1928 Index City Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY of DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1928 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1928 EDWARD McEVOY WM. H. MEUSER COUNCILMEN JOHN H. MACLAY, Mayor HENRY F. SCHUKERT EARL YOUNT City Clerk — JOHN STUBER City Solicitor — M. H. CZIZEK City Manager —O. A. KRATZ Secretary to Manager — ALLAN SIGMAN City Treasurer — Building Commissioner — OTTO F. PULS JAS. C. MacINERNEY City Auditor — City Assessor — FRED GANTERT GEORGE BENNETT City Engineer — Chief of Police — WALTER H. CULLEN JOHN GIELLIS Chief of Fire Department — Health Director — JOSEPH FISHER DR. W. J. CONNELL City Electrician — Sanitary Inspector — JOSEPH CORRELL JOSEPH SCHARRY Plumbing Inspector — Market Master — GEORGE MASTERS C. J. McCARTHY Electrical Inspector — Milk and Dairy Inspector — OTTO BETHKE DR. W. J. CONNELL Regular meetings of City Council are held the first Monday of each month at 5:00 O'clock P. M. 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT Page A Jan. 31— Avenarius, Al, sign bond 6 " 31 —Adam, Elizabeth, relative to sewer connection 6 Feb. 6— Asomanokus, John, and John Deskalakis, sign bond 6 " 27— American Trust & Savings Bank, sign bond 12 April 2— Adams, Herbert, Park Commissioner bond 46 16 —Ajax Tire Co., sign bond 49 " 25 —Alley between West 14th and Algona Streets, petition to grade and pave 62 " 25 —A & B Sales Co., sign bond 63 May 7— American Legion Post No. 6, petition to hold poppy sale 84 if 14 —Alley between W. 14th and Custer Streets, petition to improve 87, 360 21— Atkins, Mrs. Mary, petition to cancel 1899 tax to clear title 113 June 18— Anglin, Jerry, notice to connect with sewer 141 July 25 —Alley 1st east of Center Place, Imp 204, 234, 235, 247, 249, 285, 289, 354, 409, 477, 489, 490 " 25 —Alley 1st south of West 5th St., Imp 204, 234, 235, 247 Aug. 13 —Alley 1st south of West 5th, Remonstrance 247 " ° 24— Adams, Michael, estate, remonstrance (verbal) against construction of sidewalks 266 Sept. 27— Aviation Field, petition to hold tag day 303 Oct. 12— Armbruster, Jos. A., petition for extension of time to connect with sewer 337, 360 12— Atkins, Mary, petition for cancellation of 1899 tax 337, 340 Alley 1st east of Center St., petition to change grade 348, 477 if 30— Acker, Al. G., report of Manager on sidewalk 358 Nov. 5 —Alley between lots 8 and 9, Prospect Hill Add , petition to vacate, report of City Manager 375 " 7— American Red Cross, Dubuque Chapter, petition to stretch banner across Main Street 384 " 16 —Ann O'Hares Sub. lots 2 of 14, cancellation of assessment, see Cunningham sisters 381, 390 " 22— Alley, Center Place, sewer connections 403 1928 Jan. CC '' ft 1( " Feb. '' " '' '' if ft Ci '' Mar. '' " " '' " 1/ cc April " INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT B Page 3 -Berg, Wm., claim for personal injuries 3- Brunskill, Bridget, pet. for cancellation of taxes 16 -Berk, Max, sign bond 16- Bennett Garage, cancellation of sign bond 16- Bottoms, David, Mound City Transfer Co., ap- plication to operate Motor Truck between Dub- uque and Platteville 31- Bradley, C. E., petition to grade West 3rd Street from Grandview Avenue to Algona Street 6 -Berg, Payson, sign bond 6 -Born, Margaret, remonstrance against grading West 3rd Street 6 -Bids for printing index and binding Council Pro- ceedings 27- Bothmer, Mrs. Mary, petition for exemption of taxes 27- Braconier, F. G., Heating bond 27 -Bock, Emil and George, sign bond 27- Bradley, John H., petition to grade Elizabeth St 27- Becker, John, petition to cancel sign bond 27- Bauer, Albinus, claim for personal injury 27 -Berg, Wm., settlement personal injury claim 5- Bitzberger, Al., petition for exemption of license 12- Burke, R. J. Co., excavation bond 14- Budget of City Manager and City Council for fiscal year 1928 23 to 32 incl., 41 19- Beutin, Frank, petition for reduction in rental, property leased from city in Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Add. 19 -Bull, Norman, excavation bond 19- Bothmers, Mrs. Mary, petition for cancellation of 1927 tax 27- Brotherhood of Railway Car Men, petition object- ing to Daylight Saving 30 -Board of Review appointed 2- Bennett, George, appointed Assessor 2- Bertsch, Jos. J., appointed as member of Board of Review 16- Baker, Martha, notice of suit against the City 16- Burns, Kate, petition for redemption of tax sale certificate "- 25 -B & G Battery Co., sign bond " 25- Brandel, John, renewal contractor's bond " 25- Burke, R. J., renewal heating contractor's bond.._ " 25 -Board of Health session " 25- Bradley, Wm., et al, Notice from Board of Health to connect with sewer 66 May 2 -Board of Health, Return of Service 75 2- Broadway, petition of property owners to improve 79 " 2- Broadway, petition of property owners not to improve 79 2- Broadway St., Resolution of Necessity 80, 81, 82, 110, 115, 117, 132, 138, 139, 353, 376, 416, 419, 421 " 14 -Board of Health, Resolutions to connect with sewer 92 to 109 incl. " 21- Breithaupt, Philip, excavation bond 111 " 24 -Board of Health 120 June 4 -Board of Review Report 123 " 4 -Burch St., Resolution adopting plans and specifi- cations 126, 127, 135, 136, 165, 166, 172 " 11- Bennett, George, (Assessor) Bond 131 " 11 -Bids, Key City Gas Co., on Gas connections 131 " 18 -Burch St., remonstrances by property owners 135, 166 " 18 -Board of Health, meeting 141 if 1 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 10, 12 12 12 12 13 13 16, 63 17 19 22 35, 39 35 35 38 43 45 45 49 49 63 63 63 64 1928 " 18- Birch, Lloyd, Notice to connect with sewer 143 " 18- Bordeau, Maria, Notice to connect with sewer 144 " 18- Banck, Wm., Notice to connect with sewer 148 " 18- Bennett, Hattie, Notice to connect with sewer 158 " 18- Bennett, Harry, Notice to connect with sewer 159 " 21- Burch, James M. estate, remonstrance against, Railroad Street and South Main 165 July 2 -Board of Health, Return of service 179 cc 10- Brunswick St., Imp. 189, 195, 196, 206, 208, 209, 222, 255, 261, 278, 279, 354, 355 23 -Berg, Geo., (verbal) asking permission to erect garage at 731 Central Avenue 200 23 -Bond of City Auditor, reduced to $10,000 . 202 23 -Bond of City Manager, reduced to $10,000 202 27- Bechtel, H. C. & Son, sign bond 215 Aug 3- Bradley, John, Petition to improve Elizabeth Place 227, 359 cc ace accepting Gas connections 229, 270, 271 3 -Board of Health 233 6- Budget estimate and record filing 234, 235 24- Brunswick St., Gas connections 263, 264, 280, 379, 443, 447 24- Barry, Miss, verbal remonstrance, against con- structions of sidewalks 266 24- Basten, Anton, contractor's bond 268 24 -Board of Health, petition to Council relative to unsanitary condition of John Long's Barn and Barn Yard 272 Sept. 4 -Board of Supervisors, Petition to rescind action on Bridge Tax Levy 286 " 12- Birndorf Bros., sign bond 292 " 27- Bechtel, H. C. & Son, cancellation of sign bond 302 " 27- Banker's Life of Des Moines, communication relative to Radio 303 27 -Board of Health, resolutions to connect with sanitary sewers 304 to 324 incl. Oct. 5- Burke, Mrs. Walter, petition for cancellation of taxes 333 cc 5- Byrne, Mrs. E., petition for cancellation of as- sessment 334 " 12- Byrne, Thos., awarded contract to construct side- walks 336 " 12- Byrne, Thos., sidewalk contractor's bond 336 " 12- Becker, Albert V., sidewalk contractor's bond 336 " 12 -Boys' Welfare Club, petition for permission to stretch banner across street 337 " 18 -Board of Education, Schools for election purposes 340 " 22- Bishop Oliver, addressed Council relative to pav- ing Davis Avenue 344 " 22 -Board of Health, return of service 347 " 22 -Board of Health, ordering connections with sewer 347 " 30- Bradley, C. E., petition relative to improvement of West 3rd Street 359 Nov. 5- Belsky Motor Co., sign bond 374 " 22- Brunswick Street, water connections 399, 400 « Sewer connections 404, 405 Board of Health, report for month of October, 1928 415 " 28- Banker's Life Co., , communication relative to Radio Service Dec. 3- Berg - Arduser, sign bond " 12- Bartels, Carl, appointed Building Commissioner__ " 18 -Board of Health, report for month of Nov. 1928 " 26- Blake, Frank M., petition for reduction in as- sessment " 26- Brown, Glenn, bill for services as Trustee to re- lease of mortgage securing Waterworks bonds 509 fa 'C '' 'C " it C' 'C '' INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT B Page 441 454 476 499 508 1928 Jan. 3— Cullen, J. C., petition for light 3— Chihak, Mrs. Frances, petition for cancellation of tax 3 —City Waterwork, report for month of Dec. 1927 3 —City Treasurer, report for month of Dec. 1927 3 —City Auditor, report for month of December, 1927 31— Canfield Hotel, sign bond 31 —City Council Proceedings for month of Dec. 1927 6— Courtney, Robt. J., petition for catch basin on Seminary Street 6 —City Auditor, report for month of January, 1928 6 —City Treasurer, report for month of January. 1928 6 —City Waterworks, report for month of Jan. 1928 6— Crowley, Mrs., addressed Council, relative to Rock- dale Road 27— Cleaver, E. T., renewal excavation bond 27— Curtis & Co., renewal excavation bond 27— Coady, Dr. C. C., sign bond 5 —City Water Works, report for February, 1928 5 —City Auditor, report for February, 1928 5 —City Treasurer, report for February, 1928 5 —City Council Proceedings for month of Jan. 1928 12— Cosgrove, petition for Cigarette License 12 —Camp Fire Girls, petition for use of Armory 19— Coady, Dr. C. C., sign bond returned 27 —City Council Proceedings for February, 1928 April 2— Czizek, M. H., appointed City Solicitor " " 16— Curtis & Co., heating bond 16 —City Water Works, report for March, 1928 16 —City Auditor's Report for March, 1928 City Treasurer's Report for month of March, 1928 25 —City Auditor, annual report for fiscal year, 1927 25 —Cox, Thomas, Notice from Board of Health to connect with sewer 25 —Cain, Bart, Notice from Board of Health to con- nect with sewer 2 —Civil Service Commission, report of 2 —City Water Works, report for April, 1928 14 —Call for meeting 14 —City planning and zoning (communication Cham- ber of Commerce) 14— Custer Street, petition of property owners to improve Street 14 —City Auditor, report for April, 1928 14 —City Treasurer, report for April, 1928 21— Carpenter, Joe, contractor's bond 21— Corrance, Mrs. W. S., settlement of personal in- . jury claim 21 —City Hall, 2nd floor to be repaired and decorated 21 —City Manager, appointed to represent City in Upper Mississippi River Cities Association 24 —Call for meeting 24 —City Water Works, inventory as of April 1, 1928 28 —Call for meeting 4 —City Council Proceedings for March and April 1928 4 —City Water Works, report for month of May 4— Carlotta Street, Resolution adopting plans and specifications 126, 127, 135, 136, 165, 167, 182, 212, 213, 214, 11 —City Auditor's Report for month of May, 1928 18— Carlotta Street, remonstnances by property owners 135, 165, 18 —City Treasurer's report for month of May, 1928 18— Chalders, Frank, Notice to connect with sewer " iC Ci Feb. if " it " Mar. fi /1 it fi (1 it May if if if '' if if June INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT C Page " 18— Clark, Wm., Notice to connect with sewer " 18— Corpe, Anna, Notice to connect wiith sewer " 21 —C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., remonstrance against East 13th and East 16th Street Improvement " 21 —C. G. W. R. R. Co., remonstrance against imp of East 13th and East 16th Streets July 2 —Clark Drug Store, sign bond " 2— Central Hotel, sign bond " 2— Conlon, R. F., contractor's bond 9 yn nt i .__i__ T__ Permits, grant and easement 9 10— Cooper, A. A., petition eo vacate Railroad Street 9 July 10 —City Water Works report for month of June, 1928 17 —City Treasurer, report for month of June, 1928 17 —City Council Proceedings for month of May, 1928 17 —City Manager, authorized to attend City Man- ager's Convention 23— Cashman, Mrs. Kate, petition for cancellation of taxes 23— Central Hotel, sign bond cancelled (American Surety Co.) 23 —City Planning and Zonig Commission, petition to appoint Aug. 3 —City Council, special session 3— Chalmers, John, Attorney for James M. Burch estate, and Alice E. Scott estate, remonstrance against imp. of Railroad St., and South Main St. 3 —City Water Works, report for month of July, 1928 6 —City Auditor, report for month of July, 1928 6 —City Treasurer, report for month of July, 1928 6— Cashman, Kate, petition for cancellation of taxes 15— Christ, Leo, sign bond 15— Curtis & Co., petition to excavate on 15th Street 65 " 31— Christ Michael, petition for exemption of license Sept. 12 —City Council Proceedings for month of July, 1928 66 " 12— Chamber of Commerce, communication relative to 71 ' '72 9 -root Channel in the upper Mississippi River 83 " 12— Creswick, S. G., appointed to represent City) at 86 Minneapolis, meeting " 19 —City Manager's report with reports of City Aud- 86 itor, Treasurer and Water Works Oct. 1— Cigarette License, Royal Lunch 5 —City Manager's report, submitting report of Aud- 1 2, 52 2 2 2 6 6 10, 22 12 12 12 19 19 19 19 22 22 36 38 45 49 49 49 49 62 113 114 118 120 124 126 221 131 166 140 150 1928 '' CC {t INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT C 87 itor, Treasurer and Water Works, for month of 87 September 87 5— Cigarette License, Bart. McDonnell 111 " 5— Cigarette License, Heller & Olansky 113 " 18— Curtis & Co., sign bond 113 18— Cigarette Permit, Mrs. John Savage " 30— Curtis & Co., petition to excavate on 18th Street " 30— Custer Street, petition to improve " 30— Cushing, 6 Add., report of Manager on sidewalks " 30 —City Planning and Zoning Committee, communi- cation Nov. 5 —Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., excavation bond if 5— Cunningham sisters, cancellation of assessment 5 —City Manager submitted reports of City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Works " 16— Columbia College, petition to stretch banner across Main Street Page 151 161 166 166 176 176 176 177, 178 183 184, 351 184 194 194 194 197 199 201 219 227 228 237 237 237, 267 253 254 282 292 292 292, 297 295 331 333 334 334 340 340 352 358 358 360 374 381, 390 384 390 1928 '' INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT C 16— Chamber of Commerce, represented by J. Kerper, O. A. Reynolds and Henry Koester, addressed Council relative to expense for formal opening of Dock Terminal " 16— Chamber of Commerce, recommended that City send delegates to Mississippi River Vialley Association Conference, at St. Louis 22 —Cook & Kean, bids for sewer rejected " 28— Cunningham, John A: et al, petition against imp of Alley in rear of Fenelon Place 28 —City Solicitor and City Treasurer appointed agents to purchase property at tax sale Dec. 4— Christmas Tree- dealers, license fee 7 —City Auditor, City Treasurer and City Water Works, for month of November, 1928, report of City Manager 12 —City Council Proceedings, for month of September 28— Christensen, Dan, contractor, petition to extend time for completing contract, sewer in Green Street Page 391 391 406 439 441 462 468 474 515 1928 31— DeLuxe Cafeteria, sign bond 31— Dubuque Base Ball Club, petition to extend con- tract 31— Driscoll, Mrs. Clara, petition for cancellation of tax sale certificate Feb. 6— Douglas, C. E., continued in office to Mar. 1, 1928 Mar. 5— Dubuque Humane Society, report for 1927 " 5— Dubuque Automobile Club, communication, rel- ative to Stop and Go Signals 5— Dubuque Retail Distributors Ass'n, petition to keep sidewalks and streets from display of merchandise 27— Daylight Savings Committee, petition 27— Douglas, C. E., former City Manager, bond can - celled " 27— Dubuque Base Ball Club, resolution to enter lease " 30— Daylight Savings Plan, petition objecting to plan April 2 —Dock Board, petition to Council to take steps as will provide $65,000 for use of said Board " 2 —Dock Board Resolution relative to Dock Bonds____ 16— Diener, Jos., (Capitol Theatre) sign bond " 16— Dubuque Hotel Co., sign bond " 16— Deutsch, Peter, objecting to blocking of sidewalk in front of wholesale fruit stores on Iowa St. 50, 358 25 —Dock, bonds in sum of $65,000 54, 76, 114, 129 25 —Dock Board, petition for refund of expense in- curred by City Manager's trip to New Orleans, also for special election, Vote on Dock Bonds May 2— Dubuque Base Ball Ass'n, opening game, invi- tation to Council 72 2 —Dock Bonds, Notice sale of 76, 86, 114, 129 June 4— Daveronas, Harry, sign bond 123 4 —Dell Street, Resolution adopting plans and speci- fications 126, 127, 135, 136, 165, 166, 171, 182, 212, 219 " 11— Dubuque Lumber & Coal Co., Petition relative to storm sewer on Rhomberg Avenue " 18— Dubuque Radiator Co., heating contractor's bond July 2— Dubuque Auto Supply Co., bond for sign 2— Didecsh, Alois M., sign bond " 10— Dubuque Stone Products Co., bond for blasting " 10— Dubuque Roofing Co., contractor's bond " 17— Dubuque Park Board, resolution, relative to tax levy " 23— Depositories, of Public Funds, resolution " 23 —Dock Commission, resolution relative to tax levy for Dock purposes " 23 —Dock Terminal celebration, donation Aug. 3 —Dodge Street Storm Sewer " 10— Dubuque Trades & Labor Congress, resolution to appoint Dubuque Leader Press an official news- paper of City of Dubuque " 24— Dubuque Automobile Club, petition to place Stop and Go Signals at Lincoln Ave. and Jackson St. Sept. 27— Deitrich, and heirs of Otto Deitrich, deceased, relative to selling property to City for street purposes, C. J. Kircher, Trustee Oct. 12— Dyersville Commercial Club, invitation to Council to attend Community Festival " 22— Dubuque Poultry Ass'n, petition to use Armory for Poultry Show " 30— Dehing, Kathryn, report of Manager, relative to sidewalk Jan. it IC If ' ' INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT D Page 6 7 7 10 19 20 20 36 38 40 41 47, 54 47 49 49 55, 139 131 137 176 176 184 184 193, 205 199 201, 219 202 230 246, 351 267 303 337 344 358 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT D Dec. 12 —Dodge Street, petition of property owners asking that center of street be parked " 12— Dubuque Base Ball Club, petition to remove bill boards " 28 —Dock Board and City Council, Notice of suit by Anton Zwack Page 474 474 514 INDEX —Book 58 1928 SUBJECT if if if CC April Ci May ti " June if Ct Sept. Oct. if ft it if as Nov. Dec. E Feb. 27— Election, Clerks and Judges of Election, names submitted " 27— Election, Judges and Clerks of Election appointed " 27— Election, Voting places approved Mar. 5— Estabrook, Louis, relative to culvert on Semin- ary Street 17— Elections, canvas of nomination papers 27— Election, canvas of vote 27— Election, Resolution declaring candidates elected 27— Election, bills allowed 27 —Eagle Point Citizens, petition, remonstrating against heavy blasting at Stone Products Co. 16— Efferding, Tasso, contractor's bond 25— Eisbach Bros., renewal heating contractor's bond 2— Emmett Street, resolution of necessity to im- prove 80, 81, 82, 110, 115, 7— Ender, Alois J., petition and bond for Cigarette License 14— Election, Permanent Registration of Voters 4— Emmett Street property owners petition against improving street 4 —East 13th Street, Resolution adopting plans and specifications 4 —East 16th Street, Resolution adopting plans and specifications 18 —East 13th Street, Remonstrances filed by proper- ty owners 18 —East 16th Street, Remonstrances filed by proper- ty owners 18— Egelhof, F. L., claim for damages to Automobile 18— Ehlers, John, estate, Notice to connect with sewer 12— Engel, Elizabeth, petition for cancellation of taxes 1 —East 1st Street, and Terminal Street, Plats 1— Election, special, petition for Juv. Play Grounds 1— Election, Resolution calling for special election 1— Election, Clerks and Judges 328, 1— Election, registration 12— Engineering Extension Service, relative to fire fighters 12— Eisbach Bros., Heating Contractor's Bond 30— Eisbach, Christ, sidewalk Contractor's Bond 30— Eichman, Arthur H., report of Manager on peti- tion for sewer 7— Election, special, Canvas vote, on Playground and bonds 7— Election Clerks, (special) paid 4— Estabrook, Louis B., pet. for reduction in taxes 28— Eichman, Martin, sign bond 325, 340, 328, 326, 342, 329, Page 13 14 14 20, 39 33 37 37 38 38 49 63 117, 132, 133 83 91 123, 133 126, 127, 135 126, 127, 135 135 135 140 160 292 325 325 327 343 330 336 340 348 359 382 383 461 514 1928 fi ft ft INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT G Page Jan. 31— Griner -Jones Co., sign bond 6 " 31— Gengler's Cafe, sign bond 6 Feb. 6 —Grand Opera House, sign bond 9 6 —Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Cigarette Bonds 9 " 6— Grant, Margaret, settlement of claim 10 Mar. 5— Grandview Ave. and Perry St., petition to im- prove Perry Street 20 5— George, John, petition for Cigarette license 20 30— Green, Arthur, (blind man) petition to operate pop corn stand 43, 51 30— Geisler Bros., contractor's bond 43 April 2— Glenn, Milton J., appointed Police Judge 45 " 16— Giese, Edwin G., Heating Contractor's Bond 49 25— Geiger, Henry A., renewal) contractor's bond 63 25— Grings, F. Adam, notice from Board of Health to connect with sewer 64 May 2— Giellissen, F., contractor's bond 71 " 2— Geitz, Cleophas, petition for exemption of license 79 " 7— Grandview Avenue, petition of residents for re- stricted residence district 83 " 7— Garbage Contract, resolution extending same 84 June 18 —Gill, Wm., Notice to make sewer connections 147 " 18— Gelling, Ernst, Notice to connect with sewer 163 July 2— Garfield and Windsor Ave., petition for light 176 10— Groveland St., Imp 189, 195, 196, 197, 206, 208, 209, 222, 255 " 23— Griffin, M. E. Heating Contractor's bond 197 Aug. 10— Gantert, Fred, City Auditor, bond 245 24— Groveland St„ Gas connections 263, 264, 280, 354, 355, 379, 443, 448 Sept. 4— Gasoline Curb pump ordinance, W. B. Martin addressed Council 286 Oct. 22— Gibbons, John and Mamie, Grant of Easement 344 Nov. 22— Groveland Street, Water Connections 398, 400 « Sewer Connections 404, 405 22— Grassel, Ludwig, Bond for Blasting 414 Dec. 3 —Gas Connections, Resolution to issue certificates 451, 452, 453 9 0 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT F Page Jan. 16— Fawkes, P. S., reappointed on Dock Board " 31— Fluckiger Motor Co., sign bond Feb. 6 —Fire Limits, relative to changing East boundry line " 27— Federal Bank & Trust Co., petition for cancel- lation of Assessment 12, 345, 346, 357 Mar. 12— Frith, E. E., estate, asking that Garbage Contract be extended 21, 51 " 27 —Faig, John, petition for cancellation oA taxes _ 38 April 4— Felgner, Emil, Communication, unable to serve on Board of Review 45 May 7 —Foye Street residents, petition to improve said street and install light 84 June 18— Fosselman, Mrs. Chas., Notice to connect with sewer 153 July 10— Fettgather, J. J., sign bond 184 " 10— Fosselman, L. J., sign bond 184 Aug. 3— Fritchie, L. M., sign bond 226 Oct. 1— Federal Radio Commission, petition relative to clear channel 330 " 12— Frenzel, Otto, petition for reduction in sewer as- sessment 337 Nov. 16— Flynn, Mrs. Tim., petition for suspension of taxes 390 Dec. 12— Fortman, Anton, petition to redeem property 475 " 18 —Finn, Alice, Notice of claim for personal injury 498 4 6 11 1928 Jan. 31— Henry, Anita, settlement of claim Feb. 27— Hanger, H. R., agent for Thos. Cox, petition relative to redeem tax certificates 27— Healy, Emory, petition for exemption of taxes 27 —Hill, M. A., renewal Heating Contractor's Bond 27— Hardie, M. S., contract for binding Council pro- ceedings " 2'7—Heim, John, addressed Council relative to street Mar. 5— Hilders, G., petition for cancellation of 1927 tax " 27 —Huss, Mary, claim against City for personal in- jury " 27— Hoppman Garage, sign bond " 27— Healy, Emory, petition for cancellation of 1927 tax April 2 —Haag, Wm. L., Petition, objecting to Junk yard being located next to his property " 25— Hasler estate, Notice, Board of Health to con- nect with sewer May 2 —Hill, Maurice A., Excavation Bond " 21— Howie, David T., Contractor's Bond " 21— Henkels, Frank, renewal Contractor's Bond " 21— Hermann, Mrs. Lena, Grant and Easement June 18— Hinkel, John, Notice to connect with sewer " 18— Hansfelt, Mr., Notice to connect with sewer " 21— Hillebrandt, A. F., Contractor's Bond July 2 —Hart Optical Co., sign bond Aug. 3 —Hail, Jos. J., (waterworks bookkeeper) bond " 31— Henschel, Hugo & Son, renewal contractor's bond Sept. 27 —Heeb, A., private sewer in Rock Street 303, Oct. 30— Hanson, Wm., Order to remove canopy on 12th and Iowa Streets Nov. 5— Hanson, Wm., bldg., 12th and Iowa, canopy be removed, report of City Manager Dec. 7— Heitz, Frank W., petition for reduction of taxes 1 1 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT H Page 357 375 468 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT I 8 Feb. 27 —Iowa State Highway Commission, Resolution to improve Rockdale Road 11 " 27— Interstate Baco Process Co., sign bond 12 " 27 —Iowa Town Planning Conference, Engineer attend 12 " 27— International Harvester Co., petition to build loading platform 12 June 21 —I. C. R. R. Co., pet. objecting to plans and speci- 16 fications for imp. of R. R. Street 19, 35 July 2— Interstate Power Co., Petition to abandon Lin- wood Car Line 38 " 10 —Iowa Lunch, sign bond 38 17 —I. C. R. R. Notice relative to imp. Railroad St 40 Aug. 3 —Iowa State Highway Commission, resolution, relative to extension of Primary Road No. 61 46, 51 in City of Dubuque ' 15— Interstate Power Co., acceptance of special or- 67 dinance 71 Sept. 4 —Iowa State Colelge, Course for Fire Fighters 111 " 27— Interstate Power Co., Notice of transfer of Dub 111 Electric Co. 112 Oct. 12— Interstate Power Co., asked to place two men on 144 Dodge Street Car Line 155 18— Interstate Power Co., Communication, relative to 169 intake in Peosta Slough 176 " 30— Interstate Power Co., Electrict light rates 226 Nov. 16 —Iowa House Furnishing Co., Heating Contractor's 282 Bond 339, 350, 351 Dec. 26— Interstate Power Co., relative to constructing in- take in Lake Peosta Page 12 12 15 16 165 176, 201 184 192, 193 228 253, 303 286 303 339 340, 360 352 390 509 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT J Page Jan. 31— Juergens & Son, sign bond 6 Feb. 27— Jenkins, Harry N., Consulting Engineer, report of 16 April 25— Justman, C. C., Heating Contractor's bond 63, 184 May 2— Johnson St., Resolution of Necessity 80, 81, 82, 110, 115, 117, 132, 133, 137, 139, 290, 334, 348, 366, 369, 371, 372, 373, 37' June 18— Jacobi, Christ, Notice to connect with sewer 142 " 18— Jackson, Mrs., Notice to connect with sewer 156 July 2— Julien Lodge No. 379 Int. Ass'n Machinists, peti- tion against American La France and Foamite Coirporation 176 Aug. 3— JohnsonStreet imp., accepting Gas connections.... 229, 270 " 10 Tones, May, petition for cancellation of tax 245 Oct. 30— Julien Dubuque Hotel, petition relative to park- ing of busses 352 Nov. 9— Juvenile Play Ground, bonds 385, 388 " 16— Juvenile Play Grounds, Resolution providing for issuance of bonds 386, 462, 468, 470, 473, 501, 503 Dec. 28— Jones, Mae, petition for reduction in taxes 515 1928 Jan. Feb. " 11 tt '' '' it it it May tt June tt July Aug. INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT K 31— Kingsley, H. M., settlement of claim 6— Klass, Raymond, petition for cancellation of bond 6— Kratz, O. A., appointed City Manager 6— Kretschmer Mfg. Co., (report on) relative to vacating alley Mar. 12— Kavanaugh, Julia, et al., petition relative to un- paid assessments 12 —Key City Roofing Co., Contractor's bond 19— Kretschmer Ins. Agency, petition to cancel bond of A. E. Blake April 2— Kratz, O. A., City Manager Bond 16— Kelly, Jos., petition relative to order to move his garage 16— Keller+ Electric Co., sign bond 25 —Kraft Clothing Co., sign bond 25— Knockel, L. J., sign bond 25 —Kies' Drug Store, sign bond 25 —Kies' Booterie, sign bond 25— Kassler Motor Car Co., sign bond 21— Krakow, Lisette, petition for cancellation of taxes 21— Kintzle, Theo., renewal contractor's bond 21— Kolfenbach, L. C., (Voelker Realty Co.) private sewer 11— Kuehnle, John G., Blasting bond 11 —Key City Gas Co.,Bids, Gas connections on streets 18— Klein, Theo., Notice to connect with sewer 18— Kemler, Julia, Notice to connect with sewer 10— Kuehnle, Edward C., Contractor's bond 13— Kiwanis Club, Resolution to purchase Olinger Park 24— Kintzinger, John J., relative to overpaid assess- ment for tax certificate Oct. 5— Kemler, Julia E., petition asking permission to construct 4 foot sidewalk 30 —Karn, Charles, sign bond Page '7 9 10, 45 10 21 22 35 46 48 49 62 62 62 63 63 111, 118 111 112 131 131 141 149 184 250 273 333 348 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT L Page Jan. 3— Light, Petition of J. C. Cullen, for light at Lowell and Abbott Streets 1 " 16— Lumbardi, Nick, petition for exemption of peddler's license 2 " 31— Lemper & Genz, sign bond 6 " 31— Lange, J. W., sign bond 6 Feb. 27 —Le Van, A. J., renewal excavation bond 12 " 27 —Leik, Wm. C. sign bond 12 " 27— Liberty Tractor Co., sign bond 12 " 27 —Leik, Wm. J., Petition to improve Alley 15 Mar. 5— Lincoln Ave., petition of property owners foi sidewalk , 20 " 30— Levenson & Levenson, sign bond 43 April 16— Luther, Frank, Heating Contractor's bond 49 ,, 16— Lewis, Harry, Plumber's bond 49 " 25— Light, Windsor Avenue 62 " 25— Light, petition for, Gay and Putnam Streets on Broadway 62 " 25 —Lesh, Henry, and A. B. Herkes, renewal con- tractor's bond 63 May 14— Lillie, Harvey, petition to install gasoline filling pump 87, 112 " 21 —Lewis & Co., Heating Contractor's bond 111 " 21— Levan, A. J., Heating Contractor's bond 111 June 18 —Lewis &. Co., petition to be reimbursed in the sum of $33.00 137, 169 July 2— Lorenz Dyers petition, for permission to construct Viaduct across alley 175, 440, 462 " 2— Light, petition for, at intersection of Garfield and Windsor Avenues 176 " 23— Linwood District' residents, asking that portion of Davis Ave., and Sheridan Streets be paved 199 " 23— Library Board, resolution relative to tax levy for Lobrary purposes 201, 219 Aug. 3— League, of Iowa Municipalities, Convention at Cedar Rapids 226 " 10— Lavin, James, Petition for sewer in Avoca St 245, 254 " 10 —Lange Ins. Co., petition to cancel contractor's bond of Mx, Radloff 245 " 13— Landon & Correll, sign bond 249 Sept. 12— Lischer, E. P., sign bond 292 Oct. 1 —Light on Broadway, petition for 330 " 30 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving Co., petition relative to accepting Windsor Avenue Paving 352, 377 Nov. 5 —Lee, Jas. F. Paving, petition for extension of time on contracts 380, 385 " 16 —Lee, John, report of City Solicitor on delinquent assessments 391 " 22— Lavin, James, petition to improve Avoca Street 414 " 22 —Lang Ins. Co., asking that Radloff contractor's bond be cancelled 414 " 22— Lights, petition to install Boulevard lights on 11th Street and Iowa Street 415 " 28 —Lee, James F. Co., asking that the improvement of Pierce Street be accepted 439 Dec. 3— Lawther, Wm., Remonstrance, against assessment Windsor Avenue 443 di 3— Linwood Cemetery Assn. (Glen Brown, attorney) Remonstrance against assessment, Windsor Ave. 443 1928 '' {i " it INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT L 12 —Long, John, Report of Board of Health, relative to unsanitary condition of premises 18— Lenchan, J. J., Remonstrance against Assess- ment for improvement of Wilson Street from West 5th to West 8th Streets 26 —Lemon Street, petition to improve 26 —Lemon Street, petition against improving 28 —Lee, James, petition asking Council to accept improvement of Plymouth and Victoria Sts. Page 475 481 508 508 515 i 1928 May iC INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT Mc Page Jan. 16— McCarthy, Peter, petition to grade streets in Dub. Harbor Imp. Co. Add Mar. 5— McMahon, Jos., Communication, relative to Platt Street, opening of 2— McEvoy, J. W., Supt. Water Works, Bond 7— McDonnell, Bart, pet. and bond for Cigarette license July 17— McCarthy, Peter, petition relative to vacation of streets 194, 200, 230, 231, 348, 439, 455 Sept. 12— McCauley, John, petition for reduction in assess- ment for taxes 292 Dec. 3— McCarthy, Peter, Report of City Solicitor, relative to rights of City to certain streets and alleys in Dubuque Harbor Imp. Co. Addition 455 7— McNulty, John S., petition for reduction in sewer assessment 3, 8, 16 20 71 83 468, 474 1928 Feb. 6— Muntz, Ed., petition, relative to tax sale certi- ficates 6— Maclay, John, entered and took his seat in Council Chamber 27 —Mai, John, petition to place a breaker on wall on West 8th Street 27— Mullen, Mike & Son, Excavation bond 27— Meyers, Chas. F., sign bond 27— Moore, Ellen, petition for reduction in taxes 27— Heisenberg, R. L., settlement claim 19— Meuser, Wm. H., entered, took his seat in the Council at 4:50 P. M. Mar. 300 ---Mt. Loretta steps April 2— Maclay, John H., appointed Mayor If 2— Meyer, Mrs., petition, relative to agricultural lands 16— Mulilgan, Patrick, Report of City Solicitor, rel- ative to tax sale certificates 25— Mathis, Mrs. Sylvia A., petition for damages for personal injuries 25— Mueller, Henry, renewal contractor's bond 25— Moser, J. G., renewal Heating contractor's bond 2 —Mac Inerney, Jas. C., Bond 2— Mathey Chevrolet Co., sign bond 21— Mueller, John P., renewal, contractor's bond 21— Morong, Jos. H., agt. for Mary Atkins, petition to cancel 1899 tax to clear title 27 —Mt. Calvary Cemetery Assn., petition to improve Windsor Ave. 27— Marty, F. & Sons, renewal of Contractor's bond 28— Miller, Joe, claim for personal injury 18— Mulligan, Wm., (Gould Battery Co.) cancellation sign bond 18— Meyer, John, claim for personal injury 18— Myers, Graham Co., Bond 18— Moriarity, Dennis, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Muntz, Sam & Nettie, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Murphy, Wm., Notice to connect with sewer 18— Mahoney, John, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Mosher, Julia, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Martinique, Peter, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Menzel, Nick, Notice to connect with sewer 18— Manemal, Jos., Notice to connect with sewer 18— Mulqueeny, Thos., Notice to connect with sewer 18— Mueller, John, Notice to connect with sewer July 2— Morrison Bros. Tank Shop, petition, neighboring residents against noise therefrom 2— Muntz, Ed., petition to vacate property in Mor- gan's Sub. 17— Murphy Ins. Co., asking that bond of Kutsch Bros. be cancelled 23— Meuser, Wm. H., Councilman, appointed Mayor pro tem 23— Municipal River Terminal, petition for donation 27— Mohara, Thos., sign bond cancelled 3— Mathey Chevrolet Co., sign bond 3—Muscatinel St., petition of property owners for Water and Sewer mains 3— Moore, Ellen, petition for exemption of taxes 15— Meisenberg, Eva, petition for cancellation of tax 1( 6 '' (1 '' '' '' CC CI '' Ci '' '' May K IC June 1i IC CC '' - « Aug. INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT M Page 9, 16 9 11 12 12 13 17 35 43, 52 45 47, 53 53 62, 296 63 63 71 79 111 113 118 118 120 136, 175 136, 273 137 145 145 148 150 154 157 158 159 162 164 175, 187 176, 187 194 195, 202 200, 202 215 226 227, 357 232 253 1928 If '' '' " '' Sept. Oct. '' _ Nov. /1 C' Dec. INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT M 15—Muening, Wm., petition for cancellation of tax 15— Myers, Graham Co., petition to install gasoline curb pump 15— Mulgrew, T. J. Co., petition to install gasoline curb pump 24— Municipal Play Ground and Recreation Com- mission, petition, urging purchase of Olinger Park 24— Meehan, Helen and Wm., claim for $3,000 for damages by flood 31— Margadants Sub. lot 1, Treasurer accept $35.00 in full and assign tax sale certificate to owner 12 —Maus, Henry and Minnie, petition for suspension of taxes 27— Mueller, J. P., Sidewalk Contractor's bond 27— Marathon Dance, petiton (verbal) to transfer from Union Park to City 27 —Mac Inerney, J. C., released from office of Bldg Commissioner 30— Miller, Peter J., report of Manager) relative to sidewalk 30 —Mac Aleece, Sidonia, report of Manager, relative to sidewalk 16 —Mayor Maclay excused himself and left meeting 22— Mullen, Richard, appointed on Plumbing Exam- ination Board 22— Martens, W. E., appointed on Plumbing Exam- ination Board 28— Mullin Bros. & Co., request for refund of in- spection fees 28— Miller, Joseph, claim against City 18—Mac Inerney, return official bond 20— Mills, West Dub. Add. Subdividing lots 28— Mulligan, James, Tax sale certificate to his property cancelled Page 267 272, 350 283 292 303 303 303 358 358 391 415 415 439 441 499 504 515 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT N 253 Feb. 27— Nesler & Buechele, renewal excavation bond " 27 —North 1st Street, petition to open for tra c 254 May 21— Nesler & Buechel, Heating Contraltor's Bond June 18— Najely, Peter, Notice to connect with sewer 255, 272 Sept. 4— Newspaper, Adv. rates, Meeting of Council and Representatives from Newspaper Nov. 5 —North 1st street, petition to open street for traffic, report of City Manager Page 12 15 111 146 286 375 1928 SUBJECT Jan. 16- Ordinance, regulating and installing water- service 3, 21, 50, 55 to 62 incl. " 16- Ovitz, E. W., application to operate bus, between Dubuque and Platteville ' " 31- O'Rourke ,Mrs. Julia, petition for reduction in taxes Feb. 6- Ohlsen, H. C. Settlement of claim " 27- O'Rourke, Nellie, relative to tax sale certificate Mar. 5 -Orne Electric Co., sign bond 17- Ordinance, granting rights to International H ar- vester Co. 19 -Ott Rubber Co., petition to have Railroad Avenue improved 30- Ordinance, "Appropriation" for fiscal year 1928 April 2 -Oath of office administered to newely elected Councilmen " 2- Officials appointed by City Manager be retained in office " 16 -Oxus Grotto, petition to hold Circus " 16- O'Shea, Margaret, estate, petition relative to de- linquent assessment 16 -Olds, Frank W., et el., petition to open a street between Kane Street and Kaufman Avenue 25- Ordinance No. 192, prohibiting displaying or plac- ing food products, etc., on sidewalks 25- Ordinance No. 193, providing for licensing Auctioneers 25- O'Dowd, Mrs. Philip, settlement of personal in- jury claim May 2- Ordinance No. 194, relating to permanent side- walks 2- Ordinance No. 195, providing for Sewer, Water and Gas connections 2- Ordinance No. 196, Repealing an Ordinance, pro- viding for Sewer, Water and Gas connections 2- Ordinance No. 197, Authorizing issuance of $65,000 Dock Bonds 2- Ordinance No. 192, Prohibiting Products on Side- walk 2- Ordinance No. 193, Licensing Auctioneers 7- Ordinance No. 198, Restricted Residence District 24- Ordinance No. 199, No. G -14, for vacation of Huff Street 24- Ordinance No. 200, No. G -51, vacation of Huff St 24- Ordinanoe Nc. 203, Eestablishing a Street to be known as E. 1st Street 24- Ordinance No. 202, Establishing a Street to be known as Terminal Street 119 24- Ordinance No. 201, Amending Ordinance, Dock Bonds June 18- O'Connor, Chas., petition to rent City property_ " 18- Overby, Dias, Heating Contractor's Bond " 18- Ordinance, Grade on South Main Street " 18- Ordinance, Grade on Railroad Street " 21- Ordinance No. 202, Establishing Terminal Street " 21- Ordinance No. 203, Establishing East 1st Street " 21- Olinger Park Property, offered to City for $30,000 170 July 2- O'Rourke, Mrs. Julia, petition for cancellation of taxes 175 2- Ordinance 204, Creating Municipal Playgtround and Recreation Committee 178, 1.84- " 10- O'Neill St., improvement, 189, 195, 196, 197, 206, 208, 209, 222, 255 ii it R it 6 U it it ii = ii --Y, ft " 1i it ti INDEX -Book 58 O Page 3 5 9 17 19 33,34,35' 35 41 45 45 48 48, 298 50, 357 63- 63 - 64 72, 73 73 74, 75 76, 88 77 77 84,90- 119, 124 , 119, 125,119 120, 126, 130 136, 175 137 139, 172 139, 172, 173 169, 173 169, 174 - 1928 it INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT O Page " 10- Ordinance, Grade on Carlotta Street 190, 192/ " 23- Ordinance, Grade on Pierce Street 197, 225 " 23- Ordinance, Grade on Brunswick Street 198, 223 ✓ " 23- Ordinance, Grade on Windsor Avenue 198, 226 " 23- Ordinance, Grade on O'Neill Street 198, 224 ✓ " 23- Ordinance, Grade on Wilson from Julien Avenue to West 11th Street 198, 225 " 23- Ordinance, Graded on Groveland Street 199, 224 " 27- O'Neill St., remonstrance against improvement (Alma Kruse) Aug. 3- Ordinance No. 205, prohibiting sale of Mdse. on streets 3- Ordinance No. 206, Licensing Peddlers " 3- Ordinance No. 207, Establishing Weights and Measures 3- Ordinance No. 208, Establishing Streets in Sub 60 and 61, Gr. View Heights Add. 6- Ordinance, special, to abandon Street Car service, on E. 22nd Street and Windsor Avenu 237/ " 10- Ordinance, Grade on Plymouth Street 245, 268 , " 10- Ordinance, Changing Grade on Spruce Street 245, 268 e " 10- Ordinance establishing a grade on Spruce Street 246, 26R 24-O'Neill Street, Gas connections 263, 264, 280, 354, 355, 379, 442, 448 " 31- Ordinance No. 209, providing licensing of Gas- oline Curb Pumps Sept. 4- Ordinance, Grade, Alley 1st East of Center Place 19- Olinger Park, propositon to purchase Oct. 12- Ordinance establishing grade on Avoca St " 18- Ordinance, grade in alley 1st East of Center St " 30- Ordinance changing grade on Pearl Street Nov. 9- Ordinance No. 210, providing for an annual tax for Play Groung purposes " 22- O'Neill Street, Water connections Sewer connections Dec. 3- Ordinance No. 211, providing for approval of bonds by Manager " 12- Ordinance No. 212, Playground bonds " 18 -Oil Burners, Inspection fees " 26- Ordinance No. 1 -29, Oil Burners 207 227, 241v 227, 242 228, 242 230, 244, 283, 325, 350, 455 286, 290 296, 297 336, 344 341, 845 357, 374, 389 385, 386, 388, 389 397, 400 401, 402, 405 455, 473 470, 500 497 508 1928 (( (( ( ( ( ( Aug. di (1 Sept. (( (( Oct. (( (( if " (( INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT P Page Jan. 16 -Page Hotel, petition relative to grade on 4th and White Streets 2 " 16 -Pape, Chas. & Son, excavating bond " 31- Platteville Transfer Co. (H. F. Beckwith) appli- cation for permit to operate Motor Truck be- tween Dubuque and Platteville 5 Mar. 5 -Perry Street, petition to improve (( 5 -Platt Street, opening of " 12- Piltz, Eva, petition for cancellation of 1927 tax " 27- Potterveldt Drug Co., , sign bond " 30- Powers, Ray, petition to extend sewer in Quince Street (( 30- Pinski, Geo. F., Contractor's bond April 25- Polski, Sam, petition for exemption of payment for license as junk peddler 62 May 2- Piekenbrock, F. J., Park Commissioner, Bond (( 2- Puccio, M. T., petition for exemption of peddler's license (( 14- Pierce Street, petition to improve 91, 111, 188, 189, 195, 206, 207, 209, 222, 255, 256, 274, 442, 498 " ( 21- Plymouth Street and Victoria Street, petition of property owners that entrance remain 111 June 4- Playground Commission, Petition relative to work 124, 170 (( 4 -Perry Street, resolution adopting plans and speci- fications 126, 127,_135, 136, 165, 166, 171, 182, 212, 213, 219, 220, 410, 411, 477, 484, 485 18- Papenthein, Wm., Notice to connect with sewer.... 147 -8 -Pier, Lena, (Pier estate) Notice to connect with sewer 152 18- Pfotzer, Henry, Notice to connect with sewer 156 21 -Perry and Rider Streets intersection, Engineer to prepare plans 170, 206, 477 July 2 -Pape, Chas. & Son, Heating Contractor's bond 176 " 10 -Park Board, Communication, relative to widen- ing 7th Street 186 23 -Paul Street, petition of property owners to im- prove 199 27 -Perce Street, Remonstrance of property owners against improvement 207, 226 27- Plymouth Street and Victoria Street imp. 215, 216, 239, 250, 252, 264, 287, 288, 289, 294, 295, 354, 510 3 -Park Board, resolution fixing tax levy 219 3 -Plat of Sub. 60 and 61, Grandview Heights Add. adopted 230 10- Playground Commission appointed 241 24- Pierce Street, Gas connections 263, 264, 280, 379, 443, 446 4- Pierce Street, Remonstrance of P. McNerney 286 27 -Pape & Son, cancellation of bond 302 27- Perleth, 0. (verbal) relative to condition of Rosa- lind Street 304 5- Peters, John A., petition for cancellation of taxes 333, 339 18- Powers, Ray, bill relative to Oil Burner permits 340 22 -Pape & Son, petition to excavate on 15th and Elm Streets 345, 352 30 -Peart Street, petition to change grade 356 Nov. 5- Plumbing Examination Board, G. Beaves ad- dressed Council 364, 415 5 -Pier, Harvey L., Petition relative to delinquent assessment on lot 26, Levi's Add. 374 5- Plymouth Street Gas connections 379, 443, 459 43, 2 20 20 22 38 52 43 71 79 1928 INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT P 16- Peters, Jane and Henry, claim for personal in- juries 22- Plymouth Street, Water connections 28- Property owners, abbutting streets, proposed to be improved in 1929 to be given a hearing 4- Penney, J. C. Co., petiton to construct elevator in alley 12- Peters, John A., petition for suspension of taxes 20- Paving program for 1929 20- Petitions and remonstrances against street pav- ing program be filed Page 390, 508 401 460 474 504 505 1928 INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT Q May 7- Quillan, W. H., settlement of personal injury claim 1- July 23 -Queen Street at 22nd, Corner be rounded Dec. 4- Quality Oil Co., pet. to install flood lights at 10th and Locust Page 84 206 461 1928 May C' if if June ft if July R Jan. 31 -Rath, Geo. & Son, sign bond " 31- Ruprecht Bros., sign bond " 31- Rockdale Road, resolution relative to improve- ment " 31 -Ryan, Dr. E. J., appointed on Civil Service Board Feb. 6 -Ryle, Eugene, petition relative to delinquent as- sessments Mar. 12- Robinson, J. W., petition for exemption of fruit peddler's license " 19- Rottler, F. C., sign bond April 2- Reynolds, O. A., report relative to Inland Water- ways Corporation 16- Rhomberg and Shiras Ave., residents ask that ditch back of Eichman's Store be covered and Sewer extended to Shiras Ave. 16- Ryder, P. J. and J., sign bond 16- Richard, Lawrence, petition for extension of gas mains 25- Ruegnitz, B. A., sign bond 25- Rent -a -Ford Car, sign bond 2- Roberts Street, Resolution of Necessity 115, 117, 132, 134, 138, 139, 353, 416, 421, 424 14 -Ryle, Eugene A., Grant and Easement 87 21- Retail Food Distributors„ petition for use of Athletic Field 111, 128 21- Raforth Furnace Co., Heating Contractor's bond 111 24- Richard, Herman, petition, verbal, to redeem property 118 28 -Ris, John, petition for cancellation; of Bond of H. Davorones 121 4- Railroad Street, resolution adopting plans and specificatons 126, 127, 135, 136, 165, 166, 171, 182, 212, 213, 214, 220. 18 -Rank, Richard, Notice to connect with sewer 142 18- Rummel, Benj., Notice to connect with sewer 149 18- Roggensack, Al., Notice to connect with sewer.._. 160 18- Rauen, Peter, Notice to connect with sewer 163 2- Rhomberg, J. H., petition to grade Wall Street 176, 186 2- Rhomberg, J. H., petition to exclude property from fire limits 177, 186,, 194, 359 10 -Rider and Perry St., Intersection, Imp 189, 195, 206, 208, 209, 222, 255, 262, 280, 411, 486, 488 23- Retail Merchants Bureau, relative to certain ordi- nances, which they ask to be amended and enacted 201 27- Rowan, J. J. & Son, Bond cancelled 215 3- Rider, Phil. F., remonstrance against imp. of Pierce St. 226, 254 3- Railroad St. and South Main, remonstrance, J. M Burch estate and Alice Scott estate, against cost of same 227 3- Roberts Street, accepting Gas connections 229, 271 10- Ruegnitz, B. A., Relative to sign bond 246, 283 13- Rusch, Wm., petition for reduction of tax 253 24 -Rider and Perry St., intersection, gas connections 263, 264 24- Rhomberg, Jos., remonstrance against sidewalks 266, 273 12- Realty Investors Corporation, remonstrance against sidewalk assessment 293, 348 12- Ruegnitz, B. A., Must file bond to operate sign 293 18 -Royal Lunch, sign bond 340 if if '' if iC Aug. if 'C C' <f Sept. Oct. INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT Page 6 6 7 8 • 10, 20 22 35 45 48 49 49 62 62 80, 81, 82, 110, 1928 INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT R Nov. 5- Rheel, John, remonstrance, against construction of sewer in Adair Street 16- Realty Investors Corporation, Appeal from special assessment , 22 -Reo Sales Co., sign bond 22- Railroad Ave., petition to change name to Ott St 26- Rhomberg, Jos. H., remonstrance against assess- ment as levied for construction of sidewalks abutting lots 9 and 10, Smedley's Sub. 26- Report of City Solicitor, relative to City property purchased by Citizens Investment Co. for de- linquent taxes if if Dec. Page 364 391, 455 414 415 506 509 1928 ft if if fl if if if INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT S Jan. 3- Siegearth, Christine, petition relative to penalties on i assessments 1 " 16- Schnee, Gus., petition to lease City property 3, 8 " _31- Sherman, Bennie, petition relative to money which disappeared from Police Station 6 Feb. 6- Strand Theatre, sign bond 9 " 6- Sheridan St., verbal, petition of Oliver Bishop to repair 10 27- SAhaetzle, John, sign bond 12 27- Sullivan, Dennis S., Suit against the City of Dubuque 15 27- Schuster, Leonard, Cigarette License 16 30- Studier, Mrs. Caroline, petition for cancellation of 1927 tax 43, 52 30- Schiltz, Harry, Contractor's bond 43 April 2- Stuber, John, appointed City Clerk 45 2 -State Board of Health, Convention 46 " 16- Spellerberg, R. L., Heating Contractor's bond 49 " 16 -Sand, Mike, petition for Cigarette license 49 " 16 -South Hill Street, petition of property owners objecting to street improvement 50 " 16- Schuckert, Henry F., appointed as a member of Plumbing Board 52 " 25- Schumaker Tire Co., sign bond 62 " 25- Schmitt, Louis K., renewal Contractor's bond 63 " 25- Stoltz, Adam, renewal Contractor's bond 63 " 25- Schultz, Ed. C., Notice, Board of Health to con- nect with sewer 64 " 25- Streuser, Jos., Notice, Board of Health' to con- nect with sewer 68 May 2- Strausbaugh, Susan, petition for cancellation of taxes 71 2- Standard Oil Co., Bonds for signs, at different locations 71 2- Stonakes, Peter, cancellation of Contractor's bond 79 7 -St. Marys St., Resolution of Necessity to im- prove 80, 81, 82, 110, 115 14- Schiltz, Peter, et al., verbal, petition relative to Bee Branch Sewer 86, 111 14- Safety Week, resolution 14 -St. Anthony's Church, petition for permission to excavate for sewer " 21- Schumacher, Tire Co., sign bond 111 " 24 -St. John's Lutheran Cemetery Assn., pet. to prove Windsor Ave. " 24- Stoltz, Adam, renewal of Contractor's bond 118 June 4 -South Main Street, Resolution adopting plans and specifications 126, 127, 135, 136, 165, 171, 182, 212, 213, 214 18- Stootz, Henry, Notice to connect with sewer 18- Sullivan, Mrs. Catherine Meyers, Notice to con- nect with sewer - 18- Schiers, Albert A., Notice to connect with sewer 18- Sloan, Wm., Notice to connect with sewer 21- Scott, Alice E., estate, Remonstrance against im- proving of Railroad St. and South Main St. 165 June 21- Sanitary Sewer, Division Street 168, 169, 180, 181, 191, 229, 230, 239, 240, 285, 286, 300, 301 " 21- Sewer, Thomas Place, Engineer to prepare plans 170, 187, 188, 195, 196, 206, 210, 211, 223, 255, 263, 281, 453, 462, 510 im- Page 86 87 118 143 152 153 154 28- Sidewalks, Broadway 433, 435 28- Sidewalks and down spout drains, Smedleys's Sub 436 28- Sidewalks, College Sub., Finley Home Add 437 28- Streets, recommended to be paved in 1929, recom- mendation of City Manager 3- Sewer, Oak St. 3- Sewer, Nowata St. 3- Sewer, Green St. 4-Sidewalks, Plymouth and Victoria Sts. 7- Street Improvement program for 1929, objetions to improvements 468, 18- Sanitary Sewer in Prospect St. 18- Sidewalks, Perry Street 18- Sidewalks, Wlson St., from W. 5th to W. 8th Sts 18- Sidewalks, Wilson St., from Julien Ave. to W 11th St. 494, 495, 26- Sidewalks, Notice of Publication, received and filed 26- Smedley's Sub. down spout drains, Peter Herkes contractor 26- Sidewalks, construction of, Thos. Byrne, con- tractor 28- Sidewalks, Plymouth and Victoria Sts. INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT 440 453 454 454 460, 461 469, 509 477 492 493, 496 496, 497 506 506 507 512, 513 1928 21 -Sewer (storm) Elm St., from 19th to 20th, En- gineer to prepare plans 2 -State University, Commonwealth Conference 10- Schnee, Mike, petition to redeem property 10- Scherr & Tilmany, Heating Contractor's bond.__ 10- Spruce St., Imp. 189, 195, 196, 197, 206, 222, 255, 262, 17- Schloz, Louis J., sign bond 27- Sheridan, Clem and Miss Stella, addressed Council 3- Scheppele Motor Co., sign bond 3- Sibbing Jewelry Store, sign bond 3- Stuber, John, City Clerk, bond 3 -Storm Sewer, Dodge St 230, 231, 239, 240, 295, 325, 6- Sidewalks, Resolution orderings construction and repair of 236, 265, 266, 267, 281, 291 15- Sanders Auto Supply Co., sign bond 15- Smith, T. M., verbal petition to excavate on Wood Street 24- Spruce Street, Gas connections 263, 264, 24- Sidewalks, Peter Herkes, low bidder Sept. 19- Sigman, Allan, renewal of bond " 19 -Saul, James & Son, petition for extention of time on contracts 295 27- Sunshine Circle, petition for tag day 303 5- Sidewalks, Notice to Contractors 331, 332, 335, 356 5- Sidewalks, Bids received 332 5- Sidewalks, License fee for constructing same.._ 335 12 -State Dept. of Health, Communication relative to Water and Sewerage problems 336, 361 12- Sanitary Sewers, Nowata St., W. 14th, Adair et al, Resolutions adopting plans and specifications 337 Resolutions of Necessity 337 18- Street Paving program for 1929 341, 349 30 -Sewer connections, Resolution accepting work.._. 354 Nov. 5- Sewers, hearing on plans and specifications, and Resolution of Necessity to construct, in Nowata St., W. 14th St., Adair St., Oak St., Burns St., Green St., and Avoca St 363, 364, 365, 366, 406, 453 5- Schroeder, Henry, petition to construct Garage on Shelby St. 364 5- Sanitary Sewer in Prospect St., Resolutions 379, 380, 392, 393 394, 438 (( July IC (( (( Aug f (( ( ( (( if if (( CC Oct. (( (( (( if (( . if (( if (( (( ( ( (( INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT S 7 -State Dept. of Health, Communication relative to Sewage 'Treatment, City Manager and En- gineer authorized to attend confeernce 22- Sidewalks, special assessments (resolution) in various parts of the City, and resolution to issue certificates 22- Sewers, Bids for, Nowata, W. 14th, Adair, Oak, Burns, Green and Avoca Streets 22- Sewers, contracts awarded 22- Sidewalks, Perry St. 22- Sidewalks, Wilson St., from 5th to 8th Sts 22- Sidewalks, Wilson St., from Julien Ave. to W 11th St. 22- Schilling, Sarah, claim against City for personal injury 28 -Sewer and Water connections on Broadway 28- Sidewalks, Roberts Street 28- Sidewalks, Wilson St., from W. 8th on the West to Julien Ave. Page 170 177 183 184 279 193 207 226 226 226 380 253 255 280 266 295 384 394, 395, 396 406, 407, 408 408, 409 410 412 413, 414 414 420 432, 435 433, 435 1928 fi '' INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT T Jan. 3— Telegraph - Herald and Times Journal, Communi- cation relative to printing notices, etc " 31— Temple of Sweets, sign bond Feb. 27 —Trees ordered removed on South Main St April 2— Tegeler, Ed., petition to construct canopy " 25— Trausch Baking Co., sign bond May 21— Theisen Battery and Electric Co., sign bond " 24— Trewin, C. B., petition to redeem tax sale certi- ficate " 24— Tressel, John, settlement of personal injury claim June 21— Thomas Place, Sewer, Engineer to prepare plans July 10— Tenhaff, estate, deed to City " 25 —Tax Levy Budget 31— Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal, rates for printing Council Proceedings and Notices Sept. 12— Taylor, Mrs. Julia, petition for reduction of taxes Oct. 1— Terminal St., Plat, adopted Nov. 22— Teske, Paul, renewal sign bond " 22— Treasurer's Deeds, accepted and ordered recorded and filed Dec. 12 —Trade Home Shoe Stores, sign bond " 12 —Tax Certificates on property that City has, Treasurer's deeds for be cancelled 12 —Tax sale certificates held by City on property of Board of Education be surrendered 28— Trenkle, sign bond Page April 25— Universal Car & Tractor Co., sign bond 1, 5, 6 May 2— Uhlrich -Paley Co., petition to operate scales 6 Oct. 5 —U. S. Fidelity Co., consent to extension of time 16 on Jas. Saul & Son contracts 46 51 12 —U. S. Fidelity Co., consent to extension of time 62 on Anton, Zwack sewer contract 111 " 22— Uhlrich -Paley Co., Relative to assessment for Imp. of Asbury Street 30— Uhlrich -Paley Co., petition for extension of time to complete contracts 118, 123 118 170 184 202, 203, 235 282 292 325 414 415 474 476 476 514 1928 ft INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT U Page 62 71 333 336 346 357 1928 Feb. April May July Aug. Nov. it it Dec. INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT V 27- Vernon St., petition to improve 2- Veterans of Foreign Wars, poppy day 14- Voelker Realty Co., petition to install private sewer 14- Voelker Realty Co., Contractor's Bond 27- Victoria Street Imp. 3- Voelker Realty Co., petition, relative to lowering stop boxes 5- Voelker Realty Co., remonstrance, against sanitary sewer in Green St. and Oak St. 5- Voelker, Chris. A., et al., against sanitary sewer in Adair St. 5- Vernon St., pet. to improve, report of Manager 5- Victoria St., Gas connections 18- Voelker Realty Co., petition to redeem property 26- Valley Street, petition to improve Page 15 46 87, 112 87 215, 216 229 363 363 374 380, 443 499 508 1928 Jan. 16- Wurst, Ernst J., petition for suspension of taxes " 16- Weidlich, C. F., City to repair driveway to his garage ,. Mar. 30- Willy - Uhlrich, Contractor's bond " 30- Walters, Wm., Contractor's bond April 16- Wacheff, Jim, claim for personal injuries °' 16 -West 5th and Glen Oak Sts., Tree overhangs street, to be removed " 25- Windsor Ave., pet. for street light " 25- Wenzel, Fred, renewal of Contractor's bond " 25- White, Frank, Notice from Board of Health' to connect with sewer May 2- Watkins, Lowell, renewal Contractor's bond 7 -West 4th St., Resolution June it if if July Aug. if Sept. Oct. Nov. 0C Dec. INDEX -Book 58 SUBJECT W Page 2, 441 2 43 43 50, 55, 177 53 62 63 65 71 of Necessity 80,81; 82, 110, 115, 117, 132, 137, 139, 378, 443, 444, 445 7 -West 8th St., Resolution of Necessity 80, 81, 82, 110, 115, 117 132, 137, 139, 353, 416, 425, 426 7- Wilson St., Resolution of Necessity 80, 81, 82, 110, 115, 117, 132 138, 139, 188, 353, 416, 428, 430, 431 4- Wilson St., Petition of property owners, relative to improvement 18- Winter, Christ J., Notice to connect with sewer 18- Winner, Chauncy, Notice to connect with sewer 21- Windsor Ave., Engineer to prepare plans for improvement 170, 188, 189, 195, 196, 206, 207, 209, 222, 255 259, 277, 278, 377, 378, 383, 443, 461, 462, 466 10- Wilbur St. Imp 189, 195, 196, 206, 208, 209, 222, 255, 260, 277 10- Wilson St. Imp. from W. 5th to W. 8th Sts., 188, 189, 195, 206, 207, 209, 222, 255, 256, 257, 258, 274, 275, 412, 438, 477, 479 10- Wilson St. Imp. from Julien Ave. to W. 11th St., 188, 189, 195, 206, 207, 209, 222, 255, 256, 257, 258, 275, 276, 413, 477, 481, 482 17- Witwer, Frank, petition for permit to sell cigarettes 193 17- Winter, Christ J., petition relative to connecting with sanitary sewer 27- Windsor Avenue, remonstrance by property owners, against improvement 27- Wilbur Street, remonstrance against improvement, by E. E. Bowen 207 24- Wilson St., Gas connections 263, 264, 280 24- Windsor Ave., Gas connections 263, 264, 280, 354 355, 379, 443, 447 24- Wilbur St., Gas connections 263, 264, 280 24- Wimmer, Ella B., remonstrance against con- struction of sidewalk 266 19- Weitz, Edward, petition, for cancellaton of 1927 tax 295 30- Wimber, Orville, sidewalk Contractor's bond 348 5- Windsor Ave., report of City Manager 377 22- Windsor Ave., Water con. assessments 396, 400 Sewer connections 403, 405 22- Wilson St. from 5th to 8th Sts., clown spout drains 412 22- Wilson St. from Julien Ave. to W. 11th Sts , down spout drains 413 28 -West 6th Street, petition to widen and improve said street 439 28- Woodworth Street, petition to improve 439, 498 12- Wieser, John, addressed Council relative to im- provement of Lemon Street 474, 499 20- Woodlawn Park Add. Subdividing lots 504 123 155 162 193 207 III 1928 INDEX —Book 58 SUBJECT Y Mar. 5 —Y. M. C. A., Petition to stretch banner across street July 10— Yount, Earl, Councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tem Nov. 16— Yount, Earl, Councilman, appointed Mayor pro -tem Z Mar 30— Zwack, Anton, Contractor's bond April 16— Ziegler, Albert, Contractor's bond " 25— Zillig, Adam, sign bond Aug. 31— Zwack, Anton, petition for extension of time on contract of Dodge Street Sewer Dec. 28— Zwack, Anton, Suit against Dock Board and City of Dubuque Page 19 180, 191 391, 470 43 49 62 282 514 Regular Session, January 3rd, 1928 1 CITY COUNCIL (Official) Regular Session January 3rd, 1928. January 2nd, 1928, having been generally observed as New Years day, the meeting adjourned to Jan. 3rd, 1928. Council met at 5 P. M. Present —City Manager Douglas, Mayor Melchior, Councilmen Maclay, Meuser and Yount. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Petition of J. C. Cullen asking that a street light be installed at the in- tersection of Lowell and Abbott Streets, stating that this is a very dark corner and a street light is very necessary. Councilman Meuser moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Maclay. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Maclay, Meuser and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Claim of Wm. Berg against the City in the sum of $100.00 on account of personal injuries sustained in fall- ing on an ice covered sidewalk on Keppler Street near the north side of Seminary Street. He states that this happened while on his way to work on Dec. 27th at about 6:30 P. M., that it was dark at the time, the light having been turned off. He broke two liga- ments in his right hand and asks the above amount to pay for med- ical attendance and time lost. Councilman Maclay moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor. Seconded by Councilman Meuser . Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Macley, Meuser and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Report of City Solicitor on the pe- tition of Christine Siekwarth, refer- red to him at a previous meeting. Stating that he had investigated the matter and that although the records do not show anything pertaining to this particular case, that the Coun- cil agreed to show her some leniency when the assessments were levied against her property Lot 74 Union Add., for the improvements of Bry- ant Street and Cleveland Ave., and he recommends that the Council cancel the interest and penalties against this property, she being anx- ious to pay at this time. Councilman Maclay moved the Treasurer be instructed to accept the original assessments and cancel the interest and penalties. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Melchior, Council- men Macley, Meuser and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Petition of Bridget Brunskill re- ferred to the City Council by the Board of Review exempted her from paying taxes in former years, and she now asks that her taxes for the year 1926 be exempted, on east 24 feet of lot 22 in Cox's Addition. Councilman Meuser moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed and the • Board of Supervisors be notified of the Council's action. Seconded by Councilman Yount. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Macley, Meuser and Yount. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. City Clerk Stuber reported that F. W. Woodward, general manager of the Telegraph - Herald and Times - Journal newspaper, informed him that the publishing of official notices, etc. will be 95 cents an inch, that they cannot possibly do the work for less, and if the City will not pay at this rate they will refuse to publish any more notices. Councilman Meuser moved that the printing bills now on file be paid on the base as rendered, and future bills be paid at the above rate. Sec- onded by Councilman Maclay. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Melchior, Council- men Macley, Meuser and Yount. Nays - -None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. There being no further business, Council adjourned. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved 1928. Adopted 1928 Councilmen Attest: City Clerk. V v