1923 February Council ProceedingsRegular Session, February 5th, 1923 61 CITY COUNCIL (Official.) Regular session February 5th, 1923. Council met at 4:30 p. M. Present, City Manager Carr, Mayor Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Gabriel, Schrempf. Absent, Councilman Melchior. Mayor Alderson in the chair. The Mayor stated that this is the regular monthly meeting for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before the Council. The following petition, signed by 621 qualified voters of the City of Dubuque, was presented: To the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: We, the undersigned, qualified electors, residing within the City of Dubuque, Iowa, being satisfied that it is necessary to improve and ex- tend the municipal waterworks sys- tem of said City, and that the said municipal waterworks system can- not be improved and extended with- in the limit of one and one - quarter per centum of the actual value of the taxable property within said City, do hereby petition the Council of said City to call an election and submit thereat to the electors of said City, to be by them voted upon, the proposition of issuing bonds- of said City in the sum of Three Hun- dred Twenty -Five Thousand Dol- lars ($325,000.00), the money deriv- ed from the sale of said bonds to be used for the purpose of improv- ing and extending the municipal waterworks system of said City. Councilman Gabriel moved that the petition, having the necessary number of signers, be received and made a matter of record; seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council. men Brede, Gabriel, Schrempf. Nays —None. Absent—Councilman Melchior. Councilman Melchior entered and took his seat at 4 :35 p. m. Resolution calling a special elec- tion for submission of waterworks bond proposition: Whereas, there has been filed with the Council of this, the City of Du- buque, in the County of Dubuque, State of Iowa, a petition asking that an election be called for the pur- pose of submitting to the electors of said City the proposition of is- suing bonds of said City in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars ($325,000) for the Purpose of improving and extending the municipal waterworks system of said City; and Whereas, said petition is in all respects sufficient and in full com- pliance with the provisions of Sec- tion 1306 -b et seq. of the Supplement to the Code of Iowa, 1913, as amend- ed, and should be granted and this Council has jurisdiction thereof: and Whereas, this Council has hereto- fore adopted the provisions of Chap- ter 3 -a of Chapter VI of the Sup- plement to the Code of Iowa, 1913, as amended, and authorized and or- dered the use of voting machines at all elections held in said City; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, Dubuque County, Iowa, as follows: Section 1. That a special ejection be and is hereby called to be held in said City on the 9th day of March, 1923, from seven o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock p. m., at which election there shall be sub- mitted to the electors of said City to be by them voted upon, the prop- osition of issuing bonds of said City in the sum of Three Hundred Twen- ty -five Thousand Dollars ($325,000) for the purpose of improving and extending the municipal waterworks system of said City. Section 2. That said election shall be held in the several wards and voting precincts of said city, the boundaries of which shall be as delimited by Ordinance Number 2 of said City. The polling places with- in the respective voting precincts shall be as follows: First Ward. First Precinct—Engine House, Grandview avenue. Second Precinct —Fr a n k l i n School, Bluff and Jones streets. Second Ward. First Precinct — County Court House, Seventh street and Central avenue. Second Precinct — Fourth Street Engine House, Fourth and Locust streets. Third Ward. First Precinct — Engine House, Ninth and Iowa streets. Second Precinct —City ;Hall, Thir- teenth street awl Central avenue. Third Precinct—Engine House, Eighteenth street and Central ave- nue. Fourth ard. First Precinct C amber of Com- merce Building, Ni th and Locust streets. Second Precinct—Palmetto Hall, 2247 Delhi street. Third Precinct — Ahrendt's Auto fai Repair Shop, 480 West Locust street. Fifth Ward. First Precinct— Schmidt's hall, 2327 Central avenue. Second Precinct — Audubon School corner Lincoln and Johnson ave- nues. Third Precinct — Engine House, Rhomberg avenue. Fourth Precinct—Dubuque Trac- tor Co., Twenty -sixth and Elm streets. Section 3. That at said election the ballots to be used for the afore- said proposition shall be prepared on yellow colored paper in substan- tially the following form: "Proposition to issue bonds in the sum of $325,000 for Water- works purpose." Said ballots shall be preparde in such size as will permit same to be inserted in the proper place of each voting machine. Section 4. That the . Mayor ie hereby authorized, empowered and instructed to issue a notice of the submission of said proposition at said election, and of the time and places thereof, and to give four weeks' notice .of said election by publication thereof, once each week in the Telegraph- Herald, a newspa- per of general circulation printed :and published in said City, the first of which publications shall be at least twenty -eight days before said election, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION. Notice of special Election. Dubuque, Iowa. Public notice is hereby given that at a special election in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to be held on Friday, the 9th day of March, 1923, from seven o'clock a. m. to seven o'clock p. m. there will be submitted to the electors of said City, to be by them voted upon, the proposition of issuing bonds of said City in the sum of Three Hundred Twenty eve Thousand Dollars ($325,000) for the purpose of improving and extending the municipal water works system of said City. At said election voting machines will be used and the ballots to be used for the submission of the afore- said proposition will be in substan- tially the following form: "Proposition to issue bonds in the sum of $325,000 for Water- works purposes." The said special election will be held in the several wards and vot- ing precincts of said City, the boun- ■8aries of which shall be as delimit- ed by Ordinance Number 2 of said 'City. The polling places within the 62 Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 respective voting precincts shall be . as follows: First Ward. First Precinct— Engine House, Grandview avenue. Second Precinct — Franklin school, Bluff and Jones streets. Second Ward. First Precinct— County Court House, Seventh street and Central avenue. - Second Precinct — Fourth Street Engine House, Fourth and Locust streets. Third Ward. First Precinct—Engine House, Ninth and Iowa streets. Second Precinct —City Hall, Thir- teenth street and Central avenue. Third Precinct— Engine House, Eighteenth street and Central ave- nue. Fourth Ward. First Precinct — Chamber of Com- merce Building, Ninth and Locust streets. Second Precinct — Palmetto Hall, 2,247 Delhi street. Third Precinct Ahrendt's Auto Repair Shop, 480 West Locust street. Fifth Ward. First - Precinct— Schmidt's Hall, 2327 Central avenue. Second Precinct— Audubon school, corner Lincoln and Johnson avenues. Third Precinct—Engine House, Rhomberg avenue. Fourth Precinct—Dubuque Prac• ter Co., Twenty -sixth and Elm streets. All qualified electors of said City are hereby notified to appear at said election, each to vote at the polling place of the precinct in which such elector resides. This notice is given by order of the 'City Council of the City of Du- buque, pursuant to Section 1306 -b et seq. of the Supplement to the Code of Iowa, 1913, as amended, and to a sufficient petition with the requisite signatures in accordance therewith. Dated as Dubuque, Iowa, this — day of , 1923. Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: 'Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. 'Section 5. That at .said election in each polling place properly installed, regulated and tested voting ma- chines shall be aused. Section 6. That in compliance with Section 1093 of the Code of Iowa, as amended, the - following named 'persons be and the same are hereby appointed judges and clerks of said election for the .respective Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 63 voting precincts as hereinbefore des- ignated: First Ward. First Precinct — Judges, A. W. Dax, H. Kingsley and H. G. Gow; clerks, Mary Grube and Rose Lee. Second Precinct— Judges, D. Doty, R. Waller, A. Hbffman • clerks, Wini- fred Kenna and Mrs. C. Forward. Second Ward. First Precinct — Judges, N. J. Can- field, E. Yount, John Appel; clerk, Mrs. J. J. Murphy. • Second Precinct — Judges, J. Michel, J• Cheetham, R. Bechtel; clerks, Mildred Ware and Nodie Efferding. 'Third Ward. • First Precinct— Judges, Mrs. J. McCraney, .3 Fettgather, Geo. Gee: belt; clerks, John La Barge and Mrs. J. Wagner. Second Precinct — Judges, C. Pet - terson, M. Benner, A. Wyxner; clerks, Wm. Singrin, Jr., and W. A. Mat- thews. Tbird Precinct — Judges, A. Juer- gens, Geo. Jacobson, A. Woodward; clerks, Martha Thimmesch and Alma Schreiber. Fourth Ward. First Precinct Judges, Anna Kolf, Mary Creston, G. Layton; clerks, Jane Joss and Km A. Shea. second Precinct— Judge :. Geo. Mc. ponough, W. McGowan, J. Weston; clerks, John Schmidt, Jr., And Mrs. L. McIntyre. Third Breciipcct Judges, Louis Lubel, W. R. }Riley, T. A. Polsean; .clerks, Mary Keppler and Marion Stifles. Fifth Ward. First Precinct= Judges, Fred Hoer - :ner, C. Dell, Al. Riedi; clerks, Ida Scherr ,and Ethel Washburn. Second Precinct — Judges, Cather- ine Wagner, Wm. Hollnagle, G. Vath; clerks, Myrtle Grady and Mrs. ,Geo. Wiegand. Third Precinct — Clerks, Fred Hel- ler, A. Breckler, F. Taylor; clerks, Mrs. Val. Schmidt and Mrs. Nellie Braum. Fourth Precinct— Judges, E. V. Frith, J. Bertsch, Wm. Dalbkermey- er, Sr.; ,clerks, D. J. Haas and Cath- erine Frank. Section 7. That this jCouncil meet on the next (secular) ,day following the day of said :election, at the Council Chamber in the .City Hall within said City, at Four ,(4) o'clock P. M., to ,canvass the results of said election. Section ;8. That all ;resolutions or Parts of resolution, in conflict : here- with, be and the same are hereby 'repealed. Section 9. That this , resolution be in force and effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Passed and approved Feb. 5th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, TIM. GABR.IEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR. Attest: JOHN STUBER, • City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption .of the resolution. Second- ad by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Connell- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrennpf. Nays =None. RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR . REGISTRATION. Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of pubuque, Iowa, as 9il- lows: Section 1. That in order to com- pile a list of votors who shall be entitled to vote at the special elec- tion to be held ;in the City Of Du- bugne, Dubuque County, Iowa, on March 9th, 1923, the following named persons be and the same are hereby appointed registrars at the respec- tive voting precincts, said persons being .qualified to act under the pro- visions of Section 1076 of the Code of Iowa as emended: .First Ward,. First Precipgt - -Mrs. V,an Vall5en berg, Mrs. R. B. Grimes. Second Precinct —D. I3enneelly, R. D. Waller. Second Ward. First Preeiuct- -Fred Bade, .Geo. Miller. :Second Precinct — Wm. ,Glassen, Mrs. J. Cheetham. Third ,War 1. First Precinct —Mrs. J. LaBarge; Anna Pier. Second Precinot—B. .0. :Scher,, Mary James. Third Precinct —Mrs. Butler, Miss Matz. • Fourth Ward. 'First Precinct —Ed. Ruff, Mrs. C. J. Starr. Second precinct—P. Schuler, Min- nie Starr. Third Precinct - -John Kenety, Jo- sephine Schaghauser. Fifth Ward. First Precinct—Mrs. W Zwack, D.- Greenley. Second ; Preetgct — Pete • Grode, ,Mrs. O. Pu15. T15 rd ,Pregingt —C. Arendt, Mrs. John ,Fox. Fourth grecinet E. T. Frith, Al. Schwind. Said registrars shall meet ; on the "1 64 Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 second Thursday prior to the date of said election, and hold continuous session for two consecutive days, to- wit: Feb. 22 and Feb. 23, 1923, and again on the Saturday preceding the date of said election, to -wit: March 3, 1923, from eight o'clock A. M. to nine o'clock P. M. of each of said days, for the purpose of compiling, revising, correcting, striking from, consecutively numbering and com- pleting the registry books of the vot- ers of said City, as provided by Chapter 2, Title VI of the Code of Iowa, as amended. Said registrars of the respective voting precincts shall aleo meet on the date of said election, to -wit: March 9, 1923, during the hours while the polls of said election are open, for the purpose of permitting the registration of all persons as may have been out of the City on all preceding registration days, or who have become entitled to vote since the last preceding days of reg- istration. The places of all meetings of the registrars of the respective pre- cincts are hereinbefore provided, shall be as follows: First Ward First Precinct— Engine house, Grandview Avenue. Second Precinct — Franklin School, Bluff and Jones Streets. Second Ward First Precinct— County Court House, Seventh street and Central Ave. Second Precinct—Fourth street garage, Fourth and Locust streets. Third Ward First Precinct—Engine house, Ninth and Iowa streets. Second Precinct—City Hall, Thir- teenth street and Central Ave. Third precinct—Engine house, Eighteenth street and Central Ave. Fourth Ward First precinct — Chamber of Com- merce building, Ninth and Locust streets. Second precinct — Palmetto hall, 2247 Delhi street. Third Precinct— Ahrendt's Auto Repair Shop, 480 West Locust St. Fifth Ward First Precinct Schmidt's Hall, 2327 Central Ave. Second Precinct— Audubon school, corner Lincoln and Johnson Ave. Third Precinct— Engine house, Rhomberg Ave, Fourth Precinct — Dubuque Trac- tor Co., Twenty -sixth and Elm St. Section 2. That the Mayor of said City is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a notice of reg- istration, and of the time and places thereof, by publication for three con- secutive days in the Telegraph -Her- ald and Times- Journal, two leading political party papers, printed and published in said City, the last' of which publications shall be at least three days prior to the opening of the registry books as hereinbefore provided, said notice to be in sub - stanially the following form: Notice of Registration Public notice is hereby given that the registrars of election duly ap- pointed to register the voters of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, will, on Thursday, Feb. 22, 1923, and Friday, Feb. 23, 1923, be in attendance and continuous session at their respec- tive places, as hereinafter stated, from eight o'clock A. M. until nine o'clock P. M. on each day, for the purpose of completing a list of the persons who or will be qualified vot- ers in the respective voting pre- cincts of said City for the special el- ection to be held in said City on March 9, 1923, Said registrars will also be in continuous session on Saturday, March 3, 1923, from eight o'clock A. M. until nine o'clock P. M. for the purpose of revising, correcting, con- secutively numbering and complet- ing said books as to the names of all applying for registration who, on March 9, 1923, will be entitled to vote in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the respective precincts thereof, and by striking therefrom the name of anyone not entitled to vote there- at and for the purpose of performing all duties required of them by law. Said registrars will also be in con- tinuous session on election day, to wit: March 9th, 1923, during the hours the polls remain open, for the purpose of registering such persons as may have been out of the City on all of the preceding days fixed for registration or who have become entitled to vote since the previous days of registration. All of the qualified voters of said City who did not vote at the last general November election held 1 9 1922, o at thela t City election of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, which was held on March 27th, 1922, or who have since said elec- tion or elections, removed to anoth- er ward or precinct, or any who have become qualified voters of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, since said election or elections or who had not register- ed at the last Presidential election and desire to vote are hereby noti- fied to present themselves person- ally for registration on one of said days of registration under penalty of being deprived of the privilege of voting at said special election. The places of holding such regis- tration in eash of the several wards Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 and precincts of said City will be as follows: First Ward- 1st. Precinct — Engine house, Grandview Ave. 2nd. Precinct— Franklin School, Bluff and Jones Streets. Second Ward — ist.Precinct— County Court House, 7th and Central Ave. 2nd. Precinct -4th street Engine house, 4th and Locust streets. Third Ward - 1st. Precinct — Engine house, 9th and Iowa streets. 2nd. Precinct —City hall, 13th street and Central Ave. 3rd Precinct—Engine house, 18th street and Central Ave. Fourth Ward - 1st Precinct — Chamber of uom- merce Building, 9th and Locust St. 2nd Precinct — Palmetto hall, 2247 Delhi Street. 3rd. Precinct— Ahrendt's Auto Re- pair Shop, 480 West Locust St. Fifth Ward - 1st. Precinct Schmidt's hall, 2327 Central Ave. 2nd Precinct — Audubon school, corner Lincoln and Johnson St. 3rd. Precinct—Engine house, Rhomberg Ave. 4th Precinct—Dubuque Tractor Co., Twenty -sixth and Elm St. To all of the foregoing you will take due and timely notice. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 5th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Section 3. All resolutions or parts of resolutions, in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed. Passed and approved Feb. 5th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, , , L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Council man Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of the Dubuque Motor Boat Club, Feb. 1, 1923: To the Honorable City Council of the City of Dubuque: The undersigned Club begs to call attention to the fact that in the con- struction of the sewer in the vici- nity of the boat harbor, Dubuque, the City has removed the trees, posts, etc., around said harbor, which said trees had been used 65 for years by harbor tenants as an- choring places to which to secure their boats and boat - houses. These boats and boat - houses are now held fast by the ice, but when the ice melts the owners will be deprived of any means of fastening their boats. Wherefore your Honorable Body is respectfully requested to take the necessary action to pro- vide such facilities at the harbor which will enable boat owners to safeguard their property. Respectfully submitted, DUBUQUE MOTOR BOAT CLUB. By A. F. Schrup, Secy. and Treas. Councilman Brede moved that the rules be suspended to allow anyone present to address the Council. Sec- onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays —None. Messrs. Gehrig and Kleis address- ed the Council relative to the peti- tion, and also stated that there should be street lights there, as thieves enter the boat - houses under cover of darkness and rob them. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City En- gineer to work out a plan whereby the boats and boat- houses may be anchored. Seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays —None. Chas. Hoerman and Mr. Long ad- dressed the Council in behalf of the Hawkeye Casket Co., relative to the contemplated improvement of Twelfth Street, stating that their company had quite a large expense building additions to their factory, and that it would work a hardship on the company to improve the street at this time. They asked the Council to postpone this im- provement for at least one year, No action taken. The Council proceedings for the month of October presented. Coun- cilman Gabriel moved that they he approved as printed and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Mel- chior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays —None. February 5, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: I beg to advise that the Federal Securities Corporation of Chicago, Ill., wish to purchase certain of the $186,000.00 41/4 % City � II 66 Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 Improvement Bonds for which no bids were received at the time of the sale on Friday, October 20, 1922. The bonds which they wish to purchase are $21,000 maturing in 1932, 921,000 maturing in 1931, 921,000 maturing in 1930 and 910,000 maturing in 1927, making a total of 973,000. They also advise that they will probably be able to dispose of all of the bonds beyond those ma- turing in 1926 at par and accrued interest. I would ask for the con- summation of the Federal Securi- ties Corporation. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. The following resolution was in- troduced: A Resolution. Whereas, proposals were invited upon public notice for the sale of 9186,000.00 city improvement bonds bearing four and one -half (4 %) per cent interest and pursuant to such notice no satisfactory bid was sub - mitted for said bonds or for any portion thereof; and, Whereas, under the law, the city is empowered to sell such bonds to anyone submitting a satisfactory bid therefor, providing such bid complies with the law as to the amount to be paid therefor; and Whereas, the Federal Securities Corporation of Ch, :ago. I11., has submitted a bid for 973,000.00 worth of said bonds and agree to pay therefor par plus accrued interest; Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Du- buque, that $73,000.00 of city im- provement bonds bearing four and one -half (4 %) per cent interest be sold to the Federal Securities Cor- poration of Chicago, Ill., for par plus accrued interest and that up- on receipt of such payment the City Treasurer be and he is here- by directed to transfer such bonds to said purchaser. Be it further resolved that be- cause this resolution is deemed urgent and of immediate importance the same shall be in force and ef- fect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted by the City Council on this 5th day of Feb- ruary, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. ' Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays —None. A RESOLUTION. Whereas, proposals were request- ed for the sale of One Hundred Eight -Six Thousand (186,000) Dol- lars of city improvement bonds upon public notice thereof, and pursuant to such notice no bids were received and said bonds remained unsold, ex- cept Seventy -three Thousand (73,- 000) Dollars of said bonds having been sold at .a private sale for par and accrued interest to the Federal Securities Corporation of Chicago, Illinois; and Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council that said bonds be disposed of at private sale as quickly as possible, providing such sales are made for par and accrued interest; now therefor Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Man- ager be and he is hereby authorized to place all remaining unsold city im- provement bonds on sale to private purchasers and no sales to be made for less than par and accrued into..- est. Passed and adopted by the City Council this 5th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 5, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: In accordance with your instructions sealed bids were received at ten A. M. Monday, Febru- ary 5th, for the purpose of the old Police Patrol property at the corner of Washington and 13th Street. The following bids were received. Voelker Realty Co., $1,811; certi- fled check for $200.00. J. J. Nagle, 92,000; certified check for $1,000.00.. T. J. Hill, 92,650; certified check for $265.00. C: W. Bradley, an indefinite offer of $25.00 more than the next highest Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 67 bid received. Certified check for $350.00. I believe Mr. Bradley's offer Is ir- regular on account of being indefin- ite. I have no recommendation to make in connection with the sale of this ProPerty• Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the property be sold to T. J. Hill, Ms bid being the highest one received, for this property, and the mayor be au- thorized to sign a deed in behalf of the City conveying this property to Mr. Hill, upon payment by Mr. Hill to the City of $2,650 the money re- ceived therefor to be put in the Bonded debt fund, seconded by Councilman Melchior carried by the following vote. Yeas —Mayor Alderson, . Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 5th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: During the summer of 1921 the building located at the corner of Sixth and Main streets, at that time owned by the Weigel Estate, was inspected by the fire chief, who found it to be unsafe. The required notice was served on the representative of the owner of the building to show cause why the same should not be removed. The result of the notice was that the owners were asked to make the necessary repairs. An estimate of the cost of these repairs was made by Albert Ney and were found to be, as I recall it, in the neighbor- hood of 910,000.00. The building was later sold to the Dubuque Na- tional Bank, which company asked to make minor repairs to permit the temporary use of the building until the fall of 1922, when the same would be removed to make way for a new bank building. This company later, through consolidation, no longer needed the building and sold it to J. J. Nagle. So far as the city is concerned, matters stand now-the same as they did in the summer of 1921. Temporary repairs were made to permit the use of the building up to last fall. The matter of repairs or a sanction on the further use of the building in its present condi- tion has not even been sought by the owner. I am calling this mat- ter to the attention of the Council in order that they may take what- ever action to them seems right and proper in this connection. Also the building owned by J. H. Rhomberg, located right next to the corner of Ninth and Central, for- merly occupied by the Boiler Works, was condemned by the fire chief in 1921. Notice was served on the owner to show cause why the same should not be removed. The owner asked for time until December 1st, 1921, to remove the building. I beg to advise that the same has not been removed and is more or less a menace to the neighborhood. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the communication be referred to the City Solicitor, to prepare the proper resolutions for the condemnation of the above properties; seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays—None._ Petition of the Voelker Realty Co. We find the - following special as- sessment levied against Lot 16, Grandview Heights Addition: For the improvement of Grandview, levied Jan. 4th, 1912, $274.48; there was a sale on this to the City dated Sept. 9th, 1921, for 9345, which in- cludes the above assessment, $66.83 interest, and 40 cents costs. There is another special assess- ment for the improvement of Grand view avenue levied Sept..17th, 1920, $497.04; this also is affected by the sale to the city for 9553.55, which includes $56.11 interest and 40 cents costs. There is also an assessment for the improvement of Cora street lev- ied August 15th, 1918, 923.75, also represented by the sale to the City Sept. 9th, 1921, at $27.35, which in- cludes 93.20 interest and 40 cents costs. As a matter of explanation we wish to state, the old assess- ments were based upon frontage of lot, which happens to be 119 feet, but as the lot is angular in shape and but 39 feet wide, and at its nar- row point about 65 feet in from the street, it is really of less value than what an ordinary 50x100 would have been and the assessment greatly ex- ceeds the regular limit of 25 per cent value of the lot. However, to clear up the title at this time, we are offering 9425 in full, and ask the cancellation of the tax sale cer- tificates in , full upon payment of same. Respectfully, VOELKER REALTY CO. By L. C. Kolfenbach. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager for investigation; seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- 68 Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Communication of the Board of Education, withdrawing their peti- tion relative to the vacating of Twelfth street from Central avenue to White street, presented. No ac- tion taken. Petition of Miss Katherine Mc- Carten presented, stating that she had neglected to pay the taxes on the property listed under the name of M. M. McCarten and that the property was sold at tax sale to the City. She is anxious to pay this and have the tax sale certificate cancelled, and asks that the penal- ties be cancelled. Councilman Brede moved that the treasurer be instructed to accept the original, with interest and costs • and cancel the 8 per cent penalty and the tax sale certificate on pay- ment thereof; seconded by Council- man Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of O. C. Pepin, Jan. 6th, 1923. To the Honorable City Manager, Mayor and City Council: Dear Sirs: I request your Hon- orable Body to instruct the County Treasurer to accept the road and library tax only on Mineral Lots 302 and 301A, as these lots contain • more than 10 acres and are used for agricultural purposes only. Trusting you will act favorably on my petition and grant same, I re- main, Yours respectfully, O. C. PAPIN. Councilman Brede moved that the p,Jtition be referred to the City So- licitor; seconded by Councilman Ga- briel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of Harry Wilbur, Jan. 24th, 1923. City Council: Dear Sirs: I hereby ask your per- mission, allowing me to transfer my cigarette permit from my former place of business, 1706 Central ave- nue, to 1105 Julien avenue. Respectfully yours, HARRY WILBUR, 1105 Julien Ave. Councilman Gabriel moved that the prayer of the petition be grant- ed; second by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that Mayor Alderson and John E. Mc- Evoy be authorized to attend the legislative session of the water- works extension bill at Des Moines Feb. 8th, '1923; seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Notice to the Dubuque Electric Company: Jan. 26th, 1923. Gentlemen: You are hereby noti- fied that at a session of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, held September 20th and October 10th, 1922, proposed resolutions of neces- sity for the improvement of the fol- lowing streets, East 24th street from Central avenue to Jackson street, 15th street from Washington street to Main street, resolutions adopted Sept. 20th, 1922, and Asbury street from Delhi street to St. Ambrose street, Seminary street from St. Am- brose street to May place, and St. Ambrose street from Asbury street to Seminary street, resolutions adopted October 10th, 1922, were adopted and the City Engineer has prepared plats and schedules show- ing the proposed improvements, the locations thereof, the nature and ex- tent of the entire cost thereof, to- gether with the amount assessable to your company, which plat and schedule are on file in my office subject to public inspection. You are further notified that you have the right to do your share of this improvement yourself, subject to the inspection of the City Engi- neer, if you so desire. If you intend to do this work you are required to indicate your intention in writing to the City Council. Unless you signify your intention to do your share of this work, the same will be done by the City under contract and the cost thereof will be assessed to you as provided by law. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Reply to the above letter: Dubuque Electric Company Railway—Light—Power Jan. 31st, 1923. Mr. John Stuber, City Clerk, Dubuque, Iowa. Dear Sir: Acknowledging receipt of your favor of the 26th advising of the improvements on 24th street, 15th street, Asbury street, Seminary and St. Ambrose streets, 'I would advise that we wish the City to con- tract for this work in accordance with specifications and assess the cost thereof against us as provided by law. Very truly yours, O. H. SIMONDS, General Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the communication of the Clerk to the Dubuque Electric Company, and the answer thereto by the Dubuque Electric Co. be made a matter of record; seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Sc. Nays —N Notice hrempf of one. claim of personal injur, To the City of Dubuque, Iowa, its Mayor and M. H. Czizek, City So- licitor. You are hereby notified that on the 30th day of December, 122, at the hour of about 2:00 o'clock in the aft- ernoon, Matilda Wittman while walking on the northerly side of Main street within the City of Du- buque at a point between 9th and 10th streets and about 2 or 3 feet southerly of the northerly lot line of the lot occupied by what is known as the Bank and Insurance building in said city, (and being a few feet southerly of the southerly line of the American Store), fell upon said sidewalk by reason of the accumula- tion there of a ridge of ice which had formed and accumulated on said sidewalk and which had existed there for some time and that she fell and that the said fall caused in- juries to said claimant consisting of fractures of the right ankle bones, tibia and Tibia and a severe shock to her system, which injuries may be permanent. That said injury was caused by reason of the negligence of the City of Dubuque, in allowing the ice to remain there on said sidewalk, that she has and will suffer damages to the extent of $10,000.00 for which amount she makes claim against said City of Dubuque. MATILDA WITTMAN, Claimant. By LYON & WILLGING, Her Attorneys. Dated January 30th, 1923. Notice served January 30th, 1923. Councilman Brede moved that the notice be referred to the City So- licitor. Seconded by Council Ga- briel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council - cilmen Schrempf. Brede, Gabriel, Melchoir, Nays —None. Report of the City Water Works for the month of January, 1923, pre- Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 69 sented. Councilman Brede moved that the report be received and filed. Seconded by Council Gabriel. Car- ried by the following vote: Nays —None. Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Condemnation Proceedings— Resolu- tion. Whereas it is deemed necessary and advisable by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that Semi- nary street be widened by taking off of Lot 47 of Finley's Addition to the City of Dubuque a traingular strip thereof which lies at the southeast corner of said lot and contained within the following described area, namely, to -wit: Beginning at a point 13 feet north of the southeast corner of said lot, thence running southerly 13 feet to the southeast corner of said lot thence westerly' 50 feet along Semi: nary street and thense northeasterly to the point of beginning, said lot being owned by Theresa Rose Tam - lin; and Whereas, The City ' of Dubuque and the owners of the land above de- scribed are unable to agree upon the fair and reasonable price of. compen- sation to be paid for said land or a right of way over and across the same for street purposes; and Whereas, In order to acquire said land or a right of of way over the same for the purposes named, it will be necessary to condemn so much of said lot 47 in Finley's Addition as is described in this resolution which will be used and needed for the widening of said Seminary street; now therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to make a plat of that portion of said lot 47 in Fin - ley's Addition, as above described and which it is hereby proposed to appropriate for street purposes, which plat shall be used for the in- formation of the jury to be sum- moned as herein provided and also for the information of the property owner whose land is to be acquired, and such plat shall be filed with the Sheriff of Dubuque County, Iowa. He it further Resolved; That an application be made by the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to the Sheriff of Dubuque County, Iowa, to appoint six (6) freeholders all of whom to be residents of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and not interested in the same or a like question, whose duties it will be to inspect said premises and assess the damages which the own- er of said property will sustain by the taking of said real estate, said application to be signed by the 70 Regular Session, February 5th, 1923 Mayor and the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque. Be it further Resolved, That when said freeholders are appointed a ten (10) day notice in writing be given by the Sheriff of Dubuque County Iowa, to the owner of said land specifying therein the day and hour when the commissioners or jury ap- pointed by the Sheriff will view the premises, which notice shall be served by reading the same to said owner and giving to her a correct copy thereof. This resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate importance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Dubuque this 5th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Schrempf. Nays —None. Feb. 6th, 1923. Condemnation Proceedings— Appli- cation to Sheriff To F. J. Kennedy, Sheriff of Du- buque County, Iowa. — Greetings: The City of Dubuque having ae- clared the necessity of widening Seminary Street by taking off of lot 47 in Finley's Addition to the City of Dubuque, a triangular strip there- of which lies at the Southeast cor- ner of said lot and contained with- in the following described area to- wit: Beginning at a point 13 feet north of the southeast corner of said lot, thence running southerly 13 feet to the southeast corner of said lot, thence westerly 50 feet along Sem- inary Street and thence northeaster- ly to the point of the beginning, be- ing owned by Theresa Rose Tamlin; and Whereas, in order to acquire said land or right of way over the same for the purpose named, it will be ne- cessary to condemn so much of said lot 47 in Finley's Addition as is de- scribed in this resolution which will be needed for the widening of said Seminary Street, and is shown on the blue print hereto attached and submitted herewith for the informa- tion and guidance of the jury to be summoned by you, hereby applies to you as Sheriff of Dubuque County to appoint six freeholders, all of whom to be residents of the City of Du- buque, Iowa, and not interested in the same or like action, to inspect said real estate and assess the dam- ages which the owner thereof may sustain by the appropriation of so much land as is shown upon the at- tached blue print, as a right of way for said street and report to you in writing. When said report is made you will advise the City Manager and City Council thereof. As clerk of the City of Dubuque, I am instructed to hand you this ap- plication. Dated at Dubuque County, Iowa, this 6th day of February, 1923. CITY OF DUBUQUE, By John Stuber, City Clerk. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. The attention of the City Council having been called to the fact that Sam Cartigny erected a gasoline filling station in front of his place of business at 2944 Jackson street, without asking permission of the City Council, the Clerk was instruct- ed to write Mr. Cartigny and ask him who gave him the authority to install same. The letter was writ- ten and mailed to Mr. Cartigny as ordered. Plumbers excavation bond of A. J. LeVan, presented. It being proper- ly executed, Councilman Schrempf moved that it be received and filed, seconded by Councilman Brede, car- ried by the following vote. Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf, Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ; carried. Approved Adopted Attest JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. 1923. 1923. City Clerk. Councilmen Special Session, February 10th, 1923 71 CITY (Official.) Special Session February 10th, 1923. Meeting called by order of Mayor Alderson and Councilman Schrempf. Council met at 3:00 p. m. Present —City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga- briel, Schrempf, Absent, Councilman Melchior. Mayor Alderson in the chair. Mayor Alderson read the call and stated service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose of considering bids for the paving of various streets and al- leys in the city and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Petition of property owners on Delhi street asking that Delhi street from Asbury street be paved with bitulithic paving, signed by 22 prop- erty holders, presented. A petition of property owners on Asbury street, St. Ambrose street, and Seminary street, asking that these streets be paved with bitulith- ic paving, presented. Signed by 36 property owners. A peteion of property owners abut- ting on Iowa street from 14th to 17th street. 14th street. 15th street and 16th street, asking that said streets be paved with bitulithic pav- ing, presented, signed by 14 property owners. Petition of property owners on Washington street 11th to 20th streets, asking that said street be paved with bitulithic paving, pre- sented, signed by 12 property own- ers. Councilman Melchior entered and took his seat at 3:55 p, m. Councilman Brede moved that action on the streets referred to in the several petitions be deferred, to give the petitioners an opportunity to appear before the Council and discuss the merits of the different types of paving and also the cost thereof. Seconded by Council man Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February Tenth, 1923. City Council, Dubuque Iowa: Gentlemen: —In accordance with your instructions bids were received on Thursday, February 8th, for pav- ing the various streets for which resolutions were previously passed. The City of Dubuque is very for- tunate in securing what to me seem to be very good prices for this work. There were fourteen bidders all told. There was competition between the different types of pavement although some of the bidders did not actually bid to get the work but for appear- ance sake. The low prices last year were $2.24 for vibrolithic, $1.35 for sheet asphalt and $1.43 for bitulithic. The low prices this year are $2.33 for vibrolithic, $1.34 for sheet asphalt, and $1.54 for bitulithic. My own judgment is that the actual cost of performing work this year will be increased more above the cost of last year, than is indicated by these prices, There are a number of streets which on account of traffic con- ditions or on account of the nature of the macadam now in, must be improved with either brick or vibro- lithic paving. The cost of the brick, generally speaking, is so much higher than the cost of the vibro- lithic as to practically forbid the use of brick, as the people who Pay the assessment will feel that the cost of vibrolithic is sufficient with- out any additional expense. Also as a general proposition we find the cost of the bitulithic pavement to be 20 per cent or more higher than the cost of sheet asphalt. At the same time, experience particular- ly as shown in the Bates Test Roads in Illinois shows that 3 inch sheet asphalt pavement is far superior in withstanding traffice than a 2 inch sheet pavement. In view of these facts my personal recommendations will be for the awarding of all jobs in which a soft top pavement is felt to be the most desirable, to sheet asphalt, as I believe the pavement will prove in every way as satis- factory and the cost reduction of 20 per cent from the cost of the bitu- lithic will be no small boon to the citizens generally. Langworthy street from Nevada street to College street, —bids were received for the paving of this street with brick only. My recommenda- tion would be to award the contract for this improvement and for the city at large to assume the difference in cost between the brick and vibro- lithic. These grades are very steep and a pavement to give a foothold for horses should be put on this street. On the other hand the abut- ting property is not highly improved and the cost of the brick pavement will be in excess possibly of 25 Per cent of the value of the abutting property as well as in excess of the ability of the owners to pay. In conclusion I feel that the citi- zens generally should congratulate themselves on the low prices sub- mitted for this work. The price as submitted for bitulithic is still be- low the price for which this pave- ment was put in in 1916. At the same time the price for sheet as- 72 - Special Session, February 10th, 1923 phalt is 20c per yard less than the price of bitulithic. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Bids and resolutions awarding con- tract for streets and alleys con- sidered and adopted as follows, viz.: Feb. 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of West 14th street, from Delhi street to Audubon street, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich — Vibrolithic, $2.59; brick, $3.70; total vibrilith, $17,- 084.72; total brick, $24,246.20. Carlson — Vibrilithic, $2.75; total, $18,354.00. Moore- Young — Vibrilithic, $2.73; total, $17,932.24. Dearborn Cons. Co.— Vibrilithic, $2.58; total, $17,215.04. James Saul — Vibrilithic, $2.36; brick, $3.40; total vibrilithic, $15,- 599.68; total brick, $23,335.20. J. F. Lee — Brick, $3.40; total, $22,- 390.00. J. J. Leonard — Vibrilithic, $2.34; brick, $3.85; total vibrilithic, $15,- 448.92; total brick, $24,849.00. Engineer's estimate — Vibrilithic, $18,766.00; brick, 925,700.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the improvement of West 14th street from the northeast property line of Delhi street to the east property line of Audubon street, and J. J. Leonard, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of West 14th street from the northeast property line of Delhi street to the east property line of Audubon street be awarded to J. J. Leonard for vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are here- by directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED .SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution; second- ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: Report of bids for the improvement of the alley from St. Ambrose street to Asbury street on 'Feb. 8th, 1923: Even- Uhlrich — Vibrolithic, $2.58; brick, $3.70. Totals: Vibrolithic, $3,244.20; brick, $4,577.00. Empire Construction Co. — Vibro- lithic, $2.65. Totals: Vibrolithic, $3,408.70. Carlson — Brick, $2.65. Total: Brick, $3,385.50. Moore -Young — Vibrolithic, $2.60. Total: Brick $3,326.00. Dearborn Construction Co.— Vibro- lithic, $2.60. Total: Vibrolithic, $3,326.00. James Saul — Vibrolithic, $2.43; brick, $3.73. Totals: Vibrolithic, $3,088.90; brick, $4,635.00. James F. Lee — Brick, $3.40. To- tal: Brick, $4,231.60. J. J. Leonard — Vibrolithic, $2.37; brick, $3.88. Totals: Vibrolithic, $3,098.70; brick, $4,895.60. Engineer's estimate — Totals: Vi- brolithic, $3,392.00; brick, $4,760.00. Respectfully submitted, City Manager. O. E. CARR, Resolution Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the improvement of alley first east of St. Ambrose street from Rosedale avenue to the alley first south and the alley first south of Rosedale avenue from the alley east of St. Ambrose street to Asbury street, and James Saul, contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the fur- nishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provid- ed for in the places and specifica- tions; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of the alley first east of St. Ambrose street from Rosedale avenue to the alley first south and the alley first south of Rosedale avenue from the alley east of St. Ambrose street to Asbury street be awarded to James Saul, for vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of saki work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. passed and adopted this 10019 day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIO;IR, ED SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk.' Councilman Brede moved the adoption of the resolution; second- ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede; Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of Alta Vista street from West 14th street to Kirkwood street: Even- Uhlrich Co. — Vibrolithic, $2.64. Total: Vibrolithc, 926,247.40. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons — Sheet asphalt, $1.42. Total: Sheet asphalt, $17,554.76. Des Moines Asphalt Co. —Sheet as- phalt, 91.34; bitulithic, $1.54. To- tals: Sheet asphalt, $18;760.02; Bit - ulithic, $21,748.12. Moore -Young Co. — Vibrolithic, $2.72. Totals: Vibrolithic, $27,173.76. Dearborn Construction Co.— Vibro- lithic, $2.56. Total: Vibrolithic, $25,817.68. J. A. McGarry & Co. —Sheet as- phalt, $1.69. Total: Sheet asphalt, $20,845.47. McCarthy Improvement Co Bitu- lithic, $1.87. Total: Bitulithic, $22,403.26. James F. Lee — Sheet asphalt, $1.55; bitulithic, $1.85. Totals: Sheet asphalt, $18,852.95;bitulithic, $22,160.10. Western Asphalt Paving Co.— Sheet asphalt, $1.69; bitulithic, 91.85. Totals: Sheet asphalt, $20,952.12; bitulithic, $23,131.00. Engineer's estimate — Totals: Sheet asphalt, $21,335.00; bitulithic, $27,- 987.00; vibrolithic, $29;242.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT. Whereas, proposals have been sub - mitted by contractors for the im- Special Session, February 10th, 1923 73 provement of Alta Vista Street, from the north line of West Four- teenth Street to the north line of Kirkwood Street, and J. IL Rae mussen & Sens Co:, contractors, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as pro - vided for in the places and specifi- cations; now, therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- ciI of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of Alta. Vista Street, from the north . line of West Fourteenth Street tis the north line Of Kirkwood Street, be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., sheet asphalt, and the Mayor and the Managerbe and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete perform ante of said work. Be it further resolved, • that this; resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its - passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, . H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Nays— None. February 10, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of Booth Street, from Dodge Street to Julien Avenue: Even- Uhlrich Co. — Vibrolithic, $2.52. Total: Vibrolithic, $23.403.16. J. A. Rasmussen Co.— Sheest As- phalt, $1.42. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $18,263.42. Empire Const. Co. — Vibrolithic, 92.66. Total: Vibrolithic, $24,723.86. Carlson Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.65. To- tal: Vibrolithic, $25.008.70. Des Moines Asphalt Co. —Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54. Total': Sheet Asphalt, $19,397.84, Bitulithic, $22,068.00. Dearborn Const. Co.—Vibrolithic, $2.56. Total: Vibrolithic, $24,016.56. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt,. 91.69. Total: Sheet Asphalt $20,- 174.14. James Saul Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.33. Total: Vibrolithic; $21,64E58. 74 ,� Special Session, February 10th, 1923 McCarthy Imp. Co. - Bitulithic, $1.87. Total: Bitulithic, 521,851.82. James F. Lee Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $18,702.20; Bitulithic, $21,- 657.50. J. J. Leonard Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.36. Total: Vibrolithic, $21,958.26. Western Asphalt Corp. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $21,506.14; Bitulithic, $22.463.30. Engineer's Estimate - Vibrolithic, $26.,408.00; Sheet Asphalt, $20,840.00; Bitulithic, $25,889.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contraotors for the im- provement of Booth Street from the North property line of Dodge street to the South property line of Julien Ave., and James Saul, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the fur- nishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Booth street from the North property line of Dodge Street to the South prop- erty line of Julien Ave., be awarded to James Saul for vibrolithic and the Mayor and Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of Feb., 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF. THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids receiv- ed for the improvement of College Street from Langworthy Street to Delhi Street. Even - Uhlrich Co. - Vibrolithic, $2.52. Total: Vibrolithic, $10,561.34. J. A. Rasmussen & Son -Sheet As- phalt, $1.42. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $7.695.10. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.70. Total: Vibrolithic, $11,256.50. Carlson Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.65. To- tal: Vibrolithic, $11.343.75. Dearborn Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.60. Total: Vibrolithic, $10,964.00. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $8,- 937.45. McCarthy Impr. Co.- Bithulithic, $1.87. Total: Bitulithic, 59,132.05. James F. Lee Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, 1.85. Total: Sheet Asphalt, $7,971.65; Bitulithic, $9,- 045.50. Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $8,160.00; Vibrolithic, 511,- 170.00; Bitulithic, $10,339.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager, Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of College Street from the south property line of Langwor- thy street to the south property line of West Fifth Street, and Even -Uhl- rich Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and perform- ing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now there- fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con tract for the improvement of Col- lege Street from the south property line of Langworthy Street to the south property line of West Fifth Street be awarded to Even - Uhlrich Co. for vibrolithic pavement, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to executte a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete perform- ance of said wont. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, becomes ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- Special Session, February 10th, 1923 75 option of the resolution, seconded by Council man Gabriel; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Scbr(.mpf. Nays -None. February 10, 1923, City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Reports on bids received for the improvement of White Street from 6th Street to East 21st Street, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even- Ulrich- Vibrolithic, $2.48; total, $57,681,27, Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $45,939.20. Empire Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.62; total, $61,281.86. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $64,281.86. Des Moines Asphalt Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $51,353.12; total bitulithic $58,250.77. Moore - Young- Vibrolithic, $2.62; total, $60,750.76. Dearborn Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.64; total, $61.474.42. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $58,273.61. McGarry & Co., -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $52, 060. 62. James Saul- Vibrolithic, $2.46; to- tal, $57,277.53. James F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $47,479.41; total bitulithic, 555,075.81. Western Asphalt Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $54.195.27; total bitu- lithic, $59,218.35. J. J. Leonard-Vibrolithic, $2.44; total, $56,632.52. Mike J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $54,766.95. Engineer's estimate- Sheet As- phalt, $52,729.010; vibrolithic, $66.- 744.00; bitulithic, $59,453.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas proposals have been submitted by contractors for the improvement of White Street from the north property line of Sixth street to the south property line of Twenty -first street and J. J. Leonard contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of White street from the north property line of Sixth street to the south property line of E. Twenty -first street for vi- brolthic paving be awarded to J. J. Leonard, the Mayor and Manager be and they are hereby directed to ex- ecute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resoved, that this res- olution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become effect- ive from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BRED], H. G. MELCHIOR, ' ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, S'chrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923, City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Reports on bids received for the improvement of Thirteenth street from Washington Street to Central Avenue. Even- Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $8,271.50. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $6,891.80. Empire Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.60; total, $9,032.00. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $9,307.00. Des Moines Asphalt Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; to- tal sheet asphalt, $7.536.70; total bitulithic, $8,597.70. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $8,823.40. Dearborn Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.57; total, $8,882.10. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $8,337.40. M. J. Hannon, Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $8,116.00. Jas. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $7,007.10; total bitulithic, $8,163.60. Western Asphalt Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1,85; total sheet asphalt, $8,132.40; total bitu- lithic, $8,908.20,. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $7,648.00; Vibrolithic, $9,711.00; Bitulithic, $9.908.00. Resepectfully submitted, 0. E. Carr, City Manager. Special Session, velar RE AWARIHNQ Oak TRACT.. Whereas, pro posals have been sub Drifted by contractors for the Imo provement of Thirteenth street from the west property line of Washing ton street to the eeet property line of Central ;vends, and J. A,. Ras' mussen & Sons, contractor, bas ea , matted the lgw'est bid for the turuiep ing of all labor and materials and MOM E the Werh, as provided for in the plans and speetiicatiQn&; stow, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Thir- teenth street from the west prop- erty line of Washington street to east property line of Central avenue, sheet asphalt, be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons, and the Mayor and the Manager be and theY are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City el Dubuque for the completer postwar ante of said work, Be it further resolved that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED SCHREMPFI`, . THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Cou ncilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays—None. February 10th, 1922. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of Fre- mont street from Grandview avenue to Simpson street, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich Co. — Vibrolithic, 92.64; total, $30,103.68. Rasmussen and Son —Sheet as- phalt, 91.42; total, 922,039. Des Moines . Asphalt Co. —Sheet asphalt, $1.34; bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, $24,981.33; total bitu- lithic, $28,233.73. Moore -Young Vibrolithic, $2;72; total, 931,079.84. Dearborn Construction. Co, = Vibro- lithic, $2:60; total, $30,017.20. McGarry, & Co. —Sheet asphalt, $1,.69; Ojai, 945,527.93. nary 11Oth, 1923 McCarthy $pprovement Co, --Bita- llthio,. $1.S'l total,, 927,200.04. J. F. Lee —Sheet asphalt, $1.55; bitulithic, $145; total abeat aapbalt, $23,385; total bitulithic, $26,893.45. J. J. Leonard — Vibrolithic, $2.27; total, $27,634.56. Western Asphalt Co. —Sheet as- phalt, $1.69; bitulithic, 91,85.. Engineer's estimate —Sheet as- phalt, $25,762.00; vibrolitbic, 933,- 588,00; bitulithic, 932,641.00. Reap®ctfu ly submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. RIE,SO fT AWARDLN2 CGN- TRACT, Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Fremont street from Grandview avenue to the south property lira of Simpson street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons, contractors,. have submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and ma- terials and performing the work as . provided in the plane and specili0ea- tione; now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City. of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Fre moat street from Grandview avenue to the south property line of Simp- son street be awarded to J. A. Ras- mussen & Sons, for sheet asphalt paving, the Mayor and the Manager be and they are, hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque tor the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved that this resolution., being deemed urgent and of immediate, necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. IL BREDE, II. G. MELCHIOR, ED SCHREMPF, THEO GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede,, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrem €. Hoye—None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen:— Report on bids re- ceived for the improvement of. Lang- worthy street from Nevada street. to College street, on Feb. 8th,.1 liven- Uhlrich: Co. Brick,. $:4.3 totals 914,463,05, James Saul— Brick, $4.60; total, $11,832.60. Jas. F. Lee — Brick, 94.12; total, $10,756.40. J. J. Leonard — Brick, 94.85; total, $12,389.00. Engineer's estimate — $10,318.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E Carr, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Langworthy Street from the East property line of Ne- vade Street to the East property line of College Street and James F. Lee, contractor has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Lang - worthy street from the east property line of Nevada street to the east property line of College street, be awarded to Jas. F. Lee for Hillside Brick, and the the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby di- rected to execute a contract on behalf of the Cit yof Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the' adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10, 1923. City Council. Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Foye Street on Fe.,. 8, 1923, from Lowell street to Seminary street. Even - Uhlrich ^Vibrolithic, $2.50 Bituminous macadam, 91.85; total vi- brolithic, $1,764.00; total Bituminous macadam, $1,376.12. J. A. Rasmussen & Son —Sheet As- phalt, 91.40; total, $1,368.10. Des Moines Asphalt Co. —Sheet Special Session, February 10th, 1923 77 Asphalt, 91.39; Bitulithic, $1.64; to- tal sheet asphalt, 91,401.31; total bi- tulithic, $1,567.91. Dearborn Construction Co.— Vibro- lithic, $2.50; total, $1,846.40. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, 91,521.01. McCarthy Imp. Co.— Bitulithic, $1.87; total, 91,657.98. J. F. Lee —Sneet Asphalt, $1.65; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, 91,410.45; total bitulithic, ,p1,643.65, J. J. Leonard — Vibrolithic, $2.58; Bit. macadam, $1.30; total vibrolith- ic, $1,691.52; total Bituminous ma- cadam, $1,066.20. Western Asphalt Co. —Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $1,617.46; total rsitu- lithic, $1,87e.10. Engineer's estimate— Sheet As- phalt, $1,538.00; vbrolithic, $2,- 006.00; bitulithic, 92,489.00; brick, 9925.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Foye Street from the south property line of Lowell street to the north property line of Semin- ary street and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons, contractor, has submitted the lowest told for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plac- es an specifications, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Foye street from the South property line of Lowell Street to the north prop- erty line of Seminary street be aw- arded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons for sheet asphalt, the Mayor and Man- ager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, becomes ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Ceerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further Resolved, That this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. passed and adopted this 10th day of Feb., 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE H. G. MELCF$OR, ED SCHREMPF, .. THEO. GABR,IEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen:- Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of High Bluff street from Fengler to Farley street, Feb. 8th 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.45; bitrolithic macadam, $1.83; total vibrolithic, $2,815.68; total bitulithic macadam, $2,328.48. Empire Construction - Vibrolithic, $2.72; total, $3,254.15. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $3155.00. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.59; total, $3,071.50. Dearborn Constr. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $3,053.00. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.37; bit, macadam, $1.30; total vibrolithic, $2,823.80; total bit. macadam, $1,- 979.00. Engineer's estimate - Vibrolithic $3,144.00; bit. macadam, $2,712.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of High Bluff Street from the north propertty line of Fengler Street, and Even - Uhlrich, contrac- tor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications, now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of High Bluff street from the North property line of Farley street to the North property line of Fengler street be awarded to Even- Uhlrich for Vibx'o- lithic paving and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby di- Special i Special Session, February 10th, 1923 79 rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved that the res- olution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become effec- tive from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution; second- ed by Councilman Gabriel; • carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids for the improve- ment of Jackson street from 22nd to 24th streets, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.59; total, $11,880.90. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; total, $7,732.80. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total $12,781.88. Des Moines Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $7,552.73; total bitu- lithic, $10,075.73. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.62; total, $12,020. 60. Dearborn Construction Co.- Vibro- lithic, $2.67; total, $12,301. 48. McGarry -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; to- tal, $8,830.48. James Saul - Vibrolithic, $2.62, to- tal, 312,030.60. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $10,906.40. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $11,423.54. Jas. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $7,996.54; total bitulithic, $11,131.04. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.43; total, $11,089.56. Western Asphalt Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $9,432.70; total bitu- lithic, $11,778.10. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $8,815.00; Vibrolithic, $12,- 986.00; Bitulithic, $11,161.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- 11 ub- , 78 Special Session, February 10th, 1923 men Brede, Gabriel, , Melchior, Schrempf. Nays- None. February, 10, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Report of bids received . for the improvement of East 24th street from Central Avenue to Washington street. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.48; Brick, $3.70; total vibrolithic, $8; 944.24; total brick, $12,135.20. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; total, $6,998.25. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $8,894.40. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $8,326.10, . James Saul- Vibrolithic, 32.49; Brick, $3.46; total vibrolithic, $9,- 117.62 total brick, $11,292.17. M. H. Hannon- aBitulithic, $1.80; total, $8,608.55. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; Brick, $3.35; total sheet asphalt, $7,686.85; total bitu- lithic, $8,624.00; total brick, $11,- 093.98. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic; $2.34; Brick, $3.58; total vibrolithic, $8,- 773.35; total brick, $12,360.16. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $8,112.00; Vibrolithic, $10,- 060.00; Bitulithic, $9,913.00; Brick, $13,146.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of E. 24th street from the east property line of Central avenue to east property line of Washington street, and J. J. Leonard, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as pro- vided for in the plans and specif- ications; now, therefore Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the contract for the improvement of E. 24th street ftom east line of Cen- tral avenue to east property line of Washington street be awarded to J. J. Leonard for vibrolithic and the Mayor and the Manager by and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further Resolved That this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day • of Feb., 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. • February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen : - Report of bids re- ceived for the improvement of Glen Oak street on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $4,488.24. J. A, Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $3,174.97. Des Moines Asph. Co. -Sheet as- pralt, $1.34; bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $3,196.89; • total bitu- lithic, $3,646.09. Moore- Young - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $4,694.25, Dearborn Constr. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $4,504.80. McGarry & Co. -Sheet asphalt, $1.69; total, $3,593.99. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $3,831.97. Jas, F. Lee -Sheet asphalt, $1.55; bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $3,287.30; total bitulithic, $3,801.10; Western Asph. Co. -Sheet asphalt, $1.69; bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $3,817.59; total bitulithic, $4,148.15. Engineer's estimate -Sheet asph- alt, $3,618.00; vibrolithic, $5,130.00; bitulithic, $4,698.00. Respectfully sumbitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Resoluition Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Glen Oak street from the north property line of W. 5th street to the south property line of Julien avenue, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and perform- ing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now, there- fore Be it Resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque, That the contract for the improvement of Glen Oak street from the north property line of West 5th street to the south property line of Julien avenue, be awarded to J. A. Rasmus- sen & Son for sheet asphalt paving, and the Mayor and Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Du- 80 - Special Session, February 10th, 1923 milted by contractors for the im- provement of Jackson Street from the north property line of East Twenty - second Street to the south property line of East Twenty - fourth Street, and J. J. Leonard, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provid- ed for in the plans and specifica- tions, now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Jack- son Street from the north property line of East Twenty - second Street to the South property line of East Twenty - fourth street be awarded to J. J. Leonard for Vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete perform- ance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed • and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Gabriel; carried by the following vote: Yeas- Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Jefferson Street from Walnut to Olive Street on Feb. 8th, 1923: J. A. Rasmussen & Son -Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; sheet asphalt total, $2,336.00. Des Moines Asphalt Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; to- tal sheet asphalt, $2,269.00; total bi -, tulithic, $2,589.00. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $2,829. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $3,042.00. Jas. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $2,585.00; total bitulithic, $3,065.00. Western Asphalt Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.67; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt $2,828.00; total bitu- lithic, $3,085.00. Engineer's estimate - -Sheet As- phalt, $2,925.00; Bitulithic, $3,985.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Jefferson Street from the East property line of Walnut Street to the west line of Olive street, and J. A, Rasmussen & Sons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications, now here - fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Jeffer- son Street from the east property line of Walnut Street to the west line of Olive Street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co, sheet asphalt, and the Mayor and the Man- ager be and they are hereby direct- ed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the com- plete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution; second- ed by Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10, 1923 City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Langworthy Street from Alpine to Nevada Streets, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $3,668.52. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons- Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $2,573.42. Moore - Young- Vibrolithic, $2.76; total, $3,837.75. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $3,018.91. McCarthy Imp. Co.-Bitulithic, $1.87; total, 93,179.87. Jas. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $2,725.65; total bitulithic, $3,149.85. Western Asphalt Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $3,106.97; total bitu- lithic, $3,386.21. Engineer's estimate -Sheet - As- phalt, $3,824.00; vibrolithic $4,868.00 ; ; bitulithic, $4,631.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Langworthy Street from the west property line of Au- pine Street to the east property line of Nevada Street and J. A. Rasmus- sen & Sons Co., contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the fur- nishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provid- ed for in the plans and specifica- tions, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Lang - worthy Street from the west proper- ty line of Alpine street to the east property line of Nevada street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co. for sheet asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be aid they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L, H. BREDE@ H, G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Brede; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Reports on bids received for the improvement of West Fifth Street from Nevada Street to Delhi Street, on Feb. 8th, 1923: Special Session, February 10th, 1923 81 Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $12,786.46. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $8,557.46. Des Moines Asphalt Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; to- tal sheet asphalt, $8,188.25; total bi- tulithic, $10,600.75. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.74; total, $13,333.00. • Dearborn Constr. Co.-Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $12,787.00. - McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $10,306.55. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $10,878.80. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $9,236.85; total bitulithic, 919,760.20. Western Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.59; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $10,312.00; total bitu- lithic, $11,269.00, Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $10,498.00; vibrolithic, 914,- 353.00; Bitulithic, $13,519.00. Respectfully, submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas proposals have been submitted by contractors for the improvement of West Fifth Street from the west property line of Ne- vada Street to the east property line of Delhi Street, and J. A. Rasmus- sen & Sons Co., contractor has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the furnish- ing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications, now therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of West Fifth Street from the west property line of Nevada Street to the east property line of Delhi Street, be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., sheet . asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent dnd of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor... L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution; seconded I I I��II Il i 82 Special Session, February 10th, 1923 by. Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen; Report of bids received for the im- provement of West Third Street from Alpine Street to Booth Street, on Feb. 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, j $2.64; total, $9,465.88. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $6,042.19. Des Moines Asphalt Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; to- tal sheet asphalt, $6,212.05; total bi- tulithic, $?,214.05. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.74; total, $9,823.72. Dearborn Constr. Co. Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $9,380.88. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $8,322.29. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $6,662.45. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, 91.85; total sheet asphalt, 96,193.75; total bitulithic, 96,262.25. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.39; total, 98,662.24. Western Asph. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, 97,135.61; total bitulithic, $7,869.81. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $6,669.00; Vibrolithic, $10,- 206.00; Bitulithic, 98,773.00. Respectfully yours, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of West Third Street from the west property line of Al- pine Street to the east property line of Booth street, and J. A. Rasmus- sen & Sons So., contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the furn- ishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of West Third Street from the west property line of Alpine Street to the east property line of Booth Street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., sheet asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it urther resolved, that this res- olution bing deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become effec- tive from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1928. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ND. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City l.lerk. Councilman Melchior moved that the resolution be adopted; seconded by Councilman Gabriel; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, - Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for im- provement of Tenth Street from Central Avenue to the R. R. tracks on Feb, 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $11,343.06. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, 99,605.70. Empire Constr. Co.- Vibrolithic, • 92.59; total, 912,297.77. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, 912,630.25. Des Moines, Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, 91.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $10,540.07; total bitu- lithicfi 911,889.67. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.59; total, $12,115.74. Dearborn Constr. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.57; total, $12,168.27. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, 911,404.71. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; total, $10,542.42. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, 91.80; total, 911,095.25. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, 91.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, 99,665.91; total bitulithic, $11,160. 31. Western Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $10,046.97; total bitu- lithic, 912,058.25. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $10,613.00; Vibrolithic, $13,- 383.00; Bitulithic, $13,260.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager, Resolution Awarding Contract Wheras, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Tenth Street from the east property line of Central Avenue to R. R. tracks at Elm street and Br. en.Uhlrioh Co. contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the furl. '" it Special Session, February 10th, 1923 ishing of all labor and materials and work as provided for n performing tise plans e a the s h a in and specifications, , now the therefore Be it resolved by the City Cbuncil of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvment of Tenth Street from the east property line of Central Avenue to railroad tracks at Elm Street be awarded to Even - Uhlrich Co. for Vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Schrempf; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923, City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of Randall Place from Grandview avenue to the end of street on Feb. 8th, 1923: Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, 91.42; total, $2,213.88. Des Moines Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, 91.39; Bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, $2,114,21; total bitu- lithic, 92,318.81. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, 91.87; total, $2,784.58. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; total, 92,557.66. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $2,344.00; total bitulithic, $2,753.20. Western Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, 91.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, 92,561.06; total bitu- lithic, $2,779.30. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- Pralt, $2,532.00; total bitulithic, 93,- 608.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- 83 provement of Randall Place from the west property line of Grandview Avenue to end of street, and J. A. Rasmussen & bons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and mater- • ials and performing the work as provided for in plans and specifica- tions; now, therefore Be •it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Randall PIace from the west property line of Grandview Avenue to end of street, be awarded to J. A, Rasmus- sen & Sons Co,. Sheet Asphalt, and tLe Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete perform- ance of said work. Be it further resolved, tha t this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February., 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of South Locust Street, on February 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $5,197.92. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $4,382.40. Des Moines Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, $4,957.60; total bitu- lithic, $5,235.60. Moore- Young - Vibrolithic, 92.75; total, $5,426.50. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $5,218.00. McCarthy Improvement Co -Bitu- lithic, $1.87t total, $4.428.90. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $4,984.20. J. F. Lee- Sheet Asphalt, 91.56; Bitulithic, $1.85; total, sheet asphalt, $4,520.20; total bitulithic, $4,937.20. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, 92.40; total, 94,958.70.. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- Special Session, February 10th, 1923 Rasmussen & Sons- Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $9,593.47. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.52; total, $14,830.62. McCarthy Imp . Co.- Bitulithic, $1,87; total, $11,881.87. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $10.731.29. J. F. Lee- Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $9,913.80; total bitulithic, $11,790.35. West. Asp. Co: Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $11,561.79; total bitulithic, $12,772.85. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $10,765.00; Vibrolithic, $16: 108.00; Bitulithic, $14,528.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager.. Resolution Awarding Contract. Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors fcr the im- provement of Rose Street from the west line of Walnut Street to the east line of Alta Vista Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., con- tractor, has submitted the lowest bid for furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications, now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of Rose Street from the west line of Walnut Street to the east line of Alta Vista Street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby di- rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the Complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, 51. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen, Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923, City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: 85 Report of bids received for the improvement on Melrose Terrace, from Alpine Street to Paulina Street, on February 8th, 1923. Even- Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $5,327.00. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $3,113,00. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $3,079.00; total bitu- lithic, $3,782.00. Moore- Young- Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $5,555.00. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $5,250.00. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total sheet asphalt, $3,647.50. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $4,182.50. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $3,357.50; total bitulithic, $4,136.25. West. Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.83; total sheet asphalt, $3,662.40; total bitulithic, $4,174.90. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $3,770.00; Vibrolithic, $5,- 763.00; Bitulithic, $5,049.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Melrose Terrace from the east line of Alpine Street to the east line of Paulina Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., contract- or, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now therefore Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City 'of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of Melrose Terrace from the east lire of Alpine Street to the east line of Paulina street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet As- phalt, and the Mayor and the Man- ager be and they are hereby direct- ed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the com- plete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity become ef- festive from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, • Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G, MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the !�I 84 Special Session, February 10th, 1923 phalt, $4,612.00; Vibrolithic, $5,- 325.00; Bitulithic, $5,471.00. Respectfully yours, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of South Locust Street from the North . property line clf South Grandview Avenue to South line of Lot 2 of Min. Lot 38, and J. J. Leonard contractor, has submit- ted the lowest bid for the furnish- ing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of South Locust Street from the north prop- erty line of South Grandview Aven- ue to the south line of Lot 2 of Min, Lot 38, be awarded to J. J. Leonard. Vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby di- rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Schrempf; carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Wartburg Place, on February 8th, 1923: Even- Uhlrich -Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $11,385.00. Rasmussen & Sons- Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $8,985.00. Des Moines Asp. - Sheet Asphalt. $1.39; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $9,824.50; total bitulithic, $10,820.00. Dearborn Const. Co.-Vibrolithic, $2.57; total, $11,348.50. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $10,349.40. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $9,544.75. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $8,982.75; total bitulithic, $10,268.50. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.35; total, $10,259.00. West. Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $10,525.10; total bitulithic, $11,371.60. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $9,486.00; Vibrolithic, $12,- 214.0.0; Bitulithic, $12,032.00. Respectfully submitted. O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been submitted by contractors for the im- provement of Wartburg Place from Fremont Street south, a distance of 1190 feet, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and perform- ing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications; now there- fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Wart- burg Place from Fremont Street south, a distance of 1,190 feet, be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and are hereby directed to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this res- olution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become effec- tive from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor, L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR. ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Melchior; carried by the following vote: Yeas Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede. Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council. Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Rose Street, on Feb -. ruary 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $15,001.64. 86 ;( Special Session, February 10th, 1923 adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Mt. Pleasant Street, from Julien Avenue to the end of said street, on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, 918,157.86. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, 914,132.55; total bitu- lithic, 916,012.05. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, 912,939.96. Moore Young - Vibrolithic, $2.74; total, $18,929.80. Dearborn Const. Co.- Bitulithic, $2.58; total, 918,050.60. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, 91.87; total, 916,084.56. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; total, $15,310.40. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, 91.55; Bitulithic, 91.85; total sheet asphalt, $13,891.50; total bitulithic, 915.905.75. West. Asph. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; Bitulithic, 91.85; total sheet asphalt, $15,358.14; total bitulithic, 916.734.80. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $15,570.00; Vibrolithic, 920,- 357.00; Bitulithic, $19,820.00. Respectively submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarded Contract. Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by the contractors for the improvement of Mt. Pleasant Street from the north line of Julien Avenue to end of street and J . A. Rasmus- sen & Sons Co., contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the furn- ishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of Mt. Pleasant Street from the north line of Julien Ave to end of street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council. Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the im- provement of Lowell Street, on Feb- ruary 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.50; Bituminous Macadam, $1.83; total vibrolithic, 910,547.20; total bit. mac., 98,606.83. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, 97,429.80. Moore -Young - Vibrolithic, $2.74; total, $11,494.00. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, 92.59; total, 910,947.36. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.67; total, 8,321.43. James Saul - Vibrolithic, 92.43; Bi- tuminous Macadam, 91.25; total vi- brolithic, 910,243.90; total bit. mac., 96.506.85. McCarthy Imp. - Bitulithic, 91.87; total, $9,170.29. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $7,701.25; total bitulithic, 99,906.55. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, 92.39; Bituminous Macadam, $1.30; total vibrolithic, 910,005.20; total bit. mac., 96,631.10. West. Asp . Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.67; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $8,918.39; total bitulithic, 99,847.55. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, 98,397.00; Vibrolithic, $12,- 566.00; Bitulithic, 911,132.00; Bitu- minous Macadam, $6,867.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Lowell Street from the east property line of Paul Street to the west property line of Schroeder Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all Special Session, February 10th, 1923 labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now there- fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Lowell Street from the east property line of Paul Street to the west property line of Schroeder Street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby di- rected to execute a contract on be- half of the City of Dubuque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage . and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H.G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Nevada Street from West 3rd to West 5th Street, on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, 92.64; total, $5,919.60. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, 91.42; total, $4,423.40. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, 91.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $4,438.80; total bitu- lithic, $5,121.30. Moore -Young Co. - Vibrolithic, 92.75; total, 96,155.00. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, 92.60; total, $5,866.00. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $5,231.75. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; total, 94,777.30. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet, asphalt, 94,456.00; total bitulithic, 95,194.75. West. Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, 91.85; total sheet asphalt, $5,265.75; total bitulithic, 95.760.45. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As 87 phalt, 94,742.00; Vibrolithic, 96,- 379.00; Bitulithic, $6,191.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- • mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Nevada Street from the north property line of West Third Street to the south property line of West Fifth Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and ma- terials and performing the work as provided for in the places and speci- fications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Nevada Street from the north property line of West Third Street to the south property line of West Fifth Street, be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet 'Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager he and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work, Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the im- provement of Paulina Street, on Feb- ruary 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $2,072.08. J. A. Rasmussen -Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $1,193.80. Des Moines Asp. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.34; Bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, 91,150.00; total bitulithic, 91,553.00. Moore -Young Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $2,171.50. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $2,052,80. 88 Special Session, February 10th, 1923 McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $1,628.00. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.59; total, $1,374.00. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt-$1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $1,259.00; total bitulithic, $1,613.50. West. Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1,85; total sheet asphalt, $1,448.60; total bitulithic, $1,726.00. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phlat, $1,407.00; Vibrolithic, $2,- 255.00; Bitulithic, $2,233.00. Respectfully submitted O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Paulina Street from the North property line of Melrose Street to south property line of West Fifth Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and perform- ing the work as provided for in the places and specifications; now there- fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Paul - ina Street from the north property line of Melrose Teirace to the south property line of West Fifth Street be awarded to J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., Sheet Asphalt, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G, MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. • City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Parkway Street, on February 8th, 1923: Even Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.52; Brick, $3.70; total vobrolithic, $8,- 420.52; total brick, $$11,627.08. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $7,794.64. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.70; total, $9,089.30. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total $8,932.05. Moore - Young- Vibrolithic, 52.65; total, $8,674.06. Dearborn Const. Co: Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $8,722.20. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $1,360.39. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $7,999.33. James Saul- Vibrolithic, $2.40; Brick, $3.60; total vibrolithic, $7,- 746.30,; total brick, $10,966.50. James Lee-Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; Brick, $3.40; total sheet asphalt, $7,401.55; total bitu- lithic, $7,976.65; total brick, $10; 762.20. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.39; Brick, 3.88; total vibrolithic, $7,- 858. 43; total brick, $11,711.40. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $6,573.00; Vibrolithic, 57,- 623.00; Bitulithic, $7,844.00; Brick, $10,458.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Parkway Street from Langworthy Street to Walsh Street and James Saul, contractor, has sub- mitted the lowest bid for the furn- ishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provid- ed for in the places and specifica- tions, now therefore, Be it resolved by the City Coun- cil of the City of Dubuque that the contract for the improvement of Parkway Street from Langworthy Street to Walsh Street be awarded to James Saul for Vibrolithic, and the Mayor and the Manager be and they are hereby directed to execute a con- tract on behalf of the City of Du- buque for the complete performance of said work. .. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this -10th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Special Session, February 10th, 1923 Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, S'chY empf. Nays -None. F'e'bruary 10th, 1923, City Council, .Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of 15th Street, on Feb- ruary 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich -- Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $16,143.16. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $13,295.60. Empire Const. - Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $17,771.90. Dearborn Const.. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $17,928.96 McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $15,999.41. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $16,492.40. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $17,019.93. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $14,621. 08; • total bitulithic, $16,: 549.08. J.J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.36; total, $16,421.58. Engineer's estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $16,280.00; Vibrolithic, $19,- 589.00; Bitulithic, $19,338.00. Respectfully submitted. O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred, se- conded by Councilman Gabriel, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of 16th Street on Feb- ruary 8th, 1923; Washington to Iowa. Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $11,980.00. Rasmussen & Sons-Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $10,398.00. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $12,981.40. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $13,350.10. Des Moines Aaph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, 51.54; total sheet asphalt, '$11,874,40; total bitu- lithic, $13,229.40. Moore-Young-Vibrolithic, 51:57; total, $12,736.00, Dearborn Const. 'Co.�ibrolithic, $2.60; total, $12,992.80. MoOa8thy Imp. 'Co: ;Bitulithic, 89 $1.87; total, $12,204.40. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.89; total, $11,282.15. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $11,892.75. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $10,995.35; total bitulithic, $11,- 954.25. Western Asph. Co.-Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $12,005.80; total bitu- lithic, $13,036.20. Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, 811,371.00; Vibrolithic, $14,- 118.00; Bitulithic, $13,300.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred; se- conded by Councilman Gabriel; car - ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson Council- men Brede, Gabriel, . Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of Iowa Street, on February 8th, •1923, from 14th to 17th. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.44; total, $10,226,78. J. A. Rasmussen -Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; total, $8,039.04. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.60; total, $11,067.50. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $11,247.75. Des Moines Asph, Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $10,397,72; total 'bitu- lithic, $10,362.32. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.57; total, $10,783.91. Dearborn Const. Co.-Vibrolithic, $2.56; total, 510,760.48. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $9,411.77. M. J. Hannon- $1.80; total, $9,773.10. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, 510,058.25. James F. Lcc Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, 58,484.85; total bitulithic, $9,841.76. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.34; total, $9,969.62. Western Asph. Co.- Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $9,542.23; total bitu- lithic, $10,435. 51. , Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $9,608.00; Vibrolithic, 512,- 185.00; Bitulithic, $11,709.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred; se- conded by Councilman Gabriel, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the im- provement of Washington Street from 20th Street to 24th Street, on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.48; total, $16,241.44. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; total, $13,263.70. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $17,636.70. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $18,184.50. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $13,937.02; total bitu- lithic, $16,125.50. Moore Young- Vibrolithic, $2.62; total, $17,028.36. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $17,373.92. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asp.ralt, $1.69; total, 14,526.57. James Saul - Vibrolithic, $2.49; total, $16,042.22. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $15,526.65. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.43; total, $15,829.54. Western Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $15,918.32; total bitulithic, $17,483.80. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $13,259.31; total bitulithic, $15,512.21. Engineer's Estimate- Sheet As- phalt, $14,455.00; Vibrolithic, $18,- 443.00; Bitulithic, $18,576.0.0. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred; se- conded by Councilman Gabriel, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report on bids received for t_a improvement of Washington Street from 11th Street to 20th Street, on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.48; total, $36,882.85. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $29,945.50. 90 Special Session, February 10th, 1923 Empire Const. Co.-Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $39,368.50. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $41,205.30. Des Moines Aph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $33,921.80; total bitu- lithic, $38,203.80. Moore -Young -Vibrolithic, $2.62; total, $38,860.10. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $39,389.80. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $36,127.60. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $33,342.80. James Saul - Vibrolithic, $2.49; to- tal, $36,975.85. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $35,154.00. J. F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $30,621.90.; total bitulithic, $35,- 364.90. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.43; total, $36,281.90. Western Asph. Co.. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, 91.85; total sheet asphalt, $34,956.30; total bitu- lithic, $38,080.00. Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $33,759.00; Vibrolithic, $42,- 775.00; Bitulithic, 938,468.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred; se- conded by Councilman Gabriel; car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of 14th Street from Washington to Locust Street, on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $18,326.80. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $14,206.80. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.59; total, 919,822.97. Carlson - Vibrolithic, 92.65; total, $20,406.91. Des Moines Asph. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, 91.54; total sheet asphalt, $15,411.78; total bitu- lithic, $18,333.38. Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.57; total, $19,561.71. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.55; total, 919,501.01. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $16,418.33. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $17,645.20. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1,87; total, 918,157.69, J. F. Lee - Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $14,851.34; total. bitulithic, $17,- 763.74. J. J. Leonard- Vibrolithic, $2.34; total, $17,865.66. West. Asph. Corp. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $16,911.27; total bitulithic, 918,983.95. Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $16,913.00; Vibrolithic, $21,- 913.00; Bitulithic, 920,349.00, Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be defrred; se- conded by Councilman Gabriel; car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays- None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of 14th Street from Washington Street to the R. R. Tracks, on February 8th, 1923. Even- Uhlrich - Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $6,171.20. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet As- phalt, $1.40; total, $5,060.00. Empire Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $6,663.02. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $6,860.70. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $5,327.56; total bitu- lithic, $6.860.70. Moore- Young - Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $6,606.12. Dearborn Const. Co.- Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $6,635.12. McGarry & Co.- Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $5,659.21. M. J. Hannon - Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $5,968.20. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $6,143.58. James Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $5,114.73; total Bitulithic, $6,006.18. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.36; total, $6,094.84. West. Asp. Co. -Sheet Asphalt, 91.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $5,863.56; total bitulithic, $6,422.10. Engineer's Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $5,734.00; Vibrolithic, $7,- 316.00; Bitulithic, $7,343.00. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred; se- Special Session, February 10th, 1923 91 conded by Councilman Gabriel; car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids for the improve- ment of Delhi Street on Febrauary 8th, 1923, from Asbury to City Lim- its: Even - Uhlrich- Vibrolithic, $2.64; Brick, $3.70; total vibrolithic, $13,- 793.80; total brick, $19.304.88. J. A. Rasmussen & Sons -Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $8,536.50. Carlson - Vibrolithic, $2.75; total, $14,392.50. Des Moines Asp. Co. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $8,612.10; total bitu- lithic, $10,428.60. ' Moore - Young - Vibrolithic, $2.73; total, $14,270.50. Dearborn Const. Co.-Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $13,497.00. McGarry & Co. -Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $9,874.50. James Saul - Vibrolithic, $2.47; brick, $3.75; total vibrolithic, $12,- 933.00; total brick, $19,580.80. McCarthy Imp. Co.- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $11,248.00. James F. Lee -Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; Brick, $3.40; total sheet asphalt, $9,112.50; total bitulithic, $11,122.25; total brick, $17,821.00. J. J. Leonard - Vibrolithic, $2.38; Brick, $3.88; total vibrolithic, $12,- 498.00; total brick, $20,306.70. Western Asph. Corp. -Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $9,859.22; total bitu- lithic, $13,888.72. Engineers' Estimate -Sheet As- phalt, $10,193.00; Vibrolithic, $14,- 928.00; Bitulithic, $14,174.00; Brick, $20,962.00. Respectfullfy submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on this street be deferred, se- conded by Councilman Gabriel, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. Report of the City Auditor for the month of January, presented. Councilman Schrempf moved that the report be received and filed, se- conded by Councilman Melchior, car- ried by the following vote. Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -None. 92 Special Session, Feb Report of the City Treasurer for the 'month of •ga9nuairy, 1928, pre- sented. Oouncilfrian 'Schrempf 'moved that the report be received and filed, se- conded by Councilman Melchior, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Resolution Whereas, the City of Dubuque owns The 'title to Lots 187, 188, 189, 214, 215 and 216 in East Dubuque ad- dition to the City of Dubuque, and also the South 38 feet of 126 in East Dubuque addition to the City of Du- buque, and such lots, together with the improvements thereon, are no `Binger needed, used or suitable for the purposes for which they were or- iginally acquired; and Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council of said City that the same be sold for the . best price obtainable therefor; and Whereas, the Metz Manufactur- ing Company has submitted an offer for lots 187, 188, 189, 214, 215 and 216 in East Dubuque addition on the basis of $60.00 per front foot amount- ing to the sum of $9,270.00; and Whereas, T. J. Hill has submitted an offer for the South 38 feet of Lot 126 in East Dubuque addition in the Sum of $2,650.00; and Whereas, the above offers for said real estate are the best obtainable nand are a fair and reasonable price for the same. Be it , therefore, resolved by the 'City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the offers of the Metz Manufac- turing Company and T. J. Hill for the respective properties above de- scribed be and the same are hereby accepted, and that the Mayor be and he is hereby instructed to execute a Warranty Deed of the same to said 'purchasers on behalf of the City of Dubuque upon the payment of the , purchase price in cash. Passed and adopted this 10th day Of February, 1923. JAMES ALDEftS'ON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, H. G. MELCHIOR, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede 'moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by 'Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council - nien Brede, Gabriel Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. r 1923 Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ, carried. . O 3N BTV ia, 'City 'dlerk. Approve$ 1923. .Adopted ............1923. Attest- Councilmen. City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special Session, February, 16th, 1923, Meeting called by order of Mayor Alderson and Councilman Brede. Council met at 4:30 p. m. Present, City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior, Schrempf. Mayor Alderson in the Chair. Mayor Alderson read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made, and that this meeting is called for the purpose of levying spectai assessments for the Construc- tion of a sanitary sewer in Audubon street from Rosedale Avenue to West 14th street and in West 14th street from Audubon street to At- lantic street, for the laying of sew- er, water and gas connections on the improvement of West 5th street from Nevada to Delhi street, for the laying of water and gas connections on the improvement of Delhi street from Asbury street to the City Lim- . its, considering bids for the improve- ment of various streets in the City and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Councilman Schrempf moved that the rules be suspended for the pur- pose of allowing anyone present to address the Council, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A petition of property owners on Washington street from llth to 24th street signed by Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., Mrs. Augusta Wimmer, R. Mc- Cabe and 25 other property owners and tax payers on said street, ask- ing that Washington street be paved with Vibrolithic pavement, present- ed, A petition of property owners on Washington street, Fourteenth street, Fifteenth street, and Six- teenth street, signed by Joe Chal- oupka, S. Gestkin, Fred Hartman and 52 other property owners on said streets asking that these streets be paved with bitulithic paving, pre- sented, Petition of property owners and tax payers_ residing on lath street asking that 12th street be paved with Vibrolithic, signed by Mrs. Au- gusta Wimmer, Carr, Ryder, Adams Co., A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co., Peter B. Hoffman, F. J. Palen, presented. A petition of property owners and taxpayers on 14th Street asking that said street be paved with Vibrolithic Paving from Locust street to. the 10.. R. tracks, signed by C. Witter, P. J. Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 93 Hanson, Mrs. J. Cordon, Mrs. C. Bintner, P. Winter, presented. A petition of property owners and tax payers residing on 16th ,street, asking that this street be paved with Vibrolithic paving, presented; sign- ed by Wm. F. Hanson, Henry Grim - me, Wm. Olansky, B. Goldstein. Judge Robt. Bonson addressed the council, stating that he repre- sented property owners on Wash- ington street, Iowa street, Delhi street, Asbury street, 14th street and 15th street, that there was consider- able dissatisfaction and disagree- ment among his clients, Some favor- ing one kind of material for street paving and some another, and some objected to the cost of the work, and he advocated that the plans and= specifications be revised and bids be readvertised for. Messrs. Crawford, Fay, Danglemey- er, Scheppele and others addressed the council on the various streets in which they were interested, and rel- ative to the petitions. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on awarding the contract for improving Washington street from llth to 20th streets be deferred, se- conded by Councilman Gabriel, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the im- provement of Seminary Street from St. Ambrose Street to May Place produced on Feb. 8th, 1923: Even - Uhlrich— Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $20,279.50. Rasmussen.. & Sons —Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $12,410.64. Dearborn Const, Co—Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $21,271.11. McCarthy Imp. Co.-- Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $17,744.29. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $16,798.73: J. F. Lee —Sheet Asphalt, $3.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $15,581.55; total bitulithic, $17,- 244.15. J. J. Leonard— Vibrolithic, $2,371 total, $19,916.64. Engineer's Estimate —Sheet As- phalt, $17,462.00; Vibrolithic, $23, 161.0.0; Bitulithis, $21,016.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Seminary Street from the east line of St. Ambrose Street to . the south lain of May Place pro- 94 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 duced, and J. Rasmussen & Sons, contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the place and specifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Sem- inary Street from the east line of St. Ambrose Street to the south line o May Place produced, be awarded to J. Rasmussen & Sons for Sheet Asphalt and the Mayor and the Man- ager be and they are hereby direct- ed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the com- plete performance of said work . Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 16th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays None. February, 10,th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of St. Ambrose Street from Asbury Street to Seminary street, on February 8th, 1923: Even- Uhlrich— Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $9,859.60. Rasmussen & Sons —Sheet As- phalt, $1.42; total, $6,534.46. Dearborn Const. Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.59; total, $10,494.02. McCarthy Imp. Co.— Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $9,156.06. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $8,671.57. J. F. Lee —Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $8,077.70; total bitulithic, $8,888.10. J. J. Leonard— Vibrolithic, $2.39; total, $9,944.02. Engineer's Estimate —Sheet As- phalt, $8,874.00; Vibrolithic, $11,- 207.00; Bitulithic, $10,989.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- matted by contractors for the im- provement of St. Ambrose Street from the north line of Asbury street to the north line of Seminary street, and J. Rasmussen & Sons, contract- or, has submitted the lowest bid for the furnishing of all labor and ma- terials and performing the work as provided for in the places and spec- ifications; now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of St. Ambrose street from the north line of Asbury street to the north line of Seminary street be awarded to J. Rasmussen & Sons for Sheet As- phalt and the Mayor and the Man- ager be and they are hereby direct- ed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the com- plete performance of said work, Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 16th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEL, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10th, 1923 City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Report on bids received for the improvement of Asbury street from Delhi street to St. Ambrose Street on February 8th, 1923: Even- Uhlrich— Vibrolithic, $2.64; total, $19,956.92. J. A. Rasmussen —Sheet Asphalt, $1.42; total, $13,393.72. Dearborn Const. Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $20,975.88. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $17,412.69. McCarthy Imp. Co.— Bitulithic, $1.87; total. $18,279.57. Jas. F. Lee —Sheet Asphalt, $1.55; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $16,191.85; total bitulithic, $17,- 782.40. J. J. Leonard — Vibrolithic, $2.36; total, $19,624.96. Engineer's Estimate —Sheet As- Special Session, Feb. phalt, $17,5940 Vibol ithic, $22,- 631.00; B Respectfully 0 submitted, City O E.CARR, City Manager. Resotion Awarding n Whereas, proposals have been tract sub- des b contractors f Co or the im- provement of Asbury street from the north property line of Delhi street to the west line of St. Ambrose Street, and J. A. Rasmussen & Sons, contractor, has submitted the low - est bid for the furnishing of all la- bor and materials and performing the work as provided for in the plac- es and specifications; now, there- fore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of As- bury Street from the North property line of Delhi Street to the West line of St. Ambrose street, be awarded to J. Rasmussen & Sons for sheet asphalt, and the Mayor and the Man- ager be and they are hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the com- plete performance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Passed and adopted this 16th day of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on the awarding of the contract for the improvement of Delhi street from Asbury street to the City Lim- its be deferred, seconded by Council- man Melchior, carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on the awarding of the con- tract for the improvement of Iowa street from 14th street to 17th street be deferred, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council- 16th, 1923 95 men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf, Nays —None. ' Councilman Melchior moved that action on the awarding of the con- tract for the improvement of 12th street from the C., G. W. R. R. tracks to Central Avenue, be de- ferred, seconded by Councilman Ga- briel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf, Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that ac- tion on the awarding of the contract for the improvement of Washington street from 20th street to 24th street be deferred, seconded by Councilman vote Gabrel, carried by the following Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Scnrempf, Nays —None. Councilman Gabriel moved that action on the awarding of contracts for the improvement of 14th street from Locust street to Washington street and from Washington street to the R. R. tracks, 15th street from Washington street to Main street and 16th street from Washington street to Iowa street, be deferred, seconded by Councilman Brede, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf, Nays —None. Notice of publication certified to by the publisher of the City's Coun- cil's intention to levy a special as- sessment as is provided by law to pay for the construction of a sani- tary sewer in Audubon street from Rosedale Avenue to West 14th street from Audubon street to At- lantic street. There being no remonstrance Councilman Gabriel moved that the notice be received and filed, second- ed by Councilman Brede; carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf, Nays —None. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for constructing a sanitary sewer in Audubon Street from Rosedale Avenue to West Fourteenth Street and in West Fourteenth Street from Audubon Street to Atlantic Street by Cook & Kean, contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Spec- ial Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate herein- after named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set 96 Special Session, Feb, 16th, 1923 opposite. each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add, Lot 36; interest at 6 per, cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at 51.60881 $80.19; extra expense at .0508933 per cent, $4.08; to- tal. .... ........._...._._..__..._..._.$ 84.95 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., Lot 36; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381 $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.08; to- tal.._ _.._ _.... ___...____...- ._..._..._.._.$ 84.95 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Add., Lot 37; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381 $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.08; to- tal 84.95 C. A. Voelker, Rosedale Ad._...___.$ d., Lot 38; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381 $80.19; extra expense at .0607933 per cent, $4.08; to- tal......__...._._..._._. .....:_...._...__..__........_6 84.95 Wm. Qhnesorge, Rosedale Add., Lot 39; interest at 6 per sent, 23c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft 17.5, at $1.60381, $88.08; extra ex- pense at .50'7913 per cent, $1.44; total ......:_....._..........__.___ 29.75 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 75; interest at 6 per cent, 49c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 35.5 at $1.60- 381, $56.95; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $2.90; total....._........._.... _ ....___.._._....._.......... 60.34 C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park Add., N. 40 ft. Lot 74; interest at 6 per cent, 54c; manholes, tile pipe, lin. ft. 40, at $1.60381, $64.15; extra expense at .0607933 per cent, $3.27; total ........... 67.96 Mary T. Raab, Woodlawn Park Add., S. 10 ft. Lot 74 interest at 6 per cent, 14e; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 10 at $1.60381, $16.04; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $.81; total ........_...._.._.._... 16.99 Mary T. Raab, Woodlawn Park Add, Lot 73; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507938 per sent, $4.08; total ............_.......... 5495 A. S: Coon, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 71; interest at. 6 per cent, 68e; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60; 301, $80.19; extra expense at .0607933 per cent, $4.08; total. 84:95. A. B. Coon, Woodlawn Parr Add., Lot 71; interest at 6 Per cent, 68e; manholes, tile pipe lin, ft. 50, at $1.60381, 880.19; extra ex- Penes at .0507933 per cent, 84.95 Julia O'Rourke, Rosedale Add., Lot 33;, interest at 6 per cent, 68c;. manholes, til pipe, lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra. ex- pense at .0507933 per cent, $4.08; total . .......__....._......._....__._ 84.95 Julia O'Rourke, Rosedale Add., Lot 34; interest at 6 per cent, 8.6c; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 61.5, at $1.60381, 598.68;' extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $5.01; total ....._._...._..__.__ 104.50 Ed. Muntz, Sub. 76 Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 1; interest at 6 per cent, 64e; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 45.6 at 1.60381, $73.13; extra ex- pense at .0507933 per cent, $3.71; total . .... ........._................_._.. 77.48 John Nutz, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 77; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft 50, at $1.60- 381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.08; total........._...._.......... ._._ ........................... 84.95 Wm. P. Chewning Estate, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 78; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .05.07933 per cent, $4.08; total ....._......_ 84.95 Wm. H. Meuser, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 79.; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; man- holes, tile pip.o lin, ft. 50, at $1.603.81, $80.19; extra ex- pense at .0507933. per cent, $4.08; total .... ...._ ............._._._........ 84.95 Wm. H. Meuser, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 80; interest at 6 per cent, 68c; man holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19;, extra ex- pense at .0507933 per cent, $4.08; total ._ ..._..._.__.....__.._.......... 84.95 Ann Tschiggfrle, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 81; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lat erals at 80c, $12.40; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft, 60, at $1.60381, $80:19; extra ex- pense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ....._._.........._._......._._ 98:10 Regina Lange. Woodlawn Park. Add., Let 82; interest It. laterals at 80e, $17,.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 60, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507938 pelf cent, $4.70; total ...___....__....._ 98.10 Frank Lange, Woollawa Park Add., Lot 83; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total . Frank Lange, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 84; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ........_...._._........ M. M. Hoffman, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 85; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ...._._....__.__ Jos. A. Juen, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 70; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total . . Juen, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 69; interest a 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ..........:_...._._..... C. A. Voelker, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 68; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin ft. 50, at 51.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ._.._.......__......... Frank Piepel, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 67; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ..........._._...._..... Frank Piepel, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 66; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ....._............_.... Geo. Haverland, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 65; interest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total .............._...._..... Harry T. Ahrendt, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 64; interest at 6 per cent, S1c; 16.5 lin. ft. laterals at '80e, $12.40; Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 97 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 98.10 manholes, tile pipe lin ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19;' ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ...__......._.._..... 98.10 Harry T. Ahrendt, Woodlawn Park Add., N. % Lot 63; in- terest at 6 per cent, 40c; 7.75 lin ft. laterals at 80c, $6.20; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 25, at $1.60381, $40.10; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $2.25; to- tal.............._.....__.......... ......_...._.........._........ 49.05 Martin Fahey, Woodlawn Park Add., S. 3 Lot 63; in- terest at 6 per cent, 40e; 7.75 lin ft. laterals at 80c, $6.20; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 25, at $1.60381, $40.10; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $2.25; to- tal.............._....._ ......_. ...._......_................._. 49.05 Martin Fahey, Woodlawn Park Add., 'Lot 62; interest at 6 per pent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 800, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; to- tal......................._....... _......._....__.........._..... 98.10 David Lattner, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 61; interest at 6 per dent, 81c; 15.5 lin ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. it 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; to- tal._.._......._....._...... __.....__.....___........_..... Scheer- Hoffman & Co., Wood - lawn Park Add., Lot 86; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; to- tal....._._...._......._...._._ ._....._........._......._..... 98.10 Scheer- Hoffman & Co., Wood - lawn Park Add., Lot 87, in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft laterals at 800, 12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total ... 98.10 Scheer - Hoffman .& Co., Wood - lawn Park Add., Lot 89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 16.5 lin. ft laterals at 80c, 12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.70; total........_...._......._ .......__.....__...._........._ 98.10 Scheer - Hoffman & Co., Wood- lawn Park Add., Lot 89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. ft laterals at 80c, 12.40; manholes, tile pipe 98.10 98 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 99 lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, terest at 6 per cent, 81c; $80.19 ; extra expense at 15.5 lin. ft laterals at 80c, .0507933 per cent, $4.70; 12.40; manholes, tile pipe total ........_ ................ ....._..........._...._._....__ 98.10 lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, Scheer- Hoffman & Co., Wood- $80.19; extra expense at lawn Park Add., Lot 90; in- .0507933 per cent, $4.70; terest at 6 per cent, 81c; total ........_..._ .._..._..__......_._...._....._ 15.5 lin. it laterals at 80c, Voelker Realty Co., Wood - 12.40; manholes, tile pipe lawn Park Add., Lot 57; in- lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, terest at 6 per cent, 81e; $80.19; extra expense at 15.5 lin. ft laterals at 80c, .0507933 per cent, $4.70; 12.40; manholes, tile pipe total ........_..........._.. .........__..._._...._._...._.. 98.10 lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, Mary Berta, Woodlawn Park $80.19; extra expense at Add., Lot 91; interest at 6 .0507933 per cent, $4.70; per cent interest, 81e;; total ......._...._ ................ ....._._.....__...... 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80e, Voelker Realty Co., Wood - $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lawn Park Add., Lot 56; ba- lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, terest at 6 per cent, 810; $80.19; extra expense at 15.5 lin. it laterals at 80c, .0507933 per cent, $4.70;. 12.40; manholes, tile pipe total ......................... ...._..............._......_... 98.10 lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, Nickolas Nilles, Woodlawn $80.19; extra expense at Park Add., Lot 92; interest .0507933 per cent, $4.70; at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. total .............._...._.... ......._......_._....__........ ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; Maude Harrimann, Woodlawn manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Park Add., Lot 55; interest 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. tra expense at .0507933 per ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; cent, $4.70; total ................._....._. 98.10 manoles, tile pipe • lin. ft. Nate Trebon, Woodlawn Park 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- Add., Lot 93; interest tra expense at .0507933 per at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. cent, $4.70; total . ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; Maude Harriman, Woodlawn manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Park Add., Lot 54; interest 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- at 6 per cent 810; 15.5 iie. tra expense at .0507933 per ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; cent, $4.70; total .............._........... 98.10 manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Realty Inv. Corp., Woodlawn 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- Park Add., Lot 94; interest tra expense at .0507933 per at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. cent, $4.70; total . ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; A.P. Schenker Estate, Wood - manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. lawn Park Add., Lot 53; in- 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- terest at 6 per cent, 81c; tra expense at .0507933 per 15.5 lin. it laterals at 80c, cent, $4.70; total ........................._ 98.10 32.40; manholes, tile pipe Chas. Wyman, Woodlawn lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, Park Add., Lot 95; interest $80.19; extra expense at at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. .0507933 per cent, $4.70; ft. laterals at 800, $12.40; total ..........._._....__ . ................_._....__....._ manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. William Butler, Woodlawn 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- Park Add., Lot 52; intesest tra expense at .0507933 per at 6 per cent, 810; 15.5 lin. cent, $4.70; total ......_ ................... 98.10 ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; Marg, Smith, Woodlawn Park manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Add., Lot 60; interest 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. tra expense at .0507933 per ft. laterals at 800, $12.40; cent, $4.70; total . manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Chas. Wyman, Woodlawn 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- Park Add., Lot 96; interest tra expense at .0507933 per at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. cent, $4.70; total ........................... 98.10 ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; Realty Inv. Corp., Woodlawn manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Park Add., Lot 59; interest 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- at 6 per cent, 81c; 15.5 lin. tra expense at .0507933 per ft. laterals at 80c, $12.40; cent, $4.70; total . manoles, tile pipe lin. ft. Marg, and Alfred A. Ulrich, 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- Woodlawn Park Add., Lot tra expense at .0507933 per 97; interest at 6 per cent, cent, $4.70; total .............._._........ 98.10 81c; 15.5 lin. ft. laterals at Voelker Realty Co., Wood- 800; $12.40; manholes, tile lawn Park Add., Lot 58; in ( pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, extia 0507933 per cent, $4.70; to- tal ....... ._....__._._._.._..___._...._.. _..._ Marg, and Alfred A. Ulrich, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 98.10 98; interest at 6 per cent, 810; 15,5 lin. ft. laterals at 800; $12.40; manholes, tile pipe lin. extra f5. 50, at exp$1.ense a60381t , $80.19; .0507933 per cent, $4.70; to- tal........_......_....._._ .. ...........__.._...._._........ Chas Kampman, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 99; interest 98.10 at 6 per cent, 85c; 23.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $18.80; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 60, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent $5.03; total ......._ ................._. Chas. Wyman, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 100; interest at 6 per cent, 82c; 19.5 lin. 98.10 ft. laterals at 80c, $18.80; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; ex- tra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.87; total ........................... 101.48 Louis Foel, Woodlawn Park Add., Lot 101; interest at 6 per cent, 84c; 21.5 lin. ft. 98.10 laterals at 80c, $17.20; man- holes, tile pipe lin. ft 50, at $1.60381, $80.19; extra ex- pense at .0507933 per cent, $4.95; total ........... ........._................... 103.18 Voelker Realty Co., Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. Lot 27; interest at 6 per cent, 87c; 26 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, 98.10 $20.80; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50 at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $5.13; total ............._ 106.99 Voelker Realty Co., Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. Lot 41; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; 17.5 lin. ft. laterals at 800; $14.00; manholes, tile pipe 98.10 lin. ft. 50 at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.78; total ............... 99.77 Voelker Realty Co., Tschirgi & Shwind's Sub. Lot 60; interest at 6 per cent, 80c; 17.5 lin. ft. laterals at 80c; $14.00; manholes, tile pipe 98.10 lin. ft. 50 at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.78; total ............... 99.77 Voelker Realty Co., Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. Lot 48; interest at 6 per cent, 760; 9.75 lin. ft. laterals at 80c, $7.80; manholes, tile pipe 98.10 lin. ft. 50 at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 ..._....... per cent, $4.47; total ___ 93.22 Voelker Realty Co., Tschirgi & Schwind's Sub. Lot 47; interest at 6 per cent, 76c; 9.75 lin. ft. laterals at 800, 98.10 98.10 104.87 $7.80; manholes, tile pipe lin. ft. 50 at $1.60381, $80.19; extra expense at .0507933 per cent, $4.47; total ._ 93.22 Total _ _._..._.._..__.._.._ $5808.62 174.2 lin. ft. 6 inch .tile at 90c per lin. ft. 156.78 1749.6 lin. ft. 6 inch tile at $2.40 per lin ft. _._____.. _ 4199.04 718.5 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at .80c per lin. ft. _...._...___._.._. r 574.80 8 manholes at $69.00 per man- hole_._ _._..........._........_...._._ 552.00 Interest at 6 per cent ....._. __ _ 47.52 Extra expense at .0507933 per cent _......._...._. ......__ .............._.... 278.48 Total__..__..._......._......... ..._......._.._.......45808.62 Approved Feb. 16th, 1923. Adopted Feb. 16th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. ,GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmea. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Schrempf. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays-None. A Resolution. Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Audubon Street from Rose- dale Avenue to West Fourteenth Street and in West Fourteenth Street from Audubon Avenue to Atlantic Street hereinafter described has been completed and the City Engin- eer has computed the cost and ex- pense of said improvement amounts to $5,808.62; Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque that to pro- vide for the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in Audubon Street from Rosedale Avenue to West Four- teenth Street and in West Four- teenth Street from Audubon Street to Atlantic Street, there be issued Sewer Bonds to the amount of $5,808.62. Said bonds shall be is- sued under the provisions of Chap- ter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and the amendments thereto, shall bear date of the 16th day of March, A. D. 1923 shall be in the denomina- tions of $300.00 each, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $108.62; they shall be numbered from 8090 to 8109 inclu- sive, and shall be divided into ten series of which the bonds numbered 8090 to 8091 shall constitute the first 100 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 series; and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1923; the bonds cumbered 8092 to 8093 shall constitute the second series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1924, the bonds numbered 8094 to 8095 shall constitute the third series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1925; the bonds numbered 8096 to 8097 shall constitute the fourth series add shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1926; the bonds numbered 8098 to 8099 shall constitute the fifth series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1927; the bonds numbered 8100 to 8101 shall constitute the sixth series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1928; the bonds numbered 8102 to 8103 shall constitute the seventh series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1929; the bonds numbered 8104 to 8105 shall constitute the eighth series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1930; the bonds numbered 8106 to 8107 shall constitute the ninth series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1931; the bonds numbered 8108 to 8109 shall constitute the tenth series and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1932. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum which interest shall be payable semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto at- tached; and said bonds shall be pay- able out of the proceeds of the spec- ial assessment levied for said im- provement. Both principal and in- terest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form: No......_...._..... $300.00 Series No......_...._.... 'CITY OF DUBUQUE Sewer Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on the first day of April A. D. 19...... or at any time before that date at the option of the City the sum of Three Hundred Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 percent per annum, payable on the presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. Both principal and interest are pay- able at the office of the City Treas- urer in the City of Dubuque in the State of 'Iowa. This bond is issued 'by the City df Dubuque persuant to and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and amend- ments thereto, and in accordance with a resolution 'of the - City Coun- cil of said city, - duly passed on the • 16th day of February, A. D. 1923. This bond is one of a series of 20 bonds, 19 for $300.00 each, number- ed from 8090 to 8108 inclusive and one bond for $108.65 numbered 8109, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing a sanitary sewer in Audubon Street from Rosedale to West Fourteenth Street and in West Fourteenth Street from Audubon Street to Atlantic Street and described in said resolution; which cost is assessable and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting or adjacent property, and payable in seven annual installments, with in- terest on all deferred payments at the rate of five per cent per annum, and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the col- lection of said special tax, and said money can be used for no other pur- pose. .And it is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts and condition and things required to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened and performed in regular and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the assess- ments, collections and payment here- on of said special tax, the faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In witness whereof the City of Du- buque by its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City affixed this 16th day of March, A. D. 1923, and has authorized the use of their fac - simile signatures on the coupons hereto attached. Countersigned Mayor Countersigned (Seal) City Clerk FORM OF COUPON Onthe....._...._..._day of....._ ....... ............................... A. D. 19....._.., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in the Bond, the sum of .Dollars, at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being .. ........................._..... months interest due that day on its improvement Bond No. ..................dated Mayor City Clerk Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to• he prepared and when so prepared to execote'said bonds; -and that thenstr eC d t b eg s er hereby bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further resolved that City Treasurer be and he is hereby the in- structed to mauner rovided sell for said in bonds Section in 845 the of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Sewer Fund. Be it further resolved that the interest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the fac- simile signature of the Mayor and counter- signed with the fac- simile signature of k. Adopted the City Febru 16th, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Notice of publication certified to by the publisher of the City Coun- cil's intention to levy a special as- sessment as is provided by law' to provide for the payment of Sewer, Water and Gas connections on the improvement of West Fifth Street, from Nevada Street to Delhi Street, there being no remonstrance, Coun- cilman Gabriel moved that the no- tice be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Schrempf. Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Nays —None. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for Gas connections on improvement of West Fifth St., from the west property line of Nevada St. to the east property line of Delhi Street by Key City Gas Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter as namfollo ws: ed, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, Helena Theimig, Newberry & Hales Sub., Lot 16; 9.5 lin. Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 101 ft. gas pipe at 55c, $5.23; extra expense at 1 per cent, .05c; interest at 6 per cent, $.05; total ............... _.....:............_......._..$ 5.33 Emily Hintraeger, Newberry &Hales Sub., Lot 17; 9.5 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $5.23; extra expense at 1 per cent 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 5c; total ......._.._........... 5.32 Kate Goebelt, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add. E. i/z Lot 16; 22 lin. ft. gas pipe at 56c, 812.10; extra expense at 1 per cent 12c; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; total .................. 12.32 Louis Schmitt, S. M. Lang - worthy's Add., Lot 8; 9.5 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c; $5.23; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 5c; total ........................... 5.33 M. L. & J. E. Kemler, New- berry & Hales Sub., Lot 13; 9.5 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $5.22; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent 5c; total . 5.32 Jo seph J. Colley, Newberry & Hales Sub., Lot 14; 9.5 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $5.23; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 5c; total . ....... ......_...._............._..... 5.33 Robt. Bartells, Sub 1 of 1 Waller's Sub., Lot 2; 22 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $12.10; extra expense at 1 per cent, 12c; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; total . ...... ........................._..... 12.32 Robt. Bartells, Sub. 1 of 1 Waller's Sub., Lot 1, 22 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $12.10; extra expense at 1 per cent, 12c; interest at 6 per cent, 10c; total . ........................ 12.32 Mary L. Osborne, T. S. Na- irn's Add. N. 117 ft. 6 in. Lot 24; 9 lin ft. gas pipe at 55c, $4.95; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 4c; total ............... 5.04 Louisa Glab, Newberry & Hales Sub. Lot 1; 9 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $4.95; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 4c; total.............._.......... ......._........_........... 5.04 John Kantlehner Estate, S. M. Langworthy's Add., Lot 31; 23 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $12.65; ; extra expense at 1 per cent, 13c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total............ 12.89 C. B. Trewin Inc., T. S. Na- irn's Add., Lot 26; 9 lin. ft. gas pipe at 550, $4.95; extra expense at 1 per cent, 5c; interest at 6 per cent, 4c; total ....._ .......... ..._...._....................._ 5.04 Total......._ .................. ..._.........._..............$ 91.60 102 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 163.5 lin. ft. 13 inch gas pipe at 55c per lin. ft.. ..$ 89.93 Interest at 6 per cent .............._..._ .78 Extra expense at 1 per cent...... .89 Total........................ ......_._............._._.....5 91.60 Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None. Approved Feb. 16th, 1923. Adopted Feb. 16th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque: That to pay for Sewer and water connections on the im- provement of West Fifth Street from the west property line of Nevada Street to the east property line of Delhi Street by Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractor, in front of and ad- joining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the sev- eral amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Helena Theimig, Newberry & Hales Sub., Lot 16; 13 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $22.75; extra expense at .063337 per cent, $1.44; in- terest at 6 per cent, 20c; total............................. ......_.................__....$ 24.39 M. L. & J. E. Kern ler, New- berry & Hales Sub., Lot 13; 15 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.35, $20.25; 22.5 lin. ft. of water pipe at $1.75, $39.38; ex- tra expense at .063337 per cent, $3.78; interest at 6 per cent, 52c; total ........_........ 63.93 Joseph J. Cosley, Newberry & Hales Sub., Lot 14; 16 lin. ft. tile pipe at $1.35, $21.60; 22.5 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $39.38; extra expense at .063337 per cent, $3.86; interest at 6 per cent, 53c; total .............._...._._..... 65.37 Total.............._......._ ...._..................._.....$ 153.69 31 lin. ft. 4 inch tile at $1.35 per lin ft. .$ 41.85 58 lin. ft. V4 inch water pipe at $1.75 per lin ft........._ .............. 101.51 Interest at 6 per cent ....._ .............. 1.25 Extra expense at .063337 per cent ... 9.08 Total . 153.69 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Approved Feb. 16th, 1923. Adopted Feb. 16th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None. A Resolution. Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into the City of Dubuque for the construction of sewer, water and gas connections on West Fifth St., hereinafter described has been completed and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense of said improvement amounts to $245.29; Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of con- structing sewer, water and gas con- nections in West Fifth Street from Nevada Street to Delhi Street, there be issued improvement bonds to the amount of $245.29. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and the amendments thereto, shall bear date as of the 16th day of March A. D. 1923, shall be in the denominations of $100.00 each, ex- cept that there shall be one bond to the amount of $45.29; they shall be numbered from 8116 to 8118 in- clusive, and shall be divided into one series of which the bonds num- bered 8116 to 8118 shall constitute the first series; and shall be payable on the first day of April. A. D. 1924. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum which interest shall be payable semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupons thereto at- tached; and said bonds shall be pay- able out of the proceeds of the spec- ial assessment levied for said im- provement. Both principal and in- terest shall be payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be Special Session substantially in the following $ fo 0 : No......_........... Series No. CITY OF DUBUQUE Improvement Bonds The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on the first day of April A. D. 19......_. or at any time before that date at the option of the City the sum of One Hundred Dollars with inter- p thereon at the the presenta- per er annum, payable tion and surrender of the interest coupon hereto attached. Both prin- cipal and interest are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque in persuant to and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and amendments thereto, and in accordance with a resolution of the City Council of said city, duly passed on the 16th day of February A. D. 1923. This bond is one of a series of three bonds, two for $100.00 each, number- ed 8116 to 8117 and one bond for $46.29, numbered 8118, all of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of con- struction of sewer, water and gas connections in West Fifth Street from Nevada to Delhi Streets, and described in said resolution; which cost is assessable and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting or adja- cent property, and payable in seven annual installments, with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of five per cent per annum, and this bond is payable only out of the money derived from the collection of said special tax, and said money can be used for no other purpose. And it is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts and condition and things required to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done, hap- pened and performed in regular and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the assess- ments, collections and payment here- on of said special tax, the faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In witness whereof the City of Dubuque by its City Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its City Clerk, with the seal of said City af- fixed this 16th day of March A. D. 1923, and has authorized the use of their fac - simile signatures to the coupons hereto attached. Mayor Countersigned (Seal) City Clerk Feb. 16th, 1923 103 FORM OF COUPON On the....... --- .....day A. D. 19....._.., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in the Bond, the sum of...__ ............._._...._ ._......_....._........._...._. Dollars, at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being_......_..._ months interest due that day on its improvement Bond No. ..........._. dated Mayor Countersigned City Clerk Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds; and that the City Clerk be and he is here- by instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then deliver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in . a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further resolved that the City Treasurer be and is is hereby instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided for in Section 845 of the Code of Iowa, the proceeds of said sale to be kept in a special fund to be known as Improvement Fund. Be it further resolved that the interest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the fac- simile signature of the Mayor and counter- signed with the fac- simile signature of the City Clerk. Adopted February 16th, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None. Notice of publication certified by the publisher of the City Council's to levy a special assessment as is provided by law to pay for the mak- ing of water and gas connections on the improvement of Delhi street from Asbury street to the City Limits, there being no remonstrance Coun- cilman Gabriel moved that the no- tice be received and filed. Second- II 104 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 ed by Councilman Melchior. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council. Men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior and Schrempf. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for gas connections on tb.e improvement of Delhi Street, from the west property line of Asbury Street to the City Lim- its by Key City Gas Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots and Parts of Lots, and Parcels of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Frank Isborne et al, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 13; 13 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.15; extra expense at 11 per cent, 7c; interest at 6 per cent, 6c; total ............$ 7.28 Iowa Oil Co., Sub. 2 of 1 Schuler's Sub., Lot 1; 41 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $22.55; extra expense at 1 per cent, 22c; interest at 6 per cent, 19c; total .................. 22.96 Frank Isborne et al, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 15; 24 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $13.20; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 13c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total...:...._ ..................._ ............._................. 13.44 Frank Isborne et al, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 14; 20 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $11.00; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 110; interest at 6 per cent, 100; total ....._ ................_. ...__................._......__ 11.21 John Addymann, Sub. 222 Fin- ley Add., Lot 1, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; ex- tra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total ..... _ ...... ............._................_ 7.86 Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 225, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 8c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 7c; total . ................_........... 7.85 Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 226, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 8c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 7c; total _..._ ................ ....__......_.._..........._.._ 7.85 Ed. Imhoff, Finley Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 132, 24 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, 013.20; extra expense at 1 per cent, 13c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total .._...._......_ 13.44 Philomenia Haun, Finley Add., Lot 228, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 8c; in- terest at 6 per cent, 7c; total . 7.85 Marg. StreletskYY, Finley Add., Lot 229, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total....._..... 7.85 Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 227, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total.........._ 7.85 Wm. P. Sweeney, Finley - Wapies & Burton's Add., Lot 124, 25 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $13.75; extra expense at 1 per cent, 13c; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; total.......... 14.00 Alfred W. Austin, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 142, 13 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.15; extra expense at 1 per cent, 7c; interest at 6 per cent, 6c; total ........... 7.28 Alfred W. Austin, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 141, 14 lin. ft. gas Pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total ........... 7.85 Alfred W. Austin, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 140, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total ............ 7.85 Frank A. Stoltz, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 127, 24 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $13.20; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 13c; in- terest at 6 per cent, llc; total....._ ................_. ......_._...._._..._........... 13.44 James Guilford, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 129, 48 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $26.40; extra ex- pense at 1 per cent, 26c; interest at 6 per cent, 12c; total....._._ ................. ..........._._...._._...._..... 26.88 Ed. Imhoff, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add„ Lot 130, 24 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $13.20; extra expense at 1 per cent, 13c; interest at 6 per cent, 11c; total ..................... 13.44 Ed. A. Stoltz, Finey Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 136, 14 lin. ft. gas pipe at 55c, $7.70; extra expense at 1 per cent, 8c; interest at 6 per cent, 7c; total ............__ 7.85 Total ........_...........__.. .._._..__._.....__._...$214.012 382 lin. ft. 1% inch gas pipe at 55c per lin. ft. ....___....._....$ 210.10 Interest at 6 per cent ......_...._..... 1.82 Extra expense at 1 per cent 2.10 .Total ..........._......._ .... ........._...._...._...._.....$ 214.02 All of which is assessed in propor- tion to the special benefits conferred. Councilman Gabriel moved the ptio Counet man o Brede. Carried ed aedo by by folwing vote: Yeas - the Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None Approved February . 16th, 1923. Adopted February 16th, 1923. JAME. GABRIEL, S ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, T ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque: That to pay for water connections on the im- provement of Delhi Street from the west property line of Asbury Street to the City Limits by Jas. F. Lee Paving Co., contractor, in front of and adjoining the same, a Special Tax be and is hereby levied on the several Lots, and Parts of Lots, and Parcel of Real Estate hereinafter named, situated, and owned, and for the several amounts set opposite each Lot or Parcel of Real Estate, as follows: Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 224, 11.5 lin. ft, water pipe at $1.75, $20.13; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $1.19; interest at 6 per cent 17c; total ........................$ 21.49 Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 226, 11.5 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $20.13; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $1.19; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; total ....._........... Casper Lehner, Finley Add., Lot 227, 11.5 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $20.13; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $1.19; interest at 6 per cent, 17e; total .................. Ed. A. Stoltz, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 136, 11.5 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $20.13; extra ex- pense at .0590748 per cent, $1.19; interest at 6 per cent, 17c; total ........_ ............._..... Frank A. Stoltz, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 127, 28 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $49.00; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $2.90; interest at .6 per cent, 43c; total . James Guilford, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 129, 28 lin, ft. water Pipe at $1.75, $49.00; extra expense at .0590748 per ;IL Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 21.49 21.49 21.49 52.33 cent, $2.90; interest at 6 per cent, 43c; total....._......._..... Ed. Imhoff, Finley - Waples & Burton Add., Lot 130, 28 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $49.00; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $2.89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 43c; total .........._........_ .... ..................__....._..... Ed. Imhoff, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 131, 28 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $49.00; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, 02.89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 43c; total ......................._.. ..................._....__..... Ed. Imhoff, Finley - Waples & Burton's Add., Lot 132, 28 lin. ft. water pipe at $1.75, $49.00; extra expense at .0590748 per cent, $2.89; in- terest at 6 per cent, 43c; total ....... ............._._............... = 105 52.33 52.32 52.32 52.32 Total .. ................$ 347.58 186 lin. ft. a/4 inch water pipe at $1.75 per lin ft..... .....$ 325.62 Interest at 6 per cent . .............. 2.83 Extra expense at .0590748 per cent ..................... ...................... 19.23 Total ....._._ ............._... ......_......_.............$ 347.58 All of which is assessed in pro- portion to the special benefits con- ferred. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays -None. Approved February 16th, 1923. Adopted February 16th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. A Resolution. Whereas, the contract heretofore entered into by the City of Dubuque for the construction of water and gas connections in Delhi Street, herein- after described has been completed and the City Engineer has computed the cost and expense of said improve- ment amounts to $561.60; Therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that to provide for the cost of con- struction of water and gas connec- tions in Delhi Street from Asbury Street to the City Limits there be issued improvement bonds . to the amount of $561.60. Said bonds shall be issued under the provisions of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of 106 Special Session, Iowa and the amendments thereto, shall boar date as of the 16th day of March A. D. 1923, shall be in the denominations of $100.00 each, except that there shall be one bond to the amount of $61.60; they shall be numbered from 8110 to 8115 in- clusive, and shall be divided into one series of which the bonds num- bered 8110 to 8115 shall constitute the first series; and shall be payable on the first day of April A. D. 1924. Said bonds shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum which interest shall be payable semi- annually, in accordance with the terms of the coupone thereto eit- tached; and said bonds shall be pay- able out of the proceeds of the spec- ial assessment levied for said im- provement. Both principal and in- terest shall be payable at the office Of the City Treasurer in the City Of Dubuque. Said bonds shall be substantially in the following form: No. .................. 9100.00 Series No........._..........._. CITY OF DUBUQUE Improvement Bond The City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa promises to pay as herein- after mentioned to the bearer here- of, on the first day of April A. D. 19 or at any time before that date at the option of the City the sum of One Hundred dollars with interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, . payable on the pre- sentation and surrender of the in- terest coupons hereto attached. Both principal and interest are payable at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque in the State of Iowa. This bond is issued by the City of Dubuque pursuant to and by virtue of Chapter 8, Title V of the Code of Iowa and amendments thereto, and in accordance with a res- olution of the City Council of said City, duly passed on the 16th day of March A. D. 1923. This bond is one of a series of Six bonds. Five fpr $100.00 each numbered 8110 to 8114 and one for $61.60 numbered 8115. All of like tenor and date, and issued for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing water and gas connections in Delhi Street from Asbury Street to the City Limits, and described in said resolution; which cos tis assessable and levied along said improvement, and is made by law a lien on all abutting and adjacent property, and payable in ten annual inatallments, with inter- est on all deferred payments at the rate of five per cent per annum, and this bond is Payable only out of the money derived from the collection Feb. 16th, 1923 of special tax, and said money can be used for no other purpose. And it is hereby certified and re- cited that all the acts and condition and things required to be done pre- cedent to and in the issuing of this series of bonds, have been done and happened and performed in regular and due form as required by said law and resolution; and for the assess- ments, collections and payment here- on of said special tax, the faith and diligence of said City of Dubuque are hereby irrevocably pledged. In witness whereof the City of Du- buque by its Council, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor and countersigned by its Clerk, with the seal of said City affixed this ..:............... -.. dayof ............................ .............- ................. 1923. Authority is hereby given for the use of the fap- simile signature of the Mayor and City Clerk on the Coupcn hereto attached, Mayor Countersigned Seal City Council FORM OF COUPON Onthe .................. day of ...,... ............_........ A. D. 19...__...., the City of Dubuque, Iowa, promises to pay to the bearer, as provided in the Bond, the sum of....._......._...._......._... „.._.........._...._...._....- Dollars, at the office of the City Treasurer in the City of Dubuque, being ...................... month interest due that day on its improvement Bond No............_..... dated Mayor Countersigned City Clerk Be it further resolved that the Mayor and City Clerk be and they are hereby instructed to cause said bonds to be prepared and when so prepared to execute said bonds; and that the City Clerk be and he 10 hereby Instructed to register said bonds in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, and to then de- liver them to the City Treasurer who will also register them in a book to be kept by him for that purpose. Be it further, resolved that the City Treasurer be and he is here- by instructed to sell said bonds in the manner provided for in Section 845 of the Code of Iowa, the pro- ceeds of said sale to be Itept in a special fund to be known as Ian provement Fund. Bo it further resolved that the in. terest coupons attached to the bonds be signed with the Pao - simile signa- ure of the Mayor and countersigned with the facsimile signature of the City Clerk. Adopted February 16th, 1923. Approved : JAMES ANDERSON, I H. BREDE, ED. SCHREMPF, THEO. GABRIEd , H. B. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN S UBOI Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution. Second- ed by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays— Node. Dubuque, Iowa, February 16th, 1923. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The undersigned has assigned all paving contracts award- ed to him as a result of the letting cf February 8th, 1923, to the Even lihlrich Co., of Dubuque, Iowa, and respectfully asks that your Honor- able Body approve of these assign- ments. Further, the undersigned would re- spectfully ask your Honorable Body to approve of the assignment to the Even Uhlrich Company of whatever additional work might be awarded to us as a result of the letting Feb- 'nary 8th, 1923. If with the approval of your Honorable Body and the fil- ing of an approved surety bond as required by law by the Even Uhlrich Company we will thank you to re- lease our bond and relieve the under- signed of any further liability to the City of Dubuque as a result of these contracts. Yours truly, J. J. Leonard Company. By J. J. Leonard. Councilman Gabriel moved that the assignment of the contracts of J. J. Leonard Co. to the Even Uhl- rich Company be approved, eliminat- ing that part of the petition which reads: "Further, the undersigned would respectfully ask your Honor- able Body to approve of the assign- ment to the Even Uhlrich Co. of whatever additional work might be awarded to us as a result of the letting of February 8th, 1923.” Sec- onded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that the bonds of J. J. Leonard be released upon a satisfactory bond being filed on each contract by Evan - Uhlrich Co. Seconded by Councilman Gab- Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 107 riel. Carrie dby the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Report of the May City Gas Co. February 16th, 1923, Mr. O. E. Carr, City Manager, Dubuque, Iowa. Dear Sir; We hand yeti herewith a statement showing revenue re- ceipts, operating expenses and taxes of this Corporation for the calender year of 1922; also a statement show- ing its further expenditures for ad- ditions, extensions and betterrepts for the calender year 1922; and also . a statement showing the lengths, the diameters and the locations of new mains laid in 1922. Yours very truly, The Key City Gas Company. By Geo. McLean, President. Councilman Gabriel moved that the report be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Brede. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Communication of John Palen call- ing attention of the City Council to the fact that they granted a petition presented by him some time ago to improve the alley between Jack- son and White Streets from Nine- teenth to Twentieth Streets. This matter will be taken care of. City Council proceedings for the month of November, presented. Councilman Brede moved that they be approved and received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Gab- riel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Plumber's Excavation Bond, of Curtis & Company presented. It being properly executed, Coun- cilman Brede moved that it be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, 1Vlelchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. Renewal pf the Plumber's Exca- vation Bond of Rellihan and Mullen, presented. It being' properly eyeCuted. Coun- cilman Brede nigved that it be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf, Nays —None. City Commissioners; Your atten- 108 Special Session, Feb. 16th, 1923 tion is called to the erroneous as- sessment on the following lot for the improvement of South Alta Vista Street. Lot 2- 2- 1 -1 -1 -1 and 2 of 6 -7 of Mineral lot 79 actual valuation by the Assessor $200.00, assessment $86.35. Yours truly, Feb. 6th, 1923. H. L. Pier. Councilman Brede move dthat the petition be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Gabriel. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Couneil- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. ' Nays —None. Petition of the Voelker Realty Co. Dubuque, Iowa, February 16th, 1923. To the Honorable City Commission- ers and City Manager. Dubuque, Iowa. Gentlemen: The undersigned must protest against the assessments of the following lots for the con- struction of a sanitary sewer in Aud- ubon Ave., as being far in excess of the 25 per cent limit of assessments to value of the lot. Due to the street not being anywhere near the proper grade the cost of the sewer was con- siderably greater than normal and the condition of the lots with refer- ence to the established grade of the street will convince you of the fact that the lots cannot stand the assess- ment as made. This referring par- ticularly to the seven lots mentioned. The assessments objected to and the assessed values of lots are as fol- lows: Rosedale 35 value $20.00 assess- ment $84.95. Rosedale 36 value $20.00 assess- ment $84.95. Rosedale 37 value $20.00 assess- ment $84.96. Rosedale 38 value $20.00 assess- ment $84.95. Rosedale 39 value $20.00 assess- ment $84.95. Woodlawn Park 75, value $30.00 assessment $60.34. Woodlawn Park 40 of 74 value $45.00 assessment $67.96. Woodlawn Park 68 value $45.00 as- sessment $98.10. Woodlawn Park 95 value $85.00 as- sessment $98.10. Woodlawn Park 57 value $55.00 as- sessment $98.10. Woodlawn Park 56 value $55.00 as- sessment $98.10. Woodlawn Park 96 value 85.00 as- sessment $98.10. Woodlawn Park 100 value $100.00 assessment $101.00. Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub. lot 27 value $70.00 assessment $106.99. Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub. lot 48 value $75.00 assessment $93.22. Tschirgi and Schwind's Sub. lot 47 value $90.00 assessment $93.22. Assuring you that we are willing to pay a proper amount, we are, Very truly yours, Voelker Realty Company, C. A. VOELKER, C. A. VOELKER, Jr., Secy. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager. Seconded by Councilman Gab- riel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. _ Councilman Brede moved to ad- journ. Carried. JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Approved Adopted ...__ . _ _ __®_ _1928 Special Session, CITY COUNCIL (Official) Special session February 26th, 1923. Meeting called by order of Mayor Alderson and Councilman Gabriel. Council met at 4:30 p. m. present, City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior, Schrempf. Mayor Alderson in the chair. Mayor Alderson read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and that this meeting is called for the purpose of consider- ing the matter of Street paving and acting on any other business that may come before the meeting. Petition of Mrs. Christine Eckert, by her Guardian, Mrs. Christine Luz, stating that she is owner of the prop- erty Lot No. 1 Rebman's Sub., that she is In very humble circumstances, old and unable to earn a living, that what little money she has is rapidly diminishing, that several years back she was under heavy expense for street improvements, and she here- by petitions the Council to cancel the assessment against her property for the construction of a Sanitary sewer in Broadway Extension, amounting to $89.30. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City So- licitor to investigate and report back to the council, seconded by Councilman Gabriel carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of D. L. Morrow, asking that he permitted to build his garage on West 17th street on a line with other buildings which are now on the street, some of which extend about 15 feet on City property. Councilman Gabriel moved that the rules be suspended to allow any one present to address the Council, seconded by Councilman Brede, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Mr. Morrow addressed the Council stating that what he had to say was embodied in the petition, stating that other buildings on the street extended onto the street, the street not being used much for traffic, and that he wanted the same privilege as others. Councilman Gabriel moved that the petition be referred to the City Engineer to investigate and report back to the council, seconded by Feb. 26th, 1923 109 Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Notice of Claim. To the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County, Iowa, Honorable James Alderson, Mayor, and members of the City Council, and Mr. O. E. Carr, Manager of the City of Du- buque, Iowa: You are hereby notified that Mary Herkes makes claim to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for person- al injuries and damages sustained on the morning of January 10th, 1923, at 11 :45 a. m., as the result of carelessness and negligence on the part of the City which carelessness and negligence resulted as follows: That snow and ice was left ac- cumulated on the sidewalk on the north' side of 14th street between White and Jackson streets, and as the result of the accumulation of snow and ice, it became dangerous to pedestrians, and that your peti- tioner fell on said walk and as a result of said fall she sprained her ankle, which confined her to her home two and one half weeks and was compelled by reason of said confinement to lay off from work for said time, and on account of time lost, doctor bill and for pain and suffering endured, she asks that the City of Dubuque pay her $242.50. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Solicitor, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays— None. Report of the City Solicitor, rela- tive to the abstracts of title to the property of Charles and Rose Boy- er, bought by the City of Dubuque for the relocated Dubuque - Cascade Road, presented. Ordered to be filed in the Clerk's office. (No motion). Bond of George Hohnecker, prin- cipal, Christ Fiedler and J. W. Neu - meister, sureties, for the moving of a house over, across and upon pub- lic streets, avenues and sidewalks of said City of Dubuque, peresented. Councilman Brede moved that the bond be received and filed seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Renewal of Plumbers Bond of Au- gust L. Hammell, presented. Coun- cil man Gabriel moved that the re- newal be received and filed, second- 110 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 ed by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Depository bond of the Iowa Trust and Savings Bank, presented. It be- ing properly executed, Councilman Brede moved that it be received and filed. seconded by Councilman Ga- briel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, . Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Depository bond of the Consolidat- ed National Bank of Dubuque, Iowa, presented. It being properly execut- ed, Councilman Gabriel moved that it be received and filed, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, 11lelehior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Feb. 16th, 1923. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: The matter of the petition of the Voelker Realty Co., in regard to special assessments as levied against lot 16 Grandview Heights Add, which was referred to the City Man- ager recently, I have investigated and wish to make the following re- port: The first assessment mentioned for the improvement of Grandview Avenue was levied on January 4th, 1912. At this time the properly was assessed for street improvements on the frontage basis. All the property between Dodge street and South Dodge Street paid the assessment as levied, except lots 12, 14, 16 Grand- view Heights Add. The assessment as levied was $123.51 each on lots 12 and 14 and $378.48 as levied against lot 16. This large assessment on lot 16 was due to the triangular shape of the lot, giving a frontage on Grand- view avenue. This property at that time belong- ed to George Collis, and was pur- chased by the Voelker Realty Co. from J. J. Nagle on April 29th, 1915, the abstract of the property at this time shows the special assessment as levied in 1912 remaining unpaid. The petition of the Voelker Realty Company is somewhat in error in connection with the assessment levi- ed as they state the assessment to have been $497.04. This assessment was later reduced to $400.00 by the Council which would have been a corresponding reduction from the figures as mentioned. My personal opinion is that the Voelker Realty Company is entitled to some reduction on account of the method of levying the assessment in 1912, but the assessment as levied in 1920 for the improvement of Grandview Avenue and the assess- ment as levied in 1918 for the im- provement of Forest Street should be paid in full. Respectfully submitted, 0. E. CARR, City Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager to settle as set out in his report, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. City Council, Dubuque, Iowa, Gentlemen: Mr. W. 9'. Worcester, Vice Presi- dent of the Rau Appraisal Company, called on me Friday, February 16th, with reference to the payment of $2,500.00 which he claims due the Rau Appraisal Co., for appraising the Dubuque Electric Company property, which was begun October, 1919, and was completed September, 1920. I have examined somewhat the Council proceedings with reference to this work. The C. B. Stiver Co. of Des Moines first arranged t oau- dit the Dubuque Electric Company books which was to have been done at a cost not to exceed $650.00. The bill for this work has been present- ed but has not been paid due to the fact that no report of audit has been submitted. The Rau Appraisal Com- pany was engaged through the Stiv- er Company, and the City of Dubuque and the Dubuque Electric company agreed to each pay one -half of the cost of the appraisal, except that the City of Dubuque limited her share to $2,500.00. On Oct. 2nd, 1919, both Mr. May- nard of the Dubuque Electric Com- pany and Mr. Stiver of the appraisal company addressed the council in connection with the appraisal. Mr. Stiver explained that it was not ne- cessary to get a detailed appraisal to ascertain the value of the property. It was on this representation that the arrangements were made for the appraisal. The City advised the Stiver com- pany this work would have to be completed within sixty days, other- wise the work would be of no bene- fit and would not be acceptable. As I understand it, the contract itself placed no time limit. The Rau Ap- praisal company was advised in Oc- tober through the Stiver Co. that Feb. 17th, 1923, Special Session the work should be completed in six- ty days. They began work about November 1st, continuing through the winter. On the 19th of February, in reply to a telegram 2 rom the Dubuque Daily News, they advised that the apprais- al would be ready about April 1st, he last information re- which was t ceived until the books were deliver- ed about the middle of September, 1920. The City refused to accept them and refused to open them, but were finally given permission to open the reports with the express stipulation that the opening of the reports would no the held by them as an acceptance of the report. The basis for the payment of the Rau Appraisal Company was one- half of one per cent of the replace- ment value of the Dubuque Electric Co. The Dubuque Electric Co. has paid on this basis $24,460. There remains due on this basis $2,500.00 which the City has not paid. In other words, when the work was started it was expected to be completed in sixty days in order to be of service. Stiv- er said that a detailed appraisal was unnecessary. In spite of this a most complete and detailed appraisal was furnished. As an inventory of the Du- buque Electric Co., the appraisal might be of value to anyone desiring such an inventory. As an appraisal of the Company it is absolutely worthless, as it is based upon the costs at the very peak period. The representative of the Apprais- al Company suggested that they would for the sake of a quick and final settlement, be willing to ac- cept a deduction of 25 per cent of the amount, I suggested that the City would not desire to harm her good name and credit and did not want any outstanding bills, and for that reason the Council might be willing to make some compensation and might be willing to pay 20 per cent of the original price in order to get a final settlement. As further a,s- count, the representative of the ap- praisal company asked that I pre- sent the matter to the City Council and make known to them that the Appraisal company for the sake of getting the matter adjusted would be willing to take 50 per cent of the original claim. I am presenting this matter to the Council without recommendation. Respectfully submitted, 0, E, CARR, City Manager. Councilman Schrempf moved that the matter be referred to the City Solicitor, seconded by Councilman Feb. 26th, 1923 111 Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of Joseph Walter, asking that the assessment against part of his lot 10 amounting to $6.23 for the construction of a sanitary sewer in Broadway Extension be cancelled, stating that this strip is a mudhole and useless, presented. • Councilman Gabriel moved that the petition be received and filed, se- conded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of the Dubuque Electric Co. Feb. 20th, 1923. Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: A little over a year ago we extended our ten - minute ser- vice on the West Dubuque line from Asbury switch where it then term- inated to the new High School. Un- der the present scheme of operation, therefore, the switch at Asbury is not used and we respectfully request permission to relocate it, prior to the new paving, in front of the new High school, which will not only make it possible for us to have ex- tra cars at the High school to meet any unusual demand, but also we will be able to improve our West Locust street service. We also ask permission to relo- cate the switch on West 'Locust ap- proximately opposite Mt. St. Joseph's college to a new position further east and in the approximate location of Rosedale avenue. This change will give us more even spacing of the switches on our Locust street divi- sion, which will permit better ser- vice under normal conditions and more flexibility when extra service is needed. Thanking you in advance for what I trust will be your favorable consid- eration of the above, I am Yours very truly. 0. H. SIMONDS, General Manager. Councilman Brede moved that the prayer of the petition be granted and the Electric Co. be requested to install, if possible, a continnuous service instead of transferring on Asbury street, as is done at present, and the proper official of the Du- buque Electric Co., be so notified, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas— Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. 112 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 February 23rd, 1923. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: I hereby apply to your honorable body for a reassess- ment of lot 1 Wm. Rebman Sub. I am at present assessed for 128 feet depth of lot No. 1 with a frontage on Gay street of 39 feet. In consult- ing Mr. Carr this morning he ad- vised me to pay one -tenth of the as- sessment which is due today with an understanding that I should re- ceive credit on part of this assess- ment if the City Council acts on same. I ask for a reduction of 40 feet or a total of 88 feet which I judge correct. Yours respectfully, ED VYVERBERG, 350 Gay Street. Councilman Melchior moved that Mr. Vyverberg be allowed a reduc- tion in Ms assessment equivalent to 40 feet and a warrant be drawn on the general fund for the sum of ap- proximately $46.40 to make up the deficit of the special assessment, seconded by Councilman Brede, car- ried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of the Western Auto Supply Co. To the Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, respectfully petition your honorable body to allow us to install an air post, similar to the attached cut, on the south side of Sixth street be- tween Central Avenue and Iowa Streets, the post to be located about 50 feet west of the southwest curb of Sixth street and Central Avenue. We also petition for the privilege of installing a boulevard light on the southeast corner of Sixth street directly in front of our place of business. Respectfully yours, WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY CO. By Thos. N. Mahara. Councilman Gabriel moved to re- fer this petition to the City Manag- er, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Sc.hrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved that Sam Cartigny be notified to move the gasoline filling station in front of his place of business at 2944 Jackson street to the 31st street side of his property, seconded by Coun- cilman Brede, carried by the follow- ing vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Meictior, Schrempf. Nays —None. February 10th, 1923. City Council, I ubuqu.. so.' a .�artlemen: Report of bids received for the improvement of Twelfth Street on February 8th, 1923. Even - Uhlrich— Vibrolithic, $2.40; total, $15,204. 55. J. A. Rassmussen & Sons —Sheet Asphalt, $1.40; total, $13,192.30. Empire Const. Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.58; total, $16,518.56. Carlson — Vibrolithic, $2.65; total, $16,938.95. Des Moines Asp. Co. —Sheet As- phalt, $1.34; Bitulithic, $1.54; total sheet asphalt, $15,851.08.; total bi- tulithic, $16,622.98. Moore - Young— Vibrolthic, $2.57; total, $16,173.19. Dearborn Const. Co.— Vibrolithic, $2.56; total, $16,281.72. McCarthy Imp. Co.— Bitulithic, $1.87; total, $15,187.60. McGarry & Co. —Sheet Asphalt, $1.69; total, $14,406.78. M. J. Hannon — Bitulithic, $1.80; total, $15,187.60. J. F. Lee —Sheet Asphalt, $1.52; Bitulithic, $1.82; total sheet asphalt, $13,304.09; total bitulithic, $15,266.94. West Asp. Pay. Co. —Sheet As- phalt, $1.69; Bitulithic, $1.85; total sheet asphalt, $15,281.43; total bitu- lithic, $16,573. 85. Engineer's estimate —Sheet As- phalt, $14, 546.00; Vibrolithic, $17,- 944.00; Bitulithic, $18,501.00. Respectfully submitted, O. E. CARR, City Manager. Resolution Awarding Contract Whereas, proposals have been sub- mitted by contractors for the im- provement of Twelfth street from the C., G. W. R. R. tracks to the east line of Central Avenue and Even - Uhlrich Co., contractor, has submitted the lowest bid for the furn- ishing of all labor and materials and Performing the work as provided for in the plans and specifications, now, therefore Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the con- tract for the improvement of Twelfth Street from the C. G. W. R. R. tracks to the east line of Central Avenue be awarded to Even - Uhlrich Company for Vibrolithic pavement and the Mayor and the Manager be and he is hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of the City of Dubuque for the complete perform- ance of said work. Be it further resolved, that this resolution, being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity, become ef- u Special Session, fective from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. passed and adopted this 26th day. of February, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, Mayor. L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G, MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of 16th Street from the west property line of Washington Street to the east property line of Iowa Street be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and the same are hereby rejected and the certified checks deposited by contractors be forthwith returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being urgent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted Feb. 26th, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, . L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Babriel, Melchior, and Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Pro ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Washington Street from the north property line of 20th Street to the south property line of 24th Street be and they are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are here- Feb. 26th, 1923 113 by rejected, and the certified checks deposited by the contractors be forthwith returned to them. Be it further resolved that this re- solution being of immediate necess- ity shall be in force and effect from and after it passage and adoption by the City, Council. Adopted Feb. 26th, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, , Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays— None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the re- solutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of 14th Street from the east line of Washington Street to the C. G. W. tracks be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are here - be rejected, and the certified checks deposited by contractors be forth- with returned to them. Be it further resolved that this re- solution being of immediate neces- sity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H.G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen, Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the re- solutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of 14th Street from the west line of Washington Street to the east line of Locust Street be and the same are hereby rescinded. 114 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are here- by rejected, and the certified checks deposited by contractors be forth- with returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being urgent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G, MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest; JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the re- solutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of 15th Street from the west property line of Washington Street to the east property line of Main Street be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by the contractors for said improvement be and they are hereby rejected, and the certified checks deposited by contractors be forthwith returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being urgent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H.G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf. carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays - -None. A Resolution . Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Booth Street from the north property line of Dodge to the South property line of Julien Avenue, be and the same are here- by rescinded and the contract cov- ering the work heretofore awarded be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharged and the surety bond thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Nevada Street from the north property line of West 3rd Street to the south property line of West 5th Street, be and the same are hereby cancelled and the con- tracts heretofore awarded covering the work be rescinded and discharg- ed and the contractor's bond dis- charged and the surety thereon re- leased. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. • Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of West Third Street from the west property line of A1- pine Street to the east property line ame are of B by rescinded e and the s oontact hereby covering the work heretofore award- ed be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharged and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. NNays —one. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Langworthy Street from the west property line of Al- pine to the east property line of Nevada Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded, and the contract heretofore awarded covering this work be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharg- ed and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Attest: JOHN STUBERCoun, cilmen. City Clerk. Councilman Melchior moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A R esolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the Pro ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of West 5th Street from the West property line of Ne- vada Street to the east property line Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 115 of Delhi Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the contract heretofore awarded covering the work be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharg- ed and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor ' Alderson, Council- men • Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of West 14th Street from the northeast property line of Delhi Street to the east property line of Audubon Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the con- tract heretofore awarded covering the work be cancelled and discharg- ed and the contractor's bond dis- charged and the surety thereon re- leased. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of East 24th Street from the east property line of Cent- ral Avenue to the east property line 116 Special Session Feb. 26th, 1923 of Washington Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the contract heretofore awarded cover- ing the work be cancelled and dis- charged and the contractor's bond discharged and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed urgent and of immediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Jackson Street from the north property line of 22nd Street to the south property line of 24th Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the contract heretofore awarded covering the work be rescinded and discharged and the contractor's bond discharg- ed and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being of urgent and im- mediate necessity shall be ut force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of High Bluff Street from the north line of Fengler Street to the north line of Farley Street, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the contract hereto- fore awarded covering said work be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharged and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that the resolution being of urgent and im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceeedings heretofore had and the resolutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Tenth Street from th east property line of Central Avenue to the railroad tracks at Elm street, except where already im- proved, be and the same are hereby rescinded and the contract hereto- fore awarded covering said work be cancelled and discharged and the contractor's bond discharged and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being of urgent and im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after Its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of White Street from the north property line of 6th Street to the south property line of 21st Street except where already improv- ed, . be and the same are hereby re- scinded and the contract heretofore awarded covering said work be can- celled and discharged and the con- tractor s bond discharged and the surety thereon released. Be it further resolved that this resolution being of urgent and im- mediate necessity shall be in force and and effect rom nduaftl after its adop- tion by Adopted JAMESyALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, , Councilm Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councliman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas -- -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution �Be it resolved by the City Council of fhe City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Delhi Street from the west property line of Asbury Street to the city limits be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are hereby rejected, and the certified checks deposited by contractors be forthwith returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being of urgent and im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from an defter its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H.G. MELCHIOR, Attest: JOHN STUBE ouncilmen. City Clerk. Councilman Brede moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, . Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the ac- tion taken by this council on Feb- ruary 10th, 1923, in awarding the J. A. Rasmussen & Sons Co., of Oskosh, Wisconsin, the contract for Special Session, Feb. 26th 1923 117 the improvement of Wartburg Street from Fremont Street south for a dis- tance of 1,190 feet, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids received on February 8th, 1923, for the improvement of said street be rejected, checks returned to the bidders and the City Clerk instruct- ed to readvertise for bids. Be it further resolved that this resolution being deemed of immedi- ate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its passage and adoption by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the improvement of Washington Street from 11th Street to 20th Street be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are hereby rejected, and the certified checks deposited by the contractors be forthwith returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being urgent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adapted Feb. 26th, 1928. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. 0, MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk, Councilman Schrempf moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Realolution Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that the pro- ceedings heretofore had and the res- olutions heretofore adopted for the 118 Special Session Feb. 26th, 1923 improvement of Iowa Street from the north property line of 14th Street to the south property line of 17th Street be and the same are hereby rescinded. Be it further resolved that all bids submitted by contractors for said improvement be and they are hereby rejected, and the certified checks de- posited by the contractors be forth- with returned to them. Be it further resolved that this resolution being urgent and of im- mediate necessity shall be in force and effect from and after its adop- tion by the City Council. Adopted February 26th, 1923. JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Attest: JOHN STUBER, City Clerk. Councilman Gabriel moved the ad- option of the resolution, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommedation of the City Manager, it be deemed necessary and advis- able to improve the alley lying be- tween White Street and Jackson Street from the north property line of 19th Street to the south property line of 20th Street by paving with either vibrolithic on the present foundation or brick block on a con- crete foundation, and by installing sewer and water connections where necessary. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolu- tion (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, considera- tion and determination at a meet- ing of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolu- tion and the time and place, when and where said said resolution will be considered for passage and objec- tions heard, to be given by publica- tion in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES' ALDERSON, THEO. GABRIEL, L. H. BREDE, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve 14th Street from the west line of White Street to the east line of Locust Street by curb- ing with new cement curb where re- quired, resetting old stone curb where required, constructing a con- crete gutter and by paving with either vibrolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess - men for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolu- tion (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for fur - ther and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to cause notice of the pen- dency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the offi- cial newspapers of the city, in man- Special Session, ner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action tordered h given phis of 26th pendency day uy, 19 23, Approved : of Febr J A ar M ALDERSON, L H. BR EDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the follo vote: Yeas —Mayor wing Alderson, Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Douglas Street (formerly West Second Street) from the west line of College Street to the west line of Walsh street, by placing new cement curb, installing sewer, water and gas connections where required, constructing a con- crete gutter and by paving with either brick block on a concrete foundation, or vibrolithic pavement on the present foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement 18 hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- Feb. 26th, 1923 119 dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. , Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L, H, BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H.G, MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Schrempf. carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve 14th Street from the east line of White Street to the C. G. W. tracks, except where al- ready paved, by curbing with new cement curb where required, reset- ting old stone curb where required, constructing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vibrolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolu- tion (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consider- ation and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be con- sidered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resoluion was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, 120 Special ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas -Mayor Alderson , Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -- -None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Booth Street from the north . property line of Dodge street to the south property line of Julien Avenue, by curbing with new cement curb, resetting old stone curb where required, con- structing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vibrolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to cause notice of the Pen- dency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the offici- al newspapers of the city, in man- ner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. R. BREDE, Theo, Gabriel, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays -- -None. A Resolution of Neoessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve West Third Street from the west property line of Alpine Street to the east proper- ty line of College Street by curbing with new cement curb where re- quired, resetting old stone Curb where required, by installing sewer, water and gas connections where necessary and constructing concrete gutter and by paving with either vi- brolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer, The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing. consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City' Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for final action and the notice of the pendency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPW, H.G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Langworthy Street from the West property line o f Alpine Street to the East proper- ty line of Nevada Street by curbing with new cement curb, where re- quired, resetting old stone curb where required, constructing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vi- brolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolu- tion (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for fur- ther and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 P. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to cause notice of the pen- dency . of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the offi- cial newspapers of the city, in man- ner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson , Council- man Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 121 visable to improve West 14th Street form the northeast property line of Delhi Street to the east property line of Audubon street by curbing with new cement curb, where required, resetting old stone curb where re- quired, constructing concrete gutter and by paving with either vibrolithic or brick block on a concrete founda- tion. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions tp be prepared by the City Engineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideratiion and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF. H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Washington Street from the north property line of 11th Street to the south property line of 20th Street by curbing with new cement curb where necessary, resetting old stone curb where re- quired, constructing a concrete gut- ter and by paving with either vibro- 9 122 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 lithic pavement, sheet asphalt or bi- tulithic on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this porposed resolu- tion (execept this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for fur- ther and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby in- structed to cause notice of the pen- dency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said resolution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the offici- al newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve East 24th Street from the east property line of Cent- ral avenue to the east property line of Washington street to the north, by placing new cement curb where necessary, resetting old stone curb where required, conatlructing con- crete gutter and by paving with eith- er brick block on a concrete founda- tion, vibrolithic sheet asphalt of bi- tulithic on the present macadam foundation within the car - tracks and one foot outside thereof brick block on a concrete foundation shall be used. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer.. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and forgoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 P. m., In the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approved and ordered placed on file for final action and the notice of the pendency ordered given this 26th day of Feb- ruary, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Jackson Street from the north property line of Twenty- second street to the south property line of Twenty - fourth Street, by curbing with new cement curb where required, resetting old stone curb where required, construct- ing a concrete gutter, and by paving with vibrolithic, sheet asphalt or bi- tulithic pavement on the present ma- cadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. Special Session, The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by Be it further resolved that the above heeb proposed foregoing improvement osed to be made and o hereby p P structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th' day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said reso- lution will be considered for passage and objections heard, to be given by publication in the official newspap- ers of the city, in maaner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of penden- cy ordered given this 36th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve High Bluff Street from the south line of Fengler Street to the south line of Farley street by curbing with new cement curb, constructing a concerete gut- ter and by paving with either Vibro- lithic pavement or bituminous ma- cadam. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth Feb. 26th, 1923 123 and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time , and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote. Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Tenth Street from the east property line of Cent- ral Avenue to the railroad tracks at Elm Street, except where already improved by placing new cement curb where required and by reset- ting old stone curb where required, constructing a concrete gutter by paving with either vibrolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the 'property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as Is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing Improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day 124 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES' ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays—None. A Resolution of Necessity. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Iowa Street from the north property line of 14th Street to the south property line of 17th Street except the 15th Street intersection by curbing with new cement curb where required and by resetting old stone curb where ne- cessary, constructing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vi- brolithic, bitulithic or sheet asphalt pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. • The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H.G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er. it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Fifteenth Street from the west property line of Wash- ington Street to the east property line of Main street, except where al- ready improved, by curbing with new cement curb where necessary, by resetting old stone curb where required, constructing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vibrolithic pavement, sheet asphalt or bitulithic on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and sepcifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- a ll of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- and the ed and ordered placed on file for del acti ordered given the f 26th pen- of Fe AMES 1923 ALDERSON , of February, Approved: J L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen., Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —No. A Reso of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Sixteenth Street from the west property line of Washington Street to the east prop- erty line of Iowa Street, except where already paved, by curbing with new cement curb where requir- ed, resetting old stone curb where re- quired, constructing a conoerete gut - ter and by paving with either sheet asphalt, bitulithic or vibrolithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro - vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and constructed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolu- tion (except this paragraph) be and the same i s hereby set down for fur- ther and final hearing, consideration, and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for II- Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 125 nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Cot.ncihnen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Brede, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, ' Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity. Ce it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Washington Street from the north property line of 20th Street to the South property line of 24 th Street, except where al- ready improved, by placing new cement curb where required reset- ting old stone curb where necessary, constructing a concrete gutter and paving with either vibrolithic, Sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., In the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- 126 Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923, Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve White Street from the North property line of Sixth Street to the South property line of Twenty -first Street( except where already improved) by con- structing a concrete gutter, by curb- ing with new cement curb where necessary, by resetting old stone curb where required and by paving with either vibrolithic pavement, sheet asphalt or bitulithic on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in . accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be gif- en by publication in the official newpapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pendency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE. THEO. GABRIEL, ED, SCHREMPF, H. G, MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Melchior, carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve West 5th Street from the west property line of Ne- vada Street to the East property line of Delhi Street by curbing with new cement curb where necessary, resetting old stone curb where ne- cessary, constructing a concrete gutter and by paving with either vi- brolithic, sheet asphalt or bitulithic pavement on the present macadam foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing consideration and detrmination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city ,in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Special Session, Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, a H. BREDE, THEO. GEcBRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Schrempf moved that the resolution be apprbved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Gabriel, carried by the follong vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men, B Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays— None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to improve Delhi Street from the west property line of As- bury Street to the City Limits by curbing with new cement curb, reset- ting old stone curb, constructing concrete gutters and by paving with either bitulithic, sheet asphalt or vi- brolithic pavement on the macadam foundation or brick block on a con - crete foundation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby propsoed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m., in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action an, d 1923. the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February NPproved- JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, Feb. 26th, 1923 127 ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Gabriel moved that the resolution be approved and plac- ed on file for final action, seconded by Councilman Schrempf, carried by the following vote: Ayes —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. A Resolution of Necessity Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that, upon recommendation of the City Manag- er, it be deemed necessary and ad- visable to impove Nevada Street from the north property line of West Third Street to the south property line of West 5th Street by curbing with new cement curb where requir- ed, resetting old stone curb where required, constructing concrete gut- ter, and by paving with either sheet asphalt, bitulithic or vibrolithic pave- ment on the present macadam foun- dation. Said work to be done in accord- ance with the plans and specifica- tions to be prepared by the City En- gineer. The cost and expense of said im- provement will be assessed against all of the property subject to assess- ment for the improvement as is pro- vided by law. Be it further resolved that the above and foregoing improvement is hereby proposed to be made and con- structed as hereinbefore set forth and that this proposed resolution (except this paragraph) be and the same is hereby set down for further and final hearing, consideration and determination at a meeting of the City Council to be held the 16th day of March, 1923, at 4:30 p. m. in the Council Chamber and that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to cause notice of the pendency of the above resolution and the time and place, when and where said res- olution will be considered for pass- age and objections heard, to be giv- en by publication in the official newspapers of the city, in manner and for the time provided by law. The above resolution was approv- ed and ordered placed on file for fi- nal action and the notice of the pen- dency ordered given this 26th day of February, 1923. Approved: JAMES ALDERSON, L. H. BREDE, THEO. GABRIEL, ED. SCHREMPF, H. G. MELCHIOR, Councilmen. Councilman Brede moved that the resolution be approved and placed on file for final action, seconded by CITY COUNCIL (Official) Regular Session, March 5th, 1923. Council met at 4:30 P. M. Present —City Manager Carr, May- or Alderson, Councilmen Brede, Ga- briel, Melchior. Absent— Councilman Schrempf. Mayor Alderson in the Chair. Mayor Alderson stated that this is the regular monthly meeting of the City Council, for the transaction of such business as may regularly come before the meeting. The Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: On January 31, 1923, Mrs. John Bohn fell at the alley on Windsor avenue between Hennepin and Reece street and sustained a fracture of her left wrist. The point where the accident occurred was ex- amined and found to be quite dan- gerous by reason of the accumula- tion of snow and ice which had ex- isted there for some time. I have had the matter up with Mrs: Bohn and she agrees to accept in settle- ment of her claim the sum of 943.00, which is the actual doctor bill ren- dered to her on account of said acci- dent. As Mrs. Bohn is very reason- able in this matter it is my. opinion the claim is justified and I recom- mend that she be paid the sum of 943.00 in full settlement of her claim, and ask that a warrant be drawn in favor of John Bohn, her husband, in that amount. Respectfully submitted, M. H. CZIZEK, Solicitor. Councilman Brede moved that the recommendation of the City Solicitor be approved, settlement be made with Mrs. Bohn and the Auditor be instructed to draw a warrant on the Treasurer in the sum of 943.00 in favor of John Bohn, settlement in full of claim. Seconded by Council- man Melchior. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Bond of the Key City Vulcanizing Co., for the operation and maintain - Once of display sign, presented. It being properly executed. Council- man Brede moved that it be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Nays —None. Absent— Councilman Schrempf. Report of the City Auditor for the Regular Session, March 5th, 1923 129 month of February presented. Coun- cilman Brede moved that it be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Coun- cilman Gabriel. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Gabriel, Brede, Melchior. Nays —None. Absent—Councilman Schrempf. Report of the City Treasurer for the month of February presented. Councilman Brede moved the report be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf, Report of the City Water Works for the month of February presented. Councilman Brede moved that it be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Gabriel. Carried by the following vote:' Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior. Nays —None. Absent — Councilman Schrempf. Councilman Schrempf entered and took his seat at 4:31 P. M. Petition of Fred Jenni, asking that the grade be established on White street from 27th to 28th streets. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Engi- neer. Seconded by Councilman Gab- riel. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of James McCraney, ask- ing to secure a lease on the old shot tower on East 7th street near the High Bridge, to be used as a bill- board for advertising purposes, pre- sented and read. Councilman Brede moved that the petition be referred to the City Man- ager. Seconded by Councilman Schrempf. Carried by the following vote: Yeas — Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brede, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Petition of property owners on Heeb street. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen. We, the undersigned, property owners abutting the pro- posed improvement, respectfully re- quest the improvement of Heeb street between the present improve- ment from Lot 6 on the north to Seminary street on the south, ac- cording to the gradewhich has been 128 Councilman Gabriel, marled by the following vote: Yeas—Mayor Alderson, Council- men Brde, Gabriel, Melchior, Schrempf. Nays —None. Councilman Brede moved to ad- jiurn, carried. lOI!T+T STIJBER, City Clerk, 1923 Approved Adoped Attest: Special Session, Feb. 26th, 1923 .'123 Councilmen. City Clerk,