1932 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA For the Year 1932 M. R. KANE ED. McEVOY City Officers for the Year 1932 City Clerk — J. J. SHEA City Treasurer — OTTO F. PULS City Auditor — FRED GANTERT City Electrician — JOSEPH CORRELL City Manager, ROGER M. EVANS City Engineer — W ALTER H. CULLEN Chief of Fire Department — WM. RYAN Plumbing Inspector — GEORGE MASTERS Electrical Inspector — OTTO BETHKE Recreational Director — SYL. McCAULEY COUNCILMEN M. B. ANDELFINGER Mayor HENRY F. SCHUCKERT ARDENAL THOMPSON Secretary to Manager — City Solicitor — M. H. CZIZEK ALLAN E. SIGMAN Building Commissioner — CARL BARTELS City Assessor — GEORGE BENNETT Chief of Police — JOHN GIELLIS Health Director — Dr. W. J. CONNELL Sanitary Officer — JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Market Master — C. J. McCARTHY Milk and Dairy Inspector — JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Supt. of Water Works — JOHN W. McEVOY Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. i 1932: INDEX—Book, 6Z SUBJECT Page A, Jane 4— Andelfinger,. Councilman; appointed Mayor Prop Tem) 1. 11— Andelfinger ;. Councilman, appointed Mayon Pro, Tem 8 Feb. 1— Adelberg: Feder Stores,. sign bond 20 1— American: Trust &. Savings. Bank; sign. bond 20 " 23— Apel,. Arthur,. World. War. Vet, requesting- free: license 24 March 7— American. Legion;. Ladies' Auxiliary,_ Poppy: sale 33 7— Apel,. John,. sign. bond 37 " ° 18— Andelfinger,. Councilman ;, appointed, Mayor Pro: Tem• 53 " 29— Allen;. James E'., refund on dog' license 72 -92 29— Acker;_ A. G:, reduction on sidewalk assessments 72 -91 -170 29— Apel,. John,. that Bradley. Street. be made -, passable. 73 " P 29 —Avon. Theatre, air shaft. in. rear of theatre 73 -86 April 4— Andelfinger,, M: B.,. appointed Mayor for. year 1932 79 4— Appointments. of Officers by Council 79 4— Appointment. of Officers) by City Manager 79; " 4— Apel,. Arthur. M. permit to: peddle? fruit. and vegetables 83 -109 4— Annual' report. of Dock Board 81 ' ft 4— Annual report of City Colicitor Czizek 85 " 26— Aitchison, Roy, bond of 94 ' May 2— Adams. Company;. objecting to- passage: of ordinance rep stricting- weight. and. length. of trailers 99' " • 2— Agard,. Chas.. H. et. al.,. requesting: the Council; to pur -- chase. Nick: Welbes Field: for: playground purposes 102:150, 2— Austin - Western Road; Machinery. Co :, purchase of street. sweeper. 102-103-108' ", 9— Angelos Andrew,. license• to • peddle ice- cream; 107 -158 25— Allendorf,. Wm.. F.,. ,suspension. of 1931. taxes 117 -202' " 25— Allendorf, W. F., not to sell his property at. tax sale:... 118' "' 25— Amodeo ;. Jos.,. granted free license 125' June 8— American. Legion, to. hold .show at 4th and :Locust Sts; 138 -149' " 27— Armstrong ;. John;. refund on license 159' " 27— Aird,. Bernadine, refund: on license . 159' Aug: 15— Allison, Anna and Mary, requesting the withdrawal of: their names from:, petition objectingv to funeral home of. F.. L.. Egelhof: & Son 206' "' 22— Alley. 1st. west of. Alpine St.,. from Reeder St. to Solon Street,. to open 213' Sept. 6— Anners,. Wm., suspension of 2nd half of 1931. tax' 223 -233' 6— Abel,. Mrs.. J: C., suspension of 1931 tax 224 -244' 19— Alley. first. west. of Atlantic Street from Wiest 14th, Street to Fillmore Street,. to grade 238 -274° 20— Audit. of City of. Dubuque and. Water. Works 239 f° 27— Ansel,. Fred,. suspension. of 1931) tax 250 -268' Oct. 10— American. Legion. Drum and 'Bugle Corps, requesting a permit. to hold Hallowe'en Dance and. Bazaar 273' " 10— Assignment. of. James- F. Lee Paving' Company, to: First National. Bank,. proceeds of improvement of Penn- sylvania Street 273 Nov. 7— Aetna; Casualty & Surety: Company; revoking, and can- celling power of. Attorney. of Gerald: F. O'Connor, William A. Smith,. James F. Ryan and Frank A. O.'Conncr. 299 " 7— Adams, Herbert, resignat'gn, as member of Park Board. 300 7— Assignment of. R.. F.. Conlon to. First. National. Bank of all proceeds' of constructing sewer• in Grandview Heights. Add:. 300 " 28— Army's. Recreation, sign bond, 313' Dec.. 28— Armory. Hall, lease of to Governor Greys , 329' INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT Page 4 —Bonds Dock to issue, proof of publication 1 -2 4 —Bock, Mrs. A. E., et al, light on Francis Street 2 -14 4— Bakey, Frank, suspension of 1929 and 1930 taxes 3 4 —Bour, Mrs. Margaret, reduction on assesments Lot 58 and Lot 1 of 59 Quigleys Sub. 5 -6 4 —B. & G. Battery & Electric Co., sign bond 6 4 —Board of Health, Special Session 8 4— Berwanger, John, connect M. L. 307A with sanitary sewer 8 11— Bandy, Donald, statement of posting notice of special assessment for Klingenberg Terrace and Rosaline Street sewer 11 11 —Board of Health report, month December, 1931 13 11 —Bull, Norman S. and Mildred K., grant and easement 15 11— Byrne, Thomas E., appointed Street Superintendent 16 1— Brede, John F., to be appointed City Clerk 17 1— Brady, James J., to be appointed City Clerk 17 1 —Bonds to issue, amount of $90,000.00 overdraft in Bonded Sewer Fund 21- 106 - 112 - 113 - 114 - 116 - 127 - 128 - 129 -130- 145 -146 23 —Board of Health Report, month of Janutry, 1932 28 23 —Bids, advertise for binding Council Proceedings 28 -36 23 —Bell Cafe, sign bond 29 23— Burgmeier, Al., sign bond 28 March 7— Burns, Ellen L., redeem tax sale certificate 36 II 7— Bennett, Hattie, suspension of 1931 tax 36 -258 7— Budget, for fiscal year 1932 41- 42 -43 -44 45- 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- 58- 59- 60- 61- 62- 63- 64- 65- 66- 67- 68 -69 -70 18— Burke, R. J., excavation bond . 18 —Board of Health report, month of Fbruary, 1932 57 29 —Berk, Max, requesting pawnbroker's license be reduced '72 29— Bradley Street to be made passable 73 29— Bennett, William, suspension of % of 1930 tax 74 29 —Board of Review, appointing members of 77 April 4 —Banks designated as depositories of City Funds 80- 327 -333 ,, 4— Bruhn, Pauline, suspension of 1931 tax 81 -295 4— Brunskill, Bridget, reduction in valuation 82 -101 4— Brown, Glenn, bond of 83 4— Bolsinger, Earl M., license to peddle fish 85 18— Beecher, Joe, permission to erect boxing arena 87 26— Bitzberger, Al., permit to peddle fruit and vegetables 88 26— Burke, Walter, cancellation of 1931 tax 89 -123 26— Benda, Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 1924 to 1930 tax in- clusive 89- 101 - 206 -227 26— Backes, Bernice, notice of claim 91 -275 26 —Berg, William, notice of claim 94 -203 26— Brady, Mrs. John, permit to build garage 94 2— Breithaupt, Philip, sign bond 100 2— Becker, August F., cancellation of taxes 102 2 —Berk, Max, reduction in Pawn Broker's license 105 2— Brown, Mr., permission to place pop corn wagon under steps at 9th and Main Streets 105 9 —Born, Margaret 'M., requesting relief both as to regular and special assessment taxes 106 - 157 -330 9— Brookhart, Senator, S. W., on contract for new Post Office 107 25 —Board of Trustees of Public Library, requesting Council to take care of cont. for purchase of Masonic property 119 25 —Board of Review,, report of 119 25 —Board of Health, report for month of April, 1932 120 25 —Bull, Norman, sidewalks on Avoca Street 125 8— Becker, Mrs. Mary, personal injury claim 138 - 147 -202 20 —Board of Health, report for month of May, 1932 151 27— Beatrice Creamery Co., 7 sign bonds 158 27— Berntgen, A. J., refund on license 159 J an. II II /I II /I II II II II Feb. /I '' /I K Ii II U /I '' II II '' May // U '' '' '' '' June II B 1932 . July II II It '' II Aug. '' R I/ Sept. if /I it // '' I/ // it Oct. '' '' II if '4 '' Nov. /I '4 '' '' Dec. 'i II II II II INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT Page B 27— Beyer, Ralph, refund on license 159 5 —Bonds in the amount of $40,000.00 to purchase 168 12— Belsky Motor Co., sign bond 173 12 —Board of Health, report for month of June, 1932 173 12 —Bus transportation, loading spaces ordered marked off 178 18— Budget Estimate of expenditures for year 1933 180 - 181 - 185 -186 18— Becker, Mathilda, cancellation of 1931 tax 182 -233 18— Bonds, sewer, $50,000.00 to issue 182 - 195 -203 208- 212- 213- 215- 216- 217- 218- 219- 235- 236 - 238 -245- 246 - 247 - 248 -26 1— Bauck, Margaret, cancellation of 1931 tax 188 -201 8— Berntgen, Adam J., granted cigarette license 200 15— Bissell, Frederick E., grant of easement 204 -205 15 —Board of Health, report of month of July, 1932 205 6 —Berg, Wm., cancellation of 1931 tax 223 - 294 -314 6 —Bach, Henry, suspension of 1931 tax 224 -293 12— Bolton, Mrs. Mary, requesting permission to hold tag day for the Volunteers of America 234 20— Bakey, Mrs. Catherine, cancellation of 1931 tax 239 - 267 -275 20— Boesen, Mrs. Anna, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 -337 27— Barrett, Cecelia, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 250 -256 27— Bradley, C. E., suspension of 1931 tax 253 -266 27— Bradley, Charles S., cancellation of 1931 tax 254 -269 255 -265 3— Bertsch, Joseph J., sign bond 265 27 —Bill of Sale, poles vacated by Interstate Power Co 10— Bunting, Mrs. M. L., suspension of 1931' tax 270 -281 10— Byrne, Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 272 -283 10 —Board of Health, report of month of September, 1932 273 17— Beyer, Carl, suspension of 1931 tax 277 17— Buettell Brothers Company, requesting permission to connect sprinkling system with Central Engine House 279 17 —Bids for materials on storm sewer work 283 -284 28— Biasi, Emil J., suspension of 1931 tact 287 -296 7— Brown, Glenn, and Landon, Charles, Park Commissioners, requesting the City Council to fill vacancy on Park Board 300 7— Braun, Paul F., suspension of 1931 tax 301 -337 28— Bigelow, Mary V., suspension of 1931 tax 311 28 —Bond of Wm. M. Clemens 312 28 —Byrne Bros. Co., sign bond 313 28 —Black and White Cab Co., sign bond 313 5 —Black and White Cab Co., prices for taxi hire 326 5— Buechele, Theo., suspension of 1931 tax 328 5— Bulletin Board to be placed in City Hall 328 28 —Board of Supervisors, cancellation of ambulance bills 330 28— Bodish, John, suspension of 1931 tax 332 -338 28— Bethany Home, cancellation of 1931 tax 332 -338 28— Benda, Joseph, claim of 333 28 —B. & G. Battery and Electric Co., sign bond 334 28 —Board of Health, report, of month of November, .1931_ 335 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT Jan: 4— City. Council, Regular Session "' 4 —City Clerk, communication stating that objections have been" filed. to issuance of Dock: Bonds 4— Coyle, A:• A.,. objecting to • building of coal terminal) 4— Cunningham, John A., objecting' to issuance of Dock Bonds" • �• 4 —City Manager, light' on West Locust Street between 16th and 17t• Streets 4•— Claims; proof of publication month. of November; 1931 11 —City Council, Special Session 11— Courtney,. Daniel, cancel: sewer assessment E. 19,88- ft of Lot 12 Ann; O'Hares Sub, 11 —City Auditor, City. Treasurer; City Water' Works reports for month" of December, 1931 " 11— Claims • for. month of December, 1931 " 11— Councils Proceedings,. month of Oct: 1931„ approval of Feb. 1 —City Council, Regular Session " I--Council Proceedings, month of` November, 1931, approved 23 —City Council, SpeciaP Session 23— Cain.. Margaret and Nellie, cancellation of 1930 and 1931- taxes. 23 —Cain, Mrs. Henry; cancellation of 1st half of 1931 tax 27 -74' 23 —City Auditor; City Treasurer; Water Works; reports for. month. of. January, 1932' 23— Claims. for. month of January, 1932 23— Council; Proceedings, month, of December., 1931, approved; "' 23 —Chase Myrta, settlement of personal' injury claim March 7 —City- Council, Regular Session 7— Claims for month: of January, 1932 "' 7—Capital:. Theatre, sign bond. " 7—Coven. Spiros, sign. bond "' 7: —City Auditor, City Treasurer; City Water Works; report's for' month of February., 1932 7— Claims for month, of February, 1932 7 —City. Water. Works, reduction. in rates It '' if ft ft fi if 10 "1 ". «: CC " '' IC' it it if " if " ft fi 37 -157' « 38' « 38 -54 38- 39 -40 -56 " 7—City %M'gr.. Evans, Chairman of Reconstruction Committee 52' " 18 —City Council, Special Session 53' " • 18— Corbett. & Scott, sign bond 55' 18— Central- Cigar Store, Cigarette license 56' " 18— Council. Proceedings; month of. January, 1932', 57' "' 29 —City Council, Special Session, 58; " 29— Collier-,. J. C., warrant ordered drawn for land Street. April 4 —City. Council,. Regular Session 9' 4- Czizek,- M. IL, bond of - 79' 4=— Claim. of. Wm. Renk 82' 4— Claim. of Ed. Smith 83' 4— Continental. Casualty Company, them to do' business in Iowa 83 Solicitor, Annual Report 85 4 —City Water Works, report month 85 18 —City Council, Special Session 86 26 —City Council, Special Session 88 26— Chappell, J. W. et al, to improve Chappell Court 90 -101 26— Chappell Court to improve of March approved on Solon certificate authorizing Page 1' 1 -25 1 -2 2 2 -14 2 8- 12 -13 13 13 -17 13 17 19' 23' 26' 28; 28' 28' 29' 33' 33' 37 90- 101 -115 119 - 121 - 133 - 134 - 142 - 166 - 171 - 229.261- 262- 263 -264 26— Caruso, Sam, et al, to reduce fruit peddler's license 90 26— Carney, Winifred, et al, objecting to paving Kleine St. 90 -101 26 —Claim of Mrs. Jos. Michel 26 —Claim of Bernice Backes 26 —City Auditor, City Treas., reports, month of March, 1932 26— Claims for month of March, 1932 26 —City Auditor, Annual Report 90 . 91-275 91 91 94 1932 ft May it CI " ff June ti ft '' ," if ft " if it July 0 ft ft '' 4' it INDEX — Book. 62 SUBJECT C and Page 94 26 —City Treasurer, .Annual Report 26— Council Proceedings, month of February, approval of 26 —C. M. St. P. & P. R. R. Co. expressing appreciation for use of City Trucks to haul Coal 9 2 —City Council, Regular Session 99 2— Callaghan, Mary, sign bond 100 2— Contract of Lease of Municipal Athletic Field to Dubuque Baseball Fans Association 9 —City Council Special Session 9— Cullen, John C., requesting Council to purchase his proper- ty for .play ground purposes 106 9— Clark, Julia, suspension of 1931 tax 107 -123 9 —Civil Service Commission, - examinations held for 'police . and fire departments 108 9 —Civil Service Commission, promotional examination to captain of Fire Department 9 —City Treasurer, City Auditor, City Water . Works,.. list of claims for month of April, 1932 111 9 —Claim of Joseph Hedley, settlement of . 115 9— Cumpton, William, settlement of claim 115 25 —City .Council, Special Session 116 25— Claims for month of April, 1932 117 25 —C. M. St. P. & Pacific Railroad Company, to change flag- man schedule at 7th Street Crossing 118 -157 25 —City Manager instructed to attend hearing before the . Ways and Means Committee at Washington, D. C ' 119 1 —City Council, Special Session 127 6 —City Council, Regular Session - 132 8 —City Council, Special Session 132 8— Coleman, Fred, requesting extension on . sidewalk notice 137 -157 8— Chamber of Commerce, Good Will Tours Committee, to attend dedication of Marquette Bridge 137 8 —Call, Geo. C., matter of improving inland waterways 137 8 —Claim of T. S. Spahn, damages to automobile 138 8 —Claim of Mrs. Mary Becker, personal injuries 138 -147 8 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City. Water Works claims for month of May, -1932 8— Council Proceed. for month of March, 1932, approval of 20 —City Council, Special Session 20— Claims for month of May, 1932, proof of publication__.. 20— Committee on taxation of Dubuque Chamber of Com- merce requesting reduction in amt. of taxes for 1933 20— Curtis, Amelia, requesting action to , be deferred upon the notice to construct sidewalks 20— Cheetham, J. J., et al, requesting sewer in Plymouth St ' 27 —City Council, Special Session L 27— Chalmers, J. K. and Smyth, A. J., referees, requesting permis_ ion to redeem tax sale certificates on Weiland property ÷ a 156 27— Chamberlain & Son, I. C , requesting cancellation of sign - bond of Spiros Coven - 157 27— Central Hotel, sign bond 158 5 —City Council, Regular .Session 163 5— Cooper, .Mrs. Matilda, cancellation of 1931. tax 163 -169 5— Council Proceedings for month of Apr. 1932, approval of 165 5— Cigarette permits, granting of 167 -200 12 —City Council, Special Session 170 12 —City Auditor, City! Treasurer, City Water Works and claims for month of June, 1932 12 —City Engineer instructed to check ',assessments on Lots 13 and 14 Julia Langworthy: Add. and Lot 14 Lois Add. 14 —City Council, Special Session 1S —City Council, Special Session 94 104 106 109 140 140 145 146 147 147 -159 147 155 173 178 -183 179 180 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT 18 —Coca -Cola Bottling Co., claim for damages caused by flood waters, June 17th, 1932 181 18— Chihak, Fannie, cancellation of 1931 tax 181 -221 18 —City Manager, to take his annual vacation 183 18— Chamber of Commerce, requesting continuance of rest room at the Chamber Building 183 1 Council, Regular Session 185 1— Claims for month of June,,1932, proof of publication___ 187 1— Chamber of Commerce, opposed to the construction of any additional public works 187 -188 1— Collier, J. C., et al, to revise ordinance compelling a stop on Hill Street before entering West Third Street 191 8 —City Council, Special Session 196 8 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works-reports for month of July, 1932 200 8— Claims list of for month of July, 1932 200 8— Council Proceedings for month of June, 1932, 'approved 201 15 —City Council, Special • Session 203 15 —City Trucks to haul wood to the needy 207 19 —City Council, Special Session 207 19— Chicago, Great Western Railroad Co., to be notified to construct permanent rail crossing on Rhomberg Ave. 208 22 —City Council, Special Session 208 22— Conlan Hudson -Essex Co., sign bond 211 22— Council Proceedings for month of July, 1932, approved 212 22 —Coca -Cola Bottling - Company, claim of 213 29 —City Council, Special Session 215 29— Cullen, W. H., appointed City Clerk Pro- Tem 215 29— Chamber of Commerce, requesting City Council to take action to divert a portion of the' primary road fund to Cities 215 " 29 —City Council, objecting to razing of Masonic Temple__ 220 Sept. 6 —City Council, Regular Session 223 II 12 —City Council, Special Session 230 ," ' 12 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works reports for month of August, 1932 233 " 12— Claims list of month of August, 1932 ' ' 233 " 19 —City Council, Special Session 235 " 19— Chiabai & Gariup Company, requesting permission to close off West Sixth Street between Locust and Bluff Streets , 237 Sept. 20 —City Council, Special Session 238 II 20— Chase, Mrs. 'Myrta, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax '240 -295 " 20— Casey, Mrs. Bridget, suspension of 1931 tax 240- 244 -257 II 20— Cooper, Adolph, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 241 -257 II 27 —City Council, Special Session 245 I/ 27— Candler, Mrs. G., ' suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 251 -268 " • 27— Canavan, William S., suspension of 1931 tax 252 -266 ' 27— Closs, Est., Nid W., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 253 Oct. 3 —City Council, Regular Session 259 II 3 —City of Milwaukee Committee on Taxation and Financial Problems advocating the issuance of National Cur- rency to Municipalities on the pledge of their bonds 264 -300 10 —City Council, Special Session 270 10— Cooper, Mrs. Lomina, cancellation of 1931 tax 272 -291 10 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works, re- ports for month of September, 1932 273 10— Claims, list of month of September, 1932 273 17 —City Council, Special Session 276 17— Claims, list of for the months of July, August and September, 1932, proof of publication • 279 " 17— Concrete Mixer, purchase of 280 28 —City Council, Special Session 285 Aug. II " II " if II II CC CC It II II 1I ' " CC C Page 1932 " 28— Crowley, Mrs. Mary, suspension of 1931 tax ' ' 285 -290 28— Connolly, John B., suspension , of 1931 tax 285 -308 28 —Clow, J. H., suspension of 1931 tax 285 -297 28— Carew, Anna D., suspension of 1931 tax 286 -298 28— Cooper, Millie, suspension of 1931 tax 287 If " 28— Curtis, Clarence E., suspension of 1931 tax 287 -296 Nov. 7 —City Council, Regular Session 299 7— Clemens, Wm. M., resignation as member of Playground and Recreation Commission 300 7— Clemens, Wm. M., appointed as member of Park Board 300 7 —City Solicitor, instructed to institute court actions for the collection of delinquent harbor rentals. 310 28 —City Council. Special Session 310 28— Cripe, Mrs. Anna, suspension of 1931 tax 310 -328 28— Callahan, Dan, suspension of 1931 tax 311 -315 28— Clemens, Wm. M., bond of 312 28— Council Proceedings for month of August, 1932, approved 312 28— Callahan, Hugh, appointed patrolman 312 28— Coryell Oil Co., sign bond 313 28 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works, re- ports for month of October, 1932 313 28— Claims, list of for month of October, 1932 313 5 —City Council. Regular 'Session 319 6— Cullen, W. H., appointed' City Clerk Pro Tem 319 5— Claims, list of, proof of Publication, October, 1932 324 5— Council Proceedings, month of Sept., 1932, approval of 324 5 —Claim of Henry Valentine 324 5— Coates, Wesley suspension of 1931 tax 327 -328 28 —City Council, Special Session 329 28— Carroll, Margaret, suspension of 1931 tax 330 -336 28 Claim of Joseph Benda 333 28 —City Treasurer to attend tax sale 334 28— Crescent Sweet Shop, sign bond 334 28— Candler, Gus, excavation bond 334 28 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Water Works, ' re- ports for month of November, 1932 335 28— Claims, list for month of November, 1932 335 28— Council Proceedings, months of October and November, 1932, approval of 335 28 —Claim of C. W. Ziepprecht 340 28— Curtis- Straub Co., claim of 340 if Ii CC iI II " Cc II " CC II " Dec. II " II II 10 if II INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT C Page 1932 Page "D 4 —Dock Bonds to issue, proof of publication 1 -2 -25 4— Dubuque Chamber of Commerce, objecting to the con- struction of coal terminal 1 4— Decher, Amelia, suspension of 1930 tax 3 11— Dubuque Automobile' Dealers Association, grant free license for dancing in conjunction with show 12 Feb. 1— Duggan, Mrs. Ella, permission to redeem tax sale cer- tificate ' 19 23— Dubuque Benevolent and Humane Society requesting appropriation ' of ' $300 00' 24 23— Dubuque Steam Dye ' Works, sign bond 28 March 7— Dubuque Stone Products Co., sign bond 37 " 18— Dubuque Tennis, Assn., tennis courts 'at Coiniskey Park 55 " 18 —Doran MVlionument 'Co., sign taken down ' 55 " 29— Dreazy, Francis H., suspension of 1931 tax 72 -85 -154 " 29— Diamond Grille, sign bond 74 29 —Deed, Warranty, Alois M. and Mabel Hoffmann to City of Dubuque 75 "' 29 —Deed, Quit Claim, James J. and Catherine King, to City of Dubuque 75 29— Daughters of Veterans of Civil War, tag day 76 April 4 —Duffy, John L., application for Police Magistrate ' 81 4— Director of Health, report on Small Pox 83 4 —Dock Board, annual report 84 " 18— Dubuque Park Board," communication requesting that ' vacancy be filled on Park Board 86 " 26— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, urging City Coun- cil to push contract for New Post Office 96 " 26— Dreamland Theatre, sign bond 95 "' 26— Deeds, Warranty, of J. C. Collier and wife and Henry G. Langworthy 95 " 26 —Deed, Quit Claim, to Minnie Sommerfeld 96 May 2— Dubuque Traffic Association — Objecting 'to passage of ordinance restricting weight and length of trailers 99 2— Dubuque Community, Chest, permission to place posters on poles 102 2— Dubuque Baseball Fans Association, contract of lease for'. Municipal Park 104 9— Dubuque Paper and Supply Co., requesting permission to connect sprinkler system with - Ninth Street En- gine House 106 if 9— Dubuque Community Chest, to hold tag day 107 " 9— Dubuque Music House, sign bond 110 " 25— District Court Order in the matter of estate of Merlin Kalloway, minor 124 June 8 —Dovi, Mr. and Mrs. S. C., requesting extension of sanitary sewer at intersection of Rowan Street and Mt. Car- mel Road 137 -149 8— Darrow, Mrs. G. H., et al, to pave Pennsylvania Street with concrete 138 8 —Dock Commission, authorizing City to make repairs at ice harbor 139 8— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, invitation to Coun- • cil to take part in Labor Day Program 139 " 27— Decatur Street, sidewalks to construct 158 " 27— Diamond's Grille, refund on license 159 July 5— Dally, Emil J., cancellation of 1931 tax 163 " 5 —Dock Commission, requesting extension of pavement at passenger boat landing... 169 -178 12— Dubuque Auto Supply Co., sign bond • 173 Aug. 1— Dougherty, Mary A., suspension of 1931 tax 188 -243 1 —Dock Board, report on petition of 0. G. Schrup et al 190 Jan. '' '' " " Ci INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT 1932'• it " IF " ", if Nov. f4 CC- If ". Dec. " INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT D 8 —Dax, Herman, requesting permission to install water closet in his basement. 196 -212 15—Dubuque Trades' and Labor Congress, submitting, names of Art., 'Wolf and Gus. Zoller to ml vacancy on Doak Board 29— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress„ protesting against the razing of old :Miasonic Temple by Library Board- 219 -220 Sept. 6— Dempsey,, Emily, cancellation of. 193t tax 224 -293 27—Digman, Anton,. suspension of 1981 tax 253-295 "• 27 —Dock Street, at Rhomberg Ave., street light tor install__ 256 Oct.- 3— Dubuque & Sioux. City Railroad Company requesting; the City- to vacate street, and, alley south of Railroad - Street and extending. to south line of Section 30 264 -274 3— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congres thanking Council for their, cokoit eration in Labor Day celebration 264, 10— Dubuque Auto Club,. to remove: "No Parking" signs from in front of bus terminal on Locust between. 8th. and 9th Streets 17— Dubuque Chamber of Commerce,, relative to maintenance and closing of. Public Comfort Station . 17 —Deed to prepare for sale of Lot 1 of 2 of 17 Mt.. Pleas- ant Add. 284 28— Diener,, Esther,. suspension of 103 tax 286 28— Denell,. Fredl, suspension of 1931 tax 286 28— Dubuque Altar Mfg; Co.,, suspensions of 19311 tax 287 7— Donaldson, Mathilda„ suspension of 193E tax 301 -308 7— Dubuque Hotel Company,, granted cigarette license. 307 28— Dell;, Chas: H., cancellation of 1931 tax 310 -314 28— Donegan,. John G„ suspension of 2nd half, of 1931. tax..,,. 311 -314 28— Derreberry,, John, appointed, Police Captain 312 28— Dubuque Steam. Dye Works,. sign bond, 313 28— Doyle„ Katherine, Mrs., cancellation of 1931. tax.,, 331 -336 28— Decher, Mrs. Amelia, suspension of 1931 tax 332 -338 Page 205 274 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT Jan. Feb. // " if April 11 f1 E Page 4— Eichman, Arthur H., permission to use cast iron bend 3 4 —Eagle Point Produce Co., refund on cigarette license 3 -14 4 —Eagle Point Products Co., app. for cigarette license 6 23— Enzler, Jos. A. to place a personal bond to cover his sign 24 23— Eisenegger, Mrs. Arthur J., sign bond 28 March 18— Engel - Fondell Nash Co., purchasing of Nash Automobiles 54 4t 18— Eichman; Arthur H., et al, waiver for sanitary sewer 54 18— Election, March 28, 1932, canvassing nomination papers 57 29— Election, canvassing of returns of March 28, 1932 76 29— Election judges and clerks, payments of March 28, 1932 77 26— Enright, Mary and Kate, to redeem tax sale certificate 95 -123 26— Engineer, Extension - Service, Ames, Iowa, attend fire school 95 -149 May 2— Enright, Mrs. Ann, suspension of 1929 and 193Q tax 101 June 8— Eichman, Louis A., requesting permission to use Foye Street outlet for parking purposes 136 July 12— Engineer, City, instructed to check assessment on Lots 13 and 14 Julia Langworthy's Add. and Lot 14 Lois addition F- 1781 -183 Aug. 1— Egelhof F. L. & Son, requesting a permit for funeral home • at 1145 Locust Street 189 -206 8 —East 32nd Street, resolution prohibiting the travel of heavily laden trucks 202 22— Eichman, Mrs. Ida A., suspension of 1931 tax 209 -221 22— Ellwanger, Harry, et al, objecting to proposed assess- ments for construction of sanitary sewer in Cherry Street, Green Street, etc. 211 " 22— Evans, R. M., City Manager, renewal certificate on bond 212 Oct. 28— Eisbach, Chris., suspension of 1931 tax 285- 297 -315 Nov. 7— Evans, Joseph, requesting permission to stencil house numbers on curb stones 299 7— Eleanor Street, request to grade 300 1932 SUBJECT Page Jan. Feb. " '' May '' " June sg '' July Aug. Sept. '' F 4— Fischer, Wm. B., application for cigarette license 6 1— Fries, Roy A., to be appointed City Clerk 17 1— Fawkes, P. S., claim for damages to sewer connection 19 -27 -72 23— Fields Store, sign bond 29 March 29 —Feye, Henry, that Bradley Street be made passable 73 " 29— Falkenhainer, Charles, sign bond 74 2— Fuhrman - Triller Co., sign bond 100 9— Fischer, Adolph and Louise, cancellation of taxes 107 -169 -339 9— Fischer & Co., Inc., cancellation of sidewalk bond 109 8— Flynn, Mary A., cancellation of 1931 tax 136 -160 27— Fritz, L. H., et al, extend parking limit on 7th Street 156 -182 27— Fitzgerald Cigar Store, refund on license 159 5— Fidelity & Casualty Co., cancelling sign bond of Dream- land Theatre 167 1— Four -way flash light to install at W. 14th and Locust St 191 1— Faldorf, Mary, Myrtle and Gladys R. grant of easement 193 22— Fanslow, Christ, suspension of 1931 tax 209 -267 6— Fulton Street, request to repair 223 6— Fuerst, Laurine, suspension of 1931 tax 224 -281 20— Frith, IEL E., estate, renewal certificate on bond 239 27— Fighting Back Chapter, No. 6, Disabled Veterans of World War, requesting permission to hold Forget - Me -Not drive 249 27 —Fink, Mary, cancellation of 1931. tax 249 -282 27— Feller, Fred J., suspension of 1931 tax 251 -281 27 —Fern, Jane, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 252 27— Frick, Herman, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 253 -269 27— Fangmann, Alois, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 253 -267 27— Farragut Street at Rhomberg Ave., street light to install 255 27— Fengler Street at Rhomberg Ave., street light to install 255 3— Firestone Service Stores, Inc., sign bond 265 3— Fosselman Jewelry Store, sign bond 265 17— Fessler, Raymond J., et al, requesting that King Street be repaired 280 " 28— Flynn, Mrs. Tim, suspension of 1931 tax 289 -290 Nov. 7— Farley, Robert, requesting permission to stencil house numbers on curb stones 299 Dec. 28— Fondell, John, suspension of 1931 tax 337 " '' " " 11 it it It Oct. If " INDEX —Book , 62 INDEX. —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT G 4— Goodmansi Incorporated, sign bond d, 11— Garver,. W. A., remission of 1930 tax 12' 11 —Grant and easement; of Norman S. and Mildred K. Bull 15 1— General. Fitzhugh Lee. Auxiliary, No. 1, United. Spanish War Veterans to hold tag day,. May 14th; 1932 17 -29 -30 1— Grant. and easement of A. L. Rhomberg 17 -18 1 —Grant and. easement of Realty Improvement Co 18 -19 ' 1 —Gent, Ado, sign bond 21 1— Griner - Jones,' Cot, sign bond 20 23 —Grant and easement, Chris. A. Welker 25 23— Grant and' easement, Realty Investors. Corp. 26 23— Green. Mill, sign bond 2'8 23— Gavin,. Lucy;, setltlement, of personal injury claim 29' March 7—Gregory, Mary E., suspension of 1931 tax _ 36 7— Gronan, Herman,. special; assessment for sewer and water 52 -92 "` 29— G4aeier,. Mary,- cancellation of 1931 tax 72 -85 "' 29—Graydon,, Maude,. cancellation, of half of. 1931 tax 74 April 4—Guler, Peter,. cancellation of 1931 tax...., 81.85 “" ' 26— Gartner„ Elsie„ suspension of 193'1 tax ._____._____ .......... _....... 88 -101 " 26— Gassman., Chas., J., exemption. of 1931 tax 89 -292 " 26— Garver; W. A.,. suspension of 1931. tax 89 -292 " 26— Glenn,. Wan J., cancellation of 1931 tax 89 -123 Jan. fi Feb. fT "S ff fP fr ff " 26— Glenn, Milton. J., bond. of 94 May 2— Grahow, Elizabeth By, claim for personal injuries___.102- 124-7143 -228 "• 9— Gordon, Tillie,, notice of suit. 107 9— Gardens, plowing of,.._._ 115 Jane: 1 —Garner Bill, approving certain provisions 130 Jlul� 5— Genz,:Stores,• et als requesting placing back of pole in the alley between Iowa St.. and Central. Ave: at 13th St. 163 -243 Aug. 1 —Grant and easement, Mary,, Myrtle and Gladys R. Faldorf 198 ‘" 8— Gregory,,. Mary E cancellation of. 1931 tax 196 -221. "' 15 —Grant of. easement, Fred.. E:. Bissell and P.. K., Karberg_ 204 -205 Sept. 6— Ghaeley Street, request ta, repair 223 6— Guns,. Thomas H.,. suspension of 1931 tax 224 - 294 -316 " 12— Grommersch„ M.r:, requesting a reduction in valuations 234 " 12— Good.. Will T'auir of. Sept, 14,, 1932, Council to' attend 234: " 20 —Glen. Oak Street,. near West 3rd Street,, light to install ' 243 " 27— Graf,. Wm.,, suspension of 1981 tax 249) " 27— Graydon, Mary E., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 249 -268 " 27— Gerdes, Fred, suspension of 1931 tax 251 " 27— Grode, J. J., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 252 -266 " 27 —Graff, IM4chael, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 254 -268 Oct. 3 —Good Will Tour to Bellevue, Council to attend 266 " 10— Gaiser, Mrs. Bertha, suspension of 1931 tax 270 -281 " 10— Green, Julia E , suspension of 1931 tax 270 -282 " 10— Gross, Mrs. Nick, suspension of 1931 tax 270 -282 " 10— Glenn, Milton J., resigning from Municipal Playground Commission 273 17— Galliart, Laura, suspension of 1931 tax 277 17— Gruetzmacher, Bohn, to purchase Lot 1 of 2 of 17 Mt Pleasant Add. 284 " 28 —Gau, Charles H., suspension of 1931 tax 287 28— Gertskamp, Charles, suspension of 1931 tax 288 Nov. 7— Gierens, Frank A., to vacate and remove building off of Kimball Street 299 - 314 -316 " 7— Grant, Jonas D., Trustee for John P. Page Estate, claim for damages to basement of Page Hotel Building " 7 —Grant and easement, Edwin C. Kuehnle " 28— Gregory, Mary, remission of 1931 tax 28— Gross, Charles, sign bond " 28 —Grand Opera House (Strand Theatre) sign bond Dec. 28— Governor Greys, lease of Armory Hall " 28— Gilbert, Margaret J., suspension of 1931 tax " 28 —Grant and easement of A. L. Rhomberg (f ff " 28— Goodman's Inc., sign bond Page 300 303 311 -339 313 • 313 329 330 -336 333 334 INDEX —Book 62 . 1932 SUBJECT H Jan. 11— Hedding, John B., suspension of 1931 tax 12 -21 " 11— Hauser, Mrs. John, cancellation of penalty and interest on special assessment tax sale certificate 12 Feb. 1 —Haas, Theo. V., to be appointed City Clerk 17 " 23— Holscher, G. H., sign bond 29 March 7 —Haas, Elmer, root beer stand at Marshall and Dock Sts 33 if 7— Hammel, Sarah, suspension of 1931 tax . 36- 114 -284 7— Hargus, Lillian, suspension of 1931 tax 36 -105 7— Heustis, Bertha Lincoln, accepting Chairmanship of bi- centennial of Washington's celebration 38 18— Heustis, Bertha Lincoln, erect posts in parking spaces 55 29— Hilders, George, suspension of 1931 tax 72 -74 29— Hughes, Chas. J. permission to sell eggs from house to house 74 29— Hoffmann, Alois M. and Mabel, warranty deed to City of Dubuque 75 April 4— Hadjiniskolas, Gust, permit to peddle fruit 81 -91 26 —Heil, Geo., suspension of 1931 tax 89 -101 May 2— Hansen, Rudolph, requesting City to accept the sum of $17.74 as full payment of assessment against his property 99 -183 9— Hedley, Joseph, settlement of claim 115 25— Hedley, James, cancellation of 1931 tax 118 -124 25— Harwood, H. B., cancellation of 1931 tax 118 -294 8— Hying, F. H., of Trades and Labor Congress, extending invitation to Council to take part in Labor Day prog. 139 20 —Hay, Mrs. L. H., cancellatio not 1931 tax 148 - 295 -323 20— Hocking, Tom, suspension of 1931 tax 148 -169 20— Hempstead Street, to repair and oil 150 20 —Hale Street, to repair and oil 150 27— Harris Trust & Savings Bank, offering bonds for sale 156 -164 27— Halpin, Syl., refund on license 159 27— Hubert, 011ie, refund on license 159 27— Heileman, Walter R., refund on license 159 5— Herkes, Alois P., suspension of 1931 tax 163 -169 18— Hansel, Earl, suspension of 1931 tax 182 -201 1 —Hill, William M., sign bond 190 1 —H. & W. Motor Express Co., sign bond 190 8— Hines, Frank W., suspension of 1931 tax 196 -221 8— Hickey, D. L., suspension of 1931 tax 196 8— Hillyard, L. 0., et al, protesting against granting a per- mit to F. L. Egelhof & Son for funeral home at 1145 Locust Street 201 -206 15— Hannon, Emma, suspension of 1931 tax 205- 293 -315 22— Hannig, Mrs. S., cancellation of 1931 tax 209 -229 Sept. 6— Hintz, F. H., et al, requesting that Greeley Street be repaired 223 6— Hartman, Leo L., suspension of 1931 tax 225 -233 20 —Hos, Wm. S., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 -294 20— Hacker, Karl F., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 -244 20— Hennepin Street and Windsor Ave., light to install 243 20— Holscher Apothecary, granted cigarette license 243 27— Hanley, Delia V., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 250 -283 27— Haupert, Mrs. Marie B., suspension of 1931 tax 251 -257 27— Hannig, Mary A. cancellation of 1931 tax 251 -257 27— Hafeman, Rudolph, suspension of 1931 tax 253 -292 27— Haverland, Mrs. Phoebe, cancellation of 1931 tax 254 -295 3— Hartman, Carl F., sign bond 265 3 —Home Supply Co., sign bond 265 10 Hier, Henry, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 270 -283 10— Heitzman, Wm., suspension of 1931 tax 271 -282 10— Hanfelt, Ben F., suspension of 1931 tax 271 -290 10— Hendricks, Geo. J. suspension of 1931 tax 271 -282 ff ff it ff '' ff ft ff June ff, " CC ff ff ff CC July CI Aug. " I( f f ff CC (f ft Oct. CI " " if " Page 1932 INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT H " 10 —Hoag, Mrs. Amanda, suspension of 1931 tax " 17— Hocking, Wm., suspension of 1931 tax " 28— Hines, A. L., suspension of 1931 tax " 28— Hayes, Nellie A., suspension of 1931 tax it 28— Hilvers, Jane, suspension of 1931 tax Nov. 28 —Hird, Walter J., suspension of 1931 tax " 28— Horch, Frank E., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax " 28— Harmony Inn, sign bond Dec. 5— Hertzman, Max, addressed Council 28 —Haun, Mary, Mrs., suspension of 1931 tax " 28— Hedley, Jos. E., suspension of 1931 tax 28— Hafley, John, suspension of 1931 tax Page INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT I Page 271 -282 Jan. 4 —Iowa Coal Institute, City to purchase Iowa coal 278 4— Interstate Power Co., revised electric schedules 286 " 4— Illinois Central Railroad, vacate Main Street south of 288 -296 Railroad Street 288 -290 March 7 —Iowa House Furnishing Co., refund on excavation 311 -315 April 4— Insurance Department of Iowa, certificate authorizing the 311 -314 Continental Casualty Company to do business in Iowa 313 May 2— Interstate Finance Corp., sign bond 826 25— Interstate Power Company, permission to substitute 331 -336 buses for street cars on various lines 331 June 8— Ihrcke, Mrs. F., objecting to improving of Kleine Street 332 -338 20— Interstate Power Company, requesting to re -route of various bus lines 27— Interstate Company refund on license 18— Interstate Power Co., tentative acceptance of Ordinance No. 15 -32 Aug. 22— Interstate Power Co., requesting the increasing of bus reservation on 8th and Main Streets 212 - 227 -228 Sept. 6— Interstate Power Co., requesting permission to discon- tinue the operation of Seminary, Hill bus from inter- section of the paved and unpaved section of Seminary Street west- erly over the County Highway to Asbury Street and return southerly to intersection of Asbury and St. Ambrose Streets 229 - 234 - 237 - 248 -249 27— International City Managers' Association, extending in- vitation to City Council and City Manager to attend convention 249 27— Interstate Power Co., bill of sale covering poles vacated and now in use by City of Dubuque 255 -265 Oct. 3 —Iowa State Highway Commission, making changes in the extension of primary roads in City of Dubuque 265 " 28 —Ihde, Wm., suspension of 1931 tax 286 Nov. 7— Imhoff, Anton, suspension of 1931 tax 301 -309 Dec. 28 —Iowa Oil Co., sign bonds 334 R July '' II 3 3 -4 -5 5 35 83 100 122 -164 132 146 -164 159 182 -187 1932 Feb. « 1— Juergens, John N., sign bond 20 23— Judges and Clerks, list of names submitted by the .Demo- cratic Central Comm. and Good Government League for election to be held March 28th, 1932 30 -31 23— Judges and Clerks selected by Council to serve at the City Election, March 28, 1932 31 March 7— Jackson, Frank N., report of City Engineer recommend- ing reduction on sewer assessment 38 " 7— Judges and Clerks, payment of for election of March 28th, 1932 77 April 4— Joffee, Bertha, cancellation of 1931 tax 82 -291 4— Johannsen, Elmer, sign bond 83 " 26— Julien Dubuque Hotel Co., sign bond 95 May 25— Jeannetaud, Jos., suspension of 1931 tax 117 -294- 328 -339 June 27— Jackson, George, requesting permission to bid on the painting of Water Works Stand Pipes 160 Sept. 27— Jones, Grace, suspension of 1931 tax 253 -267 Nov. 7— Jaeger, Mrs. Emma; suspension of 1931 tax 301 -309 28— Jansen, Carl, suspension of 1931 tax 311 -315` " 28— Johnson High Test Oil Co., 5 sign bonds 313 Dec. 28— Johnson, R. E., Treasurer of State, authorizing increase of deposits in banks 333 INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT J Page 1:932' Jan, Feb. 11— Klingenberg Terrace sanitary. sewer, 9 -10 -11 1 —Kies & Butler, sign bend 21 1— Kirchoff, Edward, sign, bond 20 23— Kretschtner• Ins. Agency, cancelling taxicab policy of P. C. Aird 24 23— Kearney, Dr, C. A., requesting permission to pay the two installments now due fox sewer assessment. and tq pay balance in eight equal installments .. _ ._ .._.. 24 23— Kenneally, Stephen,. cancellation of 1931 tax 26 -53 23 —Kies Boothe, sign bond 23 —Kies. Drug Store, sign bond 28 23— Kretschrier Building Co., sign bond . . 28 23— Kelly, Mrs. Annie, . suspension of 1930 tai[ 29 March 18— Kretz, Margaret, cancellation of 1931 tax. . _ 54 -74 " 18— Kiefer, Barbara, Mrs,, cancellation of moneys, and credits tax 54 " 18— Keller Electric. Co., sign bond 55 " 29— Kalloway, Merlin, notice of claim._ 73 -124 29 —Kraft Clothing Store, sign bond .. 74 " 29 —King, James. J.. and Catherine, Quit Claim Deed to City, of Dubuque " 29— King,, James J., vacated portion of Delhi Street 75 75 April 4— Kleine Street, to improve 83- 90 -1Qd 114- 119 - 121 -132- 133 -142 -165- 166 -171 -229 -259- 260 -261 " 26— Kane,. Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tern of meeting 88 " 26— Kaune, Geo. W. to erect a building on either Eagle Point . or Level Station 90 May 107 -291 ay 9— Kulow, Chas. Sr., cancellation of 1931 tax " 25— Kramer, William J., suspension of 1931 tax 118 -124 " 25— Krueger, J. C., et al, stop dumping pig hair on 16th St, 118 June 8— Kohler, John, requesting a refund on restaurant license • 136 8 —Kane, Bart, et al, to improve, Rush Street 137 -157 8— Kemler, J. E., protesting repair bill for sidewalk on West 3rd Street ._ 147 -160 ,, 8 —Key City Gas Co., requesting payment of gas connections on Lot. 6 and 7 Quigleys Sub. of Out Lot 712 148 -178 20— Kleine Street, construction of gas and water con nections 4 . 153- 172 - 190,232416 -277 27— Knippel, Ed. S., permission to, redeem tax sale certificate on Lot 13, South View Heights 155 27 —Kane, Councilman, excused from meeting 156 27— Kruse, F. J. refund on license 159 27— Kulow, Charles, Jr., requesting extension of time for construction of sidewalk on Decatur Street 159 July 5— Kerper, John, Secretary of Dock Commission, requesting the extension of paving at Boat Landing 169 -178 Aug. 1— Kilby, Darrell, suspension of 1931 tax 188 -201 " 8 —Kane, Councilma appointed Mayor Pro Tem 196 CC 15— Karberg, P. K., grant of easement 204 -205 15— Krause, Emil A., suspension of 1931 tax 205 -221 ,, 22 —Kane, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem 208 " 22— Kuehnle, Edwin C., objecting to proposed assessment for construction of sanitary sewer in Grandview Heights id Addition 210 22 —Kind, Carl A., et al, objecting to construction of sanitary sewer in Cherry St., Green St., Finley St., etc 211 " 29 —Key City Gas Co., offer accepted with thanks to dis- tribute $4000.00 worth of coke to deserving poor 221 Sept. 12— Ketoff, Geo., requesting a parking space to be marked off in front of his store on Seminary Street 233 -275 " 20— Kilby, John W., suspension of 1931 tax 239 " 20— Kimmick, Mrs. M., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 241 -244 " 20— Kolfenbach, Carl A., suspension of 1931 tax 241 -294 Ii L1 Ci « id [f if Ci « INDEX -Book 62 SUBJE.CT X Page 1932 di Oci if fi /{ ft if if if R if ff if Nov. Ci :1 N ft if if Dec. if INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT K 20— Kruse, Leonard R., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 241 -292 20— Kemler, Julia E., suspension of 1931 tax 241 -258 27— Kraessig, Frank, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 251 -257 27— Kohler, John, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 251 -257 27— Klauer, Wm. N., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 252 -293 27— Kline, George, suspension of 1931 tax 252 -268 27— Klein, Mrs. Fredericka, cancellation of 2nd 1 /2 of 1931 tax 254 -294 27— Klein, Mrs. Fredericka, cancellation of Street Assess- ment 256 3— Klein, M. A., sign bond 265 3 —Kane, Councilman, excused from meeting 268 10— Kisting, Wm. J., suspension of 1931 tax 271 -282 10— Kelly, Florence, suspension of 1931 tax 271 -294 17— Kaufman, Herman, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 278 17— Kraus, Mary A., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 278 -293 17 —Kemp, Mrs. Fannie, requesting permission to redeem tax sale certificate 280 28— Kelly, Margaret I., suspension of 1931 tax 285 -290 28— Kulow, Chas., suspension of 1931 tax 286 -298 28— Kiernan, James, suspension of 1931 tax 286 -290 28— Kersch, Nick, suspension of 1931 tax 288 -30) 28— Kettenhofen, Mrs. Barbara, suspension of 1931 tax 288 -296 -316 7— Kerper, John A., reappointed as member of Dock Com- mission 300 7— Kenneally, Geo. L., suspension of 1931 tax 301 -337 7— Kearns, P. J., suspension of 1931 tax 301 -309 7— Kenneally, Matthew, suspension of 1931 tax . 302 7— Kuehnle, Edwin C., grant and easement 303 7 —Kies Drug Store, granted cigarette license 307 7— Kerper, John A., Secretary of Dock Board, requesting that the City Solicitor be instructed to start court action to collect delinquent harbor rentals 310 28— Kingsley, Chas. H., suspension of 1931 tax 311 -315 28— Kenyon, Sophia, suspension of 1931 tax 311 -314 28 —Katz, E., _sign bond 312 28— Kassler Motor Co., sign bond 313 5— Kiene, Peter, estate, suspension of 1931 tax 326 -328 28— Kaesbauer, Mrs. B., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 332 -339 28— Kochendorfer, A. A., refund on cigarette license 333 Page 1932 Jan. Feb. 'C ft if f1 fC if May June id if July Aug. {f 1/ If Sept. C' if if if Oct. (t 10 ff Nov. if INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT Page. L 4 —Link, Philip, deceased, salary to Jan. 15th, 1932 11 —Link, Philip, resolution upon death 11— Lundbeck, Catherine S.,' cancellation of 1930 and 1931 taxes 1 —Lang, Herman H., to be appointed City Clerk 1— Lantzky, Charles A., to be appointed City Clerk 1— Linehan, Edmund A., to be appointed City Clerk 1 —Leik, Wm C., sign bond 1— Loizeaux, Dr. C. E., sign bond 1 —Lory, E. E., sign bond 23— Lincoln Hat Works, sign bond March 7— Ladies Auxiliary of American Legion, poppy sale 29— Lemon, Russell M., waste paper receptacles at corners if 29— Levan, Archie, excavation bond if 29— Lynch, A. E , permission to sell eggs from house to house if 29— Leiser, Fred, requesting cancellation of rental fee of Municipal Field for 1931 29— Langworthy, Henry, warrant ordered drawn for land on Solon Street April 4 —La Crosse Isaak Walton League, petition to preserve refuge 18— Landon, Charles T., appointed member of Park Board.... 26— Ladies Auxiliary of Leo Schwind Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, hold poppy sale, April 30, 1932 90 26! Landon, Charles T., bond of 94 26— Luthe, John and Tucker, Herbert, sign bond 95 25— Lyons, John, suspension of 1931 tax 118 -123 8— League of Iowa Municipalities, on pending legislation___ 138 -324 20— Lowell Street, to repair and oil 150 20— Lincoln Avenue, to repair and oil 150 12— Library Board, certificate of tax levy 170 12— Loading spaces of 50 ft. ordered marked off for bus transportation on Main Street and on Eighth Street 1— League of Iowa Municipalities, annual convention 1— Lambe, Maggie, et al, requesting permission to redeem tax sale certificates on S. 1/2 City Lot 260 1— Light, four -way, to install at W. 14th and Locust Street 1— Luther, W. C., addressed Council objecting to granting the petition of F. L. Egelhof & Son for funeral ,home at 1145 Locust Street 201 22— Landon, Charles, sign bond 211 22— Ladies of G. A. R. for use of Council Chamber 214 - 226 -227 22— Lombardi, Nick, requesting free peddlers license 214 -215 -220 6— Lyons, Lyda, cancellation of 1931 tax ' 223 -229 12 —Light to install on South Booth Street 234 -274 12— Lights to install on Glen Oak Street near W. 3rd Street and Hennepin and Windsor Ave 243 27— Lyons, Mrs. Nettie, suspension, of 1931 tax 251 27— Lange, John C., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 252 -267 27— Loetscher, Mrs. Dora, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 252 27Lights to install on Rhomberg Avenue at Feoigler, Dock and Farragut Streets 255 3— Lyons, Mrs. Katheryn, cancellation of 2nd 1 /2 of 1931 tax 266 3— Loading zones removed on West 8th Street 269 10 —Lang, August, suspension of 1931 tax 271 -295 17 —Link, Edw. A., suspension of 1931 tax 278 -281 17— Lillie, Harvey, requesting the City to use sand on storm sewer construction 280 7— Lippe, Henry, suspension of 1931 tax 302 -309 7 —Local Safety Council, recommendation to appoint 307 28— Langworthy, Henry G., Chairman 1933 Dubuque Centen- nial Committee, requesting use of Athletic Field 312 7 8 12 -15 17 17 17 20 20 20 28 33 73 74 74 76 77 83 -93 86 178 188 188 191 1932 4— Moffatt, W. W., objecting to building of coal terminal..._ 1 4— Moser, Mrs. Louise, et al, requesting light to be installed at Gandolfo and Dodge Streets 2 -14 4– ,Murray, Agnes, repurchase lots in Bellevue Add 3 -15 11— Mullen Bros. & Co., to use cast iron bends at the Sugar Creek Creamery Co. 12 11— Myers -Cox Company, connect sprinkler system with Dubuque City Fire Department 14 1— Mannstedt, Paul, to be appointed City Clerk 17 1— Meyer, Win , settlement of personal injury claim 20 1— Meighan, Fred, sign bond 20 1— Miller - Palmer Sign Co., sign bond 20 23— Moran, William and Mary, penalty and interest on tax sale certificate be cancelled 24 -75 23— Mullen Bros., to use cast iron bends at Maizewood Corp 25 23— Metropilitan Shoe Shop, sign bond 28 March 7— Mullen Bros. & Co., use of 2 inch vent at residence of Father Hauck 35 7—Murphy Ins. Agency, cancellation of sign bond of Doran Monument Co. 35 -55 7 —Muntz Cafe, sign bond 37 18— Maizwcod Building Company ,installing fire alarm box 53 18— Morrison Bros., et al, fire alarm box at 24th and Wash- ington 55 -93 18 —Mt. Pleasant Home, fire alarm box 55 -93 29— Meehan, Helen, suspension of 1931 tax '72-74 4— Mullady, J. B., permit to sell extracts, etc 81 4— Miller, Geo. B., cancellation og 1931 tax 81 -101 4— Milks, Andrew„ suspension of 1931 tax 81 4— Murphy, Anna L., suspension of 1931 tax 82 -292 4— Munger, Effie, exemption of 1931 tax 82- 101 -330 4— Mathis, Chris and Mary, petition to improve Kleine St 83 4--- 4Mdller, Minnie, reduction on assessments 85 -100 26— Meyer, Wm., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 89 -123 26— Maher, Catherine L., investigator of Board of Super- visors, requesting cancelaltion of ambulance bills 90 26— Michel, Mrs. Jos., notice of claim 90 26— Mullen & Son, excavation bond 95 2— Mississippi Valley Shippers Conference, requesting Coun- cil to join in urging the holding of meeting in early part of May 99 2— Meissen, Hubert, Mrs., suspension of 1931 tax 102 2— Metcalf, Mrs. George, et al, requesting the Council to purchase Powers property for playground purposes 102 25 —Maas, Peter, cancellation of 1931 tax 118 -291 8— Mutschler, A. L., et al, objecting to improving Pennsyl- vania Street 133 8— Murphy, William A., suspension of 1931 tax 137 -154 8— Miller- Palmer Sign Co. sign bond 139 , 8— Mathis, Mr., requesting light on Kleine Street and Kauf- man Avenue 143 20 —Main Street Merchants and property owners, requesting the Council to grant petition of Interstate Power Co., to re -route various bus lines 147 20— Miller, Conrad, suspension of 1931 tax 148 -295 20— Mathis- Moffatt Co., sign bond 149 20— Mulligan, Wm. J., sign bond 149 27— Marshall, Joseph II, granted power of attorney 156 27— Massachusetts Bonding & Ins. Co., granting power of attorney a .1 156 27— Meyer, A. W., requesting license to peddle ice cream 156 27—IMiller- Palmer Sign Co., sign bond 158 27— Meyers, Charles F., refund on license 159 Jan. ff if If it Feb. ff ff /f it ff If (f ff ff CC CC April ff ff ff ff ff ff (f CC ff May ff (f ff June (f ff f' INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT Page 1932 ff July Aug. di if « ff ff Sept. ff ff f' ff Oct. ff ff If {f (f ff Nov. ff If f1 if ff ff if Dec. (f ff If INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT M Page 27— Meyer, Martin, refund on license 159 12— Meyer, Paul J., et al, objecting to construction of sani- tary sewer in Strauss Street and Hedley Court 171 1— Murray, K. F., suspension of 1931 tax 189 -202 1— Miller- Jones, sign bond 190 1— Mathey Chevrolet Co., sign bond 190 8— Mettel Land and Security Company requesting a permit to erect a gasoline filling station on Lot 1 of 6 of Min Lot 170 196 -208 8— Muntz, Edward, requesting the re- filling of his lot caused by overflow of storm sewer in Grandview Heights Add. 197 8— Milwaukee Street, resolution . prohibiting the travel of heavily laden trucks 202 22— Muntz, Edward, objecting to proposed assessment for construction of san. sewer in Grandview Heights Add. 210 22— Mettel Land and Security Co., sign bond 211 22 -iMolo Oil Company to erect bill board on Industrial Sub. 213 -228 29— Masonic Temple Building to raze 219 -220 6— Monroe Street, request to repair 223 6— Meyer, Wm., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 223 -233 20— Merchants Hotel Cigar Stand, granted cigarette license 243 27 —Maas, Joe, cancellation of 1931 tax 250 -256 27— Mahoney, John J., suspension of 1931 tax 253 -291 3— Merchants Supply Co., sign bond 265 10— Melssen, Herbert, suspension of 1931 tax , 271 -314 10— Miller, Mrs. Mary, suspension of 1931 tax 271 -298 10— Marathons, prohibited in City 273 17 —Matz, Albert suspension of 1931 tax 278 -280 17— (Maus, Edward, requesting the Council with contractor on Federal Building to hire local help 280 28— Magdal Co., H., suspension of 1931 tax 285 -297 7— Mississippi Valley Ass., requesting payment of dues 299 7— Mississippi Valley Association, extending invitation to Council to attend convention at St. Louis 299 7— Mueller, Al., suspension of 1931 tax 302 -308 7— Mallder, W, C , suspension of 1931 tax 302 -309 7— Martin Bros. Co., granted refund on cigarette license 307 28— Martin- Strelau Company, requesting repeal of local truck license and also refund of amount so paid 312 28 —Matz, Frank, appointed desk sergeant 312 28 —Muntz Cafe, sign bond 313 5— Mannstedt, Paul, suspension of 1931 tax 327 -339 28 —Maus, Henry T., suspension of 1931 tax 331 -339 28— Martell, John, sign bond 334 28 —Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp., sign bonds 334 1932 INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT N Jan. 4— Nagle, J. J., to purchase Lot 1 of Min. Lot 82 4— Nagle, J. J., repurchase Lots 3 and 4 Newmans Sub Feb. 23— Nagle, J. J., redemption of tax sale certificate Lot 2 of 1 of 1 of 3 of M. L. 63 April 4 —North End Grocery, sign bond May 9— National Rivers and Harbors Congress, on change of date of meeting 25 —Noel, Frank J., suspension of 1931 tax 25— Nelson, Mrs. Caroline, Chairman on Committee of Mem- orial Day parade, extending invitation to take part June 8— Newkirk, Chas. R., sign bond 27— Nielson, Lawrence, refund on license 27— Neisner Bros., refund on license July 5— National Safety Council, inviting City to affiliate Sept. 20 —Nank, Chas., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax Oct. 3— Nesler, F. A. & Son, sign bond ft 10 —Ney, Berman A. Jr., suspension of 1931 tax Nov. 7— Nesler, F. A. et al, requesting that Eleanor St. be graded 28— Nesler .& Buechel, requesting permission to pay first in- stallment on assessment against Lot 161 Woodlawn Park Add. and spread balance over equal installments if 28—National Safety Council, City to join Dec. 5— Nemerosky, Isadore, suspension of 1931 tax 28— Norton, Mrs. John, suspension of 1931 tax ft Page 2 -16 5 -1.6 25 83 107 118 122 139 159 159 163 -228 239 -268 265 272 -282 300 310 -334 316 327 -328 332 -339 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT Jan. 4— O'Connor, Mrs. A., cancellation of 1931 taxes 3 -15 Feb. 1 —Oeth, Herman, to be appointed City Clerk 17 " 23 —Order from State Director of Budget sustaining ob- jections to issuance of Dock Bonds 25 " 23— Ordinance No. 1 -32, prohibiting the driving or operat- ing of a motor vehicle without operator's license, etc. 29 -37 March 18— O'Malia, Dennis M. claim 54 -105 " 29— Ordinance No. 2 -32, appropriating money for various funds c 70 -71 " 29— Ordinance No. 3 -32, vacation of portion of Delhi Street lying northerly of Boxleiter's Subdivision 75 -84 April 26— O'Neill, D. J., cancellation of personal and poll tax 88 " 26— Oneyear, A. G., suspension of 1931 tax 89 -101 26— Ordinance No. 4 -32, granting to' United States of Amer- ica, right to lay storm sewer in West 5th St 96 -111 26— Ordinance No. 5 -32, granting to C. M. St. P. & P R. R. Co., right to construct sidetrack across alley 1st east of Garfield Avenue 96 -111 " 26— Ordinance restricting weight and length of trailers 97' May 25— Ordinance No. 6 -32, providing for the issuance of . $90 sewer bonds 116 -117- 127 - 128 - 129 -145 " 25— Ordinance No. 7 -32, establishing grade on alley between Atlantic Street and Auburn Street from Fillmore St to Decorah Street 120 -140 25— Ordinance No. 8 -32, establishing grade on Pennsylvania Street 120 -141 25— Ordinance No. 9 -32, establishing grade on Alley between Delhi Street and Grace Street from Auburn Street to Ida Street 120- 121 -141 25— Ordinance No. 10 -32, estab, grade on Chappell Court 121 -142 25— Ordinance No. 11 -32, establishing grade on Kleine St. 121 -142 25— Ordinance No. 12 -32, - amending Ordinance No. 63 -A licensing and regulating hotels, boarding houses, soft drink parlors 121 -143 25— Order, in the District Court of Iowa in the matter of the estate of Merlin K. Kalloway, minor 124 June 8— O'Connor, Gerald F., power of attorney 137 8— Oriental Sweet Shop, sign bo 139 " 8— Ordinance No. 13 -32, establishing grade on Valley St 143 -151 " 8— Ordinance No. 14.32, amending Rule 56, Paragraph 89, Section 3, of Ordinance 2 -30, boulevarding West 3rd and Dodge Streets 144 -151 " 20 —Olds, Mrs. Myrtle, suspension of 1931 tax 148 -201 July 5— Ordinance No. 15 -32, authorizing Interstate Power Co., to substitutd buses for street cars, fixing time for removal of rails, ties, etc., designating bus routes, etc. 168 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 - 177 - 182 -187 Aug. 1— Ordinance No. 16 -32, creating and establishing Grand- view Heights Addition Sewer District '192-193-197-198 " 22— Ordinance No. 17-32,_ providing for the issuance of $50,000.00 Sewer Bonds 213 - 216 - 217 - 218 -223 22— Owsley, M. A., to purchase one -half of Lot E,, industrial Sub. 213 -228 " 22— Ordinance No. 18 -32, amending Ordinance No. 14 -32 boulevarding West 3rd Street 220 - 225 -226 Sept. 6— Ordinance No. 19 -32, prohibiting the selling of fruits, melons and vegetables, without a license 230 - 241 -242 " 19— Ordinance No. 20 -32, amending Ordinance No. 15 -32, authorizing the Interstate Power Company to substi- tute motor bus transportation for street railway trans- portation 237 - 248 -249 ft If if it If O Page INDEX - `-Book 62 1932 SUBJECT if if ff Oct. it if ff Nov. if (f if f f Dec. O Page 20— Ordinance No. 21 -32, amending Ordinance No. 17-32 . - providing for the issuance of $50,000.00 Sewer Bonds 4 238-246-247-248-264 20— O'Connor, Mrs Bridget, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 239 -244 20- 05trowski, John, suspension of 1931 tax 241 -293 27— Olinger, Peter, suspension of 1931 tax 250 -256 3— 011er, Mr. addressed Council on peddlers license 26J 10 — O'Mara, Walter, suspension of 1931 tax 271 -283 17 —Oeth, Herman, suspension of 1931 tax 278 -281 28— Osterberger, Lizzie, suspension of 1931 tax 288- 296 -316 7— O'Connor, Gerald F.,, power of Attorney revoked 2.9 7— O'Connor, Frank A. power of Attorney revoked 29) 28— O'Connor, Michael, retirement as police captain 312 28— Ordinance No. 22 -32, designating certain streets as boule- vards by amending Ordinance No. 2 -30 313 - 314 -324- 325 -326 28— Ordinance No. 23 -32, fixing rates and prices to be charged for transportation by taxicabs 316 28— Ordinance No. 66, to repeal section pertaining to use of vehicles for conveyance of merchandise 340 1932 SUBJECT Page Jan. 11— Payrolls month of December, 1931 13 Feb. 1 —Proof of publication, list of claims December, 1931 17 if 23— Powers, Dr., requesting reductions on special assessm'ts 23 -99 23— Payrolls month of January, 1932 28 March 7— Powers, Kate, suspension of 1931 tax 36 -101 7— Peryon, E. P., sign bond 37 if 7— Payrolls month of February, 1931 - 38 " 7— Powers, Dr., adjusting assessments 53 -73 -99 " 18— Pautz, Herman, suspension of 1931 tax 54 18— Potterveld, Drug Co., sign bond 55 if 29— Polsky, Sam, cancellation of 1931 tax 72 -101 April 4— Puccio, Anthony, permit to peddle ice cream 81 -91 " 4— Polder, Florence, exemption on moneys and credits and taxes - 82 -201 " 18— Police Judge, communication of City Manager on salary 86 " 26— Payrolls month of March, 1932 91 May 9— Pussateri, Mike, license to peddle fruit 110 -125 " 9— Payrolls month of April, 1932 111 " 9— Pennsylvania Street, improvement of 114 - 120 -133 138 - 141 - 148 - 158 - 165- 207 - 231 - 232 - 237 - 306 - 321 - 322 -323 25— Pregler, Mrs. Mary, cancellation of 1931 tax 117 -169 25— Planning and Zoning Commission, approving the im- provements of Kleine Street and Chappell Court 119 June 8 —Power of Attorney, to Gerald F. O'Connor 137 8— Paisley, Walter, requesting permission for American Legion to hold Stock Company Show at 4th and Lo- cust Streets 138 -149 8— Payrolls month of ;May, 1932 140 20— Pauly, Joseph, suspension of 1931 tax 148 - 202 - 214 -220 20 —Page Hotel, relative to flooding of basement 150 20— Pfeiffer, Mrs. Bertha E., permission to redeem tax sale certificates on Lot 4 Sub. Lot 575 Hams Add 154 27 —Power of Attorney, to Joseph H. Marshall or C. L. Wil- liams F , 156 July 12 —Park Board, certificate of tax levy 170 " 12— Payrolls month of June, 1932 173 " 18— Promenschenkel, Jos., suspension of 1931 tax 182 -202 Aug. 1 —Park Board, reducing County levy 191 -192 " 8— Payrolls month of July, 1932 200 " 22— Paisley, W. W., et al, requesting the Council to call for bids for the construction of sanitary sewer in Grand- view Heights Add. 210 " 22— Pennsylvania Street, sewer, water and gas connections 212- 218 -219 Sept. 6— Promen, Loretta, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 224 -234 ft 6— Peters, Anna, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 224 -233 12— Payrolls month of August, 1932 233 " 12— Police Chiefs' Convention, invitation to Council 234 ff 20— Porter, C. Fred, Acting Auditor of State, enclosing two copies of audit of City of Dubuque and Water Works 239 20— Pleimling, Nick, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 -258 27 —Palm, Leb., suspension of 1931 tax 250 -256 Oct. 3— Peryon, E. P., et al, protesting against the "No Parking Space" marked off in front of their places of business 264 -269 3—Peschang, Nicholas, sign bond 265 3— Phillips Petroleum Company, sign bonds 265 10— Powell, Mrs Amy, suspension of 1931 tax 272 -293 10— Payrolls, list of month of September, 1932 273 10— Purchase of dry river sand for storm sewer work 275 17— Petty, Sam, suspension of 1931 tax 278 -291 17— Public Comfort Station, maintenance and closing of same 279 -301 28— Powers, Joe N., suspension of 1931 tax 288 -296 28— Payrolls, month of October, 1932 313 Dec. 5— Pochter, Chas., granted cigarette permit 326 " 28— Parpan, Jacob, street and sewer assessments - 329 " 28 —Paull Motors, Inc., sign bond 334 " 28— Payrolls, month of November, 1933 335 ff if if if (f f f ff INDEX —Book 62 P INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT Q Jan. 11 —Quit Claim Deed to Agnes Murray 11 —Quit Claim Deed to J. J. Nagle April 26— Quinlan, R. W., sign bond Nov. 7— Quinn, Francis P., claim for damages to automobile Dec. 28 —Quit Claim Deed, of Margery Y. and Carl T. Thimmesch Page 15 16 95 299 335 1932 R Jan. 4— Resolution No. 1 -32, revised electric schedules 5 " 4— Roesner, Mrs, Fred, redeem tax sale certificate 7 " 11— Resolution No. 2 -32, death of Philip Link 8 " 11— Resolution No. 3 -32, death of John Stuber 9 " 11— Rosaline Street sanitary sewer 9 -10 -11 11— Recreational Director report month of December, 1931_._. 13 " 11— Resolution No. 6 -32, Quit Claim Deed to Agnes Murray 15 " 11— Resolution No. 7 -32, Quit Claim Deed to J. J. Nagle 16 Feb. 1— Rhomberg, A. L., grant and easement 17 -18 " 1— Realty Improvement Co., grant and easement 18 -19 " 1— Resolution No. 9 -32, temporary transfer $2500.00 from the Firemen's Pension Fund to Policemen's Pension Fund 21 1— Resolution No. 10 -32, temporary transfer of $975.00 from the General Fund to Dock Operating Fund 22 23— Rigler, Mabel E., grade alley between Rhomberg and Garfield Avenue in the 1500 block 24 23— Realty Investors Corp , g rant and easement 26 23— Ramsey, John, extension of time for payment of as- seessment 27 " 23— Recreational Director, report month of January, 1932 28 March 7 —Rate reduction, City Water Works 38- 39 -40 -56 IC 7—Resolution No. 13 -32, death of James Saul 40 7— Resolution No. 14 -32, hearing on budget 52 18— Rotman, Louis, sign bond 55 18— Rottler, F. C., sign bond 56 18—Recreational Director, report month of February, 1932_ 57 18— Resolution No. 15 -32, Councilmen and Park Commis- sioner to be voted on election of March 28, 1932 57 29— Resolution No. 16 -32, adoption of budget 70 -71 29— Resolution No. 17 -32, declaring, Martin B. Andelfinger, Mark R. Kane and Ardenal Thompson elected as Coun- cilmen and Glenn Brown as Park Commissioner 76 April 4— Resolution No. 18 -32, appointment of officers by Council 79 if 4— Resolution No, 19 -32, appointment of officers by City Manager 80 4— Resolution No. 20 -32, designating official newspaper 80 4— Resolution No. 21 -32, Banks appointed as depositories 80 4 — Renk, Wm., notice of claim $2 -131 4— Rotman Louis, sign bond 83 26— Recreational Director, report month of March, 1932.., 91 26— Recreational Director, annual report 94 26— Rider, Miss Margaret, license to sell ice cream 94 26— Retail Merchants Bureau, permission to place posters on light posts 95 26— Resolution No. 24 -32, Quit Claim Deed to Minnie Sommerfeld 96 May 9— Robinson, Representative T. J. B., on contract for Post office 107 25— Report of Board of Review 119 June 1— Resolution 41 -32, approving certain provision of Gar- ner Bill 130 1— Resolution 42 -32, expression of sympathy of Council upon death of son of Councilman H. F. Schuckert 131 8 —Rush Street to repair 137 -157 8— Rainbo Oil Company, permission to install a floodlight at Grandview Ave. and Delhi Street 137 8— Renier Building Co., sign bond 139 20— Ragatz, George, sign bond 149 20— Rider - Wallis Company, permission to connect sprinkler system with Ninth Street Engine House 153 27— Recreational Director, report for month of May, 1932 159 {c " CC if '' '' . " {i it C' '' '' if if C' " '' INDEX —Book 62 SUBJECT Page v 1932 July authorizing the purchase of 12 —Recreation Commission, certifying sum required for for ensuing year ^�--^=" "^"�" -__ ._-' needs , . 12—Resolution No. 64-32 petitioning Governor �8��� up in closed banks 18—Resolution No. 65-32, Filing of Budget Estimate 18—Rest Room, Chamber of Commerce asking to have same continued 1—Recreational Director, report for month of June, 1932 15—Royal American Shows, granted permit to hold carnival 22—Recreational Director, report for month of July, 1932 22—Rotman, Louis, et al, requesting the opening of the alley first west of Alpine St., from Reeder St. to Solon St. 29—Recreational Director, extending invitation to Council to participate in Labor Day celebration 6—Roth, J. P., et al, requesting that Fulton and Monroe Streets be repaired 19—Roseliep, J. A., et al„ requesting Council to vote for the proposed changes on Highway 55 and 56 19—Ragatz, George, addressed Council on changes of High- ways 55 and 56 20—Ring, Joseph, suspension of 1931 tax Finance Cor- poration Iowa to' make application for loan from suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 20—Recreational Director, report for month of August, 1932 20—Roshek Bros. Co., granted cigarette license 27—Raab, Mary T., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 27—Reisch, Mrs. John, suspension of 1931 tax 27—Ramsey, John, cancellation of 1931 tax 3—Roe ling, L. F., sign bond 3—Rath, George C. & Sons, Inc., sign bond 17—Roepsch, Jos. ~—~~~e ' 273 and J_ suspension uf 2nd half of 1331 tax 278-292 -- -----'-- A., suspension of 1931 tax 28—Rogers 1981 tax 287-297 -- 287-297 -- _-���� -- Catherine, ~ Nick, suspension of 1931 tax 288-290 - -moo ----- � '-' --^ suspension of 1931 tax 288 28—Roussel, ����ootate'Anna���.^a000Da�vu of 1931 tax 289'895 -- -- James F., of Attarney revoked 299 ' - 302-308 '7 - � ' -^ -' Eugene A., cancellation tax 302 e000u of 1931 tax 326-328 . _~ 28—Roeder, Mae, 5—Resolution 115-32, banks for public funds 327-333 ~nsionof 1931 tax 331-337 -- - J., 333 ��-�~����*o�oxomuout ; __- u« 28—Rainbo Oil 334 " ° ° Aug. Sept. " " Sept. " " " " " Oct. CC CC " " " " " " " Nov. " Dec. " " " it " INDEX—Book 62 SUBJECT � Peg, . ��J __ �� �^`�~=^^� �^~^`="= =� 1932 SUBJECT " " " " " " " " July " it � � Patt Jan. -' - ' n, resolution upon death '9 188 ^ oowo' Klingenberg Terrace and Rosaline St 9-10- ^�-=,� ' � CC " 1z--Stnbvr, John, doo d to Jun 15 1932 16 ° 11--8biruu Street, construction of storm' water 'sewer ' ' 16 Feb. to fill unexpired toxm� 17 ^ 1—Schmid; Mrs. Lena, exemption of 1931 tax 1723 1—Schilling, 1Y8�79 ' o 19-20 18O � 1—Sycamore and ��u'n�'��» light ordered installed zm if 1 toilet and toilet facilities, J. I. Speak and 183 John and Florian Telser ' ' " John, sign bond " 1—Solon ~ ^ ^ ' ` ' Hill Street, ^ ` and ocroo to be opened to uu/ u�rvo� filled uuo roV _ . m» improved --- - - - - ^ ��n�u�����tvu�o���omm.� 21-106-112 818 - � _ _ 113-114-116-127-128-129-130-145-146-155 " ux--�tu�* oonuxt��t of Health granting provisional use of 215 March 7—Saul ��yYyu�r _ . 24 223 " 7-Sewer, sanitary, construction of in alley between Lincol and uuvrnuorc Avenues from 200 ft. south of Shiras 237 Street to a point 20 feet north of Shiras Street 54-86-87-107 237 " `. 108-117-165-191-198-199-200 240-244 ' requesting Quit Claim Deed 73-96 x*t-ue� April 4--8bou J. J., bond of 79 --2*3 ^ " ��o�^ cancellation of 1981 tax 83-101 243 " Ed., notice of claim - ' 83 ^ 4—Small Pox, � of Director ` Health -^ 249-293 � e--u�uu ,��ouou «v 252-268 ^' 85 254-229625 " Frank extension sewer and W�rMu�to Lots 13 and 14 Sisters Add , also to grade alley 88 205 " 26—Sheppley, E. H., protesting against ball playing in alley 88 in rear of his property " 26—Stavros, George, requesting refund on cigarette license 90 26—Spensley Theatre, sign bond 95 " 26—St. Mary's Orphanage, granted permission to connect with City Sewer SYstem 97 May 2—Street 2—Sidewalks, otrnotioo of, abutting Lot 25 Ann O'Hares Sub. and Lot 6 Davis Sub l08�84' 85 " 9—Salvation &rm to b�6 tag duy zOY June 8--Snuh\ T. S., reimbursed for damage to his automobile 138 '' 8—State Auditors to send examiner to check accounts 139 t( 8--8uudrr Clarence, sign bond ' 139 " 8—Sears, Mr., requesting storm sewer on Shiras Street 148'149 Aug. 20—Schuckert. Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tern 145 20—Sewer, sanitary in Plymouth Street 147 20—Standard Appraisal Co., relative to appraisal on City 20—Sc requesting to withdraw his name from , 148 the 'petition requesting the improving of Pennsyl- vania Street , 148-158-165 20—Schrup, 0. G., et al, requesting reduction in Harbor rent 148-190 20—Stafford Street Intersections, to repair and oil 150 20—Sewer, sanitary, in Strauss Street and Hedley Court, construction of 153-171-189-190-106-2W-209-265-303-304-305 27—Sidewalks, to construct on Decatur Street 158 27—Spielman, Harvey, refund on license 159 5—Schneider, Mary, remission of 1931 and 1932 taxes. 163-169 5—Scheffert, Charles, suspension of 1931 tax 163-178 18—Sewer bonds $50,000.00 to issue 182-195-203 208-212-213-215-216-217-218-219-235-236-238-245-246-247-248 1--8ibhbng, E. A., sign bond 190 1—Standard Oil Co., 12 sign bonds 190 20-33-34 oO 21 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT S 1— Sewer, sanitary, in Grandview Heights Sewer District....192 -193 -194 209 - 210 -211 -230- 231 -237 1— Sewer, sanitary, in Cherry Street, Green Street, Finley Street, Poplar Street, etc. 194 -211 1— Sewers, storm, to construct to help unemployment 194 8— Spensley, Thomas B., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 196 -267 15— Schuckert, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tern 203 15— Sewer, sanitary, on Sixth Street to, complete from alley between Main and Locust Streets to alley between Lo- cust and Bluff Streets 206 22— Sauer, F. J., objecting to way sewer is being built in Strauss Street 209 -226 22— Schmitt, W. J., suspension of 1931 tax 209 -221 22— Sheffield, C. L., objecting to the proposed assessment for the construction of sanitary sewer iri Grandview Heights Add. 210 " 22— Sewer, water and gas connections on Pennsylvania St 212 -218 -219 " 22— Shiloh Circle, requesting use of Council Chamber 214 - 226 -227 Sept. 6— Schroeder, Elizabeth Vosberg, suspension of 1931 tax 223 -290 6— Schiltz, Oliver, cancellation of 1931 tax 224 6— Spiegelhalter, Mrs. Amelia, suspension of 1931 tax 224 -244 6— Sidewalks, construction of, City Lots 87 and 88 and south 20 feet 3 inches of 86 226- 254- 255 - 266- 270 - 306 - 319 - 320 -321 12— Schafers, John, requesting appointment as Dock Com- missioner 233 12 —South Booth Street, to install street light 234 19— Schuckert, Councilman, entered and took seat 237 20— Schuster, L., requesting a refund on cigarette license 239 27— Schaffert, Anton C., suspension of 1931 tax 252 -266 27— Streff, J. E., cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 254 -267 Oct. 3— Steffen, Henry, suspension of 1931 tax 267 " 3— Stoffregen, Louis C., reappointed as a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission 269 10— Schmitz, Frank J., suspension of 1931 tax 272 -283 10— Schuler, Jos. V., suspension of 1931 tax 272 -292 10— Slattery, Reah, C. uspension of 1931 tax 272 -293 10 —Sand, dry river, Co t be purchased for storm sewer work 275 17— Schmidt, C. J., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 278 -281 17— Suverkrup, Henry, suspension of 1931 tax 279 -337 17— Spiegelhalter, Mrs., granted permission to redeem tax sale certificate 280 17 —Storm sewer materials, bids on same 283 -284 28— Scheuer, Margaret, suspension of 1931 tax 285 -298 28— Sunderland, Geo., suspension of 1931 tax 286 -297 28— Streletzky, John M., suspension of 1931 tax 288 -290 28—Steichen Mrs. Nick, suspension of 1931 tax 289 -308 28— Sullivan, Kate, suspension of 1931 tax 289 28— Schneider, Carl J., suspension of 1931 tax 289 -296 Nov. 7— Salvation Army, requesting permission to hold tag day 299 se 7— Smith. William A., power of Attorney revoked 299 7— Schueler, Millie, suspension of 1931 tax 302 -309 7— Standard Oil Co , granted permission to eliminate 10 feet of the parking in the middle of 2nd Street west of Locust Street 306 28— Scharle, T. E., sign bond 313 ft 28— Scheppele E. L., sign bond 313 Dec. 28— Savary, Harry C., requesting refund on assessment 330 Cf 28— Schargitz, Fred, suspension of 1931 tax 330 -336 28— Schargitz. Frank, suspension of 1931 tax 330 -336 28— Schulz, Fred, suspension of 1931 tax 331 -336 28— Swift, Sam, State Representative, to present Council matter at the next session of Legislature 333 28— Schweitering, Jacob J., sign bond 334 28 —St George Hotel, sign bond 334 28— Schrup Motor Car Co., sign bond 334 « " if it « " « « " " " « « " ft « « « « " it " " if « « Pegs 1932 SUBJECT Page, T Feb.. 1— Taylor,, Frank,. to be appointed. City Clerk 17: "' 1— Thompson,. Frank. W.,. claim for damages to sewer. con- nection 19 -23 -56 1— Telser, John, and: Florian; toilet facilities installed 2043 -34 1— Trenkle H. Co., sign. bond 20 1— Temporary, transfer of $2500.00 from Finemen?s. Pension_ Fund to, Policemen's Pension_ Funds 21 " 1— Temporary transfer' of $9!75,00 from General Fund' to Dock. Operating. Funds 22 March- 7 —Tre Ore, observance. of 52 " 18— Trausch, Baking Co.,. sign-bond- 5.5 " 18 —The Uptown, signi bond 55 "• 29— Toner,. William_ C.,. et al,. objections to. items in budget 58 "' 29 —Takos Co.,. sign- bond, 74' April 4— Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal appointed official newspaper 80 " 26— Thielen, Marie and M., remission of 1931 tax 88 -144 " 26— Tucker, Herbert, and John Luthe, sign bond 95 May 9— Toner, W. C., and Watkins, Lowell, questions for Council to answer 106 " 25— Temporary transfer of $7500.00 from Water Works Fund to Library Building Fund 122 June 8— Thompson, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tern 132 " 8— Trausch Baking Company, permission to install two gasoline tanks at 19 -31 South Main St. 136 8— Trades and Labor Congress, invitation for Labor Day program 139 8— Theisen Battery and Electric Co., sign bond 139 20— Twenty -eight Street, to repair and oil 150 " 20— Twenty -ninth Street, to repair and oil 150 July 5— Thomas, Henry, suspension of 1931 tax 163 -169 18— Thompson, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tem 180 Aug. 1 —Tax levy for year 1932 186 " 1— Thimmesch, Margery Y. and Carl J., relative to convey- ing northerly 15 ft. of Lot 4 of 1 of Min. Lot 68 188 -317 1— Trieb, Olive, suspension of 1931 tax 188 -213 1— Tempus, Louis, suspension of 1931 tax 189 -202 es 15— Trilk, Mrs. A. L , suspension of 1931 tax 205 -291 " 22— Tradehome Shoe Stores, sign bond 211 Sept. 6— Thompson, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro Tern 223 27— Tigges, Win. F., suspension of 1931 tax 250 -256 2'7—Thul, Paul, suspension of 1931 tax 253 -268 Oct. 10— Traut, Jacob, suspension of 1931 tax 272 -337 ff 10— Trenkle, H., requesting installation of light on South Booth Street 274 17— Tuthill, William, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 279 - 280 -289 es 28— Trepte, B. C., suspension of 1931 tax 287 -297 28— Turley, J. W., suspension of 1931 tax 287 -314 Nov. 7— Trexler, Mary A., suspension of 1931 tax 302- 308 -314 ft 7—Traffic Accident Summary 306 se 28— Tegeler, Edward B., sign bond 313 4C 28— Taylor- Yonkers Co., sign bond 313 " 28 —The Orange Bowl, sign bond 313 Dec. 5— Traynor, Merle, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 326 " 28— Treasurer of State, authorizing the increase of deposits 333 es 28—Tax sale, City Treasurer to attend 334 " 28 —Taxes cancelled and suspended, report of 335 " 28— Thimmesch, Margery Y. and Carl J., quit claim deed 335 " «, « « « " « INDEX —Book 62 INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT U March 18— Utzig, John, redeem tax sale certificates June 8— Urbach Bros. Co., sign bond " 8— Universal Car and Tractor Co., sign bond 27— Utzig, Arnold, permission to redeem tax sale certificate on Lot 2 Sub. 1 Elm Street Sub Aug. 29 —Upper Mississippi Waterway Forces Convention, City Council to be represented, at Minneapolis, Minn Oct. 10— Universal Car and Tractor Company, making claim in the sum of $325.00 for damages to automobile 28— Utzig, Fred, suspension of 1931 tax 7 —Upper Mississippi Waterway Association, requesting the payment of dues instead of to Mississippi Valley As- sociation Dec. 5 —Union Cigar Store, granted cigarette permit if Nov. Page INDEX —Book 62 1932 SUBJECT V 54 -101 Feb. 1— Voelker, Realty Co., that depressions on Adair Street 139 be filled 139 Id 23— Voelker, Chris A., grant and easement March 29— Vacating portion of Delhi Street lying northerly of 156 Boxleiters Sub. April 4— Vormschlag, Kate, cancellation or suspension of 1931 tax 221 " 26— Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies Auxiliary of the Leo Schwind Post to hold Poppy sale, April 30, 1932 270 -280 June 8— Viaduct on West 8th Street to repair 286 -297 July 5— Vogler, Mrs. A. J., et al, requesting an extension of time for constructing sidewalk on Decatur Street Aug. 22— Voelker Realty Co., objecting to proposed assessment 299 for the construction of sanitary sewer in Grandview 326 Heights Add. Sept. 12— Volunteers of America, permission to hold tag day Oct. 28— Vogel, Albert J., suspension of 1931 tax 28— Vogel, Geo. J., suspension of 1931 tax Dec. 5— Valentine, Henry, claim of Page 17 25 75 82 -101 90 138 163 -227 210 234 286 -298 289 -296 324 1932' Feb. 0{; «; e'. If April f{ May " f, June it July Aug. Sept. 4' 4' Cf {t Cf Oct. if Nov. ff Dec. INDEX —Book. 62 SUBJECT 1— Weitz,. Melvin, to be appointed City Clerk 17 23 —West Third. St., to open and secure land from D. Powers 23 23— Wampach, Mrs. Anna cancellation of 1931 tax 26 23— Wilberding, Henry, sign. bond 29' 23— Whitney. Williams. Motor Service, sign bond 28 March, 7— White, Jelin V., et al, extension of. Garfield Ave' 33450 7 — W Jbhnl et al, street lights on Kaufman. A • 35 -92 "` 7— Weis ..Oldsmobile Co„ sign; bond 37 38- 39 -40 )-56 7 —Water Works, reduction in. rates 29— Woodward,. R :. L., reappointed member of Police and: Fire Commission 4— Weber, W. J., suspension of 1931. tax 4— Weber;. Lincoln, suspension of 1931 tax 26— Wersinger, John, permit to sell fruit 26 —Weis. Oldsmobilb Co., sign bond 2 —White House Biscuit Cbmpany, objecting; to passage' of Ordinance restricting weight and length of trailers 2— Wendt, Lester G., sign bond 9— Watkins, Lowell, and Toner, W. C., questions for Council to answer 9 —Weis Bros., sign bond 25— Wisher, Lawrence, suspension of 1931 tax 25— Whalen, W. J., trainmaster of C. M. St. P. & Pacific Railroad Company, change flagman schedule on 7th St. 118 -157 25— Wagner, M. 0., et al, installation of sewer in Cherry St. 118 -150 1— White - Phillips Co., offering to sell bonds to City 131 77 81-85" 81 -101 94 -125 95: 99 1 :00 106 110 117 -123 8— Walberg, Ben, to be granted license to sell merchandise 8 —West Eighth Street,, viaduct and street repair 27— Williams, C. L , granted power of Attorney 27— Warren, Dell, refund on license 27 —Welu, Dominick, refund on license 5— Watkins, Lowell, addressed the Council 12- Weber, J. J., sign bond 8— Wolfe, Mrs. Fred J., et al, objecting to the erection of a gasoline filling station on Lot 1 of 6 of Min. Lot 170 196 -209 8— Winall, J. W., tendering resignation as member of Dock Board 197 22— Welty, Jacob, suspension of 1931 tax 209 -295 22— Wurst, Mrs. Ernest, cancellation of 1931 tax 209 -244 20— Wilcox, Ellsworth, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax_ _ 239 -258 20— Weimerskirch, Mrs. Margaret, cancellation of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 - 245 -275 20— Wilson, James P., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 240 -245 27— Weber, Mrs. Catherine, suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 250 -256 27— Waldbillig, John B., suspension of 1931 tax 250 -256 27— Wilberding, Mrs. N. K., suspension of 1931 tax 251 -257 27— Winter, Susan, cancellation of 1931 tax 254 27— Weber, Mrs. Tillie, cancellation of 1931 tax 254 -266 3— Welch, Dale D., reappointed member of Planning and Zoning Commission . 269 10— Weber, J. J., suspension of 1931 tax 272 - 281 - 309 -310 10— Walking marathons and all other marathons prohibited 273 17— Winders, Mrs. C., suspension of 2nd half of 1931 tax 279 -291 28— Westaby, Myrtle, suspension of 1931 tax 289 -338 7 —Ward, Frank, suspension of 1931 tax 302 -309 28— Williams, Leona A., suspension of 1931 tax 311 -315 28 —Weis Oldsmobile Go., sign bond 313 28— Walsh, Julia, suspension of 1931 tax 332 -338 138 138 156 159 159 168 173 1932 INDEX--Book 62 SUBJECT Page Jan. 4 —Y. M. C. A. reduction of water rates, at swimming pool 6 11 —Y. - M. C. A. repairs to sidewalk and • downspout . drain 13 Feb. '23— Young, Elizabeth, agricultural .exemption on Young's Place - . , 24 June 8— Young, Leona, suspension of 1931 tax . 136 -160 Sept. 20—Y. M. C. A., -, requesting permission to string banner 239 Nov. 7— Yokom, W. L., appointed as member •of Dock Commission 300 INDEX —Book 62 Z 1932 SUBJECT Page Feb. 23— Ziegler, Karl, agricultural exemption 2 7 April 26— Zemanek, Mary, cancellation of 1931 tax, 89 May 9— Zuccaro, Gus., license to peddle fruit 110 -125 June 27— Zillig, George, refund on license 159 Sept. 27— Zwack, Frank F., suspension of 1931 tax 252 -267 Nov. 7— Zoller, August, appointed as member of Playground and Recreation Commission 300 Dec. 28— Ziepprecht, C. W., claim of 340