Transit Trust Bd Budget ReductiKeyLine Transit 2401 Central Avenue Dubuque, Iowa 52001~3302 (563) 5894196 office (563) 5894340 fax (563) 690-6675 TDD July 3, 2003 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FR: Harry J. Bemis, Chairperson /~'/.~ The Dubuque Transit Trustee Bc~rd Subject: Budget Reductions We, the Dubuque Transit Trustee Board, after holding a public meeting July 2, 2003 at 3:15 pm in the Library Auditorium and listening to the many concerns presented by those in attendance (copy attached), are of the opinion and are recommending to you that the KeyLine fixed route and ADA minibus fares be increased only as follows and that the Saturday service remain untouched. KeyLine Fixed Route Full Fare from $1.00 to $1.50 Keyine Fixed Route Half Fare from $0.50 to $0.75 ADA Minibus Fare from $1.00 to $1.50 Based on a 15% ridership attrition, staff estimated the fare increases above would generate an additional $67,098 in revenue. We feel the decrease in ridership will not be 15% as anticipated, but closer to 7 or 8% based on the last fare increase in 1996. As such, the revenue generated would be closer to $73,019. We, as a Board are recommending this increase plus $8,978 reductions in other areas of the budget to meet a net base level reduction of $81,997. This base level amount is considered by the Transit board to be the proportionate transit share of the overall City budget shortfall based upon the figures presented in the May 9, 2003 memo to Department Managers from Administrative Services Manager Pauline Joyce and the June 11,2003 memo to the Mayor and City Council from the City Manager. The transit service in Dubuque has already been cut to the bare bones over the years. Our passengers are transit dependant and live on very limited, often fixed incomes. As stated in the ordinances governing the Transit Board, we are responsible for establishing fares and setting schedules subject to City Council approval and respectfully recommend the fare increase above, additional $8,978 in other budget cuts and continued Saturday fixed route service. Cc: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager Service People Integrity Responsibility Innovation Temmwork Public Comments Summary Transit Board Public Meeting July 2, 2003, Library Auditorium NAME COMMENT Cindy Steger Yovonne Davis Jo Ann Francois Keep Saturday service even if it means increasing rates Keep Saturday service. Cab fare is $10.00 vs $1.00 bus fare. Saturday service important for employment transportation needs for Iow income families. Keep Saturday service even if it means increasing fares. Is totally dependant on the bus system for transportation. I live in a group home and depend on Saturday bus service to get to work. Sr. Delores Uhlrich Stonehill Franciscian Services Stonehill Adult Daycare depends on public transportation. Program extends independent living for seniors and has proven health benefits. 150% increase in ADA minibus fares would prevent some seniors from attending Adult Daycare. Vickie Danner (Tri State Dialysis) 150 Dialysis patients lives depend on transportation to dialysis treatment 3 times per week. Some increase in fares is understandable but not 150%. Saturday service to dialysis essential. Mary Kay Patters Scenic Valley Area Agency On Aging Saturday service essential for dialysis treatment, doctor appointments, and grocery store trips; 150% increase in ADA minibus fares would be a tremendous hardship on clients living on less than $1,000 per month SSI. SVAA purchased $5,500 in ADA minibus tickets from Senior Living grant and have no other grant to fund additional $8,250 that would be needed for $2.50 fare. Cheryl Parsons Art Roach Mercy Hospital Most of Hillcrest assisted living clients make between $500 and $600 per month and rely on public transportation for employment purposes. Clients with mental illness battle isolation problems already and limiting transportation would only worsen situations for many. Transportation is already a primary barrier for individuals accessing needed services. Most individuals using public transportation are from the least advantaged portion of the population. Other parts of the city budget should be more able to afford cuts than transit. 2 John Romaine Area Residential Care ARC represents more than 200 clients in the City of Dubuque; 50 ride ADA minibus and another 30 or so ride fixed route service twice daily Monday through Friday for employment purposes. Fare increases proposed are more than passengers can afford. Increase not realistic and there should be cuts in other departments not other departments budget needs shifted to transit. Human Rights Comm. Transit should not be a donor department given the disadvantaged population dependant on the local bus service. Sara Davidson Currently paying $40 per month transportation costs to physical therapy. This would increase to $100. Uses a wheel chair and riders both fixed route and ADA minibus service. While transit should contribute to the budget crisis the City is facing, the current fare structures proposed are inequitable. Saturday service is essential. Transit service has already been reduced substantially over the years with 1 hour headways. Last time she used KeyLine to go to get a hair cut it took a total of 4 hours to travel and get the hair cut. Bob O'Bden Transit and City should be looking forward to a natural expansion in transit service demand as population ages. Elimination of service is an unnecessary contraction. Isolation already a problem for many seniors. City and transit need to do more marketing and promotion and should be working with school system to increase ridership. Steve Didato Most KeyLine passengers have difficulty getting around on current system. Further reductions will only make this worse for this vulnerable population. Driver pool at KeyLine already a part time workforce and further reductions in service will cost some of the drivers their jobs. Bonnie Maiers Fare increases eat at already marginal wages and incomes. Because she is in a wheel chair she cannot use a cab if Saturday service is eliminated. Needs public transportation on Saturdays for employment. 4