Fuhrman, Mary, LetterJune 22, 2003 Members of Dubuque City Council Jeanne Schneider There seems to be many concerns lately on how Dubuque is spending its money on the Riverfront project while there are still so many areas that need attention~ The storm water issue for one, and now the cutting back in our public safety. The city mayor and city cotmcil seem to have their own agenda's. In June of 2002, Dubuque had 17 million or more oftmdesignated reserves in the general fund. I understood that a certain percent was to be put back into city programs. I believe there are resources to tap to take care of the citizens of Dubuque. We are going to lose the citizens of Dubuque to the visitors. I think the River~om project is a wonderful idea, but not at the expense of public safety. Please think of how the majority of citlzens feel about this and vote accordingly and not accept the budget as it is proposed by our mayor. This is the most I have seen Dubuque residents question the goings on with our mayor and city council. Mary Fuhrman 1305 North Grandview