Sweeney, Deb, Ltr - budget cutsPage I of 1 Jeanne Schneider From: To: Sent: Subject: "Deb Sweeney" <Deb. Sweeney@mci.com> <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>; <ctymgr@cityofdubuque.org>; <rbuoll@mchsi.com>; <Patriciacline(~_,mchsi.com>; <danielenicholson@mchsLcom>; <aeml0@mchsi.com>; <jcon nors63@mchsi.com> Monday, June 16, 2003 9:16 AM City of Dubuque Budget Concems Dear City of Dubuqe Council Members, This letter is in oppos~on of the passage of the budget cuts affecting city employees. On a personal note my family is affected by this bill. My brother is an experienced firefighter in the City of Dubuque. He has been with the department just under a year and will surely be one of the firefighters to lose his job when budget cuts are implemented. He is highly experienced with firefighting and paramedic positions in Iowa, New Mexico and Colorado. Although living all over the country is great, his desire was to move back to his hometown to be closer to family. It is troubling that after making this decision and buying a home in Dubuque, his job is now in danger especially as every time I go back to Iowa, ! am amazed at how much Dubuque is growing. I live in Colorado now, but someday hope to move back to Iowa as well which is exactly what the state needs, more young families moving home vs to other places. Iowa is a great place to live and raise a family, it cannot be compared to anywhere else in the country in my mind. Part of that is the beauty of the state, but people also love Iowa because it is a safe place to live and raise kids. I know this, especially after spending over 13 years of my lifo living in other places. I hope alternatives can be found b3 budget cuts vs cutting fire and police jobs which are a big piece of why people all over the country talk about and want to live in a safe, family centered state like Iowa. Thank you for your consideration on this matter, Deb Sweeney Former resident of Dubuque Iowa for 18 years Former resident of Iowa City and Graduate of U of I Hopeful future parent of U of I graduate if we have the opportunity to move back to Iowa 6/16/2003