1930 Index Council Proceedings1 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1930 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1930 COUNCILMEN WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor M. B. ANDELFINGER ED. McEVOY GEORGE 0. JANSEN HENRY F. SCHUKERT City Clerk — JOHN STUBER City Solicitor — M. H. CZIZEK City Treasurer — OTTO F. PULS City Auditor — FRED GANTERT City Engineer — WALTER H. CULLEN Chief of Fire Department — WM. RYAN City Electrician — JOSEPH CORRELL Plumbing Inspector — GEORGE MASTERS Electrical Inspector — OTTO BETHKE City Manager — ROGER M. EVANS Secretary to Manager — ALLAN E. SIGMAN Building Commissioner — CARL BARTELS City Assessor — GEORGE BENNETT Chief of Police — JOHN GIELLIS Health Director — DR. W. J. CONNELL Sanitary Inspector — JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Market Master — C. J. McCARTHY Milk and Dairy Inspector — JOSEPH T. SCHARRY Regular meetings of the City Council are held the first Monday of each month, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. 1930 INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 27- Althauser's Stores, sign bond 9 " 27- Automobile Salesmen, addressed Council, on sus- 10 pension of rules on merits of their cars 14 Feb. 7- American Trust and Savings Bank, bond 7 -Alley bet. Windsor Ave. and Queen St., resolution to improve 15, 16, 33, 34, 43, 44, 116, 118 7- Angella Street, resolution to improve 16, 33, 34, 43, 118 " 7- Auburn Street, resolutions to improve 22, 33, 34, 40, 43, 44, 119, 133, 154, 155, 185, 186, 205, 206, 239, 240, 251 " 7 -Avoca Street, resolutions to improve 24, 33, 34, 40, 43, 118 7- Algona Street, resolutions to improve 26, 27, 33, 34, 39, 43, 119, 155, 178, 179, 222, 223 24- American Legi Auxiliary, petition for refund of 30 dance license " 24- American Legion, Leo Schwind Post No. 508, peti- tion for refund of dance license 30 March 3 -Apel, John, sign bond 45 " 10- Armstrong Recreation Parlors, sign bond 58 " 24 -Anro Pharmacy, Cigarette License 88 April 7- Automobile Paint Shop, sign bond 116 " 14- Agreement and transfer of title to lighting posts 121 May 12- American Legion Auxiliary, report of Poppy sale 150 " 26- Auburn Street, petition to extend improvement to Dexter Street } 159 " 26- Abresh Louisa, Hilda Hoffman, et al., pet. for re- duction in assessment 160, 188, 197 June 13- Algona Street„ petition to improve, from Delaware to Dexter Street 187, 195, 196 " 16- Armstrong, John A., petition to operate Miniature Golf Course 190 " 16- Acting City Manager appointed 192 " 30 -Avon Theatre, sign bond 200 July 7- Algona St., remonstrances against paving with Asphalt , 207 " 7- Algona St., Delaware to Dexter Sts., remonstrances 214, 223, 224 " 23- Algona St., improvement, remonstrances against 223, 226, 244 " 28- Auburn St., petition to pave with Concrete 244, 260, 277, 278 Aug. 4- Algona St., imp. from W. 14 to Delaware..250, 251, 259, 260, 275, 276 " 11- Algona St., imp. from Delaware to Dexter Sts 260, 276, 277 " 11 -Avon Theatre, petition to erect Marquise 261 " 11- Athletic Field, pet. asking City to take over lights 262 Sept. 2- American Legion, Convention at Sioux City, peti- tion for 3 policemen to attend the Convention 282 9- Algona St., W. 14th to Delaware, contract 291, 316, 371, 391 392, 413, 414 " 9- Algona St., from Delaware to Dexter, contract._291, 316, 372, 416, 417 if 9 -Auburn St., from W. 14th to Dexter, contract__292, 316, 356, 397, 398 9 -Alley bet. Nevada and Booth Sts., repaired 299 " 9 -Alley 1st S. of West 5th, report of Manager 299 " 29- Army's Recreation, sign bond 319 Nov. 3- Arthover, Mr. and Mrs., petition for redemption of property 355 " 3- American Water Works Ass'n, invitation to attend convention .., 355 if 3- Andelfinger, M. B., councilman, excused on request 361 " 10 -Arno Pharmacy, sign bond 365 " 10- Appel- Higley Co., sign bond 365 Dec. 8- Asmussen, Peter, et al., for vacation of alley ,, 17- Auburn St., protest against imp., Voelker Real. Co. 377, 397 407 " 22- Army's Recreation, sign bond 435 " 22- Auditors of State, to Audit books annually 436 " 22 -Adam, M., est , petition for reduction in assessm. 437 " 22- Architects local be engaged on construction of new Post Office, proper authorities at Washing- ton be communicated with thereto 446 1930 Jan. if " (P it Feb. INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT B Page 6 —B. & G. Battery and Electric Co., sign bond 6— Berntgen, A. J., cigarette bond 6 —Bids for binding Council proceedings for 1929 16— Business houses of Dubuque, pet. relative to .sell- ing gasoline on streets of city 16—Bids for Automobile for Fire Chief to be received 27— Sennett, Stephen, grant and easement to city 27 —Board of Health, report for month of Dec. 1929 27— Becker - Hazelton Co., sign bond 27— Becker, Mrs., settlement for personal injury claim 7— Boulevard lights on Central Ave. and 8th St , resolution to accept 7— Braconier, F. G., heating bond 24 —Bock, Emil, sign bond 24 —Berk, Max, sign bond 24 —Byrne Bros., sign bond 24— Brooks, Dr. J. L., return of service, to remove bldg. 24 —Board of Health, meeting 24 —Board of Health, report for month of January 24 —Board of Health, resolution, P. J. and Minnie Norton, to abandon outside toilet and make sewer connections Marchl0— Burke, R. J. Co., excavation bond " 10— Burch, Mary Louise, court costs (on acc. of appeal) 14— Budget of City Manager and City Council for 1930 14— Budget Resolution No. 149 -30 and 159-30 14— Brown, J. J., resigned from Planning and Zon- ing Commission 21 —Board of Health report for month of Feb. 1930 24— Brandel, John, general contractor's bond 31— Beach, Geo. W., pet. to cancel tax sale certificates " 31 —Board of Review appointed " 31— Brede, John F., Cigarette license.. April 7— Banks, designated as depositories for City funds id 7— Brunskill, Bridget, petition for cancel, of taxes " 21 —Board of Health Meeting, Oliver Kringle notified to repair and clean up barn or remove it " 21— Becker - Hazelton, sign bond " 28— Bradley, John H., petition for light " 28— Baumhover, L. J., petition for refund, over- assessed for North Main Street 135 May 12— Beatrice Creamery Co., sign bond 152 " 19— Brooks, Maurice E., petition to remove Stop and Go Lights on 4th and Main 157 " 19 —Board of Health 159 " 26— Berwanger, Margaret, Augusta Wagner, et al , petition for reduction in assessment 160, 188, 197 June 2 —Board of Review, report of 169 if 2—Burke, J. J., pet. to purchase property from city 169 " 9— Belt, A. G., petition relative to survey of lot 183, 190 9— Birdena E. Bush, petition relative to Gas mains in Nowata Street 9— Batteram, J. and Minnie, grant of easement " 23 —Board of Health, report for May, 1930 " 23— Byrne, Thos. E., communication relative to round- ing corners on various streets in the city " 23 —Berg, Frank J., sign bond " 30— Belsky Motor Co., sign bond July 7— Blair, Chas. T., heating bond Ci 7— Brouillet Sheet Metal Works, heating bond If 7— Buelow, Clarence C., Cigarette license iC if if it '' ft 2 3 3, 9 6 6 8 9 9 9 13 14 35 35 35 35, 74 36 36 36 66, 129 58 61, 89 71, 99 71 82 88 102 106 106 112 113 123 129 134 183 184 194 194, 200 195 200 411 411 211 1930 ( f '' " '' Aug. i1 if Sept. " " if Oct. it di Nov. it it ft if if 4' Dec. if INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT Page B 15— Bonds, $60,200 imp. and $115,000 Sewer Bonds.., 214, 218, 228, 234, 284, 288 15_L Bonds, $115,000 sewer bonds 219, 220, 228 15— Bellevue Street, petition to vacate 220 23— Budget Estimate 221, 254, 255 23— Budget Resolutions 23— Bradley & Maclay, petition to remove light 225 4 —Bush, Birdena E., and Mrs. Robinson, objecting to gasoline station on Nowata and W. 14th Sts. 11— Budget Estimate, Resolution No. 287 -30. 18 —Burch Street residents, petition to repair alley 2— Binninger, Mrs. Olive M., sign bond 2— Brunswick Music Shop, sign bond 9— Bonds, Bids, $60,000 Imp. Fund and $115,000 Sewer Bonds 9— Bonds, Resolutions providing for sale of bonds 9— Bonnett, Gertrude J., claim for personal injury 9— Bellevue Street, vacated 22— Bothmer, Mrs. Chris., pet. for suspension of taxes 22— Birndorf Bros., sign bond 29— Bayless Business College, sign bond 20— Bowman, Ed, sign bond 20— Becker, Valentine, sidewalk contractor's bond 20 —Braun Bros., contractor's bond 20— Bethke, Otto, personal bond 3 —Byrne Bros., cancellation of bond 3 —Byrne Bros., new bond 3— Bricklayer's Union, petition to use Union Brick- layers to build brick Manholes and do segment block work 17— Booth, Glenn R., Adm. A. C. Rafoth property 19— Banks, designated as depositories for City funds 28— Blocker, Joseph, remonstrance against assess- ment for Wood Street imp. 28— Bertonic, Peter, petition for cancellation of taxes 28— Bennett, Hattie M., petition for suspension of taxes 8— Berg - Arduser Co., sign bond 22— Baumhover, Emma, pet. for suspension of taxes 22— Birndorf Bros., sign bond 22 —B. & G. Battery Co., sign bond 252, 263 254 268 280 280 290 290, 291 296 299 309 319 319 333 333 333 333 353 355 356 376 379 388 394 395 407 434 435 435 1930 Jan. " (f '' " '' CC " '' '' '' Feb. '' if if if if f , ' if 0 1 ' , CC if if ft „ INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT C Page 6- Council Meeting, regular 1 6 -City Council Proceedings for Nov. and Dec. 1929 .1 6- Callaghan, Marg., Cigarette bond 3 6- Cramer, A. B., Cigarette bond 3 6 -Chief of Police to make survey of alleys relative to parking 4, 6 16 -City Council, Special Session 4 16 -City Auditor, City Treasurer, and City Water- works, Reports for month of December, 1929 5 27 -City Council, Special Session 7 27- Central Ave. Business Men's Assn. vote of thanks 7, 8 27- Canfield Hotel, sign bond 9 27 -Clerk to notify Central Ave. Business Men's Assn , Retail Merchants Assn, and others to attend Regular Meeting of Council Feb. 3, Traffic Rules to be discussed 10 3- Courtesy Cards be issued to Visiting Auto. tourists 12, 102 3- Central Ave. Merchants communication relative to parking on Central Ave. 12 7 -City Council special session 13 7- Certificate of Manager to accept Boulevard lights on Central Ave. and 8th St 13, 46, 47, 51 7 -City Auditor, report for month of January, 1930 14 7 -City Treasurer, report for month of January, 1930 14 7 -City Waterworks, report for month of Jan., 1930 14 7- Catherine Street, resolutions to improve 16, 21, 33, 34, 41, 44, 117, 119, 156, 157, 181, 182, 189, 226, 370, 411, 112 7- Custer Street, resolutions to improve 26, 33, 34, 39, 57, 117, 118, 133, 141, 201, 231, 232 24 -City Council, special session 28 24- Carpentier, Robert B., petition to sell household articles direct to housewives 30 " 24 -China Inn, sign bond , 35 " 24- Curtis - Straub Co., excavation bond 35 " 24- Cleaver, Edward T., excavation bond 35 March 3 -City Council, regular meeting 39 3 -C. & M. Shoe Store, sign bond 45 10 -City Council, special session 46 10 -City Water Department, transfer of funds from General Fund to Sinking Fund 54 10 -City Auditor, report for month of February, 1930 56 10 -City Treasurer, report for month of February,1930 56 10 -City Waterworks, report for month of Feb., 1930 56 10 -City Council proceedings for month of Jan., 1930 56 10- Central Lumber & Coal Co., objecting to amend- ing restricted residence district on certain parts of Bluff Street 56, 73 10- Central Lumber & Coal, Attorney Glenn Brown addressed Council relative to petition objecting amending restricted residence district on cer- tain parts of Bluff Street 56 10- Christensen, Myrtlie, personal injury claim settled 57 10- Conlan Hudson Essex, sign bond 58 14 -City Council, special session 61 21 -City Council, special session 72 21- Checker Taxi Co., sign bond 74 21- Cadillac Motor Co., sign bond i 74 21- Curtis & Straub Co., excavation bond 82, 129 24 -CitS Council, special session 83 31 -City Council, special session 89 31 -City Council Proceedings for month of Feb., 1930 106 31 -City Solicitor, Annual Report for fiscal year 1929 107 1930 April „ if if ft ft ft if if " If Q( ,' if if May June U „ if '4 ft if u " it „ it INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT C Page 1 -City Council, special session 109 7 -City Council, regular session 112 7- Connolly, W. J. and Julia E. Mosher, petition for reduction in assessment, (R. Roedell Atty.) offering settlement 113, 165 7 -City Auditor, report for month of March, 1930 114 7 -City Treasurer, report for month of March, 1930 114 7 -City Waterworks, report for month of March, 1930 114 14 -City Council, special session , 119 14 -City Waterworks, annual inventory and valuation as of March 31, 1929 121 14 -Civil Service Commission presented Council with Police and Fire Manuals 122 21 -City Council special session 123 21- Caquelin, C., asking to lower sidewalk on 17th and Jackson to construct an approach to his garage 127 21 -City Treasurer, annual report, fiscal year, end- ing March 31, 1930 130 21- Central Ave., notice to property owners, from 22nd to 32nd Sts., of City's intention to im- prove street , . 130, 145 28 -City Council, special session 131 28 -City Auditor, report for fiscal year 1929 ' 134 28- Condemnation Proceedings (Sheriff instructed) 137 28 -Civil Service Commission, reports on examinations for Fire and Police Departments 138 5 -City Council, regular session 141 5 -City Engineer, report for fiscal year, ending March 31, 1930 143 5 -City Waterworks, report for April, 1930 144 5 -City Planning and Zoning Commission, Contract with John Nolen 144, 146, 147 12 -City Council, special session.., 146 12 -City Auditor and City Treasurer's reports for April, 1930 147 12 -Civil Service Commission, annual report 148 12- Claims paid during month of April, 1930 148 12- Central Ave., Boulevard lights, Resolutions, 18th to 22nd Sts 151, 167, 326, 327, 349, 351 12- Cooper A. A. property, petition of property owners complaining aoubt dangerous condition of 3rd and Locust Sts..., 152, 285, 346, 361 19 -City Council, special session 153 26 -City Council, special session 159 26- Corpstein, Elizabeth, Rose Voelker, et al., grant- ing right of way to City by selling lots 138- 139 Mechame's Add., to City 166 2 -City Council, special session 167 2- Claims paid during month of June 172 to 175 incl. 2- Cartigny, H., petition protesting against addition built by J. Huebschen 175 9 -City Council, special session 176 9 -City Treasurer, report for May, 1930 183 9 -City Auditor, report for May, -930 183 9 -City Waterworks, report for May, 1930.... 183 9 -City Council, proceedings for March, 1930 183 9 -City Assessor's report for fiscal year 1930 183 13 -City Council, special session 185 16 -City Council, special session 189 16 -City Council, proceedings for April, 1930 189 16 -City Milk Inspector, report for May, 1930 191 23 -City Council, special session 193 1930 {I " '' it {I " July tt td it " ti '' (1 '' it Aug. di if td " Ot Sept. 1NDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT C Page 23— Central Ave., Business Men's Ass'n petition that detoru be established on Highways No. 20, 61, and 55 through Central Ave. business district 194 23— Conlon, R. F., contractor's bond 195 23—C. G. W. R. R. Co., petition for permit to construct spur track or switch on Pine St., from W. 7th St., on Morrison Bros. Plant 195 30 —City Council, special session , 198 30— Central Hotel, sign bond 200 30— Carpenter, Joe, general contractor bond 201 30— Cigarette Permits, issued 202 30— Cigarette Permits, renewed 203 7 —City Council, regular session 205 7— Central Ave., Boulevard lights 207, 208, 215, 224 7— Cleaver, Wm. H., sign bond 211 7 —City Waterworks, report, month of June 211 7 —City Auditor's report for month of June 211 7— Callaghan, Mary, Cigarette License renewal 211 14 and 15 —City Council meeting 214 15— Chamber of Com. relative to appointing City Mgr 215 23 —City Council, special session 221 23— Curtis - Straub , Co., petition to excavate, back of Kassler Garage • 224, 243 23— Catherine Street and Quigley Lane, Ben Scherr et al., addressed Council 226 28 —City Council, special session 228 28 —City Council Proceedings for month of May, 1930 243 28 —City Manager, petition of Citizens to appoint a home man for the position 243 4 —City Council, regular session 245 4 —City Improvement Bonds, Resolution No. 279 -30 246 4 —City Council Proceedings for June, 1930 252 4 —City Waterworks, report for July, 1930 252 11 —City Council, special session 254 11 —City Treasurer and City Auditor, reports for month of July, 1930 , 257 11— Claims for which warrants were drawn for month of July, 1930 257 11— Condemnation of buildings, recommended 262 18 —City Council, special session 263 25 —City Council, special session 270 1 —City Council, regular session 275 2—City Council, Adjourned regular session 275 2 —City Council Proceedings 280 2 —City Manager's Bond 280, 282 2— Conlan Hudson Essex Co., sign bond 280 2— Clark's Drug Store, sign bond 280 2— Cleaver, Edw. T., plumber's excavation bond 280 9 —City Council, special session, call for meeting 286 9 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Waterworks, reports for August, 1930 293 9— Claims paid during month of August, 1930 294 9— Cleveland Ave., guard rail at east end 299 9— Cleveland Ave., new light globes installed 299 22 —City Council, special session 301 22— Cigarette Bond 310 22 —C. G. W. R. R. Co,, permanent easement (relocate Pine Street) 311 29 —City Council, special session 316 29— Central Battery & Electric Co., sign bond 319 29— Clark's Drug Store, sign bond 319 1930' iC 29— Curtis - Straub Co., objecting to awarding contract for sewer and water connection on Wood Street to J. F. Lee Paving Go., claiming that his bid was lower 29 —City Treasurer, authorized to invest $40,000 of funds in Primary Road Bonds.., 6 —City Council, regular session 6 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Waterworks reports for September, 1930 6— Claims paid during month of September, 1930 6 —City Waterworks (Res. No. 329 -30) transfer $15,000 from General to Sinking Fund 20 —City Council, special session " 20— Curtis & Co., bond, plumbing and excavation " 20— Cullen, Walter H., personal bond " 27 —City Council, special session " 27— Czizek, M. H., City Solicitor, official bond Nov. 3 —City Council, special session 3 —City Council Proceedings, . Nov., 1930 356, 362, 367, " 10 —City Auditor, Treasurer, and City Waterworks, reports for October, 1930 " 10 —City list of claims paid, October, 1930 " 10— Curtic & Co., sign bond Dec. 1 —City Council, regular meeting " 1— Crescent Sweet Shop, sign bond 1— Central Ave„ boulevard lights, assessment for sidewalk repairs " 8 —City Council, special session 8— Coryell Oil Co., sign bond " 8 —City Auditor, City Treasurer, City Wlaterworks, repotrs and claims and pay rolls for month of November, 1930 " 22 —City Council, special session " 22 —City Health Dept., report for November, 1930 " 22 —City Council Proceedings for month of Sept. 1930 it Oct. it it '' INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT C Page 320 321 323 323 323 328 329 331 334 340 346 349 379, 380, 381 365 365 365 397 402 403 404 407 407 408 437 437 1980 SUBJECT Feb. if INDEX - Book 60 Page D 7— Dubuque Tanning & Robe Co., sign bond - 14 7— Decorah St., resolutions to improve 22, 41, 118 24— Dubuque' Benevolent and Humane Society, petition and report 30 March 3— Dubuque Planning and Zoning Commission sub- mitted names for Zoning Commission 45 " 10— Diener, Joseph, sign bond 58 " 24— Dreamland Theatre, sign bond 88 April 7— Dubuque Leader, asking to be appointed as an official newspaper for city of Dubuque 113 if 7 —Duffy, John J., petition for position of Police Judge 114 " 21— Diamond Grill, sign bond 129 " 21— Driscoll, Clara, (report of City Solicitor) on de- linquent assessments 130 May 5 —De Luxe Cigar Store, sign bond 144 " 12— Dubuque Automobile Club, asking removal of Stop and Go Lights on 4th and Main Streets 1,50 " 19— Daveronas, Harry, sign bond a 157 June 13 —Dub. Base Ball Club, pet. for renewal of contract 187 " 23— Dubuque Radiator Works, contractor's bond 195 " 30— Dubuque Roofing Co., contractor's bond 200 July 7— Dubuque Auto Top Co., sign bond 211 " 7— Detour Signs to be placed on Main Street 212 " 15— Dubuque Park Board, amount needed for 1931 _ 216 Aug. 11— Dorgan Place, petition to round corners 262, 299, 300, 308 Sept. 9— Druggists and Confectioners objecting to license for selling Ice Cream and Soda Water, unless all retailers are included 297, 300 " 22 —Dove, C. E., addressed Council relative to remov- ing car tracks on 2nd Street, Jones Street, S. Locust, Dodge and Bryant Streets 315 " 29— Doyle, Catherine, petition for cancellation of tax 320 Oct. 20— Dubuque Realty Co., objecting to removal of boulevard light 331, 345 Nov. 3— Dubuque Trades and Labor Congress, petition relative to City Employees 364 " 19— Depositories for City funds 379 " 28— Dubuque Dye Works, sign bond 395 Dec. 8 —Doran Monument Co., sign bond 407 1930 • SUBJECT E 6— Elections, Registration Clerks appointed 6— Recommendation of Commissioner of Registration relative to additional help to install permanent registration system, approved 7 —Eagle Street, improvement of_ 14, 7 —Eagle Point Sewer, Tax Sale Certif. be cancelled 24— Election Clerks and Judges, names submitted by Democratic and Republican Central Commit- tees to select from " 24— Election, Judges appointed March 3— Edward's Style Shop, petition to construct load- ing platform " 10— Election, Registration Clerks, Stenographers and Filing Clerks, claims allowed " 14— Ernsdorf, J. E„ reappointed on Civil Service Com- mission " 21— Elections, canvassing nomination petitions for Councilmen and Park Commissioner " 24— Emergency Funds, transfer to Consolidate Fund " 24— Emergency Fund, transfer to Dock Fund " 24— Eisbach, Albert N., heating contractor's bond April 1— Election of March 31, 1930, vote canvessed " 1— Election, Resolution No. 162 -30 declaring Ed. Mc- Evoy and H. F. Schukert elected as Councilmen and F. J. Piekenbrock as Park Commissioner 1— Election, Judges and Clerks be paid as provided for in Budget, also buildings for election and registration purposes and rent of chairs, tables " 21— Efferding, T. G., contractor's bond May 5— Economy Auto Service, sign bond " 19— Eisenegger, Arthur J., sign bond " 26 —Ede, St. C., petition to repair Simpson Street June 9— Enos, Mrs., settlement, personal injury claim " 23— Entringer, Mrs. Michael, petition for permit to construct garage on city property ,. July 15 —Edes Robe Tanning Co.,petition to widen Jones St. 28 Estabrooks, L. B., petition for cancellation of 1929 tax on Golf Grounds Aug. 4— Evans, Roger M., appointed City Manager " 18— Evans, Roger M., bond Sept. 22— Ender, Alois J., Cigarette bond Oct. 6— Enright, Ann, petition for reduction in taxes " 27 —Even & Kolb, petition to replace gasoline fill- ing pump Nov. 28- Efferding, petition, refund for building permit Dec. 8— Eisenegger, A., petition to operate sandwich wagon Jan. '' Feb. t1 f( INDEX —Book 60 Page 2 15, 43, 44, 118 27, 33, 34 2 28 28 44 57, 58 72 72 87 87 88 109 109 111 129 144 157 160, 324 184 194 216 243 253 270 310 323 342 394 407 1930 Jan. II II " Feb. II II II II '' INDEX-Book 60 SUBJECT F Page 6- Feigner, Emil, petition for cancellation of sign bond of Reno Sales Agency 3 16- Fiedler, Eda, relative to registration 5 16- Fluckigger, Albert, allowed to redeem property 6 27 -Fay, Mrs. Caroline, claim against city for per- sonal injuries . 8 3- Fuhrman - Triller Co., sign bond 11 7 -Foye Street and Napier Street, resolutions to im- prove 23, 33, 34, 40, 43, 118, 335, 336, 381, 382 March 3- Falkenhainer Drug Co., sign bond 45 " 3 -First National Bank, sign clock bond 45 " 10 -Fear, L. R., personal injury claim against city 53, 122, 360 " 10 -Fire Stone Tire and Rubber Co., Attorney Frank Gilloon addressed Council relative to building on Bluff, near 7th Street 56, 73, 102 " 31 -Faig, John, petition for cancellation of taxes 106 April 7- Fichter, Fred, contractor's bond 116 " 21- Fluckiger Motor Co., sign bond 129, 144 " 21- Fuhrman, Joe, asking that city pay for his side- walk damaged when Central Ave. was improved 129 May 12 -Foye and Napier Streets, petition of property owners to repair , 152 " 12- Fuhrman - Triller Co., sign bond 152 " 12 -Fire Chief, attend school of instruction, Ames, Ia 153 " 19- Fourth Street, widening of 158, 213, 220 June 2- Fassett, E. W., application for position of City Manager 169 16 -Foye and Napier Sts., resolutions 189, 190, 206, 207, 242, 243, 251 23- Fitzgerald Cigar Co., sign bond 195 30- Fisher, J. W., Fire Chief, reports that No. 4 Fire Station needs repairs F 200 30- Fettgather, J. J., -sign bond 200 July 7 -Fire Station No. 3 Adv. for bids to repair boiler 212 " 15- Fosselman, Leo J., sign bond 216 " 28 -Fay, Mrs. Caroline, settlement pers. injury claim 243 Aug. 4 -Fire Chief Fisher, presented resignation 253 " 18 -Foye and Napier Sts., improvement, assignment of proceeds to First National Bank 269 " 25- Finley Street, petition to improve , 273 " 25 -Fire Engine House No. 3, bids for repairing same 273 Sept. 2 -Fire Stone Service Stores, sign band 280 ,, 2 -Fire Dep't. (acting Chief's salary fixed at $250.00 per month 286 " 2 -Fire Dep't., Sec'y to Chief and the storekeeper's salaries be fixed at $165.00 per month 286 Oct. 27- Farley & Loetscher Mfg. Co., petition to excavate 343 Nov. 10- Finkel Bros., bond 1- 365 " 17- Fluhr, Christ and Mary, cancel. of tax sale certif. 370 " 17- Fawkes, Presley, reappointed on Dock Board 378 Nov. 28- Flynn, Mrs. Tim., petition for suspension of taxes 394 " 28- Fillmore St., petition to grade said street 394 1930 SUBJECT Feb. 3- Griner -Jones Co., sign bond 11 ,, 7 -Green Street, improvement of - 15, 33, 117, 118 " 24- Grant of Easement, Adam Zengle 29 " 24 -Green Mill, sign bond 35, 43, 44 March 3 -Grand Opera House, sign bond 45 " 10 -Grant of Easement, Voelker Realty Co., et al 59 " 24- Geiger, Henry A., general contractor's bond 88 " 31 -Grant of Easement, Mrs. Dora Stapleton 107 May 5- Glass, G. C., petition, relative to paying assess 143 5- Governors Greys, sign bond 144 5- Giese, Edwin W., heating contractor's bond 144 5- Grace, Thomas, complaint about sewer on Cleve- land Ave. ' 26 -Grant of Easement, West Dubuque Sewer /June 2- Gielisen, Fred, general contarctor's bond ,, 9 -Grant of Easement, over lots 156 and 157 Mechanics Add. Aug. 11 -Grand Opera House, petition to replace old canopy or Marquise with a new one " 18- Graas, John, purchased property (No. 67 Queen St.) from city - 271, 297, 298 Sept. 2- Gaston, general contractor's bond 280 Oct. 20 -Green Street, petition to repair 331, 343 " 20 -Grand Rapids, Mich. Commissioners, resolution relative to unemployed 20 -Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., petition for Cigarette Licenses 20 -Grant of Easement, Melita M. Fisher 27- Garver, Sylvia, petition for suspension of taxes 27 -Globe Indemnity, petition to cancel bond of Postal Telegraph Cable Co. Nov. 3- Garver, Sylvia, petition to suspend 1929 tax " 10- Griffin, Lulu, settlement personal injury claim 10- Grommersch, Nick, addressed Council, relative to sewer 17- Gross, Charles, sign bond 17- Gatena, Rose, remonstrance, Central Ave. lights 28 -Globe Indemnity Co., petition to cancel Uhlrich- Paley blasting bond - 28- Grandview Ave. M. E. Church, pet. for ex. of taxes II II " Ii II II " II INDEX -Book 60 G Page 152 160, 161 172 184 263 332 337 339 343 343, 353 359 366, 378 366 370 374, 403 394 395 1930 Jan. 16— Hartig Drug Co., sign bond 5 Feb. 3— Hilders, George, petition for suspension of taxes 11 3— Horne, Wm. G., sign bond 11 " 7— Henry Street, resolutions to improve 18, 19, 33, 42, 118 if 4— Haupert, Mrs. Joseph, petition for light 35 " 24— Horton, Dr. John, sign bond 35 March 3— Hawkeye Vulcanizing Co., sign bond 45 °' 3— Henschel, E. H., contractor's bond 10 —Haas, Mrs. W., petition for cancellation of taxes 53, 82 10— Henkels, A. J., pet. relative to tax sale certificates 57. 10— Holscher, G. H. sign bond 58 24— Henneger, Dr. Wm. A., petition for cancellation 88 of assessment for gas connection's 31— Hillyard, L. 0., pet. to open north end of Henion St. 144 5— Helmer - Denzler Co. sign bond 12— Herron, Ed., renewal of bond (waterworks office) 157 19— Henkels, Frank, general contractor's bond 26— Huebschen, John N., petition to build addition to 160 his home June 2— Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Peter, protesting against 167 Boulevard Lights 2— Hoefflin, Mrs. Pauline, objecting to installation of 167 Boulevard Lights 172 2— Howie, David T., general contractor's bond 9— Hartig, A. J., presented petition Main Street Merchants relative to marking detour for U. S. Highway No. 20 and 61, north on Main Street 178, 184 9— Henry, Benj. F., renewal bond 13— Healy, Emory, petition relative to paying special 186, 197 assessment 13— Harrison Street, petition of Fire Chief that street be widened to give Maizewood Products Co 186 better fire protection 195 23— Harry's Hat Works, sign bond 200 30— Hartig, A. J. assess't. for alley imp. be reduced 211 7— Healy, Geo. W. & Son, sign bond 211 7— Horne, Wm., cigarette license renewal 15— Hillyard, L. 0., petition to widen Jones Street 216, 225 " 23— Hillyard, L. 0., blasting bond Aug. 11— Health Department, report for month July, 1930 257 " 11— Hoots, Mrs. C. G., claim for damages to car 261 " 11— Henschel, Hugo, contractor's bond Sept. .2— Hintz, E. W., et. al., addressed Council relative 282 to Maple Street petition ' 9 —Holy Trinity Church, petition to install two Boule- 293 vard Lights in front of Church 299 9 —Hill and W. 3rd .Sts., corner widened' 9— Haggerty, Dr., et. al., objecting to light at foot 299 of W. 6th steps on Blue Street 22— Hamilton, J. F., petition offering to buy or rent city property , at 16th and Sycamore Streets 308 22— Hillyard, L. 0., petition to install lights at Jones 308 and Harrison Streets 22— Hintz, Fred H., petition for cancellation of tax 314 on lots 1 to 15 incl., Kings Grove Add. 22— Hartig, A. J., addressed Council relative to erect- ing detour signs directing traffic on Highway 315 No. 20 through business district 317 29 —Hail, John Jos., bond (waterworks dept.) 320 29— Health, report for month of August, 1930 Oct. 6— Health report, relative to raising and breeding rabbits in city '' fi '' " If May fi if it If July ft '' fl '' I{ (( INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT H Page 324 1930 if ff Nov. /c. INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT H 6— Hartman Furniture Co., sign bond 6— Hillyard, L. 0., petition to narrow sidewalk 20— Heukels, A. L., petition to construct garage 20—Health _ report for month of September, 1930 20— Harmony Inn, sign bond 3— Heunke, Al. E., petition (verbal) for reduction in assessment for sewer in Oak Street 10— Health report for October, 1930 22 —Haun, Mary, petition for exemption of taxes 22— Hanselman, Fred, contractor's bond Page 325 328, 331 331 331 333 358 365 434 435 1930 10 INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT I Jan. 27— Informal session, to consider bids for car for Fire Chief Feb. 24— Interstate Power Co., sign bond May 12— Interstate Finance Corp. " 12 —Iowa Street, widening of " 26— Interstate Power Co., Resolution No. 206 -30, ex- change of property with city 163, June- 23 —Iowa Street, widening of, remonstrances filed " 23— Interstate Power Co., rules and regulations " 30 —Iowa Street, petition of property owners asking that Standard Boulevard Lights be installed on Iowa Street from 6th to 11th Streets 30— Interstate Power, by their representative Mr Locher, petitioned Council, verbaly, for right of way to place poles for lighting Athletic Field " 23 —Iowa Oil Co., sign bond Aug 4— International City Manager's Ass'n., notice of Convention Oct. 20 —Iowa State College, notice of convention Nov. 3— Interstate Power Co., sale of land to city (lot 1, block 15) if 3— Interstate Power Co., interview relative to street car service Dec. 22 —Iowa Dairy Co., sign bond " 22 —Iowa Oil Co., sign bond " 22— Interstate Power Co., changes in Electric Bight and power rates Page Feb. 3— Juergens, John G. & Son, sign bond 10 if 7— Jungwirth, Mrs. Jos., cigarette license 35 " 7— Jansen, Councilman, took seat at 7:50 152 March24— Jordon's Store, sign bond 152, 193 April 28 —John Street, assessments, erroneous, assessments refunded June 23— Justman, C. C., contractor's bond July 7— Julien Dubuque Hotel, petition to replace sign on / E. 4th Street " 7— Jones, Rudolph, storm sewer to be constructed in Overview 200 " 28 7ansen, Herman, contractor's bond Aug. 4— Jackson, Christine, petition to redeem tax proper- ty sold at sale certificate 4— Julien Dubuque Hotel Co., permit issued to erect sign on 4th Street Sept. 22— Johnson, Professor, addressed Council relative to locating Foot Ball Grounds at Athletic Field " 29— Jones, Rudolph, et. al., petition for Boulevard Lights in Riverview Court Nov. 10— Johnson High Test Oil Co., sign bond Dec. 1—Jungwirth, petition to redeem property 164, 165, 359 193 194 203 225 252 332 360 360, 366, 403 435 435 422, 446 1930 it INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT J Page 11 14 14 88 135 195 205 213 243 253, 347 253 315 319 365 402 • INDEX —Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Jan. 1f f f f f ff fl ff Feb. if " Sept. ff if ( f ff If L Page 6 —Lee, James F. Paving Co., suit against city 6 —Lois St., petition against improving said street 6 —Levi, Selina, petition for reduction in assessment 6— Langton, T. M., appointed assistant Commissioner of Registration 16— Lincoln Hat Works, sign bond 27— Leirmoe, Clara, claim against city, personal injuries 27 —Lory, E. E., sign bond 3— Lange, Jos. W., sign bond 7 —Leik, Wm. C., sign bond 7 —Lois Street, Resolutions to improve 24— Light, petition for, at head of Napier Street 24— Linehan & Molo, sign bond March 3— Lynch, Arnold, relative to paying assessment for sewer " 3— Loizeaux, Dr. Charles W„ sign bond.. Mrs. 21— Loper, rs. Ethel, claim against city for personal injuries 7 " 31— Light, petition for, at 24th and White and 25th and White April 1 —Lang, Harvey, addressed Council' relative to J. J. Duffy's petition for Police Judge " 21— Lorenz Laundry, petition to drill well " 28— Light, pet. of J. H. Bradley, for light on Perry St. May 5— Licato, Marcato, petition for exemption of ped- dler's license " 12 —Leo Schwind Post No. 6, petition for permission to conduct Poppy Sale " 19— Luther, Frank C., heating contractor's bond " 19— Locust St., motion to widen from 4th to 11th Sts. " 26—La Guarchar, Jacques, petition for position of Street Inspector June 2 —Lange Ins. Co., asking release of bond of Harry Lewis if 9— Lundbeck, Catherine, petition, objecting to im- proving Algona Street " 13— Light, petition to install light at foot of steps leading to Montrose Terrace " 13— Light, pet. to install light at Goethe and Balke Sts. " 26— Locust Street, petition of property owners object- ing to widening said street from 4th to 11th Sts. " 30—Linehan. and Moto, sign bond July 7 —Leik, Wm. C., cigarette license, renewal " 15— Library Board, communication stating amount of money needed for year 1931 " 15 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., assignment to First National Bank of proceeds of Nowata Street " 23— Light, be placed at Central and alley first below City Hall Aug. 4— League of Iowa Municipalities, notice of con- vention " 11— Landon, Chas. sign bond " 18— Light, Jefferson and W. 11th Streets " 25— Lights (boulevard lights) petition to install on Seminary Street 2— Light, at Wilbur and Rock Sts. (pet. for) 2— Lawther, Wm., sign bond 2— Lange, Dr. F. X., grant of easement 2— Leiser, Fred, contract, relative to lighting system and resolution in Athletiic Field 285, 292, 293, 298 9— Linehan, E. and B., petition relative to repairing sidewalk 9— Light, at Lawnsdale Ave. and Park St., straightened 1 1 2 3 5 8, 29, 360 11 11 14 18, 42, 44, 118 30 35 44 45 127, 134, 327 102 109 129 134 143 150, 191 157 158 163 169 179 187, 327, 343 187 194 200 211 216 216 225 252 261 269 273, 281 280 280 280, 281 293 299 1930 K Jan. 27 —Kelly Tire and Sales Co., sign bond " 27— Kassler Motor Co., sign bond " 27 —Kies Drug Store, sign bond " 27 —Kies Booterie, sign bond Feb. 7— Kirchoff's, sign bond 7 —Kies & Butler, sign bond " 24— Kennelly Electric Co., assignment to Federal Bank and Trust Co. " 24 —Key City Gas Co., excavation bond March 3— Keller Electric Co., sign bond " 10 —Key City Roofing Co., sign bond 14— Kerper, John, reappointed as a member of Dock Board 21— Kenline, H. G., communication relative to bus service on W. Locust St. 21— Kinney, G. R. Co., Inc., sign bond 21 —Kraft Clothing Co., sign bond 31 —King, James J., petition to amend ordinance No. 198, by excluding lot No. 2 of 1 of. 2 Sub. lot of 1, Boxleiters Sub. April 1 —Kean, James R., assessment cancelled (erroneous) " 1— Kuehnle, Edwin C., grant of easement 28— Koppel, Sam, petition to peddle ice cream with- out procuring license May 19— Kintzle, Theo., general contractor's bond June 2— Keesecker, Frank, petition objecting to cost of Boulevard Lights 2 —Kalb, Paul P., petition for sewer 2— Kratz, 0. A., City Manager, resignation 9 —Key City Roofing Co., general contractor's bond 7— Klein's Store, sign bond 23— Kruse, Frank J., cigarette license 4— Killeen, Florence F., petition to connect with sewer 25— Kearney, Patrick, petition for sanitary sewer in Villa Street 9 —Korn, Louis, Jr., petition to peddle vegetables without license 9— Kratz, 0. A., former Manager, bond released 29— Kennelly, Geo. W., Electric Co., petition for ex- tention of time to compelte contract for in- stalling boulevard lights on Central Avenue Nov. 3— Kunkel, Jos. V., contractor's bond 3— Kriebs, Rev., for permission to stretch banner across Main Street 3— Krajewski, C. J., Architect, bill for plans of City Garage 17 —Karn, Leo, sign bond 17 —Kien, Mrs. Peter, petition for suspension of tax 17— Kleeker, Mrs. John, petition relative to sewer assessments 28— Kelly, Annie C., petition for cancellation of taxes 22— Kline, Geo. E., remonstrance against assessment, imp. Algona Street 22 —Kohl, Thomas, petition for suspension of taxes 22— Kaufman, Mrs. J. K., petition for reduction in assessment if If ff if Ci July ff Aug. ff Sept. ff if f f " di if Dec. if INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT Page 9 9 9, 11 9 13 13 29 35 45 58 71 73 74 74 106 110 110 134 157 167 169, 212 172 184 211 226 251 272 293, 31.5 296 321 355 360 361 370 373 376, 396 394 416 434 437 1930 ft If if ft Oct. if C' if if if if to C' Nov. «. C' Dec. If C' if INDEX —Book 60 22— Leiser, Fred, assignment of contract (lights ath- letic field) to F. F. McGuire 22— Light, petition to install at Cottage Place and Woodward Street 29 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co.,. assignment to First National Bank of all moneys and proceeds due to said Co. for improving Wood Street 29— Lights, pet. for light on Langworthy bet. Hill and James Streets 29—Light, pet. for light on W. 3rd St., bet. Hill and James Streets 6— Light, be installed at W. 3rd bet. James and Hill 6— Light, be installed, at Langworthy Ave. bet. James and Hill Streets 6— Light, be installed at S. Grandview Ave., bet Plymouth Street and Southern Ave 6— Light, at Grandview Ave. and Cascade road be moved north 6— Lights at extension of South Locust St., be re- moved 20— Lockey, Mrs. J., complaint against sidewalk on Wood Street 20— Light, to change on Lowell Street 20 —Lee, Jas. F. C., assignments to First National Bank imp. of Algona St., Algona St., Auburn St. 27— Light, be installed at 14th and Wood Sts. 10 —Lee, Jas. F., suit against City 10— Light, to be installed at Shields and Dodge St 17 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., assignment to First National Bank storm sewer in Central from 27 to 28 streets 17 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., assignment to First National Bank proceeds of storm sewer in Saunders Street 28— Leute, C. W. and Elizabeth, grant of easement 1— Light, petition to install one at Muscatine and National Streets 8 —Lenz, Edmund F., petition for redemption of property 22 —Lot 319 Ham's Add., transferred to City Waterworks 22—Local Architects be engaged on New Post Office, proper officials be communicated with, relative thereto 22— Lights be installed on Seminary Street between Senior High School and Clark College SUBJECT L Page 309 310, 327 320 321 321 327 327 327 327 327, 331 332 338 344 364 364, 407 377 377 394 402 407 435 446 446 INDEX —Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Mc Jan. 27— McDougal Motor Co., sign bond May 5— McEvoy, J. W., Supt. Waterworks, bond Sept. 2— McCarten, H. B., plumber's exc. bond Feb. 24— McCarten, H. B., excavation bond " 24— McEvoy, Ed., (councilman) appointed Mayor pro tem March 31— McCeeney, Margaret, executrix, suit against city " 31— McFarlane Drug Store, cigarette license / April 7— M'jcInerney, petition (verbal) for reduction in assessment " 7— McEnany, application for Police Judge May 12— McClain, assessment for water connections to lot 2 Byrnes Sub. be cancelled June 9— McDougal, F. E., sign bond July 7— McFarlane, Robt., cigarette, renewal Aug. 11— McGrath, Andrew, pteition objecting to proposed cost of West Dubuque sewer " 11— McNeely, Lee, petition to erect garage " 11— McInerney, James C., protesting against the im- provements being made at the Grand' Opera House Sept. 22— McCormick Street, petition to improve Oct. 20— McCarthy, Chas. J., personal bond Nov. 28— McGuinnes, Frank, relative to tax sale redemption Dec. 8— McLaughlin, Mrs. Maud, petition for cancellation of tax Page 9 143 280 35 28 106 106 113 114 153, 396 184 211 • 257 261 262 308, 327 334 396 407 if 1( '' if INDEX —Book 60 1930 SUBJECT M Page Jan. 6— Milligan, Mrs. Ed., petition (verbali) for reduction in assessment 1, 12, 113, 158 6—Mullen Bros., contractor's bond 2 Feb. 3— Murphy Ins. Co., pet. for release of Grasel's blasting bond 3— Meighan Cafe, sign bond 7— Myers- Graham Co., sign bond 7— Marquette Place, resolutions to improve 17, 18, 24— Maizewood Bldg. Co., petition to purchase • ad- ditional property " 24— Maizwood Bldg. Co., resolution providing for sale of property " 24 —Model Wall Paper Co., sign bond " 24— Muntz, John, sign bond " 24— Meyers, Chas. F., sign bond " 24— Mullen Bros., excavation bond March 3— Masonic Temple Ass'n., petition for cancellation of taxes 3- i Mullady, J. B., petition to peddle without pro - curing license 3— Mid - Continent Pet. Corp., sign bonds 10— Marshall, Robt. P., Clerk District Court, settle- ment Court Costs, Appeal Case of Burch and Scott 21— Maizewood Products Co., petition of property owners to eliminate noise an stench therefrom 24— Millin, Jim, remonstrance against imp. of Robin- son Street 24— Muntz, Ed., petition for reduction in assessment 24— Mueller, Henry, general contractor's bond April 7— Meuser, Wm. H., appointed Mayor for ensuing year if 7— Mosher, Julia, petition for reduction in assess- ment offering settlement (R. P. Roedell, att'y.) 7— Mullen & Son, sign bond " 14 —Mt. Carmel Road, name to be restored to said St. " 21— Majectic Garage, sign bond May 5— Murphy Ins. Co.; petition to cancel bond of Dub. Tanning and Robe Co. 5—Miller, Mrs. Chas. M., pet. to improve Nowata St. " 12— Magdal, H. Co., contractor's bond " 19— Mueller, John P., general contractor's bond " 19— Milligan, Mrs. Ed., petition for reduction in as- sessments " 26— Memorial Day Parade, Council accept invitation to take part June 2— Meyer, Phil estate, objecting to boulevard lights 9— Murphy Ins. Co., petition asking cancellation of bond of Leo F. Bly " 23— Martin, W. B. and W. C., sign bond " 23— Municipal Athletic Field, fence at extreme S. E corner to be relocated " 23 —M. E. Mathew, general contractor's bond July 7— Myers- Graham Co., sign bond 7— Mathis -Moffat Co., sign bond " 15— Mulgrew, et. al., petition to appoint home man for City Manager " 15— Meyer, Geo. W. et. al., petition to construct 4- ft. sidewalk " 15— Miller -Jones Co., sign bond " 28 —Main Street Merchants, petition to place City Route U. S. No. 20 signs on Main Street 11 11 13 33, 34, 42, 118 31 32 35 35 35 35 44 44 45 59 73, 115 83 88, 115 88 112 113 116 119 129 143 145 152 157 158 166 167 183 195 197 200 211 211 215 215 217 244 1930 Aug. 'C " / Sept. 4— Midland Chemical Co., petition to improve Harhi- 253 son Street 262 11— Meehan, Helen, claiming damages from city 25— Mulligan, Mr., addressed Council relative to con- 274 struction of sanitary sewer in Valley Street 280 2— Merchants Supply Co., sign bond 282 2 —Maple Street, petition to oil streets 2 —Myers -Cox Bldg., N. W. Cor. 4th and Iowa, peti- 286, 298 tion for Miniature Golf Course 9— Mississippi Valley Shippers Ass'n. Convention, 300, 315 Manager and Councilmen attend 22— Mueller, J. P., sidewalk contractor's bond 310 22 —Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp., pet. relative to 315, 320 lights on 2nd and Locust 29 —Mrs. P. J. Miller, petition relative to construct- ing sidewalk 318 29— Majestic Cafe, sign bond 319 Oct. 6— Moser, J. G., contractor's bond 325 6— Muntz, Edward, petition for reduction in assess- ment, for S. Main St. 327, 339 6 —Main Street Merchants, petition relative to signs on Highway No. 20 328 20— Mullen, R. D., pet. objecting to wall across the front of lots on Madison St 331, 347, 359, 378 20— Masters, George, personal bond 333 20— (Marshall, Robt., City Manager to interview him relative to furnishing list of deaths each month to Commissioner of Registration 339 27 —Mt. Carmel Road, petition to improve 343, 366 271 -Mid- Continent Petroleum Corp., communication relative to lights at station 2nd and Locust 344 Nov. 3— Murphy Ins. Co., pet. for cancellation of A. G Sommerfeld's bond 353 3— Mississippi Valley Ass'n., dues be paid 360, 361 10— Mettel, C. P., sign bond 365 17— Mathey Chevrolet Co., sign bond 370 17— Meyer, Phil., estate, remonstrance against Cen- tral Ave. lights 373 17— Marshall, R. P., Clerk of Court, draw warrant for Court Costs 378 28 —Mt. Pleasant Home, remonstrance against assess- ment for imp. of Wood St. 381 Dec. 22— Meehan, Helen, petition asking not to sell property at tax sale 434 22— Majestic Cafe, sign bond 435 22— Martell, John, sign bond 435 22— Mid - Continent Petroleum Corp., sign bond 435 22— Miller - Palmer Co., sign bond 435 22—Mullen Bros., contractor's bond 435 22— Mid - Continent Petroleum Corp., petition relative to driveway 437 22— Morris, Herman, petition to peddle fruit and vegetables without license 446 " '' '' '' if " '' - " '' INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT M Page 1930 Feb. Mar. ig May " Sept. Cf Nov. ti Dec. " INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT N Page 7- Nowata Street, Resolutions to improve 20, 33, 34, 41, 54, 133, 134, 145, 160, 168, 217, 263, 264, 265 10- Nagle, J. J., petition to raze church and erect gasoline filling station at Delhi Street and Grandview Ave. .. 57, 71 21 -North End Grocery, sign bond 74, 116 19- Newkirk, Charles R., sign bond 157 19- Nester & Buechele, heating contractor's bond 157 26- Nowata Street, petition of Birdena Bush, et. al , relative to improving 160 22- National Refining Co., petition to replace gas- oline pump 308 22- Northwest Ready Roofing Co., sign bond 310 29- Nelson, Florence D., pet. for suspension of taxes 320 3- Nauman, Jos. P., bill for repairing Kelly Road 361 17- Norton, P. S., relative to settling delinquent as- sessment 22- Norton, J. W., remonstrance against) assessment, Quigley Lane imp. 408 2- Nesler, F. A., sign bond 435 378 • 1930 Jan. gc 6- Ordinance No. 51 -29 - Grade on Roosevelt Street 6- Ordinance fixing dates for registration 16- Ordinance No. 1 -30 fixing dates for registration fM eb. 3- Orange Bowl, sign bond ar. 10- Ordinance No. 2 -30, Traffic Code C 24- Ordinance No. 3 -30, creating West Dubuque Sewer District 31- Ordinance No. 4 -30, appropriating moneys, for various funds April 1- Ordinance No. 5 -30, Grade on Robinson Street 7- Overby, Dias, heating contractor's bond I' 21- Ordinance No. 6 -30, amending West Dubuquie Sewer Ordinance 21- Ordinance No. 2 (Dock Ordinance) 28- Ordinance No. 7 -30,, Grade on Nowata Street 28- Ordinance No. 8 -30, Grade on Viola St. 28- Ordinance No. 9 -30, vacation of alley, first west of Althauser Street 28- Ordinance No. 10 -30, Ordinance establishing alley from Merz to Eagle Street 2- Ordinance No. 11 -30 -Grade on Quigley Lane 2- Ordinance No. 12 -30, Grade on Catherine Street 9- Olinger, petition refusing to pay bill for Fire Dept. 23- Ordinance No. 13 -30, Grade on Napier Street 23- Ordinance No. 14 -30, Grade on Foye Street 7- Oriental Sweet Shop, Cigarette Permit 28- Ordinance No. 15 -30, providing annual! tax $60,000 Bond issue 233, 234, 245 28- Ordinance No. 16 -30, providing for issuance of $115,000 bonds 236, 248 Aug. 18 -Oath of office administered to City Manager 263 Sept. 2- Ordinance No. 17 -30, providing for tax to defray cost of street improvement 284, 287 2- Ordinance No. 18 -30, providing for issuance of $115,000 sewer bonds " 9- Ordinance No. 19 -30, Vacating Pine Street " 22- Ordinance No. 20 -30, vacating easterly 25 ft. of Pine Street Oct. 20- O'Brien, John J., Desk Sergeant, official bond Nov. 3- Ordinance No. 21 -30 (Farley - Loetscher Co.) " 3- Ordinance No. 22 -30, Electrical Inspector " 3- Ordinance No. 23 -30, change name of Walsh Street Dec 22- Orange Bowl, sign bond " 22- Ordinance, vacating Bellevue St., No. 24 -30 dC '' {f if Ci June (0 Cg '' " July " INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT O Page 1 3, 4 4, 7 11 60, 74 84, 102 99, 100 109, 121 116 124, 136 127 135, 141 135, 142 137, 142 137, 143 168; 182 168, 182 184 793, 199 193, 199 211 284, 288 297, 310 312, 318 331 356 358, 437 358, 363 435 442 1930 INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT P Page 2 6— Phillips Petroleum Co., sign bonds 16 —Puts, Otto, Treasurer, report on N. Main Street 5 reassessment 5 16 —Page Hotel, sign bond 5 16 —Pape, C. & Son, excavation bond 9 27— Powers, Jay, Cigarette License 14 7— Peoples Store, sign bond 7 —Paul Street, Resolutions to improve 19, 20, 41, 118 24— Pinski, Geo. F., excavation bond 54 10— Powers, C. W, grant of easement 58 10— Peryon, E. P., sign bond 58, 158 10— Potterveld Drug Co., sign bond 58 10— Petrakis, Chas., sign bond 21— Petition of property owners objecting to building 73 of oil station at 7th and Bluff Streets 173 April 7— Peter, Anna, petition for suspension of taxes__ -_ 116 °' 7— Pennsylvania Avenue, petition to improve 122 14— Piekenbrock, F. J., Park Commissioner, bond 21— Potterveld, F. C. (pet. verbal) asking that Simp- 127 son Street be improved 136 28— Parking on 4th St. (angular parking prohibited) May 26— Petition and Waiver, relative to right of way for 160 West Dubuque Sewer 184 June 9— Purvis, Wm. E., sign bond 23— Parking be prohibited in alley bet. 7th and 8th, bet. Main and Iowa during alteration on Grand 197 Opera House " 23— Postal Telegraph Cable Co., petition for permit to construct underground Cable System on 4th 197 Street 201 " 30 —Pape, Chas. & Son, heating contractor's bond July 7— Polse, Morris, petition for exemption of Fruit 205 Peddler's License 211 7— Petrakis, Peter, sign bond 211 CC Philip, cigarette permit " 15— Playground and Recreation Commission, stating 216 amount of money needed for 1931 " 23— Planning and Zoning Commission, report of 222, 266, 267, 226 " 23— Peryon, Ed., Cigarette License 261 Aug. 11 —Paul, F. M. sign bond 272, 286 " 25— Polsean, T. A. petition to erect cement garage , " 25— Petition and Waiver relative to extending West Dubuque Sewer along westerly side of Fre- 273 mont Street 280 Sept. 2— Postal Tel'. Cable Co., sign bond 280 °i 2— Powers, Ray, plumbing and heating bond " 2— Plumbing Inspector, and Police Department, re- 286 ports approved 9— Playground Commission, notice relative to lot at 299 Booth and Dodge Sts. 311 22 —Pine Street, relocation of 312, 313 22 —Power Service, Centrifugal Pumps 319 29 —Page Hotel, sign bond 319 20— Peschang, Nicholas, sign bond 333 20— Postal Telegraph Cable Co.,, sign bond 20 —Pine Street, all proceedings to improve same be 340 rescinded 27— Puccio, Anton, petition to reduce valuation of 342, 359 property for taxation 1 Nov. 3 —Pine Street, Imp. Waiver and Agreement — Uhlrich- 359 Paley Co., Jan. if Feb. 1L Mar. (0 as '' iC '' iC CC Oct. " INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT P 17— Palen, Leona, et. al., petition against assessment, Central Ave. lights 17 —Puls, Otto F., appointed agent for City to attend 28 —Paull Motor Co., sign bond 22 —Page Hotel, sign bond Page 373 379 395 435 Q Feb. 7 -Queen Street, resolutions to improve 27, 33, 34, 39, 118 " 7- Quigley Lane, resolutions to improve 20, 21, 33, 34, 41, 54, 180, 181, 189, 292, 371, 408, 409 INDEX -Book 60 INDEX -Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Page _ 1930 SUBJECT Page R Jan. 6- Reeder Street, petition against improvement 1 6 -Reno, John, petition for reduction in assessment 3 " 16 -Rent a Ford Car, sign bond 5 " 16 -Rent a Ford Car, claim against City for damages 6 27- Ruprecht Bros., sign bond 9 Feb. 3- Regular Session of Council 11 a 3- Ritter Motor Co., bond 11 it 3- Retail Merchants Bureau, relative to parking ord. 11 " 3 -Rules suspended, Frank Delaney addressed Council 12 If 3-Registration, stenographer to be employed '° 7- Roshek Realty Co., petition, relative to plumbing 14 installation in new building " 7- Reeder Street, resolutions to improve 16, 17, 33, 34, 42, 118 IC 7 -Ries Street, resolutions to improve 19, 33,• 34, 42, 118 f° 7- Roosevelt Street, resolutions to improve_._23, 24, 33, 34, 40, 44, 118 0 ° 24- Rotman, Louis, sign bond 35 10 - 24 -Rath, Geo. C. & Son, sign bond March 3- Robinson Street, resolutions for street improve- ment 45, 83, 123, 124, 132, 151, 176, 177 '° 3- Ragatz, George, sign bond 45 3- Restricted Residence District, extend to Bluff and 45 7th Streets " 10- Rhomberg, A. J., petition relative to sidewalk, 56 Smedley's Sub. " 21- Rottler, F. C., sign bond 74 April 7- Resolution No. 163 -30, City Officials appointed 112 by Council " 7- Resolution No. 164 -30, City Officials appointed by City Manager 112 7- Rabbett, Martin, C. 0. D. Laundry, petition for cancellation of personal tax 113, 129, 134 f° 14- Roshek Realty Co., petition to erect three Marquise 122 " 21 -Rent a Ford Co., claim for damages 130 21- Robinson, John, permit to peddle fruit without procuring license 130 May 5- Rivers, C. E., sign bond 144 " 5- Rellihan, F. J., heating contractor's bond 144 a 5- Rafoth Furnace Co., heating contractor's bond 144 " 12 -Royal Indemnity Co., petition for concellation of Miller & Palmer Co.'s bond 152 June 2- Roshek Bros. sidewalk, Engineer prepare plans for narrowing 175 '° 9- Renier Bldg. Fund, sign bond 184 " 9- Roshek Realty Co., petition to construct passage way across alley bet. 7th and 8th streets 184 " 23- Restaurant at 720 Main St., complaint registered 197 July 7- Roshek Bldg. Co., rel. to construction of sidewalk 213, 227 " 15- Rosecrahz, K. W., et. al., petition to repair alley 215 " 28- Rotman, Louis, sign bond 243 Aug. 11 -Ryan, Win., appointed acting Chief of Fire Dept 261 " 11- Reports of Health Officer, Bldg. Commissioner, and Capt. of Fire Dept. relative to buildings that should be condemned 262 Sept. 2- Ritter Motor Co., sign bond 280 " 2 -Royal Cloak Co., sign bond 280 " 9- Retail Food Distributors, objecting to sandwich wagons 294 " 9- Railroad Crossings, repaired 299, 309 " 22 -Rath, Sam and David, Cigarette bond 310 " 29- Roesner, Jacob, pet. relative to repairing sidewalk 318 1930 SUBJECT Jan. if 6- Simpson St., petition against improving said St. 1 6 -Solon St., petition against improving said street 1 6- Stillmunkes, petition refusing to pay additional assessment N. Main Street 1 6- Steck, and Brookhart, Senators, communication acknowledging receipt of resolution relative to pension increase for Soldier& Sailors and Nurses 1 6- Standard Oil .Co., sign bonds 2 6- Schrup, Anna and Joseph, protesting against as- sessment for imp. of Central Ave. 3 27 -St. George Hotel, sign bond 9 3- Scharle, Ted, addressed Council relative to parking 12 7- Schaetzle, John, sign bond 14 7 -South Hill Street, resolution to improve 16, 43, 118 7- Sutter Street, resolutions to improve 19, 33, 34, 41, 118 7 -Solon Street, resolutions to improve 21, 41, 118 7-Spruce Street, resolutions to improve 23, 33, 34, 40, 43, 118 7- Stafford Street, resolutions to improve 25, 33, 34, 39, 43, 118 24- Simpson Street, petition to improve 29, 115 24- Sidewalk, petition to construct on W. 14th St 30 . 24- Simones, John J., claim for damages to automobile 30, 118 24- Schmitt Motor Co., sign bond 35 24- Schwietering Grocery, sign bond 35 24- Samuels Stores, sign bond 35 24- Spiros, Coven and Joe Koplos, sign bond 35 24- Sidewalk, to be constructed in front of lot 13, Glendale Add. 35 March 3- Strand Theatre, sign bond 45 " 10 -Smith & Steffen, sign bond 58 10- Scott, Mary S. (court costs on account of appeal) 58 10- Stoffregen, Louis C., appointed on Planning and Zoning Commission 71 21- Sanitary Sewer in Villa Street to Valley Street, petition to construct 73, 116 24 -State Board Health, communicatiion relative to water supply 84 24- Schuckert, H. F., Councilman, entered and took seat at 8 P. M. 84 24- Schneider, John A., Cigarette License 88 31- Surplus funds (Resolution 160 -30) transfer to Consolidated fund 101 31 -Sand, Mrs. Regina, petition for cancellation of taxes 107 April 1- Sheffield, C. L., addressed Council objecting to assessment 109, 115, 134, 339, 344 1- Swann, S. E., grant and easement 110 1- Schiiltz, J. H., petition for permission to con- struct 4 ft. sidewalk 114 7- Sanitary Sewer in Groveland St. (res. rescinded) 114 7- Sanitary Sewer in Groveland, Resolutions. 114, 115 7- Slattery, Lida, asking cancellation of taxes 121, 130 21- Spahn -Rose Lumber Co., sign bond 129 21- Spiritual Science Society, sign bond 129 21- Spensley Theatre, sign bond 129 21- Schiltz, Harry J., contractor's bond 129 21- Sanders, Mrs. W., pet. for cancelation of ass'mts 130 28- Sewer, water, gas connections, W. 17th and Clark 131 28- Sewer, water and gas connections, W. 17th and Clark Streets, Resolutions 131 28- Sanitary Sewer in Groveland St., Resolutions 132, 153, 154, 159, 201, 202, 228, 229 " ii ft ii Feb. CC CC it if CC CC ii di '' it ft INDEX -Book 60 s Page 1930 Oct. CC Nov. ii " ii ii " « CC Dec. INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT R 6- Rockdale Road (Highway No. 61) Highway Com- mission to maintain 20- Rolling, L. F., sign bond 3- Robinson, Ellen, petition, for cancellation of taxes 3 -Real Estate Appraisal, communication 3- Resolution, relative to Legislative matters 10- Rainbo Oil Go., sign bond 17- Resolution No. 355 -30, fixing boundry line in Rowan's Add. 17- Rafoth, Arthur C. property, pet. for redemption 28- Rhomberg, J. H., Estate, petition offering settle- ment, delinquent assessment 28 -Radio Shop, sign bond 28- Rhomberg, J. H. estate, objecting to assessment for sidewalk 28- Robinson, Ellen, petition for cancellation of taxes 28- Realty Investors Corporation, settlement, delin- quent assessment 1- Ruprecht Bros., sign bond Page 328 333 353 353 355 365 374 376 395 395 395, 402 395 395 402 1930 as '' 00 00 it 00 it ti '' if {I " id (i 00 " INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT S Page " 28- Sheriff of Dubuque County instructed to condemn 137 187, 188 property for sewer purposes ' , 144 May 5- Samuel Stores, Inc., sign bonds 144 '0 5- Spellerberg, R. L. & Son, heating contractor's bond 00 5- Sewer, water and gas connections, Viola Street 144, 162, 144 0' 5- Sewer, water and gas connections, Custer Street " 12- Sewers, sanitary and storm, West Dubuque sewer district, Resolutions 146, 154, 160, 161, 419, to 432 incl., 433 " 19- Sanitary sewer, Union Street, Resolutions 156, 176, 179, 180, 198, 199, 207, 224, 270, 271, 157 00 19-Smith, T. M. & Son, general contractor's bond 00 19 -St. Vincent De Paul Society, petition to exempt 158 Sam Polski from obtaining peddler's license 184 June 9- Stoltz, Adam, general contractor's bond 186 " 13- Sewer, water and gas connections, Algona Street " 16- Sewer, water and gas connections on Wood Street 192, 303, 192 " 16- Sigman, Allan E., appointed acting City Manager " 23 -South Locust Street and Southern Ave., petition of residents asking that Busses be operated on , 194, 212 said streets " 23 -St. Ambrose Street, petition of property owners 197 to have street tarred 205 July 7 -Shea, J. J., appointed clerk pro tern 211 41 7- Schrup Motor Car Co., sign bond 211 7- Sibbing's Jewelry Store, sign bond 211 7- Stribley, Robert, sign bond 211 7- Stamation, Constantinos, sign bond 211 7- Standard Oil Co., sign bond 211 7- Schroeder- Kleine Grocer Co., Cigarette License 211 7- Scherrer, Geo. J., Cigarette License, renewal... 213 7 -Storm Sewer in Overview Court 213 7- Sidewalks, Fee for permits 15- Sewer, Water and Gas Connections, on Algona Street 217, 218, 301, 302, 316 West 14th to Delaware and Delaware to ' o Dexter 302, 316, 347, 392 Street 23- Street corners be rounded, various streets 225 23- Sewer, Catherine Street and Quigley Lane 226, 255, 256, 279, Aug. 4- Schuckert, H. F., Councilman, appointed Mayor 245 pro tem 4-Sanitary petition of Thos. an Thos. Flynn for ex l onof of time to complete sewer 252 4- Sewer, water and gas connections, report of En- 253 gineer, Wood, Auburn, Foye and Napier Streets 00 11- Sewer, water and gas connections, Algona Street, 302, 346, 391 W. 14th to Delaware 301, , , 263 " 11- Sigman, Allan E., be paid for acting as City Mgr. 269 " 18- Sidewalk, repairing of 280 Sept. 2- Sommerfeld, A. G., sign bond 280 " 2- Schloz Garage, sign bond 280 2- Schmitt, Frank, house mover's bond 2 -Storm sewer, Central Ave., from 27th to 28th Sts , (Resolution 303 -30) (Res. 304 -30) 283, 307, 308, 317, 372, 373 2 -Storm sewer, Saunder's St., Davenport St., Stoltz Street (Resolution 302 -30) 283, 305, 306, 317, 367 9- Burlington, Davenport and Muscatine Streets, pet. of property owners for a sanitary sewer 297, 299 9- Sacred Heart School, play ground, scraped, etc. 0 0 " INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT S Page " 9- Shiras Ave., Storm Sewer 299, 315 " 7- Seminary Street, Boulevard Lights 281, 300 " 22- Sewer, water and gas, Auburn Street._..302, 303, 316, 336, 337, 392 " 22- Sewer, water and gas, Catherine Street and 304 305, 317 Quigley Lane , " 22- Sewer, water and gas connections, Wood Street 317, 336, 393 Oct. 6- Sisters of Good Shepherd, thanks for use of Ath- 323, 343 letic Field " 6 -Storm Sewer, Shiras Ave 325, 326, 329, 330, 331, 340, 342 00 6- Sanitary Sewer in Burlington, Davenport and Mus- catine Streets, petition for 328, 332, 333, 362, 363, 397, 400, 401, 402, 404, 405 20- Strand Theatre, sign bond 333 20- Scheppele, sign bond 333 0` 20- Schaetzle, A., and ,L A. Welty, petition to con- 337, 348 struct sanitary sewer " 20- Strueber, Edwin, petition for permit to construct 339, 343 Funeral Home " 27- Shiras Ave.,. storm sewer, remonstrances 340, 341, 342 Nov. 3- Schuster, L., petition to vacate Front Street 00 3- Sewer, between Queen and Windsor, from Burden 361, 365 Ave. south 365 " 10 Straub Lucas, sign bond 365 " 17 -Storm water sewer, West Dubuque District " 17- Sanitary sewer, Burlington, Primrose, Sabula, Muscatine Streets, petition to construct West 28th and Davenport St. " 28- Stampfer, Thomas, remonstrance, against assess- ment, O'Neill Street " 28- Sanders, Mrs. W., asking that her husband get employment Dec. 1- Sanitary Sewer, in West 28th Street, petition to construct •0 8 -St. George Hotel, sign bond " 22 -Storm sewers (four small sewers) expense charged to storm sewer bond issue fund 436 " 22 -State Examiners, Audit books each year 436 " 22- Seippels, Mrs. Peter, et. al., petition relative to 446 arrest of their boys 376 388 394 404, 405, 406 407 1930 SUBJECT 16— Trenkle, H., sign bond 27— Trausch Bakery, sign bond 27— Taylor - Yonkers Co., sign bond 3 —Trade Home Shoe Store, bond. 7 —Tax Sale Certificates, be concelled, held by City, Eagle Point Sewer Assessments Mar. 31— Thompson & Hogan, Cigarette, License April 1— Thilmany, Nick, Grant and Easement May 12— Theisen Battery & Electric Co., sign bond " 12— Trausch Baking Co., sign bond 12— Twentieth Street, widening of 26— Traffic Ordinance, petition of Merchants to amend rule 67 of the Traffic Ordinance June 23— Thoenes, Otto A., petition to construct a Miniature Golf Course on S. W. corner Dodge Street and S. Grandview Ave. 23 —Tri -State Motor Co., sign bond July 23 —Trade Home Shoe Stores, sign bond Aug. 11 —Tax Levy, Resolution No. 288 -30 " 11— Tegeler, Edward B., sign bond 18— Theis, Lena, estate, settlement of claim 22— Thielen, Matilda, petition for suspension of taxes 20— Tischauser, Ernst and Mabel, sign bond 20— Thode, M. A., Cigarette License. 20— Thomas, J. C., settlement of personal injury claim 10— Trades & Labor Congress, petition relative to City Employees 10 —Tax Cab Drivers, compulsory insurance 17— Taylor - Yonkers Co., sign bond 17— Tegeler, Ed. B., sign bond Dec. 22— Transfer of $3,514.83 from Storm Sewer Fund to Consolidated Fund Jan. (f Feb. Sept. Oct. Nov. INDEX —Book 60 T Page Jan. 16— Universal. Car & Tractor Co., sign bond 5 Feb. 3 —Union Indemnity Co., appointing John Ris agent 9 for Dubuque 9 Mar. 24— Upton, The, sign bond 11, 189 April 7— Universal Car & Tractor Co., sign bond May 5— Universal Car & Tractor Co., sign bond 27 July 23— Urbach Bros., sign bond 106 Aug. 18— University of Dubuque, Grant of Easement 111 Sept. 29— Udelhofen, Mrs. J. P., petition relative to sewer 152 and water connections 152 Oct. 6 —U. S. Fidelity Co., petition to cancel bond of Al- 152 bent V. Becker Nov. 3— Uhlrich -Paley Co., waiver, Pine Street imp 163 " 17 —Union Trust & Savings Bank, petition for re- . duction in assessment " 28— United Electric Co., excavation bond 195, 203 195 225 255 261 268 308 333 337 339, 378 364 366 370 370 437 1930 INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT U Page 5 11 88 116, 144 116, 144 225 269 320 324 359 379 395 1930 INDEX -Book 60 SUBJECT V Page Feb. 7 -Viola Street, Resolutions to improve 24, 25, 33, 34, 40, 43, 55, 133, 141, 162, 168, 208, 209 Mar. 10- Voelker Realty Co., right of way 59 April 7- Veteran's Council, endorsing J. J. Duffy for Police Judge 114 May 12- Valley Street, petition of property owners, for sanitary sewer 150 " 26- Voelker Investor's Corporation, appeal from special assessment 165 July 15- Volunteers of America, petition to hold tag day 215 " 15- Voelker Realty Co., contractor's bond 216 Sept. 9 -Villa Street, retaining wall repaired 299 " 9- Valley Street, sewer 300 " 22- Voleker Realty Co., settlement delinquent tax, lot 1, Sub. of City 740 314, 378 Nov. 3- Volunteers of America, petition to conduct tag day 358 " 28- Voelker Realty Go., remonstrance against assess- ment for Wood Street 384 INDEX -Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Page VV Feb. 7 -Wood Street, Resolutions to improve 17, 33, 34, 42, 119, 155, 156, 251, 335, 384, 385, 386 " 7 -West 8th St., Resolutions to improve 25, 26, $3, 34, 39, 43, 118 " 24 -West 14th St., petition of tax payers to construct sidewalk 30 " 24- Western Union Telegraph Co., sign bond 35 " 24- Wolfe, Rev. Father J. M., addressed Council rel- ative to Planning and Zoning 36 March 3- Wurst, Mrs. E. J., petition for cancellation of tax 44 " 10- Waller, R. De Witt, appointed on Planning and Zoning Commission 56 " 24 -West Dubuque sewers, Resolutions to construct, preliminary estimates and date of hearing 84, 119 " 24- Wenzel, Fred, general contractor's bond 88 " 31 -Welu, Dominik, Cigarette License 106 April 12 -West Dubuque sewer district, petitions for and against said sewer 119, 120 " 21 -West Dubuque sewer district (resolution 172 -30) amending said sewer district 124, 125, 126, 127, 137 " 21 -Wolff, G. H., objecting to an oil station being in- stalled at Delhi and Grandview Ave. 127 May 5- Wilberding, Henry, sign bond 144 " 12- Wendt, Lester G., sign bond 152 " 12- Watkins, Lowell, contractor's bond 152 " 12 -Wst 8th Street, widening of 152, 191, 196, 197 " 12 -West 11th St., West 12th St., West 13th St., widen- ing of 152 " 26 -Wood Street, petition to extend improvement to Rosedale Ave. 159, 190 " 26 -West Dubuque Sewer, Petition and Waiver rel- ative to grant of easement, Right of way 160, 161 June 2 -West 12th Street, Widening, Resolutions 169, 170, 193 " 2 -West 11th Street, Widening of, Resolutions 170, 171, 193 " 2 -West 13th Street, Widening, Resolutions 171, 172, 193 " 16 -Wood St., from W. 14th to Rosedale, resolutions 191, 206, 240, 241, 244, 251, 260, 278, 279, 292 July 7- Weiss, A. H., sign bond 211 " 15 -West 8th St., widening of, Remonstrances 215 " 15- Willy - Uhlrich, contractor's bond 216 Sept. 9- Waterworks, buildings be painted and repaired 300 " 22- Walsh Street, petition to change name 310 " 22 -West Dubuque sewer district, power for pumps 312, 313, 314 " 22- Wurst, Mrs. E. J., pet. for cancellation of tax_.__ 314 Oct. 6- Whitbeck, petition for reduction in valuation of property 323, 373 " 6 -Walsh Street, petition to change name 327, 332 " 27- Welsh, Julia, settlement recommended by Solicitor for delinquent tax 348 Nov. 17 -Wood St., imp. protest, Voelker Realty Co 377 " 17 -Wood St., imp. protest, Voelker est. 377 " 28- Wiehl, Sarah, remonstrance against Foye Street assessment 381 " 28 -Wood Street, assessments, corrected 384 Dec. 22 -West Dubuque Sewer District, remonstrances by property owners against assessments 419 INDEX —Book 60 SUBJECT Page Mar. 10— Yellow Lantern, sign bond 58 " 24— Yokum, J. L., Remonstrance against imp. of Rob- inson Street 83 Sept. 22—Y. M. C. A., sign bond 310 INDEX —Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Page X Sept. 29 —XL Sandwich Shop, petition relative to operating a sandwich wagon 317, 318 1p INDEX —Book 60 1930 SUBJECT Page Z Feb. 29— Zengel, Adam, Grant and Easement 29 Mar. 21— Zumhof, Wm., asking cancellation of A. J. Le Van bond 82 " 21— Zillig, Adam, sign bond 129 June 9— Ziegler, Louis, petition for cancellation of taxes 183 July 7— Zwack, Anton, contractor's bond 211 Sept. 29— Zahina, Mrs. John, petition relative to sewer and water connections 320 Dec. 22— Zoning Commission, terms of office defined 434