Nic Lee., do 6 14 23 itobert Becker, do 7 1S 23 E. 11 Shepley, do 8 18 23 Cath Rieger. do 9 18 23 Ambrose Lieser, do n% 10 9 11 John Scharz, do eft 10 9 11 Gottfried nirmse, do 11 18 23 Jos A McCaughey, do 12 18 23 Pauline Haas, do 13 18 23 Chas Kuttler, do 14 18 23 For the improvement of Glen Oak ave from W. 3d street to Julien avenue. John Glab, Newbury & Hale's sub 2 131 52 John Olab, do 3 46 b3 Barbara Glab, do 4 46 83 Barbara Glab, do 5 46 83 Lulu Glab, do 6 40 83 Lulu Glab, do 7 68 60 Otto Reineoke, do 13 140 49 Otto Reinecke, do 12 55 33 Chas L. Kamp, sub 11 Newbury bale's sub 1 56 20 Chas L. Kamp, do 10 42 15 Otto Reinecke, do 9 42 15 Otto Reinecke, do 8 55 56 B. J. O'Neill, sub 2 of 1 of 7 min lot 159 3 81 33 F. Keck, sub 1 of 1 of 7 minlot9 2 17 14 F. Keck, sub 26, O'Neill's sub No2 77 90 Julia Rhomberg, sub 2 of 2 of 1 of 7 min lot 159 1 97 56 James Pelan, sub 25, O'Neill's sub No.2 2 77 63 For improving Wilde st from South Dodge to McLenon street. Henry Recker, Oak Grove add 80 39 39 Henry Reiter, do 59 65 47 Hen, y ISelker, do 58 64 85 Thos Reilly, do 57 162 13 James Dougherty est do 10 65 19 James Dougherty est do 9 65 47 Henry Relker, do 8 65 20 Henry B eiker, do 7 61 10 Martin Wetter, do 8 104 34 Martin Wetter, do 5 96 99 Mrs. Geo.Eoyd, do 4 157 13 Mrs. Geo. Boyd, do 3 206 18 P. R. Halpin, sub min lot 42 7 99 29 McRath & E. Beyhl, do 6 99 29 J. Pickup, do 5 99 29 Otto Rath, do 4 99 29 Otto Rath, d0 2 78 60 B. B. Jangferman, min lot 48 1,083 00 For the improvement of Garfield ave from Ann ave to Doen ave. Frank Paley McCraney's 1st sad 15 102 67 Frank Paley, do 14 64 65 John 1 eicht, do 13 t4 65 John Leicht, do 12 64 65 John Leicht, do 11 64 65 John Leicht, do 10 64 65 John Leicht. do 9 66 14 D. Rhomberg, do 20 105 32 Auto Pfohl, do 21 t4 65 A. Schmiltman, do n iii 22 32 33 Mary A. Geary, do s 34 22 32 33 Wm Watters, do 23 64 65 Wm. Watters, do 24 64 65 Wm. Watters, do 25 61 65 Wm. Watters, do 26 65 23 For the improvement of Rush et from South Dodge to Apple acs. Pev. John Foga,ty, Union add 138 107 72 Rev John Fog,rty, do 139 67 66 P McEvoy est do 140 67 66 Mike White, do )4t 67 66 Mise White, do 142 67 66 M.s. C. Mahoney, do 143 67 66 J. C. Fitzpatrick, elo ]44 67 66 T. W. Fitzpatrick, do 145 67 66 T. W. Fitzpatrick, do 146 144 23 Jas Collinson est, do 154 74 42 Jas Collin..on est, do 155 67 66 Jas. Collinson est, do 156 68 15 James Connolly, do 157 61 66 Ja es Connolly, do w r 0 ft 158 11. 27 St. Vincent's Academy, do e 50 ft 158 56 39 St. Vincent's Academy, do 159 67 66 St. Vinven,'s Academy, do 160 70 90 Frank McGuinness, e. c, pt e 12 ft 153 176 11 Sidewalk Notices Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick. stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice constructed ane laid in con- formity with the ordinance In relation to side- walks, on the west side of Ellis street between Almond stet et and West Locust street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting propertv. Resolved by the city courcll of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be. within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the south side of West Fourteenth street, abutting lots 820 and 821, A. McDaniels sub, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting . roperty. Resolved, by the city council of the city of Du- buque. that a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 Inca plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Jefferson street, abut - t ng lot 9, Farley's sub where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city nouncil of the city of Du- buque. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank. brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice constructed and laid in con- formity onformity with the ordinance in relation to s de - walks, on both sides of trovidence street be- tween Johnson svenne and Stafford avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dn- bugne, Chat a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be. within 20 days of this notice, construc'ed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the both sides of Broadway street be- tween Blocklinger line and Diagonal street where not already laid, at the expense of abut- ting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good 2 inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 2u days of this notice, constructed and laid 1n con- formity with the ordinance In relation to side- walks on the both sides of Oak street, between Rising avenue and Belle street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement. be, within 12 days of this notice, constructed and laid in with the ordinance in relation re side- walks, on the south side of First street between Locust street and alley east of Locust street where not already laid. also new curbing and re- setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, or brick, stone or cement, be, within 12 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Second street be- tween Locust street and alley east where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, at the expense of abutting property. Onicial Notices. 289 Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, hat a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick. stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid 1n con- formity with the o dinance in relation to side- walks, on the West side of West Main street, be- tween First street and Jones street where no already laid. also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the city council of the city of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 12 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement„ be within 30 days of his notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. on the east side of Iowa street abutting n e t-5 city lot 454, n 3-10 city lot 453 and n 2-5 city lot 455 where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old euro as may be ne- cessary, al. at the expense of abatting property. All plank walk must be laid with No. 1 pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and outfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long with joints oroken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. There must be two stringers for a four•foot waik, three for a six and eight -foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve -foot walk. Stringer• to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub pl ink must not be used. T. J. COONEY, 10t-sep24 City Recorder. Notice to Sidewalk Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock D. m., Monday, Oct. 15, 1894, for con- structing sidewalks of brick, stone or cement, where not already laid, and also new curbing and resetting of old curb, as may be necessary, as follows, viz: A 12 -foot wide sidewalk on east side of Iowa street abutting city lots :e21 and n 38% feet of 219. A 12 -foot sidewalk on east side of Main street, betwe u First and Second streets. A 12 -foot sidewalk on south side of First street from Locust street to alley east. A 12 -foot sidewalk on north side of Second street from Locust street to alley east. A 12 -foot sidewalk on west side of West Main street from First street to Jones street. A 12.foot w14e sidewalk on east side of Iowa street abutting m 1.51ot 454, n 3.10 lot 453 and n 2-5 lot 455 ctty. Also for the construction of 2 inch plank side- walks, as follows, where not already laid, viz: A 6 -foot wide sidewala on west side of Jeffer- son s reet abutting lot 9, Parley's sub. A 6 foot wide sidewalk on south side of West Fourteenth street abutting lots 820 and 821, A. MCDaniea s sub. A 6 -foot wide sidewalk on north side of Sev- enth street, between iVashington street and Slough bridge A 6 foot wide sidewalk on south side of Sev- enth street, between Washington street and river. A 4 -foot wide sidewalk on east side of Elm street, between Lincoln avenue and Rhomberg avenue. street, between Dodge street and O'Neilt side l street th A 4 foot wide sidewaik on both sides of Provi- dence street from Johnson avenue to Stafford avenue. A 4betty ens Bo kli ger Lane anewalk on both d Broad- way, Diagonal street. strA. eet from 1 Rasing avenue to Blk on elle streth et. of Oak A 6 foot wide sidewalk on west s.de of Ellis street, between Almond street ai.d West Locust street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. Bide for new curbing and resetting of old curb will be entertained independent of sidewalk bids. A bond of 5100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, Oct 2-101 City Engineer. Notice to Contractors. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, DUBUQUE. 00 .3, 1894. 1. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, tet. 15, 19114, for the improvement of the following streets and alleys according to plans and specifications now on file in my office: Holy street, from Cleveland to Bush; gtadtng, cut 1,960 eu ds; curbstone 803 lineal feet; gut- tering, 310 square yds; macadamizing, 1,240 square yds. uortan slate and al'ey; grading, cut 100 en yds. 6 I 350 cu yds; curbstone, 450 lineal feet; guttering, 209 square yds; macadamizlLg 1,300 square y s Lae ther avenue, from Barden avenue to Wind- sor avenue; grading. cut 2,400 cu yds, fill :1,500 cu yds; curbstone, 1,700 lineal feet; guttering, 750 square yds; maosdamiztng, 2,100 , quare yds Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing, price per square yard fo • guttering and macadamizing. Grading on streets to be bid in total, grading on alley by the cubic yard. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of 5200 that contract will be enteied into iff awarded. Propo •als wid be !acted en at the adjourned regular session of the council, to bo hela Oct. 15. 1894. Blanks will be furnished by the recorder. Th, city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. T. J. COONIEY, Oct3•10t. City Recorder. Sidewalk Notices. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good twu•lnch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Seventh street, between Washington street and river where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du• buoue,That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good 2 -in. plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in confor- mity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, en Washington stnorth reet and ttheide of enth sl ugh bridge, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch days plank,f h notice, constructedeand be, inic15 on- formity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks. oa the east side of E m street, between Lincoln avenue and Rhomberg avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Du. buque, That a sidewalk 4 fee' • wide, of good two- inch plank brisk, stone or cement be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con• formity with the ordinance in relation to side • walks, on the west side of Booth street. between Dodge t already laid O'Neill at the expense abutting prot perty. All plank must be laid with No. 1 pine, two inches thicklad onless crosswise ght on four job is broken andfour inchnspiked with two forty sixteen feet long spikes at each intersection There must be two stringers fora four -toot walk, three ror asix and eight foot walk, and four for a ten or twelve -foot waik. Stringers to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used. T. J. COONEY. oCt8-10t City Re order. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: All persons having Canadian or Russian this- tles growing on their premises in the city of Du- buque a e hereby notified to have the same re- notice.d a Faild ure on the part any person to reten dat s of - move same in the time above specified will cause the city l t said workT. J.t 0a0theirNEY °Recorder. oCt city 290 Official Notices. An Ordinance, To repeal Section (three) 3 of Chaptsr Fifty- seven (57f of the Revt.ed Ordinances of 1E93 Be ltordaincd by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Sec I That section three of chapter fifty ECV en an ordinance57) of erpgulai ngdthen manufacture sence of 1893, d storage of 1. flammable oils be, and the same is hereby rep aled Sec. It. That this ordinance shall take effect Wm and aft:r its publication, one time, L. the Dubuque Daily Herald newspaper. Adopted Out. 15, 1894. Approved Oct- 17, 1894. P. O LINGER, Mac or. Attest: %" .J.X COONEY, Reeorder 14p eclat t : ; t ; I To Ed Burns: ti ou are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the r ity of Dubuque for the cleaning of vaults, aaopted ou th. 1st day of October, A D 1894, a special as• sessment will be levied for the aspens s thereof at the next regular meeting of the ci'y council, upon th t following lits upon which said work was done, lot 19 in Oak Grove. owned by you be ing subj act to such special assessment And you a e notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1894, and show cause. if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. • octl2d d T. J. CcONEv, City Recorder. Notice to RAwer CIontraetora. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque. Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, Oat. 24, 1894. for constructing a storm water sewer in Washington street from Seventh street to Eighth street, according to plans and speci- fications on file in said office. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, oct20 4t City Engineer. REGISTRATION NOTICE MAYOR'S OPFICE, DUBUQUE, Iowa, Oct. 15, 1894, Notice is hereby given. that the registers of e'ection duly appointed to regis er voters in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the ensuing year, will be in at endance in the places herein below mentioned for the purpose of preparing a new rr,g'st'y l'stfrom the poll books of the fast gen- eral election, copying all the names therein. 1 • eluding all names registered and voting at any subsequent special or municipal elect on, trod entering the facts showing the qualifications of each voter as it appears on the last preceding registry 1 at. Said registers will meet in their respec'ive places on Thursday and Friday, October :25th and 26th, 1891, at 8 o'clock a. m , and be 1n ses - sion until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Sabi registers thereafter meet on Saturday. November 3rd, 1894, from 8 a. m. to 9 p m, of said day for the purpose of correcting the list and adding thereto such as may be entitled to vote Said registers will thereafter meet on Tuesday, NoAember 6th, 1894 (election day), and be in session from the time the polls open until they close. and register only such voters as were ab- sent from the city during the preceding days that the board was in session; also sash voters as did r ot become citizens until Tuesday, Novem- ber 6th, 1891• Any person applying for registration in any precinct, who is registered in another precinct, shad, before being registered, p'ocure a certifi- cate from the board of registration where his name is so registered, stating that the same has oeen stricken from such registry list. The place of registration in the several wards and precitcts of said city are as follows: FIRST WARD. First Precinct—SvendSen dr Ott's lumber office, Locust and Dodge streets. Second Precinct—Montana house. SECOND IN AHD. First Precinct—Court house. Second Plecinet—Fourth Street Engine house. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Central Er gine house. Second Preci t--bity hall. Third Precinct—Eighteenth Street Engine house. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier h use Second Precinct—Western brewery Third Precint- Kenyon's barber shop, West Locust street FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Meyer's 1.very, 2293 Couler avenue Second Precinct—Mrs. E. Mueller's, Eagle Point avenue. Thitd Prec.nct—Val. Hackett's, 1327 Lincon avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jas. Crawford, Twenty-third and Jackson atree.s. A 1 1 qualified voters of said city who failed to have their names on last springs registry list are hereby that unless they t resent themselves at the places and within the time hereinbefore mentioned they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. P. OLINGER, BEAL. Mayor. Attest: T. J COONEY, oct17 nov7, City Recorder. tttanr of Way Notice. To John Dowling: You are hereby notified that a proposition is now pending before the city council of the city of Dubuque for the establishment of a street (North Glen Oak avenue) across land in which you claim an interest, as follows: Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Lawrence's Dubuque, a plat of which proposed improvement has been filed in the office of the city engineer of said city, and you are notified that at a ses- sion of the said city council to be holden at the city hall of said city on the 5th day of November, 1894, it will be determined whether said proposed improvement will be made, and you are hereby notified to appear before said council at said session and show cause, if any you have, why said proposed improvement should not be made. Dub aqua, Oct. 20. 1894. W. H. KNOWLTON, oct23-10t City Engineer. Nntice to Sewer Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Saturday, Nov. 3, 1894, for furnishing all material and labor and building a pipe sewer as follows, according to plans and specifications on file in said of- fice, viz : An eight inch tile pipe sewer in West Fourth street from Bluff street west. Esti- mated length 200 lineal feet. One manhole. Bidders to furnish a bond of $200 with bid that contract will be entered into if awarded The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W. H. KNOWLTON, oct23.10t City Engineer. Notice of bale of Bonds. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City i,ecorder by the Finance Committee up to 4 o'clock p. m. of Saturday, October 27th, 1894, for sale of street improvement bonds to the amount of $21,000.00, to be dated November 1st, 1804. and bearing interest at the rate of five per cent per annum, payable semiannually. both interest and principal are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Said bonds are redeemable in seven years, or at any time before said date at the pleasure of the City Council. The city reserves the right to reject all bids. PHILIP RYDER, Chairman Finance Committee. Dubuque, Iowa, Oct. 16, 189.1. oct17.10td Official Notices. 291 Special Assessment Notice. OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER, DoBuquE, IOWA. 1 To the owner or owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Pickett street from Alma street to Cornell street; Grove Tei race south from West Eleventh street to south end of street; Rush street from Quince street to Apple street; e% Elm street from Sanford street to Twenty- third street, all in the city of Dubuque, Iowa; and of any railway company occu- pying with its tracks a portion of said streets, and to any persons or company having any interest in said real estate or said railway : You are hereby notified that there is on file in the office of the city recorder of Du- buque a plat of said above named streets, in said city, showing the several lots or parcels of grounds abutting on said streets, and the tracks of said railway laid thereon, sub- ject to special assessment for paving, gutter- ing and macadamizing of said streets, and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate and of said rail- way, and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground and against said rail- way, for the inspection of any person, firm or company interested in any kind in said real estate or in said railway, and that such firm or company having objections to the special tax proposed to be assessed, as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their objections in writing at or be- fore the next meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 5th day of November,1894. W. H. KNOWLTON, oct 22-10t City Engineer. Special Assessment Notioe. To C. M. Kirner: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for tLe cleaning or vaults, adopted on the 1st day of Oct., A. D , 1894, a special as • sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of live City Council upon the follow ng lot, on which said work was clone: S. 60 ft. of lot 808 in A. McDauiFls' sub. owned by you being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 5th day of Nov., A. D , 1894, and show cause, if levied.u have, w T said be JCOONEY, City Reco der Special Assessment Notice. To Chas. H. Snow. You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the repairing of sidewalk adopt- ed on the 1st day of October, A. D. 1894, a spe• cial wl be levied forexense thereofsment ats the next regular meeting ofethe City Council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, Lot 12 in Cumming's sub, owned by you being subject to such special at said meeting of the Council,you d toe eto heladponrthe 5th day of November, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, wby said assessment should not be levied. T. COO Recorder. Oct 10 10t City Special Assessment Notice. To P. J. Burke: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Count 11 of the City of Dubuque fox the repairing of sidewalks, asppeciaae assessment wted on the 1st ill be levied for the expense thereof at the next resular meeting of the City tingonlsaid ionmprovement, loll lots and t 14 ft of slot d abut- ting miliera190 and n. 43 3 ft. lot 117 city, owned by yon. being sub lett to such special assessment. And you are of he Council, to beeheldd to ) appear ethe 5th day eeti of Nov., ou why said assessment should n 1894, and show ) ot be levif ied. T. have, d. T. J. COONE lf, City Recorder. Side walk Not'c s Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of West Third street abutting west 50 feet of city lot 608. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 8 feet wide, of good two inch plank, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on bbth sides of Apple street, between Cleveland ave- nue and Rush street where not already laid, All pland must be laid with No 1 pine, two inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side. laid crosswise on four by four inch stringers, sixteen feet long with joints broken, and spiked with two forty penny spikes at each intersection. There must be two string- ers for a four foot walk, three for a six and eight foot walk, and four for ten or twelve foot walk. Stringers to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used.— oct17.10t. T. J. O NErY, Vacation Notice. Notice is hereby given that there is now on file i my office a p of and petition asking the vaca- tion of all streets and alleys in Peterson's sub- division. All persons having any objections to said pro- posed vacation must file their claims in my office on or before November 3, 1894. octlldtd T. J. LOONEY, Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To NW Esch: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the City of adopted one then 1st day repairing ,A. D., 1891 a special assessment w 11 be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the City Council, onl sodimprovementall lots and loparcels1, sub city of land but - 703, owned by you, being subject to such special as- sessment. And you are notified to appear at geld meeting of the Council, to be held on the 5th day of Nov. A. D., 1894, and show cause, if any you have, wby .aid assessment should not be levied. T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To D. A. Price. You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the repairing of sidewalk adopt- cial assessmenon the 1st t will bey of t le vied for the D. expo se thereof at the regular meeting of the City Coun- cil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting ou said improvement, sub 218 and 219, Davis farm lot assessment. by dyouu being reunotified 'oect to apph earial at said meeting of the Council, to be held on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1894, and show causes, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. T. J COONEY, Oct 10 lOt City Recorder. Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1894. 293 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at 9:40 o'clock e. m. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present—Alda. Crawford. Kaufmann, L11 - lig. Powers, Ryder, i3h'a, Vogel and Vogler. On motion, the minutes of the last previ- ous meetings were approved as printed. The following bilis were ordered paid: John Gan ahi, tor streets $ 28 95 Duggan & Kane, supplies 2 50 Dubuque Specialty Machine works, supplies 51 Reimried &Jaeger, supplies 3 005 Wm. Mohr. pine wood 3 50 Key City Gas Co, pine wood 24 99 John Hart g, repairs 1 00 John Butt, for street dept 1 15 J. L. Hunting, fill street 3 6,i Fred Bchloz. repairs 15 55 Fred Schloz. repairs.... 23 75 Caristrnan & Healy, haraware 3 30 Peter Klauer, supplies 7., Wm. Marshall, repairs 62 79 B. D. Lenehan, repairs 16 00 Morrison Bros., repairs 6 50 Smedley Manufacturing company, repairs 3 05 Mulgrew & Phillrps eument 3 25 Headford Bros. & IIitchins, covers man hole 5 CO A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing fire de- partment. 11 50 Svendson & Ott, lumber fire depart- ment 49 77 Svendson & Ott, lumber fire dpart- ment 87 70 John Butt, blacksmithing, eta., fire department 7 20 C. C. Lembke & Co, harness supplies fire department 60 25 Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing fire de- partment 20 00 Dubuque Specialty Machine works, repairs fire dpartment 4 55 Reinfried & Ja, ger, repairs fire de- partment 15 38 N. H. Schilling, fire department 30 10 Chandler & Rolfe, fire department fire boxes 1,C0D 01 J. & A. Trexler, fire department,oats 138 65 Standard 011 Co, fire department, oil 20 20 Chas. Oswald, fire department, sup- plies 7 60 Lear & Ptlffner, fire department, horseshoeing 8 50 John Ganohl, fire department, horse - shoeing 13 00 Merkes & Hassler, fire department, supnlies 2 80 Tom Collings, fire department, horse 4 75 shoeing Phil Pier, fire department, coal 203 77 Key City Gas Co 7 03 McDermott & Gow 29 19 McDermott & Gow • • • • 1 15 Wm. S. Molo 24 15 Key City Gas Co 15 61 Peter Klauer 45 Ellwanger Bros 16 93 Jos. Rowan 52 50 Mrs. Kien, cleaning hall 21 90 Mrs. Koenig, cleaning hall and jan- itorservice A. Bauer. labor removing city offices 12 15 A. Frey, labor removing city offices. 14 00 T. Connolly, labor removing city of- fices James Powell, labor removing offices 5 25 F Krayer, labor removing offices5 25 Jos. Moore, labor removing offices15 90 J. Becker. labor removing ail •ek21 50 Jos. Gieger labor removing (Ali 'es13 30 Lear & P6ffoer, police department9 50 Frank Hancock. lunch for firemen.. 25 10 Dubuque Enameling Co , cups 28 5i Eiehhorn & Becktel, supplies 5 75 Jos. W 'timer, Jr., supplies 4 10 R Kolek, gloves 2 92 Peter Klauer, supplies and labor 21 40 Merkes & Hassler, hay 1 65 Feed Mertz. repairing harness, etc2 50 James Levi, matting for marshal's ofti.e 27 87 J. Naglemaker, supplies for patrol house 2 9) Eiwanger Bros., snpplies for patrol house. 11 45 Standard Lumber company, shav- ings for patrol house 1 FO Theo. Treiloff, boarding prisoners5 00 J. P. S-hroeder, sewer pipe 1 09 Carl Spiegelhalter, labor in parks43 40 Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for Parks 1 10 Eugene Frith, removing garbege.... 232 70 Fred Bchloz, 3 dozen pins engineer's office 200 J. P. Schroeder, pipe 4 25 John F Stemm, services rendered on the equalization board 50 00 M. M McCartin, services rendered on the equalization board 50 00 Western Eieetric Co., supplies 1 49 T. W. Rnete, supplies 14 63 Reinfried & Jaeger, electrical sup- plies 70 Western Electric Co , electrical sup- plies 3 14 Western Electric Co., electrical sup- plies 167 14 Charles Herzog, sawing wood 3 75 Brandon & Giliistie, laying carpet7 30 Knapp, Stout & Co., lumber 24 68 Trexler Bros., livery 8 00 Barnard, Walker & Clewell, station- ary 17 30 Chas. Atkinson, painting safe 8 00 James Levy. matting. etc 10 08 Dubuque Herald, publishing tax list 90 00 Reinfried & Jaeger, shears 1 25 Dubuque Herald, printing 14 00 Harger & Blish, stationary 85 John T. Kearns, recording deeds 11 00 Walton & Bieg, supplies for moving. offices 59 70 H. McLean, removing scales 30 00 Mullen Bros., plumbing 74 35 Reinfried & Jaeger, hardware 10 50 Chas. Oswald, putting up stoves38 90 Chas Oswald, putting up stoves, etc. 18 30 Robr. McGivern, sanitar` service50 00 Pape & Jacqinnot, removing well and tilling same 11 75 Bart Hayes; expressing 7 50 Standard Lumber Co., lumber 21 40 Mullin Bros., plumbing and putting 48 00 in fountains Headford Bros. & Hitchens, man- 15 50 hole covers, &c Mulgrew & Phillips, cement and pipe 9 99 A. Vogler, rubber boots 5 75 Bart E. Linehan, supplies for sewers 17 69 Monteith, Dempsey & Honer, plumb - 23 90 ing Star Electric Co., aro lights 1495 15 Shipley & Bauman, veterinary ser- 85 vice 20 John McCoy, carpenter work 77 75 Dubuque Telegraph, printing, &o84 25 Hardie & Scbarle, printing bonds 85 50 and health reports... Wilber Cook, improvement of alley between Rhomberg and Garfield av 184 00 John Williams, impt. W. Eagle Point 2132 avenue Cushing & O'Malia, grading Lincoln avenue 77 00 294 Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1894. John Tibey, stone 27 03 M. Tschirgi. erediog Rub street 435 00 Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., sewer pipe. 838 40 Altman & Taylor. grading W. 14th at 326 15 Con Rvan, Jr , filling 420 00 Con Ryan, Jr., improvement of Southern ave 1737 00 Burne es Soul, gravel 78 30 John Tibey, improvement of Grove Terrace 34 53 Aug. Lange, gradir:g First avenue25 011 Trexler Bros., gravel 1L 25 John Leldinger & Co., constructing inlet to Eagle Point avenue 50 00 Peter Horsch, grading e Elm street 40 00 John Tibey, grading Grove Terrace370 93 Ald. Butler arrived at 10:30;o'clock. Peter Horsch, improvement e % of Elm street 70 49 Frank Bentin, grading of Lincoln avenue 75 00 Frank Bentin, improvement of Lin- coln avenue 191 50 M. Tschirge, Jr., improvement of Rush street 290 72 Brown & Brown, improvement of Southern avenue 1,377 (0 Frank Bentin, improvement of Ann avenue. 419 40 Bryon Donahue, laying sidewalks101 48 Wm. Geleecker, service as rodman40 00 August Bracher, macadam 27 75 Charles Bu'khard, macadam 24 75 G Gruber, macadam 7 05 John Molore macadam 70 35 M. Sullivan, macadam. 15 93 James Street, crossing stone 31 62 M. Lavin, constructing sewer in San- ford street and White . 486 80 Jas. Hurd & Son.. constructing sew- er in Nevada street 289 26 D. H. Ehlers, laying sidewalks 43 78 M. Lavin, laying sewer in Washing- ton street and 17th 24 84 M. Lavin, laying sewer in alley from 234 to 27th street 225 50 The Streator Clay Manufacturing Co. sewer pipe 64 44 The Stoneware Pipe Co , sewer pipe 30 50 D. W. Linehan, improvement of Alta Vista street 2259 00 John O'Brien: improvement of Dell street 162 (0 John O'Brien, constructing sewer in w 11th street. 119 92 Blackmer & Post Pipe Co., sewer pipe 838 40 The following bills were referred to the committee on fire and water: Dubuque Water Co., for hydrants1475 80 Dubuque Water Co., for water for engine houses 20 00 The following bills were referred to the printing committee: Dubuque Telegraph $29 15 The Globe 58 3U The Times 54 30 The Herald 75 00 The bill of Wm. Jaergens of $5.65 was re- ferred to the street committee. Bill of Phil Pier, Jr , of $97 69 was referred to the committee on supplies. Bill of Wm. Graff of $13.30 was referred to the hoard of heolth. Bill of the Key City Gas Co. of $79.20 and the Globe Light and Heat Co of $280 were referred to the committee on police and light. Bill of the Key City Gas Co. of $58 for ex- tending mains to new engine house was re- ferred to special building committee. On motion rules were suspended and par- ties who desired were allowed to address the council. Mr. Kemier and Mise Kirner addressed the council in relation to the charges for vault cleaning. Mrs. Lynn and Mr. Gasser addressed the council in relation to repairing of Bid e walks Mr. Fullmer addressed the council in rela- tion to the award of the jury for the widen- ing of West Fourteenth street, protesting against the same. Ald. Powers moved that the award of the jury for the condemnation of the widening of West Fourteenth street, west of Alta Vista street, be set aside. Carried. Ald. Crawf.,rd moved that the health officer let no more contracts for cleaning vaults. but report all cases to the board of health, and they are to make all contracts for cleaning vaults when it is necessary to have same done at the owners expense. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of Fred E. Spielmann in relation to bis assessment tor the improvement of Rush street Petition of Mary Flynn in relation to the improvement of Southern avenue causing damage to her property Petition of John Kessler, stating that the retaining wall on Cornell and Pickett streets is in a dangerous condition, and asking that the same be attended to. Bid of Thos O'Connell of $50 for macad- am furnished to city. Petition of Dan J. Haas for street crossing and apron over gutter on Couler ave and Twenty-second street. Petition of Farley & Loetecher Manufac- turing company et al. as to condition of west side of Jackson street, asking that same be put in proper shape. Vommunication of Engineer Knowlton in relation to the drainage of Jackson street near corner of Seventh street. The following petitions were granted: Petition of Mrs. Peter Klein asking to have the amount of one -halt year's butch- ers' license refunded. Petition of Guy P. Burch asking for use of the third floor of the city hall for a poultry show from Jan. 1 to 7, 1895. Petition of E. H. Sheppley calling atten- tion to the condition of sidewalk on ac- count of fire plug in front of his store on Couler avenue, was referred to the engineer and fire chief. The communication of the Dubuque Water company in relation to the reauction of prices for use of hydrants, was referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of A. Benkendorff remonstrating against the special assessment for improve- ment of Elm street, between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets, was referred to the city attorney. Petition of W. Stevenson, asking to have part of butchers' license refunded, was re- ferred to the mayor with power. Petition of Geo. Fengler and John Holz asking to have water plug placed at the cor- ner of Middle street and Garfield avenue, was referred to the committee on fire and water. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Mrs. John Ahern, P. F Doherty, James E. McClain and Wm. Quigley. Ald. Vogel moved to adjourn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. AFTERNOON SESSION. Council met at 2:30 p. m., Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aide. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Petition of Mrs. David Grant for cancella- tion of tax was read. On motion, the rules ware suspended and Mr. W. J. Knight ad- dressed the council in relation to same. Ald. Ryder moved that the prayer of peti- tioner be granted. Carried. L. Eberhardt petitioned the council to ex- Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1894. 295 empt him from interest .on his taxes. On motion, he was allowed to pay his taxes with interest at the rate of 7 per cent, same rate the city bas to pay for money. Petition of Gus Becker asking to have un- expired saloon license refunded to him was referred to the mayor. Petition of J. P. Schroeder asking that the engineer and marshal be instructed to allow him to rebuild bis store on Eight and White that was destroyed by fire. Referred to committee on fire and water, engineer and fire chief. Petition of F. A. Rumpt in relation to the unfinished condition of improvement of Grove Terrace south, was granted and en- gineer instructed to carry out contract Petition of T. O. Sullivan in relation to water cut-off or stop cock in gutter, asking damages for same on account of being broken by steam roller, was referred to com- mittee on claims. Communication of Lyon and :Linehan in relation to judgment against the city in the case of Dillon Sutherland ve. City of Du- buque was read, on motion the claim was ordered paid. The following petitions were ordered re- ferred to the street committee Petition of D. Emsley, asking that alley from Eagle to Ann street between Emsley's subdivision on the west and Fengler's and Ktene's addition on the east, be improved. Petition of C. H. Fischer, asking for compensation for filling lots in L. H. Lang - worthy's addition, deeded to the city. Petition of F. A. Rumpt,askiug permission to fill south sidewalk of Eleventh street, was referred to the street committee and engi- neer. The following petitions were referred to the equalization committee, Rev. J. R. Fogarty and A. A. Cooper. Petition of John Althauser, et al, asking that Mertz street from Windsor avenue to Althauser's avenue be i mproved,was granted. Communication of F. W. Wieland suggest- ing that the rate for vault cleaners be re- duced was referred to the ordinance com- mittee. Petition of Eugene Adams et al., asking to have sidewalk and stairway on W. Eleventh street placed in good condition, was referred to :alderman of the Fourth ward and engi• neer with power to ant. Petition of W. J. Cantillion et al., com- plaining of the manner in which arc light adjacent to Third and Booth streets was be- ing cared for. Referred to committee on police and light. Bill of Graff Bros , of $54, for cleaning vault on lot 13, L. H. Langworthy's addi- tion, in 1893, was received and filed. The petition of the Mercy hospital, asking that an ordinance vacating certain streets and alleys in A. Langworthy's subdivision be passed. On motion, rules were suspended and Mr. J. J McCarthy was allowed to address the council on the matter. Ald Ryder moved the petition be granted. Carried. On motion. the following ordinance was read for the first time: AN ORDINANCE for the vacation of Clara street, part of Augusta street and part of an alley located in A. Langworthy's subdivision, all in the city of Dubuque, Ia. WHEREAS, The St. Joseph's Mercy hospi- tal of Dubuque, a corporation organized un- der the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the pity vaca- tioncouncil of the citof of Clara street and that partue other ofAugusta street which is bounded on the west by lot 17 and on the east by lot 16 in A. Langworthy's subdivision. and also that part of an alley lying west of Augusta street, bounded on the north and west by lots 1 and 2, and on the south by lot 17 in A. Langworthy's sub- division; and. WiiaitsAS, Said The St. Joseph's Mercy hospital is the owner in fee simple of all the real estate:bounding or abutting the streets and alley above designated; and, WHEREAS, Notice of the application of said Tee St. Joseph's Mercy hospital for the said vacation has been published for ten days in the official paper in the city of Da- buque, Ia., as required by law; and, W IIEREAs, It appears that no valid objec- tions have been made to said application for said vacations; and. WHEREAS, It appears to this council that said above described streets and alley are not required for street or alley purposes; therefore, be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1 That Clara street and that part of Augusta street which is bounded on the west by lot 17 and on the east by lot 16 in A. Langworthy's subdi- vision, and also that part of an alley lying west of Augusta street, bounded on the north and west by lots 1 and 2. and on the south by lot 17 in A. Langworthy 's subdi vision be and the same are hereby vacated. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Herald, the official paper in the city of Dubuque Ald. Ryder moved that rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title and put on its final passage. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Ald Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nays—None. The ordinance was then read by its title and adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Liliig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nay s—None, The communication of Webster Davis, mayor of Kansas City, asking that the city join in defending a suit in the United States supreme court brought against Kansas city for the right to use swinging harness. Re- ferred to finance committee and mayor. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor MoCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash on hand Oct. 1, 1894 $24,187 39 Receipts during October. d7,514 14 Total $61,691 53 Disbursement during October, 1894135,221 24 Balance Dash on hand Nov. 1,1894$26,470 31 Also reported $1.783 amount due city offi- cers for October, 1894 Also presented list of coupons redeemed during the month of October, 1894. War- rants ordered drawn to pay city officers and report referred to finance committee. John Carter, street commissioner, report- ed $5,017.35 amount expended on streets during the month of Oetober. Warrants ordered drawn to pay for labor on streets and report referred to the street committee. City Marshal John Raised reported 11,- 760 1;780 50 amount due police for the month of October, 1894 Also reported sixty-two police eases tried and disposed of during October, 1894. Also reported $10, amount of pound re- ceipts during October. 1894. Report received and Bled and warrants ordered drawn to pay police. Jos. Reinfried, fire chief, reported $1,323.30 amount due firemen for the month of Octo- ber, 1894. Report adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen. The report of City Electrician Osborn was referred to the committee on police and light. Jacob Klein, market master, reporte R 296 Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1894. $41.75 scale receipts for the month of Sep- tember and October. 189t. Also reported $75 20 amount due for feed- ing prisoners during September and Oc- tober. !t Report adopted, and warrant or- dered drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. The reports of City Weighmasters Chas. Pitschner. J. P. Doyle and T. J. Donahue were received aner & Co., d filed. Wood Measurer J. J. Hannon reported 1,934 cords of wood measured during Octo- ber, for which $4 65 was due city. Report received and filed. City Engineer Knowlton and Attorney Knight reported as follows: We would report that the curbstone on Lincoln avenue, between Couler avenue and White street. have been set in accordance with the ordinance in relation to the widtb of sidewalks. Also report that notices have been served on the property owners on High Bluff street between Schiller and Middle streets for con- demnation proceedings. City Attorney Knight reported on the mat• ter of George E Ferris in relation to the award of jury es follows: I find that Mr. Ferris had knowledge of the manner in which the change of grade would effect his premises. and that having such knowledge he accepted a warrant for the sum awarded him by the jury, and it is my opinion that under the circumstances he is bound by his acceptance of the warrant. Report adopted. Engineer Knowlton presented the follow- ing: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of .Dubuque: GENTLEMEN-4greeable to your instruc- tions, I submit the following explanation of the present method of special assessments for the construction of sanitary sewers in the Fourth district: The ordinance provides that the city engi- neer shall make estimates of the cost of building the sanitary sewers in any subdis- trict of the Fourth district, and when the council has approved, sewers may be con- structed, and assessed at the rate so esti- mated for the cost of the sewers in the sub- district. In other words, the contract price for each individual sewer, be it more or less than the estimated rate, does not govern the assessment. The ordinance contemplates a uniform and equitable assessment on all property within the district as near as it possible, and until the whole district has been sewered the ac- tual cost cannot he determined. The cost of the first sewers constructed in a sub -district, is not a guide to the cost of the whole district. To illustrate, all the property abutting on the street in which the sewer is first built is assessed for a depth of 1C0 feet, provided the lots are 100 feet deep and wherever branch sewers are built, as no double assessment can be made on any prop- erty, no assessment can be made for a dis- tance of one half the width of the street and for 1C0 feet additional which was assessed on the first sewer constructed The first sewers constructed are usually long and only one flush tank is required, while each branch, however short requires a flush tank and can easily make the cost of the sewer more than can be assessed by the rate estimated for the whole district The ordinance, which is in strict compliance with the state law, con- templates that all expenses of every dis- cription incidental to the construction of the sewer be assessed to the abutting property, except on main and branch sewers larger than 8 inches which are provided for other- wise. The basis of the assessments in the 4th district -4 mills per square feet for a depth of 100 feet—was determined by a care• ul estimate of the cost of all sewers con- tructed in the city, which was recommend- ed to your honorable body and approved, and assessments ordered made on that basis. As this rate is less than the cost of sewers in 1st district which also paid a district tax, no injustice is being done the property in the 4th district. When a subdistrict or the whole district has been sewered complete and the cost de- termined I see no reason why in case of an overcharge that rebates could not be made, but in case of a deficiency it would not be so easily adjusted I do not believe there is a city of the nature and size of Dubuque that is getting sanitary drainage at so low a cost or on a much more equitable basis. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Shea and Vogler. • Noes—Crawford and Ryder. The report of the Citizens' Reform club, with a tabulated statement of cost and charges derived from water woks in vari- ous cities, was referred to a eomtf ittee con- sisting ot Mevor Olinger, Aldermen Powers, Kaufmann, VogPl, Ryder and Halpin, Engi- neer Knowlton and City Attorney Knight- Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance com- mittee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of having warrants drawn in favor of the treasurer for the various amounts paid out by him during the month of October, and the treas- urer's report referred back to the finance commitiee. Adopted. Ald Vogler, chairman of the committee on claims, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of allow- ing Mrs. Margaretta Donahue one year's time at 7 per cent interest to pay the special tax for the construction of a sidewalk. Adopted. Aid. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of defer- ring action on the matter of the proposed extension of Esther street. In favor ot postponing action on the reso- lution for the improvement of Fremont ave. In favor of filing the petition of O. Kemp et alin relation to the width of sidewalk on Southern avenue, but that the abutters on said street that encroach on same be given further time to remove the obstructions. In favor of the adoption of the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That Curtis street, between South Dodge and Exchange streets, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in ,.onformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be, and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the per- formance of the work; the guttering, curb- ing and macadamizing to be done at the ex- pense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty, grading to be bid in total. Said work not to be commenced until next spring. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of G. M. Robinson in relation to the exten- tion of Oak street In favor of making the alley between Cor- nell and Alma streets north of Thomas street put iu a passable condition. In favor of having Tenth street between Main and Locust streets repaired temporarily at as little expense as possible. In favor of receiving and filing the re- monstrance of abutters on Stafford avenue against the special assessment for the im- provement of said street. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler, chairman of the printing committee, reported in favor of paying the following bills: Dubuque Telegraph $29 15 National Demokrat 50 00 Dubuque Herald 75 00 Regular Session, Nov. 5, 1S94. 297 Report adopted. Aid Crawford, chairman of the commit- tee on fire and water, revorted In favor of paying the Dubuque Water company for 294 hydrants at the rate of $10 each per annum. Adopted. Ald Lillig, chairman of the committee on police and light. reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas Co $ 69 45 Globe Light and Heat Co x80 00 In favor of receiving and filing the report of the marshal for September, 1894. Adopters. Ald. Shea, of the delinquent tax commit- tee. reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of can- celling the taxes of Susanna Drees for 1893. In favor of allowing Mrs. Catherine Schaeffer to pay one half her taxes as pay- ment in full for 1893 In favor of cancelling the taxes of Peter Marugg for 1893. In favor of postponing action on petition of Cath Wassar for reduction of taxes for 1893; adverse to the petition of Mary Ballard for cancellation of taxes for 1893. In favor of cancelling the taxea of Albert Howarka on north halt of lot 310, East Du- buque addition, for 1893. Report adopted. Ald Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your com- mittee report in favor of taking no action in regard to the removal of the steps on Fourth street, al ngside of the opera house, until such time as said opera house is remodeled, or the present steps are in need of repairs. In favor of improving Merz street next spring, as by so doing the water will be car- ried down Merz street and not interfere with the property on Stafford avenue, as complained of by residents on said Stafford avenue. In favor of directing the recorder to issue a venire to the city marshal commanding him to summon a jury to assess the damages that may be caused by the proposed widen- ing of High Bluff street, said jury to be sum- moned when there are other streets to be opened or widened by the city. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of E. M. Clark for reduction of special assess- ment for the improvement of Ellis street. In favor of approving of the award of the jurors for the widening of White street be- tween Twenty third and Twenty-fourth streets, which is as follows: D e BUQUE, Sept. 17. 1894. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: We, the undersigned jury appointed to assess damages for the widening of White street from Twenty-third street to Twenty- fourth street, find as follows: Damages to— Adam Stoltz,lot No. 376, Davis Farm add $ 40 Peter Wunderscheid, lot 276, do .. 40 do .. 35 A. Lang. lot 268, Jacob Abresch, lot s34 269, do .. 15 Christina Feller. lot n?,{ 269, do .. 15 John Rath, 1ot273, do .. 39 Fred Lensing. Sr., lot s& 274, do .. 15 Herman Kuehnel, lot 275, do .. 30 Chas Krentz, lot 387, do .. 40 Mrs. Fred Henning, lot 368, do .. 35 Total... $295 Chris. A Voelker, J. H. Carroll, John Pier, John Jess, Lewis C. Fuller, Michael Brown, Jos. J. Rowan, Valentine Keppler, Carl Steuck, John Treater, Sr., G. Joeffroy, J. W. Norton. In favor of the adoption of the following resolution : Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That Queen street, between Ed- ward street or avenue and north line of Staf- ford add, be graded, guttered, curbed and ma'adamized, in conformity with the ordi- nance upon that subject. That the city en- gineer be and is hereby direci ed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and pro- posals for the performance of the work; the guttering curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total Said work not to be commenced before next spring. In favor of receiving and tiling the peti- tion of Geo Schremer et al., for the im- provement of Catherine street. In favor of approving of plat of lot 14 of min lot 172. In favor of receiving and filing all peti- tions a -king for the reduction of special as- sessment for construction of sanitary sew- ers. as said assessments have been levied in accordance with the ordinances of the city and the laws of the state of Iowa. Report adopted. Ald Shea moved that Mr. Evans' proposi- tion to repair the walks iu the parks for $100 be referred to the engineer with power. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which wes adopted: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city treasurer be and is hereby directed to call in improvement bonds to the amount of $10,(0 numbering from 80 to 99, inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of 5 per centper annum, paveble semi-annually, ail being dated Oct. 1, 1892 Ald Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That warrants be drawn in favor of the several aldermen to the amount of 43C0 each for salary for 1894. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Be it resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be instructea to make a survey and plat of Grandview avenue from Southern avenue to eastern terminus of'said Grandview avenue, showing a proposed widening of said Grand- view avenue to a uniform width of NO Leet and proeeed in accordance with provisions and requirements of chapter 30 of the re- vised orninances of 1893, and report survey and proceedings to the council. Ald Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That the Dubuque Water com- pany be and is hereby directed to extend their water mains on Roberts avenue be- tween West Fifth and West Eighth streets and water plugs, If required, to be put in under the supervision of the fire committee and chief; the city of Dubuque guaranteeing to said water company a sum of money suf- ficient to pay interest thereon at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. Ald. Ryder presented the following, which was adopted: To the Honorable Mayor and Jity Council: GENTLEMEN—Your committee to whom was referred the matter of salary of the board of health would most respectfully re- port in favor of paying the chairman there- of $100 and that the other members, includ- ing the clerk, be paid 450 each. Ald Ryder. chairman of the finance com- mittee. presented the following which was adopted. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN: Your committee on finance would most respectfully report that they have sold imgrovement bonds. numbering from 689 to 730 inclusive, amounting to $21,- 000, to C. H White & Co., at par and a pre- mium of $101. 29,E Regular Session., Nov. 5, 1894. Ald Kaufmann offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, That the Dubuque Water com- pany be instructed to extend their water mains on Jackson street. from Twenty-sev- enth street to Peru road, and that water plugs he placed under the supervision of the fire committee and chief where required, the city of Dubuque agreeing to guarantee a sum of money therefrom to pay interest at the rate of 7 per cent on the cost of pipe so required to be extended. Ald. Kant mann offered the following res- olution. which was adopted: WHEREAS, The proper steps have been taken on the proposed vacation of the streets and alleys in Peterson's sub : and, WHEREAS. No party has remonstrated against said proposed vacation ; therefore. Resolved, Rv the city council of the city of Dubuque, That all streets and alleys in said Peterson's subdivision he and the same are hereby declared vacated and annulled for public use. Ald. Lillig offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, lSv the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the marshal be directed to have such police as require overcoats for the winter to procure the same, the city to defray one-half the expense of same, not to exceed $10 in each case to be paid by the city Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved, That in all oases where abutting property holders. or street railway compan- ies shall have paid all interest due on special assessments for street improvements or the construction of sewers, the city treasurer be instructed not to enforce the payment of the principal of such assessments, or any por- tion of the same until the expiration of the seven (7) years after the date of the levy as provided by ordinance, nor to advertise the property for sale. Ald. Powers offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, That the city engineer be in- structed, in case it cannot be used elsewhere, to sell the sidewalk not now in use on 1.4rand- view avenue. Ald Kaufmann offered the following reso- lution : Resolved. That the proposition of the American Fire Engine company to rebuild the J. J. Linehan steamer and to furnish the city with one new steamer of the second size, 800 gallons capacity, of the Silsby make, with a Clapp & Jones boiler, the com- pany to pay freight on the engines both ways, be accepted: provided said company shall furnish a relief engine for use by the city until the Linehan and the new engine shall be completed according to specifica- tions and delivered to the city in Dubuque. The freight on said relief engine to be paid by the company, payment to be made sixty days after the engines are received and ac- cepted. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder. Shea and Vogler. Ald. Powers offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to make a survey, plat and profile and estimate of a proposed street from West Eleventh street to Wilbur av- enue between lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the sub- division of o lot No. 687, and submit same to the pity council. Ald. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the pity of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of brink, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Dorgan Place, between Ellis street end alley west of Mad- ison street where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Alds Butler, Crawford. Lillig, Kautmann,Powers, Ryder. Shea and Vogler. Aid. Powers offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 fejt wide, of brick, stone or cement, and hand rail where necessary, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on both sides of Pickett street, between Cornell street and Alma street where not already laid; also uew curb- ing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ry der, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of brick stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Lincoln street, between Reed avenue and First ave- nue where not already laid. also new curb- ing and re -setting of old curb as may be ne- cessary. all at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved ny the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Queen street, between Regent street and Sanford street where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald. Kauffman offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide of brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days, (or as soon as sidewalks are graded) of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the both sides of West Eagle Point ave- nue, between the east line of lot 138, L. H. Langworthy's addition, and Kane street, where not already laid, also new curbing and re setting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following : Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the east side of Elm street, be- tween Twenty-second and Twenty.third streets, where not already laid, also new curbing and re -setting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: AYES—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Regular Session, .21-ov. 5, 1594. 299 Dubuque, That a sidewalk four feet wide, of brick, stone or cement. be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Ann avenue, be- tween Lincoln avenue and Rhomberg aven- ue, where not already laid; also new curb- ing and resetting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, pv the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk six feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this notice. constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Ann avenue, be- tween Lincoln avenue and Garfield avenue, where not already laid; also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— lids. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Ald. Ryder, that the assessment against the Sisters of Charity for cleaning snow from sidewalks in the latter part of the win- ter of 1890 or first part of 1891 be cancelled. Carrie d. Ald Crawford moved that when the coun- cil adjourn it do so to meet Nov. 20, 1894, at 7:30o'clock p. m Carried. Ald. Butler offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the both sides of Holley street, between Cleveland avenuo and Rush street where not already laid, also new curbing and resetting of old curb as may be neces- sary, all at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—None. Ald. Butler offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two•inch plank, brick, stone or ce- ment, be, within ten days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both sides of Rush street, between Apple street and Quince street, where not already laid; also new curbing and reset- ting of old curb as may be necessary, all at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogler. Noes --None. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubnque, That Wilber Lane, between South Grove Terrace and Olive street, be graded, guttered, curbed and macadamized, in con- formity with the ordinance upon that sub- ject. That the city engineer be and is here- by direoted to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the pity recorder direoted to give the proper no- tice for bids and proposals for the perform- ance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense sf the owners of the abutting property. The contractor to have one year in which to make the improvement, and to have all the surplus material. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Noes—N one. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Merz street, between Alt - hanger avenue and Windsor avenue. be graded, gutteredcurbed and macadamized, in conformity with the ordinance upon that subject. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said improvement, and the city recorder directed to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the perfor- mance of the work; the guttering, curbing and macadamizing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Grading to be bid in total. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler, Nays—None. Ald Crawford offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the north side of Julien avenue, between Walnut street and Wilson avenue, be guttered and curbed in conform- ity with the ordinance upon that subject, and the curbstone on the south side reset where necessary. That the city engineer be and is hereby directed to make the neces- sary plans and specifications for said im- provement, and the city recorder direoted to give the proper notice for bids and proposals for the performance of the work; the gut- tering and curbing to be done at the expense of the owners of the abutting prop- erty. Resolved, further; That the city engineer be instructed to have that portion of the avenue resurfaced and put in a good condi- tion for travel Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Butler, Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea and Vogler. Nayes—None. Ald Kaufmann reported that the follow- ing streets accepted: East two-thirds of Elm street, from San- ford to Twenty-third Rush street, from Apple street to Quince street. Pickett street, from Cornell street to Alma street. Grove Terrace south from West Eleventh to Wilber Lane. Report adopted. Ald. Shea moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest O/c_ fecorder. A(pprov l: ( 18.94 4 j. Mayor. 300 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. CITY COUNCIL., Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. OFFICIAL. Council met at 8:50 o'clock p. Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aide. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillis, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. On motion, the bids for the improvement of Wilber lane, Merz street and Julien avenue from Walnut street to Wilson avenue, and Fourth hconstruction rosewer street from Bluff west to elevator, were ordered opened and referred to the engineer for computation: The following bills wereordered reddpai Key City Gas company. ng mains to Delhi street engine house$58 00 John Drehouse, removing sates 50 00 Browo & Brown, improving Southern avenue from end of improvement to 290 70 Railroad avenue John O'Brien. improvement Dell et158 91 John O'Brien, constructing wall on 12 00 Dell street 95 M. Kilberg, macadam 1 13 50 J. Budder, maoanam Thos. O'Connell, macadam 1822 50 75 Thos Dorsey, macadam Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Clark be allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Clark addressed the council in relation to petition of lidw. Clark, asking that spe- cial assessment against his property on Eilis and West Locust be reduced. Ald. Ryaer moved that the former action in regard to same be referred back to street committee. Carried The petition of J. W. Connell et al. asking that the width of sidewalk on the west side of Southern avenue from M. Mabony's place to Railroad ave. be reduced to 6 feet. Granted. Ald. Ryder moved that in the cases of some poor people, where their houses en- croach on said sidewalk, that the removal of same be left to the mayor's. street commit- tee's and engineer's discretion to have the same done at the city's expense. Carried. Petition of A W. Hosford and J. R Tay for asking that sanitary sewer be construct- ed and the water mains be laid in Grant avenue from Julien avenue to West Eleventh street. Granted: Petition of John McNulty et al. asking that the price of macadam be not reduced from price paid last year. Granted. Petition of Wm. Loeffler protesting against the macadamizing or alley . from .Middle street, between Garfield and Rhomberg ave- nue, claiming that said strip is not owned by the city. On motion the rules were suspended and Mr. Loeffert was allowed to address the council in regard to the same. On motion the petition was referred to the city attorney, engineer and street commit- tee. The following petitions were referred to the city attorney, engineer and street com- mittee: Petition of Theodor Ratseman et al, re- monstrating against special assessment levied against lots 2, 29 and 30, Stifles' addi- tion. Petition of August Roeber, agent of heirs of Behrens' estate, protesting against special assessment on sub 1 of min lot 3u7 for street purposes. The petition of F. A. Gnifeke et al, asking that the order for laying of sidewalk rafon rred Pickett street be reconsidered, was to the street committee and further action on same be deferred until next meeting. The protest from M. C. Woodruff, tax V commissioner of the Chicago Great s w eoiaWl rn Railway company, again assess- ment for the improvement of Elm street and asking that action on same be deferred, was referred to the city attorney, chairman of the ordinance committeee and mayor. The invitation of H. 11 Whitmore, chair- man of tte Trans -Mississippi commercial congress, to attend a meeting at St. Louis Nov. 26, 1894, was accepted and the mayor as to attend the same: the following BwBu cb,lFrankAltmann, Jos. Kaufmann. D J. Sullivan. P. J. Lee. Petition of Nicholas Linden stating that Rush street in front of lot 116 has not been improved according to contract was re• ferred to the engineer, and that Mr. Tschirgl, Jr , the contractor, put street in proper shape On motion the rules were suspended and all parties who desired have the privilege of addressing the council. The abutters on the east aide of Elm street addressed the council, protesting against the levy of , pectal assessment for the improve- ment of Elm street. On motion the matter was referred to the attorney, ordinance committee and engineer to examine in the matter. Petition of Wm. Hintrager protesting against special sewerage assessment on West Eleventh and Walnut streets was read. Wm. Hintrager. and Chas. Thill addressed the council in relation to the same. Aid. Crawford moved that the remon• strance be received and filed. Carried. The board of health reported in favor of paying the chai7man and also the clerk of the board of health $250 each in addition to the amount allowed by the council, and that Dr. Michel be avowed $100 for extra for ser- vices to said board. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Nhea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—Ald Crawford. Petition of Geo. Osborne asking that he be allowed at the rate of $75 for services the same as his predecessor. On motion the petition was granted. Engineer presented a plat showing the widening of Glen Oak avenue, and same is acknowledged by the owners, and in accord- ance with the terms agreed upon there would be duo Gregory $19 50 and Reinnecke $o. Plat approved and warrants ordered drawn to pay Gregory and Reinnecke. Engineer reported that h a bad examined the plat of the subdivision of lots 164 and 166a, L. H. L'engworthy's add, and there are no reasons why it should not be approved. On motion the sail plat was approved. Engineer also presented contract and specifications for the paving of Clay street with brick. Approved. Ald. Crawford offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Whereas, It seems to be the opinion of many citizens and taxpayers that the trade and business of the city would be largely in- creased, and its general interest promoted, by making free of all tolls the highway bridge across the Mississippi between Du- buque and East Dubuque, and that for that purpose the city should avail itself of the provisions of section seven (7) of the con- tract between the city and the Dubuque High Bridge company (chapter 125 of the re- • vised ordinances of 1893) by taking said t bridge into its own possession and control; therefore Resolved, That the Dubuque High Bridge Co be and is hereby invited to submit to the Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1594. 301 city council, in writing, its views in regard to the transfer of said bridge to the city, for the purpose above named. and also any proposition it may choose to make for a modification of the terms specified in its contracts and contained In said secti n 7 of chapter 125 of the Revised Ordinances. Aid. Shea, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildioge, submitted the following : To the Honorable Mayor and City Copied: GENTLEMEN: Vour committee on public grounds and buildings would most respect• fully recommend to your honorable body that the contract for putting up lightning rods on the Deihl street engine house be awarded to Noah Faust, he to furnish all the material and do all tabor required for said work, and perform the same in a satisfac- tory manner. When said work is completed and accept- ed by the city he is to receive as compensa- tion therefor the sum of $85.00) as pay went in full, the same to be applied on the pay- ment of hY s city taxes for the y ear 1893. Rs - port adopted. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That in consideration of the Dubuque N ater company agreeing to ac- cept payment at the rate of $50 per annum for each fire hydrant from and atter August 1, 1894, the city of Dubuque agrees to pay said water company at the rate ot $60 per annum for each fire hydrant for the mouth of July, 1894. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following, which was adopted: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Duougile: That the city engineer be andis hereby instructed to prepare plans andspeciflcations and estimates for grading, curbing and guttering Fifch avenue from the end of the present improvement south to Lake Peosta, and submit same to the city council. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: .Resolved. By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing side- walks by the city of Dubuque, in front of and aojoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situate and owned, and for . the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real essate, as follows: W. G. Cox, lot 2 of min lot 9 $ 4 00 P. J. Burke, n 43 3 ft., 117 city 6 30 Albert Gasser, lot 1, Sisters' add 4 50 Agatha Heim, lots 3 and 4, Sisters' 3 75 add John V. Ryder, lots 5, 6, and 7, Sis- ters' add 2 90 D. W. Linehan, lot 45, Corriell'a sub2 30 Hughes & Blake, lots 25, 23 and 27, 1 (0 Blake add John Flynn, lot 2 of min lot 191 and 1 59 part of min lot 192 Kiene & Altman, lot 1 of 239 Davis 75 Farm add Nio Esch, lot 13 of sub city lot 7031 50 Clifford Ham, lot 370, Davis Farm 75 add Chas. and Frank Fosselmann, lot 186 50 L H. Langwortby'a add.... . D H. Price, lot 4 of anb 218 and 2.9 30 Davis Farm add lot 214, Davie Mary E. Haggerty, 80 Farm add R. & E. Langworthy, lots 233 and 228, 1 50 Glendale add Slaters of Charity, lot 1 of sub min lot 191 Jos. Herod, part of min lot 184 2 10 Chas. Fosselmann, lots 65 and 66, L H. Langworthy's add 1 55 55 Chas.9Thill, lots 8 and 9, Sisters'lot30 add. 22 GO 501 Chas. H. Snow, lot 12, Cummings' sub L. J. Birner, n 36 ft lot 10,Cummings' sub John L Buettell, lots 4 and 5, Quig- ley's sub 4 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford. Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes—None. Aid. Kautmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that to pay for laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the north side of Charles st. between Broadway ex. and Mus- catine st, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same,a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts ot lots, and parcels of real estate hereina°eer named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: Lennard Jaeger, lot 86, South Park Hilt add . 110 square feet, at 143 c$ 16 37 Ellen 9'. Callagnn, lot 16, S.uth Park Hill add , 113 square feet, at 14%c 16 81 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Roder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. N ay es—None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, By the city Council of the City nt Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 feet wide plank sidewalk on the west side of Booth street, between West Third street and O'Neil street. by Bryan Donahue, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts •ot lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: J. W. Schwind, lot 10 O'Neill'a sub No 2, 565 lin ft at14Xa $ 840 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by city council of the city of Du- buque, That to pay for laying a 4 -toot wide plank sidewalk on the east side of Caledonia Place, between West Eighth street and Hill street, by Bryan Donahue. contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: M. McLaughlin estate, lot 2 of 89, K'-lley'e sub.80 lineal feet walk laid at 14%c per lineal toot $ 11 90 Adopted by the following vote : Aves—Aid. Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—None. Aid. Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a four foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Wilde street, between South Dodge street and McLennan street, by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several Tots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot and parcel of real estate as follows: Tim Cain estate, lot 2 of 1 0! 2 of 7 min lot 45,159 0 lineal ft walk at 14%0 $ 23 65 Ed Burns, lot 19, Oak Grove add, 16 SI 113 0 lineal ft walk at 14%o .... Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig 1 80 70 302 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Aid, Biutm•n't ffered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the ease side Glen Oak avenue between Julien avenue and West Third street, by Bryan Donahue, con- tractor, in front of and adjoiniug the same, a special tax be and is hereoy levied on the several lots and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owner, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or paroei of real estate as fol- lows: Mrs. J. McLaren, lot 4, Cleminson's subdivision, 121 3 lineal It. walk laid at 14%o $ 19 53 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aid Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 foot plank sidewalk on both sides of Stafford av- enue from Garfield avenue to Linwood cem- etery by Bryan Donahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real es- tate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: M. R. Standeback. e34 lot 5, sub 1, Geiger's sub, 49.1 lineal ft. at 14%c.$ 7 30 M. 11 Standeback, e3y lot 4, sub 1, Gieger's sub, 40.7 lineal ft, at 1430 6 03 M. R. Standeback, lot 3, sub 1, Geiger's sub, 49.7 lineal ft, at 14%0 6 05 Adam Mueller, lot 10 of 3 Gieger's sub. 113 0 lineal ft, at 14%c 16 81 Wm. Hintrager, lot 23, U. 'Taylor's sub. 50 0 lineal ft, at 14%o Wm. Hintrager, lot 22, 0 'Taylor's sub, 50 lineal ft , at 14%c Wm. Hintrager, lot 24, U. Taylor's sub, 50 lined fc, at 14%c Fred Brandel, lot 3, A. Stine's add, 49 5 lineal ft, at 14%c Theo Raterman, lot 29, A. Stine's add. 56 lineal ft, at 14%c Theo Roterman. lot 10, A. Seines' add, 25 lineal ft, at 14%0 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a four - foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Bennett street, between Grand View avenue and east line of Grigg's sub , by Bryan Don- ahue, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: O F Hodge's est., lot 26 Ann O'Hare's sub ; 138 lineal ft walk laid at 14%c per lineal foot $ 20 53 A. Harris, lot 27, Ann O'Hare's sub; 138 lineal feet walk laid at 14%o per lineal foot 20 53 A. Harris, lot 28, Ann O'Hare's sub; 138 lineal feet walk laid at 14%c20 53 C. W. Skemp, w 50 ft lot 29, Ann O' - Hare's sub.; 42.2 lineal feet of walk laid at 14%c 6.28 Sarah Stewart, lot 17, Hodge's sub; 44 4 lineal feet walk laid at 14%c6 61 Sarah Stewart, lot 16, Hodge's sub; 44 4 lineal feet walk laid at 14%c6 61 L. Brin, Jr , lot 15, Hodge's sub; 44 4 lineal feet walk laid at 14%c 6 61 7 44 7 44 7 44 7 30 8 33 ' 3 72 P. Kiene Jr., lot 14, Hodge's sub, 52.7 7 S4 lineal ft at 143 c P. Kiene, Jr., lot 13, Hodge's sub, 44 7 lint al ft at 14%, 6 65 P. Kiene, Jr , lot 12, Hodge'e sub, 40.7 lineal ft at 14%c 6 05 Mary A. Kemler, lot 2 of 4 O'Hare's sub, 83 5 lineal tt at 14%e 12 42 Mary A. Kemler, lot 1 of 4, O'Hare's sub 55 5 liueal ft at 14%e 8 26 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aid. Crawford. Kauffmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on the north side of West Fourteentn street between Alta Vista and Delhi streets by Bryan Donahue, con- tractor, in front of and adjoiniug the same, a special tax be and is hereoy levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: H Geiger. lot 247 Woodlawn Park add., 49 5 lineal feet at 22%c $ 11 26 C. A. Voelker. lot 103, Woodlawn Park add , CO 0 lineal feet at 22%c. 13 65 C A. Voelker, lot 101, Woodlawn Park add , 50.2 lineal feet at 22,(tc. 11 42 John Kleinschmidt,lot 110 Woodlawn park add, 50 4 lineal feet at 22%c11 47 John Kleinschmidt, lot 99 Woodlawn park add, 60 lineal feet at 22%c13 65 C A. Voelker, lot 52 Woodlawn park add. 60 5 lineal feet at 22%c 13 76 C.A Voelker, lot 51 Woodlawn pars: add, 50.5 lineal feet at 22%c 11 49 Christina Shannon, lot 50 Woodlawn park add, 50 lineal feet at 22%c.. . 11 38 Christina Shannon, lot 49 Woodlawn park add. 58 4 lineal feet at 22%o13 29 Christina Shannon, lot 2, Woodlawn Park add, 60 lineal feet walk at 22%c 13 65 Christina Shannon, lot 1, Woodlawn Park add, 5) 2 lineal feet walk at 22%c 11 42 Christina Shannon, lot '40, Oakland Park add, 92 3 lineal feet walk at 22%c c 21 00 W. A. Leathers, e 110 feet lot 1, Oak- land Park add, 113 5 lineal feet at 22%c 25 82 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Naves -None. Ald. Kauffmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that to pay for construction of an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Third street trom terminus to Burch street, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Catholic Cemetery, n pt out lot 723, city, 27,000 square feet area, at 4 mills $ 108 00 Wm Ilintrages, lot 1, sub of out lot 724, city; 3,330 square feet area, at 4 mills 13 32 John Hennessy, lot 2, sub of out lot 724, pity; 3,330 square Leet area, at 4 mills 13 32 D. J. Hennessy, lot 3, sub of out lot 724, city; 3,330 square feet area; at 4 mills 13 32 D. H. McCartny. n 50.10 ft lots 4, 5, 6 sub of out lot 724 city; 5,109 square feet ares at 4 mills 20 00 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. 303 John Hennessy, out lot 732, 27,000 square feet area at 4 mills 108 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald. Keutmaon offered the following : Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for construction of an eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Olive street, from aliey south of West Eleventh to Jeffer- son street, by James Hirds & Son, contrac- tors, In front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: James Forrester, lot 3 of out lot 697, city, 7 000 sq ft area at 4 mills 28 00 Anna Dickey, lot of out iot637, city, 7,000 sq ft area at 4 mills 28 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved ty the city council of the city oi' Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an 8-inen tile pipe sewer in Julien avenue from Bluff street to West Eighth street by M. Leven, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Lorimier House Hotel company,lot 5, sub of 654. city, 1,9J0 square feet 7 60 area at 4 mills $ Dubuque Omnibus company, lot 6, sub of 654, city, 1,600 square feet d 40 area at 4 mills Dubuque Omnibus company, lot 7, sub of 6551, city, 1,6L0 square feet 6 40 area at 4 mills Dubuque Omnibus company, lot 8, sub of 654. city, 2 500 square feet 10 00 area at 4 mills Joseph Jaeggi, lot 1, sub of out lots 688 and pt 654. city, 2,500 square 10 00 feet area at 4 mills M68ub of out lots 8 Waller, an pt65, citlot y, 2,500 square feet area at 4 mills 10 00 Math. Ludescher, lot 3, sub of out lots 688 and pt 654, city,2,500 square 10 00 feet area at 4 mills John sub of out ots6881and p0 6estate54,oc ty,2,500 square feet area at 4 mills.. Abbie G. Mullen, lot 5, sub 000 a square t lots 888 and pt. 651, city, 9 feet area at 4 mills John Eisenegger, lot 6,sub of out lots 688 and pt 654, city, 2,500 square feet area at 4 mills J.ub of out lots 88 and pt 654, 1 citlot y, 3,900 square feet area at 4 mills Dan Brennan, lot 8, b of out lots 638 and pt 654, city, u4,000 square feet area at 4 mills E. H. Sheppley, e 33 feet lot 9, sub of out lots 688 and pt lot 654, city,3,300 square feet area at 4 mills A. Lorenz, w 27 feet lot 9, sub ot out lots 688 and pt 654, city, 2,700 square feet area at 4 Mille Wm. Buckler, w 47 feet lot 10, sub of out lots 8and ati city, 4,700 square feetarea 4 654, I Mrs. Dora Purucker, e 18 Leet lot 10, sub of out lots 638 and pt 654, city, 1.800 square feet area at 4 mills T. and pt 654 citlot y,sub of out lots 688 6,0'0 quare feet area at 4 mills 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 60 16 00 13 20 10 80 18 80 7 20 24 00 Henry Guerdet, lot 12, sub out lot lot 703, city, 5,700 sq care feet area at 4 22 80 mills Frank Goodrich, lot 7a, sub of out lot 653a, city, 900 square feet area at 4 3 mills 60 Martin Rabbit, lot 8 sub of out lot 653a, city, 1,950 square feet area at 7 4 mills 80 John A McKinlay. lot 2, McKinley's sub,5,20,i square feet area at 4 mills 20 80 John A. McKinlay, lot 1. McKinlay'e sub, 5 9u0 square feet area at 4 mills 23 60 John W. and W. G. Cox, lot 44, Cor- riell's sub. 15,30) square feet area Bl 20 at 4 mills J. A. Rhomberg. lot 43,Corriell'asub, 5,0.0 square feet area at4 mills20 00 J. A. Rhomberg, 1ot42.Corriell's sub, 7,0:0 square teet area at 4 mills28 00 J. A Rhomberg, lot 47,Corriell'a sub, 7,0 0 aqua, e feet area at 4 mills28 00 J. A Rhomberg, lot 48,Corriell's sub, 5.3,0 i square feet area at 4 mills20 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 49,Corriell's sub, 5,00u square feet area at 4 mills20 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ruder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Walnut street, West ltleventh street and Prairie street, by Thos. Dorsey, contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same; a special tax be and is nereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amount3 set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Frank Jaerer.lot 1 of 3 of out lot 738, city, 15.000 square Leet at 4 mills ...$ 60 00 NW Kauffman, lot 2 ot out lot 738, city. 13,20.) square feet at 4 mills... 52 80 Jno. Nagle, lot 15. Farley's sub, 5 550 22 20 square feet at 4 mills Henry Riker, lot 14. Farley's sub, 5,551) square feet at 4 mills 22 20 Wm Hiutrager, lot 13. Farley's sub, 20 00 5 000 square feet at 4 mills Zames Flynn; lot 12, Farley's sub, 20 00 5,000 square feet at 4 mills Charles Thill, lot 11, Farley's sub, 20 5 000 square feet at 4 mills 00 Wm Heodford, lot 10, Farley's sub, 5,000 square feet at 4 mills 20 00 Wm Heudford, w 2 ft of lot 9, Far- ley's sub. 210 square feet at 4 mills. 80 Lewis A. Wood, e 48 ft of lot 9, Far- ley's sub, 4,800 square ft at 4 mills. 19 20 R R. Jackson, lot 8, Farley's sub, 20 GO 5,0.0 square feet at 4 mills Eugene Adams, lot 7, Farley's sub, 19 60 4,9ou square feet at 4 mills M4,900 squarenfeet at 4 t 6,Fmillsy s sub, 19 60 F. Hancock. w,4 of lot 5 sub of lot 823 and 824, A. McDaniel's sub, 4,030 16 12 square feet at 4 mills F. Hancock, lot 4 sub of lot 823 and 824, A. McDaniel's sub, 7,800 sq ft 31 20 at 4 mills John Bell, se M' of lot 322, A McDan- iel's sub, 6,100 square feet at 4 mills 24 40 James Wallis, sw j of lot 822, A. Mo - Daniel's sub, 13,610 eq ft at 4 mills. 54 61 Geo. W. Fifield, lot 1, Hetherington's sub, 5 075 square feet at 4 mills20 30 James Howie, lot 2, Hetherington's sub, 5,075 square feet at 4 mills 20 30 J. G. R-gan, lot 3. Hetherington's sub, 5,075 square feet at 4 mills20 30 Leo MoDanlela, lot 4, Hetherington's sub, 5,075 square feet at 4 mills20 30 P. W. Crawford lot 6, Hethering- Adoptedsub, by the following vote: ine. 21 60 SO4 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. Ayes -Aldermen Crawford, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pav for improving Grove Terrace south from W est Eleventh street to south end of street by John Tibey, contrac- tor. in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and Is hereby levied on the several lots. and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set op- posite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: F,red Weigel, lot, out lot 687. city : 191.0 lineal ft curb stone set at 350.$ 66 85 83.44 square yards guttering at 35c30 95 182.22 sq yds macadamizing at 35c63 78 Total $ - 161 5S F. A. Rumph, e 135, lot 5, out lot 637, city: 187.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 35c$ 65 63 83 83 sq yds guttering at 35o 19 17 163.00 sq yds macadamizing at 35058 80 Total ... $ 153 60 H. F. C Schneider, lot 1, Elen Corkery's sub: 112 4 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c $ 39 34 49.95 sq yds guttering at 35c 17 48 99.56 sq yds macadamizing at 35c34 85 Total $ 9167 H. F. Reynolds, lot 2, Ellen Corkery's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c$ 17 50 22 22 sq yds guttering at 350 7 78 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c15 55 Total. $ 40 83 H. F Reynolds, n34, lot 3, Ellen Corkery's sub: 25.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c$ 8 73 11.11 sq yds guttering at 35c 3 89 22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 35c7 78 Total $ 20 42 W. 13 Knott estate, say, lot 3, Ellen Cor- kery's sub : 25.0 lineal feet curbstone at 35c$ 8 75 1111 sq yds guttering at 35c 3 89 22.22 sq yds macadamizing at 35c7 78 Total $ - 20 42 W. 13. Knott estate, lot 4, Ellen Corkery 's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c$ 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 35o 7 78 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c15 55 Total $ - 40 83 Wm. T. Woodrich, lot 5, Ellen Corkery's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbsto 3e set at 35c$ 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 78 44.41 sq yds macadamizing at 35c15 55 Total $ - 40 83 C. N. Baird, lot 6, Ellen Corkery's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 35o.$ 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 35c 7 78 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 35c15 55 Total $ 40 83 C. A. Wilber, lot 7, Ellen Corkery's sub: 48 2 lineal feet curbstone set at 350.8 16 87 2142 sq yds guttering at 35o.. 7 5) 33.95 sq yds macadamizing at 35c11 88 Total $ 36 25 James Lee, lot 5, Central ad9: 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 35c6 22 Total . $ 6 22 Ayes-Alds. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillg, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Noes -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Reso,ved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improving east =; Elm street, from Sanford street to Twenty - third street, by Peter Horsch, contractor, in front of and adjoining Lae name. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real e. tate, as follows: Sophia Firzlaff, lot 70, E. Langworthy's add: 315 9 lineal ft curbstone set at 300.... 19 77 31.11 sq yds guttering at 3)0 8150 sq yds macadam at 30c 9 33 24 45 Total 53 55 Sophia Firzlaff, lot 71, E Langworthy's add: 50 2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30315 03 22 31 sq yds guttering at 300 6 69 73.6.2 macadam at 30c 22 09 Total $ 43 84 August Kaoateldt, lot 72, E. Langworthy's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 3)(3$ 15 56 22.31 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 69 7418 sq yds macadam at 30c22 25 Total $ - 44 CO August Knonfeldt, 113173, E. Langwortby's add: 50 2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e$ 15 03 22 31 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 69 74.74 sq yds macadam at 303 22 42 Total $ 4417 Fred Grobe, lot 74, E Langworthy's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30o$ 15 06 2.2.31 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 69 75.30 sq yds macadam at 303 22 59 Total $ 44 34 Fred G}robe, lot 75, E. Langworthy's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 15 06 22.31 sq yds guttering at 303 6 69 76.42 eq yds macadam at 303 22 93 Total... $ 44 63 Geo. Rettemeyer, lot 76, E. Langworthy's add: 45 3 lineal ft curbstone set at 30313 59 24 31 sq yds guttering at 3 to 7 29 77 53 sq yas macadam at 3.c 23 26 Total. $ 44 14 Henry Luck, lot 77, E. Lang worthy's add: 50 2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30315 ('6 22.31 sq y de guttering at 30c 6 69 78 64 sq yds macadam at 303 23 59 Total $ - 45 34 Wm. Kulow, lot 78, E Langwortnv's add: 50 02 lineal ft curbstone set at 30o$ 15 06 22.31 sq yds guttering at 301 6 69 79.76 sq yds macadam at 303 23 92 Total $ - 45 67 Wm. Heim, lot 79, E La.gworths's add: 50.021ineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 15 06 22.31 sq yds guttering at 3)c 6 69 80.88 sq yds macadam at 30c 24 26 Total $ - 46 01 John Marsch, lot 80 E Langworthy's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$15 06 22.31 sq yds guttering at 3 as 6 69 82 00 sq yds macadam at 30a 24 60 Total $ 46 35 August Benkendorf, lot 81, E. Laugwor- thy's add: 41.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 12 42 24 31 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 29 8311 sq yds macadam at 3Jc 24 93 Totol $ 44 64 1 1 Adjourned Regular Se&'ion, Nov. 20, 1894. 305 Fred Newbauer, lot 82, E. Langworthy's add: 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 303$ 15 f6 22 31 sq yds guttering at 3"c 6 69 84.22 sq yds macadam at 803 25 27 Total $ 47 02 Frd Newbauer, lot 83, E. Langworthy's add: 50.02 lineal tt curbstone set at 30c$ 15 06 22 31 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 69 85.34 sq yds macadam at 303 25 60 Total $ 47 35 Mrs. Elizabeth Vogt, lot 84, E. L%ngwor- thy'a add : 50.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 303$ 15 01 22 31 eq yds guttering at 300 6 69 85 00 sq yds macadam at 300 25 77 Total $ 47 52 Mrs. Elizabeth Vogt, lot 35, E. Langwor- thy's add : 50 2 lineal ft curbstone set at3)c$ 15 08 22.31 sq yds guttering at 3 is 6 69 87.01 sq yds macadam at 30320 10 _ Total $ 47 85 Mrs. E izabeth Vogt, lot 86, E. Langwor- thy's aad: 50.02 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e$ 15 00 22.31 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 69 89 24 sq yds macadam at 30c 26 77 Total $ 48 52 Mre. Elizabeth Vogt, lot 87, E. Langwor- thy's add : 79.6 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 23 88 37.33 sq yds guttering at 3,10 11 20 127.27 sv yds macadam at OOe 38 18 _ Total $ 73 28 Chicago Creat Western Railway: 500 03 eq yds macadam at 300 150 20 Total $ 150 00 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes --Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmadn, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vo- gel .nd Vogler. Noes -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for construction of an 8-iuch tile pipe sewer in West Fifth street and Roberts avenue, by John O'Brien, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: E H Lubgwitz, lot 2, Deming & Horr's sub, 5,000 square feet area,at 4 mills John Phillips, lot 3, Deming & Horr's sub, 5,000 square feet area, at 4 mills John Phillips, lot 4, Deming & Horr's sub, 5,000 square Leet area, at 4 mills Mary H. Reynolds, e hf lot 5 Deming & Horr's sub, 2 500 square feet area, at 4 mills Elizabeth Kennedy, w hf lot 5, Dem- ing & Horr's sub, 2,500 square feet area, at 4 mills Alfred Hobbs, tot 18,Wilson's sub, 5,- 20) square feet area, at 4 mills Jas. M. Sullivan, lot 19, Wilson's sub, 4,100 square feet area, at4 mills Phil Pfersch, lot 2),Wilson's sub,5,000 equare feet area, at 4 mills E. A. Spaulding, lot 21, Wilson's sub, 5,u00 square feet area, at 4 mills.... John Burns, is 40 ft lot 22, Wilson's sub, 4,000 square feet area, at 4 mills 20 CO 20 00 20 00 10 00 10 CO 20 80 16 40 20 00 20 00 16 00 W. J. Burns. n 10 ft lot 22, Wilson's sub, 10)0 square feet area, at 4 mills 4 00 W . J. Burns, lot 24, Wbson'e auto, 5,- 001 equ re feet area, at 4 mills 20 00 Nettie J Walker, lot 24, Wilson's sub, 5,00) equare feet area, at 4 mills20 CO Nettie J. Walk:r, lot 25, Wilson's sub, 5,10 ) square feet ares. at 4 mills20 00 Fred Seaman, lot 26 Wilson's sub, 5,010 equare feet area. at 4 mills . 20 CO Mary Hinson, lot 27. Wilson's sub, 5,030 square feet area, at 4 mills20 00 T. L. McFarland, lot 28, Wilson's sub, 5,000 square feet area, at 4 mills20 00 Emma Spensley, lot 20, Wilson's sub, 5,00) square feet area, at 4 mills.... 20 00 W. W. Perleth, 10130, Wilson's sub, 5,000 equare feet area,at 4 mills20 00 Jessie Epps, lot 4, McOoliins' sub, 2,900 equare feet area,at 4 mills11 0) Jessie Epps, lot 33, Wilson's sub, 1,500 square feet area, at4 mills-. 6 CO River Jordan, n hf lot 34, Wilson's sub, 2,500 equare feet area, at 4 mills 10 00 Michael Wafter, s ht lot 34, Wilson's sub, 2,400 equare feet area,at 4 mills 9 60 Michael Watters, lot 4, sub of 35, Wil- son's sub, 1,630 square feet area, at 4 mill 6 40 Timothy E sgan,lot 3, sub of 35, Wil- son's sub, 54U square feet area, at 4 mills 216 John McFarland. lot 2, sub of 35, Wilson's sub, 120 square feet area, at 4 mills 48 John McFarland, lot 1, sub of 35, Wil- son's sub, 2,9UU square feet area, at 4 mills 11 60 H. W Hostord, lot 36, Wilson's sub, 4,300 equare feet area, at 4 mills17 20 V. F. Peileth, lot 3L Wilson's sub, 5,0)0 sq ft area, at 4 mills 20 00 Ben Cheatham est, lot 1 of 38, Wil- son's sub, 4,70) sq ft of area at 4 mills . 18 80 Isaac Proctor, lot 2 of 88, Wilson's sub, 1,350 sq tt area, at 4 mills 5 40 Isaac Proctor, lot 1 of sub 39 and 40, Wilson's sub, 1,300 sq ft area, at 4 mills 5 20 Isaac Proctor, lot 2 of sub 39 and 40 Wilson's sub, 4,200 sq ft area at 4 mills 16 80 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes-None. Ald Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Water street from First street to Jones street by Thos. Dorsey, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same,a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Win. C. Stewart, lot 1, blk 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 2,71,0 square feet area at 4 mills $ 10 80 Wm C Stewart, lot 2, blk 9, Du- buque Harbor company add, 2,440 square feet area at 4 mills 9 76 Wm. C Stewart, lot 3, blk 6, Du- buque Harbor company add; 2,440 square feet area at 4 mills 9 76 W. J Morgan, and % lot 4, blk 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1,220 square feet area at 4 mills 4 88 W. J. Morgan, and lot 5, blk 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1,220 square feet area at 4 mills 488 W. J. Morgan, and lot 6, bla 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1,220 488 sq acre feet area at 4 mills 306 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov 20, 1894. Chas Simplot, uud tot 4, big 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1,2.20 square feet area at4 mills 4 83 Chris. Simplot, and)4 lot 5, big 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1.220 4 88 square feet area at 4 mills Chas. Simplot, and lot 6, bik 6, Du- buque Harbor company add, 1 220 squ88 John Coleman areare feet 4 lot 7, blk Dubuque Harbor company add, 2,44u square 9 76 feet area at 4 mills Bart E Linehan,, to 6, ue Harbor companyaddlkdu square 12 48 test area at 4 mills Wm G. Stewart, lot 9, bik 6, Du- buque Harbor company add. 2,400 9 60 square feet area as 4 mills Johu Nagle lot 1, bik 5, Dubuque Harbor add, 5,2u0 square feet area 20 at 4 mills 80 A. A Cooper, lot 1, bik 4, Dubuque L Harbor Co.'s add, 2 00i square feet 8 area at 4 mills 00 A A. Cooper, lot 2, big 4, Dubuque Harbor company add, 4,500 square 18 00 feet area at 4 milia Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to .pay for improving Picket street from Alma to Cornell street by Aug. Lange, contrautor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinaf- ter named, situate and ow , and for o par- cel amounts set oppositea cel of real estate, as follows: Joseph Kessler, s )4 lot 1 Morgan's sub: 29.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 23c..$ 8 20 17 eq yds guttering at 28c. 76 47 11 sq yds macadamizing at 33c.. 15 5a Total $ 28 51 Joseph Kessler, s lot 2 Morgan's sub: 49.1 liueal feet curbstone set at 28c$ 13 75 21.93 sq yds guttering at 28c 6 14 43 64 sq yds macadamizing at 32o... 14 40 Total s 34 29 Ilenry Clark, lot 3 Morgan's sub: 50.0 lineal ft curb stone sat at 280...$ 14 00 22.44 square yards guttering at 28c. 8 28 45 33 sq yds macadamizing at 33c14 96 Total $ 35 24 Rebecca J. Farley, lot 8 outlot 687, city : 28 87 12 82 30 21 71 90 24 28 103.1 lineal feet curbstone set at 2838 45 78 sq yds guttering at 236 91.56 sq yds macadamizing at 33c Total $ Phillip Sage, lot 9 outlot 667 city : 86 7 lineal feet curbstone set at 28e$ 38.53 sq yds guttering at 28c. 10 79 76.44 sq yds macadamizing at 33o225 23 Total $ 60 30 Joseph C. Paine, lot 3 outlot 667, city : 19 6 lineal Leet curbstone set at 283.$ 5 49 52 9 sq yds guttering at 23c 17.78 sq yds macadamizing at 33o5 87 _ Total $ 13 88 John W. Wybraut, lot 4 outlot 687, city : 122 2 lineal feet curbstone set at 2804 34 22 54 67 sq yds guttering at 28c 15 31 111.11 sq yds niaoadamizing at 33o36 67 Total $ 86 20 F A Gnittke, lot 7 outlot 607, city : 43 5 liueal feet:curbstone set at 280$ 12 18 19 11 sq yds guttering at 28o 5 35 36.44 sq yds macadamizing at 33c... 12 03 L Total $ 29 56 P. P. Murray estate, lot 1 sub s part 684, 45 0 lineal feet curbstone set at 28c$ 12 • 606 21100 eq yds guttering at 28c 4U Ou sq y ds macadamizing at 33613 20 Total $ 3140 Mrs. E Mellen. lot 2 sub s part 634, city : 41 0 lineal feet curbstone set at 23c..$ 111 20 20 17.18 sq yds guttering at 283. 35 56 sq yds macadamizing at 3Uc11 73 Total. $ 27 92 J. J. Murray, lot 3 sub s part lot 684. city: 66 0 lineal feet curbstone set at 28c$ 188 4648 30.22 sq yds guttering at 28e 19 96 60.44 sq yds guttering at 33e— Total $ 46 90 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Crawford. Kaufmann, Lillig, Pow- ers. Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: 1i,solved, By the City Council of the cy of Dubuque: That to pay forimproving eo11 Rush st from Apple st Quince joininTschirgt,Jr.the, e same, contraand ad- joining special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as foliows: N. Linden, lot 116, Union add : 81 lineal feet curb stoue set at $ 35 37 78 quare yards guttering at 35c.. 13 22 113 87 square yards macadamizing 45 55 at 40c Total $ 8712 Julien 11 Louis, lot 117 Union add: 60 lineal feet curb stone set at 350....$ 21004 26 87 sq yds guttering at 350 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40337 33 Total $ 67 67 Joe Benkley, lot 118, Union add 60 lineal feet curb stone set at 35c21 00 9 34 26 67 sq yds guttering at 35c 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 67 Mrs. Geo Sarkis, lot 119, Union add: 60 lineal ft curb stone at 350. , .. 2100 26.67 sq yds guttering as 350 9 34 93 33 sq yds macadmizing at 400 37 33 Total $ 67 67 George Savory, lot 120. Union add: 60 lineal ft curb stone at 35c 26 87 sq yds guttering at 35c 93 33 eq yds macadamizing at 403 Total $ George Savory, lot 121, Union add: 80.8 lineal feet curb stone at 35c 37.78 sq yds guttering at 350 163.33 aq yds macadmiziug.at 406 2100 934 3733 67 67 28 28 13 22 65 33 Total $ 106 83 Pat Moran, 8 80 ft lot.122 Union add: 82 4 lineal ft curbstone at Mc 28 84 38.40 eq yds guttering at 35c 13 44 163.33 sq yds macadamizing at 4065 33 $107 81 Total Pat Moran, lot 123, Union add: 60 lineal ft curb stone at 350 21 f 0 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 34 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40037.33 Total $ 67 87 Thomas.Cahill, lot 124, Union add: 60 lineal ft curb atone, at 35c.... . , 2100 26.67 aq yds guttering at 350 9 34 93.33 sq yds maoadamlziug at 40037 33 Total .4 67 57 Adjourned Regular Session, Nov. 20, 1894. 307 Thomas Cahill, lot 125, Union add: 60 lineal ft curb stone at 3.50 21 ( 0 26 67 sq yds guttering at 3ac 9 34 93.33 sq yds macadamizing 37 33 Total $ 67 67 Bridget Redmond, lot 1c6, Union add: 60 lineal ft curb stone at 3ic $ 21 (0 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 9 34 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40037 33 Total $ 67 67 Bridget Redmond, lot 27 Union add: 83 lineal feet cubing at 350 $ 29 05 38.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 1.3 54 165 sq yds maoadamizizg at 40e 66 (Al Total $ 108 59 P. H Hammerland, lot 174 Union add : 56 2 lineal feet curbing at 35o $ 19 67 30.87 sq yes guttering at 35c 10 81 98.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 81 P. H. Hammerland, lot 175 Union add: 60 lineal feet curbing at 30o $ 21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 25c9 34 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c337 33 - Total $ 67 67 Thomas Cahill, lot 176 Union add : 60 lineal feet curbing at 303 $ 21. 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 39c 9 34 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total $ 67 67 Thomas Cahill, lot 177 Union add: 57.8 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 20 23 29 87 sq yds guttering at 350 10 46 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40c37 33 Total. $ CS 02 Thomas Cahill, lot L78 Union add: 0 0 60 lineal feet curbing at 35o $ 21 810 26.67 sq yds guttering at 350 93 33 sq yds macadamizing at 40037 83 Total $ 67 67 Pat Moran, lot 179, Union add: 90.8 lineal feet curbing at 350 44 42 sq yds guttering at 35o 143.90sq yds macadamizing at 400.. $ 31 78 15 55 57 56 Total $ 104 89 Pat Moran, lot 180, Union add : 27.5 lineal feet curbing urguttering at 3o 4 63 $3 9 6 12.22 sgyds 8 42.77 eq yds macadamizing at 4017 11 Total $ 3103 P. A. Hammerland, lot 181., Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 350 $ 21 00 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 35c 34 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 4')o... 37 33 Total $ 67 67 A. W. Kemler, lot 182, Union add: 60.0 lineal feet curbing at 35c. $ 21. 03 26.67 sq yds guttering at 350 93.33 sq yds macadamizing at 40037 33 Total $ 67 67 John McQuillan, lot 183, Union add: 60 3 lineal ft ourb stone, at 35o 21 1 1181 28.22 sq yds guttering, at 350 93.33 sq yds macadamizing, at 40o37 33 Total $ 68 31 John McQuillan, lot 1 of lot 1.84 Union add: 57.8 lineal feet curbing at 350 $ 20 3 31.81 sq yds guttering at 350 11. 99.10 sq yds macadamizing at 40o- 39 64 Total $ 7100 Julia Ahern lot 2 of lot 184 Union add 90 lineal feet curbing at 35o $ 31. 50 31. 00 40 eq yds guttering at 35o 56 00 140 sq yds macadamizing at 40o Total $ 10150 F. E Spellman, lot 185 Union add: 95 9 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 33 57 47 8 sq yds guttering at ?53 16 73 153.7 sq yds macadamizing at 40c61 44 Total $ 117 78 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Crawford, Halpin, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nays-- None Ald. Kaufmann offered the following res- olution which was adopted: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the city engineer be and is hereby instructed to prepare plans and specifications and estimates for grading, curbing and guttering Fifth avenue, from the end of the present improvement south to Lake Peosta and submit same to the city council. Ald. Powers, chairman of the ordinance committee, presented an ordinance to amend an ordinance, entitled. "An ordi- nance in regard to charges of scavengers for cleaning privy vaults, cess pools and water closets. Ald Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and the ordinance be read by its title and placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Shea, Vogel and Vogler. Nay es -None. The ordinance was then read by its title and put on its final passage, and adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers. blies, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes -None. Ald Crawford moved that the engineer and street committee be instructed to have West Eleventh street and Walnut street and others in that vicinity put in proper condi- tion. Carried. Ald. Lillig moved that the matter of speed of the running of railroad trains through the city be inquired into. On motion, the mayor and marshal were instructed to attend to the same. Engineer Knowlton reported as follows on the bids referred to him for computation: Improvement of Merz street. $2,200 00 Geo. W. Farley 2 940L0 00 1,926 D. W. Linehan 00 Peter Borsch 1, 6 00 Brown & Brown 2.560 00 Hassett & Rielly 2.560 00 Steuck & O'Farrell On motion, the contract was awarded to Peter Imprroving Julienavenuetoo bidder.west Wilson ave nue. 28g 00 Hassett & Rielly $ 00 D. W. Linehan 318233 70. Gan. W. Farley On motion, G. W. Farley was awarded the contract, he being the lowest bidder. Improving Wilber Lane from Grove Ter- rane south to Olive street: $x,800 M. M. McCarten 2,800 Hassett & Rielly 400 Geo. W. Farley 1700 Edward Tibey On motion the contract was awarded to Geo. W. Farley, he being the lowest bidder. For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West Fourth street from Bluff street west: M. bidder was awarded the contract.93. On motion he the only Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the westerly 6 feet of South- ern avenue between M. Mahoney's place and Rail ub d avenue be is use, so far as thevacated of Dubuqand ue for p has auy rights therein. Provided the abutters im- provementwill enter into an of street, the same as if the said 308 O iczal Notices. vacation had not been made. and the recorder to give proper notice of said pro- posed vacation. Aid. Ryder moved that the matter of the condition of Rueh street be referred to the street commissioner and engineer. Carried. Aid. Vogler moved to adjourn. Carried. Attesirt< oved: 1894 ' 3inyor. NOT ICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 4th day of September, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter desert ed, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh within the time prescribed by tee ordinance, governing same, all will be- come delinquent and subject to collection by dm tress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKle, City Treasurer For the improvement of the S 3 of Twenty-third street from Jackson street to Elm street. Lot. Amt. Nicholas Stoltz est,Langworthy'sadd 17 129 83 MM Hoffman, do 18 13412 Chas Messerknecht do 51 107 15 do sub of 52 53 1 52 3u do of 2 fru div of 52 53 1 43 95 George 8prossman. of k sub 62 63 2 38 50 For the improvement of Paulins street from West .Fourth to West Fifth street. tot. Amt. 10 83 44 11 36 00 12 37 67 13 37 87 14 37 20 S W Upton, Deming & Harris sub do do C H Eigbmey et al do do do do do Cath McCann, Pauline Langworthy's sub 11 105 28 Ed Langworthy est Pauline Langworthy's sub 12 114 25 Ed Langworthy est Pauline Langworthy's sub 1 21 20 For the improvement of Second avenue from Lin- coln avenue to Rhomberg avenue. f ot. Amt F M Robinson est, Ham's add 435 125 34 do do 480 136 33 Jos Zimmerman do 434 123 90 J A Reomberg, do 461 117 35 502 92 For the improvement of Forest lone from Nevada to Delhi streets. ThosBrrke, Cleminson's sub Christ Zimmerman, Summit add Mrs B E Cousins, do Martin Meagher do b M Langworthy est, do do do M Tsehirgi 8r, 50 ft City of Dubuque. except e 50 ft Wm B Bonce, 8 M Langworthy add Trueb, Southwell & Co do Wm Crahan, do Margaret Laban, lot 1 of do Robert Waller, lot 1 of 1 of 2 Waller's sub Robert Waller, lot 1 of 2 of 1 Waller's sub Lot. Amt 2 24 45 6 32 50 5 32 60 4 32 50 3 30 23 2 3u 23 1 32 50 1 116 70 26 121 59 23 39 80 22 39 80 21 81 12 41 95 59 97 724 84 For the colnr oem ent of to Rhomberd ird avenue.from Lin- Lot, Amt, J A Ahombcrg, Hsm's add 489 135 50 do do 428 124 50 do do 427 124 38 uo do 468 126 b8 511 26 For the improvement of West Fourteenth street from Alta Vsta to Atlantic avenue. A D Frudden, Home add 7 32 28 dodo do D J Linehan do 9 49 90 do do 10 55 44 do do 11 5544 J L Buettell do 12 99 28 John Schmidt, Mt Pleasant add 18 327 s2 654 58 For the improvement of Ann avenue from Lin- coln avenue to Garfield avenue. Mrs H L Schumacher est McCraney's first add 88 122 29 Christ Capritz do 56 122 09 John D etrich do 89 12.2 35 Christ :Jungk do 55 122 49 489 22 For the improvement of Fifth avenue flour Adams avenue to S line of Johnsen's sub. H Hrims, Johnston's sub 1 55 09 Geo Widner, do 2 51 84 Jane Miller, do 3 51 81 Alfred Litz, do 4 r 1 84 Val Dottie, do 5 51 84 do do 6 5184 A& W Richmann do 7 51 84 do do 8 6184 Chas Licht, do 9 5' 84 H Gropes Sr, do 10 57 26 August hoeber minl lot 3(7 2 135 79 Jemes A Johi stow, Johnstan's sub 12 389 04 J H Hhomberg,minl lot 304 lot 2 of 1 2 12 4.2 1,044 32 For the improvement of alley from Ellis to Foye street between West Locust and Almond streets Kate Lundbeck, Cox's add e 24 ft 23 10 12 Jos Markwood, do W G Cox, d0 do do Jose, h Hendrick, do C M Buetteil, do Wm Sinholdt, do Mary Su ,ler, do Lizzie Manning, do Msry Bu.ler, do Johu Barrett, do Catb C Kease, do Rosa Cadman, W G Co:, do Mortz Vollmer, G B Henekels, Mrs Thos Murray, WGCox do do do do James Lee, do Ernest Eisert, W B Yates est, do Anna B Yates, Daniel Wolff. J B Lundbeck, Mary dampers est, do e i/ Thos Maher, do w %z John Van Holland do do do do do do do do w do e do do do do do e %z do w do do do do e 9 ft e 1/4 do w16fte% do w %z do w '4 e 'i4 w % e '4 w 4 e Gottrried Moery, Jacob Trout, John q Hoch, hl en Sull van, W J Sullivan, Mick "arne9, W A Buettell, W G Cox, Emma Allen, Kate Lundbeck, do do do do e do w% do do do do do a 2411 24 169t 25 1694 26 16 94 27 1694 28 16 94 29 16 94 30 16 94 31 8 47 31 8 47 32 8 47 32 8 47 33 8 47 33 841 34 16 94 36 16 94 36 16 94 37 8 47 37 8 47 38 1694 39 1694 40 30 51 5 10 59 6 9 58 ti 9 58 7 1916 R 34 65 16 91 3 04 5 43 8 47 16 94 8 47 8 47 16 94 16 94 16 94 16 94 8 47 8 47 16 94 1694 16 91 18 94 9 78 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 k2 625 23 Ofiicial Notices. 30a For the improvement of High Bluff from Stafo. d to Schiller ave. John Miller, Dreibtables aid 98 Nicholas Stout z, do 47 Anton r.igg, do 46 Bathol Capretr. do 45 Mrs J Schucker, do lund.3 44 M Lange, do and +;; 44 John Sass, do 43 hen Hartmann, do 42 John &reamer. do s ?„ 41 Felix Hasler, do w S2 40 Peter George, do 39 do 00 38 do do 37 Mrs 8 ltaforth, do 36 Fred Budde, do 35 Fred Lentz, do 34 do do 33 John Rozgensack, Hooper's add 43 do do 92 Nic Fischer, do 41 F J Naegele, do 40 Nin Wamp ch, do 39 John Pattiz, do 38 Roiling doukert, do 37 do s w 3 ft 36 August lmmitch, dodon e 98 ft 3536 John ayynch, do 34 do do 33 Chas smock, do 32 do do 31 Alphons Frick, do 30 John Friedermeyer est do 29 36 76 36 24 36 24 36 24 12 u9 24 15 36 24 3624 55 90 57 38 36 14 36 24 36 24 36 24 36 24 33 24 36 24 40 33 40 33 40 3 46 33 40 33 40 33 4033 231 27 36 40 10 40 10 90 10 40 10 40 10 40 10 60 83 1,234 57 For the improvement of Rush street from south Dodge to Apple street. Matthew Maher, . nion add 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 182 161 do Mary Hel'ey est, Bridget McEvoy, Oo Thomas Meehan, do Thomas Kenneally, do Bride et Redmond, W m Redmond, Tn.omas Kenneally, do Thomas Byrnes, do Bridget McEvoy, Lawrence McEvoy, et Columbkllls church, do Wm O'Brien, St Columbkllls Church, do do do do do do do do do 0o do do d0 do do do do do do co do do do do 108 14 67 66 67 66 67 66 150 74 108 68 67 66 6766 67 66 108 95 67 66 67 66 67 66 66 56 68 47 67 90 46 24 6766 67 66 67 66 67 63 68 56 67 66 -- 1,741 48 For the improvement of Wilde street from couta Dodge to Mt Lenonx. Ilannah 1 1nney,;Uak Groove add do do do 0o do Wm Burke, do Cath M Sullivan. itd Burns, J S Randall, est lot 1 of 1 of 55 sub of M L 39 Pat Powers, Oak Grovedoadd do Pat Ryder est, do do lot 1of1ML39 Peter M 1. 39 doApel, lott 2 ofoof M L 39 P J H60 lot 3 ofof 2 do Henry Riker, lot 4do do do 6 do 14 15 16 17 18 19 108 73 109 11 6547 65 47 85 47 120 02 1 326 46 11 6547 12 96 38 13 323 22 1 33 28 2 81 20 2 32 73 32 73 3 66 38 4 65 47 5 9324 6 27 52 1,781 35 For the improvement ttr f Booth to West Third Mary A Morse, O'Neill's add s 58 ft 1 63 83 6 326 76 Battery , sub of n pt sub 3 minlnl tlot 158 2 254 93 City of Dubuque, s part lot 3 sub min lot 158 3 341 57 B Gallon, i of 2 mini lot 158 1 110 96 Phrlo Rhomberg, 2 of 2 mini lot 158 2 222 J3 Philo Rhomber sub o n pt of B sub of min lot 158 1 269 82 J 8 Stephens, • less at, t;•M l angwortey's sub 1 48 50 J 8 8 ephens,S M Langworthy's sub 2 Mary Walsh, du 3 Theodore Merritt, do 4 do do 5 do do less st 6 5150 5150 5150 r1 50 58 65 1,898 35 Far the improvement of Providence from John - ton to Stafford ave. Louis Nipp, Cook's add 71 42 70 in do 72 92 09 73 4219 74 32 09 75 42 09 ' 6 4209 77 44 56 1 14486 2 38 08 3 38 04 4 38 08 5 38 99 '78 44 61 79 42 01 80 42 01 81 42 01 82 129 05 159 68 Herman Wunderlich, do Cons nose est, do do do John Welker, do M T Michels do n 38 ft Chas Rose est, 1 of 3 M i. 467 do 2of3ML467 Chas Niop• 3 of 3 M 1.467 Chas Rose est, 4 of 3 M L 467 do 5of3ML467 Peter Aepli, Cook's add do do John Lelcht do Fred Budden, do Wm Pohl, do Chas r osselman, s w 196 ft lot 1 M L 467 1 W E Reinoehl. s w 40 ft n e 45 ft 31 L 467 1 J W Lnahn, n e 5 ft lot 1 M r. 467 1 do lot lof2 do 1 Ed Spahn, sw40 ftlot 2of 2M L467 2 D & ti Emsley, n e 56 ft lot 2 of 2 M L 487 2 32 0; 401 24 05 32 06 47 99 1,195:4 For the improvement of Lemon street from 27th street to M11lv111e road. Fred Kennikes, West's add 27 85 36 do t 8 58 00 Mary W Hoops, do 29 58 00 d0 do 30 58 00 N c & Frank Glab, do 31 58 00 do do 32 58 00 Mrs Ann Stewart, do 33 58 0034 58 00 Peter ic & Frank Glab, do 35 58 00 DubBischoff, do 36 58 00 Dubuque Malting Co, do do do 37 58 00 do do 38 58 00 do do 39 58 00 40 58 00 do do do do 11 28 36 Chas B1•chman, do 41 80 09 do do 42 58 00 Henry Blicbman, do 43 57 90 Park Hill Chapel, do 44 58 00 Fred Huop, r o 45 58 00 Dubuque Piessad Brick Co Fairmount Park add 8 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, Fairmount Park add 7 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, Fairmount Park add 6 72 26 E L Curtis, e 24 fr, West's add 49 92 06 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co Fairmount Park add 5 38 66 Dubuque Press d Brick Co. Fairmount Park add 4 38 65 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, Fairmount Park add 3 38 66 Dubuque Pressed Brick Co, Fairmount Park add 2 38 65 Dubuque Pressed Brick CO, Fal' mount Park add 1 119 62 Agatha IIeim, Humboldt add 1 50 58 1,74619 For the improvement of West Fourteenth street from Alta Vista street to Atlantic avenue46 47 352 56 99 41 28 33 6 28 16 72 92 259 74 13 22 231 12 76 00 56 33 58 33 10168 James Forester, min lot 175 do Mt Pleasant add 16 Fred Brauhn est, Levin's add 20 n Kate F Rose, 0 w 21 00do H Fulmer, do e 54 22 do do2 243 8 J Dolson, do W G Cox, m'.n lo' 90 2 do Levin's add 24 F H Weihe, do 1819 John Hennes y, do 17 do do 16 do do Margt Laboytaux, 2 of 17 Mt Pleasant add 2 251 3 Gotleih Toshner, 1 Of min lot 175 1 397 54 1,925 34 310 Official Notices. For the improvement of Lincoln ave from Third avenue to Fourth avenu e. 85 70 J A Rhomberg, Hamdoadd 553 552 85 70 do 551 49 61 do do 550 4961. do 549 49 61 do d r 548 49 61 do do do do 547 49 61 d0 do 548 54 37 do co 469 6908 do do 470 49 61 do do 471 49 81 do doo 472 4961 do 473 49 61 do do 474 49 61 do do 475 49 61 do do 4;6 52 69 857 18 $5.00 Reward, The above reward will be paid to any person giving information that will lead to the arrest and globes onithe elect tion of the lighter and I shathat lreak makehe it my du y to see that the patty or parties that break the globes in the future shall be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. JOHN REAS' E, Nov. 1. City Marshal. N-tloenf lisle. I will Fell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on the 5th day of Novemcer, 1891, at 2 o'clock p. m , at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following impounded animal, to -wit: One bay mare, white stripe on face, two bind legs white above fetlocks; about 13 years old and we Jo rx RAasr.t. about i1Cit00 y Marshal. Dubuque, Oct. 30, 1894. 51 Notice. Public notice is hereby given that at the Fession of the city council of the city or Dubuque held on the 1st day of October, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hevinafter described, and that ,n case of failure to pay the one-seventh within the ti me prescribed by the ordinance, governing same, all will be. come delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFECity C Treasurer. For For the improvement of West Fourteenth street from Alta Vista to Atlantic Avenue. Lot. Amt. James orrestertrlea ie ntadd 16 352 d97 ooM56 20 99 41. 21 5633 22 28 1.6 22 28 16 23 72 92 24 2974 2 1322 14 231 12 19 75 00 18 56 33 17 56 33 16 101 68 Fred Brauhn Levine add Nate F Rose do do do w'/2 H Fulmer do a % do do S J Dolson do WGCox min lot 90 do Levine add F H Weihe do John Hennessy do do d3 do do Margt Laboyteaux sub 17 Mt Pleasant add 2 251 37 Gottl'eb Taschner sub min lot 175 1 197 54 For the la provement of Lincoln avenue from '1•hird to Fourth avenues. Lot. J A Rhomberg Ham's add 553 do do 552 do do 551 do do 550 d0 do 549 do do 548 do do 547 do do 546 do do 469 do do 470 do do 471 do do 472 do do 473 do do 474 do do 475 do do 476 Amt. 85 70 49 61 49 61 49 61 49 61 49 61 49 61 54 37 60 08 49 61 49 61 49 61 49 81 49 81 49 61 49 61 For the improvem,nt of Hagle Point avenue from Windsor avenue to etafford avenue. Lot. Amt. Andrew Muel'er Hamburg add 8 57 12 Andrew Mueller Hamburg add a 20 ft 9 14 94 John P Saner do n :30 it19 42 40 Jos Ott do Chan Bock do sw iii 11 18 86 Chas Hupferschmidt HamburgdnK 11 18 86 John Grimm Hamburg add sw'/, 12 18:66 Henry Armeden Hamb.irg add ne 34 12 18 66 Henry Armeden Hamburg add 13 :38 96 Chas Roseestate 7 133 0 lot 2 of :3 n in lot 467 35 46 Chas Nipp lot 3 of 3 min lot 467 :35 46 Chas Roseestate lot 5 o f :3 min lot 467 :15 46 do 3 min lot 467 14 94 $508 78 For thecolnravenuento Rhot of imberg an erst n from Lin- Lot. Amt. Philo 11honberg Ham's add 452 109 07 John F Dobler do 44:3 111 23 John Heil do 442 109 00 Jos Ruegamer et al do 453 106 71 $4:36 01 For the improvement of Lincoln avenue from Second to Third avenue. Lot. J B MuellerclIv Ham's add 561 J A Mueller city do s 54 lot 580 John Adams do n `0 559560 J A Rhomberg do 558 do do do 557 do 556 do 555 do 554 do 468 dJ 467 do 466 do 465 do 464 do 463 do 462 do 461 do 562 do do no do do do do do do do do Andrew Hefti Amt. 88 40 25 83 2584 51 67 5167 51 67 51 67 51 67 88 74 90 15 51 96 51 67 51 67 51 67 51 67 51 67 90 96 17 60 $995 89 For the improvement of east two thirds of Elm street from Sanford to Twenty third street.Lot. Amt. J Dettman sub of 198, 197 L li Langworthy's add 1 53 84 4.2 92 42 58 42 27 41 46 43 18 9 96 4112 40 47 40 25 40 72 E9 26 J Dettman do do 1Ni.tnie Newbauer do do 3 Joachim Newbauer do do 4 do do do 5 Joseph Drell do do 6 do do do 7 Elizabeth Spahn do do 8 CO do do 9 Valentine Schiel do do 10 do CO do 11 N Maybanks Saunders sub 1 $528 03 An Ordloance, An ordinance in regard to charges of eoaven- gets for 1 leaning privy vaults, cess pools and water closets. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That section 9 of chapter 38 of the revised ordinances of 1893 be. and the same is hereby amended, by striking the words "fifteen (15) cents" in the sixth line thereof and inserting twelve and a half cent ; and by striking out the words twenty (20) cents in the last line of said secttnn and inserting the words seventeen and a half cents in place thereof. so that the charge' for the work done below the bluffs shall not ex- ceed twelve and a half cents; and that done upon the bluffs shall not exceed seventeen and a half cents a cubic foot. The board of health shall have power to regulate the charger, not to exceed said amount. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its publication in Dubuque Daily Herald. Adopted Nov. 2n, 1894. Ap- proved Nov. 26, 1894. P. OLINGER, Mayor. Attest: T. J. COONEY, Recorder. O/ cial Notices. 311 Sidewalk Notices Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, that a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks on both sides of Rush street, between Apple street and Quince street where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, prick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days ofthis notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on both sides of Holley street between Cleveland avenue and Rush street where not already laid, all at the ex- pense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days of this notic3, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on both sides of Ann ave- nue, between Lincoln avenue and Rhomberg avenue where not already laid, at the ex- pense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick. stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Ann aven: e, between Lincoln avenue and Garfield avenue, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, brick, stone or cement. be, with- in 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks on the east side of Elm street, between Twenty-second street and Twenty.third street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of two-inch plank, brick. stone or cement, be, within 10 days of this notice, or as soon es sidewalks are graded, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks on both sides of West Eagle Point avenue, between east line lot 13S L H Lang - worthy's addition and Kane street, where where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with- in 10 days e f this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks, on the eaat side of Queen street, between regent street and Sanford street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, with - 10 days of this notice, constructed and Laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on both sides of Lincoln ave- nue, between Reed avenue and First avenue where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two- inch plank, brick, stone or cement, and hand rail where necessary, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conform- ity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on both sides of Pickett street. be- tween Cornell street and Alma street where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. That a sidewalk four feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within ten days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the north side of Dorgan's Place, between Ellis street and alley west of Madison street where not al- ready laid, at the expense of abutting prop- erty. All plank walks must be laid with pine, two Inches thick and not less than eight inches wide, and surfaced on one side, laid crosswise on four by tour inch stringers, six- teen feet long, with joints broken and spiked with two forty -penny spikes at each intersec- tion. There must be two stringers for a four foot walk. three for a six and eight -toot walk, and four for a ten or twelve foot w,•ik. Stringers to be supported every four feet with brick or stone. Grub plank must not be used. Adopted Nov. 5, 1894. nov9-10t T. J. CooNEY, City Beeorder. lotto to ; idewailk footractors. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, city of Dubuque. Iowa, up to 4 o'clock Tuesday, November 20. 1894, for constructing sidewalks of 2 -inch plank as fo:lows, where not already laid. viz: A 6 -ft wide sidewalk on north side of West Third tit., abutting west 50 ft of city lot 60S. A 6 -ft wide sidewalk on both sides of Apple street, between Cleveland avenue and Rush St. A 6 ft sidewalk on both sides of Ann ave- nue, between Lincoln avenue and Garfield avenue. A 4 -ft wide sidewalk on both sides of Rush St., between Apple St. and Quince St. A 4 -ft wide sidewalk on both sides of Holly St., between Cleveland avenue and Rush St. A four -feet wide sidewalk on east side of Elm street between Twenty-second and Twenty-third streets. A four -feet wide sidewalk on both sides of W est Eagle Point avenue between east line of lot 138, L. H. Langworthy's addition and Kane street. A four -feet wide sidewalk on east side of Queen street between Regent street and San- ford street. A four -feet wide sidewalk on both sides of Lincoln avenue between Reed avenue and First avenue. A four -feet wide sidewalk on both sides of Pickett street between Cornell street and Alma street. A four -feet wide sidewalk on north side of Dorgan's Pla..e between Ellis street and alley west of Madison street. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A bond of *100 will be required with each bid. The city reserves the right No reject any y or r all bids. City Engineer. Nov.8 , 1894. 10t Notloe to Saloonkeeper&. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ) DuouQuE, Ia , Nov. 5, 1894 You are hereby notifi d that you must keep your places of business closed on Tuesday, Nov 6, 1894 (election day), dur- ing the time the polls are open, and not sell or give away intoxicating liquors, in- cluding ale, beer and wine. A.ny/person violating the above order will be prose- cuted to the full extent of the law. PETER OLINOER, Mayor Notice or Sale. I will sell at public aution to the best bid• der for cash, on the 17th day of November, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the fellowing impounded animal to -wit: One sorrel horse, white face, two hind feet white, weighs about 900 pounds, and is about 11 years old. JOHN RAMMLI, City Marshal. Dubuque, Nov. 12, 1894. 3123 Official Notices. Notice to Contractors. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, 1 DUBUQUE, Iowa, Nov. 8. 1894. Sealed proposals will be received at t 1 m4 office up to 4 p. m., Tuesday. for the improvement of the following streets according to plans and specifications now on file in my.oflice. Merz street, from Windsor avenue to Althauser avenue. Grading cut 2.100cuic bic yards; fill, 1,000 cubic yards; curbing, cu lineal feet: guttering, 9t'0 square yards; macadamizing, 3,001 square yards. Wilber Lane, from Grove Terrace south to Olive street. Grading cut. 5,0JO cubic squared curbing, 700 lineal feet: guttering, 303 yards; macadamizing, 1,000 square yards. Julien avenue, from Walnut street to Wil- son avenue: new curbing, 509 lineal ft: old curbing (reset), 200 lineal ft; guttering, 220 sqare yards. Bidders must state the price per lineal foot for curbing. price for square yard for gut- tering and macadamizing. Grading on streets to be bid in total. Bidders must furnish a good and sufficient bond of $21'0 that contract will be entered into if awarded. Proposals will be acted on at the adjourned regular session of the council, to be held Nov. 20, 1894. Blanks will he furnished by the recorder. The city reserves the right to T. J. COONEY or all bids.— nov8.10t., Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To E. A. Spaulding: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the f council of Dubuque for the laying ofs sewer inn city street and oon the 1st day of October, A. D. 1894,, adopted a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at toe next regular meet ng of the c ty council, upon all lots and parcels of and abutting on said improve- ment, lot 21 in Wilson's s b, owned by you being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of November, A D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Nov 14 5t T. J. CuONEY. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To Owan Cons%ay: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of a sewer in Walnut street and Prairie street adopted on the 1st day of Oct., A. D. 1894, a special asse sment will be levied for the exp nee thereof at the next regular meeting of the ci y council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 3 in BetheriugLOn's sub owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of :he council, to be held on the 20th day of n ovemb°r, A D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Nov 13 5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. N ogee. DUBUQUE. Iowa, Oct. 27, 1894. To the Medical Profession of Dubuque : Your effort is respectfully solicited to specify in your report of contagious dis- eases, as to where children of the family, if any, attend school, the neglect of so doing causing much misunderstanding and incon- venience. You are also requested to speci- fically report cases of contagious disease existing in families dealing in dairy pro- ducts and offering the same for sale to our public. Many such people reside without as well as within city limits, because of the great probability of disease germs being transmitted through milk. 3t F. W. WEILAND, Health Officer. Pp octai Assesement Notice. To Ed nurns: You ave hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city conoc'l of the r ity of Dubuque for the laying of a 4 foot wide side- walk on both sides of Wilde street, fro.0 Dodge street toMcLennon street. adopted on the lst day of , ctober. A. D 1891, a spec,al assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next reg- ular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abuttl g on said Improve- ment, - ment, lot 19 in Oak Grove, owned by you subiect to such special assessment And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day ofNovember A. 1). a have, why said 1894, and show cause. if any y assessment should Nov 13-5t T. J. LOONEY, City Reeorder. Notion of Sale. I will sell at public auction to the best bidder for cash, on the 25th day of October, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at the public pound of the city of Dubuque, on Elm street, be- tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, the following impounded animals, to -wit: One sorrel horse with white stripe in forehead, left hind leg white above fetlork, and is about 13 years old. JOHN RAESLI, City Marshal. Dubuque, Oct. 18, 1894. fit fall 'Wild Asaesament Notice. To Christina Shannon: Von are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the t ity of Dubuque for the laying of a 6 foot wide sidewalk on the west sine of West Fourteenth r reet, from Alta Vista street to Delhi street, r.dopted on th. 1st day of October, A D 1894, a special as• sessment will be levied for the expense thereof at e next regular meeting of the eV y council. upon all lot and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lots 1, 2, 49 and 50 in Woodlawn Park add and 20 in Oakland Park, owned by you being subj ,ct to such special assessment A nd you me notified to appear at said meeting of the council to be held on the 20th day of November, A. D 1894, and show taus', if any you why said assessment should not be levied. Nov 13 5t T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To Frank Goodrich: von are he.eby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the laying of an 8 inch tile pipe sewer in Juden avenue from B uff to West Itiguth street, adopted on the Is day of O^tober, 1894, a special assessment ill be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular mi eting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of laud abut- ting on said iwprovemet.t. lot 7a sub or out lo„ 6 3a city, owned by you betrg subject to such special as.essment. And you are notified 10 ap- pear ar said meeting of the council. to be held on Lb, 20th day of November, A. D. 1894, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. Nov 14-,,t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To Anna Dickey : You are hereby notified that In accordanoe with a resolution of the et y council of the city of Dubuque for i he laying of a st wer in Olive street, from the alley south of West lileventh street to Jefferson street, adopted on the let day of Octo ber, A. D. 1894, a spacial assessment will b' lev- ied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut,ing on said improvement, lot 2 and lot 687 In city, owned by you being sub- ject to such special assessment. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day o November, A. n 894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. shat w i Nov 14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Regular Session December 3, 1894. 313 CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, Dec. 3, 1894. OFFICIAL.) Council met at 0:30 o'clock a. m.,May or Olinger in the chair. Present—Ald. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lil- lig. Powers, Ryder, Vogel and Vogler. Ald. Crawford moved that the minutes of the last meeting be corrected as follows : That the communication of the engineer on page 206 for the assessment of sewer- age, be corrected so as to show that Ald. Crawford and Ryder votes for the same. Also, That the resolution on page 290,for the improvement of Merz street, be chang- ed so as to read that Ald. Kaufmann of- fered the same. Also. That the resolution of Ald. Craw- ford, on page 303, in relation to the pur- chase of the high bridge, that the same was adopted by the following vote : Ayes —Crawford, Kaufman, Lillig, Ryder and Vogler. Nays—Ald. Powers, Shea and Vogel. Ald. Kaufmann moved that the minutes as printed and corrected be approved, Carried. The following bills were ordered paid: Name. For what purpose. Amount. August Feltee, plastering in City hall and engine house $ 7 00 Gotf. Ghmele, work on tax books100 00 E. E. Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 117 85 Noah H. Faust, lightning rods on 65 00 engine house W. Washburn, paper and work in 6 25 city hall Western Electric Company, elec- tric supplies Shipley & Bauman, veterinary 10 40 services 21 10 Phil. Pier, ice Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware. 1 85 Robert McGivern, sanitary police 2250 00 00 J. Brick. macadam Dubuque Pressed Brick Co., pav- ing brick 15 00 M. Tschirgi, grading Rush street. 183 51 Harger & Blish. stationery 21 05 Hardie & Scharle, health reports 22 00 and signs 40 T. A. Hoerner, brush J. T. Kearns, recording deeds1 75 Harger & Blish, supplies to engi- neer 45 L, Dailey. cleaning around hall16 00 Star Electric company, arc lights 1,531 60 Charles Atkinson, painting and papering hall Baumgartner & Kleih, supplies for parks Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies . for city hall Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for parks Jas. Levi & Co., shades and mat- ting for hall Mullen Bros., plumbing Jos. A. Fallen, copperas J. Becker, finishing lumber Jos. Simons & Co., carpet for mayor's office Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware, etc. for hall Baumgartner & Kleih, hardware, etc. for streets Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lum- ber company, lumber Wm. Mohr, pine wood 76.85 1 70 35 30 13 60 17 30 1 00 48 52 20 8 25 4 15 19 70 3 50 Pure Petrolium Product company, oil35 75 Duggan & Kane, wicks etc 4 50 G. A. Hoerner, burners 60 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies 1 40 Mrs. Koenig. janitor service 20 00 Dubuque Specialty Machine works, work on roller 2 35 Jas. Cushing. stone 20 40 Key City Gas company, coke for roller 75 95 Con Ryan Jr., improvement of Southern avenue 1,008 00 Con Ryan Jr., filling 360 00 Frank Bentin, grading Ann avenue 63 33 John Tibey, tilling 195 00 Brown & Brown,grading Southern avenue 345 00 John Williams, improvement of West Eagle Point avenue 1,598 00 John Williams, grading of West Eagle Point avenue 1,300 00 John Williams, filling 37 95 Young & Son, repairs on engi- neer's transit 68 00 W. H. Knowlton, cash express on engineer's transit 1 75 Brown & Brown, placing rip rap100 10 Wm. Geisicker, service as rodman 40 00 Jas. Street, crossing stone 16 53 Frank Bentin, Grading Lincoln ave 2 50 Phil Doerr, grading E. Point ave. 41 27 Steuck & O'Farrell, grading grad- ing place 35 10 Steuck & O'Farrell, constructing sewer in Washington street 179 78 M. Laven, constructing sewer in alley from 17th to Sanford street 770 40 John McCoy, laying sidewalks58 09 Frank Bentin, improvement of Lincoln avenue 4 39 Wilber Cook, improvement of alley from Schiller to Middle ave 4 33 Blackmer & Post, sewer pipe 1,073 92 Parkes & McGrath, improvement of Wilde street 15 94 Frank Benton, improvement of Ann avenue 57 88 Steuck & O'Farrell, improvement of Dagan Place 521 45 D. W. Linehan, grading Alta Vista street 800 03 John Tebey, stone 1100 D. W. Linehan, improvement of Alta Vista street 1,522 62 Parker & McGrath, grading Wilde street 20 00 James Kelley & Son Time books, ete.... 9 10 Harger & Blish, mucilage and stationery 7 85 Jos. Geiger, carpenter work at the city hall 5 75 Dubuque Wooden Ware company, 4 50 pine wood Dubuque Water company, water 1,233 33 for hydrants Dubuque Water company, water for hydrants 1,229 10 Dubuque Water company, water for engine houses 20 00 A. Wunderlich, horseshoeing 12 25 P. H. Halpin, supplies for fire de- partment Dubuque Cabinet Makers' asso- ciation, bed casting 2 00 Key City Gas company, coke for 19 fire department 24 Frank Melvin, box for fire depart- ment 50 Ryder Bros., soda for fire depart- ment Jos. A. Palen, supplies for fire de- 15 30 partment 314 Regular Session, December 3, 1894. Reinfried & Jaeger, supplies for 86 fire department Wm. G. Watters, hay for fire de- partment Phil. Pier, coal for fire depart - 85 16 ment John McCoy, carpenter work and 3i 5 material in hall The bill of James P. Moore for $45 for helping market master, was referred to committee on markets and the mayor, The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Western Electric Co $ 204 39 Key City Gas Co Globe Light and Heating Co 228 80 The following bills were referred to the printing committee: 00 75 The Herald $ 295 15 Dubuque Telegraph The Times, advertising, three months 116 60 The Globe, advertising, three months 116 60 The following bills were referred to the sewer committee: Baumgartner & Kleih $ 112 80 Bart. E. Linehan The following bills were referred to the committee on fire and water : Dubuque Water Co $400 00 Baumgartner & Kleih 2 20 The bills presented by T. C. Murphy, justice of the peace, on account of city cases, were referred to the city attorney. Bill ofthe city of Dubuque against the Dubuque Construction company for mac- adam, was referred to the city auditor for collection. The following bills contracted on ac- count of the supposed case of smallpox and as reported by the board of health. were approved and the attorney instruct- ed to present the same to the board of supervisors to have the same paid. Dr. Ben Michel $ 10 00 Dr. M. E. Connelly 10 00 Dr. F. W. Wieland.. 50 00 Daniel Lavery 7 50 John O'Brien............,7 50 E. Schaich 80 Leo Palen 3 30 Jos. A. Palen 1 65 G. A. Thurman 1 00 Bill of Dodson & Cousins of $100.98 was referred to the committee on claims. Bill of Byrne Bras.' for sprinkling, of $225.0J, was referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Afternoen Session. Council met at 2:30 o'clock p. m., Mayor Olinger in the chair. Present: Aids. Crawford, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogler. Bill of 60c of Reinfried & Jaeger for electrician was referred to the committee on electrical construction. The petition and ordinance from the Ill- inois Central railroad company, asking for right of way in certain streets and alleys in the city, was read. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Quimby and others be allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Quimby addressed the council in regard to the above petition. On motion, the petition and ordinance were referred to the committee of the whole. The proposition from the High Bridge company for the purchase of the bridge in order to make it a free bridge was read. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Messrs. Ellwanger and Levi be allowed to address the council. Car- ried. Mr. Ellwanger and Mr. Levi then ad- dressed the council in reletion to the mat- ter. On motion the proposition was referred to the committee of the whole. The following petitions were referred to the Equalization committee: Frederica Beltan, Mary McGuinness, First Univer- salist society, Mary A. Johnson. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: M. M. Walker Co., Mrs. A. Lange and Anna M. Schiel. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of John and Henry Specht for a donation for running ferryboat from Du- buque to Potosi. Petition of Dubuque Street Railwey company for an extension of franchise. Petition of F. Wehael objecting to the award of the jury for damages by the widening of Wilber Lane. Petition of Mrs. B. Grings et al., asking the city to build steps on front or east end of hill at Angela and West Locust, was re- ferred to the street committee and engin- eer with power. The remonstrance of E. H. Sheppley, against the repairing of sidewalk, was re- ferred to the street committee. The petition of Geo. A. Ferris, in rela- tion to the award of the jury for the change of grade of Ellis street. was re- ferred to the street committee, engineer and city attorney. The communication of J. F. Stemm, assesor, asking that the subdivision known as Kniest, Guthrie and Brown's snbdi- vision be renumbered, was referred to the engineer and attorney. The communication of Assessor Stemm, asking that treasurer redeem from tax sale s66.8 feet of s140 feet of lot 5, Mount Pleasant addition, as the same was a double assessment, was granted. Petition of Geo. B. Burch asking to have the assessment on the Julien House fixed at $50,000 for 1894 as per agreement was granted. The remonstrance of the Chicago Great V Western Railway Co. against special as- sessment for the improvement of Elm street was referred to the city attorney and ordinance committee. Petition of J. L. Bunting, asking for the privilege to erect and use poles and wires on and over streets and alleys for the pur- pose of placing in use telephone instru- ments, was referred to the city attorney, ordinance committee and electrician. Petition of G. F. Thormann et al., ask- ing that the action of the council ordering the paving of Clay street and Couler ave- nue be postponed, was presented. Ald. Crawford, that the action of the council ordering the improvement of Clay street be rescinded. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Lillig, Powers, Vogel and Vogler. Nayes—Alds. Kaufmann and Ryder. Petition of R. Kimbell, asking that as- sessment against his steamboat be can- celled, as the same is assessed in Wiscon- sin. Granted. Petition of D. C. Moore et al. asking to have an electric arc light placed at the corner of Kleine street and Klingenberg terrace, was referred to committee on po- lice and light. Bill of John O'Brien against the city for $35 for extra work on sewer on West Fifth street, was referred to the committee on claims. Regular Session, December 3, 1894. 315 Ald. Vogel moved to adjonrn to 2 o'clock p. m. Carried. The petition of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad company asking for right of way to lay tracks in streets and alleys was read. Ald. Ryder moved that the rules be sus- pended and Mr. Stapleton be allowed to address the council. Carried. Mr. Stapleton addressed the council in regard to the right of way asked for by the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail- road company. Ald. Crawford moved that the petition be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of Standard Oil company for fire alarm box on lower Main street was referred to the committee on fire and water. Petition of A. Stolteben Bt Son, asking that balance of bill due from Frank Ess - man be retained from his salary. Re- ferred to committee on claims. The notice of James Forrester, appeal- ing from award of jury for the widening of Wilber Lane, was referred to the city attorney. Petition of Geo. Schmidt, asking for a reduction of taxes, was referred to the equalization committee. The communication of the American Fire Engine company, asking to be informed what name or number the city desired put on the new .Silsby engine now being built for the city. Ald. Ryder moved that the new engine be named after the mayor of the present administration, Peter Olinger. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Auditor McCarten reported as fol- lows: Cash on hand Nov. 1, 1894 $.26,470 30 Receipts for Nov 36,916 64 Cash in total *63,386 95 Disbursements 44,137 97 Balance cash on hand Nov. 30 1894 $19,248 98 Also reported $1,781.75 amount required to pay city officers. Also presented a list of coupons re- deemed during the month of November. On motions warrants were ordered drawn to pav city officers, and report re- ferred to the finance committee. John Carter, street commissioner, re- ported $2.849.50 due for labor on the streets. Warrants ordered drawn and re- port referred to the street committee. Marshal Raesle reported $1,729.95 amount due •police for the month of No- vember. Also presented treasurer's re- ceipt for $500, amount collected for fines during November. Also treasurer's re- ceipt for $10.00, pound receipts for No- vember. Also treasurer's receipt for $58.35, amount collected for short term saloon license. Warrants ordered drawn and report re- ferred to committee on police and lights. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $1,746.60 amount due firemen for month of Novem- ber, 1894. Warrants ordered drawn to pay firemen and report referred to com- mittee on fire and water. Sewer Inspector Igo reported $179.60 due for labor on sewers during the month of November, 1894. Warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers and report referred to the sewer committee. Report of Geo. H. Osborne, city elec- trician, for the month of November, was referred to the electrical construction committee. Woodmeasurer Hannon reported 2,585 cords of wood measured during November and presented treasurer's receipt for $7.80, amount due the city for same. Report re- ceived and filed. Market Master Klein reported *28.85 due the city from scales ; also reported 140 meals furnished prisoners at 20e, amount- ing to *28.00. Report received and tiled, and warrant drawn to pay for feeding prisoners. City weighmasters reported and pre- sented treasurer's receipts for amount due city from scales, during the month of No- vember: James Doyle. $7.55; Louis Meis,' $4.60; T. J. Donahue, 90 cents; Charles Pitschner, *4.05. Reports received and filed. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of receiving and filing the report of the city auditor for Oc- tober, 1894; also report in favor of order- ing warrants drawn in favor of the treas- urer for money paid out during Novem- ber, and also for loans, and treasurer's re- port referred back to finance committee. Report adopted. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing Geo. W. Farley 18 cents for bluff ma- terial per load delivered on Fourth street extension. Also report that upon investigation we find that the macadam has been used by the city as claimed by Tom O'Connell and that he has been paid for same at the rate of 75 cents per cubic yard. In favor of granting the petition of D. Emsley for the improvement of Emsley's alley, In favor of receiving and filing petition of Fred Spellman in relation to special assessment for the improvement of Rush street. In favor of having the wall on Cornell street fixed, the same to be done next spring. In favor of putting in a maeadam cross- ing on Twenty-second street across the north side of Couler avenue. Report that Jackson street between Sixth and Seventh streets has been cleaned and is in good passable condition. In favor of allowing F. A. Rumpf to do some filling on West Eleventh street abut- ting his property; said F. A. Rumpf to leave said street in good passable condi- tion when said filling is done. Report that the committee had examined and approved for the purpose of special assessment Southern avenue from end of improvement to Railroad avenue. Southern avenue from end of lot 3 min lot 37, to Rowan street. Wilde street from McLennan street to east end of street. Alta Vista street, from West Fourteenth to Union avenue. Dell street, i r am West Fourteenth street to Arlington street. Dorgan Place and alley from Ellis street to West Seventeenth street. West Eagle Point avenue, from end of improvement to Kane street. Lincoln avenue, from Couler avenue to White street. Ann avenue, from Rhomberg to Garfield avenues. Alley from Schiller to Middle, between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues. In favor of filing the within report of the street committee for October, 1894. Report adverse to paying bill of Wm. 316 Regular Session, December 3, 1894. Juergens of $6.65, as we find the work claimed done was not done for the city. Report adopted. Ald. Vogler. chairman of the printing committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of pay- ing the following bills: The German Catholic Printing com pang, $60.00. Dubuque Telegraph, $29.75. Times company, $58.30. Globe -Journal, $58.30. The Herald, $75.00. Report adopted. Ald. Lillig, chairman of the Police and Light committee, reported as follows: Your committee report in favor of re- ceiving and filing the petition of W. J. Cantillon et al, in relation to electric light on West Third and Booth street. In favor of filing the report of the elec- trician for October, 1894. In favor of paying bill of th Globe Light and Heat company of $260. In favor of paying bill of Key City Gas company, $79.70. Report adopted. Ald. Powers, of the committee on sup- plies, recommended the payment of bill of Phil. Pier of $97.69. Adopted. Ald. Powers offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: WHEREAS, The city council of the city of Dubuque deems it expedient that the fol- lowing described property, lots and parts of lots should be connected with the sani- tary sewer adjacent thereto, for the pur- pose of house drainage, etc., therefore, Resolved. That Jos. P. Early, Tim Dillon, Robert Bonson estate, R. Waller estate, Alex. Simplot and W. W. Perleth, owners of the following described property, re- spectively, lots 10, s% 11, sm 20 ft 12, nX 11 and lot 330 city and lot 30 Wilson's sub., be instructed to make proper sewer con- nections therewith. said work to be clone within thirty days from this date. In case of the neglect or refusal of the owners of above described property to make the proper sewerage connection by the time above specified, the same will be clone by the city, and the costs thereof assessed against and be a lien upon said property. Ald. Ryder offered the following resolu- tion, which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treasurer be and is hereby authorized and instructed to receive $17,000 in full of all claims from the county of Dubuque for the bridge fund of 1893. Ald. Ryder offered the following which was adopted: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the resolution passed by the city council Nov. 5, 1894, agreeing to pay the Dubuque Water company at the rate of $60 per hydrant per year be amended so as to in- clude the month of August, 1894. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn it do so to meet Dec. 20, 1894, at 7:30p. m. Carried. Ald. Powers offered the following,which was adopted: Resolved. by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That hereafter the as sessor and city treasurer are instructed to assess the stockholders of stock and shares own- ed by them respectively in the Dubuque Fire and Marine, and the Key City Fire Insurance companies, and to correct by proper assessment, against the stockhold- ers the assessment of stock for the year 1893 of the Key City Fire Insurance com- pany, as provided by law. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Car- ried. 'Attest: CITY COUNCIL. Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. [OFFICIAL.] Council met at 8:25 o'clock p. m., Mayor .Olinger in the chair. Present—Aids. Butler, Crawford, Kauf- mann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Ald. Halpin moved that the rules be sus- pended to allow all parties that desired to speak in relation to special assessments. Carried. Messrs. Patch and Leoffier addressed the council, remonstrating against assess- ment for improvement of alley from Schil- ler avenue to Middle street, between Rhomberg and Garfield avenue. On mo- tion the matter was deferred until next meeting. Petition of M. Kerwin was read remon- strating against assessment for sewer in West Eleventh street between Race and Walnut, or that the same be extended to Rose street. Granted. Petition of E. H. Sheppley, remonstrat- ing against special assessment for im- provement of Lincoln avenue between Couler avenue and White street, stating that the reason was the sidewalks on each side was not of uniforip width. Mr. Shep- pley addressed the copncil in relation to the same, and the matter was referred to the aldermen of the Third and Fifth wards, engineer and city attorney. Mr. Kempf addressed the council, re- monstrating against special assessment for the improvement of Southern avenue, stating that same was not improved ac- cording to grade and that water from Samuel street endangered his property. On motion the engineer was instructed to devise means of taking care of water coming down Samuel street so as to pro- tect Mr. Kempf s property. Mr. A. Wender objected to special as- sessment for the improvement of Southern avenue, as the city had taken a portion of his property without condemning the same. Referred to the street committee and engineer. Ald. Ryder, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the proposition of the Dubuque High Bridge Co. in relation to purchasing their -r- Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. 317 bridge and making the same free, would most respectfully report that we deem it inexpedient at present to purchase said bridge on account of the financial condition of the treasury, but would recommend that the city council make no tax levy for a new bridge in any other locality or build a new bridge that would be free unless above bridge is pur- chased by the city, and the ordinance com- mittee and city attorney are instructed to draft an ordinance in compliance here- with. Report adopted. The petition of E. J. Gregory et al pro- testing against assessment for sewer in Nevada street referred to committee of the whole, attorney and engineer. 13111 of M. Mahoney of $25 for moving barn and dirt was received and filed. Petition of John Steffes asking to be given work from city in order to pay tax- es with the same. Granted. Petition of John Melone asking for 25 cents per yard extra for macadam was re- ceived and filed. Communication of J. L. Bunting in rela- tion to putting and using other poles for the operation of telephone instruments, referred ordinance committee and attor- ney. ttor- n The petition of J. S. Randall Lumber Co., protesting against assessment being levied against lot 1 of 1 of 1 of 55 of min. lot 39 was read. On motion, the rules were suspended and Attorney A. P. Gibbs addressed the council in regard to the same. On motion the remonstrance was referred to the street committee, engineer and city attor- ney. Engineer Knowlton submitted plans and specifications for the improvement of Fifth avenue from the end of present work south to Lake Peosta. Referred to street committee. The petition of Chas. Heinze, asking that error in special assessment be cor- rected, was referred to the engineer. The bills of Daniel Lavery and John O'Brien, of $7.50 for patrol service were ordered raid. Bill of M. Lavin of $50 for constructing sewer in Fourth street was ordered paid. Communication of Engineer Knowlton, in relation to grade on Washington street from Fifteenth to Twenty-seventh, and the drainage of Couler valley, was re- ceived and filed for future reference. Ald. Kaufmann, chairman of the street committee, presented the following re- port: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: GENTLEMEN :—Your committee on streets, after a careful examination of the matter in relation to the purchase of macadam for the city for the ensuing year, would most respectfully recommend that the price for same be fixed at 75 cents per cubic yard, as contemplated by your honorable body last fall, and would submit the following reasons therefor: There is up to the present time enough macadam broken in different parts of the city for the city's use next year, and if $1 per yard is paid for same the city will have to discontinue the purchase of any more, but if the price is fixed at 75 cents, then the city, for the benefit of the needy labor- ers, could allow them to continue breaking macadam all winter, and pay them each month on estimates of the city engineer, and next summer the city could sell the surplus macadam to contractors, even if it has to be done at a discount. By this arrangement the needy laborers can be employed all winter, and the little the city loses will be nothing compared to the benefit derived by the large number of laboring men so employed. Besides it will take the business out of the hands of spec- ulators, as their commission will be cut off. We make this recommendation not only for the interests of the city and taxpayers, but for the interest of the laboring men, so that they may have remunerative em- ployment during the winter months. From past experience, even at 75 cents per yard, it is more than theomarketable value for any purpose that it can be used for here, still we believe that the laborer is worthy of his hire and should receive just compensation for same. Adopted by the following vote; Ayes—Alds. Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogler. Noes—Aids. Butler and Crawford. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Dell street, from West Fourteenth street to Arlington street, by John O'Brien, con- tractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assess- ment submitted Dec. 20, 1894. Amelia M. Hodgdon, A. McDaniell's sub, lot 811: 111.2 lineal ft curb -stone set at 27c.$ 30 02 44.22 square yards guttering at 27c. 11 94 152.95 sq yards macadamizing at 27c 41 30 Total 83 26 Wm. Hintrager, A. McDaniel's sub, n 40 feet of lot 808: 39.5 lineal feet curb -stone set at 27c 10 67 17.55 square yards guttering at 27c. 4 74 76.72 sq yards macadamizing at 27c 20 71 Total 36 12 C. and M. Kirner, A. McDaniel's sub, s 60 feet of lot 808: 79.2 lineal feet curb -stone set at 27c 21 38 31.11 square yards guttering at 27c. 8 40 99.33 sq yards macadamizing at 27e 26 82 Total 56 60 Thos. Kane, sub 809, A. McDaniel's sub, lot 7: 136.7 lineal feet curb -stone set at 27c 36 91 57.78 square yards guttering at 27c. 15 59 177.80 sq yards macadamizing at 27c 48 01 Total 100 51 Mary McLaughlin, sub 810, A. McDan- iel's sub, lot 2: 26.5 lineal feet curb -stone set at 27c 6 16 11.78 square yards guttering at 27c. 3 18 31.63 sq yards macadamizing at 27c 8 64 Total 17 88 Alex Mcllwain, sub 810, A. McDaniel's sub, lot 1: 74.5 lineal feet curb -stone set at 27c 21 12 32.45 square yards guttering at 27c. 8 75 95.83 sq yards macadamizing at 27c. 25 86 Total 55 73 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Ann avenue from Lincoln avenue to Garfield avenue, by Frank Beutin, contractor, in 318 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. front.of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: D. Rhomberg, lot 20, McCraney's First add: 146.8 lin ft curbstone set at 48c 40 96 65.47 sq yds guttering at 28c 18 33 191.14 sq yds macadamizing at 31c59 25 Total $118 54 C. Dentlinger, lot 51, McCraney's First add: 149 lin ft curbstone set at 28c $ 41 72 65.47 sq yds guttering at 28c 18 33 200.92 sq yds macadamizing at 31c62 29 Total .$122 34 Allen Schumacher, lot 52, McCraney's First add: 149.8 lin ft curbstone set at 28e. $ 41 94 65.47 sq yds guttering at 28c 18 33 200.92 sq yds macadamizing at 31c62 29 Total .$122 56 Christ Jungk, lot 19, McCraney's First add: 149 lin ft curbstone set at 28c $ 41 72 65.47 sq yds guttering at 28c 18 33 191.14 sq yds macadamizing at 31c59 25 Total .$116 30 Adapted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improving Wilde street, from McLenon street to east end of street, by Parker & McGrath contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax to be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parcels of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Henry Riker, min lot 39, lot 6: 60 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c....$ 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c 18 00 8 00 20 53 Total $ 47 53 F E Robinson, min lot 39, lot 7: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at30c..$ 18 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c20 53 Total $ 46 53 Lester Smith, min lot 39, lot 8: 60 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 73.33 sq yds macadamizing at 28c20 15 Total $ 46 53 Sarah E. Disney, min lot 39, lot 9: 15.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 80e$ 4 65 6.89 sq yds guttering at 30e 2 07 18.94 sq yds macadamizing at 28c5 30 Total $ 13 02 J S Randall, Est., sub. 1 of 55, min lot 39, lot 1: 190.6 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 57 18 84.71 sq yds guttering at 30c 25 41 232.95 sq yds macadamizing at 28c65 23 Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal - $147 82 pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a 6 foot wide plank sidewalk on south side West Fourteenth street by D. H. Ehlers, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, hereby lots, and partsof on the severallots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows; John Hennessy, lot 820, A. M. Mc - Daniels' sub : 60 lineal feet of walk at 22c $ 13 20 John Hennessy, lot 821, A. M. Mc - Daniels' sub: 66 lineal feet of walk at 22c $ 14 52 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann. Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for laying a six foot plank sidewalk on north side of Sev- enth street between Washington street and slough bridge. by D. H. Ehlers, con- tractor, in front of and adjoing the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and par- cels of real estate hereafter named, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real es- tate, as follows: Wm. Hintrager, w 16% feet lot 23, block 15, Dub. Har. Imp. Co. add, 3 165 lineal ft at 22c $ 63 Chicago Great Western R. R. Co. e 8X ft lot 23, Dub. Har. Imp. Co, add, 85 lineal ft at 22c 1 87 Chicago Great Western R. R. Co lot 24, Dub. Har. Imp. Co. add, 250 5 lineal ft at at 22c 50 Chicago Great Western R. R. Co,lot 25. Dub. Har. Imp. Co. add, 230 5 lineal ft at 22c 06 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, Vogel. Noes—None- Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Alta Vista street from West Fourteenth street to Union avenue, by D. W. Linehan, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is here by lev- ied on the several lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each lot or par- cel of real estate. as follows: S. J. Dolson, lot 24, Levins' add: 83.3 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 29 16 37.00 sq yds guttering at 30c 11 10 148.10 sq yds macadam at 36c 53 32 Total $ 93 58 T. H. Dolson, lot 25 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 35c $ 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam ai 36o 32 00 Total $ 56 17 T. H. Dolson, lot 26 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbing at 35c 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. 319 C. O. Tanberg, lot 27 Levins' add : 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total Jane L. King, lot 28 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 56 17 Total 56 17 E. L. King, lot 29 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total S. Gilmore, lot 30 Levins' add: 72.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 83.91 sq yds guttering at 30c 155.33 sq yds macadam at 36c Total E. C. Blake, lot 41 Levins' add: 74 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 34.67 sq yds gutterinfl at 80c 155.33 sq yds macadam at 36c D. R. Jones, Jr., lot 1 Jones' sub: 52 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c18 20 28.11 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 93 92.44 sq yds macadam at 36c 33 28 Total 58 41 D. R. Jones, Jr., sub 3 of min lot 91 lot 1: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yes guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 F. G. Kuehule, sub $ of min lot 91, lot 2: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 85c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 56 17 Total 56 17 A. O'Sullivan, sub 3 of min lot 91, lot 8: 25 31 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 10 17 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 55 92 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total M. Blake, lot 42 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 88.89 sq yds macadam at 38c 91 40 Total 56 17 A. O'Sullivan, sub 3 of min lot 91, lot 4: 25 90 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 10 40 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 55 92 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total M. Blake, lots 43 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 22.22 sq yes guttering at 30c 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 92 22 17 50 6 67 32 00 56 17 17 50 6 67 32 00 Total .... 56 17 E. J. Goldthorpe, lot 44 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35017 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total B. Lynch, lot 45 Levins' add: 50 lineal feet curbetone set at 35c... 17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 B. Lynch, lot 46 Levins' add: 73.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c. 3325 73 34.44 sq yds guttering at 30c 1 10 0 08 153 sq yhs macadam at 36c Total 91 14 A. K. and P. L. Craig est, lot 5 Jones' sub: 62.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c. 29.55 sq yds guttering at 30c 140.27 sq yds macadam at 36c 56 17 21 87 868 50 50 Total 81 05 A. K. and and P. L. Craig est, lot 4 Jones' sub: 42.9 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c. 19.07 sq yds guttering at 30c 76.27 sq yds macadam at 36c Total D. R. Jones, Jr., lot 3 Jones' sub: 42.9 lineaal feet curbstone set at 35c 19.07 sq yds guttering at 30c 78.27 sq yds macadam at 36c Total D. R. Jones, Jr., lot 2 Jones' sub: 42.9 lineal feet curbstone at 35c 19.07 sq yds guttering at 76.27 sq yds macadam at 36c 15 01 5 73 27 46 48 20 15 01 5 73 27 46 Total 48 20 15 01 5 73 27 46 48 20 Total 56 17 A. O'Sullivan, sub 3 of min lot 91, lot 5: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 A. O'Sullivan, sub 3 of min lot 91, lot 6: 65.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 22 93 29.11 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 74 116.44 sq yds macadam at 38 41 92 Total 73 69 J. A. Rhomberg, A. P. Wood's add, lot 1: 34.1 lineal ft curbstone set at 35c$ 11 94 15.15 sq yds guttering at 30c 4 55 60.62 sq yds macadamizing at 36c21 82 Total $ 38 31 J. A. Rhomberg, A. P. Wood's add, lot 2: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c$ 21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 36c38 40 Total 67 40 J. A. Rhomberg, A.P.'. Wood's add, lot 3: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c$ 21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 36c38 40 Total $ 67 40 J. A. Rhomberg, A. P. Wood's add, lot4: 60 lineal ft curbstone set at 35c $ 21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30e 8 00 106.67 sq yds macadamizing at 36c38 40 Total $ 67 40 J. A Rhomberg, lot 5 A. P. Wood's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c211 0000 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 38 40 106.67 sq yds macadam at 36c Total 67 40 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 6 A. P. Wood's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 0 106.67 sq yds macadam at 36c 38 40 Total 67 40 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 7 A. P. Wood's add: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c21 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 106.67 sq yds macadrm at 36c 38 40 87 40 Total 320 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. J. A. Rhomberg, lot 2 sub 8 A. P. Wood's add: 30 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c100 005 13.34 sq yds guttering at 30c 63.33 sq yds macadam at 36c 19 20 Total 33 70 Wm. Hintrager, lot 1 sub 8 A. P. Wood's add: 30 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c10 50 13.34 sq yds guttering at 30c 4 00 53.34 sq yds macadam at 36c 19 20 Total 83 70 Wm. Hintrager, lot 9 A. P. Wood's add: 40.7 lineal feet curbstone set at 35e 14 25 20 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 00 56.90 sq yds macadam at 36c 20 49 Total 40 74 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 56 A. P. Wood's add: 47.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 16 52 22.75 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 83 71.11 sq ydf mocadam at 36c 25 60 Total 48 95 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 57 A. P. Wood's add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 52 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 58 A. P. Wood's add: 50 lineal feet curbstone eet at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 59 A. P. Wood's add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 60 A. P, Wood's add : 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35017 50 22.32 sq yds guttering at 30e 6 67 88.89 sq yds guttering at 30c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A- Rhomberg, lot 61 A. P. Wood's add: 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sv yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 62 A. P. Wood's add : 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam of 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 63 A. P. Wood's add : 50 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c17 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 60c 6 67 88.89 sq yds macadam at 36c 32 00 Total 56 17 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 64 A. P. Wood's add : 66.4 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 23 24 35.03 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 51 126.75 sq yds macadam at 36c 45 63 Total 79 38 W. G. Cox, lot 1 of min lot 91: 412.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 85c 147 46 194.50 sq yds guttering at 80c 58 35 756.62 sq yds macadam at 36c 272 38 E. C. Blake, lot 1 of nein lot 90: 69.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 24 26 30.80 sq yds guttering at 30c 49 24 123.20 sq yds macadam at 36c Total 478 19 John Hennessy, lot 2 of min lot 91: 426.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 149 17 189.42 sq yds guttering at 30c 56 82 757.70 sq yds macadam at 36c 272 77 Total 478 76 Total W. G. Cox, lot 2 of min lot ((0: 442 lineal feet curbstone set at 35c 154 70 54 79 199.30 sq yds guttering at 30c 259 79 759.11 sq yds macadam at 36c Total 487 77 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel Nays -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street by Con Ryan,Jr., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same,a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate hereinafter named, as follows: Anna Wallace, lot 1, Southern avenue add: 20.6 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.. 6 18 18.31 square yards guttering at 40c.. 7 32 27.47 sq yds macadamizing at 45c... 12 36 77 85 - Total 25 86 Rose O'Hare, lot 2, M. O'Hare's sub: 15.68 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c 47 04 143.30 sq yds guttering at 400 57 32 210.67 sq yards macadaming at 45c94 80 Total 199 16 A. Wender, lot 1, O'Hare's sub: 133.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30e 39 96 156.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 62 40 210.67 sq yds macadamizing at .45c94 80 Total 197 16 Marie Kempf, lot 9, Breakey's add: 46.4 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 13 92 46.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 49 64.00 sq yds macadaming at 45c 28 80 Total 61 21 Jas. Rowan, lot 8, Breakey's add: 57.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 17 10 50.67 sq yds guttering at 40c 20 27 76.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c34 20 Total 71 57 Jas. Rowan, lot 7, Breakey's add : 58.9 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 17 61 58.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 23 20 80.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c36 30 Total 77 11. John Roach, e 14 and w 46x100 lot 6 Breakey's add: 60.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 18 15 53-78 sq yds guttering at 40c 21 51 80.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c36 30 Total 75 96 Michl Cain, lot 5, Breakey's add: 53.8 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 16 14 59.10 sq yds guttering at 40c 23 64 80.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c36 30 Total L6 08 Martin Dumphy, lot 4, Breakey's add: 60.5 lineal feet curb -stone set at 30c 18 15 53.78 square yards guttering at 40e. 21 51 80.87 sq yards macadamizing at 45c. 36 30 Total 75 96. Adjourned Regular Session Dec. 20, 1894. 321 Martin Dumphey, lot 3, Breakey's add: 64.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 19 35 57.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 22 93 86 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 38 70 $ 80 98 Total J. J. Wickham, Breakey's add, lot 2: 62 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 18 60 55.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 22 04 82.67 sq yds mabadamizing at 45c37 20 Total $ 77 84 Johanna Burke, Breakey's add, w 56, lot 1: 53.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c16 02 49.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 19 91 74.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c33 60 Total 69 53 Cath. Walsh. Breaker's add, e 30, lot 1: 30 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 9 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 49c 10 69 40 sq yds macadamizing at 40c 18 00 Total 37 67 John Coyne, min. lot 39, lot 29: 74.6 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c22 38 73.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 29 51 110.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c49 80 101 69 Total Mary Kelly, min. lot 39, lot 30: 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 40c 15 00 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 17 78 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00 Total 62 78 J. B. Kelly, min. lot 39, lot 31: 42.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 12 84 45.33 sq ycls guttering at 40c 18 13 69.33 sq yds macadamizing at45c31 20 Total 62 17 Patrick O'Toole, min. lot 39, lot 32: 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 15 00 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 8 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at45c30 00 Total 62 78 Peter Colford, min. lot 39, lot 33: 15 00 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 17 78 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00 62 78 Pat Burke, Rowan's add, lot 2: 59.3 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c.... 17 79 60.67 sq yds guttering at 40c ........ 24 27 83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c.... 37 50 Total C. McGee, min. lot 39, lot 34: 12 00 40 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 17 78 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40e 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00 59 78 Total John McGee, min lot 39, lot 35: 15 00 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 17 78 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00 Total 62 78 Ed. Condon, min lot 39, lot 36: 49.6 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c1914 88 48.27 sq yds guttering at 40c 1 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 00 Total 79 56 Rose McMahon, Rowan's add. lot 3: 62.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c18 75 55.55 sq yds guttering at 40e 22 22 83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c37 50 Total 78 47 Wm. Hintrager, Rowan's add, lot 4: 62.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c18 75 55.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 22 22 83.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 37 50 Total 78 47 Jas. Rowan, lot 5, Rowan's add: 56.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30e. 16 95 56.00 sq yds guttering at 40c 22 40 81.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c36 60 Total 75 95 Jas. Rowan, lot 6, Rowan's add: 55.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 49.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 74.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c Total John McGee, min lot 39, lot 37: 15 90 53 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e 15 90 52 sq yds guttering at 40c 77.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c22 80 Total71 50 Adolph Pulvermiller, Rowan'sadd, lot 1: 99.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c..29 94 94 83.56 sq yds guttering at 40c 2 117.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c52 80 116 16 64 19 Total 16 65 19 73 33 30 Total . 69 68 A. A. Cooper, lot 36 e, except Newmcn's sub. min. lot: 96.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 28 80 85.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 34 13 128.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c57 60 Total 120 53 Ed Morgan, lot 6, Newman's sub: 50.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30e. 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40e 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45e Total Ed Morgan, lot 5, Newman's sub: 59.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 44.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c Total . 62 78 Ed Morgan, w X lot 4, Newman's sub: 25.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 7 50 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c15 00 Total 31 39 Jas. C. Ward, e 3 lot 4, Newman's sub: 25.0 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c. 77 5 22.22 sq yd3 gnttering at 40c 33.00 sq yds macadamizing at 45c15 00 Total . 31 39 Jas. C. Ward, w 3 lot 3, Newman's sub: 25.O lineal feet curbstone set at 30e. 77 80 22.22 sq. yds guttering at 40c 33.33 sq yds macadimizing at 45c15 00 Total 31 39 Elizabeth Doyle, e4 lot 3, Newman's sub:7 50 25 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 8 89 22.22 sq yds guttering at 40c 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c15 00 Total 31 89 Elizabeth Doyle, w 10 ft lot 2, Newman's sub: 10.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$3 630 9.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 13.60 sq yds macadamizing at 45c6 12 15 00 17 78 30 00 62 78 15 00 17 78 30 00 Total 12 81 322 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. Ed Lee, e 40 ft lot 2, Newman's sub: 41 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 30 36.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 14 58 54.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c24 60 Total 51 48 Ed Lee, e 10 ft lot 1, Newman's sub: 10.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 3 06 9.07 sq yds guttering at 40c 3 63 13.60 sq yds macadamizing at 45e6 12 Total 1- 2 81 Mary Rooney, e 40 ft lot 1, Newman's sub: 41 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 30 36.44 sq yds guttering at 40c 14 58 54.67 sq yds macadamizing at 45c24 60 Total 51 48 Pat Lee, lot 6, O'Connor's sub: 75.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 22 56 73.11 sq yds guttering at 40c 29 24 101.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c45 60 Total 9- 7 40 Charles Dillon, lot 5, O'Connor's sub: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 53.33 sq yds guttering at 40c 21 33 80 sq yds macadaming at 45e 36 00 Total 75 33 James A. Rooney, lot 1 sub 4, O'Connor's sub: 51 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 15 30 45.33 sq yds guttering at 40e 18 13 68 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 30 60 Total 64 03 M. Flynn, lot 2 sub 4, O'Connor's sub: 11.3 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 3 39 10.04 sq yds guttering at 40c 4 02 15.07 sq yds macadamizing at 45c6 78 Total 14 19 M. Flynn, lot 1 sub 4, O'Connor's sub: 60 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 18 00 53.33 sq yds guttering at 40e 21 33 80 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 36 00 Total 75 33 Tim Kelley, lot 2, O'Connor's sub: 51.5 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 15 45 45.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 31 68.70 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 92 Total 64 68 Tim Kelley, lot 1, O'Connor's sub: 51.51ineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 15 45 45.78 sq yds guttering at 40c 18 31 68.70 sq yds macadamizing at 45c30 92 Total 64 68 Mary Kelley, lot 2 sub 4 min lot 37: 72 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 21 60 68.53 sq yds guttering at 40c 27 41 96 sq yds macadamizing at 45c 43 20 Total 92 21 James Dolan, lot 1 sub 4 min lot 37: 31 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 9 30 27.55 sq yds guttering at 40c 11 02 41.33 sq yds mrcadamizing at 45c18 60 Total 38 92 P. C. Foley, lot 3, min lot 37: 97.2 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 29 16 100.90 sq yds guttering at 40c 40 36 141.33 sq yds macadamizing at 45c63 60 Total 133 12 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Na es—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay improving West Eagle Point avenue from end of present improvement to Kane street by John Willia.as, contractor. in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots. and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Cath. Kaufmann, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 1, L. L. Langworthy's add: 24.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 7 44 24.47 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 74 44.13 sq yds macadamizing at 32c13 80 Total $ 28 58 Jos. Bauumgartner, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 2, L. H. Langworthy's add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at $2c21 33 Total 46 33 Henry Knoernschild, sub 138, 140,142, lot 3, L. H. Langworthy's add: 49.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c40 70 37.15 sq yds guttering at 300 11 15 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 23 Total 47 18 Bertha Beversdorf, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 4, L. H. Langworthy's add: 40.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c12 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 300 5 00 53.33 sq yds macadamizingt at 32c17 06 Total 37 06 Adam Jaeger, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 5, L. H. Langworthy's add: 25.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c7 50 16.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 5 00 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c10 67 Total 23 17 Adam Jaeger, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 6, L. H. Langworthy's add: 23.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c7 02 20.18 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 05 33.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c10 67 Total 23 74 Adam Jaeger, sub 138, 140, 142, lot 8, L. H. Langworthy's add: 62:0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e18 60 41.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 12 40 82.66 sq yds macadamizing at 32c26 47 Total 59 47 Hannah O'Conners, sub 131, 140, 142, lot 9, L. H. Langworthy's add: 62:0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c18 60 41.33 sq yds guttering at 30 12 40 82.66 sq yds macadamizing at 32c26 47 Total 57 47 John Giessler, lot 159, Mechanic's add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttertng at3 Oc 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 John Geissler, lot 158, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 300 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 Christ Frohs, lot 159, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. 323 Christ Frohs, lot 156, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 C. A. Voelker, lot 155, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 38.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 C. A. Voelker, lot 154, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 Andrew Ring. lot 153, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 68.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c21 33 Total 46 33 Andrew Ring, lot 152, Mechanics add: 50.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c15 00 33.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 00 66.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c46 33 Total 46 33 Jno. Bottoms, sub 157, lot 2, Mechanics add: 44.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c.. 13 35 34.93 sq yds guttering at 30c 10 48 62.00 sq yds macadamizing at 32c19 84 Total. 43 67 J. N. Spahn, sub 146a146. lot 1, L. H. Lang- worthv's add: 26.90 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c50 70 112.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 33 80 225.34 sq yds macadamizing at 32c72 11 Total. 156 51 Mary Albinger, sub 164a146, lot 2, L. H. Langworthy's add: 63.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c1418 96 08 46.93 sq yds guttering at 30a 85.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c27 31 Total 60 35 Eliza Schon, sub 146a146, lot 3, L. H. Langworthy's add: 73:0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c1521 9900 52.22 sq yds guttering at 30c 88.00 sq yds macadamizing at 32c28 16 Total 65 73 Peter Mihm, sub 150, lot 1, L. H. Lang - worthy's add: 94.1 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c28 23 24 81.78 sq yds guttering at 30e 3 159.43 sq yds macadamizing at 32c47 79 Total 100 55 Peter Albinger, sub 150, lot 2, L.H.Lang- worthy's add: 92.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c27 75 18 50 61.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 123.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c39 47 Nic Winters estate, sub 153a, lot 2, L. H. Langworthy's add: 85:0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c25 50 68.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 17 60 117.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c375 51 Total 85 72 Peter Albinger, sub 152, lot 1, L.H.Lang- worthy's add: 48:0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c13 80 3 30 30.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 61.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32e19 63 Total 42 63 Nic Winters estate, sub 152, lot 2, Lang - worthy's add: 119.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c25 79.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 158.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c50 110 27 Total . 80 65 John Kemps, 1 of 153a, lot 2, L. HLang - worthy's add: 77.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c23 10 51:33 sq yds guttering at 30 15 40 102.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c32 85 70 80 70 Total Total 71 35 John Kemps, sub 152, lot 2, L. HLang - worthy's add: 23.0 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c6 90 15.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 6 40 30.67 sq yds macamamizing at 32c9 81 Total 21 31 Melchoir Schlagel, lot 1 sub 153, L. H. Langworthy's add: 127 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 38 10 84.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 25 40 169.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c54 19 Total 117 69 Melchoir Schlagel, lot 154a sub 153, L. H. Langworthy's adcl: 183.8 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c.$ 55 14 128.44 sq yds guttering at 30c 38 53 253.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c81 07 Total 174 74 Melchoir Schlagel, lot 154 sub 153, L. H. Langworthy's add: 125.8 lineal feet curbstone set at30c.$ 37 74 91.78 sq yds guttering at 30c 27 53 177.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c56 75 Total 122 02 F. H. Franke estate, L. H. Longworthy's add, e lot 148: 99 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c $ 29 70 66.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 136 sq yds macadamizing at 32c 43 52 Total 93 22 0. & C. Spahn, w % 148, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 1: 133.4 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c40 00 0 00 100 sq yds guttering at 30c 184 sq yds macadamizing at 32c58 88 Total 128 88 Anna B. Dolter, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 149: 165 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 4949 5500 121.11 sq yds guttering at 30c 228 sq yds macadamizing at 32c 72 96 Total 158 79 F. H. Franke est, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 151,: 169 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 50 7700 118.44 sq yds guttering at 30c 35 228 sq yds macadamizing at 32c72 96 Total 159 19 F. H. Franke est, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 155: 203.2 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 600 96 144.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 0 276.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32a87 63 Total 192 89 J. H. Jecklin, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 156a: 66 15 220.5 lineal ft curbstone at 30c $ 54 87 182.89 sq yds guttering at 30c 332.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c106 45 Total 227 47 324 Adjourned regular. Session, Dec. 20, 1894. J. H. Jecklin, sub 159 L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 1: 3.33 sq yds guttering at 30c $ 1 00 17.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c5 55 Total 6 55 C. Heintz, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 147: 170.7 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 51 21 114 sq yds guttering at 30c 233.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c74 67 Total . 160 08 J. H. Jecklin, 3 of 145, L. H. Langworthy's add lot 1: 60 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c...$ 1319 80 20 44 sq yds guttering at 30c 88 sq yds macadamizing at 32c 28 16 Total 61 16 J. H. Jecklin, 2 of 145, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 1: 60.6 lineal ft curbstone set at30e$ 18 18 45.51 sq yds guttering at 30c 13 65 82.67 sq yds macadamizing at 32c26 45 Total 58 28 B. Gandert, 145 L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 1: 36.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 16 95 24.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 7 30 48 sq yds macadamizing at 32c 15 36 Total 33 61 John Bottoms, w 3 lot 145a, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, lot 1: 48.8 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 14 64 32.53 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 76 65.06 sq yds macadamizing at 30c20 82 Total 45 22 P. J. Weigand, e % 145a, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 1: 146.5 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c.. 43 95 104.75 sq yds guttering at 30c 31 43 199.73 sq yds macadamizing at 32c63 91 Total 139 29 J. Michael Prosser, sub 143, L. H. Lang - worthy's add lot 5: 40 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 12 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c17 07 Sebastian Schleicher, sub 141, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 2: 62 lineal feet curbstone set at 40c$ 18 60 41.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 82.66 sq yds macadamizing at 32c26 45 Total 57 45 Bertha Beversdorf, Chas. Klingenberg's Third sub, lot 5: 31 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 9 30 20.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 0 41.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c13 23 Total 28 73 Joseph Bamner, Chas. Klingenberg's Third sub, lot 6: 31 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 9 30 20.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 0 41.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32e13 23 Total 28 i3 James Cushing & Son company, L. H. Langworthy add, lot 139: 128 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c$ 38 40 85.33 sq yds guttering at 30c 25 00 170.66 sq yds macadoinizing at 32c54 01 Total $118 61 James Cushing & Son company, L. H. Langworthy add, sub 137, lot 4: 62 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 186600 41.33 sq;yds guttering at 30c 12 85.66 sq yds macadamizing at 32c27 45 Total 37 07 Ludwig Heyne, sub 143, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, lot 4: 40 lineal ft curbstone set at 30c 12 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32e17 07 Total 37 07 J. H. Jecklin, sub 143, J. H. Langwor• thy's add, w % lot 3: 37.06 lineal ft curbstone set at 30e$ 41 28 30.40 sq yds guttering at 30c 9 12 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32e17 07 Total 37 47 Henry Maus, sub 143, L. H. Langwor- thy's add, e 34 lot 3: 40 lineal ft curbstone laid at 30c12 00 26 67 sq yds guttering at 30e 8 00 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c17 07 Total 37 07 Sebastian Schleicher, sub 143, L. H. Langworthy's add, lot 2: 40 lineal feet curbstone set at 30c$ 12 00 26.67 sq yds guttering at 30c 8 00 53.33 sq yds macadamizing at 32c17 07 Total 37 07 Total $ 57 45 James Cushing & Son company, L. H. Lanworthy's add, sub 137 lot 1: 34.6 lineal ft curbstona set at 30c$ 10 38 31.13 sq yds guttering at 30c 4 48.53 sq yds macadamizing at 32c15 53 Total $ 35 25 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Nayes-None. Ald. Kaufman offered the following: Resolved, by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for improvement of Southern avenue, from present improve- ment to Railroad avenue, by Brown & Brown, contractors, in front of and ad- joining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set oposite each lot or parcel of real estate. as follows: M. Mahony, Stout's sub, lot 4: 9.7 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c,....$ 3 30 4.31 sq yds guttering of 34c 1 47 17.24 sq yds macadam at 34c 5 86 Total $ 10 63 M. Mahony, Stout sub, lot 5: 47.7 lin ft curbstone set at 34c $ 16 22 21.20 sq yds guttering at 34c 287 21 84.80 sq yds macadam at 34c Total 52 26 M. Mahony, add to Stout's sub, lot 7: 50.0 lin ft curbstone set at 34c $ 17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadam at 34c 30 22 Total $ 54 77 M. Mahony, Stout's sub, n 10 ftlot 2: 10.0 lin ft curbstone set at 34c $ 3 40 4.44 sq yds guttering at 34c 1 51 17.77 sq yds macadam at 34c 6 04 Total $1095. Adjourned .Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. 325 Mrs. Patrick Kennedy, Stout'ssub, s 40 ft. lot 2: 04.0 lin, ft curbstone set at 84c $ 13 60 7 7.7 7 sq yds guttering at 34c 6 04 71.11 sq yds macadam at 33c 24 18 Total $ 43 82 Michael Burke, Stout's sub, lot 3: 50 lin ft curbstone set at 33c $ 17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadam at 34c 30 22 Total $ 54 77 Michael Burke, Stout's sub, lot 4: 50 lin ft curbstone set at 34c 17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadam at 34c 30 22 Total $ 54 77 Mrs. Patrick Kennedy, Stout's sub, lot 5: 32 lin ft curbstone set at 33c 10 88 14.22 sq yds guttering at 34c 4 83 56.88 sq yds macadam at 34c 19 34 Total $ 35 05 Mrs Patrick Kennedy, sub 229, Union add, lot 1: 16.8 lin ft curbstone set at 34c 5 71 7.47 sq yds guttering at 34c 2 54 29.87 sq yds macadam at 34c 10 16 Total $ 18 41 Ellen Gleason, sub 229, Union add, lot 2: 49 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c 16 66 21.78 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 41 87.11 sq yds macadam at 34c 29 62 Total $ 53 69 Richard Burns, sub 229 Union add, lot 3: 49 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c 16 66 21.78 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 41 87.11 sq yds macadam at 34c 29 62 Total $ 53 69 Thos. Ryan, sub 229 Union add, lot 4: 49 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c 16 66 21.78 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 41 87.11 sq yds macadam at 34c 29 62 Total $ 53 69 Michael Flynn est, sub 229 Union add, lot 5: 49 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c$ 16 66 21.78 sq yds guttering at 34c 7 41 87.11 sq yds macadamizing at 34c29 62 Total $ 53 69 Michael Flynn est, sub 229 Union add, lot 6: 37.6 lineal ft set curbstone at 34c$12 78 16.71 sq yds guttering at 34c 568 66 84 sq yds mocadamizing at 34c22 73 Total Michael Flynn est, Levi's add, n 2 ft, lot 1: 2 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c .88 sq yds guttering at 34c 3.55 sq yds macadamizing at 34c Total $ M. J. Powers, Levi's add, s 25 ft lot 1: 25 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 8 50 11.11 sq yds guttering at 84c 3 77 44.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c15 11 41 19 68 30 1 21 219 Total M. J. Powers, Levi's adcl, lot 2: 27 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c 12 sq yds guttering at 34c 48 sq yds macadamizing at 34c Total $ 27 38 $ 9 18 4 08 16 32 $ 29 58 M. J. Powers, Levi's add, n 12 ft lot 3: 12 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 4 08 5.33 sq yds guttering at 34e 1 81 21.33 sq yds macadamizing at 34e7 25 Total $ 13 14 Dennis Powers, Levi's add, s 15 ft lot 3: 15 lineal ft curbstone set at 340 $ 5 10 6.66 sq yds guttering at 34c 2 26 26.66 sq yds macadamizing at 34c9 06 Total $ 16 42 Dennis Powers, Levi's add, lot 4: 27 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 9 18 12 sq yds guttering at 34c 4 08 48 sq yds macadamizing at 34c... 16 32 Total $ 29 58 Dennis Powers, Levi's add, n 10 ft, lot 5: 10 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 3 40 4.44 sq yds guttering at 34c 1 51 17.77 sq yds macadamizing at 34c6 04 Total $ 10 95 C. W. Robinson est, Levi's add, s17ftlot 5: 17 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 5 78 7.55 sq yds guttering at 34c 2 57 30.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c10 27 Total $ 18 62 C. W. Robinson est, Levi's add, n 8 ft lot 6: 8 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c • $ 2 72 3.55 sq yds guttering at 34c 1 21 14.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c4 83 Total $ 8 76 Michael Sullivan, Levi's add, s 19 ft lot 6: 19 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 6 46 8.44 sq yds guttering at 34c 2 87 33.77 sq yds macadamizing at 34c11 48 Total $ 20 81 Michael Sullivan, Levi's acid, n 17 ft lot 7: 17 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 5 78 7.55 sq yds guttering at 34c 2 57 30.22 sq yds macadamizing at 34c10 27 Total $ 18 62 Wm. J, Dolan, Levi's add, s 10 ft lot 7: 10 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 3 40 4.44 sq yds macadamizing at 34c1 51 17.77 sq yds macadamizing at 34c6 04 Total $10 95 Wm. J. Dolan, Levi's add, lot 8: 27 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 9 18 12 sq yds guttering at 34e 4 08 48 sq yds macadamizing at 34c 16 32 Total $ 29 58 Michael Fenton, Levi's add, lot 9: 27 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 9 18 12 sq yds guttering at 34c 4 08 48 sq yds macadamizing at 34c 16 32 Total $ 29 58 Michael Fenton, Levi's add, n 15 ft lot 10: 15 lineal ft curbstone set at 34c $ 5 10 6.66 sq yds guttering at 34e 2 26 26.66 sq yds macadamizing at 34c9 06 Total $ 16 42 326 Adjourned .Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. Mrs. B. Burke, Levi's add. s 12 ft lot 10: 12 lineal ft curbstene set at 34c $ 4 08 5.38 sq yds guttering at 34c 21.33 sq yds macadamizing at 34c7 25 _ Total $ 13 14 Mrs. B. Burke, Levi's add, n15ft lot 11: 15 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c5 20 6.67 sq•yds guttering, at 34c 6 26.66 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c9 06 Total 16 42 Mich`l Sullivan, Levi's add. s 12 ft lot 11: 12 lineal feet curbstone set. at 34c4 08 5.34 sq yds guttering, at 34c 1 81 21.83 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c7 25 Total Mich'l Sullivan, Levi's add, lot 12: 15.2 lineal feet curbstone set, at 84c. 6.75 sq yds guttering, at 34c 27.02 sq yds macadamizing, at 34e . 13 14 5 17 2 30 9 19 Total Kate Moore, Stout's add, lot 7: 8.2 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c.. 3.64 sq yds guttering, at 34c 14.58 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 16 66 2 79 4 24 4 96 Total 8 99 Kate Moore, Stout's add, lot 6: 47.7 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c. 16 22 21.20 sq yds guttering, at 34c 7 21 84.80 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c28 83 Total 52 26 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 4: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34e17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c30 22 Total 54 77 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 5: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34eI7 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c30 22 Total 54 77 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 6: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c30 22 Total 54 77 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 7: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 30 22 Total 54 77 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 8: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 340 7 55 88.88 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 30 22 Total 54 77 Kate Moore, Coates' add, lot 9: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34e17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 34e 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 30 22 Michael Flynn est, Coates' add, lot 12: 106 lineal feet curbstone set at 34c866 0204 47 11 sq yds guttering, at 34c 488.44 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 64 07 Total 116 13 John T. Gandolfo, min lot 51: 287.4 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c 9797 72 129.51 sq yds guttering, at 34c 3 536 sq yds macadamizing, at 34e182 24 323 99 Total 54 77 Rich Burns, Coates' add, lot 10: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering. at 34c 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 30 22 Total 54 77 CThos Ryan,. Coates' add, lot 11: 50 lineal feet curbstone set, at 34c17 00 22.22 sq yds guttering, at 84e 7 55 88.89 sq yds macadamizing, at 34c 30 22 Total 54 77 Total Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin. Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder, and Vogel. Nays -None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for improving Dorgan Place and alley from Dorgan Place to Seventeenth street, by Stanek & O'Farrell, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Albert Flick, Dorgan's sub, lot 4: 110.7 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c$ 31 00 45.33 sq yds guttering at 28c 12 69 51 sq yds macadamizing at 28c 14 28 Total $ 57 97 Mrs. Anna Behrens, Dorgan's sub, lot 6: 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c 14 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c 6 22 25 sq yds macadamizing at 28e 7 00 Total $ 27 22 Paul Becker, Dorgan's sub, lot 7: 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 98c14 00 22.22 sq yds guttering at 28c 6 22 25 sq yds macadamizing at 28c 700 Total $ 27 22 Nellie Dorgan, Dorgan's sub, lot 8: 55 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c 15 40 24.44 sq yds guttering at 28c 6 84 27.50 sq yds macadamizing at 287 70 Total .... $ 29 04 Mary Flynn, Dorgan's sub, lot 9: 50 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c 14 00 22-22 sq yds guttering at 28c 6 29 25 sq yds macadamizing at 28c 7 00 Total $ 27 99 John Jennings. Dorgan's sub, lot 10: 35.4 lineal ft curbstone set 9 91 15.71 sq yds gutteriug at 28c 4 40 17.70 sq yds macadamizing at 28c4 90 Total $ 19 27 M. Mullin, est., Dorgan's sub, lot 11: 35.41ineal ft curbstone set at 28c9 91 15.71 sq yds guttering at 28c 4 40 17.70 sq yds macadamizing at 28c4 96 Total $ 19 27 M. Mullen est, Dorgan's sub, lot 12: 25.6 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c7 17 11.38 sq yds guttering at 28c 3 19 12.80 sq yds guttering at 28c 3 58 Total $13 94 Thos. Mulaney, Dorgan's sub, lot 13: 63.3 lineal ft curbstone set at 28c... 17 72 25.33 sq yds guftering at 28c 7 09 61.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c17 11 Total $ 41 9`2 Adjourned Regular Session, Dec. 20, 1894. 327 James McCann, sub 4 of 2 of 673, city, lot 2: 7.7g sq yds macadamizing at 28c2 18 • 2 cubic yds grading at 15e Total $ 248 H.H. Fleming, sub 4 of 2 of 673, city, lot 1: .34.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c9 55 14.40 cu yds grading at 15c 2 16 Total $ 11 71 P. W. Crawford, sub 2 of 673, city, lot 7: 11.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c3 11 4.70 cu yds of grading at 15c 70 Total 3 81 P. W. Crawford, sub 2 of 673, lot 3: 113.33 sq yds macadmizing at 28c.. 31 0573 47 cu yds grading at 15c Total $ 38 r8 Lucinda C. King,'Dorgan's sub, lot 14: 274.22 sq yds macadaming at 28c76 78 48.40 cu yds grading at 15c 7 26 lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Albert Flick, Dorgan's sub, lot 4: 110.5 lineal ft. sidewalk at 14c $ 15 47 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Lin- coln avenue between Reed and First ave- nues, by John McCoy, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned. and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Thomas Allen, lot 110, McCraney's First add, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14c $ 7 00 J. A. Rhomberg, lot 111 McCraney's First add, 50 lin ft sidewalk at 14c 7 00 J. A.Rhomberg. lot 112, McCraney's First add, 14 lin ft sidewalk at 14c 1 96 P. Rhomberg, lot 451, Ham's add, 50 7 lin ft sidewalk at 14c 00 P. Rhomberg, lot 452, Ham's add, 8 59.5 lin ft sidewalk at 14c 33 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Nayes—None. Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city attorney be and is hereby instructed to require all contractors to give a good and sufficient bond for the payment of the cost and ex- pense of all labor and material furnished on any contract hereinafter awarded by the city. engineer Referred to the city attorney, en g and mayor. Mayor Olinger presented the following to the city council: To tl"e City Council: Total $ 84 04 H. O. Rose, subDorgan's lot 2: 48.33 sq yds macdemizng at 28c 13 53 A. F. Heeb, sub 15 Dorgan's sub, lot 1 ; 32.22 sq yds macadmizing at 28c 9 02 A. F. Heeb, sub 16 Dorgan's sub.lot 1: 16.11 sq yds macadamizing at 28c 4 51 Anna Backert, sub 16 Dorgan's sub, lot 2: 64.44 sq yds macadamizing 18 04 at 28c Anna Backert, sub 17 Dorgan's sub, lot 2; 105.53 sq yds macadamizing 29 at 28c 53 D. ; Crain, sub 17,macadamizing lot 1; 32.22 sq y' 9 02 at 28c James McCann, Dorgan's sub, lot la ; 108.75 sq yds macadamizing at 30 46 28c .J. W. Norton. Dorgan's sub, lot 2; 82.97 sq yds macadamizing at 28c. 23 23 Cath Morrissey, Dorgan's sub, lot 3; 164.33 sq yds macadamizing at 46 01 28c Adopted by the following vote: Ayes— Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lililg, Powers, Ryder, and Vogel. Nayes—None. - Ald. Kaufmann offered the following: Resolred by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on north side of West Third street, abutting w 50 ft lot 608, city, by John McCoy, contractor, in front of .and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels situof real te and estate hereinafter named owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Mrs. M. J. 608: 51.5 linealSfeet Sullivan, city k lotft at • 22c $ 11 33 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Nayes—None. Alderman Kaufmann offered the fol- lowing: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That to pay for laying a 4 - foot wida sidewalk on north sideDogan an Place, from Ellis street to alley,by r McCoy, contractor. tax beand andis h bere- by e - by the same, a special of y levied on the several lots, and parts GENTLEMEN :-I have a few suggestions to make for your immediate consideration, and hope the same will meet with your ap- proval and become operative at the begin- ning of the next fiscal year. As you are all well awal e, our financial condition is such that it deserves more than a passing notice. With a large float- ing indebtedness and bonds to the amount of $210,916.63 becoming due in 1896, some- thing must be done to reduce said floating indebtedness in order that we may re- fund our bonds at the lowest possible per cent. In view of the above I would rec- ommend to your honorable body that the finance committee, or such other commit- tee as you may desire, be instructed to make a careful estimate of the available resources of the city for the next e rtlt onl year and therefrom make app p for all the different departments for the next fiscal year. This is no experiment, as all cities of any size areworkingsundetr the above arrangement, a give good satisfaction. By making ap- propriations for the several departments I do not intend that they should be limited so as to impair the usefulness ofnyt d of them, but enough should be app p for each department for its legitimate maintenance. the city can By the above arrangement make a large saving in each of the depart- 328 Adjourned Regular Seeeion, Dec. 20, 1894. ments and materially decrease the float- ing indebtedness each year. I would also recommend the different committees examine into their respective departments immediately and report any reductions that can be made in the same during the winter months. I would also suggest the expediency of districting the city into road districts, each to be under the supervision of a com- petent foreman, to be held responsible • for the management of his district. I believe that under the above arrangement the streets could be kept in better repair and at a much less expense than at present. Very respectfully, PETER OLINGER. Ma Or. On motion the above was adopted, and that portion relating to finance be referred to the finance committee and the matter of work on streets to the street commit- tee, and recommend that each ward be made a district. The communication of C. H. Little, Bruce & Co. in relation to the clogging of sewer in alley between Main and Locust was referred to the board of health. Ald. Halpin offered the following: Resolved, That the sanitary sewer in the alley between Walnut street and Race street be extended to Rose; that the city engineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications, and the recorder to ad- vertise for proposals for doing the work. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Ald. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Alderman Powers offered the following: Resolved, By the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the west side of Alta Vista street, between West Fourteenth street and the n line of lot 3 of 3 of min lot 91, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Butler, Crawford, Hal- pin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Noes—None. Ald. Vogel offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That a sidewalk 6 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, brick, stone or cement, be, within fifteen days of this no- tice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to side- walks, on the north side of Nineteenth street, between Elm street and Pine street, where not already laid, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aid. Butler, Crawford, Halpin, Kaufmann, Lillig, Powers, Ryder and Vogel. Nayes—None. Ald. Ryder moved that the engineer be empowered to remove filling deposited on the Fourth street extension to the proper line of Fourth street. Carried. Alcl. Powers moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: ecorder. llf ororcdl .1895. /7 - GY_liffyJa__ Mayor. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque held on the 20th day of November, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh within the time prescribed by the ordinance gov- erning same, all will become delinquent and subject to collectionress and sale. HENRY tB. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For Improving Pickett Street from Alma to Cor nell Streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Jos. Kessler, sy lot 1, Morgan's sub $28 51 do sys lot 2 do 34 29 Henry Clark lot 3 do 35 24 Rebecca J Farley lot 8 outlot 667 city 71 90 Philip Sage 9 do 667 do 60 90 Joseph C Paine 3 do 667 do 13 88 John W Wybrant 4 do 667 do 86 20 F A Gniffke 7 do 667 do 29 56 P P Murray est lot 1 sub s pt 684 do 31 40 Mrs E Mellen 2 do 684 do 29 92 J J Murray 3 do 684 do 46 90 For Improving Grove Terrace south from West Eleventh Street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Fred Weigel lot 4 outlot 687 city $161 18 F A Rumpf e 135ft 5 do 153 60 A F C Schneider lot 1 E Corkery's sub 91 67 A F Reynolds 2 do 40 83 do nylot 3 do 2042 W S Knott est s 4 lot 3 do 20 42 do lot 4 do 40 83 Wm T Woodrich 5 do 40 83 C N Baird 6 do 40 83 C A Wilber 7 do 36 25 James Lee 5 Central add 6 22 For Improving East Two -Thirds of Elm Street, from Sanford Avenue to Twenty -Third Street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Sophia Firzloff lot 70 E Langwor- thy's add $53 55 do lot 71 do 43 84 Aug Kronfeldt 72 do 44 00 do Fred Grobe do Geo Rettemeyer Henry Luck Wm Kulow Wm Hein 73 do 74 do 75 do 76 do 77 do 78 do 79 do John Marsch 80 do Aug Benkendorf 81 do Fred Neubauer 82 do do 83 -do Mrs Elizabeth Vogt 84 do do 85 do 44 17 44 34 4468 44 14 45 94 45 67 46 01 46 35 44 64 47 02 47 35 47 52 47 85 do 86 do 48 52 do 87 do 73 26 Ghicago Great Western Railway , 150 20 For the Improvement of Rush Street tfrom Ap ple to Quince Streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. N Linden lot 116 Union add Julien A Louis 117 do Joe Beukley 118 do Mrs Geo Burkis 119 do Geo Savory 120 do do 121 do Pat Moran s60ft lot 122 do do 123 do Thomas Cahill 124 do do 125 do Bridget Redmond 126 do do 127 do P A Hammerland 174 do do 175 do Thomas Cahill 176 do do 177 do do 178 do at Moran 179 do do 180 do P A Hammerland 181 do A W Kemler 182 do John McQuillen 183 do do 1 of 184 do Julia Ahern 2 of 184 do F E Spielman 185 do of Tax. $87 12 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 67 106 83 107 61 67 67 67 67 • 67 67 67 67 108 59 67 81 67 67 67 67 68 02 67 67 104 89• 31 02 67 67 67 67 68 31 71 00 101 50. 111 87 !iii,•%,tl Notices. 329 Special Assessment Notice. To C. and M. KIRN Eli : You are hereby noti- fled that in aceordaaee with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the im- provement of Dell street, from west Fourteenth street to Arlington street, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, the s60 feet of lot 808 in A. McDaniel's sub, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To C. DENTLIN(:I•;It : You are ht. r.•..y noti- fied that in accordah ce with a resolut i ill of the City Council of the o i i yy of Dubn4ne for the im- provement of Ann an•nue from Lincoln avenue to Garfield avenue. adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 51 in McCraney's first addi- tion, owned by you, being subject to such spe- cial assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To FELIX GOODMAN: You are hereby noti- fied that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the im- provement of Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expenses thereof, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lots 2 of 4 and 1 of 3 in O'Con- nor's sub, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To TIM. KELLEY, not in city: You are here- by notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque, for the improvement of Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense there- of, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut- ting on said improvement, lots 1 and 2 in O'Connor's sub, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said as- sessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. • To ELIZ. DOYLE: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the improve- ment of Southern avenue from Railroad ave- nue to Rowan street, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, eV2 lot 3, wilt' of 2 in Newman's sub, owned by yon, being subject to such spe- cial assessment. And you are notified to ap- pear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assess- ment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To SARAH E. DISNEY, Washington, D. C., or M. BROWN: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a resolution of the City Coun- cil of the city of Dubuque for the improvement of Wilde street from McLennan street to east end of street, adopted on the 3d day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next reg- ular meeting of the city bouncil, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said imove- ment, lot 9 in mineral lot 39, owned by you, be- ing subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of De- cember, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you h d c14-5tsaid assessment should not T J. COONEY,City Recorder. a. Special Assessment Notice. To CHAS. N. SNOW: You are hereby noti- fied that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the lay- ing of sewer on west Eleventh street and alley between Walnut street and Race street, adopt- ed on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 12 in Cummings' sub, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are noti- fled to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY. City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. • To HERBERT FLICK: You are hereby noti- fied that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the lay- ing of sidewalk on North street, from the side of Dorgan Place, adopted on the 3d day of De- cember, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the expense thereof, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said im- provement, lot 4 in Dorgan's sub, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D., 1894, and show cause, if any you led. why saT.id assessment should not be J. COONEY, City Recorder. dec14-5t Special Assessment Notice. To ANNA WALLACE: You are hereby noti- fled that in accordance with a resolution of the City Councit of the city of Dubuque, for the improvement of Southern avenue from Rail- road avenue to Rowan street, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special as- sessment will be levied for the expenses there- of, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abut ting on said improvement, lot 1 in Southern avenue addition, owned by you, being subject to Such special assessment. And you are noti tied to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. Special Assessment Notice. To LUCINDA C. KING: You are hereby noti- fied that Ci y Council with tresolution il of the city of Dubuque the im- provement of Dorgan Place and Alley street, between Dorgan Place and Seventeenth street, adopted the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- pense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 14 in Dorgan sub, owned by you, being subject to such spe- cial e ou re ed to pear at said meeting g of thea ouncil,to be held on the 20th day ofar, A said 1894,nd show cause, if any youhave,, assess- ment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. 330 Official Notices. NOTICE. Publie notii•i. is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the Cit .% Council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 20th day of November, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described. And that in ease of failure to pay the same within thirty days from this date, the same shall become de- linquent and hear interest thereafter at the same rate as the delinquent annual city taxes. Dated at Dubuque this 27th day of November, A. D. 1894. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, Treasurer of the City of Dubuque. For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the east side of Glenoak avenue between Julien avenue and West Third street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Mrs. J McLaren lot 4 Cleminson's sub $19 53 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the east side of Caledonia place, between West Eighth street and Hill street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. M McLaughlin est lot 2 of 39 Kelley's sub $11 90 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the north side of Charles street between Broad- way Extension and Muscatine street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Leonard Jaeger lot 36 South Park Hill add $16 37 Ellen E Callaghan lot 16 do 16 81 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the west side of Booth, between West Third street and O'Neil street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. J W Schwind lot 10 O'Neill's sub No 2 $8 40 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Wilde street between Dodge and McLennon streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Tim Cain est lot 2 of 1 of 2 of 7 m145 $23 65 Ed Burns lot 19 Oak Grove add 16 81 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Stafford avenue fromGarfleld avenue to Linwood cemetery. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. M R Standebach e51 lot 5 sub 1 Geiger's sub $7 30 po eV. lot 4 do 6 05 do lot 3 do 6 05 Adam Mueller, lot 10 of 3 Geiger's sub 16 81 Wm Hintrager lot 23 0 Taylor's sub 7 44 do 22 do 7 44 do 24 do 7 44 Fred Brandell 3 A Stine's add 7 30 Theo Raterman 29 do 8 33 do ' 30 do 3 72 For laying a 4 -foot wide plank sidewalk on both sides of Bennett street, between Grand- view avenue and east line of Grigg's sub. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. 0 F Hodge est lot 26 Ann O'Hare's sub $20 53 H Harris 27 do 20 53 do 28 do 20 53 C W Skemp w5Oft lot 29 do 6 28 Sarah Stewart lot 17 Hodge's sub 6 61 do 16 do 6 61 L Br•inn Jr 15 do 6 61 P Kiene Jr 14 do 7 84 do 13 do 6 65 do 12 do 6 05 Mary A Kemler lot 2 of 4 O'Hare's sub 12 42 do 1 of 4 do 8 26 For laying a 6 -foot wide plank sidewalk on the north side of West Fourteenth, between Alta Vista and Delhi streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. H Geiger lot 247 Woodl'n Park add $11 26 C A Voelker 102 do 13 65 do 101 do 11 42 J Kleinschmidt 100 do do 99 do C A Voelker 52 do do 51 do Ch'tna Shannon 50 do do 49 do 11 47 13 65 13o76 11 49 11 38 13 29 do 2 do 13 65 do 1 do 1142 do 20 Oakland Park add 21 00 W A Leathers el10ftlot 1 do 25 82 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in West Fifth street and Robertsi` avenue.tal nt Owner. Description. of Tax. E A Lungwitz lot 2 Deming r& sub $20 00 John Phillips lot 3 do 20 (5) do 4 do 20 00 MaryK Reynolds et% 5 doo 10 10 00 Eliz nth Kennedy w/$ Alfred Hobbs lot 18 Wilsons sub 20 80 John M Sullivan 19 do 16 40 Phil Pferseh 20 do 20 00 E H Spaulding 21 do 20 00 John Burns s40ft 22 do 16 00 W J Burns n10ft 22 do 4 00 do 23 do 20 00 Nettie J Walker 24 do 20 00 do 25 do 20 00 Fred Seaman - 26 do 20 00 Mary Hickson 27 do 20 00 T L McFarland 28 do 20 00 Emma Spensely 29 do 20 00 W W Perieth 30 do 20 00 Jesse Epps 4 McCollins' sub 11 60 do 33 Wilson's sub 6 00 River Jordan n% 34 do 10 00 Michael Watters s1Q 34 do 9 60 do lot 4 sub of 35 do 6 40 Tim Eagan 3 sub of 35 do 2 16 J McFarland 2 sub of 35 do 48 do 1 sub of 35 do 11 60 A W Hosford 36 do 17 20 V F Perleth 37 do 20 00 B Cheatham est lotl of 38 do 18 80 Isaac Proctor 2 of 38 do 5 40 do 1 of sub 39&40 do 520 do 2 of sub 39&40 do 16 80 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Ju- lien avenue from Bluff to W. Eighth streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Lorimier House Hotel Co lot 5 sub of 644 city $7 60 DubuqueOmnibusCo 6 do 6 40 do 7 do 6 40 do 8 do 1000 Joseph Jaeggi lot 1 sub of outlot 688 and pt of 654 city 10 00 Mary E Waller 2 do 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 15 60 1600 13 20 10 80 18 80 Matn Lndescher 3 do John Lally est 4 do Abbie G Mullen 5 do John Eisenegger 6 do J Zangmeister 7 do Dan Brennan 8 do E H Sheppley e33ft 9 do A Lorenz w27ft 9 do W Buckler w47ft 10 do Mrs Dora Purucker el8ft 10 do 7 20 T Hickson 11 do 24 00 Henry Guerdet 12 sub outlot 703 city 22 80 Frank Goodrich 7a do 653a 3 60 Martin Rabbit 8 do do 7 80 John A McKinley 2 McKinley sub 20 80 do 1 do 23 60 J W & W G Cox 44 Corriell's sub 61 20 J A Rhomberg 43 do 20 00 do 42 do 28 00 do 47 do 28 00 do 48 do 20 00 do 49 do 20 00 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Walnut street, West Eleventh and Prairie streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. F Jaeger lot 1 of 3 of outlot 738 city $60 00 Nic Kauffman lot 2 do 738 52 80 John Nagle lot 15 Farley's sub 22 20 Henry Riker 14 do 22 20 Wm Hintrager 13 do 20 00 James Flynn 12 do 20 00 Chas Thill 11 do 20 00 Wm Hendford 10 do 20 00 do w2ft 9 do 80 L H Wood e48ft 9 do 19 20 R R Jackson 8 do 20 00 Eugenia Adams 7 do 19 60 Mary A Adams 6 do 19 60 F Hancock wr/Q 5 sub of 823 & 824 11 McDaniels sub 16 12 do 4 do 3120 John Bell se)( of 822 McDaniels' sub 24 40 Jas Wallis sw ( of 822 do 54 64 Geo W Fitield lot 1 Hether•ington's sub 20 30 Jas Howie 2 do 20 30 J G Reagan 3 do 20 30 Leo McDaniels 4 do 20 90 P W Crawford 6 do 21 60 Official Notices. 331 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer on Water street from First to Jones streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. W G Stewart lot 1 blk 6 Dub Harbor Co.'s add do 2 do do 3 do W J Morgan undys 4 do do undys 5 do do undys 6 do C Simplot undys 4 do do undys 5 do do undys 6 do John Coleman 7 do B E Linehan 8 do W G Stewart 9 do John Nagle 1 blk 5 do A A Cooper 1 blk 4 do do 2 blk 4 do $10 80 9 76 9 76 4 88 4 88 4 88 4 88 4 88 4 88 9 76 12 48 9 60 20 80 8 00 18 00 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Olive street from alley south of West Eleventh street to Jefferson street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Jas Forester lot 3 outlot 687 city $28 00 Anna Dickey lot 2 outlot 687 city 28 00 For constructing an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Third street from terminus to Burch street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Catholic Cemetery n pt outlot 723 city $108 00 Wm Hintrager lot 1 sub of outlot 724 city 13 32 John Hennessy 2 do 13 32 D J Hennessy 3 do 13 32 D H McCarthy n 50.10ft lots 4 5 and 6 sub of outlot 724 city 20 00 John Hennessy outlot 732 city 108 00 For Repairing Sidewalks. Owner. Description. Lot. Amount. W G Cox sub mineral lot 90 2 $4 00 P J Burke city n43.3ft 117 6 30 Albert Casser Sisters's add 1 4 50 Agatha Heim do 3 and 4 3 75 John N Rider do 5 6 and 7 2 90 D W Linehan Corriell's sub 45 2 30 Frank Flynn Blake's add 24 1 50 Hughes & Blake do 25 26 & 27 1 00 John Flynn sub min lot 191 and pt of 192 2 1 50 Kiene&Altman sub239 Davis Farm 1 75 Nic Esch sub city 703 13 1 50 C D Ham Davis Farm 370 80 C & F Fosselman LHLang's add 186 50 D A Price sub 218 and 219 Davis Farm add 4 30 Mary Haggerty Davis Farm add 214 80 R & E Lanworthy Glendale add 223 and 228 1 50 Sisters of Charity sub min lot 191 1 5 00 Jos Herod pt min lot 184 2 00 C Fosselman L H Langworthy's add 65 and 66 1 55 James McCann city n2-5 473 20 55 Chas Thill Sisters' add 8 and 9 2 00 C H Snow Cumming's sub 12 1 80 L J Birner do n36ft 10 70 John L Buettel Quigley's sub 4&5 4 00 Special Assessment Notice. To ADOLPH PULVENMILLER: You are hereby notified that in accordance with a reso- lution of the City Council of the city of Du- buque, for the improvement of Southern ave- nue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street, .adopted on the 3d day of December, A.M. 1894, a special assessment will be levied for the ex- penses thereof, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 1 in Rowan's add., owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th clay of December, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any you have, who said as- sessment should not be levied. dec14.5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder Special Assessment Notice. To ELLEN GLEASON: You are hereby noti- fied that in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of the city of Dubuque for the im- provement of Southern avenue from end of present improvement to Railroad avenue, adopted on the 3d day of December, A. D. 1894, .a special assessment will be levied for the ex - penses thereof, at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and parcels of land abutting on said improvement, lot 2, sub of 229, Union addition, owned by you, being subject to such special assessment. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 20th day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1894, and show cause, if any yon have, why said assessment should not be levied. dec14-5t T. J. COONEY, City Recorder. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the ses- sion of the City Council of the city of Dubuque held on the 20th day of December, 1894, the following special assessments were levied on the real estate hereinafter described, and that in ease of failure to pay the one-seventh within the time prescribed by the ordinance govern- ing the same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For improving Dell street from West Four- teenth to Arlington streets. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Amelia M Hodgdon A McDaniel's sub lot 811 $83 26 Wm Hintrager do n40ft lot 808 36 12 C & M Kirner do s60ft lot 808 56 60 Thos Kane sub 809 do 7 100 51 M McLaughlin 810 do 2 17 88 Alex Mcllwain 810 do 1 55 73 For improving Wilde street from McLennon street to east end of street. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Henry Riker min lot 39 lot 6 $46 53 F E Robinson do 7 46 53 Lester Smith do 8 46 53 Sarah E Disney do 9 12 02 J 5 Randall est sub 1 of 55 do 1 147 82 For improving Ann avenue from Lincoln ave- nue to Garfield avenue. Total Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. D Rhomberg McCraney's 1st add lot 20 $118 54 C Dentlinger do 51 122 34 Allen Schumacher do 52 122 56 Christ Jungk do 19 119 30 For improving Dorgan Place and alley from Dorgan Place to Seventeenth t street. Tl Amount Owner. Description. of Tax. Albert Flick Dorgan's sub lot 4 $57 97 Mrs Anna Behrens do 6 27 22 Paul Becker do 7 27 22 Nellie Dorgan do 8 29 94 Mary Flynn do 9 27 22 do 10 19 27 John Jennings M Mullen est do 11 19 27 do do 12 13 94 Thos Mulqueeney do 13 41 92 J McCann sub 4 of 2 of 673 city lot 2 2 48 H H Fleming do do 1 11 71 P W Crawford sub 2 of 673 city lot 7 3 81 do do do 3 38 78 Lucinda C King Dorgan's sub lot 14 84 04 li O Rose sub 15 do 2 13 53 A F Heeb 15 do 1 9 02 do 16 do 1 4 51 Anna Backert 16 do 2 18 04 do 17 do 2 29 53 D C Cram 17 do 1 9 02 James McCann do la 30 46 J W Norton do 2 23 23 Catherine Morrissey do 3 46 01 For improving streetAlttto Union avenue.sta street West Total Amount of Tax. $93 58 56 17 56 17 56 17 56 17 56 17 91 40 92 22 56 17 56 17 56 17 56 17 91 14 Owner. Description. S I Dolson Levins' do25 lot 24 T H Dolson do do 26 C 0 Tauberg do 27 Jane L King do 28 E L King do 29 S Gilmore do 30 E C Blake do 41 M Blake do 42 do do 43 E T Goldthorpe do 44 B Lynch do 45 do do 46 A K & P L Craig est Jones sub lot 5 81 05 do do 4 48 20 332 Official Notices. do 3 48 20 Mary Kelly do do 30 62 78 D R Jones Jr do . 2 48 20 J B Kelly do do 31 62 17 do do do 1 58 41 Patrick O'Toole do do 32 62 78 do sub 3 of min lot 91 lot 1 56 17 Peter Colford do do 34 59 78 do 33 62 78 F G Knehule do do 2 56 17 C. McGee do do 35 59 78 A O'Sullivan do do • 3 56 17 John McGee do do 36 6i 2 19 do do do 4 56 17 Ed Condon 5 56 17 John McGee do do 37 71 50 . 6 73 69 Adolph Pulvermiller Rowan's add 1 116 16 1 38 31 Pat Burke do do 2 79 56 2 67 40 Rose McMahon do do 3 78 74 3 67 40 Win Hintrager do do 4 78 47 4 67 40 Jas Rowan do do 5 75 95 5 67 40 do do do 6 69 68 6 67 40 A A Cooper except Newman's sublot 36a 120 53 7 67 40min 2 33 70 Ed Morgan Newman's sub 6 62 78 1 33 70 do do do 5 62 78 9 40 74 do do do w'/a 4 31 39 56 48 95 Jas C Ward do do e 1/2 4 31 39 57 56 17 do do do w V. 3 31 39 3 31 39 59 56 17 Elizabeth Doyle 0 doodo do w1ft 2 12 81 60 56 17 Ed Lee do do e 40 ft 2 51 48 61 56 17 do do doe 10 ft 1 12 81 Mary Rooney do do e 40 ft 1 51 48 Pat Lee O'Connor's sub 6 97 40 Chas Dillon do do 5 75 33 Jas A Rooney sub 4 do do 1 64 03• DI Flynn do 4 do do 2 14 19 do do 3 do do 1 75 33 Tim Killey do do 2 64 68 do do do 1 64 68 Mary Kelly sub 4 min lot 37 2 92 21 Jas Dolan sub 4 g P C Foley o 37 3 133 12 do dog do do do do J A Rhomberg A P Wood's add lot do do dodo do dodo do do do do do do sub 8 do Wm Hintrager 8 do do J A Rhomberg do do do do do do do do do do do do do 62 56 17 do ' do 63 56 17 do do 64 79 38 W G Cox sub of min lot 91 lot 1 478 19 John Hennessy ' .do 91 2 478 76 E C Blake ' do. 90 1 77 85 W G Cox do 90 2 487 77 For the improvement of Souther venue from present improvement to Railroad nu Total Amount. Owner. Description. of Tax. M Mahony Stout's Dubuque lot 4 810 63 do do 5 52 26 do add to do 1 54 77 do do do n10ft 2 10 95 Mrs P Kennedy do do s40ft 2 43 82 Michael Burke do do 3 54 77 do do do 4 54 77 Mrs P Kennedy do do 5 35 05 do sub 229 Union add lot 1 18 41 Ellen Gleason do 2 53 69 Richard Burns do 3 53 69 Thos Ryan o do 4 59 69 Michael Flynn est do 5 53 69 do do 6 41 19 do Levi's add n2ft lot 1 2 19 M J Powers do s25ft 1 29 38 ' do do 2 29 58 do do nl2ft 3 13 14 Dennis Powers , do sl5ft 3 16 42 do do 4 29 58 do do n10ft 5 10 95 C %V Robinson es4 do sl7ft 5 18 62 do do n8ft 6 8 76 Michael Sullivan do sl9ft 6 20 81 do do nl7ft 7 18 62 Wm J Dolan do sl0ft. 7 10 95 do cdo 8 21J 58 Mich Fenton do 9 29 58 do do n15ft 10 16 42 Mrs B Burke clo sl2ft 10 13 14 do do n15ft 11 16 42 Michael Sullivan do sl2ft 11 13 14 do do 12 16 66 Kate Moore Stout's add 7 8 99 ,ao • do 6 52 26 do Coate's add 4 54 77 do do 5 54 77 do do 6 54 77 do do 7 54 77 do do 8 54 77 do do 9 54 77 Rich Burns do 10 54 77 Thos Ryan do 11 54 77 Mich Flynn est do 12 116 13 John T Gandolfo min lot,51 323 99 For improving Southern avenue from Railroad avenue to Rowan street. Owner. Description. Lot. Amount. Anna Wallace Southern ave add 1 $ 25 86 Rosa O'Hare M O'Hare's sub 2 199 16 A Wender do do 1 197 16 Maria Kempf Breakey's add 9 61 21 Jas Rowan do do 8 71 57 do do do 7 77 11 John Roach Breakey's add e 14 and w 465$ n 10 6 75 96 Michael Ca'n Breakey's add 5 76 08 Martin Dumphy 4o do 4 75 96 do do do 3 80 98 J J Wickham do do 2 77 84 Cath Walsh do do w 56 1 69 53 Johanna Burke do do e 30 1 37 67 John Coyne mineral lot 39 29 101 69 For improving West Eagle Point avenue from end of present improvement to Kane street. Owner. Description. Lot. Amount. Cath Kaufmann sub 138 140 142 L H Langworthy's add 1 $ 28 58 Jos Baumgartner do do 2 46 33 Henry Knoernschild do do 3 47 18 Bertha Beversdorf do do 4 37 06 Adam Jaeger do do 5 23 17 do do do 6 23 74 do do do 8 57 47 Hannah O'Conners do do 9 57 47 John Gieseler Mechanics' add 159 46 33 do do do 158 46 33 Christ Frohs do do 157 46 33 do do do 156 46 33 C A Voelker do do 155 46 33 do do do 154 46 33 Andrew Ring do do 153 46 33 do do do 152 46 33 Jno Bottoms sub 151 do do 2 43 67 J N Spahn sub 146a 146 L H Langworthy's add 1 156 61 Mary Albinger do do 2 60 35 Eliza Schon do do 3 65 73 Peter Mihm sub 150 do do 1 100 55 Peter Albinger 150 do do 2 85 72 do 152 do do 1 42 63 Nic Winters est 152 do do 2 110 27 do do 153a do do 2 80 65 Jno Kemps 1 of 153a do do 2 71 35 do sub 153 do do 2 21 31 M Schlagel sub 153 do do 1 117 69 do sub 153 do do 154a 174 74 do sub 153 do do 154 122 02 F H France est L H Lang - worthy's add e14 148 93 22 o & C Spahn w /2 148 do do 1 128 88 Anna B Dolter do do 149 158 79 F H Franke est do do 151 159 19 do do do do 155 192 89 J 11 Jecklin do do 156a 227 47 do sub 159 do do 1 6.55 C Heintz do do 147 160 08 J 11 Jecklin 3 of 145 do do 1 61 16 do 2 of 145 do do 1 58 28 B Gandert 145 do do 1 33 61 .1 Bottoms w14 lot 145a do do 1 45 22 P J Weigand e% 1145a do do 1 139 29 M Prosser sub 143 do do • 5 37 07 L Heyne sub 143 do do 4 37 07 J H Jecklin sub 143 do do wl/Q3 37 47 Henry Maus sub 143 do do ec/$ 3 37 07 5 Schleicher sub 143 do do 2 37 07 do sub 141 do do 2 57 45 Bertha Beversdorf Chas Klingen- berg's 3d sub 5 28 73 Joseph Bamner do do 6 28 73 Jas Cushing & Son Co L H Lang - worthy's add 139 118 61 do sub 137 do do 4 57 45 po sub 137 do do 1 35 25 End of Book No. 24 December 20, 1894 City of Dubuque Council Record January 7, 1895 - December 2, 1895 Book No. 25 II 4111 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS , r l;• .LII1: CJTY COUNCIL 1 1 .,: . „. OJ TIII :, , CITY OF DUBUQUE. For the Year 1895, DUBUQUE TELEGRAPH PRINTERS AND BINDERS. 1896. j-31 1 • CITY OFFICERS FOR 1895. Mayor-PETER OLINGER. Recorder—T. J. COONEY. Auditor—M. M. McCARTEN. Treasurer—H. B. GNIFFKE. Attorney—JAS. E. KNIGHT. Assessor—J. F. STEMM. ALDERMEN. FIRST WARD THIRD WARD. i J. W. HALPIN, A. A. CULLEN. A. VOGLER, JOHN SCHULTE. SECOND WARD. FOURTH WARD. PHIL. RYDER, T. J. SHEA. P.W. CRAWFORD, . W.W. BONSON. FIFTH WARD. JOSEPH KAUFMANN, THEO. BAUER. • APPOINTIVE OFFICERS. Committee Clerk—JOHN O'CONNELL. Engineer—W. H. KNOWLTON. Sewer Inspector—CHAS. HILLERY Marshal—ED. MORGAN. Wood Measurer—THOS. JESS. f Street Commissioner—JNO.CARTER. Market Master—J. P.TRAUT. Fire Chief—JOE REINFRIED. Park Commissioner—H. IIENGE. • Electrician—GEO. OSBORNE. health Officer—F.W. WIELAND. STANDING COMfIITTEES Mayor Pro Tem—A. VOGLER. FINANCE. FIRE. RYDER,BONSON,VOGLER. HALPIN, RYDER, SCHULTE, KAUFMANN, BONSON. .. ORDINANCE. BONBON RYDER HALPIN. CLAIPOLICE AND LIGHT. BAUER,VOGLER, RYDER.' MS. r' PRINTING. VOGLER, CRAWFORD, HALPIN. CRAW FORD, BAUER, RYDER, STREETS.STREETS. VOGLER,HALPIN. . KAUFMANN, SCHULTE,BONSON, DELINQUENT TAX. RYDER,CULLEN. CULLEN, SHEA, KAUFMANN, HARBORS. BONSON,SCHL'LTE. CRAWFORD, BAUER, SCHULTE. SEWER". HALPIN, SHEA. SCHULTE,KAUFMANN,SHEA. SUPPLIES. BOARD OF MALI H. •VOGLER,CULLEN,SHEA, BONSON, SHEA, BAUER,MICHEL, WIELAND. KAUFMANN. ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION. MARKETS. CULLEN, BAUER, SCHULTE, BAUER, SHEA, CRAWFORD. CRAWFORD, RYDER. PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDING. PAVING. SHEA, CULLEN, BONSON, KAUF- SHEA,CULLEN,VOGLER,BAUER, MANN,VOGLER. BONSON. a.' Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the first Monday of each month. • it INDEX—Book 25. —I Peon.— SUBJECT. .895. A 1 • Jan. 7 Adams Co.,taxes(19)............. 2 « 7 Assessor J.F.Stemm sworn in 2 7 Assessors sworn in........ •••• 3 • 7 Alley south of Eagle Point Ave.,profile of grade of (19) • 7 Angella St.,step and sidewalk ordered on (p 6) 3 • 7 Ahearn Mrs.John, taxes 3 7 Almond St.,assessment levied for laying sidewalk 18 Feb. 4 Abbott Ralph,taxes`p 31)• 298 . 6 Alley south of West Eagle Pt.Ave.and east and west of Klein St 19-20 March 4 Anderson Chas.,taxes ( 7 31 •• 4 Anus Adolph,taxes (p 33,72) 31 • 4 Alley bet.W.5th and W.3rd,G. B. Burch allowed$34.90 for strip of ground east of Hill St 31 « 4 Alley het.23rd and 24th and Couler Aveand Jackson ordered repaired, 48 April 4 Alley bet.Jackson and Washington Sts.,J. Lavin allowed $66.00 98 in full for all claims acct. of sewer t « 4 American Fire Eng Co.,ordered paid $3,650,less 2 pet cent(p116) • « 4 Aldermen-elect sworn in 550 May 6 Alley,pet. of W.J. Bean et al. for improvement of abutting lots 2 70 and 3'McCoy's sub.(p 100)* , 6 Audubon St.,pet.of Chris A.Voelker for impt.of(p.100,123,141) • « 6 Alley west end Chestnut St.,extention to 14th st.,pet. of Sarah 70 Donnelly for opening-of(p 100) grade to 71 6 Angella St., pet. of Jno.Lochner et al.asking a t o be ••• estab- lished from Pierce to Cox Sts. (p 156)........... • 72 • 6 Alley bet.Humboldt and Schiller St.,property 0f N.Reject],in rel • of giving City necessary ground for 74 « 6 Alta Vista St. from W. 14th to lot 3 of 3, min.lot 91, assessment 74 levied for laying sidewalk on , 6 Alpine St.beta W nd43rdth and and Dodge Ste. orderedordered impro improved 79, 78 • 6 p 101,109,126,206,242,243) ... ... 6 .t..e.a ...... June 3 Albee E.W.et al.,asking Sing to have frame dwelling bet.let and 2nd • 96 condemned(p ,• • p g work on be 98 • 3 Almond and Ellis 1 Sts., pet of Cath.Keepers asking remitted(p 106)...........••......... •• 96 3 Alley bet. 17th and 18th and Sycamore and Lynn Sts.,pet.of Peter Kiene asking to have obstructions removed from(p 106,117). « 3 Alley west of lot of Jos. Bott on Rose St.and east of Alta Vista St., 96 matter of opening of.......... ................ present om « 3 Alley imnorth p.west 3rd north of theintersect onst f ill Sts. o of W the tof o Pauline, 103 ordered improved(p 161,182)....•••••• ln 103 cc July Alley bet. Johnson and Humboldts. and 183,Linco184) and Rhomberg 118 Aveordered improved (p 110, 121 July 1 Alley east of Alta Vista St.,pet.of vacation of..•............. 12 Althauser Ave.,pet.for repair of.......... 123 • 12 Alley bet.Johnson and Windsor Ayes. a2 d Garfield and Rho nberg Aves.,ordered improved,(p . et for 1303 Aug. 5 Alley east of Stafford Ave. betMe247'a2 d8)Pauline Sts. p 130_1 improvement of(p 156,166,206, « 5 Alley bet.W.7th St.and Julien Ave.,claim of Jos.Hugh.... . . 136 • 5 Alley bet. Mertz and Ries Sts.and Windsor and Stafford Aves ordered improved (p 167,206, 245)••••••.•••..100 123, 1..... 70 March 4 Atlantic Ave.,pet.of C.A.Voelker for impt.of , (p 170 Sept. 4 Ahearn Mrs. John,taxes(p 204).................. 4 Alley bet.Lincoln and Rhombere and Schiller and Middle Aves., pet.for improvement of(p , 165 164 193,206,246,247)............. • r NM INDEX—Book 25. 18". SUBJECT, PAUF. I • A Sept. 4 Atkins.lno.,claim of damages 155 • " 4 Asbury St., sidewalk ordered on west side of 1141 Oct. 28 Alley in Prospect Hill,matter of change in 197 Nov. 4 Angella St.ordered improved(p 234)..... 207 7 Aldermen ordered paid 207 i INDEX--Book 25. .895 I SUBJECT. y. I l• Jany. 7 1 Bilis allowed (p 13) 1 " 7 Bills referred 1 " 7 Burkis John Est.,taxes,(p 19) 2 " 7 Bannon Mrs.Kate,taxes(p 19) 2 7 Booth's Add., pet.of Adams Co.for use of streets in(o 19). 2 " 7 Brunskill vs. City of Dubuque,pet.of Longueville do McCarthy 2 in relation to 3 " 7 Buse Chas.W.,taxes 4 • " 7 Bittan Fredericka, taxes 5 " 7 Bonds called in (Improvement)• 17 F.b. 4 Bilis allowed (20) " 6 I Blinkendoerf H.,remonstrance against special assessment for im- 20 proving Elm St 20 .. I I Bunting J. L„ pet.of to erect wires and poles on streets " 6 Booth's Add.,estimate of Engineer of amount of filling done on 20 streets and alleys 18 .. 6 Bracher Aug., taxes(p 31) 18 .. 6 Buehlntan Henrietta,taxes(p 31) 19 :. 6 Burnheiser Susan,taxes 9 March 4 Bills allowed (p 31) 29 4 Bills referred (p 20) 29 4 Brennan,Mrs.;Bridget,taxes (p 72) , " 4 Boltz J.,proposition of for vacation of a strip of lot 24 in Wick's 30 1 Add 30 " 4 Bills presented to the County returned 3330 • • " 11 Bonded ind.btedness, message of Mayor Olinger 47 April 4 Bills allowed 47 4 Ballard Mary,taxes (p 182) ... 4 Burch Geo. B., taxes 47 617 15 Bonds Improvement, $5,000 called in 69_60 May 6 Bills allowed(p 73,79) 70 " 6 Bills referred .. 70 • " 6 Bizanz Elizabeth,taxes(p 101-2) 72 " 6 Blitsch Chas., taxes 72 " 6 Baler Fred, taxes 72 . 6 Bonds Improvement,$2,000 called in.... .... . 74 6 Bonds I n provement,$45 000 ordered issued(p 122) 95 4 J ane 3 Bills allowed (p 100, 101, 102) 96 3 Bills referred 96 " 3 Bauer Mrs. Elizabeth,sewerage assessment eorrected. .. .. 3 Becker Jno.,pet.to be allowed to furnish macadam on West Eagle 102 Point Ave " 3 Bluff St.,sidewalk ordered on west side of abutting.City lot 598 . 103 " 3 Bluff St. and Dodge St., sidewalk ordered on abutting lots 584, 104 585 b,and 585 c 105 " 10 Bonds,resolution in relation to refunding of05 • 17 Bills allowed ..... . .. ... .............. 1106 " 17 Bonds Improvement,ordered issued(p 122) 115110 Ju:y 1 Bills allowed(p 121, 125) 122 " 12 Bonds Improvement,ordered called in(p 125-6). 129_22 Auz. 5 Bills allowed (p 132,133, 139) 134 " 5 Bonds Improvement,$32,000 issued 5 Bonds Improvement,to be issued this•year,sold to Farson, Leach 136 &Co 5 Broadway St. bet. Blochlinger's Lane and Diagonal St.,sidewalk ordered on west side 137 1417 " 19 Bank and Insurance Building Co.(p 162) 153-4 Sept. 4 13111A allowed (p 161, 162) .. 154 4 Benjamin Mrs.Ch triune,:axes(p 182) ... .... . • e T.rani••-«az INDEX—Book 25. SUBJECT, PAnti. X895• 13 . • Sept. 4 Booth St..pet.of E.D. and W.S. White in relation to assessment 155 on (p 190) 156 i' 4 Burke Jno.,filling ordered in front of property (p 233) 165 " 4 Bluff and Second Sts.,sidewalk ordered on 5 " 20 Bridge tax for 1895 levied 1177 8668 Oct. 1 Bills allowed(p 197) 1.9 " 1 Bonds Improvement, ordered issued 180 " 7 Blake Mary and Nettie,claim of 182 i " 7 Blake Mrs., taxes " 7 Bluff St.bet.3rd and 4th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on both sides 1911 " 7 Bluff St. bet. 7th and 8th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side... " 7 Bluff St..bet.91h and 10th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side 192 66 7 Bonds Improvement,called in (p 192) 192 « 28 Board of Health ordered paid 199_197 Nov. 4 Bills allowed 200 {{ 4 Bahl Cornelius,taxes 200 ',^'/' 66 4 Bohn Ernst,pet.in relation to skating rink(p 235). " 4 Build'ngs dangerous,ordered removed (p 223) 206 " 4 Bennett St.,sidewalk ordered on north side 207 " 4 Berry's sub., plat of approved 207 " 18 Bonds Improvement,called in 223 18 Bonds Street Improvement,ordered issued 223-4 •• 18 Broadway St.east side,sidewalk ordered on ..... 224 " 18 Blochlinger'.+ Lane north side,sidewalk ordered on... N24 Dec. 2 Bills allowed , 231-2 3 " 2 Bunting J.L., pet.in relation to fire and burglar alarms 233 " 2 Blake Mary and Nettie,claim of . . 234 • 2 Bonds Improvement,ordered called in 287-8 I • • • r: INDEX--Book 25. .895• SUBJECT. ---- — I rAtfg. C Jan. 7 Cronmiller Geo.,taxes(p 19) 11 •• '7 Cheetham Mrs.John,taxes(p 19) 2 " 7 Cadman Rose,taxes(19) 2 '7 Couler Ave.and Park Hill,pet.for arc light on(p 19) 2 " 7 Cooper A.A..taxes C, " 7 Clark Ed.,taxes 7 Clay St. bet. 8th and 9th, special assessment levied on for con- 6 struction of sidewalk " 7 Clay St. bet. 5th and 6th, special assessment levied on for con- 6 struction of sidewalk 17 Feb. 4 Clark Ed..special taxes(p 31) 18 " 4 Cantwell Bridget, taxes 18 " 4 Carney Mrs.M.,taxes(p 31, 132). 18 4 Conigisky Katie,taxes(p 31,47,72 18 " 4 Callaghan Mary,taxes(p 31). 19 6 Canovan Mary, t tires March 4 Catherine St. from Augella St.to north end, sidewalk ordered on 32 (p 165) April 4 Central Engine House,prop)sition in relation to radding of 32 . 48 " 4 Committee sttnding,ap•ointed for the year " 4 Clay St. from 3rd to 18th Sts.ons.-red paved with brick (p 57,61, 56 62,69, 136, 157,153,159, 160,163)../86 " 4 Couler Ave. from 18th to Eagle Point Ave. ordered p teed with 56 bri•k(p 57,61,62,'i9, 186, 187,188, 189) " 11 C.&G.W.and C. M.&St.P.B. B.Co.ordered to lay plank walk 57 on north side of Pine bet.tracks and rails 61 h' " 15 Carter John, Street Commissioner, app intcd 61 15 Committee Clerk John O'Connell appointed 701 May 6 Conhulin Harris, taxes 70 " 6 Clark L.M. taxes(p 102) 6 C.& G. W. B.B.Co., pet.of for the removal of an arc light at cor- 71 ner of their freight depot " 6 Curtis St. bet.Dodge and Mtlady Sts.ordered.improved(p 79,101, 161,185,186) 77 1027 June 3 Conlin Lizzie,in favor to cancel taxes for 1874 "• 3 Couler Ave., sidew.tlk ordered on west side abutting lot 9 L. H. 104 Lane's Add.and tut 266 D Iia Farm (p 156) " 7 C. M.&St.P. B. It. Co.granted right to lay track on 12th St.from 105 Pine to Cedar Sts.bet. 12th and 13th Sts. (p 106, 122) 116 July 1 Coate3 Ave., pet. for improvement of(p 161)............ 1 Collins John,pet.for removing brewery on South Locust St 110 " 12 Clay St.,remonstrance against change of grade one 12 " 12 Cox St., plat of exten+ 1 ion of(p 156) 1301 Aug. 5 Curtis St.,claim of McMahon for damages136 " 5 Center Place,Engineer to prepare plans for sanitary drainage ..-• 154 Sept. 4 Chalders Harry,taxes(p 182) 154 " 4 Conigisky Llui+,taxes(p 182) 154 " 4 Clifford St.,pet.f"r grade stakes on(p 189) 154 t " 4 Clifford St.,pet. for improvement of 154 z " 4 Cornell St.,sidewalk ordered on west side. 4 Clay St.and Couler Ave. bet. 3rd St.and E tgle Point Ave, side- 165 walk ordered on both sides of 1815 Oct. 7 Chamberlain I. C., taxes.... 182 '7 Cunningham&Walsh,taxes 200 Nov. 4 Chicago,Milwaukee&St. Paul It.B.Cu.,taxes.... 206 " 4 Catherine S .ordered improved.. 223 " 18 Contractors,net.of it relation to money due(p 235) • " 18 Chicago& Northwestern,committee to be appointed in regard to 224 extension of 227 Dec. 2 Council,rules of amended INDEX--Book 25. 1895. I SUBJECT. I':\..1'. D Jan. 7 Dubuque Wooden Wale Co.,taxes(p 19) 1 " 7 Doherty P.F.& Co., taxes . 3 " 7 Dodge St.from S.Locust to S.Main St.,storm water sewer ordered ontp124) • 5 " 7 Dubuque St.Ry. Co., taxes (p 20) 13 1 7 Dubuque Light&Traction Co., taxes(p 20) 13 7 Dubuque High Bridge Co., matter of amending ordinance of (p 17,18) 18 " 7 Dubuque St. Ry. Co.,ordinance committee to draft ordinance ex- tendiug charter 14 Feb. 4 Decker Mrs. H.C.,taxes cancelled 17 March 4 Downer A.M.,taxes 31 " 4 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co.'s Add., committee appointed to examine into ownership of streets,alleys and levees 32 " 14 Driscoll Mary,taxes 33 April 4 Dumphy Martin, taxes, (p 72) 34 " 4 Dubuque St. Ry. Co.,Dubuque Light&Traction Co.and 8th St.& West Dubuque St. Ry. Co., directed to pay such portions of Clay St. from 18th St.to Couler Ave.by law (p 57) 56 May 6 Donahue Margaret,taxes(p 102) 70 6 Dubuque St.Ry. Co., pet. of extension of charter,(p 101,116,133 t•-. 134,139, 140..... 71 " 6 Dubuque Fire&Marine Ins. Co., communication of 71 " 6 Dubuque Paper Mill Co.,taxes 72 " 6 Dodge St., north side of bet. Bluff St.and Peabody Ave.,sidewalk i ordered kon 78 11 " 18 Dailey L.,pet. in relation to hauling garbage 79 June 3 Dubuque High Bridge Co.,pet.of in relation to taxes (p 155) 96 " 3 Denell Susan, taxes(p 132) 96 M " 3 Dress Susan, taxes granted.. 1U2 Aug. 16 Dubuque & Wisconsin Bridge Co.,communication in relation to (p 205,231) 189 " 19 Dancing,Mayor to issue permits for when proper 141 sept. 4 Dempsey Mrs. Sophia,taxes(p 182) 154 4 Dubuque Boating Association, taxes 155 I " 4 Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Add.,lot in ordered filled 167 Oct. 7 Delhi St. bet.Asbury and Center Ste.,sidewalk ordered on both sides of 191 Nov. 18 Dubuque Fire& Marine Ins. Co.,taxes 223 A I ; INDEX--Book 25. i995• SUBJECT, --- Peas. I, E .tan. 7 Electric lights in City buildings,Police and Light Committee to examine as to use of 8 Feb. 4 Enright Mary, taxes,(p 31) 18 " 6 Elm St.,remonstrance of H. Benkendorf against special assessm't. 20 Melt. 14 Election,juges and clerks were appointed.. 88 April 4 Election,judges and clerks,registers ordored paid.... 47 " 4 English Lane, Sullivan and Nightingale Sts., pet. asking that grade be established (p 73) 47 " 4 Election,votes canvassed. 54-5 " 4 Eighteenth St. from Couler Ave.to Clay ordered paved with brick (p. 57,69, 61, 62) 56 " 4 Eighteenth St. and west side or Couler Ave.,sidewalk ordered on. 56 " 15 Engineer W. H. Knowlton appointed 61 15 Electrician Gen. L. Osborn appointed 61 May 6 East St.ordered opened to West 14th St 71 .1 une 3 Ellis St.,pet of Geo.Ferris in relation:to change of grade of(p 116) 100 " 3 Engine House Delhi St.,repairs ordered done103 •` 3 Engine House 18th St., matter of watter supply. 103 " 3 Eighth St.,sidewalk ordered on north side abutting lot 172 city... 103 July 1 Electric Light Poles allowed on Highland Place 120 Aug. 5 Eagle Point Ave.,pet.for extension of east(p 1561 130 5 Eagle St., pet.for improvement of(p 161) 180 " 5 Equalization Committee appointed 134 " 5 Eagle Point Ave. bet. Jackson and Kniest Ste.,sidewalk ordered on both sides 137 Sept. 4 Ernsdorf Jno. & Sons, pet. In relation to taxes on new building ,, 155 4 English Lane from Wilde to Nightingale ste, red line adopted as, official grade 156 " 4 Eagle Point Ferry,appropriation granted for raising of(p 192).... 156 " 4 Eleventh St. bet.Iowa and Main Ste.,sidewalk ordered on both sides of 165 Oct. 7 Excelsior Brass Works,taxes 182 Dec. 2 Electric light ordered on 17th and Iowa Sts. 235 " 2 Electric Light ordered in front of Finley Hospital 285 " 2 Electrical construction, ordinance committee ordered to draft ordinance 235 " 2 Elmdale Ave., name of changed to Kauffman Ave 237 • INDEX--Book 25. 1895• 5UBJEC'I PAGV. • I F Jan. 7 Finn Mrs.Geo.,taxes(p 19). 1 7 Flannagan Mrs. Dennis,taxes,(p 19) •• 2 :: 2 • '7 Finkenauer Mrs.Phil.,(p 19) 3 :: 7 Fire hose ordered purchased(p 18,20) 3 • '7 Foggarty Rev.Jno.,taxes 5 " '7 'fifth Ave„plans for imp.of approved (p 73,76,80,104,201). 18 Feb. 4 Fox Mary,taxes (p 31) 48 April 4 Fenelon Place Elevator,taxes(p 72, 180) 61 " 15 Fire Chief Reinfried appointed " 24 Farrell Jas.et al., pet.of for sidewalk on 20 ft.strip owned by City 82 72 adjoining lots 6 from Needham Place to Hill St...... 62 " 24 First National Bank,claim against City May 6 Foley P. C., proposition of cleaning Main St.,9th St. and Bluff St. 71 with a sweeper " 6 Fire Department,Fire Chief given full charge over firemen, right 73 to hire and suspend for violation of rule " 6 Fire Department, pet.of firemen that the position of fireman be '73-122 permanent during good behavior " 6 Fremont Ave.,bet.Grandview Ave.and Cascade Road ordered im- proved (p 80,135) " 18 Fenelon Place Elevator Co.et al.,pet. of in relation to the line of Fenelon Place extension (p 100) 79 179 .Ione 3 Flynn Mary,taxes granted :: 3 Finley,Waples&Burton Add.,lotb 24 and 25,taxes cancelled for 102 1891 102 " 3 Flynn Mrs.P.,taxes cancelled for 1894. 102 °' 3 Fourth Sr.Ext.,Marshal instructed to remove obstructions on.... 3 Fourth St between Main and White Ste.ordered paved(p 106, 126, 103 i 163,188) i " 3 Fourteenth 3t. bet. Clay and White Sts., sidewalk ordered on 104l , north side of " 17 Fourth St.Extension,special committee appointed on 110-1200 t July 1 Foy St.,pet.for improvement of 12 Fourth St.Extension,name of changed to High Bridge Ave 123-133 " 12 Fengler Ave.from Peosta St.to northern terminus ordered im- proved(p 140,206,246) t 1 " 12 Fifth Ave from prevent improvement to Peosta St. ordered im- proved(p 139, 167) 124 " 25 Fifteenth St. from Main to Locust Sts.ordered improved (p 135, 126 140,177,203) Aur. 5 Fremont Ave., claim of Mr.Stuart 130-163 5 Fire Gongs,Water Co.instructed to have same put in their pump- 133 ing stations - " 5 Farley-Loetscher 8z Co.,matter of sawdust nuisance. 136-7 5 Fourteenth St. bet. Jackson and Elm Sts., sidewalk ordered on 138 both sites of "° 5 Fifteenth St. bet. Iowa and Clay Sts. sidewalk ordered on south side of 138 Sept. 4 Fogarty Rev.John, taxes . 154-182 " 4 Fifth Ave., pet. for extension of improvement of(p 162, 163, 189). 154 " 4 Fountain drinking,to be placed on Cleveland Ave 163 :: 4 Fire hose,2,000 feet ordered purchased(p 192,193) .... 163 " 4 Foy street ordered repaired 164 " 4 Foy St.,resolution in relation to widening of(p 181,191,192) 164 " 4 Fountain drinking,ordered on Eagle Point Ave. and Couler Ave164 4 Fourth St.,bet. Locust and alley east,sidewalk ordered on north side of 165 4 Fremont Avefrom Grandview Ave. to Cascade Road, sidewalk ordered on both sides of(p 180) 166-7 1. Oct. '7 Ferry boat bet. Dubuque and East Dubuque, petition of Stephen Shaw for 180-2e4 Fire Department,pet.for the equipment of the Peter Olinger(p 235) 180 " 7 Fifth Ave.,subdivision plat of approved X90 D.e. 2 I Flynn Jno., pet.in relation to special assessment granted 33 " •' I Fireman Jerry Murphy,resolution in relation to adopted.......... 237 II • INDEX--Book 25. • vs. I SUBJECT. PAGE. • Feb. 4 Grandview Ave.,matter of widening of(p 19,76 79,80,104,110,117) 17 • " 6 Guthrie .45 Brown subdivisions,renumbering of s 20 Mch. 14 Gagne Dell,pet.to measure macadatn 38 April 15 Garbage,bids advertised for hauling of 61 May 6 Grandview Ave.,communication of Engineer for laying 4 ft.side- walk on 75 " 6 Grandview Ave.,6 ft. sidewalk ordered on both sides (p 79,102, 206,252) 75 " 18 Glen Oak Ave. froth Julien Ave. to West 14th St,jury ordered op (p 110, 111,134,162,168,192) 79 • " 18 Grandview Aye.,Marshal to open streets and alleys in vicinity of80 June 3 l perdet H.,matter of connecting with sewer(see p 314, lot 12) 102 " 17 Grove Terrace, pet.in relation to retaining wall 106 Aug. 5 Grandview Ave.,claim of Jno. Burke on damages on accognt of .grade 180 Sept. 4 Grandview Ave., pet.of Mrs.M.Wilde et al.objecting to improve- ment of from S. Dodge to Southern Ave 155 " 4 Garfield Ave. front Dock to Ann Aires. ordered improved(p 193, 206,249) 166 Oct. 1 Glenn Oak Ave.from Julien Ave.to 14th St., Engineer to prepare grade and estimate on 178-181 Nov. 8 Grandview Ave.from Southern Ave.east accepted(p 243,244,245) 206 Dec. 2 Glab Henry,application of to be reinstated in Engineer's office.•. 233 4' 2 Grant Mrs. avid,taxes 235 INDEX---Book 25. SUBJECT. PAGE. 1895• ----- ----- — 11 • Jan. 7 Hitchens Frank,taxes(p 19) 1• 8 " 7 Hubert Mrs.Joseph,taxes Feb. 4 Holley St.,pet.of Mrs. Whittemore in relation to improvement of.. 17 .. 4 Hubert Annie,taxes 18-31 .. 4 Hallenberger Wm.,taxes 18 .. 6 Hogan Michael est.,taxes cancelled on moneys and credits • 6 Hoerner Margaret,taxes 19 89 March 4 Holly St.,pet.for improvement of received an(i filed... ....... 33 1 .. 14 High Bluff St.,pet. for improvement of 33 " 14 Hughes Margaret,taxes . 14 Highland Place Extension,report of Engineer on (p 168,197...... 33 " 14 Hickey Jno.,pet. of in relation to change of grade east on Grand- 48 view Ave.(p 101,155,156,180,201) . April 4 High Bluff St. from Schiller to Fengier Aves.,jury ordered on (p 54, 162).... 48 " 4 Holly St., from Cleveland Ave.to Rush St.,assessment levied for 49 improv«ment of .. May 6 Hanley Bros.& Hollingshead, pet. to erect a small warehouse on levee 71-101 " 6 Humboldt Ave.bet.Lincoln Ave.and High Bluff St. ordered im- '75 proved (p 80,100, 117) " 6 Hill St.bet.West 5th and West 3rd Sts.,sidewalk ordered on west i7 aide of 120 July 1 Hannan N.J., claim against " 12 High Bluff Sts.from Schiller to Middle Aves.,jury ordered on122-142 " 25 Hill St.subdivision, plat approved Aug. 5 Hintrager Wm.,pet.of objecting to vacation of streets and alleys abutting lots 22 and 26 Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co.'s Add131 " 16 Haney-Cambell&Co.,pat. in relation to taxes on a new factory.•• 154-182140 Sept. 14 Heinz Mrs.Johanna,taxes154 I " 14 Herzog Mrs.Henriet a, taxes(p 182) 178 O(t. 7 Herron F.I.,Maj.General,resolutions in regard to "' 180-204 '7 Hanley&Co.,taxes I "` '7 High Bluff St.,from Schiller to Middle Aves. ordered improved... 191-2070 ` " 7 Hog Weigher Geo. Pfiffner appointed 200-1931 j " 7 High Bridge Ave.,matter of obstructions on(p 234) 200 Ni,v. 4 Hertner C., taxes..... " 4 High Bridge Ave.,pet.of Jesse Verne in relation to filling of...•• 204 200 223 " 4 Hugh Joseph,claim of...... " 18 High School Cadets, pet. for use of 3rd story of City Hall. 233 Dec. 2 Hitchins Frauk, taxes 233 2 Hintrager Wm.,remonstrance against special assessments. . " 2 Hoey Eliza,pet. for extension of time to make sewer connections granted 233 1 • ,l i • 1 INDEX--Book 25. .895. I SUBJECT. • 1 .Jan. 7 Illinois Contra' R.R. Co.granted right of way along Salina and West blain Sts.(p 13,14, 17). • Mch. 4 I. 0. 0.F.,taxes ;;i • 4 Insurance Companies,matter of assessments thereof fixed(p.48) 31 3'2 June 3 Illinois Central R.R. Co., pet.of for permission to lay track from D.D. Bridge track to.l7th St. (p 133, 140). Or • Nov. 4 Illinois Central R. R. Co., pet. of for right!of way from 13th to Cedar Sts. (p 224) 200 " 4 Independent School District of Dubuque,.taxes. 204 Dec. 2 Illinois Central It. R.Co.ordered to cover debris on their property 235 • • • INDEX—Book 25. I I SUBJECT. PAGE. J . 3 Jan. 7 Johnston Mary A., taxes 113 33 Feb. 4 Jeoffroy Joseph, taxes 1 " 6 Jones David R.,taxes. 19 Ich. 4 Joseph Mrs. J.B.,taxes 31 " 4 Julien Ave.,sidewalk ordered abutting lot 9 of sub.City 738...... 32 April 4 Julien Ave. from West 8th St.to Wilson Ave.,special tax levied to 53 pay for laying sidewalk 73 May 6 Jess T. L., taxes " 6 Jackson St.,east side of,abutting lot 39 East Dubuque Add.,side- 78 walk ordered on 6 Jackson St.and Eagle Point Ave.,abutting lots 48 to 54 incl. L. H. 78 Laug's Add.,sidewalk ordered on. . p 107, I June 3 Julien Ave.from Walnut St.to Wilson Ave. accepted (p 108, 100 117) u " 17 Julien Ave„pet. of R.T. Eddy against special assesment for im- 106 provetnent of July 25 Jones St. from Main to Iowa Sts., Engineer to prepare plans for 126 imrrovement of Aug. 5 Jackson St.bet.22nd and 24th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side of 137 «. 16 Jones St.from west line of West Main St. to Levee,resolution for 141 paving Sept. 4 Jones St.from West Main to Harrison Sts.,sidewalk ordered on 167 both sides of Oct. '7 Jackson St. bet.9th and 10th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on west side of 191 " '7 Jackson St.bet.18th and 19th Sts.,sidewalk ordered on east side of 191 j Nov. 18 Jansen John,allowed $10.00 far strip of ground on 5th Ave. (p 233) 223 1 • :- Il i I • INDEX—Book 25. i895. SUBJECT, --- --- Peas. K Jan. 17 Key City Fire Insurance Co., assessments for 1893 and 1894 fixed at$1.4,500 each year 14 • " 17 Kimball R.,allowed$150 assistance to run ferry. 18 Feb. 6 Kniest,Guthrie & Brown's Sub.,matter of renumbering lots in20 " 4 Knoernschild Gotfried, taxes 18-31 " 6 Klingenberg's Sub., Engineer to prepare plat showing street through 19 Nell. 4 Keiffer John, taxes 29-72 " 4 Krische Cath., taxes(p 72, 116, 132) 29 " 4 Kiesel Geo.W.,taxes........ 30 " 4 Kries John,remonstrating against improvement of alley 30 April 4 Klingenberg Terrace, pet. for grade stakes on 47-156 May 6 Kemmler Mary A., taxes 70-102 " 6 Keckevoet John,pet.for lease of grounds to erect boat house near Ice Harbor 71-101 " 6 Kallenberger Wm.Est.,taxes 72 " 6 Keachie Miss,allowed$50.00 personal damages .. 73 " 6 Kniest St. bet.Rhomberg and Eagle Point Ayes.,sidewalk ordered both sides of 77 June 17 Kane St.,obstructions on 106 Aug. 5 Kieffer John et al., pet. of in relation to overflow of Couler Creek131 " 5 Kampman Casper,taxes 132 Sept. 4 Knapp H. G., taxes. 154-182 4 Kietzman Mrs. Henrietta,taxes 154-182 " 4 Kelly Mrs.M..claim for damages by flood 155 Nov. 4 Keep John,claim of 200 Dec. 2 Knapp.Jno.,pet. in relation to extension of Willow St 233 " 2 Kemp Maria et al., pet. in relation to grade of Southern Ave 235 " 2 Kauffman Ave.,name of changed to Bauer Ave 236 INDEX---Book 25. " 895 SUBJECT.- i'e"t:. L Jan. 7 Lahy Mrs.,taxes 1-19 " 7 Large Rovena S.,taxes 2-17 7 Langworthy's Add.,pet. for opening street through lot 882-19 " 7 Lincoln Ave.,special assessment levied for improvement of 34 " 7 Lange Mrs.A.,taxes " 7 Leibnitz St.west of North Main St.,Electric Light ordered on.... 184il Feb. 4 Lavin Michael, claim of 18-31 " 4 Lonergan Honors, taxes.... .... 20 " 6 Loeffler F.W.,Attorney to pr cure deed from for alley 19 " 6 Leppert Maria,taxes 29-72 Mch. 4 Lenzing Carolina, taxes 29-72 I " 4 Ludwig Michael,taxes " 4 Laurer John et al.,remonstrating against special assessment. 30 30 I " 4 Lavin Michael,claim of I " 4 Lippstock Henry,taxes 81 " 4 Loan,warrants to bear interest at 6 per cent 32 May 6 Lorimier Mary D., taxes 70-102 I f 6 Leibnitz St.,pet. of J.E.Rider et al.to have same improved from 7A Harold to Abitz Sts.,(p 100, 106, 117, 124, 139,191,207) I 6 Lookout Post No.70, pet. of for the use of room in City Hall as a G.A.R.Post hall 71 " 6 Linwood Cemetery,Engineer to devise plan for carrying water at 7$ crossings at Winds r Ave.to have same flow down " 6 Lot 12 sub. of out lot'703 ordered connected with sewer 75-102 " 6 Lincoln Ave.; sidewalk ordered on south side abutting lot 1 of 4 77 L.Kniest's sub 6 Lincoln Ave.,sidewalk ordered on abutting lot 10,Wick's Add.... 77 I 18 Lincoln Ave.,sidewalk ordered on North side of bet. Couler Ave. 1 and White St 78 I lir " 18 Locust St'y from 10th to 16th Sts., W. Locust from 16th t• N. W. 1 side to W. 17th St., Engineer to prepare plans for improve- .1i ment,etc.(p 109,110,126,177,294,238,231,240) 80 I June 3 Lawther Ave. from Windsor to Burden Aves. accepted (p 107, I;I 108, 109) 100, 3 Louisa St., proposition for extension of 100 Aug. 5 Lincoln Ave. bet.Jackson St.and Reed Ave.,sidewalk ordered on both sides of 13$. June 17 Leibnitz St.,pet.for repair of .. 106-161 Aug. 5 Locust St.bet. let and Jones Sts.,sidewalk ordered on both sides of 128 1 Sept. 4 Luke Mrs. Mary J.,taxes 154-182 " 4 Levi St.,red line adopted as official grade of 159. • Oct. 7 Lincoln Ave.bet. 5'h and 6th Aves.,pet. for improvement of 180 " 7 Linehan D. J., pet.of to have lot on cor.14th and Cornell S's. connect with sewer .. 180 Dec. 2 Locust St.,remonstran^e against special assessment for impt.of... 233 f' i . • i li I. • II I , I _.. .:-,...,._ ....__.„.. ,.,..-- _- - ter sr.'s INDEX---Book 25. 1895. SUBJECT. I PAGE. , . M Jan. 7 McLean Cath.,taxes • 2-19 • " 7 McLaughlin Mrs., tuxes 2 " 7 MuilqueeneyThos., taxes 2-19 • " 7 McLain James,taxes.., 3 7 Macadam,Engineer to measure 5-13 " 7 Matthews Alphonse,appointed Assistant City Attorney... 13 " 7 McClaux James, plat of .. , 19 Feb. 4 blacken Valentine, taxes 31-18 " 6 Maresch Joe remonstranee against special assessment for im- proving Elm St 20 " 6 McCann Cath.,taxes ... 19 " 6 McLaughlin Mrs., taxes 19 " 6 Magdal H., taxes 19 Mch. 4 Marsh Mrs. John,taxes 30-72 " 4 Madel Anna, taxes 80-72 " 4 Macadam,list of rock broken presented 30 " 4 McLain Ed.,plat of approved 32 " 14 Mt.St. Joseph's Academy,Engineer should give proper lines on West Locust St • 33 Aprii 4 Mathis Caroline,taxes 47_.72 " 4 Mullqueeney Margt.,taxes 47-72 " • 4 Mayor,salary fixed at$1,500 48 " 4 Mayor-elect Olinger sworn in 55 " 8 Macadam required for foundation for streets be furnished by city 57 " 15 Marshal Morgan anpointed 61 " 15 Market Master J.P.Traut appointer) 61 May 1 MacDonald A.Y.&Morrison Mfg. Co., pet.for vacation of streets and alleys(p 71, 102) 69 " 1 MicPoland Cath.,taxes . 70-102 " 6 Meyer Eva, taxes 70-102 " 6 MundtJno.,claim for damages for personal injury to wife(p 101, 155, 180) 71 " 6 Muggenberg Dietrich, plat dedicating part of his land for street . purposes 72-121 " 6 Mickes Wendel est.,Treasurer instructed to accept$100 in full for taxes for 1889 and 1891 75 June 3 McNally Johanna,taxes 96-182 " 3 Mullen Mary,pet.asking that money due her from parties be re- turned for her 96 " 3 Mertz St. accepted (p 118, 119) 100 " 17 Middle Ave.from Garfield Ave. to High Bluff St., pet. in relation to improvement of 106-207 . " 17 MacDonald& Morrison Mfg. Co., resolution in relation to taxes of(p 122) 106-107 July 1 M Cenev Mrs.E.,taxes •116-132 " 12 Middle Ave. bet. Emsley's alley and Garfield Ave. ordered im• proved(p 140,206,247) 123 Aug. 5 Murray J. B.,pet.in relation to sidewalk assessment 130-156 " 5 Mineral Lot 113,sidewalk laid on abutting 137 " 16 Muscatine St.,pet.of F. W. Altman calling•attention to condition of 139-161 Sept. 4 Mercy Hospital.taxes 154-168 . " 4 Monday Morning Star, pet. of to be made official paper(p 164,223, 235) 155 " 4 Malady St.,Engineer to prepare plat showing extension of 166-181 " 20 Macsdam used by City ordered paid for 168 Oct. 7 McMahon Mrs.M., taxes . 180-204 " 7 McMahon Michael,claim of 180-205 Nov. 4 Mausen &Co., pet.to have license refunded , 200 " 4 Mertz St.,•sidewalk order•id on 207 " 4 Macadam,parties to obtain permits to break 207 lam_ ... m•■ ' i • r INDEX--Book 25. g . . I.i SUBJECT. i'. ur:, ' X595 N k• ' April 15 Ney Albert, pet of for correct line on south side of 2nd St. west on Main to alley 01L. ef,• I May 6 Nineteenth St.north side bet.Elm and Pine Sts.,assessment levied yy for laying sidewalk on i4 I " 6 Nineteenth St. south side of abutting lot 97 East Dubuque Add., sidewalk ordered on July 1 Noyes C.A.,pet.is relation to sidewalk. 117 Aug. 5 Nauk Karl,claim of(p 234) 130-161i Sept. 4 Noonan Mrs.M.M., taxes 154-182 `y " 4 Nightingale St.,red line adopted as official grede of 156 rw I f h4 I li 1 fi • 11 i jtr • I' I it Ii 1 INDEX—Book 25. • .895. I SUBJECT, I PAGE. 0 .1 an. 7 .Oswald Helena,taxes 1 " 7 Officers, reports of 2 " 7 O'Brien John,claim of 8 " 7 O'Shea James, taxes 3 7 O'Neill St., matter of location of 18 Feb. 4 Officers,reports of 18 " 4 Ott Jos.J.,taxes 18-81 Mch. 4 Officers,reports of 30-48 ,. 14 Officers, annual reports are presented 34 ,' 14 Ordinance extending franchise to Dubuque St. Ry. Co 84 April 15 Officers,salaries and bonds of 61-62 May 6 O'Farrell Mrs.,taxes 70 " 6 Oak St.,pet.J. Beacon et al.in relation to'conditiou of(p 100).... 70 " 6 Officers, reports of .. 71-72 " 6 Official paper,"Telegraph"appointed (p 101,186,140, 190) 78 Juoe 3 Officers, reports of ... .... ... .. . .. .. 96-97 " 3 Ordinance relating to Chief of Fire Department 102-122 " 3 O'Reagan Maurice,taxes granted 102 " 3 O'Halleron Ellen,taxes cancelled for 1894(p 131.162) 102 " 3 Ordinance vacating alley bet. Pine and Sycamore and 12th and • 13th Sts. adopted 106 July 1 Officers,reports of 116 Aug. 5 O'Hare Rose,claim of 130 " 5 Officers,reports of 131 Sept. 4 O'Donnell Hubert, pet.of in relation to sidewalk assessment 154-2052 " 4 Officers, reports of 55 " 4 Ordinance granting I. C.R. R. Co. right of way from Salina St. north of Charter St. westerly across W.Main, Harrison and. South Locust Sts.on to the premises of Jas. Beach 159-161 " 20 Ordinance in relation to awnings ordered.changed 168 • Oct. 7 Officers,reports of 180-181 " 7 Ordinance granting C.M.& St.P.R.R.Co. right of way 181 " 7 Ordinance in relation to awnings 181 " 7 Ordinance granting Svendsen& Ott certain streets and alleys181-182 " 7 Ordinance in relation to sewer connections 182 " 7 Ordinance in relation to taxes 190 Nov. 4 Oak St.,pet.of Kane&Keaneally that.same be made passable..• 200200 • " 4 Officers. reports of Dec. 2 O'Reagan Mrs. Maurice, taxes 233 . " 2 Officers,reports of 233-234 " 2 Ordinance in relation to licenses 234