2 10 20 City Council Proceedings Official - SpecialCITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL SESSION OFFICIAL The Dubuque City Council met in special session at 6:00 p.m. on February 10, 2020 in the second-floor Council Chambers of the Historic Federal Building, 350 W. 6 th Street. Present: Mayor Buol; Council Members Cavanagh, Resnick, Roussell, Shaw, Sprank; City Manager Van Milligen, City Attorney Brumwell Absent: Council Member Jones Mayor Buol read the call and stated this is a special session of the City Council called for the purpose of conducting work sessions on the 2018 Annexation Study and Nutrient Trading Update and a closed session on professional evaluations. WORK SESSION(S) The order of the work sessions was reversed to accommodate out-of-town presenters. 1. Nutrient Trading Update: Assistant City Manager Teri Goodmann, IDNR Water Qual- ity Coordinator Adam Schnieders, Director, Water Quality Partnerships for Sand County Foundation - Madison, WI Bartlett Durand; Urban Conservationist Eric Schmechel; and Water & Resource Recovery Plant Manager Willie O’Brien conducted a work session with the City Council on the status of the Nutrient Trading Program. Topics included: • Project Background – Nutrient Pollution • Nutrient Reduction Strategy (NRS) 2013 • Nutrient Reduction Exchange Framework Development (2015 Conservation In- novation Grant) • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements at the Water & Resource Recover Center (W&RRC) • Watershed partnerships • Catfish Creek Watershed Management Authority • Synergy with strategic partners • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) The presenters responded to questions from the City Council regarding new program creation for nutrient capture within the W&RRC; watershed improvements; return on in- vestment ratios; landowner partners and cooperation; and water quality funding and grants. This work session concluded at 7:25 p.m. 2. 2018 Annexation Study: Planning Services Manager Laura Carsten and Planning Assistant Travis Schrobilgen conducted a work session with the City Council regarding the 2018 Annexation Study for discussion and feedback. Topic included: • Annexation Study Team • Annexation process in Iowa (urbanized o r non-urbanized area) – 100% voluntary, 80/20% voluntary without owner consent, involuntary annexation • City of Dubuque annexation history since 1995 • 2018 Annexation Study: o Part I: General layout and characteristics of study areas, development assump- tions, future land use, land use projections, public/private streets, fringe -area development, o Part II Methodology for Cost-Benefit Analysis ▪ Developable land inventory ▪ Water mains and sanitary sewers ▪ Projected revenues and expenses ▪ Projected development potential and valuation ▪ What the analysis did not provide o Part III: Study/Growth Area Evaluation ▪ General characteristics of study areas – future land use, developable land, sanitary sewer, water ▪ Comparison of area revenues and expenditure at full development o Part IV: Vacant and developable properties (residential/non-residential) ▪ City metro-area projections ▪ City of Dubuque inventory ▪ City metro-area needs o Part V: Prioritization and comparative analysis ▪ Major factors for prioritization o Value of 2018 Annexation Study o Appendix (referenced) o Regional context o Water quality issues o Water and sewer improvements o Public safety improvements The presenters and Water Department Manager Denise Blakely-Ihrig responded to questions from the City Council regarding the inability to annex incorporated areas and creating land “islands,” the cost effectiveness of feasible growth areas, and water distri- bution concerns. This work session concluded at 8:13 p.m. CLOSED SESSION Motion by Resnick to convene in closed session at 8:14 p.m. to discuss professional evaluations pursuant to Chapter 21.5(1)(i) Code of Iowa. Seconded by Shaw. Motion car- ried 7-0. Upon motion, the City Council reconvened in open session at 9:35 p.m. stating that staff had been given proper direction. There being no further business, motion by Resnick to adjourn at 9:36 p.m. Seconded by Roussell. Motion carried 7-0. /s/Kevin S. Firnstahl, CMC, City Clerk