Y Roll_13 Part 3End of Index Book No. 3 City of Dubuque Council Record Book No. 28 January 6, 1898 - December 22, 1898 Official Proceedings of the City Council of the City of Dubuque for the year 1898 CITY OFFICE-12s 1-01? 1'FAI? I59o. ELECTIVE OFFICERS. MAYOR-C. H. BERG. • Recorder—L. M.LANGSTAFF. Auditor—F. B. HOFFMAN. t Treasurer—HENRY S.u... II FSE Attorney—THOS. H. DUFFY. Assessor—E. O. DUNCAN. i Engineer—E. C. BLASE. Marshal—EDWARD MORGAN. d ALDERMEN-AT-LARGE. 1 0..E. WALES, First Ward. I RUDOLPH JONES, Fifth Ward. 1 ALDERMEN. JAMES T. DUGGAN, First Ward. JOIN FLYNN, Third Ward. P. H. McLAUGHL[N, Second Ward. P. W. CRAWFORD, Fourth Ward. E. I:. FRIT II,Fifth Ward. APPOINTIVE OFFICERS• Mayor Pro Tern—P. W. CRAWFORD, Fourth Ward. , Fire Chief—JOS. REINFREED. Market Master—OTTO RATH. Street Commissioner—JAS. H. BOYCE. Sidewalk Inspector—L. ZEIDMAN. Health Officer—DR. E. A. GUILBERT. Wood Measurer and Harbor Master—R. . Committee Clerk—W.F.FITZPATRICIK F. CURRAN. Electrician—WM.1P. HIPMAN. Police Matrons—MISS B. I3RENNAN, MRS. KATE HIBI. STANDING COMMITTEES. rnio FINANCE. FIRE WALES, FLYNN,JONES. WALES, JONES, DUGGAN. I ORDINANCE. POLICE AND LIGHT. F CRAWFORD,JONES, DUGGAN. McLAUGHLIN, CRAWFORD,FLY NN CLAIMS. PRINTING. FLYNN, FRITH, McLAUGHL1N. JONES,WALES, CHAWFORD, STREETS. DELINQUENT TAX. ti CRAWFORD, FRITH, McLAUGHLIN. FRITH,FLYNN, DUGGAN. _ HARBORS. SEWERS. I DUGGAN,FRITH,McLAUGHLIN. CRAWFORD, DUGGAN, FRITH. t ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION.' SUPPLIES. DUGGAN, .TONES, FLYNN. t FLYNN, JONES, DUGGAN. PAVING. MARKETS. FRITH, McL AUG II LIN,WALES. FRITH, WALES,FLYNN. BOARD OF HEALTH. I PUBLIC GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS. McLAUGHLIN, JONES, DR. E. A. , JONES, FLYNN, McLAUGHLIN. GUILBERT, GEO. SALOT. ' REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL EVERY THURSDAY EVENING. k s 15. • I -- ihi 0. INDEX Book 28. 1898• Su BJ ECT. PAGE. • A )__ Jany. 6 Atkins John,taxes 3-13 {f 6 Adams Co., taxes 3-40 " 27 Appropriations for expenditures for 1898. 45 16-42 Feby. 17 Alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenue and middle and 1 Fengler avenue,pet of E Ford asking that same be improved 43-72 I " 17 Angella st,plat of showing change of line at east end of 43-63 March 10 Adams st,pet of Geo Gail asking improvement of. 64.103 1 " 10 Alley between W 17th and Angella sts from Pierce to Cather- ine ,grade of 66 447 t lley eaststof Alta Vista st,pet of Robt Quirk asking that•sewer be extended in and the alley be opened to Rose st 67 4 Alley bet Rhomberg and Garfield aves and Middle and Fengler ayes,resolution ordering improvement of. 104 72-101 April 21 Ardmore Terrace, pet of L Lindenberg et al asking that same be opened and improved 103 "1 28 Adams st,pet of Chas Bremer et al protesting against imp of.. 108 May 5 Aldermen,resolution in relation to appointment of relatives of 118 12 Adams st,pet of Phil Kress et al in relation to imp of 118-139 " 12 Alleys cleaning of,report L. Zeidman for collections 119 " 12 Alpine st west side of from W 3rd st to Solon st, sidewalks or- . dered on. (Special assessment levied. 257) 134 19 Alley bet Jackson and Washington sts from Sanford st to Eagle Point ave,pet of.1110 Pauls in relation to imp of 135-139 " 19 Alley bet Garfield and Rhomberg ayes from Kniest st to John- son ave,com of Dr. E.A. Guilbert in rel to condition of... 135 " 26 Albert G W(macadam) 137-202 " 26 Alley bet Booth and Nevada st, pet E Lindenberg asking per- mission to grade same... 137-180 " 26 Alley (private) abutting lots 23 to 33 High st sub, pet of Jacob Wildhaber et al asking the same be made a public alley 137-179 " 20 Alley next north of Grace st from to Louisa st,resolution in rel to imp of. 224. (Profile and grade of 229.) 141 204 July 7 Asse sor,assistants salary of. (Report of com of whole,297-298 196-272 " , bet llth and 12th and Iowaand Clay sts,pet of J.T Rowan et al., in rel to condition of 196 " 21 Alley bet 8th and 9th and Main and Iowa,pet of Security Buldg I "' Co, in rel to condition of 203 ' " 21 Asbury st,pet of Frank A Scott asking imp of. 229 203-225 1 Aug. 4 Aldermen, warrants ordered drawn for $100 each on acct of sal 225 r'. Sept. 1 Alley from Mountain lane to Union st, pet of Ed Conlan in red i7' to opening of 246 " 1 Assessment roll for 1898 completed 249 " 1 Alley next north of Grace st from Hall to Louisa st,grade estb 251 h " 1 Asbury st from Delhi to city limits,resolution for imp of 253 " 22 Alley extending from Fenelon nlace to alley between West 3rd and Fenelon place, pet of C BTrewin et al asking vacation '; of 300-316 261-297 " 22 Alley between flart st and Kauffman ave east of Couler ave condition of 263 Oct. 6 Alley next north of Grace st,accepted resolution ordering war- rants drawn to pay contractor 276 " 6 Alley next north of Grace st, resolution ordering bond issued imp of. 276 {l 6 Alley next north of Grace st,(named Phillips Line 277 66 6 Arlington st north side of,resolution in rel to imp of 277-296 " 6 Atkins Mary, taxes 278-303 " 6 Arlington st imp of, remonstrance of G Bailey et al 278-297 • c° 20 Allen Thos,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 281 t i l t I t i • INDEX—Book 28. lag°. SUBJECT. PAGE. — — A Oct. 20 Alley next north of Grace st(Phillips Lane),special assessment levied 284-302 Nov. 3 Abstracts of briefs, recorder instructed lo adv for bids for. 322 296 302 Dec. 15 Atkins Mary,taxes 323 Dec. 15 Ancient Order of Hibernians, pet of asking use of Armory for dance March 17,1899 323 " 15 Assessor assistants,salary tixPd ,,.. 326-327. i 4 ' i' I r ri ,,,i! 4 ii 7 f s I INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SU BJ ECT. PAGE• li j Jany. 6 Ballard Mrs Mary,taxes 3-13 6 Bills allowed 1-2-9 " 6 Bills referred 2 " U Bohn Ernst, pet of in rel to license for skating rink for 5 years in ice harbor 3-45 66 It Bonds improvement(sold). 6 66 6 Broadway extension,east side of guard rail ordered on 9 " 20 Brunskill John et al, pet of in rel to damages caused by water from Alpine sewer 10-41-64 " 20 Brede F estate of, taxes 10-44 " 24 Bank and Insurance Building Co (Office Building),taxes 10 " 20 Bonds improvement called iu 11-12 " 20 Bock.L heed,claim of 13 " 2U Bo.evelt Johanna, taxes 13 Feby. 3 Bills allowed 37-41 66 3 Bills referred $8 44 3 Booth 0 H, taxes 38-44 " 17 Brown Mrs 8 E, taxes 42-63 " 17 Beyer Mrs Cuas, taxes • 42.63 " 17 Burch Geo B,tsxes(Dee Basket Factory) 43•63 March 3 Bills allowed. 63-69-72 58-B6 . 66 3 Bids referred 56 " 3 Brinkman H. pet of in rel to voting place 3rd precinct 5th ward 57 t'° 10 Boettscher Fred, pet of in rel to water Irom Lane east of Det— rick's brickyard 65-102 i 17 Brown Eli, taxes 67 " 17 Bowen Elizabeth,claim of personal damages 67-201 " 24 Broadhurst D, pet of in rel to salary to time of discharge 72-92 April 5 Bauer Albinus,claim of personal damages,city attnys report87 46 '7 Bills allowed. 92-102 87-88 89 7 Bilis referred 89 " 14 Burkhart Chas, claim of asking city for employment 98-104 " 21 Buettell John L,claim of 103 " 21 Board of Health, members of appointed 107 • " 28 Burch Geo B,taxes 107-117 " 28 Bonds improvement called in 109 May 5 Bills allowed. 130 113-129 " 5 Bills referred 113-114 " 5 Boland Mrs Kate,taxes 114-136 " 12 Bailey J G,resolution ordering him to connect with sanitary sewer 131-178 " 19 Blank books and stationery,city recorder instructed to adver- tise for bids for all amounts over 0.00 137-140 " 26 Burns st pet of Terry O'Toole in rel to steps on. 137-180 " 26 Becke Bernard, pet of in rel to cleaning vaults 138 • June 2 Bills allowed ..• 175 2 Bills referred 176 " 2 Bluff st bet 4th and 5th at, pet of P Ryder asking that engineer give curb grades 176 " 16 Bluff st north side of 7th, stone crossing ordered on 183 July 7 Bills allowed 195-196 " 7 Bills referred 196 64 7 Bluff st extension, pet of G F' Woods in rel to imp of 196-229 " 7 Bommers John, taxes 196-280 " 8 Byrne Bros,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 201-202 " 21 Bills allowed 204 " 21 Boyce W,macadam .. 206 Aug. 4 Bills allowed 219 .f, I INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. B Aug. 4 Bills referred 219-220 4 Bisping F A, pet asking extension of time to pay special assess 220-252 " 11 Burns Richard,pet of in rel to special assessment for sidewalk 227-279 " 18 Belz Elizabeth,taxes 227-252 " 18 Bohn Ernest,pet in rel to location of boat livery in ice harbor' 227 " 18 Bills allowed 229 Sept. 1 Bills allowed 245 `` 1 Bills referred 245 " 1 Ballard Mary,taxes.. 246-280 " 20 Burns John,pet of asking employment 261-275 " 20 Ballard Kate F,taxes 261-280 Oct. 6 Bills allowed 271-272 " 6 Bills referred 272 " 6 Brown& Brown,pet asking that the 5 per cent retained on the Iowa street contract be paid 273 " 5 Beach James and C H Schmidt,pet of asking that they be ex- empt from taxes on packing house for a term of 10 years. 279 273-278 20 Blake Mary C, pet of iu rel to special assessment 278 " 20 Burhler Elizabeth, taxes 278 " 20 Becker Theo,ordere 1 to connect with sanitary sewer.... 282 Nov. 3 Bills allowed 293-294 " 3 Billy referred 294 , " 3 Bush Mrs Anna et al, pet of in rel to waterway between Julien ave and West 14th st 294 ;x. " 17 Butler Elizabeth, taxes 300-323 Dec. 315 316 1 Bills allowed. 323ti .... 1 Bills referred 316 " 1 Bonds refunding$37,453.00(agreement with Denison, Prior & 11110 Co, 328.329)... 322-327 6 15 Butchers license, matters in rel to. (Referred to com of whole) 324 1 t . ,r l I I i Ii 11, I1 f1 I 1 . Y yl y g % ` i INDEX Book 28. 1898• SUBJECT PAGE. l• Jany. 6 Cox st, pet of W L and John II Bradley in rel to filling of 2-66 64 6 City property,inventory of . 9 " 20 County prisoners,board of 14 Feb. 3 Cadman Rosa,taxes 38-45 " 3 Chaloupka John et al, pet in rel to tilling lot 350 East Dub add 43-103 " 3 Cummings J P et al, pet of in rel Chestnut st ext. 103 43-56 46 6 Connell Hugh C, macadam43-102 March 10 Citizens Reform Club,com of in rel to ordinance providing for the election of city engineer and marshal by the people65 " 10 Canal and Warren sts, vacation of pet and protests. 87-92-9366-74 " 10 C&G W R R Co, resolution ordering crossings planked on t=r. Pine and 13th, 15th and 16th sts 66-67 " 10 C M &St P R R Co,resolution ordering crossings planked on 13th, 15th and 16th sts 67 April 14 Cottonwood ave cor Walnut and W llth st, matter of 98 ' 14 Committees standing appointed 98 "0 14 City carpenters and carpenter wagons discontinued 100-107 21 Cooper A A,pet asking permission to finish building bet Jones and First ate and Water st and I C R R tracks 101-109 ; " 28 Callahan Con, pet of in rel to special assessment 107-117 " 28 City Engineer Blake,communication of presenting the name of 1;M1 M Tschirgi Jr as asst engineer. 135-139140 108-117 " 28 Carriage hire,city not to pay for 110 '" " 28 Clay st east side of bet 8th and 9th st sidewalks ordered on.... 110 ;';;, 28 City attorney,warrant for$250.00 ordered drawn witness case Francis Engel vs city 110-138 " 28 Codes of Iowa(new), mayor and marshal instructed to get those • in hands of ex-aldermen 111 May 5 City carpenters,matter of appointment of 114 " 5 City engineer's office,rodman appointment of 118 ` 12 City engineer's assistants, city attorney's opinion 119 " 19 Chestnut st from Walnut to Rose st, plat of 135-202 " 19 Coates ave south side of from Tremont ave to Cross st, side- , walks ordered on 137 " 26 City hall, matter of towel supply 139 1 " 26 Cascade crossings,matter of repairing bridge at 1 139 " 26 City scales,repairing of 140 June 2 City hall, market committee presented bids for whitewashing calaboose and etc 180 :, 442 City assessor,city attorney's opinion in rel to salary of 177 ,, 2 Committee wagon, matter of purchase of.... 180 " 16 Conzett Walter,macadam. 230 181-2`c9 " 16 Couler ave east side of bet Eagle Point ave and Sanford st,side- t` walk ordered on 182 July 7 Clark Geo L, pet of asking permission to erect woodshed on 1135 Iowa 197 617 City directories, matter of disposal of 197-225 ` Aug. 18 College ave west side of from W 2nd to W 3rd st, pet of H A Jordan in rel to sidewalk 227-25.5 " 18 Cheetham Benj estate, taxes 227-252 " 18 College ave from West 3rd to O'Neill st, imp of(protest of W S White 246-255 231-232 Sept. 1 Cannon st,pet of T Dillon asking that engineer give lines of.. 246.255 46 1 City scales,matter of privat-scales weighing in place of 249 " 22 Ctty warrants drawing 7 per cent called in(redeemed 296) 282 • ,` 22 Couler ave east side of abutting lots 231-232 Davis Farm add, sidewalks on 263 ' Oct. 20 City horses only to be Liken care of and fed by city 280 4 • INDEX----Book 28. 1898. SU BJ ECT. PAGE. c Nov. 3 City assessors assistants salaries of, report of com of whole297-29S Dec. 1 Clark Wm J, taxes 317 • " 1 Cummings Mrs L,taxes 317 II II I,II lI! Ir .11 ➢•'..'. :.:4..t INDEX Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. 1) Jany. 6 Deed from Floran Margadant to city of Dubuque. 64 6 Dubuque Water Co., communication in relation to flush tank 3 on 8th st. 41 2-14-88 " 6 Dickens Mrs Mary F, pet of in rel to personal damages 8-81 Feby. 3 Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co,taxes 38-44 64 3 Dean Geo W,claim of40 64 3 Dubuque Water Works, question of whether or not the city purchase,to be submitted to the electors at the election in 1 April 1898. 95 42-45 " 17 Dubuque Improvement Co, taxes 45 " 17 Dubuqne Water Co plant, city engineer instructed to make estimate of value of the present plant. 104 46-48 March 3 Dubuque Water Works, Mayor Duffy communication in rel to purchase of 57-58 " 3 Dubuque Malting Co,taxes 57-65 46 10 Dubuque Water Works, communication of Citizens Reform Club in rel to purchase of 65 " 17 Dodge at south side of, pet of J McGuaran et al asking that sidewalks be ordered on.. 67 " 17 Dodge at,south side of from Locust to Main st, sidewalks or- dered on 70-73 " 31 De Lorimier Mary, taxes. 204 252 74-117 " 31 Dodge st north side of from 8 Locust to S Bluff sidewalk or- dered on 106 April 28 Drehouse John,pet of in rel to License for chimney sweeps.... 107-203 " 28 Dubuque Water Co,committee appointed to confer with Water Co in rel to purchase of plant. 117-179-204-205-206-207-220 226-230-231-232.... 110-111 May 5 Dubuque High Bridge Co, taxes 114-136 5 Dement H et al,asking that Mettel Bros be permitted to erect scales on White et. 114 130 " 5 Donahue T J,taxes 117 " 19 Donavan Dennis, macadam 229-230 135-139 June 16 Dubuque Casket Co,taxes 181-204 July 8 De Soto Terrace retaining wall, Asst Engineer IIyde and Street Commissioner Boyce and Rodman Cassidy instructed to measure said wall. (Report of street commissioner and engineer 207-209-210-221-224) 202-208 " 26 De Soto Terrace,retaining wall,Mrs Lull notified to move. (I Proctor notified). 207-208 " 26 Dubuque Water Co, matter in rel to condition of water fur- nished. 207 205-206 " 39 De Soto Terrace retaining wall, plans and estimates from engi- neer and asst engineer for the reconstruction of, bids or- dered opened. 221-224. (Specifications) 209-210 Aug. 4 De Soto Terrace retaining wall, Asst Engineer Hyde put in charge of reconstruction of 224 " 4 DubuqueWater Co proposition of,also ordinance presented by Co 220-221 6 6 4 Dubuque Water Co,resolution in rel to forfeiture of franchise 226 " 18 Dubuque Water Works, resolution in rel to purchase of plant. 230-231 " 18 Dempsey Sophia, taxes 227-252 " 18 Donahue Thos J, pet of in rel to special assessment for remov- ing snow and ice 227 " 18 Dubuque Light and Traction Co, ordered to raise tracks on Jackson st 230 Sept. 1 Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress,invitation of 246 " 1 Dubuque Water Co,notice of city's intention to purchase served • on company 249 • 1 t 1 , INDEX—Book 28. 1898• .SUBJECT. PAGE• 1) Sept. 15 Dubuque Telegraph, bill of 236 " 15 Dubuque Water Co,committee of 6 in rel to valuation ut 257 Oct. 6 Drees Mrs A, taxes.. 212 " 6 Deckert Mrs, pet of in rel to weights for 5th ward scales 273 6 Donahue T J,taxes 273 " 20 Dawson Mrs M, taxes 278-303 " 20 Dillon Timothy,taxes 278-317 " 20 Dunn J J,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 283 " 20 Davis ave,ordered put in a passable condition 284 " 20 Dubuque Harness and Saddlery Co,taxes278-326 Nov. 3 Diener Mrs Esther,taxes I 29.1-303 " 3 Dubuque Woodenware Co,taxes 29.1-302 " 3 Dubuque Water Co, resolution to forfeit charter rescinded. (Committee report 299-300) 298 " 17 Deed quit claim from C A Voelker to city,e 6 ft lot 155 and W 6 ft lot 139 Mechanics add. 326 301-325 17 De Soto Terrace accepted. (Final estimate of'321) 302 Dec. 1 Dubuque Imp Co,Ryan Packing House,taxes.... .. 317 II {i ; ;j1 1 INDEX--Book 28. 1898. SU BJ ECT. PAGE. E Jany. 6 Eagle st,communication of City Treasurer Gniffke in rel to cost of rolling of 6 ,, 6 Elm st from 26th to 27th st special assmnt levied for imp of... 7-8 " 6 Exchange st bet Dodge and Center sts.grade of 10 64 61 Evan & Fuchs,bill of 13-14 {! 6 Electric light, pet of Rev J Toomey et al asking that one be placed at Bluff and 2nd et 38-42 March 3 Eagan Anna,claim of 57-201 " 17 East Dubuque add lots 209-210-211,matter of filling of.... 69-70 " 24 Election judges and clerks appointed. (Ordered paid 101) 73 " 24 Eagle Point Ferry,pet of R Kimball asking city to donate$400 for operating expenses 74-92 April 7 Electric light at intersection of Burns st and Cleveland ave, pet James Beacon in rel to raising of 80 ,, 7 Election,votes canvassed 93-94-95 " 14 Elm st both sides of, sidewalks ordered laid 100 " 21 Evan &Fuchs,claim of 103 " 21 Electric light,pet of J F Teal et al asking that one be placed at corner of Pierce and 17th st 103 " 21 Electric light,pet of J W Pier et al asking that one be placed at corner Rush and Quinn sts 103 " 28 Electric light, pet of B B Richards asking that one be placed at corner of 12th and Clay sts. 130 107-108 May 12 Electrical companies,amount due for city electricians services, city attorney instructed to collect same 131-326 June 16 Electric lights, pet of Thos Barry et al asking that one be placed on 5th ave.... 181-202-259 16 Electric light First and Bluff st, matter of moving to Jones and Bluff sts 185 Aug. 4 Equalization board appointed 225 Sept. 1 Excelsior Brass Works,taxes 246-255 Oct. 20 Electric light Leibnitz and North Main st, pet of L J Baum- hover et al in rel to. 299 278-297 " 20 Elwanger Bros,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 281 Nov. 3 Electric lights,2 lamps ordered on Grandview ave bet Southern ave and South Dodge st 299 k 44 3 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered on Valley st 299 " 3 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered at intersection of Delhi and Gil- liam st 299 " 3 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered at intersection of Alta Vista and West 17th st.... 299 ,. 3 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered on Couler ave and north bound- , ary of city 299 " 3 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered on Fifth ave and Jansen st 299 " 17 Electric light, pet of Jas Quinlivan et al for one at West 3rd st and College ave 300 " 17 Electric light,1 lamp ordered on James and West 3rd st 305 " 17 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered on 14th and Bluff st 305 " 17 Electric light, 1 lamp ordered on 12th and Clay at 305 " 17 Electric light, pet of Val P. Kruse et al for one at corner Leib- nitz and Harold st 323 INDEX-- Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. 1? Jany. 20 Fire Chief Reinfried, communication in rel to insufficient sup- ply of water. 46 10-11-45 " 20 Froelich Mrs,taxes 14 Feby. 8 Farley-Loetscher Mfg Co,pet of asking that another engine be equipped at the Central Engine House 41 March 3 Forrester James vs city, city atty report in matter of court costs 61 " 10 Flynn Mrs Mary, taxes. 204-252 64-117 " 10 Fire plug,pet of Carr Ryder Adams Co asking that one be placed in alley bet Washington and Jackson & 9th & 10th 65-109 " 17 Faust Noah, claim of 69 23 Ferris W E et al, protesting against the mayor signing the ordi- nance for the election of marshal by people 71 April 7 Frank D,claim of 89-130 7 Flynn Bridget, taxes, 204-252 89-136 '• 7 Finance committee,report of for fiscal year ending March 1,1898 91-92 " 21 First st north side of bet Main and Iowa, sidewalk ordered on. 106 May 12 Fire engine house 18th st,driveway on east side ordered paved. 130 June 2 First Baptist Church,pet in rel to special assessment for repair ing sidewalks 176-202 " 16 Farrell Mike, macadam230. 181-229 Aug, 4 Forester James,matter of moving fence on W 14th st. 246... 227-229 18 Frick Louis, pet of in rel to special assessment 227-252 Sept. 15 Fuel bids advertised for, bds opened. 261-262 260-276 " 15 Fire and police departments, bids for oats and hay advertised and contract awarded. 262 260 261 Nov. 3 Funk Mrs Margaret,taxes 294-303 " 3 Fountain water ordered at intersection of Valley st and South- ern ave 299 " 3 Fuel, recorder instructed to advertise for wood bids. 299 Dec. 1 Flush tanks, in rel to supply of water 323 • I INDEX Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. G .Jany. 20 Gregory M E, pet of in rel to damages to his real estate 10 " 20 Guilbert Dr E A,taxes a 13-41 Feby. 17 Grove Terrace south retaining wall on, resolution forconstruc- tion, bids opened. 66-68.69.... .,,, 44-02 March 3 Grant County Telephone Co, pet asking permission to establish Telephone exchange on Main and Fourth st 76-66 " 3 Garragan Mrs John, pet of in rel to team license paid by John Garragan 56-92 46 10 Germania Stock Co,taxes Turner Hall. 64-104 " 17 Grove Terrace subdivision, plat of 68-92 " 17 Gierens Barney,pet of asking city to purchase his gravel 74-102 April 14 Garbage, recorder instructed to advertise for bids for removal of,bids opened and contract let. 107 101 " 21 Guilbert Dr E A communication of,asking that lots of Mr Thoni cor Grace and Hall sts be ordered filled 1 102 " 21 Guenthe Peter and Joseph, macadam. 230 I 108-229 May 5 Gloss Henry L,taxes. 114 12 Gmehle Emelia,resolution ordering connections with sanitary sewer 132-178 " 12 Grandview ave both sides of from Southern ave to east end of, sidewalks ordered on 134 " 20 Grandview ave,pet of Anna Kavanaugh, protesting against the construction of sidewalks on 138 June 2 Guenther Joseph,macadam 176 " 2 Governors Greys Armory, matter in rel to rent due to June 1, 1898 180 Sept. 15 Gilliam E P,taxes 254-280 •` 15 Gasoline lamps,city electrician instructed to report how many and where located 257-261 " 22 Guenther Peter, macadam 261 " 20 Garrity Alice,taxes 261-280 Oct. 6 Gallow Fred,taxes 272 " 20 Geiger Joe,estate ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 281 Nov. 17 Gniffke F A vs city of Dubuque, matter of settlement of claim on Pickett st 305-322 Dec. 15 Garbage dump,man in charge of 4th st dump to take charge of 323 I 1 INDEX Book 28. I 1898. — SUBJECT PAGE. H Jany. 20 Hart street north side of, assessment levied for construction of sidewalks on 13.66 Feby. 17 Eluber Mrs Anna, taxes 42-63 17 Hancock F A,taxes 42-63 -March 3 Hyde Clark Post G A R,pet of in rel to appropriation for Mem- orial day exercises 57-92 {{ 3 Hosford A W and Mary Kemler,taxes 56 117 10 Hirtz John B, pet of in rel to assessments 65-103 1 10 Hillary Charles,claim of 65-201 " 10 Hynes Frank et al, pet of asking permission to take sand from Garfield ave 65 72 " 17 Hines Thos, pet of asking permission to take sand from Gar- field ave 67 17 Herold H B, claim of 67-72 " 17 Hardie &Scharle,communication of in rel to new directories. 68 • " 23 Hancock John T& Sons et al, protesting against the mayor signing the ordinance providing for election of city mar- shal by the people 71 " 24 Elavlick John,taxes 7.2 April 21 Harold st west side of bet Seminary and Lt ibnitz sta.sidewalks ordered on 105 " 21 Hill at south side of bet Dodge st and Peabody ave, sidewalks ordered on 105 May 5 Hencke Henry,pet of asking that he be appointed city carpenter 114 " 5 Helmer Mr and Mrs, macadam 114-130 if 5 Hoffman Paul et al, pet of in rel to merry go round at 13th and Jackson sts 114-139 " 5 Huckster stands,market master instructed to sell same 116 '` 5 Hughes Elizabeth, taxes 118-136 " 12 Heer Martin,resolution ordering him to fill lots in Reches sub 184-249-254 133-201 June 16 Hill st north side of, sidewalks ordered on. (Special assess- ment levied. 257) 183 " 16 Hyde E S,appointed assessment clerk 185 " 16 Hose reels,matter of purchase of, referred to committee on PG& B 105 July 8 Hill st north side of bet Julien ave and Caladonia place, side- walks ordered on 202 Aug. 18 Harris C H,taxes 228 Sept. 15 Hennessy Rt Rev Bishop,taxes on new Theological Seminary 303 254 " 22 Herzog Mrs H, taxes 261-280 " 22 Healey Edward, pet of in rel to cleaning vaults 261-281 Oct. 6 Hardie&Scharle, bill of 272-297 << 6 Hassett Mrs Thos,pet of in rel to special assessment..., 272 6 Hargus Mrs K S, pet of in rel to spet•ial assessment 273-320 " 20 Hofferman Aug, macadam 278-296 " 20 Haller A C, bill of 279 " 20 Hewitt Mrs M L,claim of for personal damages.... 280 Nov. 3 Hentrick Val,pet of in rel to special assessment 294 1 " 17 Hecock Silvester,taxes 300 I11 , Dee. 15 Henge I-Ienry, pet of in rel to personal damages 324 ' I' I II 11 .1ll ' I [ . INDEX—Book 28. 1888. SU BJ EC I PAGE. i Feby. 3 Iowa Iron Works, pet of asking permission to use land on north side of ice harbor. 203 38-68-72 " 3 Insurance amounts received for fire at City Hall 41 3 I 0 0 F Harmony and Julien lodges,taxes 42-63 " 3 Ittensohn Mrs Josephine,taxes 42-104 April 7 Insurance on city property renewed. 109-130-136 92-103 May 7 Iowa st east side of bet 5th and 6th sts,sidewalk ordered on118 June 1G Iowa Telephone Co,pet of in rel to structural iron support on 5th et 181-186 Oct. 20 Ice harbor,bids ordered advertised for skating rink on 279-298 . Nov. 3 Iowa st 7th to 14th st, 5 per cent retained for imp of paid Brown& Brown.... 296-300 " 17 I 0 0 F Harmony and Julien lodges,taxes 300 " 17 Iowa st 3rd to 7th, 5 per cent retained for imp of paid G Maffoli 303 Dec. 1 Insurance fire,renewal of 323-326 r' x,74. ,4. INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. J Jany. 6 Julien House, pet of G B Burch in rel to taxes of.... 2-14 " 6 Johnson 0 8,pet of in rel to barn on 6th bet Clay and Iowa sts 2-14 " 6 John and Cooper sts,pet of Mrs M Alderson et al in rel to open- ing of. 246-254.... .. 2-14-224 March 3 Jese Ed wood measurer, pet of in rel to amount to be turned into city treasury from proceeds of his office 56 " 10 Justice of the Peace W J Cantillon,report 65-138 April 28 Jackson st west side of bet 16th and 17th,sidewalks ordered on 110 . May 5 Jese Jane R,taxes 114-201 I 12 Jellison Jessie R,claim of 130 12 Jestel B, resolution ordering connections with sanitary sewers 132 " 12 Jones st south side of from lows to levee,sidewalks ordered on 134 June 22 Julien ave,matter in rel to sidewalk at Diamond House 186 July 7 James and 3rd et,stone crossing ordered Laid 197 °i 7 Juergens Wm,claim of 229 Sept. 1 Johnson Mrs,claim of for personal damages. 230 249-261 [ Oct. 20 Jones B W, ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 281 ii1. • 4f INDEX Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. K • .1 any. 6 Kringle O,pet of in rel to special assessment for imp of Julien av 3 " 20 Kauffman Ben& Co,taxes 10-41 " 20 Keckevoet John,pet of in rel to skating rink license for5years 10-45 " 20 Knoernschild G,taxes 13 Feby. 3 Kadman Rosa,taxes 38 17 Kress Elizabeth 42-63 March 3 Kronfeld Wm and Henry Luck,macadam 56-102 " 10 Krayer 111ra John,taxes 64-117 " 17 Kelly Mary P,claim of. 201 68-101 " 24 Karech J, macadam 72-102 April 28 Kearney M M, pet of asking for appointment as city carpenter 107 " 28 Koenig firs,appointed janitress city hall 116 May 12 Kleine Mat,pet of asking to be appointed paper collector 119 " 12 Kleine J A, resolution ordering connection with sanitary sewer 131-178 " 12 Krems Henry, macadam. 230 137-229 " 26 Kauffman ave,pet of Helen Sprinks asking that sidewalks be ordered on 138-231 June 16 Kintzinger John,matter in rel to license for vault cleaning.... 182 16 Kringle E M,resolution ordering lot 6 of 7 of min lot 79 filled 182-249 Aug. 4 King E L,claim of 221-252 Sept. 14 Kenneally Thos,taxes 254 t. Oct. 6 Kubec Joseph, pet of in rel to special assessment 272 °' 6 Kliner Geo,pet of in rel to special assessment 272 " 6 Key City Gas Co, bill of 276 " 20 Key City Lime Works, macadam. 278 " 20 Kehr Hubert,macadam 278 Nov. 3 Kolf Mrs Margaret,taxes 294-323 64 3 Koenig Mrs,taxes 294 " 3 Kling Joseph,claim of 296 " 17 Key City Gas Co,bills of 302-303 Dec. 1 Kleine M,taxes 317 " 1 Kennicker Mrs H,pet of in rel to special assessment 317 16 1 Knott Mary E,taxes 323 INDEX Book 28. 1898. I SUBJECT. PAG E• L 1 Jany. 6 League of American Municipalities,receipt for membership.. 3 " 6 'Liquors manufactory and sale of, pet of 50 per cent of the voters for. 11-15 Feby. 3 Leute Mrs,taxes 38-45 " 3 Langworthy Mrs 0 8, taxes... 38-44 " 17 Loes Mat, taxes 42-104 " 17 Licht John,pet of in rel to special assessment for Garfield ave 43 March 10 Leibnitz st,pet of D Moore et al in rel to condition of 64-102 " 31 Lyons D J, claim of for personal damages 74-201 '. April 14 Lahey Hannah, taxes 98-104 " 21 Langworthy Mrs M A,taxes 101-116 " 28 Laborers on streets and sewers,wages of 110 May 12 Liddy M,reso ordering him to connect with sanitary sewer.... 131 " 12 Levi James,reso ordering him to connect with sanitary sewer. 132 " 12 Lacey B W,reso ordering him to fill lot in Reche's sub. 184- 201-249 133-196 June 2 Lavin M,claim of. 229-230 180-196 July 7 Lull Mrs H,pet of in rel to rebuilding sheds on West llth et.. 196 7 League of American Municipalities, invitation to convention.. 197-203 " 21 Linehan Pat,team license matter of 205 Aug. 4 Love R J,claim of 224 1 " 18 Louisa st from Grace to Delhi at,profile and grade of.... 229 11.0) Sept. 1 Luck Mrs Henry, macadam 246-257 1 Laurel st, pet of T Dillow asking that city engineer give lines of 246-255 " 1 Louisa st from Delhi to Grace st, grade estab by ordinance.... 251 " 15 Levi James,taxes 254 Oct. 6 Lammers H A,pet of in rel to special assessment 272 " 20 License,city attorney instructed to draft an ordinance repealing all ordinances in rel to licenses. (Not adopted) 284 Nov. 3 League of Iowa municipalities asking city to become a member 323 294-300 1 " 17 Lull Mrs H, notified that city would not pay rent for residence on W 14th st after Nov 22,1898 . 304 i Ilia INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. _ i 11 M Jany. 6 Macadam,list of names and amount broken presented by engi- neer. 90 b 59 " 20 Murray J B,taxes 15-59 " 20 Milwaukee ave,plats and profiles showing ext of. 38-40-43-46 11-16-17 Feby. 3 Miller 11, macadam 38-102 " 17 Melchoir M,taxes 42-63 17 Milwaukee ave,matter of taking care of water from Bee Branch special committee. 46-99-263 62-63-64 March 3 Marxer John,taxes 56-104 1417 Mink A,pet of asking permission to pile cord wood on 6th st ex 67-72 17 May st south side of pet of Mary Atkins asking that sidewalks be ordered on... 67 " 24 Meuller J.claim of. 117-136-138-179 72-103 1 A-ri 1 7Mayor T T Duffy, valedictory 95-96 7 1 Mayor C H Berg,inatcgural address. 96-97 •• ; 'Mayor pro tem,Alderman P W Crawford appointed 97 •• 1 1 s[erchants lane ext,pet of J P Schroeder et al in rel to grading of. 181-255 98-104 '• 1 1 Slain and 2nd st abutting lot4 a,matter in rel to sidewalk 105 •• 2s Macadam,resolution that city will not buy or pay for any more 108 Si a 12 \[organ M est of,reso ordering connec with sanitary sewer131 1 ti slay Bernard, taxes 135-201 6 Miller Robert,claim of for balance due for macadam 137-230 " 26 Mayor Berg appointed chairman finance committee 139 " 26 Markets cleaning around, L Daly awarded contract. 323139-176 " 26 Macadam,street com instructed to confer with supervisors in rel to sale of 139 July 7 Murphy J J and Gmehle G,com of stating that they would re- 196 I ceive their salary of$50.00 per month under protest .• 6 44 8 Maruni Mary.taxes 191 t Aug. 4 Metcalf D, pet of in rel to butchers license 220-229 14 4 Macadam, city engineer's list of names and amounts due 224 ''I " 18 Minges Valentine, taxes .... 227-252 " 18 Muekle J F,taxes and macadam 227-278 " 18 Mahon y Mike, macadam 227-256 Sept. 1 MartinyP R,bill of 252 '. 1 Millville road from Lemon st to point 500 ft west,reso for imp of 253 " 15 Marshal Morgan,com of in rel to selling patrol horse. " 15 Marshal Morgan,com of asking appointment of another captain 254-272 " am of 263 Meyer r Simon,L22 .ieye , Oct. 6 Murphy J J and G Gmehle, com and bill for services as asst 272 assessors " 20 Main st,writ of injunction restraining the city from selling the 1 property of L H Waples,W J Knight and John Hennessy 278 for special assessment for paving of 261-280 , " 20 Mellen Eleanor,taxes 283 " 20 Majerus M,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 294 Nov. 3 Mundt John, taxes 304-305 " 17 Macadam,list of names. 321. (Amounts allowed 326) 317 Dec. 1 Malone John,macadam 323 " 1 Market master,sidewalk inspector to act as asst to 323 " 15 Mullaney John I, taxes 326 " i5 Macadam,engineer and street com instructed to measure • 1 INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. Mc Jany. 6 McGrath Mrs Wm, taxes 2 20 McDonald A Y& Morrison Mfg Co,taxes 10-41 " 20 McDermott& Gow,bill of 14 Feby. 17 McMahon Michael, pet of asking damages to barn 43-103 March 3 McCann James petition of asking that telephone be placed in matrons rooms 57-103 May 5 McCoy B,taxes 114 June 2 McCann James ex-marshal, matter in rel to collections for huckster stands.... 180 July 21 McCann James,claim of 204 Oct. 6 McCollins J J,bill of 276-279 Dec. 15 McGee Joseph,claim of for personal damages 826 1111. INDEX--Book 28. 1999. SUBJECT. PAGE. N Feby. 3 Nelson Andrew, taxes. 70 38.45 May 12 Nank Carl.and Ed,claim of 118-139 66 12 Nuisance,pet of J Christman in rel to smoke from Young Bros laundry 118_204 46 26 Nagle Joe J, pet of asking permission to erect scales in alley bet Main and Locust adjoining lot 566 a 137-180 June 16 North Cascade road from Simpson st to city limits,repairs of183 44 16 Ninth at,north side of bet Main and Iowa sts, stone crossing ordered laid 184 Aug. 4 Nuisance, reso in rel to condition of 15th,16th,17th,18th, 19th and Elm 226-255 Sept. 13 Nutwood Driving Club,com of in rel to condition of streets leading to race track 254 I I 1 I k a 1 ' III i I INDEX -Book 28. 1898• SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jany, 6 O'Neill st, pet of W S White asking that eng locate south line of 3 " 6 Officers reports of 3-3-5 " 6 Ott Bros, macadam 6-13 " 6 Ordinances,resolution in ref to revision and compilation of... 9-10 " 20 Officers,reports of 11 " 20 Ordinance to provide for the election of city marshal by the electors. 63-65-66. (Mayor's veto 70-71) 12-42-44 " 20 Ordinance to provide for the election of city engineer by the electors. 63-65-66 12-41-44 " 20 Ordinance in rel to granting C B& N R It Co right to extend its tracks along the south side of government ice harbor12-13-69 " 2 10O'Farrell.Mrs Bridget,taxes 13 !iIl°'I Feby. 3 Officers,reports of. 43 44 38-39-40 March 3 Officers,rsports of. 61-62-65 58-59-60 " 3 Ordinance for the election of city aldermen and fixing salaries and term of office. 68-69 62-66 46 and providing for the election of certain officers and fix- ing salaries and tern,of office. 69 62-66 " 17 Officers,reports of... 88 April 7 Officers,reports of 90-91 7 Officers,Mayor Berg and aldermen sworn in. 96 " 14 Officers,reports of 98 " 15 Ordinance establishing a board of health. 99-102 97-98 " 14 Officers,bonds and salaries of 99-100 " 14 Officers,supt of tire alarms and electrician combined in one and salary fixed 100 " 21 Officers,reports of 102 " 21 Officers appointed.,, 106 " 28 O'Heran Maurice,taxes. 118-136 107-117 " 28 Officers,bonds approved and sworn in, 108 " 28 Officers,reports of city attorney on ordinance for imp of sewers streets and alleys 108-109 " 23 Official papers appointed. 116-119.... 109-110 May 5 O'Neill at,pet of Joseph Kiang et al in rel to imp of 114-115 5 Officers,reports of. 116 114-115 " 12 O'Neill st, pet of W 8 and E D White protesting against imp of 119 " 12 Officers,reports of... 119 " 12 Ordinance proyiding for making and reconstruction of sewers. 119,120,121, 122,123, 124, 135 108-109 " 12 Ordinance providing for imp of streets and highways. 125-126 1111 iI << 19 127,128-129-135-136 108-109-124 Officers,reports of June 2 Officers, reports of. 178 176-178 176-177 16 Officers,reports of July 2197 198 8 Officers,reports of. 199 181-182 1 Officers,reports of20366 Ordinance in rel to sprinkling of streets by districts 206 Aug. 4 Officers, reports of. 223 " 18 Officers,reports of 221-222 18 O'Loughlin M,claim of 228-229 229 Sept. 1 Omaha Exposition,invitation t.,take part in Iowa day exercises 246-256 " 1 Officers,reports of, 248 246-247 " 1 Ordinance to regulate manner of fixing and estab grades. 251 249-250 " 15 Officers,reports of,.,, ,,, 254-255 " 15 Ordinance in rel to births,deaths and contagious diseases. 256-262 22 Official paper,National Democrat authorized to pub proceedings 263 Oct. 6 O'Loughlin M,bill of. " 6 O'Neill Martin,team license 273 273 • INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. O Oct. 6 Officers,reports of. 275 273-274 " 6 Ordinance in rel to pawnbrokers license 275 .. 20 Officers,reports of 279 " 20 Ordinance regulating public scales 279 " 20 Ordinance prohibiting the use of barb wire in city limits 279 " 20 Oswald Chas,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer ... 282 ;`m•. 8 Officers,reports of 295-296 17 Officers,reports of 301 Dec. 1 Officers,reports of 317-318 " 15 Officers,reports of i 324 j II. II I INDEX Book 28. 1898 SUBJECT. PAGE. P Jany. 6 Pauw Mrs J,taxes. 38-45 2-13 « 64 6 Patch S, pet of protesting against paying special assessment for repairing sidewalks 6 Pine at,plat of extension of 3-14 6 Pay roll of Sewer Inspector Broadhurst,matter in rel to 3 ' 1 66 6 Pierce C H,macadam 6 Feby. 3 Pay day for city laborers fixed 38 March 31 Piel Louis, pet of asking that street be estab through lot 7, Piers sub 74-103 April 21 Prisoners board of,to be let by contract 105-119 " 21 Public building,city recorder instructed to advertise for bids for lighting of. (Key City Gas Co.awarded contract 116). 105 " 28 Park Hill, pet of in J G Muekel asking that all streets and al- leys be ordered opened 107-130 May 12 Pickett st, pet of K S Hargus in rel to retaining wall on 118-139 " 12 Presley T F, pet of that he be appointed city carpenter 118 Il June 2 Pier John, pet of in rel to fees in case of Forrester vs city of Dubuque 176 " 2 Public Park,lot 2 of min lot 313 dedicated as Frith Park 183 July 8 Police matron's,report of city attorney in rel to. (Comittee ap- pointed 225-228-260) 200 " 21 Park Hill, pet of P Kiene Jr et al asking imp of and that side- walks be laid 203 " 21 Pier John, claim of 203 " 21 Peryon Jacob, macadam. 230 203-229 " 21 Pickett st, pet of Mrs K S Hargus in rel to special assessment for imp of 206 Aug. 18 Police new hats for,matter of purchase 228 Sept. 1 Proctor Isaac,com of stating that he bad completed his various contracts for retaining wall on West 11th st and filling Schneider's lot and asking that warrants be or ordered to pay balance due 246:256 " 15 Proctor Isaac, bill of 256 15 Police matrons salary reduced to $30.00 per month 260 " 22 Proctor Isaac,claim of 261 Oct. 20 Police department,com of Marshal Morgan in rel to purchase oveacoats and caps for 278-297 " 20 Parker.J W, ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 283 II I i i Its 3 • l INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. Mch. 10 Quinlivan Mrs E, taxes 64 Dec. 15 Quinlan Morris, macadam 324 ,I. INDEX --Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. It Jan. 20 Rebecca st, pet of C Hyde asking that the name be changed to Fairview Place,also remonstrance of J W Farley against said change. 10-104 " 20 Rupert W F,claims of for personal damages 10-38-41 " 20 Richards B B, claim of 13 " 20 Riverview st, pet of C Gantenbein asking to take filling from13 Feb. 3 Rupprecht Mrs S,taxes 38-45 " 17 Ragatz Paul,taxes 42-6.3 " 17 Rhomberg ave, pet of Dub Woodenware Co in rel to condition of at intersection of 5th ave 43-69-98 Men. 3 Reader st,pet of Geo Van Wie et al asking permission to sink shaft in. 69 57-67 44 3 Reader st, pet of J Johnsen et al. protesting against granting permit to sink shaft 57-67 2 Registration and voting places. (Coms report on claims of 104) 62 Apr. 5 Rhomberg J 11, pet of asking exemption from taxes for ten years on 40 lots in Dubuque Harbor Co's add to be used as a brewery 87-92 " 21 Railroads in City of Dubuque. Assessments of 102 " 28 Rhomberg ave,pet of John Specht asking that it be opened to the river 107-130 May 5 Rokusek Jno,taxes 117 12 Rhombergave, north side of, bet 4th and 2nd ayes. Matter in rel to sidewalks on. 139-175-180 134-135 July 21 Railroad crossings. Automatic gates ordered on 1 205-225 Sept. 1 Rhomberg D, pet of protesting against filling lots W 5th et... 246-249 " 15 Ryan Con,bill of for sewer in Pickett and Alma st 256 15 Register clerks, names furnished by Republican and Demo-1 cratic committees. (Appointed 263) 257 Oct. 6 Rubeck Mrs Mary,taxes 272-280 6 Rasquin Hugh, macadam 273 Nov. 3 Riverview st, pet of N Funk asking that same be repaired.... 294-323 • INDEX Book 28. 1A9A• Su ed ECT PAG E. S .Jany. t; -hea M, pet in rel to macadam 3-13 I; Sewer,storm from Cooler av to Couler creek, plans and speci- tications of 3 61 Street siens, matter of 6-44 'i 6 1 Sidewalks, abutting lots 615.616-616a-617, communication of L Zeidman in rel to 6 ti I Sidewalks,special assessments levied for repairing of... 6 • i Sullivan Catherine,taxes 10.45 'tt Sidewalks,special assessment levied for repairs of 14 • Seward Mary,taxes 38 44 • tempter Mrs Elizabeth, taxes 38-45 Scharle F 1),claim of. 68 41-69 •• 1; neidel Era, taxes •• 1, Sewer in South Bluff st, city engineer's report in relation to 42-69 63 special assessment 43102 44 17 Schroman.John, macadam March 3 Schneider II F C, petition of in rel to injury to his property 3-102 on Grove Terrace south. 196 ', 3 I Specht John,pet of asking city to appropriate $400.00 to assist in maintaining and operating the steamer Teal. 98-105... 56-66 3 Steffus John, macadam 4456-102 63 3 Streller Mary,taxes 61 3 Security Building,pet of asking permission to erect canopy in 64 S 64-117 front of said building 11 10 Schromau Geo M 64-1 11 10 Schlegel Geo,taxes Il 17 Scharle vs City of Dubuque,report of city attorney in rel to 68 costs of 68 11 17 Sidewalks,repairing of,special assessment levied for 66 . 11 24 Sewer,storm water,8th and White,repairs of 11 31 Sewer,sanitary, in Alma st,pet of John Strelau in rel to con- struction of 89••174 April 7 St Joseph's Mercy Hospital, taxes. 116-117 61 14 Sewer and plumbing inspector,pet of E A Guilbert et al ask- 98-104 ing that one be appointed 104 ' 14'1 Sewers,matter of taking care of 100 14 Street foreman,salary to be $40.00 per month and specifica- tions 14 Sewer, sanitary, in Alma and Pickett sts,p tionsandresolutionsordering improvement.141-181-200-204 181 specifications 101-108 14 Sewer,sanitary, Rose and Alta Vista sts, plans,s p 101 130 and resolutions. 140.181-200 30 64 21 Schumacher Urs G,taxes • _ 101-1 I 116 • " 21 Schroeder J P St Co,claim of...............•••....'.... 103 « 21 Supplies,resolution requiring requisition for all supplies 21 Seventeenth st, north side of Washington,stone crossing or- 105 dered on.• •••.•.••.. '...... Proctor for tilling his 107 21 Schneider II F C,contract award to I lot,De Sot Terrace............:.•• 107 107 21 Schmitz Anton, taxes••••...." hand 110 p of to be done by 28 Streets paved,sweeping 110 28 Steam roller to be under the exclusive control of the..tree commis,ioner.. permission 118 1 pet of Mart A Puttman asking p May 12 Steamer Reindeer,to erect warehouse on Levee•pointed city carpenter'•••'•• 119-182 46 12 Savage John,pet of that he be epi 118 14 12 Street sprinkler, matter of purchase of..••"'•plans and..peri • « 12 Sewer,storm water,(Bidon 19tht to Cooler creek, ficatione. (Bids opened2 200-0-201)...•••••••• 119-139-180 i I' I. 1 1 INDEX—Book 28. 1898. SU BJ ECT. PAGE. s May 12 Schroeder G, estate of, res ordering connections with sani- tary sewer 131 " 12 Sheppley E H,res ordering connections with sanitary sewer.. 132 " 12 Schmidt C.res ordering connections with sanitary sewer 132 12 Shields J H,res ordering connections with sanitary sewer132 " 12 Strinsky Matt, res ordering lot 350 East Dub ad filled. 201134-185 12 Sanford st, north aide of,bet Couler av and Jackson sts,side- ordered on 131 19 St Joseph street, pet of Mrs Mary Quigley in rel to sidewalk-, on and (Resolution ordering same. 181 135-179 1 19 Street commissioner,resolution giving him access to engineer's office and that he be authorized to avail himself of the services of assistant engineer and rod man 137 IIT I " 26 Sullivan M,claim of for balance due for macadam. 230.. .... 137-129 " 26 Steamer Teal,city engineer's estimate of cost to build landing for 138 26 Star Sam(sanitary policeman) pet of asking that his salary be increased 137-202 " 26 Shea T J et al, pet of asking that W J Bartells be granted per- mission to erect frame barn on lot 301. 182 137-180 " 26 Sewer, sanitary in Garfield av, pet of J K Deming and G W Kiesel asking that sewer be constructed abutting lot 2 of min lot 466. 196-204-229 V 138-180 " 26 Sewer,sanitary, 19th and Elm sts and Garfield av,res provid- ing for construction of and (acceptance of same 225) 141-182 June 2 Sewer, sanitary in Garfield av, protest of J C Miller et al 11111111 against construction of 176-180 662 Sidewalks in Burden & Lawther's addition, pet of Dubuque Building and Loan Association asking that resolution of Sept, 1896,be enforced 176-201 " 16 Sewer connections,res in rel to 182 " 22 Sullivan James M, pet of in rel to telephone pole 6th and Main 186-187 July 7 Sewer,sanitary in Rose and Alta Vista st,pet of E P Gilliam et al protesting against construction of. 205-225 196-200 447 St Joseph st,pet of E C Alexander et al in rel to grading side- walk 198 64447 Sheppley E H,pet of asking permission to erect frame addi- tion to building 197 7 Sewer, storm (Bee Branch) from Sanford st to Eagle Point av « pet of Aug Hammel et al in rel to arching of. 225-263... 196-224 7 Sewer connections, plans and specifications adopted 200 I " 8 Sidewalk,Broadway st,west side of abutting lot 18,condition of 181-201 " 8 Summit st,east side of, bet Fenelon place and West 5th st, sidewalks ordered on 202 " 21 Sewer,sanitary,Picket and Alma sts,resolution for construc- tion of (bids opened 224-228) 221-281 " 21 Southern av, res in rel to improvement of. 220-230 205-206 21 Street committee, res to increase to 5 members 21 Street laborers,resolution to increase wages (referred) 206-221 206 Aug. 4 Sidewalks,special assessment for cleaning snow and ice from (referred 279) " 4 Schneider H F 0,allowed$250.00 in full for damages caused 220-230- by constructing retaining wall on De Sota Terrace. 228224-227 " 4 Sidewalks,repairs of,special assessment levied 226 46 18 Seminary st,w.side of, matter in rel to constructing railing on. 227-255 18 Saunders C J W,pet of in rel to butchers'license. 324 6618 Salary of Foreman Hillary made $50.00 per month 227_229 22" 18 Sidewalks,construction of,bids to be filed with city recorder231 _______________ 1 INDEX---Bock 28. 1898SUBJECT. PAGE. 8 Sept. 1 Star Sam (sanitary policeman), pet of asking that$10.00 per • month be allowed for keeping of horse 245-263 1 Sullivan Mrs Catherine, taxes. 248.257.280 • 1 Sewers,sanitary, proposed system in alleys between Garfield, Lincoln and Rhomberg ays 248-256 •• 1 Seegar Gertrude,taxes 256 15 Sidewalks,repairs of special assessments for report of assess- ment clerk254 255 1 •• 15 Sidewalks, special assessment levied for cleaning snow and ice from. 297-259-260 . • 22 Schmitz A, taxes . 261 .. 22 Schroeder.1 1',taxes 1 261 22 Scales,lst ward, petition of T Faherty in rel to supplies for261 41 22 Sewer.storm water along Bee Branch, from Millville road to Lake Peosta. Engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifications for 263 t t,•t. 6 Siltzer Mrs Anna, taxes 272-280 6 Shaw\Irs Groveline,taxes 273 •• 6 Scales, matter in rel to private scales doing weighing 275 •• 6 Sewer,sanitary in Pickett and Alma sts,resolution ordering bonds issued for construction of 277 •• 20 Stoltz as., pet of F Fink asking that said av be made passable 278-296 20 Sidewalks, repairs of,report of inspector 279 •• 20 Stoffenbeil A it,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 282-283 •• 20 Schlenker Paul,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 282-294 •• 20 Schloz,Fred,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 282 YO Sycamore st,in rear of A Y McDonald's factory,filling of248-29694 N,,v. 3 Stoltz Anton,taxes,(special assessment) i. 3 Sheppley E H,pet of in rel to double assessment for improve- 295 319 meut of Lincoln ay. 320 295.319 •4 3 Saint Geo,taxes. 319. •• 3 Sewer,sanitary,Pickett and Alma st, warrants ordered drawn 296 to pav Contractor Con Ryan for construction of I '• 3 Stairway ordered built from Kauffman av to Napier st 399-321 I 44 17 Sewer,sanitary in Rebecca st,pet of A Feigner et al asking for construction of(eng'r ordered to prepare plans of. 323-303. 301 17 Sewer,sanitary,Pickett and Alma sts,special assessment levied 303-322 304-305 •• 17 Sidewalks, reprirs of,special assessments levied for 317 1) 1 Simplot Chas, taxes 317 1 Sullivan Michel estate,taxes is 1 Sewer, sanitary, between Main and Locust sts owned t M 321-326 Tschirgi Jr,matter of transfer to city of 't 1 Steam roller, services of engineer and stoker discontinued 321 Dec 15th,98 " 15 Sewer, sanitary in Rebecca st, protest of A Loetscher et al 323 against the construction of 323 " 15 Sullivan Mrs Catherine,taxes 15 Sewer,sanitary in Rebecca st,recorder's report of notice served 325 I 11 i' i INDEX—Book 28. 1 1808 SUBJECT• 1 PAGE. T Jany. 6 Troy st,pet of Emil Gur.lerian et al in rel to opening of. 48.61 -14-15 {f 6 Thomas st,pet of B Querns asking permission to sink shaft in. 3.1 i March 17 Thoni Simon,pet of in rel to water accumulation on his prop- erty cor Hall and Grace sts 67-103 Apr 21 Trempler Mary,taxes. 204-252 101-116 21 Theiring F W et al, pet of in rel to repairing and inspecting sidewalks 101-110 " 21 Tippe Henry, macadam. 101 " 21 Thirteenth st,s side of from Locust to Main sts, sidewalk on.. 103-136 " 21 Twenty-seventh st,s side of,bet Jackson st and Couler av,side- sidewalk ordered on 105 " 28 Troy st,communication of Fred Otto in rel to water accumu- i , lating on 108-130 " 28 i Telephones for city officials, matter of. 180-184 110-116 May 5 Toussaint Mrs Jno. taxes. 227-252 .. 114-201 " 5 Taylor Landon, pet of asking appointment as city carpenter. 114-118 " 12 Thoni Simon, res ordering him to fill his lots in Reche's sub. 184-201 249 133-185-196 " 12 Twenty-second st,n side of, bet Jackson and Couler av,side- walks ordered on 134 June 16 Troy st and alley running southerly from south end o1 Troy at to Kneist st, improvement of. 204-207-227-228 230-253. (Grade established 52.5).. . ... 188-200 Aug. 4 Tenth at, north side of,across alley between Iowa and Main, stone crossing ordered on 226 Sept. 15 Troy et, 10 ft each side of,vacation of. (Named Troy alley 277) 255 15 Tax levy for 1898. Action postponed until next meeting. (Fixed 262) 257 Oct. f, Traub Geo and Mary, pet of in rel to special assessment 272 46 6 Troy alley,bonds issued for payment of improvement of 276 `: 5 Tax list,publication of 2/7 Nov. 3 Troy alley,city engineer's report in relation to improvement of (Accepted 302) 296-301 Dec. 1 Troy alley,special assessment for improvement of 321-325 ll 1 i ii i If ii' ili INDEX--- Book 28. 1898 SUBJECT. PAGE` I' April 28 Ulrich Jno, taxes..... .... .... ... 107-117 • INDEX--Book 28. l 4 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. May 5 Vault cleaning, special assessment levied for 117 July 8 Van Wie, Houpes& Co,claim of 201-275 21 Voelker Christ A,pet of in rel to stairway from Seminary hill to Kaufmann ay. 256 202-229 Sept. 15 Veterinary services, bids advertised for. (Bids opened, C H Whitwell awarded contract 262) 260 261 " 22 Voelker C A, taxes 2111 Oct. 20 Vogel Peter,bill of 280 " 20 Vogel Catherine,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 282 1 L. INDEX=Book 28. 1896. SU BJ ECT. PAGE. \W .1 g,..\. n Washington et, from 26th to 27th et,special assessment levied for improvement of G-7 r, Wood st, from s line lot 4,Myrtle add,to s line min lot No.8, special assessment levied for improvement of 8 9 20 Waters Bridget,taxes 20 Walsh Catherine,taxes 10-455 Feby. 3 Walters Lizzie,taxes..... 38 13 44 ,l Whelan John,macadam 38-102 ,; Wilber Lane, pet of C A Wilber in to sidewalks on 38"72 •• 1; Wybrant Jim,claim of 43-9244 1; Weights and measures,report of Inspector McKenzie G4 March 3 Warrants,city ordered cancelled 17 Wilde Ira Mary, protesting against paying for sidewalks on 70 72 Grandview av 72 •• 24 Wilber Lane, s side of,sidewalks ordered on •• 1 Willow st, matter of (Jury ordered 139)(A A Cooper dedica- tion '20'2) 137-179 '74-104 .• Waaser Joseph, taxes ;,,, West 17th et, bet of 0 G Kringle in rel to sidewalks and re- 59-103 taining wall on ; \Vest 17th et, pet of E Milligan et al in rel to sidewalks and re- taining wall on .. 1 Washington et,both sides of,between 26th and 27th,sidewalks 106 ordered on .• 21 1 West 3rd st,s side of, bet 11111 and Alpine,sidewalks ordered 105 108 on. 133 Wilde Mrs Mary, pet of in rel to special assessment for im- 107-26G provement of Grandview av and south Dodge et. 320104-256 )1: N \1 st 11th st, pet of E W Albee et al in rel to stairway on114 -, Whitmore Mrs Geo L,taxes .. Ward Jno, pet of asking thas he be appointed driver of city carpenter wagon go round, lath and Jackson 118 111717 ,. -, Walter A J, pet of in rel to merry •. 1 Windsor av,communication of Street Commissioner Boyce in 118-139 rel to condition of 46 1 \Vater mains, pet of T M Cosgrove asking that same be ex- 118-136 tended on Louisa st tf 1•; Water mains, pet of J Zaugmeister asking that Nevada 81 118-136 mains be connected with mains on Julien av o 1.2 West 3rd et, bet Hill and Alpine st,street commissioner in- 133 structed to set curb 19 Water mains,pet of L \Veber asking same be extended along 135-182 Clark and W 17th sts June 2 West 14th st, matter of curb line abutting Mr Fuller,Mr Rose 179-189 and Mr Bruhn 182 • o 2 White st,west side of,bet Eagle Point av and Sanford sts,aide. walks ordered ou............ 184 16 West 5th st and Hill et, sidewalks ordered on (special assess- ment levied 257)..... .. ... 197204 J ulv 7 Welsbach, Street Lighting Co,communication of in rel to fur- nishing lights to city. 226............'.... 22p-229 Autz. 4 Water fountain,cor Seminary and Harold ats, pet of Kruse& Yunnan in rel to moving sam .......................... 227 o 4 Willow st,opening of.. ....... ................ ....... .. 227 278 18 Wearmouth Mary,claim''t• Jet of F Bell asking that one be 227 o 18 Welsbach Street Lighting .............................• 227-280 placed on 3rd 4t....... " 18 Wendt Mrs M, taxes............................. . INDEX Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT PAGE. w Sept. 1 West 16th st,s side of, pet of A Lehman asking that sidewalks jj be ordered on. 275-279...... i 246-256 " 15 Whitmore Mrs B, taxes 254 " 15 Water mains, Southern av, matter of extension of 254-262 Oct. 6 Wolcott Elvira, taxes 272-280 j 6 Welsbach Street Lighting Co, comm of in rel to lights for city278-279 20 Whitwell C H, bills of 280 "° 20 Weis Geo,ordered to connect with sanitary sewer 282 20 Washington st,extension of over lot 10,Glendale add 283-284 I!; ,0 Nov. 3 Wolf Henrietta, taxes 294-303 Dec. 1 Wroten Rev H, taxes 817 1 Weihe F H & Co. taxes 317-326 1 Wybrant Jno, pet in rel to special assessment 311 15 Washington st,extension of, engineer's report 324 ii ii 11 111 If y1 ' -----1-1"..im"........111111.1111.1111111111111111111111M • INDEX--Book 28. 1898. SUBJECT. 1 PIKS• June 2 Young Bros,prop of in rel to furnishing clean towels for city. 176 Sept. 1 Yates John,claims of for personal damages. 280 249-261 INDEX Book 28. • 1898. SUBJECT. PAGE. z April 7 Zeidman L,claim of for services as special policeman S9 II. i lj' il I '1 ri Ijj 1 )0i • • I,, I Iiegnlar Session, January • CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION, JANUARY 6, 1898. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Ald. Thomas moved that the council proceedings for the month of December, 1897, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: G Gmehle, assistant assessor$ 69 10 Wm Hall, labor on garbage dump 2 70 P Cassidy, rodman 50 00 M O'Laughlin, chainman 40 00 Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, new stove and rep stoves 20 70 John Phillips, painting at city hall. . 5 30 J W Wittmer, drugs 75 Jas O'Connor, labor around city hall 9 10 C Riuser, sawing wood at city hall. 2 25 H Weidenbacher, sawing wood at city hall . 2 25 Otto Rath, meat tags 1 00 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for Dec., 1897 6 00 M J G La Nicca, drugs, etc 4 95 Phil Pier, wood and coal for city hall. 144 50 Harger & Blish, stationery 19 70 Walton & Bieg, stationery 46 40 T J Conlin, livery hire 4 50 T H Duffy, cash advanced in Wil- berding case 5 65 Matt Collinson, witness Wilber - ding case 1 35 Matt Florey, witness Wilberding case . . . 1 35 Palmer, Winall & Co, printing 30 abstracts in case of McMahon vs city. . 134 00 D S Wilson, transcript of testi- mony in case of Eliz. Frohs vs city 63 00 Hardie & Scharle, printing bonds, blank stationery 58 Oo Union Printing Co, blank station- ery. 46 65 Ham & Carver, stationery . . 12 00 Maurice Byron, labor at Washing ton Park. 7 50 Duggan & Kane, brooms for park 1 05 G F Kleih, hardware 1 55 Chas Oswald, rep storage and set ting up stoves 68 30 T Kenneally, team work at Wash- ington park A E Bradley, painting at city hall Mullen Bros, lead for guard rail on Emmett street . 1 65 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for street dept A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for street department F Schloz, rep tools B D Lenehan, rep tools 2 70 2 00 1 60 4 00 20 35 33 20 John Butt, rep tools 11 20 Chas Maatz, rep tools 2 75 Wm Reed, rep tools 4 50 A Mink, one cord sawed wood4 50 G F Kleih, new tools, hardware etc. . . Key City Iron Works, rep street sweeper. . 2 05 F M Jaeger & co., new tools, hardware, etc . 51 60 Standard Lumber Co, lumber56 55 Byrne Bros, sprinkling various streets . . . . . . . . . 250 00 Key City Gas Co, removing lamp post 75 John Ernsdorff & Sons Co, hard- ware . 6 70 R F Curran & Son, wire fence for Rising street 25 75 Ott, Meuser & Co, lumber 15 40 Knapp, Stout & Co. Co, lumber41 10 Butt Bros, repairs at 4th street engine house . 1 70 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoe- ing for fire dept. 26 00 Florence Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department 10 00 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department 22 60 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for fire department . 19 50 Collings & Wilkinson, horse shoe- ing for fire department 8 00 Mullen. Bros, plumbing at 9th and 18th street engine houses 26 70 Ott, Meuser & Co., lumber 4 35 Dub. Oil Tank Line, oil .. 13 80 F M Jaeger & Co, snow shovels and hardware. 2 50 Dub. Rubber Co, packing .. 25 John Butt, rep hook and ladder truck . . 1 95 Standard Lumber Co, shavings for fire department 3 50 Dub Water Co 336 hydrant for 21 65 Dec, 1897 . . . . . . . . . 1400 00 S° W H Torbert, drugs, etc 32 70 Jno Kriebs, rep harness for fire department Key City Gas Co, rep mantels and new chimneys. Key City Gas Co. coke and coal Voggenthaler & Ragatz, rep en- gines and steam roller Thos Hill, repairs at Delhi st engine house. L Lindenberg, hardware G N Raymond, dusters, burners, etc. Andrew Ruh, bran and oats 11 50 1 22 11 2 2 4 3 Phil Pier, wood for patrol house 63 Dunn & Lahey, wood for patrol house. 5 00 Manders & Schneider, oats, match es, etc. 2 85 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for Dec. 1897 . 43 60 Chris Smith, supplies for ma- trons . . 6 10 Carl Boehert, half pay for police overcoats 30 00 T J Conlin, shavings for patrol house 3 00 Hagerty Bros, shavings for pa- trol house . . . . . . . . 3 00 20 60 20 50 80 20 35 80 2 Regular Session, January 6, 1898 Doc Carmody, pasturing horses. Duggan & Kane, supplies for matrons. . . 5 20 Jos J Rowan, dry goods, etc 2 50 Jacob Sherman, mattresses and springs. 6 00 Florence Sullivan, horse shoe- ing ...... ... .. 850 J P Schroeder & Co, cement 17 55 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil, etc 2 05 Chas. Oswald, tin cups and chains. . .... 1 70 Dubuque Telegraph, health re- ports, $3.50; and weekly pro- ceedings, $9.00 12 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for Dec. 1897 75 00 The Globe. official printing for December, 1897 . . 67 50 The Times, official printing for December, 1897 2915 The Herald, official printing for December, 1897. . 67 50 Geo W Wunderlich, drugs. etc8 50 T E Frith, removing garbage, dead animals for Dec. 1897 164 75 Byrne & Saul, rock furnished to city. 47 00 Sam Elmer. labor building float at Eagle Point. 2 25 Joe Jellison, labor building float at Eagle Point 2 25 Jessie Jellison, carpenter 6 00 E F Webster, laying new side- walk on Hart street 19 25 Con Ryan, laying crossings on various streets. . . 7 70 John Ernsdorff & Sons, filling on West Main street. 71 25 Jas Noonan, rock furnished to city. 40 00 Ross McHahon, retaining wall on Blum street extension 159 15 Jno McCollins, filling on High Bridge ave 5 50 J G Moore, filling on High Bridge avenue 1 30 John Huffineier, filling on High Bridge avenue 6 25 Torn Clancy, filling on High Bridge avenue . 2 10 D Sutherland, filling on High Bridge avenue. 3 00 Tom Clancy, filling on Washing- ton street. 3 60 R Burns, filling on Washington street. 23 40 Jeff McGrath, filling on Washing- ton street 13 60 D Sutherland, filling on Wash- ington street. 16 20 M O'Neill, filling on Washington street. F Siege, filling on Washington street . 4 25 P Linehan, filling on Washington street 11 50 Jno Linehan, filling on Washing- ton street . Geo Cornish, filling on Washing- ton street. . K White, filling on Washington street . Geo Reynolds, filling on Washing- ton street . 28 80 3 00 6 00 1 00 5 50 2 40 Ed Seeley, filling on Dodge st7 75 .I Proctor. retaining wall on De Soto terrace 308 00 P Horch, improving Wood st39 63 P Horch, grading Fenelon Place 35 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Washington street50 71 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving Elm street 50 35 The following hills were referred to the committee on public grounds and buildings: McDermott & GO W. plumbing and gas fitting in engineer's ,office 10 90 The following hills for damage caus- ed by fire at city hall Dec. 2. 1897. were ordered paid: John Phillips, painting at city hall . . . 12 00 A J Krise, plastering at city hall. . 4 00 Pape & Jacquinot. plumbing at city hall 88 City of Dubuque, lumber and carpenter work 17 42 Total cost 34 30 The following petitions were refer- red to the committee of the whole: Petition of Geo. R. Burch. asking city to accept payment on $50.000 in full for taxes on Julien House property. Petition of O. S. Johnson in relation to the dangerous condition of frame barn on 6th street between Clay and Iowa streets. Petition of Margaret Alderson asking that John street and Cooper street be opened that she may have a roadway to her home. Petition of W L Bradley and John H. Bradley asking that Cox street he filled at the intersection of Union avenue so as to render access to their property. Communication of Dubuque Water Co in relation to Flush tank on 8th street between Locust and Main streets which is paid foi' jointly by the city and M. Tschirgi, Jr., and claiming that Mr. Tschirgi has not paid his part of the hill for some time and that unless paid they will shut the water off. The petition of Emil Guderian et al ask- ing that Troy street be opened not as a • street but as an alley was read. Ald. Dennert moved to suspend the rules and that anyone wishing to ad- dress the council on the matter be al- lowed to do so. Carried. Mr. Federspiel and Mr. Baumgartner addressed the council in favor of open- ing said Troy street. Ald. Crawford moved that the mat- ter be left in the hands of the com- mittee of the whole and that the com- mittee report at the next meeting of the council and that all papers in relation _ to the matter be furnished the com- mittee of the whole. Carried. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on delinquent tax. Petition of Mrs, Wnl. McGrath asking that her taxes on lot 1 of mineral lot 9313 for 1897 be remitted. Petition of Johanno F., Patin, asking Regular Session, Jnnnary 6, 1898 that her taxes on south 2-5 of lot No. 482 for the year 1897 be reduced from • $96.00 to $88.00. Petition of Mary Ballard asking city to exempt her from taxes for the year 1897. Petition of John Atkins asking city to remit taxes on lot 9, Yate's and Pick- ett's sub for the year 1896. The petition of M. Shea asking city to purchase his macadam on Valley street was, on motion, referred to commit- tee on streets. The petition of B. Gerens asking priv- ilege to sink a shaft in Thomas street was read. Ald. Albrecht moved to grant the pe- tition and that the city attorney be in- structed to arrange for bonds. Ald. McEvoy moves to amend by re- ferring to the committee of the whole. Ald. Albrecht moved that the rules be suspended and that 11Ir. Gerens be heard. Carried. Mr. Gerens address- ed the council. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter be referred to the committee on streets and city engineer with power. Ald. Crawford's motion carried. Petition of E. Bohn, asking the use of the ice harbor for skating rink pur- poses for five years at the rate of two hundred dollars per year, was, on mo- tion of Ald. Crawford. referred to the harbor committee. Petition of Mrs. Mary F. Dickens asking damages to the amount of five hundred dollars for injuries sustained by falling on sidewalk on south side of Eagle Point `avenue between Jackson and White streets, was, on motion of Ald. Cullen, referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Petition of Thi Adams Co. asking that taxes on improvements exceedin4 the amount of $3,150.00 be remitted, was, on motion of Ald. Crawford, referred to the finance committee. The petition of Sylvester Patch re- monstrating against paying special as- sessment for repairing sidewalk abut- ting lot 199. Hennion add. was, on .mo- tion, referred to the sidewalk inspector. The petition of O. Kringle in relation to special assessment for improvement of Julien avenue between Broad and Delhi streets abutting lot 13, Morheis- er's sub. was. on motion of Ald. Mc- Evoy, referred to the city engineer to report to council. The petition of W. S. White asking that .the city engineer be instructed to make survey and to locate the south line of O'Neill street, its entire length was, on motion of Ald. Jellison, grant- ed. A receipt from the League of Amer- ican Municipalities for $30.00 for the city's membership in said league was read and on motion was received and filed. A plat of Pine street and communi- cation from City Engineer Blake was presented. The communication as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—In accordance with your orders I herewith present a plat of the proposed street from Sanford to 23rd street. The red colored part of said plat shows the propehty to be taken for said street. Also find description of property to be taken for the proposed street. Ald. Berg moved that the plat with the petition asking for the opening of said street be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The plans and specifications of a stone arch sewer in Couler avenue and Couler creek between 27th street and Peru road was presented. Ald. Dennert moved to adopt the plan and specifications of said sewer. • Ald. Cullen moved as a substitute to postpone further action on said sewer until the committee of the whole re- ported on the extension of Milwaukee avenue. The substitute carried. His Honor, Mayor Duffy, in accord- ance with instructions from the coun- cil, reported that he had demanded of Sewer Inspector Broadhurst that ha re- fund to the city the $120.45 drawn by him on warrants issued to parties who had never worked for the city. Mr. Broadhurst refused to do any- thing in the way of refunding to the city. That he had instructed City At- torney Duffy to commence suit against Mr. Broadhurst for the amount. The mayor also suggested that the council instruct the city attorney to bring suit against all persons who drew warrants issued on the April, 1897, pay roll to persons who had not worked for the city. On motion of Ald. Crawford the city attorney was instructed to carry out the instructions of the committee of the whole at the time of the adoption of the investigating committee's report. OFFICERS' REPORTS. City Attorney Duffy's report was pre- sented and is as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: As per your reference to me I have prepared and had signed deed running from Florian Margadant to the city of Dubuque. Attached hereto is said deed. Wou'd recommend that the plat show- ing strip as taken together with deed be filed for record with proper county officer. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Dennert moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Auditor McCarten's report as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith I transmit to you for consideration a report of the receipts t Regular Session, January 6, 1898. and disbursements for the month of December, 1897. Cash on hand Dec. 1, '97 $29663.64 Receipts from all the month sources for 24327.71 Disbursments $53991.35 Warrants redeemed ...$25698.06 Coupons redeemed. .. 1012.50 27710.56 Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1898 26280.79 Other cash on hand there be- longing to the improvement bond fund 18537.80 Leaving in general fund 7742.99 Also reports $2,157.£0 due city officers for the month of December, 1897. Ald. Thomas moved that the report be received and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the city officers and the report referred back to the finance com- mittee. Carried. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: -Below you will find state ment of amounts advanced by me dur- ing the past month for which please or- der warrants drawn in my favor, as fol- lows: Refund excavation permits, interest on warrants outstanding, postage and all sources, $2,211.92. Money borrowed from all parties, $6,- 450.00. Ald. Dennert moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn for the various amounts and that the report be referred back to the finance committee. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $2,025.00 due firemen for the month of December, 1897. Ald. Dennert moved that the report be received and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the firemen and the re- port referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal McCann reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and CIty Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen -I herewith submit to you a report of the police department for the month of December, 1897: Total number of arrests for the month, 85. Total answer of the patrol wagon for the month, 42. Number of miles traveled by patrol wagon, 57 5-8. Pound receipts for the month, $2.00. Number of lodgers harbored, 288. Number of meals furnished prisoners and lodgers, 218. Number of defective lights during month, 62. Also report $2065.80 due policemen for the month of December, 1897. Ald. Lagen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the police for the month of December, 1897, and the report re- ferred back to the committee on police and lights. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $520.- 95 due laborers on streets for the last half of December, 1897. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the laborers on the streets for the last half of December, 1897, and the report referred back to the com- mittee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $975 due laborers for quarrying rock for mac adam for the last half of December, 1897. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay laborers for quarrying rock for the last half of December, 1897, and that the report be referred back to the street committee. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan, in charge of sewers, reported $222.05 due laborers on sewers for the last half of December, 1897. Ald. Thomas moved that the report be received and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the laborers on sewers for the last half of December, 1897, and that the report referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan in charge of the snow cleaning off the sidewalks, re- ported as follows: Honorable Mayor and City Council: Herewith find statement of cleaning snow off sidewalks for the month of De- cember, 1897: Sarah Molumby, lot 2 of 3 min lot 113, lineal feet, 60. P. Kiene, Jr., E 40 ft lot 1 of 4, L. Kneist's sub, lineal feet, 150. Deming and Riese!, lot 2 of min lot 466, lineal feet, 650. W. G. Cox, lot 2 of min lot 90, lineal feet, 800. E. Langworthy, Est., lots 177 to 181, East Dubuque add, lineal feet, 250. John Henne'ssy, lot 1 to 11, Leven's sub, lineal feet, 800. Ald. Dennert moved to refer the re- port to the committee on streets. Car- ried. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -The following is the amount of work done on streets and quarrying rock in each ward, during the month of December, 1897: FIRST WARD. Jas. Quinn, foreman, Mt. Carmel ave- nue grading $211.00 Jas. Quinn, foreman, Mt. Carmel ave- nue quarrying rock 217.95 M. McCarten, foreman, Bluff Street Ex- tension . 165.80 J. Morgan, foreman, West Third street 32.10 Dan Sheehan, West Third street31.65 Jas. Morgan, cleaning steps and cross- ings various streets Pat. Furey, Dodge street 38.50 17.55 Total .. $714.45 Regular Session January 6, 1898 SECOND WARD. Jno. Mullin, foreman, cleaning cross- ings various streets 33.20 Jno. Mullen, foreman, IIi1l street quar- rying rock $208.85 Jno. Mahony, foreman, Sixth street ex- tension ... 43.50 Robt. McGivern, Fourth street exten- sion 40.50 Total $326.05 THIRD WARD. J. Pilmaier, foreman, cleaning crossings various streets $ 49.15 Jas. Morgan. foreman, cleaning cross- ings various streets 5.40 L. Zeidman, foreman, snow from side- walks 6.75 Otto Rath, foreman, cleaning sidewaik3 and gutters city hall 12.50 Total $73.80 FOURTH WARD. Landon Taylor, foreman, cleaning cross ings and gutters various streets,116.20 J. Morgan, foreman, cleaning crossings and steps various streets ......... 24.35 Jas. Hird, Angella street quarrying rock 278.80 Jno. McCune, foreman, Cox street quar- rying rock 161.55 Total $580.90 FIFTH WARD. J. Morgan, cleaning crossings various streets $ 1.35 Matt Specht. foreman, cleaning cross- ings various streets 10.45 Jno. Bottoms, cleaning crossings var- ious streets 58.05 Jno. Bottoms, foreman, Thomas Place quarrying rock 189.15 Total $259.00 Total amount in all wards ...$1,954.20 Respectfully submitted, WM. F. FITZP,ATRICK, Committee Clerk. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Herewith find macadam list for the mr•nih of December, 1897. Number of cubic yards of ma - 2223 Amount due for breaking ma- cadam.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....$1,038 34 Amount due for hauling ma- cadam.. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... 134 30 Total due. $1,172 64 Respectfully submitted E. C. Blake. City Engineer. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn for the various amounts and the report referred back to the street committee. Carr:ed. The report of the following city weighmasters and woodmeasurer was presented and referred to thie commit- tee on markets: Market Master Rath, city hall scales receipts .. .. .. .. .. .... 23.23 , January 6, VON. • 5 Mettle Bros, 18th street and Cou- ler avenue scale receipts. 1.50 Mrs. C. Deckert, 5th ward scales receipts.. .. .. .. 2.07 Chas. Pitchner, West Dubuque scales receipts.. .. .. .. 4.05 T. J. Donahue, Dodge street scales receipts... 1.20 J. P. Schroeder & Co., 8th and White streets. scales receipts.. 2.94 James Doyle, First ward, scales reee:pts.. .. .. .. •••.. 8.40 G. A. Peffner, 26th and Couler avenue scales receipts 3.26 .Ed. Jess• city wood measurer, receipts .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.75 City Electrician Hipman reported as follows; To the Honorable Mayor and City Con i:: Gentlemen: -I herewith make my re- port of defective lights for the month of December, 1897, and find from the re- ports of the police department as well as from my personal observation that the total hours that sixty-two lamps failed to burn would equal 1 3-4 lamps for one month or $9.45. Ald. Cullen moved to receive and file the repeat and that. the city auditor be instructed to deduct thie $9.45 from the Star El. ctric company's bill for the month of I.)eeember, 1897. Carried. Matron Bridget F. Brennan reported as follows: Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 1, 1898. From January, 1, 1897 to January 1. 1898, there were 65 persons confined in the matron's quarters (city hall) of hom 56 were women and 9 were boys under the age of 14 years. There has been one birth and one death dur:ng the year. Prisoners arrested for the following crimes: Assault and ba'rery .. .. .. ........ 2 Lewdness . . 1 Reeeivng stollen goods. . .. . 3 Unruly conduct 3 Into•xicaation ...... .... .... .... 13 Larceny.... ... ... .. 11 Disorderly conduct.. .... .. .. .. 5 Adultery .. .... .... ...... .. 1 Vagrancy 12 Insane.. .... 4 Witness. .... .... .. ... 4 Keeping a disreputable hou.se 3 Frequenting a disreputable house3 Nationality of pr`soners-Irish, 6; American, 23; Irish-Amierican, 8; Ger- man -American, 15; German, 9; English, Swede, 1; Scotch, 1. Furnished lodging to 65, some of whom were destitute women and child- ren, others homeless women seeking em ployment. Furnished 2,122 meals and 710 nights' lodging to prisoners and lodgers. Cost of food during the year, $96.77. Matrons have placed three girls in Convent of Good Shepherd, Chicago, and 5 girls in Rescue Home, West Du- buque. li regular Session, January 6, 1898. Matrons have also found employment for over 10t n omen during the year. (Signed.) BRIDGET F. BRENNAN, ' City Ma,bron. i Ald. Lagen moved to adopt the re- 1 port and have it published in the coup - cit proceedings. Carried. His honor, the mayor, stated that the city had an arrangement with Sheriff Phillip:, whereby the city took care of the female and children prisoners of the county. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter be, referred to the committee on police to confer with Sheriff Haudenshield to make like arrangements for ,the in- coming year. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Ald. Berg. chairman of the ccsnmit tele on finance, repotted as follows: To the Mayor and City Council: Your finance committee beg leave to report that we have sold the improve- ment bonds ordered issued December 23, 1897, to Wan. L. Bradley, and have the treasurer's receipt of proceeds for same. Sad bonds are numbered 86. 87 and 88. and are of the denomination of $1,000.00, $1,000.00 and $750.00; $2.750.00 in all. C. H. BERG. FRANK DENNERT, J. W. McEVOY, Finance Comrrnittee. On motion of Ald. Stafford the report was adopted. N Ald Cullen, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee on streets report in favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Charles Otto, et al, asking the city to purchase their macadam om West Locust street, '.it being on pri- vate property. Also repot on the communication of H. B. Gniffke in relation to special as- sessments for rolling Eagle street. in favor of postponing action on same until next spring Also your street committee to whom was referred the matter of signs to de- 'p signate the name of streets would re- port in favor of instructing the sidewalk inspector to make a note of and report to the city council all streets which have not got signs at the crossings or intersections. Also report in favor of granting the petition of C. H. Pearce asking city to purchase his macadam on West Locust street and that the city engineer be in- structed to measure the same. Also report on the communication of L. Zeidman in relation 'to the condition of sidewalk abutting lots 615, 616, 616a and 617. Would recommend that the sidewalk inspector be instructed to keep said sidewalk well sanded. Also your committee on streets re- ectfully report in favor of the adop- tion of the plat of Burton's add. and accept lot 2 of 1 of 51 as a public high- way as dedicated on said plat by Wm. 13. Allison. Ald. Cullen moved to adopt the re- ports. Carried. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Washington street from 26th street to 27th street, by Steuck, O'Far- rell & Linehan, contractors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th, 1898. A Flechsig, Glendale add, lot 13, 50.5 lin ft curbing at 24c, $12.12; 23.5 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.64; 64.2 sq yds macada- mizing at 24e, $15.41 $ 33 17 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 14 50 lin ft curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 R. M. Kunz, Glendale add, lot 15 50 lin ft curbing at 24c, *12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 16, 50 lin ft curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq Yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14.67 .. 32 00 ellie Meis, Glendale add, lot 17, 50 lin ft curbing at 24c, *12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14.67 . 32 00 Nellie Meis, Glendale add s 1-2 lot 18, 25 lin feet curbing at 24c, $6.00; 11.1 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $2.67; 30.5 sq yds macadamizing at 24s, $7.33.... 16 00 D Tully, Glendale add, n 1-2 lot 18, 25 lin feet curbing at 24c. $6.00: 11.1 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $2.66; 30.6 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $7.34.... 16 00 Tully, Glendale add s 1-2 lot 19, 25 line feet curbing at 24c, $6.00; 11.1 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $2.67; 30.5 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $7.33.... 16 00 Josephine Vielker, Glendale add, n 1-2 lot 19, 25 lin ft curbing at 24c, $6.00; 11.1 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $2.66; 30.6 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $7.34.... 16 00 M McMahon, Glendale add. lot 21 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14 67 Jas Botsford, Glendale add, lot 20 32 00 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14 67 Jac Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 23 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, *5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14 67 Jac Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 22 32 00 32 00 Regular Session, January 6, 1898 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 24c, $14 67 William Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 24, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 23.5 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.64; 64.3 sq yds macad- amizing at 24c, $15.43 33 07 Dubuque Malting Co, Glendale add, lot 25, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12; 23,5 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.64; 64.3 sq yds macad- amizing at 24e, $15.43 33 07 Geo J Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 26, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Dalbkeremeyer, Jr., Glendale add lot 27, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00: 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add lot 32, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add lot 31, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00: 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add lot 30, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00: 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add lot 29, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00: 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 so ycis macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add lot 28, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.6732 00 F W Houghton, Glendale add, lot 33, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.67.... 32 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 34, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.67.... 32 00 Magdela Theno, Glendale add, lot 35, 50 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.67.... 32 00 J N Ziegler, Glendale add, lot 36. 51.5 lin feet curbing at 24c, $12.36: 23.5 sq yds guttering at 24c. $5.64: 64.2 sq yds macada- mizing at 24c, $1.5.41 33 41 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes-Alds. Berg, Crawford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent-Ald. Albrecht. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the City Council of the 32 00 City of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Elm street from Twenty-sixth street to Twenty-seventh street, by Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, contrac- tors, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate, as follows: Special assessment submitted Jan- uary 6th, 1898. Jacob Kessler, Glendale add, lot 37, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 23.5 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.64; 64.2 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $15.41 $ 33 05 Joseph Gauthier, Glendale add, lot 38, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 R. M. Kunz, Glendale add, lot 39, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 ... 32 00 Mary McGuire, Glendale add, lot 40, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67. 32 00 Frank Hinze, Glendale add, lot 41, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 John Frost, Glendale add, lot 42, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 ,T. H. Heun, Glendale add; lot 43, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67. 32 00 Nic Kettenhofen, Glendale add, lot 44, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00: 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 Henry Deville, Glendale add, lot 45, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 Mrs Mary A Bertsch, Glendale add. lot 46, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 Mrs. Mary A. Bertsch, Glendale add, lot 47, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds mac- adamizing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 Dubuque Malting Co., Glendale add, lot 48, 50.5 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.12; 23.5 sq yds gutter- ing at 24c, $5.64; 64.3 sq yds macadamizing at 24c, $15.43 33 19 Glab Bros., Glendale add, lot 49, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, Regular Session, January 6, 1898 $1.2.00; 23.5 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.64; 64.3 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $15.43 33 07 John Voggenthaler, Glendale add, lot 50, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67. 32 00 Frank Beyer, Glendale add, lot 51, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 J. H. Huene, Glendale add, lot 52, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 K. Kolfenbach, Glendale add, n 1-2, lot 53. 25 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $6.00; 11.1 sq yds gutter- ing at 24e, 42.67; 30.5 sq yds mac- adamizing at 24c, $7.33 16 00 Carl Fink, Glendale add, s 1-2, lot 53, 25 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $6.00; 11.1 sq yds guttering at 24c, $2.66; 30.6 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $7.34 16 00 Julia Frith, Glendale add, lot 54, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 Paul Weber, Glendale add, lot 55, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24e, $14.61 .. . 32 00 Joseph Krutz, Glendale add, lot 56, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1. sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 K Kolfenbach, Glendale add, lot 57, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 R. M. Kunz, Glendale add, lot 58, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 .... 32 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add lot 59, 50 lin ft curbstone at 24c, $12.00; 22.2 sq yds guttering at 24c, $5.33; 61.1 sq yds macadam- izing at 24c, $14.67 32 00 11. M. Kunz, Glendale add, lot 60 50 lin ft curbstone at 24e, $12.00; 23.5 sy yds guttering at $24c, $5.64; 64.2 sy ds macadam- izing at $24c, $15.41 . 33 05 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Derg, Crawford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent-Ald. Albrecht. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for im- proving Wood street from south line of lot 4 Myrtle add. to south line of mineral lot 8, by Peter Horch, contrac- tor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate hereinafter named. situate and owned. and for the several amounts set oposite each lot or parcel of real esta te. as follows: Special assessment submitted January 6th. 1898. E 11 Kringle, sub 3 min lot 17S, lot 7, 7 lin feet curbing at 27c, $1.89: 3.1 sq yds guttering at 27c', 84c: 8.5 sq yds macadamiz- ing at 300, $2.55 .. $ 28 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 17s. - lot 8. - 41 lin feet curbing :it 27e, $11.07; 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing utir- ing at 27c, $4.91: 511.1 sq y,;s macadamizing a 30c. $15.0:1.... :;1 111 J A Peryon, sun 3 min lot 17 , lot 9, 41 lin feet curbing at 27c. $11.07: 18.2 sq yds guttc r- ing at 27c. $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30e. $15.03.... 31 01 J A Peryon, sub :1 min lot 178, lot 10, 41 lin feet curbing at 27c, $11.07; 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $15.03.... :11 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 11, 41 lin feet curbing at 27e, $11.07: 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c. $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $15.03.... 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 12, 41 lin feet curbing at 27e, $11.07: 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $15.03.... 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 13, 41 lin feet curbing at 27c, $11.07; 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at SOe, 815.03.... 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 17S. lot 14. 41 lin feet curbing at 27c, $1.1.07; 18.2 sq yds gutter- ing at 27e. $4.91; 50.1 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $15.0331 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 15. 24.4 lin feet curbing at 27c, $6.59; 10.8 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $2.91: 30 sq yds ma- cadamizing at 30e, $9.00.. .... 18 50 M R Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 4, 63 lin feet curbing at 27c, $17.01; 30 sq yds guttering at 27c, $8.10; 71 sq yds macadamizing at 30c., $21.30 46 41 M R Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 5, 54 lin feet curbing at 27e, $14.58; 24 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.48; 66 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.80.... 40 86 E D Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 6, 54 lin feet curbing at 27c, $14.58; 24 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.48; 66 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.8040 86 Mary A Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 7, 54 lin feet curbing at 27c, $14.58; 24 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.48; 66 sq yds macadamizing at 30e, $19.8040 86 John Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 8, 54 lin feet curbing at l t gular Sesz•ion, January 6, 1898 27c, $14.53; 24 sq yds gutter- ing at 27c, $6.48; 66 sq yds macadamizing at 30c, $19.80..,40 86 John Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 9, 48 lin feet curbing at 27e, $12.96; 21.3 sq yds guttering at 27c, $5.75; 58.8 sq yds macadamizing at 30c. $17.64. 36 35 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Berg, Crawford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Albrecht. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Repairing Sidewalks. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Special assessment submitted Jan- uary 6th, 1893. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing sidewalks for month of Sep- tember, 1897. in front of and abutting same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sever al lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situated' and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Alois Mal), West's add, lot 18 ....$ 95 Deming & Kieset, sub min lot 466 Iot2 245 J. A. Rhomberg, Est., Ham's add, lots 386 and 387 75 II. Jones. McCraney's 1st add, lot 102 1 05 Mr's. E. Quilliam, Dreibilbies' add, s 35 ft, lot 7 60 Chas. Rose, Est., sub 3 of min lot 467, lot 1 60 C., M. & St. P. Ry. Co., East Du- buque add, lot 247 ..... ... 55 Rhomberg & Meuser, Davis' Farm add, lot 225 40 C. M. Buettell, E. Blake's sub, lot 35 Theresa Stoltz, E. Blake's sub, lot 4 I. C. R. R., Dubuque Harbor Co add, block 28 .. 75 I. C. R. R.. Sect 30, 89. 3. pt lot 365 Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's 1st add, lots 77 and 73 65 W. G. Cox, Cox's add. lot 6165 James Beach & Son. city, lot 5831 60 A. V. Bush et al, Dorgan's sub lot 4 Ernest Schmelz, Davis' Farni add, lot 227 R. and E. Langworthy, Glendale add, lot 294 Chas. and Frank Fosselmann, L H. Langworthy's add, lot 187 60 John Froelich. A. McDaniel's sub, lot 801 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Berg, Crawford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison. Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Albrecht. Ald. Lagen, chairman of the commit- tee on police and 1:ghts, reported as fol - Your committee be gleave to report in favor of paying the following bills: 35 75 1 10 1 15 70 (i, The Iowa Telephone company for ser- vice of telephones for use of city for the first quarter of 1898, $63.01. Key City Gas Co., for gas for use of c:ty, $107.75. Star Electric company. 315 arc lights, for Dec., 1897, $1,729.05. (;lobe Light and Heat Co., for light- ing, care of, and furnishing material for 100 lamps for Dee.. 1897, $166.67. Ald. Lagen moved the adoption of the rcpart and that warrants be ordered ,lr.iwn to pay the several amounts. Carried. Ald. hrrg presented and read the fol- lowing communication: Dubuque, Jan. 6. 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submn:tt to your honorable body for con.sideration the advisement of 'having an inventory taken of all the property belonging to the city. Such as all real estate own- ed by the city. The fire department httildings. eng:•nes and all apparatus in connect:on therewith. Also the police department. patrol house, patrol wagon, and all stars. lamps and paraphernalia in the department. Also all office fix.ures and furniture, including safes. stoves, etc.. e!c. Also the public scales, all toots and implements used in the street depart- men- anil whatever else your honorable body tlir:ks proper to come under this head. It has been twenty years since an inventory was taken, and I would like to have it an or before 'the end of the fiscal year which is Feb. 28. 1898. "Would recommend that t'he head of each department furnish the required figures and information. Respectfully submitted, M. M. M'CARTEN. City Auditor. At the conclusion of reading the com- munication Ald. Berg offered the fol- low:ng resolution. which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the communi- cait!on n! ''he auditor be received. and the re,or'tnfnlations tt erein contained be Parried oat, and that the heads of the several departments be. and they are hereby required rn furnish the city auditor with a complete inventory of a'1 city rroperty in their charge. on or before Feb. 15. 1898. Ald. Thomas offered the following resolution which was adopted: 'Resolved by the members of the Du- buque pity council: That a guard ra'.l he placed on the east side of Broadway extension ad -Joining lot 319 owned by Mugeenhera. the same to he about 150 feet in length, work to he done un- der the supervision of the street fore- man. Ald. Dennert offered the following resntu't nn which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the question of a revision and rr npita,'1cm of the city ordinances, and their publication 10 Regular Session, January 20, 1898. In book form w:ih a compilation of the city charter as amended by the new code, be referred to the committee on ordinance and committee on printing. Ald. McEvoy offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That ,the city en- gineer be instructed to prepare a grad on Exchange street between Dodg.• street and Center street. Aid. Lagen moved that when the council adjourns they adjourn ry Thurs day evening, January 20th, 1898. Car- ried. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Car - Approved 189 CITE' GDll;U'L. Mayor Regular session January 20, 1898. (Official.). Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- • ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Ald. Lagen moved that the council proceedings of January 6th, 1898, be ap- proved as printed. Carried. Ald. Lagen moved that when the council adjourns, they adjourn to the first regular meeting in February, Feb- ruary 3rd, 1898. Carried. PETITIONS. The petition of M. E. Gregory, asking damages to his property caused by fill- ing Grace street in 1891, and raising the grade of said street in 1895 still higher causing an overflow of his property and filling his cellar with water. Ald. Cullen moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Gregory be heard. Carried. Mr. Gregory addressed the council in relation to said damages. Ald. Cullen moved that the said peti- tion be referred to the committee on claims, city engineer and city attor- ney. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of A. T. McDonald & Morri- son Mfg. Co., asking that their taxes for the year 1597 on lots Nos. 267 to 276, 331 to 340, 395 to 402 all inclusive in East Dubuque addition No. 2 to the city of Dubuque, he the same as provided for by the city council at an adjourned regular session on June 17th. 1895. Petition of John Brunskill et al ask- ing damages for water flowing through their private sewer on lot N in (leo. Mar- tin's Dubuque abutting on Alpine street. Petition of Chas. H. Hyde et al askin that Rebecca street be changed to th name of Fairview Place. Petition of Geo. W. Farley et al re monstrating against changing "ltebecc street" to the name of "Fairview Place' Petition of Ben Kauffman & Co., ask ing to have their taxes reduced for th year, 1897. Ald. Lagen moved to have same re- ferred to the committee of the whole and city assessor. Carried. Petition of John Keckeveot asking for the right to use the ice harbor for skat- ing rink purposes for five years at the rate of three hundred dollars per year. Ald. Thomas moved that same be re- ferred to the harbor committee. Car- ried. g e a e The following petitions were referr- ed to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Bridget Ratters asking to have her taxes reduced for the year 1897 on lots 33 and 34, Wilson's sub. of miner- al lot 79. Petition of Frank Brede, Est. asking for a reduction of taxes on personal Property for the year 1897. Petition of Catherine Sullivan asking to have her taxes canceled for the year 1897, on lot No. 19 Horne addition. Petition of J. B. Murray asking for a reduction of taxes on lot 69 East Dubu- que add. Petition of W. F. Rupert asking dam- ages to the amount of $1.000.00 for in- juries sustained by falling on sidewalk in front of Sam Scott's residence on the west side of Broadway No. 121 of said street was on motion of Ald. Dennert, referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Communication of the Bank & Insur- ance Building Co. stating that they are ready to pay the city taxes for the year 1897, and ask that the treasurer be in- structed to receive said taxes on an as- sessment of $50,000 as directed by reso- lution of the city council and as shown by the records. Ald. Crawford moved that same be granted. Carried. The following communication was re- ferred to the committee of the whole: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I desire to call your at- tention to the insufficient supply of wa- ter and the imperfectness of the water system we have in our city. At the last two fires we have had in our city Regular Se: -fun, January 20, 1898 11 one un December 30, 1897, at Schaupp's drug store and the other on Jan. 9th, 1898, at Watters & Dennis' feed store, both on lower Main street, would show that we had an insufficient supply of water. The whole fire department was called out to both of those fires and I had to take the engines from Main street and station same to some side streets in order to get water. The de- partment succeeded in holding the fire to the building where it broke out, but if a high wind had prevailed the whole fire department could work ever so hard and be of no use to the city on ac- count of lack of water. This city is paying at the present time $1,400 per month for hydrants for fire purposes, and at that rate, the city should have a sufficient supply of water to enable the department to compete and fight any or all large fires to come. Now gen- tlemen, I would suggest that the city should take some steps and instruct the Water Company to provide a more thor- ough system to their water plant, and give the city a supply of water in con- formity with the amount paid then an- nually by the city. Respectfully yours. JC)S. REINFRIED, Fire Chief. The petition of more than flfty per cent .of the qualified voters of the city of Dubuque, asking general consent to manufacture and the sale of intoxicat- ing liquors, was presented. Aid. Crawford stated that at the prop- er time, under the head of resolutions. he would offer the necessary resolu- tions in relation to the matter. Aid. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be received and filed with the coun- ty auditor in accordance with the law. Carried. Ald. Berg, chairman of the committee of the whole, moved that the rules be suspended and that the committee of the whole be allowed to report. Car- ried. Ald. Berg reported as follows: Your committee of the whole report that they approve of the plat, profile and contracts hereto attached, name- ly the plat showing the extension of Milwaukee avenue through the prop- erty of John and Agatha Heim. the profile of the grade of said street show- ing the grade to be about 6 1-2 or 7 feet above the bed of Couler creek. At the intersection of said street w ith Couler creek about 1,300 feet from Couler ave- nue. The contract hereto attached be- tween the city of Dubuque and Agatha and John Heim. and also the proposi- tion in relation to grading between the city of Dubuque and John Heim, and recommend the adoption and acceptance of the plat, the profile and the proposi- tion of John Heim and the ratification of the attached contract. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the committee. His Honor, the mayor, stated the mo- tion, whereupon Ald. Berg moved that the rules be suspended and any one present wishing to address the coun- cil on the subject be heard. Carried. W. W. Bonson addressed the council in favor of the improvement. Wm. Quigley addressed the council in opposition to the improvement. Col. Lyon addressed the council in opposition to the improvement. Major Smith addressed the council in Opposition to the improvement. Alds. Thomas, Crawford and Berg ad- dressed the council. Ald. Crawford moved to postpone further consideration of the matter one week and that the matter be made special for the council meeting Thurs- day evening, January 27th. 1898, and that the city attorney be notified to be present at that meeting. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the council proceed with the regular order of bus- iness. Carried. OFFICERS' REPORTS. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $179.05 due street laborers for the first half of January. 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report received and warrants ordered drawn to pay street laborers and the report referred back to the street committee. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $1,- 140.05 due for quarrying rock for the first half of January, 1898. Ald. Lagen moved that the report be be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay for quarrying rock and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan reported$195.30 due the laborers on sewers for the first half of January, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved to receive the re- port and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the report referred back to the committee on sew- ers. Carried. Sidewalk Commissioner Ziedman, to whom was referred the petition of .4.7. Patch in reference to special assess- / ment for repairing sidewalk in front of lot 199 Henion add., reported as fol- lows: To the Hononable Mayor and City Council:—Upon investigation we find this to be an error in description of property and the same has been cor- rected and placed on adjoining prop- erty. Respectfully, L. ZIEDMAN, Sidewalk Commissioner. Dated January 20, 1898. Ald. Dennert moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city treas- urer be and is hereby instructed to call in the following numbered improvement January 20, 1898 Numbers 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, S0, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87, dated August 3, 1895, amounting to $13,000 00 Numbers 113 and 114, dated Oct. 1, 1895, amounting to 2,000,00 Number 131, dated November 18, 1895, amounting to 500 00 Number 9, dated June 1, 1896, amounting to 1,000 00 Number 39, dated November 18, 1896, amounting to 1,000 00 Numbers 51 and 52, dated Apr. 1, 1897, amounting to 1,000 00 Numbers 56. 57. 58 and 59, dated Sept. 21, 1897, amounting to4,000 00 Amounting• in all to..........*22,500 00 Interest to cease on said bonds March 1, 1898. Ald. Crawford chairman of the com- Dubuque. a city engineer who shall hold his office for the term of two years from the first clay of May next ensuing. and until his successor shall he elected and qualified. Section 2. That the election of city engineer shall he Conducted in all re- spects in the sante manner as that of other elective city officers. and in the discharge of the duties of his office, the city engineer shall conform to and he governed by the laws of the state of Iowa, and the ordinances of the city of Dubugno. Section 3. That t salary of the city engineer shall he at the rate of dollars per annum. payable monthly which shall be In fall compensation for all sertic•('s of kind and nature tthat- soever connected with his official du- ties. inittee on ordinance presented and read Section 4. That section one 1) of the following: chapter sixteen (16) of the Revised Ordi- An ordinance. To protide for the trances of 1893 he and the sante is here - election by the electors of the city of by repealed. Dubuque of a city marshal and to re- peal section one (1) of chapter eleven (11) of the Revised Ordinances of 1893. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the regular city election to be held on the first Monday in April in the year 1895, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of the city of Dubuque a city marshal, who shall hold his office for the term of two years from the first day of May next ensuing, and until his successor shall be elected" and qualified. Section 2. That the election of city marshal shall be conducted in all re- spects in the same manner as that of other elective city officers, and in the discharge of the duties of his office, said officer shall conform to and be governed by the laws of the state of Iowa, and the ordinances of the city of Dubuque. Section 3. That section one (1) of chapter eleven (11) of the Revised Ordi- nances of 1893 be and the sante is here- by repealed. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper, Ald. Crawford moved to have the or- dinance published in the council pro- ceedings and referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Aid. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on ordinances, presented and read the following: An ordinance. To provide for the elec- tion by the electors of the city of Du- buque, of a city engineer and to repeal section one (1) of chapter sixteen (16) of the Revised Ordinances of 1893. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the annual city election to be held on the first Monday in April in the year 1898, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected by the qualified electors of the city of Section 5. That this ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph, newspaper. Ald. Cranford moved to have the ordi- nance published in the council pro- ceedings and referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on ordinance, represented and read the following: An ordinance granting- to the Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad com- pany, its successors and assigns, the right to extend its track as now laid along the government ice harbor in the city of Dubuque to First street, thence along First street opposite blocks two (2) and five (5) to Water street. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. -The Chicago, Burlington & Northern Railroad company, its suc- cessors and assigns, is hereby granted the right and authority- to extend its track in the city of Dubuque, now constructed and maintained near and along the ice harbor, beginning at a point in the center line of the Chicago. Burlington & Northern Railroad track as now laid, leading to First street, said point being about one hundred feet north westerly from the end of the track of said railroad company as now located, thence running south-easterly on a nineteen degree curve to a point eight feet north of the southerly line of First street, thence easterly parallel to and eight feet northerly from the southerly line of First street, across 'Warren street to 'Water street. The right and privilege is hereby granted to the said Chicago, Burlington & North- ern Railroad company to throw over or relocate the south-easterly one hun- dred feet of its present track to the alignment as above given. Section 2. -The permission and au- thority hereby granted is granted sub- R'gnlar Session, January 20, 1898 1:3 ject to all the conditions, limitations, restrictions and provisions of an ordi- nance entitled: "An ordinance granting to the Chi- cago, Burlington & Northern Railroad company, its successors and assigns, the right of way across and along cer- tain streets and alleys and to use and occupy for railroad purposes certain public grounds in the city of Dubuque," being ordinance No. 84, and all ordi- nances amendatory thereof or supple- mentary thereto, heretofore passed by the city council of the city of Du- buque. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be published in the council proceedings and referred to the commit- tee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Stafford. chairman of the oom- tr.itree en claims, repor:ed as follows: Your committee on claims respectfully report in favor of receiving and fil- ing the claim el Bock and Reed :or $5.00 for repa`.rs on wagon of Ed. Aven- arus. ,Vso report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of B. B. Richards, asking the city to pay him $10.00 for old curb stones taken from 15th and Lo- cust street when said Locust was im- proved. Ald. Stafford moved the adoption of the repor:. Carried. Ald. Cullen. chairman of the comm't- tee on lire. reported in favor of paying the bill of Even and Fuchs for coal for fire department, amounting to $192.00. Ald. Cu:len moved that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay said bill. Car- ried. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the commit- tee of streets reported as follows: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of B. Gerens, asking per- mission to sink a shaft in Thomas street, would repor: that in the opinion of your committee it is inexpedient for the city to grant the right to any one to sink a shaft or nine in an improved street. Your commi:tee report adverse to said petition. Also report in favor of granting the petition of M. Shea, asking city to pur- chase his macadam on Valley street and would recommend that the city en- gineer he instructed to measure sane. Also report in favor of granting the petition of C. Gantenhein asking per- mission to take filling out of Riverview street, the same to be under the super- vision of the chief foreman. Also report in favor of purchasing the macadam broken by Otto Bros. and Co., on West Locust street and that the city engineer be instructed to measure same and to notify said Otto Bros. and Co. that the city will not accept any more macadam which may be broken on pri- vate property. Ald. Cullen moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com- mittee on delinquent tax, reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of 7I. Ficke, asking that the taxes of Gott- fried Fnoernschield be remitted on lot 144 Burden and Lawther's add. In favor of granting the pe::tion of Mrs. Bridget O'Farrell asking time to pay taxes for sewer on lot 110 East Du- buque add, and tha: she be allowed two years' time to pay for same at 5 per cent. interest. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of Mrs. Johanna E. Pauw-. ask- ing that her taxes on s 2-5 of lot 482, city for 1897, be reduced to $88.00. In favor of allowing the taxes of Jo- hanna Boesvelt on lot 92, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, to remain a lien on said property for 1897 and that :he treasurer be instructed not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Jno. Atkins on lot 9 Yates & Pickett's sub to remain a lien on said property. for 1896 and that the treasurer be instructed not' to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mary Ballard to remain a lien on her prop- erty for 1897, and the treasurer be in- structed not to sell same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Catherine Walsh to remain a lien on her property for 1896 and 1897, and the treasurer he instructed not to sell same. Ald. Thomas moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of E. A. Guilb- ert in relation to personal taxes and your committee would recommend that the city- treasurer be instructed to col- lect all taxes which may be charged against said E. A. Guilbert on his books. Ald. Crawford moved to refer same back to the committee on delinquent tax for further consideration. Ald. Stafford moved to amend the notion and refer to the committee of the whole. The a.niendment carried. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for lay- ing a 4 foot wide sidewalk on north side of Hart street by E. F. Webster, con- tractor. in front of and adjoining the same. a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situate and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Special assessment submitted Janu- ary 20, 1898. Adam Schmidt Est., sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 5, 6 and 7 Scha.ffner's sub, lot 2. 104 lin ft sidewalk at 18 1-2c .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....$19.24 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Dennert, .7•ellison, Lagers. McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—None. I1 Regular Session, January 20, 1898. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. REPAIRING SIDEWALKS. Special assessment submitted Jan. 20, 1898. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing sidewalks for month of Oc- tober, 1897, in front of and abutting same, a spec:al tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: Hattie Heingartner. McCraney's lst add, lot 75 J. H. Rhomberg, McCraney's 1st add, lot 76 Ed Langworthy Est, E. Dubuque add, lot 179 D and A Emsley, sub 2 nein lot 467 ne56lot 2 Amelia S. Woodward. Marsh's add lot 40 Wm Hintrager, Marsh's add, lot 49 .75 S P Rider, sub 21, L. H. Lang - worthy's add, lot 1.. .60 Thomas Hassett, Harper's sub, n 85 lot 2 .60 John Cain, Harper's sub, s 50 lot 2.60 A W Hosford, Harper's add, lot 3 1.00 C A Voelker, C A Voelker's add, lot 21 .60 C A Voelker, C A Voelker's add, lot 22 ...... . ............ .60 R M Kunz. et al. McCraney's 1st add, lot 47 .60 Glah Bros.. Harris' add,_ lot 261 . .60 W G Cox, sub min lot 90, lot 2 .... 1.75 Julia Zwack, Marsh's add, lot 36 . 1.50 Geo. Salot. Tivoli add, lot 21 .. .. .60 A. Jaeger Est., Davis Farm add, lot 271 .. .60 W A Harkett, sub 2 of 2 of 735, city lot1 .... ... .. .......... .... .60 A and G Schumacher, Cain's sub. lot 8.. .. .. ... .80 Ellen M Kringle, sub 14 and 15 Bush's sub, lot 3.. ..... .60 Adopted by the fololwing vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Craw- ford. Cullen, Dennert. Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—None. Ald. Albrecht, chairmon of the com- mittee on markets, reported in favor of paying the bill of Even and Fuchs for coal at the First Ward scales, amou,.. Ing to $3.95, and moved that a wa. rant he ordered drawn to pay the same. Car tied. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings, reported in favor of paying the bill of McDermott and Gow for Welshbach lights and plumbing in city engineer's office, amount, $10.90, and moved tha•, a warrant be ordered drawn to pay tilt same. Carried. Aid. Lagen, chairman of the commit- tee on police and lights, reported as fol- lows: .60 .70 .65 .60 .70 Your committee have made arrange- ments with Sheriff Haudenshield for the board of county praoners, the same as with Sheriff Phillips, namely 25 cents per day. On motion the report was adopted. Ald. Berg, chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole would respectfully report in favor of referring the petition of the Dubuque Water Co. :n relation to flush tanks on 8th street to the comm:ttee on sewers. Also the petition of Mrs. Mary Frei. lith. asking that sewer tax against lot '01, McDaniel's sub be canceled would re port in favor of allowing Mary Freillch two years time to pay for said sewer, with interest at 5 per cent. Also report in favor of receiving. and filing the petition of O. S. Johnson in relation to frame barn on 6:h street bet- ween Iowa and Clay streets. Alse report in favor o: referring to the alderman of the Second ward and city engineer the petition of Mrs, Margaret Alderson, asking that John and Cooper streets be opened. Also report in favor of granting the petition of Geo. B. Burch, asking that the treasurer be instructed to accept payment on $50,000.00 in full for taxes due on Julien house property as hereto- fore. Also report :n favor of postponing ac- tion for the present on the petition of John Diett et al, asking to have a street extended from Sanford to 23d street and that the same be curbed, guttered and macadamized. Aid. Berg moved to adopt the report eFt the committee of the whole. Car- ried. Ald. Dennert offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the commit- tee of the whole be excused from fur- ther action, and that the city council of the city of Dubuque, tender Mr. Fred. Oeto one thousand ($1,000.000) dollars in full of all demands that may be caused by the proposed extension of an alley from what is now known as Troy street to Rniest street, pending the decision of the city attorney. If the city attorney declares that the extension can be done legally, that he be and is hereby :n structed to draw up the necessary docu- ments for the transfer of the property. Ald. Dennert moved. •to adopt the resolution. Aid. Albrecht moved to suspend the rule~ and any one present desiring to address the council on the subject be . heard. Carried. Mr. Baumgartner addresed the coun- cil in favor of the extension. Mr. E. Guderian addressed the coun- cil in favor of the extension. Alds. Berg, Crawford, Thomas and Dennert addresed the council. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute to Ald. Dennert's motion that further Regular Session, January 20, 1898 consideration be postponed until Thurs- day evening, January 27, 1898, and the city attorney be instructed to report on the matter, as it had been referred to him. The amendment was lost by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Aids. Berg, Crawford, Lagen and McEvoy. Noes—Alds. Albrecht. Cullen, Den- nert, Jellison, Stafford and Thomas. Ald. Dennert's motion to adopt the resolution was then put with the follow ing results: Ayes—Aids, Albrecht, Cullen, Den- ner', Jellison, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—Aids. Berg. Crawford, Lagen. and McEvoy. The mayor declared the orig'.na1 mo- tion carried. Ald. Cullen offered the following. reso- lution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the ordinance committee and city a'torney be and is hereby instructed to draft a plumbers' ordinance in accordance with the new code of Iowa. Ald. Cullen moved to refer to the or dinance committee. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution which was unanimously adopted: Whereas. It appears by the official proceedings of the hoard of supervisors of Dubuque county. Iowa, that there has been filed with the county auditor of Dubuque county. Iowa. statements of consent to the sale of intoxicating li- quors in the city of Dubuque, signed by a majority of the legal voters of sail city, which statements of consent after due and legal notice have been found by said board of supervisors sufficient and the sale of intoxicating liquors un- der the provisions of law permitted within the limits,, of the city of Du- buque; and Whereas, It appears that, to fully au- thorize persons in the city of Dubuque, engaged in the sale of intoxicating li- quors, to make sale of the same, that a resolution of the city council should also be adopted, consenting to such sale; therefore. Be It Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That all per- sons now or hereafter engaged in the sale of intoxicating liquors in the city ,Y Dubuque, are hereby authorizea Lu make, and the city council hereby con- sents to their making such sales and carrying on the business of dealing in and selling intoxicating liquors. The city recorder is hereby directed to furnish to all such persons a certified copy of this resolution. Regularly adopted by the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque at a regular session on the 20th day of January, A. D. 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, Approved: City Recorder. T. T. D1 JFFY, Mayor. Ald. Crawford offered the following, resolution which was unanimously adopted: 15 Whereas, It appears that there has been presented to the city council of the city of Dubuque, a written state- ment of consent to the manufacture for sale, and sale of spirituous, malt and vinous liquors at wholesale, within the llmits of the city of Dubuque. and such x•ritten consent being signed by moz, than fifty per cent. of the legal voters of the city of Dubuque. vc ring at the last preceding general election, and It further appearing that on written con- sent of a majority of the legal voters of said city, the board of supervisors of Dubuque county has found such state- ments of consent sufficient and author- ized the sale of intoxicating liquors in the city of Dubuque in compliance with the provisions of law and the city of Dubuque, acting through its common council has confirmed such action of the board of supervisors of Dubuque county, and authorized and permitted the sale of intoxicating Liquors within the limits of the city of Dubuque under the provisions of law; therefore, Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That we find such statements of consent sufficient and that we hereby grant consent to all per- sons desiring so to do, to engage In, and carry on the business of manufac- turing for sale, and selling at whole- sale of spirituous, malt or vinous li- quors under and in compliance with the provisions of law, within the cor- porate limits of the city of Dubuque. Regularly adopted by the city council of the city of Dubuque at a regular ses- sion •'n the 20th day of January, A. 7). 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Approved: City Recorder. T. T. Duffy, Mayor. On motion the council adjourned. Attest: Approved 189.. 10 Special Session, January SPECIAL SESSION JANUARY 27TH, 1898. Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent, Ald Dennert. His Honor, the mayor stated the ob- ject of the session, was to consider the extension of Milwaukee avenue. City Attorney Duffy, stated he had a matter of importance that he desired to present to the council. Permission be- ing granted by the mayor, City Attor- ney Duffy presented and read the fol- lowing communication. To the Honorable Mayor and Alder- men of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -1 wish to call your at- tention to a matter of importance upon which the council must take action. Section 941 of the new code provides 1 that each officer, board or committee t shall file in the office of the clerk or t recorder 30 days before the beginning n m • has had no experience with appropria- tions, I would advise that the appro- priations be made for a Targe enough amount to cover all expenditures with- out question. so that the different de- partments may not run short. The city can not appropriate an amount in excess of its annual legally authorized revenue. Respectfully submitted. THOMAS H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Stafford moved to receive and file the communication and that the l ec- ommendations be carried omit. Ald. Berg moved as a substitute that the communication be referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Stafford withdrew his motion. whereupon Ald. Berg's motion was put and carried. City Attorney Duffy submitted the fol owing opinion in the matter of extend - ng Milwaukee avenue as per request at he previous meeting: To the Honorable Mayor and Alder - nen of the City of Dubuque: Gentle- ten—You have referred to me the atter of the extension of Milwaukee avenue, and the construction of streets or ways to carry water into the Maquo- keta creek. As I understand it you wish to know what the rights of the city are in regard to constructing the same according to the plan of the city engineer. In the first place the city cannot open Milwaukee avenue and conduct the water frons the Miliville road to the city limits on Jackson street and stop at that point, thus throwing the water on the lands adjoining the city limits. leaving the supervisors or the owners of the land to provide for the carrying away of the water, without being re- sponsible in damages for the loss occa- sioned the owners of said land by the throwing of said water thereon. It being then incumbent upon the city to provide for the carrying away of said water, the question then arises whether the city can go outside of the city limits and provide for the con- ducting of the water to the Maquoketa creek, according to the plan of the city engineer, and how it shall do so. The city has the right to go outside of the city limits and condemn the proper- ty necessary to establish the water- way ,according to the engineer's plan. The ordinance which the city now has providing the method for condemning waterways is somewhat inadequate and insufficient for the purposes of this case, and the city should pass a new ordinance on the subject, if it decides to go ahead and construct this improve- ment. The city can also purchase the right of way necessary if it can come to an agreement with the owners of the Land, and thus obviate the nec- essity of proceeding to condemn the said land. of each fiscal year (which in our city- is March l.st) a detailed statement of the necessary labor , supplies and material and the work to be done by or through their department during the next fiscal year and the estimated cost there- of. It also provides code, section 942, that the council shall make the appro- priation for all the different expendi- tures for each fiscal year at or before the beginning of it, that is at or before March 1st, and it shall be unlawful to issue any warrant or to enter into any contract or appropriate any money in excess of the amount thus appropriat- ed for the different expenses of the city during the year for which such appro- priation shall be made. It shall not appropriate in the aggregate an amount in excess of its annual, legally, author- ed revenue. The estimates are made for the purpose of establishing a basis from which to ascertain the amount necessary to be appropriated. These estimates should be returned at once so that the council will be able to make the appropriations by March 1. I would advise the council to order the persons required as above stated to re- turn their estimates by the next meet- ing or as soon thereafter as possible and that the recorder so notify them at once so that the estimates may be re- turned in time for the appropriations to be made by March 1st; and that it is necessary that said estimates be as ac- curate as possible. I would also ad- vise the council to give their immediate and close attention to the making of the appropriations as above required. Said appropriations must be made, and it is unlawful to exceed them, and the coun- cil would render themselves criminal- ly liable to do so, so it is important that they should be made as accurate as pos- sible. As this is the first year that the law required this and as the council Special January 27. 1898. 17 In constructing this waterway, as con templated, the city must use reasona- ble care to construct the same in such a skillful mariner that the adjoining owners will not suffer damages from the overflow of water therefrom. If it fails so to do. and water overflows from said way as constructed, the city will he liable in rlmmnges to the land own- ers injured thereby. A further question arises as to whether or not the city can enter into a private agreement with Mr. John Helm and Mrs. Agatha Heim as pro- posed. The agreement proposed is that John and Agatha Heim will transfer and dedicate to the city of Dubuque the Enol necessary for the extension of Milwaukee avenue for the water street proposed and will agree to remove the earth and rock in accordance with the plat of the city engineer, in considera- tion of which the city agrees to pay them a certain amount or amounts per yard for the earth and rock so removed. The only limitation upon such an agreement is that it must he fairly en- tered into and the terms thereof must ire reasonable, and made with due re- gard for the public interest, as the city cannot arbitrarily enter into a privat agreement, to the injury of the corpo- rate interests. If the agreement complies with these requirements, which is a matter for the council to decide. it can be entered into. THOMAS H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Lagen moved that the rules be suspended and that Attorney W. W. Bonson be allowed to address the coun- cil. Carried. Mr. Bonson addressed the council, and read several sections of the new code bearing on the subject. Aids. Thomas. Crawford and Lagen addressed the council. Ald. Thomas moved that the rules be suspended and that Maj. Smith and any others desiring so to do, be allowed to address the council. Carried. Major Smith addressed the council in opposition to the extension of Milwau- kee avenue and the project of carrying the water north to the Maquoketa creek. Ald. McEvoy, Mr. Wm. Quigley and Mr. John Heini addressed the council. Ald. Thomas moved that the council accept the proposition of John and Agatha Heim. Ald. McEvoy moved as a substitute that further action be postponed for one week and the city engineer be in- structed to prepare a plan and make es- timate of the cost for carrying the wa- ter from Bee branch, or Millville road and vicinity ,along its natural course, south to lake Peosta, and the city engi- neer report to the council. On behalf of Mr. Heim, Mr. Bonson stated that he wanted the council to either accept or reject the proposition at once. The ayes and noes were or- dered called on the substitute, resulting as follows: Ayes—Aids. Berg, Crawford, Lagen and McEvoy, Noes—Aids. Albrecht, Cullen, Jelli- son, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. The mayor declared the substitute lost. After a general discussion upon the subject, His Honor, the mayor, and most of the aldermen participating, Ald. Thomas withdrew his motion and ac- cepted Ald. McEvoy's amendment. The substitute becoming the original motion, the mayor called for the ayes and nayes, after which he declared the motion carried. On motion the council adjourned. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Attest: . Recorder Apj:roved V 189.... Mayor 18 List of Warrants. LIST OF WARRANTS. City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1897. To th2 Honorable Mayor and City Comi- c.; of the City of Dubuque: GenLlemen:—The following Is com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of November, 1597: Name. F or what purpose. Amt. T T Duffy, salary.. .. .. $125 00 H 13 Gniffke, salary.. .. .. 133 30 H B Gniffke, clerk hire .. .. .. 75 00 L M Langstaff, salary.. .. .. 116 70 M M McCarten, salary .. .. .. 116 70 E 0 Duncan, salary .. .. .. .... 125 00 T T Duffy, salary .. .. .. .. 150 00 James McCann, salary .. .. .. 100 00 Jas Reinfricd, salary .. .. .. 100 00 Jas Morgan, salary 85 00 W Fi.zpatrick, committee clerkS3 30 \\'nt A Kaep, clerk 50 00 E Herron, clerk .. .. .. .. .. 50 00 Edw C Blake, engineer.. .. .. 200 00 Jas Boyce, assistant engineer.. 100 00 E S Hyde, assistant engineer . 100 00 Wm Hippman, electrician .. 75 00 D Broadhurst, sewer inspector75 00 Otto Rath, market master.. 50 09 Peter Kien, park custodian .. 46 50 T Cah:11, park custodian .. .. .. 46 50 Edw Jess, wharf master.. .. .. 20 00 E A Guilberi, health officer.. 50 00 N Off^rman, pound master .. 50 00 Mrs H Koenig, janicress .. .. 20 00 Mrs M Hayes, cleaning around market.. .. .. .... .. 20 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman60 00 L Zeidman. sidewalk inspector50 00 M >;'r I. fireman .. .. 60 00 J Essman, fireman .. .. .. .. 75 00 A Duccini, fireman .. .. .. .. .. 60 00 J Flynn, fireman .. .... 60 00 J Wiltse, fireman .. .. 60 00 C Oatey, fireman .. .. .. 50 00 G Beyer, fireman .. .. .. 50 00 Al Heer, fireman .. .. 50 00 .Tax Daley, fireman.. .. .. 60 00 Job Barnes, fireman 75 00 T Ryder. fireman .. ••60 00 J Schonberger, fireman .. .... 60 00 W Ducey, fireman.. .... .... 60 00 M Fahey, fireman .. .. 50 00 T Meehan, fireman 60 00 .T Rooney, fireman .. .. 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman .... .. 60 06 T Wacker, fireman.... .. ••60 00 G Helmrich, fireman .. .. .. 50 00 J McFarland, fireman.. .. ... 25 00 J Bauman, fireman .... .... .. 50 00 J Murphy, fireman.. .. .. 60 00 A McDonald, fireman .. .. 75 00 T Kennedy, fireman .. .. Geo Osborn, fireman . , ' ' . • 50 00 J Fitzpatrick, fireman .. • 50 00 F Murphy, fireman . , , , • 50 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman .. " ' • 40 00 F Ganahl, fireman , . .. • • 60 00 T Flynn, fireman .. „ •. • • 60 00 F Kenneally, fireman .. •, ,. •• 50 00 .. 50 00 Jos Tschudi, fireman .. „ C Kannolt, fireman .. •. 60 0060 00 Jas Allen, fireman .. .. .. .. 60 00 Wm McBridge; fireman 50 00 Rob; Weston, fireman . .. .. .. 50 00 13 Maas, sub fireman.... ...... 4 30 Chas Eirhho•n, extra help Sept 30:h .. .. .... .. ........ 1 50 B Drt ,,xtra help Sept. 30th1 50 M 1::tr.1, xtra help Sept 30th1 50 R'in li :t-, sub fireman .. .. .. 25 00 H Terns >. ib fireman .. .. .. 1 65 Geo But • '. police .. .. .. .. 50 00 N Brand, police .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 00 Jas Carter, police .. .. 51 65 .1 Clune. police.... 50 cei J Cody. pollee 50 00 M Craugh, pol:ce .. .... .. .. 51 65 Ph"1 Dumphey, police .. .. .. .. 50 00 J Fitzpatrick. police .. .. .. .. .. 50 00 J Flynn, police.. .. .. .... 50 00 P Hanlon. police .. .... .. .. .. .. 51 65 \V Hennessey, police .. .. .. .. .. 51 65 E Kahn, pnlic e .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 51 65 \I Kilty, police 50 00 .1 Lne:srher .................50 00 Jas Lrnergan. police 50 00 P McCo'lin:=, police .. .. .. .. .. 50 00 1' 1lrTnerney, pollee .... .... ::n 00 i'.t :Moore, pol'ce .. .. .. .. 60 00 P ).iu:;ie an police .. .. .. .... 50 00 .1•,.• Murphy, police .. .. ..... 50 00 1 .1 ?'urphy. police.. .. .. .. .. 77 50 N .,,I police .. .. .... .. ...... 50 00 len Ncr on, police .... .. .... 50 00 M O'Connor, police 51 65 Aug Pfeffer. police.. .. .. 50 00 1' Provers. police.. .. 50 00 inn Raes'e. police.. .. 77 5n F Rhnmberg, police.. .. .. .. 50 00 Jas Rnnney, po'ice.. .. 50 00 T Reilly. police.. .. .. 50 00 P Scharff, police.. .. .. .. .. 51 65 Al T Scherr, pol'ice.. .. .... 50 00 .Tos D Secrest. police.. .. .. .. 51 65 P Su:ton. police .. .. .. 50 00 T Sweeney, police .. .. 51 65 P Sul'ivar..• police.. .. 50 00 :inn Tierney, police.. .. .. .. .. 50 00 H K Young. police.. .. .. 50 00 Miss 13 Brennan, police matron50 00 Mrs Katie Hibbe. police matron50 00 G Maflioli• improving Iowa street from 3rd to 7th streets 5 Allen. labor E Am Ende, labor A Adelman, labor A Alderson, labor J Burns. labor J Butler, labor J Brown, labor P Breen, labor R Ballertin• labor Wm Banfleld. labor (r Beckett, labor Paul Becker, labor P Brandenberger, labor F Buddi, labor Jno Bohn, labor M Beckius• labor J Bottoms, labor W Bennett, labor C Buse, labor J Bender, labor T Bauer, labor I Brachtobrach,labor M Coyle, labor .4.700 00 8 10 4 05 9 45 70 16 20 18 75 9 15 9 45 4 75 8 80 18 00 8 10 1 35 8 10. S 00 4 05 19 50 8 10 2 70 14 50 40 00 8 10 9 15 I,i .t of Warrants P Jacobs, labor W Cunningham, labor 8 80 H Cornell. labor 8 45 J Corcoran, No. 1, labor 8 10 Jno Callahan, labor 10 15 F Correll, labor 11 50 J Corcoran, No. 2. labor 5 40 J Connolly, labor 9 45 H Connolly, labor 810 P Conor^•r. labor 8 80 Al Carmody. lab•sr 11 85 M Crahin, labor 7 45 D Crotty, labor 8 10 L Corcoran, labor 8 80 T Crahin, labor 2 70 .T Corbett. labor S 10 Al Connelly. labor 9 45 J Cahill. labor 8 SO H Cobb. labor 11 50 H Corrigan, labor 7 45 Collinson, labor 8 10 \W Carberry. labor S 10 L Cahill. labor 9 45 A Crawford, labor 50 00 P DeFontaine, labor 4 05 T Donahue, labor 10 80 N Duscher, labor 4 05 M Differding. labor 4 05 P Dempsey, labor 6 75 J Dittman. labor 9 45 P Dax. labor 1 35 1-1 Einherk. labor 8 10 J Taschner, labor 10 15 J Welsh, No. 1, labor 9 80 J Welsh. No. 2. labor 14 20 Jno Eagan, labor 5 10 S Eustis, labor 17 55 S Elmer, labor 1 35 P Eisbach, labor 8 00 R Eddy, labor 50 00 D Fox, labor 10 80 Al Fagan, labor 9 45 J Farley, labor .. 3 10 P Fuery, labor 16 90 L Fritz, labor. 7 45 W Flanagan, labor 9 45 \W Fuller, labor 10 S0 P Fitzpatrick. labor .. 9 45 1: Fern, labor 13 50 1? Fogarty, labor 7 50 P Fenelon, labor 1 35 Edw Fitzlaff. labor 1 •:41 P Grew, labor 14 :• P Gordon, labor J Garvin, labor Jno Gerst, labor C Geimer, labor J Ginter, labor P Ginter, labor Jno Gan, labor Joe Grab, labor AI Carey, labor .. C Gantenbein. labor C Hohnberg. labor Jno Hafey, labor Jno Hanley, labor M Hoapes, labor Chr Heck, labor D Harman. labor A Hird, labor Jac Hansen, labor Jas Hird, labor M Haffner, labor M Hilbe, labor F Haardt. labor A Johnson. labor A ,Jaeger, labor Jno Jehring, labor T Kelly, labor P Kenney, labor M Keane, labor P Kearney, labor C Kampman, labor Asa Knapp, labor Jno Kelly, labor H Kramer, labor F Krueger, labor Jno Karsch, labor ... Jac Kraus, labor P Krocheski, labor M Lavin, labor J J Lavery, labor 1' Leavitt, labor Al Lonergan, labor 1[ Loes, labor P Lynch, labor F Lassance, labor H Luck, labor T Leidinger, labor H Lembke, labor Jno Lowery, labor Jno Leidinger, labor Ed Lagen, labor P Moran, labor Geo Moore, labor P Murray, labor Jas Malloy, labor .inn Mullen, labor Al Murphy, labor J Maas -r. labor J .\Iaroney, labor .T Malloy, labor P Mohan, labor Joe Martinek• labor E Meucke, labor N Martin, labor T Malloy, labor P Murphy, labor J McGee, labor D McGinniss, labor Jas McCormack, labor D McCormack, labor .5 McCarron, labor L McEvoy, labor P McCarten, labor . \1 si Cone, labor . vVin McDermott, labor 1„ \l McCarten, labor . 10 11 \Vm McClain, labor . 1 35 Pat McNulty, labor . 16 20 D McGinley, labor 4 05 R McCarron, labor . 2 70 A Menuan, labor 2 10 Jas 11cAleese, labor . 5 40 I T .5 SlcDoiald, labor . 8 10 Jno McNulty, labor 2 00 Jno McLaughlin, labor 2 10 Al McNamara, labor 12 15 Jr.o McGrath, labor . 5 40 1 P McPoland, labor 70 B McCormack, labor 13 50 Robt McGivern, labor . 8 10 Phil Newman, labor . 5 40 P Nickels, labor . ...... 21 00 T Needham, labor . 19 50 Al Novorten, labor . 11 50 Jno Nutz, labor . 1 35 P Norton. labor . 1 35 C Nank, labor . ... 10 SO M O'Shea, labor . 3 40 1 35 8 10 8 10 11 50 9 45 8 10 5 40 8 10 10 15 6 75 ..... 8 10 5 40 5 40 5 40 13 85 10 15 8 10 8 10 4 05 2 70 70 8 10 8 10 12 15 1 35 1 50 40 00 5 40 6 75 4 05 8 10 19 10 10 15 12 60 1 35 8 10 12 15 16 20 8 10 4 50 3 40 50 00 4 75 14 20 11 50 1 35 6 10 8 10 70 12 15 8 80 19 50 8 10 14 85 9 45 8 10 16 20 1 70 10 80 16 20 1 35 2 70 8 80 9 45 1 35 39 00 9 45 16 90 8 10 5 40 4 05 4 75 1 00 8 80 List of Warrants. P O'Brien, labor .. Jno O'Halleron, labor N J Offerman, labor . F Oswald, labor . Jas O'Connor, labor . .. M O'Halleron, labor P O'Farrell, labor . Jas Purcell, labor J Pilmaier, labor J Pfeffer, labor C H Pierce. labor J Peryon, labor C Priebe, labor Jas Quinn, labor Wm Quinlan, labor P Quinn, labor . M Quinlan, labor . T Reilly, labor . P Ryan, labor . C Reilly, labor S Radford, labor A Reuter, labor P Reddin, labor J Recd, labor J Roesner, labor F Ruh, labor . F Rieger, labor J Raetz. labor 8 10 14 85 5 40 9 45 5 40 5 10 3 40 5 10 16 50 6 75 S 80 8 10 15 50 19 50 13 50 8 10 5 40 19 50 14 ;5 5 40 4 05 1 35 2 70 9 45 810 6 75 1 35 S 10 M Reinhart, labor 2 00 M Scollard, labor 8 10 M Sullivan, labor . 1 35 H Stevenson, labor 10 15 N Sweeney, labor S 80 D Sheehan, labor . 9 45 P Scanlon, labor . 9 45 Wm Spensley, labor 4 05 Jno Stephens, labor . 2 70 F Scherr, labor . 4 05 Jno Schroeder, labor 5 40 Geo Sutter, labor . 8 SO Pat Smith, labor . 4 05 O Schlaeger, labor . 7 45 L Smith, labor . 4 05 S Smith, labor ... S 10 M Specht, labor . 17 25 J Scherr, labor 2 70 J Schmidt, labor 8 80 Aug Soyke, labor 8 10 S Schaetzle, labor . 2 70 Jno Spies, labor 8 10 P Steffen, labor 2 70 Wm Schwaegler, labor 6 75 P Schaffel, labor 1 35 Wm Spensley, labor 6 00 Jno Saunders, labor 5 40 Joe Seik, labor . 25 00 A R Stevenson, engineer steam roller 75 00 Jas Talty, labor 4 05 A Tierney, labor 8 10 L Taylor, labor 19 50 J Ward, labor 8 10 Jno Wolff, labor 5 40 L Wachenheim, labor 8 10 H Weidenbacher, labor 2 70 W Wearmouth, labor 8 10 G Wilman, labor 12 15 Joe Wilman, labor 1215 Aug Woerner, labor . 10 80 N Wampach, labor . 2 05 J Weitz, labor . 2 70 W Wagner, labor . 1 35 Aug Yaas, labor 6 75 T Bryon, teams 13 50 F Burns, teams Mrs I Brown, teams It Burns, teams C 0 Baker, teams J C Coldt, teams Jno Calvert, teams S Casey, teams Mrs. I3 Costello, teams.. 13 Cain. teams.. .. .. .. Jos Calvert. teams.. . \V' Cook. . John Dun;: .uns .. Jno Dr, k :uns.. ... Wni EL,.tors.. .. .. T Eliott. • N Gant, :. .tors .. .. .. .. Jun G, r.• 1I inn T Heins. • ::rus .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mrs J 1! .,:et•, teams .. .. .. .. 20 Joe Herold. teams .. .. .. .. .. 1 1:7 P Jarding. teams.. .. ... . ..... 2 -n Thos Kane, :eams .. ...... .. 10 81) Jos Kru:z, teams ..............16 20 B Kane. teams .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18 90 H C King. reams.. .. .. .. .. .. 14 20 Joe K nneally. teams .. .. .. .. 18 90 Jno Long, teams_..............10 SO \Vm Le:k. teams.. ..............8 10 P Linehan, teams.... ... ... .... 16 20 Pan Malloy. teams ............2 70 T G Moore. teams.. .. .. .. .. .. 1 35 11 Mathis. '.earns.. .. .... .... ... 2 9 70 1" Ma la's. teams.. ..............16 20 Jeff McGrath, teams.. .. .. .. 10 SO C McGovern. :earns.. .... .. 13 50 J McCrar•ken. :=ams.. .. .. .. 8 10 7 McC'-';ins, teams.... .. .. . 16 20 Wm McConnell. teams.. .. .. 1; 55 T' S Norton. teams.. .... .. .. 1 5 Jno Nr•nnon. teams.. .... .. .. 17 55 NT ("Nei... l-atns.. .. .. .. .. 16 20 ,John Parker. teams .. .. .. .. 8 10 :.Irs E C;uin''van. teams.. .. .. 18 90 Geo Reynolds. teams.. .. .... 14 20 D Sit h •r':ind. teams.. .. .. .. .. 2 70 F Schultz. r^•anis.. .. .... .. .... 10 80 T•' Siege. teams .. .. .. .... .. .... 5 40 ,1 no S:;vuge. teams.. .... .. .. .. 33 75 ".1 Theis. teams .. .. .. .. .. . 17 55 A Turner, teams.... .... .. 13 50 T1. Tobin. teams.. .. .... 18 90 Jn Williams, :rams.. . . .. .. .. 20 25 F t\'ill'arns. teams.. .... 28 35 K White. h.ar,is.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 60 Ed.v Brunsklll. labor on sewers.. 13 15 C Botsford. labor on sewers 13 15 J Berm, tt, labor on sewers 13 50 F i;rake. labor on sewers .. .. 13 50 S T3astian, labor on sewers .. 75 Wm Dean, labor on sewers .. 13 50 M Farrell. labor on sewers .. .. 12 35 Jas Jellison, labor on sewers .. 5 00 N Kcnnea]ly. labor on sewers1 50 Jno F O'Dea, labor on sewers..., 13 90 Jno Phelan. labor on sewers .. 1 50 Rousch. labor on sewers. . 22 30 Joe Lowery. labor on sewers 21 90 Jas Ryan. labor nn sewers 21 00 Aug Ruegnitz, labor on sewers22 ..30 Cha -Hillery. labor on sewers.. . 22 7 5 P S Norton,• teams on sewers9 4 5 Jeff McGrath• teams on sewers5 40 4 05 22 95 27 00 10 SO 2 05 13 50 9 45 2 70 24 30 8 10 16 20 2 70 8 10 10 80 __ SO 1. 20 13 ,n 21 CH List, of Warrants. Jas Tcbin, teams on sealers .... 4 70 Jno Wifl:ams, teams on sewers.. 4 05 G Gmehle, assistant assessor ... 66 00 P Cassidy, .. • • .... 50... 50 00 M O'Laughlin, chainman .. .... 40 00 Jnei Hofferman, inspector on Iowa street .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 17 50 Wm Hall, labor on garbage T 1 atterman, macadam .. .. .. M Sullivan, macadam.. .. .. .. .. Spear and Kenneally, macadam . F. 111 '.l l er, macadam .. .. .. .. .. . . F Lassance, macadam.... .. .. .. .1 Il au pert, macadam .. .. .. .. . . ,T Malone. macadam .. .. .. .. . . Dart ard, `walker & Co., station - 35 00 39 55 24 75 16 80 7 00 28 80 15 00 4 75 ery.. .. .. .... ...... 2 25 Harger & Blish, stationery .. .. 7 30 Walton & Bieg. stationery .. ... 7 30 Jas Kelly. stationery .. .. .. .... 20 10 T J Conlin. livery hire .. .. .. .. 1 50 B Lagen. l:very hire.. .. .. .. .. 3 50 Pape & Jacquinot, lightning rods for city hall .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 19 05 D Sutherland. gravel for Jackson P. E Linehan, cement for Jack - Christman and Healey, hard- ware .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... J Manhoff. rags for cleaning ci'y hall . ....... P Appel. pine wood for city hall. Eichhorn & Bechtel, basket for city hall .. .. .... .. .... .. .. C 0 D Laundry. towels and racks for October .. .... .... Ham & Carver. blank station - union Printing Co.. blank sta- tionery .. .. .. .... .... Fred Mertzrepairs at city hall and patrol house .. .. .. ...... Brown & Brown. improving' Iowa street from 7th to 14th streetq .. .. .. .. .. .. ..1.426 Fred Schlnz. repairing tools .. .. 11 R D Len Phan. repairing tools . . 28 Byrne P,ros. sweeping paved strpetS •• •• •••• •. Ross McMahon. rip -rapping on 146 95 garbage dump • • • • • ntt. Meus'r & Co., lumber and 16 shavings.. .. .. P .T Sei Anel. lumber.. .. .. .. 20 Standard Lumbo” Co., lumber .. 122 Knapp & Stout & Co. Co.. lum- ber.. .... .... .... .. Eng'er-Frudden Lumber Co.. lumber.. . .... .... .... .. F M Jaeger & Co.. hardware and etn... . . ...... .. .... 13 55 To•va Iron Works, grates and frames .. • • • • • • •. .. McDermott dir (low. repa'.ring 6 35 water pines. etc.... ............ A Mink. fence posts for Rising avenue.. •••• . Dubuque Plow Works, repairing e!tv plow .... .. .... .. .. Jos Sieg. rock furnished to city . 11 00 Jno Becker, rock furnished to 1 50 7 00 20 1 35 3 50 70 6 00 36 75 9 75 9 80 !1n 65 05 148 00 65 30 90 1230 16 05 4 15 12 5n 9 2, 12 05 21 D Donavan, grading sidewalk on St. Joseph street .. .. .. .. . 12 00 Fraatz & Clark, drugs .. .. .. .. Butt Bros. repairs a: 15th street engine house, $10.70; new wag- on for electric:an, $35.00.. .. .. 45 70 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware.... 4 55 h' Roehl, hardware .. .. .. .. .. 1 25 1Vun,finri;cii, horse shoeing.... 7 50 Collings & Co.. horse sh,:eing ... 9 80 Voggen:haler & Ragatz. repair- ing engine .. .. .... .... ...... 2 10 Van Valkenberg & Co., repairing roof engine house.. .. .. .. .. 2 50 Morrison Bres., grater, hays and gasket .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 2 50 Key City Gas Co .. .. .. .. .... 38 90 O E Guernsey (trustee), repair- ing suction hose.. .. .. .. .... 4 00 li„i Degnan, oats for fire depart- n.rn .. .. .... .. ...... .... .... 261 85 W N Guchert, galvenized iron l:ucket .... .. .... .. ...... 66 Standard Lumber Co.. shavings. 3 00 M TTher, 1-2 gallon hoof oint- 4 15 • ment.. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 50 W W Whelan. repairing harness. 6 85 Jno Butt, repairs at 9th street en- gine house, $6.50: repairing street sweeper. $2.45 .. .. ...... 8 95 chr'stman & Healey, hardware .. 2 55 Dubuque Oil Tank line, oil .. .. 6 00 Polio Telephone and Signal Co., 1 fire alarm box.. .. .. .. .. .. 125 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for fire dr'l•at tment .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 00 Dubuque Water Co. 335 hydrants for October .. .. .. .. .. .. ....1395 83 Central Electrical Co., electrical supplies .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 75 Phil Pier, ice for matron 8 00 J Huffmeier, clay for patrol house 1 35 J F Lahey, oats 9 75 Jno Degman, oats 34 70 B E Linehan, Waste for patrol house ... 4 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for October 35 80 J Sherman, wash bowel and pitcher 50 F M Jaeger & Co, steel cable and hardware 54 60 Dubuque Rubber Co, 1 pair rub - her boots 4 00 Key City Furniture Co, 8 half cir- cles for sewer department 1 50 B E Linehan, sewer pipe 49 30 A Heim. brick 59 50 A Gasser, brick 29 00 Headford Bros & Hitchins, man hole castings, etc. 14 00 The Globe, official printing for October 67 50 The Times, official printing for October 29 15 The Herald, official printing for October 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for October 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro- ceedings. $10.50; and health reports, $3.50 Star Electric Co, 314 arc lights for October 1695 60 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 14 00 List of Warrants. lamps for October 166 67 Key City Gas Co, gas 81 10 T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 194 75 F Burns, Oiling vault on lots 3 Cummings sub 8 00 A J H Tuegel, costs in Langner case Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving West 171h street.... 306 88 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, macadam on West 17th street127 98 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, rolling West 17th street 184 36 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading West 17th street 581 70 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, improving alley from Fengler to Ann avenues 141 81 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, macadam from Fengler to Ann avenues 88 70 F Tegel, refunded tax 6 70 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, rolling alley from Fengler to Ann avenues 44 35 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Yates street 123 9n Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading North Glen Oak ave 59 12 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Catherine street 35 00 Con Ryan, Jr, improving West 3rd street 560 00 Con Ryan, Jr, improving Wood street 180 18 Con Ryan, Jr, rolling Wood street 130 73 Con Ryan, Jr, macadam on Wood street 100 00 Con Ryan, Jr, grading Wood st134 40 P Horch, grading 16th street 50 20 P Horch, grading Wood street 200 00 W Cook, grading Hall street 13 52 Jno Tibey, improving Alpine st97 65 Jno Tibey, rolling Alpine street 1S1 58 Jno Tibey, macadamizing Alpine street 351 60 Jno Tibey, resetting curb and gutter on Alpine street 14 50 Robt E Lee, cement sidewalk on Iowa street 82 88 D H Ehlers, constructing side- walk on Jackson street . 12 94 P F Guthrie, constructing side- walk on Wood street 96 70 Desmond & Guthrie, constructing sidewalk on Cherry street 10 48 Desmond & Guthrie, construct- ing sidewalk on Alpine, Sum- mit and West 5th street 120 23 Ross McMahon, filling on garbage dump •15 15 F Jellison, removing trees on Iowa street 5 00 P Clancy, filling on High Bridge avenue .... . 12 95 I K Beekman, filling on High Bridge avenue J G Moore, filling on High Bridge avenue Geo Simpson, filling on High Bridge avenue 25 W Cook, filling on High Bridge avenue ...... ........ 4 50 19 25 75 25 T J Donahue, filling on Dodge st. 38 25 Ed Seeley, Oiling on Dodge st ... 138 25 I K Beekman, filling on Dodge st. 10 50 C McGovern, filling on Dodge st. 9 75 Geo Reynolds, filling on Dodge street 24 25 Brown & Brown, improving Iowa street from 7th to 14th streets.1527 50 Pril Becker, labor at Jackson park .. .. 4 05 W McLaughlin, hauling on Jack- son park ... 4 50 Barnard. Walker & Co, cur- tains for patrol house 6 00 I Proctor, retaining wall on W llth street H B Gniffke, excevation per- mits H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants H B Gniffke, exp grams H B Gniffke, postage, $11.75 change at N. Y. $3.35; re $21.03 Mary Vorwald, loan Maggie Callaghan, loan Jas Rooney, loan Win Ahearn, labor first ha November E Am Ende, labor first ha November T Adelman, labor first hal November Jos Brown, labor Jno Burns, labor P Breen, labor B Ballertin, labor Geo Beckett, labor Paul Becker, labor P Brandenberger, labor M Beckius, labor Jno Bohn, labor J Brachtobrach, labor C Burkhart, labor Jno Bottoms, labor Chas Buse, labor W Bennett, labor Jos Broulette, labor Jas Bender, labor Pat Bell, for last half of Oct Pat Bell for first half of No ber Jas Boyd, labor Jas Butler, labor L Cahill, labor Jno Callahan, labor Jno Corcoran, No. 2, labor Jas Connelly, labor Jno Corcoran, No. 1, labor T Crahin, labor M. Carmody, labor M Crahin, labor ....., Jno Corbett, labor F Correll, labor D Crotty, labor W Conzett, labor Jas Cahill, labor R Corrigan, labor Geo Collinson, labor H Cobb, labor W Carberry, labor L Corcoran, labor D Corcoran, labor T Crane, labor chgs and tele- ex - f tax If of if of f of ober. vem- 204 37 45 00 524 93 24 29 36 13 425 00 200 00 400 00 6 00 4 75 5 40 5 40 4 05 8 10 1 35 9 00 9 45 8 10 8 10 2 00 8 10 1 35 19 50 8 80 8 80 2 70 19 00 18 00 17 00 1 35 13 50 8 10 8 80 9 45 6 75 7 45 4 05 14 85 8 10 13 50 13 25 1 36 8 80 8 10 3 40 4 05 1 35 10 15 8 10 1 35 1 35 List of 1Varralit. T Donahue, labor P Defontaine, labor Jno Dougherty, labor P Dempsey, labor J Dittman, labor Jno Eagan, labor Al Ellis, labor S Eustis, labor S Elmer, labor P Eishach, labor . Jno Ess, labor Pat Furey, labor Dan Fox, labor M Farrell, labor M Fagan, labor L Fritz, labor Wm Flanagan, labor J Fitzpatrick, labor \V Fuller. labor B Fern, labor Jno Farley, labor P Fitzgerald, labor Jno Fix, labor P Fogarty, labor P Fenelon, labor E Fitzlaff, labor E Frith, labor P Furey, labor P Gregory, labor P Grew, labor P Gordon, labor Joe Garvin, labor B Glass, labor C Geimer, labor Jno Gan, labor Jos Ginter, labor P Ginter, labor M Girra, labor Joe Grab, labor C Grunzig, labor C Holmberg, labor Jno Hafey, labor D Harman, labor M Hoapes, labor Chr Heck, labor Jar Hausen, labor F Haardt, labor A Hird, labor Jno Hillery, labor Jas Hird, labor A Hennessey, labor M Haffner, labor H Haas, labor M Hilbe, labor Jno Hackett, labor A Johnson, labor R Jacobs, labor A Jaeger, labor Phil Kenney, labor M Keane, labor P Kearney, labor J Kerst, labor C Kampman, labor M Klein. labor N Komas, labor A Knapp, labor Jno Kelly, labor Jac Kraus, labor F Krueger, labor H Krems, labor .. P Krocheski, labor P Lovett, labor M Lonergan, labor M Lavin, labor P Lynch, labor 4 75 M Loes, 4,1):,r 4 5 ' W Lockridge, labor 9 75 F Lassance, labor 4 05 I C Lierheimer, labor 8 S9 H Lembke, labor 9 45 H Luck, labor 4 05 P Moran, labor 6 75 P Murray, labor 8 10 Jno Mullen, labor 2 00 M Murphy, labor 2 40 i T Mulqueeney, labor 12 15 4 75 8 10 13 50 6 10 5 40 1 6.5 8 80 5 40 8 10 8 10 14 10 8 80 2 00 135, 6 00 9 45 11 85 14 20 7801 4 05 9 45 8 10 10 80 8 10 4 75 8 10 1 35 1 35 5 40 5 40 6 75 6 75 12 00 8 10 8 10 6 75 18 00 8 10 8 10 3 05 3 05 1 35 5 40 9 45 8 10 4 75 6 10 14 20 8 10 4 05 5 40 6 75 8 10 7 45 9 45 6 75 6 10 8 80 8 10 4 05 8 10 6 75 E Malloy, labor C Miller, labor J Maroney, labor Jno Malloy, labor P Mohan, labor Jac Maaser, labor .1 Martinek, labor A Miller, labor Jno Malloy, labor Jas Malloy, labor Jas Malloy, Sr., labor A` McCann, labor .1 McCarron, labor .1 McCormack, labor I. McEvoy, labor M McMahon, labor .Tas McCarron, labor \V McDermott, labor I McGuinniss, labor M McCarten, labor TT McCarron, labor 1 U McGinley, labor \1" McClain, labor T McDonald, labor .1, McAleese, labor .. .... ,. 1 M,•rune, labor .. .... .. .. Nulty, labor ...... .. .. :\ :\l' lc( ;Ilan, labor.. .. .. (' McDonough, labor.. .. .. F McBride, labor .. .. .. .. .. P Th Poland, labor .. ., ., Jno McGrath, labor .,.. ., .. 13 McCormack, labor .. •. Jas McLaughlin, labor .. . • .. M McNamara. labor .. .. , . .. Phil Newman, labor .. P Nichols. labor .. .. .... ., T3 Norton, labor .. .. .. .. .. .. P O'Brien, labor .. .•.. ,. .. .., N J Offerman. labor .. . • • • • • Jno O'Halloran. labor .. ., F Oswald. labor .. .. .... .. M O'Halleron. labor .... .. ,. Jas Powers, labor .. • • • • • • • • • • ,Ta' Purcell. labor .. .. •. „ 7 P'irr.a}er. labor .... •• .. •. •••• F Pitz. labor .. .... „ ., • H Pierce. labor ...... .... Jac Peryon, labor .... . • , . . A Peters. labor .. .. .... .. C Priebe. labor.. .. .. .. •... ,Tno Pfe'ffer, labor Ta.a Ouinn. labor .. .. .. .. . . . . Wm Glu°nlan. labor .. .. ,.... .. M Ouin'an, labor .... .. ...... P Ryan. labor.. .... .. . F„n Ra f. -r.•1. labor .... .... .. 1' Reilly. labor .... .. .. •. •• .. .. F1 -.i1 Red;lin. labor .. ,. .• ...... AReuter. labor .. .. .. ,. .. ,.., lPr d Rnh, labor ...... .. .. .. .Tac Rnesner, labor .... • , .... .. Jnc Rae:z, labor .. .• • .. 1 2 70 8 10 10 80 8 80 1 35 8 10 8 80 18 00 2 70 10 15 7 45 5 40 6 10 1 35 8 10 1 35 9 15 8 10 1 50 12 85 2 70 8 10 9 45 475 9 45 7 80 8 10 9 45 5 40 15 75 13 50 4 75 10 15 8 46 12 15 6 75 2 70 6 75 6 75 8 10 6 75 9 45 8 10 2 05 1 35 4 40 14 85 1 35 5 40 9 45 17 25 1 05 1 35 4 75 10 56 15 75 9 45 2 70 8 80 1 70 2 00 12 50 15 00 5 40 8 10 12 15 12 15 16 15 4 05 5 40 8 10 4 75 8 80 List of Warrants. F R1Eger, lai:or M Reinhart, labor .. Joe Rooney, labor .. C Reilly, labor .... . Jno Stevens, labor .. N Sweeney, labor ... J S Smith, labor H Stevens, labor .... J I' Stephens, labor W Sheridan, labor .. Jno Schroeder, labor P She'gen, labor .. Sam Smith, labor .. Paddy Sm`.th, labor . Otto Schlaeger, labor A Specht, labor .... A Schmidt, labor .. Aug Soyke, labor ... Jno Steffen, labor.. . Jos Schofield, labor . Jos Schmitt, labor .. .... .. .. 5 40 Aug Roeber, teams 16 20 . , , . .. , . 2 25 Jas Robinson, teams 16 20 .... .. ..... 26 25 Geo Reynolds, teams 16 20 . .... .. 1 35 D Sutherland, teams 4 75 .... .... ... 8 10 F Schultz, teams 5 40 ... .... 8 10 H Schmidt, teams 10 80 14 20 Jno Savage, teams 13 50 .. .. ..,, .... 4 05 Sam Snodgrass, teams 2 70 S 10 Jas Tobin, teams 10 80 .. .... .. .. 8 10 A Turner, teams 12 15 1 35 ' F Williams, teams 13 50 .... .... 1 35 K White, teams 25 66 .... .... .. 13 50 E Brunskill labor on storm sew- . .... .... .. 2 70 ers. . . 17 00 .. ...... ... 6 75 C Botsford, labor on storm sew - 18 00 ' ers. 16 60 .. .. .. .. .. 810 James Bennett, labor on storm .. • .. 8 10 sewers . . 13 00 • .. .... .... 8 10 Wm Dean, labor on storm sew- ..... .. .. .. 4 75 ers .... .. .. 2 70 Geo Johnson, labor S Schaetzle, labor ...... .. .. .... Gus Schnee, labor Jno Sp: es, labor .... 15 C H Stevenson, labor .... .. .. 1 Wm Spensley, labor .. .. .. .. .. 3 Jno Saunders, labor N Sweeney, labor .... .. ........ 3 L Smith. labor.. .... .. 1 A Tierney, labor 4 L Taylor, labor 19 Jas Thomas, labor ........ 8 R Turner, labor.... .... .. 6 Wm Terry, labor .. .... .. .... 15 M White, labor .... .. ........ 8 J Welsh, labor 8 Jno Ward, labor .... .... „ , 4 H Weidenbacher, labor .. .. 1 Geo Wilmon, labor 8 10 W Wearmouth, labor.. .. .. 10 80 Aug Woerner, labor ...... 5 40 Jno Weitz, labor.. .... ••••., 8 10 Aug Yaas, labor ...... 8 10 W Zachlna, labor .. .. .. .. .. 5 40 I K Beekman, teams D Burns, teams.. .... S Casey, teams.. .. .. .. .. .. 70 sewers 70 J Jellison, labor on storm sew - 00 ers. . 14 00 35 J McLaughlin, labor on storm 00 sewers. 7 10 70 J F O'Dea, labor on storm 00 sewers. 13 00 35 Wm Tuegel, labor on storm sew - 05 ers. 3 00 50 Wm Terry labor on sanitary 10 sewers. 85 75 Steve Rousch, labor on sanitary 00 sewers . . . 22 75 10 Joe Lowery, labor on sanitary 45 ers 22 75 75 Jas Ryan, labor on sanitary 35 sewers. 22 75 Aug Ruegnitz, labor on sanitary sewers. C Hillery, labor on sanitary sew- ers P S Norton, labor on sanitary sewers . 23 60 R Oldham, labor on sanitary sewers . 2 70 Geo M Robinson, opening of Oak street 175 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of No- vember, 1897. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. on storin 17 00 11 85 18 90 9 45 W Cook. teams .... , , 2 70 •••• •• .. 2 70 16 20 13 50 17 55 9 45 21 60 2 70 28 35 14 85 5 40 16 20 17 55 16 20 9 45 2 70 5 40 16 20 14 85 16 20 14 85 14 20 13 50 13 50 17 55 15 55 16 20 16 20 14 85 Jno Calvert, teams Joe Calvert, teams Jno Dunkley, teams T Elliott, teams W Ellis, teams N Gantenbein, teams M Hannon, teams Mrs J Healey, teams Joe Herold, teams P Jarding, labor T Kane, teams B Kane, teams Joe Kenneally, teams P LInehan, teams Wm Leik, teams R Love, teams D Malloy, teams F Mathis, teams J McGrath, teams C McGovern, teams J McCracken, teams J McCollins, teams W McConnell, teams R Oldham, teams P O'Shea, teams Jyto Parker, teams Mrs Quinlivan, teams 22 75 23 60 CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. Dubuque, Ia., 98. To the Honorable Jan. Mayorandl8City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of December, 1897: Name. For What Purpose. Amt. T T Duffy, salary .. H B Gniffke, salary H B Gniffke, clerk hire L M Langstaff, salary $125 00 13$ 35 75 00 116 65 M M McCarter, salary 116 65 E 0 Duncan, salary T H Duffy, salary 150 00 150 00 100 00 100 00 85.00 Jas McCann, salary Jos Reinfried, salary Jas Morgan, salary List of Warrants. Wm Fitzpatrick, salary Wm A Kaep, salary Edw Herron, salary Edw C Blake, salary Jas Boyce, salary E S Hyde, salary Wm Ilippman, salary D Broadhurst, salary Otto Rath, salary P Kein, salary T Cahill, park custodian E A Guilbert, health officer N Offerman, pound master Mrs H Koenig,janitress Mrs M Hayes, cleaning around market 20 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman60 L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector 50 Edw Jess. wharf master 10 M Eitel, fireman 60 J Essman, fireman 75 A Duccini, fireman 60 Jho Flynn, fireman 60 J Wiltse, fireman 60 C Oatey, fireman 50 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 Al Heer, fireman 50 Jas Daly, fireman 60 Joh Barnes, fireman 75 T Ryder, fireman 60 J Schonberger, fireman 60 VVm Ducey, fireman 60 M Fahey, fireman .. 50 T Meehan, fireman 50 Jas Rooney. fireman 50 D Ahearn, fireman .. 60 T Walker, fireman 60 G Helmrich, fireman 50 J McFarland, fireman 50 J Bauman, fireman 50 J Murphy, fireman 60 A McDonald, fireman 75 T Kennedy, fireman 50 Geo Osborne, fireman 60 J Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 F Murphy, fireman 50 G Gehrke, fireman 40 F Ganahl. fireman .. 60 T Flynn, fireman 60 F Kenneally, fireman 50 J Tschudi. fireman 50 C Kannolt, fireman 60 Jas Allen, fireman 60 Wm McBride, fireman 50 Robt Weston, fireman ..... • • • • • 50 Geo Burkel, police .. 01 N Brand, police 51 Jas Carter, police o3 Jas Clune, police 51 Jno Cody, police n1 M Craugh, police 51 P Dumphey, police 51 J Fitzpatrick, police 51 J Flynn, police 51 50 P Hanlon, police 51 W Hennessey, police E Kahn, police 51 M Kilty, Police 53 51 Jno Loetscher, police . • • • • • , .. 51 Jas Lonergan, police , . •. • • • • • • P McCollins, Police . • • • • • • • " " • 53 51 P McInerney, police • • • • • .... • Edw Moore, police • • • • • • • • ... 1 560 P Mulligan, police ...........••.,. 51 Jiro Murphy, police . . ........... • 83 50 50 200 100 100 75 75 50 45 45 50 50 20 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 On 00 00 00 00 00 00 J J Murphy police 80 00 Jno Noel, police 51 65 Dan Norton, police 51 65 M O'Connor, police 53 30 Aug Pfeffer, police 51 65 P Powers, police 51 65 Jno Raesle, police 80 00 1` Rhoml,erg, police 51 65 J Rooney, police 51 65 T Reilly, police 51 65 P Scharff, police 51 65 Al T Scherr, police 51 65 J D Secrest• police . 51 65 P Sutton, police 51 65 T Sweeney, police 51 65 P Sullivan, police 51 65 J Tierney, police 51 65 1 f K Young, police 51 65 Miss 13 13rennan, police matron 50 00 Mrs K Hibbe, police matron 50 00 \V Ahearn, labor 6 90 11 Am Ende, labor .. 70 T Addelman, labor .. 8 10 S Allen, labor 4 05 J Anderson, labor 2 05 J Albrecht, labor 5 40 J Broulette, labor 4 05 J Boyd, labor 9 45 J Baltzer, labor 5 40 J Brown, labor 6 10 ,Bums, labor 2 70 13 Ballertin, labor 6 10 C Burkhart, labor 6 75 P Brandenberger, labor 4 05 J Bottoms, labor 11 25 C Buse, labor 1 35 P Bell, labor 3 00 .T Bender, labor 16 50 T Bauer, labor 40 00 H Berndt, labor 2 70 J Burke, labor 2 70 J Carville. labor 2 70 M Connelly, labor 2 70 S Cain, labor 2 70 Jno Callahan, labor 10 80 T Connelly, labor 8 80 1 C Callahan, labor 8 80 .T Corcoran, No. 2, labor 160 75 M Coyle, labor 4 05 J Corcoran, No. 1, labor 14 8°, J Donnelly, labor 7 45 M Carmody, labor 5 40 D Crotty labor 14 20 R Caffrey, labor 6 10 T Crahin, labor 6 10 F Correll, labor 1 70 M Crahin, labor 6 75 P Creymer, labor 6 75 Jno Corbett, labor 7 10 75 D Corcoran, labor 9 45 Collinson, labor 8 10 45 TI Cobb, labor 2 05 J Cahill, labor 9 45 R Corrigan, labor W Carberry, labor 6 10 J Costello, labor 4 75 J Connelly, labor 6 45 L Corcoran, labor 1 35 J B Connelly, labor 5 40 D Corcoran, labor 2 65 A Crawford, labor 50 00 T Donahue, labor 4 05 4 05 9 45 4 05 P Defontaine, labor Jno Doherty, labor F Donahue, labor 26 List of Warrants. Jno Donahue, labor 1 35 P Dax, labor 12 15 H Donlon, labor 6 00 Jno Eagan, labor 810 F Elliott, labor 10 80 Sam Elmer, labor 2 70 Jno Ess, labor 6 10 R Eddy, labor 50 00 H Einbeck, labor 2 70 Dan Fox, labor .. 4 05 M Fagan, labor 6 75 J Fitzgibbons, labor 6 75 L Fritz, labor 4 05 W Flanagan, labor 2 70 P Farrell, labor 6 75 Wm Fuller, labor 9 45 P Fogarty, labor 6 10 P Furey, labor 18 00 E Frith, labor 1 35 P Gregory, labor 6 75 P Gordon, labor 15 20 P Grew, labor 6 75 J Garvin, labor 4 75 B Glass, labor 4 75 C Grunzig, labor 6 75 Geo Gan, labor 6 75 C Gantenbein, labor 10 15 C Gan, labor 1 35 M Girra, labor 5 40 J Grab, labor 2 05 Jno Gan, labor 70 Jac Hauser, labor 2 70 C Holmberg, labor 8 80 Jno Hafey, labor 3 40 Jno Hackett, labor 1 35 Chr Heck, labor 3 40 D Harman, labor 2 05 M Hoapes, labor 2 70 P Hanifau, labor 2 05 F Haardt, labor 2 70 A Hird, labor 2 70 J Hird, labor 14 25 H Haas, labor 4 75 M Hilbe, labor 5 40 D Hickcock, labor 1 35 M Haffner, labor 1 35 A Johnson, labor 1 35 A Jaeger, labor 2 70 Jas Jellison, labor 12 00 P Kenney, labor 10 80 M Keane, labor 10 80 P Kearney, labor 16 20 J Kerst, labor 70 M Klein, labor 3 40 N Komas, labor 4 05 C Kampman, labor 70 Jno Kelly, labor 4 75 Asa Knapp, labor 10 80 Jno Krutz, labor 2 05 Jno Kinsella, labor 6 10 H Krems, labor 2 70 Jac Kraus, labor 1 35 Tim Kelly, labor 2 70 P Leavitt, labor 6 75 P Lynch, labor 6 75 F Lassance, labor 1 35 H Lembke, labor .. 2 70 Edw Lagen .. .. 40 00 M Lonergan, labor...... 8 80 M Meagher, labor 11 50 G Moore, labor 8 10 P Murray, labor 10 80 Jno Mullen, labor .... .. 19 50 M Murphy, labor .... ........ 6 10 T Mulqueeney, labor 7 45 Jno Malloy, labor T Malloy, labor .. Jos Maroney, labor P Mahone, labor Jac Maaser, labor Joe Martinek, labor E Muecke, labor Jas Malloy, labor P Murphy, labor .. J Marrow, labor ..• J McCormick, labor J McGee, labor .. P McNulty, labor P McCann, labor 7 45 7 10 70 8 10 8 10 5 40 8 80 1 50 50 00 2 70 4 05 8 80 4 05 8 80 W McDermott, labor 9 45 D McGiniss, labor 10 15 M McCune, labor 14 85 L McEvoy, labor 10 80 M McCarten, labor 18 00 I1 McCarron, labor 6 75 Wm McClain, labor 6 75 T McDonald, labor 6 75 P McMullen, labor 10 15 M McMahon, labor 9 45 P McCarten. labor 4 05 A Mc•Guan. labor 8 80 J McNulty, labor.. .... 8 10 Jas McCarron, labor 4 05 Jno McCarron, labor 4 05 J McAleese, labor 6 10 M McNamara, labor.... 1 35 C McDonough. labor.. 6 10 Jno McGrath, labor ... 5 40 F McBride, labor .. 1 35 P McPoland.. 5 40 M McGovern, labor 6 10 Robt McCarron, labor 9 75 Jas McKernan, labor 3 40 B McCoy. labor 4 05 R McGivern, labor 39 00 Phil Newman, labor 6 75 P Nichols, labor 10 80 P Norton, labor 6 75 J O'Donnell. labor 8 80 T O'Toole, labor 8 80 P O'Brien, labor 11 50 N J Offerman, labor.. 9 45 F Oswald, labor 7 45 Jno O'Halleron, labor 5 40 Jas Powers, labor 6 75 Jas Purcell, labor 6 75 P Page, labor ..... 6 75 J Pilma:er, labor 14 25 C. H. Pierce, labor 2 05 J Peryon, labor 1 35 Jno Pfeiffer, labor 1 50 A Piltz, labor 2 70 Jas Quinn, labor 18 00 Pat Quinn, Sr., labor 6 75 Wm Quinlan, labor 6 75 Jas Ryan, labor 1 35 T Reilly, labor . 15 00 A Reuter, labor 3 40 P Reddin, labor.... .. 2 05 C Reilly, labor 6 75 F Ruh, labor 4 05 N Reisch, labor 6 75 Jac Schener, labor 8 10 F Rieger, labor 3 40 J Rooney, labor 2 25 P Ryan, labor 8 25 F Rowe, labor 6 45 S Radford, labor 4 75 Joe Seik, labor 25 00 List of Warrants. I; Stevenson, engineer steam roller M Shea. labor Jas S Snti.h, labor 1-1 Sevens, labor N Sweeney, labor Jno Schroeder, labor Gen Sutter, labor ... P Smith. labor fl Schlaeger. labor I. Sin th, labor. Sam Smith, labor M Specht. labor 5 Schaetzle, labor ... Joe Schmidt, labor F. Sanders. labor Joe Schartleld, labor P Steffen. labor Wm Schwaegler. labor Jac Schener, labor N Sweeney, helper Tran Sands. labor Jno Spies. labor .................. J M Stec -F.. labor John Rte, ens. labor D Sheehan. labor T. T.+v'or, labor ... Jas Thomas. labor ,Eno Taylor. labor John Taschner, labor Richard Turner labor .. Jas Taltv. labor Jno Welsh. labor Jno Ward, labor M White. labor Jno Whelan. Labor.... .. H Weidenhacher, labor T, Wachenheim, labor W Wearmouth, labor Aug Woerner, labor Joe \oilman, labor Geo Wiiman, labor L Wesheidel• labor P Weier:ch, labor J Wickham. labor ........ .. J Tcark, labor ... Aug Taas, labor \V Zachina, labor .. Edw Burn,, teams J Beekman. :earns Tini Byron, teams Mrs J Brown, teams Dick Burns, teams—. Joe Calvert, teams W Cook, teams.... John Dunkley, teams Wm Ellis, teams T Elliott, teams . N (;antenbein, teams ............ g 10 Jno Gearey, teams .............. 8 10 John Calout. teams ............. 5 40 11 Hagerty. teams ................ 13 40 T Heins. teams .. •............... 13 20 M Hannon. teams ..... • .. •• .... Joe Herold, teams ...... .......... 21 60 17 Airs J HealeY. teams • • • • • • • • "" i5 2 70 P Jarding, teams ........•• •... 810 ,Toe Krutz. teams ............... 9 40 B Kane, teams ............... ..... 12 15 teams ............ J R Ring, p 4;; H C Ring. teams ................ 10 Joe Kenneally, teams ............ ]4 50 Bart Kane, teams ................ 16 20 Jno Long. teams ................ 14 s5 P Linehan, teams ............... 75 00 8 80 1.520 27 1) Malloy, teams J G Moore, teams Robt Mathis, teams F Mathis, teams 12 85 Chas McGovern, teams 8 10 Jas McCracken, teams 4 , 2 0 earns ,Teff McGratht 74_, Jno McCollins, teams , 4 05 6 75 G 10 Jno Parker, teams Mrs F. Quinlivan, teams 4 05 70 M Riordan, teams 2 Wm McConnell, teams P O'Shea, teams D O'Meara, teams.... 16 50 D Sutherland, teams 4 0705 F Sege, teams Jno Savage, teams.. ...... R 80 S Snodgrass, teams 8 80 M Theis, teams R 80 Jas Tobin, teams 2 25 F Williams, teams 9 45 T Wolfe, teams 6 00 Jno Williams, teams 2 i0 Ii White, teams '- 70 Edw Brunskill, labor on storm 1 35 sewers 18 00 Jas Bennet:, labor on storm sew - 9 45 ers 9 45 Jas Bender, labor on storm sew - 2 05 ers 1 R" C Botsford, labor on storm sew - 1 35 12 15 4 05 9 45 6 75 5 40 7 45 2 70 2 70 9 45 7 45 5 40 4 05 2 07 2 05 1 35 2 70 7 45 S 111 7 45 28 J5 8 10 ers Wm Dean. labor on storm sew- ers M Farrell, labor on storm sew- ers G Johnson, labor on storm sew- ers Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm sew ers Wm Terry, labor on storm sew- ers.. Steve Rousch, labor on sanitary sewers Joe Lowery. labor on sanitary sewers Jas Ryan, labor on sanitary scl,•ers Aug P.uenitz, labor on sanitary sewers C Hillery. labor on sanitary sew - 10 80 18 90 12 15 18 90 2 70 9 45 13 50 18 90 25 65 2 70 5 40 8 10 17 55 2 70 21 60 9 45 32 40 6 75 13 50 13 50 10 80 5 40 17 55 24 30 S P Nor on, teams, sanitary sew - 5 40 ers.............. .• .. .. ...... • • . , .. 14 85 Jas Tobin, teams, sanitary sew- 14 85 1 35 ers S 10 G Gmehle, assistant assessor ... 84 45 ••,,,. 13 50 Wm Hall. labor on garbage 35 00 12 15 lump .. • • 1' Cassidy. rodman.. .... ..... 50 00 M O'Laughlin, chainman 40 00 Eugene Anderson, surveying and plats in case of Mueggenburg 25 00 vs city. Paul 11g, surveying and plats in ease of Mueggenburg vs city. 20 00 I S Bigelo'V, advice and consulta- tion in case of Wilberding vs city. 10 00 J E Maguire, advise and consul- tation in case of Wilberding vs 10 00 city. A P Abeln, abstract of title of lot 7 out lot 667 in case of F. A50 00 Gniffke, vs city 16 50 16 95 1 00 17 25 16 95 5 25 4 50 9 75 7 50 21 00 21 70 21 00 21 00 21 70 12 80 28 List of Warrants. Ham & Carver, one new ref bond book Dubuque Trade Journal, blank stationery Smith -Morgan Printing Co, blank stationery Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionery Byrne Bros, livery hire B Lagen, livery hire Borden & Sellick Co, supplies for First ward scales 1 50 F J Daniels, disinfectant for city hall Jos W Wittmer, drugs, etc 6 75 Phil Pier, coal, wood and ice for city hall 135 83 Van Valkenburg & Co, water ket- tle for city hall 1 25 C. O. D. Laundry, towels and racks for November 6 00 Jno Sutton, matches, soap, etc8 90 A J Krise, calsomining cala- boose. Jno Drehouse, sawing wood for city hall 1 00 F Jellison, carpenter work for city hall .. Mrs Meehan, cleaning and scrub- bing city hall 18 10 Mrs. Gilmore, cleaning and scrubbing city hall 16 25 Mrs H Koenig, cleaning and scrubbing city hall 8 10 E E Frith, bone meal for park12 75 P Kein, paint for parks 30 Cleaver & McCarten, new hose and plumbing at city hall 106 40 Farley, Loetscher, Mfg Co, sash for city hall 2 90 D C Stewart, recording plats3 00 G F Kleih, hardware, etc..._9 05 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware, etc 7 90 Jos Lonergan, rock furnished to city . . 20 00 Brown & Brown, rock furnished to city 15 00 R F Curran & Sons, wire fence. 3 65 P Hansen, oil, matches, etc 1 55 Byrne Bros, sprinkling and sweeping paved streets 206 15 Jno Butt, rep tools 2 15 Wm Reed, rep tools 4 50 B D Lenehan, rep tools 12 00 Hagerty Bros, pine wood for steam roller 3 50 F C Austin Mfg Co, new gear for street sweeper 2 00 E J Schilling, rep cement walk fronting Dr. Bray's residence 4 35 Ellwanger Bros, brush 65 I Proctor, rock furnishe to city19 30 P J Seippel, lumber 14 55 Ott, Meuser & Co, lumber $38.80, shavings $1.75 Jos A Enzler, tool case Jos W Wittmer, paints and oils C Stevenson, rep sidewalk at Hill street eng house F Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department Edw Sloan, horse shoeing for fire department . Pape & Jacquinot, rep lightning rods 18th street eng house 15 95 6 00 6 25 9 00 99 25 1 b0 4 50 18 50 9 00 24 30 40 55 1 50 7 85 3 50 17 00 7 25 Jas Whelan, rep harness ........ 1 00 T Connolly, repairing chief's bug - 52 00 73 90 58 10 gY Phil Pier, coal Even & Fuchs, coal Carr, Ryder & Adams Co, glaz- ing at Central eng house 2 10 Diamond Jo Line steamers, two lbs plumbago 30 C H Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices 16 30 Homan & Roehl, blankets, quilts and mattresses 20 00 Key City Gas Co, coke 17 35 Martin & Strelau, pine edgings4 00 T Scharle, repairs at Central eng house . . 8 00 W N Burkhart, rep furnace at Delhi street eng house 2 50 W H Torbert, paints and oils5 00 Jos A Palen. drugs. etc .. 3 80 Dubuque. Water Co, 335 hydrants for Nov . 1197 90 Dubuque Water Co, 8 hydrants for C M & St P shops .. 200 00 Dubuque Water Co, drinking fountains for 1897 ... 400 00 Dubuque Water Co, flush tanks for 1897. 525 00 Dubuque Water Co, horse drink- ing fountains for 1897 650 00 Iowa Telephone Co, telephone service of toll lines 9 35 Western Union Telegraph Co, tel- egrams 4 45 T Neadham, sawing wood for patrol house . 1 00 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for November. . 36 20 Phil Pier, ice for patrol house.. 7 80 Jno Huffmeier, cleaning yard and barn for November 1 35 G F Kleih, hardware 2 70 Jos 1V Wittmer, two gals sperm oil 3 20 Jas Kane, supplies for matrons.. 12 75 P Klauer, one galv iron bucket.. 20 Jas Kane, oil for sewer dept.... 1 20 Ferguson Supply Co, pipe and couplings. 3 50 Headford Bros. & Hitchins, man- hole castings, etc 94 80 The Globe, official printing for November 67 50 The Times, official printing for November 29 15 The Herald, official printing for November . . . . . . 67 50 German Catholic Printing Co, 4 months' official printing 50 00 Dub. Telegraph, official print- ing for November 75 00 Dub Telegraph, delinquent list Dub Telegraph, weekly council proceedings, $9.00; and health reports, $3.50 .. Dub Telegraph, copying and cer- tifying tax list Star Electric Co, 314 arc lights for November .. 1698 10 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 lamps for November .... 166 65 Key City Gas Co, gas 114 35 C H Whitwell ,inspecting and di - tax 131 60 1250 6 50 Lir.t of'Warrants. secting diseased bull 5 00 T E Frith, removing dead animals and garbage 194 75 G MaffloIi. macadam on Iowa St from 3rd to 7th streets 1328 05 G Mattioli, rolling Iowa street from 3rd to 7th streets 296 63 G Maoffili, macadam on Iowa St from 3rd to 7th streets 90 00 G Maflloli, 8,730 paving brick 111 30 Peter Horch. improving Wood street 330 00 Peter Horch, grading Wood St154 55 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan improving Elm street 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Elm street 70 84 Steuck, OSRarrell & Linehan, improving Washington street 500 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, grading Washington street 71 75 Con Ryan• Jr, improving West Third street 136 63 Con Ryan. Jr, rolling West 3rd street 7S 68 Con Ryan, Jr, macadam on West 3rd street 157 38 Con Ryan• Jr, grading West 3rd street 303 32 Jno Tibey, grading Alpine st 432 22 Kenety & McCann ,improving 12th street from Main to Lo- cust, 5 per cent. retained 65 75 R McMahon, retaining wall on Bluff St Ext. ........ 50 60 Ed Seeley, filling on Dodge street 130 25 I K Beekman, filling on Dodge St. 11 75 T Kenneally, filling on Dodge St. 127 25 R Burns, filling on Dodge St 50 W McConnell, filling on Dodge St 14 00 Jno Savage, filling on Dodge St4 25 T Donahue, filling on Dodge St4 75 Burns & Saul, filling on Dodge St 50 G Reynoldson, filling on Dodge St 7 00 Jeff McGrath, filling on High 9 30 Bridge avenue P Ryder, filling on High Bridge 1 30 avenue Jno Savage, filling on High Bridge avenue T B Cain, filling on High Bridge 12 50 avenue D Sheehan, filling on High Bridge 3 75 avenue M Farrell rock furnished to Wm Ahearn, December 29 labor first half of P Ahearn, labor J Burke, labor W Burke, labor ... Jas Bakey, loan Jos Blocher, labor P Breen, labor J Broulette, labor J Bottoms, labor C Buse. labor P Brandenberger, labor Jno Baltzer, labor Jas Carville, labor M Connelly, labor D Corcoran, labor Geo Collinson, labor Jno Connolly, labor T Connolly, labor Jno Corbett, labor T Crahin, labor M Carmody, labor Robt Curran, labor Sam Casey, labor .. Jas Connelly, labor Jno Corcoran, No. 1, labor R Caffrey, labor F Correll, labor M Corbett, labor Jno Callahan, labor W Conzett, labor T Donahue, labor W Donahue, labor M Dipperding, labor ... Jos Devorak, labor F Donahue, labor J Driscoll, labor R Eddy, labor H Einbeck, labor S Elmer, labor F Elliott, labor Dan Fox, labor P Furey, labor R' Fuller, labor L Fritz, labor P Fogarty, labor J Fiddler, labor Jno Farley, labor J Gregory, labor .. .. .. .. 50 J Garvin. labor P Grew, labor Joe Ginter, labor Joe Grab, labor C Hillery, Jr. labor A Hird, labor.. F Haardt, labor Chr Heck, labor Jno Hafey, labor ... Jas Hirl, labor A Johnson, labor J Jellison, labor A Jaeger, labor T Kelly, labor Jno Kelly. labor P Kenney, labor Jac Kraus. labor Jno Kinsella. labor 61 00 Aug Kre!s, labor A Kirk, labor M Laven. labor JoP Laughlin, labor W Lonergan. labor city ........ 7 35 G W Albert, macadam • 3 80 Duttle & Pollock, macadam • • 12 15 12 40 M Lavin, macadam • . • • • • • • 1 90 R Miller, macadam • . • • • • • • • • • . .2 00 McBride & Parker, macadam • • 14 10 J Schmidt, macadam 15 00 Jno Malone, madacam H B Gniffke, ref. Exc permits 110 00 H B Gniffke. Int on warrants 649 68 H B Gniffke, telegrams, $1.$ 78; Exp., $1.40; Fit Chgs., $ and postage, $10.00 German Trust & Savings Bank,3000 00 loan , ..10000 00 Citizens' State Bank, loan ... G Trust & Savings Banlc, Ellen McCarthy, loan ........ .... 100 00 Jessie Morro , German ru ..3000 00 M Lonergan. labor ............ loan ........ .... v, labor .. . 7 80 8 10 5 40 8 10 4 05 70 1 35 1 35 9 75 3 40 35 1 35 5 40 5 40 7 45 1 35 5 40 5 40 5 40 1 35 4 05 70 1 70 1 35 2 70 2 70 70 4 05 70 1 35 8 10 8 10 1 35 2 05 2 70 3 00 8 00 4 05 5 75 2 70 4 05 18 00 4 05 3 05 4 40 1 70 70 6 75 4 75 2 05 1 05 3 05 4 05 2 05 1 35 1 05 2 05 4 50 4 75 2 05 70 5 40 3 40 5 10 2 05 6 75 70 4 05 2 70 2 70 4 05 1 05 4 05 30 T Mulqueeney, labor 4 05 P Moran, labor 1 35 Jno Malloy, labor 4 05 Edw Malloy, labor 15 Jno Mullen, labor 10 05 M Meagher, labor 2 05 P Murray, labor F Marty, labor 4 05 Joe Martinek, labor 2 70 Jno Mahoney, labor 3 75 Robt McCarron, labor 9 45 P McMullen, labor 4 05 Jno McCarron, labor 4 05 Jno McGrath, labor 5 40 D McGuiniss, labor. 2 70 M McCarten, labor ., 2 05 Jas McKerman, labor 5 40 A McGuan, labor 2 40 B McCormack, labor 2 40 L McEvoy, labor 1 35 M McGovern, labor 4 05 Jas McPoland. labor 2 70 Jno McCune. labor 3 00 P Norton. labor 4 75 N J Offerman, labor 1 35 Jno O'Halleron, labor 4 75 Pat O'Brien, labor 2 05 Jas O'Brien, labor 1 35 Jas Powers. labor 8 10 Jno Pfeiffer. labor 70 J Pilmaier, labor 6 75 F Piltz, labor 4 75 C H Pierce, labor 4 05 Jac Peryon, labor 3 75 Edw Pengel, labor. 4 05 Jas Quinn, labor 19 50 Pat Quinn, labor 70 Pat Ryan, labor 8 10 P Reddin, labor 1 35 N Reisch, labor 1 70 F Ruh, labor 9 80 Jas Ryan, labor 1 05 Joe Rooney. labor 4 05 J M Stees, labor 5 40 Jno Stevens, labor 5 40 M Sullivan, labor 5 40 Jno Sanders, labor 3 40 Patrick Smith, labor 70 O Schlaeger, labor 70 A R Stevenson, labor 12 00 Jno Steffen, labor 2 40 Fred Selle, labor 2 70 Wm Sheridan, labor . 70 Dan Sheehan, labor 4 50 Wm Sheehan, labor 3 40 M Specht, labor 8 10 Jac Schener, labor 1 35 N Sweeney, labor 70 P Schroeder, labor 70 L Taylor, labor 18 75 Jno Taylor, labor 4 75 T Taylor, labor 4 05 M Vogt, labor 1 35 Jno Wickham, labor .. 5 40 Jno Welsh, labor 7 45 P Wiest, labor 1 35 H Weidenbacher, labor 70 Joe Wilman, labor 2 70 Aug Woerner, labor 1 35 W Wearmouth, labor 1 35 Mrs F Brown, teams 5 40 Dick Burns, teams 2 05 Mrs B Costello, teams. 810 T Elliott, teams 5 40 List of Warrants. 7 45 Mrs J Healey, teams M Hannon, teams Jno Huffineier, teams Bart Kane, teams P Linehan, teams F Mathis, teams Jno McCollins, teams D O'Meara, teams .... Wm Singrin, teams Jno Savage. teams Jas Tobin, teams F Williams, teams Jno Williams, teams K White, teams E Brunskill, labor of storm sew- ers. James Bennett ,labor on storm sewers Chas Botsford, labor on storm sewers T Crahin, labor on storm sew- ers. Wm Dean. labor on storm sewers Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm sew- ers . Chas Hillery, labor on sanitary sewers. Joe Lowery, labor on sanitary sewers . James Ryan, labor on sanitary sewers Aug Ruegnitz, labor on sanitary sewers . 22 75 Steve Rousch, labor on sanitary sewers. . . 22 75 Jas Tobin, team for sanitary sewers . 4 05 Mrs B Costello, team for sani- tary sewers 4 05 K White, team for sanitary sew- ers L Kreps, sawing wood for city hall. . . 11 00 J P Schroeder & Co, sewer pipe 53 20 Ross McMahon, retaining wall on Bluff street extension 244 00 Geo W Schrup, 10 new codes for aldermen . 50 00 T T Duffy, mayor, membership in the League of American Municipalities . 30 00 Jno McEvoy, salary for alder- man 50 00 A A Cullen, salary for alderman. 50 00 B Lagen, salary for alderman., 50 00 M Stafford, salary for alderman. 50 00 G B Albrecht, salary for alder- man , . . . . . . . . . 50 00 J R Jellison, salary for alderman 50 00 C H Berg, salary for alderman.. 50 00 P W Crawford, salary for alder- man . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 F Dennert, salary for alderman 50 00 C T Thomas, salary for alderman 50 00 Lally & Geisler, new furnace for city hall . 89 65 L Lindenberg, supplies for elec- trician 1 50 T J Donahue, filling on Dodge st 9 25 Jno Drehouse, sawing wood at patrol house. . . 12 25 Dan Sheehan, rock furnished to city Brown & Brown, extra work on 8 10 4 05 1 35 8 10 7 45 2 70 1 35 18 26 2 70 1 35 1 35 12 15 4 05 4 05 18 75 19 50 19 50 75 19 50 19 50 22 75 22 75 22 75 1 35 70 00 Official Notices. 31 Iowa street from 7th to 14th.. 105 00 J R Lindsay, services rendered investigating April pay roll... 50 00 T W Graham, services rendered investigating April pay roll... 50 00 Jno Olinger, services rendered investigating April pay roll... 50 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of De- cember, 1897. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. OFFICIAL NOTICES, ment, lots 7, 8 and 9 in Myrtle's add. owned by you being subject to such special assessments. And you are no- tified to appear at said meeting of the council, to he held on the 6th day of January A. D. 1898, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not he levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 12-22-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To M. Feinan. You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the repairing of sidewalks in the month of September, A. D. 1897. a special as- sessment will he levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council. upon all lots and par - eels of land abutting on said improve- ments. the south 35 feet of lot 7 in Dreibilbies' add. owned by you being subject to such special assessments. And you are notified to appear at said meeting of the council, to be held on the 6th day of January A. D. 1898, and show cause if any you have, why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 12-22-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To A. and G. Schumacher: You are hereby notified that in ac- cordance with a resolution of the city council of the city of Dubuque for the ',pairing of sidewalk in the month of October, A. D., 1897, a special assess- ment will be levied for the expense thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said improve• ment, lot 8 in Cain's add, owned by you being subject to such special assess- ment. And you are notified appear o be at said meeting of the council, theld on the 13th day of January, A. P. 1598, and show cause if any you have. why said assessment should not be levied. L. M. LANGSTAFF. 12-228-10t. City Recorder. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. To Mary A. Rren, tc. You are herel, notiticd that in ac- cordance with n 1 • solution of the city council of Ih,, cit of Dubuque for the improvement of Wood street o sout om south line of lot 4 Myrtle's h line mineral lot 180, adoapted nhe 19th day of August. A. D. 1897,expense 'viil he levied for the exp thereof at the next regular meeting of the city council, upon all lots and par- cels of land abutting on said.improve- SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Office of City Engineer, Dubuque, la. To the owner and owners of the several lots and parcels of ground abutting Elm street from 26th street to 27th street. Washington street, front 26th to 27th street, West Third street from College avenue to Walsh street, Wood street. from south line of lot 4, Myrtle add lo south line of min lot No 180. You are hereby notified that there Is on file in the office of the city recorder of Dubuque a plat of said above named streets and alleys in said city, showing the s,veral loss and parcels of ground abutting on said streets and alleys, sub- ject to a special assessment for paving guttering and macadamizing of said streets and alleys, and the names as far as practicable of the owners of said abutting real estate, and the amount assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and for the inspection of any Person, firm of company interested in any manner in said real estate and that such person. firm of company having objection to the special tax proposed to he assessed as shown by said plat, may file with the city recorder his or their object:on In writing, at or before the nix; meeting of the city council of the city of Dubuque, which will meet on the 6th day of January, 1898. E. C. BLAKE. 1°-24-10t. City Engineer. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given khat at the session of .the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 23rd day of December, 1897, the following special assessments were levied on the real es - fate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay the one-seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will be- come delinquent and subject to collec- tion by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFFE, City Treasurer. For improving West 17th street from Clark to Cox streets. Chas. Riley. sub e part of lot 682 and part 670. city, lot 1.. ....$ 18 93 J M Kenety, Quigley's sub out lot 709, city, lot 1.. .. .. .... ..... 54 19 J M Kenety, Qu'g1ey's sub out 48 1t lot 709. city, lot 2.. . • ••• Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out 48 12 lot 709. city, lot 3.. .. • •• Cath Weber, Quigley's sub out 48 12 lot 709. city. lot 4.. .. .. •••• Cath Weber, Quig1eY's sub out 48 12 lot 709, city, lot 5.. .. .. .. ... 32 Official Notices. Annie McAllister, Quigley's sub out lot 709, city, lot 6.. .. .. Edward Milligan, Quigley's sub out lot 709, city, lot 7.. .. .. W Waunbacher, Quigley's sub out lot 712, se 75, city, lot 1.. F W Kringle. Quigley's sub out lot 712, city, lot 2.. •• •• •• •••• F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out lot 712, city, lot 4.. .. .. .. EdMilligan, Quigley, sub out lot 712, city, lot 4 .. .. .. .. .. .. Peter Betz, Quigley's sub out lot 712, city, lot 5.. .. .. .. .. F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out lot 712, city, lot 6.. .. .. F W Kringle, Quigley's sub out lot 712, city. lot 7.. .. J P Schroeder, Kr:ngle's sub, lot 21.. .. .. .. .. W Weizbach. Kringel's sub, lot 20 .. .... ........ .. .. . M Lewis. Kringle's sub, lot 19 J T Teal, Kringle's sub. lot 18 J T Teal, Kringle's sub. lot 17 E Teal, Kringle' sub, lot 16.. M Lewis, Kringle's sub, lot 15 Ind. Presbyterian church of Dubuque, Morgan's add, lot 21 Mary Roy. Yates' sub, lot 1 Delphin Gagne. Yates' add, lot 2 Chas Christman, Yates' add, lot 3. .. .. .... .. .. ... Heirs' Yates' Est., Yates' sub, M J Willard, trustee, Yates' sub, M J Willard, trustee, Yates' sub, lot6.. .. .. .. .. .. ............ M J Willard. trustee, Yates' sub, lot7.... .. .. .... .... ....... M J Willard, trustee, Yates' sub, lotc .. ...... .... .. .......... Heirs Yates' Est., Yates' sub, lot9 .... .... .. .... .. ........ Hears Yates' Est., Yates' sub, lot 19.. .... .... .... .. ....... N C Schuster, Yates' sub, lot 11. N C Schuster, Yates' sub, lot 12. Hdirs Yates' Est., Yates' sub, lot 13.. .. .... .... ............ Heirs Yates' Est., Yates' sub, 48 12 81 09 80 93 47 34 47 34 47 34 47 34 47 34 45 65 73 07 47 34 47 34 47 34 47 34 47 34 70 89 38 42 45 24 45 24 42 86 42 86 42 88 42 86 42 86 73 35 71 47 42 60 42 6O 56 52 56 63 42 60 'Heirs Yates' Est., Yates' sub, lot 15 .... .. .... .... .. 42 60 Lizzie Haggard, Yates' sub, lot 45.. .... .. .... .... .. 28 41 W G Cox, city, lot 742 .. .. .. 365 19 For improving Woods street from West 14th street to south line of lot 4, Myrtle add. Louisa F Dohs, Oakland Park add, lot 18.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 83 66 A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, lot 15.. .... .. .... 34 75 A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, lot 14 .. ...... .. .... .. 34 75 F L Quade, Oakland Park add lot13 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 75 A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, S. ,Mueller, Oakland Park add, A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, 34 75 24 75 lot10 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 24 75 A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add. lot 9 ...... .... .... .. .... .... 34 75 L. C. Fuller, Oakland Park add, lotR ...... .. .... .... A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, lot 7 .... .... .... ............. 34 75 Helen W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 6 43 47 Helens W. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 7 4R 47 Helen `V. Gray, Gray's sub, lot 8 43 47 Helen W. Gray. Gray's sub, lot 9 50 36 J. J. Zugenbuehler. sub 3 min lot 178, lot 2 .. .• .. .. -. .••• 37 21 H. Ruhland. sub 3 min lot 178, 37 18 34 75 G. M. Trewin. snb 3 min lot 178, C. B. Trewin. sub 3 min lot 178, lot5 .. .... .... .. .... .. .. Leathers and Trewin, sub min lot 178, lot 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. E M Kringle, sub min lot 178. lot7.. .... .. .... .. .... ...... F. J. Dupies. Oakland Park add lot 19 .... .......... .. .. .. .. 83 83 Emma M. Stetter, Oakland Park add, lot 21.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 22 A. M. Bush, Oakland Park add, lot 22.. .... .. .... .. .......... 36 22 E. Vey, Oakland Park add. lot 23 .... .... .... .... .. ........ 37 52 August Lemple, Oakland Park add, lot 24 .... .... .... .... .. 37 52 August Lemple, Oakland Park add, lot 25 . .. .. .. .. .. ... . Doane and Bigelow, Oakland Park add. lot 26.... .. ...... .. 37 62 Louie T. Hickock, Oakland Park add, int 27 37 52 E. Rolle, Mt Pleasant add, n 734 s 140, lot 5.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 10 E. Rolle, Gray's sub, lot 13 .. 43 46 E. Rolle, Gray's sub, lot 12 43 46 Wm. Guderian Est, Gray's sub, 37 18 29 69 29 69 24 50 37 52 4G Wm. Guder]an Est, Gray's sub lot 10 52 87 Wm. Guderian Est, sub min lot 178, lot 6.. .... 72 44 F. Pelz, Myrtle add, s 1-2 lot 236 22 J. Pelz, Myrtle add, n 1-2 lot 236 2! J. Pel?, M.rtla add, lot 3.. .. 46 47 M. Guthrie. Myrtle add, bot 44 79 For improving West 3rd street from College avenue to Walsh street. Wm. F. Roehl, Finley Home add, lot 21.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 37 63 C. C. Mullen, Finley Home add lot 22 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... C. C. Mullen, Finley Horne add, lot 23.. .... .... .. 38 10 Joseph D Plaister, Finley Horne add, lot 24. . .. .. .. . 28 10 W. L. Bradley, et al, Fln; ,y Home add, lot 25.. .. .. .. George McLean, Finley Horns add, lot 26 .. .. .... .. .. .. 38 10 John C. Fuchs, F:n1ey Home add, lot 27 .. .. .. .. .. .. 38 10 George Kuntzman, Finley Home add, lot 2888 10 J. L. Buettell, Finley Home lot 29.. .... .... .. J. L. Buettell, Finley Horne add, lot 30.. .. .. ..... 38 10 38 10 88 10 38 10 Official Notices. J. L. Buettell, Finley Home add, add, lot 31.. .. .. .. .. .. Mary Kemler, College add, lot 1.. Mary Kemler, College add, lot 2. Mary Kemler, College add, lot 3. Louise Deckert, College add. lot 4 Louie Stoller, College add, lot 5. Mary H. Hurko. College acid, lot 4 50 58 66 5717 45 73 53 35 53 35 53 35 Mary H. Burke, College add, lot 7.. .... .... .... .......... ... 68 48 For improving alley from Fengler avenue to Ann avenue between Rhom- berg and Lincoln avenues. tlodfried Kuntz Est., Fengler's add, lot 8 .. Rosina \\riners. Fongler's add, lo: 7.. .. .. .. ...... .... ...... 16 12 Theo Schrupp. Kiene's sub. lot 8. 17 25 Chas. ltoloff, Tiiene's sub. lot 7. 17 25 F. Lange, I:iene's sub, lot 6.... 17 25 Aug Kraft, Kiene's suh. lot 5.... 17 25 Lizz e O'Holloran. McCraney's 1st add. lot 90.. .. .. .. .. .... L'zzie O'Halloran, McCraney's 1st add. lot 89 .. .. .. .. .. .... Those. H. ti'arley. Fengler's add. 5... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .... Henry B. Lewis, Fengler's add, lot6 .... .... .... .. ...... .. .. Verg'.nnia Heil, Jungk's add. lot 12 Alois Rink. Jungk's add. s 1-2 lot 11 .. .. .... .... .. .......... Cath Seh'iling. Jungk's add. n 1-2 Int Il .. .. .. .. .. .......... Fred W, ndrich. Jungk's add, lot 17 02 Alf. Rhomberg. Jungk's lot 9.... Christ :1untk, McCraney's 1st Christ junek. M'Craney%s 1st add, lot .;:5 .. .... .. .... ........ 18 55 For improving Towa str?Pt from 3r1 to 7th s•reets. D. W. T1 nehan, city. 2-3 lot 192. 275 62 Anna Belle Ryan, city, n 1-3 lot 69 4n 192.. . .. .......... A. A. Cooper. city, lot 191.. .... 207 55 "03 97 E. C, Peas:ee, ct y, lot 190.. .... 2 E. C. Peasle.e, city. lot 189.... .. 210 52 Fischer & Co. city, int 527•• •"':; 0 08 167 57 Fischer & Co, city lot 526.. F'sches & Co. sub 525. olty, lot 17 25 18 15 17 02 16 12 17 25 8 62 8 62 17 25 17 25 17 2; J. M. Lenehan. sub 524, city. 1 .t J. P. Wagner. city. lot 524a ;'; J. P. Wagn" '. ''i y'. lot a. J. P. Wagner. (,ity. tet 5231) John Newman, city. lot 187 .. .• James Forester. city, lot 188 .•.• A. Tredway. city. lot 186 .. .. ,Tno. Hartig, city, lot 185 .. Robert Waller Est. city. lot 233 •• Em.ma Alden, city. iot 232.. .. P Lagen Est., city. s 26.5 lot 231. John Deery. city. n 25 lot 231.. • J. P. Earley, city, lot 230 .. B. E. L.'nehan, city, lot 229..city, A. Y. McDonald Mfg. 123 165 90 44 20 80 27 83 07 210 48 197 3 210 52 346 38 167 02 167 07 85 95 81 02 167 03 305 54 266 29 A. Y. McDonald Mfg Co., city, 175 14 Crm Mullen Est • c ty• lot 182a •• 82 03 X33 c`nn .Mullen Est., city, lot 182.. ., 80 90 Con Mullen Est., city, lot 181.. .. 276 69 J. P. Donahue, city, lot 228 .... 276 65 D. W. Linehan, c:t, lot 227.. .. 140 48 Dubuque Light and Traction Co city, lot 226 .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 121 72 Dubuque Light and Traction Co, ci' y, '-'.. ... Dubuqueint b2ight5. an. d Traction Co, city, lot 224 .. .. .... .. .... .. 260 66 Bradley and McClain, o_ty, lot 3.:1 .. .... .... .... .... ....... 252 79 Bradley and blcCla'n, city, lot ......... 112 11 Mary A. Mulkern, city, lot 221.. 112 11 P. H. E. Sonnerfield, city. s 1-2 lot 230 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... 50 68 P. W. Crawford. city, n 1-2 lot 720.. .. .. ... 56 07 P. \\'. Crawford. ;•i y s• 12a, lot 319 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ..... 27 74 A. Goldthorpe, city. n 38.6 lot 219 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 185 51 A. Mal) Est, city, lot 218 .. .. .. 74 43 Palmer. Winall and Co., Wei - gel's sub. lo• 1.. .. .. .. .. .... 286 21 Mary Putt, city. 11 53.5 lot 179.... 122 16 Tom Connolly. city, lot 178 141 99 Tom Connolly. city. lot 177.. .. 243 09 it. Nolte Esq:. city. lot 176. 74 43 Dubuoue Ligh and Traction Co, and Horace C. Torbert, receiv- er .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1019 39 For improving Iowa street from 7th to 14th streets: A. Glob Est., city, lot 218 $125 22 H L Stout, city, lot 217107 64 Fred Mertz, city, s 1-2 lot 21653 82 J W Hoffman, city, n 1-2 lot 21653 82 C Brezinsky, city. lot 215 a 76 18 Byrne Bros, city, lot 215 31 56 Byrne Bros, city lot 214194 06 A Hort. Est. city east 73 fee lot 172. 134 08 W L Bradley. city north 47.6 feet lot 174. 8'7 31 k Hodgdon, city, south 25 feet lot 174 46 03 A Hodgdon, city, north 1-2 lot 66 22 175. Grace Provost, city, south 1-2 66 22 lot 175 \V L Bradley, city. lot 176 58 88 11 Nolte Est, city, lot 17681 73 Kiene, Sr, city lot 213 180 72 1' Kiene, Sr, city, lot 212 107 45 Mary E Chatfield, city, lot 211107 45 John Flynn, city south 1-2 lot 210 53 73 .-\ Heintz, city, north 1-2 ot 21053 73 t tca•mania Stock Co, city, lot 209186 68 Fred Miller Brewing Co, city, e 43 feet, south 62 feet lot 172 213 83 B E Linehan, city, east 43 feet, north 2 feet lot 172 4 19 B E Linehan, city east 43 feet lot 134 23 171. E Linehan, city lot 170 134 23 t it y of Dubuque (Engine house) 298 52 city lot 169. 207 63 Byrne Bros, city, lot 208 207107 23 Burne Bros, city, R' H i:rown, city, south 1-2 lot 206 53 61. N Murphy. city, north 1-2lot 206 48.2 53 61 James M. Boothby, city, south r feet lot 205. 100 9a 121 72 J 34 Official Not A B Keller, city, north 3 feet lot 6 2 '205 ...... ..... A B Belle-', city, lot 204 Y M C A, city, lot 168a Y M C A, city, lot 168 H L Stout, city, south 1-2 lot 167 53 61 Wm Lawther, city, north 1-2 lot 167. A Y McDonald Est, city, south 1-2 lot 166 C Longueville, city, north 1-2 lot 166. . 7 C Longueville, city, south 10.2 feet lot 165 C H Whitwell, city, north 41 feet lot 165. 1S5 90 Frank Brede Est, city. lot 203189 00 It W Rogers, city, south 40 feet lot 202. 84 20 J & J Ogilhy, city, north 11.2 feet lot 202. . 23 46 J & J Ogilhy, city, lot 201 107 64 O M Staples, sub 200 city, lot 3 . . . . . . . . . . 42 09 Wm Hintrager, sub 200 city. lot 189 68 186 49 93 92 53 61 53 61 53 61 21 36 41 90 P Olinger, sub 200 city. lot 127 44 P Olinger, city, lot 199 245 87 Wm Bray, city south 1-2 lot 164a152 3G M A McHenry, city, north 1-2 lot 164a. . 53 82 A Hodgden, city south 1-2 lot 164 57 82 A Hanapel, north 1-2 lot 16453 82 Kate Therring, city, south 1-2 lot 163 53 82 Mary Pleins, city north 1-2 lot 163 53 82 J F McCarthy, city, lot 162.. 111 43 J F McCarthy, city, lot 161. 236 94 Grace R Willoughby, city, south 1-5 lot 459 192 12 R W Rodgers, city, south 1-2 s m 1-5 lot 459. 53 52 Mary M Clark, city, north 1-2 s m 1-5 lot 459. 53 82 N Bray, city, m 1-5 lot 459.. 97 06 G L Torbert Est, city n 2-5 lot 459 315 63 Rider & Burden, city, south 55 feet lot 458. 275 17 J V Rider, city, north 32.6 feet of south 87.6 feet of lot 45892 29 I Armstrong, city, north 15 feet of s m 1-5 lot 458 42 33 I Armstrong, city, south 1-2 in i-5 lot 41,8. . . 72 63 J L & E Horr, city, north 1-2 m 1-5 lot 458. 72 53 James Rowan, city, north 2-5 lot 458. . . 414 87 J V Rider, city, s 1-5 lot 457. . 268 96 Frank O'Farrell, city, south 1-2 s m 1-5 lot 457 72 39 P Klauer, city, north 1-2 s m 1-5 lot 457. 72 39 R Hinds, and 1-2 city, m 1-5 lot 457. . . 72 39 A Coates, and 1-2 city, m 1-5 lot 457. . 72 39 City of Dubuque (city hall) city n 2-5 lot 457. 433 39 A B Ryan, city, south 52.2 feet lot 460. 208 92 C Jungk, city, north 50.2 s m 1-5 lot 460. 93 29 M J G LaNicca, city to 1-5 lot 460 95 13 Jno Bell Est, city, n m 1-5 lot 460 95 13 Hugh Corrance, city, north 1-5 lot 460. . . 197 67 James Levi. sub s 1-2 lot 456 city. lot 2 . 227 88 E Gmehle, sub s 1-2 lot 456 cit y, lot '1 129 93 E Gmehle. sub s 1-2 lot 456 city. lot 4 . ;2 96 M Morgan Est, city. north 1-2 m 1-5 lot 456 66 75 J H Shields. city, n m 1-5 lot 4•;6 133 30 J H Shields. city south 1-2 north 1-5 lot 456 . . . . . . . . 66 75 B Jestel. city, Hirth 1-2 north 1-5 lot 456 . . . . . . . . . . 81 35 John V Rider, city, east 52 foot south 2-5 lot 461. 334 11 John Apel. s 1-2 m 1-5 lot 46160 07 P Klauer city, north 1-2 nt 1-5 lot 461. . . 60 07 J H Thedinga Est, city north 2-5 lot 461. 297 78 Dubuque Light & Traction Com- pany, and Horace G. Torbert, receiver. 3 371 42 Dubuque Light & Traction Com- pany and Eighth Street and Nest Dubuque Railway com- pany and Horace G. Torbert, receiver . 75 81 Dubuque Street Railway Com- pany, receiver 59 76 For improving Alpine street from Jul- ien avenue to West 3rd street: Chas E Wales, Nairn's add. lot 32 $ 59 37 Cnas E. Wales, Nairn's add, lot 31 .. 39 03 Chas E Wales, Nairn's add, lot 30 41 07 Mary A Pollock, Nairn's add, lot 2t 41 01 11a: y Nairn, Nairn's add, lot 28.. 41 07 1lary Nairn, Nairn's add, lot 6... 55 84 Cyril Gregoire, Nairn's add, s 1-2 e 1-2 lot 33 63 95 J C Gregoire, Nairn's add, n 1-2 e 1-2, lot 33 . 62 53 Jennie Wolff, Bradstreet add, lot 5 132 51. Mrs C Pelan, Bradstreet add. lot. 6 38 75 Mrs C Pelan, Bradstreet add lot? 3200 Emma Southwell, }3radst: eet add, lot 8 32 00 Emma Southwell, Bradstreet add lot 9 Martha Southwell, Bradstreet add, s 1-2, lot 10 16 00 John Southwell, Bradstreet add, n 1-2, lot 10 .. ........... 16 00 L A Cummings, Bradstreet add, lot 11 ' L A Cummings, Bradstreet add, lot 12 L A Cummings, min lot 80, lot 2. 98 24 Jacob Zangmeister, min lot 80, lot 1 65 53 E Langworthy Est, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub, lot 4 .. 198 43 32 00 32 00 32 00 Official Notices. :33 E Langworthy Est, Pauline Lang - worthy's sub. lot 5 210 00 Emma A White, Martin's Dubu- que, lot 13 49 98 Martin Armstrong, Martin's Du- buque, lot 12 John Nagle, Martin's Dubuque, lot 11 A Tura b et al. Martin's Dubu- nue, lot 10 John Nagle, \Martin's Dubuque. lot 9 The 8th St., \V Dub St l.y Co, The Dub Light & Traction Co and Horace t; Torbert, Receiv- er A TrueIt et al. Martin's Dubuque, lot s Mrs 1: t tshorn., Martin's Du- buque, lot 7 John Nagle, Martin's Dubuque, lot 6 Geo Dean. Martin's Dubuque, lot S T (1 i'-•abir,•, . “rte, 1o1 1 .. comes. s. Martin's Dubuque, lot 3 D \' hand, Martin's Dubuque, lot 2 D J McFarland. Martin's Dubu- que. s 50. lot 1 . ................. Louisa Gieseman, Martin's Dubu- que. n 50 ft s 100 ft. lot 1 Minnie 1liesoman, Martin's Du- buque n 100 ft. lot 1 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 336 90 31 23 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 32 00 21 01 40 28 V artin's Duhu- NtITICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city counca of the city of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of January, 1598. :he following special as- sessments were levied on the real es- tate hereinafter described, and that in case of failure to pas within the time prescribed Icy the ordinance governing same all, will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. Alois Glab, West's add, lot 18......$ .95 Deming & Kiesel, sub min lot 466, . ...... .. ... 2 45 J .\ I t tomberg Est, Ham's add, 14, :.,s; and 387.. ...... .......... .75 11 .I t1.•s, McCraneY's 1st add, lot 1 05 10 _. .... Mrs I•: l,uilla,m. Dreibilbies' add, s 60 35 ft lot Chas Roe- Est, sub 3 of min lot 467, lot 1 ............... C, M & St 1' IZyt Co, E Dubuque add, lot 217 .• •• " Rhomberg & euser, Davis' Farm 40 add. lot 225 .............. ..lot 3. .40 C M Buetteh, 1: Blake's sub, Theresa Stoltz. E Blake's sub, lot 4. .35t I C R I., Dubuque Harbor Co. add, 75 block 28 • •,6J I C R R sect 30-89-3, part 3 • . • • • • • Leathers & Trewin, McCraney's let .65 add, lots 77 and 78 • 61.. .. • • . .6:; W G Cox, Cox's add, lot 1 15 .60 .55 James Beach & Son, city, lot 583 . 1 60 A V Bush, et al, Dorgan's sub, lot 4 .75 Ernst Schmelz. Davis' Farm add, lot 2227 1 10 R & E Langworthy. Glendale add Chas and Frank Fosselmann, L H Langworthy's add, lot 187 .60 John Froelich, A McDanield's sub, lot 801 lot 294.. .. .. .... ................ .70 NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 6th day of January, 1895, the following special as- sessments were levied on the real estate herein after described, and that in case of failure to pay the one seventh part within the time prescribed by the ordi- nance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. For improving Washington street from 26th to 27th streets. A. Flechsig, Glendale add, lot 13.$ 33 17 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 14.. 32 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 15 .. 32 00 It M Kunz, Glendale add,' lot 16 .. 32 00 Nellie :Niels, Glendale add, lot 17.. 32 00 Nellie Meis, Glendale add, s 1-2, lot 18 .. 16 00 D Tully Glendale add, n 1-2, lot 18 16 00 D Tully, Glendale add, s 1-2, lot 19 16 00 Josephine Voelker, Glendale add, n 1-2. lot 19 . 16 00 Jas Botsford, Glendale add, lot 20 32 00 Mike McMahon, Glendale add, lot 21 32 00 Jacob Hedrick, Glendale add, lot .,2 32 00 Jacob Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 32 00 23 ........ Wm Hedrick, Glendale add, lot 24 Dubuque Malting Co, Gleti " add, lot 25 . Geo J Hedrick, Glendale a'.IC, 78 Wm Dalbkeremeyer, Jr, Glendale 32 00 add, lot 27 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add, lot 28 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add, 32 00 lot 29 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add, 32 00 lot 30 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add, lot 31 Henry Herancourt, Glendale add, 32 00 lot 32 F W Houghton, Glendale add, lot 3 RJM Kunz, Glendale add, lot 3432 00 lliagdela Theno, Glendale add, lot 32 00 35 J N Ziegler, Glendale add, lot 3633 41 For improving Elm street from 26th to 27th streets: Jacob Kessler, Glendale add, lot $ 33 05 37 Joseph Gauthier, Glendale add, 32 00 lot 38 v.s W 32 00 32 00 32 00 36 Official Notices . R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 39. 32 00 Mary McGuire, Glendale add, lot 40 32 00 Frank Hinze, Glendale add, lot 41 32 00 John Frost, Glendale add, lot 42. 32 00 J H Huene, Glendale add, lot 43. 32 00 Nic Kettenhofen, Glendale add, lot 44 32 00 Henry Deville, Glendale add, lot 45 ,... 32 00 Mrs Mary A Bertsch, Glendale add, lot 46 32 00 Mrs Mary A Bertsch, Glendale add, lot 47 32 00 Dubuque Malting Co, Glendale add, lot 48 33 19 Glab Bros, Glendale add, lot 4933 07 John Vogenthaler, Glendale add, lot 50 32 00 Frank Beyer, Glendale add, lot 51 32 00 J H Huene, Glendale add, lot 52. 32 00 K Kolfenbach, Glendale add, n 1-2, lot 53 16 00 Carl Fink, Glendale add, s 1-2, lot 53 16 00 Julia Frith, Glendale add, lot 54 32 00 Paul Weber, Glendale add, lot 55 32 00 Joseph Krutz, Glendale add, lot 56 32 00 K Kolfenbach, Glendale add, lot 57 32 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 6832 00 R M Kunz, Glendale arid, lot 5932 00 R M Kunz, Glendale add, lot 6033 05 For improving Wood street from south line of lot 4 Myrtle addition to south line of mineral lot 180: E M Kringle, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 7 $ 5 28 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 8, 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 9, 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 11, 31. 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 10, 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 12, 31. 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 13, 31 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 14, 31. 01 J A Peryon, sub 3 min lot 178, lot 15, 18 50 M R Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 446 41 M R Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 540 86 E D Guthrie, Myrtle add, lot 6 40 86 Mary A Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 740 86 John Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 840 86 John Brueck, Myrtle add, lot 936 35 Regular Session, February 3, 1` 98. :37 CITY COUNCIL, Regular session, February 3d, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford -and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Thomas moved that the proceed - 'figs of the council for the month of January, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Phil Pier, wood for city hall $120 40 C. 0. D. Laundry, towels and racks for January ... Demkier Bros., brooms for city hall A. Hemmelder, assisting market master Chas Beyer, assisting market mas- ter... Mrs. M. Hayes, hauling ashes from city hall .. 6 00 M. Reiseck, sawing wood at city hall .. 5 00 H. Weidenbacher, sawing wood at city hall ... 5 00 Dubuque Water Co., water for city hall and patrol house 30 00 Smith, Morgan Prtg. Co., blank stationery .... 20 75 D. C. Stewart, recording plats, etc 8 00 H. A. Lange, taking care of town clock 37 50 M. Hannon, hauling from Jack- son park 1 35 Jas. Lyons, new speaking tube etc., at city hall 8 00 B. Lagen, livery hire for city at- torney 4 50 C. E. Wales, mortgagee stationery 17 40 T. F. Maguire, assisting city at- torney 100 00 P. Cassidy, rodman ... M. O'Laughlin, chainman Fred Roehl, hardware Phil Pier, wood for road depart- ment F. M. Jaeger & Co., new tools, powder, and fuse .. Dubuque Wooden Ware Co., lum- ber Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for road department A. Mink, wood Jno. Karney, repairing tools Fred, Schloz, repairing tools Wm. Reed, repairing tools B. D. Linehan, repairing tools Jno. Butt, repairing tools and re- pairs at 9th street engine house A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing J. W. Wittmer, drugs, etc A. Vogel & Son, repairing har- ness for fire department W. H. Torbert, drugs, etc Key City Gas Co., Doke and coal A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., repairs at 4th and 9th street engine houses ...... 6 00 2 10 18 90 10 15 50 00 40 00 2 45 9 30 82 25 60 05 6 00 4 50 22 15 14 30 8 85 16 20 27 30 11 00 22 60 4 95 5 60 33 40 8 00 McClain Bros., salt and etc for fire department 1 60 Dubuque Water Co., 336 hydrants for January 1400 00 L. Lindenberg, hardware 7 55 F. M. Jaeger, hardware 1 25 Fire Extinguisher Mfg. Co., oil cans 1 70 Even & Fuchs, coal for fire depart ment 87 50 Dubuque 011 Tank Line, oil for fire department 13 20 J. L. Maloney, oil for fire depart- ment 2 20 Key City Gas Co., gas 112 50 Globe Light & Heat Co., 100 lamps for January 166 67 Star Electric Co., 320 arc lights for January 1723 15 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for January .... 26 80 J. & A. M. Trexler, bran, etc., for patrol house 3 85 F. Mertz, repairing cell doors, etc6 65 Mullen Bros., plumbing at patrol house ...... 1 20 Otto M. Ruete, analyzing honey for city marshal 12 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for mat- ron 5 00 Jno. Huffineier, hauling at patrol house .. 1 35 The Globe, official printing for January 67 50 The Times, official printing for January .... 29 15 The Herald, official printing for January 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for January 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings and health re- ports ... 1.6 50 National Demokrat, four months official printing 50 00 Jno. E. Hartig, repairing tapes for engineers' office 4 25 Keuppel & Esser, draughting pa- per 2 83 T. E. Frith, removing dead ani - 15 00 mals Jos. W. Wittmer, drugs for health 2 00 department 1 35 F. Orner, labor at city dump I. Proctor, retaining wall on De 613 50 Sota Terrace P. Horch, filling on 16th street 11 40 P. Linehan, filling on Washing- ton street T. Clancy, filling on Washington street Geo. Reynolds, filling on Wash- ington street Geo. Cornish, filling on Washing- ton street . K. White, filling on Washington 5 85 street D. Sutherland, filling on Washing- ton street Geo. Boyd, filling on Washington 2 50 street Ed. Seeley, filling on Washington 8 50 street Jas. Tobin, filling on Washington 80 street • 28 80 38 Regular Session, February 3, 1898. T. Reilly, grading sidewalk on Valley street 2 70 J. M. Lee, cement sidewalk on Iowa street 12 00 Geo. Reynolds, rock furnished to city 32 00 Jas. Noonan, rock furnished to city 64 40 Noah H. Faust, repairing light- ning rods 10 70 Ald. Berg moved to have same referr- ed to the committee on public grounds and buildings. Carried. J. P. Schroeder & Co., fire brick and clay $ 1 50 Ald. Cullen moved to have same re- ferred to the committee on fire. Car- ried. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee. Petition of Mrs. Leute asking that her taxes be reduced. Petition of Rosa Cadman asking that the taxes on E 1-2 of Lot 33 Cox's add for 1897 be placed at a valuation of $500. Petition of Mrs. Selma Rupprecht asking that her taxes on lot No. 446 Ham's add for 1897 be cancelled. Petition of Andrew Nelson asking that he be refunded the amount of $1.20 paid by him as tax on piano. Petition of Mary Seward asking that her taxes for the year 1897 on west 30 feet of sub of outlot 703 be cancelled. Petition of Elizabeth Stemper asking that taxes be cancelled on lot 356, East Dubuque add. Petition of Lizzie Walter asking that taxes be remitted on lot 264 East Du- buque add, for the year 1897. Petition of Mrs. Orrin S. Langworthy in relation to personal tax. The communication of the Dubuque Water company in relation to insuf- ficient water supply was, on motion of Ald. Cullen, referred to the committee of the whole. The following were referred to the committee on finance. Petition of the Dubuque Turbine and Roller Mill Co., asking remission of taxes for 1897 on improvements on lots 417, 418 and 419 according to resolution passed December 7th, 1891. Also communication of C. H. Booth asking to have a warrant drawn for $475.80 to pay taxes on his lots in Booth's add, and charged against his credits as shown on the auditor's books. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on streets. Petition of John Whelan asking city to purchase his macadam. Petition of Reinhold Meuller et al ask- ing city to purchase their macadam broken on High Bluff street and Fifth avenue. The petition of C. A. Wilber et al in relation to construction of sidewalks on Wilber Lane was referred to the al- derman of the Fourth ward. Petition of Rev. Jno. J. Toomey et al asking that an arc light be placed at the intersection of Bluff and Second streets was, on motion, granted. The petition of the Iowa Iron Works asking permission to use 600 feet of the north side of the ice harbor for the purpose of erecting steam boat hulls, was, on motion of Ald. Cullen, granted and the marshal instructed to have the wood on said ground moved at once. An amendment to the verified state- ment of claim for damages of W. F. Rupert was read, and on motion of Ald. Crawford, was referred to the commit- tee on claims. The remonstrance of M. M. Hoffman and nineteen other property owners of the city, remonstrating against the ex- tension of Milwaukee avenue, and the change of the water course of Bee Branch or Couler creek was read. Ald. Berg moved that action on the Heim matter, or the extension of Mil- waukee avenue, be postponed, and the remonstrance referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford brought up the matter of the petition of Mrs. Johanna E. Pauw, asking that her taxes on south 2-5 of lot No. 482 for the year 1897, be reduced from $96.00 to $88.00, which pe- tition had been referred to the commit- tee on delinquent taxes and the com- mittee reported January 20th, 1898, in favor of receiving and filing the same and report adopted. Ald. Crawford moved that said peti- tion be referred back to the committee on delinquent taxes for their further consideration. Carried. His Honor, the mayor, stated that there was a good many calls for an or- der for time worked, by the laborers of the city, so they could sell them at a dis count and realize the money on them before pay day, that the calls were so numerous that it had become annoying and very bothersome to the officers and they had complained about it, therefore, he desired the instruction of the council in regard to the matter. Ald. Crawford stated that he had of- fered the resolution authorizing two pay days a month for the purpose of avoiding the necessity of giving time orders and thought that ought to be sufficient, but for lessening the necess- ity still more, if possible, he would move that pay day for laborers hereafter be on Tuesday following the sessions of the council acting on pay rolls. The mo- tion carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke's report was read and is as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun ell: Gentlemen: Below you will find statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of January, 1898, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Excavation permits, refund inter- est on outstanding warrants, postage, and all causes $582 14 Ald. Berg moved that the report be Regular Session, February 3, 1898 39 received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same and the report referred back to the finance committee. Car- ried. City Auditor McCarten's report was read and found as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit for your consideration a report of the re- ceipts and disbursements of the city for the month of January, 1898: Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1898 $26280 79 Receipts from all sources 80042 67 Disbursements .... ....$106323 46 Warrants redeemed ..$24620 11 Coupons 7789 77 $32409 88 Cash on hand Feb 1, '98 $73913 58 Other cash on hand there belonging to the improvement bond fund.$26555 73 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city of ...... ..........$47357 85 Also reports $2,158.30 due city officers for salaries for the month of January, 1898. Ald. Berg moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay city officers and the report referred back to the finance committee. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported $2,027.00 due firemen for the month of January, 1£98. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay firemen for the month of January 1898, and the report referred back to the committee on fire. Car- ried. City Marshal McCann reported as fol- lows: Number of arrests for the month of January, 81. The patrol wagon answered, calls, 46. Total number of miles traveled, 75 1-4. Number of lodgers harbored, 209. Number of meals furnished lodgers, 18. Total number of meals furnished Prisoners, 116. Case receipts from pound master, $1.00. Also reports $2064.95 due policemen ft.r the month of January, 1898. Ald. Lagen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the police and the report referred back to the committee on po- 1'.ce. Carried. Street Foreman Morgan o s an reps the $055.45 due laborers P1 last half of January, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved. that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the t r- fer ed back to laborers,the the street committee. Carried. Street Foreman Morgan reported $1056.15 due for quarrying rock for ma- cadam for the last half of January, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the workmen for quarry- ing rock and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Street Foreman Morgan, in charge of the sewers, reported $211.25 due laborers on sewers for the last half of January, 1898. Ald. Thomas moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the re- port referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. Committee Clerk Fiitzpatrick reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—The following is a state - men of the amount of work done in each ward during the month of January, 1898: FIRST WARD. Foreman. Where done. Amt. James Quiinn, quarrying) rock, Mt. Carmel avenue $420 50 M McCarten, Bluff street exten- sion .. .. 17 10 M McCarten, cleaning sidewalks and crossings various streets in the First ward ..... 88.35 James Morgan, cleaning side- walks and gutters and cross- ings various streets 64 15 Total .... .... ..........$590 10 SECOND WARD. Jno Mullen, quarrying rock on Hill street .••••• •••• .••••••••••$354 15 Jno Mahony. 6th street filling .... 17 10 Robert McGivern, 4th street ex- tension .......... .. .. ........ Jno Farley, cleaning sidewalks and crossings 49 20 James Morgan. cleaning side- walks and crossings and gut- ters .... . ... . 39 00 25 00 Total.. .... ........ .... ........$484 THIRD WARD. J Pilmaier, c'eaning sidewalks and gutters . $ 90 80 F W`.nkel. cleaning sidewalks and gutters Otto Rath, cleaning sidewalks and city hall side Franz Sheer, cleaning walks, gutters and crossings 26 35 James Morgan, cleaning side- walks and gutters and cross- ings.... 45 33 85 8 80 Total FOURTH WARD. J Hird, quarrying rock on An- $481 10 gella street J McCone, quarrying rock on Cox street ...... .. .... .......... 364 8* J. Hayes, quarrying rock on An. 233 0 gella street. •• •• ••••• Landon Taylor, cleaning side- walks, gutters and crossings. 148 60 J. Morgan, cleaning sidewalks, gutters and crossings . 22 00 49 95 $220.05 40 Regular Session, February 3, 1898. Total FIFTH WARD. J. Bottoms, quarrying rock on Thomas Place $406 95 J. Specht, repairing Eagle street61 15 J. Specht, cleaning crossings and sidewalks 142 20 $1249 75 Total 610 30 Total amount of work done in all the wards .. .. .. .. .. ....$3154 65 Respectfuly submitted. WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Committee Clerk. On motion the report was received and filed. City Engineer Blake reported $2225.05 due for macadam for the month of Janu ary. 1898. Ald. Crawford moved to receive the report and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay for macadam and the re- port referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows : To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of January, 1898, and find from the re- ports of police department, as well as from my personal observation, that the total hours that sixty-five lamps failed to burn would equal 1 3-5 lamps for one month or $8.64. On motion the auditor was instructed to deduct the amount $8.64 from the Star Electric company's bill for Janu- ary, 1898, and the report be received and filed. The following city weighmasters and wood measurer' report were ordered referred to the committee on markets. Otto Rath, weighmaster, city hall, receipts ..$20 25 James Doyle, weighmaster, First ward, receipts 7 40 Charles Pitschner, West Dubu- que, receipts 3 05 Geo A. Pflffner, corner 26th street and Couler ave, receipts 4 19 Ed Jess, wood measurer .. .. 6 00 City Attorney Duffy reported ver- bially in substance as follows: That he was not fully prepared to re- port on the matter of purchase by the city of the property of Fred. Otto on Troy street, and asked for further time, and on motion further time was granted. City Engineer Blake's report was read and was as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—In com- pliance with your request ac- companying herewith are two estimates of the cost of Couler creek from the Millville road to Lake Peosta. Estimate No. 1 is made on the basis of an open ditch most of the distance from Millville road to the lake with necessary bridging at all interesecting streets at a cost of $37,575.00. Estimate No. 2 is upon the basis of a stone arch sewer from Millville road to south side of Garfleld avenue and an open ditch from there to Lake Peosta, at a cost of $55,375.00. Estimate No. 1 as an open ditch. 6 cu yds of grading per foot, 25c per yard for a distance of 5,850 lineal feet at $1.50 per lineal foot, $8,775.00. Eight bridges and stone abutments, $8,000.00. From Sanford street to east side of Garfleld avenue, area of 150 cubic feet, stone arch sewer for a distance of 2,- 100 lineal feet, at $8.00 per foot, $16,- 800.00. From Garfield avenue to Lake Peosta as an open ditch, for a distance of 2,- 000 lin feet, at $2.00 per Lin foot, $4,- 000.00. Making a total for the distance from Millville road to Lake Peosta of $37,- 575.00. Eetimate No. 2 with a stone sewer from Millville road and Lemon street to 26th street, area of sewer 80 cu feet for a distance of 1,850 lin feet at $5.00 per foot $ From 26th street to 23d street area of sewer 95 cu feet, for a distance of 1,900 lin feet at $5.75 per lin foot 10,925 00 From 23d street to Sanford street area of sewer 135 cu feet for a distance of 2,100 lin feet at $7.00 per lin foot. 14,700.00 From Sanford street to east side of Garfield avenue, area 150 cu feet, for a dist- ance of 2,100 lin feet at $8.00 per lin foot 16,800.00 From Garfield ave to Lake Peosta an open ditch for 2,- 000 1:n feet at $2.00 per lin foot .. .. .. 9,250 00 4,000.00 Total cost $55,675.00 All of which is most respectfully sub- mitted. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. REPORT OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your committee on finance respect- fully report in favor of granting the petition of the Adams company, ask- ing that their assessment be placed not to exceed the amount of $3,150.00, the same being in accordance with a reso- lution passed by the city council Sep- tember 9, 1892, and March 6, 1893. A:d. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Stafford, chairman of the com- mittee on claims, reported as follows: Your committee on claims, to whom was referred the petition of George W. Dean for damages caused by Alpine street sewer, would report in favor of allowing him the sum of $50.00 in full of all damages that he has claimed or may claim. This sum being allowed by way of compromise and with the mutual understanding that the city Regular Session, February 3, 1898 41 does not admit any liability, and that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary articles of agreement. Ald. Stafford moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Also report on the claim of W. F. Rupert as follows: Your committee on calms to whom was referred the claims for per sonal injury of W. F. Rupert, would respectfully report in favor of allowing W. F. Rupert the sum of two hundred dollars in full of all damages that he has claimed or may claim by reason of an alleged injury received by him on the 31st day of December, 1897. This sum being allowed him by way of com- promise and with the mutual under- standing that the city does not admit any liability, and that the city attor- ney be instructed to draw up the neces- sary articles of agreement. Ald. Stafford moved to adopt the re- port of the committee. Carried. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Your committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings beg leave to report on the fire at the city hall De- cember 2, 1897. Claims flied in the recorder's office for the repair of damages caused by the fire are as follows: John Phillips, painting and re- pairing in jail $ 12 00 A. J. Kries, plastering Pape & Jacquinot, plumbing City of Dubuque, carpenter work and material 4 00 88 17 42 Total $34 30 Hereto attached are receipts from Treasurer Gniffke to Recorder Lang- staff for moneys received from the fol- lowing fire insurance companies: Atnt of Ins. Paid. Phoenix .... .... ......$3,000 $8 25 Underwriters 1,000 2 i5 Rockford 1,000 2 75 Hanover 1,000 Germania. 1,000 Commercial Union • • 2,000 1,000 Lancashire Rochester German .. 1,500 Dubuque Fire & Marine 1,000 2 74 2 75 5 50 2 75 4 12 2 75 Total $12,500 $14 30 All of which is respectfully submit- ted. J. W. McEVOY. On motion the report was adopted. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com- mittee on paving, reported on the claim of Frank D. Scharle for $9.60 for tear- ing up sidewalk as a beginning of con- tract to lay with brick sidewalk on the west side of Bluff street between First street and Franklin school. Ald. Thomas moved to refer back to the committee on paving for further consideration. Carried. it- Ald. Berg. chairman of the as follows: commit- tee tee of the whole, rep Your committee of the whole respect- fully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Ben. Kauffman & Co. asking that their taxes for the year 1897 be reduced. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of referring the petition of John Brunskill et al ask- ing damages for water coming on their property on Alpine street to the sewer committee. After remarks by Ald. Crawford, on motion the petition was referred back to the committee of the whole. Also report in favor of granting the petition of A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co. asking that their taxes for 1897 on lots 267, 276, 331 to 340 and 393 to 402, inclusive, in East Dubuque add. No. 2, be the same as provided for by the city council of January 17th, 1895, being a valuation of $8,100.00. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report on the petition of Dr. E. A. Guilbert in relation to taxes in favor of placing the taxes of Dr. Guilbert at $58.80 in full to date and that he be per- mittAd to pay the sane in four monthly installments of $14.62 each, payable Feb ruary, March, April and May, 1898. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of postponing ac- tion on the petition of Farley, Loet- scher Mfg. Co. asking that the engine at the central engine house be fully equipped with men and horses, until the appropriations for the fiscal year beginning March 1st, 1898, are made. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also your committee of the whole would respectfully ask for further time to report on the communication of the chief of the fire department in relation to the insufficient supply of water in the city, until the committee have a meet- ing at which the representative of the water company will be present. On motion further time was granted the committee. Also report as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the ordinance providing for the election by the electors of the city of Dubuque of a city engineer, would respectfully recommend the adoption of the said ordinance. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the committee. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be read for the first time. Car- ried. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the space left blank in the ordinance as to en- gineer's salary be filled by inserting $1,500.00, fixing the salary at $1,800.00 per annum. Ald. Cullen moved to amend the mo- tion by inserting $2,000.00 in the space left blank. 42 Regular Session, February 17, 1898. The ayes and noes being called on the amendment resulted as follows: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Cullen, Jellison and Thomas. Noes—Alds. Berg, Crawford, Lagen, McEvoy and Stafford. Absent—Ald. Dennert. The mayor declared the amendment lost. The vote recurring on Ald. Craw - ford's original motion was as follows: Yeas—Aids. Berg, Crawford, Lagen, McEvoy and Stafford. Noes—Aids. Albrecht, Cullen, Jelli- son and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. The mayor declared Ald. Crawford's motion carried. Also your committee of the whole to whom was referred the ordinance pro- viding for the election by the electors of the city of Dubuque of a city mar- shal, would recommend the adoption of said ordinance. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the committee. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be read for the first time. Car- ried. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the space left blank in the ordinance as to mar- shal's salary be filled by inserting $1,- 200.00, fixing the salary at 1,200.00 per annum. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the com- mittee that had been appointed on ap- propriations, investigate as to the amount of the revenue of the city for the year 1898, and that they be instruct- ed to prepare a resolution on that sub- ject and report to the council. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lagen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the city council Di the city of Dubuque: That an arc light be placed on 2d and Bluff streets, op- posite the Cathedral, and that the city recorder be instructed to notify the Star Electric Co. to place same as soon as possible. Ald. Thomas offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the question of whether or not the city of Dubuque shall purchase and operate the water works of this city be submitted to a vote of the electors at the next general city election, which election will be held April 4th, 1898. Ald. Thomas moved that the resolu- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved that when the council adjourns they adjourn to Thurs. day evening, February 17th, 1898. Car- ried. On motion the council adjourned. Attest: Recorder Approved " 189.... CITY COUNCIL. .1V ayor Regular session February 17. 1895. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Cul- len, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent—Aids. Crawford and Dennert. Ald. Berg moved that the council pro- ceedings of the meeting of February 3, 1898, he approved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on delinquent taxes. Petition of Mrs. Paul Ragatz asking to be exempt from paying taxes for the year 1897 on lot 9 South Park Hill add. Petition of Mathias Loes asking that his taxes on nortih 1-2 of lot 59 and south 1-2 of lot 58 East Dubuque add., he re- mitted. Petition of Elizabeth Kress asking that the taxes on half of lot 579 Ham's add. for the years 1597 be remitted. Petition of Mrs. S. E. Brown asking to be refunded $1.80 paid for taxes on personal property for the year 1897. Petition of Eva Seidel asking that taxes on lots 519, 520 and 521 Ham's addition, be remitted. Petition of Mrs. Charles Beyer ask- ing that taxes be remitted for the year 1896 on lot 6 in Hamburg add. Petition of Mrs. Anna Huber asking remission of taxes on lot 30 McDaniel's Park Hill add for the year 1897. Petition of Mrs. Henry Streller asking remission of taxes on lot No. 19 in South Park Hill add. for the year 1897. Petition of Michael Melchcor asking that taxes on lots 1 and 2 in Kingman's sub. be reduced to that of previous years. Petition of Harmony and Julien lodges, I. O. O. F., asking that taxes for 1897 on city lot No. 633, Odd Fellows' Temple, be cancelled. Petition of F. A. Hancock asking that the taxes on subdivision 823, 824 A. McDaniel's sub, lots 4 and 5, and on sub- division 823-824 A. McDaniel's west 18 feet lot 6 be reduced to the valuation of former years. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets. Regular Session, February 17, 1898. 43 Petition of John Snhromen asking city to accept macadam in part pay- ment for special assessment on lot 6 Starr add. Petition of Michael McMahon, ask- ing council to take action in relation to damage done his barn by storm of July, 1896. Petition of John Chaloupka et al asking that city order lot 350 East Du- buque add. filled to grade. Petition of J. P. Cummings et al ask- ing that Chestnut street be extended to Rose street from Walnut street and that it be ordered improved and side- walk on both sides of it. Petition of Edward Ford asking that alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and between Middle and Feng - ler avenues be ordered graded and ma- cadamized. The petition of Hugh C. Connell ask- ing city to purchase his macadam on South Locust street was referred to the street committee with power. The petition of George Burch asking that the taxes on improvements on min. lot No. 106 Geo. Dee factory for the years 1893. 1894. 1895, 1896 and 1897. amounting to $394.05 he ordered can- celled was on motion of Ald. McEvoy referred to the finance committee. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: The petition of Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lumber Co. in relation to the condition of Rhomberg avenue at the intersection of 5th avenue and ask- ing the city to do something about tak- ing care of the water now on said street. The petition of John Wybrant asking damages to the amount of $100.00 caused by the water flowing from Pickett street onto his lot No. 4 of the subdi- vision of out lot 667. The petition of John Heim and 156 others asking the city to accept the proposition of John and Agatha Heim in regard to the extension of Milwau- kee avenue, on motion of Ald. Berg was laid on the table until after the committee of the whole reported. A. communication and plat from Ci ty Engineer Blake showing the proposed change of the line ..f :\ngella street at the east end of said street \vas present- ed and read. Ald. Berg moved to refer said plat and communication to the street committee and city engineer. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City C un_ cil of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen—You have referred to nr•• the matter of the ext'nsrou of Iro y. street through the prol't•r•t` Otto. proceedings wet.- As I understand it commenced to condemn this proper under the ordinance and l the j0 which award as- sessed the damage at award the city refused to accept. no e As I understand it Mr. Otto is willing to a.-eept and the city to give $1,000.00 for this strip of ground. Of course if Mr. Otto is not agreea- ble to this proposition the city would be obliged to accept the award; that is, if the city wished to appropriate the property, unless it appealed therefrom to the district court. I understand, however, that Mr. Otto is willing to accept the $1,000.00 and the question is whether or not the city can legally pay Mr. Otto $1,000.00 under the circumstances and take a deed from him for said property. There can be no question about the legality of this proposition as the city has the right to pay said :.im and take a deed from Mr. Otto of said prop- erty. I understand the property is mortgaged. It would be better for the city to have Mr. Otto furnish an abstract of the property if he has one, or to have the title investigated before purchas- ing said strip as if there are any mort- gages or incumbrances upon the prop- erty the mortgagees or lien holders Nvould have to release them as the city would take the property subject to such incumbrances. I understand that there is a house upon the premises and there would have to be some arrangement made as to how it should be removed and by whom it should be removed. I would advise the city in entering into this contract to take the property subject to above considerations and have the contract conditioned accord- ingly. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Thomas moved that the report be accepted and that the city attorney be instructed to investigate thorough- ly the title of said property and when found satisfactorily perfect to draw up the deed and necessary papers and close the deal by March 1, 1898. Car- ried. Street Foreman Morgan's 18 y for laroll - borfirst half of February, on streets was presented and read, and found as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: The following amount, or n et from February 1st to Feue for bruary 15th, r 1898, in- clusive. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that the`iordered ree s drawn to pay and pay roll referred back to the com- mittee on streets. Street Foreman Morgan also reported $1,083.00 due laborers for quarrying rock from February 1st to February 15th, 1898, inclusive. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and warrants ordered backdrawn a the and the pay roll be referred committee on streets. Carried. Street Foreman Morgan, in charge of the sewers, also reported $213.80 due la- 44 Regular Session, February 17, 1898 borers on sewers from February 1st to February 15th, 1898, inclusive. Ald. Lagen moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the pay roll be referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. Inspector of Scales. Weights and Measures J. M. McKenzie reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Scales tested, 551. Measures tested, 364 for which I have received for test- ing same, $200.35. The test of city scales shows a variation, and I would recom- mend that as soon as the weather would permit, that said scales be overhauled and put in a correct condition for all purposes. Yours, J. M. McKENZIE, Sealers of weights and measures. Ald. McEvoy moved to refer the re- port and recommendation and the mat- ter of fixing scales to the committee on markets. Carried. Sidewalk Commissioner Zeideman re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: In compliance with your order of Jan- uary 6th, 1898, in regard to streets, which have no signs at their intersec- tions, would most respectfully report that upon investigation I find that the city has on hand, street signs as per list hereunto attached, amounting to 250, which has not been used or put up. for the reason, I presume of vacant corners and no suitable place to attach them. Posts should be erected on va- cant corners and said signs placed thereon. Upon further investigation other signs might be found to be 'needed. Respectfully submitted, LOUIS GEIDMAN, Sidewalk Commissioner. On motion the report was referred to the committee on streets. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: In the special assess- ment for the constructing of sewer in South Bluff street, against lot 1 of sub 599, city, L. Ward, owner. The same was over assessed, as said L. Ward only owned part of the original lot. I would recommend that the treasur- er be instructed to correct said assess- ment, passed November llth, 1897, as follows: Original assessment, $32.40. Correction, $6.80. Leaving amount due, $25.60. The $6.80 already charged in other as- sessments. Ald. Berg moved that the report be received and the treasurer be instruct- ed to carry out the recommendations. Carried. REPORT OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your committee on finance respect- fully report in favor of granting the petition of the Dubuque Turbine Roller Mills Co., asking for the remission of taxes for the year 1897, on improve- ments on lots 417. 41S and 419, the same being in accordance with a resolution passed December 7th, 1891. Also report in favor of granting the petition cf C. H. 13ooth in relation to taxes on his lots in Booth's addition and would recommend that a warrant be ordered drawn for the amount of $475.80 to pay said taxes. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Leicht ask- ing that special assessment on lots 10, 11 and 12, McCraney's addition, for im- provement of Garfield avenue, he can- celled. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the finance committee. Carried. The ordinances to provide for the election of city engineer and city mar- shal was presented. Aid. McEvoy moved the ordinances lay over until Ald. Crawford, chairman of the ordinance committee, who drafted the ordinances, could be pres- ent. Carried. Ald. Culler, chairman of tl,e street committee reported as follows: Your committee on streets would res- pectfully recommend that a rock retain Ing wall 1,e constructed on Grove Ter- ra -.e from South end of old wall to a mint about 5 feet north. The work t( oe done by cin ract; ani wculd re- commend the adoption of the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a stone retaining wall be constructed on Grove Terrace, beginning at the south end of old wall and extending to a point about seventy- five feet north. That the city engineer be and is here- by directed to make the necessary plans and specifications for said im- provement and the city recorder direct- ed to give the proper notices for bids and proposals for the performance of the work. Ald. Cullen moved to adopt the reso- lution. Carried. Ald. Thomas, chairman committee on delinquent tax, reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of the Frank Brede estate asking that their assessment for 1897 on personal property be reduced to a valuation of $240. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. Orrin Langworthy in relation to personal tax. In favor of allowing the taxes of Mary Seward for 1897 on West 30 feet of lot 6 of sub out lot 703 to remain a lien and that the treasurer be instructed not to sell the same. In favor of allowing the taxes of Liz- zie Walter on lot 264 East Dubuque add 1 Regular Se i ,lt, February 17, 1898 for the year 1897 to remain a lien on said property and that the treasurer be instructed not to sell the same. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Johanna E Pauw asking that the taxes on 2-5 of lot No. 482 for 1897 be reduced to that of 1896. Your com- mittee finds that the only difference in the assessments of the two years is the extra one mill levied for 1897. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Bridget Watters, asking that the taxes on lots 33 and 34 Wilson's sub min lot 79, be reduced to half of what it is assessed for at present. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. Leute asking reduction of taxes for 1897, your committee would recommend that the assessor be in- structed to make the assessment for next year on a valuation of $1,200. In favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of the Dubuque Improvement Co. asking that the taxes on the Ryan Pack ing Co's. lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, block 27 of the Dubuque Harbor company's add for the year 1895, be placed at $118.15. In favor of allowing the taxes of Sel- ma Rupprecht on lot 446, Ham's add, to remain a lien on said property for the year 1897, and that the treasurer be instructed not to sell the same. In favor of cancelling the taxes of Elizabeth Stempfer for the year 1897 on lot 356 in East Dubuque add amount- ing mounting to $6.00. In favor of granting the petition of Catherine Sullivan asking that the taxes be cancelled for 1897 on lot 19, Home add, now taxed to Libbey John- son. In favor of granting the petition of Rosa Cadman asking that her assess- ment for 1897 on E 1-2 of lot 33. Cox's add be placed at a valuation of $500. In favor of receiving and fiLng the petition of J. B. Murray, asking reduc- tion of taxes for 1896 on lot 69 East Du- buque add. On motion of Ala. Thomas the re- port of the delinquent tax committee was adopted. Also reported in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Andrew Nel- son, asking to be refunded $1.20 as taxes paid on ,piano. Ald. McEvoy sug- gested that this petition be referred back to the committee. On motion the petition was referred to Ald. McEvoy for further investigation. Ald. Jellison, chairman of the com- mittee on harbors, reported as follows: Your committee on harbors respect- fully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Ernest Bohn ask- ing to be granted the use of u:he Ie foe harbor for skating rink purposes five years at a rental of $200.00 a year. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Keckevo` t asking to be granted the use of the lc. harbor for skati kpurposes $300.00 Po,r' five years at a rental o year. 1'', 1591'x. Ald. Jell:son moved port of the committee rigid. Ald. Berg, chairman of the special conim ttee,,o ascertain the revenue of the city for year 1898, and to apportion e severalllepartrnents the amounts to appropriated for the year commenc- ing March 1, 1898 and ending February 28, 1899, reported as follows: To the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Duhuque: Gentlemen:— Your special committee appointed to ascertain the revenue of the city for the year 1898, and to apportion to the sev- eral departments the amounts to be ap- propriated for the year commencing March 1. 1898, and ending Feb. 28, 1899, beg leave to report that we have care- fully considered the subject and find the estimated revenue for said year to be $270,000.00. After carefully comparing the esti- mates filed by the heads of the several departments, we recommend the follow- ing appropriations for the year 1898: Water $19,000 00 Fire 31,000 00 Street lighting .... 24,000 00 Bond fund 60,000 00 General expense, salaries, etc40,000 00 Police .............. .. .. .. 28,000 00 Engineer's department 5,000 00 Board of health 3,000 00 Printing 3,000 00 Sewers. maintenance, etc .... 5,000 00 Road department . .... 42,000 00 For redemp+ion of floating in- debtedness 10,000 00 and all income above the estimated revenue. At the conclusion of reading the re- port Ald. Berg offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the report of the spe- cial committee appointed to ascertain the probable revenue of the city and ap- portion the amounts to be appropriated to the several funds as provided by the new code of Iowa, be adopted, and that the amounts therein specified for the funds named be. and they are hereby made, the appropriations for the fiscal year commencing March 1, 1898, and ending February 28. 1899. Ald. Berg moved the adoption of said resolution. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—None. Absent—Alds. Crawford and Dennert. Ald. Berg. chairman of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole, would report in favor of the adoption of the resolution of Ald. Thomas, asking that the question of whether or not the city purchase the water works he submitted to a vote of the electors of the city of Duhuque at the next election. Also report on the communication of the fire chief and the Dubuque Water to adopt the re - on harbors. Car- 46 Regular Session, February 17, 1898. company. Would respectfully report in favor of granting the Water company time, until the first of May, 1898, to put in larger connections from the mains to the hydrants in question. After some discussion on the report. Ald Be stated that he had a resolution he sired to offer. The resolution was as follows: Resolved, That the city attorney, the Hon. T. H. Duffy, be requested, and he is hereby requested, to inform this coun- cil as to the legal rights of the city of Dubuque, in its contract with the Dubu- que Water company, regarding the sup- ply of water, and the rights of the city, when a sufficient supply or pressure of water is not furnished by said company, and to inform the council what legisla- tion, if any, is necessary to enable the council to protect the property of the city and the property owners; also to inform the council if there is any leg- islation necessary if the vote to pur- chase the plant is carried at the elec- tion to be held April 4, 1898. After some discussion, his honor, the mayor participating, Ald Berg moved the ad- option of the resolution. Carried una- nimously. Ald. Berg then moved to adopt the re- port of the committee of the whole on the Thomas resolution and communica- tions of fire chief and the Dubuque Wa- ter company. Carried. .Ald. Berg also reported as follows: Your committee of the whole to whom was referred the petition of M. M. Hoffman et al, protesting against the extension of Milwaukee avenue and also the two estimates of the city engin- eer of the cost of taking care of Couler creek from the Millville road to Lake Peosta, would recommend that they, to- gether with all papers in connection with the proposed extenAion of Milwau- kee avenue, be referred to a committee of fifteen persons, the council to appoint five aldermen, one from each ward. and those in favor of the proposed improve- ment and those opposed to it, each to name five persons to act on said com- mittee. This committee to engage an outside engineer, if necessary, at the city's cost. Said committee to report to the council the most feadible plan of taking care of the water from the Mill-. ville road. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the committee. Carried. Ald. McEvoy moved that the city en- gineer be and he is hereby kinstructed to make an estimate of the present value of the Dubuque Water company's plant and report to the council. Car- ried. Ald. Jellison moved, that when the council adjourns, they adjourn two weeks, until Thursday evening March 3, 1898. Carried. On motion the council adjourned. Attest: Approved corder 189 1-i \Varrant: 1; UST OF CITY WARRANT S ,Jas C utwp,epolice Jno Cody, police M Craugh, police CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE. P Dunphey, police Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 1, 1858. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1898: T T. Duffy, salary mayor$125 01 H B Gniffke, salary treasurer133 39 H 13 Gniffke, salary clerk hire75 09 L M Langstaff, recorder 116 69 M M McCarten, auditor 116 69 E 0 Duncan, assessor 125 00 T H Duffy, attorney 150 09 James McCann, marshal 100 09 Jos Reinfried, fire chief 100 09 Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 09 Jas Morgan, chief street foreman 85 00 Wm Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 83 39 Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder's of- fice. 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's of- fice 50 09 Edw C Blake, city engineer 200 09 Jas Boyce, assistant engineer100 00 E S Hyde, assistant engineer100 00 Wm Hippman, electrician 75 00 Otto Rath, market master 50 09 P Kien, park custodian .. 46 50 Thos Cahill, park custodian E A Guilbert, health officer N Offerman, poundmaster Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman. L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector M Eitel, fireman Jno Essman, fireman A Duccini, fireman Jno Flynn, fireman .. J Wiltse, fireman C Oatey, fireman Geo Beyer, fireman A Heer, fireman Jas Daley, fireman J Barnes, fireman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman ...... M Fahey, fireman ...... T Meahan, fireman .. J Rooney, fireman .. D Ahearn, fireman ..... T Walker, fireman .... O Helmrich, fireman .... Jas McFarland, fireman Jno Bauman, . fireman J Murphy, fireman .... A McDonald, fireman T Kennedy, fireman .. Geo Osborn, fi fireman J Fitzpatrick, F Murphy, fireman .... Geo Gehrke, fireman F Ganahl, fireman raman . F Kenneally, T Flynn, firema. Jos Tschudi, fireman Chas Kannolt. fireman Wm McBride, fireman . Jas Allen, fireman • • • • • • . 50 Robt Weston, fireman • • • • • " . , 51 Geo Burkel, police 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 77 50 50 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 51 65 50 00 60 00 ▪ 50 00 50 00 50 00 • 50 00 50 00 50 00 35 35 35 40 00 3 40 1 35 10 80 70 50 00 1 70 16 90 8 80 36 35 2 70 10 FO 35 35 35 1 35 1 35 1 35 3 40 2 05 9 45 70 2 70 1 35 40 00 19 50 6 10 6 75 25 00 17 55 70 45 16 50 40 50 Jno Fitzpatrick, police Jas Flynn, police P Hanlon, police Wm Hennessey, police E Kahn, police M Kilty, police Jno Loetscher, police Jas Lonergan, police P McCollins, police P McInerney, police Edw Moore, police. P Mulligan, police Jno Murphy, police J J Murphy, police Jno Noel, police D Norton, police M O'Connor, police Aug Pfeffer, police P Powers, police Jno. Raesle, police F Rhomberg, police Jas Rooney, police T Reilly, police P Scharff, police Al T Scherr, police Jos Secrest, police P Sutton, police T Sweeney, police 46 50 P Sullivan, police 50 00 Jno Tierney, police 50 00 H K Young, police 60 00 Mrs Katie Hibbe, matron,.,..... 50 00 Bridget Brennan, matron 60 Of P Brandenberger, labor 75 00 C Buse, labor 60 00 C Burkhardt. labor 60 00 T Bauer, driver 60 00 D Corcoran, labor ..... 50 00 L Corcoran, labor .......... 50 00 Jno Callahan, labor 50 00 Jno Corbett, labor 60 00 A Crawford, carpenter 75 00 L Fritz, labor ........ . 60 00 P Furey, labor 60 00 Wm Fuller, labor 60 00 Jos Fiddler, labor 50 00 P Fogarty, labor 50 00 Jno Farley, labor 60 00 P Grew, labor 60 00 Jos Grab, labor 60 00 Joe Ginter, labor ....... 50 00 P Ginter, labor 50 00 Christ Heck, labor 50 00 F Haardt, labor Jac Hansen, labor -P Hanifan, labor A Johnson, labor G Kuntz, labor H Krenis, labor Jno Kinsella, labor Phil Kenney, labor Ldw Lagen, driver Jno Mahoney, labor 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 ....40 00 ..... 60 00 50 00 labor 60 00 T Mulqueeney, 50 00 M Meagher, labor 60 00 1' Murphy, labor 50 00 R McCarron, labor. ........ . 60 50 D McGinniss, labor 00 L McEvoy, labor 6 M McCarten, labor 00 It McGivern, labor N Brand, Police •............. 48 List of Warrants. P Nichol, labor 2 70 P O'Brien, labor 70 IRT J Offerman, labor ... 4 05 A Offerman, labor ....... 70 Jas O'Connor, labor 2 70 J Pilmaier, labor ........._ 1 50 H Pierce, labor 1 35 Jno Pfeiffer, labor 70 Pat Quinn, labor 14 85 Sam Radford, labor 70 Reisch, labor 70 Jno Sanders, labor 8 10 ✓ Sweeney, labor 10 80 P Schroeder, labor 9 45 Jas S Smith, labor 10 80 M Specht, labor 6 75 Jane Stevens, labor 70 Jos Seik, labor 25 OU L Taylor, labor 9 00 T Taylor, labor 1 35 W Wearmouth, labor .. 6 75 W McConnell, teams 21 60 Jno Savage, teams 24 30 Jas Bakey, labor quarrying rock 4 05 Jas Burke, quarrying rock 12 15 Jos Broulette, quarrying rock 6 10 A Berg, quarrying rock 4 05 Jas Bender, quarrying rock 8 10 A Beyer, quarrying rock 4 05 Jno Bottoms, quarrying rock 15 00 Jno Berry, quarrying rock 8 10 Ed Berry, quarrying rock 4 05 Bieger, quarrying rock 8 80 P Connelly, quarrying rock 6 75 F Connelly, quarrying rock 6 75 Jno Connelly, quarrying rock 6 75 M Carmody, quarrying rock 9 45 R Caffrey, quarrying rock 5 40 T Crahin, quarrying rock 4 75 M Carney, quarrying rock .. 8 10 F Correll, quarrying rock 2 70 P Craymer, quarrying rock 4 05 W Conzett, quarrying rock 17 55 M Corbett, quarrying rock 4 05 Jno Cotasky, quarrying rock 5 40 F Donahue, quarrying rock 5 40 Aug Duccini, quarrying rock 8 10 F Elliott, quarrying rock 9 45 Dan Fox, quarrying rock 1 35 J Fitzpatrick, quarrying rock 12 15 Ben Fern, quarrying rock 13 50 D Flynn, quarrying rock 5 40 P Farrell, quarrying rock 5 40 P Fenelon, quarrying rock 2 70 P Fogarty, quarrying rock 1 70 Jno Gregory, quarrying rock 20 25 Joe Garvin, quarrying rock 5 40 Con Geimer, quarrying rock 12 15 Simon Garvey, quarrying rock5 40 Ed Hennessey, quarrying rock8 10 M Higgins, quarrying rock 6 75 Jas Hird, quarrying rock 19 50 F Hardt, quarrying rock 8 10 Geo Jellison, quarrying rock4 05 Jas Jellison, quarrying rock 12 85 P Kearney, quarrying rock 6 75 Joe Kearney, quarrying rock 6 75 Jno Kelly, quarrying rock 10 80 A Kirk, quarrying rock .. 4 05 Chas Kaiser, quarrying rock ... 8 80 Joe Laughlin, quarrying rock .. 5 40 M Lonergan, quarrying rock .... 5 40 Geo Luck, quarrying rock .. 5 40 Jno Lavin, quarrying rock .... 4 05 H Lembke, quarrying rock .... 8 10 A Leitner, quarrying rock 5 H Lane, quarrying rock 6 Wm Lonegan. quarrying rock 4 P Moran, quarrying rock .. 4 Jno Mullen, quarrying rock 19 F Marty, quarrying rock 4 Joe Martinek, quarrying rock 6 B Mettel, quarrying rock 5 P McMullen, quarrying rock 2 Jno McCarron, quarrying rock 3 F McCann, quarrying rock .. 6 Jno McCune, quarrying rock 19 Jas McPoland, quarrying rock 17 M McCune, quarrying rock 12 F McDonough, quarrying rock 12 M McGovern, quarrying rock 9 Jas McKernan, quarrying rock 14 Jno McLaughlin, quarrying rock8 Jno McGrath, quarrying rock 4 P Norton, quarrying rock 8 T Needham, quarrying rock 4 M O'Meara, quarrying rock 6 T O'Toole, quarrying rock .. 6 Jno O'Halleron, quarrying rock. 17 Jno O'Brien, quarrying rock ..... 5 Edw Pegel, quarrying rock .. 4 Jac Peryon, quarrying rock .... 5 O Peters, quarrying rock 1 Jas Quinn, quarrying rock 19 Wm Quinlan, quarrying rock8 Jac Reuter, quarrying rock 6 N Reuter, quarrying rock 6 S Radford, quarrying rock 6 J Rooney, quarrying rock .. 4 N Reisch, quarrying rock 8 Wm Sheridan, quarrying rock 8 C Sullivan, quarrying rock 8 F Smith, quarrying rock 4 F Stone, quarrying rock 2 P Sage, quarrying rock 3 Jac Scheuer, quarrying rock 8 Aug Soyke, quarrying rock 8 Jno Steffen, quarrying rock 2 N Steiver, quarrying rock Aug Sheldon, quarrying rock 8 J Welsh, quarrying rock 8 Jno Weitz, quarrying rock Mrs F Brown, team hauling rock Wm Casey, team hauling rock Mrs B Costello, team hauling rock Jno Decker, team hauling rock.. Wm Ellis, team hauling rock .... P C Foley, team hauling rock.... N Gregory, team hauling rock .. R Hagerty, team hauling rock.. P Jarding, team hauling rock.... Joe Krutz, team hauling rock.... T Kenneally, team hauling rock. Jeff McGrath, team hauling rock D O'Meara, team hauling rock... Mrs Quinlan, team hauling rock. D Sutherland, team hauling rock Edw Seeley, team hauling rock.. Jas Tobin, team hauling rock .. K White, team hauling rock Edw Brunskill, labor on storm sewers Jas Bennett, labor on storm sew- ers. . Chas Botsford, labor on storm sewers Wm Dean, labor on storm sew- ers. . 40 75 05 05 50 05 40 40 70 75 75 50 55 15 15 15 85 80 05 10 75 75 75 55 40 05 40 35 50 10 75 75 75 05 10 10 10 05 70 05 10 10 70 80 80 10 70 5 40 4 05 10 15 14 85 18 90 13 50 8 10 17 55 8 10 16 20 13 50 5 40 5 40 13 50 18 90 13 50 16 20 18 25 19 50 19 50 19 50 19 50 hist (if Warrants. 49 Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm ers. ('has Hillery, labor on sanitary sewers .... Joe Lowery, labor on storm sewers Jas Ryan, labor on storm sew- ers Aug Ruegnitz. labor on storm sewers Steve RMt:sch, labor on storm sewers ... Jno McCullins, team on storm sewers K White. labor on storm sewers. P Brandenberger, macadam F Atkinson, macadam Sam Allen, macadam Wm Burns, macadam Becker & Stoffer, macadam Jno Burke!. macadam C Burkhardt &. Co, macadam Geo Benjam:n. macadam Jss Brasher, macadam C Breamer, macadam J Baumgartner. macadam Wni Ferinett, macadam ... A 13o nc, macadam T Butch -1, macadam T Berry. macadam Wm Boyce, macadam P & M Carney, macadam Jno Callahan, macadam J and M Corbett, macadam T Callahan, macadam F Cherney, macadam D Corcoran, macadam J W Carberry, macadam Jos Carpenter, macadam Steve Cain, macadam Tony Cahak, macadam Jno Creamer, macadam Jno Cahill, macadam M Crahan, macadam ... W J Callahan, macadam Carroll & Wall, macadam D & T Donovan, macadam ... Jno Dougherty, macadam P Dempsey, macadam T Donahue, macadam Duttle & Pollock, macadam Joe Dvorak, macadam Jno F Donahue, macadam H Eagan, macadam W Emmert, macadam 4 00 W Flanagan, macadam • • • • • • . • • . 15 00 Jno Fix, macadam 10 80 Al Froebel, macadam 0 80 Chr Frohs, macadam . • • • • • • • • • H Freres, macadam 1 20Smith &Carberry . ............... M Farrell, macadam ................ 50 Smith & McGrath, macadam P Gordon, macadam 15 00 Graham & Glasser, macadam 1Jno Slater, macadam 30 00 macadam 2 00 N Steffen, Dell Gague, macadam ....... 2 40 Gus Schultz, macadam .......... Chas Gau, macadam .. • • • • • • • • • • • 1 30 Aug Schiltzke, macadam B Glass, macadam ................ 4 So Fred Selle, macadam Wm Gau, macadam .. • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 J0 Jno Spies, macadam . . Geo Gau, macadam . • • • • • • • • • • • , • • 1 20 R Schubert, macadam ... , . , , . , .. F Gague, macadam • • • • • • • • • • .... 10 40 P Sadler, macadam .. Jno Hafey, macadam . • • • • • • • • • • • „ 40 O Schlaegel, macadam P Hanifan, macadam . • • • • • • • • • • . • 20 L Frost, macadam M Hilbe, macadam • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . 1y, H Tippe, macadam Hird & Hoskins, macadam • • • • f.,0 Jno Twieg, macadam P Jacobs, macadam . • • • • • • • • • • • •' Jas Jarvin, macadam • • • • • 6 8,1 Jno Teal, macadam Kerwin & Kalb, macadam 30 00 19 50 I H Kremps, macadam 3 20 M Kiefer, macadam 12 00 22 71 H Kehr, macadam 15 00 A C Knapp, macadam 3 75 22 75 A Kaesbauer, macadam 8 40 N Kommers, macaaam 3 20 22 75 F Kisting, macadam 6 00 Jac Kraus, macadam 4 00 22 75 Chas Knabel, macadam 4 00 F Kruse, macadam 4 80 22 75 L Kreps, macadam 1 20 Jno Karsch, macadam 2 40 4 05 Jno Kelly, macadam .. .... 4 00 6 P Lovett, macadam 10 00 9 60 M Lavin, macadam ......... 10 00 4 00 P Lynch, macadam 4 80 15 00 F Lange, macadam 3 20 1 60 F Lassance, macadam 3 20 8 00 P Murray, macadam 9 20 1 20 Jas Mackey, macadam 13 20 30 00 R Miller, macadam 4 00 6 40 Jas Malloy, macadam 5 60 2 80 Edw Malloy, macadam 4 00 4 00 Jno Malone, macadam 9 70 2 Q0 T Malloy, macadam 5 60 2 00 Jno Malloy, macadam 3 20 2 80 H Mueggenberg, macadam 2 40 3 60 A Mertz, macadam 2 80 2 40 Chas Mueggenberg, macadam ... 3 60 2 40 Jos Martineck, macadam .......,. 4 00 30 00 Chas Mecklenberg, macadam .... 3 20 2 40 P Mohan, macadam .............. 15 00 14 40 Jas Rooney, macadam 15 00 8 40 Wm McClain, macadam 11 00 3 20 M McCune, macadam 8 40 4 00 P McPoland, macadam 9 00 2 80 Jas McAleese, macadam 10 41, 80 Wm McLaughlin, macadam 3 20 3 20 McBride & Parker, macadam .. , 202 00 2 00 Jno McNulty, macadam 2 20 50 2 80 D S McGinley, macadam • - • • • 11 80 5 60 T McDonald, macadam • • • 10 00 13 00 P Newman, macadam . • • • •• 4 00 1 20 F Nank, macadam 2 00 2 00 Jno Nutz, madacam 90 30 00 N & T Offerman, macadam • • 2 00 6 40 Wm Papenthin, macadam 200 3 20 Jno Pfeiffer, macadam 5 5 20 5 20 C H Pierce, macadam 5 00 6 20 F Piltz, macadam ... , • • "' . 9 75 1 60 Aug Priebe, macadam 7 00 Mrs M Quinlan, macadam 9 60 13 50 Reilly & Smith, macadam 1216 80 80 15 00 P Ryan, macadam2 00 Jno Ryan, macadam 4 80 F Radloff, macadam 4 40 Wm Rehfeld, macadam 12 00 Jas S Smith, macadam 2 80 J B Stephens, macadam 9 20 94 5`► 10 00 4 40 2 00 3 60 2 80 5 20 2 40 2 00 1 60 9 50 4 80 2 80 2 80 50 List of Warrants. C Vincent, macadam Wilmer and Cobb, macadam L Wachenheim, macadam F Weber, macadam Dell Warren, macadam Jno Welsh, macadam F Zeman, macadam Jas Robinson, hauling macadam Jas Costello, hauling macadam . Tobin and Brunsk:11, hauling macadam, D Sheehan, hauling macadam F Margadant, opening lane bet- ween Stafford and Middle avenues. .. .. G Gmehle, assistant assessor Wm Hall, labor on garbage dump .. P Cassidy, rodman .... .... ...... M O'Loughlin, chainman ........ Iowa Telephone Co, telephone ser vices A E Bradley, painting at city hall Chas Oswald, storing, taking down and setting up and re- pairing stoves at city hall G F Kie:h, snow shovels and etc Duggan and Kane, brooms for parks ...... .... M Byrne, trimming trees at Washington park Ham and Carver, blank station- ery .... .... .... ...... ........ 12 00 Union Printing Co, blank station ery Hardie and Scharle, blank sta- tionery and printing bonds.... D S Wilson, transcript of testi- mony in case of Eliz Frohs vs city T Kenneadly, hauling at Wash- ington park Palmer, Winall and Co, printing 30 abstracts in case of McMa- hon vs city M Collinson, witness fees in ease of Wilberding vs city M Florey, witness fees in case of Wilberding vs the city ... 1 35 T H Duffy, money advanced in case of Wilberding vs city T J Conlin, livery hire Harger and Blish, stationery Walton and Bieg, stationery Phil P:er, coal and wood for city hall .. ........ 144 50 M J G LaNicca, drugs and etc4 96 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for December, 1897 6 00 H Weddenbacher, sawing wood2 25 C Rinser, sawing wood 2 25 Jas O'Connors, labor around city hall...... .. .... ........ J W Wittmer, drugs and etc Jno Phillips, painting at city hall Van Valkenberg and Co., new stove and repairing stoves20 70 Jno Phillips, painting and re- pairs at calla.boose caused by fire . 12 00 A J Krise, calsomining and plas- tering city hall caused by fire. 4 00 4 00 30 00 4 00 2 40 1 20 4 40 2 00 26 25 19 50 36 56 64 00 300 00 69 10 2 70 50 00 40 00 63 01 2 00 68 30 1 53 1 05 7 50 46 65 58 00 63 00 2 70 134 00 1 35 5 65 4 50 19 70 46 40 9 10 75 5 30 Pape and Jacquard, repairing gas fixtures in city hall 88 Byrne Bros, sprinkling city prop erty for 1897 250.00 A Mink, 1 cord of sawed wood 4 50 Knapp, Stout and Co Co, lumber41 10 Ott, Meuser and Co, lumber 16 40 R F Curran and son, wire fence for Rising avenue 25 75 Jno Ernsdorff and Sons, hard- ware for garbage dtymp 6 70 Standard Lumber Co, lumber $56.55; shavings, $3.60 .. .. .. 60 05 F M Jaeger and Co, new tools and hardware 54 10 G F Kleih, new tools and hard- ware Key City Iron Works, repairing street sweeper .... .... 2 05 Wm Reed, repairing tools 4 50 Chas Maatz, repairing tools 2 75 Jno Butt, repairing tools 9 65 B D Lenehan, repairing tools33 20 F Schloz, repairing tools 16 55 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoe:ng4 00 Collings and Co, horse shoeing 1 -60 Mullen Bros, lead for retaining wall on St. Mary's street 1 65 Mullen Bros, plumbing at 9th and 18th street engine houses26 70 G N Raymond. Dusters and burners ...... ........ 4 fl 21 66 L Lindenberg, hardware and etc. Jno Bu:t, repairing hook and lad der truck Thos Hill. repairs at Delhi street engine house A Ruh, bran and oats Voggenthaler and Ragatz. re- pairing engines. $3.90; steam roller, $7.30 2 80 1 95 2 50 3 35 11 20 Key City Gas Co, coke and coal. 24 55 W H Torbert, o:ls. drugs and etc 32 70 Jno Kriebs, repairing harness11 60 Dubuque Water Co, 336 hydrants for December, 1897 1400 00 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil 13 80 Ott, Meuser and Co, lumber 4 35 Collings and Co, horse shoeing 8 00 Lear and Pflffner, horse shoeing 19 50 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 22 60 F Sullivan, horse shoeing 10 00 Kannolt and Powers, horse shoe- ing 26 00 Butt Bros, repairs at 4th street engine house 1 70 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, 1-2 pound empire packing .... 23 Otto Rath, hoard of prisoners. $43.60; and 1,000 meat tags $1.00 44 60 F Sullivan, horse shoeing Jac Sherman, matresses and springs ...... .. 6 00 J J Rowan, dry goods for mat- ron ...... .... .. 2 50 Chr Schmitt, supplies for mat- ron ........ .... Duggan and Kane, supplies for matron 5 20 D Carmody, pasturing horses .... 3 00 Hagerty Bros, shavings .. .. ... 3 00 T J Conlin, shavings ... 2 00 C Bochet, half pay on police over coats .... . 6 10 30 00 Li -i or Warrants. . Manders and Schneider, oil, matches, etc Dunn and Lahey, 1 cord of wood for patrol house 2 85 5 00 Phil Pier, wood for patrol house . 63 80 Key City Gas Co., gas 107 76 Star Electric Co., 319 arch ligh.s for Dec., 1897 ........ .. •• 1729 05 Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 lamps for December, 1897 166 65 T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 164 75 Geo W Wunderlich, drugs and etc........ .... .. ........ 8 60 Chas Oswald, tin cups and chains 1 70 Elchhorn and Bechtel, oil and etc.... .... .. .. J P Schroeder and Co, cement17 55 The Globe, official printing for December, 1897 .... .... .... 67 50 The nines, official printing for December, 1897.. .. 29 15 The Herald, official printing for December, 1897 .. .... 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph. official printing for December, 1897. 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun ell proceedings, $9.00; health report, $3.50 .. 12 Sam Elmer, building float at Ea- gle Point •• ••••• 2 Joe Jellison, building float at Ea- gle Point .. ........ Jessie Jellison, building float at 6 Eagle Point .. • • Jno McCollins, fill:ng High 6 Bridge avenue ...... ........ .. J G Moore, filling on High Bridge 1 avenue ...... .. Jno Huffmeier, filling on Wash- ington street between C. and G W and ICRR Co right of way .... ... • .... ..... T Clancy, filling on Washington street between C and G W and ICRR Coright ofway D Sutherland, filing on Wash- dngton street between C and G W and ICRR Co right of way T Clancy, filling on Washington street between C and G W and ICRR Co right of way R Burns, filling on Washington street between C and G W and I C Co night of way Jeff McGrath, filling on Wash- ington street between C and 0 W and ICRR Cor:glntofwy D Sutherland, filling Wash- ington street between l' and G W and ICRR Co right of way. T2 O'Neill, filling on Washington street between C and Gf `Wand ICRR e Co right Washington F t Meg, between G W and street between C and ICRR Co right of way...••• P Linehan, filling on Washington street between C and G W and ICRR Co right of way...... Jno Linehan, filling on Wash- ington street between C and way W and ICRR Co r!ght ofa- Geo Cornisch, filling 20 6 60 25 25 00 50 30 6 25 2 10 3 00 360 28 40 1360 1620 6 09 4 25 11 50 1 00 51 ington street between C and G W and 1 C R R Co right of way 630 K White, filling on Washington street between C and G W and ICRR Co right of way Geo Reynolds, fllbing on Wash- ington street between C and G W and ICRR Co right of way 28 80 Jno Ernsdorff and Sone, filling on West Main street ........ .. 71 26 Ed Seeley, filling on Dodge street 7 75 Byrne and Saul, rock furnished toc.:ty ........ ...... 4700 Jas Noonan, rock furnished to city Isaac Proctor, retaining wall on De Seta terrace 308 00 Ross McMahon. retaining wall on Bluff street extension .. .. .. 169 15 Con Ryan, crossings on various streets C F Webster, constructing side walk on Hart street 19 24 P Horch, improving Wood street 39 63 P Horch, rolling Wood street 39 15 P Horch, macadam Wood street 78 30 P Horch. grading Fenelon Place 35 00 Steuck, O'Farrell and Linehan, improving Elm street .. 50 35 Steuck. O'Farrell and Linehan, 73 95 rolling Elm street Steuck. O'Farrell and Linehan, macadam for Elm street 147 90 Steuck, O'Farrell and Lenihan, Improving Wa?hington streets. 50 71 Steuck, O'Farrell and Lenihan, rolling Washington street .. 73 95 Steuck. O'Farrell and Lenihan, macadam Washington street0 147 90 0 Wm Ahearn. water boy 57 00 H B Gniffke, pef exc permits H B Gniffke, interest on war- 2072 97 rants...... .. .............. H B Gniffke, postage stamps 13 75 H B Gniffke. refunded express 5 00 license H B Gniffke, court costs, $5.45; and witness fees in Sewer In- spector Broadhurst's case, $5.00. 10 45 H B Gniffke, book for mayor, $3.22; and N Y exchange, $1.53. 4 75 H B Gniffke, commission on im- provement bonds ... • • • • • • • Dubuque Firemen!' Benevolent 460 00 Ass' n, loan ...... .... •• German Trust and Savings 6000 00 bank ...... .. ...... . Chas Buse, labor first half of 4 75 January, 1898.. .. . • .. • 2 70 P Brandenberger, labor • • • • • • 4 75 A Berg, labor.. ...... ........... 1 35 F Beyer, labor , • • • • • 475 D Corcoran, labor 4 75 P Fogarty, labor 4 06 .1 Fiddler, labor 14 88 p Furey. labor ••.• .....• 75 Jno Farley, labor 4 76 P Farrell. labor 5 40 Wri Fuller. labor.. 4 05 P Ginter, labor 4 08 .The Ginter. labor 4 05 labor ...•. •• ....... P crew, 4 05 A Jaeger, labor ........ .. 1 35 Jno Kinsella, labor 246 40 00 7 70 52 List of Warrants. J Mahony, labor T Mullqueeney, labor .... T Malloy, labor M McCarten, labor ...... .. .... R McCarron, labor P Nichols, labor P O'Brien, labor N Offerman, labor C H Pierce, labor P Quinn, labor Wm Quinlan, labor N Reisch, labor ...... ...... M Specht, labor E Saunders, labor Geo Sutter, labor ........ L Taylor, labor.. .. .. T Taylor, labor P Weitz, labor J Welsh, labor P We_er:ch, labor .... W Wearmouth, labor J McGrath, teams M Theis, teams ........ .. .... .. P Ahearn, labor quarrying rock. W Ahearn. labor W Alderson, labor ...... .... J uo Arthoffer, labor M Burns. labor .... .. .......... Jno Brady. labor Joe Broulette. labor A Beyer. labor Jas Bender, labor F Bttzberger, labor Jos Blocher Jno Bottoms, labor Edw Berry labor T Crahan, labor ...... M Carmody, labor P Craymer, labor .... H Carney, labor .. .. F Correll. labor Joe Cullen, labor T Conday, labor ......... Jno Catasky, labor M Corbett, labor Jno Cahell, labor .......... H Cobb, labor ...... . Sam Casey, labor T Conavan, labor Geo Collinson, labor F Donahue, labor Jno Driscoll, labor F Elliott, labor P Farrell, labor .. D Flynn, labor J Fitzpatrick, labor Ben Fern, labor P Fenelon, labor Jno Gregory, labor Pat Grew, labor Joe Garvin, labor C Geimer, labor T Ganahl, labor F Graff, labor S Garvey, labor M Gager, labor 1) Gantenbein, labor Jno Hackett, labor M Higgins, labor .Al Holmes, labor Ed Hennessey, labor Jas Hird, labor Joe Heuther, labor Jno Hayes, labor F Hardt, labor • • 9 00 6 10 1 35 4 50 8 10 4 05 2 70 4 05 70 4 05 2 06 4 05 10 50 2 70 1 35 6 00 4 05 8 10 4 75 4 05 4 05 5 40 2 70 8 10 6 75 14 85 3 10 8 10 6 7.; 1 35 4 05 8 10 2 70 14 85 16 50 2 70 5 40 405 4 05 15 56 9 80 2 70 2 70 2 70 8 10 8 10 6 75 6 10 7 10 4 05 2 70 8 10 4 05 2 70 2 70 8 10 9 15 8 10 18 00 7 10 2 70 9 45 2 70 2 70 2 70 6 75 2 40 8 10 2 70 8 45 8 10 16 90 8 10 12 75 7 80 Fred Johnson, labor 3 45 Geo Jellison, labor 6 75 H Juergens, labor 7 10 Jas Jellison. labor 1 35 Jas Kenneally, labor 8 10 A Kirk, labor 7 80 Jno Kinsella, labor 8 10 F Kringle, labor ... , 8 45 M Lonergan, labor 8 45 Geo Luke, labor 8 10 Jno Lavin, labor 4 05 Jno Lahner, labor 10 80 Wm Lonergan, labor 8 10 W Lynch, labor 2 70 H Lane, labor 8 10 A Leitner, labor 14 S5 Jno Leitner, labor 9 45 C Lierheimer, labor 8 10 Jos Leitner, labor 6 75 M Meagher, labor 7 10 Jno Mullen, labor 16 90 1-1 Mathis, labor 2 70 F Marty, labor 10 80 L Motsch, labor 7 80 B Mettel, labor 13 50 W Mulholland, labor 8 45 C Mulholland, labor 6 45 D McGuiniss, Jr, labor 7 10 P McNulty, labor 7 1n P McMullen, labor 1 35 Ed McCann, labor 5 75 D McGuiniss, Sr, labor 2 70 Jas McKernan, labor 13 85 Jno McGrath, labor 7 45 Jno McCune, labor 16 50 M McCune, labor 14 85 Jas McPoland, labor 14 85 F McDonough, labor 2 70 Wm McCraney, labor 8 80 John McFarland, labor 6 10 B McCormack, labor 3 40 P Nichol, labor 5 40 T Needham, labor 8 10 Jno Osel, labor 8 10 Jno O'Brien, labor 6 10 Jno O'Halleron, labor 14 85 T Pflffner, labor 6 46 Jno Pflffner, labor 12 15 O Peters, labor 8 10 Chas Priebe, labor 3 40 Edw Pegel, labor 9 15 Robt. Pegel, labor 915 Jas Quinn, labor 16 90 F Roe, labor 8 80 M Reiseck, labor 810 Joe Richter, labor 8 10 Chas Roberts, labor 6 10 P Reilly, labor 915 M Sullivan, labor 810 W Schollard, labor 7 10 no Stevens, labor 7 10 F' Slone, labor 5 40 B Smith, labor 2 70 W Sheridan, labor 8 45 J Sieg, labor 15 20 P Smith, labor 4 40 J no Steffes, labor .. 2 70 Jno Spies, labor .. 8 10 D Sullivan, labor 8 10 J Scheidecker, labor 2 70 Jas Vaughin, labor 5 75 F Williams, labor 2 70 Joe Wilman, labor 12 55 P Wenrich, labor 1 35 M Blake, team 16 20 List, of Warrants. It Burns, team Mrs F Brown, team Wm Casey, team Mrs B Costello, team Win Ellis, team Jno Garey, team M Gantenbein, team N Gregory, team P .larding, team Jno Long, team Jas McCracken, team .T McGrath, team .Tno McCollins, team H Smith, team Jas Tobin, team 1< White, team Chas Botsford, labor on storm sewers Janes Bennett, labor on storm sewers Edward Brunskill, labor on storm sewers Wm Dean, labor on storm sew- ers Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm sew- ers.. Chas Hillery, Sr, labor sanitary sewers .Tas Jellison, labor sanitary sew- ers J02 Lowery labor sanitary sew- ers Jas Ryan, labor sanitary sew- ers Steve Rousch, labor sanitary sewers .. 21 00 Aug. Ruenitz, labor sanitary 2100 ewers I<eyron White, team on sanitary 4 05 sewers .. McDermott & Gow, new gas fix- tures and Wellsbach burners 10 90 for engineer's office Even & Fuchs, coal for fire de- partment, $192.00; and First 196 96 ward scales, $3.95 I hereby certify that the foregoing 1s a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 14 85 14 20 10 80 2 06 16 90 14 86 2 70 8 10 5 40 9 45 13 50 10 80 16 90 13 50 18 90 2 70 17 25 17 25 17 25 17 25 17 26 3 51 17 50 21 00 21 00 53 i r Regular March 3, 1 '". CITY COUNCIL. Regular Session, March 3, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Cul- len, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent—Alds. Crawford and Dennert. Ald. Thomas moved that the council proceedings for the month of February, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were allowed: Harger & Blish, supplies for city engineer .... .... $ 1 60 C 0 D laundry, towels and rack for city hall 6 00 J E Doerrer, soap and matches for city hall 5 05 Robert E McCarron, assisting market master 8 10 Adam Doerr, hauling ashes etc, from city hall 1 50 George Stuber, assisting market • master 16 20 Rubey Garner, assisting market master 2 05 Phil Pier, coal and wood city hall 65 98 Even & Fuchs, coal First ward scales 2 40 A J H Tuegel, justice fees city of Dubuque vs F 11 Smith 2 25 A J H Tuegel, justice fees city of Dubuque vs J Cunningham. 2 25 A J H Tuegel, justice fees city of Dubuque vs Thos Malchoir2 25 Robt Yates, witness fees Gniffke vs city of Dubuque 2 70 Michael McConnell, witness fees Wilberding vs city of Dubuque. 1 35 Rebecca J Farley, witness fees Gniffke vs city of Dubuque 4 05 Timothy Kenneally, witness fees Wilberding vs city of Dubuque 1 35 P F Quinn, witness fees Altman vs city of Dubuque 2 70 Jno W Halpin, witness fees Alt- man vs city of Dubuque 2 70 Thos F Maguire, services assist- ing city attorney Jos W Wittiner, supplies for po- lice department i0 Fraatz & Clark, supplies patrol 1 45 house Pape & Jacquinot, repairs in mat- 75 ron's rooms 14 00 Geo Schaetzle, ponce caps Duggan & Kane, supplies for 5 90 matron Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing 3 00 patrol house .. Key City Gas Co, gas patrol house 12 15 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for February John Degnan, oats for patrol house Elwanger Bros, repairing harness patrol Carl Bochert, police overcoat ... Mauders & Schneider, supplies for patrol house 34 20 55 21 75 35 10 00 1 10 Dubuque Telegraph, official printing February ...... 75 00 Smith, Morgan Printing Co, as- sessment blanks ... 21 50 Smith, Morgan Printing Co, job printing Ham & Carver, rebinding assess- ment books, etc. Dubuque Telegraph, index and binding council proceedings, etc Duggan & Kane, supplies board of health T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals February The Herald, official printing for February The Times, publishing official no- tices February Globe -Journal, official printing February .... The Telegraph, printing health reports ............ 3 50 Jos J Murphy ,assistant assessor January 66 00 Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor February 100 00 G Gmehle, assistant assessor January 66 00 G Gmehle, assistant assessor February 100 00 Thos Clancy, filling on Sixth St34 56 Thos Clancy, stone for macadam 86 00 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co, ex- pansion rings 3 00 Keuffel & Esser Co., supplies en- gineer's office 7 50 Peter J Sieppel, lumber street department 4 25 Isaac Proctor, retaining wall De 566 87 Sota Terrace G G Moore, filling High Bridge 75 avenue Thos Clancy, filling High Bridge 10 00 avenue Phil Ryder, 250 yards macadam.. 100 00 Peter Cassidy, rodman 4050 00 00 M O'Laughlin, rodman Peter Horsch, filling 16th street 13 00 C K Mathis, bindery supplies re- corder's office G F Kleih, snow shovel 1 00 Jno Butt, repairing tools sewer 116 department Duggan & Kane, supplies sewer 55 department Harger & Blish, supplies city of- ficials G F Kleih, supplies street de- partment Des Moines Brick Mfg Co, 1 car 110 25 brick Farley & Loetscher Mfg Co, 35 mouding Mrs N Rhoinberg, rent of lot of 6 00 macadam A W Hildeman, supplies for street 30 department Philip Pier, wood for street de- partment Lagan & Sullivan, horse shoeing for street department 2 50 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing for 1 00 street department Dubuque Woodenware & Lumber 7 50 6 00 92 00 50 8 00 67 50 29 15 67 50 56 Regular Session, March 3, 1898 Co, lumber street department . 6 08 Linehan and Molo, salt street de- partment A W Haldeman, taking care of lights Eagle Point pontoon bridge 3 months ... 11 70 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for street department .... 6 00 Elwanger Bros, repairing har- ness for street department 7 70 F M Jaeger & Co, powder, fuse, etc, street department 42 30 Hussman & Lies, supplies street department .. .... 20 32 Linehan & Molo, cinders 4th St Extension 17 00 John Hearney, repairing tools street department 10 85 John Butt, repairing tools street department 1 10 A A Brown, repairing tools for street department 1 05 Wm Reed, repairing tools street department 12 15 John Duggan, repairing tools etc street department 10 40 Fred Schloz & Son, repairing tools street department 17 00 B Linehan, repairing tools street department 18 75 Jno Kriebs, repairing harness fire department .. 2 65 Diamond Jo Line, steamers waste for fire department 8 62 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing fire department 5 00 Philip Pier, coal fire department12 77 Key City Gas Co, gas for fire de- partment 64 00 A Y McDonald Mfg Co, supplies fire department 5 88 Mullen Bros, plumbing for fire department 1 60 Farley Loetscher Mfg Co, re- pairing for fire department 6 30 Engler, Frudden Lumber Co, lum ber for fire department 5 60 Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing for fire department 9 00 W H Torbert, supplies fire de- partment Sloan & Edwards, horse shoeing fire department Fraatz & Clark, supplies fire de- partment Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for fire department John Hoffmeier, hauling clay for fire department Lear & Pfiffner, horse shoeing fire department Even & Fuchs, coal for fire de- partment . 64 79 Jno Degnan, oats for fire depart- ment 192 12 T W Ruete, drugs for fire depart ment McDermott & Gow, repairs for fire department Van Valkenberg & McEvoy, coal skuttle fire department .. Dubuque Water Co, 336 hydrants for February .. 1400 00 The bill of Wm. A. Kaep, for twelve 5 50 1 50 7 50 40 6 50 1 35 5 00 6 65 25 50 months services in auditor's office, amounting to $300.00, was on motion, referred to the committee of the whole. The bill of Jno. Duggan for repair- ing tools for street department, amounting to $16.55, was, on motion, re- ferred to the street committee. The bill of Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, for nails and etc., for street depart- ment, amounting to $5.35. was referred to the committee on streets. The bill of Orville De Gorge for wit- ness fees in case of city of Dubuque vs Jim Cunningham for 60 cents was re- ferred to the city attorney. PETITIONS. 1 The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee of the whole: The petition of Grant County, Wis., Telephone Company, asking permission to establish a telephone station on Main street between Fourth and Fifth street in the board of trade building. Also the petition of Wood Measurer Ed. Jess in relation to amount of per cent. of the receipts of his office, to be returned into the city treasury. Also the petition of H. F. C. Schneider in relation to injury to his property by improvement of Grove Terrace. Also the petition of Hyde Clark Post. No. 78, G. A. R., asking council to make appropriation to cover the cost of prop- erly observing Memorial or Decoration day every 30th day of May. Also the petition of Mrs. John Garra- gan asking the city to apply $20.00 paid for team license in 1897, on her taxes for said year. Also the petition of John Specht ask- ing the city to appropriate $400.00 to as- sist in maintaining and operating the Steamer Teal. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on streets: The petition of Genevieve Cummins et al protesting against the improve- ment of an alley, now called Chestnut street extension or Nest Chestnut street, to Rose street. Also petition of John Steffes asking the city to purchase his macadam on 24th street and Plank Road, and ap- ply the same on his special assessment for the improvement of Twenty-second and Elm streets. The petition of Wm. Kronfeld and Henry Luck asking the city to pur- chase their macadam on Elm street be- tween Twenty-second and Twenty- third streets. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on delinquent tax: The petition of A. W. Hosford and Mrs. Mary A. Kemler asking the cancel lation of taxes on north 88 feet of lot 783 A. McDaniel's sub., for the year 1897 and 1898 as compensation for use of lot by city for the storage and manufact- uring of macadam. The petition of John Marxer ,asking the reduction of taxes on his property N 1-2 lot 239 for the year 1897 to the valuation of $1,400.00 the same as for the year 1896. Regular S(!: ion, March 3, 1898 The petition of the Dubuque Malting Co., asking their assessment for the year 1897 be in accordance with the or- dinance on that subject, which is a to- tal valuation $113,000.00. Ald. Berg moved that said petition be referred to the finance committee. Car- ried. The petition of City Marshal McCann asking that a telephone be placed in the matron's quarters, was referred to the committee on police with power. The petition of H. 13rinkman et al asking that the polling place in the third precinct in the Fifth ward be changed from Val. Machert's to Otto F. Hess' store building on the corner of Rhomberg and Stafford avenues, was referred to the alderman of the Fifth ward. The petition of George Van Wie et al asking permission to sink a shaft in Reader street for the purpose of min- ing on lots 12, 13, 14 and 15, Wootnn's sub of mineral lot 1 of 68. Also the remonstrance of John Jan- sen et all remonstrating against the sinking of said shaft on Reader street, was, on motion of Ald. Stafford, re- ferred, with the petition of George Van \Vie, to the aldermen of the First ward. The claim of Mrs. Anna Eagan, Rif personal injury caused by falling on the sidewalk on West Fifth street Febru- ary 13th, 1898, was, on motion of Ald. Thomas, referred to the committee of claims and the city attorney. A communication from Oity Engineer Flake asking for further time to report on the cost of the Dubuque Water com- pany's plant, was on motion of Aid. McEvoy, granted. His Honor, Mayor Duffy, read the fol- lowing communication: Mayor's . Office, Dubuque, March 3. 1898.—To the Members of the City Coun cil. Gentlemen: I have asked the city attorney for his opinion as to the power of the city council to purchase the wa- ter works if they deem it advisable so to do. His opinion will be before you for your consideration. You have also by resolution decided to refer to the people at the next elec- tion the question whether the c uestion, whether it will pay for the should purchase the water works. The que to own and operate the works, importance of the matter to the city in a. few must be answered by experience of other cities much like this city in a general way. The Dubuque company has 1,600 private consumers at what revenue I am unable to state. Sioux City, with a population of 40,000, has 2,- 500 private consumers yielding to the city a revenue from $32,000 to $34,000 yearly, with an operating expense of $22,000. La Crosse, Wis., population 30,000, has 2,908 private consumers and a revenue of $29,000, at an operating expense of $13,000. Rockford, Ill., population 33,000, has 2,972 private consumers, with a revenue of $32,892 and $16,000 operating expense. element so essential to comfort, clean- liness and protection of property. Of the 3,196 water plants now in this Coun- try, 1,059 of which have been estab- lished since 1891, 1,690 have been pur- chased or built by the municipalities. Of the 170 plants in this state 140 be- long to the public. Of the 50 largest cities in the country' 41 belong to the cities. Since 1590, 200 cities in this country have purchased water works belonging to private com- panies. And only three cities of any consid- erable size—Peoria, Ill., Lexington, Ky., and Chester, Pa.'—have transferred the public plants to private corporations. The question occurs here if municipal ownership finds such favor throughout the country—so markedly so in our own state—why will it not be a good thing for Dubuque? The answer is, that it will be if we have the power and are able to purchase the plant now here at a fair valuation and so improve it that it will furnish us with an adequate sup- ply of good, pure water for domestic use, and give us sufficient for sewer, street and fire purposes. The charter of the company provides for the purchase right by the city, and I think the statute provisions grant the power to make the purchase. If there be no legal barrier in the way. will it pay to purchase the works and make them adequate to our needs? I think so. Last year we paid the company $20,814.42 for water for fire and other public purposes. That sum would pay 4 per cent. on about $560,000. If there be no legal difficulty to contend with, I am satisfied from correspon- dence with bond dealers that 20 -year bonds bearing 4 per cent. interest could be sold now at a nice premium. This seems to be a favorable time for large municipal investments, and it would be wise if we can do so to take advan- tage of the keenness of bankers to make long-time loans. The labor offered to the many working men by the improve- ment or enlargement of the works is another strong reason why as speedy action as may be taken should be taken. How for the matter of private con- sumption of water may enter into the various ways prompts me to say words to you iri regard to it. If the people at the coming election indicate to the council that it is their wish that the city should purchase the present plant it will then clearly be- come the duty of the council to take such action as it legally can take to carry out the will of the people. The tendency everywhere is now and has been for some years past in the di- rection of municipal ownership of wa- ter plants. The acknowledged neces- sity for an abundant, cheap, and health ful supply of water in all communities underlies this wish on the part of the people to control as far as they may an THE OLD RELIABLE COOPER WAGON -BEFORE THE PEOPLE SINCE 1850 To the Honorable Mayor & City Gentlemen: -- J r WAGON & BOB SLEIGH MANUFACTURER. 7i47/ii.'irri. Dec. 9, 1897. Council of the City of Dubuque, The undersigned would respectfully state that the increase of my manufacturing business requires a larger factory, and to build on the flats where 1,3y yards are located requires the vacation of Canal Street frorn Warren to Water Street, also the vacation of Warren frorn First to Jones Streets; I will pay all expense of a,'vertising and silch other as are legally required By giving this your early attention will much oblige, I am, Yours respectfully, 4 A A Cooper Petition of A A Cooper Referred C H Berg, Chairman Petition of A A Cooper legality of vacating the streets owning all property abutting on the streets or parts of the streets proposed to be vacated Thomas H Duffy City Attorney Roll Call Albrecht Berg Crawford Cullen Dennert Jellison Lagen McEvoy Stafford Thomas Report of City Attorney on A A Cooper's petition for vacation of certain property Canal and Warrin Streets be vacated 58 Regular Session, March 3, 1898. Quincy, Ill., population 40,000, does not own its system. It cost $350,000, and its annual revenue, including pub- lic charges, is $50,000. Moline, Ill., population 20.000, has 1,200 private consumers, yielding a revenue to the city of $15,000, against 11,000 op- erating expense. Madison, Wis., population $16,000, has an artesian well system, with 2,300 pri- vate consumers, yielding $22,000 rev- enue at a cost of $13,000 to $14,000. Burlington, Ia., population 23,000, has a private system, yielding a revenue from private consumption of $18,000. What the effect of municipal owner- ship or the private consumption here would be is problematical, but it is re- markable that the number of private consumers should compare so poorly with other neighboring cities much less in population. Des Moines has been trying for two years to get control of its plant, which is estimated to be worth $600,000, and bonded for $950,000. The first price of the company to this city was $2,000,000. Within the year it fell to $1,500,000, then to $1,000,000. The city offered $800,000, which the company steadily refused, but is said now to be inclined to take it. Davenport's private system, a monu- ment to the enterprise of a few of her citizens, is no doubt the best in the west—possibly, owing to perfect filter- ing system, the best in the country. Expensive as it is, having cost about $1,200,000, the cost of water for public or private use, perfectly pure, is not complained of by the people of that city. The system of pumping then will be well worth the study of those in Dubuque who may be charged with the important work of securing for the people of this city not only an abun- dant, but a pure supply of water. From my investigation of this ques- tion and information gathered from correspondence with officials of other cities, as well as bankers, it seems to me that the weight of reason is in favor of taking every step that law will sanction to purchase the works now here and make them what they ought to be. How this improvement may be made is a question for them who have professional knowledge in that business to say. Time is to be considered by you. The charter of the company provides that you may give the company six months' notice of your intention to buy. If you can obviate that delay, should you wish to make an effort to buy the works, would it not be well to ask the water company to submit a proposition of sale to the council, naming its price? If deemed satisfactory the matter might be put into such shape that those who succeed you and me in this council will have it before them in a tangible way, and may proceed in as expeditious man ner as possible if the will of the people as expressed at the polls favor such ac- tion by them. I suggest that you ask the water company to make such a proposition. If the company declines to make such propostion, then that the notice required by section 7 of the char- ter be served on said company of the city's purpose to purchase said water works. Respectfully submitted, —T. T. Duffy, Mayor. OFFICERS' REPORTS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follow,: To the mayor and city council: Gentlemen:—Please find statement of monies advanced by me during the month of February, 1898, for which please have warrants ordered drawn for said amount in my favor. Refund ex- cavation permits, refund taxes, interest on outstanding warrants, interest on bonds and for all claims $6,319.63. Ald. Berg moved to receive the report and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the treasurer and the report re- ferred back to •the finance committee. Carried. Audito' McCarten reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil: Gentlomea:—Herewith I submit to you my report for the month of Feb- ruary, 1898: Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1898....$ 73.913 58 Receipts from all sources .... 98,909 04 Total $172,822 62 Disbursements as follows: Warrants redeemed.$85,344 59 Coupons redeemed . 10,484 70 Bonds redeemed .... 17,000 00 $112,829 29 Cash on hand March 1, 1898 Other cash on hand there belonging to improvement bond fund $ 69,993 33 13,340 09 Leaving a balance to ,the credit of city... $ 46,653 24 Also report $2,149.00 due the city of- ficials for the month of Feb., 1898. Ald. Berg moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the city officials and the report referred back to the finance com- mittee. Carried. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of February, 1898: Total amount due firemen, $2,024.15. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be re- ceived and that that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the firemen and the report referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal McCann reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: v Regular Session, March 3, 1898. Gentlemen: I herewith submit to you a report of the police department for the month of February, 1898: Number of arrests for the month of February, 1898, 86. The patrol wagon answered, total calls, 35. Total miles traveled, 58 7-8. Poundmaster' receipts for the month, $2.00. Number of lodgers harbored, 289. Number of defective lights, 225. Also reports $2,001.65 due the police for the month of February, 1898. Ald. Lagen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the police for the month of February. 1898, and that the report be referred back to the committee on po- lice. Carried. City Electrician Hepman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- city of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of February, 1898, and find that the to - tail hours that 225 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 1-2 lamps for one month or $18.90. Ald. Berg moved to receive and file the report and the city auditor be instructed to deduct the amount, $18.90, from the Star Electric company's bill for the month of February, 1898. Car- ried. Chief Foreman Morgan, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is the amount due for labor on the streets from February. 16, 1898. to Feb. 28, 1898, in- clusive. Total amount, $1.085.55. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the laborers on streets and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan also reported $915.95 due laborers for quarrying rock for the last helf of February, 1598. Ald. Cullen moved to receive the re- port and .that warrants be ordered drawn to pay laborers for quarrying rock and the report referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan, in charge of the sewers reported $167.75 due laborers on sewers for the last half of February, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay laborers on sewers and the report referred back to the com- mittee on sewers. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—Herewith I present ma- cadam list for the month of February, 1898. Total amount broken during the month 39,330 cubic yards. 59 Amount for breaking macadam.$1,692 04 Hauling and quarrying same.... 392 87 Total amount for macadam for the month ...... $2,084 91. Committee Clerk Wm. Fitzpatrick re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a state- ment of the amount of work done in each ward during the month of Feb- ruary, 1898: FIRST WAEtD. J Quinn. quarrying rock, Mt. Carmel avenue.... $707 10 J Quinn, cleaning gut- ters. crossings and sidewalks on various streets .. .... .......... 11 65 J Morgan, cleaning gut- ters, crossings and walks on various streets 21 60 Wm Quinn, cleaning gut ters, crossings and walks various streets61 50 T Reilly, cleaning gut- ters, crossings and walks various streets98 95 L Zeidman, cleaning gut ters, crossings and walks various streets6 10 M McCarten, clearing gutters, crossings and walks various streets16 00 J Morgan, taking dirt from quarry, W. 3rd street .... 60 45 Total First Ward SECOND WARD. Robert McGivern fill- ing, 4th street exten- sion .... .... $ 68 40 J Mullen, breaking ma- cadam, 4th street ex- tension .... ...... 61 50 J Mullen, cleaning gut- ters and crossings va- rious streets .... .. 170 00 J Morgan, cleanling gut- ters and crossings on various streets .. .. 6 75 L Ziedman, cleaning gut ters and crossings on various streets .... 17 25 Total Second ward .. .. THIRD WARD. J Pilmaier, cleaning gut ters, crossings, etc, on various streets .... ...$140 00 Jno Farley, cleaning gut ters, crossings, etc on various streets .. ...... 72 60 Franz Scherr, cleaning gutters, crossings, etc, 34 15 on various streets J Morgan, cleaning gut- ters, crosslings, etc, on 25 00 various streets L Zeidman, cleaning gut ters, crossings, etc., on 22 00 various streets .... $983 35 $323 90 60 Regular Session, March 3, 1898 E C Blake, cleaning gut- ters, crossings, etc, on variou.s streets .... Otto Rath, cleaning gut- ters, sidewalks around city halls J Bender, mason work on aprons on various streets . .. .. .. 14 20 9 15 16 00 Total Third ward FOURTH WARD. J McCune, quarry.:ng rock, Cox street $302 95 Jae Hurd, quarrying rock, Angella street 386 05 Jno Hayes, quarrying rock, Angella street 262 25 Landon Taylor, cleaning gutters, crossings and sidewalks on various streets .... .. .. J Morgan, cleaning gut ters, crossings etc on various streets 250 80 39 50 Total Fourth ward .. FIFTH WARD. J Bottom's, quarrying rock, Thomas Place$ 79 75 M Specht, quarrying rock, Thomas Place346 00 M Specht, cleaning cros- sings and gutters on various s, ree:s .... 20 20 Geo Zuinhoff, cleaning crossings and gutters on various streets 179 65 L Ziedman, c:eaning cros sings and gutters on various streets .... 34 10 $333 10 $1241 55 Total Fifth ward .... $659 70 Total amount all wards. $3541 60 Respectfully submitted, WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Committee Clerk. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Ia., March 3, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cif of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen—You have referred to me the annexed resolution for an opinion. In regard to the legal right of the city to have a sufficient supply and pressure of water furnished by the water company, I state that it is the duty of the water company, by pro- viding proper machinery, pipes, and other means, to furnish to the city and citizens thereof, a sufficient sup- ply of water through its pipes in any part of the city. If their plant has grown insufficient for said purpose, it is the duty of said company to make it sufficient. If the water company fails to com- ply with its contract, and fails to sup- ply or provide a sufficient pressure of water, then the city can by proper ac- tion compel them to comply with the contract, and to specifically perform the provisions therof, and can compel them to make the necessary provisions to furnish the city and citizens there- of with the sufficient supply and press- ure of water. In addition to the above action the city can, by adopting additional meas- ures, such as an action to forfeit the company's charter, regulating the rates, refusing to pay for an insufficient sup- ply of water, etc., bring about a com- pliance on the part of the water com- pany with their contract, but the best established and most effectual remedy for the city is to bring an action to compel said water company to make the necessary provisions for furnishing, and to furnish, the city and the citizens thereof, with a sufficient supply and pressure of water as aforesaid. No legislation is necessary in this matter, as the city has the right to pro- tect its interests as above stated. I would advise, in this matter. that the council, through a proper committee, present their complaints in regard to the insufficient supply or pressure of water, to the water company, and de- mand that the same be remedied. If the water company then refuses to snake the proper provision to furnish a sufficient supply or pressure of water, then the city can and should take ac- tion as above stated. In regard to whether legislation is necessary if it is decided to purchase the water works, I report that no legis- lation is necessary. The city has the power at present to establish, erect, purchase, maintain and operate water works, and has the right to make all necessary provision. contracts and ar- rangements and to pass all necessary ordinances to carry that power into effect. The only question that might arise and which the city might have to contend with in carrying out said power. will be to carry out same. and to make the arrangements for the pur- chase and maintenance of the water works in such a manner that no such liability or indebtedness will be incur- red on the part of the city which will violate the constitutional provision prohibiting cities from being indebted to an amount exceeding 5 per cent. on the value of the taxable property of the city: and that question would arise pro- vided the adding of the purchase price of said water works to the city's in- debtedness would increase same be- yond said constitutional limit. If it would, then whatever contract or ar- rangement the city makes will have to be made as aforesaid, in such a man- ner as not to violate the said consti- tutional provision. As this question would arise under a constitutional provision, legislation can not cure or aid the condition in any manner. However, if it is decided to purchase the water works, the contract and arrangements can he made in such a manner as to avoid their being in conflict with or contrary to the said constitutional provision. I►,egnlar Session, March 3, 1898 The council has ordered that the question of whether or not the city shall purchase the water works, shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of the city of Dubuque, at the next city election. The law provides that notice shall be given in two newspapers published in the city, once each week for four consecutive weeks before the election, that such question will be submitted at the city election held April 4th, 1898. As the first insertion of said notice should be made and published by next Saturday, March 5th, immediate at- tention should be given this, and the council should instruct the recorder to have such notice published as stated. The said question of whether or not the city should purchase the water works should be submitted, and placed upon the official ballot as provided by the new code, section 1106, of the elec- tion law, and the recorder should be in- structed to prepare said ballot so as to submit said question to the voters of the city, as provided in said section 1106. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS R. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Thomas moved to adopt the re- port of the city attorney and the city recorder instructed to carry out the in- structions of report. and the report re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. City Attorney T. H. Duffy reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:—You have referred to me for consideration, examination and to draft the necessary papers, the Freder- ick Otto matter. relating to Troy street. I have examined an abstract of title procured by Mr. 0, to and find the title perfect With the exception of a mort- gage to the German Trust and Sav- ings bank. Mr. Otto has arranged with the hank to have the mortgage re- leased in so far as it covers the 20 foot strip which Mr. Otto and his wife have deeded to the city. I have talked Nvith the bank officer and he will sign a release of mortgage which I have drafted and attached hereto. upon the payment of :he $1,000.00 to be paid for the land to the hank. This arrange- ment With the bank has the sanction of Mr. Otto. Mr. Otto has also entered Into an agreement with the city, which agreement tis annexed hereto, whereby he contracts to remove all obstructions from off the property in question. Hereto attached find deed signed by Mr. and Mrs. Otto. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS H. DUFFY, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Thomas the report was adopted and warrants ordered drawn for said amount in favor of the German Trust and Savings bank. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City Counelil of the City of Du- buque: (i1 G%htlemen:—Your committee on claims has referred to me for consid- eration and report to the city council the petition of Mrs. Mary F. Dickens, claiming damages in the sum of $500.00 on account of Injuries alleged to have been received by her on the 7th day of December, 1897, in falling on an alleg- ed defective walk on Eagle Point avenue between Jackson street and White Street. I have investigated the claim and have reported the result to the said committee on claims with the re- sult that we have interviewed Mrs. Dickens and her attorney with the re- sult that she wild accept $75.00 full of her said claim against the city. I would therefore recommend and the said committee on claims concur in this recommendation; that a warrant be drawn in favor of Mrs. Mary F. Dick- ens for the sum of $75.00, which war- rant is to be delivered to her upon her signing a receipt to be drafted by me. Respectfully submitted. THOMAS H. DUFFY, (Signed.) City Attorney. M. STAFFORD, A. A. CULLEN, CHAS. T. THOMAS. Committee on Claims. On motion of Ald. Stafford the report was adopted and a warrant ordered drawn to pay the same. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: Some time before I took charge of the office of city attorney a settlement was made of the case of Jas. Forrester vs City of Dubuque and by the terms of the settlement each party to the suit was to pay his or its costs, an itemized bill of the court costs in the case was, some time ago presented to the council by the clerk of court, and the council referred the matter to me for attention. I have just succeeded in making an agreement with Mr. For- rester's attorneys whereby they agreed to see to it that certain of the items in the bill, under the agreement first above referred to, are paid by Mr. For- rester deducting these items from the bill presented by the clerk of court leav- es a balance, payable by the city of $176.55, as a large amount of the costs in this case. are witness fees. and as the witnesses have been kept out of their fees a long time I would recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of the clerk of the district court for the sum of $175.55 so that the parties interested will at once receive the money properly due them. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS H.1 DUFFY, City Attorney. On motion of Ald. Berg the report was adopted and a warrant ordered drawn to pay said amount. To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The new code has made some changes in regard to the election, and term of office of the officers of the 62 Regular Session, March 3, 1898. city and I would recommend the adopt- ion of the following ordinances by the city council, which said ordinances are drawn up and attached here to and explain themselves. Respectfully submitted, THOMAS H. DUFFY, City Attorney. An ordinance providing for the elec- tion of the aldermen of the city of Du- buque and fixing their terms of office and compensation. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the regular annual election in April, 1898, and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected two aldermen at large and one alder- man from each ward, who shall hold their office for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The aldermen in office at the time of the taking effect of the code of Iowa of 1897 shall continue in office only until the election and qualification of the said aldermen elected at the regular annual election in April, 1898. Section 2. Said aldermen shall be paid as compensation for their services, the sum of $300.00 per year, which shall be in full compensation for all services connected with their official duties. No member of the council shall during the time for which he has been elected or for one year thereafter, be appointed to any municipal office which shall be created or the emoluments of which shall be increased during the term for which he was elected, nor shall he be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for work or services to be per- formed for the corporation. An ordinance providing for the elec- tion of certain officers of the city of Dubuque and fixing their Terms of of- fice. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the regular elec- tion in April, 1898, and every two years thereafter there shall be elected a may- or, auditor and assessor who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected, and qualified. Section 2. That at the regular annual election in April, 1900, and every two years thereafter there shall be elected a city attorney, treasurer and recorder, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Section 3. The city attorney, treas- urer and recorder, who were elected at the regular annual election in April, 1897, shall continue in office until after the expiration of the term of office for which they were elected, which term of office expires May the 1st, 1899, when their term of office shal lexpire as afore said ,the mayor, by and with the con- sent of the council, shall fill the office of city attorney, treasurer and recorder, by appointment and said city attorney, treasurer and recorder shall hold their offices for the term of one year and un- til their successors are elected and qualified at the annual election in April 1900, said appointments to be made at the last regular meeting of the council in April, 1899. On motion of Ald. Berg the report and ordinances were referred to the committee of the whole. The following reports from city weigh masters were received and on motion were referred to the committee on mar- kets. The reports are as follows: Otto Rath, market house receipts$18 00 J P Schroeder, corner 8th and White street, receipts 2 95 T J Donahue, Grandview avenue, receipts 95 Charles Pitschner, West Dubu- que, receipts 2 82 James Doyle, 1st ward, receipts 6 15 Geo A Pflffner, corner 26th street and Couler avenue 5 75 The plans and specifications by City Engineer Blake, for retaining wall on Grove Terrace from Eleventh street to elevator north, was presented, and on motion of Ald. Lagen, was referred to the committee of the whole. The places named below, are the plac- es selected by the city council for regis- tration of voters on March 24 and 25, and April 2, and the voting places for the city election to be held Monday, April 4th, 1898. FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, So. Locust street. Second Precinct—Jess Building, 1st and Main streets. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—County Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth Street En- gine House. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth Street Engine House. Second Precinct—City Hall or Market House. Third Precinct—A. Vogel's Place, cor- ner 17th and Clay street. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Mrs. Hamill's Place, West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Meyer's Livery, cor- ner Hart street and Couler avenue. Second Precinct—E. Mueller's, Eagle Point avenue. Third Precinct—Otto F. Hess Place, corner Rhomberg and Stafford avenue. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's, 23rd and Jackson streets. The matter of the special committee of fifteen to consider the matter of the extension of Milwaukee avenue and taking care of the water from the Bee branch or Millville road, was brought up. NNW Regular Session, March 3, 1898. 63 His Honor, the Mayor, appointed the following named councilmen as mem- bers of said committee: Ald. P. W. Crawford, Fourth ward. Ald. C. T. Thomas, Fifth ward. Ald. G. B. Albrecht, Third ward. Ald. B. Lagen, Second ward Ald. John McEvoy, First ward. Below are the names of those op- posed to the adoption of the present plan, whose names were filed with the recorder: M. M. Hoffmon. Col. D. E. Lyon. Major E. H. Smith. John Flynn. Anton Hemmi. Mr. John Heim named the following as those in favor of the adoption of the present plan: John Olinger. Herman Kneorschild. Jacob Kessler. Nicholas Glab. John Heim. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: Your committee on finance respect- fully report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of George B. Burch, asking that the taxes on the improvements on lot 106, Geo. Dee's basket factory, for the years 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896 and 1897 be ordered cancelled. The same is in accordance with an or- dinance passed April 7th, 1895. Ald. Berg moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Ald. Jellison moved that the ordi- nance entitled an ordinance to provide for the election by the electors of the city of Dubuque. of a city engineer, and to repeal section one (1) of chapter sixteen (16) of the Revised Ordinances of 1893. be read for the second time. Carried. The ordinance was then read for the second time. Ald. Berg moved that further action on said ordinance be postponed until the next meeting of the council. Car- ried. Ald. Jellison moved that the ordi- nance entitled an ordinance to provide for the election of the city of Du- buque of a city marshal, and to repeal section one (1) of chapter eleven (11) of the revised ordinances of 1893, and moved that it be read the second time. Carried. The ordinance was then read for the second time. Ald. Berg moved that further action be postponed until the next meeting of the council. Carried. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street committee, reported as follows: Your committee on streets respectful- ly report in favor of the adoption of the plat of Angella street, showing propos- ed change of lines of said street. Ald. Cullen moved the adoption of the report of the street committee. Car- aoiiod aql 3o uleuxarego `ua.fiuZ 'pIY ried. committee, reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: We, your committee on police and light, respectfully report in favor of paying the following claims: Keythe City Gas Co., gas ll for month of Februaryfor, 1898, $36.90.cityha Key City Gas Co., gas for Armory for the month of February, 1898, $58.80. Globe Light & Heat Co., for lighting• care of and furnishing material for 100 lamps one month, $166.67. Star Electric Company, 320 arc lights one month, $1,738.10. Ald. Lagen moved the adoption of the report of the committee on police and light. and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the same. Carried. Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com- mittee on delinquent tax, reported as follows: Your committee on delinquent tax re- spectfully report in favor of allowing the taxes of Eva Seidel on lots 519, 520 and 521, Ham's add., to remain a lien on said property and that the city treas urer be instructed not to sell the same. Also report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of Anna Huber asking the city to cancel the taxes on lot 30 McDaniel's Park Hill add. for the year 1897. Also report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of Mrs. Chas. Beyers, asking the city to cancel the taxes for the year 1896, on lot 6 Ham- burg add. as the city are using this lot to break macadam on. Also report in favor of allowing the taxes of Elizabeth Kress on half of lot 579 Ham's add. to remain a lien on said property, and that the city treasurer be instructed not to sell the same. Also report in favor of allowing the taxes of Mrs. Henry Streller, on lot 19 South Park Hill add., for the year 1897 to remain a lien on said property and that the city treasurer be instructed not to sell the same. Also report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of Mrs. Paul Ragatz asking to be exempt from pay- ing taxes for the year 1897 on lot 9 South Park Hill add. Also report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of Michael Mel- chor asking that his taxes on lots 1 and 2 Iiingman's sub, be, red,yced to a valuation of previous years. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. S. E. Brown. asking to be refunded the amount of $1.80 paid as assessment on personal property. Also report in favor of granting the prayer of the petition of F. A. Han- cock asking assessments on lots 823 and 824 A. McDaniel's add., be reduced to the same valuation of previous years. Also in favor of granting the prayer of titioHarand Julien lodgesthepe, n I. O. O.of mony asking that the taxes on city lot 633 be ordered can- ( Regular Session, March 10, 1898. celled for the year 1897, the same being in accordance with the resolution of former council. Ald. Thomas moved to adopt the re- port of the committee on delinquent tax. Carried. Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully report that at a meeting of the committee held February 28, 1898, Aud- itor McCarten presented a list of city warrants amounting to $583.74, which for various reasons had not been drawn, and your committee would recommend that said warrants be ordered cancel- led Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of John Brunskill et al asking damages to the amount of $160.00 to their property caused by water running upon lot 8 Geo. W. Martin's add., through private sewer. We find upon investigation that seven feet of said lot belongs to the city of Dubuque. We would recommend that the city engineer be instructed to cor- rect the assessment levied against said lot 8 for the improvement of Alpine street. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Cullen presented and had read a petition from the Security Building Co. asking permission to erect and maintain a canopy from the office en- trance to the curb line not to exceed ten feet in width. Ald. Cullen moved that the prayer of the petition be granted at the pleasure of the city council. Carried. Ald. Lagen moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: . Recorder 189.... .. • Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Regular session March 10, 198. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagers, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Lagen moved that the council proceed?ngs of March :;rd, 1898, be ap- proved as printed. Carried. His Hone: , the mayor, stated that he -regre+tea to runounce that on ac- count of severe sickness and the physi- cal condition of Ald. Crawford he was compelled to accept the declination of Aid. Crawford of the committee and chairmanship of the committee of fif- teen in relation to the extension of. Mil- waukee avenue and the taking care of the water from Bee Branch, or the Mill- ville road. He therefore would appoint Ald. Berg of the Fourth ward to take the place of Ald. Crawford. Ald. Berg accepted the appointment and stated that he would convene the committee at an early date . PETITIONS. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on delinquent tax: Petition of George and Maria Schro- man asking to have their taxes can- celed for the year of 1897 on lot 1 of lot 13 of Min lot 172. Petition of Mrs. Jno. Krayer asking that her taxes be reduced on the fol- lowing described property: city n 1-2 n m 1-5 of lot 449, city, n 1-5 of lot 449. Schaffier's sub. Lots 8, sub lot 9 lot 2 and lot la of Krayer's sub. Petition of Mrs. Mary Flynn asking that her taxes be canceled for the year 1897 on the north 16 feet of lot 81, East Dubuque add. Petition of Geo. Schlegel asking city to grant him tune until next July to pay his taxes on part of lots 8 and 9, Wieland's sub. Petition of Mrs. Josephine Ittensohn asking to have her taxes canceled for 1896 and 1897 on lots 47 and 48 in Lit- tleton & Sawyer's add. Petition of Germania Stock com- pany asking that the assessment on city lot 209 for the year 1897 be reduced to that of former years. Petition of Mrs. E. Quinlivan asking to have the city treasurer instructed to apply her taxes paid for 1897 as in- terest on her special assessment on Grand View avenue. Ald. Cullen mov ed that the prayer of petition be grant- ed. Carried. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on streets: Petition of George Gau asking city to improve Adams street so as to keep the water from overflowing his property. Petition of Dan Moore et al asking to have Leibnitz street properly fixed, so Regular SUSSion, March 10, 1898 as to prevent the eater from coming into their cellars. Petition of Fred Boettscher in rela- tion to water flowing in his cellar from Lane on east side of Dietrich's brick yard. Petition of Jno. B. I-lirtz asking city to refund water tax for the year 1896 which was erroneously assessed. Ald. Cullen moved that it be referred to the committee on fire. Carried. Petition of Carr, Ryder & Adams Co. requesting that a hydrant be located in the alley running from Ninth to Tenth streets between Jackson and Washington streets. Ald. Jellison moved that it be referr- ed to the committee on fire and fire chief with power. Carried. Petition of Chas. Hillery asking city to allow him $25.90 in full settlement of all damages sustained by him fall- ing on a slippery sidewalk between Jacob Auer's place and his home on Julien avenue. Ald. Cullen moved that it be referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Carried. Petition of Frank Hynes et al asking to take sand from Garfield avenue be- tween Reed and First avenues. Ald. Jellison moved that it be referred to the committee on streets with power. Carried. The Citizens' Reform Club presented a communication, protesting against the adoption of the ordinances provid- ing the election of the marshal and (1J tion 946, Code, I report as follows. That during my police month I tried the following cases under the city or- dinance and received therefor the mon- ey herein set out: State for use City vs C. H. Bres- lin, Recd $ 5 00 State for use City vs H. L Guilden, Rec'd 6 00 State for use City vs J. P. Clem - mens Rec'd State for use City Brown Rec'd.. vs T. J. 6 45 6 45 $ 22 96 The following informations were fil- ed before me by order of the city at- torney, viz: State of Iowa for use of City vs Jno. Benis. State of Iowa for use of City vs Bow- man. My fees in the first four cases are $14.00 and in the last two $3.00—$1.50 in each case—a total of $17.00, which leaves $5.90 fees of marshal, police of- ficers and fines in my hands which I herewith turn over to the city treas- urer as per accompanying receipt. W. J.CANTILLON. Justice of the Peace. On motion of Ald. Berg the report was referred to the city attorney. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows, which was adopted: In favor of granting the petition of city engineer by the electors of the the Dubuque Malting Co., asking that city. Ald. Crawford moved to post- the valuation of their real estate and pone action until the matter came up personal property be fixed at $113,000.00 in its regularorder. Carried. tor the year 1E97 and be instructed toat the city accept the A communication from and a resolu- reasu treasurer tion passed by the Citizens' Reform amount of $1,356.00 for said taxes for Club, in relation to the proposition of 1897. the submission to the electors of the Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- city of Dubuque at the next city elec- rnittee on ordinances, moved to take up tion, of the purchase, by the city, of the ordinance entitled an ordinance to the present water plant, suggesting provide for the election by the electors that the proposition should be accom- of 'the city of Dubuque of a city en- panied with some definite amount and gineer and to repeal section one (1) of f payment, to be ascertained chapter sixteen (16) of the revised or - by the council, at which the same can be purchased. and the time add a required,no of etc.,payment and security was read. Ald. Crawford stated there was not sufficient time, before the election, to acquire such information and the res- olution olution of Ald. Thomas was only tended to get an expression of the elec- tors on that subject, and if the ex- pression by their ballots was favorable to the purchase, then the council could proceed in a proper and legal way, which would take months oftime, to perfect the arrangements for purchase, Ald. Crawford removed that the mat- ter be left as it no bstands council. as ororiginally intended by Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS -7. Mows: W. J. Cantillon reported as To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: —As provided by Sec- dinances of 1893. Carried. Ald. Lagen moved that section three of said ordinance, in relation to the sal- ary of the city engineer be stricken out and that section four be made section three and section 5 be made section four of said ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Culllen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ar.: a as amended be placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. The mayor declared the ordinance ad- opted as amended. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance com,mlttee moved to take up the G(i Regular Session, March 10, 1898. ordinance entitled an ordinance to pro- vide for the election by the electors of the city of Dubuque, of a city marshal and to repeal section one (1) of chapter eleven (11) of the revised ordinance of 1893. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that section 'three of said ordinance in relation to the salary of the city marshal be stricken out and that section four be made sec- tion 3 and that section 5 be made sec- tion 4 of said ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jelb'son, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance as amended be paced on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Ayes. Alds. Albrecht, Crawford, Cul- len, Jellison. Stafford and Thomas. Noes—Alds. Berg, Lagen and Mc- Evoy. The mayor declared the ordinance ad- opted as am.ended. The ordinances ens filed an ortainance providing for the election of aldermen of the city of Dubuque, and fixing their terms of office and compensation. and also an ordinance entitled an ordin- ance providing for the election of cer- tain officers of the city of Dubuque. and fixing their terms of office, which had been referred to the comm.ttee of the whole, was taken up and after some discussion was on motion of Aid. Berg. referred back to City Attorney Duffy. Ald. Crawford moved that the com- mittee of the whole to whom had been referred the plans and specifications of the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, be excused from further action on said specifications. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the plans and specifications, prepared by City Engineer Blake, and now in the hands of the committee of the whole, of the retainin,g wall on Grove Terrace be approved by the council and the record-. er instructed to advertise for bids. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- corder be instructed to give the proper notices of the vacation of Canal and Warren streets, in accordance with the petition, of A. A. Cooper of December 9, 1897. Carried. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street committee, offered the following: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. Submitted March 10, 1898. REPAIRING SIDEWALKS. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for repairing sidewalks for month of De- cember, 1897, in front of and abutting same a special tax be and is hereby levied on the several lots and parts of lots, and parcels of real estate here- inafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcel of real estate as fol- lows: D S Willson Est., city, lot 662a....$ .65 J J McCarthy, McCraney's 1st add, lot 37. .85 Adopted by the following vote : Ayes—Aid. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Cullen offered the following: _Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for lay- ing a four foot wide s:dewalk on north side of Hart street by E. H. Webster, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a special tax be and .is hereby levied on the several lots and Farts of lots and parcels of real estate herein- after named, sctuate and owned and for the several amounts set opposite each lot or parcrl of real estate. as follows: Special assessment submitted March 10, 1898. Adam Schmidt Est. sub 1 and 2 and s 1-2 5, 6 and 7, Schaffner's sub, lot 2, 104 lin ft sidewalk a: 18 1-2c $19 24 Adopted by the follow:ng vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Craw- ford. Cullen, Jellison. Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent.—Ali. Dennert. Ald. Berg. chairman of the committee of the whole repor:ed as follows, which was adopted: In favor of granting the petition of the Grant County Telephone Co., ask- ing permission to establish a telephone station on Main s:reet, between 4th and 5th streets and to make connections with their Wisconsin lines. In favor of granting the petition of Wni. L. Bradley, et al., asking that Cox street be filled a: the intersection of T'rnion avenue and wquld recommend :hat a sum not to exceed $100 be expend ed in filling said street. In favor of referring to the new coun- cil the petition of John Specht, asking an appropriation of $400 to assist in op- erating the steamer Teal. In favor of granting the petition of H. F. C. Schneider. asking the city to fill his lot on De Sota Terrace to grade and would recommend that the city carry our their part of the, agreement. On mot:on of Ald. Berg the report was adopted and 'the engineer instructed to prepare plans and specifications and the recorder to advertise for h'ds to do the work. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Lagen offered the following which was adopted: Resolved by the city council: That the city engineer be instructed to e.s- ttabl:sh a grade on the alley between West 17th street and Angella street from Pierce to Catherine streets. Aid. Jellison offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Chicago Great Western Railroad Co. be ordered to lay a six foot plank sidewalk on both sides of 13th street and on south side of 15th and 16th streets across their . Regular Session, March 17, 1898 67 tracks on Pine street. Said work to be done within den days. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Albrecht, Berg. Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Ahsent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Jellison offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Co. he ordered to construct a six foot plank side walk within ten days on both sides of 13th street and on south side of 15th and 16th streets across their tracks on Pine street. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht. Berg. Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison. Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. McEvoy of the First ward alder- men, to whom was referred the petition of George C. Van Wie, et al., asking permission to .sink a shaft in Reader street. for the purpose of mining on lots 12, 13, 14 and 15 Wooton's sub, moved that the rules be suspended and that anyone present desiring to be heard on the subject be allowed to ad- dress the council. Carried. Mr. Jansen addressed the council in opposition to the shaft. Mr. George C. Van Wie addressed the council in favor of the shaft. Ald. McEvoy moved the entire matter he referred to the committee of the whole with power and that no work be done pending the investigation of the commdt'tee. Carried. Ald. Cullen moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest : Approved 189.. Regular Session March 17, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present, Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. PETITIONS. Petition of Thomas Heins, asking for the privilege of taking about 25 yards of sand from Garfield avenue near Reed avenue. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be granted. Carried. Petition of Jno. T. McGauran et al, asking that a four foot (4) plank side walk be laid on the south side of Dodge street, between Locust and Main streets. Ald. Cullen moved that the petition he granted by substituting two foot walk instead of a four foot walk. Car- red. Petition of A. Mink, asking permission to store cord wood on 6th street exten- sion as same being now piled on the north bank of .the ice harbor and must be moved at once so as to permit. the Iowa Iron works the use of said grounds for boat building purposes. Aid. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the street committee with power. Carried. Petition of Henry B. Herold asking that the city allow him $3.95 for repair- ing Russell street lin front of his prop erty. Ald. Cullen moved that the petition be referred to the committee on streets. Carried. Petition of Mary Atkins, asking that a sidewalk be ordered laid. on the south side of May street. Ald. Albrecht moved that the petition be referred to the Aldermen of the Fourth ward. Carried. Petition of Robt. Quirk, asking that the sewer be extended ,in alley east of Alta Vista street; also opening of alley to Rose street. Ald. Crawford moved that the engi- neer be instructed to prepare plans and present same at next council meeting. Carried. Petition of Simon Thone, asking for relief from drainage water accumulat- ing on his property, lot 28 Reche's sub. Ald. Lagen moved that the petition be referred to the committee on streets and city engineer. Carried. Petition of Eli Brown, asking city to refund him the sum of $35.36 for taxes illegally assessed for the year 1897. Ald. Thomas moved .that the petition be referred •to the delinquent tax com- mittee and city attorney. Carried. Petition and claim of Elizabeth Bow- en, asking $5,000.00 damages for per- sonal Injuries received on 14th street west of St. Joseph's college. Ald. Cullen moved that the claim be referred .to the committee on claims and city attorney. Carried. 68 Regular Session, March 17, 1898. Petition and claim of Mary P. Kelly, asking $3,000.00 as damages for personal dnjun:es received by falling on a side- walk on the northwest side of West 8th street. Aid. Albrecht moved that the claim be referred to the committee on claims and city attorney. Carried. Communication of Hardie and Scharle in relation to city purchasing new city directories for the years of 1898-9, was on mobion of Ald. Berg referred to the comm:ttee on supplies with power. Communication of F. A. Rumpf et al submitt:ng a plat of "Grove Terrace subdivision to the city of Dubuque, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Communication of the Iowa Iron Works and plat of the north side of the ice harbor asking for addi- tional ground at the Ice Harbor for boat bu'lding purposes was on motion of Aid. Cullen, referred to .the committee of the whole with power. Ald. Berg gave notice there would be a meeting of the committee of the whole at 10 o'clock a. m. March 18, to consider the petition of the Iowa Iron works. Ald. Crawford moved that the bids for building a retaining wall on Grove Ter- race be opened and referred to City En- gineer Blake for computation. Car ried. The bids were opened and so referred. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. The annual reports of officers was presented. Ald. Crawford moved that they be re- ferred to the committee on printing and committee on finance and that said committees be instructed to have said reports pranted in pamphlet form. to be known as the financial report of the city for the year ending February 28, 1898. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $727.00 clue for labor on streets from March 1st, 1898 to March 15, 1898, (inclu- sive. On motion of Ald. Cullen the report was received and warrants or- dered drawn to pay the laborers and re- port referred to the street committee. Chef Foreman Morgan reported $412.10 due laborerds for quarrying rock from March lst to March 15, 1898 inclu- sive. On motion of Ald. Cullen the re- port was received and warrants order- ed drawn to pay the laborers and the report referred to the street commit- tee. Chief Foreman Morgan reported $221.75 due for labor on sewers from March lst to March 15, 1898, inclusive. On motion of Ald. Thomas the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the laborers on sewers and the report referred to the sewer com- miittee. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows : To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City Council of the City of Du- buque: Gentlemen:—You have referred to me for examination and report the annexed fee bill in case of F. D. Scharle vs city of Dubuque. This case was tried in March, 1897, resulting in a Judgment against the city for $140.00 with inter est and costs. I have examined the rec- ords and find that the bill presented by the clerk of the district court is correct and would therefore recommend that a warrant be drawn in favor of James A. Hayes, clerk of the district court for the sum of $314.25. Respectfully submitted, THOS. I-1. DUFFY, City Attorney. Aid. Berg moved that the report he adopted and warrants be ordered drawn for the amount. Carried. The following communication from the city engineer was referred to the committee of the whole. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council—Gentlemen: I herewith pre- sent to you an approximate estimate of what a plant such as the Dubuque Wat- er company now has can be duplicated for. I find that the company has 42 1-2 miles of water mains, varying in size from 1, -Inch to 16 -inch: 336 hydrants, one 2,000,000 and one 3.000.000 gallon pump, stand pipe. reservoir. artesian well and buildings, such as pump houses. But this estimate does not include any other part of the real es- tate, outside of what the buildings now ro,er, z.nd does not include the cover- ed reservc-it, or tunnel from the large reservoir to the main shaft, which is located some 'three-fourths of a mile further west. The above described pant can be duplicated by using new material ihrouelicut ,and put do work- ing crcraticn for the sum of $260,000. As to what the present value of the company's plant now .:s will largely de- pend on the conditions of the present mains and NN/ill he appraised accord:ng to ordinance Chief Reinfried and my- self have tested a number of hydrants south of Fourteenth street and east of Bluff street and find pressure of from forty to forty-five pounds on the mains. In conclusion I will say that the city could well afford to purchase, said plant, as the city at present is pay - ;ng over $20,000 per year for the use of water, which would be 4 per cent on $500,: -.CO, or about 8 per cent on what the plant could be duplicated for. These figures are on the same size pipes. pumps, reservoirs, stand pipe and other ai,ptiancer such as the water company now have. Respectfully sub- mitted, —E. C. Blake, COMMITTEE REPORTS. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on ordinance, presented an ordi- nance entitled an ordinance providing for the election of the aldermen of the city of Dubuque and fixing their terms of office and compensation, and moved that it be read for the first time. Car- ried. The ordinance was read for the first time. Regular Session, March 17, 1898 fig All. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on as second reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen; McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. The ordinance was then read the sec- ond time. Ald. Crawford moved to amend said ordinance by inserting section three, which shall read as follows: Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and af- ter its publication one time in the Du- buque Daiiy Telegraph newspaper. Carried by the the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg. Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance as amended be placed on its final passage. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Aid. Dennert. His Honor, the Mayor. declared the or dinance adopted: Aid. Crawford, chairman of the ordi- nance committe, presented an ordi- nance entitled an ordinance providing for the election of certain officers of the city of Dubuque, and fixing their terms of office, and moved that it be read for the first time. Carried. The ordinance was then read for the first time. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read for the second time. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Aid. Dennert. The ordinance was then second time. Ald. Crawford moved to amend said ordinance by inserting section four, which shall read as follows: Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after one publication in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Carried by the following vote: Craw- ford, Albrecht, Berg, ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance as amended be placed on its final passage. Carried by the following vote: Craw- ford, Albrecht, Berg, - ford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Aid. Dennert. declared the His Honor, the May` ordinance adopted. Ald. Cullen, chairman of the street read for the committee, presented the following claims: Frank Becker, for removing rock and breaking same into macadam on Kauffman avenue .... , George Moore, macadam Henry Mines, macadam Con Miller, macadam $59.50 6.40 14.20 2.40 Ald. Cullen moved that warrants be ordered drawn to pay said claims. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported on the bids for constructing a retaining wall on Grove Terrace as follows: Steuck & Linehan, total bid I. Proctor ,total bid $354.60 280.80 Ald. Cullen moved that the contract be awarded to I. Proctor, he being the lowest bidder. Carried. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings to whom had been referred the claim of Noah Faust for repairing lightening rods on engine house, reported in favor of paying $5.35 one half of the amount claimed. On motion the report was adopted and a warrant ordered drawn to pay the same. Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the paving committe, to whom had been referred the claim of Frank D. Scharle, for work done on sidewalk on west side of Bluff street, between First street and Franklin school reported in favor of paying said claim, and moved that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay the same. Carried. Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your committee of the whole respect- fully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of George Van Wie et al, asking permission to mine for mineral on Reeder street, and that the city marshal be instructed to have said shaft or hole filled at the expense of said Van Wie et al. Ald. Berg, moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the ordinance granting to the Chicago Burlington and Northern rail- road the right to lay a sidetrack, on the south side of the ice harbor, from pres- ent track to Water street. Ald. Berg moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Also report in favor of referring to the new council the petition of the Du- buque Wooden Ware and Lumber Com- pany in relation to the condition of Rhomberg avenue. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Albrecht stated that lots 209, 210, and 211 East Dubuque add., owned by John Flynn and lot 20i. owned by Cath. Sand, were in bad condition, and ought to be filled so as to prevent water from standing thereon. Ald. Albrecht moved that the rules be 70 Special Session, March 23, 1898 suspended and that Sanitary Inspector Starr be heard. Carried. Sanitary Inspector Starr addressed the council. Mr. Sand also addressed the council. Ald. Albrecht moved that the matter be referred to the board of health. Car- ried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk of good two-inch plank be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks as follows: Two feet wide on south side of Dodge street, be- tween Locust and Main streets, abut- ting lots 1 and 12 Dubuque Harbor Company's add., lot 549a city and lots 1 and 8 sub, 552 city. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Crawford, Cullen, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Staf- ford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Dennert. Ald. Berg stated Mrs. Mary Wilde had protested against the payment of special assessment for the construc- tion of sidewalk on Grandview avenue. After some discussion and statement from Sidewalk Commissioner Zeidman, on motion of Ald. Berg the matter was referred to sidewalk commissioner Zeidman to investigate and report to the council. Ald. McEvoy of the 1st ward, to whom had been referred the petition of A. Nelson, in regard to assessment for the years 1896 and 1897 on a piano, present- ed and read an affidavit from Mr. Nel- son, affirming that he was not the own- er of said piano. Ald. McEvoy moved that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of A. Nel- son for $1.20 to refund said tax which had been paid by said Nelson. Carried. Ald. Berg movedto adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: Approved 189 Mayor CITY COUNCIL. Special session March 23, 1898. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8:20 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Berg, Crawford, Cul- len, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Albrecht. Mayor Duffy stated the purpose of the special meeting and then read the following: THE VETO. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, March 23, 1898.—To the Honorable Members of the City Council, Gentlemen: At your meeting held on the 10th day of the present month of March you adopted an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance to provide for the election, by the electors of the city of Dubuque, of a city mar- shal and to repeal section 1 of chapter 11 of the revised ordinances of 1893." I consider it my duty to return said or- dinance to you without my approval, with my objections thereto. I have called you together in special meeting in advance of the regular meeting on the 24th inst. that you may take such action in the matter that may obviate any difficulties hereafter. It is im- portant to avoid any complications in this matter for the members of this council who no doubt may differ with me just as honestly as I do with some of them in my opinion as to the advisa- bility of giving effect to this ordinance. There is no wish expressed by the people as far as I am able to see, nor do I believe that they have any desire to have the office of marshal tangled up in politics. On the contrary I am confident from conversations had with businessmen and others, from the ex- pressions of the press, which in this in- stance I have no doubt reflect the best thought of our people, that the great majority of the people of this city are opposed to this ordinance. As an evi- dence of this I submit for your consid- eration two petitions signed by a very large number of our leading citizens, representing the largest business inter- ests of the city, requesting me to veto this ordinance. I can see no good, but an apprehen- sion of much evil resulting therefrom should this ordinance be made effec- tive. There is as much reason why the office of chief of the fire depart- ment, who guards the property of the people against destruction by fire, of the street foreman and sewer inspector, who are charged with the expenditure of thousands of dollars monthly of the people's money, should be elected by the people as that the marshal should be, and yet what prudent citizen would for a minute think of favoring such a method as to those offices or others now filled by council appointments. Who- ever occupies the position of marshal has in his keeping the preservation of Special Session, March 23, 1898. 71 public peace, the protection of the per- sons and property of the people the guarding of their houses, the main- tenance of order and the enforcement of the law. It is too important an office, too much responsibility is con- nected with it and the consequences of a mistake too serious to take any chances without good and sufficient reasons for so doing, none of which I have been able to see. My long ex- perience in dealing with crime before I was honored by my fellow citizens with the office of mayor, added to knowledge obtained while in this office, leaves me no room to doubt as to what is best to do. The election of an unfit man to such a trust would be a calamity which the council would be powerless to rectify, save through the clumsy, uncertain, unsatisfactory and expensive method of impeachment provided by ordinance. Better far, in my judgment, for this council not to build up, by their action now, difficulties which succeeding coun- cils and the people may have reason to deplore. Dubuque is not unlike other cities of Iowa in this regard. I have letters from the mayors of Des Moines, Davenport, Sioux City. Council Bluffs and Cedar Rapids and in none of these cities is the marshal elected by the people except Cedar Rapids, and Mayor Lincoln, of that city, says the method is very objectionable. In all the other cities named the appointment is made by the mayors. I am not prepared to say that I believe such method best in all respects. An old adage says it is often advisable to "let well enough alone." The election method was tried for years and abandoned for the present appointive method and I believe it is the best judgment of those of our citi- zens who give matters that concern the welfare of our city careful thought, that the plan now and for several years pursued by the council has been pro- ductive of better results for the preser- vation of the peace, the protection of the property and the lives of our peo- ple, who are far more concerned in this than they are in the exercise of any privilege an ordinance may con- fer on them to enable them to secur benefits they already enjoy. Gentlemen of this council, I have in this matter, as you should and I be- lieve you have. only one motive, to do my duty as I see it conscientiously and with a firm purpose to do what I be- lieve is for the best interests of the people of our city. I have done what `rand I am convinced is for the and shall feel gratified if you sustain action. If you decide to do otherwise I shall feel that you have been influ- enced solely by motives similar to those which actuate me. Respectfully submitted, ,or. —T. T. Duffy, The mayor stated that he had also two petitions protesting against his (the mayor) signing said ordinance. Ald. Dennert moved that the peti- tions he read. Carried. The petitions were then read and are as follows: To the Honorable T. T. Duffy, mayor of the city of Dubuque: Dear Sir:—The undersigned have read the resolutions passed by the Citizens' Reform Club in opposition to the elec- tion of city marshal and engineer by the electors. We fully concur in the sentiment expressed by it in this mat- ter, and learn with deep regret of the passage of this ordinance by the city council. We believe that the interest of the city and its people will be best sub - served by this ordinance becoming non- effective, and we take this method of urging upon you the advisability of us- ing your prerogative and vetoing the ordinance. Trusting you may see your way clear to grant our petition, we remain. Very truly yours, John T. Hancock & Sons and 160 others. Also a like petition signed by W. E. Ferris and 111 others. Ald. Crawford addressed the coun- cil at some length. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be adopted notwithstanding the objections of the mayor. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Cullen, Den- nert, Jellison, Lagen, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—Alds. Berg and McEvoy. Absent—Ald. Albrecht. The mayor declared the ordinance sidewalk -en •seuth side--of-said Dodge adopted. • Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be published to -morrow, March 24, 1898, in the Dubuque Daily Tele- graph. Carried. Ald. Berg moved ried. est: to adjourn. Car - Approved .Recorder 189 .Mayor Regular Session, March 24, 1898. Regular Session March 24, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Berg Crawford, Cul- len, Dennert, Lagen, McEvoy and Thomas. Absent—Aids. Albrecht, Jellison and Stafford. Ald. Berg moved that the council proceedings of March 10th and Marah 17th, 1898, be approved as printed. Car- ried. PETITION. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets: Petition of J. Mueller. asking city to allow him the sum of $15.00 for retaining wall in front of his property. Petition of Jno. Karsch, asking city to purchase his macadam. Petition of D. Broadhurst, request- ing city to pay his salary up to the time of his discharge. Ald. McEvoy moved that the petition be referred to the corn mittee of the whole. Carried. Petition of John Havlik asking city to reduce his taxes for 1897 on lot 298 East Dubuque add. Ald. Berg moved that the petition be referred to the commit- tee on delinquent tax and assessor. Car- ried. Sidewalk Inspector L. Ziedman report ed as follows: In relation to the Mrs. `V,:l•de side- walk on Grandview avenue which you referred to me for investigation and re- port, will say that the records show that same was ordered layed by the council Aug. 19th 1897. Was advec- tised and let and same laid by contract under supervision of city engineer, and assessment levied Nov. 18, 1897. Respectfully, - LOUIS ZEIDMAN, Sidewalk Inspector. Ald. Cullen moved to receive the re- port. Carried. Ald. Jellison arrived at 9:05 p. m. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Cullen. chairman of the stret committee, reported as follows: In favor of granting the petition of Frank Hines and Geo. Reynolds, ask- ing permission to take about 100 loads of sand from Garfield avenue between Reed street and First avenue. In favor of granting the petition of Edward Ford, asking that alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and Middle and Fengler avenues be grad- ed and macadamized. In favor of granting the petition of A. Mink, asking permission to pile some wood on 6th street extension until he can dispose of it. In favor of granting the petition of Henry B. Herold, asking that a war- rant be ordered drawn in his favor for $3.95 in payment for work done on Rus- sell street. Ald. Cullen moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Also reported in favor of paying the following bills: Jno. Duggan, repair- ing tools, amounting to $16.55; and Duggan. Sullivan and Cota, for sp.:kes, and nails, $5.35. On motion the report was adopted and warrants ordered drawn to pay the same. Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole reported in favor of granting the petition of the Iowa Iron works, asking permission to use the ground belonging to the city on the north side of the Ice Harbor and to erect buildings and to place fences at the east and west lines thereof and to keep the water fronts of this property free from boat houses. erc. Provided that all ob- structions shall be removed upon com- pletion of the boats for which this privi- lege was granted or at the pleasure of the council. Ald. Berg moved to ad- opt the report. Carried. RESOLT'Ti:INS. Ald. Berg offered the following: Resolved by the city counc,ll of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be. within 15 days of this notice. constructed and land in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks, on the soi;th side of w:lber Lane, between the east side of South Grove Terrace and Olive street where no: already laid at the expense of abutting property. Ad- opted by the following vote: Aves—Alds. Berg. Crawford. Cullen. Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy and Thomas. Absent—Aids. Albrecht and Stafford. Ald. Berg offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 2 feet wide. of good two-inch plank, be. within 15 days of this notice.; onstructed and laid in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks, on the south s'de of Wilbur Lane. between east s:•cle of Olive street and Spruce street where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes -Aids. Berg, Crawford, Cullen. Dennert, Jellison, Lagen McEvoy and Thomas. Absent—Alds. Albrecht and Stafford. Ald. Thomas offered the following resolution which was adopted: Resolved by the members of the city council of the city of 'Dubuque: That the alley between Rhomberg and Gar- field avenue and Middle and Fengler avenues be graded and macadamized and that the city engineer he instructed to make the necessary plans and speci- fications in accordance with the ordin- ance and submit same to the council. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution which was adopted: Whereas, It is deemed advisable by the city council of the city of Dubuque, to lay out and open Willow street through mineral lot 179 A in the said city therefore Resolved, That the city engineer be and is hereb Y directed to make a sur- Regular Session March 24, 1898. 73 vey and plat of the said proposed exten- sion of Willow street through said min- eral lot 179 A. which plat shall show the name or navies of the owner and owners of said mineral lot and the quantity of land proposed to be taken; and that when said plat is completed it shall be filed in the engineer's office and be subject to public inspection; that when thus filed the engineer shall give to the owner or owners of said mineral lot the notice required by section 2 of chapter .10 of the rev.:sed ordinances of 1893, that at the next ses- sion of the council oceuring after the lapse of two weeks from the date of the service of said notice. it will he deter- mined by the council whether such proposed improvement will he made or not, and that said owner or owners may appear before the counca at that tome and show cause if any they have why the contemplated improvement should not he made. That the evidence of the service and publication (i f any is ne- cessary) of such notice shall be filed by the engineer :n the recorder's office as required by ordinance. Ald. McEvoy stated that South Dodge street. between Locust and Main streets, was not graded to ,its proper width and height, and as a resolution had passed the e9unoil March 17, 1898 ordering a between Locust and Main Sts., he would move that further action on said resolution be postponed until the street is properly graded. Carried. Ald. Jellison arrived at 9:05 p. m. Ald. Cullen of the First ward. Ald. Lagen of the Second ward. Ald. Jellison of the Third ward Ald. Crawford of the Fourth ward and Ald. Thomas of the Fifth ward. presented the following navies for judges and clerks. for the city electron to he held April 4, 1898, and on mo,lon the said named were declared the judges and clerks of said election. The names for each precinct and FIRST WARD. First precinct—Judges, J. W. Mc- Evoy. James Ryder, Thos. Hird; clerks, Frank Woods. Thos. Reilly. Second precinct—Judges, A. A. Cul- len, James Hannon. Jas. McKeegan; clerks, Chas. Stevenson, George Barnes. SECOND WARD. First precinct—Judges. P. G. Altman, M. J. Mulgrew, P. H. E. Sommerfeld; clerks, Chas. Strobel. John Page. Second precinct—Judges, B. Lagen, Matt. Stafford, John Maclay, clerks, I. Cleminson, J. P. Quigley. THIRD 'WARD. First precinct—Judges, T. J. Conlin, A. Voelker. J. L. Horr; clerks, Geo. Huber, Henry Clemens. Second precinct—Judges. H. J. Kaep, James Hayes, Louis Lubck; clerks, Wm. Klauer, B. W. Jones. Third precinct—Judges, Wrn. Jelli- son, John Trexler, A. M.. Downer; clerks, P. Scharle, Ed Muntz. FOURTI3 WARD. First precinct—Judges, P. W. Craw- ford, E. P. Gilliam, George Seward; clerks, E. C. Peaslee, Eugene Ander- son. Second precinct—Judges, Peter Geis- hecker, T. B. Cain, Asa Knapp; clerks, W. C. S. Coy, Dennis Wallace. Third precinct—Judges, James Lee, D. W. Rand, Fred Raforth; clerks, M. Tschirgi, Jr., P. F. Guthrie. FIFTH WARD. First precinct—Judges, Theo. Scharle, B. Mettel, A. J. H. Tuegel; clerks, Dom- inic Hoffman, C. K. Mathis. Second precinct—Judges, Frank Den- nert, Theo. Bauer, Jno. Meyer; clerks, H. Brinkman, A. E. Sommerfeld. Third precinct—Judges, Fred Ruh, Phil Doerr, Chas. Arndt; clerks, A. H. Hemmelder, Henry Wunderlich. Fourth precinct—Judges, Paul Bever, Claus Andres, Dan Tully; clerks, Her- man Dax, Fred Mutschler. Ald. McEvoy stated that the sewer on 8th street at the corner of White street needed some repairs and needed them at once, and would move to refer the matter to the sewer committee. Car- n:ed. Ald. Dennert moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: Approved ecorder 189 74 Regular Session, March 31, 1898 . REGULAR SESSION MARCH 31, 1898. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8:45 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Lagen, McEvoy and Thomas. Absent—Aids. Cullen, Dennert, Jelli- son and Stafford. The council proceedings of March 23d, 1898, was corrected and approved. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on streets. The petition of Barney Gierens ask- ing the city to purchase 200 yards of gravel located at 17th and Maple streets. The petition of Louis Pell, asking the city to establish a street through lot 7 of Peil's sub., owned by him, he (Pell) agreeing to waive any and all damages caused by such opening of the street. The petition of John Strelau et al ask- ing for the construction of a sanitary sewer on Alma street, on motion of Ald. Crawford it was referred to the city engineer, and he, the city engineer, was instructed to prepare plans and specifications and report to the coun- cil. The petition of Mary De Lorimier asking the city to exempt her taxes on her homestead, part of lot 159, Locust street, for the year 1897, was on motion referred to the committee on delinquent tax. The petition of Miss Josephine Was - ser, asking the city to refund her $4.00 that she has paid in taxes on over - assessment on her property, parts of sub. 5, Brecht's sub. lot 2 and sub. 6 Brecht's subdivision, lot 1, was on motion referred to the delinquent tax committee and city assessor. The petition of Capt. Richard Kim - asking the ,city to, sionate him $400 towards the operating expenses of the ferry boat at Eagle Point, on motion was referred to the committee of the whole, and Capt. Kimbal to appear be- fore the committee. The claim of D. J. Lyons for personal damages for $1,500.00, received by him on the 26th day of February, 1898, caused by his falling on the alley be- tween 12th and 13th streets on the west side of Clay street, was on motion referred to the committee of claims and city attorney. The petition of George H. Bass, Geo. B. Burch and several other owners of property on Warren, Canal and Jones streets, protesting against the vacation of Warren and Canal streets was read. Ald. Berg moved that the rules be suspended and that any one desiring to address the council on the subject be heard. Carried. Hon. J. W. Knight addressed the council advocating the vacation of said streets. Hon. J. H. Shields addressed the council protesting against the vacation of said streets. Ald. Lagen received a telephone mes- sage that his sister, Mrs. Joseph War- ren was at the point of death and asked the mayor to be excused. Ald. Crawford moved that further consideration of the matter be post- poned and that when the council ad- journs they adjourn to 7:30 o'clock p. m. Tuesday, April 5th, 1898, and that the matter of vacation of Warren and Canal streets be made the special or- der of business. Carried. On motion the council adjourned. Attest : Approved Recorder 189.. ... Mayor UST OF WARRANTS. Dubuque, Ia., March 1, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of February, 1898: T T Duffy, salary mayor $125 00 H B Gniffke, treasurer 133 55 H B Gniffke, treasurer clerk hire 75 00 L M Langstaff, recorder 116 65 M M McCarten, auditor 116 65 E 0 Duncan, assessor 125 00 T H Duffy, attorney 150 00 Jas McCann, marshal 100 00 Jos Reinfried, fire chief 100 00 Jas Morgan, chief street foreman 85 00 Win Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 83 45 Wm A Kaep, clerk recorder's of- fice 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurer's of- fice 50 00 Edw C Blake, city engineer 200 00 Jas Boyce, assistant engineer100 00 E S Hyde, assistant engineer100 00 W Hippman, electrician 75 00 Otto Rath, market master 50 00 P Kien, park custodian 46 50 T Cahill, park custodian 46 50 E H Guilbert, health officer 50 00 N Offerman, poundmaster 50 00 Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman. 60 00 L. Zeidman, sidewalk inspector. 50 00 M Eitel, fireman 60 00 J Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 60 00 J Flynn, fireman 60 00 J Wiltse, fireman 60 00 C Oatey, fireman 50 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 List of Warrants. J Daley, flreman Job Barnes, flreman T Ryder, fireman J Schonberger, fireman W Ducey, fireman M Fahey, fireman T Meahan, fireman J Rooney, fireman D Ahearn, fireman T Walker, fireman G Helmrich, fireman J McFarland, fireman J Bauman, fireman J Murphy, fireman • A McDonald, fireman T Kennedy, fireman Geo Osborn, fireman J Fitzpatrick, flreman F Murphy, fireman Geo Gehrke, fireman F Ganahl, fireman F Flynn, fireman F Kenneally, fireman Jos Tschudi, fireman C Kannolt, fireman Jas Allen, fireman Wm McBride, fireman Robt Weston, fireman Jno Fox, sub. fireman 22 Wm Keas, sub. fireman 3 Geo Burkel, police 50 N Brand, police 50 James Carter, police 50 James Clune, police 50 Jno Cody, police 50 M Craugh, police 50 P Dunphey, police 50 Jno Fitzpatrick, police 50 Jas Flynn, police 51 P Hanlon, police 50 Wm Hennessey, police 50 E Kahn, police 50 M Kilty, police 50 J Loetscher, police 50 J Lonergan, police 50 P McCollins, police 51 P McInerney, police 50 Edw Moore, police 60 P Mulligan, police 51 Jno Murphy, police 50 J J Murphy, police 75 Jno Noel, police 50 D Norton, police 50 M O'Connor, police 50 Aug Pfeffer, police 50 P Powers, police 50 Jno Raesle, police 75 F Rhomberg, police 50 Jas Rooney, police GO T Reilly, police 50 P Scharff, police 50 Al T Scherr, police . 50 Jos D Secrest, police i0 P Sutton, police 60 T Sweeney, police 50 P Sullivan, police 50 Jno Tierney, police 50 H K Young, police 50 Mrs. Katie Hibbe, police matron 50 Miss Bridget Brennan, police ma- - trop T Ahearn, labor last half of Jan 1 A Alderson, labor last half of Jan 2 H Avery, labor last half of Jan. 4 Jno Ahearn, labor last half of Jan 3 C Budde, labor last half or Jan. 2 60 00 75 00 60 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 25 80 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 75 00 50 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 40 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 60 00 50 00 60 00 60 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 00 00 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 35 70 05 40 70 ' 75 F Bitzberger, labor 6 75 Jas Bender, labor 3 75 H Brasher, labor 2 40 B Ballertin, labor 510 George Berg, labor 70 C Budde, labor 2 05 P Brandenberger, labor 6 10 C Burkhart, labor 8 10 Chas Buse, labor 2 70 Jno Brachtobrach, labor 3 05 G Billo, labor 2 05 C F Beyer, labor 70 Jno Brady, labor 3 40 F Bieger, labor 1 70 J Berry, labor .... 135 G Berry, labor 1 35 Ted Bauer, driver 40 00 D Corcoran, labor 2 70 Jno Corbett, labor 3 75 Jno Cotasky, labor 4 40 J Carville, labor 4 75 Sam Casey, labor 5 10 L Corcoran, labor 13 20 F Coppersmith, labor 70 F Correll, labor 2 70 R Corrigan, labor 610 T Crahan, labor 6 10 Geo Collinson, labor 4 75 P Carney, labor 1015 Jas Connelly, labor 4 75 Jas B Connelly, labor 3 40 L Cahill, labor 5 75 S Cain, labor 2 70 Jno Coyne, labor 4 05 S Casey, labor 1 35 J Cahill, labor 3 05 A Crawford, carpenter 50 00 F Dennell, labor 2 40 E Dehling, labor 4 40 M Differding, labor 4 40 Sam Elmer, labor ... 5 10 J Eberhart, labor 2 06 S Eustis, labor 2 70 Al Froebel, labor 2 05 J Fiddler, labor 4 75 Chr Frohs, labor 4 05 P Fogarty, labor 3 40 Jno Fix, labor 3 40 P Furey ,assistant carpenter... 16 90 Jno Farley, labor 3 40 Wm Fuller, labor 12 85 P Farrell, labor 7 10 M Fagan, labor 1 35 F Fellbaum, labor 1 35 Jno Farley, labor 7 50 Dan Fox, labor 4 05 Wm Flynn, labor 4 05 F Graff, labor ... 3 40 Joe Ginter, labor 2 05 Joe Grab, labor 4 05 P Ginter, labor 1 70 Jno Gan. labor . 1 35 Frank Graff, labor 70 W Gordon, labor 4 05 D Gantenbein, labor 1 70 G Gruber, labor 1 35 P Grew, labor 3 05 P Hanifan, labor 1 35 M Hilbe, labor 1 70 Geo Hendricks, labor 5 40 F Haardt, labor 4 75 A Hird, labor 610 J Hansen ,labor 2 70 C J Holenberg, labor 3 75 A Jaeger, labor 3 75 76 List of Warrants. A Johnson, labor Geo Jellison, labor Jos Kiebel, labor L Kreps, labor H Kremps, labor M Klein, labor A Kaesbauer, labor P Krocheski, labor Wm Kiefer, labor Jno Kinsella, labor .. A Kirk, labor Phil Kinney, labor Thos Kelly, labor C E Kinser, labor Jac Kraus, labor P Lynch, labor H Lembke, labor Jno Lavin, labor M Loes, labor T Lehan, labor A Leonard, labor H Lang, labor Edw Lagen, driver B McCormack, labor C J McNabb, labor D J McNabb, labor Jno McFarland, labor L McEvoy, labor D McGinniss, Sr, labor Jas McCarron, labor Pat McMullen, labor F McIntyre, labor R McGivern, labor Jno McGrath, labor Wm McCraney, labor Jno McNulty, labor M McCarten, labor W McDermott, labor Wm McClain, labor M McMahon, labor M McCune, labor M McNamara, labor P McNulty, labor E Malloy, labor T Malloy, labor Jas Malloy, labor Jno Malloy, labor T Mulqueeney, labor Jac Maaser, labor M Meagher, labor Jesse Morrow, labor C Mueggenberg, labor H Mueggenberg, labor .. B W Norton, labor M Novashek, labor P Nichols, labor .. Jno Nutz, labor N Offerman, labor Fred Otto, labor P O'Brien, labor T Offerman, labor T O'Toole, labor Jno Pfeiffer, labor J Pilmaier, labor C H Pierce, labor F Piltz, labor Al Penn, labor .. Jac Peryon, labor Carl Priebe, labor W Quinlan, labor Phi1 Redding, labor J Rhomberg, labor .. Fred Ruh, labor.. Wm Ruch, labor .. N Reisch, labor 6 45 70 1 35 4 05 2 40 3 05 2 70 3 OF 2 40 8 SO 6 75 475 3 05 2 40 4 40 1 35 7 45 8 75 3 40 1 35 1 35 70 40 00 2 70 3 05 1 35 2 40 4 75 5 40 2 70 2 70 2 70 39 00 4 75 7 45 5 40 12 00 3 40 2 70 2 70 4 05 4 75 2 70 1 35 1 35 1 35 1 35 4 75 7 45 6 10 3 40 1 35 1 35 70 1 05 2 05 4 40 4 40 1 35 7 45 70 2 70 4 05 6 40 8 80 5 10 1 35 7 10 1 35 1 35 2 70 3 05 10 80 2 70 2 70 Jno Remus, labor 1 35 M Reiseck, labor 70 M Roddy, labor 3 40 Wm Rehfeld, labor 2 40 F Renker, labor 70 C Rapitsch, labor 70 Jno Ryan, labor 5 40 F Richardson, labor 3 05 Chas Scell, labor 70 H Specht, labor 2 40 Geo. Sutter, labor 4 75 Steve Steible, labor 2 70 Jno Slater, labor 4 05 M Specht, labor 18 00 Jno Steffes, labor 5 10 Jac Schener, labor 2 70 E Sanders, labor 1 35 Jno Schener, labor 2 05 Jno Spies, labor 70 N Sweeney, labor 6 75 Wm• Sheridan, labor 1 35 O Schlaeger, labor 2 70 P Smith, labor 2 05 Jas S Smith, labor 2 70 S Sterling, labor 2 70 G Schrank, labor 70 C Stener, labor 1 35 F Scherr, labor 4 90 Jos Seik, labor 25 00 L Taylor, labor 15 00 Joe Tacke, labor 8 10 T Taylor, labor 9 15 Jno Taylor, labor 2 70 R Tnigilgas, labor .. 1 35 Sam Varb, labor .. 4 05 Al Vonah, labor 2 70 H E Vanderbilt, labor 1 35 F D Winkle, labor 7 50 P Weierich, labor 2 70 Geo Weishett, labor 5 40 Jno We18e, labor 70 Aug W itte, labor 1 35 W Wearmouth, labor 7 80 Jno Welsh, labor 5 40 M White, labor 5 40 J WeSta, labor 1 70 P Wiest, labor 3 75 Aug Yaas, labor 8 10 Jno Yerk, labor 5 40 A Zingel, labor 1 70 Jno Leik, team 1 35 Wm Ahearn, labor quarrying rock . ... 7 80 Pat Ahearn, labor quarrying rock. 1 35 Jas Burke, labor quarrying rock. 8 10 W Burns, quarrying rock 8 10 J Bakey, quarrying rock 8 10 Win Burke, quarrying rock 7 45 Walter Burke, Jr., quarrying rock 7 45 Jno Boland, quarrying rock 1 35 Jno Burke, quarrying rock 1 35 Joe Broulette, quarrying rock 1 35 Phil Becker, quarrying rock 8 46 Jno Barrington, quarrying rock7 10 F Btitzbenger, quarrying rock 6 10 J Bottoms, quarrying rock 18 75 H Bauch, quarrying rock i 45 S Cain, quarrying rock T 45 Jas Carvelle, quarrying rock 8 10 L Cahill, quarrying rock 8 10 Jno Connellly, quarrying rock 1 35 M Carney, quarrying rock 1 05 H Carney, quarrying rock 13 85 List of Warrants. 77 Jos Cullen, quarrying rock 5 40 T Conday, quarrying rock 5 40 Jno Cosgrove, quarrying rock 8 45 M Carmody, quarrying rock 45 8 H Cobb, quarrying rock 875 M Corbett, quarrying rock.. 6 75 T Canovan, quarrying rock 8 80 Geo Collinson, quarrying rock70 Sam Casey, quarrying rock 2 70 T Dillon, quarrying rock .. 8 10 W Donahue, quarrying rock. 6 75 M Doyle, quarrying rock 8 10 F Donahue, quarrying rock 5 40 M Dolan, quarrying rock 8 45 T J Desmond, quarrying rock9 15 F Elliott, quarrying rock 7 10 S Eustis. quarrying rock 2 70 Jno Fitzpatrick, quarrying rock 9 80 Ben Fern, quarrying rock 15 20 D Flynn, quarrying rock 11 85 Wm Flynn, quarrying rock 8 10 Dom. Frank, quarrying rock 5 40 Jno Gregory, quarrying rock 19 50 Jos Garvin, quarrying rock 5 40 T Ganahl, quarrying rock 6 10 F Graff, quarrying rock 5 40 Geo Gray, quarrying rock 8 45 C Geimer, quarrying rock 4 05 I Graham, quarrying rock 4 05 M Gager, quarrying rock 1 35 D Gantenbein, quarrying rock6 75 P Gantenbein, quarrying rock 9 15 C J Holmberg, quarrying rock1 35 M Higgins, quarrying rock 5 75 Chr Heck, quarrying rock 2 70 Jas Hird, quarrying rock 17 65 W Harragan, quarrying rock 9 15 Jno Hayes, quarrying rock 18 40 F Haardt, quarrying rock1 35 H Hahn, quarrying rock 6 10 H Juergens, quarrying rock 1 35 Geo Jellison, quarrying rock.... 1 35 N Kenneally, quarrying rock .... 1 35 Jno Kelly, quarrying rock 10 50 F Kringle, quarrying rock 1 05 Joe Kasper, quarrying rock 7 10 M Lonergan, quarrying rock 10 50 Geo Luke, quarrying rock i 40 F Lambert, quarrying rock 6 10 A Leitner, quarrying rock 15 S0 Jos Leitner, quarrying rock 1 35 Jno Lassance, quarrying rock.. 8 10 9 15 A Loibe quarrying rock 10 Geo Lange, quarrying rock 7 10 Geo Moore, quarrying rock Jno Mullen, quarrying rock 17 25 7 40 R. Mathis, quarrying rock Joe Martineck, quarrying rock11 15 Neil Morran, quarrying rock70 C Mulholland, quarrying rock 3 05 Geo Mulholland, quarrying rock 1510 80 BB Mettel, quarrying rock5 20 0 J Malloy, quarrying rock 6 75 P McMullen, quarrying rock • • • • 6 45 F McCann, quarrying rock Edw McCann, quarrying rock5 40 D McGuinniss, Sr, quarrying rock A McGuan, quarrying rock Jno McCune, quarrying rock Wm McCraney, quarrying rock M McGovern, quarrying rock M McCune, quarrying rock Jno McLaughlin, quarrying rock Jas McLaughlin, quarrying rock 5 40 1 35 16 85 5 40 15 20 13 20 8 45 5 40 Jas McKernan, quarrying rock16 65 J McFarland, quarrying rock2 70 B McCormack, quarrying rock4 05 T Needham, quarrying rock4 75 P Norton, quarrying rock 8 10 Jno O'Halleron, quarrying rock13 85 N Offerman, quarrying rock 6 10 Jno Phelan, quarrying rock8 10 Gus Patton, quarrying rock70 Jno Pflffner, quarrying rock 2 70 T Pflffner, quarrying rock 2 70 Chas Priebe, quarrying rock 5 40 Geo Putnam, quarrying rock8 45 Jas Quinn, quarrying rock 19 50 Wm Quinlan, quarrying rock 7 10 Jake Reuter, quarrying rock8 10 M Roddy, quarrying rock1 35 Wm Reilly, quarrying rock 1 35 Joe Rooney, quarrying rock 8 45 P Reilly, quarrying rock 14 20 P Schroeder, quarrying rock1 35 F Stone, quarrying rock 8 45 Jno Sloane, quarrying rock 8 45 Jno Straney, quarrying rock4 40 Edw Stribley quarrying rock1 35 Joe Sieg, quarrying rock 15 20 P Smith, quarrying rock 3 75 Jno Summerville, quarrying rock 12 15 Jac Scheidecker, quarrying rock 4 05 A Shoutes, quarrying rock 1 70 Jno Schiltz, quarrying rock 8 45 Jas Thomas, quarrying rock 13 85 Wm Terry, quarrying rock6 45 Jas Vaughlin, quarrying rock6 75 Jno Wickham, quarrying rock.. 7 45 Jno Ward, quarrying rock 7 45 Jno Welsh, (tatter) quarrying rock 1 35 Jno Woods, quarrying rock 1 35 F Williams, quarrying rock 4 75 F Wright, quarrying rock 7 45 Joe Carvert, team hauling rock 16 20 Wmt Ellis, team hauling rock18 25 T Elliott, team hauling rock16 20 N Frith, team hauling rock 6 75 P C Foley, team hauling rock 12 85 M Gantenbein, team hauling rock 10 80 Jno Long, team hauling rock 4 05 C McGovern, team hauling rock. 14 20 Jas McCracken, team hauling rock ...... 2 70 Jeff McGrath, team hauling rock 14 20 Jno McCollins, team hauling rock .......... D Sutherland, team hauling rock 16 90 R McMahon, team hauling rock 14 85 F Sieg, team hauling rock 9 45 K White, team hauling rock 27 70 C Botsfo;d, labor on storm sewers 19 50 Jas Bennett, labor on storm sewers 19 50 Edw Brunskill, labor on storm sewers 19 50 Wm Dean, labor on storm sewer 19 50 Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm sewers 19 50 Jas Jellison, labor on sanitary sewers 22 75 Joe Lowery, labor on sanitary sewers 22 75 Jas Ryan, labor on sanitary sewers 22 75 Steve Rousch, labor on sanitary sewers 22 75 70 78 List of Warrants. August Ruegnitz, labor on sanitary 22 75 15 00 7 50 18 40 13 60 19 50 8 40 9 20 12 80 14 00 3 20 15 00 4 80 15 00 2 80 2 40 2 40 5 60 30 00 15 00 9 20 15 00 9 60 8 40 6 40 6 40 8 40 10 80 15 00 10 50 7 20 27 60 10 40 15 00 45 00 15 00 6 80 10 00 8 40 8 25 7 20 5 20 11 60 15 00 12 00 50 4 80 4 00 8 80 8 00 F Fischer, macadam 4 40 B Fern, macadam 10 00 P Gordon, macadam 15 00 Graham & Glasser, macadam 6 50 Del Gayne, macadam 15 00 Chas Gan, macadam 4 40 B Glass, macadam 10 40 Wm Gan, macadam 6 40 Geo Gan, macadam 4 50 F Gayne, macadam 7 20 Jno Gerst, macadam 10 40 Jno Glass, macadam 5 20 F Gallow, macadam 14 00 Jno Hafey, macadam 15 00 P Hanifan, macadam 10 40 M Hilbe, macadam 3 60 F Hoffman, macadam 4 40 Jno Hillery, macadam 1 60 P Jacobs macadam 8 40 Jas Javin, macadam 9 20 A Johnson, macadam 3 20 Kerwin & Kalb, macadam 30 00 M Kiefer, macadam 10 00 H Kehr, macadam 15 00 sewers F Atkinson, macadam Sam Allen, macadam Brandenberger & Co, macadam Becker & Stoffer, macadam C Burkhart & Co, macadam Geo Benjamin, macadam C Braemer, macadam J Baumgartner, macadam Wm Bennett macadam A Bolin, macadam T Butcher, macadam T Berry, macadam Wm Boyce, macadam H Berry, macadam Jos Blocker, macadam .. . M Bakula, macadam M Burns, macadam .... P & M Carney, macadam Jno Callahan, macadam J & M Corbett, macadam T Callahan, macadam F Cherney, macadam D Corcoran, macadam Jos Carpenter, macadam Steve Cain, macadam Tony Cahak, macadam Jno Craemer, macadam Jno Cahill, macadam M Crahan, macadam W J Callahan, macadam Carroll & Wall, macadam G Coapph, macadam W Conzett, macadam D & T Donovan, macadam Jno Dougherty, macadam P Dempsey, macadam T Donahue, macadam Joe Dvorak, macadam Jno F Donahue, macadam M Donegan, macadam Joe Dress, macadam H Eagen, macadam Wm Emmert, macadam Wm Flanagan, macadam Jno Fix, macadam Al Froebel, macadam Chr Frohs, macadam H Freres, macadam M Farrell, macadam A Kaesbauer. macadam 7 20 N Komines, macadam 12 80 F Kisting, macadam 14 00 Jac Kraus, macadam 7 20 H Kremps, macadam 4 00 C Knabel, macadam 10 00 F Kruse, macadam 10 00 L Kreps, macadam 1 60 Jno Karsch, macadam 15 00 Jno Kelly, macadam 4 00 P Kraemer, macadam 12 80 Jos Kubec, macadam 13 20 Jos Kiebel, macadam 4 00 H Keck, macadam 5 60 Geo Moore, macadam 3 60 H Mines, macadam 2 40 Wm McClain, macadam 6 50 M McCune, macadam 7 60 P McPoland, macadam 15 00 J McAleese, macadam 10 80 Wm McLaughlin, macadam 15 00 McBride & Co, macadam 19 00 Jno McNulty, macadam 15 00 D S McGinley, macadam 11 20 T McDonald, macadam 8 00 Jas McCarron, macadam 5 60 McGuinness & Co, macadam 8 00 P Levitt, macadam 15 00 M Lavin, macadam 15 00 P Lynch, macadam 15 00 Fred Lange, macadam 2 00 F Lassance, macadam 13 20 F LeRoy, macadam 9 60 P Murray, macadam 15 00 Jas Markey, macadam 14 80 R Miller, macadam 7 60 Jas Malloy, macadam 15 00 Edw Malloy, macadam 15 00 T Malloy, macadam 13 60 Jno Malloy, macadam 12 80 Jno Malone, macadam 12 40 H Mueggenberg, macadam 10 40 A Mertz, macadam 4 40 C Mueggenberg, macadam 8 40 J Martineck, macadam 7 60 C Mecklenburg, macadam 2 40 P Mohan, macadam 15 00 Jas Maroney, macadam 15 00 P Newman, macadam 9 00 F Nank, macadam 8 80 Jno Nutz, macadam 4 40 Otto Bros, macadam 75 00 W Papenthin, macadam 2 80 Jno Pfeiffer, macadam 14 00 C H Pierce, macadam 15 00 F Piltz, macadam 11 60 Aug Priebe, macadam 15 00 Jas Purcell, macadam 13 60 Mrs M Quinlan, macadam 15 00 Reilly & Smith, macadam 22 80 P Ryan, macadam 15 00 Jno Ryan, macadam 8 40 F Radloff, macadam 10 80 W Rehfeld, macadam ... 6 80 Joe Roscamp, macadam 15 00 Geo. Rank, macadam 6 80 Jas S. Smith, macadam 15 00 J B Stephens, macadam 3 20 Smith & Carberry, macadam 4 80 Jno Slater, macadam 4 50 N Steffen, macadam 13 20 Gus Schultz, macadam 13 60 Aug. Schiltzge, macadam 7 20 Fred Selle, macadam 14 00 Jno Spies, macadam....... 10 40 List of Warrants. 7S► P Saddler, macadam 11 20 R Schubert, macadam 12 00 O Schlaegel, macadam 1 60 A Sabel, macadam 15 00 Aug Soyke, macadam 10 00 W. Schwaegler, macadam4 40 C Sullivan, macadam 7 60 A Singel, macadam 8 00 M Shea, macadam 15 00 T Shea, macadam 13 80 L Trost, macadam 15 00 H Tippe, macadam 11 60 Jno Twieg, macadam 10 40 Geo Traub, macadam 6 40 Chas Vincent, macadam 9 60 Jas Vaughn, macadam.. .... 8 00 Wilmer & Cobb, macadam • 12 00 L Wacherheim, macadam 9 20 F Weber, macadam 2 80 Dell Warren. macadam 12 40 Jno Welsh, No. 1, macadam 8 80 Jno Welsh. No 2. macadam .. 15 00 T Westaby. macadam 3 20 F Zemon, macadam 8 80 Jas Robinson. teams hauling macadam 60 00 Jas Costello, teams hauling ma- cadam Tobin & Brunskill, teams hauling macadam Dan Sheehan, teams hauling ma cadam Jas McCracken, teams hauling macadam P M Norton, teams hauling ma- cadam Wm Singrin, teams hauling ma- cadam T F Maguire, 2 months' assistant attorney 100 00 P Cassidy, rodman .. .. .. 50 00 M O'Laughlin, chainman 40 00 H Weidenbacher, sawing wood at city hall 5 00 M Reiseck, sawing wood at city hall C F Beyer, assistant market mas ter A Hemmelder, assistant merket master Barnard, Walker and Co. sta- tionery 13 Lagen, livery hire Jas Lyons, new speaking tube at city hall .. • • • • H A Lange, taking care of town clock 6 months D C Stewart, recording plats. etc Wells Rupert damages caused by falling on sidewalk Smith -Morgan Prtg Co., blank stationery . Dubuque Water Co., water for city hall. $20.00; and patrol house, $10.00 • • • • • Mrs M Hayes, hauling ashes from city hall Demkier Bros., brooms for city hall C 0 D laundry, towels and racks for January Phil Pier, coal and wood for city hall .. M Hannon, hauling at Jackson park 37 50 72 25 200 00 1 85 25 00 18 00 5 00 10 15 18 90 17 40 4 50 8 00 37 50 8 00 200 00 20 75 30 00 6 00 2 10 6 00 120 40 1 35 Jno Butt, repairing tools, $22.55; and repairs at Central engine house, $4.75 B D Lenehan, repairing tools Wm Reed, repairing tools. Fred Schloz, repairing tools Jno Harney, repairing tools A Mink, wood for street dept Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for street department .. Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber F M Jaeger & Co, new tools and etc 82 25 Phil Pier, wood for street dept9 30 Fred Roehl, hardware 2 45 J. L. Moloney, oil for fire dept2 20 Dubuque Oil Tank line, oil for fire dept 13 20 Even & Fuchs. coal 87 50 Fire Ext. Mfg. Co., brass oil cans 1 70 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware 1 25 L Lindenberg. hardware 7 55 Dubuque Water Co, 336 hydrants for January 1 400 00 McClain Bros., salt 1 60 A Y McDonald Mfg Co., repairs at 4th and 9th street engine house Key City Gas Co., coal and coke 33 40 A Vogel & Son, repairing har- ness 4 95 W H Torbert, drugs, etc 5 60 J W Wittmer, drugs, etc 22 60 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for January 26 80 J & A M Trexler, bran and oats 3 85 Ferd Mertz, rep. locks, etc., for calaboose 6 65 Mullen Bros, plumbing at patrol house 1 20 Otto M. Ruete, analyzing honey for marshal 12 00 Duggan & Kane, supplies for ma- tron 5 00 Jno Huffmeier, hauling snow at patrol house 1 35 Globe Journal, official printing for January 67 50 The Times, official printing for January 29 15 The Herald, official printing for January 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for January 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings 6 00 Dubuque Telegraph, blank sta- tionery, $7.00; health reports, $3.50 10 50 National Democrat, 4 months offi- cial printing, Nov. 1 to Jan 3150 00 Jno E Hartig, rep tapes for en- gineer Keuffel & Esser, supplies for en- gineer's office T E Frith, removing dead ani- mals for Jan. J W Wittmer, drugs for health 2 dept 00 F Orner, labor on city dump.... 1121 35 Key City Gas Co, gas Star Electric Co, 320 arc lights1,723 15 for January 27 16 8 14 22 4 30 20 85 30 15 50 6 00 60 05 8 00 4 2 15 25 88 00 80 List of Warrants . Globe Light & Heat Co, 100 lamps for January 166 67 A Wunderlich, horseshoeing11 00 I Proctor, retaining wall on De Sota Terrace 613 50 P Horch, hauling rock from Thomas Place 11 40 P Linehan, filling on Washing- ton street 1615 Tom Clancy, filling on Washing- ton street 28 80 Geo Reynolds, filling on Wash- ington street 2 50 Geo Cornish, filling on Wash- ington street 1310 K White, filling on Washing- ton street 5 85 D Sutherland, filling on Wash- ington street 120 Geo Boyd, filling on Washing- ton street 2 50 Edw Seeley, filling on Wash- ington street 8 50 Jas Tobin, filling on Washington street 80 T Reilly, grading sidewalk on Valley street 2 70 J M Lee, rep. cement sidewalk on Iowa street 12 00 Geo Reynolds, rock furnished on 4th street extension 32 00 Jas Noonan, rock furnished on Bluff street extension 64 40 H B Gniffke, refunded exc. per- mits 30 00 H B Gniffke, interest on war- rants 527 39 H B Gniffke, postage, $11.75; express charges, 70c 12 45 H B Gniffke, refunded tax, $1.00; ref. water tax, $3.20 4 20 H B Gniffke, court costs, $6.35; exchange N. Y. $1.75 8 10 Geo. W. Dean, damages on Alpine street 50 00 LABOR FOR FRIST HALF OF FEB. H Avery labor 1 35 C Alderson, labor 70 Jno Albrecht, labor 3 75 A Bradley, labor 1 35 Jno Burns, labor 2 05 J Bradley, labor 1 35 E Am Ende, labor 1 70 Sam Brand, labor C Buse, labor C Burkhart, labor F Bitzberger. labor W Bennett, labor C T Bush, labor Jas Bender, labor T Crahan, labor M Carmody, labor F Correll, labor Jno Callahan, labor Jas Cahill, labor Geo Collinson, labor L Corcoran, labor P Carney, labor Jno Connelly, labor Sam Casey, labor D Corcoran, labor R Corrigan, labor L Cahill, labor Jno Coyne, labor R Cahill, labor 1 05 5 10 3 40 3 05 2 40 35 2 00 9 80 2 40 9 15 3 05 6 75 2 70 70 6 75 6 75 3 05 4 40 3 05 2 05 70 70 Jno Corbett, labor 1 35 M Corbett, labor 3 75 Jno Cotasky, labor 1 05 Dan Collins, labor 35 Sam Elmer, labor 5 40 Jno Fitzpatrick, labor 10 80 Jno Farley, labor 9 80 W Fuller, labor 8 10 P Furey, labor 9 45 Jno Farley, labor 3 00 W Flynn, labor 2 70 Dan Fox, labor 70 P Gantenbein, labor 8 10 Joe Grab, labor 2 70 W Gordon, labor 2 70 R Garner, labor 3 75 Jno Grouan, labor 5 10 Jno Gcarey, labor 35 Pat Grew, labor 70 Chr. Heck, labor 3 75 C J Holnberg, lablr 9 45 F Haardt, labor 1 05 Jac Hansen, labor 1 35 P Hanifan, labor 3 75 A Johnson, lab )r 4 40 Jac Kasper, labor 5 10 A Kirk, labor 610 Jno Kinsella, labor 7 10 Jac Kraus, labor 6 45 T Kelly, labor 2 70 M Klein, labor 1 05 H Kronfeld, labor 5 10 P Kinney, labor 2 70 P Krocheski, labor 1 05 Joe Kiebel, labor. 2 40 C E Kinser, labor 2 40 Joe Kasper, labor 3 05 M Lonergan, labor 1 70 T Lehan, labor 3 05 A Leonard, labor 2 40 H Lembke, labor .. 5 10 Jno Lavin, labor 3 05 Pat Lynch, labor 1 05 Jno Mullen, labor 12 00 Jac Maaser, labor 4 05 Joe Magee, labor 1 35 T Mulqueeney, labor 810 T Malloy, labor 2 40 Edw Malloy, labor 70 Jno Malloy, labor 1 70 James Malloy, labor 35 Edw McCann, labor 9 15 A McGuan, labor 3 75 Wm McCraney, labor 5 10 Jno McGrath, labor 5 40 L McEvoy, labor 4 05 R McCarron, labor 2 05 J McCormack, labor 8 10 F McIntyre, labor 1 35 B McCormack, labor 3 05 Wm McDermott, labor 2 05 D McGuInniss, labor 70 Jno Nutz, labor 70 T Needham, labor 35 T O'Toole, labor 1 35 P O'Brien, labor ..'. 2 70 P O'Farrell, labor 3 40 T Offerman, labor 70 N J. Offerman, labor 70 C H Pierce, labor 6 45 Jno Pfeiffer, labor 2 70 F Piltz, labor 1 05 J Pilmaier, labor 415 Wm Quinlan, labor 3 05 Wm Reilly, labor 3 05 List of Warrants. 81 Sam Radford, labor N Reisch, labor F Richardson, labor F Ruh, labor Joe Rooney, labor T Reilly, labor Jno Ryan, labor Jas Rooney, labor Jas Robinson, labor Wm Reilly, labor F Scherr, labor Tac Scherr, labor Wm Sheridan, labor F Stone, labor L Smith, labor O Schlaeger, labor Pat Smith, labor F Schwab, labor M Specht, labor Jac Sweeney, labor Ernst Sanders, labor Jno Spies, labor F Selie, labor Gus Schultz, labor Edw Saunders, labor S Stiple. labor L Taylor. labor Tom Taylor, labor Jno Taylor, labor Jas Thomas, labor Jno Taschner, labor R Trigilgas, labor Jas Va.rb, labor H E Vanderbilt, labor Edw Winkellman, la.bor Aug Witte. labor J Welsh, (Tatter), labor.. L Wachenheim, labor.. Geo Zum.hoff, labor Edw Seeley. team K White, team Wm Ahearn, water boy Pat Ahearn, quarrying rock Wm Anners, quarrying rock Wm Alderson. quarrying rock Jno Boland, quarrying rock T Barrett. quarrying rock Jno Burke, quarrying rock Jas Burke, quarrying rock M Burke, quarrying rock Chas Burns, quarrying rock Jas Boyce, quarrying rock Joe Broulette, quarrying rock J Bottoms, quarrying rock F Beine, quarrying rock Jno Belo, quarrying rock Jas Bender, quarrying rock F Baltzer, quarrying rock A Beyer, quarrying rock H Brasher, quarrying rock F Bitzberger, quarrying rock Chas Budde, quarrying rock Phil Becker, quarrying roc k , Jno Barrington, quarrying rock Jos Blocker, quarrying rock Jno Connolly, quarrying rock Joe Carney, quarrying rock M Cain, quarrying rock .. .. Jas ConnelIY, quarrying rock , P Connelly, quarrying rock P Carney, quarrying rock Steve Cain, quarrying rock T Connelly, quarrying rock . • H Carney, quarrying rock M Carney, quarrying rock 3 05 1 35 3 40 7 80 2 40 6 75 2 70 70 1 70 2 05 1 35 4 75 5 75 1 70 6 75 2 05 1 35 70 6 00 7 80 3 40 1 35 1 35 35 2 40 35 11 65 8 80 7 45 2 05 70 3 05 1 70 70 5 10 3 40 2 05 1 70 5 65 18 90 27 00 7 6 3 13 6 6 6 8 8 2 80 75 05 85 75 75 75 10 10 70 2 70 6 75 7 50 7 45 1 70 8 10 8 10 7 80 5 75 6 45 5 10 5 40 11 15 8 45 6 75 5 40 8 10 8 10 8 10 8 10 2 70 2 70 2 70 6 75 M Corbett, quarrying rock .. Wm Corbett, quarrying rock ..., Jno Catasky, quarrying rock F Doherty, quarrying rock M Duggan. quarrying rock Chas Elmer, quarrying rock .. Sam Dimer, quarrying rock Jos Eberhart, quarrying rock 5 40 1 70 1 70 2 70 70 8 10 1 35 1 70 Steve Eustis, quarrying rock12 15 Jas Fox, quarrying rock .. .. 8 10 Dan Fox, quarryin grock . 2 70 Jno Fitzpa.rtnick, quarrying rock 6 75 Dom Frank, quarrying rock 2 70 P Fogarty, quarrying rock 6 75 N Fischer, quarrying rock 3 05 F Faber, quarrying rock 11 50 Ben Fern, quarrying rock 13 85 Jno Gregory, quarrying rock 19 50 Pat Grew, quarrying rock 8 10 Jno Gregory. No. 2, quarrying rock 2 70 Pat Gordon, quarrying rock 2 70 Chr Gantenbein, quarrying rock8 10 F Gronan, quarrying rock 8 10 Fred Grewe, quarrying rock 8 10 Jno Grode, quarrying rock 5 40 P Greiner, quarrying rock 5 40 Con Geiner, quarrying rock 9 45 M Ganahl, quarrying rock .. 8 10 Theo Ganahl, quarrying rock8 45 I Graham. quarrying rock 10 15 6 75 8 10 6 76 2 70 J Holmberg, quarrying rock J Hackett, quarrying rock C Heck, quarrying rock H Hahn, quarrying rock A Heumelder, quarrying rock 5 40 Jas Hird, quarrying rock 15 40 P Henther, quarrying rock 9 80 Jno Hayes, quarrying rock 18 00 F Haardt, quarrying rock 6 10 Geo Jellison, quarrying rock 6 75 N Kenneally, quarrying rock 6 75 J Kenneally, quarrying rock , 8 10 H Keenan, quarrying rock 8 10 A Kelly, quarrying rock 8 10 Joe Kasper, quarrying rock 1 35 H Kremps, quarrying rock 3 05 F Kringle, quarrying rock 12 50 Jno Kinsella, quarrying rock 6 45 M Lonergan, quarrying rock • • , 6 10 16 55 1 35 8 10 5 75 A Leitner, quarrying rock Geo Lang, quarrying rock Geo Lutz, quarrying rock Geo Luke, quarrying rock F Lambert, quarrying rock 5 40 Wm Lonergan, quarrying rock 8 80 H Lane, quarrying rock 12 50 M Meagher, quarrying rock .... 2 70 Jno Mullen, quarrying rock 7 50 B Mettel, quarrying rock 16 55 N Menzel, quarrying rock 5 40 Herm. Mulbe, quarrying rock1 70 45 N Morrow, quarrying rock C Mulholland, quarrying rock7 45 W Mulholland, quarrying rock99 15 5 P McNulty, quarrying rock 0 Jas McDonald, quarrying rock2 70 J McCarron, quarrying rock 2 70 D McGinniss, Jr, quarrying rock 2 70 Jno McLaughlin, quarrying rock 70 Jas McLaughlin, quarrying rock 2 70 P McPoland, quarrying rock 7 80 Jas McKernan, quarrying rock15 20 Jno McGrath, quarrying rock1 70 Jno McCune, quarrying rock .... 15 40 82 List of Warrants. Jno McCune, quarrying rock8 10 M McCune, quarrying rock 12 50 8 10 2 70 4 05 8 10 2 70 P Nichol, quarrying rock D Noonan, quarrying rock T Needham, quarrying rock P Norton, quarrying rock T O'Toole, quarrying rock .. M O'Halleron ,quarrying rock5 75 Jno O'Brien, quarrying rock 1 70 N Offerman, quarrying rock8 80 Jno O'Halleron, quarrying rock 6 75 Gus Patten, quarrying rock 6 75 A Pust, quarrying rock 8 10 3 40 1 70 8 10 8 80 Jac Peryon, quarrying rock F Parker, quarrying rock T Pfiffner, quarrying rock Robt Pegel, quarrying rock Edwd Pegel, quarrying rock 8 10 Jas Quinn, quarrying rock 19 50 M Roddy, quarrying rock .. 6 75 Geo Reynolds, quarrying rock 2 70 Wm Reilly, quarrying rock 6 75 F Roe, quarrying rock 6 75 F Richardson, quarrying rock 8 80 Wm Rush, quarrying rock 5 40 Chas Rush, quarrying rock 5 40 Jas Robinson, quarrying rock 1 35 Pat Reilly, quarrying. rock 4 05 P Schroeder, quarrying rock 1 35 Wm Schollard, quarrying rock 8 10 Jno Straney, quarrying rock 7 80 B Smith, quarrying rock 2 70 Sam Seeley, quarrying rock 2 70 M Sullivan, quarrying rock 2 70 M Epecht, quarrying rock 10 90 Joe Sieg, quarrying rock 13 85 Jno Spear, quarrying rock 9 80 F Stahlschmidt. quarrying rock 3 75 Edwd Stribley, quarrying rock12 15 M Teirnan, quarrying rock 2 70 Jas Vaughin, quarrying rock 1 70 J Welsh (tatter), quarrying rock 6 7:. Jno Woods, quarrying rock 6 75 Edw Welsh. quarrying rock 8 10 N Wampach, quarrying rock 1 70 H Weber, quarrying rock 1 7d P Weierich, quarrying rock 1 35 Joe Wilman, quarrying rock F Wright, quarrying rock M Winders, quarrying rock Geo Winders, quarrying rock Ike Beekman, team hauling rock Jno Evans, team hauling rock P C Foley, team hauling rock N Frith, team hauling rock Jno Glass, team hauling rock Tom Hein, team hauling rock T Kenneally, team hauling rock Wm McConnell, team hauling rock Jeff McGrath, team hauling rock Jas McCracken, team hauling rock Ted O'Brien, team hauling rock. Mrs E Quinilivan, team hauling rock F Sieg, team hauling rock M Theis, team hauling rock Chas Botsford, labor on storm sewers ...... .... Jas Bennett, labor on storm sewers Edw Brunskill, labor on storm Sewers 4 40 6 10 1 70 1 70 14 20 16 20 14 20 10 80 16 90 8 80 16 20 16 20 2 70 16 20 5 40 16 20 10 80 3 40 18 00 19 50 19 50 Wm Dean, labor on storm sewers Jno F O'Dea, labor on storm sewers Jas Jellison, labor on sanitary sewers Joe Lowery, labor on sanitary sewers Jas Ryan, labor on sanitary sewers Steve Rousch, labor on sanitary sewers Aug Reugnitz, labor on sanitary sewers K White, team on sanitary sew- er C H Booth, filling in Booth's addition 475 80 I hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of Feb- ruary, 1898. 19 50 19 50 22 75 22 75 22 75 22 75 22 75 4 05 L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance providing for the elec- tion of the aldermen of the city of Du- buque and fixing their terms of office and compensation. Beit ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the regular annual election in April. 1898. and every two years thereafter, there shall be elected two aldermen at large and one alder- man from each ward, who shall hold their office for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The alderman in office at the time of the taking effect of the code of Iowa of 1897 shall continue in office only until the election and qualification of the said aldermen elected at the regular annual election in April, 1898. Section 2. Said aldermen shall be paid as compensation for their services, the sum of $300.00 per year, which shall be in full compensation for all services connected with their official duties. No member of the council shall during the time for which he has been elected or for one year thereafter, be appointed to any municipal office which shall be created or the emoluments of which shall be increased during the term for which he was elected, nor shall he be interested directly or indirectly in any contract for work or services to be per- formed for the corporation. Section 3. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted March 17th, 1898. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Approved March 19, 1898. T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tel -a egraph March 21, 1898,. I Official Notices. 83 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance providing for the elec- tion of certain officers of the city of Dubuque and fixing their terms of of- fice. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubugi : Section 1. That at the regular elec- tion in April, 1898, and every two years thereafter there shall be elected a may- or, auditor and assessor who shall hold their offices for the term of two years, and until their successors are elected, and qualified. Section 2. That at the regular annual election in April, 1900, and every two years thereafter there shall be elected a city attorney, treasurer and recorder, who shall hold their offices for the term of two years and until their successors shall be elected and, qualified. Section 3. The city attorney, treas- urer and recorder, who were elected at the regular annual election in April, 1897, shall continue in office until after the expiration of the term of office for which they were elected, which term of office expires May the lst, 1899, when their term of office shall expire as be- fore said, the mayor, by and with the consent of the council, shall fill the of- fice of city attorney, treasurer and re- corder by appointment and said city attorney, treasurer and recorder shall hold their offices for the term of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified at the annual elec- tion in April, 1900, said appointments to be made at the last regular meet- ing of the council in April, 1899. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted March 17, 1898. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF,CCity corder. Approved March 19, 1898. T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. Published in the Dubuque Daily Tel- egraph March 21, 1898. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the election by the elec- tors of the city of Dubuque, of a city engineer, and to repeal section one (1) of chapter sixteen (16) of the revised ordinances of 1893. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Section 1. That at the annual city election to be held on the first Mon- day in Aearsil nthe year 1898, and thereafter, there shall every two years Y be elected by the qualified electors of the city of Dubuque, a city engineer, who shall hold his office for the term of two years from the first day of May next ensuing, and until' his successor shall be elected and qualified. Sec. 2. That the election of city en- gineer shall be conducted in all respects in the same manner as that of other el- ective city officers and in the discharge of the duties of his office, the city en- gineer shall conform to, and be gov- erned by the laws of 'the state of Iowa, and the ordinances of the a'ty of Du- buque. Sec. 3. That section one (1) of chap- ter sixteen (16) of the revised ordin- ances of 1893, be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication one time in the Dubuque Daily Telegraph newspaper. Adopted March 10, 1898. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. Approved: T. T. DUFFY, 3-18-1t. Mayor. Published in the Dubuque Da'_ly Tele- graph March 18, 1898. NOTICE. Public notice is hereby given that at the session of the city council of the city of Dubuque, held on the 20th day of January, 1898, the following special as- sessments were levied on the real es- tate hereafter described, and that in case of failure to pay within the time prescribed by the ordinance governing same, all will become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. HENRY B. GNIFFKE, City Treasurer. Hattie Heingartner, McCraney's 1st add, lot 75 $ 60 J H Rhomberg, McCraney's 1st add, lot 76 70 Ed Langworthy Est, E. Dubuque add, lot 179 65 D and A Emsley, sub 2 min lot 467, n e 56 feet lot 2 60 Amelia S. Woodward, Marsh's add, lot 40 70 Wm Hintrager, Marsh's add, lot 49, 75 S P Rider, sub 21 L H Langwor- thy's add, lot 1 60 Thomas Hassett, Harper's sub, n 85 feet lot 2 60 John Cain, Harper's sub, south 50 feet lot 2 60 A W Hosford, Harper's sub, lot 3 1 00 C A Voelker, C A Voelker's add 60 lot 21 C A Voelker, C A Voelker's add, 60 lot 22 R M Kunz et al, McCraney's 1st 60 add, lot 47 Glab Bros, Ham's add, lot 26160 W G Cox, sub min lot 90 lot 21 75 Julia Zwack, Marsh's add, lot 36 Geo Salot, Tivoli add, lot 21 A Jaeger Est, Davis Farm add, lot 271 W A Hackett, sub 2 of 2 of 735 ' city, lot 1 A & G. Schumacher, Cain's sub lot 8 1 50 60 69 60 80 84 Official Notices. Ellen M Kringle, sub 14 and 15, Bush's sub, lot 3 60 For laying sidewalk on north side of Hart street. Adam Schmidt Est, sub 1 and 2 and south one-half of 5, 6 and 7, Schaffner's sub, lot 2 $ 19 24 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals wiii be received at my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, March 17th, 1898, for the con- struction of a retaining wall on Grove Terrace requiring approximately the following: 90 cubic yards new masonry. 144 cubic yards relaying. 300 cubic yards grading. In accordance with plans and speci- fications now on file in this office. The contractor to do all the necessary excavating for the wall and deposit the same where the city engineer directs. Bidders must state the price per cubic yard for furnishing the material and the necessary labor. The above work to be finished by June 1st, 1898. Bids must be accompanied with a certified check for $35.00 on some Du- buque bank as a guarantee that a con- tract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, Iowa, March 12, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 3-12-5t. City Recorder. MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. In pursuance of law and the ordi- nances of this city, I. T. T. Duffy, mayor of the city of Dubuque, State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim that an election will be holden in said city on Monday, April 4th, 1898, for the purpose of electing a MAYOR, AUDITOR, ASSESSOR, CITY ENGINEER, CITY MARSHAL, TWO ALDERMEN AT LARGE, Also one alderman from each ward in said city. That on said day the polls will be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at 6 o'clock j. m., on said day, to receive the votes cast at such election in the following places, to -wit: The places of registration of voters :n the several wards and precincts of the city are as follows: FIRST WARD. First precinct—Rafferty's place, South Locust street. Second precinct—Jess building, First and Main streets. SECOND WARD. First precinct—Court house. Second precinct—Fourth street en- gine house. THIRD WARD. First precinct—Ninth street engine house. Second precinct—City hall. Third precinct—A. Vogel's place, cor- ner 17th and Clay streets. FOURTH WARD. First pree.nct—Lorimier house. Second precinct—Western brewery. Third precinct—Mrs. Hamel's place, West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First precinct—Schmid's Brewery, Couler avenue. Second precinct—E. Mueller's, Eagle Point avenue. Third precinct—Otto F. Hess' place, corner Rhomberg and Stafford avenues. Fourth precinct—Jake Berg's, 23d and Jackson streets. All qualified voters of said city, who failed to have their names on last fall's registry list are hereby notified that unless they present themselves at the places and within the time hereinbefore mentioned for registration, they will be debarred the privilege of voting at said election. 'T. T. DUFFY, Seal.) Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF. City Recorder. 3-16-24. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Notice is hereby given that at the next annual city election to be held April 4, 1898, there wall be submitted to a vote of the electors of the city of Dubuque. in accordance with the order of the city council, the question of whether or not the city of Dubuque shall purchase the water works of the Dubuque Water company. L. M. LANGSTAFF. Recorder of the City of Dubuque. Dated March 5. 1898. 3-5-4w. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Mayor's Office, Dubuque, Ia., March 16, 1898. Notice is hereby given that the regis- ters of election, duly appointed to reg- ister voters in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, will be in attendance at the places herein below mentioned, for the purpose of correcting the registry list of last names of such electors as may be enti- tled to vote at the city election to be held on Monday, April 4th, 1898. Said registers will meet at their respective places on Thursday and Friday, March 24and 25 and Saturday, April 2, 1898, at 8 o'clock a. m. and be in session until 9 o'clock p. m. of said days. Said registers will thereafter meet on Monday (election day) April 4th, 1898. and be in session from the time the polls open until they close, and regis- ter only such voters as were absent from the city on the preceding Saturday during the tame the board was in ses- sion; also such voters as did not become citizens until Monday, April 4th, 1898. Any person applying for registration in any precinct, who is registered in an other precinct, shall, before being reg- istered, procure a certificate from the board of registration, where his names is registered, stating that the Utlieial Notices. 85 same has been stricken from such reg- istry list. FIRST WARD. First Precinct—Rafferty's Place, South Locust Street. Second Precinct—Jess Building, 1st and Main streets. SECOND WARD. First Precinct—County Court House. Second Precinct—Fourth street en- gine house. THIRD WARD. First Precinct—Ninth street engine house. Second Precinct—City hall or market house. Third Precinct—A. Vogel's Place, cor- ner 17th and Clay streets. FOURTH WARD. First Precinct—Lorimier House. Second Precinct—Western Brewery. Third Precinct—Mrs. Hamil's Place, West Locust street. FIFTH WARD. First Precinct—Schmid's Brewery, Couler avenue. Second Precinct—Mueller's Place, Ea- gle Point Avenue. Third Precinct—Ott F. Hess' Place, corner Rhomberg and Stafford avenues. Fourth Precinct—Jake Berg's, 23rd and Jackson streets. Witness my hand and the seal of said city this 23rd day of March. 1898. (Seal.) T. T. DUFFY, Mayor. Attest: L. M. LANGSTAFF. 3-23-5t. City Recorder. VACATION OF STREETS. Notice is hereby given that a proposi- tion is now pending before the city council of the city of Dubuque for the vacation of Canal and Warren streets in the Dubuque Harbor Company's ad- dition to the city of Dubuque, and that the question of such vacation will be considered at a meeting of the council to be held on the 31st day of March, 1898. at which time any person objecting to said vacation may appear and present their objections to the same. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. T)ated March 17th, 1898. 3-17-10t. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the city Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on South side of Wilber Lane between east side Grove Terrace and Olive street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted March 24th, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 3-28-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALIK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank be, within 15 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 2 feet wide on south side of Wilber Lane between south side Olive street and Spruce street, where not already laid at the expense of abutting proper- ty. Adopted March 24th, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 3-28-10t. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the City Council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank be, within 30 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in re- lation to sidewalks as follows: Two feet wide on south side of Dodge street between Locust street and Main street, abutting lots 1 and 12, block 13 Dubuque Harbor Company's add., lot 549a city and lots 1 and 8 sub 552 city, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted March 17th, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 3-21-10t. City Recorder. Special Session, April 5. 1898 CITY COUNCIL. SPECIAL SESSION APRIL 5, 1898. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Aids. Albrecht, Berg, Craw- ford, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, Mc- Evoy, Stafford and Thomas. Absent—Ald. Cullen. Ald. Crawford stated that he had a petition, that immediate action had been requested; he therefore would move the petition be considered before 'the taking up of the special order of business. Carried. The petition of J. H. Rhomberg ask- ing exemption for a term of ten (10) years from taxation on the contemplat- ed improvements and building of a manufacturing plant on forty lots in blocks 3, 4, 5, 6 and 11 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's add. was read. Ald. Dennert moved that the rules be suspended and that Mr. Rhomberg be 'heard. Carried. Mr. Rhomberg addressed the council and presented the plans of the con- templated building. Ald. Crawford moved that the peti- tion be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The mayor stated that City Attorney Duffy had a matter of importance to present to the council, whereupon the city attorney presented the following report: Dubuque, Ia., March 29, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The attached communi- cation addressed to the chairman of the committee on claims explain' it- self. On January 14th, 1897, Albinus Bauer, a mechanic, then employed at the C. M. & St. P. R. R. shops, while passing along Garfield avenue, in the city of Dubuque, at a point close to its inter- section with Pine street, slipped on what is alleged by him to have been a defective sidewalk or foot path, and was precipitated into the Couler Creek, receiving, as he claims, injuries which will be permanent. Your committee on claims has con- sulted with the mayor and city attor- ney as to the facts in the case, and all things considered it is our opinion that a compromise, in accordance with the proposition made, of Mr. Bauer's case is to the best interests of the city. We therefore recommend that a war- rant be drawn in favor of Longue- ville, McCarthy & Kenline, attorneys of record for Mr. Bauer, for the sum of $567.70, which warrant is to be deliver- ed to said attorneys upon the execu- tion by them, as attorneys for Albinus Bauer, of a receipt to be drafted by our city attorney. Respectfully submitted, (Signed.) M. STAFFORD, G. B. ALBRECHT, CHAS. T. THOMAS, Committee on Claims. Ald. Stafford moved to adopt the re- port of the committee on claims and that a warrant be ordered drawn to pay said claim. Carried. The mayor announced that the coun- cil would now take up the matter of vacating Warren and Canal streets on the petition of A. A. Cooper. Hon. W. J. Knight, counsel for the petitioner, addressed the council in favor of the vacation of said streets. Hon. J. H. Shields addressed the council in his own behalf and in the interest of those protesting against the vacation of said streets. Ald. Dennert moved to refer the mat- ter to the committee df the whole and the committee of the whole to meet Wednesday evening, April 6, 1898. Carried. ' Ald. Albrecht moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: / .-"- Approved • 7 .Recorde /89r REGULAR SESSION, APRIL 7TH, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:35 o'clock p. m. Mayor Duffy in the chair. Present—Alds. Albrecht. Berg, Craw- ford, Cullen, Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, McEvoy, Stafford and Thomas. Ald. Thomas moved the council pro- ceedings'for the month of March, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. The following bills were ordered paid: Frank Or'ner, sawing wood $ 10 00 C. O. D. Laundry, towel supply for March 6 00 Frank Bitzberger, labor assist- ing market master 4 75 James O'Connors, labor assist- ing market master A. Hemmelder, labor assisting market master 3 40 R. Garner, labor assisting market master 5 40 Christman & Healey, door spring 1 50 5 40 5 Regular Session, April 7th, 1898 G. Hall, repairing chairs (Klauer Mfg. Co., basin and 85 shaker for stove R. D. Kirmse, repairing clocks2 50 John Sutton, matches and salt4 55 Key City Gas Co., gas for arm - 35 55 ory Christman & Healey, snow shovel and grass seed 2 60 Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co, storm doors 33 40 Wm. McLaughlin, team hire 1 50 Adam Doerr, delivering ballot boxes and lamps 5 50 R. Frick, putting up and taking down 33 booths for election in Fifth ward .. 14 85 C. Carpenter, putting up and taking down 19 booths in Fourth ward for election 8 55 Offerman & Terry, putting up and taking down 19 booths for election in Third ward 8 55 John McCollins, putting up and taking down 14 booths for elec- tion in Second ward 6 30 Larry Daley, putting up and tak- ing down 15 booths in the First ward for election 6 75 Thomas F. Maguire, one month assisting city attorney .... 50 00 Jos. J. Murphy, to assistant as- sessor ... 100 00 G. Gmehle, assistant assessor 100 00 Ham & Carver, 28 poll books for election Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for election Walton & Bieg, supplies for elec- election .. Adam Jaegger, labor cleaning and delivering lamps for elec- tion Edward Moore, connecting sink at patrol house with sewer .... Mrs. Koenig, milk for matron's quarters ........ .... .......... Smith, Morgan Prtg. Co., letter heads and envelopes Mullen Bros., plumbing at pa- trol house Key City Gas Co., gas for patrol house Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing for patrol house Martin Byrne, hay at patrol house Hagerty Bros., shavings for pa- trol house Christ Schmitt, meat for matrons John Mullen, harness oil patrol house John Hoffmeir, clay for patrol house Joe Trudell, repairs on patrol wagon G. B. Grosvenor Co., office sup- plies Duggan & Kane, groceries for matron's quarters Otto Rath, board of prisoners for March Chas. H. Whitwell, veterinary services additional horse fire department 2 35 • 28 00 8 10 29 70 12 00 5 00 5 56 4 50 15 95 11 85 3 00 24 50 3 00 8 00 4 50 1 35 8 50 7 08 8 15 24 00 9 32 T. J. Conlin, livery for city at- torney 3 50 Walton & Bieg, office supplies for city attorney 11 70 Robt. E. Lee, witness in Wilber - ding case 2 60 A. H. Mackenzie, pictures of con dition of certain premises 3 00 Otto Hess, witness fees in Wil- berding case .. 5 20 David S. Wilson, transcript Alt- man vs. City 94 80 Jno. P. Fitzgerald, witness fees McMahon vs City 3 95 G. B. Grosvenor Co., office sup- plies 11 75 Palmer, Winall & Co., printing15 55 D. C. Stewart, county record- er, recording deeds, etc. 3 25 Martin Byrne, hay fire depart- ment .. 270 34 Standard Lumber Co., shavings fire department 4 50 Phil. Pier, coal fire department8 70 A. Y. McDonald & Morrison Mfg Co., repairing nozzle for fire department 1 00 C. H. Whitwell, 4 months' veteri- nary services 18 00 Collings & Wilkinson, horseshoe- ing fire department 7 20 Lagen & Sullivan, horseshoeing fire department 3 50 Mulgrew & Phillips, coal fire de- partment ...... 6 25 Dubuque Water Co., 336 hydrants for March 1400 00 Klauer Mfg. Co., repairs on pail 50 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire department ...... ........ 20 87 J. P. Merkes, bran and corn fire department 2 95 Chas. Stevenson, repairs on Hill engine house 12 00 Beattie Zinc Works, zinc and copper fire department 59 38 Linehan & Molo, plumbing 4th street engine house 7 65 J. J. Mannion, chamois fire de- partment 6 50 Joe Trudell, repairing ladders 1 00 Christman & Healey, nails fire department ...... ........ 20. Homan & Roehl, repairs on bed for fire department 75 F. M Jaeger & Co., hardware for fire department 7 00 Jno. P. Schuler, bed spreads and sheets fire department 25 80 A. Wunderlich, horse shoeing for fire department ...... 5 65 Key City Gas Co., gas fire de- partment 40 95• Peter Cassidy, rodman engineer's office 50 00 Michael O'Laughlin, chainman engineer's office 40 00. Peter Horsch, filling hauled from Thomas Place to 16th street75 60 Barney Garen, 40 yards of stone4 00• Ike Beekman, 40 yards of stone 5 00 Steuck, O'Farrell & Linehan, re- pairs on catch basin and fill- ing Gus Baumgartner, repairs on 13 75• Regular Se6sion, April 7, 1898. 89 sidewalk on Iowa street Standard Lumber Co., lumber Standard Lumber Co., lumber Wm. Reed, repairing tools Frank Seig, 2 loads of rock John Hearney, repairing tools F. D. Winkel, two days labor B. D. Linehan, repairing tools Fred Schloz & Son, repairing tools 15 10 F. M. Jaeger & Co., nails for street department C. H. Whitwell, veterinary ser- vices for street department ... 2 00 T. E. Frith, removing dead ani- mals March ............. 11 00 Union Printing Co., board of health blanks D. Sheehan, work on garbage dump F. Betzberger, taking dead fish from sloughs ... 5 40 Theo. Ganahl, taking dead fish from slough 5 40 Adam Doerr, hauling dead fish from slough .. 4 00 Smith, Morgan Printing Co., 14405 ballots for election 97 00 Hardie & Scharle, printing fin- ance reports 76 80 The Times, official printing for March 29 15 German Catholic Prtg. Co., of- ficial printing for 4 months 50 00 The Herald, official printing for March 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for March 75 00 The Globe -Journal, official print- ing for March ... 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, board of health reports for February3 50 Dubuque Telegraph, council pro- ceedings weekly 12 00 Trades Journal, committee meet ing cards Police Telephone & Signal Co, weight sector F. A. Box, order- ed paid and referred to city at- torney The following bills were referred to the committee on streets: Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller ...... Linehan & Molo, cinders Linehan & Molo, cinders Linehan & Molo, cinders Jno. McCollins, filling on High Bridge avenue Dan McCollins, filling on High Bridge avenue Frank Venn, filling on High Bridge avenue Wm. McConnell, filling on High Bridge avenue Frank Becker, removing stone from Kaufman avenue Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing1 50 Duggan, Sullivan & Cota, powder, 8 45 fuse, etc. Engler Fruden Lumber Co., pick- 68 ets The bill of Jno. LBuettell for map of the city, $15.00, was referred to the committee on supplies. 2 00 16 29 2 27 3 05 2 00 1 10 3 00 7 15 7 45 2 25 6 00 • 2 75 $71 78 5 00 21 00 5 25 6 00 29 00 1 20 5 40 30 00 The bill of R'm. Juergens for seven days lobar in August, 1897, $9.45, was re- ferred to the committee on public grounds and buildings. The bill of Even & Fuchs, for rent of office for police at 446 Garfield avenue for season ending April 1, 1898, of $15.00, was referred to the committee on police and light. The bill of Van Wie Houps & Co., of $75.00, for pulling down shanty over a mining hole, was referred to the com- mittee on claims and the city attorney. The bill of Bock & Reed, amounting to $5.00 for repairs on wagon owned by E. Avenears, was, on motion, received and filed. The bills for register clerks, judges and clerks of election, also bills for rent of rooms for registration and poll- ing places were referred to the com- mittee on claims and City Attorney Duffy. PETITIONS. The petition of Dominick Frank, ask- ing the return to him of an ice chisel, used by him, while working on the sewer under Sewer Inspector Phil. Doerr, was, on motion of Ald. Mc- Evoy, referred to the committee on sewers. The petition of Oliver G. Kringle, ask ing permission to lay a ten -foot side- walk on the west side of 17th street in front of lots 2 and 3 of out lot 712 of Quigley's sub; also permission to build a retaining wall adjoining the side- walk and in front of said lots. On mo- tion of Ald. Berg, was referred to the street committee. The petition of E. Milligan et al ask- ing to have wall now under construc- tion by O. G. Kringle on West 17th street moved back two feet, so as to leave a 12 foot sidewalk. On motion of Ald. Thomas was referred to the street committee and city engineer. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on delinquent tax: The petition of St. Joseph Mercy hos- pital, by Sister Mary Agnes, president, asking the city to redeem lot 16, Agnes Langworthy's sub. from tax sale for the year 1895, and to cancel the taxes for the year 1896 and 1897. Also the petition Mrs. Bridget Flynn asking the cancellation of taxes on her property, city lot 577. The petition of James Beacom et al asking that the arc light at the in- tersection of Burns street and Cleve- land avenue be raised 20 feet. Ald. Lagen moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the recorder be instructed to give the prop- er notice to the Star Electric Company. Carried. The petition and clam of L. Zeid- man, sidewalk inspector, asking com- pensation for services as special police- man at the Grand opera house for $SO was read. Hr,s Honor Mayor Duffy stat- ed that he had had a conference with Mr. Zeidman before his entering upon said duties and r:t was understood that 90 Regular Session, April 7, 1898. there was to be no extra compensation. Ald. McEvoy moved that the petition and claim of L. Zeidman be received and filed. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and city council: Gentlemen:—Please find statements of amounts advanced by me during the month of March, 1898, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor. Interest on warrants, re- fund of Excavation permits and all sources $3,328.29. Ald. Berg moved that the treasurer's report be received and that warrants be ordetPd drawn for the various amounts and the report referred hack to the finance committee. Carried. City Auditor McCarten reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council—Gentlemen: I desire to here- with transmit for your consideration a report of the receipts and disbursments of the city for the month of March, 1898. Cash on hand March 1, 1898. $59,993 33 Receipts for month35,480 64 Warrants redeemed..$19,422 75 $95,473 97 Coupons redeemed .. 82 2c Bonds redeemed .... 4,000 00 23,505 00 Cash on hand April 1, Other cash on hand there belonging to the special bond fund.... .... ...... $71,968 97 $11,824 90 Leaving a balance in the general fund .. $60,144 07 Also report $2,168.00 due city officials for the month of March, 1898. Ald. Berg moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay city officers and the report re- ferred back to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfnied reported $1,985.20 due firemen for the month of March, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay firemen and the report be referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal McCann reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and city council of the city of Dubuque—Gentle- men: I herewith submit to you a re- port of the police departmentfor the month of March, 1898. Total number of arrests, 89. The patrol wagon answered calls, to- tal, 63. Miles run by patrol wagon, 104 1-4. Number of lodgers harbored, 357. Total number of meals furnished, 120. Total number of defective street lights, 141. Also reported $1,999 25 due policemen for the month of March, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the police and the report referred back to the committee on po- lice. Carried. Chief Foreman of the Streets Morgan reported $3,122.35 due laborers on the streets for the last half of March, 1898. Ald. Cullen moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the street laborers, and the report referred back to the com- mittee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan, in charge of the sewers, reported $244.00 due laborers on sewers for the last half of March, 1898. Ald. Thomas moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn to pay the laborers on sewers and the report referred balk to the sewer committee. Carried. City Engineer Blake's report of the macadam list as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and city coun- cil: Herewith find list for the month of March, 1898: Total amount of macadam broken for the month, 3,550 3-10 cubic yards. Amount due for same, $1,685.63. Ald. Crawford moved to refer the macadam list to the street committee. Carried. After some discussion of the matter A1P. Donnsrt moved to reconsider the action on the macadam list. Carnled. The read.ng of the macadam list was called for. The reading of the list proceeded, until about half through, when Ald. Crawford moved that the re- port be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the various amounts and the report referred back to the street committee. Carried. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and city council: Gentlemen: The following is the amount of work done in each ward dur- ing the month of March. 1898: Foreman. Where done. Amount. FIRST WARD. J. Quinn, cleaning vani- ous streets .... $327 15 T Reilly, cleaning vari- cus streets 220 25 L Zeidman cleaning va- rious streets .... .. 9 45 J Morgan, cleaning va- rioi s s`reets. . . 25 70 Total First ward ... SECOND WARD. .7 Mullen, cleaning va- t:cus streets $401 00 I. Zeidman, cleaning various streets .. 5 40 E. C. Blake, cleaning various streets .. 12 45 R McGivern, 4th street $ 582 55 Regular Sesion, April 7, 1898 91 dump 88 45 Total Second ward ... THIRD WARD. J Pilmaier, cleaning various streets ..$126 85 T Lonregan, cleaning various streets .. .. 356 65 J Farley, cleaning va- rious streets .. .. .... 349 30 L Zeidman, cleaning various streets ...... 52 65 J Morgan. cleaning va- rious s:reets .. .. 16 55 N Ofterman, cleaning various streets . 22 05 Blake, cleaning various streets .... .. .. 11 40 $ 507 30 Total Third ward $ 935 FOURTH WARD. J Hiro, quarrying rock Angella street .. $200 65 J Hird, cleaning vari- ous streets .... .. . • • • 206 85 Jno Hayes, cleaning va- rious streets 91 60 Jno Hayes, filling Cox street . 35 90 I. Taylor, cleaning vari- ous streets 425 50 J Morgan, cleaning various streets .. 9 45 C Gantenbein, mason work, Wood streets35 55 Total Fourth ward FIFTH WARD. Matt Specht, quarrying rock 'Ibomas place$209 05 Matt Specht, cleaning various streets 690 00 G Zumhoff, cleaning various streets 10 95 L Zeidman, cleaning various streets 6 75 J Morgan, cleaning various streets .. 7 45 E C Blake, cleaning various streets .. 12 15 45 $1005 50 Total Fifth ward $ 936 35 Total all wards $3967 15 Respectfully submitted, WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Committee Clerk. City Electrician Wpman reported as follows: Ti) the Honorable Mayon and city coun- cil: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit my re- port of defective lights for the month of March, 1898, and I find from the re- port cf the police department, as well as Prorn my personal observation, that the total hours 141 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 1-3 lamps for one month, amount $18.00. Ald. Berg moved that the report be received and the auditor instructed to deduct $18.00 from the Star Electric corn panies bill for the month of March, 1898. Carried. The following weighmasters' reports were referred to the market committee: Chas. Pitschner, West Dubuque, re- ceipts $3.7.0. .lan,ec Doyle, First ward, receipts $1.95. G. A. Pflffner, receipts, $2.07. Otto Rath, city hall. $18.35. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Berg, chairman of the finance committee, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—We herewith submit to you the annual reports of the heads of the various departments of our city government. A careful examination is essential to a proper understanding of the operations of our municipal affairs, the city's finances, and the causes which are responsible for the existing conditions. Every city official should carefully examine them. By so doing he can familiarize himself with the manner and methods followed in the past, and by the knowledge so obtained avoid a repetition of former errors. The last fiscal year in some respects has differed from most of its prede- cessors. While the actual expenditures have been materially reduced the year's balance does not show any reduction in the floating debt. The reason for this can be briefly stated. The reductions in expenditures were not sufficient to keep the latter within the city's rev- enue. We wish to call your attention to the following brief summary of the ac- companying documents. The total expenditures show a reduc- tion of $35,927.54 over the previous year. The revenues in the same time were re- duced by $3,943.13, mainly due to a falling off in the amount collected for licenses. The floating debt, which con sists of outstanding, unpaid warrants, was nominally increased by $71,881.67 but we have in the treasury, available for general purposes, $46,653.24, which must be subtracted from the amount first named, thus leaving a net increase of $25,228.43 for the year. Of this amount $3,943.13, the decrease in the revenue, could not be anticipated, as you had every reason to figure on its collection. In giving the above explanation, your finance committee is merely endeavor- ing to aid you in a true understanding of the actual state of affairs. As a committee, they are not in the remotest responsible for the general financial policy of the city. Any credit or odium that may attach to the city's finances must in justice fall upon all the mem- bers of the city council alike, as this body never consults or heeds the fin- ance committee's admonitions when ex- pending the city's funds, or when in- augurating measures for obtaining rev- enue. The sole duty of the finance com- mittee, since Dubuque has been a city, has been to procure the funds with which to pay off various classes of debts after they have been contracted by the city council. ;I2 Regular Session, April 7, 1898 When we consider the constant pres- sure brought to bear upon you to re- duce the burdens of taxation on the one hand, and the clamor for work by the unemployed on the other, the city council may be content with the past year's labors. The general business de- pression left its imprint on our city af- fairs. While the ability of the taxpay- ers to meet their obligations has been diminished, the host of unemployed, who expected and demanded work from the city was vastly increased. The coming fisca.l,'year brings with it a new system, wh'ch we believe and hope will prove a loon to the citizens of Dubuque. The new laws, as incor- porated in the code. of 1897, give fair promise of doing away with many of the abuses of the p; st, and will better enable 1 he aldermen to resist the im- portunities of the,,undeserving and to do justice to the ttxpayer. In conclusion, we desire to return thanks to the mayor. auditor, treas- urer, recorder and city attorney for the many servio* rendered us during the past year. Respectfully yours, C. H. BERG. FIRANK DENNERT, JOHN W. McEVOY, Finance Committee. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report. Carried. • Ald. McEvo'jj ..khairman of the com- mittee on public grounds and buildings, reported as follgws: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the city of Dubuque: Gentlemen: -Your committee on pub- lic grounds and buildings, respectfully report that the have had renewed the insurance on the city hall in the fol- lowing named companies: American Fire Insurance Co. of New York, $1,000.00. Commercial Union Assurance Co. Limited, of London, $2,000.00. Firemen's Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J., $1,000.00. American Insurance Co. of Newark, N..J., $1,500.00. Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., $2,000.00. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the report and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the premiums on said policies. Carried. Ald. Lagen, chairman of the commit- tee on police, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following claims: Dr. C. H. Whitwell, veterinarian services for police dept $ 3 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for city hall 35 85 Globe Light and Heat Co., for lighting and care for 100 gaso- line lamps for March, 1898 166 67 Star Electric Co., 322 arc lights for March, 1898 1 738 80 Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service 63 05 Ald. Lagen moved to adopt the re- port. Carried. Ald. Berg, chairman of the commit- tee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Geo. H. Bass et al protest- ing against the vacation of Canal and Warren streets. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Douglas Broadhurst claim- ing balance due on salary as sewer inspector to December 24th. 1897. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Anne Garragan asking that she be refunded the amount of $20.00 paid by John Gr rragan for team li- cense for the year 1896. In favor of granting the petition of J. H. Rhomberg asking that he, his heirs and assigns be exempt from pay- ing taxes for ten years on improve- ments to be made on lots numbered 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in block three, lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 in block four, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and parts of lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 in block five, lots 13, 14. 15, 16, 17 and parts of lots 18 and 19 in block six, lots 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in block eleven, all inclusive. in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement company's add., providing that it shall be used exclu- sively for manufacturing purposes and employ not less than 20 men on an average during each year; said grant to commence with the year 1899. In favor of granting the petition of Hyde Clark Post G. A. R., asking the city to make an appropriation for the expenses of memorial day and would recommend the amount of $200 be appro- priated for that purpose. On the petition of Richard Kimbel asking city to donate the sum of $400.00 to assist him in running the Eagle Point ferry boat, the committee report- ed in favor of donating the sum of $50.00 each month for four months, providing he makes ten trips daily. Ald. Berg moved that the rules be sus- pended and that Capt. Kimbel be heard. Carried. • Capt. Kimbel addressed the council, stating the boat was in complete order and ready to start as soon as he could make arrangement to pay for the re- pairs on the boat. Ald. Berg moved to adopt the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. Also report on the petition of John Wybrant asking one hundred dollars for damages to retaining wall caused by storm water from Picket street; in favor of allowing Mr. ' Wybrant the sum of $50.00 providing he accepts this amount in full for 9.11 damages. In favor of the adoption of the plat of Grove Terrace submitted by F. A. Rumpf et al. Ald. Berg moved the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Cullen offered the following: Whereas, The owners of all the lots and parcels of land abutting on that portion of Warren street between First Regular Session, April 7, 1898 and Jones streets, and of Canal street between Warren street and Water street, both in the Dubuque Harbor company's add. to the city of Dubuque, has made written application to the city council to have said streets vacat- ed and annulled as a public highway. And Whereas, ten days notice has been duly given by publication in the city papers, that a proposition for the vacation of sgid,'treets was pending in the coUncIlwould be coinsider- ed by the countfl at its regular session to be held on the 31st day of March, 1898. And 'Whereas, After consideration of the question of the vacation of said streets at two regular sessions, it is deemed advisable by the city council to grant the said application of the owner,of said abutting real estate. Therefore, Resolved by the city coun- cil of the city of Dubuque: That War- ren street between Jones and First streets in the Dubuque Harbor Com- pany's add. to the city of Dubuque, and canal street between Warren and Water streets in said addition be, and the same . are hereby vacated and an- nulled as public highway in favor of the owners of the lots and parcels of land abutting thereon. Ald. Berg asked a division of the question. Ald. Crawford moved that the first vote be taken on the vacation of Canal street. Carried. The roll was then called, resulting as follows. Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Berg, Crawford, Cullen, • Dennert, Jellison, Lagen, Mc- Evoy, Stafford and Thomas. Noes—None. The roll was then called on the sec- ond proposition, the vacation of War- ren street, with the following results. Ayes—Alds. Albrecht, Cullen, Den- nert, Jellison, Lagen and Thomas. Noes—Alds. Berg, Crawford, McEvoy and Stafford. His honor, the mayor, declared the resolution adopted as a whole and signed said resolution. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of this council are hereby cordially extended to the retiring mayor, Hon. T. T. Duffy, for the able, courteous and impartial manner in which he has presided over this body during the past year. Ald. Dennert moved that the council proceed to canvass the vote of the last city election. Carried, His honor, the mayor, appointed as tellers Ald. McEvoy of the First ward and Ald. Dennert of the Fifth ward. On motion the council took a recess during the canvassing of the vote. At the conclusion of the canvass of the vote the mayor called the council to order and the following results were found: 94 Regular Session April 7, 1898 Berg, C. H. Stafford, M. Hoffman, Frank McCarten, M. M. Duncan, E. O. Ruegamer, J. J. Boyce, Jas. H. Blake, E. C. Rice, S. B. Morgan, Edward Wales, C. E. Jones, Rudolph Cullen, A. A. Doerfler, L., Sr. Straney, Jas. FIRST WARD. Jas. T. Duggan R. F.Curran Patrick Quinn, Sr First Precinct ....247 214 18 Second Precinct ..221 162 15 Totals 468 376 33 Plurality for Duggan 92 SECOND WARD. P. H. McLaughlin. T. W. Ruete. First Precinct 173 124 Second Precinct ..279 323 Totals 452 447 Majority for McLaughlin 5 THIRD WARD. J. R. Jellison John Flynn . Geo. R Albrecht First Precinct ....112 182 27 Second Precinct ..140 207 60 Third Precinct ...170 226 89 Totals 422 615 176 Plurality for Flynn 193 FOURTH WARD. P. W. Crawford (unopposed) First Precinct 355 Second Precinct 200 Third Precinct 300 Total 855 Regular Serhion, April 7, 1898 95 FIFTH WARD. Chas. T. Thomas. . Eugene E Frith. First Precinct Second Precinct Third Precinct Fourth Precinct Totals Majority 288 1,7 115 786 for Frith SHALL THE CITY PURCHASE THE WATER WORKS. Yes. No. First Ward— First Precinct 281 Second Precinct 230 Second Ward— First Precinct 157 Second Precinct 340 Third Ward— First Precinct 176 Second Precinct 204 Third Precinct 274 Fourth Ward— First Precinct 254 Second Precinct 153 Third Precinct 221 Fifth Ward— First Precinct Second Precinct Third Precinct Fourth Precinct 139 397 206 164 141 101 will occupy our places In this chamber for the next two years. The past is an open book, which he who opens may read; the future a sealed volume, the pages of which no eye can scan until the finger of time turns them. The chief value of the review of the past is, by its experience, to give admonitions to and suggest guidance for those who come after us. I can see much in the past year, gen- tlemen, that I feel entitles you to pleasant recollections of it, and, I think, to credit for your services. Your re- sponsibilities have been burdensome 59 and your duties very exacting. Much 51 that you have done that is good has es- caped the public eye, while your critics 38 have been industriously and tirelessly 124 engaged in holding up what they con- sidered your shortcomings to public 68 view. 'Tis true you have expended 81 large sums of money for public pur- 8o poses; but this must be said in justice to you, that in all those departments 89 where a saving seemed practicable you 34 made it to the amount of nearly $36,000. 82 In the street department, when a try- ing condition, not a theory, confronted 147 you, unfortunately, the expenditures - 141 in truth, I must say, not always ju- dicious—were large. But this must be remembered, as an effect of this our city now has all its streets, on the hills and below. in better condition than they have been within the recollection of any man now in my presence. Aside from having good streets, such as this city should have, the saving result will be that for years to come the necessity will not exist for any such expendi- tures as have been made for some years past. For the coming year about one- half the amount expended last year has been deemed sufficient. So that what seems like an unnecessary outlay in the past, which is largely responsi- ble for the actual increase in the float- ing debt, will prove a saving in the future. Had we shut our eyes to the inter - Total 3173 1265 Majority 1908 Ald. Crawford moved the following named be declared elected to the offices following their names: C. H. Berg, mayor. E. O. Duncan, city assessor. Frank B. Hoffman, city auditor. E. C. Blake, city engineer. Edward Morgan, city marfihal. C. E. Wales, alderman -at -large. Rudolph Jones, alderman -at -large. James Duggan, alderman First ward. P. H. McLaughlin. alderman Second ward. John Flynn, alderman Third ward. P. W. Crawford, alderman Fourth ward.ests of our city and played the game of Eugene Frith, alderman Fifth ward. politics as one plays chess, we might The mayor stated the motion, which hourve treasury made a f\inning $46,000 e, emptied was carried unanimously, the may declaring them dulty elected for two ed before the ending of the fiscal year, years or until their successors are el- redeemed floating warrants to that ected and qualified. amount. made a very fair showing as Mayor Duffy then delivered his vale- far as an increase of the floating debt which follows: is concerned, and let our successors be- diMary,yor'sOffice, Dubuque, Iowa, April siege the banks for loans to meet neces- 7 1898: To the Members of the tY sary expenses on their entry into office. • bout That would be shrewd politics; it would Council. Gentlemen: we to lay aside the official responsibilities imposed upon us a year ago by our fel- low citizens, and transfer the trust committed to us to others chosen by them to succeed us. Before severing the ties that have bound us, in com- pliance with a long established and commendable custom, I desire to say a few parting words to those with whom I have been so closely and, in the main, pleasantly associated, and, give greet- ing, earnest and sincere, to those who be a breach of trust to public duty, if nothing worse. I may now be pardoned if I make a few suggestions to the new council which my successor, who has had so much to do with procuring money in the past year and no otherormember in itss expenditure than any the council, will, I have no doubt, find occasion to direct your attention more particularly in the future. Our floating debt now exceeds the A(; Regular Se cion, April 7, 1898 sum of $350,000. the interest on which will be nearly $60.00 per day for each of the 365 days in the year. Last year I felt the importance of re- lieving the city from the burden of 6 per cent. interest, and suggested to the council that inquiry be made if the floating debt might not be legally bonded at a much lower rate of inter- est. The committee to which the in- quiry was referred found what seemed to be an insuperable obstacle in the case of Helms vs. Lincoln, mayor of Cedar Rapids, in the May term of the supreme court last year. If the constitutional limit of indebt- edness has not been exceeded, it is pos- sible that section 942, of the new code relating to special charter cities, per- taining to appropriations, may open a way by which a part, if not all, of our floating debt may be bonded. I need not try to impress upon you the import ance of this, if it can he done, and sim- ply suggest that you seek advice as to what you may be able to do. Of the miscellaneous bonded debt there falls due Jan. lst, 1899. $3,321.00 and April 1st. 1899, $34.132.00, which it might be well for you to take into thought at an early day. In the way of economizing, permit the to call your attention to the cost of the street carpenter system that appears to have fastened itself upon city business methods. I find that the cost of this department for the last fiscal year was $3,216.85, made up as follows: For lumber, $1,230.70; $32.15 for shoeing and pasturing of horses and repairs of har- ness; and $2,214.40 for carpenters and assistants. No estimate is made here for the feed and care of two horses and the wear and tear and depreciation in the value of horses and wagons. As an offset of this we have special assess- ments for sidewalk repairs, for the whole year amounting to only $260.40. to which must be added the cost of whatever aprons. steps, guards and fences that were made during the year. and sprinkling of sand on icy walks and crossings during the winter. To my mind it is clear that the city will save money by abolishing this street carpenter system and delegating that work to a careful and competent side- walk inspector, who night be author- ized to have such work done at a prop- er price therefor. Before concluding let me repeat what I have said before to your predeces- sors, if your presiding officer is to he held responsible for the conduct of the affairs of the city, especially for the expenditure of the people's money, be fair with him, as you would have a right to expect of him to be with you. Let no member of your body assume a right which the law does not give him to incur an expense without the knowl- edge and direction of the council. Com- mittees are wisely provided for to ex- pedite public business, not to spend public money. That is the province of the entire council, and an assumed right to do so by a member of a com- mittee or any committee is an abuse of power for which there is no justifica- tion whatever. The mayor must bear the censure for ill-advised use of mon- ey. He should have a direct voice in the necessity and manner of its use to protect himself. I believe he ought to be ex -officio a member of every com- mittee that niay cause expense to be made. And now, gentlemen of the present council, repeating the language that sprang from the pure heart and fell from the eloquent lips of the grandest man our country has produced. "with malice towards none and charity to- wards all," I take official leave of you. To the members of the new council and to my successor I give the sincerest and most friendly greeting, with the heartfelt wish that they may so dis- charge their public duties that two years hence the public may feel that their trust has not been misplaced. And let us all remember, whether in official or private life, that we are cit- izens of the prettiest, most prosperous and most promising city in the fair state of Iowa. and that her interests are our own. Respectfully submitted, T. T. DIJFFY, Mayor. Mayor Duffy then called upon Mayor - elect Berg and administered the oath of office, then greeting him cordially, he conducted him to the chair. Mayor Berg assuming the office, then called up the aldermen -elect and admin- istered the oath of office to them, af- ter which the retiring aldermen vacat- ed their desks and the new aldermen took their seats. Mayor Berg then delivered his in- augural address as follows: ,Gentlemen of the Council: In assum- ing the office of mayor of Dubuque I deem it proper to express my profound appreciation of the honor paid me by my fellow citizens and to assure them of my earnest purpose to be faithful to the trust reposed in me. My own hum- ble endeavors, 1 promise, will always be in the direction of securing what I may conceive to be the public interest. I am impressed with a sense, not only of the honor, but also, and more especial- ly of the responsibility which has been conferred upon me, and it will he my constant prayer that I may be able, at the close of my administration, two years hence, to render an account of mY stewardship which will satisfy those who have honored me with their confi- dence. It becomes my duty on this occasion to make to the council such sugges- tions as may be deemed profitalitle. I feel that I need not suggest to this body, fresh from the people and full of good resolutions, that the public good should be our single aim in all our un- dertakings as representatives of the city government. I wish, however, to Regular Se:s'iull, April 7, 1898 offer a few practical recommendations in the way of accomplishing this end. It :Is to my mind of the first importance that all matters referred to any com- tnit:ee should be thoroughly investigat- ed by that committee ,in advance of its report to the council. The latter has the right to assume that the commit has made due investigation and has -s ported all the facts necessary to forrr a basis of judgment. Upon committee reports, therefore, the action of the count:l largely depends, and when these reports are incomplete or erroneous, as respects matters of fact, an erroneous judgment by the council frequently fol- lows. We can't trust our committees unless they are diligent; and if we can- not trust them the whole council must assume a burden of detail and investi- gation not properly its own. The com- mittee Is the fountain from which in many matters wise or unwise legisla- tion proceeds the merits of the legisla- tion bearing a certain relation to the diligence cf the committee. I sin- cerely hope this suggestion will not be nt.glected. An abuse which is perhaps of recent origin deserves the attention M this 97 imposes on this councl the duty of ap- pointing a committee to ascertain, 1" possible, the value of the waterworks and the terms on which It could be purchased by the city. In conclusion, I wish to remind you, gentlemen, that wa have all entered up- on the administration of this city's af- fairs pledged to the exercise of economy. In the presence of a debt which has now reached the enormous total of $1,- 042.000, this economy is an imperative and timmediate necessity. I wish to pledge to you my earnest co-operation in your efforts in this direction, and to assure you farther that I will esteem your aid in administering the office the people have committeed to our care. C. H. BERG. Mayor Berg stated that the first in order would be the selection of mayor pro -tem. Ald. Wales nominated Ald. Crawford, and Ald. Frith nominated Ald. Wales for mayor pro -tem. Ald. Wales grace- fully declined and said that he would consider it a favor if Ald. Crawford was chosen to that honorable position. Ald. Frith withdrew his nomination and Ald. council and c<hou'ci be corrected with Crawford was elected by acclamation. promptness and firmness. Though we Mayor Berg stated that he would like an expression from the council as to how many members should constitute a comrnittee. Ald. Crawford moved that the com- mittees consist of three members ea:n. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that he was not prepared to appoint the various com- mittees. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn they adjourn to Thurs- day evening. April 14, 1898. Ald. Duggan moved to adjourn. Car- ried. have a street fcreman elected by the council, and charged with the duty of hiring the men needed on streets, some aldermen have made a practice of put- ting men to work themselves without authority of the council. and often without the knowledge of the street foreman himself. We can't keep house if this practice is to be continued. We must have a head to the street depart- ment, and when we have elected one we shculd refuse to honor any bills for work in his department contracted without his authority. No alderman, unless he has been appointed a commit- tee with express power, should assume to contract a dollar of debt for the city. I would invite your attention to the appropriations for the current year made by the city council at its regular session in February last. A section of the new code relating to cities under special charter provides that on or be- fore the beginning of the fiscal year the city's recvenues shall be approriated for the several departments of the city gov ernment, and the council is forbidden to contract obligations in any depart- ment in excess of the appropriations for that department. This statute is vi- tally necessary to city of Dubuqueand shoulbdbensacredly observed. At the recent election the people de- cided, by a substantial majority, that tht they were not opposed on p ithe e to the municipal o cnership of ni tions under waterworks. The which they would favor municipal own- ership were not indicated for lack of op- portunity. The proposition was not submitted in the form provided by law and the vote was therefore, without le- gal effect. The expression, however, Attest : (,6„ 9S Regular Session, April 14, 1MS►�. CITY COUNCIL Regular Session April 14th, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 7:45 p. rn. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and W ales. Ald. Duggan moved that the council proceedings for April 5th and April 7th, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: The petition of Chas. Burkhart stat- ing that in 1895 he fell on a sidewalk and was badly hurt and asking that he be given some light work. Petition of Mrs. Geo. A. Fifield et al asking that the cottonwood tree cor- ner of West llth street and Walnut street be declared a nuisance. Petition of J. P. Schroeder et al asking that Merchants Lane extension be or- dered graded. Petition of E. A. Guilbert et al asking that an office be created to be known as sewer and plumbing inspector; also an ordinance regulating the same. The following petitions which were referr- ed from the old council to the new, were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of John Specht asking for an appropriation to the amount of $400.00 to assist in maintaining and operating the steamer Teal. Petition of the Dubuque Woodenware and Lumber Co., in relation to condi- tion of Rhomberg and Fifth avenues. The petition of Mrs. Hannah Lahey asking to be exempt from paying taxes was, on motion, referred to the delin- quent tax committee. Mayor Berg then announced the standing committees. They are as fol- lows: STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance—Wales, Flynn, Jones. Ordinance—Crawford, Jones, Duggan. Claims—Flynn. Frith, McLaughlin. Streets—Crawford, Frith, McLaugh- lin. Harbors—Duggan, McLaughlin and Wales. Supplies—Flynn, Jones, Duggan. Markets—Frith, Wales, Flynn. Public Grounds and Buildings—Jones, Flynn, McLaughlin. Fire—Wales, Jones, Duggan. Police and Light—McLaughlin, Craw- ford, Flynn. Printing—Jones, Wales, Crawford. Delinquent Tax—Frith, Flynn, Dug gan. Sewers—Crawford, Duggan, Frith. Electrical Construction — Duggan. Jones, Flynn. Paving—Frith, McLaughlin, Wales. Board of Health—Aids. McLaughlin and Jones, Dr. E. A. Guilbert and Geo. Salot. On motion the committees were ap- proved by the council as named. REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, April 14th, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The board of health here tofore was established by ordinance and existed prior to the present year. by virtue of the laws of the 19th Gen- eral Assembly. The new code going into effect and abrogating all prior laws, also provides for the establishment of a board of health by the city and confers on it powers and duties similar to the laws of the 19th General .Assembly, with some changes. A new ordinance will be necessary in order to create a board of health un- der the new code for this and future years and to confer on it the powers and duties provided for in section 1025 to 1046 inclusive of the code of Iowa of 1897. I herewith submit an ordinance in compliance with above and recommend the suspension of the rules and its im- mediate adoption so that it will go in- to effect at once and the appointment and creation of the board of health for the present year he valid. I wish to call the attention of the board of health to the changes made by Section 1025 to 1046 inclusive of the new code. While the law is in its principal feat- ures unchanged there are some changes which will be readily perceived and ap- preciated by the board of health from the perusal of above sections. Respectfully submitted, THOS. H. DUFFY, City Att'y. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, read the following ordinance: An ordinance entitled an ordinance to establish a board of health in con- formity with Section 1025 to 1046 inclu- sive of Chapter 14 of Title 5 of the Code of Iowa of 1897, and defining their pow- ers and duties. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque! Section 1. The board of health of the city of Dubuque shall consist of five members, two of whom shall be mem- bers of the city council. the other two, one a reputable physician and one citi- zen, not a member of the city council, and the mayor of the city shall, ex- offico be a member of said board. and chairman thereof. The four members shall be appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the city council. The members of the board shall con- tinue in office for the term of one year or during the pleasure of the council. Vacancies in the board shall be filled at the first regular meeting of the coun cil after the annual election in April of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be convenient. Section 2. The board of health may, liegnlar Session, April 14, 1898 with the approval of the city council, appoint a health officer. The mayor, with the approval of the Council, may at any time remove any member of said board and fill all vacan- cies occurring in said board by re- moval or otherwise. Section 3. The board shall meet once a month on such nights as may be de- termined by said board, or as may be designated by law, or at the call of the chairman. Section 4. The board may make and determine the rules of its own pro- ceedings, and shall keep a record of its proceedings. rules, regulations and or- ders. It shall also keep accurate ac- count of all expenses incurred by its authority. The rules, regulations and orders of said board shall be signed by the chair- man thereof. and in ease of. his absence by the temporary chairman, and attest- ed by the clerk. The said board shall at least once a month rep?rt its actions r,nclucling ex- penses incurred to the city council. and shall also report atsuch other times as may be required by the city council. See. 5.—The city recorder shall be clerk of said board. attest the rules, regulations, and orders and make re- port and keep 'its records. In case of lois absence a temporary clerk may be chosen by the board, \v'ho Shall for the time keep the records and attest the rules. regulations and orders. Sec. 6. It shall he the duty of the health officer to attend the meetings of the board and execute its orders. Sec. 7. The said board shall have all the powers and be subject to al: the duties and restrictions provided for by section 1025 to 1046 inclusive of chapter 14 of title 5 of the code of Iowa of 1597 providing for the establishment of a board of health and its powers in cities acting under special charters. Sec. S. All persons are required to obey the rules, regulations, and orders of said board, and whoever shall fail, refuse or neglect so to do, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined not less than one nor more than one hundred dollars; and 1,e imprisoned un- til the same is paid. provided that such 'imprisonment shall not exceed thirty days. Sec. 9. Each member of said b.,:cr1 shall receive as full compensation for Ns services for each day he shat,n:- tend the meetings thereof such suer p ,e day as shall be named by the eoune:1 at the time of .>he appointment of F•a`.d board. Sec. 10. All ordinances now in force in relation to hoard of health and health of city now in force and not in conflict with said section; 1025 to 1046 inclusive of chapter 14 of title 5 of the code of Towa of 1897 are still continued in force and all the powers and authority therein are hereby vested in said hoard of health constituted by this ordinance. Sec. 11. All ordinances and part of 14, iti98. !1!► ordinances rn conflict with the provi- sions of this ordinance are hereby rt- peated. Ser. 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after is aclo-ct:oh and publication in the Du- buque Daily Telegraph. At the conclusion of the reading of the ordinance Aid. Crawford moved that rhe reading of said ordinance he considered its first reading. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be read the second tame. Af`er stmt.? discussion Aki. Crawford withdrew his mot:nn and the secon 1 reading of the ordinance went over un- til the next meeting of the council. Mayor Berg submitted the foll'iwing sta'•=m-nt. Gentlemen of the coune1: The following is the amount expend- ed since the commencement of the fis- cal year. all of which was contracted before the new mayor and council took possession of the affairs of the city: MARCH. General expenses $ 2,642.89 Road .... 7,685.55 Fire 2,541.15 Police . 2,208.60 Sewerage 313.40 Printing 239.15 Engineer 499.10 Street lighting 1,904.77 Water 1,400.00 Interest 6,253.59 rmpo'inding 50.00 Board of Health 122.00 $25.860.20 APRIL. General expense $ 1,408.00 Road 4.807.98 Fire 2.388.40 Police 9,249.35 Sewer .. 244.00 Engineer 490.00 Printing 289.15 Street lighting 1,904.77 Nater 1,400.00 Interest 3,262.87 Impounding 50.00 Board of Health 110.00 $18,604.52 Total for March and April, 1898.$44,464.72 Mayor Berg stated that the member- ship of the members of the council ap- pointed on the commr.ttee of 15 on the extension of Milwaukee avenue and for the care of the water from Bee Branch had expired. and he therefore would name the following as m?mhers of that committee: Ald. Jones, Wales, Flynn McLaughlin and Duggan. Ald. Crawford moved that the mat- ter of salaries and bonds of the incom- ing officers he referred to the committee of the Nvhole. Carried: RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Wales offered the following reso- lu't on which was unanimously adopt- ed: Resolved by the city council of the 100 Regular Session, April 14, 1898 city of Dubuque: That there be no I Dubuque: Your committee of the smoking allowed in the council room whsle the council .is in session. A'd. Wales offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city elec- trician and superintendent of fire al- arm be combined in one name, city elec- trician, and the duties of superintendent of lire alarms be added to that of city whole to whom was referred the ques- tion of the amount of the bonds and salaries of officers, respectfully sub- mit the following report: We recommend that the official bonds of the several newly elected and ap- pointive officers lie fixed at the fol- lowing amounts: g 5 000 00 :, 000.00 Auditor Assessor 5,000 00 5 000 00 5 000 00 1,000 00 500 00 500 00 Marshal d thesalary of civ elec- electn`cian, am t i i tt shall b one thousand ($1.000) City Engineer r c a 11 d Fire chief dollars per annum. Ald. Waie offered the following: Street commissiorketmaster Resolved by the ci'y council of the Ma M aster eity of Dubuque: That the work of We further recommend thatsal- and the he cleaning. care and custody of the sew- ',, erica of the o'yeral newlyly t ers of the city, storm water, sanitary or otherwise be let to the lowest and appointive officers be fixed at the fol - best bidder acceptable 'n the city. lowing amounts: The work to be done under the s,per_ I Mayor, per annum vision of the street commissioner, sub- Auditor, per annum -Sect to h,'s approval and under contract i Assessor, per annum with proper provisions and restric- tions. Ald. Duggan moved to refs to the committee of the whole. Carried. A. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the city counci: of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk of goad two-inch plank, be. within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid is conformitiy with the ordinance i Iations to sidewalks as follows: .1' n re Four feet wide nn both sides of Elm street. between 26th and 27th streets arbutt:ng lots 37 to 60 inclusive Glendale add. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crayford. Duggan. F;ynn, Frith. Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Noes—None. There were several sdewalk resolu- tions presented, but by the rule. were referred back to the aldermen of the wards in which the walks «•ere to be lard, and the sidewalk inspector. Ald. Flynn moved that the council take a recess for 15 minutes is order to give the committee of the whole an op- portunity to pass upon the matters that had been referred to them. Carried. The committee of the whole retired to the committee room. When the committee of the whole re- turned Mayor Berg called the council to order. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole respect- fully report adverse to the adoption of the resolution of Ald. Wales in re- lation to the letting by contract the taking care of the city sewers. Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, also reported as follows: To the city council of the city of 1 400 00 1.200 00 1,2on on Assessor. two assistants at $-.o cash per month. during the months of \lay, June, July August and Septelnl„ r. 1S9s, and at same rate for January. Febru- ary, March, April, May, June, July and August, 1899, inclusive. Engineer, per annum 1,500 00 One assistant engineer, per an- num 1,100 00 Rodman, per month 40 00 1,000 00 Marshal, per annum Street commissioner, per annum 1,100 00 100 00 Health officer. per annum Sanitary policeman• per annum 600 00 Citizen member of the board of 3 00 health, per meeting Marketmaster, per month 50 00 City electrician, per annum1,000 00 Poundmaster, per month 45 00 Park custodians, per month40 00 No assistants allowed park custodians. Committee clerk, per month.,75 00 Clerk in recorder's office, per month 50 00 We further recommend that the du- ties of sewer inspector be left as at present, under the supervision of the street commissioner. Also that the office of electrician and superintendent of fire alarm he com- bined and united in one ofRce, to be known as city electrician, at a salary of $1,000.00 per annum. Also that the city carpenters and carpenter \yagons and drivers be dis- continued, also that the office of side- walk inspector be discontinued.. All foremen under the street com- missioner be paid $40.00 per month. Respectfully submitted, (Signed.) P. W. CRAWFOIRD, JOHN .FLYNN, C. E. WALES, RUDOLPH JONES, E. E. FRITH, JAMES T. DUGGAN, P. H. McLAUGHLIN, Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. 1 egular Session, April 14, 1898 The plans and specifications of an fl- inch tile pipe sewer in Pickett and Al- ma streets was presented. Ald. Crawford moved that the plans and specifications of sewer in Pickett and Alma streets, as presented by City Engineer Blake, be approved, and that the city recorder be instructed to ad- vertise for bids for the construction of said sewer. Carried by the following vote: A yes—A ids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith. Jones and McLaughlin. • Ald. Wales was excused from voting. Also the plans and specifications of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Rose and Alta ViSta street was presented. Ald. Crawford mo"ed that the plans and specifications of sewer in Rose and Alta Vista street be referred to the committee on sewers. Carried. The plans and specifications for grad- ing and macadamizing the alley be- tween Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and Middle and Fengler avenues was presented. Ald. Crawford moved that the plans and specifications of said alley be re- ferred to the alderman of the Fifth ward and Ald. Jones. Carried. The mayor stated that it was getting warm and it was necessary to consider the removal of the garbage. Ald. Flynn moved that the recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for the removal of garbage, by districts. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the judges and clerks of the election of April 4th, 1898, be allowed $5.00 each for their ser- vices, and that the recorder be in- structed to draw warrants for the same. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ac- tion of the council April 7, 1898, in reference to claims for registers of vot- ers for the election of April 4, 1898, and bills for rent of registration and poll- ing places be reconsidered. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the claims of registers and for rent for places of registration and polling places be re- ferred to the mayor, city attorney and city recorder. Carried. Ald: Duggan moved to adjourn. Car- ried. 101 CITY COUNCIL. Regular session April 21, 1898. (OFFICIAL.) Council met at 7:30 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. Duggan moved that the council proceedings of April 14th, 1898, be ap- proved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee on delinquent tax. Petition of Mary Tremplar asking the city to cancel the taxes on lot 5 in Hughes' sub. part of min lot 172 in the city of Dubuque. Petition of Mrs. G. Schumacher ask- ing city to cancel the assessment of $300.00 for the year 1897 on her personal property. Petition of St. Joseph's Mercy Hos- pital asking that the city cancel the tax against lot No. 7 in Agnes Lang - worthy's sub. as the same was illegal- ly assessed. Petition of Mrs. M. A. Langworthy asking that the city correct her assess- ment on moneys and credits for the year 1897. Petition of A. A. Cooper asking per- mission to finish additional story on huil(ling situated between First and Jones street, and Water street and I. C. R. R. tracks. Ald. Flynn moved to refer the petition to the committee on fire with power. Carried. Petition of Henry Tippe asking city to purchase his macadam located at the south end of Broadway street. Ald. McLaughlin moved to defer action un- til the committee on streets reports. Carried. Petition of F. W. Theiring et al agreeing to do all sidewalk repairing and sidewalk inspecting, furnishing own tools, horse and wagon and fur- nish feed and stable for horse for the sum of $114.00 per month. Ald. Craw- ford moved that the petition he re- ferred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Communication of Bowen & Fitzpat- rick in relation to claim of Mary Kel- ly vs city of Dubuque for personal damages was on motion referred to the committee on claims and city attor- ney. The invitation of the Grant Birthday Association requesting the mayor and city council to attend the seventy-sixth anniversary of the birth of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant to be celebrated in Galena, Ills. on Wednesday, April 27th. 1897, under the auspices of the Grant Birthday as- sociation was read. Ald. Flynn moved to accept the invitation and attend in a body and the city recorder be in- structed to notify the committee of the acceptance. Carried. County Auditor Schrup's statement 1 102 Regular Session, April 21, 1898. of the assessment and valuation of railroads in the city of Dubuque as fixed by the executive council and Board of supervisors of Dubuque county for the year 1898, was on motion of Ald. 'Wales referred to the city as- sessor. The communication of Dr. E. A. Guil- bert et al accompanied by a communi- cation from Dr. H. T. Walker to Mayor Berg asking that the lots of Mr. Thone, corner of Hall and Grace streets, be filled, on motion of Ald. Crawford ac- tion was postponed until after the street committee reported. REPORT OF OFFICERS. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick reported as follows: • To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit for your consideration the following list of corrections and additions of he returns made to me by the street foreman for labor on streets for ,he last half of March, 1898: Total amount. $38.60. Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the several amounts and the re- port referred hack to the street com- mit.ee, Carr:ed. Chief Foreman Morgan's pay roll for street laborers for the first part of April, 1898, was presented, amount $541.95. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the pay roll he received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the street laborers and the pay roll referred back to the s reet com- mittee. Carried. Chief Foreman Mogan, in charge of the sewers. pay roll for the first half of Apr:l, 1898, was presented. amount $194.70. Ald. Jones moved that the pay roll be received a;nd that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the laborers on sewers, and the pay roll referred hack to the committee on sewers. Carried. COMMITTEE REPORTS. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented an ordin- ance entitled an ordinance to establish a board of health .in conformity with sections 1025 to 1046 inclusive of chapter 14 of title 5 of the code of Iowa of 1897, and defining their powers and duties. Ald. Crawford moved that the words on and night, in section 3 be stricken oue, and the word at he substituted for the word on, and the word times sub- stituted for the word night. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance as amended be read the second time. Carried. The ordinance wa^ then read as amended. Ald. Jones moved that the ordinance be read by its title and placed on its final passage which was adopted by the following vote: Ayes—A.ds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and 'Wales. Noes—None. The mayor declared the ordinance ad- opted. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets reported as follows. In favor of paying the following bills: Key City Gas Co., coke for steam roller, $71.78. Duggan, Sullivan and Cata. powder, fuse, etc.. $8.45. Engler-Fruddrn Lumber Co., lum- ber, 68 cents. Jno. McCollins, filling High Bridge avenue, $6.00. Dan. McCollins, filling High Bridge avenw, $29.00. Frank Venn. filling High Bridge ave- nue. $1.20. Wm. McConneil, filling High Bridge avenue, $5.40. L:neha.n and Moho. cinders on High Bridge avenue $31.25. Lager/ and Sullivan. horse shoeing, $1.50. On motion report adopted and bills ordered paid. Also reported in favor of allowing the hill of Frank Recker. for removing stone nn Kauffman avenue of $30.00. Report adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin. Noes—Flynn, Wales. Also reported on the following peti- tions: In favor of granting the petition of Re.imhold-Miller. et al. asking city to purchase their macadam. In favor of granting :b. petition of John Schromen, asking city to purchase 60 yards of his macadam. In favor of granting the petition of Wilt'.am Kronfield and Henry Luck asking the city to purchase their ma- cadam amounting to 120 yards. In favor granting the petit:on of John Karsch asking city to purchase his ma- cadam amounting to 90 yards. In favor of granting the petition of Hugh C. Counell asking city to purchase his macadam. In favor of granting the petition of John Steffes asking city : ) purchase his macadam. In favor of granting the petition of John Whelan asking city to purchase his macadam amounting to 35 yards. And recommended that the engineer he instructed to measure said macadam providing It does not exceed much if any the amouhs stated in the petitions. On motion the report was adopted. Also in favor of grant:rig the petition of Barney Gierens asking city to pur- Chase 200 yards of gravel providing he accepts 25 cents per yard for same. Also reported adverse to the petition of Fred. Boettcher asking that lane east of Dietr'.ck's brick yard he repaired for the reason that said lane is private property. Also in favor of granting the petition of Dan Moore, et al. in relation to the condition of Leibnitz street and recom- mend that the curb be raised and a water break he put in, said work to he under the supervision of the street commissioner. 1Cegtil u' Session, April 21, 1898 In favor of receiving and filing the portal n f;tvor of ret eivi 1Ua ng and filing' petition •of Michael McMahon asking the petition of J. Meuiler asking city to damages to barn caused Iay storms of allow him $15.00 towards paying for new 1896. retaining wall abutting his property on Also report in favor of the adoption Thomas Place. Report was adopted. of the plat for proposed street in lot Ald. Crawford offered a resolution 7 of Pell's suh division submitted by for the construction of a sidewalk on Ludwig Piel. he to donate all the prop- the south side of 13th street between erty for said proposed street. Locust and Main street. On motion Also reported nn th,e petition of J. P. was referred to the aldermen of the Cummings et al for the lmprovemenr.of Fourth ward. Chestnut street to Rose street, and a:so Ald. Flynn, chairman of the com- on the protest of Genevieve Cummings mittee on supplies, reported as fol - against said improvement as follows: lows: In favor of instructing th.e city en- Your committee on supplies to whom gineer to make a survey and plat of said was referred the claim of John L. street and submit same to the council. Buettell for map for engineer's office On motion the report was adopted. amount $15.00 report in favor of allow - Also reported on the petition of Simon ing $8.00 in full of claim. •Thon! ,:n relation to the accumulation of Ald. Flynn moved the adoption of the drainagr water on Hall and Grace report. Carried. streets as follows: Recommending Ald. Jones, chairman that the alley from Hall to Lou'.sa tee on public grounds street between Delhi and Grace streets reported as follows: be ordered imnrnved and that lots 27, . We, your committee have investigated 28 and 40. Recites' sub he ordered filled the policy, No. 163279 of the American to grade and the adoption of the follow- Insurance Company on the patrol house ing resolutions. for $1,500 for the term of three years On motion the report was adopted and and find the bill of Jos. Needham for action on the resolutions was post- $5.60 additional premium on said policy pon ed .correct. Also reported on the petition of L. Ald. Jones moved that a warrant be Lindenberg et al, asking that Ardmore ordered drawn to pay said premium. Terrace he opened and !mproved, that Carried. the city has all the right of way along Ald. Wales, chairman of the commit- sa:d Admnre Terrace except a 25 font tee on fire, reported as Follows: strip. the property of James Forrester, In favor of paying the claim of J. P. and would recommend that steps he Schroeder & Co. for $1.50 for brick at taken to secure the remainder of the central engine house. necessary right of way. Report ad- Also report in favor of granting the opted. Prayer On the p&ItIon of John Chaloupka per of the petition of John Hirtz y et al, asking that lot No. 350. East Du- asking that he be refunded the amount buque add. he ordered filled to grade. of $1.00 paid by him for water tax for The committee ordered that said lot No. the year 1896. 350 hp ordered filled to grade and that Ald. Wales moved to adopt the re - the following resolution be adopted. port and that warrants be ordered . On motion the report was adopted and drawn to pay the same. Carried. action on the resolution postponed. Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the Also reported In favor of granting the committee on police, reported as fol- petit:o.n of Gen. Gan asking that Adams lows: street be ordered improved and re- That the claim of Even & Fuchs for commending the adoption of a resolu- $15.00 avenueor rent of office No. for policemen, report 6in favor Garfield •tion in accordance with same.for On motion action on the report and of receiving g andhat t filing ie policei did claim use resolutionwas postponed. the not Aids.. Frith and McLaughlin, a ma- Even & Fuchs' office, but did use a jority of the street committee. reported room of Frank Duertscher. inlion favor of receiving and l,in filing the i- Also of J. FrTealtadverse to the et al asking that ant tion of E. Milligan et a:, elec- against the building of a retaining wall tric light be placed at the corner of on West 17th street by O. G. Kringle Pierce ce anfavor h sorrel receiving and filing ts. two feet theon siaid ret and in favor e- Althe communication of Marshal McCann main allowing duringuretaining walle of rhe asking that a telephone be placed in main as it Is the Pleasure of the counNl. the matron's quarters. Ald. Crawford, as a minority of the Also adverse to the petition of J. W. street committee, reported adverse to Pier et al asking that an electric light allowing the wall to remain. The ma- be placed at the intersection of Push jority report was adopted by the follow- and Queen streets. Ing vote:Ald. McLaughlin Ayes—Al ds. Duggan, Frith, Jones. report. Carried. McLaughlin. Ald. Frith, chairman of the commit- Noes—Crawford. Flynn and Wales. tee on delinquent tax, reported as fol - Aids. Crawford and McLaughlin. a lows: majority of th. street committee, re - of the commit - and buildings, moved to adopt the rn 104 Regular Session, April 21, 1898 Your committee on delinquent tax respectfully report in favor of receiv- ing and filing the petition of Josephine Wasser asking that she be refunded the amount of $4.00 paid by her as taxes on part of lot 1 and 2 Brecht's sub. Also report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of M. Loes asking that the taxes be remitted on n 1-2 of lot 59 and south 1-2 of lot 58, East Du- buque add. Also report on the petition of Jose- phine Ittensohn in relation to taxes, would recommend that she be allowed to pay the taxes on lots 47 and 48, Lit- tleton & Sawyer's add., for the year 1896 without interest, and that the taxes on said lots for the year 1897 be allowed to remain a lien on said property until paid. Also report on the petition of the Ger- mania society in relation to taxes, would respectfully report in favor of reducing the taxes on their lot 209, city, for the year 1897, to a valuation of $6,- 200, the same being as per agreement of council of 1891. Also report on the petition of John Marxer asking that the taxes on n 1-2 of city lot 239 be reduced to a valuation of $1,400.00, would report in favor of reducing the taxes on said lot to a val- uation of $1,500.00 for the year 1897. Also in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Hannah Lahey asking that her taxes on lot 14, Kelly's sub, be can- celled. Also report in favor of granting the petition of George Schlegel asking un- til July, 198, to pay his taxes on lots 8 and 9, Weland's sub. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the committee on delinquent tax be adopted. Carried. Ald. Frith of the special committee of the aldermen from the Fifth ward, to whom was referred the plans and spec- ifications for grading and macadamiz- ing the alley between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues from Middle to Feng - ler avenues, would respectfully rec- ommend that said improvement be postponed for the reason that we find that a part of the right of way lots numbered 22 and 25 and 26 in Wick's add, has never been released. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report. Carried. The special committee to whom was referred the claims of register clerks and claims for rent for registration and election purposes report as follows: To the Honorable, the City Council of the City of Dubuque: In view of the fact that the code of Iowa of 1897 establishes the compensa- tion at the rate of $2.50 for each cal - ander day engaged in the discharge of such duties ,and as there were four days registration, it would seem fair and equitable that they be allowed one day extra, or five days, amount $12.50. Therefore report in favor of paying said registers $12.50 each and that war- rants be ordered drawn to pay the same. Also report on the matter of rant for places of registration and election, that each precinct, except court house, city hall and fire engine houses, be allowed $20.00 each to be divided as fol- lows: The place of registration $5.00 each and the place of election $15.00 each. Also recommend the payment of the following bills: Dubuque Cabinet Makers' association for tables and chairs for election $3.25. G. F. Kleih for wire, sealing wax and rope for election purposes, $3.25. Trexler Bros., team for the distribu- tion of judges and booth supplies, and' distributing ballots on election day, $7.60 ;and would recommend that war- rants be ordered drawn to pay the same. Signed. C. H. BERG, Mayor, THOS. H. DIiFFY, City Atty., L. M. LANGSTAFF, Recorder, Committee. Ald. Flynn moved that the rules be suspended and that the Hon. Robert Brinson be heard. Carried. DIr. Bonson as counsel for the regis- ters addressed the council, claiming eight days or $20.00 for each register. Ald. Crawford moved that the report of the committee be amended by sub- stituting $20.00 in lieu of $12.50 for com- pensation for register clerks. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Noes—Ald. Duggan and McLaughlin. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the re- port of the committee as amended. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: In favor of receiving and filling the petition of Chas. Hyde et al asking that the street now named Rebecca street be changed to that of Fairview Place and moved the adoption. Carried. In favor of receiving and filling the petition of Chas. Burkhart claiming damages caused by falling on sidewalk in the year 1895 and moved to adopt. Carried. In favor of receiving and filing the communication of the city engineer in relation to estimate of what a plant such as the Dubuque Water company now has, can be duplicated for and moved the adoption of the report. Car- ried. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of E. A. Guilbert et al asking city to create an office to be known as sewer and plumbing inspector; also in favor of receiving and filing ordinance in relation to said office and moved the adoption of the report. Carried. On the petition of J. P. Schroeder et al asking that Merchants Lane be order ed graded from Foy to Gold street, the committee reported in favor of instruct ing the city engineer to make an esti- 1414111M' ssivn, April 21, 1898 105 mate of the cost of said grading and report to the city council. On motion, the report was adopted. Also reported adverse to the granting of the petition of John Specht asking the city for an appropriation of $400.00 to assist him in operating the steamer Teal. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute for the report of the committee that Mr. Specht be allowed $25.00 per month for seven months providing he runs said boat continuously. The substitute was adopted by the following vote: Yeas.—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Frith, and Jones. Noes—Aids. Flynn, McLaughlin and Wales. The special committee of First ward Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin aldermen to whom was referred the res and Wales. olution for new side walk on Main and Ald. Frith offered the following: Second street, abutting N 1-2 lot 4a, Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good 2-,:.n. plank, brick, stone or cement he, within 10 days of this notice con- structed and laid In conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on south side of 27th street between Jackson street and Couler avenue, abutting lot 337 Davis' Farm add, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Ad- opted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. tee. Ald. following res Ald. Duggan offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two inch plank be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance In rela- tion to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on south side of Hal street between Dodge street and Peabody avenue, abutting lots 1 and 2 sub lot 1 of thin lot 68, city, where not already laid at the expense of abutting prop- er:y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Al ds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. •Ald. •Dugga.n offered the following: Resolver by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two inch plank, he. within 10 days of this notice, con- structed and laid '.n conformity with the ordinance in relat.:on t: sidewalks as fo'.lews: 6 feet wide on south side of W. Third street between Hill street and Alpine street, abutting lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 Mrs. L. Langworthy's sub, where not already laid at the expense of abutting prop- erty. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford. Duggan, Flynn, r rith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Ald. Duggan offered :he following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That stili n walks 10 daysf good two-inch plank be, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin, and Wales. Ald Frith offered the following: Resolved by the eity coune l of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good te.c.-'inch plank he, xv1:h:n 10 days of th,s n 'ice. cnnstiucted and laid in conform 'lance with the ord. ,nce in rela- tion to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on west side of Harold street between Seminary street and Lieb nitz street, abutting lot 97, Mechan,c's add, where not already laid at the ex- 1'rn`e of abutt:i,g property: Adopted by ;he following \ ote : Ayes—Alds. Crawford, 'Duggan, city, reported adverse to the adoption of said resolution but recommended that said sidewalk be ordered repaired and put in good condition. On mo- tion, report was adopted. AId. Flynn offered the following reso- lution, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the mayor in- struct the head of each department that an itemized requisition for supplies needed. shall be made out and approv- ed by the mayor before such supplies can be ordered by the supply commit - Fl Flynn offered the - olution, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the stone cross- ings on the north side of Seventeenth and Washington streets be repaired, or a new crossing laid in its place. Ald. Flynn offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That the furnishing of meals for prisoners and lodgers be 'let by contract ,instead of being fur- nished by the market master as at present. Ald. Wales offered the following res- olution, which was adopted: Rdso1ved that the city recorder be in- structed to advertise for proposals for the lighting of all the public buildings, offices and armory of the city (except the Summit engine house). The con- tract when entered into to continue for three (3) years. Bids for lighting by electricity to include all necessary wir- ing and maintenance of the same. Ald. Frith offered the following: Resolved by the city os council of the city of Dubuque, That fgood R ys of this notice, plankbe, within ctedand laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on both sides of Washing- ton street between 26th street and 27th street ,abutting lots 13 to 36 inclusive. In Glendale add, where not already laid 1116 Regular Session, April 21. 1898. of the:s notice, constructed. and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks • as fullows: 8 feet wide on north side of Dodge street between S. Locust street and S. Bluff street. abutting lot 577, city, where not already laid at the expense of abut- ting property. Adopted by the f:,1'.,w- ing vote: r1 ee--A?ds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, and Wales. Ald. Duggan offered the following: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good brick, stone or cement. be, with- in 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordin- ance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 12 feet wide on north side of First street between Main street and Iowa street, abutting lot 1, city, where not a: - ready laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—olds. Crawford. Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin, anti. Wales. Ald. Crawford moved that the council proceed to the election of the appointive officers. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the ap- pointive officers be elected in the order listed by the recorder. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that the council proceed to the election of appointive of- ficers by open ballot. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the council proceed to ballot for the appointment of officers. The substitute carried. The maiyor appointed Aids. McLaugh- lin and Frith as tellers. The list of names of the applicants for committee clerk was then read. The ballot resulted as follows: Wm. F. Fitzpatrick received 6 votes, Frank Hoffman received 1 vote. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the of- fice of committee clerk be for the term of two years. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that Wm. F. Fitz- patrick having a majority of all votes cast he would declare him elected com- mittee clerk for two years. The office of street commissioner be- ing the next on the list, the names of the various candidates were read, the vote resulting as follows: James H. Boyce, received 4 votes. James Noonan received 2 votes. John Dorgan received 1 vote. James H. Boyce having received a majority of all the votes cast Mayor Berg declared him elected to the office of street commissioner for the term of one year from May 1, 1898. The ballot was then called on the election of market master with the following results: Otto Rath received 4 votes. Wm. E. Ferris received 1 vote. Jos. Traut received 1 vote. Chas. Bergner received 1 vote. Otto Rath having received a major- ity of all the votes cast, Mayor Berg declared hint elected to the office of mar ket master for the term of one year from May let, 1898. The ballot was then called on the election of a park custodian for Jack- son and Flat Iron parks, with the fol- lowing result: Peter Kien received 1 vote. J. Wiedner received 4 votes. Henry Henge received 2 votes. J. Wiedner having received a major- ity of all the votes cast, Mayor Berg declared him elected to the office of park custodian for Jackson and Flat Iron parks for the term of one year from the 1st of May, 1898. The ballot was then called for the election of park custodian for Washing- ton and Pheonix parks, with the fol- lowing result: Thos. Cahill received 2 votes. P. Ryan received 4 votes. Bernard May received 1 vote. P. Ryan. having received a majority of all the votes cast, Mayor Berg de- clared him elected park custodian for Washington and Pheonix parks for one year from May 1st, 1x98. The ballot was then called for the election of pound master with the fol- lowing results: Nick Offerman received 4 votes. I. Manhoff received 1 vote. Michael Graff received 1 vote. P. McCann received 1 vote. Nick Offerman having received a ma- jority of all the votes cast, Mayor Berg declared him elected pound master for the term of 1 year from May 1st, 1898. The ballot was then taken for the election of city electrician with the fol- lowing result: Wm. Hippman received 7 votes. Mayor Berg declared Wm. Hippman unanimously elected to the office of city electrician for the term of one year from May lst, 1898. The following are the weighmasters elected for the ensuing year: T. Faherty, First ward scales. Chas. Pitschner for the West Dubu- que scales. Mrs. Deckert and Geo. Pflffner for the Fifth ward scales. Harbor master and wood measurer the vote on the second ballot as fol- lows: R. F. Curren received 4 votes. Ed. Jess received 2 votes. H. Pfotzer received 1 vote. R. F. Curran having received a ma- jority of all the votes cast Mayor Berg declared him elected to said office. The ballot for the election of engineer on the steam roller resulted as follows: A. R. Stevenson received 4 votes. Strinsky received 1 vote. Flick received 2 votes. Mayor Berg declared A. R. Steven- son elected engineer for the steam roll- er for the season of 1898. Ald. Crawford brought up the side- walk matter. Ald. Wales thought that the side- walk inspector, Ziedman, with a horse Regular Session, April 28, 1898 and wagon could keep the sidewalks in repair for the present at least until the first of May. Ald. McLaughlin moved that Side- walk Inspector Ziedman be instructed to do the repairing and that further action on the matter be postponed until the next meeting. Carried. Mayor Berg desired to know, if it was the desire of the council to have all the city carpenters and drivers laid off. Ald. McLaughlin moved that all wag- ons and men be laid off except sidewalk Inspector Ziedman. Carried. Bids for the removal of garbage was on motion ordered opened and found as follows: Lawrence Dalley, first district, $3.50 per day. George Reynolds, first district, $2.35 per day. T. E. Frith. first district, 2.50 per day. T. E. Frith, second district. $3.00 per day. T. E. Frith, Third district, $3.50 per day. T. E. Frith, for entire city. $7.44 per day. '1'. E. Frith's hid for the entire city wu considered the best and lowest bid. A: i. Wales mov.ed that T. E. Frith be aw .irde 1 the contract. Carried. tin mo:ion the bids for filling H. F. C. Schneid'r's lot on West llth street and De;ota Terrace was ordered opened, and found as follows: Steuck & Linehan, 25c per cubic yard. N. M. O'Niell, 20c per cubic yard. Wm. Cook. 22c per cubic yard. Isaac Proctor, 15c per cubic yard. Isaac Proctor being the lowest bidder on motion was awarded the contract. Mayor Berg announced the appnt- me.nt on the board of health as follows: Aids. McLaughlin and Jones. Health officer, Dr. E. A. Guilbert. Citizen member, George Salot. Ald. Crawford moved that the ap- pointments on the board of health be approved by the council. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: CITY COUNCIL Regular meeting .\roil _'th, 1898. 111; (Official.) Council met a( 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. The proceedings of the council meet- ing April 21st, 1893, was corrected and approved as corrected. PETITIONS. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of Mrs. Mary Wilde in rela- tion to illegal assessment for improv- ing South Dodge street and Grandview avenue. Petition of M. M. Kearney asking city to appoint him city carpenter. Petition of Jno. Ward asking city to appoint him driver of the city carpen- ter wagon. Petition of Jno. Specht asking that Rhomberg avenue be opened as a street from the end of the street railway line thereon, to the bank of the river and that he be allowed to moor his wharf at the foot thereof. Petition of J. G. Meukel et al asking that the streets and alleys in Park hill be ordered opened that are fenced in. The following petition was referred to the committee on streets and engi- neer: Petition of Aug. Hofferman asking city to purchase his macadam which is located on Twenty-third and Pine Sts., amounting to 40 yards. The following petitions were referr- ed to the committee on delinquent tax: Petition of Maurice T. O'Hearn ask- ing to grant him further time to pay his special assessment against the West 117 feet of lot 69 Union add. Petition of Anton Schmitz asking for furthe rextension of time to pay his special assessment against West 146 ft of lot 47 Marsh's add. Petition of Con Callahan asking for further extension of time to pay his special assessment against lot 53 on Cleveland avenue. Petition of Jno. Uhlrich asking for further time to pay his special as- sessment for improving Sanford street against lots 1, 2 and 3 of the sub of lot 107. L. H. Langworthy's add. Petition of Geo. 13. Burch asking for a reduction of taxes on blocks 7 and 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s addition. Ald. Wales moved to refer same to the committee of the whole and city assessor. Carried. Petition of Jno. Drehouse asking that a license he imposed on all chimney sweeps in the city of Dubuque at $10.00 per year. Ald. Frith moved to refer same to the committee on fire. Carried. Petition of 13. 13. Richards et al ask- 1A0 Regular Session, April 28, 1898 ing that an electric light be placed at the corner of 12th and Clay streets. Ald. Duggan moved to refer same to the committee on police and light. Car- ried. Remonstrance of Chas. Bremer et al remonstrating against the improvement of Adams street from lot 1 in Ham's add. running north easterly. Ald. Frith moved that the remonstrance be granted. Carried. Communication of Mrs. Fred Otto in relation to water accumulating on Troy street recently opened was on motion of Ald. Frith referred to the committee on streets. Carried. Communication of City Engineer Blake presenting the name of M. Tschirgi, Jr., as assistant city engineer for the term of his office was on mo- tion of Ald. Wales referred to the committee of the whole. The petition of James and Peter Guenther asking the city to purchase their macadam and apply proceeds to payment of their taxes for the year 1898, was read. Ald. Wales, stated that he desired to offer a resolution and that he would therefore move that the rules be sus- pended for that purpose. Carried. Ald. Wales offered the following, which as adopted: Dubuque, Ia., April 28th, 1898. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque. That from and af- ter this date the city of Lt:buque, Iowa, will not buy or pay for any macadam until further orders of the city council. The petition of Ada L. Collier et el asking that the resolution passed April 21st, 1898, ordering a sidewalk of good two inch plank on the south side of West 3rd street between Hill and Al- pine streets be amended so as to read a four foot sidewalks of Portland ce- ment in lieu of good two-inch plank, Ald. Crawford moved that the act- ion of the council April 21st, 1898, in re- lation to said resolution be rescinded. Carried. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide of cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in con- formity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of West 3rd street, between Hill street and Al- pine street. Adopted by the following vote. Ayes — Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Noes—Ald. Wales. The bonds of the following officers elect were read and referred to City Attorney Duffy for examination. City Auditor Frank B. Hoffmann. City Engineer E. C. Blake. City Marshal Edward Morgan. Street Commissioner James H. Boyce. Market Master Otto Rath. The question of when the term of office of the city assessor begins and ends came up. Ald. Crawford moved that the matter of the commencement and ending of the term of the office for the city asses- sor be referred to City Attorney Duffy. Carried. Oil At:orney Duffy reported 'hat he ha; Regular Session, April 28, 1898 •ts 1stti. 1119 The ordinances are very important atu1 I recommend to the council that they 1i • carefully considered and applied i y them. The city has heretofore last immense amounts of money by reason of the fact that proper ordinances were not in effect :n r,•c•: r 1 o dmproving streets and collect'.ng assessments and by reason of the fact that proper or- dinances therefor were not legally and properly applied. The assessments for such purposes amount to thousands of dollars each year and unless all the provisions of :he. ord.nanc•:s presented are accura:e:y and fully complied with the assessments will be !illegal and void and the city will be unable to collect same. The nrw ordinances make many im- portant chane., n the method of the proceedings ; -„t, \ inprove streets - and c•onstrn,.; <,.cc.., :tel :,,vy assess- ments :beret wIH•ii tlr ancil can perceive by sanii ilee ti1 - ,ordinances. They are very l nc:ity un; ,,rder that you may tn,n•.. r c iii}' unda a :and sante I file h •reo':it a synopsis of :he method of pro -Lug with blank f ems of reso- lttt.otr< tt .,.,,esary, I,0th ,ns :,, streets and sere, rs marl:- 1 1E:x1-.11,.1 "A'' and "1_1” respec-:rely. Th, v, a .ind the city officers Will find usefui as they will show you the manner of proceeding. as the ordinances are very lengthy it is impossible to set out .:n a syn ons:s any more than a memoranda of the principal features and you and the off:cors will have to refer to the ordinances for a more com- plete unders:ands:ng. I wish to im- press upon the city officers the import- ance of performing all the duties fixed by these ordinances accurately and ful- ly. I c old recommend in view of the fact that may b,, dnm, time before the city ordinances w1:1 revised and these nrdinanc--s male ease ,,f refer- ence and for the r • tson th:c: you and the other city officers will need to fre- quently refer to these ordina h es, 4 iat a number of copies be prig ed in pamph- let form containing same withtheblank synopsis of the manner of proceeding hereto attached: also that blank forms of the resolutions necessary be printed. If you desire any further inf not talon. or advice as to the application e ordinances I shall be pleased to fur- nish the same to you or any ,,f tit: other city officers. Respectfully submit T. 11. DUFFY, City Attorney. Ald. Crawford nerved that the report and ordinances prepared by the city at- torney be referred to the committee on ordinances. Carried. Ald. Wales, chairman of the finance committee, presented a communication from M. M. McCarten asking that :m- . provement bonds numbered46, 4 J46, 49, 9, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and 56, dated denomination1895, and all of the th u and dollar's eachie Balld in one presented the 1'o'lowing resolution: Ile •is resolved by the cdty council of the city of lluhuqu. : That the city ueasurer lie and is hereby instructed to call in thr following numbered improve- ment bends numbered 46. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51. 52, 53. 54. 57, and 56 dated July 1, 1S95, and all of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, amounting in all to $1t,000.00. Interest to cease nn said bonds May 15, 1S98. Ald. Wales moved :he adoption. Car- ried. Aid. Dines, chairman of the commit- tee on pnb:.ic grounds and buildings re- ported !hat th•y had renewed the fol- lowing '.nsuranre politic=: Hanover Fire Insurance Co., of New York, 81.000 on the city hall building. Providence Washington Insurance Co.. of Providence, R. 1.. $1.500 on 4th street engine house. Aid. Jones nrcved the adaption of the report and :hat orders be ordered drawn to pay the prenniums on said pol:e•ies. Carried. Ald. Wales. chairman of the fire eommitt=e. repm'ted as follows: In favor cf granting the petition of Carr. Ryder and Adams Co., asking that a hydrant be located in alley bet- ween Jackson and 'Washington streets and running from 9th and 10th streets providing that one can be taken from some other location and moved the ad- option of the report. Carried. Also in favor of granting the petition of A. A. Cooper asking permission to finish putting on an additional story on two buildings between First and Jones stree:s and I. C. R. R. tracks and Water street providing he covers all new parts with iron, said buildings to be used for the manufacturing of wagons. sleighs, etc. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the re- port. Carried by the following vote: ,ayes—Alda Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones. McLaughlin. Noes--Ald. Wales. Ald. Jones. chairman of the printing committee, reported a.s follows: would Your committee on printing respectfully recommend that the Dued bu- que Daily Telegraph be app official paper of the city, to print all pro ceedings of the council, notiices, adver- tis,ments of the council, proclamations of the mayor and furn.ah seventy-five copies of the council proceedings each month in pamphlet form and to receive as full compensation for same the amount of sixty dollars per month. Also that the Dubuque Herald and the Globe -Journal be allowed to publish all the proceedings of the council, notices, advertisements of the council and pro- clamations orf the mayor and to receive • as full compensation for same the amount of fifty dollars per month onhac, said proceedings, notices, advertise- ments and proclamations to be cop- ied from the Daily Telegraph. Also that the National Democrat and 110 Regular Session, April 28, 1N11s. The Western (German papers) be allow ed to publish all notices and advertise- ments of the city and to receive as full compensation for same the amount of seventy-five dollars each per year. Also that the Daily Teiegraph he re- quired to have the publication of the council proceedings completed within four days after each cnunc:1 meeting, and the Herald and Globe -Journal ,o have the publication of said proceed- ings completed within five days after each council meeting. The city to re- serves the r'.ght to change the above arrangement at any time. In case of the failure of said newspapers to comply with the above requirement there shall be deducted for each day after the said limit of time the. amount of 10 per cent of the hill for the month. Also that the proprietors of said newspapers shall file with the city recorder a written ac- ceptance of the above. within five days after the adoption of this report by rhe council. In case of the fa'lure of the proprietors of any of said newspapers to file such written acceptance within the time mentioned it shall he deemed a declinationon their part of the fore- going pre,posi'ion. Ald. Jottes moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole. reported as follows: In favor of rec.eiv.!ng and filing the petition of F. W. Therring and F. H. Kuemple agreeing to do all repa'.n'ng of plank sidewalks for $114.00 per month. On motion the renort was adopted. Also recommend that after this date the city pay for no carriages to be used in taking pact !in parades. Also recommend that the sweeping of the brick streets he don. by hand for one month in .order to ascertain wh:ch system is the most economical. Said work to be under the supervision of the street commissioner. Also recommend that the wages of laborers on sewers and streets be as follows for the ensuing year. laborers on streets, per day $1.25: laborers on storm and sanitary sewers, per day, $1.50: teams on streets and sewers, per day, $2.50; and that the heads of families and older men be given the preference. Also recommend that the telephone now at the residence of the city en- gineer be ordered moved to the residence of Mayor Berg; also that one of the tele- phones now in the city marshal's office be discontinued; also that one of the telephones now at the central engine house be discontinued; also that the telephone used by the former chairman on police and light be discontinued; also that the telephone used by the chair- man on streets of the old council he ordered moved to the residence of the present chairman of the street com- miteee. On motion the report was adopted. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the use and management of the steam roller be under the exclusive control of the street commissioner. Carried. Ald. Flynn offered th • following: Resolved by the city eouncil of the city of Dubuque: Thal a-idewalk 12 feet wide, of brick. stone ..r •ment, be, within 20 days of this no:',•..constructed and laid in conform I:y w1.1) :he ordin- ance in relation :o ;:id \\"a.ks. on the east side of Clay stye :, t •Nuveen Rth and 9th streets, abutting '..ts 2'1 and 2R2, city where not atl:•rady laid a: the ex- pense of auutt:ng proper:y. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Crawford. Duggan, Flynn. Frith. Jones, McLaughl•:n and Wales. Nays—None. Ald. Flynn offered the following. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk six feet wide. of good two inch plank. be, within 10 days f :his notice. construct- ed and laid :n conformity Nv:th the or- dinance !n relation to sidewalks. on the West side of Jackson street. between 16th street and 17th street, abutting 9 1-2 N M 1-5. lot 442, city. where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adop:ed by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Crawford. Duggan. Flynn, Frith, Jone?; McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Ald. Flynn offered the following reso- lut'on which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the mayor and finance committee, be and !s hereby di- rected to examine the books of each de- partment of the city and have the pow- er to employ an expert book-keeper, should same he needed and report to the city council, and recommend any reform needed. Ald. Flynn offered the following reso- lution which was adopted: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a warrant he drawn .in favor of T. H. Duffy, city at- torney. for $250 to be used by him, for the city. in a certain pending city case. Said sum to be accounted for him be- fore June 1, 1898. Ald. Frith offered :he followinf pre- amble and resolueion which was ad- opted : Whereas, At the last municipal elec- tion held lin the c:ty of Dubusue, the question of the municipal ownership of the Water Works was submitted to a vote of the people, and the electors of the city by an overwhelming ma- jority decided that the city should own the Water Works, and Whereas, In his inaugural address Mayor Berg stated that the council should examine into the matter and as- certain what is best to be done, now therefore, he it Resolved by the city council of the Official Notices. 111 city of Dubuque: That a committee of four, consisting of the mayor and three members of the city council be by the mayor appointed and that said comm:ttee be. authorized to confer with the Dubuque Water company and as- certa;:n the price for which the Dubuque Water works can be purchased, and that the report of such committee be submit- ted to the ity council as soon as pos- sible. Ald. Flynn moved that the mayor and city marshal he and is hereby instructed to get the new codes, now,in the hands of the m ex-alderen, the same being city property. Carried. Ald. Crawford inquired what had been done. if anything, 'n regard to opening up of Willow street. City Engineer Blake stated that he would proceed to carry out the resolu- tion passed March 24, 1898. On motion the council adjourned. Attest: Reeo rt le Approved 189 Mayor NOTICE TO SIDEWALK CONTRAC- TOR. Sealed proposals will be received at the city engineer's office, Dubuque, Iowa, up to 4 o'clock p. m., Friday, April 29th, 1898, for constructing side- walks of plank ,as follows: 2 feet wide on south side of Dodge street between Locust street and Main street abutting lots 1 and 12 block 13, Dubuque Harbor Company's add.; also lot 549a and lots 1 and 8 sub 552, city. 2 feet on south dfla-lh nCoanu flcoc 2 feet wide on south side of Wilber Lane between south side Olive street and Spruce street. 4 feet wide on south side of Wilber Lane between east side Grove Terrace and Olive street. 4 feet wide on both sides of Elm street between 26th and 27th street abut ting lots 37 to 60 inclusive, Glendale add. All in accordance with specifications on file in said office. A certified check of $10.00 will be re- quired with each bid. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. April 18th, 1898. 4-18-10t. E. C. BLAKE, Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, April 21, 1898, for filling H. F. C. Schne:der's lot on West llth street and Grove Terrace south. The \Vork will consist of filling with earth and other material suitable and such as will meet the approval of the city engineer and street committee, and according to what lines and levels :hat they may agree on. The work will approximately amount to about 1500 cubic yards, and shall be completed by May 14, 1898. The material and necessary labor to be furnished by the contractor. Bid- ders will state the price per cubic yard for doing the \vork in accordance with plans and specification on file •in this office . A certified check on some Dubu4ue hank for $15.00 must accompany each bid as a guarantee a contract w011 be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated April 12, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4 -12 -to -21st. City Recorder. NOTICE TO EXPRESSMEN. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 4 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, April 28th, 1898, for the removal of garbage, ashes and debris from the markets around the city hall for the season of 1898. Bidders will state the price per month for the removal of said accumulations. The accumulations to be delivered at such places as the committee on mar- kets may direct, through the market - master. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Dated Dubuque, April 23d, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. 4-23-5t. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: You are hereby notified not to allow Any loose paper to be in the streets or alleys in front or rear of your property. All violating the ordinance in relation thereto will be prosecuted. Dated at Dubuque this 20th day of April, 1898. JAMES McCANN, Marshal. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank be, within 10 days of this notice constructed and laid in conformity with the ord:ance In relation to sidewalks as follows: 4 feet wide on both side of Elm street between 26th street and 27th street, abut ting lots 37 to 60 inclusive in Glen- dale add where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted April 14, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-18-10t. rite Recorder. 112 Official Notices. NOTICE TO GARBAGE CONTRAC- TORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 p. m. Thursday, April 21, 1898, for the removal of garb- age and dead animals for the s. anon of 1898. in the distnicts herein below desig- nated, all of said garbage to be hauled and dumped at the city dump at the foot of Railroad avenue, into the Miss- issippi river. First District—All ternitory south of 8th street and Julien avenue. Second District—All territory lying between 8th street. and Julien avenue and 17th street and West 17th street. Third District—All territory lying north of 17th street and West 17th street. The party that i s awarded the con- tract will be deducted at the rate of three dollars per day, in case of neglect or refusal to remove a'l garbage and dead animals in the respective dis- tricts. A cHri.fled check on some Dubuque hank for $25.00 must accompany each hid as a gua'antee a contract will he cntered if awanied. The city tesf•rves the right to reject ar.y and all bids. Dated this 15th day of Anr`.l. 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4 -15 -to -21st. City Recorder. NOTICE TO SEWER CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 7:30 o'clock P. M. Thursday, April 28th, 1898, for the con- struction of an 8 -inch tile pipe sewer in Pickett and Alma streets, from the end of present sewer to West 16th street. Total length of sewer 600 lineal feet. Three manholes, manholes to be four feet wide inside diameter, all in ac- cordance with plans and specifications now Gn file in this office. All rolling to be done by the city at 5 cents per lineal foot, which amount will be retained from the amount due contractor. Bidders will state the price per lineal foot for sewer completed, also the price for each manhole. A certified check, on some Dubuque bank for $50.00 must accompany each bid, as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if awarded. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-16-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE TO CLEAN ALLEYS. All parties are hereby notcfled to clean the alleys abutting their premises, with- in five days of this notice. In case of failure so to do the city of Dubuque will clean the same at the expense of the owner or occupants of any build- ing abutting on said alleys. The amity wdll also remove all ashes or flebris found on any lane, avenue, alley or oth- er thoroughfare and charge the cost thereof to the owners or occupants of any building abutting thereon. The city will charge seventy-flve cents per load for removing said debris. The above notice will be enforced. Per order of the board of health. Dated April 13, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 4-12-5t. Clerk. Regular Session, May 5, 1898. 113 CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR SESSION, MAY 5TH. 1898. (Official.) Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. McLaughlin moved the council proceedings for the month of April, 1898, be approved as printed. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that when the council adjourn they adjourn until Thursday evening May 12th, 1898. Car- ried. The following bills were ordered paid: G Gmehle, assistant assessor for April $100 00 Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor for April 100 00 Thos Maguire, assistant attor- ney 50 00 Peter Cassidy, rodman 50 00 M O'Laughlin, chainman, April 40 00 Jas O'Connors, assistant market master 8 80 Key City Gas Co, gas for Gover- nor Greys' Armory April 27 45 Key City Gas Co, gas for city hall 28 50 Dubuque Water Co, water for Governor's Greys' Armory 20 40 A Herting, repairing flag pole city hall 1 50 G F Kleih, hardware 30 M J G LaNicca, drugs, etc .. 1 85 Dubuque Trade Journal, blank stationery 11 00 G B Grosvenor Co, new flag for city hall .. .... 17 50 Hawley & Freeman, picture frame 1 25 Mrs Wm Hayes, cleaning around market ...... 15 00 Theo Bauer, witness fees 5 20 Orville De George, witness fees 60 Adam Doerr, hauling ashes from city hall ........ 1 50 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for April 6 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, oil ... 70 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing. 2 00 P H Halpin, bran for fire dept... 1 20 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair- ing engines and truck ... 6 10 W H Torbert, drugs .. 10 90 T Connolly, repairing hook and ladder truck 18 00 Key City Gas Co., gas for fire dept 35 40 Key City Gas Co, coke for fire dept 21 25 Dubuque Water Co, water for fire dept 40 00 Dubuque Water Co, 336 hydrants for April 1400 00 Thormans' Creamery, milk for matron's quarters 5 00 Chr Schmitt, meat for matron's quarters 1 15 Duggan & Kane, supplies for mat- ron quarters .. 2 80 Key City Gas Co, gas for patrol house ..r... 10 80 Frank Duertscher, room rent for police 10 00 Globe Journal, official printing for April 67 50 The Times, official printing for April 29 15 The Herald, official printing for April 67 50 Dubuque Telegraph, official print- ing for April 75 00 Dubuque Telegraph, weekly coun- cil proceedings .. 9 00 Dubuque Telegraph, health re- port .. 3 50 Star Electric Co, 322 arch lights for April d...1738 80 Globe Light and Heat Co, 100 lamps for April 166 67 G F Kleih, hardware for health department ..... 50 Thos E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 53 65 A A Cullen, services as member of board of health 36 00 Dan Sheehan, labor on city dump 1 35 I Beekman, filling on 16th street 27 70 Barney Gerens, 110 cubic yards of gravel 27 50 Isaac Proctor, retaining wall on De Sota Terrace .. 200 00 Isaac Proctor, filling Schneider's lot 75 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on streets: Jno Butt, repairing tools for street department $ 1 10 Fred Schloz, repairing tools for street department .. 5 00 J Jellison, rock furnished to city 2 40 I Beekman, filling on 16th street 6 00 Linehan & Molo, filling on 4th street extension 7 00 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing1 Op Hagerty Bros, pine wood for steam roller- 1 75 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware 4 00 G F Kleih, hardware 7 45 Key City Gas Go, taking out lamp posts .. 3 50 Voggenthaler & Ragatz, repair- ing steam roller 20 58 A Ring, extra work on Iowa st4 15 Steuck & Linehan, use of derrick 9 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on fire: Jno Butt, repairing chemical en- gine and hook and ladder truck$ 4 10 Kannolt & Powers, horse shoeing 23 50 The following bills were referred to the committee on police and light: Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing 4 80 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for April 21 80 F M Jaeger & Co, hardware 3 20 Manders & Schneider, bran and oats 4 40 M Brown & Sons, oats 3 00 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoe- ing 3 20 G F Kleih, sash cord 1 00 The following bills were referred to the committee on sewers: Pape & Jacquinot, nipples and 114 Regular Session, May 5, 1898. galvenized elbow .. 35 F M Jaeger & Co, cups and chains 3 95 P H Halpin, empty barrels 35 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co, 3 dozen washers 1 50 PETITIONS. The petition of ti. W. Albee and 84 others, asking that in the construction of a bridge over the Eleventh street elevator track, that a space of proper width be provided for a sidewalk or stairway on the south side of the track, and that a stairway be built on same grade as the track. Ald. Crawford moved to suspend the rules and that any one desiring to ad- dress the council on the subject be heard. Carried. Mr. M. M. Cady addressed the coun- cil in favor of the petition. Mr. C. T. Hancock addressed the council in favor of granting the peti- tion. Mr. E. W. Albee and M. M. Walker addressed the council in favor of grant- ing the prayer of the petition. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred •to the committee of the whole with power. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the petition be referred to the street committee with power. The substitute was lost by the follow- ing vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan and Flynn. Noes—Alds. Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. The question recurring on the orl- gInal motion the mayor called for the ayes and nays, after which he declared the original motion carried and the peti- tion referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Crawford gave notice that the committee of the whole would meet at the foot of the. Eleventh street elevator at 9 o'clock a. m. Friday, April 6, 1898, to consider said petition. The following petitions were granted: Petition of B. McCoy, asking permis- sion to pay his epecial assessment on west 20 feet of lot 14 Union add for the Improvement of Dodge street' in month- ly payments of $2.00 per month. Petition of Henry L. Gross asking that the treasurer be instructed to ac- cept 1-6 of the special assessment on lot 401, Ham's add, each month niith in- terest. Petition of Mrs. Geo. L. Whittemore asking that the treasurer be instructed to extend the time for payment of special assessment for the improvement of Cleveland avenue on lot 83 Union add until Nov. 1, 1898. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Mrs. John Toussaint ask- ing that the estate of Jno. Toussaint be exempt from paying one-half of their taxes for the year 1897. Petition of Jane R. Jess asking reduc- tion of taxes for 1897 on city lot 565a. Petbtion of Mrs. Kate F. Boland ask- ing cancellation of taxes for 1897 on N. M. 1-5 of lot 430. Statement of the Dubuque High Bridge Co. ,for the fiscal year ending May 1, 1898; also asking for the cancel- lation of their taxes for the year 1897. The petition of H. Dement et al, ask- ing that Mettel Bros. be permitted to erect and operate city hog scales at 1850- 1860 White street, was referred to the street committee with power. The petition of Henry Hencke asking for the appointment of city carpenter was on motion received and filed. The petition of Mr. and Mrs. Helmer asking city to purchase their macadam was on motion received and filed. The petition of Joseph Kiang et al, asking that O'Neill street be ordered graded, curbed, guttered and macadam- ized was on motion of Ald. Crawford referred to the city engineer to ascer- tain if a majority of the abutters sign- ed the petition and to make an estimate of the cost of such improvement. The petition of Paul Hoffman et al. asking that a permit be not given for a merry-go-round at the corner of 13th and Jackson streets, was presented. Aid. Wales moved to grant the peti- tion. Ald. Duggan moved as a substitute that It be referred to the committee of the whole. The .substitute carried. A communication was rece.ievd from Landon Taylor agreeing to do all the city carpenter work for $30.00 per month. Ald. Wales moved that he he given a trial. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the matter of a carpenter remain as at present :n the hands of the street commissioner. The .substitute wit's lost by the following vote: Nays—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Mc- Laughlin and. Wales. Ayes—Aids. Flynn, Frith and Jones. The original motion was lost by the following vote: Nay s --Aids. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Ayes—Alds. Crawford and Wales. Ald. Flynn moved to receive and file the petition. Carried. Ald. Duggan moved that before the council adjourns they appoint a city carpenter. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Hon. Mayor and city coundil: Gentlemen:—Below you will find statement of amount advanced by me during the month of April, 1898, for which please order warrants drawn an my favor: Refund excavation permits $ 40 00 Interest paid an outstanding war rants .. 817 43 Exchange on coupons (New York 2 35 011 for police department 10 75 Freight charges fire department5 21 Regular Session, May 5, 1898. 115 Postage stamps 11 85 Total $887 59 Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and warrants ordered drawn for the amounts and the report refer- red back to the finance committee. Car- ried. City Auditor McCarten reported as follows: To the Hononable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you my report for the month of April, 1898, showing the receipts and dis- bursements for the month. Cash on hand April 1, 1898....$71,968 97 RECEIPTS. Consolidated tax 1897 $5,896 47 Water tax 1897 847 99 Int. col. on tax 189780 13 Consolidated tax 1896121 00 Water tax 1896 12 10 Int. on tax for 18966 70 Special bonded tax 2,073 21 Int. collected same297 32 Special sewer tax30 60 Int. collected on same 40 Special taxes 10 67 Scale receipts 28 34 Impounding 1 00 Refunded overpay 2 47 Dieting prisoners 30 80 Cleaning alleys 38 65 Rent huckster stands 25 GO Mulct tax saloon license 9,300 00 Peddlers' license 2 00 Auctioneers' license25 00 Excavation permits.. 70 00-18,536 85 $90,505 82 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed in April $29,618 86 Coupons redeemed in April 2,156 68 follows: Bonds redeemed in April 2,500 00-34,275 54 Cash on hand May 1, 1898$56,230 28 Other cash on hand there be- longs to the improvement bond fund $11,398 11 Leaving balance to the credit of the city $44,832 17 Also report $2,166 65, due city officials for the month of April, 1898. Also the following is a list showing the amount expended in each depart- ment since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1898: General expense fund account$ 6,857 26 Road account 13,585 78 Police account 4,589 70 Fire account 5,254 90 Gas and light account 3,810 24 Water account 2,800 00 Engineer account Printing account Sewerage account Board of health account Interest account Total 1,000 10 528 30 852 35 252 75 11,755 39 $51,286 77 Ald. Crawford moved to receive the report and warrants ordered drawn to pay the city officers and the report re- ferred back to the finance committee. Carried. The pay roll of Fire Chief Reinfried was presented showing $1,985 00 due firemen for the month of April, 1898. Ald. Duggan moved the pay roll be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the firemen for the month of April, and the pay roll referred back to the committee on fire. Carried. City Marshal McCann reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen—I herewith sub- mit to you a report of the police de- partment for the month of April, 1898. Number of arrests for the month66 Patrol wagon answered calls 43 Number miles traveled 913$, Total number lodgers harbored137 Total number of meals furnished 109 Total number of defective lights.. 273 Receipts for impounding, $1.00. Also reports $2,029.55 due the police- men for the month of April, 1898. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn to pay the police and the report referred back to the committee on police and lights. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan's payroll for the last half of April, 1898, for street laborers was presented showing $978.55 due laborers on streets. Ald. Crawford moved that the pay roll be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay street laborers for the last half of April, 1898, and the pay roll referred back to the committee on streets. Carried. Chief Foreman Morgan in charge of the sewers reported $231.35 due the lab- orers on sewers for the last half of April, 1898. Ald. Crawford moved that the pay roll be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the laborers on sewers and the pay roll referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Gentleman—The following is the amount of work on streets during the month of April, 1898, by wards: FIRST WARD. P. Quinn, Sr., various streets, cleaning streets and alleys....$ 129 15 J. Morgan, cleaning various sts 19 60 Total First Ward $148 75 SECOND WARD. Robt. McGivern, 4th st. extension dumping $ 80 20 J. Mullen, cleaning streets and alleys 61 80 John Spear, cleaning alleys 214 70 J. Morgan, cleaning streets and alleys 18 45 Total Second Ward $375 15 116 Regular Session, May 5, 1898. THIRD WARD. John Farley, cleaning alleys....$280 95 E. C. Blake, 16th and Sycamore dumping 9 45 J. Morgan, Iowa street, cleaning crossings 1 35 Total Third Ward $291 75 FOURTH WARD. John Hayes, Cox street, grading.$109 40 C. Gantenbein, Wood st., mason work 36 85 L. Taylor, 14th street, cleaning gutters and streets . 58 65 James Hird, various streets, cleaning streets 70 80 James Hird, cleaning alleys 39 95 Total Fourth Ward $315 65 FIFTH WARD. M. Specht, Adams st., grading$ 38 10 M. Specht, 5th avenue, repairing 104 70 M Specht, Couler ave., repairing 5 50 J. Bottoms, Stafford aveune, re- moving stone 16 65 J. Bottoms, Kauffman ave., re- pairing 4 20 Geo Zumhoff, Broadway Exten- sion, grading sidewalk 10 95 Total Fifth Ward ..$183 20 Total for all wards $1,317 50 On motion the report was received and filed. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gen- tlemen—I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of April, 1898. I find from the report of the police department that the total hours that 273 lamps failed to burn would equal six lamps for one month, or $32.40. Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and filed and that the recorder be instructed to notify the city auditor to deduct $32.40 from the Star Electric company's bill for the month of April. Carried. The following weighmasters reported receipts for the month of April, 1898, as follows: Otto Rath, city hall $ 12 40 James Doyle, First ward 9 00 T J Donahue, Grandview avenue 65 Mettle Bros, Couler avenue 1 98 Geo A Pflffner, 26th street 49 Mrs C Deckert, Rhomberg ave- nue 2 40 C Pitschner, West Dubuque 2 97 On motion the said reports were re- ferred to the committee on markets. The bids for lighting the city build- ing were ordered opened and found as follows: Star Electric company bid $900.00 per annum. Key City Gas company bid $648.00 per annum. To include all city buildings except the Summit Street engine house. Ald. Crawford moved that the con- tract be awarded to the Key City Gas company. Carried. The acceptance of the Daily Tele- graph, Daily Globe -Journal and Daily Herald, of the conditions of the report of the committee on printing of April 28th, 1898, was presented. Ald. Crawford moved that the two German papers be given one week more time to file their written accep- tance. Carried. Ald. Frith, the chairman on the mar- ket committee, reported as follows: Your committee on markets respect - folly report that they have instructed the market master to sell all huckster stands around the market, prices rang- ing from $2.00 to $10.00 per stand accord- ing to location, the same to be paid for in two instalhnents 1-2 cash and 1-2 in three months. Also your committee on market would respectfully report that they have appointed Mrs. Koenig janitress at the city hall at a salary of $20.00 per month. Ald. Frith moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Ald. Duggan, clfairman of the com- mittee on electrical construction, re- ported as follows: Your committee respectfully report that it is the opinion of your commit- tee that the city is paying too much for the telephones used by the city, and they would therefore recommend that the committee on electrical construc- tion be instructed to secure a reduction of prices on telephones, if possible and that they be empowered to discontinue any telephone, which in their opinion the city is paying too much for. Ald. Duggan moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Also recommend that the telephone now at the High bridge be discontin- ued. After some discussion the said rec- ommendation was withdrawn. Also your committee on electrical con struction would respectfully recom- mend that the chairman of each com- mittee be furnished with a telephone by the city. The report was adopted by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Frith and Jones. Noes—Alds. Flynn, McLaughlin and Wale. Ald. Frith, chairman of the delinquent tax committee, reported as follows: Your committee on delinquent tax respectfully report in favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Mary Tremplar asking that the taxes on lot 5 Hughe's sub be ordered cancelled for the year 1897. In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. M. A. Langworthy asking that she be allowed to pay taxes for 1897 on moneys and credits at a valuation of $2,500. In fabor of granting the petition of Mrs. G. Schumacher asking that the tax es for personal property be cancelled, Regular Session, May 5, 1898. 117 said property being taxed to other parties. In favor of granting the petition of St. Joseph hospital asking that the taxes on lot No. 7, Agnes Langworthy's sub, be ordered canceled. In favor of granting the petition of Mary De Lorimier asking that the tax- es on part of lot 159 be canceled for the year 1897. In favor of granting the petition of Mrs. Mary Flynn asking that the tax- es for 1897 on north 16 feet of lot 81, East Dubuque add, be ordered can- celed. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Jno. Rokusek asking for re- duction of taxes on lot 298, East Dubu- que add. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Geo. Schram asking to be exempt from paying taxes on lot 1 of lot 13 of Mineral lot 172. In favor of receiving and filing the petitions of J. Donahue asking for remission of personal taxes. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. John Krayer asking for a reduction of taxes on her property. In favor of receiving and filing the petitlion of A. W. Hosford et al asking foe the eance'lation of taxes on the north S8 feet of lot 783, McDaniel's sub. Irl favor of instructing the treasurer :o marl: the sale of the Sisters of Mercy's property lot 16 Agnes Lang - worthy's sub Illegal on the books and refund to the purchaser the money paid thereon at 6 per cent interest, and that the taxes on said lot 16 be can- celled. In favor of allowing Maurice O'Hearn -one year further time to pay his spe- cial assessment on West 117 feet of lot 69 Union aleiltion. In favor of allowing John Uhlrich one year further time 'to pay his special as- sessment on lots 1, 2 and 3 of the sub of lot 107 L. H. Langwortlhy's add for the Smp.rovement of Sanford street. In favor of granting the petition of Anton Schmitz asking until Sept. 1, 1898, to pay special assessments against west 146 feet of lot 47 Marsh's add. In favor of allowing Can. Callahan one year further time to pay special assessment on lot 531 city for the im- provement of Celevland .venue. Also report on the petition of Eli Brown ask- ing city to refund to him the amount of $35.36 which he paid for taxes of 1897. Would respectfully recommend 'that the treasurer be instructed to ap- ply said amount $35.36 on Mr. Brown's taxes for the year 1898. Ald. McLaughlin of the board of health, presented a resolution for spe- cial assessment for cleaning vaults, total amount $106.66; but A. A. Cooper had sent in check for his amount, $7.00, which left the amount $99.66. Resolu- -tlen as follows: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That to pay for re- moving contents of privy vaults by John Kintainger, contractor, upon which are situated the same, a special tax be and is hereby levied on the sev- eral lots, and parts of lots and parcels of real estate hereinafter named, situ- ate and owned, and for the several amounts set apposite each lot or parcel of real estate as follows: Special assessment submitted May 5, 1898. A. Buechler, city, M 1-3 lot 31, 176 cu ft at 8c, $14.05 $14 05 Bernard Becke, city N 1-2 lot 303, 222 cu ft at 8c, $17.76 17 76 Garrett Fleming, Cummings sub, lot 13, filling same, $8.00, 630.32 cu ft at 8c, $59.85, $67 85 Adopted by the following vote: Ayes — Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and that ex-Ald. Thomas be heard. Carried. Ald. Thomas addressed the council in relation to the petition of J. Mueller, asking the council to allow hirn $15.00 for retaining wall abutting his prop- erty on Thomas Place, which the council had received and filed. Ald. Wales moved the matter of payment be referred to the aldermen -at - large. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that fin compli- ance with the resolution of Ald. Frith, pased April 28, 1898, that a committee of four consisting of the mayor and three members of the council, to confer with the Dubuque Water company in relation to the purchase thereof by the city, that he would name the following Alds. Frith, Wales and Crawford. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the v: hole, reported as fol- lows: In favor of referring back to the council for action in accordance wiith the cl!ty ordinance the communication of E. C. Blake, city engineer, presenting the name of M. Tschirgi for assistant engineer. Ald. Crawford moved the adoption of the report. Carried. Mayor Berg stated that there was no vacancy in the office of assistant engineer and in support thereof read section 5 chapter 16 of the Revised Or- dinances of 1893. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, also reported in favor of receiving and filing the pe- tition of John Ward asking to be ap- pointed driver of the city carpenter wagon. In favor of granting the petition of Geo. B. Burch asking that the treas- urer be instructed to accept payment on assessment of $20,000 for 1897 on blocks 7 and 8 in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. Ald. Crawofrd moved to adopt the report of the committee of the whole. Carrie3. Ald. Wales, member of the com- 118 Regular Se sion, May 12, 1898. mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole would respectfully recommend that the ap- pointment of a rodman in the engi- neer's office be left to the council and not to the engineer. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report. Carried. Ald. Flynn nominated P. Cassidy. Ald. McLaughlin nominated Mike O'Laughlin for the position of rod - man. The vote resulted as follows: For P. Cassidy, Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith and Wales. For Mike. O'Laughlin, Alds. Jones and McLaughlin. Ald. Duggan excused from voting. The mayor declared P. Cassidy elect- ed to the position of rodman. Mayor Berg read an invitation from T. P. Sullivan, president of the Du- buque Base Ball Club, inviting the mayor and council to attend the open- ing game of the club for the season of 1898. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the in- vitation be accepted. Carried. Where- upon the mayor announced that the council would meet at the mayor's of- fice at 1:30 p. m. Friday, May 6, 1898. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the members of this council will not recommend for any city office or work of any kind any relation of any of the aldermen. Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the resolution be laid on the table. The substitute adopted by the fol- lowing vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith and Jones. Noes—Aids. McLaughlin and Wales. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk of brick, stone or cement be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks, as follows: Twelve feet wide on the east side of Iowa street between 5th street and 6th street, abutting lots 227 and 228 city, where not already laid at the expense of the abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. On mottop, the council adjourned. Attest: Approved . . ..Recorder :2 189 Mayor CITY COUNCIL. REGULAR SESSION, MAY 12, 1898. Counc-il met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayo^ Burg Ir. the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlan and Wales. Ald. Dit ar_ moved `oat the council proceedings of May 5, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. PETITIONS. The petition of Mart. A. Putnam, agent for the steamer Reindeer, asking permission fto erect a warehouse on the Levee south of the Diamond Jo ware- house was on motion of Ald. Crawford granters, the same to be under the three - bion of the harbor committee. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petifion of Carl and Ed Nank, ask- ing damages caused by wafter flowing over lots 1 and 2 in Wick's add. Petition of J. Christman et al in re- lation to the smoke coming from Young Bros.' laundry on 8th street. Petition of A. J. Watters et al asking that a merry-go-round be allowed to run on Jackson and 13th street. The following petitions were refer- red to the committee on streets: Petition of Philip Kress et al asking that Adams street be ordered curbed, guttered and macadamized. Petition of K. S. Hargus asking that a retaining wall be constructed on the south line of Pickett street abutting his property. Communication of J. H. Boyce, street commissioner, in relation to condition of Windsor avenue from cemetery gate to city Limits. The following petitions were referred to the delinquent tax committee: Petition of Maurice O'Hearn asking that taxes on west 117 feet of lot 69, Union add, be cancelled for the year 1898. Petition of Elizabeth Hughes asking that the taxes on north part of lit 1, Lineheim's add, be ordered cancelled. The following petitions were referred to 'the committee on fire: Petition of T. M. Cosgrove, et al, ask- ing that water mains be ordered ex- tended on Louisa street to its intersec- tion with Grace street and that a fire plug be placed at said intersection. Petition of J. Zangmeister asking that the Water Co. be ordered to con- nect the mains on Nevada street with the Julien avenue mains. The following petitions were received and filed. Petition of Jno. F. Savage asking for appointment to position of city car- penter. Petition of T. F. Presley, asking for appointment to position of dity carpen- ter. Petition of Landon Taylor asking for appointment to position of city carpen- Regular Session, May 12, 1898. 119 ter. Petition of G. H. Runyon offering to feed prisoners at rate of 15 cents per meal. The petition of Mathias Klein asking to be appointed to pick up paper from the streets, was on motion referred to the mayor with power. The communication of Street Com- missioner J. H. Boyce, recommending the purchase of a street sprinkler, was on motion referred to a special com- mittee consisting of the two aldermen - at -large. The petition of W. S. and E. D. White protesting against 'the improve- ment of O'Neill street, on motion of Ald. Wales aotion was postponed until the engineer gives estimate on said Im- provement. A communication was received from Street Commissioner J. H. Boyce in re- lation to the outlet of the 19th street storm sewer. Ald. Crawford moved that the engin- eer be instructed to prepare plans and spec!fsoat:'ns and make estimate of cost M improvement. Carried. L. Ziedman reported as follows: Herewith find treasurer's receipts for $46.60, amount collected from different parties .!n the several wards for clean- ing alleys abutting their several prop- erties. Also find list of names in dif- ferent wards of parties who have not paid for cleaning alley abutting their lots. On motion report was referred to the street committee. The acceptance of the Kath. Western of the conditions of the report of the printing committee of April 28, 1898, was received. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, May 12, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The mayor at the in- stance of the commiitaree of the whole has requested me to give an opinion as to the legal rights of parties involved In controversy relative to the engineer's office. I find from the records and faots that, in accordance with a prior resolution adopted May 11, 1891, authorizing en- gineer to appoint assistants subject to approval of council, Engineer Blake re- commended E. S. Hyde as assistant en- gineer. The council approved the said recommendation of the appointment of Edward Hyde as assistant englineer on June 1, 1891, and he was therefore appointed on that date. He was not appointed for any speci- fied time and therefore under the law and ordinance holds during the pleas- ure of the council, as the ordinance pro- vides any person so appointed and con- firmed assistant engineer shall hold his position during the pleasure of the council unless appointed for a specified time. Edward Hyde has ever since held and is new holding his office at the pleasure of the council and will continue so to do until the council decrees otherwise. As to the appointment of M. Tschlrgl as assistant engineer by the city en- gineer, I find such appointment in- valid. The ordinance provides that the coun- cil must first by resolution authorize the city engineer to appoint an assts- ant, and then his appointment must be approved by a majority of all the alder- men in order to take effect. As this has not been done in Mr. Tschlrg!'s case his appointment is therefore of no ef- fect. As Mr. Hyde .is mill assistant en- gineer he has the right to perform the duties that pertain to the discharge of the affaires. of the city engineer's office. As to the rodmen in the office unless the council has given the authority of appointing the rodmen to some one else (and no such authority appears of record) the council has the right to appoint the rodmen. (Signed) THOS. H. DUFFY, Ol•ty Attorney. Ald. Crawford moved to receive and adopt the report of the city attorney. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the or- dinance committee, presented an ordi- nance entitled an ordinance to pro- vide for the making and reconstruction of sewers, and to provide for the is- suance of bonds and certificates, and for the levy and collection of assess- ments against abutting and adjacent property to pay for the cost of same. Ald. Crawford moved that the rules be suspended and the ordinance be read by its title for its first reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Aldermen Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. The ordinance was then read by its title. Ald. Crawford moved that the ordi- nance be published in the council pro- ceedings and the ordinance referred back to the ordinance committee. Car- ried. The ordinance in full: Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Sec. 1. The cost or any part thereof of making or reconstructing sewers, not in excess of $3.00 per linear foot shall be assessed as a special tax against the property abutting on such sewer in proportion to the linear front foot thereof, and adjacent property in proportion to the benefit thereto; but in estimating the benefits to adjacent property, no account shall be taken of improvements, and each lot or parcel of land shall be considered as wholly unimproved. The cost of any sewer in excess of $3.00 per linear foot shall be paid from the general fund. Sec: 2. The cost of any such sewer at the intersection of streets, and half the cost of same at spaces opposite streets intersecting but not crossing and at 120 Regular Session, May 12, 1898: spaces opposite property owned by the city or state or United States, or any part thereof shall be assessed as a spec- ial tax against the property abutting upon or adjacent to such improvements, the assessment as to abutting prop- erty being in proportion to the linear front feet thereof. Sec. 3. Whenever a petition be pre- sented to the city council asking that any sewer be constructed or recon- structed, and said petition shall be signed by the owners of the majority of the linear front feet of the prop- erty abutting on such sewer, and a ma- jority of the owners of adjacent prop- erty benefited thereby and liable to assessment therefor the petition shall be referred to the city engineer, to ex amine and report whether the same is signed by the owners of the majority of the linear front feet of the property abutting on such improvement, and a majority of the owners of such adjacent property. If he shall report that a majority of such have signed said pe- tition, the council may order the con- struction or reconstruction of such sewer to be made as hereinafter set out. Sec. 4. The city council may when- ever deemed expedient, order such sew- er to be constructed or reconstructed without such a petition therefor having been presented, provided the same to be so ordered by the affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths of all the members of the council. Sec. 5. Before the council orders any sewer constructed or reconstructed it shall in a proposed resolution declare the necessity or advisability of such sewer, stating generally the location, general nature and extent of, and the size and kind of materials proposed to be used in such sewer, and shall direct the engineer to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improve- ment, the extent thereof, the size and kind of materials to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost there- of, and the amount assessable upon each lot or parcel of land adjacent to or abutting thereon, per front foot or square foot in area, and to file such plat, specifications, and estimate in the office of the city recorder. Sec. 6. After such plat is filed, the city recorder shall cause to be pub- lished notice of the intention of the council to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three consecutive issues of the official news- paper of the city, stating that such plat is on file, and, generally the nature of the sewer, its location, size and kind of materials to be used and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be flied, which time shall not be less than five days after the last publication of such notice. Sec. 7. The council after consider- ing such objections, if any be filed, shall determine what change, if any, shall be made in the plans shown by such plat and specifications and may by resolution order such sewer describing generally the extent of the work, the size, and kind of materials to be used, when the work shall be completed the terms of payment, and shall fix the time when proposals for doing the work will be acted upon, and order publication of notice, asking for such proposals by the recorder. Sec. 8. If such sewer is so ordered by the council the contract for making or reconstructing same, shall be let in the name of the city to the lowest bid- der, by sealed proposals, upon giving notice for at least ten days by two publications in the official newspaper of the city which notice shall state as nearly as practicable the extent of the work, and the size and kind of ma- terials for which bids will be received, when the work shall be done, the terms of payment fixed and the time the pro- posals will be acted upon, which notice shall be given by the recorder. All bids must be accompanied in a separate envelope with a certified check paya- ble to the order of the city treasurer in a sum to be named in the notice for bids as security that the bidder will enter into a contract for the doing of the work and will give the bond required in the following section. All such checks where the bid is not accepted shall be returned. Sec. 9. At the meeting of the city council at which bids are to be re- ceived, such bids shall be opened and. the contract awarded but all bids may be rejected, and new bids ordered. The city and the person or persons to whom such contract is awarded, shall thereupon enter into a contract for the making or reconstruction of such sewer, and no work shall be done under such award until such contract or a certified copy thereof shall have been filed in the office of the recorder. Each con- tractor for such improvement shall give bond to the city with securities to be approved by the council or board of public works, where such board exists for the faithful performance of such contract, and suit on such bond may be brought in the county of Dubuque, Iowa. Sec. 10. For the purpose of provid- ing for the payment of the assessed cost of any sewer which has been, or is to be, assessed upon the property abutting thereon or adjacent thereto, the council is authorized from time to time, as the work progresses or is completed to make requisition on the mayor for the issuance of bonds or cer- tificates, as herein provided, in such denominations as shall be deemed best in anticipation of the deferred pay- ment of the taxes, levied or to be levied for such sewer. It shall be the duty of the mayor to make and execute bonds or certificates accordingly to an amount not exceed- Regular Session, May 12, 1898. 121 ing the cost and expense of such sew- er to be actually assessed on the prop- erty liable for the payment of the same; the bonds shall bear the name of the street, place or district in which any sewer is constructed or reconstructed, which street, place or district shall be particularly described in the resolution authorizing such issue and such bonds shall be signed by the mayor, counter- signed by the recorder, and sealed with the corporate seal, and shall bear the same date and be payable at the time flxed in said resolution, and be redeem- able at any time at the option of the city and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable semi-annually. The bonds shall be substantially in the following form: "The City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa promises to pay as hereinaf- ter stated to the bearer hereof, on the day of or at any time before that date, the sum of $ with interest thereon at the rate of — per cent. per annum, payable on the presentation and surrender of the inter- est coupon hereto attached. Both prin- cipal and interest of this bond are paya- ble at the bank in the city of , State of This bond is issued by the city of Dubuque pursuant to and by virtue of the laws of the State of Iowa and the ordinance of said city passed in accoradnce there- with, and in accordance with a resolu- tion of the council of said city, duly passed on the day of This bond is one of a series of bonds of like tenor, date and amount num- bered from to and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing a sewer on street in said city as described in said resolution, which cost is assessable to and levied on the property along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting or adjacent property and payable in annual installments with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per cent. per annum and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the collection of said special tax, and said money can be used for no other purpose. And it is hereby certified and recited that all the acts, conditions and things required to be done, precedent to and in the is- suing of this series of bonds, have been done, happened and performed in regu- lar and due form as required by said law and ordinance; and for the assess- ment, collection and payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and dili- gence of said city of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In testi- mony whereof the City of Dubuque by its city council, has caused this bond to be signed by its mayor and countersign- ed by its city recorder with the seal of said city affixed this day of A. D. No. On the day of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in said bond the sum of Dollars, at the bank in the city of being months inter- est due that day on its improvement bond No. dated A. D. City Recorder. COUPON. Mayor. Countersigned Mayor. City Recorder. It shall be the duty of the city, its council and officers to comply with the requirements of this ordinance in the issuance of said bonds or certificates and to assess and levy upon the prop- erty liable therefor the cost and ex- pense of such improvement and to col- lect the same and to apply the pro- ceeds to the redemption of such bonds and certificates and to no other pur- pose; and they shall be payable only out of the funds derived from such assessment. The city shall not be obliged to appropriate money from any other fund to the payment of such bonds or certificates or any part of the same; but such certificates, bonds and coupons shall not make the city liable in any way except for the proper ap- plication of said special taxes. Sec. 11. When such bonds shall have been issued they shall be delivered to the recorder who shall register them in a book or books to be kept for that pur- pose, countersign them and deliver the same to the city treasurer or some bank selected by the council, which may require of the treasurer or bank such security or such additional secur- ity as it may think necessary to secure the payment in full of the proceeds thereof. The city treasurer shall re- port to the recorder the number of bonds delivered by him and the amount received therefor, or for which credit has been given by the contractor. The bonds shall also be registered by the city auditor in the bond registry book of the city in his office. Sec. 12. The bonds may be sold at public or private sale, but shall not be sold or negotiated for less than their par value with accrued interest from date to the time of delivery thereof. All the proceeds of bonds and certifi- cates negotiated shall be paid to the city treasurer and shall be used only to pay for the cost of the sewer includ- ed in the assessment or assessments pledged to the payment thereof. All money received by said treasurer as proceeds of said bonds or certiflcates shall be kept in the same manner and subject to all the regulations regard- ing other money of the city except that he shall keep an account of each levy 122 Regular Session, May 12, 1898. of such special assessments, and all in- terest received and paid shall be cred- ited and charged to such fund.. Sec. 13. All money received by the treasurer by virtue of the provisions of this ordinance shall be kept in a separate fund, which shall be known as the "Sewer Fund." An account shall be kept by the city auditor with the city treasurer of all money received by the treasuer in said sewer fund and paid out by him for the same. He shall report to the council at the first regular meeting in each month the con- dition of said fund. Sec. 14. The council may provide by ordinance or resolution for the issuance of sewer certificates payable to bearer, or to contractors who have constructed or reconstructed any sewer or com- pleted part thereof in payment or part payment therefor each of which certi- ficates shall state the amount of one or more assessments, or a part thereof made against the property designating it, and the owners thereof, and may negotiate the same. Such certificates shall transfer to the bearer, contract- ors or assigns, all the right and in- terest of the city in every such assessment or part thereof described therein, and shall authorize such bear- er, contractor or assigns to collect and receive every assessment embraced in such certificate by or through any of the methods provided by law for their collection as the same may mature. Said certificate shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable annually or semi-an- nually as fixed by said council and may be paid by the owner of the ass- essed property to the treasurer who shall receipt for the same and cause the amount paid to be applied to the payment of the certificate issued therefor. No certificate shall be issued or negotiated by the city for less than its par value with accrued interest up to the date of the delivery or transfer thereof. Sec. 15. If any interest shall become due on any of said Bonds when there is no fund from which to pay the same, the council may make a temporary loan for the payments thereof, which loan shall be repaid from the special taxes and interest pledged to secure said bonds but in case of purchase by the city at the tax sale of the property on which such tax is levied it shall then be repaid from the general fund. Sec. 16. No Money received from the sale of sewer bonds or certificates shall be paid out except upon the resolution of the council ordering the same and no resolution for the delivery of any bonds or certificate to contractors shall be made untill the certificate of the Engineer, or other person selected therfor, has been filed, showing that such work has been done, or material furnished to the amount of such order. Sec. 17. No Action shall be brought questioning the legality of any sewer certificates or bonds, from and after three months from the time the issu- ance of such certificates or bonds is ordered by the proper authorities. Sec. 18. That as soon as practicable after the expiration of the time speci- fied in the contract within which the Improvement is to be completed, the committee of the council on sewer shall make an examination of the work, and ,f the same be not completed, or done in the manner provided in the contract, the committee may direct the street commissioner to complete the same in the manner provided in the contract, and the expense of completing the same shall be deducted from whatever money may be coming to the contractor under his contract, or said committee may report the case to the council for their action, if said committee find the work completed in accordance with contract they shall accept the same and report so to the city council. Sec. 19. When such work shall have been completed, or such part thereof shall have been completed as under the contract is to be paid for when done, the council shall ascertain the cost thereof, including the costs of the estimates, notices, inspection, and preparing the assessment and plat, which cost the council shall then assess upon the abutting and adjacent prop- erty in the manner herein after stated. Sec. 20. In assessing the cost of making or reconstructing of any sewer against the lots or parcels of ground abutting thereon or adjacent thereto, the council shall cause to be prepared by the city Engineer a plat of the streets or part thereof on which the said iimprovement s„all have been made or reconstructed, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement the names of the owners thereof as far as practicable, and the amount to be as- sessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and the city Engineer shall file said plat and schedule in the office of the recorder, which shall be subject to public inspection. Sec. 21. After the filing of the plat and schedule referred to in section 20 hereof the recorder shall give ten days notice, by publishing same three times in a newspaper published in said city, thats uch plat and schedule are on file in the office of the recorder, fixing a time within which all objections thereto or to the prior proceedings must be made in writing. Sec. 22. The council after having heard such objections, and having made the necessary corrections, shall by res- olution levy the special assessment as shown in such plat and schedule, as corrected and approved against the property abutting upon or adjacent to such sewer. Sec. 23. If the owner of any lot or parcel of land the assessment against which is embraced in any bond or cer- Regular Session, May 12, 1898. 123 tiflcate provided for in this ordinance, shall, within 30 days from the date of such assessment, promise and agree in writing, endorsed on such bond or certificate, or in a separate agreement that, In consideration of having a right to pay his assessments in installments, as herein after provided, he will not make any objections of illegality or ir- regularity, or to the assessment or levy of such tax upon and against his property, and will pay said assessments, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, in installments as herein- after provided then such tax so levied against the lot or parcel of land shall be payable in seven equal installments, the first of which shall become due and payable at the office of the city treasurer, with interest on the whole amount thirty days after the Levy of said assessment and the other install- ments shall become due and payable, with interest on the whole amount un- paid one at a time annually after the the date on which the first installment becomes due and payable, where no such agreement is made, then the whole of such assessment so levied shall ma- ture at one time and be due and pay- able thirty days after said levy of said assessment with interest from the date of such levy at six per cent per annum. Sec. 24. Such assessment, or each installment thereof with interest there- on shall be paid at the office of the City Treasurer. The owner of any property against which a sewer assess- ment has been levied shall have the right to pay the same, or the unpaid installments thereof with all interest as the case may be, up to the time of said payment, with any penalties and costs of any proceedings for the sale of the property for such special assess- ment or installments, at or before the time said property is sold for taxes. All special assessments shall be a lien upon the property against which the same is assessed from the date of the resolution of the council ordering the construction or reconstruction of the sewer, or work for which the assess- ment or levy are made and shall be prior and superior to all other liens except ordinary taxes, and shall not be divested by any judicial sale of the property. The lien of diff- erent special assessments shall take priority in the order of their levy. If any owner of property subject to such special assessment shall so divide the same so that the feet fronting on such improvement are contained in two or more lots or parcels, he may discharge the lien upon any one or more of them, by payment of the amount unpaid, cal- culated by the ratio of square feet in the area of such lot or lots or parcel or parcels to the area of the whole lot. Sec. 25. The city recorder shall im- mediately after the passage of the reso- lution of the city council levying said assessment make out and deliver to the city auditor a duly certified copy of such resolution., and take his receipt therefor. The city auditor upon rece:v!ng the certified copy of such resolution, shall f•irthwith enter upon the "special bond- ed assessment book" kept by the trea- surer, th4 spee al tax so levied by the council and shall charge the treasurer therewith. Sec. 26. It shall be the duty of the treasurer forthwith to give notice by one publication !n the official paper of the city that such assessment has been lev!,d a.nd that in case of the failure of the persons or owner against whom such assessmc n t. is made, to agree in writing within thirty days from the time such assessment is levied, that they will not make any objections of Il- legality or irregularity or to the assess- ment or :evy of such tax upon and against their property, and will pay said assessment with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum in seven equal Installwnrs. the first of which shall be- come due and payable with interest on the wlui e amount, thirty days after the levy of said assessment, and the other installments of which shall become due and payable with interest on the whole amount unpaid, one at a time annually after the d.ate on which the first install- ment becomes due and payable, then the whole of such assessment shall mature at one time and be payable 30 days after said levy of said assessment, with in- terest from the date of such levy at six per cent. per annum, and that of failure at any time to pay said assessment or the installments thereof, within thirty clays after the same shwa become due and payable as prescribed by ordin- ance will cause the same to become delinquent and subject to collection by distress and sale. Sec. 27. A failure to pay such as- sessment or any installment thereof or interest within thirty days after the same becomes due and payable as pro- vided in section 23 hereof, shall cause the said assessment, or installment thereof or interest to become delinquent, and the property against which such as- sessment has been levied may be sold for such assessment, or any installment thereof or interest, at tax sale, the city may be a purchaser, and be entitled to all the rights of purchaser at tax sales, w'.th the right to sell and dispose of the same by the council. The purchas- er of any such tax sale shall have the same nights as purchasers at ordinary tax sales, but shall take the property charged with the lien of the remaining unpaid installments and interest. Sec. 28. When such assessment or installment thereof or interest shall be- come delinquent as stated, the treasurer shall cause notice to be given by pub- lication once In each week for four consecutive weeks !n the official paper. that at ai time fixed 4n said notice and sixty days after the date thereof, all the real estate upon which said assess- ment or installments thereof or in- terest shall be unpaid and delinquent 124 Regular Sesson, May 12, 1898. and which shall be correctly described in said notice, will be sold at public sale, at his office, and also by causing a copy of each notice to be posted at the door of the city hall at least four weeks before such sale. Sec. 29. At the time fixed in said no- tice the treasurer shall offer at public sale, and sell, at his otilice all such land, lots and other property subject to such assessment, for the payment thereof and such sales and the redemption cer- tificates, deeds and all proceedings thereunder shall be made in the same manner and with like effect as in sales of property for non-payment of ordin- ary taxes and as provided in chapter 34 of the ordinances relating to same. Sec. 30. All objection to error, irre- gularities or inequaliities in the making of said special assessments, or in any of the prior proceedings, or notices, not made before the council at the time or nn the manner provided for shall be waived except where fraud is shown. Sec. 31. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsiistent with, or con- travening any of the foregoing provi- sions are thereby repealed. This or- dinance shall be in force and effect from and after .its publication in the official paper of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Ald. Crawford, chaiirman of the or- dinance comml ree, presented an ordn- ance entitled an ordinance •to provide for improving streets. alleys, highways and avenues, by parking, curbing, paving. graveling. macadamizing and guttering same, and to provide for the issuance of bonds and certificates, and for the levy and collection of ass.essm.ents against abut- 6ing property to pay for such improve- ments. Ald. Crawford moved rha' the rules be suspended and that the ordinance be read by its title for its first reading. Carried by the following vote: Ayes—Alds Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith., Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. The ordinance was then read by Its title. Aid. Crawford moved that the ordin- ance be published In the council pro- ceedings and the ordinance be referred back to the ordinance commlittee. Car- ried. The ordinance in full: Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque: Sec. 1. The cost of parking, curb- ing, paving, graveling, macadamizing and guttering any street, and of mak- ing or reconstructing any street im- provement (except that portion assess- ed against and ordered to be paid by any railway or street railway as here- inafter provided) shall be assessed as a special tax against the property abut- ting such improvement in proportion to the linear front feet thereof. (The cost of grading any street shall be paid from the general funs). Sec. 2. The cost of any such street improvement at the intersection of streets, and half the cost of the same at spaces opposite streets intersecting but not crossing and at spaces oppo- site property owned by the city or state or United States, or any part thereof, (except that part to be constructed by paid for, or assessed to, railways or street railways) shall be assessed as a special tax against the property abutt- ing on or fronting upon such improve- ment in proportion to the linear front feet thereof. Sec. 3. All railway and street rail- way companies shall be required to make, reconstruct, and repair all pav- ing, graveling or macadamizing be- tween the rails of their tracks, and one foot outside thereof, at their own ex- pense unless by ordinance of the city under which said railway or street rail- way may have been constructed or may be maintained, it may be bound to pave gravel or macadamize other portions of said street and in that case they shall make, reconstruct, and repair the paving, graveling or macadamizing that part of the street, specified by such or- dinance; and when such street im- provements or the reconstruction there- of shall be ordered by the city as here- inafter set out, the said railway and street railway companies shall improve or reconstruct such street or portion. thereof as above required, and such im- provement or the reconstruction there- of, shall be of the material and charac- ter ordered by said city, and shall be done at the same time that remainder of said improvement is made or recon- structed. When the same is made or completed said company shall lay in the best approved manner, such rail as the council may require. If the own- er of said railway or street railway shall fail or refuse to comply with the order of the council to make or recon- struct such paving, graveling or mac- adamizing, such work may be done by the city, and the cost and expense thereof shall be assessed unon the real estate and personal props. Raid railway or street railway company with in the corporate limits of said city, and against such railway or street rail- way company, in the manner herein- after provided for the assessment of such cost against abutting property and the owners thereof. Sec. 4. The term "street' wherever used in this ordinance shall be held to include avenue, alley, and highway. The terms "abutting or adjacent prop- erty" and "property abutting on" shall be held to include the easement and right-of-way of any railway company located along any street, or on lands abutting on or adjacent thereto, in all cases where no property of any per- son, firm or corporation, except a muni- cipal corporation, intervenes between such easement or right-of-way, and the traveled portion of such street. Sec. 5. Whenever a petition be pre- Regular Session, May 12, 1898. 125 sented to the city council asking that any street be improved by grading, parking, curbing, paving, graveling, macadamizing or guttering the same or any part thereof and said petition shall be signed by the owners of the majority of the linear front feet of the property abutting on such proposed im- provement, the petition shall be re- ferred to the city engineer, to examine and report whether the same is signed by the owners of the majority of the linear front feet of the property abutt- ing on such proposed improvement. If he shall report that a majority of such have signed said petition, the council may order such improvement to be made as hereinafter set out. Sec. 6. The city council may, when- ever deemed expedient, order such im- provement to be made without such a petition therefor having been present- ed, provided the same be so ordered by the affirmative vote of not less than 3-4 of all the members of the council. Sec. 7. Betore the council orders any street improved, it shall in a pro- posed resolution declare the necessity or advisability of such improvement, stating generally the location, general nature and extent of, and the kind of materials proposed to be used in, such improvement, and shall direct the en- gineer to prepare a plat, and specifica- tions, showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the extent thereof, the kind of material to be used, and to prepare an estimate of the cost thereof, and the amount assessable on any railway or street railway, and up- on each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon, per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications, and estimate in the office of the city recorder Sec. 8. After such plat is filed, the city recorder shall cause to be publish- ed, notice of the intention of the coun- cil to make such improvement, which notice shall be published in three con- secutive issues of the official newspaper of the city, stating that such plat is on file, and, generally the nature of the improvement, its location, the kind of material to be used, and the estimate of its cost, and fixing the time before which objections can be filed, which time shall be not less than five days af- ter the last publication of such notice. Sec. 9. The council, after consider- ing such objections, if any be filed, shall determine what changes if any, shall be made in the plan shown by such plat and specifications, and may by resolution order such improvement describing generally the extent of the work the kind of materials to be used, when the work shall be completed, the terms of payment, and shall fix the time when proposals for doing such work will be acted upon, and order pub- lication of notice, asking for such proposals, by the recorder. Sec. 10. If such improvement is so ordered by the council the contract for making or reconstructing such im- provement, shall be let in the name of the city to the lowest bidder by sealed proposals, upon giving notice for at least ten days by two publications in a newspaper published in said city, which notice shall state as nearly as practi- cable, the extent of the work and the kind of materials for which bids will be received, when the work shall be done, the terms of payment fixed, and the time the proposals shall be acted upon, which notice shall be given by the recorder. All bids must be accom- panied in a separate envelope, with a certified check payable to the order of the treasurer, in a sum to be named in the notice for bids, as security that the bidder will enter into a contract for the doing of the work and will give the bond required in the following section. All such checks where the bid is not ac- cepted shall be returned. Sec. 11. At me meeting of the city council at which the bids are to be re- ceived, such bids shall be opened and the contract awarded, but all bids may be rejected and new bids ordered. The city and the person or persons to whom such contract is awarded, shall there- upon enter into a contract for the making or reconstruction of such im- provement, and no work shall be done under such award until such contract or a certified copy thereof shall have been filed in the office of the recorder. Each contractor for such improvement shall give bonds to the city with sureties, to be approved by the council, for the faithful performance of such contract, and suit on such bond may be brought in the county of Dubuque. Iowa. Sec. 12. Immediately after such im- provement shall be ordered, the city engineer shall furnish the necessary grades and lines for such improvement, and no work on such improvement shall be commenced until a grade on the streets so to be improved, shall be adopted, and be established by the city council, by ordinance. If a grade has heretofore been established by the city council, by resolution, or in any other way than by an ordinance, then before such work shall be commenced said grade shall be confirmed and establish- ed by ordinance. If a street is to be improved on a grade other than the one established, no work shall be com- menced or continued on such improve- ment, until said grade is changed and established by ordinance, as provided in the city ordinance relating to es- tablishing and changing grades. No such improvement shall be made, until after the bed therefor shall have been graded so that such improvement when fully completed, will bring the street up to the established grade, es- tablished as above set forth. The tops of all curbstones hereafter set shall cor respond to the established grade of the street. The city engineer shall see that the work conforms to the estab- lished grade, and is in accordance with the ordinance or resolution of the coun- 126 Regular Session, May 12, 1898. c11 and shall make all estimates, plats and schedules. Sec. 13. That when such improve- ment shall be ordered by the city coun- cil, it shall be the duty of the city re- corder, as soon as practicable there- after, to cause to be served on the man- aging officer of any railway or street railway company occupying or about to occupy with its track the streets order- ed to be improved, a copy of the reso- lution ordering such improvement; and shall notify said railway or street rail- way company to improve such portion of the street as is contemplated by section three of this ordinance, specify- ing in said notice the location and gen- eral nature of said improvement, the extent thereof, the kind of materials to be used, and the time when said work shall be commenced and finished. And said notice shall require of said railway or street railway company to designate in writing, within five days after the service of a copy of the same on the said railway company or street railway company, whether or not It purposes and desires to do the work of improvement itself; and that in case a failure of said street railway company or railway company to so designate its wishes in writing within the time spec- ified, it will be presumed that said rail- way or street railway company does not purpose to make the improvement it- self; and the council will then be at lib- erty to make the improvement as con- templated by law, at the expense of said railway or street railway company. If the said railway or street railway com- pany fails to inform the city council in writing within said five days, that it proposes to make the improvement it- self, or if said railway or street railway company at any time fails to make such improvement, then such work shall be done by the city, and the cost and expense thereof assessed upon the real estate and personal property of such railway or street railway company, in the manner hereinafter provided for the assessment of such cost against abutting property and the owners thereof. Sec. 14. For the purpose of provid- ing for the payment of the assessed cost of any street improvement which has been ,or is to be, assessed upon the prop erty abutting thereon or adjacent there to, including railways or street rail- ways liable for the payment thereof, the council is authorized from time to time as the work progresses or is com- pleted, to make requisition on the may- or for the issuance of bonds or certi- ficates, as herein provided, in such de- nominations as shall be deemed best, in anticipation of the deferred payment of the taxes, levied or to be levied for such improvement. It shall be the duty of the mayor to make and exe- cute bonds or certificates accordingly, to an amount not exceeding the cost and expense of such improvement to be actually assessed on the property liable for the payment of the same; the bonds shall bear the name of the street, place or district improved, which street or place shall be particularly described in the resolution authorizing such is- sue and such bonds shall be signed by the mayor, countersigned by the re- corder, and sealed with the corporation seal, and shall bear the same date and be payable at the time fixed in said res- olution and be redeemable at any time at the option of the city, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding 6 per cent. per annum, payable semi-annual- ly. The bonds shall be substantially in the following form: "The City of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, promises to pay as hereinaf- ter stated, to the bearer hereof, on the day of or at any time before that date, the sum of $ with interest thereon at the rate of per cent. per annum, payable on the presentation and surrender of the in- terest coupon hereto attached. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable at the bank in the city of , State of . This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque pursuant to and by virtue of the laws of the State of Iowa, and the ordinance of said city passed in accordance therewith, and in accord- ance with a resolution of the council of said city, duly passed on the day of . This bond is one of a series of bonds of like tenor, date and amount, numbered from to , and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of improving, curb- ing and paving a portion of street or streets in said city as describ- ed in said resolution, which cost is assessable to and levied on the property along said improvements, and is made by law a lien on all abut- ting property, and payable in annual installments, with interest on all de- ferred payments at the rate of six per cent. per annum, and this bond is pay- able only out of the money derived from the collection of said special tax, and said money can be used for no other purpose. And it is hereby certi- fied and recited that all the acts, con- ditions and things required to be done, precedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened and performed, in regular and due form, as required by said law and ordinance; and for the assessment, col- lection and payment hereon of said special tax, the full faith and dili- gence of said city of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In testimony whereof, the city of Dubuque, by its city council, has caus- ed this bond to be signed by its mayor and countersigned by its city recorder with the seal of said city affixed, this day of .. A. D. City Recorder. Mayor. No COUPON. $ Regular Session, May 12, 1898. 127 On the day of the city of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in said bond, the sum of Dollars, at the bank in the city of........ being months' interest due that day on its 'Improvement bond No....... dated A. D. Countersigned City Recorder. It shall be the duty of the city, its council and officers, to comply with the requirements of this ordinance in the issuance of said bonds or certificates, and to assess and levy upon the prop- erty liable therefor the cost and ex- penses of such improvement, and to collect the same, and to apply the pro- ceeds to the redemption of such bonds and certificates, and to no other pur- pose; and they shall be payable only out of the fund derived from such as- sessment. The city shall not be obliged to appropriate money from any other fund to the payment of such bonds or certificates or any part of the same: but such certificates, bonds and cou- pons shall not make the city liable in any way, except for the proper ap- plication of said special taxes. Sec, 15. When such bonds shall have been issued they shall be delivered to the recorder, who shall register them in a book or books to be kept for that purpose, countersign them, and then deliver the same to the city treasurer or some bank selected by the council, which may require of the treasurer or bank such security or such additional security as it may think necessary to secure the payment in full of the pro- ceeds thereof. The city treasurer shall report to the recorder the number of bonds delivered by him, and the amount received therefor, or for which credit has been given by the contractor. The bonds shall also be registered by the city auditor in the bond registry book of the city in his office. Sec. 16. The bonds may be sold at public or private sale, but shall not be sold or negotiated for less than their par value with accrued interest from date to the time of delivery there- of. All the proceeds of bonds and cer- tificates negotiated shall be paid to the city treasurer and shall be used only to pay for the cost of street improve- ments included in the assessment or assessments pledged to the payment thereof. All money received by said treasurer as proceeds of said bonds or certificates shall be kept in the same manner and subject to all the regula- tions regarding other money of the city, except that he shall keep an account of each levy of such special assessments, and all interest received and paid shall be credited and charged to such fund. Sec. 17. All moneys received by the city treasurer by virtue of the provi- sions of this ordinance shall be kept in a separate fund, which shall be known as the "street improvement fund." An account shall be kept by the Mayor city auditor with the city treasurer of all money received by the treasurer in said street improvement fund and paid out by him for the same. He shall report to the council at the first regular meet- ing in each month the condition of said fund. Sec. 18. The council may provide, by ordinance or resolution, for the issuance of street improvement certificates, pay- able to bearer, or to the contractors who have constructed any street improve- ment, or completed part thereof, in pay- ment or part payment therefor, each of which certificates shall state the amount of one or more assessments, or a part thereof, made against the prop- erty, designating it, including railways and street railways, and the owners thereof liable to assessment for the cost of the same, and may negotiate the same. Such certificates shall transfer to the bearer, contractor or assigns, all the right and interest of the city in every such assessment or part thereof described therein, and shall authorize such bearer, contractor or assigns to collect and receive every assessment embraced in such certificate, by or through any of the methods provided by law for their collection, as the same may mature. Said certificates shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent. per annum, payable an- nually or semi-annually as fixed by said council, and may be paid by the owner of the assessed property to the treasurer, who shall receipt for the same and cause the amount paid to be applied to the payment of the certifi- cate issued therefor. No certificate shall be issued or negotiated by the city for less than its par value, with accrued interest up to the date of the delivery or transfer thereof. Sec. 19. If any interest shall become due on any of said bonds when there is no fund from which to pay the same, the council may make a tem- porary loan for the payment thereof, which loan shall be repaid from the special taxes and interest pledged to secure said bonds, but in case of pur- , chase by the city at the tax sale of the property on which such tax is levied it shall then be repaid from the general fund. Sec. 20.—No money received from the sale of street improvement bonds or certificates shall be paid out except upon the resolution of the council or- dering the same, and no resolution for the delivery of any bond or certificate to contractors shall be made until the certificate of the engineer, or other per- son selected therefor, has been filed, showing that such work has been done, or material furnished to the amount of such or -1 -- Sec. 21. No action shall be brought questioning the legality of any street improvement certificates or bonds from and after three months from the time the issuance of such certificates or bonds is ordered by the proper authori- ties. 128 Regular Session, May 12, 1808. Sec. 22. That as soon as practicable after the expiration of the time speci- fied in the contract within which the improvement is to be completed, the committee of the council on streets shall make an examination of the work, and if the same be not com- pleted or not done in the manner pro- vided in the contract, said committee may direct the street commissioner to complete the same in the manner pro- vided in the contract, and the expense of completing the same shall be de- ducted from whatever money may be coming to the contractor under his con- tract, or said committee may report the case to the city council for their ac- tion; if said committee find the work completed in accordance with contract it shall recommend the acceptance of the same and so report to the city council. Sec. 23. When such work shall have been completed, or such part thereof shall have been completed as under the contract is to be paid for when done, the council shall ascertain the cost thereof, including the cost of the estimates, notices, inspection and pre- paring the assessment and plat, which cost the council shall then assess upon the abutting property in the manner hereinafter stated. Sec. 24. In assessing such cost of any street improvement, against the lots or parcels of ground abutting thereon, the council shall cause to be prepared by the city engineer a plat of the streets or part thereof on which the said improvement shall have been made or reconstructed, showing the separate lots or parcels of ground, or specified portions thereof, subject to assessment for such improvement. the names of the owners thereof as far as practicable. and the amount to be assessed against each lot or parcel of ground, and against any railway or street railway, and the city engineer shall file said plat and schedule in the office of the recorder, which shall be subject to pub- lic inspection. Sec. 25. After the filing of the plat and schedule referred to in section twenty-four hereof the recorder shall give ten days notice, by publishing same three times in a newspaper pub- lIshed in said city, that such plat and schedule are on file in the office of the recorder, fixing a time within which all objections thereto or to the prior pro- ceedings must be made in writing. Sec. 26. The council after having heard such objections, and having made the necessary corrections, shall by res- olution levy the special assessment as shown in such plat and schedule, as corrected and approved, against the property abutting upon such improve- ment, or against such railway or street railway. Sec. 27. If the owner of any lot or parcel of land or railroad or street railway, the assessment against which is embraced in any bond or certificate provided for in this ordinance, shall, within thirty days from the date of such assessment, promise and agree in writing, endorsed on such bond or cer- tificate, or in a separate agreement, that, in consideration of having a right to pay his assessments in installments, as hereinafter provided, he will not make any objection of illegality or ir- regularity, or to the assessment or levy of such tax upon and against his prop- erty, and will pay said assessment, with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum, in installments as herein- after provided, then such tax so levied against the lot or parcel of land or rail- way or street railway shall be payable in seven equal installments, the first of which shall become due and pay- able at the office of the city treasurer, with interest on the whole amount, thirty days after the levy of said as- sessment, and the other installments shall become due and payable, with, interest on the whole amount unpaid, one at a time, annually after the date on which the first installment becomes due and payable. Where no such agree- ment is made, then the whole of such assessment so levied shall mature at one time and be due and payable 30 days after said levy of said assess- ment, with interest from the date of such levy, at 6 per cent. per annum. Sec. 28. Such assessment, or each in- stallment thereof with interest thereon, shall be paid at the office of the treas- urer. The owner of any property against which a street improvement as- sessment has been levied shall have the right to pay the same„ or the unpaid installments therof, with all interest as the case may be, up to the time of said payment, with any penalties and costs of any proceedings for the sale of the property for such special assessment or installments, at or before the time said property is sold for taxes. All special assessments shall be a lien upon the property against which the same are assessed, from the date of the res- olution of the council ordering the con- struction or reconstruction of the street improvement, or work for which the assessment or levy are made, and shall be prior and 'superior to all other liens except ordinary taxes, and shall not be divested by any judicial sale of the property. The lien of different special assessments shall take priority in the order of their levy. No part of the line of any railway or street railway shall be released from the lien for any part of any unpaid assessment which has been made against it for street im- provement, until the whole assessment shall have been paid. If any owner of property subject to such special assess- ment shall so divide the same so that the feet fronting on such improvement are contained in two or more lots or parcels, he may discharge the lien upon any one or more of them, by payment of the amount unpaid, calculated by the ratio of square feet in the area of -Regular Session, May 12, 1898 129 such lot or lots or parcel or parcels to the area of the whole lot. Sec. 29. The city recorder shall im- mediately after the passage of the res- olution of the city council levying said assessments, make out and deliver to the city auditor a duly certified copy of such resolution, and take his receipt therefor. The city auditor upon receiv- ing the certified copy of such resolu- tion, shall forthwith enter upon the "Special Bonded Assessment Book" kept by the treasurer, the special tax so levied by the council, and shall charge the treasurer therewith. Sec. 30. It shall be the duty of the treasurer forthwith to give notice by one publication in the official paper of the city that such assessment has been levied, and that in case of the failure of the persons or owners against whom such assessment is made, to agree in writing, within 30 days from the time such assessment is levied that they will not make any objections of illegality or irregularity or to the assessment or levy of such tax upon and against their property, and will pay said assessment with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum in seven equal install- ments, the first of which shall become due and payable with interest on the whole amount, 30 days after the levy of said assessment, and the other in- stallments of which shall become due and payable with interest on the whole amount unpaid, one at a time annually after the date on which the first in- stallment becomes due and payable, then the whole of such assessment shall mature at one time and be payable 30 days after said levy of said assessment with interest from the date of such levy, at six per cent. per annum, and that a failure at any time to pay said assessment or the installments thereof within 30 days after the same shall be- come due and payable as prescribed by ordinance, will cause the same to be- come delinquent and subject to col- lection by distress and sale. Sec. 31. A failure to pay such as- sessment or any installment thereof or interest within 30 days after the same becomes due and payable as provided in Section 27 hereof, shall cause the said assessment, or installment thereof or interest to become delinquent, and the property against which such as- sessment has been levied may be sold for such assessment, or any install- ment thereof or interest at tax sale. The city may be a purchaser, and be entitled to all the rights of purchaser at tax sales, with the right to sell and dispose of the same by the council. The purchaser at any such tax sale shall have the same rights as pur- chasers at ordinary tax sales, but shall take the property charged with the lien of the remaining unpaid install- ments and interest. Sec. 32. When such assessment or in- stallment thereof or interest, shall be- come delinquent as stated, the treas- urer shall cause notice to be given by publication once in each week for four consecutive weeks in the official paper, that at a time fixed in said notice and sixty days after the date thereof, all the real estate upon which said assess- ment or installment thereof or interest shall be unpaid and delinquent, and which shall be correctly described in said notice, will be sold at public sale, at his office, and also by causing a copy of each notice to be posted at the door of the city hall at least four weeks be- fore such sale. Sec. 33. At the time fixed in said notice, the treasurer shall offer at pub- lic sale, and sell, at his office all such land, lots and other property subject to such assessment, for the payment thereof, and such sales and the re- demption certificates, deeds, and all proceedings thereunder shall be made in the same manner and with like ef- fect as in sales of property for non- payment of ordinary taxes, and as pro- vided in Chapter 34 of the ordinance relating to same. Section 34. All objections to errors, irregularities or inequalities in the making of said special assessments, or in any of the prior proceedings or no- tices, not made before the council at the time or in the manner provided for, shall be waived except where fraud is shown. Sec. 35. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with, or contra- vening any of the foregoing provisions, are hereby repealed. This ordinance shall be in force and effect rrom and after its publication in the official paper of the city of Dubuque, Iowa. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee onstreets, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Your committee on streets respectful- ly report In favor of allowing the fol- lowing claims: Fred Schloz, repairing tools on streets $ 5 00 Voggenthaler and Ragatz, repair - in steam roller 20 58 Siteuck and Linehan, use of der- rick Key City Gas Co, removing lamp posts G F. KI•e:h., chains, staples etc7 45 F M Jaeger and Co., nails and ,pad lock Hagerty Bros, pine wood for steam roller 1 75 J Beekman, filling on 16th street6 00 Molo and Linehan, cinders on 4th street extension 7 00 Aug Wunder1Skh, horse shoeing 1 00 John Butt, repalrtng tools 1 10 Andrew Ring, extra work, Improve- ment of Iowa street, claim $5.15, your committee recommend the payment of $3.15 lin furl of said claim. 9 00 3 50 4 00 130 Regular Session, May.12, 1898. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- port be adopted and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the various amounts. Carried. Also report in favor of receiving and firing the claim of Jessie Jellison, for $2.40 for rip rap on 16th street. (,n motion the report was adopted. Also your committee on streets re- port !n favor of receiving and filing the petition of August Hoffmann, asking a!'ty to purch.ase 40 yards of his ma- cadam en 23d and Pine streets. Also report do favor of granting the petition of J. G. and A. B. Meukel, and would recommend that all streets and alleys on Park Hilil be ordered open- ed and that all parties obstructing said streets and alleys he ordered to remove said obstructions on or before Novem- ber 1, 1898. Also reportthat your committee on streets have granted the petition of H. Dement et al, asking that Mettle Bros. be granted permission to erect hog scales at 1850 and 1860 White street. Also report on the petition of Peter Specht, asking that Rhomberg avenue he opened up to the river. would report .in favor of instructing the city engin- eer and street commissioner to prepare an estimate of the nrohab'e cost of filling Rhomberg avenue from alley be- twe_.n Tenth avenue and Front street to the river. Also would recommend that Troy street, and also the alley running southerly from the south end of Troy street to Kniest street, be graded and macadamized, the macadam:zing to be done at the expense of the abutting property. Ald. Crawford moved the adop !on of the report of the •street committee's report. Carried. Ald. Jones, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings, re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your committee res- peetfuily reports in favor of paying claim of the Iowa State Insurance com- pany for $37.50 for insurance of $2.000, for the term of three years on the 4th street engine house. Also in favor of paying claim of Rockford Insurance company for $37.50 for insurance of $1,000 for the term of three years on the city hall. Ald. Jones moved the adoption of the report of the committee an public grounds an.d buildings and that war- rants be ordered drawn to pay the same. Carried. Ald. Wales, cha'ilrrnan of the commit- tee on fire, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council•: Gentlemen: Your committee on fire respectfully reports as follows: bn favor of paying the following claims: John Butt, for repairs for fire de- partment ... $ 4 10 Aug Wunderlich, horse shoeing, fire department • • • • • • 4 80 Kanait and Powers, horse shoe- ing, fire department ... 23 50 Ald. Wales moved the adoption of the report and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the several amounts. Carried. Your committee on fire also report, that the petition of John Dreyhouse, ask ing city to place the license at $10.00 per year on chimney sweeps be referred to the ordinance committee. Also recommend that the drive way on the east side of engine house No. 1 be ordered paved with brick, the city to furnish the brick and the firemen of engine house No. 1 to do all the neces- sary work of grading and laying the brick. Ald. Wates moved to adopt the re- port of the committee on fire. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin, chairman of the committee on police and lights reported as follows: To •the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your committee to whom was referred the petition of J. V. Rider et al, asking that an electric light be placed at the corner of 12th and Clay street, would report that in the judgment of your committee is is in- expedient to put in said light at the present time. Also report do favor of paying the fol- lowing claims: Oto Rath, board of pnisoners...$21 80 Manders and Schneider, supply for patrol ... 4 40 Brown and Sons, oats for patrol.. 3 00 F M Jaeger and Co., supplies for marshal's office .. 3 20 G H Kleelh, supplies for patrol .. 1 00 Lagen and Sullivan, horse shoe- :ttg for patrol 3 20 Ald. McLaughlin moved the adoption of the report of the committee on pollee and lights and that warrants be order- ed drawn to pay the several amounts. Carried . Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on sewers, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Your committee on sew- ers respectfully recommend that the specifications for sewer in Rose and Alta Vista streets he approved. Also report in favor of receivtng and filing the petition of Domonick Frank asking the city to return to him a cer- tain ice chisel. Also report In favor of paying the fol- lowing claims: F M Jaeger and Co., chains and cups .. . $3 95 P H Halpin, empty barrels .. .35 Pape and Jacquinot, supplies for sewers .35 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, washers for sewers 1 50 Ald. Crawford moved the adopt!on of the report of the committee an sewers List of Warrants. Ed Malloy, labor T Malloy, labor T Mulqueeney, labor Joe Martinek, labor E Mueke, labor p Mohan, labor A Maudersheit, labor W McDermott, labor Jas McCarron, labor . A McGuan, labor T McDonald, labor J McCaffrey, labor M McNamara, labor F McBride, labor P McPoland, labor Jno Nutz, labor Jno O'Dea, labor P O'Farrell, labor F Oswald, labor Win O'Brien, labor Jno Parker, labor C. H. Pierce, labor J Peryon, labor M Quinlan, labor F Rowe, labor M Raiseck, labor.. Jas Reed, labor Fred Remus, labor Jno Raetz, labor M Shay, labor W Sheridan, labor T Smith, labor Jno B Stephens, labor Wm Spensley, labor F Scherr, labor E Smith, labor Geo Sutter, labor Aug Soyke, labor Sam Smith, labor Pat Smith, labor P Stoffer, labor T Schmidt, labor Jno Schemmel, labor Louis Smith, labor Joe Seik, labor Jas Talty, labor Jas Thomas, labor Jno Welsh, labor (Caledonia Place) Jno Welsh, labor P Wiest, labor .. L Washenheim, labor Geo Willman, labor Ed Welsh, labor .. W Zachina, labor A Zingel, labor F Zuershof, labor Geo Zumhoff, labor I Beekman, teams Jno Calvert, team Jno Decker, team W Ellis, team Ed Frith, team M Gantenbein, team Jno Gearey, team Jas Graham, team Mrs E Healey, team T Kane, team T Kenneally, team .. Dr. King, team Wm Leik, team Jno Long, team J A Moore, team Jas McCracken, team 4 40 3 75 8 15 6 90 5 95 2 50 3 75 3 65 6 25 7 50 1 25 1 25 65 5 00 7 50 2 50 4 40 1 90 5 00 20 00 5 00 2 50 5 30 3 15 7 50 4 40 5 65 5 65 20 00 6 25 7 50 3 15 6 25 6 25 4 40 3 15 2 50 2 50 6 55 2 50 3 75 5 30 2 50 6 25 10 00 4 40 2 50 5 65 1 25 4 40 5 65 6 90 3 75 6 25 7 50 5 65 13 50 12 50 13 15 4 40 6 25 6 90 5 00 10 65 10 65 3 75 10 65 5 00 8 75 11 90 10 65 1 25 15 00 191 McElrath Teaming Co, team 15 00 Jno McCollins, team 5 00 Dan McCollins, team P S Norton, team M O'Neill, team M Riordan, team H Schmitz, team D Sutherland, team Geo Scott, team Jno Savage, team M Theis, team Jas Tobin, team A Turner, team F Winters, team Jno Williams, team 9 10 7 50 3 15 10 00 6 90 11 25 5 65 5 00 4 40 11 25 3 75 2 50 2 50 Chas Botsford, labor on sewers. 18 00 D Duggan, labor on sewers .... 18 06 Sam Elmer, work on sewers .... 18 00 Morris Flynn, labor on sewers... 12 00 Joe Lowery, labor on sewers .. 18 00 Chas Hillery, labor on sewers .. 20 00 Jno McCune, labor on sewers ..) 18 00 Jas Ryan, labor on sewers .. 18 00 Peter Kiene, Jr, appropriation for Memorial Day expenses 200 00 I C Chamberlain, insurance on city hall 37 50 Jno L Buetell, insurance on city hall 37 50 Coates & Robinson, insurance on city hall 3i 50 H B Gniffke, Ref. Exc. permits40 00 H B Gniffke, interest on warr- rants 817 43 H B Gniffke, Exch. on coupons, $2.35; and oil for police depart- ment, $10.75 H B Gniffke, freight charges, for fire department, $5.21; and 17 06 postage stamps, $11.85 H B Gniffke, court costs in case of Francis Engels vs City of Du- buque 9 00 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct list of all warrants issued by me during the month of May, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, City Recorder. City Recorder's Office, June 6, 1898. Sealed proposals will be received at my office up to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, June 16, 1898, for the construction of a storm water sewer on Pine street, from 19th street to Couler creek, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications now on file in this office. The work must be completed on or before July 21, 1898. The work will consist of building an 3 inch brick storm water sewer 36 inches in diameter inside, from 19th street to Couler creek, a distance of about 150 lineal feet. The material used must be of good hard pressed brick, and approved American hydraulic cement, the sand and all other material will be subject to approval of the city engineer and sewer committee. Bidders must state price per lineal foot for doing all the work and finish- ing all material, do the grading and 192 Official Notices. back filling, and leave the surface in a smooth and satisfactory condition to the engineer and sewer committee. In case any sewer pipe are needed to be placed in sewer, the city will fur- nish the pipe, and the contractor to place the same as directed by engineer and committee. A certified check of $30.00 dollars on some Dubuque hank must accom- pany each bid as a guarantee that a contract will be entered into if award- ed. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6 -6 -to -15. City Recorder. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the city council of the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 9 feet wide, of brick, stone or cement, be, within 20 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in rela- tion to sidewalks, on the south side of Thirteenth street, between Locust street and the alley next East of Lo- cust street, at the expense of abutting property. Adopted May 19th, 1898. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 4 feet wide, of good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the ordi- nance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of Coates' avenue between Freemont avenue and Cross street. Simpson's add, abutting lots 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, and 44fi where not al- ready laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted May 19th, 1893. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 5-23-10t. City Recorder. NOTICE. Dubuque, la., May 24, 1898. Sealed proposals will be received at the City Engineer's office up to 4:00 o'clock p. m. Monday, June 6th, 1898, for constructing plank sidewalk as fol- lows: 4 feet wide on the north side of 22nd street between Jackson street and Couler avenue, abutting lots 225 and 226 Davis' Farm add. 4 feet wide on the north side of San- ford street, between Jackson street and Couler avenue, abutting lots 170 and 187, L. H. Langworthy's add. 6 feet wide on the south side of Jones street, abutting blocks 7, 8 and 9, Du- buque Harbor Co.'s addition. 4 feet wide on both sides of Grand- view avenue, between Southern avenue and East end of said avenue, abutting Kanavaugh's and Barry sub, Summer Hill add, Lenhei.m's sub and mineral lots 1 and 2 of 18 and lot 3, 4 and 5 of mineral lots 21 and mineral lot No. 12. 4 feet wide on the west side of Alpine street, between West 3rd street and Solon street, Julia L. Langworthy's add. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A certified check for $10.00 will be re- quired with each bid. E. C. BLAKE, CIty Engineer. 5-24-10t. NOTICE. ;Sated proposals will be received at the office of the city recorder up to 4 p. m. Saturday, May 28, 1898, for kalsom- ining police headquarters, calaboose, matron's ro,on, 2 closets, and hall on second floor ,,f c:, y market house. Bidders must s:a:.' price for the total amount of work inc•:uding material. Said work :o he under :he supervision of the market master. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. E. E. FRITH, Chairman Market Committee. SIDEWALK NOTICE. Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sidewalk 2 feet wide of good two-inch plank, be, Nvithin 10 days of this notice, construct- ed and laid in conformity with the or- dinance in relation to sidewalks, on the south side of St. Joseph street, bet- ween Fremont avenue and Stillmore street, abutting lots 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Babcock's add, where not al- ready laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted June 2, 1898. L. M. LANGSTAFF, 6-7-10t. City Recorder. • Regular Session, July 7, 1898. 195 CITY Y COUNCIL . REGULAR SESSION JULY 7th, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council proceeding for the month of June, 1898, be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS ALLOWED. G Gmehle, assistant assessor....$ 50 00 J J Murphy, assistant assessor . 50 00 Thos Maguire, assistant attor- ney P R Martin, dog and team license tags 28 60 Hardie and Scharle, 27 new city directories 100 00 Walton and Bieg, stationery 25 Ham and Carver, blank station- ery .. D C Stewart, certified copy of deed, Wagner to Graff 1 00 Mets Blank Book Co., 1 dupli- cate receipt register . 14 00 C 0 D Laundry, towels and racks for May 6 00 D Frank, trimming trees in Jackson park .... 4 00 Gus Hall, sharpening lawn mowers, etc. 2 00 T J Donahue, stone crossing on 17th and Washington streets. 11 50 J J Desmond, constructing new sidewalk on Alpine street 83 58 P Quinn, rock furnished to city6 50 Wm Dodson, rock furnished to city 10 95 Jno Tibey, rock furnished to city 23 50 Jos Sieg, rock furnished to city15 50 P Horch, rock furnished to city. 10 50 B D Lenehan, repairing tools 2 55 Jno Butt, repairing tools 1 85 Knapp, Stout and Co. Co., lum- ber 124 73 Ott, Meuser and Co., lumber 47 40 Fred Schloz, repairing tools 16 00 Lear and Pfiffner, repairing 2 00 tools Chas Matz, repairing tools 65 Pape and Jacquinot, plumb- ing, street commissioner's of- 2 00 of- fice .. W Baumgartner, new tools for street department J Driscoll, cutting stepping stones J Sherman, tools Jno Williams, gravel Geo B Burch, gravel Byrne and Saul, gravel Hagerty Bros., pine wood F M Jaeger and Co., new tools. G F Kleih, new tools Key City Gas Co., gas Key City Gas Co., coke Lear and Pflffner, horse shoe - 50 00 10 00 13 85 8 00 1 00 4 25 3 75 125 00 1 75 16 55 28 45 4 20 103 07 ing .... . Lagen and Sullivan, horse shoe- ing.... Collings and Wilkinson, horse shoeing.... ........ .......... Ott, Meuser and Co, shavings.. 12 20 Jno Duggan, repairing cart for fire department 15 00 Jno Duggan, repairing hook and ladder trucks .... 25 35 M Byrne, hay for fire depart- ment 119 34 Excelsior Brass Works, repair- ing steamer Graves . 4 95 F M Jaeger and Co., 18 pound of rope for fire department 2 20 Chas Matz, repairs for 18th street engine house Jno Butt, repairing wagon for • 4 50 fire department • J F Ris and Bro., repairing lanterns and burners Voggenthaler and Ragatz, re- pairing engines and hook and ladder truck 36 25 Voggenthaler and Ragatz, re- pairing steam roller and street scraper 56 53 Key City Furniture Co., oak lumber for fire department1 00 Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for fire and street depart - 3 60 ment.... Dubuque Water Co., 336 hy- drants for June . Otto Rath, board of prisoners 3 20 for June Kaep and Buechele, 1 doz. gloves for police department.. 1 20 Jno Gantenbein, white washing 4 00 calaboose ••••••• Ellwanger Bros., repairing har- ness for police patrol Duggan and Kane, supplies for4 45 matron quarters Iowa Telephone Co., telephone 64 02 service......•• Iowa Telephone Co., telephone messages over toll lines order- ed by James McCann 2 35 Jno Hartig, 1 new key for mar- shal's office P Hansen, oats for patrol house 3 00 Martin Byrne, hydrants, patrol house .. J J Nagle, oats, patrol house .. 42 60 Smith -Morgan Printing Co., • 7 00 blank stationery N Offerman, new star for pound 2 00 master Jno Harney, repairing tools for 2 70 sewer departm 'nt .. Pape and Jacquinot, plumbing 2 05 for sewer department .. J P Schroeder and Co., cement. 2 20 G F Kleih, new tools for sewer 1 50 department .. • . • • • Linehan and Molo, sewer pip3 16 33 and cement • Star Electric Co, 322 arc lights 1738 80 for June Globe Light and Heat Co., 100 166 67 lamps for June .. Globe Journal, official printing 50 00 for June 13 85 3 60 8 00 75 55 25 27 33 M 1 196 Ilegular Session, July 7, 1898. The Herald, official printing for June Dubuque Telegraph, official for June .... ... • .. •. Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro ceedings and health reports D Sheehan, two days' labor on city dump ...... ............ • . F Grutzmacher, 1 day's labor on city dump ........ .... • T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals Jas 0 Connors, hanging s^reen doors and windows at city hall ........ ...... Mrs Meehan, cleaning and scrub bing city hall Mrs Connolly, cleaning and scrubbing city hall Walton and Bieg, stationery for city attorney ........ 4 90 Isaac Proctor. extra work re- moving wall and building arch over elevator on West, llth street and De Sota ter- race south of elevator track 100 00 Ald. Frith moved that $50.00 be al- lowed on said bill and that the $50.00 be in full for all claims a:*,ainst the city for said work. Carried. BILLS REFERRED. The bil lof P. R. Martin for $1.25 for metal polish for police referred to the committee on police and light. The bill of the Dubuque Water Co. for $30.00 for water in city hall and patrol house was referred to the com- mittee on fire. The bill of James McCann for $6.35 for witness fees in district court case of James Forrester vs City referred to City Attorney Duffy. The bill of Isaac Proctor, final esti- mate for building retaining wall on De Sota Terrace for the amount of $391.10 was read. Ald. Wales desired to know if that would be the end of payments on said wall. Ald. Wales presented a copy of no- tice from Mr. Schneider served on the council September 17th, 1896, and ask- ed for the reading of the same, which was read; also asked for the reading of the petition of F. C. Schneider ask- ing the council what further action, if any ,they would take in regards to fill- ing his lot one (1) in Ellen Corkery's sub of out lot 655 city. Ald. Flynn moved that the bill of Isaac Proctor and said petition be re- ferred to the street committee and the two aldermen -at -large, Wales and Jon- es. Carried. The bill against M. Tschirgi for la- bor on private sewer between Main and Locust streets, amount $9.00, was read. Ald. Crawford moved that said bill be given to City Marshal Morgan and he be requested to collect the same. Carried. 60 00 60 00 9 50 2 50 1 25 193 44 17 50 13 00 12 00 PETITIONS. The following petitions were received and filed: Petition of Simon Thoni asking furth, er time to fill his lot 28 in Reche's sub of mineral lot 161. Petition of B. W. Lacy protesting against the passage of a resolution re- quiring him to fill lot 40 in Reche's sub- division of mineral lot 161. Petition of E. P. Gilliam et al protest- ing against the construction of a sani- tary sewer in Rose and Alta Vista streets. Communication of J. J. Murphy, as- sistant city assessor, stating that in ac- cepting warrant for $50.00 as salary for May, 1898, he did so under protest. Communication of Gottfried Gmehle, assistant city assessor, stating that in accepting warrant for $50.00 salary for May, 1898, he did so under protest. The following petitions were referred to the committee of the whole: Petition of August Hammel et al ask- ing that Bee Branch sewer be arched from Eagle Point avenue to Sanford . street and that they were willing to pay $230.00 towards the expense of the improvement. Also petition of M. Lavin asking that he be allowed the balance due him for breaking macadam. The petition of G. F. Woods et al asking that Bluff street extension be ordered improved from end of present improvement to a point 400 feet south, was, on motion, referred to street com- mittee. The petition of Mrs. Harriet Lull asking that the city rebuild the sheds, which were taken down when building the retaining wall on Grove Terrace, was, on motion of Ald. McLaughlin, re- ferred to the committee on streets with power. The petition of John Sommers asking that the taxes for 1897 on lots 38 and 39, O'Neill's subdivision No. 3, be canceled, was referred to delinquent tax commit- tee. The petition of Jos. J. Rowan et al in relation to condition of the alley be- tween 12th and llth and Iowa and Clay streets was referred to the market com- mittee with power. The petition of J. K. Deming and G. W. Riese' asking that some plan be devised for a sanitary sewer along Garfield avenue. Ald. Crawford moved to referr to As- sistant Engineer Hyde and that he be instructed to prepare plans of a gen- eral sewerage system in that part of the city and report to the council. Carried. The petition of E. C. Alexander and Dennis Donovan asking city to grade ' sidewalk on St. Joseph street. Ald. McLaughlin moved to receive and file and that they be allowed to lay Regular Session, July 7, 1898. 197 a two foot wide plank sidewalk„ the plank lengthwise. Carried. Petition of E. H. Sheppley asking per- mission to erect an addition of frame over brick building between 12th and 13th on Bluff street. Ald. Crawford moved to grant provid- ing that two-thirds of the property owners have signed the petition and that it be referred to the committee on fire for that purpose. Carried. Petition of Geo. L. Clark asking per- mission to erect a frame woodshed and carriage house abutting 1,135 Iowa street. Ald. Crawford moved to grant, pro- viding that two-thirds the property owners have signed the petition and that it be referred to the committee on fire for that purpose. Carried. The communication from the League of the American Municipalities inviting the mayor and city council to attend their second annual convention to be held in the city of Detroit, Mich., Au- gust 1st to 4th, inclusive. Ald. Craw- ford moved that the invitation be ac- cepted. Ald. Flynn moved to amend the motion, by adding that if any one attends they go at their own expense. Ald. Crawford accepted the ammend- ment and the motion as amended then passed. A communication from the Welsbach Street Lighting company of America ask ing to put up a few samples lights in the city and a large number of testimonials was read. Ald. Crawford moved that the request be granted provided it would be done without cost to the city. Car- ried. Mr. George McLean, addressed the council in the interest of the Wels- bach Company. Ald. Crawford then moved to refer the entire matter to the committee of the whole. Carried. A communication from the city re- corder asking instruction as to dis- position of the extra copies of the Du- buque City directory for the year 1898 and 1899, was on motion referred to the Printing committee. A plat showing a part of a lot dedi- cated to the city by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Cooper for the purpose of opening up Willow street, with the following writ- ten thereon: I hereby grant, transfer and convey to the city of Dubuque, Iowa, the above part Mineral land dedicate said shown byaboveplat lot to the City of Dubuque as a public street, part ilow street and g the extension hatpart of said lot 179 A, marked on above plat in red ink. Sign- ed, A. A. COOPER, MARY J. CCOPER. State of Iowa, ) es Dubuque County. 1 On this 30th day of June, 1898, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county personally appeared A. A. Coop- er and Mary J. Cooper, his wife to me personally known to be the identical persons named above. and whose names are affixed hereto, as grantors and ac- knowledge that they executed said in- strument and that the execution thereof was their voluntary act and deed. Wit- ness my hand and Notarial seal, this day and year last above written. Thos. H. Duffy, notary public in and for said county. Ald. Crawford moved that the plat and dedication be accepted and that it be recorded in the plat book of the city, and that Willow street be declared a public highway. Carried. A communication from Hon. Jacob Rich to Aid. at -large Wales asking that a crossing be laid at the corner of 3d and James street was read. Ald. Wales moved that the street com- missioner be instructed to put in a cross ing at said corner. Carried. Ald. Wales brought up the matter of needed repairs on 2nd street. Ald. Crawford moved that the street commissioner be instructed to repair said crossing. Carried. REPORT OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Gniffke reported as follows: To the Hon. mayor and city council: Gentlemen. Below you will find state- ment of amounts advanced by me for the month of June 1898, which please order warrants ordered drawn in my favor. Amounts as follows: Refund on excavation per- ....$ 30.00 mits..... 1372.35 Interest on warrants72.2.350 .0 New York Exchange Postage stamps 00 Revenue stamps.... .. .50 Express charges Rebate on over charge for vault cleaning 22.85 $ 1441.73 The mayor ordered that the report of the treasurer be received and that war- rants be ordered drawn for the various amounts and the report be referred back to the committee on finance. Ald. Crawford moved that the street commissioner's streetcommiss commissioner's report Carried. Theas follows: To the mayor and city council D of the city of Gentlemen: ±y The following is a statement of the amount due for labor on streets from dJune 15, ue $1752.40. July8 to IAmount SignedJ. H. BOYCE. Street Commissioner. Ald. Crawford moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn for the various amounts streetto pay ort referredback to the street committee.othe Carried. Ald. Wales moved to 8, t adjourn o 1 ckntiil t, p. o - morrow, July 8, Carried. L. M. LANGSTAFF. order. attest City 198 Adjourned Regular Session, July 8, 1898. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION, JULY 8TH, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:20 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. REPORT OF OFFICERS. Auditor Hoffman reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you my report for the month of June, 1898, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand July lst, 1898 ... $50841 06 Consolidated tax of 1897 Water tax of 1897 255 84 Interest collect on same Consolidated tax of 1896 205 00 Water tax of 1896 20 50 Interest collected on same 15 25 Consolidated tax of 1895 141 00 Water tax of 1895 14 10 Interest collected on same 18 35 Consolidated tax of 1894 ...... 15 00 Water tax of 1894 1 50 Interest collected on same 3 80 Consolidated tax of 1893 15 20 Water tax of 1893 1 60 Interest collected on same 5 00 Special sewer tax 48 88 Interest collected on same 3 82 Special tax ... 102 36 Special bond tax 1478 69 Interest collected on same 317 72 Dog tax 231 00 Scale receipts 39 81 Pound receipts 11 00 Wood measurers' re- ceipts 65 Team license 305 00 Merry-go-round li- cense 9 00 Peddlers' license 12 25 Pool table license 20 00 Museum license 3 00 Vault cleaning license 35 25 Fine and fees 20 35 Steam heating 25 00 Boat livery license 20 00 Excavation permits 45 00 $ 6404 80 $ 2868 23 95 65 $57245 86 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed in June $15270 52 Coupons redeemed 2806 25 Bonds redeemed 11000 00 $29076 77 Of the cash on hand there belongs to the Imp. bond fund $28169 09 3815 27 Leaving a balance to the credit of the city $24353 82 Also report $1,971.70 due city officers for the month of June, 1898. The mayor ordered that the report be received and that warrants be drawn to pay city officials and the report re- ferred back to the finance committee. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following amounts are due the firemen for the month of June, 1898: Total amount, $1,929.75. The mayor ordered the report receiv- ed and that warrants be drawn to pay the firemen for the month of June, 1898, and the report referred back to the committee on fire. City Marshal Morgan reported as fol? lows: To the Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—I herewith submit to you a statement of the labor and cost of the police department for the month of June, 1898: Total number of arrests .. 27 Total number of runs by patrol ... 40 Number of miles run by patrol.... 741 Total number of lodgers harbored . 38 Total number of defective lights.. 155 Number of meals furnished.... .... 16 Pound master's receipts $3.00 Also report $1,972.80 due the police for the month of June, 1898. The mayor ordered the report re- ceived and that warrants be drawn to pay the police for the month of June, 1898, and the report referred back to the committee on police. Street Commissioner Boyce, in charge of the sewers, reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:—The following is a state- ment of the amount due for labor on sewers from June 15th, 1898, to July 1st, 1898: Total amount due laborers, $169.65. Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn to pay the laborers on sewers for the last half of June, 1898, and the report referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. Committee Clerk Fitzpatrick report- ed as follows: Adjourned Regular Session, July 8, 1898. 199 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a state- ment of the amounts expended for la- bor on streets during the month of June, 1898, by wards: Foreman. Kind of Work. Streets. FIRST WARD. Wm. O'Brien, repairing Cleve- land avenue $ 48 50 Wm. O'Brien, repairing Bluff Street Extension Wm. O'Brien, repairing Cascade road .. . 79 00 Wm. O'Brien, repairing South- ern avenue 19145 J. H. Boyce, repairing bridge Cas - care road 8 90 J. H. Boyce, repairing gutter and curbs, Coates avenue .. 85 05 J. H. Boyce, cutting weeds var- ious streets 12 50 Wm. O'Brien, cleaning various streets .. 124 00 28 00 Total First Ward $597 40 SECOND WARD. R. T. Eddy, repairing Locust streets $ 64 65 R. T. Eddy, repairing Seventh street 178 75 R. T. Eddy, repairing Washing- ton street 36 15 R. T. Eddy, repairing and laying crossing various streets 57 25 R. T. Eddy, cleaning various sts 32 95 Robt McGivern, clumping on 4th street extension 40 00 Total Second Ward $409 75 THIRD WARD. John Farley, repairing 14th street $ 29 90 John Farley, repairing Thir- teenth street 28 00 John Farley, repairing Eighth street 104 25 John Farley, repairing Iowa St27 90 John Farley, cleaning various streets 153 65 Total Third Ward $343 70 FOURTH WARD. Jno Hayes, repairing Sixteenth $ 8 70 street Jno Hayes, repairing Dell and 29 55 Pickett streets Jno Hayes, repairing Madison street 190 60 Jno Hayes, repairing Seminary 15 50 street Jno Hayes, repairing West Four- teenth street Jno Hayes, repairing alleys be- tween 15th and 17th streets 28 75 James Hird, repairing Delhi St34 15 James Hird, repairing Julien ave 224 45 J. H. Boyce, building stairway 24 40 West 11th street J. H. Boyce, cuttings weeds var- ious streets .. Total Fourth Ward $595 15 FIFTH WARD. Jno. Raetz, repairing Lincoln avenue .$ 77 75 Jno. Raetz, repairing Rhomberg avenue 105 50 Jno Raetz, repairing alley be- tween Sanford and Lincoln Jno. Raetz, cleaning various streets Geo. Zumhoff, cleaning various streets Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Couler avenue Geo. Zum street Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Lemon street 20 00 Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Diagonal street 31 15 Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Kane St. 15 25 Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Broad- way extension 14 65 Geo. Zumhoff, repairing Hart St. 12 75 Geo. Zumhoff, repairing North Main street J. H. Boyce, taking out gravel on Queen street 82 40 88 55 40 60 142 00 hoff, repairing Jackson 48 30 13 40 16 25 Total Fifth Ward $708 45 J. H. Boyce, sweeping paved streets in all wards $253 15 J. H. Boyce, repairing paved streets in all wards 12 75 J. H. Boyce, hauling gravel to all wards 65 65 Total $331 65 Total amount of all wards ....$2986 00 Respectfully submitted, WM. F. FITZPATRICK, Committee Clerk. Ald. Crawford moved to refer the report back to the committee on streets. Carried. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of June, 1898. I find from the report of the police department that the to- tal hours that 155 lamps failed to burn would equal three lamps for one month or $16.20. On motion the report was received and filed and the city auditor instructed to deduct the amount of $16.20 from the bill of the Star Electric company for the month of June, 1898. The following weighmasters and woodmeasurers' reports were referred to the committee on markets. Re- ports are as follows: Otto Rath, city hall, Receipts....$13 55 J. P. Schroeder and Co., receipts 4 85 Charles Pitschner, receipts • • • • • 1 89 4 86 Thos Faherty, receipts R. F. Curran, wood measurer, 1 05 receipts ...... ...... .... City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, Iowa, June 29, 1898.—To 200 Adjourned Regular Session, July 8, 1898. • the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: Pursuant to instructions contained in the annexed letter I submit this report on the police matrons' question: While the city, under its general powers has the right to establish and maintain a police matron's department such as exists under the present gov- ernment, still it is not obligatory or compulsory on the part of the city to maintain such an institution. The law which first created a ma- tron's department and made necessary the appointment of two matrons in cities having a population over 25,000 inhabitants in Iowa was not applicable to cities acting under special charters. The provisions of this act are con- tained substantially in the new code in sections 654, 665 and 672, which provide that a matron's department shall be created and two or more matrons shall be appointed, but the said provisions of the new code are not made appli- cable to cities acting under special charters and therefore do not affect Dubuque. The council has the right to maintain the matron's department or discon- tinue it as it sees fit; or it can make whatever provision it, desires,in regard to the same. —Thomas H. Duffy, City Attorney. Ald. Crawford moved that the re- port be received and filed. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The petition of Jacob Wildhaber, et al, being referred to me, I find that a majority of the abutting property owners favor the improve- ment of the alley situated between Rhomberg and Garfield avenues and Kniest street and Johnston avenue. Respectfully submitted, —E. C. Blake, City Engineer. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the re- port be referred to the street commit- tee. Carried. City Engineer Blake reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: Ii herewith present plats of Frith and Wales parks. Respectfully submitted, —E. C. Blake, City Engineer. Ald. Crawford moved that the plats be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The notice of city council's intentions to construct a sanitary sewer in Rose and Alta Vista streets also in Pickett and Alma streets was read. Ald. Crawford offered the following resolution: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sani- tary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe be con- structed in Rose and Alta Vista streets from a point in Rose street at its intersection with the alley next west of Center place, and running thence westerly in Rose street to Alta Vista street; thence southerly in Alta Vista street 210 feet, according to the plat of said sewer and the specifica- tions prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city re- corder, and be it further Resolved. That said work shall be completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1898, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent of the month- ly estimate of the engineer will be made as the work progresses payable when estimated, the balance due to be paid when work is completed and ac- cepted by the city council. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That a sanitary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe be constructed in Pickett and Alma streets from the easterly termination of the present sanitary sewer in Pickett street at a point opposite the center of sub lot 2 of sub lot 8 of sub division of out lot No. 667 in the city of Dubuque. thence easterly in Pickett street to Alma street; thence northerly in Alma street to west 16th street. according to the plat of said sewer and the speci- fications prepared by city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder; and be it further Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 1st day of September, 1898, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent of the monthly estimates of the engineer will be made as the work progresses, payable when estimated, the balance to be paid when work is completed and accepted by the city council. Ald. Crawford moved to refer the resolutions and remonstrance of C. Bayless et al. and the remonstrance of Rebecca J. Farley et al, and all pro- tests, petitions and papers in relation to said sewers to the committee of the whole. Carried. The plans and specifications pre- pared by City Engineer Blake for sewer connections ordered by resolu- tions passed by the city council May 12, 1898, was presented. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the plan and speciflcatign and that the city recorder be instructed to advertise for bids for making said connections. where not already made. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Flynn, Frith, Jones, Mc- Laughlin and Wales. Nays—Ald. Crawford. Absent—Ald. Duggan. The bids for the construction of a sewer on Pine street from 19th street to Couler avenue were presented. Ald. Wales moved to refer to the committee of the whole. The motion was lost. Ald. McLaughlin moved to award the contract to Steuck and Lenehan, they - /zt /dam 3f a .SwaK Adjourned. Regular Session, July 8, 1898. being the lowest bidders. Carried. The resolution presented June 16 th, 1898 in relation to filling lot No. 6 of 7 of mineral lot 79, owned by E. M. Kringle was on motion of Ald. Crawford adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. The resolution presented June 16th, 1898 in relation to filling lot No. 28, Rech's sub. of mineral lot 161 owned by Simon Thoni was adopted by the following vote: Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, \Tones, McLaughlin and Wales. , Absent—Ald. Duggan. The resolution presented June 16th, 1898 in relation to filling lot No 40 eche's sub., of mineral lot 161 owned y :. W. Lacy was adopted by the fol- owi : vote: Yea —Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, cLaughlin and Wales. Abse t—Ald. Duggan. The r• olution presented, June 16th, 1898, in r . tion to filling lot No. 27 in Reche's sub. of mineral lot No. 161 own- ed by Martin eer was adopted by the following vote. Yeas—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Ald. Flynn chairman of the committee on claims reported as follows: Your committee on claims respectfully report in favor of allowing Chas. Hill- ery the sum of $12.50 in full of all dam- ages that he has claimed or may claim by reason of an alleged injury received by him on the 29th day of January, 1898. This sum being allowed him by way of compromise and with the mutual under- standing that the city does not ad- mit any liability and that the warrant be ordered drawn in favor of the at- tending physician, and that the city at- torney be instructed to draw up the ne- cessary articles of agreement. Your committee on claims report in favor of allowing D. J. Lyons the sum of $25.00 in full of all damages that he has claimed or may claim by reason of an alleged injury received by him on the 26th day of February , 1898. This sum being allowed him, by way of com- promise and with the mutual under- standing that the city does not admit any liability and that the warrants be ordered drawn in favor of the attending physician, and that the city attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary articles of agreement. Your committee on claims report in favor of receiving and filing the claim of Elizabeth Bowen for the sum of $5,000 as damages for personal injuries re- ceived by her, February 17th, 1898 while coasting on West 14th street. Your committee on claims report in favor Van Wie, & Co.,iving and filingoffor $75.00 as damages caused by city taking down a 201 frame shanty which they had erected over a mining hole. Your committee on claims respectfully recommend the receiving and filing of the claim of Mrs. Annie Eagan for the sum of $5,000 as damagase for personal injuries received by her, on February 13th, 198, by falling on sidewalk on West 5th street. Your committee on claims report in favor of receiving and filing the claim of Mary P. Kelly for the sum of $3,000 as damages for personal injuries receiv- ed by falling on a sidewalk on West 8th, street, February 23rd, 1898. Ald. Flynn moved to adopt the report of the committee on claims. Carried. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee on streets reported as follows: Your committee on streets to whom was referred the petition of the Dubu- que Building and Loan Association, in relation to sidewalks in Burden & Law- ther's add., would recommend that the city engineer be instructed to enforce the resolution in relation to said side- walks, adopted by the council, Sept., 8th 1896. Your committee on streets to whom was referred the communication of Louis Zeidman in relation to condition of sidewalk abutting lot 13, on West side of Broadway street. Would recommend that the street commissioner be in- structed • to have said sidewalk laid to grade. Ald. Crawford moved to adopt the report of the committee on streets. Carried. Ald. Frith, chairman of the committee on delinquent tax, reported as follows: Your committee on delinquent tax re- spectfully report in favor of receivir" v and filing the petition of Jane R. Jess, asking for a reduction of taxes for the year 1897 on lot 565 "A" city. Your committee on delinquent tax re- spectfully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of Mrs. John M. Toussaint, asking to be exempt from paying one half of the taxes for 1897 on the property of the John Toussaint estate. In favor of granting the petition of Bernard May, asking until May 1899 to pay his special assessment for improve- ment of Cleveland avenue, abutting lot 106 union addition. In favor of granting the petition of Mary Maruni, asking that she he ex- empt from paying taxes on south 1-2 of lot 347 East Dubuque add., for the year 1898. Ald. Frith moved that the report of the committee on delinquent tax be adopted. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin of the board of health reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Coun cil of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—At a meeting of your board of health held July 7th, 1898 it was ordered that the following resolu- tion be presented to your Honorable Body with the recommendation that it be passed. Matthias Shrinsky 202 Adjourned Regular Session, July 8, 1898. At the session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held July 8th, 1898, the following resolution was pass- ed: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Byrne Bros., owner of lot No. 214, City, in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and is here- by required and compelled to make proper connections with sanitary sewer of said city of Dubuque, Iowa, in ac- cordance with the ordinance of said city of Dubuque on that subject, within 10 days from date of the service of no- tice of this resolution. If said con- nection is not made within the time specified by this resolution, the city council shall order such work and con- nections made and assess the cost and expense thereof against the property to be thus connected with sewer. Dated this 8th day of July, 1898. P. H. McLAUGHLIN, Of the Board of Health. Adopted by the following vote: Yes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. Crawford, chairman of the com- mittee of the whole, reported as fol- lows: Your committee of the whole would respectfully recommend that the peti- tion of Thos. Barry et al in relation to electric lights on Fifth avenue and Jan sen street be referred to the committee on police 'and light. Your committee of the whole would respectfully report in favor of receiv- ing and filing the petition of Sam Starr asking that his salary be placed at Six- ty ($60.00) Dollars per month, the same as last year. Your committee of the whole respect- fully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of G. W. Albert ask- ing that he be allowed to break mac- adam. Your committee of the whole would respectfully report in favor of receiving and filling the plat of Chestnut street from Walnut to Rose streets and would recommend the opening of said street provided the parties interested secure the right of way free of cost to the city. Your committee of the whole would respectfully report in favor of receiving and filing the petition of W. H. Thrift et al asking that the special assessment levied against the First Baptist church for lowering sidewalk abuttipg same be remitted. City Engineer Blake and Jos. Skemp addressed the council on the subject. Ald. Crawford moved as a substitute that the special assessment against said church be cancelled. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford moved that the report of the committee of the whole as amended be adopted. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. Crawford offered the following: Resolved, That the release and dedi- cation by A. A. Cooper and wife to the public of the right of way through min lot 179 "A" for Willow street be accepted and the recorder instructed to cause the same to be properly re- corded, and Resolved further, That Willow street from the east line of Finley's add., to Rosedale avenue be and the same is hereby declared a public highway, and the marshal is instructed to open the same to the public. Adopted by the followingtvote: Yes—Alds.' %Crawford, Flyyin;", Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. Wales offered the following, which was adopted: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That Assistant Engi- neer Hyde and Rodman Cassidy with Street Commissioner Boyce be instruct ed to obtain estimates. contracts and other matters pertaining to the 11th street wall and that the same parties be instructed to measure said wall as early as practicable and as an act of courtesy to Mr. Blake, city engineer, that he be requested to be present and witness that a just and fair measure- ment be made of the same. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That a sidewalk of good two-inch plank, be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 8 feet wide on the north side of Hill street between Julien avenue and Cale- donia Place abutting lots 12, 13 and 14, Roger's sub, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Nays—None. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing: Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubnque: That sidewalks of good two-inch plank be, within 10 days of this notice, constructed and laid in conformity with the ordinance in relation to sidewalks as follows: 6 feet wide on the east side of Sum- mit street between Fenelon Place and West 6th street, abutting lots 4 and 5, Mattox's sub, where not already laid at the expense of abutting property. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Noes—None. Regular Session, July 21, 1898. 203 Absent—Ald. Duggan. Ald. Crawford moved that the council now adjourn to 8 o'clock p. m. Thurs- day, July 21st, 1898. Carried. Attest: Approved. Recorder 189 ayor Regular Session July •' , 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:10 o'clock p. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the council proceedings of July 7th and 8th, 1898, be approved as printed. Car- ried. PETITIONS. The petition of Chris A. Voelker, et al, asking that a four foot stairway be built on Seminary hill from Kaufmann avenue on the east 4 feet of lot 155 Me- chanic's add and offering to dedicate to the city the necessary ground for said stairway. Ald. Wales moved the mat- ter be referred to the street committee and City Attorney Duffy. Carried. The petition of the Security Build- ing Co., and Grand Opera House Co., asking that the alley between the Se- curity building and Grand Opera House, between Main and Iowa streets north of 8th street be put in as good condition as before being torn up by the Water company. Ald. Wales moved to receive the petition and the Water company be notified to repair said alley within 10 days. Carried. The petition of Frank A. Scott, ask- ing that Asbury and Park Sts. be grad- ed, curbed, guttered and macadamized with the view of having the Dubuque Light and Traction company extending their street railway line on said streets. Ald. Wales moved that the petition be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. The petition of Peter Kiene, Jr., and Frank Altman, asking that Park Hill be improved and sidewalked, was pre- sented. Frank W. Altman being present was asked to address the council, which he did, advocating the necessity of said improvements. Ald. Frith moved that the city en- gineer be instructed to prepare plans and specifications and estimate of cost m. of said improvements and report to the council. Carried. The petition of Jacob Peryon asking the council to buy his macadam on motion was referred to the committee of the whole. The petition of the Iowa Iron Works, asking permission to use all, or as much as they might require of lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, block L., Booth's addi- tion, also permission to erect an addi- tional shop on east line of said lots, to be used as carpenter shop for build- ing cabins and other woodwork for steamboats. On motion of Ald. Wales was grant- ed. An invitation from Mayor Maybury and president of the common council of the city of Detroit, Mich., to Mayor Berg and the council to attend the sec- ond meeting of the League of American Municipalities to be held at Detroit August 1, 2, 3 and 4, 1898, was read and the recorder instructed to acknowledge the receipt of same. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Boyce reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a state- ment of the amount due for labor on streets from July 1, 1898 to July 15, 1898, inclusive.: Amount due laborers on streets for above period, $938.10. Ald. Wales moved that the report be received and that warrants be ordered drawn for the various amounts to pay laborers and the report referred back to the street committee. Carried. Street Commissioner Boyce in charge of sewers reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a state- ment of the amount due for labor on sewers from July 1, 1898 to July 15, 189S, inclusive: Total amount due laborers, $146.75. Ald. Duggan moved that the report be received and that warrants be or- dered drawn to pay the various amounts of laborers on sewers and the report referred back to the committee on sewers. Carried. City Attorney Duffy reported as fol- lows: Dubuque, July 13, 1898. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The claim for $6.35, which Mr. John Pier makes against the city of Dubuque is correct. Through some oversight his witness fees were not taxed with the other costs in the Forester case. The books at the court house now show that Mr. Pier is entitled to $6.35 as witness fees in said case. Mr. James E. Knight said to me that Mr. Pier was subpoe- naed and was a witness for the city on the trial of the case. I would there- fore recommend that a warrant be 204 Regular Session, July 21, 1898.. drawn In favor of John Pier for $6.35. Respectfully, —Thos. H. Duffy, City Attorney. Ald. Jones moved that the report of the city attorney be adopted and the recommendation be carried out. Car- ried. City attorney also reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The annexed certified statement of the clerk of the district court explains itself. From a talk had with Mr. James E. Knight who had charge of the Forester case I find that Mr. McCann's claim is a meritori- ous one. I would therefore recom- mend that a warrant be drawn in his favor for $6.35. Respectfully submitted, —Thos. H. Duffy, City Attorney. Ald. Duggan moved that the report of the city attorney be adopted and the recommendations be carried out. Carried. H. B. Gniffke, city treasurer report- ed that in the notice from the council to cancel the taxes for the year 1897, on the property of Mrs. Mary Flynn, Mrs. Mary Tremplar, Mary De Lori- mer and Mrs. Bridget Flynn, he found the taxes for the years 1895 and 1896 still remained a lien against said prop- erty and asked for further instructions from the council. The mayor referred the report to the committee on delin- quent tax. Assistant City Engineer Hyde report- ed a plat and recommendations of a gen eral sewerage system in and albng Garfield avenue. Ald. Wales moved the plat and rec- ommendations be referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Carried. The city recorder presented the pub- lished notices of the council's intentions to improve alley between Hall and Louisa streets, north and next to Grace street. Also the improvement of Troy street and alley from Kniest street to Johnston avenue. Ald. Frith moved that action be post- poned until the next meeting of the council on Troy street and alley from Kniest street to Johnston avenue. Car- ried. Ald. McLaughlin of the street com- mittee offered the following resolution: Be it resolved by the city council of the City of Dubuque; That the alley, next north of Grace street from Hall St. to Louisa St. he graded and macada- mized, according to the plat of said alley and the specifications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder; And be it Resolved, that said work shall be completed on or before the 15th day of September, 1898, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council . The pro- posals for doing such work will be act- ed upon by the city council on the 4th day of August, 1898, and the city record- er is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for pro- posals as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. Wales, chairman of the com- mittee on fire reported on the bill of the Dubuque Water Company, as follows: For water for city hall from Jan. 10, 1898 to Jul. 10, 1898, 6 months, $20.00 For water for patrol house from Feb. 15, 1898 to August 15, 1898, 6 months, $10.00. Your committee respectfully report in favor of reducing the bill of the Dubu- que Water Company, from $30.00 to $15.00. Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report and that a warrant be ordered drawn for $15.00 in favor of said com- pany. Carried. Ald. Wales, chairman pro -tem of the committee of the whole, reported as follows: In favor of paying the following bill: D. S. Wilson, to transcript of testimony in Wilberding case vs City (2nd trial) to supreme court $ 85.25 Transcript of proceedings in mo- tion for new trial 6 00 Total $ 91 25 Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report and that a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of D. S. Wilson for said amount. Carried. Also in favor of granting the petition of the Dubuque Casket Co., asking that the taxes for 1897, on improvements and personalities be canceled according to orders of the council passed April 6, 1893. In favor of granting the petition of the Welsbach Street Lighting Co., ask- ing permission to erect a few sample lights on the streets of the city, provid- ing said company will put up said lights free of any cost to the city and that when the lights ore removed, that said company will repair and leave the streets and sidewalks in as good condi- tion as before said lights were put in. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of Rebecca Farley et al, pro- testing against the construction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett and Alma streets. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of H. Wybrant et al, protest- ing against the construction of a sani- tary sewer in Pickett and Alma streets. In favor of receiving and filing the petition of J. Christman et al, in rela- tion to the smoke which comes from Young Bros' laundry. In favor of receiving and filing the communication of City Engineer Blake in relation to the construction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett and Alma streets. In favor of receiving and filing the communication of the Dubuque Water regular Session, July 21, 1898. Co., offering to sell the Water Works was overwhelmed with complaints for 205 system to the city for five hundred thousand dollars ($600,000.) In favor of receiving and fling the petition of E. P. Gilliam, et al, pro- testing against the construction of a sanitary sewer in Rose and Alta Vista streets. Your committee of the who'.e to whom was referred the petition of Mrs. Har- gus in relation to the special assess- ment for improvement of Pickett street, abutting lot 1 of outlot 667, would recom mend that the matter be referred to the city attorney to fix the assessment of Mrs. Hargus and that the city treasurer be instructed to accept the assessment, as fixed by the city attorney. the few past days, and recommended that the officers, directors and stock- holders be asked to meet the committee of the whole or the council, with a view of avoiding a continuance or repe- tition of the just cause of complaint. Ald. McLaughlin moved that the mat- ter be referred to the committee of the whole and that the officers, directors and stockholders be asked to meet the committee. Carried. RESOLUTIONS. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing resolution: Whereas, The city council of the city of Dubuque deems it expedient for the safety of the traveling public that au- tomatic gates should be erected and maintained at different railroad cros- sings in the city; therefore. Resolved, That the Chicago and Great Western R. R. Co., Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R. Co., Il- linois Central R. R. Co., and the Chi- cago, Burlington and Northern R. R. Co. be each respectfully notified, ac- cording to the ordinance, to erect and maintain automatic gates at the follow- ing places, where their tracks cross the same: Eagle Point street. Rhomberg avenue Kniest streets. Fifteenth and Pine streets. First and Iowa streets. Sixth street, Seventh street, Jones street and Fourth street. In case of failure on the part of any or all of the above railroad companies to comply with the above order after proper notice has been served on them, the city attorney is directed and it shall be his duty to proceed against said companies according to section 4 of chapter 127 of the revised ordinances of 1893. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adopt the resolution. Ald. Flynn moved as a substitute that the resolution be referred to the committee of the whole. The substi- tute was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Alds. Flynn and Wales. Noes—Alds. Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. McLaughlin's motion was then adopted by the following vFote: Ayes. Alds. Duggan ith, and McLaughlin. Nays—Alds. Flynn and Wales. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. McLaughlin offered the follow- ing resolution which was adopted: Whereas, It is deemed necessary thc andd advisable by the city council ity of Dubuque to improve Southern ave- nue from the north line of Grandview avenue to the west line of lot 10 South Avenue addition and it is h endpro- posed to grade, curb, gutter ma- cadamize said street; therefore, Resolved, That the city engineer be Ald. Wales moved to adopt the report of the committee of the whole. Carried. Also your committee of the whole re- spectfully report in favor of the adop- tion of the resolution providing for construction of a sanitary sewer in Pickett and Alma streets. The reso- lution as follows. Be it resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque; That a sanitary sewer of 8 inch tile pipe be construct- ed in Pickett and Alma streets from the easterly termination of the present sanitary sewer in Pickett street at a point opposite the center of sub lot two (2) of sub lot eight (8) of the subdivis- ion of out lot, No. 667, in the city of Dubuque, thence easterly in Pickett street to Alma street; thence northerly in Alma street to West Sixteenth (16) street, according to the plat of said sewer and the specification prepared by the city engineer and on file in the office of the city recorder. And be it further, Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the 1st day of October, 1898, and shall be paid for as follows: 75 per cent of the monthly estimates of the engineer will be made as the work progresses, payable when esti- mated, the balance due to be paid when work is completed and accepted by the city council; and the proposals for do- ing such work will be acted upon by the council on the 4th day of August, 1898„ and the recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for the proposals, as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the folloingFlynn,e.Frith, Ayes.—Alds. Duggan, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent.—Ald. Crawford. brought up His Honor the Mayor, a matter of team license, charged on warrant in favor of P. Linehan, and stathad ed paidatonerlicenseaclaimed and had only one team. Ald. McLaughlin moved the matter be referred to the committee on police and city marshal. Carried. Mayor Berg brought up the matter of the bad condition of the water from the water works, and stated that he avenue and Kniest between Elm and Jones 206 Special Session, July 26, 1898. and he is hereby directed to prepare a plat and specifications showing the location and general nature of such improvement, the kind of materials to be used and an estimate of the cost thereof together with the amount as- sessable upon each lot or parcel of land abutting thereon per front foot, and to file such plat, specifications and esti- mate in the office of the city recorder that after the filing of said plat in his office the city recorder shall cause to be published in the offi- cial newspaper of the city the notice provided for in section 8 of the ordin- ance relating to the improvement of streets adopted May 19th, 1898, and af- ter the publication of such notice, he shall at its next regular session notify the council thereof in writing with a printed copy of such notice accom- panying the same. Ald. Duggan offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city at- torney and the committee on ordin- ance be instructed to draft an ordin- ance providing for the sprinkling of streets by districts, "each of the five wards to constitute a district," and to levied against the property in each provide for the expense of said sprink- ling by a special assessment to be district. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. Nays—Alds. Flynn and Wales. Absent—Ald. Crawford. Ald. Duggan offered the following resolution: Whereas, It is deemed expedient by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the street committee be composed of five members (5) members of the city council in the place of three (3); therefore, Resolved, that the mayor be request- ed to appoint two (2) additional mem- bers on said committee. Ald. Frith moved that action on said resolution be postponed until the next meeting of the council. Car- ried. Ald. Duggan offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That from this date on the city street laborers shall be paid at the rate of one dollar and thirty -flue ($1.35) per day, the same as last year. His honor, the mayor, referred the resolution to the committee of the whole. Ald. Duggan offered the following resolution: Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque: That the city laborers engaged in sweeping the paved streets shall be paid at the rate of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per day from and after this date. His honor ,the mayor, referred the resolution to the committee of the whole. His honor, the mayor, stated that Wm. Boyce had complained to him that he, Boyce, had macadam taken away from his pile on Mt. Carmel ave- nue that had not been paid for. On mo- tion the matter was referred to City Engineer Blake. Aid. Wales moved that the council adjourn until 8 o'clock p. m. August 4, 1898. Carried. Ai2ast Approved' Y 189{.. .. Mayor SPECIAL SESSION, Li, Y 26, 1898. OFFICIAL. Council met at 8:25 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present.—Alds. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn, Frith, Jones and Wales. Absent—Ald. McLaughlin. His Honor, Mayor Berg stated that the object of the session was to con- sider the water question, the wall on Desoto Terrace on llth street and the passage of a resolution for the improve- ment of Troy street and alley running southerly from the south end of Troy street to Kniest street. Ald. Wales suggested that the water question be the first thing considered. Mayor Berg said in part, that the water question had been referred to the committee of the whole, and that the committee had held a meet- ing and that the local ofS- cers, directors and stockholders of the water company being present, the committee had asked and demanded of the water company to furnish pure and wholesome water and a plenty of it, and that was all he and the coun- cil demanded. Ald. Wales addressed the council and stated at the next meeting of the council he would present a resolution repealing the clause in the ordinance, of the city's right of purchase of the water plant, but the resolution would be so drawn that the city's rights would be fully protected and a guarantee of pure water and plenty of it. Aid. Wales moved to suspend the rumit and that any one desiring to address the council on the question of water, be heard. Carried. Mr. Peter Kiene Jr., addressed the council and stated that he thought there would be nothing done in the way of improvements of the water plant until the right of the city to purchase the plant was repealed, and further, he de- Special Session, July 20, 1898. 207 sired to make known the fact that the local officers and directors are not in control of the water company. Mr. Kiene presented an amended or- dinance and Mayor Berg directed the recorder to read the same. The amended ordinance read as fol- lows: An ordinance amending an ordinance, authorizing S. Chamberlain and others to construct, maintain and operate water works, and supply water to the city and citizens of Dubuque, defining their powers and privileges and pre- scribing their duties, and being chapter 73 of the revised ordinance of the city of Dubuque as published in 1893. Be it ordained by the city council of the city of Dubuque. Sec. 1. ..That Sec. 7 of chapter 73 of the revised ordinances be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. That the Dubuque Water com pany, its successors or assigns will within two years from and after the passage of this ordinance change its present system of water works in that portion of the city of Dubuque, situate and being below the bluffs. Sur- rounding said city to one with the ne- cessary reservoirs or stand pipes, so that there is a direct pressure of suf- ficient force; and will enlarge its mains so that a sufficient supply of good, wholesome water shall be available in said district for all purposes. Sec. 3. That if the Dubuque Water company, its successors or assigns fail to carry out the provisions of section two hereof, then this ordinance may, at the pleasure of the city council of the city of Dubuque, after due not c ttheo Dubuque Water company, succes- sors its or assigns, he repealed, declared null and void and of no affect. That during the continuance of this ordinance no higher valuation shall be placed upon the property of the Dubu- que companyr taxation, than is now shown by the tax records of the city of Dubuque for the year 1897. Sec. 5. This ordinance shall go into effect from and after its final passage by the city council of the city of Dubu- que and its publication in the official paper of said city of Dubuque. Ald. Flynn moved that further action on the ordinance be postponed until the next meeting of the council. Car- ried. Ald. Crawford Judge D. J. Lenehan, and ex -City Attorney McCarthy address ed the council, reviewing the actions of the council and of the citizen'sthe for com- mittees, that had been appointed last several years. Ex-Ald. Bonson, Ald. Jones, Frith and Flynn addressed the council. Ald. McLaughlin arrived at 8:55 Ald. Crawfordmovedp. that the city attorney be instructed to draft an or- dinance to prevent the waste lof water ebr and that the sprinkling n the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock done ba.t m and 6 and 7 o'clock p. m. The motion was lost by the following vote: Ayes—Aids. Wales. Nays—Alds. Duggan, Frith, Jones and McLaughlin. After some further discussion, action was postponed until the next session of the council. Crawford, Flynn and Mayor Berg stated the next matter would be the consideration of the im- provement of Troy street and alley, running southerly from the south end of Troy street to Kniest street, where- upon Alderman Frith offered the fol- lowing resolution: Be it Resolved by the city council of the city of Dubuque, That Troy street and alley running southerly from the south end of Troy street to Kniest street, be graded and macadamized ac- cording to the plat of said street and al- ley and the specifications prepared by the city engineer and on file in the of- fice of the city recorder. And be it, further Resolved, That said work shall be completed on or before the first day of October, 1898, and shall be paid for when said work is completed and accepted by the city council. The proposals for doing such work will be acted upon by the council on the Eighteenth day of August, 1898, and the city recorder is hereby ordered to give ten days notice by publication, asking for proposals as provided by ordinance. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes—Alda. Crawford, Duggan, Flynn Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Mayor Berg stated that the next matter to consider was the wall on DeSoto Terrace or llth street, and read the report of the street committee and city engineer. The report was as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor, C. H. Berg: In accordance with instructions of the committee of the whole, your com- mittee on streets and city engineer would deem it advisable that you no- tify Mrs. Lull to move out of the resid- ence, for the reason that we believe that the retaining Rall on West 11th street to be in a dangerous condition. and would also recommend that you in- struct the engineer to take measure- ments of said walls from day to day and that if from his reports yon think there is danger of the said wall falling that you call a special meeting of the council to order the said wall taken down. (Signed.) E. E. P. H. M'LAUGHLIN. Sti set Committee. E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. The mayor stated that on the stfength of the street committee and engineer's report and the advice and co-operation of City Attorney Duffy he had caused the removal of Mrs. Lull to safe quarters on 14th street, the re- moval and rent of the premises now 208 Special Session, July 26, 1898. occupied by Mrs. Lull to be paid by the city. The mayor then read the report of E. S. Hyde, assistant city engineer, and James H. Boyce, street commissioner. The report as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—In compliance with your resolution of July 8, 1898, we would most respectfully report as follows: That the so-called llth street wall, as now built is about 300 feet long and is cov- ered mostly by two contracts with I. Proctor; one dated Sept. 17, 1897, and one dated March 23, 1898. Work has only stopped upon these contracts the fore part of the present month. Cer- tain plans or sketches and estimates of a proposed wall by M. Tsohirgi. Jr., city engineer, were approved by the council under date of 1897. What force of influence said plans have with the contracts under consid- eration we are unable to say •at the present time. The aforesaid con- tracts we would most respectfully refer to your honorable body for a careful perusal and consideration. We would more particularly call your attention to the following extracts from con- tracts under date of September 17, 1897. For convenience are numbered paragraphs 1 to 5 inclusive: 1. It is expressly understood and agreed that the entire improvement shall be done in a thorough and work- manlike manner, and to the entire sat- isfaction and acceptance of the com- mittee on streets and engineer. 2. The wall will be laid to such grade and lines as are given by the city engineer. Such stone on the ground as are suitable and such of the old wall as directed will be taken down and used in the new wall. Con- tractor to be paid his price for.relay- ing. 3. The wall (except coping) will be laid dry. All rock to be taken from the quarry below the 16 -inch ledge, laid on their natural bed, in courses, and having close joints. Any in- equalities removed so as to bear full length. . No spalls allowed. 4. Where wall is 4 feet thick or less, all stone must be full thickness of wall. Where necessary stones must be re- moved so as to tie new work to old work as directed by city engineer. 5. The coping will be rock faced on each side pitched to true lines, close joints and set in ce- ment. No stone less than 4 feet long. Coping to be paid for same as wall. Paragraph 1 places said work in the hands of the street comm"tee and en- gineer. Paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been ignored or violated. Neither the let- ter nor the spirit of the same being In any way observed or carried out. After such observations of said wall as is practicable since the date of your order, we do hereby report said wall as constructed by said contractor un- der said contracts and specifications does in no wise comply with said speci- fications and contracts. As to meas- urements and amount due upon same we would most respectfully ask for further time. Respectfully submitted, E. S. Hyde, Ass't City Engineer. J. H. Boyce, Street Commissioner. The mayor then read the notice served on Mr. I. Proctor by the city marshal July 25, ]898. The notice as follows: Dubuque, la.., July 25, 1898. To Mr. Isaac Proctor: Dear Sir:—As reported by the city engineer and as apparent to public ob- servation, the wall constructed by you on the east side of DeSoto Terrace•. is in a dangerous condition and threatens" to fall and thereby cause great des- truction of property owned by private individuals as well as great loss and inconvenience to the public and the city. As the work has never been accepted by the city, you are legally responsible for such loss and damages, and also to the city for your failure to faith- fully carry out your contract. You are therefore, hereby notified to take immediate steps to remedy the defects in the construction of the work, and to prevent any possible damage to life or property; otherwise the city will be. compelled to proceed at once to do what may be necessary for that purpose. (Signed.) C. H. BERG, Mayor of the City of Dubuque. Ald. Flynn moved that the action of the mayor in moving Mrs. Lull to a place of safety and his reports and his serving notice on Mr. Proctor be ap- proved. Carried. Ald. Crawford said he would like to hear from the engineering department and have a recommendation as to the hest course to pursue. Ald. Wales also wanted to hear from the engineer. Mr. Blake, city engineer, addressed the council. Ald. Crawford moved that City En- gineer Blake, Assistant City Engineer Hyde and Street Commissioner Boyce be requested, and they be empowered to select one or more mechanics to ac- company them and they make a thorough inspection of the wall on De- Soto Terrace or llth street and to re- port to the mayor as early as possible the real condition of said wall and a recommendation as to what is best to do with said wall, and if they deem immediate action necessary to proceed to act without further instructions, and the mayor, after receiving said report to convene the council at his discre- tion. Ex -City Attorney McCarthy stated that he was here to represent Mr. Proc- tor and he would further state that Mr. Proctor would do nothing in the mat- ter, as he felt he had complied with Special Session, July 29, 1898. 209 the conditions of the contract, plans and specifications. Ald. Crawford said that the council now knew what to do and called for a vote on his motion. The mayor de- clared the motion carried. Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn. Carried. AtEest: Approve ... Recorder ' /7 189 r . Mayor Special Session July , 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present—Aids. Crawford, Duggan, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin and Wales. Absent—Ald. Flynn. His honor, Mayor Berg, stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of hearing the reports on De- Soto Terrace wall. The mayor read the report of City Engineer Blake which was accom- panied with plan for reconstructing said wall. The report is as follows: Hon. C. H. Berg, Mayor of the City of Dubuque: At the request of the city council in reference to what in my opinion would be best for the city to do with the present condition of the re- taining wall on DeSoto Terrace from Eleventh street side, or more particu- arly where the bulge in said wall has taken place, I would beg to make the following suggestions or recommenda- tions: If it is possible for the city to get from ten to twelve feet in width and fifty to sixty feet in length of ground from Mrs. Lull on the west end of her lot, I would recommend buttresses to be built about the same thickness as the present wall at the base and to be carried up with the same batter as the old wall from twenty to twenty -flue feet high; buttresses are like counter - forts except they are placed in front of walls instead of behind, they greatly increase the strength of a wall but are seldom used only as a remedy when a wall is seen to be falling • There is some question as to what kind of a foundation can be procured for a buttress wall and if it becomes necessary to dig much below the pres- ent wall I would in no way recommend a wall of this kind. The object in us- ing a wall like this, would be that the filling in the rear of the present wall would not have to be removed as at present it has about settled to a solid basis. I would, however, much favor the following plan: To take down the present wall and rebuild it in the sec- tion which is about to fall with a heav- ier wall and in addition thereto build two cross walls, which would be an- chored in the new work and carried up from fifteen to twenty feet in height and about the same in length and from six to eight feet in thickness, the cross walls to at right angles to the main wall. This would have a tendency to stiffen this part of the wall that now stands the greatest resistance. This in my judgment is the most practical method in over- coming the difficulties. The stone used in the new work should have axed or brush -hammered beds and to have a dress joint from six to eight inches. I do not consider the wall as it now stands in an unsafe condition but am satisfied that in time it will fall and would advise the council that the wall be taken down. For further information I would refer you to plans hereto attached. —E. C. BLAKE, City Engineer. Also read the report of E. S. Hyde, assistant engineer and Jas. H. Boyce, street commissioner which is as fol- lows: Dubuque, Ia., July 28, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:— Relative to your resolution of July 26, regarding the Eleventh street wall, would say; that after viewing the premises in company with two well known stone masons and stone con- tractors, Messrs John Tibey and John Byrne, we would most respectfully re- port as follows, as to the wall south of elevator; That the most of said wall should be taken down and rebuilt; that part of the wall south of Mrs. Lull's south line, consisting of about ninety feet in length and less than twenty feet in high, might be saved, depending up on future developments. Respect- fully submitted, E. S. Hyde, Ass't Engineer. J. H. Boyce, Street Commissioner. Ald. Jones moved that the city re- corder be instructed to adve `Msll on se for bids for building retaining DeSoto Terrace, according to plans and specifications on file in the recorder's office, taking out filling, removing old wall, replacing filling and building new wall. Carried: Ald. Crawford moved to adjourn un- til tomorrow night at 8:00 P. m. to consider plans and specifications for DeSoto Terrace wall submitted by En- gineer Blake. Carried: Ald. Jones moved to adjourn. Car- ried. Attest: L. LAN Recorder. 210 Adjourned Special Session, July 30th, 1898. ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSION, JULY 30TH, 1898. (Official.) Council met at 8 o'clock p. m. Mayor Berg in the chair. Present: Aids. Crawford, Flynn, Frith, Jones, McLaughlin, Wales. Absent—Ald. Duggan. Mayor Berg stated that the meeting was an adjourned meeting to consider the plans and specifications submitted by the city engineer for a retaining wall on De Soto Terrace. Ald. Crawford moved that the en- tire job consisting of taking out fill- ing, removing old wall and construct- ing new wall and replacing filling be let by contract to one bidder. Carried. Ald. Crawford moved that the speci- fications provide that the contractor shall be paid by the cubic yard for re- building the wall, and allowed to use all rock in the present wall, which in the judgment of the engineer in charge and the street committee, shall be fit and suitable for the purpose. Carried. Ald. Flynn moved that the engineer and street committee, or party in charge of said De Soto Terrace wall be instructed to keep an accurate account of amount of rock taken out of the old wall that will be suitable to use in the new wall. Carried. Moved by Ald. Crawford that the city engineer, in connection with the street commissioner, be instructed to draft plans and specifications for said De Soto Terrace wall in accordance with the ideas suggested by the council and they to be referred to the commit- tee on streets with power for approval. Carried. Ald. Wales moved that the payments be made in monthly estimates of fifty per cent. of the amount of work done at the end of each month. Carried. Ald. McLaughlin moved to adjourn. Carried. Attest: LIST OF WARRANTS. CITY RECORDER'S OFFICE, Dubuque, Ia., July 1st, 1898. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen:—The following is a com- plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of June, 1698: Name. For what Purpose. Amt. C. 11. Berg, salary as mayor $116 65 H. B. Gniffke, treasurer 133 35 H. B. Gniffke, clerk hire 75 00 L. M. Langstaff, recorder 116 65 F. B. Hoffman, auditor 100 00 E. O. Duncan, assessor 125 00 T. H. Duffy, city attorney 150 00 Edw. Morgan, city marshal 83 35 Jos Reinfried, fire chief .... 100 00 Wm. Fitzpatrick, committee clerk 75 00 Wm. A. Kaep, clerk recorder's office 50 00 Edw Herron, clerk treasurers of- fice 50 00 Edw C Blake, city engineer 125 00 E S Hyde, assistant engineer 91 65 P. Cassidy, chainman 40 00 Jas Boyce, street commissioner91 65 Wm Hippmann, electrician 83 35 Otto Rath, market master 60 00 P Ryan, park custodian 40 00 Gust Wiedner, park custodian 40 00 R F Curran, wharf master 20 00 E A Guilbert, health officer 60 00 N Offerman, pound master 45 00 Mrs H Koenig, janitress 20 00 Sam Starr, sanitary patrolman 50 00 L Zeidman, sidewalk inspector 50 00 M Eitel, fireman 60 00 Jno Essman, fireman 75 00 A Duccini, fireman 60 00 Jno Flynn, fireman 60 00 Jno Wiltse, fireman .. 60 00 Geo Beyer, fireman 50 00 Joe Tschudi, fireman 50 00 Al Heer, fireman 50 00 Jas Daley, fireman 60 00 Job Barnes, fireman 75 00 Tom Ryder, fireman 60 00 J Schonberger, fireman 60 00 W Ducey, fireman .. 60 00 M Fahey, fireman 50 00 T Meahan, fireman 50 00 Jas Rooney, fireman 50 00 D Ahearn, fireman 60 00 T Walker, fireman ... 60 00 Geo Helmrich, fireman 50 00 Jas McFarland, fireman 50 00 Jno Bauman, fireman 43 90 J Murphy, fireman 60 00 A McDonald, fireman . 75 00 T Kennedy, fireman 50 00 Jno Fitzpatrick, fireman 50 00 Frank Murphy, fireman .. 50 00 F Ganahl, fireman .. 60 00 Tom Flynn, fireman 60 00 F Kenneally, fireman 50 00 Geo Gehrke, fireman .. 50 00 C Kannolt, fireman ... 60 00 List of Warrants. 211 Jas Allen, fireman Wm McBride, fireman Robt Weston, fireman J Cronauer, sub -fireman Geo Burkel, police N Brand, police Jas Carter, police Jas Clune, police Jno Cody, police M Craugh, police Phil Dumphey, police Jno Fitzpatrick, police Jas Flynn, police P Hanlon, police Wm Hennessey, police Emin Kahn, police M Kilty, police Jno Loetscher, police . Jas Lonergan, police P McCollins, police Pat McInerney, police Edw Moore, police P Mulligan, police Jno Murphy, police J J Murphy, police Jno Noel, police Dan Norton, police M O'Connor, police Aug Pfeffer, police Pat Powers, police Jas Rooney, police Thos Reilly, police P Scharff, police Al T Scherr, police P Sullivan, police John Tierney, police Jos D Secrest, police P Sutton, police T Sweeney, police Jos A Tyler, police H K Young, police F Devaney, police J J McQuillan, police LABOR FOR LAST HALF 0 Sam Allen, labor Jno Alexander, labor J Blocklinger, labor J Broulette, labor M Bakula, labor Paul Becker, labor 5 Bastian, labor M Beckius, labor...... J Brachtobrach, labor Chas Buse, labor Jno Brown, labor Jos Brown, labor Ed Brunskill, labor .... Wm Becker, labor .............. Steve Cain, labor Jas Craig, labor M Coyle, labor M Carmody, labor M Crahin, labor D Crotty, labor Jno Corbett, labor ............ • Chas Campman, labor L Corcoran, labor ............•• D Corcoran, labor .. • • • • • • • • Chas Coppersmith, labor Wm Carberry, labor Jas Connelley, labor ........ • • Jos Gavin, labor A Crawford, labor .. • • • • • • • • .. 60 00 50 00 60 00 6 05 53 30 35 15 51 65 51 65 51 65 51 65 25 00 51 65 50 00 50 00 50 00 53 30 51 65 51 65 50 00 61 65 61 65 60 00 61 65 51 65 75 00 24 75 61 65 51 65 53 30 51 65 51 65 63 30 51 65 53 30 51 65 51 65 60 00 50 00 61 65 53 30 60 00 24 75 11 55 F MAY. 7 60 7 50 6 25 7 60 6 25 1 25 6 25 6 25 1 75 4 40 6 90 13 75 1 25 2 50 6 25 2 50 1 25 6 25 2 50 2 50 3 75 6 25 1 25 5 00 5 95 8 45 12 20 3 75 4 00 G Coppese, labor M Dunnegan, labor P Dempsey, labor P Dax, labor Chas. Doerr, labor Jno Dittman, labor Wm Dean, labor .... Jno Eagan, labor Joe Eberhart, labor Jno Engels, labor R Eddy, labor .. M Farrell, labor M Fagan, labor Dan Fox• labor L Fritz, labor W Flanagan, labor Christ Frohs, labor Pat Fogarty, labor Pat Fenelon, labor N Frith, labor ... J Farley, labor P Greden, labor ...... JosGarvin, labor •......• Jno Gerst, labor P Ginter, labor J C4inter, labor ...... Geo Gau, labor ... P Geimer, labor F Galow, labor Joe Grab, labor M Gira, labor Con Geimer, labor Chas Grunzig. labor Jno Grunow, labor H Grode, labor Jno Hauley, labor 5 Hickcock, labor Jno Hanley, labor M Houpes, labor Christ Heck, labor P Hevican, labor F Hardt, labor Aug Hofferman, labor Jno Hayes, labor Jas Hird, labor Aug Joss, labor Jno Jehring, labor A Johnson, labor .. Jno Kinsella, labor H Kehr, labor F Kuntz, labor Jno Kelly, labor Jac Kraus, labor Paul Kruscka, labor ........... Wm Kronfield, labor .......... Fred Kruger, labor .. • • • • • • • M Klein, labor ................... P Lovett, labor .......... ...... M Lavin, labor .................. Matt Loes, labor ................ P Lynch, labor ................. Jno Lavin, Sr., labor ............ A Lang, labor .................. H Lembke, labor ............... • H Luck, labor .......••••""•' Fred Lillie, labor ................ Jno Leidinger, labor ............ MLonergan, labor .............. P Moran, labor ...... • • • • • .. P Murray, labor ................ Jno Mullen„ labor ..•••••••••"' Jno Malloy, labor... ..........:... Jno Malone, labor.. P Mulqueeney, labor .. • • E Mueke, labor ....... • • • • " • " 1 25 5 00 2 50 6 25 5 95 6 25 2 50 5 00 3 75 6 25 20 00 6 25 6 25 1 25 2 50 1 25 3 45 1 25 9 05 50 00 20 00 2 50 3 75 2 50 5 00 3 75 6 25 6 25 6 25 2 20 1 25 1 25 2 50 5 00 1 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 3 75 5 00 2 50 1 90 6 90 20 00 19 60 5 95 2 20 1 25 20 00 6 90 1 25 1 25 7 20 2 50 6 90 5 00 15 00 6 25 2 50 65 6 25 3 75 6 25 1 25 6 55 6 25 63 16 55 6 25 5 65 6 25 6 25 7 50 - 2 50. 1 75 212 List of Warrants. Pat Mohan, labor Jacob Masser, labor Jno Martin, labor Joe Martineck, labor A Manderschiet, labor M McClune, labor L McEvoy, labor .. Wm McClain, labor Jas McCormack, labor Jno McCarron, labor Jno McCaffrey, labor M McNamara, labor F McBride, labor B McCormack, labor Chas McDonald, labor R McGivern, labor P Norton, labor Jno Nutz, labor Phil Neuman, labor ............ H O'Connell, labor . P O'Brien, labor F Oswald, labor N J Offerman, labor Wm O'Brien, labor Jas Powers, labor Jas Purcell, labor Jno Pflffner, labor C H Pierce, labor Wm Quinlan, labor Pat Quinn, labor Jos Rooney, labor A Reuter, labor Matt Reiseck, labor Jas Reed, labor Jac Raesner, labor F Rinker, labor F Remus, labor Jag Ryan, labor Jno Raetz, labor Pat Scanlon, labor Jno Sullivan, labor H Stevens, labor A Steiner, labor Thos Smith, labor Jno Schroeder, labor F Scherr, labor Geo Sutter, labor P Stoffer, labor P Smith, labor O Schlager, labor Sam Smith, labor Jno Schammel, labor S Schaetzle, labor Jno Spies, labor Wm Schwaegler, labor Joe Schmitt, labor Jno Spies, labor Tony Schmitt, labor M Specht. labor A R Stevenson, engineer steam roller ... D Sheehan, labor R Turner, labor Jas Thomas, labor Wm Thealds, labor Wm Terry, labor Jno Welsh, labor P Wiest, labor Jno Welsh, labor N Wombach, labor A Wandrashiek, labor Jno Wehrley, labor F Wyatt, labor . Geo Willman, labor ,. 4 70 5 00 6 90 1 25 2 50 6 25 6 25 6 25 3 75 1 25 7 50 6 25 2 50 6 25 5 00 40 00 7 50 3 75 11 90 6 25 1 25 1 25 6 55 20 00 6 25 6 25 6 25 7 50 6 25 65 6 90 6 25 3 75 1 25 6 25 6 25 6 90 4 40 20 00 6 25 6 25 6 25 8 1 6 2 3 2 3 1 2 5 6 3 5 1 4 1 6 75 25 25 50 15 50 75 25 50 00 25 75 95 25 00 25 25 7500 13 00 1 25 2 50 1 25 1 25 7 50 3 75 6 90 6 25 3 75 6 90 5 95 1 25 Ed Welsh, labor Wm Weber, labor .. H Weber, labor F Zuershof, labor Geo Zumhof, labor TEAMS FOR MAY. J Beekman, teams .... 4 40 F Burns, teams 11 90 Jno Calvert, teams 10 00 Wm Casey, teams 4 40 Steve Casey, teams 2 50 M Connelly, teams 10 65 Mrs B Costello, teams 8 75 Joe Calvert, teams 8 75 T Elliott, teams 15 00 Ed Frith, teams ..... 8 75 Jas Graham, teams 3 75 M Gantenbein, teams 13 15 Jno Gearey, teams 11 90 M Hannon, teams 13 75 T Kane, teams .... 14 40 Dr King, teams ..... 11 25 Jno Long, teams 11 90 Wm Leik, teams .. 1 25 P Linehan, teams 12 50 Jno Meyers, teams 13 15 J A Moore, teams 16 90 McElrath Teaming Co., teams 6 25 D McCollins, teams .. 7 50 J J McCollins, teams 20 00 P S Norton, teams 5 00 M O'Neill, teams 2 50 Mrs. Quinlivan, teams 815 M Riordan, teams 3 15 Edw Seeley, teams 15 66 G Scott, teams 7 50 Jno Strotz, teams 2 50 Jno Schultz, teams .. 7 50 H Schnitz, teams 10 00 Jas Tobin, teams 1 25 A Turner, teams ...... 10 00 Jno Von Hollen, teams 9 40 Jno Williams, teams 11 25 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR MAY. Chas Botsford, labor 19 50 D Duggan, labor 19 60 Sam Elmer, labor 19 50 M Flynn, labor 19 50 Chas Hillery, labor ........ .. 20 00 Jno McCune, labor 19 60 Joe Lowery, labor 19 60 Jas Ryan, labor 19 60 P Linehan, teams 65 P S Norton, teams ... 8 75 Mrs Kate Hibbe, police matron50 00 Miss 13 Brennan, police matron50 00 Specht Bros., app. for steamer Teal for May 25 00 Trexler Bros., livery hire for election 7 00 G F Kleih, election supplies 3 25 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' asso- ciation, tables and chairs for election 3 25 Gotf Gmehle, assistant assessor50 00 Thos F Maguire, assistant at- torney 50 00 Jos J Murphy, assistant assessor50 00 Christman & Healey, hardware. 3 65 P J Seippel, lumber 65 Gus Holl, lawn mower and fitting keys Palmer, Winall & Co, blank sta- tionary . 2 50 6 25 5 65 6 25 19 50' 6 80 68 75 List of Warrants. 213 Union Printing Co., blank sta- tionery 4 00 Smith, Morgan Printing Co, blank stationery Jas Kelly, stationary Mrs Wm Hayes, cleaning around market for May 20 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, washing powder and soap 95 Key City Gas Co., gas for Gover- nor's Greys Armory 2 70 J C Althauser, dusters and brushes .... 3 50 Dubuque Cabinet Makers' assoc- iation, new desk and chairs for street commissioners' office 30 00 Hussman & Lies, powder and fuse 3 25 Dubuque Wooden Ware Co, lum- ber 12 25 B D Lenehan, repairing tools ... 5 80 Wm Reed, repairing tools ....... 4 90 Diamond Jo Line steamers, tar- polean for steam roller 1 40 A Wunderlich, shoeing horses 1 60 J C Althauser, brushes, etc 12 15 Dubuque Oil Tank Line, oil 5 40 J L Moloney, oil .. 1 70 Standard Oil Co, oil 1 05 Fire Extinguisher Mfg Co, brake shoes 5 00 Dubuque Rubber and Belting Co, new buttons for fire depart- ment 5 25 W H Torbert, blue vitrol, paints and oils 31 00 Key City Gas Co, gas, $11.70; coke, $17.75 for fire department 29 45 Lagen & Sullivan, horse shoeing 6 00 Sloan & Edwards, horse shoeing. 7 70 A Wunderlich, horse shoeing 5 60 Dubuque Water Co, 334, hydrants for May 1400 00 Key City Gas Co, gas for patrol house 6 30 Otto Rath, board of prisoners for May Eichhorn & Bechtel, brooms, etc. 55 M Mullen, gas stove for police headquarters 2 95 'Sloan & Edwards, horse shoeing. 2 80 Union Prtg Co, blank stationery3 7755 Jas Kelly, blank stationery Globe Journal, official printing for May The Herald, official printing for May Dubuque Telegraph, official print ing for May Dubuque Telegraph, weekly pro- ceedings • Dubuque Telegraph, board of health reports, $3.50; and tab- lets, $.50 .. National Demokrat, official prtg for four months Star Electric Co, 322 arc lights for May 1738 80 Globe, Light and Heat Co, 100 166 67 lamps for May Isaac Proctor, retaining wall on 100 00 Grove Terrace 5 00 22 70 8 00 50 00 50 00 60 00 9 00 4 00 50 00 A C Haller, constructing new side walk on 27th street 39 S9 J J Desmond, constructing new sidewalk on Elm and Washing- ton streets 121 81 M Mullen, repairing flush tank 3 50 C H Berg, services on board of health 39 00 George Salot, services on board of health 24 00 T E Frith, removing garbage and dead animals 193 45 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for board of health 30 H B Gniffke, refunding exclusive permits 120 00 H B Gniffke, interest paid on warrants 1 103 10 H B Gniffke, postage stamps, $12.00; and refunding, tax, $4.60. 16 60 Second National Bank, loan 3 000 00 Diamond Jo Line steamers, ap- propriation for Eagle Point ferry 50 00 LABOR FOR FIRST HALF OF JUNE. M Ahearn, labor 6 25 T Addyman, labor 3 76 J Albrecht, labor 6 25 E Am Ende, labor 5 00 Sam Allen, labor 2 50 J Brachtobrach, labor 1 25 Paul Becker, labor 8 90 S Bastian, labor 7 65 C Buse, labor 4 40 Joe Brown, labor 13 76 Ed Brunskill, labor 12 50 Wm Becker, labor 5 00 H Berry, labor 1 25 M Coyle, labor 6 25 Con Callahan, labor 6 25 Wm Coughlin, labor 6 25 D Crotty, labor 3 75 Matt Crahin, labor 3 75 Mike Crahin, labor 3 75 L Corcoran, labor 5 15 D Corcoran, labor 3 45 Jas Connelly, labor 13 75 A Crawford, labor .. 2 00 H Carney, labor 3 15 Jno Corbett, labor 3 15 W Carberry, labor 2 50 P Dax, labor 1 25 M Differding, labor 6 25 P Dempsey, labor 8 75 Jno Dittman, labor 6 90 Wm Dean, labor 1 90 E Desmond, labor 1 25 J Eagan, labor 6 25 R Emmert, labor 6 25 R Eddy, labor 20 00 Dan Fox, labor 2 50 Wm Flanagan, labor 3 15 M Fetschle, labor 6 25 P Fitzgerald, labor 8 45 P Fogarty, labor 6 25 Ben Fern, labor 4 05 Chr Frohs, labor 3 15 P Fenelon, labor 13 75 P Furey, labor 6 25 P Farrell, labor 2 50 Wm Fuller, labor 1 25 Jno Farley, labor .... 20 00 214 List of Warrants. Pat Grew, labor P Gerst, labor P Greden, labor M Gira, labor P Ginter, labor Joe Grab, labor ... P Glass, labor H Grode, labor Joe Ginter, labor Geo Gau, labor H Gaile, labor Chas Grunzig, labor P Gregory, labor Jno Grunow, labor Steph Henschel, labor M Houpes, labor Geo Heckling, labor .. F Haardt, labor Aug Hofferman, labor Jac Hansen, labor Jno Hayes, labor Jas Hird, labor A Jaeger, labor A Johnson, labor Jno Jehring, labor J G Jones, labor Phil Kenney, labor . H Kehr, labor F Kuntz, labor E S King, labor . F King, labor Asa Knapp, labor Jno Kelly, labor Jac Kraus, labor Fred Krueger, labor Wm Kronfeld, labor ...... P Krocheska, labor A Kaesbauer, labor Jno Kinsella, labor M Klein, labor J J Lavery, labor M Lavin, labor ...... Jno Lavin, Sr., labor Matt Loes, labor H Lembke, labor H Luck, labor M Lonergan, labor H Leik, labor P Leidinger, labor Geo Moore, labor M Murphy, labor Con Miller, labor Jno Malloy, labor Tom Mulqueeney, labor J Martineck, labor ... P Mohan, labor A Mauderscheit, labor Jno McCarron, labor ... M McMahon, labor P McCarten, labor F McBride, labor Chas McDonald, labor P McPoland, labor . Jno McCaffrey, labor Pat McNulty, labor M McCune, labor Jno McNulty, labor Wm McDermott, labor Phil Newman, labor P O'Brien, labor F Oswald, labor N J Offerman, labor Jno O'Dea, labor Wm O'Brien, labor 6 25 3 75 6 55 6 90 6 25 6 55 6 55 6 55 6 55 6 55 6 55 5 00 4 40 1 25 6 25 6 55 6 25 7 50 6 25 3 00 20 00 19 50 6 25 3 75 6 25 1 25 1 25 6 25 6 25 5 65 3 15 6 25 6 25 1 90 1 25 6 90 6 25 8 00 20 00 12 50 7 50 7 80 6 25 6 25 6 25 4 40 13 75 8 00 1 25 6 25 6 55 65 6 25 8 45 3 75 6 55 2 50 6 6 3 7 3 3 3 5 1 1 1 13 6 7 13 1 20 25 25 75 65 75 15 15 00 25 25 25 75 25 20 75 90 00 C H Pierce, labor P Quinn, labor M Quinlin, labor M Raiseck, labor F Rowe, labor Phil Redding ,labor .. Jas Reed, labor Chas Reilly, labor Geo Renk, labor F Rinker, labor Fred Remus, labor Jas Ryan, labor Jno Ryan, labor J Raesner, labor Jno Raetz, labor Wm Sheridan, labor Thos Smith, labor J B Stephens, labor Wm Spensley, labor F Scherr, labor Sam Sterling, labor ....... . P Stoffer, labor Sam Smith, labor F Schmitt, labor Jno Svhemmel, labor Jno Spies, labor Jas Smith, labor Dan Sheehan, labor N Sweeney, labor Geo Sutter, labor S Schaetzle, labor L Smith, labor .. L Taylor, labor R Turner, labor H Tippe, labor Wm Terry, labor L Welsh, labor Jno Ward, labor A Wondracek, labor L Washenheim, labor Wm Wearmouth, labor Geo Wilman, labor Ed Welsh, labor Wm Weber, labor .. Jno Welsh, Caledonia Place N Wampach, labor Jno Welsh, Julien avenue .. H Weber, labor A Zingel, labor F Zuershoff, labor Geo Zumhoff, labor I Beekman, team .. C 0 Baker, team R Burns, team 13 75 6 25 65 1 25 6 25 6 25 6 90 1 25 6 55 6 90 4 40 5 00 1 1 20 6 6 6 3 6 7 8 9 6 6 3 1 14 5 3 1 2 25 25 00 25 25 55 75 25 20 90 70 25 25 25 25 00 00 15 25 50 10 00 6 25 5 65 1 25 6 25 3 75 6 25 625 6 25 6 25 6 25 6 25 3 15 1 25 1 25 1 25 6 25 5 00 19 50 27 50 17 50 12 50 TEAMS FOR FIRST HALF OF JUNE Ed Burns, team 2 50 M Connolly, team 2 50 Mrs B Costello, team 2 50 Steve Casey, team 12 50 Jno Calvert, team ...... 7 50 Jno Duggan, team .... 13 15 J Dodson, team 2 50 Wm Dodson, team 2 50 Jno Decker, team .. . 2 50 Wm Ellis, team 2 50 Edw Frith, team 1 25 Jno Gearey, team 13 15 M Gantenbein, team 13 15 Jas Graham, team 12 50 Thos Kane, team 2 50 Dr King, team 2 50 Wm Leik, team 12 50 Jno Long, team 10 65