Urban Revitalization - Washington St. Area Plan 03_23_81Washington St. Area .Plan City of Dubuque Department of Community Development Planning Division City Hall (Tel. 589 -42101 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................1 THE WASHINGTON STREET REVITALIZATION PLAN.............2 Location Zoning Land Use Resident Characteristics Municipal Services Area Problems REVITALIZATION GOALS.................................10 THE REVITALIZATION PROGRAM ...........................10 Applicability Definitions Tax Exemption Schedule APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURE ..................... 14 Relocation Provisions TIME FRAME...........................................16 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS.................16 RELATED PROGRAMS.....................................16 APPENDIX.............................................18 INTRODUCTION The Urban Revitalization Act was passed by the 1979 Iowa Legisla- ture, and became effective on July 1, 1979. The Act authorizes the City Council to designate areas of the city as urban revitalization areas. Improvements to qualified real estate within these desig- nated areas may receive a total or partial exemption from property taxes for a specified number of years. The exemptions are intended to stimulate private investment by reducing tax increases that usually attend property improvements. The Urban Revitalization Act also authorizes the provision of low interest credit by permitting the city to support issuance of tax-exempt revenue bonds for residential, commercial, industrial or non-profit projects within the revitaliza- tion areas. Finally, designation of urban revitalization areas allows the city to compete for Iowa Housing Finance Authority (IHFA) low-interest mortgage funds. Low-interest mortgage loans could then be secured for the purchase and/or restoration of revitalization area single-family homes. The tax abatement and low-interest credit provisions of the Urban Revitalization Act thus seek to stimulate property improvements, and thereby create a long-term increase or stabilization in the area's tax base. In this manner, the economic viability and neighborhood livability of revitalization areas are enhanced. In order to implement the provisions of the Urban Revitalization Act, the City must prepare a revitalization plan for each designated revi- talization area. The Act mandates specific criteria and procedures 1 that must be followed. An area must meet at least one of the follow- ing criteria in order to be eligible for revitalization designation. 1. The area is detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because a majority of the buildings in the area are dilapidated, over- crowded, unsanitary or undesirable for similar reasons. 2. The area is detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare because of tax delinquencies, defective titles, inefficient land uses or other similar conditions. 3. The area has a predominance of buildings or im- provements which, because of age, history, architecture or significance, should be pre- served or restored to productive use. The ensuing narrative describes the reasons for selecting the Wash- ington Street Area as an urban revitalization area, and also des- cribes the plan to be followed in an attempt to realize the potential benefits of designation. THE WASHINGTON STREET REVITALIZATION PLAN Location The Washington Street Revitalization Area encompasses approximately twenty-seven city blocks along the northern edge of the downtown business district. The Revitalization Area is bounded by Fourteenth Street on the south, by Elm Street on the east and by Twentieth Street on the north. Its western boundary is marked by the alley 2 between Central and Iowa Streets. Map #1 on page 4 highlights the location of the Washington Street Revitalization Area relative to the entire Revitalization Target Area as identified in the Urban Revitalization Program proposed for the City of Dubuque. Zoning Map 42 on page 5 depicts the existing zoning classifications in the Washington Street Revitalization Area. Approximately eighteen city blocks fall within an OR -1 (Office/Residential) Zoning District. The OR -1 Residential Zone is primarily a high-density dwelling dis- trict permitting mixed professional office use. This zoning class- ification is used as a buffer or transitional district between lower density residential districts and commercial or institutional districts. The Revitalization Area contains two commercial zoning districts. The C-4 (General Commercial) zoning classification applies to the properties which line Central Avenue between Fourteenth and Twentieth Streets and to the several properties along Twentieth Street between White and Washington Streets. The C-4 General Commercial Zone was created to accommodate the older commercial areas which surround the central business core of Dubuque. Permitted uses within the C-4 Zone include professional offices, banks, retail or wholesale stores excluding department stores, clubs, restaurants and bars. A C-2 Local Service Commercial Zone applies to the several properties along Twentieth Street between Washington and Elm Streets. The C-1 3 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA MEMORANDUM April 1, 1981 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: W. Kenneth Gearhart, City Manager( /l/0 SUBJECT: Revision to Proposed Washington Street t< Urban Revitalization Area PURPOSE This memorandum transmits a revision to a proposed Plan°,f'Ir the designation of a Washington Street Urban Revitalization`'-AT,'16 6 a Resolution finding necessity for the designation, and a_=-,J2esol u - tion setting a date for a public hearing on the Plan. BACKGROUND Staff had previously presented a proposed Washington Street Revit- alization Area Plan at the Council meeting of March 23, 1981. At that meeting, Hank Waltz of the Washington Neighborhood Council requested that a larger area than that recommended by Staff be in- cluded in the Revitalization Area. Staff advised that Council could consider the larger area without committing to the designa- tion of that entire area. DISCUSSION The Plan revisions reflect your instructions regarding consideration of an additional five and one-half blocks to the proposed Washington Street Revitalization Area, and represent all the documentation nec- essary to meet the requirements detailed in House File 81, the Iowa. Urban Revitalization Act. RECOMMENDED ACTION It is recommended that the Council approve the incorporation of the area revision in the proposed Washington Street Urban Revitalization Plan, and adopt the two resolutions finding the revised area to be eligible under the provisions of House File 81 and setting a date for a public hearing on the Plan for May 18, 1981. Fi B14 z I bit] 1L Washington St. �1r�� r�ian City of Dubuque Department of Community Development Planning Division City Hall (Tel. 589 -4210 OVERVIEW The purpose of this addendum is to incorporate an additional five and one-half blocks into the Washington Street Revitalization Area. The five and one-half block area is similar in character to that area originally delineated in the Washington Street Plan. THE AREA Location Addendum Map # 1 highlights the location of the five and one-half block area relative to the area originally proposed as the Washington Street Area. As indicated on the map, the five and one-half blocks extends the Washington Street Revitalization Area southward. Zoning Addendum Map # 2 depicts the existing zoning classifications in the five and one-half block area. Four city blocks fall within the C-4 (General Commercial) zoning classification. The C-4 General Commer- cial District was created to accommodate the older commercial areas which surround the central business core of Dubuque. The regulations of this District are designed to encourage the maintenance of exist- ing uses and the private redevelopment of new commercial uses. 'The regulations include a wide variety of permitted uses and liberalized bulk, yard, and parking requirements. Permitted uses within the C-4 District include professional offices, banks, retail or wholesale stores excluding department stores, clubs, restaurants and bars. Addendum 1 c ps "-� Addition To Washington Street Revitalization Area Existing Zoning 1p� The remaining one and one-half blocks fall within the L -I (Light Industrial) zoning classification. The L -I Light Industrial Dis- trict is intended to provide for industrial uses having a minimal impact upon the surrounding physical environment. Such uses are characterized by operations and activities which produce little or no smoke, noise, vibration, odor, or other potentially harmful emissions or by-products. Among the permitted uses are operations for the repair, service, or storage of vehicles, operations for the compounding, processing, and packaging of chemical products ex- cluding flammable or explosive materials, dairies, moving and stor- age companies, printing or publishing plants, and warehouses. Ido_ major zoning changes are anticipated for this five and one-half block area. Land Use Addendum Map # 3 depicts the existing land use in the five and one-half block area. The area is a mixed-use area of primarily residential and commercial development. The 1979 assessment rec- ords indicate a total of 137 dwelling units in the five and one-half block area. Included in this total are thirty-two single family homes, twenty-five duplexes, and twelve multi -family (three or more dwellings) structures. St. John's Lutheran Church is the one insti- tutional use within this area. Surrounding land use is primarily in- dustrial to the east, industrial/commercial to the south, commercial to the west, and residential to the north. Addendum 4 ST. —ST.— � uvl1U n u. �ONE� -ST II ADDENDUM ST - ix MA 'Nc� tZL —aj p \ems o2 \\ 0 \ t\�:7^L�\ 'i LINWOOD \ A'�S_t; CEME"EFti ST- � �L 10 — POTENTIAL tJRBAA birrALIZAT�fif�( „ `�i �\,��, TARGET, o \ i" r ` I q� r \ \ flp LIN06EPG Tt9 n E AGLE 3 / // / c'? PLEASANT `O'k••\ h� T / PU lJ T. O�F C:ARROL E w Ems\ y �<C/�JSC /st a gFFr T IRT - \.• 90 Oi _ \ 'C. •` q / CT. L N AVE. SPRING GREEN 9. �'p iP CT S71 J � oEST ~\✓' \ ti uJ 'k4h�� NAP` IE� ~ 1 TTAGE PL+J / kuNGEA"_ `' �'�F 1 3 \ro t� C0 m in ORI N REA C) ALMOND SLU 4 �... •\ 'P\ c^ Irm S �� LORAS t ED �6 5 Z'T COLLEGE \�t� �. p{/ y, o \A \ \ TION IN A p�r .a �O •,�\� \ \� - t. v 9� N P \ N \�J 0 \ t / o s tr \ 9 tN rj J /CE UE \ z � i o 1 Q MEIPOSE 7 h v FEN / /St• �St 44ge 11 1 > 11 FINLEY -op. I s p0 1 ,SS HOSPITAL �' z o M�•.��•M'J 1 n / a 2 JPO 51- KELLYS �D� I JC ESi`--J� a 7. s= P4QY yy1,l V 'ANG M'OA TM♦ \ � T IR AN RE U PR rE \C z OF DUBUQ e I En }� UNtT1f�`[ gvt _� l , - / ADDENDUM MAP 3 1p - Addition To Washington Street Revitalization Area -Existing Land Use Residential commercial Institutional industrial 24, Municipal Services A i The level of basic municpal services currently being provided to ,y this five and one-half block area appears adequate to meet exist- ing needs. The services include the provision of transit, sewer and water, garbage collection, street maintenance, and police and fire protection. There are currently no plans for significantly changing the city services provided this.area. THE REVITALIZATION PROGRAM The addition of the five and one-half block area to the Washing- ton Street Urban Revitalization Area necessitates several changes to the Revitalization Program as detailed on pages ten through seventeen of the main text of this Plan. These changes are specified in the following sections. Applicability In addition to the real estate described on pages ten and eleven, the tax exemption provisions set forth on pages eleven through sixteen of this Plan shall also apply to improvements made to qualified real estate assessed as either residential or commer- cial property that lies within the boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the centerline of White Street and the centerline of E. 14th Street; proceed easterly along the centerline of E. 14th Street to the intersection with the centerline of the alley between Elm Street and the westerly right- of-way of the Milwaukee Road and Chicago North- western Railroad; thence southerly along Addendum 6 the centerline of the alley east of Elm Street to the intersection with the centerline of East 13th Street; thence westerly along the center- line of East.13th Street to the intersection with the centerline of Washington Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Washington Street to the intersection with the centerline of East 12th Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 12th Street to the intersection with the centerline of White Street; thence northerly along the centerline of White Street to the intersection with the centerline of East 14th Street; which is the point of beginning. The appendix of the addendum lists the names and addresses of prop- erty owners and the current assessed valuations,by parcels, of all land and buildings within these boundaries. The land parcels are delimited on Addendum Map # 4. Definitions No changes are necessary in this section. Tax Exemption Schedule No changes are necessary in this section. APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURE In section 25, related to content of application, subsection (d) is changed to read as follows: (d) The tenants living on the property as of April 3, 1981 (The date of Council resolution citing the need for establishment of the Washington Street Revitalization Area). Addendum 7 0 • • PSS E ADDENDUM MAP 4 a Addition To Washington Street Revitalization Area City Assessor's Code BOOK • MAP• BLOCK• LOT 4 1 • 25 6 ro WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 1 OF 8 PAGES o U d. BOOK 4 MAP 1 N W W N `_ BLOCK 7 E. Dubuque CD _J C3 Cn Add.N12 Lot 122 EXISTING VALUATION/1979 Z ¢ $ 3,490 ASSESSED J V) H C7 co NA o Q V) CnQ W c1' O WZ Z Q O Hardie, Frank, v z = p V O N LI o` C -)w H Li V) Ln N U M 1 M/A 395 Villa. 2 1376 E. Dubuque Add. S2 Lot 122 5„72.0 35,440 McCarty, John R. & Regina 2F+1C LI M 1380 E. Dubuque Add.. N=2 Lot 123 M/A 1376 Washington 1390 Washington 3 1362 Washington E. Dubuque Add. S12 Lot 123 4,030 20,840 Becker, Louise C. 1F LI R E. Dubuque Add. N=2 Lot 124 M/A 1362 Washington 4 1340 Washington E. Dubuque Add. N.20' Lot 125 1,990 17,460 McCarthy, Michael D. 1F LI R Cont: Taylor, Dwight G. & Susan M/A 1340 Washington " 4A 1350 Washington E. Dubuque Add. S=2 Lot 124 2,570 15,370 Dempsey, Mary 1F LI R M/A 1350 Washington 5 1328 Bradley Washington Street Place 2,870 31, 010 Erhart, Robert G. & Toni 2F LI R 132812 Washington Lot 2 M/A 1328 Washington 6 1302 Washington Bradley Washington Street Place 7,090 24,600 Wolff, Clark 1 Apt LI M Lot 1 M/A 1302 Washington Store 7 353 E.'Dubuque Add. Wz Lot 137 5,180 NA McMahon, Clarence D & Madonna M. V LI M 363 E. 13th St. Cont: Clark W. Wolff M/A 1302 Washington 8 1305 Elm St. E Dubuque Add. r12 of Lot .1:37 4,080 35,730 Klein, Adella 1 Apt LI M M/A 1305 Elm Street Tavern 9 1327 Elm St. E. Dubuque Add. S12 Lot 138 2,570 15,580 Bandy, Barbara L. 1F LI R M/A 1327 Elm St. 10 1337 Elm St. E. Dubuque Add. 17=2 Lot 138 2,570 22,580 Koenig, Theresa J. 1F+1C LI R M/A 1337 Elm St. CODE: m/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 2 OF 8 PAGES ����. 1•j/h-ITULINU, V - VHI,NIVI, r -I -I IILY, t;-UUNVLRS10N, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED o` a t~- VALUATION/ 1979 0 L) U CD („ W- W J Ln Q (N (n Q �. W� = Q C, C� (/7 O � J N W Li. = W LY O W O C3 2f .W. Ln Lo< W W J O Q Z d p U Q J CO + Z Q O O N J S U 1F+1C LI R 'll 1351 Elm St. E. Dubuque Add.S=2 Lot 139 2,570 20,740 Troester, Bernice Cont: Wm. G. & Mary E. Kehl M/A 1351 Elm St. 12 1355 Elm St. E. Dubuque Add. N2 Lot 139 2,570 15,620 Hardison, Harriet 1F+1C LI T� M/A 1355 Elm St. 13 1371 E. Dubuque Add.Lot 140 4,020 28,800 Peil, George & Doris 1F+1C LI I R 1373 Elm St. M/A 1371 Elm St. - 14 1389 Elm St. E. Dubuque Add. Lot 141 5,720 30,620 Meissen, Vernonica 1F+3C LI M M/A 1389 Elm St. 300K MAP BLOCK 4 1 16 E. Dubuque Add.E 56' Lot 52 5,360 35,890 Haugen, Lawrence H. 4F C-4 M 1 244 234 M/A 805 Montcrest St. 232 E. 14th St. 2 1398 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. W 40, Lot 52 3,710 30,250 Kuhl, Mary M. 1F+1C C-4 R Cont: Geo. M. & Betty S. Pfiffner M/A 1398 Jackson 3 1366 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. N12 53 2,570 16,380 Geordt, Agnes 1F C-4 M/A 1366 Jackson 4 1364 Jackson E. Dubuque Add.S=2 53 2,570 30,750 Reittinger, Robt. J. & Marian 1F+1C C-4. M/Z 515 Maplewood Ct. 5 1360 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. N-22 54 2,570 29,520 Houg, Dennis V. & Lou Ann 1F C-4 R M/A 1360 Jackson 6 1344 Jackson E. Dubuque Add -S-2 54 4,020 29,020 Sawvel, Carl L. & Margaret 1F C-4 R E. Dubuque Add -N'-2 55 M/A 1344 Jackson 7 1328 Jackson E. Dubuque Add -S-2 Lot 55 2,570 28,150 Gross, Gertrude R. 1F+1C C-4 R Life Est. Adam J. Boxler M/A 2466 Cherry St. ����. 1•j/h-ITULINU, V - VHI,NIVI, r -I -I IILY, t;-UUNVLRS10N, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 3 OF 8 PAGES CURE: M/A-MAILING, MACANT, F -FAMILY; C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. Q o EXISTING ASSESSED i Woa VALUATION/1979 0 U C7 U i Z Ln ¢ V)cn Z Q 0-4 U - W W WCY J QU MJtn � W W F W LYOW = C.7 Z ►- (n Q I— (n cZ LU Uj LS to ¢ Z .1 Z U UO Z Q N J D J co Z Q Q Q N J U 8 1318 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. Nz Lot 56 2,570 29,340 Pottebaum, Joseph & Francis 1F+1C C-4 R Cont: Marcellus J. Pottebaum M/A 1318 Jackson 9 1308 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. 52 Lot 56 2,570 35,160 McConnell, James P & Freda 1F+1C C-4 R M/A 1308 Jackson 10 I3�9 E. Dubuque Add. Lot 67 5,720 29,980 Klauer, James J. 3F C-4 , M 1313 M/A 2001 Alta Vista 11 1325 Washington E.. Dubuque Add. Lot 68 3,280 19,070 Bitzburger, Lester P. 1F C-4 R M/A 1325 Washington 12 E. Dubuque Add. S_21r2" Lot 69 1,350 1,170 Bitzburger, Lester P. Garage C-4 R L3 1355 Washington E. Dubuque Add.N 30' Lot 69 2,970 24,220 McCarthy, Dennis & Marlene 1F C-4 R M/A 1355 Washington L4 1395 Washington E. Dubuque Add.Lot 70 + Lot 71 11,480 44,520 O'Mara, Joseph J. & Helen 1 Apt. C-4 M Cont: Donald C. & Wesley W. Heitzman M/A 944 Indian Ridge 1F+1C _ ROOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 17 Sub of Lot 52-E. Dubuque Add. 3,590 36,090 Leute , Bernice M. 2F C-4 1 212 206 E. 13th St. Lot 1 M/A 212 E. 13th St lA 1290 Jackson Sub Lot 57-E. Dubuque Add.Lot 2 4,120 38,260 Dubuque Elec. Motor Service, Inc Store C-4 M/A 1290 Jackson 2 1276 Jackson E. Dubuque Add.Nli Lot 58 2,570 22,430 Mullady, Bernard E. & Elizabeth 1F C-4 R M/A 1276 Jackson 3 1266 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. Sz Lot 58 3,820 361250 Helser, Esther Slp Rms. C-4 M E. Dubuque Add.N 1'6" -Ni Lot 59 M/A 1266 Jackson 1 Apt. 4 1250 Jackson Sub of E. Dubuque Add.S 241 - 2,240 26,630 Lochner, Harrison F. 1F C-4 R Nl� of Lot 59, Lot 1 M/A 1250 Jackson CURE: M/A-MAILING, MACANT, F -FAMILY; C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. 0 i • 0+ Z EDITH ST. ST. II \P� <,Ia+► _ — — — — ARC w IIS ONEIL sT• g1IJ aS7 .II \`\ per* ^,!, \,yq ♦♦♦♦ G,ysGROVELA�D PL- 7H ` N II -MAP S�•� R,\� ♦♦ \ q�� \ A� i LINWOO `♦ \.\� hS-♦♦ \ F O�% LAWIHERS ; CEMETERY ti . • \ ♦ ;;< : P _TILL ARCHrrM-T 3RAL D14TRI o� i \/ s��� coo\ \ ♦ T 4,c� 4 '— � I_ _ �� 25� `♦ �--� A VITALIZAT / i �' \- 7 4�FYo \ ♦� . 39[J GI�\r�i LINDBERG /� \ p�T s 5% ♦ \ , CSS C2 H NN P� 3 —� /// / 4 N '� Cy \ r <� 1 , \\ � ♦♦♦ � c^\\ O OI EAGLE G _ /� ti0 ♦ 1 S FIEF o > > /i / T A. GR< �� �/ ♦ ♦ v PLEASANT w / Q' Nt ♦ 9 S2 PLEAS Pim / 4 � `� h� �GTp � LEPsp ♦ \ ♦♦ Q 0 � ST. I, // �.. ,, . �/ �� G<k\�/ � T NAM P VY� ♦ \ � , '.� r '\ 'V <�Z (� I ' F4 / .. - Qe/ (�� c �p ®♦ � � � ♦♦ PD \ ;SON ,� �` i / 0 EIGHBOR M E A9ROL ♦ \ \ ♦♦ E4+ 6 q �� �SC /, ST r _ 1 �N NP�c F c �A ♦♦ � \,, 5 � \ P I //� yG T, -- _ pR/ __ . _ MO L� , ,�, ffi:T�b.. ♦ 5 ♦ �. 169// B /� URT \R T. F::;Cn ♦ Ate k/LO / S AVE, SPRING GREEN , •.,.. � O , �- /' • I DRTH _QLVSU � •� 9� � 5� O ;♦ \ \ O 5Z- kN/FST / / " � ST 2�� 2 �'O �• 2 / S /.., t C+ 2 ♦ \ T - PACK RD' mONTCREST 4 N y� ♦ `. \ 2 \ NAPIER ST TTAGE PL. = D NBfRGTmo -- 2 ♦i t WASF LO REVITALIZ ON_AREA� _-- G �O Ni ALMOND S Fn Ell z � EVENTH U � \ -1 11 LORS N SZ COLLEGE 5t \a( \\• i \ 00 ? Za y P 2 I -------------------------------------------------- E A S T 20 th 0 n D m ST -------------e 1 1 1 2. e 1 1 E A ST 19th ST. r --T--7 D n � N Z Z E AST -i 18 th E A S T E A ST 15 th FE�ll I- I �� hNm Em Im -w-r- mom, 19 URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA ------ EXISTING ZONING WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 E I I � I I I �1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 I I I I I NORTH (n CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA district permits commercial uses that service adjacent residential neighborhoods. Included among the permitted uses are professional offices, smaller retail stores, grocery stores, and repair shops. No major zoning changes are anticipated for the Washington Street Area. Land Use Map #3 on page 7 depicts the existing land use in the Washington Street Revitalization Area. While residential development is the dominant land use, commercial uses, such as the small businesses that line Central Avenue and the businesses/offices scattered among the residences, also contribute to the overall character of the Area. The 1979 assessment records indicate a total of 531 residential dwelling units in the Washington Street Area. Included in this total are 136 single-family homes, 82 duplexes, and 231 multi -family dwelling units. The single-family homes and duplex structures are concentrated primarily along Jackson and Washington Streets. The remaining 231 dwelling units are scattered among seventy-nine commercial/multi-family structures. Twenty-one of these structures contain residential dwellings only, while the remaining fifty-eight structures accommodate mixed residential -commercial business uses. Many of these mixed-use structures are found along Central Avenue. Occupancy of these buildings is generally characterized by small businesses or offices on the ground floor and apartments on the second and third floors. 3 Tenancy figures reflect the predominantly multi -family character of Revitalization Area residential development. An estimated sixty-eight percent of the City's total occupied housing stock is owner -occupied and thirty-two percent is renter -occupied. In contrast, approximately thirty-five percent of the occupied units in the Washington Street Area is owner -occupied while sixty-five percent is renter -occupied. Municipal policies will be primarily directed at maintaining and enhancing the residential Quality of the Washington Street Area. In addition to the residential and commercial land uses, institu- tional uses within the Revitalization Area include two churches. While there are no parks within the Area boundaries, Jackson Park, at Sixteenth and Iowa Streets, is just outside the Washington Street Area. No major changes in land uses in the Washington Street Revitalization Area are anticipated in the near future. Resident Characteristics The Washington Street Revitalization Area is comprised of predomin- antly moderate income households. The 1970 U.S. Census indicated an Area population of approximately 1400 persons. Elderly residents comprised an estimated twenty-one percent of the Area population, in comparison to a thirteen percent elderly population city-wide. The 1974 R.L. Polk, Profiles of Change, data reaffirms the moderate income character of the Washington Street Area households. The Polk data placed the 1974 mean income of Area households at just eighty-six percent of mean income of Dubuque households as a whole. M It is not expected that the income position of Washington Street Area households, relative to Dubuque households as a whole, is improved today. Municipal Services The level of basic municipal services currently being provided to the Washington Street Area appears adequate to meet the Area's existing needs. The services include the provision of transit, sewer and water, garbage collection, street maintenance, and police and fire protection. The service levels for the Washington Street Area are comparable to those of most other neighborhoods in the City. There appear to be no conditions within the neighborhood (e.g. burglary, arson, traffic accidents, etc.) that would dictate a measurable increase in service level at this time. Area Problems The Washington Street Area is currently experiencing the incipient erosion of its housing stock. Many of the residential structures are over one -hundred years old, with the structural and functional systems of many of these units worn or obsolete. There are numerous instances where deferred maintenance has resulted in the visible deterioration of buildings. The limited number of owner -occupied units also appears to contribute to the lack of continued quality of the Area's housing stock. 9 REVITALIZATION GOALS The Washington Street Area contains a predominance of older structures that are worthy of preservation, and a number of deteriorating build- ings whose condition indicates substandard housing. In an effort to stem the deterioration of these housing resources, it is appro- priate that the Washington Street Area be designated as an Urban Revitalization Area. The design and implementation of the Washington Street Urban Revitalization Plan focuses on the preservation and restoration of the Area's existing housing stock. In this manner, the Plan seeks to halt and reverse the erosion of the property tax base and to improve the residential quality of the entire Revitali- zation Area. REVITALIZATION PROGRAM Applicability The tax exemption provisions set forth on pages 11 through 16 of this Plan are applicable only to improvements made to qualified real estate assessed as either residential or commercial property that lies within the boundaries described as follows: Beginning at the center line of East.14th Street and the center line of the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa Street; proceed northerly along the center line of the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa Street and continue northerly along the center line of Heeb Street to the inter- section with the center line of the platted alley west of Central Avenue; thence northerly along the center line along the platted alley west of Central Avenue to the northwest corner of lot Sub. C.L. 438, 10 439 and part of 676 SZ Lot 1; thence easterly along the northerly lot line of lot Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 676 S, Lot 1; extended easterly along the center line of East 20th Street to the inter- section with the center line of Elm Street; thence southerly along the center line of Elm Street to the intersection with the center line of East 14th Street; thence westerly along the center line of East 14th Street to the intersection with the center line of the alley between Central Avenue and Iowa Street, which is the point of beginning. Appendix A contains the current assessed valuations of all land and buildings within these boundaries with parcels delimited on the map on page 20. The names and addresses of area property owners are also included. Definitions "Qualified real estate" means real property, other than land, which is located in the Washington Street Revitalization Area and to which improvements have been added, during the time the Area is so designated, which have increased the actual value by at least fifteen percent, or at least ten percent in the case of real property assessed as residential property or which have, in the case of land upon which is located more than one building, and not assessed as residential property, increased the actual value of the buildings to which the improvement has been made by at least fifteen percent. "Improvements" include rehabilitation and additions to existing structures. However, if such rehabilitation or additions were 11 begun one year (365 days) prior to the adoption by the City Council of the Washington Street Revitalization Area Plan, the value added by such rehabilitation or additions will not constitute an increase in value for purposes of qualifying for property tax exemptions under the Urban Revitalization Act. Any improvements that were assessed before the area was officially designated will not be eligible for exemption. Improvements to an existing structure must result in that structure meeting applicable housing code requirements of the City of Dubuque. The "actual value added" by the improvements means the actual value, as determined by the local assessor, as of the first year for which the tax exemptions are received. "Qualified tenant" means the legal occupant of a residential dwelling unit which is located with a designated revitalization area and who has occupied the same dwelling unit continuously since one year prior to the City's adoption of the resolution establishing the revitalization area. Tax Exemption Schedule The owners of qualified real estate eligible for the property tax exemption may elect to take the applicable exemptions listed below. Once an exemption has been selected by the property owner and granted by the City, the owner is not permitted to change the exemption. 12 1. All qualified real estate assessed as residential property is eligible to receive an exemption from taxation based on the actual value added by the improvements. The exemption is for a period of ten years. The amount of the exemption is equal to a percent of the actual value added by the improvements, determined as follows; one -hundred percent of the value added by the improvements. However, the amount of the actual value added by the improvements which shall be used to compute the exemption shall not exceed $20,000 and the granting of the exemption shall not result in the actual value of the qualified real estate being reduced below the actual value on which the homestead credit is computed under Section 425.1 of the Code of Iowa. 2. All qualified real estate assessed as commercial property, consisting of three or more separate living quarters with at least seventy-five percent of the space used for residential purposes, is eligible to receive an one -hundred percent exemption from taxation on the actual value added by the improvements. The exemption is for a period of ten years. 13 APPLICATION AND REVIEW PROCEDURE 1. The property owner must apply for an exemption by February lst of the assessment year for which the exemption is first claimed, but not later than the year in which all the improvements are first assessed for taxation. 2. The application must contain, at a minimum, the following: (a) The nature of the improvements, (b) The cost of the improvements, (c) The actual or estimated date of completion, (d) The tenants living on the property as of March 23, 1981 (the date of Council resolution citing the need for estab- lishment of the Washington Street Revitalization Area), (e) The exemption option to be applied. 3. The property owner has the option of submitting a proposal for an improvement project to the City prior to submitting a formal application. If the proposed project is in conformance with the revitalization plan, the City Council shall, by resolution, give preliminary approval of the project. Such preliminary approval shall not entitle the owner to exemption until the improvements have been completed and found to be qualified real estate.. If the proposal is rejected, the owner may submit an amended proposal for the City to approve or reject. 4. The City reviews all applications to determine whether a proposed project conforms to the revitalization plan, is within the desig- 14 nated area, and if the improvements were made during the appro- priate time period. If a proposed project meets all three cri- teria, the City shall forward the application to the assessor by March 1st, with a statement as to which exemption applies. Applications for exemptions for succeeding years on approved projects shall not be required. S. The local assessor shall review each first-year application by making a physical review of the property, to determine if the improvements made increased the actual value of the Qualified real estate by at least fifteen percent, or at least ten per- cent in the case of real property assessed as residential property. If the assessor determines that the actual value of that real estate has increased by at least the requisite per- cent, the assessor shall certify the property valuation, deter- mined pursuant to the tax exemption schedule, to the County Auditor at the time of transmitting the assessment rolls. The assessor shall notify the applicant of the determination, and the assessor's decision may be appealed to the local board of review at the time specified in Section 441.37 of the Iowa Code. The property owner may also refile an application in a subsequent year after additional improvements have been made. 6. After the tax exemption is granted, the assessor shall continue to grant the tax exemption, with periodic physical review by the assessor, for the ten-year time period specified in the tax exemption schedule. 15 Relocation Provisions A qualified tenant may apply to the City for relocation compensation if he becomes displaced due to the action of a property owner attempting to qualify for the urban revitalization tax exemption. Upon verification of such an application, the City shall require the persons causing the qualified tenant to be displaced to pay all actual relocation expenses and one month's rent as conditions for receiving a tax exemption. TIME FRAME The designation of the Washington Street Area as an Urban Revitali- zation Area will remain in effect until it is determined that the revitalization goals of the neighborhood have been attained. A three to five year time frame is anticipated for the Washington Street revitalization designation. Upon repeal of the ordinance establishing the revitalization area, all existing exemptions would continue until their previously established expiration date. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE BONDS I,I Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (IDRB's) will be made available N on a case-by-case basis for revitalization area projects that involve the rehabilitation of structures for multi -family residential use. RELATED PROGRAMS The City of Dubuque presently has three active programs which pro- vide subsidies for residential improvements and are available to the Washington Street Area. These programs are: " 1. Community Development Block Grant Rehabilitation Grants and Loans -- Available to qualifying low and moderate income homeowners. 2. Section 8 Rent Subsidy -- Available to qualifying low and moderate income renters. 3. Section 312 Loan Program -- Low-interest rehab- ilitation loans available to qualifying homeowners. Other programs that the City may choose to participate in or encourage include: 1. Iowa Housing Finance Authority (IHFA) -- Low-interest mortgage loan program for the purchase of single- family homes in designated urban revitalization areas. The City will seek a mortgage fund commitment from IHFA as funds become available. 2. Section 2124 of the Tax Reform Act of 1976 -- Provides federal income tax deductions on the cost of certified rehabilitation to certified historic structures. 3. Section 315 of the Revenue Act of 1978 -- Provides federal income tax credit on rehabilitation invest- ments. 17 ------------------------------_37 ------ —-------- ----- Ig —" E A 20 th ST. � -� 18 1,2 1 12 1 11 1 9 17n 3 3 11 2 10 2 16 m 4 N Ll 3 • 9 3 6 7 8 i • 8 15 5 9 6 17 7A 4 5 6 g --1 � 14 � j l E A ST 19th ST � I 1f-A l !1 I1, 12 2 2 15c\j N2;_ g3 14 15 D 10 ni n31 �'�'713 3-3 10 m• IIA co = 8 • 12 1 7 7 II E5! 10 4 z -- L- i 9 z c, 9 I e 9 E AST 18th �T 8 o ai i 7 3 2 1 16 1 10 I 23 22 2 z ; I 6 4 15 2 0 I f 6 2 3 I Ig I 1 5 4 716 6 • 12 3 8 6 14 ♦ i 3 7 II 4 ° 7 • 5 t 12 5 6 5 A 9 3 i I _ � ♦--I E A S T 17 th S T. i —ii 6 1 13 I 14 2 I 20 I13 19 1 i 5 _ 2 �12 2 1 3• 18 11A o ¢ 3 I-1-r—II 4 9 II 4 5 • 16 3 1 10 --1 m 7 • 10 9 5 7 5 • I 7 • i5 134 4 i s- z ' 8 2 8 i ----i � 8 8 9 n 6 7A j E A S T 16 th ST o � 7 I I 2 I 1 21 20 2 I e 5 12 m 4 r— 3 13 7 • 3 In 10 •4 • .16 17 2 , 5• 9 • 5 ♦ II 15 I 7 • 8 7 9 13 I � • 5 T. E A ST 15th ST i 1; 8 3 I 14 1 14 1 2 191 17 18 1 15 i 6 4 2 12 3 416 12 it 13 4 05 T 5 11 3 • 1 7 14 5 • 1 i 3 • 10 48 1 8 js13 6 • i 9 • 7 9 10 7 7A 8 5 6 10 II • I I 8 9 i 1 i I --------------------------'r7-1 5—i------------ ------- � URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA ---- CITY ASSESSOR'S CODE 11/80 WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD BOOK—MAP-BLOCK LOT 4 1 12 8 NORTH \ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 1 OF 42 PAGES w O O U d i Ln F- N W W W CL' � D Cn < _ CD .� J Q CD CD N J EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979> i H cn Q = Z �--� coCD �-+ O Z Cn cC N Ln W U_ Of: W LL p W Q O D. Z Q O U Z Q 0- = U p C3 _ Z O N c Q L' - Q C.L BOOK MAP BLOCK 1 26 4 Kennedy Central Avenue Place 4,810 39,600 Love, Philip R. M/A 84 Main Apts. C-4 M 1 1701 Central Tavern lA 1701 Central Kennedy Central Avenue Place 450 N.A. Love, Philip R. M/A 84 Main Bldg. C-4 M Lot 'A' overlaps 2 1715 Central C.L. 675 N.38'-2" Lot 6 5,070 40,220 Welu Inc. M/A 1685 Central 4 apts. C-4 M Shop 3 1735-1737 Central Sub. C.L. 675 S.38' Lot 5 5,070 42,790 Giesler, James R. Store C-4 M M/A 520 Clinton 4 1739-1749 Central Sub. C.L. 675 N.37' Lot 5 4,930 16,520 Koehler, Mildred Cartigny Shop C-4 M M/A 556 W. 17th St. 5 1763 Central Sub. of C.L. 675 S.22'-11" 3,070 35,620 Koehler, Mildred Cartigny 4 apts. C-4 M Lot 4 M/A 556 W. 17th St. Store 6 1781-1783 Central Sub. C.L. 675 4,130 N.A. Koehler, Mildred Cartigny et.al. Vacant C-4 M Sub. C.L. 675 S.13'-11" M/A 556 W. 17th St. S.15'-8" Lot 3 Contr. Leslie & Mary Toth 532 W. 17th St. 7 Sub. C.L. 675 N.1'-9" 2,720 N.A. City of Dubuque Vacant C-4 EX. S.15'-8" Lot 3 Sub. C.L. 675 N.27'-8" 8 1791 Central Sub. of C.L. 675 except the 3,750 16,680 Kruse, Edward & Kathleen 1 fam. C-4 R n n 11 . i n N.15" Lot 2 2304 Eagle Shed W UL. 1"1//A-ru+iLiNU, MACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 2 OF 42 PAGES LU CD d WQ 0 o U CD Ln - 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 m 0 J N Z CD Q m 0 Z N W U- W Of O W i � Z z Q O d U p CJ Z to U -)N p d N U 9 Sub. C.L. 675 Lot 1 3,340 N.A. Molo Oil Company M/A 41 Main Vacant C-4 M 10 1805 Central Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 17,750 40,000 City Engine House Firehous C-4 EX 676 E.120' of Lot 8 City of Dubuque Sub. C.L. 438,439 and part of 676 Lot 9 Sub. C.L. 438,439 and part of 676 Lot 10 11 1865 Central Sub. C.L. 438-439 and part of 25,240 64,400 C & W Imports, Ltd. Shop C-4 M & 676 M/A 1865 Central Paving 12 N.40' of E.100' of Lot 7 Sub. C.L. 438-439 and part of 676, S.24' of E. � of Lot 7 13 1879-1881 Central Sub. C.L. 438 & 439 and part of 8,210 17,260 McDonald, George L. Apt. C-4 M 676 Lot 5 M/A 1204 Mt. Loretta Ave. Store Contr. Joan A. Humke Skeie M/A 1229 Rhomberg Ave. Contr. Carroll C. Clark M/A 1614 Lincoln 14 1889 Central Sub. 4 C.L. 438 and part of 14,570 21,840 Block, Donald R. & Mary C. 2F + 6C C-4 M 188912 676 Lot 1 M/A 584 Ginger Ridge 1895 Contr. David M. & Kelli A. Farber M/A 3020 Barony Dr. 15 1913-1915 Central Sub. C.L. 438,439 and part 676 12,640 24,260 Cooper, Herman R. & Diane J. 1F + 1C C-4 M Sub. 4 C.L. 438,439 & part 676 M/A R.R.4 2F + 2C ron[ KA/A KAAT1 Teen �l,-ru�lLliVu, V-VAUANI, F-i-AMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 3 OF 42 PAGES (,UUL: IYI/A-PIHILINU, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED G LU VALUATION/1979 0 o O N I-- CnJ W W 1 c= Ln to Q ti. CL LU r -')LU n�¢ U coN 0 0 J N w IL = LTJ 0. O W Z L} Z (n Q h- � cn < U-1 LU J Z QD Q ZD ZZ L. O Z U - N Q J CO Q Z Q O p C3 U 16 1919 Central Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 5,200 30,190 Husemann, Ernest B. & Mary Ann E. 1F + 1C C-4 R 676 S' Lot 2 M/A c/o Occupant, 1919 Central 17 1959 & 1959 Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 5,200 18,660 Damaso, Maximo C. & Celestina N. 2F C-4 R Central 676 N� Lot 2 /A 3449 Crestwood 18 1961 Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 10,530 88,360 Damaso, Maximo C. & Celestina. N. Apt. C-4 M 1965 Central 676 Sl-, Lot 1 /A 3449 Crestwood Store 19 -- Sub. C.L. 438, 439 and part of 10,530 N.A. Maxwell, Gerald W. et. al. Vacant C-4 M 676 Nlz Lot 1 /A 31 32 33 BOOK MAP BLOCK 1 35 6 C.L. Lot S.31'-2" of S. 1/5 of 5,840 46,720 Beaves, Richard C. Store/ C-4 M 1 1603 & 1603 Central 452 M/A 220 State 5 apts. 2 1627 & 1627 C.L. N.20' S 1/5 of 452 4,910 23,960 Markey, Clara 2F C-4 Central C.L. S.25'-6" S.M 1/5 of 452 A/K/A Mrs. Clara Farr R M/A 1800 Lombard Street (,UUL: IYI/A-PIHILINU, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 4 OF 42 PAGES 11/tA-VIAILINU, V-VHUhm, r-1-AMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED C` I-- w VALUATION/1979 D CD V) V)Z Ln U U - U w W wa: JCr_1 Q C- M Q Ln Ln w LL CL Q d C I U- `-- d 0 J V) w LY p w Z A V) N c= J D ¢ CD Z Q O p CD N Q P () 3 1633 & 16331 C.L. N1i S.M. 1/5 of 452 4,800 42,020 Berg, Robert F. & Mary Office/ C-4 M Central M/A 1654 Marmora Apts. Contr. Berg, Ralph & Bonnie M/A 1633 Central 4 1643-16431, C.L. M 1/5 of 452 8,060 29,250 Potts, Gene J. Office/ C-4 M 1645-16451 M/A 3285 Theda 2 apts. Central 5 1671 Central C.L. NM 1/5 of Lot 452 8,060 60,570 Welu, Inc. M/A 1685 Central Office/ C-4 I Shop 6 1685 Central C.L. N 1/5 of Lot 452 8,060 2,420 Welu, Inc. M/A 1685 Central Paving C-4 I BOOK MAP BLOCK 1 35 10 C.L. S 1/5 Lot 451 15,660 113,340 Julien Improvement Apts/Off, C-4 M 1 1501 Central M/A 1523 Central 2F 2 1527-1533 C.L. SM 1/5 Lot 451 9,590 132,510 P & H Investments Apt.12 C-4 M Central M/A 30 S. Locust Store 3 1543 & 154312 C.L. S28' of M 1/5 451 5,250 32,170 Sullivan, Thomas G. Apt. C-4 M Central M/A c/o Occupant, 1543 Central Store 4 1555 & 155512 C.L. N23.2' of M 1/5 Lot 451 4,340 43,840 Larsen, Dennis G. & Beverly A. Apt. C-4 M Central M/A 830 Valentine Tavern Contr. Kersch, Thomas H. & Jeannie M/A 740 W. Locust rnnr. RA/n RAA TI rein 11/tA-VIAILINU, V-VHUhm, r-1-AMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 5 OF 42 PAGES ����: n/H—Mi LINO, V-VAUANI, h-t-AM1LY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED C o VALUATION/1979 0 Q of— N V) W W J� ¢z Ln z i d w� �O Q U UjN D D __j (n Z CD W W tYO W � ZD Z v � v~i¢ �o ¢ �z J �M Z ¢a 3 C c/ a m �-+ Z d O p oz N - C� 5 1563 Central C.L. NM 1/5 451 9,560 30,130 R -L Building Associates Warehouse C-4 M M/A 1563 Central 6 Listed with Lot 5 7 1585 Central C.L. S� of N 1/5 Lot 451 4,800 40,400 Valspar Corporation Store C-4 M M/A 1585 Central 8 1599 Central C.L. N� N 1/5 Lot 451 4,800 28,800 Miller Radio & Television ServiCE Store C-4 M M/A 1599 Central BOOK MAP BLOCK 1 35 16 C.L. S 1/5 of 450 16,670 26,250 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. Gas C-4 M 1 1401 Central M/A 1398 Central Station 2 1427 Central Sub SM 1/5 C.L. 450 Lot 2 4,800 46,870 M.T.C. Appliance Co. Store C-4 M M/A 1427 Central 3 1433-1435 Sub SM 1/5 C.L. 450 Lot 1 4,800 38,590 General Drivers & Helpers Office C-4 M Central Local Union No. 421 Bldg. Corp. M/A 1435 Central 4 1447 Central C.L. S� M 1/5 450 4,800 54,920 Demmer, Mary L. Apt. C-4 M M/A 1447 Central Tavern 5 1449 Central C.L. N' of M 1/5 450 4,800 142,590 Humke, Maurice Office C-4 M M/A Rt. 2, Dubuque, IA 52001 6 1473 Central C.L. NM 1/5 Lot 450 9,590 297,270 Humke, Maurice Office C-4 M rnnr _ &A i n M/A Rt. 2, Dubuque, IA 52001 ����: n/H—Mi LINO, V-VAUANI, h-t-AM1LY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 6 OF 42 PAGES w ut: n/H-ru+iLiNG, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED c: Ui VALUATION/1979 0 CD N f— cn w w J � i ¢ Ln cn z C3 Q C.) CD N L -j 0 J N Z CD Ui W 0Y CD W i M ZD Z (� Ln Nct LU w J 0 Q Z Z J CO — Z QD 3 Z Q O U Z O Q J CD N U 7 1487-148712 C.L. S'2 N 1/5 Lot 450 4,800 46,240 Link, Berniece C. Apt. C-4 M Central M/A 14872 Central Office 8 1497-1497=2 C.L. N2 N 1/5 Lot 450 7,220 42,100 Hill, Larry R. & Diane R. Apt. C-4 M Central M/A c/o Larry Hill Office RFD 1, Hazel Green, WISC BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 28 Holiday Corners Number One 17,110 56,760 M/A 3320 Daniels Fast Foo C-4 M 1 & 2 10 E. 20th St. "All" 3 1956 Central Ave. C.L. N30.1' M 1/5 Lot 437 6,340 39,090 Petrakis, Charles K. & Bessie Cafe C-4 M 1955 White St. M/A 571 Jefferson St. Apts. 4 1944 & 1946 C.L. S22110" M 1/5 437 10,560 61,760 Clarke, Jerry L. & Barbara R. Store C-4 M Central C.L. N27'4" of S 2/5 437 M/A RR 202 Jule Apts. 5 Central Sub. of S75' S25 of C.L. 437 10,530 1,940 Weber, Merlyn L. Paving C-4 M M/A RR ,Sherrill, IA Contr. Gene F. Sullivan M/A Sherrill, IA 52073 6 1902 Central Sub. S75' S 2/5 C.L. 437 7,700 61,990 Weber, Merlyn L. Tavern C-4 M M/A RR ,Sherrill, IA Apt. Contr. Gene F. Sullivan M/A Sherrill, IA 52073 w ut: n/H-ru+iLiNG, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 7 OF 42 PAGES M CD U d N I— cn W W W cn �S o J ¢ (, CD Ln LU LU J LU EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 D M J Cn Z CD Q : Z J m 0 Q Cn cn W Lr: O W 2: M Z < M 3 Q O U U CD C7 Z C:) LL- Acn -Li N Q U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 29 C.L. N26.5' of N 2/5 of 436 9,660 36,200 Steichen, Robert Store C-4 M 1 1876 Central M/A 3040 Arbor Oaks Apt. Contr. Thomas P. & Carole A. Swift M/A c/o Occupant 1876 Central 2 1858-1862 Sub. S76'5" - N 2/5 C.L. 436 7,690 48,420 Denlinger, Norma & Virgil Library C-4 M Central Lot 2 M/A 215 Clarke Drive Apts. 3 1850 Central Sub. 576.51' N 2/5 C.L. 436 7,010 48,900 Flynn, Melvin P. & Madonna M. Shop/ C-4 I Lot 1 M/A 2341 Birchwood Dr., Maple Apts. Hills, Asbury, IA 52001 4 1842 Central C.L. N25' M 1/5 436. 5,270 45,920 Behr, Norbert F. & Mary Office C-4 M M/A 1491 Main St. Apt. Contr. Patrick L. & Elizabeth A! Conway, M/A 3045 Hales Mills Id. 5 1838 Central C.L. N25' M 1/5 436 5,270 51,340 McDowell, Cecil L. & Regina A. Office C-4 M M/A 1838 Central Apt. 6 1828 Central C.L. N� SM 1/5 of Lot 436 5,390 60,060 Pfohl, Clarence & Gertrude Store C-4 M 1827 White M/A 1828 Central Apt. 7 1824 Central C.L. S� SM 1/5 Lot 436 5,390 50,940 Pfohl, Clarence & Gertrude Office C-4 M M/A 1828 Central Apt. 8 1812 Central C.L. S 1/5 of Lot 436 13,210 39,000 Henkels & Company, Inc. Store C-4 M M/A Loras at Main Apts. V-VHI,HNI, r-FAIILY, C-CUNVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 8 OF 42 PAGES C) O U tl N F- N LU W IY O V)M o a J Q C-) CO V) LLJ J � EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 N CO Q Z J m 0 ZC/7 C V) V) W tY O W L 0 Z Q O 3 Z Q O Z � U O CO Z Z O N f- a LL v v C L BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 30 C.L. E33' E60' N 1/5 440 1,710 1,430 Rafoth, Russell L. Paving C-4 M 1 -- M/A 195 Bradley 2 -- C.L. W27' E60' N 1/5 440 1,930 1,200 Rafoth, Russell L. Paving C-4 M M/A 195 Bradley 3 1798 Central C.L. W40' N 1/5 440 8,820 68,920 Rafoth, Eleanor J. Office C-4 M M/A 195 Bradley 6 Apt. 4 1770 Central C.L. W� NM 1/5 of Lot 440 4,820 44,630 Rafoth, Eleanor & Russell Office C-4 M M/A 195 Bradley 1768- 5 1766 Central C.L. S12 NM 1/5 Lot 440 4,820 65,550 Rafoth, David R. Office C-4 M M/A 262012 Greeley 2 Apt. 6 1746 Central C.L. M 1/5 Lot 440 9,640 4,760 Rafoth, Russell L. & Eleanor J. Paving C-4 M M/A 195 Bradley 7 1736 Central C.L. N37'2�" SM 1/5 440 6,970 82,650 Rafoth Family Office C-4 M 1734 C.L. Lot N2" - S14'2" - SM 1/5 M/A 26201-2 Greeley 8 apts. C.L. 440 8 1706-1722 C.L. S14' - S1412" SM 1/5 14,710 75,160 Bartman, Theodore C. 3 stores C-4 M Central 440 C.L. S 1/5 440 M/A 1007 Dunham 4 Apts. Contr. Dubuque Wholesale Carp t, Co. M/A 422 Garfield 9 1709 White C.L. S2411" - S 1/5 Lot 435 3,720 33,090 Schromen, Eldon L. & Mildred 3F + 1C OR -1 M M/A 2740 Central Contr. James A. Fudge M/A Route 1, Tracy,IAz LUUt: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 9 OF 42 PAGES LIVUE. 'VIA-MAILINb , V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 0 o VALUATION/1979 0 CD N I-- wJ z Ln ¢ Ln <n C v~ d w� � D CCD n o �Z CDCCD Cn LULL-0�: � C) CD W a U L7 � N/) < c~ CZ J Uj Uj V--4 Q =) Z Q M 3 U C/) < J m Z Q O CDN oZ U 10 1711 White C.L. S24-1" - S 1/5 Lot 435 4,690 31,640 Fudge, James A. 3F R-1 M M/A Route 1, Tracy, IA 11 1733 White S.40' of 48'2" of SM 1/5 of 3,930 29,260 Cox, Cletus T. & Dorothy E. 2F OR -1 R C.L. 435 Contr. Harriet L. Bush M/A 1733 White St. 12 1743 White C.L. N8'1" or N8.2' N48.2' of 3,950 25,520 '!Stecher, Amelia 2F OR -1 R SM 1/5 of Lot 435 M/A 1743 White 13 1763 White Sub. 2 of NM 1/5 C.L. 435 Lot 2 2,220 13,650 Clary, Delores 1F OR -1 R N. 19'2" of M 1/5 of C.L. 435 M/A 1763 White 14 1765 White Sub. 2 NM 1/5 of C.L. 435 2,220 13,880 Hammond, Alvin H & Florence L. 1F C-4 R Lot 1 M/A 1765 White 15 1781 White Sub. of NM 1/5 of C.L. 435, 6,140 62,740 Rafoth, Russell L. & Eleanor J. Shop C-4 M Lot 1 C.L. S8' N 1/5 of Lot 435 M/A 195 Bradley 16 54 & 60 E. 18th C.L. N43.2' N 1/5 of 435 6,940 74,300 Rafoth, Eleanor J. Shop C-4 M M/A 195 Bradley BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 31 C.L. N 1/5 441 C.L. N 10' 13,900 57,430 Hill, Larry R. & Diane R. Store C-4 M 1 1696 Central NM 1/5 441 M/A Hazel Green, WISC. Apts. 2 1672 Central C.L. 54112" NM 1/5 of 441 -- 10,010 Lenz Monument Co, Inc. Store C-4 M Bldg. on leased land M/A 1672 Central Apt. 2 1672 Central C.L. S 4112" NM 1/5 Lot 441 7,720 16,070 Lenz, Edward P. & Francis J. Store C-4 M nn nr M/A 708 Kane St. Storage LIVUE. 'VIA-MAILINb , V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 10 OF 42 PAGES w O O O d Q V)p w� = O O N `_ o r~- Q � U Cn Ld Li — C EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979a O O J Ln Z r -a C -D ¢ m `ZiZ ¢ w = Li W C1_ O W L O Z Q O U O p CJ Z O N L N Ln U 3 1654 Central C.L. N27'7" M1/5 of Lot 441 5,190 36,780 Sartor, Ralph F. & Pearl Store C-4 M M/A 227 White Apt. 4 1646 Central C.L. S23.5' of M 1/5 of Lot 441 4,400 25,660 McInerney, James F. Store C-4 M M/A 1909 Pierce Apt. 5 1638 Central C.L. N12 of SM 1/5 Lot 441 4,800 49,020 United Brotherhood of Carpenters Office C-4 M & Joiners of America, Local 678 M/A 1909 Pierce 6 1626 Central C.L. S� SM 1/5 of Lot 441 4,800 26,130 Danglemeyer, Carl J. Store C-4 M M/A 710 Fenelon Place Apt. Contr. James J. Roth & Micha E. Portzen, M/A 378 S. Grandv ew d/b/a Eagle Point Investments Contr. Allen J. Picker et. al. M/A 645 N. Burden 7 1618 Central C.L. N� of S 1/5 Lot 441 4,800 43,480 Myers, Russell E. & Edward R. Tavern C-4 M M/A 701 Kaufmann Apt. 8 1600 Central C.L. S2 S 1/5 Lot 441 4,030 63,950 Sexton, Darlene Ellen Tavern C-4 /C M/A 1414 Robinhood Dr. 9 1605 White C.L. S 1/5 434 6,310 37,750 Koenig, Leffa M/A 1605 White 4F OR -1 M 10 1635 White C.L. SM 1/5 of Lot 434 6,310 35,780 Bartman, Theodore C. 4F OR -1 I M M/A 1007 Dunham Contr. Clarence J..& Marjorie Headings, c/o Occupant, 1635 White 11 1651 White C.L. M 1/5 of Lot 434 8,410 55,380 Bartman, Theodore C. 2F + 2C OR -1 M ronp. Min hAATI TKin _ __-- 'IV UL.. "'/ n-ruA1 L 111 U, V - V UAN 1 , r -r AMI _Y, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 11 OF 42 PAGES CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED o VALUATION/1979 0 � O U N f— N W W r-, J i (10 z V) C/) Q cn z v d � � UJ Cr -1 Q C7 Ln M � C 3 W t Y O W ZDN Q i I— N d J < Z J Cc �--� Q 3 Z Q O U ZLn O Q J p N <U 12 C.L. NM 1/5 of Lot 434 7,570 -- Bartman, Theodore C. Lot OR -1 M M/A 1007 Dunham Vacant Contr. Clarence J. & Marjorie Headings, c/o Occupant, 1635 White 13 52-54 E. 17th C.L. N 1/5 Lot 434 4,390 40,700 Nolte, Henry W. & Eleanor M. 2F OR -1 R M/A 54 E. 17th BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 32 C.L. N 1/5 of Lot 422 20,470 136,020 Hersche, Fred C. & Katherine Office C-4 M 1 1572-1594 1598 Central & C.L. N=z NM 1/5 of Lot 422 M/A 1604 Lincoln Apt. 40 - 16th St. Contr. Kenneth E. Mozena M/A 1598 Central 2F C-4 R 2 1564 Central C.L. S' NM 1/5 of Lot 442 4,800 26,290 Kolb, Vincent J. & Marcella Office C-4 M M/A 453 Almond Apt. Contr. Dennis B. & Mary Carpenter, M/A 1564 Central 3 1540 Central C.L. N30'6" M 1/5 Lot 442 5,740 53,440 Johnson, Dennis G. Store C-4 M M/A 1540 Central Apt. 4 1538 Central C.L. S20'4" S20'8" of M 1/5 3,820 19,390 R & H Electronics, Inc. Store C-4 M Lot 442 M/A 1538 Central Apt. 5 1534 Central C.L. N� SM 1/5 Lot 422 4,830 16,020 Kelly, Francis J. & Charlotte G. Print C-4 M C.L. S4" M 1/5 422 M/A 1414 N. Algona Shop Contr. Delbert & Sharon Winneri M/A 469 Tamarack Ct. CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 12 OF 42 PAGES o O� N w w M N< o a~~ - J < UJ U) J M EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 I cmW Q Z J CO- 0 d Ln V) U- Z Q O Q cj p L7 Z O N "" Cn Q _l U 6 1524 Central C.L. Sl� SM 1/5 Lot 442 4,800 11,970 Papke, Howard J. Shop C-4 M M/A 1656 Manson Road Apt. 7 1500 Central C.L. S 1/5 12,020 58,500 Kalk, B. Peter Store/Apt C-4 M Total bldg. M/A 150412 Central (upstairs apt Shops P 8 55 15th St. C.L. S 52' S 2/5 433 4,330 , 31,200 Hammerand,' Nettle E. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A c/o Kane Contr. Thomas P. & Julie M. Kane, M/A 55 E. 15th 9 1539 White C.L. N50'4" S 2/5 433 4,320 27,380 Stevens, Anna J. 1F OR -1 R M/A 15392 White Street 10 1541 White Sub. of C.L. S1z M 1/5 of 2,770 29,490 Schroeder, Michael A. 2F OR -1 R Lot 433 M/A 1750 Bristol Drive 11 1555 White C.L. N2 M 1/5 433 2,770 34,280 McDermott, Melvin J. & Loretta 2F OR -1 R M/A 333 Fischer Building Contr. Michael J & Shirley Martin, M/A 855 Valentine 12 1557 White C.L. S24' NM 1/5 433 2,590 31,450 Gassmann, Lyle A. & Shirley G. 2F OR -1 R M/A 285 So. Hill 13 1585 White C.L. N27'2" NM 1/5 of Lot 433 2,820 29,950 Hanover, Manita A. 1F + 2C OR -1 M M/A 1331 Jackson 14 1591 White Sub. 2 N 1/5 C.L. 433 Lot 2 2.070 8,060 Casultt, Adam Joseph 1F OR -1 R M/A 15912 Bluff 15 1593 White Sub. 2 N 1/5 of C.L. 433 Lot 1 1,780 10,650 Sauer, Dorothy 1F OR -1 R M/A 405 Fischer Bldg. UUut: N/A -MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 13 OF 42 PAGES Luut: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. CD EXISTING ASSESSED o VALUATION/1979 O a OU N W W Q cn cn ¢ Lt Ca- LU C)fJ CY D Q U C Ln M J (n Z f C3 W t1' QUj U- W O Z (l C/- < i I- O N d W W J D Q m Z Q 3 U O 4 Z< O p N - L 16 1595 White Sub. of N 1/5 of C.L. 433 Lot 1 1,780 15,760 Link, Valerie E. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1595 White BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 33 Sub. of C.L. 443A N27'8" Lot 3 5,920 32,710 Williams, Ellen A.,M/A 1038 Bluf 2F C-4 R 1 30 - 15th St. Contr. Loren Fay Steger M/A 2745 Dodge 2 1496 Central Sub. C.L. 433A Lot 1 4,840 41,090 Steger, Loren Fay Shop C-4 M Contr. Stephen J. & Judith Apt. Selchert, M/A RR#3, Dubuque 3 1486 Central Sub. of C.L. 443A Lot 2 4,310 16,700 Mozena, Kenneth E. Store C-4 M Sub. of C.L. 443A S2312' Lot 3 M/A 1598 Central Apt. 4 1460-1464-1476 C.L. N1-2 443 9,590 90,010 Miller, Vincent C. Store C-4 M Central M/A 1464 Central 7 apts. 5 C.L. NM 1/4 Lot 443 19,190 4,760 Humke, Maurice E. Paving C-4 M C.L. SM 1/4 Lot 443 M/A Middle Road Rte.2, Dubuque 6 1420 Central C.L. N19.7' S 1/4 Lot 443 3,690 37,120 McCarthy, Michael D. Office C-4 M M/A 1420 Central Apt. 7 1400 Central W65' S31'712" S 1/4 C.L. 443 6,310 50,000 McCarthy, Michael D. Cafe C-4 M M/A 1420 Central 4 apts. 7A 47 E. 14th E35' of 31'72" of S 1/4 C.L.443 4,640 23,510 Klauer, Robert D. & Livija 3F C-4 M M/A 1043 Main Luut: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 14 OF 42 PAGES CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED h W VALUATION/1979 0 O C> Cn t-Cn W W n� J� o Z N ¢ z W d' d U D J Ln z , CD W Li- = W t1' O W O d p -- cn d I— o V) ¢ w w J D Q m H Z Q O 3 Z Q U CD z O d _l O O N U 8 -- C.L. S 1/5 Lot 432 8,220 2,380 Humke, Maurice E. Paving C-4 M M/A Middle Rd., Rt. 2, Dubuque 9 -- C.L. S2 SM 1/5 Lot 432 4,120 1,190 Humke, Maurice E. Paving C-4 M M/A Middle Rd., Rt. 2, Dubuque 10 -- C.L. N2 S 1/5 Lot 432 4,120 1,190 Humke, Maurice E. Paving C-4 M M/A Middle Rd., Rt. 2, Dubuque 11 -- C.L. M 1/5 Lot 432 8,220 2,430 Humke, Maurice E. Paving C-4 M M/A Middle Rd., Rt. 2, Dubuque 12 1467 White C.L. S2 NM 1/5 Lot 432 2,770 31,620 Barrett, John H. & Juanita V. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1467 White 13 1477 White C.L. N2 NM 1/5 432 2,770 15,480 Duffy, Madlyn M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1477 White 14 -- C.L. N 1/5 Lot 432 6,910 2,000 St. Mary's Church Paving OR -1 EX M/A 1584 White BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 19 C.L. S1'2" N 1/5 Lot 488 7,750 37,570 Miller, James F. & Elizabeth A. 2 apt. C-4 M 1 1998 White C.L. N 3/4 NM 1/5 Lot 488 M/A 3175 Kaufmann Ave. Office 2 1960 White C.L. N12 M 1/5 Lot 488 2,660 21,310 Miller, James F. & Elizabeth A. 1F + 1C C-4 R C.L. S4 NM 1/5 Lot 488 M/A 3175 Kaufmann Ave. 3 1950, 19502 C.L. S 3/4 M 1/5 Lot 488 5,640 49,720 Miller, James F. 4F C-4 M 1952, 19522 M/A 3175 Kaufmann Ave. White Contr. William E.& Barbara J. Olson, M/A 2222 Hoyt CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 15 OF 42 PAGES LU o Ow a_ N wJ w Cr p N `Z o Q U co Cnp pm- -- EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 p J (l') Z r CD p Ln w U- = w tY O w 2:: Z Q O a_ p U p — O N � w cn U 4 1936 White C.L. N2317" N49'7" of SM 1/5 2,550 26,370 Skelton, Thomas L. 1F OR -1 R Lot 488 M/A 1936 White 5 1922 White C.L. S26' N49' SM 1/5 488 2,800 26,120 Connolly, Vincent J. & Jean Lee 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 2810 Illinois 6 1908 & 1906 ;C.L. S115" SM 1/5 Lot 488 3,190 25,530 McCaffery, Doris C. & Mona 2F OR -1 R White C.L. N2812" S 1/5 Lot 488 M/A 42 So. Algona 7 19th & White C.L. S23' S 1/5 Lot 488 5,950 55,220 Thompson, Thomas E. & Imelda B. 6 apts. OR -1 M c/o Contr. A.J. Farber M/A 3465 Daniels 8 1903 Jackson Sub. of S 1/5 of C.L. 489 Lot 1 3,410 29,260 Foley, Violet Ann 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A Moline, Illinois 9 1905 Jackson Sub. of S 1/5 of C.L..489 Lot 2 2,100 18,020 Steichen, Margaret c/o Treanor 1F OR -1 R Contr. Gary Treanor, 1905 Jackson 10 1913-1917 C.L. SM 1/5 C.L. S3' M 1/5 8,520 108,970 Glynn, John F. & Wilma J. 9 apts. OR -1 M Jackson M/A 659 W. Locust Rarehouse it 1949 Jackson C.L. N48'2" of M 1/5 of 489 5,200 34,350 Rohr, Earl L., Sr. & Lois L. 1F + 1C C-4 R M/A 1016 Rhomberg 12 1997 Jackson C.L. S52'5" N 2/5 489 5,710 23,030 Wenzel, Joseph F. 1F C-4 R M/A 1997 Jackson rnnr. M/A NAATI Thin „ „A ����-���,u, Y - vnnw1, r-FtAMLI, U-UUIVVtKJlUN, K-KLSIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE16 OF 42 PAGES W M O a U-) Ln W W LU �o to < o _ J Of C¢7� J D EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 C M JN Z r- (3 Q Z J o� 0 z cn ¢ W Ll - W a: CD W L MZ Q 0 3 ZQ O Q = U U p co Z .-r Z O N c Acn to Q J U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 20 1F + 1C OR -1 1 124 E. 19th C.L. N'2 N 1/5 Lot 487 2,770 11,250 Barrett, Stella M. & Morgan, Warehous R June D. M/A 124 E. 19th St. 2 1882 White C.L. S=Z of N 1/5 of Lot 487 2,770 12,230 Bauer, Jeffrey C. & Kathleen M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A Rt. 1, Dubuque, IA 3 1878 & 1876 White C.L. NM 1/5 6,310 42,780 Burkark, Elmer M/A 2040 Contes 4F OR -1 M 4 1852 White C.L. N12 of M 1/5 of Lot 487 2,770 14,600 Kluck, Earl F. & Mary M 1F OR -1 R M/A 1852 White 5 1850 White C.L. S� M 1/5 Lot 487 2,770 28,550 Pfohl, Clarence P. & Gertrude F. 2F OR -1 R und. � int. Pfohl, Donald - und. =z int., M/A 1827 White 6 1848 White C.L. N� SM 1/5 Lot 487 2,770 21,800 Pfohl, Clarence P. & Gertrude F. 2F OR -1 R und. int. - Pfohl, Donald - und. '2 int., M/A 1827 White 7 1824 White C.L. S1-2 SM 1/5 Lot 487 2,770 28,010 Pfohl, Clarence P. & Gertrude F. 2F OR -1 R and Pfohl, Donald H. & Joan E. M/A 1827 White 8 1814 White C.L. S 1/5 487 6,310 46,300 Mond, Joseph H. & Gail A. 1F + 2C OR -1 R M/A 1101 Race 9 1805 Jackson C.L. S'2 S 1/5 of 490 2,770 35,620 Dausener, John & Josephine 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1805 Jackson 10 1815 Jackson C.L. N� S 1/5 of Lot 490 2,770 35,470 Cartigny, Robert L & Irma L. 1F + 1C OR -1 R rn nr _ u i n M/A 1646 Asbury Lluur. n/H-iYuuL11Nb, V-VAGANI, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 17 OF 42 PAGES UUUL: 1°IPA-MAi LING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 0 o VALUATION/1979 0 O N W J O ¢ U-)UI)C-)W ¢ O W CY_ Q U W J (n Z t C7 W LL W LY O W CL .-1 N Q F- Ln W W J m ¢ m + Q C] 3 Z Q O U Z O Q J O N U 11 1829 Jackson Sub. Lot 1 SM 1/5 C.L. 490 2,590 17,360 Hallahan, William R. & June 1F OR -1 R Lot 2 M/A 1829 Jackson 11A 1831 Jackson Sub. Lot 1 of SM 1/5 C.L. 490 2,510 17,360 Kamentz, Dorothy 1F OR -1 R Lot 1 M/A 1831 Jackson 12 1845 Jackson C.L. S� of M 1/5 of 490 4,630 36,630 Dreesen, Vincent W. & Doris A. 1F + 3C OR -1 M Sub. of SM 1/5 of C.L. 490,Lot 2 M/A 2080 Sunnyview Drive 13 1849 Jackson C.L. N� M 1/5 Lot 490 2,770 17,360 Wachter, Edith M/A 1849 Jackson 1F OR -1 R 14 1877 Jackson C.L. NM 1/5 490 4,390 22,220 Koons, Richard K. & Joyce 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1877 Jackson 15 1887 Jackson Lot 1 of N1/5 C.L. 490 5,370 16,850 Wissel, Claire M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1887 Jackson 15A 1889 Jackson Lot 2 of N1/5 C.L. 490 3,380 27,120 Wissel,Claire M.,M/A 1877 JackSOIL Store OR -1 M Contr. Donald J. & Patricia L. Balk, M/A 3413 Waller Apt. BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 21 C.L. N 1/5 N51' 486 7,110 100,000 St. Matthew Lutheran Church Church OR -1 EX 1 M/A 1780 White 2 C.L. NM 1/5 Lot 486 C.L. 5212" 7,110 120,000 St. Matthew Lutheran Church Church OR -1 EX of N 1/5 Lot 486 M/A 1780 White 3 C.L. M 1/5 Lot 486 5,300 -- St. Matthew Lutheran Church Vacant OR -1 EX M/A 1780 White Lot UUUL: 1°IPA-MAi LING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 18 OF 42 PAGES o EXISTING ASSESSED w M VALUATION/1979 0 Q Ln wCD w w� z cn ¢cn Ln ¢ � Cl- Ldo ¢( CJ to �cn Z ti p 2: pUj Crw�oww V) ¢ J p ¢ Z J Cc ¢ CD 3 �Uj OZ ¢ Z¢ p p N C.L 4 C.L. N2 SM 1/5 Lot 486 3,530 -- St. Matthew Lutheran Church Vacant OR -1 EX M/A 1780 White Lot 5 1710-17102 C.L. S 1/5 Lot 486 (Part) 6,360 18,760 Runde, Richard W. & Debra M. 4F OR -1 IN 1718-17182 White M/A 145 E. 17th St. 5A 145 E. 17th C.L. S 1/5 Lot 486 (Part) 6,360 18,520 Runde, Richard & Debra M. 1F OR -1 M/A 145 E. 17th St. 6 1717 Jackson C.L. S 1/5 Lot 491 4,390 32,370 Childers, Rosella M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A c/o Occupant, 1717 Jackson 7 1737 Jackson C.L. E2 SM 1/5 Lot 491 4,390 28,110 Puccio, John W. & Lulabelle 1F OR -1 R C.L. W2 SM 1/5 Lot 491 M/A The Office Grill, Basement of Fischer Building 8 11747 Jackson C.L. S2 M 1/5 Lot 491 2,770 15,210 Immanuel United Church of Christ 1F OR -1 R M/A 1795 Jackson 9 1755 Jackson C.L. N2 M 1/5 Lot 491 2,770 12,540 Immanuel United Church of Christ 1F OR -1 R M/A 1795 Jackson 10 C.L. NM 1/5 of Lot 491 14,130 205,000 Immanuel United Church of Christ Church OR -1 EX C.L. N 1/5 of Lot 491 M/A 1795 Jackson BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 22 C.L. N 1/5 485 4,390 32,570 Frommelt, Sharon K. 1F + 1C OR -1 R 1 1690 White rn nr _ u i n M/A 1690 White lluuC: nVH-MAIL111b, V-VAUANI, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 19 OF 42 PAGES ow CD U E N Ui Uj W W M V) o n- J J O EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 z H Q Z J co 0 z cn ¢ cr, V) L C) Z Q O Q U p Z C N C= a u _ Q U 2 1672 White C.L. N� NM 1/5 of Lot 485 2,770 21,350 Kunnert, Mary et. al. 1F OR -1 R M/A 124 Fremont Ave. 3 1670 White C.L. Sz NM 1/5 of Lot 485 2,770 21,500 Behnke, Andrew M. & Rose 1F OR -1 R M/A 1670 White 4 1660 White C.L. M 1/5 Lot 485 4,390 31,550 Juergens,Laura M.&Mary Christine 1F OR -1 R M/A 593 Boleyn Rd. 5 1628 White C.L. N2214" N40' SM 1/5 of 2,430 22,050 DuCray, Helen E.K. & Charles R. 1F + 1C OR -1 R Lot 485 M/A 1628 White 6 1620 White C.L. S17'8" of N40' of 485 2,760 17,040 Rokusek, Richard G. & Mary J. 1F + 2C OR -1 M M/A 2183 Lincoln Ave. 7 1600 White C.L. S 1/5 of Lot 485 C.L. 8,580 100,000 St. Mary's Casino School OR -1 EX Sll'2" of SM 1/5 of Lot 485 M/A 1584 White Sub. of city lot 485, lots A,B,C 8 1603 Jackson C.L. S26' S 1/5 492 2,800 27,720 Schiessl, Joseph & Greta 1F OR -1 R M/A 1603 Jackson 9 1605 Jackson C.L. N2512" S 1/5 492 2,720 21,400 Freiburger, Clarence F. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1605 Jackson 10 1629 Jackson C.L. SM 1/5 Lot 492 5,530 42,290 Markey, Clara A/K/A Mrs. Clara 1F + 1C Farr, M/A 1800 Lombard 1F OR -1 R 11 1657 Jackson C.L. M 1/5 of Lot 492 4,390 31,460 Markey, Clara 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1800 Lombard 12 1667 Jackson C.L. S� NM 1/5 Lot 492 2,770 33,850 Grotjohn, Gordon G. M/A c/o 1F + 1C OR -1 R Contr. David & Mary Ostrander rn nr M/A 2633 Jackson L,vut: IYI/H-P'UA1L1NG, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 20 OF 42 PAGES CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. CD EXISTING ASSESSED c o VALUATION/1979 0 a C) N t— cn WW J p z cn ¢ z W n, C!3 Ln Z r-� C� W U_U' p p •- v N Q J p Q m H L p Z Z Q O p N — L: 13 1675 Jackson C.L. N� NM 1/5 of Lot 492 2,770 20,410 Urban, Roy A. & Ella 1F OR -1 R M/A 1675 Jackson 14 1697 Jackson C.L. N 1/5 492 6,850 25,050 Washington Neighborhood Improve- Store OR -1 M ment, Inc. M/A 1697 Jackson Apt. BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 23 1 105 E. 15th & C.L. 484 35,940 200,000 St. Mary's Church Church OR -1 EX 1584 White M/A 1584 White 2 1561 & 1501 C.L. 493 35,940 130,000 St. Mary's Church & School School OR -1 EX Jackson M/A 1584 White BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 24 C.L. N 1/5 483 6,310 35,940 Zuccaro, Lena 1F + 2C OR -1 M 1 1496 White M/A c/o Occupant, 1496 White 2 1472 White C.L. NM 1/5 483 4,390 40,420 Rettenmeier, Fred & Alvina 1F OR -1 R M/A 1472 White 3 1458 White C.L. M 1/5 of Lot 483 4,390 34,710 Hauber, Paul H. & Geraldine 1F OR -1 R M/A 1458 White 4 1438 White C.L. N40' S 2/5 Lot 483 3,930 35,540 Lange, Clarence J. & Gertrude 1F OR -1 R M/A 1695 Ruann Contr. Kramer, Clarence W. & Lucille F., M/A 1438 White CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 21 OF 42 PAGES C) 00 d E L/) W W Of O V) c= oz J� ¢ U c� cn LU Ld J EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 cm CnLU r -- ¢ ::Dz J Ca o z cn Q c/7 LL- W oL O W L o z z¢ O �- UO O F -r z N a c� Q L 5 1402 White C.L. 564.4' of S 2/5 Lot 483 10,020 18,480 Konrardy, Phillip & Kay Shop OR -1 M M/A 2520 Windsor Ave. 6 195 E. 14th C.L. S 1/5 of Lot 494 8,220 96,870 St. Mary's Credit Union Credit OR -1 M M/A 195 E. 14th Union 7 -- C.L. S12 SM 1/5 494 4,020 St. Mary's,Credit Union Listed a ove M/A 195 E. 14th Overlap Lots 8 1437 Jackson C.L. N2 SM 1/5 of Lot 494 2,700 23,670 Goetzinger, Kenneth E. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1437 Jackson 9 1449 Jackson C.L. S2 M 1/5 Lot 494 2,700 31,130 Devlin, Margaret 1F OR -1 R 10 1461 Jackson C.L. N2 M 1/5 of Lot 494 2,700 28,040 Abraham, Rose E. et. al. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1461 Jackson 11 1465 Jackson C.L. S2 NM 1/5 494 2,700 31,620 Williams, Willie P. & Patricia A 2F OR -1 -R M/A 1125 Glen Oak 12 1479 Jackson Sub. N2 NM 1/5 C.L. 494 2,170 24,160 Fairfield", Thomas A. & Marietta 1F OR -1 R Lot 1 M/A 1479 Jackson 13 1481 Jackson C.L. 5162' of N 1/5 of Lot 494 2,280 22,990 Smith,, Willson A. & Anna 1F OR -1 R Sub. of N2 of NM 1/5 of C.L.494 M/A 14811IJackson Lot 2 14 1497 Jackson C.L. N35' of N 1/5 of Lot 494 4,890 38,850 Schnes, John A. & Jean J. 1F + 2C OR -1 M 901 Althauser Ave. M/A Occupant, 1497 Jackson tivur: n/1i-1,ui1L1Nb, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 22 OF 42 PAGES V vrx.lrl � , I filI LI , U-UV11VLKJ1U11, K-KtJIUENI IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED L `- Cu a VALUATION/1979 CD a CD �--� �N W W J 1 N Q Ln (/•7 z Q 0- W of cx: 0 Q (3C/7 0 M J Cn Z CD W LL CY W cY p Li J Q- Z Co = •-- Q F- J rn ¢ L O Z 'LLJ tr m Z Q p p C) N < C- BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 10 Sub. of Min. Lot 100 N40'6" of 5,950 2,870 Iowa Oil Co. Paving C-4 M 1 20th & Jackson N 37' of Lot 1 lst & Levee Front 2 1960 Jackson Sub. Min. Lot 100 N4016" - 6,270 27,380 Iowa Oil C.o. Service C-4 M S. 3'6" Lot 1 Sub. Min. Lot lst & Levee Front Station 100' Sll' Lot 1 Sub. 2 Min. Lot 100 Lot 1 3 1954 & 1952 Sub. 2 Min. Lot 100 Lot 2 4,020 890 Iowa Oil Co. Paving C-4 M Jackson lst & Levee Front 4 1946 Jackson Sub. of Min. Lot. 100 N12 of 2,770 32,030 Breson, Howard & Ethel 1F OR -1 R Lot 3 M/A 1946 Jackson 5 1930 Jackson Sub. Min. Lot 100 S� Lot 3 2,770 40,520 Vincent, Paulette F. 2F OR -1 R M/A 3138 Hillcrest Contr. Future Investments M/A Occupant 6 1920-1920 Sub. of Min. Lot 100 Lot 4 4,420 31,200 Harry, fThoTnas R. 2F + 1C OR -1 R Jackson M/A 1920 :Jackson 7 257 & 259 Sub.Lot 5 of pt. of Min. Lot 3,550 12,310 Pfohl, C.P: Electric Co. 2F + 1C C-4 R E. 19th 100 Lot 2 M/A 1827 White 7A 265 E. 19th Sub. Lot 5 of pt. of Min. Lot 5,240 21,790 Pfohl, C.P. Electric Co. Office C-4 M 100 Lot 1 M/A 1827 White Warehouse 8 1925 Washington Sub. Min. Lot 100 6 2,530 25,810 Rupp, Edward M. & Dolores L. 1F C-4 M M/A 1925 Washington lYIIIC. M/A eAATI ruin „A..A. V vrx.lrl � , I filI LI , U-UV11VLKJ1U11, K-KtJIUENI IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION LU 0 O U Q Q G 10 PAGE 23 OF 42 PAGES S. l' Lot 8 1987 Washington Sub. Min. Lot 100 N49' Lot 8 3,950 BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 11 1 11882 Jackson lA I 19th & Jackson 1B 1 1866 Jackson 2 11848 Jackson 2A 1 1846 Jackson 3 1830 Jackson �ub. Lot 27 East Dub. Add. Lot 1 8,140 pub. Lot 2 - 27 East Dub. Add. got 2 Sub. Lot 2 - 28 East Dub. .dd. Lot 1 & 2 ub. Lot. 2 - Lot 27 in East 1 4,800 ub., Add. Lot 1 ub. Lot 28 in East Dub., Add. 1 3,490 of 1 ub. Lot 29 in East Dub. Add. 2,800 of 1 ub. Lot 29 East Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,700 . Dubuque Add 30 4,390 18,340 (Hackney, John J. & Marion A. M/A 1843 Auburn 62,530 lWilwert, Eldon C. & Dorothy J. M/A 240 E. 19th St. 29,450 Wilwert, Eldon C. & Dorothy J. M/A 240 E. 19th 71,330 Klauer,�William H. & JoAnn H. M/A Lore Mound j 24,770 Rebandt,'Arthur F. M/A 1848 Jackson 24,480 Mesch, Florence, M/A 1846 Jacks 19,380 Bell, Howard James M/A c/o Occupant, 1830 Jackson CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. r v OR -1 o EXISTING ASSESSED � Store U U H Z VALUATION/1979 O O N 0 1F N F— Ln W W R J C-4 R Q Cn N LU �' � a Q: U W O Z J cn H C3 W W l.Y CD� U - O W I O Cn <c W J O Q J Z Z m c Z Q 3 O 1937 Washington Sub. of Min. Lot 100 S25' of 2,470 24,950 Leslein, Herbert & Bertha Lot 7 M/A 1937 Washington 1955 Washington Sub. pt. of Min. Lot 100 N52'3" 7,090 42,420 Hackney, John J. & Marion A Lot 7 Sub. pt. of Min. Lot 100 M/A 1843 Auburn S. l' Lot 8 1987 Washington Sub. Min. Lot 100 N49' Lot 8 3,950 BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 11 1 11882 Jackson lA I 19th & Jackson 1B 1 1866 Jackson 2 11848 Jackson 2A 1 1846 Jackson 3 1830 Jackson �ub. Lot 27 East Dub. Add. Lot 1 8,140 pub. Lot 2 - 27 East Dub. Add. got 2 Sub. Lot 2 - 28 East Dub. .dd. Lot 1 & 2 ub. Lot. 2 - Lot 27 in East 1 4,800 ub., Add. Lot 1 ub. Lot 28 in East Dub., Add. 1 3,490 of 1 ub. Lot 29 in East Dub. Add. 2,800 of 1 ub. Lot 29 East Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,700 . Dubuque Add 30 4,390 18,340 (Hackney, John J. & Marion A. M/A 1843 Auburn 62,530 lWilwert, Eldon C. & Dorothy J. M/A 240 E. 19th St. 29,450 Wilwert, Eldon C. & Dorothy J. M/A 240 E. 19th 71,330 Klauer,�William H. & JoAnn H. M/A Lore Mound j 24,770 Rebandt,'Arthur F. M/A 1848 Jackson 24,480 Mesch, Florence, M/A 1846 Jacks 19,380 Bell, Howard James M/A c/o Occupant, 1830 Jackson CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. r v OR -1 M Z � Store U U H Z Q O O N c 1F OR -1 R 1F + 1C C-4 R 1F Shop 1F C-4 M C-4 C-4 R Cycle OR -1 M Shop Store OR -1 M Apts. OR -1 M Warehous Store 1F OR -1 R 1F OR -1 R 1F OR -1 R WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 24 OF 42 PAGES o oI- U d < N N LU w W� D U-)ci o J� Q U C `D C n J W EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 ' � 0 J N z r -a CD Q Z J cc -, o Z N Q (/') cn W ur' O WCn Q W ? z Q O z ¢ U p � H Z O N 0 U - '-'- H N Q J U 4 1814 Jackson E. Dubuque Add. N25' Lot 31 4,390 25,970 Zaruba, Marian & Thurston, 1F OR -1 R E. Dub. Add. S261-2' Lot 31 Elizabeth J., M/A 1814 Jackson 5 -- E. Dubuque Add. Lot 92 6,850 -- Velner Precision Tools & Dies, Vacant OR -1 M Inc. F.H., M/A 1845 Washington 6 1837 Washington E. Dub. Add. S=z of Lot 93 2,540 27,520 Thurston, Joseph N. & Elizabeth 1F OR -1 R M/A 1837 Washington 7 1839 Washington E. Dub. Add. N� of Lot 93 2,540 33,420 Boelk, Melvin H. & Viola 1F OR -1 R M/A 1839 Washington 8 -- Sub 94 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 3,430 -- Velner Precision Tools & Dies Vacant OR -1 M Inc. F.H., M/A 1845 Washington Parking 9 1845 Washington Sub 94 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 3,430 35,160 Velner Precision Tools & Dies Apt. OR -1 M Inc. F.H., M/A 1845 Washington Mfg. 10 1871 Washington Sub 95 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 Sub 5,260 56,470 Velner, F.H. Precision Tools & Mfg. OR -1 M- Lot 1-95 East Dub. Add. Lot 1 Dies, Inc., M/A 1845 Washingto 11 19th & Washington E. Dub. Add. 96 Sub Lot 1-95 7,140 37,680 Arthofer., Chas.L & Joyce M & Apt. OR -1 M East Dubuque Add. Lot 2 Weber,. Wm B & Virginia (each Auto und.12 int.)M/A 1294 Altura Dr. i Repair w ut: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 25 OF 42 PAGES • NG, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 0 CD o f- VALUATION/1979 > v CD V N N a 0 z cn LU w w LU J C] ¢ W LL- 01 - Q d C7 Cn CD N W LU Z J (n H W LlY O W � (/') cn�t J o ¢ CO� ZQ O p O N Q U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 11 East Dub. Add. Nz Lot 32 2,770 22,250 Crippes, George P & Mary 1F OR -1 R 1 1796 Jackson M/A 1796 Jackson 2 1786 Jackson East Dub. Add. S12 of Lot 32 2,770 26,400 Schiessl, Anton J & Bernice C 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A c/o Occupant, 1786 Jackson Contr. Potter, Leslie L. & Gloria J., M/A 1786 Jackson 3 1776 Jackson East Dub. Add. N=2 of Lot 33 2,770 26,140 Mai, Helen M/A 1776 Jackson 1F OR -1 R 4 1768 Jackson East Dub. Add. S2 Lot 33 2,770 28,170 Gratton, Clarence W. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1768 Jackson 5 1760 Jackson East Dub. Add. N1-2 Lot 34 2,770 25,940 Wallig, Edward J. & Myrtle C. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1760 Jackson 6 1756 Jackson East Dub. S� 34 2,770 26,900 Ernst, Steven R. & Jean M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1756 Jackson rnDE• M/A- MAILI • NG, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION W 1753 Washington E. Dub. Add. N2' S1z Lot 89 a 10,280 E. Dub. Add. N1-2 Lot 89 CD 1765 Washington i— N U M/A 1732 Jackson W W 17 1767 Washington W CY 2F Lot 2 M/A 1722 Jackson 3,370 39,190 Havens, Howard F. & Anna N < 7 11732 Jackson z 0 H F- J Of Q U U N W W J M E. Dub. Add. Nz of Lot 35 8 1722-1720 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 35 E. Dub. Add. N20' Lot 36 9 1710 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S31'2" Lot 36 10 11715 Washington JE. Dub. Add. Lot 87 11 11725 Washington 1Sub.1-88 E. Dub. Add. 1 12 11731 Washington 1Sub.1-88 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 13 11737 Washington 1Sub. 88 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 14 11741 Washington 1E. Dub. Add. 523'7" S� Lot 89 15 1753 Washington E. Dub. Add. N2' S1z Lot 89 2,770 10,280 E. Dub. Add. N1-2 Lot 89 16 1765 Washington Sub. 1 of E=2 of 90 E. Dub. Add. M/A 1732 Jackson Lot 1 17 1767 Washington Sub. 1 of E=2 of 90 E. Dub. Add. 2F Lot 2 EXISTING ASSESSED PAGE 26 OF 42 PAGES VALUATION/1979 rCL- -J V) d Z m_ 0 z Ln Q Cn V) W L1' O W ¢ p 2-- Z Q O >- Z Q U U O 2,770 10,280 Schroeder, Francis 1F M/A 1732 Jackson 4,170 27,020 Sassen, Florence T. 2F M/A 1722 Jackson 3,370 39,190 Havens, Howard F. & Anna 1F M/A 1710 Jackson 4,030 31,880 Wilming, Arthur & Marcella 1F M/A 1715 Washington 1,340 19,210 Nesteby, Richard & Byrl 1F M/A 461 Summer Dr. 1,340 17,460 Nesteby, Richard & Byrl 1F M/A 461 Summer Dr. 1,420 14,960 Alexander, Earl J. & Gwendolyn G 1F M/A 1785 Keyway 1,860 20,340 Wagner; ,john C. & Mary 1F M/A 17414Jackson 2,110 19,100 Voels, William C. Mary A. 1F M/A 1753',Washington 1,640 15,540 Lynn, Jeannette M. 1F M/A 1222 Blackhawk Dr. 1,320 15,210 Ansel, Hugo P. & Mary L. 1F M/A 1767 Washington CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASH W 0 O U CL Q W 19 20 21 22 [NGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 27 OF 42 PAGES 1775 Washington Sub. 2 E12 of o Dub. EXISTING ASSESSED R Lot 1 OR -1 M 1777 Washington VALUATION/1979 E12 of Lot N E. Dub. Add., Lot 2 Sub. Lot 1 0 !-- V) 91 in r -i Lot 1 Z Cn W WJ 1785 Washington C-1 91 E. Dub. Add. Q to (n W Q U O J Cn W tY O W I- W W LU¢ Q p 3 Ln J M J --D Z CO 64 1775 Washington Sub. 2 E12 of 90 E. Dub. Add. R Lot 1 OR -1 M 1777 Washington Sub. Lot 2 of E12 of Lot 90 in E. Dub. Add., Lot 2 Sub. Lot 1 of E� of Lot 91 in E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 1785 Washington Sub. 1 E� of 91 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 1787 Washington Sub. 2 of E12 of 91 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 1795 Washington Sub. 2 of E12 of 91 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 23 1260 E. 18th BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 13 E. Dub. Add. W12 Lot 90 E. Dub. Add. W12 Lot 91 Z Q O 1,260 14,530 Hingtgen, Theodore & Anna M. M/A 1775 Washington 1,310 15,610 New, Harry D. & Margaret F. M/A 1777 Washington 1,310 14,860 Trievieler, Elmer & Arthur M/A c/o Buelow Contr. Daniel J. & Betty A. Buelow, M/A 68512 Sinsinawa Ave., E. Dub., Ill. 61025 1,310 14,860 Decker, Marie E. M/A 1787 Washington 1,420 16,660 Pline, Rueben M. M/A 2749 Central Contr. Pline, Harlow G.&Kay A. M/A c/o Occupant i 1795 Washington 6,840 12,460 Papke, Howard J. War M/A c/o,,,Qccupant, 260 E. 18th 1 244-244' E. 17th Sub. 37 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,800 21,690 McCarron, Howard S. & Lena M/A c/o Holmes Contr. John R. & Dianne K. Holmes, M/A 1005 Oak St. CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. 1F C7 � cn Z Q O N U OR -11 R 1F I OR -11 R 1F I OR -11 R 1F OR -1 R 1F OR -1 R ehous OR -1 M 1F + 1C OR -11 R WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 28 OF 42 PAGES o U d. N WW W af 0 o J Q C-) CD (n J 0 EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 � O J Ln Z r-4 Co ¢ m .1 0 W Li tY W of. p W 2: OU Z Z Q O Q � p C3 Z — CD c t� cn 2 1698 Jackson Sub. 37 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 9,690 66,640 Nagel, Arthur F. 6 apts. OR -1 M M/A 3087 Central 3 1676 Jackson E. Dub. Add. N2 Lot 38 1,750 23,420 Winter, Cecelia C. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1676 Jackson 4 1666 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S2 38 2,190 26,060 Learman, Leonard E. & Carol A. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1666 Jackson 5 1656 Jackson E. Dub. Add. N12 Lot 39 2,190 10,900 Smith, Mary T., M/A 1656 Jackson 1F OR -1 R 6 1646 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S2 Lot 39 2,770 19,610 Hendricks, Randy J. & Patricia 1F OR -1 R L.A., M/A 835 S. Grandview 7 1636 Jackson E. Dub. N2 Lot 40 2,190 22,960 Fettgather, Katherine 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 16362 Jackson 8 1610 Jackson Van Eman Place Lot 1 4,890 26,160 Jaeger, Daniel L. & Jeannine A. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1610 Jackson 8A 247 & 249 E. 16th Van Eman Place Lot 2 3,390 14,700 Bartmann, Wm. R. & Theodore C. 2F OR -1 R M/A 1043, -Main Contr. Rick G1anz,640 Kurt Ct: Contr. Norma M. Denlinger & Berth'Schneller,215 Clarke Ir. 9 1603 Washington E. Dub. Add. S18'3" Lot 82 1,810 24,610 Hird,i Lillian C. & Walter C. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1603 Washington 10 1609 Washington Sub. of N33'3" of 82 1,500 13,340 Steffen, Lawrence E. & Joan Mary 1F OR -1 R E. Dub. Add., Lot 2 M/A 92 Gandolfo 11 1613 Washington Sub. of N33'3" of 82 1,850 13,340 Steffen, Lawrence E. & Joan Mary 1F OR -1 R E. Dub. Add., Lot 1 M/A 92 Gandolfo CODE: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 29 OF 42 PAGES LU C) LD U L1. Q I— co W W W of t—O Cn < oz J� Q U Ln W W J D EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 I C J (n C9 Q = Z J Co a z�,, Q N N W L1._ Q::U' W tY O W < O z < O z Z U OU Z O N 0 v U- N Ln Q J U 12 1623 Washington Sub. 83 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 1,790 18,570 Knapp, Charles H. & Geneva B. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1623 Washington 13 1629 Washington Sub. 1-83 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 1,440 16,570 Miller, Katherine & Corrine 1F OR -1 R M/A 14431, E. 14 1635 Washington Sub. 1-83 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 1,960 20,160 Juergens, Mary C. 1F OR -1 R M/A 593 Boleyn Rd. Contr. Michael L. Knockel M/A 1015 Wilson 15 1649 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� of Lot 84 2,470 23,860 Pfeiffer, John E. & Linda L. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1649 Washington 16 1663-1665 E. Dub. Add. N� of Lot 84 2,590 23,340 Cox, Roger B. & Margaret D. 2F OR -1 R Washington M/A 2261 Martin Dr. 17 1669 Washington E. Dub. Add. S2 of Lot 85 2,590 13,720 Thompson, Don F. & Edna M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1669 Washington 18 1689 Washington E. Dub. Add. NlZ Lot 85 2,470 24,030 Roussel, Theresa 1F OR -1 R M/A 757 Caledonia Place 19 1693 & 1695 Sub. 86 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 2,910 37,830 Pfiffner, Robert F.,& Leona M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R Washington M/A 908rKirkwood Contr.Robert F. `& Dorothy B. Willman, M/A 1693 Washington 20 1699 Washington Sub. 86 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,130 16,730 Coffin, George W. & Mary R. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1699 Washington. w ut: Pi/H-mm LING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 3_Q_OF _42_PAGES I,n-rtrllLIHU, V-VHIHIVI, r-rAIULY, G-GUNVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING,ASSESSED 0 LUMCn VALUATION/1979 CD t - Cnn CD z cn v • • w� ¢� o ¢wU-� c� r < CY C] CDN LLJ LU Z J V) ~ U` L C� Z Z U Z �-+ Ln CD J M Q J Z Z ca '_' Q M ? Z Q o OU Z o N Q J U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 14 Sub. 42 E. Dub. Add., Lot 1 4,490 56,980 Herr, Richard L. & Buechele, Apts. OR -1 M 1 1592-1598 Jackson David A., M/A 95 Alpine Retail 2 1580 & 1584 E. Dub. Add., Lot 43 Sub. 42 4,910 50,380 Somers, Walter B. & Joyce H. 1F + 1C OR -1 R Jackson E. Dub. Add., Lot 2 M/A 1580 Jackson 3 1552 Jackson E. Dub. Add. N12 Lot 44 2,770 26,070 Weber, Frank J. & Mabel 1F OR -1 R M/A 1552 Jackson 4 1550 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S1-2 Lot 44 2,770 25,050 Cathcart, Helen Debold 1F OR -1 R M/A 2447 Central 5 1532 Jackson E. Dub. Add. N12 Lot 45 2,770 30,840 Lucas, Bertha & Frank T. 1F + lC OR -1 R M/A 3525 Windsor 6 1530 Jackson E. Dub. Add. Sl� 45 2,770 29,520 Spiegel, Robt. J. M/A 786 FremonGlF + 1C OR -1 R Contr. Carl H. & Virginia Engling „ M/A 1530 Jackson 7 1504 Jackson E. Dub. Add. Lot 46 4,390 37,080 Konrardy, L6ona D. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1504 Jackson 8 1503 Washington E. Dub. Add. S' of Lot 77 2,540 17,420 Stoffel.', Alvena R. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1503 Washington 9 1513 Washington E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 77 2,540 21,330 Meyer, Duane J. & Jane M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1513 Washington' 10 1525 Washington E. Dub. Add. S26'2" Lot 78 2,590 23,390 Grether, Robert Carl 1F OR -1 R M/A 1525 Washington rnr)7• MIA MATT TKIn I,n-rtrllLIHU, V-VHIHIVI, r-rAIULY, G-GUNVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 31 OF 42 PAGES / - A LING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 0 L' M VALUATION/1979 O F— Cn o Z cn v Ui Q U W W F d Q U p p L} N W W Z J N �a C3 W lY O W i CD Z : U � Nit J O Q cc CD ZQ O � 11539 1F OR -14R 11 Washington E. Dub. Add. N25' Lot 78 2,470 33,960 Walsh, Rose Marie Pitz M/A 1539 Washington 12 1543 Washington E. Dub. Add. Sz Lot 79 2,540 35,590 Scheckel, Allen E. & Kathleen 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1020 Davis Contr. Harold L. Pemberten M/A 1543 Washington 13 1559 Washington E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 79 2,540 17,840 Scheckel, Eugene F. & Viola M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1559 Washington 14 1571 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 80 2,540 23,690 Frick, Edwin A. & Roberta 1F OR -1 R M/A 1571 Washington 15 1575 Washington Sub. of N� of 80 E. Dub. Add. 1,890 21,070 Weber, Irene E. & Herman J. 1F OR -1 R Lot 1 M/A 3525 Windsor 16 1577 Washington Sub. of N� of 80 E. Dub. Add. 1,590 18,750 Boyes, Milton A. & Judith R. 1F OR -1 R Lot 2 Sub. 81 E. Dub. Add.Lot 2 M/A 3186 Erie Ct. 17 1597 & 1599 Sub. 1-81 E. Dub. Add. Lots 1&2 3,700 39,730 Spoerre, Walter J. & Margaret C. Duplex OR -1 R 18 Washington M/A 1599 ,Washington BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 15 Sub. 1-47 E. Dub. Add. N 16.66 1,740 22,840 Hayes, Carl J. & Marion 1F OR -1 R 1 1496 Jackson M/A 1496 Jackson 2 1494 Jackson S 1-47 E. Dub. S20.6' Lot 1 2,150 21,800 Osterhoff, Joseph I. & Louise M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1478 Jackson CODE M/A MAT / - A LING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 32 OF 42 PAGES `jVALUATION/1979 0 C) U d f- cNn W W Ui W c d o CL J Q U CO Cn W W J DC7 EXISTING ASSESSED L7 V) ''_'' 0 z Co Q V) Cn W Li. W t� o W E � Z Z Q O Z U 0 L7 Z o z 0CD V-- -. Ln Ln Q J N U 3 1478 Jackson Sub. 47 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 3,560 37,980 Osterhoff, Louise M. & Joseph 2F OR -1 Sub. N-22 of 48 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 M/A 1478 Jackson R 4 -- Sub. 1-2—N12 of 48 E. Dub. Add. 30 -- Osterhoff, Louise M. & Joseph Vacant OR -1 R Lot 2 M/A 1478 Jackson 5 1466 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S12 Lot 48 2,800 26,280 Jestel, Harold E. & Helen 1F OR -1 M/A 1466 Jackson R 6 1458 Jackson E. Dub. Add. N12 Lot 49 2,800 22,990 Neal, Howard & Lois 1F OR -1 R M/A 1458 Jackson 7 1448 & 1448 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S12 Lot 49 2,180 20,440 Rettenmaier, Fred G. & Marcella 1F + 1C OR -1 R M. M/A 1448 Jackson 8 -- E. Dub. Add. N1-2 Lot 50 2,180 -- Rettenmaier, Fred G. & Marcella Vacant OR -1 R M. M/A 1448 Jackson 9 1430 Jackson E. Dub. Add. S12 Lot 50 2,800 24,340 Spautz, Alvina G. 1F M/A 1430 Jackson OR -1 R 10 1406-1404 Jackson E. Dub. Add. Wz Lot 51 3,990 33,410 Pfiffner, George R. & Betty J. 2F M/A 1406 Jackson OR -1 R 11 235 & 237 E. 14th E. Dub. E� Lot 51 3,630 32,020 Metz, Kenneth M. & Susan M. 2F OR -1 M/A 23:5 E � 14th R 12 Sub. Lot 72 E. Sub. Lot 72 E. Dub. Add., Lot 1 3,420 18,170 D & L Properties, c/o Glanz OR -1 Dub. Add., Lot 1 R Contr. Richard D. Glanz M/A 640 Kurt Ct. Contr. Merrill Hyde M/A 2481 Maplewood Dr. ronF- M/A-WITI tnir_ It unrAWr r rnneri --- �, . II , 1 ni11LI I u-t,UIVVCM3luli, K--KLJlULN1IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 33 OF 42 PAGES � 0 CD a. i F-- L/") W a:J o E- a W W J O EXISTING ASSESSEDCD VALUATION/1979 0 J N z ZD ¢ Co 0 z Ln ¢ W LL = W of O W .L Z Z Q O z Q Co Q- Z U p O L) .-- (n N 12A 1403-1405 Sub. Lot 72 E. Dub. Add., Lot 2 3,680 24,920 Dixon, James R., Jr. N C, 2F OR -1 R Washington M/A 1412 Washington 13 1433 Washington E. Dub. Add., Lot 73 4,080 31,240 Smith, Pearl, M/A 1433 Washington 1F + 1C OR -1 R 14 1453 & 1455 E. Dub. Add., Lot 74 4,080 37,200 Lutgen, Irene M., M/A c/o Becker 1F + 1C Washington Contr. Allen & Kimberly Becker 1F OR -1 R M/A 880 Boyer 15 1467 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 75 2,570 23,000 Wanger, Joseph A. 1F + 1C OR -1 M/A 1471 Washington R 16 1471 Washington E. Dub. Add., N=z Lot 75 2,060 19,950 Wanger, Joseph A. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1471 Washington 17 1493 Washington Sub. of E60' 76 E. Dub. Add. 3,160 18,480 Gartner, Odelia I., c/o Hansen 1F OR -1 Lot 1 Contr. Paul G. & Ann E. Hansen R M/A 1493 Washington 18 1495 Washington Sub. of E60' of 76 E. Dub. Add. 1,680 27,740 Wissing, Marcella C. 1F Lot 2 M/A 1495 Washington OR -1 R 19 258 E. 15th E. Dub. Add., W40' of Lot 76 3,370 26,280 Gassmann, Catherine 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 258 E. -15th 20 230 E. 15th Sub. 2-1-47 E. Dub. Add. 1 & 2 3,120 20,530 Asbell, Mar Iy M. 1F Sub. 1-2 of N=z of 48 E. Dub. M/A 230 E. 15th OR -1 R Add. 1 Sub. 2 of N� of 48 E. Dub. Add. 2 rnnr:. MIA MATI TWI vnnnr r ,,—. ,,,r1-ru,1LlIVU, v-vhuhwl, r-rAMILY, U-UUNVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 34 OF 42 PAGES o O U < N f - cn w w W CL' f-- O cn -,I: o • 1 J Q U W W J O EXISTIIJG ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 o M J Ln Z CD Q C Z J CO 0 z cn ¢ Ln v� w U- 0 W Cr� 0 W.--� M Z Q O 3 Z Q OO z Q a U O N O L" N Q J <U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 1 E. Dub. Add. N12 Lots 1 & 2 10,850 -- Rainbo Oil Co., M/A 300 S. Main Vacant C-2 M 1 -- E. Dub. Add. N� of Lots 1 & 2 10,700 Cook, Thomas, M/A Rainbo Oil Co. C-2 M E. Dub. Add. NW5' of Lot 3' 300 S. Main Bldg. on leased land with Rainbo 6,900 Oil Co. Machinery & Equip. 2 1952 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� of Lots 1 & 2 3,970 20,150 Rainbo Oil Co., M/A 300 S. Main 1F OR -1 R 3 1938 Washington E. Dub. Add. N33' Lot 21 4,640 23,800 Hanley, Wm. J. & Charlotte A. 1F + 2C OR -1 M E. Dub. Add. N33' Lot 22 M/A 1396 Tomahawk Dr. 4 1900 Washington E. Dub. Add. S29' W28' S69' 10,170 78,970 Heiar, Merlin F. & Eileen B. 6 apts. OR -1 M Lot 21 M/A RR 2 E. Dub. Add. S29' S69' Lot 22 - E. Dub. Add. W26' N40' W28' S69' Lot 21 E. Dub. Add. N40' S69' Lot 22 5 347 E. 19th E. Dub. Add. W8' Lot 20 2,390 23,060 Engling, Gerald J. & Jenny M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R E. Dub. Add. E17' S69' Lot 21 M/A 2827.Central Avenue E. Dub. Add. E2' N40' W28' of i S69' Lot 21 6 357 E. 19th E. Dub. Add. E42' Lot 20 3,810 19,150 Appel, Frederick R. & Alta M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1890 Bennett 7 373 E. 19th E. Dub. Add. Lot 19 3,600 20,810 Appel, Frederick R. & Alta M. 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1890 Bennett UUUt: M/A-MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 35 OF 42 PAGES w ut: N/A -MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. oz EXISTING ASSESSED 0 LU VALUATION/1979 0 C) C/') F-- cn W W 2� J O W ¢ cn z ¢ C 7 W n, LU N J D < Z J Cn Q 3 ¢ O U Z O Q J p N U 8 E. Dub. Add. W25' Lot 18 4,110 N.A. Rainbo Oil Co., M/A 300 S. Main Vacant OR -1 M 9 20th & Elm E. Dub. Add. Lot 3 20,530 21,980 Rainbo Oil Co., M/A 300 S. Main Service C-2 M E. Dub. Add. S48' Lot 4 Station E. Dub. Add. N2' Lot 4 E. Dub. Add. W=2 Lot 5 BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 2 E. Dub. Add. E42' N12 Lot 97 3,910 18,990 Voelker Realty Group, Inc. 1F ;OR -1 R 1 346 E. 19th M/A 1334 Central 2 1896 Washington E. Dub. W57'6" N� Lot 97 2,370 29,780 Glynn, George & Eleanor 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1896 Washington 3 1890 Washington E. Dub. Add. S72 Lot 97 2,530 26,690 Reisch, Helen B. & Christian J. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1890 Washington 4 1876 Washington E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 98 2,530 24,000 Pauley, DoA,ald B. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1876 Washington 5 1866 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 98 2,720 29,880 Kennicker; :Richard F. & Ruth M. 2F OR -1 R E. Dub. Add. S� N1.7' Lot 99 M/A RR 2: 'Cuba City, Wisc. 6 1856 Washington E. Dub. Add. S24' N12 99 2,370 25,530 Yaeger, Susan D. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1856 Washington 7 1840 Washington E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 99 2,570 28,800 Schroeder, Jean Marie et. al. 1F OR -1 R M/A 2626 Queen 8 1836 Washington E. Dub. Add. 100 4,020 20,980 Apel, Edward C. 1F + 1C OR -1 M M/A 1836 Washington w ut: N/A -MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 36 OF 42 PAGES UUUL: ri/H-MAILING, MACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 0 o VALUATION/1979 0 O U N I— Uj a J O z cn Q Ln t/I z ¢ C7 H d W� O Q U C3 cn r -j C3 W li � W tY O W V) Q (n c= V)O J O Q ZDZ J Q 0 3 U Z O Q J Cc 11 Z d O p N U 9 18th & Washington E. Dub. Add. Lot 101 6,830 45,110 Link, Elsie, M/A 160 N. Algona Office OR -1 R Contr. Farber, Barry iWarehous M/A 2550 Mineral 10 1805 Elm E. Dub. Add. S12 Lot 162 790 N.A. Appel, Fred, M/A 1890 Bennet St Vacant OR -1 R 11 1815 Elm E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 162 2,530 23,890 Schwartz, Katherine 1F OR -1 R M/A 955 Shady Lane 12 1839 Elm E. Dub. Add. Lot 163 4,020 22,200 Appel, Fred R. & Alta M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1890 Bennet 13 1845 Elm E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 164 2,530 27,950 Feipel, Louise Francis & Evelyn 1F OR -1 R M., M/A 1845 Elm 14 1855 Elm E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 164 2,530 27,710 Beckius, Cleta E., M/A 1855 Elm 1F OR -1 R 15 1885 Elm E. Dub. Lot 165 8,200 19,680 Appel, Frederick R. & Alta M. Laundry OR -1 M M/A Mat 16 19th & Elm E. Dub. Lot 166 8,200 N.A. Appel, Frederick R. & Alta M. Vacant OR -1 M M/A BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 3 E. Dub. Add. Lot 102 to 106 28,800 174,860 Dubuque Casket Co. Mfg. I 1 1798 Washington M/A 1798 Washington 2 1703 Elm E. Dub, Add. S� Lot 157 2,530 19,530 Krier, Debra C., M/A 1703 Elm 1F R 3 1711 Elm E. Dub. Add. N� Lot 157 2,530 19,510 Huston, Irene, M/A 359 S. Locust 1F R UUUL: ri/H-MAILING, MACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 37 OF 42 PAGES -i, -� .41111.1 II ii, V - VMUMHI� r-rhMILT, U-CONVERS !ON, R -•RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 > v C) F - cn 0 z cn z •- U W r" J Q U W C] ¢ W U_ Ln � F_ MN LU LU J (n Z H C -D CD Ui D J D J CO i Z Q p p U J N < U 1F R 4 1721 Elm E. Dub. Add. Slz Lot 158 2,530 18,370 Hedley, James D.& Mihalakis, Joleen, M/A 1307 Rhomberg 5 1731 Elm E. Dub. Add. N'-2 Lot 158 2,530 21,050 Neuhaus, Kevin E. 1F + 1C M/A 1731 Elm R 6 1745 Elm E. Dub. Add. Lots 159,160 & 161 17,320 2,750 Dubuque Casket Co. Office M/A 1798 Washington M 6 1745 Elm E. Dub. Add. Lots 159, 160 & 161 N.A. 12,740 Midway Motor Sales (Bldg. on leased land) E.W. Erner, M/A 1745 Elm BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 4 Sub. 107 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 3,750 20,700 Redmond, Florence M. 1F 1 1696 Washington M/A 1696 Washington R 2 1664 Sub. 107 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 5,950 35,450 Fluhr, Gary A & Michele A. 3F 1668 E. Dub. Add. Lot 108 M/A 502,5;" Riverview M 1670 Washington Bellevi:ew, IA 52031 3 E. Dub. Add. S18' Lot 109 3,620 N.A. Bisping, Herbert J.;& Rita A. Vacant R E. Dub. Add. N3312" Lot 109 M/A 2335!6niversity 4 1620 & 1628 E. Dub. Add. Lot 110 4,030 53,360 Cooper, Bernice A. 1F + lC Washington R M/A 1620 Washington 2F 5 1618 Washington E. Dub. Add. Nlz Lot 111 2,530 23,710 Brenke, Frederick C., Sr. & Anna 1F M/A 1618 Washington R 6 1608 Washington E. Dub. S' Lot 111 2,530 23,810 Bush, Josephine lF R M/A 1608 Washington rnnF• M/Q-MAT 1 Tni/` 1l Irnr,nniT -i, -� .41111.1 II ii, V - VMUMHI� r-rhMILT, U-CONVERS !ON, R -•RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 38 OF 42 PAGES C- 0 C Cl, F-- c`a'n w w W r"J� O c/ ) o i- a _1 O EXISTING VALUATION/1979 W Z ¢ ASSESSED ' 0 J (n r C7 CO 0 z cn ¢ W L L- = W L1. O W M Z¢ OO z ::D O N L 0CD (n Cn < U 7 357 E. 16th Sub. of Lot 152 in E. Dub. Add. 3,570 24,120 Lenstra, Orville P. & Jean B. 1F OR -1 R Lot 2 M/A 535 N. Booth Contr. Andrew H. & Ruby Reiter M/A 357 E. 16th St. 7A 395 E. 16th Sub. of Lot 152 in E. Dub. Add. 2,370 10,020 Howell, Dick R. & Rosemary 1F OR -1 R Lot 3 M/A 395 E.' 16th St. 7B 1615 Elm St. Sub. of Lot 152 in E. Dub. Add. 2,500 13,500 McClain, Willard E. & Diane L. 1F OR -1 R Lot 1 M/A 1615 Elm St. 8 1633 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. S2 of Lot 153 2,530 16,310 Caldwell, Kenneth R. & Kathleen 1F OR -1 R M.,' M/A 1633 Elm St. 9 1635 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. N2 Lot 153 2,530 12,820 Davis, Carl L. Sr. & Jerrilyn A. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1635 Elm St. 10 1645 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. Lot 154 4,020 21,800 Harvey, Harold, M/A 2730 White 1F + 1C OR -1 R Contr. Jeff Reuter, M/A RR 3 11 1665 Elm St. E. Dub. S2 Lot 155 2,530 22,010 Klein, Allan J. & Marie 1F OR -1 R M/A 1775 N.'Grandview Contra Jeff J. Reuter,M/A RR 3 11A 1675 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. N2 of Lot 155 2,530 19,350 Davis, Albert E. & Adele C. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1675'>lm St. 12 1681 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. S22' of Lot 156 2,180 17,510 Rennison, Burdette & Hazel M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1681 Elm St. 13 17th & Elm E. Dub. Add. N29'2" Lot 156 3,880 31,690 Otting, Eugene Arthur Apt. OR -1 M M/A 16892 Elm Tavern CODE M A 1 -MAILING, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 39 OF 42 PAGES -- u, •-,�-i , I —1 /71'IlL1 , l-IUIVvr-K3lull , K-KL)IULNI IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. o EXISTING ASSESSED 1z O 0 VALUATION/1979 0 O f — Ln W W1 J � Z Ln 7 ¢ a_ W = CSD W O JCn Z � C D W U_ = C� W LYO W - Z -- V) N M W W J 0 ¢ z O Z U -- to Q mZ Q O p O N U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 5 Sub. 112 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,590- 8,200 McCann, Emmet & Clara 1F OR -1 R 1 344 E. 16th bVA 344 E. 16th St. 2 1598 Washington Sub. 1-112 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,830 24,770 Schuster, Daniel L. & Frances M. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1598 Washington 3 1588 & 1586 Sub. 1-112 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 2,180 30,690 George, Milton C. 2F OR -1 R Washington M/A 1586 Washington 4 1578 Washington Sub. Lot -Lot 113 E. Dub. Add. 1,310 9,040 Streinz, Andrew J. & Jeannette L 1F OR -1 R Lot 2 M/A 763 Alta Vista 5 1576 Washington Sub. 1-113 E. Dub. Add 1 1,310 9,690 Dohrer, Robert W. & Imo M. 1F OR -1 M/A 1576 Washington R 6 1574 Washington Sub. 113 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 1,830 14,070 Leick, Anthony & Carol A. 1F OR -1 M/A 1556 Washington R 7 1556 Washington E. Dub. Add. Lot 114 3,170 34,030 Leick, Anthony P. & Carol A. 1F OR M/A 1556 Washington -1 R 8 1536 Washington E. Dub. Add. N2 Lot 115 1,560 N.A. Leick,-Anthony P. &' Carol A. Vacant OR -1 R M/A 1556 Washington 9 1514 Washington E. Dub. Add. S2 Lot 115 4,950 40,880 Brokes, John F. & Carol Rose 1F OR -1 E. Dub. Add. N24'4" Lot 116 M/A 1514 Washington R 10 1502 Washington Sarris Place "All" 2,680 32,950 Clarke, Rosemary,M/A 1925 Loras 1F + 1C OR -1 R 11 351 E. 15th St. Sub. of S2 of Lot 147 E. Dub. 2,530 22,550 Jackson, Lyle M. & Rita C. 1F OR -1 Add. Lot 2 & Wm.Reisen Place "A 1" M/A 1732 Sharon Dr. R rnrw- M/A_MATI TKI(` It 1)n rnniT r rner -- u, •-,�-i , I —1 /71'IlL1 , l-IUIVvr-K3lull , K-KL)IULNI IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE__4_Q_OF 42 PAGES o CD C_.J N t— cn W W W CY W Cn< CD a J QC> J W EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 1 W J (n z 1--I (� ¢ CO 0 z cn Q N N W L1' O W zQ O > z Q p 0 Li Cn (n 12 Sub. S' of 147 E. Dub. Add. 690 N.A. Bowden, Delbert A. M/A c/o N U Vacant OR -1 R Lot 1 Adult Personal Services, Box 93, Villa Park, Ill.60161 13 1515 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. N� of Lot 147 2,430 20,490 Miller, Laverne P. 1F OR -1 R M/A Delores St., E. Dubuque 14 1523 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. S� Lot 148 2,680 12,610 Laird, Wayne L. & Janaan M. 1F OR -1 R E. Dub. Add. Sl' N1z Lot 148 M/A 1432 Garfield 15 1547 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. N24'7" of N� of 2,370 19,420 Bennett, Shirley A. 1F + 1C OR -1 R Lot 148 M/A 1547 Elm St. 16 1553' Elm St. Sub. Lot 149 in E. Dub. Add. 290 2,170 Rupp, Merwin F. & Jean Ann Garage OR -1 R Lot 1 M/A 2011 Clarke Dr. Contr. Edward G. Brown M/A 984 Rush 17 Sub. 149 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 3,230 N.A. Rupp, Merwin F. & Jean A. Vacant OR -1 R M/A 2011 Clarke Dr. 18 1567 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. Sz Lot 150 2,530 12,610 Starkey; $arbara, M/A 1567 Elm 1F OR -1 R 19 1573 Elm St. E. Dub. Add. N' of Lot 150 3,420 19,680 Ruff, Philip J. & Shirley A. Barber OR -1 M M/A 649VT. Locust`. Shop 20 394 E. 16th E. Dub. Add. E� Lot 151 3,630 17,840 Kelly,'Wendy Lee, M/A 394 E.16t 1F OR -1 R 21 360-358 E. 16th E. Dub. Add. W� Lot 151 3,630 24,510 Mai, Robert J. M/A 2255 Theda Er 2F OR -1 R rnnc. M/A MATTKIrl 11 11A I r _ __ /YL—rlmlLIIjua V - v uMNi, r-HAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 41 OF 42 PAGES CD a. t - cn w� af p F— Cn o Q� U, N LJ LLJ J D EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 o Cn J U-) Z f -- CD— Q on 0 Z Ln ¢UiU-= W tY O W L Z Z Q O > 7 a_ J U p CD O 0CD cn c/) N U BOOK MAP BLOCK 4 1 6 Sub. 117 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 4,020 61,490 Kunz, Betty Jane & George W. 2F OR -1 R 1 342 E. 15th & 1498 Washington Sub. 117 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 M/A 1498 Washington 1F + lC 2 1480 & 1478 Sub. of N� of 118 E. Dub. Add. 2,570 32,840 Kunz, Betty Jane & George W. 2F OR -1 R Washington Lot 1 Sub. of N=z of 118 M/A 1498 Washington E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 3 1470 Washington E. Dub. Add. S1-2 Lot 118 2,570 18,990 Wissing, Harold D. & Nancy 1F OR -1, R M/A 1470 Washington 4 1460 Washington E. Dub. Add. N1-2 Lot 119 2,570 17,950 Miller, Constance Ann 1F OR -1 R M/A 1460 Washington 5 1448 Washington E. Dub. Add. S1-2 of Lot 119 2,570 18,850 Julien Improvement Co. 1F OR -1 R M/A 1523 Central Contr. Donald E. & Shirley A. Noggle, M/A 1448 Washington 6 1430-1428 E. Dub. Add. Lot 120 4,020 26,100 Hruska, Wm.I,Henry & Loretta Eliz 2F OR -1 R Washington M/A 1430 Washington 7 1414 & 1412 Sub. 121 E. Dub. Add. Lot 2 2,570 20,470 Dixon, James,R. 2F OR -1 R Washington M/A 29b0 Jackson St. 8 1408 Washington Sub. Lot 121 E. Dub. Add. Lot 1 2,570 21,240 Ackerman, Patricia Ann 1F OR -1 R M/A 1408 Washington. 9 1401 & 1421 Elm E. Dub. Add. Lot 142 6,830 23,650 Maas, Wm. C. & Eliz., M/A R.R. 5 Tavern/1F OR -1 M 10 1429 Elm E. Dub. Add. S 2/3 of Lot 143 3,370 19,110 Rokusek, John J. & Lucille 1F OR -1 R ' M/A 1429 Elm cnnF• M/8—MATI TNIC 1/ vnrnn�r r rnn�r.. -- . �, , I 11l11LI , V—I,VIVVCItJIVIV, K-KtJlULNI IAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. WASHINGTON STREET NEIGHBORHOOD - URBAN REVITALIZATION AREA: PROPERTY INFORMATION PAGE 42 OF 42 PAGES w O O d. 2::cn Cn F— cn Uj LU W M cr_ D < o + _jD ¢ U O V") J D EXISTING ASSESSED VALUATION/1979 i O J (n C3 ¢ m 0 Q V)cn W ur�Q W % M O Z Z Q p > V Z U p 0 CD U ti N U 11 1443 Elm E. Dub. Add. N 1/3 Lot 143 3,370 28,810 Olsen, Wm. H. & Dorothy 1F + 1C OR -1 R E. Dub. Add. S 1/3 Lot 144 M/A 2380 Trygg Dr. Contr. Dale H. & Charlotte Miller, M/A 1443 Elm St. 12 1453 Elm E. Dub. Add. N 2/3 Lot 144 3,370 19,310 Shively, Mary A., M/A 1453 Elm 1F + 1C OR -1 R 13 1471 Elm E. Dub. Add. S23'9" Lot 145 2,370 21,280 International Management Invest- OR -1 R ment Corp., M/A 1766 Central Contr. Jas. B. & Nancy Brokus M/A 2135 Jackson St. 14 1475 Elm E. Dub. Add. N27.5' Lot 145 2,720 18,990 Meyer, Gary C. & Dianne 1F OR -1 R M/A 1475 Elm St. 15 1485-1487 Elm E. Dub. Add. S32' Lot 146 3,170 24,660 Frommelt, Mildred, M/A 1487 Elm 2F OR -1 R 16 1499 Elm E. Dub. Add. N19.2' Lot 146 1,890 20,660 McCormick, Bernadette 1F + 1C OR -1 R M/A 1499 Elm St. 'r. r t,UUt: M/A-FIAILINU, V -VACANT, F -FAMILY, C -CONVERSION, R -RESIDENTIAL, EX -EXEMPT, M -MERCANTILE. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA MEMORANDUM March 5, 1981 TO: W. Kenneth Gearhart, City Manager FROM: Daniel Dittemore, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Boundaries of Proposed Washington Street Revitalization Area INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memorandum is to provide background information in support of the boundaries recommended by staff for the proposed Washington Street Revitalization Area. Specifically, the memoran- dum addresses the exclusion of two areas from the proposed revital- ization area, the eight city blocks east of Elm Street between Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets known as "the Flats", and the twelve city blocks south of Fourteenth Street between Elm Street and Central Avenue, hereinafter referred to as the Twelfth Street Area. BACKGROUND The Washington Street Area is proposed as the third revitalization area, following the Jackson Park and West Eleventh Street Areas, in the City of Dubuque. Designation of urban revitalization areas in Dubuque has been based on the revitalization program strategy recommended by staff to City Council at a work session held October 27, 1980. This strategy includes a Revitalization Target Area, com- prised of those downtown residential neighborhoods identified for potential designation as urban revitalization areas. The eligibil- ity criteria mandated in the state legislation, together with the existing zoning, land uses and development trends in the downtown neighborhoods, were considered in staff's recommendation regarding the delineation of the Revitalization Target Area boundaries. The Revitalization Target Area does not include the eight block Flats Area or the twelve block Twelfth Street Area. Because these areas are included within the boundaries of the Washington Street Neighborhood Council, their exclusion from the proposed Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area will probably be challenged by the Neighborhood Council and by residents of those areas. DISCUSSION The proposed Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area, and the Flats and Twelfth Street Areas are delineated on Map #1. Map #1 also indicates the existing zoning and the major land uses in and surrounding these areas. Because the character of the Flats Area and the Twelfth Street Area differs in significant respects, the exclusion of each area from the proposed Washington Street Revital- ization Area will be discussed separately. The Flats Area The Flats Area encompasses the eight city blocks east of Elm Street between Fourteenth and Sixteenth Streets. While included in the Washington Street Neighborhood Council, the Flats Area is industrial in character, with the Milwaukee Road and Chicago Northwestern Rail- roads physically separating the industrial Flats Area from the sub- stanially residential area east of Elm Street. As indicated on Map #1, the entire Flats Area falls within the HI Heavy Industrial zoning classification. The Heavy Industrial Dis- trict provides locations for those industrial uses which generate levels of smoke, dust, noise or odors that render them incompatible with virtually all other land uses. Permitted uses include manufac- turers and processors of such raw substances and materials as glue, petroleum products or any flammable liquid, asphalt or concrete pro- ducts, explosive materials of any type, and fertilizer. In addition, slaughterhouses and stockyards, refuse dumps, sewage treatment plants, crematoriums, reduction plants, and foundaries are allowed as condi- tional uses in the Heavy Industrial District. The Heavy Industrial zoning classification also applies to properties adjacent to the Flats Area. The adjacent industrial land uses are A.Y. McDonald, a foundry manufacturing plumbing supplies, just south of the Flats, and Dubuque Packing Company, north of and extending into the Flats Area. The twenty-four residential structures in the Flats Area existed prior to the adoption of the 1934 zoning ordinance and have remained as non -conforming uses since that time. As non -conforming uses, the residential use structures may be repaired, but may not be enlarged. Any existing residential structure that is destroyed to an extent of more than fifty percent of its replacement cost may not be reconstruc- ted. Finally, no new construction of residential structures may be undertaken in the Flats Area. The existing land use in the Flats Area is highlighted on Map #2. Eighteen single-family homes and duplexes are interspersed with in- dustrial properties on four of the eight city blocks. A field in- spection of the area indicated that most of the structures are in dis- repair and generally poor condition. Land uses on the other four blocks are strictly industrial and commercial and include several wareliouses, a City Utility Station, a junkyard, parking lots and the employee credit union of theDubuque Packing Company. Page 2 of 6 Pages q CEDAR ST v C� - A191 MAPLE ST tZIMMENIM co In k - WASHINGTON ST URBAN REITLIZATION R A 10 JACKSON ST LI uI ffiff I I p CnF H M < < wW LLJ US Ell WHITE ST M�. ............................... CENTRAL AVE. .... ...... ; eLmolim IOWA ST = Residential EM Commercial Adjacent Land Use M Institutional Industrial Page 4 of 6 Pages imm Ell M 1.1 1111.1 co In k - WASHINGTON ST URBAN REITLIZATION R A 10 JACKSON ST LI uI ffiff I I p CnF H M < < wW LLJ US Ell WHITE ST M�. ............................... CENTRAL AVE. .... ...... ; eLmolim IOWA ST = Residential EM Commercial Adjacent Land Use M Institutional Industrial Page 4 of 6 Pages City property tax assessment records indicate that sixteen of the twenty-four residential structures are owner -occupied. Three of these property owners own second,and third Flats Area residential properties. Three residential structures are owned by the Dubuque Packing Company. In recent years, the Dubuque Packing Company has acquired extensive property interest in the Flats Area. Assessment records indicate that the Dubuque Packing Company currently owns properties totalling a full three of the eight city blocks. Staff reaffirms the recommendation to exclude the eight block Flats Area from the proposed Washington Street Revitalization Area. The residential structures are in poor condition because the Flats is an industrial, and not a residential area. The Dubuque revitaliza- tion program is directed at strengthening downtown residential neigh- borhoods. Including the Flats Area in the revitalization program would imply that City policy is to sustain and encourage residential use, and to foster neighborhood attributes (e.g. quiet, privacy, and the exclusion of incompatible uses) which support residential develop- ment. Clearly, such a policy would be inconsistent with the prevail- ing land use policy and development in the Flats Area. Twelfth Street Area The Twelfth Street Area is a mixed-use area of primarily residential and commercial development, with no one land use clearly defining the area. Encompassing twelve city blocks south of Fourteenth Street be- tween Central Avenue and Elm Street, the area acts as a transition area separating the industrial uses east and south of Elm Street and the,commercial uses of the downtown business district from the sub- stantially residential areas north of Fourteenth Street. As indicated on Map #1, four of the twelve city blocks are zoned for industrial uses. The industrial zoning classifications also apply to the areas directly east and south of the delineated Twelfth Street Area. The C-4, General Commercial, zoning classification applies to the remaining eight blocks. The C-4 General Commercial District was created to accommodate the older commercial areas which surround the central business core of Dubuque. The regulations of this District are designed to encourage the maintenance of existing uses and the redevelopment of new commercial uses. The regulations include a wide variety of permitted uses and liberalized bulk, yard, and parking re- quirements. Permitted uses within the C-4 District include profes- sional offices, banks, retail or wholesale stores excluding depart- ment stores, clubs, restaurants and bars. The existing land uses in and surrounding the Twelfth Street Area are depicted on Map #2. The City property assessment records in- dicate that approximately eighty-seven residential use structures are scattered throughout this twelve -block area. Forty single-fam- ily homes, twenty-seven duplexes and twenty- multi -family (three or more dwellings) structures are included. The residential uses are Page 5 of 6 Pages largely concentrated on the three city blocks south of Fourteenth Street between White and Elm Streets and on the two blocks south of Thirteenth Street between White and Washington Streets. Commer- cia'1 and industrial development dominate land use on the other blocks. While the Flats Area is obviously industrial in character, no one land use clearly dominates development in the Twelfth Street Area. The case for excluding the Twelfth Street Area from the proposed Washington Street Urban Revitalization Area is therefore less clear- cut•. An argument can be made that the area is sufficiently residen- tial to warrant at least some portion being included in a Washington Street Revitalization Area. Although such an argument may well be voiced by members of the Washington Street Neighborhood Council, staff nevertheless recommends that no boundary changes be made. Efficient use of tax dollars mandates that the revitalization tax incentives be targeted only to those areas that have a long-term resi- dential future. Area location, surrounding land uses, and traffic patterns, important factors in defining a desirable living environment, all, depreciate the neighborhood viability of the Twelfth Street Area. Its location between the central business district and the industrial area east of Elm Street places the Twelfth Street Area on the fringe of both types of development. While future development cannot, of course, be predicted with certainty, the existing zoning is reflective of a long-term development trend in the area toward general commercial use. An anticipated increase in traffic volumes on Fourteenth Street, due to the planned diversion of traffic from the new bridge at Sixteenth Street, reinforces commercial development prospects in the Twelfth Street Area. Fourteenth Street, an arterial for east -west traffic movements between the downtown area and the west side, already acts to physically separate the Twelfth Street Area from the substantially residential area to the north. While the bridge traffic diversion is to be temporary, pending freeway construction, the traffic volume in- crease will detract from the viability of residential development in the Twelfth Street Area. Given the economic forces and development trends currently operative in the Twelfth Street Area, it is doubtful that the abatements for residen- tial improvements would be recaptured in market value of property or as assessable tax base. At the same time, incentives for residential im- provements may have the effect of discouraging commercial or industrial investment in the area because of the threat of the nearby incompatible (residential) development. REQUESTED ACTION Please contact me with any questions or comments you have concerning the recommended boundaries for the proposed Washington Street Urban Revital- ization Area. Page 6 of 6 Pages