1988 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1988 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1988 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADDY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member At Large ...............................DAVID SIMON Council Member At Large ............................MICHAEL PRATT First Ward .................................KATHRYN KRIEG (til 3115) JAMES HECKMANN (from 5/16) Second Ward ......................................LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward .........................................DONALD DEICH Fourth Ward .......................................DIRK VOETBERG City Clerk .......................... .................MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ................ .............BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor ...................... ..............WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney ............ ..............JAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ............ ...... GENT WITTENBERG (til 1/22) Assistant City Manager .............. ... STEPHANI JOHNSON (from 4/11) Airport Manager ................... .................. THERON CLARK Budget Officer ..................... ................. PAULINE JOYCE Building Services Division Manager .... ..................DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator ........ ............ MERRILL CRAWFORD City Assessor ...................... ...................FRANK FROST City Engineer ...................... .................MICHAEL KOCH Civic Center Director ............... ..................ROBERT DRURY Community Development Director ..... ...................JAMES BURKE Deputy Finance Director ............. ...................GERALD HIRD Disaster Services Coordinator ........ ..................ROBERT GOOCH Environmental Sanitarian ............ ..........MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Finance Director ................... .................. A. G. HEITZMAN Fire Chief ......................... ................WILLIAM MILLER Health Services Supervisor .......... .....................MARY KLEIN Human Rights/EEO Director ......... ........ . ...... MATHIAS LORENZ Information Services Director ........ ...............CHRIS KOHLMANN Library Director ................... ......ELIZABETH MINTER (til 2119- NICOLA STANKE (from 7/1) ParklRecreation Director ............ ...................... GIL SPENCE Parking Division Supervisor ......... ................... SHIRLEY LANG Personnel Assistant ................ ......... DARLENE HANTELMANN Personnel Manager ................. .....................RANDY PECK Police Chief ....................... .....................JOHN MAUSS Public Works Director .............. ..................FRANK iVIURRAY Street Superintendent ............... .............MERLE FELDERMAN Transit Manager ................... ................WILLIAM KOHLER Wastewater Plant Supervisor ......... .................PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor ............. .....................JOHN NORTH Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M. INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Amendment to Lease Agreement between City & Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc ............................................ 2 4--AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....... 8, 38, 91, 120, 139, 155, 210, 252, 292, 306, 320, 358, 372, 391 4--Agreement with IDOT for Right-of-Way Assurance Statement £or Federal Aid Projects ............................... 9 Jan. 18--A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. re: Payment in lleu of Taxes & authoriz- ing Mayor to sign Agreement .......................... 20 18--Animals running at Large, regulating by Ord ............. 21 18--American Family Insurance/subrogatinn), closure of claim. (For Ray Sanger), denial ................................... 24, 26 18--Audit Reports for FY '87, submitted by C. Mgr ........... 26 Feb. 1--Allied Mutual Insurance Co. re: damages on behalf of client M. Mathis ............................................. 38 1--Ambulance System -- administrative position requested by Dr. Singea~k ............................................ 38 Feb. 9--Asphalt Paving Project -- Special Session of Council ....... 40 9--Asphalt Paving Project -- Adoption of Resolution of Necessi- ty, etc .............................................. 46 Feb. 15--Apartments, Ltd., IDbq. Mining Co.), Class "C" Liquor Lic.. 52 15--Althaus, Dennis A., (Fam. Bev. Center), Class "E" Liquor Lic. 52 " 15--Asbury Mayor requesting Council prohibit parking on south side of Asbury in front of Heritage Manor .................... 53 Mar. 7--Airpurt Comm. appointment of Richard Wertzberger ....... 89 " 7--Allied Group Insurance Claim for Merle Mathis ........... 92 7--Amendment to the Sec. 8 Existing Housing Program Annual Con. of Contract ..................................... 97 7--Agreement -- between the IA DOT & FAUS Funds on NW Arterial & authorize .................................. 97 7--Agreement with IA DOT for Federal Aid to Urban Systems Funds for Northwest Arterial ........................... 98 Apr. 4--Agreement with IA DOT of rights of access control to U.S. Highway 61 from various properties ..................... 99 4--Asbury Road -- project of Rehab. of 2.14 MMG Ground Reservolr~ .......................................... 104, 160 4--Applicatinn IGrant) on behalf of Metrix Co. Relocation & Ex- pansion Proj ......................................... 113 4--Annexatinn, Voluntary of 55 acres located at SE & SW corners of intersection of Hwy. 61/151 and 52 .................... 113 4--Agreements between City, IA Dept. of Econ. Development and Advanced Data-Comm., Inc. & Loan Agreement between City & Advanced Data-Corem .............................. 114 4--Agreement (Grant) with IA Dept. of Economic'Develop. & Car- lisle Comm .......................................... 116 4--Asphalt Paving Project (1987) .......................... 117 " 4--Amendment of Notice re: Miller Elec. Supply, Inc. re: condem- nation of certain rights in land for Primary Rd. U.S. No. 61 121 " 4--Avenarius, Richard & Mary K., requesting vacation of portion of Merz St ................................... 121, 132, 147, 148 4--Advanced Data-Corem, Inc. -- Environ. Review, BI. Grant Project ............................................. 122 4--Agency Trust, IA -- participation ....................... 122 4--Asbury (City), requesting prohibition of parking on south side of Asbury Rd. in front of Heritage Manor ................ 123 4--Arterial (NW) -- acquisition of properties for construction... 124 4--Appeals Ct. (IA), findings re: Flynn Ready Mix ............ 126 INDEX -- BOOK 118 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--Althauser St. (& Riverview St,), Approval of Plat of vacating portion of Merz St ................................. 131, 147, 148 18--Althauser'~ Sub. -- Disposal of City Interest in Lot 42A. (To Avenarius.) ...................................... 132, 147, 148 18--Avenarins, Richard & Mary Kay -- buying portion of Let 42A of Althauser's Sub .................................... 132 18--Airport Commission requesting loan of $20,000 for runway evaluation ........................................... 132 18--Ageeement (28E) -- Operation: New View requesting City to reconsider withdrawal from participation ................. 132 18--Advanced Data Corem, request for release of funds, CD Block Grant Project ........................................ 141 May 2--Administration Bldg. at WWTP, -- Addition and Modification Project ............................................. 148, 149 2--Amendment to Fiscal year 1988 Budget .................. 154 2--Agreement with Project Concern Phons-A-Friend re: Mini-busses. 155 2--Annexation of portion of U.S, 61/151 by City = re: IA DOT. 157A 2--ARA Leisure Services, Inc. (Greyhound Park), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 156 May 16--Amendment to Budget For Fiscal Year Ending 6-30-88 ..... 159 " 16--Application for Additional 100 Units of Sec. 8 MoO. Rehab. Prc- gram Housing ....................................... 177, 178 " 16--Aird, Clem, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ..................... 180, 253 " 16--Advanced Data-Comm. Inc. -- Proof of publication on Notice of Intent to release funds etc ........................... 180 June 6--Agreement -- Lease = Four Mounds Park ............... 192 " 6--Airport -- Application for Essential Air Service Terminal Im- provements Program (EASTIP) Funds ................... 193 " 6~-Arbor Oaks Subd. Ilocated east of Olde'Country Lane & North Spring Valley Road -- approving final plat of Lot I of Lot 8, Blk. 8.) ............................................. 194 " 6--Arbor Oaks, Approving Final Plat of Lot 1-28, Block 9 ..... 197 6--Alarm Monitoring Fee of $25 established ................. 200 6-- Agreements approved for FY 89 Budget (Chamber of Commerce, Retired Senior Volunteer, Operation: New View) ........... 201 6--Agrcement (Funding) with Phone-A-Friend authorized ...... 201 6--Agreement between City & Dbq. Main St. Ltd ............ 202 6--Agreement between City & General Drivers & Helpers Union, Local #421 .......................................... 204 6--Agreement between Dbq. Profess. Firefighters Assn ........ 204 6--Agreement between City & Areal. Transit Union .......... 205 6--Agreement between City & Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assn. 205, 206 6--Agreement between City & Int. Union of Operat. Engrs .... 206 6--Althaus, Dennis (Faro. Bev. Center), Cigarette Permit ...... 207 6--Angal Investment Co. -- Casey's Gen. Store .............. 207 6--Arvantis, George K., Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ...... 207 6--A & B Tap, J. Blefle, Cigarette Permit ................... 207 6--Adams, Sylvester, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ............... 210, 253 6--April, Financial Reports ............................... 6--Asalstant Fire Chief/Division Chief -- Civil Service certifying. 6--Audited Report for FY ending 9/30/87 for Swiss Valley Farms. June 20--Amateur Radio Week, Proclamation ..................... 20--Adams, Dave -- Civic Center "76", Cigarette Permit ....... 20--American Legion, Cigarette Permit ...................... 20--Anthony, Paul E., -- Ring's, Cigarette Permit ............. 20--Apartmente Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co., cigarette Permit ....... 20--Aragon Tap, (C. Woodman), Cigarette Permit ............. 20--ARA Services -- A. Y. McDonald's, Cigarette Permits ..... 210 212 213 216 221 221 221 221 222 222 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 20--American Legion Post 6, Class "C" Liquor Lic ............ 224 " 20--Anderson Weber, Inc., CLAIM; Denial/Closure ............ 225, 253 " 20--Anthony -- condenmation of certain' rights for properties (IA DOT) ............................................... 225 July 5--Althaus,.Denny (Family Beer Center), Class "E" Beer Permit. 239 " 5--Auto Owners Insurance for Donald Klein, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ....................................... 240, 253 " 5--Anthony, Wayne -- condemnation of property, Notice of Ap- pralsement of Damages (IA DOT) ....................... 240, 252 July 18--Arterial Stage III Grading & Drainage Project ............ 246, 247 " 18--Asbury Road to JF Kennedy -- Arterial Stage III (Northwest). 246, 247 " 18--Agreement with Dbq. Humane Society for Animal Shelter ser- vices through 6-30-90 ........................ ' ......... 250 " 18--Airport Inn, E. K. Schwartz, Class "C" Liquor License ..... 252 " 18--Amendment to Historic Preservation Cunnn. Ordinance ..... 254 " 18--Arbor Oaks -- Furnlsblng of Security to Secure Performance of Conditions as provided by Res. No. 167-88, approving Final Plat of Lot 1-28 "Block 9, Arbor Oaks". ..................... 256 Aug. 1--Anthony, Wayne re: IA DOT appealing award of Compensation re: Anthony's property ................................ 270 " 1--Amoco FooO Shop, Mnigrew Oil C., Class "C" Beer Permit.. 270 " 1--Animal Impoundment, Mrs. Phillip French objecting to procedures .......................................... 271 Aug. 15--Asbury to JFK -- NV/Arterial Stage III Grading/Drainage. 274 15--Animal Control Ordinance, Am~dment to same re: prohibiting dogs/c~ts from running at large ......................... 287 15--Alcohollc beverage, amendment to Ch. 5, Beverages ..... 287, 288, 303 15--Arterial -- (Northwest), Final Plat approval for extension of same. 292 Sept. 6--Addit Literacy Day, Prpclamation ....................... 297 6--Airport Comm. requesting Council change name of Airport to Dbq. Regional Airport ................................. 299, 318 6--Annual Contributions Contract with HUD for Section 8 Program Housing Vouchers for $53,688 .......................... 6--Air & Transit Division of IA DOT re: approval of funding for projects under Essential Air Service Terminal Improvement Program ............................................ 6--ARA Services (Flexsteel), refund on Cigarette Permit ....... 6--Alley, re: soft drink machine placement in alley, re: Hartigs. Sept. 19--American Marina o£ Iowa, Inc. -- Lease of Tract E & Tract F. Oct. 301 307 309 310 314 19--Assessments payment for repair etc. of sidewalks .......... 316 19--Airport Comm. appointment of Paul Frommelt ............ 318, 319 19--Airport name changed to Dubuque Regional Airport ....... 318 19--Asbury Fastop, Mulgrew Oil Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 319 19--Admiral's High Hat West, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License... 320 19--Audubon Society IDuhnque County) suggesting natural plantings be used in public areas ................................ 321 3--Asbury Road, -- re: Conceptual development Plan for existing PR Planned Res. District from property at NW corner of Chaney & Asbury ........................................... 325 3--American Marina, re: favoring vacating of Shiras Ave. Exten- sion from Harbor .................................... 327 3--American Marina -- Amendment to Lease Agreement with City. 328 3--Americau Seafood Partners (Long John Silver's), Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 336 3--Anderson, Greg & Jennifer, CLAIM; Closure .............. 337, 392 3--August Financial Reports submitted ..................... 338 17--Alzheimer's Disease Public Awareness Month, Proclamation. 341 INDEX -- BOOK -- 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 17--Airport Zoning Regulations -- Corp. Counsel re: typographical error ............................................... 353, 354 17--August List of Ciohns, ProoL .......................... 358 17--Aunual Investment Report for period ending 6/30/88 ....... 359 Nov. 7--American Education Week, Proclamation ................. 360 7--Award for Program Excellence, Proclamation by Mayor Brady to Ken Gearhart, City Mgr ............................. 360 7--Asbury Water Storage Tank, Cleaning, Repairing & Painting Project ............................................. 363, 364 7--Airpart Comm. requesting funding to complete terminal renovation, i ......................................... 364, 365 7--Anlmated Message Center for Race Track ................ 365 7--Agreement -- Memorandum between City & Advisory Council on Hist. Pres. renewal for 3 years ....................... 366 7--Agreement to be forwarded to State Bureau of His. Pres .... 366 7--Arlington, 623-627, approval of acquiring real estate ....... 366, 399 7--Aunual Contributions Contract with HUD for Sec. 8 Housing Cert ................................................ 366 " 7--Administrative Law Judge -- terminology changed from "Hea~ lng Officer". ........................................ 368. 369 " 7--Agreement with IA DOT for Right, of-Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects ............................... 370 7--Annexing a Purtion of U.S. Highway 61/151 to the City .... 370 7--A. ragon Tap, (C. Woodman), Class "C" Liquor License ...... 372 7--April Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............ 372 7--Anthony, Wayne re: IDOT vs. him submitting consent to stipula- tion (CLAIM) ........................................ 373 7--Aununl Financial Report for FY ending 6/30/88 ............ 373 N,,ov. 21--AIDS Awareness Day, Proclamation..' ..... .............. 380 21--AIDS Awareness re: Kathleen Weber under contract in City Health Dept ......................................... 380 21--AIDS prevention program, funding, ete .................. 385, 386 21--Asbury, Annexation of property, IA Dept. of Economic Devel. 392 Dec. 5--Awards/Placques given to 38 City employees who had worked for the City for 25 years or more ........................ 395 5--AIDS testing in employment -- ORD. amending portion of Ch. 21 ........................................... 399, 400, 409-411 5--Army Corps of Engrs. to Public Works Dir. Prank Murray re: violation of anchor barge moored on Miss. River ........... 400 " 5--Asbestos removal at Eagle Point Park Water Plant ........ 400 Dec. 19--Ageeement with Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service ........ 408 " 19--Age re: Discounts based on, Ordinance Amending. ........ 409 " 19--AIDS Coalition on mandatory AIDS testing .............. 411, 412 19--Angel Investment Co. -- Casey's Gen. Store .............. 416 19--A & B Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 417 19--Asbury Road to JFK Road. -- Accepting Improvement for NW Arterial, Stage III, Grading & Drainage .................. 418 19--Archdiocese Place -- Key West in Section 11, Township 88 North, Range 2. East of Fifth Principal Meridian, -- Resolution approv- lng final plat ........................................ 419 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE B Jan. 4--Blum, Wm. G. -- appointed as City Solicitor .............. 2 4--Bualow, James & Kay, CLAIM; Closure ................. 8, 24 4--Block Grant Funds request for 1988 ..................... 8 4--Business Growth (ECIA) -- Jeff Varwald re: report o£ Tucker Ind. 9 Jan. 18--BOARD OF HEALTH -- Regular Quarterly Meeting ...... 11 18--Basketball Tournament -- Appreciation to Loras & IfArchhoff for 1988 National Basketball Tournament ................ 12 18--Bids rejected for Toilet Rooms, City Hall ................. 14 18--Bertech, Frank re: Four Mounds Park ................... 19 18--Beadle, Mark E. appointed to Bd. of Elec. Examiners ...... 22 " 18--Betty & Nick's -- per~nanent transfer of Liquor License to 1007 Main ............................................... " 18--Baler, Judith, CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................... 23, " 18--Brimeyer, Jim, Closure of Claim ........................ Feb. 1--Bauer, James E. (Jerry's Tap), Cigarette Permit ........... 22 253 26 36 1--B & M Convenience Marts, Inc. (Oky Doky), Cigarette Permits. Class "C" Beer Permit ................................ 36, 37 1--Bkiff & 10th Sts., request for vacation of small piece of proper- ty by Wm. Daugherty ................................. 38 1--Budget submitted FY 1989 Operating & Capital Improvement. 39 1--Budget -- setting date of P. Hearing on F.Y. 1989 Budget.. 43 1--Block Grant Funds -- Pablicatlon of Notice of P. Hearing for use of these ......................................... 44 1--Brunskili Rd.. 3051, 3055, & 3077 -- denial of rezoning etc.. 49 1--Bunker Hill Golf Course, Class "B" Beer Permit.: ........ 52 1--Brian's Standard Station, Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 52 1--Bertsch, Frank, resignation from Airport Commission ....... 53 1--Budde, Michael, Mayor of Asbury requesting prohibiting park- ing on south side of Asbury Rd. in front of Heritage Manor etc. 53 1--Block Grant Documents, Res. authorizing publication of Notice of Availability for Public Inspection ..................... 55 Feb. 15--Budget summary, put out by City Mgr .................. 55 15--Brittauy Woods Subd. -- P & Z approving final plats of portion etc ................................................. 55, 56 Feb. 29--Budget -- Special Session of P. Hearing for this etc ........ 59-72 Mar. 7--Brunskill Road, 3051, 3055 & 3077 -- request for rezoning from R-1 to C-3 etc ........................................ 77 7--Business Growth, Inc. (ECIA) -- amendment to Contribution Agreement with City -- for Establishment of an Economic Dev. Administration Revolv. Loan Fund ...................... 82 " 7--Business Services Allowed, Excluding Sign Painting as a Prin- cipal Permitted Use with AppUcable Off-Street Parking Re- quirements, -- New C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District ............................................. 84, 85 7--Big 10 Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 90 7--Bottom's Up, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 91 7--Block Grant (CD), Project -- release of funds for Carlisle Conun. 92 7--Block Grant Statement to HUD lCD) -- amendment to same. 96 Apr. 4--Barbershop Harmony Month, Proclamation ............... 99 4--Bluff St. & Locust (10th), re: petition/denial for vacation & sale of portion of property to Wm. Daugherty ................. 107 4--Botsfura. Judith A. (Betsy's), Class "C" Liquor Lic ........ 120 4--B & M Convenience Mar~, Class "E" Liquor Lic ........... 120 4--Block, Barbara re: Litter over highway ................... 121 4--Block Grant Project -- Notice of Environ. Review Finding for Advanced Data-Com. Inc .............................. 122 4--Block Grant Agreement with the Dept. of HUD, for $909,000. 123 INDEX -- BOOK -- 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--BOARD OF HEALTH, Regular Session ................. 127 18--Bauman, Rev. George (Pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheranl, Gave Invocation .......................................... 128 18--Bures, Rachelie -- Sworn in as Youth in Government Corp. Counsel ............................................. I28 " 18--Bakeries, Retail & Sale of bottled wine etc. as Cond. Use in OR Office Res. Dis ....................................... 129 " 18--Bottled Wine as a Cond. Use in OR Office Res. Dis ........ 129 " 18--Bitter. Attorney Joe rep. J. Gremmel re: rezoning request... 133 , 18--B & M Convenient Marts, Inc. (#ky Doky #7~, Class "BE" Beer Per ...... : ......................................... 138 18--Bitter, Attorney Joe for JOYCE NEY -- CLAIM .......... 139 May 2--Beveroge Vending Machine -- Ordinances regulating etc .... 144, 145 2--Bottled Wine & Gourmet Products as a Conditional Use in OR Office Res. District -- Zoning change .................... 145, 146 2--Budget amendment -- FY 1988 ......................... 154 2--Beteinger, Robert requesting to purchase Glass Globe from a Lamppost located at Moln & West 1st St ................ 155 2--Baethke, Chris -- Market Place Cafe, Class "B' Beer Permit. 156 2--Big River Boat Co. Inc., Class "C" Liquor Liqense ......... 156 2--Boli, Donald, CLAIM; Closure ......................... 157, 253 M,,ay il--Burke, Jim, CD Dir. & Brutger (HOTELI Co. Rep's ........ 158 ll--Brutger Co. Rep's giving oral presentation on proposed hotel. 158 M,,ay 16--Budget Amendment for FY Ending 6-30-88 ............... 159 16--Bids for construction of Rehab.: Roof/Wails for Keyline Transit Garage ............................................. I61, 162 16--Brunskill Road, 3051, 3055, 3077 -- Zoning reclassification. ................................................ 163, 184, 228 16--Bullard, Helen, rezoning request for Brunsldll Rd. property.. 163 16--Brutger Co.'s -- Redeveloper Proposed -- HOTEL (Near 5 Flogs). 167 16--Bleok Grant Loan Agreement with Metrix Co ............. 168 16--Betty's Cafe -- Cigarette Permit ........................ 178 16--Beecher Co., Inc. (Beecher Beverage & Gas), 2399 White St., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................................... 179 16--Beecher Co. Inc. (Beecher Bev.), Apbury Rd., Class "E" Beer Permit .............................................. 179 16--Blefle, Jeffrey, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................... 180, 253 16--Bethany Home Project, DB&T Submitting Annual report... 180 16--Bleok Grant Project -- Notice of Environ. Review -- Metrix Co. 182 June 6--Brandywine Park Drive, -- approval of Final Plat of Lot 1-28 Block 9, Arbor Oaks .................................. 197 6--Budget -- Approval of Funding Agreements for various organizations ........................................ 201-203 6--Beecher Co. Inc., Stpre #1, Store #2, Cigarette Permits ..... 6--Busy Bee Cafe, (G. Arvanitis), Cigarette Permit ........... 6--Blaile, Joseph F. (A & B Tap), Cigarette Permits .......... " 6--Bauer, James E., -- Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor lic ...... " 6--Bisenius, Philip, settlement of claim ..................... " 6--Briggs, Wayne, CLAIM; Deniai/Cinsure .................. 210, June 20--Burden family re: Four Mounds Park disposition .......... " 20--Brutger Co. Inc. -- Downtown Hotel Property disposition etc. 20--Boteford, Judy (Botey's), Cigarette Permit ................ 20--Bertolihi, Angelina A (Marie's), Cigarette Permit .......... 20--Big River Boat Co. -- Pelican Pier ...................... 20--Barge, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 20--Betty's Cafe. Cigarette Permit .......................... 20--Brown; W.C., Cigarette Permit .......................... 20--Bechen, Eugene (Gene's Main St. Tap), Cigarette Permit .... 2O7 2O7 2O7 2O9 210 253 216 22O 221 221 221 222 222 222 222 INDEX -- BOOK -- 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 20--Bennett, Helda L., Old Shang, Cigarette Permit ........... 222 20--Big Ten Mart, Cigarette Permit ......................... 223 20--Breitbach, Robert J., #ky Doky Cigarette Permit ......... 223 20--Bechan, Eugene (Gene's Main St. Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 224 20--Bridge Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 225 20--Butter's Bar, Class "C' Liquor License .................. 225 20--Beecher Co. (Bee#her Beverage), Class "E" Liquor Lic ...... 225 July 5--Brunskill Road, rezoning of property, discussion etc. requested by Randy Mills ...................................... 228 5--Bean Richard A., applicant for Park & Rec. Comm. & appointed te... 237, 238 5--Bemis, Harry J., applicant for Park & Rec. Comm ......... 237 5--Boultinghouse, Gil, appointed to TV Cable Reg. Corem ..... 238 5--Burchette, Carol (Beanies), Cigarette Permit .............. 238 5--Beanies, Cigarette Permit ....... ....................... 238 5--Biny Bucks, Cigarette Permit .......................... 239 July 18--BOARD OF HEALTH Meeting ........................ 242 18--Binser, Alvera, CLAIM; Closure ........................ 252, 271 Aug. 1--Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit .......................... 269 1--Bartiett, Ronald & Jacquellne, CLAIM; Closure ........... 270, 307 Aug. 15--Beechar Co., re: rezoning request for property lccated at 2350 & 2368 Central & 2351 White St ........................ 275 1--Binff St., 1025, purchase of real estate by city ............ 277 1--Beverages -- Alcoholic, amendment of Ordinance .......... 288, 303 1--Briggs, Wayne, CLAIM ............................... 290 1--Brimeyer, Donald, CLAIM ............................. 290, 309 Sept. 6 Beecber, Bob, requesting rezoning of properties at 2350 & 2368 Central and 2351 White St ............................. 297 " 6--Bequest from Marvin.Whitlow Estate ................... 297 " 6--Budget Policy Guidelines for FY 1990 ................... 300 " 6--Betterment Account Program -- Dbq. Data Services Co.'s ex- pansion project ....................................... 301 6--Bitter, Joe for G. Kramar, CLAIM ...................... 307 6--Bitter, Attorney Joe, for S. Gremmel, CLAIM ............ 307 ". 6--Boy Scouts, requesting that service clubs be allowed to continue fundraishig efforts .................................... 308 6--Board of Trustees for Dbq. Police & Fire Retirement Systems -- Annual Financial Reports ........................... 309 Sept. 19--Brutger Co. re: report on Downtown Hotel, requesting exten- sion of time ......................................... 315 19--Basic Service Rate Increase for Cable TV (TCI) ............ 317 19--Bemis, Harry appointed to Transit Bd ................... 319 19--Bar X, Whitey's, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 320 19--Bartals, Mrs. Bevlin, objecting to Cable rates etc .......... 321 19--Brimeyer CLAIM, findings of City Solicitor Blum ......... 321 19--Bonfire Pep Rally requested by Waklert .................. 321 19--Budget, FY 1990, brief summary of public input meeting... 321 19--Buena Vista Sub. No. 6, approval of final plat ............. 321 Oct. 3--Bonds re: Jeld-Wen, Inc. re: Public Hearing for amt. not to ex- ceed $8,500,000 ................................... 331, 332, 341 3--Bean, Richard of park & Rec., of Roosevelt Park Study Comm. -- Status of Roosevelt park disposition .............. : . .. 332 3--Benevolent & Humane Society re: Purchase of Service Agreement .......................................... 333 3--Barge Fleeting, responses submitted by Mgr .............. 336 3--Brady, Dean of Jeld-Wen, requesting addition to bldg ...... 338 Oct. 17--Becker, Jean re: Halloween Trick or Treat date time ....... 344 17--Bluff St. -- Locust; First & Second -- Designation for Urban Revit. Area .......................................... 345 INDEX -- BOOK -- 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 17--Building enclosure -- request of Jeld-Wen within public right- of-way on Jackson St ................................. 346 17--Beverage vending machines -- Ordinance bring up to State Cede. 354 17--Board of Health Quarterly Meeting. ..................... 340 17--Breitbach, Robert J., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 357 17--Bermett, Nelda, IOld Shang), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 357 17--Benny's (D. Zirkelbach), Class "C" Liquor License ......... 357 Nov. 7--Budget award (Distinguished), given to City Mgr. Gearhart by State Government Finance Officer's Assn ................ 360 7--Barge Fleeting Lease with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ..... 365 7--Barge Flee~ing area -- Inv. for Spec. Use Permit re: Upper Miss. Refuge .............................................. 365 7--Bluff St., 1025, purchase af property by City .............. 366 7--Benny's (D. Zirkeibachl, Cigarette Perwit ................. 371 7--Berwanger. Charles, resigning from Mechanical Bd ......... 373 Nov. 21--Book Week, Proclamation .............................. 380 21--Boyes, Milt -- recipient of "People Section of S.P.I.R.T." award. 380 Dec. 5--Barge anchored on Miss. River, violation noted by PW Dir.. 400 5--B & M Convenient Mart (Oky Doky #7), Cigarette Permit... 400 5--Benevolent & Prot. Order of Elks #297, Class '!C" Liquor Lic. 401 5--Blily Bucks, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 401 5--Bertolini, Angelina -- Mario's Class "C" Liquor License .... 401 5--Burbach, Carl, CLAIM ................................ 401 5--Block Grant Project -- Request for Release of Certain ones. 402, 403 Dec. 19-Barge (Dubuque) & Fleeting Service -- Agreement ......... 408 19--Barge (Dubuque) & Fleeting Service Company -- permit tabled. 408 19--Bitter, Attorney Joe on behalf of Mr. Gremmel, re: rezoning for The Cash Co ......................................... 396, 409 19--Block Grant Loan in the amt. of $150,000 between City & Preci- sion Tenl & Engineering Co ............................ 413 19--Bracket, Al, appointed to Plumbing Bd. IAt Large) ........ 416 19--Buechele, David, applicant for Plumbing Bd .............. 416 " 19--Bleile, Joseph F. -- A & B Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License. 417 " 19--Bridge Deck U.S. Hwy. 20 repair project, IA DOT advising of proposal to let project ................................. 418 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE C Jan. 4--City Council, Regular Session ............................ 1 4--City Manager Reaffirmed by Res. -- W. Kenneth Gearhart.. 1 4--City Clerk Appointment of Mary A. Davis ................ 1 " 4--Conditional Use of Mini-Warehousing .................... 4 " 4--Citizens for Dubuque Committee re: Local Option Sales Tax. 5, 6, 19 " 4--Canncil appointment to Various Organizations ............ 7 " 4--CABLE lTV) FRANCHISE REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMI~ING MINUTES: ................ 8, 38, 91, 120, 155, 401 4--CLOSED SESSION(S) re: Litigation etc ................. 10, 58 Jan. 18--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 12 18--Cleanlng/Repalring/Palnting of 750 MG Elevate~ Water Tark, College Street Station ................................. 13 18L-College Street Station -- Water Tank Repair etc ........... 13 18--CEBA Program Application to IA Development Comm. for AD- VANCED DATA-COMM., INC ......................... 19, 20 18--Cannc~l Proceedings for July 1987, approved .............. 23 18--Club House (R. Spiegelhalter), Class "C" Liquor License .... 23 18--collection Accounts -- Garbage & Refuse, Collecting Delinquent 24 ones ................................................ Feb. i City Council, Regular Session ........................... 30 1--Corem. Development Dfr. Burke introduced staff members.. 30 1--Catholic Schools Week, proclamation .................... 30 1--Cutting into City Streets, discussion requested by C. Member Krieg ............................................... 36 1--Council Proceedings for Aug. & Sept. 1987, approved ....... 37 1--Convention & Visitor's Bureau re: report on marketing & sales efforte .................................... .......... . 39 Feb. 9--City Council, Special Session (Paving Project) ............. 40 " 9--Concrete Paving Project -- Rescinding Res. No. 314-87 &Defeo ~ Action on Res. af Necessity to 2-15-88 with Respect to Adop- tion of Res. of Necessity proposed for the 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ....................................... 40 Feb. 15--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 42 " 15--Copltal Improvement -- Setting Date of P. Hearing on 5 Year Program ............................................ 43 15--Comm. Development Block Grant Funds -- Notice of P. Hear- ing for Usage ........................................ 44 15--Conceptoai Devalopment Plan tot ID Inst. Dis. -- WARTBURG Theological Seminary .................................. 44, 73-76 15--Concept Plan for Waterfront Districts & amendments to Zon- ing Ord ............................................. 45 15--Concrete Paving Project -- Adoption of Res. of Necessity etc. 47 15--Concrete Paving Project, adopting plans & specs. -- other documents .......................................... 48 15--CD Block Grant Lean Agreement with Carlisle Communications Ltd ................................................ 50 15--Carlisle Communications, Ltd. -- CD Block Grant Loan Agreement .......................................... 50 15--Cue Master Ltd. -- transferance of Liquor License ......... 51 15--Cue Master Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 52 15--Conununity Development Grantee Performance Report for Calen- dar Year 1987 ....................................... 54, 55 " 15--Community Development Block Grant Projecte -- Notice of viron. Review. (Carlisle) ............................... 57, 58 Feb. 29--City Council, Special Session ........................... 59 " 29--City Mgr., City Clerk & Corp. Counsel -- pay increase authorized. 60 " 29--Cat impoundment fee changed, added to Code ............. 67 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 7--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 73 7--Chavenelle, Gilbert D., (City Mgr.), Resolution Honoring .... 73 7--Contract ~vith IA DOT -- Filing of a Consolidated Grant Ap- plication for Operating & Special Projecte Assistance with State Transit Assistance Program ............................ 78, 79 7--Carlisle Communications, Ltd., Authorizing ECIA Growth Inc. to Loan $60,000 from the City's Portion of EDA Revalving Loan to Carlisle ........................................... 83 7--Cubby Bear (G. Kirchberg), Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 90 7--Counall Proeeedi~gs for October ........................ 91 7--CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMIS- SION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .... 91, 120, 139, 210, 225, 337, 358 7--CIVIL SERVICE COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................................. 91, 210, 337 7--Carlisle Communications Ltd. -- release of funds etc. (CDBG Project) ............................................. 92 7--Carlisle Communications -- Notice of Finding No SiguiIicant Ef- fect on the Environment ............................... 93 7--Cinrke Crest Estates Fourth Addn. -- Approving the Final Plat. 94 7--Communlty Development Block Grant Statement of Intent -- Amendment to same .................................. 96 7--Certificate Program -- Amendment to Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Existing Housing Certificate Program to ex- .tend Said Contract ................................... 97 Apr. 4--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 99 4--Community Development Week, Proclamation ............. 99 4--ContiCarrier's & Terminals -- Granting of Easement for construc- tion of RR Track on City Owned Property ................ 103 4--Comm. Development Funds, Loan of $150,000 to Dbq. In Future, Inc. for Extension oI Dbq. Industrial Center .............. 109 4--Community Economic Betterment Account Grant Application on behalf of the Metrix Co. Relocation & Expansion ........ 113 4--CEBA Grant Agreement -- Dept. of Economic Development, Advanced Data-Corem. Inc ............................. 115 4-- Cacllsle Communications Ltd., Comm. Economic Betterment Ac- count Grant AgreemeNt with IA Dept. of Economic Development ........................................ 116, 140 4--CEBA Grant Agreement with IA Econ. Development & Car- lisle Corem .......................................... 116 4--Concrete Paving Project -- Awarding Contract to Tschiggfrie Excavating. ......................................... 116, 117 4--Central Tap, Class "C' Liquor License ................... 120 4--Catron, Matt, CLAIM; Closure ......................... 120, 155 4--Condemnatinn of cert~fin rights in the land for Primary Road U.S. No. 61 (Miller Elec. Supply, Inc.) ........................ 121 4--Coast Guard, U.S. re: comments @ Dubuque Municipal Har- bor Area ............................................ 121 4--Community Development Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for 1988 ..................................... 123 Apr. 18--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 128 18--compassionate Friends, Awareness Week, Proclamation ..... 128 18--Conti-Carriers & Terminals, re: Easement -- I.C.G.R.R ..... 128 18--county Supervisors requesting to meet with City @ United Way. 133 18--Central Ave. 22, 49, 2251, 2255, 2257, 2275, & 2277 -- request by Rainbo Oil to rezone ............................... 133 18--Crescent Ridge, 3606 & 3606~/2, denial for rezoning ......... 133 18--Curb Cuts -- recommendation of City Manager ete ......... 134 18--Clark, Joseph & Carol, settlement of personal injury claim.. 142 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--Chavenclle Road (east o0 -- final plat approved in Dbq. Ind. Center .............................................. 142 " 18--Certificate of Insurance covering g~n. liability of Dbq. Racing Assn ............................................... 142 May 2--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 144 2--Community Vision Month, Proclamation ................. 144 2--City Clerk directed to Publish Budget Amendment ......... 154 2--County, City Taxes etc. -- Tax Increment Financing District within Economic Develop. District ...................... 154 2--City Equipment allowed te maintain Four Mounds park .... 155 2--Carr, Charles petitioning to change name of Ney Court in Clarke Crest Estates to "Ravenwoed Ct.". ..................... 155 2--Clarke Crest Estates, request to change name of Ney Ct. to · Ravenwoed Ct ....................................... 155, 175 2--Council Member vacancy on First Ward -- decision etc. on fill- ing same ............................................ 178 2--Convention & Visitors Bureau submitting 3rd Qtr. Report... 157A May 11--City Council, Special Session ........................... 158 11--Comm. Dev. Dir. Jim Burke introducing rep's from Brutger Co. & they presented a presentation on proposed downtown HOTEL. 158 May 16--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 159 16--Conceptual Development Plan for Xavier Park ID Institutional District ............................................. 164, 185 16--Canceptoal Devalopment Plan for Univ. of Dbq ........... 164, 185 16--Comm. Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with Metrix Co ................................................. 168 " 16--CABLE -- Providing Licensing System for Co's Non-Franchise Comm. Systems ...................................... 169 " 16--Comm. Syste. Systems in City -- Ordinance for Operation of a · Non-Franchise one .................................... 169 " 16--City Hall Elevator & Office Renov. Project, Acceptance ..... 180 16--Corem. Development Block Grant Project, Environ. Review -- Metrix .............................................. 182, 183 June 6--city Council, Official .................................. 184 6--Collhis, Joseph A., objecting to UD Concept. Devel. Plan... 187 6--Castle Woods Lane -- Approval of Final Plat of Lot 1-28, Block 9, Arbor Oaks ....................................... 197 6--Candy Sale solicitation -- petitions from various clubs regarding permits ............................................. 199 6--Conceptual Development Plan, denial as requested by M. Port- zen for property north of FoothiII Ct ..................... 199 6--Chamber of Commerce -- Parchase of Services Agreement.. 201 6--Collective Bargaining Units with City .................... 204-206 6--Compensation Package & Wage Plan for Non. Bargaining Unit Employees .......................................... 206, 207 6--Casey's General Store, Cigarette Permits ................. 6--C.K. of Dubuque, Inc. (Country Kitchen), Cigarette Permit.. 6--Cremer Grocery Store, Cigarette Permit .................. 6--Chun Lim Gee (Monte Carlo Res.), Cigarette Permit ........ 6--Crescent Bowling, Inc., Cigarettes Permit ................ 6--Cue Master Billiards, Cigarette Permit .................. 6--Chatean Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................. 6--Canficld Hotel, Cigarette Permit ........................ " 6--CyCare Plaza, Cigarette Permit ......................... " 6--Cremer Grocery, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. " 6--Country Club (Dbq. Golf), requesting Fireworks display permission .......................................... 210 " 6--Crescent Realty Corp. property, IA DOT dismissal of condemnation ........................................ 211 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 208 209 209 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 6--Chaplain Schmitt Island, R. Ginter, Pres. of DRA expressing concern re: natural settlement .......................... 21i 6--Civil Service Commission certifying Fire Promotional Exams (Captain, Equip. Operator, Lieutenant/Inspector) ........... 212 6--Civil Service Comm. certifying Fire Promotional Exams (Lieu- tenant/Ass't Fire Chief/Div. Chief~ ....................... 212 6--Captain (Fire), certified by Civil Service Comm ............ 212 6--Cablevisinn (TCI), submitting 1987 Annual Report ......... 213 June 13--City Council, Special Session ........................... 215 13--ceunty Bd. of Supervisors & County Municipal Emergency Mgmt. Assh re: meeting to do with hosting evacuees from D. Arnold Energy Center ................................. 215 June 20--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 216 20--Colts Drum & Bugle Corps 'Music on the March Day'. ..... 216 20--Chaplain Schmitt Island -- concerns of natural settling ..... 220 20--ceunty Radialogical Emergency Response Plou ............ 220 20--Civic Center "76", Cigarette Permit ..................... 221 20--Ceach House, Cigarette Permit ......................... 222 " 20--Chiu, Georgiana (Rusty's), Cigarette Permit ............... 222 " 20--Chew, Patrick & Nancy, Cigarette Permit..... ............ 223 " 20--Copper Kettle, Cigarette Permit ......................... 223 " 20--Chen, Yuan (House of China), Cigarette Permit ............ 223 " 20--Chapman, Kristina L., Oky Doky #14, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer Permit ..................................... 223, 224 " 20--~hateau, Lloyd Dalsing, Class "C" Liquor License ......... 224 " 20--Crealanes Bowling, Inc., Class "C' Liquor License ......... 225 " 20--Cyclone Auto Sales properties, Notices from IA DOT of condem- nation of certain rights ete ............................. 225 20--cedion Building Co. properties -- Notice from IA DOT of con- denmation of certain rights ............................ 225 20--cialms for month of April proof of publication ............ 236 20--Cablevision -- TCI re: annual report for year ending 12/31/87. 236 July 5--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 227 5--ceileges in Dbq. (Clarke, Loras, UD), receiving "Elderheetel Week" Proclamation .................................. 227 5--Concrete Pavement repairs to Kerper Blvd., between E, 16th St. & Pine Ste .......................................... 229 5--Cable TV Regulatory Commission appointments of Jim Renier, Walter Webster, and Gil Boditinghouse .................. 238 5--Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission appointments of Rosemary Cronin, Hugh Lenane and Russel Nash and Daniel O'Connell appointed ................................... 238 5--Cronin, Rosemary appointed to Teleprogeamming Corem .... 238 5--Clark, Carrall (Quick Clean Laundry), Cigarette Permit ...... 238 5--Crocker, Patricia (King of Clubs), Cigarette Permit ......... 239 5--Chen, Yuan C. (House of China), Class "C" Liquor License.. 240 " 5--Chan, Yuen S. Ltd. (Kobe Japanese Rest.), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. July 18--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 240 243 18--City Hall, Restrooms ............................... 247, 248, 273 18--ciothing/accessory stores -- amendment to Zoning Ord. -- per- mitted use in C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District ........... 250 18--Clubhouse, The, Cigarette Permit ....................... 251 18--Compensatlon for property of W. Anthony condemned by IA DOT ............................................... 252 18--Claims for May, 1988, Proof of publication ............... 253 18--ciaims for month of May, Proof of publication ............ 253 18--Center Grove, small parcel -- requested by M/M E. Tschiggfrie requesting City to accept dedication; also known as Orchard St. 253 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE July 21--City Council, Special Session ........................... 255 July 29-City Council, Special Session ........................... 258 29-Closed Session for Litigation discussion .................. 258 Aug. 1--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 259 1--County, Dubuque Fair Week, Proclamation ............... 259 1--ciothing/Accessory Store, amendment of Zoning Ordinance to allow same hi C-1 Neighborhcod Commercial District ....... 261 1--Chambars, James re: vacating of public steps located in Lot 15 of Fairview Subd. in City (between Moutrose Terr. & Fairview PI.) ................................................. 262 1--CD Dept. request Court to appoint l~eceiver for 445 Loras Blvd. property ............................................ 267 1--Central Ave. -- 18th St. Housing Services Office, Revision of Office Space Layout .................................. 268 1--Center Grove Drive, parcel of nearby property (from E. Tschigg- Irle) dedicated as public right-of-way ..................... 268 Aug. 15--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 273 15--Conion Construction awarded contract for First Floor Restrooms. 273 15--Central, 2350 & 2368, rezoning request of Beecher, for R-2A 2-Fam. Reel. to C-2 Neighborhood .................... 275, 297, 298 15--Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlight Dr., denial of R. Hansel's rezoning request from AG Agric. to C-3 Gen. Comm ............... 276 15--Cate & dogs, Amended Ordinance prohibiting them from run- ning at large ......................................... 287 15--Ceanty Hospital Board of Trustees, re: drainoge easement across Lot 18 of Park View re: storm sewer ..................... 290 Sept. 6--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 297 6--Constitutinn Week, Proclamation ........................ 297 6--Community Economic Betterment Account Grant App. for Dubuque Data Services Co. Expansion Project ............ 300 6--Contributions Contract with HUD for Sec. 8 Program Housing Vouchers ............................................ 301 6--Cate Prohibited from Running at Large .................. 303 6--Casey's General Store, The Lincoln Co., Class "C" Beer Permit. 306 6--Crawford, Thomas R., Rainbow Lounge, Class "B" Hotel/Motel Liquor License ....................................... 306 6--Churchill, Doris, CLAIM; Denial/Closure of C1ahn .......... 307, 320 6--Coulan, Opal, CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................... 307, 320 6--Conlan Bldg. Co. for relocation of Primary Rd. U.S. #61 .... 307 6--Center Grove Addn., re: Petition of E. Zalaznik request'rog City to vacate & convey prceprty known as Railroad St ......... 308 Sept. 19--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 311 19--Conceptual Development Plan for ex~sting PR Planned Res. District for property located at NW Corner pf Chaney Rd. & Asbury Rd .......................................... 312, 325 19--Cedar Cross Road, plat approval of Vacated portion of same (North of Starlight Dr.) ................................ 313 19--Cedar Cross Rd. (SW Corner) & Starlight Dr. -- rezoning from AG Agricultural to C-3 General Commercial District .... 315, 328, 329 19--Cable Television Services, request for modification ......... 316 19--Cable TV, re: Resalutinn stating pleasure of technical im- provements of TCI but still disappointed in various chammls and rate increase ......................................... 317 19--Caboose Arcade Ice Cream Parlor, Class "B" Beer Permit... 319 19--Condemnation of rights for U.S. 61, IA DOT re: Zephyr Alum. 320 19--Club House (R. Spiegelhalter), Class "C" Liquor License .... 320 19--Cable Rates objected to by Mrs. Beviin Bartals ........... 321 19--Craff, Ronaid, refund on Cigarette Permit ................ 321 19--Clarke Crest Estates 5th Addn., P & Z approval of final plat. 323 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 3--City Council; Regular Session ........................... 325 3--Cedar Cross Road, vacation of portion & disposing of property to Charle~ McDermott clfo/a Tri-State Implement Co ....... 328 3--Carnegie Stout Public Library Bd. of Directors requesting ap- proval for purchase of Laser Scmmer .................... 333 3--Corridor Planning (Freeway), clarification of stops eto ....... 336 3--Coach House, Class "C" Liquor Lic ..................... 337 3--Comm. Planning & Develp. Div. of HUD re: City is ok re: Pro- gram Reg. of Grantee Performance Report ................ 338 3--Central Aye., 2230, re: Unique Boutique requesting Mansard Roof to extend over sidewalk ........................... 338, 349 3--CLOSED SESSION re: Litigetion ....................... 338 Oct. 17--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 341 17--Credit Union Day, Proclamation ........................ 341 17--Civil Penalties, Ordinance relating to Violations etc ........ 345 17--Conlon Bldg. Co. (IDOT) re: award of Compensation Comm.. 358 Nov. 7--City Council, Official .................................. 360 7--City Interest Disposed of for Property identified as Lot lA, to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subd. No. 3, being a part of Kerper Blvd ............................................... 362 7--Cleaning, repairing & Painting of Asbury Water Tank ...... 363, 364 7--Concreto Tabies& Stools, Installation at Greyhound Park... 365 7--Contributions Contract for Section 8 Housing Cert ......... 336 7--.Conlon Bldg. Co. subroAtting Notice of Appeal from condemna- tion award .......................................... 372 7--Communlty School District -- City acquiring real estate for NW Arterial, Phase/II .................................... 378 Nov. 21--City Council, Regular Session ........ : .................. 380 2~--Carr, Patricia requesting soundwall fdr Hwy. 20 Project from Concord to Rising St .................................. 385 21--Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of Local AIDS Prevention Program ............................. 386 21--Community Block Grant Funds re: Program Statement of In- tent tot 1989 ........................................ 386 21--~oncealed Weapon -- Carrying -- Ordinance set out. ....... 389 21--Ckiu, Georgiana Carol (Rusty's), Chinese Rest.; Cigaretto permit 390 21--Crippes, Gilbert J., CLAIM ............................ 392 " 21--Cable Teleprogramming Coram. resignation of Ronaid Hull.. 392 21--Coram. Development Block Grant Project, Not. of Environ. Review ............................................. 393 Dec. 5--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 395 5--Cash Co./Mr. Gremmel re: rezoning of property at 3606 Cres- cent Ridge .......................................... 396 5--Crescent Ridge, 3606-3606V2, requested rezoning by Attorney Bitter for Gremmel & The Cash Co ...................... 396 5--Clarification as to acceptance & dedication to public for street purposes a portion of street known as Nightongale Lane .... 396 5--Collection of Taxes for payment of Debt of Taxing Dis. re: Or- dinance providing for establishment of a Tax Increment Finan- cing Dis ............................................ 398 5--Corporation Counsel recommending Council authorize P.W. Dir. to executo documents re: Barge Fleeting ................. 400 5--Corps of Engrs. advising of violation by anchor barge in Miss. River ............................................... 400 5--Comm. Developm~at Block Grant Projects -- Resolution Authorizing submission for request for release of funds ..... 402 5--Concrete Paving repairs to Kerper Blvd. (U.S. 61 & 151), accep- tance of construction contract .......................... 404 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 5--Chamber of Commerce President S. Norman spoke to Counc'd. 405 Dec. 19--City Council, Regular Session ........................... 407 19--Cablevision submitting proposed' Agreement re: effective competition .......................................... 407, 408 19--Cash Co. re: rezoning request for 3606 Crescent Ridge (by Mr. Gremmel) ........................................... 408 19--Commudity Bleck Grant Loan Agreement with Precision Tool & Engineering, Inc ................................... 413 19--Casey's Gen. Store, Angel Investment Co., Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 416 19--Copper Kettle, David Ungs. Class "C" Liquor License ...... 417 19--Channel Inn, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 417 19--CD Projects -- Proof of publication of Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on environment ....................... 418 19--Claims for month of October, 1988 ...................... 418 19--Catfish Creek, Middle, IA DOT re: Bridge Deck "letting"... 418 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Davis, Mary appointed City Clerk for 1988 ............... 1 4--Dubuque Yacht Basin -- Lease Agreement with City ....... 2, 3 4--Diesal Fuel Tanks, removal -- emergency funds ........... 4 4--DOT -- USA re: Grant under UMTA re; removal of fuel tanks. 5 4--Dubuque In Futoro, Inc. Board -- C. Member Pratt appointed. 7 4--DOT, IA re: AGREEMENT -- Right of Way Assurance State- ment for Federal Aid Projects .......................... 9 Jan. 18--Disposition of property to IA DOT; Also Temp. Easement to IDOT for Relocated 61 Project. (Pine & 8th Sts. vicinity)... 17 18--Disposing of Interest in City Owned Property & Also Granting of Temporary Easements to the IDOT (Relec. 61 Project)... 18 18--Development Commission (IA) -- CEBA Program Application. 20 18--DATA Comm., Inc. -- Comm. Econom. Betterment Account Grant App .......................................... 20 18--DMATS Quorum - clarification of misunderstanding ...... 22 18--Deck Bd. appointments of Frank Gilioon III and Thomas Kersch. 22 18--Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts -- Collecting with Taxes .......................................... 24, 25 18--Delinquent Sewer Accounts -- collected via taxes .......... 25 Feb. 1--Daugherty, Wm. requesting vacatinn/purchase of property at 10th and Bluff Sts .................................... 38 1--Dubuque Greyhound Park submitting audited Financial Statements for '87 .................................... 39 Feb. 15--Dubuque Main St. Ltd. -- Pat Friedman giving report ...... 45 15--Dog/Cat Impoundment Fee, change in Ordinance .......... 67 15--DOCK BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....... 53, 290, 306, 320 15--Dec. 87, List of Claims paid ............... ............. 53 Mar. 7--Dbq. Twine Co. -- re: proposed Amendment to Zoning Ord. -- Waterfront Districts .................................. 76 7--DOT -- USA, Grants under UMTA ..................... 77, 78 7--DOT, IA -- re: Grant Application to aid in financing the remauufacture of four 35~ buses ..................... ... 79 7--Disposal of City's Interest in Real Estate to IDOT ........ 79 7--DOT -- Disposal of interest in real estate (Freeway 561 Proj.) 79 7--DOT, IA -- re: Granting of Temporary Easements, etc ..... 80 7--Dubuque Industrial Center -- Disposition Sites. Variance from Pricing Structure ..................................... 83 7--Dubuque Historic Improvement Co. (Redstene), Class "B" (Hotel- Motel) Beer & Liq. License ............................. 91 7--DOT re: condemnation of Certain rights in land for relocated Primary Rd. U. S. 61 ................................. 91 7--Disn~issal Notice re: ~ondemnation of certain rights in land by DOT for property acquired by David Solomon C., F.A. Finckiger. 92 7--Dubuque Jaycees requesting Fireworks Display 7/3 ........ 96 7--Dubuque Tank Terminal Co. re: easement/lease for property bounded on north by its existing leased property and south side of RR Tracks ........................................ 97 7--DOT (IA) Agreement with City for FAUS Funds .......... 97 Apr. 4--Disposal of property to IA DOT for Relocated 61 Project... 100 4--Daugherty, Wm. requestin~ vacation of unused portion of Tenth St. Right of Way between Locust & Bluff St .............. 107 4--Dubuque Industrial Center -- Acceptance of Agreement Pro- viding for Loan of $150,000 CD Funds to Dbq. In-Futuro, Inc. for extension ........................................ 110 4--Dbq. Industrial Center is an Economic Development Area and that development of said Area is Necessary in the interests of the residents of the City ............................... 110, 111 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 4--December Coundfl Proceedings, approved as printed ........ 120 4--Digman. Merlin A., CLAIM; Closure .................... 120, 155 4--Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd. vs. Woodward Communications, Inc. & Paula Post Selcher Supreme Court opinions ............. 121 4--Dubuque Screw Products -- Notice of Dismissal re: condemna- tlon for Primary Rd. U.S. 61 for properties owned by them.. 121 4--Development of Dubuque Municlpal Harbor Area -- Coast Guard submitting comments and concerns ...................... 121 4--Dubuque Twine Co. expressing "Thanks" for being allowed to express concerns about the Waterfront District Plan ....... 121 4--Dubuque Racing Assn. -- discontinuation of plans to pave employee parking entrance lot .......................... 122 4--DOT (IA) Notice of Appraisement of damages and time for ap- peal re: awards given for certain rights in land for improvement of Primary Rd. U.S. No. 61 in City ...................... 125 4--Disposal systems (private) -- Ordinance updating name of State agency that regulates ................................. 127 Apr. 18--Dubuque Industrial Center as Urban Renewal/Economic Development District & set a P. Hearing on Ord. establishing a Tax Increment Financ. Dis ........................... 129 18--Denial by P & Z to rezone property at 3606 & 3606¥~ Crescent Ridge ............................................... 133 18--Denial by P & Z to rezone property located at 2249, 2251, 2257, 2275, & 2277 Central from R-2A to C-2, as requested by Rainbo Oil ................................................. 133 " 18--Disposal systems (Sewage) Providing for location & Design by Ordinance ........................................... 135 18--Dubuque First China, Inc. (Yen Ching'sl, Class "C' Liquor Lic. 139 18--DOT re: Appraisement of Damages awarded to property owned · by Pape Grain Co... ~ ................................ 140 " 18--DOT advising of dismissal of condemnation of right of way for properties on Lower Main .............................. 140 " 18--Data Conm~ (Advanced) release of funds published ......... 141 " 18--Dubuque Racing Assn. -- Certificate of Insurance covering general liability ...................................... 142 " 18--Dubuque Medical Arts Bldg. Project submitting audited Finan- cial Statement of Dbq. Medical Arts Partnership .......... 142 " 18--Dubuque Industrial Center 5th Addn. located east of Chavenelle Rd. -- final plat of Lot 1-2-2 ........................... 142 May 2--Dbq. Industrial Center -- Economic Development District -- Ap- proval of Urban Renewal Plan .......................... 151, 152 " 2--Dubuque Industrial Center Economic Development Dis. -- re: Tax Increment Financing Dis ........................... 152-154 " 2--Dubuque Main St. Ltd., Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 156 2--Dubuque Industrial Supply, CLAIM; Closure ............. 157, 181 2--DOT (IA) re K. Hartig et al, re: appeal of awarding of damages made by condemnation commissions etc .................. 157 2--DOT (IA) & Hartig Drag Co. appealing to Dis. Ct. awarding damages of Compensation Commission ................... 157 2--DOT -- Notice in matter oI condemnation for properties located at 200 S. Main ....................................... 157 2--DOT -- Allow a Portion of U.S. Hwy. 61/151 to be annexed to the City ............................................ 157A May 16--Dsich, Council Member expressing desire to seek appointment to vacancy on Ex. Bd. oI League of IA Municipalities ...... 178 16--Detwfler, Betty (Betty's Cafe), Cigarette Permit ........... 178 " 16--Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 179 16--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "A" Liquor Lic ...... 179 16--Dbq. Inc. (Shot Tower Inn), Class "C" Liquor License. ..... 179 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 7--Dubuque Policemen's Protective Assn. -- prohibitive practice complaint ........................................... 378 7--Deniai of petition for traffic signals at intersection of N. Algona & University Ave .................................... 384 7--Dept. of Public Health, Designee to sign a Contract for Funding of Local AIDS Prevention Program~ .................... 386 7--DUBUQUE IN FUTURO INC. Submitting Minutes: ...... 391 Dec. 5--Dubuque Industtiai Center, Phase 3, -- Economic Development Area, re: Resolution of Necessity for development .......... 397 " 5--Dubuque Industrial Center, re: Ord. providing for establishment of a Tax Increment Financing District ................... 398 5--Dept. of Army Corps of Engineers to City Public Works Dlr. Frank Murray re: violation by anchor barge moored in Miss· River ............................................... 400 Dec. 19--Discounte based on age, addressed in Ordinance ........... 409 19-- Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition re: Mandatory AIDS testing. 412 19--Dealgn Center, Inc., Class "B" Liquor License ............ 417 19--Demetris Rest· & Viking Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License. 417 19--DOT IA re: proposed bridge deck repair project on U.S. 20.. 418 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE £ 4--Extenalon of fulfilling conditions of deed re: Thermolyne Corp. 3 4--Emergency funds (Sec. 8 Capital ~eeist. Ap.) to assist in the removal af two diesel fuel tanks ........................ 4 4--Easement (Temp.) for IDOT for Reinc, 61 Project .......... 17, 18 Jan. 18--Ecunomic Better. Account Grant Applications on behalf of Ad- vaneed Data-Comm., Inc ............................... 20 18--Electricai Examining Bd. appointment of Mark E. Beadle. ·. 22 18--Eagle Food Center, refund on Beer Permit ................ 24 18--Ellis, Patrick & Vicky (Claim by American Family Ins.), denial. 26 F~b. 1--Easement of real estate re: disposal of property to IA DOT for Relocated 61 Project .................................. 32 1--Excavating of City Streets, discussion of C.M. Krieg ....... 36 " 1--ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BD. SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: ................................. 38, 120, 210, 270 Feb. 15--Englneer's Week (National, Proclamation ,337 _ . . . . · .. · ~ ........... 42 " 15 EcononucDevelopmentAdminlstrat~onRevelvmgLoanFund -- Amendment to Contribution Agreement by and between Ci- ty and ECIA Business Growth, Inc ..................... 49 15--Econofoeds #471, Nash-Finch CO., Class "E" Liquor License. 52' 15--Envkonmental Review Finding for Certain C.D. Block Grant Pre- jecte (Carlisle Corem) .................................. 57, 58 Feb. 29--Electrical Permit Fees changed via Ord .................. 64 Mar. 7--Easements (temporary) to IA DOT for relocated 61 Project.. 79. 80 " 7--ECIA Business Growth, Inc. -- Agreement with City for Establishment of an Economic DeveL Administration Revolving Loan Fund .......................................... 82 7--ECIA GroWth, Inc. to Loan $60,000 from City's portion of EDA Revolving Loan Fund to Carlisle Communications ......... 83 7--Econofoeds #471 (Nash-Finch), Class "B" Beer Wine Permit. 90 7--Engstrom, Donald E. -- Notice from IA DOT re: condemnation of certain rights in land for Primary Rd. U.S. 61 .......... 91 7--Eaglee (Club) -- Class "C" Liquor License ................ 91 7--Eddy Ray's, Special Class "C" (BW) Liquor License ........ 91 Apr. 4--Easement to Conti-Carriers & Terminais for Construction and/or Operation of a Railroad Track on City Owned Property ..... 103, 128 " 4--Engetrom, Donald -- re: property for Primary Rd. U.S. No. 61. 121 4--Enviromoontai Review Findings for Advanced Data-Comn~, Inc. Project ............................................. 122 4--Eminent Domain proceedings initiated to acquire portions of pre- petty for NW Arterial ................................. 124 Apr. 18--Entrance Level for Police Officers -- certified by Civil Service Comm .............................................. 139 May 16--Electrlcal System for Keyline Transit Facility 164, 165 " 16--Elevator & Office Renovation Project, City I~all ........... 180, I81 16--Environmental Review -- Publication of Notice re: Comm. Dev. Block Grant Project.. · ' ............................... 182, 183 June 6--EASTIP -- Essent~ai Ah- Service Terminal Improvement Pro- gram Funds, Application .............................. 193 6--Eleetion, Special -- 67 signatures requesting same to fill First Ward Vacancy ....................................... 199 6--Expressway Facility (4 Lane) from DeWitt to Dbq. re: Resointio~ 199 6--Economic Development Services, Agreement with GDDC for 88-89 ............................................... 202 6--Economlc Development Regional Coordinating Council -- ap- pofutment of Council Member James Heckmann .......... 207 6--Eagle Food Centers, Cigarette Permit ................... 1 207, 208 6--Econofoeds #471, Nash Finch, Cigarette Permit ........... 208 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 13--Electrical Light & Power Co. -- Dbq. County Host Plan .... 215 13--Electrical System, Dubuque Keyllne Transit Facility ....... 217 13--Eagle Point Associates, -- Tollbridge Inn, Cigarette Permit. 221 13--Eagles -- Fraternal Order, Cigarette Permits .............. 222 13--E1 Toro, Cigarette Permit .............................. 223 13--Enke, Ronald P., Cigarette Permit ....................... 223 13--Elimination of parking on portions of W. 11th St .......... 226 July 5--Elderhostal Week, Proclamation ......................... 227 5--Eastbound (& westbound) traffic -- Stop Signs -- at intersec- tion of Solon and Nevada Sts ........................... 237 July 21--Extension ~f time approved for IA-Northwestern Development Co. (Jim Schwers) for performance of certain conditions for plat approval etc .......... ............................... ~255 Aug. 1--Eighteenth & Central -- Housing Services, Revision of Office Space Layout ........................................ 268 1--Everist, Rich of Interstate Power, spoke re: demolition of buildings at 1030 & 1032 Main ......................... 269 Aug. 15--Employees of C.D. department introduced to Council ....... 273 15--Execution of an Addendum to Bond with Loan Agreement with Martin Luther Home .................................. 276 15--Execution of Grant Agreement with U.S. Dept. of HUD re: par- ticipatian in Federal Rental Rehab. program .............. 278 15--E1 Toro Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 289 15--Elbo, Inc., (Dr. B's), Class "C" Liquor License ............ 289 Sept. 6--~nzler, Jerry, of Historical Seciety, re: Lease of Nal~innai Rivers Hall of Fame ........................................ 299 6--Eagle Pt. Associates, Toll Bridge Inn, Class "C' Liquor License. 306 6--Essential Air & T~ausit Division (IA DOT) re: approval of fund- ing for projects under Terminal Improvement Prog ........ 307 6--Eagle Point Park -- re: Delos McDonald estate re: easement in perpetuity upon mutually acceptable terms ............... 307, 367 6--Election = Special of 8/23/88 for First Ward Council Member Vacancy due to resignation of K. Krieg .................. 308 6--Ellis, Charles & Ruth, CLAIM settled ................... 309 Sept. 19--Easement across City Owned property to Sunnycrest Manor. 311, 330 Oct. 17--E911 Joint Service Bd., requesting "YES" vote for a 25~ sur- charge on phone bills to pay for E911 costs ............... 344 17--Eagle Point Park to the National Historic Places; Hist. Pres. Comm. requesting approval of City Council ............... 346, 385 17--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd. (Windsor Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. ............................................ 357 17--Eagle Food Center, Class "E" Beer Permit ............... 357 Nov. 7--Education Week (American), Proclamation ................ 360 7--Easement -- Roadway, re: Estate of Delos L. McDonald .... 367 Nov. 21--Ecanomic Development, IA Dept. advising of annexation of pr~ perty to the City of Asbury ............................ 392 21--Environmental Review Finding -- Notice of, for Certain CD Block Grant Projects .................................. 393 Dec. 5--Employment re: AIDS testing .......................... 400 5--Educatian practices prohibited, Ord ..................... 400, 409 5--Eagle Point Park Water Plant, re: removal of asbestos ..... 400 5--Elks, IBen. & Pro. Orderl, #297, Class "C" Liquor License... 401 Dec. 19--Extensinn of Nightengaie Lane as public right-of-way, offered by Krieg Boys Ice Corp ............................... 408 19--Employees re: AIDS testing ............................ 412 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Fusl Tank Removal -- Section 9 Cgpital Assist., Emergency Funds. " 4--FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMIT- TING MINUTES: ....... 8, 53, 120, 157, 210, 240, 270, 306, 337, 372 ' 4--FIRE RETIREMENT BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............................................... 8, 91, 391, 401 4--Feehan, Bert, CLAIM; Denial .......................... 8, 38 4--Federal Aid Projects, re: Right of Way Assurance Statement with DOT etc ............................................. 9 Jan. 18--Fanr Mounds -- recommendation by Park & Rec. Corem .... 19 18--Fjellman, Judie for Citizens for Dbq. gave report/update re: 1% Local Option Sales Tax ...................... ' .......... 19 18--Freund, Norm, withdrawing application for Human Rights Corem .............................................. 22 18--Financiai Reports for Dec., 1987, submitted ............... 24 Feb. 1--Freeway 561/Ralocated 61 Project -- re: property disposed to IA DOT ............................................ 32 " 1--Financial Statements for 1987, Dbq. Greyhound Park submit- ted ones ............................................ 39 1--Flaodwall Gate Repair (Ice Harbor), re: release of claims etc. 39 1--Five Year Capital Improvement Program ................. 43 1--Funds, Block Grant -- Publication of Notice of P. Hearing for use of CD ones ........................... ........... 44 1--Friedman, Pat of Dbq. Main St. Ltd. re: annual report ...... 45 1--Fenelon Finer Foods (Ken~, Special Class "C" (BW) Beer-Wine License ............................................. 52 Feb. 29--Fees for Plumbing Permits etc. changed via Ord ........... 61 29--Fees for Mechanical Permit Febs etc. changed via Ord ...... 63 29--Fees fur Electrical Permit Fees etc. changed via Ord ....... 64, 65 29--Fees for Inspection etc. for private Sewage Disposal System etc. 67 29--Fees for Milk Plants etc. by Ordinance ................... 68 " 29--Fees for Water Rates, for Res., Commercial, Industrial & Other Uses ............................................... 69 " 29--Feee for collection & disposal of Garbogo & Refuse, changed. 70, 71 Mar. 7--Fair Housing Month, Proclamation ...................... 73 7--Fire Doors & Fire Hydrants -- request for tougher Ord ..... 82 7--Fair Market Value of Urban Renew. Plan Disposition Lot No. 4-2; & Approving re: Development of a HOTEL (new Five Flags). 86 7--Five Flags Civic Center -- disposal of Urban Renewal site to the east ..... 7--Five Flags (KC & S Co.), Class "C" Liquor License ........ 91 7--Funds for Carlisle Comm. Ltd. CD Block Grant Project ..... 92 7--Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment for Carlisle Comm. Ltd. Project ................................... 93 7--Final Plat approved of Clarke Crest Estates 4th Addn ...... 94 7--Fireworks Display requested by Dbq. Jaycees for 7/8 ....... 96 7--FAUS Funds on NW Arterial etc ....................... 97, 98 Apr. 4--Forcemaln, Relocation of 30" (14th St. to llth St.) ......... 106 4--Fire Hydrant -- Parking within five feet -- Ordinance setting out violations etc ..................................... 108 " 4--Four Mounds Foundation -- appointment of Voetberg on behalf of Council.. ......................................... 118 4--Fourth St. Pcuinsnia zoning issue, comments/discusslan etc. 121 4--February Financial Reports submitted ................... 121 4--Fares -- for Key]ine -- Public Hearing provided for ........ 125 4--Flynn Ready Mix -- findings of IA Court of Appeals ....... 126 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--Food Service Establishmente -- inspection -- Ordinance updating ............................................ 127 " 18--Funcing (Security) for Airport, requesting Council approval etc. 132 " 18--Final Plat of Hillarast Plaza in the City .................. 134 18--Food Service Establishments -- Ord. updating City's authority. 134 18--First China (Yen Ching's), Class "C' Liquor License ....... 139 18--February, 1988 -- List of claims, proof of publication ....... 140 18--Funds (Release) for Advanced Data Com. Inc. CD Blcck Grant Project ............................................. 141 May 2--Food Service Establishment, Regulation .................. 144 2--Foster Grandparent Program Day, prcclamation ........... 144 2--Furcemain Relocation, 14th St. to 11th St., Project ........ 149, 150 2--Four Mounds Park, continuance of using City Equipment... 153 2--Fidelity & Surety Insurance authorized to do business in IA. 157 May 16--Fund Transfer of City Monies .......................... 160 16--Five Flags Civic Center -- east of there -- City Mgr. submit- ting report on receipt of proposal for purchase of vacant urban renewal parcel east of Five Flags ........................ 167 16--Federal Rental Rehabilitation Program, Participation authorized. 176, 177 16--First Ward vacancy, applications -- lilling vacancy left by K. Krieg ............................................... 178 16--French Cafe (New) -- for Taste of Prance, Class "B" Wine Permit. 179 16--FishnJck, Ron, by Carole, CLAIM; denial/closure ........... 180, 253 16--Food Service & Hotel Sanitation -- IA Dept. of Inspection & Appeals, Mem. of Understanding ........................ 182 June 6--Fuur Mounds Park, Intent to Dispose of Interest .......... 192 6--Friends of the Community, re: survey as to how much is being spent for human services in our area ..................... 193 6--Final Plat ApProval of Lot 1-4-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 of Highland Farms. 194 6--Final Plat approval of Lot 1 of Lot 8, Block 8 "Arbor Oaks" in the city ........................................... 194 " 6--Final Plat of Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 of Highland Farm ....... 196 " 6--Fire Engine (1948) requested by F. Henkels for Dbq. Preserva- tion Trust ....................................... :... 198 " 6--Fuothill Court, property north of, M. Portzen, re: P & Z Denial of Conceptual Development Plan ...... : ................. 199 6--First Ward, -- Petition for Special Election to fill vacancy.. 199 6--FY 90 Budget -- Purchase of Service Agreements ......... 201 6--Funding Agreement between the City & Dbq. Main St. Ltd. 202 6--Farnily Mart, Inc., Cigarette Permit ..................... 207 6--Family Beverage Center, Cigarette Permit ................ 207 6--Fenalon's Market, Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 6--FDL Foods~ Inc., Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 6--Fischer & Co., Cigarette Permit ......................... 208 6--Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........................ 208 6--Financial Reports for April ............................. 210 6--Fireworks Display permission by Dbq. Golf & Country Club. 210 6--Final Plat of Lot 1-20hmert Farln ...................... 213 June 20--Four Mounds Park -- re: consider disposing of City's interest. 216 20--Fanr Mounds Park -- Settlement Agreement .............. 217 20--Fuel Dispensing System for Keyline ..................... 218 20--Funding Options re: Dbq. Racing Assn .................. 220 20--Festivals, Land of, Purchase of Services Agreement ........ 221 20--Fence Structure, petition of Tim O'Malley ................ 221, 254 20--Flexsteel, ARA, Cigarette Permit ....................... 222 20--Fenelon Fine Foods Rest., Cigarette Permit ............... 223 20--Flynn Case, ruling shared by Ass't Attorney O'Brien ....... 225 July 5--Fine increased for violations of Handicapped parking ....... 236 5--Five Flags Comm. appointments of N. McEvoy & J. Oehrle. 237 INDEX -- BOOK 118 ~88 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--Ferring, James R. (Dbq. Bowling Lanes), Cigarette Permit.. 239 5--Family Beer Center, (D. Althaue) Class "E" Beer Permit .... 239 5--Fiecher & Co. -- Bowling Lanes, Olass "C' Liquor Lic ..... 240 5--Frcihage, Ulrlke, CLAIM: Denixl/Clasure ................. 240, 253 5--Finanalal Reports for May ............................. 240 July 18--Fuel Dispensing System for Keyline -- Project ............ 245 18--First Floor Restrooms at City Hall, Project ............... 247 18--Fairview Place -- Disposal of City Interest of steps, between Montrose Tart. ete ................................. 249, 262, 263 18--Fitzpatrichs, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 252 Aug. 1--Fair Housing Awareness Day, Proc]amati0n .............. 259 1--Five Ffege Civic Center Contract with Fighting Saints (Hcckey). 269 1--Fighting Saints -- Contract with Five Flags .............. 269 1--preeway Corridor Planning Session, clurification of Council's needs ............................................... 269 1--French, Mrs. Phillip, objecting to City Animal Impoundment prccedurce .......................................... 271 1--Fireworks display request by Dbq. County Histor. Society.. 271 1--Fuel Storage Dispenser & Card Control System for Public Works Garage ............................................. 272 Aug. 15--Firalaff, Dick, employee of C.D. Dept. introduced to Council. 27~ 15--Flora Pool Hot Water System Project, re: transference of monies to fund the hiring of an Engrg. fkm to study swimming pools. 277 15--Fighting Saints Assn., Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 288 15--Fitzpatrick's, Ltd, Cigarette Permit ...................... 288 15--Fieckenstein, Joseph, CLAIM .......................... 290 15--Fourth Quarter Report for FY 88 -- High Risk Youth, by Substance Abuse Service Center ........................ 291 15--Fifth Principal Meridian -- approval of Final Plat of Subd. oL Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the Ehst One Half of the SE Qtr. in Section 17. 293 15--Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Sobd. in Sectinn 16, Dubuque Township, Dbq. County, Dubuque, IA. 292 15--Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the East Haft of the Southwest Quarter and LOt 1 of Lot 1 and Lot 1 of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter all in Section 16, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the Fifth Prinelpal Meridian in Dubq. County ............................................. 293 " 15--Final Plat of the Subdiviaion of Lot 1 of Lot i of the East One haft of the SE Quarter in Section 17, Township 89 North, Range 2 East, of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Dubuque County, Ia. 294 " 15--Final Plat approved of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of LOt 1 of Lot 1 of Lot i of SW Quarter of the SW Quarter in Sec- tion 16, Township 89 N Range 2 East, of the Fifth Prlnelpai Meri- dion in Dbq. Cty ....................... . .............. 294 Sept. 6--Family Mart, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 306 " 6--Five Flags Civic Center Comm. submitting Year End Report for FY'88 .............................................. 307 , 6--Flecl~anstein, Joseph, closure of CLAIM .................. 307 " 6--First Ward, Special Election, to fill K. Krleg's vac.; Elect Heckmann ..... : .................................... 308 Sept. 19--Frommalt, Paul, appointed to six year term on the AIRPORT Commission ......................................... 318, 319 " 19--Farrel Court, -- Final Plat approved of Clarke Crest Estates 5th Addn ............................................... 323 " 19--Flexsteel (ARA Services), re: refund on unexpired Cigarette Permit .............................................. 309 " 19--Financial reports for year ending 6/30 .................... 309 " 19--Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates 5th Addn .............. 323 Oct. 3--preeway Corridor Planning, re: Council elarificatinns ....... 336 INDEX -- BOOK 118 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 3--Foht, Carolyn, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................... 337, 378 3--Fox, Bernard, CLAIM; Settlement ...................... 337, 402 Oct. 17--Fenees re~ snowauce in Historic Distxicts ................. 343, 360 17--First St. & Locust & Bluff re: Urban Revit. Area .......... 345 17--Finance Director submitting outstanding travel advances to Mayor & Council ..................................... 358 17--Finaucial Reports for Sept. 1988 ........................ 358 17--Federal Courthouse, City of Dbq. vs. HDR case been set for 6/13/89 ............................................. 359 Nov. 7--Funding requested for Airport terminal renovation ......... 364 7--Fifties, Inc. -- Wany Gaters, Cigarette Permit ............ 371 7--Finale Lounge, Class "C" Liquor Lic .................... 372 7--Financial Report for FY ending 6/30/88, Proof of pub. by T-H. 373 7--Farragut St., requested vacation of part of by Attorney L. McCarthy for Richard & Alice Kelly ..................... 373 " 7--Fiecher Investment Co., conveyance of property to the City. 374, 375 Nov. 21--"Familial Status" defined re: Ordinance on HOUSING ..... 387, 399 " 21--Financial Reports for month of Oct. 1988 ................. 392 21--Furry, Norms, SUIT .................................. 392 Dec. 5--Finding (Resolution of Necessity) that Phase Three of the Du- buque Industrial Center is an economic Development Area and that Development of said Area is necessary in the interest of the Residents of the City of Dubuque, IA ................ 397 " 5--Financing District re: Ordinance providing for establishment of 'a Tax Increment District within Dbq. Industrial Center ..... 398 " 5--Famihal Status, Ordinance amending portions of Ch. 21 .... 399, 409 " 5--Fish & Wildlife, re: Barge Fleeging ete ................... 400 " 5--French Cafe (New), Class "C" Liquor License ............. 401 " 5--Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects, Res. Authorizing Submission of as Request for Release .................... 402, 403 " 5--Five Year Street Construction Program submitted to IA DOT. 405 Dee. 19--Fleeting (Barge), Agreement with City, ete ................ 408 " 19--Farragut St., City Mgr. responding to petition of Richard J. & Alice R. Kelly to vacate part of this street, and recommending denial .............................................. 409 19--Freeway 61/151 Work Session -- re: summary report ....... 412 19--Furniture Upholstery/Repair -- denied in C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District ...................................... 413 19--Fee enacted for collection of Local Option Sales & Services Tax, Resolution Opposing State Dept. of Rev. & Finance Proposal for that fee .......................................... 515 19--Fisch, Robert, appointed to Housing Comm ............... 416 19--Finanaial Reports for November, 1988 ................... 418 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Gearhart, W. Kenneth, appointed and.sworn in as City Manager. 1 4--Grants (Block), 1988, filing request for 1988 ones .......... 8 4--Garage Addition Project (Public Works) .................. 8, 9 Jan. 18--Grant Application on behalf of Advanced Data-Comm./nc.. 20 18--Gilloon, Frank/II, appointed to Dock Bd. til 11-26-90 ...... 22 4--Ganrley, Alien, applicant for Dock Board ................. 22 4--Gomer's Inc., Class "C" Liquor License .................. 23 4--Garbage Collection Accounts, Delinquent -- collection via pro- perry taxes ........................................... 25 Feb. 1--Gomers (Roger Kunde), Cigarette Permit ................. 36 1--Golinvatm, Inc. (Pizza Hut), Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 37 1--Grandview Milk House, Class "C" Beer Permit... ......... 37 1--Gcetzinger, James W. (Goetz's), Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 37 1--Greyhound Park submitting audited Financial Statements for 1987 ............................................... 39 Feb. 15--Geisler, Joan requested favorable zoning -- allow Business Ser- vices as a Principal Permitted Use in the C-2 Neighborhood Shop- ping Center .......................................... 42 15--Graham, Catherine, requested favorable zoning -- snow Business Services as a Prinaipai Permitted Use in the C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center ..................................... 42 15--Grant Loan Agreement with Carlisle Communications, Ltd.. 50 15--Grantee Performance Report for Calendar Year 1987 ....... 55 15--Gante, James, Pres. of Lime Rock Spring Co., -- Acceptance of conditions of Final Plat of Brittany Woods ............... 56, 57 15--Garhage/Refuse -- Ord. relating to Charges & Fees ........ 70 Mar. 7--Grant Applicatian for Oporating & Special Proj ecte Asaistance with State Transit Assistance Program ...... . ........... 78 7--Gedfather's Pizza, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 90 7--Geisen, Gene, CLAIM; Closure/Denial .................... 91, 121 7--Grantee Performance Report (proof) to HUD for Calendar Year 1987 is on file ........................................ 93 7--Geent (CD Block) Statement of Intent to HUD for Year 1988. 96 Apr. 4--Grant Application on behalf of the Metrix Co. Relecation & Ex- pansion Project, Filing of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account ............................................ 113 " 4--Grant Loan Agreement with Adv. Data-Comm. Inc. -- Execu- tion of a CD Block ................................... 115 " 4--Grant Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Development & Carliaie Commtmications, Ltd ......................... 116 " 4--Grant Agreement with HUD in amt. of $909,000 for Calendar Year 1988 ........................................... 123 Apr. 18--Get Fit Dubuque Day, Proclamation ........ : ............ 128 " 18--Gremmel, Jerry re: rezoning of 3606 & 3606¼ Crescent Ridge. 133 18--Ginter, Donna M., West Dbq. Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. 139 18--Grain Co. (Pape) -- Appraisement of damages from IA DOT. 140 May 2--Grandparent (Foster) Program Day, Proclamation .......... 144 2--Ggurmet Products re: zoning change as a Cond. use in OR Of- fice Residential Use ................................... I45, 146 2--Greyhound Park Track (ARA Services), Class "C" Liquor Lic. 156 May 16--Ground Reservoir on Asbury Road, Rehabilitation ......... 160 16--Garage, Keyline Transit: Rehabilitation of Roo~PNsns Project. 161 16--Grant Loan agreement with the Metrix Co, .............. 168 16--Ginter, Donna M. -- Silver Dollar; Class "C" Liquor License. 179 16--Golf & Country Club, Dbq,, Class "A". .................. 179 June 6--Greater Dbq. Devalopment Corp. Agreement with Ecan. Devel. Services ............................................. 202 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 6--Grandma's Pantry, Inc. (Sfikas Rest.), Cigarette Permit ..... 208 6--Gomer's, Cigarette Permit ............................. 208 6--Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 6--Galf & Country Club, Permission for Fireworks Display ..... 210 6--Ganshlrt, Lucile, CLAIM; Dealal/Closure ................. 210, 253 6--Ginter, Robert of Dbq. Racing Assn. -- concern for settlement on Ch. Schmitt Island ................................. 211 June 13--Gcoch, Bob re: meeting of Supervisors & City Emergency Mgmt. Assn ............................................... 215 June 20--Geary, Father Patrick, Gave Invocation .................. 216 20--Ginter, Robert re: settlement concerns on Ch. Schmite Island. 220 20--Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit ................... 221 20--Ginter, Donna, (West Dbq. Tap), Cigarette Permit ......... 222 20--Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Liquor License ..... 222, 225 20--Ground Round, Cigarette Permit ........................ 222 20--Gene's Main St. Tap, Cigarette Permit ................... 222 20--Gerhard, Curtis L., Cigarette Permit ..................... 223 20--Gastzinger, James W. (Goetz's), Cigarette Permit .......... 223 20--Gratten & Wheaten Ent. (K & K Grocery), Cigarette Permit. 223 20--Gratten & Wheaten Ent. (K & K Grocery), Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 221 20--Grandview Milk House, Cigarette Permit ................. 223 20--Grandview Drag, (Palmer Drug Co.), Class "C" Beer Permit. 224 20--Ganahl, Tim & Linda, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ............. 225, 253 July 5--Graff, Donald (Lil Island Hopper), Cigarette Permit ........ 238 5--Ginnta, Marco, (Marco's Food), Cigarette Permit ........... 239 5--Ginter, Harriet (Jena, Inc. Oky Doky #15), Cigarette Permit. 239 5--Gerhard, Curtis L. (Knickers Saloon), Class "C" Liquor Lic.. 240 5--Grading & Drainage Contract -- NW .Arterial Stage II, from · Asbury to JF Kennedy Rd ............................. 246 Aug. 1--Grandview Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction Project. ............................................ 266, 267, 298, 299 " 1--Garage Fuel Storage Dispensing & Card Control System, Public Works ............................................. 271, 272 Aug. 15--Grading & Drainage for NW Arterial Stage III, from Asbury Rd. to JFK .......................................... 274 " 15--Grant Agreement with HUD for $63,000 for Rental Rehab. Program ............................................ 277, 278 " 15--Grant Application for additional equipment for use by Dbq. Police Dept. in narcotics enforcement .................... 286 " 15--Gone's, Cigarette Permit ............................... 288 Sept. 6-- Guidelines -- Budget, FY 1990, submitted for Council discussion. 300 " 6--Grant Application -- Comm. Economic Betterment Account, -- Dbq. Data Services Co. Expansion Project ................ 300 " 6--Gremmol, Stoven, CLAIM; Closure ...................... 307 " 6--Gaherty, Terry, CLAIM; Closure ........................ 307, 320 Sept. 19--Grant Easement for 20V2 Wide Storm Sewer Easement across Lot 1-18 ............................................ 311 " 19--Greater Dubuque Development Corp., submitting resignation from Bd. of Directors -- Council Member Simon ........... 319 Oct. 3--Gautz, John J., Pres. of Vendors Unlimited Corp. objecting to City request to remove soft drink vending machines from ramps & Town Clock Plaza .................................. 335 Oct. 3--Ground Round, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 337 " 3--Gene's, Class "C" Liquor License ....................... 337 " 3--Grantee Performance Report -- Comm. Planning & Devel. Div. of HUD re: city compliance with progrmn regulations ...... 338 Oct. 17--Grand Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 357 INDEX -- BOOK 118 ~88 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 7--Geerhart, W. Kenneth, as City Mgr., received an "Award for Program Excellence", Proclamation ...................... 360 7--Georgia-Pacific, Kerper Blvd. disposal of 26' portion of River- front Subd, No. 3 ............................. 362, 363, 381, 382 Dec. 5--Gremmel Mr., -- The Cash Co, -- requested rezaning of 3606-36061/2 Crescent Ridge .......................... 396, 408-409 5--Graf, Deborah, settlement of claim ...................... 402 5--Gilford, Gary, re: AIDS testing issue .................... 412 Dec. 19--Grant Loan Agreement with Precision Tool & Engrg. Inc... 413 19--Glab, Charles resigning from Historic Pres. Corem ......... 415 19--Giese, Tom appointed as Sheet Metal Worker to Mech. Code Bd. 416 19--Giesler, Thomas -- applicant for Engrg. position on Mech. Code Board .............................................. 416 19--Grading & Draining facilities for NW Arterial ............. 418 19--Grean Valley Farms Subd., Approving the Final Plat ....... 420 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE H Jan. 4--Health Services to get Rabies Vac. Certificates ............ 6 4--Humane Society -- appointment of C. Member Dcich to Bd. 7 Jan. 18--Health Board -- Regular Quarterly Meeting .............. 1I 18--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION -- appointments of Paul Healey, Kenneth Hindman and Rebecca Robhins .......... 22 18--Healey, Paul, appointed te unexpired term on Human Rights Comm. which will expire 1-1-89 ......................... 22 18-- IIindmau, Kenneth -- reappointed to II. Rights Conm~ for a term which will expire 1-1-91 ................................ 22 18--HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMIq'rING MINUTES: ..................... 23, 38, 53, 91, 120, 155, 180, 210, ........................... 240, 270, 290, 306, 320, 358, 372, 391 Feb. 1--Helping Services of N/E IA, Inc. -- re: substance abuse preven- tion etc ............................................. 38 1--High Risk Youth -- 2nd Quarter Report by Substance Abuse Services Center ...................................... 39 Feb. 15--HyVee Food Stores, Inc., Class "E" Liquor License ........ 53 15--Hughes, Attorney Al -- CLAIM on behalf of Michele Hammel. 53 15--Hammel, Michele, CLAIM; Closure ...................... 53, 92 15--Houlihan, Dennis, as Chair of Airport Comm. re: resignation of Frank Bertech from Airport Comm ...................... 53 15--Heritage Manor, -- request for no parking on Asbury etc... 53 15--~Icinz, Vivian, refund on Cigarette & Beer Permit .......... 55 " 15--Helping Services of N/E Iowa requesting funds of $1500 .... 59 " 15--HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..................... 53, 91, 120, 155~ 210, 270, 290, 306, 391, 417 Mar. 7--Housing (Fair} Month, Proclamation ..................... 73 " 7--Herrig, John (for R. Mifis, R. Witt etc.) re: zoning change at 3051, 3055, and 3077 Brunskill Rd. from R-1 to C-3 ............. 77 7--IIotel by Five Flags etc. -- Res. Approving Fair Market Value of Urbon Renewal Plan Disposition Lot No. 4-2; Minimum Re- quiremente; Solicitation of Proposals ..................... 86-89 7--Haunon, Edward, M.D. appointed to Library Bd. of Trustees. 89 7--Hunter, Jean F., Applicant to Library Bd ................ 89 7--Historic Improvement Co. (DbqJ, Class "B" Beer & Liquor License ............................................. 91 7--I-IOUSING CODE OF APPEALS BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....................................... 91, 320, 391 7--HOUSING CODE REVIEW BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......................................... 391, 401 7--Hardie. Frank -- Advertising Co. -- Notice from IA DOT re: condemnation of rights for relocated Primary Rd. U.S. 61 .. 91 7--Hartig, Kenneth re: Notice from IA DOT re: condemnation of rights for relocated Primary Rd. U.S. 61 ................. 91 7--Hammond, Garry -- resignation from Library Bd .......... 92 7--Hawthorne, & Lime Sts. -- Volunteer Rd., request by Jaycees for Fireworks ........................................ 96 7--HUD -- Amendment to CD Block Grant Statement of Intent. 96 7--Hughes, Al, Attorney for Dbq. Tank Terminal re: Ease- merit/Lease on property on south side o£ RR tracks ........ 97 7--Hwy. 61/151 -- annexation of approx. 55 acres located at SE & SW Corners ....................................... 113 " 7--Housing -- Section 8 Existing Program Annual Contributions Contract ............................................ 97 7--Hwy. 61 Relocation Project, Disposal of properties to IA DOT. 100 Apr. 4--IIUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......... 120, 157, 180, 210, 240, 270, 306, 337, 372, 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 4--Hanley, Charlotte, CLAIM; Closure ..................... 120, 156 4--Hobart Sales & Service, CLAIM ........................ 120, 156 121 121 4--Harbor (4th St.) Discussion etc.... ...................... " 4--Hwy. 20 roadway -- complaint @ litter .................. " 4--Heritage Manor re: Asbury requesting prohibition of parking in front of same ........................................ 123 " 4--HUD -- Ex. of a C.D. Block Grant Agreement fur Cai. year 1988. 123 Apr. 18--Hughas, Al (Attorney) requesting that City defer action on ORD. re: Easement to IL Central Gulf RR Co,, to lay down an Ind. Track along Kerper Blvd .............................. 128 18--Human Rights Ord. re: Ladies Nights/Mens Nights ........ 133 18--Home Operation section of Zoning Ord., denial of proposed amendment ................................... 133 18--Hillcreat Plaza, Final Plat approved ..................... 134 18--Hotels/Motels -- Food & Vending machines, Ordinance updating. 134, 144 18--HUD, application for Sec. 8 Program Housing Voucher ..... 135 18--Hoosing Voucher Program, Execution of Application to Participate .......................................... 136 18--Haugen, Kenneth, O., CLAIM .......................... 139 May 2--Hospital Week (National), Proclamation .................. 144 2--Historlc Preservation (National) Week, Proclamation ....... 144 2--Housing Code Advisory & Appeals Bd. appointment of Thomas Swift ............................................... 154 " 2--Herber, Timothy M., (1900 Tap), Class "C' Liquor License.. 156 " 2--Hwy. 61/151 -- Annexation of portion, IA DOT's approval.. 156 " 2--Hotel -- Downtown, Special meeting to discuss proposals... 158, 167 May 16--Housing -- Application for Additional 100 Units of Sec. Mod. Rehab .............................................. 177 16--Hardie, Steve & Jack Holtz, meeting P & Z attendance records. submitted .......... ' ................................. 178 16--Heckmann, James appointed to fill First Ward vacancy ..... 178 16--Hunt, Dave, applicant to fill First Ward. 178 16--Hudson's Lounge, (Soupy's), Class "C" Liquor License ...... 179 16--Hing~gen, Judy, CLAIM; Denial/Claim ................... 180, 253 16--Hanasn, Steve, CLAIM; Denial/Claim .................... 180, 253 16--Helping Services for NE Iowa, Inc., Purch. of Services Agreement .......................................... 181 16--Hotel Sanitation & Food Service, Mem. of Understanding with IA Dept. of Inspec ................................... 182 June 6-- Hughes, Al (Attorney) re: Xavier Park Conceptual development. 185 6--Hawkeye Flooring Co., awarded contract for Town Clock Plaza Tile & Terrazzo Repair ................................ 191, 192 6--Human Services costs in our area, re: survey specifics ...... 193 " 6--Higifland Farm, Final Plat approval of Lot 1-4-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1.1. 194 " 6--Highland Farm, Final Approval of Lot 2-4-1-]-1-1-1-1-2-1 .... 195 " 6-- Huntingten Drive, Final Plat of Lot 1-28 "Block 9, Arbor Oaks". 197 " 6--IIenkels, Francis re: 1948 Fire Engine given to Dbq. Preserva- tion Trust ........................................... 198 6--HiWay -- Four lane from DeWitt to Dbq. -- support of construction ......................................... 199 6--Heckmann, Council Member James appointed to E.D. Regional Coordinating Council .................................. 207 6--Hartig Drug Stores Corp., Cigarette Permit ............... 208 6--Happy's Place, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... 208 6--Hy-Vee Food Stores, /nc., Cigarette Permit ............... 208 6--IIUD submitting report of site visit on March 29-31 ....... 213 6--Herrig, Eldon (Dbq. County Supervisor), re: Joint Meetin~ for County Municipal Emergency Management Agency ........ 215 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 13--Hingtgen, Mr. David, for IA Electrical Light & Power Co. for Dbq. County Host Plan ............................... June 20--Henry, Attorney Douglas for the Burden Family, for Four Mounds Foundation ................................... 20--Hotel -- Downtown -- Urban Renewal Plan Disposition etc. -- Final Selection of Brutgar .............................. 219, 20--Hwy 61-151. rezoning of property at SE corner of intersection of Hwy. 61-151 & 52 from AG to C-3 .................... 20--Herber, Tim, 1900 Tap, Cigarette Permit ................. 20--Hog Ryans, Inc.. Cigarette Permit ...................... 20--Heartland Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 20--Hoffman, David H. (White House), Cigarette Permit ....... 20--Holiday Oil Dist. /nc., Cigarette Permit .................. 20--Hard Times Tavern, Cigarette Permit .................... 20--High Hat West, Cigarette Permit ....................... 20--HyVee Food Stores, Inc., Class "E" Beer Permit .......... 20--Heron, Inc. (Walnut Tap)i Cigarette Permit ............... 20--Herbet & Son, Inc., Notice of IA DOT of condemnation etc. July 5-- Hwy. 61-151, rezoning of property at intersastion of this and HWY 52 from AG Agricuft. to C-3 Gen. Comm ................. 5--Handicapped Parking violation fine increased ~rom $15 to $25. 5--Hartlep, Ralph Q., appointed to 3 year term on Park & Rec. Comm .............................................. 5--House of China, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 5--'Hoffman House Rest., (WCB Rest.), Class "C" Liquor License, 5--Helling, James, re: Properties, condemned etc. for relocated HWY. July 18--Health Board Meeting. ............................... 18--Humane Society, Agreement with City for provision of Ahimel 215 216 220 219 222 222 222 223 223 223 223 224 224 225 227 236 238 240 240 240 242 Shelter Services ...................................... 250, 251 " 18--Historic Preservation Commission directed to prepare a brief amendment to Ordinance re: fence height limite etc ........ 254 July 21--Highland Farm, re: IA Northwestern Devel. Co. (J. Schwers), extension of time required for furnishing of security to secure performance of conditions .............................. 255 Aug. 1--Hahlen, Susan, objecting to Roosevelt Rd. Sanitary Sewer Assess .............................................. 259 1--Huseman, Mike, objecting to Roosevelt Rd. Sanitary Sewer Assess .............................................. 259 1--Housing (Fair) Awareness Day, Proclamation ............. 259 1--Housing Vouchers, Application to US Dept. of HUD for 12 ad- ditional Section 8 Program Housing Vouchers ............. 268 1--Housing Services Officers, Revision of Office Space Layout.. 268 1--Hockey Fighting Saintel contract with Five Flags ........ 269 1--Hartig Drug Store, permanent transfer of Beer Permit ...... 269 1--Housing Comm. resignation of Mary Ransdell ............. 271 1--Hartig, Richard requesting permission to erect a roof/soffit pro- jection over City's sidewalk at their business at 2nd and Locust. 271 Aug. 15--Hoff, Mary, intredduced as CD employee to Council ........ 273 15--Hansel, Richard -- denial of petition to rezone property located at SW Corner of Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlight Dr .......... 276 15--Hot Water System Project for Flora Pool, hiring of Engrg. firm ete ................................................. 277 15--HUD, US Dept. of, Grant Agreement to participate in Federal Rental Rehab. Program ................................ 278 15--Hog Ryan's, Inc., CIess "F" Liquor License .............. 289 15--Hickson, Jolene, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 290, 307 15--Hospital (Couuty) Bd. of Trustees, re: temporary construction easement for proposed storm sewer ...................... 290 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 15--Hartlg Drug Stores Corp. re: vending machines (beverage) on SW corner of 703 Main St., along public right-of-way ....... 290, 310 ,, 15~Hawkeye Highway No. 20 Place, (HWY 20, NE corner & Wasker Dr.) Approval of final plat ............................. 291 Sept. 6--Hallowcen Trick or Treat Time, PROCLAMATION ........ 297 " 6-- Historicel Sedety, Petition of Jerry Enzler, re: addressing Council to request a hing-term lease of the NationeJ Rivers Hall .... 299 6--Housing Vouchers, ,~nnual Contributions Contract for Section 8. 301 6--HUD -- Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Program Housing ............................................ 301 6--Hotel, definition clarified by ordinance .... : .............. 300 6--Hauccck, Mark A. & Pauline, Cigarette Permit ............ 305 6--Holy Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 305 6--Honcock, Mark -- Happy'e Place, Class "C" Liquor License. 306 6--Hannah, Judith, CLAIM; Dehiel]Closare ................. 307, 320 6--Heckmann, James, -- ELECTION appointing Mm as Council Member for First Ward ............................... 308 6--Housing Commission resignation of Phil Wulfekuhie ....... 309 6--Historic Preservation Commission submitthi~ resignation from Commission, of Roger Osborne ......................... 309 6-- Hartlg Drug Stores request to place soft drink vending machines in alley and recommending disapproval of request .......... 310 Sept. 19--Heckmanu, James -- Council Member, Sworn in as Mayor Pro- Tern ................................................ 311 19--Henkel, Jerry request for amending Concept. Devel. Plan for pro- perty at NW Corner of Chancy & Asbury ................ 312 19--Hansel, Richard re: rezoning of property at SW corner of Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlight Dr. from AG to C-3 ................ 315 19--Hotel -- Downtown, re: Brutger Co. giving updated report & . requesting extension of time ............................ 315 19--Hagge, Kelth -- Caboose Arcade Ice Cream Parlor, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................................... 319 19--Holiday Inn, Dubuque -- Dbq. Motor Hotels, Inc., Class "B" Liquor Lic ........................................... 320 19--Hi-Hat West, (Admiral's), Class "C" Liquor Lic ........... 320 19--Hard Times Tavern, Class "C" Liquor Lic ................ 320 19--HUMANE SOCIETY Submitting Minutes: .............. 320 19--Highland Park Estates, Block 2, approval of final plat ...... 322 Oct. 3--HRW requesting favorable rezonlng of property east of Keyway Drive & Keystone Dr. ................................ 325 3--Henkel, Gerald, applicant re: rezoning, ~unding of Concept. DeveL Plan for Existing PR Planned Res. District; (NW Corner of Chancy & Asbury) .................................. 326 " 3--Harbor St. re: vacating Shiras Ave. Extension ~o southerly end of Shiras ............................................ 327 " 3--Humane Society -- re: Purchase of Services Agreement ..... 333 " 3--Helling, Anthony & Bette (Ded~ge House) Class "B" Liquor Lic. 337 " 3--HUD, Comm. Planning & Devel. Div., re: City has complied with program regulations with Grantee Performance Report ..... 338 Oct. 17--Health Board Quarterly Meeting ........................ 340 17--Historic Districts re: approval re: allowance of fences ....... 343, 360 17--Height limitations of fences in Hist. Districts ............. 343, 360 17--Hoover School students re: Helloween Trick or Treat time etc. 344 17--HRW Associates, r~ Petition of Attorney Brian Kane requesting Council to reconsider rezoning along Koyway .............. 344 17--Halloween Trick or Treat time, petition for changing date/time. 344 17--Heckmann, Council Member re: Urban Revit. Dis. Lower Bluff & Locust ............................................ 345 17--Historic Pres. Comm. requesting Council approval to consider nominating entire Eagle Point Park to National Historic Places. 346 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct~ 17--Hartig Drug Store, request to construct a roof/soffit which will overhang public right-of-way at Locust St ................ 347, 348 " 17--Happy Joe~s Old Fashioned Ice Cream Parlor, Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 357 " 17--Herbor Development -- Yardarm, Class "C" Liquor License. 357 " 17--Hemphili, J.S, (Dr.), CLAIM; Denial/Closure .............. 358, 402 " 17--Hartig, Dick re: allowing public utilities to elect power poles without esthetic considerat~nns ......................... 359 " 17--HDR, re: Corp. Counsel advising trial has been set for 6/13/89 in C. Rapids ......................................... 359 Nov. 7--Hospice Month, Proclamation .......................... 360 " 7--Hudson, Robert of Dbq. Harbor Service re: barge fleeting... 365 7--Historic Pres. -- re: Mere. of Agreement between City & Ad- vienry Council ....................................... 366 7--HUD re: Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Exist. Hsg. Cert ................................................ 366 7--Human Rights Ordinance, revisions re: Disability & title of Hear- hig Officer .......................................... 367, 368 7--Hearing Officer title change to "Administrative Law Judge" in Human Rights Ordinance .............................. 368, 369 7--Hwy. 61/151 -- ennoxatkin of portion, south of intersection of 61/151 .............................................. 370 7--Hartig Drug Co., Class "B" & Class "E" Beer Permit ...... 371 7--.Hurt, Karen CLAIM; Settlement ........................ 373, 402 7--Hickey, Marien, resigning from Historical Pres. Corem ..... 373 7--Historical Pres. Comm. resignation of Marien Hickey ....... 373 7--Hflby, Loster A., property from him for NW Ar torial, Phase III, property acquisitions .................................. 374 Nov. 2~--Hotel (Downtown) re: Issuance of Urban Renew. Tax Inc. Rev. Notes otc ........................................... 383, 384 21--Hwy. 20, (Dodge St. by St. Joseph's) request by Patti Cart for a soundwall in their final plans ......................... 385 21--Housing Services getting approval for additional staff person. 386 21--Health Dept. -- Contract with IA Dept., for Funding of a Local Aids Prevention Program .............................. 386 21--Human Rights Ordinance -- revised re: "Familial Status", pro- hibitod practices -- housing;, relating to AIDS testing in employment ......................................... 387, 412 21--Hensing -- Prohibited Housing practices ................. 387, 409 21--Handbills, Distribution etc. in Parks, re: Ordinance ........ 390 21--Hull, Ronald, resigned from Cable Teleprogramming Comm.. 392 21--Hafal, Richard B. & Madonna, CLAIM; Settlement ........ 392. 418 5--Hotol Parking Complex, Tax Increment Rev. Notes ........ 395 5--Hahn, Terry, CLAIM; Settlement ....................... 401, 418 5--Human Rights Commission Report from Task Force on Sexual Orientation .......................................... 404 19--Hudson, Bob, addressed Council re: Barge Fleeting. ....... 408 19--Historic Preservation Comm. resignation of Charles Glab... 415 19--Housing Commission appointment of Robert Fisch ......... 416 19--Hammal, Gerald appointed to Mechanical Bd ............. 416 19--Hoffman, David H., The White House, Class "C" Liquor Lic. 417 19--Henry, Arnold, CLAIM ............................... 417 19--Huggins, Mrs. Ruth, CLAIM ........................... 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 ~88 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Indecent Exposure -- new Section of Ordinance ........... 6 4--IA DOT -- Agreement for Right-of-Way Assurance Statement for Fed. Aid Projects .................................. 9 Jan. 18--IA DOT re: Disposition of City Owned Property & Temp. Ease- ment for Relccatod 61 Project .......................... 17 18--IA DOT Res. for Intentions of Disposing of Interest in City Owned Prop. and Granting of Temporary Easements ....... 18 18--IA Development Commission -- CEBA Program Application. 19 Feb. 1--Interstate Power Co., CLAIM; Closure ................... 38, 92 1--Ice Harbor Floodwall Gate Repair -- City Mgr. Executing release of claims ............................................ 39 Feb. 15--Inns of Iowa, Ltd. (Best Western), Class "B" Liquor License. 52 15--IA DOT advising of condemnation for properties located within relocated Highway U.S. 61 for 2 different parcels of land .... 53 Feb. 29--Inspection Fee for a Private Sewage Disposal System ...... 67, 68 Mar. 7--Inland Molasses Co. -- re: Zaning Ord, -- Waterfront Districts. 76 7--IA DOT -- Grant Application with State Transit Assistance Program ............................................ 78, 79 7--IA DOT -- disposal of City's interest in property (for Freeway 561/Relocated 61 Project) .............................. 79 7--IA DOT -- Res. of Intentions of city of Disposing of its interest and granting of temporary easements .................... 80 7--Interstote Power Co. CLAIM; Closing ................... 91, 121 7--IA DOT -- Notice re: condemnation of certain rights in land for releeatod Primary Rd. U.S. 61 .......................... 91 7--Industrial Center Fifth Addn. (Dubuque) -- Approving Final Plat of Lot 1-2 ............................................ 94 7--IA DOT -- City -- Agreement for FAUS Funds on NW Arterial. 97, 98 Apr. 4--IA DOT -- disposal of properties to them for Relocated 61 Project ............................................. 100 " 4--In Futoro, Inc. -- Loan of $150,000 CD Funds to them for ex- tension of Dbq. Industrial Center ....................... 109, 110 " 4--Industrial Center (Dbq. I -- Loan of CD Funds ($150,000) .... 110 " 4--Industrial Center (Dbq.) -- establishment of an Urban Renewal Dis ................................................ 110 " 4--Industrial Center (Dbq.) Consenting to Variance from pricing Structure of a Disposition Site .......................... 112 4--Industrial Center tDbq.), Preparation & Execution of Option Agreement to Purchase Land in Dbq, Ind. Center .......... 112 4--IA Dept. of Economic Development & Adv. Data Cormn. -- Ex- eention of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Agreement .......................................... 114 4--Idle Hour (Jeennine A. Kersch), Class "C" Liquor License... 120 4--IA DOT submitting Amendment to Application & Amendment of Notice re: property owned by Miller Elec, Supply, Inc. re: primary Rd ......................................... 121 4--IA Court of Appeals re: Flynn Ready Mix Case ........... 126 Apr. 18--I.C.G.R.R. re: tabling of Easement to Conti-Carriers & Terminals. 128 18--Industrial Track request by Conti-Carriers etc ............. 128, 129 18--Industrial Center (Dbq), Urban RenewaYEeenomic Development District -- establishing a Tax Increment Financing District. 129 18--Industrial Center IDbq) -- Ordinance Providing that General Pr~ perty Taxes be paid to a special fund for payment of principal and interest on loans etc ............................... 129 18--Investment Trust (IA Public Agency) -- adopting Joint Power A~oreement & Declaration of Trust ...................... 136 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--1A DOT advising of Appraisement of damages awarded to pro- perty owned by Paper Grain Co ......................... 140 18--Insurance Certificate covering genial liability of Dbq. Racing Assn ............................................... 142 18-- Industrial Center (Dbq.) final plat approved by P & Z of Lot 1-2-2 of Dbq. Ind. Center, 5th Addn, located east of Chavenelle Rd. 142 May 2--IA American Legion Boys State Week, Proalamation ....... 144 2--Industtical Center (Dbq.), designated as Urban Renewal Economic Deval. Dis .................................. 150, 151 2--Increment (Tax) Financing District within the Economic Devel. Dis ................................................ 152 2--IA DOT ye. K. Hartig re: appeal of award of damages made by condemnation commissions etc .......................... 157 2--Insurance, Fidelity & Surety authorized to do business in IA. 157 2--Investment Report (Quarterly): "Statement of Invest. Policy. 157A 2--IA Dept. of Transportation to allow a Portion of U.S. Highway 61/151 to be annexed to City ........................... 157A May 16--Institotional District for University of Dbq ............... 164 " 16--Institutinnal District, Xavier Park ...................... 164 " 16--IA Dept. of Inspections & Appeals for Food Service & Hotel San. -- Mem. of Understanding approval ..................... 182 16--IA Dept. of Econ. Development CEBA Project Review advis- ing of denial of application for the Metrix Co ............. 183 June 6--~A -- Northwestern Development Co, (J. Schwers) re: Final Plate of various lots of Highland Farm ....................... 195, 196 6--IA DOT re: dismissal of condemnation for Crescent Realty Corp. 211 6--Ingress/Egress Easement re: Final Plat approval of Lot 1-2 of Ohmer t Farm ......................... . ........ 213 June 1p--IA Elec. Light & Power Co. representatives addressing concern re: County Emergency Mgmt. Plan ...................... 215 J,u, ne 20--Interest in Real Property (Four Mounds Park} by Lease; Disposal. 216 20--1dle Hour, Cigarette Per,nit ............................ 222 20--Imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit ........................ 222 20--IA DOT re: appealing award of compensation comm. for Hartlg properties ........................................... 225 July 5--Intereectinn of Hwy. 61-151 and 52 from AG Agricult. to C-3 Gen. Comm. Diet ..................................... 227 5--Industrial Center (Dbq.), Intention to Dispose of City Owned Pr(~ perry Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Dbq. Ind. Center. ................ 234 5--Issuance of not to Exceed $125,000 Urban Renewal Tax Incre- ment Rev. Notes ..................................... 235 July 18--Industrial Center (Dbq.) 5th Addn. -- Disposing of City Interest in Lot 1 of 2 of 2 ..................................... 244 " 18--IA DOT vs. Wayne Anthony, City of Dbq. advising of Appeal re: compensation for property in condemnation of land for primary road U.S. 61 .................................. 252 July 21--IA-Northwestarn Development Co. (J. Schwers) requesting extension of times for furnishing Security to secure performance of conditions, as provided by Res. No. 165, approving Final Plat of one lot ........................................... 255 Aug. 1--Integrity Day, Proalanaatinn ............................ 259 1--1nterstate Power Co. re: demolition of nearby bldgs. (1030 & 1032 Main) ............................................... 269 1--IA OIL CO. (IOCO SPEEDE SHOPPE), Cloas "C" Beer Permit. 270 1- IA DOT appealing award of Compensation Comm. re: Anthony property ............................................ 270 1--Impoundment (Animal), process objected to by Mrs. French. 271 1--Industrial Center (Dbq.}, Economic Development District Pro- ject -- re: Metrix Co. -- issuance of $125,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Notes ............................. ' 278 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 15--Inspection Service Agrement between City & IA Dept. of Agricult. & Land Stewardship for Enforcement of Milk Sanitary Laws of State .................. · ...................... 287 Sept. 6--Inspectinn Program -- Sidewalks ....................... 299 6-- fuwa Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant App. -- Dbq. Data Services ........................................ 300, 301 6--Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, Class "C" Beer ........ 306 6--IA DOT advising of condemnation of rights for Conion Bldg. for relocation of Primary Rd. U.S. #61 ................... 307 6--IA DOT Dir. of Air & Transit Div. advising of approval of fun- ding for projects under Essential Air Service Terminal Improve- ment Program ....................................... 307 Sept. 19-IA DOT advising of condemnation of certain rights for relocated Primary Road U.S. 61 for Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc.. 320 Oct. 3--Interest in property disposed of by Lease to American Marina. 328 " 3--IA DOT submitting Notice of Appraisement of damages & time for appeal for properties owned by R. Kehl & Conion Bldg. Co. 338 Oct. 17--Interstate Power Co. -- construct a one story bldg. with full base- ment at 1000 Main St ................................. 351, 352 17--Imperial Lanes, (Key City Bowling Lanes), Class "C" Liquor License ................................ ' ............. 357 17--IDOT vs Conlon Bldg. Co., re: advising of appeal granted by Compensation Commission ............................. 358 17--1A DOT advising of dismissal in matter of condemnation with Zephyr Alum. Products, Inc ............................ 358 17--Interstate Power Co., closure of case re: Duaan Ralph Jasper vs. Interstate & City ..................................... 358 Nov. 7--IA DOT re: mmexation of property to City ............... 370 7--Iowa Oil Co. (IOCO), Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 371 7--IA Dept. of Transportation vs. Wayne Anthony et al submit- ting Consent to Stipulation etc. ........................ 373 7--Interstate Power Co., current franchise -- Corp. Counsel response. 373 Nov. 21--ICMA "Spirit" Pins given to Mayor & Council ............ 380 " 21--Intersection of N. Algona St. & University Ave., denial of peti- tion for traffic signals ................................. 384 21--IA DOT re: letter from Council re: Patti Can' request that sound- wall be reinstated in final plans for Hwy 20 Project ........ 385 21--IA Dept. of Public Health -- Funding of Local AIDS Preven- tion Prog ........................................... 386 21--IA Dept. of Economic Development advising of annexation of property to City of Asbury ............................. 392 Dec. 5--Issuance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment ........................................... 395 5--Increment (Tax) Financing District, Ordinance providing for establishment ........................................ 398 5--Island Princess Cruises (L. Whalen) requesting approval to pro- ceed wi~ plans to develop land at 2400 Kerper Bird ....... 402 5-- IA DOT re: Submission of Tentative Five Year Street Construc- tion Program ........................................ 405 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE J Jan. 18--Jones, Tom -- writer of book telling Council of his activities. 19 18--Jaycox, James appointed to 3 Year Term on IIuman Rights Caroxn .............................................. 22 18--July (87) Council Proceedings, approved .................. 23 18--John F. Kennedy Road -- acceptance of construction contract for Pennsyl. Ave. Storm Sewer ......................... 28 18--Johns, Mary, closure of claim ........................... 26 Feb. 1--Jeld-Wen re: Memorandum of Agreement in conjunction with issuance of Industrial Rev. Bond in amt. not to exceed $8,000,000.00 ........................................ 34 1--J~rry's Tap, Cigarette Permit ........................... 36 Feb. 15--Jacob, Rick, CLAIM; Denial ........................... 53, 121 15--Jackson Park, W. 11th St. & Washington St. Urban Revit. Arees, Approval of Tax Exemption Applications ete ............. 54 15--January Financial Report submitted by Mgr .............. 55 Mar. 7--Jaycee's (Dbq.~ requesting to do Fireworks Display.. ~ ..... 96 Apr. 4--January, List of Claims. (Proof) ......................... 121 4--Jochum, Stelia, Denial of claim of. ...................... 121 " 4--Joint Powers Agreement & Declaration of Trust for IA Public Agency Investment Trust -- IA Public Agency Trust -- par- ticipation by City .................................. I22, 136-137 May 2--Jim's Web, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 156 June 6--liFT, Ltd. (#ky Doky), Cigarette Permit .................. 208 " 6--James, Jerry L., Neighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......... 208 " 6--Julien Motor Inn, Cigarette Permit ...................... 208 " 6--Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 209 June 20--Johnson, erin P. (Bottom's Up), Cigarette Permit .......... 223 " 20--Jena Inc. IOky Doky #15), Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 224 " 20--Joter Inc. IBridge Rest. & Lounge), Class "C" Liquor License. 225 July 5--Johnson, Clara L. (Lucky 13 Tap), Cigarette Permit ........ 239 " 5--Jena, Inc. (#ky Doky #15), Cigarette Permit .............. 239 July 18--Jaycox, Mary resigning from Cable Comm. Teleprograming Comm .............................................. 253 Aug. 1-- Jackson Park neighborhood re: demolition permit for Interstate -- at 1030 & 1032 Main ............................... 269 1--June Financial Report submitted ........................ 271 Aug. 15--JFT Ltd. (#ky Doky #1), Class "E" Beer Permit .......... 288 15--Jaanary Council Proceedings, printed .................... 290 15--June, Proof of Publication, List of Claims ................ 290 Sept. 6--James, Jerry (Neighbors Tap), Class "C" Liquor ........... 306 6--July Statistical report for Library ....................... 307 6--July Financial Reports submitted by Mgr ................ 307 Oct. 3--Jeld-Wen, Inc. Project, -- Notice of Intent. to issue Variable Rate Demand Revenue BOND Series 1988 ............. 331,332, 341, 342 3--Jaycox, Mary, Public Information Co#rd. for City, presented Speaker's Bureau folders to the Council .................. 332 3--July List of Claims, Proof of publication by TH ........... 337 3--Jeld-Wen building, Petition of Dean Brady, requesting addition. 338 3--Jayeeee, refund on Beer Pernfit ......................... 338 Oct. 17--Jeld-Wen Fiber Products of IA -- City Mgr. approving request. 346 17--Jackson St., -- building enclosure for Jeld-Wen ............ 346 17--Johnson, Clara L. (Lucky 13 Tap), Class "B" Beer Permit... 357 Nov. 7--Jochum, Becky, CLAIM; CLOSURE .................... 373, 392 Dec. 19--Julien Inn, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 417 19--June Printed Council proceedings, approved ............... 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE K Jan. 4--Kluesner, Loras, Sworn in as Council Member representing 2nd " 4--Kohlenberg, Mamie, CLAIM; Closure ........... ' ' ' J~n. 18--Kirchhoff Distributing Co. -- Appreciation for National Cath. Basketball Tournament ................................ 18--Kersch, Thomas II. appointed to Dock Bd. til 11-26-90 ..... 18--Kunde, Roger II. & Steve Simon -- Gomer's Inc. Class "C" 1 8, 24 12 22 Liquor Lic .......................................... 23 18--Klauer Mfg. Co. -- clarify easements/restrictions on property sold to them ......................................... 26. 27 18--Kenuedy Read & Bies Drive -- Pennsylvm}ia Ave. Sewer finalization .......................................... 28 Feb. 1--Keyline -- re: Removal of two 14,000 gallon dieeel fuel tanks ete .... 1--Krieg, Council Member requesting discussion regarding "Cutting into City Streets': ........................... 36 1--Kunde, Roger (Gomers), Cigarette Permit ................. 36 1--Knopf, John,, CLAIM; Closure .......................... 38, 92 Feb. 15 --~l~en Fenelon s Finer Foods Restaurant, Inc., Class "C" Beer-Wfue Lic ................................................. 52 " 15--Kaesbauer, Robert, CLAIM; Denial ................. 53, 121 Mar. 7--Keylines Consolidated FY 89 State Transit Assistance Applica- tion and FY '89 Program of Proj eete, seeking operatmg, capltel & planning funding from UMTA... ..................... 77 7--Kirchberg, Gerald (Cubby Bear), Class "B" Beer Permit .... 90 7--Kegger Beer Store, (J. Resio), Class"Bm''m -oeer-wme~'"' ...... 90 7--KC & S, Ina (Five Flage), Class "C' Liquor License ....... 91 7--Koyline Transit Garage -- Rehabilitation of Reef/Wails ..... 105, 106 7--Klaner Mfg. Co. letter re: Parking on Roosevelt St., 108 7--Key Gate Center -- Annexation of all of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3 West of the Toble Mound Township .................... 113, 114 7--Knights of Columbus, Class "C" Liquor License. .......... 120 7--Kersch, Jeannine A., (Idle II#urn, Class "C" Liquor License. 120 7--Krieg Boys, /ce Corp. re: dedication of Nightengale Lane... 124 7--Kennedy Read -- construction of NW Arterial; eminent domain proceedings ......................................... 124 7--Keyline Transit System -- P. IIearing procedure for increases in fares ............................................. 125 Apr. 18--Key City Rotary Club of Dubuque Day, Proclamation ...... 128 18--Keyline -- FY 1989 Con. STA App. & Sec. 9 Program -- Applications for buses.. .............................. 128 " 18--Kotz, Richard, CLAIM; Closure... ...................... 139, 155 May 2--Krieg, Kathryn -- TIIANKS for her job as Council Member. 144 2--Krieg Boys Ice Corp. request of dedication of portion of undedicated Nightengaie Lane to the City. ............... 153 2--Kunkel, Debbie, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 157, 181 2--Keyline Transit Garage, Rehab. o£ Roof/Walls ............. 161, 162 2--Kennedy Construction Co., rezoning of Xavier Park ete ..... I64 2--Keyline Transit Facility, Electtical System improvement .... 164, I65 May 16--Kramer, Aggie of P & Z submitting attendance records for S. IIardie & J. IIolte .................................... 178 " 16--Klaner, John, applicant for vacant C. Member seat of K. Krieg ............................................... 178 16--Krieg, Kathryn, vacated seat on Council, discussion/applicante/ appointment by Council, .............................. 178 June 6--Knighte of Columbus re: street solicitation problems ....... 199 6--Kiwanis re: street solicitation problems et~ ..... ......... 199 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 6--Kunde. Roger (omers), C~gerette Permit ................ 208 6--K-Mart Corp., Cigarette Permit ......................... 208 6--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Cigarette Permit ................. 208 June20--Keyline Transit System, Electrical System Improvelnente... 217 " 20--Keyline Transit Facility -- Fuel Dispensing System ........ 218, 219 20--Kehl, Robert -- The Barge~ Cigarette Permit .............. 222 20--Kachevas, James, Ink -- Demetri's Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........................................... 222 " 20--Kersch, Jeann ne~ Idle Hour, Cigarette Permit ............ 222 20--Key City Bowling, Inc -- Imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit. 222 20--Kelly, Elaine -- Coach House, Cigarette Permit ........... 222 20--Kunnert, Walter -- DBQ Ina, Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit. 222 20--Kupferschmidt, Gary L, (Whiskey River), Cigarette Permit.. 222 20--Knickers Saloon, C. Gerhard, Cigarette Permit ............ 223 20--K & K (Gratton & Wheaten), Cigarette Permit .......... 223 20--KC & S Concessions, Cigarette Perm t ...... i i 223 20--Kannedy Tap, M. Kenned:~ Cigarette Permit .............. 223 20--K & K Foods, Class "C" Permit ........................ 224 20--Kennedy, Marvfl L. Class lquor License ........ 225 "C' L' 20--Kutsch, Rev. of St. Anthony's re: "No Parking" requesg St. Ambrose St. east to the alley. ....................... 226 20--Kegger, The Beer Store, expiration of Beer Permit ......... 226 July 5--Kerper Blvd. (U.S. 61 & 151) from E. 16th St. to Pine -- Fal/ Depth PC. Concrete Pa~ching Project ............ 229, 265, 404, 405 5 --Knickers Saloon, (C. Gerhard), Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 240 5--Klain, Donald, CLAIM.. 240 5--Kobe Japanese Rest., Yuen S. Chan Ltd., Class "C" Liquor License. ......................................... 240 Jniy 18--Keyline Transit Facility -- Fuel Dispens ng System 245 " 18--Kegger, The K. Mellay), Cigarette Permit ......... '.' .' .' .' .'.. 251 Aug. I--Krueger, Charles, re: assessment for Roosevelt Rd. Sanitary Sewer. ............... " 1 ..................... 259 --Kuennan, Russel & Maureen, Closure of Claim ............ 271 A,,ug. 15--Klein, Mort, employee of CD Dept. introduced to Council... 273 15--Kemp, Chris, employee of CD introduced to Council ....... 273 15--Kopp, Gone (Geno's~, Cigarette Permit ................... 288 15--KWIK Stop Food Mart, (Rainbo Off Ca), Class "C" Beer Permit. 288 15--King of Clubs, S. Shireman, Class "C" Liquor Licensg ..... 289 IS--Key City Investment C(x (by N. Yiannis), agreeing to conditions of Final Plat of Hawkeye Hwy. No. 20 Place .............. 291 15--Kirkbride, Sandy, objecting to requested change in City Code which would add "Sexual Oriontatinn' as a protected category. 295 Sep. 6--Kress, Tori, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ..................... 307, 320 " 6--Kramer, Gloria, CL4IM; Denial/Closure .................. 307, 320 " 6--.Keyway Drive & Keystone -- Property East of those -- rezon- lng request from R-1 to R-3 Multifamily Res. District -- HRW Associates... .................................... 312, 325, 344 6--Kluck Construction, reclassifying property located at 2769 University. .............. Marke .... ' ......... · .................. 315 6--Kopple's t, Class C Beer Permit ....... 319 Oct. 3--Kane, Brian, Attorney for HRW, requesting favorable rezoning for property east of Keyway Dr, & Keystone Dr. .......... 325, 344 3--Kapparos, Richard, objected to proposed rezoning on property east of Keyway Dr. & Keystone Dr. ..................... 325 3--Kopp, Eugene L. (Gone's), Class "C' Liquor License ....... 337 " 3--Kelly. Elaine -- Coach House, Class "C" Liquor License .... 337 ' 3--Kehl, Robert & Ruth Ann re: IA DOT submitting Notice of Appraisement for properties ........................... 338 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 3--Kenned~ Rev. Stanley, Gave Invocation .................. 341 3--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Class "C' Beer Permit ............ 357 ,' 3--Key City Bowling Lanes, Inc. -- Imperial Lanes .......... 357 3--Kohi~ James P. -- The Grand Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lic.... 357 Nov. 7--Key Club Week, Proclamation .......................... 360 7-- Kerper Blvd. -- Disposal of City Interest in Property identified as Lot lA, to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subd. Nb 3. to Georgia- Pacific. (26' of Kerper Blvd.) ................... 362, 363, 381, 382 7-- Kupferschmidt, Gary L. (Whiskey River), Class "C" Liquor Lic. 372 " 7--Kanniker, Guy, CLAIM ............................... 373 " 7--Kandall, Robert, CLAIM; Denial/Closure.: ............... 373, 402 " 7--Kivlahan, John & Doris, property acquired from them re: NW Arterial, Phase III .................................... 377 " 7--Kelly, Richard J. & Alice R., requesting vacation of part of Farragut St ......................................... 373, 409 " 7--Kramer, Tom, recipient of "Service Section of City SPIRIT award .............................................. 380 7--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Class "E" Beer Permit ............ 391 Dec. 5--Krieg Boys Ice Corp. re: clarification of street Nightangale Lana 396 5--Klaner, James, CLAIM ................................ 401 5--Kerper Blvd., 2400, re: Lyle Whalen d/b/a Island Princess Cruises re: plans to develop land there .......................... 402 5--Kerper Blvd., concrete paving repairs between E. 16th St. & Pine, acceptance etc. of project .............................. 404 Dee. 19--Krieg Boys Ice Corp., re: Extensinn of Nightengale Lane area as public right-of-way. ................................ 408 19--Kirkbride, Sandra re: Ordinance prohibiting AIDS testing of employees ........................................... 412 " 19--Kachevas, Inc. -- Demetris Rest. & Viking Lounge, Class "C" . Liquor Lic ......... : ................................ 417 19--Kirch, Norroan, CLAIM ............................... 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Legal Staff appointed for 1988 (Lindahl, Blum & O'Brien).. 1, 2 4--Lindahl, Barry A., named Corporation Counsel for 1988 .... 2 4--Lease Agreement between City & Dbq. Yacht Basin, Amendment ......................................... 2, 3 4--Local Option Sales & Service Tax, -- Citizens £or Dbq. Committee pushing ................................... 5, 19 4--Love, Phillip :- The Lounge, Class "C' Liquor License. .... 7 4--Litigation discussion re: Closed Session .................. 10 Jan. 18--Loras College -- appreciation for National Catholic Basketball Tournament ......................................... 12 18--Loras College transfer of Beer Permit ................... 22 18--LIBRARY SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............ 23, 91, 225, 358 18--LaPage, James, Closure of Claim ........................ 24 18--Lease amendment for TCI, requested ratification .......... 26 Feb. 1--Life Insurance Week, Proclamation ...................... 30 1--Lyons, Virginia, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 38, 155 Feb. 15--Loan Fund -- Amendment to Contribution Agreement -- City & ECIA Business Growth for the Establishment of an Economic Devel. Administration Revolving Loan Fund.: ............ 49, 50 15--Loras College, transfer of Beer Permit ................... 51 15--Lampe, Steve (Cuemaster Ltd.), Class "C" Liquor License... 52 15--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat (Ms. Pat's), Class "C" Liquor License. 52 15--Lambe, Mrs. Pauline, CLAIM; Closure ................... 52, 92 15--Lime Rock Springs Co. -- Acceptance of Res. -- approving Final Plat of Brittany Woods in Dbq. Cty. .................... 56, 57 Feb. 29--Library Dept. Budget reduced .......................... 60 Mar. 7--Local Vehlcle Tax -- Eliminating a provision relating te usage. 85 7--Library Board of Trustees appointment of Edward Harmon, M.D. 89 7--Long John Silvers #10, Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 90 7--Library Bd. resignation of Garry Hammond .............. 92 Apr. 4--Loan of $150,000 CD Funds to Dubuque In Future, Inc. for extension of Dbq. Industrial Center. .................... 109, 110 4--Loras Blvd. (423 & 437), -- City requesting purchase of these properties ........................................... 118 4--Lenny's Ava Top, In~, Cigarette Permit .................. 119 4--Locker Room Lounge, Cigarette Permit .................. 119 4--Lime Rock Springs, CLAIM; Closure .................... 120, 181 Apr. 18--Library (National) Week, Proclamation ................... 128 18--Ladies Night -- Men's Nights, re: Human Rights Ordinance. 133 18--Loras College, transfer of Beer Permit ................... 138 May 2--Leitker, David, re: Krleg's & dedication of portlon of Nightengale Lane ............................................... 153 2--Lucky Lady, (Maylo'Tarner), Class "C" Liquor License ..... 156 2--Locker Room Lounge, Refund for Cig. Lic. ............... 157 M,,ay 16--Leibald, Thomas re: rezoning for property north of Raven Oaks. 163 16--Leibold, Darlene, requesting rezonlng of Brunskill Rd. property. 163 16--Land Sale for Downtown Hotel -- Redeveloper Proposal etc. 167 16--Loan (CD Block Grant) Agreement with the Metxix Co. .... 168, 169 16--Licensing System Provided for Companies Non-Franchise Communigations Systems .............................. 169-175 16--League of IA Municipalities re: vacancy on their Ex. Bd... 178 16--Larsen, Beverly A. -- Denny's Lux Club, Class "C" Liquor Lic. 179 16--Link, Wm. J., CLAIM, Denla~/Closure ................... 180, 253 June 6--Lease -- Intent to Dispose el Four Mounds Park ete ....... 192 6--Lincaln Co., Cas6y~s Gen. Store, Cigarette Permit .......... 207 6--Loras College, (Beckmann Hall), Cigarette Permit ......... 208 6--Loras College, (Keane Hall), Cigarette Permit ............. 209 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 6--Lieutenant, (Fire) Inspector, certified R. Vera by Civil Service Comm .............................................. 212 ,' 6--Lieutenant, (Fire) Certified @ 10 individuals by Civil Service Corem .............................................. 212 June 13--Light & Power, IA = re: Dbq. Cnty Emergency Mgmt. Agency. 215 June 20--Lease Agreement -- Disposal o£ Interest in Four Mounds.. 216 20--Lodglng Assn., re: downtown Hotel procedur~ ............ 219 20--Legion, American, Cigarette Permit ..................... 221 20--Larsen, Beverly, (Lux Club), Cigarette Permit ............. 222 20--Love, Kenneth J. -- The Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit ...... 222 20--Legion, Post 6, Class "C' Liquor Licensg ............... 224 20--Love, Kenneth, Class "C" Liquor Licensa ............... 225 20--Lodge, Dbq. -- Order of Moose, Class "A" Liquor License... 225 July 5--Locust Street Parking Ramp -- major Rehab. Project ...... ............................................ 232, 233, 263, 264 5--Lenane, Hugh appointed to TV Cable Community Telepro- gramming Comm ..................................... 238 5--Lenny's Ava TOp, In~, Cigarette Permit .................. 239 5--Lil Island Hopper, (R. Graft), Cigarette Permit ............ 238 5--Love, Phillip R. (The Lounge), Cigarette Permit ........... 239 5--Lucky 13 Tap, (C. Johnson), Cigarette Permit ............. 239 July 18--Loan Agreements rg Issuance of Not to Exceed $125,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes ............... 234, 243, 244 Aug. 1--Loras Blvd., 423, Sale to Timothy & Thomas Moore ....... 261 1--Locust St. Parking Ramp, Rehab. Documents ............. 263, 264 1--Loras Blvd., 445, CD Dept. to seek Court appointment of a Receiver for property there, with City petitioning to be named Receiver, for the purpose of rehabilitation and restored tenancy. 267 1--Locust St. & 2nd -- request by R. Hartig to erast an overhanging . roof ................ · ................................ 271 Aug. 15--Loan Agreement with Martin Luther Home -- Execution of Addendum to Bond ................................... 276 15--Loan Agreement for $125,000 Urban Renewal TOx Increment Revenue Notes, Series 1988, and providing for securing of such loan for the purpose of carrying out au Urban Renewal Project in the City. ......................................... 278 Sep. 6--Literary Da~, Adult, Proclamation ...................... 297 " 6--Lease with National River's Hall of Fame Bldg. requested by J. Enzler of Dbq. Historical Society. .................... 299 " 6--Landscaping on public right-of-way etc., new Otdinanca .... 300, 335 " 6--Legislative Statements, 1989 Proposed, City Mgr. concurrence. 300 6--Liquor Control re: Ordinance Amending. ................. 303 6--Lincaln C(~ (Cascy's), Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 306 6--Library Submitting statistical report for July. ............ 307 6--Loney, Marguerite, CLAIM; Closure ........ ' ............. 307 Sep. 19--Liability for defective Sidewalks, Corp. Counsel giving info re: City's liability. ...................................... 31~6 19--League, Lanny, CLAIM ...... ......................... 320 19--Lacey Ct. re: final plat of Clarke Crest Estates 5th Addn... 323 Oct. 3--Lease -- City & American Marina of Iowa, Inc ........... 328 3--Library Bd. of Trustees re: Council approval for Laser Scanner. 333 3--Long John Silver's Seafood Shoppe, Class "B" Beer Permit. 336 3--Lynch, Bernard Leo, CLAIM ........................... 337 3--Locust/Bluff & First & 2nd Ste., = Urban Revit. Area ..... 345 3--Locust Sts., -- Roof/soffit overhang for Hartige. .......... 347 3--Legal Holidays -- Ord. amended re: Computing tima ...... 353 17--Lucky 13 Tap, Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 357 17--L~ve, Kenneth -- The Grand Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. 357 Oct. INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 7--Leonard, Msgr. Wm. gave Invocation .................... 360 " 7--Library Bd. of Trustees requesting "open hours" be extended at the Library. ...................................... 365 7--Leases -- amendment between Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inu & the City. ............................................ 367 7--Law Judge (Administrative), Wording in Human Rights Ord. changed from Hearing Officer. ......................... 368 7--Lyons, David L., -- River City Tap, Class "C' Liquor License. 372 7--Lewis, Euniee P., conveyed property to City for NW Art., Phase III ................................................. 375 Nov. 21--Library Din' Nickey Stanke re: Proclamation for "Book Week': 380 21--Liquor License -- Civil penalty for Clair Woodman d/b/a Central Tap .................. - .............................. 385 21--Legal Staff submitting Ordinance re: Concealed Weapon .... 389 21--Legal Staff submitting Ord. re "Distribution of Handbills" etc. in Parks ............................................ 390 21--Lindeeker, Lynn A., Park Square Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 391 21--Loras College, Class "B" Beer Permit, transfer of Beer Permit. 391 21--Love, Kenneth, refund for Liquor License ................ 392 Dec~ 5--Loan Agreements re: Issuance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal TOx Increment Revenue Notes & Execution etc. 395, 396 " 5--Lease re: Fish & Wfldlif~ ............................. 400 " 5--L. yons, David -- River City Tap & Grill, Cigarette Permit... 400 Dec. 19--Lynns, Ginny re: AIDS testing issue .................... 412 " 19--Loan Agreement with Precision Tool & Engineering. ...... 413 " 19--Leeal Option Sales & Services Tax -- Opposing State Dept. of Revenue & Finance Prop. to Enact A Fca ............... 414 19--Legisintive Proposal Implementing a'Payment Program for Local Option Sales & Services Tax -- Endorsement via Resolution .......................................... 415 19--Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License.... 417 19--Lenny's Ave Top, Class "C" Liquor Licens~ ............. 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 SUBJECT PAGE i988 Jan. 4--Mini-Warehoualng in Section 8 .-- Cond. Use of C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District -- requested ...... 4, 14, 15 4--Main St. Ltd. appointment of Council Member Pratt to Board. 7 Jan. 18--Memorandum of Agreement between City & A. Y. McDonald Co. re: payment in lieu of taxes ......................... 20 18--Muelier, Theresa, Closing of Claim ...................... 24 Feb. 1--Moose Day (Loyal Order of), Proclamation ............... 30 1--Memorandum of Agreement with JELD-WEN. ........... 34 " 1--Mehri, Robert A. (Milk House), Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 37 1--Milk House, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 37 1--Mathie, Merle, CLAIM; Closure ........................ 38, 92 1--Moriarity, ~Vendy, CLAIM; Denial ...................... 38 Feb. 15--Manson, Rev. Duane, Gave Invocation ................... 42 15--Motion to Reconsider -- Ordinance Amending. ........... 51 15--Miller, Beverly R., Class "BE" Beer Permit .............. 52 15--Ms. Pat's -- Class "C" Liquor License ................... 52 Feb. 29--Mechanical Permit Fees, Adoption of New Table ........... 63, 64 29--Milk Plants, Permit Fees changed by etd ................ 68 Mar. 7_Mille, Randy, requeeting zoning change for 305L 8055 and 3077 Brunskill ............................................ 77 7--Mister Donut (My Cap), Cigarette Permit ................ 89 7--Mole Oil Ca (Big 10 Mart), Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 90 7--Miller Nell, Inc. (Ruegnitz Drug), Class "BE" Bee~Wine Permit. 90 7--McDonough, Rick, CLAIM ............................ 91 7--Morebeuse, Wm., CLAIM; Closure ...................... 91, 155 7--Miller Ele~ Supply, In~ -- Notice re: condemnation of certain rights in land for relocated Primary Rd. U.S. N°. 61 acquired from him & others....' ................................ 91 Apr. 4--Murphy Park entrance to Relocated 61 -- eliminated ....... 99 " 4--Metrix C(~ -- approval for relocation and expansion ....... 111 " 4--Metrix Co. -- Filing of Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Application for Metrix Expansion/Relocation ....... 113 4--MEQHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..... 120, 401 4--Mayer, Clarence, CLAIM .............................. 120 Apr. 18--Mini-bus -- Purchase (by'Keylin~ with Grants) for replacement of handicapped accessible mini-bus ...................... 128 18--Miller Electrical Supply property re: DOT Submitting Amend- ment to App. & Notic~ ............................... 121 18--Metz St., vacation of portion westerly from Riverview ...... ....................................... 121, 131, 132, 147, 148 18--Meliny, Kenneth J. (The Kegger), Cigarette Permit. Class "BE" Beer Permit ......................................... 138 18--March, 1988 -- Financial Reports submitted. ~ ............ 140 18--MarehaL!'s Home Farm N(~ 3, Final Plat Approved ........ 140 May 2--Mental Health Month, Proclamation .................... 144 2--Machinist's Union Day, Proclamation .................... 144 2--Mayor Pro-Tom appointment of Dave Simon .............. 144 2--Motels & Hotels, amendment to Code regulations ......... 144 2--Market Place Cafe, Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 154 2--Marco's, Inc., Class "C" Liquor Lic ...................... 156 2--Merehante Bonding Ca advising Fidelity & Surety Ins. ant~orized to do business ............................. 157 May 16--Mills, Randy re: rezoning request of Brunskill Rd. Prop .... 163 16--Metrix Cb, Execution of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq ................................................ 168 16--Miller, Mary applicant for First Ward vacancy (of K. Kriegl. 178 16--Mayer, Clarence, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................. 180, 253 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE May 16--Miller Elea Supply, Ina, appealing award of condemnation 16--March 1988 Claims -- Proof of publication ............... 16--Memorandum of Understanding between IA Dept. of Inspections and Appeals for Food Service & Hotel Sanitation. 16--Memorandum of Understanding & IA State Dept. of Inspec- tions & Appeals for Enforcement of Food Service Sanitation, Hotel Inspection, and Vending Machine Laws of the State. 16--Metrix Ca -- Denial of application by State Econ. Devel. CEBA Project ............................................. June 6--Monte Carlo, Cigarette Permit .......................... " 6--Miller, Beverly (Sid's Beverage), Cigarette Permit .......... " 6--Miracle Car Wash, Cigarette Permit ..................... 6--Mulgrew Oil Co. (Asbury Fastop), Cigarette Permits ....... 6--Metrix Co. Project -- Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment ................................... ' ..... 6--Metrix Co., Release of Funds for CD Block Grant Project.. June 20--MADD/Volkswagen Drive for Life Day, Proclamation 0--Music on the March Days, Proclamation ................. 20--Mueller, Daniel, approval of rezoning request at SE corner of intersection of Hwy. 61-151 and 52 from AG to C-3 ........ 20--Mining Co., Cigarette Permit ........................... 20--Marie's Italian Rest., Cigarette Permit ................... " 20--Moracco Supper Club, In~, Cigarette Permit ............. " 20--Mfuard, Joe Heartland Inn), Cigarette Permit ............ 20--Maid-Rite Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................. 20--Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit .................. 20--Mangeno, Angelo, (Hard Times ~avern) Cigarette Permit .... 20--Mehrl, Robert (Milk House), Cigarette Permit ............ 0--Meyer s Tavern, C~garette Pernnt. 20--Miller, James (Ruegnitz), Cigarette Permit ................ 20--Mnio, Robert E., Cigarette Permit ....................... 20--Murphy, Wm. J., (Murphy's South End Tap), Cigarette Permit. 0 Mur.p. hs South End Tap, Cigarette Permit ................ 20--Martin Oil Co., Cigarette Permit ........ 20--Meyer's qhvern (C. Meyer), Class "B" Beer Permit ......... July 5--Mease, Rev. Rocky of St. Paul Lutheran. Gave Invocation.. " 5--Mills, Randy re: appeal re: usage of 3055 Brunsklll Rd ..... 5--Metrix Co,'s relocation expansion project ................. 233, 5--Miller, John G., applicant for Park & Rec. Corem .......... 5--Murray, Francis A. Jn (CHIP), applicant for Park & Rac~ Conun. 5--Marco's Italian & American Food, Cigarette Paper ......... 5--Metrix Co., Proof of publication of Not/ce to release funds.. 5--May Financial Reports ...... .... July 18--Metrix Project, re: document approval etc. ............... 18--Metrix Co., Disposal of City Interest in Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 2, Dbq. Ind. Center, 5th Addn .................... ~ ..... 244 18--Montrose Terrace, Disposal of City interest in steps between there & Fairview Pl.. ,, ' ................................ 249, 263 ,, 18--Montrose'lbrrace, Vacation of steps between there & Fairview Pl. 250, 263 18--Melioy, Kenneth J., The Kegge~; Cigarette Permit .......... 251 18--Mnir, Helen & Ruth, CLAIM .......................... 252 18--Moore~ John, Denial/Closure of CLAIM .................. 252 18--May, 1988, List of Claims -- Proof ...................... 253 Aug. 1--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Proclamation ........ 259 1--Mueller, Mrs. Loretta & Miss Elizabeth of 860 Roosevelt objecting to Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer Assessment. ,. 259 1--Moore, Timothy & Thomas re: buying of property from City at 423 Loras Bird ...................................... 261 180 180 182 182 183 207 208 208 208 210 211 216 216 219 221 221 222 222 222 222 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 224 227 228 234 237 237 239 24O 240 243 INDEX -- BOOK 118 !988 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 1--Mulgrew Oil Ca -- Amoco Food Shop, Class "C" Beer Permit. 270 1--Martin, Imelda, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 270, 307 Aug. 15--Mississippi River Revival Days, Proclamation ............. 273 15--Moyno, C. J. awarded contract for NW Arterial Stage III Grading & Drainage Contract .......................... 275 15--Martin Luther Home, Execution of an Addendum to Bond & Loan Agreement ..................................... 276 15--Metrix Co. -- Urban Renewal TOx Increment Rev. Notes, issuance of $125,000 .................................. 278-286 15--Milk Sanitation Laws -- Inspection Service Agreement with City & IA Dept. of Ag. .......... ' ..................... 287 15--Market Place Cafe transferring Beer Permit to Rotman Lot. 288 Sep. 6--Municipal Airport Name changed to Dubuque Regional Airport. 299 Sep. 19--Mental Illness Awareness Week, Proclamation ............ 311 " 19--Macfua -- Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Property; by Lease Agreement ..................................... 314 19--Mozena, Jeff re: Ordinance prohibiting Parking on W. 11th & Olive ............................................... 316 19--Mulgrew Oil Ca -- Asbury Fastop, Class "C" Beer Permit.. 319 19--Miller, Leroy A., Whitoy's Bar-X, Class "C" Liquor License. 320. 19--Mangeno, Angela (Hard Times), Class "C" Liquor Licensa. 320 19--Miller, Karl E., CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................. 320, 378 19--Mueller, Terri Jo, CLAIM .............................. 320 Oct. 3--Murgaia, Joe re: Water Ski Club, concerns at vacation of portion of Shiras Ave. Extension .............................. 327 3--March Council Proceedings, approved as printed .......... 337 3--Mansard Roof for Unique Boutique on Central ............ 338, 349 Oct. 17--Market Place Cafe, Beer Permit Refund .................. 359 Nov, 7--Message Board for Greyhound Park (Animated).: .......... 365 7--Memorandum of agreement between City & Advisory Council on Hist. Pres ........................................ 366 " 7--Mayor -- agreement with IDOT for Right of Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects ..................... 370 " 7--Murphy, Wm. J. -- Murphy's South End Tap, class "C" Liquor Lic Permanent ~ffansfer. .............................. 372 7--Mechanical Board resignation of Charles Berwanger ....... 373 Nov. 21--Motor Vehicles & Tcaffic, Amendment of Ch. 25 -- City Code. 387 Dec. 5--Mississippi River Mile 578.4, violation of anchor barga .... 400 5--Marie's, Class "C" Liquor License. ...................... 401 5--May Printed Council Proceedings approved ............... 401 Dec. 19--Meyer, Carl spoke re: Ord. re: AIDS ..................... 412 19--Mechanical Code Board appointments of Tom Giese, Gerald Hammel and Harlan J. Willenborg ...................... 416 19--Moracco, The, Class "C" Liquor Licensa ................ 417 19--Milwaukee Insurance, CLAIM for their clien~ Arnold Henry. 417 19--Military Read & Oakland Farms Road, location of Archdiocese Place -- final plat approval ............................ 419 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 18--McDonald's (A.Y;s), Mem. of Agreement re: payment in lieu of ~bxes ........... 20 Feb. 15--McVey, Shirley, CLAIM; Closure. ....................... 53, 92 Mar. 7--McDonough, Rick, CLAIM; Closure ..................... 91, 121 Apr. 4 --McHenry, John approving of proposed purchase of proper ty on Bluff St. by City. .................................... 118 July 5--McEvoy, Neff, appointed to Five Flags Civic Center Comm. 237 July 18--McFadden, Gerald, Denial/Closure of Claim ............... 253 18--McCormick St. -- final plat of Sub, of 14-17 & Lot 17B of Reches Sub. Na 2 -- located east of. .......................... 253 Sep. 6--McDonald, Delos, -- estate, re: easement near Eagle Pt. Park. 307, 367 Sep. 19--McDermott, Charles d/b/a Tri-State Implement Ca re: vacating of portion of Cedar Cross Road (Near Starlight Dr.) ..... 313, 328, 329 Oct. 3--McGhee, Christopher, CLAIM by parents Dave & Alic~... 337 Nov. 7--McAleece Park property re: Thermolyne Corlx to void conditions for u~lization of saree and background data .............. 361 7--Mclntyre, Alvin, CLAIM; Closure ...................... 373, 392 Nov. 21--McAleece Ret areo~ former -- Proof of publication, Notice of P. Hearing to consider granting a waiver of time're: development of this area .......................................... 380 Dec. 19--McDermott, Michael, applicant for Plumbing Board ....... 416 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4_Newspaper -- TH, named "OFFICIAL PAPER" of City via Res. 2 4--NE IA Regional Coordinating Council -- appointment of C. Member Krieg ....................................... 7 Jan. 18--Natinnal Catholic Basketball Tournament, appreciation Resolution .......................................... 12 18--Neighborhood Shopping Center -- requesting allowance of mini-warehousing. .................................... 14 18--Notification Process of adjoining property owners for Applica- tions for Conditional Uses, Variances & Zoning Reclassifications. 15 18--November -- List of Claims Proof ...................... 24 18--Noal, John & Connie for Timothy. -- CLAIM ............. 26 Feb. 1--Neuhaus, Lori, CLAIM; Denial ......................... 38 Feb. 15--Neighborhood Shopping Center Distrlct to allowBus. Services, Excluding Sign Painting as a Principal Permitted Us~ .... 42 " 15--Nosh-Finch Co. (Econofoods), Class "E' Liquor License .... 52 " 15--Notlce from IA DOT re: condemnation of properties for relocated Hwy. 61 ............................................ 53 Mm; 7--Norton Past Foods, Inc. (Mister Donut), Cigarette Permit... 89 7--Nash-Finch Ca (Econofoods #71), Class "BE" Beer-Wine Permit. 90 7--Notices from IA DOT -- re: condemnation of certain rights in- land for relocated Primary Rd. U.S. 61 acquired from various individuals .......................................... 91 7--Notice of Dismissal in matter of condemnation of certain fights in land by DOT for property acquired from David Solomon Co., F.A. Fluckinger ...................................... 92 7--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on the Environment for Carlisle Communications, Ltd ....................... 93 7--NW Arterial -- FAUS Funds -- Agreement between IA DOT & City. ............................................. 97, 98 Apr. 4--Noonan's ~ap, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 120 4--November Council Prcoosdings, approved as printed ....... 120 4--Notice of Environment Review Findings for Advanced D,~ta-Comm ......................................... 122 4--Neai, Howard Mrs., CLAIM; Closure .................... 120, 157 4--No Parking zone in transition area east of Heritage Manor. 123 4--Norby, Attorney Gary, on behalf of Krieg Boys Ice Corp. offering to dedicate a portion of Nightengale Lane ................ 124 4--Nightengale Lane re: Kriag Boys Ice Co. offering portion... 124 4--Notice of Appraisement of damages and time for appeal re: awards given in rights in land for the improvement of Primary Rd. U.S. No. 61 ...................................... 125 Apr. 18--Nursing Services -- State Funds of Public Health ......... 127 18--No Significant Effect on Environment -- re: 'Advanced Data Comn~ Inc .......................................... 141 May 2--Norhy, Attorney Gary, re: Krieg's offer to dedicate portion of Nightengaie Lane .................................... 153 " 2--Nightengale Lane -- re: Krieg Boys Ice Corp. offer to dedicate portion of Nightengale Lane ........................... 153 " 2--Nites of the Square q~able, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 154 " 2--Nineteen Hundred Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. ........ 156 2--Noonan, Donald, CLAIM .............................. 157 2--Ney, Jeyce -- Closure of Claim ......................... 157 2--Neuser, Jerry, Closure of Claim ......................... 157 2--Notice in the matter of condenmatlon by IA DOT for proper- ties located at 200 S. Main ............................ 157 May 16--Non-Franchlse Communications Systems, ORDINANCE... 169 16--Ney Court "Name" changed to Ravenwood Court, in Clarke Crest Estates ........................................ 175, 176 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE May 16--New French Cafe, Class "B" Wine Permit ................ 179 June 6--Non Bargalning Unit Employees, Compensation Plan for Fy 89. 206 6--Nalghbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 208 6--Neighborhood Grocery & Video -- 1, Cigarette Permit and Class "C' Beer Permit ..................................... 208, 209 " 6--Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit, ........................ 208 " 6--Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment for METRIX Co. ....................................... 210 6--North Cascade Road -- P & Z Comm. approving final plat of Ohmert Farm, south of, ............................... 213 June20--Nineteen Hundred qhp Cigarette Permit 222 O--Nelson, Stephame~ Cigarette Permit ..................... 222 20--Norton Fast Foods, Inc, (Mister Donut), Cigarette Permit... 222 20--Ney, Joyce, CLAIM ................................... 225 20--Notice of IA DOT of condemnation of certain rights for Anthony properties; Herbet & Son, Inc. & Cyclone Auto Sales proper- ties; Conlon Bldg. properties; Helling properties ........... 225 20--No Parking zone near St. Anthony's Church, south side of Rosedale from St. Ambrose east to alley. ................ 226 20--Natoral Gas Ca, re: 1988 Annual l~port ................. 226 July 5--Nash, Russe], appointed to TV Cable Cornm. Teleprograrnrnlng Corem .............................................. 238 5--Notice of Appraisement of Damages & Time for Appeal for condenmation purpose for relocated primary road U.S. 61 for A. Anthony & J. Helling. ............................. 240 July 18--Novak, Rev. Edward L., Gave Invocation ................. 243 18--N/W Arterial Stage III Grading & Drainage Contract from Asbury Rd. to J.F.K ............................. ).. 246, 274, 275 18--Neighborhood Commercial District ~ requested zoning on University by Carol Schueller. ......................... 250 18--Noonan, Donald, Denial/Closure of Claim ................. 253 Aug. 15--Neyens, Steve, introduced to Council as CD employee ...... 273 15--NW Arterial Stage III Grading & Drainage Contract, awarding of contract to C. J. Moyna & Sons ...................... 275 15--Narcotics enforcement by Police Dept., submission of Grant Application ......................................... 286 " 15--Neldaughter, Stacie, petitioning for an amendment to Ch. 21 of the City Cede by adding "sexual orientation" as a protected category. ........................................... 295 Sept. 6--National River's Hall of Fame Bldg. request for Lease by J. Enzler of Dubuque Historical Society. ................... 299 6--Name change of Dbq. Municipal Airport to Dubuque Regional Airport ............................................. 299, 318 6--Naighbor's Tap, Clas~ "C" Liquor License. ............... 306 6--Nortbeast IA Council for Boy Scouts, requesting Service Clubs be allowed to continue fundraising efforts (street?) solicitation. 308 6--North Algena & University Intersection, request for pedestrian crossing signal; Denial ................................ 308, 384 Oct. 3--National Quality Control Month, (Oct.), Proclamation ...... 325 3--Naumann, Herman, CLAIM ........................... 337 3--Notice of Appraisement for damages etc. (IADOT) re: Robert Keld property. ....................................... 338 Oct. 17--National Register of Historical Places -- re: Eagle Pt. Park. 346, 385 " 17--New Harbor Development Ca, -- Yardarm, Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 357 Nov. 7--Naumann, Herman, CLAIM ........................... 373 7--Nites of Square qhble, Refund on Beer Permit ............ 373 7--Northwest Arterial re: Warranty Deeds received for Right of Way Acquisitions for Phase II between Asbury Rd. & J.F.K. 374-378 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nog. 21--Notice of Environmental Finding for Various Comm. Devel. Block Grant Projects .............................. 393 Dec. 5--Nightengale Lane -- clariflcation as. to accept ance and dedica. tion to the public for street purposes, a portion of this street. 396, 408 5--New French Cafe, Class "C' Liquor License .............. 401 5--Norman, Steve~ Chamber of Commerce Pres., spoke to Council. 405 Dec. 19--Newt, Gary, addressed Council re: Barge Fleeting. ........ 408 " 19--Neldaughter, Staaie, petitioning Council re: AIDS testing issue. 412 " 19--Nalghborhood Commercial District (C-1) -- zoning re: denial to allow furniture upholstery/repair store ................... 413 19--November, 1988, Financial Reports. ..................... 418 19--NW Arterial -- grading & draining facilities, acceptance of project.~ ............................................ 418, 419 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE O Jan. 4--O'Brien, Jan~es A. (Tim), appointed as Assistant City Attorney for 1988 ............................................ 18 4--ORDINANCE Amending Zoning Ordinance by defining Mini- Warehousing in Section 8 and enacting a new Section 3-3.2A of the C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District to allow Mini- Warehousing as a Conditional Use with certain provisions (1st reading given at meeting of 12-2I) ...................... 4, 15 4--ORDINANCE NO. 1-88 Amending the Code by enacting a new Section 7-45(d) to Provide that Veterinarians shnil forward copies of Official Rabies Vaccination Certificates to the Health Services Division ............................................. 6 4--ORDINANCE NO. 2-88 Amending the Code by adopting a new Section 26-11 re: INDECENT EXPOSURE .............. 6 " 4--OPERATION: NEW VIEW appointment of C. Member Voetberg to Board .................................... 7 Jan. 18--Odland Protective Coatings of Blaine, MN awarded contract for cleaning, repairing and painting of 750 MG Elevated Water Tank -- College Station .................................... 13 18--ORDINANCE NO. 3-88 Providing that the Code be amended by revising Appendix A -- Repealing Section 5-3.4B, 5-3.5B and 6-2.1 and Enacting a new Section 5-3.4B, 5-3.5B and 6-2.1 in lieu thereof, by clarifying the setting of Public Hearings for the Zoning Bd. of Adjustment and Clarifying the Notification Pro~ cedure of Adjoining Property Owners for Applications for Con- ditional Uses, Variances, and Zoning Reclassifications ...... 15, 16 18--ORDINANCE NO. 5-88 Amending Appendix A of the Zoning Ord. by reclassifying described property in tlie 2nd St. /ce · Harber Area from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Commercial lqecreatinn District ............................................. 17, 30, 31 18--ORDINANCE NO. 4-88 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tion 7-3 thereof regulating the DISPOSITION OF ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE ............................... 21 18--ORDINANCE (Code) -- re: Method of Voting ............. 21 18--O'Brien, Assistant City Attorney Requesting ratification of changes requested by TCI -- approval of an amendment to the Lease ........................................... 26 Feb. 1--ORDINANCE NO. 7-88 Amending Appendix A of the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 3-3.2B(43) of the Neighborhood Shopping Center District to allow Business Services, excluding Sign Painting as a Principal Permitted Use in C-2 Districts ...................................... 33, 42, 43 1--ORDINANCE NO. 6-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 2-41(f) thereof relating to the Method of Voting on Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions and by Adopting the Following New Section 2-41(f) relk~ing to the Method of Voting on Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions ................. 35, 36 1--ORDINANCE -- Method of Voting on same, etc .......... 35 1--ORDINANCE -- re: Corp. Counsel recommending no changes regarding excavatings in City Streets by utility companies. 36 1--Oky Doky #7, 3301 Convenient Marts, Inc., Cigarette Permit. 36 1--Oky Doky #7 (B & M Convenient Marts), Class "C" Beer Permit. 37 Feb. 15--ORDINANCE NO. 17-88 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map to approve a Conceptual Development Plan for the ID Institutional District for Wartburg Theological Seminary. ................................................... 44, 74-76 15--ORDINANCE -- Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by enacting a new Section 3-5.4 WF-1 Waterfront-1 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 15--(Continued) District, by enacting a new Section 3-5.5 WF-2 Waterfront -2 District, by enacting a new Section 3-5.6 WF-3 Waterfront -3 District and by amending Section 4~3.11 to pro- vide regulations for signs for the WF-1 Waterfront -1 District, WF-2 Waterfront-2 District and WF-3 Waterfront -3 District. 45, 76 15--ORDINANCE Amending the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 3051, 3055 and 3077 Brun- skill Rd. from R1 Single Family Residential District to C-3 General Commercial District ........................... 49, 77 15--ORDINANCE NO. 8-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 2-35(e) thereof relating to the Motion to Reconsider and by adopting the following new Section 2-35(e) relating to the Motion to Reconsider ................................. 51 Feb. 29--ORDINANCE NO. 9-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Table Number 20-A of Chapter 30 thereof relating to plumbing Per- mit Fees and by adopting a new Table Number 20-A Relating Plumbing Permit Fees ................................ 61, 62 29--ORDINANCE NO. 10-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Table Number 3-A of Ch. 19 Relating to Mechanical Permit Fees and by Adopting a new Table Number 3-A of Chapter 19 relating to MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES ..................... 63, 64 29--ORDINANCE NO. 11-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Table Number 13-A of Chapter 13 Relating to Electrical Per- mit Fees and by adopting a new Table Nb 13A Relating to ELECTRICAL PERMI~ ............................. 64-66 29--ORDINANCE NO. 12-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 7-23(a) relating to THE FEE FOR THE Redemption of an Impounded Dog or Cat, and by adopting a New Section 7-23(a) relating to the fee for the redemption of an Impounded Dog or · Cat... ........ 67 29--ORDINANCE NO, 13-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 36-43(d) relating to Permit & Inspection Fee for a Private Sewage Disposal System and by adopting a new Section 36-43(d) relating to the permit and inspection fee for a private Sewage · Disposal System ..................................... 67, 68 29--ORDINANCE NO. 14-88 Amending the Code by Repealing the Permit Fee for Milk Plants, and Section 16-36(d) relating to the Credit Against the Permit Fee and by Adopting a new Section 16-36(a) relating to such Permit Fees, and a new Section 16-36(d) relating to the Credit Against such Permit Fees ........... 68 29--ORDINANCE NO. 15-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 36-161 thereof relating to the Rates Charged for Water for Residential, Core-rnercial, Industrial and other uses, and by adop- ting a new Section 36-161, relating to the Rates charged for Water for Residential, Commercial, IndustrioJ and other uses. 69, 70 29--ORDINANCE NO. 16-88 Amending the Code by Repealin4,~ Sec- tion 17-36 thereof relating to Charges and Fees for the Collec- tion and Disposal of Garbage and Refuse, and by Adopting a new Section 17-36 relating to the Charges and Fees for the Col- lection and Disposal of Garbage and Refuse .............. 70 Mar. 7--ORDINANCE Amending the Code by adding Reosevelt Street Extension to subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for the prohibiting of parking on Roosevelt St. Extension... 81 7--ORDINANCE NO. 18-88 Amending the Code by revising Appendix A by repealing etd. No. 7-88 Repealing Section 3-3.2B(43) and Enacting a new Section 3-3.2B (43) of the C-32 Neighborhood SHOPPING CENTER DISTRICT to ALLOW BUSINESS SERVICES~ EXCLUDING SIGN PAINTING, AS A PRINCIPAL PERMITTED USE WITH APPLICABLE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS ............ 84-85 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 19-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec. tion 33-120 Eliminating a Provision Relating to the Use of a Local Vehicle Tax ..................................... 85 7--Oky Doky #5 (Schumacher), Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 90 7--Oky Doky #10, (Will-Ca Inc.), Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 90 7--October 1987, Printed Council Proceedings approved ....... 91 7--Oswald, Lawrence, CLAIM; Closure ..................... 91, 181 7--Oberbroeckling, David F. & Joanna K. (Eddy Rays), Class "C" (BW) Liquor License. ................................. 91 Apr. 4--ORDINANCE NO. 20-88 Amending Sectinn 25-274 of the City, Providing for fines for Parking Violations, by Repealing Subsec- tion (1) thereof relating to Overtime Parking, Double Parking and any other Standing-or Parking Violation, and Adopting a new Subsection (8~, relating to Overtime Parking, Double Park- lng and any other standing or Parking Violation: and by adding thereto a new subsection 18) Providing for the fine for Parking within Five (5) Feet of a Fire Hydrant in Violation of Section 25-256(4), of the City Code. ............................ 108-109 4--ORDINANCE NO. 21-88 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tion 25-256(4) Prohibiting Parking within Five (5) Feet of a Fire Hydrant, and Adopting the Following new Section 25-256(4) hiblting Parking within Five (5) feet of a Fire Hydrant. .... 109 4--Option Agreement to Furehase Land in the Dubuque Industrial Center (5th Addn.) Resolution Authorizing Preparation & ~xecutinn ........................................... 112 4--Oky Doky #7, Class "E" Liquor License (B&M Convenience Marts, Inc.) ......................................... 120 4--O'Brien, Attorney Tim submitting findings of IA Court of Appeals re: Flynn Ready Mix case ...................... 126 Apr. 18--ORDINANCE re: updating City's authority and responsibili- ty to inspect food service establishments, food and beverage vending machines and hotels and motels ................. 127, 134 18--ORDINANCE re: updating the name of the State agency that regulates private sewage disposal systems ................ 127, 135 18--Operating Assistance Application -- Keyline ets ......... 128 18--ORDINANCE Repealing Ordinance No. 74-85 which granted an Easement to the IL Central Gulf RR Ca, Chicago, IL to lay down, operate and maintain an Industrial Track along Kerper Blvd., and adopt a new Ord. granting an Easement for the construction and/or operation of a RR track in the same inca- tion to Conti~Carriers & terminals, In~ a Delaware Corp .... 129 18--ORDINANCE NO. 26-88 Providing that General Property Taxes levied and collected each year on ail property located within the I ~ Dbq. ndustrial Center Economic Development District in the City by and for the benefit bf the State of IA, City of Dbq., County of Dbq., Dbq. Community Schools District, and other t~xing districts, be paid to a special fund for payment of prin- cipal and interest on loans, mcmies, advanced and indebtedness, including bonds issued and incurred by said City in connection with approved Development Projects located within said Urban Renewal/Economic Development District ........ 129, 152-153 18--ORDINANCE NO. 24-88 Amending Zoning Ordinance by enac- ting a new Section 3-2.1D(10)b(6) in lieu thereof, by allowing retail bakeries and the sale of bottled wine and gourmet pro- ducts as conditional uses in the OR Office Residential District. ................................................ 129, 145, 146 18--Operatinn~ New View - Chairperson requesting City to recon- sider its withdrawal from participation in the existing 28E Agreement .......................................... 132 INDEX -- BOOK 118 ! 988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--ORDINANCE NO. 22-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Subsection (a) of Section 36-44 and Subsection (b) of Section 26-45 thereof and enacting a new Subsection (a) of Section 36-44 and a new Subsection (b) of Section 26-45 in lieu thereof pro- viding for the location and design of Private Disposal Systems. 135 18-Oky Doky #7, Class "BE" Beer Permit .................. 138 18--Oak Ridge Athletics, Inc. (McAleece Park etc.), Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 138 May 2--ORDINANCE NO. 23-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec. tions 16-6 through 16-10 and Sections 16-17 through 16-25 thereof enacting new Sections 16-6 through 16-9 in lieu thereof regulating Food Service Establishments, Food and Beverage Vending Machines and Hotels and Motels ............... 144, 145 2--ORDINANCE NO. 25-88 Vacating a Portion of Metz St; from Riverview St. Westerly to the Alley between Riverview St. and Althanser St ........................................ 147 May 16--ORDINANCE Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying pm- petty at 3051, 3055 and 3077 Brunskill Rd. from R-1 Single Family Res. Dist. to CSA Commercial Service & Wholesale Dist, 163, 184 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 29-88 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property north of Raven Oaks Drive from PR Planned Residential Dist. to R-4 Multi-Family Residential District ......................................... 164, 184, 185 16--ORDINANCE NO. 30-88 Amending Zoning Ordinance by approving a Conceptual Development Plan for the Xavier Park ID Institutional District ........................... 164, 185, 186 16--ORDINANCE NO, 31488 Amending Zoning Ordinance by approving an amendment to the Conceptual Development Plan for the University of Dbq. ID Institutional District. ........ 164, 187 16--ORDINANCE NO. 27-88 Providing for the Licensing System for Companies Non-Franchise Communication Systems Within the City .......................................... 169, 170-175 16--ORDINANCE NO. 28-88 Changing the name of Ney Court to Ravenwood Ct. in the Clarke Crest Estates Subdivision .... 175, 176 June 6~ORDINANCE providing that the Code of Ordinances be amend. ed by revising Appendix A, by reclassifying property located north of Foothill Drive from R-3 Moderate Density Multi- Family Residential District to PC ...................... 199 6--ORDINANCE NO. 32-88 Amending the Code by Deleting the First unnumbered Paragraph of Section 31-4, Defining "Alarm" and Adopting a new Paragraph in lieu thereof, defining "Alarm" and by Adopting a new Section 31-9(f) Providing for an Alarm Monitoring Fee ...................................... 200, 201 6--Operation: New View -- Purchase of Services Agreement FY 89. 201 6--Operating Engineers -- Agreement with City ............. 206 " 6--Oky Doky #1, #6, #11, Cigarette Permits ................ 208 " 6--Ohmert Farm, Final Plat approval of Lot 1-2, Sec. 3 ....... 213 June 20--ORDINANCE NO. 33-88 Providing that the Code of Or- dinances be amended by revising the Zoning Ordinance to reclassify property at the southeast corner of the intersection of Hwys. 61-151 and 52 from AG Agricultural Dist. to C-3 ................ ~ .............................. 219, 227, 228 20--O'Maliey, Tim, Petition re: fence structure ............... 221 20--Old Shang, Cigarette Permit ........................... 222 20--Oky Doky #5, #14 etc., Cigarette Permits ................ 223 20--Oky Doky #15, Class "C" Beer Permit .................. 224 July 5--ORDINANCE Providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by reclassifying property at 3051, 3055, and 3077 Brunskill Rd. from R-1 Single Family Residential District to CS Commercial Service & Wholesale District ............. 228 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--ORDINANCE NO. 34-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 25-348 thereof and enacting a new Section 25-348 revising the PENALTY FOR IMPROPER USE OF HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES .................................. 236 5--Oehrle, John appointed to Five Flags Civic Center Comm.. 237 5--ORDINANCE NO. 35-88 Amending Code by Adding Solon St. to Subsection (b) of Section 25-210 thereof providing for the Designation of Stop Signs at the Intersection of Solon St. & Nevada St .......................................... 237 5--O'Conneli, Daniel E, appointed to TV Cable Comm. Teleprogram- ming Corem ......................................... 238 5--Oky Doky #10, Wlilco In~, Cigarette Permit .............. 239 5--Oky Doky #15, Harriet Ginter, Cigarette Permit .......... 239 5--Otting, Eugene A. (The Dip qhp), Cigarette Permit ........ 239 5--Outlot 667, re: Resolution of intention to dispose of City,owned property, Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Outfet 667 ................... 248 July 18--ORDINANCE NO. 37-88 Vacating the public steps between Montrose Terrace and Falrview Place, located in Lot 15 of Fair- view Sub ............................................ 250, 262 18--ORDINANCE NO. 36-88 Amending Zoning Ord. of the City by enacting a new Section 3-3~1B(15) to allow a clothing/ac- cessory store as a pormitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Com- meroial District ...................................... 250, 262 18--Oky Doky #1, Perfewitz, In~, Class "C" Beer Permit ...... 252 18--~Ostrander, Patricia, CLAIM; Closure .................... 252, 271 18--Orohard St., E. Techiggfrie dedication of portion of street to City. 253 18--O'Maliey, Tim re: fence high limits in Historic Districts .... 254 Aug. 1--O'Connor, Attorney Francis, objecting to Reosevelt Rd. Sanitery Sewer Assessment ................ '. ........ i .......... 259 " 'l--Outlot 667, Approval of Sale of I~t 2 or Lot 3 of san~e (423 Loras Blvd.) to Timothy Moore & Thomas Moore ............... 261 " 1--Office Space Revision in Housing Services Office at 18th & Central.: ........................................... 268 " 1--Oliver, Wayne, Closure of Claim ......................... 271 Aug. 15--ORDINANCE NO. 38-88 Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying properties 2350 and 2368 Central and 2351 White St. From R-2A Alternate Two Family Residential District to C-2 Neighborhood Commercial District ................... 275, 297-298 15--ORDINANCE NO. 40-88 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 7-25 prohibiting dogs and cats from run- ning at large under the Code of Ordinances ............... 287, 303 15--ORDINANCE NO. 41-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City, Chapter 5, Alcoholic Beverages, by amending portions of Section 5-2, 5-3, 5-5, 5-21, 5-23, 5-27, 5-28, 5-30, 5-33, 5-37. 288, 303 15--Oky Doky #11, Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 288 Sep. 6--ORDINANCES re: Sidewalk inspection .................. 299 6--ORDINANCE NO. 46-88 Amending Code by enacting new Sec- tions 33-91 and 33-92 in lieu thereof and enacting new Sections 33-93 through 33-95 re: maintenance and repair of public sidewalks ........................................... 300, 333 6--ORDINANCE NO. 47-88 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 37.16 in lieu thereof and creating a new Section 37.17 relating to the planting & removal of trees on public right-of-way and the establishment of a Street Tree & Landscaping On public right-of-way policy .............. 300, 333-335 6--ORDINANCE Amending Code of Ordinances by adding a por- tion of W 11th St. & Olive St. to subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing for the prohibiting of parking ........... 302 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Sep. 6--Olive St. & W. 11th St. re: prohibition of parking requested. 302, 316 6--ORDINANCE NO. 39-88 Amending Code by adding a portion of Rosedale Ave. to Subsection (D) of Section 25-257 thereof pro- viding for the PROHIBITING OF PARKING ............ 302 6--Osborne, Roger, resigning from Historic Pres. Comm ....... 309 Sep. 19--ORDINANCE Amending Appendix A of the Code of Ord. by reclassifying property east of Keyway Dr. & Keystone Dr. from "R-1 Single Fa~nily Residential District to R-3 Multi-Family District ............................................. 312, 325 " 19--ORDINANCE NO. 43-88 Amending Appendix "A" of the Code by amending Conceptual Development Plan for existing PR Planned Res. Dist. for property located at NW Comer of Chaney Rd. & Asbury Rd .................................... 312, 326 19--ORDINANCE NO. 45-88 Vacating a portion of Cedar Cross Rd. beginning @ 200' north of Starlight Dr., thence approx. 440' northerly toward Crescent Drive ..................... 313, 328, 329 19--ORDINANCE NO. 44-88 Vacating Shiras Ave. Extension from the south property line of Harbor St. to south end of Shiras Extension ........................................... 314, 327 19--ORDINANCE Amending the Code of Ordinances by adopting new Sections 33-91 and 33-92 in lieu thereof, re: notice to pro- perty owners to repair, replace or reconstruct sidewalks .... 316 19--ORDINANCE Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 37-16 in lieu thereof and creating a new Section 37-17 re: planting & removal of trees on public right-of-way and the establishment of a street tree and landscaping on public right-of-way policy .................................... 316 19--ORDINANCE Amending the Code of Ordinances by adding a portion of West 11th St. & Olive St. to subsection (d) of Section 25-257 thereof providing the prohibiting of parking ........ 316 " 19--ORDINANCE NO. 42-88 Amending the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 4-1 Adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 4-1, Changing the name of the AIRPORT of the City from "Tlie Dubuque Municipal Airport" to "Dubuque Regional Airport". ................................... 318 Oct. 3--October 15 as "White Cane Safety Day" -- Proclamation... 325 Oct. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 56-88 Amending Appendix A of Code, by enacting a new section 2-8.1 to allow fences in Historic Districts in excess of the height limitations as a Conditional Use.. 343, 360-361 17--ORDINANCE NO. 48-88 Amending Code by repealing Section 1-16(a) thereof relating to Violations, Penalties, & Alternative Relief and Adopting the following new Sections 1-16(a) relating to Violations, Penalties & Alternative Relief .............. 345 17--ORDINANCE NO. 49-88 Authorizing Jeld-Wen Fiber Products of IA, 250 E. 8th St., a Building Enclosure Within the Public Right-Of-Way on Jackson St ........................... 346 17--ORDINANCE NO. 50-88 Authorizing Richard Hartig to con- struct a Roof/Soffit Projection Over the City Sidewalk ..... 348 " 17--ORDINANCE NO. 51-88 Authorizing Unique Boutique to Con- struct a Mansard Roof on West Side of Building 55' Long, 48" Wide, 8¼ Feet above Sidewaik ......................... 349 17--ORDINANCE NO. 52-88 Authorizing Interstate Power Co. (1000 Main St.) to construct a One Story Building with Full Basement ........................................... 351 17--ORDINANCE NO. 53-88 Amending the Code by Repealing in Sec. 1-2, "Rules of Construction" the unnumbered Paragraph "Computing Time; Legai Holidays" and Substituting in lieu thereof a new unnumbered paragraph "Rules of Construction Time; Legal Holidays". ................................ 353 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 54-88 Amending the Code by repealing in Section 4-63 Definitions, the Unnumbered Paragraph "Structure" and by adopting a new Unnumbered Paragraph "Structure" relating to Airport Zoning Regulations ................... 354 (VENDING MACHINES) -- 17--ORDINANCE NO. 55-88 Amending the City by Repealing in Section 16-17, Definitions. The unnumbered Paragraph "Depm-~- ment" and Adopting in lieu thereof a new unnumbered paragraph "Department"; by Repealing in Section 16-17 the unnumbered paragraph "Regulatory Authority" and adopting in lieu thereof a numbered paragraph "Regulatory Authority"; by adding in Sect. 16-17 a new unnumbered paragraph "Director"; by repeal- ing Section 16-18(a) "License to Operate" and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 16-18(a) "License to Operate"; by Repeal- lng Section 16-19a, "Application for License" and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 16-9(a); "Application for License" and by repealing Section 16-25, "Disciplinary action for Violations of Article, Unsanitary Conditions, Etc." and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 16-25 "Disciplinary Action". 355 17--O'Hara, J. & P. Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 357 17--Old Shang, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 357 Nov. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 59~88 Vacating 26' of Kerper Blvdi identified as Lot lA to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subd. No. 3 ....... 362, 381 7--ORDINANCE NO. 57-88 Amending the Code by Repealing the ~)efinition of "Disability" in Section 21-1 and Enacting a new Definition of "Disability" in Section 21-1 in lieu thereof. .... 366, 367 7--ORDINANCE NO. 58-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tinns 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), and 21-83(b) and enacting new Sections 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), and 21-83(b) Providing for the Change from "Hearing Officer" to "Administrative Law Judge". ........ 368, 369 21--Option Agreement with City & Thermalyne Corp .......... 380 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. 65-88 Amending Code of Ordinances by enac- ting a new Section 3-3.1B(16) to allow TV/RadioNideo Sales & Service with a maximum of 3500 Sq. Ft. in gross floor area as a permitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Comm. Dis- trict ......................................... 383, 395, 413, 414 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. 64-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances by amending pertions of Ch. 21 d~flning "Familial Status" re: aiding and abetting; re: exemption from accommodations or services protection & discounts based on ~ge; re: prohibited housing prac- tices; re: prohibited employment practices and re: AIDS testing in employment; re: prohibited education practices .......... ........................................ 387, 399, 400, 409-411 " 21--ORDINANCE NO..60-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dbq., Ch. 25, Motor Vehicles & Traffic, by Repealing in Section 25-2 the unnumbered Subsection Defining "Commercial Vehicle"; etc ......................................... 387, 388 21--ORDINANCE NO. 61-88 Amending the Code of Ordinwacce, City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section 26-12 "Carrying Con- cealed Weapons" and substituting in lieu thereof a new Section 26-12 "Carrying Concealed Weapon.". ................... 389, 390 21--ORDINANCE NO. 62-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, IA by repealing Section 27-60 Relating to Distribution of Handbills .............................. 390 21--Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 391 21--October, 1988, Finanalal Reports submitted by Mgr ........ 392 Dec. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 63-88 Amending Ordinance No. 26-88 to Clarify the Application of Ordinance No. 26-88 in regard to the Collection of Toxes for the Payment of the Debt of Taxing District ......... ................................... : 398 INDEX -- BOOK 118 SUBJECT PAGE 5--Oky Doky #7, Cigarette Permit ........................ 5--October Financial Report.. ? ........................... 5--Oakland Farms Road/Military Road -- P & Z Comm. approv- ing final plat of Archdiocese Place ...................... 400 418 419 INDEX -- BOOK 118 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 54~88 Amending the Code by repealing in Section 4~63 Definitions, the Unnumbered Paragraph "Structure" and by adopting a new Unnumbered Paragraph "Structure" relating to Airport Zoning Regulations ................... (VENDING MACHINES) -- 17--ORDINANCE NO. 55-88 Amending the City by Repealing in Section 16-17, Definitions. The unnumbered Paragraph "Depart- m~mt" and Adopting in lieu thereof a new unnumbered paragraph "Department"; by Repealing in Section 16-17 the unnumbered paragraph "Regulatory Authority" and adopting in lieu thereof a numbered paragraph "Regulatory Authority"; by adding in Sect. 16-17 a new unnumbered paragraph "Director"; by repeal- ing Section 16-18(a) "License to Operate" and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 16-18(a) "License to Operate"; by Repeal- lng Section 16-19a, "Application for License" and adopting in lieu tbereof a new Section 16-9(a); "Application for License" and by repealing Section 16-25, "Disciplinary action for Violations of Article, Unsanitary Conditions, Etc." and edopting in lieu thereof a new Section 16-25 "Disciplinary Action". 17--O'Hara, J. & P. Class "B" Beer Permit .................. 17--Old Shang, Class "C" Liquor License .................... Nov. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 59-88 Vecating 26' of Kerper Blvd. identified Dec. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 63-88 Amending Ordinance No. 26-88 to Clarify the Application of Ordinance No. 26-88 in regard to the Collection of Taxes for the Payment of the Debt of Taxing District ......... ................................... 354 355 357 357 as Lot lA to Lot 1, Block 7, Riverfront Subd. No. 3 ....... 362, 381 7--ORDINANCE NO. 57-88 Amending the Code by Repealing the ~)efinition of "Disability" in Section 21-1 and Enacting a new Dofinition of "Disability" in Section 21-1 in lieu thereof ..... 366, 367 7--ORDINANCE NO. 58-88 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tions 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), and 21-83(b) and enacting.new Sections 21-80, 21-81(a)(2), and 21-83(b) Providing for the Change from "Hearing Officer" to "Administrative Law Judge". ........ 368, 369 21--Option Agreement with City & Thermolyne Carp .......... 380 21--ORDINANCE NO. 65-88 Amending Code of Ordinances by enac- ting a new Section 3-3.1B(16) to allow TV/Radio/Video Sales & Service with a maximum of 3500 Sq. Ft. in gross floor area as a permitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Comm. Dis- trict ......................................... 383, 395, 413, 414 21--ORDINANCE NO. 64-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances by amending portions of Ch. 21 de'fining "Familiol Status" re: aiding and abetting; re: exemption from accommodations or services protection & discounts based on age; re: prohibited housing prac- tices; re: prohibited employment practices and re: AIDS testing in employment; re: prohibited education practices .......... ........................................ 387, 399, 400, 409-411 21--ORDINANCE NO. 60-88 Amending the Cede of Ordinances, City of Dbq., Ch. 25, Motor Vehicles & Traffic, by Repealing in Section 25-2 the unnumbered Subsection Defining "Commexcial Vehicle"; ete ......................................... 387, 388 21--ORDINANCE NO. 61-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa by repealing Section 26-12 "Carrying Con- cealed Weapons" and substituting in lieu thereof a new Section 26-12 "Carrying Concealed Weapon.". ................... 389, 390 21--ORDINANCE NO. 62-88 Amending the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, IA by repealing Section 27-60 Relating to Distribution of Handbills .............................. 390 21--Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 391 21--October, 1988, Financial Reports submitted by Mgr ........ 392 398 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 5--Oky Doky #7, Cigarette Permit ........................ 400 5--October Financial Report.., ........................... 418 5--Oakland Farms Road/Military Read -- P & Z Comm. approv- ing final plat of Archdiocese Place ...................... 419 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE P Jan. 4--Pratt, Michaci -- sworn in as newly elected Council Member. 1 4--PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............... 8, 23, 38, 53, 91, 120, 157, 180, 210, 240, ........................................ 252, 270, 306, 358, 391 4--POLICE & FIRE RETIREMENT BOARDS SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......................................... 8, 91, 240 4--POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................. 8, 91, 157, 210, 401 4--Public Works Garage Addition -- Completion of Project documents .......................................... 8, 9 Jan. 18--Prayer Week for Christian Unity, Proclamatinn ............ 12 18--Pregler, Walter re: Verbal Report on Local Option Tax proposal. 19 18--Park & Rec. Commission re: in favor of Long term Lease for Four Mounds Park ........................................ 19 18--Payment in lieu of taxes City/A.Y. McDonald's ............ 20 18--PUBLIC LIBRARY SUBMIT'rING MINUTES: .......... ...................... 23, 53, 91, 120. 180, 252, 290, 306, 372, 401 " 18--P.J.'s (Jim Wsite's), C~garette Permit & Class "C" Liquor License. 23 " 18--Pannsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer between J.F.K. & Bies Drive -- acceptance of construction contract ................... 28 Feb. 1--Pasko, Rev. Kurt, Chaplain of U.D., gave Invocation ....... 30 1--Planinng & Zoning Fees, Official Schedule adopted ......... 35 1--Potter, Lee W. Sr. (West Locust Mart), Class "C" Beer Permit. 37 1--Pizza Hut, Class "B" Beer Permit ...................... 37 1--Printed Council Proceedings for Aug. & Sept., 1987, approved. 37 1--PARK & RECREATION COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: .................... 38, 120, 210, 225, 252, 270, 306, 358, 372, 401 1--PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........ ......................................... 38, 157, 270, 306, 372 1--Petition of Wm. Daugherty requesting to vacate & purchase a piece of City property at 10th & Bluff Sts ................ 38 1--Plauning & Zoning Commission recommending approval of Con- cept Plan for Waterfront Districts & amendment to Zoning Ord. -- Spec. Districts Waterfront 1, 2, & 3 ................... 45 1--Paving Project (1987), Assesmnents ete .................. 48 1--Planning & Zoning Comm. advising of denial of property rezon- lng at 3051, 3055 & 3077 Brunskill Rd. from R-1 Single Finn. to C-3 Gen. Commercial Dis ...................... 49 1--Planning & Zoning Comm. approving final plats of Sub. of Lot 2 -- NW ¼ -- NE ¼ and SW ¼ -- NE ¼ Section 9, South of the Rupp Hollow Rd. & Brittany Woods Sub ............. 55 1--Plate approved of Subd~ of that part of Lot 2 -- NW ¼ NE ¼ and that part of the SW ¼ NE ¼ -- Section 9. Township 89 North, Range 2 E. of the 5th Principal Meridian Lying South of Rupp Hollow Rd ................................... 56 I--Platt approved of Brittany Woods in Dbq. County ......... 56 Feb. 29 ~Pinmbing Fees i'bange~l v~ flr~nmice 61 62 Mar. 7--Prohibiting Parking on north si(ie of Roosevelt St, Extension from Kerper Blvd. to Kilgore St ........................ 81 " 7--Pape Grain Co., Notice from IA DOT re: condemnation of cer~ taln lands ........................................... 91 7--Plat (Final) of Clarke Crest Estates Fourth Addn., approval. 94, 95 7--Petitinn of Attorney A1 Hughes (for Dbq. Tank Terminal), re: easement or lease on parcel of prop. near RR tracks ........ 97 Apr. 4--Property disposal to IA DOT for relocated 61 Project ..... 100 4--Parking -- Overtime; Double & All Violations -- New Ordinance. 108, 109 4--Parking prohibited near Fire Hydrant 109 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 4--Pricing Structure of Disposition Sito in Dbq. Ind. Center -- VARIANCE ......................................... 112 4--Purchase of real estate located at 423 & 437 Loras Bird .... 118 4--Pfus, Jerry, CLAIM; Closure ........................... 120, 157 4--Primary Rd. U.S. No. 61 -- matter of condemnation of certain rights -- re: IA DOT Submitting an amendment to Application & Amendment of Notice re: property owned by Miller Elec. Supply, Inc .......................................... 121 4--Pax~ing of employee parking lot at Dbq. Racing Assn. -- discontinuation ....................................... 122 4-- Pinnning Assistance Application for MPO to cover planning/pre. gram activities re: Keyline ............................. 128 4--Plat Approved 0f~ vacated portion of Metz St. from Riverview St. Westerly to Alley between Riverview St. & Althauser St. 131 4--Planning & Zoning -- amendment to Home Occupation section of Zon. Ord .......................................... 133 A,,pr. 18--Police Entrance Level -- certified individuals by Civil Set. Comm. 139 18--Pape Groln Co. -- advising of Appralsemant of damages awarded to their property (IADOT) ............................. 140 18--Pinnning & Zoning approving final plat of Lot 1-2-2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 5th Addition .................................. 142 May 2--Pahner Drug Co., Class "C" Liquor License ............... 156 May 12--Pace, Bob of Brutger Co. giving Downtown Hotel presentation. 158 May 16--Parkinson Awareness Week, Proclamation ................ 159 " 16--Prism Corp. awarded contract for Rohab. Project -- Walls/Roof, KEYLINE .......................................... 162 16--P & Z approving rezaning request for property on Brunskill Rd. 163 16--P & Z approvin4: mzoning request of T. Leibold for north of Raven Oaks prop ................................. ~ .......... 163 16--P & Z approving rezoning request of Kennedy Construction Co. for Xavier Park Retirement Center ...................... 164 16--Planning & Zoning Comm. approving amendment to Concepteal Development Plan for University of Dbq ................. 164 " 16--Polsean, Al objecting to utility rates etc .................. 167 16--Planning & Zoning Commission appointments of Stephen Hardie and Nicholas Schrup to three year terms ................. 178 16--P.P.S., refund of Liquor License ......................... 180 16--Purchase of Services Agreement for Northeast Iowa, Inc., Contract Executed .................................... 181 Ju~e 5 Petition oI Airport Co,mn. requesting Council endorse the Commission's efforts to complete the Terminal renovation. 193 " 6--Purchase of Services Agreements approved for FY 89 ...... 201 6--Phone A Friend Agreement -- re: Budget etc 201, 202 6- Prof. Firefighters Agreement with City for FY 89 204 6--Policemen's Protective Assn. re: Agreement ~or FY 89 ...... 205 · ,, 6--Perlewitz, Inc. (Oky Doky #1I), Cigarette Permit .......... 208 6--Pothoff, Ronald & Betty (Miracle Car Wash), Cigarette Permit. 208 6-Palmer Drug Co., Cigarette Permits 208 6 Potter, Lee Sr. (Neighborhood Grocery etc.), Cigarette Perrrfits and Class "C" Beer Permits ............................ 208, 209 6--Petition of Dbq. Golf & Country Club requesting permission for Fireworks Display on 7/3 .............................. 210 6--Promotional Exams for Fire Dept. -- Certified individuals by Civil Service Commission .............................. 212 6--Plat approval for Ohmert Farm (Lot 1-2) ................. 213 June 20--Paulsen Electric Co. awarded contract for Keylino Transit Facility Electrical System 217, 218 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 20--Petition of D. Mueiler for rezoning S/E corner of Hwy. 61-151 . and 52 from AG to C-3. 219 20--Purchase of Services Agreement for Land of Festivals for FY beginning 7-I...., .................................... 221 20--Petitinn of Tim O Malley re: fence structure (city code) ..... 221 20--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit ................... 222 20--Perkin's, Inc. Cigarette Permit .......................... 222 20--Pasateri Bros. Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 224 20--Palmer Drug Co., Grandvlew Drug, Class "C" Beer Permit. 224 20--Paurs Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 225 " 20--Petition of Rev. KUtseh of St. Anthony's re: No Parking on south side of Rosedale.. ........... 226 20--Petition of landowners of W. 11th St. re: elimination of parking on portions of nearby sts.. 226 20--People's Natural Gas submitting the 1988 Dbq. Aauual Report. 226 July 5--Peru Road vicinity, construction of Roosevelt Rd. Sanitary Sewer .............................................. 230 5--Parking Ramp, Locust St., Major Rehabilitation ........ 232, 263, 264 5--Parking Violation -- Handicap, increase fine from $15 to $25. 236 5--Park & Rec. Comm. appointments of Richard Bean and Ralph Har?,ep ................................. ............ 238 5--Paul s Tavern, Cigarette Permit... ...................... 239 July 18--Purchase of Services Agreement approved between City & Dbq. Humane Society ...................................... 251 18--1~eriewitz, Inc., (Oky Doky #11), Class "C" Beer Permit 252 18--P & Z approving final plat of Sub. of Lot 1-1-17 and Lot 17B of Reebes Sub. No. 2 located east of McCormick St ........ 253 I8--P & Z submitting a response re: request of Tim O'Malley re: fences above current Ord~ height limits in His. Districts .... 254 18--Planning Strategy for Freeway Corridor for Council ........ 269 Aug. 1--Padi, Lanny, settlement of CLAIM ...................... 271 1--Petition of R. Hartig re: soffit over City sidewalk .......... 271 1--Petition of Dbq. County Hist. Society re: permission to have limited aerial fireworks display at Ice Harbor ............. 271 " I--Public Works Garage Fuel Storage Dispensing and Card System. 271, 272 " 1--Pleinass, Rev. Robert, of Bible Baptist Ch., Gave Invocation. 273 1--Patterson, Joleen, introduced to Council as employee of CD Dept. 273 Aug. 15--Police Dept. narcotics enforcement, submission of Grant App. 286 15--Plat approved of Subd. of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot i of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the SW Qtr. of the SW Qtr. in Section 16, Township 89 N. Range 2 East of the Fifth Principal Meridian. 294 15--Petition of Stacle Naldaughter et al requesting an amendment to ch. 21 of the City Cede by adding "sexual orientation" as a protected category... ~ ' ................................ 295 15--Petition of Sandy Klrkbride et al objecting to requested change in City Cede which would add "sexual orientation" as a protected category ............................................ 295 Sept. 6--Petition of J. Enzler of Dbq. Hist. Society re: long-term lease of National Rivers Hall of Fame ........................ 299 6--Plontiug and removal of trees on public right-of-way and establishment of a Street Tree & I,andscaping policy ....... ............................................ 300, 321, 334, 335 6--Parking on W. 11th St. & Olive St. -- recommendation for removal .......................................... 301, 316 6--Parking proh bited on south side of Rosedale Ave. from a point 70~ east of St. AmbroSe St. to alley easterly as petitioned by St. Anthony's Church ...... ,, ' .......................... 302 6--P.M.S.T. Inc. (Mark & Pauline Hancock), Cigarette Permit and Class "C" Liquor License~ ............................. 305, 306 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE 6--Pedretti, Diane CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................. 307, 320 6--Primary Road U.S. 61 -- IA DOT Condemnation of certain rights of Conlon Bldg ........................................ 307 6--Petition of Dis. Ex. of NE IA Council for Boy Scouts re: service clubs be allowed to continue fundralsing efforts as has been allowed in previous years .............................. 308 6--Petition of Edward Zalaznik re: City to vacate & convey pro- perry known as Railroad St. in Center Grove Addn ........ 308 " 6--Petition of J. Schrcoder & 92 signatures re: traffic lights need- ed at intersection of University & North Aigona Sts ....... 308, 384 6--Pedestrian croas-way needed at University & North Algona. 308, 384 Sept. 6--Police and Fire Retirement Systems submitting financial repot ts for year ending 6/30/88 ................................ 309 " 6--Frojects incompleted for FY 88, carried in to FY 89 ........ 309 Sept. 19--Park View Seb. -- Granting of 20' Wide Storm Sewer Easement Across Lot i of 18, to Sunnycrest Manor ................. 311, 330 19--Pace, Bob of Brutger Co. gave a report on Downtown Hotel, questing extension of time for documentation completion .... 315 " 19--P & Z advising of denial on request of R. Hansel to rezone prc~ perty at SW corner of Cedar Cross Rd. & Starlight Dr ..... 315 19--P & Z advising of denial of request by Kluck Const. & George Weitze. 315 19--Pratt, Mike -- Council Member appointed to Greater Dubuque Development Corp .................................... 319 19--Pizza Hut #2, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 319 19--Petition of Wahtert High School requesting permission to hold a bonfire Pep Rally on 10/13 ........................... 321 ,, 19--Public Input summary of Mgr.'s meeting re: Budget ....... 321 19--P & Z approving final plat of Buena Vista Sub. No. 6 ...... 321 " 19--P & Z approving final plat of Block 2 in Highland Park Estates. 322 Oct. 3--Prantner, Lori, objected to possible rezoning of Keyway Dr. & Keystone ............................................ 325 3--Park & Rec. Comm. re: Public Hearing for Roosevelt Park disposition .......................................... 333 3--Petition of Carnegie Stout Public Library Bd. -- approval for purchase of Laser Scanner ............................. 333 3--Parking Ramps etc. re: removal of soft drink vending machines. 335 3--Petitinn of Dean Brady of Jeld-Wen, Inc. requesting addition to their building 338 3--Pump, The, Class "C' Liquor License .................... 337 3--Petition of Unique Boutique requesting Mansard Roof over front of building at 2230 Central ............................. 338 Oct. 17--Pogroms, Re~nembrance af the Night of -- Proclamation .... 341 17--Petition of Attorney Brian Kane, on behalf of HRW Asso. re- questing reconsideration of action on zoning hloug Keyway Dr. 344 " 17--Petition of Jean Becker re: Halloween Trick or Treat time... 344 " 17--Penalties -- Civil for Violations ............. ............ 345 17--Policemen's Frot. Assn. before PERB submitting Prohlb. Frac. Complaint ........................................... 358 17-,Pule (Utility) -- complaint about Utility Co. putting in viewing Nov. 7--Paintiug, Repairing, Cleaning of Asbury Water Storage Tank. 364 7--Petition of Dubuque Racing Assn. re: approval of 3 capital ex- penditure items for Racing Season -- Equittrack, concrete tables & stouls & animated message machine ................... 365 7--Petitlon of Library Bd. of Trustees requesting increase of hours open (Library)... 365 7--Petition of Mayor Brady re: Barge Fleeting Lease ......... 365 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE 7--Petitlon of IA DOT requesting annexation of property to City -- portion of Hwy. 61/151 south of intersection of Hwy. 61/151. 370 7--Printed Council Proceedings of April, 1988 ................ 372 7--Pollcemen's Pretective Assn. re: withdrawal of prohibited prac- tlce complaint ........................................ 378 Nov. 21--Proposition of the Issuance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes of the City ........ 383 21--Park & Rec. Comm. re: application te place Eagle Point Park on National Reg. of Historic Places ...................... 385 21--Park & Recreation Comm. updating the Council on progress of Swimming Pool Connnittee ............................. 385 Nov. 21--Petition of Patti Cart requesting to address Council to ask IA DOT to reinstate soundwan in their final plans for HWY. 20 pro- ject from Concord to Rising St ......................... 385 21--Pinuning & Zoning Conun. -- Resolution of Necessity Finding for Urban Renewal Plan ............................... 385 " ~21--Phase III -- Res. of Necessity of Finding of Dbq. Ind. Center is an economic Development area and development of area is necessary -- no vote on motion ......................... 385 " 21--Penalty (civil) in the amt. of $300 for violation of Liquor License by Clair Woodman d/b/a Central Tap .................... 385 " 21--prograln Statement of Intent for Cal. Year 1989 for Comm. Devel. Block Grant Program ........................... 386, 387 " 21--Park Square Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 391 Dec. 5--1~lalness, Rev. Robert, Pastor of Bible Baptist Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 395 " 5--Plaques given to City Employees with 25 years of service... 395 5--Payment of Debt of Taxing District -- Application of Ord. No. 26-68 re: collection of taxes ......... ................... 398 5--Pabllc Works Director re: Barge Fleeting dccumente ....... 400 5--Petition of Lyle Whalen for Island Princess Cruises, re: develop- ment of land at 2400 Kerper Blvd ....................... 402 Dec. 19--Pyatignrsk, City in USSR, Designated as Sister-City to Dubuque, IA .................................................. 407 19--Permit Agreement for City Agreement with Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service ...................................... 408 " 19-- Proin~bited Housing Practices, Ord. amending new Section. 21-64. 409 19--Petition of John Viner, M.D. re: Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition ............................................ 411, 412 19--Petition of Sandra Kirkbride re: AIDS testing of employees. 412 19--Petition of Stacie Naldaughter & Ginny Lynns re: AIDS testing. 412 19--Puseteri, Lois, petition re: AIDS portion of Ord ........... 412 19--Petltion of A.L. Weitz objecting to AIDS Ord ............. 412 19--Precision Tool & En~-~eering, Execution of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement .......................................... 413 19--Planning & Zoning re: denial of alinwing furniture upholstery/repair store as a permitted use in C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District ...................................... 413 19--Payment Program for Local Option Sales & Services Tax, Endorsement o£ Legislative Proposal .................... 415 19--Plumblng Board appointment of Michael McDennett and A1 Bracket ............................................. 416 19--Plat approval of Green Valley Farms Subd. (north of English Mill Road.~ .......................................... 420 19--Pint approval of Lot 1-11 and 2-11 of Yinnnis Place ........ 421 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 1-Quinlan, Charles, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................. 38, 253 May 2-Quarterly investment report submitted (Invest. Policy) ...... 156 July 5--Quick Clean Laundry, Cigarette Permit .................. 238 Oct. 17-Quarterly Investment report for period ending 6/30/88 ...... 359 Nov. 21-Quarterly Investment Report submitted .................. 392 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan.. 4--Rabias veccination c~tificates must be forwarded to Health Ser- vices Div ............................................ 6 " 4--Regional Coordinating Council (N/E IA), -- appointment of C. Member Krieg to Board ............................... 7 4--Revolving Loan Fund -- re: Tucker Industries ............ 9 4--Right of Way Aasurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects, Agree. with IDOT .................................... 9 Jan. 18--Relocated 61 Project -- Disposal of City owned property to IDOT also giving' them temporary easement .................... 17 18--Richards, Mary -- supporting applications of P. Healey & K. Hindman to Human Rights Comm ...................... 22 18--Robbins, Rebecca reappointed to Hman Rights Commission. 22 18--Rofuse Collection Accounts -- added to taxes eto .......... 24, 25 18--River Front Subd. No. 5, re: Easement of Klauer Mfg. Co... 27 Feb. 1--Runyon, David, Dir. of Helping Services of N/E IA., Inc. re: substance abuse prevention efforts in Dubuque area ....... 38 Feb. 15--Report of P. Friedman of Dbq. Main Street Ltd ........... 45 15--Reoonalder "Motion" -- Ordinance change ................ 51 " 15--Rupp Hollow Road -- approval of nearby final plats ....... 55 Feb. 29--Runyon, Dave, of Helpin~ Services for N/E IA Inc. requesting $1500 for Educational Services Program ................. 59 29--Refuse & Garbage Collection -- Ordinance changing etc ..... 70 Mar. 7--Relccated 61 Project -- disposal of City owned property and granti~ of temporary easements to IA DOT ............. 79 7-- Roasevalt St. Extension from Kerper Blvd. to Kflgore St. -- pr~ hibiting parking ...................................... 81 7--Rescinding Resolution No. 48-88 re:. Contribution of funds lessened ............................................. 82 7--Revolving Loan Fund (EDA) to Carlisle Communications .... 83 7--Rundie, Floyd, applicant for Library Bd. of Trustees ....... 89 7--Rase, Dr. Craig, applicant for Airport Corem .............. 89 7--Rigal of IA {Godfather's Pizza), Class "B" Beer Permit.:... 90 7--Roalo, Joseph E. IKegger Beer Store), Class "BE" Beer Wine. 90 7--Ruegnitz Drug, Class "BE" Beer Wine .................. 90 Apr. 4--Rasarvoir (Water) on Asbury Rd., Rehabilitation ........... 104 4--Rehabilitation of Roof/Walls for Keyllne Transit Garage. ................................................ 105, 106, 161 4--1Relocated of an existing 30" Sanitary Sewer Force Main required for construction of Relocated 61 ........................ 106 4--Roosevelt St. Extension -- Parking (Klauer Mfg. Co.) ...... 108 4--Riverside Tractor Trailer Co. & Rowiey Interstate re: Parking restrictions on Roosevelt St ............................ 108 4--River City Paving aw~uxled bid for 1987 Asphalt paving Project. 117 4--Real Estate acquired on Loras Blvd. (423 & 437 Loras) ..... 118 4--Rasing Assn. -- Sl~preme Court opinion vs. Woodward; Paula P. Selcher t .......................................... 121 Apr. 18--Roof Replacement of Sludge Processing Bldg. at WWTP .... 130 18--Riverview St. & Althauser St. (Vacation of a portion of nearby Metz St.) ......................................... 131, 132, 147 18--Rainbo Oil Co. -- denial of P &Z to rezone property at 2257 Central etc .......................................... 133 18--Ruppel, phil, CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................... 139, 253 May 2--Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit.. 156 2--Rehab Loan participation intention of City Employee Paul Sehrnitt ............................................. 157A May 16--Rejection of Bids Received on May 5, 1988 on 2.4 Million Gallon Ground Reservoir Water Storage Tank on Asubry Rd ...... 160 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE May 16--Reroofing of Sludge Processing Bldg, WWTP ............. 162, 163 16--Raven Oaks, north of, P & Z appn~ving rezoning .......... 163, 164 16--Ravenwood Ct., changing of name of Ney Ct .............. 175 16--Rental Rehab. Program, Participation Executed by Mayor.. 176, 177 June 6--Rave~ Oaks Drive, rezoding of property north ............. 184, 185 6--Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Budget amount approved. 201 6--Racing Assn., Council Member Dirk Voetberg appointed .... 207 6--Rainbo Oil Co. -- Kwik Stop Food Mart; Cigarette Permits. 208 6--Riverside Bowl, Cigarette Permits; Class "C' Liquor License. 208, 209 6--Releaas of Funds for Metrix Co. Block Grant Project ....... 211 6--Racing Assn. re: concerns of settlement on Ch. Schmitt Island. 220 6--Radiologic Emergency Response Plan, Host County ........ 220 6--Ring, Richard J. (Mald-Rito), Cigarette Permit.. ~ .......... 222 6--Rusty's Chbiese Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............. 222 July 5--Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer -- construction project ..... 230, 231 5--Rehab. of Locust St. Parking Ramp ..................... 232, 233 5--Ralocatian Expansion Project of Metrix Co ............... 233 5--Renier, Jim appointed to TV Cable Regulatory Corem ...... 238 5--Ross, Don J., appointed to TV Cable Comm. Teleprogranuning Cornm .............................................. 238 July 18--Restrooms -- New, First Floor, City Hall .............. 247, 248, 273 18--Reberts, Marguerite, settlement of claim ................. 253 18--Reches Sub. No, 2, final plat of Sub. of Lot 1-1-17 & Lot 17B, final plat approval .................................... 253, 254 Aug. 1--Roosevalt Road Sanitary Sewer Project .................. 259, 260 1--Rehabilitation of Locust St. Parking Ramp ............... 263, 264 1--Receivar sought for property at 445 Loras, by CD Dept .... 267 1--Ruegnitz Drug, Refund of Beer Permit ................... 269 1--Ransdell, Mary, submitting resignation from Housing Comm. ' 271 1--Roof/Saffit project over City's sidewalk, request by Hartig's. 271 Aug. 15--Rubal, Jim, introduced as CD employee to Council ......... 273 15--Rental Rakab Program, Execution of Grant Agreement with US Dept. of HUD ....................................... 278 15--Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer Construction Project ....... 286 15--Rotman Parking Lot, transference of market Place Cafe Beer Permit .............................................. 288 15--Rainbo Off Co. -- Kwik Stop Food Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit. 288 Sept. 6--Regional Airport -- new name for Municipal Airport ....... 299 6--Removal of trees on public fight-of-way & establishment of Street Tree & Landscaping on public fight-of-way policy ....... 300, 334, 335 6--Rasedale Ave. & St. Ambrose St. to alley eastoriy -- No Parking. 302 6--Rainbow Lounge, T. Crawford, Class "B" Liquor Lic ....... 306 Sept. 19--Rezoning requested by Kluck Const. & G. Weitzel for 2769 University ............................. : ............. 315 19-- Removal of trees on public right-af-way -- new ORDINANCE. 316 19--Rose, Craig A., M.D., applicant for Airport Corem ......... 318 Oct. 3--Roosevelt Park disposition status ....................... 332, 333 " 3--Repair policy for sidewalks ............................. 333, 334 Oct. 17--Radiologic Technology Week, Proclamation ............... 341 " 17--Rememberance of the Night of Pogroms, Procianmtion ..... 341 " 17--Residential zoned nsighberheods, -- review of need for site plans & other controls ...................................... 345 " 17--Roof/Soffit construction for Hartig Drug Stores on Locust St. 347, 348 " 17--Rules of construction re: Legal Holidays, computing time etc. 352, 353 Nov. 7--Riverfront Subd. No. 3, Disposing of City Interest ideotified as Lot lA, to Lot 1, Block 7, to Georgia Pacific ............. 362 7--Riverfront Sebd. No. 3 -- Lot i of Block 2 -- City approve release of Tbermolyne Corp. form restrictive provisions ........... 361, 362 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov, 7--Repairing of Aebury water Storage Tank ................ , 364 7--Raelng Assn., re: 3 expenditure items: Equittrack, concrete tables & animated message board ............................. 365 7--Roedway Easement across Eagle Pt. Park property for driveway. 367 7--Rettenmaler, Randy, CLAIM; closure .................... 373, 392 7--RiverView Park, views expressed by Eugene & Glenda Thielbert. 373 Nov. 21--Riverfront Subd. No. 3 -- Ord. Vacating 26~ of Kerper Blvd. 381 21--Riverfront Subd. No. 3, Lot lA to Lot 1, Block 7 -- sale to Georgia-Pacific Corp .................................. 382 21--Radio/Video/TV Sales -- Ordinance Amending Code to allow as a permitted uso in C-1 Neighborhood Comm. Dis .......... 383, 395 21--Rceolutinn of Necessity Finding for Urban Renewal Plan and requesting to refer plan'to P & Z Comm. for review etc ..... 385 21--Rusty's Chinese Rest., Cigarette Permit .................. 390 '" 21--Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Mart, Class "E" Beer Permit. 391 Dec. 5--Rezoning request for property at 3606 Crescent Ridge. owned by Mr. Gremmal ..................................... 396 5--Removal of asbestos at Eagle Point Park Water Plant ...... 400 5--River City Tap & Grill, Cigarette Permit ................. 400 Dec. 19--Russia -- Pyatigersk; Sister City with Dubuque ........... 407 19--Repert (Summary) from Council's Freeway 61/151 Work Session. 412 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS Jan. 4--1-88 Reaffirming the Appointment pf the City Manager ..... 1 " 4--2-88 Providing for the Appointment of a City Clerk ........ 1 " 4--3-88 Pcevidlng for the Appointment of a Legal Staff for the Ci- ty of Dubuque ....................................... 1, 2 " 4--4-88 Desigea~ing the Official Newspaper of the City ........ 2 " 4--5-88 Amendment of Origino~ Leaso of DUBUQUE YACHT BASIN, INC ........................................ 2, 3 " 4--$88 Granting a one-year extension to the Thermolyne Corp. for compliance with the proviso of the deed that improvements must commence within I year ............................... 4 4--7-88 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with .the Dept. of Trans. USA,,for Grants under UMTA, as Amended ........ 5 4--8-88 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to Phillip R. Love (The Lounge) ........................................ 7 4--9-88 Accepting Improvement for Addition to Public Works Garuge ............................................. 8 4-- 1~88 Final Estimate of Addition to Public Works Garage in amt. of $69,045 ........................................... 9 4--11-88 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an AGREEMENT with IDOT for right-of-way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid projects ............................................. 9 Jan. 18--12-88 Expressing Appreciation of the City to Leras College & Kirchhoff Distributing Co. for the 1988 National Catholic Basket- ball Tournament ...................................... 12 18--13-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Cleaning, Repairing and painting of 750 MG Elevated Water Tank -- College Station, Dubuque ............................................ . 13 18--14-88 Awarding contract for Cleaning, Repairing & Painting of the 750 MG Elevated Water Tank- College Station -- Dubuque, IA ................................................. 13 18--15-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for new Toilet Rooms, First Floor, City Hall ...................................... 14 18-- 16-88 Resolution of Intention of Disposition of City Owned Pre- perry to~he IA Dept. o£ Transportation (Freeway 561/Reloca~d 61 Project) .......................................... 17 18--17-88 Resolutions for Intentions of Disposin4; of Interest in Ci- ty Owned Property and Also Granting of Temporary Easoments to the Iowa Dept. of Transpor~atian ..................... 18 18-- 18-88 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Better- ment Account Grant Application on Behalf of Advanced Data- Comm. Inc .......................................... 20 18-- 19-88 Approvin4~ a Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Dbq. and A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. regarding' Payment in lieu of taxes and authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City ........................ 20 " 18--20-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit to Jim Wcitz, PJ's ................................................ 23 " 18--21-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to 3 outlets .............................................. 23 " 18--22-88 Authorizing the City to Coilect Delinquent Garbage -- Refuse collection Accounts in Accordance with Section 17-37 of the Code ............................................ 24 " 18--23-88 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts in Accordance with Section 36-55 and 36-59 of the Code ....... 25 18--24-88 Clarification of easements & restrictions set forth in Res. 91-88 re: Quit Claim Deed from City to KLAUER MFG .... 27 18--25-88 Accepting Improvement for Pennsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer .............................................. 28 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE jan. 18-26-88 Final Estimate for Penns. Ave. Storm Sewer in amt. of $71,722.73 ........................................... Feb. 1--27-88 Approving Disposal of Interest of property (Pine & 8th Feb, Feb. 28 St. area) to IA DOT for Freeway 561/Relocated 61 ......... 32 1--28-88 Approving Disposal of Interest in property (Southern Ave. area) & granting of temporary easements ................. 32, 33 1- 29-88 Authar~Jng the exsoution of a Memorandum of Agreement with JELD-WEN, Inc ................................. 34 1--30-88 Providing that "Schedule A, Planning & Zoning Fees", establishing Application Fees be amended by repealing Res. 73-85, Adopting an Official Schedule of Planning & Zoning Fees, & Providing for Establishment of a New Fee for Temporary Uso Permits .......................... 35 1--31-88 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ..................... 36 1--32-88 Issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits .......... 37 1--33-88 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses .............. 37 9--34-88 Rescinding Resolution No. 313-87 and Deferring Action on Resolution of Necessity to Feb. 15, 1988 with Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1987 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT ........................ 40 9--35-88 Rescinding Resolution No. 314-87 and Deferring Action on Resolution of Necessity to February 15, 1988 with Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for tho 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ...................... 40 15--86-88 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on tho Fiscal Year 1989 Budget for the City of Dubuque ........................ 43 15--37-88 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year Capitol Improvement Program ................................ 43 15--38-88 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Public Hearing for · the Use of C.D. Block Grant Funds ..................... 44 15--39-88 Providing for a Concept Plan for the WATERFRONT DISTRICTS ......................................... 45 15--40-88 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessi- ty for the 1987 Asphalt Paving Project .................. 46 15--41-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 46 15--42-88 Amending Resolution No. 203-87 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for the 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ......... 46, 47 15--43-88 Ordering Bids for the 1987 Asphalt Paving Project... 47 15--44-88 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessi- ty Proposed for the 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ..... 47, 48 15--45-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1987 P.C. Concrete Paw ing Project .......................................... 48 15--46-88 Amending Reqolution No. 208-87 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for the 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ..... 48 15--47-88 Ordering Bids for the 1987 Concrete Paving Project... 48 15--48-88 Approving an Amendment to the Contribution Agreement by and between the City and ECIA Business Growth, Inc. dated Nov. 19, 1984 for the Establishment of an Economic Develop- ment Administration Revolving Loan Fund and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to sign said Amendment to Agreement on Behalf of the City .................................... 49, 50 15--49-88 Authorizing the Execution of a C.D. Block Grant Loan Agreement with Carlisle Communications, Ltd ............ 50 15--50-88 Issuance of Class "B", Class "C" & Class "BE" Beer Permit .............................................. 52 15--51-88 Issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor Licenses & Class "C" (BW) Beer-Wine License and Class "C" & Class "E" Liquor Licenses ...................................... 52, 53 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 15--52-88 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by Pro~ perty Owners in the Jackson Park, W. llth St. & Washington Street Urban Revitalization areas, ami Autho 'rming the Transmit- tal of the Approved Applications to the City Tox Assessor.. 54 15--53-88 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Avaiinbility for Public Inspection Certain C.D. Block Grant Documents ........... 55 15--54-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of that Part of Lot 2 -- NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and that Part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Section 9, Township 89 N, Range 2 East of the Fifth Meridian Lying South of Rupp Hollow Rd. in Dubuque County, IA... 56 15--55-88 Approving the Final Plat of Brittany Woods in Dubuque County, IA .......................................... 56 15--56-88 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for-Certain CD Block Grant Project (CARLISLE COMMUNICATIONS) ................................ 57, 58 Feb. 29--57-88 Adopting the ANNUAL BUDGET for the FY Ending 6-30-89 ............................................. 60 29--58-88 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program. 61 Mar. 7--59-88 Honoring the life of Gilbert D. Chavanelie ........... 73 7--60-88 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the Dept. of Transportation, USA for Grants under the Ubran Mass Trans. Act of 1964, as amended .............................. 77 7--61-88 Authorizing the Filing of a Consolidated Grant Applica- tion for Operating and Special Projects Assistance with the State Transit Assistance Program and Authorizing and Entering in- to of a Contract with the IA DOT ...................... 79 7--62-88 Resolution of Intention of the City of Dbq. to Dispose of City's Interest in Real Estate to the IA DOT ............. 79 7--63-88 Resolution of Intentions of the City of Dubuque of Dispos- lng of its Interest and Granting of Temporm~y Easements to the IA DOT ............................................ 80 7--64-88 Approving an Amendment to the Contribution Agreement by and between the City of Dbq. and ECIA Business Growth, Inc. Dated 11-19-84 for the Establishment of an Economic Devel. Administration Revolving Loan Fund and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to sign Said Amendment to agreement on behalf of the City of Dubuque, IA and Rescinding Res. No. 48-88. 82 7--65.88 Authorizing ECIA Growth, Inc. to Loan $60,000 from the City of Dubuque's Portion of the EDA Revolving Loan Fund to Carlisle Communications Ltd ......................... 86 7--66-88 Consenting to a Variance from the Pricing Structure of Disposing Sites in the Dbq. Industrial Center ............. 83 7--67-88 Approving 1) The Fair Market Value of Urban Renewal Plan Disposition Lot Number 4-2; and 2) The minimum Re- quirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Dochmente and Prc- cedures for the Disposition of Said Parcel; and 3) The Solicita- tion of Proposals for the Development of a Hotel and parking Facility on Said parcel ................................ 86-89 " 7--68-88 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ..................... 89, 90 " 7--69-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "C" and Class "BE" Beer Permits ................................... 90 7--70-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C", Class "B", and Class "C" (BW) Liquor Lic .................................. 90-91 7--71-88 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the Carlisle Communications, LTD, CD Block Grant Project ............................................. 92 7--72-88 Adopting Supplerannt No. 31 to the Cede of Oral ..... 93 7--73-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-2 et Dbq. Ind. Center Fifth Addn. in the City ................................ 94 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 7--74-88 Approving the Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates Fourth Addn. in the City. ................................... 94-95 7--75-88 Authorizing Execution of an Amendment to a CD Block Grant Statement of Intent Submitted to the Dept. of Housing & Urban Development for Calendar Year 1988 ............ 96, 97 7--76-88 Approving an Amendment to the Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Existing Housing Certificate Program to Extend Said Contract to March 4, 1991 .................. 97 7--77-88 Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with the IA DOT for Federal Aid to Urban System Funds for the NW Arterial. 98 Apr. 4--78-88 Appr6val of Dizposal of Interest and/or the grantlng tern- perary easement, for Relocated 61 Project, (Murphy Park en- trance eliminated) ..... : .............................. 99 " 4--79-88 Granting of temporary easements & sale of property to the IA DOT. (Relocated 61 project) ...................... 100 " 4--80-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the remodel- ing work to be done by Administration Bldg .............. 101 " 4--81-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Modlfica- tion of Offices in the Administration Bldg. at WWTP ...... 102 " 4--82-88 Ordering bids for Modification of Offices in the Admin. Bldg. at WWTP ...................................... 102 4--83-88 Setting for Public Hearing the Granting of an Easement to Conticarriers & Terminals, Inc. for the Construction and/or Qperation of a RR Track on City Owned Property ......... 4--84-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Rehabilitation of 2.4 MMG Ground Reservoir on Asbury Rd. 4--85-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans Specs. for Rehab. of 2.4 MMG Ground Reservoir on Asbury Rd .................. 4--86-88 Ordering Bids for Rehab. of a 2.4 MMG Ground Reser- voit on Asbury Rd ................................... 4--87-88 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. of Rehab. (Roof/Walls) for Keyline Transit Garage .................. 4--88-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. -- Rehab. Roof/Walls for Keyline Transit Garage ................... 4--89-88 Ordering bids -- KeyBne Transit Garage (Rehab. -- Roofs/Walls) ......................................... 4--90-88 Preliminary Approval for Relocation of 30" Forcemaln, 14th St. to 11th St ................................... 4--91-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Reloca- tion of 30" Forcemaln, 14th St. to 11th St ................ 4--92-88 Ordering bids for Relocation of 30" Forcemaln, 14th & llth 4--93-88 Authorizing Acceptance of an Agreement Providing for the Loan of $150,000 CD Funds to Dubuque In Future, Inc. for Extension of Dubuque Industrial Center ................. 110 4--94-88 Resolution of Necessity Finning that the Dbq. Industrial Center is an Economic Development Area and that Development Area and that Development of Said Area is Necessary in the In- terest of the Residents of the City of Dubuque ............ 110, 111 4--95-88 Consenting to a Variance from the Pricing Structure of a Disposition Site in the Dbq. Industrial Center ........... 112 4--96-88 Auh'~orizing the Preparation and Execution of an option Agreement to Purchase Land in the Dbq. Industrial Center. 112 " 4--97-88 Authorizing the Filing of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Application on behalf of the Metrix Co. Reloca- tion and Expansion ................................... 113 " 4--98-88 Annexing all of Lot 2 of Key Gate Center and all of Lot 3 West of the Table Mound Township of Key Gate Center.. 113, 114 103 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 107 107 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUB~JECT PAGE Apr. 4-99~88 Authorizing the Execution of a Comm. Economic Better- ment Account Grant Agreement wlth the IA Dept. of Economic Development and Advanced Date-Cotton ................. 114 4--100-88 Authorizing the Execution of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Advanced Data-Comm. Inc .............. 115 " 4--101.88 Authorizing the Execu~on of a Comm. Economic Bet- ferment Account Grant Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Development & Carlisle Comm. Ltd ............. 116 4--102-88 Awarding Contract for 1987 Concrete Paving Project (Loras Blvd.) t? Tschiggfrie Excavating .................. 117 " 4--103,88 Awarding Contract for Asphalt Paving Project to River City Paving ......................................... 117 4--104-88 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate on Loras Blvd. (423 & 437 Loras) .................................... 118 " 4--105-88 Issuance of Cigarette Licenses to Lois/Greg Zoltani (Locker Boom Lng.) and L. Tekippe (Lenny's Ave. Top, Inc.) 119 4--106-88 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits to Sunshine Mart & Wareco ........................................... 119 4--107-88 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to 5 outlets & Class "E" Liquor License to B & M Convenient Marts .......... 120 4--108-88 Authorizing Pub]icatfen of Notice of Environmental Re, dew Finding for the Advanced Data-Comm. Inc. Block Grant Project ............................................. 122 4--109-88 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Agreement with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Calendar Year 1988 .................... 123 4--110-88 Approval of Eminent Domain Proceedings for property oWned near N/W Arterial from Asbury Rd. to J.F.K. Road.. 124 '~ 4--111.88 Providing for the Public Hearing Procedure for Increase in Fares or Substantial.Reductions in Service for Keyline Transit. 125 Apr. 18--112.88 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs for Reroofing of Sludge Processing Ridg., WWTP ........................ 130 " 18--! 13-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Reroofing of Sludge Process Bldg., WWTp .......................... 130 18--114.88 Ordering Bids for Reroofing of Sludge Processing Bldg., WWTp ............................................. 131 I8--115-88 Approving Plat of Vacated Portion of Merz St. from Biverview St. Westerly to the Alley between Riverview St. & Althanser St ......................................... 131 18--.116.88 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 42A of Althauser's Subd. m tko City .......................................... 132 18-117.88 Approving the Final Plat of Hillcrest Plaza in the City. 134 18--118-88 Authorizing the Mayer to execute an Application to Par- ticipate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program ........ 136 18--119.88 Authorizing the Approval of a Joint Pdwers Agreement and Declaration of Trust for the Iowa Public Agency Investment Trust & Authorizing Participation Therein ................ 136 18--I20.88 Issuance of Cigarette Permit to The Kegger ........ 138 " 18--121-88 Issuance of Class "B" & "BE" Beer Permits to several outlets .............................................. 138 4--122.88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 139 4--128.88 Approving the Final Plat of Marshall's Home Farm No. 3 in Dubuque County, IA .............................. 140 " 4--124.88 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the Advanced Data Comm. Inc. CD Block Grant Proj. 141 4--125-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-2-2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 5th Addn. in the City ................................. 142 May 2--125-88 Approval of disposal of interest of City in Lot 42A of Althanser's Sub. to Richard & Mary Kay Avenarius be approved for $300 ............................................ 148 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE May 2-- 126-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Addition & Modificatinn of Offices in the Administration Bldg. at WWTP. ......... 148 2--127-88 Awarding Contract for Addition & Modification of Of- rices in Adm. Bldg. at Wastewater Treatment Plant ........ 149 2--128-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Relocation of 30" Force- main, 14th St. to llth St .............................. 149. 150 " 2--129-88 Awarding Contract for Relocation of 30" Forcemain, 14th St. to llth St ........................................ 150 2--130-88 Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for the Dbq. In- dustrial Center Economic Development District ........... 151 2-- 131-88 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1988 Budget and Date of Public Hearing. 154 2--132-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 156 2--133-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to several outlets ....................................... 156 2--134-88 P~equesting the IA Dept, of Transportation to allow a PU~ tion of U.S. Highway 61/151 to be annexed to the City ..... 157A May 16-- 135-88 Amending the Currant Budget for tbe Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1988 ........................................ 159 16--136-88 For the Permanent Transfer of Funds .............. 160 16--137-88 Rejection of Bids Received on Ma~/5, i988 on 2.4 Million Gallon Ground Reservoir Water Storage Tank on Asbury Rd. 160 16--138-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Rehabilitation -- l~anf/Wans for Keyline Transit Garage ................... 161 16--139-88 Awarding Contract for Rehab. Walls/Roof, Keyline Tran- sit Facility to Prism Cecp .............................. 162 " 16--140-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Reranfing of Sludge Prec. Bldg., WWTP .................... : .................. 162 " 16--141-88 Awarding Contract for Reroofing of Sludge Proc. Bldg., WWTP to Geisler Bros. Co. ........................... 163 " 16--142-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Elec. System Improvements -- Dubuque Keyline Transit Facility. 165 16--143-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Elec. System Improvements -- Dbq. Keyline Transit Facility ............ 165 16--144-88 Ordering bids for Elec. System Improvements -- Dbq. Keyline Transit Facility ............................... 165 16--145-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Repair of Tile and Terrazzo in Town Clock Plaza ................... 166 16--146-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Repair of Tile & Terrazzo in Town Clock Plaza .................. 166 16-- 147-88 Ordering bids for Repair of Tile & Terrazzo in Town Clock Plaza ............................................... 166, 167 16--148-88 (1) Approving.the Redeveloper Proposal Submitted by Bmtger Co. Inc. for Development of Urban Renewal Plan Disposition Parcel No. 4-2 and (2) Directin4,~ Publication et Notice of the City's Intent to Enter into A Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment by and between the City and Brutgor Co.'s Inc .................... : ....................... 167 16--149-88 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with the Metrix Co ......................... 168 " 16--150-88 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Statement of Intent to Participate in Federal Rental Rehabilitation Program, Direct- ing the City Manager to submit Program Description, and Authorizing the Mayor to Execute An Applications to Participate in the Rental Rehabilitation Program .................... 176, 177 16--151-88 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application for Ad- ditional 100 Units of Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program Housing ............................................ 177 ~NDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE May 16--152-88 Author~ing issuance of Cigarette Permit to Betty's Cafe 178 ' 16 153 88 Authorizing ~ssuance of Class "C' & Class "E' Beer Permits ....................... . ...................... 179 t6--154-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "A" and "C" Liquor Licenses and Class "B" Wine Permit .................... 179, 180 " 16--155-88 Accepting Improvement for installation of Elevator & Office Renovation in City Hall .......................... 180, 181 " 16-- 156-88 Final Estimate of Project: Installation of Elevator & Of- fice Renovation of City Hail ............................ 181 16--157-88 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and IA State Dept. of Inspections and Appeals for En- forcement of the Food Service Sanitation, Hotel Inspection, and Vending~Machine Laws of the State of IA ................ 182 16--158-88 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project. (MetrLx Co.). 182, 183 June 6--159'88 Adapting Fians and Spece. for Rapalr of Tile & Terrazzo in Town Clock Plaza .................................. 191 6--160-88 Awarding Contxact for Town Clock Plaza Tile & Terraz- zo Repair ........................................... 191, 192 6--161-88 Resolution of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Pro- perty~by Lease ....................................... 192 " 6-- 162-88 Authorizing application for Essential Air Service Terminal Improvements Program (EASTIP) Funds ................. 193 6--163-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot i of Lot 8, Block 8 "Ar- bor Oaks" in the City of Dbq., IA ...................... 194 6--164-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-4~1-1-1-1~1-1-2-1~I of Highland Farm in the City ............................. 194 6--165-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 2.4-1-1-1-1~1-1-2-1-1 of Highland Farm in the City .............................. 195 6--166-88 Approving tM Final Plat of Lot 2-1-1-1-1~1-1-2-1-1 of Higlfland Farm in the City ............................. 196 6--167-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-28 "Block 9, Arbor Oaks" in the City .................................... i97 6--168-88 Approval of filing vacant term on Council Member Krieg -- l~flled by Special Election ............................ 199 " 6--169-88 City of Dubuque Strongly endorses construction of 4-lane non-step expressway facility in transportation corridor of U.S, 61 from DeWitt to Dubuque ........................... 200 6--170-88 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of Dbq. and Phone-A-Friend, Inc. and authorizing and directing the City Mgr. to Execute Said Agreement on behalf of the City. 201 6--171-88 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City and Dbq. Main St. Ltd. and authorizing and directing the City Mgr. to execute said Agreement ............................. 202 6-- 172-88 Approving an Agreement for Economic ~)evaiopment Se~ vices with the Greater Dbq. Development Corp. for Fiscal Year 1988-1989 and authorizing and direc~ng the Mayor to execute. 202 " ~ 6--173-88 Approving of Funding Agreement for Washington Neighborhood Tool Library ............................. 203 6--174-88 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dubuque, IA and the General Drivers & Helpers Union, L~cal #421... 204 6--175-88 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dbq,, and the Dbq. Profeszional Fire Fighters Assn., Local #353 ...... 204 " 6--176-88 Accepting the Agree~nent between the City and the Amalgamated Transit Union, Div. #329, and Authorizing the Mayor to S/gn ....................................... 205 6--177-88 Accepting the Agreement between the City of Dbq. and the Dbq. Policemen's Protective Assn. & Authorizing Mayor to sign Agreement. 205 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 6--178.88 Accepting the Agreement between tbe City and the in. ternational Union of Operating Engrs., Local #758 & Authoriz. lng Mayor q;o sign .......... ,, ' ......................... 206 8--179-88 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1989 Compensation Package and Wage Plan for Non Bargaining Uni~ Employees ....... 206, 207 " 6--180-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits to 100+ outlets .............................................. 207-209 6--181-88 Authorizing issuance of Cinss "B", Class "C" Beer Permits ................... 209 6--182-88 Authorizing ~ssuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses... 209, 210 6--183.88 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the METRIX CO. CD Block Grant Project ...... 211 6--184-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-2 of Ohmert Farm, Sec. 3, Township 88 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P.M. and of In- grese/Egreas Easement A & B in Dubuque County ......... 213 June 20--185-88 Disposing of Interest in Real Property (Four Mounds Park) by Lease. ...................................... 216 " 20--186-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Elec. System Im- provements for Dubuque Keyline Transit Facility .......... 217 20--187.88 Awarding Contract for Elec. Syetem Rehab. for Keylins Transit Facility. (To Paulasn Electric Co.) ................ 217, 218 20--188-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Kaylins Transit Facility, Fuel Dispensing System; ................ 218 20--189-88 Fixing Date of Hearing On Pians and Specs. for Keyline Transit Facility -- Fuel Dispensing System ............... 218, 219 20--1.90-88 Ordering Bids for Kayline Transit Facility, Fuel Dispan. sing System ......................................... 219 20--191-88 Overruling Any and Ali Objections to the Proposal to Dispose of the Interest of the City of Dubuque to Disposition · Parcel No. 4-2 in tho DoWntown Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 to Brutger Companies, Inc. as Developer of Said Parcel. 220 20--192-88 Approving Host County Radiohigtcal Emergency Response Plan for Dubuque Co., IA ..................... 220~ 221 20--193-88 Authorizing issuance of 100 + Cigarette Permits ..... 221-224 20--194-88 Authorizingissuance of Class "B" Beer, Class "C" Beer, and Class "E" Beer Permits. 20--195-88 Authorizing issuance of ~1~ '"~;"I~q~;~ }]i~s; ~l~s 224 "A" (Club) Liquor License and Class "E" Liquor License... 224, 225 July 5--196-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs. for Kerpar Blvd. (U.S. ~61 & 151) from E. 16th St, to Pine St., Full Depth P.C, Concrete Patching Project ............................. 229 " 5--197-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Hans/Specs. for Concrete Patching Project -- Kerper Blvd. (U.S. #61 & #151) from E. 16th to Pine ............................................. 229 5--198-88 Ordering bids ~or Concrete Patching Project -- Kerper Blvd. from E. 16th St. to Pine St ....................... 230 5--199-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs. for Roosevelt Read Sanitary Sewer ....................................... 230 5--200-88 l~dng Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer .................................. 230 " 5--201-88 Resolution of Necessity for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer ........ ,, ' ..................................... 231 5--202-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity re: Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewe~ ......................... 231, 232 5--203-88 Approval of Schedule of Proposed Assessments for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer ......................... 232 5--204-88 P~eliminary Approval of Pians/Specs. for P~hab. of L~ust St. Parking Ramp .................................... 232 5--205-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Rehab. of Locust St. Parking Ramp .............................. . 233 INDEX -~ BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE July 5--206-88 Ordering bids for Rehab. of Locust St. Parkirg Ran~p. 233 5--207-88 RESOLUTION of Intention to Dispose of City Owned Property Lot 2 of Lot 2 of The Dubuque Industrial Center, Fifth Addn., City .... ...................................... 234 5--208-88 RESOLUTION Fixing Date for a Meeting on the Pro- position of the issuance of not to Exceed $125,000 Urban Renewal Tox Increment Revenue Notes of the City & Execution of Loan Agreements ......................................... 234, 235 " 5--209-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarettes to several outlets. 238, 239 5--210-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "E" Beer Per. to Family Beer Center ......................................... 239 5--211-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to several outiets.. ..................................... 239, 240 July 18--212-88 Instituting Procsedings to take Additional Action ~or the issuance of not to exceed $125,000 Urban Renewal Tax Incre- ment Revenue Notes and Execution of Loan Agreements Relating Thereto ..................................... 243 18--213-88 Disposing of City Interest in Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot 2, Dbq. Industrial Center, 5th Addu. 244 18--214-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Keyline Transit Facility -- Fuel Dispensing System ............................ 245 18--215-88 Award ng Contract for Keyline Transit Facility -- Fuel Dispensing System ................................... 245 18--216-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for ~ Arterial Stage II/Grading'& Drainage Contrac~ from Asbury Road to John F. Kennedy Read ................................ 246 18--217-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for NW Arterial Stage/II Grading and Drainage Contract from Asbury Road to JFK.. ,, ' ..................................... 246 18--218-88 Ordering bids for NW Arterial Stage III Grading and Drainage Contract from Asbury Rd. to John F. Kennedy Rd. 247 I8--219-88 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for New Restrooms, City Hall, First Floor ............. 247 18--220-88 Fixing Date of Itecring on Plans and Specs. for New Restrooms, First Floor of City Hall ...................... 247, 248 18--221-88 Ordering bids for New Restrooms, First Floor of City Hal/. 248 18--222-88 Resniution of Intention to Dispose of ~ity-Owned Pro- perty: Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Outlet 667, City of Dbq., Dbq. County. 248 " 18--223-88 Disposing of City Interest in the City Steps between Man- trose Terrace and Fairview Plaee, Located in Lot 15 of Fairvlew Sub ................................................ 249 18--224-88 Approving a P~rchase of Services Agreemant between the City of Dbq. & Dbq. HUMANE SOCIETY and Authoriz- ing & Directing the Mayor to Execute Said Agreement on behalf of City .............................................. 251 18--225-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 251 18--226-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ..... 251, 252 18--227-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 252 18--228-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 17 of Reches Sub. No. 2 and Lot 17B of Reches Sub. No. 2 .......................................... 253 July 21--229-88 Extending the Time Required for Famishing of Securi- ty to Secure Performance of Conditions as Provided by Resolu- tion No. 165-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 2-4-1-1-1-1-1-I-2-1-1 of Highland Farm in the City .......... 255 21--230-88 Extending the Time Required for Furnishing of Securi- ty to Secure Performance of Conditions as Provided by Resol. No. 166-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1 of Highland Farm .................................... 255 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE July 21--231-88 Extending the Time Required for Furnishing of Securi- ty to Secure Performance of Conditions as Provided by Resolu- tion No. 167-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-28 "Block 9, Arbor Oaks". ....................................... 256 Aug. 1--232-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer .......... .................................... 259 1--233-88 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer.. 260 1--234-88 Ordering bids for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer .... 260 1--235-88 Approving the Sale of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Outlet 667, Cit~ of Dubuque, Dubuque, County, IA, canunonly known as 423 Loras Blvd. to Timothy Moore and Thomas Moore ......... 261 1--236.88 Dispes~l of interest in public steps bctw~an Montrose Ter- race & Fairview Place, located in Lot 15 of Fnirvlew Sub. to James Chambers ..................................... 263 1--237-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Rehab. of the Locust St. Parking Ramp .................................... 264 1--238-88'Awarding Contract for Rehab. of the Locust St. Parking Ramp .............................................. 264 1--239-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Kerper Blvd. (US #61 & 151) from E. 16th St. to Pine St., full depth P.C. Concrete PatChing ............................................ 265 1--240-88 Awarding contract for Concrete Patching Project, Kerper .Blvd ............................................... 265 1--241-88 Preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for the Grand- view Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction ................. 266 1--242-88 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Grand- view Ave. Sanitary Sewer .............................. 266 ~--243-88 Ordering bids for Grandvlev~ Ave, Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction ....................................... 267 " 1--244-88 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an Application to par- ticipate in the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program ........ 267 " 1--245-88 Not Used. " 1--246-88 Approval of Delivery of Quit Claim Deed by Edward D. & Joan C. Techiggfrie conveying to City property along Center Grove Drive at intersection of Cedar Cross Rd. be dedicated as public rlghDof-way .................................... 268 " 1--247-88 Approval of issuance of Cigarette Permit to Butter's Bar. 269 " 1--248-88 Autharizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits ............................................. 270 1--249-88 Accepting improvement for the installation of a Fuel Storage Dispensing & Card Control System at Public Works Garage ............................................. 272 1--259-88 Final Estimate for installation of Fuel Stornge Dispenser & Card Control System at Public Works Garage ........... 272 15--251-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for New Restrooms -- First Floor of City Hall .................................... 273 15--252-88 Awarding contract for new Restrooms, First Fioor, City Hall ................................................ 274 15--253-88 Adopting plans and specs, for NW Arterial Stage III Grading & Drainage Contract from Asbury Rd. to JFK Road. 274 15--254-88 Awarding contract for NW Ar terinl, Stage III, Grading & Drainage Contract, from Asbury Rd. to John F. Kennedy Rd. 275 15--255-88 Authorizing the execution of An Addendum to Bond and Loan Agreement with Martin Luther Home ............... 276 15--256-88 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate on Bluff St., in the City .......................................... 277 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 15--257-88 Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Grant Agreement with the US Dept. of Housing & Urban Development to Par- ticipate in the Federai Rental Rehabilitation Program ...... 278 15--258-88 Authorizing a Loan Agreement for $I25,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes, Series 1988, and Pro- .viding for the Securing of Such Loan for the Purpose of Carry- lng out an Urban Renewai Project in the City, designated as tho Dubuque Ind. Center Economic Development District Project. 278-286 ,, 15--259-88 Awarding Contract for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer. 286 15--260-88 Approving au Inspection Service Agreement between City & IA Dept. of Agriculture and Land Stewardship for Enforce- ment of Milk Sanitation Laws .... 287 15--261-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 288 15--262-88 A'uthorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "C", Class "E" Beer Permit ......................................... 288 15--263-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer and Liquor & Class "E" Liquor & Class "F" Liquor Licenses ............ 289 15--264-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Beer/Liquor Licenses. 264 15--265-88 Approving the Final Plat of "Hawkeye Highway No. 20 lace .............................................. 291 15--269.88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot i of Lot 3 of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter; Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter; and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter, ell in Section 16, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Dubuque Coun- ty, Dubuque, IA ..................................... 292 15--267-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Subd. in Section 16, Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Dubuque, IA ......................... 292, 293 15--268-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of the East Half of the SW Quarter and Lot i of Lot 1 and Lot 1 of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter, all in Section I6, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the Fifth Prlncipai Meri- dian in Dubuque County, Dbq., IA ...................... 293 " 15--269.88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot i of the East One Half of the SE Quarter in Section 17, Township 89 North, Range 2 East, of the Fifth Principal Meridian in Du- buque County, IA .................................... 293, 294 15--270-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot i of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of the SW Quarter of the SW Quarter in Sec. 16, Township 89 North, Range 2 East, of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque County, Dubuque, IA. 294 15--271-88 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Helen E. & Mary H. Stewart Subdivision in Section 16, Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, IA. 295 Sept. 6--272-88 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Grandview Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction ............. 298, 299 " 6--273-88 Awarding contract for Grandview Ave. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction ....................................... 299 6--274-88 Authorizing the filing of a Community Economic Bet- terment Account Grant Application on bebaif of the Dubuq~e Data Services Co. Expansion Project .................... 300 6--275-88 Approving Execution of an Annual Contributions Can- tract for Section 8 Housing Voucher Program No. IA05-V087-005 ....................................... 301 6--276-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ......... 305 6--277-88 Autharlzirg issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits; Clas~ " 6--278-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses & Class "B" Hotel/Motel Licenses... 306 ~ INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Sept. 6--279-88 Approving of City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1988 Street Finance Report ....................................... 309, 310 Sept. 19--280-88 Grahting a 20 Foot Wide Storm Sewer Easement Across Lot 1 of 18 in Pork View Subd. to Sunnycrest Manor ...... 311 19--281-88 Approving Plat of a Vacated Per tien of Cedor Crass Read beginning 200; north of Storlight Drive, thence approx. 440~ northoriy toward Crescent Ridge ...................... 19--282 88 Disposing of City Interest in Lot A of Valley View 313 Heights ........................................... 19--283 88 Resolution of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Pro- 313 perry by Lease ....................................... 314 19--284-88 RE: TCI Cable -- City relinquishing use of 2nd govern. ment access channel & urge them to replace with Superstation WWOR-TV etc ................. ;" ',; ........ ,i ',; .... 19-285-88Authorizlng seuenosofClass B Beer&Class C Beer 316, 317 Permits ....... ...................................... 319 19--286-88 Authorizing issuenas of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses .......................................... " 19--287 88 Approving the Final Plat of Buena Vista Subd. No. 6 in 320 the City .......................... ................... 321, 322 19--288.88 Approving the Final Plat of Block 2 in Higlflaud Park Estates.. ........................................... 322 19~'289-88 Approving the Final Plat of Ciarke Crest Estates Fifth Addition .......................................... Oct. 3--~90 88 Disposing of Interest in Real Property by Lease ..... 323 " 328 3--291-88 Disposal of Lot A of Valley View I/sights in City to Charles McDermott d/b/a Tri-State Implement Co.. 3--292-88 Granting of 20 ~ ' .. ...... 330 v~de permanent sterm sewer easement · a 40 w~de temporary construction ~asement across portion of Park View Sub. to Sunnycrest Manor be approved ....... 330 3--293,88 Ratifying Action by the City Mgr., and Fixing a Date for Hearing on Proposed Variable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, Series 1988 (Jeld-Wen Inc.) ............................ 331 3--294-88 Cigarette Permit issuance .................... · '.. · 336 3--295-88 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Porntite... 3--296-88 Authorizing issuenas of Class "B" Beer & Liquor License 336 end Class "C' Beer & Liquor Licenses ................... 337 Oct. 17--297.88 Authorizing the issuance end sale of Variable Rate De- maud Revenue Bonds (Jeld-Wen, Inc.) Project) ............ 341 17--298.88 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", Class "C" & Class .................................. 357 17--299.88 Authorlzinglssuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 357 Nov. 7--300'88 Approval of release of Thermalyne Corp. from ony sestric- rive provisions which in any manner related to conveyance by City to Thermolyne Corp. of Lot 1 of Block 2 in "River Front Subd. No. 3'. ....................................... 362 7--301-88 For Disposing of City Interest Property Identified as Let lA, to Lot i Block 7, Riverfront Subdiv. No. 3 being a part of Kerger Blvd. Located in the City ........................ 362 7--302-88 Prelinfinary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Cleaning, Repairing, Painting Asbury Water Storage Tank ...... 7--303-88 Fixing Date of Heoring on Plans and Specs, for the Clean- 363 lng, Repairing, & Painting of Asbury Water Storage Tank.. 364 7--304-88 Ordering bide for Clea~ng, Repairing & Painting of Asbury Water Storage Tenk ........................ 364 "7--305 88 Approving execution of an Annual Contributions Con- tract for Sec. 8 Housing Certificates Program No. IA05-E087-012. 366 17--306-88 Amendment approved to Leases between Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc. & City.. .......... . ........... 367 INDEX -- BOOK 118 988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 7--307'88 Authorizing the Mayor to execute en agreement with iA DOT for right-of-way Assurance Statement for Federal-Aid Projects ............................................. 370 " 7--308-88 Annexing a Portion of U.S. Highway 61/151 to the City. 370 7--309-88 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits .......... 371 7--310-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" & Class "E" Beer Permits ......................................... ,i ' ~, 7--311-88 Author z ng issuance of Class "C" Liquor & Class E 371 Liquor Lic ........................................... 372 7--312-88 Acceptance of Worrenty Deed of property near NW Arterial, Phase III, from Leeter A. Hilby ................. 7--313-88 ,~cceptance of Deed for property for NW Arterial, Phase 374 III, from Fischer Investment Co. ,, · ...................... 374, 375 7--314-88 Acceptance of Warranty Deed by Eunice p. Lewis con- veying real estate for NW Arterial, Phase III property ..... 375 7--315-88 Acceptance of warranty deed by Kenneth L. & Donna J. Smith conveying real estate to City for NW Arterial, Phase III property ......................................... 375, 376 7--316-88 Acceptance of Warranty Deed by Marie J. Welter con- veying to City property from real estate for NW Arterial, Phase III .......... " ' ...................................... 376 7--317-88 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed by Salv~-Ssias Part- nershlp to City re: NW Arterial, Phase III property ........ 376, 377 7--318-88 Accepting dellvery of Deed by John & Doris Kivlahan conveying to City property used for NW Arterial, Phase III. 377 7--319-88 Accepting delivery of Worranty Deed by Dbq, Conun. School District re: Phase III NW Arterial ................ 378 Nov. 21--320-88 Release by City of Option Agreement, Section 1, re: cen- veyence to Thermolyne Corp. of Let 1 of Block 2 in "River Front ' bd. No. 3 ........................................ 381 21--321-88 Approval of disposal of property described as Lot lA, to Lot 1, of Block 7 River front Subd. No. 3 to Geergia-Pasific Co. 382 " 21--322,88 Fixing Date for a Meeting of the Proposition of the Is- suance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax In- crement Revenue Notes of the City and Execution of Loan Agreements relating thereto; ets ........................ 383, 384 21--323-88 Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to sign a Contract with the IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Prevention Program .... 21- 324-88 Author/zing the Filing of a Stateme~'gf'I~a~i i~r'~ ~- 386 munity Development Block Grant for the City ............ 386 " 21--325-88 Authorizing issum~as of Cigarette Permit ........... 390 21--326-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "C" & "E" Beer Permits.. ........................................... 391 21--327-88 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor License .... 391 21--328-88 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant Projects ............................................. 393 Dec. 5--329-88 Instituting Proceedings to Take Additional Action for the issuance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Notes & Execution of Loan Agreements relating thereto ............................................. 395, 396 5--330-88 A Resolution of Necessity Finding that Phase Three of the Dubuque Industrical Center is an Economic Development Area and that Development of Said Area is Necessary in the In- terst of the Residents of the City ....................... 397 5--331-88 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate on Arlington Street in the City ..................................... 399 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 5--332-88 Grautlng Cigarette Permits ...................... 400 5--333-88 Granting issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ........ 401 5--334-88 Granting issuance of Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses. 401 5--335-88 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects ............................................. 402 5--336-88 Accepting improvement for Kerper Blvd. (US #61 & 151) from E. 16th St. to Pine St., Fuli Dept. PC Concrete Patching. 404 5--337-88 Final Estimate for Kerper Blvd. (US #61 & 151) from E. 16th St. to Pine St., Full Depth PC Concrete Patching ..... 404 5--338-88 Approving a Tentative Five Year Street Construction Prc- gram and submitting Same to the IA DOT ............... 405 Dec. 19--339-88 Supporting the Sister-City Relationship between the Ci- ty of Dubuque, IA, USA, and the City of Pyatigorsk, District of Stavropol, USSR .............................. , .... 407 " 19--340-88 Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with Precision Tool and Engineering, Inc .................................. 413 19--341-88 Resolution Opposing State Department of Revenue and Finance Proposal to Enact a Fee for the Collection of the Local Option Sales & Services Tax ........................... 414 19--342-88 Endorsing Legislative Proposal Implementing a Payment Program for Local Option Sales & Services Tax ........... 414 19--343-88 Granting issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 416 19--344-88 Granting issuance of Ciaas "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Li- quor License; Class "C" Beer & Liquor Licenses to various outlets .............................................. 416, 417 19--345-88 Accepting improvement for NW Arterial, Stage III, Grading & Drainoge Contract, from Asbury Read to John F. Kennedy Road ....................................... 418 19--346-88 Final Estimate for NW Arterial, Stage III, Grading & Drelnoge Contract, from Asbury Read to John F. Kennedy Road. 419 19--347-88 Approving the Final Plat of Archdiocese Place -- Key West in Section 11, Township 88 North, Range Two East of Fifth Principal Meridian in Dubuque County, IA ............... 419 19--348-88 Resolution Approving the Final Plat of "Green Valley Farms Subdivision" in Dubuque County, IA .............. 420 19--349-88 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1-11 and 2-11 of Yiannis Place in the City ..................................... 42I INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE $ Jan. 4--Section 9 Emergency Funds re: removal of Fuel Tanks ..... 4 4--Sales & Service Tax re: Citizens for Dbq. supporting ....... 5 Jan. 18--Schaefer, Rev. Richard, Gave Invocation ................. 12 18--Simon, Steve -- Gomers -- Class "C" Liquor Lic .......... 23 18--Sink, J~unes. CLAIM; Denial ........................... 23, 38 18--Spahn, Michael, CLAIM; Denial ........................ 23, 38 18--St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co. -- for J. Sink, CLAIM. 23 " 18--State Farm Mutual Ins. Co ............................ 23 " 18--Sullivan, Terry, CLAIM; Denial ......................... 23, 38 18-- _Spiegelhalter, Robert P. (Club House), Class "C" Liquor License. 23 18--Sange~',.Ray, (Sub. Claim), re: Closure of Claim ............ 24 18--Snodgrass. Carole, denial of claim ....................... 26 ·" 18--Storm Sewer, Pennsylvania Ave., final documents .......... 28 Feb. 1--Square Dance Week, Proclmnatinn ...................... 30 1--Second St. Ice Harbor -- reclassification of property from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Commercial Rec. Dis .................. 30 1--IA DOT -- p. Hearing re: deeding of property (for Hwy 61/151 Relocation etc. to DOT) ............................... 31, 32 1--Sign Painting excluded in C-2 Zoning, etc ................ 33, 42 " 1--Streets, Cutting into -- discussion ....................... 36 1--Sehroby's Inc., Class "C" Liquor License ................. 37 1--Speede Shoppe (IOCO), Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 37 " 1--Interstate Power Co., CLAIM .......................... 38 " 1--Singsank, Mark (M.D.), requesting creation of administrative position for City Ambulance System ..................... 38 1--Substance Abuse Services Center submitting 2nd Qtr. Report FY 88 on High Risk Youth ............................ 39 1--Sid's Beverage Store, Class "BE" Beer Permit ............ 52 F,e,b. 15--Stephenson, George M., (Bunker Hill), Class "B" Beer Permit. 52 15--Swartz, Betty, CLAIM ........ i ....................... 53, 121 Mar. 7--Schuppener, Mark O., applicant for Airport Comm ......... 89 7--Schumacher, Earl E. (Oky Doky #5), Class "C" Beer Permit. 90 7--seliube~rt, Gary, CLAIM; Closure ........................ 91, 157 7--Slattery, Stephen, CLAIM; Closure/Denial ................ 91, I21 7--Schlarma~n, Brian, CLAIM; Closure ..................... 91,157 " 7--Salo~non Co. (David), Notice of Dismissal in matter of condem- nation of certain rights in land by DOT acquired from Solomon. 92 7--Submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Carlisle Com- municatlons, Ltd. CD Block Grant Project ................ 92 " 7--Supplement No. 31 to the Code, adoption ................. 93 Apr. 4--Sanitary Sewer Force Meln (30 ") -- relocation for constructinn of Rel. 61 ........................................... 106 4--Structure (Pricing) Variance of a Disposition Sit~ in Dbq. in Ind. Center .............................................. 112 4--Sunshine Mart of Dbq. Ltd., Class "C' Beer Permit ........ 119 4--Smith, Jeff, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ..................... 120, 253 4--Sheriff's Dept. -- CLAIM; Closure ...................... 120, 157 4--selmee, Charles, J., CLAIM; Closure ..................... 120, 155 4--sehlueter Insurance,flor Lime Rock Springs), CLAIM ...... 120 4--Selchert, Panla Post et al rs. State -- Supreme Ct. Opinion. 121 Apr. 18--State agency that regulates private sewage disposal -- Bd. of Health Mtg ......................................... i27 18--STA Application & Sec. 9 Program of projects consisting of FY 90 Operating Assistance Application, a Chpit al Asisst. App. to aid Keyline Transit, etc ................................ 128 " 18--Sindge Processing Bldg. at WWTP, Reroofing. ............ 130 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 18--Supervisors (County) requesting to meet with City re: funding for human services .................................... 133 18--State Agency that regulates private sewage disposal systems. 134, 135 18--Section 8 Housing Voucher program -- Application for Participation ......................................... 136 18--Sid's Beverage requesting permanent treu~sfe~ of "BE" Beer Per- mit from 260 Souther~ to 2727 Dodge St ................. 138 18--Settlement (Voluntary) of Tax Appeal by Helen Timmerman. 140 May 2--Simon, Council Member, appointed as Mayor Pro-Tern ...... ' 144 2--Strub Construction awarded contract for Project: Addition & Modification of Offices in the Adm. Bldg. at WWTP ....... 149 2--Sauser, Leona, Closure of claim ......................... 157 2--Sheriff's Dept. Car -- Closure of Claim ................... 157 2--Substance Abuse Services Center -- 3rd Quarter Report for High Risk Youth .......................................... 157A 2--sehrnitt, Paul, City Employee, advising of City Rehab. Loan application .......................................... 157A 2--Statement of Investment Policy -- Qtrly. Investment Report. 157A May 16--Sertoma Candy Day, Proclamation ...................... 159 16--Sindge Processing Bldg. at WWTP, Reroofing ete ......... 162, 163 16--Sale of Land Contract with Brutger for Downtown Hotelproject. 167, 168 16--Street name change (Ney Ct. to Ravenwood Ct.) ........... 175 16--Shot Tower Inn, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 179 16--Soupy's Inc. -- Hudson's; Refund ....................... 179, 405 16--Silver Dallar, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 179 16--State of IA Dept. of Econom. Development CEBA -- denial of Metrix Co. application ................................. 183 June 6-- Survey par ticipation of City par ticipation in human services in our area ............................................ 193 6--sehwere, Jim, Pres. of IA-Northwestern Development Co. re: Ap- proval of Final Plat of portions of Highland Farms. 195, 196, 197, 198 6--Schwers, Jim, thanked Council & Staff for work on IA North- western Project ...................................... 198 6--Sertoma Club, re: discussion on street solicitation for fund raising. 199 6--sehwartz, Ethel K. -- Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit ....... 208 6- Saffran, Susan Jean (Kennel Club), Class "C" Liquor License. 209 6--Sclmeider, Lucile, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................ 210, 253 6--Smlth, Alan, CLAIM; Denial/Closure .................... 210, 253 6--sehmid, J.A. of Crescent Supply re: support against condemna- tion of IA DOT for piece of laud ........................ 211 6--Site Visit of HUD .................................... 213 6--Swiss Valley Farms re: audited report for FY ending 9/30/87. 213 dune 13--Suporvisors (County), City Council & Dubuque County Mtmicipal Emergency Maungement Agency ........................ 215 June 20--Settlement Agreement on behalf of the City re: Four Mounds Park ............................................... 217 " 20--Silver Dollar, Cigarette Permit .......................... 222 " 20--Shot Tower, Cigarette Permit ........................... 222 " 20--Saffran, Sue, Cigarette Permit .......................... 222 " 20--Schailer, Peg (P.J.'s), Cigarette Permit ................... 222 " 20--Schroby's, Cigarette Permit ............................ 222 " 20--sehuster, Patriala Lombardi (Ms Pat's), Cigarette Permit... 222 20--Shanley, Donald (Yacht Basin), Cigarette Permit ........... 223 20--Speede Shoppe (IOCO), Cigarette Permite ................ 223 20--Sells, Boake A. (Revco), Cigarette Permits ................ 223 20--Swanson Corp., (Mun. Airport), Cigarette Permit .......... 223 20--Schumacher, Ear1 (Oky Doky #5), Cigarette Permit ......... 223 20--Schaller, Peg (P.J.'s), Class "C" Liquor License ............ 224 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE " 1--Sidewalk -- erection of roof/soffit projection by Hartig's .... Aug. 15--Starlight Dr. & Cedar Cress Rd. corner, denial of rezoning quest by R. Hansel etc ................................. 15--Swimming Pools study by engrg, firm, etc ................ 15--Sewer construction on Roosevelt Road etc ................ 15--Sid's Beverage Store, 2727 Dodge, Class "C' Beer Permit.. June 20--Sawvell, Michael J. (Butter's Bar), Class "C" Liquor License. 225 July 5--Stauke, Nicky, introduced as New Library Director for City. 227 5--Sewer, Roosevelt Road, documents J[or construction ........ 230 5--selon & Nevada, intersection, Stop sign placement ......... 237 !~ 5--Stop Sign Placement, intersection of Solon & Nevada ....... 237 " 5--Sloman, Lawrence, applicant for TV Cable Regulatory Comm. 238 " 5--Scholimeyer, Wayne, Paul's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ....... 239 July 18--Stonehill Care Center Week, Proclamation ................ 243 ,, 18--Steps between Montrose Terr. & Fairview Place, Vacated & sold to J. Chambers ....................................... 249 18--Spiegelhalter, Robert, The Clubhouse, Cigarette Permit ..... 251 18--Schwartz, Ethel K., Airport Inn, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License. 252 July 21--Schwers, Jin~ re: /A/Northwestern, Extension of time for fur- nishing of Security performance of conditions approving final Plat of Lot etc. of Highland Farm ....................... 255, 256 Aug. 1--Shorteli, Genevieve, (By Attorney O'Connor), objecting to Roosevelt Rd. Sanitary Sewer Project .................... 259 1--Sharkey, De,mis, objecting to Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer Project ............................................. 259 1--Sewer Project -- Roosevelt Road ........................ 259, 260 1--Sale of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Outlot 667, known as 423 Loras to Timothy Moore & Thoma~ Moore ....................... 261 Aug. 1 --sehueller, Carol re: rezoning request for University Ave. te allow a Clothing/Accessory Store as a permitted use in the Neighborhood Comm. District .......................... 261, 262 " 1--seeps between Montrose Terrace & Fairview Place, vacated sold to James Chambe?s ............................... 262, 263 1--Sa~itery Sewer, Grundvlew Ave., Reconstruction Project. ................................................ 266, 267, 298 1--Section 8 Housing Voucher Program, Execution of application to participate ........................................ 267 1--Shurte, David M., Bldgs. Services Div. Mgr. re: demolition per- mi~ for- 1030 & 1032 Main -- with Interstate Power as owner. .269 1--Sawvell, Michael J. -- Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit ...... 269 1--St. Calumbkilie Church, Class "B" Beer Permit ........... 270 1--Schalbe, M.R., CLAIM; Denial .......................... 270 1--Schail Claims Services on behalf of Ronald & Jacquellne Bartlett for vehicle damages; CLAIM ........................... 270 1--Smock, Merrill G., CLAIM; Closure.. i .................. 270, 309 271 276 277 286 288 15--Shireman, Sheryl Ann, (King of Clubs), Class "C" Liquor... 289 15--Singh, Klm, CLAIM; Closure. .......................... 290, 309 15--Storm Sewer construction across Lot 18 Park View ........ 290, 311 15--Smmycrest Manor, Sewer Easement ..................... 290, 311 15--Substance Abuse Services C~nter submitting 4th Qtr. report for FY88 on High Risk Youth ............................. 291 5--Stewart Sub., Helen E. & Mary H., approval of final plat of Lot 2. 292 15--Stewart, Helen E. & Mary H. Subdivision, Approval of Final Plat ................................................ 296 15--sexual Orientation, requested to be added to City Code as a pre- tected category, by Stecie Neldaughter ................... 295 INDEX -- BOOK 118 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT · PAGE Sept. 6--School Night for Scouting, Proclamation ................. 297 6--Stewart Cqnstruction, awarding of contract for Graudview Ave. San. Sewer .......................................... 299 6--Sidewalk Inspection & Repair Program ............... 299, 300, 315 6--Street Tree & Landscaping Policy ....................... 300 6--sec. 8 Housing Voucher Program, Execution of Annual Contrib. Contract ............................................ 301 6--St. Ambrose St. -- No Parking on nearby Rosedaie near St. An- thony's Church ....................................... 302 6--Slgns re: Alcoholic Beverages, Ordinance Amending ........ 303 6--Sale of property known as Railroad St. in Center Grove Addn. -- E. Zalaznik requesting City to vacate etc .............. 308 6--Schroeder, Judy petitioning for traffic lights etc. at intersection of University & North Algnna Sts ....................... 308, 384 6--Special Election for vacancy on Ward I (Krieg resignation) -- election of James Henkmaun ........................... 308 6--Street Finance Report for FY88 ......................... 309, 310 Sept. 19--Starlight Drive, Plat approved of a vacated portion of Cedar Cross Rd., approx. 200 Ft. N. of Starlight Dr ............. 312, 313 19--Shiras Ave. Extension, Vacation by Ordi from south property line of Harbor St. to the south end of Shiras Ave. Extension. 314, 327 19--Sidewalk Liability, pcesibliity of passing on to abutting proper- ty owners ........................................... 316 19--Sidewalk repairs -- Ordinance with new Sections re: repair by owner; replace or reconstruct and assessment of costs thereof. 316, 333 19--Strcet Tree & Landscaping policy etc .................... 316, 333 Oct. 3--Storm sewer Easement across City-owned property to Sumxycrest Manor ..................................... ......... 330 3--Speaker's Bureau raiders distributed.. ................... 332 3--suft Drink vending machine removal from parking Ramps & Town Clock P ........................................ 335 3--Sandidge, Judith (The Pump), Class "C" Liquor Lic ........ 337 3--Sid's Beverage Store, Refund on Beer Permit ............. 338 Oct. 17--Surcharge of 25¢ on telephone for E911 costs ........... . .. 344 17--Subdivision Ordinance -- site plans, lots in resid, neighl~rhi~ls. 345 17--Site plans, or other controls in rceidential-zoned neighborhoods. 345 17--Structure -- Ordinance amending Code by Repealing Sec. 4-63 Definitions, re: Airport Zoning Regulations ............... 354 17--sept. Financial Report ................................ 358 17--St. Calumbhille's Church, Beer Permit Refund ............. 359 Nov. 7--Section 8 Housing Certificates Program No. IA 05-E087-012. 366 " 7--Sid's Beverage, Class "E" Liquor License ................ 372 7--seherr, Michael, CLAIM; Settlement .................... 373. 392 7--seherrer, Evelyn, CLAIM; Denia[/Closure ................. 373, 402 7--Siege, Leta, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ..................... 373, 402 7--Substance Abuse Services Center re: first quarter report .... 373 7--Smith, Kenneth L. & Donna re: real estate conveyed to City. 375, 376 7--sehool District -- property to City ...................... 378 7--Salv~Salas Partnership -- property conveyed to City ....... 377 Nov. 21--Selig, Rev. Alan, Gave Invocation ....................... 380 " ,21--Servlce SecUlon of SPIRIT -- Tom Kramer, City Employee, Given award ......................................... 380 " 21--Spirit Pins given to Mayor and Council .................. 380 " 21--Service Reengnition award given to City Mgr. Ken Gearhart. 380 " 21--Sale of TV/Radio/Video Sales re: Ordinance as a permitted use in C-1 Neighborhood .................................. 383 " 21--Swimming Pool Committee -- Park & Rec. Comm. updating Council on work ...................................... 385 SUBJECT Nov. 21--Seundwall requested by Patti Carr on new Hwy. 20 area (St. Joseph's) ............................................ ,, 21--Staff person approved £or Housing Services Division ....... ,' 21--Statement of Intent -- for Cal. year 1989 for use of CD Block Grant Funds ......................................... " 21--September List of Claims, Proof ........................ Dec. 5--Service Acknowledgement Plaques presented to 38 City Employees who had worked 25 years or more ............. 5--Sewer installation at Sunset Park No. 4, CLAIM by C. Burbach. " 5--Street Construction Program for next 5 years ............. Dec. 19--Sister City to Dubuque -- Pyatigorsk, USSR ............. 19--Schoen, Rosi, in favor of AIDS testing ................... 19--Stohlmeyer, Shawton, re: AIDS Ordinance ................ 19--Sexual Orientation -- Amendments to Human Rights Ord. -- Work Session ........................................ 19--Sales & Service Tax -- Resolution Opposing State Dept. of Revenue & Finance Proposal to Enact a Fee for collection of Local Option Sales & Services Tax ........................... 19--Sales & Services T~x -- Res. Endorsing Legislative Proposal Im- plementhig a Payment Progrom for Local Option .......... 19--Sehwartz, Jeffrey, -- At-Large applicant for Plumbing Bd... 19--Sehwartz, Frank, J. -- applicant for Mechanical Code Board. 19--Stiles, Jeff, CLAIM ................................... PAGE 385 386 386 392 395 401 405 407 412 412 413 414 413 416 416 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 4--Telegraph Herald (T-H), designated as Official Newspaper... 2 4--Thermalyne Corp. -- extension for fulfilling conditions on deed. 3 4--Tax (Local Option4 Sales & Service) ~- Citizens for Dbq. supporting .......................................... 6 4--Tucker Industries -- re: report of J. Vorwald of ECIA Business Growth, (Revolving Loan Fund) ......................... 9 Jan. 18--Tank Repair (Water), on College Station .................. 13 " 18--Taller Rooms Project for First Floor, City Hall ............ 14 18--TRANSIT BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......................... 23, 38, 53, 157, 210, 290, 337, 372, 417 18--Tauke, Robert, CLAIM; Denial ......................... 23, 38 18--Timmerman, Ruth, CLAIM; Denial ...................... 23, 38 " 18--Tigges, Allen, $50 refund on unexpired Cigarette License .... 24 " 18--TCI Cable -- Ass't City Attorney requesting ratification of changes & approval of amendment to Lease ............... 26 Feb. 1--Turn Around Tuesday, Proclamation ..................... 30 " 1--Temporary Use Fee Changes, provision in Zon. Ord ........ 34, 35 " 1--Tenth & Bluff Ste., Wm. Daugherty requesting vacation & put- chase etc ................................. ........... 38 Feb. 15--Tax Exemption applications approved for prop. owners in various Districts ............................................ 54 15--Town Clock Inn, Inc., Class "C' Liquor License ........... 52 Mar. 7--Trannel, Jeff, for Dbq. Twine Co., re: proposed zoning for Water- front District ........................................ 76 7--Tank Terminal Co. -- re: Waterfront Zoning Ordinance ..... 76 7--Transit (State) Assist. Program -- Grant Ap. & Grant with IDOT .............................................. 78, 79' 7--Temporary Easements to IA DOT -- Disposing of Interest & Granting of Easements ................................. 80 7--Tax, Local Vehicle -- Eliminating a Provision re: Usage (by Ord.). 85 7--Thunderbirds -- (My Cap), Cigarette Permit .............. 90 7--Tschiggfrie Excavating (By Ed & Joan), Acceptance of Res. No. 74-88 re: Clarke Crest Estates 4th Addn ................. 95 7--Tank Terminal (Dbq.) requesting easement/lease on piece of prop. near RR Tracks ...................................... 97 Apr. 4--Transit Garage -- Rehab. of Roof/Walls .................. 105 4--Tenth St. between Locust & Bluff (request by Wm. Daugherty to buy unused portion of right-of-way) ................... 107 4--Telemarketing Service -- re: CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Data Com., Inc .................................. 115 4--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ....................................... 116, 117 4--Tekippe, Leonard J, Cigarette Permit .................... 119 4--Trausch, Ruth, CLAIM; Closure ........................ 120, 157 4--Tranel, Jeff Attorney, re: appredation to Council for willingness to spend additional time re: 4th St. Peninsula ............. 121 " 4--Twlne Co. (Dbq.) expressing "Thanks" for being allowed to ex- press concerns re: Waterfront District Plan ............... 121 " 4--Transit System (Keyline) -- Fair Increase, Public Hearing... 125 May 18--Tax Increment Financing District -- Dbq. Industrial Center. 129 " 18--Timmerman, Helen; Voluntary Settlement of a Tax Appeal.. 140 May 2--Tourism Week (Dbq.), Proclamation ..................... 144 2--THANKS to Council Member Krieg. .................... 144 2--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded Contract for Relocation of 30" Forcemain, 14th St. to llth St ......................... 150 2--Tax Increment Financing Distric~ Established within Economic Development District ................................. 152-154 INDEX -- BOOK 118 ~988 SUBJECT PAGE May 2--Turner, Maylo -- Lucky Lady, Class "C" Liquor Lic ....... 156 2--Thacker, Penelope, CLAIM ............................ 157 May 16--Transit Appreciation Day, Proclam~tinn .................. 159 16--Transfer of Funds -- Budget amendment etc .............. 160 16--Transit Garage, Rehab of Roof/Walls .................... 161 16--Terrazzo surfacing on the Town Clock Plaza, repair project.. 166 16--Taste of France, Bluff St., Class "B' Wine Permit ......... 179 June 6--Thlil, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth objecting to rezoning of 3051. 3055 and 3077 Brunskill Road .............................. 184 6--Tritsch, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph re: University of Dubuque Concep- toal Develoment Plan, objection ........................ 187 6--Terrazzo surfacing on Town Clock Plaza, repair project ..... 191, 192 6--Town Qlock Ploza, Terrazzo Surfacing repair project ........ 191, 192 6--Terminal Improvement Program (Eastip) Funds, Airport .... 193 6--Transit Agreement with City (Union) .................... 205 6--Target Store, Cigarette Permit .......................... 208 ' 6--Turner, Dave, (Finale) Cigarette Permit .................. 208 " 6--TCI Cablevision Armuai Report ......................... 213 June 20-Tollbridge Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 221 20--Turner, Maylo (Lucky Lady~, Cigarette Permit ............ 222 20--Trausch Baking Co., Cigarette Permit .................... 222 20--Thunderbirds of Dbq., Cigarette Permit .................. 222 20--Tigges, Thomas, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ................. 225, 253 20--TCI Cablevision submitting annual report for year ending 12/31/87 ............................................. 226 July 5--TV Cable Talaprogramn~ing Conun. appointmente of H. Lenane, R. Nash, R. Cronin, and D. O'Connell .................... 238 5--TV Cable Regulatory Comm. appointments of J. Ronier, W. Webster, G. Boultinghouse ............................. 238 5--Transit Facility (Kayline) -- Fuel Dispensing System ....... 244, 245 5--Tbacker, Penelope, CLAIM ............................ 252 July 18--TV Cable Community Teleprogramming Comm., submitting resignation -- Mary Jaycox ............................ 253 18--Tschiggfrie, Edward re: dedication of land by Center Grove Rd. (O~chard St.) ......................................... 253 Aug. 1--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Concrete Patching Project, Kerper Blvd .................................. 265, 266 1--Tschiggfrie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed, re: dedication of a parcel of pre- perty along Center Grove Drive as public right-of-way ...... 268 Aug. 15--Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer ....................................... 286 15--Trans-Miss Investments, Inc. (Oky Doky #11), Class "C" Beer Permit... 288 15--Thunderbirds of Dubuque, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License... 289 Sept. 6--Tollbridge Inn, (Eagle Pt. Asso.), Class "C" Liquor Lic ..... 306 6--Traffic lights requested by J. Sckrocder at intersection of Univer- sity & N. Aigona ..................................... 308 Sept. 19--Tri-Stote Implement Co. requesting vacation of portion of Cedar Cross Rd ......................................... 313, 328, 329 19--Television services, Mgr. requesting modifications .......... 316 19--TV Cable -- Re: Resolution stressing disappointment etc. in TCL 316, 317 19--Tree, planting & removal on public right-of-way, landscaping policy .............................................. 316, 335 " 19--Translt Board, appointment of Harry Bemis .............. 319 " 19--TV Cable rates, objection by Mrs. B. Barrels .............. 321 19--Tschiggfrie Excavating, acceptance of Res. No. 289-88 -- ap- provai of final plat of Clarke Crest Estates 5th Addu ....... 323, 324 3--Tree plantings on public right-of-way etc ................. 333 344 Oct. Oct. 17--Trick or Treat request for changing date and time ......... INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 17--Telephone surcharge of 25¢ for E911 costs ......... 344 Oct. 17--Tax abatement area -- Urban Revit. District at Lower Bluff/LocuSt.. 17--Trinlo, Peter T., V. Pres. of Jeld-Wen, Accepting Ord. No. 49-88 (Building Enclosure in public right-of-way) ................ 346, 347 17--Time computed etc. -- Ordinance re: Rules of Construction to moke City Law conform to State Law ................... 352, 353 17--Typugraphical error correct in current Airport Zoning Regulations .......................................... 353 " 17--Transpar t Sales (Kwik Stop Foed Mar t), Class -C,, Beer Permit. 357 " 17--Travel advances outstanding, Finance Dir. submitting report. 358 " 17--Trlal re: City with HDR, scheduled for 6/13/89 at Fed. Courthouse in C.R ................ · ............... ~ .............. 359 Nov. 7--Thermolyne Corp. re: void conditions for utilization of former McAleece Park property ................................ 361 7--Thermolyne Corp. granted option to purchase Lot 1 of Block 2 in "RiverFront Subd. No. 3"; -- released ................. 361 7--Thermolyne from restrictive provisions ................... 362 7--Terralnal renovation for Airport ......................... 365 7--T & T Welsh -- Finale Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License... 372 7--Thlelberg, Eugene & Glenda, re: view on River View Park... 373 7--Thermolyne Corp. -- full compliance with terms of Option Agree- ment, Sec. I of Res. No. 6-88 and City releases Thermalyne from further provisions · ' .................................. 380, 381 " 7--TV/RadioNideo Sales & Service -- ORD. Amending Code re: per- mitted use in C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District .... 383, 395~ 414 7--Tax Increment Financing Rev. Notes -- fur Dubuque Downtown Hotel/Parking Complex.. 383 " 7--Traffic Section of Code amended (Ch. 25 Motor Vehicles etc.). 387-389 7LTFM Co. (Oky Doky #6), Class "C" Beer Permit ........... 391 '! 7--TV Cable Conununity Telepragramming Comm. resignation of Ronald Hull. ........................................ 392 Dec. 5--Tax Increment Revenue Notes & Execution of Loan Agreements -- Issuance of Not to Exceed $1,200,000 -- downtown hotel project .............................................. 395, 396 5--Tax Increment Financing District within Dbq. Ind. Center.. 398 " 5--TCI Cablevisinn submitting proposed Agreement with City re: effective competition .................................. 407, 408 5--Testing for AIDS in employment, Ord ................... 409 5--Testing for AIDS in employment, discussion .............. 412 5--Tool (Precision) & Engineering, CD Block Grant Loan Agreement. 413 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan. 4--UMTA -- Filing of Applications with DOT -- USA -- for Grants. 5, 77 " 4--Uuiform Relocation Assistance -- re: Right of Way Assurance Statements for Federal Aid Projects ..................... 9 Jan. 18--UDAG with A. Y. McDonald -- re: Memorandum re: Payment in lieu of taxes ....................................... 20 Feb. 1--Utility Co. -- Excavating in City Streets, discussion etc .... 36 Mar. 7--Urban Renewal Site east of Five Flags -- development for HOTEL ete ......................................... 86 7--Unsen, Diane, CLAIM; Closure ......................... 91, 121 Apr. 4--U.S. 61 -- Ageecment with IA of rights of access from properties. 99 4--Urban Renewal District -- recommending establishment in Dbq. Ind. Center ....................................... 110, 150, 151 " 4-- U.S. Coast Guard submitting commente and concerns re: develop- ment of the Dubuque Municipal Harbor Area ............. 121 4--Uuited Way, Dbq. County Bd. of Supervisors & City to meet. 133 May 2--Uthan Renewal Plan for Dbq. Ind. Center, Econ. Devel. Dis. 151, i52 2--UMTA, approval of contract to Prism Corp. for Keyline Project: Rehab. of Roof Walls for Transit Garage ................. 161 2--Uuiversity of Dubuque, Conceptual Development Plan, ID In- stitutinnal Dis ..................................... 164, 187-191 2--Urban Renewal Plan Development -- Redeveloper Proposal Sub- mitted by Brutger Co. for New Downtown Hotel .......... 167 June 6--University of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ................. 208 6--Urban Renewal Plan Disposition Parcel No. 4-2 -- Proof of publication re: Downtown Hotel Property etc ............. 219 " 6--Urban Renewal Project -- Resolution Overruling any & all ob- jections to dispose of interest in City (Hotel Property near Five Flags) to Brutger Co..' ................................ 220 6--Ungs, David, (Copper Kettle), Cigarette Permit ............ 223 July 5--Unified Work Progrmn, for FY '89 ...................... 240 July 18--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Notes & Execution of Loan Agreements re: Metrix ................................ 243 Aug. 1--United Way, Proclamation ............................. 259 1--University Ave., request for rezouing by C. Schueiler to allow Clothing/Accessory Store as permitted use in a C-1 Neighborhood Conun. Dis .......................................... 261 Aug. 15--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Notes (Loan Agreement for $125,000) re: Metrix Co. relocation project ............. 278 15--US Dept. of HUD to participate in Federal Rental Rehab Program ............................................ 278 Sept. 6--Uuiverslty Ave. & N. Algena, Petitlon of J. Schroeder requesting traffic lights.. OR Office Res. to C-3 General Commercial ................ 315 Oct. 3--Uafque Boutique petitioning for Mansard Roof over sidewalk at 2230 Central Ave .................................. 338, 349 3--Urban Revit. District -- Lower Bluff/Locust area .......... 345 Oct. 17--Utility Pole: complaint by Dick Hartlg re: City allowing tmlhalted placement ........................................... 359 Nov. 7--U.S. Fish & WfldiJfe Service, -- Barge Fleeting Lease ...... 365 " 7--US Highway 61/I51 -- annexation of portion re: IA DOT... 370 7--Union Cigar Store, Cigarette Permit.. 371 NOV. 21--Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. No~s'~e~ ~'t~l complex .......................................... 383, 395, 396 21--Urban Renewal Plan, Res. of Necessity Finding & referring to P & Z Comm... ...................... : .............. 385 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 21--University Ave., recommending denial of petitions for traffic signals at intersection of North Aigona & University Ave... 384 Dec. 5--Urbon Renewal Plan -- re: Westerly Expanaion of Dubuque in. dustr/al Center ....................................... 397 5--UAW (United Automobile Workers, Local #94), Class "B" Beer Permit .............................................. 401 Dee. 19--Uphalstery/Repair Store for furniture -- amendment to Ord. as a permitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District -- ,, DENIED... .................. i,' ',; ................ 413 19--Unge, David (Copper Kettle), Clas C Liquor License ...... 417 19--US #20 -- Bridge Deck Repair. ........................ 418 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE V Jan. 4--Voetberg, Dirk, sworn in for 4th Ward ................... 1 4--Vaccination Certificates (Animals -- Rabies) must be sent to Health Services. 6 4--Vorwaid, Jeffrey, V.P. of ECIA Business Growth, Inc. re: Tucker Industries, Inc. Revolving Loan Fund .................... 9 Jan. 18--Voting Method -- re: Code of Ordinances ................. 21 Feb. 1--Voting Method on Ordinances, Resolutions & Motions, set out by Ord ............................................. 35 1--Vacation of property at 10th & Bluff Sts, requested by Wm. Daughterty. 38 1--Visitor's Bureau Chairman (& Convention) re: Marketing & Sales reports etc .......................................... 39 Feb. 15--Vangn AMOCO, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 52 Mar. 7--Variance from Pricing Structure of Dispesition Sites in Dbq. in. dusttial Center ....................................... 83 7--Vehiele Tax (Local), Repealing Section 33-120 elimination of Proviaion ............................................ 85 7--Value etc. of Urban Renewal site east of Five Flags (Hotel development). 86 7--Volunteer Road -- request for Fireworks Display by Dbq. Jaycees ............................................. 96 Apr. 4--Volunteer Week (National), Proclamation ................. 99 4--Vacation request of unused portion of Tenth St., by Wm. Daugherty. 107 4--Variance from the Pricing Structure of a Disposition Site in Dbq. Ind. Center... 4--Voluntary Annexation request of approx. 55 acres located at SE & SW corners of intersection of Hwy. 61/151 & 52 ......... 113 " 4--Vandenberg, Harry, CLAIM; Closure .................... 120, 157 " 4--Vacated portion of Merz St. from Riverview St. westerly to Alley between Riverview St. & Althauser -- Approval of Plat ..... 131, 147 4--Vending machines (food & beverage) -- New Ordinance ..... 134, 144 Apr. 18--Voluntary Settlement of a Tax Appeal by Helen Timmerman. 140 May 2--Vision Month, Community, Pr(~Aamation ................. 144 May 16--Very Special Arts Festival, Proclamation ............ 159 " 16--Vending Machine Laws of the State, Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between City & IA State Dept. of Inspec- tinns/Appeais for Enforcement ete ....................... 182 June 6--Voetberg, Dirk (Counsil Member) appointed to Dbq. Racln~g Assn. 207 6--Vango Amoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 208 6--Vendor's Unlimited (Canfield, Julien, Sunnyarest UD, Loras etc.). Cigarette Permit ....................... ~ ............. 208 " 6--Viliage Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................... 222 Aug. 1--Vesely, Rev. Rick, Assc. Pastor of Westminster, Gave Invocation .......................................... 259 1--Vacate steps between Montrose Terr. & Fairview Pl ........ 262 1--Voucher Program -- Section 8 Housing, Execution of Application .......................................... 267 I--Voels, Alice, CLAIM; Closure of Claim ................... 270, 307 Aug. 15--Vosberg, Sara, introduced as CD employees ............... 273 Sept. 6--.Vending machines, re: response of C. Mgr. to Hartigs re: plac- mg soft drink machines in public alley ................... 310, 335 6--Valiey View Heights, Disposal of interest of Lot A to C. McDer- mott d/b/a Tri-State Implement Co ...................... 313, 328 Oct. 3--Vacating Shiras Ave. Extension from Harbor St. to southerly end of Shiras Ave. Extension and disposing of said property to American Marina ..................................... 327 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 3--Vafiable Rate Demand Revenue Bonds, Series 1988 -- Jeld-Wen, Inc. Project ....................................... 331 3--Violations, Penalties etc. re: New Ordinance Amending ..... 345 Oct. 17--Vending machine (Food & Beverage) -- Ordinance to bfing inte conformity with State Law ............................. 354, 355 Nov. 7--Vacatinn of part of Farragut St. requested ................ 373 7--Vanderah, Joseph, CLAIM; Closure of Claim .............. 373, 392 Doc. 19--Viner, Dr. John re: Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition & AIDS Testing ............................................. 411, 412 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE W Jan. 18--Water Tank Project -- Cleaning/Repairing etc. of the 750 MG Elevated on College Station ............................ 13 18--Waitz, Jim (P.J.'s), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor License. 23 18--Wright, Wm. & Mary, CLAIM ......................... 23 18--Wciderholt, Gene, Closure of claim ...................... 26 Feb. 1--World Marriage Day Proclamation ........ 30 1--West Locust Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ................ 37 1--Whelan, Mary Ann (Grandview Milk House), Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 37 Feb. 15--Wartburg Theological Seminary -- Conceptual Devel. Plan etc. 44, 73-76 Feb. 15--Waterfront Districts -- Concept. Plan Provided.: .......... 45 Mar. 7--Waterfront Districts -- Zoning Ordinance amendment ...... 76 " 7--Witt, Roger re: favorable rezoning for property at 3051, 3055, & 3077 Brunskill Rd .......................... 77 7--Wertzberger, Richard appointed to Airport Corran. to term which will expire 9-14-92 .................................... 89 7--Will-Co. Inc. (Oky Doky #10), Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 90 7--Weber, Harold J. -- Notice from IA DOT re: condemnation of certain fights in land for relocated Primary Rd. U.S. 61 ..... 91' Apr. 4--Wiederaenders, Rev. Robert, Gave Invocation ............. 99 4--Wastewater Treatwaent Plant -- remodeling work of Administra- tion Bldg .................................... 101, 102, 148, 149 4--Water Tank Rehab on Asbury Read ..................... 104 4--Wareco System in IA #662, Class "C" Beer Permit ........ 119 " 4--Woodman, Clair A. (Central Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. 120 4--Waterfront area, discussian/comments (4th St. Zoning) ...... 121 4--Woodward Communications Inc. -- suite of Dbq. Racing Assn. · etc. -- Supreme Court' decisions ......................... 121 Apr. 18--Waidert, Mark -- Youth "Mayor" " 1 ' · ......... 128 8--Wine (Bottled) Sale of, Conditional Use in OR Office Res. Dis 129, 146 " 18--West Dbq. Tap, (Donna Ginter}, Class "C" Liquor License.. 139 18--Wahiert, James -- CLAIM; Closure ..................... 139, 181 18--Weidemann, Cathy, CLAIM; Closure. 139, 155 May 2--Webb, James (Jim's Web), Class "C" Liquor License ....... 155 May 16--Wastewater Treatment Facility, Sludge Processing Bldg. ,, Reroofing ....... ,',' ;,' ................................ 163 ,, 16--Walgreens, Class E Beer Permit ...................... 179 16--Wilke, D., CLAIM; denial/closure ....................... 180, 253 June 6--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library, Inc. Funding Agree- ment with City ....................................... 203 --Whitey s Bar X, Cigarette Permit ....................... 208 6--Walgreens, Cigarette Permit ............................ 209 " 6--Wareco System of IA, Cigarette Permit .................. 209 June 20--West Dbq. Tap, Cigarette Pernxit .................. 222 " 20--Whiskey River, Cigarette Permit ........................ 222 20--Webb, Jim (Jim's Webb), Cigarette Permit ................ 222 20--Weber, Mike (Mike's 10 Pin Tap), Cigarette Permit ........ 222 20--Wetland, Steve (University '76), Cigarette Permit .......... 222 20--WCB Hotels, Cigarette Permit ......................... 222 " 20--Woodman, Clair, Cigarette Permits for Aragon Tap & Central Tap ............................................... 222 20--W.C. Brown ARA Services), Cigarette Permit ............. 222 20--Weiner, Ronald J., Cigarette Permit ..................... 223 20--Wheaton, Kevin (K & K Foods), Cigarette Permit .......... 223 20--Wheaton, Kevin (K & K Foods), Beer Permit .............. 224 20--Whlte House Tap, Cigarette Permit ..................... 223 20--Wcisberger, Edward, Zayre #314, Cigarette Permit ......... 223 INDEX ' BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE June 20--Waiter, Dennis (Martin Auto Magic) -- Cigarette Permit .... 223 20--Whalan, Maryann, Grandview Milk House Cigarette Permit. 223 20--Wninut Ta~, Class "C" Liquor License ................... 224 20--W. 11th St. residents requesting No Parking on portions of cer- tai~ streets .......................................... 226, 302 July 5--Webster, Walter appointed to TV Cable Regulartery Connn. 238 5--Wfllco, Inc., Cigarette Permit. (Oky Doky #10) ............ 239 5--WCB Rest. Inc. (Hoffmann House), Class "C' Liquor License. 240 5--Work Program (Unified) for FY '89, Submission ........... 240 5--Williams, Byuce, Refund request for Class "C" Beer Permit. 241 Aug. 1--Weidner Williams Contrasting Co. of Omaha, NE awarded con. tract for Rehabilitation of Locust St. Parking Ramp ....... : 26~t 1--Work Session for Freeway Corridor Planning Strategy ...... 269 Aug. 15--Wilke, Mort, CD employee introduced to Council .......... 273 15--White St., 2351; re: rezoning request of Beecher's ..... .. 275, 297-298 " 15--Wertz, James, refund for Liquor License ................. 290 15--Wacker Dr., P & Z advieing of their approval of final plat tor property located at NE ee~ner of Hwy. 20 (Dodge St.) & Wacker. 291 Sept. 6--Whltlow Estate (Marvin), Bequest of Money to City ....... 297 6--W. llth Street & Olive -- prohibition of parking request failed. 302 6--Weber, Vickie -- 2 CLAIMS; Closure .................... 307, 320 6--Weydert, Mrs. Melvin, CLAIM; DeniaYClbsure ....... ] .... 307, 320 6--Ward I -- Special EleCtion for vacancy created by K. Krieg r~signation, election of James Heckmann ................. 308 6--Wulfekuhle, Phil, resignation from Housing Commission .... 309 19--Welch, Rev. Ted, gave Invocation ....................... 311 19--Waitzel, George, denial of request by Kluck Co. & him for rezon- ing of property at 2769 University from OR Office Res. to C-3 Gen. Comm. ' 315 19~Whalen, John re: rezoning request for prohibiting of parking on portion of W. 11th & Olive St .......................... 316 19--W. llth & Oli;ee St., portions of same, request for prohibition of parking on portions of streets ........................ 316 19--Whitey's Bar X, Class "C" Liquor License ............. .... 320 " 19--Weber~ Randy, Personal injury CLAIM; Denial/Closure of CLAIM.... ~ ........................................ 320 19--Wahlert High Seheol, petitioning to hold a Bonfire ......... 321 Oct. 3--White Cane Safety Day, Proclamation ................... 325 3--Water Ski Club re: concerns about vacation of Shiras Ave. Extension ........................................... 327 3--West Side Athletic Club, Class "B' Beer Permit .......... 336 3--Wilson, Mark, CLAIM; Settlement ...................... 337. 378 3--Water Plant lawsuit, Corp. Counsel authorized by Council to sign documents ........................................... 338 " 3--Windsor Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 357 Now 7--Water Storrge Tank (Asbury), Cleaning, Repairing & Painting. 363, 364 " 7--Wally Gators (Fifties, Inc.), Cigarette Permit .............. 371 " 7--Woodman, Clair A., -- Aragon Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. 372 " 7--Whiskey River, Grxy L. Kupferschmidt, Class "C" Liquor License ........ ..................................... 7--Wagner, Lester, Claim settled .......................... 7--Warranty Deeds for fight-of-way acquisition on NV/Arterial. 7--Wilberding, Katrina, CLAIM; Closure .................... 373, '7--Wsiter, Marie J., delivery of deed to City ................. 372 " 374 " 374 " 392 " 376 Nov. 21--Weber, Kathieen, under contract with City for AIDS awareness. 380 " 21--Work Session requested by Park & Rec. re: Swimming Pool Committee .......................................... 385 21--Weodman, Clair, Assessment of Civil Penalty ($300) for Central Tap ................................................ 385 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 21--Weapons (Concealed), Legal Staff submitting Ordinance ..... 389 Dec. 5--Whalen, Lyle d/b/a Island Princess Cruises requesting approval to proceed with plans to develop ladd at 2400 Kerper Blvd.. 402 Dec. 19--Williams Rev. Robert, Ex. Dir. of Dubuque Rescue Mission, gave invocation ........................................... 407 19--Wild, Robert, Chairman of Sister City Committee, advising of a request that Dubuque be a sister city to Pyatigorsk, USSR. 407 19--Weite, A.L. objecting to passage of Ord. re: AIDS ......... 412 19--Work Session requested by Human Rights Comm. Chair. Ken Hindman re: Human Rights Ord. dealing with Sexual Orientation .......................................... 412 19--Work Session, City Manager submitting summary report from Freeway 61/151 held on 11/28 .......................... 412 19--Willenborg, Harlan. applicant for Plumbing Bd ............ 416 " 19--Winenborg, Harlan J. appointed to Mechanical Cede Bd .... 416 " 19--White House (D. Hoffman), Class "C" Liquor License. ..... 417 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE X May 16--Xavler Park Retirement Center, rezoning request of Kennedy Con. Co., approved, by P & Z & P. Hearing est ......... 164, 185, 186 June 6--Xavier Park ID Institutional District, Coaceptual Development plan .................. : ............................. 185, 186 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE ¥ Jan. 4--Yacht Basin (Dbq.), Lease Agreement with City ........... 2 Apr. 4--Youth in Government Program ......................... 123, 128 May 2--Youth (High Risk) -- 3rd Quarter Report ................. 157A Aug. 15--Yiannias, N.J., Pres. of Key City Investments, re: Acceptance of Res. No. 265-88, final plat of ttawkeye Hwy. No. 20 Place. 291 Sept. 19--Yarnal[, Thomas M., CLAIM; Denial/Closure .............. 302, 378 Oct. 3--Yen Cl~ng Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................. 336 Nov. 7--Yacht Basin, Inc., amendment to current leases with City... 367 Dec. 19--Yiannis Place, final plat approval of Lot 1-11 and 2-11 ...... 420, 421 INDEX -- BOOK 118 1988 SUBJECT PAGE Z Jan. 4--Zonlng, requested change re: Mini-Warehousing ............ 4, 14, 15 4--ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................ 8, 53, 120, 139, 252, 270, 306, 372, 391 " 4--Zaber, Thomas, CLAIM; Closure of Claim .... ............ 8, 24 Jan. 18--zoning Bd. of Adjustment -- clarifying setting of P. Hearing & notification procedure of adjoining Property owners ...... 15 Feb. 1--Zoning -- change in 2nd St. Ice Harbor area from HI to Ct. 30, 31 1--Zoning -- approval by P & Z to allow Business Services, ex- cluding Sig~ Pdintlng as permitted uses in C-2 District.. 33, 42, 84-85 1--Zoning -- temporary use fas changes -- provisions ......... 34, 35 Feb. 15--Zoning -- approving a Conceptual Development Plan for the ID Institutional District for Wartburg Theological Seminary... 44, 73-76 15--Zoning_ Providing for a Concept Plan for Waterfront Districts & amendments ......... Mar. ' .............................. 45, 76 7--Zomng -- request of change at 3051, 3055 & 3077 Brunsldll Rd. ............................................... 77 163, 184 Apr. 4--Zoltanl, Lois & Greg Locker Room Lg., Cigarette Permit... 119 4--Zoning -- Wine(?) as a conditional use in OR Office Res. ........................................ ........ 129, 145, 146 May 16--Zoning reclassification for property north of Raven Oaks Dr. July ............................................... 164, 184 185 5--Zoning -- property reclassification at SE corner of intersection of HWY 61-151 & 52 from AG Agricnit. to C-3 ..... 5--Zoning of property at 3051, 3055 & 3077 Srunskfll Rd. ff~'R~l 227 Single Family to CS Comm. Service & Wholesale district... 228 Aug. 1--Zoning reclassification to ~linw a Cinthing/Acceasory stere as a permitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Comm. District, (re- quested by C. SckneIler for University Ave.) .............. 261 Sept. 6--Zoning of property requested for 2350 & 2368 Central & 2351 White St... ......................................... 297 6--Zaloanik, Edward requesting City te vacate & cOnvey property known as Railroad St. in Center Grove ................... 308 Sept. 19--Zephyr Aluminum Products, condemnatinn of cortnin rights ~or relocated Primary Road U.S. 61, IA DOT advisement ...... 19--Zoning of property requested etc. east of Keyway Dr. & Keystone 308 from R-1 Single Family to R-3 Mniti-Famfiy .............. 312, 325 19--Zoning -- request of J. Henkel to amend Conceptual Develop- ment Plan for property located at NW Corner of Chaney Rd. & Asbury Rd .......................................... 312, 325 Oct. 17--Zirkelbach, Dennis J. (Beany's~, Class "C" Liquor License; Cigarette Permit ..................................... Oct. 17--.Zephyr Aluminum Products, Inc., IA DOT advising of dismissal 357, 371 m matters of condenuiatian.. Dec. ' ' ' ......................... 358 5--Zoamg Ordinance amended to allow TV/Radio/Video Sales & Ser- vice in C-1 Neighborhood Corem. District ............ 395, 413 414 5--Zoning re 3606 Crescent Ridge (Mr. GremmeYCash Co.) .... 408 Dec. 19--Zoning Comm. denial to allow a furniture uphalstery/repoir stere as a permitted use in the C-1 Neighborhood Comm. district. 413 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regalar Session, January 4, 1988 Council Met at 7:30 p.m. at the Pablic Library Auditorium. lhesant--Mayor Brady, Council Mem- bers Deich, Kluesner, Krieg, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg, City Manager W. Ken- neth Gearhart; Corporation Counsel Barry A. Lindahl. Regular Session January 4, 1988 1 James E. Brady Mayor ATTES~ Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Ddich, Kluesner, Kring, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays-- Mayor Brady read the call and stated that this meeting is the REGULAt MONTHLY MEETING of the City Council called for the purpose to act upon such business which may proper- ly come before the Council. Invocation was given by Mayor Brady, Mayor Brady swore in newly ~lected Council Members Mr. Michael W. Pratt representing At-Large; Mr. Loras Kluesner representing 2nd Ward wad Mr. Dirk Voetberg representing 4th Ward. Let the record show that each elected official had token their written oath of office prior to midnight on December 31 1987. Mayor Brady then swore in Mrs. Kathryn Krieg as Mayor Pm-Tem in cordance with Se~ 2-81 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, IA. RESOLUTION NO. 1-88 RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE APPOINTMENT OF THE CITY MANAGER BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: That the appointment of ~/~ Kenneth Gearhart, as City Manager for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be hereby affirmed in accordance with the terms and condi- tions contained in employment agree- ment executed and approved on the 12th day of April, 1982. Passed, approved and adopted this 4th day of January, 1988. RESOLUTION NO. 2-88 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A CITY CLERK BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: In accordance with Chapter 372.13(3) of the Code of Iowa, 1987, as amended, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, does hereby appoint the following as City Clerk for the City of Dubuque, for the purpose to perform the duties of said position as re- quired by State and City Laws. CITY CLERK -- Mary A. Davis Passed, approved and adopted this 4th day of January, 1988. James E. Brady Mayor ATTESt. Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Krieg, Pratt, Simon, Voetberg. Nays-- Non~ RESOLUTION NO. 3-88 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF A LEGAL STAFF FOR THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: