Alcohol and Tobacco License Applications Copyrighted February 4, 2020 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 12. ITEM TITLE: Alcohol and Tobacco License Applications SUMMARY: City Manager recommending approval of annual liquor, beer, wine and tobacco license applications as submitted. RESOLUTION Approving applications for beer, liquor, and/or wine permits, as required by City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances Title 4 Business and License Regulations, Chapter2 LiquorControl,Article B Liquor, Beerand Wine Licenses and Permits RESOLUTION Approving applications for retail cigarette/tobacco sales/nicotine/vapor permits, as required by lowa Code Chapter453A.47A SUGGESTED DISPOSITION: Suggested Disposition: Receiveand File;Adopt Resolution(s) ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Liquor License Renewals-MVM Memo City Manager Memo Staff Memo Staff Memo Liquor Resolultion Resolutions Tobacco Resolution Resolutions Dubuque THE CITY OF � ul Meriea Ciry Dus E �i�� i� Maste iece on the Mississi i zoo���o,z�zo�3 rP PP zov=zoi9 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: Liquor License Renewal for the following: • Casey's General Store#3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road • Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street • Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street • Dollar General Store #7289, 3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 8 • Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive • Dubuque Religious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street • Dungeon, 302 Locust Street • EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue • Gin Rickeys, 1447 Central Avenue • Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard • Hartig Drug Company #4, 2225 Central Avenue • Hy-Vee Market Cafe#3, 400 South Locust Street • Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10�° Street • Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street • Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue • RMN Lounge, LLC, 481 Locust Street • Steeple Square, 101 East 15�° Street • The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street • Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street DATE: January 27, 2020 Chief of Police Mark Dalsing recommends approval of the annual liquor license renewal for the businesses of Casey's General Store #3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road; Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street; Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street; Dollar General Store #7289 3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 8; Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive; Dubuque Religious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street; Dungeon, 302 Locust Street; EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue; Gin Rickeys, 1447 Central Avenue; Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard; Hartig Drug Company#4, 2225 Central Avenue; Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3, 400 South Locust Street; Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10t° Street; Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street; Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue; RMN Lounge, LLC, 481 Locust Street; Steeple Square, 101 East 15t° Street; The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street; and Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. �� �� ��� Mic ael C. Van Milligen �� � MCVM:as Attachment cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Teri Goodmann, Assistant City Manager Cori Burbach, Assistant City Manager Mark Dalsing, Chief of Police 2 "IHE CITY OF DUB E MEMORANDUM Masterpiece an tl2e Mississippi DATE: January 27, 2020 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen City Manager FROM: Mark Dalsing Chief of Police RE: Liquor License Renewal for the following: • Casey's General Store #3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road • Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street • Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street • Dollar General Store #7289, 3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 8 • Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive • Dubuque Religious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street • Dungeon, 302 Locust Street • EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue • Gin Rickeys, 1447 Central Avenue • Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard • Hartig Drug Company #4, 2225 Central Avenue • Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3, 400 South Locust Street • Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10t" Street • Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street • Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue • RMN Lounge, LLC, 481 Locust Street • Steeple Square, 101 East 15t" Street • The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street • Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street INTRODUCTION The purpose of this memorandum is to recommend the annual renewal of the above liquor license establishments and to highlight the calls for service related to incidences of disturbances, crimes against persons, crimes against property, and public morals occurring at the business since the last liquor license renewal. 1 BACKGROUND Regarding the listed establishments, the following is a summary of activity since their last renewal. The following key provides a brief description of those calls for service displaying four areas of concern. Includes physical fighting, verbal arguments, loud music and/or subjects Disturbances and all other disorderl behavior not alread listed Crimes A ainst Persons Includes Assault and Harassment Crimes A ainst Pro ert Includes Bur la , Criminal Mischief and Theft Public Morals Includes Public Intoxication and Possession of Controlled Substances DISCUSSION Casev's General Store #3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road Since the last renewal date there have been seven calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, one crime against persons, five crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-001481 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-003703 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-005205 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-009354 Harassment Handled b Officer 2019-042207 Theft Handled b Officer 2019-076234 Theft Handled b Officer 2019-085314 Theft Handled b Officer Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street Since the last renewal date there have been 15 calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, one crime against persons, 12 crimes against property, and two public morals calls. Additionally, there were two individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-002574 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-002636 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-003378 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-004132 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-004657 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-004778 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-004848 Warrant; Public Morals—possession of drug Report Taken paraphernalia; Public Morals—possession of a controlled substance 201 9-006 41 8 Theft Re ort Taken 2 2019-006667 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-007378 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-009598 Harassment Re ort Taken 201 9-041 25 3 Theft Handled b Officer 2019-050641 Theft Handled b Officer 2019-086191 Theft Handled b Officer Dollar General Store #7289, 3250 Kennedv Circle, Suite 8 Since the last renewal date there have been five calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, four crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-003177 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-004529 Fraud Re ort Taken 2019-027573 Theft Handled b Officer 2019-060066 Fraud Handled b Officer Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive Since the last renewal date there have been two calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, one crime against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-046824 Theft Handled b Officer Dubuque Reliqious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Dunqeon, 302 Locust Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Gin Rickevs, 1447 Central Avenue Since the last renewal date there have been five calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, one crime against property, 3 and three public morals calls. Additionally, there were four individual violations and one violation against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-001038 Public Intoxication—alcohol Re ortTaken 2019-003355 Public Intoxication—alcohol; Underage Persons in the Report Taken Bar 2019-003422 Public Intoxication—alcohol Re ortTaken 2019-009235 Criminal Mischief Re ortTaken Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Hartiq Druq Companv #4, 2225 Central Avenue Since the last renewal date there have been three calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, one crime against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-057891 Tres ass Handled b Officer 2019-060760 Theft Handled b Officer Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3, 400 South Locust Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10�h Street Since the last renewal date there have been three calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, two crimes against property, and one public morals call. Additionally, there was one individual violation and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-008861 Public Intoxication—alcohol Re ortTaken 2019-009012 Theft Re ort Taken 2019-094897 Theft Handled b Officer Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street Since the last renewal date there has been one call for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. 4 Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. RMN Lounqe, LLC, 481 Locust Street Since the last renewal date there have been two calls for service to the establishment. There was one disturbance, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. DPD Case# T e of CalUCircumstances Dis osition 2019-006313 Disturbance Re ort Taken Steeple Square, 101 East 15�h Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street Since the last renewal date there have been no calls for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street Since the last renewal date there has been one call for service to the establishment. There were no disturbances, no crimes against persons, no crimes against property, and no public morals calls. Additionally, there were no individual violations and no violations against the business. RECOMMENDATION Based upon a review of the above businesses, we would recommend approval of the annual liquor license for Casey's General Store #3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road; Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street; Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street; Dollar General Store #7289 3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 8; Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive; Dubuque Religious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street; Dungeon, 302 Locust Street; EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue; Gin Rickeys, 1447 Central Avenue; Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard; Hartig Drug Company #4, 2225 Central Avenue; Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3, 400 South Locust Street; Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10�h Street; Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street; Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue; RMN Lounge, LLC, 481 Locust Street; Steeple Square, 101 East 15�h Street; The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street and Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street. 5 ACTION REQUESTED Action requested is for City Council consideration to approve the liquor license renewal for Casey's General Store #3473, 1072 Cedar Cross Road; Convivium Urban Farmstead, 2811 Jackson Street; Dollar General Store #6896, 605 West Locust Street; Dollar General Store #7289 3250 Kennedy Circle, Suite 8; Dollar General Store #10074, 2400 Gateway Drive; Dubuque Religious Center, Incorporated, 923 Main Street; Dungeon, 302 Locust Street; EI Paisano Grocery Store, 1543 Central Avenue; Gin Rickeys, 1447 Central Avenue; Hammerhead's Bar and Billiards, 2095 Kerper Boulevard; Hartig Drug Company #4, 2225 Central Avenue; Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3, 400 South Locust Street; Millwork Marketplace, 333 East 10�h Street; Northside Bar, Incorporated, 2776 Jackson Street; Pusateri's, 2400 Central Avenue; RMN Lounge, LLC, 481 Locust Street; Steeple Square, 101 East 15�h Street; The Richards House Bed and Breakfast, 1492 Locust Street and Town Clock Inn, 799 Main Street. cc: Crenna Brumwell, City Attorney Kevin Firnstahl, City Clerk 6 Casey's General Store #3473 Convivium Urban Farmstead Dollar General Store #10074 Dollar General Store #6896 Dollar General Store #7289 • Dubuque Religious Center I Dungeon I El Paisano Grocery Store Gin Rickey's Hammerhead's Bar & Billiards Hartig Drug Company 4 Hy-Vee Market Cafe #3 Millwork Marketplace Northside Bar, Inc. Pusateri's RMN lounge Steeple Square The Richards House B&B Town Clock Inn RESOLUTION NO. 37-20 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR BEER, LIQUOR, AND/OR WINE PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES TITLE 4 BUSINESS AND LICENSE REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 2 LIQUOR CONTROL, ARTICLE B LIQUOR, BEER AND WINE LICENSES AND PERMITS Whereas, applications for Beer, Liquor, and or Wine Permits have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and bonds and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA,: Renewals 1072 Cedar Cross Rd. 2811 Jackson St. 2400 Gateway Dr. 605 W. Locust St. 1 I 3250 Kennedy Cir., Ste 8 923 Main St. 302 Locust St. 1543 Central Ave. 1447 Central Ave 2095 Kerper Blvd. 2225 Central Ave. 400 Locust St. 333 E. 10th St. 2776 Jackson St. 2400 Central Ave. 481 Locust St. 101 E 15th St. 1492 Locust St. 799 Main St. Class E Liquor, Class B Wine, Class C Beer (Sunday) Class C Liquor License (Outdoor) (Sunday) Class C Beer, Class B Wine (Sunday) Class C Beer, Class B Wine (Sunday) Class C Beer, Class B Wine (Sunday) Class B Wine (Sunday Class C Liquor (Sunday) Class C Beer (Sunday) Class C Liquor (Sunday) Class C Liquor (Sunday) Class E Liquor, Class C Beer; Class B Wine (Sunday). Class C Liquor (Catering) (Sunday Class C Liquor, Class B Wine. (Catering)(Outdoor) (Sunday), Class C Liquor (Outdoor) Sunday Class C Liquor (Sunday) Class C Liquor (Outdoor) Sunday Class C Liquor (Sunday) Class B Native Wine (Living Qtrs.) (Sunday) Class C Liquor Adding a Privilege Hotel Julien I 200 Main St. I Carryout -Wine I New 1 . EZ Stop 1 1 1101 Rhomberg Ave. 1 Class C Beer, Class B Wine (Sunday) Foodie Garage Eatery I 1091 University Ave. Class C Liquor (Sunday) .1 Section 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the noted permit types to the following applicants pending submission of the locally required documentation: Passed, approved, and adopted this 4th day of February 2020. Roy D. Buol, Mayor Attest: ./ • _ _ _ Keyin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 38-20 APPROVING APPLICATIONS FOR RETAIL CIGARETTE / TOBACCO SALES / NICOTINE / VAPOR PERMITS, AS REQUIRED BY IOWA CODE 453A.47A Whereas, applications for Cigarette/Tobacco Sales have been submitted and filed with the City Council for approval and the same have been examined and approved; and Whereas, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected and found to comply with the Ordinances of the City and the applicants have filed the proper fees and otherwise complied with the requirements of the Code of Ordinances. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause to be issued the following named applicants and locations for cigarette/tobacco sales permit. Business Name Business Address EZ Stop 1 1101 Rhomberg Ave. Passed, approved, and adopted this 4th day of February, 2020. Attest: Keen S. Firnsita-lii, —City Clerk Roy D Buol, Mayor