1987 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1987 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1987 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member At Large ......... .......BARBARA MANNING Council Member At Large ......... ..............DAVID SIMON First Ward ...................... ...........KATHRYN KRIEG Second Ward .................... .......... LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward ..................... .............DONALD REICH Fourth Ward .................... ....... RHONDA KRONFELDT City Clerk ...................................MARY A. DAMS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel .....................BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor ............................WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney ...................JAMES A. O'BRIEN CI°fY Il~ANAGR W. KENNETH GEARHART Administrative Assistant ............... ..........GENT WITTENBERG Airport Manager ...................... .............. THERON CLARK Budget Officer ........................ ............... PAULINE JOYCE Building Services Division Manager ...... ...............DAVID SHURTS Cable Franchise Administrator .......... ......... MERRILL CRAWFORD City Assessor ......................... ................FRANK FROST City Engineer ......................... ..............MICHAEL KOCH Civic Center Director .................. ...............ROBERT DRURY Community Development Director ....... ................JAMES BURKE Deputy Finance Director ............... ................GERALD HIRD Disaster Services Coordinator ........... ...............ROBERT GOOCH Environmental Sanitarian ............... .......MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Finance Director ...................... ...............A. G. HEITZMAN Fire Chief ............................ .............WILLIAM MILLER Health Services Supervisor ............. ..................MARY KLEIN Human Rights/EEO Director ........... ............. MATHIAS LORENZ Information Services Director ........... ............CHRIS KOHLMANN Library Director ...................... ..........ELIZABETH MINTER Park/Recreation Director ............... ................... GIL SPENCE Parking Division Supervisor ............ ............... SHIRLEY LANG Personnel Assistant ................... ...... DARLENE HANTELMANN Personnel Manager .................... ..................RANDY PECK Police Chief .......................... ..................JOHN MAUSS Public Works Director ................. ...............FRANK MURRAY Street Superintendent ................. ..........MERLE FELDERMAN Transit Manager ...................... ............WILLIAM KOHLER Wastewater Plant Supervisor ........... ...............PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Supervisor ................ ..................JOHN NORTH Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:30 P.M. INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--Asbury l~ad (South of), north of Dana Dr. & East of Southwa~ rezoning of property for DuTrac etc (OR to PC) ........... 4-7 " 5--Airport Comm. Chair A. Honkamp requesting funding (CIP balance) to do space utilization study of terminal (Airport).. 15 5--AIRPORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .... 23, 85, 144, 166, 196, 211, 230, 246, 274, 308, 324, 358, 378, 388/424, 444, 475 5--Avenarins, Daniel, Claim .............................. 23 5--Audit, FY 1986 Reports, submitted by Mgr. ............. 26 5--Agreement executed with IDOT on right-of-way assurance statements for Federal Aid Projects ..................... 27 Jan. 19--AirI~or~ Marketing & Public Relations report by Bob Apel of C. of C .............................................. 35 19--Asphalt Paving project for 1986, finalized ............... 35-46 19--Assessment Schedule for Asphalt & Concrete Paving Project of 1986 ............................................. 36-55 19--Atkinson, Merlyn, applicant for H. Rights Corem ......... 62 19--Adams, C. appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd ....... 62 Feb. 2--Airport Commission requesting CIP funds to replace floor in former American Central Airlines area ................... 66 2--Agreeraant for Economic Dev. Services with Greater Dbq. Development Corp .................................... 66, 67 " 2--Ageeement with Dbq. Star Brewing C(x (for Loan) ......... 67 2--Applicatinn -- Dbq. Star Brewing C(~ ................... 68 2--Ambulance Medical Officer, individuals certified by Civil Service Comm .............................................. 86 2--Audit Report for FY ending 6-30-86 (IA Dept. of Ecomnlc Do~.) 86 2--Agreement with IDOT for Rehab. of Dodge Street from Grand- view to Bluff St ...................................... 87 Feb. 16--Agreement with Turning Point Treatment Center ~ Employee Assistance Program .................................. 105 16--Apartmente Ltd. (Stephen Ankeny), Class "C" Liquor Licensg 109 16--Arensdorf, Ken, Claim.; Closure of Claim ................. 110, 153 M ar. 16--Application with U.S. DOT re: grant for planning assistance pro- jects -- mass transit etc. ............................. 135, 136 16--Arterial (NW) from Asbury Rd. to John lv. Kennedy Road -- Design Public Hearing ................................ 137 16--Agnitech, Mrs. Jeannette, Claim; Denial ................. 145, 235 16--Alley near Lot 60 in Ham's Addn., Richard & Alice Kelly requesting vacation ................................... 145 16--Avenarius, Daniel, Denial of Claim ...................... 147 16--Arbor Oaks, roplatting of Block 8 approved by P & Z ...... 147, 148 16--Advisory Council on Historic Pres. advising of acceptance of CD Block Grant Rental Rehab Programming Agreement... 152 " 16--Audit Services for City contracted with Helle, Klosterman & Ca 153 Apr. 6--Alley south of Farragnt & west o£ Kerper; -- request for vaca- tion by Richard & Alice Kell:6 ......................... 156, 173 6--AGREEMENT (Lease), Revised, with Robert's River Rides. ............................................ 158, 176, 177, 204 6--Audit of City, HUD received copies ..................... 167 Apr. 20--American Home Week, Proclamation .................... 173 20--Amendment to the FY 1987 Budget & Date of P. Hrg ..... 177 20--ARP Cable, transfer of Cable Franchise etc. .............. 180 20--Airport Issues, report by A. Honkamp, Chair of Connnission 182 20--Air Service Between Dbq. & Chicago, addressed ........ .... 182, 183 20--Air Wiscpnsin Service, Inc to Chicago, 'terminated ........ 183, 198 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 20-~ARA Leisure Services, Ina (Greyhound park), Class "C" Liquor Lic. ................................................ 196 20--Aetna Insurance (on behalf of Dbq. Thermo King), submitting subrogation rights on claim for an employee .............. 196 20--Agreement between Dbq. Yacht Basin Inc. & Big River et~ 198 20--ARP Cable, Inc, submitting 1986 Annual Report .......... 199 20--Asbury Read, P & Z approving final plat for Red Cross Assn. 200 May 4_Agreement request for Park Facility (City/County); Storybook Hill etc ............................................ 206 4--Avis Renta Car; Denial; Closure of Claim ................ 212 4--Airport Commisaion Chah' requesting funds for law firm for assistance in current essential air service controversy. ..... 217 4--Agreement -- Res~ authorizing Execution of a Community Ecc- nomic Betterment Account Loan with IA Dept. of Economic Deveinpment ........................................ 219 4--Account Loan Sub-Agreelnent with Dbq. Star Brewing Co.; Execution of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Loan. 219 May 18--AEhane, Dennis (Faro. Bev. Center), Cigarette Permit ...... 229 " 18--Angel Investment Co., (Casey's, Reckdale), Cigarette Permit. 229 18--Amoco at the Bridge, Cigarette Permit .................. 229 18--Amoco Food Shop, (Loras), Cigarette Permit .............. 229 18--Airways, IA re: schedule for service to Chicago ........... 231 18--Asbury, IA, approval of destination signs to that town .... 235 18--Agreement with Humane Society ...................... 252 une 15--AGREEMENT between City & Dubuque Phone-A-Frlend, Inc 253 15--Agreement between City & Dbq. Main St., Ltd ........... 253 15--Admiral's Hi Hat West, Cigarette Permit ................ 256 15--Arvantis, George K., Cigarette Permit ................... 257 15--A~nericon Legion, Cigarette Permit ..................... 257 15--Aragon Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 257 15--Adame, Dave -- Civic Center '76, Cigarette Permit ........ 257 15--Apartmente Ltd., Dbq. Mining Co., Cigarette Permit ....... 257 15--Abresch, Larry, Claim; Closing ......................... 259, 308 15--April List of Claims, Proof. ............................ 261 15--Armbruster, Clarence, Denial of Claim .................. 261 15--Air Service, Essential, to O'Hare by Simmons ............ 262 July 6--Agreement -- Loan with EH. Uelner. ................... 268 6--ARA Services, In~ -- several outlets, Cigarette Permits .... 272 6--Adams, Phyllis, CLAIM ......................... : .... 274 6--Avenue Top, CLAIM ................................. 274 6--Airport -- terminal improvement, letter from DOT to A. Honkamp ........................................... 275 6--Air Service to Dbq. -- Chicago Market, IA Airways, Inc, re: provide Essential Air Service ........................... 275 6--Assessment Schedule for Old Mill Read Sanitary Sewer ... 279 Jniy 20--Asphalt Paving Project 1987 ........................... 284 20--Alcoholic Beverage/Beer -- Repealing 50% Goods & Services Test to Qualify, REPEALED. .......................... 292 " 20--Althaus, Dennis -- Family Mart, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit 307 " 20--Althans, Dennis A., Fam. Bev. Center, Class "E' Beer Permit 307 " 20--Ah'port Inn, Class "C" Liquor ......................... 308 " 20--Alley parallel to Kirkwood St., vacation .................. 309 " 20--Adoption of Final Assesment Schedule for Old Mill Read San. Sewer ............................................... 312 Aug. 3--Amoco Foedshop (Mulgrew Oil Ca), Class "C" Beer Permit.. 324 3--Albright, Edwina, CLAIM; Closure of Claim .............. 325, 380 9--Air Wisconsin -- Suspension of service .................. 325 3--Annual Investment Report, City Manager submitting ...... 327 3--Assessment for Street repairs, objection by J. Juergens.... 327 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 17--Agreement with Dbq. County -- Mutual Aid... .......... 342 17--Agreement with Asbury, Mutual Law Enforcement ........ 343 17--Asbury Mutual Aid Agreement ........................ 343 17--Assist Police Officer, Refusal etc ........................ 345 17--Arrow -- directional for Finley's Helipad ................. 346 " 17--Amendment to Grant Agreement with HUD, increasing City's entitlement ......................................... 356 17--Air Wisconsin, 90 Day Notice of Suspension of Servica .... 359 17--Asphalt Paving Project No. 3, Completion ................ 362 Sept. 8--Adult Literacy Day, Proclamation ...................... 368 8--Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit .......................... 376 8--Asbury Fastop, Mnigrew Oil Co ........................ 377 8--Admiral's Hi-Hat West, Class "C" Liquor Lic. ............ 377 " 8--April Council Proceedings, approved as printed ........... 378 8--Asphalt Resurfacing of U.S. #20 (Dodge) fi'om Grandview to Bluff acceptance of project ............................ 379 Sept. 21--Air Wisconsin, In~ -- suspension of air service. .......... 389 21--Aetna Casualty, Denial of personal injury Claim as Sub. for Thermo King ........................................ 389 21--A.P. (Admin. Policy) -- Receipt of Gifts etc. .............. 390 Oct. 5--Arte Month, Proclan~ation ............................. 391 5--Airport Comm. requesting support for structured growth with terminal renovation ................................... 397 5--Asphalt Paving Project -- Res. Providing for Issuance of Street Imp. Bonds ......................................... 398 5--August Financial Reports, by City Mgr. ................. 409 Oct. 19--Agreement (Lease) of property (Finley Home Addn.) to TCI Cabla ............................................... 419 " 19--August claims paid, Proof of publication ................. 424 " 19--Air Service Determination amended by U.S. D(YE. ......... 426 19--Airlines re: Cert. of Public Convenience .................. 426 19--Agreement with IA DOT for work re: Dredging activities for Relocated Hwy. 61 .................................... 430 19--Agreement with Brutger Co., extension .................. 430 19--Adams, Phyllis, Closure of Claim ....................... 431 19--Avenue Tap, Claim; Closed ............................. 431 Nov. 2--Arndt, Rev. Rebert, Gave Invocation .................... 432 2--Alzhaimer Disease Public Awareness Month, Proclamation.. 432 2--Alley south of Kirkwcod St., west of Blake St. and advising of City's intent to dispose of three segments of this Alloy to adjoining owners ..................................... 435 2--Asphalt Paving Project, Respect to Adoption of Resolution of Necessity. .......................................... 438 2--Assessment Fund (Gen. Spec.), Repeal Sec. 2-6 of Cod~ .... 442 2--Aragon Tap, Class "C" Liquor Licens~ .................. 443 Nov. 16--AMOCO Food Shop at 1450 Loras, suspension of Beer Permit. 455 16--Anderson Marine Co. -- sublease of Yacht Basin Properties leased from City. ..................................... 453 16--Adams, Greg & Mike re: Krleg Boys' property, zoning problems. 454 16--Agreement, Funding, with Greater Dbq. Development Corporation ......................................... 455 Dec. 7--Army Permit for filling of 28 acre site on west side of Kerper Blvd ............................................... 471 " 7--Agreement with Army Engrs. for filling 28 acre site near Kerper. 471 7--Army Corps of Engrs. -- Mitigation Plan on Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island between IA Dept. of Natural Resources & City. ..... 472 7--Aid -- State for Airport Renovation ..................... 479 7--Airport Renovation, $150,000 State Aid .................. 479 Dec. 21--Agreement -- Lease with Dubuque Yacht Basin ........... 485 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Dec 21--Agreement -- Mutual Aid with Asbury -- Law Enforcement 487 Etc. ............................................... " 21--Asbury -- Mutual Aid Agreement ...................... 487 21--Agreement -- Right-Of-Way on Dodge St. for City Street Relocation etc ....................................... 488 21--Angel Investment -- Casey's Gen.,Store, Class "C" Beer Permit. 489 21--Airport, Re: Need for Vehicle (Car) ...................... 492 INDEX--BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE B Jan. 5--Bowling (National) Week, proclamation .................. 1 5--Blocker, Virgil, for Loras College, requesting rezoning ..... 9 5--Bonds, G.O. $1,800,000 for Airport improvement .......... 14, 15, 31 5--Burgmeyer, Mike, claim ............................... 23 5--Boleyn Road, nero': re: final plat approval of Witterholt Subd. 26 5--Brunswlck Street, acquisition of contiguous properties etc. (Merlin Kruser etc.): Lot 158 in Behiaont Addn ............ 28 Jan. 19--BOARD OF HEALTH, Regular Session ................. 30 19--Bonds, Industrial Development re: SWISS VALLEY. ...... 55-60 19--Board of Directors, Operation: New View, requesting appoint- merits of representatives ............................... 61 19--B~ernal, Brenda, applicant to Human Rights Commission .... 62 19--Busch, Janet, resigning from Honsing Code Appeals Bd .... 64 Feb. 2--Bonds, G.O., $4,000,000 -- Sale etc ...................... 65, 94 2--Brewing Co. (Star), Loan etc .......................... 67, 68, 113 2--Budget documents submitted by Mgm: (for 1988) etc ....... 83, 112 " 2--Block Grant Funds, Publication of Notice of P. Hearing for 84 usage ........ ....................................... 2--Brade-Kelly, Marian, claim.; settlement .................. 85, 88 2--Budget for Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency for '88. 86 2--Burgmeyer, Mike, Settlement. .......................... 88 Feb. 16--Bunker Hill Golf Course, Class "B" Beer Permit .......... 109 " 16--Brian's Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 109 Feb. 23--BUDGET (1988) Public Hearing...all departmente, adoption of documents ....................................... 115-126 Mar. 16--Biechler Elec. requesting to purchase/lease City right-of-way adjacent to former Rowicy Interstate Bldg. near 2010 Kerper. 140 " 16--Burlington Northern Depot Lease Offering (disposition) ... 131 16--Big "10" Mart, (Malo), 2100 JFK, Class "C" Beer; Cigarette Per. 143 16--Bottom's Up, Class "C' Liquor License .................. 144 16--Board of Supervisors re: Old Jail as a National Landmark.. 145 16--Brown, Kathy, Claim .................................. 145 16--Bond refund requested by Jald-Wen ..................... 146 16--Budde, Michael, Mayor of Asbucy requesting to place destina- tion signing in various places .......................... 147 16--Bubiltz, Lisa, petitioning to keep Municipal Pool open ..... 147 16--Brady, Mayor sending letter to State Rep. Connally re: Dbq's Tourist Development .................................. 153 " 16--Budget matorials adopted for FY 88 .................... 153, 154 Apr. 6--Boys Club Week, Proclamation ......................... 155 " 6--Biechler Electric Ina, Disposal of property. .............. 159 6--Bids for GO Bonds. ($5,500,000) ........................ 160 6--Bonds -- G.O. $5,500,000 .............................. 160 6--Big River Boat Co. -- agreement for water frontage use with Dbq. Yacht Basin .................................... 162 6--Bush, Robert, reappointed to Refrigeration Worker position, Mechanical Bd ....................................... 165 6--Borchers, J., applicant for Mechanical Bd ................ 165 6--Brashaw, Paul S. appointed to the Mechanical Bd ......... 165 6--Botsford, Judith A., Class "C" Liquor License ............ 166 6--Bridge Deck Overlay Project, re: IA DOT -- re: Bridge over abandoned CGW RR on the south leg of IA Highway 386 to begin March 30, 1987 ................................. 167 6--Budget (City) -- Notice that a summary of the adopted Budget are available for inspection for the public ................ 167 Apr. 20--BOARD OF HEALTH Regular Meeting ................. 172 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 20--Biechler Electric re: disposal of Lot 6 in Lake Peosta Subd. in exchange for Lot 1 in Lake Peosta Subd ................. 174 20--BUDGET -- Resolution directing Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to the Budget & Date of P. Hearing .......... 177 20--BLUFF St. -- Asphalt Resurfacing of U.S. #20 from Grandview to Bluff ............................................. 179 20--BONDS -- G.O., $5,500,000 -- Documents levying tax etc.. 183-194 20--Brunswick St. -- Vacating from WPL of Lot 60 in Belmont Addn. to NPL of Elbow St ............................ 194 20--Brown, Kathy, payment of car damage claim ............. 197 20--Bertsch, Robert, attorney for Dbq. Yacht Basin re: Agreement between Yacht Basin & Big River Boat Ca .............. 198 20--Big River Ca -- Agreement with Dubuque Yacht Basin .... 198 May 4--Budget Amended for FY ending 6/30/87 ................. 202 4--BN Depot Property, disposition etc ..................... 206 4--Bregman, C.H. re: interest in saving Storybook Hill Children's Zen ............................................... 206 4--Bonds, Resolution cancelling sale of $5.500,000 ........... 207 4--Brewing Co., Transfer of Liquor Lic. .................... 209 4--Brewing Co., Class "C" Liquor Licens~ ................. 211 4--Baumgartner, Cora, settlement of Claim ................. 211 " 4--Bedtka, Bernard, Denial of Claim ...................... 212 4--Budde, Dale, Denial of Claim ........................... 212 " 4--Baal, Henry, Denial/Closure of Claim .................... 212 4--Beecher. Rick, resigning from His. Pres. Comm ........... 213 18--Bible College (Emmaus), ID Institutional District ........ 216 18--Birkett, Mike, of Letter Carriers submitting Dog bite Stats. 217 May 18--Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Co.. 220 18--Boards & Commissions Dinner, format discussion ......... 228 18--Beecher Co., Inc; Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Beer Permit. 229 18--Budget of Peoples Natural Gas for 1987 Submitted ........ 235 18--Bethany Home submi~tlng financial statements for 1985, 1986. 235 18--Bitter, Joseph J., Denial]Closure of Claim ................ 235 18--Buell, Inez, requesting consideration of space between curb & bus steps ........................................... 235 18--Bus Steps & curb, request for consideration for space ..... 235 18--Breitbach, Mary Leu requesting City check RR txacks on E. 7th St .............................................. 236 June 1--Boards & Commission dinner format task force. .......... 244 1--Barr. & F Enterprises, Inc., Vasco Drug, Cigarette Permit... 245 1--Big 10 Marts (3), Mole Oil Co, Cigarette Permits .......... 245 1--Bleile, Joseph, A & B qhp, Cigarette Permit .............. 245 1--Breitbach, Robert J., Oky Daky #9, Cigarette Permit ...... 245 1--Brown, W. C., Restaurants, -- Hoffman House, Cigarette Permits ............................................. 245 1--Budget -- State Appeal Bd. submitting findings re: P. Hee~ lng held on the appeal fried by citizens against ........... 246 June 15--Bertsch, Frank of IA Natural Heritage Committee re; Burden (4 Mounds) Property. ................................. 250 15--Burden property (Four Mounds). discussion et~ .......... 250 15--BN Depot, request to sublet portion by J. Enzler of Nat'l Rivers Hall of Famg ....................................... 250 15--Brutger Hospitality Group, re: Downtown Hotel Project .... 251 15--Business Recruitment Program Report by lq Friedman ..... 253 15--Blum, Attorney Bill, re: Legal Opinion as to Handicapped Park- lng spaces ........................................... 255 15--Baum Shelter, Cigarette Permit ........................ 256 " 15--Busy Bee Cafe, Cigarette Permit ....................... 257 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 15--Bechen, Eugene J. -- Betty & Nick's Tap, Cigarette Permit. Class "C" Liq. License. .................................... 259 15--Billy Buck's East St. Tap, Cigarette Permit .............. 257 15--Barge, The, Cigarette Permit ........................... 257 15--Burchetto, C, Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ............ 257 15--Bertolini, Angelini -- Marie's Cigarette Permit ........... 257 IS--Botsford, Judy -- Betsy's, Cigarette Permit .............. 257 15--Bridge Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lin 257, 259 15--Butter's Bar, Class "C" Liquor Lin ..................... 259 15--Big River Boat Ca, -- Lyle Whalen, Class "C" Liquor Li~. 259 15--Bauer, James E., -- Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lin ..... 259 15--Bunker Hill Road -- P & Z approving final plat of Hinz Subd. west of this ......................................... 260 July 6--Billme~er, Richard, (& R. Billmeyer) re: property (portion of Kerper Ind. Subd.) deeded to them ...................... 266 6--Buildlngs -- DANGEROUS -- re: Ord. addressing removal or repair. .............................................. 271 6--Bluff Street, between 3rd & 4th -- deletion from 2 hour time limit parking zona ............................... 272, 300, 301 6--Brewn (W.C.) Publishing, Cigarette Permit ................ 272 6--Bennet, Nelda -- The Old Shang, Cigarette Permit ........ 273 6--Becket, Robert, settlement of claim ..................... 274 July 20--Bnildinge, Dangerous, re: Ord .................... 296, 321, 332-340 20--Boards & Commissions -- Procedure for conduct of Hearing Appeals ..................................... 296, 322, 339, 340 20--Bond consultant, Speer Financial Inc submitting proposal.. 305 20--Boultinghouse, Ann appointed to Library Board .......... 305, 306 20--Bemis, Harry, applicant for Park & Rec. Corem ............ 306 20--Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit .......................... 307 20--Beeeher Co. Ina, Class "LE" Liquor Lin ................ 308 20--Block Grant Projects (Uelner & Dbq. Data Systems) re: Request for Release of Funds Submitted ........................ 310 20--Bicentennial Community Application, authorization for execution ........................................... 314 Aug. 3--Bond Sale, $300,000, Directing Advertisment ............ 318-320 Aug. 17--Burbach, Carl & Mary Ann re: Inadequate Water Pressure in Buena Vista Sub. .................................... 332 17--Buena Vista Subd. No. 1 through 5, inadequate water pressure complaint by C. Burbach .............................. 332 17--Bells, Ringing of, Outlawed in etd ...................... 344 17--Bows & Arrows etc., Unlawful by Ord ................... 344 17--Board of Health, Conducting of Hearing Appeals ......... 354 17--Baumhover, Randy, CLAIM; Closure .................... 359, 431 17--Beyer, Patricia, CLAIM ............................... 359 17--Board of Trustees of Police & Fire Retirement Systems, final report .............................................. 361 Sept. 8--Brewing Cc~, transfer of Beer Permit .................... 377 8--Beyer, Patricia, recommending closure of claim ........... 380 Sept. 21--Bonde, Directing Sale of $300,000 Street ................ 383, 384 21--Block Grant Project -- Notice of Environ. Review Finding (for Theieen Supply) ...................................... 384 21--Bechen, Vicki -- re: rezoning request for 2460 J.F. Kennedy.. 386, 392 21--Bies Drive, prohibiting Heavy Vehicle traffic .............. 387 21--Breitbach, Robert J., Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 387 21--Budget -- City Mgr. giving summary of public meeting... 390 21--B--Cable -- TCI Leasing 500 Ft. etc. ................... 396 Oct. 5--Bitter, Attorney Joseph (for J. Davis) claim of $50,000 ..... 408 " 5--Baum, Wm., Refund requested ......................... 409 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 5--Barrier for sound requested by P. Carr, on Highway 20 (Dodge) near St. Josephs ..................................... 410 Oct. 19--Banworth, Francine, re: Nuclear Test Ban Resolution ...... 422 " 19--Bijan's, Class "B" Beer Permit ......................... 423 " 19--Bennett, Nelda L. (Old Shang), Class "C' Liquor Lic. ..... 424 19--Blake & Kirkwood Streets (s/w corner), approval of plats -- Woods Addn ......................................... 425 " 19--Burkaxt, Dave expressing "Thanks for help of Bldg. Dept. personnel ........................................... 426 " 19--Building Dept. employees thanked for help by D. Burkart.. 426 19--Beverly Pines. Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2-1-1-1 ........... 428 19--Baner, Jerry L., Mgr. of HUD, appreciative of City's commit- ment to Housing Voucher Program ...................... 429 19--Brutger Co., 60 Day Extension of Agreement ............ 430 Nov. 2-- Blake St. -- west of, vacation of Alley near Kirkwood and disposition to nearby property owners ................... 435 2--Blasting & Storage of Dynamite, Ordinances ............. 440 2--Brimeyer, Jim, CLAIM ................................ 444 Nov. 16--Buechele, Eleanor -- property from City disposed of near Kirkwood ........................................... 448 16--Brewing Co,, transfer of Beer Permit .................... 455, 474 " 16--Baxter, Elaine -- re: Notice of Amendment of application.. 459 Dec. 7--Bottems Up -- Cigarette Permit ....................... 474 7--Bertolini, Angelina, Class "C" Liquor License ............ 475 7--Billy Buck's Ink, Class "C" Liquor License .............. 475 7--Big River Boat Ca, Refund on Liquor License ............ 475 7--Bendorf, Wm. & Mildred. CLAIM ...................... 475 Dec. 21--Boundarles of W. 11th St. Historic District Extended ..... 483 21--Bleile, Joseph F. (A & B qhvern), Class "C" Liquor Lic. .... 489 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 1 5--Crivar~ Pete, Resolution Honoring as past Mayor of Des Moines. 1 5--Cox St. reeoning -- Part of Loras College rezoning ........ 10 5--Courtesy Parking Tickets at Parking Ramps authorized .... 20 5--Copper Kettle, Class "C" Liquor Licens~ ................ 22 5--Council Proceedings, printed for approval, September ...... 23 5--Crescent Electric Supply Co., Claim .................... 23 5--CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ...................... 23, 110, 144, 166, 259, 424, 475 5--CABLE TV TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUB- MITTING MINUTES: ........ 63, 110, 166, 211, 230, 424, 456, 490 5--Coffmann, Patricia, settlement of claim .................. 24 5--Conner, Alice, Settlement of Claim ...................... 24 5--Coble, Daniel, Settlement of Claim ...................... 24 5--Cycare Systems, Proof of finding of No Significant Effect on Environment ........................................ 24 5--Country Wagon, Proof of finding of No Significant Effect.. 24 5--County Sofi Conservation Commission re: Erosion Damage Report .............................................. 24 5--CD Block Grant Projects, request for release of funds ...... 24 5--Cycare Systems, Inc. -- Releaee of CD funds for project .... 25, 85 5--Country Wagon -- release of CD funds for project ........ 25, 85 Jan. 19--City Council, Ragnlar Session .......................... 31 19--Casey, Glenn & Elizabeth, "for" rezoning of Boye's Lincoln St. request ............................................. 32 19--Concrete Paving Project of 1986 Completinn ............. 47 19--City Councli Meetings, updating of procedural rules ....... 60, 71 19--Code deletion of six obsolete sections ................... 61 19--Councll members authorized to gu to National League of Cities. 61 19--Cinb House, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 63 19--Cox, Chad (Attorney) for Harold & Linda Nachtman, CLAIM. 63 19--Claims (List), Proof of publication for NOVEMBER, 1986.. 63 19--Cable Regulatory Commission resignation of Wm. Ternent.. 64 19--City Census tracts, Mgr. comments ..................... 64 Feb. 2--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 65 2--CD Block grant Funds re: STAR BREWING CO. ......... 67, 68 2--Community Economic Betterment Account Program Ap. -- Dbq. STAR BREWING CO. ........................... 68 2--Child Restraint Devices, Ordinance providing for .......... 69, 70 2--CIP (Capital Improvement Program), Setting date for P. Hearing 83 2--CD Block Grant Funds -- Authorizing Publicatinn of Notice of P. Hearing for use ................................. 84 2--CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........................................ 85, 274, 325, 388, 424 2--Civil Service Commission certifying positions of Firefighters (Entry Level) ........................................ 85. 86 " 2--Chase, Duane & Mary, dismissal of claim ................ 88 Feb. 16--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 90 " 16--CD Block Grant Loan -- Loan of $80,000 to Dbq Data Services. 103, 104 " 16--CD Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for 1987... 104 " 16--Central Market Operations: Ordinance amending. ......... 107 " 16--Cue Masters Limited, Ltd., Inc ......................... 109 " 16--Civic Center advising of an accurate portrayal of Self- Promotions .......................................... 110 " 16--Claims List proof of publication for Dec. 1986 ............ 110 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. Feb. Apn Apn 16--CD Grantee Performance Report, authorization for Mayor to sign ............................................... 112, 113 16--CD Block Grant projects -- Notice of Environmental Review. 113 23--City Council, Special Session ........................... 115 23--Capital Improvement Program (5 year), Adoption of same (1988 120 Budget) ............................................. 23--Charges for sewer rates -- revision of same for 1988 Budget. 122-124 23--Collection Rates for Refuse, revised for 1988 Budget ....... 124 16--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 127 16--Cooperative Education Week, Proclamation ............... 127 16--Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement .... I34 16--Cable -- requests by Cable Co. and appointment of evaluation 136 team etc ............................................ 16--City Council Worksessions Scheduled .................... 142 16--Cubby Bear, (G. Kirchberg), Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 143 16--Conoce, Dunne, (Wm. E Dunne), Class "C" Beer Permit .... 143 16--Council Proceedings for Dec. 1986, for approval .......... 144 16--County Bd. of Supervisors re: designation of Old Jail as a National Historic Landmark ........................... 145 16--Carnegie Stout Library Bd. of Trustees re: Budget ........ 145 16--Comm. Development Block funds -- Dbq. Star Brewing Co. 145-146 16--Chaloupka, Nicole petitioning to keep Mun. Pool open ..... 147 16--Castlewoods Lane, final plat approval of Block 8 in nearby Arbor Oaks ............................................... 147 16--CD Block Grant Rental Rehab. Progran~ Agreement ....... 152 16--Council travel advances, list by Fin. Director ............. 153 16--Connolly -- State Representative, letter from Mayor re: Tourist Develop ............................................. 153 16--CT Apts., Closure of Claim ............................ 153 16--Coates, Ronald, Closure of Claim ....................... 153 16--"Cable TV" Ruling, in case of City vs. Group W. ......... 153 6--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 155 6--Comm. Development Week, Proclamation ................ 155 6--Clayton Brown & Assoc. -- bid, best bid for G.O. Bonds.. · 160 6--Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with F.H. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc. ................. 163 6--Curfman, Walter appointed to Dock Bd .................. 164 6--Co,nm. Development Block Grant Homeowner Rehab, Loans. 164 6--Cubby Bear Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................... 165 6--Community Development Revenue Sharing Funds -- Proof Notice of Budget et~ ................................. 167 6--County Board of Supervisors advising DMATS Policy Commit- tee re: Joint application for RISE funding for N/W Arterial Ext. 167 6--Claims paid for Feb., Proof. ............................ 167 6--Community Development Block Grant Project, Notice of Environmental Review Findings re: Dubuque Trolley. Inc... 170, 171 20--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 173 20--Cable franchise transfer from Group W Cable (ARP) to GWC 107; and change of control from Buyers Consortium to TCI of IA/Illinois ete ........................................ 180 20--Chicago O'Hare Field by Air Wisconsin, protesting termination of'Essential Air Service ............................... 183 20--City Traffic Code re: handicapped parking ............... 194 20--Central Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 196 20--Conun. Development Block Grant Projects, release of funds etc. 197 20--Chicago -- Air Wisconsin 90 day notice of termination of service 198 20--Council Travel Advances, outstanding ones submitted ..... 199 20--Cable (ARP), Inc. submitting annual report .............. 199 20--Cleweil, Robert, Estate, approval of final plat ............. 199, 200 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apn 20--County Historical Society advising of historical significance of the north end of park grounds of FDR Park .............. 201 May 4--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 202 4--Community Vision Month, Proclamation ................ 202 4--Candy Day (Sertoma) -- Proclamation .................. 202 4--Colts Drum & Bugle Corps Music on the March Day, Proclamation. ....................................... 202 4--Children's Zoo, request for continued funding ete .......... 206 4--Conservation Bd. IDbq, County), re: Joint City/County Park Facility ............................................ 206 4--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island, Exercise of an Option by Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc. for 3.47 Acres .................... 207 4--Clqyton Brown & Associates, Inc. re: bid for G.O. Bonds... 208 4--Callahan, Barbara, Denial of Claim ..................... 212 " 4--Code of Ordinances, Adopting Supplement No. 29 ......... 212 May 18--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 214 " 18--Conceptual Development Plan for ID Institutional Dis. for Emmans Bible College ................................ 216 " 18--Cedar Cross Read project, Notice of Availability for Env. Assessment ......................................... 217 18--CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Ca 218 18--Communlty Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement with IA Dept. of Economic Development ................ 219 18--Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Sub- Agreement with the Dubuque Star Brewing Co. .......... 219 18--Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dubuque Star Brewing Ca ............................ 220 18--City Code amendment to assess and collect clean-up costs with spills of hazardous substances ......................... 221 18--Countey Kitchen of Dubuque, Cigarette Permit ........... 229 18--Cue Master Ltd. (Billiards), Cigarette Permit .............. 229 18--Cascy's General Store (Cigarette Permit) ................. 229 18--Callahan, John for son Kody, CLAIM; Denial/Closure ...... 230, 274 18--Coniey, Joseph P. & Deborah J, Claim .................. 230, 231 IS--Chicagn, re: IA Airways submitting schedule between Dbq. & Midway ............................................. 231 18--Claims for month of March, proof. ...................... 231 18--Certification of Authority -- Merchants Bonding Co. ...... 231 18--Clarke Crest Estate Second Addn., approving final p]a.t ... 231, 232 18--Certificate of Insurance covering general liability for Dbq. Racing Assn ......................................... 235 June 1--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 238 1--Conceptual Development Plan for Emmaus Bible College.. 239 1--Chamber of Commerce -- Purchase of Services Agreement; Con- vention & Visitors Bureau ............................. 244 1--Canfiald Hotel, In~, Cigarette Permit ................... 245 1--Chen, Yon C. (House of China), Cigarette Permit .......... 245 1--Cremer Grocery Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 245 1--Creslanes Bowling, Inc.; Cigarette Permit ................ 245 1--Conoce, Dunne IWm. F. Dunne), Cigarette Permit ......... 245 1--Channel, The, Cigarette Permit ......................... 246 1--Cushing, Carale, Claim; Denial ......................... 246, 261 1--County (Dubuque) -- IA DOT advising of delaying 2 highway improvement projects on their 5 Year Program ........... 246, 247 1--Citizens against City Budget re: State Appeal Bd. submitting findings et~ ........................................ 246 June 15--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 248 15--Community Development Block Grant funds, Agreement not to exceed $30,000 r~: Greater Dbq. Development Corp ...... 254 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 15-Curran, Velma (Toni's Cafe), Cigarette Permit ............. 15--Chatean, The (L. Daising), Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor 15--Chapman, Kristina L. (Oky Doky #14), Cigarette Permit... 15--Clarke College, Cigarette Permit ........................ 15--Capitol Tobacco Ca, (My-Cap Vendors), Cigarette Permit .... 15--Clarke, Carroli & Judith (Quick Clean Laundry), Cigarette Pemit. 15--Civlc Center '76, Dave Adams. Cigarette Permit .......... 15--Centrai qhp, Cigarette Permit .......................... 15--Coach House, (Elaine Kelly), Cigarette Permit ............ 15--Cubby Bear Lounge, Cigarette Permit ................... 15--Crocker, Patriaia A., Cigemtte Permit ................... 15--Cremer Grocery Store, Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 15--Creslanes Bowling, Inc., Class "C" Liquor ............... 15--CLOSED SESSION of City Council .................... July 6--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 6--Carr, Patricia re: Noise Barrier (Final Envir. Statement) on Hwy. 20 Project ....................................... 268, 6--Concord St. to Bluff St. -- Hwy. Project, re: Noise problem for homes .............................................. 6--Comm. Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with EH. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies .......................... 6--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Project, Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding re: EH. Uelner Project 6--Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Development ................. 6--Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant to EH. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies Co., Inc, ........................ 6-- Civil Service Com. adopting its own rules re: conduct of Hear- ing Appeals ......................................... 271, 6--Chapman, Kristina -- Oky Doky #14, Class "C" Beer Permit 6--Carew, Ed, CLAIM; Closure of Claim ................... 274, 6--Clarke Crest Estates Third Addn., approval of final plat... 6--Claims for month of May, 1987, Proof ................... July 20--Concrete Paving Project (1987) ......................... 284, 20--Cedar Cross Read Bridge -- rezoding of property south .... 288, 20--Captain Position in Po]ice Dept. abolished ............... 20--Civil Penaiities for Municipal Infractions ................. 20--Cremer, Larry appointed to Library Bd .................. 20--Cycare Plaza, Cigarette Permit ......................... 20--Coinmbk]ile's (St.) Church, Cinss "B" Beer Permit ........ 20--Council Hills Sub. -- Vacating the Final Plat ............. 308, 20--Cedar Cross Read Bridge, deeds for property acquired for con- struction of NW Arterial .............................. Aug. 3--City Council, Regular Session. ......................... 3--County Fair Week, Proclamation ........................ 3--Citizens Street Advisory Committee, -- Ordinance creating. 3--Civil Service commission adopting its own rules ~governing the conduct of Hearing Appeals ........................... 3--Comm. Economic Better. Account Grant Application for Car]isle Communications ..................................... 3--Carlisle Communication -- filing of a Comm. Economic Better- ment Account Grant .................................. 3--Crocker, Patricin A. -- King of Clubs, Class "C" Liquor Licensg 3--Council Proceedings for Jan., Feb. & March, approved as printed. 3--Certificate of Insurance from Dbq. Racing Assn. providing evidence of coverage .................................. 3--County Auditor requesting suspension of real estate taxes of 2 citizens ........................................... Aug. 17--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 256 256, 259 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 258 259 263 264 326, 410 268 268 269 269 270 297 273 3O8 276 281 287 368 290 291 306 306 307 3O9 313 315 315 320 322 323 323 324 324 325 325 328 INDEX -- BOOK 117 i987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 17--Constitution Month, Proclamation ...................... 328 17--Civil Service Commission -- HEARING APPEALS Procedure etc ................................................. 341-342 17--City Council Procedure for Evtdentiary Hearings .......... 351 17--CD Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for 1987... 356 17--Cable Regulatory Commission appointment of C. Ellis ..... 357 17--Capitai Projects carried into FY 1988 ................... 361 17--Car]isle Communications, Ltd., Notice of Environmental Review Findings ............................................ 361, 378 17--Community Development Block Grant Project -- Notice of Environmental Review Findings ........................ 361 " 17--Canopy in front of bldg. at 1st & Locust, request of G. Thompson ........................................... 363, 374 Aug. 24--City Council, Special Session ........................... 364 24--Concrete Paving Project for 1987 -- Special Session of council. 364-367 Sept. 8--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 368 8--Constitution Week, Proclamation ....................... 368 8--Chaplain sehmitt Memorial Island, Leasing, of 66,000 Sq. Feet to Yacht Basin ....................................... 371, 384 8--Criminai Sections of Cede, updating and discussion ete ..... 372 8--Code -- Discussion of updating Criminal Sec. (esp. Ord. 51-87). 372 8--Cors~ Dennis, reappointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.. ............................................ 376 8--Casey's Gen. Stor~ Class "C" Beer Permit ............... 377 8--Cablo Regulatory Comm. resignation of S. Schneider. ...... 378 8--Connell-Mage~ Susan, resigning from Historic Pres. Comm. 378 " 8--Culbertson Claim; Closure ............................. 378 " 8--Cedar Cross Road area, qH-Stete Implement requesting vacation & purchase in area ................................... 378 8--Claims for month of July. Proof. ....................... 379 Sept. 21--City Council, Official ................................. 383 21--Comm. Devel. Block Grant Loan Agreement with THEISEN SUPPLY. 385 21--CD Block Grant Project, Authorizing Publication of Notice. Notice Of Envir. Rev. ................................. 384 21--Coach House, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 388 21--Civil Service Comm. certifying individuals who successfully passed Fire Equipment Opr. Prom. Exams ............... 389 Oct. 5--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 391 5--Cantrai Ave. 2234 & 2236 -- Rezone property. ............ 391 5--.Canzett, Attorney Wm., re~ Bechen & Hanson & requested vezon- lng of 2640 J.E Kennedy Read ......................... 392 5--Conion, Kevin, objected to proposed rezoning at 2640 J. E Kennedy. ........................................... 392 " 5--.Cedar Cross Read Right of Way from Cres. Ridge Rd., Approv- ing Plat of Vacated Portion of Excess ................... 393 5--Constructinn of Practice drill area for Fire Dept ........... 394 5--Cable Co. -- Lease of 500 Sq. Feet for construction of B-Cable Institutional Network Hub Sita .................... 396, 418, 419 Oct. 19--Castle Ridge Estates, rezoning property from R1 to PR .... 419 19--Conner, Vincent, CLAIM .............................. 408 19--CIP Budget -- Septic problems -- referred to that ......... 414 19--Conrad, Marilyn re: Nuclear Test Bank Resolution ......... 422 19--Cedar Cross Read, vacating a portion of excess right-of-way from Cres. Ridge & then disposing of property to Erschens ...... 416, 417 19--Council meet as a group to review and update goals and long- range plans -- set meeting date etc. .................... 423 19--Cede Supplement Na 30 Adopted ...................... 425 " 19--Civil Service Commission certifying entrance level individuals. 425 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 19--Carnegie Stout Bd. of Trustees, Resignation of J. Duane Mortensen .......................................... 426 19--Conventinn & Visitors Bureau, Quarterly Report .......... 429 19-Crescent Electric Claim; Closure ........................ 431 2--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 432 2--Castieridge Estates, rezoding of property. ................ 432, 453 2--Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island leasing to Dbq. Yacht Basin, In~ 437 2--Concrete Paving Project, Adoption of Res. Necessity, etc... 439 2--Cressinge -- RR, re: Blocking of same ................... 441 2--Council Proceedings for month of June, approved .......... 444 2--Conion, Francis & Margaret, CLAIM; Denial ............. 444, 480 2--Carnahan, Steve, Settlement of Claim ................... 444 2--Cooper's Subdivision, -- Notice of Condemation of certain lots etc. ................................................ 445 16--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 446 16--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island -- approval of lease of 66,000 Sq. Ft. to Dubuque Yacht Basin, In~ ................... 446 16--Conceptual Development Plan, amended, for Finley Hospital. 450 16--Chicago Central RR tracks -- zoning change at nearby 100 E. 4th St .............................................. 454 16--Cedar Cross Road -- Krieg Bros. property; denial of rezoning. 454 16--Central High School, 1500 Locust St., removed from National Register of His. Places ................................ 457 16--Community Development Block Grant -- filing of statement of Intent for Calendar Year 1988 ........................ 457 16--Commudity Development Block Grant Projects, -- Authoriz- ing publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding (for several Projects) ...................................... 458 7--City Council, Regular Session .......................... 461 7--Card Control System for Public Works Garage (IA F~el Storage). 461 7--Clarke Crest Estates -- vacation & release of 10' wide public utility easement ...................................... 466 7--City Hall -- New Toilet Rooms, Project .................. 468 7--College Station -- 750 MG Elevated Water Storage, cleaning, repair etc ........................................... 469 7--Cleading Water Tank at College Station .................. 470 7--Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island between IA Dept. of Natural Resources & City. .................................... 472 7 --Chamberlaln, Arjen D. -- voluntary settlement of TOx Appeal. 476 7--CD Projects. Proof of "Notice of No Significant Effect on Enx~ironment". ....................................... 476 7--CD Block Grant Projects, Release of Funds .............. 476 21--City Council. Regular Session .......................... 481 21--Chicago Central RR Tracks from HI Heavy Industrial District to CR Commer. -- rezoning of property at 160 E. 4th St... 481 21--Code Change re: Indecent Exposure ..................... 486 21--Code Change re: Method of Voting. ..................... 486 21--Concord St. to Rising re: IA DOT agreements, improvements of Dodge St ......................................... 487 21--Casey's General Store, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 489 21--Copper Kettle, David Ungs., Class "C" Liquor Lic ......... 489 21--Candy, Betty Jane, CLAIM; Closure ..................... 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE D Jan. 5--Des Malnes Mayor Crivaro (deceased), honored by a Resolution. 5--Ddrrac Credit Union, rezoning procedure south of Asbury Rd. 5--Duve, Cindy re: Sewer Backup claim on Rhomberg ........ 5--Datebase (Historic Pres. -- local government grant) Agreement. 5--Downtewn area, parking restrictions .................... 5--Dubuque Racing Assn., Nominations of Council rep's etc... 5--Datisman, Carol O., Claim ............................. " 5 --Dubuque County District Soft Conservation Comm. re: Erosion Control report. ...................................... 24 ' 5--Deich, Donald reappointed to Bd. of Operation: New View.. 61 " 5--Do~cweiler, Delos, Claim ................................ 63 Feb. 2--Dubuque Star Brewery Co., Filing of Comm. Economic Bette~ merit Account Program Application ..................... 68 2--Dubuque Inn, Class "B" (Hotel-Motel), Liquor Licensg .... 82 2--Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency submitting Budget for FY '88 .................................... 86 2--Dodge St. Rehab. -- Project Agreement with DOT from Grand- view to Bluff. ....................................... 87 2--DOT (IA), Project Agreement for Rehab. of Dodge from Grand- view to Bluff. ....................................... 87 2--Dubuque Kirby Ca, settlement of claim ................. 88 Feb. 16--Dubuque Data Services, Loan from CD Funds et~ ..... 103, 104, 134 Mar. 16--Dubuque Industrial Center -- consent to variance of pricing structure -- disposition sites ........................... 133 16--Davis, Terry of Denver CO., re: Cable TV Evaluation team.. 136 16--Design Public Hearing for N/W Arterial etc .............. 137 16--Dubuque Historic Improvement Ca (Redstone Inn), Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor Licensg .......................... 144 16--December Printed Council proceedings approvec~ ......... 144 16--DUBUQUE IN FUTURO submitting minutes: ........... ............................... 144, 166, 196, 246, 308, 325, 378 16--Dubuque Star Brewing Ca -- No Significant Effect on Environment ........................................ 147 16--Dalen, Peggy, settlement of tar damage claim ............. 147 16--Dubuque In Futur~ In~ listing Market Place property for sale. 152 16--Donner, Robert T., closure of property damage claim ....... 153 Apr. 6--Dorweiler, Delos re: Kennedy Road Rezoning ............. 155 6--Dispositlon of City Owned Property to IA DO~, Relocated Hwy.. 61, Freeway 561 ...................................... 157 " 6--Disposing of Property identified as Lot 6 Lake Peosta Subd. 159 " 6--Dubuque Yacht Basin, Agreement for water front with Big River Boat Ca ........................................... 162 " 6--Dock Bd. appointments of Ed Ryan & Walter Curfman .... 164 6--Dubuque First China, In~ -- Yen Chings, Class "C" Liquor Lia 166 6--Droessler, Cyril, Claira, Settlements ..................... 166, 235 6--DMATS Policy Committee re: Rise Funding for N/W Arterial extension ........................................... 167 6--Dubuque Star Brewing Ca Economic Deval. Project, Proof of publication .......................................... 167 6--Dubuque Industrial Center Sixth Addn., final plat approved by P & Z .............................................. 168 6--Devlin, Matt, resignation from Human Rights Conun ...... 168 6--Dubuque Trolley, In~ publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings .................................. 169, 170, 197 Apr. 20--Disposal of interest in vacated alley south of Farragut St. and west of Kerper Blvd. te Richard & Alice Kelly. ........... 173 1 4 15 16 16-18 21, 22 23 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 20--DOT = IA, disposal of two city-owned pieces of property to them ............................................... 174 6--Deeds, Quit Claim - conveying real estate to IA DO~. ..... 175 6--Dodge St., -- public bidding procedures for Asphalt Resurfac- lng of U.S. #20 Dodge St. from Grandvlew Ave ............ 179, 214 6--Dubuque Downtown Assn., (-- Class "B' Beer Permit.) .... 195 6--Dubuque Greyhound Park Track, Class C L~quar License. 196 " 6--Duccinni, John, Claim ................................. 196 Apr. 20--Dubuque Thermo King, re: Claim ....................... 196 " 20--Dubuque Yacht Basin Inc. re: Agreement ................ 198 20--Dubuque-Delaware Substance Abuse Services Center, Third Qtr. Report .............................................. 199 20--Dubuque County Historical Society re: historical significance of north end of park grounds of FDR Park ................. 201 May 4--Dagit, Father Rick, gave Invocation ..................... 202 4--DubuqueFest Days, proclamation ................... :... 202 4--Dubuque Public Works Garage, documents for project ..... 205 4--Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc re: option for lease of 3.47 acres on Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island .......................... 206, 207 4--Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Class "C" Club Liquor Lic.. 210 4--DOT (IA) re: condemnation of certain land known as Group "B", Parcel 260 ........................................... 211 4--DeWitt, Stephen, Denial/Closure of Clalm ................ 212 4--Driscall, Dave & Peggy, Settlement of Claim ............. 211 4--DOT, IA re: intent to sell tract of land in Linehan Park Addn. 211 4--Dubuque Symphony Oreh. re: Fireworks Display at Ice Harbor. 212 May 18--Dog Bite Statistics submitted by Letter Carrier M. Birkett. 217 18--Depot, BN -- Lease with National Rivers Hall of Fame .... 217 18--Dubuque Cedar Cross Corridor from U.S. #20 to Hwys. 61/151/52 -- Adopting the Environmental Assessment .............. 217 18--Dubuque Star Brewing Cb, Execution of CD Block Grant 218 Agreement ......................................... .. " 18--Dept. of Economic Development, Execution of Comm. Econanuc Betterment Account Loan Agreement ................... 219 " 18--Dubuque Professional Firefighters Assn., Agreement with City. 226 18--Delaney, Wm. appointed to P & Z Corem ................. 228 18--Dip Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................. 229 18--Denny's Lux Club, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 230 18--Dress, Wm., CLAIM; Closur~ .......................... 231, 263 18--Dubuque Trolley, Inc., Proof of Notice of Intent to file a release of funds ............................................ 231 18--Dubuque Golf & Country Club re: Fireworks Display on 7/4. 231 18--Dubuque Racing Assn., Certificate of Insurance ........... 235 June 1--Dodge House Motel. Cigarette Permit ................... 245 1--Daugherty's United, Cigarette Permit ................... 245 1--Derby Service Stations, Cigarette Permits ................ 245 1--Dunne Conoco, Cigarette Permit ........................ 245 1--Dubuque Municipal Airport, Cigarette Permit ............ 245 1--Dbq. Pest 6, Class "C" Liquor License. .................. 246 1--Dubuque City Budget, re: Stete Appeal Bd. submitting findings re: Public Hearing .................................... 246 1--DOT, IA, re: delay of County Projects ................... 246 1--Dubuque Jaycees re: fireworks display ................... 247 June 15--Dbq. Cellars Winery, re: wanting portion of BN Depot ..... 250 15--Dbq. Humane Society Agreement with City. ............. 252 15--Dbq. Funding Agreement with Main St. Ltd ............. 253 15--Dbq. Inn Best Western, Inn's of IA., Cigarette Permit ..... 256 15--Dbq. Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit .............. 256 " 15--Dalsing, Lloyd, The Chateau, Cigarette Permit ............ 256 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE une 15--Dbq. Bowling Lane, Cigarette Permit .................... 257 15--Dubuque Post 6, Cigarette Permit ...................... 257 15--Dunne, P., Beanie's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ................ 257 15--Demetri's, Cigarette Permit ............................ 257 15--Dr. B's Billiards & Ice Cream Parlor, Cigarette Permit ..... 257 15--Dubuque Mining Co., Cigarette Permit ................... 257 15--Dubuque Jayceee, Cigarette Permit ..................... 258 15--Dalslng, Lloyd, The Chateau, Class "C' Liquor Lic ........ 259 15--Dip Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. ..................... 259 15--Dbq. Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License. .......... 259 15--Dbq. Savings & Loan, Claim ........................... 260 15--DOCK BOARD SUBMIq~rlNG MINUTES: ............. 259, 475 July 6--Dub~uque Legislative Days, Proclamation ................. 264 6--DOT, IA concerns re: Noise along Hwy. 20 Project ........ 268 6--Dangerous Buildings, Proclamatinn of alminatinn Process via Ord ................................. 271, 296, 315, 321, 332. 338 6--Dbq. Greyhound Park, Cigarette Permit .................. 273 6--Duffle, Dee Ann, Claim ............................... 274 6--DeBalt, David (Police) re: Claim ........................ 274 6--Dubuque In Futuro listing Marketplace property for sale... 275 6--DOT -- IA re: appropriate of monies for terminalimprovement. 275 6--Dubuque Data Services, re: Notice of Environ. Review for CD Proj ................................................ 276, 309 6--Dubuque Land Development, Ltd. (E. Tschigg£rie), Accep~nce of Res. of Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates Third Addn... 276, 277 6--DOT, re: property acquired from FDL re: Partial releases of Financing Statement & mortgage ete .................... 289 6--Dbq~ In Futuro requesting that J. Theisen be put on Board. 309, 310 6--Dbq. Data Services, re: Submission of Request of Funds .... 310 " 6--Dbq. WWTP Facility Maintenance Bldg. Project .......... 312 " 6--Dbq. Development, In~ -- acceptance of Warranty Deed. etc. 313 Aug. 3--Dix, Rev. Wm. of Apostolic Church, Invocation at C. Meeting. 315 " 3--Dubuque County Fair Week, Proclamation ............... 315 3--Dubuque County Auditor requesting susgension of reai estate toxes ............................................... 325 3--DOT of Air Wisconsin -- suspend service between Waterlo(~ Dbq. & Chicago ...................................... 325 3--Dbq. Racing Assn. -- Certificate of Insuranc~ ........... 325 3--DOT (IA) requesting local participation in their rail, river air and transit program .................................. 326 3--Detentinn Basin, 32nd St., Removal of Silt Project ........ 326 3--Storm Sewer, Pennsylvania Ave ......................... 329 Aug. 17--Disorderly Conduct -- Ordinance setting out specifics ...... 343, 344 17--Dubuque Industrial Center, Variance of Pricing structure... 355 17--Dubuque Fighting Saints Assn, Class "B" Beer Permit .... 358 17--Demmer, Michael V. (El Toro), Class "C" Liquor Lic ....... 358 17--Dbq. County Historical Society & Dbq. Symphony Orch. requesting permission for Fireworks Display in Ice Harbor.. 360 17--Dbq. Data Services -- Proof of publication of Notice of Release of Funds ............................................ 361 Sep. 8--Disposing of City property (City Lot 673) to D. Ryan. etc.. 370 8--Dubuque Yacht Basin, In~ -- Leasing 66,000 Sq. Ft. of property on Chaplain Schmltt Island ........................ 371, 372, 384 8--Dubuque Motor Hotels, Inc. -- Holiday Inn, Class "B" Liquor Lic. ................................................ 377 8--Dubuque Industrial Center 6th Addn., Approval of Final Plat. 379 8--Dodge St. -- Asphalt Resurfacing of U.S. #20 from Grandview to Bluff ............................................. 379, 380 Sep. 21--Denial of P & Z to rezone property at 2460 J.EKennedy.... 386 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 5--Dept. of Transportation, Grant a Temporary Easement -- for routing of dredge lines and storage of fill materials ........ 393 5--Dredge lines -- routing etc, granting of temp. easemente. · · 393 5--Disposing of City Interest in Erschen PI ................. 394 " 5--Drill area, Practice~ for Fire Dept ....................... 394, 395 " 5--Dog Kennel, Greyhound, -- use of land at 4304 Peru Road.. 397 " 5--Dodge House Motel & Res., Class B Liquor L~cense ..... 408 " 5--Datisman, Carl & Mildred, Clalm/Snit ................... 408 5--Davis, John, Claim put in by Attorney Bitter. ............ 408 5--DOT (IA) -- let a pavement repair project on US. 61 from Jackson Co. Line to Dbq .............................. 409 5--Dubuque In Future -- approval of staff help for expansion. 413 5--Dubuque Industrial Park, receiving Staff assistance for expansion ........................................... 413 Oct. 19--Disposal of City Owned Property to the IA DOT (Riverfront) for Relocated Hwy. 61 Project .......................... 420 19--Dubuque Citizens for Nuclear Test Ban -- Resolution ...... 422 19--Dubuque In Future requesting appointment of Mr. Tom Uelner as a member on the Corporation Bd ..................... 424 19--Decatur & Lincoln, intersection requesting "Stop" sign ..... 426 19--Deich, Council Member re: attendance at National League of Cities ............................................... 431 Nov. 2_Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. -- Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island -- Leasing of 66,000 Sq. Feet ............................. 437 2--Dubuque Fire Dept. Medical Officer Ric Jones re: report on final outcome of "New Horizons in Emergency Care". .......... 439 2--Dynamite storage, Ordinances .......................... 440 2--Dog Gone Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ............. 443 " 2--Dubuque-Delaware Substance Abuse Services Center submit- ting First Qtr. Report on High Risk Youth ............... 444 2--DOT-- improvement of Primary Road US 61 -- condenmatlon of certain rights etc. .................................. 445 Nov. 16--Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. -- Lease Agreement proof of publication .......................................... 446 " 16--Delhi St. -- 1475, 1491-1499, 1503, 1543, 1555 & 1567 -- rezoning, re: Finley Hospital ID Institutional District ...... 450 16--Delhi & W. 5th St. -- tentative approval of disposition of pro- perty: -- easement document for Water Main ete .......... 451 16--Dubuque Yacht Basin -- sublease under Lease Agreement to Anderson Marine Co .................................. 453 16--Danner, Joseph, appointed to Plumbing Bd ............... 455 16--Dubuque Development Corporation (Greater), Funding Agree- ment approval ....................................... 455 16--Declaratory Judgement -- Four Mounds; trial date. ....... 457 Dec. 7--Delhi St. -- Zoning change for 1475, 1491-1499, 1503, 1555 & 1567 -- Re: Conceptual Development Plan for Finley Hospital. 462 7--Delhi St. -- disposal of City's interest in property on n/w side, at intersection of Delhi & West 5th St ................... 465 7--Disposal of property near 4th & Central to Pete Sfikas ..... 467 7--Dubuque Downtown Plaza (Lot 2, Blk 7), Disposal of Property to Sfikas ............................................ 467 7--Dog Track -- 4 New projects (remodeling) ................ 470 7--DMATS, re: consideration of reduction of representative C. Members ............................................ 473 " 7--DOT -- IA, re: In matter of condemnation of certain rights in land for improvement of U.S. 61 ........................ 475 " 7--Drill Area for Fire Dept., Project ............... 479 7--Dubuque Municipal Airport, IA DOT & State Aid for terminal renovation ........................................... 479 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 21--Disposal of City's interest in Lot 2 of Block 7 in "Dbq. Downtown Plaza". ................................... 21--Dubuque Downtown Plaza -- Disposal of City's interest in por~ion ............................................. 21--Dubuque Yacht Basin, -- Amendment of Lease Agreement. 21--Draft of Ordinance re: Indecent Exposure ................ 21--Dodge St. improvements -- Agreements with DOT ........ 21--Dept. of Transportation -- Pre Design Project Agreement.. 21--Dodge St. Relocation -- Execution of Eight-of-Way Agreement. 21--Dog House Lounge, Cigarette Permit .................... 21--Demetri's Class "C' Liquor License ..................... 21--Design Center (Julien), Class "B" Liquor Lic ............. 21--Dolan, Dennis P. & John (Union Cigar), Cigarette Permit... 21--DOT - IA -- Be: Amendment to application for appointment of commission to appraise damages & 2nd amendment to notice continuing Hearing ................................... 21--DOT- IA re: Advising of dismissal for Group "F" Parcel 257R and Dismissal of Group "D' Parcel 340 .................. 21--Dubuque Hotel & Convention Corp. vs. City, Closure of Suit. 21--Dubuque Kennel Club requesting changes be made at Dubuque Humane Sec ......................................... 482 482 485 486 487 487 488 489 489 489 489 490 490 490 493 INDEX--BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 19--Electrical Appeals Bd. appointment of Robert Wirzbach .... 61 Feb. 2--Eagle Food Center #320 ILucky Stores, Inc.), Class "E" Beer Permit .............................................. 82 2--ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......................... 85, 166, 246, 325, 408, 475 2--Economic Development Projects: Proof of publication of Intent to file Release of Funds for various projects .............. 85 " 2--Economic Development (IA) submitting Audit Report for FY ending 6-30-86 ....................................... 86 Feb. 16--Engineer's Week, Proclamation ......................... 90 16--Easter Seal Week Proclamation ......................... 90 16--EconoFoods, #471, Class "E" Beer Permit ............... 109 16--Environmental Review Finding for CD Block Grant Project, Resolution Authorization Publication -- Dbq. Star Brewing Co. 113, 114 Mar. 16--Enzler, Jerry re: Lease & disposition of former Burlington RR ete ................................................. 131 16--Eagles Hall (F.O.E.), Class "C" Liquor License. ........... 144 16--Eberhart, Alice, Denial of Claim ........................ 147 16--Erickson, qbd, Claim & Closure of property damage claim.. 145, 153 Apr. 6--Evauoff, C., expired term on Mech. Bd ................... 165 6--Environmental Review Notice for Dubuque TcoRey, In~ .... 169, 170 Apr. 20--Elbow Street -- Vacating Brunswick St. from WPL of Lot 160 in Belmont Addn. to NPL of Elbow St., by Ordinance. ..... 194 20--Eagle Point Drive -- final pint of R. Clewell Estate ........ 199 May 4--Elimination of Parking Lot No, 7 from Listing of Municipally Owned Parking Lots .................................. 208 4--Emmaus Bible college re: ID Institutional District Zoning.. 216, 239 4--Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement with IA Dept. of Econ. Development ................................. 219 4--Economic Betterment Account Loan Sub-Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Co. .................................... 219 4--Elizabeth Place, approving Acquisition via Resolution ...... 221 4--Eagle Food Centers, Cigarette Permits ................... 229 May 18--E. 7th St., re: M. L. Breitbach requested they check ....... 236 June 1--Eagle Pt. Filter/Pump Building Roof Replacement Project, Documents ....................................... 241, 242, 265 June 15--Enzler, Jerry for Nat'l Rivers Hall of Fame re: sublet portion BN Depot ........................................... 250 15--Economlc Development Services with Greater Dbq. Develop- ment Corp. Agreement ................................ 254 " 15--E1 qbro Loung~ Cigarette Permit ....................... 256 " 15--Elbe Corp. (Dr. B's Billiards & Ice Cream Parlor), Cigarette Permit .............................................. 257 " 15--Eagles Club, F.O.E., Cigarette Permit .................... 257 " 15--Elks Lodge #297, Cigarette Permit ...................... 257 15--Eagle Point Assoc. Inc. (Tolibridge Inn), Cigarette Permit... 258 July 6--Elderhostal Week, Proclamation ........................ 264 6--Environmental Review Finding for CD Project -- EH. Ueiner Precision Tools & Dies C(~ ............................. 269 6--Economic Betterment Account Grant Agreement with IA Dept. of Economic Deveinpment -- E H. Ueiner Precision Tools & Dies C~ ................................................ 269, 270 6--Essential Air Service re: IA Airways proposal ............ 275 6--Environmental Review Findings for Dbq. Data Services Project. 275, 276 6--Erschen, Alice re: reclassify property east of Cedar Cross Road from AG to CS ....................................... 288 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 3--Enaler, Jerry, Dir. of Museums, requesting City for space for National Rivers Hall of Fame & State Information/Cultural Center near BN Depot ................................ 317, 318 328 348-351 351 357 357 358 3--Eagle Food Centers receiving "Constitution" Proclamation.. Aug. 17--Elected & Appointed Official -- Reporting of Gifts etc. .... 17--Evidentiary Hearings -- Procedure for Conduct eta ....... 17--Enderson. Georg~ reappointed to Transit Bd ............. 17--Ellis, Charlie, reappointed to TV Cable Regulatery Corn .... 17--Eagle Food Center, "Lucky Stores, lng", Class "E" Beer Permit. 17--Elb~ Inc -- Dr. B's Billiard Ice Cream, Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 358 17--Environmental Review Findings for Carlisle Communications, Ltd. Proj ............................................ 361 Sept. 8--Ervin, Carlisle, objecting to Ord. re: Criminal Section clarification ......................................... 372 8--Everist, Burton, reappointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming. 376 8--Eagle Point Associates, Ing (Tolibridge Inn), Class "C". Liquor Lic. ................................................ 377 Sept. 21--Emergency Medical Services Week, Proclamation .......... 383 Sept. 21Environmental Review Finding for CD Block Grant Project Theisen Supply C~ .................................. 384, 385 21--Eagle Point Tavern, Ltd. -- Windsor ~ap, Class "C" Liquor Lic. 388 Oct. 5--Easement to IA DOT for routing of Dredge Lines etc. (Kerper). 392 5--Erschen Place, Disposal by City to Alice Erschen ...... 394, 416, 417 5--EASTIP -- Application for Air Service Terminal .......... 397 Oct. 19--Easements changed, Kinuer property, River Front Sub ..... 421 Nov. 2--Easement -- temporary, to IA DOT -- Riverfront Subd .... 443 2--Emergency Care -- New Horizons -- final outcome report by Ric Jones ........................................... 439 2--Eagle Food Centers Ink, Class "E" Beer Permit .......... 443 2--Ellis, Charles & Ruth, CLAIM ......................... 444 Nov. 16--Educatinn Week, Proclamation ......................... 446 16--Easement, perpetual for City in property of E. Buechele, Woods Addn ............................................... 448 16--Easement for a 20' Utility Easement for Watermain in Mineral Lot 172 ............................................. 450 16--E. 4th St. (Harbor Place Development), rezonlng request IHartig & Thompson) ........................................ 454 16--Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ............................................ 458 Dec 7--Elks Club, Class "C' Liquor License .................... 475 Dec. 21--East 4th Street -- Rezoning ........................... 481 21--Extension of property improvement for Thermolyng ...... 484 21--Electrical Examining Bd., reappointment of Daniel Hammel. 488 INDEX--BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE F Jan. 5--FDL Foods, re: partial releases of mortgage for property own- ed by FDL and designated for right-of-way acquisition by IDO'E. 1, 2 5--FIVE FLAGS ICIVIC CENTER) BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..... 23, 110, 144, 166, 211,259, 358, 378, 408, 444, 475, 490 5--FIRE RETIREMENT BD. SUBMITTING MINUTE~:. · 23, 166, 325 5--Financial Report for November, 1986 .................... 4 5--Funds lCD) far 3 Projects ............................. 25 Jan. 19--Final Assessment Schedule for 1986 Asphalt & Concrete Street 47-60 Project ............................................ 63 19--Financial Reports for December, 1987 ................... Feb. 2--Fedaral Express -- request for CIP monies for new flooring 66 (Airport) ............................................ 2--Funding for two-way radio system for 17 outdoor Warning 67 Systems ............................................ 2--Funds (CD Block Grant) -- Publication of N. of P. Hearing. 84 2--Frederick, qbrry, refund on Liquor Licensg ............... 85 2--Firefighters, Individuals certified by Civil Service Commission. 86 Feb. 16_Farmer,sMarket, providing for sale of Fish & Increasing permit 107-108 " 16--Fenelon's Fine Foods Restaurant, Inc., Class "C" Beer-Wine 109 License. ............................................ 16--Five Flags Commission re: SelfwPromotian portrayal ....... 110 16--Flynn Ready Mix, litigation decision by J. O'Brien ........ 110 Feb. 23--FDR Park -- re: budget discussion as to disposition erg... 115 Mar. 16--Franchise for Cable Services ........................... 136 16--Five Flags, (KC & S Ca Ina), Class "C" Liquor License .... 144 16--February Financial Reports submitted ................... 153 Apr. 6--Farragut St., re: R. & A. Kelly wishing to vacate a portion of 156 nearby alley. ........................................ 6--Freeway 561 -- Agreement with DOT for property e~c. .... 157 6--Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 1-2-1 Block 8 Riverfront Subd. N(~ 158 3, approved .......................................... 6--Final Plat approved for Lots 1-7 Lake Peosta Subd ........ 158 6--Firefighter position abolished by Council ................. 163 6--Fuerste, Wm., -- State Farm Ins., seeking subrogation claim. 166 6--February -- list of claims paid ......................... 167 6--Final Plat approved of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Block 14 River- 169 front Subd. N(x 3 ..................................... 6--Final Plat of Dbq. Industrial Center Sixth Addn .......... 168 " 6--Four Mounds Park -- Park & Rea submitting report ...... 170 Apr. 20--Funds for Public Health Nursing (State) ................. 172 20~Franchise for Cable Ca (Cable Ca from Group W te TCI.).. 180 20--Four Mounds Park offered as site for IA Peace Institut~ .. 182 May 4--Foster Grandparent Day, Proclamation .................. 202 4--Funds Transfer for City Budget etc ..................... 203 4--Fireworks Display Request by Symphony & Nat. Rivers Hall 212 of Fama ............................................ May 18--Falrview Place & Montrose Terr., re: Glenna Williams petition- lng for reopening of steps .............................. 217 18--Federal Rehab. Program -- Housing, City intent to par tlcipat~ 225 18--Firefighters Assn. & City, AGREEMENT. ............... 226 18--Fiteh, Dorothy, appointed to Planning & Zoning Corem .... 228 18--Family Beverage Center, Cigarette Permit ................ 229 18--Fenelon's Finer Foods, Cigarette Permit .................. 229 18--Fanelon's Market, Cigarette Permit ...................... 229 18--Fireworks Request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club .......... 231 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 18--Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot I South Grandview Park Addn., approved ...................................... 233 June 1--FilterPumpBuildingReofReplacement, Eagle Point; Project. 241-242 1--Fiecher Lanes, Cigarette Permit ........................ 245 1--Falsom, Mary C., CLAIM ............................. 246 1--Financial Reports for April, 1987 ....................... 246 1--Fireworks Display request for 7/4/87; by Jaycees .......... 247 1--Flynn Case, Attorney O'Brien advising of Judge's reversal.. 247 June 15--Four Mounds Park, report by L. Galliart of Park & Rec. Comm. 250 15--FDR Park, re: Disposal ................................ 250 15--Fundfug Agreement between the City and Phone-A-Friend, Inc. 252, 253 15--Funding Agreement between City & Dbq. Main St. Ltd .... 253 15--Five Flags (KC & S Concessions), Cigarette Permit ........ 256 15--Finale Lounge, David Turner, Cigarette Permit ............ 256 15--Fi~zpatrlcks, Cigarette Permit .......................... 247 15--French Cafe (New), Cigarette Permit ..................... 258 15--Ferring, James (Dbq. Bowling Lanes), Cigarette Permit ..... 259 July 6--FDL Food, Inc. Cafeteria, Cigarette Permit ............... 272 6--Flexsteel Industries, Inc., Cigarette Permit ............... 272 6--FDL Foods, In~ -- Retail Store, Cigarette Permit ......... 273 6--Fitzpatrick's, Ltd., Class "C" Liquor Licens~ ............ 274 6--Fiecher Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor License ......... 274 6--Firzlaff, Richard -- City Employee, participating in City funded Loan Program ....................................... 275 6--Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates, Third Addn, approved.. 276 6--Final Plat of "Joseph Vogt Subd. No. 3" approved ......... 278 6--Final Assessment Schedule for Old Mill Read San. Sewer... 279-281 July 20--FDL Foods requesting adoption of Res. correcting Release of Liens on FDL Property to be acquired by IDOT .......... 289 20--Financlal Consultants -- Speer Financial, Ink -- Proposal for professional services .................................. 305 20--Family Mart, Inc. -- Class "C" Beer Permit .............. 307 20--Family Beverage Center, Class "E" Beer Permit ........... 307 20--FOURTH ST. PENINSULA COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......................... 308, 325, 378, 408, 444, 456 20--Final Assess. Schedule for Old Mill Read San. Sewer Proj... 311, 312 Aug. 3--February Council Proceedings, approved as printed ........ 324 3--Freihoofer, Michael K., CLAIM; Closur~ ................. 325, 380 3--Finley Hospital Helipad Directional Arrow ............... 325 3--Financial Reports for June, 1987 ........................ 325 3--Final Environmental Impact Statement for Hwy. 20 (Dodge) from Concord to just west of Bluff St ................... 326 Aug. 17--False & Fraudulent Reports -- unlawful by Ordinance. ..... 344 17--Fighting Saints, Dbq., Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 358 " 17--Four Mounds Declaratory Judgement Action ............. 359 " 17--Final Plat of Lamper's Place approved ................... 359 17--Final Plat of Tamarack S.E. First Subd., approved ......... 360 " 17--Fighting Saints & Five Flags Center, approval of contract.. 360 Sept. 8--Finley Hospital, Traffic problems etc. on Grandview (H. McMahon) .......................................... 380 Sept. 21--Fire Equipment Operator, individuals certified by Civil Service Corem ............................ : ................. 389 " 21--Final Plat of Lot 2-1-1-1-1 of "Henschel's Black Forest" located west of Richards Read Extension ....................... 389 Oct. 5--FDL Foods, land owned by them & City, temporary easement to IDOT ............................................ 392 " 5--Fire Dept. Practice Drill area, construction ............ 394, 395, 415 " 5--Financial Report for month of August submitted .......... 409 " 5--Financial Report for FY' ending 6/30/87 (Annual Report)... 409 INDEX -- BOOK 117 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 5--Funds released for Theisen Supply, Inc Econ. Devel. Project. 409 Oct. 19--Finley Home Addn., -- Leasing of property to TCI Cablevision etc ................................................. 419 19--Final Plat approval of Lot 68A of Woods Addn. etc~ (Blake & Kirkwood) ........................................... 426 19--Financlal Reports for month of September ............... 429 Nov. 2--Fuel Storage & Fuel Dispensing System for Public ~Works Garage ............................................. 434 2--Finley Hospital zoning reclassification, amended Concep. Dev. plan ............................................. 450, 462-465 2--Funding Agreement with Greater Dbq. Development Corp.. 455 2--Four Mounds Declaratory Judgement Case, trial date set... 457 Nov. 16--Five Year Street Construction Program submitted to IA D(YE. 459 16--Frank Hardie Adver tising~ In~ -- Lease Agreement for a period of 30 months ........................................ 460 Dec. 7--Fuel Storage & Dispensing & Card Control System at P:W. Garag~ Project ...................................... 461 7--Finlay Hospital -- property sold from City (M.L. 172) ...... 465, 466 7--Fourth St. Report by P & Z Chair. ..................... 470 7--Fourth St. Report -- request of Molo Sand & Gravel Co. that it be referred to the City Engr. etc ...................... 471 7--Fengler St. & 19th -- westside of Kerper Blvd. -- Agreement with Corp of Engre. for filling of nearby 28 acre site. ...... 471 7--Financial Reports for Oct .............................. 476 7--Funds Released Requested for Various CD Projects ........ 476 7--Fire Department Drill Area, Final Documents etc. ........ 479 Dec. 21--Fourth St. (East) -- Rezoning of property near RR tracks etc. 481 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--G.O. Bonds, $1,800,000, issued for improvements to Airport.. 14, 15, 31 5--Grothe, Irv, re: sewer backup problems on Rhomberg ...... 15 5--Gomer's, problems for information on number of Police Calls. 22 5--Grady, Jim, settlement of Claim ........................ 24 5--Grove Tool, In~ settlement of Claim ..................... 24 Jan. 19--Gomer's, Inc, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 63 19--Group W Cable, In~ c/o TCI submitting Petition for Waiver & Amendment pursuant to Television Franchise Ord. Na 42-81. 64 Feb. 2--G.O. Bonds, bids etc~ for $4,000,000; Sale etc ............. 65, 94 " 2--Greater Dbq. Development Corp, -- Argeement for Economic Der ................................................ 66 2--Greater Dubuque Development Corp~ re: Thbd Street Overpass. 81 2--Goetz's (James W. Goetzinger), Class "C" Liquor Licensg.. 82 2--Green, Louis, Claim ................................... 85 2--Gansen, Edward, settlement of claim .................... 88 Feb. 16--Greve, Herb, objected to Old Mill Road Sanitary Sewer. .... 90 16--Grante re: UMTA, filing with USA DOT. ................ 92 16--Grandview Milk House, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 108, 109 Mar. 16--Guardrail on Kennedy Road, request for replacement by Bob Kueter's ............................................ 130 16--Grant (CD Block) Loan Agreement -- Dbq. Data Services.. 134, 135 16--Group "W" Cable, requesting evaluation team ete ......... 136 16--Godfather's Pizza, Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 143 16--Green, Patrick, Claim ................................. 145 16--Grantee Performance Report to HUD is on file in various places (Proof of publication) .................................. 147 16--Group "W" Cable, Case with City, ruling set out .......... 153 16--Guenther, M.D., Closure of Claim ....................... 153 Apr. 6--G.O. Bonds for $5,500,000 Essential Corporate Purpose ....................................... 160, 183, 191, 207, 208 6--Gourley, A., applicant to the Dock Bd ................... 164 6--Grothe, D., appointed to the Sheet Metal position on the Mech, Bd ................................................. 165 6--Gcodmann, D., applicant to the Zoning Bd. of Adjust ...... 165 Apr. 20--Geislar Bros., awarded contract for City Hall, 2nd Floor, HVAC System ............................................. 176 20--Group "W" Cable -- transfer of cable franchise to TCI ..... 180 20--GDDC (Greater Dbq. Development Corp.) re: City Council Worksession ......................................... 181 20--Greyhound Park qYack IARA), Class "C" Liquor Licensg .. 196 May 4--Garage for Street Dept., Documents of Project ............ 205 4--Galena Winery, request for space in BN Depot ............ 206 4--Golf & Country Club, Class "C" Liquor License. .......... 210 " 4--Group "B" Parcel 260 -- Dismissal Notice from IA DOT... 211 4--Gross, Ray, Denial/Closure of Claim ..................... 212 " 4--Graham, Marie, Denial/Closure of Claim .................. 212 4--Goetzinger, David, Denial/Closure of Claim ............... 212 " 4--Grant Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Ca, CD. ....... 220 " 4--General Drivers & Helpers Union, Agreement with City.... 227 " 4--Guy, Gerald appointed to P & Z Comm .................. 228 May 18--Giese, Tom, applicant for Planning & Zoning Corem ....... 228 " 18--Ginter, Donna (Silver Dollar), Class "C'~ Liquor Licensa ... 230 " 18--Golf & Country Club, re: Fireworks Display. ............. 231 " 18--Grandview park Addn., approving Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot I South Grandview Park Addn .............. 233 INDEX--BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 18--Gearhard, Marvin E., Sr., Denia]/Chisure of Claim ......... 235 18--Gas Ca (peoples) submitting 1987 Budget Report ......... 235 June 1--Garage Addn., Dubuque Maintenance Project ............. 238 1--Gcotzinger, James W., Goetz's Cigarette Permit ........... 245 1--Grand ~ap, Kenneth J. Love, Cigarette Permit ............ 245 1--Grecn, Patrick, Settlement of Claim ..................... 247 June15--Galliart, Lyle. Chair of Park & Rec. re: Four Mounds Park Development Plan & disposal of FDR park ............... 250 15--Greater Dbq. Devalopment Corp. -- Agreement ........... 254 15--Golf & Country Club, Cigarette Permit .................. 256 15--Gratton-Wheaton Enterprises, Inc~ (K & K Foods), Cigarette Permit. Class "C" Beer Permit ......................... 256, 258 15--Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit.. 256, 258 15--Grandview Milk House, Cigarette Permit, ................ 256 15--Gerhard, Curtis L., Knicker's Saloon, Cigarette Permit ..... 256 15--Gomer's Bar -- Steve Smith, Cigarette Permit ............ 257 15--Ground Round, Cigarette Permit ........................ 257 15--Giunte, Marco, Marco's Italian & American Food, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 257 " 15--Ginter, Donna M., West Dbq. Tap, Cigarette Permit ........ 258 " 15--Ginter, Donna M., Silver Dollar, Cigarette Permit ......... 258 " 15--Gallery Court -- Skywalk Project from IA St. Ramp ...... 262 July 6--Gillespie St. Sewer Project requested by T. Sherman ....... 268 6--Grant Agreement with IA Dept. of. Econ. Devel. -- E H. Uelner. 269, 270 6--Grandma's Pantry, Inc., Sfikas Res., Cigarette Permit ...... 273 6--Grand Tap, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 273 6--Galinvaux, Cletus, CLAIM ............................ 274 6--Gerhard, Curtis -- Knicker's Saloon, Class "C" Liquor. .... 274 July 20-- Galliart, Lyle reappointed to 3 year term on Park & Rec. Comm. 306 Aug. 3--Grant Application etc. on behalf of Carlisle Comm. Ltd .... 323 3--Godfuther's Pizza, Refund on Beer Permit ................ 325 Aug. 17--Gifts (Things of Vslue etc.) Given and Received by Elected & Appointed Officials ................................... 348 17--Gallery Court, Repayment Loan Schedule Changed ........ 354 17--Grant Agreement with HUD increasing City's entitlement for CY 1987 ............................................ 356 17--Guidelines, Policy for 'FY 1989, Revised ................. 357 Sept. 8--Grandview Ave~ -- traffic problem by Finley, (H. McMahon). 380 S,e, pt. 21--Grandview Ave., Ord. prohibiting heavy vehicle traffi~ ..... 387 21--Gansen, Dale & Tummy, CLAIM; Denial .............. 388, 431, 445 21--Gifts -- Receipt or Solicitation by City Employees ........ 390 Oct. 5--Gage, Linda, re: Peru Rd. Dog Kennal objection ........... 397 5--Greyhound Dog Kennel on Peru Road, objection .......... 397 5--Geno's, Class "C" Liquor Lic. .......................... 408 5--Gabel, Edmund, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 408, 480 5--Gillespie St. -- Sanitary Sewer Extension response by Mgr. 411 Oct. 19--Graf, Deborah, CLAIM ............................... 424 19--Goai's & Long-Range plans, updated re: Council ........... 423 19--Ground Round, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License. ........... 424 Nov. 2--General Special Assessment Fund, Elimination ........... 442 2--Gabriel, Eunice, CLAIM; Closure ....................... 444, 480 Nov. 16--Greater Dubuque Development Corporation, amendment to Funding Agreement .................................. 445 De~ 7--Garage, Public Works, -- Fuel Storage & Dispensing & Card Control System Project ............................... 461 " 7--Gravel Co. -- Molo, requesting that 4th St. Report be reviewed by C. Attorney. ...................................... 471 " 7--Grant Projects (CD) -- Submission of Request for P~lease of Funds .............................................. 476 Dec. 21--Gerdes, Dr. Egen, Prof. at U.D. Theological Seminary, Gave Invocation .......................................... 481 1987 INDEX -- BOOK 117 SUBJECT PAGE H Jan. 5--Highways 52, 61 and 151 from AG to C'3 -- rezoning of pr°per~ ty at northwest corner of Hwy. Junction ................. 7 5--Hankamp, Arnie, for A~rport Comm. requesting epproval to use $13,500 of CIP balance to fund terminal space utilization study. 15 5--Historic Preservation Comm. re: grant for Database. ...... 16 5--HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION...New Quorum Requirement ......................................... 21 5--HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......... 23, 85, 110, 144, 166, 196, 211, 230, 259, 274, ................................... 308, 378, 388, 408, 444, 456 5--HOUSING CODE APPEALS BD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ................................ 23, 144, 196, 230, 378, 444, 475 5--HOUSING CODE REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....................... 23, 85, 110, 144, 196, 211, 230 5--Husemann, Cathy, settlement of claim ................... 24 5--Herbst's & Sons, In~ property in Henry Robinson's Subd. -- approval of plat ...................................... 26, 27 Jan. 19--Health Board, Regular session .......................... 30 19--Horefield Construction, finalization of 1986 Asphalt Paving Project ............................................. 36 I9--Human Rights Commission appointments of Elaine Lagerstrom, Daniel Nicholson & Ruby Sutton ............ 62 19--Hagerty, J. appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd ....... 62 19--Housing Code Appeals Bd. appointments of J. Hagerty & C. Adams ............................................. 62 19--Housing Commission appointment of Mary Ransdell ........ 62 " 19--Haugen, Kenneth, Jr., Claim; Chisure~ ................... 63, 431 " 19--Housing Code Appeals Bd. resignation of Janet Busch ..... 64 Feb. 2--Historic Preservation Comm. resignation of Paul Peckosh... 88 Feb. 16--HUD -- Execution of a CD Block Grant Agreement for C. Year 1987 ............................................... 104 16--HyVee Food Stores, Inn, Class "E" Liquor Licenses ....... 110 16--Requested "transfer" of sam~ ......................... 110 16--Halping Services of Northeast IA -- re: Cheryl Rose requesting funding ............................................. 111 Mar. 16--HVAC System for City Hali ............................ 129-130 16--Harnesecs (Safety) and Safety Belts, Code Amended ....... 139 16--Hours "Open" for Rivarview Park ....................... 141 16--HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....................... 144, 211, 230, 259, 274, 308, 408, 456, 475 16--Historic Landmark re: Old Jail ......................... 145 16--HUD -- Proof that Grantee Perform. Report on file. ....... 147 16--Highway 20 & N/W Arterial, destination signing requested by Asbury. ............................................ 147 16--Herbst, Matt, requesting Municipal Poal be kept open ..... 147 16--Hefel, Bernard, of Hawkeye Development, accepting Res. 81-87 (fmai phit of the Subd. of Lot l of Lot 2 of Lot l of "Roven Oaks'. 151-152 16--Histerlc Preservation -- Advisory Council re: acceptance of CD Block Grant Rental Roimb Programming Agreement ....... 152 16--Helie, KIosterman & Co. authorized to do annual City Audit for year ending 613/87 ................................. 153 16--Hali, Mrs. James A, denial of water back-up claim ........ 153 Apr. 6--Homeowner Rohab Loans -- increaso in program guidelines. 164 6--Hammal, G., applicant to the Mechanical Bd ............. 165 6--HUD re: receipt of City Audit .......................... 167 6--Human Rights Commission, resignation of Matt Deviin .... 168 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 6--HOUSING (Vacant) problems, updated .................. Apr. 20--HEALTH Board, Regular Meeting ...................... 20--Ham's Addn., proof of Notice of P. Hearing re: Vacation of portion of alley south of Farragut St. & west of Kerper Blvd. (Thermolyne request) .................................. 20--HVAC System for 2nd Floor of City Hall ................ 175, 20--Harbor (Ice) re: Lease with Robert's River Rides ..... 20--Hickson, Karan petitioning re: Story Book Zoo funding .... 20--Honkamp, Arnie, re: verbal report on Airport issues ....... 20--Handicapped parking places, re: Ordinance amending Code. 194, 20--Human Rights Conun. submitting petition for Judicial Review (J. Duccini) .......................................... 20--Hirsch, Trocy, claim for car damages; Denial .............. 196, 20--Histerical Society re: significance of F.D.R. Park .......... May 4--Historic Preservation Week, Proclamation ................ " 4--Harbor Area re: BN Depot Property, Galena Winery. ...... " 4--Herber, Tim (1900 Tap), Class "C" Liquor License. ........ 4--Hudson's (Soupy's), Class "C' Liquor License ............. 4--Healy, Dennis, Denial of Claim ......................... 4--Howell, Dennis Jr., Denial of Claim ..................... 4--Hall of Fame, National Rivers & Dbq. Symphony Orchestra re: Fireworks Display. ................................... 4--Historic Preservation Commission, resignation of Rick Beecher. 4--Highways 61/151/52 -- Adopting the Environmental Assess- ment of Dbq. Cedar Cross Corridor ...................... 4--Hazardans Substances, clean of spills et~, amendment to Code. 4--Hamilton Street Extension -- Added to City Code and prohibiting parking ................................... 4--Housing Rental Rehab. -- Authorizing Mayor to execute state- ment of participation ................................. 4--Hartig Drug Stores, Cigarette Permits ................... 4--Hoxd Times ~avern, Cigarette Permit .................... 4--Hainz Convenience Stores (Oky Doky #7), Cigarette Permit.. 4--Housing Commissioner Mary Ransdeil re: loan for Hill St. property ............................................ 4--Howell, Dick R., Jr., Denial/Closure of Claim .............. May 18--Houslng Rehab Loan Settlement re: Irma Nagele .......... June 1--House of China, Cigarette Permit ....................... , 1--Happy's Place, Inc., Cigarette Permit .................... " 1--Hog Ryan's Cigarette Permit .......................... " 1--Holiday Oil Dist. In~ -- Derby Stations, Cigarette Permits.. " 1--Hoffmann House Res., Cigarette Permits ................. 1--Hill St. property, re: John Moor~ ....................... June 15--Henry, Douglas for heirs, speaking re: Burden/Four Mounds 15--Hall of Fame, Nat'l Rivers, re: subletting portion of BN Depot. 15--Handicapped Persons, re: Special Effort by Keylina ....... 15--Humane Society -- Agreement with City. ................ 15--HyVee Food Stores, Cigarette Permit .................... 15--Hoffman, David, "White Housef' Cigarette Permit ......... 15--Heron, Inc., Walnut Tap, Cigarette Permit ................ 15--Hall, John, Bridge Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ....... 15--Heartland, Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 15--Holiday Inn, Inc. Cigarette Permit ...................... 15--Herber, Tim, (1900 Tap), Cigarette Permit ................ 15--Hellman Baking Ca, qYansch Baking Ca, Cigarette Permit.. 15--HyVee Food Store, Class "E" Beer Permit ................ 15--Hudson'e, Cigarette Permit ............................ 15--Heron, Inc., -- Walnut Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. ..... 170 172 173 176 177 182 182 195 196 308 201 202 206 210 211 212 212 212 213 217 221 224 225 229 229 229 231 212 236 245 245 245 245 245 247 250 250 251 252 256 257 257 257 257 257 258 258 258 258 259 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 15--Huber, Roger, Claim ................ ' .................. 259 15--Hinz Subdivision, Approval of Final Plat ................ 260 15--Home Improvement Loan for Council Member Manning.... 261 July 6--Hoerner, Joe Day, Proclamation ........................ 264 6--Hwy. 20 Project -- Patti Cart objecting to Noise of new highway ......................................... 268, 326, 410 6--Handicapped Parking Places, Ordinance revising penalty for improper parking ..................................... 271 6--Harris, Diane, CLAIM; Closing. ........................ 274, 308 6--Historic Pres. foregoing the appointment of more members & extending terms of those presently on Bd ...... .......... 272 6--Hedging Appeals conducted by C. Service Comm., Ord. providing procedures .......................................... 271 6--Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc. Oky Doky #7, Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 273 6--Hoffman House Rest., Class "B" Hotel-Motel Beer & Liq... 273 6--House of China Ca, Class "C" Liquor License. ........... 274 6--HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ............................. 274, 325, 378, 444, 475 6--Huber, Roger, Denial/Closure of Claim ...................274 6--Hankamp, Arnie re: Letter to DOT @ Essential Air Sarvic~ 275 6--Health Board Regular Meeting. ........................ 283 July 20--Handicapped Parking Places -- Improper Use of, Penalty Revised ............................................. 296 20--Handicapped Parking Signs -- Ord. providing for use etc... 303 20--Hammond, Gary, applicant for Library Board ............. 305 20--Hartlep, Ralph, applicant for Park & ROc Corem .......... 306 20--Hunter, Jean, applicant for Library Board ................. 306 Aug. 3--Handicapped Health Week (Mentally), Proclamation ....... 315 3--Helipad -- Finley Hospital requesting Ord. ~r directional arrow. 325, 346 Aug. 17--Hospital Pharmacy Da~, Proclamation ....... ! ........... 328 17--Hwy. 20 & east of McDonald Dr., Rezoning for Menard, Inc. 331 17--Hearing Appeals for Boards & Commissions .............. 339-341 17--Hearlng Appeals Procedure for Civil Service Corem ........ 341-342 Sep. Sep, 17--Harassment of City Employees, outlawed by Ord .......... 344 17--Hearing Appeals by Bd. of Health, Provision by Ord ...... 354 17--HEALTH BD. -- Hearing Appeals Procedure ............. 354 17--HUD, amendment CD Binck Grant Agreement ........... 356 17--HUD increasing the City's entitlement -- Grant Agreement for 1987 ............................................... 356 17--Hilvere, Wm., reappointed to TRANSIT BD .............. 357 17--Hog Ryans Cabaret, Class "F" Liquor Licensg ........... 358 17--Hayes, Thomas, for J. Moore, CLAIM ................... 359 17--Historical Society & Symphony re: Fireworks in Ice Harbor. 360 8--Human Rights Commission appointment of Rebecca Robbins. 376 8--Hoverman reappointed to Human Rights Comm .......... 376 8--Hun, Merlin, appointed to Human Rights Comm .......... 376 8--Haly Trinity Parish, Class "B" Beer Permit .............. 377 8--Haliday Inn, Class "B" Liquor License. ................. 377 8--Hi-Hat West, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 377 8--Happy's Place, Inc., Class "C" Liquor License. ........... 377 8--Hanoock, John E, Class "C" Liqaor License .............. 377 8--Hoffman House, Refund on Cigarette Licensg ............ 379 21--Halloween Trick or q~eat Night, Proclamation ............ 383 21--Hanson, Ruth, request for rezoning at 2460 J. F. Kennedy.. 386 21--Heavy Vehicles on Streets, Prohibited ................... 387 21--HUD -- Request for Funding of 100 Units under Sec 8 Mod. Rehab. Program ...................................... 386 21--Hard Times Tavern, Class "C" Liquor Licensg ........... 388 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Sep 21--Henschel's Black Forest, Subd. of Lot 2-1-1-1-1, Final Plat approved ............................................ 389 Oct. 5--Herard, Father Joseph, Gave Invocation ................. 391 5--Haitz, Bruce requesting rezoning of property at 2234 & 2236 Central ............................................. 391 5--Human Rights submitting report ....................... 397 5--Hoffmann, Dr. Paul, appointed to Park & Rec. Commispion.. 407 5--Houaing Code Appeals Bd. appointment of Edward Swift.. 407 5--Helling, Anthony et ux, (Dodge House), Class "B" Liquor Lic. 408 5--Hwy. 61 Repair Iby IDOT) from Jackson Co. Line North... 409 Oct. 19--Health Board Regular Quarterly Meeting. ............... 414 19--Historic Preservation District -- W. 11th, extension of Boundaries .......................................... 419 19--Happy Joe's Old Fashioned Ice Cream & Pizza Parlor; Class "B' 423 Beer Permit ......................................... 19--HUD -- appreciation for City's commitment to Housing Voucher Program ..................................... 429 19--Hwy. 61 Project, Agreement with IA DOT for dredging et~ . 430 Nov. 2--Hospice Month, Proclamation .......................... 432 " 2--Hayes, Lloyd, proclamation honoring him ................ 432 " 2--Hammond, Garry A. appointed to fili term on Library Bd.. 443 2--Hunter, Jean F., applicant for Library Bd ................ 443 Nov. 16--Hartig, Kenneth re: zoning of 4th St. property -- Harbor Place. 454 16--Hartig Drug Cb, Class "C" Beer ~Permit ................. 456 16--Hartig Drug Cb, Class "BE" Beer Permit ............... 456 Dec. 7--Hirsch~ Rev. Laren, of Lord of Life Ministries, Gave Invocation. 461 7--Hardie~ Steve of P & Z Comm. re: final report of 4th St. Peninsula Committee .......................................... 470 7--Hicks, Samuel V., re: Closure of Estate etc ............... 475 7--Historical Society (State) supporting expansion of W. 11th St. District ..... : ....................................... 483 Dec. 21--Health Services Division to get copies of rabies vaccinations from Vet's ........................... ' ................. 486, 487 21--Hammel, Daniel, reappointed to Electrical Examining Bd.. 488 21--Hoffmann, David W., Class "C" Liquor License. .......... 489 21--Human Rights Comm. resignation of Dirk Voetberg ....... 491 21--Humane Society -- Kennel Club requesting changes ....... 493 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE jan. 5--IA Dept. of Transportation, re: Execution of Partial releases of Real Estate Mortgage and Partial Releases of Financing State- ment as to Certain property owned by FDL, In~ ......... 2 5--IA Community Economic Betterment Account Program Application (Theisen'sl ................................ 15 5--Ice Removal, vehicles parked in interference, fines, et~ ..... 18 5--IA DOT, Agreement for right, of-way assurance for Federal Aid Projects ............................................ 27, 28 Jan. 19--Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Swiss Valley. ..... 55-60 19--Iowa Oil Co. IOCO ICentral Ave.), Class "C" Beer Permit... 62 Feb. 2--Inns of Iowa, Lrd. (Dbq. Inn), Class "B" Hotel-Motel License. 82 2--1A ~Dept. of Economic Development submitting Audit Report for FY ending 6-30-86 ................................. 86 Mar. 16~Ihd. Dev., Rev. Bond -- request for refund by Jeld-Wen ..... 146 16--Iowa Tourist Development -- letter from Mayor Brady ta State Rep. Connolly. ....................................... 153 16--Ice Harbor Planning Group in support of concept of co-locating the National Rivers Hall of Fame and reconfirming support for Third St. Overpass Plan ............................... 153 Apr. 6--IA DOT -- Disposition of City Owned Property to sams .. 157 6--IA DOT advising of repair work on bridge over abandoned CGW RR to begin 3/30/87 .................................. 167 Apr. 20--IA DOT -- disposal of real estate to them ................ 175 " 20--Insurance coverage re: riding mowers at Story Book Zob .. 182 " 20--IA Peace Institute invited to consider Four Mounds ....... 182 " 20--Idle Hour Liquor License. .............................. 196 " 20--Iowa (State) advising of condemnation of certain rights in land by IA DOT for improvements of Primary Road Nb U.S. 61.. 197 May 4--Ice Harbor Area -- BN Depot Disposition etc ............ 206, 212 " 4--Iowa Airways, In~ re: Notice to provide Air Service to Midway Airport in Chicago ................................... 211, 231 " 4--IA DOT re: condemnation for certain land known as Group "B" Parcel in the City. .................................... 211, 260 4--IA DOT advising of their intent to sell tract of land described as: All of Lot 104 and northeasterly 16.1 feet of Lot 105, Linehan park Addn .......................................... 211 4--IA Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement with Dept. of Economic Development ............................. 219 May 18--Ice Control & Snow Removal Policy for City. ............. 224 18--Insurance Certificate for Dbq. Racing Assn .............. 235 June 1--Ice Harbor area rezoning -- from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Com- mercial Re~ Dis ...................................... 243 1--IA DOT advising of delay of two county projects ......... 246 June 15--IA National Heritage Committee, re: Burden (Four Mounds) property. ........................................... 250 15--Ice Harbor area -- re: Steve Hardie requesting consultant for study. .............................................. 250 15--Ice Harbor rezoning, P & Z tabling indefinitely. .......... 250 15--Inns of Iowa -- Dbq. Best Western, Cigarette Permit ...... 256 15--Imperial Lanes, Cigarette Permit ....................... 257 15--Idle Hour, Jeannine Kersch, Cigarette Permit ............. 257 July 6--Iowa Street Parking Ramp, Security System Installation... ............................................ 266, 267, 315-316 6--IA DOT -- concerns @ Noise~ Hwy. 20 Project near Concord St. (Patti Carr) ....................................... 268 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE July 6--Iowa Airways, Inc re: Proposal for Ess. Air Service in Dbq.- Chi. area ............................................ 275 July 20--Illegal Alley Parking & Street Storage, Ord. enacted ....... 298 " 20--Impoundment of Motor Vehicles Illegally parking in Handicap- ped Parking Spaces ................................... 305 20--IOCO Speede Shoppe (both Jackson & University), Class "C" Beer ........................................... . ..... 307 Aug. 17--Indecent Exposure, Prohibited by Ord ................... 345 17--IA Dept. of Economic Development for Approval of a Revised Loan Payment Project -- revised Loan Documents with State of IA and Upper Mississippi Devalopment Co. ........... 355 Sep. 8--fuwa Off Ca, Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 377 8--IA DOT Construction & Funding Schedule for Relocated 61, FY88-93 ............................................ 381 Oct. 5--IA DOT, Intent to Grant a Temp. Easement -- for routing of dredge lines and storage of fill machines ................. 392, 393 5--Institutional Network Hub Site, TCI Cablevialon .......... 396 5--IA DOT advising of their proposal to let a pavement repair pro- ject on Primary Road No. U.S. 61 from Jackson County Line to Dbq. ............................................ 409 5--In Future (Dbq.) approved by Mgr. to help with expansion of Dbq. Industrial Park .................................. 413 5--Industrial Park (Dbq.), expansion of it, okayed for staff help. 413 5--IA DOT -- To Dispose of City Owned Property in Riverfront Sub. ............................................... 420 Oct. 19--IA League of Municipalities, C. Member Krieg elected to Exes Bd ................................................. 423 " 19--Intersection of Decatur & Lincoln, petition requesting a Stop sign ................................................ 426 19--Imperial Lanes (Bowling), Class "C" Liquor Lic ........... 424 19--IA DO~, Preconstruction Agreement for work related to dredg- ing activities, associated with the relocated Hwy. 61 Project. 430 Nov. 2_iDOT _ tomporary easement for property on east edge of Lot 1 of Riverfront #4 .................................... 433 2--IA Fuel Storage Dispensing System for P. Works Garage, Project ............................................. 434 2--Indianola Mayor requesting donation to promote cities and State at National League of Cities Conference .................. 440 2--IA DOT -- re: condemnation of property for improvement of U.S..61 ............................................. 445 2--Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #93 .................. 456 2--IA DOT re: condenmation of property for improvement of U.S. 61 ................................................. 459 Dec. 7--Iowa Oil Ca -- Speede Shoppe -- Cigarette Permits ....... 474 Dec. 21--Indecent Exposure -- proposed change in Code. .......... 486 21--IA DOT -- Execution of Pr~Dealgn Project Agreement (U.S. 20). 487 20--IA DOT -- Right:Of-Way Agreement on Dodge St. for City Relocation ........................................... 488 21--Investment Counselors, closure of Suit ................... 490 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE J Jan. 5--Jeld-Wen, Inc. re: construction of superstructure to support steam lines .......................................... 35, 80, 81 Feb. 16--Jackson Park, q~x Exemption Applications .............. 106 Mar. 16--Johnson, Orin P., {Bottom's Up}, Class "C" Liquor Lieons~ . 144 " 16--Jayeees, Refund on Beer Permit ........................ 145 ,' 16--Jeld-Wen Fiber Produete requesting refund for Ind. Dev. Rev. Bond procedure never complotod ........................ 146 16--Juergens, Robert C., settloment of tar damage claim ....... 147 May 18--Juergens, Jerry, questioned estimates for resur facing of Dodge. 214 18--James, Jerry, of Neighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......... 229 June 1--Jaycees~, re: fireworks request ........................... 247 June 15--Johnson, Clara L., Lucky "13" Tap, Cigarette Permit ....... 257 June 15--Jena, Inc. -- Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 258 15--Joter, Inc. -- Bridge Rest. & Lounge, Class "C" Liquor ..... 259 15--Jerry's Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lic. ...................... 259 July 6--Jaycees request for Fireworks Display ................... 274 Aug. 3--January Council Proceedings, approved as printed ......... 324 3--June Financial Reports submitted ...................... 325 " 3--Juergens, Jerry objecting to street assessments ........... 327 3--JFT Ltd., Oky Doky #1, Cigarette Permit ................ 357 3--JFT Ltd., Oky Doky #1, Class "E" Beer Permit ........... 358 Sep. 8--Jaycox, James, applicant for Human Rights Corem ........ 376 8--July Claims, Proof of publication ....................... 379 Oct. 5--Johns Mary June, CLAIM ............................. 409 5--Jaycees, refund on Beer Permit ......................... 409 5--Jackson Cb Line northerly to City -- IA DOT repairing Primory Rd. Nb U.S. 61 ...................................... 409 5--Johnson, Clara (Lucky #13 Tap), Class "B" Beer Permit .... 423 Nov. 2--Jones, Ric reporting on New Horizons in Emergency Care.. 439 " 2--June Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............ 444 Dec. 7--Johnson, Orin P. -- Bottom's Up, Cigarette Permit ........ 474 Dec. 21--Julien Motor Inn, Class "B" Liquor License. ............. 489 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE K Jan. 5--Kirby Co. (Dubuque), Claim ............................ 23 5--Kieffer, Kraig, Settlement of Claim ...................... 24 5--Kahle, Wayne, Settlement of Claim ...................... 24 5--Kruser, Merlin & Elaine re: Warranty Deed on Brunswick St. property. ........................................... 28 Jan. 19--Krieg, Council Member reappointed to Operation: New'View. 61 Mar. 16--Keyline applications (SPA App. & Section 9 Program of Pro- jects etc.) ........................................... 127 16--Khick, M.P., awarded contract for Schmitt Island Restroom Facility. ............................................ 128 16--Kennedy Road, property east of & south of Fire Station... rezoning ............................................ 128 16--Kerper, 2010, adjacent -- Biechler Elec. re: purchase of City right-of-way. ......................................... 130 16--Kueter, Rita & Bob, requesting replacement of Guard Rail along Kennedy Road ....................................... 130 16--Kirchberg, Gerald (Cubby Bear), Class "B" Beer Permit .... 143 16--Kegger, The (Beer Store), Class "E" Beer Permit: Cigarette Permit ............................................. 143 16--KC & S Co. Ink (Five Flags), Class "C" Liquor License.... 144 16--Kelly, Richard J. & Alice R. requesting vacation of alley near Ham's Addn ......................................... 145 Apr. 6--Kennedy Road, rezoning of property south of Fire Station... 155 6--Keny, Richard & Alice, vacating portion of City alley south of Farragut St. and west of Karper Blvd ................... 156, 173 6--Kerper Blvd. re: Richard Kelly's vacating portion of City alley nearby .............................................. 156 6--Kerper Blvd., 2010, Biechler Elec. acquiring portion of City- owned right of way adjacent to former Rowley Interstate Bldg. 159 6--Kirchberg, Gerald C, (Cubby Bear Lounge), Cigarette Permit. 165 " 6~Knighte of Columbus Council #510, Class "C" Liquor Lic... 166 " 6--Kersch, Jeannine, A., Class "C" Liquor (Idle Hour) ........ 196 " 6--Kerkenbush, Ann & Bruce, Claim; Denial ................ 196, 235 " 6--Klauer Mfg. Co., Riverside Tractor-Trailer & Rowley Interstate re: 15 Minute Parking area on N/E side of Roosevelt Exten.. 199 May 4--Klotz, Harry, Settlement of Claim ...................... 211 " 4--Ke~ Ronald, Sr., Denial/Closure of Claim ................. 212 " 4--Kun~el, Marie & Ken, DeniaD~Closure o£ Claim ............ " 4--Kochendorfer, Wm., CLAIM; Settlement ................. 212, 235 May 18--Koehler, Henry re: acceptance of deed of property at 1919 Ellzabeth Place ...................................... 221 " 18--Kilgore St. & Hamilton St. Extension, Prohibiting Parking via Omi ................................................ 224 18--Kramer, Gloria, claim for sewer damages ................. 231 18--Krieg Bros. Ice Corp. requesting amendment to Ord. re: park- b~g on Nigbtengale. 231 ~8,~-K~tschmer, Barbara, C!v~m Deniai~Closu-m June 1--Kwik Stop Pood Mart, Cigarette Permit ................. 245 1--Keggar, The, Cigarette Permit .......................... 245 1--K-Mart, Cigarette Permit .............................. 245 i--Kennal Club, The, Class "C"Liquor Licensa .............. 246 June 15--Korper Industrial Subd., Disposing of City Interest in Proper- ty -- Lot 2 of Subdivision of Lot 1 of Kerpor Ind. Subd. No. 1. 248 15--Keyline Transit Facility, Ventilation System .............. 249, 322 15--Keyline -- Handicapped Persons, Special Efforts via Res... 251 15--Knicker's Saloon, Cigarette Permit .................. 256 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 15--K & K Foods, Cigarette Permits ........................ 15--KC & S Concessions, Five Flags, Cigarette Permits ........ 15--Kunnert, Walter -- Shot Tower Inn, Cigarette Permit ...... 15--Kohl, Robert J. -- The Barge, Cigarette Permit ............ 15--Kelly, Elaine -- Coach House, Cigarette Permit ........... 15--Kirehberg, Gerald C., Cubby Bear Lounge, Cigarette Permit, 15--Kachevas, James, Demetri's Res., Cigarette Permit ........ 15--Kerech, Jeannine -- Idle Hour, Cigarette Permit ........... 15--Key City Bowling In~, Cigarette Permit ................. 15--Kupferechmidt, Gary -- Whiskey River, Cigarette Permit... 15--K & K Foods, Gratten & Wheaten Enterprises, Class "C" Beer. 15--King of Clubs, Cigarette Permit ........................ 15--Kennedy, Marvel, I., -- Kennedy's ~Pap, Cigarette Permit .... 15--Kennal Club, Cigarette Permit .......................... 15--Kroger, Edward, Claim ................................ 256 256 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 258 258 258 259 258 259 15--Kerper Industrial Sub., Approval of final plat of Lot 1 ..... 260, 261 15--Kaufmann & Kane -- Yield Sign should be exchanged with the Stop sign ........................................... 262, 306 July 6--Keyline Ventilation System Project ...................... 264 6--Kruser, Kevin -- KC's Amoco, Cigarette Permit ........... 273 6--Knicker's Saloon, -- C. Gerhard, Class "C" Liquor License... 273, 274 6--Kruegar, Edward, Denial/Closure of CLAIM .............. 274 6--Kennedy, Diane -- City employee disclosing utilizing City funded Loan Program ................................ 275 6--Kane St., 645, - approval of final plat of J. Vogt Subd ...... 278 July 20--Knob Hill -- Lot 3 & 4 of Blk. 10, Vacating Utility Easements. 308, 309 20--Kirkwood St., -- vacation of alley parallel t~ .............. 309 Aug. 3--Keyline Transit Trustee Bd. re: "Subscription Service". ..... 326 3--Klauer, John re: Dangerous Bldg. Ordinance .............. 332 3--Kresge Bldg. -- Bevised Loan documents ................ 355 3--Kamentz, Shirley -- Rainbow Lounge. ................... 358 Sep. 21--Knupp, I~y. Paul, (of Summit Congregational Church) Gave Invocation .......................................... 383 " 21--Kennedy Road, 2460, re: request for zoning by V. Bechen & R. Hanson ............................................. 386, 392 " 21--Kopples Market, In~, Class "C" Beer Permit ............. 387 " 21--Kelly, Elaine -- Coach House, Class "C" Liquor Lic. ....... 388 " 21--Kupferschmidt, Gary & lq Barry -- Whiskey River, Class "C" Liquor License. ...................................... 386 " 21--Kelly Lane, re: Ordinance prohibiting heavy vehicle traffic... 387 Oct. 5--Kerper Blvd. -- west side, granting of Temporary Easement to IDOq~ Ifor dredge lines etc.) 392 5 Kelly; Melvin, re: land at 4304 Peru being used as Dog Kennel. 397 5--Kwik Stop Food Market, Transport Sale Co., Class "C" Beer. 408 5--Kopp, Eugene L., Class "C" Liquor License. ............. 408 Oct. 19--Kenned~ Gary & Kathleon, property east of N. Grandview bet- ween Kaufmann & Kane; rezoning 419 I9 Kaufmann & Kane -- N. Grandview, rezoning of property {Gary Kennedy) ........................................... 419, 453 19--Klauer Mfg. Ca, approval for release of easement otc ...... 421 19--Key City Bowling Lanes, Class "C" Liquor Licenses ....... 424 19--Kirkwood St. & Blake {s/w corner), approval of final plat of Woods Addn ......................................... 426 19--Kolsmd, Donald & Judith, re: acceptance of Beverly Fines Final Plat ................................................ 429 Nov. 2--Key Club Week, Proclamation 432 2--Klauer Mfg. Co. -- release easement & other restrictions associated with property sold to Klauer Mfg. Ca ......... 432 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 2--Kennedy, Gary re: rezoning request for rezoning of Castleridge Estates ............................................. 432 " 2--Kerper Blvd., & 16th St., disposal of City's interest in River- front Subd. #4 ....................................... 433 " 2--Kirkwood St.,providing for vacatingof an Alley south of there. 435, 447 " 2--Kirkwood St., disposal of property to E. Buechale ......... 436 " 2--Kwik Stop Food Mart, Class "E" Beer Permit ............ 443 Nov. 16--Kress, Rev. Justin, Gave Invocation ..................... 446 " 16--Krieg Boys Ice re: denial of rezoning .................... 454 Dec. 7--Kerper Bird. -- Agreement of Army Corps of Engrs. for filling site near there. ...................................... 471 7--Ktieg, Council Member, resigning from Operation: New View. 474 7--Kerper Blvd. -- Thermolyne Co. requesting extension of time for property improvement ............................. 484 Dec. 21--Kachevas, Ina (Demettis/Viking), Class "C" Liquor Lic ..... 489 21--Kopp, Gene (Gene's), Cigarette Permit ................... 489 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--Loras College (area) Property -- Zoning reclassification ..... 9-14 ,, 5--Lincoln Ave. (468-470) rezoning request (BOYES) .......... 21, 22, 32 5--Love, Phillip R. (The Lounge), Class "C" Liquor License.... 23 Jan. 19--Leagne of Cities authorization for attendance by C. Members. 61 19--Lagerstrom, Elaine, appointed to Human Rights Corem .... 62 19--LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: ....................................... 63, 144, 444 Feb. 2--Loan of $70,000 to Dbq. Star Brewery Co. ............... 67 2--Lucky Stores, Inc., Class "E" Beer Permit ............... 82 2--Long John Silver's, Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 82 " 2--Love, Harriet, settlement .............................. 88 2--Lombardi-Schuster, Patticia, Class "C" Liquor License ..... 109 · 2--Lampe, Steve, Dena, (Cue Master Ltd. Ina), Class "C" Liquor License. ............................................ 109 2--Loras College requested Beer Transfer. .................. 110 ". 23--Library Budget reviewed .............................. 118 Mar. 16--Loan -- Dubuque Trolley, Ina ($16,000) .................. 131 16--Lease -- Burlington Northern Depot & designation of Review Committee .......................................... 131 16--Local Vehicle ~x, $20 per vehicle, Resolution ............. 138 16--Library Bd. of Trustees submitting comments re: Budget Sessions ............................................ 145 16--Lutgen, Edward, Closure of Claim ....................... 153 Apr. 6--Lease Agreement with Robert's River Rides, Inc. et~ ...... 158 6--Lake Peosta Subdivision -- P & Z approving finalplats of Subd. of Lot 1 of 2 of I of Block 8 Riverfront Subd. No. 3 and final plats of Lots 1 thru 6 ................................. 158 6--Local Vehicle Tax: re: Ordinance Providing for. ........... 161 6--Loan Agreement with E J. Ueiner Precision Tools & Dies. Inc. 163, 164 6--Leiteh, Chad appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustment ...... 165 Apr. 20--Low Vision Week, Proclamation ........................ 173 20--Lake Peosta Sub. (Lot 6) Disposal re: Biechler Elea ....... 174 20--Lucky Lady Saloon (M. Turner) Class "C" Liquor License.. 196 20--LEASE with Robert's River Rides etc. .............. 176, 177, 204 20--LORAS Colleg~ Transfer of Beer Permit ................. 195 20--Lucky Lady Saloon (MN. Turner Class "C!' Liquor License.. 196 20--Lyons, Eric, CLAIM; Closur~ .......................... 196, 431 May 4--Liability Insurance Coverage re: Storybook Hill Children's ZOo. 206 4--Lease of City with Dbq. Yacht Basin, In~ ............... 206 4--Linehan Park Addn., portion of, IA DOT advising of intent to sell ................................................. 211 4--Link, Delbert, Settlement of Claim ...................... 211 4--Link, Dave & Judy, Denial/Closure of Claim .............. 212 May 18--Letter Carriers re: enforcement of Leash Law ............. 216, 217 18--Lease for property known as former BN Depot ........... 217 18--Leash Law, request for inforcement ..................... 216, 217 18--Loan Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Co ............. 18--Lim Gee (Monte Carlo), Cigarette Permit ................. 18--Lucky Stores (Eagle Food Cente~), Cigarette Permits ..... 18--Larsen, Beveral A., (Denny's), Class "C" Liquor Licens~... 18--Lincoln Ca (Casey's), Cigarette Permit ................... 18--Lyone, Ralph, Denial/Closure of Claim ................... 18--Lateen, Gary, Denial/Closure of Claim ................... June 1--Lease between City & Natlonal Rivers Hall of Fame, requseting approval subject to several stipulations .................. 219 229 229 230 229 235 235 243 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 1--Liberty Restaurants, Inc., Sfikas Rest. & Lounge, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 245 1--Love, Kenneth J., Grand Tap, Cigarette Permit ............ 245 1--Legion (American), Class "C" Liquor Liconsg ............ 246 June 15--Lease Agreement recommended between City & Four Mounds Foundation .......................................... 250 15--LaPage, Lynn, (Park Square Tavern), Cigarette Permit., .... 257 15--Lucky 13 Tap, (Clara Johnson), Cigarette Permit .......... 257 15--Larson, Beverly -- LUX CLUB, Cigarette Permit .......... 257 15--Lucky Lady, Cigarette Permit .......................... 257 15--Lombardi-Schuster, Pat, -- Ms. Pat's -- Cigarette Permit.. 258 15--Loyal Order of Moose -- Dbq. Lodge #355, Class "A' Liquor License. ............................................ 25~ July 6--Legislatlve Days, Dubuque, Proclamation ................ 264 6--Loan Agreement with Iv, H. Uelner. ..................... 268 6--Lounge, The -- P. Love, Cigarette Permit ................. 273 6--Love, Kenneth Jerome -- Grand Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. 273 6--Land Development Ina (Dbq.) by E. Techigg/rie re: Clarke Crest Estates Third Addn .................................. 277 July 20--Liquor Control Licenses, Changes in State Law set out ..... 292 20--LIBRARY BOARD Appointments of Larry Cremer and Ann Bonltinghouse. ...................................... 306 20--Loras College -- Several Cigarette Permits ............... 306 Aug. 3--Langkamp, M.J. of 2977 Wildwood~requesting help with water flow problem ........................................ 326, 332 Aug. 17--Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with Dbq. County. 342 17--Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agresmeent with Asbury.... 343 17--Loan Documents revised (Kresge Bldg.) with State and Upper Miss. Development Co. ............................... 355 17--Lampers Pince~ P & Z approving final plat ............... 359 Sep. 8--Literacy Day (Adult), Proclamation ..................... 368 8--LEASE 66,000 Sq. Feet of property on Ch. Schmitt Island to Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc. ................................ 371, 384 8--Loading Dock okayed by Ordinance for St. Vincent DePaul. 372, 373 8--Lincoln Co.. The (Casey's), Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 377 8--Loan Agreement with Thalsen Supply Co. (CD Block Grant). 385 Oct. 5--Library's Annual Great Book Read Across Iowa, Proclamation. 391 5--Langkamp, Merlin, opposed to rezonlng of 2640 John F. Kennedy. ........................................... 392 5--LEASE Approx. 500 Sq. Feet of property to TCI Cablevision of Dbq. for Construction of B-Cable Institutional Network Hub Site. ............................................... 396 5--Langkamp, Merlin -- response by Mgr. to deny request for riprap along W. 32nd ....................................... 398 5--LaRu~ Ray, appointed to Housing Comm ................ 407 5--Loras College~ transfer of Beer Permit ................... 407 19--Leasing of @ 500 Sq. Feet of property in Lot 25 of Finley Home Addn. to TCI Cablevision of Dubuque ................... 419 5--Lagare, D., supporting Nuclear Test Ban ................. 422 Oct. 19--Lucky 13 Tap, (Clara Johnson), Class "B" Beer Permit ..... 423 19--League of Municipalities, (IA), Council Member Krieg advis- ing of her election .................................... 423 19--Long range plans, update by Council ete ................. 423 19--Lincoln & Decatur & Hamilton -- intersection, requesting "STOP" sign ........................................ 426 19--Link, Leo release of casg ............................. 426 19--League of Cities (National), request by Council Member Deich to attend ............................................ 431 Nov. 2wLibrary Board appointment of Garry A. Hammond ........ 443 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 2--Lindecker, Lynn (Park Sq. Tavern), Claes "C" Liquor Licens~ 443 2--Loan program participation by City employee T. Moler ..... 444 2--Lease Agreement between City & Dbq. Yacht Basin ....... 446 Nov. 16--Local Sales & Services Tex, Rate of 1% effective 4/1/88 ..... 452 16--Lease Agreemont -- sublease -- to Anderson Marine Co.... 453 16~Lalfker, Attorney David re: "conflict" opinion for Council Member Krieg -- zoning problems of Krieg Boys Ice on Nightengale Lana ................................... 454 16--Loras College -- transfer of Beer Permit ................. 455 16--Loras College~ Class "B" Beer Permit ................... 456 16--Leaes Agreement with Frank Hardie Advertising, In~ for 30 days ................................................ 460 De~ 7--Law Enforcement Day -- Youth in, Proclamation .......... 461 7--Lounge of Greyhound Park, remodeled in pub or saloon motif. 470 7--Lincoln Ava Added to Cod~ from Windsor to Reosevalt. pro- viding for designation as a "Through Street". ............ 473 Dec. 21--Lease Agreement between City & Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc.; Amendment ......................................... 485, 486 21--Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement with Asbary, revision. 487 21--Lonny's Ava Top, In~, Class "C" Liquor License. ......... 490 21--Leckington, settlement of Pets. Inj. Claim ................ 490 21--LaPag~ James, CLAIM ............................... 490 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE M Jan. 5--Martin Luther King Day, Proclamation .................. 1 5--Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Class "C' Liquor License. ............ 22 5--Miller, Dennis, Claim; Denial ........................... 23, 147 5--Meyer, Dennis, refund requested ........................ 23 5--Market Place Dubuque, Proof of publication of no effect on Environment ........................................ 24 5--Market Place Dubuque, re: Submission of request for release o£ CD Funds ........................................ 25 Jan. 19--Merhl, Robert IMILK HOUSE), Class "C" Beer Permit .... 62 19--Mauders, Serenus, Claim; Closure ....................... 63, 153 19--Mid-Contlnental Bottlers, settlement of claim ............. 64 Mar. 16--Mental Health Month, Proclamation .................... 127 16--Male Oil Ca, Big 10 Mart, JFK Road, Cigarette Permit & Class "C" Beer Permit ..................................... 143 16--Miller-Neff, Inc. (Reugnitz), Class "E" Beer Permit ........ 143 16--Munlaipal Pool, petitioners requesting it be kept open ...... 147 16--Market Place Dubuque -- Dbq. In Future putting listing it for sale ................................................ 152 16--MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ..... 144, 166 Apr. 6--Manhar t, Bishop Dennis of Church of J.C. of Latter Day Salute, Gave Invocation ..................................... 155 Apr. 6--Mechanical Board -- appointments ...................... 164, 165 6--Marsden, C., applicant for Engineering position for Mech. Bd. 165 6--Miller, Marie, Claim; Payment ......................... 166, 197 6--Moore, John, Petition to Quiet Title; Small Claims ......... 166, 167 6--Muller, Gerald, Settlement of Claim ..................... 167 6--Murphy Park Fees, Park & 1~ Report .................. 168 Apr. 20--Miller, Art -- Memorial Crop Walk ...................... 173 20--Mowers -- riding, re: Story Book Zoo. ................... 182 20--Murphy Park Admission fee, comments of Park & Rec. Co,nm. 182 20--Mini-Bus operations, contract with P~oject Concern ....... 195 20--Miller, Nell, Inc~ (Ruegnitz Drug), Cigarette Permit ........ 195 20--Morene, Edward E, Class "B" beer Permit ............... 195 20--Marco's, Inc~ (Class "C" Liquor License.) ................ 196 20--Moraeco Supper Club, Claim ........................... 196 20--March Financial reports ............................... 198 20--Mineral Lot 310 -- approval of final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot i of Lot i of Lot i of Lot 2 of Potters Place. ......... 199, 200 May 4--Men~ai Health Month, Proclamation .................... 202 " 4--Music on the March Day -- Drum & Bugle Corp .......... 202 " 4--Maintenance Garage Addition Project ................... 205, 238 " 4--Municipally owned Parking Lots, elimination of Na 7 from Ced~ 208 " 4--Midway Airport in Chicago, Air Service ................. 211 " 4--Mann, Robert, Claim; Closure .......................... 212, 431 " 4--McInernay, Charlotte, Claim ........................... 212 " 4--Montrose Terrace & Fairview Place, steps between, Glenna Williams requesting they be reopened ................... 217 " 4--Maack, Dennis, applicant to Planning & Zoning Corem ..... 228 4--Monte Carlo Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ................ 229 4--Mangeno, Angela (Hard Times), Cigarette Permit .......... 229 4--Mehrl, Robert & Jane, Cigarette Permit .................. 229 4--Milk House #2, Cigarette Permit ........................ 229 4--Mihalakis, Shirley, Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 4--Miller, Beverly, Sid's Bev. Store, Cigarette Permit .......... 229 4--Miracle Car Wash, In~, Cigarette Permit ................. 229 4--Miller, LeRoy A., (Whitey's Ba~X), Cigarette Permit ....... 229 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 4--Mulgrew Oil Ce, (Amoco at the Bridge), Cigarette Permit... 229 4--Mr. Fix-It Automotive, Cigarette Permit ................. 229 4--Mareh Claims; Proof .................................. 231 4--Merchante Bonding Cb re: Certification of Authority for 1987. 231 4--Moracco Supper Club, Settlement of Claim ............... 235 June 1--Male Oil Co, -- Big 10 Mart, Cigarette Permits. .......... 245 1--Maas, Linda, Claim ................................... 246 1--Moore, John re: request for Hill St. property. ............. 247 Iune 15--Moore, Rev. Mark, of St. Mary's Church, Gave Invocation.. 248 15--Main St., Ltd. & City, Funding Agreement ............... 253 15--Miller-Nell, Inc., (Ruegnitz Drug), Cigarette Permit ........ 256 15--Mayer, Don, Admiral's Hi-Hat West, Cigarette Permit ...... 256 15--Meyer's Tavern, Cigarette Permit: Class "B" Beer Permit... 256, 258 15--Marco's Italian & American Food, Cigarette Permit ........ 257 15--Marie's Italian Rest., Cigarette Permit ................... 257 " 15--Maid-Rite Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................. 257 " 15--My-Cap Vendors, In~, Cigarette Permit .................. 257 " 15--Minard, Joe (Heartland Inn), Cigarette Permit ............ 257 15--Midway Motor Lodge, WCB Hotels Inc., Cigarette Permit.. 257 " 15--Ms. Pat's, Cigarette Permit ............................ 258 15--Moracco Supper Club, Cigarette Permit .................. 258 15--Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Cigarette Permit .................... 258 15--Mateo Restaurants, Inc.- Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ..... 258 15--Moose, Loyal Order, Dbq. Lodge #355, Class '~" Liquor Licensg 259 15--Merritt, Ben, Claim; Denial/Closure~ .................... 260, 274 15--Manning, Council Member re: Home Improvement Lean through City. ........................................ 262 15--Madden, Sally re: City sharing pool at Senior High School.. . 262 15--Maas, Linda, Settlement of Claim ....................... 263 July 6--Mihalakie, John & R. Billmayer re: disposal of City interest of property - Kerper Blvd ................................ 266 6--Meters -- Two Hours for Bluff St. between 3rd & 4th ...... 272 6--Meter Hoods by Ord. upon prepayment of fee~ ............ 272 6--Municipal Parking Lot of 2nd St. Harbor area, designation & use.. .............................................. 272 6--Moore, John re: Petition for Repeal of Res. No. 54-87. etc... 274 6--Mercurio's Ital. Res. & Lounge, Class "C" Liquor Lic ...... 274 6--Miereen, Alfrieda, CLAIM; Closure ...................... 274, 380 6--Market Place Dubuque Property -- for sale by Dbq. In Future, 275 6--May Financial Reports submitted ....................... 275 6--Main -- N., St. property of Dennis M. Ryan, requesting vaca- tion of nearby property. ............................... 278 6--Moore, John re: concerns wlth Dbq. Police Dept.: Response by C. Mgr. ............................................. 288, 289 289 291 302 304 " 6--Mortgage of Real Estate, Execution of Corrected re: FDL... July 20--Municipal Infractions -- provisions for City penalties ...... 20--Meter Hoods/Placards for a fee. ........................ 20--Municlpai Parking Lot in 2nd St. Harbor Area ........... 20--Motor Vehicles Impounded when Illegally parked in Handic. Spaces .............................................. 20--Murph's South End Tap, Wm. J. Murphy, Cigarette Permit. 20--Maintenance Bldg. at WWTP Project ................... Aug. 3--Mayor & Mayor Prc-Tem Both absent, alec. of Presiding Officer. 3--Mentally Handicapped Health Week, Pmclamatten ........ 3--Mrdgrew Off Co., Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 3--March Council Proceedings (printed), approved ............ 3--Moore, John W., Notice of Appeal to IA Supreme Ct ....... Aug. 305 307 312 315 315 324 324 325 3--Mause, Mary Lou, sewer back-up damage claim; closure .... 325, 380 17--Mul]inix, In~ awarded contract for Penn. Ava Storm Sewer.. 329 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 17--Madison St. Hill -- intersection with Main, vacation of portion of property (for D. Ryan) .............................. 331, 370 17--Menard, Inc. -- rezoning request approved for property north of U.S. and east of McDonald Dr. ...................... 331, 369 20--Mutuai Law Enforcement Agreements with Dbq. County & Asbury. ............................................ 342, 343 17--Motor Trucks Prohibited on Besidential Streets ...... : .... 345 17--Moore, John -- Thomas Hayes for him, CLAIM ........... 359 Sep. 8--Martin Oil & Martin Auto Magic, Cigarette Permits ....... 376 " 8--Miracle Car Wash, Cigarette Permit ..................... 376 " 8--Mulgrew Oil CO., Asbury Fastep, Class "C" Beer Permit... 377 " 8--Makovee, Andrew, Claim; Closure ....................... 378, 380 Sep. 21--MIA-POW Day, Proclamation .......................... 383 ? 21--Masonic Temple Awareness day, Proclamation ............. 383 21--Mental Illness Awareness Week, Proclamation ............ 383 21--Mangen~ Angala -- Hard Times Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License. ............................................ 388 21--Miller, Leroy A. -- Whitey's Bar-X, Class "C" Liquor Lic... 388 21--Mueller, Helen C., CLAIM; Closure ...................... 388, 390 21--Meeting summary, Budget, provided by C. Mgr. .......... 390 Oct. 5--Massey, Roger, objecting to 4304 Peru Rd. being owned & operated as a Dog Kennel ............................. 397 5--Meyers, David J., appointed to Bd. of Elect. Appeals ...... 407 19--Murphy, Wn~ J. (Murph's South End Tap), Clees "C" Liquor Lic 424 19--May Council Proceedings, approved as printed ............ 424 19--Mortensen, J. Duane, resigning as a Trustee of Library Bd.. 426 19--Moore, John, Closure of personal injury claim ............. 431 Nov. 2--Mayor of Indianola requesting donation to promote cities and Sto~e at National League of Cities in Las Vegas ........... 440 ~--Moler, Timothy A. re: interest in City funded loan program. 444 Nov.. !6--Mulgrew Oil Co. -- suspension of Beer Permit ............ 455 "' 16-~Mihalakle, Shirley (River City Tavern), Class "C" Liquor Lic. 456 Dec. :7--Mitigatten Plan on Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island between IA Dept. of Natural Resources & City. ..................... 472 7--Mario's Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor Lic ............... 475 7--Meeting Rules of Council, discussion etc ................. 473 Dec. 21--Mini-Warehousing ailowed as conditional use -- Zoning ..... 484 " 21--Mutuni Aid Agreement with Asbury (Law Enforcement)... 487 " 21--Moin Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 489 " 21--Mike,s Ten Pin Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lieensg ............ 489 21--Moracc(~ Inc, Class "C" Liquor License ................. 489 21--Manning, Council Member Barb, "thanked" for years of Coun- cil service. .......................................... 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--McCarren, Robert, Claim; Closure ...................... 23, 153 Mar. 16--McMahon, Harold re: solution to entry etc~ to parking lot near 300 N. Grandview .................................... 145 May 18--McCoy, Judy, applicant for Planning & Zoning Comissten.. 228 18--McGiffin's (Kevin), Class "B" Beer Permit ............... 230 18--McCoy, Larry, Denial]Closure of Claim ................... 236 June 1--McCann's Service, Cigarette Permit ..................... 245 June 15--McFarlaue, Jeff & Robin (via Ohio Casualty), CLAIM; Closing. 260, 308 15--McInerney, Cimrlott~ Denial]Closure of CLAIM ........... 263 July 6--McDonald, A.Y., Cigarette Permit ....................... 272 Aug. 17--McGhee, David, CLAIM .............................. 359 Sep. 8--McDonald Drive, East of & North of U.S. 20, Zoning change from AG to C-3 ...................................... 369 8--McDermott, Charles, owner of Tri-State Implement Co., requesting vacation and purchase in Cedar Cross Rd. area.. 378 8--McMahon, Harold re: Finley Hospital Entrance, traffic problem. 380 Oct. 19--McCarron, Robert, Closure of Claim ..................... 431 19--McGhee, Christopher, Closure of Claim .................. 431 Oct. 5--McDonaid, Linda reappointed to the Housing Commission.. 407 5--McCarron, Robert, CLAIM; Cinsure of Claim ............. 409, 431 Nov. 16--McLaughlin, Mary Jane, CLAIM ....................... 456 Dec. 21--McDermott, Charles & Irene re: P & Z approving final plat of portion of Lot in "Valley View Heights at Center Grove"... 491 21--McLaughlin, Mary Jane, Closure of Claim ................ 492 21--McNamer, Robert & Virginia, Closure of Claim ............ 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--Nash, Russell re: LORAS COLLEGE rezoning ............ 9 " 5--No Parking (via Ordinance) from 1 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. on certain streets .............................................. 16-18 " 5--November 1986 financial reports submitted .............. 24 Jan. 19--Natianal League of Cities Meeting authorization for Council Members to attend .............................. [ .... 61 19--Nicholson, Daniel reappointed to Human Rights Commission. 62 19--Nachtman, Harold & Linda, Claim; Denial ............... 63, 85 Feb. 2--Norman, Wayne re: Third Street Overpass ................ 81 2 --November, Printed Council Proceedings approved as printed. 84 2--Nelson, John re: Sewer Extension request on Roosevelt Rd. .................................... 85, 107, 130, 167, 199, 283 2--Notice of Intent to File a Release of Funds for various Econ. Develop. Projects (Country Wagon, Cycare Systems, Market Place) .............................................. 85 16--Nash-Finch Co. (Econofoods), Class "E" Beer Permits ...... 109 Mar. 16--Noonan's Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 144 16--North Grondview, re: solution to parking lot etc. Mr. McMahon. 145 16--No significant Effect on Environment -- Dbq. Star Brewery Project ............................................. 147 16--N/W Arterial request for signing for Asbury. ............. 147 16--North Cascade ~ad, north Of, final plat of Westercamp Place. 149 16~Natinnal Rivers Hall of Fame -- support for Third St. Overpass. 153 Apr. 6--National Volunteer Week, Proclamation .................. 155 6--Nelson, John & Jackie, re: comments at Council Meeting. Sewer on Roosevelt St ................... 85, t07, 130, 167, 199, 283, 414 6--Neenan, Steven J., Claim, Payment of Claim .............. 167, 197 6--Notice of Environmental l~view Findings for Dubuque Trolley, Inc. Project.. ~ ..................... , ................ 169, 199 Apr. 20HN~ uraing Services, Public Health Applic~ati~n .............. 172 " 20--Neuwohner, Attorney Russel, for Biechler Elec., property disposal (Lot 6 in Lake Peosta Subd.) ................... 174 " 20--N/W Arterial Design, Proof of publication of Notice of Oppor- tunity for R Hearing ................................. 198 May 4--Nites of the Square Table, Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 210 4--1900 Tap, Class "C" Liquor Licens~ .................... 210 4--Natinnai Rivers Hall of Fame, re: Fireworks Display at Ice Harbor. ............................................ 212 4--Natibnal Assn. of Letter Carriers, re: Leash Law .......... 216, 217 4--National Rivers Hall of Fame, Lease of BN Depot ......... 217 4--Nonbargaining Unit Employees. 1988 Compensation Pkg... 228 4--Noonan's Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 229 4--Ncighbor's Tap, Cigarette Permit ....................... 229 4--Nightengale Lane, re: Krieg Bros. Ice prohibiting parking.. 231 4--Nagele, Irma re: City's interest in real estat~ ............. 236 8--National Rivers Hall of Fame, re: rezoning in Ice Harbor (2nd St.) area ............................................ 243 8--Nelson, Stephanie, Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic .......................................... 246, 258 8--Notice of Appeal re: reversal in Flynn case. .............. 247 June June 15--National Rivers Hall of Fame requesting subletting part of BN Depot .............................................. 250 July 6--Novak, Rev. Ed., Gave Invocation ....................... 264 6--NOTICE of Environ. Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project ........................................ 269 6--Nelson, Richard, CLAIM .............................. 274 INDEX -- BOOK 117 · 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Dec. 21--November, 1987 Financial Reports ...................... July 6--Notice of Environment Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project -- Dbq. Data Services .................... 276 6--N. Main St. -- Petition of Dennis Ryan requesting vacation of adjacent land ........................................ 278 20--Nelson, Richard, denial of Personal Injury Claim; Addressing Council ............................................. 289 20--Newsrack -- Regulations by Ordinance ................. 293-295 20--Ne~, Kevin, Settlement of CLAIM ...................... 308 20--Neuwoehner, Attorney Russel re: vacation of plat for portion of property in Knob Hill Subd ......................... 308 20--Northrange Subd. Nb 1 -- final plat of Sub. of Lot 1 (at corner of Penn. & Radford Rd.) ............................... 311 20--NW Arterial from Pern~ Ava to Asbury Rd. -- acceptin4,~ 2 deeds for property acquired ................................. 313 Aug. 3--National Rivers Hall of Fame, J. Enzler requesting BN Depot space. .............................................. 317 3--Notice of DOT of Air Wisconsin's intention of suspension of sex vice between Dbq. Waterloo & Chicag~ ................. 325 Aug. 17--Nativity (Church), Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 358 Sep. 8--Nites of the Square ~able, Transfer of Beer Permit ......... 378 8--Noel, John & Connie for son Timothy, CLAIM ............ 378 Sep. 11--Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain Block Grant Project.(Thcisen Supply Cc~) ..................... 384 Oct. 5--Natlvity (Church), refund on Beer Permit ................. 409 5--NW Arterial -- grading from Pennsyl. Ave, to Asbury Rd~. 411 Oct. 19--N. Grandview between Kanfmann Ave. & Kane, rezoning for G. Kennedy .............................. .............. 419 19--Nuclear Test Ban Resolution; Spoken to by several people; petitinns submitted ................................... 422 19--New Harbor Development Ca, Inc (Eagle Pt.), Class "C" Liquor Li~ ................................................ 424 19--Northwest Airlines In~ -- U.S. DOT re: applications for cer- tificates of public convenience. ......................... 426 Nov. 2--Noticas in matter of condemnation re: preperty fer hnprovement of Primary Road U.S. N~ 61 ........................... 445 Nov. 16--Nightengale Lane -- Zoning Problem .................... 454 " 16--Narcotics Control Grant, matched funds for Governor's Alliance on Sub. Abuse. ...................................... 455 16--Nites of the Square Table, Inc refund on Beer Permit ...... 457 16--NOTICES re: condemnation of properties by IA DOT for U.S. 61 improvement ...................................... 459 Dec. 7--New French Cafe, Class "C" Liquor Lic. ................. 475 7--No Significant Effect on Environment for Various CD Projects. 476 7--Northrange Industrial Park, Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 7, Blk. 2 of "Wolff Pl.". ..................................... 478 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 1-87 Providing that the Code be Amended by Revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying property at 3100 Raven Oaks Drive from PR Planned Residential Dis. to R-4 Multi-Family Residential District .................... 3 5--ORDINANCE NO. 2-87 Providing that the Code be amended by revising Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property south of Asbury, North of Dana & East of South Way Drive from R-4 Multi-Family Residential District & OF Office Res. District to PC Planned Commercial Unit. (DUTRAC) ................ 4-7 5--ORDINANCE NO. 3-87 Providing that the Code be amended by revising Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at NW Corner of Junction of Hwys. 52, 61 & 151 from AG to C-3 General Commercial District ........................... 7-8 5--ORDINANCE NO. 4-87 Providing that the Code be amended by revising Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property at NE Corner of Cox St. and W. 17th St. from R-2 Alternate Two Family Residential District to ID Institutional District, by reclassify- ing property at 1047, 1065 and 1091 Loras Blvd. from R-1 Single Family Residential District to ID Institutional District; by reclassifying property south of W. 16th and West Of May Place from R-3 Multi-Family Residential District to ID Institutional District, and to Approve a Conceptual Development Plan for the Loras College ID Institutional District ............... 10-14 5--ORDINANCE NO. 5-87 Amending the Cede by Enacting a new Section 25-281 thereof Providing for no Parking from 1:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. on Certain Streets ......................... 16-18 5--ORDINANCE NO. 6-87 Amending Code by Repealing Subsec- tion (4) of Section 25-274 thereof and Enacting a new Subsec- tion (4) of Section 25~274 in lieu thereof Providing for the Im- position of Parking FineS for Vehicles Parked in Interference with Snow or Ice Removal or Street Cleaning. ............ 18 5--ORDINANCE NO. 7-87 Amending Code by Repealing Subsec- tions (b) and (c) of Sections 25-343 thereof and enacting a new Subsection (b) to Section 25-343 in lieu thereof providing for the tpwing and Storage of Vehicles Parked in Violation of Sec- tions 25-391, 25-392 and 25-393 of the Code. ............. 19, 20 5--ORDINANCE NO. 8-87 Amending Code by enacting a second unnumbered paragraph to Section 25-295 thereof providng for the issuance of Courtesy Parking Tickets for the Municipal Park- ing Garages ......................................... 20 5--ORDINANCE NO. 9-87 Amending Code by Enacting a Revis- ed Section 3 of Chapter 19V2 Establishing a New Quorum Re- quirement for the Historic Preservation .................. 21 5--ORDINANCE NO. __ Providing that the Code be amended by revising Appendix '~" (Zoning) by reclassifying property at 468-470 Lincoln and adjoining former RR right-of-way from R-2A Alternate Two Family Res. Dis. to CS Commercial Ser- vice (Boyes) ........................................ 21, 22. 32 5--Operation: New View Head Start, Claim. Settlement ....... 23, 88 5--Offsite Costs of Erosion Damage in Iowa, summary report by Dubuque County District Soil Conservation Commission... 24 Jan. 19--Osuch, Rev. Gwyn, of Westminster Pres. Church giving Invocation .......................................... 31 19--O1d Mill Read Sanitary Sewer Project .......... 32, 33, 142, 278-279 19--ORDINANCE NO. 14-87 Authorizing Jeld-Wen, Inc. to con- stract a superstructure to support steam and condensate lines. 35, 80-81 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 19--ORDINANCE NO. 13-87 Amending the'Code by repealing Sec- tion 2-31 thru 2-55 and enactin4~ new Section 2-31 thru 2-45 pro- viding for RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR CITY COUNCIL (Meetings) ........................................... 60, 71-80 19--Obsolete sections of Code of Ordinances (re: administration of public parking facilities) deleted ........................ 61 19--ORDINANCE NO. 12-87 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tions 25-277, 25-296, 25-311, 25-314, 25-331 and 25-332 providing for the administration of Public Parking Facilities & issuances of Notice for PARKING VIOLATIONS. ................. 61, 71 19--Operation: New View re: appointments of representatives etc. to their Board ....................................... 61 Feb. 2--ORDINANCE NO. 19-87 Amending Code by enacting a new Section 25-100 providing for use of Safety Belts & Safety Harnesses in Motor Vehicles ......................... 69, 107, 139 2--ORDINANCE NO. 10-87 Amending the Code by enacting a new Section 25-101 providing for Use of Child Restraint Devices.. 69, 70 2--ORDINANCE NO. 11-87 Amending the Code by Enacting a New Subsection (c) to Section 9'/2-30 thereof by Prohibiting Swimming or Wading Adjacent to RIVERVIEW PARK. Over- pass, W. Third, infer, by Mgr. & W. Norman .............. 81 " 2--October Council Proceedings, approved .................. 84 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 15-87 Amending the Code by Enacting a New Section 24-26 And Subsection (b) of Section 24-27 in lieu thereof providing for sale of FISH in the CENTRAL MARKET and Increasing the Amount added to each Permit by $10 for use by the Farmer's Market Advertising Campaign ........ 107 Mar. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 23-87 Providing that the Code bo amended by reclassifying property East of J.E Kennedy Read and south of the Fire Station from/{-3 Multi-Family Residential District to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District ............ 128, 155 16--ORDINANCE NO. 24-87 Amending the Cede by enacting a new Section 33-120 thereto providing for the use of a Local Vehicle Tox ................................................ 138, 161 " 16--ORDINANCE NO. 20-87 Establishing Twin Valley Drive as the Name for the Former U.S. Highways 52 and 67 East of Rockdale Road to the City Limits, in the City of Dubuque, IA ...... 140 16--ORDINANCE NO. 21-87 Amending the Code by Enacting a new Subsection (j) to Section 27-74 thereof providing for the Hours that Riverview Park shall be Open to the Publin ... 141 16--ORDINANCE NO. 22-87 Amending the Code by repealing Subsection (b) of Section 25-325 thereof and Enacting a new Subsection (b} of Section 25-325 in lieu thereof providing for the operation of Parking Meters Monday through Saturday from 9:00 A.M. through 6:00 RM ............................ 141 16--Oky Dok~4 #10, Will Cb In~ 805 W. 5th, Class "C" beer Permit. 143 16--Oky Doky #5, Earl Schumacher, 2204 Central, Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 143 16--Old Jail nominated etc. as National Historic Landmark .... 145 16--Old Country Lan~ final plat approval for replatting of Block 8. 147 16--Overpass -- Third Street, affirmed by National Rivers Hall of Fame. ....................... ~ ...................... 153 6--ORDINANCE NO. 82-87 Vacating a portion of the Alley south of Farragut Street and west of Kerper Blvd .............. 156 6--Overpass -- Affirmation for construction of W. Third ...... 162 6--Oak Ridge Athletics, Inc., Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 166 20--ORDINANCE NO. --- Vacating a Portion of the alley south of Farragut Street & West of Kerper Blvd., and conveying said pro- perty to Richard J. & Alice R. Kelly. .................... 173 Apr. Apr. INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 4--Optinn by Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. for 3.47 Acres on Ch. Sehmitt Memorial Island .............................. 207, 208 4--ORDINANCE NO. 26-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Subsection (7) of Section 25-304 Thereof to eliminate Parking Lot Na 7 from the Listing of Municipally-Owned Park- ing Lots ............................................ 208 4--ORDINANCE NO. 27-87 Amending the Code by Repealing the Third & Sixth Unnumbered Paragraphs of Subsection (2) of Sec- tion 25-307 thereof and Exacting a new Unnumbered Fifth Paragraph to Subsection (2) of Section 25-307 in lieu thereof to provide for the elimination of PARKING LOT NO. 7 from the Schedule of times of Operation and Fee Schedules ......... 209 May 18--ORDINANCE NO. 31-87 Revising Appendix A of the Code by approving a Conceptual Development Plan for the ID Institu- tional District for EMMAUS BIBLE COLLEGE ......... 216, 239 18--ORDINANCE NO. 28-87 Amending the Code by Enacting new Sections 26-69 through 26-72 thereof providing that persons responsible for the storing, handling and transportation of HAZARDOUS MATERIALS shall at their own cost clean up any spills of those materials providing remedies for the City to clean up Spills if the responsible part fails to do s~ and to recover the costs of such clean up for the City. .................. 221-223 18--ORDINANCE NO. 29-87 Amending the Code by Adding ROOSEVELT ST. EXTENSION to Subsection (c) in Section 25-257 Providing for Two Hour parking on Roosevelt St. extension ........................................... 223 " 18--ORDINANCE NO. 30-87 Amending the Code by Adding Kflgore St. and Hamilton St. Extension to Subsection (d) of Sec- tion 25-257 thereof providing for the Prohibiting of Parking on Kilgore St. and Hamilton St. Extension .................. 224 June 1-- ORDINANCE NO. --87 Amending Code of Ordinances by revis- ing Appendix A to reclassify property in the Second St. Ice Har- bor Area from HI Heavy Industrial District to CR Comme~ cial Recreation District ................................ 243 1--ORDINANCE NO. 32-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by enacting a new subsection (d) to Section 9¼-30 thereof prohibiting the use of alcoholic beverages in the Hawthorne St. area ................................... 243-244 1--Operatian: New View, Purchase of Services Agreement with City. 244 1--Oky Doky #9, R. Breitbach, Cigarette Permit ............. 245 1--Office Grill, Cigarette Permit ........................... 245 1--O'Brien, Assistant City Attorney, re: Judge's reversal in the Flynn Case .......................................... 247 1--Opininn, Legal from Attorney Bill Blum re: Penalty in excess of $15 for handicapped parking. ........................ 255 June 15--Oky Doky Foods #10, (Will-Co), Cigarette Permit .......... 257 15--Oky Doky #15, Jena, Inc., Cigarette Permit: Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 257, 258 15--Oky Doky #14, Kristina L. Chapman, Cigarette Permit ..... 257 15--Otting, Eugene A., The Dip Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. 259 15--Okio Casualty on behalf of Jeff & Robin McFarlane -- CLAIM. 260 15--O'Hare Airport, Air Service from Dbq., Simmons Airline sub- mitting proposals .................................... 262 July 6--ORDINANCE NO. 37-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by repealing Section 25-348 and enacting a new Sec- tion 25-348 in lieu thereof revising the penalty for improper use of HANDICAPPED PARKING PLACES ............ 271, 272, 296 INDEX -- BOOK 117 SUBJECT PAGE 6_ORDINANCE NO. 48-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by · enacting new Section 10-17 thru 10-26 in lieu thereof providing for a procedure to remove or repair DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, the conducting of Appeals from Decisions of the BUILDING OFFICIAL ................ 271, 296, 321, 322, 332-348 6--ORDINANCE NO. 49-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting new Section 1-20 through 1-25 thereof providing a pro- cedure for the conducting of Hearing Appeals by Boards and Commissions ............................. 271, 296, 322, 339, 340 6--ORDINANCE NO. 50-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 2-188 thereof authorizing the Civil Ser- vice Commission to adopt its own roles in governing the con- duct of HEARING APPEALS~ ............. 271, 296, 322, 341, 342 6--ORDINANCE NO. 38-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 25-305 and subsection (1) and the first unnumbered paragraph of Section 25- in lieu thereof providing for PARKING METERS IN LOT 10 IN TOWN CLOCK PLAZA ............................................. 271, 297 6--ORDINANCE NO. 47-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by enacting new subsections (1), (2) and (7) of Section 25-274 in lieu thereof increasing the lines for ILLEGAL ALLEY PARKING & STREET STORAGE ......................... 271, 298, 320-322 6--ORDINANCE NO. 39-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by repealing Subsection (2) of Section 25-328 and enacting a new subsection (5) to Section 25-327 and anew subsection (2) to Sec- tion 25-328 in lieu tbereof establishing PARKING METER DISTRICT D and the Parking Meter Rate in Moximum Parking Time for Parking Meter District E ............ 271, 298-300 6--ORDINANCE NO. 40-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by deleting certain areas in Parking Meter Districts A & C in Sec- tion 25-326 thereof and adding certain areas in Parking Meter Districts A, B, C, D and E in Section 25-326 in lieu thereof pro- viding for placement of certain Parking Meter Spaces in other districts ...................................... 271, 272, 299-300 6--ORDINANCE NO. 41-87 Amending Code by deleting Bluff St. between Third & Fourth St. from two hour time limit Parking Zone in Subsection (c) of Section 25-257 thereof providing that Bluff St. between Third & Fourth Sts. be placed in two hour Parking Meter District B ........................... 272, 300-301 6--ORDINANCE NO. 42-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by repealing Section 25-308 and subsection (b) of Section 25-325 in lieu thereof and enacting a new Section 25-308 and a subsec- tion lb) of Section 25-325 in lieu thereof providing that the hours of operation for all PARKING METERS shall be from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Sat., except holidays ....... 272, 301-302 6--ORDINANCE NO. 43-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting new Section 25-211 thereto providing for the issuance of PARKING METER HOODS/PLACARDS upon prepayment of a fee. .......................................... 272, 302-303 " 6--ORDINANCE NO. 44-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by repealing Section 25-347 thereof and enacting a new Subsec- tion 25-327 in lieu thereof providing for the use of Handicap- ped Parking Signs bearing the' International Symbal of Accessibility. ..................................... 272, 303-304 6--ORDINANCE NO. 45-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by enacting a new subsection (12) to Section 25-304 and a new subsection 14) to Section 25-307 thereof providing for the designation and use of the MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT incated in the Second St. Harbor Area ................ 272, 304-305 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE July 6--Old Shang, The -- Nelda Bennet, Cigarette Permit ........ 273 6--Oky Doky #14 - K. Chapman, Class "C' Beer Permit ...... 273 6--Oky Doky #7, Heinz Convenience Stores, Inc., Class "C' Beer Permit ................................................... 273 · 6--Oswald, Cyril, CLAIM ................................ 274 6--O'Brien, Roger, CLAIM ............................... 274 July 20--ORDINANCE NO. --- Revising Appendix A of the Code by reclassifying property South of Cedar Cross Road Bridge & East of Cedar Cress Road from AG Agricultural Dis. to CS Commer- cia[ Service & Wholesale Dis ........................... 288 20--ORDINANCE NO. 34-87 Amending the Code by Repealing Subsection (2) of Section 1-15 and Subsection (d) (1) of Section 1-17 thereof and Enacting a New Subsection (a) of Section 1-15 and Subsection (d) (1) of Section 1-17 in lieu thereof providing a definition for the term "MUNICIPAL INFRACTION" and identifying a Violater as a Defendant .................... 291 20--ORDINANCE NO. 35-87 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tions 5-4, 5-21 and 5-23 thereof and Enacting new Sections 5-4, 5-21 and 5-23 in lieu thereof repealing the Fifty Percent Goods and Services Test to Qualify for Sunday Sales of Alcoholic Beverages or Beer by Certain License Holders and Revising Bond Requirements for all Liquor Control Licenses ........ 292 20--ORDINANCE NO. 36-87 Amending the Code by Enacting a Division 3 to Article VI of Chapter 33 Comprised of Sections 33-120 through 33-127 thereof Providing for the Regulation of NEWSRACKS in the City. ............................ 293-295 20--Old Mill Road Sanitary Sewor Project; changing interest rate, etc. ............................................ 311, 361 Aug. 3--ORDINANCE NO. 52-87 Amending the Code by repealing Sec- tions 25-162 and 25-172 thereof and enacting a new Section 25472 in lieu thereof establishing MOTOR TRUCK ROUTES AND PROHIBITING MOTOR TRUCKS with a gross weight exceeding 10,000 pounds (5 tons) from traveling on residen- tially zoned street ................................. 320, 345, 346 3--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending the Cede of Ordinances by enacting new Sections 33-125 through 33-131 thereto creating a CITIZENS STREET ADVISORY COMMITTEE and prescribing its purpose, terms of office and organization .... 320 3--Oky Doky #11, - Perlewitz, Inc., Class "C" Beer Permit .... 324 Aug. 17--ORDINANCE NO. 59-87 Vacating a portion of Main Street at its intersection with Madison St ........................ 330, 370 17--ORDINANCE NO. 57-87 Amending Code to rezone property located south of Cedar Cross Rd. Bridge & east of Cedar C. Rd. from AG to CS ................................... 330, 368-369 17--ORDINANCE NO. 58-87 Amending Zoning Ord. by reclass- ifying property north of U.S. Hwy. 20 and east of McDonald Dr. from AG Agricultural Dis. to C-3 Gen. Comm. District. 331, 369 17--ORDINANCE NO. 51-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Enacting new Sections 26-1, 26-2, 26-3, 26-4, 26-5, 26-7, and 26-11 in lieu thereof providing for the Updating of the CRIMINAL SECTIONS of the Code of Ordinances ..... 343-345, 372 17--ORDINANCE NO. 53-87 Authorizing the FINLEY HOSPITAL to construct a CONCRETE DIRECTIONAL ARROW in compliance with FAA Requirements for the Hospital Hall-Pad ............................................ 346 17--ORDINANCE NO. 54-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting New Sections 2~210 through 2-216 thereof providing for the REPORTING OF THINGS OF VALUE GIVEN AND RECEIVED AND ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICIALS. ........................................ 348-350 INDEX -- BOOK 117 SUBJECT PAGE i987 17--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending the Code of Ordinances by Enacting New Sections 1-30 through 1-35 thereof PROVIDING FOR A PROCEDURE FOR THE CONDUCT OF EVIDEN- TIARY HEARINGS BY THE COUNCIL ............... 351-353 ;, 17--ORDINANCE NO. 56-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City by Enacting a New Section 18-3 thereof providing for the Conducting of HEARING APPEALS by the BOARD OF HEALTH ................................. ~ ..... 354 " 17--Oky Daky #21 -Trans Miss Investments, Inc., Cigarette Permit .............................................. 357 " 17--Oky Doky #1 - JFT Ltd., Cigarette Permit; Class "E" Beer Per. 357 17--Oky Doky #21 - Trane Miss, Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 358 Sep. 8--ORDINANCE NO. 60-87 Authorizing particular Council of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul to construct a Loading Dock at their building on 18th & Pine ........................ 373 8--ORDINANCE NO. 61-87 Authorizing Genevieve Thompson to Construct a Canopy Extending 24" into the right-of-way of First St. at 250 W. 1st St .................................. 374 Sep. 21--ORDINANCE NO. 63-87 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zon- ing Map by reclassifying property at 2235 and 2236 Central Ave. from R-2A Alternate q~vo Family Residential District to C-4 Downtown Commercial District ......................... 384, 391 21--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclass- ifying property at 2460 John F. Kennedy Road from R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. to OR Office .................... 386, 392 21--ORDINANCE NO. 62-87 Amending the Code by Repealing Sec- tion 25-162 pROHIBITING HEAVY VEHICLES ON CER- TAIN STREETS ...................................... 387 21--Oky Doky #9, (R. Breithach), Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 387 21--Oak Ridge Athletics, Refund on Beer Permit ............. 388 Oct. 5--ORDINANCE NO. 64-87 Vacating a portion of excess Cedar Cross right-of-way from Crescent Ridge Road approximately 320' southerly. ........................................... 394, 416 !' 5--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending Zoning Ordinauce and Zon- ing Map by reclassifying property known as Castle Ridge Estates from R-1 Single Family Residential District to PR Plann- ed Residential Districts ............................... 419 5 --ORDINANCE NO. 74-87 Amending Section 19V~-6.5 of the Code of Ordinances by extending the boundaries of the W. 11th Street Historic Pres. District ................................ 419, 420 " 5--O'Hara, J & P, (Happy Joe's), Class "B" Beer Permit ...... 423, 483 5--Old Shang, Class "C" Liquor License .................... 424 Oct. 19--Order (of US DOT) amending Air Service determination & selec- ting carriers ......................................... 426 Nov. 2--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassi' fying "Castleridge Estates Property. .................... 432, 453 2--ORDINANCE NO. --- Vacating Alley South of Kirkwood St. west of Blake St. 200 ................................. 435 2--ORDINANCE NO. 65-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 26-10 thereof regulating the use of Dynamite. 440 2--ORDINANCE NO. 66-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque by Repealing Sections 26-44 through 26-48 and Sections 26-55 through 26-57 thereof regulating BLASTING ......................................... 440 2--ORDINANCE NO. 67-87 Amending Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 36-21 thereof prescribing the duties of officers for the Sewage Treatment plant and collection of Sewerage Charges ............................................. 441 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 2--ORDINANCE NO. 68-87 Amending the Code of Ordinances by Repealing Section 324 thereof regulating the Blocking of Cross- ings by Railroad Companies ............................ 442 2--ORDINANCES NO. 69-87 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 2-6 thereof Eliminating the General Special Assessment Fund ............................................... 442 Nov. 16--ORDINANCE NO. 70A-87 Vacating Alley South of Kirkwood St. West of Blake St. Approximately 200 Feet ............ 447 16--ORDINANCE NO. 70-87 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zon- ing Map by reclassifying described properties at 1475, 1491-1499, 1503, 1543, 1555 and 1567 Delhi St., and adjoining properties from R-2 q~vo Family Residential District to ID In- stitutional District and approving an amendment to the Con- ceptual Development Plan for the Finley Hospital ID Institu- tional Account .................................... 450, 462-467 16--ORDINANCE NO. 73-87 Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zon- ing Map to reclassifying property at 100 East 4th St. adjacent to the Chicago Central RR tracks from HI Heavy Industrial District to CR Commercial Recreation District ............ 454, 481 Dec. 7--ORDINANCE NO. 71-87 Amending the Code by Adding Lin- coin Ave. from Windsor Ave. to Roosevelt St. to Subsection (b) of Section 25-209 thereof provide for the Designation of LIN- COLN AVE. from WINDSOR AVE. to ROOSEVELT S~E as a "THROUGH STREET'; ............................ 473 7--Operation: New View Board -- Council Member Krieg resigning. 474 7--October -- List of Claims, Proof ........................ 476 21--Owner Notification re: Zoning change ................... 483 21--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zen- lng Map by repealing Section 5-3.4B, 5-3.5B and 6-2.1 and enac- ting a new Section 5-3.4B and 6-2.1 in lieu thereof, by clarify- lng and setting of public hearings for Zoning Bd. of Adjustment and clarifying the notification procedure of adjoining property owners for applications for conditional uses, variances and zon- ing reclassifactinns ................................... 484 21--ORDINANCE Amendment to allow mini-warehousing as a con- ditional use in C-2 District ............................. 484 " 21--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending Zoning Ordinance and Zon- ing Map by defining mini-warehousing in Section 8 and enac- ting a new Section 3-3.2A of the C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District to allow mini-warehouaing as a conditional use with certain provisions ................................ 484 21--ORDINANCE NO. --- Amending the Gode of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 7-45(d) to provide that veterinarians shoR forward copies of Official Rabies Vaccination Certificates to the Health Services Division .............................. 487 INDEX -- BOOK 117 987 SUBJECT PAGE P Jaw 5--Prism Corp. of Hazel Green, WI awarded contract for Tranait Garage Office ........................................ 9 5--parker, Lucilie, objecting to rezoning of property in Lores College area ................................................ 9 ;~ 5--Pluemer, Lloyd re: sewer backup claims on Rhomberg ...... 15 5--parking eliminated from certain streets between 1:00 and 6:00 A.M ................................................ 16-18 ,' 5--Parking Ramps, Courtesy Parking tickets to be issued ..... 20 5--planding Council (Regional Economic), nominations of Coun- cil Member Krieg for membership ....................... 22 5--PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: ......................................... . .: ........ 23, 85, 144, 166, 211, 246, 274, 325, 388, 359, 424, 456, 490 5--PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES ....... 23, 85, 144, 196, 230, 259, 274, 308, 359, 444, 475 5--Proof of publication, of Finding of No Sign. Effect on Environ- ment for projects (Cycare Systems, The Country Wago~ Market Place Dbq.) ......................................... 24 5--Planulng & Zoning Commission approving final plat of "Wit- terholt Subdivision" located north of Boleyn Road in Dubuque County, as requested by T. Witterholt ................... 26 Jan. 19--Productivity Improvement W6ek, Proclamation ........... 31 19--Procedural rules for City Council & Meetings, amended by Ordinanc~ .......................................... 60, 71-80 19--Public Parking Facilities, Ordinance amending code providing for administration and issuances of Notices for Violations. 61 19--Potter, Lee W., (West Locust Mart), Class "C" Beer Permit. 62 19--PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: .... 62, 110, 144, 166, 211,259, 274, 359, 378, 408, 444, 475 Feb. 2--Public Parking Facilities & Issuances of Notices (Ordinance amending) ........................................... 71 " 2--Pizza Hut (Golinvaux, In~), Class "B' Beer Permit ........ 82 2--PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: ........ ................................... 196, 211, 308, 359, 444, 490 2--Project Agreement with IDOT for Rehab. of Dodge St. from Grandview Ave. to Bluff .............................. 87 2--Peckosh, Paul J., resigning from Historic Preservation Comm. 88 Feb. 16--Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Raven Oaks"... 111 16--PubRe Meeting on Budget, summary by C. Mgr. .......... 112 16--Plat (Final) & Schedule of Assessments for Construction of 1986 Asphalt Paving Project, proof of publication .............. 112 23--Public Hearing on Budget for 1988 ..................... 115-126 128 Feb. Mar. 16--Powers, Phll & Martha, rezoning of property east of JFK.. 16--Planning & Zoning re: zoning change of Powers' property near JFK ................................................ 128 16--Pricing structure variance for disposition sites in Dbq. Ind. Center .............................................. 133 16--Public Hearing -- Design for N/W Arterial from Asbury Rd. to JFK ............................................. 137 16--Pregler, Walter, Chair of Transit Bd. re: Wheel ~Pax ........ 137 16--Parking Meters -- Ord. providing for operation (9-5) amended. 141 16--POLICE RETIREMENT BOARD SUBMITTING MIN- UTES: .......................................... 144, 388, 475 16--Petltian of David Setter for Jeld-Wen requesting refund on incompleted IDR issue. ............................... 146 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 16--Pint (final) - replatting Block 8 in Arbor Oaks, (Has Castal woods Lane) ............................................... 147 16--Peterson Subdivision, approval of Final Plat .............. 150 16--Plowman, Ken, Closure of property damage Claim ......... 153 Apr. 6--Property of City, disposed of -- Lot 6 Lake Peosta Subd... 159 6--Patterson, Mack re; applicant for Mechanical Bd .......... 165 6--Palmer Drug Cu; Class "C" Beer Permit ................. 166 6-- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Super 8 SubcL at 2730 Dodg~ ............................................. 168 6--P & Z approving final plat of Dbq. Industrial Center Sixth Addn. 168 6--Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Subd. of Lot I of Lot 2 of Block 14 Riverfront Subd. No. 3 .................... 169 6--Park & Rec. submitting their report on Four Mounds Park.. 170 6--Persennal Assistant advising of Youth in Government activities. 170 Apr. 20--perk & Re~ Chairperson requesting Mayor to invite the IA Peace Institute to consider Four Mounds as a site .............. 182 20--Petition of Karen Hickson et al re: Story Book Zoo concerns. 182 20--Park & Rec. Com. re: admission fee at Murphy Park ....... 182 20--Plannlng & Zoning re: denial of request from E. Hames for rezon- ing at 971 W. 3rd St .................................. 195 20--P~ject Concern, contract for mini-bus operations ......... 195 20--Peil, Robert E., Sr., Claim; Settlement ................... 196, 247 20--Petition of Ktauer Mfg. Co. Riverside Tractor-Trailer & Rowley Interstate requesting 15 minute parking area on nie side of Roosevelt Extension from Klauer entrance to intersection with Kilgere St ........................................... 199 20--P & Z re: final plat approval for Robert Clewell Estate on Eagle Pt. Drive ............................................ 199 20--Pottere Placg Resolution approving Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 2 in Mineral Lot 310... 199 May 4--Police Week, National, Proalamation ..................... 202 4--Property Disposition of former BN Depot ................ 206 4--Fubllc Works Garage addition, documents ................ 205, 206 4--perk Facility re: consideration for Joint City/County etc .... 206 4--Parking Lots -- Elimination of Lot No. 7 from Code Listing. 208, 209 4--Pauly, Nancy (The Brewing Co.), Class "C" Liquor License.. 211 4--Pfohl, Louis, Denial/Closure of Claim .................... 212 4--Petition of National Rivers Hall of Fame & Dbq. Symphony Orch. re: Fireworks Display on July 4th at Ice Harbor. .... 212 May 18--Planning & Zoning re: Conceptual Dev. Plan for Emmaus Bible C. ............................................ 216 18--Petltion of Glenna Williams re: Step reopening between Fairvaiw Pl. & Montrose Terrace. ............................... 217 18--Petltinn of Airport Conma. Chairperson re: Hiring law firm to assist in controversy. ................................. 217 18--Parking Provision in Code for Roosevelt St. Extension ..... 223 18--Prohibiting Parking on Kilgore St. & Hamilton St. Extension. 224 18--Policy for Snow Removai etc ........................... 225 18--Profesaional Firefighters Agreement with City. ........... 226 18--Planning & Zoning Comm. appointments of W Dalaney, D. Fitch & G. Guy. .......................................... 228 18--Pothoff, Ronald (Miracle Car Wash), Cigarette Permit ...... 229 18--petter, Lee, West Locust Mart, Cigarette Permit .......... 229 18--Paimer Drug Co., Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit.. 229, 258 18--Petition of Dubuque Golf & Country for Fireworks Display on 7/4 ................................................. 231 " 18--Parking re: both sides of Nightengale Lane ............... 231 " 18--Park St. (1210), Zoning Bd. of Adjustment, variance request. 231 " 18--Peoples Natural Gas submitting 1987 Annual Budget ..... 235 INDEX -- BOOK 117 ~87 SUBJECT PAGE June 1--Purchase of Services Agreement with Chamber's Convention & Visitors Bureau .................................... 244 1--Purchaee of Services Agreement with Ret. Senior Vol. Program. 244 1--Purchase of Services Agreement with Operation: New View.. 244 1--peulsen, Judy, Claim; Settlement ....................... 246, 263 J,u, ne 15--Park & Rec Chair C. Murray re: Burden/Four Mounds property. 250 15--Planning & Zoning Comm. requesting consultant aid in 4th St. July Area planning ....................................... 250 15--Phone-A-Frlend, Inc., Agreement with City. .............. 253 15--Palmar~McDonengh -- Grandview Drug, Cigarette Permit.. 256 15--Park Square Tavern, Cigarette Permit ................... 257 15--Perkin's Restaurant, Cigarette Permit .................... 258 15--Paurs Tap, Cigarette Permit ............................ 259 15--Planning & Zoning Commission approving final plat of Hinz Subd. located west of Bunker Hill Rd. & North of Clarke Drive. 260 15--Planning & Zoning Commission approving final plat of Sub- divison of Lot I of Kerper Industrial Subd. No. I in City... 260 15--Proof of publication, certified to by the Publisher, on List of claims for month of April, 1987 ........................ 261 15--Parking Ramp to Gallery Ct. Bldg., SKYWALK Project, Completion .......................................... 262 15--Penl -- Swimming, possibly sharing (City/School) comment by S. Madden for future .................................. 262 6--Parking Ramp, IA St., Installation of Security System etc.. 268, 267 6--Petition of Tom Sherman et al requesting Sanitary Sewer for Gillespie Street area .................................. 268 6--Parking -- Improper Handicapped, fined by Ord. ete ....... 271 6--Parking Meters in Lot 10 Town Clock Plaza, provision for.. 271, 297 6--Parking illegally in alley and street storage -- Ordinance enacted. 271. 298 6--Parking Meter District D established and Parking Meter time etc. in Parking Meter District E ........................ 271, 298 6--Parking Meter Districts A & C in Se~ 25-326 and adding areas in Parking Meter Districts A, B, C, D & E in Section 25-326 vis Ordinancg .................................... 271, 272, 299 6--Parklng Zone in Subsection (c) of Section 25-257 -- Bluff St. between 3rd & 4th be placed in two hour Parking Meter Dis. B. ................................................ 272, 300-301 6--Parking Meter Hoods/Placards provision for with fee payment. ................................................ 272, 302-303 6--Parking Meter Hours 8-5, set by Ord ................. 272, 301-302 6--Parking signs bearing Handicapped Accesaibflity sign, pro- viding for in Ord ..................................... 272 6--Parking Lot in 2nd St. Harbor Area, designation etc. provided by Ord ............................................. 272, 304 6--perking Spaces for Handicapped -- Impoundment of vehicles illegally parked ...................................... 272 6--Park & Recreation Comm. & Library Bd. appointments delayed. 272 6--Paul's Tavern, Cigarette Permit ......................... 273 6--Pusateri Peppe Pizza, Class "B" Beer Permit ............. 273 6--Pusateri, Mike; Mercurins -- Class "C" Liq. Lic ........... 274 6--Paul, Lonnie; Claim ................................... 274 6--Pint, final, of Clarke Crest Estateg #3, approved ........... 276, 277 6--Plat, final of "Joseph Vogt Subd. Na 3" approved ......... 278 6--Petitinn of Dennis M. Ryan requesting vacation of adjacent parcel of land to his property located on N. Main St. ...... 278 July 20--P & Z approving rezoning request of Alice Erschen for proper- ty located east of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to CS ......... 20--Petition of John Moore re: Police Dept ................... 20--Polsean, Al, talking to Council on various items: .......... 288 288 289 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE July 20--Police -- Abolishment of Captain Position and Cmatinn of Sergeant Position .................................... 20--Placards/Hoods for Parking Meters ..................... 20--Park & ltecmation Commission appointments of L. Go]Hart and G. Thompson ........................................ 20--Plat vacation for Council Hills Subd. & Utility Easements in portion of Knob Hill ............................. . ..... 20--Pennsylvanla Ava & Radford -- final Plat of Sub. of Lot 1 of Northrange Sub& No. 1, located in NE Corner ............ 20--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury -- deeds for property re: NW Arterlai ............................................. Aug. 3--Parking Equipment (Security) for IA Street Project ....... " 3--Pennsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer Project ........... 316, 317, 328, " 3--Petrakis, John P., Resolution Memorializing Life. ......... " 3--Parking in Alley & Street Storage, etd .................. 3--Perlewitz, Inc., (Oky Doky #11) Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 3--Printed Council Proceedings for Jan., Feb. & Mar. 1987, approved ............................................ Aug. 17--Pharmacy Day, Hospital, Proclamation .................. 17--P & Z approving rezonlng for property on Hwy. 20 for Menard, Inc. ................................................ 17--Petitinn of Upper Mississippi Development Co. re: repayment schedule for Gallery Court Bldg. ....................... 17--Pricing structure variance for sites in Dbq. Ind. Center. .... 17--Policy Guidelines for revised FY 90, discussion/approvai .... 17--Park & Rec. Commission advising Jane White unable to serve on Bd .............................................. 17--Petitinn of Dbq. Cty. Hist. Society & Symphony Orch. re: Fireworks Display. ................................... 17--Petition of G. Thompson re: Canopy near bldg. at let & Locust. 17--Pare, David re: Drawing presented at State Capital ........ 8--Pothoff, Ron -- Miracle Car Wash, Cigarette Permit ....... 8--pride Service, In~, Cigarette Permits .................... 21--Planning & Zoning re: Denial of rezor~ng of property at 2460 J.F. Kennedy. ........................................ 21--Prohibition of Heavy Vehicles on Certain Streets .......... 21--pizza Hut #2, Class "B" Beer Permit .................... 21--P & Z Comm. approving final plat of Subd. of Lot 2-1-1-1-1 of Henechel's Black Forest located west of Richards Road Extension ........................................... 5--Plat approved of vacated portion of excess Cedar Cross Road right-of-way from Crescent Ridge Road .................. 5--Pructice drill area for Fire Department, construction ....... 394, 5-- Petition re: Land use at 4304 Peru Read (now used as Greyhound Kennel) ............................................. 5--Peru Road (4304), re: Dog Kennel Property usage .......... 5--perry, E. Eugene, appointed to Transit Bd ................ 5--Park &Rec. Commission appointing Paul Hoffmann, D.D.S.. 5--Proof of publication of Finding of No Significant Effect re: Theisen Supply Cb .................................. 5--Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Rd., completion of NW Arterial Grading & Drainage Project ........................... 19--Petitions submitted re: Nuclear Test Ban ................. 19--Plain, Steven, CLAIM ................................. 19--Packard, Janice, CLAIM .............................. 19--Pollce Officers (Entrance Level), certified by Civil Set. Comm. 19--Piedmont Aviation In~ -- US DOT, application for certificates of public convenience ................................. 19--Plate of Lot 68A of Woods Addn. & Lot 68, Approved .... Sep. Sep. Oct. 29O 302 306 308 311 313 315 329 328 321 324 324 328 331 354 355 357 359 360 363 363 376 376 386 387 387 389 393 395 397 397 4O7 4O7 4O9 411 422 424 424 425 426 426 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 19--Planning & Zoning Commission approving final plat of Sub. of Lot 2-1-1-1 of "Beverly Pines", located south of Kelly Lane and west of Pegn Court ................................... 428 " 19--Pegn Court -- west of that, final plat approved of Beverly Pines (lot 2-1-1-1) ........................................... 428 19--Plat approved -- Subd. of Lot 2-1-1-1 of Beverly Pines ...... 428 19--Prerunstructian Agreement Execution with IDOT, Dredging, Relocated Hwy. 61 .................................... 430 Nov. 2--Public Works Garage, construction of a Fuel Storage & Fuel Dispensing System ................................ 434, 461, 462 2--Pfiffner, Ruth, 908 Kirkwood St., City property on Kirkwood St., sold to ...................................... 437, 448, 449 2--Peru Road, 4304 -- Corporation C. Lindahl re: use of land.. 439 2--Park Square Tavern, Class "C" Liquor License. ........... 443 2--Petition received for imposition of Local Option Tax ....... 452 2--Planning & Zoning Corem. re: denial to rezone property adjoin- lng 100 E. 4th St. (Harbor Place Development Corp. -- re: Hartig & Thompson ........................................ 454 2--Plumbing Bd. appointment of Curtis Wright, J. Danner, & Mike Steve ............................................... 455 Dec. 7--P.E.S., In~ awarded contract for Project -- IA Fuel Storage & Dispensing & Card Control System at Public Works Garage. 461, 462 " 7--Public Utility Easement -- vacated & released -- Clarke Crest Estates, 2nd Addition ................................. 466 21--Property Owner Notification re: amendment to Zoning Ordinance. .......................................... 483 21--Petition of Thermolyne Corp. re: I year extension to commence property improvement on Kerper Blvd .................... 484 21--Pre-Design Project Agreement with IA DOT -- Dodge St., Execution ........................................... 487 21--perry, E. Eugene, resigned from q~ansit Board ............ 491 21--Plat approved in Valley View Hgts. at Center Grove (for C. McDermott & B. Steve) ............................... 491, 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5-Quorum Requirement for Historic Pres. Commission revisedl 21 5--Quade, Ernest, settlement of claim ...................... 24 Apr. 6-Quann, Attorney Bmndan requesting rezonlng of proper ty east of JFK Read & south of Fire Station from R-3 to C-2 ...... 155 6-Quann, Attorney Brendan re: sewer back up claim ......... 162 May 18-Quililci, Gino, denial/closure of claim ..................... 236 June 15--Quick Clean Laundry, Cigarette Permit .................. 257 July 20-Quit Claim Deed for real estate acquired from J. Connolly of Canada -- for NW Arterial property. .................... 313 INDEX -- BOOK 117 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5 --Releases of Mortgage (Psxtlal for real estote owned by FDL, In~ re: Right-of-Way Acqdisliton for IDOT ................... 1, 2 ' 5--Raven Oaks, 3100, rezoning from PR to P~4 .............. 3 5--Rhomberg Ave, Sewer back-up claims ................... 15 5--Recing Assn. appointment of Council representatives. ..... 21 5--Reglonal Economic Planning Council, appointment of Council Member Krieg ....................................... 22 " 5--1~berte, Marguerite, findings of case submitted by Corp. Cnsl. 23 5--Right-of-way Assurance Statement for Fed. Aid Projects (Agre~ ment with IA DOT) .................................. 27 5--Rebinson; Henry A. Subdivision, final plat of portion of same approved ............................................ 26, 27 5--Railroad Ava, 280 (Herbst & Sons), final plat of portion approved ............................................ 26 19--Rules & Procedures for Council Meetings, updated ........ 60 19--Ransde11, Mary appointed to Housing Commission ........ 62 Feb. 2--Radio Warning system for activating 17 Outdoor W. Sirens. 67 2--Riverside Park, waters adjacent, prohibiting swimming & wading ............................................. 70 2--Racing Assn. submitting FY 86 Financial Statements ...... 87 2--Reuter, Ruth A., Denial of Claim ........................ 88 Feb. 16--Restroom Facility on Schmitt Island Project .......... 93-94,127-128 16--Boosevelt Read -- Request for sewer extension (J. Nelson et al) 107, 130 16--Riverview Park re: letters @ swimming/wading submitted by Mary Miller. ........................................ 112 16--Report -- CD Performance, submitted by Mgr ............ . 112 Mar. 16--Restroom Facility on Chaplain Schmitt Island ............ 127, 128 16--Rewley Interstate Bldg. (2010 Kerper), right of way requested for purchase on behalf of Biechler Electric Inc ............ 130 16--Railroad -- BN Depot Property, approving Minimum Proposal Requirements setting a Schedule of Development Proposals 131 16--1q~kdale Read (east of), Ord. establishing T~in Valley Dr. as name for former U.S. Hwys. 52 & 67 east of l~ckdale Rd... 140 16--Riverview Park, establishment of "open" hours ............ 140 16--Ruegnitz Drug, Class "E' Beer Permit .................. 143 " 16--Resic~ Joseph E. -- The Kegger, Class "E" Beer Stere, Cigarette Permit .............................................. 143 " 16--Redstone Inn (Dbq. His. Imp. Ca), Class "B" Liquor License. 144 " 16--Randall's International, Inc. Refund on Cigarette Li~ ...... 145 16--Release of Funds for CD Block Grant Project -- Dbq. Star Brewery. ............................................ 145-146 16--Refund requested by Jeld-Wen Fiber Products for incompletinn of Ind. Dev. Rev. Bond process ......................... 146 16--Repintting of Block 8 in Arbor Oaks .................... 148 16--Raven Oaks -- approval of Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 ........................................... 151 16--Rental Rehab. Program Agreement, acceptance et~ ....... 152 Apr. 6-- Relocated 61 re: Dispositinn of City Owned Property to IA D(yE 156 6--Rebert's River Rides, Lease Agreement revised etc~ ....... 158 6--Riverfront Subdivision Na 3 - final'plats approved of same of Subd. of Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of Block 8 Riverfront Sub& No. 3; approving final plat of Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Block 14 of Riverfront Subd. N(x 3 ................................ 158, 169 6--Ryan, E, Dock Bal. applicant, appointed to Bd ............ 164 6--Refrigeration Contractor Position -- reappointment of Paul Brashaw to Mechanical Board .......................... 165 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 6--Relocated 61 Projeet -- Affirmation of W. Third St. Overpass. " 6--Rehab Loans -- Increase in guidelines from $7500 to $15,000. 6--Randall's International -- refund on Beer Permit .......... " 6--R.I.S.E. Funding for N/W Arterial ...................... " 20--Resolution approving disposal of interest in vacated alley south of Farragut St. & west of Keeper Blvd ................... " 20--Robert's River Rides -- Lease Agreement ................ 176, " 20--Ruegnitz Drugl Cigarette Permit ........................ " 20--Reieeh, Mrs. Albert, denial of slip & fall claim ............ ' 20--Roosevelt sanitary Sewer re: communication of John Nelson. 198, " 20--Rowley Interstate Transportation, petition re: 15 min. parking " 20--Riverside Tractor Trailer requesting 15 rain. parking area... " 20--Red Cross Assn., final plat for their property on Asbury Rd. May 4--Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., Class "C' Beer Permit. " 4--RESCINDING Resolution Nix 87-87 Adopted 4-6-87 Directing Sale of $5,500.00 Essential Corporate G.O. Bonds ......... 4--Rector, Wm., Denial/Closurg ........................... 4--Reilly, Charles, Denial/Closure of Claim .................. 4--Reoney, Marie, Deni0MClosure of Claim .................. 4--Resurfaclng of Dodge etc~ ............................. 214, May 18--River City Paving Co. awarded bid for 1987 Sealcoat Project. 18--Reosevelt St. Extension, added to Subsection (c) in Section 25-257 Providing for Two Hour Parking .................. 18--Removal Policy for Snow & Ice ........................ 224, 18--Rental Rehab Program (Federal), Participation by City. .... 18--River City Tap & Grill, Shirley Mihalakis ................ 18--Riverside Bowl, In~, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Liquor Lic. 229, 18--Ransdeli, Mary S., re: Housing Lean Application .......... 18--Rehab. Loan Lien Release re: Estate of Irma Nagie. 18--Rallread Tracks on E. 7th St., Mary Lou Breitbach requesting that they be checked .................................. 18--Richter, Melitta, Denial of Claim ........................ June 1--RSVP -- Purchase of Services Agreement with City. ...... 1--Rainbo Oil Co., (Kwik Stop), Cigarette Permit ............. 1--Resio, Joseph -- The Kegger Beer Store, Cigarette Permit. 1--Reckdale Read Bridge Project -- Claim to City by Tri-J Contractors, In~ ..................................... June 15--Revco Discount Drug Centers, Inc., Cigarette Permit ....... 15--Ruegaltz Discount Drug -- Cigarette Permit ............. 15--Rusty's Chinese Restaurant, Cigarette Permit ............. 15--Ring, Richard J., Maid-Rite Restaurant, Cigarette Pernfit.. 15--Rib Tickler, Cigarette Permit ........................... 15--Ringe Fine Foods, Cigarette Permit~ .................... July 6--Raper, John CLAIM .................................. 6--Ryan, Dennis, requesting vacation of adjacent parcel of land to his property located on N. Main .................. 278, 6--Restroom Facility on Schmitt Island Project ............. July 20--Rundle, Floyd, applicant for Library Board ............... 20--Radford Rd. & Penn. Ave. corner - approval of final plat of Northrange Subd ..................................... Aug. 3--Renne, Gerald A., Re: Real Estate Conveyance Claim ....... Aug. 17--Real Estate Taxes suspended for 2 citizens .............. 17--Reutes, Truck, prohibited on some realdential streets ....... 17--Rainbow Oil Co. Oky Doky//21, Class "C" Beer Permit .... 17--Rainbow Lounge, Class "C" Liquor Licens~ .............. 17--Retirement Bds., Police & Fire, final report of year ......... Sep. 8--Reynolds, James L., appointed to TV Cable Teleprogramming Corn 162 164 167 167 173 177 195 197 283 199 199 200 210 208 212 212 212 215 216 223 225 225 229 23O 231 236 236 236 244 245 245 246 256 256 257 257 258 258 274 331, 370 281 306 311 325 325 345 358 358 361 376 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Sep, 8--Rebbins, Rebecca M., appointed to Human Rights Corn .... 376 8--Rheault, Fred, Claim: Closure .......................... 378, 390 8--Rehfeldt, Alfred, Claim: Closura ........................ 378, 390 8--Relocated 61, Funding and Construction Schedule, Recom- mended to ID(YE. .................................... 381 Sep. 21--Rehab Program, Application of US Dept. of HUD for Funding of 100 Units ......................................... 386 21--Richards Read, west of; Approval of Final Plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Henschel's Black Forest"... 389 Oct. 5--Ransdeli, Mary, appointed to Housing Commission ........ 407 5--Release of Funds for Theisen Supply, Ina Econ. Devel. Project. 409 Oct. 19--Reosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer, petition of J. Nelson ....... 414 19--Rodiologic Technology Week, Proclamation ............... 415 5--River City Paving awarded contract for Fire Dept. Drill Area. 416 19--Re/ease of Leo Link case .............................. 426 19--Relocated Hwy. 61, Agreement with IA DOT re: Dredging.. 430 19--Raper, John Closure of Claim ........................... 431 19--Reoney, Terrance & Alice, Closure of Claim ............... 431 Nov. 2--Riverfront Sub& Nix 4, disposal of City's Interest: Corner of 16th St. & Kerper Blvd ............................... 433 2--Rivorfront No. 4, Granting of temporary easement to the IA DOE. .............................................. 433 2--Railroad Tracks re: Ordinance regulating blocking of crossings etc ................................................. 441 2--Rainbo Oil Co. -- Kwik Stop, University, Class "E" Beer... 443 2--Rundle, Floyd G., Applicant for Library Bd .............. 443 2--Release of Funds for Theisen Supply, Inc Project ......... 444 2--Randalrs Subd. Nix 2 -- IA DOT re: condemnation for road improvement ........................................ 445 Nov. 16--River City Tavern & Restaurant, Class "C' Liquor Licensg. 456 Nov. 21--Rabies Vaccinations for Dogs/Cate must be forwarded to Health Dept ............................................... 487 21--Right-Of-Way Agreement on Dodge St. for City Street Reloca- tion etix (U.S. 20 Dodge) ............................... 488 21--Ru~ty's Chinese Restaurant, Class "C" Liquor Licensa .... 489 Dec. 21--Resenow, Robert, expressing "Thanks" to Council Members Rhonda Kronfeldt and Barb Manning for years of service.. 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS Jan. 5--1-87 Honoring the Life of Peter Crivaro, Mayor of the City of Des Moines, IA ...................................... 1 5--2-87 Authorizing the City to Execute Partial l~leaees of Real Estate Mortgage & Partial Releases of Financing Statement as to Certain Property Owned by FDL Foods, Ina and Designated for Right-Of-Way Acquisition by the IA DOT ............. 2 5--3-87 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Construction of Offices for Transit Garage. ...................................... 8 5--4-87 Awarding Contract for Construction of Transit Garage Offices .............................................. 9 5--5-87 Fixing Date for a meeting on the Proposition of the Is- suance of 1,800,000 GO BONDS for an Essential Corporate Purpose (AIRPORT) .................................. 14 " 5--6-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Econoroic Bette~ ment Account program Application for the Theisen Supply, Ink Relocation Pra ...................................... 16 5--7-87 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit to Local 94 ....... 22 5--8-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to M. Weber (Mike's Ten Pin ~/hp) & David Ungs (Copper Kettle), and Phillip R. Love (The Lounge) ........................................ 22, 23 5--9-87 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects. 25 5--10-87 Approving the Final Flat of "Witterhoft Subdivision" in the City, ............................................ 26 5--11-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 in Henry A. Robinson Industrial Subdivision and Survey of Block 31, Dubuque Harbor C~'s Addition, in the City ............................................... 26 5--12-87 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Agreement with the IA DOT for Right of Way Assurance Statement for Federal Aid Projects .......................................... 5--13-87 Acceptance of Warranty Deed for Lot 158 Belmont Addition, City. ...................................... Jan. 19--14-87 Instltuting Proceedings te Take AdditionalAction for the Issuance of $1,800,000 GO BONDS ..................... 19--15-87 Resolution of Necessity for OLD MILL ROAD SANITARY SEWER ................................. 19--16-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necessity for OLD MILL ROAD SANITARY SEWER ................ 19--17-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and specifications for OLD MILL ROAD SANITARY SEWER ..................... 19--18-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specifications for OLD MILL ROAD SANITARY SEWER ................ 19--19-87 Schedule of Assessments for OLD MILL ROAD SANITARY SEWER ................................. 19--20-87 Accepting Improvement for 1987 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT. .......................................... " 19--21-87 Final Estimate for 1986 ASPHALT PAVING pROJECT. " 19--22-87 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the 1986 Asphalt Paving Project, including Certain Infer. required by the Code of IA .......................................... 36 19--23-87 Accepting Improvement for 1986 PC Concrete Paving Project ............................................. 47 19--24-87 Final Estimate for P.C. Concrete Paving Project (1986). 47 19--25-87 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for the 1986 P.C. Concrete Paving Project, including Certain Infer. required by Code et~ ........................................ 47 27, 28 28 31 32 33 34 34 34 35 36 INDEX -- BOOK 117 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 19--26-87 Repealing Resolution N~x 255-86 Duly adopted 12/1/86 & Authorizing issuance of $5,200,000 in Aggregate Principal Amount of City Floating Rate Weekly Demand Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Swiss Valley Farms Ca Project), Series 1987, with the Proceeds from Sale to be loaned to Swiss Valley Farms for various things ete ..................... 19--27-87 Issuance of Class "C' Beer Permits to 4 Outlets ..... 19--28-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License to 2 Outlets... 55-60 " 62 " 63 Feb. 2--29-87 Directing Sale of $4,000,000 Essential Corporate Purpose General Obligation BONDS ............................ 65, 66 2--30.87 Approving an AGREEMENT for Economic Development Services with the Groat Dubuque Development Corporation for Fiscal Year 1986-1987. And Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execut~ ................................... 66, 67 " 2--3t-87 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dubuque Star Brewing Co. 67, 68 ·" 2--32-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Bet- terment Account Program Application on behalf of the Dubu- que Star Brewing Cu ................................. 68 2--33-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "E" Beer Permits. 82 2--34-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Liquor License; Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses... 82. 83 2--35-87 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the FY 1988 Budget for the City. ......................................... 83 2--36-87 Setting the Date of Public Hearing on the Five Year Capital Improvement Program ......................... 83 2--37-87 Authorizing publication of Notice of Public Hearing for the Use of Community Development Block Grant Funds... 84 2--38-87 Approving an Agreement with the IA DOT for the Rehabilitation of Dodge St. from Grandview Ava to Bluff St. 87 Feb. 16--39-87 With Respeet to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necess. ity Proposed for the Old Mill Bead SANITARY SEWER... 90 16--40-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Old Mill Bead SANITARY SEWER ............................................ 91 16--41-87 Ordering Bids for the Old Mill Sanitary Sewer. ...... 91 16--42-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Consolidated Grant Applica- tion for Operating and Special Projects Assistance with the State Transit Assistance Program and Authorizing the Enter- ing Into of a Contract with the IA DOT ................. 92 16--43-87 Authorizing the Filing of Applications with the DOT, USA, for Grants Under UMA, 1964, as Amended ......... .92 16--44-98 Approval of Plans, Specs. etc. for SCHMITT ISLAND RESTROOM FACILITY. ............................. 93 16--45-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for SCHMITT ISLAND RESTROOMS ............................... 94 16--46-87 Advertising for Bids for SCHMITT ISLAND RESTROOMS ....................................... 94 " 16--47-87 Authorizing mad Providing for the Issuance of $4,000,000 GO BONDS and Levying a Tox to pay said Bonds ........ 94, 95 " 16--48-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with the DUBUQUE DATA SERVICES. ...... 104 " 16--49-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant AGREE- MENT with the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development for Calendar Year 1987 ................................... 104 16--50-87 Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into an AGREE- MENT between the City and TURNING POINT TREAT- MENT CENTER for the purpose of Providing Employee Assistance Program Services .... 105 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Feb. 16--51-87 Approving Tax Exemption Applications Submitted by property Owners in the Jackson Park, West Eleventh St., and Washington St. Urban Revitalization Areas, and Authorizing the Transmittal of the Approval Applications to the City Tax Assessor ............................................ 106 16--52-87 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit(s) .......... 108 16--53-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B", "C" and "E'~ Beer Permits ............................................. 108, 109 16--54-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses & Class "C" Beer-Wine Licenses ............................... 109 16--55-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot i of Raven Oaks in the City. ............... 111, 112 16--56-87 Authorizing publication of Notice of Availab'dity for Public Inspection Certain CD Block Grant Documents ........... 113 16--57-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Project (Dbq. Star Brewing Co.) ........................................ 113, 114 " 16--58-87 Adopting the Annual Budget for FY Finding 6-30-88. 120 " 16--59-87 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Program. 120 Mar. 16--60-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the SCHMITT ISLAND RESTROOM FACILITY .............................. 16--61-87 Awarding Contract for Schmitt Island Restroom Facil- ity to M.P. Khick & Sons .............................. 16--62-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for New HVAC System, City Hail .................................... 16--63-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for HVAC System, City Hail .................................... 16--64-87 Ordering Bids for the new HVAC System, 2nd Floor City Hail ................................................ 16--65-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dubuque Trolley, Inc. for $16,000 ......... 16--66-87 Offering Documents and Procedures for the Disposition of the Former BN Depot Property, Approving the Minimum Proposal Requirements and Competitive Review Criteria and Setting a Schedule for the Notice, Submission Review and Selec- tion of Development Proposals ......................... 131-132 " 16--67-87 Consenting to a Variance from the Pricing Structure of Disposition Sites in the Dubuque Industrial Center. ....... 134 16--68-87 Authorizing the Revision of Dubuque Data Services' Com- munity Development Block Grant Loan Agreement ........ 134 16--69-87 Authorizing the Filing of An Application with US DOT. 135 16--70-87 Authorizing the City Manager to form an Evaluation Team to Evaluate Proposals from the Cable Ca Re: Cable Sar- vices Delivery Franchise .............................. 136-137 16--71-87 providing for an Opportunity for a Design Public Hear- lng on the NW Ar teriai from Asbury Road to John F. Kennedy Road ............................................... 137 16--72-87 Approving the Imposition of a Local Vehicle Tax in the Amount of $20 Per Vehicle. ............................ 138 16--73-87 Awarding Contract for Old Milt Read Sanitary Sewer to · schiggfrie Excavating ................................ 142 16--74-87 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits ........... 143 16--75-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits, Class "C" Beer Permits, Class "E" Beer Permits ............... 143 16--76-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' (Beer & Liquor) Licenses, Class "C" Beer & Liquor License, Class "C" Beer & Wine Licenses ....................................... 144 " 16--Rivarview Park, Hours set out for being open, by Ord ...... 141 127 128 129 129 130 131 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 16--77-87 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects (Dbq. Star Brew- ing C(x) ............................................ 146 16--78-87 Approving the ,Replatting of Block 8 in Arbor Oaks in the City. 148 16--79-87 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Wester- camp Place in Section 3, Table Mound Township, Dbq. County, IA ................................................. 149 16--80-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Peterson Subdivision. 150 16--81-87 Rescinding Resolution Nb 55-87 and Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of "Raven Oaks" in the City. 151 Apr. 6--82-87 App?ving Plat of a Vacated Portion of the Alley South of Farragut Street and West of Kerper Blvd .............. 156 6--83-87 For the Intention of Disposition of City Owned Property to the IA Dept. of Transportation ....................... 157 6--84-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1-2-1 Block 8 Riverfront Subd. No. 3 in the City. .............. 158 6--85-87 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-6 Lake Peosta Sub- division in the City. .................................. ' 158 6--86-87 Disposing of City Interest of Property Identified as Lot 6 Lake Peosta Subdivision, Dubuque, IA ................. 159 6--87-87 Directing Sale of $5,500,000 Essential Corporate Purpose G.O. Bonds .......................................... 160 6--88-87 Affirmation for Construction of Third Street Overpass. 162 6--89-87 Abolishing One Firefighter Position ................ 163 6--90-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account on behalf of the E II. Ueiner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc .......................................... 164 6--91-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to Cubby Bear Lounge. 165 6--92-87 Issuance of Class "C" & "B" Beer Permits .......... 165, 166 6--93-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenso .............. 166 6--94-87 Approving the Final Plat of Super 8 Subdivision in the City. ............................................... 168 6--95-8"~'Approving the Final Plat of Dbq. Ind. Center Sixth Addn. 168, 169 6--96-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 1 of Lot 2 of Block 14 of Riverfront Subd. N(x 3 ................... 169 6--97-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Findings for Certain CD Block Grant Project ...... 170 Apr. 20--98-87 Approval of disposal of City owned real estate -- Lot 6 in Lake Peosta Subd. in the City to Biechler Electric, Inc.. 174 20--99-87 Approval of disposal of City owned real estate -- Lot 2A & 3 of Subd. of Lot 304 and Lot 2 of Subd. of the South one- half of Lot 305 To The IA DOT ......................... 175 20--100-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for new HVAC System, 2nd floor, City Hail ....................................... 175, 176 20--101-87 Awarding Contract for the HVAC System, 2nd flcor, City flail. 176 20--102-87 Lease Agreement with Robert's River Rides ........ 177 20--103-87 Directing the City Clerk to publish Proposed Amend- merit to the Fiscal Year 1987 Budget and Date of Hearing.. 177, 178 20--104-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for 1987 Seaicoat Project. 178 20--105-87 Fixing Date of IIearing on Plans and Specs ........ 178 20--106-87 Ordering Bids for 1987 Sealcoat Project ........... 179 20--107-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for A.C.C. Resurfacing oI U.S. #20 (Dodge St.) from Grandview Ava to 165 feet west of Bluff. .................................... 179 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Apr. 20--108-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for A.C.C. Resurincing of U.S. #20 (Dcdge St.) from Grandview Ava to 165 feet west of Bluff St .................................. 179, 180 20--109-87 Ordering bids for the A.C.C. Resurfaaing of U.S. #20 (Dodge St.) from Grandview Ave to 165 feet west of Bluff St. 180 20--110-87 (1) Approving and Consenting to the Transfer of the Dubuque CABLE SERVICES DELIVERY FRANCHISI~, Ord. No. 42-81, from Group W Cable, Ink to GWC 107, In~; (2) Waiv- ing the Election Referred to in Section 4.4 of Ord. Na 42-81; (3) Approving and Consenting to the ql~nsfer of Control of GWC 107, Inc. to TCI of Iowa, Inc. and TCI of Illinois, Inc.; All sub- ject to Certain Conditions & Agreements as Attached ...... 181 20--111-87 Protesting the Termination of Essential Air Service to Chicago O'Haro Field by Air Wisconsin, Inc. ............. 183 20--112-87 Authorizing and Providing for the Issuance of $5,500,000 GO BONDS and Levying a Tex to Pay Said Bonds.... 183, 184-194 20--113-87 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permit to Ruegnitz Drug ............................................... 195 20--114-87 Authorizing issuance Class "B" Beer Permit ....... 195 20--115-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses to several outlets ....................................... 196 20--116-87 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ............. 197 20--117-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 2 of Potters Place in Mineral Lot 310 in the City. .................................. 199 20--118-87 Approving the Finai Plat of Red Cross/University Park Subdivision in the City. ............................... 200 May 4--119-87 Amending the Current BUDGET for the Fiscal Year ending 6/30/87 ....................................... 202 4--120-87 For the Transfer of Permanent Funds ............. 203 4--121-87 Approval of disposal of property to Robert's River Rides. 204 4--122-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Maintenance Garage Addition .......................... 205 4--123-87 Fixing date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Dbq. Maintenance Garage Addn ............................. 205 4--124-87 Ordering bids for Dbq. Maintenance Garage Addn.. 205 4--125-87 Exercise of an Option by Dbq. Yacht Basin, Ink for 3.47 Acres on Chaplain Schmitt Mere. Island ................. 207 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 4--126-87 Rescinding Resolution Na 87-87 Adopted 4-6-87 .... 208 4--127-87 Authorizing Cigarette Permit to Woalworth's ....... 210 4--128-87 Issuance of Class "C" & "B" Beer Permits ......... 210 " 4--129-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" (Club) Liquor License to Golf & Country Club & Class "C" to various outlets .... 210, 211 ,,, 4--130-87 Adopting Supplement Na 29 to the Coda ......... 212 May 18--131-87 Adopting Plans Specs. for Resurfacing of U.S, #20 (Dcdge) from Grandview to 165 feet west of Bluff ......... 214 18--132-87 Awarding Contract to Resurfacing of Dodge from Grand- view to just west of Bluff. ............................ 215 18--133-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for 1987 Seaicoat Project. 215 18--134-87 Awarding Contract for 1987 Seaicoat Project ....... 216 18--135-87 Adopting the Environmental Assessment of the Dbq. Cedar Cross Corridor from S. #20 to U.S. Hwys. 61/151/52 Dated 3-25-87 ............................................. 217 18--136-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Grant Loan Agree- ment with Dbq. Star Brewing Ca ...................... 218 18--137-87 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Development ............................... 219 18--138-87 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Sub-Agreement with the Dbq. Star Brewing Co. ......................................... 219 18--139-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Dbq. Star Brewing Cb ................. 220 18--140-87 Approving the Acquisition of Real Estate on Elizabeth Placa .............................................. 221 18--141-87 Approving a Snow & Ice Removal Policy for the City. · 224 18--142-87 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute Statement of Intent to Participate in Federal RENTAL REHABILITATION PRO- GRAM, etc. ......................................... 225 18--143-87 Accepting the AGREEMENT between City & Dbq. Pr~ fessional Firefightors Assn, Local #353 .................. 226 18--144-87 Accepting the AGREEMENT between City & General Driver's & Helper's Union, Local #421 .... : .............. 227 " 18--145-87 Accepting the AGREEMENT between City & Amalgamated TRANSIT Union Division #329 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign said Agreement ...................... 227 " 18--146-87 Adopting the Fiscal Year 1988 Compensation Pkg. & Wage Plan for NONBARGAINING UNIT EMPLOYEES.. 228 " 18--147-88 Issuance of several Cigarette Permits .............. 228, 229 " 18--148-87 Issuance of Class "B", "C" & "E" BEER PERMITS. 229, 230 " 18--149-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............ 230 ' 18--150-87 Approving the Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates Second Addn ............................................... 232 18--151-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot i South Grandvlew Park Addn ......................... 233 18--152-87 Approval of Funding Agreement with City & WASHINGTON NEIGHBORHOOD TOOL LIBRARY, INC. 234 18--153-87 Accepting Offer of the Estate of Irma M. Nagele, Authorizing and Directing the C~ty Mgr. to Execute Lien Release for City Housing REHAB. LOANS upon receipt of Settlement Offer. .................................... 236 June I-- 154-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Dbq. Maintenance Garage Addn ............................................... 238 1--155-87 Awarding Contract for Addn. to Public Works Garage. 238, 239 1-- 156-87 Preliminery Approval of Plans and Specs. for Eagle Point Filter/Pump Building Roof Replacement ................. 242 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE June 1_157.87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans/Specs. for Eagle Point Filter/Pump Building Roof Replacement ................. 242 1--158-87 Ordering bids for the Eagle Point Filter/Pump Building Roof Replacement .................................... 242 1--159-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits (@75 outlets) ........ 245 1--160-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............ 245, 246 June 15--161-87 Disposing of City Interest in Property Identified as Lot 2 of Subdivision of Lot I of Kerper Industrial Subdivision No. I in the City. ........................................ 248 15--162-87 preliminary approval of Plans and Specs. for Ventilation System for Keyline Transit Facility. ..................... 249 " 15--163-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Ventilation System for Keyllne Transit ................... 249 15--164-87 Ordering bids for Ventilation System for Keyline Transit System ............................................. 249, 250 15--165-87 Certifying that Special Efforte are Being Made by Keyline for Handicapped Persons ....................... 251 15--166-87 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City and the Dubuque Humane Society and authorizing and Directing the Mayor to execute said Agreement on behalf of the City. ............................................ 252 15--167-87 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Phon~A-Friend, Inc. and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute said Agreement on Behalf of the City. ................................... 253 15--168-87 Approving a Funding Agreement between the City and Dubuque Main St. Ltd. and Authorizing and Directing the City Manager to Execute Said Agreement on behalf of the City. 253 15--169-87 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Services with the Greater Dubuque Development Corp. for Fiscal Year 1987-1988 and Authorizing and Directing the Mayor to Execute .......................................... 254 " 15--170-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits. (150 outlets) ........ 256 " 15--171-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permite ............................................. 258 15--172-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" (Moose) and Class "C" Liquor Licenses to various outlets ...................... 259 15--173-87 Approving the Final Plat of Hinz Subd~vislon in the City. 260 15--174-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of Kerper Industrial Subdivision N~ 1 in the City. ........ 260 15--175-87 Accepting improvement of the construction of the Skywalk Connecting IA St. Parking Ramp to Gallery Court. 262 15--176-87 Final Estimate for the construction of the Skywalk Con- necting IA Street Parking Ramp to Gallery Court ......... 262 Juy 6--177-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Ventilation System for Keyline Transit ..................................... 264 6--178-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Eagle Point Filter/Pump Bldg. Roof Replacement ............................... 265 6--179-87 Awarding Contract for Eagle Pt. Filter/Pump Building Roof Replacement to Geisler Bros ....................... 265 6--180-87 Approval of disposal of interest of property -- Lot 2 of Subd. of Lot i of Kerper Ind. Subdivision N~ i to John Mihalakis & R. Billmeyer ............................. 266 " 6--181-87 preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Parking Equipment for IA Street Parking Ramp ................. 267 6--182-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Park- lng Equipment for IA St. parking Ramp ................. 267 July 6--183-87 Ordering bids for IA St. Parking Romp. ........... 267 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE July 15--184-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan AGREEMENT with E H. Uelner Precision Tools & Dies, Inc. 268 ~' 6--185-87 Authorizing Publication of No~ice of Environmental Review Finding for Certein CD Block Grant Project ....... 269 6--186-87 Authorizing the Execution of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Agreement with the IA Dept. of Economic Devel ...................................... 269 6--187-87 Authorizing the Distribution of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant ~o the EH. Ualner Precision Tools & Dies Co., Inc ...................................... 270 6--188-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 272, 273 6--189-87 Authorizingissuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer Permits. 273 6--190-87 AuthOrizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) & Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ................ 273 6--191-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental l~view Finding for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant project, Dbq. Data Services ............................ 276 6--192-87 Approving the Final Plat of Clarke Crest Estates Third Addition ............................................ 276 6--193-87 Approving the Final Plat of "Joseph Vogt Subd. No. 3" in the City, ......................................... 273 6--194-87 Accepting Improvement for Old Mill Road Sanitary Sewer Project. ....................................... 279 6--195-87 Approval of Final Estimate and assessing for project: Old Mill Read Sanitary Sewer .......................... 279 6--196-87 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Old Mill Read Sanitary Sewer etc~ .............................. 279 " 6--197-87 Accepting improvement for Schmitt Island Restroorn Facility. ............................................ 281 6--198-87 Final Estimate for Sckmltt Island Restroora Facility. 281 July 20--199-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 284 20--200-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 284 20--201-87 Resolution of Necessity for 1987 Asphalt Paving Proj. 285 20--202-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necess. for 1987 Asphalt Paving Project ............................... 285 20--203-87 Schedule of Proposed Assessments for 1987 Asphalt Pavh~g Proj ......................................... 286 20--204-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans/Specs. for 1987 EC. Concrete Paving Project ............................... 286 20--205-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for 1987 PC. Concrete Paving Project ........................... 286 20--206-87 Resolution of Necessity for 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ............................................. 287 20--207-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Resolution of Necess. for 1987 PC. Concrete Paving Project ........................... 287 20--208-87 Schedule of Propped Assessments for 1987 EC. Concrete Paving Project ....................................... 287 20--209-87 Authorizing the City to Execute Corrected Partial Releases of Financing Statement a~ to Certain Prop. Owned by FDL Foods, In~ .............. ~ ...................... 289 " 20--210~87 Abolishing One (1) Police Captain and Creating One (1) Police Sergeant Position ............................... 290 " 20--211-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 306 20--212-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' Beer Permit and Class "C" Beer & Class "E' Beer Permit ..................... 307 20--213-87 Authorizing Class "C" Liquor Lic.& Class "LE' Liquor Lic. ......................................... 307, 308 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE July 20--214-87 Rescinding the Pmvlously Approved Res. N(x 268-84 and Vacating the Final Plat Dated May 25, 1984 of Council Hill Subd. of the City of Dbq., IA .......................... 306. 309 20--215-87 Authorizing submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant Projects. 310 20--216-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot I of Northrange Subd. No. 1 in the City. .................... 311 20--217-87 Amending Resolution Nu 196-87 which provided for the Adoption of Final Assessment Schedule for the Old Mill Rd. Sanitary Sewer ....................................... 312 20--218-87 Accepting Improvement for DWWT Facility Maint. Bldg. Project ........................................ 312 20--219-87 Final Estimate for Dbq. WWT Bldg .............. 312, 313 20--220-87 Acceptance of real estate from Dbq. Development described as: Lots D & F in Embassy West Subd. in N/E Qtr. of S/E Qtr. of Section 20, T89N, R2E .................... 313 " 20--221-87 Acceptance of real estate from Jean Connally of the real estate described as: "An Undivided one-half interest in Lot 2 of 1 of M.L. 21 lA, Lot 2 of 2 of M.L. 231, and Lot 2 of 1 of M.L. 231 ................................................ 313 Aug. 3--222-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Parking Equipment for IA St. Parking Ramp ................................. 315 3--223-87 Awarding Contract for IA St. Parking Ramp Instalin- tion et Security Equipment in Stairwells etc .............. 316 3--224-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Penn- sylvania Av~ Storm Sewer. ............................ 316 3--225-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Penn- sylvania Aw Storm Sewer ............................ 317 3--226-87 Ordering bids for Pennsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer... 317 3--227-87 Directing the Advertisement for Sale of $300,000 Street Improvement Bonds .................................. 318 3--228-87 Awarding Contract for Ventilation System for Keyline Transit Facility to Geisler Bros. Co. ..................... 322 " 3--229-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Comm. Economic Betterment Account Grant Application on Behalf of Carlisle Communications ..................................... 323 3--230-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 323, 324 3--231-87 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits .............. 324 3--232-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ............. 324 3--233-87 Accepting improvement for Removal of Silt Project from tho 32nd St. Detention Basin .......................... 326 3--234-87 Final Estimate for Removal of Silt Project from the 32nd Street Detention Basin ................................ 327 Aug. 17--235-87 Memorializing the Life of John E Petrakis ......... 328 " 17--236-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Pennsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer ......................................... 329 17--237-87 Awarding Contract for Pennsylvania Ave. Storm Sewer to Mullinix .......................................... 329 17--238-87 Approving Plat of a Vacated Portion of Main St. at its Intersection with Madison St .......................... 330 17--239-87 Disposing of City Interest in Lot lA of City Lot 673. 331 17--240-87 Approving Mutual Law Enforcement Aid Agreement with Dubuque County. ................................ 342 " 17--241-87 Approving a Mutual Law Enforcement Aid Agreement with the City of Asbury, .............................. 343 17--242-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Request with the State of IA Dept. of Economic Development for Approval of a Revised Loan Payment Schedule for Projects with State and Upper Mississippi Development .............................. 354, 355 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 17--243-87 Consenting to a Variance from the Pricing Structure of Disposition Sites in the Dubuque Industrial Center ........ 355 17--244-87 Authorizing the Execution of an Amendment to a CD Block Grant Agreement with Dept. of HUD for Calendar Year 1987 ............................................. 356, 357 17--245-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits ........ ' ' 357 " 17--246-87 Issuance of Class "B", "C" & "E" Beer Permits ..... 358 " 17--247-87 Issuance of Class "C' & "F" Liquor Licenses ....... 358 17--248-87 Approving tho Final Plat of Lampers Place in ~able Md. Township ............................................ 359 17--249-87 Approving the Final Plat of Tamarack S.E. First Subd. in Dub6que County, IA ............................... 360 17--250-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Projects ...... 361 17--251-87 Accepting Improvement for 1986 Asphalt Paving Project Nc~ 3 ....................... ....................... 362 " 17--252-87 Final Estimate for 1986 Asphalt Paving Project Na 3 362 Aug. 24--253-87 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1987 Asphalt Paving Project... 365 17--254-87 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for tho 1987 P.C. Concrete Paving Project ........ 366 Rep. 8--255-87 Approval of Disposal of City property, Lot lA of City Lot 673 to Dennis M. Ryan .......................... . 8--256-87 Resolution of Intention to Lease City Owned Property 371 to Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc .......................... 371, 372 8--257-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permit ......... 376 " 8--258-87 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Beer Permits .... 376, 377 8--259-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" and Class "C' Liquor License. ............................................ 377 8--260-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2 of Dbq. Ind. Center 6th Addn. in the City. ............... 379 8--261-87 Accepting Improvement for Asphalt Resurfacing of U.S. #20 (Dodge) from Grandview Ava to 165' West of Bluff St. 380 8--262-87 Final Estimate for Asphalt Resurfacing of U.S. #20 (Dodge St.) from Grandview Ava to 165' West of Bluff St.. 380 8--263-87 Recommending to IA Dept. of Trans. Construction and Funding Schedule for Relocate 61, FY 88-93 .............. 381 8--264-87 Approving City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1987 Street Finance Report ...................................... 382 Sep. 21--265'87 Dfrecting Sale of $300,000 Street Improvement Bonds. 383 21--266-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CD Block Grant Pmjecte -- THEISEN SUPPLY CO. .............................. 384 21--267-87 Authorizing the Execution of a CD Block Grant Loan Agreement with Theisen Supply Co ..................... 385 21--268-87 Authorizing an Application to the U.S. Dept. of HUD and Funding of 100 Units Under the Section 8 Mod. Rehab. Program ........................ ,i ' ;,' ' ~,' ',,' .......... 386 21--269-87AuthorzingissuanceofCinss B & C BeorPermits. 387 21--270-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 388 21--271-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot l'~of "Henschers Black Forest" in the City. ......................................... 389 Oct. 5--272-87 Of Intent to Grant a Temporary EASEMENT to the IA DOT (for routing Dredge Lines & Storage of Fill Materials etc) 392, 393 " 5--273-87 Approving Plat of Vacating Portion of Excess Cedar Cross l~ad Right of Way from Crescent Ridge Road Approx. 320' Southerly. ............................ : ......... 393 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Oct. 5-274-87 Disposing of City Interest in Erschen Place in the City. 394 5--275-87 Preliminary Approval of Specs. for Fire Dept. Drill Area. 395 5--276-87 Fixing Date of Heaving on Plans and Specs. for Fire Dept. Drill Area ........................................... 395 5--277-87 Ordering Bids for Fire Dept. Drill Area ............ 395 5--278-87 Expressing Intent to Lease Approximately 500 Square Feet of Property to TCI Cablevisinn of Dubuque, IA for Con- struction of B-Cable Institutional Network Hub Sita ...... 396 5--279-87 Authorizing Application for Essential Air Service Te~ minal Improvement Program IEASTIP) Funds ............ 397 5--280-87 Providing for the Issuance of $300,000 STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS ............................ 398-407 5--281-87 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ............... 408 5--282-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" & "C" Beer & Liquor License ............................................. 408 5--283:87 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for the THEISEN SUPPLY. INC. ECONOMIC Devel. Project ............................................. 409 5--284-87 Accepting Improvement for N/W Arterial Grading & Drainage Contract .................................... 411 5--285-87 Final Estimate for N/W Arterial Grading & Drainage Contract ............................................ 411 5--286-87 Accepting Improvement for the Transit Garage Operations .......................................... 412 5--287-87 Final Estimate for Construction of Offices for Transit Garage Operations ................................... 412 5--288-87 Amending Lease Agreement with Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. ....................................... 412, 413 415 Oct. 19--289-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Fire Dept. Drill Area. " 19--290-87 Awarding Contract for Fire Dept. Drill Area, to River City Paving Co. ..................................... 416 " 19--291-87 Approval of Disposal of interest in Erschen Place to Alice & Ben Erschen ...................................... 417 19--292-87 Approval of granting of Temporary Easement to IDOT for muting of dredge lines and storage of fill materials ..... 418 19--293-87 Approval of Leasing of @ 500 Sq. feet of property lccated in Lot 25 of Finley Home Addn to TCI. Cablevision of Dbq., Inc. 419 19--294-87 Of Intent to Dispose of City Owned Property to IDOT 420 19--295-87 Releasing of restriction in Deed & Res. Na 91-85 & Klaner Mfg. freed to construct proposed building ................ 421 19--296-87 Endorsing a Ban on Nuclear Testing .............. 422 19--297-87 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits ............... 423 19--298-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor licenses ............. 423, 424 19--299-87 Adopting Supplement N(x 30 to the Code .......... 425 19--300-87 Approving the Final Plat of Lot 68A of Woods Addn. 427 19--301-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 68 of Woods Addn ............................................... 427, 428 19--302-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot i of Lot I of Lot i of "Beverly Pines" in the City. ........ 428, 429 19--303-87 Authorizing Execution of a Preconstruction Agreement with the IDOT ....................................... 430 Nov. 2--304-87 Release of Easement and removal of restrictions re: pro- perty sold to Klauer Mfg. Ca in 1985 and provides additional easement on s/e side of proposed warehouse for maintenance of existing City Sewer ................................... 432, 433 2--305-87 Approval of disposal of interest in a triangular section of property of dimensions of 24.6' x 54.6' on the n/w corner of Lot 1 of Riverfront Subd: g4; granting of temporary easement to IA DOT for strip of property for construction of bridge and installation of piping system associated with dredging activities. 433, 434 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Nov. 2--306-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for IA Fuel Storage & Dispensing Systems ......................... 434 2--307-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for IA Fuel Storage & Dispensing System .......................... 434 2--308-87 Ordering bids for IA Fuel Storage & Dispensing System. 435 2--309-87 Approval of disposal of Lot i of Lot 68A of Woods Addn. to Eleanor Buechele, 930 Kirkwood ..................... 436 2--310-87 Approval of disposal of Lot 2 of Lot 68A of Woods Addn. to LeRoy Suhroeder, 920 Kirkwood St ................... 436 2--311-87 Approval of disposal of Let 3 of Let 68A of Woods Addn. to Ruth Pf. iffner, 908 Kirkwood St ...................... 437 " 2--312-87 O4 Intention to Lease City Owned Property to Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc ..................................... 437, 438 2--313-87 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1987 Asphalt-Paving Project.., 438 2--314-87 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the 1987 PC. Concrete Paving Project. 439 2--315-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "B' & Class "E" Beer Permit .............................................. 443 2--316-87 Authorizing issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 443 Nov. 16--317-87 Approval of Lease of 66,000 Sq. Feet to Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. be approved for $6600, plus adjust for cost of living etc. ................................................ 446 16--318-87 Approving disposal of interest in property described as Lot 1 of 68A of Woods Addn. to Eleanor Buechele be approved for $388.38 etc ....................................... 448 16--319-87 Approval of disposal of interest in the property describ- ed as Lot 2 of 68A of Woods Addn. to LeRey Schrceder be approved for $143.16 .................................. 449 16--320-87 Disposal of interest in property described as Lot 3 of 68A of Woods Addn. to Ruth Pfiffner for $68.46 .......... 449 " 16--321-87 Approving a Grant of Easement for a 20' Wide Utility Easement for Watermain .............................. 450 " 16--322-87 Intention of Disposal of City Interest in Property Located on N/W Side of Delhi St. at the Intersection of Delhi & W. 5th St ......................................... 451 16--323-87 Calling for an Election to Authorize the Imposition of a Local Sales & Services Tax in the City at the Rate of 1% to be Effective on 4-1-88 ................................. 452 16--324-87 Granting Approval of Dubuque Yacht Basin to Sublease Under Lease Agreement to Anderson Marine Ca of Rockford, IL 453 16--325-87 Issuance of Class "B", "C" and "BE" Beer Permits.. 455, ~156 16--326-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor License ............. 456 16--327-87 Authorizing the Filing of a Statement of Intent for a Community Development Block Grant for City. ........... 457 16--328-87 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certnln CD Block Grant Projects ...... 458 16--329-87 Approving a Five Year Street Construction Program and Submitting Same to the IA Dept. of Transportation ....... 459 Dec. 7--330-87 Adopting Plans and Specs. for IA Fuel Storage & Dispen- sing System~ ................. ~ ...................... 461 7--331-87 Awarding Contract for Public Works Garage Fuel Storage, Dispensing & Card Control System .............. 462 7--332-87 Approval of interest of property in M.L. 172 to Finley Hospital etc ......................................... 465 " 7--333-87 Approvai of vacation and release of 10' wide utility ease. merit in Clarke Crest Estates Second Addn ............... 466 " 7--334-87 Of Intention to Dispose of City's Interest in property described as Lot 2 of Block 7 jn "Dubuque Downtown Plaza". 467 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Des 7--335-87 Preliminary Approval of Ptans and Specs. for New Toilet Rooms, City Hall ..................................... 468 7--336-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for New Toilet Rooms, City Hail ............................... 468 " 7--337-87 Ordering Bids for New Toilet Rooms, City Hall ..... 468, 469 7--338-87 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for Cleaning, Repairing & Painting of 750 MG Elevated Water Tank, College Station ............................................. 469 7--339-87 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Clean- ing, Repairing & Painting of 750 MG Elevated Water Tank, College Station ...................................... 469, 470 7--340-87 Ordering bids for Cleaning, Repairing and Painting of 750 MG Elevated Water Tank, College Station ............ 470 7--341-87 Approving an Agreement with U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. for a 404 Permit for Filling 28 Acre Site on Westside of Kerper Blvd. between 19th & Fengier. ......................... 471 7--342-87 Approving a Mitigation Pinn on Ch. Schmitt Memorial Island between IA Dept. of Natural Resources and City.... 472 7--343-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits .................... 474 7--344-87 Issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ................ 474 7--345-87 Issuance of Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............ 475 7--346-87 Authorizing Submission of a Request for a Release of Funds for Certain CD Block Grant Projects .............. 476, 477 7--347-87 Approving the Final Plat of the Subd. of Lot 7, Block 2 of "Wolff Place in North Range Industrial Park'~ ....... 478 7--348-87 Accepting Improvement for Fire Depart. Drill Area.. 479 7--349-87 Final Estimate for Fire Department Drill Area ..... 479 Dec. 21--350-87 Approval of disposal of interest in property identified as Lot 2 of Block 7 to Pete & Bessie Sfikas .............. 482 " 21--351-87 Granting Therranlyne Corp. a One Year Extension from 1-1-88 for fulfilling Conditions on the Deed Issued Thermolyne Corp ............................................... 484, 485 21--352-87 Amendment to Lease Agreement between City & Dubuque Yacht Basin, In~ ............................ 485 " 21--353-87 Authorizing of Execution of a PreDesign Project Agree- ment with IA DO~. .................................. 487 21--354-87 Authorization of Execution of a Right-of-Way Agreement on Dodge St. for City Street Relocation and/or Reconstruction with the IA Dept. of Transportation ..................... 488 21--355-87 Issuance of Cigarette Permits to several outlete ..... 489 21--356.87 Issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits to several outlets. 489 21--357-87 Issuance of Class "B" & Class "C" Liquor Licenses.. 489 21--358-87 Accepting Improvement for 1987 Soalcoat Project... 490, 491 21--359-87 Final Estimate for 1987 Sealcoat Project .......... 491 21--360-87 Approving the Final Plat of tho Subdivision of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 13 in "Valley View Heights at Center Grove" in the City. ......................................... 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE S Jan. 5--Stelmel, Father Paul, Gave Invocation .................. 1 " 5--Space utilization study for Airport, request for money ..... 15 5--Sewer back-up claims of Rhomberg Ave ................. 15 5--Snow removal or street cleaning, imposition of Parking fines by Ordinance ........................................ 18, 19 5--Storage vehicles of vehicles parked in vlolation, Ordinance providing for towing ....................... i .......... 19, 20 5--Schiueter, Thomas, settlement of claim .................. 24 5--Schmitt, Gary, Sr., Claim ............................. 24 5--Schroeder, Randy, Settlement of claim .................. 24 Jan. 19--Sewer Project (Old Mill) near Rockdale .............. 32, 33, 34, 279 19--Street Program, 1986, acceptance of same ............... 35-54 19--Schedule of Assessmente re: 1986 Street Program ......... 38-54 19--Swiss Valley Farms, Industrlal Development Bond Procedures. 55-60 19--Sutton, Ruby, reappolnted to Human Rights Commission... 62 19--Spiagalhalter, Robert P., (Club House), Class "C" Liquor License ............................................. 63 19--Schroeder, Wands, settlement of claim .................. 64 Feb. 2--Sirens, Warning, Two-way Redio system fur activatlng 17 out- door ones ........................................... 67 2--Safety Belts & Safety Harnesses in Motor Vehicles, ORD... 69, 107 2--Swimming/Wading in Riverview Park, Prohibited ......... 70 2--Steam/Condensate Lines for Jeld-Wen, Inc., Authorizing construction of superstructure ......................... 80 2--Schroby's, Inc. Class !'C" Liquor License ................ 82 2--Schnce, Charles, claim ................................ 85 2--Substance Abuse Service Center, 2nd Quarter Report ...... 86 2--Sign Appeal, Zoning Bd. of Ac~ustment ................. 88 " 2--Seat Belt Law opposed by John Miller & 1500 petitioners.. 88 Feb. 16--Schrum, Don, Commander of IA American Legion, gave Invocation .......................................... 90 " 16--State Transit Assistance Program, Grant Application with IDOT .............................................. 92 " 16--Schmitt Island Restroom Facility Project. ............... 93-94 " 16--Sewer Extension Request by J. Nelson -- ROOSEVELT RD. 85, 107 " 16--Sid's Beverage Store, Class "E" Beer Permit ............. 109 " 16--Summary of P. Meeting on Budget submitted by Mgr ..... 112 " 16--Swimming in Riverview Park, re: petitions; Mary Miller... 112 16--Star Brewery Co. Project ..................... 67, 68, 113, 114, 145 16--STA Application etc. for TRANSIT System (Keyline) ..... 127 16--Schmitt Island Restroom Facility, documents ............ 127, '128 16--Sewer Extension on Roosevelt Road -- discussion ete ..... 130 16--Sites at Dubuque Industrial Center (pricing etc.) .......... 133 16--Safety Belts & Harness, Ordinance providing for usage etc.. 139 16--Schedule for Council Workscealons ...................... 142 16--Sewer -- Old Mill Road Sanitary ete .................... 142 16--Schumacher, Earl Edmund (Oky Doky #5) ............... 143 16--Supervisors (County) nominating Old Jail as Historic Landmark ........................................... 145 16--Swanson Corp., refund on Cigare~.te Permit .............. 145 16--Setter, David F. for Jeld-Wen, requesting refund on Ind. Dev. Rev. Bonds ......................................... 146 16--Signing at Highway 20 & NW arterial etc. requested by City of Asbury ........................................... 147 16--Schwers, James A. (for IA-Northwestern Development Co.) accepting conditions approving replatting of Block 8 in Arbor Oaks ............................................... 148, 149 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Mar. 16--State Representative Connolly re: Dbq. being leader in IA tourism ............................................. 153 Apr. 6--Schwartz, F. appointed to Pipefitter position on Dock Bd... 165 " 6--Sunshine Mart of Dbq. Ltd., Class "C" Beer Permit ....... 166 " 6--State Farm Insurance on behalf of Wm. Fuerste seeking subrogation claim .................................... 166 " 6--Shaffer, Thomas, CLAIM ............................. 167 " 6--Smith, Donna, Chair of Dbq. County Bd. of Supervisors, advising DMATS Policy Committee re: feasibility of submit- ting a Joint Application for R.I.S.E. funding. ............ 167 " 6--Spragne, Terry, CLAIM ............................... 167 6--Star Brewery -- Proof of publication on Notice of Intent to file a release of funds for same ............................ 167 6--Super 8 Subdivision -- final plat approved ............... 168 20--State Funds for Public Health Nursing, application ....... 172 20--Seaicoat Project for City, documents .................... 178 20--Storybook zoo, re: funding requests ..................... 182 20--Street Storage for vehicles, City Code revised ............ 194 20--Submarina, Class "B" Beer Permit ..................... 195 20--Sewer for Roosevelt Road, John Nelson ................. 199, 283 20--Substance Abuse Services Center submitting their Third Quarter Report ...................................... 199 May 4--Sertoma Candy Day, Proclamation ...................... 202 4--Sandberg, Robert re: Storybook Zoo funding. ............ 206 4--Storybook Zoo, discussion as to autonomy and funding .... 206 4--Shot Tower, Class "C" Liquor License .................. 211 4--Soupy's Inc. (Hudson's), Class "C" Liquor License ........ 211 4--Steur, John, Denial/Cleeure of CLAIM ................... 212 4--Schroeder, Bill, Denial/Closure of CLAIM ................ 212 May 18--Sealcoat Project (1987) for City ........................ 215, 216 18--Star Brewing Co. CD Loan Agreement .................. 218, 219 18--Spills. Clean up of Hazardous material re: Ord ............ 221-223 18--Snow/fue (~ontrol Removal Policy, by Res ................ 224 18--Schrup, Nicholas, applicant for P & Z Corem ............. 228 '!' 18--Silver :Dollar, Class "C" Liquor Lic ........... i ......... 230 18--Sani, Nicholas, Denial of Claim ......................... 235 18--Streff. Chad, Denial of Claim .......................... 235 18--Sprague, Terry, Denial of Claim ........................ 235 18--Schubert, Joseph, Denial/Closure of Claim ............... 236 18--Schumacher, Patti Jo & Donald, Denial/Chisure of Claim... 236 18--Seventh St. (East), request for check of RR Tracks ........ 236 June 1--Swartz, Rev. David, of Dubuque Baptist Church, Gave Invocation .......................................... 238 1--Services Agreement with Chamber of Commerce .......... 244 1--Services Agreement with RSVP ........................ 244 1--Services Agreement with Operation: New View ........... 244 1--Sfikas Restaurant & Lounge, Cigarette Permit ........... 245 1--Schumacher, Earl. Oky Doky #5, Cigarette Permit ........ 245 1--Sunshfue Mart of Dbq. Ltd., Cigarette Permit ............ 245 1--Swanson, C.L. (Corp.), Cigarette Permit ................. 245 1--State Appeal Bd. submitting findings re: P. Hearing on Appeal filed by citizens against the 1987-1988 Dubuque City Budget. 246 " 1--States Construction Co. -- Claim ....................... 246 June 15--Second Street Ice Harbor Zoning (Frum HI Heavy Ind. to CR Comm.) ............................................ 243, 250 " 15--Sandidge, Judith, The Pump, Cigarette Permit ........... 257 " 15--Specht, Joseph J., -- Specht Pipe Inn, Cigarette Permit... 257 " 15--Smith, Steve, Gomer's Bar, Cigarette Permit ............. 257 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 17--September as "Constitution Month.". .................. 17--Slingehots, Bows, A. rrows eto,, Ordinance Prohibiting ...... 17--Symphony Orch. & Historical Soc. re: Fireworks .......... Iune 15--Saffron, Susan -- Kennel Club, Cigarette Permit, Class "C" Liquor Lic .......................................... 246, 257 15--Schrobllgen, Thos. (Schroby's), Cigarette Permit .......... 258 15--Silver Dollar, Cigarette Permit ......................... 258 15--Soupy's, Inc. (Hudson's), Cigarette Permit ............... 258 15--Steve's University 76, Cigarette Permit ................. 258 15--Schollmeyer, Wayne Paul, -- Paul's Tap, Cigarette Permit.. 259 15--Sawvell, Michael John -- Butter's Bar, Cigarette Permit... 259 15--Sullivan, James R., Dbq. Savings and Loan Claim against.. 260 15--Stockeland, Dave, suggesting Yield sign at Kaufmann and Kane be exchanged with the stop at the Kaufmann and Grandview intersection ......................................... 262, 306 15--Swimming pool at Senior needed, re: Sally Madden ........ 262 15--Simmons Airline, Inc. re: proposals to provide essential air service at Waterloo and Dubuque to O'Hare in Chicago .... 262 15--Stop sign requested at Kaufmann and Kane .............. 261,262 15--Senior High School, request for Swimming Pool .......... 262 15--Skywaik Project acceptance, between IA St. Pkg. Ramp and Gallery Ct .......................................... 262 July 6--Security System in IA Street Parking Ramp ...... 266, 267, 316-317 " 6--Sherman, Tom, petitioning for San. Sewer Project Ior Gillespie St. area ............................................. 268 " 6--SEWER Project requested for Gillespie St. area .......... 268 6--Street Storage and alley parking, Ord. increasing fines ..... 271, 298 6--Sfikas Restaurant, Cigarette Permit: Refund .......... 272, 273, 274 6--Schollmeyer, Wayne P, Paul's Tavern, Cigarette Permit... 273 6--Schmitt. Rick, CLAIM ................................ 274 6--Sanitary Sewer Project for Old Mill Road ................ 279 6--Schmitt Island Restroom Facility Project ................ 281 July 20--Septic System Permit for J. Nelson, denied, appealed ...... 283 ' 20--Street Construction Project (Asphalt & Concrete ......... 285-287 20--Sergeant Position in Police Dept., Created ............... 290 20--State law re: Liquor Licenses, incorporated in City Code... 292 20--Secon~ Street Harbor area, Designation/Use of Municipal Parking Lot ......................................... 304 20--Speer Financial Inc. submitting proposal for professional ser- vices as financial consultants for City ................... 305 20--Sunnycrest Manor, Cigarette Permit .................... 307 20--Super 8, Cigarette Permit ............................. 307 20--St. Columbkille's Church, Class "B" Beer Permit ......... 307 20--Schwartz, Ethel K., Airport Inn, Class "C" Liquor Lic .... 308 20--Schetgen, Ralph -- Claim/Closure ....................... 308,'431 20--Schillfug, James re: vacation of platted alley winch runs parallel to Kirkwood ........................................ 309 " 20--Substance Abuse Services Center expressing "Thanks" for funding adolescent treatment in FY '87 ................. 309 Aug. 3--Sewer -- Pennsyl. Ave. Storm, Project .............. 316, 317, 329 " 3--Street Improvement Bonds, Directing the Advertisement for Sale ................................................ 318-320 3--Sale of Bonds, $300,000 - Street Improvement Bonds.... 318-320, 383 3--Street Advisory, Citizens Committee ................. 320 3--Street Storage -- Illegal Alley P~rking, Ordinance ........ 321 3--Strohmeyer, LaVerne, CLAIM ......................... 325 3--Suspenaion of Real Estate Taxes for 2 citizens ........... 325 3--Subscription Service, re: Transit report eto ............... 326 3--Silt Removal from 32nd St. Detention Basin ............. 326, 327 328 344 360 INDEX --BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Aug. 24--Street Project, 1987 .................................. 364-367 Sep. 8--St. Vincent de Paul, construction of Loading Dock at their facilities ............................................ 372 Sep. 8--Schwartz, Ethel K. -- Airport Inn, Cigarette Permit ....... 376 " 8--Sedam, Jeffrey, Claim/Closure .......................... 378,431 8--Strohraayer, LaVerne, Denial of car damage Claim ........ 380 8--Street Finance Report approved for FY '87 .............. 382 Sep. 21--Section 8 Moderato Rehab. Program, Application to U.S.'Dept. of HUD for Funding .................................. 386 21--St. Cohimbkilie's, Request for Beer Permit Refund ........ 388 21--Summary of Public Meeting by Mgr. on BUDGET ........ 390 Oct. 5--Schissing, Gene, requesting zoning change at 2640 Kennedy Rd. 392 5--Street Improvement Bonds ($300,000), providing for issuance of .................................................. 398-407 5--Swift, Edward appointed to Housing Code Appeals Bd .... 407 5--Sauser, Leona, CLAIM ................................ 409 5--St. Joseph Street area, request for traffic noise sound barrier IP. Cart) ......................................... 268, 326, 410 5--Sanitary Sewer extension for Glilespie St ................ 411 Oct. 19--Septic Problem on Roosevelt Rd. referred to CIP Budget... 414 19--Serpllss, Mr. Robert from Emmaus Bible College, Gave Invocation .......................................... 415 19--Saberian, Janet, Class "B" Beer Permit ................. 423 19--Spensley, Roger, CLAIM; Closure ...................... 424, 431 " 19--Stop sign at intersection of Decatur & Lincoln & Hamilton & Lincoln, petition ..................................... 426 " 19--Suncoast Airlines re: Certificates of Public convenience etc.. 426 " 19--September Financial Reports submitted by Mgr .......... 429 " 19--Schmitt, Rick, Closure of CLAIM ...................... 431 Nov. 2--Sterage & Dispensing Systom, for Fuel for P. Works Garage. 434 2--Schroeder; LeRoy, 920 Kirkwood, getting property from City ............................................ 436, 448, 449 2--Schmitt Island -- Lease of 66,000 Sq. feet to Dbq. Yacht,Basin, In~ ................................................ 437 " 2~-Sewage Treatment Plant & Collection of Sewerage Charge.. 441 2--Special Assessment Fund (General), Repeal Sec. 206 ....... 442 2--Substance Abuse Services Center (Dbq.-Delaware), First Qtr. Report ............................................. 444 2--Street Cut situations, possibility of controlling conalde~d.. 445 Nov. 16--Sales Tax, Resolution calling for Election to Authorize the Imposition at the rate of 1% to be effective 4-1-88 ........ 452, 453 16--Substence Abuse -- Governor's Alliance, re: commitment of C ty s funds for matching control Grant ................. 455 16--Steve, Mike appointed to Plumbing Bd .................. 455 16--Snodgraas, Carole, CLAIM ............................ 456 16--State Historical Society notifying that Central School (1500 Locust) has been removed from National Register of Historic Places .............................................. 457 " 16--September, 1987, claims paid, proof of publication ........ 457 " 16--Street Construction Program -- 5 Year, submitted to IA DOT. 459 Dec. 7--Sfikas, Pete & Bessie -- disposal of parcel of City owned property adjacent to their restaurant property at 4th & Central. 467 " 7--Sand & Gravel Co. (Molo) requesting 4th St. Report be referred to City Er_gr. & Attorney ............................. 471 7--sehmitt Memorial Island -- approval of Mitigation Plan... 472 7--Stecklaln, Erin; CLAIM/Closure ........................ 475, 492 Dec. 21--Street Sealcoat Project -- 1987, Final documents ......... 491 " 21 --Steve, Burr & Maxine, -- P & Z approving final plat of portion of Sub. of "Valley View Heights at Center Grove". ....... 491 21--sehroeder, Vera, Closure of Claim ...................... 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE T Jan. 5--Tranalt Garage Operation Project ....................... 8, 9 5--Terminal space utilization study for Airport .............. 15 5--Theisen Supply Co. requesting approval for an IA Community Economic Betterment Account Program Application ....... 15, 16 5--Ten Pin Tap (Mikes), Class "C" Liquor ................... 22 5--qhrner, Mar~, refund request on Liquor License ........... 23 5--Tax Appeals, reduction of same ......................... 24 Jan. 19--TFM Co. (Oky Doky #1D, Class "C" Beer Permit ......... 62 19--TCI of Iowa & TCI of Illinois, re: petition for Waiver & Amend- merit re: Television Franchise Ordinance Ng 42-81 (cYo Group W. Cable). , .'. ....................................... 64 19--qbrnent, Wm. submitting resignation from Cable Regulatory Comm .............................................. 64 Feb. 2--Third Street Overpass, City Mgr. & Wayne Norman giving information .......................................... 81 2--TRANSIT BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: .......... .................................... 85, 166, 230, 246, 408, 490 " 2--TRANSIT BOARD SUBMIq~rING EARNINGS STATE- MENT & STATISTICS: ........................ 85, 211, 325, 456 Feb. 16--Tranalt Assistance (State) Program and IDOT, Consolidated Grant Application for Operating & Special Projects Assistanc~ 92 16--Tax Levy to pay $4,000,000 G.O. Bonds .................. 94-102 16--qhrhing Point Treatment Center, Agreement to provide Employee Assistance Program ......................... 105 16--Tawn Clock Inn, Class "C" Liquor License ............... 109 16--Tucker, Ruth L., Denial of Claim ......................... 112 Mar. 16--ql-analt System re: FY '88 Consolidated STA Application & Sec- tion 9 Program of Projects of FY '88 Operating Assistanco Application & a Capital Assistance Application ........... 127 Mar. 16--Troliay -- CD Block Grant Loan Agreement -- $16000 .... 131 " 16--qYanalt Trustee Chair W. Pregier re: Wheel Tex ............ 137 Apn 16--Twin Valley Drive named for former U.S. Hwys. 52 & 67 East of Rockdale Rd ...................................... 140 ].6--Tschiggfrie Excavating. contract awarded for Old Mill San. Sewer ............................................... 142 16--Third Street Overpass, affirmation by Ice Harbor Planning Group. ............................................. 153 16--Teurist development in Dubuque~ Mayor Brady's letter to State Rep. Connolly. ....................................... 153 16--Traval Expenses (outstanding) for Council, submitted ...... 153 6--Tax -- Ord. providing for LOCAL VEHICLE TAX ........ 161 6--Third St. Overpass, Affirmation for Construction via l~aslution. 162 6--Timmerman, Dolores, CLAIM; Settlement ................ 167, 235 170 6--Trolley -- Environmental Bzview Findings -- No impact etc. Apr. 20--Thermolyne Corp. re: requesting City split this unimproved pro- perty and sell ~/2 to Mr. Kelly & one-half to Thermolyna... 173 20--Transfer of Dbq. Cable Services Delivery Franchise from Group W to TCI of IA, Ina ................................. 181 20--T~affic Code re: handicapped parking -- conform with State Code ............................................... 194 20--Turner, Maylo J. ~lhrner, Class "C" Liquor License ......... 196 20--Trolley, (Dubuque, Inc~, Release of CD Funds ............. 197, 231 20--~ffaval Advances for Council dug ....................... 199 May 4--Transportatian Week, Proclamation ..................... 202 4--qYansfer of Funds, Permanent (Budget etc.) ............... 203 May 18--Teurism Week in Dubuque, Proclamation ................. 214 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE May 18--Tourism Week in Dubuque, Proclamation ................. 214 18--Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for Resurfacin4~ of U.S~ #20 ................................................ 215 18--Tcansit Union -- Agreement with City. .................. 227 18--Tressel, Allen C., (Fenelons Market), Cigarette Permit ...... 229 June 1--Tosk Force for format of Bds. & Comm. Dinner ........... 244 1--Target Stores, Cigarette Permit ......................... 245 1--Transport Sales Co., Cigarotte Permit .................... 245 1--TFM, Oky-Doky, Cigarette Permit ...................... 245 1--Town Clock, In~, The Channel, Class "C' Liquor License... 246 1--Tri-J Contractors, Inc., Claim ........................... 246 1--Tropf, LaVon, Claim; Denial/Closure ..................... 246, 274 June 15--Transit Facility, Ventilation System Project ............... 249 15--Tronsit System Program, Keyline re: Handicapped Persons mass transportation ....................................... 251 15--Turner, David D., Finale Lounge, Cigarette Permit ......... 256 15--Toni's Cafe, Cigarette Permit ........................... 256 " 15--Tam, Wm., -- Tong, Steve (Rusty's), Cigarette Permit...:.. 257 " 15--TOn Pin Tap -- Mike's, Cigarette Permit .................. 258 15--Turner, Mayle, -- Lucky Lady, Cigarette Permit ........... 257 15--Tollbridge Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................ 258 15--Town Clock Inn, Cigarette Permit ....................... 258 15--Trausch Bakery, Cigarette Permit ....................... 258 15--Tri-State Blind, Cigarette Permit ........................ 258 July 6--Transit (Keyline) Ventilation System project .............. 264 6--Town Clock Plaza -- Lot 10 rg Ord. providing for parking meters etc ................................................. 271, 297 6--Techiggfrie, Ed., Pres. of Dbq. Land Development, acceptance of final plat of Clarke Crest Estates #3 .................. 276, 277 6--Third & Fourth -- BLUFF St. put in the 2 Hour Parking District ............................................. 301 6--Threc year term for Financial Consultation eta by Speer Fir~ Ina 305 6--Traffic Control petition of D. Stockaland -- intersection of Kane and Kaufmann .. . .... 306 6--Thompson, Gene reappointed to 3 year term on the Park & Rec. Corem .............................................. 306 Aug. 3--Truck Routes, rewriting provisions of City Code. .......... 320, 345 3--Traanit Trustee Bd. submitting survey on Keyline re: Subscrip- tion Service. ........................................ 326 3--qhuke, Congressman, re: concerns of St. Joseph St. neighborhood, HWY. 20 Dodge E IS Statement (Noise factor). 326 Aug. 17--Thompson, Rev. Rick, Gave Invocation .................. 328 17--Transit Bd. appointments of George Enderson & Wm. Hilvers. 357 17--TV Cable Regulatory Comm. reappolntment of Charles Ellis. 357 17--Trane Miss Investments, In~, Cigarette Permit; Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 357 17--Thunderbirds Ltd. of Dbq., Class "C" Liquor License ...... 358 17--qhble Mound Township -- Approving Final Plat of Lampers Place ............................................... 359 17--Tamarack S.E. First Subdivision, Final Plat approved ...... 360 17--Thompson, Genevieve re: permission for decorative canopy at 1st & Locust ..................................... 363, 374, 375 Sep. 8--Twigge, Ann, protesting passage of Ord. re: updating criminal sections of Code. ..................................... 372 8--TV Cable Teleprogramming reappointment of Corse, Everist & Hoverman, and Hull and Reynolds ...................... 376 8--Tollbridge Inn, The, Class "C" Liquor Licenses ............ 377 8--Tri-State Implement Co. by owner C. McDermott, requestion vacation and purchasg ............................... 378 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Sep. 8--TV Cable Begulatory Comm. resignation of Sharon Schneider. 378 8--Transportation, IA DO'E, Construction & Funding Schedule for Relocated. .......................................... 61, 381 Sep. 21--Theisen Supply, In~, Environmental Review Finding, Authoriz- ing Publication of Notice. .......................... 384, 385, 409 21--Theisen Supply, In~ -- Execution of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement .......................................... 385 21--Thermo King, Denial of personal injury Claim of Aetna Casualty. 389 Oct. 5--Timmerman, LeRoy, objecting to rezoning of J.F. Kennedy (2640) .............................................. 392 ' 5--TCI Cablevision -- Lease for Construction of B-Cable Institut. Network etc. ........................................ 396, 418 5--Terminal fo~' Airport, Application for Essential Air Service Im- provement Program ................................... 397 5--Transit Bd. of appointment of Mr. Eugene Perry. ......... 407 5--Transport Sales Ca, (Kwikstop), Class "C" Beer Permit .... 408 5--Thaisen Supply Ink Economic Development Project, Submis- sion of Request for Release of Funds .................... 409, 410 5--Transit Garage Operations Office Project, acceptance ..... 411, 412 5--"Thanks" expressed to Bldg. Services personnel ........... 426 Nov. 2--Tolephone Pioneer Week, Proclamation ................... 432 2--Treatment Plant (Sewage) & Collection of Sewerage Charges, Amending Code, Prescribing Officers .................... 441 " 2--Theisen Supply Ca, Proof of Notice to file a Release of Funds eta 444 Nov. 16--Thanksgivlng -- Proclamation observing. ................ 446 16--Tschirgi, Ed, -- flag flown in his honor .................. 446 16--Thompson, John re: rezoning of 4th St. (Harbor Place) ..... 454 16--TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, Class "C" Beer Permit ............ 456 De~ 7--Toilet Rooms for City Hall -- Project .................... 468 7--Tax Appeal settlement of Arjen D. Chamberlain .......... 476 7--Toal Lending Library -- Release of CD Funds ete ......... 476 Dec. 21--Thermolyne Corp. petitioning for extension of property improvement time. ................................... 484 21--Tong, Win. & Steven, Class "C" Liquor License. .......... 489 21--Ten Pin Tap, Class "C' Liquor Licensg .................. 489 21--TeKippe, Leonard J, Class "C" Liquor Licensg ........... 490 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE 0 Jan. 5--U.A.W. -- Class "B" Beer Permit ....................... 22 Mar. 16--U.S. Department of Transportation, Authorizing filing of Application -- re: funding for mass transit ............... 135, 136 16--U.S. Highways 52 & 67, east of Rockdale Road -- Name Established for Twin Valley -- Drive .................... 140 Apr. 20--U.S. 61 -- State of IA condemning land for 61 Improvar~ente. 197 20--University Park, Approval of Final Plat for Red Cross (Asbury Rd.) ............................................... 200 June 1--Urbain, Adeline, Claim; Denial ......................... 246, 261 1f--UAW Local #94, Cigarette Permit ....................... 258 July 6--Ueiner, F. H. -- Precision Tools & Dies, Inc. -- Exec. of CD Block Grant Loan Agreement ................................ 268, 310 6--Ualner, E H. Precision Tools & Dies Ca, Inc. -- Distribution of a Corem· Economic Betterment Account Grant ......... 270 6--Union Bus Depot, Cigarette Permit ..................... 307 July 20--Univ. of Dbq. Student Union, C garotte Permit ............ 307 " 20--Uelner, F. H, Proof of Notice of Finding of No Significant Effect on Environment ...................................... 309 Aug. 3--United Way Campaign Time, Proclamation ............... 315 Aug. 17--Union Label Week Proclamat on " 1 .................... 328 7--U.S. Hwy. 20 & east of McDonald Dr. from AG to C-3, for Menard ............................................. 331, 369 17--Upper Mississippi Devalopment Co. repayment schedule for Gallery Ct. Bldg ..................................... 354, 355 17--U.S. of America DOT -- 90 Day Notice of Air WI to suspend service between Waterloo, Chicago & Dubuque & Chicago... 359 17--Uelner Tools & Dies· F. II., Proof of publication of Release of Funds .............................................. 361 Sep. 8--U.S. #20 (Dodge St.). Asphalt Resurfacing ................ 380 8--U.S. Dept of HUD for Funning of 100 Units under tho Section 8 Moderate Rehahilltation Program · . . ' .... , · · ,.~ .......... 386 8--U.S. DOT glvmg 90 Day Notice of AIR Wis~orl~m of intent to suppend service Between Waterloo, Chicago & Dbq. & Chicago. 389 Oct. 19--Ueiner, Tom, appointment to Dbq. In Future Bd. of Directors. 424. 19--U.S. Dept· of Transportation submitting au Order amending Air Service determination and selecting carriers .............. 426 19--U.S. Dept of Transportation advising of applications of various alrlines for certificates of public convenience and necessity under Section 401 of Fed. Av. Act ............................ 426 Nov. 2--U.S. 61 -- Notice by IA DOT re: Condemnation of various properties ........................................... 445, 459 2--Utility Easement for Watermain (in Mineral Lot 172) ...... 450 Dec. 7~-Utllity Easement (10' wide), vacated & released, Clarke Crest Estates ............... .............................. 466 " 7--U.S. Army Corps of Engrs. -- Agreement for a 404 permit for filling 28 Acre Site on Westside of Kerper Blvd. between 19th St. & Fengler. .............. 7--UAW, Class "B' Beer Permit ......................... 471 ......................... 474 7--U.S. 61 -- re: IA DOT & Condemnation of certain properties. 475 D,,ec. 21--Ungo, David A., Copper Kettle, Class "C" Liquor .......... 489 21--Union Cigar Store~ Cigarette Permit ..................... 489 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE ¥ Jan. 5--Vorwaid, Elmer re: Loras rezoning ...................... 9 " 5--Vehicles parked in violation of Ordinances, provision for towing ete ........................... : ..................... 19 Feb. 2--Vinlatinns, Parking, addressed in Ordinanee~ ............. 71 Mar. 16--Variance from pricing structure of disposition sites in Dubuque Industrial Center. .................................... 133, 134 16--Vechicle Tax of $20 per vehicle, approving imposition of same. 138 I6--Vango Amoco, Class "C" Beer Permit ................... 143 Apr. 6--Volunteer Week (National), Proclamation ................. 155 6--Vacate portion of Alley south of Farragut St. & west of Kerper; requested by Richard & Alice Kelley· .................... 156 6--Vehicle Tax, Local, Ord. providing for use ................ 161 Apr. 20--Vialon (Low) Week, Proclamation ....................... 173 20--Vacating Brunswick St. from WPL of Lot 160 in Belmont Addn. to NPL of Elbow St .................................. 194 May 18--Vango Amoco, Cigarette Permit ......................... 229 June 1--Vasco Drug, Cigarette Permit .......................... 245 " 1--Vosberg, Cecilia M., Claim; Denial/Closure ................ 246, 263 1--Vantilation System for Keyllne Transit Facility. ........... 249, 322 1--Village Inn, Cigarette Permit ........................... 258 July 6--Vega, Joseph -- Subnivision Nb 3 -- approval of final plat· 278 July 20--Vendors Unlimited -- outlets; Cigarette Permits ........... 306 20--Vacant Building Program Update ....................... 309 Aug. 17--Vacating a portion of Main St. at intersection with Manison St. -- ORD ............................................. 330 17--Variance from pricing structure of disposition sites in Dbq. Industrial Center. .................................... 355 SeIx 8--Vogel, Pastor Dwight, Gave Invocation; St. Luke's United Methodist Church .................................... 368 Oct. 5--Vacating portion of excess Cedar Cross Road right-of-way from Crescent Ridge .................................... 393, 394, 416 No~z 2--Vacating an Alley south of Kirkwoed St., west of Blake St. & advising of City's intent to dispose of 3 segments of this alley to adjacent property owners·: ......................... 435 Dec. 7--Vacate & Release a 10' wide Fublic Utility E asemant in Clarke Crest Estates ........................................ 466 7--Votes, recorded at Council Meetings -- discussion/communica- tion of C. M. Krieg ................................... 473 Dee. 21--Vaeeination Certificates, Rabies -- Ordinance requiring that Veterinarian's send copy to Health Dept. each month ...... 486, .487 21--Viking Lounge, Class "C" Liquor License ................ 489 21--Voetberg, Dirk -- resignation from Human Rights Commission. 491 21--Valley View Heights at Center Grove, final plat approved (for McDermott/Steve) .................................... 491, 492 21--Vehicle request by Airport Commission .................. 492 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE W Jan. 5--Witterholt Subd., (near Boleyn Rd.) final plat approval ..... 26 " 5--Warranty Deed accepted for Lot 158 Belmont Addn ....... 28 Jan. 19--Waitz, John J., objecting to requested rezoning of 468-470 Lincoln (Boyes) ...................................... 32 19--Wirzbach, Robert appointed to Electrical Appeals Bo~rd... 61 19--West Locust Mart (Lee Potter), Class "C" Beer Permit ..... 62 Feb. 2--Waller, Rev. R. L., Recter of St. Thomas of Canterbury Anglican Catholic Church, Gave Invocation ....................... 65 2--Warning Sirens (17), two way radio systems activation project. 67 2--Wading in Riverview Park, Prohibited ................... 70 Feb. 16--Wall, Jim, objected to Old Mill Road San. Sewer .......... 90 16--West Eleventh St. area, Tax Exemption Applications submit- ted to Assessor. ..................................... 106 16--Washington St. area ~x Exemption Applications submitted to Assessor. ......................................... 106 16--Whalan, Mary Ann IGrandview Milk House), Cigarette Perlait. 108 16--Whelan, Mary Ann (Grandview Milk House), Class "C" Beer Permit .............................................. 109 Feb. 23--Water Rates, revision per Budget etc .................... 121, 122 Mar. 16--Women's History Month, Proclamation .................. 127 16--Wheal Tax, re: Petition by Walter Pregler. ............... 137, 138 16--Wocksessions by Council, tentative schedules etc. ......... 142 16--Will-C(~, Inc. Class "C" Beer Permit ..................... 143 16--Webster, Mrs. Cecil, Claim; Closure ...................... 145, 153 16--Westercamp Place, approval of E Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 .... 149, 150 Apr. 6--Whalen, Lyle, re: Agreement for water frontage use between Dbq. Yacht Basin, Inc. & Big River Boat Cc~ ............. 162 6--Walsh, Marian -- Claim, recommendation to Den~. ........ 162 6--WORKSESSION Schedule for Council .................. 164 6--Wareco Systems of IA, Class "C' Beer Permit ............ 166 Apr. 20--Williame, Rev. Robert, gave invocation ................... 172 20--Wertzberger, Jack re: vacation of property'and ~equest for Theo molyne to purchase re: alley south of Farragut St. & west of Kerper Blvd ......................................... 173 20--Worksession with GDDC (Greater Dbq. Development Corp.) 182 20--Webb, James J. -- Class "C" Liquor Lic. (Jim's Web) ....... 196 20--West Dbq. Tap, Class "C" Liquor Lic .................... 196 20--Woodman, Clair A., Class "C' Liquor (Central Tap) ........ 196 May 4--Woalworth, F.W, Cigarette Permit ....................... 210 May 18--Williams, Glenns, requesting steps between Falrview Pl. & Mom trose Terr. be reopened ................................ 217 18--White, Dennis, applicant for Planning & Zoning Corem ..... 228 18--West Locust Mart, Cigarette Permit ..................... 229 18--Whitey's Bar X, Cigarette Permit ....................... 229 18--Walgreen C~, Class "E" Beer Permit .................... 230 18--Washlngton Neighborhood Tool Library;, re: Funding Agreement with City. .......................................... 234 June 1--Walsh, Marion E., settlement of Claim ................... 237 June 15--Wineey re: permission to sublet a portion of BN Depot ..... 250 15--Whelan, Maryann, Cigarette Permit ..................... 256 15--Walnut Tap, Cigarette Permit .......................... 257 15--White House, Cigarette Permit ......................... 257 15--Will-Ce, (Oky Doky), Cigarette Permit ................... 257 June 15--Woodman, Clair -- Aragon Tap, Cigarette Permit .......... 257 June 15--Web, Jim's, Cigarette Permit ........................... 257 " 15--WCB Hotels, In~ -- Midway Motor Lodge, Cigarette Permit. 257 INDEX -- BOOK 117 ~-~87 SUBJECT PAGE June 15--Wetland, Steve -- (University 76), Cigarette Permit ........ 258 15--West Dbq. Tap, Cigarette Permit ........................ 258 15--Whiskey River, Cigarette Permit ........................ 258 15--Wainut Tap, Class "C" Liquor License. .................. 259 15--Whelan, Lyle J., Big River Boat C(x, Class "C" Liquor License. 259 15--Waterloo & Dubuque -- Simmon's Air Service to Chicago.. 262 July 6--Wm. C. Brown's, Cigarette Permit ....................... 272 6--Windsor Tap, Cigarette Permit ......................... 273 6--WCB Restaurants, Inc -- Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer/Liquor Lit ................................................ 273 6--Wels, Dave, Claim .................................... 274 6--West American Ca -- Claim for Jeff & Robin McFarlane, CLAIM ............................................. 308 6--Wastewater ~ffeatment Facility Malnt. Facility Bldg., comple- tion of project ....................................... 312 Aug. 3--Water flow problem on west side streets, petition of M. J. Langkamp .......................................... 326 Aug. 17--Water Pressure complaint by Carl Burbach for Buena Vista Sub. 332 " 17--White, Jane, unable to serve on Park & Rec. Coram ........ 359 Sep. 21--Women of Achievement Week, Proclamation .............. 383 21--Whiskey River, Class "C" Liquor Licensa ............... 388 21--Whltey's Bar X, Class "C' Liquor Licensu .............. 388 Oct. 5--White Cane Day, Proclamation ......................... 341 5--W. 32nd St., Denial (by C. Mgr.) of petition (by M. Langkamp) for riprap ........................................... 398 Oct. 19--W. llth St. Historical District, extended boundaries ....... 419 19--Western Airlines, In~, US DOT re: Certificates of Public Convenience ete ....................................... 426 19--Woods Addn., 68A & 68, Final Plat approved ............. 426, 427 Nog 2--West Side Athletic Club of Dbq., Class "B' Beer Permit. ,. 443 2--Westphal, C. & Lindal, Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 443 2--Woodman, Clair A. (Aragon Tap), Class "C" Liquor Licensa 443 Nov. 16--Wessles, Jim -- fiag presentation in honor of Ed Tschlrgi, late City Treas ........................................... 446 16--Wood~ Addn. -- portion vacated, sold to Buechele, Schroeder & Pfiffner. .......................................... 448 16--Watermaln -- 20' Utility Easement -- in Mineral Lot 172.. 450 16--Willenborg, Harlan, applicant for Plumbing Bd ........... 455 16--Wright, Curtis, appointed to Plumbing Bd ............... 455 " 16--Washington Neighborhood Tool Library -- publication of Environmental Review Finding for Project ............... 458 " 16--Weber, Lester R. -- Notice of Amendment to application by removal of name & adding others -- condemnation proceedings for U.S. 61 .......................................... 459 Dec 7--Water Tank, College Station, Cleaning/Repairing/Painting Project ............................................. 469, 470 7--Wetlands re: Mitigation Plan on Ch. Schmitt Mem. Island etc. 472 7--Windsor Ava to R~osevelt St. as "Through Street" -- LINCOLN AVE designated ...................................... 473 7--Waigreens, Cigarette Permit ............................ 474 7--Wiederhalt, Gene, CLAIM ...... .: ...................... 475 7--Walff Place in North Range Industrial Park -- Final Plat approved of Subd. of Lot 7, Block 2 ..................... 478 21--W.. llth Street Historic Pres. District -- EXPANSION. .... 483 21--Waroco System of IA. Cigarette Permit .................. 489 21--Weber, Michael J., Class "C" Liquor License .............. 489 21--Whlte House, The, Class "C" Liquor License. ............ 489 Dec. INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Jan. 5-Yates, Edith, findings submitted by Corp. Counsel ......... 23 Apr. 6--Yen Ching Rest., Class "C" Liquor Licens~ .............. 166 " 6--Youth in Government Program scheduled ................ 170 Apr. 20--Youth in Government officers sworn in .................. 173 June 15--"Yield" sign, request to change at Kanfmann & Kana ..... 261 Oct. 19--Yardarm, Class "C" Liquor License. ..................... 424 Nov. 2--Yacht Basin, In~, Chaplain Schmit t Memorlal Island, Leasing of 66, 000 Sq. Feet ................................... 437 2--Youth -- High Risk, Report of Dbq. Delaware Sub. Abuse Services Center. ..................................... 444 Nog 16--Yacht Basin. subleasing certain facllitie~ on property leased from City to Anderson Marine Cb .......................... 453 Dec 7--Yonth in Law Enforcement Day, Proclamation ............ 461 7--Yacht Basin, Inc. vs City -- Suit Dismissed .............. 476 INDEX -- BOOK 117 1987 SUBJECT PAGE Z Jan. 5--Zoning reclassification at 3100 Raven Oaks Drive ......... 3 " 5--Zoning reclassification for property south of Asbury Rd., north of Dana and East of Southway Drive from R-4 Multi-Family and OR to PC Planned Comm. Unit. (Du-Trac) ............ 4-7 5--Zoning for property at NW corner of junction of Hwys. 52, 61 & 151 from AG to C-3 ................................ 7-8 5 --Zoning reclassification for certain properties in the Lores College area. ............................................... 9-14 5--Zoning reclassification requested at 468-470 Lincoln (Boyes). 21, 32 5--Zaber, J. Thomas, Claim; Denial ........................ 23, 147 Jan. 19--ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES. ...... 63, 144, 230, 246, 259, 325, 359, 388, 444, 475, 490 Mar. 16--Zoning change for Powers property east of JFK & south of Fire Station ............................................. 128, 155 May 4--Zigenfuss, Malinda, Denial/Closure of Claim .............. 212 May 18--Zoning Board of Adjustment advising of variance at 1210 Park St ................................................. 231 June 8--Zoning reclassification in Second Street Harbor from HI Heavy Ind. to CR Commercial Ra~ District .................... 243, 250 July 20--Zoning change request (by A. Erschen), for property east of Cedar Cross Rd. from AG Agricultural to CS Comm ....... 288, 368 Aug. 17--Zoning change for Menard property'at U.S. Hwy. 20 and east of McDonald Drive from AG to C-3 ..................... 331, 369 Sep. 8--Zirkalbach, Dennis J. -- Happy Hour, Class "C" Liquor License. 377 Sep. 21--Zonlng proposed change for property at 2640 J.E Kennedy Rd. etc .... . .................. 286 392 Oct. 5--Zonlng change at 2234 & 2236 Central Ave. .............. 391 Oct. 19--Zoning change for property known as "Castle Ridge Estates" (G. Kennedy property-east on N. Grandview between Kaufmann & Kan~ ............................................ 419, 432 Nov. 16--Zoning change -- Finley Hospital, Conceptual Deval. Plan.. ................................................ 450, 462-465 " 16--Zoning change of property at 100 E. 4th St. adjacent to Chi. C. RR tracks ........................................ 454, 481 Dec. 7--Zoning of 4th Street area report etc. ........ 470 Dec. 21--Zoning Ordinance amendment -- allowing mini-warehousing as a conditional use in the C-2 District ..................... 484 21--Zoning Ordinance & Zoning Map by defining Ware-housing in Section 8 & enacting New Section 3-3.2A of the C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center District to allow mini- warehousing as a conditional use with certain provisions... 484 Regular Session CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular Session, January 5, 1985. Council Met at 7:30 o'clock p.m., in the Public Library Auditorium. Present--Mayor Brady, Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Krieg, Kronfoldt, Manning, Simon, City Manager W. Kenneth Gearhart, Corpora- tion Counsel Barry A. Lindahl. Mayor Brady read the call and stated this,meeting is the REGULAR MEET- ING of the City Council called for the purpose to act upon such business which may properly come before the Council. Invocation was given by Father Paul Steimel, Pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church. PROCLAMATION(S): Week of Jan- uary 4 ti~ru 11 as "National Bowling Week" received by Sue Hayes, Pres. of WBA; January 19, 1987 as "Martin Luther King Day". RESOLUTION NO. 1-87 HONORING THE LIFE OF PETER CRIVARO, MAYOR OF THE CITY OF DES MOINES, IOWA WHEREAS, Peter (Pete) Crivaro, Mayor of the City of Des Molnes, Iowa, passed away on December 24, 1986 after seven years as the leader of Iowa's capital city; and WHEREAS, with his heart and mind and toil, Pete Crlvaro contributed mightily to the renaissance of Des Molnes and left a wide wake for all those to follow in his footsteps, to dream as he dreamed; and WHEREAS, Pete Crivaro's characte~ istics of leadership and statesmanship expressed his deep love and concern for his city and the importance of the political process for a city to govern itself and to shape its own destiny; and WHEREAS, the flexibility of Pete Crivaro is best exemplified by his will- ingness to develop practical solutions to difficult problems, to adapt to change, ~ 1987 1 and to seek and support innovative ap- proaches for meeting the complex challenge of governing a major city; and WHEREAS, Pete Crivaro gave fully and unselfishly of himself to the gove~ ning of Des Moines with an idealism that was real and down to earth; and WHEREAS, Pete Crivaro was a strong supporter of Iowa cities and his life is an important opportunity for all local elected officials to improve their understanding and appreciation of their contribution to local government. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section L That the Mayor and the City Council of the City of Dubuque ex- press to the citizens of Des Moines, Iowa and to the Crivaro family their deepest sympathy for the loss of Mayor Peter Crivaro on Wednesday. December 24, 1986. SEction 2. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Mayor Pro-Tern and City Council of the City of Des Moines, Iowa and to the Crivaro family. Passed, approved and adopted this 5th day of January, 1987. James E. Brady Mayor ATTES~ Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Simon, Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor Brady. Council Members Deich, Kluesner, Krleg, Kronfeldt, Man- ning, Simon. Nays--none. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher, on Notice of Fublic Hearing to consider the proposal to execute Par- tial Releases of real estate liens of the City arising out of a mortgage for real estate owned by FDL Foods, Ink, )resented and read. There were no writ- ten objections received and no oral