Minutes Human Rights 6 9 03DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF June 9, 2003 Judy Giesen called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, June 9, 2003, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Raydora Drummer Codne Murray Bill Ross Chuck Ryan Evelyn Jackson Judy Giesen Vincent Vanden Huevel Penny Ehlinger Absent: Lou Oswald Staff: Kelly L.arson Carol Spinoso Bill Blum Kelly introduced the summer intems, Edca Wehner and Bobbi Lammer. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the May 12, 2003 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Murray seconded. All in favor. Caseload Report Carol summarized the May Caseload Report. There were fifty-three intakes, five cases in backlog, eight cases in active investigation, three cases in mediation, three cases in administrative review, no cases in administrative law judge review, two cases in the public headng process, seven cases were filed, and two cases were closed. The case synopsis involves discrimination in the area of employment onthe basis of gender. Director's Report Kelly submitted a wdtten report summarizing her involvement with past and future initiatives. Additionally, Kelly stated that Jonathan Namisse met with the Amedcas Promise Steedng Group today to talk about the needs and concerns of new residents who are relocating here from larger urban areas and how this could impact this group. Review Proposed Bud,qet Amendment Kelly noted a change to the proposed decision package regarding Faces & Voices. It is being recommended that Faces & Voices be restructured to a one-day event. commissioners reviewed the proposed documents and are in accord with the proposed budget amendments as presented by Kelly. Ordinance Review- Article I~ II, III Kelly gave a bdef overview and provided clarification to specific Commissioner questions. Article IV will be reviewed at next month's meeting. Update on Accessibility Proiect - Penny Commissioner Ehiinger provided minutes from the Committee's June 5a meeting, and a draft of a letter that will be sent to area businesses. She asked that Commissioners review the letter and convey any comments or suggestions back to the committee. Review Plan of Action for Established Goals Faces & Voices - Judy, Bill Commissioners received minutes from the May 28 volunteer meeting. Presently, the continuation of Faces & Voices depends on budget and staff constraints. New Business Commissioner Ross distributed flyers announcing PFAG meetings. He added that Commissioners could show support by joining PFLAG, or by writing letters for the TH "My View" column. Commissioner Giesen distributed a letter from representatives of local human dghts agencies encouraging the Commission to consider recommending the inclusion of sexual orientation in the non- discrimination language in our city code, Commissioner Vanden Huevel distributed fact sheets on autism. The committee will provide an update at next month's meeting. Commissioner Murray added that the social concerns committees of St. Mary's and St. Pat's continue to meet regarding the needs and social problems of iow-income families in this community. Adjournment Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Vanden Huevel seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjoumed at 5:53 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted: ~ ~ Minutes approved as corrected: