Public Input Correspondence re Police Department from Marc Onken Kevin Firnstahl From:marc o <marc.onken@gmail.com> Sent:Monday, June 15, 2020 2:23 PM To:Kevin Firnstahl Subject:Re: council meeting Kevin, It's fine if you want to share it beforehand. Thanks, Marc O My name is Marc Onken, I live at 210 Cross Street with my wife. She has lived for most of her life, I have lived here since 2002. In light of the recent protest in our City and around the Country over the murder of George Floyd, the theme I hear is that policing isn't fair and its rougher than it needs to be in some cases, in some cities. I'd love to say that for sure we don't have that issue in Dubuque. From the protest, it appears we have a portion of our community that would disagree- hopefully without factual basis. But true or not, there is the perception among some citizens that this is true everywhere. (Personally- I've had several interactions with the police in Dubuque in that period and have found them helpful and always professional.) I feel we have a window of opportunity to improve the reality (and hopefully the perception). Some ideas could be: 1. verify/check- are City Managers doing everything we should be regarding the police (including reviewing performance good or bad)? Do we have any officers that could put us in the position of Minneapolis PD? 1 2. educate the public how the police are managed in our City and what we do to ensure our police are the best, well trained officers in the US. (A presentation to the council by the chief might be good- or a flier in the mail) In conclusion, I worry that too few of the protesters will actually follow up with you to see their protest actually really change things- that it will be forgotten about until something like George Floyd happens again. But whether they do or not, I think prudence requires us to use this opportunity and make sure nothing like this could ever happen in our City. Very Truly Yours, Marc Onken Marc Onken, MBA Controller On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 1:10 PM Kevin Firnstahl <Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> wrote: Hi Marco, Basically, yes. Depending on the length of the comments and direction from the Mayor, we will relay our message to Council. We will also send it to them if it’s in a format that can be emailed. I then summarize comments for the official minutes. You are welcome to send me your comments ahead of time as well. I can pass them on to the Council. Is this helpful? 2 Thank you. Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk th 50 W. 13 Street Dubuque, IA 52001 kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org 563-589-4100 563-589-4121 Please note: I am currently working between City Hall and home. You may continue to contact me using the above listed information. My hours of work are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Are you interested in how the City of Dubuque is responding to COVID-19? Please visit www.cityofdubuque.org/dubuquecovid19response HERE FOR YOU: The City of Dubuque is committed to and prepared for providing all essential services to our residents during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Most City of Dubuque offices and facilities are closed to the public through at least July 6, 2020, but staff are still working. We are continuing to provide services to the public electronically, by phone, by mail, and when/if necessary, by appointment.  For contact information and service delivery changes for all departments, visit www.cityofdubuque.org.  To report a concern or submit an online service request, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/citizensupport.  For the latest local information on COVID-19, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/covid19 or call 563.556.6200. From: marc o <marc.onken@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 11:01 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl <Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: Re: council meeting So you read the comments people email/send you for the "public input" section to the council? 3 Marc O Marc Onken, MBA Controller On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 10:55 AM Kevin Firnstahl <Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> wrote: The listening, viewing and input options are listed on the face of the agenda. The Public Information and I relay messages to the Council during the meeting for the official record. I’ve included them here for convenience. Please contact me if you need more information. Due to social distancing guidelines related to the COVID-19 pandemic, City Council members and City staff will participate by webinar and will not meet in person. The virtual meeting will be aired live on CityChannel Dubuque (Mediacom cable channels 8 and 117.2), streamed live and archived on the city’s website at www.cityofdubuque.org/media, and streamed live on the City’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/cityofdubuque. The public is invited to provide input prior to, during, and after the meeting. Ways to provide questions or comments include:  Contact the City Council www.cityofdubuque.org/councilcontacts  City Clerk’s Office at ctyclerk@cityofdubuque.org (And during the meeting)  During the meeting - City’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/cityofdubuque Thank you. 4 Kevin S. Firnstahl, City Clerk th 50 W. 13 Street Dubuque, IA 52001 kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org 563-589-4100 563-589-4121 Please note: I am currently working between City Hall and home. You may continue to contact me using the above listed information. My hours of work are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST. Are you interested in how the City of Dubuque is responding to COVID-19? Please visit www.cityofdubuque.org/dubuquecovid19response HERE FOR YOU: The City of Dubuque is committed to and prepared for providing all essential services to our residents during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Most City of Dubuque offices and facilities are closed to the public through at least July 6, 2020, but staff are still working. We are continuing to provide services to the public electronically, by phone, by mail, and when/if necessary, by appointment.  For contact information and service delivery changes for all departments, visit www.cityofdubuque.org.  To report a concern or submit an online service request, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/citizensupport.  For the latest local information on COVID-19, visit www.cityofdubuque.org/covid19 or call 563.556.6200. From: marc o <marc.onken@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 15, 2020 10:51 AM To: Kevin Firnstahl <Kfirnsta@cityofdubuque.org> Subject: council meeting Kevin, Good morning. 5 My name is Marc Onken, I live at 210 Cross Street in Dubuque. I see that the council meeting tonight is virtual. I wondered how you could comment during the public input section with a virtual meeting? I want to make sure that someone actually follows through from all these protest and comes to the meeting to ask the question of the council of "how the police are managed in our city"? And ask if maybe at a later council meeting that could be explained to the citizens by the police chief. I personally didn't protest and don't have a problem with our police (and find them courteous and helpful), but I worry that all these people that protested fail to actually take the steps that they should be taking to begin with - by coming to the council meeting and stating their concerns to those that govern the city. If this point of view is represented tonight already, that's fine- as long as someone brings it up. Thoughts? Marc O Marc Onken, MBA Controller 6 To help protect your privacy, Virus-free. www.avast.com Microsoft Office prevented Click here to report this email as spam. 7