Five Flags Civic Center Q&AFIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER WHY SHOULD AN ICE FACILITY BE ADDED TO THE FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER? The combination is compatible and increases the use of the overall Center. Families can take part in activities in both facilities ---children skating while Mother is in a.workshop or crafts class and Father is at the boat show --- or the whole family is skating or at a concert or dance recital, etc. The Exhibition Hall has a potential seating capacity of 2000 and the theater will seat 800. The ice facility adds 3,200 when used other than for skating, making a total of 6,000 in the entire Center. WHY USE THIS VALUABLE DOWNTOWN LAND FOR THIS? The proposed plans remove less land from the tax rolls than indicated in the original plan for Urban Renewal. The proposed City -County building was planned to take two square blocks. The Five Flags Center will take the equivalent of one square block. According to Real Estate Research Corporation, the urban renewal land on which the proposed Center is to be located is well suited due to the following reasons: a. The compact form of the Dubuque urban area places the majority of the city's population within three miles of the site. b. The location at the south end of the urban renewal area will benefit from the rejuvenation of the downtown area and the interest generated by the pedestrian mall which will terminate at the site of the Civic Center. c. The location of the proposed Civic Center is readily accessible to all areas of Dubuque in that the major traffic arteries serving the city and its market region converge and cross in the vicinity of the site. (The site is the focal point for public transportation.. No transfers are needed on any of the city bus routes to bring people within easy walking distance of the Center.) d. The site adjoining the Orpheum Theater is also well positioned in regard to existing parking facilities. (In addition to proposed on -site parking provisions, there are over 1,000 parking spaces within a two block walk of the site and an additional 300 projected in the Iowa Street ramp.) The Five Flags Center greatly enhances the multi purpose function of a modern down- town. WHY PUT THE ICE FACILITY ACROSS THE STREET? COULDN°T IT BE IN THE EXHIBITION HALL? According to our best estimates, the needs of the Exhibition Hall and the ice rink are such that a single building will not accomodate these needs. WILL THE ICE RINK BE USED ALL THE TIME FOR PUBLIC SKATING? The majority of the time it will be used for recreational skating, however, with the removal of the ice sheet it can accomodate seating for 3,200 for other uses, providing an additional large seating capacity area for the Center. WHAT IS THE TOTAL COST OF THIS PROJECT? The taxpayers are being asked to support a 21� million dollar bond issue which, combined with the one million dollars committed by the Five Flags executive committee, will cover the total cost of 31 million dollars. Without the existing Orpheum Theatre, the project would cost 632 million dollars today. In nearby Waterloo, the voters have approved two projects totalling 6 million dollars for their Conway Square and Recreation and Arts building. We will have a comparable facility in one area for less tax dollars. HOW MUCH WILL IT COST THE INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER? On property valued at $20,000., it will cost less than 50Q per week in increased taxes. WHAT WILL IT COST THE TAXPAYERS TO OPERATE THESE FACILITIES? Real Estate Research reports that income from commercial use of the Center can offset operating costs. The Playground and Recreation Commission has investi- gated ice facilities in a number of communities and found that they are self- sustaining and in some cases they are making a profit. Based on minimum charges (50G for children, $1. for adults) it is estimated that this facility can more than cover its operating costs. WHEN WILL THE CENTER BE READY FOR USE? The theater -exhibition hall complex will be ready in January, 1976, in time for the Bicentennial Celebration. The ice rink will be ready for use three or four months later. WHEN WAS THE LAST RECREATIONAL BOND ISSUE PASSED IN DUBUQUE? 1953--Flora Park Pool 1938--Dubuque citizens approved a bond issue for a Civic Auditorium which wasn't built because Federal (PWA) funds were withdrawn shortly after the favorable referendum. HOW WILL THE CENTER ENHANCE THE ECONOMIC VITALITY OF THE COMMUNITY? Enhancing Dubuque's entertainment potential, which will be possible using the facilities of a civic center, will widen Dubuque's trade area and can considerably '1c increase retail trade. Tourism and convention business has proven to be equivalent to adding a major industry to a community. DOES THE ICE RINK COST MORE AT THIS SITE THAN AT VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK? Exclusive of site cost, there is little difference in cost on the downtown site, other than increase due to inflation.