1930 September Council ProceedingsRegular Sessi September 1st, 1930 275 CITY COUNCIL (Official) Regular session, September 1st, 1930. No members of the Council pres- ent on roll call, meeting was ad- journed subject to call. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved........... - .... - ...... ..........................1930. Adopted.......................... ..........................1930. Councilmen: Attest: City Clerk, CITY COUNCIL Adjourned regular session, Septem- her 2nd, 1930. Council met at 7:55 P. M. Present — City Manager Evans, Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andel- finger, Jansen, McEvoy. Absent — Councilman nSchuckert. Mayor , Meuser stated that this is the adjourned regular monthly meet- ing of the Council, for the transac- tion of such business as may proper- ly come before a regular meeting of the Council, and that this date was also fixed for the purpose of consid- ering bids for the improvements of Algona Street from West 14th Street to Delaware Street, Algona -Street from Delaware Street to Dexter Street, Auburn Street from West 14th Street to Dexter Street, Wood Street from West 14th Street to Rosedale Avenue; Construction of a Storm and Sanitary sewer in Catherine Street and Quigley Lane; and considering bids for $60,000 City Improvement Fund Bonds and $115,000 City of Du- buque Sewer Bonds. Proof of Publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of Pavement improve- ment for the improvement of Algona Street from the North property line of Brest 14th Street to the South property line of Delaware Street. Councilman Jansen moved that the notice be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —_ None. Absent = Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Tues- day, September 2nd, 1930, for the improving of Algona Street from the north property line of West Four- teenth Street to the south property line of Delaware Street. ,I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the improving of this street be awarded to the JamesF. Lee Paving Company 276 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 as their bid was the lowest one re- ceived. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. • TABULATIONS OF STREET PRO- POSALS For the improvement of Algona Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Delaware Street, proposals being opened at 10 a. m., Sept. 2, 1930. James F. Lee Paving Co. -Exca- vation, old macadam and gravel, 59 cu. yds., .69; excavation, loose rock, 25 cu. yds., .99; steel, class A, 500 pounds, 04; concrete sidewalks, 360 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq. yds., 1.62; down spout drains, 2, 1700; 4 inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .10; concrete curb, 40 lin. ft., .48; reset stone curb, 1600 lin. ft., 22; new stone curb, 400 lin ft., .69; integral curb, 3109 sq. yds., 1.69; without integral curb, 3011 sq yds., 1.60; total amount of bid without in- tegral curb, $5,386.40; total amount of bid with integral curb,' $5,185.21. Ulrich Paley Co.- Excavation, old macadam and gravel, 59 cu. yds., .72; excavation of loose rock, 25 cu. yds., .60; steel, class A, 500 pounds, .06; concrete sidewalks, 360 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq. yds., 1.72; down spout drains, 2, 16.00; 4 inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .10; concrete curb, 40 lin. ft., .40; reset stone curb, 1600 lin ft., .30; new stone curb, 400 lin. ft., .78; integral curb, 3109, 1.68; without integral curb, 3011, 1.58; total amount of bid without integral curb, $5,778.30; total amount of bid with integral curb, $5,464.04. James Saul and Son`Excavation, old macadam and gravel, 59 cu. yds., .80; excavation of loose rock, 25 cu. yds., 1.50; steel, class A, 500 pounds, .05; concrete sidewalks, 360 sq ft., 17; concrete driveways, 22 sq yds., 1.80; down spout drains, 2, 18.00; 4 inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .20; con- crete curb, 40 lin. ft, .55; reset stone curb, 1600 lin. ft., 30; new stone curb, 400 lin ft., .80; integral curb, 3109 sq. yds., 1.97; without integral curb, 3011 sq. yds., 1.79; total amount of bid without integral curb, $6,579.86; to- tal amount of bid with integral curb, $6145.61. City Engineer's estimate, $6638.58. Resolution No. 295 -30. Awarding contract for improving of Algona Street from the north prop- erty line of eWst Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Dela- ware Street, by grading said street to the proper sub - grade, constructing concrete sidewalks, driveways, down- spout drains and concrete curb where necessary and paving same with a, concrete pavement thirty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old, stone curb, if con- tract is let on that basis, to the James F. Lee Paving Co., being the lowest bidder. Councilman McEvoy moved that the resolution be ap- proved and placed on file for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Meuser, Councilmen. Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. Proof of Publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of pavement improve- ment of Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to fh,e south property line of Dexter Street, presented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Tues- day, September 2nd, 1930, for the improving of Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the improving of this street be awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Company as their bid was the lowest one re- ceived. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. TABULATIONS OF STREET PRO- POSALS For the improvement of Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south prop- erty line of Dexter Street,. proposals being opened at 10 a. in. September 2nd 1930. James F. Lee Paving Co. -Exca- vation, old macadam and gravel, 28 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 277 cu.yds., .69; excavation of loose rock, 25 cu. yds., 99; steel, class A, 100 pounds, 04; concrete sidewalks, 50 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq. yds. 1.62; 4 -inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .10; reset stone curb, 800 lin. ft., .22; new stone curb, 200 lin. ft., .69; 6 -inch integral curb, 1122 sq. ft., 1.59; alternate without integral curb, 1082 sq. ft., 1.50. Alternate without integral curb, total amount of bid, $2038.71; alternate with integral curb, total amount of bid, $1885.69. Uhlrich -Paley Co.-Excavation, old macadam and gravel, 28 cu. yds., .72; excavation of loose rock, 25 cu. yds., .60; steel, class A, 100 pounds, .06; concrete sidewalks, 50 sq .ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq. yds., 1.72; 4 -inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .10; re- set stone curb, 800 lin. ft., .30; new stone curb, 200 lin. ft., .75; 6 -inch integral curb, 1122 sq yds., 1.68; al- ternate without integral curb, 1082 sq. yds., 1.58. Alternate without in- tegral curb, total amount of bid, $2195.56; alternate with integral curb, total amount of bid., $1981.96. James Saul and Son - Excavation, old macadam and gravel, 28 cu. yds., .80; excavation of loose rock, 25 cu. yds., 1.50; steel, class A, 100 pounds, .05; concrete sidewalks, 50 sq. ft., .17; concrete driveways, 22 'sq. yds., 1.79; 4 -inch drain tile, 100 lin. ft., .20; reset stone curb, 800 lin. ft., .30; new stone curb, 200 lin. ft., 80; 6- inch integral curb, 1122 sq. yds., 1.79; alternate without integral curb, 1082 sq. yds., 1.76. Alternate without in- tegral curb, total amount of bid, $2437.10; alternate with integral curb, total amount of bid, $2141.16. City Engineer's estimate, $2649.02. Resolution No. 296 -30. Awarding contract for the improv- ing of Algona Street from the south property line of Deleware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street, by grading said street to the proper sulb- grade, constructing con- crete sidewalks, driveways, down- spout drains and concrete curb where necessary and paving same with a concrete pavement thirty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by reseting and replacing old stone curb, if contract is let on that basis, to the James F. Lee Paving Co., being the lowest bidder. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the resolution be approv- ed and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man McEvoy. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of pavement improve- ment, for the improvement of Auburn Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. Coun- cilman McEvoy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jan- sen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent- Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen. In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Tuesday, September 2nd, 1930, for the improv- ing of Auburn Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the improving of this street be awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Company as their bid was the lowest one re- ceived. - Respectfully submitted. R. M. EVANS, City Manager. TABULATIONS OF STREET PRO- POSALS. For the improvement of Auburn Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. James F. Lee Paving Co.- Clear- ing and grubbing 1 tree, 20.00; exca- vation of earth, 20 cu. yds., .59; exca- vation of old macadam and gravel, 85 cu. yds., .69; excavation of loose rock, 10 cu. yds., .99; steel, class A, 1000 pounds, 04; concrete sidewalks, 200 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq. yds., 1.62; 4 -inch drain tile in place, 300 lin ft., .10; reset stone Curb, 1800 lin. ft., .22; new stone curb, 400 lin. ft., .69; 6 -inch concrete integral curb, 4228 sp. yds., 1.59; without integral curb, 4100 sq. yds., 1.50. Without integral curb, total amount of bid, $7073.57; with integral curb, total amount of bid, $6974.11. Uhlrich -Paley Co.-Clearing and grubbing 1 tree, 20.00; excavation of earth, 20 cu. yds., .60; excavation of old, macadam and gravel, 85 cu. yds., .72; excavation of loose rock, 10 cu. 278 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 yds., .60; steel, class A, 1000 pounds, .06; concrete sidewalks, 200 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 22 sq yds., 1.72; 4 -inch drain tile in place, 300 lin. ft., .10; reset stone curb, 1800 lin. ft., .30; new stone curb, 400 lin. ft., .75; 6 -inch concrete integral curb, 4228 sq. yds., 1.72; without integral curb, 4100 sq. yds., 1.62. Without in- tegral curb, total amount of bid, $7741.04; with integral curb, total amount of bid, $7531.20. James Saul and Son - Clearing and grubbing 1 tree, $20.00; excavation of earth, 20 cu. yds., .60; excavation of old macadam and gravel, 85 cu. yds., .80; excavation of loose rock, 10 cu. yds., 1.50; steel, class A, 1000 pounds, .05; concrete sidewalks, 200 sq. ft., .17; concerte driveways, 22 sq. yds., 1.86; 4 -inch drain tile in place, 300 lin ft., .20; reset stone curb, 1800 lin. ft., .3:i; new stone curb, 400 lin. ft., .80; 6 -inch concrete integral curb, 4228 sq. yds., 1.86; without integral curb, 4100 sq. yds., 1.83. Without in- tegral curb, total amount of bid, $8,752.92; with integral curb, total amount of bid, $8164.00. City Engineer's estimate, $8060.82. Resolution No. 297 -30. Awarding contract for the improv- ing of Auburn Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Dexter Street, by grading said street to the proper sub- grade, clearing and grubbing, constructing concrete side- walks, driveways and paving said street with a concrete pavement thir- ty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb if contract is awarded on that basis to the James F. Lee Paving Company. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the resolution be ap- proved and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Coun- cilman McEvoy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of pavement improve- ment for the improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Rosedale Ave - nue,presented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Tues- day, September 2nd, 1930, for the im- proving of Wood Street from the north property line of West Four- teenth Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the improving of this street be awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Com- pany as their bid was the lowest one received. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. TABULATIONS OF STREET PRO- POSALS. For the improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue, proposals being opened at 10 a. m. Sept. 2nd., 1930. James F. Lee Paving Co.- Excava- tion of old macadam and gravel, 206.4 cu. yds., .65; steel, class A, 500 lbs., .04; concrete sidewalks, 100 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 121 sq. yds., 1.62; 4 down spout drains, 17.00; 4 -inch drain tile in place, 100 lin. ft., .10; concrete curb, 50 lin. ft., .48; reset stone curb, 2030 lin. ft., .22; new stone curb, 700 lin. ft., .69; 6- inch concrete integral curb, 6214 sq. yds., 1.55; alternate without integral curb, 6064 sq. yds., 1.50. Total alter- nate without integral curb, $10,487.18; total with integral curb, $10,099.85. Uhlrich -Paley Co.-Excavation of old macadam and gravel, 206.4 cu. yds., .72; steel, class A, 500 pounds, .06; concrete sidewalks, 100 sq. ft., .16; concrete driveways, 121 sq. yds., 1.72; 4 down spout drains, 16.00; fl- inch drain tile in place, 100 lin. ft., .10; concrete curb, 50 lin. ft., .40; reset stone curb, 2030 lin. ft., .30; new stone curb, 700 lin. ft., .75; 6- inch integral curb, 6214 sq. yds., 1.72; alternate without integral curb, 6064 sq. yds., 1.62. Total alternate without integral curb, $11,445,41; total with integral curb, $11,184.81. James Saul and Son-Excavation of old macadam and gravel, 206.4 cu. yds., .85; steel, class A, 500 pounds Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 279 .05; concrete sidewalks, 100 sq. ft., .18; concrete driveways, 121 sq. yds., 1.88; 4 down spout drains, 18.00; 4 -inch drain tile in place, 100 lin. ft., .20; concrete curb, 50 lin. ft., .40; re- set stone curb, 2030 1111. ft., .35; new stone curb, 700 lin. ft., .80; 6 -inch concrete integral curb, 6214 sq. yds., 1.87; alternate without integral curb, 6064 sq. yds., 1.84. Total alternate without integral curb, $12,975.68; total with integral curb, $12,178.10. City Engineer's estimate, $11,995.20 Resolution No. 298 -30. Awarding contract for the improv- ing of Wood 'Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property dine of Rosedale Avenue, by grading said street to the proper sub- grade, con- structing concrete driveways, side- walks drains, sidewalks, concrete curb where necessary, and paving same with a concrete pavement thir- ty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb, if contract is let on that basis, to the James F. Lee Paving Com- pany, being the lowest bidder, pre- sented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file in the City Clerks office for one week for public Inspection. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent- Councilman Schuckert. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of a Sanitary Sewer in Quigley Lane and Catherine Street, presented and read. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the proof of publication be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman McEvoy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote. Yeas - (Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tion's and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Tues- day, September 2nd, 1930, for the construction of a sanitary and storm sewer in Catherine Street and Quig- ley Lane. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the construction of this sewer be award- ed! to Cook & Kean as their bid was the lowest one received. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. TABULATIONS OF SEWER PRO- POSALS. Sanitary and storm sewer in and along Catherine Street and Quigley Lane, proposals being opened at 10 a. m. Sept. 2nd, 1930. Cook & Kean -15 in. vitrified tile, 156 lin. ft., 1.00; 12 in. vitrified tile, 439 lin. ft., .50; 6 in. vitrified tile, 767 lin. ft., .50; 15 Y branches 6 in. x 6 in., 1.00; 5 combination brick manholes, complete, 70.00; 6 stand- ard brick manholes, 60.00; excava- tion and refilling of earth, 287 cu. yds., .50; excavation and refilling of loose rock and gravel, 150 cu. yds., 2.25; excavation and refilling of sol- id rock, 100 cu. yds., 2.25; total amount of bid, $2168.30. Uhlrich -Paley Co. -15 in. vitrified tile, 156 lin. ft., .72; 12 in. vitrified tile, 439 lin. ft., .48; 6 in vitrified tile, 767 lin, ft., .20; 15 Y branches. 6 in. x 6 in., 1.00; 5 combination 'brick manholes, complete, 48.00; 6 stand- ard brick manholes, 48.00; excava- tion and refilling of earth, 287 cu. yds., 2.48; excavation and refilling of loose rock or gravel, 150 cu. yds., 2.48; excavation and refilling of solid rock, 100 cu. yds., 2.48; total amount of bid, $2351.20. Thos. Flynn Coal Co. -15 in. vit- rified tile, 156 lin. ft., .70; 12 in. vit- rified tile, 439 lin. ft., .50; 6 in vitri- fied tile, 767 lin. ft.,-.25; 15 Y branch- es 6 in. x 6 in., .75; 5 combination brick manholes, complete, 55.00; 6 standard brick manholes, 50.00; exca- vation and refilling of earth, 287 cu. yds., 1.00; excavation and refilling of loose rock or gravel, 150 cu. yds., 3.00; excavation and refilling of solid rock, 100 cu. yds., 6.00; total amount of bid, $2443.70. City Engineer's estimate, $2388.20. Resolution No. 229 -30. Awarding contract for the con- struction of a six (6) inch sanitary sewer in Quigley Lane and Catherine Street from the manhole in Lot 16 of Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 southerly across said Lot in City right of way and in Catherine 'Street to the north line of Lot 2 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 711 and easterly across Lots 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, Quig- ley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 to manhole in Quigley's Lane, thence east in Quigley's Lane one hundred thirty - two feet (132') and west eighty-nine 280 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 281 feet (89'). Also a fifteen (15) inch storm sewer from the storm sewer in West Locust Street southerly in the east eight feet (8'), Lot 15 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 one hundred fif- ty -six (156'), thence a twelve inch (12 ") line southerly forty -eight (48') feet to Catherine Street and a twelve (12) inch line easterly across Lots 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 to Quigley's Lane, to Cook & Kean, they being the lowest bid- ders. Councilman Andelfinger mov- ed that the resolution be approved and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. City Council proceedings for the month of July, 1930, presented for approval. Councilman McEvoy moved that they be approved as printed and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the action heretofore taken fix- ing the 'City Manager Bond at $20,000 be rescinded and the bond be fixed at $10,000. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, 'McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent = Councilman Schuckert. Petition of property owners, ask- ing that a street light be placed on Wilbur Street between Rock Street and Spruce Street. Councilman Jansen moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfing Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. September 2, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and C,.cy Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen. This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bonds and poli- cies and desire to have your approval on same for filing. SIGNS Mrs. Olive M. Binninger, 1364 White Street; Policy No. R -4089, Col - umbia Casualty Co. William Lawther, Jr., (assignee for F. M. Paull, Inc.), 7th and Iowa Streets; Policy No. R -3932, Loudon Guarantee & Accident Co. Firestone Service Stores, 7th and Bluff Streets; Policy No. 11408, American Automobile Ins. Co. Ritter Motor Co., 1946 Central Ave- nue; Policy No. IAG 757927, South- ern Surety Company. 'Conlan Hudson -Essex Company, 650 Iowa Street; Policy No. IAG 757934, Southern Surety Company. Merchants , S.uplply Company, 120 West 6th Street; Policy No. OLT 205- 013911, Southern Surety Company. The Brunswick Music Shop, 648 Main Street; Bond No. 396167, Globe Indemnity Company. Postal Telegraph Cable Co., 335 Main Street; Bond No. 330148, Globe Indemnity Company. A. G. Sommerfeld, 668 Iowa Street; Bond No. 393308, Globe Indemnity Company. Schloz Garage, 1405 White Street; Bond No. 872687 -B, American Surety Company. Royal Cloak 'Co. (Klein's), 813 Main Street; Policy No. O. L. & T. 431946, Continental Casualty Co. Clark's Drug Store, 976 Main Street; Bond No. 397, Central West Casualty Co. PLUMBER'S EXCAVATION BONDS H. B. McCarten, 253 West 8th Street; No. 735672, Fidelity & Casu- alty Co. Edw. T. Ceaver, 1037 Main Street; Bond No. 735674, Fidelity & Casualty Co. Ray Powers Plumbing & Heating, 824 Cleveland Aevnue; Century In- demnity Co. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Mr. Anton Gasten, 899 Rush St.; Bond No. 588, Central West Com- pany. HOUSE MOVER Frank Schmitt, 1057 Auburn St.; Bond No. 684609, Globe Indemnity Company. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman McEvoy moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Grant Of Easement Know All Men by These Presents: That in 'consideration of the sum of One hundred and fifty dollars ($150.) in hand paid by the City of Du- buque, Iowa, a municipal corpora- tion the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned be- ing the owner of Lots 17 and 18 of Quigleys 'Subdivision of outot 710 in the City of Dubuque, hereby grants and conveys to said City of Dubuque a perpetual right of ease- ment, in, over and across said lots 17 and 18 of Quigleys Subdivision of out lot 710 for the purpose of install- ing and maintaining therein a storm and sanitary sewer, with the right to go upon said premises at all reason- able times for the purpose of inspect- ing and repairing the same when in- stalled; provided however, that said City of Dubuque shall replace what- ever earth, sod or schruibbery that may be disturbed in the installation or repair of said. Storm and Sanitary Sewer to as good condition as it was before the same was disturbed. This grant of Easement shall be binding upon the undersigned, his heirs, executors, administrators, pur- chasers and assigns forever. Signed, Dr. F. X. Lange, Agnes C. Lange. Dubuque County ss. State of Iowa f Be it remembered that on the 29th day of August, 1930, personally ap- peared before me, a Notary Public, in and for Dubuque Comity, Iowa, Dr. F. X. Lange and Agnes C. Lange who are personally known to me, and acknowledged. that they executed the foregoing instrument as their own voluntary act and deed. A. E. SIGMAN, Notary Public in and for Dubuque County, Iowa. Councilman McEvoy moved that the Grant and Easement be approved and recorded and filed for record. Seconded by Councilman Jansen, Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Mouser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None, Absent — Councilman Schuckert. City Manager Evans to whom was referred the matter of installing Boulevard lights on Seminary street from Avoca street eastwardly to Clarke College, submitted his report. The report was referred to the Council to view the grounds. There was on motion made. August 26, 1930. Honorable Mayor and Members of City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Reporting on the question of street lights on Seminary Street from Avo- ca Street eastwardly to the angle at east end of Clarke College property, I respectfully offer the following: Length of street in question -2400 feet. Present Lighting Facilities: 4 Arcs, 600 C. P. @ $65.00 each per year $260.00 4 Arcs, 100 C. P. @ $27.50 each per year 110.00 8 Total Lamps costing per year $370.00 Average distance between present lamps -343 feet. SCHEME "A" PROPOSED WHITE WAY INSTAL- LATION Including Used City Standards 6 Lamps (all night) 250 C. P. @ $55.00 per year $330.00 13 Lamps (until midnight) 250 C. P. @ $40.00 per year, 520.00 Total per year $850.00 Net annual increase over - existing system — $480.00. Average distance between proposed lamps -133 feet. Average distance between all night lamps -480 feet. SCHEME "B" PROPOSED WHITE WAY INSTAL- LATION Including New Interstate Power Co. Standards. 6 Lamps (all night) 250 C. P. @ • $60.00 per year .... $360.00 13 Lamps (until midnight) 250 C. P. @ $45.00 per year, 585.00 Total per year $945.00 Net annual increase over existing system — $575.00. Spacing of lamps would be equal to Scheme "A ". SCHEME "C" PROPOSED WHITE WAY INSTAL- LATION Including New Interstate Power Co. Standards. 8 Lamps (all night) 250 C. P. @ $60.00 per year $480.00 11 Lamps (until midnight) 250 C. P. @ $45.00 per year, 495.00 Total-per year $975.00 Net annual increase over existing system — $605.00. Average distance between proposed lamps -133 feet. Average distance between all night lamps -343 feet. This scheme would provide all night lamps of the same number as the present arc lights. 282 Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 ALTERNATE IMPROVED ARC SCHEME Including all night arc light plan for more adequate illumination. Retain 4 present 600 C. P. Arcs @ $65.00 each per year $260.00 Replace 3 present 100 C. P. Lamps with 3 new 250 C. P. Lamps @ $42.50 each per year 127.50 Replace 1 present 100 C. P. Lamp at High School with 1 new 400 C. P. Are @ $57.50 57.50 Total Lights -8, costing per year $445.00 Net annual increase over existing system— $75.00. Average spacing same as present - 343 feet. By eliminating the 100 C. P. lamp, conditions would be made safer and illumination should be adequate, es- pecially after certain tree trimming. However, the aerial are type would not beautify the two institutions as the proposed White Way plan. The budget allowance on Street Lighting includes a total of $67,- 380.50. Expenditures to date consist of. Net payment in April $5,286.67 Net payment in May 5,307.93 Net payment in June 5,314.22 Net payment in July 5,322.43 Net payment in August 5,424.51 Total for 5 months $26,655.76 Estimated for 7 months on basis of August Expen- diture $38,010.00 Estimated for fiscal year on present basis, total $64,665.76 Balance on Present Lights.$ 2,714.74 ADDITIONAL .COSTS .AUTHOR- IZED Central Ave. White Way System from 18th to 22nd Streets. 19 (until midnight) 600 C. P. Lamps @ 35.00 per year...$665.00 4 (all night) 600 C. P. Lamps @ $60.00 per year 240.00 Total per year $905.00 Allowance from Sept. 15, 1930 to Mar. 31, 1930 -6 /2 mo $490.21 Balance on Present and Au- thorized Lights $2,224.53 Note: On the question of power costs for new sewer pumps there is apparently no provi- sion for this service, which service will start in about 2 months. The power for sew- age pumping may cost about $200.00 per month. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Petition of property owners asking that the following streets be oiled, stating that the dust arising there- from is unbearable: Maple street from 13th to 17th streets, East 14th street and East 15th street from the R. R. tracks to Cedar street and East 16th street from Washington street to Maple Street. Signed by Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Hinz, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Andre- sen, Mr. and Mrs. John Matous et al, (56 signers). Councilman Jansen moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager. Seconded by Councilman An- delfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yes —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the rules be suspended to allow any one present who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yes —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schuckert. Mr. E. W. Hinz addressed the Council relative to the petition, stat- ing further that if the streets in question would' be sprinkled two or three times a week it would not be necessary to oil them. Attorney Al. Nelson addressed the Council, asking that three police offi- cers be appointed to attend the American Legion Convention to be held at Sioux City Iowa September 8th, 9th, and 10th, to assist the Sioux City Police in handling crowds and regulating traffic. Expenses to be paid by the Convention City. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the request be granted and the Chief of Police be instructed to ap- point three Police Officers, (Legion - aires) to attend the convention. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yes—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, 'McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — 'Councilman Schuckert. Bond of City Manager R. M. Evans in the sum of $10,000 presented for approval. It being properly Exe- cuted, Councilman Jansen moved that the bond be approved and plac- ed on file. Seconded by Councilman Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 283 McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yes—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. August 29, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The Engineer has completed the plans for the construction of a storm sewer in Central avenue from 27th street to 28th street. I would respectfully ask to adver- tise for bids for this storm sewer. Respectfully submitted, • R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Resolution No. 301 Preliminary approval of plans and specifications for the construction of a Storm water sewer in Saunders street, the alley 1st east of Daven- port street and in Stoltz street, pre- sented and read. Councilman Jan- sen moved the adoption of the reso- lution. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Evoy. Carried by the following vote: Yes —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent -- Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 302 -30 Whereas the construction of a storm sewer in Stoltz street is deem- ed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: NOW THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by said Council that a storm sewer be and the same is hereby ordered constructed and put in place in Saunders street from the ally 1st east of Davenport street and in Stoltz street, the same to consist of the materials and to be built in the manner provided for in the plans and specifications heretofore prepar- ed by the Manager and Engineer and which are now on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. Be it further Resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby di- rected to publish all necessary no- tices in the official newspaper of said City preliminary to the awarding of a contract for such public improve- ment and to advertise for bids for the doing of all work and the fur- nishing of all materials required by the plans and specifications referred to, all to be completed not later than the 1st day of November, 1930, unless time for completion be extended by proper action of this Council. Be it further Resolved that the cost of such improvement be paid to the Contractor in cash upon comple- tion and final acceptance, from funds available for such purpose. This Resolution being deemed ur- gent and of immediate necessity it shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, adoption, and ap- proval by the City Council. Passed, adopted, and approved this 2nd day of September, 1930. WM. 11. MEUSER, Mayor. ED.. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Jansen moved the, adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Andelfinger. Car- ried by the following vote: Yes —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 303 -30 Preliminary approval of plans and specifications for construction of a Storm water sewer in Central avenue between 27th and 28th streets, and about one hundred and twenty five feet (125) across N. of lot 256 David Farm Addition. Councilman Jansen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 304-30 Whereas the construction of a storm sewer in Central avenue is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Du- buque: NOW THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by said Council that a storm sewer be and the same is hereby ordered constructed and put in place in Central avenue from 27th street to 28th street, the same to con - sist of the materials and to be built in the manner provided for in the plans and specifications heretofore prepared by the Manager and Engin- eer and which are now on file in the office of the City Clerk for public in- spection. Be it further Resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby di- rected to publish all necessary no- tices in the official newspaper of said City preliminary to the awarding of a contract for such public improve- ment and to advertise for bids. for the doing of all work and the fur- nishings of all materials required by the plans and specifications refer- red to, all work to be completed not • 284 Adjourned Regular Sessi later than the 1st day of November, 1930, unless time for completion be extended by proper action of this Council. Be it further Resolved that the cost of such improvement be paid to the Contractor in cash upon comple- tion and final acceptance, from funds available for such purpose. This Resolution being deemed ur- gent and of immediate necessity it shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, adoption, and ap- proval by the City Council. Passed, adopted, and approved this 2nd day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED.. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Ordinance No. 17 -30 An Ordinance amending an Ordin- ance entitle "An Ordinance providing for an annual tax for the purpose of defraying the cost of Street improve- ments in the City and declaring an emergency" so as to effect a reduc- tion in the amount of annual taxes, thereby provided for and declaring an emergency, presented and read Councilman McEvoy moved that this be considered the 1st reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: • Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councliman Schuckert. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the rules requiring an ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. The Ordinance was read a second time. Councilman Andelfinger moved that this be considered the 2nd read- ing of the Ordinance, and the Ordi- nance be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Coun- on, September 2nd, 1930 cilman Jansen. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 305 -30 A Resolution amending a Resolu- tion entitled, "Resolution providing for the issuance of $60,000 City Im- provement Fund Bonds ", so as to effect a reduction in the interest rate which the bonds thereby authorized are to bear, presented and read. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week, for public in- spection. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--!Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Ordinance No. 18-30 An Ordinance amending an Ordi- nance entitled "An Ordinance provid- ing for the issuance of $115,000 Sewer Bonds, providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same and declar- ing an emergency ", so as to effect a reduction in the interest rate which the bonds hereby authorized are to bear, and to effect a reduction in the amount of taxes provided for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, and declaring an emer- gency, presented and read. Councilman Andelfinger moved that this be considered the first read- ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. 'Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schuckert. 'Councilman Andelfinger moved that the rules requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas!Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. The Ordinance was read a second time. Councilman Andelfinger moved that this be considered the second reading of the Ordinance, and the Ordinance be placed on file for one week in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection. Seconded. by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Adjourned Regular Session, September 2nd, 1930 285 Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Contract Whereas Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club, has caused to be installed in the Muni- cipal Athletic Field, electric fixtures, equipment, and appurtenances which are used and usable for any and all purposes and events that may be held and conducted at night upon said premises and this Council deems it advisable that such electrical equipment, fixtures, and appurten- ances should be the property of the City of Dubuque and to that end has arranged with said Fred Leiser to purchase all of his title, right and in- terest in and to the same for the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,850.00) to be paid as herein provided, NOW THEREFORE; It is agreed between the parties hereto that in consideration of the payment by the City of Dubuque to said Fred Leiser of the sum of 'Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,850.00), in the manner herein stated said Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club hereby sells, and by these presents, conveys to the said City of Dubuque all and singular the electrical fix- tures, equipment, and appurtenances thereto belonging and in any manner connected therewith, now located up- on and installed in the Municipal Athletic Field, it being agreed that the payment therefore shall be made as follows: Two Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty Five Dollars ($2,425.00) on or before April lst; 1931, and a similar sum on or before April 1st, 1932, such payments to be without interest. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that, upon the exe- cution of this contract by and be- tween them, the title and ownership of such equipment, fixtures, and ap- purtenances shall immediately vest in said City of Dubuque and said Fred Leiser does hereby agree, and he shall be obliged to, that prior to the final execution of this instru- ment, to file with the City Clerk of said City vouchers from all persons, firms, or corporations, who have fur- nished labor and, or materials in any manner connected with the installa- tion of said electrical equipment, fix - tures, and appurtenances as evidence of the fact that such labor and mat- erials have been fully paid for and that no claims or liens therefore exist, it being agreed that such elec- trical equipment, fixtures and appur- tenances are to be sold and assigned to said City of Dubuque free and clear of all claims or liens thereon of every character. This contract shall be executed in duplicate, the Mayor and Clerk of said City having been duly author- ized by proper resolution of the City Council to execute the same on be- half of said City of Dubuque. Dated Sept. 2nd, 1930. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the contract be approved and placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for one week for public inspec- tion. Seconded by Councilman 'Mc- Evoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 300 -30 Whereas an agreement has been reached between Fred Leiser, owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club and the City of Dubuque for the purchas@ of electrical 'equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances, heretofore installed in the Municipal Athletic Field by said Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club and a con- tract has been prepared covering the terms of payment therefore, which contract is now on file with the Clerk of said City: NOW THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that said contract be and the same is hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection for not less than one week and if, at that time this resolution is ready for adoption by this Council, no objections are filed thereto or to said contract, then the Mayor and Clerk are hereby author- ized and directed to execute said con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque. Introduced and placed on file this 2nd day of September, 1930. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week, for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man McEvoy. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Councilman Jansen moved that the City Manager be authorized to order the Fire Department to tear down the dangerous walls on the A. A. Cooper property at the south- east corner of 3rd and Locust streets. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. 286 Special Session, Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. The City Manager to whom was referred the petition of Mr. Polsean for permission to construct a cement garage on Seminary street, reported that he viewed the place and also had an interview with Mr. Polsean. He does not think that the City. has right to refuse him a permit. How- ever, he will try to induce Mr. Pol- sean to remove some other old sheds which are located on his lot. The matter was left to the City Mana- ger. No motion was made. Report of the Plumbing Inspector and also of the Police Department for the month of August, 1930, were presented and approved. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the Acting Chief of the Fire Department's salary be fixed at $250.00 per month. Seconded by 'Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelflnger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schuckert. Councilman Jansen moved that the lam salary of the Secretary to the Chief of the Fire Department, and the sal- ary of (Captain) Storekeeper be fixed at $165.00 per month, each. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. City Manager stated that he had beeir approached. by parties who want to establish a miniature golf course on the 3rd floor of the Myers, Cox Building, at the north -west cor- ner of 4th and Iowa streets. The Council will investigate as to the ad- visability of allowing a golf course in said building in its present con- dition. No motion made. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1930 Adopted 1930 Councilmen: Attest: City Clerk. September 9th, 1930 CITY COUNCI L (Official) Special session, September 9th, 1930. Meeting called by order of Mayor Meuser and; , Councilman Andelfinger. Council met at 7:40 p. m. Present —City Manager Evans, Councilmen Meuser, Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy, Schuckert. Mayor Meuser read the call. NOTICE AND CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE To , Councilman: You are hereby notified and there is hereby called a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Du- buque, to be held at the City Hall in the Council Chamber, on Tuesday, September 9, 1930, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. At this meeting there will be considered for final adoption and ap- proval an ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance amending an ordinance entitled, 'An ordinance providing for an annual tax for the purpose of de- fraying the cost of street improve- ments in the City, and declaring an emergency', so as to effect a reduc- tion in the amount of annual taxes thereby provided for and declaring an emergency ", which ordinance has been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since September 2, 1930. Also for consideration and final adoption and approval of a reso- lution entitled, "A resolution amend- ing a resolution entitled, 'A resolu- tion providing for the issuance of Sixty Thousand Dollars, ($60,000) City Improvement Fund Bonds', so as to effect a reduction in the interest rate which the bonds thereby author- ized are to bear ", which ordinance has been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since Septem- ber 2, 1930. Also for consideration and adoption and approval of an ordi- nance entitled, "An ordinance amend- ing an ordinance entitled, 'An ordi- nance providing for the issuance of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars ($115,000 Sewer Bonds, provid- ing for the levy of taxes to pay the same and declaring an emergency', so as to effect a reduction in the in- terest rate which the bonds thereby authorized are to bear, and to effect a reduction in the amount of taxes provided for the payment of the prin- cipal and interest of said bonds, and declaring an emergency ", which has been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since September 2, 1930. Also for final consideration, adoption and approval of a resolution Special Session, September 9th, 1930 entitled, "Resolution providing for the sale and awarding of Sixty Thou- sand Dollars ($60,000) City Improve- ment Fund Bonds and approving and authorizing the agreement of such sale and awarding" which has been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since September 2, 1930. Also for consideration and final adop- tion and approval of a resolution amending a resolution providing for the sale and awarding of One Hun- dred Fifteen Thousand Dollars, ($115,000) Sewer Bonds and approv- ing and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award, which resolu- tion has been on file with the City Clerk for public inspection since Sep - temiber 2, 1930. At said meeting, there will also be transacted such other business as may properly come before a regu- lar meeting of said Council. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 8th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilman. An Ordinance having passed upon 1st and 2nd reading presented and read a third time. Ordinance No. 17 -30 AN ORDINANCE amending an ordi- nance entitled, "An ordinance pro- viding for an annual tax for the purpose of defraying the cost of street improvements in the City, and declaring an emergency ", so as to effect a reduction in the amount of annual taxes thereby provided for and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, under date of August 4, 1930, this City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, did enact an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance providing for an annual tax for the purpose of defraying the cost of street improvements in the City, and declaring an emergency ", and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and for the best interest of said City that the amount of taxes thereby provided for be reduced dur' respective years: _� NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordain- ed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, as follows: Section 1. That Section 1 of the ordinance referred to in the pre- amble thereof, be and the same is hereby amended to read: "Section 1. That in pursuance of Paragraph 3 of Section 6211 of the Code of Iowa there shall be and there is hereby levied and there shall be assessed and col- lected a direct annual tax upon all the taxable property within said City of five (5) mills on the dollar (or such portion thereof as may be necessary) upon said taxable property sufficient to pro- duce the net annual sums as hereinafter provided: Year of Levy 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Amount $ 3,825.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 2,550.00 7,443.75 12,125.00 11,700.00 11,2715.00 10,850.00 287 15,318.75 Section 2. That a certified copy of this amendatory ordinance be filed with the County Auditor of Dubuque County, and that said Auditor be and is hereby instructed in and for each of the years 1930 and 1945 inclusive, to levy and assess the amount of an- nual taxes as hereinbefore set out, in lieu of the amounts as provided by the original ordinance hereby amended, and a certified copy of which was filed in his office on Au- gust 6, 1930. Section 3. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts • thereof, insofar as same may be in conflict herewith, be and the same are here- by repealed, and that the ordinance hereby amended, as amended, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Section 4. That it is hereby found and declared that an emer- gency exists and that it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety that this ordinance 'become effective upon its passage, approval and publication, and it is so •ordered. Introduced September 2nd, 1930. Passed and approved Sept. 9th, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANiDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN , STUBER, City Clerk. Published officially in the Tele- graph- Herald & Times-Jonrnal news- paper Sept. 10th, 1930. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. 288 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y Schuckert. Nays —None. Whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance duly adopted. Resolution 'No. 305 -30 A RESOLUTION amending a resolu- tion entitled, "Resolution provid- ing for the issuance of $60,000 City Improvement Fund Bonds ", so as to effect a reduction in the inter- est rate which the bonds thereby authorized are to bear. WHEREAS, under date of August 4, 1930, this City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, did adopt a resolution entitled, "Res- olution providing for the issuance of $60,000 City Improvement Fund Bonds ", and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and for the best interests of said City that the bonds authorized by said resolution provide for the payment of interest at the rate of Four and One - quarter per cent (4 %) per an- num, instead of Four and One -half per cent (4 %) per annum, be amended: NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolv- ed by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, as follows: Section 1. That the resolution re- ferred to in the preamble hereof be and the same is hereby amended so as to provide for the issuance of the bonds thereby authorized, bearing interest at the rate of Four and One - quarter per cent (4 %) per annum, instead of Four and One -half per cent (4 %) per annum. Section 2. That the form of bond prescribed by Section 3 of the resolu- tion hereinbefore referred to, be and the same is hereby amended by in- serting immediately following the phrase, "Fourth day of August, 1930 ", the following: "As amended by reso- lution duly passed on the 9th day of Sept., 1930." Section 3. That all resolutions or parts thereof insofar as same may be in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed and that the resolution hereby amended, as amended, be and the sane is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Ihtroduced Sept. 2nd, 1930. Passed and approved Sept. 9th, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Recorded Sept. 10th, 1930. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y Schuckert. Nays —None. Whereupon the Mayor declared the resolution duly adopted. An Ordinance having passed upon 1st and 2nd reading, presented and read a third time. Ordinance No. 18-30 AN ORDINANCE amending an ordi- nance entitled, "An ordinance pro viding for the issuance of $115,000 Sewer Bonds, providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same and declaring an emergency ", so as to effect a reduction in the interest rate which the bonds thereby auth- orized are to bear, and to effect a reduction in the amount of taxes provided for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds, and declaring an emer- gency. WHEREAS, under date of August 4, 1930, this City Council of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, enacted an ordinance entitled, "An ordinance providing for the issuance of $115,000 Sewer Bonds, providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same and declaring an emergency ", and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and for the best interests of said City that the bonds thereby authorized be issued bearing interest at the' rate of Four and One - quarter per cent (4 %) per annum, instead of Four and One -half per cent (4 %) per annum; now, therefore, Be It Ordained by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, as follows: Section 1. That Section 1 of the ordinance referred to in the pre - amble hereof, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 1. That persuant to and as authorized by Section 6125 of the Code of Iowa, there shall be and there is hereby ordered is- sued the negotiable Sewer Bonds of said City of Dubuque in the prin- cipal amount of $115,000; said bonds to be 115 in number, dated July 15, 1930, bearing interest at the rate of Four and One - quarter per cent (4 %) per annum, from the date of said bonds until paid, payable semi - annually on the fif- Special Session, September 9th, 1930 289 teenth clays of January and July in each year; that said bonds be signed by the mayor and attested by the City Clerk and the seal of said City attached, and be regis- tered as to issuance by The City Treasurer and a certificate of such registration endorsed thereon: that interest on said bonds be evidenced by coupons thereto attached and maturing on the several days when such interest matures, which cou- pons shall be executed with the facsimile signatures of said offi- cials, and said Mayor and City Clerk, by the execution of said bonds, shall adopt as and for their proper signatures, their respective facsimile signatures appearing on said coupons; and that both princi- pal and interest be payable in law- ful money of the United 'States of America, at the office of the City Treasurer in and of the City of Du- buque, Iowa; that said bonds be of the denomination of $1,000 each, be numbered consecutively from 1 to 115, both numbers included, be- come due and payable in their nu- merical order as follows: $5,000 on July 15 of each of the years 1938 and 1941 inclusive; $10,000 on July 15, 1942; $15,000 on July 15, 1943; $20,000 on July 15, 1944; $25,000 on July 15 of each of the years 1945 and 1946." Section 2. That Section 5 of the ordinance referred to in the preamble hereof, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 5. That for the pur- pose of providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principal thereof at maturity, therebe and there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property in said City in each of the years while said bonds or any of them are outstanding, a tax sufficient for that purpose, and in furtherance of this provision but not in limitation thereof that there be and there is hereby levied on all the taxable property in said City the following direct annual tax, to -wit: For the year 1930, a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $7331.25, being $2443.75 to reimburse cur- rent funds for advancements to pay interest, due January 15, 1930, and $4887.00 for interest; For each of the years 1931 to 1936 inclusive a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $4887.00 each year for interest; For the year 1937 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $9781.25 for principal and interest; For the year 1938 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $9568.75 for principal and interest; For the year 1939 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $9356.25 for principal and interest; For the year 1940 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $9143.75 for principal and interest; For the year 1941 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $13,825.00 for principal and interest; For the year 1942 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $18,293.75 for principal and interest; For the year 1943 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $22,550.00 for principal and interest; For the year 1944 a tax sufficient to produce the sum of $26,593. 75 for principal and interest; For the year 1945 a tax sufficient to produce prior to July 15, 1946. the sum of $25,531.25 for prin- cipal and interest. Said taxes when collected shall be converted into a special fund for the payment of principal and interest of the bonds hereby auth- orized and no other purpose what- soever. That the principal or interest coming due at any time when there are insufficient funds on hand to pay the same, be promptly paid when due from current funds on hand, and reimbursement be made to such current funds in the sums thus advanced when the taxes herein provided shall have been collected." Section 3. That a certified copy of this amendatory ordinance be filed with the County Auditor of Du- buque County, and that said Audi- tor be and is hereby instructed in and for each of the years 1930 to 1945 inclusive, to levy and assess the amount of annual taxes as herein - before set out, in lieu of the amounts as provided by the original ordinance hereby amended, and a certified copy of which was filed in his office on August 6, 1930. Section 4. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts thereof, insofar as same may be in conflict herewith, be and the same are here- by repealed, and that the ordinance hereby amended, as amended, be and the same is hereby in all re- spects ratified and confirmed. Section 5. That it is hereby found and declared that an emergency exists and that it is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety that this ordinance become effective upon its passage, approval and publication, 290 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 291 and it is so ordered. Introduced September 2, 1930. Passed and approved Sept 9th, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Published officially in the Tele- graph - Herald and Times - Journal newspaper Sept. 10th, 1930. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy Schuckert. Nays —None. Whereupon the Mayor declared the Ordinance duly adopted. Dubuque, Iowa, Aug. 26, 1930. Honorable City Treasurer, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: For your $60,000 44% Improve- ment Bonds and $115,000 41/4% Sew- er Bonds, to be issued under date of July 15, 1930, principal and semi- annual interest to be payable at City Treasurer's office, principal matur- ing as advertised in notice of sale, we will pay you par value and ac- crued interest and a premium of $2675.00. Prior to taking up and paying for said securities you are to furnish us with a complete certified transcript of the legal proceedings, evidencing the legality of the issue to the satis- faction of Chapman & Cutler, togeth- er with their final approving opinion thereon. The necessary lithographed bonds are to be furnished by The White- Phillips Co. We hand you herewith certified check for $2100.00, to be held by you pending faithful performance of this agreement; said check to be forth- with applied as part payment of said legally issued securities if delivered to us in accordance with the terms of said agreement, or is to be re- turned to us upon demand if the agreement is not completed accord- ing to its terms, or should the legal- ity of said securities be not approved by said attorneys. In case of our failure to carry out the terms of said agreement, said check is to be full, complete and agreed liquidated damages. Delivery of the securities to be made to us on or about September 15, 1930. Respectfully submitted, THE WHITE - PHILLIPS CO., INC. By C. N. Stutz. The above and foregoing proposi- tion is hereby accepted this 26th day of August, 1930, and the undersigned being authorized to contract, we agree to deliver the above securities to THE WHITE - PHILLIPS COM- PANY, INC., Davenport, Iowa, as above provided. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IA., OTTO F. PULS, City Treasurer WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor Attest: JOHN STUBER, • City Clerk Resolution No. 306 -30 RESOLUTION providing for the sale and award of $60,000 City Im- provement Fund Bonds and ap- proving and authorizing the agree- ment of such sale and award. WHEREAS, notice of sale of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) City .Im- provement Fund Bonds of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, has heretofore been given in strict compliance with the provisions of Chapter 63 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, by publication of notice for two or more successive weeks in one of the official newspapers of Dubuque County; and WHEREAS, all bids have been re- ceived and placed on file, after which open bids were called for and re- ceived as follows: , and thereafter such sealed bids were opened, the substance of the best sealed bid be- ing as follows: par. accrued interest and a premium of 917.04; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That upon being ad- vised in the premises, it is hereby determined that the bid of White Phillip Co. for the purchase of said Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000) City Improvement Fund Bonds, dated July 15, 1930, is the highest and best bid received and that said bonds be and the same are hereby awarded to said White Phillips Co. Section 2. That the form of agree- ment of sale of said bonds to White Phillips Co., be and the same is here- by approved, and the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are here- by authorized to execute said agree- ment for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and to affix the corporate seal of said City thereto. Section. 3. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict here- with be and the sane are hereby re- pealed. Introduced and filed Sept. 2nd, 1930. Passed and approved Sept. 9th, 1930. WM. H: MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Resolution No. 307 -30 RESOLUTION providing for the sale and award of $115,000 Sewer Bonds and approving and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award: WHEREAS, notice of sale of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($115,000) Sewer Bonds of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, has 'heretofore been given in strict compliance with the provisions of Chapter 63 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, by publication of notice for two or more successive weeks in one of the official newspapers of Dubuque County; and WHEREAS, all sealed bids have been received and placed on file, after which open bids were called for and received as followes: , and there- after such- sealed bids were opened, the substance of the best sealed bid being as follows: par. accrued inter- est and a premium of $1759.96; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That upon being ad- vised in the premises, it is hereby determined that the bid of White Phillip Co. for the purchase of said One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Dol- lars ($115,000) Sewer Bonds, dated July 15, 1930, is the highest and best bid received, and that said bonds be and the same are hereby awarded to said White Phillips Co. Section 2. That the form of agree- ment of sale of said bonds to White Phillips Co., be and the sane is here- by approved, and the Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are here- by authorized to execute said agree- ment for and on behalf of the City Of Dubuque, Iowa, and to affix the corporate seal of said City thereto. Section 3. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby re- pealed. Introduced and filed Sept. 2nd, 1930. Passed and approved Sept. 9th, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER; City Clerk. Resolution No. 295 -30 Awarding contract for the improv- ing of Algona street from the north property line of West Fourteenth street to the south property line of Delaware street, by grading said street to the proper sub- grade, con - structing concrete sidewalks, drive- ways, down -spout drains and con - crete curb where necessary and pav- ing same with a concrete pavement thirty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb, if contract is let on that basis, to the James F. Lee Paving Co., hav- ing been approved and on file for one week for public inspection, pre - sented for, final. adoption. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Mouser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 296 Resolution awarding contract for the improving of Algona street from . the south property line of Delaware street to the south property line of Dexter street, by grading said street to . the proper. sub- grade, construct- ing concrete sidewalks, driveways and concrete curb where necessary and paving same with a concrete pavement thirty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb if contract is let on that basis to the James F. Lee Pav- ing Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public in- spection, presented for final adop- tion. Councilman . Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy, Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. ' Nays —None. Resolution No. 297 -30 Resolution awarding contract for the improving of Auburn street from the north property line of W. Four- teenth street to the south property line of Dexter street, by grading said 1 292 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 street to the proper sib - grade, clear- ing and grubbing, constructing con- crete sidewalks, driveways and pav- ing said street with a concrete pave- ment thirty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb if contract is awarded on that basis, to the James F. Lee Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion, presented for final adoption. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the. resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays—None. Resolution No. 298 Resolution awarding contract for the improving of Wood street from the north property line of West 14th street to the south property line of Rosedale avenue, by grading said street to the proper sub - grade, constructing concrete driveways, sidewalk drains, sidewalks, concrete curb where necessary, and paving same with a concrete pavement thir- ty -one (31) feet wide and six (6) inches thick with integral curb or by resetting and replacing old stone curb, if contract is let on that basis, to the James F. Lee Paving Co., hav- ing been approved and on file for one week for public inspection, presented for final adoption. Councilman Jansen moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schuckert. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 299 -30 Resolution awarding contract for the construction of a six (6) inch sanitary sewer in Quigley Lane and Catherine street from the manhole in Lot 16 of Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 southerly across said lot in City right of way and in Catherine street to the north line of Lot 2 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 711 and easterly across Lots 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 to man- hole in Quigley's Lane, thence east in Quigley Lane one hundred thirty - two feet (132') and west eighty -nine feet (89'). Also a fifteen (15) inch storm sewer from the storm sewer in West Locust street Southerly in the east eight feet (8'), Lot 15 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 one hundred fifty -six feet (156'), thence a twelve inch (12 ") line southerly forty -eight (48') feet to Catherine street and a twelve (12) inch line easterly across Lots 17- 18- 20 -21 -22 Quigley's Sub. of Out Lot 710 to Quigley's Lane, to Cook and Kean, having been ap- proved and on file for one week for public inspection, presented for final adoption. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman ISchuckert. 'Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays--None. Contract Whereas Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club, has caused to be installed in the Munici- pal Athletic Field, electrical fixtures, equipment, and appurtenances which are used and useable for any and all purposes and events that may be held and conducted at night upon said premises and this Council deems it advisable that such electrical equipment, fixtures, and appurten- ances should be the property of the City of Dubuque and to that end has arranged with said Fred Leiser to purchase all of his title, right, and interest in and to the same for the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hun- dred and Fifty Dollars ($4,850.00), to be paid as herein provided, NOW THEREFORE: It is agreed between the parties hereto that in consideration of the payment by the City of Dubuque to said Fred Leiser of the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($4,850.00), in the manner herein stated said Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club hereby sells, assigns, and by these presents, conveys to said City of Du- buque all and singular the electrical fixtures, equipment, and appurten- ances thereto belonging and in any manner connected therewith, now located upon and installed in the Municipal Athletic Field, it being agreed that payment therefore shall be made as follows: Two Thdusand Four Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($2,425.00) on or before April 1, 1931 and a similiar sum on or before April 1, 1932, such payments to be without interest. It is further agreed between the parties hereto that, upon the execu- tion of this contract by and between them, the title and ownership of such equipment, fixtures, and appurten- ances shall immediately vest in said City of Dubuque and said Fred Leiser does hereby agree, and he shall be obliged to, that prior to the final exe- cution of this instrument, to file with the City Clerk of said City vouchers Special Session, September 9th, 1930 293 from all persons, firms, or corpora- tions, who have furnished labor and, or materials in any manner connect- ed with the installation of said elec- trical equipment, fixtures and appur- tenances as evidence of the fact that such labor and materials have been fully paid and that no claims or liens therefore exist, it being agreed that such electrical equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances are to be sold and assigned to said City of Dubuque free and clear of all claims or liens there- on of every character. This contract shall be executed in duplicate, the Mayor and Clerk of said City having been duly author- ized by proper resolution of the City Council to execute the same on be- half of said City of Dubuque. Dated this 9th day of September, 1930. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. FRED LEISER. Resolution No. 300 -30 Whereas an agreement has been reached between Fred Leiser, owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club and the City of Dubuque for the purchase of electrical equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances, heretofore installed in the Municipal Athletic Field by said Fred Leiser, as owner of the Du- buque Base Ball Club and a contract has been prepared covering the terms of payment therefore, which contract is now on file with the Clerk of said City: NOW THERE- FORE, Be is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that said contract be and the same is hereby approved and ordered placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for public inspection for not less than one week and it, at that time this resolution is ready for adoption by this Council, no objections are filed thereto or to said contract, then the Mayor and Clerk are hereby author- ized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the'City of Du- buque. flitroduced and placed on file this 2nd day of September, 1930. Passed, adopted, and approved this 9th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GDO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman McEvoy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Reports of the City Auditor, City Treasurer and the City Waterworks for the month of August, 1930, pre- sented for approval. Councilman McEvoy moved that the reports be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas— MMayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of E. and B. Linehan re- questing that they be allowed to re- pair their sidewalk in front of and adjoining their property, Lot 45 Cor- riell's Addition, by raising all the low spots and any other repairs that may be necessary. Councilman McEvoy moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by 'Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of the Pastor and Trustees of the Holy Trinity Church, asking that the Council permit them to in- stall two single light standards of artistic design at the curb abutting Holy Trinity property and make a further request that after such stand- ards are erected, that the Council furnish such equipment with current for the illumination of the same. All the undersigned ask for is that the City provide the lighting equip- ment with current when these lights are installed, the undersigned are very anxious to install this equip- ment without delay. Sigped by Rev. John B. Meyer, Pastor, A. J. Johnson, Geo. Hatzenbuhler, G. Scherrer, E. T. Frith, John Neyens, Trustees. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor (Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of Louis Korn, Jr., asking for a permit to peddle fruit and veg- etables, without procuring a license therefor, being a World War veteran, and furthermore that the vegetables are mostly home grown. 294 Special Session, September 9th, 193G Councilman Jansen moved that the petition he referred to the City Mana- ger for, investigation and, report. Seconded by 'Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Petition of the Retail Food Dis- tributers, objecting to the Auto Van operated by Frank F. Burlingame and Lester Wendt, stopping for hours at a time on the streets in Du- buque, in front of business houses and selling sandwiches and other commodities in competition with the same. Councilman McEvoy moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor for investigation. Seconded by Council- man Andelfjnger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor .Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. September 6, 1930 To the Honorable Mayor, City Council and City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The following is the list of claims for which warrants were drawn dur- ing the month of August, 1930. Respectfully submitted, FRED GANTERT, •City Auditor. Dr. W. J, Connell, Auto Main- tenance 10.00 J. Scharry, Auto Maintenance 30.00 G. J. McCarthy, Feeding Pri- soners 49.80 Dubuque Community Band, Concerts 400.00 H. Ternes, Postmaster, Post- 24.07 age C. R. Nelson, Auto Mainte- nance 15.00 B. M. Joy, Auto Maintenance 30.00 B. M. Joy, Superintendent Playgrounds E. E. Frith, Garbage Con- tract 1,500.00 Iowa League of Municipalities 50.00 T. Barrett, Vacation Judge 37.50 J. W. Long, State Auditor 1,237.08 E. Wood, Band Concerts 200.00 J. Nolen, Planning & Zoning Cont. 500.00 G. F. Kleith Sons, Supplies 96.10 T. 'Byrne, Rounding Corners 666.00 Ill. Central Ry., Freight 1.10 J. W. Giellis, Travel Expense 69.50 Visual Instruction Service, Supplies 12.05 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co., 115.81 45.88 Walsh Tent & Awning Co , Supplies 9.00 Hartman Furniture Co., Sup- plies 134.10 P. R. Martin, Supplies 12.60 Berwanger & Feye, Auto Maintenance 30.00 Remington -Rand, Supplies 4.17 H. Goebell, Supplies 8.75 Higley Chemical Co., Supplies 15,00 R. J. Burke, Plumbing Re- pairs 2.35 F. J. Kennedy, Sheriff, Feed- ing Prisoners 112.95 Dubuque Service Bureau, Re- ports 5.00 Watkins Sign System, Sup- plies 28.00 Mathey Chevrolet Co., 'Main- tenance 9.00 Weis Oldsmobile Co., Mainte- nance 3.45 Excelsion Motor Co., Supplies 16.07 Heitzman Meat Market, Sup- plies 3.85 Myers - Graham, Co., Mainte- nance .75 G. Book, Auto Maintenance 7.25 Martin.Strelau Co., Supplies 44.30 Geisler Bros., Auto Mainte- nance 1.00 Lemper & Genz .90 Turbine Sewer Machine Co., Supplies 5.34 A. Y. McDonald Co., Supplies 12.61 Swords Bros. Co., Supplies 71.40 J. F. Lee Co., Rent Equipment 4.38 W. D. Deckert Co., Auto Main- tenance 9.10 LaPlante Choate Co., Mainte- nance 50.68 Austin Western Road Mach. Co., Supplies 1.03 Lantzky -Allen Shoe Co., Sup- plies 11.00 H. B. McCarten, Maintenance Streets 8.70 F. L. Deckert Co:, Supplies 1.00 Superior Supply Co., Supplies Roller 18.30 Ingersoll -Band, Inc., Supplies 15.03 Spahn & Rose Lbr. Co., Sup- plies 11.68 E. G. Henschel, Supplies .45 Indiana Truck Corp., Supplies 15.02 Elgin Street Sweeper Co , Supplies 270.63 The Adams Co., Supplies 5.85 Motive Parts Co., Supplies 10.64 International Harvester Co , Supplies 6.84 Municipal Supply Co., Supples 28.26 Voights4Mulroy Co., Supplies. 90.00 Tri -State Adv. Service, Sup- plies 18.75 C. Beck, Care of Town Clock 7.50 Telegraph- Herald, Printing 446.92 Henney Motor Co., Supplies 1.25 Dubuque Foundry Corp., Sup- plies 70.00 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 T. E. Higgins, Boulevard Light 226.05 Klauer Mfg. Co., Supplies 55.70 E. J. Boggenthaler 'Co., Sup- plies Rainbo Oil Co., Supplies Standard Oil Co., Supplies F. M. Paull, Inc., Supplies Mid - Continent Pet. Corp., Sup- plies 39.06 Healey Hardware Store, Sup - plies 1.99 Midwest Timmermann Co , Supplies 13.66 Kelly Tire Sales Co., Supplies 232.68 Dubuque Auto Top Co., Sup- plies 22.52 Phillips Pet. Co., Suplies 483.99 Dubuque Stone Products Co , 'Supplies 429.46 Molo Sand & Gravel Co., Sup- plies 127.40 Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co , Supplies 673.00 General Sportcraft Co., Sup - plies Hartig Drug Co., Supplies Western Grocer Co., Supplies McCollins Transfer Co., Dray- age Buettell Bros., Supplies Rider - Wallis Co., Supplies J. S. 'Latta, Inc., Supplies Birndorff Bros., Supplies Upton's Laundry, Service . Postal Telegraph Co., Tele- grams 1.19 Midwest Lumber Co., Sup- plies C. F. Cody Co., Supplies F. W. Coates, Ins. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Wks , Supplies 35.00 Fitzpatrick Sport Goods Co , Supplies Healey's Hardware Store, Supplies Hoermann Press, Supplies Mullen Bros. Co., 'Supplies Dubuque Paper & Supply Co , Supplies 6.00 Dubuque Lumber & Coal , Co , Supplies Hill- Standard Co., Supplies Underwood Typewriter Co , Supplies 15.00 Key City Decorative Glass Works, Supplies 3.45 Model Wall Paper Co., Sup- plies 18.13 W. D. Deckert Co., Supplies 12.90 E. P. Smith Electric Co., Sup- plies E. Millius, Supplies Hoermann Press, Supplies E. J. Voggenthaler, Supplies C. O. D. Laundry, Service Mathis - Moffatt 'Co., Supplies Mulligan Battery & Electric Co. 25.60 1.85 155.11 642.14 .20 18.48 6.90 11.75 12.00 3.11 45.25 4.42 6.60 16.14 6.69 5.49 21.36 87.10 16.87 10.60 23.12 43.47 40.00 47.87 1.55 16.50 1.70 3.84 32.60 Heeb Co., Supplies C. F. Cody Co., Supplies J. I. Holcomb Mfg. 'Co., Sup- plies G. F. Kleih Sons, Supplies Universal Car & Tracter Co , Supplies Fitzpatrick Sport Goods Co , Supplies Farley & Loetscher Co., Sup- plies Jas. 'Beach & Sons, Supplies Dubuque Medical Clinic, Ser- vices Schroeder - Kleine Grocer Co , 'Supplies Chicago Oxygen Gas Co., Sup- plies 12.58 Dubuque Auto Top Co., Sup- plies 39.24 Key City Gas Co., Service 38.30 Belsky Motor Co., Supplies 413.26 Crescent Electric Co., Sup- plies 127.51 Gamewell Co., Supplies 217.77 Iowa Oil Co., Supplies 285.52 P. J. Seippel Lumber Co., Sup- plies 1.00 Buettell Bros., Supplies 16.16 Orne Electric Co., Supplies 9.40 National Refining Co., Sup- plies 12.75 City Water Works, Water Rates 134.85 B. & G. Battery & Electric Co., Supplies 14.60 Union Printing Co. 199.00 F. M. Jaeger Co., Supplies 14.07 Jas. Saul & Son, Grading 249.05 Interstate Power Co., Light 5,569.38 G. C. Rath & Sons, Supplies 56.33 Finley Hospital, Laboratory Service 100.00 Kenline, Roedell, Hoffman & Tierney, Personal injury claim L. Theis Est. 500.00 Otto F. Puls, Petty Cash 8.39 F. X. Lange, Easement 150.00 Payrolls General Administra- tion 4,877.91 Payrolls Police 5 920.78 Payrolls Firemen 8 864.04 Payrolls Recreation 2 792.50 Payrolls Labor Streets 5 184.78 Payrolls Sewers 1062.55 Payrolls Garage 639.50 Payrolls Fire Alarm System 488.00 Payrolls Ambulance Drivers 158.64 Park Orders 2,668.94 Library Orders 2 531.84 Police Pension 638.00 Fire Pension 1 309.50 Dup. Bond Interest 193.99 Special Bond Improvements 2,775.11 Regular Bond Interest 186.25 Dock Bond Interest 290.00 WATER WORKS CLAIMS Dubuque Foundry Corp., Sup- plies 253.10 Addressograph Co., Supplies 2.36 295 24.72 122.38 47.74 25.50 10.74 10.65 4.90 9.15 5.00 10.39 296 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 American Cast Iron Pipe Co , Supplies 1,610.32 Belsky Motor Co., Supplies 4.00 Buettell Bros. Co., Supplies 1.70 F. W. Coates, Ins. Prem. 3.00 C. F. Cody Co., Supplies 2.00 Dubuque Clean Towel Ser- vice, Supplies 3.00 Dubuque Powder Co., Sup- plies 3.39 Electro Bleaching Gas Co , Supplies 28.10 Ellis & Ford Mfg. Co., Sup- plies 2.12 General Electric Co., Supplies 4.99 Hauck Mfg. Co., Supplies 41.22 Interstate Power Co., Power, Etc. 2,418.45 Iowa Oil Co., Supplies 11.39 Iowa Valve Co., Supplies 112.48 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Supplies . 3.70 Key City Iron Works, Sup- plies 32.91 G. F. Kleih Sons, Supplies .90 Kretschmer - Tredway Co , Supplies 5.53 Mabbs Hydraulic Pack. Co., Supplies 9.19 Martin - Strelau Co., Drayage.. 17.05 Mathey Chevrolet Co., Sup - plies .25 Model Wall Paper Co., Sup- plies 3.00 National Refining Co., Sup- plies 1.66 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co. 24.05 F. M. Paull, Inc. 1.16 Pittsburgh Motor Co., Sup- plies 10.07 Quality Oil Co., Supplies 1.00 Roshek Bros. Co., Supplies 22.00 J. W. Long, State Auditor, Audit Tropical Paint & Oil Co., Sup- plies Union Printing Co., Supplies. E. J. Voggenthaler Co., Sup- plies Water Works Engineering Sub. Water Works Sinking Fund Transfer 2 700.00 Superintendent's Vouchers 220.60 H. Ternes, Postmaster, Post- age 224.80 City of Dubuque, Department Charges 240.63 Payrolls for month 3,756.19 Councilman Schuckert moved that the claims be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Resolution No. 308-30 Whereas former City Manager, O. A. Kratz, has resigned his position 64.75 12.64 128.00 .75 3.00 with the City of Dubuque and, in order to secure a return of premium upon the bond furnished for said City Manager, it is necessary to cancel and surrender said bond: NOW THEREFORE, Be is resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, that said bond of said O. A. Kratz be and the same is hereby released and the sure- ty thereon, the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, be and the same is hereby released from liabil- ity thereunder subsequent to August 5, 1930. Be it further resolved that the City Manager be and he is hereby directed to secure return premium on said bond from said Surety Com- pany. Passed, adopted, and approved this 9th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSDR, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANOELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, • Schuckert. Nays -None. NOTICE OF PERSONAL INJURY Gertrude J. Bonnet vs. City of Dubuque, Iowa. TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IA., ITS HONORABLE MAYOR, CITY . MANAGER AND CITY COUN- CIL: You and each of you are hereby notified that on July 12, A. D., 1930, the undersigned, claimant, Gertrude J. Bonnet, who resides in the Town of Menominee, Jo Daviess County, Illinois, sustained personal injury due to the negligence of said City of Dubuque, in permitting a defective condition to exist and remain in the sidewalk at the Northeast Corner of 12th, and Iowa Streets, in front of the Hansen Building, which building is occupied by Joe Baule, which de- fective condition caused claimant to fall and injure her left knee and leg, by breaking the cartilege and tearing the ligaments of her left knee, and since such date she has been under and is now under the care of Dr. M. J. Moes of the Du- buque Clinic, Dubuque, Iowa, for such injury. Such injuries were caused by the negligence of the City Special Session, September 9th, 1930 297 in permitting the side walk at such point to be in a rough and uneven condition and in permitting the octa- gonal blocks of which such sidewalk was constructed to be of uneven level, part of them being in a sunken condition and part of them being raised so that the joints were un- even. By reason of such injuries claim- ant says she has been damaged in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, and demands payment of the same. FRANK L. SHEEAN, Attorney for Claimant, 'Galena, Illinois. GERTRUDE J. BONNET, Claimant, R. D., East Dubuque, Ill. Councilman Schuckert moved that the notice of claim be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Coun- cilman McEvoy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Petition of residents on Muscatine Burlington and Davenport streets asking that a santiary sewer be in- stalled in said streets. Signed by Wm. Tennesen, Chas. Riedi, Martin Riedi et al (20 signers). Councilman Schuckert moved that the petition be referred to the Coun- cil to view the grounds. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, Mc E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Petition of Druggists and Confec- tioners, asking that the Ordinance requiring a license fee of $10.00 for the privilege of selling Ice Cream and Sodawater, by said Druggists and Confectioners be amended so as to include all retailers of Ice Cream and Soda Water or else have said Ordinance rescinded. Signed by John Schaetzle, A. J. Trapp, John G. Becker, et al (24 signers). Councilman Schuckert moved that the petition be referred to the Coun- cil for consideration. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Ordinance No. 19 -30 An Ordinance vacating the easterly 25 ft. in width of Pine street from the south line of East 8th street to the south line of Lot 18 of Block 14 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and granting and conveying said vacated portion of Pine street to the Interstate Pow- er Company, its successors and as- signs, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Jansen. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Councilman Schuckert moved that the rules requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be suspended. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. The Ordinance was read a second time. Councilman ' Schuckert moved that this be considered the second read- ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. CQNTRACT Articles of Agreement are hereby entered into by and between the City of Dubuque, a municipal cor- poration of Iowa, as party of the first part, hereinafter called the own- er, and John Gras as party of the second part, hereinafter called the purchaser, with and under the fol- lowing terms to -wit: Whereas the first party is the own- er of Lot No. 67, Stafford's Addition to the City of Dubuque, to which Lot it will acquire title by a tax deed to be issued from the County Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iowa, and said second party has offered to purchase said Lot from said City for the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, ($400), which sum this Council deems to be a reasonable and fair price there- fore: NOW THEREFORE, • The said first party, as owner, hereby agrees to sell, and the second party, as purchaser, hereby agrees to buy, Lot No. 67, Stafford's Addition to the City of Dubuque for the agreed price of Four Hundred Dollars, ($400), said sum to be paid as fol- lows: Upon the execution of this instru- ment said purchaser will pay to the owner the sum of Seventy -five Dol- lars, ($75) in cash and the remainder of said purchase price, to -wit: Three 298 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 Hundred Twenty -five Dollars, ($325) shall be paid in six annual equal in- stallments of Fifty -four dollars seven- teen cents, ($54.17), each, with inter- est at the rate of five per cent (5 %) upon the unpaid balance remaining due at the end of any one year, it being agreed, however, that the pur- chaser shall have the priviledge of paying the whole amount remaining unpaid at any time or of making larg- er payments than are herein speci- fied. The owner agrees to cause to be executed a quick claim deed of said premises to the purchaser, his suc- cessors or assigns, when and if said purchaser pays the whole amount of the contract price with interest as herein provided for, the express un- derstanding being, however, that de- mand for the execution of said deed cannot be made until after December 15, 1930. As a further consideration for said sale, the second party agrees to tear down or repair the existing building located on said premises so that the same will cease to be a dangerous or unsightly structure. This agreement is made in dupli- cate and the Mayor and Clerk of said City have been authorized to execute the same on behalf of said City by resolution of its Council. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 2nd day of September, 1930. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. JOHN STUBER, Clerk. JOHN GRAS. Resolution No. 309 -30 Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the sale of Lot No. 67 (67) Stafford's Addition to the City of Du- buque which is hereto attached and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby affirmed and approved and the Mayor and Clerk are hereby di- rected to execute the same on behalf of said City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted, and approved, this 9th day of September, 1930. . WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCI {ERT, M. B. AND'ELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 325 -30 Be is Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the re- quest of Fred Leiser, as owner of the Dubuque Base Ball Club, for a lease for a period of three years of the Municipal Athletic Field be and the same is hereby granted and the lease which has been•prepared and is hereto attached and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby approved. Be it further resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby directed to execute said lease on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted, and approved, this 9th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman Jansen. Car- ried by the following vote. Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 8, 1930 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The following decisions were given to the various questions considered by the City Council on the inspection tour of the City Saturday afternoon, September 6th. (1) At the location of the pro- posed miniature golf course at the Myers -Cox building at Iowa and 4th Streets, approval of Council was tent- atively given to the owner with the provision that the following safety steps should be taken and completed at an early date. (a) Seal up the present opening be- tween the stairway and the east wall of the steps leading from the second to third floor in order to prevent lighted cigarettes from being thrown underneath stairs. (b) Owner to purchase and install a counterweight outside stairway from near the middle of third floor of building to sidewalk at 4th Street. Lower the present moveable sec- tion of the fire escape on both (c) Special Session, September 9th, 1930 Iowa Street and the alley be- tween Main and Iowa Streets to such a point that the lowest rung will be approximately eight feet from ground level. (d) Wire movable section fast to the section cannot be dropped to fixed section so that movable ground and made useless. (2) It was decided that the steps leading from Dorgan Place to Madi- Son Street be removed. (3) At the intersection of Laun- dale Avenue and Park Street it was noted that a present street standard was bent and should be straightened. Il nstructions have been given the Street Department to make this re- pair. (4) At the same intersection, namely Laundale and Park Street, the Council approved the former re- quest of residents at this location for a new street lamp. Accordingly re- quest to the Interstate Power Com- pany has been made this day order- ing an new 250 C. P. street lamp at this intersection. (5) At the railroad crossings of the Chicago Great Western Railroad at 20th, 21st, 22nd and 24th Streets the City Engineer and City Manager were instducted to notify the rail- road company of the complaints that have been filed with the City Coun- cil regarding the lack of proper side- walk facilities and the narrow street pavements existing at the above crossings. Accordingly a letter has been written to Mr. Harry Bauer, agent at Dubuque, requesting an im- mediate appointment to go over these needed crossing improvements. (6) At the southwest corner of the intersection of West 3rd and Hill Streets the curb return was deemed inadequate. The City Council in- structed the City Engineer and City Manager to proceed with the proper widening of this corner. (7) The alley between Nevada and Booth Streets north of West 3rd Street was ordered to be scraped and rolled in order to remove objec- tions of the property owners living thereon. Accordingly instructions have been given the Street Depart- ment today to 'proceed with this work. (8) At the alley first south of West 5th Street from Summitt to Burch Streets, the Council decided that in relation to the petition of property owners living thereon that no work should be done at this loca- tion until worse conditions in the City had been remedied. (9) The Manager was instructed to notify the Playground Commission of the availability of a City Lot for 299 playground purposes in the 1931 pro- gram at the northwest corner of Booth and Dodge Streets. (10) At the east end of Cleveland Avenue the Council deemed it nec- essary to install a protective device against a motorist proceeding east - wardly beyond the circle on Cleve- land Avenue and dropping over the wall embankment. Accordingly the plan suggested of installing 6" x 6" x 8' posts spaced five feet centers through which a cable with anchors or deadmen would be installed at either end of the cable guard was turned over to the Street Depart- ment today with instructions to pro- ceed. (11) It was noted by the Council that several globes in the Cleveland Avenue Park east of Cleveland Ave- nue were broken. Instructions were given to the Electrical Inspector this day to install'new globes. (12) On Villa Street at the retain- ing wall at the east edge thereof it was noticed that new cracks had de- veloped. Accordingly the Street De- partment have been instructed today to proceed with the filling of all pre- sent and former cracks for the pur- pose of preventing water getting in behind the wall. (13) The complaint of Dr. Hag- gerty and another property owner on Bluff Street between 14th and 15th Streets in regard to the light on the new standard recently placed at the foot of steps leading upward from Bluff Street was next considered. It was decided to install a shield or paint the globe of this new standard in such a way that the light from same would not interfere with the two property owners while they were using their front porches. Accord- ingly the Electrical Inspector has been instructed to paint a spot on either side of this globe to prevent a diffusion of light toward these two porches. (14) At the Sacred Heart School playground it was decided to scrape and level ' up the field, cut weeds and place "No Rubbish" signs on said playground. Accordingly the Street Department has been so instructed. (15) Bacation of Bellevue Street was considered as requested by Mr. John Theobald The City Engineer was instructed to secure a petition signed by all property owners on said street whose interests would be af- fected by the vacation. (16) Consideration was given to- ward the hazardous condition of the storm sewer system at Shiras Street and Lincoln Avenue. Two property owners were interviewed at this lo- cation and it was decided to ascer- 1 1 300 Special Session, September 9th, 1930 tain whether or not a former offer of Mr. Paul Braun would still be con- sidered by him to do the excavating for the necessary eight foot storm sewer pipe at his expense on the north sidewalk space on Shiras Street from the present sewer east of Lincoln Avenue about 1300 ft. westwardly to the present sewer crossing on Shiras Street. The En- gtneer was instructed to prepare estimates and plans if Mr. Braun would cooperate. (17) The proposed Valley Street sewer between Mt. Loretta Avenue and Southern Avenue was inspected by the Council, decision was made to receive and file acception. Motion passed that corners on Dorgan Street and West 17th Street be rounded. We bring these matters to your attention and ask that approval be given to the above actions of the City Manager in authorizing imme- diate action on certain of these im- provements and repairs. Your at- tention is also directed to the mat- ters that we believe were not defi- nitely decided at your afternoon tour of the City. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman Schuckert moved that the report be made a matter of re- cord. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Evoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman McEvoy moved that the bill for the Plumbing repairs at the Armory amounting to $34.80 be paid. Seconded by Councilman Jan- sen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councihnen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman McEvoy moved that City Manager Evans and one member of the City Council be authorized to attend the 'Convention of the Upper Mississippi Valley Shippers Associa- tion to be held at Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 16th, 1930. Seconded by Coun- cilman Jansen. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman McEvoy moved that the Water Works Buildings be re- paired and painted as recommended by the City Manager and the Super- intendent of the Water Works. Sec- onded by Councilman Jansen. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman Schuckert moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wishes to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Mr. B. Ruegnitz addressed the Council relative to the petition of the Druggists and Confectioners relative to the petition on the License fee of $10.00. Mr. Harlan Melchior, Geo. McLean et al addressed the Council relative to installing Boulevard lights on Seminary Street from Avoca Street to Clarke College, stressing on the necessity of lights in this district and urging the Council to take steps to have them installed. 'Mayor Meuser explained to the Committee that there is no appropri- ation made for these lights, in the Budget and furthermore that the funds for the light system are very low, and that the Council can not see its way clear to install these lights at this time. Councilman Andelfinger moved that steps should be taken to have the Interstate Power Co install 20 lights in this neighborhood, one -half to burn to midnight and the other half to burn all night. There was no second to his motion. There being no further business Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1930. Adopted • 1930. Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. • • 302 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of receipt of proposals for the con- struction of sewer, water and gas connections on the improvement of Algona Street from the South prop- erty line of Delaware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday, September 22nd, 1930, for the in- stalling of sewer, water and gas con- nections in and along Algona Street from the south property line of Dela- ware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the installing of sewer and water con- nections be awarded to Curtis - Straub Company as their bid was the lowest one received and the contract for the installing of gas connections be awarded to the Key City Gas Co., as their bid was the lowest one re- ceived. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman Schuckert moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Coun- cilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. TABULATIONS OF SEWER PRO- POSALS Installing sewer, water and gas connections in and along Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south pro- perty line of Dexter Street. Pro- posals opened 10:00 a. m. Sept. 22, 1930. Key City Gas Co., 1 gas pipe, 150 lin. feet, .70; total $105.00. Curtis - Straub Co., 4" sewer pipe, 105 lin. feet, .69; 3 /4" water pipe, 100 lin. feet, 1.26; total $198.45. James F. Lee Paving Co., 4" sewer pipe, 105 lin. feet, 1.00; 3 /4" water pipe, 100 lin. feet, 1.75; total $280.00. Resolution No. 312 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the constructing and installing gas connections on the improvement of Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street to the Key City Gas Co., they being the low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man Jansen. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays = None. Resolution No. 313 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for constructing and installing sewer and water connections on the im- provement of Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street to Curtis- Straub Co., they being low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of bids for the con- struction of sewer, water and gas connections on the improvement of Auburn Street from the north prop- erty line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Dexter Street presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Special Session, September September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday, September 22nd, 1930, for the in- stalling of sewer, water and gas con- nections in and along Auburn Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south prop- erty line of Dexter Street. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the installing of sewer and water connec- tions be awarded to Curtis-Straub Company as their bid was the lowest one received and the contract for the installing of gas connections be awarded to the Key City Gas Com- pany as their bid was the lowest one received. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. • Councilman Schuckert moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Coun- cilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. TABULATIONS OF SEWER PRO- POSALS Installing sewer, water and gas connections in and along Auburn Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Dexter Street. Proposals opened 10:00 a. m., Sept. 22, 1930. Key City Gas Co., 1 gas pipe, 530 lin. feet, .70; total $231.0. 'Curtis-Straub Co., 4" water pipe, 246 lin. feet, 1.53; • total $376.38. James F. Lee Paving Co., 4" water pipe, 246' lin. feet, 1.90; total $467.40. Resolution No. 314 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of gas connections on the improve- ment of Auburn Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Dexter Street to the Key City Gas Co., they being the low bidder, was approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the • resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Coun- cilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen 22nd, 1930 303 Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 315 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Auburn Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Dexter Street to Curtis- Straub Co., they being the low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction and installation of sewer, water and gas connections on the improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. ISeconded by Councilman Andelfinger, Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday, September 22nd, 1930, for the install- ing of sewer, water and gas connec- tions in and along Wood Street from the north property line of West Four- teenth Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue. J ani attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the installing of gas connections be awarded to the Key City Gas Com- pany and the contract for the in- stalling of sewer and water connec- tions be awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Company as both of these bids were the lowest ones received. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. 304 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 Councilman Schuckert moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Coun- cilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. TABULATIONS OF SEWER PRO - POSALS Installing sewer, water and gas connections in and along Wood Street from the north property line of West Fourteenth Street to the south property line of Rosedale Ave- nue. Proposals opened 10:00 a. m., Sept. 22, 1930. Key City Gas Co., 1 gas pipe, 138 lin. feet, .70; total $96.00. James F. Lee Paving Co., 4" sewer pipe, 105 lin. feet, 1.75; 3 /4" water pipe, 114 lin. feet, 1.00; total $227.73. Curtis- Straub Co., 4" sewer pipe, 105 lin. feet, .99; 3 /4" water pipe, 114 lin. feet, 1.96; total $327.39. Resolution No. 316 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the constructing and installing • gas connections on the improvement of Wood Street from the north prop- erty line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Rosedale Ave- nue to the Key City Gas Co., they be- ing the low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man McEvoy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, . Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 317 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the South property line of Rosedale Avenue to the James F. Lee Paving Co., they being the low bidder, approved. •Councilman .Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man ■McEvoy. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contrac- tors of receipt of proposals for the, construction and installation of sew- er, water and gas connections, on the improvement of Catherine' Street and Quigley Lane. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, • M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday, September 22nd, 1930, for the install- ing of sewer, water and gas connec- tions in and along Quigley Lane from the east property line of Catherine Street to its eastern terminus and in Catherine Street from the south property line of Quigley Lane to its northern terminus. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the lint prices and total prices bid and respectfully re- commend that the contract for the installing of sewer and water con- nections be awarded to the Curtis - Straub Company as their bid was the lowest one received and the contract for the installing of gas connections be awarded to the Key City Gas Company as their bid was the low- est one received. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman Schuckert moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Coun- cilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. TABULATIONS OF SEWER PRO- POSALS Installing sewer water and gas connections in Quigley Lane from the east property line of Catherine Street to its eastern terminus and in Catherine Street from the south property line of Quigley Lane to its northern terminus. Proposals opened 10:00 a. m. Sept. 22, 1930. Key City Gas Co., 1 gas pipe, 61 lin. feet, .70; total $42.70. Curtis - Straub Co., 4" sewer pipe, 145 lin. feet, .75; 3 /4" water pipe, 30 lin. feet, 1.70; total $153.75. Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 305 Resolution No. 318-30 A resolution awarding a contract for the constructing and installing of gas connections on the improve- ment of Quigley Lane and Catherine Street to the Key City Gas Company they being the low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man Andelfinger. 'Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Resolution No. 319 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation • of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Quigley Lane and Catherine Street to Curtis - Straub Company, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contrac- tors of receipt of proposals for the construction of storm sewers in Saunders Street from the Bee Branch sewer in Lemon Street to the alley first east of Davenport Street in said alley to Stoltz Street and west- erly in Stoltz Street about 204 feet; also in West 30th and Lemon Street, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The lowest bidder on the attached unit price totals on the basis of segment block and tile. construction is the firm of Christenson & Christ- enson with a total bid of $8,805.75. The officials of your City are not aware of the ability of this firm to handle 42 inch segment block as we know of no job that these men have had under this type of construction. The low bid on concrete Pipe is that of the James F. Lee Paving Company which is $9,051.57. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman Jansen moved that the bid of Christenson & Christenson be rejected, not being responsive. Sec- onded by Councilman McEvoy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the storm sewer be constructed of Segment block and vitrified tile pipe. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman McEvoy moved that the contract be awarded to the low bidder; Vitrified tile pipe and Seg- ment block be used. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvo y, Schuckert. Nays —None. TABULATIONS 01' SEWER PRO- POSALS Installing Storm water sewer in and along Saunders Street from the Bee Branch sewer in Lemon Street to the alley first east of Davenport Street, in said alley to Stoltz Street and westerly in Stoltz Street about 204 feet, also in West 30th Street and Lemon Street. Proposals opened 10:00 a. m. Sept. 22, 1930. Christenson and Christenson, 42" Segment block, 761 lin. feet, 6.50; 42" reinforced concrete, 761 lin. feet, 7.00; 27" vitrified tile, 495 lin. feet, 3.25; 27" reinforced concrete, 495 lin. feet, 3.50; 24" vitrified tile, 151 lin. feet, 3.00; 24" reinforced concrete, 151 lin. feet, 3.25; 15" vitrified tile, 297 lin, feet, 2.00; 15" reinforced con- crete, 297 lin. feet, 2.25; 12" vitrified tile, 154 lin. feet, 1.50; 12" reinforced concrete, 154 lin. feet, 1.75; 9 com- plete brick manholes, 45.00; 5 com- plete brick catch basins, 35.00; 1 class B concrete in place (1- 21/4-5 mixture), 15.00; remove 2 trees, 5.00; reinforced two concrete headwalls, 105.00; 100 sq. yds. concrete pave- ment, 1.75; 50 sq yds combination curb & gutter, 1.75; total vitrified tile, $8,805.75; total reinforced con- crete $9,460.50. James F. Lee Paving Co., 42" seg- ment block, 761 lin. feet, 6.72; 42" 306 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 reinforced concrete, 761 lin. feet, 6.72; 27" vitrified tile, 495 lin. feet, 3.36; 27" reinforced concrete, 495 lin. feet, 3.36; 24" vitrified tile, 151 lin. feet, 3.35; 24" reinforced concrete, 151 lin. feet, 3.35; 15" vitrified tile, 297 lin. feet, 1.82; 15" reinforced con- crete 297 lin feet, 1.82; 12" vitrified tile , 154 lin. feet, 1.64; 12" reinforced concrete, 154 lin. feet, 1.M; 9 com- plete brick manholes, 38.00; 5 com- plete brick catch basins, 38.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 12.50; remove 2 trees 18.00; reinforced 2 concrete headwalls, 80.00; 100 sq. yds. con- crete pavement, 1.90; 50 sq. yds. combination curb and gutter, .90; total vitrified tile, $9,051.57; total re- inforced concrete, $9,051.57. Uhlrich -Paley Co., 42" segment block, 761 lin. feet, 7.60;27" vitrified tile, 495 lin. feet, 3.20; 24" vitrified tile, 151 lin. feet, 2.70; 15" vitrified tile, 297 lin. feet, 1.30; 12" vitrified tile, 154 lin. feet, 1.15; 9 complete brick manholes, 48.00; 5 complete brick catch basins, 35.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 20.00; remove 2 trees, 10.00; reinforced 2 concrete head- walls, 100.00; 100 sq. yds. concrete pavement, 2.00; 50 sq. yds. combina- tion curb and gutter, 1.00; total vit- rified tile, $9,435.50. Cook & I 42" segment block, 761 lin. feet, 8.00; 42" reinforced con- crete, 761 lin. feet, 8.00; 27" vitrified tile, 495 lin. feet, 4.50; 27" reinforced concrete, 495 lin. feet, 4.50; 24" vitri- fied tile, 151 lin. feet, 2.50; 24" rein- forced concrete, 151 lin. feet, 2.50; 15" vitrified tile, 297 lin. feet, 1.30; '15" reinforced concrete, 297 lin. feet, 1.30; 12" vitrified tile, 154 lin. feet, .90; 12" reinforced concrete, 154 lin. feet, .90; 9 complete brick manholes, 50.00; 5 complete brick catch basins, 50.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 10.00; re- move 2 trees, 15.00; 2 reinforced con- crete headwalls, 40.00; 100 sq. yds. concrete pavement, 1.80; 50 sq. yds. combination curb and gutter 1.00; total vitrified tile, $10,267.75; total reinforced concrete, $10,267.75. Teget Construction Co., 42" seg- ment block, 761 lin. feet, 8.20; 42" reinforced concrete, 761 lin. feet, 8.20; 27" vitrified tile, 496 lin. feet, 4.35; 27" reinforced concrete, 495 lin. feet, 4.35; 24" vitrified tile, 151 lin. feet, 3.40; 24" reinforced concrete, 151 lin. feet, 3.40; 15" vitrified tile, 297 lin. feet, 1.60; 15" reinforced con- crete, 297 lin. feet, 1.60; 12" vitrified tile, 154 lin. feet, 1.50; 12" reinforced concrete, 154 lin. feet, 1.50; 9 com- plete manholes, 55.00; 5 complete brick catch basins, 60.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place 1- 2 -5 mix- ture), 35.00; remove 2 trees, 7.50; reinforced 2 concrete headwalls, 100.00; 100 sq. yds. concrete pave- ment, 2.50; 50 sq. yds. combination curb and gutter, 1.25; total vitrified tile, $10,970.55; total reinforced con- crete, $10,970.55. Engineer's estimate, $10,328.00. Resolution No. 320 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction of a storm water sewer in Saunders Street from the Bee Branch Sewer in Lemon Street to the alley first east of Davenport Street, in said alley to Stoltz Street and westerly in Stoltz treet about 204 feet, also in West Thirtieth and Lemon 'Street, to James F. Lee Pav- ing Co., being low bidder. Materials to be used being Segment block and Vitrified tile pipe. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for public inspection. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher of notice of a hearing to be conducted on the plans and spe- cifications, form of contract and cost of construction of a storm water sewer in Saunders Street from the Bee Branch sewer in Lemon Street to the alley lst east of Davenport Street, in said alley to Stoltz Street and westerly in Stoltz Street about 204 feet also in West Thirtieth Street and Lemon Street, estimated cost $10,328.00, presented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Resolution No. 321 -30 WHEREAS, proposed plans and specifications and form of contract for the construction of a storm water sewer in Saunders Street from the Bee Branch sewer in Lemon Street to the alley first east of Davenport Street in said alley to Stoltz Street and, westerly in Stoltz Street about 204 feet, also in West Thirtieth Street and Lemon Street have been approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and public notice given as provided by Chapter 23 of the Code of Iowa, 1927, pertaining to Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 307 public contracts and bonds, and the time and place fixed for the hearing of all objections to said plans, spe- cifications or contract for or cost of such improvements, said time being this 22nd day of Sept., 1930, and WHEREAS, the City Council met in Special session this 22nd day of Sept, 1930, at 7:40 o'clock p. m. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall for the purpose of hearing all interested parties and considering any and all objeotions which have been filed to the proposed plans, spe- cifications or contract for or cost of the improvement herein described and proposed to be made; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given an opportunity to be heard and all objections which have been filed have been duly weighted and considered; now, therefore BE PT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that all objections which have been made and filed to the plans, specifications, contract for or cost of said improve- ment herein described and proposed to be made, be and the same are hereby overruled and such plans, specifications and form of contract heretofore approved are hereby adop- ted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution containing the deci- sion of this Council upon all objec- tions which have been filed to the plans, specifications and form of con- tract for or cost of said improvement be made a natter of permanent rec- ord in connection with said improve. ment. Passed, adopted and approved this 22nd day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCI {ERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Conine-Inman McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Proof of publication certified to by the publisher of notice to contractors of the receipt of proposals for the construction of a storm water sewer in Central Avenue from 27th Street to 28th Street and in north 1 / 2 of lot 256 in Davis Farm Addition, pre- sented and read. Councilman Schuckert moved that the proof of publication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instruc- tions and our advertisement, bids were received at 10:00 a. m. Monday, September 22nd, 1930, for the con- struction of a storm water sewer in and along Central Avenue from Twenty- Seventh Street to Twenty - Eighth Street and in the north one - half (liz) of Lot 256 Davis Farm Ad- dition. I am attaching hereto a tabulation sheet showing the unit prices and total bid and respectfully recommend that the contract for the construction of this sewer be awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Company as their bid was the lowest one re- ceived. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman McEvoy moved that vitrified tile pipe be used to coiistruct this sewer. Seconded by Council- man Schuckert. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Councilman McEvoy moved that the recommendation of the City Man- ager be approved. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - .Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, S chuckert. Nays -None. TABULATIONS OF STORM SEWER PROPOSALS Installing storm water sewer in and along Central Avenue from Twenty - Seventh Street to Twenty - Eighth Street, and in the north one - half ( of Lot 256 Davis Farm Add. Proposals opened 10:00 a. m. Septem- ber 22, 1930. James F. Lee Paving Co., 24 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 3.26; 15 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 1.82; 5 complete brick Manholes, 38.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 12.50; 1 spe- cial inlet in place, 80.00; vitrified tile or concrete, $2,464.26. 308 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 Cook & Kean, 24 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 3.00; 15 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 2.50; 5 com- plete brick manholes, 58.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5), 10.00; 1 special inlet in place, 150.00; total vitrified tile or concrete, $2,702. Uhlrich -Paley Co., 24 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 3.24; 15 in. vitrified the or con- crete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 2.24; 5 complete brick manholes, 48.00; 1 class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 20.00; 1 special inlet in place, 100.00; total vitrified tile or concrete, $2,656.00. Teget Construction Co., 24 in. vit- rified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 3.50; 15 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 2.75; 5 complete brick manholes, 55.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1- 2 -5 mixture), 30.00; 1 special in- let in place, 100.00; total vitrified tile or concrete, $2,983.00. Dan Christenson, 24 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 4.00; 24 in reinforced concrete sewer pipe, 504 lin. ft., 4.25; 15 in. vitrified tile or concrete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 2.75; 15 in. reinforced concrete sewer pipe, 296 lin. ft., 2.80; 5 complete brick manholes, 45.00; 1 cu. yd. class B concrete in place (1-21/2-5 mixture), 15.00; 1 special in- let in place, 15.00; total vitrified tile or concrete, $3,085.00; total rein- forced concrete, $3,225.80. Engineer's estimate, $2,627.80. Minus $163.54. Resolution No. 322 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction of a storm water sewer in Central Avenue, from 27th Street to 28th Street and in the North 1 / 2 of lot 256 Davis Farm Addi- tion, materials to be used .being vitri fied tile pipe, to the James F. Lee Paving Company, they being the low bidder, approved. Councilman Schuckert moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for one week for pub- lic inspection. Seconded by Council- man Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of property owners and residents, objecting to the removing of the steps leading from Dorgan Place to Madison Street, signed by (30 signers). Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, and that the steps be re- paired. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of the National Refining Company, asking permission to re- place the gasoline pump at the Uni- versal Car and Tractor Company at 950 Central Avenue with a new pump. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote. Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y. Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of J. F. Hamilton, 693 East 16th Street, offering to purchase or rent the house at the corner of East 16th and Sycamore Streets, owned by the City. Councilman Jansen moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager and City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vot8: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of L. 0. Hillyard asking permission to install two Boulevard lights the same as those on Main Street, at his own expense, one at the corner of Shields and Jones Street and one at the corner of Harrison and Jones Street, the City to pay for the electric current when lights are installed. Councilman Jansen moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Style of light posts to be left to the City Manager. Seconded by Council- man Schuckert. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of property owners on Mc- Cormick Street asking that said street be paved from Delhi to Grace Streets, signed by (11 signers). Councilman Jansen moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Evoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of Mathilda Thielen re- ferred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors asking that the 1929 tax on the W1/2 of lot 28 Cox Add. be sus- pended. Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 309 Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Board of Supervisors inform- ed of the Councils action. Seconded by Councilman ■Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of Mrs. Chris Bothmer, re- ferred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking that the 1929 tax on S.W.1 of Lot 31 Hooper's Add. be suspended. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Board of Supervisors be in- formed of the Council's action. Sec- onded by Councilman Schuckert. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas =Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. ASSIGNMENT For value received, I, Fred Leiser, the undersigned, of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, do hereby assign, trans- fer and set over unto F. F. McGuire, 569 South Grandview Avenue, Du- buque, Iowa, his heirs, assigns, and executors, all my rights, title and in- terest in and to a certain contract dated September 9th, 1930 under the terms of which I sold to the City of Dubuque, all my rights, title and interest in and to the electrical equipment, fixtures and appurten- ances installed by me in the Mun icipal Athletic Field, Dubuque, Iowa, for the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty ($4,850.00) Dol- lars, a copy of said being hereto at- tached and made a part of this as- signment, and I also assign, transfer and set over unto F. F. McGuire, his heirs, executors and assigns, all moneys due nie from the City of Dubuque, Iowa, under said contract, including the sum of Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty ($4,850.00) Dollars, that is due me from the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in two install- ments, the first installment being due me April 1st, 1931, and the second in- stallment on April 1st, 1932, and I do here by authorize the due dates of the same. I also agree to pay all liens and claims due for the installation of said electrical equipment, fixtures and appurtenances in said Municipal Ath- letic Field forthwith. This assign- ment is also binding on my heirs, executors and assigns. Dated at East Dubuque, Ill., this 12th day of September A. D. 1930. (Signed) FRED LEISER. Witnesses to signatures, J. B. HELBING, R. J. CULLEN. Councilman McEvoy moved that the assignment be received and placed on file. Seconded by Coun- cilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy, Schuckert. Nays —None. September 17, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Complying with the writer's in- structions to discuss with the Chi- cago Great Western Railroad Com- pany present dangerous conditions of crossings at 20th, 21st, 22nd and 24th Streets, pleased be advised that we wrote Mr. Bauer of your desires on September 8th. Today, together with Mr. Bauer and Mr. Link of the Street Department, the crossings were investigated and the conditions pointed out to Mr. Bauer in each of the four cases towards your desires for improvements. At the same time the following ad- ditional crossings were investigated and recommendations to Mr. Bauer were as follows: (1) At 12th Street, repair side- walk on one side only. (2) At 13th, 14th and 15th Streets bring up to rail grade the sidewalks on both sides of the crossing. (3) At 19th Street, Garfield Ave- nue and 20th Street, repair present sidewalks on both sides of the street. (4) At 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th Streets slight repairs are needed in which cinders can be used for fill- ing the present lines of sidewalks to approximate level of rail. (5) At 29th Street on the north- west corner instructions were given to remove a block of concrete tipping at a dangerous angle and on which persons might slip and be injured. Mr. Bauer has promised today to take these various defective condi- tions up with his management and he believes that permission can be quickly granted for the fulfillment of the majority of requests. Respectfully submitted, R. M. E'VANS, City Manager. Councilman Schuckert moved that the report be approved and made a matter of record. Seconded by Coun- cilman Jansen. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas - -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays — None. 310 Special Session, September September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bonds and de- sire your approval on same for filing. SIGNS Y. M. C. A., 9th and lowa•Streets; Continental Casualty Co. Standard Oil Co., Dubuque, Iowa; Bond No. 308373, Southern Surety Co. Birndorf Bros., 240 W. 9th Street; Bond No. 3286478, Fidelity & Deposit Co. SIDEWALK CONTRACTOR J. P. Mueller, 2078 Washington Street; Bond No. 3506662, Fidelity & Deposit Co. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Northwest Ready Roofing Co., Chi- cago, Illinois; Bond No. 7463, Contin- ental Casualty Co. Respectfully submitted, R. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman Schuckert moved that the bonds be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Counucilman Jan- sen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. September 22, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The following have filed applica- tion for cigarette permit for the period commencing October 1st, 1930, and expiring June 30th, 1931, togeth- er with the necessary bond. They have paid the license fee of $75.00. Sam and David Rath, 12th & Cen- tral Avenue. Alois J. Ender, 1703 Maple Street. Respectfully sumbitted, A. E. SIGMAN, Secy. to City Manager. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the bonds be received and placed on file and permits be issued. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Petition of property owners on Walsh Street asking that the name of the street be changed to Parkway Street, being an extention of said Parkway Street and only about a block in length. Signed by T. E. Ef- ferding, C. C. Lorenz, W. A. Spiers, Austin Healy. 22nd, 1930 Councilman Schuckert moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Council- man McEvoy. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Petition of property owners and residents on Cottage Avenue, asking that a light be installed at the inter- section of Cottage Street and Wood- ward Street. Councilman McEvoy moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. .Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, Mc E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Ordinance No. 19 -30 having pass- ed upon 1st and 2nd reading, was pre- sented and read a third time. Ordinance No. 19 -30 Au Ordinance vacating the easterly twenty -five feet in width of Pine Street from the south line of East Eighth Street to the south line of Lot 18, (18), of Block 14, (14), of Du- buque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition and granting and conveying said vacated portion of Pine Street to the Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns. Whereas, in order to carry out and perform the terms of a contract here- tofore entered into by and between the City of Dubuque and the Inter- state Power Company, bearing date of May 26, 1930, and to facilitate and improve the public use of Pine Street between East Seventh Street and East Eighth Street and to promote the best interests of the industries located adjacent thereto, it is deem- . ed advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to vacate and annul the easterly twenty -five feet in width of Pine Street from the south line of East Eighth Street southerly to the south line of Lot 18, (18), Block 14, (14), of Dubuque Har- bor Improvement Company's Addi- tion (more particularly hereinafter described) and to grant and convey said vacated portion of said Street to the Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns, which Com- pany owns the lands abutting there- on, in exchange for Lot 1, (1), of Block 15, (15), of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the easterly twen- ty -five feet in width of Pine Street from the south line of East Eighth Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 311 Street southerly to the south line of Lot 18, (18), of Block 14, (14), of Du- buque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition be and the same is hereby vacated and annuled, said vacated portion of said street being more particularly described as fol- lows, to -wit: Commencing at the northwest cor- ner of Lot Eighteen (18), Block Four- teen (14) of said Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition in the City of Dubuque and running thence in a straight line, in a gener- aIly southwest direction, on the south line of Eighth Street extended across Pine Street a distance of Twenty - five feet; thence in a straight line in a generally southeastern direction parallel with the west side of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Fourteen (14), a distance of One Hundred and Thirteen (113) feet to a point on an imaginary straight line across Pine Street from the southwest corner of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Four- teen (14), to the southeast corner of lot One (1), Block Fifteen (15) of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition in the City of Du- buque, twenty -five feet in a gener- ally southwest direction from the southwest corner of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Fourteen (14); thence in a straight line, in a generally north- eastern direction, twenty -five feet to the southwest corner of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Fourteen (14); thence in a generally northwest di- rection along the west boundary line of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Four- teen (14), to the point of beginning. Said parcel being a strip of land twenty -five feet wide in Pine Street adjoining the west line of said lot Eighteen (18), Block Fourteen (14). Section II. That said vacated por- tion of said Pine Street be and the same is hereby transferred, sold and conveyed to the Interstate Power Company, a corporation, its succes- sors and assigns, in exchange for the delivery of a warranty deed executed by said Interstate Power Company to the City of Dubuque of lot One (1) of Block Fifteen (15) of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition. Section III. That, upon the pas- sage, adoption, and approval of this Ordinance, said Interstate Power Company shall cause said vacated portion of Pine Street to be plated, designating the same by legal des- criptions, and place said plat on rec- ord in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, and, when thus plated, said City of Dubuque will cause to be executed a warranty deed to said described premises to said Interstate Power Company, its successors and assigns, and in order to accomplish such purpose, the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Du- buque be and they are hereby di- rected to execute said warranty deed on behalf of said City of Dubuque. Section IV. That, upon the final passage, adoption, and approval of this Ordinance, the Clerk shall cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque Counuty, Iowa, to be by him duly re- corded as a part of the records of said office. Section V. That this Ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption, and approval by the City Council and publication as provided by laiv. Passed upon first reading this 9th day of September, 1930. Passed, adopted, and approved upon final reading this 22nd day of September, 1930. . WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, •Councilmen. Attest JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Published officially in the Tele- graph - Herald and Times - Journal newspaper September 25th, 1930. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays -None. Permanent Easement for Street Pur- poses Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, desires to relocate Pine Street between East 7th Street and East 8th Street in said City so that the westerly boundary line of said street will be the westerly boundary of lots one (1) and twenty five (25) in block fifteen (15) of Dubuque Harbor Im- provement Company's Addition. Now herefore, in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations, the re- ceipt of which is hereby acknow- ledged, the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, a corporation un- der the laws of the State of Illinois, does hereby grant to the City of Du- buque, Iowa, a permanent and pub- lic right and easement to use for street purposes: 312 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 All that part of lot Twenty -five (25) in Block Fifteen (15) in Du- buque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition in the City of Du- buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, ly- ing northerly of a line drawn parallel to the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company's main track across said lot, from a point on the west line of said lot, 25 feet southerly from the northwest cor- ner thereof to a point on the east line of said lot, 75 feet southerly from the northeast corner, thereof, containing twelve hundred fifty (1250) square feet, more or less; hereby granting to the City the right to establish, open, improve and main- tain a public street thereon and to exercise all of the rights and privil- eges with respect thereto which are conferred upon said city by the laws of Iowa relating to streets. In Witness Whereof, the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company by its duly authorized officer has signed this instrument and affixed the cor- porate seal of said Corporation at Chicago, Illinois, this 21st day of October, A. D., 1929. CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, By V. V. Boatner, President. Attest: W. DERCH, Secretary. State of Illinois) ss County of Cook) On this 21st day of October, A. D., 1929, before me, a Notary Public in and for Cook County, Illinois, per- sonally appeared V. V. Boatner, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn did say that he is President of the Chicago Great West- ern Railroad Company, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the seal of said Corporation, and that the said instrument was signed, and sealed, On behalf of said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said V. V. Boatner acknow- ledged the execution of said instru- ment to be the voluntary act and deed of said Corporation by it vol- untarily eatecuted. Y. W. CARNEY, Notary Public in and for Cook County, Illinois. My Commission expires October 20th, 1930. Approved as to form: WALTER H..IACOBS, General Solicitor. Councilman Schuckert moved that the Easement be accepted and re- corded with the County Recorder. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Ordinance No. 20 -30 An Ordinance vacating the easterly 25 feet in width of Pine Street from the north line of lot nineteen (19), in Block fourteen (14) Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque to the north line of East Seventh Street and granting and conveying said vacated portion of said street to the Kretschmer, Treadway Company, its successors and assigns, presented and read. Councilman McEvoy moved that this be considered the first reading of the Ordinance. Seconded by Coun- cilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Councilman Schuckert moved that the rules be suspended requiring an ordinance to be read on three separ- ate days. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. The Ordinance was read a second time. Councilman Schuckert moved that this be considered the second read- ing of the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Mouser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. APPLICATION FOR REGULAR POWER SERVICE The undersigned, hereinafter called the "Customer" requests the Inter- state Power Company of Delaware hereinafter called the "Company," to furnish in accordance with the terms hereof, electric service (alternating current transformed to approximate- ly 220 volts three phase, frequency 60 cycles, for power purposes at the Customer's premises) corner of Mar- ion and Concord Streets in Dubuque County of Dubuque, State of Iowa. The customer's apparatus consists of: Two Centrifugal Pumps, each operated by a 25 H. P. 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220 volt motor. It is agreed that these motors are to be connected to a double throne switch, so that only one motor can be operated at a time, and that the other will be held as reserve for emergency, having a total rated oper- ating capacity of twenty -five horse- Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 313 power. Power is defined as electric service used for any purpose other than lighting; it does not include, however, the running of dynamos for electric light purposes. It is mutually agreed, notwith- standing anything to the contrary herein stated, that the Company shall not be required to furnish ser- vice, under this application, for a load in excess of Twenty -five horse- power, rated capacity. The customer agrees to make written application to the Company for any service here - unIer in excess of the number of horsepower last above specified. For the service requested, the cus- tomer agrees to pay the Company as follows: $1.50 per KW of integrated demand per month. For the first 5000 KWH consumed in each month @ $.03 per KWH. For the next 5000 KWH consumed in each month @ $.02 per KWH. For all over 10000 KWH consumed in each month @ $.0175 per KWH. Determination of Maximum De- mand: The integrated demand to be measured by demand instruments and the maximum demand in any billing period shall be the average number of kilowatts indicated or re- corded in any thirty (30) minute in- terval in which the consumption of electricity is greater than any other thirty (30) minute interval during the billing period. Should the Customer fail to pay • any amount due the company when such amount it due, interest thereon shall accrue at six per cent (6 %) per annum from the date when such amount was due to date of payment. If bills are not paid by the 30th of the month following that for which bill is rendered, the Company may disconnect customer's service after reasonable notice of disconnection, which reasonable notice shall not ex- ceed five days. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinbefore contained, the Customer agrees to pay for each month hereunder a minimum charge of $1.00 per horsepower or fraction thereof, of the total rated capacity of the motor or motors or other ap- paratus connected. • The obligations of both parties hereunder shall commence on the date when the Company begins to supply electricity hereunder (such date to be about November 1, 1930), and shall continue for a fixed term of five years and after the expiration of such fixed term until 30 days after the receipt by either party from the other of written notice to discontinue service. Approved: INTERSTATE POWER COMPANY, By H. K. Huevelman, Chief Engineer. Witnessed: H. G. GORR. October 6th, 1930. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, By R. M. Evans, City Manager. APPLICATION FOR REGULAR POWER SERVICE The undersigned, hereinafter called the "Customer" requests the Inter- state Power Company of Delaware hereinafter called the "Company," to furnish in accordance with the terms hereof, electric service (alternating current transformed to approximate- ly 220 volts three phase, frequency 60 cycles, for power purposes at the Customer's premises) corner of Gil- liam and Mineral Streets, in Du- buque, County of Dubuque, State of Iowa. The customer's apparatus consists of: Two Centrifugal Pumps, each operated by a 25 H. P. 3 phase, 60 cycle, 220 volt motor. It is agreed that these motors are to be connected to a double throw switch, so that only one motor can be operated at a time, and that the other will be held as reserve for emergency, having a total rated oper- ating capacity of twenty -five horse- power. Power is defined as electric service used for any purpose other than lighting; it does not include, however, the running of dynamos for electric light purposes. It is mutually agreed, notwith- standing anything to the contrary herein stated, that the company shall not be required to furnish service, under this application, for a load in excess of Twenty -five horsepower, rated capacity. The customer agrees to make written application to the Company for any service hereunder in excess of the number of horse- power last above specified. For the service requested, the cus- tomer agrees to pay the Company as follows: $1.50 per KW of integrated demand per month. For the first 5000 KWH consumed in each month @ $.03 per KWH. For the next 5000 KWH consumed in each month @ '$.02 per KWH. For all over 10000 KWH consumed in each month @ $.0175 per KWH. Determination of Maximum De- mand: The integrated demand to be measured by demand instruments and the maximum demand in any billing period shall be the average number of kilowatts indicated or re- corded in any thirty (30) minute in- terval in which the consumption of electricity is greater than any other 1 314 Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 thirty (30) minute interval during the billing period. Should the customer fail to pay any amount due the company when such amount is due, interest thereon shall accrue at six per cent (6%) per annum from the date when such amount was due to date of payment. If bills are not paid by the 30th of the month following that for which bill is rendered, the Company may disconnect customer's service after reasonable notice of disconnection, which reasonable notice shall not ex- ceed five days. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinbefore contained, the Customer agrees to pay for each month hereunder a minumum charge of $1.00 per horsepower or fraction thereof, of the total rated capacity of the motor or motors or other ap- paratus connected. The obligations of both parties hereunder shall commence on the date when the Company begins to supply electricity hereunder (such date to be about November 1, 1930), and shall continue for a fixed term of five years and after the expiration of such fixed term until 30 clays after the receipt by either party from the other of written notice to discontinue service. Approved: INTERSTATE POWER COMPANY, By H. K. Huevelman, Chief Engineer. Witnessed: H. G. Gorr. October 6th, 1930. CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, By R. M. Evans, City Manager. Resolution No. 323 -30 Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tracts heretofore prepared by and be- tween the Interstate Power Company and the City of Dubuque for the fur- nishing electric service for the opera- tion of the Centrifugal Pumps to be located at the corner of Marion and Concord Streets and at the corner of Gilliam and Mineral Streets in the City of Dubuque, the same to be oper- ated and used in connection with the West Dubuque Sewer System, be and the same are hereby approved and the Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute said con- tracts on behalf of said City of Du- buque. Passed, adopted, and approved, this 22nd. day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUtSE'R, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, H. F. SCHUCKERT, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schuckert moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of Fred H. Hintz asking that the 1924 -1925 and 1926 taxes on lots 1- 2- 3- 11- 12 -13 -14 and 15 Kings Grove Addition be cancelled, referred to the Council by the Board of Sup- ervisors. These lots were owned at that time by Ernest Mueller, a Civil War Veteran. 'Councilman Andelfinger moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Board of Supervi- sors be notified of the Council's ac- tion. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert.. Nays —None. Petition of Mrs. E. J. Wurst refer- red to the Council by the Board of Supervisors for cancellation of the 1929 tax on Sub. 14 and 15 S.1/2 of Lot 10 Bush's Sub. assessed to Mary Richter. Mr. Wurst is now confined at the Sunny Crest Sanitarium and unable to pay the tax. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Board of Super- visors be notified of the Council's action. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Petition of the Voelker Realty Company offering to pay $450.00 for the delinquent assessments on lot 1 of Sub of City lot 740, purchased by the City at tax sale Dec. 1926. The City Solicitor recommended the ac- ceptance of the offer. Councilman McEvoy moved that the City accept this offer and the City Treasurer be instructed to ac- cept $450.00 in full for settlement and upon receipt of same surrender the tax sale certificate. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - =Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Special Session, September 22nd, 1930 315 Petition of Louis Korn asking that he be allowed to peddle fruit and vegetables without procuring a li- cense, referred to the Manager at a previous meeting for investigation. The City Manager recommended that the petition be not granted. Councilman Schuckert moved that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. City Manager Evans reported on the convention of the Mississippi Valley Shippers Association, held at Minneapolis, Sept. 16th, 1930. Also reported on other matters re- ferred to him, viz: The Sandwich Truck of Burlingame and Wendt; on the ruins of the Cooper Building at 3rd and Locust Streets; Electric lights at the Municipal Athletic Field. Reports approved. No motion. Councilman Jansen moved that the City Manager have plans and specifi- cations prepared for the Storm Sew- er in Shrias Avenue and advertise for bids on same. , Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: 'Councilman McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wishes to do so to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Mr. Cory, representing the Mid - Continent Petroleum Corporation, addressed the Council relative to in stalling flood lights at their filling station at the corner of 2nd and Lo- cust Streets. Councilman McEvoy removed that the matter be referred to the City Manager to investigate and report back to the Council. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays —None. Professor Johnson of the High School addressed the Council rela- tive to locating the Foot Ball ground at the Municipal Athletic Field. The matter will be taken care of. No motion. Mr. C. E. Dove of the hnterstate Power Company, addressed the Coun- cil, on the matter of removing the • street car tracks on Dodge Street and on Bryant, on 2nd Street and on Jones Street. After some debate on the subject it was decided that the tracks remain, and the Company will cover said tracks with a suitable cov- ering and put the streets in good condition. It was also decided that the switch on 8th Street between Main and Iowa Streets be removed. No motion. Mr. Dove promised that should the Council at some future date decide to improve the above mentioned streets, the Company will remove the rails and ties. A. J. Hartig, representing the Main Street Merchants, addressed the Council relative to the erecting of Detour signs on Main Street direct- ing traffic on Highway No. 20 through the business district on Main Street. After considerable discus- sion on the subject, Councilman Schuckert moved that the City Man- ager, Solicitor and a committee of Main Street Merchants meet with a representative of the Highway Com- mission to go over the situation and see what can be done. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, M c E v o y, Schuckert. Nays — None. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1930. Adopted 1930. Councilmen: Attest: City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Session, September 29th, Special 1930. Meeting called by order of Mayor Meuser and Councilman Jansen. Council met at 7:40 p. m. Present —Mayor Meuser, Council- men Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. . Mayor Meuser read the call and stated that service hereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of awarding contracts for the construction and installation of sewer, water and gas connections on the improvements of Algona Street, Auburn Street, Wood Street, Catherine Street and Quig- ley Lane, and for the construction of storm water sewers in Saunders and Stoltz Streets and in Central Avenue from 27th to 28th Streets and acting on any other business that may prop- erly come before the meeting. Resolution No. 310 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of gas connections on the improve- ment of Algona Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Delaware Street to the Key City Gas Com- pany, having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Sec- onded by Councilman McEvoy. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays—None., Schuckert. Resolution No. 311 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Algona Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Delaware Street to Curtis - Straub Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 312 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the installation of gas connec- 316 Special Session, Sepember 29th, 1930 tions on Algona Street from the south property line of Delaware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street to the Key City Gas Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 313 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Algona Street from the south property line of Dela- ware Street to the south property line of Dexter Street, to the .Curtis- Straub Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspection. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following .vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 314 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the installation of gas connec- tions on the improvement of Auburn Street from the north property line of Auburn Street to the south prop- erty line of Dexter Street to the Key City Gas Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspection. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the followig vote: Yeas —Mayor 'Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 315 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Auburn Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Dexter 'Street, to Curtis - Straub Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 316 -30 A resolution awarding a contract for the construction and installation of gas connections on the improve- ment of Wood Street from the north property line of West 14th 'Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue, to the Key City Gas Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspection. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. • Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 317 - 30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue to the James F. Lee Paving Co., having been ap- proved and on file for one week for public inspection. Councilman MpEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by .Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 318 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of gas connections on the improve- ment of Quigley Lane and Catherine Street, in Quigley Lane from the east property line of Catherine Street to its eastern terminus and in Cath- erine Street from the south property line of Quigley Lane to its northern terminus, to the Key City Gas Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspection. Councilman MlcEvo)y moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 319 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of sewer and water connections on the improvement of Quigley Lane from the east property line of Cath- erine Street to its eastern terminus and in Catherine Street from the Special Session, Sepember 29th, 1930 317 south property line of Quigley Lane to its northern terminus, to Curtis - Straub Co., having been approved and on file for public inspection for one week. Councilman Jansen moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. • Resolution No. 320 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the construction and installation of a storm water sewer in. Saunders Street from Bee Branch sewer in Lemon Street to the alley first east of Davenport Street, in said alley to Stoltz Street and westerly in Stoltz 'Street about 204 feet, also in Thirtieth Street and Lemon Street, to the James F. Lee Paving Co., materials to be used being Segment block and vitrified tile pipe. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Resolution No. 322 -30 A resolution awarding the contract for the constructing and installation of a storm water sewer in Central Avenue from 27th Street to 28th t Street and in the north 72 of lot 256 Davis Farm Addition, to the James F. Lee Co., having been approved and on file for one week for public inspec- tion, presented for adoption. Councilman Andelfinger moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Continuation certificate or renewer of bond Sereal No. 56828, Bond No. 698326 Globe Indemnity Co., in the amount of $1,000 of John Jos. Hail in favor of Dubuque City Water De- partment, presented for approval. Councilman McEvoy moved that the bond be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Jan- sen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of the X -L Sandwich Shop, stating that they operate a sandwich shop on wheels in addition to their 318 Special Session, Sepember shop on 9th Street, stating that sev- eral weeks ago an order was issued to the Chief of Police to prohibit their parking on the street for any great length of time. This is in direct violation to their arrangement with the City as they were issued a li- cense with the understanding that they could park anywhere where parking is not prohibited. They be- lieve that the order was issued to the Chief of Police through a mis- understanding, and they ask that the order be rescinded. Councilman Jansen moved that the petition be referred to the Manager to instruct the Chief of Police to al- low the sandwich wagon to park on the streets a reasonable length of time. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Evoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of Mrs. P. J. Miller, rela- tive to constructing a sidewalk, stat- ing that at the present time she is filling her lot and consequently she will have to fill the sidewalk space also. She therefore asks that she be allowed until next year to construct her sidewalk. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of Jacob Roesner, stating that when he got notice to construct a new sidewalk he understood that he was to repair the walk, which he did. He states further that the side- walk is now in good condition, and that if the Council allows the walk as it is now, to remain, he will re- place it later. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. The Ordinance having passed upon 1st and 2nd reading was presented and read a third time. Ordinance No. 20 -30 An Ordinance vacating the easterly twenty -five (25) feet in width of Pine Street from the north line of lot nineteen (19) in Block fourteen (14), Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Du- buque to the north line of East Sev- enth Street and granting and convey- 29th, 1930 ing said vacated portion of said street to Kretschmer- Treadway Com- pany, its successors and assigns. Whereas, in order to carry out and perform the terms of an agreement heretofore entered into by and be- tween the City of Dubuque and the Kretschmer- Treadway Company and to facilitate and improve the public use bf Pine Street between East Seventh Street and East Eighth Street and to promote the best inter- ests of the industries located there- to, it is deemed advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque to vacate and annul the easterly twenty -five (25) feet in width of Pine Street from the north line of lot nine- teen (19) in Block fourteen (14) of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Du- buque to the north line of East Sev- enth Street (more particularly here- inafter described) and to grant and convey said vacated portion of said street to the Kretschmer- Treadway Company, its successors and assigns in consideration of the payment to the City of Dubuque the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations, the re- ceipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged. NOW THEREFORE: BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council of the 'City of Dubuque: Section 1. That the easterly twen- ty -five (25) feet in width of Pine Street from the north line of lot nine- teen (19) in Block Fourteen (14) of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Com- pany's Addition to the City of Du- buque to the north line of East Sev- enth Street be and the same is here- by vacated and annuled, said vacated portion of said street being more particularly described as follows, to- wit: Commencing at the southwest cor- ner of Lot Nineteen (19) and running thence in a straight line in a gener- ally southwesterly direction on the north line of East Seventh Street extended across Pine Street a dis- tance of twenty -five (25) feet; thence in a straight line in a generally northwesterly direction parallel with the west side of Lot Nineteen (19) a distance of about a hundred thirteen (113) feet to a point on an imaginary straight line across Pine Street from the northwest corner of said Lot Nineteen (19) to the northeast cor- ner of Lot Twenty -five (25) in Block Fifteen (15) of said Addition, twenty - five feet in a generally southwesterly direction from the northwest corner of said Lot Nineteen (19) in Bolck Fourteen (14); thence in a straight line, in a generally northeast direc- tion twenty -five (25) feet to the Special Session, Sepember 29th, 1930 319 northwest corner of said Lot Nine- teen (19); thence in a generally southeasterly direction along the west boundary line of Lot Nineteen (19), in Block Fourteen (14), to the point of beginning, said parcel being a strip of said Lot Nineteen (19), Block Fourteen (14). Section 2. That said vacated por- tion of said street be and the same is hereby transferred, sold and con- veyed to the Kretschmer- Treadway Company, a corporation, its succes- sors and assigns, in consideration of the payment to the City of Dubuque of the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars, and other valuable considerations. Section 3. That, upon the pas- sage, adoption, and approval of this ordinance, said Kretschmer- Tread- way Company shall cause said va- cated portion of Pine Street to be plated, designating the same by legal description, and place said plat on record in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, and, when thus plated, said City of Dubuque will cause to be executed a deed to said described premises to said Kretschmer - Treadway Company, its successors and assigns, as granted, and in order to accomplish such pur- pose, the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Dubuque be and they are hereby directed to execute said deed on behalf of said City of Du- buque. Section 4. That, upon the final passage, adoption and approval of this ordinance, the Clerk shall cause a certified copy thereof to be filed in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County, Iowa, to be by him duly re- corded as a part of the records of said office. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be in force and effect ten days from and after its final passage, adoption, and approval by the City Council and publication as provided by law. Passed upon first reading this 22nd day of September, 1930. Passed, adopted and approved, up- on final reading this 29th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman McEvoy moved the adoption of the Ordinance. Seconded by Cohncilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Published officially in the Tele- graph - Herald and Times - Journal newspaper October 1st, 1930. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. September 29, 1930. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: This is to advise that I have ap- proved the following bonds. and poli- cies and desire to have your approval on same for filling. SIGNS Majestic Cafe, 429 Main Street; Policy No. 594318, Southern Surety Co. Army's Recreation, 388 -394 Main Street; Policy No. IGB 1482, Stand- ard Accident Ins. Co. Page Hotel Co., 75 4th Street; Bond No. 396875, Globe Indemnity Co. Central Battery & Electric Co., 4th and Main Streets; Bond No. S- 17475, Century Indemnity Co. Clark's Drug Store, 976 Main St.; Bond No. 397, Central West Casualty Co. Bayless Business College, 8th and Locust Streets; Bond No. 581882 -A, American Surety Co. Respectfully submitted, E. M. EVANS, City Manager. Councilman McEvoy moved that the bonds be received and placed on file. Seconded by Counucilman Jan- sen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of Rudolph. Jones, et al, asking that the residents on Over- view Court be permitted to install four Boulevard at their own expense, the City to pay for the electric cur- rent after the lights are installed. The lights to be placed as follows: One on each of the pillars at the entrance to the Court, one light be- tween lots 14 and 15 and a double light in the parking at the west end. Councilman McEvoy moved that the rules be suspended to allow any- one present who wished to do so, to address the Council. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Rudolph Jones and C. J. Kajewski 320 Special Session, Sepember 29th, 1930 Special Session, Sepember 29th, 1930 321 addressed the Council relative to the petition. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted, the work to be done under the sup- ervision of the City Engineer. Sec- onded by Councilman Jansen. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Mrs. J. P. Udelhofen and Mrs. John Zahina, addressed the Council, stat- ing that they received no notice of assessment for installation of sewer and water connections in Edith Street, consequently did not pay, which they claim they would have done had they received the notices. The assessments are way past due and there are interest and penalties on the assessment now, and the property will go to tax sale this fall if not paid. The City Solicitor will in vestigate this matter and report back to the Council. No motion. Petition of Catherine Doyle refer- red to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking that the last 1 /2 of the 1929 tax be cancelled on lot 14, Newman, Cooper and Smith's Addition. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Board of Super- visors be informed of the Council's action. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of Florence D. Nelson re- ferred to the Council by the Board of Supervisors, asking that the 1929 tax on lot 11 Nairn's Sub. be sus- pended. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the prayer of the petition be denied and the Board of Supervisors be informed of the Council's action. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Report of the activities of the City Health Department for the month of August, 1930, presented for approval. 'Councilman Jansen moved that the report be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Mc- Evoy.. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Petition of Curtis - Straub Co., stat- ing that the bid recently submitted by them on the sewer and water con- nections on Wood Street, was low. The contract was awarded to the James F. Lee Paving Co. In consid- eration of the above fact they pro- test the awarding of the contract to the James F. Lee Co. as unfair and hereby request a reconsideration of the facts in the case, and the con- tract be awarded to the Curtis - Straub Co. Councilman McEvoy moved that the petition be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Jansen. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. ASSIGNMENT To City of Dubuque, Iowa. For value received, the under- signed does hereby assign and set over to the First National Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, all the proceeds due or to become due by reason of, or in any way connected with or arising out of a contract by and between the undersigned and your City for the construction certailn improvements more particularly described as fol- lows: Improvement of Wood Street from the north property line of West 14th Street to the south property line of Rosedale Avenue, such contract be- ing dated as of the 9th day of Sep- tember, 1930, and the total cost of the improvement being in the ap- proximate amount of $10,099.88. You are hereby authorized and di- rected to deliver said proceeds, whether the same be in cash, bonds, certificates, warrants, or other se- curities, to the said First National Bank free and clear of any charge of incumbrance of any kind whatsoever. JAMES LEE PAVING COMPANY, By James J. Lee, Secretary. We hereby accept this order on be- half of the City of Dubuque and agree to carry out the terms of same. W. H. MDUSER, Mayor. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Dated Sept. 29th, 1930. 'Councilman Jansen moved that the assignment be approved and made a matter of record. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Mr. Conroy representing the Mid - Continent Petroleum Corporation addressed the Council and presented plans for the installation of two boulevard lights at their filling sta- tion on the southeast corner of 2nd and Locust Streets. City Manager Evans stated that he had gone over the situation and that he approved of the same. Councilman Andelfinger moved that the recommendation of the Man- ager be approved and the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman McEvoy. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. City Solicitor stated that residents on Langworthy Avenue between Hill Street and James Street ask that a street light be installed on this street. A request was also made that a light be installed on West 3rd Street between Hill and James Streets. The matter was referred to the City Manager. No motion. Resolution No. 324 -30 Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Treasurer be and he is hereby di- rected to invest Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars of funds in his hands created to the Bond Sinking Fund, the same being an inactive fund and not needed for current use and is being accumulated as a sink- ing fund to retire bonds hereafter to become due, in Dubuque County pri- mary road bonds, said bonds to be held by said Treasurer for said City as an investment of said inactive fund, for the purpose herein desig- nated. Passed, adopted and approved this 29th day of September, 1930. WM. H. MEUSER, Mayor. ED. McEVOY, GEO. O. JANSEN, M. B. ANDELFINGER, Councilmen. Attest JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilmaa McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. Verbal petition oT Geo. W. Kennel- ly Electric Co. for an extention of time to Oct. 15th, 1930, for the com- pletion of the contract of installing the Boulevard lights on Central Avenue from 18th Street to 22nd Street. Councilman McEvoy moved that the prayer of the petition be granted. Seconded by Councilman Andelfinger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Meuser, Councilmen Andelfinger, Jansen, McEvoy. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schuckert. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1930. Adopted 1930. Councilmen: Attest: City Clerk. ul