Urban Revitalization - Jackson Park Res, Ord and Plan 12 22 80468 Special Session, ..December 22, 1980 WORDS IN SUBSECTION (a) OF SEC- TION 25.187.1 BE DELETED AND PRO- VIDING THAT SUBSECTION (c) OF SECTION 25-187.1 BE REPEALED. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: . Section 1. That Section 25.187.166 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be amended by deleting the words ':..on the streets designated by subsection /c1 of this section .." Section 2. That Section 25.18710 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Du- buque, Iowa is hereby repealed and de- clared null and void and of no. effec t. .i Section 3. That all, ordinances or parts" of ordinances in conflict with. this ordi- nance are hereby repealed. Passed, adopted, and approved this 22nd day of December, 1980. Carolyn Farrell Mayor James E. Brady D. Michael King Michael W. Pratt John L. Felderrnan Council Members ATTEST. - Mary A. Davis City Clerk Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 30th day of De- cem.ber, 1980. Mary A: Davis City Clerk It 12/30 Council Member King moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Pratt. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Farrell, Council Members Brady, Felderrnan, King, Pratt, Nays -None. ORDINANCE NO. 74-80 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE JACKSON PARK URBAN REVITALI- ZATION AREA CONTAINING THE PROPERTIES HEREINAFTER DE- SCRIBED, PURSUANT TO THE RE- QUIREMENTS OF HOUSE FILE 81, ENACTED BY THE 68TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA, said Ordinance having been previously presented and read at the meetings of 'Nov. 1.7th and December 8th, presented for final adoption. ORDINANCE NO. 74-80 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE JACKSON PARK URBAN REVITALI- ZATION AREA CONTAINING THE PROPERTIES HEREINAFTER DE- SCRIBED,- PURSUANT TO THE RE- QUIREMENTS OF HOUSE FILE 81, EN. ACTED BY THE 68TH GENERAL AS- SEMBLY OF THE STATE OF IOWA. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAIN- ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the properties herein- after described shall hereafter be, desig- nated an urban revitalization area purs- ant,. to House, File 81, as enacted by the 68th General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 1979, to wit; All of City Lots 453 thru 455, inclu- sive; alt of City Lots 462 and 462A; all of City Lots 463 and 463A; all of City. • Lots 470 thru 475, inclusive; City Lot 470A; all of City Lot 664; all of .Lot 1 of City Lot 66'?; all of City Lot 671; all of City Lots 672 and 67224; all of City Lots 673 and 673A; all of City. Lot 674; and all of Lot 7oj'City Lot 675. .All of Lots 14 thru 17, inclusive; all being in Dorgan's Subdivision. All of Lots 1 through 15, inclusive; all being in D.N. Cooley's Subdivision. Section 2. That the Jackson Park Ur- ban Revitalization Plan hereto attached as Exhibit "A "is hereby adopted and ap- prooedand the properties within said de- scribed area shall be subject to the provi- sions of said Plan. Passedadopted, and approved this 22nd day of December, 1980. Carolyn Farrell Mayor .lames E. Brady 1.). Michael King Michael W. Pratt John L. Felderman. Council Members ATTEST:: Mary A. Davis City Cleric Published officially in the Telegraph Herald newspaper this 30th day of De- cember; 1980. Mary A. Davis City Clerk 11 12/30 Council Member Pratt moved adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Felderrnan. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Farrell, Council Members Brady, Felderrnan, King, Pratt. Nays -None. Communication of City Mgr. submit• ting resolutions providing for the estab- lishment of a proposed plan for the West 11th Street Urban Revitalization Area, presented and read. Council Member Pratt moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Felder - man. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Farrell, Council Members Brady, Felderman, King, Pratt. Nays -None. RESOLUTION NO. 302 -80 A RESOLUTION FINDING THAT THE REHABILITATION AND CONSERVATION OF THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTIES, COMPRISING THE JACKSON PARK AREA, IS NECESSARY IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE RESIDENTS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, House File 81, as enacted by the Iowa State Legis- lature in 1979, allows cities to give property tax exemptions for prop- erties on which improvements have been made in a designated revitaliza- tion area, and further authorizes cities to issue revenue bonds for re- vitalization and urban renewal areas; and WHEREAS, the Jackson Park Area as hereinafter described, is an area containing a substantial number of deteriorated or deteriorat- ing structures, retarding the provision of housing accommodations; and WHEREAS, said area has a predominance of buildings and im- provements which are significant by reason of age, history and archi- tecture, and should be preserved or restored to productive use; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the rehabilitation and conservation of the hereinafter described area is hereby found to be necessary in the in- terest of the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city, which area's boundaries are described as follows: All of City Lots 453 thru 455, inclusive; all of City Lots 462 and 462A; all of City Lots 463 and 463A; all of City Lots 470 thru 475, inclusive; City Lot 470A; all of City Lot 664; all of Lot 1 of City Lot 667; all of City Lot 671; all of City Lots 672 and 672A; all of City Lots 673 and 673A; all of City Lot 674; and all of Lot 7 of City Lot 675. All of Lots 14 thru 17, inclusive; all being in Dorgan's Subdivision. All of Lots 1 thru 15, inclusive; all being in D. N. Cooley's Subdivision. All of the above properties are situated in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 2. That the above-described area meets the eligi- bility criteria of section one (1) of House File 81, as enacted by the General Assembly of the State of -Iowa, 1979. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this 6th day of 1980. ATTEST: Mary Davis CITY CLERK October REE-JLUTION NO. 303 -80 A RESOLUTION ACKNOWLEDGING A PROPOSED PLAN FOR THE JACKSON PARK URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA, AND PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING WHEREAS, Resolution No. 302 -80 has set forth a finding that the Jackson Park Area meets the eligibility criteria of section one (1) of House File 81, known as the Iowa Urban Revitalization Act, and that the rehabilitation and conservation of said Area is in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city; and WHEREAS, House File 81 provides that a public hearing shall be held on a proposed plan for the revitalization area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the Proposed Urban Revitalization Plan for the Jackson Park Area, hereto attached and marked Exhibit "A", shall be made a matter of record and shall be available for public inspection in the office of the City Clerk and in the Planning Division of the Depart- ment of Community Development. Section 2. That a public hearing shall be held by the City Council on the proposed plan on November 17, 1980. Section 3. That following said public hearing, the proposed plan may be adopted, amended, referred to a second hearing, or rejected by the City Council, as provided for by House File 81. Section 4. That notice of the pendency of the proposed plan shall be given according to the requirements of House File 81. ATTEST: PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, THIS day of October, 1980. MAYOR Mar A. Davis, CITY CLERK EXHIBIT --PROPOSED- JACKSON PARK URBAN REVITALIZATION PLAN TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION THE JACKSON PARK REVITALIZATION AREA 2 Location Zoning Land Use and Residents Municipal Services Area Problems REVITALIZATION GOALS 7 THE REVITALIZATION PROGRAM 8 Applicability Definitions' Tax Exemption Schedule APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURE. 11 Relocation Provisions TIME FRAME 13 INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS 14 RELATED PROGRAMS 14 APPENDIX "A" 15 INTRODUCTION The Urban Revitalization Act was passed by the 1979 Iowa Legislature, and became effective on July 1, 1979. The Act authorizes the City Council to designate areas of the city as urban revitatlization areas. Improvements to qualified real estate within these designated areas may then receive a total or partial exemption from property taxes for a specified number of years. The exemptions are intended to stimulate private investment by reducing tax increases that usually attend property improvements. The main purpose for designating urban revitalization districts is t.o help create a long-term increase or stabilization in the tax base caused by new improvements to the designated area. Additionally, designation is meant to improve the economic viability or neighborhood livability of the area. The Urban Revitalization Act also authorizes the provision of low interest credit by permitting the city to issue revenue bonds for residential, commercial, industrial or non-profit projects within the revitalization areas. In order to implement the provisions of the Act, the city must prepare a plan and ensure that certain criteria are met and that specific procedures are followed. An area must meet at least one of the following criteria in order to be eligible for designation as an urban revitalization area. 1. The area is detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because a majority of the buildings in the area are dilapidated, overcrowded, unsanitary or undesirable for similar reasons. 2. The area is detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare because of tax delinquencies, defective titles, inefficient land 1 uses or other similar conditions. 3. The area has a predominance of buildings or improvements which, because of age, history, architecture or significance, should be preserved or restored to productive use. The ensuing narrative describes the reasons for selecting the Jackson Park Area as an urban revitalization area, and also describes the plan to be followed in an attempt to realize the potential benefits of designation. THE JACKSON PARK REVITALIZATION AREA Location The Jackson Park Area encompasses approximately twelve city blocks immediately northeast of the downtown business district. Its eastern boundary adjoins the commercial activities which line Central Avenue. The western and northern boundaries of the area are physically delimited by steep bluffs, whose tops are covered with residential structures. Map #1 on page 3 highlights the location of the Jackson Park Area relative to the entire Revitalization Target Area as identified in the Urban Revitalization Program proposed for the City of Dubuque. Zoning Map #2 on page 4 depicts the existing zoning classifications in the Jackson Park Revitalization Area. The several blocks north of West 17th Street fall within the R-4 Residential Zoning District. This zoning classification provides for moderate -density residential housing. Single-family homes and multi -family structures containing not more than twelve dwelling units are the principal permitted uses. The remaining blocks fall within the OR -1 2 EoiTyT. J ONE-- Ste' .9 .9ELAND e) -.7 d M 11 PL LAw1 HER S O 0 z II MAP 1 ST. LINIWOOD CEMETERY 11 NTIAL ARcHrrEC ORAL DIATRICT,PI /11 it � 412-/ 4R / // 11 1� ) n �= J NTIAL JJRBA N R VrrALIZATION G r IEA LIND BERG . J Ti -FV.( �r�1N�-ri4ii A J EAGLET or - -- \ /1 // u • PLEASAN NEIGHBOR}O •Mo i ARROL 11 Cr NORTHDUBU MGtyTCREST NAPIER ST. uEluOUE p' z11 WASH1N 3� tI <E o Va- c:, \\ -- o ��a' `� A' MIND S �l Ii E�EVENTH T° ARLOTA FINLEY HOSPITAL � 1 AIR AN.. RE TO OF b19BUQ Etit F UNITYSDEVELO JACKSON PARK: URBAN REVITALIZATFON DISTRICT DISTRICT ZONING CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA o' IOo' 200' i I I NORTH /h SCALE I" = 200' residential zoning classification, primarily a high-density dwelling district permitting mixed professional office use. Both zoning classification are used as buffer or transitional districts between lower density residential districts and commercial or institutional districts. No zoning changes are anticipated for the Jackson Park Area. Land Use and Resident Characteristics Map #3 on page 6 depicits the existing land use in the Jackson Park Area. The Jackson Park Area is a predominantly multi -family residential neighborhood, with approximately 70 older residential structures containing nearly 260 dwelling units. About 190 of the units are renter -occupied, and most are low or moderately priced. It appears that the social and economic characteristics of the area have not changed markedly since 1970 when one-third of the area's 460 residents were over 62 years of age. The area still provides housing for a significant number of the City's low and moderate income renters, many of whom are elderly. Besides containing a large number of residences, the area also has several highly visible and architecturally appealing institutional buildings, including the Dubuque Girls' Club, -School Administration Building, and several churches. Small offices and funeral homes are also scattered throughout the area. Most of these uses occupy buildings that were once residential structures. Municipal policies will be primarily directed at maintaining and enhancing the present, predominantly residential character of the Jackson Park Neighborhood. While scattered conversions of residential properties to office uses are likely to occur gradually, no major changes in land use are anticipated in the near future. JACKSON PARK: URBAN REVITALIZATFON DISTRICT LAND-USE PARK LA RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTIONAL OFFICE 01 100' 200' CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA 1 NORTH SCALE In= 200' Municipal Services The level of basic municipal services currently being provided to the Jackson Park Area appears adequate to meet the area's existing needs. The services include the provision of transit, sewer and water, garbage collection, street maintenance, park facilities and police and fire protection. The service levels for the Jackson Park Area are comparable to those of most other neighborhoods in the City. There appear to be no conditions within the neighborhood (e.g., burglary, arson, traffic accidents, etc.) that would dictate a measurable increase in service level at this time. Area Problems The Jackson Park Area is currently experiencing the incipient erosion of its housing stock. Most of the structures in the area are over one -hundred years old, with the structural and functional systems of many of these units worn or obsolete. Some buildings are already vacant and will require major rehabilitation if they are to be reoccupied. The quality of the area housing stock is further diminished by numerous instances of deferred maintenance as indicated by a field survey of the area conducted by Planning Department staff. The need for a variety of exterior repairs including masonry repair, porch reconstruction, painting, and chimney repair was noted in a visual inspection of the area. REVITALIZATION GOALS The Jackson Park Area contains a predominance of buildings that are worthy of preservation, and a significant number of deteriorating buildings whose condition indicates substandard housing. In an effort to reverse the dynamics currently at work in the neighborhood, it is appropriate that the Jackson Park Area be designated as an Urban Revitalization Area. The design and implementation of a Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Plan will focus on the preservation and restoration of the neighborhood's moderately priced housing stock. In this manner, the Plan seeks to halt and reverse the erosion of the property tax base, and the overall decline of the neighborhood. THE REVITALIZATION PROGRAM Applicability The tax exemption provisions set forth on pages 9 through 13 of this Plan are applicable only to improvements made to ualified real estate assessed as either residential or commercial property that lies within one or more of the parcels described as follows: All of City Lots 453 thru 455, inclusive; all of City Lots 462 and 462A; all of City Lots 463 and 463A; all of City Lots 470 thru 475, inclusive; City Lot 470A; all of City Lot 664; all of Lot 1 of City Lot 667; all of City Lot 671; all of City Lots 672 and 672A; all of City Lots 673 and 673A; all of City Lot 674; and all of Lot 7 of City Lot 675. All of Lots 14 thru 17, inclusive; all being in Dorgan's Subdivision. All of Lots 1 through 15, inclusive; all being in D. N. Cooley's Subdivision. Appendix A contains the current assessed valuations of all land and buildings within these boundaries with parcels delimited on Map A-1, page 15. The names and addresses of area property owners are also included. 8 "Qualified real estate" means real property, other than land, which is located in the Jackson Park Revitalization Area and to which improvements have been added, during the time the area is so designated, which have increased the actual value by at least fifteen percent, or at least ten percent in the case of real property assessed as residential property or which have, in the case of land upon which is located more than one building, and not assessed as residential property, increased the actual value of the buildings to which the improvement has been made by at least fifteen percent. "Improvements" include rehabilitation and additions to existing structures. However, if such rehabilitation or additions were begun one year (365 days) prior to the adoption by the City Council of the Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Area Plan, the value added by such rehabilitation or additions will not constitute an increase in value for purposes of qualifying for property tax exemptions under the Urban Revitalization Act. Any improvements that were assessed before the area was officially designated will not be eligible for exemption. The "actual value added" by the improvements means the actual value, as determined by the local assessor, as of the first year for which the tax exemptions are received. 9 "Qualified tenant" means the legal occupant of a residential dwelling unit which is located within a designated revitalization area and who has occupied the same dwelling unit continuously since one year prior to the city's adoption of the resolution establishing the revitalization area. Tax Exemption Schedule The owners of qualified real estate eligible for the property tax exemption may elect to take the applicable exemptions listed below. Once an exemption has been selected by the property owner and granted by the City, the owner is not permitted to change the exemption. 10 1. All qualified real estate assessed as residential property is eligible to receive an exemption from taxation based on the actual value added by the improvements. The exemption is for a period of ten years. The amount of the exemption is equal to a percent of the actual value added by the improvements, determined as follows: One -hundred percent of the value added by the improvements. However, the amount of the actual value added hy"the improvements which shall be used to compute the exemption shall not exceed $20,000 and the granting of the exemption shall not result in the actual value of the qualified real estate being reduced below the actual value on which the homestead credit is computed under Section 425.1 of the Code of Iowa. 2. All qualified real estate assessed as commercial property, consisting of three or more separate living quarters with at least 75 percent of the space used for residential purposes, is eligible to receive a 100 percent exemption from taxation on the actual value added by the improvements. The exemption is for a period of ten years. APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURE 1. The property owner must apply for an exemption by February 1st of the assessment year for which the exemption is first claimed, hut not later than the year in which all the improvements are first assessed for taxation. 2. The application must contain, at a minimum, the following: (a) The nature of the improvements. (b) The cost of the improvements. (c) The actual or estimated date of completion. (d) The tenants living on the property as of , 1980. (e) The date of Council resolution citing the need for establishment of the Jackson Park Revitalization Area. 11 3. The property owner has the option of submitting a proposal for an improvement project to the City prior to submitting a formal application. If the proposed project is in conformance with the revitalization plan, the City Council shall, by resolution, give preliminary approval of the project. Such preliminary approval shall not entitle the owner to exemption until the improvements have been completed and found to be qualified real estate. If the proposal is rejected, the owner may submit an amended proposal for the City to approve or reject. 4. The City reviews all applications to determine whether a proposed project conforms to the revitalization plan, is within the designated area, and if the improvements were made during the appropriate time period. If a proposed project meets all three criteria, the City shall forward the application to the assessor by March 1st, with a statement as to which exemption applies. Applications for exemptions for succeeding years on approved projects shall not be required. 5. The local assessor shall review each first-year application by making a physical review of the property, to determine if the improvements made increased the actual value of the qualified real estate by at least fifteen percent, or at least ten percent in the case of real property assessed as residential property. If the assessor determines that the actual value of that real estate has increased by at least the requisite percent, the assessor shall certify the property valuation, determined pursuant to the tax exemption schedule, to the County Auditor at the time of transmitting the assessment rolls. The assessor shall notify the applicant of the determination, and the assessor's decision may be 12 appealed to the local board of review at the time specified in Section 441.37 of the Iowa Code. The property owner may also refile an application in a subsequent year after additional improvements have been made. 6. After the tax exemption is granted, the assessor shall continue to grant the tax exemption, with periodic physical review by the assessor, for the ten year time period specified in the tax exemption schedule. Relocation Provisions A qualified tenant may apply to the City for relocation compensation if he becomes displaced due to the action of a property owner attempting to qualify for the urban revitalization tax exemption. Upon verification of such an application, the City shall require compensation of at least one month's rent and may require payment of actual relocation expenses to the displaced tenant. The City shall require the persons causing the qualified tenant to be displaced to pay all of the relocation payments as a condition for receiving a tax exemption. TIME FRAME The designation of the Jackson Park Neighborhood as an Urban Revitalization Area will remain in effect until it is determined that the revitalization goals of the neighborhood have been attained. A three to five year time frame is anticipated for the Jackson Park revitalization designation. Upon repeal of the ordinance establishing the revitalization area, all existing exemptions would continue until their previously established expiration date. 13 INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS The issuance of revenue bonds to finance commercial or residential development projects in the Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Area is not contemplated. RELATED PROGRAMS The City of Dubuque presently has three active programs which provide subsidies for residential improvements and are available to the Jackson Park Area. These programs are: 1. Community Development Block Grant Rehabilitation Grants and Loans Available to qualifying low and moderate income homeowners. 2. Section 8 Rent Subsidy -- Available to qualifying low and moderate income renters. 3. Section 312 Loan Program Low-interest rehabilitation loans available to qualifying homeowners. Other programs that the City may choose to participate in or encourage include: 1. Iowa Housing Finance Authority -- Low-interest mortgage loan program for designated urban revitalization districts. 2. Section 2124 of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 -- Provides federal income tax deductions on the cost of certified rehabilitation to certified historic structures. 3. Section 315 of the Revenue Act of 1978 -- Provides federal income tax credit on rehabilitation investments. 14 JACKSON PARK: URBAN REV1TALIZATtON DISTRICT CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA ."'"\ y_____100' 200' J NORTH SCALE 1n= 200' 1 o 1 Lo 1 1 co �I 1 1 G. ui 1 1 co > 1 co 1 N u 1 1 H 1✓ > n x MAP CODE N ' :, N N vi W N o- to N N o\ -I � 1 W W- W co 'A U1 W A v W --..1 u' W l0 u' H J ft 01 rr STREET .. 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N Mr H to 0 0 H 7C w triLa 0 C7 H H m N 0 1 0 a io �1 I �� ° 0 0 rn• . • 0W 0 MAP CODE m ,p CO al m w w J J m w til CO t9 m 0 to n H G )-3 m y W J In m to y H w H J LO (T+ 0 In I✓ J y x m y STREET ADDRESS n r O t-' - •Z UI A Cr) N `o • o1 rn r Co r m m N tr n . co . • W ,, - N 0 r 0) H • w n 0 0 Z r" `L Ni •� HH' H' - U'1 w = o N m g. t" 1 L'1 H Ul n o m GN 0-•J t" N •t J I (] t rn r r H A •r '0 J r I n r rn crir r H' .r N 1 r w n M J r F ti N F n r rn to H U� - i r I- H r•. N ,t" t1 H 1-j 0 n r • ti rn rna''' N I t 1 - 0 r 0-1 2 O EXISTING ASSESSED H VALUATION/1979 C4 H 0 Hl c Q i4 M 0 M z 0 W Q a H W 0 0 m N 0A 0 M.A J 0 CO 0 CO CO 0 ,.1 0 Lrl 0 H N 0) 0 --I til 0 r O J 0 O N CO U"i 0 N ,� 0 O w 0 H O w U1 0 O 6)0 N O) 0 Cly CO O A O 0 N O , 0 . H. O L'-' in CD 0' ••o m n rt w x • sr rt w ,A w m o 5 (51 I-• rt g t-1 r N G O co K > N OO H. C -I L-) t) o o rt' w o HI • I-' 1-11 F-' d't O t•C P r C7 n x ID m • W U • o w �' 0 L' ' J o o O rt G 1 rt.m N A > 1 - 11 w (0 CS E US 0 N m ft'0 'd m I to H co (D tJ' OWM 1--," >✓ n m H Fl H C in-" IH-' (3 I -I 0 H 0 • 0 m r v rt t p . Fl d C � m I--' 'd w F-' to k< . H' x1 J H. rt 0 ( 0 n Ir 1-1 m Ul Al H 01 J w rt > H' N %0 piE N (0 N• H- N C-1 I N J N Z H- H H m En rt1-1 ~ ID til I u , J P O (3 a m w I--' (D W m C H 0 11 t1- 1-' rt 0 N n H¢1 SL C -t' O n O rt NAME ADDRESS OF OWNERS rmil rt HI n m 1-11 rmi) H' 0 N +` w O m 7f- N n OCCUPANCY 01 e N o of Oho o op o 0o\° 01i o op, 0 oho .A o PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION N 0 N o v O o ow to o\0 H 0 oto H 0 op N op 0 °° ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATION � O 9 01 ,A 1 ZONING H, H .A 0 0 x 01 n 0 CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS m I r ko m 01 1 1 r H CO �I m 1 H ON F til cii M I 1 I r r r •P W N 01 t ' r m 01 1 1 r 0 O > t1 1 0 w 011 01 1 1 -1 0 W MAP CODE n H• rr '_G r- r 01 lit ui m w k.0 4 0 H .,Y"' I n H- rt. 4C r u1 0 ICO r 2 w ,_. 0 0 0 y r' O n a 0 I-3 (n y. r N 1 r r 0 w w w N N N .a CI 0 r i" I CO •P 6l w w ,P fP... CO CO ,,1`" 1 STREET ADDRESS Cn r g- N • 1 r N o I-11 L-1 00 n o .c m r w r Cn r 0- r tr .. • . M 1 r r 00 w 0 n 0 o o O 0 0 m m m (n b tr r N 1 r H O NI r OJ n 0 O k< m r W 1 r l0 n O Hr 1.< m Co r r r N r r 1 I r• r l0 l0 r 0 n n OOP r ' *C < r CO u) H r Cn 0 H k<N n r n r ¢ O W O `A r H 1 r I F'<r r H - r - — U7 0 (n O cn >v w p, ¢ C7¢ r r • � H t-' t-001 01 O m I H• •< tb W 1-' - AI O (n p, m �' U 0 r N • H 0 H Z Cn Cn t3' m ' Iv CO W W 1 1 N w n 0 In LEGAL DESCRIPTION -J o m W r o J 'P O r 00) N 0 a) m 01 0 4-_. w w 0 vi 0 N 0 w 0) 0) O w co 0) O EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 i ZH Com`) � z z m H 1 01 r J tri o 1 ,P (0 `W W O .P 0 a) ul 0 - N N W 01 0) O co 0) 0 O N ,A O (0 0 N N .P O 0 n rr om m HO Lo � pi U W � 0 • 0,, c� 21 0 H 0 n IJ• ,C o 1 b' O N -0.i ,P rt o0 01 0 b( n• rr 0 N n a) in rr x > N H 0 ((D 0 • r w old- 0 K ul o ICD 11/ n n ¢ a O C 0 H m 2' pi o H, mHI 0 N x 0 l0 0 pp,, ,n t3 w 7 1-1 0 (ED x n h7 0 PNN 4 > 0 m o C I-- n (o m ti (o 5 m r H 3 (n P n �- N I— 0 01 n 0' 0 0, - k n HP m r n • I-- 0 O E 1 r v 1 NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS C] w (] N 0 H r 0 I-11I-1)1-41 r+, OCCUPANCY 0' o0 0 60 0 0\0 ti)01ton o\0 0\0 01 o\0 0Ni ow PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION b H o 0 'N N 0 0 N 01 N O0 ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATION O 0 ;T ZONING 1t H 1J m n 01 n n Pi Pi x1 CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS O t1 I N 0) t1 0 1 1 N N U, to SL tx1 I N A 0 t1 11 N w 0 tx1 1 N W tri 1 N N 01 1 N I-' 0• E01 1 �..,` 01 o 1 N. r1 0 • O n N t=] MAP CODE F' A 01 w H A 01 t9 1-• F' 01 to 0 0 w F' H U 0 t0 FJ 01 H I- H 01 w v r H to w v 1 F1 F--1 Ut 01 CO Co to 01 r,l 1 H to to I-' Z I- • 01 N 01 CO tr1 ctil 0 H u'1 --t w K" H U, -1 w I 1-1 Y UT 0 H l -' 1 td 0 1 h cn '-3 H STREET ADDRESS cf)[r1 • • H o 0 - ti 1 N O O 1-' CD 'c UI nc o • 0 O N O N 0 H CD - CD kc -r (1) • Ul cn w w b' tai tri F-' r' o o O 0 - - t+ •ro w O • 1-' CD c Ul u) t' LI to O - zo ,A inr�1n o o• P 0 r' 0 H CD 0 CD kc - kc U1 o Ul vl r' U? 0' Z 0- • A. t=1 Co cn F-' O N O Fh A O - t' U1 to MA 00 mo 0 1-' 0 CD -k< o Ul �' 0) Z A Co Z o N Ft1 A t-' o Ft, tin • 0 to O H 0 kc - Ul ul tri U, - o 1-11- nn •• 0 0 1 H CD0 trio Ul o cn c& rn n •toO 0) 1-' 0) cn E' ; Co 0 1-h t1 v n 0 0 I--; 0 Ul cn LEGAL DESCRIPTIG: .A H J 0 Cr -.1 U1 0 A A O 0 N l0 oo o N 0 Co O r' CO U1 O -A Co • OD O A w co o W N Lid 0 VALUATION/1979 H t7 H w w L..) cs O ,A N N N o N U, O7 H 0 F' J O o 0 F' Ol -to O o .t. J 6l O O N J H O o N Ln co c O U, O w O O , G,k...)t� n E H• O r• 1-h hh rt rt rt it N y 5 • o H g S7, • A) Ul x• • rt ro H• Ln c 121 0 CD F' cn G Ca G) A, 0 0 l-h 1-1 rt Q co O 1--d0 F• O • p, • n CD O t-' rt r• t_Q m n W n 7 Z N 1`y 1i m k<0 r- • 0 IJ K W 01 tot ht, t-h Ai In N o r• N CI) I p, CO o I. n s✓ r-, rh- HI H Ul 7 C+ O • 5 m CO 21 C FO P 0 4 S K N Ul n ••x CD n kc FJ- w ri n W F-' N '1 K pi Al 1i n CO 0 o ti O n o, S 4 11 P Ul n CD n I.c F-'- w nn Al H cit "T1 K Ai A� hi 11 1 F-' 0 o 0 t+ , 3 Al rj fZ A) Fi ' CD kc - n F•' Al F{ Al N Z 4s C7 N n O N 11 rt o o kc m N c CD P F' 5 rt m Ul 1-O R'1 U o > m 6) a N n o Ai NI rt O O•< m 0 c Pt CD A, F-. 5 rt 0 cn 1-O 21 U o > Z n P o ht 7. rt CD •• is - t1 O n H CD Al H K N A) m n P r- t✓ x CD r- w NAME/ADDRE. OF OWNERS ci.i HI cn 1- + w 0 rn't1 ren ren "1 1-11rwh rt OCCUPANCY 0 o`A . o oM ccs1 o'° 0 - o\° o ow 01 o\° 0 o\° 0 ow 0 o\° PHYSICAL DEPRECIATI N o o,° N O ow o o\° N O o\° N o o\° H 0 ow r O ow 1-1 O off° O ow ECON . FUNC: DEP RE C I AT I OZONING 0 I N n n :d n n - n n CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS O COMMENTS "=1 .1 H o ''9 PI 1 1 t.0 t.0 0 rz1 '.j I 1 CO CO_ 0 ---. rr1 1 'zj 'T} 1j nj 1 1 1 1 COCOH 61 u1 ' h] hl I 11 w n r---. tl O c. rt x • n1 • w r O x tIj MAP CODE - rn m - w rn E H to H ,A u-' 0.) 61 w w rn cn E H O ,A n C H cn H cn H - tb C "i1 u) H t] H STREET ADDRESS Nr 1 r I� r H Z N t\. I n -.I W n r N 1 •• w I� r N z N „,01 o rh n r r H 1 .• CO II r N z N \ o HI cn r H H 1 r I r I r 0 M n r rn ri cn 0) cn H r Y' t-' r 1 CO I 1-' CO r r I- N N • • r I 1 N• H H •r O 1 I .A 1-11 o n H 1--h • o o n• rh Ifi • 0 n r+ r+ t rn H • - H o z o) z N H N N o - N N _ = r • O, N r r . In o 0 1-h H, n n • ti . r+ cnz n H g' W O - H Hr1-c 0 H to OPS '� _ • U2 cn ' H 0 ill H 0 DESCRIPTION CO (..) 01 O CO FA 01 0 -1 -1 'A 0 WN CO 0 0 'A CO 0 .A H �1 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 aM z H (. Z H N 01 �1 O N 61 -.1 0 'A Ui 'A v 0 - N 'A l0 0 0 N 'A 0 0 0 0) Co CO 01 0 U 0 H 0 H c (D rt O ft n o (OD H 0 H c CD cn rt m ft n 0 - N rt (D E - m n 0 '.c H 01 Fd H N (n - fi Pl - 7` 0 H- 0' 0 al 01 0 In i- PJ P �- 0' 0 R 0) G cn i o N• F'- r "rrt ro r • 0 H 0 1.0 • 5 0 0 it • H 1-1:1 (-1- • I f0D 27 U1 0 O ft 0 H @ �,n�'' H- 0 ro H'. • H, o, NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS Co HII frn;A P, n Ft k co HI i -t) OCCUPANCY o o\o 0 o'° FA op 001 o\o Cil 01 o\o FA o oho PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION c 01 oho 03 In oho O oho w o ow w 0 oho N o oho ECON. FDNC. DEPRECIATION O 0 1 ZONING 7J I H H 0 0 0 Pzi PiPROPERTY CLASS OF COMMENTS 0 I r.1 0 1 c 0 I Cn 0 0 1 1 , A W 0 I N 0 I H 010 r o n 0 1 H to 1 H (0 ,1 1 1 H H v 01 1 H 01 t H as. - - W Pli I H N- 0 1 t-, rt H • • •rj 0 r O n MAP CODE .. t-' 01 H H H Cr. W W • F' Cr' W H I---' 01 01 1.11 1-' I-' 01 01 -..1M H to 1 H H 01 01 1 W H to 1 Z 01 1-3 (7 a W 0 Ul W H 01 H 01 a x cn a • N N-,] -I (.11 )-3 O N x 1 a W F' Cn 0 a r o n ( a N Cn N N 01 •A N 01 .A H J a x Cn a STREET ADDRESS (n \ II11 0 ti .t. v N (n . H N. (.11= 1 0 r • •A ...,j.1 N (n 01 - I Z H 01 I n ti •A �I N (nz V1 • - 1 H N\ U1 1 1 z 0 H r \ 1 •A 0 --.1W. • N r • .A -.1 N (n H 1 N Z • H vi 0 r • •A ....1N N z ' 01 0- 1 z H \ In 1 n • .A --1 m \ I 0 r .A X . \ r • H 1 • 01 J H M • • H H 01 \ U10 1 Fn n • n r • • r --.11 .P W J W r r N w 1 1 • 0 r • • t-' ( �1 ( H H r n r . . ._ r N j II r • u -,1 H 1 W 1 . r N H 1 (71 Z Hi•A 0 h N Cn 0 O r M . •A Jv W r H r N 1 r 1--. Z N 01 t-, 4 W LEGAL DESCRIPTION CO- H 0 •A 0 �1 0 •A J J 0 00 W 0) 0 W .A 61 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 z H C.7 0 0 N O I-. 01 N 01 0 0 0 N 0 H 00 •A �I 0 H 0 W W 0 H 01 N J 0 1j1 H H 00 o Cn -1 0) H 0 01 H H (0 0 J to 0 01 0 C11 01 01 H 0 --I 01 (0 J 0 1 1 W (n CO .A 0 -I N .A 0 N 01 �I 0 .4 0 G 01 rt O d N- m szn W H- H G Al G w rt 0 ' I✓- m r 1 w P H- H G 0 G 0 rt 0 � H- m 20 H- H 1-1 0 H I,- m 0 rt H m m (D ( 0 O Iz1 O 0' H 5 (D ' N P K • n O 0 rt H- it H m ¢ H ,C H (3 O m CI" 0 0 n O 0 rt H- r1 H m H '-C k' H ( N m rt 0 0 x 0 E x mN (D K ,c m m N (D "C 0 z O H H ` 0 3 �, U ( (D rt a W 0 0' 0 a N ri ° al ((3 Fi n • 21 a H. N m d (D H Cl" H C Co rt rt n O . NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS rI m it m rt m w 't7 rt- (t CI n 10 rt 0 m n W (n F1 rt m m. ,A ' rt m OCCUPANCY Lri 01 ow u0l 0w 0 o\0 m o O\0 01 cri 0\0 o 0\O 01 e - 0 o 0 Ol0 PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION H o ow M o ow H 0 ow H 0 ow H o\" H 01 H o ow 03 0 CO 01 ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATION O 0 7 ZONING 1( H H n n 0 n 0 n n 0 0 0 CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS Z'� COMMENTS IJ m (J1 II. w N r :::: ADDRESS O N .A .A 1 1 6l O N Cn y m H Z ro CnJ N \ 1 n r ' .A m t-, N 0 A - J J Pcni H - 1 H 01 H N \ O to - n U. • 1 r H .P N 1 - .4 al. cn .'- .a H .P O ¢) CO1 - - I 0,M _ H 1 V.u\-� n r \ • Cr. 1 ,A 0 J • ti • z w - ,,,r I Z Z •. • H H V. n 0 n r r • .p J. .1. .P J .P z ,..k- 1 Z 1-- \ � 1 • r AN J .1, n F rt "C O 1-fl t7 e' ,0 ID tii K O tis 0 ti rt LEGAL DESCRIPTION N 6\ 0 O N m .A O Vt A m O W l0 W O W W O O trs DC 0 ' FCs rt EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 1 i Z H LD z z a i M H N Ui J H 0 N -.7 6) H 0 AN O . W .A 0 W .A J 0 0 W H W 0 0 H Cn H 0 O 'o Q, t-, :t 0 o a p0., . rt• rt m 0 m 0 O rD O w H- dG H. rt cn ti rt • n- rr tO N 1i a o rr O ¢ N O O O K cn 2�it rt .- N H• m 15 01 -• rn 0 0 ( ( "C fro CD W Z ti :< cA m ,t1 '< � W 0-' go Fln Iv c, H. ip x N.) LO r La o rt d m rt W 0 w rt > n H- "C o "' G NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS n o o 1- hil HI + H n 1-tir-n n X OCCUPANCY m o °\° vi ut 0\0 U' o °\° uri o`° tri o °\° PHYSICAL DEPRECIATIOi N the N VI o\o 1- o o\o N 0 0\0 N o ow ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATION 0 0 ZONING 1 < H F tri Pj;d 0 Zi x CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS COMMENTS -6z • r .A r r w N H x r Z vi 1 .A x w N x 1--' 0 7C MAP CODE N 1.0 f0 0 > M H r .,A o H z M H v1 H X Q.' H V1 01 01 H 01 J Co r 01 H H 01 LO w H z STREET ADDRESS t .1- 1 z • o Z 01• o - 1�1 n r J 0) M 1-'• r .A 01 J - ,. °� 1--.1 r • J 0 .A • 0) r .A 0) J ,A • 01 r H w 1 A. 1 til 1 0 r CO Ch - • I 0 LO • 01 r - HO 1 H Z • r .A -1 - 1 co N 0 - .A Z J • r 01 H - N - .(0 J - H 0 - - - 1 0 • r .A Z -1 H 01 01 - HO 1 cn w o .A co = 1 0 r Cn ,.N l0 . - N Z r u\i 1 0 ti • A. --] H z N m - 1 z 01 C� r .A J H LEGAL DESCRIPTION CO H O H A• w 0 Co 0) N 0 J (II N 0 —1 co H 0 01 w - J 0 A• O J 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 Q a m Z H C� 2 a W H CO J .A 01 o (.,./ J N O 0) H 0) w O to O 0) (11 O N l0 CO O O Co Co .A 0) O H CJ 1-- rpt 0 o O HI y cn (D (D 1'h 0 Ll C-1 X H M H- hi (D 5 0 - O O H n 0 H co N 0 z 0 H• (D G- (n rt • C -I x H M H• Hi (D 5 O0 O N n o H cn Nf011 o r• 0 H• (D G H ( rt •1 co CO H 0 G 0 -"-C3 Cl. 0 (D (0 O 11 '0 (n G 0 - N C U1 Q �- 0CD 0 r/ rt n ( Ol d 0 H rr • b 1-'• a (ter H• H " 0 rt CD CO CD H- I.1 U] C (D 0 0 O G 11 01 0 2i n • • hi sj (0 a H- n CD (1. 0 a • H. G vn 0 'x (D (1. ( N FO A0 n H• N H Gi 01 H• ' 0 (D Co H H (0 m H- - n0 CI) ( n° CD LCI o rt z m a 0 H (D r 0 Gi cn 0 IJ• t0 G (D w rt- H •• H w cn - � Cn 5 0 n ° o (D (:Z 1'1 fitQ (t c-, CDD 0 'Z 1-'- (D 21 H> H- Gt. m (D H H (n Z NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS 21 0 Cn G H n G G N fo r rr 1'0 r rt 0 el c A ' 0 n mo >0 (i 01 OCCUPANCY 01 cn 0\0 H o 0\0 U' o 0)0 U' (n o\0 0-1 to 0\0 U' o 0\0 PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION w 0 ow 0 ow H 0 60 - 0 60 0 ow H o ow ECON. FDNC. DEPRECIATIOD 0{ --- 0 1 ZONING 7J 1 H 1'' 01 X n 0 01 0 0 0 0 CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS -6z • X OD J 61 Ln }p W N r 11 t o Z 0 MAP CODE H O 0 H H W 0 A.01 H H H r 0� 01 d> 01 w w O 01 O qaazqS PMOI n H H- 01 (t W '•C J LL9T-TL9T S99T-6S9I ; PO -14S PMOI STREET ADDRESS "I'J-S /I' S -OZ 01 w •n m z• rn z z t 52 aY 1 r . . A I 1 • l0 Z Z 1 In A 1 CO • I 1 N \ • . cn w z 1 I (n n r H H H r 01 Cr. 01 Cn \ 1 1 In ,A cn n n W r r Z C • n r (n (n • .A w W 01 CFI lT� 1 W LA) Nerd NOSNOVr LEGAL DESCRIPTIOI. H, tai N N W ,A W W X N -] Cr. l0 J N N 5 H W Co W N W W W F10 J 0 0 0 Co 0 0 Pt 0 0 O LAND (''C[TTH aTUUTW) J eruuTw cn W rt1< O 0 I rt CA 1 0 0 U1 H 2s N -N CO K a, rn rn rh W Fh �• O Hh frh a' m ° 0 • 0 n- ; aazq s Poi N 01 01 N H O O O 'g PITea 5 '3 uuor 'qqaztPa BUILD— INGS 1.1 - co ,`T1 n1 0 Z > 01 01n H- 0 0 O H• H0 0 ,C 0 1 0 H (o O ▪ N 17 H 0 0 0 W (A r1, (n H rpt 5 tr r X U 0 0 Z hi O rr 0 rt 10 K H. h1 m m H 0 0 x C 11 P n. n H roN M M rt H. 0 0 H•0. n W W W to H. 121 r]' 1 H. `La 0 • H n 0 fi 0 n A kc H 0 1 v 01 a, H- H & W C w 1 M 0 n 01 A 1 Hi ((D Pi -J H ((DD > hi 0 W C 1 rt .A W O hi E tY K w (0 0 0 rt W rt rt rt 0 Ili m (n b xi~ 0 0 NAME/ADDRE` OF OWNERS OCCUPANCY In 01 In to 0 0 0 01 01 o`a w 0 oW 01 O o�Q PHYSICAL DEPRECIATI, N N N H O 0 O 0 0 0 0\0 0\0 coo 0\° ow 0 0 0 ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATIr O O 1\ 1H H ZONING U ;U n n U ;U t21 m n CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS COMMENTS z 1 H H z 1 H o zz 1 01 Z` 1 z 1 01 zz I 1 to 1 w z ,' 1 N H n z MAP CODE Co 01 1 CWi - W --1 1 v Cr, Z (n H 1-' In 0 I-, C't 0 _ H (51 0 0 I""' - 01 W .P H - Ci CI - CO H 01 -J N tt C' 0 H I- C1 (51 0 lo N .P H 0 Sv 1�r 11J @ 0 rt STREET ADDRESS n 01 .n t ' - • 1 1:7 d 1 01 1" . 1 A cn c - to N 0-1 1 1 • • H tl \ • N 1 .P LTJ In • P\ N to - - (0 N U1 „,\-'b,• 1 Cn N O\ 1 H. 01 1 •\ t-1 a. 01 .A .P Z 01 • N v _ 1 A i 1" to H \ U1 1 0 t-1 Z P •C.0• - i 1- " H 01 1n • t' 01 r.A 1 • H In L� . In .P 0 tri 0 I-,11 ti n1 \ 11 01 .P • n P H r ,A • 1 .A • • ¢ 1-• 0 a UI 1 - z H \1-' 01 n t'' tri a. 01 Z •• Nr I 1 Z Z H 01 UI 1 n • C t 4, In 01 .P LEGAL DESCRIPTION N CO 0) 0 W H 0 0 .A CO -.1 0 0 0 NJ 0 0 IT. 0) 0 •,P .A 1 al •P .A 0 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 i Qin z H � z z 1211 la 0 l0 O .A .A .P 0 N CO CO .A O 0) N .P A. 0 N OD L0 H 0 N `,0 0 Ol 0 W In H U1 0 - 0 J H 0 N -J .A W 0 W W H W .P. N N 0 0 0 1-1 4 CD 0 H P Z 1 W v H 01 = (0 0 n 4 -0 a)(D n 1- W Z 1 v (51 rt N' :.< 1:7 0 0 W . C o 0 W• to u td (D P1 PI rt 0 (D 1 PI 0 H - O Z CS -H- H o¢ 0 szi 0-I H- 5 r-1 c__I 0 0 E 0) 0 in rt G) tj (D CD Q rt P ri 01 n 1 la r-' :1: In 1.• 0) n 0(xD H I< 0- E n to Q.. rt N x rt• Q, P rt ''C 0 • • H. H 7 N ri W- 1 (n0 0 CI 1-1H 0-m ,q 4> m(• f21 01 P Fl 0 CD H Pa 0 H C{ W Ul PI In O (t Fl N H .A (D rt W N. 0 H. 0 (D n 0 > K N @ H O� H K r0 11 H 0 1-1 O O O 5> m P 0- 0 m m rt 0 rt 1:-, 0 R/ (D 0 C-1 0 el (D PI t1 0 0 n 0> 0 (0 • rt_• rt rt • • 0 NAME/ADDRESS OF OWNERS. rr t --t,+ N 0 1Ntl HIt-•t1 + H 0 HI w 1-11t-1, H 0 OCCUPANCY U, 0\0 O 0 ,'AJ, 0 N In 0 . .P In 0\0 01 o 0 m o 0\0 .A .A In In 0\0 0\0 PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION 0 0 60 0 0 ow 0 0 o\o 0 o\o 0 op 01 0\0 0 o\o C, 0 o\o co ECON. FUNC. DEPRECIATION 0 2d 0 Zi ZONING i CI-• H 01 n 7 n Pzi 0 n CLASS OF - PROPERTY COMMENTS NpI �0 n 1:1 w, to MAP CODE H I- N Ui 01 Co LOLf7T-OLi7T iZLbT-ZLtT 'ss Isnom .1s ,zsnoou z H H H H A A. W A • 0 H 0 '0 H Nr H .21 =IS 33nue STREET ADDRESS 'W'N=Z/T•S SLS' •`I'o-S/T 0) z z -i t, r N H N N 0 H t' t� \ - 1 H H I W • H • t'' C • _ H .A t -,r H H N N I I M A n n m - 0 m r, r A I m.J r A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION W to W W N A A 0) 0 0 0 W N l0 N H 0J W 0 0 N ., 0) W W W U1 W J ,A 6) 0 0 0 0 0 0 LAND • H N N 01 01 .A 0) 0 H 01 N H rn 0 H 0) O 0 W N 0 o o 0 0 0 U) 0 H M rr rt H W H N Ul 0 n r1 abeuoszed s,uuor uoznuo TedoosTdg s,uuor SOL- qsnooz ;snzs •zawv •Z ezegzeg /s'poaus AI 1=1 O I-• H Cl 0 H G D to 0 E r n 0 sz K to rr n O O fz ( • 01 N I (D H O A r 0 H N J r N 0 0 C N rt - w M o H. m 01 0 5 0 O 0 n secTuS LS9Z zzep gaagog :quoo) Brown, Howard W. & Corrine L. W W N W 01 O J N H 0) 0) W 0 0 J0 u0 0 0 0 JPnTE Grit' 0 0 0 0 0 •W eulTan s ;0TE 6bbT 'uezgaod 0 0- 0) H seTo4OTM Francis, Lee W.-198 Main St. BUILD— INGS r �y • r: r-3 F- H H O C; z \ r,, J C': 0 0. c.: NAME/ADDRE' OF OWNERS ( Cn ri, rh a1 H 0 O to rt, I -h 0 + 0 o N m ( HI Hr, H, ill 0 + + + H H FH 0 0 0 OCCUPANCY U1 01 01 Ul 0 0 dA 0Vo Cll .A 01 o'o CTS U1 Oho 0 of, U1 01 O 0 oW o\0 PHYSICAL DEPRECIATIi N 0 N H 0 0 oV) Oho H O 0 o\° oho w oW H 0 o\o 0 0 O\o oho ECON. FUNC DEPRECIATI 0 H ZONING r r z n n n n x x CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS I 1 N H 1 I W N 1-, 0 n 0 MAP CODE 001 H 0 MOI SZtt VMOI 'S HIST () () n CI) n Z r r r r H • N • \ N \ 01 .A .A .A 01 .A 1 01 rn C", GI I am n 1 N N W n W• 0 > m • r • >t-+tf rn W 0" W kF7 60T7T-LOtT H H H H 0) CO W 01 H H I nd' (JJ z z n o\" r it ar C7 A tl 1 1 • v 0 0 ti oo .A r r • ,A o .A .A 0 J J O O STREET ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTICI; a 1 O 0 N (fl (D N 21 N dl (1) 0 H 0 W CL H N CO J O o 0 LAND • H H 0 W CYN .A H .A J H CO CO J CO (0 0-, H 0 W W H l0 O 0 0 0 0 BUILD- INGS c r X C u; � H 1j H H 0 H (1. (0 U: J P7 �0 Ui Church and Parochial School 01 rt qoantiD Tpdooszda s,uuor H'1-1 < N r (D til H- n H raj Hp 0 •A O C .A H- P- Pi H O • N W X CO (D (D 7S' rt H. H u' Ili 1 0 E O H rt P.) K (D 0 (n 0 0 £ K o K n • H• W R Co Y d rt Ca 01 CZ K H (D O rt K M H. 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DEP HEC IAT IO' O 0 ZONING 01 tj t1 x x x CLASS OF PROPERTY COMMENTS gz - l i 1 1 c 01 / .A 1 1 W N 1 H L' 0 n C MAP CODE H 0 H o H o 1 H A 0) ott--rrii .\,-, H H 0 o tir 1 H N H > u) H tri H STREET ADDRESS z H H\ • 01 .0 I N n 1� t -i A 01 Ut H \ 01 1 n r 01 (n Z - N \ 01 I n .A cn (n LEGAL DESCRIPTIG: - - u)(.)u, N r Ln • H - CO •A - 0 U 1 • 01 Z • H O N \ u' p:' - I I(0 0 if) •• H \ ,A u, 01 1 u, nznco r r N • CO • 6r‘ • ,A N .A W U, - Ul CO to 1 u)01 Z 1 • w cn N • Q 'A N • - .A 1 J U) 1 cn H \ 1 H•A \ 01 cnZ N • N - H L0 \ . 1 1 0n r• .A \0 In 01 N U7 - CO --1 CO 0 .A W - 01 O N CO CO O (P H 6l 0 H ,A N 0 VALUATION/1979 ra a m H 0 z m H W -.) .A 0) 0 W W .A (0 0 W •A N N 0 W -- 1 CO (0 0 H H (0 Co N 0 7C7 rt 1-'• • H U) H O G W -• X N w rt 0 0 1 r O • G (J RI G K 0 0 -.G 0 H f-, W u) • r H > .A 0. N 0 C0 S ti\" (n H P) 0 U) O rt K K `C 0 (D r -I r1• • RI Z 0 0 0 F -C H H It .A K w 0 O [n til. rt H t5' K rt r 21 r N• H H 0 1 (r) (0 0 O K n O A) M H CZ O n N• 0 A) N b a H (D A) H C) H 0 0 w HI h] in • rt K in rt 0 K O- S•W- G (D 0 K 1 (1 ''i G 1-'• 0(1 N )-i '-.1 B • H -- . 0 0 rt H .A 0-7 ''d .A P) G H H p NAME/ADDRE: OF OWNERS • ")rn M + W 0 N N H' N 2) rt- OCCUPANCY 01 0 op as 01 op .A U o\o 01 cn o\o .0 O op PHYSICAL DEPRECIATIt H 0 60o\° N 0 N 0 o\o H o op H u, op ECON. FUNC. DEPRF.CIATIL ZONING H H 0 n CLASS OF PROPERTY - COMMENTS TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PURPOSE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA MEMORANDUM October 1, 1980 HONORABLE, MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL W. KENNETH GEARHART, CITY MANAGER '44' IOWA URBAN REVITALIZATION ACT APPLICATION TO DUBUQUE NEIGHBORHOODS This memorandum transmits a staff report on the Iowa Urban Revitalization Act and its application to Dubuque neighborhoods, and recommends initiation of proceedings on the designation of the Jackson Park Neighborhood as an urban revitalization area. BACKGROUND In 1979, the Iowa Legislature passed the Urban Revitalization Act, which provides incentives for the improvement of property in neighborhoods threaten- ed hreatened with decline. The staff has made an analysis of the Act and its potential application to our community development and historic preservation efforts. The attached report describes how the various incentives offered in the Act may work in support of our development needs. It notes that there are two principal incentives: a. The abatement of local property taxes on the value of improvements added to residential and conuuercial pro- perty. b. The potential availability of low-cost mortgage credit, primarily from the Iowa Housing Finance Authority. The report describes an overall area in which the Urban. Revitalization Act may apply for the purpose of qualifying the City for low-cost mortgage credit. We seek a concensus of the Council on the proposed strategy for ap- plication of the Act's provisions to Dubuque neighborhoods. Following that, the staff would then proceed with the additional work necessary to make the overall area designation "shelf -ready", in the event that low-cost mortgage credit should become available through the Iowa Housing Finance Authority. The report also describes the more immediate prospect of a Jackson Park Urban Revitalization Area. This Area has been singled out for immediate con- sideration because of the pendency of a major multi -family rehabilitation pro- ject, known as the Walnut Grove project. The staff would report to you on the current status of that project and of its relation to the tax abatement provi- sions of the Act. RECOMMENDATION The Urban Revitalization Act may offer new and important support for our community development objectives. Because its successful implementation will depend on the support of our local lenders and others, I recomend that you receive and file the report and refer it to yourselves for consideration in a work session in the near future. Since the Jackson Park Area has an immediate relationship to a pending rehabilitation project, I would recommend that the Council adopt the first of the two attached Resolutions, which declares the Area to be eligible under the terms'of the Act. The second Resolution, which is necessary to implement the provisions of the Act, makes reference to a proposed plan for the Area. This Resolution establishes a public hearing on the Plan for November 17, 1980, in the manner required by law. Setting the hearing date at this time would still afford the Council the option of adopting the Plan as proposed, reducing the size of the Area, tabling it for further consideration, or rejecting the Plan. We hope that we would be able to review this material with you at a work session prior to the public hearing. WKG:deb rr