Claim by Michael Vondal Copyrig hted November 16, 2020 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 2. City Council Meeting ITEM TITLE: Notice of Claims and Suits SUM MARY: Black Hills Energy for property damage; Mackenzie Weber for vehicle damage; Michael J. Vondal forvehicle damage. SUGGESTED Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Referto CityAttorney DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Claim by Black Hills Energy Supporting Documentation Claim by Mackenzie Weber Supporting Documentation Claim by Michael J. Vondal Staff Memo ��c,\ rn� � CLA{AA AGAINST THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA i� , M�1�� �. ���.r n�.�`�+� 'This written reporfi consfiitutes your claim against the City ef Dubuque, lowa. You should �omplete this form in fiull and attach any addi�9ona1 inforrriation that supporfis your claim. The Claim must b� filed with the �ity Clerk at Ciky Hall, 50 W. 13t" St,, Dubuque, IA 52001. It vviil then be referred by th� City Council to the appropria#e department for investigation. Once that investigation is completed, a report and recorr+mendation woll be submi#ted to the City Co�an�il. You wii! be pravided wit� � copy of that report and rscommendafiion. 1'fiE FiN,4L DECIS6�N OIV ALL CLAIMS !S MAt?E BY THE CITY COUNCIL. NO EMPLOYEE C3� TFBE CIT`Y OF DU�QIQ6�E H�►S THE A'JTHORi�'Y TC� IVtAKE At�Y R�PRESENTATION TO Y�U R►S 'TO VIfHETHEFt YB3UR CLAINi V1fILL OR iti/iLL, NOT BE PAtD. 1. Nam� of�laira�a�t: ��il�'y{f���- � t/�i(��,��, 2. Addr�ss: � �- �7"� �'' �i#y: � !��LQ�` Sta#e: --�� Zip:_S"' d4 � 3, Telephone Number: ��p 3 r �',�-- .3��� 4. i3ate of Incident: 1� �� c���C� 5. T'ime of(ncident: �,,lT �P�? � 8:a�0 �m 6. Location of Incident (Be specific): ��Cl� il'1�7"1�o�dL/T!<I�J i4.e� .S�G I� ��'�'�, 1� / �'1!R°'���1� •P..�> �c/�UQtt�, fi�7 .5�204 3 7. DESCRIBE ACCIDENT OR OCCURRENCE T'iiAl' CAUSE� BNJEJRY OR DAMAGE. (Give full details upon vvhich yo€a base y�ur claim. If a City �ro�pioyee was involved, give t6�e employee's r�ame.) C��-y�.�r��G� `�� �t'���('� e,�ert L�o z�,� ��.,,� ��v� �y .�e.��n� l�/�i� uJ�'�c�� �' r�5 T"cl��,/��/� /�rn �n�T � �i✓GoA n 8. What were weather conditions like? GL�i1� � �-�2�.1 9. Give name and address of any witnesses: �h'1 COGSai� �� �u��� g� .d�r�j6�r�l�,�.Z'Z'�l .�oa/ 10. Did police investigate? (If so, give name� of ofFicers.) �� 11. Was anyone injured? (If so, give names, addresses, and extent of injuries). �v 12. Was any damage done to property? (!f so, describe property and the extent of damages. Attach estimates of damages or describe basis for ascertaining extent of damage.) ��5. 1'D rr�y ,lS.u.�!� T�ig�t�,2 , S'��' �rT�'-�{�A �"�i9�� �elo� 13. What other damages do you claim, if any? Nd 14. Have you been compensated for any part or all of your claim by any insurance corr�pany? (!f so, give name and address of insurance company and amount paid.) /��'0 15. 1tVhat arrnount c!o yoa� ciairr�from the Cit� of Dubuc{ue?���C���� � 16. Wh do you claim the City of Dubu ue is responsible? c�° l ���`-��� � /1��7 f./7�,�`%al1LG�d� ���`'� fitll� /l'ICJIJt/�i°rr??��/LE� r 17. 9iave you made any claim against anyone else for damages as a result of this incident? {If yes, give name and address.) ,/� �° 18. If the answer to Question 17 is yes, have you received any payment from that source, and if so, in what amount? ,`� /1/ Dated a# Dubuque, towa this �� day of,��If�//3�8,�. , 20� `i��� �'! (Signature) �/�'f�� JB ����,Jt�� (Print Name) �� o � � � ,J� o � �-�' �._ (-�-� � = ;-� r (� � � J � �- ���1 (Rev. 5/18) �a �" �? � n !T' D = � �..J �� N O Copyrig hted November 16, 2020 City of Dubuque Consent Items # 3. City Council Meeting ITEM TITLE: Disposition of Claims SUMMARY: CityAttorneyadvising thatthe following claims have been referred to Public Entity Risk Services of lowa, the agent forthe lowa Communities Assurance Pool: Black Hills Energy for property damage, MacKenzie Weber for Vehicle Damage, Michael J. Vondal for Vehicle Damage. SUGGESTED Suggested Disposition: Receive and File; Concur DISPOSITION: ATTACHMENTS: Description Type I CAP Referral Staff Memo � � THE I"TY F ������� � C O = �„ - ; � ;$,���,�,t� ; � ��;LJ �� �,� ii �� _ � zao7•zQiz�zaa� Maste�pi�ee on the 1Vlississippi� �Q�7����� : � �, 3 1 II TRACEY STECKLEIN j' PARA_L.EGAL i� �i ; M � nn o li �r To: Mayor Ray D. Bual and � ; , Members of the Cifiy �ouncil : �;{ , � jl DA�r�: Navember 13, 2020 ;� I� R�: C1aim Against the Gity af Dubuque by Michael J. Vc�r�dal I; ,; Claimant Date o�Claim Date of Loss Nature ofi Claim �; ��� I; Michael J. Vondal 11/�2J2� 10/16J20 Vehicle L}amage I� �; �; This�is a claim in which claimant alleges that as he was abaut to unlaad his trailer at the I�! Dubuque Mefiropolitan Area Solid V1/aste Agency, a City emplayee operating a bulldozer II, backed into claimant's trailer. � � I' This claim has been referred to the lowa Communities Assurance Pool, w il cc; Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager jl John Klostermann, Publie Works�Director � j; Ken Miller, DMASWA Administrator � Michael Vondal i; k � B w� � QFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY QUBUQUE, IOWA � SUITE 330,}-�ARBOR VIEW PLACE,3Q0 IV�AIN STREET DUBUQUE, IA 52001-6944 TE�EPHONE (563}583-41�3/F,vc (563}583-104Q/EMa« tsteckle@cityofdubuqua.org � � �